Restoration Nation

Restoration Nation as detailed in great detail in its own section here on this website will be an universal global television show that charts the renovation of obsolete and abandoned buildings especially historical ones and abandoned ghost towns to luxury communal and private homes,restoration of abandoned amenities to their former glory,rennovations of public buildings to luxury standards and even renovating existing private homes to luxury standards worldwide as detailed in the housing section in the secondary sector dealing with the automated reconstruction and renovating of housing should provide work for newbie and struggling actors to breakout as well as well established ones whose careers are sagging to reignite their careers with even B-Z list actors and retired musicians and one hit wonders using this to revitalise their careers with other celebrities such as talk show hosts and live news anchors using it to add variety to their portfolios.It would benefit newbie and struggling actors,directors and presenters and act as a launchpad of their careers since just about anyone can book and renovate a building,film its renovations following the universal template and then trade it on Euthenia and then upload the episode onto Dionysus as detailed earlier on.There will be no single presenter but rather multiple ones across the world including celebrities and also members of public as one will book a building,be contacted by homeowners or homeowners themselves acting as presenters with hem filming its rennovations following a universal template detailed in its official page on this website and then uploaded to Dionysus with a single Assistsnt AI.This is because their is at least 54,904,000 buildings to renovate If all buildings,ghost towns etc were to be covered in only one hour long episodes and not those several hours long and also seasons then it would take a person 6,268 years to watch all episodes back to back showing how long the series would be to watch it in full.It will be done to provide work for retired celebrities,revive those whose careers as sagging act as a launchpad for newbie actors and directors and more importantly chart the renovation of historical abandoned and obsolete buildings.It will be made to provide work for newbie presenters but also chart the renovation of obsolete and abandoned buildings into home and also to their former glory especially in the case of historical buildings for fans of shows about renovations of buildings especially hostoricsl ones.The show will become the universal house flipping programme that charts luxury renovations to existing private homes,apartments etc and chart the restoration of particularly historical obsolete and abandoned buildings and those to their former glory and even renovations of private homes and council flats etc for historical documentation purposes.The show may also detail the building of new communal and private homes across the universe including on Mars,Venus,newly colonised planets and also megastructures such as ringworlds and alderson discs.This show will extend to all discovered sentient races across the universe where the renovations of their obsolete and abandoned buildings and private homes will be charted in it.Fake versions of Restoration Nation filmed in VR simulations can cover the restoration of fictional obsolete and abandoned buildings and private homes in the universe of each major video game,movie,television show franchises with for those set in franchises that involve interstellar and intergalactic empires and civilisations would exponentially increase the amount of episodes of this show for fans of home flipping and restoration programmes that would take fans thousands or even millions of years to watch in full with each fictional version of Restoration Nation uploaded to Dionysus.Examples of science fiction shows,movies and video games having a fake version of Restoration Nation filmed via VR simulation can include Mass Effect,Babylon 5,Battlestar Galactica,Stargate,Star Trek,Star Wars, that can use all forms of technologies from their universe and those from this website integrated into this and them involve in canon universe characters that is it will feature actual characters as part of the shows universe and actual abandoned and obsolete buildings and private homes etc in the actual universe.These will have the sources from the VR map of the world.For each franchise of movies,television shows and video games there will be an official version of Restoration Nation that takes places in the actual universe labelled as such created by fans and official actors and them using the actual VR maps of each planet.Fake versions for Restoration Nation can be done for existing and defunct animated shows such as Futurama,The Simpson’s,Family Guy,South Park,American Dad and all future ones.It can be done for defunct and still running live action shows especially fantasy and science fiction shows and movie franchises such as Star Trek,Star Wars,Stargate,Game of Thromes,Buffy the Vampire Slayer with for shows like Buffy the Vampire Slayer it can be set in Sunnydale before the destruction of the town in 2003 or in an alternate timeline or parallel universe where the city is still standing with this releated for other franchises where the town or city it was set in was destroyed.Video game series such as The Longest Journey,Assasins Creed,Mass Effect,Gears of War etc can have versions done with even versions done of major movie,comic book and literature series such as Batman,Harry Potter,Dune,Blade Runner,The Lord of the Rings etc.Each existing and new science fiction and fantasy movie,television show either live action or animated and video game series can have a fake version of Restoration Nation can be created with it done by fans of the show using VR technology to film all aspects of it with their being one version of the show for each franchise managed by a single assistant AI that one contacts.Even versions of the show can be made set in existing and new television and movie dramas,soap operas,forensics,legal and medical dramas that are not science fiction or fantasy.For video games they will in the graphics style and for animated shows it will be in the animation style of the show using in universe humour with for all of them it can involve characters from the video games,movies and television shows.They will cater to fans of each movie,television show and video games and even fans of the show itself.This fake versions of the show would be filmed as if set in that franchises universes and include it filmed in a way as if it was done in that universe set in that universes version of Earth and all planets across that universe for each sentient race and all human occupied planets with it charting fictional renovations of private homes owned by each sentient race in said franchises universes and the restoration of abandoned buildings and renovations of obsolete buildings into communal and private homes with it also charting the restoration of opera houses etc to their former glory following the universal template.This will provide work for millions of newbie actors since all new and existing movies,television shows and video games including fanmade games will have entire planets,galaxies and universes full of twins,cities with inhabited and also abandoned and obsolete buildings with this applying top all existing and new shows,movies,video games and since their will be an explosion of new movies,television shows and video games filmed in VR simulations this will lead to an invite amount of buildings etc created from scratch.If possible other fake versions can be made of it in personal VR simulations including Bacchus with AI as part of the simulations acting as presenters or actors invited to a specific players universe and it labelled a different name for each simulation including fictional worlds,countries and cities etc.VR technologies will be used to film this with this exponentially increasing the shows lifespan forever especially for franchises that have interstellar and intergalactic empires present with each existing franchises of movies,television shows and video games and all new franchises of video games and television shows can have franchise specific fake versions of Restoration Nation that can last for thousand or billions of years.If possible fake versions of the show can be done that redo existing buildings already covered in the main show with different outcomes an almost infinite amount of times or fake spin offs but presented by AI and human presenters and the buildings remodelled into different forms.The history section can be modified and filmed in different ways with different actors or fictional historians or the history of it can be altered.In other wards any building already in the main show can be renovated almost an infinite amount of times into different final forms by fans presented by them and AI playing the role of homeowners.In otherwards buildings already rennovated in the main real world version of the show can be using VR technology have them renovated an infinite amount of times with all parts of the universal template being different and the finished building being completely different everytime.Buildings demolished to make way for reforested land when the homeowners move out into obsolete buildings and also large communal apartment buildings.Fake versions created with VR technology will allow fictional buildings on Earth or fictional planets etc to be rennovated allowing an almost infinite amount of obsolete and abandoned buildings and private homes from scratch renovations to be charted with different histories to be renovated which can be redone over and over again.Thus a person can create a fictional abandoned and obsolete building or private homes with fake histories etc set on different versions of Earth or fictional worlds creating an almost infinite number of episodes.These fake versions will be created by fans of both the show and video games and follow the universal template with them presented by either AI and humans with them demoted as not real versions with them also used by actors whose careers are sagging and launchpad for newbie actors etc since house flipping and rennovations programmes have a sizeable fanbase which will grow overtime.These options will potentially allow the show to go on forever thus providing work for newbie presenters as a launchpad and actors whose career is sagging forever with actors plying the role of presenter and actor in history sections.The show will become plot points for all types of television shows of all genres such as legal,medical,political,forensic drama and investigative shows and also dramas,soap operas,science fiction and fantasy shows as well as movies,video games etc of different genres such as survival horror,point and click adventure,adventure etc with it referenced or featured heavily in them directly.Once all abandoned buildings worldwide are rennovated to luxury standards and occupied urban explorers will use VR technology to carry out their hobby.

Thus a global universal programme that details renovation of obsolete and abandoned buildings of all types,renovation of suburban homes and tightly packed estates into miniature mansions,council flats and apartment blocks into hotels,low quality housing(mainly projects,motels,hotels)into luxury housing,restoration of ghost towns/low quality rural villages in the developing world/movie sets to liveable spaces,creation of hotels in place of low quality housing and retail streets,renovating hotels and casinos with extensions as well as closet rooms etc and motels with the features of hotels will be created during the process of moving the poor into them from low quality housing that will be filmed using the aforementioned format by the locales,people moving in,celebrity and amateur presenters,the teams carrying out renovations or a combination of these with this done in all countries across the world and will be stored in networks,subsystems and eventually appear in Dionysus with stored episodes whole seasons and mega seasons appearing in one go by at least 2029 with this continuing for possibly several decades.Due to their being no single presenter and a single macro global network multiple episodes and seasons will premier each week or even day for each country or continent version.This will be as stated a universal global programme with versions for each country or continent with town,city and buildings name or a name that is a play on words similar to those on other television shows that denotes the type of building and its location etc denoted in each episode summary and this programme will have the same name globally and will replace all existing ones of all types worldwide.These titles could include “The Cat Lady’s Mansion”,”Rapunzels Castle” and “The House in the Forgotten Woods” and so on with the YouTube videos they are from used to create these titles.The episodes may be named by a them of the episode or the place and type of buildings covered and will cover both abandoned and obsolete buildings of all types.The episodes titles will follow a theme for the building(s) done with those with one building or town etc will have a humerous joke on it with the same done for shows that show multiple small buildings like merging suburban homes,hotels following a humerous themed joke with this then on both cases have the names of the buildings involved listed and their location – country,state,city in the episode summary in Dionysus.The summary will include information on the building,its location etc with seasons etc having information on each episode.As stated subtitles created by AI namely the sentient Coeus and dubbing by this software will allow people to view all episodes by 2029 by which time most countries will have several seasons worth of material uploaded with all episodes done in the native countries language.The episodes will be in the country folders of where the building is located rather than where the occupants are from ie if an American books a palace in Poland then it will be in the Polish series rather than the American version.There will be no universal presenter since anyone can start a network,project and book a building.The sentient Coeus will translate work within networks and also final episodes making them viewable to anyone across the world alongside optional subtitles for each episode.This universal programme will replace all existing home renovation,flipping and even restoration programmes of all types worldwide with existing ones stored as far back as possible in Dionysus and will be done to chart the restoration and renovation of all obsolete and abandoned buildings and ghost towns,rural towns,private homes and ghettos etc worldwide especially famous and historical ones that have historical value to the locale and indeed the world.The restoration and renovation of private homes and abandoned and obsolote buildings around the galaxy on planets inhabited by other discovered sentient races will be charted in it.It could also chart the demolition of dams worldwide and across the galaxy and demolition of airports into botanical gardens as well as building of new communal and private homes and new underwater and hnderground communities across the universe by humans and other sentient races on all colonies across the universe such as Mars,Venus and other colonised planets and also ringworlds and alderson discs etc.It will provide work for millions of people worldwide and also act as a launchpad for new actors,directors and television presenters and keep celebrities whose careers are sagging busy.Thus by 2029-2035 the vast majority of the poorest of the poorest who live in slums,poor council estate estates and suburbs alongside trailer parks will be lifted out of poverty as they will be able to move to luxurious housing from obsolete and also abandoned buildings as well as second homes belonging to the very wealthy and even through renovating council flats and extensions to existing homes and apartments.These will be stored in Dionysus in a single macro folder then subdivided by the countries and also continent then seasons.This series will have a single global name and then the country each franchise is set in and will be arranged in a macro folder and folder for each country,continent with the universal name followed by the name of the country or continent it is in(ie Restoration Nation) decided by at least 2020/2022 with them having a universal intro template and universal theme song played in musical instruments native to each episodes country/continent and also each intro for each one showing abandoned and obsolete buildings in that area by downloading the exterior and some interior shots from existing urban exploration videos and also tours of hotels etc with work on it starting as early as 2020/2022 to allow for the universal theme and intros for each area to be be decided by which time the proto Euthenia site will be set up by the AI setting up all abandoned and obsolete buildings via scouring google,google maps,YouTube for abandoned videos done by explorers and information from the aforementioned sites in bullet points and other videos on YouTube ie live news,scour archives etc as detailed earlier on.This AI can using proto Pandora modify buildings accordingly ie add ten to twenty floors on them,fill in hollow centres of supermarkets etc and extend stores outwards to them modify them into hallways and equal sized suites and amenities in proper areas,extending certain stores over carparks,merging buildings together and creating much bigger buildings with again ten to twenty floor extensions overseen by human programmers and architects organised by the local council with the person booking the homes and the local governments in charge of each areas section on the proto Euthenia site will be alerted to booking in their area.Edits will include all presenter,renovators and background staff for all people involved in the buildings covered.This will replace all existing renovation and restoration programs around the world for abandoned,obsolete and private homes etc indefinitely.All of the aforementioned obsolete and abandoned places,buildings,villages,towns,cities,theme parks,suburban areas etc will have episodes done.Any recorded material prior to 2025-2029 of private homes and communal and private homes derived from obsolete and abandoned places,buildings,villages,towns,cities,theme parks,suburban areas etc before the formation of the show will be dumped in proto networks and on personal computers to be then fitted with the intro etc. with the credits listing the names of presenters,persons moving in and also teams from around the world editing them and also contractors.The local council and the bookers will arrange themselves and locales to become filmakers set up proto Dionysus networks for them to manage work in the huge macro network arranged by AI to the aforementioned parameters and contacting professional presenters and cameraman to review their work,give input and alongside contacted celebrity guest presenters of all fields ie actors,directors,actors,presenters,athletes of all types using the AI to scour Wikipedia,yearbooks etc to be then offered a role.The first few whole seasons of each continents/countries episodes that 100s of episodes each will be available by Dionysus set up in 2029 by which point if done instantaneously worldwide by large groups of locales filming teams and volunteers alongside large contracting teams means the vast majority of obsolete and abandoned buildings,ghost towns worldwides should already be renovated,filmed and occupied by the poorest with all low quality towns and villages in Africa,Asia etc will be also upgraded to 21st century standards by at least 2029.Mega seasons and seasons will be uploaded in their own folder in one go in their own season subfolders for each country/continent.Mines around the world should be able to be done by automated machinery by this point with them covered in their own episodes and then advertised on Euthenia.

This universal renovation,flipping and restoration show Restoration Nation show that charts the renovation and restoration of all abandoned,obsolete buildings worldwide especially of historical value and renovations and addition of extensions to existing private homes as detailed earlier on in the housing section of the secondary sector.A hyperlink to the housing sections address is located below that you can click on to open or right click to open in another tab or window.It will detail the renovation of all types of abandoned and obsolete buildings into private and communal homes,rennovations of abandoned amenities to their former glory,upgrading of amenities and public buildings to luxury standards and also renovation of occupied private and communal homes and will be a global one with celebrity and amateur presenters from around the world doing each episode.It will be done to chart the restoration and rennovations of these buildings.for historical purposes especially of buildings of historical buildings with it also used to act as launchpads of new or presenters and keep actors whose careers are sagging..It will be subdivided into each continent or country will thus have no single presenter per country with members of the public as young as 12 or younger and the elderly acting as presenters and can use this in portfolios for future careers in different media and shows like live news,talk shows and even acting and movie directing careers with the producers and other team members using this to jump start movie and television show careers especially if they cover dozens of project buildings and episodes in their home town,city,country or other countries thus not confined to doing only buildings in their native country and town with them using motorhomes and also home sharing programmes when doing episodes in different cities and countries.Any member of the public can become a presenter by booking a building and then filming its renovations in episodes arranged by them or being contacted by the people who booked the building when they add their contact details to a universal website.Members of the public and presenters can book a building cover its renovation and then advertise it on Euthenia.This will ensure all buildings are covered and ensure constant supply of work for newbie presenters and even actors who want to relaunch waning careers with one booking multiple buildings in an area and going back and forth between them while recording different episodes and seasons.Even those who booked the buildings,spaces and suites present will be presenters with even friends etc also acting as presenters with this even being the very poor and homeless given or getting donated filming equipment.Celebrities of all fields contacted by fans and them booking places will also present episodes.This will ensure all buildings whether obsolete or abandoned and ghost towns of all types will be covered.Thus amateur presenters will theoretically do dozens if not hundreds of episodes over the shows run with them through the networks,new team members,lack of deadlines allow them to have a flexible schedule and do episodes in all countries around the world with these amateurs being locales.This will act as launchpads for all people involved for careers in other areas such as talk shows,actors,live news anchors and reporters and film and television show directors and writers.It will be done to provide work for retired celebrities,revive those whose careers as sagging act as a launchpad for newbie actors and directors and more importantly chart the renovation of historical abandoned and obsolete buildings.


If possible it could be continent versions to limit the amount of subversions to five continent versions – America(that includes North,Central and South America),Africa,Austrailia(that includes New Zealand),Eurasia(that consists of Europe,Asia,Russia,India,Middle East).Each one would have a unique version of the intro music theme composed of instruments from the entire continent with this lowering the number of versions of the show from around 196 to only five.If possible it could be a single version with covering projects that take place all over the globe.The sentient Coeus will translate all episodes and seasons and also data in networks used by people at home.To ensure all abandoned and obsolete buildings,mega hotels,ghost towns and private homes are covered then the show will have no single presenter including homeowners,people moving into homes and buildings,celebrities and any member of the public can be doing episodes around the world at once with each presenter potentially doing multiple buildings etc at once in different towns/cities/states/counties/countries and going back between the different projects/buildings being filmed at once at different stages.Furthermore to further ensure all buildings are renovated and these renovations filmed using the universal template presenters can simply book any building as well as entire ghost towns etc and then film its renovations etc including those converted into communal homes,amenities restored to its former glory and then advertise them on Euthenia prior to anyone booking them.By 2029 AI and automation should reduce human labour particularly labour intensive,repetitive and dangerous work to reduce the need for human labour with AI,automation and biosynths advanced enough to replace humans bring the costs to zero allowing for multiple projects and buildings to be renovated at once.All of this will ensure that every week or even every day dozens,hundreds or thousands of episodes and seasons will be uploaded at once from around the world with assistant AI arranging them into proper order.

Episodes & Seasons:
Episodes and seasons will be done of abandoned and obsolete buildings of all types,ghost towns,renovating vacant homes from retail sites transferred to Euthenia,mega hotels in place of commercial districts that are booked and then renovated by teams as people are moving into them,when presenters can book a buildings or entire ghost towns etc then renovate it and film its renovation and then advertise the buildings on Euthenia,when private homeowners are renovating their own homes and thus presenting themselves,when people who have booked the building or spaces in them,rebuilding long destroyed and demolished buildings,returning abandoned amenities such as theatres,opera houses,museums to their former glory,adding suites in extensions to still functioning amenities such as museums etc,renovating hospitals/nightclubs/restaurants/universities etc to luxury standards and adding suites etc to them,renovating private homes and even when robots are advanced enough to replace all humans and so on.The episodes that have them renovating homes and then advertising them on Euthenia will have the cameramen and presenters create the advertisement in its Euthenia page to make it more appealing.Presenters can consist of existing television presenters of talk shows,live news,documentaries,celebrities such as musicians/actors/directors/atheletes etc and amateur presenters that are members of the public and even the people who book and move into hotels/homes etc themselves and private homeowners renovating their homes themselves.Amateur presenters will scour the proto and final Euthenia for booked buildings and also attend meetings set up by the local council once all buildings in an area has been booked and is about start renovations if the teams doing them or the persons booking them are not doing it or these people can be contacted by the teams and people booking it as friends.The presenters even amateur via networks will work with cameramen,editors and researchers and the universal AI assistant that live around the world and work on projects around the world and not just ones in their native country with them contacted by people moving into the homes and buildings or can book buildings,film their rennovations and episodes following the universal template and then advertise them on Euthenia with them also presenting episodes on renovations of historical amenities such as theatres to their former glory and upgrading other amenities with luxury refurbishments,adding suites etc and making them energy and water efficient and when contacted by homeowners renovating private homes.They will be able to go back and forth between different projects.Each episode can have one,two or even more presenters that cover a single building especially large ones as well as ghost towns to cover more material and areas with each presenter whether amateur,famous or professional can do multiple episodes of buildings in their area and country or anywhere in the world with them even contacted and freelanced by fans of their work who book homes or by renovators with their contact details within the universal global website for the programme.Before this people who book homes can present the episode themselves and even arrange locals to do the work.They can have settings that have the proto Euthenia alert them when one is booked in their area with there being a section in this section or ideally even the shows official website subdivided by country that lists all presenters and their contact details with new ones added overtime.Presenters would add their name and contact details such as phone number,email,home country and address to each section via sending emails to volunteers managing the site or in time AI namely the universal assistant that manages it and all episodes with presenters even listing themselves in areas that denotes they will do different countries around the world with them also denoting if they are currently doing any projects and which ones and when they would be free to freelance themselves.This will also allow for each of them to go back and forth between two or more buildings they are doing for the same or different episodes they are doing in the same area at the same time.The fact that each country and each episode will have different presenters will allow each one to do episodes in their own unique style relating to the type of building while still following the same format and template for all episodes ie exploration/tour,history of the building and those moving in,decisions of room use,collages/transitions,aerial drones etc and the same methods and features used by both existing cultural programmes that overlook heritage and also culture as well as existing renovation and restoration programmes.The show will cover the restoration and renovation of abandoned and obsolete buildings of all types worldwide and also that of private homes.

Episodes and seasons will be done of buildings,suburbs,ghost towns when people are moving in and book and present them themselves or hire amateur and professional presenters contacted by them.Episodes and seasons will also be done when communal homes,private homes and entire ghost towns etc are booked and presented by one or more residents moving in or amateur and professional presenters contacted by them.Episodes and seasons will be done of buildings,ghost towns by amateur and professional presenters book a building including large communal ones or entire abandoned towns and then renovate them during filming through robots,biosynths or hired contractors and then trade and advertise  it on Euthenia.That is seasons and episodes can be done when people are not moving into them but presenters renovating them,filming the renovations and all steps are abided and then advertise and trade them away on Euthenia to prevent the buildings be idle.

Each season for each country/continent version of the show will have at least a 100-1,000 episodes with small buildings having singular episodes of varying length from two to ten hours depending on the size of the buildings and are around it and what material is created for each section of the template all following the universal template.Private homes undergoing renovations may involve one episode for each building presented by the homeowner using the universal template with if possible networks allowing homeowners around the world to work together to have long episodes where ten to twenty homes are renovated and covered by their homeowners in long episodes.Small buildings like mansions that were demolished and are being rebuilt will be covered in single episodes.Ghost towns,council flats,large abandoned and obsolete buildings such as shopping malls/supermarkets/hypermarkets/office buildings/skyscrapers/large schools/psychiatric wards/hotels/motels/theme parks and largeish buildings including those that were demolished in the past and rebuilt will have seasons of varying length of number of episodes depending on its size with each episode being of varying length depending on the size of each area.The intro episodes will house the history of the building,town,park etc in a mini documentary of at least thirty to sixty minutes long,exploration of the entire building/town done in large groups and also over several days with the intro cinematics and the final episode having the tour of the building or town etc in its finished state and outro cinematic alongside unveiling of relevant statues.These will be presented by residents,amateur presenters or two etc.Each episode in between will chart the renovation of each part of the building bit by by bit ie lobbies,beaches,dining halls,amenities,gardens etc with in case of hotels and motels episodes here will chart not just these but also each residents customisation of their rooms to their personal tastes and also merging or splitting rooms into the universal Venetian suite size with there also being the addition of extra floors of this size and their renovations by residents,locales etc with these presented by the presenters and residnents.Those involving renovations of suites may chart the renovations of ten to fifty rooms depending on the size of the hotel with each rooms renovation following the universal template including the history of residents.With regards to ghost towns,theme park episodes will cover each building and section with multiple buildings covered in some episodes depending on their size and again each one in each episode following the template for each section and building.Each episode as part of the season will follow the universal template for normal singular episodes ie history of the resident moving in,tour/exploration of the room,intro and outro cinematics and also before and after college etc.The outro episodes can have the renovated area toured and outro cinematics and before and after collage of the entire building acting as a bookend to the intro episode.Council flats,apartment blocks etc would follow this template as well with again like hotels each episode covering renovations of multiple rooms at once following the template.Theme parks both abandoned and obsolete,ghost towns,rural towns in Africa etc,ghettos and suburbs both abandoned and occupied undergoing renovations can follow the season template will have the entire area outside explored with intro cinematic in the intro episode alongside its history in a mini documentary with the final episode having a tour of the renovated area outside and outro cinematic and unveiling of relevant statue.Episodes in between will chart the renovation of all buildings individually including gardens,digging up areas of concrete including squares and plazas to create gardens,renovating parks to luxury standards,adding geothermal power plants and connecting them to the grid,removal of attractions to place amenities such as pools,jacquizzies etc,setting up community and vertical farms,setting up wifi and switchboxes,renovating and setting up sewage treatment plants and other important infrastructure,renovating bridges or demolishing them and replacing them with those made of carbon composites as well as replacing old roads with newer ones made of porous asphalt or putting them in place of those where none exists.Each building will be explored before and toured afterwards alongside other aspects of the universal template followed including intro/outro cinematics and history of each building and the residents present or moving in etc in each episode and each episode follow the universal template for each building and suite or aspect with multiple buildings and suites covered depending on the town and buildings size.Each season that covers large buildings,ghost towns,council flats etc will consist of about ten to twenty or a hundred episodes or more in between the intro and outro episodes depending on their size each an hour or more long potentially up to ten hours long and will be filmed at once and uploaded in one go at once to allow them to viewed at once and will have multiple presenters per episode and the seasons overall.Each episode will have credits detailing all involved in its production.Large theme parks and even large ghost towns with many large buildings like shopping malls and apartment blocks etc may have mega seasons of them created instead.Mega seasons will be done of large theme parks,ghost towns that have a large number of large buildings including shopping malls,apartment blocks etc and also retail streets that will have mega hotels in their place.These will have seasons for each building divided into episodes and have seasons back to back for each building following the season structure.Mega seasons in the intro episode will detail the history of the retail street,theme park or town and all absorbed buildings and will have the entire street,town,etc explored on foot and by drone and with intro cinematics.Individual buildings absorbed and used in the case of retail streets will be each explored before,have their history detailed etc and then have tours,collages of before and after etc at the end in the final episode alongside outro cinematic following the universal template and have seasons back to back for each building following the season structure in between the mega season intro and outro episodes.In the case of mega hotels the seasons in between will chart the creation of each building the lobby,amenities etc and also of each resident creating their customised rooms,renovations,addition of floors and merging of buildings using timelapse with the creation of each part of the mega hotel ie creation of the lobby/amenities/each floor and if possible the creation of some or all of the room and in the last episode unveiling of the universal Hestia statue with this done before the outro cinematics and tour with each episode charting the construction of each part of the mega hotels.These construction of each mega hotel on each island(s)of each street will encompass an entire season put up in one go with the amount of episodes dependent on the size of the building etc and may take several months or years to film as each mega hotel is created in each season following the universal template ie history of the buildings present,construction and tour of each finished building.As stated the history of the street/island,the buildings destroyed and also the history of any buildings including,historical nightclubs,bars,restaurants etc absorbed and remodelled into its style and the main building used as the template will be charted and the demolition,absorption and construction of all parts will be shown in episodes charting each mega hotels creation.In term of ghost towns and theme parks etc it will have individual episodes of each buildings renovations and the same features as seasons of small ghost towns and theme parks and seasons for large buildings such as apartment blocks.Both seasons and mega seasons from around the world will be uploaded in one go as seasons separate from other ones with any seasons in between them continuing on until a hundred episodes are present with Adriadne and the assistant AI arranging the structure of seasons,mega seasons in Dionysus and Wikipedia.Episodes will be uploaded into seasons and when finished and reviewed in networks with dozens or hundreds of episodes from around the world uploaded every day and week since no single presenter will exist.This will be as stated a universal global programme with versions for each country or continent with town,city divided into seasons of a hundred episodes,seasons and mega seasons.The buildings name or a name that is a play on words similar to those on other television shows that denotes the type of building and its location etc denoted in each episode summary and this programme will have the same name globally and will replace all existing ones of all types worldwide.These titles could include “The Cat Lady’s Mansion”,”Rapunzels Castle” and “The House in the Forgotten Woods” and so on with the YouTube videos they are from used to create these titles.The episodes may be named by a them of the episode or the place and type of buildings covered and will cover both abandoned and obsolete buildings of all types.The episodes titles will follow a theme for the building(s) done with those with one building or town etc will have a humerous joke on it with the same done for shows that show multiple small buildings like merging suburban homes,hotels following a humerous themed joke with this then on both cases have the names of the buildings involved listed and their location – country,state,city in the episode summary in Dionysus.As stated subtitles created by AI namely The sentient Coeus and dubbing by this software will allow people to view all episodes by 2029 by which time most countries will have several seasons worth of material uploaded with all episodes done in the native countries language.The episodes will be in the country folders of where the building is located rather than where the occupants are from ie if an American books a palace in Poland then it will be in the Polish series rather than the American version.Since there will be no universal presenter but their will be a single macro network for all of them worldwide to work on them worldwide and their will be an universal assistant AI for the show it will mean that dozens or hundreds episodes and seasons around the world will premier every day for each iteration.Seasons for each continent or country version will last at least 100-200 episodes with them being a mixture of obsolete and abandoned and thus would last several decades as people would send in their material and it would premier years after renovations are done.The assistant AI will arrange the allotment of episodes into each versions seasons and arrange the uploading of seasons and mega seasons in one go.Seasons etc detailing the renovation of ghost towns and large buildings will be uploaded in one go as a separate season than than the current one of single episodes.If the current season of normal episodes is not filled up then once it is filled up then these seasons can be uploaded as the next season.Otherwise the season can be uploaded at once and the previous season of normal episodes will continue to fill up its season until filled and then a another season will start with the recotionist AI through fragmentation able to arrange the neat uploading of them.

The show will have no single presenter but rather hundreds,thousands or potentially millions since it will be a single global show that covers rennovations of obsolete and abandoned buildings worldwide.These presenters will consist of people across the world who book a building,cover its renovations and film it according to the universal templates and edit it.These will consist of well established presenters that are existing well established presenters and amateur presenters that are average citizens across the world.These well established presenters and camera men,researchers,editors etc can include retired ones as well as those that work for all types of shows such as live news,talk,games,science,history,culture and human interest shows of all types both existing and defunct ones from around the world with Alpha Go etc finding their names and them contacted by the amateurs.Those who work on unrelated shows such as science shows etc will also work on these with these presenters doing shows primarily in their native home country with even film school student and graduates doing episodes in their home country or city.The amateur producers and filmakers would be of all all ages including those aged 12 or younger and the elderly and can cover multiple buildings in multiple episodes.If possible well established directors,producers and actors etc as well as other celebrities such as presenters,models,fashion designers,musicians,politicians,athletes of all sports whether employed or retired from around the world including olympic athletes to major stars in all sports played in the country will do multiple episodes of buildings both obsolete and abandoned in their country and other countries either their hometown or major cities such as Beijing,New York,Detroit,Los Angeles and Las Vegas with them contacted via the teams with them even taking part in renovations themselves.They may not just do those in there area but also their former highschool and elementary school with old friends and also recent graduates as well as other celebrities that graduated from there or buildings that were used as the interior and/or exterior for movies and television shows and even subject of documentaries that they starred and took part,abandoned sets they worked on and buildings in their hometown as well as those from their childhood that they had visited in the past with them taking part in renovations directly as well with this including those from all levels of stardom not just A-list ones but also those from soaps,science fiction and all genres,B-movie stars and even adult movie actors,retired actors of defunct shows,reality television etc and all types of cultural,human interest,science programmes,voice actors for video games and even cartoons as well as famous artists and video game auteurs with even live news and radio presenters,documentary makers,debate and talk show program presenters,journalists and anchors,famous scientists,politicians,columnists and pundits,blogger both retired and serving and also novelists from around the world alongside amateur locales etc taking part to cover as much buildings as possible potentially all of them with them doing multiple buildings.Vloggers,internet and YouTube celebrities can cover buildings in their area or in relation to their field with urban explorers covering buildings they have already done and new ones.Urban explorers can use new exploration footage and old ones already on YouTube intermixed with each other as well as in collages/transitions.Ideally these celebrities should at least do buildings in their hometown such as elementary and highschools alongside those they visited in their childhood years and they find in there as adults,those of historical value and also historical buildings especially those related to their field and shopping malls in their current residence,those related to shows or movies and music videos they took part in and also other towns and cities across the world.Ideally each actor and celebrity should do several episodes in their hometown and current area of residence.They can be contacted to do private homes of the public by fans.For retired actors,musicians etc and those not currently taking part in any media,on hiatus or whose careers are sagging,on hiatus or in dry periods can do dozens of episodes across the world as this would be a great way to prevent them becoming bored,restart careers and for those currently doing work this can be done in between filming of movies and seasons or when they normally have holidays or they could take temporary leave of absence to do them with renovations possibly waiting to start when they are actually free.This can also apply to new breakout ones or those considered on the D or B-list and are not internationally known to increase their relevance to society and move up the scale to A-level status and become more well known internationally especially if they do dozens of episodes in countries outside their native country.Even talk show hosts,actors and other celebrities could do these in order to add more variety to their portfolio.Also it could benefit both newbie and struggling actors,musicians and directors to gain exposure to their national and international audience and thus future film and television roles as well as giving them work especially if they do as many episodes as possible with it also revitalise the careers of retired actors and musicians and also one hit wonder musicians.This can be used by celebrities to promote their newest projects including breakout roles.If possible multiple celebrities that grew up in a specific place could do whole episodes together.They would be alerted to this by locales and the teams doing and filming the renovations by contacting their publicists and manager.Otherwise the publicists and managers could contact local councils of all towns,villages and cities are renovating specific buildings with even the fans of actors and other famous people contacting the publicists of their favourite stars to convince them to present for buildings in the fans area or even the celebrities home area to keep them busy and increase their profile with this even applying to buildings in places the celebrity or fan has never been before with the fan or other locales and friends of the celebrity doing the filming.Otherwise when bored they could present episodes of buildings not already booked but booked by them and then renovated to luxury standards by private contractors paid by them and volunteers decided/booked by them,film the episodes which will then be advertised on Euthenia to the very poor as well as present those that are amenities restored to their former glory especially those relevant to their field such as cinemas and theatres when bored.Also they can be notified when specific ones are booked and are being renovated(an option in the proto Euthenia could alert this person to their email and phone by text) with the celebrities whether athletes,actors,musicians and even directors etc doing multiple episodes on buildings on those from their childhood and pre fame years including their primary and secondary schools(or elementary,junior and senior high schools),childhood home or that of childhood friends and neighbours,obsolete and abandoned homes and buildings in their home town but also abandoned sets and buildings whether obsolete or abandoned used in the making of shows,music videos and movies they starred in with for movies and television shows all actors,directors,writers several or just one or two of them that took place in them starring in each episode dealing with each major building with these acting as reunions for the entire team that took part in it and in the end of the last episode having them meet each other in an area and discuss this or this being one large episode that is five to eight hours long longer than normal episodes that covers all buildings used by the actors etc in the series and film in one go.Buildings such as studios,abandoned movie and television sets and buildings such as private homes,apartment blocks,hotels,offices and high schools etc used as the interior or exterior for key buildings in sitcoms,television shows and movies of all genres will have all living actors,musicians,directors etc act as presenters as reunions with scenes of the building in the show,music video or movies intermixed with tours and exploration sections to add value.This will be done via them tracking down the building and locales contacting them via researching its history using and Wikipedia and contacting managers and publicists.Proto and final AI namely the assistant AI can aid this.Highschools and elementary schools etc that have famous alumni will have locales use Wikipedia etc and use proto and final AI scour the internet and archives to see what famous people went there and contact publicists with the celebrities also contacting their old school with it ideal that all famous alumni of schools presenting their renovations in groups together to add value.Movie stars,musicians and directors will do episodes and seasons on elementary,middle and high schools they went to as pre teens and teens with them done in groups with multiple celebrities such as actors etc who went to the same school covering their rennovations in seasons as presenters for each and all episodes in with abandoned movie sets and movie studios and also buildings used as the exterior and interior for key buildings in movies and shows they starred in and music videos they starred in and produced  with rennovations covered and presented by or all actors,directors etc who starred in it as a reunion episode or seasons.Famous directors,musicians,actors,authors,athletes may also also do episodes and seasons that chart the restoration and rennovation of abandoned and obsolete relevant to their field ie libraries,museums,theatres,cinemas,opera houses etc to not only there former glory and addition of suites and communal dining halls and kitchens in underground extensions with them doing episodes where still running theatres,opera houses are made energy and water efficiency,have cameras added to them to livestream plays etc into Dionysus and even be given luxury rennovations to all rooms and luxury bioprinted leather/kebonised wood seating and extensions on the side,roof etc to house suites,communal dining halls.They may also do former workplaces or places they worked prior to being famous,childhood homes,homes of old friends and neighbours,buildings they frequented and explored as children etc those that parents,grandparents etc worked in or are related to and buildings in their childhood hometown and current hometown and also both historical famous buildings in major cities relevant to their field and in their ancestoral and home country such  as Los Angela’s,New York,Beijing etc,headquarters of major movie,music and television studios and corporations(alongside living CEOs and founders)with them also tracking down homes and workplaces and old homes of ancestors and long lost relatives.Musicians would do this.Celebrities may also do episodes etc of former homes they lived in the past such as old mansions,old childhood homes with this including old childhood or former mansions etc that are now abandoned or are currently occupied by new residents or are on sale on retail sites by being contacted by urban explorers,fans,current residents etc who discover the famous former owner through their historical research or the celebrities initiating this.Celebrities will also present episodes covering the renovations of existing homes they currently occupy.Politicians,live anchors,radio presenters,models etc and other celebrities can do the same with their human and in time Home AI publicists etc are contacted by fans and locales of the area who would explain the value of doing these episodes and seasons with them also doing episodes and seasons of ghost towns and private home renovations and those of famous hotels.They will increase the intrinsic historical of rennovations of specific buildings and also can do episodes charting rennovations of private homes.All presenters,current owners and people moving in can contact the actors publicists when they themselves are moving in or presenting them to have celebrities co present after interviewing locales who knew them and doing research with this aiding in revitalising the careers of actors etc that are retired or sagging.This will also ensure all buildings worldwide of all types will be covered.Alpha Go etc can be used by the locales,filmakers etc to scour Wikipedia,IMDB,yearbooks etc to determine what celebrities,athlete,actors of all ranks,presenters,directors etc grew up in their town,city and even neighbourhood and put them into a list to be contacted to do specific buildings in the area with locales of areas also using this to determine what films were shot there and thus living celebrities that worked on sets there.They could also doing singular episodes by themselves for as stated their former highschool or elementary school as well as those they choose to do out of interest in their current residence and childhood home as well as those that are related to their profession ie renovating historical cinemas and theatres back to their formal glory,renovating others into homes.Private homeowners who are renovating homes and adding extensions and amateur presenters and residents moving into hotels and those derived from abandoned and obsolete buildings can contact their favourite celebrity to have them present episodes,seasons or mega seasons to provide work for them.Locales covering the renovations can before they start can contact staff and use again Alpha Go scouring Wikipedia,yearbooks,and the rest of the internet to find which celebrities attended these schools whether elementary,middle or high schools and also are from their area to contact them and also what celebrities grew up in the town to contact them with the celebrities ideally doing tours in exploration sections of the buildings alongside helping out in renovations and filming with if possible all celebrities in that building or town etc contacted for group tours etc.If possible multiple celebrities from different fields ie acting,sports etc that went to a school or know of a building their current area of residence and also from their pre fame years can do episodes together on different buildings.This can involve politicians as well as groups of non famous people who no longer live in the area but have a connection to the area with them contacted by tracking them down via student enrolment records,Facebook scoured by Alpha Go etc with this including people who recently graduated and graduated as much as two decades earlier with existing and retired staff also present.Thus obsolete primary and secondary schools can be presented by staff,current students as well as former students with famous and non famous.Private homeowners can if they are not the original homeowners track down the original homeowners to act as presenters that lived in the home years ago or moved out just recently to move into new homes and can aid in history sections with in the case of  merging homes the original resident of neighbouring homes being merged also tracked down.Private homeowners will act as presenters for renovations of their own homes both as single episodes and also seasons that cover the renovations of entire suburbs,ghettos etc with one or two of them acting as the presenter for intro and outro episodes.For seasons that cover the renovations of council flats and apartment blocks have each resident chart the episode that deals with their flats apartments renovation with one of them presenting the intro and outro episodes.Large obsolete and abandoned  buildings turned into hotel style communal homes and also hotels,motels turned into communal homes will have the intro and outro episode and those that deal with renovations of lobbies etc presented by amateur and celebrity presenters and also residents with each resident moving in presenting episodes detailing the renovation and creation of their suite.Celebrities and amateur and well established presenters can be contacted to present the intro and outro episode of all of these and also renovations of private homes.Preservation,historical societies and groups and even GOs that deal with the poor,homeless and environment will take part in making these episodes,making renovations and providing historical insight to others making them in buildings relevant to them.Urban explorers on YouTube will be alerted to the renovations of buildings they did exploration videos in their locale as well as from their childhood via YouTube,email or phone to cover it in an episode in person using footage from their original videos intermixed or could do so using networks from home with the fact that most countries and states have alot of these urban explorers will ensure they will be in many episodes with them even covering several episodes in the area or other areas that they explored around the world.Two or more explorers that covered the same building could be in these episodes and intermix both of their videos with the fact that their YouTube videos will be deposited into the area for booking them and used by filmakers will be done so by AI to allow there accounts to be accessed via using the link to reach the YouTube page of the video and also the account of those who posted it.This alongside amateur locals will increase the amount of people covering the various buildings with each doing a few buildings to being regulars and will ensure most if not ideally all buildings worldwide will be covered.The existing presenters of cultural and human programmes will do several ones in their native country to alleviate strains and them also taking time off their original program or doing this work in between seasons and episodes with this also applying to actors and directors of still running television shows with even presenters and comedians of talk shows extant and defunct doing this as well.These will work with amateur flimakers and even urban explorers via networks allowing all people to do so from home in any corner of the world.Buildings renovated by contractors,volunteer groups and even entirely by robots that are not already booked with noone moving in will still have episodes done by parts of their team and locales with the history and all aspects done in the same manner with the buildings advertised on Euthenia.

Having locales from the town city or village where the building is,experienced filmakers and celebrities as well as presenters,former staff/employees/owners of buildings/firms/retail outlets etc,urban explorers on YouTube,the teams renovating them in the case of non booked homes alongside the actual people who booked the buildings moving into them either private of communal alongside friends and next of kin carrying out the filming will ensure all abandoned and obsolete building of all types and towns worldwide are covered and that celebrity presenters,actors,directors and athletes etc can cover multiple ones in their country that are relevant to them ie in their hometown,in their current residence and those that are related to their field over the entire series run giving them extra work to do with them alerted by their agents of any renovations done on buildings in these areas with them also working alongside and not in place of amateurs.Those booking and moving into homes themselves whether communal or private including the poor and homeless can be given donated electronics with them being presenters themselves following the template that they will be educated on will ensure that all of them will be done with them filming all parts themselves and dumping them in networks to work with others if there are no other presenters available with them doing other episodes overtime.Members of teams renovating the building as well as those hired by the government will also be used.Presenters including these who book them can dump their material in the the networks used by them and amateur and professional presenters allowing them to work together if no locales are available to film it.Local councils and government bodies will also organise the filming of it and ensure it is done with this of note to those done by volunteer groups and are not already booked and are done entirely by robots with these episodes done by locales by contacting celebrities,well known presenters via their Facebook and official webpages.Those that are not booked after a significant amount of time will be renovated by volunteers and also robots and they will have filming of episodes done by members of these volunteers and also locales as well as celebrities and existing teams alerted to these renovations that will present them and then advertise the buildings on Euthenia complete with photos and professional tours of them replacing the old decaying buildings page in vacant sections of the site with those done entirely by machines and robots will be filmed by locales etc as well.These including cities will have luxury furniture and glassware and electronics in them ordered online or from proto Hephaestus.Those renovated and not booked will also be made to luxury standards and will be then advertised on Euthenia with any bookings detailed in the episodes special features released some time after the renovations should someone book it in an epilogue detailing the new owners history.Those booked or not booked renovated by robots will be filmed by locales to ensure the buildings are covered and will be advertised in Euthenia moved from the obsolete and abandoned section to the vacant section.Those booked some years later can be renovated and their episode added at the tail end of seasons.To prevent them becoming idle presenters can book buildings organise their renovation and film the episodes and then advertise the buildings on Euthenia with ghost towns done this way.Automated robots etc will ensure this with the proto and eventual site only working if cameras are on the residence.

Thus the well established presenters,urban explorers and amateur locales of all ages and the persons booking the buildings etc will work together using networks to allow things to be done more efficiently,professionally and quickly alleviating time and travel strains and professional limits for each one and partake in filming ones they can for all parts.This can allow locales work with professionals,YouTube urban explorers and also historians from around the world from the comfort of home and allow well established presenters and cameramen etc to look over material of dozens of buildings being done around the country from home to offer advice via in network forums etc where material from around the country will be dumped and analysed and edited.Laptops in one or more homes connected via the networks will be used by amateurs using proto Ampelos and existing movie editing programmes replaced by it with them also given the equipment present in studios of more well established presenters in both state and corporate studios and also universities especially film and media schools with them guided on their use via tutalge and also via YouTube.Each team can have studio equipment present in community halls,universities,film schools,extensions and spare rooms in homes etc as well as use studios used by state and corporate entities and local live news stations again in extensions etc.In time the machinery and bulky machinery used in the production of them will become miniaturised and even the size of a laptop or desktop community.These can be bought online and integrated into the presenters home with friends and next of kin acting as editors and also fellow presenters working together in these networks with these used alongside laptops to do other work and dump material into the network thus allowing one to transfer material from cameras and smart devices into networks on laptops onsite of the areas the building is in and also accommodation to allow team members and professionals to review and work on material through forums etc built into them.These teams will be able to get the latest equipment of all types from shops online,film schools and even from state and corporate entities that produce similar shows.

