Nursery & Gardening

As we have seen with vertical farms the planting,rearing and harvesting of plants can be fully automated from start to finish.This can also be applied with nursery however it is ideal that plants be grown in soil and not hydroponically as moving from a hydroponic medium(usually liquid) to normal soil can be stressful for the plants.If plants are grown hydroponically then the consumer must be prepared to take the necessary steps to limit stress with genetic engineering being used to limit or eliminate the stress completely with hydroponics ideally pursued in these automated nurseries with e-manuals sent to ones Demeter account.Hydroponics or aeropnics should be pursued to make plants grow faster with as stated them engineered to resist or eliminate stress in transplanting to soil.All future plants would have repellance to pests,ability to produce fruits and nuts as well as those from extremophiles allowing them to survive all temperature ranges,soils etc added beforehand.It is for this reason that the same tagging system involved in the production of agricultural crops so all relevant information relating to the growth of the garden plants.This information would include,genetic lineage and any modifications,tracked levels of fertilisers used and application,any microbes inoculated with i.e. in the case of trees truffles as well as the name and location of the farm.This would also apply to non-automated nurseries again for the same reasons as explained earlier and can be utilized in large scale studies.In the case of automated nurseries robots can detail to labourous and repetitive tasks such as watering,applying fertilisers,wrapping them in plastic and transporting them into boxes to be loaded into vehicles for transportation or be picked up and delivered by drone.Sensors in the soil/nutrient broth or attached to fertilising and watering robots can measure and chart their application and levels as before in agriculture.As in vertical farms automated doors with built in sensors can allow robots and drones to go in and out of greenhouses as they please allowing them to work 24/7.In time topiary will be done robots that cut out designs on trees chosen by consumers designed on Pandora or done at home.All types of ornamental plants such as flowers(wildflowers,bush flowers like roses),shrubs and trees would be grown here in all of them with them containing both exotic and native ones with a wide variety through extensions with pots,furniture,tools and other materials sold in garden centres and nurseries made in stone or wood factories or through home and community 3D printers through Hephaestus.Ideally they would be on the grounds of vertical farms through underground or side extensions allowing them to be picked up by people in person with the same technology as Amazon Go.They will all be part of community and vertical farms and would not need another statue and would be managed by the same AI and managed by the Triptolemus operating software allowing them to be picked up in person or ordering via Demeter.Ideally these and florists would integrate into new and existing vertical and community farms to have them under one roof but also allow for existing nurseries and garden centres to be renovated into single or communal homes depending on their size with the carparks dug up and converted into gardens.This will allow them to be managed by the same AI,have flowers grown in vertical farms be transported there,negate the need for extra statues and serve each local community rather than build large versions for a large region and allow access to local people near them.All plants and seeds would be transferred to these after being stored in community centres with furniture and DIY tools taken in on a first come first serve basis with the same applied to fertilisers,composts and fungicides which will be homemade in the future or stored in community centres.Fertilisers and seeds etc  will be dumped into community centres until communities become self sufficient.Each vertical or community farm would grow different plants including exotic ones with others ordered in from Triptolemus and would allow all land to grow commercial ornamental plants such as trees,tulips,roses etc to be reforested with them grown hydroponically and engineered to suffer little or no shock when transferred to soil but also to survive all climates and soils around the world.Seeds will be traded on local to global levels with 3D DNA printing allowing for new seeds with new strands of DNA using the log of all DNA in the database of nurseries around the world used as a baseline to create new specimens.3D DNA printers will create billions of new individuals in blank seeds via the Phanes method and have them stored onsite of nurseries within vertical farms in cryonic seed banks.Ideally several million or billion seeds,spermatazoa and eggs should be printed at once and then frozen oniste of them in sperm,seed and egg banks with these having recombinant DNA from from Tardigrade,P.putida GR12-2,Bacillus F,H.glaciei,C.greenlandensis,C.pleistocenium,psychrophillic and osmophile bacteria,R.sylvatica and C.clavipes and also those from scratch that allow them to be stored indefinitely with recombinant DNA from Planarians,Hydra,A.mexicanum,T.gammatolerans,D.radiodurans,Bacillus F and C.elegans allowing them to repair damaged tissue and telomeres thus allowing them to be refrozen and rethawed over and over again.This Phanes software that manages this will be sentient and its avatar will be that of itself.All fertilisers,plant food and the other contents of these nurseries and garden centres would be taken by the public on a first come first serve basis with the furniture,tools etc scanned in Hephaestus once taken home or sent to community centres with kitchens and restaurants converted into extra rooms with small ones through extensions becoming communal homes.The seeds will be sent to community centres to be stored to be then sent to vertical farms.Fertiliser,compost and other chemicals to combat pests,fungi etc will be homemade in bulk with tools and furniture designed on Pandora stored on Hephaestus.Excess materials not taken would be sent to community centres and traded on Euthenia.Surveillance cameras and those at key points will be linked to the global database of criminals and missing persons in Athena but fed into the building AI.They will also switch to IR illuminator when dark and will have a coating of liquid glass to negate cleaning.Cleaning will follow the same pattern as public buildings and vertical farms with all surfaces covered in liquid glass with sterilising robots using narrow range UV lights with robots that collect and sweep robots also used.Having them onsite of vertical farms will allow all nurseries,garden centres and florists to be converted into homes with this allowing them to be managed by the same AI.Since the ornamental plants of all types whether trees,flowers and bushes will be grown onsite of these nurseries as part of vertical farms all land currently used to grow ornamental plants worldwide will be reforested as each vertical farm will grow each type of them.If possible 3D DNA printers will produce seeds of all species ornamental plants of all types from around the world to accommodate limited space thus allowing one to have one printed out with customised phenotypes ie desired fruits and nuts,tolerance to the soil in ones area and repellance to all pests and ability to survive all extremes of climates,have bioluminescence etc when ordering them with the option of having the seeds sent to homes in packaging or have them grown to maturity via hydroponics and engineered to suffer no shock to be then transplanted.This should be possible by 2029 and would allow all areas in vertical farms devoted to ornamental plants to be used for crops etc and would as stated allow for the local production of all known plants from around the world to be localised with each one created this way having unique DNA separate from others around the world to ensure diversity.

