Public Amenities

Seats and luxury boxes will be given on a first come first serve basis with e-tickets ordered through the Pasithea app and scanned in at ticket booth through the smart devices.Smart devices will interact with the building intranet to access information such as schedules of future events,maps to find seats and order food and drinks.Food will come in the form of automated restaurants with beer and alcohol drinks restricted by iSample software and facial recognition software limiting the amount of alcohol sold to one individual linked to all nightclubs and bars in the same city.Also drone waiters could serve and individual food and drinks and direct it to their seat with the smart devices location and seat triangulated via interactions with the amenity AI which will be recorded on an app with the food ordered via the same app via the same app that contains all their e-tickets with their seat number with waste also collected by these same drones.Robots based on hot dog salesmen can be developed called again to the person location using smart devices with these robots also having extendable arms.All stairs should ideally be converted into slopes to prevent accidents involving robots and also aid in the quick escape of the public during emergencies.Alternatively drinks could be made at home and stored in steel kanteen and snacks prepared at home and stored in zip lock bags stored in a carry bag.Biosynths could be used to replace food and drink venders.Human or biosynth referees will be present.

Automated cameras will be complimented by drones that can lock onto the ball and the section it is currently(or lock onto different vehicles) in and in time do zoom close ups of specific players etc with improvements in artificial intelligence replacing cameramen in the filming of all sports such as team sports(football,soccer,cricket,basketball),one on one sports(fighting,boxing,fencing),racing(Moto GP,NASCAR,Formula 1)and physical sports(gymnastics,swimming) completely using either one or multiple drones at a time.Smart contact lenses (or googles in the case of skiers and snowboarders)worn by the athletes/fighters in all sports and those on drivers helmets in vehicles can be used to see from the point of view of them at time(with the initials of the player or competitor on the bottom of the screen)with software switching between them and drones automatically and replays of certain events done automatically too.This would also apply to the Olympics during all events.Otherwise via settings menus on Dionysus viewers themselves can switch between any of the the cameras they wish to see during all of it or certain points present in contact lenses,googles and cameras in helmets,ontop of vehicles on their roof or the various drones recording the event.Cameras that can sArtemis 180 degrees can be placed at key points above the stand where the public are seated and 360 degree cameras on poles in the centre area of the stadium.It may even apply to horse riding with them able to switch between the point of view of both jockeys and even their horses.Graphene neural implants will allow viewers to experience the senses,pain and emotions of the athlete they are connected to giving fuller immersion.Greyhound and horse racing stadiums can be used for other purposes since this sport will become obsolete as they are played purely for profit.They can be dismantled and reforested or used as sports stadiums or converted into communal homes via removing the stands and stairs with the centre area converted into a communal crop or ornamental garden or the stands removed and multiple floors built from one side to the other.Both horses and greyhounds will be traded on Euthenia as pets or retire in community farms and possibly even in the case of horses eaten or left to return to the wild in grasslands and even reforested forests.All sports events worldwide will be livestreamed into Dionysus.

Advancements in VR technology especially if sufficiently advanced to the point that it is indistinguishable to real life could allow one to be in a virtual court where the event is playing allowing countless millions to attend it virtually at once from the comfort of their home.This VR technology would even allow one to virtually attend them in an infinite number of virtual arena from the comfort of their home with friends and family if sufficiently advanced to be indistinguishable from reality with them hooked to each other via links in the app used to order tickets.It will also allow people to have access to desired seats such as boxes in multi layered simulations.Since Dionysus will contain sports channels using this app fans can watch live games on televisions,computers and all smart devices.Cameras in the sides of stadiums will film the sports events and allow people from the comfort of home to attend sports events and view it in real time thus allowing people to through multilayered simulations have ideal seats including in boxes to get the best view.In time entire games will be done in VR simulations with pain,tiredness etc felt by athlethes allowing an infinite amount of people to attend them.

Smart clothing and smart armour will be worn by all athletes in all sports such as football,soccer,boxing, gymnastics,snowboarding,skiing,wrestling and swimming to monitor heart rate and vital signs for studies by them as well as to prevent injury and alert healthcare staff and droids to their health should they fall outside normal parameters due to injury,heart conditions,seizures and SADS.Layers of this smart armour will also be present in several layers inside graphene/carbyne helmets to prevent head injuries for those that require helmets in particular snowboarder and skiing as well as american football,rugby and hockey.Also present in all stadiums for all sports will be miniature defibrillators,first aid kits and CPR machines that interacting with these smart clothing will alert other players and others present to them and directions of use.Robotic stretchers can be called via a button next the devices or via serious changes in the vital signs of injured or fallen athletes with in time medical droids and biosynths controlled by the stadium AI and give them basic first aid that will in all of these cases alert the nearest hospital AI via Pemphredo alerted immediately through the smart clothing and alerts made by others present with even a quick route to the lobby from the field to use the local landline phone.This will also apply to NASCAR,Formula 1 and Moto GP racing stadiums with the vehicles they drive composed of graphene,covered with graphene paint and have graphene integrated into the windshields,tyres,visors in helmets with formula one vehicles having a retractable windshield with graphene in its matrix for extra protection to prevent serious injuries and causalities.Formula 1,NASCAR and Moto GP drivers will also wear smart clothing with smartarmour with their helmets also composed of graphene and having layers of smart armour inside for extra protection with layers of graphene also in the fibres of uniform to offer extra protection.Compartments inside will release FireIce that will be released when a smoke or fire is detected by nanosensors to prevent fatal explosions with electric batteries lessening or eliminating explosions.Otherwise Autofireman will be employed.Helite Airbag vests will also be present in motorcyclists and NASCAR racers to lessen injuries with layer of graphene in the matrix of their clothing to relay vital signs and prevent punctures to their skin.All of this would apply to cyclists.The changing of tyres,reapplying tyre pressure and also even charging of batteries will be automated by at least 2029 negating any human labour with any robots etc interacting with the onboard computer etc involving robots from vehicle Selene factories and in time biosynths.Tyres having graphene in its matrix and other measures may negate the need for pit stops entirely.

Sports stadiums will be cleaned by cleaner robots with bipedal versions of cleaning robots and garbage collecting drones and robots.This robots will be equipped with either human feet or caterpillar tracks that can navigate steps.Surfaces such as seats,flooring and walls will be sprayed with graphene paint to generate electricity and prevent rust,then a permanent layer of liquid glass to make cleaning easier and then an anti-graffiti coating to prevent graffiti sticking(this coating will be over the liquid glass as the silica will repel water thus preventing the ability for graffiti to be cleaned if is the other way around)and cleaned with robotic sprayers with liquid glass under this coating optional to prevent the buildup of dirt.Cameras on drones that routinely patrol the stadium seats and grass will be fitted with software will detect build up of dirt,rubbish on seats/floors/grass as well as graffiti and report this to the stadium AI that will send appropriate robots.Liquid glass sprayed on windows will prevent fogging on them and also the build up of dirt preventing them to be cleaned and when sprayed on seats and steps will make cleaning of both steps and seating much easier to automate.Packaging will be kept to a minimum to prevent the amount of waste created by food and toilets will be managed in the same manner as airports,public buildings,cities and restaurants as explained earlier on.Robot lawnmowers ideally larger versions of Robomow that are stored in their own compartment in a storeroom for all cleaner robot will mow the lawn routinely and will deposit the grass in a bag that or other robot that will transport it to local community farms for use as animal feed especially during the winter months putting it to good use.All grass in all stadiums worldwide will be fitted with or replaced with those with oligotrophic,xerophile DNA alongside that from Firmicutes to make them survive droughts and extended periods of low nutrients and even require less water.Ice rinks can also be cleaned automatically this way.All robots in this room will be charged by wireless induction plates and interact with automatic doors to allow them to do their work at any time of the day when the stadium is empty and no games are being played.Smart clothing can be used by athletes to measure their temperature and heart rate during play and also smart armour clothing to prevent injury.The software that will link and manage all stadiums around the world will be named Agon after the goddess of victory with the symbol of a wreath on the AI and apps associated with it in terms of ordering e-tickets and holding schedules of events.This will also be the sentient operating software linking all boxing,UFC and other sports stadiums alongside any buildings used to train athletes of all types for all sports.A universal statue of her will be in all stadiums around the world.It will link Hermes to Dionysus and Athena specifically the networks containing recorded sports events and Agoge events.Stadiums will have a wreath as their symbol alongside the universal symbol of their sport they deal with in the centre ie basketball for basketball,horse for hores riding,bull for bullfighting,baseball for baseball,GAA symbol for hurling and Gaelic football stadiums,AFL logo for AFL stadiums and so on(greyhound racing will disappear as it purely driven by profit and so they can be used for other sports).This will be the symbols for them on maps as well as on signs next to them.

In time VR simulations with real life physics will be allow all games of all sports including the Olympics to played in them with normal physics allowing them to be converted into communal homes with these simulations managed by Agon.This will negate the wasteful construction of Olympic villages and stadiums which end up abandoned.Existing abandoned Olympic stadiums and villages will have all buildings including stadiums converted into luxury communal homes with all ski slopes and sports fields etc recycled and reforested with other buildings such as retail outlets and housing will renovated into communal homes or if possible private homes with large outdoor pools turned into communal pools with indoor pools integrated into communal homes that their building it is part of with floors of suites,kitchens etc built above the pool in the space in between the pool and ceiling with more suites on the roof via extensions.Those turned into water parks will be renovated into communal homes and the water pool integrated into the home with floors of suites,dining halls,kitchens added with those turned into communal pools will have the same done.Stadiums for soccer,basketball,American football and all other sports including boxing,karate etc will be turned into communal homes since they will be played in VR simulations by having the seating area removed and recycled and the roof closed in over the field once the field is covered in flooring forming a large circular/cylinderical building with sloped roof replaced with flat roofs with all internal space turned into a large hotel style area with communal lobbies,kitchens,dining halls and suites.NASCAR and Formula 1 racing will take place entirely in VR simulations managed by Agon for safety reasons as any crashes will not be fatal with normal physics used and can allow for an infinite mount of courses.This will allow all racetracks to be reforested once the tarmac is dug up with seating areas demolished and any buildings either demolished or turned into homes and all land surrounding them to be reforested.Greyhound and horse racing tracks made obsolete by money disappearing will follow suit with all seating areas demolished and obstacles and fencing recycled with the land reforested and buildings either demolished or converted into homes.Arenas used for showjumping for horses will follow suit again with all seating areas demolished and obstacles and fencing recycled with the land reforested and buildings either demolished or converted into homes since these will be performed in VR simulations managed by Agon.Agon will the sentient operating software that monitors and hosts all VR simulations for all sports such as NASCAR,Formula 1,horse showjumping,Olympics events and all sports such as cricket,football,soccer,basketball etc

These will be ordered the same way as usual but without money being used in other wards a first come,first serve basis securing seats and events with e-tickets ordered via the Pasithea app and scanned at the door.Unlike in current currency based systems videotaping will be allowed ideally through google glasses which can record the entire show such as a play,ballet,musical and concert.In fact each concert hall,opera house and theatre around the world including well known prestigious ones(Broadway,West End) and small town amateur ones will have at least a 1080p camera system above the audience.These will also be set up in park renditions of plays etc and also opera houses and theatres in universities and also hotels and those in schools converted into homes with even abandoned theatres etc renovated to their former glory will have these.Tests will be done to determine the best location for them and best camera used for each theatre to allow for the best view of productions ensuring all scenes are visible and heard clearly.These will be coated in a permanent layer of liquid glass to prevent fogging up and cleaning which will record the show in the exact middle which will be then uploaded to Dionysus(or the theatres YouTube account) for remote viewing allowing it to reach a wider audience and actors to gain more exposure with this upload to their YouTube accounts either in full or in collages of all their work to gain more work which they can post in networks where live art is organised in Dionysus with them able to post portfolios and auditions for productions occurring worldwide with them able to travel via the Ophion System to the actual theatres.Otherwise for very new actors they can simply send links to the full work of their first work as well as acting out scenes from old or homemade work.These both would apply to all performances whether amateur/community level theatres up to Broadway,the West End and the professionals and include those from around the world based on local mythologies and folklore ensuring the public gets a wide variety of live art from around the world with different versions and iterations of each piece in the pieces files in Dionysus and allowing people from around the world to audition for ballets,plays and other live art that is taking place around the world from the comfort of their home.These networks like movies and video games etc will allow the producers to organise behind the scenes features and all aspects of the work from their home with people around the world.The organisation of musicals,operas and ballets will be done with soundtracks and recordings of original and historical productions(where no audio/visual recording exists)in their folders of the live art section the files subfolder with and extra materials in subfolders within these with existing live audio/visual recordings of a piece old and new having their own folder and again extra material be in subfolders.All renditions of a live performance arts pieces(organised by type and sub type and then composer/writer):ballet,operas,musicals,plays will be grouped by year of the rendition/recording and by what theatre with programmes for each rendition in subfolders of these.Actors in musicals,theatre and other live art would also have their own YouTube channels wherein they would upload all their live media either in full or with scenes containing them in order to act as a portfolio for future prospective roles negating the need for agents and public relations.Ergo allowing live performance art in all levels from amateur to the prestige of the highest levels will allow actors to gain more exposure.The pieces file in Dionysus could also house extra material similar to those on professional Blu-ray DVDs such as behind the scenes features,auditions,interviews,analytical documentaries the piece,directors and actor commentaries for each production also visible in sub folders in Dionysus.The programme of the piece can be downloaded remotely at home for live viewings as well as from the building AI for those at the theatre.Furthermore television channels that focus on the arts will no longer exist with all live art in their archives transferred to Dionysus alongside those on YouTube and the servers recycled.In the case of music artists their individual performances at festivals and concerts will also be placed on their own channel with rock festivals also having their own channel for each yearly festival with previous concerts and festivals from the past also published here in both cases.Actors can wear google smart lenses that contain the entire script of a play or musical that they are taking part in with it streaming along while they are performing the piece with their individual lines highlighted to prevent them forgetting their lines while performing.Neural implants will allow the audience both there and at home to intake senses of characters while lenses will allow them to see the performance from their point of view with those using augmented reality lenses at home or using recorded renditions choose which actor or camera to see and experience the event through their eyes.Clothing used can be developed and stored in Hephaestus with those from old performances of plays,musicals etc scanned in either by hand or via product recognition software and in turn edited with the same applying to props,furniture,masks and backgrounds.Motion capture sensor suits will allow dancers to practice dances for ballets and musicals(see later).Programmes and brochures of all plays,musicals etc currently taking place will be streamed from the building AI or remotely at home via the wire on e-newspapers and saved on ones personal cloud or hard drive to negate the need for creating them for paper with interactive features added to them as well.The building AI could also interact with smart devices holding their e-ticket to bring up a map on request to guide them to where their seats are located using a plotted line and markers representing both the seat and the audience member.Networks can be set up within Dionysus will allow producers to organise extra features,create posters and programmes and allow people from around the world to post portfolios and auditions similar to movies and television shows.Theatres will use graphene signs,posters and marquees to stream the coming and playing attractions to save on paper.All opera houses and theatres around the world from amateur ones to the top leagues including Broadway will house a statue of Thalia/Melopieme.Thalia/Meloplieme will be the sentient operating software of theatres for plays,musicals,ballets with Polyhymnia/Euterpe being the operating software for concert halls that house orchestral events with their statues present in the lobby.These two softwares will be an amalgamation of these two deities in each case with them also being separate from each other in each case with them also managing VR simulations for them.All human workers will be volunteers until 2045 when biosynths arrive.Snack bars and bars for drinking drinks will be automated with them ordering in food and drinks from local vertical farms and Deipneus factories and in time made self sufficient via non alcoholic and alcoholic drinks made is bacteria in vats and nanobreweries.Ideally non alcoholic drinks will be created and served in between breaks with alcoholic ones served after performances with extensions housing not only larger bars but also lounges to rest and discuss things before and after performances.Snacks will be negated due to it interupting the performance and creating a mess.All opera houses and theatres in the real world will remain open in the real world for authenticity and will house underground extensions to house dozens of Venetian suites and communal kitchens to allow actors to sleep in them overnight between productions and practice runs.This will also allow them to double as drama schools where newbie actors can learn acting for all media especially live performance art and movies etc with all opera houses and theatres etc undergoing luxury renovations such as all seating if possible replaced with those of synthetic native woods and bioprinted leather and carpeting replaced by luxury wood etc that all can be covered with liquid glass making them dirt,water,oil proof and resistant to UV lights placed on the ceilings to sterilise them in sterilising sweeps.Toilets will renovated to luxury standards with luxury tiling etc and the building made energy and water efficient and all plugs replaced with Type G ones.These will be covered in Restoration Nation.All areas and rooms will be renovated to luxury standards.All abandoned theatres and opera houses around the world will be renovated to luxury standards etc again covered in Restoration Nation

With regards to music festivals and rock concerts they too will also be recorded and streamed live with the advancements of holographic projections allowing for live concerts to be viewed remotely in indoor(homes,community centres,halls etc) and outdoor venues around the world as well as holographic technology at home or public buildings with wireless earphones and headphones that allow the performance to private to one or multiple again using sensors placed on the clothing of performers and live feeds of the highest quality music.Again smart contact lenses and glasses linked to wireless earphones can stream audio will allow people at home to see the event in holographic form or from cameras or even from individual band members and musicians that are on stage.This will also allow for an individual artist or band to project a concert around the world in various venues live simultaneously at the various venues as part of their concert tour around the world.Upcoming artists will book a place amongst established ones via contacting with them also arranging concerts via Gaia.They will also be streamed live from Dionysus on smart televisions,computers,and all smart devices with the event stored within Dionysus indefinitely with older concerts held here divided by artists or event/festival.Like in the case of sports stadiums drones and cameras will be at different points and the viewer can choose which camera to see the event through.Simply put they will be able to perform at different venues at once with each concert visible around the world with an artist including budding ones gain more exposure across the world and increasing the amount of people they reach during their tours.Advancements in VR technology especially if sufficiently advanced to the point that it is indistinguishable to real life could allow one to be in a virtual concert hall or venue where the event is playing allowing countless millions to attend it virtually at once from the comfort of their home in an infinite amount of generated venues with them hooking up with friends via the Pasithea app that ordered tickets.This would negate the need for setting up venues for rock concerts at all and thus allow musicians to be exposed to millions of fans at once especially music festivals.It can thus negate the need for setting up outdoor venues especially for music festivals and allow the land to be reforested indefinitely.This can greatly increase the amount of fans able to see them in concert during a tour or festival thus preventing overcrowding and can also apply to theatres and concert halls with regards to musicals,plays ,orchestras(or even just conductors),comedians in comedy clubs and ballet etc.with sensors built into clothing that instantly relay it to other venues but at the same time record it so concert halls and other venues can also play holographic renditions of any recorded live performance art stored on the Dionysus network when any major productions are not taking place around the world or at any time during the day in between major productions so that there is always something on(these recordings can also be streamed onto home projectors,computers and smart devices at home).E-tickets will be registered at the holographic receptionist at all music venues,stadiums,concert halls and using google glasses and wireless ear and headphones can take personalised tours when live shows are not playing via the building AI using e-newspapers(functioning much like it would in cities to travel to a desired spot as explained earlier) and wireless earphones and google glasses.E-newspapers would also be used to stream programme of performances they are currently viewing and also those that are advertising those that are going to be held in the future which can be downloaded into the device from the buildings intranet for viewing at home.They could also stream maps of the venue showing the location of toilets,stages,automated food kiosks etc. and ones self with the times and location of certain events listed and marked by a countdown.Automated cleaning robots can be used to clean up waste and poop scooping robots collect it on demand with mobile robot trashcans patrolling hallways.Liquid glass sprayed on surfaces and windows will negate the need for cleaning.Since robots will maintain them these venues could operate 24/7,365 days a year.Maps and programmes will be streamed in e-newspapers through the venue AI by those in attendance with those at home streaming it from the special features subfolders.

Portable toilets will be deposited by automated vehicles prior to the event and emptied routinely during the event by robots via sensors or pressure plates indicating when they are reaching full capacity with the waste then emptied into municipal sewage plants by robots also covered internally with liquid glass that connecting to connectors at the bottom and empty them.Touchscreen menus will relay when they are full of feces and thus operational and also when closed and locked.They will be sprayed internally and externally by a layer of permanent liquid glass to allow rainwater to wash the outside out and prevent graffiti stains with the interior washed in the same manner as those in cities as stated earlier on.Internal narrow wavelength UV lights will sterilise them with robots and biosynths monitoring them when they are unlocked to clean them and restock toilet paper ideally them connecting to each other by connecting points on the sides to a vehicles that collects the waste present in all of them at once at set times or when one or two are full which can then dock at nearby buildings that are connected to the local sewage plant with all piping etc coated internally in liquid glass.Otherwise these these pipes connected to this connected chain of toilets would be connected to local buildings sewer pipes via graphene infused piping and tubing with these coated internally in liquid glass to prevent clogs and connected to the local sewage plants via local buildings with these piping stored in local buildings or where the portable toilets are stored.Ideally these toilets would be large ones enough to hold a sizeable amount of sewage,narrow UV lights hand cleaners,sinks,and toilet paper or jets that clean the anal cavity with them also connected to the local water supply in nearby buildings via piping to supply water for flushing and .When an event is booked at multiple arenas booked for holographic viewing they will deposited at them by robots automatically in groups at strategic points decided by software or the public and emptied of waste each night with them removed and put in storage in nearby storage buildings in local buildings for the next concert or event.Further advances can allow the setting up of concert stages to set up and constructed and speakers etc set up by robots and 3D printers detailed earlier on with diagnostics of all equipment and even wiring done routinely and automatically each morning and in between each act with this relayed to the the organiser and the AI of the city.The city AI will give permission for these once booked with the mayor AI also organising the construction,maintenance and deconstruction of stage and will use robots,biosynths and drones to do this alongside monitor the area with drones and robot dogs from local law enforcement also monitoring the area.As stated diagnostics will be performed before,during and after each act and also during quiet time with these logged in relevant folders of the city AI with inspections done by drones,robots etc on wiring et with the stage ideally of graphene.All possible faults from previous concerts will be analysed by the AI as well as all possible problems that could occur to prevent accidents.In time wirelessly interacting and self charging speakers and lighting will be set up to negate most work with them held in place by graphene screws etc.Musicians can hook up equipment and lights that can allow them to pre-programmed light settings or etc to occur automatically at set times,during set times or set audio cues or words and parts,neural implants during a song being played negating humans to do this work.Aerial drones that have long lasting batteries can be used to broadcast them from various angles locking at musicians alongside automated cameras with the viewers at home being able to choose what camera or drone to view through via their settings.These can be charged by wireless induction plates in rotary systems and also through self charging technologies.VR technology would negate the need for venues being set up and allow millions of people to attend them from home and the event streamed into Dionysus.

Comedy clubs operated by Thaila/Melpolieme and with their statue in the lobby will also have 1080p cameras that record each show that will be uploaded to Dionysus within the same folders as comedy sketch shows in its own macro folder and subfolders for each club then subdivided by production by year,month,week.This will allow budding comedians to gain exposure with their YouTube account allowing them to produce sketches to post in the form of portfolios sent to the building intranet maintained by the local comedies and then AI with these used to form portfolios for comedy sketch shows.Schedules for show can be viewed by accessing the intranet.

Coats can be placed in an automated cloakroom containing rotary coat hangers in a room with a number that has a number and microchip for each clothes holder above it(with it moving to reveal empty slots each time one is put on) the number saved for the person when they book e-tickets within the Pasithea app.When they person places it on a hanger the number/e-ticket is sent to their app account and then when they leave they go to their account and push a button within the Pasithea app dealing with the hangers which will then spin the automated hanger machine around revealing their specific coat or jacket.Facial recognition software on the persons smart devices can add extra security.

Museums will again be maintained by volunteers and historians with holographic receptionists(who give e-tickets) and tour guides allowing them to be open 24/7,365 days.With priceless art having only cultural value and no monetary value and all of them in private art and photo collections will be returned to museums with the advancements in scanning,robotics and 3D printing allowing for replicas of all physical art such as statues,archaeological artefacts from all periods of history all the way back to prehistory such as artefacts,fossils,skeletons and bodies of humans and animals extant and extinct,paintings, relics,pottery,frescoes,mosaics, statues,standing stones, reliefs,engravings,clothing,jewellery,chalices,sports cups,treasure etc and even tapestries to be made widely available to the public(which can be altered) once scanned into their relevant sub networks in Hephaestus.Tests can be done to test the authenticity of them to track down authentic ones.Photos in other public buildings such as bars,restaurants and even private homes can be scanned into Apollo and the originals sent to museums with the same applying to diaries of historical value.Selfies and alterations of them in Pandora can allow for customised versions to be made all saved in their relevant sub-networks of Hephaestus and unalterable versions moved into Apollo.Entire temples and ruins can even be scanned into Daedalus within Hephaestus where they can be downloaded and altered and customised while unaltered originals(including holograms of entire buildings and ruins of historical value)will be put into Apollo simultaneously which cannot be altered only viewed on holographic technologies,computers and smart devices which can be rotated 360 degrees.This may also apply to antiques,Faberge eggs and private jewellery collections(except those of personal familial non historical importance like heirlooms which will also be scanned into both Apollo and Hephaestus can also be put into museums)alongside memorabilia and other material such as baseball cards found at home stored in their relevant Hephaestus and Apollo sub-networks to allow the general public access to them and replicas.Advancements in holographic technology will allow for sculptures to be scanned in and viewed remotely at home or in other museums in a varying amount of sizes alongside replicas with this including hololens and other holographic technologies with these divided by museum.All original physical art including those made by amateur and upcoming artists would be stored in Apollo including those found at home and public places and would automatically uploaded to Hephaestus where reproductions can be made.Even slabs of meteorites,gemstomes,blocks of minerals and jewellery will be uploaded to both networks with them created in the exact chemical composition and shape and again altered.Daphne,Galatea and similar software can be used to prevent altered versions from going to Apollo and only Hephaestus with any infractions resorted into their relevant networks and sub networks by these software.This will apply to all types of museums around the world both old and new and volunteers that look after them can scan in the items in them as they would know how to handle them delicately and as stated above allow replicas to be made locally and allow people view exhibits from around the world in holoprojecters and smart devices.Those present in famous palaces,churches as well as other religious buildings and castles will also be scanned into the networks of Apollo and Hephaestus alongside pieces of furniture alongside those from media such as video games,television shows,movies etc.This holoprojection technology and other technology will allow people to view the contents of museums from around the world using smart devices and holoprojections but until then one can using a virtual tour visit any exhibit on their computers.VR technology even allow one to virtually attend any museum around the world from the comfort of their home with friends and family if sufficiently advanced to be indistinguishable from reality.Newer non historical museums devoted to modern art will likely be converted into homes since they could be visited this way and even be larger and the size of a skyscraper with older historical museums left as they are.The contents of modern art museums will be sent to existing historical ones alongside relevant material from abandoned buildings renovated into homes with new art visible in VR simulations.Thus existing historical museums will have side,roof and underground extensions to house art from modern art museum.Physical art in abandoned buildings will be sent to museums as well.Abandoned museums will become new ones once refurbished to their former glory.With regards to artists who produce physical art such as paintings,sculptures etc once finished they can scan it into Apollo for it to be downloaded into e-posters with them also sent to a universal modern art museum VR simulation that has infinite floors thus allowing any artist to gain instant international exposure with one subscribing to their favourite artist.With the lack of need for financial survival there will be an explosion of new art of all types such as paintings,sculptures,holoscupltures that are both homemade scanned into Hephaestus and Apollo and those designed on Pandora with these VR museums catering to this explosion with the simulation allowing portal keys to allow one to quickly move to a desired museum within one building.Ideally simulations will consist overtime of a single building dedicated to one artist divided into wings for each type of art with extensions added overtime as they create new art.This would be a planet or galaxy sized multilayered simulation that will house entire cities devoted to the physical arts.Galatea will arrange all of these simulations.