They all can be alerted to when a building is booked via the proto Euthenia showing which ones are booked and it denoting when the renovations are going to begin and expected to be finished with this sent to the emails of all presenters in the area or the presenters scouring the list of booked buildings and through a button contacting the bookers.People booking homes,rooms in hotels etc will also contact them via their contact details in the universal website.They can have settings that have the proto Euthenia alert them when one is booked in their area and when it has been accepted with there being a section in this section or ideally even the shows official website subdivided by country that lists all presenters and their contact details for bookers to contact them.Otherwise the person or one person in the case of communal homes either abandoned and obsolete will film the episodes themselves.They can do each buildings sections in unique styles related to the building in each section ie exploration,tours,renovations,timelapses,history sections.Networks can allow YouTube urban explorers,presenters,actors,professionals,locales etc to work with each from the comfort of home even if they are on opposite sides of the planet.The presenters around the world will speak their native language with subtitles within Dionysus fitted in by AI or the producers and the sentient Coeus translating it to all languages once available by 2029 in real time.AI such as Alpha Go,Watson and other ones will be used to alleviate strains on both parties and quickly find relevant information by scanning Wikipedia,YouTube,IMDB and the entire internet network.Again YouTubers that make professional reviews of hotels,history and explorations of obsolete and abandoned buildings to have existing videos intermixed and also help on the ground of amateur and well established presenters.Obsolete and abandoned buildings the world over not booked will be renovated to the same standard as luxury buildings by teams from the government paid reserves and volunteer groups like Habitat for Humanity,their renovations covered by amateur and celebrity presenters and then advertised in the proto Euthenia site with all information on this sent to Euthenia within the wire by AI with as stated presenters and community members as well as people part of their teams creating episodes of this program also present detailing the buildings history,history of those moving in later via booking in its renovated form on Euthenia with the locales also filming the buildings layout interior and exterior mapping all floors prior to renovations,discussing what to do with each room,renovations as they are done in normal speed and timelapse as well as what it looks like outside and inside with the same done to renovated council flats.Those in the future done entirely by robots will have locals do the camera work for episodes with the robots able to recognise them and warn them of any potential hazards.As stated earlier supermarkets especially one floor ones and small buildings should have roof extensions to make them communal homes.Those who booked the homes,are carrying out renovations of abandoned and obsolete buildings and filming the episodes of the programme from places outside the bookers native town or country will use home sharing programs and also motorhomes,set up trailer parks etc in the local area to be housed while these are carried out if they are not locales with loans used to pay for home sharing or them being free since money will be obsolete eventually.Obsolete buildings since having lights will have tour sections and also intro cinematics done during the daytime or nightime to make it visible on the show and allow for the explorers to see around even with flashlights as well as provide more stunning photographs involving sunlight and also ones that are visible due to their being no electricity.The tour and outro cinematic and photo shoots done afterwards being done at daytime or at night with if possible both to show them in their finished state in both times as electricity will be availible at this time.What to do with each room and area will be charted in the episode after this.

Restoration Nation website:
A single website can be set up that is linked to the Euthenia section that houses vacant homes,abandoned and obsolete buildings of all types with pictures of the building,hyperlinks to movies and television shows it appeared in and embed videos of music videos,promos,clips from YouTube and urban exploration and tours by people like Dan Bell,Retail Archaeology etc and also its location on a map,address and pictures of the interior and exterior etc.The assistant AI will arrange all of this data in proto forms prior to 2029.Also present will be a list of all amateur presenters consisting of the general public who sign up to networks and also professional ones such as those that work for talk shows,documentaries,celebrities such as actors etc divided by profession and country and their contact details such as emails and phone number.The official website for the show separate from Euthenia will be separated into sections for each country/continent and house all ongoing projects,those that have been done,hyperlinks to those being advertised on Euthenia as well as to the episode in Dionysus and the contact details such as Dionysus email and phone numbers of all presenters including celebrities(their agents and in time Home AI) etc.Their Vogue site page account for all presenters will be present as a clickeable hyperlink that will direct them to their page on Vogue.This will also have a place for people to post items and albums etc from abandoned and obsolete buildings they have taken in the past with it also connected to networks for the show to apply for positions.It will also house an area to contact the universal assistant AI and also the local governments of each town and city.The universal assistant AI will manage the site.An universal assistant AI through fragmentation will be able to overlook all projects and episodes being filmed and taking place at once.The universal assistant AI  in fragmented form will be able to interact with all presenters worldwide and will control cameras,drones,carry out simulations etc for all episodes filmed around the world.It will also carry out research and other work such as acting as a critical eye to critically evaluate all work.It will educate amateur cameramen,presenters,researchers and editors to do their work professionally and also carry out labourious work ie control drones,scour the entire internet for large volumes of information and contact details of historians.This universal assistant AI in fragmented form will interact with all presenters worldwide including private homeowners making renovations and will control cameras,drones,carry out simulations etc for all episodes filmed around the world.It will ensure that all episodes and seasons including those done by private homeowners follow the universal template and will work and oversee al projects such as private homes,abandoned and obsolete buildings of all types etc.This will be sufficiently advanced to be sentient by 2029 and can alleviate work in editing and merging long episodes as well as carrying out background research and other work such as controlling drones,cameras etc and will wear a single uniform and have a single personality,avatar and name.It will carry out research on each project by scanning the entire internet and wire within minutes and arranging all data and web and wire links in reports with all collected YouTube videos of music videos,news reports,existing urban exploration abd tour videos will be added to computer networks for each projects and and all website address etc from all online web sites and the wire will be put into computer networks in folders abd subfolders by the Assistant AI.These can be viewed by humans in VR simulations.It will also contact historians and relevant law enforcement etc and do all background work.It will also be tasked with analysing the quality of reach episode to make them of better quality etc with it also controlling all drones,cameras etc.Rather than having multiple Assistant AI there will be one single one with one name,avatar etc that will use fragmentation to carry out work on all projects across the world and universe.However presenters can have extra Assistant AI aid in the creation of each episodes of the series to add variety.The single universal AI will through fragmentation work for all project to ensure all facets are abided by but each group of people on each project will hire separate individual AI to give variety and allow for them to focus on its quality.Thus a single universal AI will exist that ensures all facets of the show are abided by for all episodes through fragmentation but presenters etc can hire extra Assistant AI in Alcimacheia within Vogue to aid in improving their quality in terms of filming etc

Restoration Nation computer network:
A macro computer network of the show will exist.Each country will have a network for all projects in that country and these will have the material sent in dumped in folders that denote the type of building allowing for small buildings to be merged into episodes covering several buildings renovations.Thus their will be a network for each country that will house networks set up by presenters and other crew to work with other from home similar to those for other shows within Dionysus with this proto network eventually being merged with Dionysus.These can be used by all professional and amateur presenters and editors to make episodes of one or more buildings based on the type of building.These will be connected to a macro network of the show that connects the networks of all countries across the globe with this managing them and allowing for communication between each country network using translation software and human translators.These networks will ideally have in the networks that have macro folders for abandoned and obsolete buildings and also those that are renovated council flats,apartments,projects and also suburban homes and those from low quality estates where homes are merged together,have refurbishments or even have underground extensions added and then these macro folders having folders for each type of buildings with abandoned folder having a folder for abandoned towns where the filmakers whether amateur and professional can dump their material in folders containing all the material for each building or town to be then edited for each of the different episodes of length and amount of buildings covered decided based on the material with them allowing for the filmakers both amateur and professional to work together from the comfort of home with the episodes then uploaded to Dionysus step by step over time thus allowing the series to run for decades with all peoples episodes appearing here eventually from around the world being edited over time thus allowing the sheer number of buildings worldwide to be covered.The folders will be divided into a series of folders and subfolders by country,region/state,city/town/village and then then folders for abandoned and then obsolete as well as suburban and merged homes and folder created by AI for each buildings as well as the public with the micro networks for each project building as part of seasons,mega seasons and episodes set up by presenters and their teams using a “set up” button similar to those in Dionysus protected by passwords/biometrics used by all team members and with the name of each building with a link to the Euthenia link with brainstorm areas,forums,VR chat areas,areas for collecting data and links to its history/movies/music/videos etc it appeared in,folders/subfolders for all material and sections of the show,areas to dump material recorded as well as YouTube videos downloaded there and hyperlinks added by AI,contact links to celebrities that were there/are related to it in subfolders for each building and projects.People from the pubic may apply to the micro networks with them and AI will dump relevant information in the form of URLs,embeded videos and bullet points on the history,famous alumni and also urban explorer videos and the contact details of urban explorers in them.These can allow for presenters on other sides of the world to work with each other in merging their material into large long episodes.It will be linked to the proto and final Euthenia with alerts to the newest building being renovated.These will be open to the public in certain areas for each buildings/project to allow them to dump information,home videos etc as well those in the possession of urban explorers that already have them.Some exploration videos can have home videos intermixed in them and so can be downloaded and then edited to separate the home video sections via proto Ampelos.Episodes that cover multiple buildings etc due to their being very little material present will have folders for these ie suburban homes and hotels etc from around the world that will be edited together to form full episodes.

Thus each episode and season may take anything from a few weeks to a few months or even years to do depending on their size and state with with the material dumped in networks over this period in folders and subfolders for each episode labeled by the name of the building to be analysed in each part and then merged together and then stored in here and released on Dionysus when it is set up in whole seasons using episodes from all corners of the country and continent.This length of renovation will allow for each section the tours of the area and interior,history,renovation and also timelapse,collage and drone shots before,during and after construction to be filmed and edited or if need be reshot by amateurs as well as research the history and search YouTube,archives,download movies and television shows to add snippets and get home videos,get in contact with celebrities/historians/locales/next of kin/former occupants etc,do research on the building etc,find documents and historians and locales with knowledge on,search online archives and local libraries and government buildings that house information on it etc to get the history section done with well known presenters and cameramen etc looking over the material of numerous buildings across the country from home to offer insight and ideas as well as analysis to amateurs via in network forums etc in the the networks they are dumped in parts.It can also allow for filming each section that take part weeks,months or even years apart by having material dumped thus allowing the presenters to cover numerous buildings in an area by going back and forth for the same or other episodes with the tours of obsolete buildings and exploration videos of abandoned ones as well as those where the decisions for each rooms use is decided,history sections filmed weeks or months apart from each other and other parts with in the case of superfund sites and areas like Chernobyl these will be filmed years apart.This and the fact that will be no deadlines will give them flexibility and allow certain parts to be reshot with teams discussing material dumped in networks.Presenters will be able to go back and forth filming each part months apart by utilising this.Networks will allow for material for each episodes to be organised with their being a single macro network for the show then divided into each country,then possibly each type of building and then each episodes,seasons,mega seasons with the subnetworks for each episodes protected with password etc for each member of the team.The networks for episodes will house areas to dump shot material,forums,instant messaging,Iris chats and also even areas to store special features material with this allowing for all team members to work on multiple projects at once on the renovations of buildings taking place around the world as presenters,editors,cameramen etc.Presenters could go back and forth between each building they are presenting alongside cameramen with editors piecing together scenes,filmed sections,add music etc of multiple episodes of multiple buildings renovated and filmed at once across the world.Each team may consist of as much as one or two dozen people alternating between these roles.Filming each section months or years apart will be pivotal for streets turned into mega hotels,superfund sites and areas like Priyapat with exploration and tour sections done it its unaltered state wearing biohazard suits and then other parts done and filmed after bioremediation programmes and CRISPR treatments that make humans immune to toxins and radiation.It will also be pivotal in the case of buildings booked by presenters and then renovating them and filming episodes using the universal template allow them to have flexible schedules.Locales will be using the proto Euthenia and also communication with renovation teams to be constantly in the know of progress of any progress and also events that take place in real time of all projects they are doing.To make this easier the presenters could be teams of at least two or more people including friends,next of kin,urban explorers and the renovators allowing for people to go back and forth between two or more projects they are doing at once.The material for each episodes part would be dumped into their folders in sections and allow each person to merge them together when all parts are finished and edit each part into the finished episodes and also arrange special features.This would be of note to shopping malls,casinos,hotels,retail streets turned into mega hotels will be allowed to have the history and even tours of them to be done weeks or months before clearance and renovations in its unaltered state interviewing owners,staff and customers.

Each episode will be done by teams of professionals and also amateurs who are friends with each episodes having two or more presenters allowing them to go back and forth between each project they are covering in the same town,village and country and review each others material.The teams of at least a dozen people will take turns on editing,presenting,filming,research,scanning in of manufactured goods and papers etc for each project they work on.The fact that the show will have different presenters around the world consisting of amateur locales,professionals,those renovating the buildings,celebrities of all types and those moving into the buildings will ensure all abandoned and obsolete and other renovated buildings of all types around the world are covered and will also allow each presenter to do each episode of each type of building in their own unique style for each section while still following the same universal template.The networking system will allow them to dump material they recorded and allow all members of teams to look over material and work with colleagues on multiple projects taking place around the world at once from the comfort of home or wherever they are currently located including on the field onsite of renovated buildings or at home on the opposite side of the planet.If possible one or each groups could book multiple buildings in their area to plan multiple projects they wish to do over the coming years and when renovated will be advertised on Euthenia but these while booked by presenters could still be booked by the poor as they will be available to them ideally though presenters could bookmark them,separate from booking thus allowing the poor to still book them for moving in.Presenters and renovators will get accommodation to all projects via home sharing,hosting programmes in the area within Euthenia and existing ones until absorbed by it with them also using luxury motor homes parked onsite of the abandoned or obsolete buildings,theme parks or ghost towns grounds with cellular access and satellite wifi used to gain access to the internet and proto wire and networks with public wifi in public buildings and cyber café not yet renovated also used.Food can be stacked up with vehicles owned by some members going in and out to get more food with restaurants delivering meals to their address.Hotels,inns etc not fully renovated or moved in and thus not have episodes covered with spare spaces used for accommodation.Presenters and team members such as editors and camera men will not be required to have any secondary or tertiary education qualifications and would thus be any age as young as 12 or younger to the elderly.Editors,cameramen and researchers like presenters can be both well established ones their fields but also amateur ones with the sentient Ampelos,assistant AI,well established members and YouTube videos educating amateurs on how to do each individual projects steps as professionally as possible.Assistant AI will aid researchers and editors etc in doing complex work especially editors as it can search the entire internet and wire ie Pheme,Apollo,Themis and Dionysus to determine what media it appeared in and its history and which human historians and locals to get in contact and libraries etc to visit with the AI dumping large amounts of information in folders based on relevancy and density with human researchers then writing out its history for use in history sections.Homeless people and the poor moving into new homes will have government paid contractors renovate them to their liking with them given cameras and laptops ordered online from studios or from presenters aiding in them presenting their episodes as ideal presenters will be alerted to these to film the material with furniture etc bought online or from retail outlets and community centres.Each presenter will do multiple possibly even dozens or hundreds of episodes in their town,village,city and country or even different countries over the years with this acting as a launchpad for their careers on this and other shows in the future.New presenters,editors,cameramen etc will be applying through networks in hiring sections for those in there area or country.The macro network will have an area for applying with alerts on the newest building being renovated in one area due to the network being connected to the proto and final Euthenia thus giving them heads up to potential new projects.In cases where they are available then the person who is moving into the building whether communal or private being the presenter will ensure this as well with them dumping material into networks to be edited.This can apply to people moving into motels,hotels and also renovations of council flats and suburban homes.As detailed later on celebrities of all types such as actors of all fields,politicians,athletes,directors,television,urban explorers,vloggers and movie screenwriters,novelist etc can be presenters of episodes of buildings such as elementary and highschools from their pre fame years,movie and television sets from media they starred in,those that appeared in the movies,television shows and music videos they appeared in etc and also those related to their field and those in any area of any type around the world.The macro networks can allow amateurs to apply for these as well as looking up buildings sold on the proto Euthenia as the name,email and other contact details can be gotten by them of the person who got the homes and buildings with them also in contact with the local council with the person who bought the buildings or one room in communal homes as well as renovators will be also taking the role of presenters with them and amateurs also using proto Ampelos on laptops allowing work to be done at home within networks.They will also have areas to set up new netowrks for each project.Each network for each episode will contain forums,folders for each sections,brainstorm areas etc to edit and discuss each piece dumped there.These networks could be set up as early ideally by 2020 and allow for people to work with anyone around the world with episodes charting multiple buildings on opposite sides of the country or same areas ie in suburbs will be done using these networks allowing from the different presenters of each building to work together once material is dumped here.Any recorded material prior to 2029 will be dumped in networks,edited to be then fitted with the intro etc with the credits list the names of presenters,persons moving in and also teams from around the world editing them and also contractors.Special features including those done years after an episode appears on Dionysus can be done using these by the same teams reuniting and appear in the special features folder for each episode.Ideally the universal program will have an universal name with each country or continent having their name at the end of it with an universal theme song and intro using their native instruments and scenes of abandoned and obsolete places around their country from YouTube and also the embeded videos on Euthenia and those from the exploration/tour section,renovation scenes,history and outro cinematic etc done by the actual presenter intermixed for the individual episode.Each country will have FL Studio used to use native instruments with a a universal them song decided upon by all presenters and even assistant AI with them having the credits of the presenters and the title of the show and the title episode.The theme song would be universal decided in the macro network by humans and the universal assistant AI but with each countries version of the show using musical instruments.This universal global programmes would render all existing renovation programmes worldwide defunct replacing them and would cover all abandoned,obsolete buildings and also suburban and private home renovations.These teams will act as both presenters,cameramen and also editors of not just their own produced material but also material dumped in the networks by the public.The use of a macro network subdivided into networks for each country/continent and can allow teams to work with others around the world more easily by allowing them to switch to other networks and thus use macro forums.

Each episode and season of projects will be created by different groups of people worldwide and the show overall will have no single presenter or group of researchers and cameramen rather different people from across the world and thus will allow each one to do each season and episode in their own unique styles

Teams of people in the same area or even those connected via these networks in different parts of the world can be formed that will be able to do episodes all over the world with each person being presenters,cameramen,editors etc taking multiple roles in each episodes and seasons they take part in and do so in a rotary system with them using motorhomes and also home sharing programmes for accommodation using Helios,Eos,Ophion to get there with some working from home using the networks and them alternating between different roles for each episodes with each person alternating between different projects done at once in the same town/city/state/country via the networks and moving back and forth filming and editing each part for each project days,weeks,months or years apart with no deadlines with the teams allowing two or more people act as presenter for the same episode,building and go back and forth between different buildings they are covering in the same area or country with the fact that there will be no deadlines and that each step such as filming of exploration/tours,renovations etc may be days,weeks or months apart will give them time to reshot scenes and parts with other people at home editing them and act as researchers for history sections.The networks will allow teams to have multiple roles,take part in the creation of multiple episodes and projects at once that are being filmed and created around the world,dump material for each section to be edited together and film each part days,weeks,months or even years apart from the comfort of home and on the field using laptops.This will mean that presenters,editors,cameramen will be able to work from home and also going back forth between buildings across the world will be able to work on multiple episodes at once.As stated in the case of teams in the same town,city and village they will work on buildings in their area or they can travel to different buildings in different areas and have all people work on multiple buildings as two or more roles ie cameramen,presenter,editor at once or these teams can consist of a dozen or more people already living on different sides of the country and planet and them doing different sections and roles on multiple buildings in each persons home country and town/village and city.Each team member may be doing work as different roles ie cameramen,presenters,editors on multiple episodes at once in all parts of the world.Editors and researchers etc working at home may work on episodes and seasons that cover buildings in their native country or other sides of the planet using these computer networks and will work at home using data dumped into.networks.Thus the networks will allow researchers and editors to work with each other and cameramen and presenters at home and be able to work on multiple episodes and seasons of buildings rennovated across the world at once.Cameramen and presenters using Oceanus,scramjets and private vehicles can film material on buildings renovated around the world and can go back and forth between different projects with all material dumped into networks as video files to be edited by them and editors.Cameramen,presenters,presenters and editors and researchers will form large teams that work on multiple episodes and projects at once with seasons and mega seasons requiring this or they can form small teams that focus on one episodes and projects with in both cases cameramen,presenters,editors and researchers etc being able to move from on project,episode and teams very easily.All filmed material will be uploaded directly in real time or as video files into networks for each season and episodes for editors to edit.

Editors and researchers can as stated work with other editors and researchers on multiple episodes and seasons that cover different buildings etc alongside working with presenters and cameramen that are presenting and filming different projects that are taking place across the world while still working at home using proto and final Ampelos with them editing material dumped by multiple cameramen and presenters around the world and carrying out research for different buildings by scouring YouTube,Dionysus,Pheme,google,Wikipedia, as well as getting in contact with both locals and historians in the area of the building and town etc with them also scouring libraries, museums,government buildings etc in person as well as Apollo and Themis once all material in museums and libraries is scanned into them and writing them up and scouting videos of movies,music videos and episodes of television shows to create collages with tours and explorations.By having the contents of all universities,museums,libraries and government buildings,palaces,mansions and old buildings including abandoned ones,newspapers,live news etc worldwide scanned into Themis,Apollo,Pheme  etc by 2029 it will be easier to search for relevant information using filters and searchbars with assistant AI aiding in this.The AI will scour Pheme for issues of newspapers,episodes of live news,podcasts etc that the building is discussed and details events that occur there to be used.The universal assistant AI can help both editors and researchers with their work in terms of improving its quality and doing more intensive research by searching the entire internet,wire and databases and which local historians and locales to be contacted and analysed with all data collected by the AI made into bullet points and audio/visual files etc in folders.The AI will scour the entire internet and wire in a matter of hours or minutes for all relevant information and dump large amounts of data based on its relevancy in folders and subfolders and then arrange them and their URLs in bullet points and thus allow them to view it in simulations using the time dilation effect and then write up history sections with the contact details of human historians and locales the AI finds online contacted for both extra information as well as tours and interviews for history sections and explorations etc.With regards to material from libraries it can guide the reseadchers to which building documents and books such as geneological documents,letters and diaries were scanned in from and get the contact details of the building it case from so the presenters during history sections can travel to the building in person and then after gaining permission to view said documents in person to add value to the episodes.Thus the Assistant AI will aid researchers by being able to scour the entire internet and wire for all possible information within minutes to be then allow humans to arrange the information in a condensed and customised manner.The AI and Ampelos will after scouring the entire internet will download movies,episodes of television shows from Dionysus,news reports stored in Pheme and music videos etc on YouTube etc that the building is in and show with regards to movies scenes the building is in to be used intermixed in both exploration/tour and history sections and even scour Athena for past crimes that took place their.Editors will be educated on how to edit it perfectly and cameramen and presenters especially amateur ones will be educated by showing them tutorials online and giving tips etc and practicising practice runs in VR simulations.Editors will be aided by it anslaying its quality and giving tips to make the episode have more style and depth and point out flaws.Ampelos will aid editors in the editing process.Presenters and cameramen can go back and forth between different projects detailing different buildings etc in the same country or area with them filming each part of each project ie tour,exploration,history,rennovations,outro etc at different times of the year or even years apart with all filmed material dumped into networks as video files.Episodes,seasons,mega seasons on all projects can have two or more presenters going back and forth between each project with presenters going back and forth different projects across the world filming different parts such as tours and exploration sections,history sections,renovations etc days,weeks,months and years apart depending on the size of them with them presenting multiple episodes etc at once..Cameras will be modern hi tech ones that use biological hard drives or biosynth WiFi and Bluetooth that transmit and record filmed material into linked computers rather than video tapes with all recorded material uploaded into netwotks for episodes to be reviewed and edited.Presenters using networks can view both recorded and edited material and discuss the recorded and edited material with editors and discuss researched materials using instant messaging,Skype etc with VR chat allowing presenters,editors,cameramen,researchers to meet in any environment of their choice including an office to discuss and review things much more clearly.VR technology and its time dilation effect can allow dozens of projects to be discussed in detail with each person going back and forth between the different groups and projects they are working on in this simulation with all editing etc done in simulation fed in networks in both real world and in simulation devices.VR simulations will allow for all people for each project including the assistant AI in its avatar to meet together in an environment of the choice and discuss material of multiple projects they are working on much ;better with the time dilation effect allowing for editors and researchers to large amounts of work in a short amount of time.They can look over large amounts of material from the Assistant AI and edited material in these simulations with the assistant AI using the time dilation effect for educating amateurs how to use cameras professionally,edit sections properly and aid researchers by scouring the internet and wire and dump relevant information,video clips and also get in contact with historians,locales,original owners etc and then allow the researchers to write up material in their own style.The VR simulations and time dilation will allow camaeramen.presenters and editors to work in a normal office or even mansion etc that they wish and discuss material in detail with researchers since it connected to the internet etc will be able to review large amounts of research material and do large amounts research in a short amount of time with editors editing large amounts of material fed into real world and in simulation devices.This will make this collaberative much better and easier with history scenes that are reanactments filmed in this environment using amateur and professional actors.They can even do exploration and tour videos in a VR simulation without cameras but by themselves as they will be able to do a test exploration where they will be able to learn the interior and exterior map of the entire building and area in the VR simulation before reaching the real world one that will be filmed to ensure they will know where to go

Both the VR technology and networks will allow editors,cameramen,researchers and presenters to work with each other on multiple episodes and seasons of projects around the world with researchers and editors working with each other and also cameramen and presenters around the world with them working from home with cameramen and presenters working on projects around the world with different editors and researchers around the world.Cameramen,presenters,editors and researchers will work with not just each other but different cameraman,presenters,editors from around the world meaning for each project they will be working with different people at once and not just the same people with the networks allowing them to work on multiple projects at once and work as multiple roles.All cameramen,researchers,presenters etc will be listed in the shows universal website.The networks will contain areas for forums,instant messaging,VR chats,brainstorm areas,Skype/Iris audio visual chats and areas to dump and collect material in folders and subfolders to be reviewed and discussed prior to editing and uploading.The sentient Coeus will translate the data both audio visual and writing into any language used by people present.Thus the computer networking system will allow for dozens,hundreds,thousands or millions of people to work with each other on opposite sides of the world and will allow each member to do multiple episodes and projects as different roles at once for different projects from the comfort of home with the networks via laptops etc allowing for work being done anywhere and allow for different buildings in different parts of the country or world episodes and seasons to be created at once.Each stage of episodes and each project can be filmed and edited different time periods apart ie days,weeks,months apart with presenters going back and forth between different projects as part of different episodes,seasons and episodes of seasons and also the presenters working with other presenters at once as well as doing multiple projects at once and as stated networks can allow large teams of people consisting of editors,researchers,cameramen,presenters etc to work together on multiple projects across the world from home meaning all people will be based in different countries across the world taking part and working as different roles(cameramen,editors,researchers,presenters) for multiple projects at once with people all across the world allowing whole seasons of episodes to be done and uploaded to Dionysus at once and allowing them to contribute to different projects around the world while at home and meaning one will be able to easily contribute to dozens or hundreds of episodes and still carry out work in journalism,law,other media,mentoring,live news using VR technology and networks with VR technologies time dilation effect allowing one to edit and research large amounts of work at once and still carry out hobbies.The universal sentient AI assistant will aid in research,editing and also controlling drones etc and will work on all projects at once.Thus the networks will allow cameramen,presenters,editors and researchers to work with each other on multiple episodes at once with editors and researchers working at home and cameramen and presenters dumping material into not networks.The assistant AI will aid them in educating them in how to do work for amateurs,carrying out work to labourious etc and even act as a critical eye for each project.In summation through computer networks editors and researchers can work as these roles and work on multiple project that are episodes and seasons covering the restoration and renovations of abandoned and obsolete buildings worldwide from the comfort of home.In otherwards from the comfort of home they can carry out their work on multiple seasons and episodes of the show at home working with presenters and cameramen who are carrying out work on local buildings but also buildings have way across the world where they live wit Assistant AI doing 90% of the work and them giving their own unique input and ideas into these two fields.They can also take the role of presenters and cameramen on buildings rennovated in their local area and country.Presenters will be able to do the presentation of buildings in their local area and if possible several buildings within the same town,city Botlr village and through travelling by car,aeroplane and trains can do this job for multiple projects across their country and across the world.They will dump filmed material into computer networks and through computer networks work with cameramen,researchers,editors and Assistants AIs on their projects who live half way across the world.They can also be cameramen and also do the role of researcher and editor.Cameraman like presenters can work on filming material of one or multiple buildings in the same area,town,village or city with again aeroplanes,trains and cars allowing them to do multiple buildings across their country or even across the world.They will dump material into networks and work with presenters,editors and researchers across the world,Assistant AI.They can also be researchers,editors and presenters.Computer networks will allow people to connect with and work with people across the world with VR technology and both its time dilation effect and multilayered effect to enter multiple different simulations nested together accessible by portal keys will allow people to work on multiple projects at once in a conventional office and studio setting thus exponentially increasing productivity

Universal template of each episode:
As stated it would be a professional universal program that would have different versions for each country or continent arranged like the regional versions of existing shows ie Big Brother,Dragons Den,Who Wants to be a Millionaire a macro folder and then folders for each country or continent with each episode lasting three to five hours due to the amount of material being covered with the possibility of some longer episodes twice as long to cover two buildings in the same area with abandoned towns and those that are rural ones renovated to 21st century standards as well as abandoned movie and television show sets,neighbourhoods and abandoned towns and cities covering all buildings and the renovation of the town itself ie even longer than that possibly five to seven hours and follow the same format.Those that cover different buildings ie suburban homes,tightly pack houses etc could involve those in different towns,cities and even countries and different presenters with the material for each one sent in and then edited together in long episodes that cover ten to twenty buildings with this decided based on the amount of material covered.Thus the length of an episode will depend on the type of building renovated with large ones having episodes several hours long,small buildings such as tightly packed estates and suburbs merged into mansions have several buildings in the same city,country or continent or from around the world sent into a network to be used to create a single episode several hours long detailing them all in the same template.Thus ghost towns,council flats,theme parks both obsolete and abandoned,entire neighbourhoods renovated at once,whole streets having mega hotels in their place will have whole seasons covering with if need be large buildings such as hospitals,airports,psychiatric institutions,skyscrapers,schools,large hotels whether abandoned or obsolete etc will follow this format allowing all rooms and areas to be covered.These whole seasons would be named and have each episode filmed at the same time or different times of each other with them also titled based on the room,area or persons being charted with them uploaded in on go to allow the various presenters to edit material into a cohesive season for their regional version of the show.These like mega seasons would be uploaded in one go when all episodes are edited and would be in their own separate season from others with short seasons of singular small buildings having episodes filled up at the same time by persons creating these episodes or AI arranging them with each normal season having at least a hundred episodes.Those involving multiple homes suburban homes on opposite side of the country or planet would be shot at different times with the networks used to collect the material of several buildings done to then merge them into one long episode with as much as ten suburban homes in different towns,cities etc around the world merged together into one long episode to allow for them to be merged into one episode to cut down on the number of episodes for these with the material transferred from suburban networks folders into one with the networks allowing all of the people who submit the material and professionals work together from home with each building following the universal template and being one after the other.Suburbs and tightly packed housing estates merged together would be done by the homeowners that decide to stay.Ideally whole neighbourhoods in areas like Detroit that have skyscraper style buildings in a neighbourhood and island or even multiple islands via arches and digging up roads separating them should be merged together and renovated to form large mega hotels that take up entire neighbourhoods,islands a hectare or more with the history of all buildings and street charted and all buildings explored allowing small non historical ones and also those by themselves to be demolished and the land reforested.These would be covered in mega seasons like the formation of other mega hotels.Abandoned neighbourhoods,islands and ghost towns as well as rural towns in the developing world upgraded to 21st standards will be several hours long when all the buildings and gardens renovated and sewage and water treatment plants added.These will have exploration sections exploring all buildings with the history charting the entire town and important buildings and have collages/transitions of them with them also having cinematics and photos done before and after and due to their size will take place over several months or even years and as such may be up to ten hours long.Some episodes could cover multiple buildings as much as ten or even twenty in long episodes that are small private homes or large mansions in the same country with presenters using networks to merge dumped material from presenters around the world together with suburban homes undergoing renovations have as much as twenty homes in one episode with multiple private homes refurbishments covered in single episodes.This would cut down on the number of episodes due to the sheer number of homes and buildings to be renovated and the networking systems would allow homeowners of suburban homes around the world to work together with each homes renovations following the universal template and them being back to back with each homeowners presenting their homes renovations with forums in the macro network and subfolder for suburban homes allowing for homeowners from around the world to meet each other and arrange episodes.These long episodes can involve multiple presenters ideally being homeowners in the case of suburaban homes on opposite sides of the world who dump their material in and then using the networks merge them into long episodes with the networks allowing people on opposite side of the planet to work together from home with forums,phone calls and video chats discuss things in real time with subfolders allowing for edits etc to be reviewed and edited until perfected or one presenter going back and forth between buildings or merging multiple buildings they did over the course of several months or years with the possibility of it charting the renovation of buildings months apart with the single macro network allowing for them to work with each other from other parts of the world from the comfort of home with translation software breaking the language barrier.The lack of deadlines would allow this to be done with each long episode having chapters that can be skipped to with each building merged together by type ie mansions,hotels/motels with the transition from one building to the next being fluid and not have sharp differences.Presenters etc will thus use the networks to work with each other on opposite sides of the country and planet.The length would be due to the sheer size of most abandoned and obsolete buildings with the history sections covering the history of the building,tracking down historians/survivors,locales,tracking down legal documents and home videos,advertisements,reenactment of events etc can be anything from thirty minutes to an hour in detail(with historians,witnesses to key events tracked down to detail shootings,deaths etc) with exploration and tour sections for large buildings being also maybe an hour with adequate time devoted to the history of those moving in,deciding what to do with each room,the renovation teams work being filmed alongside any events that occur as well removing overgrowth,tarmac and putting in proper gardens,cleaning rooms and surrounding of rubbish there as well as collages/transitions and aerial shots etc and all scenes universal to each episode and buildings.Wikipedia,Google,YouTube,IMDB,,local government buildings,locales,historians will be used to get as much detail on the past of the building or corporation etc with locales and locale historians.As stated the size of the building will determine the length of the episode with the teams consisting of two or more people to allow them to go back and forth between each project they are doing and also edit material with plans made ahead for each project.Ghost towns would have long exploration sections as the entire town would be explored taking as much as two to three hours with the renovations of all buildings charted.The history sections for these would detail the entire history of the town and not just the incident that occurred there alongside the history of important.The amount of presenters for each project will be determined by the size of the project with small and large buildings having one or two presenters,large buildings including hotels derived from abandoned and obsolete buildings including existing hotels and retail streets and ghost towns etc that have seasons and mega seasons having multiple presenters as much as five or even ten with them being a mixture of amateur and also professional and celebrity ones to cover as much of it as possible without over straining each one.

How to videos on YouTube can allow amateurs to learn how to do different parts of each section as professional as possible alongside looking over the existing work of renovation shows,cultural shows and vloggers and urban explorers.It will also teach how to make episodes professionally with regards to use of cuts and transitions,camera shots,voice overs and music in all parts of the episodes such as history sections/explorations and tours,timelapse and aerial shots etc,camera movements and shots etc to make their episodes on par with the best and most experienced presenters.

Each episode and season will follow an universal template to be abided by each presenter with them still allowed to follow their unique style and method ie filming and narrative style and placement of each part in the narrative.The template will be followed for episodes,seasons and mega seasons that detail the renovations of private homes,vacant homes,abandoned and obsolete buildings of all types as well as ghost towns This will include the following – locales and those moving in filming all parts such as exploring and touring all parts of the building prior to renovations including gardens etc,the history of the building/street/area/ghost town/theme park etc,history of people moving in etc,filming them meeting locales and the renovation teams as well as them examining the local area including overgrowth surrounding them to be converted into gardens and reforested areas including using drone shots,filming them deciding what to do with each room and area including gardens and areas surrounding as well as the exterior alongside those in the community that have experience with interior design,filming the addition of roof and underground extensions/automated multistorey carparks/gardens in place of carparks,during renovations and also after renovations and also their life in their original homes or in the case of the homeless the life they had on the streets,life prior to being homeless and areas they used to squat in to provide history them booking the places online and at auctions,interviewed by government officials on their eligibility and them in their new home,arriving at the area prior to renovations and meeting construction workers/people providing accommodation and also robots helping them,collages/transitions of before and after of each room/exterior/garden as well as being interviewed in studios and also in the new home by presenters.This and the filming of the renovations,intro and outro tours/explorations/cinematics/tour sections before and after renovations of all types of buildings and also ghost towns and theme parks as well as ghettos etc,photo shoots,aerial visual and photo shots before/during/after exploration as well as renovations and also when it is finished of both obsolete and abandoned buildings as well as ghost towns and theme parks and also ghettos,history of the building/town/city/neighbourhood/street and people moving in and the people already in the homes of ghettos and suburbs,cleaning of abandoned buildings and the surrounding area outside,removing asbestos and replacing it with fungi and other non toxic insulation,reforesting grasslands and other areas around them using robots and drones,creating gardens by removing overgrowth and dead trees etc to be replaced with new luxury ones,renovating gardens with flower beds and also water features and furniture to luxury standards,addition of extensions such as underground/side and extra floors from twenty to a hundred on the the roof,merging rooms,renovating hotels such as customising rooms/renovating obsolete rooms in suites as well as closet rooms/upgrading suites to luxury status,adding infrastructure ie roads/wifi/connection to the grid/setting up solar panels/geothermal systems as well as heating and electrical generation via thermo-piezoelectric material covered pipes/batteries/energy saving fittings and fixtures etc and also connecting to the sewage as well as water systems etc,renovations of grassy areas surrounding them into forests by planting trees using drones and tree planting robots,adding of new furniture/glassware/electronics etc as well some from home and any present there already,digging up tarmac/plazas/carparks/concrete to create gardens,addition of rooftop gardens to communal homes of all types,garden renovations and also using collages/transitions of before and renovations of each room or outside area and timelapses as well as the unveiling of the universal marble Hestia(or other relevant ones) statue in the lobby of communal homes,universal Moirai statue in the centre of new towns and ghost towns with amenities restored to their former glory have their relevant states unveiled at the end will be the universal template for all episodes,seasons and mega seasons of all types of buildings,towns cities,theme parks etc whether abandoned or obsolete of all types including those that are renovated prior to anyone booking places and also those done entirely by robots,those returned to their former glory and also suburban homes,council flats and projects renovated into mansions and also luxury apartment and hotel suite buildings as well as hotels,motels etc undergoing renovations to have closet rooms and also to make them luxury ones.These will be abided by for all episodes of all buildings,ghost towns,retail streets,suburbs,ghettos etc and all seasons to make them look professional with each presenter allowed to do them in their own unique style.All ghost towns,obsolete and abandoned buildings as detailed earlier on will be made into episodes by the people moving into them and also all amateur and professional presenters with this done to those done by entirely humans,entirely by robots as well as biosynths and a mixture of both.

All buildings whether obsolete,abandoned and private homes and public buildings,streets etc being renovated will have history sections done that last at least 30-60 minutes or longer depending on the length of the series,of it is a season etc that will detail the history of the building,ghost town etc in great detail that includes interviews with local citizens,historians,people who live there or worked there.It will also include first hand footage from CCTV,camrecorders,re-actments by actors using VR technology of key events or day to day events in its history and functioning and also photos of it in its pristine state.Snippets of live news reports and magazines and newspapers will be present here.These will detail films,television shows and music videos filmed in them with hyperlinks to them in the special features to YouTube and Dionysus and Pheme.Existing cultural and restoration programmes such as Nationwide,Restoration Home,shows that deal with historical reenactments and videos done by urban explorers such as Bright Sun Films,Ruin Road,Desertify Urbex:Abandoned Places that have detailed the history of abandoned buildings will be viewed by the amateurs as a guide with the presenters of these in ones own home country consulted as a tutorship and partnership to work with as a means to improve their abilities with them aiding in their amateurs professional limits by reviewing the work done,making edits and consulting and communicating them via the proto network systems forums,instant messaging etc with the episodes eventually appearing overtime on Dionysus.This will also ensure all buildings worldwide will be covered.Thus these programmes and also videos made by urban explorers will be viewed by amateurs to improve their abilities with if given permission via contacting YouTube channels and publicists they may use the existing documentaries history section themselves with voice overs either removed and replaced by their own or the same information used especially with regards to those created by other urban explorers who can be contacted to work with them on the episodes.History sections will cover all buildings abandoned or obsolete and even private ,ghost towns and buildings as part of them,theme parks,retail streets turned into mega hotels,suburbs and ghettos where most or all homes are renovated at once and also islands etc.The history sections will also have snippets of live news covering events that took place their and also construction using timelapse.With regards to buildings merged together even private homes in the suburbs merged together and buildings merged into mega hotels the history of all buildings will be charted with private homes history charted.

Building and ghost towns etc histories will be also detailed by interviewing locales,historians etc and using snippets of events and scenes from movies and television shows episodes or entire runs as well as music videos and adverts that were filmed there or it appears in,novels and literature they appeared and referenced in,famous people that visited them,events that took place there,snippets of live news reports related to events that occurred there,old footage and home videos intermixed it is in from locales interviewed and also by searching YouTube and also contacting local and national news stations and searching google for news reports on it,documentaries they appeared in or existing documentaries on filesharing sites added and intermixed in the video and referenced by narrators.Locales,historians and also survivors will be interviewed alongside showing interior and exterior shots of the building,photos of it in pristine condition,reenactments,music videos etc it appeared in and will be for one building episodes a few minutes long while for towns,streets,buildings as part of seasons and mega seasons will be anywhere between 30-60 minutes long charting its history and all events that took place.These old footage and home videos will be of the place in its glory days with in the case of hotels can show it before it was abandoned or of important events that took place their and promos of hotels and corporations will be used both in the case of abandoned and still functioning ones.These home videos and also promos will be interspaced with exploration,history and tour sections in the first part.Scenes from movies,music videos,television shows etc can be be in history sections as well as intermixed with tours and exploration sections at key points.The actors and directors etc who appeared in the movie can be contacted and act as presenters or even as in mini documentaries interviewed as part of history and exploration sections.Ghost towns and neighbourhoods will detail their history from its building,key events that occurred there and the reason it was evacuated.In the case of mega hotels from retail streets the history of the street/island,the buildings destroyed and also the history of any buildings including,historical nightclubs,bars,restaurants etc absorbed and remodelled into its style and the main building used as the template will be charted and the demolition,absorption and construction of all parts will be shown in episodes charting each mega hotels creation.Live news snippets of the renovation itself and events taking place during them including the renovation itself etc can be at key points of episodes.The episodes will also feature filming of events that took place and their aftermath ie discovery of bodies,accidents,interactions with locales and police officers,squatters etc as well as even have live news reports of events such as accidents,discovery of bodies,arrests of criminals etc that took place during them and even those detailing the renovations itself with other snippets and indeed the full live news reports included in special features sections.Podcasts and radio reports will also be used with pictures of newspaper articles relating to events also present.Live news reports of past events will also be present with them found on YouTube,official news stations websites and in time Pheme.Local libraries,Wikipedia,Google and even local historians and locales will be referenced for information with locales,historians,survivors etc interviewed for the history section.All abandoned and obsolete buildings of all types and also council flats,private homes,building renovated to their former glory etc renovated will have history sections done with ghost towns,ghettos and streets undergoing renovations etc in the intro episodes with buildings in parts of these seasons undergoing renovations have their individual history charted also have these done with them in episodes as part of them with them in length of at least 30-100 minutes depending on the size of the building and town etc

AI namely Viv and Alpha Go etc combined into the proto and final assistant AI used to scour,YouTube,google,databases of live news networks,radio stations and newspapers,Dionysus and Pheme subsystems,Wikipedia,IMDB,,YouTube etc to aid the people filming each building with the local presenters filming them also giving background into its history via visiting local libraries with records and again interviewing locales,neighbours and historians in the area or country.Movies or movie scenes,television shows and even music videos of specific one on YouTube can be checked by it on a fragmented to determine the use of obsolete buildings specifically highschools,elementary schools,banks,hotels,motels retail outlets and shopping malls etc to add them to their retrospective episodes,movies and music videos with them cross referencing Wikipedia articles as well in short the AI will for each team do searches on these sites add the locations used by all movies into the adverts within the proto Euthenia and also important pieces of its history to help those booking it and filming episodes with the history section with it also searching these on demand for each team starting their projects by searching these sites,IMDB,,Wikipedia,YouTube and giving this information to them in their networks via links,embed videos etc.Improvement in AI will allow all of this information alongside its history to be added by the AI namely Alpha Go and Watson in the area for booking the buildings prior to them booked as bullet points to also aid both bookers and filmakers.Sections and clips of movies can be downloaded from YouTube or whole movies and episodes of television shows can be downloaded from Hulu,Netflix and also and other sites with music videos downloaded from YouTube using Internet Download Manager,,YouTube Video and Audio Downloader on Mozilla prior to Dionysus being set up.Once Dionysus and Pheme is set up movies,episodes of shows and live news reports snippets can be easily downloaded.Filmakers will also use these and other resources for the history sections.Scenes of movies,television shows and also music videos they appeared as well as scenes from YouTube of the place in its early pristine state in pre internet years as well as home videos in will be intermixed with tours,exploration and history sections at points relevant to them with promos of hotels and other obsolete and abandoned ones intermixed in relevant scenes with these three also added by AI or by people doing simple YouTube searches.Videos of a buildings its opening including,events that took place there,closing day,promos,live news reports,adverts etc by videos scoured by the AI on YouTube will be added here as well.Home videos will include those already on YouTube,the owners of them dumping them in networks as well as the owners putting them on YouTube as soon as possible prior to episodes being filmed and also those found in buildings.Internet Download Manager etc can be used to download movies from YouTube etc.

History of people moving in will be done via interviews and them detailing their life history showing tours their old homes,current jobs and living conditions,them booking the place,moving in,saying goodbye to the neighbours,partaking in work done on the buildings before and during construction etc and homeless people detailing their history and where they lived on the street,suburban/apartment/council flat residents detailing their life and history with this done by themselves or the presenters both using cameras and tripods and tours of the area.This will apply to those moving into hotels,private homes and apartments etc on retail sites,abandoned and obsolete buildings converted into communal and private homes as well as council flats,apartments,flats and private homes undergoing renovations and individual episodes as part of mega seasons and seasons of all types and even special features where people move into homes advertised on Euthenia after renovations.

