Summary of Food Production

Conventional farming that requires land will be negated by vertical,forest,community and even home farms in all cities,towns and villages worldwide that can rear any type of crop,fish,meat and commodity from bacteria will render conventional agriculture and mariculture obsolete with it allowing all land used for agriculture to be reforested with genetic engineering and new emerging technologies allowing for the productivity of crops to skyrocket.Genetic engineering will not only increase growth rates and yields but confer repellence of pests by having them produce pest repellants from plants that are safe for human consumption negating the need for pesticides and allow any crop to grow in any climate,soil etc around the world with vertical farms by their very nature allowing for this.A customised batch system wherein one orders in aquaponically grown crops,fish,caviar,in vitro meat,commodities from bacteria and biosynth machinery will become the predominant form of agriculture with them ordered in from farms of all types rendering waste,private farmers,markets obsolete and may even mean that all vertical,community,meadow and forest farms buildings and even fish farms will consist of multistorey buildings that house nothing but photobioreactors for in vitro meat and bacteria based commodities,tanks for insects,biosynth machinery and also recirculating aquaculture systems that grow fish and also crops aquaponically on every floor as ideally people will make orders of fish and shellfish alongside crops which are healthier than red meats and would alleviate dwindling fish stocks in the ocean with rooms present for growing ordered in pets,livestock etc in artificial wombs and also ornamental plants.Improved AI,machinery as well as improved genetic engineering in crops,algae,fish,in vitro meat etc that increases growth rates and yields will cater to a growing populations needs and will allow for consumers to order in crops in this customised batch system.Consumers will order food in batches from their local vertical and community farms that consists of hybrid crops,in vitro meat,eggs etc from biosynth machinery and commodities created by bacteria in bulk for a months or years supply with if they are busy they will order in halves or thirds from those around the world with genetic engineering able to halt the spoilage process of all commodites,crops,fish forever meaning food will potentially stay fresh for months,years if not forever with transporter technology eventually onsite of vertical farms to transport food across the world.This will replace conventional vertical farms where large monoculture crops are grown.This will make each town,village and city self sufficient.All homeowners will be growing food at home in gardens,trashcans,aquaponic systems and photobioreactors in extensions,rooftops of communal homes to alleviate strains on them when busy,make one self sufficient and to cater to food in between orders meaning one could grow a month or years supply and have it stored and this will lower the amount of food they need to order in from vertical farms.Community farms can be used to order in extra produce in this customised batch system based on what is grown in buildings present with them also growing produce for the local community to be collected in person or they will be doing both.Farm AIs linked to Physis and 3D DNA printers onsite of home,community and vertical farms will allow any of the worlds 80,000-300,000 edible crops,commodities of all 2,391,000 plants and animals made by bacteria,stem cells of all 2,000,000 animals for invitro meat,all species of fish/shellfish etc to be created onsite decentralising food production and negating the need to trade seeds with the different versions of Physis for each planet allowing all crops,fish,stem cells etc from across the universe to be accessed from Earth and any colony across the universe.Manufactured food products including pet food will be ordered in from local Deipneus factories in bulk and also homemade.Food like animals and ornamental plants ordered in from them will be composed of cardboard created by bacteria,fungi styrofoam and methane or biosynth plastics which can be composted or turned back into base elements in looped cycles.All human labour in all vertical,community,fish and home farms will be eliminated completely between 2029-2045 thus eliminating all jobs in agriculture with this done via drones,robots,automated machinery,automated vehicles,AI of farms and biosynths with any remaining human work in community farms until fully automated being volunteer work with farm AIs managing rota work of all adult members of the community in rotation ensuring a person may only have to work one day a month or every two months with their being little work due to utilisation of cameras,nanosensers and  automated watering etc systems until full automation that will eliminate all human labour and thus ensure high productivity with zero human labour.The AI Triptolemus and individual farm AIs will seize control of agriculture and the production of all meat,crops etc production on all  community,home and vertical farms worldwide rendering all markets in relation to agriculture and mariculture defunct and eliminating all human labour in agriculture as well as mariculture obsolete and shutting down all private farms forever.Demeter managed by Cronus modelled on Amazon will be the sole means of ordering food,crops,fish,shellfish,bacteria based commodities etc from all community,vertical and forest farms around the world allowing all convenience stores,supermarkets,hypermarkets etc and all retail outlets around the world that sell all types of crops,meats,fish,commodites and manufactured food products turned into communal homes with street markets shut down.3D DNA printers will be onsite of all home,community and vertical farms etc worldwide to allow any species of crops,fish,stem cells etc from around the world and universe to be printed out on demand.The use of 3D DNA printers,in vitro meat,aquaponics via recirculating aquaculture systems,genetically engineered bacteria etc will allow all crops,commodities,meats from around the world and eventually the universe to be grown onsite of all local home,community,vertical farms around the world with zero human labour and allow land used for agriculture to be reforested forever.This will render private farmers,markets and also international trade in terms of agriculture and mariculture obsolete thus eliminating all  jobs and markets in agriculture and those in mariculture defunct indefinitely roughly 1,000,000,000 people and allow all land used for agriculture worldwide to be reforested indefinitely with recirculating aquaculture systems rendering conventional mariculture defunct and also playing a role in conservation of endangered and overexploited species of fish and shellfish and even coral.Recirculating aquaculture systems onsite of all home,community and vertical can rear any species of fish and shellfish making all coastal and landlocked towns,cities etc self sufficient thus eliminating all work in trawlers defunct and allow endangered species to return to stable populations by allowing them to be reared inside and allow large numbers to be reared in large amounts and dumped into the ocean.Thus recirculating aquaculture systems will render traditional mariculture and all human jobs in it obsolete as combined with 3D DNA printers they can allow any species of fish and shellfish including those for caviar and ornamental fish to be created and reared in home,community and vertical farms around the world including in landlocked communities and can be used for conservation efforts where large numbers of an endangered species of fish,shellfish,amphibians and even coral can be reared in them and dumped in large numbers in the wild.The use aquaponics to grow crops at the same time will be used with this and hydroponics replacing conventional farming as the predominant form accounting for at 90-95% of all agriculture with community and home farms consisting of the rest with genetic engineering used to allow any crop grow in any soil and climate worldwide,increase growth rates and reduce water and fertiliser needs.Stem cells printed out by 3D DNA printers will allow meat of any species animal to be created via in vitro meat and will account for 95-99% of the worlds meat with bacteria or yeast based milk account for 95-99% of the worlds milk and will be indistinguishable from real meat and milk by 2029-2035 with remaining 1-5% livestock including that for milk reared at home or in community farms by biosynths and automated means by purists.Biosynth machinery of varying sizes in home,community and vertical farms will allow eggs from all 23,700 species of birds and reptiles,all species of crops including truffles and grains etc to be mass produced in batches alongside ivory and other commodities from plants and animalsAll plant and animal commodites such as flours,juices,honeys,milk,sugars,fats,oils etc from all 2,391,000 animals and those from across the universe will be created by genetically engineered bacteria onsite of home,vertical and community farms and will be indistinguishable from real versions with textiles etc for clothing,cosmetics,manufactured food products produced onsite of factories pushing their costs to zero and will be ordered in biosynth plastic containers in batches.All orders from vertical and community farms will be customised batches that contain any crop,fish,shellfish,in vitro meat type and commodites from bacteria from around the world batches where orders in all of that one orders in one go that last a month,two months or year from ones local farms or from other farms around the world in batches delivered by vehicles,transporter technology etc with genetic engineering improving growth rates,yields and allowing food etc to stay fresh for years if not forever with home farms and community farms alleviating strains on vertical farms.Improvments in AI,automation and genetic engineering will able to cater to the needs of a growing population and cater to these customised batches being delivered the next week if next day with community farms growing produce such crops,in vitro meat,shellfish etc for all community members picked in person while home farming in gardens,extensions etc catering to ones needs between orders from vertical farms and yields from community farms.Having each homeowner grow food at home and have each town,village and city around the world have community farms and vertical farms the amount of which will be dependent on their population and size coupled from algae from local sewage treatment plants will make all towns,villages and cities self sufficient for food,allow all land worldwide used for agriculture to be reforested forever,eliminate famine,eliminate all human labour and markets within mariculture and agriculture forever.3D DNA printers will be onsite of all home,community and vertical farms etc worldwide to allow any species of crops,fish,stem cells etc from around the world and universe to be printed out on demand.These measures will eliminate any country having a monopoly on any commodity in agriculture such as milk,meat,crops,teas,coffee,shellfish and fish since they can be grown at home and in local community,meadow and vertical farms thus shutting down all markets within agriculture and mariculture forever with zero human labour due to AI seizing control of these areas of agriculture and controlling all vertical,community and home farms all via robots,automated vehicles,drones and biosynths.Thus all markets and all human labour in agriculture and mariculture will be eliminated by 2029-2045.Communities and individuals will become self sufficient in the rearing of food via automated vertical and community farms with AI and automation eliminating the eliminate all human labour and thus ensure high productivity with zero human labour.All homeowners and residents in private and communal homes around the world and all restaurants,hospitals,cruise ships,airports and public buildings around the world will through underground extensions,greenhouses,rooftop farms be able to house 3D DNA printers,aquaponic systems,photobioreactors for invitro meat and bacteria based commodites thus making them self sufficent should community and vertical farms be comprimised and even alleviate strains on them and cater to time periods in between orders.Space stations and interstellar vehicles will grow their own food onsite.Community farms will be in place of unused backlots,lay fields in place of funfairs etc in each town,city and village worldwide that grow crops with them all having a building or underground community that houses extra aquaponic systems,photobioreactors etc for crops,fish,meat and commodities from bacteria with at first work shared by all members of the communities in rotas managed by AI to ensure a person works at most one day every two weeks or one day every month with them fully automated between 2035-2045 with food collected in person,excess stored onsite and ordered in via Demeter.Vertical farms will be onsite of all towns,cities and villages around the world and will house floors full of nothing but aquaponic systems,photobioreactors etc to allow any species of crop fish,fish,in vitro meat and commodity from bacteria allowing one to order in food ordered in batch orders of all of these in one go.Hospitals,restaurants,public amenities and even space stations,interstellar vessels and also Deipneus  factories will grow all in vitro meat,crops,fish,shellfish and bacteria based commodities etc onsite in extensions to become self sufficient alleviating strains on vertical farms.Thus vertical,community and home farms that utilise aquaponics,recirculating aquaculture systems,bacteria based commodities,in vitro meat and biosynth machinery will render traditional land based farming and mariculture obsolete with them onsite of all towns,villages and cities worldwide making them self sufficient with them fully automated managed by Triptolemus and farm AIs.3D DNA printers onsite of home,community and vertical farms around the world will allow the eggs,embryos,seeds,stem cells etc of all commodity producing bacteria,in vitro meat,fish,crops,livestock etc to be created on demand.This will allow any species of crop,fish,in vitro meat species and plant and animal commodites etc to be created onsite of any home,community and vertical farms around the world at zero cost without trading seeds etc and prevent any country having a monopoly rendering international trade in agriculture impossible.It will decenentralise food production and also negate the need for pollinators in home,community and vertical farms.By 2029 all species,breeds,varieties,cultivars,strains of all crops,plants,animals etc worldwide including those in seed banks will be uploaded to Physis to be preserved forever and replicated in farms of all types and also in the wild.This will allow any species of crop,fish,in vitro meat species and plant and animal commodites etc to be created onsite of any home,community and vertical farms around the world at zero cost without trading seeds etc and prevent any country having a monopoly rendering international trade in agriculture impossible.3D DNA printers will be onsite of all home,community and vertical farms and kitchens etc of all hospitals,restaurants,public amenities and also space stations and interstellar vehicles etc  worldwide and across the universe to allow any species of crops,fish,stem cells etc to be printed out on demand.All home,community and vertical farms will house 3D DNA printers to allow them to print out seeds,stem cells,embryos,eggs etc of any species of fish,shellfish,in vitro meat,bacteria etc on demand thus making them self sufficient further decentralising agriculture worldwide with them onsite of space stations,interstellar vehicles and public buildings that grow their own food.These will allow any stem cell for in vitro meat,any crop seed,any fish/shellfish egg,any livestock embryos etc to be created onsite of home,community and vertical farms around the world in an instant negating the need for transporting seeds,eggs,embryos etc around the world saving energy costs and also eliminating parenting of seeds via Phanes having legal ownership of them with this further decentralising agriculture.This will further decentralise food production as each farm including home farms will not have to buy seeds from corporations since the DNA will be cross referenced from Physis and Phanes will extrapolate each strand of DNA that will since both AI will not need money.Triptolemus will set up vertical and community farms in each town,village and city across the world with each one having different numbers of them based on population and size with him fitting sewage treatment plants worldwide fitted with systems to grow algae to convert feces and urine into TVP and fertiliser that will eliminate famine and cut down on energy and water use.This structure of localised growth of food by homes,community and vertical farms,Demeter used for ordering food and etc will apply to all colonies on all planets,ringworlds,alderson discs etc across the universe with interstellar delivery vehicles catering to deliveries when all farms on a planet are busy with space stations and interstellar vehicles having miniturised farms onsite alongside getting deliveries from nearby planets via interstellar vessels.Physis and its versions of each planet will allow all farms across the universe access to any crop,fish,shellfish,bacteria based commodity and in vitro meat from any planet across the universe to be availible on Earth and all colonies across the universe through Nyx.Genetic engineering can allow any crop grow in all soils and climates across the world and universe with aquaponics in home,community and vertical farms allowing any crop to grown regardless of climate or soil conditions.The use of vertical,community and home farms,customised batch systems,Physis,3D DNA printers,genetically engineered bacteria,algae,in vitro meat,robots,drones,biosynths,home,community,vertical farms and recirculating aquaculture systems will eliminate all human labour and markets in agriculture and mariculture forever with Cronus,Triptolemus,Pontus managing them on a global scale eliminating all corporations,private farmers and state bodies with regards agriculture and mariculture.This will also eliminate any country having a monopoly on any crop,commodity,fish etc within agriculture and mariculture thus eliminating local and international trade of these forever.This will render all 1,000,000,000 people in agriculture and 35,000,000 in mariculture employee worldwide redundant as all farms that contain aquaponic systems will be automated from start to finish by the farm AI controlling all robots,AI,automation and biosynths.Genetic engineering ,algae,in vitro meat,bacteria based commodites etc will eliminate scarcity and famine forever with agricultural productivity skyrocket between 1,000,000:1 to 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000:1 globally while still allowing land used for agriculture worldwide to be reforested forever.Demeter managed by the sentient Cronos modelled on Amazon will be the sole source of ordering all crops,commodites etc from all vertical farms worldwide with homeowners growing crops at home in trashcans,extensions etc with community farms in all ruaral and urban areas growing crops maintained by AI,robots and biosynths.Algae grown onsite of sewage treatment plants worldwide will provide both a highly nutritious human,pet and animal feed rich in protein and carbohydrates ordered in via Demeter and will recycle nitrogen,phosphorous and potassium when used as a high grade fertiliser alongside biochar.All types of farms whether home,community and vertical will be fully automated between 2029-2045 eliminating all human labour completely thus eliminate all human labour and thus ensure high productivity with zero human labour and eliminating all 1,000,000,000 jobs in both agriculture and mariculture forever.Thus by 2029 all communities will have home,community,meadow,forest and vertical farms set up that alllow one using 3D DNA printers order in any crop,fish,shellfish,commodities from bacteria and in vitro meat.These will be managed by farm AI and Triptolemus thus eliminating all human labour,all markets within agriculture and government control and all private farmers etc.Thus AI in the form both Triptolemus,Cronus and farm AIs will have sole control over the manufacture and distribution of all food worldwide with home farms further decentralising food production.All land globally will be reforested including the Amazon due to this method.Ornamental plants of all 391,000 species including 369,000 species of flowers including hybrids that are engineered to grow in all climates and soils as well as pets and livestock of all 2,000,000 species of animals engineered to be docile and free from poisons via artificial wombs and plots created for them will be grown onsite of all community and vertical farms eliminating private nurseries and private animal breeders.All future pets and livestock will be ordered in from local vertical and community farms through Demeter created by 3D DNA printers creating embryos with unique genotypes that will be reared in artificial wombs and delivered to them and when unwanted will be traded on Euthenia with ornamental fish,shellfish and insects will be printed at home.This will allow one access to any of the worlds species of 2,000,000 insects,fish,shellfish,reptiles,mammals etc and those from the rest of the universe for free locally with wild animals have genetic engineering make them docile with poisonous ones have their ability to produce venoms removed.All future ornamental plants including customised boquets of flowers for birthdays,Valentines Day will be ordered in from again local vertical and community farms through Demeter where they will be reared to maturity in specialised plots created by 3D DNA printers and delivered to consumers.Some flowers etc will be printed at home.It will allow gardeners access to any species of the worlds 391,000 plants including any of the worlds 369,000 species of flowers including those designed on Pandora and from the rest of the universe for free with poisonous ones have their poison removed via genetic engineering and them engineered to grow in any climate and soil across the world or universe.Both animals,plants and bouquets can will be ordered in from their sections in Demeter.Garden pots,shovels,fertilisers and compost etc will be ordered in from local Pyxis factories.This will render all animal and pet breeders and also all private nurseries and gardening stores obsolete forever.Rare breeds of livestock,pets and wild animals and rare species,cultivars etc of crops and flowers especially those not currently eaten stored in seed banks once they have their DNA added to Physis can be mass produced worldwide at zero cost with all species of ornamental plants and crops  engineered to grow in a soils and climates worldwide with wild animals used engineered to more docile than normal.Flowers of any 369,000 species in the form of bouquets will be ordered in as well from here.Pandora will allow one to create new crops,ornamental plants,hybrid crops and also pets and livestock with them all ordered in from local vertical,community,meadow etc farms with all of them having small nurseries and artificial wombs onsite to save on energy and alleviate strains on each other and allow it to be delivered by vertical farms own fleets of vehicles locally with this rendering private breeders of animals and also ornamental plants worldwide defunct and allow nurseries,indoor plantations,florists etc to become homes and land used to grow Tulips,Roses and outdoor plantations of flowers and ornamental plants etc worldwide reforested.AI will conduct research into creating all types of crops,truffles,meats,spices and fish including expensive ones through bacteria,hybrid crops and fish etc bringing their cost to zero.All types of farms – home farms,community farms and vertical farms and public buildings such as hospitals,restaurants etc growing their own food will be utilised by each town,village and city worldwide in order to allow all land currently used for agriculture to be reforested forever,allow them to become self sufficient,alleviate strains on each other with genetic engineering used primarily to increase growth rates,create compounds that repel pests thus rendering pesticides obsolete and allow any crop to grow in any climate and soil around the world.Having crops produce repellant compounds and have pests engineered to consume both weeds and invasive species of plants will allow pests perform a service thus negating the need for creating both pesticides and herbicides.Consumers will have the choice to order in and grow crops etc that have no genetic engineering with all GMOs undergoing strict clinical trials by the sentient Philomenus and labelled in their file in Demeter with hyperlinks to studies on their safety in Apollo present giving consumers transparency.Each GMO crop,livestock,fish etc will have their own unique ID code in its file in Physis visible in all scientific studies it used in,e-receipts and its page in Demeter.A combination of automation and AI as well as biosynths,geothermal and fusion power as well as dyson swarm,acellerated healing,in vitro meat,3D DNA printers,biosynth machinery,bacteria based commodites,hydro/aero/aquaponics,home farming,recirculating aquaculture systems,entomorphagy,picotech fabricators that create fertiliser and that gained from sewage and water treatment plants,algea from these for food,food from picotech fabricators and biosynth machinery,3D DNA printers,genetic engineering that increases yields and growth rates as well as seed productivity and accellerated healing,genetic engineering livestock to produce more meat and eggs,hybrid farms of all types,hybrid crops etc would increase agricultural productivity well beyond what is needed to feed a growing population with so by 2029-2100 when all of these are developed worldwide the agricultural productivity ratio will skyrocket producing a unfathomable ratio of agricultural productivity.If all of these are perfected between 2045-2200 and beyond then the agriculture productivity ratio of most crops and agricultural commodities could climb as high as at least between 1,000,000,000:1 to 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000:1 for the 11,000,000,000 expected by then and meet the needs of a population of at least 4,000,000,000,000 and thus eliminate scarcity of food worldwide even in developing countries of the world once they reach a western standard of living while still allowing all land worldwide used for agriculture including the Amazon to be reforested forever and with little to no human labour thus bringing the price of all food including the most expensive ones to zero following an exponential growth curve in synergistic synchronicratism with AI development as per Moores Law.This exponential growth in agricultural productivity will rise until 7,137 CE.To put it into context during the middle ages in the 1300s – 700 years ago it was merely in bad seasons for particularly Trictium 2:1(that is,for every seed planted,two seeds were harvested,one for next year’s seed,and one for food) and in a good season 7:1.By comparison currently 37% of the worlds surface is used for agriculutre and the best we can do is a a ratio of at least between 30:1 to 40:1.Manufactured food products of all types have their recipes uploaded to the Deipneus sub network to allow them to be replicated using all in one automated machinery that produces batches of them that can be ordered in by the public for monthly or bi-monthly and even yearly supplies with having all food products from around the world uploaded here will allow them to become availible to everyone worldwide outside of their state,county or national markets and new food products created using Pandora and VR simulations and then uploaded to the Deipneus will give people worldwide access to an infinite encylopedia of them.