As stated ornamental plants of all types such as trees,shrubs,flowers etc including those designed on Pandora will be grown onsite of all community,forest,meadow and vertical farms worldwide to maturity via hydroponics or to in the case of shrubs and trees to a young stage at least a foot high and them then shipped to the consumers with them engineered to be shock resistant when transferred from hydroponics to soil using scratch DNA with this allowing all plantations for ornamental plants worldwide to be reforested.The plants DNA will be stored in Physis and Demeter and will include those designed on Pandora and will be downloaded and printed into a blank seed into onsite hydroponic plots for those who want to have their plant grow to maturity when delivered with consumers also able to have the option of having the plant downloaded into a blank seed at home using home systems to alleviate strains and to grow it in a pot or hydroponic media before transferring it into a garden etc.The consumer will in the case of those grown to maturity will be able to choose to what point of maturity will the plant be grown to before being collected or delivered with the plants reared in sections of community and vertical farms that grow them at ideal temperature ranges and also have cameras at key points to measure their maturity.Wooden grafts created onsite by bacteria may be placed to act as a guide for the plant to grow upwards.This will also mean garden centres and nurseries around the world will be turned into homes and negate the need for florists as the person can order beforehand of weddings and other ceremonies any flower they want alongside flowers grown onsite of home hydroponic systems and in pots with more importantly desired exotic flowers grown on hybridised plants that can be put into small vases or bunched together as corsages and also large bundles.Trees,bush plants and all types of ornamental plants will be grown this way with logged in both the Home AI and also their Demeter account will be the plants requirements for growing in the area,level of water and type of fertiliser required etc.Bonsai trees can be grown this way with the consumer able to choose from all 60,065 species of trees and be a desired height and even shape and how the tree is bent via Phanes creating specific hox genes and those that cause the tree to grow in a desired shape or manner of what the consumer wants and produce desired flowers etc negating the need for human labour in shaping them with accelerated growth genes added with them engineered to also only grow to a desired height with them reared in nurseries in farms using hydroponics etc.Flowers that need specific pollinators will be modified slightly to be pollinated by all native species of insect pollinators.Thus ornamental bushes,ferns,flowers,trees etc of all 391,000 species for both outdoor and indoor planting including those designed on Pandora and discovered on other planets across the universe can be ordered in from ones local vertical or community farms to be grown to a set level of maturity inside a plot room devoted to this with.Thus seeds will be printed into blank seeds using 3D DNA printers and then grown to maturity in local vertical,community and all other farms and then delivered or picked up in person decided by the consumer.If possible the plant can be downloaded into a blank seed at home using 3D DNA printers at home and reared in a pot of compost and then when matured will be planted in ones garden.Otherwise it can be once printed out be planted in ones garden.For plants that are going to be planted in groups such as flowers such as Tulipa,Narcisuss etc these can be printed in batches using home 3D DNA printers and planted as seeds with bushes and trees grown in nurseries to a mature or young stage in nurseries and delivered to ones home that can then be planted in ones garden. Some plants can be simply have them as seeds created in vertical farms as a singular seed or in the case of those normally bought in batches such as Tagetes,Narcissus can just have them created by 3D DNA printers and then delivered to ones home address or they can be created at home using home 3D DNA printers.Thus one can choose to havd certain plants have their seeds created singularly or in batches at home using home 3D DNA printers. One can choose to have them downloaded at home or done at their nearest vertical or community farm with one also choosing to have it delivered or picked up with the countdown showing when to pick them up or delivered.Flowers to be planted in pots and gardens can have multiple seeds printed out in batches of a dozen or a hundred in one go.Seeds of flowers that come in large packs of a few dozen will have dozens of seeds created at home using 3D DNA printers.Comsumers interacting with Cronus will be given all options and make the final decision for convenience and to cut down on transportation time and energy and alleviate strains on their local vertical farms etc.Thus consumers to save time and alleviate strains on vertical farms could have seeds downloaded into blank seeds at home using home 3D DNA printers to allow them to be then planted in pots at home.Biocompatible microbes in seeds in those downloaded at home and in vertical farms will via biosynth wifi relay the timespan when they will germinate and even induce them to germinate earlier than normal.3D DNA printers at home and in vertical farm nurseries will allow this to occur.In all cases the seeds that the plant is printed into will be likely smaller than normal as small seeds,those that half its size or if enough totipotemt cells are cultured their original seed size.Genetic engineering similar to what is used to grow crops very quickly may have plants grown in a matter of days with them grown in these areas of vertical farms via hydroponics,aquaponics,aerponics etc and engineered to be resistant to shock when transferred from these mediums to normal soil with them engineered with the same level of engineering in crops to grow to maturity quickly for orders and these turned off and have anti-ageing genes added.Once plant reaches maturity this fast growing ability will be turned off.Each plant will when grown in farms be innoculated with microbes to fight off pathogens and immunise them with at home them changed via biosynth WiFi.Only what is needed will be produced preventing waste and allow each consumer their decided plants with if a person orders two or more plants them delivered at once and stored in an area for delivery at once until both are created with them packaged in methane or biosynth based plastic,cardboard.One will in their Demeter account show in a countdown the time left till it matures and is delivered to them or ready to pick them up in person.Packaging will consist of fungi styrofoam,carboard and methane and biosynth based plastic with the farm AI extrapolating the size of the plant and thus how much is required to be made once planted so as to allow the packaging to be set up when it is to be delivered.Flowers for boquets will also be done this way.Ordering in flowers into maturity would for an upcoming event would require at least a dozen or more of the same or different coloured ones to be reared to maturity and then be shipped to the consumers address at the day before or of the event ie wedding and birthday with this planned ahead with the consumer denoting when the event will take place thus allowing the AI to plant them weeks or months ahead.Genetic engineering may have plants grown in a matter of days with them grown in these areas of vertical farms via hydroponics engineered to be resistant to shock with them engineered with the same level of engineering in crops to grow to maturity quickly as well as reduce water and nutrient requirements for orders and these turned off and have anti-ageing genes added to allow them to live forever and scratch DNA to bloom longer.Otherwise the person would collect in person when it is grown into maturity with a countdown denoting the date with this applying to crops and plants created on Pandora the plants would be engineered to survive longer or indefinitely when harvested and put in a vase.If possible the flower could be on a bush or small tree that is engineered to grow multiple different flowers that when at home will be harvested by hand with those on stalks ie Tulipa,Orchidaceae will be grown as part of a plant that produce multiple flowers in a bushel with each plant engineered to grow one or more species of flowers to increase productivity with them the ones chosen by the consumer.They may also be engineered to grow similar to Vitis,Hedera,S.lycosperium to grow as a vine that has multiple flowers on them.Flowers that dont grow tall enough to be viable for vases or boquets such as Tagetes can be engineered to grow as large as Lilium with all flowers engineered to survive indefinitely in vases without wilting with them fed algae or home made fertiliser.These flowers like all flowers will be engineered to be as tall as Lilium and have multiple flowers per plant using hox genes from other plants such as trees and also Diplopoda.Flowers that are part of only trees and bushes can be engineered to grow on bushes or soil for harvesting and made as long as Lilium and viable of boquets.The flowers will be harvested by onsite robots that send the rest of the plant to organic waste plants and or the accelerated healing phenotype will have the plants regrow instantly once harvested and microbes injected to change the type of flower to another with the chosen flowers then arranged and packaged in methane or biosynth based plastic covering similar to existing bouquets with one able to decide what flowers and how many will be part of the bouquet by ticking in boxes or typing in boxes and direct interactions with them ordered in a section of Demeter.AI will extrapolate the best way to grow each of the plants grown with them engineered to grow in hydroponic or aeroponic media and engineered to grow very fast using the same engineering as crops as detailed later on to expedite growth with them ordered in several months or weeks for birthdays etc with them engineered to last in vases indefinitely to allow them to survive until the event.One may make an order and type in the date a year before with the order saved and AI extrapolating how long it would take to grow them and thus will then decide when to plant the seeds and then harvest them a year beforehand and then grow them weeks beforehand when needed and have them delivered to the address exactly on their date with them being completely fresh.This will give the AI time to extrapolate the best type of plant to grow each flower beforehand to improve speed etc.The flowers will ideally be grown on a single plant that is like a bush using aeroponics or even aquaponics as part of food orders with the plants may be even be grown at home in recirculating aquaculture systems with the seed of the different flowers or single hybrid plant is downloaded at home alleviating strains on vertical farms with one able to make orders from vertical farms in the same country.A person could download seeds of flowers or hybrid plants and then plant them in gardens and also indoor hydroponic systems and also indoor pots and then harvest them themselves.If need be as stated they can be grown on a hybrid plant with or without crops as part of food orders from all types of farms.Phanes will design the genotypes to produce the set amount of each desired species to be then harvested and then delivered.Vertical farms may also grow the flower to maturity and have it stored in onsite vases or hydroponic media for some time and then delivered to the consumer to deal with large orders especially around time like Valentines Day even just having a sizeable amount of plots in the room that they are grown.A person would chose the species of each flower and number of each one present allowing for small or large boquets with them covered in methane or biosynth based plastic by AI extrapolating how much should be used for each boquet and them prepared by robotic chef hands.This would suffice for weddings,birthdays,valentines day etc.Hybrid crop plants could be engineered to produce any type of flower and microbes used to change the flower present with this and genetic engineering to increase growth rates could allow for orders to be processed within a day or two.This would suffice for hospital visits.All plants used to create boquets would be engineered to grow as fast as possible using the same engineering as crops etc and even scratch DNA to allow for them to be prepared in emergencies and also much quicker to deal with demand.Thus by typing in what flowers they want in a boquet the farm AI will grow them on a single plant grows all of them at once,multiple plants or on a plant(s) that when harvested regrows and is inoculated with microbes to change the type of plant with AI determine the quickest and most efficient means with the size of the boquet dependant on the amount of flowers and thus allowing the AI to grow the required amount of methane or biosynth based plastics before they are harvested with small or large boquets possible with all flowers present in Demeters database including those not usually used being availible such as those from jungles,forests,wildflowers and even customised ones designed on Pandora present giving at least 369,000 flower availible.Those discovered on new planets across the universe will be added here.Those too small to be used will as stated be engineered to produce hox genes and grow as tall as other larger flowers using their DNA including Lilium with this including small ones in the soil as well as even flowers as part of trees that only grow on trees made large and long enough to grow on a bush etc,harvested and then added to boquet giving consumers boquets that could contain any combination of all 369,000 species of flowers and also those designed on Pandora.The plants will be delivered to the consumers address or that of a friend for birthdays.This will make florists and private flower,ornamental plants and tree farmers as well as nurseries and garden centres obsolete and allow all land used to grown them to be reforested and buildings that grow them indoors converted into homes and will be done onsite of vertical farms in a section that will process each order delivered to consumers or collected in person with the time for collection and delivery relayed in real time as a countdown in months,weeks,days,hours,minutes and seconds with them engineered to be able to survive indefinitely in a vase with fertiliser added routinely.Chef robots that compose of hands and cameras will be by 2029 be able to this from start to finish.Ideally one at home could download a ornamental plant whether a bush,flower and even tree into a seed to be planted into ones garden and pots indoors with the plant first reared indoor in pots of soil or hydroponic media in order to grow quickly before being deposited into the garden soils with flowers reared in the garden open soil or hydroponic systems in the greenhouses of the owner or of friends and neighbours to prepare them before hand for wedding,birthdays,anniversaries and also those who are sick in hospitals etc.If need be ornamental and crop plants at home can have microbes change the type of flower on them to be then harvested for weddings with the accelerated healing phenotype allowing for them to be reharvested instantly.The plants would also be engineered to be able to survive indefinitely in vases provided algae and other fertiliser was added routinely with Demeter specifying this with ornamental plants in gardens engineered to survive not just the soil and climate of the area delivered to but also all of them worldwide so as to allow them to be transferred in pots to gardens in new homes and would be able to be transferred from hydroponic/aeroponic systems and media to soil and back and forth without any problems such as shock with existing plants inoculated with microbes to exhibit these phenotypes.Demeter would send details to the Home AI as to each plants needs etc.These ornamental plants including flowers can be downloaded into a blank seed at home using home 3D DNA printers to alleviate strains on vertical farms and save energy with them engineered to grow in the climate and soils or be grown in greenhouses owned by friends or the consumer.All options for rearing flowers for special occasions will be planned ahead several weeks or months depending on the species and the time it takes to grow them in vertical farms,greenhouses at home or in gardens in open soil and pots containing soil