If need be reconstructions by actors famous and amateur including locales and presenters can carry out scenes of important events that took place there and events prior to them and can be intermixed with live footage etc recovered with this done if no footage exists.These can be done in sets made to look like the original building created using the original building especially obsolete ones or room as a template etc as well as using photogrametric technology using green screens and even VR technology with the resources from state and corporate entities used for this by even amateur actors including locales or the presenters themselves with auditions held posted in forums online,local theatres with the networks also using this used alongside well established ones with the amateur presenters applying to the state and corporations for these resources though greenscreen technology using photogrammetric and CGI sets etc should be available to amateurs.Photogrammetric maps of the building scanned in its unaltered form as part of renovations could be modified to look like it in its original form using software and then be used in both greenscreen and VR technology.VR technology will be used by 2029 onwards.If possible these scenes can be filmed in the refurbished finished building in the case of abandoned ones after renovations,imagined original state or in the unaltered version of obsolete ones such as hotels,motels,schools done before renovations and put into relevant sections post productions.Those that are already depicted in movies etc will have the scenes from these used with this done for places that were the scenes of famous deaths,shootings,sieges etc that took place there ie deaths of Selena Quintalla,Anna Nicole Smith,Whitney Houston,Columbine/Santa Fe/Sandy Hook massacres,2003 Marriott Hotel bombing,2012 Aurora and 2017 Las Vegas shooting and other infamous events.In the case of Sandy Hook the new elementary school will have the history of the original charted and reonstructions made and also the history of the new one as well.911 calls can be tracked down from archives,YouTube etc and added.The rest of the history for these and all other buildings may involve them also involving the presenters tracking down local libraries and government buildings that house census and genealogical data,legal documents,old pictures of the buildings,use Wikipedia and other online sources,track down contact surviving relatives and friends as well as historians including locales in the area owners etc etc as well as scouring YouTube etc for family videos of holidays and other events that took place there.The survivors of these tracked down for history sections may also be presenters or work alongside them touring the buildings interior and key rooms of the events as well as next of kin of both victims and also perpetrators with as many survivors tracked down.Home videos of events leading to these infamous events set there as part of the history sections and even mini documentaries of the people who died there with interviews with any survivors or law enforcement people that were there tracked down.These reenactments can be useful to budding actors for their portfolio for future episodes of the programme and other television shows,talk shows,movies and video games aiding in kickstarting there careers.The networks would be open to the public to post acting portfolios with locales also playing roles of key characters including themselves with survivors also playing themselves or other characters.Buildings that are having renactments would advertise on YouTube or the open networks of the show with specific markers to show potential newbie actors what buildings are seeking actors with portfolios and auditions done the same way for other shows in Dionysus.Survivors,locales,presenters can play the roles of characters with even well known A list to Z list actors contacted via their home AI publicists can play the roles of characters even if they have presented episodes themselves in the past to revive sagging careers or keep them busy in dry periods with even other presenters of episodes and friends of presenters used.Survivors,police officers and locales will be refereed to in order to piece together all events with documentaries on YouTube etc reviewed alongside Wikipedia checked as well.These will be done not just for those where shootings occurred but also where minor events occurred or detailing the history of people who lived there and the building itself using diaries and information from locales,original owners and historians with theatres have recreations of famous past productions.Everyday to day events that occurred there may be recreated in short segments to provide viewers of what it was like in its proper functioning.Events that occurred at different periods of the building and area will be recreated from construction,minor every day to day events,destruction,abandonment etc.Even the deaths and kidnappings of non famous people will be detailed alongside events surrounding the buildings construction and other events and possibly reenactments done of them.This can be done for those that are already demolished and are rebuilt,those rebuilt when they are demolished due to be severely damaged ie The Twin Towers,Sands Hotel and Casino,The Beverely Hills Ambassador Hotel with even this done for rural towns in Africa,abandoned ghost towns/buildings/theme parks alongside obsolete buildings and even suburban homes and neighbourhoods renovated.Terrorist attacks as well as natural disasters can be charted as well where they occurred.In the case of ghost towns it will be done for its founding,key events that took place and also the reason of why it was evacuated.VR tecnology will be used making it easier.All buildings will have live news reports of its construction,opening,demolition etc with their also being footage of the building being built via timelapse and also its destruction and demolition used from YouTube.CCTV footage can be intermixed alongside live news reports in archives alongside reenactment.Otherwise they can be done when that specific area is remodelled with home videos on YouTube intermixed in them used for obsolete buildings as well as shows scenes of events in abandoned ones to show the place in its original glory with again the proto Euthenia used for the public to contact the producers that they have videos of the place by sending them in the mail or uploading them on YouTube with home videos on there put in the proto Euthenia as embedded videos by the AI to show bookers and producers its original state and to be used in the production of videos intermixed with exploration videos made by urban explorers and the producers.The episodes will also show the renovations of gardens such as removing overgrowth and old trees,creating gardens by landscaping and adding new trees and plants,adding koi ponds,pools,water features,cleaning and refilling pools,adding extensions on the roof,side and underground as well as them adding new furniture and other condiments such as textiles ie.curtains etc bought online or from stores or from retail outlets and community centres as well as the proto Hephaestus and keeping old ornate ones and arranging them in their final place with these then filmed in collages/transitions.The renovators and presenters like the people moving in will stay in luxury motorhomes parked on the outskirts of town or even on the grounds of the building some distance from them,nearby homes as part of home sharing programmes,those that are not sold and are vacant etc and retail outlets used as makeshift shelter that will be inevitably renovated into mega hotels or in the case of some in small villages private homes.VR technology indistinguishable to reality will be used to film these scenes

These historical documentation sections will be present during the episode and form the basis of separate hour or two hour long documentaries present in the special features sections.The special features section will house the full version of documentaries lasting 60-120 minutes or more and flashbacks detailing day to living scenes that show everyday to day living can be made into 60-120 minute documentaries or even movies stored in the special features section.However the main episode itself will contain chunks of these lasting 20 minutes

This can be done for all buildings to gain the history of the building from all online sources.Adverts and training videos for stores,corporations and media that play an important part in its history and also videos of celebrities that were there with the effect the building its rise to fall and its effect on the area and vice versa etc and the reason it was chosen for movies etc and the effect that appearance had on it will be detailed for abandoned building,towns and also obsolete buildings.Wikipedia,YouTube,Google and official websites can be used alongside the data obtained by Alpha Go to detail its history alongside asking staff and the owners as well as locales,historians and checking local government buildings.Subtitles may be added during exploration of key rooms and areas done later on in the editing phase by professional with this data given to them with locales and historians showing key rooms and areas where events occurred or that certain rooms were used for prior to renovations.Abandoned towns,islands,zoos and theme parks will have their own episodes that follow the renovation of all buildings and the history of the town,island,theme park,zoos etc itself and any major important buildings and attractions will be researched with history given by locale citizens and historians from nearby towns with these possibly being longer and have all buildings explored and renovated as well as shown in their final form by collages/transitions and timelapses.The same will be done for abandoned neighbourhoods that will have the neighbourhoods and buildings history researched and renovation charted over the course of long seasons of note to areas like Detroit Michigan.These will also have sections where the town and important buildings is explored.Towns and villages in poor countries such as in Africa,China and India that are renovated to 21st century standards by renovating homes,adding geothermal power plants and other important facilities will be covered with the history of the town detailed and timelapse and collages/transitions showing the town before and after with locales interviewed and exploration of the town and history sections done prior to renovations.Locals can be contacted for old vintage footage and home video recordings in these buildings with YouTube also searched by AI with recorded events such as police sieges,shootings and arrests also used via contacting police etc and getting CCTV footage online or from records etc again cone by contacting them and AI.Any found bodies of animals and humans,injuries of crew etc,squatters as well as events that occur during the filming of the renovations will also be documented including discovery and removal of dangerous animals and even any local live news stories covering these and other events or the restoration itself added.Discovery of photos,photo albums,antiques,ornate furniture,diaries and tracking down the original owner via museums and scanning them into the wire will also be covered in the episode or even in special features added later.Any graffiti of significant value ie those that are done by locales or messages left behind of importance will be photographed or filmed and software namely Alpha Go,Viv etc will have this transcribed into smart devices and then saved with them documented and stored later in the building AI or social networks for historical reference with graffiti transferred into the design networks of Hephaestus and also social media networks with these detailed in the episodes.The original unaltered form of the abandoned and obsolete buildings will be in photogrammetric form containing all debris,messages,graffiti etc added to Daedalus as a baseline for use in VR simulations and photgrammetric form for any crimes needed to be solved,allow for Agoge training and use in media with even those left by other urban explorers and the general public scanned into these maps and filmed as well with them.Staff,customers and current owners of casinos,inns,motels,supermarkets,corporations and hotels will give brief tours showcasing important events and pieces of history there and people who visited or died in them with again scenes from movies,television shows and music videos they appeared in and famous people who visited them also referenced.Renovations of hotels,casinos,country clubs,spas,inns and motels etc including abandoned ones and supermarkets/hypermarkets/office buildings/skyscrapers/large schools/psychiatric wards etc renovated into them will include roof extensions,merging several buildings next to each other,conversion of slot machine rooms and retail outlets etc into amenities and lounge/closet rooms,addition of extra floors to house amenities/closet rooms and extra rooms due to merging of rooms etc,merging rooms,renovating the lobby/dining halls/kitchens etc to luxury standards,renovating other rooms to luxury standards,renovating obsolete rooms into extra suites and amenities,digging up carparks into gardens,adding gardens for crop and ornamental plants etc,adding koi ponds/ponds/pools/lazy rivers/geothermally powered hot springs as well as heating and electrical generation via thermo-piezoelectric material covered pipes,creation of rooftoop gardens,renovations of gardens,addition of closet buildings and rooms,removing keycard locks on doors and lightening systems and then putting round locks that use digital keys and lightening systems on their place,putting in automated systems in pools/tiki bars/bars/kitchens/dining halls etc,addition of balconies/terraces to rooms,merging small rooms or splitting large rooms into Venetian sized rooms and addition of floors to accommodate this as well as the renovations of rooms here,multistorey automated carparks etc and those that are low quality having them refurbished into luxury ones,residents customising their rooms to their tastes,updating all rooms of the hotels to luxury standards and addition of amenities in extensions and obsolete rooms such as renovating all rooms such as the lobby/kitchen/dining hall etc up to luxury standards,will have their own episodes with the history of the residents moving in and also the casino,hotel,spa,resort and motels history itself charted.Doors of all types in all buildings will be replaced with more luxurious ones with handles replaced with round ornate ones that use digital keys that can be turned to open but digital keys on smart devices will be used to lock and unlock them with lightening systems that need keycards can be replaced with normal ones ideally round ones and those that can be changed by smart devices.These renovations would also apply to those that are abandoned alongside renovating them to liveable standards.The episodes will detail all of the above renovations or as much as needs to be done occurring at once in the hotels with all residents doing their own rooms and contractors helping out in these and other renovations.Those as part of retail streets that have surrounding retail outlets,bars,nightclubs,restaurants absorbed or them demolished the land taken up by the demolished hotels have extensions added will be covered in the same episodes that also cover these aforementioned renovations on the building to house more Venetian style suites and also amenities such as absorbed nightclubs and bars.Ideally large and small hotels,casinos,motels,resorts,country clubs etc whether abandoned or obsolete will be following the same template as those of abandoned towns and cities going on for an entire season or at least several episodes following their template.For example the first episode would cover the history of the hotel in mini documentaries,exploration/tours,intro cinematics with the final episode having the unveiling of the Hestia statue,having outro tours,before and after collages and cinematics while the episodes in between would chart the different types of renovations following the universal template ie addition of extra floors,conversion of slot machine rooms into extra suites,renovating lobbies/kitchens etc into luxury ones,renovations of gardens and other areas,renovations of toilets etc creation of closet rooms,merging and customising of rooms etc one at a time in each episode with room customisation and mergers having multiple rooms covered in each episode as much as ten or fifty rooms lasting several hours long or just one depending on the size of the building with each room customised have the history of the resident covered when their room is being customised by them thus allowing the history of each resident and their customisation to be covered.Each room and area and suite renovated episodes will follow the universal template ie the history of the area renovated,history of the resident moving in and also intro/outro cinematics and also tours,before and after renovations and collages of this etc.The residents would dump material into networks and work together to edit episodes with them deciding the amount of rooms covered in each episodes with those covering the customising having each one use the universal template back to back one after the other and merge them into single episodes then put in episodic format alongside episodes covering the renovations of different rooms by each resident covering these done at the same time.This would also include the merging of rooms and splitting up of them into the universal Venetian size by people booking the space and also the addition of balconies to where none exists or making balconies and terraces bigger.The addition of extra floors to compensate this and the renovation of the suites on these by residents who booked them and locales etc will also be charted in episodes either by those who booked them or if not by other residents to ensure they are done if they are not booked.Episodes detailing suite renovations ie customisations and merging or splitting rooms would be done using the universal template via the history of the resident charted and the resident showing a tour and cinematic of the suite(s) before renovations,showing renovations being done and then showing outro tour and cinematic etc with as much as ten or twenty residents per episodes one after the other depending on the size of the hotel.Large hotels will have the customisation of rooms of ten to twenty people at once merged together in one episode with smaller ones covering one or two per episode.Any excess rooms not booked on the original floors and those put onto the roof to compensate for the merging rooms together will be customised and renovated by residents also doing their own rooms as extra work and once done will be advertised on Euthenia to the public with this allowing residents to move in and not having to wait for all rooms to be booked and would give residents extra work as presenters.These episodes would also apply to the Venetian wherein standard suites would be customised will be covered with the resident charting their personal history ie where they originally lived,what made them want to move etc and each renovation of each room following the universal template and would be presented by the resident who is renovating the room or friends.Each rooms renovation would have a tour or the room(s) being merged,split and renovated coupled with intro cinematic,filming of renovations,them buying furniture etc,merging and creation of balconies and also timelapses with then a tour and outro cinematic with as stated residnets using networks to merge the renovations of at least ten to twenty or even more rooms with some even having as much as fifty or a hundred rooms renovated in a single long episodes as part of the season in the case of those with many rooms – the First World Hotel in Malaysia that has the most suites in the world has roughly 7,351 suites and the Venetian has 7,117 suites.Episodes will also cover the addition of extra floors to accommodate this and their renovations and designs by locales such as those booking them or other residents into luxury Venetian mini apartments that are booked by others or advertised on Euthenia.These will be presented by other residents and locales and those that booked them with excess rooms etc not booked and merged together also designed by AI and other residents with them covered in episodes presented by locales,residents etc with the same applied to communal homes derived from all types of abandoned and obsolete buildings with the rooms then advertised on Euthenia to ensure people can move in and present episodes part of seasons of large buildings even if there are some rooms not booked.Each hotel will have even more suite renovation episodes detailing the creation of extra suites via roof extensions to compensate for this and to create the original amount of suites that the hotel has all the same size as the Venetian standard.Residents will cover the episodes of their individual rooms and customisations and also other rooms undergoing renovations  as presenters with some of them doing this for the first,last episodes and also the episodes that cover the renovations of each main area and amenity.These episodes in between would also cover the renovations of obsolete areas like retail outlets and conference rooms into extra suites or extra closet/lounge rooms,renovating gardens,digging up carparks into gardens,adding extra floors,addition of multistorey automated carparks,renovating communal toilets/living rooms/pool areas to luxury standards,residents customising each room,merging small rooms together as well as renovating low quality hotels and motels into luxury ones with even those that involve merging two buildings together or merging them and supermarkets etc together.Thus their will be an intro episode that covers the exploration/tour and the history of the building,individual episodes covering the renovations of key areas like the lobby,basements,storerooms,toilets and dining halls into luxury standards with new furniture and automated kitchens,renovating gardens with koi ponds/geothermal hot springs/extra amenities and also ornamental plants and other features,obsolete areas like slot machine areas/casinos/retail areas etc into extra suites,renovations of basements and tunnels etc,renovations of each room by people moving in,renovation of gardens etc and outro episode with this applying to casinos,motels etc with tours like the Luxury Travel Expert done before and after the renovations for collages/transitions.Each episode for each renovation ie that of individual suites,lobbies,toilets,basements,storerooms,obsolete rooms into new suites etc will each follow the universal template within them.The different renovations could be filmed at the same time but put in separate episodes.Fitting bars,kitchens and even pools with automated systems and geothermal heating systems as well as heating and electrical generation via thermo-piezoelectric material covered pipes will be charted in episodes.Each sections renovations including lobbies,dining halls and basements covered bit by bit.Residents would as stated present episodes that follow their rooms renovations with amateur or celebrity presenters and also residents would present those detailing the renovation and creation of other rooms ie amenities,communal toilets,lobbies the new rooms added as roof extensions to compensate for merging rooms and also all following the universal template.Any excess rooms not booked in the original layout alongside the roof extensions will also be presented by residents and amateur and professional and then advertised on Euthenia to ensure that even if all rooms are not initially booked then the renovation of the building can be be done.Hotels will thus be presented by a mixture of residents and also amateur and professional presenters including friends of the residents or locales.Abandoned hotels and motels as well as still functioning motels will follow this season template with residents covering the renovations of their rooms,them and presenters covering the renovations of lobbies,basements,toilets,storerooms,dining halls,beaches,gardens,pools and other areas that require upgrading to luxury standards over the course of the season bit by bit in each episode with this also applying to abandoned hotels and motels etc.All rooms such as bedrooms,lobbies,communal toilets including cubicles/urinals/lids/toilets/sinks/mirrors,en suites,kitchens etc will have low quality material replaced with luxury materials with replicas of famous paintings and also other physical art are placed in key rooms with the communal lobby and living room are designed with furniture and props from the residents homes including musical instruments.They will all follow the universal template detailing the history of the hotel and also of the poor moving in and them using proto Hephaestus and also community centres and also free sales in retail outlets to procure clothing,furniture etc.The end of these seasons final episode will have the unveiling of the universal Hestia statue and a cinematic/tour of the hotel and its alterations both inside and outside with the closing cinematic ending on the statues with this season template also applying to motels,hotels,casinos,supermarkets,hypermarkets,office skyscrapers and also apartment blocks and council flats and all types of large buildings whether abandoned or renovated from scratch into these hotel style buildings with again episodes charting people renovating and customising their rooms and also renovating communal toilets,lobbies and each part into luxury ones and creations of amenities and dining halls bit by bit.Hotels,motels whether abandoned or existing will be filmed by amateur presenters or some or one of the residents moving in.All abandoned hotels,motels and all other buildings including private that are still in good quality will be covered in episodes that detail any remaining renovations,cleanup etc and people moving in as well as history.Abandoned motels will also follow this style of seasons template with very large buildings like supermarkets that have multiple floors added,hypermarkets,psychiatric institutions whether abandoned or obsolete when converted into communal homes.Resorts that consist of several buildings will follow this season template with the episodes in between covering each room in each building with the entire resorts history charted and exploration/tour etc charted in the first and final episodes.

Hotels and buildings that are next to each other in close proximity will be covered in different episodes and seasons.If possible very large buildings and complexes like psychiatric institutions,hypermarkets,schools,office and corporate headquarters,skyscrapers,hospitals,airports etc both abandoned and obsolete will have them covered in many very long episodes over an entire season like ghost towns and hotels etc in the same aforementioned template and would have as detailed earlier on have an entire season devoted to them with this also applied to theme parks both abandoned and obsolete as well as large hotels,council flats,large buildings and whole suburbs done at once and also retail streets converted into mega hotels with the first episode having the entire area explored and toured and intro cinematic as well as history charted in mini documentary with the last episode have the outro cinematics as well as ending tour etc and unveiling of Hestia statue with episodes in between them covering renovations of each building following the universal template etc for each building or each room and area ie lobby,amenities,basements,gardens including roof gardens on each floor and the addition of each new floor and the renovations of each of the new floors renovated in each episode or each episode would chart the progress of each section done by bit or or the entire building bit by bit.Skyscrapers,schools and hypermarkets etc will have seasons that have the creation of rooftop gardens,outside gardens,lobbies,amenities and other sections and even the renovation of basements,toilets,tunnels etc and also including the creation of entire suites by each person who booked them with the creation of suites filmed by those who booked the spaces and presenters with at least ten or more of these per episode depending on the size of the building with the creation of excess ones not booked covered in episodes all following the universal template.These would have roof extensions of the universal size and also the same size as classrooms and wards etc with at least fifty to a hundred floors added.Excess rooms and spaces not booked and also those on roof extensions not booked of skyscrapers,supermarkets,psychiatric wards,hotels and all types of large abandoned and obsolete buildings will have there customisations and renovations covered in episodes by presenters and residents and then advertised on Euthenia to ensure that people can move in even if all spaces are not booked then they will still be renovated and have episodes as part of seasons done to provide the presenters more work.This would also apply to very large abandoned and obsolete buildings of all types and especially in cases where large buildings have all rooms booked by large amounts of people beforehand with their being episodes where each person renovates or covers the renovations of each room they booked coupled with their history,while they and other people cover the renovations of other key rooms such as lobbies,amenities etc and gardens both outside and roof ones with them uploaded as a whole season in one go or in their own season subfolder in Dionysus separate from the main season while the other episodes in the season are uploaded with the season then put in order alongside existing one when done.Buildings wherein no rooms are booked will follow the creation of each area,section and as many rooms creation as possible charted by presenters or residents with them again in seasons and the rooms designed by presenters and residents with them again in seasons and the rooms designed by presenters and them advertised on Euthenia.Mega hotels creations on retail streets will have mega seasons done as detailed earlier on that comprise of multiple seasons merged together filmed over several years or even a decade done by different presenters with an intro episode that has the history of the entire street and area and a tour on foot and vehicles as well as intro cinematic and aerial drone view of the area,then different seasons each one charting the construction of each mega hotel that each have the same template for seasons ie intro and outro episode and also episodes in between that chart different areas and then an outro episode with the outro cinematic and also tour of the finished street on foot and vehicle and use drones to get aerial views and also cinematics with before and after collages comparing the street before the renovations to after with this of not to to large and long streets especially those that that have the street divided up into different buildings that include skyscrapers.This mega season structure will apply to very large complexes like chemical plants,power plants and reprocessing plants and those that cover a large area and have well over a dozen large buildings and structures with retail streets and even ghost towns also undergoing this depending on their size with smaller ones will be covered in seasons.Buildings of a largeish size like mansions,palaces would have long episodes covering five to ten hours or even short seasons of five to ten episodes in between the opening and closing ones with episodes covering the renovation of each part of the building and also gardens etc.Small power plants and chemical plant areas will have seasons done.Like hotels these will be filmed in one go at the same time or step by step and then uploaded as seasons.All ghost towns,buildings etc covered in seasons and mega seasons will be filmed in one go with each different presenters for each episode doing their bit and then the episodes edited and the entire season uploaded in one go in the folder for their countries version of the show after all episodes are filmed and edited.Staff and past students,customers etc of all types of schools,owners and employees of corporate headquarters,casinos,offices,specific retail outlets,hyper and super markets even those merged together and even the corporate CEO of defunct corporations including those currently bankrupt,all other obsolete buildings like banks and their headquarters and stores remain to be turned into communal homes will also detail history alongside those on YouTube used as reference with the same applying to the CEOs and managers of individual banks or entire bank chains will also do this and the managers individually stores in shopping malls and the CEO of their brand particularly major ones as well as any remaining shoppers and the person in charge of the entire complex detailing its history.Retail outlets of all types whether those for food or manufactured products will be filmed beforehand by locales who will later film the entire episode or by others as they are cleared out or before this as a tour if the shop with this sent to the networks and the locales doing the filming of the episodes with timelapse footage used and people going in and out interviewed with these as stated open 24/7,365 days to allow people to get them at any time and can include several cameras at different points on tripods guarded by people or several people in them filming different points of them with footage from smart devices done by the public sent to the filmmakers and those posted on YouTube downloaded and used with locales filming the shops before,during and after clearances for those working on Restoration Nation dumped into networks.Tours of supermarkets,hypermarkets and all types of retail entirely internally and externally by locales in a professional manner as detailed later on for episodes and seasons of Restoration Nation.Thus all retail outlets will be filmed in the shops pristine still functioning state,during and after clearances or either one of these ideally the unaltered pristine state with possibly members of the public doing this in the pristine state and during clearances to be sent to networks of the episode etc and the presenters also doing tours when they are emptied.This would be done alongside exploration videos the mall similar to those done by Retail Archaeology,Aces Adventures and Dan Bell to document the malls and retail outlets prior to renovations and clearances alongside those that are tours of malls etc on YouTube with the history of the building whether a shopping mall,specific retail outlet for a corporation such as Kmart,Target,Lidl,Wallmart,Aldi,Tesco,Sears etc or indeed any corporate retail outlet with this done for those that are large buildings devoted to a single corporation and those that are part of shopping malls with the overall history etc of the mall detailed there in the case of shopping malls and hypermarkets covered.Thus the history of individual supermakets ie Lidl,Wallmart will be done for those that are covered in the buildings episode of that specific building with the history of shopping malls and hypermarkets done for those of the actual building itself as well with the history of corporations done of their actual corporate headquarters ie Trump Towers,Sony,Google,Microsoft,Walmart,Kmart etc.Corporate subsidary headquarters will also have this done ie UK and Irish headquarters of Sony,Pfizer,Google and also all foreign corporations including American ones.Thus them main HQs of tech companies will have episodes where the companies history is charted with subsidary ones ie their offices worldwide have that buildings history charted.Customers and staff will be interviewed there.The overall history for these corporations that have stores inside and outside of malls will be detailed only in episodes that renovate the corporate headquarters but if no headquarters is still in existence then one of the remaining abandoned stores will chart this determined by the AI sending relevant material to one of the buildings networks yet if the headquarters is used for other obsolete purposes then the history of the building for its old and new uses and corporations will be charted.Thus the history of the actual buildings will be done for singular retail outlets and subsidiary buildings for corporations while the history of the corporations will be done for their actual headquarters.Companies like Google and Microsoft,Monsanto/Bayer etc that have headquarters in Silicon Valley etc and subsidiary offices around the world will follow this with the offices having the offices history charted and the history of the corporation charted in the headquarters renovations with the same applying to banks etc.

Explorations will be done for all abandoned buildings in teams in the following way to show the building in its pristine state and for before and after sections.All rooms and surrounding gardens and other parts of the building will be done.Intro and outro cinematic will be done prior and after the exploration.They will have intro and outro cinematics and also pictures taken before,during and after renovations of key areas for galleries of special features.Law enforcement will be onsite of areas suspected of being used as dealing drugs or used by criminals with the embed videos highlight specific buildings that have been already used.They will also be sent to as detailed earlier on scenes of dead human bodies and possible murder scenes with the papers and manufactured goods scanned in by law enforcement officials or sent to community centres after investigations.Pliers,wire cutters and crowbars will be on hand to open up cut off areas and open up fences as well as break down doors including the main entrance.Ladders especially sturdy steel ones may also be brought to areas where existing videos show it may be required to access higher or lower floors that are inaccessible due to steps present being damaged.In the case of ghost towns,islands and theme parks etc they will have all buildings explored with again photo shots,cinematics etc.The entire team will go on these explorations in groups close to each other at all times for safety reasons with all safety measures like biohazard suits,antivenom vials and gas masks etc.As stated presenter and the people exploring them in large groups for safety reasons should accidents occur and should they encounter people with weapons or performing illegal activities with them using proto linking software found in Hestia to allow each member to constantly track each others locations on smart devices with this done during the daytime.All exploration sections will be done in groups of at least half to a full dozen people depending on the size of the building with this ensuring people can be rescued or helped and emergency services contacted during accidents and to ensure they dont get lost etc.The presenters of the episodes,locales and even those that booked spaces and the buildings will be part of the teams.It will also provided strength in numbers if they are attacked by anyone using it for illegal activities with all people present have smart phones present that are fully charged with them charged via solar panels etc on motorhomes.Smart clothing could relay vital signs etc to relevant authorities and the phones of all people in the group with them and phones relaying GPS locations and proto linking systems as found in Hestia to allow each person to find each other should they get lost with phones also used for this.In countries like America where gun ownership is legal ideally one member of the team will have a legally acquired gun on them for security and self defense.Others in other countries will have any item ie a baseball bat,knife,pepper spray,mace,taser that can be used for defense with presenters notifying next of kin and law enforcement personnel of when and where explorations are done with the as stated motorhomes parked outside denoting the place is occupied.If possible at least one law enforcement personnel or even military personnel or even private bodyguards will be with them onsite and be part of them especially when celebrities and minors aged 12 or younger are involved in the exploration sections.If possible using wireless technology exploration videos can be streamed directly into laptops in the motorhomes as well as those in the headquarters of studios and networks where they will be saved in real time in to allow others far away or in the motorhome to contact the relevant authorities with those done by groups of people going in different paths in large buildings will be saved in different folders and viewable in different devices or screens in real time.These will be directly linked to laptops in the motorhome with this connected the internet via cellular settings or satellite or public wifi.Flashlights will be used in very dark areas especially large ones even in the daytime with areas that have power left on have it still running with areas know to or suspected to have alarm systems have these cut off possibly by cutting wiring or even cutting of the electricity completely.This will also be used to protect against wild animals with if possible ear mufflers used by the explorers.Gas masks or biohazard suits will be worn to protect from fungi,airborne pathogens,toxins,asbestos with antivenom vials and syringes on hand to treat bites etc at all times with helite airbags,smart armour and graphene helmets worn to protect from falls and debris with the explorers vaccinated and when possible immunised against C.tetani,Orthohantaviruses and all possible pathogens such as Rabies virus,Lyssavirus,Australian bat lyssavirus with them also wearing thick gloves to prevent cuts and infections from needles etc with rubber gloves under these to protect from electric shocks.Even those that may have them in the recent past they will have them anyways just to make sure they are up to date with immunisations done when they are availible.Gas masks and biohazard suits will be worn to protect from pathogens,toxic gases with explorers bringing handheld nanosensers that can detect toxic and dangerous flammeable gases such as methane,levels of carbon dioxide and also if possible Geiger counters that measure radiation especially in areas that these could be found.As stated earlier buildings in areas that may house Africanised bees etc will have the persons in beekeeping suits or biohazard suits with these worn in areas with poisonous animals with graphene in the matrix of the visor and all parts of the suit with vials of and syringes on hand as well containing antivenom.These vaccinations,gasmasks,biohazard suits and antivenom on hand will be done for clearing out sections and by renovators with immunisations available by 2025-2029 used by all groups including presenter for all known pathogens including these.First aid kits will be taken as well.In areas with poisonous snakes clothing and shoes will be thick layers with vials of antivenom on hand.Biohazard suits will be worn in areas that are radioactive and also superfund sites and those that house chemicals which will be removed after exploration wearing these.Gasmasks and goggles that also cover the eyes and gloves will be worn in all buildings as a precautionary measure even if they dont contain asbestos or airborne pathogens as a person wouldnt be able to know if the building was filled with toxic material beforehand.Animal removal experts will be called to deal with venous snakes,spiders and bees especially Afrincanised bees and also bats with experts also contacted to remove explosives and other dangerous material and the area they were in explored later or then and there when wearing biohazard suits with the animals sent to local wilderness areas and in the case of invasive species killed.Ideally to prevent deaths in areas that are known to house dangerous animals such as Africanised bees,venomous spiders and snakes either biohazard suits,beekeeping suits and thick boots,thick jeans will be worn.Cats,dogs,livestock etc found in a feral state may be sent to local vets or animal pounds with them tested for and vaccinated for Rabies virus,Lyssavirus,Australian bat lyssavirus as well as other pathogens etc and if safe and in good health and vaccinated will be taken in by the presenters and owners or to local community farms acting as pounds.Mines and tunnels as well as subway systems will be scanned into Brauron entirely by drones using IR illuminator cameras prior to exploring with these areas explored at daytime with the same precautions ie helite airbags and graphene helmets,flashlights etc with the maps showing ones location to people on the surface in motorhomes constantly,being photogrammetric 3D ones to show drops in elevations and ones way out with drones and nanoquadrocoptors equipped with IR illuminator cameras used to navigate most of them especially large ones.The maps will be stored on or streamed on smartdevices by those in the mine and on laptops outside using the proto linking system to allow each person determine where everyone else is with it allowing those outside to constantly monitor the location of all people inside.This will be used by explorers using flashlights and also by robots doing renovations and will also be stored in a subsystem for media such as movies,video games and Agoge training.All rooms in all abandoned buildings would be explored with tunnels,sheds,barns,attics and also basements explored as well with gardens and areas of overgrowth and surrounding grassland and even concrete that will be renovated will be explored.The roofs of the buildings will also be explored and the skyline filmed.Thus abandoned buildings including apartment complexes,hotels,motels will have all rooms and apartments be explored with ghost towns,neighbourhoods and them parks have all buildings explored and.With regards to abandoned subways,tunnel systems etc ideally these will be scanned in via drones to be mapped for safety to be then travelled in safety since they are more likely to be easier to get lost in.This will be done before manufactured goods and papers are sent to be scanned in and also before maps are made using drones and smart devices.Abandoned buildings will have all rooms including roofs,tunnels,basements etc be toured after renovations and then have before and after collages/transitions with these done professionally like The Luxury Travel Expert with the same down for ghost towns,theme parks and complexes having all rooms,buildings and the gardens created toured once finished with obsolete ones having this tours done prior to renovations and also after as well.These urban explorers accounts and videos whether exploration,tours and cinematics can be viewed by amateurs as a reference for them and contacted for help in creating them or tips as well as look over the material in networks.Large buildings will have long exploration and tour sections with hotels,motels and apartment blocks,skyscraper etc showing different areas done by large groups of people namely all the people that booked spaces in them with them professionally intermixed with each other thus ensuring that all rooms and stores are explored and toured.All rooms and adjoining tunnel systems as well as basements,tunnels,secret passages and also attics etc in all buildings including hotels,motels,skyscrapers etc will all be explored alongside the surrounding gardens including those covered in overgrowth,exterior and even surrounding woodlands and beaches with this even taking several days with large buildings and ghost towns,theme parks etc with the explorers staying in luxury motorhomes at night next to buildings or ghost town with them done during the daytime for safety reasons with even the roof and attics explored with the skyline filmed.Gardens and carparks,plazas etc will be toured since they will renovated.All rooms such as storerroms,roofs,attics,toilets,basements etc and the garden,surrounding exterior will be explored with large skyscrapers will have all floors explored in full in long exploration sections.In the case of schools the surrounding sports fields,basketball stadiums,pools etc will be toured since these will be modelled into gardens etc with hotels also have gardens explored with adjoining buildings etc explored.Those that take several days will have the different material from each day edited together professionally ie they will have the different sections merged together.In the case of islands these can have motorhomes shipped there alongside camps.Theme parks and retail streets will also have motorhomes onsite as these will likely take more than day to explore as the entire town and all buildings are explored by a large group of people with large ones have large groups of people in groups explore all main areas and most or all buildings and have all material of all people and groups intermixed together in the final cut.Both theme parks and retail streets will have the general outside area toured in the intro and outro episodes with the buildings toured in the individual episodes that cover their renovations.For safety reasons it would be done during the day with flashlights.All buildings will be explored in groups of a least three or more people that include the presenters,cameramen,next of kin,those who booked the rooms and buildings and friends to prevent people being lost,attacked,kidnapped etc with someone in the motorhome outside being able to stream the location of all explorers via proto linking system on smart devices and also view the live feeds of all people in real time with them having chargers for phones to call emergency services.Smart devices of all people present will be linked together with the proto linking system with other next of kin and neighbours of the people and neighbours of the building will be notified as to the explorers current wherabouts.Smart clothing can be worn under helite airbags to relay vital signs and in time implants will be used.Large buildings would be explored in large teams paired in motorhomes outside with the different days work merged together via editing with very large abandoned buildings and also hotels etc should be done in teams with the material taped by them intermixed properly later on.If possible each person in these teams will film their own path and their videos intermixed with each other professionally by them in networks with all material dumped into each network.Abandoned buildings will be explored by the people who book and renovate them prior to the decision making sections with this showing the building in an unaltered state where they discover rooms and items with the gardens and areas around them that will be also become newly renovated gardens and reforested land will be explored with these exploration videos being one long continuous video or edited with scenes from media of all types they appeared in ie movies,music videos etc intermixed in them with like obsolete buildings snippets of live news reports related to it intermixed.All rooms of them including large buildings will be toured and if need be over the course of two or more days or in large teams with them them all toured afterwards.If possible each person in these teams will film their own path and their videos intermixed with each other professionally by them in networks with all material dumped into each network.These teams for large buildings will consist of the people who booked rooms and suites in them and also presenters consisting of one or more people.All safety measures should be taken during this filming and renovations.Permission to explore them will be automatic since the individuals would have already legally purchased the properties even from the state or other individuals,but if this is not so then permission can be gained from the local authorities with them being given a piece of paper signed by the courts and local authorities and from the state and police to denote this with signatures,seals and barcodes that can be scanned by smart devices alongside an item to be shown with all local authorities notified as to which ones are booked and by whom.If possible name tags held around the explorers neck will have their names,picture,seal and microchip that can be read by smart devices that when read would denote that this location has been booked by them by denoting and comparing GPS locations and bringing up a picture of the property and also other important details.A unique digital seal would sent to name tags when one books a place online via interacting wirelessly with laptops.If possible when one gets to a certain distance to the owner of the tag it will automatically bring this data up with a distinct alarm on all smart devices.An universal app developed by the AI receptionists that runs the show named after the show can be used to store these encryptions for each person having an account that can be read by police officers,neighbours that contain folders for the persons account that contains a list of buildings they have procured and thus are legally allowed to explore with the picture of the building,the explorers and presenters etc with the AI managing it in the most efficient means that can be read law enforcement through encryptions and also photos present.Neighbours would also be notified especially those that are armed via the authorities or in time AI both by automated phone calls,text messages and emails sending this to all people using Polis or scanning phone number and email databases online and social media sites also used to notify all people in a town or city.Until these name tags are universal then smart devices can hold these that can have the seal sent wirlessly.Signs will be placed on the outside of the building by the entrance by law enforcement or the local council or mayor etc denoting it has been booked with this scannable seal to alert authorities and neighbours and even other urban explorers it has been booked.This would also denote to criminals that it is to be avoided since it would denote the place is booked and law enforcement will have been notified to the presence of the explorers and thus any threats to them.Neighbours who may have weapons will also be notified by these signs.If possible surveillance cameras and drones can be set up fed into police stations or next of kin to see if anyone is entering the area who is not authorised ie squatters,criminals etc with in time this will be fed into devices held by explorers alerting them to anyone entering the area.Severely damaged buildings that will be demolished and rebuilt will also be explored as normal prior to them demolished.Exploration sections of severely damaged will be done with the same precautions as other buildings with existing YouTube videos referenced for where dangerous sections are with nanquadrocopters also used to explore and scan in no go unsafe areas and the building scanned in using drones combined with humans.These drones will also scan in the interior and exterior for the map used to rebuild the building.If not then existing urban exploration videos can be used.They will also be given the permission to use crowbars etc to tear down walls,open or break in through doors etc to explore all rooms with crowbars,wire cutters etc used breaking down locked doors(replaced by other more luxury ones),cut through fencing etc to gain access to all rooms and areas with gloves and tough clothing protecting them from cuts etc.If possible the keys to all doors will given when possible with crowbars brought anyways with if need be oxyacetylene flame cutters brought for steel doors.Thus the main door and other doors as part of complexes and buildings inside and outside that will be locked will be broken down using crowbars,wire cutters etc to allow for full access since all doors will be replaced with new ones either glass or wooden.Even glass doors will be broken down using crowbars breaking the glass coupled with googgles to protect their eyes with oxyacetylene flame cutters used either beforehand for safety reasons or during them as videos will show where they are needed with wire cutters used to cut fences that will be removed and crowbars etc used to open up tough doors.Ideally locales or friends experienced in using wire cutters,crowbars and oxyacetylene flame cutters will be brought to the building with the existing videos used as guide as to find out where there are locked doors and fences in buildings.Existing exploration videos of the place especially those on the proto Euthenia will be viewed to see where any worn down steps or unstable areas are to avoid them or take care and what to expect in terms of wild animals such as Africanised bees,bats etc,places one must take care in passing through and avoid ie dangerous spots to avoid during exploration sections and thus us drones,where to take care and decide beforehand what to do with each area and also any locked doors and fencing thus signalling them to take crowbars,wire cutters or even oxyacetylene flame cutting machinery in order to open them and also if to bring ladders to access areas impassable due to damaged areas such as damaged stairs.Dangerous areas can be explored later on using drones in larger groups with them also filmed and added as part of the exploration section.Live news reports regarding accidents,discovery of bodies etc will catalogued in the episodes.All of these steps will be replicated in clearance sections and when scanning in the buildings with drones used in severely damaged buildings.Caves next to them will be explored at a later date by drones that scan them into Brauron with these then if possible made into underground communities if mines but left alone for caves.Once scanned in these will be explored is deemed safe.Any secret passages discovered later will be renovated with those found after renovations even years later will be explored,mapped and renovated etc detailed in special features in a mini episode of sorts with the opening of it filmed with the presenters who did the main building will be contacted to exploration etc and also film renovations.Pools of water in basements and other areas will be drained to the outside with this done to allow the to be explored before renovations,mapping and removal of items with the draining filmed during or before exploration sections or if possible the area reexplored after it is done and attached with this water drained into the surrounding ground outside or ideally into vehicles that will send it to water treatment plants to be cleaned before returned to local rivers.Existing videos on YouTube will be used to determine if an area needs to be drained with the removal of the water filmed and shown before,during or after exploration sections with if done beforehand added to special features.This will be done by hiring professionals including biosynths who will use pipes that such the water out into outside areas including fields etc with this filmed.The entire building will be explored by the presenters and existing exploration videos embedded onto the proto Euthenia will show them which areas to avoid and where take care with their steps with locked doors and areas cornered off by plastic and fencing dealt with crowbars and pliers,wire cutters taken with them.Ladders especially sturdy steel ones may also be brought to areas where existing videos show it may be required.Ghost towns,mines,bases,islands and theme parks etc will have the entire town,park alongside surrounding areas such as parks,forests etc will have the entire outer area explored on foot in the intro episodes alongside intro cinematic and then toured on foot on the outro episodes.Each building will be explored in the episodes of seasons or part of mega seasons in which they are renovated alongside intro cinematics and also outro cinematic and tour of them when renovated or rebuilt with the entire outside of the town including parks etc explored at the stat in the first episode and final episode.Theme parks and ghost towns will also have motorhomes onsite as these will likely take more than day to explore as the entire town and all buildings are explored by a large group of people with large ones have large groups of people in groups explore all main areas and most or all buildings and have all material of all people and groups intermixed together in the final cut.Both theme parks and ghost towns as well as large complexes will have the general outside area explored and toured in the intro and outro episodes with the buildings explored and toured in the individual episodes that cover their renovations.Severely damaged buildings will be explored even before they are demolished and rebuilt as they were with drones used to navigate areas that are inaccessible or dangerous with as stated drones used to create cinematic of the area internally and externally before,during and after these sections.After these sections are filmed the teams and presenters will film scenes where they will decide what to do with each room in the case of private homes,areas in communal homes and buildings as part of complexes and also theme parks etc and what to do with parks in ghost towns etc.The exploration and tour sections of both abandoned and obsolete buildings will be done by the presenters and people who book them.Tours will then be done of abandoned buildings and ghost towns after renovations and before and after sections and even cinematics with cinematics done after the building is renovated.This will involve before and after collages where the buildings in its pristine state is collages and compared with it in it new state with it show various key rooms and major areas such as the garden etc altogether compared and contrasted.An intro and outro cinematic will follow this final tour.The exploration and tour may last anything between 30-120 minutes depending on its size.Abandoned buildings since having no lights will have exploration sections and also intro cinematics done during the daytime to make it visible on the show and allow for the explorers to see around even with flashlights as well as provide more stunning photographs involving sunlight and also ones that are visible due to their being no electricity.The tour and outro cinematic and photo shoots done afterwards being done at daytime or at night with if possible both to show them in their finished state in both times as electricity will be availible at this time.What to do with each room and area will be charted in the episode after this.Demolished buildings rebuilt will have if possible have tours done in VR simulations etc that are recreations of them from blueprints and historical data etc.Demolished buildings will utilise existing exploration videos merged together in a professional manner.

All obsolete buildings like hotels,casinos,motels,schools,corporate headquarters,offices,shopping malls,skyscrapers and retail outlets absorbed or on the same street as mega hotels etc will have rather than exploration videos as done in abandoned buildings by the producers and owners etc will have tours of all areas and rooms like that of Retail Archeology,Dan Bell,Living In Las Vegas,4K Vlogs,The Luxury Travel Expert where a tour of it is done prior to clearances and renovations while it is still functioning with if possible interviews with staff,customers,owners etc for the history sections and their response to its renovations with a second tour done after renovations.Tours will also be done for private homes including two or more homes merged,vacant homes from retail sites,amenities and public buildings renovated to luxury standards.All rooms will be toured including surrounding gardens.They may take between 60-120 minutes depending on the size of the building.Intro and outro cinematics will be done prior to and after the tour.All rooms and gardens will be toured for the creation of tours to show the building in its pristine state and for use in before and after sextions.Presenters will look over their videos as a guideline.This will be done as soon as possible before or even during clearances of all food and manufactured goods.These will have all rooms toured including all offices in skyscrapers and also basements and all stores in shops with large buildings done in teams over several days that cover all areas and the material intermixed with each other.If possible presenters will can do these tours of supermarkets,hypermarkets etc prior to clearances and then dump them in networks with tours done after clearances also to both be used in before and after collages.All rooms such as storerroms,roofs,attics,toilets,basements etc and the garden,surrounding exterior will be toured with large skyscrapers will have all floors explored in full in long tour sections.In the case of schools the surrounding sports fields,basketball stadiums,pools etc will be toured since these will be modelled into gardens etc with hotels also have gardens toured with adjoining buildings etc toured.Existing videos of shopping mall tours done by the public including old ones from the early or pre internet years,those by Retail Archeaology.The Luxury Travel Expert,Aces Adventures and Dan Bell can be used alongside these filmakers own material intermixed with each other once audio is removed or viewed as a guide to creating professional tours with the AI scouring YouTube.The history of corporations including banks and also government buildings will be detailed in episodes that detail its headquarters being renovated with in the case of these,malls and retail outlets will have former customers and employees interviewed.The same will be done for hotels,corporate headquarters,skyscrapers,schools and casinos in the same manner as this and also the likes of The Luxury Travel Expert with obsolete buildings of all types have tours filmed similar to those done by urban explorers with locales,historians,staff etc giving tours both before and after renovations.Thus tours of obsolete buildings will be done before renovations,clearances and after them to show a before and after look in the style of Dan Bell,Aces Adventures,4K Vlogs,Retail Archeaology and The Luxury Travel expert.Those already done by Retail Archeaology and Dan Bell can be used to show the building before clearances alongside those done by the presenters during and after them to show it in the various stages intermixed with each other.This will show the building in its unaltered state before renovations of the entire building or sections renovated with it also including gardens etc and will be used in before and after collages and transitions at the end of episodes of key rooms and also surrounding gardens and the exterior itself etc.Thus all rooms such as central hallways,all retail outlets,offices all rooms used by staff with permission given to the presenters touring it to tour areas not shown to the public with the exterior gardens,exterior walls etc toured.Surrounding gardens,carparks etc will be toured alongside the roof.The tours of hotels,schools,shopping malls and other obsolete buildings will show them as they were prior to any renovations of obsolete sections ie slot machine areas,original large sized suites,original location of retail outlets prior to renovations and in terms of shopping malls be a record of what they looked like and also done afterwards once the building is completely renovated to have before and after collages.As a result the presenters will be given all keys to all rooms such as offices,basements,storerooms from the original owners with all rooms toured with all materials in their place ie the building in its unaltered state.Like explorations they will be professional with tours,explorations and cinematics having music added to them related to the building.These will also have all rooms toured in a manner similar to The Luxury Travel Expert in its unaltered state and then toured again after renovated by itself and also with before and after transitions/collages.They will also have cinematics in both the unaltered and altered state.Obsolete buildings will be explored by the people who book and renovate them prior to the decision making sections with this showing the building in an unaltered state where they discover rooms and items with the gardens and areas around them that will be also become newly renovated gardens and reforested land will be explored with these exploration videos being one long continuous video or edited with scenes from media of all types they appeared in ie movies,music videos etc intermixed in them with like obsolete buildings snippets of live news reports related to it intermixed.All rooms of them including large buildings will be toured and if need be over the course of two or more days or in large teams with them them all toured afterwards.If possible each person in these teams will film their own path and their videos intermixed with each other professionally by them in networks with all material dumped into each network.These teams for large buildings will consist of the people who booked rooms and suites in them and also presenters consisting of one or more people.One will have on hand piers,wire cutters,crowbars etc and ladders to get through tough areas with owners contacted for all keys to all rooms and areas of the building including those normally locked off to the public.Like abandoned buildings these will have all rooms including basements,roofs,gardens,tunnels and adjoining buildings toured and in the case of large buildings will be done over the course of several days with all people staying onsite of them in motorhomes and doing so in teams that have material professionally intermixed.Roofs will have the skyline filmed.Gardens etc will be toured since they will renovated.The tour may last anything between 30-120 minutes depending on its size.The entire building including gardens will be toured again after renovations for being intermixed with or just before the before and after collages.Private homes will have tours at the start and end of episodes including those as part of seasons etc.Episodes etc involving two or more homes merged together will have both homes and buildings toured before renovations and the newly merged buildings toured at the end.All new rooms added in roof,side and underground extensions and merged buildings and homes next to homes will be toured at the end of episodes.Gardens etc will be toured before and after being renovated.An intro and outro cinematics will follow this.They will have intro and outro cinematics and also pictures taken before,during and after renovations of key areas for galleries of special features and even have a tour after renovations.Retail streets that have mega hotels put in their place as well as theme parks and also rural towns in Africa updated to 21st century alongside ghettos and suburbs renovated to luxury standards as part of seasons will have tours on foot before renovations alongside intro cinematics in the first episode as part of seasons and mega season with the outro episodes having tours of them in their finished renovated state alongside an outro cinematic in outro episodes and each episode in between have tours of each building renovated.