Rare memorabilia,props,rare baseball cards,items owned,furniture,paintings,sculpture and antiques in celebrity specific museums,sports museums and even home museums ie.birth places and residences of famous individuals and public figures will also be scanned into both Apollo and Hephaestus with those in private collections sent to museums giving the public access to them alongside any antiques and physical art and location specific items in government buildings not seen by the public.Cave paintings,mosaics and frescoes will also be scanned into Apollo and Hephaestus alongside lost,stolen and missing or destroyed physical art such as statues and ceramics and paintings now relegated to photos and video files such as those stolen from Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum and destroyed contents Mosul Museum via Aphrodite product recognition software with the replicas placed in museums and scanned into Apollo and Hephaestus with replicas placed in museums.

Holosculptures and 3D printed objects will allow artists to create designs and sculptures not possible by human hands.Historical texts will be streamed into e-newspapers allowing for universal access from anywhere in the world with audio/visual clips that can supplement people with extra information.Automated restaurants will provide food with rooms and windows cleaned by cleaner bots and robotic hoovers.In time each room will have graphene/glass vertical sheet computers where AI can provide detailed information on each exhibit and its history and artists and related artists.The AI tour guides could interact with google glasses and wireless ear and headphones allowing each visitor to be personally attended to and take tours for as longs they wish and spend time in each exhibit and room as long as they wish with maps of the entire museum on both smart glasses/lenses and e-newspapers and wireless earphones and codec technology guiding them around to where the want to go(and showing their current location with help of the buildings intranet with touchscreen features allowing to choose where to be brought to similar to city maps with the person being able to use the touchscreen to look at different floors and sections.) and giving them a personalised tour experience with extra information on each exhibit and item via audio/visual clips and having the intranet combined with the wire and internet via the building AI.It will also be guiding,communicating with and tracking them to where others in their group are on a map to ensure they do not become lost trips with this done with each member logging at the entrance via facial recognition software and tracked via the AI and cameras in the building or by linking the smart devices of each member in that groups with others visible to each other as different coloured blips on the maps and the AI only letting them go outside in emergencies and in their original groups when they sign out at the same time using the smart devices with the tour guide AI alerting other members of the group that they are sought after through alerts and give them the location of others or places to meet.This would also apply to group tours in other public amenities.E-newspaper can also stream maps from the building AI and in the same manner as city maps guide people to specified rooms/exhibits.Exhibits housed in glass can have the glass replaced with glass that has graphene integrated into its matrix in order to give it extra strength and security with any metal and plastic frames replaced with carbon composites for the same reason with paintings also housed in a graphene glass with the glass and all tables holding them sprayed internally and externally with liquid glass to negate the need for cleaning and prevent fogging with this also applying to statues,relics,pottery and other exhibits themselves coated in liquid glass for the same reason.In time advances in physics will allow all exhibits to be enclosed in force fields.This graphene based glass can also have touchscreen menus to provide extra information to replace paper sheets and notices.It also has a melting point of 4,726.85 degrees celcius meaning it could potentially protect them from heat from fires particularly books,ceramics,documents and paintings.This glass could also have UV filters in them to prevent it damaging historical documents and also paintings.Extensions can be made to store antiques,paintings,ceramics,sculptures etc from private art collections added to them with them underground or on the sides of buildings with simulations done as their safety and carbon fibres used for roofing and support structures.Extra protection could come from exhibits on walls having graphene encasing with shutters that automatically close when a fire is detected with those in the middle of a room have graphene shutters that extend from the roof and enclose them without trapping humans with fire stations alerted by Pemphredo with them also having their own fleet of miniaturised firefighter robots with FIreICe in them that alleviates the fire before the main firefighters arrive.

Having all textbooks,papers and documents from all universities around the world and especially those from libraries of historical value in prestigious universities around the world and museums etc will allow them to be accessed everyone at home making those endemic to specific universities available to all.Historical texts such as diaries of famous people,schematics,blueprints,photos of them and key events and those in museums will be scanned into Apollo alongside the entirety of all pages of the Book of Kells,Voynich manuscript,Gutenberg Bible,Codex Atlanticus,Book of the Dead,Dresdan Codex to be viewed by anyone at home in e-newspapers alongside all artifacts,relics and tapesteries and all contents of all museums worldwide with paintings,sculptures and tapestries also replicaed in Arachne,Pygmalion etc factories.Famous and historical libraries such as Trinity College and those of other historical value especially those closed to the public and have rare books,documents,ancient books on mythology/science/medicine/folklore,letters,diaries,blueprints of important buildings,manuscripts scanned in having their own folder within the second sector of the third sub-network of Apollo once scanned in with other documents from other libraries such as Yale University Beinecke Rare Book Library,Library of National Archives,Library of Congress,National Library Of St. Marks,Vatican Secret Archives,Mormon Vault,Iron Mountain,Dag Hammarskjöld Library,Library Of Parliament etc where all their books and manuscripts collected and alphabetized after categorized by type and subtype(manuscript,literature divided by type and subtype,historical books,diaries etc.)will be left as museums once all of the documents and letters as well as books especially rare copies and editions will scanned into Themis,Apollo and Dionysus depending on their nature with automated scanners sent there and stored there with numerous scanners to deal with the large amounts of material in each one and the books etc put back into their original place with this done in the quickest way that prevents them being misrearranged including doing shelf by shelf and section by section with the material stored in a subsystem to be arranged by Dike,Daphne and also Aridande.All legal documents,treaties,laws etc from courts,government buildings worldwide such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights,Code of Hammurabi,Magna Carta,Declaration of Independence,Code of Hammurabi will be stored in Themis and be able to be streamed and downloaded onto e-readers,e-newspapers etc at home.All papers in the libraries of colleges and universities word wide including scientific studies and also those that house relevant information will be scanned into Apollo as well.Religious and historical documents such as letters,diaries,primary sources and even holy texts such as the vedas,Bilbe,Quaran,Dresdan Codex,Book of the Dead and other first hand texts from all religions and mythologies and ancient scholars etc and first hand sources from as far back as the ancient world will be scanned into Apollo for use as first hand sources and to allow one to look at them from home.Paper documentsand all types of diaries etc of historical value in museums around the world will be scanned in for the same reason into Apollo.All first and secondary sources of information from universities,castles,museums and even Google Docs and Google Scholar will be scanned in and transferred here into Apollo.This can allow them to be hyperlinked in both Wikipedia and Apollo.Staff will have to use semi automated and manual scanners on old books and documents of historical value due to their delicate nature and will be done onsite of museums,palaces,historical libraries.Staff in palaces,museums,universities,castles,historical libraries and in community centres etc will be paid money by the state with these having multiple semi automated scanners as much as ten and multiple staff to speed things up and them doing a set amount of books and documents at once.Advances in AI such as Daphne and Gaia linking the latest scientific,archaeology,historian papers,studies and textbooks from universities will ensure that the information of sites like Wikipedia will always be accurate with the public copying and pasting sections from textbooks,diaries etc into Wikipedia as well from this cloud network.This can be done by uploading these primary sources,scientific studies,dissertations on the internet and wire and textbooks(these being constantly replaced with the latest versions) to a cloud network on Apollo with literary texts in Dionysus and allow Daphne and the general public to copy and paste entire sections at once allowing for accurate citations to be made and improve its quality and accuracy.Wikipedia will be managed by a series of AIs and a macro AI to manage all information inflow,ensure all articles are factually correct and remove vandalism with each AI managing each section of it such as one that deals with just science,others on politics,others on bios,others on events etc.AI will ensure they are factually correct.Daphne will be the AI in charge of Wikipedia with through fragmentation allow it to be in charge of separate areas such as removing vandalism,correct mistakes and proof read sources of information left by the public and also copy and paste information from Apollos database of scientific studies,primary and secondary sources of information and textbooks as well as newspaper articles from Pheme to ensure those on science are factually correct with the public still able to edit pages its AI will clean up vandalism and prevent bias and also prevent misinformation being spread and provide support.They will add references for all information added to all pages from academically sound sources including Apollos database of textbooks and primary and secondary sources etc and magazine and newspaper articles in Pheme,online and links to YouTube videos and ensure those added by humans including existing ones are factually correct proof reading all material and references added by humans with them contacted via direct interaction etc and thus alerted to any issues.This will ensure that Wikipedia has the highest academic standard as good as or better than universities thus allowing them to be considered valid source of education alongside textbooks created by AI in Apollo acting as supplemental material allowing one to gain at least a Bsc Honours Degree level of education via reading it for a few weeks or month as a quick and brisk introduction to a subject while textbooks in Apollo will provide a more intense and detailed PhD level of quality education.All museums,castles and historical libraries around the world will have automated scanners onsite of them with paid staff place of the scanners making all paper documents widely availible to everyone.Scanners in universities,community centres,government buildings,non historical libraries etc around the world will allow people to scan in person with no effort books,comic books and even walkthroughs,video game manuals and cheat books at home they have by bringing them in person with books from bookstores sent in here as well.Magazines and newspapers in homes and archives will be sent here as well and also files from abandoned and obsolete buildings being renovated as part of Restoration Nation added to each episodes and seasons special features.Creases,stains and penmarks etc will be removed by software.One new issue of each newspaper and magazine and copy of each new book,comic books and even puzzle books etc will be sent to one community centre,university etc in the world,state,town or country they are normally sold to be scanned in.People that have large stores of them at home can order in their own automated scanner and do it at home.Scanners could also be present as stated onsite of castles,museums,palaces,historical libraries to allow it to be done onsite of them by paid staff who manage them to ensure they are not lost.This will ensure that all books in existence around the world are scanned into Themis,Apollo,Dionysus etc to preserve them with books that have rare and different editions scanned in and stored in subfolders with duplicates of others deleted.Once in the subsystem proto Adriadne will arrange them into folders and have duplicates deleted.Those in castles,palaces,government buildings,historical libraries etc will be put back in place due to their historical relevance with the same for those in historical homes that are rare or single copies but books in non historical libraries and books at home that are not rare can have the plastic recycled and paper pyrolysised for biochar,graphene etc.Those onsite of highschools,primary schools and prepartory schools and also military academies and even public libraries and historical libraries and those not open to the public such as the Vatican Archives will be scanned into relevant networks such as Themis,Apollo and Dionysus again making them availible to all.Those onsite of castles,palaces and abandonded buildings will be also scanned in.Rare textbooks in non historical libraries will be sent to historical university libraries.Rare or historical texts will be kept in historical libraries.Non rare or historical texts onsite of public libraries,non historical libraries onsite of universities and technical colleges outside of the Ivy league etc and at home will be pyrolysised with plastic coverings removed beforehand to be recycled.Museums and historical libraries should at least have one of each copy of each book,novel,play and comic book with rare books especially first hand copies of first hand sources of famous literature,religious texts and sources of history and mythology.Non historical libraries onsite of universities and technical colleges will be turned into luxury suites and office hybrids for researchers with those on site of historical universities kept as they are and will store rare books from other universities in extensions.Public libraries of non historical value will be once all books are scanned in and recycled will be turned into communal homes or private ones with historical public libraries will be kept as they are managed by AI and human volunteers and house Venetian suites and communal automated kitchens and living spaces via extensions to act as living spaces for human volunteers and tourists.The software Ariadne will link all historical libraries around the world and link Hermes to Dionysus.An universal statue of Ariadne will be placed in all remaining historical libraries around the world,alongside a receptionist etc and them managed by an independent AI with those in universities(again historical libraries)will be managed by the university AI with an open book being its symbol on all maps and signs of other historical.Those that have only books of historical value will have the statue of Discobolus of Myron,with literary works having Ariadne while those with both will have both in the lobby or at the entrances in both areas.Each historical library will have one copy of each book,magazine,newspaper from their country added including rare editions.Those in highschools etc will be turned into extra suites.Books in castles,palaces,government buildings,historical libraries etc will be put back in place due to their historical relevance with the same for those in historical homes that are rare or single copies but books in non historical libraries and books at home that are not rare can have the plastic recycled and paper pyrolysised for biochar,graphene etc.Thus textbooks as well as educational books and all paper media from universities,libraries,museums,mansions etc around the world will be uploaded to Apollo making them available to everyone with translation software within the wire translating it into ones native language.Famous and historical libraries such as Trinity College and those of other historical value especially those closed to the public and have rare books,documents,ancient books on mythology/science/medicine/folklore, letters,diaries,blueprints of important buildings,manuscripts having their own folder within the second sector of the third sub-network of Apollo once scanned in with other documents from other libraries such as Yale University Beinecke Rare Book Library,Library of National Archives,Library of Congress,National Library Of St. Marks,Vatican Secret Archives,Mormon Vault,Iron Mountain,Dag Hammarskjöld Library,Library Of Parliament etc where all their books and manuscripts collected and alphabetized after categorized by type and subtype(manuscript,literature divided by type and subtype,historical books,diaries etc.)will be left as museums once all of the documents and letters as well as books especially rare copies and editions will scanned into Themis,Apollo and Dionysus with automated scanners sent there and stored there with numerous scanners to deal with the large amounts of material in each one and the books etc put back into their original place with this done in the quickest way that prevents them being misrearranged including doing shelf by shelf and section by section with the material stored in a subsystem to be arranged by Dike,Daphne and also Aridande.Staff will have to use semi automated and manual scanners on old books and documents of historical value due to their delicate nature and will be done onsite of museums,palaces,historical libraries.Staff in palaces,museums,universities,castles,historical libraries and in community centres etc will be paid money by the state with these having multiple semi automated scanners as much as ten and multiple staff to speed things up and them doing a set amount of books and documents at once.Those onsite of highschools,primary schools and prepartory schools and also military academies and even public libraries and historical libraries and those not open to the public such as the Vatican Archives will be scanned into relevant networks such as Themis,Apollo and Dionysus again making them availible to all.Those onsite of castles,palaces,abandoned buildings,museums,historical homes etc. will be also scanned in.Rare textbooks in non historical libraries will be sent to historical university libraries.Non rare or non historical texts onsite of public libraries,non historical libraries onsite of universities and technical colleges outside of the Ivy league etc and at home will be pyrolysised with plastic coverings removed beforehand to be recycled.Non historical libraries onsite of universities and technical colleges will be turned into luxury suites and office hybrids for researchers and tourists with those on site of historical universities kept as they are and will store rare books from other universities in extensions.Historical libraries will be kept forever to store historical books and documents forever can have underground extensions to house suites for tourists.Public libraries of non historical value will be once all books are scanned in and recycled will be turned into communal homes or private ones with historical public libraries will be kept as they are.Those in highschools etc will be turned into extra suites.This will ensure that all books,documents and textbooks etc are availible to all from home.Bookstores,comic stores etc will be turned into homes.Other parts of universities can have underground extensions to house suites for tourists.All documents from historical,non historical libraries around the world and also those from all mansions,palaces,government buildings and libraries etc from around the world will be scanned into Apollo,Dionysus and Themis depending on their nature.Texts of religious value and historical documents including first and secondary sources of information will be stored in Apollo,philosophical texts such as the writings of Plato,Socrates,Friedrich Nietzsche from ancient times to modern day philosophy will be stored in Dionysus under a philosophy section while legal documents will be stored in Themis.Documents etc from all of these buildings across the universe will be scanned into these networks and stored in secure areas of museums,historical libraries and the global government building and those turned into museums.

This will ensure that all documents,books and textbooks are free to all from home acceded from e-newspapers with this including books normally not availible to the public.Rare copies of books etc will be stored in museums once scanned into Dionysus.Thus the general public will have access to all university specific textbooks and first and secondary sources literature from all around the world particularly ones relegated to museums and specific universities once uploaded into Apollo to be download onto or streamed on e-newspapers and before that e-readers,smart devices and computers from anywhere in the world in Apollo with this done by 2029 whereupon they will be appearing from now on and all textbooks pyrolysised once any plastic removed and recycled.All universities will house automated scanners to scan in all textbooks and also all paper documents,books in libraries and stores.The documents will be stored in digital form in Apollo,Themis and Dionysus and in all cases of these material in Themis,Apollo and Dionysus will be widely available to the public and viewable in smart devices,e-readers and e-newspapers etc with one allowed to download these digital files into these devices to view them at home.All existing scanned in books,documents etc from libraries,government buildings and museums etc in digital databases databases worldwide will be transferred by Adriadne,Dike and Daphne into Themis,Dionysus and Apollo.Thus all books,historical documents etc from around the world and eventually universe will Having all paper documents,books,blueprints etc from all museums,public amenities,abandoned and obsolete buildings,homes,historical buildings such as mansions/castles/palaces,government buildings etc around the world and eventually universe scanned into Apollo,Themis,Dionysus etc will allow for them to not only be preserved forever but allow one instant access to them via interacting with Adriadne,Dike,Daphne etc to be then viewed on e-newspapers,smartphones,laptops etc in an instant from home or anywhere in the world.Thus all books and paper documents in existence in all universities,government buildings,libraries,palace etc worldwide will be scanned into Dionysus,Themis and Apollo.Neural implants used by the general public worldwide themselves will be used to stream all of them worldwide from memories and temporal manipulations will be used to gain missing issues and booklets.This will be done to preserve them forever.Physical artifacts in museums such as relics,statues,artefacts,paintings and also tapestries etc will be scanned in with relics,tapestries and artefacts scanned in full 3D and paintings,frescoes etc scanned as they are into Apollo in order to preserve them in digital form,to be viewed as holograms and VR simulations in VR homes as well as to be replicated in Arachne,Lotis and other factories when added to each relevant sub network of Hepheastus.Thus the public can have replicas in VR simulations and also have replicas of all types of physical art present in museums recreated and ordered in from local Arachne and other factories from Hepheastus.Private art collections in homes across the world that contain rare sculptures,artifacts and paintings will be scanned into Apollo and Hephaestus and also them shipped to relevant museums across the world with them recreated through Hephaestus and its relevant sub networks and factories.

Old defunct government and financial buildings from around the world will be turned into museums and include re enactments by actors(human and bio-synth),holograms and eventually VR of important events.This could include the New York Stock Exchange and Fort Knox with all furniture,computers and items scanned into Hephaestus and left there with the case of NYSE computers etc will be left in place and run old information for reenactments of famous financial events and news broadcasts from there.Government buildings such as The Federal reserve,The White House,Capitol Hill,10 Downing Street,House of Lords,The Dail etc would have re-enactments of famous meeting between government officials and between world leaders provided by interviews as well as recorded events on YouTube and news archives.Like all museums they would have holographic receptionists and landline phone be linked to to other ones by the sentient operating software Galatea,named after Galatea and have a statue of Discobolus of Myron in their lobby.Each of these can have rooms with exhibits of all defunct currencies from around the world in them but ideally the native currencies from that countries history.Money in cashiers,machines etc can be sent to these with excess recycled with cashiers etc can be sent here.

Intranet will show what times cleaning will take place on each area allowing them to move out of the way with paper leaflets,maps and programmes replaced by e-versions downloaded onto smart devices including e-newspapers.Mobile trashcans can patrol each hall and be called to a specific room using the museums intranet and terminals.Hooverbots,cleaner bots and liquid glass on surfaces and windows will prevent human labour in cleaning as well as fogging.Museums including historical houses will also allow people to take photos and audio visual records using both digital cameras and smart devices since money will no longer hinder a persons ability to store in private collections.The visual record tour of the place alongside pictures taken by the smart lenses and glasses (and other electronics such as digital cameras and smart phones)can be instantly sent to the persons computers and external hard drives at home then and there and/or social media sites and uploaded to their YouTube accounts within seconds via the internet and wire/home AI app with or without the AI audio/visual tours as selected by the user.Old buildings like castles,mansions of historical importance that are decayed can be renovated back to their former state like say for example Ducketts Grove,Pidhirsti Castle,Rotschild Mansion can be rebuilt using blueprints,photos and using the general layout of the remaining building to provide a museum for artefacts and rare editions of books belonging to the era it was built once they are scanned into Apollo.These and other castles will have their own AI tours,statue,AI,receptionist with the land surrounding them reforested with forest farms and native woodland.Security can come in the form of robots that patrol the museums 24/7,365 days a year that in rotation and powered by wireless inductive chargers.This could theoretically allow people to visit these museums and other public amenities 24/7,365 days a year with wireless charging kiosks in each section especially major sections in large museums to charge digital cameras,e-newspapers and smartphones to prevent battery from going out.This would also apply to palaces and castles.Castles and palaces would ideally be homes but those that are decrepit in the wilderness and in urban areas will be museums with them having the statue and receptionist etc in nearby buildings.Lights can be set turn on/off automatically inside to allow them to be visited during the night that that interact with weather networks and cameras that will turn them on/off at sunrise and sunset.The software linking and managing all museums around the world will be named Galatea which will link Hermes to Hephaestus and Apollo networks.An universal statue of Discobolus of Myron will be placed in all museums around the world in the lobby with the symbol being building with a triangular roof supported by columns similar to Greek temples on all maps and signs.All UNESCO cultural world heritage sites will be connected together by Galatea and have the same statue of Galatea on its grounds ideally in the main building,visitor centre by the entrance with tours done by AI and volunteers and the main buildings AI controlling all operations in it and robots that manage it with them having a receptionist.

Managed by the sentient operating software Asteria these will have shows done by the building AI with them using real time feeds from the Hubble telescopes,space stations and similar telescopes on Earth and also other colonies in real time at specific sections of the sky.In time planetariums may become communal homes due to VR technology allowing for in depth and detailed shows managed by Asteria on any part of the universe.

Food kiosks serving everything from pizzas,fries to hotdogs can provide food here with mobile trashcans patrolling the area to collect garbage.Bio-synth animals will inevitably replace real life animals during shows to prevent animal cruelty and human deaths any real animals will be feed hydroponic feed and invitro meat and waste will be collected by robots to be sent to local sewage plants to recover phosphorous and nitrogen via onsite vehicles that are sprayed internally with liquid glass to prevent the build up of bacteria and leftover waste that could spread disease,stain it and leave a smell.Each animal will be fitted with biosynth GPS chips that will track its location and vital signs with it also releasing sedatives on demand to prevent injury to visitors and workers there and will be visible in the patient file.Ideally biocompatible microbes could create sedatives on demand negating the need to replace chips with them controlled by these chips.These could act as the same as those in humans.The sedatives would be unique not just to the species but the animal itself meaning it would release sedatives in just the right amount for the individual animal to prevent death.Dangerous animals can be engineered to be more docile and less likely to be a danger with the Phanes method used to maintain genetic diversity since these would be separate species or breeds from wild with spermatazoa and eggs traded on global levels between other circuses or 3D DNA printers can be onsite in mobile laptop sized devices that print out unique strands into blank spermatazoa and eggs with each circus having mobile hospitals as pat of their fleets that contain first aid kits and drugs for humans and animals and also miniaturised,xray,MRI and surgery machines.Spermatazoa and eggs in miniature banks inside circus vehicles could be engineered to to be stored indefinitely either through the parents engineered to have all of this recombinant DNA or have exisitng spermatazo and eggs rethawed and fitted with this and with recombinant DNA from planarians,Ambystoma mexicanum,Hydra,Thermococcus gammatolerans,Deinococcus radiodurans,Bacillus F and Caenorhabditis elegans will reapair damaged tissues and telomeres allowing them to be rethawed and refrozen thus allowing them to be thawed and refrozen again and again and be stored at different temprature ranges.Strong carbyne,graphene or other carbon composite ropes,tightropes and nets can be utilised in order to improve safety for performers with smart armour and smart clothing worn by all performers.Ideally several million should be printed at once and then frozen oniste of them in sperm and egg banks with these having recombinant DNA from from Tardigrade,Cucujus clavipes,Pseudomonas putida GR12-2,Herminiimonas glaciei,Chryseobacterium greenlandensis,Carnobacterium pleistocenium,psychrophillic and osmophile bacteria,Wood Frogs(Rana sylvatica) and also those from scratch that allow them to be stored indefinitely.Neural implants will allow for animals and human performers communicate with each other in and out of VR simulations.These simulations can be of practice runs or holidays to exotic wilderness when linked to animals in zoos and in the wild to prevent them becoming homesick.Advertisements for circuses can be put on graphene posters around the region.Like concert halls all circus of all types will be recorded on 1080p and clothing designed and stored on Hephaestus.Programmes and maps can be streamed in the circuses AI which can be a mobile on board computer that can be packaged with other material.These will be managed and linked together worldwide by the sentient operating software Komodia software after the goddesses of amusement alongside theme parks.Holographic receptionists will give out e-tickets and the symbol of circuses will be a circus tent.In time real circuses will be made redundant by VR technologies allowing real animals to be returned to the wild or zoos with the VR versions using realistic animals of all type including those from scifi,horror shows,movies,video games and mythology with animals more responsive to commands with harming them with attractions being more spectacular without the need for addressing to animal rights and issues of cruelty and more safer for humans.An infinite number of arenas will be designed by Komodia and the public with existing arenas around the world scanned before being converted into homes all managed by Komodia.These will be attended by millions of people at once and all managed by Komodia.