or hydroponic media with Cronos,Aristreaus,Phanes and Physis aiding in determining this and deciding the best option with the plants engineered to stay alive in vases indefinitely if cut from home and greenhouse systems.The AI will also give a countdown in months,weeks,days and hours from seedling to maturity in each option chosen visible in their account.Due to these options nurseries will thus be turned into communal homes and this alongside the Phanes method will negate the delivery of crops etc around the world allowing seaports to be turned into residential areas.All nurseries and outdoor plantations for ornamental plants including Tulipa plantations in Holland and Rosa plantations in India etc alongside those that grow trees and all types of ornamental plants etc will be permanently reforested thus rendering all private farming of ornamental plants obsolete as they will be ordered in from local vertical farms managed by AI with this also rendering all garden centres,florists,nurseries for all types of ornamental plants worldwide obsolete that will be turned into communal homes as furniture and tools will be designed on Epeius and Hegemone with fertilisers etc made in community centres by AI.Indoor plantations of ornamental plants will be turned into communal homes.Christmas Tree plantations will be made redundant by ordering and planting them in ones private homes gardens or on the roof of communal homes permanently and them moved back and forth between the garden and also living room in pots with them having the acellerated healing phenotype and also have biolumenscence added and removed via microbes.Artificial ones stored in store rooms will also suffice.This will also render private ornamental plant growers obsolete as any species of ornamental plant can be downloaded into a seed at home or in vertical farms to be then delivered thus negating the need to use land to grow them and then ship them across the world and also waste associated with overproduction as unsold plants and flowers will be left to rot in shops before being sent away to landfills where they produce methane a powerful greenhouse gas.It will give consumers a large encyclopedia of any ornamental plants and bouquets of flowers to be created and delivered from their local vertical farm within a small area devoted to this that will have the seed printed out by 3D DNA printers with consumers able to choose whatever augmentations they want such as have DNA to exhibit pest repellance including those made from scratch,resistance to viral/bacteria/fungal DNA,tolerance of not just local soils and climates but all of climates and soils to allow plants to be removed and moved to new homes,have accelerated healing to allow damaged leaves/leaves/roots regrow when damaged,resistence to frost etc,different relationship between auxins etc,have poisons removed,anti-ageing treatments to live indefinitely,bloom all year long,house extremophile DNA,given fully functioning immune systems and species specific microbes of all strains including those that change fruit and flowers etc and also be able to live indefinitely in vases and pots chosen by the consumer.The plants seeds genome will have once created via 3D DNA printers have genetic engineering to allow it grow in all soils and climates worldwide,resistence to disease,pest repellence and acellerated healing etc as decided by the consumer.3D DNA printers at home can create species specific microbes that injected through the leaves via syringes and roots through watering cans have microbes that remove these and add other augmentations and also scratch DNA and those to use radiation as nutrieints etc with once they reach maturity or even a young state the plants whether trees or flowers will have this removed withadd strains to fight off pathogens and immunise them.The plants whether as part of boquets or ornamental ones will be engineered in the same way as crops to grow and reach maturity in the plot as quickly as possible combined with hydroponics and microbes will have this shut off when they reach maturity.This will speed up delivery times.This will include those that increase miotic division from fast growing plants,fast growing bacteria and also scratch DNA and those to use radiation as nutriein etc with once they reach maturity or even a young state the plants whether trees or flowers will have this removed with microbes in them removing these genes so that when planted in the soil and pots they will grow at a normal rate from them on.Thus the seeds will contain DNA to increase growth rates to the point that a flower or tree and bush will reach a young mature state within less than a year or even less than a month even a few days with for flowers being mature enough to be easily planted and for bushes and trees being at least waist high and once they reach this maturity microbes in them will through WiFi remove genes responsible for accelerated growth to allow them to grow at a normal rate.The consumer can choose to have them have genes upon manufacturing to grow in local soils and climates or all climates and soils should they bring the plants to another home as well as choose what augmentations such as lower water and fertiliser needs and pest repellents and disease immunity will be bred into them chosen via interacting with Cronus or them added later by adding microbes through the soil etc with them even choosing to have microbes already present.Each plant will have an unique genotype determined by Phanes.The plant will be watered and fed algae based fertiliser until mature with them then harvested and the plant will be grown in aquaponic media or hydroponic media with genetic engineering to prevent it being stressed when transferred to a pot made of biodegradable biosynth plastic to be then filled with soil composed of organic material createc by bacteria and biochar which will be then delivered to the consumer with all steps in growing,transplanting and delivery etc automated from start to finish.All species of flowers,crops,ornamental plants,ferns,bushes and trees and bushes and also any type of wildflower etc from around the world including those found only in forests,jungles,grasslands and thus all species of 391,000 plants will be created this way and availible once their DNA is transferred to Physis that will be cross referenced with the section in Demeter that houses them have a photogrammetric file of the plant with those designed on Pandora also present with bullet points listing its species name and also characteristics and even information like where it originated.Those that are extinct and brought back to live namely Lazarus species from all geological periods such as the Cambrian to Holocene will be added here once their genome is extrapolated or gained via temporal manipulations etc.Poisons will be removed from poisonous ones and them given phenotypes to distinguish from toxic ones with them ideally a new species identical to the parent plant in every way except poisons have been removed and distinct phenotypes ie different shaped leaves or coloured berries present chosen by the consumer.One would choose the desired leaves etc including both existing ones and those designed on Pandora by the general public stored in its file with scratch DNA and existing ones that express these stored in the animals Physis file.This separate species would be a universal one that would only be able to interbreed with others of the same species that has poisons removed that can interbreed with the parent species.Flowers that exist only on trees and bushes can be engineered to grow like Tulipa,Tagetes,Lilium or on bushes as separate species with flowers on bushes ie Rosa will be engineered as well like Tulipa,Tagetes with even Tulipa etc engineered into new species on bushes and grow like any other flower.All new species created on Pandora and those discovered across the universe will be added here and Physis.They will be given the ability to live indefinitely,bloom all year long,survive all soils and climates and have oligotrophic and xerophile DNA and for flowers to regrow once harvested and live indefinitely in vases.Plants and even crops of all types can be created on Pandora with customised flowers,leaves,fruit and nuts,branch locations,flower shape,colour,scent,tastes and flavours/patterns with the genotype extrapolated by Phanes alongside an unique one for each plant reared with them saved on this section of Demeter and their genotype in Physis that follows the same evolutionary pattern of manufactured products in Hephaestus with submenus and pages for those with minute differences with existing plants in the Physis and Demeter database be used as a baseline for new customised crops and plants.Scents and tastes DNA that expresses them will be extrapolated from neural implants and VR technology.Phanes will create plants with unique genotypes via the Phanes method for each animal ordered and will create both common and scientific names and create new taxonomic ranks for closely related ones for newly created species.Plants from video games,cartoons,movies and comics etc scoured by Phanes scanning the database in Dionysus etc will be added here and have genotypes extrapolated with even those that have new DNA bases outside of guanine,adenine,cytosine and thymine including the creation of plants that are silicon or other elemental based creatures.Having all crops and ornamental plant reared in local vertical and community farms will negate the need to travel across the world since any species of all 391,000 plants can be created onsite of ones local vertical farm with one able to choose to pick up the plant in person from the labelled farm with one given a counter showing the time from printing/planting,maturity to the desired stage shown in the account and one shown the length of each of these in time as countdown in months,weeks,days,hours,minutes,seconds and also the expected date each phase will be finished with the collection option telling them when to collect the plant when it is viable for bringing home and in the case of delivery the estimated time of delivery and also countdown to it.This information will be logged on their e-receipt.The amount of resources ie energy,fertiliser etc will also be logged.One could view the plant at all stages from planting to maturity through cameras in the vertical farms linked to their Demeter account allowing one to watch it grow in real time and even using recording software built in record it and take pictures and organise a timelapse created.E-manuals will logged in the Home AI and Demeter account about the plant ie its full adult size,healthy colour and also its species and breed name especially of that of those created on Pandora and also its ideal range of sap components etc based on its DNA with its ideal diet also present and what fertiliser to give them,how much water and food they should get and what ratio of nitrogen,phosphorous,potassium,sulphur,copper etc as well as minerals and how much water they need that can be used to make homemade fertiliser and also those stored in Deipneus created by nano/picotech fabricators.All plants and boquets will only made for each order and will be done so onsite of all vertical and community farms but if possible other vertical farms in the country or rest of the world can be used and them delivered by Ophion and transporter technology onsite of post offices if busy.Plants and boquets sent as gifts will have them created on vertical farms near the receiver and then delivered based on the address of the receiver.There will a room devoted to growing these in all vertical farms and maybe community ones with them engineered as stated grown hydroponically,engineered with all genetic engineering to increase growth rates in crops,survive all extreme conditions,bloom all year long,accelerated healing and live indefinitely,alongside those to make them resistant to all diseases and also repel pests,have fully functioning immune systems,remove toxins,survive in all soils and climates around the world and in time universe they are delivered to and to be resistant to shock when transferred into soil allowing any plant to be grown anywhere in the world and be transported to new homes around the world.Each plant will have a unique genotype extrapolated by Phanes.Rather than overproducing plants and flowers only each order will be made with them printed into a seed with a unique genotype for genetic diversity by Phanes.Thus they will be grown onsite of each community,meadow,forest and vertical farm in specialised plots in a single room devoted to growing ornamental plants worldwide for only each plant ordered by the consumer with them having the species DNA and unique genotype 3D printed into a blank seed large enough to house just its genetic material.This will cut down on delivery times and ensure that one can the order processed from any one in the country or area if others are busy.These will be in one room devoted to this in each vertical,community,forest and meadow farm thus allowing one to order from any one in the country or world preventing them all being busy and still take up a small area in them with there being at least a dozen small plots to grow plants in each of the single rooms in each farms.These will be done in special plots in each vertical,community etc farms worldwide suited for them with multiple orders processed here at once with them undergoing the same level of engineering as crops to increase growth rates removed when mature with cameras monitoring them and then deciding when to harvest them.They will also be grown using aeroponics,hydroponics or even aquaponics to increase growth rates and be engineered to be resistant to shock when moved from their to soil in ones garden or pot.If possible they can be grown in the same aquaponics systems as those used for food if it is faster and the plots are used up and there is space availible in the main systems with them ordered in from other farms to ensure delivery managed by Cronus etc.As stated one may choose to have the plant downloaded into a seed at home.This will allow all outdoor plantations of all flowers,trees and ornamental plants worldwide to be reforested with indoor ones converted into homes or even community farms and garden centres and florists to be converted into homes due to the fact that all of these will be produced locally in nearby community and vertical farms and be ordered in from Demeter with the use of 3D DNA printers allowing all species of plants to be grown onsite.All 391,000 species of plants such as trees,flowers etc from around the world,those designed on Pandora and from across the universe will have their genome added to Physis to allow it be cross referenced and Phanes create unique genotypes.This can negate the need for for private nurseries and florists with any type of plant produced in ones local vertical,community,forest farm thus giving consumers access to any of all 391,000 species of ornamental plant such as bushes,trees,flowers etc and those from around the universe within a few days at most with this allowing all outdoor plantations to be reforested,nurseries and all physical retail outlets to become communal homes.There will be area in Demeter that houses all of the worlds 391,000 species of plants to be ordered as ornamental plants,crops including those designed by AI and the public on Pandora  as well as those from other planets across the universe via being connected to each form of Physis across the universe.They will subdivided by type,species,cultivar etc with consumers selecting filters.Thus all future ornamental plants from around the world and indeed the universe will no longer be bought in garden centres but will be ordered in from local vertical and community farms and possibly community centres ordered in through a section in Demeter with seeds created by 3D DNA printers and grown to maturity and delivered to one’s address with in some cases seeds downloaded at home and then planted at home thus allowing consumers access to all 391,000 species of plants including all 60,065 species of trees and all 369,000 species of flowers from around the world and all of those from the rest of the universe from ones local community,vertical farms or downloaded at home at zero cost.This will eliminate all private nurseries etc of all ornamental plants and all physical and online stores that allow one to buy plants with them converted into communal homes.All land used to grow all trees and flowers etc will be reforested forever.Shovels,pots and other gardening material and also fertiliser and compost will be ordered in from local Hegemone factories.