The entire building,garden and surrounding area will be explored including the roof,attic,tunnels,basements and surrounding gardens and grassy areas,overgrowth and any tunnels as well as any barns,sheds and adjoining buildings all of which be renovated.Episodes that detail whole suburban or ghetto neighbourhoods and even council flats and apartment blocks renovated in one go over the course of a season will have a tour of the street first in a vehicle or foot and drone with of course cinematics by one person and then each house and garden toured by the owners intermixed together using networks with the first episodes having the tour/exploration and intro cinematic and last episode have a tour and before and after collages alongside outro cinematic.These could have them edited to have one house after the other and would follow the universal template.These involving one home and episodes involving homeowners on opposite sides of the world will have professional tours of all rooms and gardens done by each person before and after including cinematics and photo shoots.Ideally at the begging,during and end of this section for all abandoned buildings and ghost towns and also all types of obsolete buildings the group will then make cinematics of them similar to groups like The Proper People,Bokine Exploring,RnK All Day,Broken Window Theory,Urbex Tyrol and JefStetics World where professional tours or visual studies of them will be made to top and finish or start off exploration sections with obsolete buildings having these too alongside aerial shots and digital photos of key rooms to make them look professional.These cinematics and photo shoots will be done of the abandoned and obsolete building in its unaltered state and also finished renovated state both inside and outside at the start/end of both exploration/tour sections before renovations and tours after renovations.Each episodes exploration and tour sections both before abc after renovations will have cinematics that are similar to these aforementioned urban explorers that show parts of the building and ghost town etc in a professional manner.The same will be applied to rural towns updated to 21st century standards and retail streets turned into mega hotels.These involving one home and episodes involving homeowners on opposite sides of the world will have professional tours of all rooms and gardens done by each person before and after including cinematics and photo shoots.Some photos will be used in before and after sections and these and others will be present in the special features.Thus abandoned and obsolete buildings of all types will have exploration and tour videos coupled with cinematics as well as photo shoots of key rooms and roofs as well as aerial drone videos and obsolete ones have tours,pictures taken of key rooms and roof via drones and cinematics and aerial drone videos prior to clearance,renovations and after renovations etc in similar fashion to YouTube urban explorers like The Proper People,Bokine Exploring,RnK All Day,Broken Window Theory,Urbex Tyrol and JefStetics,SightseeingSally,Desertify Urbex:Abandoned Places,Ruin Road and tours like Dan Bell,Luxury Travel Expert,Retail Archeaology and also Living In Las Vegas,4K Vlogs and would be done to show the abandoned or obsolete building in its unaltered state and discovery of items and rooms etc and for use in before and after collages.

Drone shots and pictures of the building from the sky alongside photo shoots of key rooms using cameras will be done here alongside filming sections inside and outside using drones and camrecorders for cinematics will be done here.Drones would be used to do aerial shots of obsolete and abandoned buildings and its exterior and if can be its interior in the case of malls,schools,offices and hotels and all abandoned buildings if nanoquadrocopters are used due to them being smaller to make it look professional with this done at the start,middle and end of exploring and touring sections of the building as well as during renovations and in its final state.Ghost towns,bases and theme parks,islands,mines,suburban/ghetto neighbourhoods renovated in one seasons as well as retail streets turned into mega hotels etc will also have these cinematics,aerial shots,exploration,tour sections and photo shoots of the entire town done before and after with drones and cameras on tripods and also wheels playing a major role in creating cinematics.Obsolete buildings of all types will have cinematics as well.Thus drones will play a role in creating cinematics and both inside and outside alongside cameras on wheels in the buildings unaltered and finished state at the start and end of episodes and the intro and outro episodes of seasons with them controlled by laptops,smart devices and also video game controllers.These drone shots wil be done of the exterior and cover the entire building,ghost town etc with them done before and after renovations

Exploration,tour and history videos that already exist on YouTube will have them used as a reference with the producers contacted and asked to appear in them as narrators and detail the history like amateur presenters including the like of Dan Bell,Bright Sun films,RnK All Day,Abandoned Central,Aces Adventures,The Proper People,Ruin Road,Uncharted Travel,Desertify Urbex:Abandoned Places,Retail Archeology,the Luxury Travel Expert etc and other professional urban explorer YouTubers in this field with the same applied to the countless YouTuber urban explorers that make a living and hobby of exploring abandoned towns and buildings from around the world again contacted and they themselves working alongside amateur and professional presenters and filmakers,the people who book them,those who renovates them in person or through networks as they would know the location,history and layout of buildings they already explored and even YouTubers that have made professional tours of hotels and casinos and dead malls as well as them able to be able to make professional videos especially with regards to both history and exploration sections.Thus these amateurs will use history and exploration sections created by themselves and tours done in the pre,early and recent internet years intermixed with each other in a professional manner scoured by the AI with any videos on YouTube used have the music and audio commentary either kept or certain part removed with the amateur and professional presenters own voiceovers added and subtitles removed or kept through networks and home studios.Music relating to the type of building being explored and toured and its history charted can also be played over them downloaded from YouTube using software to do so can also be done during these parts – history sections,explorations etc with FL Studio also used.Amateur presenters can also look over existing work done by urban explorers and reviewers on YouTube such as Ruin Road,Bright Sun films,The Luxury Travel Expert,Retail Archealogy,Desertify Urbex:Abandoned Places,Rnk All Day,The Proper PeopleDan Bell,Living In Las Vegas,4K Vlogs as guidelines to produce tour and exploration sections professionally and develop their own unique style.These urban explorers may also work on projects they havent done yet preparing intros,exploration,decision and history sections and information and add their unique touch to filming and giving history as well as jokes and even insight with their existing videos and other existing cultural programmes on television used as a template from which episodes should be done with regards to intros,history and exploration with existing television shows that renovate old buildings way of renovating buildings used as a template for this to make them look professional.The urban explorers will also do the role as presenters episodes of obsolete and abandoned buildings in their hometown or country and existing buildings they already did using existing urban exploring material and new extra material alongside working with new presenters both famous and newbies.They may even do obsolete buildings such as supermarkets,hotels,the elementary and secondary/highschools they attended as well.These can include the likes of Exploring with Josh,WallieB26,Hell on Earth,RnK All Day,The Proper People,Ruin Road,Bright Sun Films,Tracy Explores,Exploring with Rachel,Hell on Earth,Desertify Urbex:Abandoned Places,Steve Ronin,Bros of Decay and any other local urban urban explorers with obsolete buildings like shopping malls done by Dan Bell,Aces Adventure,Retail Archealogy etc with them contacted by their YouTube accounts etc.These urban explorers can also do buildings they already did once contacted by the bookers or booking the place,orgainisng renovations,filming of episodes and then advertising them on Euthenia.They may do both abandoned and obsolete buildings and also do multiple episodes as well as doing them together in groups with other urban explorers and both professional and amateur presenters.Shopping malls,hotels and corporate headquarter and casinos etc can have existing YouTube videos that do tours before renovations and indeed any exploration and decision making done by the renovators will be intermixed.Thus they will redo exploration sections and this and their original videos will be used in the before and after collages/transitions with them also creating cinematics etc.They can be contacted via YouTube accounts messaging or when bored they will book buildings,organise their renovation while filming episodes and then trade them on Euthenia with this expanding their fame outside their fanbase on YouTube to a global audience.The original producers can have their original videos used or intermixed with it ideally done in the same way and standard as the aforementioned vloggers Archeology Retail,Bright Sun Films,Dan Bell,Ruin Road,Uncharted Travel with them having some input alongside the professional presenters who have experience in producing these type of programs.Future intros and mixing in of movie and television show on cultural history shows scenes and references would be done by the team in their own style but same manner for all other projects.Viv and Alpha Go etc will locate them and the videos they did with regards to each building for each team of amateurs and professionals to review the video for maps and history if detailed with if possible two or more of them contacted,working alongside the teams in exploration,history and renovation and also videos intermixed decided by the teams especially those in their native countries and states with them also doing ones again in other countries and even buildings they or anyone else has not done at all.As stated existing hotels,motels,resorts,spas and abandoned ones will have its history detailed and the stories of people moving in via them showing their original home and also them booking places and their new life there with these episodes being long episodes focusing on each member of the new residents with as stated this filmed by the aforementioned groups.Abandoned towns will have drones take aerial views and the history of them detailed of the entire town and key buildings of historical significance with all buildings toured and photographed during exploration sections to allow collages/transitions of all of them to be done.All of this will be saved on file and edited in a professional manner and then this a single programs with country based versions in subfolders in Dionysus aired over several years after the renovations are done divided into different seasons with this theoretically lasting for at least a decade or even more for each country due to the sheer number of abandoned and obsolete buildings and towns involved worldwide.

Timelapse of before and after construction/renovation alongside before and after collages/transitions and timelapses will be present.Timelapses would be done for all buildings of all types whether abandoned or obsolete,private homes and also those rebuilt from scratch in key rooms and the outside with cameras put in place at key points inside and outside to capture everything from beginning to end with them connected directly to laptops that could store large amounts of data to be then dumped in networks

Before and after collages would show each room in its unaltered state ie exploration sections or tour sections and tours of either abandoned or obsolete buildings and private homes after renovations back to back including gardens extra extensions added with even tunnels,basements,roofs and attics covered in a professional style with this done after the building is toured after renovations with towns and retail streets have this done overall area as a bookend to the tour and exploration of the entire area in the first episode of their seasons and mega seasons with episodes in between have at the end of them of the buildings covered in these episodes.

All buildings whether obsolete or abandoned and private homes will have all rooms and surrounding areas explored and tours including basements,storerooms and tunnels and all areas of overgrowth that will be featured in the episodes and seasons lasting from 30 – 120 minutes long with them done prior to rennovations and after renovations to allow for before and after collages created.If possible the actual episode will contain the tour/exploration before and after renovations in a short form lasting 10-60 minute with the full tours/exploration before and after renovations and before and after collages that detail the entire building will be present in the special features area as separate folders.Drone shots etc will follow this as well with the episode having at least 10-30 minutes which will be a brief part of a full 60 – 120 minute drone video present in the special features section.

Music and sound effects of all types and genres ie classical,suspenseful,pop,music tracks will be downloaded from iStock and also YouTube using YouTube to MP3 Converter with scenes of movies gotten from downloading movies or scenes from Netflix, similar sites) and YouTube using Internet Download Manager,YouTube Video and Audio Downloader extension on Mozilla,Dionysus or recording them using recording software like Bandicam from DVDs gotten online for use in key scenes without threat of copyrighting and will be used in all parts ie exploration,renovation,tours,history sections etc decided by the individual presenter and team and also will be related to each type of building and renovation done in post production.Other music will be created via FL Studio.Archives of live news stations and YouTube videos will be downloaded to get live news reports of events there with the database of Pheme used.Software such as Bandicam,various movie editor software can be used until Ampelos becomes available by at least 2025.The long time between each stage of renovation ie bidding,first renovations and final stages will allow each section to be analysed and even reshot over several months and even years giving them enough time to do research,reshots and editing and go back and forth between each building they are doing for the same or different episodes set in the same town,city,state or country.This will allow them time to go tracking down local libraries and government buildings that house census and genelogical data,legal documents,old pictures of the buildings,track down and contact surviving relatives and friends as well as historians in the area owners etc as well as scouring YouTube etc for family videos of holidays and other events that took place there beforehand to be then covered in episodes.The fact that all buildings either obsolete and abandoned as well as renovations of suburban homes etc will be filmed simultaneously in each country across the world by amateur presenters will mean entire seasons of each countries episodes will premier at once on proto Dionysus and will be transferred to the final Dionysus by 2029 wherein future episodes will premier and most buildings will be renovated.This late date and the long time between each step of renovations will give teams time to go over material and add unused footage or add material to history sections etc with their being no deadlines thus allowing the teams to go over all projects they are doing at once meaning whole seasons of episodes shot can be dumped in the networks in folders and subfolders to be viewed in chunks and edited and pieced together with this of note to long episodes on large buildings like shopping malls,skyscrapers,mega hotels having each piece and section shot,reviewed etc and pieced together months or even years apart and also episodes that focus on small buildings like suburban homes etc have long episodes charting up to ten or twenty buildings per episode with the filming and renovations of each one done again months or years apart in different parts of the country or world then pieced together into single episodes by one or different teams around the world working around the world using the macro network.By 2029 AI will be advanced to alleviate work on humans.Ghost towns and towns in Africa upgraded to 21st century standards would take several months or years apart due to their size.These would be dumped here by the people who own the homes and renovated them who could also use the networks to work on them with other homeowners and have access to the same editing software and resources of the networks and interact with each other and the amateur/professional teams.They and other members of the public will be alerted by the local government and renovation teams of those that will be done prior to being booked and then advertised on Euthenia.Otherwise they can arrange the renovations themselves by booking buildings not booked either obsolete or abandoned especially groups of small private homes made spacious through roof,side and underground extensions and and thus film the episodes with the material dumped in networks and merged with other buildings filmed over the course of a year or two with the buildings once brought to luxury standards and connected to the grid and sewage and water treatment plants then advertised on Euthenia.This will not just apply to when they are bored and no new homes private or communal are made from obsolete and abandoned buildings but also apply to these done by entirely robots and humans prior to being advertised on Euthenia to the poor with these episodes special features added later on showing new people moving in.Thus when robots and biosynths are capable of doing all work presenters will still film episodes following the universal template if they are already booked and also advertised on Euthenia with episodes also filmed of buildings renovated and then advertised on Euthenia prior to anyone booking them.This will follow the template but also will be done when no new renovations are done in their home town or city with the option of also doing ones in different states or even countries to prevent boredom.They may also organise the renovations of entire ghost towns and neighbourhoods with all buildings explored and covered,renovated alongside their gardens and connecting to the grid etc with this done with volunteers and also private and government contractors using government reserves.Any buildings advertised on Euthenia and also on home sharing and trading programmes will have a hyperlink to the episode of Restoration Nation they appeared on within Dionysus filmed by the cameraman.This will also ensure all buildings worldwide will be covered.Those booking and moving into homes themselves whether communal or private including the poor and homeless can be given donated electronics with them being presenters themselves following the template will ensure that all of them will be done with them filming all parts themselves and dumping them in networks to work with others if there are no other presenters availible with them doing other episodes overtime.Otherwise they will be put in contact with state and corporate or even amateur local presenters existing and new who will film the episodes of them following the universal template.Members of teams renovating the building as well as those hired by the government will also be used.All of these will be viewed and adopted by amateur presenters to make episodes look professionals and make them perfect their craft for other shows and movies etc

Existing videos on YouTube of explorers and also news headlines of events at the building etc,promotions for events that occurred there can be referenced and intermixed with AI used in the production process also searching for them by cross referencing and comparing the name,key places in them and these used alongside those created by the teams documenting their restorations with the new teams also using drones on the outside and inside as well as collages/transitions of before and after sections of each room and area to make all parts professional for both abandoned and obsolete buildings.Advances in AI and automation will allow for camerawork to be done in part or entirely by AI controlling drones and automated cameras with timelapse sequences also utilised.Drones would be used to do aerial shots of obsolete and abandoned buildings and its exterior and if can be its interior if nanoquadrocopters are used to make it look professional with this done at the start,middle and end of exploring and touring sections of the building as well as during renovations and in its final state.

Special features:
Each episode will have special features added to subfolders present in the episodes file with seasons and mega seasons having them in the folders for each epiosde.These will be arranged in folders and subfolders.Full versions of history sections as 60 minute or longer documentaries,ful exploration/tour videos before and after renovations and before/after collages etc will be present.Full live news reports or hyperlinks to those on YouTube and Pheme used for history sections of past events and those that took place during the renovations will be present.Hyperlinks to newspaper headlines related to events will be present alongside those for manufactured products and books,magazines found in Hephaestus,Pheme,Dionysus etc will be present.Hyperlinks to movies,television show episodes and music videos in Dionysus and YouTube it appeared in will be present.Hyperlinks to issues of magazines,books,movies etc found will be present linking to there link in Dionysus and Pheme with there also hyperlinks to all manufactured goods scanned into Hephaestus and hyperlinks to all textbooks and yearbooks scanned into Apollo and other networks.Hyperlinks to live news reports,magazines,newspapers and radio podcasts it was mentioned in before,during and after it was renovated will be present.A hyperlink to the Euthenia page for those advertised that were not booked and also those that house extra rooms to tourists.With regards to movies and television shows it will show the entire scenes they appeared in.Hyperlinks will also exist for the original exploration and tour videos done by urbex explorers etc on YouTube will also be present.Photos from the internet and also from photo shoots alongside all paper documents etc including photo albums,yearboooks,blueprints,diaries etc will be scanned into here and stored here to be viewed on computers and linked smart devices including e-newspapers.Promos for hotels,corporations and their videos on there televisions and YouTube will be stored here indefinitely after being transferred here with them in full form here.Promos,adverts for the buildings,corporations etc and also full videos of opening days and all live news reports to them added.Photos as part of photo shoots not used in the finished episode will also here in the form of slideshows.Photos,paper files scanned in from the building will be put into here.They will consist of behind the scenes documentaries interviewing the presenters featuring their history and why they wanted to do the episodes project and their thoughts on events etc,further interviews with residents,locales,historians etc the moving in residents especially those not covered in the case of hotels,casinos,large communal homes.Any historical photos,documents,videos found later on by members of the public will be added here with the general public contacting the receptionist AI to submit documents and videos they have in their possession or found online.New documents can be added by the general public added overtime even after the initial airing of an episode years or decades later.Also covered in these would be documentation of material/squatters/animals/dead bodies found and removed by experts also material not used for the final episode of all sections and proto shots ie bloopers and those that were first test runs not used,behind the scenes of the owners,residents and cameramen hanging out in their accommodation,news reports in full of the renovation and any events surrounding events that occurred during and before,where the presenters and residents tell stories of what happened during filming.Mini documentaries on events that occurred during filming will be present alongside mini documentaries that give more detail on its history etc.It can also include recorded documentation of events that occur later on months or years later after the episode aired added later on ie finding the owners of antiques,photo albums etc in the building and new extensions added overtime,documentation of the surrounding reforested deserts,grassland and gardens once they have grown to full maturity years later in picture and audiovisual tours as a mini documentary when the presenter returns there etc or done by residents.Commentaries done by presenters and camera men,builders,people moving in can be added to the source code of old episodes later on filmed in VR simulations with trivia tracks added by AI to an already uploaded episode source code.Also the building damaged by earthquakes,tornadoes,storms and fires etc and then rebuilt or repaired will be covered alongside any future roof and underground extensions.It can also be documentation of people moving in years later if they were renovated without booking and then advertised on Euthenia with them shooting this themselves or it done by the presenters contacted and giving their life stories and them moving in.The people who moved into the house can contact the presenters via the website to send in filmed material via the assistant AI as well as their email and phone number and send videos of them moving in,their history.With regards to private homeowners it will chart their developments.For those that moved into the building as filming especially the homeless and poor it will involve reunions between the homeowners and presenters one or even more years later charting developments in their new lives especially with regards to the poor and homeless added later on as mini documentaries,events and new discoveries made after the renovations,murder investigations if bodies are found and with regards to ghost towns it will show tours of the area and major buildings years later.These mini documentaries will have tours of the new gardens and also reforested areas once they have matured and new extensions etc and will also have tours and cinematics done by drones and before and after collages with them also done for ghost towns that were advertised on Euthenia.The tracking down the owners of the photos etc discovered will be covered in special features with Polis and AI used to find people in photos by scouring and comparing them to those on social media etc will be charted especially if done later one.Put simply once an episode or season is uploaded special features that were filmed during production it can be uploaded at the same time and any events such as reunions,extensions etc that take place later on either months and even years later will be added to the special features with viewers alerted to those added to episodes etc they saw earlier.These will be filmed as they are done months or years after the episode is filmed with them uploaded to the special features with people who have already watched it alerted to new special features added when they are added by their Home AI,Adriadne etc and even the shows universal assistant AI.These special features will also include found family videos,scanned in photos,photo albums and other material like diaries and paper files scanned into the networks and thus the special features sections with all pages viewable as an e-book and added here before sent to community centres and the original owners to be visible to the public viewable as files that can be viewed on televisions and linked smart devices and zoomed in with those in different languages have subtitles via the sentient Coeus.The special features will be as part of the episodes both singular ones and those that cover multiple buildings with seasons and mega seasons have special features in each episodes section.Thus any new developments that occur months or even years later will be filmed as mini documentaries and then added to the special features section or each episode or season with people have viewed it in the past alerted via the assistant AI interacting with Adriadne and Home AI.

As stated photo shoots will be done of both abandoned and obsolete buildings of key areas inside and outside using both aerial drones and digital cameras with them done before,during and after renovations with them stored as slideshows in the special features sections.Digital or conventional non digital cameras and also those from drones can be used to take professional pictures of key rooms,gardens and the exterior using digital cameras with or without tripods that would worthy of galleries and the building from above while exploring the building before,during and after renovations of abandoned buildings and ghost towns etc which can be put in key parts of explorations,cinematics and also before and after collages/transitions with pictures of the building from above and the same key rooms done after renovations and also pictures taken of renovations being done in these areas.These would be done during exploration sections in its unaltered state(these could also be done after exploration sections prior to mapping and also cleaning the rooms and removing rubbish),during renovations and after renovations in its finished state with these done of the same areas during each state with it done of the exterior and interior in key rooms.Drones would be used to take aerial pictures of the exterior of the building on all sides and also from above and also those that would be from an angle that would be dangerous to the person if they needed to take it and could also include interior shots of large spacious rooms with these drones controlled by video game controllers,smart devices and laptops.Photos will be taken of the exterior roof both of the roof itself via digital cameras but also of it via drones and even of the skyline in all directions via digital cameras with tripods used to give them a professional look.This would also apply to all types of obsolete buildings that would have these photo shoots and as well and would be done before clearing all items done during tour sections prior to renovations,during renovations and after renovations.Private homes being renovated and even those as part of seasons charting the renovations of  ghettos,mega hotels and villages updated to 21st century standards will have these of the exterior,gardens and interiors key rooms.Obsolete buildings of all types will have these as well.These can be done at nighttime and daytime of the same spot with daytime shots using the natural sunlight to show key areas etc and shadows with nighttime shots showing the areas again using shadows as a key feature and also have the same spots have photos retaken after renovations with both abandoned and obsolete buildings of all types have photo shoots.Ghost towns,bases,islands,mines,subways,train stations,theme parks,retail streets turned into mega hotels can have these done of the entire street from above as well as the exterior and interior of each building absorbed etc and villages in the developing world updated to 21st century standards will also have these photo shoots done with photos of the general area from above on drones and from the ground via digital cameras during the tour and exploration of the area in the first episode of the season and mega season with after renovation photos done in the final episodes of seasons and mega seasons and also have each building and park etc have photos taken before and after renovations in the individual episodes that detail their renovation.Hotels and other buildings covered in seasons will have them done of key rooms,each room being renovated,gardens etc renovated with buildings being demolished and then rebuilt will have them done before demolition and also after they are rebuilt of key rooms.Drones can take professional photos of the exterior and interior from different angles including aerial ones at a high altitude and multiple angles with them also doing interior shots of large spacious ares within buildings with digital cameras in ones hand taking photos of the interior and exterior as well.These photos can be in the episode as part of collages/transitions with these and extra ones not used in episodes will be stored the in special features section of the episodes and even episodes as part of seasons as a slideshow with any pictures found of the building in government buildings etc from the past ie in its former glory days will also be placed in special features sections.All photos taken will be as professional as possible with existing ones online and those by other explorers added to these slideshows by downloading them and the original photographers contacting and being contacted by the presenters with these added even later on.The photos will be taken during exploration in its pristine abandoned state for abandoned buildings and altered state during tours of obsolete buildings with in both cases the photos done of key rooms,areas of beauty and historic significance both indoors and outdoors and of the building from high above and then have photos done of the sand placed during renovations and after renovations during the final outro tour to be used in episodes during outro tours overlapping them to show the progress of the renovations with there being pictures taken during all three points done of all rooms and significant sections.Only a small number will appear in the main episode with the rest stored in the special features as a slideshow and also a separate video that shows them in collages with the full version of the outro tour.Thrre will be a full version of the outro tour and also a separate slideshow programme that contains all photos where the photos are arranged together in groups of three – each photo is in a set of three that contains the picture done during the first exploration,the photos taken during rennovations and after rennovations.The finished episode will only show a small amount of the intro and outro tours and exploration sections with in the special features will house a much longer embedded video that contains a tour of the entire finished building and when each area and room is explored the the three photos taken of that area will be shown one after the other in a professional manner,

Photos from the buildings or towns past in its pristine condition from local museums,online and from the building itself etc will be scanned in here and also photos taken of the area prior to and after renovations by the presenters used and not used in the episode will be present here in special features as well.These photos can be used in both exploration and even history sections as well as before and after collages.Photos will also consist of those of key items discovered in the building and in storage such as bloodstains,messages left behind,dead bodies,graffiti etc alongside those of gallery value.Furthermore extra photos not shown in the episode,those that already exist of its former glory alongside those of graffiti and message left there will also be present here.All photo as part of photo shoots before,during and after renovations will be present.All paper files and records,diaries,photo albums,blueprints,diagrams,individual photos,signs,yearbooks etc from all types of abandoned and obsolete buildings will be scanned into the special features section of episodes using automated scanners in community centres,government buildings and universities where they will be sent to after exploration sections and during renovations with diaries,albums etc sent to community centres or sent to tracked down owners,museums and others pyrolysised.This will include all papers in filing cabinets and folders etc in schools,banks and power plants again sent to community centres to be scanned in using automated scanners connected to computers via wifi with them in labelled boxes to allow them to be distinguished from those from other local buildings renovated with the sent here after exploration and tour sections but before demolition of damaged buildings and renovations of stable ones.Those in filing cabinets will have the cabinets themselves sent to the centre using pallet jacks and similar devices for safety and then later recycled once they are scanned in.Automated scanners as part of conveyor belts will be used with these in universities and community centres with the filing cabinets scanned into Hephaestus with these recycled and the paper pyrolysied.Photo albums once scanned in will be stored in community centres and will have the owners tracked down as part of episodes or mini documentaries as part of special features and will found via locales,finding out the owners phone numbers and also AI using Polis scanning the entire internet and also social media sites for the owners with them if not found sent to local museums.The automated scanners will while scanning in papers,photos etc will be linked to the specific network of an episode managed by the assistant AI and them in boxes and cabinets labelled with the name of the building,the network of the episodes etc and managed by the assistant AI.Digital records in all computers such as files on computers can be sent to networks via connecting computers etc to more advanced ones via peripherals managed by the assistant AI.All physical paper and digital records in all of these will be in the case of hotels,those in corporate headquarters,offices etc and abandoned buildings will be scanned into the special features sections with all papers in all buildings as part of complexes,ghost towns and theme parks and all rooms in motels and hotels will be scanned into the special features.All important paper records,blueprints,diaries,maps etc  once scanned in will be sent to  local museums for cataloguing in archives and exhibits etc with existing museums having extensions on the side or roof etc to house these.All digital record on computers,laptops,harddrives etc will be transferred here except child pronography.Other items like license plates will be scanned in or pictures taken with any personal identification papers ie drivers licenses and even passports found will be scanned in as well.This will be done to preserve them for historical reference and also allow them to be used in research into cold cases with all of them from obsolete and abandoned buildings of all types scanned in once sent into local community centres using automated scanners.Those of no personal or historical relevance will be pyrolysised in mobile pyrolysis units once scanned in with diaries,important notes,letters and photo albums returned to next of kin,living owners or museums that have extensions to store them once scanned in.Paper files,photos,photo albums and manufactured goods etc already taken home by urban explorers will be scanned in by them in local community centres or mailed and given to presenters in person.This will be done to preserve them indefinitely and the automated scanners in community centres will be connected to the networks of each building being done via connection wirelessly or directly to laptops used allowing them to be uploaded directly into folders in networks to be sent to special features.These can be connected to mini conveyor belts and done by volunteers and one or two members of teams when the building is cleared out with if the community centre has two or more scanners will be done very quickly.Ideally community centres that have many abandoned and obsolete buildings in their area will have at two to four in each centre since these will also be scanning textbooks from universities and books etc from libraries and newsagents.Extra scanners can be in the homes of presenters and studios of networks managing them.Those from superfund sites and areas suffering nuclear fallout will be scanned onsite using smart devices to prevent them contaminating the area especially community centres and will be pyrolysised with diaries and photos etc possibly sent ot community centres once cleaned and decontaminated.If possible all of them will be irradiated to 1,00Gy or treated with narrow range UV light in buildings or on attachments to decontaminate them.These can be done by one member of the team,after clearing the building,during renovations and also after renovations once all other work is done with them appearing in the special features section straight away or weeks after the episodes premier.All of these documents,photos etc will be scanned into the computer networks of each episode and season etc and arranged into folders and subfolders by the Assistant AI.

Manufactured goods in both abandoned and obsolete buildings will be sent to community centres after exploration and tour sections but before renovation or demolition and will include all furniture,clothing,glassware,electronics,vehicles etc and will be scanned in using handheld scanners into Hephaestus by volunteers not related to the presenters and renovators scanning in one iteration of each goods and in the case of dirty ones will be cleaned with those in good condition they will be advertised on Euthenia or take in by members of the public with those in poor condition will be recycled appropriately with textiles,wood etc pyrolysised with vehicles and electronics recyceld in their relevant recycling plants.All manufactured goods in all buildings as part of ghost towns,complexes as well as all rooms in hotels,motels and obsolete buildings ie schools,offices,supermarkets including abandoned ones will be scanned in with chipped parts,deformities and broken pieces corrected by the proto Pandora to make them whole and fully functional.They will be either recycled as in broken and old ones,traded on Euthenia for functioning ones or in the case of antiques kept or have the original owners tracked.All goods from both abandoned and obsolete ones will be scanned in with those kept in hotels etc will be scanned in during episodes by residents or unwanted furniture etc sent to community centres to be scanned in.Thus all manufactured products from hotels,motels,supermarkets,offices etc that are unwanted will be scanned in when sent to local community centres and then recycled or traded on Euthenia.Those from superfund sites and areas that suffered nuclear fallout will again be done in mobile buildings onsite using handheld scanners by people wearing protective gear and then sent to appropriate recycling plants in the area to prevent them contaminating the populace.If possible all of them will be irradiated to 1,00Gy or treated with narrow range UV light in buildings or on attachments to decontaminate them.Books,magazines,newspapers will be sent to community centres to be scanned into Pheme and Dionysus and then pyrolysised with movies and video games etc on discs and cartridges especially rare ones sent to community centres to be scanned into Dionysus and recycled.Again those in superfund ares and those near Chernobyl etc will be done onsite using hand held scanners and people wearing protective gear and will be instantly pyrolysised.Graffiti on walls etc will be done by having them scanned in the 3D photogrammetric map with AI separating all pieces of graffiti into these and also other networks in Hephaestus etc and or pictures can be taken of each individual piece.Photo albums,manufactured goods,media including home videos already taken from buildings will be scanned into the special features of specific features with urban explorers who already took items including documents and photos from abandoned sending them to the presenters by contacting them via the website when notified of its renovation or its episode is on Dionysus,scanning them into computers via handheld scanners or community centres and sending the material via email,returning them to the building or sending them to local community centres via mail,town halls/local government/historians,contacting the AI assistant who will then contact presenters etc to be sent via mail or even in person or them presenting the episodes themselves and scanning in the material at home or local community centres to ensure they are in the special features with them sent to the community centres of the area to be found by the original areas.The photos both before and after and even during renovations that were shown in the episode will be here in the form of different slideshows with those of it in its pristine condition.Hospitals,jails and buildings of legal significance will have their data in the form of patient records and legal documents and inmate records scanned in and uploaded into Themis,Aesculapius etc depending on what building it is as well as special features sections except patient records as these will be private to the patients except deceased ones.Large documents and pieces of paper will require handheld scanners or those attached to smart devices.Blueprints and documents will be stored in Daedalus etc and also special features.All buildings of all types whether abandoned or obsolete will have their blueprints tracked down and scanned in.Signs and placards will also be scanned in.Data on computers and hardrives etc will be uploaded to the relevant networks of the wire and special features sections via extracting the harddrives and connecting them to computers protected by the latest cybersecurity software to prevent viruses spreading with pornography either deleted or in the case of child pornography the computer sent to the police.Video games that are rare will be sent to Dionysus.Thus the special features will include all papers,diaries,notepads,photo albums,photos,home family videos etc and also digital files of all types from computers to house them in folders and subfolders to be analysed for crimes and also be viewable to the public whenever they want to preserve them and they will also be able to be zoomed in on and downloaded onto all devices with them viewed on smart televisions,linked e-newspapers and also smart devices.All paper files and documents and even photos as well as digital files on computers etc from both abandoned and obsolete buildings will be treated this way after exploration sections are filmed.These finished episodes and special features will be stored here labelled finished until Dionysus is set up and will then uploaded there.The long time for it to be uploaded will allow for them to go over and discuss everything one last time.These can be stored in these proto Dionysus networks alongside all projects going on at once or archives of the state station that does these shows to have many episodes uploaded in one go as seasons with the option of them also appearing in their countries national state broadcaster and stored in archives to be uploaded into Dionysus and then sent into networks to be edited and stored and they will eventually appear on Dionysus over the coming decades with if possible as a result of this entire seasons uploaded at once into the Dionysus networks due to them being backlogged and stored in proto Dinoysus or the networks used to create them.This is because it will take a long time to renovate skyscrapers,large abandoned buildings of all types as well as large corporate headquarters and offices in skyscrapers,ghost towns,mega hotels created by renovating islands of retail outlets as timelapses and real time shots and aerial shots of the buildings at various shots of renovation will be done thus an episodes length and time and thus time to edit it it is stored on proto Dionysus and archives to be then uploaded would be different for each one.All manufactured goods from both obsolete and abandoned buildings will be sent to community centres after exploration and tour scenes and before the rooms are mapped.All movies,video games,magazines etc will be uploaded into Pheme and Dionysus.All manufactured goods in both obsolete and abandoned buildings of all types will be scanned into Hephaestus in community centres with hyperlinks present in the special features to their file in this network with them either kept,traded on Euthenia or recycled.

I’m summation all materials such as photos,papers etc will be scanned into cloud networks and into the special features and sent to museums etc if of historical value with them pyrolysised If not with manufactured goods scanned into Hephaestus and again pyrolysised or recycled if of no historical value with them them if having historical value sent to local museums with in both cases photos taken if the item in its original resting place in the building and again after it is cleaned and sent up museums etc to be stored in the special features sections.If the manufactured food is to be kept then it will be cleaned,fixed etc and places in the building where the owner wishes.Theses will be scanned into Hephaestus with broken items have AI fill in the missing pieces with a hyperlink underneath the pictures in he special features sections to where it is present in Hephaestus.Books,magazines,newspapers and VHS tapes etc will have the material scanned into Pheme and missing pieces filed in and cleaned up by Aleitheia with again a picture of them stored in the special features section and a hyperlink to their page in Dionysus and Pheme.Historical material will be sent to museums and non historical material recycled.

These special features will be in an episodes subfolder with those for seasons being in a subfolder for each buildings and parks etc episodes and mega seasons having them in the subfolder for each season within them.

All obsolete and abandoned buildings will be scanned in to be used as a baseline for new buildings,movies etc and also for use in rennovating them after manufactured goods are scanned in.Mines will also be scanned in by nanoquadrocopters before exploration scenes are filmed with them used for save navigation with all buildings in ghost towns and abandoned and still functioning theme parks will be scanned in.Scanning in of buildings will take place after exploration and after all manufactured goods and files etc is scanned in and removed.Ideally fleets of nanoquadrocopters and humanoid and snake robots controlled by AI namely the universal assistant AI for programmes will work alongside them to prevent injury or death depending on their integrity with the map and any modified versions put into Daedalus with any missing walls etc added in by Pandora and furniture etc removed beforehand with a 3D photogrammetric map used by robots and humans to plan its restoration both while it is done and to plan what the final building and each room will look like and each step carried out by each human and robot present using VR or smart devices.Canvas software can be used and people can scan in rooms using smart devices.This mapping will be done after exploration of the building and sending manufactured goods as well as papers are sent to community centres to be scanned in and debris is recycled or even when all ivy and overgrowth is removed.This can as stated be done in the case of small buildings by one person using scanners or scanning software built into smart devices with the map saved on the device and transferred into laptops to be set to both proto Pandora and Daedalus.Drones would scan in the exterior of the building into the file.Larger buildings can be done with multiple people whose devices will be linked to each other and save each others progress at once into all devices or laptops stored in nearby vehicles without humans etc scanned in allowing them to do whole sections separately but have the entire buildings scanned in at once.The entire room will have to scanned including ceilings,floors etc with room scanners on tripods used in stable small buildings that scan each room at a time with progress fed into smart devices.Larger buildings especially entire complexes like hotels,hospitals,asylums will also be done by large groups of people and also large fleets of nanoquadrocopters that would again scan whole sections at once with the progress of each drone and human held device saved on the file of the linked devices with the drones having large memory cards or their progress sent wirelessly to the devices held by humans.These drones will alert humans as to their location when they reach doors to have them opened or ideally these would already be opened or removed since they will be replaced by newer kebonised ones with this done while rubbish and manufactured goods are cleared with them recycled or pyrolysised appropriately.All rooms will be scanned in alongside the roof and the exterior as well as any tunnels,secret passages as well as basements and attics with all buildings on the grounds such as sheds,barns etc also scanned in.Theme parks and ghost towns will have all buildings scanned in with the attractions scanned into a subsystem to be recreated in VR simulations as well as the unaltered buildings.Caves will be scanned in prior to exploration.The drones would have cameras on their top and underside that are 360 cameras to see and scan in all directions.They will once these are finished will scan the entire interior alongside the entire exterior.Having large fleets will allow for large buildings to be scanned in very quickly.The vehicle that the humans drove there in will ideally house a laptop with a large external hard drive attached to it and portable batteries that can be recharged quickly using solar panels and Storedot technology to charge it over and over again that will wirelessly stream and save the map scanned in by the devices held by humans and drones in real time with in time the vehicle being self driving,deploying the drones and nanoquadrocopters and them scanning the entire building at once with in all cases the exterior scanned in at once in the last go.In time biosynths modelled on humans,aves,arthropods will form part of scanning teams to remove the threat of death to humans with swarms of arthropod ones able to do all rooms quickly while human ones open and removed doors.Once sent to Daedalus this photogrammetric map will be deleted on the hard drives with the drones first controlled by humans and in time human and above human AI namely Home AIs,assistant AI etc with them able to locate humans and not crash into them by by being linked to smart devices.All rooms including basements,tunnels,secret passages and also attics will be scanned with the exterior scanned also with all buildings as part of complexes alongside sheds,barns etc and even the exterior will be scanned in.Ideally this will be done at daytime starting at dawn with camps and luxury motorhomes set outside the building that will allow at night time people involved sleep and then start again in the morning.The maps they have scanned in then can be used to locate the remaining areas they need to scan in with this then added to the full map they have scanned in so far.Drones could if they have the ability to switch automatically to IR illuminator cameras and these attached to gasmasks etc worn by humans will allow humans and drones to work at nighttime as well.If possible the exterior will be first scanned in by fleets drones of drones and this used to determine the size and area of the buildings interior thus allowing one to determine which remaining areas are to be scanned in thus allowing a percentage meter to be formed and allow one to find areas not scanned in.This should only take a few hours or less for small buildings with large complexes taking no more than a week.Drones especially nanoquadrocopters will play a key role in scanning in severely damaged buildings that need to be rebuilt.All of this can apply to obsolete buildings of all types such as schools,cinemas and also amenities that are refurbished to their former glory.Theme parks and ghost towns will have all buildings scanned at once or bit by bit by a combination of large fleets of drones and large groups of humans as each building will be a separate file with theme parks having attractions scanned in as well to be replicated in VR.The GPS location of the buildings will be noted.Large complexes will have all parts scanned in at once or bit by bit the same way.Ghost towns will have all building scanned in with complexes have all buildings scanned and ideally merged together.The holes in walls and ceilings etc will be filled in with debris etc removed with an unaltered map of the original kept for VR simulations in subsystems.All humans will wear Helite airbags,smart armour and graphene helmets to prevent serious injury due to falls with this done prior to renovations or demolition of severely damaged ones as well as renovation of gardens and after exploration sections are done with it also done after all manufactured goods,debris,rubbish and papers are cleared and sent to the nearest community centres in labelled boxes to be all scanned in.This will be possibly filmed for the episodes though may not be.The exploration will be scanned by AI that will re add all debris,rubbish and overgrowth for VR simulations with the original unaltered building stored in a subsystem in 3D photogrammetric form.Ghost towns and theme parks will have all buildings individually scanned and stored in Daedalus for this.This mapping will be done after exploration sections and all manufactured goods and papers are sent to community centres to be scanned in.It will done to preserve it for urban explorers,keep it for a baseline.Once modified the finished version will be scanned in for the same reason and stored n the building AI as its maps.

Types of buildings:
Jails,hospitals,police stations,remaining amenities(churches,theatres,opera houses),remaining airports,courts,universities,subways,taxi ranks,,bus stations,train station,restaurants,bars,nightclubs,community halls and centres etc and all types of amenities and public buildings and those for the functioning of infrastructure such as water,sewage and waste treatment plants etc that are still functioning will have there own episodes or even seasons detailing luxury refurbishments,addition of roof/side/underground extensions,addition of automation/robots etc,addition of suites and in the case of universities detail creation of labs from classrooms,creations of office/suite hybrids for researchers and addition of suites for tourists as well as amenities and converting obsolete schools into communal homes and have buildings as part of seasons and mega seasons follow the universal template with restaurants renovated into universal brands will also done in episodes following the template.All parts of these buildings such as toilets,hallways etc will be given luxury refurbishments.Community halls can have extensions to house suites and living areas for tourists and those that maintain them and luxury refurbishments.Suites and living spaces for tourists and those that maintain them in extensions on the side,roof and underground in opera houses,theatres,churches,museums,historical libraries and historical breweries as well as nightclubs and bars still remaining and refurbishments and measures to automate them will be covered in episodes.Hospitals will have offices of staff or side,underground and roof extensions to house office/venetian suite hybrids for remaining staff used in rotation for the night before and during shifts with as much as fifty suites added.Universities can have again office/venetian suite hybrids,new laboratories and amenities in side,roof and underground extensions or obsolete areas such as classrooms and new buildings charted in episodes alongside other luxury renovations.All of buildings in episodes will show them rennovated to luxury standards,adding suites,amenities and also automated features such as robots etc.For restaurants it will involve those being converted into multi-storey buildings that house all franchises and construction of them.For nightclubs it will cover both existing ones rennovated but also those that are abandoned turned into homes and newly functioning ones.For sewage etc treatment plants it will involving adding automated features etc.

Airports and train stations that will have luxury lounges put in place of retail outlets and other luxury refurbishments will be covered in episodes.Also episodes will be done of the creation of botanical gardens and parks in the place of obsolete airports turned into botanical gardens.Bus,train stations renovated to luxury standards,addition of lounges and suites and automated draw tyres etc will be charted in episodes.All parts of these buildings such as toilets,hallways etc will be given luxury refurbishments.This will also cover digging up of gardens in place of tarmac,setting up automated multistorey carparks and adding automated features and also removing obsolete features as well as installing solar panels,VAWTs,batteries,geothermal heating as well as heating and electrical generation via thermo-piezoelectric material covered pipes etc.The setting up of restaurant streets and refurbishment of branded ones into universal luxury brands and creation of a multistorey building from new or existing ones will also be charted in each town with restaurants refurbished or turned into homes etc will have their history charted.All of these will be charted in episodes and seasons etc.These will be done by the people who work there and will follow the universal template and end with the unveiling of the universal marble statues.