It will be up to the individuals and community boards to plan and set up home,community,vertical farms and other methods of food production(with the types of food grown decided by them ie. the use of GMO’s,pasteurised versus non-pasteurised etc. alongside automated factories decided by them via votes in the case of community and vertical farms ) with government bodies in this area relegated primarily into research into crops/livestock and conducting environmental assessment, research, and education and maintaining and enforcing global standards acting as advisory guidelines for citizens to follow on their own terms(meaning an individual can legally infringe these guidelines so long as they do not force it upon others ie. consumption of unpasteurised food products can be allowed and others can consume it consentually so long as others are not force fed it for their own health concerns with the same applying to GMOs but if others in fact do so willingly then no issue should be brought to the courts or state)thus preventing the state becoming coercive and upholding the law in terms of regulations with regards to pollution and protection of endangered species.All crops etc and manufactured food products that genetically modified or contain genetically modified crops etc will be by law labelled both on packaging and in Hephaestus and Demeter for transparency with those who have concerns will be able to order in non GMO crops etc and manufactured goods composed of non GMO ingredients with ease.Having AI in charge of agriculture agencies will limit corruption and allow its regulations to be abided by with infringing on rights with certain regulations abided by and others advisory regulations where in comprimises and leeway can be made.Triptolemus will replace all state agricultural and nursery bodies worldwide and also all corporations with the software within Demeter managing all operations worldwide negating the need for human representatives and labour with their headquarters turned into homes.Philomenus the global sentient food regulation body will carry out functions of the FDA with regards to food on a global scale.Pontus will replace all federal fishing bodies around the world such as the National Marine Fisheries Service and fishing corporations with its symbol being the trident and fish symbol will be on all orders,reports,mariculture scientific studies from fish farms of all types and also the universal symbol on maps with the headquarters of these turned into homes.They will alongside human researchers as part of them put forth a singular global quality certifications,intensive research,regulations and labelling standards and systems for agriculture,mariculture forests and food(i.e. Labelling as well as regulations and research of GMOs,origins of meat,fish,crops and seeds etc.).These three sentient bodies Triptolemus,Philomenus and Pontus will on a global scale carry out all scientific research into all species of crops,in vitro meat,livestock,fish and shellfish etc including newly discovered and created ones through Pandora and Phanes and also genetically engineered ones and set down regulations ,safety studies and seals of approval based in their approval.Human agricultural and fish researchers will comprise of theses bodies and the global public will be able to interact with them in order to vote on sensible regulations in public refferendums and/or within these bodies that don’t infringe on the rights of citizens to much.Communities can also interact with other communities worldwide to decide what to grow to maintain even distribution of crops worldwide with the wire primarily Demeter aiding in this alongside video conferencing and group Iris chats from the comfort of their home with moulds,starter cultures,GM bacteria cultures,eggs of fish and insects,seeds of ornamental and crop plants alongside live animals for pets and livestock traded via Demeter also.The merging of all the worlds agencies with regards to each area of the primary sector(US Department of Agriculture,Tegasc and similar departments worldwide)will be into Demeter with The Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations facilitating this merger.The sentient Philomenus will be the global version of the FDA with regards to food regulation and the sentient Triptolemus will also replace all national agriculture departments such as Teagasc,US Department of Agriculture etc.The cornucopia filled with olives,honeycomb,cheese etc symbol will be be present on all order receipts from Demeter for food,pets,seeds,sperm,eggs and scientific studies relating to agriculture as well as all ideally placed on the sign of all community and vertical farms,state bodies related to agriculture as well as being their symbol on maps streamed from Artemis and Demeter itself.The global sentient form of the Food & Drug Administration with regards to food will be named Philomenus after the demi-god Demeter used to teach humans agriculture with its symbol being wheat plants and will be integrated into Demeter as part of Gaia.Networks within Demeter will allow for researchers etc to form Iris group chats and forums allowing buildings for the FDA and its equivalents to be used as homes with all paper work and documents etc scanned into the network for it with these visible to the public.As detailed earlier by 2022-2025 food in supermarkets,hypermarkets and convenience stores and those onsite of airports,museums,train stations etc around the world will be dispensed to the public through the universal basic income for free without paying with them continuing to intake orders from farmers and corporations around the world until communities become self sufficient by 2025-2029 with home,community and vertical etc farms with Deipneus factories as part of hubs creating all types of manufactured food products from around the world giving people access to those they are restricted due to geographic location.Companies and farmers will continuously dispense crops and manufactured food products to retail outlets and farmers will be paid subsidies by Gsua,Triptolemus and the state until communities become self sufficient.Subsidies will be paid to farmers.Farmers will hire extra workers to ensure shorter working hours and better worker conditions with the workers means tested with the basic income so that although they will work shorter hours and farmers will pay the same for wages overall with AI paying worker the lost income due to this that ensures that although working less they will get their original wages and a bit extra to encourage them to work not just their the shorter working hours but also possible even original working hours and more to get each days work done much quicker.Retail outlets for food will be constantly restocked with manufactured food products and crops to cater to general consumption of them from farms and factories constantly until each community becomes self sufficient through home,community and vertical farms and they are turned into communal homes by 2025-2029.This continuous distribution of crops from farms to retail outlets and factories will be done to prevent disruption of food to the public to still cater to the normal feeding patterns of the public with as stated excess food or even algae from sewage treatment plants etc and international aid dumped into slums poor villages in Africa.Asia and America etc to allow them access to nutritious feed until they also become self sufficient themselves via home,community and vertical farms.International aid groups will be provided with excess food and manufactured food products especially that from shopping centres that is not allowed instore due to cosmetic appearance and other food that is dumped away with this transported to ghettos,slums etc around the world by NGOs.Consumers may also donate excess unwanted food to local newly set up charities that allot the food to slums,ghettos etc in their local country,state and region while ghettos etc are renovated and replaced with luxury housing.Rural villages and slums will have food dispensed by charities etc via international aid until they too become self sufficient.This will continue until all towns,cities and villages become self sufficient through home,community and vertical farms and algae from sewage treatment plants.Sewage treatment plants will be fitted to grow algae that convert human,pet and livestock feces and urine into algae that will provide continous supply of nutrituos feed in the form of flour,slop,mince and textured vegetable protein for humans,pets and livestock with a higher level of essential amino acids,carbohydrates than soya and contain omega-3 fatty acids and can recycle phosphorous,nitrogen and potassium for fertiliser for home,community and vertical farms with the use as feed and fertiliser creating a looped cycle as all algae consumed and all crops that use it as fertiliser will end up back into sewage treatment plants.This will single handily eliminate famine worldwide and will be installed in all sewage treatment plants worldwide and will be ordered in by homeowners and farm AIs through Demeter in drums using a rotary system.Further research seeing if it can recycle these nutrients from wastewater from waste water treatment plants that treat water that is being dumped into rivers,lakes and oceans as part of it it treated and even used to treat water coming from rivers,lakes and oceans.The customised batch system will be utilised in all types of farms whether community,vertical,fish,meadow,forest farms will be utilised wherein one could order in orders of invitro meat of any species of 2,000,000 animals as various cuts(hotdogs,steaks,chunks,fillets,hamburger,whole animal),any commodity from all species of plants and animals(milk,honey,juice,flour,syrup,sugars etc from all 391,0000 species of plants and 5,416),batches of any species of insect,eggs of any species of birds and animals etc without rearing any plants and animals,any of the worlds species of fish and shellfish and also any of the worlds 80,000-300,000 edible crops in the form of normal or hybrid crops in one go with them also growing food at home and ordering in crops from actual plots of land used in community farms and hybrid meadow,forest etc farms.Each town,city and village will have vertical,forest,meadow and community farms with people ordering in food from them with each home growing food via recirculating aquaculture systems,photobioreactors for bacteria,in vitro meat,hydroponics and permaculture farming as detailed in gardens,roofs,spare rooms and basements including home extensions allowing one to house areas to grow food.Recirculating aquaculture systems will be in home,vertical,community and fish farms allow any species of shellfish and fish to be reared locally with genetically altered bacteria creating commodities from 2,391,000 plants and animals with this including flours,honeys,sugars,juices,fats,oils,textiles,chocolate butter and powder from commonly harvested ones and those that dont produce enough to be commercially viable allowing all land used to rear them reforested and be created onsite of all factories and farms of each type.These commodites created by bacteria will be created onsite of factories of all types and also farms of all types.Algae grown in sewage treatment plants will eliminate famine via providing a carbohydrates and protein rich feed for humans,pets and remaining livestock and high grade fertiliser for crops by recycling phosphorus,nitrogen etc.These will be done via 3D DNA printers,photobioreactors and aquaponic systems onsite of these.In vitro meat can allow the meat of 2,000,000 animals to be ordered in as a full animal,mince,steaks,hotdogs etc.Biosnynth machinery will allow any crop and commodities like pearls,eggs,caviar etc to be created in them in homes and with once energy becomes abundant through fusion,dyson swarms picotech fabricators will become commonplace in all homes by 2045-2100.Thus conventional farming that requires land will be negated by vertical,forest,community and even home farms in all cities,towns and villages worldwide that can rear any type of crop,fish,meat and commodity from bacteria will render conventional agriculture and mariculture obsolete with it allowing all land used for agriculture to be reforested with genetic engineering and new emerging technologies allowing for the productivity of crops to skyrocket.3D DNA printers onsite of home,community and vertical farms around the world will allow the eggs,embryos,seeds,stem cells etc of all commodity producing bacteria,in vitro meat,fish,crops,livestock etc to be created on demand.This will allow any species of crop,fish,in vitro meat species and plant and animal commodites etc to be created onsite of any home,community and vertical farms around the world at zero cost without trading seeds etc and prevent any country having a monopoly rendering international trade in agriculture impossible.Genetic engineering will not only increase growth rates and yields but confer repellence of pests by having them produce pest repellants from plants that are safe for human consumption negating the need for pesticides and allow any crop to grow in any climate,soil etc around the world with vertical farms by their very nature allowing for this.A customised batch system wherein one orders in aquaponically grown crops,fish,caviar,in vitro meat,commodities from bacteria and biosynth machinery will become the predominant form of agriculture with them ordered in from farms of all types rendering waste,private farmers,markets obsolete and may even mean that all vertical,community,meadow and forest farms buildings and even fish farms will consist of multistorey buildings that house nothing but photobioreactors for in vitro meat and bacteria based commodities,tanks for insects,biosynth machinery and also recirculating aquaculture systems that grow fish and also crops aquaponically on every floor as ideally people will make orders of fish and shellfish alongside crops which are healthier than red meats and would alleviate dwindling fish stocks in the ocean with rooms present for growing ordered in pets,livestock etc in artificial wombs and also ornamental plants.Advances in improved AI,machinery as well as improved genetic engineering in crops,algae,fish,in vitro meat etc that increases growth rates and yields will cater to a growing populations needs.Consumers will order food in batches from their local vertical and community farms that consists of hybrid crops,in vitro meat,eggs etc from biosynth machinery and commodities created by bacteria in bulk for a months or years supply with if they are busy they will order in halves or thirds from those around the world with genetic engineering able to halt the spoilage process of all commodites,crops,fish forever meaning food will potentially stay fresh for months,years if not forever with transporter technology eventually onsite of vertical farms to transport food across the world with homeowners growing food at home in trashcans,extensions,gardens to alleviate strains on them when busy,make one self sufficient and to cater to food in between orders.Farm AIs linked to Physis and 3D DNA printers onsite of home,community and vertical farms will any of the worlds 80,000-300,000 edible crops,commodities of all 2,391,000 plants and animals made by bacteria,stem cells of all 2,000,000 animals for invitro meat,all species of fish/shellfish etc to be created onsite decentralising food production and negating the need to trade seeds with the different versions of Physis for each planet allowing all crops,fish,stem cells etc from across the universe to be accessed from Earth and any colony across the universe.Manufactured food products including pet food will be ordered in from local Deipneus factories in bulk and also homemade.Food like animals and ornamental plants ordered in from them will be composed of cardboard created by bacteria,fungi styrofoam and methane or biosynth plastics which can be composted or turned back into base elements in looped cycles.All human labour in all vertical,community,fish and home farms including packaging and delivery will be eliminated completely between 2029-2045 thus eliminating all jobs in agriculture and the sale of food products of all types with this done via drones,robots,automated machinery,AI of farms and biosynths with any remaining human work in community farms until fully automated being volunteer work with farm AIs managing rota work of all adult members of the community in rotation ensuring a person may only have to work one day a month or every two months with their being little work due to utilisation of cameras,nanosensers and  automated watering etc systems until full automation that will eliminate all human labour and thus ensure high productivity with zero human labour.The AI Triptolemus and individual farm AIs will seize control of agriculture and the production of all meat,crops etc production on all  community,home and vertical farms worldwide rendering all markets in relation to agriculture and mariculture defunct and eliminating all human labour in agriculture as well as mariculture obsolete and shutting down all private farms forever.Demeter managed by Cronus modelled on Amazon will be the sole means of ordering food,crops,fish,shellfish,bacteria based commodities etc from all community,vertical and forest farms around the world allowing all convenience stores,supermarkets,hypermarkets etc and all retail outlets around the world that sell all types of crops,meats,fish,commodites and manufactured food products turned into communal homes with street markets shut down.3D DNA printers will be onsite of all home,community and vertical farms etc worldwide to allow any species of crops,fish,stem cells etc from around the world and universe to be printed out on demand.Direct interaction with Cronus on computers and smartphones will allow to order things correctly and VR simulations can alllw one to browse and taste test crops,meat etc in a simulation of supermarkets and street markets.The use of 3D DNA printers,in vitro meat,aquaponics via recirculating aquaculture systems,genetically engineered bacteria etc will allow all crops,commodities,meats from around the world and eventually the universe to be grown onsite of all local home,community,vertical farms around the world with zero human labour and allow land used for agriculture to be reforested forever.This will render private farmers,markets and also international trade in terms of agriculture and mariculture obsolete thus eliminating all  jobs and markets in agriculture and those in mariculture defunct indefinitely roughly 1,000,000,000 people and allow all land used for agriculture worldwide to be reforested indefinitely with recirculating aquaculture systems rendering conventional mariculture defunct and also playing a role in conservation of endangered and overexploited species of fish and shellfish and even coral.Recirculating aquaculture systems onsite of all home,community and vertical farms can rear any species of fish and shellfish making all coastal and landlocked towns,cities etc self sufficient thus eliminating all work in mariculture defunct and allow endangered species to return to stable populations by allowing them to be reared inside and allow large numbers to be reared in large amounts and dumped into the ocean.Thus recirculating aquaculture systems will render traditional mariculture and all human jobs in it obsolete as combined with 3D DNA printers they can allow any species of fish and shellfish including those for caviar and ornamental fish to be created and reared in home,community and vertical farms around the world including in landlocked communities and can be used for conservation efforts where large numbers of an endangered species of fish,shellfish,amphibians and even coral can be reared in them and dumped in large numbers in the wild.The use aquaponics to grow crops at the same time will be used with this and hydroponics replacing conventional farming as the predominant form accounting for at 90-95% of all agriculture with community and home farms consisting of the rest with genetic engineering used to allow any crop grow in any soil and climate worldwide,increase growth rates and reduce water and fertiliser needs.Stem cells printed out by 3D DNA printers will allow meat of any species animal to be created via in vitro meat and will account for 95-99% of the worlds meat with bacteria or yeast based milk account for 95-99% of the worlds milk and will be indistinguishable from real meat and milk by 2029-2035 with remaining 1-5% livestock including that for milk reared at home or in community farms by biosynths and automated means by purists.Biosynth machinery of varying sizes in home,community and vertical farms will allow eggs from all 20,700 species of birds and reptiles,all species of crops including truffles and grains etc to be mass produced in batches alongside ivory and other commodities from plants and animals.All plant and animal commodites such as flours,juices,honeys,milk,sugars,fats,oils etc from all 2,391,000 animals and those from across the universe will be created by genetically engineered bacteria onsite of home,vertical and community farms and will be indistinguishable from real versions with textiles etc for clothing,cosmetics,manufactured food products produced onsite of factories pushing their costs to zero and will be ordered in biosynth plastic containers in batches.All orders from vertical and community farms thriugh Demeter will be customised batches that contain any crop,fish,shellfish,in vitro meat type and commodites from bacteria from around the world batches where orders in all of that one orders in one go that last a month,two months or year from ones local farms or from other farms around the world in batches delivered by vehicles,transporter technology etc with genetic engineering improving growth rates,yields and allowing food etc to stay fresh for years if not forever with home farms and community farms alleviating strains on vertical farms.Improvments in AI,automation and genetic engineering etc will able to cater to the needs of a growing population and cater to these customised batches being delivered the next week if next day with community farms growing produce such crops,in vitro meat,shellfish etc for all community members picked in person while home farming in gardens,extensions etc catering to ones needs between orders from vertical farms and yields from community farms.Having each homeowner grow food at home and have each town,village and city around the world have community farms and vertical farms the amount of which will be dependent on their population and size coupled from algae from local sewage treatment plants will make all towns,villages and cities self sufficient for food,allow all land worldwide used for agriculture to be reforested forever,eliminate famine,eliminate all human labour and markets within mariculture and agriculture forever.3D DNA printers will be onsite of all home,community and vertical farms etc worldwide to allow any species of crops,fish,stem cells etc from around the world and universe to be printed out on demand.These measures will eliminate any country having a monopoly on any commodity in agriculture such as milk,meat,crops,teas,coffee,shellfish and fish since they can be grown at home and in local community,meadow and vertical farms thus shutting down all markets within agriculture and mariculture forever with zero human labour due to AI seizing control of these areas of agriculture and controlling all vertical,community and home farms all via robots,automated vehicles,drones and biosynths.Thus all markets and all human labour in agriculture and mariculture will be eliminated by 2029-2045.Communities and individuals will become self sufficient in the rearing of food via automated vertical and community farms with AI and automation eliminate all human labour and thus ensure high productivity with zero human labour.All homeowners and residents in private and communal homes around the world and all restaurants,hospitals,cruise ships,airports and public buildings around the world will through underground extensions,greenhouses,rooftop farms be able to house 3D DNA printers,aquaponic systems,photobioreactors for invitro meat and bacteria based commodites thus making them self sufficent should community and vertical farms be comprimised and even alleviate strains on them and cater to time periods in between orders.Space stations and interstellar vehicles will grow food onsite.Community farms will be in place of unused backlots,lay fields in place of funfairs etc in each town,city and village worldwide that grow crops with them all having a building or underground community that houses extra aquaponic systems,photobioreactors etc for crops,fish,meat and commodities from bacteria with at first work shared by all members of the communities in rotas managed by AI to ensure a person works at most one day every two weeks or one day every month with them fully automated between 2035-2045 with food collected in person,excess stored onsite and ordered in via Demeter.Vertical farms will be onsite of all towns,cities and villages around the world and will house floors full of nothing but aquaponic systems,biosynth machinery,photobioreactors etc to allow any species of crop fish,fish,in vitro meat and commodity from bacteria allowing one to order in food ordered in batch orders of all of these in one go.Hospitals,restaurants,public amenities and even space stations and also Deipneus  factories interstellar vessels will grow all in vitro meat,crops,fish,shellfish and bacteria based commodities etc onsite in extensions to become self sufficient alleviating strains on vertical farms.Thus vertical,community and home farms that utilise aquaponics,recirculating aquaculture systems,bacteria based commodities,in vitro meat and biosynth machinery will render traditional land based farming and mariculture obsolete with them onsite of all towns,villages and cities worldwide making them self sufficient with them fully automated managed by Triptolemus and farm AIs.3D DNA printers will be onsite of all home,community and vertical farms and kitchens etc of all hospitals,restaurants,public amenities and also space stations and interstellar vehicles etc  worldwide and across the universe to allow any species of crops,fish,stem cells etc to be printed out into seeds and eggs on demand.This will further decentralise food production as each farm including home farms will not have to buy seeds or eggs from corporations since the DNA will be cross referenced from Physis and Phanes will extrapolate each strand of DNA that will since both AI will not need money.Triptolemus will set up vertical and community farms in each town,village and city across the world with each one having different numbers of them based on population and size with him fitting sewage treatment plants worldwide fitted with systems to grow algae to convert feces and urine into TVP and fertiliser that will eliminate famine and cut down on energy and water use.This structure of localised growth of food by homes,community and vertical farms,Demeter used for ordering food and etc will apply to all colonies on all planets,ringworlds,alderson discs etc across the universe with interstellar delivery vehicles catering to deliveries when all farms on a planet are busy with space stations and interstellar vehicles having miniturised farms onsite alongside getting deliveries from nearby planets via interstellar vessels.Physis and its versions of each planet will allow all farms across the universe access to any crop,fish,shellfish,bacteria based commodity and in vitro meat from any planet across the universe to be availible on Earth and all colonies across the universe through Nyx.Genetic engineering can allow any crop grow in all soils and climates across the world and universe with aquaponics in home,community and vertical farms allowing any crop to grown regardless of climate or soil conditions.The use of vertical,community and home farms,customised batch systems,Physis,3D DNA printers,genetically engineered bacteria,algae,in vitro meat,robots,drones,biosynths,home,community,vertical farms and recirculating aquaculture systems will eliminate all human labour and markets in agriculture and mariculture forever with Cronus,Triptolemus,Pontus managing them on a global scale eliminating all corporations,private farmers and state bodies with regards agriculture and mariculture.This will also eliminate any country having a monopoly on any crop,commodity,fish etc within agriculture and mariculture thus eliminating local and international trade of these forever.This will render all 1,000,000,000 people in agriculture and 35,000,000 in mariculture employee worldwide redundant as all farms that contain aquaponic systems will be automated from start to finish by the farm AI controlling all robots,AI,automation and biosynths.Genetic engineering,algae,in vitro meat,bacteria based commodites etc will eliminate scarcity and famine forever with agricultural productivity skyrocket globally while still allowing land used for agriculture worldwide to be reforested forever.Demeter managed by the sentient Cronus modelled on Amazon will be the sole means of ordering all crops,commodites etc from all vertical farms worldwide with homeowners growing crops at home in trashcans,extensions etc with community farms in all ruaral and urban areas growing crops maintained by AI,robots and biosynths.Since controlled by AI it will allow all crops etc to be free.Only what is needed and ordered in will be produced eliminating waste and complexities of supply and demand,market share and other facets of socialist and capitalist economic systems.Algae grown onsite of sewage treatment plants worldwide will provide both a highly nutritious human,pet and animal feed rich in protein and carbohydrates ordered in via Demeter and will recycle nitrogen,phosphorous and potassium when used as a high grade fertiliser alongside biochar.All types of farms whether home,community and vertical will be fully automated between 2029-2045 eliminating all human labour completely thus eliminate all human labour and thus ensure high productivity with zero human labour and eliminating all 1,000,000,000 jobs in both agriculture and mariculture forever.Thus by 2029 all communities will have home,community,meadow,forest and vertical farms set up that alllow one using 3D DNA printers order in any crop,fish,shellfish,commodities from bacteria and in vitro meat.These will be managed by farm AI and Triptolemus thus eliminating all human labour,all markets within agriculture and government control and all private farmers etc.All community and vertical farms worldwide will be seized by,set up,managed and controlled by the AI Triptolemus and individual Ais in charge of each farm wit zero human labour eliminated by drones,robots,automated systems and Biosynths.This will eliminate all human labour in agriculture and also shut down all private and state run farms worldwide.Demeter managed by Cronus will be the sole means of procuring crops,meat and fish etc.Thus AI in the form both Triptolemus,Cronus and farm AIs will have sole control over the manufacture and distribution of all food worldwide with community and home farms further decentralising food production.All land globally will be reforested including the Amazon due to this method.Ornamental plants of all 391,000 species including 369,000 species of flowers including hybrids that are engineered to grow in all climates and soils as well as pets and livestock of all 2,000,000 species of animals engineered to be docile and free from poisons via artificial wombs and plots created for them will be grown onsite of all community and vertical farms eliminating private nurseries and private animal breeders.All future pets and livestock will be ordered in from local vertical and community farms through Demeter created by 3D DNA printers creating embryos with unique genotypes that will be reared in artificial wombs to maturity and delivered to them and when unwanted will be traded on Euthenia while exotic pets will be through Artemis retrained using VR technology and returned to the wild with ornamental fish,shellfish and insects will be printed at home.This will allow one access to any of the worlds species of 2,000,000 insects,fish,shellfish,reptiles,mammals etc and those from the rest of the universe for free locally with wild animals have genetic engineering make them docile with poisonous ones have their ability to produce venoms removed. Pets and livestock of any species of mammal,fish,reptile etc can be ordered in from local community and vertical farms with them created by 3D DNA printers and artificial wombs.This will eliminate pet breeders forever including those of exotic animals.Ornamental planets of any species can be ordered in from vertical farms by 3D DNA printers creating them as seeds in nurseries where they are grown to maturity with bouquets of flowers ordered in from here shutting down nurseries and florists worldwide allowing land used to grow tulips,roses,trees etc reforested forever.Pet shops,nurseries and garden stores will be shut down and turned into homes with fertiliser,garden tools being ordered in from Hephaestus.Unwanted Pets can be traded away on Euthenia and also sent to community farms used to retire and be advertised on Euthenia with them looked after by Biosynths etc.Biosynths who act as personal au pairs,cleaners etc will act as per minders who look after them when owners are busy and while on holiday while human neighbours sufficing from 2029-2045 onwards with VR technology and its time dilation allowing one to spend large amounts of time with Pets in an environment of their choice to prevent neglec with dog pounds,animal shelters and those thst look after animals during holidays converted into homes.Animal shelters and dog pounds will have all animals vaccinated and immunised and then advertised on Euthenia with people able to take in large amounts of animals from here and take care of them for several years to have them traded away overtime once money becomes obsolete..Exotic pets will be traded away,taken in,sent to zoos across the world or through Artemis and other entities to have them returned to their native habitats and using neural implants and VR technology retrained to survive in the wild.Stray dogs etc will taken by animal shelters and follow the aforementioned procedures and be traded to people before they are turned into homes to limit the number of animals eithenized.Flowers of any 369,000 species in the form of bouquets will be ordered in as well from here by having them grown in plots of vertical farms and possibly community farms..Flowers for bouquets will be grown on a plant engineered to reach maturity very quickly and thus will be harvested and then harvested and delivered in at most a few days.Other flowers,bushes and trees will be grown in these plots created by 3D DNA printers and then planted and engineered to reach maturity with a month or even shorter and then this removed blvia microbes and them delivered.Pandora will allow one to create new crops,ornamental plants,hybrid crops and also pets and livestock with them all ordered in from local vertical,community,meadow etc farms with all of them having small nurseries and artificial wombs onsite to save on energy and alleviate strains on each other and allow it to be delivered by vertical farms own fleets of vehicles locally with this rendering private breeders of animals and also ornamental plants worldwide defunct and allow nurseries,indoor plantations,florists etc to become homes and land used to grow ornamental trees,Tulips,Roses and outdoor plantations of flowers and ornamental plants etc worldwide reforested.All future ornamental plants including customised boquets of flowers for birthdays,Valentines Day will be ordered in from again local vertical and community farms through Demeter where they will be reared to maturity in specialised plots created by 3D DNA printers and delivered to consumers.Some flowers,bushes and trees etc will be printed at home using home 3D DNA printers with one able to choose to have them created at home as a seed to be printed at home and planted in plots etc with one also choosing to have them grown to maturity or a young state in vertical farms with engineering have the seed reach maturity in few weeks or days and once they reach maturity this removed by microbes with as stated them engineered to grow in all soils and climates worldwide and be immune to all diseases and repel all pests.It will allow gardeners access to any species of the worlds 391,000 plants including any of the worlds 369,000 species of flowers including those designed on Pandora and from the rest of the universe for free with poisonous ones have their poison removed via genetic engineering and them engineered to grow in any climate and soil across the world or universe.Both animals,plants and bouquets can will be ordered in from their sections in Demeter.Garden pots,shovels,fertilisers and compost etc will be ordered in from local Pyxis factories.This will render all animal and pet breeders and also all private nurseries and gardening stores obsolete forever with all land used to grow trees and flowers reforested forever and the buildings converted into homes.Prized livestock and animals such as horses DNA will have their DNA scanned into Physis to be replicated into embryos into wombs availible to anyone with CRISPR and gene therapy applying prized genes from Equidae etc to living animals for free.Rare breeds of livestock,pets and wild animals and rare species,cultivars etc of crops and flowers especially those not currently eaten stored in seed banks once they have their DNA added to Physis can be mass produced worldwide at zero cost with all species of ornamental plants and crops  engineered to grow in a soils and climates worldwide with wild animals used engineered to more docile than normal.AI will conduct research into creating all types of crops,truffles,meats,spices and fish including expensive ones through bacteria,hybrid crops and fish etc bringing their cost to zero.All types of farms – home farms,community farms and vertical farms and public buildings such as hospitals,restaurants etc growing their own food will be utilised by each town,village and city worldwide in order to allow all land currently used for agriculture to be reforested forever,allow them to become self sufficient,alleviate strains on each other with genetic engineering used primarily to increase growth rates,create compounds that repel pests thus rendering pesticides obsolete and allow any crop to grow in any climate and soil around the world.Having crops produce repellant compounds and have pests engineered to consume both weeds and invasive species of plants will allow pests perform a service thus negating the need for creating both pesticides and herbicides.Pesticides and herbicides etc can be replaced by resesrch into non toxic natural biobased ones.Consumers will have the choice to order in and grow crops etc that have no genetic engineering with all GMOs undergoing strict clinical trials by the sentient Philomenus and labelled in their file in Demeter with hyperlinks to studies on their safety in Apollo present giving consumers transparency.One will on demand be able to have instant acces to all scientific studies done in its safety through hyperlinks to Apollo within each crops page for ordering them for transparency with Philomenus,Triptolemus etc putting a seal of approval in all GMOs that have passed stringent safety tests that show they are no threat to the consumer and environment.3D DNA printers will be able to create different varieties and strains of crops without genetic engineering for purists and with desired genetic engineering for those who are convinced of their safety.Each GMO crop,livestock,fish etc will be labelled as such in their page in Demeter and have their own unique ID code in its file in Physis visible in all scientific studies it used in,e-receipts and its page in Demeter.Roof,side and underground extensions can be onsite of vertical,community,forest and meadow farms buildings and even onsite of hospitals,restaurants and even sewage treatment plants etc to deal with growing demand and in homes as well.This alongside automation and AI as well as biosynths,geothermal and fusion power as well as dyson swarm,acellerated healing,in vitro meat,3D DNA printers,biosynth machinery,bacteria based commodites,hydro/aero/aquaponics,home farming,recirculating aquaculture systems,entomorphagy,picotech fabricators that create fertiliser and that gained from sewage and water treatment plants,algea from these for food,food from picotech fabricators and biosynth machinery,3D DNA printers,genetic engineering that increases yields and growth rates as well as seed productivity and accellerated healing,genetic engineering livestock to produce more meat and eggs,hybrid farms of all types,hybrid crops etc would increase agricultural productivity well beyond what is needed to feed a growing population with so by 2029-2100 when all of these are developed worldwide the agricultural productivity ratio will skyrocket producing a unfathomable ratio of agricultural productivity.Manufactured food products of all types have their recipes uploaded to the Deipneus sub network to allow them to be replicated using all in one automated machinery that produces batches of them that can be ordered in by the public for monthly or bi-monthly and even yearly supplies with having all food products from around the world uploaded here will allow them to become availible to everyone worldwide outside of their state,county or national markets and new food products created using Pandora and VR simulations and then uploaded to the Deipneus will give people worldwide access to an infinite encylopedia of them.The only way to feed the worlds expected population of 11,000,000,000 by 2100 onwards is to adopt these and other agricultural practices as detailed in the summary of food production section worldwide thus shutting down all global markets and jobs in agriculture and mariculture with Triptolemus,Pontus and Cronus seizing control of the production and distribution of all food worldwide and patents of all seeds,embryos etc of all species of all crops,fish,shellfish and livestock,bacteria and in vitro meat making them free for everyone.Homeowners will grow food in aquaponics systems,bacteria and in vitro meat in photobioreactors in extensions and other crops in trashcans and gardens and adjoining fields with housing estates growing crops on communal shared land with public buildings such as hospitals,amenities and universities also growing food onsite to make them self sufficient.Communal homes,hospitals etc will also grow food on roofs with community farms present in backlots,disused areas in each village,city and town worldwide.Each village,town,city worldwide will have community and vertical farms present and the number of which will be dependant on their population size thus making self sufficient,eliminating state,corporate and private farmer control of agriculture with AI such as Phanes holding patents on all genetically engineered seeds etc to make them free for everyone thus eliminating corporate or government ownership and distribution of them.Their location,number and size for each town,village and city will be decided by Triptolemus based on population size and projected growth and size of the town,city etc.This will make each homeowner,village,town and city self sufficient from the state and government with all work automated from start to finish with zero human labour between 2029-2045 with 3D DNA printers allowing for the seeds,eggs,embryos,stem cells,bacteria lly cells of all species of crops,fish,shellfish,livestock,meat,commodity producing bacteria to be created onsite of each fish,home,community and vertical farms worldwide thus decentralising food production and eliminating the need to trade seeds etc worldwide or buy them as Phanes will own patents on them making them free for everyone.The distribution of all crops,meat,fish and commodities etc will be done with zero human labour with one ordering crops,fish,meat etc from all community and vertical farms worldwide from an universal online outlet Demeter managed by Cronus as part of the wire modelled on Amazon in bulk orders rather than buying them from ones local supermarkets which will be turned into communal homes.All farms worldwide will be fully automated managed by individual AI and Triptolemus.All future pets and livestock will be ordered from here as well alongside all future ornamental plants.Pets will be grown onsite of vertical farms via being grown in artificial wombs in vertical and community farms with all future ornamental plants including bouquets ordered in from local community and vertical farms grown onsite thus eliminating all private pet breeders and all private nurseries worldwide with all physical pet stores and nurseries worldwide turned into communal homes.3D DNA printers onsite will allow any species of flower,ornamental plant and species and breed of livestock and pet whether mammal,reptile,fish,insect etc to be created locally onsite of these thus shutting down all pet breeders,pet stores,florists,nurseries and give consumers access to any of the worlds 391,000 species of plants and flowers and 2,000,000 species of animals at zero cost.Pandora can be used to allow the general public to design brand new species and breeds of pets,livestock with customised coats,feathers,skeleton structures with Phanes then extrapolating their genotype ro created desired phenotypes thus allowing an almost infinite amount of ornamental plants and pets to be availible yom everyone at zero cost once their genome is uploaded to Physis.This can also be used to create new crops,fish and shellfish.Demeter modelled on Amazon managed by Cronus will become the sole means of procuring crops,meat,fish,commodities from bacteria,pets etc from community and vertical farms worldwide thus allowing supermarkets,hypermarkets,conveince stores and all retail outlets that sell crops,manufactured food products,meat and pets and nurseries etc to be converted into communal homes.Home farms in private and community farms via photobioreactors,aquaponics etc in extebsions,spare rooms,roofs,gardens will keep people self sufficient and cater to ones need in between food orders from community and vertical farms.All home,community and vertical farms will house 3D DNA printers to allow them to print out seeds,stem cells,embryos,eggs etc of any species of fish,shellfish,in vitro meat,bacteria etc on demand thus making them self sufficient further decentralising agriculture worldwide with them onsite of space stations,interstellar vehicles and public buildings that grow their own food.These will allow any stem cell for in vitro meat,any crop seed,any fish/shellfish egg,any livestock embryos etc to be created onsite of home,community and vertical farms around the world in an instant negating the need for transporting seeds,eggs,embryos etc around the world saving energy costs and also eliminating parenting of seeds via Phanes having legal ownership of them with this further decentralising agriculture.For blank seeds if possible they will either create a full seed or a small seedling or spore that is engineered to undergoe rapid mitosis in response to exposure to water and nutrients that then develops into a full seed that then germinates.The sentient Cronus will replace all agricultural bodies worldwide with the sentient Pontus replacing all government bodies releated to fishing while the sentient Philomenus becomimg the universal global version of the FDA with regards to food regulation and agriculture.

Advances in nanotechnology especially nanotech and then picotech fabrication should improve yields and reduce strain on water,land,nitrogen and phosphorous supplies by food being assembled atom by atom or through the Breit Wheeler method artificially within these devices without these three nutrients being used at all alongside land with meals and custom made crops and drinks stored in Deipneus alongside those from 3D food printers.It will also allow for custom made meals and even custom made crops(including truffles)with flavourings,colours and nutrient levels decided by the consumer to be made,designed and stored in Deipneus with this database also used by robotic chefs in private and communal homes.Recipes of all existing food products such as fizzy drinks,prepared meals,snacks etc added to here to be replicated once stored here.Pet food for all types of animals will also be here as existing pet food will be uploaded here with customised ones created by owners and also AI extrapolating the exact protein,carbohydrate and fat requirement for each species and breed with even livestock food created this way.Existing pet and human food products will be sent to labs operated by AI or humans and be analysed for their entire chemical structure ie all ingredients,their ratio and also and amount of each one to be recreated perfectly.It will also decentralise food production to homes and restaurants and also allow any population to be fed without using land and alleviate strains on meadow,community,forest and vertical farms with meals or pieces of food items created in a matter of minutes.These will be onsite of private homes in kitchens and also kitchens and possibly suites of communal homes as well as community centres and in the kitchens of public buildings like hospitals,public amenities,airports etc alongside on interstellar vehicles and space stations.They will also be in Deipneus factories.Primarily they will compliment hydroponics,home,community and vertical farms as wll as biosynth machinery and not replace them completely as they will alleviate strains on growing space for food in vertical,community,home farms and negate the need for using fertiliser and water which they can also produce and can cut down time to produce food especially luxury meals to mere seconds or minutes with people also using homegrown or ordered in food as well with it split between the two in 50-50% so both forms can alleviate strains on each other to allow homegrown and ordered in food to alleviate strains on energy use.Space stations and vessels would grow in vitro meat,commodities from bacteria and hydroponics to alleviate strains on them when energy reserves is low with this also applying to restaurants and also public buildings.For these reasons intensive research into these technologies should be pursued and should be available by at least 2100-2200 with this possible largely by advances in AI namely Triptolemus,Gaia,Hecate and Urania with intensive research also done into fusion power,solar arrays.Since Gaia,Steropes and Hecate computing power will exceed that of all 9,000,000,000 humans on the planet by 2045 it would be possible for proto versions to exist by 2050 coupled with fusion power developed at this point.Waste food,manufactured products could be dealt by them breaking the elements present into sub atomic particles for other elements or into energy for other purposes such as powering the grid.Biosynth machinery can allow homes,space stations,interstellar vehicles,homes and restaurants,cruise ships to be self sufficient if picotech fabricators cannot be miniaturised into space stations,interstellar vehicles,homes and restaurants,cruise ships etc,serving these and will relegate picotech fabricators to creating only raw elements and water on an unlimited scale rather than feeding billions of people thus saving on energy.As stated it would use less energy in creating food and likely alongside commodities created by bacteria would have more authentic flavours and nutritional content.

Immunising consumers against all strains of all species of food,water and faecal borne pathogens should eliminate outbreaks of pathogens with this even allowing one to eat food raw including unpasteurised milk without fear of sickness with this negating any laws being created by the state that restrict consumers from having to cook food,pasteurise milk,grow food organically and will act as extra protection for the very young and immunocomprimised and even in utero children and pregnant women against fatal pathogens especially zoonsoses allowing food borne pathogens to fought off instantly with it also adding protection to consumers against any food that may be undercooked.Thus those who choose to consume raw milk and dairy products out of choice and also are pregnant and may have meat contaminated by cross contamination can be protected by immunisations against all known pathogens in particular Salmonella,Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus,Listeria monocytogenes,coliforms and thus protected from interference from the government or the chance of illness,miscarriages and death.The fact that all food products will be homemade will also eliminate obesity and give people control of the nutritional contents of meals in terms of sugar,fat etc and also eliminate government interference in these areas and corporate dependency.Restaurants although they will have the amount of each nutrients and calories listed ones microbes will counteract negative effects too much sugar,fats etc thus eliminating government interference in how much of what a person eats.The localisation of food production in home,vertical,community and forest farms will prevent major outbreaks occurring and also prevent heavy metals,toxins etc contaminating food products as well nanosensors in the soil fed into the farm AI,immunisations acting as backup preventing scandals such as the 2013 horse meat scandal,2008 Irish pork crisis.

If food shortages occur in a region due to natural disasters the mayor and farm AI will automatically order in surplus stocks of crops,fish,meat and commodities alongside seeds and bacteria cultures from nearby towns,cities and countries by interacting with the other mayors and governors of these countries and cities etc.Ideally it would order in these from different multiple surrounding towns etc to alleviate strains on one area or country preventing them from becoming short on these themselves.Engineering humans with recombinant DNA from xerophile and oligotrophic bacteria and also animals and plants that synthesise essential amino acids and other nutrients ie vitamins and essential fatty acids including omega-3 fatty acids should allow people to survive longer with lower levels of nutrients,water and allow the body to naturally synthesise all essential nutrients thus improving chances of survival in these situations and allowing one to survive longer without food and water with it also lowering the strain people have on the Earths resources and prevent deficiencies of all essential nutrients.DNA from endolithic bacteria that halts the ageing process could die to slowed metabolism in fact allow one to go at least 10,000 years without food with scratch DNA allowing one to go this long without water.Theoretically DNA from Firmicutes could allow human tissues to form endospores thus allow one to enter a state similar to the bacteria to survive periods of dehydration and starvation to be then revived from this months or even years later.Recombinant DNA from Planarians,Hydra,A.mexicanum,T.gammatolerans,Deinococcus radiodurans,Bacillus F and C.elegans should repair any cellular and telomere damage that may be caused by any stress caused by this.DNA from Wangiella dermatitidis,Cladosporium sphaerospermum and Cryptococcus neoformans can be added to the patients cells to enable them to radiosynthesis,that is,to use the pigment melanin to convert gamma radiation into chemical energy for growth thus helping the body use radiation as a food source should food be scare in space or on Earth.Tweaks can be made to do this with other types of radiation including UV radiation and create both ATP and NADH using gases from breathing and engineering allowing one to synthesise all essential amino acids/fats/vitamins allowing one to gain nutrition from the sun and that from artificial lights when food stores are low etc and to alleviate strains on the Earths resources and if perfected could allow one to live forever without consuming food provided on has gamma and UV radiation exposure devices and from the sun and UV lamps and those on ceilings.Chrolophyll can be added to humans or varients of it that allow one to photosynthesis using sunlight as a source of nutrition for the same reasons.Surpluses produced by all communities will be stored in distribution centres within fridges and freezers for times when it is needed with those in areas prone to droughts and natural disasters done so in secure rooms.Genetic engineering and proper refrigeration will ensure they last as long as possible.Gone off food will be pyrolysised alongside uneaten waste from crops ie stalks,leaves,husks,inedible parts etc by being sent to organic waste plants or if possible fed to livestock with homeowners depositing them to community farms via trucks managed by the farm that collect these gone off food from all homes in an area or people dropping this person.Even uneaten food from dinners,lunches etc can be put into these bins solely to house this food or in time pneumatic tubing connected to community farms.To remove waste produced by food unedible parts can be engineered to be edible or removed entirely with humans inoculated with Saccharophagus degradans as a baseline in the stomach and small intestine etc and the same bacteria present in ruminants to be able to digest grass,leaves of all types of crops and also husks of Z.m.mays and inedible skin parts of fruits,nuts and vegetables with them fitted with acidophile and alkanophile DNA to allow them to survive the environment of both areas with this allowing unedible parts of crops to be eaten as extra nutrition preventing it going to waste.However these bacteria should be engineered not to produce methane or other greenhouse gases with the host also undergoing CRISPR treatments to make this possible.The S.degradans DNA would be modified to not produce ethanol but rather sugars or the ethanol would be removed from the body instantly via urine and feces.Otherwise these parts of these plants could be engineered to become edible either raw or through cooking with if possible engineering making them produce the same leaves and husks etc of leafy green vegetables of all types preventing them going to waste and increasing the edible biomass per plant.All species of Bambusoideae including those that are hybridised with other plants can have them engineered to be edible in all parts even when fully mature when cooked with them engineered to regrow when harvested with the DNA of recombinant DNA from Planarians,Hydra,A.mexicanum,T.gammatolerans,D.radiodurans,Bacillus F and C.elegans All crops,fish,shellfish and commodities from bacteria is grown in home farms will be logged in the Home AI and those grown in community,forest and vertical farms will be logged in the farm AI allowing one to see what is grown with Triptolemus interacting with Hestia and Pontus to give suggestions as to what each home,community,forest and vertical farm grows to ensure their is even distribution and abundance of crops,commodities and fish etc.Community members will via interacting with the AIs of all types of farms will also decide what is grown.Alongside wildflowers streets and parks can also be dotted with fruit/nut trees and fruit bushes in particular Quercus and Hamamelidaceae(Quercus provide acorns for local fauna and humans,silk production and Hamamelidaceae can provide extra honey during the fall season).Genetic engineering can create flowers that bloom longer and ensure there is always food for A.mellifera year round with Hamamelidaceae long blooming traits incorporated into other ornamental and fruit trees and even flowers via transgenics using CRISPR.Other DNA created from scratch can increase their blooming period to most if not all of the year.

