Home Farming

In rooftops mainly native crops should be grown to prevent the contamination of the local environment and to allow exotic crops to be grown in vertical farms.Rooftop gardens can greatly increase the amount of produce created by a community if adopted by all buildings including vertical gardens,hospitals,restaurants,nightclubs,amenities,municipalities,communal homes,skyscrapers,universities,vertical gardens in urban areas especially cities with automated systems and cameras maintaining and monitoring them especially those on the roofs of public buildings,municipalities and amenities(such as museums,gyms,jails,water treatment plants,airports etc maintained and harvested by robots) and improve air quality and can include any type of crop ideally in raised beds,hydroponics/aeroponics/aquaponics/recirculating aquaculture systems and pots and provide extra forage for pollinating insects.This will allow for more agricultural land to be reforested.Readings would be fed into the community farm AI.Rearing small livestock such as fowl,lambs,piglets etc in pens can be done here with greenhouses used to rear exotic crops with a high enough walls ideally glass railings to allow the sun through to prevent them and children falling off the edge present on the roof.These gardens can be greenhouses,aero/hydro/aquaponics gardens,organic farms with raised beds or a mixture of these to increase productivity.All available open spaces on buildings including those on multi layered skyscrapers with wide open exteriors surrounding large central floors should be utilised for this purpose with balconies in those derived from hotels etc can be used to grow vegetables and small crop trees or bushes either natural or hybrids that are potted in hydroponic or soil media.These gardens can be temporarily removed when the residents decide to use humanoid robots and miniaturised 3D printers to build extra floors ontop the roof pushing the gardens up higher as well as increasing the amount of people living in the same space.It can also be incorporated into public buildings such as government buildings, etc.Even homes in the suburbs and those with tiled slanted roof can be converted into rooftop gardens when remodelled into flat roofs with a small wall around and extra layer consisting of carbon fibre composites to hold extra weights while still not adding weight onto the existing roof.Future houses would be designed on Hephaestus modelled to have a flat roof and small wall around it.Beehives can be placed on these roof gardens or on strategic building roofs,forest farms and lay fields or farms across the cityscape particularly ones that are not used for housing people and livestock to protect farmers and livestock with homes,hospitals and restaurants having their windows covered in carbon fibre slideable covering similar to mosquito screens to prevent bees entering homes with the location of beehives decided by in time Triptolemus.Ornamental plants,benches and sunbeds can also be here with them ergonomically designed to make the similar to conventional gardens.Theoretically graphene paint or sheets of graphene allied to a roof can increase the weights that can be held on a rooftop garden with all flowerbeds,recirculating aquaculture systems composed of graphene.Extensions to house more people in the case of hospitals and also communal homes can have them built around them or while the crops is removed and thus allowing many more floors added with the greenhouses,aeroponic and aquaponic systems etc moved to the new rooftop.

Rooftops/attics of all buildings should be converted into rooftop gardens to provide relaxation space as well as extra food production.Roofs of buildings with slanted roofs and tiles can be renovated by breaking the roof down in the attic,laying down extra support beams and flooring(ideally carbon composites due to their strength and lightness)and allow outdoor rooftop gardens to be installed in their place with any solar panels also placed in the gardens in the centre in two rows in upside down V in the centre to allow for electricity generation all day long (or install moveable panels that track the suns movement there).This can compliment ones existing home food gardens.Stairs on the side of the building or indoors can be used to access them.Alternatively attics can be turned into indoor hydroponic and pot gardens with small livestock such as Suidae,O.aries,Leporidae,Phasianidae,Columbidae and Psittaciformes in aviaries.Roofs of all communal homes will used to house gardens.Balconies can be used to grow vegetables and small bushes and trees hybridised with fruit and nut trees in soil or hydroponic media.Sheets of graphene will be laid down to support recirculating systems.The roofs floor should be painted white to reflect the suns heat and can also contain solar thermal piping to absorb all it.These camera feeds including those from cameras situated on key points of the farm both forest and community farms and on drones and robots etc will be fed into the farm AI with them switching to thermal and IR illuminator cameras at night and monitor plant health at key points giving the farm AIs omniscience.All cameras will be coated with a permanent layer of liquid glass to negate the need for cleaning and protect them from rain and ice.These will also be linked to the database of criminals and missing persons in Athena and fed into the home AI.Rooftop gardens will be controlled by the building AI and Triptolemus the drones that patrol rooftops and all forest and community farms will be managed by the AI of local farms or by Tyche.By growing food on the roof this will increase the amount of food a community produces with communal homes derived from hotels,skyscrapers being of note with all balconies and areas outside used to grow food.