As a result of the arrival of plots in vertical farms will render private retailers of plants obsolete and allow nurseries and retail outlets that sell ornamental plants and gardening accessories around the world will be turned into communal homes.All land used to grow trees,flowers etc worldwide will be reforested forever.This will allow consumers access to any species of ornamental plants delivered to their home directly within at most a few days or instantly in the case of those gained from 3D DNA printers at home including in batches of the same or different species.All existing flowers and plants in retail outlets will have each packets of seeds sent to labs to add their genome to Physis all plants including ornamental ones will have their genome added to Physis.All plants in garden centres will be taken in on a first come first serve basis by the public with seeds and flowers continually grown and dumped in them until community and vertical farms are set up with the genome of all 391,000 species of plants added to Physis by researchers.Fertilisers and compost will be again taken on a first serve basis with them continuously produced and dumped until Hegemone and Hegemone factories and community centres are set up.The recipes for all branded fertilisers will be analysed by labs and uploaded to the Hegemone.Shovels,pots etc will again be taken in by the public on a first come first serve basis with them scanned into the Hegemone network of Hephaestus by store owners,manufacturers and consumers to be reproduced forever.All future shovels,pots etc will be designed in Pandora and uploaded to the Hegemone network of Hephaestus to be ordered in.The use of plots in vertical farms,3D DNA printers and recirculating aquaculture systems onsite of homes and local vertical farms will allow for localised production of any of the worlds 391,000 species of plants including rare and expensive species of trees,flowers etc thus eliminating private breeders that will be ordered in via a section of Demeter.All plants will be listed as photogrammetric pictures with their scientific and general name etc with bullet points present to denote each ones unique traits