Due to the advances of e-paper devices such as e-newspapers libraries will eventually become obsolete with the exception of those of historical value housing historical books and texts such as the Book of Kells,Gutenberg Bible,Codex Atlanticus,Dresdan Codex,Voynich manuscript,Declaration of Independence,peace treaties and documents of laws enacted worldwide(past,present & future) and all other historical texts/documents which will eventually be able to streamed via e-newspapers from Themis and Apollo alongside important diaries,blueprints and schematics of important buildings/devices/vehicles,documents,books,letters and photographs in museums which can as we can see later have educational media streamed alongside it such as documentaries etc produced by scholars and curators.Those housed in glass can have the glass replaced with glass that has graphene integrated into its matrix in order to give it extra strength and security with any metal and plastic frames replaced with carbon composites.The glass and structures they are held will be coated internally and externally with a permanent layer of liquid glass to prevent fogging and the need to clean and protect it from narrow wavelength UV sterilising sweeps.The aforementioned materials,diaries,letters,historical texts etc in private collections will be transferred to relevant museums including extensions with them also scanned into Apollo.The same will apply with college libraries as their catalogue of books and research papers will be scanned into Apollo and be streamed remotely first by cloud devices and then microchips built into them with college university libraries converted into extra labs or micro-factories for electronics,robots and pharmaceuticals(with computers recycled and students and mentors using their laptops and smart devices at home and in other rooms like labs and aias) while community libraries will be converted into homes or community centres.Non historical libraries will have all book scanned into Dionysus and legal documents and government paper etc of historical importance sent to the nearest town hall,government building turned into museums once scanned into Themis thus allowing the non historical libraries to become homes or part of mega hotels.Cloud and neural networks will be streamed again via to allow access to public records as well as information regarding the local infrastructure and environmental management.This will be done by scanning in all of their books into Apollo which can then made readily available to the public especially rare ones that are only currently available to certain universities and all future textbooks and research papers and other material normally found in college libraries will be uploaded to Apollo instantly with those on the internet in Google Books etc will be also transferred to Apollo.All old existing and new non college educational books,historical documents and encyclopaedias will be uploaded to Apollo while literary works such as novels,plays,poetry books including collections of poetry and short stories from libraries,bookstores,books at home will uploaded to Dionysus.Those in private collections in mansions etc will also be uploaded to Apollo and transferred to museums.Ideally each book will have their source library in the menu and notes with famous and historical libraries such as Trinity College and those of other historical value especially those closed to the public and have rare books,documents,ancient books on mythology/science/medicine/folklore, letters,diaries,blueprints of important buildings,manuscripts having their own folder within the second sector of the third sub-network of Apollo once scanned in with other documents from other libraries such as Yale University Beinecke Rare Book Library,Library of National Archives,Library of Congress,National Library Of St. Marks,Vatican Secret Archives,Mormon Vault,Iron Mountain,Dag Hammarskjöld Library,Library Of Parliament etc where all their books and manuscripts collected and alphabetized after categorized by type and subtype(manuscript,literature divided by type and subtype,historical books,diaries etc.)will be left as museums once all of the documents and letters as well as books especially rare copies and editions will scanned into Themis,Apollo and Dionysus with automated scanners sent there and stored there with numerous scanners to deal with the large amounts of material in each one and the books etc put back into their original place with this done in the quickest way that prevents them being misrearranged including doing shelf by shelf and section by section with the material stored in a subsystem to be arranged by Dike,Daphne and also Aridande.Those in these large museums,government buildings,palaces,castles and famous libraries will be scanned in by machine and by hand by those that currently maintain them voluntarily making them more available to people around the world while still left in there original resting place with again in special folders for each building in Apollo if they are of historical value with novels that are rare editions etc stored in Dionysus and legal documents into Themis and possibly Apollo.Staff will have to use semi automated and manual scanners on old books and documents of historical value due to their delicate nature and will be done onsite of museums,palaces,historical libraries.All documents and books that are currently in secure banks,libraries,vaults,palaces,castles etc that are not available to the public will be scanned into the wire to make them more widely available to the public.Only books(especially rare versions) such as novels,plays,poetry etc will be in in Dionysus categorised as normally and in subfolders of existing version if they are rare editions with any educational style books(like Pharmacopoeias,diaries,letters etc)and manuscripts and documents of historical value such as blueprints,letters,schematics,diaries etc and educational books within Apollo with important legal documents such as census files and genelogical data within Themis and newspapers and other media into Pheme.Thus all literature will will be in Dionysus,important historical documents,blueprints and notes etc within Apollo while legal documents like census forms,birth and death certs etc will be scanned into Themis.

Existing comics,graphic novels,poetry and short story collections,books,plays etc from around the world will be scanned into Dionysus or transferred here from e-books from Amazon,Google Docs as well as archives from where the were printed and stored as well as from libraries,bookstores,comic book stores,charity/thrift stores and at home using automated scanners when sent to libraries and community centres and universities with rare editions sent to museums and others pyrolysised.Like for magazines and newspapers all community centres,universities etc will have automated scanners to scan in copies of existing books sent in here from bookstores and those from home and in museums,castles,historical homes etc.Those that have large stores of books,graphic novels and comics at home and even the writers of novels will scan in the books at home using ordered in automated scanners with the front and backcovers scanned in or have them sent to these community centres to be scanned in at them.Books and magazines of all types in the offices of hospitals,general physicians and other specialists and also schools and indeed all obsolete buildings converted into homes will be sent to community centres before being pyrolysised or have scanners onsite of them.Non historical and historical libraries and those in castles,museums,historical homes etc. will have all books scanned in.All copies of all books scanned in worldwide will be pyrolysised to create graphene etc with the exception being rare copies and editions of historical significance which will be sent to museums with those at home owned by the general public that have intrinsic,sentimental value ie they were gifts and even have autographs from the authors will be kept at home as heirlooms with a historical libraries in each country housing extensions to house one copy of all authors from their countries.Thus all of the contents of bookstores,non historical libraries,comic book stores and charity/thrift stores and those at the home of locales who have books and comic books will be sent into community centres and universities where automated scanners will scan into a subsystem where duplicates will be deleted and the other material then arranged into the proper networks and folders etc by proto Ariadne.Those found in both abandoned and obsolete buildings of all types will be sent to community centres to be scanned in.Those who have large backlogs of books and comics especially rare ones will get their own automated scanner and do it at home with the material stored in subsystem to be then transferred to relevant folders and subfolders with duplicates etc rare editions of books and comics etc to be put in subfolders or as an extra file.Each castle,palace,museum,library both historical and non historical or government building will have automated scanners sent to them to allow all books present to be scanned into the database as well as returned.This will be done around the world to ensure all books etc are scanned into Dionysus.People at home with books will have them sent into scanners in community centres with duplicates deleted but rare editions of books and indeed all different editions will be stored in subfolders ie those that have different illusrations etc.Those who have small collections of books will send them into be scanned in with those with large collections including their own libraries will have automated scanners sent to them so as to allow them to scan in all books present.People who have large collections of comic books and books will have them scanned in at home or go to community centres,universities using automated scanners sent to them with this of note to those who have rare issues with them taking in all comics and books from Amazon and other online stores with duplicates deleted.Those from castles,palaces,museums and historical libraries will be put back in place with legal documents etc sent to Apollo and Themis.People around the world will be sent emails as to books from their country they may have.The contents of all libraries will be scanned into the database with those in historical libraries returned and left as they are with non historical libraries have the books pyrolysised once plastic is removed and turned into homes with government papers sent to nearby town halls and government buildings.Those from home may also be pyrolysised.Museums should at least have one of each copy of each book,novel,play and comic book.Having all comics,books etc scanned in and uploaded up to Dionysus will allow rare limited editions to be more widely available to the general public with rare editions of books and plays scanned in and stored in subfolders of the book.It will also allow comic and book stores to be turned into homes or absorbed by mega hotels.Thus all comics and graphic novels around the world will have their issues scanned back as far back as possible with all books,plays,poetry and short story collections by all authors whether well known or not will be scanned into Dionysus with all future comics and books etc appearing in Dionysus from now on.Alive authors will do this themselves alongside fans with the CEOS of publishing companies around the world will have staff scan the books of dead authors and also live ones they have in archives etc with libraries both historical and non historical as well as palaces and castles will have their entire catalogue scanned in by staff and those that maintain them with those at home will be sent into community centres,libraries etc to be scanned in.Automated scanners will be onsite of community centres,libraries both historical and non historical and also universities to scan in the sheer large volumes of them.Ideally all non historical and historical libraries and also museums,palaces and castles will have automated scanners onsite to not only scan in books there but also take in the sheer amount from bookstores and home etc and also ensure that the books can be put back in proper order.Universites will have them to scan in textbooks and those in historical libraries onsite to make them availible to everyone and allow people to send books at home there.Existing books can be done by machine from libraries,bookstores,historical libraries,government buildings,palaces,museums,bookstores,castles or at home by those who have them or in the case of those in e-book version in sites like Amazon,Google books,docs etc simply transferred by Ariadne with the book front and back covers scanned in and stored in subfolders which the reader can select.In the case of those in government buildings those of legal importance will be uploaded into Themis with those in bookstores,newsagents and public libraries done by automated conveyor belts in universities.Books found in abandoned and obsolete homes renovated into homes will be sent to community centres,libraries and government buildings to be scanned in.For those done by hand the person must ensure all pages are scanned in the correct order by flicking through each page by hand on computers and smart devices before uploading them or Ariadne and other software can check that is in the correct order by checking the numbers on the bottom of the pages combined with ensuring sentences and paragraphs follow a logical narrative.Automated scanners will be onsite of libraries both historical or non historical libraries,palaces,offices of all types such as those for psychologists/lawyers/banks/ceos etc,castles,community centres and halls,museums,government buildings such as town halls and post offices etc,universities around the world allowing one to go to these to send in books they have at home and all books to be scanned in.Universities and government buildings will scan in all textbooks,documents and books in onsite historical libraries and those from bookstores and also contents of primary and secondary schools including highschools.These scanners will scan in all books,magazines,newspapers,diaries,blueprints,walkthroughs,letters and all types of paper documents etc onsite of these buildings and those brought into them from home,bookstores,newsagents and abandoned and obsolete buildings with there several of them onsite and multiple paid staff by the state and those that maintain the buildings to deal with the sheer number of paper products with books etc stacked on the ground or tables queues.All of these will be transferred into Apollo,Themis or Dionysus managed by Adriadne,Dike,Daphne.Books in palaces,government buildings,museums,castles and also historical libraries will have scanners onsite to allow to be put back in place in correct order to preserve them due to their historical nature and rare copies found somewhere else will be sent to museums.Autographed copies will be kept at home alongside those of intrinsic value with rare copies and editions sent to museums with the rest have plastic recycled and the paper pyrolysised for biochar,graphene and diamonds etc.This scanning in of all books onsite of all types of libraries,castles,museums,palaces,homes etc will ensure that all books etc scanned into Dionysus,Apollo and Themis to make them accessible to everyone worldwide.Comic books and graphic novels can be scanned in at home,universities,libraries by authors and those who own them as well as publishers and CEOs.Scanners in universities,community centres,government buildings,non historical libraries etc around the world will allow people to scan in person with no effort books,comic books and even magazines,newspapers,walkthroughs,video game manuals and cheat books at home they have by bringing them in person from home with books from bookstores sent in here as well.One copy of each new book,magazine and newspaper issue worldwide will be uploaded and scanned in.Magazines and newspapers in homes and archives will be sent here as well and also files from abandoned and obsolete buildings being renovated as part of Restoration Nation added to each episodes and seasons special features.Creases,stains and penmarks etc will be removed by software.One new issue of each newspaper and magazine and copy of each new book,comic books and even puzzle books etc will be sent to one community centre,university etc in the world,state,town or country they are normally sold to be scanned in.People that have large stores of them at home including those derived from abandoned homes and buildings gotten from retail sites such as mansions,castles,palaces can order in their own automated scanner and do it at home.Scanners could also be present as stated onsite of castles,museums,palaces,historical libraries including those derived from abandoned homes and buildings gotten from retail sites to allow it to be done onsite of them by paid staff who manage them to ensure they are not lost.This will ensure that all books,comic books,graphic comics in existence around the world are scanned into Themis,Apollo,Dionysus etc to preserve them and make them widely availible to everyone with books that have rare and different editions scanned in and stored in subfolders with duplicates of others deleted.Once in the subsystem proto Adriadne will arrange them into folders and have duplicates deleted.Those in castles,palaces,government buildings,historical libraries etc will be put back in place due to their historical relevance with the same for those in historical homes that are rare editions sent to museums or single copies but books in non historical libraries and books at home that are not rare can have the plastic recycled and paper pyrolysised for biochar,graphene etc.Since these will have to scan in the contents of all newsagents,comic stores,bookstores,public libraries and the libraries in universities,highschools and also elementary schools into Dionysus,Apollo,Pheme etc as well as paper files,documents,photo albums from abandoned and obsolete buildings being renovated then ideally each building will have at least three or more depending on the size of the libraries in universities,amount of newsagents,bookstores and also public libraries in the town,city and area.Home scanners can be ordered in to allow one to scan in their own store of comic books,books,magazines,game manuals etc at home with this done for people who have large stores at home.Neural implants used by the general public worldwide themselves will be used to stream all of them worldwide from memories and temporal manipulations will be used to gain missing issues and booklets.This will be done to preserve them forever.

Famous and historical libraries such as Trinity College and those of other historical value especially those closed to the public and have rare books,documents,ancient books on mythology/science/medicine/folklore, letters,diaries,blueprints of important buildings,manuscripts having their own folder within the second sector of the third sub-network of Apollo once scanned in with other documents from other libraries such as Yale University Beinecke Rare Book Library,Library of National Archives,Library of Congress,National Library Of St. Marks,Vatican Secret Archives,Mormon Vault,Iron Mountain,Dag Hammarskjöld Library,Library Of Parliament etc where all their books and manuscripts collected and alphabetized after categorized by type and subtype(manuscript,literature divided by type and subtype,historical books,diaries etc.)will be left as museums once all of the documents and letters as well as books especially rare copies and editions will scanned into Themis,Apollo and Dionysus with automated scanners sent there and stored there with numerous scanners to deal with the large amounts of material in each one and the books etc put back into their original place with this done in the quickest way that prevents them being misrearranged including doing shelf by shelf and section by section with the material stored in a subsystem to be arranged by Dike,Daphne and also Aridande.Staff in palaces,museums,universities,castles,historical libraries and in community centres etc will be paid money by the state with these having multiple semi automated scanners as much as ten and multiple staff to speed things up and them doing a set amount of books and documents at once.Staff will have to use semi automated and manual scanners on old books and documents of historical value due to their delicate nature and will be done onsite of museums,palaces,historical libraries.Those onsite of highschools,primary schools and prepartory schools and also military academies and even public libraries and historical libraries and those not open to the public such as the Vatican Archives will be scanned into relevant networks such as Themis,Apollo and Dionysus again making them availible to all.Those onsite of castles,palaces,abandoned buildings,museums,historical homes etc. will be also scanned in.Rare or historical texts will be kept in historical libraries.Non rare or historical texts onsite of public libraries,non historical libraries onsite of universities and technical colleges outside of the Ivy league etc and at home will be pyrolysised with plastic coverings removed beforehand to be recycled.Museums and historical libraries should at least have one of each copy of each book,novel,play and comic book with rare books especially first hand copies of first hand sources of famous literature,religious texts and sources of history and mythology.Non historical libraries onsite of universities and technical colleges will be turned into luxury suites and office hybrids for researchers with those on site of historical universities kept as they are alongside books etc present and will store rare books from other universities and libraries in extensions.Public libraries of non historical value will be once all books are scanned in and recycled will be turned into communal homes or private ones with historical public libraries will be kept as they are managed by AI and human volunteers and house Venetian suites and communal automated kitchens and living spaces via extensions to act as living spaces for human volunteers and tourists.The software Ariadne will link all historical libraries around the world and link Hermes to Dionysus.An universal statue of Ariadne will be placed in all remaining historical libraries around the world,alongside a receptionist etc and them managed by an independent AI with those in universities(again historical libraries)will be managed by the university AI with an open book being its symbol on all maps and signs of other historical.Those that have only books of historical value will have the statue of Discobolus of Myron,with literary works having Ariadne while those with both will have both in the lobby or at the entrances in both areas.Each historical library will have one copy of each book,magazine,newspaper from their country added including rare editions.Those in highschools etc will be turned into extra suites.This will ensure that all books,documents and textbooks etc are availible to all from home.Bookstores,comic stores etc will be turned into homes.

Their 3D holo interior map will also be scanned in by drones and uploaded both to their library AI and also Artemis for people to remotely visit them via smart devices.The organisation will be done by Watson.The translation of pages in books that are not in the readers language will be done via google translate translating it to the settings determined by the user on their e-newspapers settings as they log into the wire/Apollo as well as the settings on their e-newspapers or other smart devices.Books that are very thin can be zoomed in by the reader though most books would ideally zoom in to fit the size of the screen of the smart device such as smart pads and e-newspapers it is downloaded/streamed on.Books from non famous libraries that are not rare editions and have been scanned into Dionysus and Apollo can be pyrolysised with any plastic recycled accordingly with rare and historical books and versions left in famous libraries and museums with those from historical libraries left there untouched.Lights can be set turn on/off automatically inside to allow them to be visited during the night that that interact with weather networks and cameras that will turn them on/off at sunrise and sunset.Group and solo tours of libraries will be the same as in other amenities.The software Ariadne will link all libraries around the world and link Hermes to Dionysus.An universal statue of Ariadne will be placed in all remaining libraries around the world,alongside a receptionist etc and them managed by an independent AI with those in universities(again historical libraries)will be managed by the university AI with an open book being its symbol on all maps and signs of other historical.Those that have only books of historical value will have the statue of Discobolus of Myron,with literary works having Ariadne while those with both will have both in the lobby or at the entrances in both areas.Those that contain legal documents will be managed by the AI of the government building it is part of or by a separate AI in other ones with receptionists and have a statue of Themis in it if separate and by itself.Libraries in towns and cities of no historical value will be converted into homes once the books are scanned into Dionysus(or magazines into Apollo)and the books pyrolysised with rare ones and government papers sent to museums,historical ones and town halls to be scanned into relevant networks.Audio recordings stored in museums will be stored in Apollo in the museums folders including the Library of Congress etc.These too will have both receptionists and sentient AI managing it.Those onsite of highschools,primary schools and prepartory schools and also military academies and even public libraries and historical libraries and those not open to the public such as the Vatican Archives will be scanned into relevant networks such as Themis,Apollo and Dionysus again making them availible to all.Those onsite of castles,palaces and abandonded buildings will be also scanned in.Rare textbooks in non historical libraries will be sent to historical university libraries.Non rare or historical texts onsite of public libraries,non historical libraries onsite of universities and technical colleges outside of the Ivy league etc and at home will be pyrolysised with plastic coverings removed beforehand to be recycled.Non historical libraries onsite of universities and technical colleges will be turned into luxury suites and office hybrids for researchers with those on site of historical universities kept as they are and will store rare books from other universities in extensions.Historical libraries will be managed by the sentient operating software Galatea since turned into museums with the relevant statue present.Public libraries of non historical value will be once all books are scanned in and recycled will be turned into communal homes or private ones with historical public libraries will be kept as they are.Those in highschools etc will be turned into extra suites.This will allow all textbooks,documents and books availible to all form the comfort of home.

Gyms will be equipped with air displacement plethysmography technology such as the BodPod which will provide individuals with an accurate reading of the % body fat which interacting with their smart devices and medical app will upload this information into their patient file as well as into Heracles and will be plotted over months,years etc.It will also interact with their personal trainer AI app and chart their progress over time too.Personal trainers in time will be complimented and inevitably replaced with an artificial intelligence personal trainer app named Heracles that can interact with gym goers through speakers on smart devices,machines or earphones and touchscreens on weight training machines,yoga mats,cardio machines and smart devices.How to videos streamed into into app via the gym AI will allow people to gain access to how to perform all possible specific exercises on all machines and exercise equipment as well yoga mats.Information kiosks and smart mirrors will allow them to interact with other gym goers using the app or friends allowing for group workouts.Alternatively the AI or app will detail the gym goer via smart mirrors in how to carry out exercises properly within their current capabilities warning them if they go pass these limits to prevent damage and injury via colour coded system and show them how to do it correctly by comparing the gym goers performer visual recording with that of the AIs and measure efficacy through both percentage,colour(the same universal colour code used in environmental and infrastructure warnings)letter grading.These will also interact with both google glasses and smart clothing fitted with sensors(similar to the Athos and MOOV tracker) allowing an individual to visually track their heart rate,temperature,breathing rate with other factors such as age and height,waist width a clearer view on how much calories are burned and their overall health.Smart clothing will interact with apps on smart devices such as smartphones and glasses as it measures how stretched the muscles are and thus measuring efficacy giving constant feedback on your workout via a voice and percentage gradient as well wordsmith giving a written review of each workout and performance reviews after each set period tracking their progress.Smart mirrors and machinery can also be fitted with cameras that measure the flow of blood through their body also aiding in correct determination of calories being burned.Graphene,silicene and other nanomaterials in the clothing fibres will measure the exact movements made by the gymgoer with these and implants and in time nanomachines measuring vital signs,temperature,levels of nutrients and also other blood components before,during and after workouts.Cameras installed in front of machines or in smart mirrors will measure these movements performed by the smart suits to analyse their efficacy even further with smart mirrors fitted with virtual guides for each exercise and grade each rep of an exercise with voice commands and a percentage gradient with google glasses taking over this if multiple individuals try this out or in the case of machines such as leg presses.These can also include smart mirrors at home or another persons home.All exercise machines at home and in all public gyms around the world will interact with smart clothing,google glasses and smart devices such as phones(and thus this trainer app can work with all public and private home gyms around the world 24/7,365 days a year) to track the person entire exercise regime on each machine and form of exercise(with microchips in dumbbells and weights being logged in each set of reps interacting with the AI and sensors in clothing) over the week,month and year which can be charted and plotted against a chart showing ones planned weight comparing progress.Smart clothing will in the case of heart rhythms that mark or precede a heart attack or fainting or overheating will notify staff as well emergency services such as automated ambulance in extreme cases following the universal colour system.This AI integrated linking with the home AI can track their nutritional intake and order foods to home to give them the correct amount of calories and nutrient ratio planing i.e.protein to carbs to fat etc. or be a separate one that interacts with home AI.It will also record these as well as interact with apps dealing with restaurants and aeroplanes/mag lev trains result it will make sure that the person follows a strict nutritional plan and schedule all the time and will interact with weighing scale in their home and Bod Pod machines to chart their progress as well as any apparatus that measure breathing rate,blood pressure,heart rate such as smart clothing and wireless heart monitors logging the results and date in their patient file and this trainer app.The gym will be equipped with an AI that will interact with the gyms computer network and thus emergency,hospital networks and smart devices of net of kin and other gym goers in the case of health emergencies etc.Smart devices like e-newspapers and phones can also stream maps in a similar fashion to those used to navigate cities as explained earlier.Schedules of all activities over the coming months will be streamed from these also and planned by the app.Since this app will interact with the home AI and thus gym equipment and smart mirrors at home this will allow people to do some of their exercises from the comfort of their own home when they are unable to go the gym or do extra exercises there.The trainer AI can use data from all users worldwide for use in nutritional studies and weight loss studies by researchers as well as provide leaderboards for competitions for each exercise and weight loss regime for users world wide present in Aesculapius with the universal AI sentient personal trainer app linking all smart devices such as smart watches,BodPod machines,smart clothing,smart mirrors and similar devices related weight loss and even laptops,computers,smartpads and smartphones.It will named Heracles after the deity of strength,sports,athletes(the symbol being the Nemean Lion) and will be sentient with his avatar based on his statue with all readings of vital signs and those from bodpods and weight loss/weight gain plotted on a graph within a folder their trainer AI file within Heracles cloud and their patient file following the universal colour coded system.This app(detailed later on) could allow for large scale nutritional,weight loss studies to be done involving gymgoers from around the world in the same way Watson would perform studies within Aesculapius and the software of the same name linked to it would manage all gyms and pools worldwide.Ideally each major town/city should have at least one public gym with a universal statue of him in the lobby of all pools and gyms.The symbol of the Nemean lion will be the symbol of pools and gyms worldwide on all signs and maps.Buildings that house only pools can have gyms added to them in extensions with all machinery with this also applying to waterparks with these alongside new and existing gyms having extensions underground.Gyms in hotels can serve not just residents there but also the general public in the surrounding area.Gyms,public pools,lifestyle gyms and similar buildings such as sports clubs may also have Venetian suites added on the roof as twenty to fifty floors so as to house people from the public and have the gyms utilities and pools also open to the public similar to how hotel amenities are availible to the public.Otherwise if possible the contents of gyms could be traded away onto Euthenia and them used by private homeowners at home and the gym converted into extra suites when divided up by AI with pools remaining.

Exercise machines can be linked to each other so that the movement of all people using them can generate electricity that alleviates the strain on the national grid or solar panels and VAWTs on the roof.This can also apply to machines at home and those on roofs.Again graphene paint applied indoors and outdoors(including roof) will generate extra electricity alongside quantum dot technology in windows.Exercise machinery can have thermo-piezoelectric materials integrated into them to generate energy from the suns heat and internal heat with graphene paint and quantum dot technology integrated into any screens to charge them when they are not being used.Old machines can be recylced and replaced with newer models with them connected to the gym AI and Heracles.

Dance,yoga and zumba instructors in group workouts can be done voluntarily but in time holographic instructors controlled by the building AI or even Heracles will replace them with all and new dances uploaded to the AI of all gyms worldwide and organised for classes at set time with smart lenses and glasses linked to the gym AI showing an augmented instructor to all of those in the classes.The same goes for yoga instructors as in the case of human and holographic instructors the instructors smart yoga mat will interact via sensors on other smart mats in the room and in their smart clothes which will allow each gym goer to be given feedback on how much they are doing exercises properly via google glasses on a small screen on the mat with a percentage system measure efficacy with sensors built into their clothing measuring this.The glasses will also give feedback via wireless earphones and tips on how to improve to each individual.Using motion sensing clothes a single dance instructor or yoga instructor can serve multiple gyms across the globe at once live or they can record their motions at home once and then upload to multiple gyms with as stated Heracles replacing these and serving all gyms worldwide.Both smart mats and holographic instructors can also be available at home.Ideally the building AI or even Heracles will replace all human zumba,dance and yoga instructors worldwide.This can also apply to swimming classes as holoprojectors can be placed above the pool or again smart contact lenses or even augmented reality goggles that give them visual cues with them and waterproof sensor suits and audio cues via waterproof wirelees earphones that intakes cues and encouragement of both the AI and legal guardians present who will also play a role with in time biosynths controlled by the gym AI used in time.Waterproof smart devices can stream how to videos of how to perform different styles of swimming techniques with them graded on their efficacy via sensor suits with waterproof smart glasses,smart contact lenses,augmented reality googles and wireless earphones giving audio visual cues.Swimming will be thus be taught by Heracles the gym AI and also parents present with VR technology allowing them to have classes in both VR pools and oceans.The smart clothing for those partaking in swimming,zumba,dance and would have graphene,silicene and other nanomaterials in its fibres that measure the exact muscle movements that a person done showing their efficacy uising the universal colour code with buildings that carry out only yoga,dance and zumba classes transferred into existing and new gyms through extensions allowing them to be converted into homes with people from around the world able to attend certain yoga,zumba,dance and swimming classes taking place around the world from the comfort of their own home or other gyms across the world using smart mats and also the wire as well as smart clothing with the instructor whether human or AI seen by them through smart contact lenses,televisions,mirrors and glasses as well as holographic technologies and even computers and laptops connected to the buildings AI via the wire.Swimming being taught for the first time will be replaced by VR simulations thus allowing very young children to be taught by AI in beaches and pools by parents and AI namely Heracles.Zumba and Yoga will be carried out by biosynths controlled by the gym AI.

With regards to pools the pool will be monitored by biosynths replacing human staff and a camera connected to the gym AI that can detect both drowning like behavior as well as interact with all of the swimmers smart clothing also each smart swimsuit will send biological data such as breathing and heart rate to the Gym AI constantly and when it reaches a point associated with elevated and erratic rhythms it will notify other swimmer and deploy both a robotic lifeguard,in serious cases highlight the location of CPR machines and miniature portable defibrillators(and how to videos) via smart devices and in extreme cases deploy an ambulance from the nearest hospital with them notifying people when the ambulance has arrived and its location in the carparks.In time biosynth lifeguards will patrol pools 24/7,365 in rotas and since stronger than humans will be able to ave lives much more efficiently.These will be controlled by the building AI.