All homeowners should also grow their own food in spare rooms,basements,underground extensions and in gardens with communal homes growing them on the roof also through hydro/aero/aquaponics,potted plants,gardens,hybrids,recirculating aquaculture systems and also greenhouses.Recirculating aquaculture systems of various sizes will allow for aquaponics in greenhouses and basements with this rearing fish and crops of all types.All crops will be hybrid ones that can grow in gardens,indoors in pots and hydroponic systems.All private and communal homes will have 3D DNA printers to print out desired crops,upgrades for microbes to change crops on hybrid plants and also those for livestock.Communal homes derived from apartment blocks and hotels and tall skyscrapers will house on their roofs areas to grow food via aquaponics using recirculating aquaculture systems,potted plants etc.They will also have nanobreweries and nanowineries to make their own wine and beer at home alleviating on strains of orders from both Deipneus factories and also remaining automated historical breweries.Phasianidae etc for eggs and miniaturised or even large versions of Bovidae etc will be housed here as pets.Biosynth machinery that creates any type of crop,eggs and other commodities will be present here as well with photobioreactors to produce any type of meat and commodity from bacteria also present downloaded from 3D DNA printers.Photobioreactors to grow invitro meat and commodities from bacteria will be present.Miniature sewage treatment plants present can allow a set amount of feces and urine to be captured from the entire building in the case of private and communal homes and in each suite in communal homes to grow algae for fertiliser and feed.Recirculating aquaculture systems will be present that can rear any type of fish and crop via aquaponics donwloaded from Demeter using 3D DNA printers.Aero and hydroponics will be used in underground extensions,pots and also in shipping containers in large gardens and in areas outside them.Trashcans will grow crops of all types and truffles.This could make both private and communal homes fully self sufficient with regards to food without the need for vertical farms and land used for growing crops.All work will be done by residents and by 2029-2045 90% of the work automated with 3D DNA printers allowing them to download any species of crop,in vitro meat etc..Aero and hydroponics will be used in underground extensions,pots and also in shipping containers in large gardens and in areas outside them.Hybrid crops especially climbing ones like Hedera should be grown on the side of buildings and in gardens with existing ornamental plants given microbes to make them produce leafy greens,herbs and fruits and the acellerated healing phenotype.Pots and trashcans can allow them to grow crops in bedrooms,balconies,hallways especially in the case of communal homes alongside private ones with those that have gardens in both communal and private homes should grow food there.Recirculating aquaculture systems using aquaponics will be present indoors or in greenhouses etc.Homes in housing estates may use any grassy areas outside of homes and next to them to grow extra crops ideally hybrid ones or fruit and nut trees for all members present.Homes in rural areas will use fields next to them or these will be hybrid meadow farms.Areas covered in weeds will be have them removed and used as land for growing food with communal homes derived from primary,secondary schools both abandoned and obsolete and also abandoned universities will use sports fields as gardens to grow hybrid crops.Large palaces,mansions,government buildings will grow food in gardens etc and on roofs as well including those turned into museums.Hybrid crops will be designed to house flowers especially exotic ones to double as ornamental plants.Excess food will be stored or shared with neighbours.Mansions,palaces,castles and even those renovated from an abandoned state will grow food in underground extensions,trashcans and plots of hybrid crops in large gardens with trees innoculated with microbes to produce desired fruits etc.All private homes such as cottages,suburban homes will at first have roof and underground extensions to house areas to grow food will house areas areas not only for amenities,bedrooms for tourists but also larger areas for growing food complete with 3D DNA printers.Communal homes in the rural areas should have all gardens present used to grow hybrid crops using the permaculture method while urban ones will grow them in spare rooms and on the roof with excess traded with neighbours with these crops feeding the entire populace of residents.Communal homes will also grow crops on the roofs of them to increase yields with them even having aquaponic systems in rooms devoted to them on certain floors.Communal homes like private homeowners will have greenhouses and even recirculating aquaculture systems that utilise aquaponics to grow fish and crops with crops reared on the roof.Photobioreactors will be used to grow in vitro meat and milk and other commodities from bacteria with eggs reared by genetically altered animals.Miniaturised biosynth machinery that creates eggs,grains,any crop etc will be also present.All seeds of all crops will be small ones engineered to be suitable to grow in all soils and climates around the world and house the acellerated healing phenotype and will be housed in a small seed to hold genetic material and not large ones they evolved to grow in and will not require certain requirements ie having to be eaten by a specific animal etc.Trashcans will be used to grow tuber and root crops in both private and communal homes especially those that are hybrid crops with them engineered to go as deep as possible with them producing leafy greens and herbs.As detailed all ornamental plants can through CRISPR become hybrids with them producing any desired fruit or nuts.All buildings especially skyscrapers and hotels as well as other ones converted into communal homes in cities should have rooftop gardens to grow extra food with these being recirculating aquaculture systems using aquaponics,trash cans,photobioreactors,greenhouses using soil and aero/hydroponics,pots with soil and hydroponic media and hybrid crops with those that have irregular shapes will use all outside areas to increase the amount of food they grow with commodities grown using bacteria in photobioreactors in rooms near kitchens with them also having entire floors devoted to food production.Roofs of private and communal homes as well as hospitals and public buildings will rear food alongside gardens and underground extensions and grassy areas to alleviate strains on vertical and community strains and provide food in between orders with also picotech fabricators in time also providing an endless supply to ensure abundance.These will house photobioreactors,greenhouses and recirculating aquaculture systems.Communal homes and if possible private homes should have growing rooms to rear fish and shellfish in recirculating aquaculture systems,nano breweries to produce wine and beer and other alcoholic drinks,photobioreactors to rear bacteria based commodities such as flour and milk as well as juices etc and even in vitro meat to make them self sufficient with this done on the roof,basement and spare rooms and obsolete rooms with them also having fridges and freezers to store them.All communal homes will grow food in spare rooms,extensions,basements,in gardens and in the case of cities on the roof in pots,greenhouses and hydro/aero/aquaponics systems with them growing crops including hybrid plants in soil,pots in hallways/balconies/bedrooms/by pools using soil and hydroponic media and also fish and shellfish in recirculating aquaculture systems in spare rooms and also on roofs with those that produce excess will share it with others in the same city and town.Extensions added to buildings can be done and gardens either kept as a indoor garden and also moved to the new top floor. Private homes will house areas to grow food as well.Hospitals,universities,airports,seaports,cruise ships,restaurants and similar public buildings with automated kitchens such as amenities such as zoos,museums,theatres etc will grow food on their roofs,roof,side and underground extensions,in spare rooms using aquaponic a etc and even in any gardens or areas of grass on their grounds while seaports and airports having food grown onsite of vertical farms onsite of them that create them solely for themselves with 3D DNA printers that will utilise the Phanes method.Cruise ships will grow some food and alcoholic drinks onsite with seaports also housing vertical farms for all ships that pass through while airports will have vertical farms onsite to cater to their needs.Restaurants will ideally have singular buildings and house underground vertical farms that grow food for all of them in the same building with them also growing some indoors.This will be done via bacteria producing commodities,in vitro meat,biosynth machinery and also hybrid crops in aquaponic systems making them self sufficient and alleviating strains on vertical farms.In the case of universities will make both outdoor football/soccer and tennis fields will become obsolete by VR thus ensuring it can be used to grow food managed by researchers and also people staying in obsolete areas turned into mini hotel style homes and also biosynths.All farms onsite of homes both private and communal ones and also buildings like universities will utilise the permaculture method of farming,genetic engineering and hybrid crops to increase productivity.This will alleviate strains on vertical and community farms.Interstellar vehicles and space stations will grow food onsite again using 3D DNA printers.These home farms will utilise the permaculture method and will when possible at the behest of homeowners members use genetically engineered crops to increase yields,reduce fertiliser and water requirements,eliminate pesticide use.All home farms will be located at least some distance from lakes and rivers as decided by Pan,Artemis and Triptolemus to eliminate fertiliser and animal waste run off to prevent algae blooms who will determine their chance of causing this and extrapolate measures to eliminate runoff.Most banks of lakes and rivers etc will be reforested with woodlands when soil samples determine them in place thus allowing the trees to absorb excess runoff fertiliser and manure etc with areas that historically house meadows have the banks of rivers etc lined with trees or have artificial constructed wetlands consisting of local waterborne plants and difffereng species of Bambusoidea etc that are engineered specifically capture excess nitrogen and phosphorus with them also in taking and bioremediation gets all other toxins that enter them with them harvested routinely as a fodder crop for remaining livestock as well as pyrolysised to create biochar to amend the soil.This can include biochar being applied to soil to retain both water and fertiliser with crops using oligotrophic and Xerophile DNA reducing water and fertiliser needs by 99% thus eliminating the chance of fertiliser runoff by this amount.Thus home farms will undergoe strict regulations,simulations and feasibility studies carried out by Pan,Artemis and Triptolemus and human researchers with these done routinely with them graded on the ability to limit or eliminate pollution including agricultural runoff,algae blooms and other environmental damage every year to keep them up to acceptable standards following the universal colour code.Farming in homes will be managed by ones Home AI and Triptolemus combined.Even though each homes will be managed by Home AIs and linked together by Hestia all farms on-site of communal and private homes whether indoor or outdoor farms will be managed by Triptolemus.

A mixture of native and non-native crops can be grown at home ranging in size to herbs to Vitis,Musa,Citrullus lanatus and Theobroma cacao via hydroponics,aeroponics and in gardens or indoors in tents and greenhouses in controlled environments or in underground extensions underneath homes or even underneath gardens underneath ornamental and crop plants.Greenhouses and tents would have nanosensors that relay temperature and humidity to the Home AI.Ideally hydroponics and aeroponics should be used instead as much as possible for exotic crops of soil based growing because as stated earlier in our introduction to agriculture it produces higher yields and uses less resources and can allow a large variety of exotic crops,herbs,spices and ornamental flowers to be grown at home regardless of the climate and environmental conditions cutting down on energy in transportation.Native crops should be grown outdoors in ones garden.Wildflowers and witch hazel should be grown outside alongside climbing flower plants to give bees a year long source of food.CSYS lights will be used as they are energy efficient and can be on all day long.Hybrids between two or more crops as detailed later on will make more complicated and large crops grow easier in hydroponic/aeroponic/aquponics systems and increase productivity.