A combination of algae TVP and oil,plant and animal commodities from genetically engineered bacteria,genetic engineering,hybrid crops,picotech fabricators,home and community permaculture farms,forest farms,rooftop gardens,high scale hydroponics/aeroponics/aquaponics,entomorphagy,milk from yeast,in vitro meat/bioprinted leather and localised livestock replacing conventional monoculture methods can allow for most if not all of the land currently used for agriculture and animal grazing,ploughing matches and agricultural expo events,hay and straw making worldwide to be reforested into wilderness and forest farms or return to native meadow,jungles and grasslands indefinitely(roughly 5,540,146,442.2656 hectares) which can first used as biochar plantations thus combating climate change and aiding biodiversity and conservation efforts of endangered species.This should be possible by at least 2029.Ideally this land will be first used to sequester carbon dioxide using outdoor plantations as detailed later on with the land in the tropics especially the Amazon first reforested indefinitely due to the fact that it plays an important role in the planets homeostatis and also biodiversity.It will also mean at least 70-90% less water and phosphorous and nitrogen will be used as well as significantly lower methane emissions and energy use for transportation used in this sector of the economy alone,mitigating global warming and climate change and feeding a growing population well beyond the the 11,000,000,000 expected by the end of century with no labour required.This should suffice until nanotech and eventually picotechnology fabricators are developed which can keep all land reforested and help the planet sustain a population of at least 4,000,000,000,000,000 of which the current population of roughly 7,900,000,000 is roughly 0.000195% of what the earth can sustain with it reaching this after at least 5,118 years of the current rate of 1% growth every year by which time we would have colonised the solar system and other systems in the universe utilising the same energy and agriculture parameters and systems.Having humans synthesise essential amino acids and fatty acids alongside vitamins and vitamin precursors etc using recombinant DNA from animals,crops and scratch alongside that from xerophile and oligotrophic bacteria,endolithic bacterias slow metabolism can reduce the amount of meat,algae,fruit and overall food and water each person needs thus limiting their environmental impacts and negate the need for creating supplements and thus mean that crops and meat will provide more nutrition.Population growth will stabilise once contraception will become more widely availible alongside education on it with the fact that higher standards of living will negate the need for people to have too many children since large spikes of population growth occur in areas with poverty and lack of access to contraception exists.Thus the world is in fact severely underpopulated.Excess animals reared for meat,milk,leather and other textiles can be returned to their native wild habitats in Europe,India and possible America once some is slaughter for the last conventional sources of meat,milk and leather with these returned to forests and also meadows in stable numbers of females and males with some left on community farms mainly rural ones.The Phanes method will be used here and also in home and community farms.Plants such as those that produce textiles,commodities such as those T.cacao,L.usitatissimum,Gossypium herbaceum,A.tequilana,H.brasiliensis,E.oleifera,A.maripa,Triticum aestivum,Hordeum vulgare and other plants that create oils and also cereals of all types made redundant by aeroponics and also bacteria will be replanted in stable numbers as part of reforestation efforts in their native countries and jungles etc with livestock made redundant by in vitro meat and synthetic textiles and those from bacteria will be released as well into the wild.Only a small amount of animals will be released into the wild in stable numbers with the majority slaughtered for meat etc and them only released in the country they originate from ie Bovidae will be released into the wild into Africa,Asia and Iran etc from which each breed can have their genetically lineage can be traced back,Phaesinidae will be released back into the wild in Asia,Africa,Africa again where the different breeds genetic lineage can be traced back with the same done for all domesticated livestock.Each species will be released into the wild in areas where they have genetic lineage in and not in every country to prevent them becoming ani invasive spacies and allow them to be able to interbreed with remaining wild species.The genome of all wild versions will be stored in Different Physis.L.usitatissimum and also H.annuus etc will be grown at home and in community gardens and inbetween forest and meadow farms for seeds with them if possible having hybrids made between them and trees and other plants including F.japonica,P.montana,Bambusoideae namely D.giganteus to allow large amounts of them to be grown on them to cater to a family or communities needs.All reforested areas will have all native crops and all varieties planted in between trees and grass in a randomised manner.Biosynth machinery will in time also create large amounts of these alongside hybrids between W.microscopica,T.latifolia.The only way to feed a population well beyond the 11,000,000,000 expected by the end of the century and beyond that is for the agriculture industry to be shut down completely and for these 1,000,000,000 jobs to disappear completely.Since all land used for agriculture will be reforested forever and considering all jobs in this sector will become obsolete it will eliminate all markets within agriculture.Agricultural fairs that showcase harvests and tasting of crops will continue on forever with ploughing competitions and matches made obsolete in the real world and Weill only take place in VR simulations.If possible shows like Ear to the Ground and newspapers and magazines that focus on farming may focus on home farming and community farms in both rural and urban areas alongside agricultural research and remaining agricultural fairs on Earth and colonies across the universe.As stated ploughing matches will become obsolete in the real world and may only occur in VR simulations due to all agricultural land being reforested.All slaughterhouses,egg farms and egg packing facilities,milking parlours and similar buildings etc worldwide will be converted into communal homes.All machinery used in agriculture will be recycled for scrap metal.

Endangered crops and those at risk of extinction as well as endangered varieties in seed banks around the world will also have samples of DNA added to Physis to be replicated in 3D DNA printers using the Phanes method grown in vertical,home,community farms around the world in hydroponic/aquaponic systems thus preventing them going extinct forever and also increasing the diet consumers worldwide this will be replicated on all colonies worldwide.All rare breeds of livestock can have their DNA stored in Physis to again be saved forever when printed into embryos using 3D DNA printers and reared using in vitro fertilisation and artificial wombs utilising the Phanes method.This could thus allow all breeds of livestock especially rare and endangered ones to be recreated in an unlimited scale in community and home farms around the world as well as for stem cells as part of in vitro meat.These can be grown as normal or have them using engineering to increase yields.Extinct varieties will be reverse engineered.Newly created ones will also be stored here with all 2,000,000 species of animals DNA stored here with rare mutations that lead to desired phenotypes stored as well.Thus by having genetic samples of multiple individuals of distantly releated of each species of all endangered and rare breeds and varieties of crops,ornamental plants and livestock it can allow them via 3D DNA printers,artificial wombs and the Phanes method can allow them to be mass produced for farmers and homeowners world wide.Prized horses,cattle etc and even prized pets such as cats and dogs can have their DNA and genes responsible for desired traits can be added to Physis in folders for their species and breed and then allow these genes to be recreated in an unlimited amount of animals created by artificial wombs and 3D DNA printers creating embryos with these desired genes and unique genotypes using the Phanes method creating exact genetically identical clones or have 3D DNA printers create large amount of spermatozoa,eggs and embryos that can be implanted into females.Living animals can have biocompatible microbes augmentation strains created via 3D DNA printers used to transfer these genes via CRISPR to living animals on farms etc thus making them available to everyone at zero cost.This will increase the variety of crops,livestock and fish etc for to be ordered in or grown at home but also those used in manufactured food products in Deipneus especially when created by genetically engineered bacteria and also to be used in new meals in all universal franchises of restaurants such as Attis,Zao Jun,Annapurana,Aetna,Ambrosia etc.

Pandora can be used by the public and AI to design new species,breeds,strains,cultivars etc of ornamental plants,crops,livestock,pets etc.An individual will design its shape,skeleton,beams,plumage,taste,leaves,flowers,berries etc on Pandora similar to Spore Creature Creator.Neural implants can be used to design these from thought especially tastes etc making the process much easier.Existing plants and animal from cryptozoology,mythology and science fiction,horror,fantasy movies,television shows,video games etc will be analysed and used a baseline for new species.One can use tick boxes to hybridise the DNA of two or more species of animals,plants etc to speed things up.Phanes will then extrapolate the necessary genotypes to express these phenotypes for these new life forms that will be added to their relevant sections of Demeter and Physis with their own scientific name and possibly added to the phylogenetic tree present as new species,strains,cultivars and breeds.Phanes and other Ai will create new crops,ornamental plants himself including entirely new taxonomic tanks of bacteria,plants and animals following a unique realistic phylogenetic tree with him even using those created by the public as a baseline for new taxonomic tanks and phylogenetic trees with him even creating those that are silicon based or those that that use all 94 elemrnts as a base for their DNA and if possible used complex compounds such as methane etc as a baseline for their DNA.This will allow them to be created around the universe over and over again via in vitro meat stem cells,3D DNA printers,artificial wombs etc and commodities created by them created by new strains of bacteria.It will exponentially increase the amount of crops,fish,livestock,ornamental plants availible for the general public possibly infinitely.This will increase the variety of crops and fish etc for to be ordered in or grown at home but also those used in manufactured food products in Deipneus especially when created by genetically engineered bacteria and also to be used in new meals in all universal franchises of restaurants such as Attis,Zao Jun,Annapurana,Aetna,Ambrosia etc.They will also provided a wider range of plant and animal ingredients as cosmetics and cleaning products such as perfumes,soaps,toothpaste etc.This process will also be used to create whole taxonomic tanks of plants and animals in terraformed planets such as Mars,Venus etc using any native bacteria and other micro-organisms present or from scratch as well as for artificial planets,ring worlds and alderson discs across the universe.

By 2029 all species,breeds,varieties,cultivars,strains of all crops,plants,animals etc worldwide will be uploaded to Physis to be preserved forever and replicated in farms of all types and also in the wild.Seed pods and flowers and the Phanes method will be added to  those that are reproduced monoclonally.Resistence to viral,bacteria and fungal will be added to deal with those affected by them and also addition of seed pods and flower to improve genetic diversity with all crops given fully functioning immune systems via CRISPR to allow for immunising and anti-viral,anti-bacterial and anti-fungal strains to be added.The same will be done for species and breeds of livestock,fish and animals that are endangered,rare with DNA samples added to Physis to be recreated in recirculating aquaculture systems,home farms and even in the form of invitro meat via 3D DNA printers and artificial wombs.3D DNA printers using the Phanes method will create seeds,embryos etc with unique genotypes.This database will house DNA of all species,breeds,varieties,cultivars,strains of all micro-organisms,animals,plants,crops from around the world with existing databases have all data transferred into them.This will allow for the database to be crossrefferenced by 3D DNA printers onsite of all types of farms and universities with Phanes arranging unique genotypes.

Phanes will manage the trading of all seeds,spermatozoa,eggs etc and even whole live animals,fish,shellfish and livestock,pets etc on local to global levels of all crops,livestocks,fish,insects,ornamental plants to ensure genetic diversity.It will also create new genes from scratch for desired phenotypes.In time ideally by 2029-2035 3D DNA printing using induced pluripotent stem cells with the DNA printed into blank spermatozoa and eggs or even embryos as well as seeds or their precursor sperm/pollen and eggs/ovules will be created onsite of community,vertical,forest,fish and even home farms to save on energy costs as the patient files and logged crop DNA in the building AI and Physis will be used as a baseline for the Phanes method managed by Phanes.These 3D DNA printers will be onsite of all home,community and vertical farms worldwide.These 3D DNA printers will be onsite of all home,v]community,vertical and fish farms to print out eggs,seeds,bacterial cells,stem cells,spermatozoa,eggs and embryos of any species of crop,commodity producing bacteria,fish,shellfish,in vitro meat,livestock,ornamental plant and pet on demand each with unique genomes created by the sentient Phanes.These will also be onsite of all sewage treatment plants to print out algae.They will print out individual strands of each species of crop,ornamental plant and livestock and the desired extremophile DNA and subtle alterations to make them distinct individuals completely unrelated to each other to maintain genetic diversity.Several million or billion seeds,spermatozoa,eggs and even embryos could be printed at once and then frozen onsite of them in sperm,seed and egg banks with these having recombinant DNA from from Tardigrade,P.putida GR12-2,Bacillus F,H.glaciei,C.greenlandensis,C.pleistocenium,psychrophillic and osmophile bacteria,R.sylvatica and C.clavipes and also those from scratch that allow them to be stored indefinitely with recombinant DNA from Planarians,Hydra,A.mexicanum,totipotent stem cells,T.gammatolerans,D.radiodurans,Bacillus F and C.elegans allowing them to repair damaged tissue and telomeres thus allowing them to be refrozen and rethawed over and over again.Phanes will be the AI in charge of the creation of all genetically distinct crops,fish,shellfish etc abd all species of genetically modified crops etc and this Phanes software will be sentient and its avatar will be that of itself.By 2029 all steps in this will be automated from creation to transportation to cryogenic banks.Osmophile bacteria and R.sylvatica DNA can allow glucose to be used as cryoprotectants.Tardigrade DNA that would allow them to survive -286 can be added once as detailed later on pushed to their limits below this and to last forever via forced evolution.Its ability to lower its metabolic rate by 99.9% and also endolithic,xerophile and oligotrophic bacteria doing the same will also be utilised.3D DNA printing will expedite this with the sentient Phanes designing each strand of DNA so that they will be subtle different enough to be distantly related from each other so as to prevent bottle necking and the ratio of males to females controlled and him organising this diversity on global levels with him also organising their pro-genies breeding on local to global levels after that.Thus dozens or even millions of seeds,bacteria,stem cells for invitro meat,spermatozoa,eggs as well as even embryos of all species of ornamental plants,crops,livestock,fish,shellfish and pets will be created onsite of all vertical,community,home,fish farms when needed that are genetically distinct from each other including those printed on the other side of the world managed by Phanes and stored in onsite seed,sperm and egg cryonic banks that can be then used to create new individuals instantly and be rethawed and frozen all over again with them having desired genotypes from extremophiles.If possible embryos will be printed out that will be more easily inseminated into females via robotics or biosynth worm/mosquitoe/millipede hybrids as detailed earlier on.Ideally to prevent waste and the need for freezers to store the spermatozoa,embryos etc only what is needed will be created for each order.Home farmers can using home 3D printing systems print out their own livestock,crop,ornamental plant DNA managed by Phanes and Triptolemus into blank spermatozoa,eggs,embryos and seeds as well as into blank bacteria and fungi etc thus saving energy in transportation costs thus allowing for the seeds to be planted and embryos implanted into animals by hand.These home systems would also print out biocompatible microbes for humans,plants,pets and livestock alleviating strains on hospitals.This should be possible by at least 2029 and will negate the need to trade seeds on local to global levels saving energy and since managed by Phanes will allow for more control over genetic diversity as he will print out individual strands are genetically distinct from each other or closely related if need be and allow seaports to be reforested and turned into residential areas as localised manufacture of goods will also negate the need for international trade.The relevant totipotent and pluripotent stem cells from all species of plants and animals or universal ones that can be used for the basis of all species will be cultured in photobioreactors in home,community,forest,fish and vertical farms and engineered to undergo mitosis creating an unlimited supply and then be turned into embryos,eggs and spermatozoa.Thus if perfected if may be possible for a universal blank seed or blank fused egg,blank embryo,blank stem cell,bacterial cell for all types of crops,ornamental plants plants,livestock,fish and shellfish and insect and invitro meat of any animal to be created that can have the DNA of any species of these printed into them alongside unique DNA for each individual allowing entire batches of seeds,embryos and eggs of any livestock,crop and fish etc and mould,bacteria and fungi of any type to be created onsite of home,community,vertical and other farms using onsite 3D DNA printers.This would be used for not only crops but also ornamental plants and animals ordered via nurseries and artificial wombs.This would negate the need for ordering seeds,spermatozoa,eggs and embryos from vertical farms and would allow any one to be created at home or onsite of community and vertical farms at any time saving on time and energy.For those who are rearing livestock they could print out embryos or sprematazoa when needed and be inserted into them by hand or by machine.This could allow one to print out desired species,breeds and varieties within a matter of minutes rather than have to order from local or foreign vertical farms saving time and energy and allow one instant access to desired crops etc with little to no effort with these 3D DNA printers onsite of all fish,community,meadow,home and vertical farms around the world and will be also onsite of hospitals and universities,airports,space stations,interstellar vehicles,seaports,cruise ships as well as restaurants etc managed by their AI will also be able to get access to any crop and fish etc they want through this to then grow them with this still meaning one will still have to collect actual crops for consumption from local vertical,forest and community farms in person or through vehicle orders.This will allow for community,home,forest and vertical farms,hospitals,restaurants etc to get new seeds and livestock printed out instantly without having to order them from other farms around the world and will create each seed,embryo,bacteria etc when needed for each order.It would also allow them to download any species any time for each order made by consumers.These would be onsite of space stations and interstellar vehicles with these storing a sample of each species DNA to allow Phanes to extrapolate unique codes with onboard computers and external hard drives etc storing a large sizeable database to cater for times when contact with Earth is not accesible.They will be present on zoos and conservation areas etc to not only create food but also animals as part of Phanes and Lazarus programmes.Factories will have them to print out crops and bacteria onsite of Deipneus,Himeros and other factories.These will print out seeds,eggs,embryos,spemratazoa,bacteria,stem cells for any species of commodity producing bacteria,animal in vitro meat stem cells,fish,livestock pet,crop,ornamental plant when needed in the desired amount with extremophile and yield boosting DNA and also unique genotype managed by Phanes on a global level with this also used to carry out conservation efforts of endangered species.This and genetic engineering to allow them to grow in any climate and soil will make home farmers and community farms able to grow any crop from around the world thus preventing any country having a monopoly on any crop.Millions could be printed out at once and stored in freezers when they have relevant DNA to survive cryonics and have DNA and tissue repair mechanisms.Ideally the option to also just print out what is needed in desired and required batches for orders and growing food at home will be employed to prevent waste.Each seed,cell,egg etc printed out will have the Phanes method applied wherein Phanes will print out unique genetic sequences to maintain genetic diversity.Private homes will have 3D DNA printers in basements or sheds serving the people that live their with communal homes housing them in basements or growing rooms to serve all residents for these and also allow the for the Phanes method to be applied and will also create upgrades for biocompatible microbes.3D DNA printers will be onsite of all home,community and vertical farms and fish farms as well as all public buildings that house cafeterias such as hospitals,public and amenities and hospitals that grow their own food.They will also be onsite of sewage treatment plants to create different strains of algae when needed.These will be connected to Physis and allow farms onsite of these to print out the DNA of any livestock,crop,bacteria that produce commodities,algae,fish and shellfish etc into blank seeds,bacteria cells,eggs of fish and shellfish,algae also stem cells used for in vitro meat thus decentralising food production and making them self sufficient.These will be onsite of all fish,home,community and vertical farms and sewage treatment plants worldwide and will make them self sufficient in terms of seeds for crops,eggs for fish abc shellfish,bacteria cross that produce commodities,algae and also in vitro meat that will eliminate the needs to trade seeds etc globally with them also eliminating the needs for pollinating crops since they will create genetically distinct seeds without pollination of plants with it also used to create embryos,eggs hand spermatozoa of livestock and also of pets created in vertical farms and also creating seeds of ornamental plants in vertical farms also.For farms that rear remaining livestock they wil print out eggs,spermatozoa abd embryos of a species.All spermatozoa,embryos,algae,bacteria,seeds,eggs, etc will using the Phanes method create genetically distinct individual organisms to maintain genetic diversity.They will play a role in creating new genetically modified crops,bacteria etc by cutting down in development costs down to zero abc a few days rather than decades.For seeds it will print strands of DNA into stem cells that will be engineered to form a Proto seed that germinates in soil when exposed to water and nutrients with for eggs of fish it will create a Proto egg that will hatch when exposed to water.For spermatozoa,eggs and embryos of livestock and animals it will form these when fused together with for bacteria cells,algae and in vitro meat or simply printing out the cells that are engineered to undergo mitoses abd create their commodities when exposed to nutrients.Intensive research will be done by AI to perfect this technology to the point it is able to create seeds,eggs,embryos,spermatozoa etc that can create fully functional life forms with relative ease at almost zero cost with them using stem cells cultured in nearby bars abd photobioreactors.

Phanes combined with CRISPR and similar software combined with it could be utilised for this purpose of isolating specific gene(s) within all plants,animals and bacteria and mapping out entire strands of DNA with desired genes present with gene drives that make these phenotypes dominant allowing the phenotype to continue down the lineage even when interbreed with non genetically modified specimens.It will also better integrate recombinant DNA from multiple sources.Having the DNA sequences of all organisms transferred to Artemis specifically Physis can allow the software to cross reference and isolate specific genes needed.Existing methods of extracting and implanting recombinant DNA into plant,animal and bacterial cells could theoretically be automated for more accuracy with developments in machinery.In time nanotech/picotech fabricators or 3D printed DNA will possibly allow for entire sequences of DNA and chromosomes being assembled atom by atom from scratch to be used to create DNA with desired phenotypes to be implanted in bacterial,plant,animal cells as well as viruses for gene therapy,blank sperm and eggs or assembled by these machines while in the spermatozoa and eggs.Ideally 3D DNA printing will do this using blank spermatozoa,eggs and seeds to more accurately create hybrids and new species of crops,ornamental plants and livestock with desired phenotypes including repellance,resistance,lack of toxins and seed pods.It will also apply genes into spermatozoa,eggs and seeds to give them DNA from extremophiles and other genetic treatments and if perfected could make entirely new species in one generations by creating millions or billions of new seeds and sperm etc using induced pluripotent stem cells onsite of community and vertical farms etc that can be stored in seeds,egg and sperm banks each with a unique genetic code part of these new species.Biocompatible microbes can do this also using horizontal gene transfer through germline therapy with new species done step by step for both plants,crops and livestock over several or if possible one generations.They could also allow for subtle alterations to be made for new individuals to be made from an existing strand of DNA negating the need for trading with induced pluripotent stem cells used to create blank spermatozoa and also eggs to have this DNA strands added to it.Ideally as stated earlier each modified organisms should be engineered to the point that it can no longer reproduce with its parent species making it a separate species in order to ensure that the dominant phenotypes don’t overrun the entire gene pool ensuring genetic diversity and non altered crops for purists who are skeptical of genetic engineering ensuring consumer choice with altered organisms such as crops,ornamental plants and livestock have distinct coats,patterns,colours and shapes of leaves etc. to distinguish them from non altered ones.The use of vertical farms and hydroponics in community and home farms can allow purists to grow all of their non modified organic crops indoors where fungal,bacterial and viral pathogens cannot affect the crop and will protect them from pests as containment measures will prevent the crops being affected by them with this being used primarily by organic farmers and also used by crops that are genetically modified as extra protection should containment measures fail.Thus having genetically altered crops etc being separate species from parent species will allow purists to grow unaltered crops in their home,community gardens in hydroponic systems and outdoors with gene flow fears.New strains,hybrids,species etc of livestock,crops,plants etc will have their DNA and information added to Physis alongside existing ones to preserve them should they go extinct or be effected by disease so as to allow the Lazarus method to be employed.

Physis will be set up by 2029 and will contain a database of the genome of all 2,391,000 species of plants,animals and micro-organisms subdivided into taxonomic ranks including new ones created by Phanes,researchers and the public with crops,plants,animals,livestock,pets and also micro-organisms will be further divided into different breeds,subspecies,strains,varieties,cultivars etc.This will be arranged as a phylogenetic tree divided by each taxonomic ranks including breed,variety,cultivar,strain etc and will contain their files that contains all genes from them divided into main base genes present in all individuals and specimens,then all different ones that are responsible for different phenotypes that are unique to each individual and common throughout the genepool ie different skin as well as eye and hair colour,different penis and breast sizes,different coats and plumages etc alongside those that are rare mutations associated with unique phenotypes or genetic diseases or those unique to an individual.Thus all possible genes for all possible mutations and phenotypes including those that result in genetic deformities and disease will be stored here for use in studies and also Phanes programmes.Scratch DNA created by Phanes and those from other species as augmentations will be present in their files as well with those from other species source species and its phenotype denoted.The Aesculapius sub network of augmentations will house those for each specific augmentations for humans etc.This will allow them to be used by Triptolemus,Pandora,Hecate,Paean,Phanes,Urania,AIs of factories and operating softwares of Hephaestus sub network,vertical/meadow/forest/home farms to create bacteria and crops as well as livestock and fish etc for orders and growing crops at home.It will allow for them to be printed out into spermatazoa,seeds,eggs,embryos and bacterial,viral and fungal cultures onsite of farms of all types by 3D DNA printers with desired phenotypes into artificial wombs,recirculating aquaculture systems,plots etc for research,as pets,conservation and human consumption.Those created on Pandora,for use in bacteria that create commodities,from scratch will be added here as well.Hair,feather,pollen and other samples of all populations of each species of plant and animal will be present visible as a microscopic sample to be compared to discovered samples.Pictures of the animal whether unicellular or multicellular will be present alongside all types of noises made by them stored here.This will be arranged as a phylogenetic tree and will contain their files that contains all genes from them divided into main base genes present in all individuals and specimens,then all different ones that are repsonsible for different phenotypes that are unique to each individual and common throughout the genepool ie different skin as well as eye and hair colour,different penis and breast sizes,different coats and plumages etc alongside those that are rare mutations associated with unique phenotypes or genetic diseases or those unique to an individual.Thus all possible genes for all possible mutations and phenotypes including those that result in genetic deformities and disease will be stored here for use in studies and also Phanes programmes.Scratch DNA created by Phanes and those from other species as augmentations will be present in their files as well with those from other species source species and its phenotype denoted..This would categorised and sub divided into each taxonomic ranks:Domain,kingdom,phylum,class,order,family,genus,species,sub species and breed,strains and any other subdivisions for use in research.All species will be given a alphanumerical ID code with each strain,breed,sub species,variety,cultivar having their own alphanumerical ID code that is the same as their species code with extra numbers and letters.Physis since sentient will arrange all species,strains,breeds etc into the phylogenetic tree and create alphanumerical ID codes for each species and also sub species,breeds,strain etc.Existing and new species,strains and breeds(including non toxic versions of animals,fungi and plants or those with desired phenotypes)created by genetic engineering will be housed here.Each strain, breed or species existing and new ones discovered and created by AI and humans on Pandora will have their own alphanumerical ID code after there species name similar to that of registered healthcare staff and lawyers and also going alongside and based on the same taxonomic ranking naming system as that is used for naming each species with the code denoting its Domain to kingdom all way down to the species and strain.New breeds,species etc of animals including pets,livestock etc will be added here.Bacteria,fungi that produce each individual commodity from plants and animal from their native planet will use a single new bacteria or fungi species that will have its own alphanumerical ID code that will then be then subdivided into different individual strains that produce each individual commodity with their own alphanumerical ID code.Each unaltered organism such as crops and livestock will have its own species alphanumerical ID code within Physis in the Artemis database while genetically altered versions will have an unique alphanumerical ID code written into next to it to denote the specific phenotypes which will be listed within their file in ‘Artemis and this ID will be on any tags worn by the animals or on plots or buildings holding them as well as their barcode within Demeter.This could be visualised as folders and sub folders or a 3D tree of life with the different strains,breeds etc and new genetically altered versions of species of crops,livestock and pets as well as all wildlife and micro-organisms as branches extending from its parent species depending on the choice of the user with newly discovered and Lazarus species as well as newly artificial created breeds,strains and species added over time.Physis software could sort this coding for each species and organising them into their specific folders and sub folders and/or tree branch.All possible scientific information on all species of plants and animals both unicellular and multicellular will be present with this containing a repository of all knowledge on them organised by the sentient Physis.All data will be organised into folders and subfolders.All of this information already present on various websites would be transferred here into one area with the servers for these recycled.With regards to DNA genes can be listed and the entire genome visible as a rotating double helix visible as atoms arranged as the bases and sugars and also as simplified strand of coloured bases visible as rectangles connected to their opposite base on a double ribbon structure.When a person moves up and down the strand on both cases it will which genes they are on with start and stop codons labelled.The Aesculapius sub network of augmentations will house those for each specific augmentations for humans etc.This will allow them to Demeter,Hephaestus to be analysed and used Triptolemus,Pandora,Hecate,Paean,Phanes,AIs of factories and operating softwares of Hephaestus sub network,AIs of vertical/meadow/forest/home farms including those onsite of homes,airports,space stations,interstellar vehicles,restaurants,hospitals and all public buildings and factories of all types to print out bacteria or download upgrades to create bacteria that produce plant and animal commodites and also download DNA of crops,ornamental plants,wild plants and animals,pets as well as livestock and fish and shellfish,animal DNA for in vitro meat stem cells etc for orders and growing crops at home and for orders from vertical and other farms again including those onsite of homes,airports,restaurants,hospitals and all public buildings.It will allow for their DNA to be printed out into spermatazoa,seeds,eggs,embryos and bacterial,viral and fungal cultures onsite of farms of all types with desired phenotypes and unique genotypes into artificial wombs,recirculating aquaculture systems,plots,photobioreactors and cultures etc for pets,conservation and human consumption.Synthetic compounds will also be present to allow their structure to be downloaded into DNA digital storage of bacteria to produce them via anabolic and catabolic reactions when told to do so via factory AI.Thus combined with 3D DNA printers etc Phanes will print these out into eggs,embryos,seeds and blank cells using the Phanes method thus allowing any university,hospital,farms,factories etc access to any of the world 2,391,000 species of plants and animals and micro-organisms for free with zero labour within minutes without having to ship eggs,embryos,seeds and cultures across the world thus giving them all universal access to them at zero cost since Physis itself sentient would negate the concept of patents and reimbursement.Synthetic compounds will also be present.It can also act as a library for all known metals,nutrients,pollutants,pathogenic bacteria for reference on homemade products such as food/cosmetics/fertilisers/soils/foods/drinks etc via reusable nanosensors attached to smart devices for performing quality assurance at home or in community centres.All existing information on all databases on the internet will be transffered here including genetic databases etc and their servers recycled since it will replace them.Each planet in the universe will have their own version.Each planet across the universe will have their own separate Physis network in Artemis detailing all of this for each planets flora and fauna etc and will allow any commodity from alien plants and animals to be created by bacteria and allow and species of crop,ornamental plants,livestock,pets,wild animals,bacteria,fungi,viruses native planets outside of Earth to be created in artificial wombs,factories,space stations,interstellar vehicles,farms of all types and photobioreactors etc in factories of all types onsite of Earth and all colonies across the universe via being crossrefferenced in real time via Nyx or downloaded to servers on Earth without having to travel back and forth.If a species from another planet is found on Earth etc Phanes and Physis will scan all databases from all planets.By 2029 all existing data from all databases around the world and entire internet including genetic databases and those on elements and compounds etc will be transferred to Physis as it will replace them and servers recycled with it thus by then housing all genomes and DNA from all 2,391,000 species of plants,animals,bacteria,viruses and fungi including humans and also all other aforementioned information by AI thus becoming the sole repository of this information.Physis itself will be sentient with a formless avatar.Thus AIs of all types of farms such as vertical,community,home farms and those onsite of restaurants,hospitals will cross reference Physis including versions of other planets across the universe to print the DNA of all species of plants and animals into blank seeds,embryos,eggs,bacteria cells to allow them instant access to all pets,livestock,wild animals,fish and shellfish,plant and animal commodites,crops etc at zero cost within minutes.