Non automated nurseries can be done on voluntary basis by horticulturists providing their region with a wide variety of trees and plants.Both automated and non automated nurseries can be integrated into community gardens and vertical farms providing each community with a wide selection of native and non-native species of flowers,shrubs and trees cutting down on the amount of time to travel to or order new plants.This method of integrating them here would allow existing nurseries to be used as homes or the land permanently reforested and the nurseries on the outskirts of community and forest farms be permanently reforested with tree planters replacing each plant transferred to a persons garden with either one or two to ensure the amount of land covered by trees there is the same or growing.

Trees or other plants that require to be eaten,broken down and then fertilised by animals such as Ryparosa which must be eaten by the Cassowary bird can be done by having the animal reared locally for pets and/or meat or have machinery developed that break it down and germinate in the same fashion with fertiliser of similar elemental content as those in the feces of them created.Otherwise the plant can be engineered to not require this process while still having the phenotypes and overall genome of the plant with it being engineered to be a separate species so as to allow it be grown for ornamental purposes while wild variants continue undergoing conservation efforts.For wild variants of these they could be engineered to be able to be germinated through this digestion process and without it increasing their numbers.

Trees and plants can be planted by hand removed from a delivery truck or collected in person or they can be planted by robots modified to plant both trees and shrubs etc.Robot planters can be used to plant entire gardens designed by software that has the layout of a garden downloaded to them when orders are made and then the user select where each ordered plant is planted with projections made on what the garden will look like in the coming years when all plants are fully grown similar to using Brauron this time built into Artemis linked to Triptolemus in Demeter using realistic photogrammetric graphics.The garden beforehand can be scanned in using Google Tango,scanning drones and other scanning technology and saved on the Home AI.These robotic planters can be borrowed in from community farms or from the nursery.Miniature robot diggers can dig out flower,bush and tree beds designed on this software.Robotic planters which can be modified versions of Treerover to plant both trees as well as shrubs and bushes with other robots transporting the plants into and out of the delivery truck they arrive in.Since these nurseries will be indoor and automated they can operate 24/7,365 days alongside the delivery trucks making orders quicker and since they can grow exotic ornamental plants they will give people a wide variety of plants availible from around the world with communities and eventually Triptolemus deciding what is grown in order ensure each region and country has a wide variety with seeds ordered in from Demeter by consumers allowing them to get plants from other regions or countries to grow in these nurseries but also at home.Trading of seeds between nurseries and even the wild will be organised by Phanes to maintain genetic diversity.Planning the layout of a garden can be done on computer and like other areas of the secondary sector can be shared online with cloud networking.

Both automated and non-automated nurseries alongside vertical farms can be used to rear large numbers of endangered and exotic ornamental plants for use in homes and gardens.Genetic engineering can be utilised to make ornamental plants like Nerium oleander,Digitalis,Rhododendron,Lilium longiflorum and aconite safe and non toxic if accidentally eaten or touched by pets,livestock or humans or in the case of Rhododendron create non poisonous honey if bees bred for honey pollinate them.It may even allow extremely poisonous plants such as aconite,hemlock,deadly nightshade,castor beans and the aforementioned plants to be safe and edible for humans in culinary dishes as well as livestock for feedstock when grown in home,community and vertical farms.In this case they would have their own ID tag number and ID within Artemis to denote their safety.It can also using CRISPR combined Watson can allow for this but also allow for all types of flowers to produce pigmentation in petals not naturally possible such as blue roses that were created in 2004 with other mythological colours such as black roses being created with the pigmentation of any flower species controlled and custom made using recombinant DNA from other species of flowers or even from non flowering plants and all phylum of the Animalia kingdom.The same could apply to the flowers of fruit trees.The same technology could also allow for ornamental plants to be hybridised with each other,with fruit and nut trees to create more variety.Flowers can also be hybridised with other closely or distantly related species with species of flowers made with pigments from other plants or even animals or made from scratch including luciferens added to flowers and other ornamental flowers.This could allow flowers to be produced that could not have been done through normal breeding techniques and recombinant DNA from extremophillic bacteria should be used to allow them to survive all climates and soils and even repel pests and resist disease.Ideally since gene drives will be used they should be engineered to the point that they are a separate species from their parent species to prevent the phenotypes taking over wild stocks with them having unique phenotypes to make them recognisable.This would apply to hybrids,custom made species and non toxic variants.

Compost,mulch,bordeux mixture and fertilisers made from seaweed,organic material and pelleted animal manure(either pets or livestock) can be homemade created in bulk in both liquid and solid form with handheld nanosensors used to detect the exact elemental composition thus improving its quality and to be made correctly with custom elemental composition.Algae from microfarms,sewage and water treatment plants,pyrolysis of plants/food and skeletons and shells from dead animal,pets,livestock and fish(via pyrolysis or urban death project)can also be used for homemade fertilisers containing calcium,nitrogen,phosphorous,carbon etc.The algae can be sent to pyrolysis plants that pyrolysis dead animals,shellfish shells,fish skeletons,baby wipes,kitchen paper,cardboard and wood and other organic matter to make custom made fertilisers sent to the community farm using sensors,barcoded system and rotary system where it can be hooked up to the side of the farm by hand or by machine where the it is connected to both irrigation systems and also where fertiliser bots can hook up to it and fill up on fertiliser for automated spraying.Onsite pyrolysis machines at home and algae farms using livestock and human waste in gardens and extensions can be used to prepare fertiliser.People can make fertilisers by pyrolysising organic waste at home in home systems,growing algae etc or ordering it in from Triptolemus containing custom amounts of each nutrients.