Continuous Flow systems as well as potted dry medium methods can be used to grow larger crops in spare rooms,attics,basements as well as greenhouses located in gardens and rooftops of apartment blocks using a wide variety of media.Storerooms,spare and obsolete rooms in communal homes can be used to house these and recirculating aquaculture and aquaponics systems.This includes larger fruit,vegetables and recreational drugs say Solanum lycopersicum,Musa,Camellia sinensis,Coffea,Nicotiana tabacum,Erythroxylaceae,Cannabis sativa,(the case of the last two herbs and other additives ie.menthol eucalyptus can also be grown alongside these to produce flavoured cigars/cigarettes)Theobroma cacao,Cocos nucifera etc.Aeroponics can allow for crops to be grown on walls or on doors of the home or walls surrounding it.Others can be grown in the garden in the soil or in trash cans or airport systems that can allow for plants to be grown indoor and outdoors.Pots can be used to grow miniature crop plants and trees and other crops in bedrooms,hallways,kitchens and living rooms as well as any balconies.

Miniature systems such as the Aero garden can be used to grow herbs and small leafy green vegetables in ones kitchen.Hydroponic/aeroponic systems can be coated internally and externally with liquid glass to prevent the build up of bacteria and also dirt and any clogs making them easier to clean.Fruit and nut trees can be grown in pots with solid substrates that can be kept in living rooms,kitchens,bedrooms,hallways and basements.This can be in these rooms and underground extensions to grow certain crops especially exotic ones in solid hydroponic media so as to allow them to be harvested outside their normal in season periods while those grown outdoors in ones garden can be harvested in season with this ensuring year long abundance of the crop with this applying mainly to fruit and vegetables.Sensors within individual pots and other systems can detect nutrient and water levels which can send alerts to the owner via their Home AI app to alert them to as to when both water and fertiliser must be applied and how much.Hydroponic systems can allow any crop to grown all year long ensuring multiple harvests and them grown in basements,spare rooms etc.


Plants grown in greenhouses and hydro/aeroponic systems can include flowers such as roses,tulips,lilies etc.These can also be grown in ones garden for special occasions and for ones own home negating the need for florists and also allowing indoor and outdoor flower farms to be reforested or used for growing food.

For fungi something as simple a large five litre plastic and glass buckets or bottles can be used to grow fungi such as mushrooms and yeast utilizing liquid substrates or inoculated logs.This could be replicated for truffles.Waste sawdust,coffee grounds and hydroponically/aeroponically grown straw grown at home can be grown all year round to provide and abundant source of nutrient medium.Ideally straw should come from hydroponic/aeroponics allowing land used to grow grass for this to be permanently reforested,limiting human labour and also ensuring grass is available all year round regardless of the weather with higher yields.Grass can be hydro/aeroponically grown indoors as a fresh year long source of grass which can be converted to straw in “drier rooms” that bake the grass and remove moisture – which can be collected.Research can be done into liquid substrates as well as engineering all types of fungi to use waste plastic as a substrate as has been found with certain species in Europe.Some species can biodegrade plastics and thus for other species of fungi and possibly even truffles it is simply a case of finding gene(s) responsible for this biodegrading process and inserting them into other species to make plastic a more cheaper and sustainable substrate for all fungi.Straw can also be gained from cut grass from gardens which can also be used for feed for livestock.Spores of mushrooms can be mixed with water and spread onto ones garden or even in beds to make the grow there or have inoculated logs buried underground or even have beds,pots and sacks using straw and other growth mediums.Pots and sacks as well as bins can allow them to be grown indoors as well as on roofs of communal homes.Hybrids between mushrooms and truffles can be developed that can be grown in the same media ie growkits,open soil etc as mushrooms with genetic engineering allowing them to be be grown in the roots of all types of crops and ornamental.Genetic engineering will make poisonous species of mushrooms edible by removing the toxins.


Portable shipping containers which can be attached to vehicles and stored in ones garden can be used to grow extra crops like vegetables and cereals via hydroponics/aeroponics.Sheds and unused garages as well as underground extensions can also be used to grow food this way.

Walls in the outside both the back and front gardens can have wall gardens which can also be indoors.This can also include vertical hydroponic systems.

A persons garden will also play a role in providing food alongside ornamental plants with fruit and nut trees and also berry bushes such as blackberries,strawberries,blueberries,raspberries etc and organic vegetables(alongside hydro/aeroponics) forming part of their landscaped gardens with nanosensers in the soil interacting with weather networks to inform gardeners via smart devices when to apply fertilisers and water and in what amount for preventing waste and maximizing efficiency and growth.Watering robots and automated irrigation and fertiliser systems can alleviate this work by interacting with soil nanosensors and Theoi Meteroi.Exotic and ceremonial crops and ornamental plants like Christmas trees,pumpkins,mistletoe(with toxins removed)etc can be grown months ahead or all year round.Communal homes in rural areas will grow crops in gardens using hybrid trees,pots,trashcans and plots in gardens as well as in spare rooms and underground extensions.Crops that grow on bushes like blackberries and raspberries can also be grown either at the edge of homes or along streets.Large fruit and nut trees can be grown in gardens,rooftops and also trees can be planted in the front on the street providing a local source of food as well as improving air quality.Earthworms can be ordered in or reared onsite in large numbers to be put into the ground in order to improve soil aeration,drainage and overall quality.Advances in transgenics can allow for crops to be in season longer more times in a year with them producing flowers similar to conventional terrestrial flowers like miniaturised orchids or other flowers during blooming periods allow custom made flowers to be blooming during this period.These can be grown indoors,in the garden or even in pots to conserve space.Hugekultur and bark chippings will be used to improve the soil and its ability to retain water and carbon.Plazas,squares and carparks in front of hotels,corporate buildings can be dug up and then used to grow crops that are hybrids of ornamental and crop plants that have luminescence added alongside benches.Gardens and sports fields as part of schools converted into hotels will be used as hybrid ornamental gardens.Any concrete in front of schools used as homes and even at universities will be converted into these.Biocmpatible microbes inoculated into live plants via the roots using water as well as injection via the leaves,bark etc can be used to transfer phenotypes such as tolerance to different climates including all types of extremophiles,ability to produce desired fruits and nuts each season as well as seed pods as explained later on,extend lifespan,insert resistance to all diseases of all types,life extension,repellance to all pests,bioluminscence and create a primary immune system etc.The type of fruits and nuts they create can be changed via upgrades via adding microbes through water into the roots with them even altered to produce different types of spices such as Saffron and tilia etc.Fungal,bacterial and viral pathogens of wild and ornamental plants as well as native ones be dealt with in time by at least 2029-2045 biocomaptible microbes inoculated via injection into stem,bark or via watering the roots with a mixture of microbes that can attack them in the same way as in humans using antiviral,antibacterial and antifungal compounds as well as CRISPR treatments.The microbes can via using CRISPR can give all plants in the wild a primitive or fully functional immune system similar to humans via gene drive technology and using the common proteins method immunising strains that can allow them to be immunised against all viral,bacterial and fungal pathogens with this applying to even live plants in gardens and the wild.They can also be engineered to be resistant to all viral,fungal and bacterial pathogens as well.This would negate the need to create fungicides,bactericides etc with these also applying genes that make them resistance to all pathogen borne diseases.These can be applied to all types of ornamental plants to allow them to act as hybrids of both crops and ornamental plants with it even applying to grass.New phenotypes including new fruits and nuts can be added this way in the future.Fruits like blackberries,blueberries can be negated by having ornamental crops grow them via injection of microbes etc with them also bred into compact manageable bushes.Areas of overgrowth next to a home or building can be used once the weeds are removed with even an entire field next to them used using a mixture of both hybrid trees and also bushes growing any type of fruit with cereals etc mixed in with the trees providing home for local fauna and sequestering carbon all year long with meadows also used.If meadows are used then then they can be remodelled into conventional gardens with bushes and hybrid trees all growing fruit and also cereals with flowerbeds to attract bees.Alternatively homes in rural areas and on the outskirts of cities and towns will use adjoining fields next to them to grow crops with ideally these being hybrid crops as detailed later that grow two or more crops on one plant with closely knit homes sharing the same field with them ideally being meadow permaculture hybrids as detailed later on with root and tuber crops and other hybrids grown indoors or outside homes to save on space.Parts of housing estates and suburbs covered in grass and nothing else can be used to grow vegetables and also house fruit trees and bushes and hybrid crops with even land next to homes covered in overgrowth with these used by all members of that estate.All home farms will be permaculture ones that grow in a natural way that improves soil structure and encourages natural pollinators with livestock like Phasianidae act as biological controls with them and other ones depositing faeces on the soil.All crops will be hybrid ones that double as ornmental ones through exotic flowers present with existing ornamental plants using microbes injected into them made into hybrids including trees,bushes etc.Exotic fruits and vegetables using CRISPR can be modified to grow in all types of soils and climates using recombinant DNA from native crops and also extremophiles with them engineered to grow on larger plants and trees.Linum usitatissimum and also Helianthus etc will be grown at home and in community gardens for seeds despite bacteria growing their oils and fibres.Hybrids between two or more crops as detailed later on will make more complicated and large crops grow easier in gardens and these areas as well as indoors in pots and increase productivity with Hedara hybridised with leafy greens and herbs that also produce fruits and exotic flowers to allow it grow on ones home and be harvested when it has covered the entire building with this including communal homes with the people gathering it wearing helite airbags,graphene helmets and using scissor lifts or ladders.Bioluminescence can be added to these to act as a light source when growing.Hybrids can be made between both P.montana/F.japonica and also leafy greens and herbs that also produce fruits and flowers of any type that can overrun a meadow or grassland and thus be harvested season after season from one plant to provide an endless supply of leafy greens and herbs with existing F.japonica and P.montana plants in countries where it is an invasive plant modified via biocompatible microbes injected into them and allow them via advanced gene drive technology overtake other plants in interbreeds with with in their native country them being a separate species and these also planted in countries where they have not colonised.