Each pool will include a automated dryer which will cut down on the need for towels.Liquid glass can be sprayed on both floors and steps in the lockers and sauna/spa/pool rooms to prevent slippages from water and also kill off any bacteria and moulds preventing their spread as well as on windows to prevent fogging and build up of dirt.This can also be applied to locker rooms with hover and cleaner bots cleaning the floors.Temporary digital keys can be gained at the reception from a holographic receptionist to any available lockers in the locker room which can transmitted wirelessly to the person smart phone and transmitted back to the receptionist or if the person automatically passes the receptionist on the way back.The gymgoer can using remote link to the intranet via the wire or through Heracles app that hold their digital keys can check how many digital keys are currently in possession of others and thus how much space is left or how busy the pool is.Sensors in the pool will measure temperature,pH,chlorine content and other elemental content as well as opening hours during the week/year,schedules of classes,cleaning and personal trainers rotary that can be streamed from FACT terminals and thus allow the same data to be gained on other gyms and pools from around the world.Geothermal heaters can be installed into new and existing pools to heat them during winter months or any time of the year.By at least 2029 all human staff whether trainers,zumba and yoga instructors etc will be replaced by Heracles the universal sentient trainer app who also be able to serve people outside of gyms etc with those as part of hotels converted into communal homes will be managed by the Home AI and will be open to the public.Pools both new and existing in homes of all types either indoor or outdoor that are already present or added will have the residents educated on how to empty and fill both of them with in both indoor and outdoor ones automated systems can be fitted in in episodes of seasons that chart their renovations that empty and refill the water at set times of the year by being connected to the water mains negating human labour with this organised at set times visible to every one via alerts with pools in private homes both new and existing also having this added.Using a series of small holes and switch systems at key points of pools will allow for it to be filled quickly and emptied slow enough to prevent anyone being dragged to the bottom and being drowned with the systems also filling them with the correct amount of chlorine.These gymnasiums and pools can be managed by the sentient operating software Heracles.

Cleaning will be done by automated pool cleaners which can be wirelessly charged by docking into small sheds similar to lawnmower robots or onto induction wireless charger plates similar to Roomba hoover vacuums rather than having to be plugged in each time by humans and can clean at set intervals or via computer/smart devices menus on the Gym AI controlled by the gym managers with the layout,size and shape of the pools it cleans mapped and stored once by the machine.Otherwise the pools including existing ones when the water is removed can be covered in a permanent layer of liquid glass.Narrow range UV lights can be placed on the sides and bottom to bake the water in a sterilising light.Filters or specialised robots can remove dirt in them.

With regards to spas WheeMe robots can carryout massages with a wide range of ingredients for oils,masks etc grown on site and prepared by hand allowing for customisation.Otherwise they can be prepared at home again using organic materials.Saunas can have the individual use their own custom made towel.As stated earlier robotic hands will eventually replace human masseuses

Since robots will maintain them these could operate 24/7,365 days a year.The roofs of these gyms can also have extra equipment ontop of them and coated with liquid glass both internally and externally to protect them from the elements.Home and communal home gyms can also be on rooftops and can be composed of homemade equipment like weight machines,bikes and weights etc.with plastic,carbon composites/graphene and metal components and also 3D printed circuit boards with touchscreens composed of graphene and plastic coverings printed out with wires assembled and soldered by hand.Lights can be set turn on/off automatically inside to allow them to be visited during the night that that interact with weather networks and cameras that will turn them on/off at sunrise and sunset.Schedules of particular events and classes will be stored on the gym/pool AI programmed in by members of the local community and streamed remotely by the wire.

All staff in all gyms will be replaced by a combination of robots and biosynths etc

As stated earlier in the maintenance of cities planting of trees in parks can be done by hand or by robots in a pre-programmed fashion with walls and any other wooden or stone structures and walls covered in a layer of nano anti-graffiti coatings that repels spray paints allowing them to be easily removed by a low strength water spray from robots or scrubbing sponge done by hand or rainwater.A coating of liquid glass can be under this.E-newspapers and other smart devices can stream maps of the parks from terminals with touchscreen features allowing them to pinpoint an area to be guided to and give a history of the place via video feeds with regards to any important historical events etc.Robotic lawnmowers will keep grass cut periodically and will deposit the grass in a bag that or other robot that will transport it to local community farms for use as animal feed especially during the winter months putting it to good use.Existing models of robotic lawnmowers require wiring to be placed underground the perimeter however in time 3D maps of the parks(with Adonit pens encircling perimeters and any features like flower beds set by community members once)and all the sidewalks in a town or city can be scanned into the city AI and it will stream these maps to cut grass and record what grass has been cut already cut and then recharge itself at inside various small charger sheds dotted around the town and when charged cut the remaining grass with them interacting with traffic lights and networks to cross the road to other areas they need to cut.Mobile trash robots will be patrolling the area constantly and other robots seeding and laying down grass.Both will be charged by solar panels or wireless charging stations.Sprinkler systems and/or fertiliser robots present will interact with atmospheric/soil sensors and weather networks to prevent grass dying out and wasting water and fertiliser.Like other parts of the cities parks will be fitted with dual wireless charging kiosks and wifi stations.Fruit and nut trees alongside fruit bushes can be planted here to be harvested by hand by communities alongside with hazel and wildflowers for bees all year round.Bee hives here can be placed to provide honey for local communities and pollination of plants and provide genetic diversity for other bees in community and home farms.All robots that maintain parks will be housed in a small building on the grounds that open and close when the robots are entering and leaving.The symbol of parks will be a tree and a bench.These can be maintained by volunteers wearing universal uniforms(containing a tree and the name Antheia)around the world with the option of personalised tours by AI also available to ensure they can function 24/7.Advancements in VR technology especially if sufficiently advanced to the point that it is indistinguishable to real life could allow one to visit any botanical garden etc from the comfort of their homes.These will be linked together worldwide by Antheia.All grass and all plants in all parks,botanical gardens and arboretums worldwide will be fitted with or replaced with those that have oligotrophihic,xerophile DNA alongside that from Firmicutes to make them survive droughts and extended periods of low nutrients and even require less water.Ice rinks can also be cleaned automatically this way

All of this can also be applied to arboretums and national/botanical gardens and parks with holographic receptionists will give them e-tickets.E-newspapers will again allow them to stream touchscreen maps from the garden/arboretums AI scanned into Artemis via drones allowing to plot and change a course for aforementioned personalised tours(as well as detailing the location of specific types of plants,lakes and other features)and upon request give detailed information on a plant or tree that the visitor calls the name of from the signs/placards that are in front of each one or through the newspaper interacting with a scan from smartphones of either the name on the sign or a microchip embedded in the signs.This information will come in the form of a large visual of the plant one side followed by detailed information such as name,scientific name,native habitats on a marked map,country of origin and also of where it is distributed in the wild,environmental preferences such as pH/temperature/climate etc.,height,known pollinators and pests,animals that help spread seeds,pictures of pollen/leaves/flowers and other components as well as video footage detailing other information streamed from Artemis .Information on local fauna and geological features will follow the same pattern with pictures taken on smartphones with details sent to linked e-newspapers with other information such as noises it makes and also food it prefers etc.Also available will be information from nanosensors in the soil,nearby water bodies and atmosphere which will also be fed into the wire and other environments.Both arboretums and national/botanical gardens and parks can also have beehives placed there to ensure constant pollination with honey collected routinely by the public and those who maintain them for communal use.The visual record of the tour of the place alongside pictures taken by the smart lenses and glasses (and other electronics such as digital cameras and smart phones)can be instantly sent to the persons computers and external hard drives at home then and there and/or social media sites and uploaded to their YouTube accounts within seconds via the internet and wire/home AI app with or without the AI audio/visual tours as selected by the user.These can also have beehives and fruit and nut trees and maintained by fertilize and lawnmower robots in the same manner as community forest farms.Robot lawnmowers will deposit the grass in a bag that or other robot that will transport it to local community farms for use as animal feed especially during the winter months putting it to good use.Since robots will maintain them these they could operate 24/7,365 days a year.Botanical gardens and parks including national ones and arboretums worldwide will be linked together by Antheia with the symbol being a tree.This sentient software would link them and manage all of them worldwide and an universal statue of her will be found in all of botanical gardens,arboretums and parks and possibly including national ones worldwide.The symbol for arboretums and botanical gardens will be a tree.Nature reserves will follow the same pattern.Any maps near the entrance will be replaced by touchscreen versions.All parks and botanical gardens in the path of Danaus plexippus migrations will have Asclepis relevant to the correct species etc planted by drones.If possible a hybrid between Asclepis and small shrubs and bushes or even something as tall as a Cupressoideae and Pinaceae tree with pleasing orchid like flowers during blooming season that regrows after being eaten using the same accelerated healing phenotype in humans via recombinant DNA from planarians,A.mexicanum,Hydra and C.elegans,T.gammatolerans,D.radiodurans,Bacillus F will repair and regrow damaged tissues can be created using CRISPR making the plant larger to feed more larvae especially if planted in packs with them easier to grow and more aesthetic in botanical gardens and parks.Parks and botanical gardens will also have weeds and invasive plant species that pests are re engineered to feed on in order to keep their numbers stable as they will feed on them instead of crops with drones replanting them routinely.If possible there will be trees like the aforementioned Asclepis trees containing the same leaves of weeds and invasive plants created.The lawns and grounds of amenities,universities and public buildings of all types will have them planted here by drones as well.

Airports around the world made redundant by Oceanus will be demolished to be turned into large parks or botanical gardens in the case of those in cities while those on the outskirts will be reforested as far back as possible.They will provide scenery,improve air quality and act as heat sinks by allowing cool air rush in and improve transpiration.Even airports by rivers,estuaries and oceans etc will be turned into parks coupled with railings to prevent people falling into the water and they will have large amounts of native trees,ponds,benches,walkways with Artemis designing and constructing them to be each completely unique in each individual case including multiple ones in the same city that follow the cities theme.Hotels present will remain alongside roads and carparks for them with all land surrounding these reforested providing scenery with their renovation will be covered in episodes seasons of Restoration Nation.They will keep the name of their parent airport ie Heathrow botanical gardens,La Guardia park etc with those that only have the cities name will have new one created by Pan.

City tours on self driving buses can be done by voluntarily work or by artificial intelligence delivering information at key stops activated by information kiosks(FACT terminals) or other computers/sensors at these stops.They can also be done in the same manner as those in other public amenities involving e-newspapers,wireless earphones and google glasses with earphones communicating to a person in their own language via the Pasithea app.The onboard computer of the buses once sentient will be able to give tours more effectively with these managed by Galatea and not Helios.These will each have their own independent personality,legal name and avatar with them.Personalised tours on foot can be done with maps of tourist spots streamed on smart devices and e-newspapers,google glasses and contact lenses which can be recorded onto nearby smart devices or livestreamed onto YouTube with wireless earphones used to provide information and also videos,text information on the lenses etc.Tours of islands,cultural areas and other similar areas in coaches including those that travel over water via ferries can be done the same way with the onboard computer interacting directly with the while doing these again booked through Galatea in Pasithea.Hot air balloons can be automated with onboard computers controlling the use of gas and interacting with weather,atmospheric and air traffic networks as well as Artemis to prevent air collisions and hitting into buildings as well as pylons on the ground with long range 360 cameras attached with recognition software preventing this.Ideally as explained earlier underground tunnels will replaced pylons in areas where balloon tours are held to prevent these accidents.Onboard computers on these will again in time become sentient.These cameras can have the ability to switch to long range IR illuminator/thermal imaging at nighttime to allow tours at night and the same sensors and other technology integrated into autonomous vehicles for extra safety with pylons and other obstructions fitted with sensors to prevent collisions with gas delivered to the balloon automatically from power plants or created by small biogas plants involving methagenous bacteria feeding on sugar and stored automatically in gas canisters used in a rotary system transported and attached by robots.If the balloon has to stop somewhere in an emergency or stops short of the stopping point then a person using their smart devices can call their vehicles to wherever they are using their Home AI app.The balloon can have graphene integrated into its matrix of it to ensure it cannot be ripped and never have holes wit the building housing the visitors centre will have the statue of Apollo,receptionist,AI,site for growing methagenous bacteria and emergency service robots that will respond to any emergencies alerted to them by the balloons onboard computer alleviating strains on Prometheus which will respond to sever accidents.

In time aerial autonomous drones acting as tour buses again with them each having an independent personality,avatar,name that can carry humans will be introduced with them relaying IR illuminator/thermal imaging onto the front screen via graphene sheets integrated into them via the cameras on the outside on the bumper and also the onboard computer will highlight certain landmarks and allow these to be done 24/7,365 days a week.These would obviously have pressure plates that measure the weight of all occupants to prevent overloading with warnings alerting to this to prevent accidents with set weight limits with the weight they hold visible on a screen following the universal colour code with the maximum weight denoted on the section within the app to call them and in the inside on onboard computers.

Underwater and amphibious vehicles can be booked to go on tours of lakes,coral reefs and also whale tours with these detailed later on.These would have the glass composed of pyrex with graphene in the matrix to increase its strength and ability to survive lower depth with the entire body composed of graphene due to its properties such as lightness and strength to increase speeds and energy efficiency with nanomaterials that separate oxygen form carbon dioxide complimenting oxygen tanks.Boat tours for tours of cetaceans and other mammals will be tracking the location of them using biosynths GPS location monitoring them as well as GPS from biosynth implants in each animals to locate them quickly.Those of geological areas like famous cliffaces will also follow suit with them driving to the area and returning to the area.In time boats will be come submarines with retractable glass visors that will be covered on both sides in liquid glass to prevent water and dirt effecting them that when covered will travel underwater to their destinations without fear of capsizing in bad weather or causing motion sickness with these able to give tourists underwater views of animals such as whales etc with those on lower floors having side views.The glass with graphene in its matrix and pyrex will allow for augmented reality and travel to the depths of the ocean floor and these could theoretically hold up to a dozen or more people.The pyrex and graphene will also allow the very depths of the ocean to be discovered including the Marina Trench if the body is composed of graphene.These can be done in any part of the worlds oceans anywhere in the world.These and tour boats will be managed by AI or human volunteers or both.Dolphins,whales and other animals that are part of these and boat tours can via biosynth lampreys have bicompatible microbes injected that pass from one generation to the next and form implants that measure their vital signs and also their GPS location to be easily found by tour boats.The submarines onboard AI will be controlled by the building AI it docks at with them dispensing information at certain times and managed by a building housing the statue of Discobolus of Myron and these and the receptionists having unique personalities.These would dock at multiple boatyards each with a building managed by the same AI with fleets of these submarines with them using wireless inductive chargers underneath them,on the side of the dock and automated vehicles chargers with them also having self charging technologies.

Diving tours in the ocean can utilise the later detailed augmented swimming goggles with the same applying for skydiving wherein the user has augmented reality goggles to relay height and when to open the parachute.Skydiving would be done with automated helicopters that signal when to jump with the parachutes deployed by onboard lightweight graphene computers that set them off automatically at a set height or time with the countdown relayed to smart contact lenses,goggles or implants that relay this to the persons brain.Diving will be done with tanks designed on Pyxis that contain the correct amount of oxygen decided by ones home AI or even the beach AI filled on site with the gas created onsite in time by picotech fabricators inside the canisters with these then recycled when not on use.The canisters and all tubing would ideally be composed graphene due to its lightness and strength.SCUBA gear will have graphene in its fibres to make them stretchy and they will be designed on Arachne with augmented goggles that measure levels of oxygen and other gases in the tanks via nanosensors and levels of nitrous oxide and oxygen in their body via nanomachines and implants to relay them if they are too high and give them directions on how to rise to prevent the bends and other problems like bubbles forming in their blood vessels.The googles will give audio visual cues to the surface their linked friends and also boat via GPS.

The Pasithea app can be used to book all types of vehicles that perform tours of cities and rural areas and personal settings such as language for specific times days,months,years ahead.All of these vehicles will have IR iluminator/thermal cameras to function at night with the feeds fed into graphene windscreens.Once sentient the onboard computer of all vehicles will be able to give custom tours as well as interact directly to queries and can give tours in selected languages made when booking tours.Group tours involving people who speak different languages can have people use wireless earphones,contact lenses etc to have the tours directly fed into them in their language.All of these will be controlled by the building they dock or park at with them having self charging technologies and being run on electric batteries with them docked at buildings that themselves have unique personalities,avatars and names with the same applying to receptionists with an universal statue of Galatea in the lobby since linked by the sentient Myron of Eleutherae software with boat and submarine tours docking by buildings at the nearest seaport or dockyard.These buildings would have wireless charging inductive plates with the boats and submarines docking at docks with wireless energy inductive chargers underneath them or where connectors similar to automated electric station chargers can connect to them.UNESCO cultural heritage sites will be managed and linked by the sentient operating software Galatea,named after Galatea and have a statue of Galatea in their lobby

Personalised tours of cities as explained earlier can be done using smart lenses,glasses and devices with maps and brochures of major spots downloaded from the city AI onto smart devices like smart phones and e-newspapers with touchscreen tourist maps dotted at key points.The lenses and glasses can record them onto nearby smart devices,biological hard drives on the them or livestream them to their YouTube.These can have tours from the city AI streamed on the them with augmented reality relaying audio/visual clips and directions via lenses,glasses and also wireless earphones.

All structures in playgrounds and even public basketball courts either wooden or metal such as swings,jungle gyms etc should be covered in a layer of graphene paint to prevent rust and corrosion as well as increase their strength against external forces.They then should be covered in a layer of liquid glass to repel water as well as dirt with nano graffiti coatings that will allow any graffiti to be removed by gentle streams of water or even rainwater.These can be designed and stored on Hephaestus.The symbol of all of these on maps and signs worldwide will be a see saw and will be managed and linked together by the sentient operating software Komodia.When VR becomes indistinguishable from reality all playgrounds and basketball courts worldwide will be scanned in and these playgrounds and public basketball courts can be visited in large simulations with customised attractions and allow real world ones be turned into community gardens.Some that encroach on wilderness will be dug up and demolished and the land reforested.An infinite number of arenas will be designed by Komodia and the public with existing arenas around the world scanned before being converted into homes all managed by Komodia.Thus once VR technology is available all playgrounds worldwide will be scanned into the Komodia network which will house all future ones designed by AI and humans to be accessed by people from home and allow them rides etc to be dismantled and recycled and land reforested.

Managed by Agon these will likely in time become redundant by VR that is indistinguishable from reality that will allow one to play these in a variety of settings and maps of varying sizes designed by players form the comfort of home with a large number of people forming a large number of teams and will involve real weapons of any kind with players suffering real lifelike injuries and dying wherein they will lose for that game.The same will go for laser tag buildings with them becoming homes with these simulations managed by the operating software Agon.These in simulations will be in larger more complex buildings of al types such as military bases,abandoned buildings of all types,all types of obsolete buildings such as supermarkets/hotels/banks etc with outdoor venues being larger and more realistic with them likely replaced by deathmatch etc similar to those used by Agoge trainees.An infinite number of arenas will be designed by Agon and the public with existing arenas around the world scanned before being converted into homes all managed by Agon.Thus all outdoor paintball zones will be reforested and material recycled with those in buildings turned into homes with indoor ones turned into communal homes.

The only remaining work needed to be done in bowling alleys is the allotment of shoes which can be gathered and traded by hand with the bowlers own shoes suited for bowling allies designed on Hephaestus or have this process done by machine operated by touchscreen choosing shoe size.Otherwise people can order their own personal bowling shoes from Hephaestus.Game length and rules alongside which lane is used and whether borders are used will be decided by touchscreens or universal bowling alley apps where players can set up an account with their name and nickname,date of birth,gender etc that interact with all bowling alleys around the world and record all games they partake in and relay scores in realtime replacing bulky screens present that do this which can be recycled.Statistics,results and other data for each game would be saved here on their account alongside the building AI sharing it with the AI of all alleys worldwide with league tables on all statistics on local,regional,national,continental and global levels.Players can permanently save their name or nickname to the Pasithea app linked to all bowling alleys and thus have all their statistical data,games played worldwide,shoe size and other attributes such as height,gender,age etc saved on their and used on league tables and  statistical analytics carried out by Metamind etc with linked smart devices initiating games on each lane at a time in each alley.Other information used on these statistics would be number of people in each game,how many times a player would be playing with another player,what location and times they played.Tournaments can be arranged,recorded and managed by the AI of all buildings worldwide.The app would also relay how many games are taking place in each alley and how near the end they are when people are approaching them to plan ahead if its full with people able to book a preset time on specific dates days,weeks and even months ahead with them able to cancel at any time as well.Pins can be 3D printed with designs made by community withe same applying to bowling balls with those who play with graphene paint giving them extra strength.Smart lenses and glasses using augmented reality to guide the player towards making throws that could result in a strikes with it showing players how many hits their current direction and throw would result in.Touchscreen jukeboxes can allow music to played with the controlled via smart devices interacting with the building AI and small televisions linked to the wire and sites like YouTube via apps controlled by smart devices.Lounge areas can be set for people with seats,couches,food kiosks and links to the monitor recording the game played by friends made via smart devices interacting with the building AI.Cameras can be placed at a high angle to look down on the lane and thus record a person or groups game with the score at all times on the bottom of the screen and the current player for each go  highlighted thus allowing games to be recorded then downloaded onto smart devices from the building AI allowing them to uploaded it to their YouTube and social media accounts when they get home.Other amenities like arcade games in or near bowling alleys can be upgraded with new and emerging technologies.Arcade machines in bowling alleys and amusement arcades since they can be played on Dionysus arcade machines can be recycled or sent to museums dealing with video games with the space they occupy used for extra seats.Gambling machines again in bowling alleys and also amusement arcades can also be recycled alongside the money for scrap with them scanned in Hephaestus into Diagoras with electronic versions of all of them compiled into a single game within Dinoysus or added into new games to preserve them.Merchandisers such as claw games that are present can be also be recycled into aquariums for homes or restaurants with the toys,electronics and other material scanned into their networks in Hephaestus ie.Diagoras,Hestia and traded on Euthenia or recycled themselves.These can be replaced with other games and also kioks and lounges.Games like skeeball and basketball throwing games or similar ones can be replaced with virtual versions utilising holo lens and smart gloves owned by the visitor which can also be played at home.Holo lens and smart lenses can also be used to aid bowlers to throw the ball perfectly in order to get a desired result.As a result all amusement arcades can be converted into homes with the signs also recycled with large ones turned into communal homes and those in shopping malls turned it rooms etc.Those by piers will also be converted into homes with any attractions kept or recycled for scrap.Lights can be set turn on/off automatically inside to allow them to be visited during the night that that interact with weather networks and cameras that will turn them on/off at sunrise and sunset.Since robots will maintain them these could operate 24/7,365 days a year.Agon will also link these together around the world and a statue of her will also be found on all of these worldwide with the symbol of them on maps and signs being a wreath and bowling ball.

In time all entertainment centres and bowling alleys worldwide will be turned into communal homes once VR technology can allow them to visited at any time with these simulations managed by Agon.All bowling alleys etc will be scanned into Agons network to be preserved forever and an infinite number of new ones designed by Agon and the public.

Again these will be patrolled by garbage robots,poopscooping robots to pick up trash and also food kiosks and automated hotdog,burger,pizza,chips,candy floss,popcorn and crepe machines with them operated by touchscreens and interacting with the AI of the theme park to order in new ingredients from local vertical farms when they are low.Attractions such as roller coasters will be composed of self healing materials and sensors to monitor structural integrity that at first will be fixed by electricians with how to videos built into menus on on board computers(these menus will also have a menu to contact emergency services)but in time robots will become so advanced that small small spider bots merged with welding machines will be developed.Otherwise in attractions such as roller coasters an robot that can navigate the coaster track like a miniature train will be able to fix any damage with small welders and fixing apparatus on the underside.To prevent rust and damage and increase strength and durability all attractions in existing parks will be sprayed with a permanent hydrophobic coating of liquid glass over a coating of graphene paint and all under a coating of anti graffiti that will repel dirt,prevent rust,increase its strength against wear and tear and thus its lifetime considerably as well as generate electricity and negate the need for cleaning.These should be sprayed on all surfaces of all attractions even bumper cars,rollercoasters(including the tracks and vehicle itself),ferris wheels,carousels and other attractions to prevent wear and tear and damage from water and the weather etc.All other structures can also be coated with these including the those that power bumper cars and the interior and exterior of kiosks and even the interiors of mazes etc with permeable flooring introduced to allow water to return to the water table and prevent it building it up.New theme parks can have these composed of strong carbon composites such as carbyne,graphene and buckypaper.Sensory readings from the each structure can be fed via the carbon present in graphene paint etc will be fed into the theme parks AI viewable to the public alongside routine diagnostics.Age and height restricted attractions will have a small camera on the on board computer fitted with iSample software to determine age and height with them guarded by automated turnstiles with cameras at key points to prevent very young children gaining access to these rides with them only started when there are only adults and teens of the required height.To gain access to each of these attraction they will need to stream schedules from the theme park AI via which will detail in the case of roller coasters and electric bumper cars how long until the next rides with automated gates restricting access and preventing injury and others who need to be verified by iSample.There will also be maps that can be streamed onto e-newspapers and smart devices that show the persons location with regards to other amusements with them denoted by a marker on the map allowing them to select areas of the theme park to be directed to via visual line and audio cues.The AI guides could interact with google glasses and wireless ear and headphones allowing each visitor to be personally attended to and giving them a personalised park experience and guiding,communicating with and tracking them to where others in their group are on a map to ensure they do not become lost i.e. family trips with this done with each member logging at the entrance via facial recognition software and tracked via the AI and cameras in the park and attractions or by linking their smart devices together allowing them to visible on maps on smart devices as uniquely coloured blips with those outside the range visible as arrows denoting their distance in kilometres,metres and cms.Since robots will maintain them these could operate 24/7,365 days a year.Lights can be set up in strategic areas and on major attractions to allow them to be visited during the night that that interact with weather networks and cameras that will turn them on/off at sunrise and sunset.Readings from the structural integrity of all attractions including rollercoasters and all machinery and diagonstics of all attractions and machinery will be fed into Hermes constantly.These will be managed and linked together worldwide by the sentient operating software Komodia after the goddesses of amusement alongside circuses.The symbol of these on maps and signs worldwide will be a ferris wheel.Hotels by these will become permanent homes for residents with them managed by separate macro AI and AIs for each room with them having the statue of Hestia the operating software of it with any retail outlets on the grounds of them emptied by the general public and turned into other homes via extensions.Abandoned theme parks can be renovated with new attractions put in their place construction material ie graphene and other carbon fibres or recycled for scrap and the land used for community or forest farms.Otherwise communal skyscraper homes can be built on the land with some of the attractions such as pools,waterslides and also ferris wheels renovated or replaced with newer versions.Characters played by people in suits will be replaced by robots,bio-synth and also holographic AI each having no independent personality but be part of the them park AI.