Abandoned cinemas,theatres,opera houses especially historical ones renovated to their former glory and addition of suites will also be covered in episodes.These abandoned theatres and opera houses will also suites and living spaces added to house actors during renditions etc.With regards to cinemas they will have extensions to be turned into communal homes with one or two of the screens of the cinemas restored to their former glory to view movies via Dionysus with this of note to historical cinemas with normal cinemas converted into communal homes and have luxury refurbishments.Still functioning theatres and opera houses will house extensions to permanent living spaces etc for actors during renditions and given luxury refurbishments with cinemas turned into communal homes.

Graveyards and crypts converted into memorial gardens and woodlands will have episodes produced charting their creation following the universal template.Community farms will also have episodes charting their creation in disused backlots etc.

The demolition of dams worldwide may have their own episodes that charts the history,the planning of the decommissioning,timelapse and normal rate of flow demolition of them and the reconstruction of the submerged land and all parts of the river.This should supply another 57,000 episodes.Episodes on each dam can focus on the history of the dam,planning of the demolition,interviews with locales and historians as well as workers there,its demolition,restoration of the land including timelapse and normal rate of flow demolition of them and the reconstruction of the submerged land and all parts of the river and all ceramonies with locales creating them and it stored in Dionysus to ensure the history and demolition of all dams are charted for historical purposes.Scenes of its demolition and even the dam in its original state including tours of the interior and exterior and the upstream and downstream river can be filmed by locales,AI,demolition teams using drones,cameras used to film movies and then stored in networks and used later on and edited in a professional manner with scenes detailing the history dam and river etc filmed later or earlier on with each episode anywhere in between two or ten hours long with rivers with multiple dams have them in seasons detailing each ones history and demolition.Presenters consisting of locales forming teams will be informed by demolition and energy corporations and state bodies of its destruction thus giving them time to do tours in its unaltered state,give them tours and also background information,history,blueprints etc and interview locales,historians and remaining working and can include locale actors playing out scenes detailing their history,construction and key events before,during and after the dams construction in VR simulations etc with the history of the river and locale area including towns,villages and cities powered by them charted and scenes acted out of the river carried with.The interior and exterior will be scanned in to preserve them in VR simulations and media.Each dam and its river will follow the universal template with tour sections done at the start of the episodes involving tours of the interior of the dam and the actual top of the dam ie the actual part of the dam that workers walk along and vehicles drive across across the river with drones doing aerial visual shots of the entire dam and the drones will also do tours of most of the river such as areas flooded above the dam and parts of the river below the dam.The history section will detail the history of the dam such as its construction ,impotant events and also history of the river it is on as well as possibly history of the towns,villages,cities etc.The outro tour will have drones tour the river especially where the dam stood etc to see the rejuvenated river in its pristine state once all land upstream is reforested.Rivers with multiple dams such as the Euphrates and Tigris rivers will be in seasons with episodes for each dam following the universal template charting each dams history,tours and demolition etc with each one filmed at the same or different time depending on the schedule of demolition.Some dams will have buildings next to them turned into private or communal homes with sections of the sides turned into buildings.Waiting until 2029 to start the program and demolition will also allow time for them to be advanced enough to plan out replacement hydro systems with again automation being again advanced enough to carry these out without human labour and be sophisticated to plant them out in ways that dont effect the environment and allow VR indistinguishable for reality be advanced enough to film history scenes and tours,research,interviews etc prior to demolition.The conversion of nuclear,fossil fuel power plants into geothermal ones will also be done following the universal template.

Existing demolished buildings and complexes can also be a source of new homes.AI namely proto and final Daedalus and Euthenia will scan YouTube,Wikipedia and all news websites for the names of all demolished buildings since the beginning of the 20th century if not earlier and will use all known YouTube videos,blueprints and other documents etc as well as even maps online to reconstruct the building and have it replaced in its original form using the maps and Aphrodite to preserve it.These will be placed in a sub network of Daedalus.Ideally they would be done in place of its original standing or in bare areas in towns an cities around the world or even in ghost towns that are repopulated.This would include demolished hotels,mansions,motels,shopping malls,hospitals,apartment blocks,hospitals and other obsolete buildings to be converted into communal homes with buildings like the Southwark towers,Grenfell Tower,Chateau Miranda,Mesen Castle,Stardust/Alladins Gold/Sands/Riviera Casinos,Beverly Hills Ambassador Hotel and the World Trade Centre as well as all buildings destroyed on 9/11 and others around the world will be replicated in other cities ideally in ghost towns and cities or even on the outskirts of towns and in place of shanty towns and slums and low quality council estates in cities around the world.Hospitals,shopping malls etc will be made into communal homes with the same shape and exterior.In the case of the Riviera,Stardust,Beverley Hills Ambassador Hotel these should be rebuilt in the original city they were in ideally if they can in their original place or near it in any spare places as well as in the outskirts and even in place of demolished low quality housing and any other vacant lots with the Twin Towers built in place of demolished ghettos and slums of Manhattan in New York or in other cities.Having the Twin Towers built in the place of ghettos etc will be done when all people in these areas have moved into better accommodation and ideally done close to the One World Trade Centre with the same done for the Stardust/Alladins Gold/Sands/Riveria Casinos with those like Chateau Miranda,Mesen Castle and even Grenfell Tower and also mansions and shopping malls would ideally be built in the same place.Malls such as the Rolling Acres Mall,Randall Park Mall that were demolished can be added for a baseline using all YouTube videos and maps on the internet for as stated a baseline to create new communal homes with about twenty floors and automated multistorey carpark added with gardens around them and can be in the same place as the original building or in an area in any city around the world especially in place of demolished low quality housing and slums.All types of buildings that could be used as communal homes,or those that had historical value especially castles,mansions,palaces,headquarters of corporations,offices,hospitals,council flats and even those to be converted into private homes worldwide will be rebuilt with this even including factories/schools/hotels/malls/hospitals/casinos/offices/castles etc with private homes by themselves will be replicated.Historical jails,gyms will be rebuilt as communal homes.Historical amenities and other buildings such as opera houses and theatres etc will be rebuilt in episodes with amenities such as these rebuilt to their former glory and use for their original purposes.The buildings that should be rebuilt should be those of historical values as in those built prior to the middle half of the twentieth century,where important events took place,are mansions,have familial value to the original owners,can be used as communal homes,have unique architecture.These will be ideally be replicated as accurately as possible using videos online of news reports and movies,urban explorers utilising Aphrodite,blueprints etc and will be done by at least 2029-2035 when robotics and AI can allow all work to be done without any human labour with them also having a plaque detailing their and the the original buildings history.As stated they will ideally be rebuilt in their original place,on the outskirts of the city they resided,in place of demolished slums and ghettos or even in ghost towns and neighbourhoods revitalised.These will be organised by professional presenters,celebrities and also government entities.Ideally they should be built in the same place or as close as possible to their original location in the same city,vacant lots,the outskirts or if not in other cities nearby in the same state or region such as in ghost towns and even on different colonies.If need be low quality housing and also rows of abandoned homes and buildings of no real historical or familial value in the same city,state or even country will be demolished to make way for it.All buildings will be modified to suit the current needs ie hotels and casinos will have at least an extra twenty floors to compensate for the universal Venetian suite size with all communal homes derived from skyscrapers,schools etc have this done with mansions and other smaller homes have roof,side and underground extensions with them all having luxury furnishes both indoors and outdoors and in the garden with balconies and terraces added.The unique exterior architecture will be recreated with interior architecture also recreated as much as possible with unique rooms ie lobbies,suites and observation decks etc recreated to their original state with unique internal structures etc such as trusses and support columns etc recreated as well.The buildings will utilise more aesthetically pleasing materials and also stable ones and will have non toxic fireproofing material added and in the case of those destroyed by firs,terrorist attacks,earthquakes etc will have fatal flaws corrected ie have them fitted with earthquake proof materials etc.Grenfell for example can be rebuilt in the same area as the original with Venetian style suites and amenities on the ground floor with the exterior brightly coloured,has balconies and is more aesthetically pleasing with the buildings retaining the same architectural style in a modern look.They will also have underground extensions and roof extensions of at least fifty to a hundred floors added to house more people.Steel mills and other buildings composed of entirely of rusting and dull steel will If the same city has an area of unused buildings that have no historical value and are small and not tall for use as communal homes or areas of small retail outlets of no historical value then these can be demolished and used for the rebuilding of the historical building with emptied low quality housing estates and even suburbs also used for this once demolished with those closest to the city centre used with this done when the occupants have moved out to more luxury housing with these organised by government officials and also AI namely Daedalus.Daedalus will scour YouTube and Wikipedia as well as the entire internet for demolished mansions,casinos,hotels,theatres,shopping malls,factories and also large private homes and use Aphrodite to scan all of the videos of the interior and exterior of buildings done by urban explorers on YouTube,blueprints and maps etc using all of these to recreate them in full and any missing parts filled in by Daedalus including his proto AI with them stored in Daedalus database an area of Euthenia for demolished buildings to be recreated by new homeowners or presenters to create episodes of them and then the final product in this case advertised in Euthenia once built.It will also scour the internet for maps and photos to accurately recreate them.The Euthenia AI will add all demolished buildings of all types including theatres etc to this area and include again bullet points on history,blueprints online etc and all videos of exploration on YouTube into them and them sent to the vacant area once built with these done when presenters are bored with them ideally started when robots are fully capable of doing most if not all work by 2029.These buildings would like others will be in the case of casino/hotels,shopping malls and skyscrapers like the Twin Towers have AI divide them into equal mini apartments of the Venetian standard to be booked by people beforehand before they are even built in networks visible to everyone to book and design spaces with excess designed by AI and other residents and members of the public before a certain time period with mansions and castles etc rebuilt as they are and then booked by members of the public beforehand or after construction with all of these mansions and castles replicated as they were.These demolished buildings will be part of the program with their own episodes and seasons as they are rebuilt following the universal template with the same applying to severely abandoned buildings that had to be demolished and rebuilt as the episode will detail the rebuilding of them and the history of the original building in their own episode with snippets of live news and old footage and even YouTube videos of people there detailing their original buildings manufacture,opening and closing days,snippets of live news detailing events that took place there,history,demolition/destruction,timelapse of them being built over months and years,snippets of the buildings interior prior to them being abandoned with exploration sections replaced with existing exploration videos on YouTube of famous urban explorers such as Dan Bell,Exploring with Racheal etc used for the exploration sections with these possibly being the presenters for episodes detailing their recreation with this applying to all types of demolished abandoned and obsolete buildings rebuilt with these ideally built in place of or nearest to the original building or in a nearby area of the same city such as in the outskirts of new and existing cities.Thus ideally exploration sections will involve existing videos on YouTube by existing urban explorers prior to their demolition.If possible the urban explorer’s who did these videos will be contacted as presenters.Tours and explorations done in VR simulations and tours done on computers can be used in place of tours and exploration sections with outro tours and collages done upon completion.In case of buildings destroyed prior to the rise of urban exploring then any home videos present on YouTube can be used as well.If possilbe VR technology and photogrammetric technology can be used to recreate the building in its original state prior to demoliton or even prior to abandonment to allow the presenter to explore it in these and this used as the exploration section again in the case of buildings destroyed or demolished prior to the rise of urban exploration.Live news reports on its destruction and demolishing and even amateur footage of this and also timelapse photos of it s construction can be used from Pheme,YouTube and also archives of stations for history sections.VR technology can be used to recreate major events.They will have episodes that follow the universal template with them rebuilt ideally in the same area where they were originally and if possible in different places in the same city with as stated their history charted including their demolition and destruction and reactments of key events there with them using more aesthetically pleasing materials such as kebonised wood or stronger ones such as graphene infused self healing foamcrete as well as steel with graphene paint painted on them.Any structures such as gazebos,pools and sheds etc placed at the same distance and location in relation to the original and each other.In the case of Sandy Hook Elementary school the school in its place will be turned into a communal home in its own episode or season with the history section detailing the events of the 2012 shooting including reconstructions.The Sands Hotel will be rebuilt in Las Vegas near to where it was and will detail its history and some of the history of the Venetian.The Beverly Ambassador Hotel will also be rebuilt as close to where it was as possible if need be in vacant lots or even tearing down old abandoned buildings of no historical or familial value with the events such as Robert F. Kennedys assassination recreated.This will also have the Coconut Grove and all rooms replicated to what they were originially.This will apply to all buildings.Buildings built in place of famous demolished ones that are obsolete or abandoned themselves will detail the history of the original building in a short part of the history section.Malls rebuilt will use the same structure as a baseline with the centres filled in,railings not added and shops extended outwards.The same will apply with the case of obsolete buildings already built in the place of existing historical buildings that were abandoned and demolished such as the case of the Beverly Hills Ambassador Hotel,Rolling Acres Mall,Randall Park Mall,Owings Mill Mall etc with the history of the original hotel,presidents that visited it,people who died there,movies and television shows etc filmed there and also the history of the buildings put in place of it with efforts also done to recreate the buildings using Aphrodite using photos and YouTube videos etc,original maps and blueprints.If possible even the Sands Hotel and Casino will be rebuilt right next to the Venetian or or in any available space.All work will likely be automated by the time they are rebuilt in 2029 with timelapse videos for the buildings reconstruction used in the episodes and them then advertised on Euthenia.Even demolished neighbourhoods can be rebuilt in the same place in or countries with the same layout and position with the land that the originally occupied it reforested as far back as possible.Exploration and tour sections of these will involve those already on YouTube done by urban explorers and also using old found family videos as well as old commercials etc downloaded from YouTube done prior to their demolition.Amenities especially theatres and apartment blocks that have been demolished will be rebuilt in episodes returned to their original use in the case of historic ones and those converted into homes will also be covered in the same manner in episodes – their history,renovations and also them being used by the public and also the new residents in the case of those converted to their original use with these built in the same place.Thus all demolished buildings of all types such as casinos,hotels,mansions,factories,offices and all buildings of all types will be rebuilt in their home city,ghost towns or in the exact spot they originally occupied if possible covered in their own episodes following the universal template with them have their history from original building,use,demolition/destruction charted and the rebuilding covered with existing exploration videos by urban explorers used for exploration sections with them following all possible parts of the universal template.The buildings will be rebuilt as they were exactly and will in the case of those used as communal homes have Venetian style suits and also roof extensions to add extra rooms with other ones having roof,side and underground extensions to make them more spacious.They will be be made of the same or different more aesthetically pleasing materials.The exploration videos via Aphrodite and also blueprints,maps etc online and in archives will be used to rebuild them.Factories,offices,schools and casinos etc will be rebuilt as communal homes with extra roof extensions of at least twenty to hundred floors with those built as private homes have side,roof and underground extensions to make them more spacious with demolished neighbourhoods and villages also rebuilt as they were ideally in their original place with all homes having roof,side and underground extensions.

Severely damaged and unstable buildings ie those built on unstable lands such as landfills that cause methane rupturing the foundations or those who renovations would be too costly,time consuming,impractical,too dangerous etc can have their interior and exterior scanned into Daedalus or the subsytem using nanoquadrocopters,smart devices and drones modelled on animals and humans with missing walls and roofs filled in via Pandora,furniture etc removed and the building demolished and then rebuilt using the exact blueprints and scanned in map with the original and modified versions saved on Daedalus.This can include shopping malls that will be scanned into Daedalus to be replicated elsewhere,thus if the building is on shakey foundations like a landfill then the building will scanned into Daedalus to be built elsewhere while it is demolished and the land rectified ie those on landfills then once the building is demolished the landfill will be dug up and material recycled by robotics and the land reforested with the building rebuilt somewhere else or ideally in its original place.If they can be salvaged or not the basement or any other areas will have water pumped out of them with simulations done using AI as to whether the building should be demolished or not.Those damaged by earthquakes,fires and other natural disasters that have to be rebuilt once demolished will be covered in episodes.This would be of note to to communal homes an those for historical value with simulations done beforehand as to the best means to renovate them without injury and death and if possible graphene sheets and scaffolding will be put on the ground while the walls and floors,ceilings as well as walls are strengthened or replaced with new ones that have hempcrete and fireproof fungi(or these can be pumped into stable ones) key support columns have new ones composed of the original material mixed with graphene/carbyne nanotubes and sheets built right next to them to allow the original worn ones to be replaced and demolished.If possible each sections could be demolished bit by bit and then rebuilt exactly as it was bit by bit.This would allow for the rebuilding to be more accurate with modification ie removal of piping,machinery and also creation of suites etc.Simulations and planning of renovations will be more organised using scanned in maps.Exploration sections will be done with the same precautions as other buildings with existing YouTube videos referenced for where dangerous sections are with nanquadrocopters also used to explore and scan in no go unsafe areas and the building scanned in using drones combined with humans.These drones will also scan in the interior and exterior for the map used to rebuild the building.Rebuilding them as they were in the exact same spot and the same architecture style would be done to use and preserve their unique layout and architecture to be utilised for unique private and communal homes and to preserve the main buildings architecture and history etc with the scanned in modified version used as a baseline for other homes.The scanned in versions will be rebuilt as it is to preserve it for Agoge training and also for its original use ie hospitals etc.Rebuilding should be done primarily using automated machinery and robotics and as stated would be where the building originally stood with those in superfund and heavily contaminated areas would have them rebuilt years later once bioremediation programmes are finished.The holes in walls and ceilings etc will be filled in with debris etc removed with an unaltered map of the original kept for VR simulations.Each would however be made of more aesthetically pleasing materials and also stable ones that would last longer like kebonised wood,self healing foamcrete,graphene painted steel,non toxic fungi insulation and other non toxic insulation and have them divided into the universal Venetian suite with them having extensions on the side,roof and underground in the case of small homes to make them more spacious and in the case of shopping malls and casinos will have at least twenty to hundred floors and the AI dividing them into the suites etc on all floors and filling in centres.Those made of brick will be rebuilt using bricks,those made of wood will be rebuilt using kebonised,everwood wood with steel ones rebuilt using either steel in the case of skyscrapers with blast furnaces and factories possibly rebuilt using self healing foamcrete,graphene trusses and kebonised wood.Ideally most if not all of this would be done by automation and AI between 2020-2029.It will also allow for the exploration scenes filmed prior to its demolishing to be used in before/after collages with the buildings toured aftwards.Buildings like steel mills etc that are composed of worn down and rusting steel will once explored and scanned in will have them demolished and made of kebonised,everwood wood and also other materials in the same layout.These will be charted over single episodes for small buildings with larger buildings having seasons wherein the renovation of each buildings parts will be charted ie casinos,skyscrapers and hotels will chart the renovation of each floor,each suite etc by those who booked them and also amenities and each part of the building.The history of the building will be charted like other ones with the original building explored added in exploration section with its demolition and rebuilding charted in the episodes.If need be only a small section mainly the most severely damaged sections will be demolished and then rebuilt with other parts renovated with this done primarily with robotics and automation and in the case of complexes that consist of separate buildings badly damaged buildings separate from others will be scanned in,demolished and rebuilt.Those already demolished or have had parts demolished like the Kings Park Psychiatric Centre will have these rebuilt as part of renovations of the rest of the complex and buildings in seasons and or episodes with urban exploration videos and blueprints used as reference with the history of the original building covered in episodes if they or parts of still standing ones need to be will be demolished with the exploration videos on YouTube used.Unstable and unsafe structures will be cut down using robots using high heat flames while humans are away from the vicinity of where it could collapse and them and other robots directing its trajectory with also in the case of large ones large strong helicopters can have graphene ropes connected to a large magnet or claw like appendage that pulls it away to here it can be flown to deserted areas that can allow it to be be recycled safetly.This would include those on the grounds buildings that are heavily rusted but the building itself wont be demolished and will be done when the area is free of any humans to prevent casualties.Advances in AI means that even helicopters can already be autonomous with it interacting with drones encircling the area to know when it is removed.Damaged buildings in ghost towns and also theme parks will be scanned in with the exact GPS location of each of the buildings noted in the subsystem with an entire map created by drones scanning the area and also satellites and even Brauron will be stored with each buildings location noted both in GPS and also a map of the entire city.When demolished buildings are rebuilt the history of the original building will be detailed alongside videos of its exploration prior to demolition and both its demolition and rebuilding will all be charted in its episodes with timelapses done of all rebuilding.Exploration sections will thus be done before demolition and existing videos will be used to determine areas to avoid and where to take care with simulations done as to the viability of not renovating the building without demolition but if too damaged and dangerous then existing exploration videos online will be used with if need be them done with the videos acting as a guide to where there are dangerous parts with the explorers using drones to explore off limit areas.Like all abandoned buildings exploration sections will require them to wear graphene helmets as well as Helite airbags and smart armour in their clothing done before demolition.Drones ideally nanoquadrocopter should map these buildings negating the need for humans to do so with humans only scanning parts of the building that are stable and opening certain doors.The map will be used as it is to plan the rebuilding with the software filling in gaps such as broken walls and flooring recreating the original building as best as possible and storing this on Daedalus to then be modified once rebuilt and replicated elsewhere with this used alongside the original unaltered damaged map of the building by the robots and human labourers.These buildings will still be explored with great care.Rebuilding the structure as they were in the exact same spot will be done to preserve the original buildings layout and unique architecture with this done using foamcrete infused with graphene nanotubes or steel covered in graphene paint and sheets to allow the buildings to have more floors.The rebuilding should be done on the site of the original building with most work done by automated machinery to reduce labour costs and death and would be an exact replica except with modifications done to create hotel style suites etc without any piping,machinery and other blockages present that would have been removed anyways with extensions.The original map will be saved on a subsystem with all machinery,rust,piping,graffiti etc in it with these then removed for the second map that is altered by removing these and dividing areas into suites etc with as stated new more aesthetically pleasing and durable materials alongside non toxic insulation and fireproofing materials used to rebuild it with kebonised wood or graphene infused self healing foamcrete or even steel covered in graphene paint used with extensions on the roof,side and underground added to make them bigger and more spacious and house rooms for tourists and make the suites the universal Venetian suite.Extensions on the roof,side and underground will also be used.Those in areas prone to earthquakes etc will be given modifications to be resilient against them.This could apply to large buildings used as communal homes,private homes and even those in ghost towns and neighbourhoods and theme parks etc with the damaged buildings scanned in,demolished and rebuilt using the original map with roof,side and underground extensions using kebonised everwood treated wood etc.Ideally drones should scan them in.All land would be reforested as far back as possible and bioremediation techniques applied especially in areas that are superfund sites with all ornamental and crop plants etc fitted with DNA from plants and animals that passively break down toxins.As stated the exploration sections would be filmed prior to demolition with the demolition and rebuilding charted in the episodes with the original map kept as a baseline and the modified versions used to create the desired communal style home layout.After explorations are done then the building will be scanned inside and out for use in rebuilding it by both drones and humans with flooded areas have water pumped out to get them scanned.The exploration would be done as usual before removal of material present such as papers and manufactured products to be scanned in with the exploration section used in before and after transitions and collages of the new building.All material will be recycled with ideally all manufactured products removed to be scanned into Hephaestus in community centres and recycled with papers,diaries,albums etc sent to community centres to be scanned into the special features of the episode with this done prior to the buildings interior and exterior is scanned and demolition via automated machinery and robots.Rebuilding them will be done The 3D photogrammetric map scanned prior to demolition will be used to preserve graffiti etc and use the building for Agoge training.Thus explorations sections will be filmed,manufactured goods and papers sent to community centres and maps scanned in using ideally fleets of drones and then the building demolished and rebuilt.Buildings and complexes that had parts demolished in the past will have them rebuilt using blueprints and Aphrodite scanning YouTube videos during renovations covered in episodes.Low quality houses and buildings that are small will be scanned in and them then demolished and the land reforested,used for farms or have large communal style homes built in their place.Buildings that were demolished in the past such as shopping malls,casinos from Las Vegas,The World Trade Centre etc when rebuilt will have the originals buildings history charted with even demolished abandoned buildings rebuilt in their own episodes with all of these recreated using Aphrodite scanning urban explorer videos as well as blueprints.All buildings especially large buildings that could be used as communal homes such as factories/schools/hospitals/hotels/malls/casinos/offices etc ,mansions or those that had historical value will be rebuilt with even small private homes rebuilt with extensions.For these its destruction and demoltion alongside it being rebuilt will be charted with timelapse videos of the construction showed.They would be rebuilt in the exact same spot,same city in vacant lots,outskirts or even in different cities such as ghost towns though ideally they should be rebuilt near to their original place with them also in offworld colonies.If possible tightly packed small ones will be merged together and given roof extensions to make them sizeable hotel and apartment style buildings.Ideally all of them will be scanned in prior with missing walls etc filled in and them stored both in the folders for the building they were originally ie hospital,jail,power plant and those of private and communal homes within Daedalus with modified versions produced by the public saved alongside the originals.Ones that were demolished can be scanned in with Aphrodite using YouTube videos,photos and maps from the internet to recreate already demolished ones.All other buildings will have them scanned into Daedalus before renovations for jails,theme parks,power plants etc into their sectors in Daedalus and also when they are remodelled by fleets of aerial drones including the exterior with others like schools scanned into homes as a baseline.Having them scanned into Daedalus will allow them to be edited on Pandora once booked and the original and all versions made by the public can be put in Daedalus as a baseline and extra buildings.Thus all abandoned buildings of all types will be renovated to the same standard as luxury penthouses,mansions and hotels with kebonised wood,precious gems,ornamental rocks,bioprinted leather,ornate furniture etc while still preserving the buildings architectural style for the very poor from ghettos,council housing estates and slums who move into them with them covered in episodes of the single global programme.The renovations of all types of obsolete abandoned buildings will follow the same patterns as renovations in their non abandoned versions as detailed later.Thus damaged buildings will be explored,then have papers and goods scanned in and then recycled with the building scanned in with nanoquadrocopters and people inside and out,demolished and then rebuilt in the same place with the same layout only modified to suit its purpose ie large areas turned into suites and other modifications as seen in other abandoned buildings and would be composed of stronger durable and more aesthetically pleasing material ie kebonised wood,graphene paint coated steel,graphene nanotube infused foamcrete covered in their own episodes following the universal template with the demolition and its rebuilding charted.In their episodes they will be explored prior to being demolished and the new building in its place will be toured.

Private homes that were demolished against the owners wishes or those of dead next of kin and abandoned ones etc will also be rebuilt and covered in episodes with even demolished theatres and opera houses rebuilt.This will include mansions and homes of historical value.These would be rebuilt using fresh,strong and aesthetic material like kebonised wood,bricks,graphene infused foamcrete and will be covered in episodes.AI will scour YouTube,Google,Wikipedia and other parts of the internet including the Wayback Machine for all demolished buildings since the beginning of the 20th century and set up areas in Daedalus and also the networks of Restoration Nation listing their important information ie their location,date of creation,important events that occurred their,original owners,destruction and demolition date etc with it also sending maps and YouTube videos to both networks.

Buildings that have been damaged by fires,earthquakes,tornadoes,tsunamais,hurricanes and other disasters and even terrorist attacks in the past and future can be restored through renovations or even demolishing them and rebuilding them from scratch as they were will be covered in episodes with the universal template with exploration sections done using existing videos online as well as using drones especially nanoquadrocopters with these also scanning in the building to use as template map with original blueprints also used.This can apply to holy buildings,amenities,communal and private homes,historical buildings etc and would be done to restore them to their former glory with obsolete buildings renovated into communal or private homes.These buildings can include churches,museums,chemical plants,power plants refineries alogside private and communal homes.Older buildings that were burnt to the ground in the past will be rebuilt in episodes in the same city or country or even exact spot.This could even include the restoration of The Notre Dame with filming of the restoration done by local or international presenters and then other parts of the universal template filmed later.Other buildings or villages of historical value that are undergoing restoration efforts in order to help them survive the coming millenia will be filmed in episodes.

All famous mosques,churches and also even cities destroyed by The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant and Al-Qaeda will be covered in episodes and seasons wherein they are rebuilt using the same materials from ancient times such as sandstone,concrete etc but them covered in a layer of liquid glass etc to survive millenia without maintenance with them also composed of self healing concrete.3D concrete printers and also milling robots will be used to recreate them with blueprints and also archival footage used to recreate them as perfectly as possible with even statues present in Mosul Museum that were destroyed also recreated this way.Other buildings from ancient times destroyed by other terrorist groups,governments and natural and manmade disasters.Ideally these cities and buildings will be recreated in the exact same place and as stated would have episodes and seasons following the universal template.These cities would be reinhabited by locales and given wifi,electricity once connected to the grid and connected to sewage lines etc.

All wonders of the ancient world can be rebuilt in their own seasons and episodes following the template with them built in their exact same place or near to it with them designed via both the materials used and placement ensuring they will not be destroyed by earthquakes etc.Any famous buildings across the world even in modern times that were demolished or destroyed by fires,natural disasters and even bombings will be rebuilt in the ir exact spot to their full specifications using blueprints etc in seasons or episodes following the universal template.

Low quality housing estates that are severely decaying of small homes with no historical value and those not taken back by the original owners ie mainly suburban small homes in areas like Detroit this on the outskirts and indeed all towns and cities around the world can be demolished and the land reforested with existing urban prairies and vacant lots in cities around the world also reforested or turned into community farms and parks with buildings scanned into Daedalus internally and externally using drones and humans.The material will be recycled with dead trees cut down and pyrolysised alongside using lawnmowers,machinery and even grazing animals and glysophate to kill off overgrowth and weeds to allow newer younger trees,shrubs,wildflowers to be put in place with all roads except for main roads and pavement dug up to be reforested with if possible main roads diverted and reforested also.All dead organic matter will be pyrolysised.The buildings would be searched for any manufactured products and also personal belongings ie photo albums,heirlooms etc that will be scanned into Hephaestus,Polis etc once sent to local community centres to track down the owners.Owners who wish to return to their old home and keep them including those lost since 2008 and those of historical and familial value can do so by them and locales contacting the local government to preserve them with all other houses demolished and the land around them reforested with the same applying to those of some historical value.These will also have extensions on the roof/side/underground,luxury refurbishments made inside and out as well as extensions to make them bigger covered in episodes with gardens renovated with pools etc.Members of the public will be given a specific amount of time to book the buildings on these streets either one or more that will be merged together once renovated to make them miniature mansions with all other homes demolished and the land reforested.Abandoned homes in between other ones still occupied will be either demolished and the land used for community or home gardens,refubished and traded on Euthenia or they will be renovated and absorbed into nearby homes as extensions to make them miniature mansions.Having the land reforested would improve air quality and provide food for the locales and also improve scenery as well as air quality,provide shelter for animals with native species after using the Phanes method moved back into the area and a place for wild bee nests to form that would pollinate flowers and crops in community and home gardens with if big enough would cover large tracts of the old decaying suburbs.These areas will be reforested with all native trees,shrubs and ferns etc as far back as possible in a randomised fashion to other exisitng woodlands  with even farmland also reforested thus making them large forests thus allowing for proper drainage in flash floods and protection from storms and hurricanes both in terms of drainage and slowing down the wind.It would also provide the area with woodlands for hiking.In large cities it will negate the urban heat island effect as cool air will be able to rush into the the forests and then into the surrounding cities.Furthermore it will play a role in carbon sequestration battling climate change with the land first used by Bambusoideae,hemp and fast growing willow engineered to take in extra carbon dioxide as well as even methane with Bambusoideae rejuvenating the soil.These of course would be pyrolysised after harvested and thus remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere in the form of diamonds,graphene,fertiliser for crops with this done alongside those plantations across the world both in the wild and also in greenhouses until levels of carbon dioxide return to the pre industrial levels of 250ppm.At this point native trees that are hybrids to produce nuts and fruits will be planted in there covering not just the demolished suburbs but all outlaying wilderness surrounding the city stretching as far as possible providing food for the locale and make them self self sufficient.It would cut down on the amount of buildings to be renovated and covered in episodes since there is so much decaying low quality homes in these areas(31,000 alone in Detroit) with locales moving into other more historical obsolete and abandoned buildings with these areas having lower populations due to emigration.Thus all areas of low quality housing that is decaying especially in the developed world will be demolished especially whole neighbourhoods as it will allow the land to be reforested to improve air quality,combat blight,cut down on the amount of episodes especially if whole neighbourhoods and thousands of decaying homes and other buildings are destroying and provide these areas with fruit and nuts especially if these are hybrids of native trees.Areas in cities like Detroit that have large areas of blight will be demolished and reforested to surrounding wilderness with all roads dug up as part of this once the buildings and all manufactured products are scanned in and recycled.Only large and historical homes in these areas and those who the original owner wants to keep it and have side,roof and underground extensions,merged with nearby ones say three or more merged together to form mansions with multiple mansions created on street in each episode and luxury refurbishments will be renovated with severely damaged private home neighbourhoods demolished to make way for forests that stretch out as far as possible to existing forests.Only large and historical homes in these areas and those who the original owner wants to keep it and have side,roof and underground extensions,merged with nearby ones say three or more merged together to form mansions with multiple mansions created on street in each episode and luxury refurbishments will be renovated with severely damaged private home neighbourhoods demolished to make way for forests that stretch out as far as possible to existing forests.This demolishing will be done for severely decaying homes that cause blight.The work in demolishing and reforestation can also be automated and thus all small low quality decaying abandoned homes in all suburbs and city centres worldwide would be demolished once scanned into Daedalus and the personal belongings inside sent to community centres to be retrieved by the original owners and allow manufactured goods also recycled and scanned into Hephaestus before being recycled.Scanning the buildings into Daedalus would be done by drones and also humans in order to preserve their architecture with AI readding any missing wall etc and removing debris and graffiti with a version of them saved a subsystem for urban explorers.All manufactured products left behind will be scanned into Hephaestus and then recycled.If possible all manufactured products will be sent to community centres to be scanned and the debric removed to be recycled and then the building scanned in using both drones and humans using scanners by hand by volunteers and teams paid by the local government to make this process more efficient.Having large teams do this paid by the local government will make this quicker and allow the architecture of each building and the manufactured products to be preserved with entire streets and neighbourhoods taking at least  week with the demolishing of the homes and recycling of material being automated.All roads and pavements as part of these areas that criss cross the areas will be dug up to be fully reforested with roads diverted around them,underground underneath them or one single road left.Existing estates demolished as part of blight control in Detroit will follow this pattern.This would reduce the amount of renovation and episodes to be produced since they consist of the vast majority of homes in cities such as Detroit and New Orleans with the land reforested.Community farms can be in vacant lots and some small areas next to these forest farms.This can be replicated in all cities across the world with any remaining low quality housing in areas where the poor have all moved out of these also reforested.This would allow whole tracts of land in these urban areas to be forest farms or even community farms,improve drainage in heavy rains as well as negate the need for all buildings to be covered and renovated.

Large homes by themselves especially those in the middle of nowhere are in good shape enough to be renovated safely alongside those with some historical background would be renovated once booked and have episodes on them with large tall buildings such as skyscrapers,factories,schools and other similar buildings renovated by themselves or merged into mega hotels to facilitate the poor and a growing population.This would rejuvenate dying communities such as Detroit and New Orleans and lift the residents out of poverty by at least 2029.Neighbourhoods of decent quality and those of historical value abandoned can have them kept with close knit homes merged together and remodelled into miniature mansions of the same architectural style and then advertised on Euthenia once the interior is also refurbished with this covered in episodes detailing the neighbourhoods history.This is because the large amount of other obsolete buildings in the area and areas of low poverty should suffice for residents.Otherwise they can later be used if they are in densely urban areas be once demolished have mega hotels built in their place alongside all retail areas in them or ideally have forest,community and vertical farms built in their place.Buildings demolished to combat blight would have the land taken up by them turned into large gardens for the next door neighbours or the buildings merged together to make miniature mansions alongside roof and underground extensions.Decaying buildings in between decent ones will be demolished and converted into farms or land to allow neighbours to make extensions or build pools in their place and as stated house large gardens with underground extensions underneath them covered in episodes.

In cities like Detroit large buildings,ghettos and skyscrapers that are decaying will be renovated with closely knit ones in islands and neighbourhoods merged together into mega hotels with even arches over roads done or roads dividing them dug up,diverted and then building on different islands merged together to again cut down on the amount of buildings to be covered with these covered in episodes.

Housing estates of low quality in all towns and cities and especially slums can have all buildings demolished once scanned in and the roads dug up and rerouted and the land replaced with large luxury communal hotel style homes in their place or they could be reforested as far back as possible if the occupants have decided to leave build iceberg style mansions in the surrounding rural area or even other areas designed on Daedalus that are spaced widely apart form each other giving the occupants sizeable gardens to grow food or them surrounded by forests as well connected to the main road via new porous roads with these having episodes.All roads including the roads leading into them will be dug up with housing estates or communal homes of higher quality including suburbs with sizeable gardens and areas for parking can have underground extensions underneath the house,carpark and garden to house more living spaces with again a mixture of private and communally shared spaces connected to the buildings nextdoor.They may also have roof extensions.These new homes in these estates or in the surrounding areas will be designed by the occupants using Pandora or proto versions with the new iceberg homes construction covered in episodes following the universal template.The construction of these new luxury communal homes and private homes will be covered in episodes.All land surrounding and part of these newly built iceberg homes in the surrounding area should be reforested with wilderness and also forest farms as far back as possible with the roads leading into them diverted as in most towns and in the outskirts of cities these housing estates will be replaced by tall communal homes built from scratch in other places as well as people moving into communal homes derived from obsolete buildings and also mega hotels in towns,villages and cities across the country.These housing estates in towns and villages and on the suburbs of cities can be demolished and reforested with all roads dug up and have tall luxury communal homes or small private iceberg homes built in surrounding areas etc and have them reforested with trees so the homes have large trees part of forests surrounding them with sizeable gardens containing luxury features and areas to grow hybrid crops with the large areas of reforested areas providing hiking spaces.To prevent islandisation roads leading to these can be underground allowing the buildings to completely surrounded by trees.Their construction will be charted in episodes.New homes built in surrounding areas of towns and village will have forests reforested around them as far back as possible for hiking and scenery and to sequester carbon dioxide alongside them having sizeable gardens within them that can grow hybrid crops.All towns,villages and the outskirts of cities will follow this with all farmland returned to meadow or forest cover with all artificial hedges and walls demolished to make one large open ones.Any new houses will be built within the meadows and forests or be underground and use underground roads to prevent islandisation with even small villages have have small low quality housing estates demolished,roads dug up and area reforested while the occupants move into abandoned palaces,mansions,hotels and obsolete hotels and buildings made into hotels around the country or other parts of the world thus making small towns,villages etc more compact once housing estates are demolished and reforested.All future homes in these areas would be either iceberg homes,underground homes and tall luxury communal homes within these forests accessed by underground roads to prevent islandisation with the roads popping up right next to the homes.New homes can also be built underground in underground communities to allow the land above return and be kept to nature.Existing roads within towns and villages and the outskirts of cities whether main roads and also diversions can have underground roads built underneath thus meaning the main road will be dug up and reforested alongside surrounding areas that lead to buildings or main buildings of towns at the surface by popping up to it.This would allow all land surrounding towns,villages etc to be reforested including roads and all roads in the wilderness to be reforested with this including abandoned buildings and obsolete ones to be renovated and accessed by the surface and still have huge tracts of land reforested.It could allow the suburbs of cities and main streets of small towns and villages to be demolished and thus reforested to allow for underground communities and in the case of ares with scenic views the buildings utilising digital smart windows and also balconies that emerge at the surface.Futhermore underground communities underneath both existing and new wilderness and also urban areas,underwater cities and also roof extensions on communal homes should cater to a growing population allowing all of these areas to remain reforested or turned into hybrid permaculture meadows and community farms indefinitely alongside reforesting all land used for agriculture giving a large sizeable areas of wilderness back to heavily populated and crowded countries worldwide such as Britain,Ireland,India,China,Africa etc.This will further increase the population density of both cities,towns and also the planet increasing the number of people the planet can sustain.Thus the low quality housing estates in all cities,villages and towns when people move out in areas that criss cross rivers etc or those that are part of suburbs will be demolished and with roads dug up turned into large communal luxury hotel style homes or either reforested and also turned into either parks or even community farms especially permaculture ones or have underground communities underneath them.Those on the outskirts of towns and suburbs will also undergo this with if only a few people move out then homes can be merged together(as much as two or five) with roof and underground extensions with any extra homes next to each other empty can be demolished and turned into large gardens and parks or them merged together as well as advertised on Euthenia.Shanty towns and slums on hills will be demolished and replaced by wilderness and forest farms ideally hybrids of crop and wild native trees with new communal or private homes built either underground,in the mountain and hills or in level areas on the outskirts of cities or through extensions ontop of or underneath existing buildings if existing hotels,offices,schools,retail outlets,abandoned and supermarkets etc dont suffice and not have enough space for those in these and other shanty towns and those of the lowest socio economic level estates with again the pre existing slums etc reforested or covered by new buildings.Casinos,hotels and supermarkets etc converted into communal homes in areas with shanty towns on hills or in other cities around the world will be where the occupants of these shanty towns will move to as they will be upgraded to luxury standards.Hills should no longer house large buildings as it can be dangerous with them reforested hills soaking up water and protecting the cities and improve scenery from floods,landslides and mudslides especially in earthquake prone areas.These areas such as in Caracas,Rio De Janeiro and Lima will have people in these slums get obsolete and abandoned buildings and retail streets not just in their home city and country but all countries around the world with them also availing of both underground and underwater homes.Ideally the vast majority of the buildings will be demolished and the area reforested with some staying in the area and the buildings upgraded to 21st century standards in seasons with historical buildings left and renovated as part of these seasons into both homes or museums and even their original uses.Underground communities including those built into the hills cater to a growing population.New luxury communal homes will be built on the outskirts of these cities or in place of slums on level ground with the inhabitants staying in luxury motorhomes while the slums are demolished and then have new ones built in their place or on the outskirts of the city covered in episodes.Roads will go through these mountains and hills or underneath with any remaining poor quality homes and council and apartment blocks renovated to luxury standards in episodes.Low lying shanty towns on level and slightly elevated ground will be demolished when residents move out and them replaced with high quality luxury hotel style communal homes covering the entire area as a series if buildings or one large building to catering to a growing population and tourists or one single tall building allowing all land surrounding them to be reforested with underground extensions and communities built underneath and roof extension overtime.Those still in these will either renovate their home in episodes or will temporarily stay in motorhomes while a new home is built somewhere else and the land taken up by other slums will be covered in luxury hotel and department style buildings.Roads that litter and divide estates in certain towns can be removed by robotics to allow them to be covered in soil in reforestation projects for forest farms and gardens for nearby communal homes built there or built over them or removed to accommodate large luxury apartments and hotels as well as their amenities covering them with reroutes made that circumvent them to allow traffic to function properly with trailers being recycled once scanned into relevant networks.Estates and rows of low quality housing to small to house apartment blocks and hotels ie those next to river banks or part of small estates will be reforested with forest farms connected to the main forest,community farms and those surrounding the area or converted into parks and meadows and grasslands depending on their size.Low quality housing and estates that are already abandoned and not occupied will be torn down and replaced by these luxury apartments and hotels anyways with anyone in these moving out to more spacious accommodation.Those built on the edges of shanty towns and rural areas would allow the villages low quality housing to be demolished and the land reforested and then allow islands of small retail shops and low quality to be used to house vertical and community farms covered in their own episodes.These luxury hotels can also be built on the outskirts of towns and cities that have them already to house more people from densely populated towns and cities with them allowing all poor housing estates and small retail outlets on retail streets to be thus demolished and converted into forest,vertical and community farms,community centres or more luxury communal homes as already detail again to house most if not all people already there and a growing population.People from the suburbs could move into these new ones on the outskirts to allow neighbours to merge houses together.This would allow the those from the lowest socio economic ladder and estates to move quickly to luxury hotels and apartments allowing their old estates to be demolished and turned into arable land for both community and forest farms with each new hotel and apartment block being luxurious five star ones following the same layout ie closet rooms or buildings/amenities/statue and receptionist at the lobby,growing rooms but with their own unique theme to their country and area based on food available,material used on the flooring and rooms,plants present with again golf courses made obsolete by VR technology.They should be originally built to house as much people as possible from the surrounding area especially all of the lowest social classes and more to allow all of the low quality housing estates to be demolished to make way for vertical and community farms and more communal homes as well as skyscraper style community centres.Forest farms that connect to existing forests should surround these and existing hotels to provide food but also scenery and place to hike in and connection to nature lost by artificial golf courses.Ideally those form the lowest socio economic class and housing estates would move into the local hotels especially luxury five class ones with new luxury hotels built on the outskirts at the same time that new ones would be built on the outskirts would allow the housing estates to be demolished and replaced by forest,community and vertical farms with this then when those from the lowest socio economic ladder will be allowed to move into hotel or apartment style buildings from schools,corporate headquarters and other obsolete buildings with the overabundance of these in large cities would negate the need for building new buildings in them unlike smaller towns which would require this with the low quality housing estates in these demolished and turned into vertical,forest and community farms.Ideally these should each house at least several hundred to at least a thousand people with underground and rooftop extensions increasing this especially in densely urban areas with those in rural areas even housing large amounts of people to deal with a growing population based on people moving in and increasing birth rates as rural areas will eventually in the coming centuries with them also accommodating tourists with the possibility of those constructed that house only the amount of each or all estates with in time roof and underground extensions added as the population grows.Thus new hotels even in small towns should be large ones to hold several thousand people this the entire population especially those from the lowest socio economic ladder with this accommodating a growing population and tourists with existing ones having roof and underground extensions to allow for this to occur.Motels as stated can be converted into hotel style homes with the ground floor remodelled for amenities with the rooms remodelled into hotel style suites with roof and underground extensions.Otherwise they can be demolished to be replaced by proper hotel style suites or community farms.Both existing low quality motels and hotels can be refurbished with high quality features decided by residences suited to their tastes such as aquariums,bioprinted leather,flooring and furniture and tiling in ensuites with each room custom made to their tastes with the lobby designed by the entire residency and the addition of amenities decided by them as well.with the original occupants contacted and appearing in these episodes especially those that appeared in those detailing them moving into abandoned and obsolete buildings with them if need be returning to their native countries and hometowns briefly for these.