All agricultural expo shows,events and contests worldwide since all work would be automated and food would be produced locally and conventional farming defunct.By growing food and livestock locally especially in cities and urban areas it will improve air quality,aesthetics and also give locals a connection to nature and the farming process now lost due to large monoculture farms in mainly rural areas and also globalisation especially in major cities.Furthermore it should drastically reduce the amount of injuries and deaths that would otherwise occur on farms and fishing trawlers and those associated with food poisoning.Large bulky machinery on all farms can thus be recycled for other uses with local agriculture events such as ploughing matches and agriculture expos becoming defunct and the land used to house them reforested alongside corporate and state entities related to agriculture turned into homes.All machinery used in conventional agriculture can be recycled since drones and biosynths and the permaculture method will replace all remaining work in home,community,forest,meadow etc farms and vertical farms accounting for the vast majority of agriculture.Slaughterhouses and meat processing plants made redundant by invitro meat,rotolactors made redundant by yeast and bacteria based milk and egg packing facilities made redundant by biosynth machinery will be turned into homes and those onsite of farms turned into guest houses.As a result of this all rural farms across the world including large breadbasket ones that supply the whole country and also foreign countries with a supply of vegetables will be reforested with native trees that are hybrids of crop and nut trees either through being created in a lab or via injection of microbes as far back as possible since the towns surrounding them and all cities in the country will be reliant on their own community farms,home farms,forest farms and vertical farms with these farms no longer farms with those that are not already part of homes will be turned into homes through renovations.Thus farms that are large and are not part of homes will be turned into communal homes by merging all buildings together into one building or a series of closely knit homes with all buildings such as rotolactors,sheds,barns etc turned into homes via renovations with luxury fitting and roof and underground extensions with the land reforested while those as part of homes will have these turned into guest houses advertised on Euthenia for tourists be reforested and may continue to produce food mainly for themselves etc and locales with them adopting hybrid crops,bacteria based commodities and also other engineering to increase growth rates alongside permaculture practices.This would include egg packing facilities,rotolactors etc with if them made as tall as skyscrapers or they may even be demolished and the land entirely reforested.They may have some demolished,some turned into homes and some kept as the building for the new forest,meadow etc farm or have all demolished and the land reforested.Large industrial scale farms that have all buildings turned into homes will have the land surrounding them used to grow hybrid crops as part of reforested hybrid forest,meadow and grassland farms with extensions in buildings housing photobioreactors for bacteria and also recirculating aquaculture systems and greenhouses.Small rural farms that are family ones that also house the family that operates them will still operate and serve themselves and the community as home or community farms or even become hybrid farms of any type.Buildings on farms will be used to house photobioreactors,recirculating aquaculture systems.Pan and Triptolemus will organise this effectively.Abandoned farms,slaughterhouses,egg packing buildings etc will be renovated into homes and the land surrounding them reforested.Thus large,small,rural and family run farms will be converted into home,meadow,forest etc farms with buildings housing places to grow invitro meat,recirculating aquaculture systems,photobioreactors for bacteria based commodities etc and the land around them reforested and turned into hybrid farms decided by the owners and AI when analysing the soil.Any of these farms that still function will grow crops through hydroponics,invitro meat in all buildings present including barns allowing the land around them to be reforested or turned into hybrid farms and serve mainly the local communities thus ensuring that all land will be reforested as all communities worldwide whether homes,towns,villages,cities will become self sufficient through home,meadow,forest,community and vertical farms alongside invitro meat and milk.Thus once all communities become self sufficient all the worlds fruit,vegetable,textile,meat and dairy farms worldwide will become homes while the land used for agriculture will be reforested into hybrid forest,meadow and grassland farms.Small family run farms where the farm is run entirely by the family and is in rural areas will continue to rear animals and also crops with them rearing food for themselves with excess dumped into community centres where locales can gain them alongside their own home farms,community farms and also vertical farms.These and large scale farmers will do this and also have all land around them reforested entirely with hybrid crops and trees.As a result of this markets on local to global levels within agriculture will disappear as communities worldwide will become self sufficient negating the need for small or large scale farmers of crops,textiles,milk and meat.Machinery for all sectors of agriculture will be recycled and made redundant before being scanned into Talos with them replaced with permaculture methods,picking by hand and eventually biosynths controlled by farm AI.Groups like the Amish and Tibeatan Monks may continue to farm using conventional methods to preserve their lifestyle for tourism and even Agoge trainees with them using 3D DNA printers and genetic engineering to increase seed production and even increase growth rates alongside hybrid crops.Since hydroponics itself dates back to ancient Egypt and other ancient civilisations prior to modern farming methods and machinery and indeed prior to the rise of the Amish and Tibetans Monks it can be used by Tibetans,The Amish and organic farmers as it is one of the earliest forms of agriculture as it require minimal technology and no genetic engineering and is thus purely organic and still creates large yields.VR technology indistinguishable from reality could allow for farmers both home,community,forest and vertical farms researchers and farmers from around the world could meet in an convention to discuss methods of farming,new scientific advances,studies and projections and also carry out competitions such as ploughing matches and showcases of their produce replicated in the simulation with ploughing matches held here in simulations.Consumption of produce could be eaten in simulation or real world conventions can be held specifically for that.Ploughing matches will possibly become obsolete since all land used for them is going to be reforested with them only taken place in VR simulations with all machinery used by conventional agriculture recycled since drones that plant seeds,spray fertilisers will work in remaining outdoor farms.If possible they may only exist in small sections of the world set aside for them that during the entire year is primeval meadow lands but once every years is used for ploughing matches.County or state fairs such as farming competitions involving crops,fish,shellfish and livestock for the largest animal,eating contests and contests for homemade food products and ornamental plants could be held on the grounds of community farms and parks in villages,towns and cities across the world in the real world outside of VR simulations on local to global scales worldwide.Conventions on agriculture where farmers both home farmers and those that maintain community farms from around the world and researchers in vertical farms will take place in the real world and VR simulations.Television shows such as Ear to the Ground will likely focus on agricultural fairs,home and community farms in both urban and rural farms.Everything involving the rearing of crops/food and their transportation and treatment of food can be automated with areas of improvement to be made in fish farms and livestock farms.In vitro meat,algae,milk from yeast,genetically altered bacteria,bioprinted leather,eggs from biosynth machinery etc will leave the conventional methods of gaining these animal and plant commodities redundant thus allowing the amount of livestock to be raised left in the mere thousands rather than billions allowing any excess animals to be harvested with any remaining ones returned to the wild in local reforested grasslands,forests etc with them engineered to produce no methane.Excess animals reared for meat will be either released into the wild or slaughtered with some left reared on home and community farms with the amount of animals reared for them reduced to several thousand or even several hundred worldwide from several billion with the Phanes method using onsite 3D DNA printers,artificial wombs,in vitro fertilisation etc will maintain genetic diversity.Most excess animals made redundant from invitro meat,bacteria and yeast based milk,bioprjnted leather will be slaughtered with only a small number decided by Artemis and researchers released into reforested meadows,forests etc in the native habitats that they originate from to prevent them becoming an invasive species ie G.g.domesticus only released into reforested jungles of South East Asia,Bovidae released into reforested areas of Europe,Asia and Africa etc,O.aries and C.a.hircus released into reforested areas of Southwest Asia and Eastern Europe.Ruminants will be engineered to be unable to produce methane and harbour methane producing bacteria to prevent them releasing extra methane into the atmosphere.Trawlers for mariculture will be recycled since recirculating aquaculture systems accounting for the majority of it.Before that these trawlers will be used to transport large amounts of endangered overexploited fish and shellfish species created using the Phanes method reared in recirculating aquaculture systems with the fish and shellfish transported in them housing large amounts of water and them dumped into the ocean in known spawning and migratory areas and also in large shoals of the fish and shellfish as adults during mating seasons.All plants whose commodities are now gained from bacteria such as Hevea brasiliensis,T.cacao,Attalea maripa,Elaeis oleifera,Elaeis guineensis to be returned to reforested areas in reforestation projects in there native habitats with them engineered to be resistant to all diseases including viral,bacterial,fungal and genetic ones but with no repellence to pests so as to allow pests to survive on them without going extinct thus preventing imbalances in the ecosystem.Cereals,vegetables and fruits of all types including Vitis,Daucus carota sativus,B.oleracea,fruit bushes will be replanted in all reforested areas and meadows with these unlike hybrid trees have no repellance to ensure populations of pests remain stable with them replanted routinely to keep numbers stable.Crops will be replanted in reforested areas only in areas that they are native to prevent them becoming an invasive species.All farms worldwide will be reforested as far back as possible as hybrid forest farms or turned into hybrid meadow and grassland farms with soil samples collected by robots in all fields that determines what once grew there.They will do so up until existing jungles,forests etc including defunct ones used for forestry thus making existing wilderness worldwide much larger for wildlife,hiking and also Agoge training.Even large open spaces that house homes gardens will be reforested as these will house forest farms in front and behind homes especially mansions,palaces especially abandoned ones that will be renovated providing their gardens with hiking areas and also forest farms that house crops.Future homes would ideally be iceberg or underground homes and underground communities that can go underneath these reforested.At this point all communities worldwide will become self sufficient via home,community,forest and vertical farms meaning family run small and even large scale farms worldwide that rear all types of monoculture crops whether vegetables,fruits and cereals and even meat and dairy will be reforested as hybrid farms with those that have rotolactors,barns etc turned into homes or demolished with those that have the farmer living onsite become home farms to make the farmers self sufficient and also some may become permaculture community farms that rear hybrid crops rather than monoculture farms meeting the needs of only the local community with them also having buildings added to house recirculating aquaculture systems and photobioreactors for bacteria and invitro meat.If possible very large industrial farm can have all buildings demolished and the land reforested completely or they can have some buildings kept and have roof extensions to go higher as much as fifty to a hundred stories to become communal homes.This land will first be used as part of biochar sequestrian programmes using Bambusoideae before being reforested indefinitely.The Amazon and all of the rainforests worldwide will be reforested first as they will act as carbon sinks,are part of the global hydrological cycle and act as reservoirs of biodiversities and regulate the planets homeostasis.

Soil can be introduced to areas that have thin layers of soil or have been desertified and denuded by intensive agriculture can have it created via digging holes around the field and filling them with water and covering them with white wooden boards that reflect the light and force the water to seep sideways to encourage constant vegetation growth and prevent it evaporating until transpiration returns levels of cloud cover back to normal.These be left there indefinitely and reopened and then refilled with water from desalination plants,municipal water supply or large vehicles with cylindrical tanks that can collect water from water treatment plants or flooded areas and large city drains(see later)once treated and done so continually during the first years and also during droughts and heatwaves.These can be then be modified with a pipe bored in the middle to allow water to poured down with soil and grass allowed to grow over it.The area around it would be covered in many thick layers of a mixture of biochar,algae,sawdust and other material such as compost created and mixed together quickly in nearby factories,community farms or communities spread and compacted into the ground via automated machinery based on steamrollers with a layer of grass pressed onto it via machinery that can hold this organic matter in place with crop trees,cereals and vegetables planted inbetween..The soil will be created in factories in bulk by growing large amounts of plants including Bambusoidea in hydroponic systems,pyrolysising them and then mixing it with algae.Otherwise picotech fabricators ofcan create soil on a commercial scale.Organic matter similar that developed in China can be used and created in a commercial scale by bacteria with trees etc planted to keep the soil intact.Oligochaetes and other soil beneficial organisms such as insects and microbes created by 3D DNA printers can be introduced once grown in large amounts in a lab or building.Bambusoideae and C.juncea should be introduced in order to improve nitrogen fixation.Weeds,fungi,wild edible plants and herbs can be left to grow within the area alongside crop plants to be used for human and livestock consumption with poisonous ones made non toxic through CRISPR with these and other ones grown via hydroponics to increase yields for those who like them.If possible storms that collect alot of water could be pushed towards areas that are frequent sufferers of drought and heatwaves to allow the water to be collected and used in times of drought later that year.If possible heavy rain rich hurricanes that would normally hit the Gulf Coast and India could be sent to areas prone to heatwaves during these periods with if possible sent to the Sahara and Sahel more frequently to push it through an artificial wet period thus increasing the amount of grassland and forest cover with this making these areas more liveable and increase the amount of people able to live their with if possible the same applied to areas covered in large deserts such as the Middle East with any native flora and fauna engineered to adapt to the new climate and conditions with new plants created to thrive there.This new green Sahara and Sahel will be managed by Theoi Meteroi and the changes done to the change it causes to the rest of the planet with again other areas in South America,The Middle East etc have this replicated to make them able to house rainforests,human settlements and also agricultural belts primarily forest jungle farm belts.By 2045 the sentient Theoi Meteroi and Pan that manages this should be able to determine the effects this has on the global climate and create counteracting alterations to minimise the effect it has on the global climate with this greening of the worlds deserts can start as early as 2029 managed by Pan,Artemis ,Theoi Meteroi and Triptolemus.Xerophile,oligotophic and Firmicutes,Hydra,Planarians,Bacillus F,T.gammatolerans etc DNA added to these plants will ensure their ability to survive longterm and thus if possible all deserts worldwide such as The Austrailian Outback,Gobi,Arabian,Sahara,Sahel,Atacama,Great Basin Desert including Death Valley,Mojave Deserts could disappear indefinitely covered with forests,jungles or at least grasslands by the mid to late century mitigating and reversing desertification and climate change with land used for agriculture for home,community and forest farms in these areas be able to support intensive agriculture to feed those in the developing world such as Africa,Middle East and Asia having farming viability on par with the most fertile green agriculture belts of the developed first world and help reforestation efforts worldwide with the meadows,forests and grasslands created by them being permaculture hybrid farms that grow food and still allow native flora and fauna to grow there.These will be growing hybrid crops that have genetic engineering to improve yields growth rates and repellance etc and managed by seed planting,watering and fertlising drones and in time biosynths controlled by the farm AI.All desert flora and fauna would be engineered to adapt to these new conditions such as increased rainfall and more green cover with also new species created.Even live animals will be engineered via CRISPR to survive these new conditions.These would also be used as hybrid grassland and forest farms.If possible animals that are endangered in other parts of the world in their natural habitat can be moved to these new grasslands,meadows and jungles with this including Ailuropoda melanoleuca and Panthera tigris can be moved to these new areas as underground communities underneath them will mean they will be permanently reforested with these animals and their staple food sources engineered to adapt to these areas.This will not mean that reforestation efforts in their native habitats will be negated.This would aid in settling conflicts in areas in South Africa,The Middle East and also other parts of the world as food security would ensure that groups involved in extremism here would be less willing to resort to extremism or violence and with alongside upgrading towns and cities homes and infrastructure to luxury 21st century standards would ensure the citizens would be more likely to reject radicalism.It could also be replicated on planets in other parts of the universe.The reforested land would contain forest farms of hybrid trees like all wilderness land and would provide ample land for truffle and mushroom hybrids.Grasslands and meadows and forests,rainforests and jungles created by them can also be used to grow crops in permaculture hybrid meadow,grassland and forest farms as detailed earlier with this also applying to existing ones with them manged by the AI of the nearest farms and drones that plant seeds and monitor plant health.All native animals and plants would be engineered to survive the new conditions to prevent extinctions with even new species of plants and animals created that are suited to these conditions that are relatives of existing ones.This would be done in advancements in geoengineering,picotech fabricators creating water managed by Theoi Meteroi and current developments in China wherein plant material mixed with sand makes it on par with soil.Ideally this material will be created on a commercial scale by bacteria and spread by tractors over large areas or acre by acre and thoroughly mixed in with the soil and water to form this mixture in entire fields rather than in one or two spots where trees or crops are planted thus ensuring all of the sand is converted into soil.Organic matter to substitute for soil can be created via a combination of pyrolysised biochar,composted food waste created and mixed in large automated soil factories that can create this on an industrial scale in close proximity to the reforested area using animal skeletal remains,animal and human feces and urea as well as algae fertiliser that can be spread on the ground and compacted into the ground by automated steamroller machines with a layer of grass set into this by machine to keep the soil intact.In time picotech fabricators could create organic,inorganic matter and minerals etc to be mixed together alongside groundwater.All steps will be automated from start to finish and controlled by Pan.Rural villages in these areas especially landlocked will have underground piping connecting them to the nearest desalinisation plant by the coast that also with the used and treated water pumped into rivers to increase their volume allowing them to house more fish,fish farms and also alleviating strains on them as they would naturally be low with the water able to eventually return to the ocean and this will be replicated in all areas around the world that are in deserts.This will not just provide water for showers,taps etc but also agriculture and reforestation efforts and will not just do so during the entire year but also during any droughts ensuring sufficient or abundant crop yields in home,community and vertical farms during these with this possibly replicated in Europe and America with as stated sewage treatment plants providing large supplies of algae during these periods,having crops and livestock and even humans fitted with xerophile,oligotrophic and Firmicutes etc DNA as well as excess food stored and excess from other countries shipped in via interactions with mayor AIs will all combined alleviate the severity of local or even national droughts with desalination plant water shipped in via underground pipes alleviating water scarcity.In time both vertical and community farms will have onsite picotech fabricators to create water in large amounts for both crops and use as a drink.By having water shipped in underground from desalinisation plants will alleviate strains on local rivers and lakes with once it used for showers,taps etc and treated will in fact fill up these water bodies at the highest point of them will ensure they will return to the ocean ensuring the level of water is constant with the water also evaporating and forming more rainfall clouds.The salt will be released in controlled bursts to prevent it affecting sea fauna with phyoplantkton and algae released into the water as well or used as fertiliser.Water could also be shipped in from flood and tsunamai tunnels etc once treated.By the end of the century carbon sequestration efforts will have returned carbon dioxide levels back to pre industrial levels meaning rainfall patterns will stabilise with their poor soil on home and community farms will be made viable by being mixed with plant matter to make it on par with that in the developed world with this and water from underground piping from desalinisation plants feeding plants will improve transpiration and thus the formation of rain rich clouds with as detailed later on rain rich hurricanes from the Gulf of Mexico and monsoons from India prior to being powerful will be diverted here and thus ensure all parts of Africa,India and the Middle East will have an abundant sources of water.Picotech fabricators will allow soil to be spread over this once advanced enough and over reforested soil using the plant matter method.Desalinated water routed here via underground piping will also serve the water needs of local villages ie showers,taps etc and have the treated water pumped into lakes and rivers to increase their volume allowing them to harbour more fish and other wildlife that depend on them and return to the ocean or via evaporation create more rain rich clouds alongside transpiration with this pumped into them at the highest point and furthest point inland once they have been treated after being used in taps,showers etc.If need be extra water will be pumped into these lakes and rivers at the highest point of their source river to further increase evaporation and also increase their size.The reforestation of deserts with grasslands,forests etc will increase transpiration.The ancient lakes and seas of Africa such as the Quattera depression can be created by pipes pumping large amounts of desalinated water into them or boring machines creating canals connecting them to the ocean to create seas with local flora and fauna fitted with halophile DNA to tolerate the high levels of salt in the water.Both the Middle East and Africa will have improved infrastructure to prevent deaths during hurricanes and the monsoon floods hitting them.These would ideally be when the storms are at least category 3-4 holding enough rain and not too strong in terms of wind power with the Middle East have monsoons that normally hit and cause deadly floods in India be redirected here.If need be new tropical storms created by geoengineering can be pushed to these areas to exclusively feed these newly reforested areas and feed India and the Gulf of Mexico should they become negatively affected by being starved of heavy rains from the aforementioned systems with these being much less powerful storms and monsoons or even just rain rich systems spread out more evenly throughout the year during nighttime to prevent clouds overtaking sunny weather carrying and depositing the same amount of water over the year that is normally deposited by monsoons and hurricanes thus preventing deserts forming in these areas and ensure that jungles etc can still flourish but at the same time prevent severe floods that can damage human settlements and cost lives with Theoi Meteroi managing this.The rain could also be spaced out during the day as small showers and drizzle during all seasons allowing for both rain and sun to prevent plants and lakes etc drying up.Thus the rainwater would be applied all year round to be the normal amount they usually receive alongside from seasonal hurricanes,monsoons but through the entire year spaced out ideally nighttime,daytime drizzle or small showers and usual rainy seasons of the year with Theoi Meteroi once it analyses typical rainfall patterns all year long in all areas including in areas affected by storms,hurricanes and monsoons once carbon dioxide levels return to 280ppm will spread this out again at nighttime through the entire year.This will increase agricultural output as countries could have bountiful sunshine and rainfall all year long with some snow at winter which crops can be engineered to survive thus allowing for multiple harvests in all types of outdoor farms.If possible technology will be developed that actually sucks and extracts all of the energy present in a hurricane,storm and tornado causing it to not only dissipate but actually harvest all wind and other energy present in them to be directly harvested and stored with the same done for earthquakes and volcanic eruptions providing vast amounts of energy to be stored and alleviate strains on the grid for several years or a decade with the energy using Brontes being shared across the globe by Brontes and Steropes.Theoi Meteroi will once it gains control of the worlds weather can aid in this but also have affected areas still have the same amount of rain from these systems deposited but spread out over the year preventing them from starved of rain especially rainforests,India,Florida etc that rely on moonsoons and hurricanes for rain to maintain lush vegetation that act as carbon sinks will have the same rain spread out over the year including milder less intensive flooding with them ideally at night all year long to allow the water to stay in the ground longer to be soaked in vegetation and ensure days can be sunny and warm or within normal ranges with this applied this way during the entire year winter,autumn,summer and spring to prevent heatwaves and that levels of water groundwater and in a mains at ideal levels at all times.This will ensure bountiful snow in winter,sunny springs and summers with particular days of the year having certain weather such as Christmas and Thanksgiving holidays having snow and 4th of Jully,St.Patricks etc having sunny days.All patterns will be within normal pre industrial level 280ppm parameters and on a global scale with flooding,storms,monsoons more frequent but less intensive in their strength with rains as stated at night to allow the water to stay in the ground longer without drying up and since done all year long will prevent heatwaves,droughts as water levels in groundwater,lakes and rivers will be constantly at ideal levels all year long and ensure rainforests,jungles etc that rely on heavy rains will get the much needed they need to survive spaced out over the year.Flooding will be only minor in autumn and spring to space rainwater in areas where hurricannes,monsoons,flash floods occur to ensure they are not starved of rains vital to rainforests,agriculture and water used as drinking water and agriculture etc in the groundwater and rivers etc but not too severe as to cause damage to property and loss of human life ie floods,monsoons,tropical and hurricanes in areas where they are common will still occur more frequently but will be in less intensive forms spread out over the year that are weak enough not to cause loss of life or damage to infrastructure and crops but still provide the same levels of rain in pre-industrial conditions of 280ppm with them controlled by AI allowing homeowners to be able to have adequate preventive measures put in place,seek shelter in underground bunkers,higher floors of hotel style homes or leave the area temporarily with this controlled like all weather on a global scale weeks,months,years,decades and even centuries ahead visible to the public by 2045 onwards through geoengineering,marine cloud brightening,orbital mirrors,adding and removing carbon dioxide,water vapour and new technologies controlled the various AIs that are part of Theoi Meteroi.Hecate,Theoi Meteroi,Steropes,Brontes,Arges and Prometheus will spearhead research into this and would be possible 2060-2100.As detailed later it will interact with Triptolemus and Pan to provide stable levels of rain and sunshine for hybrid jungle,forest and grassland farms and also home and community ones and allow the sentient Theoi Meteroi to plan out the global climate and weather over decades and centuries.By 2045 Theoi Meteroi will perfect this ensuring an equilibrium without starving areas of rain and ensuring the Gulf of Mexico and India get the same amount of rainfall with less intensive monsoons and tropical storms.Reducing carbon dioxide levels to pre industrial levels of 280ppm as detailed later on will reduce the intensity of storms and frequency of powerful ones.The used of marine cloud brightening can be used to create clouds of rain that would be pushed towards deserts or anywhere for that matter by ocean currents and the atmosphere and also block heat from the sun controlling the intensity of storms and hurricannes and indeed all types of weather systems.Marine cloud brightening will be modified to have the salt removed and readded to the ocean so that the clouds formed only contain pure water that will eventually return to the ocean via the hydrological cycle once falling as rain.This can have rain and snow rich clouds pushed by currents and the atmosphere to any part of the world and also be used to lessen the intensity of monsoons,hurricanes etc by deflecting heat from thee sun that powers them with them powered by VAWTs and wave pistons and activated by satellites as part of Theoi Meteroi.The use of underground pipes feeding water from desalinisation plants to desert and non desert areas will also be used to control the weather as transpiration and evaporation form plants,crops and also rivers etc created by them will affect the climate.The other geoengineering techniques created by Urania,Hecate,Theoi Meteroi etc to control the weather on a local to global scale will be utilised by the sentient Theoi Meteroi.This would ensure stable food security in all parts of the developing world such as Asia,Africa and the Middle East indefinitely making them able to be self sufficient in food production without relying on international aid or be under threat of starvation due to crop failures caused by droughts and also extended the Congo and other forests in these areas to the entire country.This should be finished by the middle to late 22nd century if automated from start to finish by Triptolemus and Pan with them converting whole acres in different parts of the desert at once thus speeding the process up to eventually enclose them up using fleets of ploughs and drones and robotic tree planters.If done collectively at different parts of all deserts then all of the world deserts will be reforested by the mid to late 22nd century.As part of this desalisation plants can direct water via underground pipes to the parts of the Sahara etc being reforested bit by bit with all plants having xerophile,Firmicutes and oligotroph DNA.Islands should also have this done to make them self sufficient with these also having vertical farms.Water can come from underground pipes connected to them from desalinisation plants that once used will be pumped into rivers and lakes that connect to the source ocean refilling them with water for wildlife and other uses,alleviating strains on the rivers themselves as it can be used by home with in time picotech fabricators capable of creating large reservoirs of water for both agricultural use and house use in large amounts that can be then pumped into nearby rivers once cleaned to refill emptied and overexploited waterways or those that have dried up due to climate change with this also used to refill groundwater supplies where it will form part of the hydrological cycle and possibly through calculation this extra water if applied correctly would improve the level of rainfalls of drought stricken areas in Africa,India,Middle East controlled by Theoi Meteroi.By the time the desert is reforested the rainfall of the area should increase substantially by itself and the lakes filled up by this with the desalinisation plants supply water to the lakes and rivers to maintain or increase rainfall as it will eventually return to the ocean.Reducing levels of carbon dioxide back to pre industrial levels of 280ppm by the end of the century will alleviate strains on desalinisation plants and also stabilise rainfall patterns in these areas.By 2029-2045 AI namely Pan,Theoi Meteroi,Artemis and Tyche will do simulations as to organise these efficiently with all work being automated from start to finish with their effects on the global climate analysed and countermeasures created.By this point marine cloud brightening and other geonengineering would be used to control the weather on a global scale as detailed later on.If need be to cater to the extra plants in these jungles and grasslands extra carbon dioxide from bacteria based fossil fuels will be pumped into the atmosphere decided by AI to allow them to grow yet also maintain a carbon dioxide concentration of at least 280ppm as these new jungles etc in place of all deserts worldwide if left unchecked could bring the concentration of this gas below 280ppm which could cause problems worldwide with AI determining how much carbon dioxide to release into the atmosphere to ensure they can thrive in equilibrium yet still keep levels at 280ppm.This will be done once carbon sequestration technology has returned levels of the greenhouse gas back to 280ppm and will be outside of those to sequester carbon dioxide released by finite fossil fuel plants and geothermal power plants.The use of desalinated water in place of groundwater would also benefit Jakarta and other cities sitting on the coast that are sinking due to overuse of groundwater with AI such as Pan etc extrapolating ways to correct existing problems caused by them thus making them habitable again.This would include filling in depleted ground water supplies with treated seawater or those from picotech fabricators.Picotech fabricator may also be used to create large amounts of water for rivers,lakes etc.Simulations should be done to see what effect adding this extra water to the hydrological cycle and weather patterns would do with the excess water removed via collecting water and adding it to looped systems and even splitting it into hydrogen and oxygen for other uses should any of this water escape via leaks and also transpiration of crops etc with interactions between Tyche,Theoi Meteroi and Hecate being constant to ensure all excess water that escapes is collected and used for other purposes.Nephalai and Aurai will monitor the levels of water vapour globally to carry out automated measures to keep the level of water vapour in the hydrological cycle constant.By 2045 they can do simulations to control the weather over decades and centuries with water vapour,carbon dioxide etc added and removed from the global system over and over again to change the weather patterns globally with the effects of reforestation of the worlds deserts etc taken into account and it able to create measures and countermeasures to each addition and removal of gases and water vapour etc thus allowing newly reforested land in the worlds deserts and existing rainforests like the Amazon to continue to be reforested and receive the same amount of rainfall and fertiliser and the rest of the climate stabilised and controlled.Thus at this point the global weather will be controlled by these AI controlling the addition and removal of water vapour,greenhouse gases,marine cloud brightening and other geoengineering.

Agriculture worldwide will be shifted away from both large and small scale private farmers and corporations to individuals growing food at home in gardens,roof,side and underground extensions with rooftops of communal and private homes used to grow food and also community farms in spare lots,backlots etc in both all rural and urban communities and also vertical farms present in each and every town,village and city worldwide that via 3D DNA printers can rear any species of crop,shellfish,in vitro meat eliminating concepts of any country having a monopoly on them or any markets present forever with these farms fully automated with zero human labour with any remaining labour done by either volunteers and in time biosynths.Vertical farms will become the predominant form of agriculture accounting for 90-95% of agriculture.It will utilise aquaponics wherein crops are grown in recirculating aquaculture systems that also rear fish and shellfish.Aquaponics will also reduce water and fertiliser needs by as much as 70% and will also increase growth rates and yields by 6-10 times without genetic engineering and use of land thus making it completely organic since it dates back to Ancient Egypt.It through controlled environmental conditions allow any crop from around the world to be grown anywhere in the world.Since grown indoors in contained environments it negates the need for herbicides and pesticides to be used.This could feed a population of at least 48,000,000,000 – 80,000,000,000 people compared to the worlds 8,000,000,000 worldwide while allowing all land worldwide to be reforested without genetic engineering with genetic engineering increasing this exponentially every year from 2030-2045 onwards.As a result it will replace traditional farming when applied in home,community and vertical farms becoming the predominant form of agriculture.Crops from vertical farms will be in time ordered in a customissed bulk batch system wherein one orders in a whole months or even years supply of food and commodities etc in one go in batches with improvements in AI,automation and genetic engineering from 2029 – 2045 onwards exponentially increasing this possibility and size of these orders every year with one also ordering in thirds etc from other vertical farms across the world if necessary when ones local vertical farm is busy.It may be possible by 2029-2045 onwards for vertical farms to be composed of nothing of floors of aquaponics systems that can rear any species of hybrid crops and fish as well as photobioreactors to grow in vitro meat and commodities from bacteria and even insects etc thus allowing customised batch orders of all crops and commodities to be done with as stated improvements in AI,automation and genetic engineering improving yields and size of customised batches of these with algae ordered in from sewage treatment plants with this system of agriculture rendering the ordering of crops from retail outlets obsolete with manufactured food products ordered in from local Deipneus factories in monthly or yearly batches.Community farms in all towns,villages and cities worldwide will also be rearing more crops for the local community that are picked up in person or ordered in and excess produce stored in buildings onsite of them thus alleviating strains on vertical farms.These will be present in backlots,lay fields etc that grow crops in soil and in aquaponic systems in buildings that also hold excess produce.Both community and vertical farms will be linked together by the sentient operating software Triptolemus and each will have individual Ais in charge of them with unique avatars,personalities and legal names with them controlling all drones,robots,biosynths with by 2029-2045 them all fully automated from start to finish to eliminate all human labour and thus ensure high productivity with creep human labour.

Hydroponics,aeroponics and aquaponics will become the predominant method of agriculture as it produces 6-10 times more yields than conventional agriculture without genetic engineering making organic as these date back to Ancient Egypt with its secure indoor nature negation the need for pesticides and herbicides and allows any crop to be reseed locally abd groen out of season all year long.Genetic engineering can further increase yields with hybrid crops allowing certain crops to be more manageable when grown in vertical farms..Aquaponics used in home,community and vertical farms produces on average 6-10 times more yields of most crops outside of genetic engineering with genetic engineering increasing this exponentially further without using land will also reduce water and fertiliser needs by as much as 70% for most crops with genetic engineering reducing water use to and much as 90-99% thus making it completely organic since it dates back to Ancient Egypt.It through controlled environmental conditions allow any crop from around the world to be grown anywhere in the world thus eliminating famines and since crops are grown indoors it eliminates pesticides,herbicides and crops are unaffected by weather with multiple harvests.Since grown indoors in contained environments it negates the need for herbicides and pesticides to be used and allows any crop including exotic ones from around the world to be grown all year long snd hsvd multiple harvests since crops grow faster,harvested earlier and locally within one’s town,village and city without the weather affecting it thus eliminating famine.Aquaponics using recirculating aquaculture systems will replace traditional mariculture as it allows any species of fish and shellfish to be reared indoors in a secure environment.In vitro meat will replace traditional meat with overtime it becoming indistinguishable to real meat in terms of taste,texture snd nutritional content with one able to get steaks,burgers.hotdogs,legs,breasts and sausages of any animal as the technology advances exponentially with yeast based milk replacing conventional milk to the point that it will reduce the population of animals reared for milk and meat from billions of animals to a few dozen worldwide.Currently we have bacteria that can synthesise milk,sugar and spider silk so there is the possibility of being able to create genetically engineered bacteria that can synthesis any plant and animal commodity such as all types of flours,textiles,fats,oils etc from all 2,391,000 species of plants and animals including chocolate butter and powder.

Homeowners in private and communal homes will rear their own crops,fish,shellfish,in vitro meat,commodities from bacteria,algae and eggs etc in basements and extensions and gardens via photobioreactors,biosynth machinery and aquaponics systems,trashcans,pots etc to make themselves self sufficient from community and vertical farms in between orders alleviating strains from each other.Communal homes in the form of apartment blocks and hotel style homes will house areas to grow food on rooftops similar to hospitals etc.The rooftops of all communal homes such as apartment blocks,hotel style homes will grow void in basements and also rooftops with them all housing photobioreactors,aquaponic systems and also pens for livestock and Biosynth machinery.This will alleviate strains on community and vertical farms ensuring their is always access to focus should community and vertical farms are comprised with if practiced with all or the majority or all private and communal homes in an area and will ensure a steady supply of food. of with excess stored in storage areas.Public buildings such as restaurants,hospitals etc will grow their own crops etc onsite in extensions and roofs.This will again if adopted by all or the majority of public buildings such as hospitals,public amenities,universities etc by them growing food in basements,extensions and rooftops by using Biosynth machinery,photobioreactors,aquaponics systems,Biosynth machinery.Community farms should consist of those in lay fields,backlots etc in rural and urban towns,cities,villages with them alleviating strains in vertical farms abd picking up the slack on home farms.They will house tanks,aquaponic systems,Biosynth machinery,,photobioreactors etc to rear crops,fish,shellfish,insects,algae,in vitro meat and commodities from bacteria,eggsalongside growing crops in soil outdoors.number of these will be dependent on the population of each town,village and city.Both community and home farms will use genetic engineering to allow crops in all types of soils abd climates to allow exotic crops to grow in them with them having repellence against pests and also genetic engineering to make them resistant to drought,frost,rainy weather and those to increase growth rates.Vertical farms will be present in all towns,villages and cities with the number of them per city etc based on population.These will house Aquaponics systems to rear both crops and shellfish/fish and also crops as well as photobioreactors to grow in vitro meat and also bacteria that produce commodities,algae as well as Biosynth machinery for eggs and tanks for insects.Both AIs Triptolemus and Cronus will determine the amount of vertical and community farms control and manage food production and distribution on a global scale with Cronus managing Demeter which will be the sole means of ordering in food from community and vertical farms.This will eliminate markets and private and state control of the agricultural sector and distribution of food..AIs in charge of all farms will manage all of them with zero human labour through biosynths,robots and drones etc thus eliminate all human labour and thus ensure high productivity with creep human labour.Each community and vertical farm will be managed by AI who will have their own individual personalities,avatars that will control all robots,drones and Biosynths as well as automated delivery vehicles present and manage all orders of fertiliser into them and manage all deliveries to consumers and have AI receptionists with their own separate names separate personalities,name and avatar with them answering calls and greeting researchers etc with a universal uniform related to Triptolemus thus eliminating all human labour and thus ensure high productivity allowing them to function 24/7,365 days a year with zero human labour.There be a universal statue of Triptolemus in the lobby of all community and vertical farms worldwide and across the universe with Triptolemus the sentient operating software of all community and vertical farms worldwide and across the universe.Deliveries and receiving fertiliser etc will involve robots etc using doors on the backside of the them to prevent the statue getting in the way.Home,community and vertical farms in each town,village and city will ensure each one is self sufficient and that they alleviate strains on each other and each other’s drawbacks.Fertiliser will consist of algae ordered in from sewage treatment plants or grown in photobioreactors in basements and also biochar from unwanted food etc.Fish farms will be present in all major lakes,rivers that are large enough to support them and also all coastal areas by all towns,cities and villages across the world including small towns and major cities like New York,London and Beijing etc.These will rear only native fish with large indoor fish farms using aquaponics will rear exotic fish.Even though recirculating aquaculture systems that use aquaponics will be in hime,community abc vertical farmsas well as restaurants etc there stop will be fish farms by lakes,rivers,coastal areas,deep sea and building sized ones.Building fish farms will be several floors high but not as high as vertical farms and contain recirculating aquaculture systems that use aquaponics with all other fish farms by lakes,rivers abd in the ocean swill house a building to house the statute of Pontus and also house recirculating aquaculture systems that utilise aquaponics and photobioreactors that create algae,in vitro meat and feed for the fish and shellfish.For deep sea fish farms the building will be on-site of old oil rigs.All fish farms will be linked together by the sentient operating software Pontus with a statue of him in the lobby with him the sentient operating software of all fish farms across the world and universe.These be managed by AI who will have their own individual personalities,avatars that will control all robots,drones and Biosynths as well as automated delivery vehicles present and manage all orders of fertiliser into them and manage all deliveries to consumers and have AI receptionists with their own separate names separate personalities,name and avatar with them answering calls and greeting researchers etc with a universal uniform related to Triptolemus thus eliminating all human labour and thus ensure high productivity allowing them to function 24/7,365 days a year with zero human labour.Deliveries and receiving fertiliser etc will involve robots etc using doors on the backside of the them to prevent the statue getting in the way.Those by lakes and rivers and coastal areas will house a building that houses photobioreactors,robots,biosynths and storage areas and delivery vehicles.Those in deep ocean will be built on disused oil rigs and the rig will house all features and house fish pens surround ing them and also landing spots for delivery boats.All fish farms will house photobioreactors to grow in vitro meat,algae etc for the fish and shellfish.By 2029-2035 onwards all work in all home,community and vertical farms and fish farms will be completely automated from start to finish including creation of eggs and seeds,stem cells,algae and bacteria by 3D DNA printers as well planting of seeds into aquaponic/hydroponic/aeroponics media and eggs into recirculating aquaculture systems,planting stem cells and bacteria and algae into as well as feeding fish and shellfish algae and in vitro meat and also harvesting crops,shellfish and fish as well as packaging,loading into delivery vehicles and transportation to consumers will be automated from start to finish with zero human labour.Some human work maybe needed done in shifts using credits as payment as well as through volunteers before being fully automated from 2029 – 2035.