Advancements in VR technology especially if sufficiently advanced to the point that it is indistinguishable to real life will allow one to visit any theme park from the comfort of their own home with even fictional ones that have physics defying rides such as roller coasters,waterslides and also intricate mazes that house monsters and realistically scary haunted houses that can also be mazes with rooms changing as well and using neural implants using ones individuals fear against them giving people customised experiences in different types of houses(conventional house thats either dilapidated or in good condition,temples of different cultures,abandoned hospital or asylum and other buildings scanned into Daedalus,graveyard etc)based on their fear as other conventional attractions more bizarre with them being multi layered to allow millions of people from around the world to use different rides and attractions at once.These would never be lethal or cause injury with no accidents occurring etc thus allowing for them to be completely safe and allow all existing ones to be torn down and reforested or have certain buildings converted into communal homes and housing estates and some attractions kept with existing hotels present on the grounds of all of them used as permanent communal homes with separate macro AIs.All existing theme parks worldwide will have all buildings used for accomadation and also restaurants and all attractions both indoor and outdoor scanned into Komodias database to allow them to recreated perfectly.This would apply not just places like Disneyland but also Seaworld and other less well known ones around the world including those that are abandoned with even demolished ones like Nara Dremworld recreated using footage from urban exploration videos and blueprints etc.Cancelled theme parks that were never built will be present.The attractions in abandoned and demolished ones would obviously be replicated to their former glory.All theme parks worldwide will have their attractions scanned in including obsolete and one time attractions for movies to preserve them forever with new attractions created for new movies etc created by Komodia and the public.All present and past obsolete attractions in both water and theme parks both existing and also defunct ones will be present and added to preserve them forever with new ones added overtime that would not be possible in the real world Cancelled attractions due to being obsolete ie those created for movies,being dangerous and causing fatal accidents will be here with the rides never requiring maintenance and would never break down and never cause injury or death.Abandoned and cancelled theme parks would also be visited here once all rides are scanned in.This would allow all abandoned,cancelled and functioning parks and water parks including Seaworld to be visited at any time with new ones created over time.Funfairs and fairgrounds around the world will also be scanned in and have the land reforested or used as community farms.Waterparks including abandoned ones will also have their attractions scanned in and torn down in order to be converted into homes with abandoned ones also replicated here.Funfairs etc worldwide including those by piers and even abandoned ones will have their attractions scanned in.Existing attractions at all theme and waterparks and funfairs etc across the world and universe can be scanned into the Komodia network for these simulations.Hotels including existing ones and new ones will be present in these VR simulations of theme parks etc for guests.These simulations will be managed by Komodia with them multilayered allowing billions of people to be present at once.Each simulation for theme parks will be the size of a planet with if possible all of the worlds amusement parks,theme parks,funfairs and those on piers being on the same in simulation planet alongside new ones created by the public from scratch with their being hotels for people to stay while in these multilayered simulations using the time dilation effect.This will preserve all existing theme parks,all abandoned and obsolete ones and all defunct and cancelled attractions forever for future generations.Members of the public and AI will design an infinite number of new attractions for each theme park,water park,funfair etc with even an infinite amount of entirely new theme parks,water parks and funfairs created from scratch by the public and AI.These simulations would be multilayered simulations managed by the sentient Komodia houses in the Komodia network.One could visit them instantly from home with them having I simulation hotels with new attractions made for them including for new movies etc and all new ones and all old defunct and existing kept forever to preserve them forever.These simulations will take place in multiple simulations that planet sized or the size of an alderson disc or entire universe.These theme parks,water parks and funfairs etc both functioning and abandoned in the real world can be converted into major residential areas via merging retail areas together with hotels present being used as permanent homes prior to the formation of VR technology.Thus once VR simulations are indistinguishable from reality all attractions including defunct ones and those from abandoned theme parks etc in all theme parks,funfairs worldwide will be scanned into Komodias network to be preserved forever with new theme parks and attractions designed by Komodia and members of the public.This will allow all attractions in all funfairs,water parks and theme parks worldwide to be dismantled and recycled.In the case of funfairs the land they occupied will be turned into community farms or reforested with theme parks have land taken up by attractions reforested and all hotels,retail outlets and restaurants and buildings for indoor attractions turned into communal homes making them residential areas or if big enough entire new towns.Funfairs by piers will have retail outlets turned into homes and piers used for more homes or other purposes with other inland turned into community farms.Waterparks both abandoned and functioning will have all attractions and pipes etc demolished and recycled and with indoor ones the pool kept as a communal pool with roof extensions housing suites and communal lobbies and kitchens etc.outdoor ones will have buildings present have roof extensions that could extend over the pool thus enclosing the pool over the entire pool.In both instances the pool will act as a communal pool for all residents with locker rooms kept.Wild animals as part of Seaworld etc will be released into the wild to their native habitat or sent to zoos.

Work done by humans here will be voluntary carried out by animal scientists/researchers,animal psychologists and behaviourists,veterinarians as well as people from the public who have an interest in animal welfare as is currently seen in animal sanctuaries.These would involve people starting from 12 or younger with most work automated.Food for animals will be grown on site ranging from algae feed stock for both carnivores,and herbivores with insects reared for insectivores as well as hydroponic and aeroponic vegetables and fruits that form part of the staple diet of each individual animal species in order to provide a constant food source and keep the animals from getting homesick.Hybrid crops grown via auaponics can be used as it will allow large amounts of specific crops to be grown in bulk with them undergoing engineering to increase growth rates and yields and allow native crops to be grown that suite the animals diet.Fish and shellfish will be grown in recirculating aquaculture systems for sea and land based animals that eat them with them engineered to have bones replaced with edible scaffolding.Algae will be grown onsite of all zoos using faeces from animals in microfarm systems that collect it from pens with it treated to radiation etc once made immune to it with it fed to them as slop or TVP for mammals and birds with for fish it can be pumped into aquariums as a liquid.It can be fed to carnivores and omnivores with it producing the same texture and taste as meat with in vitro meat created for carnivores of any species of animal but ideally the preferred prey.Insects of specific species can as stated be reared for those that eat them such as reptiles,spiders and birds.Insects can be fed flour created by bacteria and algae or in vitro meat or other species of insects created by 3D DNA printers.All food including these can be grown inside to produce food on site cutting down on energy with this including flour and other commodities from bacteria with crops grown via aquaponic.In time the sowing,growing,harvesting and transportation of food can be fully automated following preprogrammed feeding times for for each pen.This will make all zoos etc self  sufficient with 3D DNA printers present with extensions used to house large areas to grow food.Furthermore the fruit trees and other plants native to their region of origin for example berries and wild bananas suited for monkeys and other herbivores and omnivores can be planted in their pen with hybrid crops that grow two or more crops on one plant will be grown hydroponically or in the pens of animals with them having DNA totipotent stem cells,planarians,A.mexicanum,Hydra,Clostridium perfringenes to regrow new fruits and leaves etc instantly after being picked and eaten with animals once eating the seeds spreading them and fertilising them via faeces.This would also include grass and shrubs in rhino pens,African or evergreen trees for giraffes,bamboo(and live insects released annually)in panda pens all planted by robots(covered in metamaterials) continuously to ensure their is a constant supply with extra grown onsite indoors via hydro and aeroponics.These will be engineered to grow in the local soil and climate and also genetic engineering to increase growth rates and yields with the flowers modified to be pollinated by native pollinators.In the case of insectivores the insects can be put in live or dead ideally live where they can also pollinate flowers while in vitro meat/bioprinted offal and fish reared in recirculating aquaculture systems will provide meat for carnivores with this meat delivered by hand or by robots that can dispense meat through rail systems or in cargo systems present in seaports and deep ocean fish farms.In the case of seals and dolphins and other ichtovores fish can be added into the pens live reared onsite with recirculating aquaculture systems.Ideally carnivores including seals,snakes etc will be feed small to large chunks of in vitro meat from their preferred prey.Carnivores can be fed biosynth prey that has Substance P removed via gene therapy to negate animal cruelty with bones either being normal or made of edible carbohydrates and proteins for extra nutrition and as stated plants with their preferred crop grown in pens that have expediated growth,acellerated healing,oligotrophic and xerophile DNA and ability to grow in native souls and climates present.The main benefit is that it keeps the animal trained to hunt prey and plant based crops to prevent it becoming too dependent on humans for food meaning it will require less training to return them back to the wild,preventing them from becoming depressed and bored from not being in their natural habitats and allow humans to study their feeding habits.Robots and bio synths in their pens will monitor them and also collect manure and waste in order to recycle the phosphorous and nitrogen by producing algae on microfarms while those in pens with plants and crops will be used to fertilise them.The algae can be feed to them in the form of flour,TVP and slop to create a looped system.Some pens will be designed like those for livestock consisting of graphene or carbyne grating coated in liquid glass where in can be collected below and collected by pumps or slanted tunnels to be collected to grow algae feed creating a looped cycle.However ideally all pens should have grasses,bushes,trees and crop trees ideally those from their natural habitat engineered to survive all climates including frosts and as stated have the acellerated healing phenotype to regrow when eaten.The feces and urine can be used to fertilise plants and crops grown in the pens.These robots and bio-synths that would be part of the zoo AI will also be used to monitor their behaviour and health and using readings from those monitoring animals in the wild teach captive animals how to behave in the wild such as mating habits,integrating into packs and hunting skills with some of them or other following them when they are returned to the wild to further teach them these behaviours until they are fully capable of this particularity in animals that do not form packs.Genetically engineered bacteria milk and colostrum of a particular species can be used to feed young cubs and pups extra milk with specific antibodies or extra nutrients engineered into them via an artificial teat milking system or drip feeder.Bacteria will produce all types of commodities such as flours,oils,juices etc.All zoos will house in extensions areas to grow algae,in vitro meat,bacteria based flour,oils etc from bacteria and crops and fish and shellfish by aquaponics and insects with them using 3D DNA printers to make them self sufficient.

Animal pens especially those that house dangerous ones will be housed in domes(sprayed on both sides with liquid glass preventing fogging and as well as the need for cleaning) that have graphene integrated into or protected by large metal walls covered in meta-materials making them invisible and see through allowing the animals to visible yet preventing people from falling or jumping in.Alternatively high strong graphene walls can be erected as it is both strong to resist damage from animals and humans and is see through with touchscreen capabilities allowing menus to be brought up and educational videos at set times.Graphene touchscreen monitors will placed at pens with audio/visual and text education on all animals in each pen.This in menus can allow information on each individual animals genetic lineage,history and other personal information on each animal(like what other zoos and reserves around the world they came from).Glass covering pens and aquariums can be replaced with or have and extra over existing sheets glass with graphene within its matrix to make it shatterproof but also add touchscreen and augmented reality features to it with the zoo AI interacting with visitors through this.All surfaces including glass and pens will be coated with a permanent layer of liquid glass.Smart devices linked to this can allow them to switch between the cameras present on bio-synths,the animals themselves and key points of the pen or in the case of sea animals aquarium(interactions with this via smart devices will allow pictures to be taken on these cameras and saved onto the devices and uploaded to social media).Other menus can detail feeding times as well as a menu that alerts staff of any accidents such as people who have fallen in accidentally for corrective action to be taken(see later) with nanomicrophones and cameras present.When an alarm is sounded the touchscreen will alert staff to the location of the pen and give them the fastest route via smart lenses and devices giving audio visual cues or the location of the pen and allow them to carry out measures remotely.Robots and biosynths alongside cameras at key points in pens will allow them to be monitored by the zoo AI as well as both the public and researchers remotely.These pens may also be underground allowing for them to be spread over a large area.Outdoor pens can have underground extensions to house the animal that can move upside and downstairs with reptile and insect houses also housed underground with these underground areas added to existing zoos to give them large areas of artificial deserts,jungles and so on using plants from their native homes to move around at all times with walkway areas around them,in the middle of them on various heights used by visitors to walk around them and view them.This can give all types of animals such as birds,mammals,reptiles etc to roam free with the Phanes method and 3D DNA printers allowing for thousands if not millions of each species to be present.Implants in the animals would relay to visitors etc the location of animals on smart devices and google lenses etc linked to Pasithea that links to the zoo AI.Cameras on devices linked to the app will highlight their location for photos.Artificial light will create day and night cycles with trees and biosynth nanomaterisl filters separating carbon dioxide unto oxygen.VR trchnology would allow for animals to roam free and be retrained in their normal habitat.These areas would use geothermal heating and thermo-piezoelectric material covered pipes to charge them and would use energy efficient lights to light them at daytime and turned off at night with nanomaterials,trees etc providing oxygen.

Aquariums will house a wide variety of species with again them fed live fish or invitro meat in the case of sharks and predatory fish or algae pellets or algae liquid pumped into the aquarium in the case of other species.Again bio-synths and robots can be used to monitor and remotely interact with these animals and monitor environmental conditions such as temperature,pH etc.with nanosensors placed at set points of each part of aquariums as well fed into the zoo AI.Macro algae and coral especially endangered species of coral and fish that are native to these reefs will be also present to improve aesthetics and also for conservation efforts where they can grow without the threat of ocean acidification,invasive species and predators then released back into the wild when conditions become more favourable.Algae pellets can dropped in by machinery or algae liquid can be pumped into them with in vitro meat used to feed carnivores.Liquid glass sprayed on the interior and exterior of windows and underwater tunnels running through large pools and aquariums will prevent fogging of them and also the build up of dirt preventing them to be cleaned.Cameras coated in liquid glass will be placed at key points to allow researchers to monitor animals.Feces and other impurities will be filtered out by large filters present or robots as well to be used to create algae in a looped system.Again robots and biosynths alongside cameras at key points in them will allow them to be monitored by the zoo AI as well as both the public and researchers remotely.

As stated earlier zoos will a play a role in managing genetic diversity in endangered species with semen and egg samples collected from wild and captive animals traded globally.Wild animals can be temporarily brought in for collection of semen or to mate with captive animals with hormones used to induce fertility and increase the number of eggs produced.These should be screened to prevent handing down genetic deformities and this can all be managed by software.Tranquilizer darts will provide security for rescuing any people that land in animal pens either by accident or intentional means and for collecting semen and egg samples.Otherwise 3D DNA printers would be onsite of zoos and also conservation areas etc to print out unique strands of DNA using logged DNA in patient files and Artemis as a basline into blank spermatazoa and eggs to save on energy costs and labour.Ideally several million should be printed at once and then frozen onsite of them in sperm and egg banks with these having recombinant DNA from from Tardigrade,H.glaciei,C.clavipes,P.putida GR12-2,C.greenlandensis,C.pleistocenium,psychrophillic and osmophile bacteria,Wood Frogs(R.sylvatica) and also those from scratch that allow them to be stored indefinitely.Spermatazoa and eggs in miniature banks inside zoos could be engineered to to be stored indefinitely either through the parents engineered to have all of this recombinant DNA or have existing spermatazo and eggs rethawed and fitted with this and with recombinant DNA from planarians,A.mexicanum,Hydra,T.gammatolerans,D.radiodurans,Bacillus F and C.elegans will repair damaged tissues and telomeres allowing them to be rethawed and refrozen thus allowing them to be thawed and refrozen again and again and be stored at different temperature ranges.Alternatively they can be fitted with microchips under their skin that contain a sedative suited to their size and species that can be released by staff who have clearance to activate in the time of emergencies on touchscreens at the pen or on their smart devices when alarms are sent to them with audio visual live feeds sent to them by the public who raise the alarm via nanomicrophones and cameras present on the screens by the pen.This would allow the animals in these pens to be dealt with remotely and quickly using passwords and view progress of events in the pen via cameras present their and the vital signals of the animals(also measured by the microchips).These microchips composed of carbon composites or bio synth versions can after releasing the sedative break down in the body harmlessly and then replaced by others via surgery or injection via specialised syringes.Ideally biocompatible microbes controlled by these chips can release sedative made by them negating the need for replacing chips.If they are biosynth implants then they will create sedatives by themselves when cameras looking in on pens connected to the zoo AI decides they are needed.In time the zoo AI will do this when activated by them observing animals in the zoo pens and also when the public or any researchers alert them with this also aiding in capturing any animals that escape.These would also have the same functions as in humans.They can also using thermo-piezoelectric energy can store electrical energy which can act as an internal shock collar.This measure would prevent unnecessary harm and death of both any humans and animals should they escape or humans enter the pen by mistake.Animals can be tracked and monitored using both these GPS biosynth microchips and also individual animal recognition cameras if they escape with cameras in streets outside zoos etc tracking them.The amount of sedatives released will be specific to the individual animal to prevent death.In time all of this will be managed automatically by the zoo AI.These biosynth implants will also monitor biological readings such as heart rate,breathing rate,temperature,hormones and other factors to allow their health to be constantly measured and contain all their ID data(species name and code),patient file information,lineage and history(such as what zoos and conservation areas they were sent to and from their entire life and also feeding history and history of incidents and accidents) streamed from the Zoo AI for use in studies by researchers worldwide.The human workers will also have ID tags with chips that interact with sensors on automated gates that allow only them in to feed animals,collect semen/eggs and also bring them in for fertilisation,administer drugs/vaccines and collect blood samples with facial recognition software supplementing this with specific individuals given access to areas specific to their field or species they manage.This can also be used to track when samples were taken and when food was dispensed.Information regarding feeding,administration of drugs and vaccines and collection and results of blood samples can be monitored and collected by a series of networks between zoos and conservation parks and reserves for use in large scale scientific studies on a global scale for each individual species or groups of species.The Phanes method also applied for maintaing genetic diversity via onsite 3D DNA printers.All animals present in zoos will be given anti-ageing treatments to stay youthful forever and fertility can be controlled to stay fertile all year long or made sterile by turning on/off genes with all animals having patient files.

Extensions can be built ontop of or underneath existing and new zoos to house more animals with environmental conditions fed into nansensors controlled by heating and cooling systems maintained by the amenity AI with again liquid glass on all surfaces and interior,exterior of all glass pens with graphene in their matrix.This can allow them to have large aquariums underground and larger pens for some animals and have reptile farms.Animal specific buildings such as reptile houses,alligator farms,aviaries etc can be integrated in the nearest zoos with the animals transferred there so as to allow them to be converted into homes or other purposes.In time when animals become more abundant especially endangered ones they can be returned to the wild and the zoos turned into homes when VR indistinguishable from reality can allow one to view them in their original form with countless animals.

Bio-synth drones can be set to live inside the pens,pools or aquariums alongside animals and modelled after the animal they are living with allowing scientist to remotely monitor animals from home or at the zoo.It will also allow them and visitors to remotely interact with them using smart devices linked to the zoos intranet.This should apply to all endangered species of animals of all phylum such as Arthopoda(including insects) and Mollusca they too can be reared in captivity in zoos where their numbers can be increased via the same trading system,protection from predators and aforementioned methods in areas and pens devoted to them.So in short zoos used to harbour endangered species in predator free pens and trade semen and eggs and used in surrogacy programs will play a major role in conservation efforts.Neural implants in all species of animals(mammals,birds,sea mammals,fish etc and others of significant neural mass) will record dreams,sensations,memories and even emotions of them to computers and allow animal behavioural researchers to link up with them too to share and record them for studies and analysis with them also to record their point of view.It may even allow for a form of communication between animals and researchers and each other.During VR program sessions researchers can link with animals and share these in real time with recorded versions played back on computers and on linked implants with them stored within Phanes and they may be able to communicate with the animals as if their were human both in and out of simulations.Implants and cameras can also be fitted into them to allow them to measure vital signs and point of view as well prior to the development of neural implants.These implants will at times place one or multiple or even all animals into VR programs with animals in one,multiple or all zoos and even those in the wild to run VR programs to prevent animals becoming homesick and also to study their behaviour in a natural environment with this ideally involving those that are native to their home place using the time dilation effect.RFID chips(in time bio-synth versions) in all animals will measure the levels of hormones,salts,sugars,nutrients,blood components and vital signs relayed to their patient file and will allow escaped animals to be tracked via GPS.

Again both mobile trash cans and food kiosks will dot the park with maps once again showing where on is in relation to other animal pens which can interact with smartphone apps and give directions.These maps can also be downloaded into e-newspapers that give constant live indication of where you are to other pens and then allow the visitor to mark multiple pens to be guided to via a plotted line drawn with their finger and them as a marker.Visitors can apply to get a personal AI tour guide which will interact with google glasses/lenses and e-newspapers and wireless earphones or codec technology guiding them around to where the want to go(and showing their current location with help of the areas intranet with touschscreen features allow them to mark areas they want to go similar to the city maps explained earlier on) and wireless ear and headphones and google glasses and lenses allowing each visitor to be personally attended to and take tours for as long they wish and spend time in each area of the zoo/sanctuaries as long as they wish with detailed information in the form of audio/visual clip of each animal they visit both in the wild and in the pens being fed well as personal information and history of each individual animal(via the ID chips inside them).They will also be equipped with maps of the entire zoo on both guiding them around to where the want to go and giving them a personalised tour experience via audio/visual clips and having the intranet combined with the wire and internet via the building AI with the Artemis network giving a wide variety of information such as:scientific names of animals,DNA and genes and other detailed information.It will also be guiding,communicating with and tracking them to where others in their group are on a map to ensure they do not become lost i.e.on family trips with this done with each member logging at the entrance via facial recognition software and tracked via the AI and cameras in the building or linking their smart devices with each other with each person a different coloured blip on their maps and the AI only letting them go outside in emergencies and in their original groups when they sign out at the same time using the smart devices.The visual record tour of the place alongside pictures taken by the smart lenses and glasses (and other electronics such as digital cameras and smart phones)can be instantly sent to the persons computers and external hard drives at home then and there and/or social media sites and uploaded to their YouTube accounts within seconds via the internet and wire/home AI app with or without the AI audio/visual tours as selected by the user.Again as stated earlier quantum dot technology and graphene paint an be applied to zoos alongside anti-graffiti coatings(in the same aforementioned manner) to generate electricity and protect them from vandalism and the need for cleaning.Lights can be set up in strategic areas to allow them to be visited during the night that that interact with weather networks and cameras that will turn them on/off at sunrise and sunset.The sentient operating software Artemis will manage and link all zoos and sanctuaries worldwide and also theme parks similar to Seaworld and animal based centres and will also link them to all UNESCO natural heritage sites around the world.An universal statue of her will be found in all zoos,animal theme parks and centres,UNESCO natural heritage sites,nature reserves,national parks and sanctuaries worldwide by the main building with their symbol on maps and signs being her on her throne with a lion.Her symbol of her on a throne with a lion will be on all universal uniforms worn by volunteers that work there around the world.Th sentient operating software Artemis will manage all wilderness areas,conservation areas around the world with his statue in the building managing it.Advancements in VR technology especially if sufficiently advanced to the point that it is indistinguishable to real life could allow one to visit any zoo,conservation area of the world from the comfort of their home with this allowing non historical zoos to be converted into homes.All of these will have their own AI with an unique personality,legal name and avatar and receptionist with the same features too wearing universal uniforms.Remaining zoos will be maintained by volunteer humans and biosynths.

The work done by rangers and conservationists on nature reserves will be voluntary as these workers will also act as animal scientists and behaviourists.Drones that can survey nature reserves will allow for remote viewing and monitoring of these reserves allowing scientists to gain a better understanding of animal behavior in their natural habitats as well as monitoring environmental conditions such as weather,temperature,carbon dioxide concentration and humidity etc.

Ideally drones,bio-synths and robotics modelled after a species likeness should be developed so as to once again remotely monitor their behaviour for scientific studies.They would also monitor the health of the environment the animals are in ie ensuring there is enough plant cover and also amount of each species of plants and prey they consume.Animals that have already been made into various types of robots include Mammalia,Gorilla gorilla,Insecta,Aves,Selachimorpha and other fish,Serpentes,Lepidoptera with further advancements to be made to allow more species to be made such as social insects such as Hymenoptera and Isoptera that can infiltrate and monitor nests.At first robots and drones will monitor animals in the wild but in time biosynths modelled on any of the worlds 2,000,000 animal species will take over.These can monitor populations of animals allowing researchers to study behavior remotely as well as keep track of the health of these populations both in terms of numbers and also if any them show signs of disease or pests with those in hive for example killing off pests such as Varroa destructor allowing them to spray them with pesticides that kill off the pests and not bees or consume them.They will report these and allow actions to be taken by researchers such as sedate infected animals and treat them with the others herded to an an area where they can be contained and vaccinated or contained to prevent the spread of the disease to all animals in the wild.

These biosynths will be used to teach animals how to reintegrate into the wild via teaching them via VR simulations via neural implants and also in the wild with animals also have instructions downloaded into their brains.They will monitor all animals especially those that form packs and shoals as well as similar large groups and even solitary ones with them also monitoring the health of the environment,protect animals from poachers,monitor their behaviour as well as seek out rubbish etc.

Sea based drones and in time bio synths can be modelled after birds or sea animals such as Selachimorpha,Medusozoa,Cetacea and all types of fish that can observe animals from the skies or underwater in behavioural studies.They can also again be used to patrol the skies and oceans for any illegal activity such as whaling with cameras fitted that can photograph individuals and the name of whaling ships thus instantly alerting the correct authorities.Instead of attacking the ship they can simply attach a miniature GPS tracker to it thus allowing authorities to follow and pursue the ship or have the bio-synth attach to to the ship itself.Cameras on them add the serial and licence plate of the vehicles as well as the photos of all people as much as possible to Artemis and law enforcement databases to be tracked by all surveillance cameras and AI part of the wire.Polis can be cross referenced for their identities and address.Again minute blood samples can be used to identify them if their is masks worn.Deep sea drones can also be used to travel and map the undersea floor using radar.Again they can be fitted with night,infra-red illuminator and thermal vision to navigate the seas at night and in deep oceans.Charging can be through both miniature micro-turbines that generate electricity as the drone moves and is at rest,solar power technology(either quantum dot or graphene or both) on scales and/or through wireless charging stations dotted along the ocean.These charging stations can be ferries or ships that are fitted with micro-turbines, wind turbines and solar panels that deploy them and can track them (and each drone could track each other) via GPS or sea airports and power stations(i.e. wind power sea farms).Cameras,implants and contact lenses(again treated with liquid glass to repel dirt and water) can once again be placed on sea animals to observe their behaviour from their point of view.They can also be fitted with sensors to monitor environmental conditions such as pH,salinity,temperature,levels of pollutants.Undersea research centres can be developed by attaching underwater elevators to new and existing oil rig structures or as part of underwater cities with the upper structure providing hydroponically grown food,hospital wards and floating algae farms and the rooms below composed of pyrex and graphene composites that allow them to go as deep as possible with computer screens in the glass.Elevators and rescue pods that are composed of pyrex and float to the surface using flotation devices similar to armbands can be used to reach the surface very quickly.In shallow waters these research centres can have transgenic coral that can survive and tolerate low pH and warmer and colder waters planted onto them furthering their range and habitat until their native habitat is more favourable.Underwater vehicles can be developed to be used for tours of the ocean.Recombinant DNA from chemosynthetic bacteria and piezophiles will allow them to be in lower depths with bio luminescence added.GPS biosynth implants as detailed earlier on connected to Phanes can be implanted into observed Cetacea and fish etc using swarms of biosynths modelled on lamprey eels,fish or parasites for the same purposes making it easier for tour boats or researchers find schools of dolphins,fish,whales etc.Neural implants,cameras and implants can also be integrated into sea animals.