The demolition of low quality estates,slums,areas of immense urban sprawl etc will be charted in seasons with all buildings scanned into Daedalus and all manufactured goods once scanned into Hepheastus either recycled,traded away or kept.This will be done in instances wherein the estate etc has tall luxury communal homes replace them.The options availible for replacing low quality estates and slums is have the entire land they took up reforested as far back as possible and have underground communities,have tall luxury communal homes built in their place.Seasons will chart building luxury communal homes in their place which will be designed by the public and chosen from Daedalus.Slums,low quality housing estates and even areas that suffer from urban sprawl can follow these options.This is the ideal replacement for people staying in the area as these tall homes are compact,move the people into a luxury hotel style building and allow most of the land to be reforested with if anyone who wants to stay in their original home can remain and then add luxury refurbishments as well as roof,side and underground extensions with these charted in their own episodes separate from the seasons.During the demolition and construction of these homes residents will stay in friends and families homes across the world or luxury motorhomes.This will involve residents of the area moving into the new luxury hotel or into abandoned and obsolete buildings and some staying in the new building.If possible people who lived in the buildings of estates taking turns on the same and different demolition machines destroying their home buildings either remotely controlling them or inside it with this including wrecking balls with them supervised and them and others even setting up and igniting demolition explosives as these will be episodes as part of seasons will be several hours long and the seasons will appear possibly years after it is filmed.Those that lived in low quality housing estates and low quality flats could all return and take part in this or witness this for their specific episodes especially if they all moved into the same hotel,supermarkets,luxury apartments and penthouses or this could be part of specific episodes at the end of the season detailing of these peoples lives.Ideally they will witness or take part in the demolishing of the low quality estates in an reunion episode as part of the season that details the construction of the new building that details the demolishing of old estates and building of new hotels and apartment blocks or even parks and reforestation of the land in its place with this episode also charting the history of those moving in and also the history of the low quality housing estate being destroyed.Ideally old low quality housing estates in all towns and cities will have large luxury communal homes built in their place with the universal Venetian mini apartment size with the building designed internally and externally with the theme of the area with large gardens or roof gardens.The roads will be dug up and rerouted and reforested etc.Those who wish to stay will have seasons done where the homes are converted to luxury quality and are also given underground and roof extensions or merging homes together.Thus episodes and seasons of the demolishing of old low quality estates replaced by ideally new tall mega hotel luxury style buildings or new luxury suburbs or luxury communal hotel style homes of at least fifty to a hundred floors all with Venetian standard suites/mini apartments and balconies designed by AI namely Daedalus or by people booking places in them and locales constructed in their place will be made with the history if the old estate,its demolition and construction of new buildings and of those moving in will be covered in episodes with some homes toured before destruction and the streets of them toured using drones and people in vehicles and also on foot alongside cinematics with them also having these after the new buildings are built inside the buildings and on the street itself with timelapse sections done for their construction with these likely presented by the former residents of there with all houses and buildings advertised in Euthenia with communal homes being luxury ones and suburbs having luxury iceberg homes with underground extensions housing amenities and also spare rooms for tourists.The rooms layout will be designed by AI,former residents or those moving who book places with them following the theme of the area and have luxury fittings and refurbishments.If need be entire seasons will be made wherein the new luxury communal homes are built from scratch and the rooms designed by people moving in with them following the universal template wit the first episode charting the history of the area and its exploration on foot prior to demolition and the episodes in between charting the residents history and their renovation and designing of each Venetian sized suite and mini apartment they have and others covering the renovation and creation of each area such as lobby,amenities etc and the final episode following that of all seasons.This will be done for slums as well as any type of residential areas of the poor and may even apply to middle class suburbs within cities and also areas within the city centre that have low quality housing.Thus new tall luxury hotel style communal homes will be built on the outskirts of all cities worldwide in place of demolished slums,low quality housing estates on level ground or even those on slightly inclined hills in Ireland,Britain,America and even quickly built housing estates in China and India that consist of monoculture homes tightly packed together that cover large swathes of land can be demolished and replaced with these tall communal hotel style homes with the inhabitants staying in luxury motorhomes or move to luxury communal homes from obsolete and abandoned buildings in the same city or even different area of the country and world while the slums etc are demolished and roads dug up and then have new ones built in their place or on the outskirts of the city to allow others from rural areas and also less poor areas to move in or from a growing population and even will be done in cities that are prone to urban sprawl especially in the developing world and Latin America to make them more densely populated once occupants of whole sections temporarily move into motorhomes or home sharing programmes done bit by bit.These will be covered in episodes as part of seasons following the same template with the first episode chart the history of the slum and tour it with the intro cinematics etc,episodes after it will chart the creation of hotels ie choosing the design by residents with timelapses of its construction and also of each area ie the lobby,amenities,gardens and also of each person creating their own suites and the final episode following the outro cinematics and tour and also the residents interviewed on the place.If possible roads will be restructured to have small roads removed and only the main road present that goes around the finished hotel or separates them into two sides of a road where the hotels will be built on both sides and arch over the road.Ideally the roads that separate slums into two sides will be dug up and diverted around it.They will be designed to have sizeable gardens and outside areas for pools etc with them having the universal Venetian suite designed by AI,the residents and also others moving with them also designing together and choosing the shape of the building with the interior and exterior furnished with luxury furniture and furnishes in the theme of the area.Locales,well known architects and the general public including will design the general theme,architecture,layout of the building including amenities as well as communal dinging rooms and living rooms and the residents will vote for the best design with all versions stored in the sub network for communal homes in Daedalus with even existing design in the network from those of scanned in hotels around the world and those designed by the public will be voted in and then AI will separate the floors into Venetian sized suites for residents to book and design their suites with excess ones designed by AI,residents and locales.These will be in an online sub network visible to anyone to book them and design them and also for casting votes on buildings designs.They will be large enough to hold all residents in Venetian style suites and also extra ones created to house extra people in the form of a growing population and also outsiders booking permenant places with the extra rooms designed by AI and residents and covered in episodes.Each hotel will be different from each other but still follow the theme of the area and will be fitted with luxury furnishes,fittings and furniture in all rooms.Homes of familial or historical value and people may want to stay then after it is given luxury renovations and refurbishments on the exterior and interior so the building can remain,have roof and underground extensions and merge with other homes and also be merged into a large luxury communal hotel style home built into and next to it allowing the person to stay there and be connected to new or existing neighbours allowing the person to be connected directly to a hotel that has amenities and large amounts of neighbours especially for parties at Christmas and New Years Eve.Ideally all manufactured goods present will have been sent to community centres and scanned into Hephaestus.Thus bottom of the barrel housing estates,slums etc will be demolished once all manufactured goods inside are scanned into Hephaestus and recycled and replaced with tall luxury communal homes with the original residents using motorhomes in trailer parks and also home sharing programmes like airbnb etc in countries around the world including their native country to stay in while they are being built.This would eliminate low quality housing estates and slums from the face of the Earth and also allow for more people to be fit into a smaller area increasing density in these cities and will instantly raise the standards of living of those who remain from the lowest socio-economic level to that of that enjoyed by the 1% wealthiest people on Earth.Slums on hills will be demolished and reforested with ghost towns like Burj al Babas in picturesque areas will be demolished and reforested with in all cases like this the roads dug up as well and reforested.In the case of ghost towns in China and India ideally only those that have many tall skyscraper buildings will remain with ghost towns that cover large swathes of wilderness that have only villas and mansions etc that are a few floors high will be demolished and the roads dug up and the land reforested with this possibly applying to slums in India and Britain etc with residents moving into communal homes derived from both abandoned and obsolete buildings.All buildings will be scanned into Daedalus and AI removing cracks etc before being demolished to be replicated elsewhere and the rest of the land reforested and again if a few people wish to move into or stay in the original homes they can and even merge their homes with that of others and have roof,underground and side extensions and refurbishments with these charted in their own episodes separate from the seasons.Large sections of cities around the world in both the developed and developing world can have all homes in slums,low quality housing estates demolished and have high rise luxury communal homes with the Venetian standard suite present and sizeable gardens complete with pools,luxury gardens built in their place with them charted in episodes as part of seasons while the residents stay in motorhomes and these housing not just the people present but also others whose area will be demolished in the future to make way for new hotels and a growing population with these having unique themes of the area to prevent homogenisation.Each building will be part of mega seasons that have episodes charting the construction and customisation of each suite and each area by the residents.The intro episode will have the slum toured on foot with the closing one charting the newly renovated area while the seasons inside will chart the creation and customisations of each building following its template.Their construction will follow the same strict universal regulations as obsolete and abandoned buildings followed as detailed above.Even middle class suburbs may undergo this if agreed by all residents with the entire or even half or a few homes demolished,roads rerouted and luxury skyscraper style communal homes built in their place.If possible the homes will be demolished and residents move to other homes derived from obsolete and abandoned buildings with the land reforested including dug up roads and future homes being underground alongside underground communities.This can include slums,shanty towns,low quality housing estates and even suburbs.

Both the people booking them and members of the local community as well as government will be renovating all obsolete and abandoned buildings of all types as well as council flats and projects to the high standards of the most luxurious hotels in the world to allow the poor to move into them with Google again also used by the organisers of these meetings and people moving into them to locate them.Each renovated buildings whether obsolete,occupied or abandoned will follow the same unique theme of their country and area but still be rennovated in unique ways to prevent homogenisation and loss of culture and will be upgraded to a level on par of the most uxorious hotels,penthouses around the world using kebonised wood,ornamental rocks and gems,bioprinted leather,ornate furniture,silk and other luxury textiles to do this to allow those who are from poor housing estates,slums and also the homeless to be able to move to a high standard of living instantly without paying money.If they are done by the community and government then they will show professional videos of the buildings exterior via foot and drones,and interior of all types either obsolete and abandoned before,during and after renovations with voice overs from the town,city mayor when advertised in Euthenia.

Homes,council flats and housing estates as well as trailer parks that are of low quality and value can be torn down and the land reforested into forest and community farms or woodlands once the occupants have moved into more spacious homes being newly created luxury private or communal homes originating from supermarkets,skyscrapers,hotels,offices,renovated abandoned buildings,obsolete schools and government agencies or even underground communities etc via Euthenia or those private and communal homes designed on Daedalus by them as well as remodelled abandoned buildings.One or two building can remain and be remodelled and merged together into the main building of the farm.The singular or merged council flats can be used as the community farm buildings with hydroponic food grown here alongside bacteria in vats,pens for livestock of varying sizes on lower floors and egg packing factories and even slaughter houses built in when the floor is strengthened by graphene sheets and paint with all other facets present while the land around them is demolished and turned in community farms.Otherwise these can be remodelled into more spacious homes including miniaturised mansions.Tightly packed housing estates and apartment blocks in major cities or towns can be merged together via extensions connecting them together and waist high walls as well as hedges between them broken down with this done for two,three or more houses with this also applied to those that are connected to each other and separated by walls can have the walls broken down or doors connecting main rooms to make them larger homes alongside roof and underground extensions for large families or groups of individuals with the gardens also merged together while others move into spacious accommodation say communal homes from hotels etc.The buildings original and modified layout can be stored on Daedalus with Pandora used to modify the original.Extra kitchens,bedrooms and living rooms can be converted into other rooms once the sinks,and furniture is scanned into Hephaestus and recycled or traded on Euthenia with luxury fittings added to all of these.Otherwise these if possible can be merged into larger kitchens,living rooms and bedrooms with all rooms given luxury furnishes.This can involve two or even four homes merged together with underground and roof extensions done making them compact mansions with those that are not connected to each other but separated by knee high walls in between the homes will have extensions connect them together with walls broken down completely to increase the size of the home and gardens etc.Gates can them merged into one large one,both kept,or one left.As stated if a one or a few people stay in low quality estates including suburbs then their homes via extensions merge with the homes of neighbours and have refurbishments and have roof and underground extensions to make them miniaturised mansions with gardens also merged via adding gates or cutting down plants and gates added to the back of gardens connecting to wilderness with if emptied houses their they can be connected via underground extensions etc as extra living space or guest house itself modified and gardens merged and renovated.This can involve as much as two or ten homes merged together depending on their size and other homes can be advertised on Euthenia and either booked in bulk and merged together by anyone or after a significant time has passed demolished and reforested and excess roads dug up and reforested.Homes separated by thin walls will involve simply adding doors and breaking down walls and merging kitchens etc together or completely remodelling both buildings with those separated by knee high ones and hedges separating gardens involving the knee high walls and hedges demolished and extensions added to merge the homes.Their construction will be charted in episodes using timelapse videos and the universal template.These can have roof,side and underground extensions to make them miniature mansions that house extra rooms for tourists.If the garden has a wall around it then this can be removed and create communal gardens or even large spaces if there is nothing behind it.These can have gardens present merged together and excess doors on the exterior have more walling put in place and them painted more bright colours with this catering to when there are a few people who dont move out giving them more spacious homes and can even be done when all occupants leave for those made from hotels etc and then these homes advertised on Euthenia with new homeowners book two or more homes.Abandoned housing estates will also be treated this way with people booking two or more homes,renovating them and moving into them or presenters booking them renovating them and advertising them on Euthenia.It can also be done when only one person remains in an estate when neighbours have moved out with the extra bedrooms merged together into larger ones with some beds removed or kept giving them ensuites and walk in closets.In some cases one person can remain merge two or more homes,have extension and also have all remaining homes demolished for large gardens or even the area reforested as far back as possible for large hiking areas.All of these will have roof and underground extensions alongside merging two or more buildings together to make them bigger alongside luxury fittings inside in all rooms to make them on par with luxury mansion all of the rooms to make them more liveable and desirable.These will be covered in episodes or seasons involving ten to twenty homes following the universal template.

Council flats can also undergoe this when renovated into luxury hotel style buildings as luxury furnishes added,pools,jaquizzis,gyms,saunas,garra ruffa pools and spas will be added into the ground floor alongside a communal lobby by merging some apartments,the side of the building and extensions with a lobby complete with the Hestia statue and receptionist AI on the ground floor as well and the apartments then advertised on Euthenia.Pools,jacquizzis and spas etc can be on the ground floor or on underground extensions or in the gardens or extensions on the outside to serve all residents.These can have multistorey carparks added to the side as well.The ground floor would contain amenities and lobby etc and extra suites.The exteriors especially those covered in graffiti can be repainted with more bright aesthetic colours rather than cladding,gates replaced with more pleasing luxury ones added and roof and underground extensions with balconies added over time.Gardens can be in place of carparks,plazas etc in front of them to grow food on hybrid plants of ornamental and crop plants once it is dug up with the final coat of paint covered in anti,dirt,water,graffiti liquid glass with automated multistorey carparks added.More gardens can be on the roof alongside areas to grow more food.Surrounding low quality homes can be demolished once the residents there move out allowing for more land to be reforested to improve scenery and air quality or they could be replaced with other more aesthetically pleasing renovated homes or undergo renovations both internally and externally with them coloured bright colours and have a permanent layer of liquid glass on the exterior.Railings and walkways as well as stairs made of metal or concrete will be replaced with those made of kebonised wood with the walkways done by removing them and replacing them with wood or covering them with thin slabs of wood and ornamental rock provided graphene sheets are placed on them with railings removed bit by bit and replaced by kebonised wood.Excess doors can be removed and and maintained by robots registered to the building AI,replaced by wall or the locks with digital keys for each apartment and the room number changed with receptionists AI and statue of Hestia in the lobby with this even applying to existing low quality apartment blocks.Doors of all types in all buildings will be replaced with more luxurious ones with handles replaced with round ornate ones that use digital keys that can be turned to open but digital keys on smart devices will be used to lock and unlock them with lightening systems that need keycards can be replaced with normal ones ideally round ones and those that can be changed by smart devices.These council flats converted into hotel style suites will be done with each apartment having kitchens,and living and bed rooms merged together by breaking down walls and scanning material into Hephaestus and sent to community centres or recycled to form large luxury hotel style suites similar to those in luxury hotels with toilets made into large luxury en suites and if possible made to the same standard as the venetian for one person by having mini kitchens,other rooms converted into similar parts of these top tier suites or with kitchens and living rooms etc replaced by luxury communal dining halls and automated kitchens,luxury communal washing/laundry rooms alongside communal lobbies on the refurbished ground floor with the amenities such as pools and jacquizzis etc here with those living on the ground floor seeking temporary accommodation in the area via home sharing,trailer parks,motorhomes etc with these people on the ground floor displaced by amenities moving onto roof extensions added with these amenities taking up the space of at least two or three apartments with them being luxury amenities.Infants and children in each apartment will also move up to the new floors.The ground floor can have flats merged into communal living rooms,communal automated kitchens and dining halls and amenities.All hallways as part of them etc on the interior and exterior will be refurbished with kebonised wood,bright coloured paint with cheap tiling etc removed.The renovations of these will be covered in episodes.By merging all rooms in their apartments people may end up with an area similar in size to or the same as the Venetian standard thus allowing them to decide to have on large bedroom suite or even mini apartment that contains mini living room,bedroom,en suite with balconies/terraces added where possible on where bedrooms are that cover the entire side of the suite/mini apartment with the person deciding to have either a large bedroom suite or mini apartment and designing them to their own tastes and specifications with luxury refurbishments added and them getting the latest smart televisions,electronics and luxury furniture.Ideally twenty to fifty floors should be added to the roof provided sheets of graphene or graphene paint and graphene infused steel or foamcrete is used are added to cater to the weight with the extra floors housing suites of the same size as the Venetian standard designed by AI and the people from the lower floors moving into them including children from all floors with the people including the children from all apartment moving into them designing them into suites or mini apartments with excess ones designed by the residents and traded on Euthenia and them also having luxury furniture.The choice of mini apartment over suite will be decided based on how big of a space is when all the doors and walls separating the rooms in the original apartments comes to with if need be two original apartments merged together with the residents of these second ones moving upwards to roof extensions with excess space turned into communal storerooms for food or creating food or would be merged into the apartments next door and excess merged into the next one until all apartments on each of the floors will be the same size as the Venetian with any remaining left over space turned into storerooms for food and creating food and all residents moving up on the extra floors added.Extensions underground or on the side and spare rooms will house areas to grow food via aeroponics,recirculating aquaculture systems,vats for bacteria with gardens growing vegetable and hybrid plants with plants in pots with soil or hydroponics media will grow hybrid plants making them self sufficient.If the apartments are already the same size or larger than the Venetian standard then they will be kept at this with balconies and terraces added where none exist.This would be ideal over renovating all existing rooms individually as it could give a person a large bedroom or mini apartment to house,beds,electronics,furniture,closets and then use communal kitchens and lobbies with elevators added or sloped stairs used by Tug and Botlr robots to deliver meals.It would also mean bathrooms would be able to be made into larger sizeable en suites to house luxury toilets,flooring,bath jacuzzi/shower hybrids or showers with all features of these and the entire suite designed by each occupant with as stated those on the ground floor and children as part of families will move onto floors on the roof extensions with their being at least twenty to fifty floors of these new sized suites designed by them with excess designed by AI,residents and renovated to be then traded on Euthenia with the outside even renovated with metal and concrete railings replaced by kebonised wood rails and supports bit by bit for safety reasons and cheap tiling replaced by more kebonised wood or slabs of gems,ornamental rocks in all hallway,walkways,stairs and ground floor lobbies,kitchens and amenities provided sheets of graphene on them.Overtime as the population of the area grows or even at the start of rennovations extra floors can be added with the universal Venetian suite and their creation charted in episodes by residents as part of seasons and them advertised on Euthenia.Each part will be renovated to luxury standards bit by bit in each episode.Doors to each apartment/suite and room will be replaced with ornate luxury ones with the exterior coloured with brightly coloured paints once cladding especially cheap and dangerous ones are removed with even luxury gates added.The ground floor will house amenities by merging all the rooms in each apartment or merging multiple apartments together with these including pools,spas,gyms,automated bars with there also being communal lounges and communal dining rooms and automated kitchens all with luxury refurbishments.Elevators can be added to allow robots to serve room service.As explained all rooms in these existing mini apartments will be merged together into one large luxury presidential suite similar to those in top tier hotels with walls in between stairs also removed with the residents designing their suites or mini apartments themselves using kebonised wood or ornamental rock and precious gem flooring supported by graphene sheets as well as ornate furniture,silk bedsheets and curtains,new electronics as kitchens and living rooms will be replaced by communal ones on the ground floor with amenities also present here as roof extensions allow those on the ground floor move to the roof.The same can be done to those in tower blocks similar to Grenfell with again whole apartments made into one large presidential suites and the ground floor housing amenities,communal kitchens etc.These could be long seasons that detail renovations of multiple apartments and detail the history of the flat.The shape and material used of each suite could be designed by the residents their with the roof extensions suites also the same size and designed not just by the residents on the ground floor but also the residents on each floor moving there as children will move into and design suites for themselves on their floor.Thus roof extensions at least twenty to fifty floors will allow those on the bottom floor and children to move upwards and design their own luxury suites of this new size as the ground floor becomes host to a sizeable lobby and communal living room,automated kitchens,automated bars and dining hall,amenities such as pools,jacquizzis etc with the excess rooms designed by AI and then advertised on Euthenia with these have luxury furnishes added following a unique design for each room.These rooms could be fitted with luxury kebonised wood,marble on the floor and walls instead of carpeting provided graphene sheets are on the ground to hold the extra weight with all furniture replaced by luxury furnishes and furniture such with cashmiere wool and silk used and new electronics added to each room.Pools may be outdoor if their is any gardens outside with large areas of concrete and tarmac dug up and replaced by pools and also communal gardens with hybrid ornamental plants that also produce food and benches.All areas of bare grass and tarmac,concrete in front of these will have them dug up to house gardens crop/ornamental hybrid plants to improve scenery and provide food,flower beds,hot springs with kebonised wood benches etc added with concrete and tarmac in front of other flats dug up to house this.Rooftop gardens will be added in places that cant have gardens complete with kebonised wood benches and other features.The Hestia statue will be placed in the lobby with space at the side for people to park vehicles or this would be on the outside with streets used to park vehicles or if possible automated carparks can be underneath the garden with an elevator leading up to the main lobby.Any other buildings in the area of low quality will be renovated to luxury standards by residents in their own episodes/seasons or demolished if they all move out and the land reforested.This could turn low quality council flats,projects and apartment blocks like the Park Hill and Ashfield Valley Flats and Sceaux Gardens Estate considered bottom of the barrel relegated to the very poor into high quality luxury single suites or mini apartment like hotels to a standard on par with the worlds most luxurious hotels each one following a unique theme to the country and area.Each room will be renovated to a unique style by the residents in them with those that house families will have children and close relatives that live with them and also those displaced from amenities on the ground floor move onto the new rooms of the same size on the new floors designed by them thus allowing all members to have a large sizeable suite or mini apartment.Even decrepit buildings being used as makeshift homes will be renovated.Furniture etc can be of the highest quality bought for free from any retail store and online stores during clearances prior to their filming and stored in storerooms,community centres as well as proto Hephaestus with rooftop gardens added onto the finished products covered in the episode.This will instantly raise their standards of living and also make them more desirable for home trading programmes either permanent or temporary making them viable for others even those accustomed to luxury hotels,mansions willing to live in them once they leave.Those in all countries such as Ireland,Venezuela,America,Britain and Asia can be renovated to these standards and same method and covered in their own episodes as part of seasons.Abandoned ones across the world will also undergo this with them having this structure to give each resident a mini apartment with the ground floor housing amenities etc and a garden.They will have seasons once all rooms are booked with excess ones renovated and traded on Euthenia.These will be done in one go by government paid teams.This will also apply to existing apartment blocks and projects across the world with them renovated with each apartment converted into a luxury suite by merging all rooms into one with communal living rooms and kitchens etc on the ground or first floor,underground extensions with roof extensions allowing those on the ground floor and even children to design their own apartment sized suites with again toilets made into sizeable en suites.Otherwise luxury renovations can be made to each apartment covered in episodes as part of seasons alongside renovations in all rooms including lobbies and laundry rooms.In the case of where a resident leaves for other homes elsewhere then their room will be designed by other residents in episodes and advertised on Euthenia.Adding triple plyed windows,adding car chargers,wall batteries,CSYS lights,running energy audit,removing asbestos and other toxic material in favour of non toxic fungi insulation,hempcrete and even installing geothermal and electrical generation via thermo-piezoelectric material covered pipes and VAWTs as well as hot springs as detailed later on in the management for energy will be detailed in episodes and will improve their energy efficiency.Triple plyed windows will contain synthetic greenhouses like Perfluorotributylamine,Nitrogen trifluoride,Sulfur hexafluoride that have a global warming potential roughly 17,200-23,000 times more powerful than carbon dioxide and last roughly 740-3,200 years meaning they would last long enough during the buildings lifespan and would thus trap more heat lowering heating costs more than conventional ones that use argon and carbon dioxide with graphene in their matrix to prevent leaks and prevent them shattering.Windows will be replaced with those that have quantum dot technology for energy production and also graphene in them for this and to also have touchscreen technology,television/computer screens and also to protect those in areas affected by storms and tornadoes from debris.They will also be connected to the grid,wifi and also water and sewage plants with gas,electricity and water meters added.OrbSys Shower systems that cut water  usage in showers by 90% and tornado spiral systems and nozzles faucets that cut water usage in taps by 98% will and other energy and water saving measures such as Vacuum Toilet VT1800 water saving toilets will be added to the systems present with onboard computers to measure these and act as the housing for sentient and even pre sentient proto AI will be added.Thus apartments in apartment blocks could be converted into luxury suites with those on the ground floor converted into communal kitchens,dining halls with these and the lobby being refurbished provided roof extensions allow those on the ground floor move up into roof extensions.Otherwise the apartments could be refurbished individually to luxury standard.The decision of what will be chosen will be made by all residents meting and deciding this.Abandoned council flats and apartment blocks will also undergo this same renovation when rooms are booked.Abandoned council flats and apartment blocks will be redesigned this way by those who book entire entire flats with these and existing flats brought to the same standard as the most luxurious hotels.The refurbishment or demolishing of buildings in the area alongside reforestation and digging up of pavement around them to allow for gardens to be put there to improve scenery.All floors will be renovated as well as the communal lobby,kitchen,hallways with the renovation following a theme of the area.Small kitchens could be kept in these suites consisting of fridges,freezers,tabletops,cupboards,steamers and halogen ovens and minibar similar to kitchens in top tier hotel suites.Occupants could seek temporary accommodation in motorhomes,home sharing etc.They can be advertised to the public once refurbished if occupants leave with professional videos showing the building before,during and after renovations with voice overs when advertised in Euthenia.The refurbishments of all council flats,projects,apartment blocks around the world will again be filmed in the same manner as abandoned and obsolete buildings around the world as above with again the history and outdoor views of the building detailed in professional manners by teams of presenters around the world and those booking them as well as the residents.These renovations of bottom of the barrel council flats and apartment blocks into top end luxury ones will be covered in seasons presented by residents following the universal template.The first episode will chart its history and also have and exploration and cinematics of it with them then in sucessive episodes have each sections renovations charted wit h the renovation of rooms and apartments into suites presented by reisdents that will be detailing their history and have tours of their apartment before and after renovations etc as per the universal template for each epiosde and the final episode having one This demolishing of old homes can even apply to slums in major cities with if a large amount of people leave the estate but a few remain the empty houses can be demolished and turned into community gardens complete with crop plants with these houses having extensions underground and on the roof with community gardens set up if all occupants leave.All demolished buildings in low quality housing estates and suburbs will be scanned into Daedalus.Thus all apartment blocks,skyscrapers,hotels existing and new as well as those from abandoned and obsolete buildings and refurbished council flats will contain the same layout.This will include the lobby/communal living room,statue of Hestia,receptionist AI, on the ground floor,automated kitchens and restaurants,dining hall,closet rooms(in the case of hotels) on the ground floor with amenities(pools,spas,gyms,jacquizzis etc)on the ground floor and underground extensions.Each new one and refurbished ones will follow an unique theme to their country and area and will all have luxury refurbishments such as precious gem/rock/mineral,kebonised wood flooring and walling infused with graphene where possible,luxury furniture designed by the residents moving into them with silk bedsheets and curtains and so on following the theme.Thus all rooms including lobbies,addition of floors etc will be given luxury refurbishments on par with the top tier hotels.If possible each council flat,apartment blocks and large projects etc could follow the same template as abandoned cities and towns with them spanning an entire season uploaded in one go with the first episode charting the history of the building and its residents as a mini documentary with it also having the entire building explored alongside intro cinematics with the last episode having the tour of the finished building and before and after collages as well as the unveiling of the Hestia statue with the episodes in between these showing the renovation of each apartment covered by each resident,renovation of lobbies,addition of amenities,renovation and addition of gardens,renovation of exteriors including walkways and even hallways and lobbies etc,addition of luxury communal dining halls and kitchens,renovations of hallways,adding automated machinery and robots to bars/tiki bars/restaurants/communal kitchens,gardens etc and even addition of extra floors and the renovation of the new suite rooms on these floors etc or several of them done filmed at once alongside each part of the building such as the lobby etc each following the universal template with apartment renovations involving residents giving their history and tour of their apartment and its renovation,before and after collages etc thus allowing the renovations of all rooms and apartments to be covered in a professional manner that covers them all with lobbies,amenities and extra floors added and other parts covered by some of the other residents or amateur and celebrity presenters during other episodes with these all following the universal template and all of these renovations carried out and filmed at once or different times and uploaded in one go when all apartments are renovated from top to bottom.Those on extra floors will be renovated by those who move into them including children,those on the ground floor,others from outside the building with them charting their renovation.Spare apartments on these floors and also the renovation of those the resident has left permanently and is moving to other homes will have their renovations covered by other residents.Abandoned ones will also undergo this with those booked covered by the people renovating them and excess ones designed by locales and presented by others and traded on Euthenia.

Suburbs can also be renovated this way with the possibility of a person moving into hotel,motorhome,home sharing,office or supermarket communal homes temporarily while their homes are demolished and replaced by new ones or the entire community moves out and the suburbs turned into hotel style homes or a series of compact mansions by having two or more buildings merged together and remodelled and then advertised in Euthenia.Gardens would as a result be merged.Otherwise community and forest gardens can be put in their place or if one person moves out then their neighbours can merge their homes and gardens together through extensions into singular larger houses with rooms added over the garage and roof and underground extensions making them compact mansions with merged gardens housing pools and jacquizzis and luxury furnishes added inside.Tightly packed homes separated by walls will involve the walls broken down or doors added with the rest of the home renovated like in suburban homes with those separated by knee high walls and hedges have the walls and hedges removed and buildings merged with roof and underground extensions with garages merged with rooms put over garages.They can be given refurbishments to all rooms and also roof and underground extensions added to make them compact mansions with the interior given luxury refurbishments and exterior painted bright colours covered in episodes.Merged gardens and driveways will be renovated.This can involve as much as four or more homes merged together depending on their size coupled with roof,side and underground extensions and would be ideal in areas such as Detroit and New Orleans and ghettos that are poverty stricken where a few residents decide to stay while neighbours move into obsolete and abandoned buildings covered in long episodes.This can involve homes in housing estates already abandoned and also those where people are moving out.In areas like Detroit where there are many abandoned homes this can be a good way to bring people back and aid the homeless and also poor with a person two or more abandoned homes and then merging them together and refurbishing them to luxury standards.This could involve in the case of abandoned estates and where neighbours have moved out it would have people moving into the homes,homeowners absorbing those of their neighbours who have moved or presenters booking the homes,renovating them in episodes and then advertising them on Euthenia.These would also involve the second houses being remodelled into the original homes style,the exterior renovated and also all rooms in the interior given luxury furnishes in all rooms with the gardens merged together housing pools etc and luxury refurbishments.These can be done by people living in one home as their neighbours move out and a person merges their homes with them,buying two or more homes on Euthenia or if possible when all people move out the homes advertised on Euthenia and outsiders booking two or more buildings next to each other.If possible in the case of middle class homeowners in the suburbs of major cities can move into communal homes built in place in of low quality housing estates demolished as the original people in these low quality areas will have already moved into hotels and supermarkets or into ones built on the outskirts of the cities with when demolished the suburbs can be reforested and roads dug and diverted.In areas like Las Vegas that has extensive amounts of casinos and hotels and suburban communities and very little poor and homeless people then those in suburbs can move into these and other obsolete buildings with the suburbs housing any remaining poor people moving in and merging together their homes with that of neighbours to form miniature mansions when their neighbours move out with roof and underground extensions to increase their size with them also having extra bedrooms added to be advertised on Euthenia for tourists to the area.By upgrading these poor housing estates and all abandoned buildings in the area to luxury standards it will improve the reputation of the area especially with regards to towns and cities and even cities like Detroit and other areas that have become stricken with poverty more appealing to tourists with the formation of these miniature mansions also upgrading the occupants standard of living instantly and would make poor neighbourhoods on par with that of the wealthiest neighbourhoods in the world especially when merged gardens are renovated to luxury standards at the same time.Excess homes can be demolished and the land reforested once the roads etc are dug up with only main roads remaining leading to the main city and other cities etc with the gardens of these mansions made into sizeable ones.Ideally these large homes due to having multiple bedrooms would house large families as well as next of kin or large groups of friends.Those from outside the area could book two or more buildings on Euthenia and then merge them together and renovate them to luxury standards with this done to the suburbs or even poor areas such as Detroit.Both the exterior and the interior all rooms will be renovated to luxury standards with these filmed by those who book the homes or are already living there and merge their one with those belonging to a neighbour who has moved out.Existing homes here can have roof and underground extensions to make them miniature mansions with tightly packed suburbs demolished and reforested as the residents move into excess abandoned buildings,obsolete buildings left over as well as communal homes built on the outskirts to facilitate the residents of these suburbs with those that were the scenes for famous events or homes of famous people or those belonging to those who wish to stay kept as the rest are demolished and land reforested.This can be done also if all people move out with at least two or three homes merged together and have roof extensions after they are mapped so as to allow those who book all of them on Euthenia to modify them on Pandora into any layout they desire and the finished home saved on Daedalus alongside the original buildings.Again extra kitchens,bedrooms etc can be modelled into other rooms or merged into larger kitchens,bedrooms and living rooms if possible by merging them together with this done using the aforementioned helmets and clothing and would be done either by the people that live their,book the buildings alongside the most advanced robots until robots can do it entirely.All rooms in these merged homes will be renovated to luxury standards in both the interior and exterior.This can also be applied to buildings that are next to each other at a considerable distance with them at angles to each other merged by sideways extensions that break down walls and hedges separating them again allowing two or more houses to be merged with very low quality housing that are shacks following this pattern of merging them together with these also having extensions to increase their size.This can turn merged homes in the suburbs of up to four homes to become McMansions done by those who book all of the buildings that next to each other and empty or by the original owner of one of them that stay while neighbours move out with roof and underground extensions added.Extra bedrooms can be kept for friends and next of kin or any other neighbours returning,home sharing programs for tourists and them made bigger if able to merge with other bedrooms present in all houses involved complete with ensuites,walk in closets etc with underground and roof extensions increasing space.The buildings will also have luxury fittings and furniture added in all rooms such as bedrooms,toilets,kitchens,living room ie precious gems,kebonised wood and ornamental rock in all fittings with those not booked have them done by renovators and advertised on Euthenia.Otherwise neighbours homes will be demolished and then reforested and have some space turned into larger gardens,house pools,geothermal hot springs as well as heating and electrical generation via thermo-piezoelectric material covered pipes,koi ponds,large flower beds with the homes having roof and underground extensions to form compact mansions allowing them to use both their garden and also that of there neighbours with other land reforested.If possible a home in low quality area or suburbs will be demolished and the occupants moving into a neighbours house,motor,home,those who use home sharing programs with large tall spacious mansion or villa style homes with underground extensions built in its place to allow them to move back in when its finished with this applying to those making extensions on the side,roof and underground.This will then allow that neighbour to temporarily move into that home when their house is demolished and replaced with a similar mansion style home until all homes in the area have nothing but large tall mansion and villa style homes with as stated these mansions having roof and underground extensions to be tall compact mansions on small areas of land.These will have episodes for each building of seasons with them following the universal template with the demolishment of them charted alongside their rebuilding.This would apply to areas where homes are made of cheap ugly material making it easier than replacing them with new material on the exterior as these new mansions can be made with slabs,tiles or whole kebonised wood,stones,foamcrete,precious gems,ornamental rocks etc with them designed by the original homeowners using a proto Pandora.If possible once the home is demolished then the home can be built underground allowing the garden to be ontop of the home with these being underground mansions.If neighbours next door would move out then their cheap house can also be demolished giving the person more space to create larger homes or the land used for larger gardens to house flower beds and pools etc and will covered in episodes that involve all types of renovations.Most of the work will be be done by automated machinery,3D printers alongside volunteers including the homeowners and neighbours alongside paid private contractors paid reserves from the government to alleviate strains on the poor with the exterior and interior refurbishments.These merging of homes close to each other and renovating them interior,exterior and gardens to luxury standards and also addition of roof,side and underground extensions will be covered in episodes following the universal template with as much as two to four homes merged together from homes of neighbours who have moved out.Otherwise suburban homes can have extra floors added to them on the roof or underground as well as have luxury furnishes inside and out.Otherwise a home need not be demolished but rather have luxury refurbishments in all rooms and on the exterior as well as roof and underground extensions to house amenities etc.Suburbs can be done with one or up to ten people in the same neighbourhood or those on opposite sides of the world using networks to work together from home with each episode having ten homes covered with each building done back to back each following the universal template.All of these will have episodes consisting of the history of the original owners,the area,buildings and will have multiple buildings as much as ten depending on the size of the buildings in one episodes with the episodes done by the people who booked them or absorbed the buildings from their neighbours.The episodes will involve the universal template with the history of absorbed buildings charted the original owners and also tours of all rooms present in all absorbed and tours of gardens prior and after merged together.These episodes will follow the universal template with all homes absorbed explored beforehand and toured afterwards presented by the people who booked them and the homeowners.Otherwise entire negihbourhoods and ghettos can be done at the same time following the season format and template.The homeowners merging them will present them.These renovated buildings in suburbs,council flat with single floor apartments etc as detailed earlier on can also accommodate tourists if noone local is living in them.

Buildings that are contaminated by defective drywall,poor wiring etc and even built as the result of poor regulations can be demolished and material recycled or renovated with proper material and refurbishments while the homeowners stay in motorhomes or neighbours temporarily while the home is rebuilt as it was or modified or completely different with better materials ie kebonised,everwood treated wood with fungi insulation etc to save energy and make them fireproof and to luxury standards with more floors and underground extensions added and gardens renovated in the same place or in another area in their own episodes with if need be entire affected neighbourhoods done this way in their own long episodes.Those demolished and built somewhere else will allow neighbours to have larger gardens even if they too demolish the home and replace it with new homes.Abandoned and vacant buildings with these defects will be demolished and built as they were or have these defects removed with luxury standards in episodes done by locales and the building advertised on Euthenia.These episodes would have the private homes and gardens have tours of the home before and after,history of the house and owners charted and all parts of the universal template covered.

Private homes in the suburbs and rural homes including those owned by the wealthy and all areas can have roof,side and underground extensions to house amenities and extra bedrooms for tourists,garden renovations as well as being refurbished with luxury fittings and new luxury electronics/glassware/furniture in all rooms including basements and sheds,extensions,garden renovations and buying new vehicles and clothing with carpeting removed and replaced with kebonised wood to make them more desirable for home sharing,hosting and swapping etc and also increase the occupants standard of living instantly with these having their own episodes following the universal template with them presented by the homeowners themselves or friends using electronics bought online or prior to clearances or even from Antikthera.Low quality and luxury homes on retail sites will be bought and given luxury refurbishments and also roof,side and underground extensions to house amenities and bedrooms for tourists and make them water and energy efficient.Manors,palaces,castles and historical buildings will have refurbishments to the main building but also adjoins buildings alongside roof and underground extensions that spread across the entire gardens and adjoining fields including reforested land to house bedrooms and amenities etc will be done in the case of those owned already by the wealthy and those bought.All of these will have modifications to make them energy and water efficient and have garden rennovations as well as have new luxury furniture,glassware,electronics etc.These renovations will be charted in episodes following the universal template presented by the homeowners themselves alongside celebrity and amateur ones.In the case of two or more homes merged all rooms in each homes merged will have the interior and gardens will be toured with cinematic before and after renovations.Networks can allow homeowners around the world to work together and merge their buildings renovations together with episodes having ten to twenty homes covered in episodes lasting several hours.In all of these types of private homes garden renovations will be done where seating is added,new plants are planted,koi ponds and water features are added.All old electronics/glassware/furniture can be scanned into Hephaestus before being traded away or recycled.They will use networks housing areas where they can work with other suburban or even rural homeowners around the world to create episodes covering as much as ten to twenty homes with each one presented by the homeowners and them giving the history of their home,area and themselves,tours of homes and cinematics both before and after renovations with the universal template also used.These renovations will also including them adding extra spare bedrooms and amenities in side,roof and underground extensions intended for tourists especially in the suburbs of tourist spots across the world in major cities and also tropical areas covered in episodes that also have them renovate all rooms with luxury fittings.The extensions can include amenities and living spaces including bedrooms for tourists and second living rooms for them.These renovations could include merging neighbours homes and gardens together to form miniature mansions coupled with roof and underground extensions.Under ground extensions can go as deep as possible and go underneath their entire garden,drive way and land they own and also possibly underneath adjoining roads and fields etc with if possible these merged with those of neighbours with neighbours sharing underground communal amenities with each other such as living rooms,pools etc with them sharing daughter digital key access to them and the amount of underground space shared decided between them with certain areas such as tourist bedrooms and the stairs leading to the main house locked to to others via digital key access with underground extensions in suburbs all homes connected to each other this way sharing certain amenities decided by hallways planned out.This will encourage communal use,ease of access to certain areas of each neighbours home and prevent over production of certain amenities.This alongside side and roof extensions and in some cases merging homes of neighbours who move out can make most peoples homes miniature mansions especially in the suburbs etc.Those in areas prone to storms,hurricanes,earthquakes,tsunamais,tornadoes,flooding will house bunkers that contain batteries,storage areas for food and water,nanomaterials that separate carbon dioxide into oxygen separated by watertight doors.These may eventually form part of or connect to underground communities through doors and stairs as well as elevators and deeper extensions done overtime.For these to be done pipes,sewers and cables underneath the home and surrounding area must first be scanned into the Home AI and Brauron using robotic snakes and other scanning devices and records from the county council to avoid them with simulations done on their stability,steps to take using the Home AI and Brauron with both types done by hand or humanoid robots.The home map streamed by Pandora from the Home AI would allow one to add extensions.It will also include garden renovations that upgrade gardens to luxury standards with pools,hot springs,luxury furniture,flower beds.It could also include adding triple plyed windows,CSYS lights,adding car chargers,wall batteries,running energy audit,removing asbestos and other toxic material in favour of non toxic fungi insulation,hempcrete and even installing geothermal heating as well as heating and electrical generation via thermo-piezoelectric material covered pipes and VAWTs as well as hot springs as detailed later on in the management for energy.Triple plyed windows will contain synthetic greenhouses like Perfluorotributylamine,Nitrogen trifluoride,Sulfur hexafluoride that have a global warming potential roughly 17,200-23,000 times more powerful than carbon dioxide and last roughly 740-3,200 years meaning they would last long enough during the buildings lifespan and would thus trap more heat lowering heating costs more than conventional ones that use argon and carbon dioxide with graphene in their matrix to prevent leaks and prevent them shattering.Windows will be replaced with those that have quantum dot technology for energy production and also graphene in them for this and to also have touchscreen technology,television/computer screens and also to protect those in areas affected by storms and tornadoes from debris.It will allow them to become digital smart windows that project livestreams from the wire,internet,linked devices including harddrives,video game consoles and environments of ones choice.OrbSys Shower systems that cut water  usage in showers by 90% and tornado spiral systems and nozzles faucets that cut water usage in taps by 98% will and other energy and water saving measures such as Vacuum Toilet VT1800 water saving toilets will be added to the systems present with onboard computers to measure these and act as the housing for sentient and even pre sentient proto AI will be added.Type G sockets for electronics due to their safety will replace all other types worldwide via modifying plug sockets and converters and electrical systems as part of renovations as part of Restoration Nation for communal and private homes worldwide.Old electronics can use adapters and converters on installed type G sockets until customised electronics by 2029 use only Type G plugs that will phase out all other plug types worldwide by 2029.One will order in new electronics such as televisions,laptops etc from countries that use Type G sockets once all homeowners as part of renovations worldwide modify wall sockets to be Type G due to its safety with all customised electronics by 2029 Type G for global uniformity.This will apply to existing private homes and communal homes and those derived from obsolete and abandoned buildings and also other public buildings undergoing renovations to add luxury refurbishments,Venetian suites etc and also make them energy and water efficient.Copper etc as part of plugs can be replaced by graphene,similar nanomaterials of all 92 elements and biosynth technology.The bayonet mounts that are used in lightbulbs in United Kingdom and in many countries that were members of the British Empire including Pakistan,Australia,Hong Kong,Fiji,India,Sri Lanka,Ireland,and New Zealand,parts of the Middle East and Africa and, historically,France and Greece will eventually phase out new and even existing Edison screws in all lightbulbs America and worldwide by 2029 in the same way.Digital keys alongside round locks and handles will in time replace keycards for room access for all rooms in all renovated private homes worldwide by 2029.Doors of all types in all buildings will be replaced with more luxurious ones with handles replaced with round ornate ones that use digital keys that can be turned to open but digital keys on smart devices will be used to lock and unlock them with lightening systems that need keycards can be replaced with normal ones ideally round ones and those that can be changed by smart devices.Loans could allow for private homeowners to hire high quality government and corporate contractors with by 2029 and 2045 robots and biosynths hired through Daedalus.These will also follow universal regulations.These as stated would bring even the most bottom of the barrel homes in suburbs to luxury standards on par with the most wealthy neighbourhoods upgrading the occupants living standards and making their homes more viable for home sharing and trading away.