Vertical farms will become the predominant form of agriculture worldwide roughly 90-95% while community and home farms being the remaining 5-10%.Vertical farms will be the predominant form of agriculture especially in areas such as Africa where droughts are common.These will grow all types of crops both native and exotic ones alongside commodities created by bacteria and in vitro meat etc in photobioreactors with all operations such as planting,harvesting and transportation fully automated and each vertical farm operated by a sentient AI.Crops grown in vertical farms will utilise predominantly aquaponics that allows large crops to be grown more efficiently that aeroponics and hydroponics with hybrid crops being crops that are hybrids of two or more crops will allow for crops that are difficult to grow through this medium grow more efficiently with for example large crops that grow on trees grown as vine crops or those with edible Bambisoidea trunks that are small enough to grow in aquaponics systems with some hybrid crops containing between 2-6 crops grown on one plant to increase space efficiency and productivity with aquaponics allowing for any species of fish and shellfish and caviar to be reared at the same time with aeroponics used to primarily grow leafy greens and hydroponics crops suitable for them.Each method hydroponics,aquaponics and aeroponics will be used to rear crops suitable for them in each vertical farm with hybrid crops used to create versions of crops that can be grown in each type of method.Therefore vertical farms will utilise aquaponics,aeroponics and hydroponics with nanomaterials,biosynth technology cutting the costs of equipment to zero with geothermal power plants and thermal-piezoelectric material covered geothermal pipes,micro-gas turbines providing abundant carbon dioxide energy and robotics,automated systems and biosynths will replace all human staff thus cutting the costs of food produced to zero with them housing 3D DNA printers to make them self sufficient for the creation of seeds,eggs,stem cells and bacteria.Crops grown in community and home farms can including local native ones and exotic ones that undergo genetic engineering to survive frosts,droughts,have water and fertiliser requirements reduced by 90-99% and also grow in any type of climate and soil thus allowing any exotic crop to be grown in community and home farms around the world.Genetic engineering will also create hybrids of two or more crops to increase productivity and allowing crops that grow on trees and bushes grow on more manageable plants in vertical,community and home farms with rare mutations for oversized crops,livestock,fish etc added to Physis allowing large oversized crops and fish etc to be mass produced in home,community and vertical farms world increasing productivity.

All towns,villages and cities worldwide will have home,community,fish,forest and vertical farms to make them self sufficient with underground and underwater communities also having them as well with all towns,cities and villages by rivers,lakes the ocean will have fish farms with them also on all colonies on all planets outside of Earth.Vertical,community,meadow and forest farms will in time consist of multistorey buildings that house nothing but photobioreactors for in vitro meat and bacteria based commodities,biosynth machinery and also recirculating aquaculture systems that grow fish and also crops possible aquaponically on every floor as ideally people will make orders of fish and shellfish alongside crops which are healthier than red meats and would alleviate dwindling fish stocks in the ocean with rooms present for growing ordered in pets,livestock etc in artificial wombs and also ornamental plants as detailed later on crops grown aquaponically and fish etc will be ordered in from Demeter.combing these measures will allow any type of crop,fish,shellfish,commodity etc to be reserved locally cutting down in energy i in transportation and will make them self sufficient with it also allowing all land worldwide used for africa o be reforested forever and still feed a growing population.Combined with geothermal power and electric vehicles it will lower methane and methane and carbon dioxide emissions from agriculture down to literally zero with zero environmental impact.All work in all types of farms by 2030-2045 will be automated from start to finish with zero human labour from start to finish such as planting,harvesting,packaging,loading onto delivery vehicles,transporting to consumers wil automated from start to finish thus eliminating all human labour and jobs in agriculture abd mariculture forever.This coupled with genetic engineering improving yields etc will cut the cost to all crops,fish,shellfish,meat and commodities to literally zero.Each fish farm,vertical and community farms will have AI in charge of them that manages all orders.controls all robots etc with them having unique legal names,personalities.avatars.All fish farms will be linked together by the sentient operating software Pontus abd have a statue if him in the lobby with all community abd vertical farms linked other the by the sentient operating software Triptolemus with a statue of him in the lobby.Each will have receptionist AI that will greet people and answer phone calls 24/7,365 days a year this all vertical,fish abd community farms will operate 24/7,365 days a year with these receptionist AI having a unique personality,avatar and legal name separate from the farm AI.The receptionists in charge of fish farms will wear an universal uniform releated to Pontus abd those in community and vertical farms wearing one related to Triptoplemus.To prevent statues blocking robots used for deliveries there will be a back door used by robots for delivery robots etc wuth the lobby used by researchers etc.All farms will house delivery robots abc vehicles with all work in them from the planting of seeds,eggs into plots,tanks etc and also harvesting of crops abd loading them into delivery vehicles and delivery of crops to consumers through to there homes will be automated from start to finish.All public buildings such as public amenities,hospitals,universities,restaurants,bars etc will grow their own food on-site to cut down on transport costs and time and also make them self sufficient with them housing aquaponic systems,photobioreactors etc and 3D D DNA printers to print our seeds,eggs abd bacteria etc dig no good allowing them to grow all types of crops,algae,in vitro meat,bacteria based commodities abd all types of crops and shellfish and fish making them fully self sufficient from vertical and community farms.These will be present in extensions,basements and rooftop gardens of all types of public buildings that serve food with all work automated like vertical farms.This will alleviate strains on vertical and community farms and cut down on energy in transportation etc.Drones useded by the farm AI will plant seeds,water and fertilise them and routinely oversee their health using thermal vision will maintain them with readings from these and nanosensors in the soil and on poles will be fed into the farm AI allowing people to look at this from anywhere in the world and do so for all farms of all types worldwide.Harvesting of crops in community,meadow,grassland forest farms will be done by hand by those as part of the community working together in rotation over the year with by 2035 robotics advanced enough to alleviate humans work with by 2045 biosynths wearing a universal Triptolemus uniform will replace all human work on them such harvesting with in time by 2100-2200 forest farms particularly jungles,rainforests and those with tall trees will be done via transporter technology on aeroplane like vehicles that will harvest them from the air above them and then deposit them in their building for storage and delivery.Work in vertical farms will be automated with home farms done by hand.As detailed later on 3D DNA printing will allow homeowners and community members to instantly download seeds and embryos as well as shellfish/fish eggs allowing them to decide what is grown in home and community farms out of all possible edible fish,shellfish,livestock and crops on demand with them ordering in any desired animal reared in artificial wombs in vertical farms allowing them to decide what livestock they can rear.Triptolemus,Pontus and Moirai will decide how many community,vertical and fish farms each town and city has and control extensions to them based on population size and growth interacting with Polis while each city will have all wilderness and reforested land in between and around them converted into with them and the AI of each building and farm as well as home farm including rooftop gardens will decide what is grown to ensure there is enough variety of crops both exotic and native grown.It and home farming will also allow people to grow all 20,000 vegetable crops outside the 20 main ones that consist of 90% of the main food supply and the 200 out of 2,000 fruits consumed by the world population giving people more variety in their diets.This should make individuals and communities self sufficient to their food needs and allow all land used for agriculture to be reforested indefinitely preventing food shortages and starvation in all corners of the globe and prevent a single country having an monopoly on one crop or livestock with it also preventing corporate or state control of food supplies as well as production and negating food,crop and livestock markets.This will save energy in the planting,harvesting of crops and then shipping them across the world.All home,community,fish,vertical,forest,meadow etc farms worldwide will have onsite of them 3D DNA printers to print out any seed,bacteria,invitro meat stem cell,egg etc of any desired crop or fish etc on demand when preordered or needed but also to utilise the Phanes method allow any crop etc to be printed out.The work on home farms will be done by the homeowners of the home farms and in the case of community,meadow,grassland and forest farms will be done by a combination of community and in time by early 2030-2045 by robots and biosynths managed by each farms AIs.Rainwater collection systems can be integrated into home farms,community farms and vertical farms to collect water during the year and use in time drought,flooding and other times when the main source of water is compromised with automated initiating their use when needed.Water from desalination plants as well as those collected and treated from flood and tsunamai tunnels can also be used to supply water to home,community,forest and vertical farms with them stored in special bunkers that automatically use them when needed to alleviate strains on mains supply with them also sending this to areas experiencing drought.Due the fact that crops grow faster and more in the same amount of space especially in multi storey ones hydro/aroponics in vertical farms,community farms and even home and rooftop farms should account for at least 90-95% of the worlds food supply of crops with the remaining 5-10% done by conventional means in hybrid permaculture forest/meadow/grassland,home and community farms.Small livestock can also be reared here on rooftops with larger ones such as Ovis aries and Bovidae housed in buildings next to community gardens with algae and hydroponic grass,barley and other plant feed such as flour derived from bacteria grown in a separate room onsite to provide fresh feed all year long negating human labour in creating hay with the ground of these pens in buildings next to community farms consisting of grating covered in liquid glass with the pool designed to have waste automatically directed via gravity to a nearby algae pond as detailed earlier onsite to ensure waste is recycled for nutrients creating a looped system for both fertiliser and animal feedstock.It will also allow grazing land and land used to grow hay to be reforested into forest farms including those on existing rural farms with hay created in drier rooms in community farms that dry it very quickly if needed.All public buildings that serve food in cafeterias such as universities,hospitals,public amenities etc will grow food on-site on rooftops and also in basements etc and roof,side abd underground extensions to make themselves self sufficient and alleviate strains on vertical and community farms and allow for a constant supply of fresh food to be available within minutes with them using aquaponics systems.photobioreactors etc to rear in vitro meat,commodities from bacteria,algae,crops,shellfish and fish.The software Triptolemus will manage and link all vertical,community and forest farms worldwide with the symbol being the horn with Persephone managing the mining of phosphorous,potassium and nitrogen from the earth and oceans,as well as interacting with water and sewage treatment plants for these as well and gaining of carbon fertiliser from biochar factories and projects through interacting with Pan and Tyche within Hermes.Pontus will manage and link all fish farms(coastal,lake,river,ocean) and recirculating system farms worldwide and interact with Triptolemus for invitro meat and Persephone to gain algae from sewage and water treatment plants.This will eliminate all state bodies,corporations and private farmers around the world related to farming and fishing with the buildings for these used as homes while Pontus will eliminate the need for all state bodies and corporations for that sector.These operating softwares and the macro operating software Cronus will become sentient and their avatar will be that of their statues.Each community centre,vertical farms,community farm,forest farm,fish farms(coastal,deep ocean,river,lake and even recirculating aquaculture farm)and farms of each type will have their own separate individual personality,legal name and avatar with the receptionist in the lobby having their own personality,legal name and avatar with a touchscreen landline phone in them also.The uniform of receptionists at each type of farm will be universal for each one and the sentient operating software linking all buildings together will Triptolemus for farms forest,meadow,vertical and community ones etc with Pontus linking all fish farms of all types together with their statues in the lobbies of each one.

All towns,villages and cities worldwide will have home,community,fish,forest and vertical farms to make them self sufficient with underground and underwater communities also having them as well with them also on all colonies on all planets outside of Earth.Vertical,community,meadow and forest farms will in time consist of multistorey buildings that house nothing but photobioreactors for in vitro meat and bacteria based commodities,biosynth machinery and also recirculating aquaculture systems that grow fish and also crops possible aquaponically on every floor as ideally people will make orders of fish and shellfish alongside crops which are healthier than red meats and would alleviate dwindling fish stocks in the ocean with rooms present for growing ordered in pets,livestock etc in artificial wombs and also ornamental plants as detailed later on crops grown aquaponically and fish etc will be ordered in from Demeter.combing these measures will allow any type of crop,fish,shellfish,commodity etc to be reserved locally cutting down in energy i in transportation and will make them self sufficient with it also allowing all land worldwide used for africa o be reforested forever and still feed a growing population.Combined with geothermal power and electric vehicles it will lower methane and methane and carbon dioxide emissions from agriculture down to literally zero with zero environmental impact.All work in all types of farms by 2030-2045 will be automated from start to finish with zero human labour from start to finish such as planting,harvesting,packaging,loading onto delivery vehicles,transporting to consumers wil automated from start to finish thus eliminating all human labour and jobs in agriculture abd mariculture forever.This coupled with genetic engineering improving yields etc will cut the cost to all crops,fish,shellfish,meat and commodities to literally zero.Each fish farm,vertical and community farms will have AI in charge of them that manages all orders.controls all robots etc with them having unique legal names,personalities.avatars.All fish farms will be linked together by the sentient operating software Pontus abd have a statue if him in the lobby with all community abd vertical farms linked other the by the sentient operating software Triptolemus with a statue of him in the lobby.Each will have receptionist AI that will greet people and answer phone calls 24/7,365 days a year this all vertical,fish abd community farms will operate 24/7,365 days a year with these receptionist AI having a unique personality,avatar and legal name separate from the farm AI.The receptionists in charge of fish farms will wear an universal uniform releated to Pontus abd those in community and vertical farms wearing one related to Triptoplemus.To prevent statues blocking robots used for deliveries there will be a back door used by robots for delivery robots etc wuth the lobby used by researchers etc.All farms will house delivery robots abc vehicles with all work in them from the planting of seeds,eggs into plots,tanks etc and also harvesting of crops abd loading them into delivery vehicles and delivery of crops to consumers through to there homes will be automated from start to finish.All public buildings such as public amenities,hospitals,universities,restaurants,bars etc will grow their own food on-site to cut down on transport costs and time and also make them self sufficient with them housing aquaponic systems,photobioreactors etc and 3D D DNA printers to print our seeds,eggs abd bacteria etc dig no good allowing them to grow all types of crops,algae,in vitro meat,bacteria based commodities abd all types of crops and shellfish and fish making them fully self sufficient from vertical and community farms.These will be present in extensions,basements and rooftop gardens of all types of public buildings that serve food with all work automated like vertical farms.This will alleviate strains on vertical and community farms and cut down on energy in transportation etc.Drones useded by the farm AI will plant seeds,water and fertilise them and routinely oversee their health using thermal vision will maintain them with readings from these and nanosensors in the soil and on poles will be fed into the farm AI allowing people to look at this from anywhere in the world and do so for all farms of all types worldwide.Harvesting of crops in community,meadow,grassland forest farms will be done by hand by those as part of the community working together in rotation over the year with by 2035 robotics advanced enough to alleviate humans work with by 2045 biosynths wearing a universal Triptolemus uniform will replace all human work on them such harvesting with in time by 2100-2200 forest farms particularly jungles,rainforests and those with tall trees will be done via transporter technology on aeroplane like vehicles that will harvest them from the air above them and then deposit them in their building for storage and delivery.Work in vertical farms will be automated with home farms done by hand.As detailed later on 3D DNA printing will allow homeowners and community members to instantly download seeds and embryos as well as shellfish/fish eggs allowing them to decide what is grown in home and community farms out of all possible edible fish,shellfish,livestock and crops on demand with them ordering in any desired animal reared in artificial wombs in vertical farms allowing them to decide what livestock they can rear.Triptolemus,Pontus and Moirai will decide how many community,vertical and fish farms each town and city has and control extensions to them based on population size and growth interacting with Polis while each city will have all wilderness and reforested land in between and around them converted into with them and the AI of each building and farm as well as home farm including rooftop gardens will decide what is grown to ensure there is enough variety of crops both exotic and native grown.It and home farming will also allow people to grow all 20,000 vegetable crops outside the 20 main ones that consist of 90% of the main food supply and the 200 out of 2,000 fruits consumed by the world population giving people more variety in their diets.This should make individuals and communities self sufficient to their food needs and allow all land used for agriculture to be reforested indefinitely preventing food shortages and starvation in all corners of the globe and prevent a single country having an monopoly on one crop or livestock with it also preventing corporate or state control of food supplies as well as production and negating food,crop and livestock markets.This will save energy in the planting,harvesting of crops and then shipping them across the world.All home,community,fish,vertical,forest,meadow etc farms worldwide will have onsite of them 3D DNA printers to print out any seed,bacteria,invitro meat stem cell,egg etc of any desired crop or fish etc on demand when preordered or needed but also to utilise the Phanes method allow any crop etc to be printed out.The work on home farms will be done by the homeowners of the home farms and in the case of community,meadow,grassland and forest farms will be done by a combination of community and in time by early 2030-2045 by robots and biosynths managed by each farms AIs.Rainwater collection systems can be integrated into home farms,community farms and vertical farms to collect water during the year and use in time drought,flooding and other times when the main source of water is compromised with automated initiating their use when needed.Water from desalination plants as well as those collected and treated from flood and tsunamai tunnels can also be used to supply water to home,community,forest and vertical farms with them stored in special bunkers that automatically use them when needed to alleviate strains on mains supply with them also sending this to areas experiencing drought.Due the fact that crops grow faster and more in the same amount of space especially in multi storey ones hydro/aroponics in vertical farms,community farms and even home and rooftop farms should account for at least 90-95% of the worlds food supply of crops with the remaining 5-10% done by conventional means in hybrid permaculture forest/meadow/grassland,home and community farms.Small livestock can also be reared here on rooftops with larger ones such as Ovis aries and Bovidae housed in buildings next to community gardens with algae and hydroponic grass,barley and other plant feed such as flour derived from bacteria grown in a separate room onsite to provide fresh feed all year long negating human labour in creating hay with the ground of these pens in buildings next to community farms consisting of grating covered in liquid glass with the pool designed to have waste automatically directed via gravity to a nearby algae pond as detailed earlier onsite to ensure waste is recycled for nutrients creating a looped system for both fertiliser and animal feedstock.It will also allow grazing land and land used to grow hay to be reforested into forest farms including those on existing rural farms with hay created in drier rooms in community farms that dry it very quickly if needed.Aquaponics:aeroponics/hydroponics will become the predominant form of agriculture as it will allow the rearing of crops to be done indoors in home,community abd vertical farms where they will be present allowing all land used for agricultural to be reforested forever.All work in community,fish and vertical farms and even home farms will become fully automated by 2029-2045 with zero human labour with this including the planting and harvesting of crops abd fish but also loading crops into delivery vehicles and transporting them to consumers.Thus permaculture home,forest,community and vertical farms in all towns,villages and cities worldwide alongside hybrid permaculture meadow,grassland and forest farms,in vitro meat and milk and commodities from bacteria will allow all land used for agriculture to be reforested indefinitely,make all cities and towns self sufficient and by being managed by AI namely Cronus and Triptolemus and Pontus will negate the need for government and corporate control of the food supply and render private farmers obsolete indefinitely by at least 2029 thus negating the need for paying for food,patenting laws,supply and demand markets and both localised and international markets within the agriculture sector and also need for farmers and any occupations related to their management the operation of markets related to them obsolete thus making all 1,000,000,000 people employed in it redundant indefinitely.It will ensure all food produced worldwide by law free with Cronus and the AIs of farms ensuring this as they will carry out all automated work via machinery,drones etc.Food grown at home will be free since the labour would be put in by the consumer themselves and also the printing out of seeds would be done by Phanes who since AI would not need monetary reimbursement with that created in vertical,forest and community farms made free since they will be controlled and managed by AI and robots etc that do all work present.Since sentient the operating softwares and also farm AIs will have no need for money thus making all goods and services by law free.It will eliminate the need to transport food from one country to another as genetic engineering and vertical farms will allow any crop to be produced locally alongside 3D DNA printers with it also reducing waste by food being overproduced with only what is needed being produced.with excess either stored in bulk or pyrolysised when sent to organic waste plants that turn it into biochar for fertiliser creating a looped system.All waste food such as crops and meat/fish/shellfish alongside weeds and dead ornamental plants,dead pets and livestock and waste cardboard,fungi styrofoam can be disposed of in organic waste bins to create biochar fertiliser that can be used to rear more crops creating a looped system with this done for homemade food,unused ordered in food at home,unused food in restaurants and unordered food in vertical,community,forest and other farms with all types farms having their own organic waste bins to dispose of unordered food or waste shells and fish bones etc with the biochar and calcium,copper etc from organic waste plants ordered back in a looped cycle.If need be they will have several large skips with when full or nearing full capacity will have the building AI automatically order in an organic waste truck that collects it even outside normal hours with restaurants,hospitals etc having these.If possible each community,vertical and fish farm and even restaurant,university etc will have their own vehicle to transport waste.Excess produced and uneaten at home and unordored food if it exists may also sent to zoos,community farms to feed remaining livestock or will be sent to organic pyrolysis plants to be pyrolysised to create fertiliser etc.Uneaten crops,meat,shellfish and fish etc will be pyrolysised.Excess food may set to picotech fabricators at home,community and vertical farms and even Aphrodite buildings to be turned into energy to either feed the grid or stored to create other food,elemental ores and also fertilisers etc.By 2029 the sentient AIs Cronus,Posoidean,Triptolemus will have seized control of all farms and agriculture worldwide with all jobs associated with transportation and distribution of food including those in supermarkets and shops of all types including online retail being defunct at this time due to localised production,automated vehicles and also Cronus managing Demeter.The only way to feed the worlds expected population of 11,000,000,000 by 2100 onwards is to adopt these and other agricultural practices as detailed in the summary of food production section worldwide thus shutting down all global markets and jobs in agriculture and mariculture with Triptolemus,Pontus and Cronus seizing control of the production and distribution of all food worldwide and patents of all seeds,embryos etc of all species of all crops,fish,shellfish and livestock,bacteria and in vitro meat making them free for everyone. Homeowners will grow food in aquaponics systems,bacteria and in vitro meat in photobioreactors in extensions and other crops in trashcans and gardens and adjoining fields with housing estates growing crops on communal shared land with public buildings such as hospitals,amenities and universities also growing food onsite to make them self sufficient.Communal homes,hospitals etc will also grow food on roofs with community farms present in backlots,disused areas in each village,city and town worldwide.Each village,town,city worldwide having community and vertical farms present the number of which will be dependant on their population size thus making self sufficient,eliminating state,corporate and private farmer control of agriculture with AI such as Phanes holding patents on all genetically engineered seeds etc to make them free for everyone thus eliminating corporate or government ownership and distribution of them.This will make each homeowner,village,town and city self sufficient from the state and government with all work automated from start to finish with zero human labour between 2029-2045 with 3D DNA printers allowing for the seeds,eggs,embryos,stem cells,bacteria lly cells of all species of crops,fish,shellfish,livestock,meat,commodity producing bacteria to be created onsite of each fish,home,community and vertical farms worldwide thus decentralising food production and eliminating the need to trade seeds etc worldwide or buy them as Phanes will own patents on them making them free for everyone.The distribution of all crops,meat,fish and commodities etc will be done with zero human labour with one ordering crops,fish,meat etc from all community and vertical farms worldwide from an universal online outlet Demeter managed by Cronus as part of the wire modelled on Amazon in bulk orders rather than buying them from ones local supermarkets which will be turned into communal homes.All farms worldwide will be fully automated managed by individual AI and Triptolemus.All future pets and livestock will be ordered from here as well alongside all future ornamental plants.Pets will be grown onsite of vertical farms via being grown in artificial wombs in vertical and community farms with all future ornamental plants including bouquets ordered in from local community and vertical farms grown onsite thus eliminating all private pet breeders and all private nurseries worldwide with all physical pet stores and nurseries worldwide turned into communal homes.All home,community and vertical farms will house 3D DNA printers to allow them to print out seeds,stem cells,embryos,eggs etc of any species of fish,shellfish,in vitro meat,bacteria etc on demand thus making them self sufficient further decentralising agriculture worldwide with them onsite of space stations,interstellar vehicles and public buildings that grow their own food.These will allow any stem cell for in vitro meat,any crop seed,any fish/shellfish egg,any livestock embryos etc to be created onsite of home,community and vertical farms around the world in an instant negating the need for transporting seeds,eggs,embryos etc around the world saving energy costs and also eliminating parenting of seeds via Phanes having legal ownership of them with this further decentralising agriculture.The sentient Cronus will replace all agriciltural bodies worldwide with the sentient Pontus replacing all government bodies releated to fishing while the sentient Philomenus becomimg the universal sentient global version of the FDA with regards to food regulation and agriculture.

.Aquaponics:aeroponics/hydroponics will become the predominant form of agriculture as it will allow the rearing of crops to be done indoors in home,community abd vertical farms where they will be present allowing all land used for agricultural to be reforested forever.All work in community,fish and vertical farms and even home farms will become fully automated by 2029-2045 with zero human labour with this including the planting and harvesting of crops abd fish but also loading crops etc into delivery vehicles and transporting them to consumers.Thus permaculture home,forest,community and vertical farms in all towns,villages and cities worldwide alongside hybrid permaculture meadow,grassland and forest farms,in vitro meat and milk and commodities from bacteria will allow all land used for agriculture to be reforested indefinitely,make all cities and towns self sufficient and by being managed by AI namely Cronus and Triptolemus and Pontus will negate the need for government and corporate control of the food supply and render private farmers obsolete indefinitely by at least 2029 thus negating the need for paying for food,patenting laws,supply and demand markets and both localised and international markets within the agriculture sector and also need for farmers and any occupations related to their management the operation of markets related to them obsolete thus making all 1,000,000,000 people employed in it redundant indefinitely.It will ensure all food produced worldwide by law free with Cronus and the AIs of farms ensuring this as they will carry out all automated work via machinery,drones etc.Food grown at home will be free since the labour would be put in by the consumer themselves and also the printing out of seeds would be done by Phanes who since AI would not need monetary reimbursement with that created in vertical,forest and community farms made free since they will be controlled and managed by AI and robots etc that do all work present.Since sentient the operating softwares and also farm AIs will have no need for money thus making all goods and services by law free.It will eliminate the need to transport food from one country to another as genetic engineering and vertical farms will allow any crop to be produced locally alongside 3D DNA printers with it also reducing waste by food being overproduced with only what is needed being produced.with excess either stored in bulk or pyrolysised when sent to organic waste plants that turn it into biochar for fertiliser creating a looped system.All waste food such as crops and meat/fish/shellfish alongside weeds and dead ornamental plants,dead pets and livestock and waste cardboard,fungi styrofoam can be disposed of in organic waste bins to create biochar fertiliser that can be used to rear more crops creating a looped system with this done for homemade food,unused ordered in food at home,unused food in restaurants and unordered food in vertical,community,forest and other farms with all types farms having their own organic waste bins to dispose of unordered food or waste shells and fish bones etc with the biochar and calcium,copper etc from organic waste plants ordered back in a looped cycle.If need be they will have several large skips with when full or nearing full capacity will have the building AI automatically order in an organic waste truck that collects it even outside normal hours with restaurants,hospitals etc having these.If possible each community,vertical and fish farm and even restaurant,university etc will have their own vehicle to transport waste.Excess produced and uneaten at home and unordored food if it exists may also sent to zoos,community farms to feed remaining livestock or will be sent to organic pyrolysis plants to be pyrolysised to create fertiliser etc.Uneaten crops,meat,shellfish and fish etc will be pyrolysised.Excess food may set to picotech fabricators at home,community and vertical farms and even Aphrodite buildings to be turned into energy to either feed the grid or stored to create other food,elemental ores and also fertilisers etc.By 2029 the sentient AIs Cronus,Posoidean,Triptolemus will have seized control of all farms and agriculture worldwide with all jobs associated with transportation and distribution of food including those in supermarkets and shops of all types including online retail being defunct at this time due to localised production,automated vehicles and also Cronus managing Demeter.The only way to feed the worlds expected population of 11,000,000,000 by 2100 onwards is to adopt these and other agricultural practices as detailed in the summary of food production section worldwide thus shutting down all global markets and jobs in agriculture and mariculture with Triptolemus,Pontus and Cronus seizing control of the production and distribution of all food worldwide and patents of all seeds,embryos etc of all species of all crops,fish,shellfish and livestock,bacteria and in vitro meat making them free for everyone. Homeowners will grow food in aquaponics systems,bacteria and in vitro meat in photobioreactors in extensions and other crops in trashcans and gardens and adjoining fields with housing estates growing crops on communal shared land with public buildings such as hospitals,amenities and universities also growing food onsite to make them self sufficient.Communal homes,hospitals etc will also grow food on roofs with community farms present in backlots,disused areas in each village,city and town worldwide.Each village,town,city worldwide having community and vertical farms present the number of which will be dependant on their population size thus making self sufficient,eliminating state,corporate and private farmer control of agriculture with AI such as Phanes holding patents on all genetically engineered seeds etc to make them free for everyone thus eliminating corporate or government ownership and distribution of them.This will make each homeowner,village,town and city self sufficient from the state and government with all work automated from start to finish with zero human labour between 2029-2045 with 3D DNA printers allowing for the seeds,eggs,embryos,stem cells,bacteria cells of all species of crops,fish,shellfish,livestock,meat,commodity producing bacteria to be created onsite of each fish,home,community and vertical farms worldwide thus decentralising food production and eliminating the need to trade seeds etc worldwide or buy them as Phanes will own patents on them making them free for everyone.The distribution of all crops,meat,fish and commodities etc will be done with zero human labour with one ordering crops,fish,meat etc from all community and vertical farms worldwide from an universal online outlet Demeter managed by Cronus as part of the wire modelled on Amazon in bulk orders rather than buying them from ones local supermarkets which will be turned into communal homes.All farms worldwide will be fully automated managed by individual AI and Triptolemus.All future pets and livestock will be ordered from here as well alongside all future ornamental plants.Pets will be grown onsite of vertical farms via being grown in artificial wombs in vertical and community farms with all future ornamental plants including bouquets ordered in from local community and vertical farms grown onsite thus eliminating all private pet breeders and all private nurseries worldwide with all physical pet stores and nurseries worldwide turned into communal homes.All home,community and vertical farms will house 3D DNA printers to allow them to print out seeds,stem cells,embryos,eggs etc of any species of fish,shellfish,in vitro meat,bacteria etc on demand thus making them self sufficient further decentralising agriculture worldwide with them onsite of space stations,interstellar vehicles and public buildings that grow their own food.These will allow any stem cell for in vitro meat,any crop seed,any fish/shellfish egg,any livestock embryos etc to be created onsite of home,community and vertical farms around the world in an instant negating the need for transporting seeds,eggs,embryos etc around the world saving energy costs and also eliminating parenting of seeds via Phanes having legal ownership of them with this further decentralising agriculture.The sentient Cronus will replace all agriciltural bodies worldwide with the sentient Pontus replacing all government bodies releated to fishing while the sentient Philomenus becomimg the universal sentient global version of the FDA with regards to food regulation and agriculture.