For visitors of conversations and sanctuaries in jeeps these can be covered in meta-materials or invisible cloak to again allow for animals to be viewed without their knowledge.Screens and wireless video game controllers can allow those inside to control drones and biosynhs mimicking their appearance and can allow visitors to interact remotely with animals especially dangerous animals such as Panthera tigris,Ursus arctos,Ursus maritimus,G.gorilla and Panthera leo and allow videos recordings and pictures taken to be sent to smart devices and uploaded to social networks such as Facebook from these drones/robots/vehicles.This would be visible through the onboard computer and also smart devices such as google glasses,smart phones,smart pads (even those belonging to the visitor)interacting with the vehicles computer and thus the drones via the conversations/sanctuaries intranet and even graphene sheet screens embedded in the windshield etc.Zoom features alongside UV,night and thermal vision can switched between at the behest of the controller as the visitor will view through cameras on them.They can also switch to cameras mounted on animals with the same camera features and ability to record videos and take pictures.Animals alongside with drones will be fitted with biosynth implants that pass from generation to the next to measure vital signs and GPS locations for the car to drive to with a map on the onboard computer showing the location of all animals allowing the people inside to select which animals to have the car or drones to follow.The use of biosynth GPS implants that pass from one generation to the next will make it easier for the locations of animals to be found.It could also allow each person onboard to view control individual drones and view cameras on individual animals.The cars can be automated following a track and even get as close as normally allowed to the animals chosen by the passengers with orders to stop via voice commands and buttons on menu an emergency feature activated by the passengers to escape as safely and fast as possible with the added feature that allows drivers to take control of the wheel in these circumstances.Smart devices would automatically hook up to the onboard computer allowing for menus and features being operated from these via an app that connects them to a much larger global network.Human tour guides could be with the visitors on a one to basis or monitor and communicate remotely via the reserve/zoo/sanctuaries intranet.Menus can also have features where animals belonging to each species can be tracked in groups or individually as well as the feature to to allow them to have the vehicle or drones move towards them automatically as well as get detailed information on each animals personal history and lineage ie. date of birth,uses for surrogacy,parent,siblings and children,zoos and other sanctuaries it had lived in previously etc.and detailed information on the species through menus and submenus.The cars can come equipped with pepper spray,guns with tranquilliser darts or even a skin covering the jeep that upon request of the person inside or using a smart device or remote controller can release an electric shock that would deter the animal from attacking the passengers in side or a noxious gas or noise that is repugnant to the animal as well as flashing bright lights that can be directed to them to disorient them and send distress signal if in the case of extreme emergency.They would also could include a roof seat(s) or step encircled by a chest high grating allowing for secure roof viewing of animals alongside a secure strap when standing and seat belts when seated with a large camera that could zoom in several miles.The camera will allow them to zoom in on distant animals as well as take pictures that can be wirelessly sent to their linked smart phones and other devices will also be there.The drones and robots can also take pictures that are automatically uploaded to smart phones and devices allowing more pictures to be taken safely.Both of these cameras on jeeps and robots/drones will be equipped with night vision and IR illuminator cameras alongside normal ones that can be switched through using buttons.This can apply to underwater species with automated boats replacing automated cars and each person onboard being able to see through the cameras on individual drones and cameras onboard individual animals with smart devices allowing them to choose which animal or drone to interact with in the area and accessing onboard menus on their individual devices.In the case of coral reefs augmented reality can be integrated into goggles worn by swimmers to give information on each animal species via waterproof earphones via scientists providing live or recorded audio seeing through cameras attached to the goggles as well as guide them back to the boat through visual tags and again the same AI tour guide system in public amenities like museums.The AI tour guides could interact with the glasses and wireless ear and headphones allowing each diver to be personally attended to and take tours for as longs they wish and spend time in each area as long as they wish with maps of the entire museum on both guiding them around to where the want to go and giving them a personalized tour experience and guiding,communicating with and tracking them to where others in their group are on a map to ensure they do not become lost i.e. family trips with this done with each member having a GPS tracker attached to the diver suit and guided to each other and the boat via these with them showing how each person is from watch other in meters on the goggles.

All animals in these areas for tourists such as Cetacea,P.tigris,U.arctos,U.maritimus,G.gorilla,P.leo will have biosynth implants injected in them that pass from one generation to the next to allow them to be tracked easily via Artemis making it quicker for jeeps etc to drive to them much quicker.AI on onboard computers can on demand release natural sedatives or neurotransmitters that put the animal to sleep based on the individual animals size to put it to sleep or make them tired but not kill them if they become a danger to the tourists o researchers with this replicated in zoos.Biosynths modelled on the animals that monitor them as part of packs especially dangerous ones such as Cetacea,P.tigris,U.arctos,U.maritimus,G.gorilla,P.leo can allow tourists to via remote controllers and gloves,suits in vehicles nearby interact with the animals safely without putting themselves in danger with linked smart devices owned by them and monitors on the vehicles relaying sounds and visual feeds intaken by the biosynths.

Tours of reefs and other underwater habitats,underwater cave systems and even trenches and hydrothermal vents can be done via remote controlled bio-synths,cameras attached to animals and underwater vehicles allowing for one to view the sea life and geological features.At first these would follow set paths but in time artificial intelligence will guide one through personalised tours with onboard computers having menus for GPS maps,information on local flora and fauna and other educational material.All types of underwater vehicles including bathyspheres for underwater cities would have to have the glass be composed of pyrex and graphene matrix to survive the pressure of the ocean especially at lower depths with security features that automatically release a buoyant sea air bag(alongside traditional airbag) on the outside similar to children swimming armbands should an accident occur such as a breach in its hull,glass,structure,the passenger suffers a heart attack or loses consciousness(via interactions with implants and smart clothing or menu on the onboard computer) or if the vehicle runs out of power(at which point a button or switch in a compartment can be activated by the passenger manually)to force the vehicle to the surface and alert it to emergency services or drive to the nearest onland or sea based hospitals.Graphene can be included into the matrix of these airbags to increase their strength.Sonar can be utilised to repeal any animals that may get too close.These will be booked on the Pythia app worldwide.

Recorded and live feeds from bio-synths,drones,robots and surveillance cameras both in the air(in the case of birds and insects),land(snakes,mammals etc),underwater(fish,mammals,etc)can be stored onto the Artemis network for analysis later on with also them uploaded to Artemis s YouTube account and the live feeds within Brauron.

All jungles,rainforests,wilderness areas around the world and universe will have a building at the main entrance to the area it on the edge of urban areas by it with the universal statue of Artemis with her being the sentient operating software of all of them.These buildings will be managed by separate AIs with AI receptionists with universal uniform,landline phone with the receptionist and AI having its own independent personality,legal name and avatar with them powered by solar panels,geothermal heating and pipes covered in thermo-piezoelectric materials,VAWTs,quantum dot technology,see through and normal thermo-piezoelectric materials,graphene paint,piezoelectric materials that gains energy from noise such as from rivers as well as animals and oceans etc,microhydro turbines,Stordot batteries or from the local grid with them housing all robots,drones etc.Buildings that hold hybrid farm AIs will also have a statue of Aristeaus their sentient operating softwares.These AIs will be the AI in charge of each wilderness and control all robots,drones and biosynths and stream maps to people’s devices and also give guided tours and answer queries.All robots and machinery will be stored here also and would be self charging and also charge form wireless charging docks in the building with in time biosynths modelled on humans and native fauna will be stored here.Toilets,lounges,automated cafeteria and living spaces for researchers,volunteers and visitors can be added via extensions to existing buildings with the sewage connected to the main line or onsite microfarms to produce algae as human,animal feed and fertiliser.The Storedot batteries will store electricity from onsite sources and if possible the grid when electricity is not used or when they are far from or connected to the grid with energy efficient CSYS lights and appliances to reduce energy costs and will have bio-luminescent trees and plants inside and outside of them to provide cheap lightening at night with them unable to mate with other native plants preventing this phenotype from overtaking other plants.Geothermal systems will provide heating and cooling all year round to cut down on energy costs with this being closed double circuit loop with thermo-piezoelctric material covered pipes providing electrical energy that can allow them to be separate from the grid and provide electricity for biosynth wifi.Living spaces can involve Venetian or Pallazo standard suites of that is 60.387 – 66.8902 square metres as it can house a king sized bed,en suite and mini living room with automated communal kitchens etc with these being permenant residence for researchers,guides and volunteers.This AI will control all drones and bio synths in the area with oceans and rivers also having them by the coast and the midpoint with those that manage the migratory species controlling them from their summer area or these will be controlled by Artemis and Artemis combined with Artemis managing conservation programmes and the logging of all specimens worldwide.All papers present and data present in computers will be scanned and transferred into the building AIs intranet and Artemis and Artemis databases with most work in these automated from start to finish by AI leaving human volunteers as researchers and guides for visitors.Both Artemis and the AI of the building and in turn the entire wilderness area will give people personalised guided tours via biosynths based on native animals and smart devices alongside volunteering humans with them also patrolling the areas via biosynths and drones to find missing persons etc and also protect the area from poachers,vandalism and also spot and pick up rubbish with the location of rubbish have its GPS location denoted and picked up by humans and biosynth humans controlled by Artemis and the building AI.These buildings will be located at the main official entrance to these areas next to those that house farm AI managed by Aristeaus and a separate AI.They will be the main research centre of the areas worldwide ie deserts,jungles,forests,coral reefs,oceans with them managing all parts of said wilderness such as rivers,lakes,esturies.For coral reefs they will be in place of main research centres with them also on islands of significant biodiversity value with them on the largest of main island near residential islands ie Lanzarote,Galapagos etc.Thus Artemis will maintain all wilderness areas around the world and even galaxy including conservation areas.In time underwater cities will have the building,its AI and statue for oceans transferred into them next to airlock areas where people can leave in bathyspheres and scuba gear to traverse important areas like the Marinas trench with them by the shores of coral reefs and other areas by the ocean.The sentient Artemis itself will be linked to all of these building AIs across the world and the paper and digital records in existing ones will be uploaded here into their AI with also the number of trees logged by Silivateria for that specific area and estimated populations of each plant and animal species.All paths into wilderness areas like mountains and also forests etc will have biolumescent trees dotted along them to provide nightlights with these being ones that are long living using the same anti-ageing treatments as humans and also are disease resistant and also be native subspecies unable to mate with each other and native plants as they will form a chain along pathways all the way or every few metres and miles to act as a guidance to those on the roads and walkways and guide those lost in the woods to the roads.All existing and reforested land will have trails decided by Artemis with them being covered with interlocking permeable pavement to allow water to drain into them to prevent them becoming slippy but still look natural.All roads made of tarmac in forests,jungles etc including those that leas to research centres,buildings manged by Artemis,homes etc will be dug up and reforested to prevent islandisation etc with these replaced with underground roads that lead to them and new buildings with them leading to the basement and underground parking area or pop up by them or have stairwells leading to the surface.Areas used for forestry will become permanent woodland due to synthetic wood,kebonisation and paper etc created onsite of Lotis,Epeius and other factories will render forestry defunct thus allow the buildings to be used as housing for Pans building,research centres or demolished and the roads dug up and replaced by underground ones and also walkways.that will be reforested as far back as possible.Ideally all trees and plants in all wilderness areas should be engineered to be resistant to all diseases to ensure their survival with them also fitted with DNA from T.gammatolerans,thermophiles,mesophiles,psychrophiles,Tardigrade,oligotrophs,Firmicutes and also xerophiles and DNA made from scratch to make them resistant to droughts,antrophogenic climate change as well as changes in climate due to external forces such as solar variations,axial tilt,changes in the planets rotation,milankovitch cycles,gamma ray bursts and asteroid impacts or even geological forces such as volcanoes that may cause a sudden shift in the world temperatures.Pollination will transfer this via gene drives with in time bio-synth Aves and arthropods through pre programmed pollination procedures over several decades managed by Artemis and Pan.Repellance to invasive species will also be added with CRISPR and gene drive technology will ensure all of these phenotypes are permanent.

All nature reserves that include areas for hiking will have all hiking be done in groups with the hiking done during the day and will include biosynths that lead group walks during the day to guide people on designated walks with this applied to jungles,forests,savannahs and deserts etc with their designated hiking trails that go along rivers,lakes,mountains etc that are maintained by AI to ensure they are kept stable forever with them marked in maps and house signs giving directions to prevent people getting lost.Implsntd in the body and smartphones can relay one’s GPS location to the Ai charge if the building next to them with people using VR technology to go on walks alone.

Rubbish in all wilderness will be detected by these and collected by other robots with these drones relaying the GPS location of any rubbish they find to the AI of the area with them also logging the amount of each species of trees and plants their is.In time biosynth animals that are observing native flora and fauna as well as protecting them from poachers will also report locations of all found rubbish to be collected by advanced robotics.It will also detect and report pollution of all types ie oil dumped in the Amazon to other drones apply oil,plastic degrading bacteria via spraying them in mixture with water.Any visitors to any area can take pictures and mark the GPS location of the pollution to have them both sent to Artemis who can send drones to survey it and then send collection robots,biosynths or human volunteers with this applying to forests,deserts,beaches,reefs etc.Dead trees and stumps can also be spotted,captured by robots modelled on humans or in time biosynths deployed to an area via automated helicopters and pyrolysised and the carbon spread over the area in a mixture of water to fertilise it so as to allow the carbon to be input into the soil rather than being released into the atmosphere with treerover robots and drones planting a new tree of the same species grown in automated nurseries by the new building.The same as stated will be done for areas of intensive pollution such as soils,rivers,waterways and even oceans for example patches of oil pollution in the Amazon as a result of Cheveron,patches of plastic in the worlds oceans and mark their GPS location and allow human volunteers and in time other robots to carry out cleanup operations.Water and other pollution will be detected with these using self charging technologies to patrol areas in fleets.Drones will patrol all wilderness around the world in fleets and mark the GPS locations and take pictures of any rubbish to be collected by volunteers and in time robots and biosynths with this applying to caves,forests,jungles,deserts etc.Rivers and lakes will be scanned by biosynths and underwater drones that patrol them for rubbish to be called by automated machinery and robots with again the GPS location of them sent to Artemis and Pan.Advancements in robotics by at least the early 2030s will allow for those hidden in dangerous places like caves and mines to be collected without human labour or chance of injury.Any vehicles in good shape can be sent to local piers,community centres etc and thus traded on Euthenia.The location of these will be sent to local authorities and AI such as proto Pan.Thus the main route of waste management should be reuse,recycle and reduce.Harmful toxic material like chat,asbestos etc should be recycled into their base elemental componants for commercial uses as well as benign compounds.The GPS locations of vehicle graveyards will be marked by drones and members of the public who already know there location.All graveyards of planes,boats,and all types of vehicles will be recycled and the land reforested as far back as possible once concrete etc is dug up and bioremediation techniques are carried out.Abandoned train,boat,aeroplane,vehicle and military planes graveyards as well as any of these found in the wilderness will be recycled for scrap and buildings turned into homes and the land also reforested once bioremediated with even train tracks recycled once underground hyperloop systems are put in place.Trailer parks both abandoned and those made obsolete by residents moving out will also be recycled.All areas covered in tarmac and concrete etc will be dug up to allow this and all land surrounding them to be reforested as far back as possible.All vehicles in these will be scanned into Selene and AI recreating them to fully functioning vehicles before being recycled with software making them functional and remove rust etc.Their location will be determined by AI scouring google,YouTube and other websites to mark them online thus allowing volunteers,government bodies and in time robotics locate them and then transport them to their relevant building with this done at least by 2029 when fully automated recycling hubs are set.Locales who know where they are can go to their exact location and using smart devices utilising Google Maps and in time Brauron mark the GPS location to be then sent to Artemis and Pan.Abandonded trailer parks and also those used by the poor who move into more luxury housing will be recycled and the land reforested.

As stated before the work here can be done by volunteers with miniature hidden cameras keeping an eye on every section of these areas to monitor them and protect them from thieves and vandals.These can also be covered by a film of first a permanent layer of liquid glass to prevent erosion and anti-graffiti coating to make it easier to remove graffiti while preventing damage to them.Though this would be ill advised in the case of caves and other natural geological structures with liquid glass applying to only ancient manmade structures such as tombs,catacombs,temples,castles including the Great Wall of China etc.Research can also be done into a similar coating that would coat stone surfaces and protect it from weathering forces of the wind and particulates.Similar to how doctors can monitor multiple hospitals with drones and robots a single historian or curator can maintain,monitor and act as a tour guide for multiple sites of geological and cultural importance around the world though in time the AI of each one will do this.Advancements in VR technology especially if sufficiently advanced to the point that it is indistinguishable to real life can allow one to visit any temple,etc from the comfort of their own home.

Drones and robots will allow for both historians and tourists to remotely visit caves,tombs and temples as well as getting access to hidden areas that would normally to dangerous to get to.With regards to caves liquid glass can be sprayed on steps leading to each area to prevent erosion and also prevent slippages due to water with hand rails also used though ideally slopes should replace steps for safety.Fleets of drones modelled after humans and snakes/Arthropods in the case of any miniature tunnels etc will also map these areas which can be stored in FACT terminals alongside Brauron and streamed into smart devices and alongside amenities AI in the terminals allow them to conduct their personalised tours with night vision and thermal imaging built into smart glasses allowing them to navigate caves in the dark with these smart devices and smart clothing relaying their GPS to the terminals and next of kins smart devices constantly.These maps will work in the same fashion as maps explained earlier on in the case of other public amenities and will be scanned into Artemis by multiple drones equipped with night vision to give them the ability to map the entire cave/catacomb/mine/tomb system and streamed from this network from smart devices in either 3D or 2D and show their current location on the map in the smart devices.Lights can be set up in strategic areas to allow them to be visited during the night that that interact with weather networks and cameras that will turn them on/off at sunrise and sunset.This can also apply to underground tunnels.This will also apply to other geological features such as cliffs and mountains.Maps streamed from Artemis will show all geological features such as caverns,canyons etc in phottogrammetric graphics allowing one to see where any forks in the road as well as any steep falls or crevasses and their current location for safe navigation.This will also allow one to make safe dives off of cliff and waterfalls since the river and ocean floor bed will be scanned into it.With regards to waterfalls like niagra falls to slow down or even permanently halt its erosion it can be drained or diverted and thus have permanent layers of liquid glass and graphene paint or carbon fibre netting can be placed on the rocks at all points of the main river to prevent water erosion and also attrition affecting the rockface.

Cliffs can have boulders placed near them that are covered in liquid glass over graphene paint(possibly sea through variants)to prevent them from being eroded by the ocean waves with meta materials on them to make them invisible.Cliffs that are prone to collapse such as Wedding Cake Rock can have carbon composite supports placed underneath them to increase their stability with carbyne/graphene netting placed along the face cliff to keep it in place with metamaterials used to keep aesthetics.The clifface can be scanned into Artemis to allow them to rebuild cliff faces should they collapse.Cliffaces that are composed of nothing but soil and have eroded away over the last few decades can have new ones created in there original place and barriers and bedrock composed of stone with concrete stone walls at their edge to prevent or minimises erosion with sand created routinely via picotech fabricators and excess sand harvested and put back into its original place over time in all places with AI ensuring the levels of sand is consistent over all areas overtime and developing countermeasures.Cliffs of geological value and those that house properties can have boulders and large amounts of stones created this way and deposited to slow down or even halt the rate of erosion and the cliff covered in a layer of liquid glass,see through graphene paint if possible to make them water proof with the rocks and boulders created by picotech fabricators added to the base eroded over time to compensate for the alluvial created under normal conditions with if need be the rocks being the same colour as the cliffs or using metamaterials with if possible eroded cliff recreated using this and other methods and even extended outwards even further.Areas and cliffs eroded away can have large amounts of land and cliffs created,compacted and boulders created by to protect them covered in a layer of liquid glass,see through graphene paint if possible to make them water proof with the rocks and boulders created by picotech fabricators added to the base eroded over time to compensate for the alluvial created under normal conditions.AI namely Artemis,Daphne,Theoi Meteroi and Iphegenia etc will play a role in this development.All work will of course be automated and managed by them.Geological features such as mountains,caves and cliffs etc will be managed and linked together worldwide by the sentient operating software named Rhea after the mountain nymph or Oread.Canyons will be managed by Rhea as they are part of geological national parks.The symbol for geological features on maps will be a mountain with that for tombs and temples being an ankh.All of these will have their own AI with an unique personality,legal name and avatar and receptionist too with the same features wearing universal uniforms.VR technology will allow one to visit these from home to prevent unnecessary death as well as damage caused by too many people there.

Islands of historical value can be connected to the mainland using mag lev cable cars that are safer that traditional ones with them able to hold more people if composed of carbon composites and the cables replaced by either new cables or sky trans systems composed of carbon composites namely graphene.They will have the maximum weight limit detailed on the pedestals and screens that call them with the weight of all passengers detailed and measured using the universal colour coded system in relation to their maximum carrying capacity on smart devices and onboard computer and if it is exceeding its maximum carrying capacity will alert people to take another ride later on.Onboard computers will also show them on a map and how long in hours or minutes and seconds it will take to arrive at the destination and the length in kilometre and metres and centimetres with this also detailed in pedestals and devices that call them to when they arrive at that pedestal.These will be replaced by advances in robotics and will be coated internally and externally in liquid glass including the rails to prevent dirt,rain and ice affecting them.Each island will have a building that would house the AI that manages cable cars etc and also tour buses as well as all operations.Homes and universal restaurants present will be managed by their individual AI with areas like the Burren have their building by the outskirts next to the road with them having museums built into them.Abandoned buildings can be converted into homes or the main building used to house the AI of the amenity alongside it acting as a museum for local paintings and artefacts etc.

Cave paintings under threat of fungal and moulds destroying them can be killed off via robots that emit narrow range UV light to kill the bacteria and fungi if shown not to affect the paintings themselves with all future tourists immunised against them as well and them covered in liquid glass.

This would include all religious buildings around the world that practice religious ceremonies such as Buddhist temples,churches,mosques and synagogues with each maintained either by hand or by robots depending on the religious vocation and FACT terminals that would again be streamed to smart devices when in close proximity. Data on these would be videos on the history of that specific type of religious centre and the different structures present with AI tours inevitable similar to those in other amenities. Also schedules of masses,ceremonies such as weddings,confirmations etc during the week,month and possibly year would be listed here. As well as the priest,cleric etc. presiding over each one.All types of religious buildings would be listed here and divided by type and country with address given. Also available to view and stream into smart devices would be the religious texts associated with that building i.e. Qua-ran in mosques and Bibles in churches and the sermons prayer sheet.Walls,windows and roofs can be covered in graphene wallpaper and stained glass windows can be replaced with graphene/quantum dot windows to play moving religious illustrations during mass services relating to the mass and or sermons.Pianos and organs can be automated or played by robots with songs pre programmed to play at set times or cue words or even buttons for all events and masses.Sermons can be recorded and remotely streaming to this network from home thus allowing an individual who is invalid or on holiday to choose from their local parishes mass or those from around the world from all faiths.These sermons can also be uploaded onto the specific parishes/buildings YouTube account.Prayer and song sheets can be streamed directly into e-newspapers and other smart devices along with any community notices stored in the church AI that are present cutting down on the need for producing paper making it possible for priests and the church AI to produce sheets for masses over the entire year using programs like Hecate which will be stored,streamed on the actual date and deleted once said mass has finished.These buildings can be cleaned by hoover bots and spraying walls,windows and surfaces with liquid glass to prevent the build up of dust and dirt.Spiritual buildings such as these will also be linked together with tombs,temples,graveyards,buildings for dealing with the dead will be linked together and managed by Thanatos .An universal statue of him will be in the ground of all religious buildings worldwide in the lobby if possible,built into walls,or by the door but ideally in all adjoining graveyards with the symbols on maps and signs of each one being the official symbol/emblem of the religion they are associated with:islamic crescent for mosques,christian cross for churches and cathedrals,khanda for sikhism temples,modern taijitu for taoism temples,comnfuscism water symbol,aum symbol for hinduism,torii gate for shintoism temples,star of david for judaism synagogues,lu symbol for all temples related to chinese folk religion,nine pointed star for bahai,ahimsa wheel within a hand for jainism,dharmachakra for buddhism temples,pentacle for wiccan temples,Sam-taegeuk for korean shanism,The Eight Trigrams in Caodaism for Coadaism,Cheondoism flag for Cheondoism,Tenrikyo emblem for Tenrikyoism,Veve of Dambella, Faravahar for Zoroastrianism etc.The statue of him would be a complete one free from a slab by itself designed by Pandora.Headstones in graveyards will be covered in a permanent layer of liquid glass to protect them from acid,dirt and water with the possibility of see through graphene paint under this to give them extra strength.Old,decaying,broken and extremely dirty headstones can be scanned into Hephaestus with stains removed and the original wording in the case of badly dirtied ones read by software kept,edited or have more added to allow for replacements of different designs to be made that can be coated in liquid glass etc to allow originals to be recycled and replaced by these new ones which can also have new ones be made from scratch within Hephaestus with them composed of any material like precious gems and any stone or mineral with them removed and put in place by robots with the original recycled.The church/graveyard AI will using robots and drones scan all headstones into Hephaestus which will replace dirty and decaying ones coated in liquid glass and made of any stone type automatically keeping the same wording and having the shape put into Hymen.They would do this for graves of long dead people that have no living relatives.The wording for each individual new one will written by the family members with the database containing only blank headstones.The same can be applied to any statues present with as stated earlier on each graveyard in a town,village,city having a statue of Thanatos in the exact centre,back centre or at the entrance.In time diamonds made from the ashes of deceased loved ones can be made to save on energy and land used for storing remains in order to not only cut down on the amount of land used for creating new graveyards but also keep them in close contact with this also applying to pets.Cremated remains can be used to create these with in time if possible buried bodies dug and then turned into diamonds.Existing graveyards including military and large ones by themselves including crypts housing celebrities and pets can have the headstones and crypts removed and recycled,bodies dug up and cremated to create diamonds for the next of kin or spread over the land or the bodies left in the ground and be reforested or turned into memorial gardens designed each by both Artemis and Antheia consisting of native trees,bushes and wildflowers to allow for native fauna to rest and also bees to thrive following a theme for each one.Those as part of churches can also be done this way.They would provide an area for wildlife to flourish,areas to walk with them remodelled with ponds,lakes,native trees,wildflowers and will possibly contain a stone pillar to house the names of all people who resided there with them used to have annual memorial masses with all future pets and humans turned into diamonds.Mausoleums would be demolished and the bodies turned to diamonds or they could be kept and renovated.Abandoned graveyards and mausoleums will have the mausoleums renovated or removed and headstones recycled with the bodies turned into diamonds and the land reforested with dying trees pyrolysised and them replaced with new woodland.These would if by woodlands be turned into memorial woodlands again with a pillar.An universal statue of Thanatos will be put in place of them next to the pillar.Robotic lawnmowers controlled by the church,mosque,temple AI will cut grass at set times of the year and large graveyards that have wide open spaces of grass will have trees planted here and there with evenly spaced spaces or bushes forming barriers that split them up with several spaces or them evenly spaced to add scenery and also have them fitted with bioluminescence.The intranet of all churches and places of worship and burial will have a list of all people interred in their local graveyards and burial grounds from as far back as records go containing their date of birth,date of death,age and also hyperlink to their Polis account and also genealogy tree etc.Graveyards by themselves will be maintained by AI separate from the local church with the statue in the exact centre and a building on the grounds to house the robots that maintain them.Those with mausoleums by themselves will be managed by Thanatos and independent AIs with them renovated.Abandoned mausoleums and graveyards in decay will be renovated to survive the coming centuries or like other ones demolished and turned into memorial gardens.Retreats especially spiritual ones will be linked by the Thanatos software and they too will have a universal statue of him in the lobby of them and will be booked via Helios or ideally Iaso.Convents and buildings that house priests,monks etc like churches,temples etc will also be linked by Thanatos with again a statue of him in the lobby with an independent AI with its own personality and avatar and no receptionist.These AIs and Thanatos will also play the same counselling roles that priests play when they are not available.Existing graveyards including military ones will have the bodies dug up pyrolysised to create diamonds and sent to next of kin or local museums and churches in the case of those not having live next of kin,gravestones recycled with the land reforested especially in the military graveyards that take up large areas of land etc can be be turned into memorial gardens that are hybrids of trees and flowers.This will improve aesthetics of them and also allow the relatives have their loved ones close at hand.Those as part of churches can also be done this way and the land taken up by graveyards next to churches will turned into memorial gardens as well.Ideally all future dead humans and pets will be turned into diamonds after the wake and mass with the body transported back to automated funeral homes with masses in graveyards done inside churches to save on land and energy.These would be linked together by the sentient operating software Thanatos with a statue of him in all graveyards,crypts etc of all types worldwide converted into these memorial gardens with him also linking all funeral homes worldwide.These will be in time managed by robots and lined together by Tantos.All of these will have their own AI with an unique personality,legal name and avatar and receptionist too with the same features wearing universal uniforms and robots that maintain them with his symbol.They will all worldwide be renamed Isles of the Blessed after the legendary location within Elysium or Elysium.