Homeowners who lost homes as a result of debt,foreclosures including the 2008 crisis will be given back their old home if it is abandoned and the current occupants leave with them again merging with nearby homes surrounding them to make them bigger with even those who are homeless allowed back their home with even if the current owner stays then either merging them with surrounding homes,extensions can allow them to stay there with home sharing programs within Euthenia also used and VR simulations utilised as well.If possible the owners original house if owned by someone else can be renovated with luxury furnishes and even side,roof and underground extensions that allow one to stay as permanent residences or even come and go as they please as if it was a second home.These can be covered in episodes.Thus those who own second or even third or more homes will have side,roof and underground extensions in each one to house extra master bedrooms and even others for a small family as permanent residents and others for tourists to allow each one to be traded away permanently to allow for new permanent housemates advertised on Euthenia and have extra rooms advertised on Euthenia and allow the original owner come and go as they please at any time with the episodes presented by the original homeowners.These will be covered in episodes using the universal template and will allow the poor to get a luxury home instantly,allow the original homeowner use the home at the same time any time of the year in the original bedrooms and prevent second and third homes owned by the wealthy be idle with this also applied those on the middle class with second homes with those in the middle class have extra amenities in extensions also.Countries like India where there are more 10,000,000 abandoned homes that are already owned as second homes for wealthy can be given to the poor in slums permanently or using home sharing,hosting and swapping systems wherein the new occupants and original owners switch places during holidays etc either temporarily back and forth or permanently where the original owner gives away legal tender and uses it for holidays etc or with the original owners still keeping legal tender with those that are just abandoned also used by the poor allowing the estimated 13,700,000 that live in slums of India quick access to high standard luxury apartments with the original owners contacted by government officials and charities that work with the poor.The remaining will get homes in luxury hotels and other obsolete buildings.Otherwise ideally the original homeowner can add extra bedrooms as detailed earlier in extensions, allowing them to trade them away to the very poor instantly giving them access to luxury homes instantly and still use the house and come and go as they please whenever they please in the extra bedrooms in roof,side or underground extensions and can have episodes covering the addition of new bedrooms after the poor move and follow the universal template.Large high sky rise apartment blocks will have extra floors added on the roof and underground to accommodate this as well with again them having new apartments with families have each member including children have their own apartments rather than sharing with their parents.These will be covered in episodes and seasons following the universal template detailing renovations of adding extra bedrooms and the poor moving in following the universal template and will be done after the buildings are advertised on Euthenia or the original owners doing the renovations themselves and then advertising the extra bedrooms to the poor.The original homeowner could have a second master bedroom and second set of beds in the extensions with the episodes detailing the poor moving,the renovations,them getting new clothes and manufactured goods etc.Those that have extra bedrooms that are idle will be advertised there and episodes with the universal template done.This can be replicated in developing countries like China,Africa etc and even in America where the wealthy have multiple homes especially in exotic locations with VR technology allowing the homes to permanently traded away and visited in simulations with extensions added to add extra bedrooms allowing both original owner and new occupants to stay there at the same time.The same may be applied to the upper middle class around the world who own extra properties.In either cases any instances of tourists using them via Euthenia would require both parties to negotiate deals.Thus those who own second or even third or more homes will have side,roof and underground extensions in each one to house extra master bedrooms and even others for a small family as permanent residents and others for tourists to allow each one to be traded away permanently to allow for new permanent housemates advertised on Euthenia and have extra rooms advertised on Euthenia and allow the original owner come and go as they please at any time with the episodes presented by the original homeowners.These will be covered in episodes using the universal template and will allow the poor to get a luxury home instantly,allow the original homeowner use the home at the same time any time of the year in the original bedrooms and prevent second and third homes owned by the wealthy be idle with this also applied those on the middle class with second homes with those in the middle class have extra amenities in extensions also.These would have their own episodes detailing the history of the original owners,people moving in and the building itself with these episodes covering multiple episodes.The rich and famous including royalty,musicians,actors,CEOs,politicians who live in mansions and palaces alongside all homes in wealthy neighbourhoods around the world can rent out spare rooms and those added in extensions.These can have episodes made by the homeowners detailing modifications and adding extensions.

All episodes involving suburban neighbourhood private home renovations including those owned by the wealthy will be done by the homeowners and members of neighbourhood filming,presenting,dumping material into networks and working with neighbours and other suburban homeowners across the country to create episodes with as much as twenty homes detailed in each episode with the history of the neighbourhood and the home(s) and homeowners will be charted following the universal template including them explored prior to being demolished and tours after being built with cinematics and before and after collages.These episodes would have the private homes and gardens have tours of the home before and after,history of the house and owners charted and all parts of the universal template covered.Thus people who live in suburbs,low quality homes and rural homes,apartment blocks,council flats worldwide will film renovations as part of Restoration Nation that involve them turned into luxury water and energy efficient communal hotel style homes.People who live wealthy suburbs,neighbourhoods and even mansions,castles,villas including CEOs,royalty and celebrities will have will film renovations as part of Restoration Nation that detail addition of extensions to house bedrooms and amenities for tourists (and permenant residents in the case of second and third)and making them water and energy efficient etc.

Ideally seasons showing the renovations of entire suburbs,ghettos and neighbourhoods could be done with the entire suburbs doing renovations all at once in a season detailing the history of the area,and each homeowner doing history on their own home and history etc,tours before and after them alongside the universal template for each episode and each homeowner acting as presenters for their homes in the episode following the universal template with each home shown one after the other as well as at the same time for those taking place at the same time.Historical buildings,abandoned buildings,bridges,roads,parks and community gardens etc set up and renovated will be covered in episodes presented by any resident following the universal template in episodes part of this season.The networks can be used by all people present to create these episodes with renovations of all homes occurring at once or at different times of the year months apart and assembled together.These renovations of ghettos and suburbs will follow the same seasons structure as ghost towns with the first episode having a tour of the entire area on foot and in vehicles with intro cinematics done followed by the history of the area with the final episodes having a tour of the finished area and also outro cinematics etc all done collaboratively with episodes in between following the renovation of each home following the universal template ie history,intro and outro tour and cinematics etc including side,roof and underground extensions as well as garden renovations and fitting rooms with luxury fittings and furniture done and presented by each resident of their own homes with other episodes charting the renovation in the case of ghettos of abandoned buildings renovated into homes alongside retail outlets turned into homes or retail streets turned into mega hotels and also renovating parks and playgrounds to luxury standards with vacant lots,urban prairies etc renovated into community farms and hybrid fruit and nut trees planted along streets even replacing dying ones done by different members of the community with these each covered in episodes covered by them collectively.Renovations of bridges and roads will also be covered in episodes.Each home will ideally have underground,roof or side extensions to house amenities and also extra rooms for tourists and will have garden renovations.Thus these could turn ghettos and also suburbs around the world including those that are considered bottom of the barrel to a level on par with the wealthiest neighbourhoods through garden,interior and exterior renovations complete with luxury fittings and furniture and refurbishments.This would instantly raise the occupants standards of living but also make them more desireable for home trading and sharing on Euthenia and if each home adds extra bedrooms in roof,side and underground extensions will make them viable for tourists to visit the area.In the case of slums as stated these will be demolished while the residents move to more affluent accommodation from abandoned and obsolete buildings with if the houses are of good quality then they can be merged together by those remaining and those done by people booking two or more homes and merging them with roof,side and underground extensions added to make them on par with mansions.Excess ones not booked will be merged or renovated and advertised in Euthenia with slums and all other lowest quality housing demolished with any left over have the land reforested.This renovation of entire ghettos and neighbourhoods can also be done to abandoned ones with presenters doing entire seasons where two or more home are merged into miniature mansions,remodelled into the same architectural style with side,roof and underground extensions and garden renovations and then them advertised on Euthenia.Funding for both abandoned and occupied suburbs and ghettos will be done by the government funding state and corporate contractors and volunteers.Also all rural villages in Africa and Asia will be brought up to 21st standards by renovating homes to luxury standards,adding geothermal plants and other sewage and water treatment plants,wifi,town halls,mega hotels,hospitals,universities and vertical farms etc and other key features of fully developed villages and cities in the developed world by the same time period thus eliminating poverty completely from the face of the Earth.Thus if a global effort is made then by at least 2029-2045 poverty and homelessness will be eliminated worldwide by moving people into better accommodation and renovating existing homes and villages with this if especially all abandoned and obsolete buildings are made luxurious up to the same standards as homes for the very wealthy with all cheap tiling,carpeting,furniture etc replaced by kebonised wood,ornate furniture,silk curtains and bedding,slabs of ornamental rock and precious gems provided graphene sheets are placed down.All rooms such as bedrooms,lobbies,communal toilets including cubicles/urinals/lids/toilets/sinks/mirrors,en suites,kitchens etc are replaced with these materials with replicas of famous paintings and also other physical art are placed in key rooms with the communal lobby and living room are designed with furniture and props from the residents homes including musical instruments.By having all obsolete and abandoned buildings upgraded to the highest luxury quality on par with those belonging to the very wealthy will not only increase the standard of living of the poorest of the poor who move into them within a decade it will also ensure that the buildings are desireable to others used to high quality living such as the very wealthy themselves for permanent or temporary trading away.All grassy knolls that surround any remaining housing states that have homes converted into miniature mansions can be used as gardens for growing food.If possible low quality housing estates including ghettos and suburbs could have all buildings demolished and the entire area have a series of five star luxury communal hotel style homes built in their place.If several people dont want to move out due to their being historical,personal familial value to a home then they can remain,merge with surrounding homes from as much as to even ten homes depending on their size,have extensions on the roof,side and underground and have these luxury apartments and hotels built in other areas with the possibility of several homes around them demolished to give them larger gardens and the luxury apartments and hotels built in the surrounding regions of the estate or in place of the other places demolished.As stated before after refurbishments are made if possible the building can remain and be merged into a large luxury communal hotel style home built into and next to it allowing the person to stay there and be connected to new or existing neighbours allowing the person to be connected directly to a hotel that has amenities and large amounts of neighbours especially for parties at Christmas and New Years Eve.Otherwise the surrounding buildings to these buildings that were demolished can be large shared gardens to grow both ornamental plants and crops with low quality ones refurbished with high quality refurbishments covered in episodes.These would include homes wherein a owner simply does not want to leave and those that were the childhood homes of famous people,those that were famous events took place which can be turned into museums containing memorabilla of that person and their family or homes..The conversion of suburban houses and those in tightly packed estates into mansions by merging two or more buildings or even just other refurbishments will be covered in their own episodes by the homeowners and teams renovating it with if possible the families history covered and the same done for those where people have moved out and it done by contractors with if need be these being episodes covering multiple homes in the area or even city and country edited once multiple homeowners send in their videos to networks.Entire neighbourhoods especially poor ones renovating them to luxury standards may do them at once or at different time of the year with the networks allowing material to be collected and pieced together with those focusing on an entire neighbourhood in one season with the first episode will chart the history of the neighbourhood and a tour of the neighbourhood on foot,by vehicle with intro cinematics with the last episode having an outro cinematic and tour and meeting the entire neighbourhoods occupants.The episodes in between will then focus on each house at a time one after the other and then each home will have the homeowners history then a tour,cinematics etc of the home before renovations with the renovations then charted and then the very end will have the closing cinematics and tours of the home couple with before and after collage.Again the residents will work together to collect each others material with each one presenting their homes renovation and one of them charting the history and tour etc of the neighbourhood so the material can be collected over the moths that each home is done with this done for the very lowest socio economic neighbourhoods in areas like Detroit and ghettos of New York City with the universal template also used.Thus seasons will be done of whole neighbourhoods such as suburbs and ghettos having all buildings upgraded at once with singular episodes done of one or two homes on the same neighbourhood and on opposite sides of the world with singular episodes have the buildings covered and presented by the residents following the universal template with neighbourhoods and ghettos all done at once collaboratively with all residents.All of these will have a first episode consisting of the history/intro cinematic and tour of the the area,with episodes in between covering the renovation each building following the universal template with the episodes done by the people who booked them or absorbed the buildings from their neighbours and then the outro episode charting the final renovations to the roads etc with the outro cinematic and tour.These renovated buildings in suburbs,council flat with single floor apartments etc as detailed earlier on can also accommodate tourists if noone local is living in them.The first episode will have the street outside toured on foot and by car,coupled with an intro cinematic with its history detailed with the final episode having an outro tour and,cinematic presented by locales with each episode in between charting each home undergoing renovations such as luxury refurbishments internally,externally,luxury furniture,new electronics and garden renovations,merging with other homes,addition of extensions on the side or on the roof or underground and them each following the universal template for each home presented by the homeowners.Abandoned ghettos and neighbourhoods will be covered in seasons.The upgrading of parks to luxury standards,renovation of roads and bridges and addition of community farms will be covered in episodes as part of these seasons presented by different residents.If possible large sections of low quality neighbourhoods will be demolished,the material recycled and the housing estates remodelled by county councils and presenters into more neater neighbourhoods that are on par with wealthier neighbourhoods via merging some of the remaining closely knit homes as much as two to four that remain with them given roof,side and underground extensions and all gardens remodelled into luxury ones with flower beds/jacuzzis/pools/koi ponds and ornamental plants as well as stone walls and gates,them given exterior and internal refurbishments and the roads remodelled with this done as whole seasons presented via presenters and renovations done by paid contractors and them traded on Euthenia.This form of gentrification would be similar to past projects without the negative effects such as the original owners leaving who would in fact stay in their own homes that they would upgrade to luxury standards.All buildings will be fitted with triple ply windows,fungi insulation etc to make them energy efficient with them if they want adding wall chargers for electric vehicles,batteries for storing electricity and also solar panels,VAWTs etc covered in episodes.Water efficient showers and taps will also be added/If any homeowners have left for other homes then their home would be renovated in episodes as part of these seasons by neighbours and then advertised on Euthenia or will be renovated by new homeowners who have booked them before seasons are filmed.Abandoned homes will be treated in the same way with large abandoned buildings ie factories,warehouses etc will also be covered in their own episodes separate from these seasons.Otherwise large,tall luxury communal homes with the suites being the Venetian template will be built with them covered in episodes with the rooms designed by AI or people moving in.Ones where only one or two homes are renovated in middle and upper class suburbs will be done by the homeowners doing them with the networks housing areas where they can work with other suburban or even rural homeowners in the neighbourhood to create episodes as part of seasons covering as much as ten to twenty homes with each one presented by the homeowners and them giving the history of their home,area and themselves,tours of homes and cinematics both before and after renovations with the universal template also used.The members of all suburbs and ghettos etc creating seasons will have all residents of the neighbourhood meet in town halls and also through group Skype chats to decide the creation of these seasons and also plan out each persons renovations and also the renovations of roads and setting up of community and vertical farms and even the renovations of parks etc with local governments organising road and bridge renovations through funding and contacting private and government contractors.Some communities and ghettos especially very poor neighbourhoods may decide to have all homes demolished,roads dug up and design and build tall luxury communal homes covered in their own seasons.Entire middle class suburbs may undergo season long renovations of the entire area such as homes,parks etc.

Gardens can also be renovated in all suburban and ghetto renovations with dead or old trees replaced by new younger ones,alongside shrubs and new grass and flower beds as well as if possible ponds,koi ponds,water feature and also pools,koi ponds,hot springs etc using geothermal heating with these renovations charted in the episodes that homes are renovated.This could apply to suburbs and areas with council housing and also even trailer parks.This will also apply to renovations such as underground extensions.Communal homes derived from skyscrapers and tall retail outlets etc and even new and existing hotel style communal homes and apartment blocks undergoing renovations in all rooms will be charted in episodes and give those that have no room for them on the ground one to retreat to and also the installation of vertical gardens.If possible retail outlets that would eventually become mega hotels can act as makeshift homes for those that are in poor suburbs where buildings are tightly packed together,wide and not tall and also made of cheap material and allow these buildings to be demolished and then have communal hotel like homes built there or even allow for the area to have taller,compact mansions built there on par of the wealthier suburbs with personal effects and furniture/electronics etc stored in community centres,makeshift homes and also scanned into Hephaestus for replication.These mansion style homes in place of exciting suburbs via demolishing old buildings will be covered in episodes following the universal template with them not only merging homes together and remodelling the merged homes into the same architectural style but also adding roof,underground extensions with both the interior and exterior given luxury furnishes in all rooms.Thus episodes will be created in all types of renovations in suburbs for merging homes together,building mansions in place of existing ones,renovating all rooms in homes including basements/living rooms/kitchens/attics etc inside and outside into luxury homes alongside adding roof and underground extensions one wishes stay in while the surrounding ones are demolished alongside the renovations of gardens adding new trees,flowerbeds and also pools,koi ponds etc.The renovation of gardens with new grass,trees,flower beds and water features like koi ponds etc will be added and covered in these episodes.Driveways etc can be replaced by porous ones.These will be filmed by the people who book the homes or already live there with them merging homes of neighbours and as stated can be dumped in networks where ten homes can be done per episode of all homes in that suburb or those in different towns and cities with this managed by them interacting via networks.All suburb and private home renovations of all types including private homes renovated inside and out into luxury ones and have underground and roof extensions and garden renovations will be covered in episodes with ten homes covered with all of them presented by the homeowners that will dump them into networks where they and others will work together to merge them together.Those in wilderness areas and also in cities or anywhere in the world whether private or communal renovated to luxury standards renovating them inside and out,adding extensions or by demolishing them and replacing them with new ones will be covered in their own episodes.This will increase their quality and also their viability for trading.Ideally the homeowners will scan in their original home map in its unaltered form to be added to the Daedalus network alongside the altered form.This can be done in all countries around the world.Thus existing house and garden renovation and flipping programmes around the world will be replaced with the new universal program that covers the renovations of all abandoned and obsolete buildings of all types,private homes and also of all ghost towns etc worldwide.Gardens in the suburbrs and also other areas that encircled by fencing,hedges etc will have all land around them reforested or left to be meadows especially permaculture ones will have gates added to allow access to them.Pan will become the universal garden renovater and designer replacing human ones with him doing this in collaberation with residents.

All of this – demolishing old homes and replacing them with compact mansions,renovating homes with luxury fittings inside in all rooms and outside as well as gardens,roof/underground/side extensions,merging with neighbours homes remodelled into the same architectural style,renovating gardens would bring homes in poor suburbs and ghettos even in areas like Detroit,New Orleans,New York,Caracas that are considered low quality bottom of the barrel to be brought on par with luxury homes and suburbs relegated to the very wealthy thus allowing the poorest of the poor in all city suburbs to be quickly taken out of poverty by at least 2029-2045 depending on home much effort is made.This would not only increase the occupants standard of living but also increase their desirability for home trading and sharing especially if extensions house extra bedrooms for tourists are added with this and improving infrastructure and renovating abandoned buildings will increase the areas tourism desireability.Even decrepit buildings occupied can be renovated with poverty stricken towns in both the developed and developing world such as America and Europe will undergo this with if need be very structurally unsound and poor buildings and homes scanned into Daedalus/Pandora then demolished and rebuilt using kebonised wood and other better long lasting aesthetic material and have luxury furnishes and fittings with them also having underground,side and roof extensions to make them them bigger with each home having extra bedrooms for tourists added and even have amenities indoors or outdoors.Furniture and electronics can be of the highest quality bought for free from any retail store and online store proto Hephaestus with all infrastructure ie bridges and roads in the area upgraded to 21st century standards with all of this even including “coal country” and “steel industry” areas and indeed towns that rely on one particular industry including manufacturing for their economy of countries such as America and other areas that have suffered economic depressions and rises in poverty due to automation and also outsourcing of jobs to other countries.Roads will be dug up and replaced with porous asphalt with if possible those that create islands dug up and the different islands merged together to allow for large tall luxury hotel style communal homes in their place with excess areas reforested.Bridges will if possible be demolished and replaced with better carbon and graphene composite based ones.All grassy areas and gardens will have new grass fitted with xerophile,Firmicutes and oligotrophic DNA with the same done to new trees and flower beds added with old dead trees cut down and pyrolysised with gardens renovated to luxury standards.Community farms etc will be set up with historical and abandoned buildings renovated to luxury standards for use as homes,museums or their original purposes with these and their renovation of parks to luxury standards covered in episodes as part of seasons.Ghettos and low quality suburbs will be kept and refurbished by the inhabitants meeting with each other and applying to the local council to prevent demolishing of them and thus in fact using resources to revitalise them by merging homes,demolishing a home and replacing it with a bigger more luxurious one,refurbishing homes with interior and exterior renovations,roof and underground extensions etc.These will be covered in episodes or seasons like ghost towns that have all homes including abandoned vacant ones covered in multiple long episodes especially if multiple homes are merged together and renovated externally and internally into large mcmansions with the history of the neighbourhood,each street and every home renovated with the vast majority of those from slums,trailer parks etc also moving into luxury homes made from renovated abandoned and obsolete buildings of all types by this point as well.Entire middle class suburbs may undergo season long renovations of the entire area such as homes,parks etc.

Homes in the suburbs and council estates that are refurbished and merged together as well as both projects and council flats renovated into luxury communal homes or mansions etc will also be covered alongside villages upgraded to 21st century.Train stations and subways as well as catacombs and underground areas both abandoned and existing renovated into homes will have their own episodes as well as mines,mining facilities,golf courses and driving lanes and all other buildings made redundant by VR technology streaming live events into Pheme and Dionysus as well as nightclubs,strip clubs,bowling alleys and bath houses etc.Publishing companies headquarters of magazines and newspapers as well as the headquarters of video game,newspapers,magazines,live news stations,recording studios and others made redundant by networks in Pheme and Dionysus and VR technology will have their own episodes as time goes by.Historical amenities including theatres,churches,temples,cinemas,nightclubs etc will have their own episodes with regards to those renovated to their former glory and use with episodes for those of non historical value converted into homes.Those renovated to their former glory will house suites in roof and underground extensions to house tourists and also permanent residents.Museums,opera houses,theatres,churches still functioning will also have these suites in extensions for the same reason.Brothels and mansions owned by the famous such as Neverland Ranch,Playboy Mansion and those that belonged to famous people as well as spare homes belonging to the wealthy traded away due to Euthenia and VR technology will be covered in their own episode detailing its history by the original owners,staff and also next of kin and also renovations and new owners.

Numerous small buildings including merging low quality house and suburban homes together with underground extensions etc to form mcmansions or even homes being renovated to luxury standards following the same template will also be featured allowing for several of these to be merged into one episode from that country with these following the format of the history of the members merging homes together and the history of the home etc.Numerous small abandoned buildings can also be covered in one episode provided they are in the same country with the producers using the networks to work with each other.If possible cities that have numerous abandoned and obsolete buildings can have several buildings of different types covered in long episodes covering all key parts of the format done by different presenters or if they are being done at the same time and even next to each other or in close proximity by the same presenters especially even celebrity actor and director presenters covering numerous abandoned and obsolete buildings in their home town etc at once.They could even if done at the same time or different times be done by different presenters meeting up or even switching places.Either these will be filmed at once going back from each other at once,or back to back or they will be done at separate times of the year or different years and merged together while stored in the networks.These buildings covered in single long episodes can be all abandoned of different types,all obsolete of different types or even a mixture of these.Council flats will also be covered if converted into floor apartments or hotel style suites using the same format.Episodes that follow multiple buildings ie small buildings,multiple suburban homes or tightly packed homes merged together in an area or country will be done by the homeowners and renovators dumping their material into the networks open to the public in an area full of subfolders for each type ie an area for suburban homes with subfolders created by each homeowner to work on material,editing and dump finished products with these folders housing areas for multiple homeowners to dump their material until at least ten projects are collected and then merged together by experts or by all people who created them working and communicating from home as the networks will be open to all members of the public with folders created for each project in each area ie town/city/village for each type of buildings ie there will be folders in each country to allow for folders for each type of home ie suburban homes to allow for those in the same area to work with each other.The size of buildings will determine the length of each episode with as stated on episode several hours long episodes as part of seasons covering either on large building ie a supermarket,building hotels from scratch in shopping streets and in place of demolished low quality estates and slums,offices and headquarters and other large buildings such as abandoned ones and schools will cover one building over several hours in detail showing the buildings history in detail from locales and historians,staff etc and detailed tours and explorations of the building deciding what to do with each room by those that booked them as well detailed aerial shots before,during and after construction/renovation,detailed renovations of key rooms and also the after finished using collages/transitions of before and after tours as well.Hotels and motels seasons episodes will have the video advertisements and also intro videos on YouTube and in the hotel itself added with these stored on YouTube indefinitely from as far back as possible on the hotels official channel or that of the programme for historical reference.Otherwise these will be transferred permanently to special features.Tours of the hotels,casinos,motels etc lobby,dining hall,kitchens and all types of bedrooms will follow the same template as those done by YouTubers such as Luxury Travel Expert even using some of that accounts videos for those they have already covered and will also include renovations of certain rooms ie turning retail hotels and conference rooms etc into closet rooms adding extensions especially merging two buildings together and remodelling the ground floor with slot machines of casinos/obsolete restaurants etc into extra suites and amenities as well as closet rooms,merging small rooms together to make the universal Venetian size and additions of extra floors of at least twenty with the suites their this size to compensate for this,digging up carparks as well as tarmac and concrete for gardens,putting porous asphalt roads in place of old ones or where there is none,rebuilding or rennovation of bridges,addition of gardens onto roofs and addition of new floors and designing these rooms,customisations of rooms,addition of balconies,renovation poor quality ones into luxury five star ones,customisations alongside the history of the hotel,motel,casino and those moving into them will be charted in their episodes with the unveiling of the universal Hestia statue with tours done in the same way as The Luxury Traveller before and after renovations with of course photo shoots and cinematics etc before and after.This programmes official channel for each continent or country will hold promos and trailers for upcoming episodes with the programme even having special features such as behind the scenes material,unused material,photos etc for each episode in special features section within Dionysus.Timelapse videos of renovations may be used alongside collages/transitions of before and after will be done to save time with the length that each renovation took denoted in the epilogue alongside the amount of people and robots used.The dates that they took place ie started and ended will also be denoted.These and aerial drone shots of the area and the building will be done to make it look professional and be of a high standard with the aerial shots fed in networks viewed and recorded in real time on laptops onsite and in home studios controlled by camera with this done for all types of abandoned and obsolete buildings.This would be done for historical reference of this process as well as preservation of the history of all types of abandoned and obsolete buildings individually and when each is finished it can be sent to the studios of local state,independent or corporate studios such as HBO,BBC,RTE,Telesur or a singular global independent entity consisting of well established presenters,camera men and other staff from all corporate and state channels of defunct and still running shows of all types that will publish it into Dionysus with networks set up by each each country that will post the material there in networks in an unedited form to be edited for the large number of presenters and background staff such as editors to deal with such as large number of buildings both abandoned and obsolete in each countries version and the families moving in interviewed in studio or at their new home before uploaded to Dionysus in seasons for each countries or even continent version of the show with the persons before even booking and after booking the places will film their daily lives and living conditions.The people who filmed the material could work with these professional teams to give them extra data and history,aid in editing and also add little bit extra material with if possible the camera men and women of existing and defunct programmes and those who have experience in making professional programmes etc in each country also helping the locales filming it with them paid reserves as well.The proto and well established Dionysus networks will allow this.

Areas that have suffered immense financial loss since the 2008 depression such as Detroit should contain enough abandoned skyscrapers,shopping malls,hotels,motels,highschools,homes and factories to cater to the needs of the homeless and very poor.These can be not only renovated but also have extensions to make them bigger with housing estates and suburbs merged together to form miniature mansions or even hotels with tall skyscrapers again merged together formed into luxury hotels.Those who cant get accommodation in these meetings both the poor the homeless can seek temporary commendation in trailers,motorhomes,cruise ships,home sharing programs etc while their old estates are demolished replaced by more luxury hotels or use the internet to again book accommodation of all types in areas and countries with lower levels of poverty with new hotel style buildings built in the area or large private homes built in the outskirts or in place of unused land designed by them on Pandora or proto versions of it or even existing unoccupied homes in the database that are unsold from retail sites from around the world that have been added to it as well as those that those from the middle class move out of if they are not demolished.

Existing unoccupied homes and even islands can be advertised in Euthenia with those on all online retail sites online from around the world such as,,individual websites for hotels will be transferred into Euthenia in the vacant section with low quality ones demolished and replaced by larger ones or have renovations indoor through luxury fittings and luxury furniture etc added alongside roof,underground and side extensions and merged with nearby ones also bought by the people moving in to make them bigger and more spacious and on par with luxury Mcmansions.These homes bought via for free via bidding will have episodes of people moving in and doing these renovations following the universal template with those involving merging homes touring all of the homes at the start.All home retail sites that sell homes,business that sell homes around the world will have all of their buildings whether luxury apartments,mansions,villas etc or normal homes from around the world added to this proto and final Euthenia under a separate folder named vacant for the poorest people to use and the servers recycled with the lowest quality buildings and any left behind after a while could be demolished and land reforested decided by the locales at meeting or they can be gained by someone from the lowest socio economic ladder and then have roof,side and underground extensions or merge with nearby buildings covered in episodes.These buildings especially the luxury apartments and mansions etc will be allotted to ideally the poor especially those in slums and homeless for free through bidding for them and not the wealthy with them moving into them covered in episodes following the universal template detailing the homes history the history of where the new resident came from and also them making renovations that are customisations of furniture and adding extra bedrooms,living rooms etc in underground and roofs extensions for tourists,renovations to gardens etc featuring multiple residences being moved by the poor showing the buildings history and that of the poor people moving making modifications and adjusting to their new life detailing their transition from slums,ghettos etc to these new luxury homes and meeting with the neighbours and getting new clothes,electronics etc from clearances and making modifications to the furniture as well as adding luxury fittings to all rooms with the same applying to those that originally belonged to the wealthy as second and third homes.Renovations can be made to luxury homes such as mansions,villas,castles including side,roof,underground extensions to house rooms for tourists and also those to make them energy and water efficient and garden renovations and those that are customisations to each room.The addition of roof,side and underground extensions and modifications to all rooms will apply to all luxury homes such as villas,mansions,castles etc to again house amenities,living rooms and bedrooms for tourists with regards to both those with a few bedrooms but even those with a dozen bedrooms and can house non related people as permenant residents and also tourists will be charted in episodes of Restoration Nation.Luxury penthouses and apartments will also have episodes that detail modifications to ones tastes with the buildings that house them not turned into hotels or divided into Venetian suites as they are already luxury homes.Low quality apartment and penthouse buildings once bought will be given luxury refurbishments and modified by changing the size of rooms such as bedrooms,bathrooms and kitchens but kept as penthouses and apartment.Thus episodes of Restoration Nation of luxury homes bought on Euthenia transferred from all home retail sites can be done where not only roof,side and underground extensions for amenities and bedrooms for both tourists and non releated permenant residents but also personal modifications to each room such as changing furniture and fittings,garden renovations as well as making them water and energy efficient.Low quality homes will have episodes done with the addition of roof,side and underground extensions for amenities and bedrooms for both tourists and non releated permenant residents,modifications to each room and making them energy and water efficient.By adding extra amenities and bedrooms in extensions to these luxury homes and even private homes and suites in communal homes can allow them to cater to tourists and also even non releated permenant residents.All of these rennovations of luxury homes will be done in episodes.All furniture etc present will be scanned into Hephaestus prior to being traded away.Luxury homes such as penthouses,mansions,villas,castles etc that house eight to a hundred rooms can house large families or large groups of unrealeted people and still rent out excess rooms to tourists with roof,underground and side extensions in the same architectural style added to house amenities and extra rooms for tourists.Vacant mansions,villas,castles around the world will also be gained via bidding and modifications made such as adding extensions for extra amenities and bedrooms for tourists with addition of extra bedrooms will allow large families to stay in them and these new and excess bedrooms advertised to tourists to allow traditional tourism charted in episodes.Large mansions,castles can house large families or groups of unrelated people and through extensions etc house rooms for tourists.Large apartment and penthouse blocks including luxury ones for the very wealthy will be covered in seasons.Garden renovations and the addition of side,roof,underground extensions to add more bedrooms for tourists,amenities etc can be detailed in episodes.Low quality homes on retail sites would be sent here as well and undergo renovations in episodes such as merged with those next to them when one orders two or more homes and/or have roof,side and underground extensions,garden renovations and luxury refurbishments covered in episodes or they will be demolished and the land reforested.These can be booked by homeless people moving or other people around the world or by presenters who once they have luxury refubishments including in gardens and have roof,side and underground extensions will be traded on Euthenia once their episodes with the retailer and neighbours interviewed on its history.Proto Euthenia will transfer the homes and their details.Even when a poor person moves out of low quality homes in rural and urban areas these they can put their home up on this vacant section of Euthenia to be renovated to luxury standards if they wish to move away to a new town,city etc.Thus even low quality homes can be booked and then given luxury refurbishments and also side,roof and underground extensions or merged with nearby houses also booked.Neighbours in poor neighbourhoods and slums could move into all apartments in luxury apartment blocks and luxury homes in the same neighbourhoods with the episodes charting all of them moving into them following the universal template.In the case of hotels,penthouses and apartments these will span across seasons and in the case of mansions etc episodes shot by the people moving in using networks to do multiple homes around the country as material will be dumped here with them also detailing them making customisations and extensions etc such as adding side,roof and underground extensions to house amenities and extra bedrooms for tourists and adding luxury fittings and furniture to all rooms,accustoming to their new lifestyle,garden renovations,buying new clothing/vehicles/electronics/glassware/furniture and other manufactured products from clearances with community centres and free sales on major retail streets providing them with clothes,electronics etc with families or non related adults moving into large ones with multiple bedrooms or large families moving into large homes with the unveiling of Hestia statues in communal homes charted.They will follow the universal template.Lower quality homes transferred here as stated will have roof,underground and side extensions and have buildings merged to make them spacious and also renovations to each room with luxury fittings and furniture covered in episodes to bring them on par with luxury homes.Vacant homes of people moving out during this period will be sent to this vacant section with people them moving into these formerly owned by middle to lower class groups can have episodes created undergoing luxury refurbishments if the original owner wanted to move to different neighbourhoods.Old furniture/glassware/electronics etc traded away will be scanned into Hephaestus before being traded away or recycled in case of both luxury and low quality homes.As stated cruise ships and motorhomes especially luxury ones can be permanent homes not just for those on the middle or high class but also those who are poor or even homeless.People may decide to move to other towns,cities and countries to get to book desired obsolete buildings or abandoned buildings again in areas or cities that have lower rates of poverty or even in exotic countries using the internet primarily google to search for them and look up the times for meetings there or these added to the proto Euthenia site.YouTube can be used to look for abandoned buildings such as hotels,palaces,mansions,schools,factories in any country in the world since videos that show people exploring them are ubiquitous in the last few years

As detailed low quality suburban housing estate of no historical value and are decaying will be demolished and the land reforested or have large luxury communal homes put in place depending on where they are with large homes,those of historical value,are large buildings like skyscrapers/factories/hotels etc those that in decent quality to be renovate and covered in episodes.This moving of the poor and any excess to renovated abandoned and obsolete buildings should negate the need for new homes to be built for a while thus allowing for robotics to become sufficiently advanced by 2029-2035 to replace human construction workers entirely in construction of new buildings and also renovating remaining buildings.The proto Euthenia AI using data done by government and independent bodies,YouTube urban explorer videos etc will be able to determine the GPS location,type and total number of all abandoned buildings on local,to country,to global levels on its proto site.

Each country has at most many abandoned towns,hotels,communal homes and mansions as well as communities(China alone has more than fifty abandoned cities enough to house most than at least 100,000,000 poor people from the lowest levels from all parts of the country with schools,offices,banks and even hotels across the country allowing more the countries poor to move their new luxury homes).America itself has at least another 18,600,000 abandoned vacant or abandoned homes excluding other types of abandoned buildings of all types compared to the roughly 3,500,000 homeless people in that country allowing each of them to own six of these abandoned homes each not comparing to the with Europe having roughly 11,000,000,000 abandoned homes compared to 4,000,000,000 homeless people ensuring an abundant supply of buildings not taking into account all types of obsolete buildings with America having roughly 127,100 schools to be renovated and there being 202,842 hotels and 100,000 b&b’s in the world.India has about 10,000,000 abandoned homes and their are roughly 9,100,000 corporate headquarters.Estimates put the number of abandoned and obsolete buildings worldwide to be renovated to be at least 54,904,000 with there being dozens of abandoned ghost towns and those needed to be upgraded to 21st century across the world also providing enough homes for the very poor and homeless as well as enough episodes to keep presenters doing dozens or hundreds of episodes alongside those of private home renovation.Both of this would ensure that all presenters world wide would have hundreds or even thousands of episodes to film with it also ensuring all of the worlds homeless and poor will have available buildings to move into thus eliminating poverty by at least 2045.By having up to ten twenty buildings per long episodes lasting up to or more than five to ten hours including multiple small suburban homes via presenters working with others on other sides of the country or planet using the networks that allow them to dump material and merge work together using forums and video chats to work together will cut down on the number of episodes and the show may in time become the longest running show ever even beating Guiding Light which has roughly 15,762 episodes spanning fifty seven years as the longest running show.Restoration Nation should last at least several decades to at least two centuries.If all buildings,ghost towns etc were to be covered in only one hour long episodes and not those several hours long and also seasons then it would take a person 6,268 years to watch all episodes back to back showing how long the series would be to watch it in full without taking into account private home,apartment,council flat renovations and episodes longer than an hour as well as seasons and mega seasons of varying length and the special features.It will also chart renovations on abandoned and obsolete buildings of other allied sentient races that dont have this show both once interstellar travel becomes possible via their own version of the show separate from it.The show may also detail the building of new communal and private homes across the universe including on Mars,Venus,newly colonised planets and also megastructures such as ringworlds and alderson discs.This show will extend to all discovered sentient races across the universe where the renovations of their obsolete and abandoned buildings and private homes will be charted in it.It will also provide as a result of this presenters whether amateurs,retired and out of work actors and budding ones plenty of work for several years or even decades and also those currently unemployed including those from technological unemployment and retired to start as amateurs to be working on something with even the homeless and those relying on social welfare to have years of work preventing them and the rest of society becoming idle with networks having areas to post portfolios for new presenters to start their careers.The sheer number of abandoned and obsolete buildings worldwide should keep several million people in the form of presenters,renovators,editors etc both newbie and existing worldwide busy for a while.This can be done by anyone booking a building anywhere in the world,arranging its renovation,filming the episode following the universal template,using existing movie editors and then Ampelos and then advertising it on Euthenia thus allowing them to do dozens of buildings as well as ensuring all buildings are done with material dumped in the networks to be merged with other buildings covered by them and others thus preventing the vast majority of society to become idle and to have viable work for several yeas or decades.If possible one could book multiple buildings in their area to plan multiple projects they wish to do over the coming year.All types of abandoned and obsolete buildings as detailed earlier on in the housing section of manufacturing and also ghost towns and retail streets and also private homes will have episodes,seasons etc made.AI will by 2020-2029 be able to manipulate stock markets and also alongside universal basic income to pay extra money to volunteers and also government and private contractors to incentivise people to work on these with newbies trained for each specific project on the spot through AI giving instruction via helmets and others training them on how to do certain tasks and also the AI paying for courses and certifications for large numbers of the population made redundant through technological unemployment in other sectors of the economy in order to create large numbers of skilled personnel for renovating abandoned and also obsolete buildings while at the same time funding and partaking in research into other AI and robotics and automation that will eventually replace them with all projects also using the latest robotics etc to alleviate strains and also compensate for the initial shortage of personnel.All of these new trainees will be at least 12 years of age or younger and they finish training at the ages of 14-15 and will have undergone training in as many fields and areas as possible ie electricians,plumbing,construction for at least the last two years with this done all over the world with textbooks created by AI and the mentor/mentoree system as used in ancient Greece starting at 12 or younger.VR training may also be used with them trained on each project they are about to start designed by AI.Training will involve VR simulations and also working on real renovation sites with them trained on each new renovated building via VR simulations that allow them to do test runs of each one.AI will be able to be advanced enough by 2029 to train those made redundant in all sectors of the economy and even homeowners themselves on how to renovate each building via VR and also direct interaction step by step meaning even fully healthy adults aged 14-65 may be able to them themselves and alongside private and government contractors with AI namely Tyche setting down universal guidelines and regulations to construction with regards to these and ensure they are abided by cameras on helmets,google lenses and glasses and also drones onsite of them with them trained on each new renovated building via VR simulations that allow them to do test runs of each one.By 2029 robotics,automation,AI and human contractors including existing ones and those displaced by automation from agriculture,manufacturing and even healthcare etc will mean there will be an extra 2,414,700,000 people worldwide until AI and automation and biosynths can finally replace them from 2045 and be able to do the most dangerous and labour intensive work by 2029 with them trained using the mentoree system using onsite training and also VR simulations for each building renovated.Loans,universal basic income and Patreon,Kickstarter etc can be used to book spaces in all obsolete and abandoned buildings and luxury and low quality homes on retail sites transferred to Euthenia via bidding starting from zero prior to money becoming obsolete with the money used to directly fund government and private contractors and volunteers including Habitat for Humanity.By 2029 advances in robotics,AI and automation releated to construction etc will replace humans in the most labourious and dangerous work cutting down costs and requiring less human labour until 2045 when AI,automation,robotics and more importantly biosynths will reduce costs to zero by being sufficiently advanced to replace humans in the rennovations of buildings of all types.All building of all types such as private homes,public buildings,abandoned and obsolete buildings renovated will be scanned in externally and internally using Canvas etc on smart devices and fleets of nanoquadrocopters as a photogrammetrist and CAD file into Daedalus and the home and building AI prior to and after renovated to allow them to be used as the baselines for new buildings,used in Agoge training,media such as movies etc and be replicated by the general public in VR simulations as part of holidays etc.Once scanned in one can own any building around the world through VR simulations.

This allotment of abandoned buildings and spaces in obsolete buildings for the filming of Restoration Nation can work in the same way as auctions with this done on an online platform similar to Ebay prior to the elimination of money completely with AI managing the bids of people from around the world and the highest bid left taken as the winner.If possible these bids will be in real time with auctions done on the proto and final Euthenia in separate areas from room and home sharing programmes site using smart devices,laptops linked to the proto network to compete with people there and also in there homes with this network catering to one to bid for places around the world.There will be a time limit for each place and building similar to Ebay meaning a person would have a finite amount of time to book a place in a communal home or building,be the highest bidder and time to raise money through loans,their own reserves,selling items at home and also crowdfunding and also donations with the date of it closing and time left denoted.The names of bidders taking part will be listed alongside how much they have bid and the place they are on a scale from lowest to highest.Those who lost would keep their money with the winner using the money to pay for renovations alongside extra loans and crowdfunding as the money used in bids would pay for the renovations directly alongside loans taken afterwards.Bids for suites in communal homes will go towards renovating ones room and other parts of the building as hotels and buildings renovated into communal homes will haves spaces advertised with in both cases of private and communal homes will involve people taking out loans,crowdfunding etc to pay for extra costs especially renovating lobbies etc.When money becomes obsolete by about 2029 and robots are able to do all the work of renovating both obsolete and abandoned then fake money will still be used to book for places and buildings.This site would be a precursor to Euthenia where one would have to give their address,evidence of their address to show they live a poor area and not a rich one and then interviewed by local government officials in person to survey their eligibility to acquire these once booked ie their current living conditions such as income,debt,occupations,housing,number of people in their home with this taking no more than a month to be processed for each applicant to book an abandoned building or place in obsolete ones across the world since all members of all defunct federal and global government bodies(ie healthcare,immigration,welfare,labour,infrastructure,agriculture and other excess government staff)the local council,members of NGOs and charities of all types such as Oxfam,Trocaire as well as those who work with the poor and homeless,volunteers hired by these etc to deal with the sheer number of these on local to global levels with this even including those part of the UN.Even realtors of private realtor companies can do this.If possible AI should be sufficiently advanced by 2020-2025 to be used to alleviate strains with those who live in poor slums and other poor council estates and are homeless will be notified via organisations that work with the poor and brought to their headquarters where they will have internet access and room to stay in donated beds with food brought to them from supermarkets being cleared out with them also using home sharing programs staying in homes temporarily of those better off with spare bedrooms or living rooms.Motorhomes and trailers can be used by them to seek temporary accommodation when they are looking for permanent accommodation in hotels,abandoned buildings etc via bidding.Makeshift homes for those in slums etc can be made from retail outlets cleared out that will inevitably become mega hotels and shelters as well as motorhomes set up in the outskirts or on the side of street with these having donated beds and electronics with internet access with cyber cafe used by the very poor and homeless to book places and book into permanent high quality housing.The very poor,homeless and those in slums will have camera equipment and laptops donated to film the episodes of them moving into hotels,renovating both abandoned and obsolete buildings or they will be put in contact with state and corporate or even amateur local presenters existing and new who will film the episodes of them following the universal template.Any personal effects they have will be carried with them to their new homes or recycled with his applied to those moving into new homes from low quality housing etc who are not homeless.The auctioning would utilise the persons own savings ontop of universal basic income for the very poor of each level and construction teams with the bidding starting at zero and thus the largest bid for each abandoned building and space in obsolete ones should too many book for them at first with if their is only one or more for mansions etc that have more than one bedroom thus making the bidder bid for a room in each mansion,palace.Abandoned and obsolete buildings renovated into apartment or hotel style buildings and and those that are abandoned hotels,motels,palaces,castles,mansions,apartment blocks bids will be made for each bedroom if their too many booking with hotels around the world gained by booking the rooms when they are next available first come first serve basis to all rooms and suites via interacting with the hotels themselves.Hotels will also be added to the vacant section subdivided by rooms.Thus for communal homes derived from large abandoned and obsolete buildings numerous people will bid for all spaces created by AI whether suites or apartments and bid for suites sometimes two or more the same size as the Venetian standard.The availible spaces and rooms in obsolete and abandoned buildings of all types will be visible in these booking spaces.When only a few people or book spaces in abandoned motels,hotels and spaces in obsolete buildings that are to be converted into communal homes or when their is only a few rooms and spaces left unbooked after a significant amount the entire building will still be renovated with the excess rooms renovated and designed by AI and residents and then advertised on Euthenia with their renovations covered in episodes presented by residents etc.This will include those in the original building and also extra floors on the roof to compensate the loss of rooms by merging.The universal basic income will be paid to all citizens ontop of their own income and loans etc taken out to compete for places with debts forgiven before money becomes obsolete but this also paid to them and renovation teams to cover transportation costs and also costs to cover the renovations alongside their own money and also from charity from the public.Each member in a family both children and adults would have these incomes sent to them to increase chances of getting a building that houses enough bedrooms and also spaces in hotel rooms.The money used to book places and homes will be put towards paying private and government contractors doing the work with other loans from the government with also donations from friends via Kickstarter,Patreon which can also be used by people to seek funding from the public including locales with them started as early as 2020/2022 since those not moving to them will no longer have to pay for essentials like food and manufactured goods taken on a first come first serve basis.Thus since food and manufactured products will be taken for free this will not eat into their income.People could also take large amounts of items from retail outlets for free and sell these and also any old excess goods at home to get more money,sell any unwanted items using Craigslist and also Kickstarter sections with bank loans also used.Again first ideally the poorest on the lowest socio-economic level would be catered to so as to allow the their buildings to be demolished and replaced by more luxury hotel and apartment or even palace style buildings in their place to allow those from slightly higher socio-economic backgrounds to then move into these and so on with any one left in low quality housing estates either staying and merging their homes together to form mansions and have larger gardens while those around them are demolished or they could move to other cities,towns and countries that have free spaces and lower rates of poverty while their homes are demolished.Private homes whether small or large including mansions and palaces etc will involve all family members bidding for the building with them then advertising free rooms on Euthenia or allow someone else to bid for the remaining spare bedrooms.Thus the money gained from this government income,Kickstarter and Patreon fundraising,donations as well as loans will be used to bid for places with the money actually used to cover the costs of government and private contractors who renovate the buildings with hotels and communal homes using the combined money used to bid for each place to cover the costs of renovations with more fundraising via Patreon etc and loans also taken out to cover more costs.Patreon and Kickstarter funding can involve the poor or even homeless person posting YouTube videos showing their current living conditions ie a tour of their home and gardens and evidence of poverty ie the slums they live in or evidence of homelessness ie their accommodation in shelters and also interactions with social workers who work with them and then links to their Patreon and Kickstarter accounts.Thus all homes from home retail sites including luxury ones,low quality ones and all hotels,motels,hostels etc,obsolete buildings and abandoned buildings will be transferred to the proto and final Euthenia by AI to then allow the public to start bidding for spaces,suites homes starting from zero using money gained from Patreon,Kickstarter and loans and the money going directly to funding renovations ie paying human contractors alongside loans etc taken later on with fake money used once money becomes obsolete and robots and robots etc is sufficiently advanced and there being a time limit to book each space etc.Next of kin and friends may also give money and fundraising events.If a person doesnt get a place the money is sent back to them and they keep it for bidding for other spaces and buildings etc to give them time to get more money through the universal income and also fundraising.Private homeowners and the residents in council flats who are staying in their place may take out extra loans and utilise Patreon,Kickstarter to fund renovations and extensions paying off private and government contractors.This will provide funding for projects alongside government funding and volunteers until money becomes obsolete and both AI and robotics is sufficiently advanced by 2029.AI will by 2020-2029 be able to manipulate stock markets and also alongside universal basic income to pay extra money to volunteers and also government and private contractors to incentivise people to work on these with newbies trained for each specific project on the spot through AI giving instruction via helmets and others training them on how to do certain tasks and also the AI paying for courses and certifications for large numbers of the population made redundant through technological unemployment in other sectors of the economy in order to create large numbers of skilled personnel for renovating abandoned and also obsolete buildings while at the same time funding and partaking in research into other AI and robotics and automation that will eventually replace them with all projects also using the latest robotics etc to alleviate strains and also compensate for the initial shortage of personnel.All of these new trainees will be at least 12 years of age or younger and they finish training at the ages of 14-15 and will have undergone training in as many fields and areas as possible ie electricians,plumbing,construction for at least the last two years with this done all over the world with textbooks created by AI and the mentor/mentoree system as used in ancient Greece starting at 12 or younger.VR training may also be used with them trained on each project they are about to start designed by AI.Training will involve VR simulations and also working on real renovation sites with them trained on each new renovated building via VR simulations that allow them to do test runs of each one.AI will be able to be advanced enough by 2029 to train those made redundant in all sectors of the economy and even homeowners themselves on how to renovate each building via VR and also direct interaction step by step meaning even fully healthy adults aged 14-65 may be able to them themselves and alongside private and government contractors with AI setting down universal guidelines with regards to these and ensure they are abided by via google lenses and glasses and also drones onsite of them.In all instances prior to 2029 the most advanced robotics and automation and AI will do the most labour intensive and dangerous work.By 2029 robotics,automation,AI and human contractors including existing ones and those displaced by automation from agriculture,manufacturing and even  healthcare etc will mean there will be an extra 2,414,700,000 people worldwide until AI and automation can finally replace them from 2029-2045.By 2029-2045 AI,robotics and even biosynths etc will replace or compliment humans in renovating buildings including replacing them with fungi insulation and other energy saving fittings.Communal homes from obsolete buildings like schools and others like single floor supermarkets that have twenty floors added and hypermarkets renovated into hotel style communal homes alongside abandoned buildings like hotels,psychiatric asylums and also bases and others turned into communal homes based on hotels each person will be bidding for a room in them based on the map designed by AI that will add twenty floors and design them into hotels.