Recreational drugs can also be grown in owns garden or indoor hydroponic systems such as N.tabacum,C.sativa,Erythroxylaceae,Catha edulis,Papaver somniferum,and also Coffea and C.sinensis plants can be grown for a local source of these crops.In time genetically engineered bacteria will allow their active ingredients to be made in photobioreactors within ones home and vertical farms.Ideally as stated earlier these will be grown indoors or through bacteria.Ideally recreational drugs,C.sinensis,Coffea and N.tabacum will be grown indoors using hydro/aeroponics where they will have higher consistent yields,prevent children getting green tobacco sickness and allow them to be grown in areas with unsuitable climates indoors.In time these could be created by bacteria for direct injection as liquid or powder.


Plants for spices such as Crocus sativus for saffron,ginger,vanilla,ginseng,cinnamon,hibiscuis,tilia,star anise,vanilla,chamomille etc can be grown at home alongside herbs indoors,in gardens and in containers at home and in community and forest farms.In time the unique compounds,oils,powders and fibres of these can be produced by genetically altered bacteria in a liquid/oil form,as a powder leftover from pulverisation,extracted from the cell as well as produced as a byproduct depending on the spice or herb to be done much quicker and abundantly especially in the case of saffron which requires 70,000 plants to produce one pound of spice.Saffron can be engineered to produce more spice per plant and be bigger or even grow in larger amounts on ornamental plants.

These can also include Morus and Quercus trees that can be used to harvest the leaves for silk production and acorns/berries for human consumption with maple trees can be grown for maple syrup and crops in gardens can be genetically modified to become more resistant to frosts and cold snaps during winter or droughts in summer to ensure that yields are consistent or increase although this should not apply to plants that do require an annual frost to grow.Both Quercus and Morus trees can be reared at home as they both provide crop nuts and fruit for use in food products.Acorns can be harvested by hands and are rich in minerals and vitamins,low in fat and can help regulate blood sugar for use in stews,candy,coffee,replacements for nuts and olives in dishes like ethnic cuisine and gluten free flour.Morus alba is a fast growing short lived tree whose berries can be eaten by themselves or turned into jam,or dried and turned into wine or used to make a juice drink used to regulate blood sugar.The bark of the tree and its roots can be harvested for medicinal purposes which can be produced on a large scale through genetic engineering bacteria and or creating synthetic equivalents.


Bambusoideae namely Dendrocalamus giganteus can be grown in a wide variety of climates with transgenics improving its adaptability and can be used as food from shoots,rejuvenate poor soils,a sustainable local source of firewood and timber for construction of homemade furniture etc.C.sativa also has this ability and once matured it can be used for a variety of purposes such as textiles and recreational drugs.Asclepias and other important weeds and plants will be planted in copious numbers in rows,in between plots as well as in pots and bins in areas where they are in the path of the migration of members of the subfamily Danainae with them modified as detailed later engineered to be able to feed on them absorb the poison that will still be toxic to their predators who may also be engineered to be susceptible to this ensuring no imbalance in the ecosystem while still being edible to humans.These Asclepis plants can also be planted in pots on rooftop gardens of communal homes with if possible a hybrid between Asclepis and small shrubs and bushes or even something as tall as a Cupressaceae,Abies tree with pleasing Orchidaceae and Rosa like flowers during blooming season can be created using CRISPR making the plant larger to feed more larvae especially if planted in packs with them easier to grow and more aesthetic in gardens and parks.These could be engineered to produce non toxic fruits for humans allowing them to be planted in forest,meadow and grassland farms and community and home farms and alsongside having pleasing flowers produced encourage home farmers grow them.These would have DNA to from Ambystoma mexicanum,Planarians and bacteria that exhibit telomere repair would cause the eaten parts to regrow.They would be grown in areas that have these species of Danainae with each tree being a hybrid of said species of trees with each species of Asclepias relevant to each area with them being separate species and if possible one species being a hybrid tree of all species of Asclepias to serve all species of Danainae.In time trees can be made that are hybrids of different or all types of weeds with the same tissue repair mechanisms to allow pests altered to feed only on weeds and not crops to not go extinct with them again them engineered to produce non toxic fruit and aesthetic flowers to encourage home farmers to plant them.

Solanum tuberosum,Daucus carota sativus and other similar vegetables alongside all types of berries including Fragaria × ananassa,Vaccinium,Rubus etc can be grown in trash cans and also plastic containers in gardens,spare rooms,hallways,bedrooms,basements,balconies etc.These can be transferred indoors when unfavourable weather approaches with them also grown indoors in sheds and underground extensions alongside in corners outside.These would be engineered to grow to the very bottom of these containers.Cereals can also be grown in these.Growing them indoors in kitchens,basements,bedrooms etc can allow them to grown all year long including during winter providing multiple harvests with sets of them grown outdoors in trashcans as well.Vaccinium,Rubus etc can be engineered to grow on small bush or miniature tree like structures making them more manageable to eat.S.tuberosum,D.c.sativus and Allium cepa etc can be engineered to be much larger as well as much deeper into the trash cans if possible as deep as possible to the bottom.Lettuce and leafy vegetables will also grown in these or small pots.Berries can be grown on maneable bushes via CRISPR creating those that are in more manageable both indoors in hydroponic media and outdoors with ornamental plants engineered using microbes to grow them.They would ideally be in rooms by windows.These and also fruit trees can be grown on areas by pools in both private and communal homes.