Homeowners can create their own compost and fertiliser by using home pyrolysis systems to pyrolysise uneaten crops and food of all types,dead livestock,cut grass,leaves from trees including those collected from forests and parks,waste food and paper,flour from bacteria/Bambusoideae/weeds ie F.japonica,P.montana with genetic engineering to increase growth rates can be grown in ones garden solely to be pyrolysised with algae grown using faeces from animals such as pets and livestock as well as a small amount collected and diverted from toilets to allow algae to grow in home systems that can be via automated systems mixed together to form general or specific fertilisers.Grass and Bambusoideae etc can be engineered to grow faster in order to be cut routinely for large yields.As stated earlier on homes will have home bio bar and composting systems to allow them to produce their own supply of fertiliser and compost to alleviate strains on factories etc with 3D DNA printers allowing one to get access to special bacteria that degrade organic material.Biochar for fertiliser and compost can be ordered in from pyrolysis plants.Algae can be grown at home using some of the homeowners and their pets and livestocks faeces and urine sent into to home systems that intakes a set amount of faeces.Degradation bacteria can be downloaded via 3D DNA printers to degrade this material.Communal homes will have pyrolysis and even composting systems in basements with plants grown on roofs,in gardens or in basements.Community and other farms will have these compost,biochar and algae machinery onsite of them indoors with sewage intaken from the locale homes in set amounts and from animals.Underground extensions.Otherwise composting,algae and mobile miniature biochar systems can be onsite of community centres inside or outside with material such as leaves,cut grass,weeds,some organic food waste and paper etc,Bambusoideae,human and animal faeces and urine sent to them in person or via pickup trucks.These algae farms can be connected to the homes toilet and septic tank to intake a set amount of faeces.Immunisation against coliform pathogens can prevent outbreaks of fatal superbugs.Built in heaters that heat it past the the the threshold of the pathogens alongside the addition of materials to increase or lower pH,moisture ie dry it as well as miniature irradiation machinery that expose them to levels of a least 500-1,000Gy beyond the threshold of the pathogens once the materials been broken down by the beneficial bacteria.The beneficial bacteria that break down the compost and algae that convert feces into fertiliser themselves can be engineered to be radiorestant using DNA from T.gammatolerans and have DNA from alkanophiles,acidophiles,thermophiles,faculatative anaerobes,anaerobes,obligate anaerobes,capnophiles and scratch DNA can be added to the bacteria genome to naturally use both carbon dioxide and oxygen as energy acceptors alongside nitrate(NO3−),fumarate,sulphate(SO42−),or sulphur(S) and also xerophiles etc to allow them to survive these conditions with them also engineered to be unable to trade this DNA into pathogens by possibly housing them in genome capsids and can be printed out using 3D DNA printed.DNA from C4 and C3 concentration photosynthetic plants to increase productivity can be combined.DNA from microbes can extract carbon from the air at much lower concentrations than 150-200ppm,scratch DNA and that from bacteria that carry out C3 photosynthesis can be added to the genome of all plants to improve efficiency.DNA from with DNA from chemosynthetic bacteria,Nitrosomas Beggiatoa,Cupriavidus necator can allow them to intake methane,hydrogen gas,ammonia,hydrogen sulfide,iron and other inorganic compounds can also allow them to grow in the dark cutting down on energy costs for lightening and use methane,hydrogen gas,ammonia,hydrogen sulfide,iron as fertiliser.DNA from W.dermatitidis,C.sphaerospermum and C.neoformans can be added to these bacteria to enable them to radiosynthesis,that is,to use the pigment melanin to convert gamma radiation into chemical energy for growth.Tweaks can be made to do this with other types of radiation including UV radiation allowing bacteria to gain nutrition from the sun and that from artificial lights and devices that emit radiation once made immune to radiation via DNA from T.gammatolerans.Tweaks can be made to do this with other types of radiation with scratch DNA used to make the DNA from the radiotrophic fungi to actively convert the radiation into energy in a way that the radiation is removed from the atmosphere.The bacteria can be exposed to levels between 5-30,000Gy to induce growth and sterilise it of pathogens.These measures such as irradiation,heating,lowing pH,drying should be automated,built into the systems that create them ie and allow for the material in community centres to be collected in person or via ordering it in.Ideally compost using human feces should be onsite of community centres and Hegemone with them in large structures alongside large microalgae farms and biochar systems in surrounding woodlands or extensions ideally underground ones that are ventilated to allow them to be very large and not put homeowners through the both of the smell and danger of contamination and can allow radiation,drying machines etc to built into them.Composting can be expatiated by pouring in liquid cultures of relevant bacteria as well as engineering the bacteria to be more quicker and efficient at doing so with all organic material including food waste and leaves,Bambusoideae,grass etc used in these.This would include DNA from fast growing bacteria such as Escherichia Coli and Clostridium perfringens and other micro-organisms.Recombinant DNA from S.degradans that can allow them to degrade starches without creating alcohol etc can be added to these alongside the aforementioned extremophiles ie radioresistant,thermophiles,oligotrophic,xerophile,acidophile and alkonphile bacteria housed in genome capsids to allow them to survive radiation,heating,drying,pH alteration etc applied to the material to make it free from pathogens and prevent them trading this with pathogens the DNA will be in genome capsids.This can be done by isolating all species and using CRISPR adding these genes through 3D DNA printing or conventional means and growing them in vats and shipping them to both homes and community centres around the world with the former negating the need for shipping them around the world.The bacteria will undergo the same level of engineering as crops as detailed later on to increase growth rates as well as reduce water and nutrient requirements.The temperature of the composted material can be kept at their ideal range with DNA from psychrophiles,mesophiles and thermophiles added to make them thrive at all ranges.Scratch DNA and those that increase growth rates will be added to speed up their degradation speeds with the most effective species of composting bacteria used and hybridised together with them grown in large amounts in a nutrient broth and then mixed into the material used with consumers able to order in batches of them to grow at home.They will be able to do this in both oxygen rich and poor environments using scratch or recombinant DNA.Composting,biochar and algae systems will be located onsite of community farms including in urban areas either inside or outside with undergroud extensions catering to this with all work automated from start to finish.Feces,urine,grass,leaves and organic waste from ones home can be sent in buckets in a rotary system in person or by pickup vehicles or the systems for both algae and compost can be connected to the main sewage line or sewage treatment plant through connection to existing toilets on their grounds as well as them connected to the main line connected to all homes in the area and take in a set amount of feces and urine at a time from homes in the surrounding area and the main sewage plant determined by sensors in the compost and algae systems measuring their capacity with the algae grown onsite with robots harvesting leaves and grass from surrounding parks etc as well as Bambusoideae grown onsite of the centre,surrounding wilderness for onsite miniature automated pyrolysis systems with the compost,biochar and algae once irradiated to at least 200 – 1,000Gy to kill of pathogens when moved into storage areas can be picked up in person by homeowners in their own drums in their desired ratio or have them sent to their home via automated trucks in a rotary system.Feces and urine from septic tanks can be sent in.Gas produced will be released outside and captured via artificial trees and also used to feed any grown plants there.Biochar will be created by growing Bambusoideae on the grounds inside via hydroponics or outside and then it automatically harvested alongside fast growing grass and weeds in the grounds ie F.japonica,P.montana,Cannabis sativa hybridised with each other with the same level of engineering to increase growth rates of crops as detailed later on will be grown to be pyrolysised onsite and then put into drums with homowners sending in Bambusoideae,weeds etc grown onsite of home farms or roofs for this and to sequester carbon dioxide from burning oil,gas and coal at home via pick up trucks owned by the centre.They can also send in uneaten food waste via trucks controlled by the centre.The species of Bambusoideae namely D.giganteus or even F.japonica,P.montana hybrids with will grow very high with all plants have the level of engineering as crops detailed later on to increase growth rates.To ensure levels of carbon dioxide remain constant once reduced to 280ppm the centres will burn fossil fuels such as methane and oil created by bacteria onsite that emits the gas into the atmosphere in levels equal to the amount of weeds etc grown outside or on its roof calculated by the AI that manages it interacting with Theoi Meteroi etc to prevent these fast growing plants taking in too much carbon dioxide from the atmosphere making them carbon neutral and not carbon negative.If need be the bacteria based fossil fuels can be grown onsite and then the smoke rerouted to areas indoors where the plants are grown hydro/aeroponcially to negate this and make it easier with the plants engineered to self propagate and regrow in response to harvesting and the work being easier to be automated with the fact that they will utilise and genetic engineering hydroponics and indoor lightening will increase yields and growth rate.Bacteria may ideally through genetic engineering make flour or fibrous material of these plants Bambusoideae namely D.giganteus or even F.japonica,P.montana and 3910,000 species of plants to increase yields for both compost and biochar fertiliser for compost and fertiliser grown onsite of Hegemone factories and community centres and also home,community and vertical farms.The fibrous material can be created by bacteria to allow for exponentionally higher yields when grown onsite than these plants grown hydroponically as the bacteria can create large amounts in a short amount of time and space especially when given genetic engineering to increase growth rates and yields.Thus bacteria can onsite of Hegemone factories and community centres create large amounts of fibrous material that can be composted by bacteria or made into biochar fertiliser by being pyrolysised that can negate the need for growing plants onsite of factories.Biochar for fertiliser and compost can be ordered in from pyrolysis plants.Preparation of all organic material will be done automatically onsite of community centres and Hegemone to make them smaller thus increasing the rate of which they are degraded as they would be in mulch form and would allow bacteria to more quickly degrade each small pieces of them into compost with the areas where it is grown have strong graphene stirrers covered in liquid glass that stirs the compost and at set time to introduce oxygen.All species of bacteria that degrades organic material into compost will through engineering will have DNA from faculatative anaerobes,anaerobes,obligate anaerobes,capnophiles and scratch DNA can be added to the bacteria genome to naturally use both carbon dioxide and oxygen as energy acceptors alongside nitrate(NO3−),fumarate,sulphate(SO42−),or sulphur(S).It would also make it easier to put the material into biochar systems.Thus through extensions on the roof,side and underground with ventilation systems community centres will house mobile systems and outdoor systems will create biochar,compost and algae that be stored in drums to be mixed into general rations or custom ratios.Each fertiliser type ie biochar,compost,algae will be automatically put into storage drums that can allow one to put it into their own buckets or even own drums in desired ratios that will then be taken own and constantly refilled when emptied and all process part of this fully automated from start to finish and managed by the community centre AI.In time biosynths managed by the building AI will take over any work not possible for automated systems.Community centres in all towns,villages and cities will all have in extensions alga farms that intake sewage from the main line in set amounts,mobile biochar units as well as composting units to make community,vertical and home farms self sufficient in their fertiliser needs with organic waste including uneaten food as well as Bambusoideae and weeds like F.japonica,P.montana,C.sativa grown hydroponically or flour from bacteria etc on the roofs of the centres used for biochar.Sulphur,potassium,nitrogen and other elements collected from SNOX filters on geothermal and fossil power plants that were pyrolysised and also those separated from human and animal waste in sewage and water treatment plants will be shipped here as well based on population sized or ideally from local power plants and organic waste and sewage treatment plants creating looped cycles where the elements are recycled from all local communities to be then reused by them.They will be stored onsite in vats to be added to each fertiliser batch.This should make homeowners community farms in all communities either rural or urban self sufficient in ones fertiliser and composting needs for both ornamental and crop plants with this and those created onsite of vertical farms and community centres will allow fertiliser and compost factories to be converted into homes.These will be ordered in via Hephaestus that does so from the nearest community centres,Hegemone factories or they can be picked up in person.Thus having both community centres through extensions can house automated systems and pyrolysis machinery and Hegemone factories can allow them to alleviate strains on each other with when orders them Aphrodite will decide to have it come from either both locally and around the world based on how busy they are.Home and community farms will create compost and fertiliser onsite to alleviate strains on Hegemone factories.One can choose to use drums used in a rotary system using delivery trucks or reusable seacell bags infused with graphene that are brought to community centres in person.Woodchips for bark and mulch to be placed on flowerbeds and mulch will be created by growing synthetic wood of all 60,065 species onsite of Hegemone factories where it can be put into chippers.Mulch and sawdust will be created by again by having synthetic wood created onsite of Hegemone factories and put through machinery to turn it into sawdust and mulch to be ordered in biosynth plastic packets with woodchips,mulch and sawdust also made onsite of home and community farms.Fertilisers both liquid and solid ones from Hegemone factories can be delivered in batches of methane or biosynth plastic containers of various sizes from 500ml to 10liters with compost,wood chips and mulch delivered in sacks of 50-100litres composed of methane and biosynth plastic.Those from community centres can have people go back and forth in person with reusable containers and sacks composed of these materials.Algae for phosphorus,nitrogen and potassium will be shipped to Hegemone factories and community centres from local ones or around the world via delivery vehicles with biochar for carbon ordered in from pyrolysis plants both local ones and from around the world or if possible bacteria can produce large amounts of fibrous material onsite of Hegemone factories and communities centres to be pyrolysised onsite.Existing brands of compost and fertilisers etc from around the world such as Micrale Gro etc including liquid fertilisers,slo release solid ball ones and solid fertilisers that need to diluted as well as fertilisers for large scale agriculture,specific crop types,those for ornamental plants and blood fertilisers etc will be analysed in automated labs and added to the database in Hegemone to have it replicated here and in picotech fabricators with orders of them from community centres made through Hegemone in Hephaestus that contains customised componants.All fertilisers and compost present will include existing recipes of all brands