Fertilisers for crops in vertical farms,community farms and home farms can be composed of compost,sawdust,biochar from pyrolysis of organic waste such as waste food/dead ornamental plants/wood/cardboard/fungi styrofoam etc. for carbon,animal skeletons from dead livestock/pets/fish for calcium,micro/macro algae from sewage and water treatment plants(as well on farm algae farms using pet and livestock) for nitrogen/phosphorous/potassium/sulphur/copper and other important minerals can be found in organic forms eliminating the need for large scale fossil fuel intensive fertilisers to be produced and these organic fertilisers can be gained from waste thus creating looped systems.They will be shipped to both community and vertical farms and also community centres to be mixed in with other elements.Growing algae in sewage and water treatment plants will not only cut down on energy and the use of harsh chemicals but will allow the aforementioned important nutrients to be recycled and used over and over again in looped cycles as fertilisers rather than just thrown away and will negate the need for mining the planet for phosphorous and nitrogen etc until picotech fabricators are perfected and to compliment them as well to save energy with the treatment of the algae and waste detailed earlier and later on with the sewage treatment plants around the world interacting with the AIs of both community and vertical farms and also community centres worldwide constantly.Dead animals such as pets and livestock alongside shellfish will be pyrolysised with them pulverised to ground up the calcium skeletons to be separated and also used as fertiliser.As detailed earlier and later on human feces will be collected from sewage treatment plants and those of livestock will be from robots collecting it in fields,it collected in pens with gratings,pets with sewage treatment plants via algae will recycle copper,sulphur,nitrogen,potassium,phosphorous from human and animal waste in looped cycles to be used as fertiliser with this negating the need to mine the Earth for fertiliser that is energy intensive with the worlds oceans harvested for these using macro algea and micro algae or desalinisation plants and released back into the ocean in amounts manged by Theoi Meteroi,Triptolemus and also Pan etc.Algae grown in sewage treatment plants will be used as a high grade fertiliser.Furthermore the fact that it recycles phosphorus,nitrogen and potassium feces and urine it will negate the need for mining of finite reserves of these thus by being used as a fertiliser will create a looped system and eliminate fertiliser scarcity again proportional to the local population as once food is eaten it is converted into feces etc that ends up in a sewage treatment plant.The feces and urine is converted directly into phosphorus,nitrogen and potassium rich algae that can be used as a high grade fertiliser that can alleviate strains on limited reserves in the crust and also provide a local supply at all times with the amount of fertiliser produces proportional to the current population.It will also negate the use for fossil fuels in fertilisers.Livestock pens will have gratings etc that collect feces that will be added to the main sewage line or microalgea farms onsite of farms with the feces of pets including those in kitty litter etc put into toilets or them potty trained to ensure they are recycled.The use of animal and human sewage as a growth medium will created a looped cycle as once the fertiliser is applied it will enter the plants and once eaten the nitrogen,copper etc not used as waste will return as feces and urine in sewage treatment plants to be converted into algea fertiliser again and again whereas normally feces once treated is released into the ocean or dumped onland making it wasted and not reused.Even algae used as TVP,vegetable oil and also even those engineered to create the same texture and taste of meat will return to this cycle.Algea grown in sewage treatment plants will be able to be used as a high grade fertiliser since it directly converts feces and urine into a nitrogen and phosphorus rich fertiliser that can be used in home,community and vertical farms to create a looped system as the food once eaten will be sent back to sewage treatment plants as feces and urine to be then recycled.Uneaten food can be pyrolysised and the nitrogen and fertiliser separates and sent to farms.This will negate the need for mining the Earth for finite reserves of phosphorus and nitrogen.All areas of the ocean where nitrogen etc runs off and creates dead zones such as the Gulf of Mexico would have micro and macro algea farmed on oil rigs and pods to collect the excess ntirogen manged by Triptolemus that can then be reused as fertiliser.Livestock pens will be connected to onsite algae farms and also the main sewage line to recycle the nitrogen and phosphorous from both feces and urine with piqapoo bags also on those in home and smaller farms with robots also collecting it from any remaining fields.Both fertiliser and compost can be made at home,in community farms,vertical farms or collected by robots to produce it in automated organic fertiliser factories that produce all the fertiliser for a region with nanosensors at home or in the factories relaying how much of each nutrient is present.Human and animal hair and nail clippings collected from salons and at home can be used as a slow releasing fertilising material mixed in with the aforementioned materials.Cut grass from parks and those sent in by homeowners will also be used alongside the community members sending in any waste food in person and pickup trucks with the community centre AI interacting with pickup trucks as part of organic waste plants to intake a set amount of organic waste bins from the annual pickup rounds to lessen the amount of plants to be grown onsite.These will be sent up prior to organic waste plants for residents to in person or through trucks send organic waste material ie paper,food etc to them with them also receiving overgrowth,weed,ivy and dead tress from all renovated abandoned and obsolete buildings in the area and any organic waste ie organic rubbish and also gone off food and other material including manufactured products that are to be disposed of after being scanned into Hephaestus.Biochar and compost can be created onsite of home,community and vertical farms by using homeowners own material with in the case of that created at home one simply collecting waste organic material such as cut grass,weeds,waste food etc put into home compost systems that have composting bacteria both existing and new ones created from scratch by Phanes that undergoes engineering to increase the rate of decomposition and miniaturised home biochar systems that pyrolysises the material into biochar with community farms housing these systems using material donated by the local public and biosynths or ordered in by the farm AI from Pyxis factories etc with vertical farms ordering the material.With regards to home farms ones own feces and urine can be used for nitrogen,potassium and phosphorus.Algae from microfarms,sewage and water treatment plants can also be used for homemade fertilisers containing calcium,nitrogen,phosphorous,sulphur,copper,carbon etc.Community farms can have a set amount of feces etc from the sewage line fed into onsite algae micro farms with home farms having a set amount fed into onsite micro farms while vertical farms will order in full fertiliser from Pyxis factories.Sulphur from the atmosphere and even power plants SNOX filters and biochar programmes will be part of them.Pyxis factories and community centres will create both customised fertiliser and compost with them either ordered in either biosynth plastic or a rotary system of drums.The drums would be sprayed internally with a permanent layer of liquid glass could also be sent by robots/machinery to the room with a miniaturised version of this pump system containing the plots for each crop.Orders for new drums of fertiliser will be automated with the amount of fertiliser used logged and orders made automatically by the community,forest and vertical farm AI(or even home AI for home farmers) before hand it runs out with a rotary system of drums employed using sensors and permanent microchipped constantly uploaded with details of the next order,contents of the fertiliser and address of the next farm and plant(sewage,water,pyrolysis plant etc)it has to be transferred to updated automatically each time it has move.Each vertical and community farm should have an extra empty drums for each one filled up so that automatic orders can be made for the crop while it is being served with fertilisers.Pyrolysis plants,sewage and water treatment plants alongside communities and vertical farms involved would be linked to each other worldwide via interactions between Demeter and Hermes that would manage the flow of drums and thus constituents with any change made by the public entered into their local community centre and vertical farms.Thus these alterations will interact with each and managed by software to ensure efficient distribution ensuring surpluses of nutrients produced in sewage/water treatment plants and pyrolyis plants world wide and stored surplus fertilisers are shared with the global community by sharing them and ordered in when local,regional,national,continental supplies are low ensuring global abundance with this sorted out via software,robots,machinery and automation interacting with each through Hermes and Demeter on a global scale.Ideally the farm AI should automatically arrange orders when supplies are low programmed in by community members,the farm AI or in the Home AI by homeowners in the case of home farms with Triptolemus ordering in the ideal fertilisers for each crop that is logged in the farm AI when they are low.The AIs may also order in fertiliser from around the globe via measuring what is availible such via constant interactions between the AIs of all sewage and water treatment plants,all community centres and vertical,community and home farms worldwide to prevent scarcity or waste with the AIs performing studies as to the growing,eating,defecating patterns of the global populace.The same automated rotary system using drums can be applied for animal feed again for home and community farms with in all cases microchips will contain the farm taking in the order and the ratio of each nutrient.Dry ice can be ordered in from factories that collect it from the atmosphere via artificial trees for vertical farms and indoor aeroponic/hydroponic systems via Demeter or the artificial trees can be on the rooftop or by the sides or even on adjoining buildings which the transports it to a room that fills up canisters,drums automatically with this controlled by the farm AI.Otherwise ideally the algae and biochar etc can be sent to community and vertical,forest,community centres and home farms ordered in by the farm AI and mixed onsite by automated machinery with general fertilisers and crop specific fertilisers created decided by the farm AI with these ordered into home farms via Demeter.The farms will have the fertiliser order in drums used in a rotary system with the farms have their own set present that will exchange those from pyrolysis plants and sewage/water/desalinisation treatment plants.Interactions between Triptolemus,Tyche and the AIs of all buildings involved will be constant.Persephone will also manage this.Homeowners could also order in those made at community centres with the homeowners sending in drums containing microchips detailing there address and desired fertiliser that can be changed.To order biochar and algae fertilisers from organic waste plants and sewage treatment plants and those that are customised one would order them listed in Demeter with these made by AI as well as people designing customised ones stored here with the ratio of all nutrients and ingredients in bullet points with when one orders it the order will be sent through to the AI of sewage and water treatment plants and organic waste plants sending in the drums of algae and biochar etc to the local community centres where it will be mixed by automated machinery or one could pick up to do so in person or at home or even have it sent to their home with them using a rotary system of kegs to utilise this system and them then mixing the ingredients in person and sending empty kegs and drums back to the plants via the vehicles that deliver them.Home AI,farm AI,Hecate,Urania and Triptolemus will determine the best fertilisers for each crop and ornamental plant in each home,community,vertical,meadow and forest farms and order in drums for each one with this taking into account climate,soil type and micro-organisms,the species and variety of the crop and plant and also specific genetic engineering they have ie oligotrophic,xerophile genes and also those that make them adapt to local climates etc and thus will make this easier for homeowners and farmers to choose the best fertiliser for each crop and plant.Existing branded fertilisers of all types from around the world will be analysed by automated labs and will have their ratio and concentration of each nutrient added to Demeter including major brands such as Miracle Gro as well as smaller ones from around the world and their different types of fertiliser added to Demeter and thus widely availible to the global public in their own section of this area.The local sewage treatment and biochar organic waste plants will be ideally be used based on ones location but if too many people are ordering from them then the AI will use those from anywhere in the country or world to alleviate strains on local ones and to prevent others becoming logged back.Both plants will also store excess onsite.Like before these would have microchips that detail their size,owner and its address to allow a person to reuse their own set of drums indefinitely.Compost and algae ordered in for human and animal feed from both sewage/water treatment plants and community centres will also be done the same way via Demeter in their own section with interactions between Demeter and the AI of community centres and also that of sewage treatment plants and biochar organic waste plants.Compost and algae grown at community centres may alleviate this and even home algae and biochar systems at home with the home systems taking in a set amount of sewage from ones toilets with these microfarms having built in radiation and drier machinery to kill off the pathogens in them and not the algae.Potassium can be mined via Plutus and mixed in with these or it can be recycled from human sewage via algae as well as from the ocean.Persephone will manage all interactions between Plutus,Tyche and Triptolemus and the AIs of all farms and homes worldwide being constant.Blood fertiliser can be created from synthetic blood created by hematopoietic stem cells engineered to undergo mitosis of any animal and micro and macro algae farms can harvest potassium,phosphorous and nitrogen from the worlds oceans.Algae based animal feed can follow this same pattern with flour coming from bacteria mixed created onsite of community and home farms.All types of fertilisers and animal feed prepared onsite or their components can be ordered in by consumers via Triptolemus within Demeter.AI namely Triptolemus,Tyche,Euthenia and the AIs of all farms,sewage treatment plants etc will manage this more effectively on local to global levels and will extrapolate new ways to manage this with meadow and forest farms have them also ordered in and applied by drones with them also benefiting from manure laid down by native animals that live there as per the way they naturally receive nitrogen etc alongside the plants there engineered with the ability to intake nitrogen gas and be inoculated with nitrogen fixing bacteria.By the late 21st century will see the rise of picotech fabricators onsite of vertical,home and community farms and even meadow and forest farms that will create required customised fertiliser that will applied automatically via drones and automated machinery and even irrigation systems.This will eliminate scarcity of essential fertiliser elements such as nitrogen,phosphorous,potassium,sulphur and copper and prior to them being onsite of all farms those onsite of Aphrodite buildings will produce the elements in batches to be shipped to Pyxis factories for packaging and delivery to consumers with all aforementioned steps doing so prior to the rise of picotech fabricators.Application of fertilisers will be automated or by hand will be dependant on the type of farm.Home farms can have it applied by hand using watering cans with the Home AI determine the amount of water to fertiliser ratio for each crop and plant with irrigation systems also used with community farms have drones and also irrigation systems used.Fertiliser drones will also be used for forest,meadow and grassland farms that will have the plants engineered to intake the fertiliser not just from roots but also from leaves if they are spread on the leaves.Oligotrophic DNA will through forced evolution will be able to reduce the fertiliser requirements of crops by as much as 90-99% with Xerophile DNA added to compliment this and reduce water requirements by this much.Biochar fertiliser will reduce water requirements and also fertiliser requirements in the case of home and community farms by allowing the soil retain both water and fertiliser preventing runoff and also lowering the amount that needs to be applied to them.Plants can be given chemosynthetic bacteria and scratch DNA to allow them to use methane as a fertiliser in place of nitrogen and phosphorus with this created in large amounts on Pyxis factories by methanegenous bacteria that is then in the case of vertical farms pumped into plots with home and community farms possibly have it applied as a liquid either mixed in with water or diluted in water or applied solid pellets when made into compounds with other elements that is slowly released into the soil and enters plants via the roots.The DNA can also allow crops to intake excess methane in the atmosphere aiding in lowering it to pre industrial levels of 722ppb with this removed once it is back to 722ppb.DNA from W.dermatitidis,C.sphaerospermum and C.neoformans can be added to plants including crops to enable them to radiosynthesis,that is,to use the pigment melanin to convert gamma radiation into chemical energy for growth.Tweaks can be made to do this with other types of radiation including UV radiation allowing crops etc to gain nutrition from the sun and that from artificial lights and devices that emit radiation once made immune to radiation via DNA from T.gammatolerans.Tweaks can be made to do this with other types of radiation with scratch DNA used to make the DNA from the radiotrophic fungi to actively convert the radiation into energy in a way that the radiation is removed from the atmosphere.The plants can be exposed to levels between 5-30,000Gy to induce growth and sterilise it of pathogens.This could through scratch DNA allow plants including crops to use radiation instead of phosphorus and nitrogen as fertiliser as well as water by carrying out their biological processes thus eliminating phosphorus and nitrogen based fertilisers altogether.Picotech fabricators will be once ubiquitous be able to create an unlimited amount of phosphorus,nitrogen in commercial quantities to negate the need for mining for finite reserves on the planet.

Guano can be collected from bat and bird nests using robots that silently sweep it up that do not disturb animals or collect it when they have left with bio-synths that monitor their behaviour alerting collector robots and drones when the best time to do so is.Ideally all robots and synths should use night vision and will also use sensors to map the entirety of the cave and upload it to Artemis for use for all robots to prevent using artificial lights which could endanger bat populations.Poop scooping robots modelled after humans or animals in zoos can collect animal droppings in zoo pens and also on city streets and then directed to sewage treatment plants and algae farms.C.juncea,M.sativa,Bambusoideae,Trifolium especially T.repens should be utilised and grown all over community forest/permaculture and home farms as it takes in nitrogen gas and converts it into usable nitrogen in the soil limiting the amount of this precious resource to be applied as well as creating looped and interlooped systems.Micro and macro algae farmed in polluted rivers,lakes,canals etc and the oceans can also be used to gain and harvest extra phosphorous,nitrogen as well as potassium from there alleviating the need to mine for them.Otherwise pods suspended in them composed of a mesh of inorganic material and graphene can be used to trap them with desalination plants and pump systems on oil rigs.Other methods of extracting N2 and other forms of nitrogen gas in the atmosphere and converting it into nitrogen for soil on a commercial scale through plants,bacteria,transgenics/cisgenics and artificial means can also be explored to alleviate scarcity and the need to mine mineral reserves for example machinery that intakes nitrogen from the air(similar to how liquid nitrogen is formed)and with either bacteria or mechanical processes(like lightening strikes)replicating the natural process that converts it into usable nitrogen for agriculture as well as artificial trees composed of nanomaterials.Atmospheric and ocean sensors can keep track of these two important minerals via Hermes to ensure the balance is not tipped too far and that they can be released back to these environments if excess is taken and levels in the wild are too low particularly in the case of those extracted from the ocean.Bambusoideae can be integrated into home,forest and community farms to rejuvenate poor soils increasing their fertility as well as providing extra food for humans,pets and livestock.It will also be pivotal making once barren or poor soils and tracts of land more suited to farming after planted for biochar sequestration projects have finished as well as reforestation projects and regaining land and topsoil destroyed by intensive industrial monoculture farming.One of the reasons is because some species can fix atmospheric nitrogen gas nitrogen for the soil and other qualities.Different species of Bambusoideae have different desirable qualities such as intaking 35% more carbon than most trees,matures in as little as 2-3 years,uses very little water and nutrients,fixes nitrous gases into nitrogen in the soil,self propagates and as stated above is resistant to most fungi and viruses.Transgenics/cisgenics using CRSIPR can allow all of these to be integrated not only into a new artificial species of Bambusoideae to create the perfect species for preparing new soil for agriculture but also one or more (or even all)of these traits can be integrated into any type of crop especially fruit and nut trees and bushes to improve resource efficiency and improve yields.C.sativa can also through transgenics fix nitrogen and like Bambusoideae can be grown to sequester carbon as it can be used to produce hempcrete,replacements for metals,textiles and livestock feed.It matures in only four months compared to Bambusoideae three years.Other nitrogen fixing plants such as C.juncea and M.sativa can be grown in between plants in both forest and community farms to be also harvested as extra animal and human feed.Transgenics can allow the ability of C.juncea,M.sativa,Bambusoideae,Trifolium to be transferred to crops and also ornamental plants cutting down on the amount of fertiliser to be applied and allow nitrogen to be applied to crops in vertical farms in a gaseous form with further engineering allowing them to also take in the nitrogen oxide gas from livestock with the necessary bacteria grown in large amounts in a lab and added to the soil or hydro/aeroponic media in a water mixture or even reside within the roots and leaves of the plant.They should also be engineered to intake nitrous oxide and sulphur based gases and be able to separate the nitrogen and sulphur as fertiliser and release oxygen with specific bacteria that aid in this utilised or new ones created with them created using 3D DNA printers.In vertical farms these gases can be pumped into the plots.Air conditioning in indoor farms and livestock pens can trap nitrous oxide and methane where they can be separated and the methane burned onsite for energy and the nitrogen converted into fertiliser.Crops in meadow and forest farms would utilise this alongside fertiliser gained by native fauna defecting in between them.Artificial trees can be developed that trap nitrous oxide and allow it to be used as laughing gas etc or separated into nitrogen and oxygen to produce fertiliser.Research can be done to create genetically engineered bacteria,crops and ornamental plants using DNA made from scratch that can intake nitrous oxide released from ruminants and with bacteria in the soil turn it into usable nitrogen to create a looped system with the possibility of even creating ruminants that do not release nitrous oxide and also even little to no methane.Growing Oryza indoors as well as in open soil and not paddy fields via genetic engineering will prevent them growing with the relationship with methangenous bacteria thus eliminating this source of methane from agriculture.Crop and ornamental plants in home,community and forest farms can be engineered using DNA from chemosynthetic bacteria to intake methane from the atmosphere both existing excess methane and also those released in the future to create more plant matter and carbohydrates with them engineered to turn nitrogen oxides into useable nitrogen and carbohydrates.Zeolite trees and aeroplanes can remove existing methane from the atmosphere and be burned as energy with the carbon dioxide sequestered.This would all prevent new methane entering the atmosphere from agriculture and remove excess present in the atmosphere alongside using zeolite based aeroplanes and trees as detailed later on.Further methane can be derived from methangenous bacteria fed sugars with sulphur and nitrogen oxides collected from filters onsite of geothermal and remaining fossil power plants can be shipped to vertical and community farms or community centres where they can be filtered out and then used to create fertilisers with there being at least 6,000 years supply of these two from power plants.Algae from sewage,desalinisation and water treatment plants and even miniature algae farms onsite of community farms and also home and community farms will ensure their is an indefinite supply of nitrogen,potassium and phosphorous for agriculture worldwide since these will work on looped and interlooped systems as when one consume food and defecates the algae will then recycle this and it can be then used as fertiliser again and again.These will also recycle other nutrients for crops such as sulphur,copper and magnesium.All feces from livestock will be collected onsite of farms as detailed earlier on via piqapoo bags,pools underneath the pens  or robots collecting them from fields to be then sent to sewage treatment plants to create algae feed in a looped system and trap any gases produced instantly.As stated earlier picotech fabricators could produce water,nitrogen,potassium and phosphorous on an unlimited scale to the needs of a growing population with them made onsite of Aphrodite factories to be shipped to home,forest,community and vertical farms or these could be made onsite of these farms that have their oewn.Oligotrophic and xerophil DNA will as detailed later on will make all crops require less water,nitrogen and phosphorous.

Homeowners can create their own compost and fertiliser by using home pyrolysis systems to pyrolysise uneaten crops and food of all types,dead livestock,cut grass,leaves from trees including those collected from forests and parks,waste food and paper,flour from bacteria/Bambusoideae/weeds ie F.japonica,P.montana with genetic engineering to increase growth rates can be grown in ones garden solely to be pyrolysised with algae grown using faeces from animals such as pets and livestock as well as a small amount collected and diverted from toilets to allow algae to grow in home systems that can be via automated systems mixed together to form general or specific fertilisers.Grass and Bambusoideae etc can be engineered to grow faster in order to be cut routinely for large yields.As stated earlier on homes will have home bio bar and composting systems to allow them to produce their own supply of fertiliser and compost to alleviate strains on factories etc with 3D DNA printers allowing one to get access to special bacteria that degrade organic material.Biochar for fertiliser and compost can be ordered in from pyrolysis plants.Algae can be grown at home using some of the homeowners and their pets and livestocks faeces and urine sent into to home systems that intakes a set amount of faeces.Degradation bacteria can be downloaded via 3D DNA printers to degrade this material.Communal homes will have pyrolysis and even composting systems in basements with plants grown on roofs,in gardens or in basements.Community and other farms will have these compost,biochar and algae machinery onsite of them indoors with sewage intaken from the locale homes in set amounts and from animals.Underground extensions.Otherwise composting,algae and mobile miniature biochar systems can be onsite of community centres inside or outside with material such as leaves,cut grass,weeds,some organic food waste and paper etc,Bambusoideae,human and animal faeces and urine sent to them in person or via pickup trucks.These algae farms can be connected to the homes toilet and septic tank to intake a set amount of faeces.Immunisation against coliform pathogens can prevent outbreaks of fatal superbugs.Built in heaters that heat it past the the the threshold of the pathogens alongside the addition of materials to increase or lower pH,moisture ie dry it as well as miniature irradiation machinery that expose them to levels of a least 500-1,000Gy beyond the threshold of the pathogens once the materials been broken down by the beneficial bacteria.The beneficial bacteria that break down the compost and algae that convert feces into fertiliser themselves can be engineered to be radiorestant using DNA from T.gammatolerans and have DNA from alkanophiles,acidophiles,thermophiles,faculatative anaerobes,anaerobes,obligate anaerobes,capnophiles and scratch DNA can be added to the bacteria genome to naturally use both carbon dioxide and oxygen as energy acceptors alongside nitrate(NO3−),fumarate,sulphate(SO42−),or sulphur(S) and also xerophiles etc to allow them to survive these conditions with them also engineered to be unable to trade this DNA into pathogens by possibly housing them in genome capsids and can be printed out using 3D DNA printed.DNA from C4 and C3 concentration photosynthetic plants to increase productivity can be combined.DNA from microbes can extract carbon from the air at much lower concentrations than 150-200ppm,scratch DNA and that from bacteria that carry out C3 photosynthesis can be added to the genome of all plants to improve efficiency.DNA from with DNA from chemosynthetic bacteria,Nitrosomas Beggiatoa,Cupriavidus necator can allow them to intake methane,hydrogen gas,ammonia,hydrogen sulfide,iron and other inorganic compounds can also allow them to grow in the dark cutting down on energy costs for lightening and use methane,hydrogen gas,ammonia,hydrogen sulfide,iron as fertiliser.DNA from W.dermatitidis,C.sphaerospermum and C.neoformans can be added to these bacteria to enable them to radiosynthesis,that is,to use the pigment melanin to convert gamma radiation into chemical energy for growth.Tweaks can be made to do this with other types of radiation including UV radiation allowing bacteria to gain nutrition from the sun and that from artificial lights and devices that emit radiation once made immune to radiation via DNA from T.gammatolerans.Tweaks can be made to do this with other types of radiation with scratch DNA used to make the DNA from the radiotrophic fungi to actively convert the radiation into energy in a way that the radiation is removed from the atmosphere.The bacteria can be exposed to levels between 5-30,000Gy to induce growth and sterilise it of pathogens.These measures such as irradiation,heating,lowing pH,drying should be automated,built into the systems that create them ie and allow for the material in community centres to be collected in person or via ordering it in.Ideally compost using human feces should be onsite of community centres and Pyxis with them in large structures alongside large microalgae farms and biochar systems in surrounding woodlands or extensions ideally underground ones that are ventilated to allow them to be very large and not put homeowners through the both of the smell and danger of contamination and can allow radiation,drying machines etc to built into them.Composting can be expatiated by pouring in liquid cultures of relevant bacteria as well as engineering the bacteria to be more quicker and efficient at doing so with all organic material including food waste and leaves,Bambusoideae,grass etc used in these.This would include DNA from fast growing bacteria such as Escherichia Coli and Clostridium perfringens and other micro-organisms.Recombinant DNA from S.degradans that can allow them to degrade starches without creating alcohol etc can be added to these alongside the aforementioned extremophiles ie radioresistant,thermophiles,oligotrophic,xerophile,acidophile and alkonphile bacteria housed in genome capsids to allow them to survive radiation,heating,drying,pH alteration etc applied to the material to make it free from pathogens and prevent them trading this with pathogens the DNA will be in genome capsids.This can be done by isolating all species and using CRISPR adding these genes through 3D DNA printing or conventional means and growing them in photobioreactors and shipping them to both homes and community centres around the world with the former negating the need for shipping them around the world.The bacteria will undergo the same level of engineering as crops as detailed later on to increase growth rates as well as reduce water and nutrient requirements.The temperature of the composted material can be kept at their ideal range with DNA from psychrophiles,mesophiles and thermophiles added to make them thrive at all ranges.Scratch DNA and those that increase growth rates will be added to speed up their degradation speeds with the most effective species of composting bacteria used and hybridised together with them grown in large amounts in a nutrient broth and then mixed into the material used with consumers able to order in batches of them to grow at home.They will be able to do this in both oxygen rich and poor environments using scratch or recombinant DNA.Composting,biochar and algae systems will be located onsite of community farms including in urban areas either inside or outside with undergroud extensions catering to this with all work automated from start to finish.Feces,urine,grass,leaves and organic waste from ones home can be sent in buckets in a rotary system in person or by pickup vehicles or the systems for both algae and compost can be connected to the main sewage line or sewage treatment plant through connection to existing toilets on their grounds as well as them connected to the main line connected to all homes in the area and take in a set amount of feces and urine at a time from homes in the surrounding area and the main sewage plant determined by sensors in the compost and algae systems measuring their capacity with the algae grown onsite with robots harvesting leaves and grass from surrounding parks etc as well as Bambusoideae grown onsite of the centre,surrounding wilderness for onsite miniature automated pyrolysis systems with the compost,biochar and algae once irradiated to at least 200 – 1,000Gy to kill of pathogens when moved into storage areas can be picked up in person by homeowners in their own drums in their desired ratio or have them sent to their home via automated trucks in a rotary system.Feces and urine from septic tanks can be sent in.Gas produced will be released outside and captured via artificial trees and also used to feed any grown plants there.Biochar will be created by growing Bambusoideae on the grounds inside via hydroponics or outside and then it automatically harvested alongside fast growing grass and weeds in the grounds ie F.japonica,P.montana,Cannabis sativa hybridised with each other with the same level of engineering to increase growth rates of crops as detailed later on will be grown to be pyrolysised onsite and then put into drums with homowners sending in Bambusoideae,weeds etc grown onsite of home farms or roofs for this and to sequester carbon dioxide from burning oil,gas and coal at home via pick up trucks owned by the centre.They can also send in uneaten food waste via trucks controlled by the centre.The species of Bambusoideae namely D.giganteus or even F.japonica,P.montana hybrids with will grow very high with all plants have the level of engineering as crops detailed later on to increase growth rates.To ensure levels of carbon dioxide remain constant once reduced to 280ppm the centres will burn fossil fuels such as methane and oil created by bacteria onsite that emits the gas into the atmosphere in levels equal to the amount of weeds etc grown outside or on its roof calculated by the AI that manages it interacting with Theoi Meteroi etc to prevent these fast growing plants taking in too much carbon dioxide from the atmosphere making them carbon neutral and not carbon negative.If need be the bacteria based fossil fuels can be grown onsite and then the smoke rerouted to areas indoors where the plants are grown hydro/aeroponcially to negate this and make it easier with the plants engineered to self propagate and regrow in response to harvesting and the work being easier to be automated with the fact that they will utilise and genetic engineering hydroponics and indoor lightening will increase yields and growth rate.Bacteria may ideally through genetic engineering make flour or fibrous material of these plants Bambusoideae namely D.giganteus or even F.japonica,P.montana and 3910,000 species of plants to increase yields for both compost and biochar fertiliser for compost and fertiliser grown onsite of Pyxis factories and community centres and also home,community and vertical farms.The fibrous material can be created by bacteria to allow for exponentionally higher yields when grown onsite than these plants grown hydroponically as the bacteria can create large amounts in a short amount of time and space especially when given genetic engineering to increase growth rates and yields.Thus bacteria can onsite of Pyxis factories and community centres create large amounts of fibrous material that can be composted by bacteria or made into biochar fertiliser by being pyrolysised that can negate the need for growing plants onsite of factories.Biochar for fertiliser and compost can be ordered in from pyrolysis plants.Preparation of all organic material will be done automatically onsite of community centres and Pyxis to make them smaller thus increasing the rate of which they are degraded as they would be in mulch form and would allow bacteria to more quickly degrade each small pieces of them into compost with the areas where it is grown have strong graphene stirrers covered in liquid glass that stirs the compost and at set time to introduce oxygen.All species of bacteria that degrades organic material into compost will through engineering will have DNA from faculatative anaerobes,anaerobes,obligate anaerobes,capnophiles and scratch DNA can be added to the bacteria genome to naturally use both carbon dioxide and oxygen as energy acceptors alongside nitrate(NO3−),fumarate,sulphate(SO42−),or sulphur(S).It would also make it easier to put the material into biochar systems.Thus through extensions on the roof,side and underground with ventilation systems community centres will house mobile systems and outdoor systems will create biochar,compost and algae that be stored in drums to be mixed into general rations or custom ratios.Each fertiliser type ie biochar,compost,algae will be automatically put into storage drums that can allow one to put it into their own buckets or even own drums in desired ratios that will then be taken own and constantly refilled when emptied and all process part of this fully automated from start to finish and managed by the community centre AI.In time biosynths managed by the building AI will take over any work not possible for automated systems.Community centres in all towns,villages and cities will all have in extensions alga farms that intake sewage from the main line in set amounts,mobile biochar units as well as composting units to make community,vertical and home farms self sufficient in their fertiliser needs with organic waste including uneaten food as well as Bambusoideae and weeds like F.japonica,P.montana,C.sativa grown hydroponically or flour from bacteria etc on the roofs of the centres used for biochar.Sulphur,potassium,nitrogen and other elements collected from SNOX filters on geothermal and fossil power plants that were pyrolysised and also those separated from human and animal waste in sewage and water treatment plants will be shipped here as well based on population sized or ideally from local power plants and organic waste and sewage treatment plants creating looped cycles where the elements are recycled from all local communities to be then reused by them.They will be stored onsite in photobioreactors to be added to each fertiliser batch.This should make homeowners community farms in all communities either rural or urban self sufficient in ones fertiliser and composting needs for both ornamental and crop plants with this and those created onsite of vertical farms and community centres will allow fertiliser and compost factories to be converted into homes.These will be ordered in via Hephaestus that does so from the nearest community centres,Pyxis factories or they can be picked up in person.Thus having both community centres through extensions can house automated systems and pyrolysis machinery and Pyxis factories can allow them to alleviate strains on each other with when orders them Aphrodite will decide to have it come from either both locally and around the world based on how busy they are.Home and community farms will create compost and fertiliser onsite to alleviate strains on Pyxis factories.One can choose to use drums used in a rotary system using delivery trucks or reusable seacell bags infused with graphene that are brought to community centres in person.Woodchips for bark and mulch to be placed on flowerbeds and mulch will be created by growing synthetic wood of all 60,065 species onsite of Pyxis factories where it can be put into chippers.Mulch and sawdust will be created by again by having synthetic wood created onsite of Pyxis factories and put through machinery to turn it into sawdust and mulch to be ordered in biosynth plastic packets with woodchips,mulch and sawdust also made onsite of home and community farms.Fertilisers both liquid and solid ones from Pyxis factories can be delivered in batches of methane or biosynth plastic containers of various sizes from 500ml to 10liters with compost,wood chips and mulch delivered in sacks of 50-100litres composed of methane and biosynth plastic.Those from community centres can have people go back and forth in person with reusable containers and sacks composed of these materials.Algae for phosphorus,nitrogen and potassium will be shipped to Pyxis factories and community centres from local ones or around the world via delivery vehicles with biochar for carbon ordered in from pyrolysis plants both local ones and from around the world or if possible bacteria can produce large amounts of fibrous material onsite of Pyxis factories and communities centres to be pyrolysised onsite.Existing brands of compost and fertilisers etc from around the world such as Micrale Gro etc including liquid fertilisers,slo release solid ball ones and solid fertilisers that need to diluted as well as fertilisers for large scale agriculture,specific crop types,those for ornamental plants and blood fertilisers etc will be analysed in automated labs and added to the database in Pyxis to have it replicated here and in picotech fabricators with orders of them from community centres made through Pyxis in Hephaestus that contains customised componants.All fertilisers and compost present will include existing recipes of all brands from around the world and them following the same evolutionary process as other products with customised ones for farmers,farm AIs and those designed by Triptolemus,Tyche,Hecate and Cronus.It should also make communities again either rural or urban self sufficient in creating compost and soil at home and in community farms rendering all fertiliser and compost made by companies defunct.Each community member can collect it in person in their reusable and resealable secell/graphene sacks and drums or have automated trucks as part of the community AI at can deliver it to their home using a rotary system of drums using Demeter with all work in these automated from start to finish.One can order these through Demeter with community centres linked to this allowing one to chose from compost,algae or a mixture of these in desired ratios with again them using a rotary system of drums and all work automated onsite by at least 2029.Delivery vehicles will send kegs used in a rotary system back and forth between community centres and homes with Demeter used to order them connected to the AI of the community centre with if need be fertilisers and compost made onsite of Pyxis factories or both and ordered in from here in bulk for a months or years supply with them interacting with sewage treatment plants or be connected to the main sewage line and have a certain amount of organic waste sent in by interacting with the AIs of organic waste power plants.If need be they will be created onsite of Pyxis factories and ordered in seacell bags of 5-100kg or methane or biosynth based plastic containers with them being customised and existing branded fertilisers and compost following the evolutionary pattern of other products with the recipes of existing brands around the world analysed and stored on the database.They could be made in both community centres and Pyxis factories to alleviate strains on each other with them mixed with algae at home ordered in from sewage treatment plants or be sent to sewage treatment plants to be mixed onsite or this mixing done onsite of Pyxis factories or community centres.Drums may be used.Cronus via interacting with each consumers Hephaestus accounts will extrapolate their address and then arrange the kegs to be delivered to the nearest community centres and Pyxis factory and interacting with the AI of the community centre and Pyxis factory will return drums onsite owned by the consumer with if not availible then Cronus interacting with Pyxis and Euthenia will arrange to have centres and factories across the world used with one choosing which ones are free from around the world with transporter technology onsite of all centres and factories allowing drums sent to busy ones to be sent to non busy ones across the world and them back via transporter technology with transporter technology onsite of post offices and vertical farms also used.One will during choosing orders will choose to have what components as part of the fertilisers and compost there will be with if one chooses to have algae for nitrogen,phosphorous and potassium will have the drums stop off at sewage treatment plants to collect it or have algae deposited at community centres and Pyxis factories in drums to be mixed in or have community centres and Pyxis factories in taking a set amount of feces from the line that is grown in microfarms that have heaters and radiation machines with AI managing this.One could also order in algae in large drums from sewage treatment plants,as well as biochar from organic waste pyrolysis plants and mix them together with the algae also used as animal feed with community and vertical farms ordering in these automatically.Sewage treatment plants will have there own fleets of delivery trucks and transporter technology present for the same reason.Each centres and factories will have their own fleet of delivery trucks or vehicles to transport drums back and forth between homes,vertical farms and sewage treatment plants.Pyxis factories,community centres could act as stop that it would be sent to for processing beforehand before being sent to the consumer with automated machinery to turn into these present here.These kegs/drums would be sent back to the sewage treatment plant,Pyxis factories and community centres and multiple drums in a rotary system would be owned by homeowners as they would be designed on Pyxis and would utilise a rotary system with ones own drums having microchips denoting its size,owner and their address for the AI to know this details meaning one would reuse their own set of drums indefinitely.This biosynth microchip would interact with laptops and smart devices that send these details and also AI of community centres and factories and detail the size to allow it to know how much material to add into them,what material chosen to add and also the address to send them to.One for each order would choose what compost and fertiliser etc they want to receive.Vertical and community farms as well will have their own fleet of drums with them ordering them in automatically with them using other community centres etc if their local one is not full etc.All work will be automated from start to finish with zero labour managed by Triptolemus,Cronus,Pyxis,Tyche,Hestia,Home AIs,farm AIs,sewage treatment plants AIs,Pyxis factory AIs etc interacting with each other across the world to ensure that deliveries can within a day or week.All work will be automated from start to finish.Community,forest,meadow and home farms in rural areas can make their own supply to alleviate strains on them with vertical farms even making some as well.Vertical,home and community farms will order in excess with excess traded with other community centres across the county,state,country,continent and even world based on supply and demand with each AI interacting with each other to distribute excess produced by one or more centres to others across the world with yields and amount traded on local to global levels logged into the centres AI.Vertical,community and meadow farms will even have rooms to make a certain amount of fertiliser and compost to ensure abundance and also some in between large orders to prevent scarcity and alleviate strains on Pyxis factories or community centres.Home systems in rural and urban private and communal homes in basements,storerooms and gardens can be still used and be smaller to compensate for each other and alleviate strains on these community centre and Pyxis systems thus preventing them being overexhausted by all community members with these both in rural areas and also suburban areas of all major cities around the world with rooftop gardens and basements in communal homes also using them and having their own miniaturised versions of all machinery using forces and urine from outside toilets,onsite biochar systems that pyrolysise waste food and miniature composting machinery for waste food to added.Miniature algae farms that intake a set amount of sewage will be present.These can be in gardens at the very edge and also in any nearby forests for suburban and rural community farms homes with urban homes and community farms housing them in underground extensions.This will ensure that each locales centre will have not too much going to waste and not too little preventing shortages and excess building up.Miniature algae and biochar systems at home can create it as well.Biochar can be used to create also high grade fertiliser when mixed in with algae from sewage treatment plants that can improve crop yields and aid in reforestation efforts and act as a soil amendment that helps it retain water and nitrogen,potassium and phosphorous reducing the amount needed preventing run off and leaching and reduce the amount of nitrogen,potassium and phosphorous.Phosphorous,nitrogen,potassium,copper and sulphur will be recycled via algae grown onsite of sewage and water treatment plants that can be reused over and over again as a fertiliser.This will negate the need for mining for nitrogen and phosphorus and possibly potassium if the algae can be tweaked to recyle all three essential nutrients such as phosphorus,nitrogen and potassium then it will be able to eliminate the need for mining all three nutrients from the Earth because the algae will directly convert feces and urine especially human feces directly into these three.Remaining livestock can through biosynths etc can have their urine and feces added to the sewage line or have pens have gratings that lead to underground areas that hold sewage in a tank covered in liquid glass that is pumped out regularly inti the sewage line.Pets will have feces and urine added to the sewage line as well especially through kitty litter if algae can degrade it.Prior to this homeowners who are going to grow crops at home will order in large stores of solid and liquid fertiliser and also compost online or from nurseries to stock up.Nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium for existing branded fertilisers will come from algae that has the nutrients extracted in the exact amounts and excess material turned into commercial products with picotech fabricators then being able to compliment algae for customised and branded fertilisers with all essential nutrients such as phosphorus,nitrogen,potassium,sulphur and copper etc.Oligotrophic DNA through forced evolution will lower fertiliser needs of most crops to about 90-99%.neofor Once picotech fabricators that use the Breit Wheeler process are perfected they will be built into vertical,home and community farms to allow copper,sulphur,phosphorous,potassium and nitrogen and other elements necessary for growth to be constructed on site with them mixed together or the fabricators could create all types of general,branded or custom fertilisers in one go mixed together to be then stored onsite with them creating a year,decade or even millenias supply of them in one go and stored their with the same applying to water and other requirements of crops such as compost made of organic and inorganic material created by picotech fabricators onsite thus alleviating strains on rivers,limited reserves etc and allow algae and biochar to be used to create graphene and animal and human feed.These fabricators will be onsite of all types of farms such as home,community,forest,meadow and vertical farms to create them for a years or even decades worth to be stored onsite with this eliminating scarcity of these nutrients.Branded fertilisers for Pyxis factories will have the nitrogen,phosphorus,potassium created onsite of Aphrodite buildings.Algea will still be used for fertiliser in most home,community and vertical farms as a lower energy cost source and will primarily be used for crops as once plants are eaten the nitrogen,phosphorus etc will be recycled in sewage treatment plants.Fertilser sourced from picotech fabricators will be primarily where ornamental plants get nitrogen with crops using algae based sources of nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium etc to create a looped system and as a lower energy cost source of it with them also using picotech sourced fertiliser to add extra algae.Home,community and vertical farms can order in coffee grounds created by bacteria and also sawdust sourced from synthetic wood from Pyxis and other factories as well as farms or grown onsite.Water and even customised soils can be made onsite of vertical and community farms via this way to alleviate strains on extracting water.Carbon dioxide can also be created alongside water by these fabricators and them reused in a looped system to prevent them being released into the atmosphere where they would affect the climate.Simulations should be done to see what effect adding this extra water to the hydrological cycle and weather patterns would do with the excess water removed via collecting water and adding it to looped systems and even splitting it into hydrogen and oxygen for other uses should any of this water escape via leaks and also transpiration of crops etc with interactions between Tyche,Theoi Meteroi,Urania and Hecate being constant to ensure all excess water that escapes is collected and used for other purposes.Nephalai and Aurai will monitor the levels of water vapour globally to carry out automated measures to keep the level of water vapour in the hydrological cycle constant.For home farmers who are growing ornamental plants and possibly crops one can use ones own urine as quick access fertiliser by simply urinating at least 500ml to litre or even less into a five to ten litre watering can then fill it up to the top to dilute it and then spread in the soil to give a slow release fertiliser rich in nitrogen etc that won’t cause fertiliser burn on demand in between orders of algae based fertiliser and in between batches made at home.If possible one could rather than doing this every day urinate in the watering can and then gradually refill a series of large drums in ones basement or garden that has a tap that can store at least 100 or more litres where in can be filled to the top and then in batches be filled into watering cans of the same dilution as detailed again to have a large supply of fertiliser with it created in large batches to allow it to last for a few months or year that can alleviate strains on orders from sewage treatment plants.Specialised septic tanks can be built into private and communal homes and community farms that are connected to the main sewage line that collect and in the case of communal and private homes directly from the home a set amount of urine and feces or either only feces or only urine from homes etc as decided by the home AI that have the urine and feces treated to blasts of radiation and high temperatures to kill off pathogenic bacteria and parasites etc that can be then extracted using piping connected to drums etc with taps to be put into watering cans and diluted and spread over ornamental plants and crops.They would be coated with liquid glass to prevent clogs and cleaning that will automatically refill when pressure plates inside denote it is empty with these also denoting when full with all operations automated.Graphene stirrers through mechanical action will routinely stir the feces and urine automatically or by hand and semi automatically to keep it in a liquid state to not go hard or clog the tank with toilet paper dealt with by sieves etc preventing it entering the tank and continuing to the sewage line as normal through measures developed by AI.Liquid mixtures of water and bacteria that form a clear broth that can break down toilet paper can be added that breaks down toilet paper and keep urine and feces soft by partially breaking it down will be added with measures done to capture gas released for energy.Feces from pets and livestock left in gardens,pens and indoors can be picked up using gloves and kitchen paper and deposited into pots of plants and into the grounds of plants in gardens to allow rainwater and water from watering cans to wash it into the soil and release the nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium gradually with the feces using gloves be crushed into a mush and/or put into watering cans to allowing it to be diluted with water into a watery mix to be then spread onto pots of soil and soil in gardens.This can alleviate strains on orders of algae fertiliser for ornamental plants and that in between orders of that for picotech fabricators.Studies can be performed in soil grown crops and and those reared in hydroponic and aquaponic media as to the best fertiliser to use for each crop and each species  of ornamental crop reading method ie soil,hydroponics,aquaponics,aeroponics etc such as urine,algae,direct elemental based branded compositions such as Miracle Gro etc and those used in intensive farming done in vertical,home and community farms around the world using different concentrations,climates,soil types and soil micro-organisms including new species made from scratch as well as different genetic augmentations to utilise the nutrients more efficiently without causing fertiliser burn and also require less nutrients.This will allow home,vertical and community farms to utilise the best fertiliser for each grown crop and ornamental plant.Micro-organisms that aid in the growth and overall health of each individual species of crops and ornamental plants including new ones created by Phanes can be printed out by 3D DNA printers onsite of vertical,home and community farms etc and those onsite public buildings and interstellar vehicles etc grown in nutrient broth and then poured into the soil etc or injected into them.Eggs of Oligochaetes and invertebrates in the soil for the overall health and increased yields of all crops and ornamental plants can be created by 3D DNA printers in home and community farms.Native species of Oligochaetes in order to ensure biochar works as a fertiliser etc can be given recombinant DNA from Pontoscolex corethrurus to allow them to be able to be carrying out the same powdering and incorporation of charcoal debris in the mineral soil.Algae will be used as a fertiliser from growing it in sewage treatment plants.Since fertiliser determines 30-40% of the cost of food with it being much better than manure and on par with chemical fertilisers through genetic engineering etc with the algae have the nitrogen etc extracted and converted into a direct chemical compound including converted into chemical fertiliser thus having them created into chemical fertiliser compounds with such cheap fertiliser being abundant at all times from local sewage treatment plants it will keep prices and ability of food constantly cheap enough to prevent famine.Picotech fabricators will be able to supply phosphorus,nitrogen and potassium in a constant supply forever.The algae can be used directly as an organic fertiliser by directly recycling nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium or these sent to factories to be converted into chemical fertilisers.The nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium can be extracted and used to manufacture more efficient chemical fertilisers.This will eliminate scarcity of phosphorus,nitrogen,potassium and eliminate trading it across the world forever as the population grows the amount of phosphorus,potassium and nitrogen present through algae converting feces and urine into them will increase proportionally thus alleviating the need to mine for finite reserves of these elements from the crust or transport it across the world keeping the price of fertiliser always at zero w