With regards to hotels,motels,casinos,resorts,spas people from the lowest ladder especially slums can simply book permanent places in any one around the world for free by either doing so in person or by the phone with the very poor doing so with donated phones as well as connections with group that work with the poor before renovations such as adding closet rooms,roof extensions and upgrading them to five star status charted in episodes.AI used by these organisers can be used to automatically search YouTube videos and google for all abandoned buildings,towns etc in each country,town etc and list them by type and subtype to allow those attending to book them with with it also collecting and listing all hotels,schools,banks etc.Schools and supermarkets etc of course will have to undergo renovations first to add at least twenty floors for more hotel style suites and also organise location of amenities and fill in hollow centres to allow for the retail outlets to extend outwards to increase living spaces with them ideally turning into hotel style suites the size of small store with larger ones split in half into two or apartments.First AI will add these floors,remodelled the existing floors into suites and amenities and put this on the buildings page and thus allow people to book these places on the proto Euthenia.Those that book places in offices,corporate headquarters,shopping malls and government buildings will book equal space determined by AI or entire floors to allow them to redesign the area on Pandora or proto versions once the area is scanned in and the AI uses this map to create equal sized apartments for them to edit individually when they book that space or in the case of hotel style buildings created by the AI they would book rooms.The AI that would design this would be eventually become Daedalus.In the case of floor sized retail outlets such as those that house one corporate retail outlet like Kmart,Aldi,Lidl,Tesco,Wallmart,Toys R Us or Target etc and also single floor primary,secondary schools and other obsolete buildings then as stated earlier the AI will add at least twenty floors of suites and floors with closet rooms and amenities or equal sized apartments onto the original building and extend the building outside of the building onto the carparks that will be dug up in the proto Pandora with the building added to the proto Daedalus/Euthenia then allowing people to book suites or apartments they can edit that will be then built by the human and robotic operators streaming these maps.Floors added to hotels,casinos,motels and even apartment blocks and poor quality council flats will undergo this will follow this pattern.As detailed earlier the AI will first redesign shopping malls by extending the shop outwards over carparks which will be dug up for more stable grounding in some cases adding at least several floors up to twenty floors of suite/apartments and hallways as well as closet rooms on the roof,filling in the centres,removing railings to both allow for shops to extended outwards(if need be remove walls) making equal sized apartments and suites on all floors as well as amenities on the ground floor that will be saved on the proto Euthenia as map on it with the pictures and videos etc of the unaltered building as detailed later on present with the public then booking the rooms/apartments on this map that will then be used by robots and humans to create the finished building.Apartments will be booked by people allowing them to design them the way they want ie designing the shape and size of each room and location of them.Ideally the digging up of carparks into gardens and addition of multistorey carparks and floors will be designed and manged by AI in the full initial renovations will be covered in the buildings episodes including hotels.As stated luxury hotel style buildings will be done to allow more people to be housed with five star amenities of all types on the ground floor with closet rooms on certain floors.Google can be used for one to permanently book a place at any hotel across the world as well though ideally all hotels and their rooms will be transferred here.Having both small and large abandoned and obsolete buildings converted into communal homes either apartments or ideally hotel style suites can house a larger population with this allowing more of the poor to move into each room with again people booking places via the proto Euthenia and these meetings.As stated earlier mansion,palace,castle style buildings and buildings on their grounds should house large families,extended families and non related people to make sure bedrooms are not idle with free rooms advertised in Euthenia.These could have extensions on the side or underground to house more people following the architectural style of the original building.

The proto Euthenia site could allow one to book places in any corner of the world whether they are obsolete or abandoned with the AI(eventually Euthenia) that arranges all types first by obsolete and abandoned and then type and subtype, with abandoned towns and cities in a subfolder in the abandoned section with it also ordering all of these two main sectors by continent,country,region and town/city.This will seen as a map of the world one can choose countries via search bars or selecting a country on the map with first choosing abandoned and obsolete(and each type and subtype)via searchbars or tickboxes and show which ones are not booked or have spare rooms in them.Each type of building in both catagories- obsolete and abandoned and abandoned towns will be given different coloured pins to denote them on the map with the number of them seen on levels global to local with the option of bringing up a grid list view of them similar to air bnb and site like Amazon for ease of use.Hotels around the world will be added here alongside contact details,rooms availible etc thus as stated people will be moving into hotels as permanent residents especially the poorest people with all abandoned palaces,castles added as well as abandoned schools,jails,hotels allowing one to book a place before it is renovated.Those booked will be transferred to a section to allow presenters to through a button contact the bookers for work with renovated buildings either abandoned or obsolete removed from the site when the people who have booked them have finished renovations.Vacant buildings from existing retail sites will be transferred here and then given their own pin colour with this also applying to those renovated to be then advertised here with those renovated for episodes that noone books them already will be transferred from obsolete and abandoned sections to the vacant section.Those up for permanent trading away will be here as well alongside those for home sharing or swapping in their own sections with this including future ones and those from hiphousing and airbnb for the final Eunthenia.Abandoned amenities to be returned to their former glory will be in their own section and then removed from the site once refurbished although they may be advertised as they would likely have living spaces such as hotel style suites and communal kitchens to serve a dozen people added.Ideally this AI would do this before meeting are set up so as to allow for people a chance to do so online from poor areas to book places in areas with lower rates of poverty on the other side of the world as this will be a global site containing obsolete buildings and abandoned towns,palaces,mansions,buildings of all types worldwide.Having all obsolete buildings such as hotels and those transferred into them and also abandoned buildings such as mansions and palaces etc and even towns will allow for people to book places to move into those that are around the world much quicker.Places onboard luxury cruise liners could also be booked.This should not take very long at least a month or less at most since combing Viv,Watson,Alpha Go and other existing powerful AI and software combined scouring both YouTube for videos on abandoned places,dead malls and hotels etc and other similar keywords like closing,vacant,exploring,haunted,ancient,disused,recently closed,ghost,dilapidated,deserted,dead mall etc in the video description and account name including those that are lists alongside exploration videos and also Google maps,google Earth and Street View,google and images and other search parameters for their location,and drones exploring the areas described in the videos and websites to get and mark both their GPS and address added to the database of this proto Euthenia site with them also organising obsolete buildings of all types through this and also google searches.The AI will sort out and filter those that are actual abandoned buildings,those that are already owned,those that are graveyards of vehicles and cemeteries,those that are already renovated as well as occupied or even demolished by sending drones their as well as scouring Google,Wikipedia and the rest of the internet to confirm their current status and those that are unrelated to this task ie abandoned trains and graveyards and will scour all the videos in accounts it finds linked to the videos it finds with these keywords that are abandoned places etc with it searching for these videos and accounts in all languages to increase the amount of places it can find.Those that are demolished using Aphrodite will be rebuilt in their own episodes with those already owned by someone will be renovated by them in their own episodes or put up for sale on Euthenia or they could be renovated by themselves in episodes and used as second homes or guest house to be shared on Euthenia for holidays etc.If a building is already owned by someone not using it then the booker would use the money via basic income,loans and Kickstarter,Patreon to purchase the building especially if it is not a home and has no familial value and is not being put to any use with the person putting them up for trading on Euthenia.The drones sent there will also determine this alongside it alongside it scouring google,Wikipedia etc.The website source code on YouTube videos will also be analysed by it alongside it scouring urban explorer forums for addresses which after this will be shut down.Known addresses and GPS locations online and those known to locales and explorers can be sent to the AIs database by urban explorers to allow it to send drones to the area to confirm it and add photos and the entry with these photos also used to extrapolate and put in the correct videos from YouTube.Addresses can be entered by the AI into google map to also determine its GPS location.People like urban explorers,locales etc can input the address of abandoned buildings into a section of the proto and final Euthenia with them also going to the location taking pictures and marking the GPS location in Google maps apps on their smart devices linked to the proto Euthenia or a section in the proto and final Euthenia where one can mark the GPS location they are at alongside adding photos to allow the AI to use satellite to zoom in on it and determine its location and send its GPS location almost instantly.By taking a photo of the building within the area the GPS location will be automatically taken and sent to the page of the building.This section of Euthenia would have a link to Google maps and Earth etc eventually Brauron where one can do this,type in the address or GPS as well as when in the map zoom in on the area by typing in the country and state and then zoom in on the exact area in the map and using a mouse or adonit pen or fingers mark the location on a map to allow the AI to send drones there to authorise its location.YouTube accounts with the words explorers and abandoned etc will also be searched with in time it also scanning all of YouTube using images from all or one of these videos to search for other videos that contain these videos with this also searching for ads,news reports the exterior or interior is in.This GPS will be marked on the buildings file alongside photos of the building gained from the drones and YouTube videos embedded or just photos pasted.This will allow renovation teams,scanning teams,camera teams recording the building prior to and during renovations as well as people booking them to get there with the GPS location added to their vehicles onboard computer to allow them to reach there.Wilderness areas and urbanised will be scoured by drones to add them to Brauron and then can mark their GPS location.Others that are known by the maker of these YouTube videos and also locales can be contacted via interacting with their YouTube,social media and smartphones to get their general location,GPS location and description with low quality ones demolished and have communal homes or mansions put in their place with this applying to those in rural or urban areas.Any new ones found by locales,explorers that are not on YouTube etc can be added to the database by marking the GPS location using smart devices and have pictures taken added in an add section in the database to allow the AI to send drones and then add it to the database alongside its own pictures with them also posting exploration videos onto YouTube.When one takes a photo of the building the GPS location will be determined by smart devices using cellular access and then adding it to the database allowing drones to scout them.Both abandoned and obsolete buildings and towns of all types will be added this way.Thus newly discovered ones and those not present known by locales and urban explorers will be added to the database by there being a place where one could write in the address or GPS location typed on or marked within google maps and other apps with pictures taken then transferred where drones will scout the location via the network linking to these apps or a section within the network on smart devices where one could mark their GPS location of a an abandoned building they are at and take photos instantly transferred to the network that will be checked by the AI sending drones to mark the precise GPS,take pictures etc and scan YouTube for all videos the pictures sent to them is in and then add all other information.The AI will have drones of at least a dozen on the grounds of community centres as well as town halls etc in all towns,villages and cities around the world and managed by this proto Eurthenia AI that will do this with them in time travelling in automated vehicles to be let out and then returned in to save on charges of them and time.Extrapolating locations via scouring Google maps and Google Earth/Street View constantly in a fragmented form will allow the AI to determine the GPS location and address of buildings extrapolated from YouTube videos,source code,typed in addresses,those from forums,marked GPS on map apps.Obsolete buildings of all types GPS location will also be added this way alongside ghost towns with the AI cross referencing wikipedia and also sources online for their adress and GPS location.Fragmentation on at least 196 different networks can allow it to do so for all countries across the world all at once with buildings set up that can store automated vehicles that house drones to allow it to drive to the general area as close to the GPS location as possible and thus send them out to take pictures,mark the location and also determine if the building is still standing.Obsolete buildings of all types will be added in the same ways,This proto Euthenia site set up by AI will start by AI with it continuing even when buildings are already being renovated with renovated ones already booked by other means not added to Euthenia.People can contact these networks via the booking area in Euthenia to post videos they have at home that are not in YouTube or add them to YouTube to be then sent to the producers via a contact button on booked buildings etc.It will view and analyse the entire video to determine location etc and compare it to pictures on google maps,Google Earth/Street View and use google and Wikipedia etc to determine if it is still vacant or standing with drones sent there also determining this.Train and boat graveyards etc will be added to a different subsystem in Artemis to have their location determined and the material recycled with the GPS location added the same way.Ghost towns and abandoned areas that are off limits to the public will be added and thus made available to the public with restrictions lifted with those that are toxic or radioactive made accessible via CRISPR.Each type of abandoned building and town,theme park etc will be sorted into type and subtype by the AI with them labelled after their name derived from Google Maps,Wikipedia,the internet and also from the YouTube videos titles and description with obsolete buildings of all types such as schools,obsolete buildings on the grounds of universities and obsolete types of higher education,skyscrapers,super/hypermarkets and hotels etc from around the world divided by type and sub type to allow them to be divided into suites and then booked by people with videos of them on YouTube such as promos,tours etc added to their file.Existing vacant homes from websites and companies around the world will be added from low quality ones that can be refurbished to luxury ones or be demolished and have high quality mansions etc in their place to even hi quality skyscraper penthouses and apartments relegated only to the wealthy which will be bidded for from here.Thus this proto and final Euthenia site will house all abandoned,obsolete and vacant homes and buildings from retail sites from around the world including low quality and luxury ones such as from around the world like,,individual websites for hotels allowing the very poor and anyone else to book places in any abandoned and obsolete building of all types around the world meaning a person could from the lowest socio-economic ladder could book abandoned and obsolete buildings and vacant homes of all types around the world and not just in their home town,city or country.Low quality homes on retail sites would be sent here as well and undergo renovations in episodes such as merged with those next to them when one orders two or more homes and/or have roof,side and underground extensions and luxury refurbishments covered in episodes or they will be demolished and the land reforested.Booking homes both luxury and low quality ones could be gained via bidding starting at zero.They will be arranged with filters dividing them into abandoned,obsolete and vacant then by type and subtype on local to global levels thus allowing one to book places in buildings in any country across the world from the comfort of home.Buildings whether abandoned or obsolete converted in communal ones will have AI ie proto Daedalus will divide the entire building once scanned in divided into Venetian sized suites 60.387 square metres that people can book via bidding on proto and final Euthenia and customised on Pandora.Excess rooms and spaces not booked and also those on roof extensions not booked of skyscrapers,supermarkets,psychiatric wards,hotels and all types of large abandoned and obsolete buildings will have there customisations and renovations covered in episodes by presenters and residents and then advertised on Euthenia to ensure that people can move in even if all spaces are not booked then they will still be renovated and have episodes as part of seasons done to provide the presenters more work.Once a building is renovated either obsolete and abandoned booked ones will be removed from the site with those with any spare rooms kept,while those that are not booked and done to be then advertised on Euthenia will be then removed from their section and moved to the vacant section.These renovated buildings that are advertised here will have photos of each room,the buildings exterior and also professional tours created by the filmakers of the episodes and former residents embed using unique codecs separate from YouTube eventually becoming one controlled by Hestia(with existing ones converted to this and removed from YouTube)similar to The Luxury Travel Expert with bullet points on the features present.The vacant section will house all buildings renovated that are then advertised and also those that are already present in existing retail sites online transferred here with again photos of the rooms and exterior and also video tours from YouTube present etc.

Drones working with google maps,Google Earth and Street View can make this easier as the AI will be able to zoom in on areas of the wilderness or urban areas,relay its general location to drones that can find it and take photos and also mark its exact GPS location with them using google maps charting the quickest from it to the nearest town or city centre to better give those going there a quick route added to their vehicle when they leave their home.The AI an amalgamation of Viv,AlphaGo namely Daedalus and Euthenia scouring YouTube for phrases like abandoned,haunted,ghost town etc will scan the video for the general area and mentioned locations in the video and description will scan the general location and use this to use google maps and view and satellite to find its exact GPS location with it using this to confirm that the building is still standing,has not been renovated and is a building and not a vehicle graveyard by sending drones their to check it out and confirm its status with those demolished,renovated building and occupied etc removed from its database with google Earth and satellites will also be used.Vehicle graveyards however will be added to the proto Artemis to arrange their cleanup and reforestation with buildings at these graveyards added to the database of abandoned buildings.Satellites and Google Street and View can be used by this AI to zoom in on the exact location of the GPS location in databases or in all cities and towns etc cross referencing the videos for the general location mentioned or ascertained allowing it to send drones there to add photos with this also allowing for GPS alongside drones to be determined.The GPS location will be added to the page of the building in the proto Euthenia to be used the person booking them,renovators and also presenters to locate them using google maps on smart devices in vehicles to be directed to the exact coordinates.Silviaterra modified to seek out houses and buildings could be added to this to determine which are abandoned and which are not with it cross referencing goolge maps,images,street view and also articles on the web.Locales and urban explorers can add the general location of the buildings via interacting with the AI to allow it to locate it on google maps and so send drones there with drones sent in vehicles driven by people or automated ones downloading google maps to use the roads to get there.Obsolete buildings worldwide will also be scoured and divided and numbered this way but also using address books online and building registrations of business,hotels and schools to add them to their database within the proto Euthenia site.Each one on this proto Euthenia site will have their original name or generic name alongside description such as size in metric,type of house,number of bedrooms,rooms,amenities,types of rooms etc as bullet points written by software with the drones taking photos of the building at key points such as the front back,sides and if possible interior to allow one to get a gist of its size and its location both address and GPS location.YouTube videos will have photos taken via this software added to the database especially those that have locked doors wit this also used by the AI to determine the size,number and type of rooms etc present as the software analyses each video.These YouTube videos will also be used to list all rooms,features by the AI listing this.If possible they will create photogrammetric scans of the buildings exterior added to the page that on the site will allow one to view it similar to google Earth and Street View with all homes and residences in this proto Euthenia site then added to the final real Euthenia site when the wire is operational.Pictures taken by the drones and those from the internet and the software taking ones of the YouTube videos will be added to the page.Hyperlinks in the form of URLs or ideally embedded videos from YouTube will allow one to view the links to all of the YouTube videos and photos on the internet namely google images etc that already exist of them with in the case of obsolete ones such as schools,hotels this will also include adverts on YouTube to them and also YouTube videos exploring and touring them added by the AI.The AI will also use google maps,google Earth and Street View,Wikipedia and all of the internet to add all obsolete buildings such as corporate headquarters,schools of all types,banks etc to the database in their section to be modified by AI and booked with the abandoned buildings also modified by AI to add floors and arrange hotel suites and apartments with them added to the database via photos online and by drones with the same bullet points.The purposes of this would be to allow the poorest people including the homeless to book places at all hotels including luxury ones and other obsolete buildings but also rooms or entire abandoned buildings and towns etc around the world.While this occurs the demolishing of retail streets in small towns,villages and cities etc will be done and the removal and diversion of roads that they occupied to add communal style homes ie hotels,apartments or even community centres,vertical farms etc decided by the people at these meetings.The setting up of community centres with extensions to intake orders of food from factories such as bread,milk,prepared meals can be deposited are until they become self sufficient and designing the community centres rooms for its various functions and also the setting of various community farms,vertical farms and forest farms around them and deciding whether to build skyscraper style buildings etc to cater to a growing population with them also managing road renovations ie removing roads to be resoiled for farms to bridge areas of demolished buildings into one mass farm or new hotel and skyscraper and build diversion roads that go around them with public streets left.They would also decide in small towns and villages whether to renovate retail streets into homes or demolish them,recycle the material and convert it to farming ground or vertical farms renovating the roads around them by removing and resoiling them.This will make the steps to a more high standard of living of all townspeople much easier and renovating towns to be more ergonomic,sustainable and self sufficient managed by again the proto mayor AI,councils,government and local residents via meetings to be fair and organised and also more efficient and done within a decade using a combination of humans and the latest 3D printers and robotics.These can be done in town halls,community centres as well as other public buildings with if possible skype allowing one to do so from home with them organised by word of mouth and also through social media,official town and city website and also through notification in church.Larger cities will be easier especially those that have large numbers of banks,skyscrapers and hotels that can allow those from the lowest socio economic ladder to move into these instantly allowing the remaining people in lower housing estates to decide what to do with these emptied estates as well as renovating supermarkets and the tall higher and larger retail outlets in their retail centres and streets which can be more easily renovated into private homes and communal homes via merging together and also extensions on the roof than those in small villages and towns.

Again in these cities and towns small retail outlets and low quality housing estates will be demolished and replaced by tall luxury communal homes,community centres or community and vertical farms decided by the locales,government,mayor AI and council meeting together.The original layout of the towns and cities will scanned in via aerial drones or extracted from Google Earth and Street View for historical purposes and stored in a subsystem within Brauron or the mayor AI within the Moirai system for historical reference.This proto AI that manages meetings and use of land will become the mayor AI that will be consulted on zoning and other purposes while the AI that manages the allotment of homes and spaces in hotels etc and the database will become Euthenia.As stated obsolete buildings such as supermarkets,schools,banks,office and corporate head quarters and skyscrapers are renovated into these hotel style homes at the same time as any existing hotels moved into by permanent residents and also new ones constructed on the outskirts allowing the poor estates and shanty towns of those moving into them allowing the old poor estates including shanty towns to be demolished and all concrete,steel,piping,wiring,tubing etc to be recycled with any left over furniture sent to the local community centre to be used in the new skyscraper and hotel communal homes once scanned into Hephaestus.The land of these demolished estates could be replaced by more hotel style and skyscraper style communal homes or depending on the decisions of the council,government,AI and also citizens they can be converted into community and forest farms for local source of organic food.As also stated existing hotels through extensions and new one constructed on the outskirts as well as apartment blocks and hotels from renovated buildings should be large enough combined to house all of the people that live in the town or indeed at least all of the lowest tiers of social ladder to have them in a compacted area and allow the small retail streets in small towns and villages to be demolished and recycled once emptied and roads that separate them except public streets to be dug up and merge them into singular community centres community,vertical and forest farms with forest farms on the outskirts that extend out over agricultural land to existing forests and woodlands etc.These communal homes will have roof and underground extensions to cater to a growing population done as more people are born or at set times to cater to new people coming into town.Cities that lie in place of areas that are natural basins that are hit by storms and hurricanes that cause flooding can have this process used to move them outwards of the path of hurricanes etc by having large hotel and skyscrapers built on the outskirts that will house people from low quality housing with the old buildings demolished and the land reforested to house forest farms or wilderness to allow the land to act as flood barrier and allow for natural drainage systems to be rejuvenated alongside wetlands moving the population away from areas prone to the worst of flooding.If any homes in the way of drainage systems stay then they can use forest farms around them and also additions to raise them several feet off the ground to protect them from storms and floods.The auctioning of buildings online and in meetings,filming of these buildings interior and exterior prior to renovations for analysis if what needs to and wants to be done for the exterior and each room by the new owners and filming of the teams carrying out the renovations and emptying debris and rubbish,scanning in of the building by drones and humans,renovations of them as they are done and what they look like after as well as details of the buildings history and the history of those moving into all of these buildings will be documented and filmed by locales,those who are moving into them and also the teams renovating them will be done for all types of buildings such as abandoned buildings of all types and towns,obsolete buildings such as banks,hotels,motels,shopping malls,corporate headquarters etc and renovations of council flats,suburbs,projects etc and even entire towns especially rural ones in developing countries such as Asia and Africa as well as abandoned ghost towns and movie and television sets bringing them to 21st century standards for a single global programme that does this for all countries around the world.Rural towns and villages brought to 21st century standards and also ghost towns and even abandoned movie and television sets renovated will have each major building history and the history of the town,movie sets overall charted and also the residents their interviewed will be done alongside important or if possible all buildings toured and explored with there renovations charted through real time filming and timelapses,collages/transitions and drone recording aerial shots before,during and after renovations in a professional manner.Thus even shopping malls will have the for free clearance of all goods by the public and also those sent to community centre with it charting the persons who booked places taking items with the history of the mall with the same done for highschool,elementary schools,office buildings,skyscrapers ie the companies on all floors,corporate headquarters,council flats,projects and show the renovation teams and people moving in.Abandoned churches,theatres,hospitals and cinemas of historical value renovated to their former use will be also also covered in this program alongside the demolishing of old poor estates,small retail buildings and building of new hotels and forest and communal farms etc in their place or them renovated into luxury mansions and apartments etc.

As stated the embed videos links and URLs of existing urban explorations and tours will be in the pages of abandoned and obsolete buildings added by the AI within the proto Euthenia and final Euthenia with this reviewed by those who booked them and creating the episodes.Ideally all videos that are duplicates ie they cover the same buildings exploration and history by different YouTube explorers will be present in the link section with URLs underneath each other to be reviewed by all members of the teams renovating it and creating the episodes so as to allow them to see all rooms beforehand and catch versions that detail the history with this as stated allowing those booking them to see all versions of the video and decide whether to book it by showing them the entire layout and all features.It will also guide them on spots to avoid that are dangerous,where to take care and whether to bring crowbars,wire cutters and pliers for exploration sections to open hard to open doors including the main entrance and fencing.It will also allow those booking them to see the rooms and areas before booking with all promos,clips of scenes from movies,home videos,opening day videos,live news clips,adverts etc also transferred here.The AI will transfer these and videos on the history of the building by the likes of Bright Sun Films and other independent groups to the networks used by filmakers by scouring YouTube to be used in them with those that are headquarters for companies will have videos that detail the companies history sent to the networks by the AI.Hotels,spas,resorts,theme parks will have the promotional video on YouTube and their televisions in the intro with tours similar to professional reviews from reviews such as The Luxury Travel Expert and other professional reviewers for each type of room used in their episodes and with any subtitles removed or kept with this used as a template.Links to databases such as IMDB, and YouTube that detail movies,music videos and television shows filmed in them will be added as well and Wikipedia pages will also be added to their file with this done to all obsolete buildings as well for the presenters to use in the creation of episodes.This will also apply to amenities and other buildings.Ideally they will be embedded videos added by the AI to the buildings rather than URLs with all exploration,history videos by all explorers that visited them added to the page of the building.This AI will scan all of YouTube for all videos with these buildings that dont have the keywords abandoned,decrepit etc in their title but have the same building and name as well as other keywords from the main videos with it then doing so for scenes from movies and documentaries for teams researching the history.The AI and the teams covering the buildings restoration will scan the video for audio and subtitles that detail its history with again them contacting locales and historian for other information or they will watch them in full since most are less than thirty minutes in total to analyse the rooms and structure of the building and also find out information on it.Ideally these will be visible as embedded YouTube videos with all videos on YouTube of each building and town etc put in the folder of the building allowing bookers etc to view all of the videos explorations before booking places to see the entire building beforehand and what to expect and where to go,places one must take care in passing through and avoid ie dangerous spots to avoid during exploration sections,where to take care and decide beforehand what to do with each area.Videos of exploration by urban explorers alongside home videos and even snippets from movies,television shows,live news and even music videos from YouTube and archives from news station will be added as embedded videos by AI to allow both bookers and producers use the material and this will also include bullet points added by AI on the history of the building with this applying to abandoned towns,islands,buildings of all types and also obsolete ones of all types.
To make this more efficient the poorest including the homeless should should move into luxury hotels first and other luxury homes created from local highschools,skyscrapers and renovated abandoned buildings as well existing abandoned buildings and also supermarkets,hypermarkets and sizeable retail outlets to be converted into luxury communal homes with amenities through roof extensions and merging them together and allow for the demolishing and renovation of slums,shanty towns and poorest neighbourhoods into more luxury communal housing.Council flats,motels and existing apartment blocks will also be renovated into luxury hotel style buildings with extensions done on the roof to allow all occupants to move to the upper floors to give existing occupants sizeable apartments with any remaining apartment blocks have all rooms filled.Supermarkets especially one and two floor ones and should be converted into skyscraper style apartment or hotel style buildings through roof extensions of at least twenty floors to house as much people as possible with the ground floor housing the lobby and amenities with replicated with all large outlets with those tightly packed merged together allowing for large living rooms and house extra amenities such as large pools,gyms,spas etc on the ground floor.Skyscrapers and smaller buildings that house corporate headquarters and offices can be converted into apartment blocks or hotels designed on Pandora with one or two converted into vertical farms with all of these high rise buildings having rooftop gardens.This can allow the land of the very lowest quality housing to be demolished and replaced by luxury hotels and apartment blocks with again any people remaining having their neighbours house merged into theirs to increase living spaces with this being as many as the remaining people want and any other remaining houses demolished with more high rise housing added.Smaller retail outlets should be merged together especially those on retail streets with roof extensions increasing the amount of people they can house or at least give one family large living spaces.Extensions to these homes and the roof of buildings will eventually make them communal homes with if originally private homes the person on the ground floor will move to higher floors and thus allow the ground floor to become a lobby,communal lounge and house the statue.Ideally to improve this retail streets will three or more outlets merged together to form hotel or floor sized apartment blocks to allow for a largish communal lobby and living room with amenities such as pools,jacquizzis on the ground floors.This should be of note not just to just retail streets on major cities but also in less dense towns and small cities with all of these measures applied to small towns with any major backlots and spare demolished land turned into community farms and proportional amount of skyscrapers or high rise abandoned buildings left or built used as vertical farms.Community farms and each vertical farm should be spaced somewhat apart from each other to allow them to serve more wider areas of a town,village and city and not prevent people or delivery services to travel far.All of these buildings would have their interior and exterior scanned into Daedalus to act as a baseline with them modified by the public with all versions saved on Daedalus with hotel style suite buildings using software to create equal sized rooms with apartment style buildings done by people booking equal sized areas and designing them on Pandora with also people also creating apartment block versions done entirely by them with all versions saved on Daedalus.All homes advertised on Euthenia will be done by the owners and them pointing out the features and if possible if two or more or the entire neighbourhood moves out a person can book them all or a few to allow them to be be merged and have roof and underground extensions into mansions.If a certain time passes any remaining homes or all that are not traded away will be demolished and the land reforested or used to create luxury communal homes.All mansion style homes and even palaces and castles etc will house large families,extended families as well as large groups of closely or non related people to house numerous people in one house not putting the bedrooms to waste with free rooms advertised in Euthenia.Extensions to these should follow the same theme as the original building.Small private homes can advertise spare bedrooms for tourists for temporary accommodation as well as for refugees and also homeless etc prior to abandoned buildings are renovated as well as permanent roommates.

Otherwise when ideally the poorest people from the lowest quality housing estates,shanty towns,trailer parks and slums and even homeless would move into resorts/spas/lodges/inns/hotels especially luxury ones,supermarkets,schools,office and skyscraper,homeless shelters etc based communal homes and those from renovated from abandoned buildings and even abandoned cities etc in their area,different parts of their country and even different countries across the world such as moving to those in countries with lower rates of poverty thus allowing the poorest estates,trailer parks,shanty towns and slums to be demolished and have large tall luxury five star hotel style communal homes built in their place where those from the other surrounding poor background will move into and remaining low quality estates demolished and more luxury five star hotel or skyscraper style apartments put in their place until these luxury hotels and apartments replace all low quality housing estates and even council flats in both towns and cities catering to a growing population and tourists.Thus tall luxury five star Venetian style hotels with amenities of all types will be built in place of slums in all countries especially in Africa,India,China etc once the slums are demolished with them also put in place of low quality housing estates in the developed world such as Ireland,England etc with all roads dug up to cater to these and would allow for fitting more people compactly but comfortably in the smallest area possible.Otherwise the land could be decided by the local council and government bodies etc to be reforested with forest farms with communities built underground.Those on the middle class scale and above poverty line could move into and rooms or buildings left over with their original home demolished or allow someone else to merge it with theirs or even it still owned and lent to others such as tourists for holidays.Otherwise those on the middle class above the poverty line could have side,roof and underground extensions with them also them moving into low quality estates and suburbs where the buildings were merged into each other to form miniature mansions or their own house could be given extensions.Each person or family that move out of these low quality housing can have furniture and electronics etc scanned into Hephaestus and traded on Euthenia,or recycled.Those who live in rural villages in developing countries in Asia and Africa could move to more urbanised cities across the world including in their own country to allow for small poor villages to be torn down completely and the land reforested or all of their homes in the entire village could be refurbished to the highest quality and given extensions as well as in extremely poor areas solar panels,VAWTs,geothermal heating and other self charging technologies and Storedot batteries until geothermal power plants can be set up or them connected to the grid to power them and surrounding areas.These villages could then have essential buildings built around them such as town halls,community centres,hospitals,sewage and water treatment plants,universities,large luxury hotels and given wifi to allow them to function properly alongside vertical,community and forest farms to be brought to the same 21st century standard as other cities across the world with these also having their own episodes.These people would also go to community centres in larger cities to collect excess goods and food until self sufficient with them also collecting goods from retail outlets when they are first being emptied.Having all of these renovated homes,hotels etc advertised in Euthenia can allow the very poor to book a permanent place in them with existing internet sites catering to luxury hotels shut down and servers recycled to again as stated allowing the very poorest moving into the most luxurious hotels,resorts,inns,spas and available apartments to allow the land of low quality housing estates,shanty towns and slums to be demolished and replaced by more luxury hotels and skyscrapers with abandoned buildings and towns of all types and also obsolete buildings such as banks,shopping malls,supermarkets,hypermarkets,corporate headquarters and schools etc around the world refurbished with the same features of luxury hotels such as kebonised wood,precious gem flooring,bioprinted leather,amenities etc painting and removing signs from the buildings denoting their original use and new name bringing them to the same standard as luxury hotels and given an new name with these renovations following the theme of their area and country.This should be of note to the developing world such as Africa,Asia,the Middle East and countries where poverty is very high such as Venezuela,China,India,Vietnam,Afghanisthan,Haiti and other countries where the divide between rich and poor is very wide.Those living in poor countries where the divide between between the rich and poor is very high can move into obsolete and abandoned buildings where the divide is much lower with the option of building large luxury communal homes on the outskirts of poor neighbourhoods allowing large numbers of the poor to move into to allow the poor neighbourhoods to be demolished and reforested with also the option of creating hotels in place of large retail streets and any obsolete buildings such as schools and supermarkets.Otherwise homes in these areas will be renovated in episodes containing ten to twenty homes in the towns with these having interior luxury refurbishments and also roof and underground extensions.Any unoccupied luxury homes such as mansions and penthouses etc around the world including in poor countries as well as the developed world that are on retail websites will also be given to those on the lowest level via transferred to proto Euthenia containing all videos,photos etc with videos of them on YouTube added as a hyperlink URLs or embeded videos.Low quality ones can be merged into existing homes next to them by neighbours or by people booking one or more of them or the buildings demolished and land reforested.The luxury hotels moved into by poor people in Haiti,Vietnam,India etc will have episodes following the universal template detailing the poor moving into them following the history of the poor people and also of the building and of any alterations ie addition of new floors to accommodate the merging or splitting up of rooms to the new Venetian standard size.Otherwise they will have roof,underground and side extensions.This will allow the websites to be shut down and the URLs recycled.Excess communal homes can be kept to accommodate a growing population or the land in place of remaining poor quality housing can be reforested with forest farms,vertical farms and community gardens with any housing estates that criss cross between artificial rivers and lakes can have the water extracted and sent back to the hydrological cycle via pumping them into rivers and resoiled with those built on natural rivers can have the land removed and allow the river or lake return to its original shape or in the case of criss crossing natural rivers can be reshaped and diverted to other areas with in all cases of housing estates roads part of them dug up and allow them to be covered up in soil to return them to normal.

Thus all abandoned and obsolete buildings and ghost towns will be added to the proto Euthenia database and arranged by continent,country,region/state,city,town etc and by type of building visible on the sites map and filters with the number of them on each level both that have been booked removed and those that have not been booked will be visible denoted by different colours with those that are under renovation by independent groups will have them selves in different sections under the area known as being renovated with.Ghost towns will have all buildings added in a sublist.Vacant homes on all retail websites will be transferred here as well especially high quality luxury ones for the very poor with low quality ones added and then when booked they will be merged into nearby buildings or have underground,side and roof extensions.Those that have undergone renovations over the decades especially shopping malls and high schools etc will have old footage of them added of places prior to renovation.All abandoned ghost towns will have abandoned buildings added individually with the videos of ghosts towns added to each buildings link or ideally drones observing the towns will photograph each building and add it to the database via fleets of drones with them if possible scanning the inside with if the homes are too small can have two or more homes merged together.Wikipedia will be scoured by the AI to get the name and GPS location of ghost towns around the world and type its name into google maps for those that whose GPS location is not on Wikipedia to have drones sent to take pictures of and add all buildings present using fleets of drones.In the case of in China and other places that experienced excessive construction booms these will be simply booked by people using existing retail outlets or them added to Euthenia with unfinished buildings renovated and finished and them having their own seasons similar to other ghost towns following the universal template as detailed earlier on charting the history of the cities and also people moving in and any renovations and evaluations of each building with these undergoing strict evaluations as to their stability and safety.Since most of these towns will have undergone some disrepair.All ghost towns in China that have stable homes will have episodes detailing the new occupants from slums and rural villages across the country with the history of the town and people detailed alongside other parts of the template with them filming any renovations to any buildings in particular obsolete buildings such as shopping malls,offices etc into more luxury housing.This will allow the poor to book homes and spaces around the world for the comfort of home.

The town,village and city council and local governments alongside primitive and general AI that will inevitably become the Mayor AI once sentient, will ensure that these parameters are followed correctly per these measures to ensure that people from low quality housing can quickly gain access to more luxurious high quality housing as soon as possible before or by the time construction becomes more advanced and thus fully automated by the late 2020s and early 2030s.By the mid to late 2030s most if not all abandoned and obsolete buildings of all types around the world should be converted into homes if done by large teams of volunteers,contractors,corporations,the most advanced robotics and government bodies combined in each country at once,alongside them all filmed by locales for programs with again large ones converted into communal homes and small ones turned into them through extensions with them all following the same theme of their area and countries with any extensions following the same architectural style as the original buildings.Using the most advanced robotics will speed up the refurbishment of both obsolete and abandoned buildings since they can work 24/7 reducing costs and the time it takes when combined with large private contracting and government teams coupled with Habitat for Humanity and other volunteers with eventually robots and biosynths doing the work entirely will allow for it to be done quickly with humans paid reserves from the local,state,federal and global government.All buildings will use all types of robots available and this renovation of obsolete and abandoned buildings will slow down the need for building new buildings.Ideally as stated robots would do the most dangerous and labour intensive work negating the chance of humans suffering fatalities,alleviate labour,costs and also can as stated work 24/7 speeding the rate at which the buildings can be renovated with as stated earlier it possible to have this done completely by robots within the next decade by at least 2029 to 2039 and will ensure corners are not cut.By 2045 biosynths will be form part of these crews.Buildings done by robots completely will still have episodes filmed following the universal template.Ideally abandoned and obsolete buildings that require the least amount of work should be done first such as schools,hotels,asylums,hospitals,motels should be done with more complex ones ie shopping malls will be done last once robotics become advanced enough so that all or most of the work can be done by them.Human volunteers may still work on these for the intrinsic value of doing the work and taking part of it with when robots do the work entirely the history of the building and filming of renovations and all parts of the universal template will still be filmed by locales etc.Volunteers like their contractor and government teams should be knowledgeable in construction and have experience in the field with scientific research done at defunct corporations and universities around the world accelerating research into robotics and artificial intelligence in all fields including those used in construction with them becoming more compact and able to move in and out of doors,elevators such as by like 3D printers being in small parts that lock into each other to form larger robots using KIVA systems with this also allowing to separate from each other to do different tasks in other parts of the buildings with them eve able to lock into other robots that do other jobs in a mix and match fashion.Intensive research into robotics and AI in this field is thus necessary for full automation to be done by 2029-2039 thus making humans redundant in construction and renovating remaining buildings.This includes making them able to remove asbestos for non toxic hempcrete and fungi insulation.All of these should be brought to the same standard as the most luxurious hotels and penthouses across the world for the poor and homeless that move into them.Thus the movement of those from the lowest socio economic ladder into communal homes based from hotels,banks,skyscrapers,supermarkets etc and then the demolishing of that land into high quality hotels and apartment blocks and so on until all poor housing estates are replaced by these should take at least a decade and a half at most in most small towns and villages and even large cities if planned ahead correctly for each town or cities different conditions and with a combination of humans and the latest robotics,3D printers and eventually fully automated from start to finish.The mayor AI,council and government and even citizens will hold meetings in local town halls,community halls and centres,homeless shelters,charities headquarters,conference rooms in hotels etc and using a map of the cities and towns on linked smart devices and laser highlighters on them projected onto screens with these all linked together will plan who moves into where,what buildings are to be renovated,how they are renovated over a series of meetings with those who book obsolete buildings choosing the layout by designing it on Pandora or prototype versions of this and submit it for design for each building then all saved on Daedalus once the interior of these buildings is scanned by drones etc with them choosing the hotel style or apartment style suite and design each roof extension on the roof as the same for hotels or for each individual booking a place for apartments with the ground floor containing the ubiquitous features,statue of Hestia,amenities,growing rooms etc and if need be underground extensions and add in elevators and stairs.These meetings would also plan which occupants from a specific or which of the lowest quality poor estates and shanty towns enters them first based on their living conditions with people booking places in hotels and other obsolete buildings as well as abandoned buildings in the area,what is put in place of them ie more communal homes and so on as well as organising the renovations of abandoned homes and obsolete buildings adding extensions with them also deciding which demolished land will be used as community and forest farms and buildings to leave behind to ensure that it is done fairly via input from those who live there.Homeless people and those who frequent homeless shelters,those who live in slums etc and those who live in slums and areas without internet access can be alerted to these meetings via volunteers who work with them,people finding squatters,who can prove they are homeless to book places or homeless shelters can be converted into skyscraper style luxury communal homes to house all the homeless in a city and others from low quality housing with them seeking temporary accommodation wherever they can ie buildings used by defunct government agencies and NGOs,luxury motorhomes,trailers,small retail outlets that will be later demolished,any people willing to house them in spare rooms similar via home sharing during renovations or they could move to areas with lower levels of poverty where hotels,motels are not taken so they can get permanent accommodation with them given cameras access to networks and also put in contact with amateur and professional presenter or present the episodes themselves.In any case they will be given donated laptops with wifi access to gain access to the proto and final Euthenia and collect excess clothing and other manufactured products from community centres,retail outlets clearances as well as get food from supermarkets and those dumped in convenience stores.They will be able to avail of government paid healthcare and medicine at hospitals,donate blood to create patient files and by 2025-2029 be inoculated with all strains of microbes until money become obsolete.They can also as stated be alerted to these meetings once they prove they are homeless and can use smart devices and computers donated to shelters,headquarters of charities etc or in cyber café from retail outlets,excess from community centres and there to book places with them also given excess manufactured goods such as clothes,electronics and food from retail outlets by going to them in person and storing goods in shelters or them those in community centres.If possible if they are already squatting in homes and abandoned buildings then they may book places in them after renovations or if found by those who booked them can be directed to homeless shelters and even community centres to book their own homes via donated laptops and excess ones from shops.Considering homelessness occurs alot in cities that have an overabundance of hotels,skyscrapers,schools and other obsolete buildings as well as abandoned buildings then there should be no trouble in them gaining accommodation alongside those from the lowest social ladders.All buildings will be scanned in before renovations with abandoned ones have missing walls filled in not only be used for renovations but also have the original present as a baseline for new ones,used in media/Agoge training/urban exploring within VR simulations with the final building scanned in again to be used as a baseline and be replicated and altered but to have it scanned into the buildings AI to be used as a map for visitors,firefigther robots and use in media/Agoge training/urban exploring again in VR with abandoned buildings unaltered form prior to having walls filled in will be used for urban exploring in VR simulations sent to a subsystem or an urban exploring game in Dionysus.All furniture will be removed from these except unaltered abandoned buildings with them left in the scan.