from around the world and them following the same evolutionary process as other products with customised ones for farmers,farm AIs and those designed by Aristeus,Tyche,Branchus and Cronus.It should also make communities again either rural or urban self sufficient in creating compost and soil at home and in community farms rendering all fertiliser and compost made by companies defunct.Each community member can collect it in person in their reusable and resealable secell/graphene sacks and drums or have automated trucks as part of the community AI at can deliver it to their home using a rotary system of drums using Demeter with all work in these automated from start to finish.One can order these through Demeter with community centres linked to this allowing one to chose from compost,algae or a mixture of these in desired ratios with again them using a rotary system of drums and all work automated onsite by at least 2029.Delivery vehicles will send kegs used in a rotary system back and forth between community centres and homes with Demeter used to order them connected to the AI of the community centre with if need be fertilisers and compost made onsite of Hegemone factories or both and ordered in from here in bulk for a months or years supply with them interacting with sewage treatment plants or be connected to the main sewage line and have a certain amount of organic waste sent in by interacting with the AIs of organic waste power plants.If need be they will be created onsite of Hegemone factories and ordered in seacell bags of 5-100kg or methane or biosynth based plastic containers with them being customised and existing branded fertilisers and compost following the evolutionary pattern of other products with the recipes of existing brands around the world analysed and stored on the database.They could be made in both community centres and Hegemone factories to alleviate strains on each other with them mixed with algae at home ordered in from sewage treatment plants or be sent to sewage treatment plants to be mixed onsite or this mixing done onsite of Hegemone factories or community centres.Drums may be used.Cronus via interacting with each consumers Hephaestus accounts will extrapolate their address and then arrange the kegs to be delivered to the nearest community centres and Hegemone factory and interacting with the AI of the community centre and Hegemone factory will return drums onsite owned by the consumer with if not availible then Cronus interacting with Hegemone and Euthenia will arrange to have centres and factories across the world used with one choosing which ones are free from around the world with transporter technology onsite of all centres and factories allowing drums sent to busy ones to be sent to non busy ones across the world and them back via transporter technology with transporter technology onsite of post offices and vertical farms also used.One will during choosing orders will choose to have what components as part of the fertilisers and compost there will be with if one chooses to have algae for nitrogen,phosphorous and potassium will have the drums stop off at sewage treatment plants to collect it or have algae deposited at community centres and Hegemone factories in drums to be mixed in or have community centres and Hegemone factories in taking a set amount of feces from the line that is grown in microfarms that have heaters and radiation machines with AI managing this.One could also order in algae in large drums from sewage treatment plants,as well as biochar from organic waste pyrolysis plants and mix them together with the algae also used as animal feed with community and vertical farms ordering in these automatically.Sewage treatment plants will have there own fleets of delivery trucks and transporter technology present for the same reason.Each centres and factories will have their own fleet of delivery trucks or vehicles to transport drums back and forth between homes,vertical farms and sewage treatment plants.Hegemone factories,community centres could act as stop that it would be sent to for processing beforehand before being sent to the consumer with automated machinery to turn into these present here.These kegs/drums would be sent back to the sewage treatment plant,Hegemone factories and community centres and multiple drums in a rotary system would be owned by homeowners as they would be designed on Hegemone and would utilise a rotary system with ones own drums having microchips denoting its size,owner and their address for the AI to know this details meaning one would reuse their own set of drums indefinitely.This biosynth microchip would interact with laptops and smart devices that send these details and also AI of community centres and factories and detail the size to allow it to know how much material to add into them,what material chosen to add and also the address to send them to.One for each order would choose what compost and fertiliser etc they want to receive.Vertical and community farms as well will have their own fleet of drums with them ordering them in automatically with them using other community centres etc if their local one is not full etc.All work will be automated from start to finish with zero labour managed by Aristeus,Cronus,Hegemone,Tyche,Hestia,Home AIs,farm AIs,sewage treatment plants AIs,Hegemone factory AIs etc interacting with each other across the world to ensure that deliveries can within a day or week.All work will be automated from start to finish.Community,forest,meadow and home farms in rural areas can make their own supply to alleviate strains on them with vertical farms even making some as well.Vertical,home and community farms will order in excess with excess traded with other community centres across the county,state,country,continent and even world based on supply and demand with each AI interacting with each other to distribute excess produced by one or more centres to others across the world with yields and amount traded on local to global levels logged into the centres AI.Vertical,community and meadow farms will even have rooms to make a certain amount of fertiliser and compost to ensure abundance and also some in between large orders to prevent scarcity and alleviate strains on Hegemone factories or community centres.Home systems in rural and urban private and communal homes in basements,storerooms and gardens can be still used and be smaller to compensate for each other and alleviate strains on these community centre and Hegemone systems thus preventing them being overexhausted by all community members with these both in rural areas and also suburban areas of all major cities around the world with rooftop gardens and basements in communal homes also using them and having their own miniaturised versions of all machinery using forces and urine from outside toilets,onsite biochar systems that pyrolysise waste food and miniature composting machinery for waste food to added.Miniature algae farms that intake a set amount of sewage will be present.These can be in gardens at the very edge and also in any nearby forests for suburban and rural community farms homes with urban homes and community farms housing them in underground extensions.This will ensure that each locales centre will have not too much going to waste and not too little preventing shortages and excess building up.Miniature algae and biochar systems at home can create it as well.Biochar can be used to create also high grade fertiliser when mixed in with algae from sewage treatment plants that can improve crop yields and aid in reforestation efforts and act as a soil amendment that helps it retain water and nitrogen,potassium and phosphorous reducing the amount needed preventing run off and leaching and reduce the amount of nitrogen,potassium and phosphorous.Phosphorous,nitrogen,potassium,copper and sulphur will be recycled via algae grown onsite of sewage and water treatment plants that can be reused over and over again as a fertiliser.This will negate the need for mining for nitrogen and phosphorus and possibly potassium if the algae can be tweaked to recyle all three essential nutrients such as phosphorus,nitrogen and potassium then it will be able to eliminate the need for mining all three nutrients from the Earth because the algae will directly convert feces and urine especially human feces directly into these three.Remaining livestock can through biosynths etc can have their urine and feces added to the sewage line or have pens have gratings that lead to underground areas that hold sewage in a tank covered in liquid glass that is pumped out regularly inti the sewage line.Pets will have feces and urine added to the sewage line as well especially through kitty litter if algae can degrade it.Prior to this homeowners who are going to grow crops at home will order in large stores of solid and liquid fertiliser and also compost online or from nurseries to stock up.Nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium for existing branded fertilisers will come from algae that has the nutrients extracted in the exact amounts and excess material turned into commercial products with picotech fabricators then being able to compliment algae for customised and branded fertilisers with all essential nutrients such as phosphorus,nitrogen,potassium,sulphur and copper etc.Oligotrophic DNA through forced evolution will lower fertiliser needs of most crops to about 90-99%.neofor Once picotech fabricators that use the Breit Wheeler process are perfected they will be built into vertical,home and community farms to allow copper,sulphur,phosphorous,potassium and nitrogen and other elements necessary for growth to be constructed on site with them mixed together or the fabricators could create all types of general,branded or custom fertilisers in one go mixed together to be then stored onsite with them creating a year,decade or even millenias supply of them in one go and stored their with the same applying to water and other requirements of crops such as compost made of organic and inorganic material created by picotech fabricators onsite thus alleviating strains on rivers,limited reserves etc and allow algae and biochar to be used to create graphene and animal and human feed.These fabricators will be onsite of all types of farms such as home,community,forest,meadow and vertical farms to create them for a years or even decades worth to be stored onsite with this eliminating scarcity of these nutrients.Branded fertilisers for Hegemone factories will have the nitrogen,phosphorus,potassium created onsite of Aphrodite buildings.Algea will still be used for fertiliser in most home,community and vertical farms as a lower energy cost source and will primarily be used for crops as once plants are eaten the nitrogen,phosphorus etc will be recycled in sewage treatment plants.Fertilser sourced from picotech fabricators will be primarily where ornamental plants get nitrogen with crops using algae based sources of nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium etc to create a looped system and as a lower energy cost source of it with them also using picotech sourced fertiliser to add extra algae.Home,community and vertical farms can order in coffee grounds created by bacteria and also sawdust sourced from synthetic wood from Hegemone and other factories as well as farms or grown onsite.Water and even customised soils can be made onsite of vertical and community farms via this way to alleviate strains on extracting water.Carbon dioxide can also be created alongside water by these fabricators and them reused in a looped system to prevent them being released into the atmosphere where they would affect the climate.Simulations should be done to see what effect adding this extra water to the hydrological cycle and weather patterns would do with the excess water removed via collecting water and adding it to looped systems and even splitting it into hydrogen and oxygen for other uses should any of this water escape via leaks and also transpiration of crops etc with interactions between Tyche,Theoi Meteroi,Urania and Branchus being constant to ensure all excess water that escapes is collected and used for other purposes.Nephalai and Aurai will monitor the levels of water vapour globally to carry out automated measures to keep the level of water vapour in the hydrological cycle constant.For home farmers who are growing ornamental plants and possibly crops one can use ones own urine as quick access fertiliser by simply urinating at least 500ml to litre or even less into a five to ten litre watering can then fill it up to the top to dilute it and then spread in the soil to give a slow release fertiliser rich in nitrogen etc that won’t cause fertiliser burn on demand in between orders of algae based fertiliser and in between batches made at home.If possible one could rather than doing this every day urinate in the watering can and then gradually refill a series of large drums in ones basement or garden that has a tap that can store at least 100 or more litres where in can be filled to the top and then in batches be filled into watering cans of the same dilution as detailed again to have a large supply of fertiliser with it created in large batches to allow it to last for a few months or year that can alleviate strains on orders from sewage treatment plants.Specialised septic tanks can be built into private and communal homes and community farms that are connected to the main sewage line that collect and in the case of communal and private homes directly from the home a set amount of urine and feces or either only feces or only urine from homes etc as decided by the home AI that have the urine and feces treated to blasts of radiation and high temperatures to kill off pathogenic bacteria and parasites etc that can be then extracted using piping connected to drums etc with taps to be put into watering cans and diluted and spread over ornamental plants and crops.They would be coated with liquid glass to prevent clogs and cleaning that will automatically refill when pressure plates inside denote it is empty with these also denoting when full with all operations automated.Graphene stirrers through mechanical action will routinely stir the feces and urine automatically or by hand and semi automatically to keep it in a liquid state to not go hard or clog the tank with toilet paper dealt with by sieves etc preventing it entering the tank and continuing to the sewage line as normal through measures developed by AI.Liquid mixtures of water and bacteria that form a clear broth that can break down toilet paper can be added that breaks down toilet paper and keep urine and feces soft by partially breaking it down will be added with measures done to capture gas released for energy.Feces from pets and livestock left in gardens,pens and indoors can be picked up using gloves and kitchen paper and deposited into pots of plants and into the grounds of plants in gardens to allow rainwater and water from watering cans to wash it into the soil and release the nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium gradually with the feces using gloves be crushed into a mush and/or put into watering cans to allowing it to be diluted with water into a watery mix to be then spread onto pots of soil and soil in gardens.This can alleviate strains on orders of algae fertiliser for ornamental plants and that in between orders of that for picotech fabricators.Studies can be performed in soil grown crops and and those reared in hydroponic and aquaponic media as to the best fertiliser to use for each crop and each species  of ornamental crop reading method ie soil,hydroponics,aquaponics,aeroponics etc such as urine,algae,direct elemental based branded compositions such as Miracle Gro etc and those used in intensive farming done in vertical,home and community farms around the world using different concentrations,climates,soil types and soil micro-organisms including new species made from scratch as well as different genetic augmentations to utilise the nutrients more efficiently without causing fertiliser burn and also require less nutrients.This will allow home,vertical and community farms to utilise the best fertiliser for each grown crop and ornamental plant.Micro-organisms that aid in the growth and overall health of each individual species of crops and ornamental plants including new ones created by Phanes can be printed out by 3D DNA printers onsite of vertical,home and community farms etc and those onsite public buildings and interstellar vehicles etc grown in nutrient broth and then poured into the soil etc or injected into them.Eggs of Oligochaetes and invertebrates in the soil for the overall health and increased yields of all crops and ornamental plants can be created by 3D DNA printers in home and community farms.Native dpecies of Oligochaetes in order to ensure biochar works as a fertiliser etc can be given recombinant DNA from Pontoscolex corethrurus to allow them to be able to be carrying out the same powdering and incorporation of charcoal debris in the mineral soil.