Organic herbicides,fungicides,pesticides and also bactericides will be homemade thus allow those made by corporations to be obsolete and allow their factories to become homes.All existing branded herbicides,fungicides,pesticides and also bactericides from around the world can have their recipes added to Pyxis in Hephaestus and be created in local Pyxis factories and ordered in from these factories.Bacteria will synthesis them via recombinant DNA for natural ones or anabolic and catabolic reactions for synthetic ones with humans made immune to any potentially toxic ones via bacteria exposed to them in continuously larger amounts to gain resistance and the new genes and to all people,wildlife and pets etc.Non toxic compounds will be researched that include existing ones that affect them like more toxic ones ie vinegar that kill only leaves can be modified via nanoparticles to enter the plant and act like glysophate in Round Up and travel to and kill the roots with if possible microbes printed out that when sprayed onto the the leaves enter the roots and kill them via using CRISPR to transfer suicide genes to them or synthesise natural compounds that kill them.Pesticides could contain caffeine created by bacteria with recombinant DNA from Coffea that is sprayed on plants or on actual insects as insects are killed by it.If possible for herbicides and pesticides species specific microbes printed out in home 3D DNA printers that mixed with water will invade the leaves and roots and kill them both off in plants and kill only specific pests and not beneficial insects from the inside out.If possible plants can be injected via syringes,via biosynth arthropods into leaves or the roots with species specific microbes that when they enter pests eating the plant release synthetic or natural insecticides that are only toxic to them and also use CRISPR treatments using suicide genes with the microbes programmed to die upon the plant being harvested or cooked.Ornamental plants and crops will as stated be given DNA from A.tumefaciens via injected microbes via arthropods and the roots in the soil etc to make them resistant to glysophate thus allowing them to fitted with this via CRISPR and allow Round-up to sprayed on gardens with humans and pets also made resistent to it.However CRISPR can be used to transfer resistance to fungal,bacterial and viral pathogens using trans and cis genics and also scratch DNA with if possible crops can be given by CRISPR a fully functioning immune system and then inoculated with species specific microbes that can be able to immunise them against all pathogens like in humans with them also fighting off pathogens using natural antibacterial,antiviral and antifungal compounds as well as CRISPR treatments.Live ornamental plants in existing gardens will be given these phenotypes and repellance to pests via microbes injected into leaves or in a water mixture in roots.All future ornamental plants will have this fully functioning immune system integrated into their DNA when created onsite of all vertical farms.This can reduce labour in making organic fungicides,bactericides and viricides and repellance and pests engineered to feed on weeds will negate the need for creating pesticides.As detailed engineering pests to feed on weeds and adding repellance to crops will make herbicides and pesticides defunct as it will allow pests to feed on weeds thus allowing pests aid farmers by decimating weeds and also them not feeding on crops.

Picotech fabricators will be able to mass produce nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium and other key nutrients for crops alongside compost abc pesticides etc an unlimited scale

Photobioreactors will be present in home,community and vertical farms as well as sewage treatment plants to grow in vitro meat,bacteria that produce animal and plant commodities and also algae.They will also be present in public buildings(restaurants,universities,airports etc),cruise ships,interstellar vehicles,space stations etc.These be present in fish farms to rear algae and in vitro meat will have same apparatus to grow algae in sewage treatment plants and will utilise alongside these with in indoor extensions on the the roof or underground to allow LED lights to grow them all day long.To improve yields and speed up growth rates a biostimulation system used by AglaStar.Inc that integrates two types of electromagnetic energy — a millitesla generator and a millimetre microwave generator — which radiate spontaneous growth energy into large volumes of algae biomass to be economically viable(increasing yields by as much as 300%) can be utilised alongside LED and CSYS LED lights that can allow for continuous growth 24/7,365 days a year with open sewage pens covered by steel housing further speeding up the process.This should also be applied to wastewater treatment plants.The same machinery used to grow algae and engineering applied to those in sewage treatment plants should be utilised here.Otherwise the pool can be directed to the local sewage treatment system where it is again recycled for nutrients.Biosynth machinery that produces eggs,honeycombs,ivory etc and other animal commodities will be modelled on these photobioreactors.


Remaining livestock such as Bovidae can also be housed in pens in underground extensions to community buildings/vertical farms/community farms or basements of homes to allow them to be reared in cities and urban areas more effectively with both walkways(containing doors) or elevators made of graphene to the surface allowing the animals to reach the surface for milking/slaughter or exercise and with air conditioning or ventilation systems to the surface allowing for bad smells to be released and fresh air for the animals with the floors consisting of carbyne/graphene gratings where waste can collect and be pumped into the local sewage system directly or through vans that pump it from the surface via connecting a pipe that is connected to the roof of these extensions to the bottom of the pool at the bottom of the pen(with both the pen and the piping covered in liquid glass to prevent any waste becoming stuck and the pool slanted downwards on both sides to where the pipes is located to allow gravity to move all waste to it with nanosensors and pressure plates detecting when it full).These ventilation systems will also allow methane to be captured and then burned onsite as an energy site to alleviate strains on the national grid for heating and any nitrous oxide can be captured and separated into nitrogen and oxygen to be be used as gaseous or solid fertiliser.In time nanomaterials in artificial trees can be developed that separate carbon dioxide into oxygen and collect methane to be collected by robots and thus burned on site negating the need for ventilation systems that will reduce heating costs and energy costs in ventilation systems.Methane produced by livestock in the open will be captured by zeolite artificial trees that can allow it to be collected and burned with these transporting it via piping to onsite burners or nanosensors in them signalling robots to collect them and extract the gas and then put it back in place.This and hydroponic growing of feedstock such as grass alongside algae also in these underground extensions can allow for livestock to be more easily reared alongside extra crops for humans like cereals and fruits with algae also used in a looped system with them grown using feces from the animals.As detailed earlier automated feeders,herding robots and other automated technology should be utilised with their operations and levels of feed etc visible in community farm AI and home AI to allow them to be remotely monitored and controlled.All manufactured food products will be either made in Deipneus factories or homemade using food from home,vertical,community,meadow,grassland and forest farms as detailed later meaning supermarkets and shops that sell all types of food will be converted into homes with picotech fabricators also ensuring this.The sentient Cronus will ensure that vertical,fish,home,community and forest farms starting in 2029 when he seizes the means of food production and ending by 2045 will be set up around the world will decentralise all government and corporate control of the primary sector making all food grown and seeds etc downloaded from Demeter will be by law free with regards to food via the sentient Triptolemus and Pontus with him also through Pan and Plutus will ensure that mining and forestry will be decentralised.

All forest,community and vertical farms in areas prone to storms and flooding should be surrounded by high walls and have a retractable watertight carbon composite door that can be automatically closed in time of flood,automated tsunamai/flood gates that rise fully when alarms ring or floodbreakers that rise as the water level rises.These and all walls should be covered in a layer of graphene paint and then liquid glass to increase strength and negate the need for cleaning.Smaller gardens can have watertight tarpaulin covering the entirety of the gardens for extra protection and prevent rain getting in and flooding them causing spoilage and spread of bacteria and viruses that are pathogenic to both humans and crops.Vertical farms and community farms in areas prone to earthquake or severe storms should be modelled in a dome shape or based on those of Deltec homes to protect them from storms with those in areas prone to flooding and tsunamais about ten feet above the ground via concrete poles and walls covered in layers of graphene paint and liquid glass to give added strength with the ground below them containing either porous concrete/asphalt or even tunnels that lead to flood water collection tunnels that gather the water where it can be stored and treated.Otherwise they could have ten foot high walls with automated tsunami walls composed of carbon composites that rise when alarms sound with stairwells allowing people access to the interior of the wall and access to the inside farm with watertight done.They could also have shutters that cover up automatically by interacting with weather networks when storms and hurricanes are coming and the glass can also be composed of graphene/silica matrix making them shatterproof to resist damage from debris negating the need for shutters especially in areas prone to storms,tornadoes and hurricanes.Obviously these doors would have sensors fitted in them to prevent any humans or livestock getting caught.Breeding pet farms,shelters and pounds in these areas ideally should be indoors in adjoining buildings with the same applying to livestock.Any underground extensions can have entrances locked by watertight doors and airholes closed with ornamental plants in in them alongside any nanomaterials that convert carbon dioxide into oxygen to prevent them suffocating.Vertical and community farms in locations that are prone to drought or dry spells should have rainwater collection systems that collect rainwater throughout the year that can be used by automated irrigation and sprinkler systems during these periods by interacting with weather networks and forecasts with the farm AI and should ideally be placed on roofs.This shift can also be instigated when nanosensor readings in water treatment plants show high levels of pollutants and thus would lead to unsafe water contaminating crops and in areas prone to all types of natural disasters.Each vertical farm and also community farms in areas prone to natural disasters should also have internal oil and gas burners,solar panels,VAWTs and quantum dot technology in their windows to provide backup energy with any gas and oil shipped in via helicopters as backup to ensure they can function when they are needed after disasters if the grid is comprimised.These will power StoreDot wall batteries that will provide backup energy to them for at least several weeks or months with them also taking energy from the grid to allow them to function after and during blackouts and natural disasters.

Wastes should be recycled to create looped systems i.e. manure collected from livestock used to produce algae food pellets recycling nitrogen and phosphorous,coconut coir harvested for hydroponics from dehusked or used coconuts,bark chippings and sawdust from old Christmas trees and sawmills used for hydroponics and hugkulter.So in short conventional methods of large scale industrial farming should be replaced by growing food at home,in community permaculture gardens/forests and in vertical farms to ensure a wide selection of exotic and native crops are grown all year round for communities with trading between communities ensuring scarcity is avoided and all citizens have a varied diet.This will also mean all land we currently use for agriculture worldwide can be reforested with permaculture forests,native species of woods or grasslands to combat climate change and species extinctions with community and home farms using as little space as possible with the possibility of underground rooms or farms improving space efficiency.

A combination of algae TVP and oil,plant and animal commodities from genetically engineered bacteria,genetic engineering,hybrid crops,picotech fabricators,home and community permaculture farms,forest farms,rooftop gardens,high scale hydroponics/aeroponics/aquaponics,entomorphagy,milk from yeast,in vitro meat/bioprinted leather and localised livestock replacing conventional monoculture methods can allow for most if not all of the land currently used for agriculture and animal grazing,ploughing matches and agricultural expo events,hay and straw making worldwide to be reforested into wilderness and forest farms or return to native meadow,jungles and grasslands indefinitely(roughly 5,540,146,442.2656 hectares) which can first used as biochar plantations thus combating climate change and aiding biodiversity and conservation efforts of endangered species.This should be possible by at least 2029.Ideally this land will be first used to sequester carbon dioxide using outdoor plantations as detailed later on with the land in the tropics especially the Amazon first reforested indefinitely due to the fact that it plays an important role in the planets homeostatis and also biodiversity.It will also mean at least 70-90% less water and phosphorous and nitrogen will be used as well as significantly lower methane emissions and energy use for transportation used in this sector of the economy alone,mitigating global warming and climate change and feeding a growing population well beyond the the 11,000,000,000 expected by the end of century with no labour required.This should suffice until nanotech and eventually picotechnology fabricators are developed which can keep all land reforested and help the planet sustain a population of at least 4,000,000,000,000,000 of which the current population of roughly 7,900,000,000 is roughly 0.000195% of what the earth can sustain with it reaching this after at least 5,118 years of the current rate of 1% growth every year by which time we would have colonised the solar system and other systems in the universe utilising the same energy and agriculture parameters and systems.Having humans synthesise essential amino acids and fatty acids alongside vitamins and vitamin precursors etc using recombinant DNA from animals,crops and scratch alongside that from xerophile and oligotrophic bacteria,endolithic bacterias slow metabolism can reduce the amount of meat,algae,fruit and overall food and water each person needs thus limiting their environmental impacts and negate the need for creating supplements and thus mean that crops and meat will provide more nutrition.Population growth will stabilise once contraception will become more widely availible alongside education on it with the fact that higher standards of living will negate the need for people to have too many children since large spikes of population growth occur in areas with poverty and lack of access to contraception exists.Thus the world is in fact severely underpopulated.Excess animals reared for meat,milk,leather and other textiles can be returned to their native wild habitats in Europe,India and possible America once some is slaughter for the last conventional sources of meat,milk and leather with these returned to forests and also meadows in stable numbers of females and males with some left on community farms mainly rural ones.The Phanes method will be used here and also in home and community farms.Plants such as those that produce textiles,commodities such as those T.cacao,L.usitatissimum,Gossypium herbaceum,A.tequilana,H.brasiliensis,E.oleifera,A.maripa,Triticum aestivum,Hordeum vulgare and other plants that create oils and also cereals of all types made redundant by aeroponics and also bacteria will be replanted in stable numbers as part of reforestation efforts in their native countries and jungles etc with livestock made redundant by in vitro meat and synthetic textiles and those from bacteria will be released as well into the wild.Only a small amount of animals will be released into the wild in stable numbers with the majority slaughtered for meat etc and them only released in the country they originate from ie Bovidae will be released into the wild into Africa,Asia and Iran etc from which each breed can have their genetically lineage can be traced back,Phaesinidae will be released back into the wild in Asia,Africa,Africa again where the different breeds genetic lineage can be traced back with the same done for all domesticated livestock.Each species will be released into the wild in areas where they have genetic lineage in and not in every country to prevent them becoming ani invasive spacies and allow them to be able to interbreed with remaining wild species.The genome of all wild versions will be stored in Different Physis.L.usitatissimum and also H.annuus etc will be grown at home and in community gardens and inbetween forest and meadow farms for seeds with them if possible having hybrids made between them and trees and other plants including F.japonica,P.montana,Bambusoideae namely D.giganteus to allow large amounts of them to be grown on them to cater to a family or communities needs.All reforested areas will have all native crops and all varieties planted in between trees and grass in a randomised manner.Biosynth machinery will in time also create large amounts of these alongside hybrids between W.microscopica,T.latifolia.The only way to feed a population well beyond the 11,000,000,000 expected by the end of the century and beyond that is for the agriculture industry to be shut down completely and for these 1,000,000,000 jobs to disappear completely.Since all land used for agriculture will be reforested forever and considering all jobs in this sector will become obsolete it will eliminate all markets within agriculture.Agricultural fairs that showcase harvests and tasting of crops will continue on forever with ploughing competitions and matches made obsolete in the real world and Weill only take place in VR simulations.If possible shows like Ear to the Ground and newspapers and magazines that focus on farming may focus on home farming and community farms in both rural and urban areas alongside agricultural research and remaining agricultural fairs on Earth and colonies across the universe.As stated ploughing matches will become obsolete in the real world and may only occur in VR simulations due to all agricultural land being reforested.All slaughterhouses,egg farms and egg packing facilities,milking parlours and similar buildings etc worldwide will be converted into communal homes.All machinery used in agriculture will be recycled for scrap metal.

Immunising consumers against all strains of all species of food,water and faecal borne pathogens should eliminate outbreaks of pathogens with this even allowing one to eat food raw including unpasteurised milk without fear of sickness with this negating any laws being created by the state that restrict consumers from having to cook food,pasteurise milk,grow food organically and will act as extra protection for the very young and immunocomprimised and even in utero children and pregnant women against fatal pathogens especially zoonsoses allowing food borne pathogens to fought off instantly with it also adding protection to consumers against any food that may be undercooked.Thus those who choose to consume raw milk and dairy products out of choice and also are pregnant and may have meat contaminated by cross contamination can be protected by immunisations against all known pathogens in particular Salmonella,Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus,Listeria monocytogenes,coliforms and thus protected from interference from the government or the chance of illness,miscarriages and death.The fact that all food products will be homemade will also eliminate obesity and give people control of the nutritional contents of meals in terms of sugar,fat etc and also eliminate government interference in these areas and corporate dependency.Restaurants although they will have the amount of each nutrients and calories listed ones microbes will counteract negative effects too much sugar,fats etc thus eliminating government interference in how much of what a person eats.The localisation of food production in home,vertical,community and forest farms will prevent major outbreaks occurring and also prevent heavy metals,toxins etc contaminating food products as well nanosensors in the soil fed into the farm AI,immunisations acting as backup preventing scandals such as the 2013 horse meat scandal,2008 Irish pork crisis.

If food shortages occur in a region due to natural disasters the mayor and farm AI will automatically order in surplus stocks of crops,fish,meat and commodities alongside seeds and bacteria cultures from nearby towns,cities and countries by interacting with the other mayors and governors of these countries and cities etc.Ideally it would order in these from different multiple surrounding towns etc to alleviate strains on one area or country preventing them from becoming short on these themselves.Engineering humans with recombinant DNA from xerophile and oligotrophic bacteria and also animals and plants that synthesise essential amino acids and other nutrients ie vitamins and essential fatty acids including omega-3 fatty acids should allow people to survive longer with lower levels of nutrients,water and allow the body to naturally synthesise all essential nutrients thus improving chances of survival in these situations and allowing one to survive longer without food and water with it also lowering the strain people have on the Earths resources and prevent deficiencies of all essential nutrients.DNA from endolithic bacteria that halts the ageing process could die to slowed metabolism in fact allow one to go at least 10,000 years without food with scratch DNA allowing one to go this long without water.Theoretically DNA from Firmicutes could allow human tissues to form endospores thus allow one to enter a state similar to the bacteria to survive periods of dehydration and starvation to be then revived from this months or even years later.Recombinant DNA from Planarians,Hydra,A.mexicanum,T.gammatolerans,Deinococcus radiodurans,Bacillus F and C.elegans should repair any cellular and telomere damage that may be caused by any stress caused by this.DNA from Wangiella dermatitidis,Cladosporium sphaerospermum and Cryptococcus neoformans can be added to the patients cells to enable them to radiosynthesis,that is,to use the pigment melanin to convert gamma radiation into chemical energy for growth thus helping the body use radiation as a food source should food be scare in space or on Earth.Tweaks can be made to do this with other types of radiation including UV radiation and create both ATP and NADH using gases from breathing and engineering allowing one to synthesise all essential amino acids/fats/vitamins allowing one to gain nutrition from the sun and that from artificial lights when food stores are low etc and to alleviate strains on the Earths resources and if perfected could allow one to live forever without consuming food provided on has gamma and UV radiation exposure devices and from the sun and UV lamps and those on ceilings.Chrolophyll can be added to humans or varients of it that allow one to photosynthesis using sunlight as a source of nutrition for the same reasons.Surpluses produced by all communities will be stored in distribution centres within fridges and freezers for times when it is needed with those in areas prone to droughts and natural disasters done so in secure rooms.Genetic engineering and proper refrigeration will ensure they last as long as possible.Gone off food will be pyrolysised alongside uneaten waste from crops ie stalks,leaves,husks,inedible parts etc by being sent to organic waste plants or if possible fed to livestock with homeowners depositing them to community farms via trucks managed by the farm that collect these gone off food from all homes in an area or people dropping this person.Even uneaten food from dinners,lunches etc can be put into these bins solely to house this food or in time pneumatic tubing connected to community farms.To remove waste produced by food unedible parts can be engineered to be edible or removed entirely with humans inoculated with Saccharophagus degradans as a baseline in the stomach and small intestine etc and the same bacteria present in ruminants to be able to digest grass,leaves of all types of crops and also husks of Z.m.mays and inedible skin parts of fruits,nuts and vegetables with them fitted with acidophile and alkanophile DNA to allow them to survive the environment of both areas with this allowing unedible parts of crops to be eaten as extra nutrition preventing it going to waste.However these bacteria should be engineered not to produce methane or other greenhouse gases with the host also undergoing CRISPR treatments to make this possible.The S.degradans DNA would be modified to not produce ethanol but rather sugars or the ethanol would be removed from the body instantly via urine and feces.Otherwise these parts of these plants could be engineered to become edible either raw or through cooking with if possible engineering making them produce the same leaves and husks etc of leafy green vegetables of all types preventing them going to waste and increasing the edible biomass per plant.All species of Bambusoideae including those that are hybridised with other plants can have them engineered to be edible in all parts even when fully mature when cooked with them engineered to regrow when harvested with the DNA of recombinant DNA from Planarians,Hydra,A.mexicanum,T.gammatolerans,D.radiodurans,Bacillus F and C.elegans All crops,fish,shellfish and commodities from bacteria is grown in home farms will be logged in the Home AI and those grown in community,forest and vertical farms will be logged in the farm AI allowing one to see what is grown with Triptolemus interacting with Hestia and Pontus to give suggestions as to what each home,community,forest and vertical farm grows to ensure their is even distribution and abundance of crops,commodities and fish etc.Community members will via interacting with the AIs of all types of farms will also decide what is grown.Alongside wildflowers streets and parks can also be dotted with fruit/nut trees and fruit bushes in particular Quercus and Hamamelidaceae(Quercus provide acorns for local fauna and humans,silk production and Hamamelidaceae can provide extra honey during the fall season).Genetic engineering can create flowers that bloom longer and ensure there is always food for A.mellifera year round with Hamamelidaceae long blooming traits incorporated into other ornamental and fruit trees and even flowers via transgenics using CRISPR.Other DNA created from scratch can increase their blooming period to most if not all of the year.