Beaches will be maintained by research centres which will maintain the beaches with mobile trashcans placed in carparks again with sensors placed inside to measure when they are full so they can empty themselves into larger bins.Modified versions of existing mobile trashcans can be made to be able to traverse steps and travel over sand and be called via smart devices interacting with the beach AI of FACT terminals.Steps leading down to beaches and also piers especially worn down ones will be replaced with ornate stone ones ie metamorphic,igneous,sedmientary ones native to the area covered in liquid glass to make them last indefinitely with luxury railings with any rubbish metal etc recycled.Restaurants near the beach that will use normal plates with metal forks and knifes while kiosk foods will be wrapped in biodegradable paper with burger,pizzas,hotdogs and other foods in kiosks will be wrapped in paper and other non plastic material.Since plastic will become non existent i.e.plastic bottles replaced by kanteens waste on beaches will not be major issue with other wastes produced by an individual kept in homemade tote bags and reusable sealing bags and 3D printed tuppperware being used to hold any left overs.Trash bins or skips can be located at key points of the beach or ideally the entrance with variants of poop scooping robots developed to pick up any other rubbish spotted by drones that patrol the area for this purpose and security for beachgoers with these also equipped with long range IR illuminator/thermal cameras and object recognition software to detect rubbish at night when it is empty.Drones will patrol the beach to ensure security of beachgoers similar to normal surveillance drones and get alerts from smart swimwear and alert police to criminal behavior.Graphene signs will be present to detail threats such as jellyfish,alligators etc with them replacing conventional ones and will relay these to smart devices alongside the beach AI.Research centres next to beaches will study marine life and the geography of the beach and surrounding area and like zoos will be connected to other beaches via networks.They will also produce and store antivenom to native jellyfish and other wildlife which can be made and by machines and in genetically modified bacteria.Also they will house lifeguard drones and robots and in time biosynths..Sea walls,boulders etc. protecting cliffs and piers can be sprayed with a permanent layer liquid glass to make virtually invulnerable to seawater(and its acidity),water,dirt etc with graphene paint under this to increase its strength from hydraulic action and any sections underwater can be sprayed with a sealent consisting of a liquid glass matrix that pushes both air and water outwards as it is being sprayed/spread on to render all of these part free from damage from the sea.Cliffs that are in danger of falling such as the Wedding Cake Rock can be held in place with sheets of graphene placed over them from top to bottom with supports made of rebar coated in a sheet of it placed onto its base to give extra support if it is possible to do so without damaging them and thus causing collapse with the work done by robots remote controlled with these supports covered in metal materials to make them invisible.Glass walkways over any important geological features can have graphene integrated into the glass to increase its strength with any metal parts replaced with graphene or coated in graphene paint to make them stronger.Metal,stone and wooden piers and bridges can be coated in graphene paint to make them more resilient to external forces such as waves especially those during a storm and rust with a permanent layer of liquid glass over this to protect it from the acidity of the ocean,rainwater wearing them down and also dirt and water.Research can be made into a similar nanotech coating making them invulnerable to attrition and physical weathering that can be applied to this.All beaches will be managed and linked together by software named after the greek god of sea Triton and their symbol on maps and signs will be a conch shell.All of these will have their own AI with an unique personality,legal name and avatar and receptionist too with the same features wearing universal uniforms alongside a statue of Triton in existing and new buildings on site or at key points of the beach or adjoining refurbished piers.Beaches that are disappearing due to over exploitation of sand for construction can be returned to normal levels can be returned to normal by crushing beer and wine bottles in machines and return the sand to them,recycling silica in electronics and windows,recycling foamcrete and all types of concrete from demolished buildings and dams or crushing them into a powder form and returning them to beaches under threat,using carbon composite materials in construction and electronics or when picotech fabricators become a reality creating sand of the exact coarseness and composition on an unlimited scale for both construction materials as well as creating it this way to refill beaches that were over exploited with this process controlled by Pan.Glass wine bottles for storage of drinks will also be replaced by large reusable graphene and steel kanteens to be used in restaurants etc and barrels and wineboxes at home and in bars.Silica can be sourced from sources from other places than beaches like mines.Beaches that require nourishment will have new sand created this way deposited onto them and not from oceans ensuring they will stabilise or if possible strong bedrock made of hard rocks resistant to wave action will be created and put in place under the beach  that keeps the sand in place and prevents storms eroding away the sand with these also being retractable sewalls built into this that go up wards during storms etc to prevent them being washed away.Lowering carbon dioxide levels to 250ppm and controlling the weather to prevent hurricanes will allow them to stay indefinitely with this also allow existing seawalls to be removed.

Automated self driving cars can be applied to both self driving caddies and golf carts.These caddies can be controlled,called and directed to specific positions on the course(or to the user) using apps or interactions between smart devices or set to follow a users smart device with caddies either owned and registered to the golfers Home AI.Carts will be connected to the course AI thus allowing one to communicate with the course AI and can be directed to specific points via an onboard computer and called to ones current position via Pasithea with the same for caddies registered to the golf course which like those owned by the golfer be programmed to follow them.Local FACT terminals containing networks connecting to golf courses around the world which will relay information and have features similar to those at beaches and other amenities.Again they will stream maps to visitors in the same fashion as in other public amenities as described above.Obviously there would be charging stations to these on the golf course grounds a GPS tracker could be placed inside the balls specific to the owner through Hestia or Pasithea and connected to their smart devices allowing them to track the ball as it is in the air and where it lands in comparison to others with robots operated by the golf course AI on the course picking up any left over balls that can be small insect shaped ones or ones similar to those that scoop up animal waste at the behest of the player in the Pasithea app connected to the golf course AI(and all golf courses worldwide) that has each ball numbered and the player can select the ball number(painted on the ball) that can order these robots to track and collect the robot and return it to the players location via the GPS location of the smart device.Ideally they would have to be fast moving and their distance relayed to Pasithea.These robots can also be amphibious and collect balls in water hazards and dropping them off at the entrance of the course and can also work in driving ranges at night.Poop scooping robots equipped with IR illuminator and object recognition software can also pick these up.Robot lawnmowers ideally larger versions of Robomow that are stored in their own compartment in a storeroom for all cleaner robots will mow the lawn routinely and will deposit the grass in a bag that or other robot that will transport it to local community farms for use as animal feed especially during the winter months putting it to good use putting it to good use.Existing models of robotic lawnmowers require wiring to be placed underground the perimeter however in time 3D maps of the golf course(with Adonit pens encircling perimeters and any features like lakes and sandbanks set by community members once)can be scanned into the course AI and it will stream these maps to cut grass and record what grass has been cut already cut and then recharge itself at inside various small charger sheds dotted around the town and when charged cut the remaining grass.Since these courses will be operated by machines these can be operated 24/7,365 days a year with lights dotted around the course that interact with weather networks and cameras that will turn them on/off at sunrise and sunset.Virtual indoor golf courses and driving ranges can be developed using equipment using golf clubs with sensors attached to them or placed in them(or controllers similar to the Nintendo Wii) combined with holo lens and Virtuix Omni Treadmill as well as smart gloves that allows one to pick up balls etc allowing a person to virtually play on any golf course from around the world including those in country clubs from home or indoor driving ranges with maps streamed from the courses AI.

In time VR technology indistinguishable to the real world will be used to house all existing and future golf courses from around the world.Golf courses including those used for tournaments will be reforested with tournaments done using VR fed into Dionysus.All country clubs would turn into hotel style communal homes built through extensions etc with them eventually managed by Hestia and the same system of macro and independent AIs as hotels and other communal homes.Golf courses as part of country clubs and hotels worldwide will be reforested once scanned into Agon network and VR technology is availible.All normal golf clubs and courses as well as driving lanes around the world will be scanned into Agons network by drones and then reforested once this technology is availible and any adjoining buildings turned into private homes if not Small driving lanes will have buildings turned into homes and the grass turned into sizeable gardens or turned into botanical gardens and parks open to the public.Thus as a result all golf courses and driving lanes worldwide including those onsite of country clubs and hotels will be scanned into the Agon network and thus allowing the entirety of the land taken up by the golf courses and driving lanes reforested.Driving lanes will be turned into homes and the land reforested it turned into gardens.New virtual courses designed by the public and famous golfers etc can allow for new courses to be played using this virtual technology without having to clear land for new ones across the world and galaxy and will thus allow existing ones to be reforested once they are scanned into Agons network by drones with this being a singular golf game managed by Agon allow these VR courses indistinguishable from reality to be be played from home and as stated allow existing ones around the to be reforested including those as part of country clubs and hotels to played by anyone.Both Agon,other AI and the public will design an infinite amount of new courses in this singular game negating the need to ever do so on Earth again or construct them on all colonies across the universe.These golf courses and driving lanes can be in any environment imaginable ie underwater,in deserts,jungles,within cities,on planets such as the Moon/Mars/Venus/Europa/Titan/Pluto etc and do on using their version of Brauron before and after they are terraformed as well as in outer space on asteroids.This universal golf,driving lane game in Agon will be able to be used by anyone everywhere instantly and allow one to play group with friends.Existing and new courses can be played through VR in tournaments especially if it is indistinguishable from reality with them streamed live and recorded.Thus live tournaments will be replaced by VR versions that are recorded in simulation into Dionysus.Thus all golf clubs,golf courses,driving lanes by themselves and part of hotels,country clubs etc worldwide  will be reforested once VR can replace them including those used for championships once the courses are scanned into a single VR simulation golf game managed by Agon.This will contain all existing golf courses from around the world including new ones designed by AI and the public.

E-newspapers that stream maps will show the location of and movement of cable cars by interacting with the amenity AI which controls the movement of cable cars.These cable cars will be replaced with mag lev sky trans pods composed of carbon composites namely graphene which are safer and faster with them coated in permanent layers of both graphene paint and then liquid glass to make them last indefinitely preventing corrosion,wear and tear and buildup ice since the liquid glass repels water.They can be called  to a spot using smart devices interacting with smart devices or pedestals with touchscreens with them detailing the distance in kilometres,metres,centimetres from when they arrive and the destination the passenger chooses.Ideally they would be coated internally and externally again with permanent layers of graphene paint and liquid glass to negate the need for cleaning and also prevent the build up of ice with glass having graphene int is matrix to strengthen the glass and bring up maps.The track system in time can integrate the same switch system that are present in train tracks to for a huge network of multiple stops around the place.They train track can be covered with metamaterials to make them invisible should they become an eyesore with pods also having this features turn this feature off when they are arriving at stations.Ideally the pedestal to call these will be ontop of a slopped platform to prevent collisions with skiers as it will turn off the metamaterials when it reaches the stop.They will have the maximum weight limit detailed on the pedestals and screens that call them with the weight of all passengers detailed and measured using the universal colour coded system in relation to their maximum carrying capacity on smart devices and the onboard computer.

These maps streamed by e-newspapers and other devices will also stream 2D/3D maps of the interior of buildings when inside but also the mountainside scanned into Artemis .Both these and augmented reality ski googles will show what ski/snowboarding courses are there on the mountainside following an universal colour coded system denoting difficulty with them able to decide what track to follow with their augmented reality goggles guiding them through it and avoiding any crevasses,dangers and colliding with other skiers etc(as detailed later on).Weather networks and robots and drones that constantly monitor the thickness of the snow that can at set times visible in the resorts AI and in turn alert all people present what time it will happen the next day or next few hours and minutes will set off artificial avalanches using drones/helicopters that fire off guns attached to them or automated cannons that can travel to an area and accurately fire a cannon at a set points accurately to thin out the snow and reduce fatalities with the alerts detailing what routes are off limits the days beforehand(and detailed on maps) and when skiiers can use them.Drones patrolling the area can be equipped with scanners to measure the depth of snow.Mountain ranges frequented by hikers and even settlers can be managed this way.

Snowboarders and skiers can wear helmets made of graphene with graphene visors providing augmented reality similar to versions of swimming googles for the same purposes as detailed later on with their strength giving protection against external forces due to it being 200 times stronger than steel.Liquid glass on both sides of them will prevent them fogging and being affected by snow with maps showing the the location of each course and their difficulty denoted by the universal colour code blue-easy,yellow-moderate,green-hard,red-expert on devices like e-newspapers and other devices.Layers of armourgel or smart armour can be integrated into the helmet for extra protection with armour and Helite airbags integrated into smart clothing again to protect their body against falls and even avalanches.Livestreams can be uploaded to YouTube with or without the augmented reality.All routes will be monitored day and night 24/7,365 days a year by drones that are either self charging or work in a rotary system and charge near the resort via wireless inductive chargers and will switch to IR illuminator at night.They will be equipped with recognition software(alongside the surveillance cameras that monitor the resort which will also have facial recognition software and linked to police criminal,missing person and suspect databases since they will be linked to all surveillance cameras worldwide) can track all people on the slopes and will be constantly linked to their smart clothing to monitor their vital signs and if an avalanche or accident occurs it will relay their GPS location to a series of emergency service drones part of the resort and as many nearby volunteer humans nearby via their smart devices through the wire to their exact GPS location with their patient file uploaded to robots instantly when they arrive.These will be linked together by the sentient operating software Rhea which a mountain with hemlock will be found on the signs of them and its symbol on maps.Advancements in VR technology especially if sufficiently advanced to the point that it is indistinguishable to real life could allow one to visit any ski resort from the comfort of their own home.All of these will have their own AI with an unique personality,legal name and avatar and receptionist with the same features too wearing universal uniforms.These will be managed by AI,robots,drones and biosynths.

All of these will have their own AI with an unique personality,legal name and avatar and receptionist with the same features too wearing universal uniforms.All outdoor and indoor ice rinks around the world interiors and layout will be scanned into a single VR programme that can be visited at any time.In time they will be turned into homes and outside ones turned into communal pools,lakes or ponds by melting the ice once VR technology can allow them to visited at any time with these simulations managed by Komodia.Both Komodia and the public can design an infinite number of them.

These may in time become obsolete though if not will have individual AI personalities with unique avatars etc with the same applying to receptionists with their uniform based on the sentient operating software Eros whose statues will be in the lobby.His symbol would be a pair of wings on all robots.They will stream media chosen by customers primarily from the adult movie section of Dionysus through linked smart devices using the Pasithea app in close proximity with seats and beds being high quality leather and carpets replaced by bacteria based wood.Strip clubs will be done by volunteers or in time biosynths controlled by the AI with them like saunas etc open 247,365 days a year with Polis crossrefencing strippers and also those who wish to enter all four.In time once VR is perfected these all will be converted into communal or private homes with them accessed via VR with Eros managing these and preventing minors entering them.

Artificial Intelligence :
Each public amenity will have their own AI whose individual avatar will be designed by those that maintain it through Dionysus and will be connected to other AIs of other public amenities of the same type around the world and maintain the workings and interactions between all of robots.FACT terminals will house the intranet schedules of events etc of each amenity and will consist of a pedastal with a touchscreen with all data can be streamed remotely by this with them all having first aid kits,mini defibrillators,CPR machines and even FireIce canisters within or attached to them them for use by the public.These will be replaced by more compact and advanced versions as time goes by.Each amenity although linked to others of the same type will have its own independent personality,name and avatar with resource use such as water and energy logged from individual,local to global rates world wide over days to millenia.It will also automatically carry out diagnostics of all machinery routinely alerting the community to any accidents or problems(following an universal colour coded systems)and also log these alongside all orders and operations of the machinery.Diagnostics will follow an universal colour coded system – blue denoting safe,yellow denoting some concern,green denoting some danger and red denoting severe danger making it easy for the layperson to recognise the level of severity of the problem.If a problem occurs automated measures within the AI system will isolate severely compromised machinery ie. from cyber attacks will be cut off from the AI and other machines until it is solved with AI of compromised buildings from other similar buildings and the rest of the wire until rectified to prevent problems spreading.The AI and thus all robots under its control will have the latest cyber security installed and constantly updated.Automated corrective measures or those that can be done remotely via the wire for all possible problems will be built into the building AI again view able to the public.This should prevent the problems associated with the tragedy of the commons.Machinery,drones and robots will be covered in first a layer of graphene paint to prevent rust(and generate electricity) and then a film of liquid glass to make it hydrophobic,water proof,acid proof,dirt proof and they will be composed of self healing polymers and metals.Since they can work at all amenities 24/7,365 days a year they will serve the public whenever they want with an hour or two each night,week or fortnight closed for cleaning robots to do their routine patrols.3D and 2D maps will be uploaded into the AI of each amenity and can be streamed from smart devices like e-newspapers.CSYS lights should be used in lighting in hallways and other rooms so as not to be replaced so often by robots and limit energy use they will interact with weather networks and camera monitoring the outside and turn on lights at sunset or when dark and off at sunrise with this controlled by the AI.Energy and resource use will be logged.New technology can be integrated into the lights to send measurements of how much time measured in years,months,weeks,days,hours and minutes of power is left in the lights fed into Hermes to alert these robots.Energy and water use will be logged here and all information will be available to the public allowing all people to monitor all public amenities worldwide from anywhere in the world via Hermes.Programmes and maps in all amenities for example concert halls,stadiums etc can be streamed into e-newspapers and other smart devices and saved on ones personal cloud.Posters for advertisements for coming attractions or games and other events can be replaced by graphene sheets that stream advertisements from the building that switch between a set number of them with old finished events deleted and then replaced with new ones.This would save on energy in production,recycling and labour in putting up and taking down new paper ones by hand.

The AI of each amenity including outdoor ones such as arboretums,beaches and gardens etc. will have the map saved on it(also visible in Artemis scanned in using multiple nanoquadrocopter drones and robots in caves,caverns,catacombs,theme parks and outdoor amenities such as parks,beaches,botanical gardens visible remotely through Artemis (in the case of outdoor ones) and through remotely accessing the AI via Hermes and the various networks/operating systems or when in person and can be 3D or 2D with them also used in media such as video games,CGI movies.In the case of museums,historical castles,temples,tombs and palaces(ie those of King Ludwig II of Bavaria,Endinburgh,Matsumoto, Dinefwer,Buckingham),famous opera houses/halls/theatres,famous libraries and other indoor amenities from around the world these can be done automatically by robots or volunteer humans using handheld scanners of both the interior and exterior allowing people to visit them remotely and be used in video games and CGI movies etc.Government buildings and rooms in them normally restricted to the public such as The White House,The Dail,Parliment houses across the world and Downing Street will also have there maps scanned into Artemis to allow people to see the inside remotely from around the world and take virtual tours with AI giving detailed information on them at any time of the day with this applying to all types of buildings.Rooms of museums and castles,palaces and even libraries restricted and not visible to the public for various reasons will also be scanned in to allow them to view them as part of their respective buildings maps.With regards to mines,caves and caverns these could have any lakes water bodies inside scanned in by amphibious robots sprayed with liquid glass as well as those modelled on arthropods,mammals and snakes or even insects scanning these areas in fleets to ensure all nooks,crannies and tunnels are mapped.Underwater caverns and underwater regions such as the sea floor and diving spots and reefs will also be scanned into Artemis using robots modelled after fish or sea snakes to map small tunnels.Lake beds in other amenities such as public gardens can also be scanned by drones for the public and research and use in media again by amphibious drones.The beds or rivers and lake can be first scanned in by these amphibious drones to see if garbage such as vehicles etc are present to be removed by automated machinery like dredgers and then replaced by a fresh version containing no garbage.They can be visible as either bathymetry or 3D maps.

Each individual amenity can have a holographic receptionist and building AI whose appearance and voice that would appear on maps streamed with each part/attraction/room of the amenity having an universal symbol world wide.These will have their own individual personality alongside those of the building AI which will manage tours.These receptionists in each amenity will have their own individual personality,avatar,legal name separate from the building AI which in turn have their own separate individual personality,avatar and legal names from all other AIs of other amenities.Existing maps on the grounds of each one will be replaced with graphene ones that are touchscreen ones that can be zoomed in and allow one to view the entire area and through links with smart devices show the location of any next of kin as blips with all features seen as legends.E-newspapers can stream maps of the area and building from the amenity AI showing this information when away from these.The uniform worn by receptionists,all human volunteers and biosynths managed by the AI in each type of amenity will be the same worldwide with them having the symbol,badge,colour of the deity sentient operating software that links them together and their legal name.Those that are open amenities ie beaches,geological formations,reserves,parks etc will have a building with a lobby housing the AI,receptionists,landline phone,statue and storerooms for robots and machinery as well as miniature lounge with them even having multiple lounges,living spaces,toilets for researchers and volunteers with automated kitchens and replicas of art related to the amenity and area.Existing visitor centres etc will refurbished into these with extensions to house these and all brochures and maps etc will be in digital form streamed from the building AI through the wire.The visitor centres of all geological,historical and other sites and types of amenities will be have underground extensions to house several Venetian suites,communal living rooms and even automated kitchens and areas to grow hydroponic food,rear fish etc making them self sufficient.All amenities will have in the main building or even in visitor centres etc roof and underground extensions to house at least a dozen Venetian suites and communal kitchens and dinig halls for all humans that maintain them and also for tourists.This will allow those that maintain them instant access to them in the morning and instant access to them for sleeping at night thus becoming their permenant residence.Special rooms and sheds will contain all robots,drones and machinery that maintain them.All remaining amenities will have luxury refubishments to all areas alongside the addition of these living spaces charted in Restoration Nation.All amenities will using extensions grow all food onsite for residents,restaurants and any animals present to alleviate strains on vertical farms with all work in garbage collection,food preparation,cafeterias etc automated.All data in the form of paper records in staff rooms etc and in digital forms in computers will be transferred to the amenity AI with managerial staff replaced by the amenity AI.People linked to the person owning the smart device by their smart devices and smart clothing etc will show up as unique blips other than the user and those off the map will appear as arrows in metres,cms etc. this will prevent people becoming lost in all types of amenities through the Home AI.These receptionist will have a touchscreen that brings up maps of floors and an option to stream the receptionist or AI for private tours that give detailed tours in the form of audio visual clips and scenes from movies or other media related to the amenity tour or those produced by those that maintain it with other fields from YouTube and augmented reality lenses,glasses and smart devices and wireless earphones allow them to stream data on particular plants,exhibits,items and sections of the room with the wire and internet to the amenity AI alongside YouTube an Wikipedia which can be initiated by linked smart phones on a menu or the phone initiating locked on pieces seen on the lenses and glasses or again seen through phones.It will also as stated earlier on be guiding,communicating with and tracking them to where others in their group are on a map to ensure they do not become lost trips with this done with each member logging at the entrance via facial recognition software and tracked via the AI and cameras in the building or by linking the smart devices of each member in that groups with others visible to each other as different coloured blips on the maps and the AI only letting them go outside in emergencies and in their original groups when they sign out at the same time using the smart devices.This will be done also by people linking to each other through Hestia with the AI giving each person in the group getting personalised tours from the AI of all types of amenities through goolgle glasses,lenses,smart devices and wireless earphones with YouTube or videos created by the AI and from documentaries or even movies etc will be played at certain points with extra and specific information brought up on demand by the visitor through the AI searching through the wire and internet.The tours can be in the language of the individual visitor via the sentient Coeus with it able to perform tours for dozens of visitors at once with the information streamed on smart devices with menus or through glasses and lenses linked to smart devices that house menus.This will be done by the Pasithea app linking them to the amenity AI and this retroffited to existing ones with the persons location known to the AI via it triangulating the location of the users devices and nanomachines.The AI would give the person any information they wanted on the exhibits,plants or animals etc using the amenities database,the wire and internet.Humans would act as tour guides for those that AI can’t in a rotary system complimenting AI.This would allow them to operate 24/7,365 days a year.Pets can be viewed as unique blips via microchips in tags and collars linked to these devices especially in the case of beaches and ski resorts.Each blip that are linked together by Hestia linking in turn to amenity AI through Pasithea will be an unique colour and will relay the name of the person and pet through their devices link to the wire.This and the fact that they will be maintained by robots can mean all types of amenities will be open 24/7,365 days a year with cleaning time logged in the intranet viewable to the public through the sentient operating software through links to.The aforementioned sentient operating software;Agon,Galatea,Ariadne,Komodia,Thalia/Melpolieme etc will link all of the amenities they manage with the Pasithea app as detailed later on will allow on to make bookings at each amenity and store e-tickets,stream programmes in the AIs database and also maps and stream data such as cleaning schedules and schedules of tours and events over the coming days,weeks,months,years for each individual one around the world with filters and search bars locating each one around the world.E-tickets to all amenities will be dispensed on a first come first serve basis through the Pasithea app.The app will be linked to Brauron on e-newspapers can allow one to stream maps of the amenities with friends linked to each other via linked smart devices showing one where friends are and also human guides.The app through linked to Brauron will allow one instant contact with the receptionist and amenity AI in real time allowing it to determine their GPS location and thus create guiding markers on the maps to guide them to the main building,reception and groups etc.Pasithea that contains links to all of these in one the software of the same name will link and macro manage all amenity types and their sentient operating software(Daphne and Ariadne will be linked to it to Dionysus an Apollo)together similar to Mnemosyne with its symbol being the Tholos of Pasithea.Pasithea will become sentient and its avatar and AI being that of it and it’s avatar and AI also being of all sentient operating software it manages with the sentient operating software linking all types of amenities will also be separate sentient individuals and have avatars based on their statues and will be the macro operating software.The AIs of all individual amenities worldwide outside of the operating software will also part of this app allowing direct contact with the AIs that manage the individual amenities and operating softwares.Pasithea will be the name of this sentient macro operating software as it contains amenities itself;theatres,geological features,gymnasium,pools,stadium,museum,temples etc and will be linked to Apollo and Dionysus by Galatea,Daphne and Ariadne.This app will replace the official website of all amenities as well as sites like Tripadvisor that lists all amenities worldwide like TripAdvisor with them shut down with the names of them all worldwide will be listed here by each type and country with them having photos and areas to leave reviews.All reviews,photos and areas on Tripadvisor and similar sites worldwide will have all data such as accounts,reviews,photos and areas sent to Pasithea and servers recycled.Universal statues of each deity that manages them as the operating software will be in the grounds ideally in the lobby of each amenity in the main building or in the case of beaches and geological features in buildings set up with each deities symbol on all robots,machinery and e-tickets etc as well as all on any apps and reports etc and also underneath their statue.Those in beaches,geological features etc will be small houses built to house the receptionist,statue,phone,lounge toilets and space to store lifeguards or emergency robots alongside suites those that maintain them with time biosynths present.In time biosynth lifeguards will patrol set points of a beach lifeguards 24/7,365 in rotas and since stronger than humans will be able to save lives much more efficiently.Drones will patrol areas outside of their range of vision such as over the ocean tracking all swimmers and boats fed into the eyes of each biosynths with these drones and biosynths controlled by the beach AI.These statues will ideally have a layer of liquid glass on them to negate cleaning and make those in outdoor areas weatherproof.Landline wireless touchscreen phones will be present replacing conventional phones with the same phone number will be present to allow people to make calls when needed with the phone number and email on the intranet of all amenities within Agon,Galatea etc with the call sent foreword to the receptionist there capable of interacting with countless people at once.Toll booths and turnstiles that require money and tickets will be removed and replaced by sensor terminals.Retail outlets will be cleared by the public on a first come first serve basis by the public with excess sent to community centres to be scanned into Hephaestus and then the area that the retail outlet occupied will be torn down to be reforested or even turned into Venetian suites for those that maintain them,extra luxury lounges and universal brand restaurants with all restaurants present being automated universal brands with underground extensions that grow all ingredients.All hotels by all amenities will be turned into communal homes managed by Hestia with a separate AI from the amenity.Each amenity will
have different sentient operating softwares – Thalia/Meloplieme for theatres,Polyhymnia/Euterpe for concert halls that house orchestral events,Antheia for Botanical gardens and parks including national ones and arboretums geological features,Urania for planetariums,Agon for paintball courses/ice rinks/golf clubs and diving ranges/bowling alleys/stadiums,Komodia for circuses/playgrounds/theme parks,Rhea for geological features such as mountains/caves/cliffs,Thanatos for churches/cathedrals/graveyards/sikhism temples/taoism temples/hinduism temples/shintoism temples/synagogues/chinese folk religion temples/bahai temples/jainism temples/buddhism temples/wiccan temples/shanism temples/Coadaism temples/Cheondoism temples/Tenrikyoism temples/Zoroastrianism mosques,Artemis for zoos/animal theme parks and centres/UNESCO natural heritage sites/reserves/national parks,Triton for beaches,Eros sex cinemas/bathhouses/strip clubs/saunas,Heracles for gymnasiums and pools,stadium,Galatea for museum and historical libraries/UNESCO cultural world heritage sites etc and will be linked to Apollo and Dionysus by Galatea,Daphne and Ariadne.All UNESCO cultural world heritage sites will be connected together by the sentient operating software Galatea and have the same statue of Galatea on its grounds ideally in the main building,visitor centre by the entrance.All UNESCO natural heritage sites around the world will be connected together by the sentient operating software Artemis .Universal statues of each deity that manages them will be in the grounds ideally in the lobby of each amenity in the main building or in the case of beaches and geological features in buildings set up with each deities symbol on all robots,machinery and e-tickets etc as well as all on any apps and reports etc and also underneath their statue.Those in beaches,geological features etc will built to house the receptionist,statue,phone,lounge toilets and space to store lifeguards or emergency robots alongside suites those that maintain them with time biosynths present.All of these will either be automated by 2029 with zero human labour allowing them to be open 24/7,365 days a year and others such as sex cinemas/bathhouses/strip clubs/saunas,circuses/playgrounds/theme parks,planetariums,paintball courses/ice rinks/golf clubs and driving ranges/bowling alleys/stadiums replaced by simulations managed by the sentient operating software using VR technology allowing them to be demolished and reforested or turned into communal homes by 2029.