Picotech fabricators will be able to mass produce nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium and other key nutrients for crops alongside compost in an unlimited scale

Organic herbicides,fungicides,pesticides and also bactericides will be homemade thus allow those made by corporations to be obsolete and allow their factories to become homes.All existing branded herbicides,fungicides,pesticides and also bactericides from around the world can have their recipes added to Hegemone in Hephaestus and be created in local Hegemone factories and ordered in from these factories.Bacteria will synthesis them via recombinant DNA for natural ones or anabolic and catabolic reactions for synthetic ones with humans made immune to any potentially toxic ones via bacteria exposed to them in continuously larger amounts to gain resistance and the new genes and to all people,wildlife and pets etc.Non toxic compounds will be researched that include existing ones that affect them like more toxic ones ie vinegar that kill only leaves can be modified via nanoparticles to enter the plant and act like glysophate in Round Up and travel to and kill the roots with if possible microbes printed out that when sprayed onto the the leaves enter the roots and kill them via using CRISPR to transfer suicide genes to them or synthesise natural compounds that kill them.Pesticides could contain caffeine created by bacteria with recombinant DNA from Coffea that is sprayed on plants or on actual insects as insects are killed by it.If possible for herbicides and pesticides species specific microbes printed out in home 3D DNA printers that mixed with water will invade the leaves and roots and kill them both off in plants and kill only specific pests and not beneficial insects from the inside out.If possible plants can be injected via syringes,via biosynth arthropods into leaves or the roots with species specific microbes that when they enter pests eating the plant release synthetic or natural insecticides that are only toxic to them and also use CRISPR treatments using suicide genes with the microbes programmed to die upon the plant being harvested or cooked.Ornamental plants and crops will as stated be given DNA from A.tumefaciens via injected microbes via arthropods and the roots in the soil etc to make them resistant to glysophate thus allowing them to fitted with this via CRISPR and allow Round-up to sprayed on gardens with humans and pets also made resistent to it.However CRISPR can be used to transfer resistance to fungal,bacterial and viral pathogens using trans and cis genics and also scratch DNA with if possible crops can be given by CRISPR a fully functioning immune system and then inoculated with species specific microbes that can be able to immunise them against all pathogens like in humans with them also fighting off pathogens using natural antibacterial,antiviral and antifungal compounds as well as CRISPR treatments.Live ornamental plants in existing gardens will be given these phenotypes and repellance to pests via microbes injected into leaves or in a water mixture in roots.All future ornamental plants will have this fully functioning immune system integrated into their DNA when created onsite of all vertical farms.This can reduce labour in making organic fungicides,bactericides and viricides and repellance and pests engineered to feed on weeds will negate the need for creating pesticides.As detailed engineering pests to feed on weeds and adding repellance to crops will make herbicides and pesticides defunct as it will allow pests to feed on weeds thus allowing pests aid farmers by decimating weeds and also them not feeding on crops.

It can also aid people in making custom made fungicides.

Insecticides too can be made at home in bulk with insect repellent plants being used to repel pests.

All of these can be made in bulk for the community and the individual at home or in community centres to make them self sufficient in vats with taps.As explained earlier transgenics can allow repellents and fungal,viral and bacterial resistance to be transferred into both crop and ornamental plants.Fungal,bacterial and viral pathogens of wild and ornamental plants as well as native ones be dealt with in time by at least 2029-2045 biocomaptible microbes inoculated via injection into stem,bark or via watering the roots with a mixture of microbes that can attack them in the same way as in humans using antiviral,antibacterial and antifungal compounds as well as CRISPR treatments.The microbes can via using CRISPR can give all plants in the wild and in homes gardens primitive or fully functional immune system similar to humans via gene drive technology and using the common proteins method immunising strains that can allow them to be immunised against all viral,bacterial and fungal pathogens with this applying to even live plants in gardens and the wild.This would render fungicides etc defunct.They could also be used in scientific studies done by gardeners in which determine the best individual elemental ratio composition of fertilisers for each plant in different environmental conditions replicating specific climates and weather conditions of a region which can be done in automated nurseries.Containers and sprayers can be 3D printed and reused forever to cut down on waste.As result of these being made at home or in community centres sections in garden centres and nurseries that house these and other interior and exterior decorations such as candles(which can be homemade) etc can be converted into homes.

All types of branded fertilisers,compost,pesticides etc once their recipes are analysed in labs and uploaded to the Hegemone network of Hephaestus will be created and ordered in from Hegemone factories