All types of cereals such as Triticum aestivum,Hordeum vulgare,Avena sativa and Oryza sativa can be grown at home in the garden and in aquaponic,hydroponic and aeroponic systems and artificial paddy fields or aquaponic systems in the case of O.sativa either on roofs or small sheds/greenhouses in the garden as well as portable shipping containers.In the case of wheat and similar cereals they can be genetically engineered to not be able to harbour Ergot and other fungi toxic to humans or kill it if infects them with homemade fungicides also developed to prevent the fungus infecting a plant to prevent it causing yield losses.Genetic engineering should be used to confer resistance to fungi,bacteria and viruses to all cereals and indeed all crops.Growing cereals at home in gardens or in home hydroponic/aquaponic systems as well as large pots,containers and trash cans indoors and in corners of one garden as well as in community farms using LED lights dangling into them should make one self sufficient as well as allow exotic crops to be grown in vertical farms.Growing them these cereals,algae and grass hydroponically at home and inside livestock pens will allow for livestock to be fed a fresh supply of this during the winter and all year round thus aiding in their raising them especially in cities in home gardens negating the labour and time required in producing hay and allowing land used for grazing and for producing them for human consumption to permanently reforested or turned into community forest farms.In time genetic engineering can allow for bacteria to produce new cereals with similar properties to traditional ones or create substitutes to them such as O.sativa,H.vulgare,T.aestivum,A.sativa with T.aestivum being replaced with algae.These cereals will be grown at home primarily for the seeds etc with the flour for bread etc gained by bacteria producing them and ordered in with O.sativa grown in vertical farms as well.

In gardens and greenhouses trees all should all be inoculated with truffles for cultivation.Research must be done into developing grow kits to grow them the same way as mushrooms(see above) in a cheap substrate.Commercial grow kits for mushrooms already exist and can make the process easier to grow them so it may be easy to do the same with truffles.Genetic engineering can also be done to improve the ability of all strains to survive in all soils,all trees both ornamental and crop ones,all climates etc.Truffles can be collected by dogs or by hand with sensors developed that can be attached to smart phones that detects the level of ripeness denoted by an universal scale linked to Demeter and Artemis with blue denoting infant,yellow denoting under ripe,green denoting ripe,red denoting over ripe.They could be modelled on existing sensors that detect gases with the internal sensors being artificial ones modelled on the nose hairs and other sensors present in the noses of dogs and pigs used in collecting truffles with the possibility of creating sensors that are even more sensitive than these two animals.These measures should make all species and strains of truffles even the most expensive ones abundant and more widely available to the public.Mitrochondrial style computers that utilise Adenosine Triphosphate can be a precursor to these as they will eventually smell and sense chemicals similar to animals.Robotic dogs can be fitted with these to detect them without digging them up and eating them at set times controlled by the Home AI.


Robots like farmbot can be used that plant all types of crops in pots,raised beds in community in pre programmed spots on the farm AI and int time modifications can be made to allow it to switch between and serve multiple beds and other containers of different widths and sizes.Alternatively they can serve one bed with each bed and the machine covered in clear taurpaulin during winter to protect them from frost or all year round particularly if the crops planted there or prone to cold weather and rainy climates with the robot giving the correct amount of water and fertilisers.As detailed later genetic engineering can allow for frost prone plants to tolerate cold snaps and winters with for purists these grown indoors in buildings part of the farms via hydroponics.

Containers,beds and pots can be 3D printed,homemade or gained from recycling boxes and other material

Rainwater collection systems should be integrated into the roofs and sides of all home farms that collect and store water thought the year for use during dry spells and droughts with the water systems using.They would be used by the sprinkler and irrigation systems and fertiliser bots only when there are dry spells and droughts by interacting with the farm AI and weather networks during the year.Super blasts of super high intensity UV light have been shown in Athlone Institute of Technology to kill off all antibiotic resistant pathogenic bacteria/parasites and also break down all known Hormone endocrine disruptors,pharmaceuticals and other compounds.Miniaturising this technology into miniature UV machines present in the rainwater capsule into existing technology similar to RainSafe technology can ensure that this prevents the any contaminants in water are destroyed before being sprayed.It will also store water for periods when fresh water is not available when the main source of water is contaminated via interacting with sensors in environmental readings and from water treatment plants.Water from desalination plants as well as those collected and treated from flood and tsunamai tunnels can also be used to supply water to home farms.The methods used in the slingshot water purifier can also be integrated into the system of water purification to cut down on energy costs and remove any unfiltered material.Nanosensors can be at each can allow for the levels of pollutants to be measured with them alerting as to when filters need to be replaced.Nests for biological controls for pests such as mice,pigeons and others that affect surrounding community and home farms can be here also.

Onsite pyrolysis machines at home and microalgae farms using livestock and human waste in gardens and extensions can be used to prepare fertiliser.Pyrolysis machines will use food waste,wood chippings of Bambusoideae grown at home etc to create biochar alongside any weeds and invasive plants grown to be pyrolysised.Both systems can be integrated into the roofs or basements of communal homes.Both algae and biochar can be ordered into homes via organic waste plants and also sewage treatment plants with community centres as detailed later having versions of both of these to cater to the needs of an entire community outside of home systems that will alleviate strains on each other.These home systems for algae will have built in radiation and drier systems or raising the temperatures well beyond the threshold of pathogens to kill off pathogens with the algae made immune to radiation and able to survive low levels of water etc via DNA from extremophiles in genome capsids.These can be connected to the main sewage line of the toilet in ones home or septic tanks to intake a set amount of toilet water containing urine and faeces from private and communal homes when sensors indicate it needs them with them also attached to septic tanks.These can be in gardens or in basements.The algae would have DNA to also degrade toilet paper to turn it into energy for the algae.This can be engineered to produce the same texture and flavour of any type of cereal and meat thus cutting down on resources on producing meat with different strains downloaded from Demeter.Humans and livestock can be immunised against all coliforms pathogens as well.Compost can also be made at home with as detailed on community centres will create these on commercial scale

Micro breweries and wineries can allow beers and wine alongside tequila to be created at home with ideally the juices,nectars,sugars and endosperm gained from bacteria grown onsite.This can also include juices for non alcoholic drinks.Other commodities made from bacteria can be grown onsite in photobioreactors such as honey,syrups,oils,milks,cereal flours,sugars,spices,chocolate powder and butter,coffee, etc onsite of homes in basements,storerooms or in sheds.This can also apply to communal homes with these in obsolete rooms on the ground floor.The contents of these can be using taps be put into jars,winebottles and large kegs to store them in bulk with this allowing other commodities to be created this way.Each home including communal ones will have multiple large photobioreactors.A person would grow one commodities in a single vat and then store them in large kegs,numerous winebottles and jars or seacell sack and then grow another commodity that can be then stored and then grow another one or the first one and so on with the kegs,barrels,sacks storing large amounts to allow another one to be grown instantly after it.Communal homes will grow these for restaurants and also each resident with each resident storing milk,wine etc in their own rooms.Enzymes such as rennet,pectin and protease enzymes for Kopi Luwak coffee and others required to produce specific foods can be created by bacteria printed out into blank cells and stored in fridges.The baseline bacteria can be stored in liquid in fridges to be regrown and inserted into the printers.Bacterial cultures can be stored in fridges in solid or liquid media or the bacteria or even yeast can be printed out into blank cells using 3D DNA printers to ensure an endless supply on demand of any commodity with this alleviating strains on ordering them from vertical and community farms.Thus one can print out any bacteria,yeast or mould for producing starter cultures,for use in food manufacture and also for producing commodities on demand from Demeter/Physis and then store them in fridges.These bacteria,moulds,starter cultures and meats can be printed out from Demeter linked to Physis and then stored in fridges and grown in photobioreactors at home in large numbers and them stored in reusable 3D Printed and glass containers to be stored in fridges etc thus making one self sufficient with regards to these and then negate the need for having vehicles deliver them to them.Thus if possible all bacteria based commodities and those for manufacturing of food will be done at home and not in community and vertical farms.In vitro meat stocks can also printed out into cells thus allowing one to decide what meat to grow at home without ordering in them.