As detailed earlier all surfaces such as walls,floors,surfaces,windows,furniture,seats will be sprayed with a permanent film of liquid glass that repels dirt and water and bacteria.This will make work by hooverbots and janitor bots that patrol rooms and halls at set times with the janitor bots docking at rooms in these amenities that house factories for virkon and other cleaning fluids like bleach that are made in miniature vats in bulk.The janitor robots can be followed instantly by a machine that dries up the liquid.Having the floor covered by a layer of liquid glass will prevent the growth of microbes as well as make it stain proof meaning only a vacuum may be required to remove all stains since they cannot stick to the floor preventing accidents as well as saving time.These can have miniature UV lights on the bottom that kill any remaining bacteria.All robots will be able to interact with automated doors and lifts that open when they approach them allowing them to clean the place when the amenities are empty.

Poop scooping robots can collect rubbish and will be complimented with nanoquadrocopters that can detect rubbish during scheduled rounds especially after major games as both will have object recognition software,IR illumninator cameras and also NIR hyper spectral cameras to allow them to function 24/7,365 days a year.

Mobile trashcans can patrol amenities 24/7,365 days a year and will charge via wireless conductive plates and/or graphene paint,qunatum dot technology and thermo-piezoelectric materials gaining energy from the suns heat and light by stopping for short periods of time.By interacting with the building AI these can be called to ones position via smart devices and will patrol them in set routes.Pneumatic waste systems can also be utilised for different types of waste

Anti-graffiti nano coatings can be also sprayed on walls and seats in stadiums and also on caves and temples ontop of this liquid glass allowing for a gentle spray of water done by robots to remove it.Buildings and walls already affected by graffiti can be painted on with graphene paint and then the layer of liquid glass and then anti-graffiti coating.The exterior of concert halls,museums,stadiums,gyms,country clubs etc can have all three on their exteriors to negate the need for cleaning as they will repel dirt and rainwater may be enough to wash away graffiti as well as generate electricity and improve strength against external debris or forces.Liquid glass will also be on all interior structures and surfaces.

Glass windows will be sprayed with liquid glass internally and externally to prevent water sticking to it and fogging as well as the build up of dirt.Otherwise window cleaning robots can be used.If possible windows in all amenities can be replaced with quantum dot technology windows coated in liquid glass.

Robomow will be stored in compartments of parks,botanical gardens,stadiums etc in the same shed or room as other cleaning robots.It will cut grass at set times when they are not used and they will use maps streamed from the AI to cut them without the need for setting down wires with them saving how much they have cut before recharging inside its compartment vi a wirelless charging conductive plate with them also covered in graphene paint and quantum dot technology to gain energy from the sun on sunny days with thermo-piezoelectric materials gaining energy from the suns heat.The grass cut alongside any leaves can be collected by other robots and transported to community and home farms by automated vehicles where it can be used as livestock feed.

Cleaning schedules for the coming year will be logged in the amenities AI and thus smart devices that log into it remotely via Hermes or when in close proximity.When the cleaner robots are doing their work a notice will be streamed to all smart devices present to warn them that cleaning is done with this done everytime no events are taking place and at night.Cleaning of toilets will be done in the same way as those cities as explained earlier on.Toilet bowls and seats(and all surfaces of the toilet),urinals as well as all doors and handles and even the sinks will be covered in a hydrophobic anti-dirt,stain and microbe permanent layer of liquid glass with the seat cleaned by the toilet itself at set times or by a button on the toilet will remove the need for chemicals to be applied manually and prevent the build up of human faeces on the bowl.UV lights can be built under the seat to bake the bowl in UV lights to kill any remaining bacteria once closed and also at routine times.These alongside emerging technologies can remove human labour.Permaflow p-traps can be installed that again be activated by a button on the toilet with a permanent layer of liquid glass sprayed onto all of the toilets piping interior to prevent clogs.Toilet paper can be stacked in an adjacent room alongside plunger(also treated with liquid glass to prevent the spread of germs) put there by robots or replaced by advancements in toilet technology that can clean without using toilet paper like small retractable jets that clean the anal cavities of the user and also clean themselves amongst other new technologies.Automated hand dryers fitted with sensors will replace towels that get dirty and can harbour bacteria.To prevent the spread of bacteria surfaces like sinks,tabletops and doors can be sprayed by an anti-microbial and dirt liquid glass.Mirrors and windows in both toilets and along the side of buildings can be sprayed with liquid glass to prevent both fogging and also dirt building in mirrors and windows in both toilets and along the side of buildings can be sprayed with liquid glass to prevent both fogging and also dirt building up thus allowing rain and gravity to clean the windows.Collection of waste and cleaning of toilets in these can be replicated the same manner as in cities,public buildings and airports for all of these buildings.Anti graffiti coatings will be put on the walls as well as the doors of toilets and their interior to prevent graffiti and marker marks to be put there with existing graffiti and marks covered in paint that are then covered in the anti-graffiti coating.All surfaces such as seats,tables,floors,windows,counter tops can be covered in liquid glass to make them dirt and water repellent with miniature hoover and janitor bots cleaning these every night,week or fortnight for an hour or two.Toilets can have UV lights that bake them in UV light when not used at set times with nanoquadrocopters equipped with this on their underside,sides and tops in order to bake the walls,ceilings,floors and surfaces in dining rooms and also rooms in each public amenity in this light when closed for cleaning.These sterilising sweeps could be programmed to occur in rooms,hallways very late times when no visitors are present and when the patients are asleep with their curtains closed and last from an hour or two per room.Any remaining people their warned via the building AI which rooms are going to sterilised next with a menu in the building intranet showing a countdown as to when their room will be sweeped and a countdown as to how long it will take for their room to be sweeped with the map also showing what rooms have been done by both nanoquadrocopters and other cleaning robots.Pools in gyms can have UV lights in the floor and sides that will bake the water and surfaces in this light for hours at a time each day at set times to kill off any microbes to negate or at least reduce the need for chlorine and other harsh chemicals to be used to be used.These can be introduced into existing pools both in gyms and in apartment blocks and also in private homes but also in communal homes that were once shopping malls or hotels both indoor and outdoor.Otherwise pool cleaning robots can be equipped with miniature UV lights that bake the surface in this while they clean it.The building intranet will house cleaning times and show each room that is being cleaned by robots and UV sweeps and how long it will takes and show what room will be done next as well as which rooms have already been done.Narrow wavelength UV should be used by robots and lights in pools to allow them to be done when visitors are present as it does not damage human skin with any exhibits protected by glass that filters out UV.Cleaning robots including nanoquadrocoptors will be stored in compartments that charge them wirelessly or in the case of janitor robots refill them with both water and virkon/bleach.Ideally all rooms ceilings will have these narrow wavelength UV lights that bake the entire room and all of them at once to negate the need for robots with all leather furniture covered in liquid glass and documents protected by glass to protect them from the UV lights.All robots will be coated internally and externally in liquid glass to make the dirt,water and acid proof.

Sensor terminals containing microchip sensors and explosive detecting nanowires(explained later on) and cameras with T-RAY and facial recognition software can be placed on the perimeter of all public amenity entrances including museums,stadiums,temples etc to send alerts to both members of the public and also law enforcement to dangers.Robotic guards can patrol the perimeter and hallways with cameras at key points in each room including the entrance and lobby all fitted with facial recognition software,T-ray,thermal infra red camera monitored by the building AI and linked to Athena.All amenities especially libraries and museums will have backup generators with those in areas prone to natural disasters strengthened to their unique location ie. those in areas prone to storms and hurricanes can have graphene integrated into the matrix of windows with automated shutters used,those in areas prone to flooding as well as storms will have a high wall built around them composed of foamcreate and covered in graphene paint and floodbreakers or automatic gates and watertight doors installed composed of graphene or having graphene paint on them.All cameras on robots and dotted inside and outside them will be equipped with IR illuminator/thermal/night vision and normal vision and linked to the global database of criminals and missing person in Athena but fed into the building AI to turn on when it is dark and lights are off with them also covered in liquid glass to negate the need for cleaning.Security cameras at key points and also drones that constantly patrol the amenities will be connected to Athena.FireIce canisters and in time robotic machines equipped with cameras to detect fires that drop down from the ceiling will be in all amenities with nanosensors and alarm systems linked to Prometheus will be in them as well.All amenities especially theme parks will run simulations on all possible accidents and faults to run automated countermeasures to them and alert Pemphredo to call for firefighters and ambulances when needed.All of them will have their own onsite firefighters to alleviate strains and also for quick action especially museums with theme parks having their own emergency drones and vehicles to quickly rescue people.

Defibrillators and CPR machines will be dotted around each public amenity at strategic points.First aid kits with Seacell bandages,vertigel,x-stat sponges,Lifevac apparatuses and other important material will also be present with each of the components replaced anually.Ideally these will be in FACT terminals with there location relayed to smart devices once alarms are made with Paean also providing how to videos.

All amenities will have stairs replaced by slopes including those inbetween seats to prevent accidents and allow robots robots to move up and down.All amenities can also have extensions ontop of them or underground with this of note to museums and also gyms to increase exhibits and also features.

Carparks in all amenities will be dug up and replaced by automated multistorey ones that will be manged by the amenity AI with the land reforested extending out to outlying forests.

Multiple emergency exit doors should be included especially for large amenities and be lit well with in the event of a fire become brighter with floor and wall lights activated when alarms go off and including those built into walls guide people to exits alongside audio visual cues from the building AI sent to smart lenses,glasses and devices.Miniature cameras that look over each section of the buildings can be fitted with software to detect fires and large levels of smoke consistent with a fire.In time nozzels that drop down from the roof can target fires and spray FireICE at the fire with it stored in a spare room using cameras that recognise fires.Until then traditional sprinkler systems at key points in each room where a fire could theoretically happen would release water or FireICE which a shutter system ensuring one sprinkler in the room/key point head rather than all sprinklers wasting water and potentially unnecessarily getting people inside wet.Like in other public buildings fire hydrants containing FireICE should be in each main room to allow for the fire to be put out much quicker.Good ventilation systems should be in all bars,restaurants and nightclubs sprayed internally with liquid glass to prevent the build up of dirt to ensure they function properly and during fires can have automated procedures to suck out extra air much quicker to remove smoke again located in areas where fires are most likely with window automatically opened to allow air in for people who are escaping.These two should be at key points of the room to also remove cigarette smoke with the kitchens that may a source of fire having doors to close should they be the source of of fires and also other measures as detailed later on employed.

Cafeterias will be put in place of all restaurants chains and like those in hospitals will be automated including retrieval and cleaning of dishes and the menu will be programmed by researchers working there and the amenities AI with cleaning and ordering of ingredients done like in amenities managed by AI.Ideally extensions would be used to house places where food is grown.Some ingredients such as vegetables,in vitro meat,commodities from bacteria,fish and shellfish can be grown onsite in recirculating aquaculture systems with aquaponics ideally used,aeroponic and hydroponic greenhouses,photobioreactors etc located on the rooftop,extensions,spare rooms automated cafeterias serving delicacies such as lobsters,sushi,caviar etc including self service ones.An entire floor including in underground extensions could be devoted to growing all hybrid crops via aeroponics,fish and shellfish via recirculating aquaculture systems,commodities via bacteria in photobioreactors,in vitro meat with eggs coming from biosynth machinery or created via textured vegetable protein with hybrid crops and fish used to make them easier to grow.3D DNA printers will be present.These will be grown on the roof of the building and also in spare rooms and even roof extensions.Extra crops including fruit trees and hybrid crops can be grown in any fields and gardens on the amenities grounds and in pots in the lobby,hallways etc with VR indistinguishable from reality will allow sports fields to be turned into more gardens to grow ornamental and crop hybrids.Hybrid an normal crops will be grown via aquaponics with fish engineered to produce the same meat as any livestock alongside in vitro meat with eggs created by biosynth machinery and TVP with all condiments such as buns,bread,cheese etc created onsite and stored in fridges alongside excess food produced with excess food produced also stored here with waste disposed in organic waste bins.Algae intaking sewage from the building will engineered to produce the same texture and taste as any type of meat to create mince,steaks etc.Ideally all ingredients should be from animals and plants immunised against all pathogens to prevent food poisoning and allergens be removed from all crops.Miniature radiation machines can be present to expose food and ingredients to high doses of radiation to to sterilise them with crops,fish etc have radiorestence added to negate any effects this will have on taste.This will make them self sufficient from vertical farms.Researchers and AI in charge of the amenities will decide which meals to make with all meals present in existing amenities,communal homes,hospitals added to Hestia linked to Urania.Meals from the universal franchises of restaurants in Hebe will be linked to Urania.All cafeterias and eating halls will be given luxury tiling,furniture etc.By 2029 all work in these cafeterias will be automated.In time one will be able to preorder meals to be made with those living in nearby housing on the grounds of them also having them delivered by Botlr and Tug robots.Researchers and residents in accommodation on the grounds of amenities will be able to have meals delivered to them via Tug and Botlr robots similar to room service in hotels.Meals from universal restaurants can also be delivered to them.Even the washing of dishes will be automated

Recirculating aquaculture and aquaponic systems can be used to rear crops,fish and shellfish in roofs or in spare rooms as well as gardens,sheds and greenhouses.Aquaponics will be used since it rears both vegetable and fruit crops abd fish abd shellfish at once

Photobioreactors will be present in the basement and also rooftops that grow bacteria that create plant and animal commodities as well as algae and in vitro meat.Photobioreactors will be present in the basement and also rooftops that grow bacteria that create plant and animal commodities alongside in vitro meat and also algae using sewage collected from the building.To grow algae on-site of amenities can have their building programmed to have a certain amount of their sewage in the form of feces and urine fed into photobioreactors at amenities that will grow algae in them and using interior radiation machines irradiate the desecration etc sterilising it with the algae engineered to be resistant to radiation thus allowing it to be sterilised.The amenities can also import a set amount of feces and urine in the form of sewage from other public buildings and homes etc that is by interacting with the AIs of sewage treatment plants the farms can import sewage from sewage treatment plants at set times when toilets are not used that will be deposited into photobioreactors.The AI will stop intaking sewage once they are full and will intake more once the photobioreactors are emptied.Since amenities will be empty of people most of the time their toilets will be idle thus meaning that sewage can be imported into the photobioreactors vis the sewage line with this done by adding a new series of pipes connected to the sewage treatment plants by robots etc or the existing pipes dug up,have a section removed and it connected to the photobioreactors.The algae will undergoe the same level of engineering as those grown in sewage treatment plants and will be engineered to break down toilet paper.This will make amenities self sufficient in algae for fertiliser,feedstock for fish etc with it alleviating strains on sewage treatment plants if adopted by all home,community and vertical farms.

3D DNA printers will be on site of all restaurant farms worldwide to make them self sufficient in terms of seeds,bacteria cells and eggs if fish and shelfish

Free Access Computer Terminals:
Each amenity will house Free Access Computer Terminals(FACT) positioned on or in pedestals will be connected to the electrical grid(or solar powered via panels,quantum dot technology and graphene paint to alleviate strain from the grid) and the nearby research centres computers via wifi.They will be dotted around the beach at key areas,can be streamed at any point of the beach via the wire and also contain the following on the computer terminals hard drive and side

•Menus to view the material in different languages for both text and video files
•Real time maps of the area that can be zoomed and show the users current location and location of other computer terminal as well as location of nearby research centres and hospitals.These can be streamed into smart devices such as google glasses/lenses and e-newspapapers as explained above.
•Information on the local flora and fauna via video files such as documentaries and also links to drones the nearby ocean that patrol the ocean allowing them to view through their cameras and their locations on a map and distance from that computer terminal.The same goes for cameras attached to live animals.This would also include poisonous and dangerous animals such as sharks,alligators and jellyfish which would automatically alert swimmers via pop ups on devices every time a person enters via the wire or the area.
•Information on the weather as well as environment:,humidity, luminosity of the sun, concentration of carbon dioxide and other gases,wind speed and direction,temperature and humidity of the atmosphere,pH and temperature of the ocean water,mineral content of the water.Also in this is the level of contaminants in the water and any pathogenic bacteria.The same information regarding the same conditions of the sand in the beach will also be given.A line graph plotting the levels of these environmental factors over time of both things will be visible
•Grade of quality i.e. Blue Flag quality schemes
•Video files on how to perform basic and advanced first aid such as CPR and use bandages etc.
•Videos and text detailing the history of the area.
•Wireless charging kiosks
•Wifi for smart devices
•A compartment with labelled bottles containing antidotes to local poisonous flora and fauna such as jellyfish.These will be restocked routinely by robots once alerted by a menu by beachgoers or a dispensed by a pump system linked to the vats where they are stored in nearby research centres.One could also get the antivenom in a spray bottle in these centres.
•Another compartment with a first aid kit i.e.bandages and plasters.These will be restocked routinely by robots once alerted by a menu by beachgoers.These will be restocked routinely by robots once alerted by a menu by beachgoers
•A menu on the computer terminal will show how what items such as antidotes and first aid kits items are in stock. When each type of antidote is emptied and the first kit missing or used the user will use a menu to notify the nearest research centre that can refill them by hand
•A CPR machine next to it for one person with other people saved by hand.This will connect to the computer terminal and this the energy grid for power via wireless charging when placed on its holder
•A miniature portable defibrillator machine
•An ambulance drone in close proximity
•A menu on the screen will allow users to call for a lifeguard drone or robot or in severe case call for an ambulance or police services.

These FACT machines can also be dotted around towns,villages and cities providing the same information services relevant to that area (as well as wireless charging kiosks,first aid kits,defibrillator and CPR machines(and other relevant features)as well as at each public amenities providing relevant information to that specific amenities and each one around the world of that type ie.FACT terminals providing information schedules at all caves/temples/tombs,museums,stadiums,concert halls etc.linking them together with other ones worldwide.Data can be streamed via smart device

VR technology:
Once VR technology is indistinguishable to real life it could allow one to attend any amenity around the world virtually from the comfort of their home that last hours or even years to the user but mere minutes in the real world with them able to generate an infinite amount of each amenity thus allow one to visit each one from the comfort of their home and not deal with the issue of overcrowding.This would bring the cost of them to zero.This would be of note to geological structures and temples that may be damaged by overcrowding or graffiti such as caves with those like Newgrange that need to be booked ahead for one event ie the winter solstice thus allowing millions to see the event from home in multilayered simulations without damaging it and also have nanocameras at key point etc recreate it in real time to those in the simulations with this done at any time of the year.One could choose what time of year ie season this would be with allowing one to attend many places around the world for photo shot collections.In simulation drones,smart devices,cameras and also cameras can livestream tours and also record them and also pictures into real world devices.Tours will be done by the AI that manages them with it doing these for billions of people at once in multilayered simulations with one going on tours by themselves,with only friends and family or with other people in a layer of the simulation from around the world.This would prevent one becoming lost or kidnapped especially in VR simulations of theme parks and zoos etc.VR technology could allow tours of badly damaged structures due to old age etc to be viewed as they are and in their original form ie Gobekli Tepe and those that no longer exist ie the original twin towers in New York prior to 9/11 including the observation deck,roof and all floors of offices on each floor using blueprints and maps at the time as well as Hatra,Nimrud.The same could be done for lost ships such as the Maria,Doria and Titanic with tours given on the layout,history,each rooms using blueprints and also recorded footage with AI controlling people on these ships in simulations where they never were destroyed at all.All amenity especially museum buildings and those already lost would allow one to have simulation programmes of the amenity,museum,historical place in its original pristine state using historical records recreating its original state at any time period with the people who lived and worked there living or dead played by AI.One would in these simulations carry out everyday to day or specific historical events carried out with the dates chosen by the user for historical purposes carrying out historical events that occurred their such as battles,murders,terrorist attacks,its destruction.Geological areas such as caves,areas where battles occured have known events played out with ancient ones have as stated like Gobekli Tepe,the Great Wall of China,ruins of Pompeii,Chitzen Itza,ancient temples have simulations of what was believed to occur there extrapolated by historians carried out by AI actors as in ancient times with the entire simualtion encompassing the entire globe at that time date chosen with this of note to history students and historians.Caves can be explored without the threat of death or injury.All existing abandoned and obsolete buildings worldwide will be scanned into a system in Pasithea possibly Galatea that will allow one to explore them in their unaltered form with an entire recreation of the planet created with all buildings left in a state of varying levels of decay with even those created from scratch by AI in varying levels of decay and technological tiers with the option to have police,animals,dead bodies,monsters and ghosts added.With regards to concert halls,stadiums etc the time dilation effect would not exist or one could view a live renditions of  plays,musicals,sports events in multilayered simulations as actors would carry these out or the livestream played out here as it is livestreamed into Dionysus or replay from those stored in Dionysus with the time dilation effect with one able to get desired seats and in the case of stadiums boxes with excess seats taken up by AI in multiple simulations or in one multi layered simulation as a whole or in parts with for example highly sought after seats or boxes used by multiple people in a single simulation with them able to choose which people in a multi layered simulation able to choose who to interact with.Stadiums will have live sports events livestreamed in here and logged into Dionysus with one able to view previous ones logged here as far back as possible in a simulation in any seat with friends or others or AI playing the role of known public members recreating reactions of those recorded.This can allow one to practice games or visit them if the amenity are packed full of people and allow them to attend with people from across the world from the comfort of their home.Thus in the case of stadiums and theatres etc millions of people could attend the event in any seat they wanted including sought after seats and boxes with the event livestreamed into Dionysus.In time certain amenities such as sex cinemas/bathhouses/cinemas/strip clubs/saunas,circuses/playgrounds/theme parks,planetariums,paintball courses/ice rinks/golf clubs and driving ranges/bowling alleys/stadiums and even some museums such as modern art ones will become redundant in the real world and the land reforested or buildings turned into communal homes with them existing only in simulations with an infinite number of them accessed from simulations from the comfort of ones home and them using existing versions scanned in and those designed by the public.These amenities that exist only in VR simulations will be designed by pure thought by AI and by pure thought by humans etc using neural implants abc added to each sub network with this allowing people access to an almost infinite number of new theme parks,golf courses etc.The remaining amenities will be managed by stadiums for all types of sports including the Olympics will be turned into homes due to them all being done in virtual stadiums with normal physics and possibly the time dilation effect to save on bandwidth.The sentient operating softwares of each type of these will manage and monitor these simulations and the AI and receptionists becoming macro,building and room AIs.This will allow golf courses,theme parks etc designed by the public to be used giving the customers an infinite choice of places to visit.With regards to cinemas and museums historically important and old ones will still remain in the real world with newer ones that are devoted to modern art turned into homes with the content sent to older ones in extensions as modern art museums can be created in VR simulations with infinite floors.If possible even stadiums could be made redundant this way.Rooftops can have gardens of ornamental crops when possible alongside seats and nests for biological controls of pests for surrounding farms.Those made obsolete by VR technology will be either reforested as in the case of golf courses and other outdoor ones with indoor ones like bowling alleys,planetariums,ice and skating rinks,bathhouses,saunas,boxing venues and areas like these to train boxers,sex cinemas,strip clubs,amusement arcades,planetariums,paintball courses,bowling alleys,stadium,shooting ranges,stadiums,paintball zones,theme parks etc that can be visited in VR will turned into communal homes via roof,side and underground extensions.

All types of remaining amenities whether theatres,museums,churches etc can undergoe luxury refurbishments with them also having luxury hotel style suites added in spare rooms and extensions to house the humans that maintain them alongside the AI to prevent them going into disrepair especially abandoned ones renovated to their former glory.These would house beds,closets,en suites and electronics with wifi while kitchens would be automated communal ones that serve them and visitors.Soundproofing would be applied to all of these suites.Up to a dozen people could stay here permanently or temporarily with them having permanent residences elsewhere in the same city with them using their rooms in rotary with others.These would house the people that maintain them.Theatres and opera houses will have twenty to fifty roof extensions housing these suites open to the general public with them and amenities blocked off using digital keys.All remaining public amenities will house underground and roof extensions to house luxury Venetian style suites for remaining human staff,researchers and volunteers as permanent residence and even tourists.This can be used in certain amenities to be booked for two or more nights depending on its size acting as a hotel service with again suites used as permenant residence for those that maintain to allow them to be in close contact with work and thus not have to expend energy and time travelling to and from work.Luxury lounges can be present in place of retail outlets and extensions that house areas to rest and watch television.Retail centres in all of these will be turned into lounges with wifi and charging kiosks,televisions,liluxury furniture managed by the reserve AI with the manufactured goods and foods sent to the nearest community centre to be scanned into Hephaestus and dispensed to the public on a first come first serve basis.Those in towns will turned into homes when all items are scanned in and dispensed to the public or sent to community with the buildings built on the outskirts of geological areas etc and also near buildings such as castles.All amenities of all types can undergo renovations to make them more luxurious ie gyms and pools can have cheap tiling and carpeting removed with floors of gyms etc replaced by kebonised wood and pools have ornamental rocks and precious gems put in place with the same applying to museums etc.Restaurants will become automated and turned into universal brands.Carparks on the grounds of all remaining amenities will be dug up and reforested and replaced with underground automated ones.All of these amenities should be set up as fully automated by at least 2029.