Recirculating aquaculture and aquaponic systems can be used to rear crops,fish and shellfish in roofs or in spare rooms as well as gardens,sheds and greenhouses.Aquaponics will be used since it rears both vegetable and fruit crops abd fish abd shellfish at once

Photobioreactors will be present in the basement and also rooftops that grow bacteria that create plant and animal commodities alongside in vitro meat and also algae using sewage collected from the building.To grow algae one can have their home programmed to have a certain amount of their sewage ever week month and year in the form of feces and urine fed into photobioreactors at home that will grow algae in them and using interior radiation machines irradiate the desecration etc sterilising it with the algae engineered to be resistant to radiation thus allowing it to be sterilised.The AI will stop intaking sewage once they are full and will intake more once the photobioreactors is empty with them fitted with radiation machines that sterilise the algae especially if the algae is immune to radiation algae and the algae will undergoe the same level of engineering as those grown in sewage treatment plants and will be engineered to break down toilet paper.This will make homeowners self sufficient in algae for fertiliser,feedstock and also pet and animal food with it alleviating strains on sewage treatment plants if adopted by all home,community and vertical farms.


The home AI will control all automated systems and in a menu under garden with a sub menu allowing the homeowner to log all the crops and ornamental plants(shrubs,flowers,trees) they are growing indoors and outside(and de-register any they are not growing anymore) so as to allow them to subscribe to alerts of the latest scientific studies on the crops and plants they are growing and livestock they are rearing within Apollo to improve yields and nutrition as well as latest gardening tips and possibly recipes that contain all the crops they are growing within folders and subfolders within the AI.Furthermore it would be linked to weather networks alerting them to any upcoming weather patterns that may affect the growth and yields of crops as well as those that may increase the growth of spoilage bacteria and viruses(heavy rains,frost,snow) and when to apply bactericides and fungicides,fertiliser and water when and in what amounts in relation to the weather ie dry spells,rainy periods.It will also allow them to temporarily bring crops grown in containers,pots and trashcans indoors when bad weather has past.The homeowner may even register livestock,pets and fish/shellfish they are raising for the same purposes.This can all apply to communal homes with carparks dug up and replaced by gardens with compact automated multistorey carparks used and all available grassland including golf parks in hotels dotted with fruit and nut trees and vegetables etc.Communal homes will grow the vast majority of their food in spare rooms via hydro/aeroponics,commodities via bacteria and crops in hybrid gardens and in place of golf courses.Basements and spare rooms will house photobioreactors for commodities from bacteria,hydro/aeroponic rooms and recirculating aquaculture systems.In time bio synths controlled by the home AI that also provide companionship will help the elderly,physically and mentally handicapped to take care of gardens as well as alleviate strains on those living alone and families.Automated systems can reduce the amount of labour required.CSYS lights can be dotted around the home farm to light up at night to provide extra photosynthesis and thus growth at night.

Phanes will manage the trading of all seeds,spermatozoa,eggs etc and even whole live animals,fish,shellfish and livestock,pets etc on local to global levels of all crops,livestocks,fish,insects,ornamental plants to ensure genetic diversity.It will also create new genes from scratch for desired phenotypes.In time ideally by 2029-2035 3D DNA printing using induced pluripotent stem cells with the DNA printed into blank spermatozoa and eggs or even embryos as well as seeds or their precursor sperm/pollen and eggs/ovules will be created onsite of community,vertical,forest,fish and even home farms to save on energy costs as the patient files and logged crop DNA in the building AI and Physis will be used as a baseline for the Phanes method managed by Phanes.These 3D DNA printers will be onsite of all home,community and vertical farms worldwide.They will also be onsite of all sewage treatment plants.These will print out individual strands of each species of crop,ornamental plant and livestock and the desired extremophile DNA and subtle alterations to make them distinct individuals completely unrelated to each other to maintain genetic diversity.Several million or billion seeds,spermatozoa,eggs and even embryos could be printed at once and then frozen onsite of them in sperm,seed and egg banks with these having recombinant DNA from from Tardigrade,P.putida GR12-2,Bacillus F,H.glaciei,C.greenlandensis,C.pleistocenium,psychrophillic and osmophile bacteria,R.sylvatica and C.clavipes and also those from scratch that allow them to be stored indefinitely with recombinant DNA from Planarians,Hydra,A.mexicanum,totipotent stem cells,T.gammatolerans,D.radiodurans,Bacillus F and C.elegans allowing them to repair damaged tissue and telomeres thus allowing them to be refrozen and rethawed over and over again.Phanes will be the AI in charge of the creation of all genetically distinct crops,fish,shellfish etc abd all species of genetically modified crops etc and this Phanes software will be sentient and its avatar will be that of itself.By 2029 all steps in this will be automated from creation to transportation to cryogenic banks.Osmophile bacteria and R.sylvatica DNA can allow glucose to be used as cryoprotectants.Tardigrade DNA that would allow them to survive -286 can be added once as detailed later on pushed to their limits below this and to last forever via forced evolution.Its ability to lower its metabolic rate by 99.9% and also endolithic,xerophile and oligotrophic bacteria doing the same will also be utilised.3D printing will expedite this with the sentient Phanes designing each strand of DNA so that they will be subtle different enough to be distantly related from each other so as to prevent bottle necking and the ratio of males to females controlled and him organising this diversity on global levels with him also organising their pro-genies breeding on local to global levels after that.Thus dozens or even millions of seeds,bacteria,stem cells for invitro meat,spermatozoa,eggs as well as even embryos of all species of ornamental plants,crops,livestock,fish,shellfish and pets will be created onsite of all vertical,community,home,fish farms when needed that are genetically distinct from each other including those printed on the other side of the world managed by Phanes and stored in onsite seed,sperm and egg cryonic banks that can be then used to create new individuals instantly and be rethawed and frozen all over again with them having desired genotypes from extremophiles.If possible embryos will be printed out that will be more easily inseminated into females via robotics or biosynth worm/mosquitoe/millipede hybrids as detailed earlier on.Ideally to prevent waste and the need for freezers to store the spermatozoa,embryos etc only what is needed will be created for each order.Home farmers can using home 3D printing systems print out their own livestock,crop,ornamental plant DNA managed by Phanes and Triptolemus into blank spermatozoa,eggs,embryos and seeds as well as into blank bacteria and fungi etc thus saving energy in transportation costs thus allowing for the seeds to be planted and embryos implanted into animals by hand.These home systems would also print out biocompatible microbes for humans,plants,pets and livestock alleviating strains on hospitals.This should be possible by at least 2029 and will negate the need to trade seeds on local to global levels saving energy and since managed by Phanes will allow for more control over genetic diversity as he will print out individual strands are genetically distinct from each other or closely related if need be and allow seaports to be reforested and turned into residential areas as localised manufacture of goods will also negate the need for international trade.The relevant totipotent and pluripotent stem cells from all species of plants and animals or universal ones that can be used for the basis of all species will be cultured in photobioreactors in home,community,forest,fish and vertical farms and engineered to undergo mitosis creating an unlimited supply and then be turned into embryos,eggs and spermatozoa.Thus if perfected if may be possible for a universal blank seed or blank fused egg,blank embryo,blank stem cell,bacterial cell for all types of crops,ornamental plants plants,livestock,fish and shellfish and insect and invitro meat of any animal to be created that can have the DNA of any species of these printed into them alongside unique DNA for each individual allowing entire batches of seeds,embryos and eggs of any livestock,crop and fish etc and mould,bacteria and fungi of any type to be created onsite of home,community,vertical and other farms using onsite 3D DNA printers.This would be used for not only crops but also ornamental plants and animals ordered via nurseries and artificial wombs.This would negate the need for ordering seeds,spermatozoa,eggs and embryos from vertical farms and would allow any one to be created at home or onsite of community and vertical farms at any time saving on time and energy.For those who are rearing livestock they could print out embryos or sprematazoa when needed and be inserted into them by hand or by machine.This could allow one to print out desired species,breeds and varieties within a matter of minutes rather than have to order from local or foreign vertical farms saving time and energy and allow one instant access to desired crops etc with little to no effort with these 3D DNA printers onsite of all fish,community,meadow,home and vertical farms around the world and will be also onsite of hospitals and universities,airports,space stations,interstellar vehicles,seaports,cruise ships as well as restaurants etc managed by their AI will also be able to get access to any crop and fish etc they want through this to then grow them with this still meaning one will still have to collect actual crops for consumption from local vertical,forest and community farms in person or through vehicle orders.This will allow for community,home,forest and vertical farms,hospitals,restaurants etc to get new seeds and livestock printed out instantly without having to order them from other farms around the world and will create each seed,embryo,bacteria etc when needed for each order.It would also allow them to download any species any time for each order made by consumers.These would be onsite of space stations and interstellar vehicles with these storing a sample of each species DNA to allow Phanes to extrapolate unique codes with onboard computers and external hard drives etc storing a large sizeable database to cater for times when contact with Earth is not accesible.They will be present on zoos and conservation areas etc to not only create food but also animals as part of Phanes and Lazarus programmes.Factories will have them to print out crops and bacteria onsite of Deipneus,Himeros and other factories.These will print out seeds,eggs,embryos,spemratazoa,bacteria,stem cells for any species of commodity producing bacteria,animal in vitro meat stem cells,fish,livestock pet,crop,ornamental plant when needed in the desired amount with extremophile and yield boosting DNA and also unique genotype managed by Phanes on a global level with this also used to carry out conservation efforts of endangered species.This and genetic engineering to allow them to grow in any climate and soil will make home farmers and community farms able to grow any crop from around the world thus preventing any country having a monopoly on any crop.Millions could be printed out at once and stored in freezers when they have relevant DNA to survive cryonics and have DNA and tissue repair mechanisms.Ideally the option to also just print out what is needed in desired and required batches for orders and growing food at home will be employed to prevent waste.Each seed,cell,egg etc printed out will have the Phanes method applied wherein Phanes will print out unique genetic sequences to maintain genetic diversity.Private homes will have 3D DNA printers in basements or sheds serving the people that live their with communal homes housing them in basements or growing rooms to serve all residents for these and also allow the for the Phanes method to be applied and will also create upgrades for biocompatible microbes.3D DNA printers will be onsite of all home,community and vertical farms and fish farms as well as all public buildings that house cafeterias such as hospitals,public and amenities and hospitals that grow their own food.They will also be onsite of sewage treatment plants to create different strains of algae when needed.These will be connected to Physis and allow farms onsite of these to print out the DNA of any livestock,crop,bacteria that produce commodities,algae,fish and shellfish etc into blank seeds,bacteria cells,eggs of fish and shellfish,algae also stem cells used for in vitro meat thus decentralising food production and making them self sufficient.These will be onsite of all fish,home,community and vertical farms and sewage treatment plants worldwide and will make them self sufficient in terms of seeds for crops,eggs for fish abc shellfish,bacteria cross that produce commodities,algae and also in vitro meat that will eliminate the needs to trade seeds etc globally with them also eliminating the needs for pollinating crops since they will create genetically distinct seeds without pollination of plants with it also used to create embryos,eggs hand spermatozoa of livestock and also of pets created in vertical farms and also creating seeds of ornamental plants in vertical farms also.For farms that rear remaining livestock they wil print out eggs,spermatozoa abd embryos of a species.All spermatozoa,embryos,algae,bacteria,seeds,eggs, etc will using the Phanes method create genetically distinct individual organisms to maintain genetic diversity.They will play a role in creating new genetically modified crops,bacteria etc by cutting down in development costs down to zero abc a few days rather than decades.For seeds it will print strands of DNA into stem cells that will be engineered to form a Proto seed that germinates in soil when exposed to water and nutrients with for eggs of fish it will create a Proto egg that will hatch when exposed to water.For spermatozoa,eggs and embryos of livestock and animals it will form these when fused together with for bacteria cells,algae and in vitro meat or simply printing out the cells that are engineered to undergo mitoses abd create their commodities when exposed to nutrients.Intensive research will be done by AI to perfect this technology to the point it is able to create seeds,eggs,embryos,spermatozoa etc that can create fully functional life forms with relative ease at almost zero cost with them using stem cells cultured in nearby bars abd photobioreactors.

Pollination of plants in greenhouses and tents can be done by hand and in time bio synths modeled on bees and butterflies with those in gardens done by insects with butterfly farms of native species grown there(alongside plants that their caterpillars feed on) and beehives in ones garden or from nearby community and forest farms.Native non robotic butterflies and insects as well as bees can pollinate crops as well with biosynth versions doing so in areas like Africa and during winter etc.Bio-synth bees and insects will cater for indoor gardens in communal homes from offices and supermarkets.Normal bees will be from beehives placed strategically across a town or city in community farms,parks and also in forests on the outskirts.Netting can be placed within windows as a separate thing to open and close made of graphene in order to allow one to have their windows open and not worry about bees entering their home.Robotic bees and butterflies would be registered to ones Home AI and would not affect humans.

Livestock such as Phasianidae and other fowl as well as Columbidae,Psittaciformes alongside sheep,cows and exotic livestock can be reared in gardens,spare rooms,sheds or basements and underground extensions with fodder grown on site or ideally algae,leaves and grass pellets(from cut gardens,parks and local amenities) and in the case of fowl locally reared insects.Livestock such as Suidae,Ovis aries,Leporidae,Camelus,Capra aegagrus hircus,Bovidae and Ratite and similar livestock can be reared at home.Automated feeders can be integrated into the Home AI system.Ideally each person should rear one large livestock like cows and cattle for milk that can be made more docile or smaller with other small livestock such as Phasianidae reared for eggs and ivitro meat.Biosynth animals can be created that create the eggs of any desired fowl in large amounts at home with in time even biosynth machinery that can do this.In time biosynth machinery onsite of community and home farms can do this with them fed sugars,fats and proteins from bacteria grown at home with them creating large batches of eggs from any species of Aves including Phasianidae,Anatidae,Columbidae,Psittaciformes and Ratite etc as well as any species of Reptilia such as Alligatoridae,Crocodylians and Serpentes.The ability of Perdix perdix to lay up to twenty eggs at once can be engineered into all species of Aves bred for this thus meaning even Gallus gallus domesticus could be engineered to lay up to twenty two eggs every day on home and community farms with home farms having several of these some for meat and others for eggs ensuring abundance with if need be the animal through chemicals produced by microbes in them or them turning on/off genes to allow the animal to rest and not produce too much and thus alleviate strains on the animals and resources fed to them with them turning on/off genes to have them produce the eggs of other species of Aves and Reptilla or they could be as detailed later on one could have certain sets of animals to produce different eggs and also produce different meat types.Thus since these engineered G.g.domesticus and other species of Phasianidae and species of non Phasianidae livestock could lay up to twenty two eggs a day for a week it would thus giving a person about a hundred and fifty four eggs to be stored for several weeks or even over two months depending on how much a person consumes eggs and then this ability removed via the microbes removing the genes from P.perdix allowing the animal to rest and alleviate strains on animal feed and then this turned back on by microbes readding the genes from P.perdix to then allowing for more eggs to be created with this meeting the needs for a normal family or group of people sharing an apartment can be met with this measure and thus if all private citizens have these modified will negate the need for large battery or even free ranged Phasianidae farms to exist anymore even on community farms rearing them all of which will be converted into homes ore recycled and the land reforested.The animals will be like pets with defeathered versions given jumpers to survive the cold alongside engineering to protect them against all temperature ranges against sunburn with them living in gardens and indoors and trained to defecate in kitty litter and lay eggs in desired areas.Large families and residents of communal homes can have a large number of animals on the roof gardens or those in the main gardens to create a large amount of eggs in one go each week to again stock up on eggs and allow the animal to rest every few weeks.Other non Phasianidae Aves could undergo this.
Seasonal animals like Meleagris and Anatidae would be reared at home for eggs with them slaughtered during Christmas etc and in vitro meat used to get meat from them all year round with them fertilised with spermatozoa and embryos created from 3D DNA printers utilising the Phanes method to allow for genetic diversity and also create new birds to keep a sizeable populations with semi automated feather removers used to remove feathers or them engineered to have no feathers and be able to survive all temperatures ranges and exhibit stable thermoregulation in these using the same engineering from extremophiles and those that exhibit cellular and DNA repair as frozen embryos and microbes and them also having DNA from Thermoccocus gammatolerans to survive in the sun without sunburn.This would reduce energy costs and labour and allow the animal live in all seasons outdoors.Other animals like Leporidae can have this done to them.Large livestock such as Bovidae,Hippopotamidae and Ratite etc can be engineered to produce breeds that have no horns or claws as well as making them more docile and even smaller say the size of sheep or a large dog and produce sizeable amounts of milk routinely.They can be reared in ones garden or even on roofs of communal homes provided they have sheds and graphene paint on the ground.Sheds and stables used to hold these animals in particular large ones should have grating under them where the feces can collect and it pumped into the local municipal sewage plants to recycle the phosphorous and nitrogen or they can be directed to algae microfarms in both home gardens and also nearby community farms.Miniturised automated milking systems can allow cattle to be milked with them and other livestock used to extract cells for in vitro meat to be grown in home sized systems.Pets like Canidae,Felis catus and also Reptilla,fish etc can be reared here and advertised on Euthenia with the Phanes method allowing for genetic diversity to be maintained.


If possible Phasianidae can be engineered to produce the same meat as Bovidae,Equidae,Suidae,O.aries as well as other non Phasianidae birds such as Psittacines,Strigopoidea,Ramphastidae,Columbidae,Cacatuidae,Ratite and even and species of Reptilla as well as Amphibia and even endangered species that are hunted for meat including Hippopotamus amphibius,Ursus maritimus,Pinnipeds,Pongo pygmaeus to save on space and for them to be more docile and mane gable especially on home farms.This would also allow for more meat to be produced than is normally produced on non Phasianidae birds and also any species of Reptilla and Amphibia on these modified animals with them also creating the eggs of these Aves,Amphibia and Reptilla.If possible these modified Phasinanidae will be engineered to produce the meat of any species of fish and shellfish and even their eggs.They could even be engineered to produce the same meat as any species of Arthropoda especially Insecta and Arachnida.Any species of fish can be engineered to produce the meat and caviar/roe of any species of fish and shellfish.With regards to fish these could be engineered to reach sexual maturity much quicker in as little as a few months especially Acipenseridae species with other species engineered to produce the same caviar as Acipenseridae.Any type of fish especially Scombridae can be engineered to produce the same meat as Bovidae,Suidae any species of Reptilla,Aves etc to cut down on resources such as land and feed as they can be reared in recirculating aquaculture systems within home,community and vertical farms and allow steaks and cuts of meat with the same texture and taste as conventional livestock to be created with fewer resources such as animal feed and land with them producing no methane and increase productivity.This will make rearing any type meat at home more manageable for home farmers and cut down resources as Phasinanidae and smaller fish species can be more manageable for homefarmers than larger mammals,Aves and fish and require less resources than say Equidae,Bovidae,Suidae etc and can be easily reared in private and communal home farms and in some cases produce more meat than any species of Reptilla,Ampbhibia,Arachnida and non Phasinanidae birds etc and allow the meat of rare endangered and exotic animals to be reared on these smaller hybrid animals while conservation efforts are carried out on the other animals with it also saving on labour in slaughtering the animals with like even non modified Phasinanidae will have no feather in them to save on labour and energy spent removing them and also used to produce them.It will also cut down on the amount of resources such as land and energy as well as animals feed to produce meat of any animal through hybrids with it also creating more manageable cuts of meat suited for meals in private and communal homes and will retain taste better than invitro meat.This would be of note of countries like China,India,Africa and not just the developing world as the hybrid fish and Aves will be easily reared at home in gardens,roofs,spare rooms,kitchens,underground extensions inside recirculating aquaculture systems and in some case increase productivity with fewer resources in the case of Bovidae and Suidae etc meat and can allow restaurants,hospitals etc rear these more better for real fresh meat and create compact cutlets and steaks and also hamburgers with this also allowing home systems in private and communal homes rear large amounts of meat for human consumption without the need for rearing large mammals etcBovidae could also create the same meat as all of these aforementioned species.Physis will locate the genotypes that express the different types of meat,blood and flavourings.Again the use of 3D DNA printing and AI will expedite the development of all of these with them possible by at least 2020-2029 by inserting the DNA into blank spermatozoa and eggs with live animals changed via microbes.The use of 3D DNA printers and blank spermatozoa and eggs would expedite the manufacture of new species of livestock especially if AI is utilised ie Phanes and Physis.Relegating them to both universities and also AI will improve accuracy,speed of development and removing patenting rights since this will be managed by Physis,Triptolemus and Phanes.3D DNA printers will create these much quicker and will be onsite of vertical,community and home farms around the world.

All livestock will be fed flour of cereals etc created by bacteria,excess uneaten crops and even algae as it provides high levels of protein etc with all feces and urines from livestock captured and turned into algae.This will be done by having it fed into septic tanks or toilets suited for livestock using shovels or even piqapoo bags that collect these and them fed into the main sewage line with their also the option of home farms housing photobioreactors that collect the forces and urine onsite of farms and then convert it to algae onsite of farms to be fed to livestock.