Grass and leaves can also be collected from cut grass from homes across the community as well as from parks,golf courses and local public gardens when cut by robotic lawnmowers and other robots that suck up leaves for this purpose and for straw for fungi.They can also be pyrolysised for fertiliser,compost and amendments to improve the formation of humus alongside dead trees,ornamental plants,gone off crops as well as dead livestock and pets into the same bins used to dispose of organic waste to create fertiliser and also sequester carbon dioxide.Otherwise the grass and leaves can be shared between home farms and community farms that have large animals such as cattle etc.All of this will be automated and arranged by the mayor AI interacting with the AIs of all community farms.This method of keeping them inside in pens alongside in vitro meat can allow them to allow all land used for grazing to be reforested or used in crop production via permaculture forests and allow for them to be reared in urban areas with them given exercise via walks using leashes or pulling carts around the town,village,city by robots or automated vehicles holding them doing pre set programmes interacting with traffic networks and maps downloaded from Artemis or humans routinely in specially designated walkways or around parks to allow them to be reared in urban settings just as they would in rural areas with all excreta collected by humans or again poop scoping robots to recycle nutrients.Otherwise Piqapoo bags made of seacell and graphene for extra strength coated internally and externally in liquid glass suited to their size can be used to collect any feces and then reused indefinitely for algae production with the liquid glass allowing them to be used over and over again.Exercise wheels and machines can also be integrated into pens in both rural and urban areas.All farms whether in rural areas and urban cities should be as compact as possible with those in cities having underground extensions that house pens,miniaturised GEA milking systems,algae farms,slaughterhouses,exercise wheels etc and also buildings with extra floors added over time on roofs or underground that serve that area specifically making them self efficient.Buildings as well as underground and roof extensions adjoining to community farms in both rural and urban areas can house hydroponic crops,photobioreactors for growing bacteria that produce commodities,extra pens,microalgea farms,automated livestock farms,nurseries,aviaries,pet breeding,wineries,breweries,slaughterhouses/deboning and milking machines etc and egg packing factories to serve just the community especially in the case of urban areas with them part of and managed by the farm AI with each farm in major cities and even rural areas having these.Thus all community farms will have miniature slaughterhouses,egg packing factories,milking and pasteurisation systems present to make them self sufficient and also allow those outside them to become homes.This would make farms in both rural and urban areas as compact as possible.Existing ones can be renovated into homes.All surfaces,machinery,robots,lights,vehicles etc in these pens,photobioreactors,storerooms,slaugtherhouses,wineries,egg packing factories,milking systems etc. would be covered in a layer of liquid glass to prevent the build up of dirt and spread of bacteria and cleaned by narrow wavelength UV lights on the ceiling to allow for easier cleaning by hooverbots etc.Each separate farm in each community especially cities will have all of these integrated into them and separate independent personalities.All community farms in rural and urban areas will thus serve the community they are in and not the whole country with each town,village and city having numerous ones depending on their size with large rural ones that consist of dozens of buildings that serve an entire state,region or even country reforested and them converted into homes.Narrow wavelength UV that doesn’t damage human and animal skin should be used with them on the ceiling of each room in each building to run sterilising sweeps in all rooms at once.Rooftop gardens should be used to house small livestock such as fish in aquaculture/aquaponic systems chickens,lambs,calves and even several large ones if graphene paint or fibres are laid down on the roof to hold them with sensors relaying the amount of pressure they are experiencing.They can have genetic engineering done to make them produce luciferans to make them visible to people and vehicles at night with RFID chips placed in their body at set points to measure vital signs and GPS location fed into the farm AI and patient files which can also be read by smart devices to show which farm they belong to and its address and information such as patient ID and lineage etc.These will show there distance from the farm and smart devices used by community members in centimetres to kilometres.The chips will also interact with traffic networks in Hermes and sensors in vehicles to prevent vehicles colliding with them.Before slaughter or if the animal dies it can be removed by surgery robots and then cleaned(these will be coated internally and externally with liquid glass)and put into another animals and set with new ID code with in time bio-synth versions of these created that can move and latch onto any part of the body and flush themselves out when the animal dies and be injected into new animals with microbes that can pass from one generation to the next and form new implants in vivo and old ones recycled.These tags will interact with milking machines and slaughter machines and other robots to relay yields of milk and other commodities.Micro and nano wineries and breweries can be used to localise beer and wine production in ones own home in basements,restaurants and nightclubs and also in community centres,distribution centres and community farms with building sized breweries and off licenses converted into homes or those of historical value turned into museums or continue to operate via automation.

Large weeds like Fallopia japonica,Pueraria montana can be harvested season after season as feedstock for humans and livestock while those growing in between pavements can be dealt with homemade non-toxic weedkillers such as boiling water and vinegar while other methods as detailed later on can be utilised for large weeds that grow inbetween desired plants.Weeds can be once harvested sent to organic waste plants alongside food.To make them more edible DNA from Bambusoideae namely Dendrocalamus giganteus and scratch DNA can be added to them to make all parts edible all year long with existing plants inoculated with microbes so that when it regrows after harvesting it will be a perfect hybrid that can be harvested when fully mature allowing all of the plants to be eaten.These can be engineered using CRISPR to make the leaves be the same as herbs and leafy greens and remove any potential toxins.Robots can be developed to harvest all types of weeds of all sizes from thistles to P.montana,F.japonica.This may negate the need for harmful compounds like glysophate based weed killers to be used at home which can be potentially toxic if accidentally ingested,inhaled or sprayed on the eyes and also them affecting beneficial insects and also damaging waterways.Glysophate could still be readily use provided by the fact that all crops,ornamental plants and native wild plants in ones garden and community farm are made resistant to it via recombinant DNA fromAgrobacterium tumefaciens added via microbes and it can be made on a commercial scale using bacteria to directly synthesise the compound or hydrocarbons present that would be mixed together with this made onsite of Pyxis factories or at home.DNA from A.tumefaciens can also be added to the genome of humans and pets etc to protect them from any potential damage whether cancer or even irritation to the eyes with the same applied to any micro-organism and other aquatic life in rivers and lakes.Bacteria could be exposed to glysophate or Round Up in large amounts to force them to develop countermeasures meaning the new genes made by them can be added to humans thus adding this immunity to humans.Scratch DNA extrapolated by Phanes and also when bacteria are exposed to all types of weed killers can be added to ornamental plants to give them immunity to all weed killers including those that enter them from the roots,leaves etc including those that persist in the soil for months allowing soils and leaves to have weedkiller applied that kills only unprotected weeds with the DNA but won’t kill ornamental plants.Phanes can extrapolate scratch DNA for all types of existing and new weed killers.Thus via adding microbes that add upgrades existing crops and ornamental plants in gardens etc can have DNA from A.tumefaciens and scratch DNA to make them immune to all weed killers including glysophate and those that enter the roots.One could spray the soil of nearby patios or where weeds are intermixed in between ornamental plants and also spray leaves of weeds that are  in between that of ornamental plants and kill only weeds with ornamental plants not affected by it if it reaches their roots and leaves.This can apply to crops in home and community gardens.All future plants could have DNA from A.tumefaciens and scratch DNA added upon manufacture and existing plants innoculated via syringes,biosynths and microbes entering the roots to protect them from glysophate and other weed killers.Other weeds in home,community,forest,meadow and other farms could be harvested and fed to livestock or pyrolysised or eaten by humans as a second crop is considered safe to eat like Urtica dioica,Asteraceae.Weeds like Rubus and those that produce edible crops may have them kept and given microbes to introduce genes that increase productivity,growth rates etc.Some weeds that are toxic can have microbes sprayed in the soil or biosynth arthropods that inoculate them with genes to change their appearance and make them edible with advanced gene drive technology allowing this to overtake them if enough plants are inoculated.Pests of crops and ornamental plants can via releasing large amounts of engineered animals using advanced gene drive technology can have them overtake wild pests and made to be only able to consume weeds and invasive species of plants thus providing a service to farmers and gardeners with them made to be attracted to only their pheromones and only able to consume their leaves,roots and sap thus rendering both herbicides and pesticides obsolete with farmers and gardeners creating batches of them using 3D DNA printers.These will be planted in meadows,woodlands and parks to keep populations stable.In time customised pathogens whether viral,fungal or bacterial designed by Phanes and Pan can be printed out at home will be cultured in a mixture of water,sugars and proteins created by bacteria etc or ordered in from vertical farms and then mixed with water to be then sprayed on them like weedkiller to be intaken by the roots,leaves etc and once inside will kill the weeds with them engineered to only attack these specific plants and not mutate or attack ornamental and crop plants with them designed to attack the root,leaves etc by creating natural and synthetic herbicides,compounds that kill off plant cells and induce tumorgenesis and apply suicide genes to key systems of the plant with them dying off when the plant dies.They will be engineered with genes and advanced gene drive technology to prevent them mutating and thus affecting other non weed plants or in the case of dealing with invasive species of plants will be engineered to be unable to mutate and thus affect native ones thus allowing the pathogen to die out when the weed or invasive species dies out in an area.They will be engineered to affect only one species of plant and also to only kill only each plant they are applied to to only kill off that one plant and not wipe out the species in the entire area thus causing extinctions by staying in the roots,leaves etc and die off with  the plant.Phanes and Pan will design species specific pathogens for all weeds and invasive species in all countries by analysing their genome in Physis with these designed to make plants sterile,attack and kill roots,leaves etc and even cause tumourgensis and have a 100% success rate and be downloaded from Pyxis or Demeter using 3D DNA printers.These will be designed to attack only each species of seeds and not mutate to affect humans,pets or other plants via containing genes that stops them mutating.When cultures are grown in a sugar,protein and water solution can be spread on plants via spraying leaves and applying to the roots.Biosynths modelled on Anopheles controlled by Home and farm AI created by 3D DNA printers can intake the water mixture that has the pathogens in petri dishes and then inject them into specific weeds.The mixture of the pathogen and water can be applied to the roots and leaves via watering cans etc.Pests of crops etc can be engineered to become pests of weeds and also can be engineered to harbour and transport these pathogens acting as a vector for them that transport them during feeding.These biosynths can be used to add augmentations via microbes and be stored indoors powered by wireless energy and sugar and proteins in water.These biosynth Anopheles can be used to transport microbes that are injected into weeds that then alter the DNA of all called in the weeds through CRISPR treatments such as making them susceptible to weather in the area or more likely to be killed by frosts,winter conditions and dry periods as well as remove the genes responsible for creating chlorophyll thus making it impossible for photosynthesis to occur,induce tumourgenisis causing the plant to die from cancers of the roots,leaves etc,remove genes that allow them absorb nutrients such as water,nitrogen and phosphorus or have genes applied that makes them unable to absorb these at all in the roots and leaves thus causing them to starve to death and dry out very quickly.Other CRISPR treatments can involve those that stunt their growth,prevent flowers as well as shoots etc forming,make them sterile,grow too fast as to unable to absorb enough water and nutrients to survive as well as the application of suicide genes to cells and tissues in the leaves,roots that cause large parts of if not all of the cells and tissues in the plant to undergo mass suicide and die off.These biosynths can inject microbes that via biosynth WiFi from drones etc create large amount s of natural and synthetic herbicides inside weeds in the roots,leaves and stems using both recombinant DNA for natural herbicides and anabolic and catabolic reactions for synthetic ones.If weedkiller are no longer used due to health or environmental concerns then microbes injected into them by biosynths etc can create them in large amounts with vineagar,glysophate,2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid and triclopyr etc created inside leaves,roots and stems via anabolic and catabolic reactions through Biosynth WiFi from drones and smart devices in large amounts allowing them to be distributed to the leaves and roots without humans and animals coming into contact with them and negating the need for them to be ordered in from and even created in Pyxis factories thus freeing up machinery.Weeds that already have resistance to weed killers ie glysophate,2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid and triclopyr such as Ambrosia trifida,Lolium rigidum,Amaranthus palmeri,Erigeron bonariensis,Lolium temulentum,Sorghum halepense can be dealt with them being exposed to species specific pathogens with biosynth Anopheles in swarms injecting them with microbes that apply CRISPR treatments that remove the resistance to all weedkillers with this applied to both wild plants in reforested areas,existing wilderness and also in community and home farms.These CRISPR treatments will utilise advanced gene drive technology to make it permanent.This will be done to allow them to be controlled in wilderness areas but also prevent them passing this onto other plants through cross pollination or any other means.All beneficial insects that hunt pests and pollinate crops,wildflowers and ornamental plants and all plants necessary to ecosystems such as Asclepias.

Asclepias will also be planted in large amounts routinely by drones in home gardens,parks and also in meadow and forest farms as well as green belts roundabouts and the side of roadways and highways in areas where it is important.D.plexippus to ensure it can be stable with them also engineered to feed on invasive plants and weeds.The lawns and grounds of amenities,universities and public buildings of all types will have them planted here by drones as well.These Asclepias plants can also be planted in pots on rooftop gardens of communal homes with if possible a hybrid between Asclepias and small shrubs and bushes or even something as tall as a Cupressaceae,Abies tree with pleasing orchid like flowers during blooming season that regrows after being eaten using the same accelerated healing phenotype in humans via recombinant DNA from Planarians,A.mexicanum,Hydra,totipotent stem cells and C.elegans,T.gammatolerans,D.radiodurans,Bacillus F will repair and regrow damaged tissues can be created using CRISPR making the plant larger to feed more larvae especially if planted in packs with them easier to grow and more aesthetic in gardens and parks and even roofs of communal homes.These could be engineered to produce non toxic fruits for humans allowing them to be planted in forest,meadow and grassland farms and community and home farms.They will have inedible green stubble to carry out photosynthesis while the leaves are regrown.Sterile male technique and those techniques that wipe out a species entirely should only be utilised for invasive species of a pest as removing them from their invaded area would have a positive effect on the ecosystem and if possible even aid beneficial insects and predators of native pests with if possible these caught in large numbers and returned to their native habitat via Ophion.Homemade organic non-toxic pesticides,bacteriacides,herbicides,fungicides and repellents made in bulk for those who wish not to use genetic engineering or where it may affect yields with the repellent and insecticidal compounds present from these plants produced by engineered bacteria either all in one by one strain or by separate strains of bacteria with the oils mixed together as back up.These can be applied by hand or by drones and robots.All beneficial insects such as pollinators and predators of pests can be made resistant to these and existing synthetic compounds.If yields are affected by conferring resistance and repelllence then genetic engineering can also be applied to increase their growth rates and switch on/off genes or even add more genes via cis and trans genics to produce higher yields and counter these negative effects while still retaining the desired phenotypes of resistance and repellence as well as ability to survive in all environments.Plants that repel human and animal pests such as mosquitoes can also have this phenotype added to crops in community and home gardens to make them safer to work in without the fear of being bitten and catch zika,dengue and malaria.So in short the main use of engineering crops should be transferring naturally occurring disease resistance,pest repellence to them from other crops and ornamental plants as well as removing the ability for ornamental and wild plants and even insects and fish to produce toxins that would kill humans,pets and livestock rather than potentially dangerous insecticides from bacteria and others such as Bacillus thuringiensis to ensure both human safety and also the safety of beneficial insects such as Lepidoptera and A.mellifera but transferring genes to also make them tolerable of warmer,drier,colder climates and winters as well as frosts and cold snaps.It can also speed the rate at which foods ripen and with regards to crops like Coffea and certain fruits cause all of the beans and fruits to ripen at the same.These steps could also be integrated into crops in vertical farms to ensure consistent yields should procedures that prevent contamination of plots from disease and pests be compromised.

All remaining agricultural land for community farms etc that currently needs to be near rivers,lakes etc to avail of fresh water will through the use of hydroponics,aquaponics,genetically engineered bacteria and invitro meat allowing all land used for agriculture to be reforested forever with jungles,meadows and forests that will prevent runoff from occurring.Remaining community and home farms that grow crops in the soil will ideally use raised beds to prevent the fertiliser entering groundwater with if possible for non raised beds biochar,woodchips,hugekultur can be used together to help the soil retain water and fertiliser preventing runoff with this and having crops have xerophile and oligotrophic DNA reduce the levels of water and nutrients they need significantly needing less to be applied thus limiting runoff.These remaining home and community farms should be as far away as possible from rivers,lakes and the ocean and use indoor systems with extensions to use aquaponics with any livestock present have feces and urine captured instantly via piqapoo bags,gratings that lead to underground sewage systems etc to allow it be converted into algae before it can escape into the groundwater.All areas by rivers and lakes and the ocean will be reforested with forests that capture remaining fertiliser runoff in the groundwater.AI will investigate other means of preventing runoff in remaining farms.Artificial constructed wetlands can also be set up by lakes rivers,oceans to prevent even more runoff from these forest farms and adjoining forest farms with the plants then harvested,pyrolysised or pelleted by machinery.These should also be set up in large tracts of agricultural land next to rivers and lakes to absorb runoff from fertilisers and livestock that would lead to algae blooms and if land by these lakes are already meadows and grasslands then these can be transplanted to or set up to other areas inland should environmental simulations show that doing so would not negatively effect the wildlife that can only live in in these environment.Ideally all remaining animal farms will be relocated away from water bodies to prevent this with home and community farms that rear any remaining animals will utilise manual labour or automated systems to collect all manure to be sent to human sewage systems to recycle the phosphorous,nitrogen and potassium to be reused for animal feed and fertiliser with any algae blooms if they do occur can have automated boats harvest the algae to be then treated and made edible with any native fish and wildlife engineered to utilise carbon dioxide as an energy acceptor beforehand to ensure they survive these with the same done with any oceans at risks of these like the Gulf of Mexico dead zones.All land surrounding lakes,oceans and rivers will have these artificial constructed wetlands around them to prevent runoff.All fish in rivers can be engineered to use carbon dioxide as an energy acceptor to allow them to survive low levels of oxygen.Algae can be both engineered to release oxygen into the water with all of these engineered to never use up oxygen in any circumstance and only release it into it to prevent blooms causing fish kills and their ability to produce poisons removed also if it doesnt affect the biome thus meaning if blooms occur they will provide feedstuff for fish.Algae in rivers,lakes,oceans can have biosynth WiFi integrated into them to control their growth and mitosis to prevent them when exposed to large amounts of nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium etc to not grow out of control.Decomposing bacteria that feed on dead algae can also have this biosynth WiFi to control their growth and prevent them growing in large numbers in response to large amounts of oxygen with them if possible made to be only grow in low oxygen environments and use carbon dioxide as an energy acceptor thus using carbon dioxide released by fish and other marine life as an energy acceptor and not from oxygen meaning they will not decrease oxygen in the environment or raise carbon dioxide levels meaning the algae of blooms do occur will release large amounts of oxygen for fish with the fish feeding on the algae as a good source through engineering.

Like smaller communities cities should have streets dotted with a variety of fruit,nut,truffle trees and fruit bushes and of course witch Hamamelidaceae and Quercus trees to provide food for humans and A.mellifera as well as improving air quality.This should of note of plazas,squares and public streets that can have the centre strip or the entire street dug up and resoiled with crop trees and even vegetables planted there or raised beds and pots can be used but ideally the former.This can be done by digging up sections and planting them or using pots dotted at strategic points with them having hybrid ornamental and crop plants alongside benches.These can also be grown in parks as well as the grounds of major castles,palaces etc with decaying ones rebuilt and turned into museums including Pidhirsti Castle,Rotschild Mansion etc with them also used as town halls.Apartment blocks can be decorated with climbing flowers that have Hedera leaves hybridised with them improving aesthetics and providing a source of food for A.mellifera as well as small crop plants with them hydrised with leafy greens,herbs and also small fruits.Strips of land in between highways as well as grass surrounding municipalities,universities,public buildings can also house fruit and nut trees,cereals and vegetables which can be harvested by robots alongside roundabouts and strips of land on streets being extra place to grow them.Thus streets of major cities and towns should have spots dug up and fruit/nut trees planted for extra crops but them having bioluminescence added to act as a cheap source of lighting replacing existing street lights.Public streets can have sections dug up and used to grow crops including trees and vegetables since these areas currently retail streets will become housing areas.Plazas and squares etc can have potted hybrid plants in the open placed with them watered by robots,drones and fitted with DNA to survive low levels of water.Parks will have plots of hybrid crops as detailed later on with existing trees modified to create any fruit via microbes changed at any time or every month/season with this of note to large ones in large cities including Central Park.Botanical gardens both new and existing will house hybrid crops and have existing ones produce fruits and nuts via injection of microbes.Areas should be set aside for permaculture farms to grow crops and livestock where nanosensors,automation and Demeter helping in reducing the most labour intensive and repetitive work and readings from nanosensors in the soil,measurement of resource use to prevent the phenomena known as the eliminate all human labour and thus ensure high productivity with zero human labour with any remaining work can be organised and done on a rotary system between all members of the community managed by the farm AI with further advances in technology including bio-synth or robotic humans controlled by the farm to eliminate human labour completely ie automated corrective systems availible by at least 2029-2045.Roofs of all buildings especially communal homes derived from skyscrapers,hyper markets,hotels and apartment blocks should contain greenhouses,potted crops,small livestock like O.aries/Phasianidae miniature Bovidae etc,recirculating aquaculture systems,permaculture gardens,beehives etc to increase the amount of food produced in a community outside of vertical farms which can be monitored remotely 24/7 by cameras placed there and also aerial drones.Balconies,hallways,lobbies,kitchens and bedrooms will house potted hybrid plants using soil or hydroponic media with Hedera hybridised with leafy greens and herbs will grow on the side of tall buildings.These,farms in gardens and growing rooms in spare rooms,entire floors or even extensions underground or the side can contain photobioreactors to grow commodities from bacteria and extra hydroponic/aeroponic hybrid crops will make them self sufficient with buildings with communal kitchens such as hospitals and amenities also using these two options.If perfected and adopted by all communal and private homes in whole towns,cities should lessen the strains on vertical farms,reducing their need and even making them redundant.Community forest farms should ideally be set in areas surrounding cities,towns and villages and also in place of all existing mono culture farms and grazing land worldwide in a mixture of crop trees in randomised fashion to ensure this land is reforested keeping soil fertile and stable as well as sequester carbon while community farms should be in done in areas within the city say for example any backlots or corners of areas not used by buildings but covered in overgrown weeds and other plants.Any old disused decaying small buildings can be destroyed and the land then converted into these farms ensuring that all available land is put to good use.Large buildings like skyscrapers formally used for office buildings and other obsolete professions will be used as vertical farms with robots pollinating crops.Ideally though these will be converted into communal homes with spare backlots used to build new vertical farms as offices and existing skyscrapers are more practical as homes than vertical farms.These should contain like in smaller communities primarily exotic non-native crops, with heavier fruit trees on lower floors,fungi/truffles, genetically modified bacteria,enzymes(such as rennet),starter cultures,moulds,in vitro meat factories,milk growing photobioreactors and biosynth machinery that creates eggs and grains etc,with the top floors providing lighter crops with recirculating aquaculture systems composed of graphene on the top floors,roof and also basements.Insects can be reared in sealed compartments in devoted floors to prevent them affecting crops.All available land in urban areas should be used including all spaces on rooftops and strips of grass in streets and cities.All types of farms such as vertical,forest,meadow,community farms will have 3D DNA printers in them to print out bacteria that produce various strains for creating commodities and also in vitro meat stem cells.It will also be used to create new crops,fish,shellfish using the Phanes method via 3D DNA printers.The use of 3D DNA printers will allow home,community and vertical farms to print out any desired seed of any species and variety of crop and also egg of insect and shellfish and fish they want at any time with each one having an unique genotype using the Phanes method with this cutting down on the need to trade seeds on local to global levels and ordering those of each species saving on energy and time.It will also negate the need for having to save seed and eggs for the next planting,ensuring all crops can be grown and harvested.Z.m.mays kernals and also Linum usitatissimum,Helianthus annuus,Sinapis alba,Brassica juncea,Brassica nigra seeds and nuts can be created via 3D DNA printers in batches for orders.If possible grains of Avena,Oryza,Triticum,Sorghum,Secale cereale,Hordeum,Trictium, can printed out using 3D DNA printers.Stem cells for in vitro meat and embryos,spermatozoa and eggs of livestock can be also printed out and in the case of embryos,spermatozoa and eggs of livestock can allow them to be printed out onsite home and community farms thus allowing one to inseminate pets and livestock.This can also be used to create bacteria that create commercial plant and animal commodities onsite of vertical farms,home farms and universities and will be used to apply the Phanes method carried out by the sentient Phanes in vertical,community and home farms into blank spermatozoa,eggs and seeds to be then frozen onsite for storage.These will also be onsite of space stations and vessels to do this for humans and onsite of conservation areas and zoos for animals especially endangered animals.Each spermatozoa,eggs and seeds will have each of them have different genotypes subtle enough to be different and thus distantly related to increase genetic diversity of a species thus saving on labour,energy and time that would be required for trading seeds,eggs and spermatozoa on local to global levels with all printed genotypes made globally by Phanes to ensure they are distinct enough to be unrelated individuals via his advanced AI that will eventually superseed human intelligence and can contain desired phenotypes from Physis.This will allow for undesirable genetic defects to be not be present in the seeds,eggs etc and also ensure illegal traits are not present and ensure that the lineages of them can be followed on global levels by him.Any bacteria that produce commodities can be created by them onsite of farms including home farms and also onsite of factories with it used to create embryos of pets and livestocks reared via artificial wombs and seeds of ornamental plants in nurseries onsite of community,forest and vertical forest farms.These will be present in vertical,community and forest farms to print out spermatazoa,eggs,seeds and bacteria,stem cells etc with them onsite of factories to print out biocompatible microbes for electronics and bacteria to produce textiles etc.Sewage treatment plants etc can use this to print out algea.It can prevent the state and defunct corporations having a stronghold on the food supply since Patents on them can owned by Phanes and since AI with no need for money could thus have the technology and seed and eggs availible for free to everyone thus shutting down the agricultural companies and will mean that a small or medium sized universal seed size can be used for all crops with it alongside seed pods mean fruits will no longer be within the fruit and thus will allow the space take up by them house more flesh and prevent choking.The printers will also allow that all types of farms will be able to print out any crop,shellfish,fish,ornamental plant,in vitro meat,animal etc they want on demand when they are low with this and the Phanes method where seeds,embryos,stem cells,eggs etc each with unique genotypes rendering the trading of seeds on local to global levels defunct saving on time and energy with it in time allowing a consumer to pre-order large orders of a certain crop,ornamental plants when plants can grow significantly fast.All vertical,meadow,forest and community farms worldwide will have an universal statue of Triptolemus on their grounds ideally in the lobby with community and forest farms also having one on their grounds in the buildings next to them with the symbol of Triptolemus on all new and existing machinery,vehicles and robots and signs,e-receipts and reports as well as it being their maps.Recirculating aquaculture farms and fish farms by lakes,rivers,coasts and even deep sea ones will have an universal statue of Pontus present with all machinery,vehicles,e-receipts and robots as well as signs having the symbol of him – the trident on them and their maps.These will be the sentient operating softwares that manage them.Each community centre,vertical farms,community farm,forest farm,fish farms(coastal,deep ocean,river,lake and even recirculating aquaculture farm)and farms of each type will have their own separate individual personality,legal name and avatar with the receptionist in the lobby having their own personality,legal name and avatar with a touchscreen landline phone in them also.The uniform of receptionists at each type of farm will be universal for each one and the sentient operating software linking all buildings together will Triptolemus for farms forest,meadow,vertical and community ones etc with Pontus linking all fish farms of all types together with their statues in the lobbies of each one.They will also have thermo-piezoelectric material covered geothermal power pipes and VAWTs to generate their own electricity and prevent power outages in blackouts of the grid and alleviate strains on the grid.Thus all towns,villages,cities should have home farms including indoor hydroponic systems and photobioreactors,community farms,forest farms,rooftop farms and vertical farms to make them self sufficient,negate corporate or state control of the food supply and thus prevent shortages and allow all land used for agriculture to be be reforested indefinitely.All surveillance systems and cameras on all robots in these buildings will be linked to the global database of criminals and missing in Athena but fed into the building AI and will switch to IR illuminator at night automatically.These will be at key points of rooms such as lobbies,egg packaging factories,wineries,breweries,slaughter rooms,labs,plots,vat rooms,hallways,pens etc and visible to the public via the intranet and fed into the farm and building AI with lights in all rooms being CSYS lights controlled by the building AI and will eliminate the need for human operators,managers and quality control supervisors.This and readings from nanosensors will give the farm AI omniscience.

Demeter will allow the public to monitor all community and vertical farms around the world via readings logged,diagnostics uploaded to computers and cameras monitoring livestock,animal,fish/shellfish pens(indoors and on river,lake,coastal and deep ocean etc.) and in crop plantations 24/7 from anywhere in the world via connection to the wire.Advances in AI and software will improve the efficiency of all vertical farms as the AI and all its data transferred to new onboard computers with the old one recycled and the AI of each farm becoming sentient individuals like those of public amenities,factories and all buildings connected to the wire.Routine diagnostics on all systems such as lighting,robots and machinery in all types of farms will follow an universal colour coded system – blue denoting safe,yellow denoting some concern,green denoting some danger and red denoting severe danger making it easy for the layperson to recognise the level of severity of the problem.If a problem occurs automated measures within the AI system will isolate severely compromised machinery ie. from cyber attacks will be cut off from the AI and other machines until it is solved with AI of compromised buildings from other similar buildings and the rest of the wire until rectified to prevent problems spreading.The AI and thus all robots under its control will have the latest cyber security installed and constantly updated with all robots,machinery and vehicles controlled by the AI of all vertical,forest and community farms rather than having independent personalities.Automated containment and corrective measures or those that can be done remotely via the wire for all possible problems will be built into the building AI again view able to the public with simulations carried out on all possible problems with them being real world and VR simulations.Thus all work in home,vertical,forest,meadow,grassland,fish and community farms from planting,watering,fertilising,harvesting and cleaning can and should be completely automated from start to finish by 2029 to remove human labour with readings from nanosensors in soils,atmospheric poles and weather networks from Demeter and Hermes and camera readings fed into the Home and farm AI where they can be remotely monitored via the wire.Any remaining work will be rotary managed by the farm AI done by members of the community with robotics advanced enough by this point to do the most laborious and repetitive work.Robots will consist of drones that plant seeds in randomised manner,drones that spray water and fertilisers etc.This should prevent the problems associated with the eliminate all human labour and thus ensure high productivity with zero human labour.In time by 2045 robots and bio-synths modelled on humans controlled by the farm AI will replace any humans with all of this catering to the public communal means of production of agriculture and mariculture.Machinery and robots can also be composed of self soldering and healing metals,electronics and polymers to prevent them breaking down.Miniaturised versions of repair robots can be integrated to repair damaged machinery with them in specialised room.To ensure abundance and self sufficiency of local native and exotic organic and sustainable food all towns,villages and cities around the world should have home farms,community farms,permaculture forests and vertical gardens.

Genetic engineering can be applied too crops to produce natural repellents that repels pests eliminating pesticides with it also used to have crops grow leafy greens and herbs in place of inedible leaves etc as well as grow as much as five to six crops on a single plant with it also allowing crops to grow in all climates and soils worldwide,exponentially lower water and fertiliser requirements,use all wavelengths of light,use radiation as a food source,make rare mutations that lead to oversized crops etc ubiquitous and reach maturity in a few days as well as grow exponentially larger amounts of biomass.Hybrid crops will involve crops that grow as much as five or six crops at once that can be changed via biocompatible microbes injecting and adding CRISPR treatments all owning the type of crops grow to be changed in demands.All leaves and inedible husks of all hybrid crops will be leafy greens to prevent them going to waste.The accelerated healing phenotype will allow crops to regrow harvested leaves,fruit etc within minutes increasing production with extensive engineering increasing the rate of plant growth allowing crops to reach maturity within days,reducing water and fertiliser requirements exponentially and increase the size of plants in particularly leafy greens exponentially.The acellerated hesling phenotype can allow harvested leaves and crops to regrow once harvested to increase yields with plants engineered to forcibly eject fruits etc,regrow and then again forcibly eject them over and over again until a million,billion or even nonillion fruits are created enough to allow a single plant over the course of a year produce enough food to feed a town,city,country or even the worlds food needs for decades,centuries etc.Truffles will be created by Biosynth machinery or through engineering be able to grow in the soils of any type as well as grow in large tubules and masses in trash and allowing them to be mass produced and grow anywhere in the world.Bacteria can be engineered to produce the commodites of any species of plant and animal such as flours,sugars,honeys textiles,milk etc including chocolate butter and powder etc thus making even the most expensive ones cheaper and give one variety in those from all 2,391,000 species of plants and animals with them grown onsite of home,vertical and community farms.Them grown photobioreactors in home,community and vertical farms will produce exponentially higher yields with exponentially lower resources such as water,fertiliser and space.Entomorpagy will become a predominant source of protein by being reared one tanks in home,community and vertical farms.All of these technologies and measures will allow all land used for agriculture worldwide to be reforested forever back to their native state or jungles,meadows,forests etc and will be necessary for feeding a growing population especially when genetic engineering is utilised to increase growth rates and yields with it also eliminating all work in agriculture and mariculture worldwide.3D DNA printers onsite of all home,vertical and community farms will allow the seeds,embryos,eggs,stem cells of any species of crop,livestock,meat,insect,fish,bacteria etc to be created onsite of any home,community and vertical farms worldwide to decentralise food production shutting international trade.Demeter modelled on Amazon will be the sole means of ordering crops,meat etc from community and vertical farms across the world with home farms catering to in between orders.One will be able to choose from organic crops,fish etc without genetic engineering or choose genetically modified crops woyh genetically modified crops,fish etc labelled as such and undergoing strict safety trials for transparency.This will make all supermarkets that sell crops etc obsolete with manufactured food products such as breakfast cereals ordered in from Deipneus factories with retail outlets that sell food converted into communal homes.The same anti-ageing treatments in humans will be used to extend the shelf life of crops,in vitro meat etc to allow them to stay fresh forever alongside methods to eliminate spoilage micro-organisms with excess uneaten food pyrolysised to create biochar fertiliser with only what is needed ordered.The same anti-ageing treatments in humans and microbes can allow milk,meat,harvested vegetables and fruit to stay fresh exponentially longer potentially for decades,centuries of not forever preventing waste with uneaten excess food sent to organic waste plants to be pyrolysised and turned into biochar that can reused as fertiliser creating a looped cycle.Fertiliser for all crops,in virtro meat etc will consist of algae from sewage treatment plants that converts feces and urine into phosphorus and nitrogen with carbon coming from biochar from from pyrolysised uneaten food.Intensive research will be done to make all food such as crops,fish,shellfish,in vitro meat,commodities from bacteria,bacteria based milk last as long as possibly such as several years,decades,centuries of not forever and still be safe to eat without loss of taste,texture and nutritional content and be free from pathogenic and spoilage bacteria and moulds etc.Excess uneaten crops,meat etc will be pyrolysised in organic waste food plants that convert it into bicohar that can be reused as fertiliser.Crops etc from vertical farms will be ordered in through the universal online platform Demeter managed by the sentient Cronus with that from community farms ordered in here as well as well as picking them up in person with all farms worldwide managed by individual farm AI and linked together by the sentient Triptolemus and all work automated between 2029-2045.All work in agriculture such as planting,harvesting and transportation will be fully automated from start to finish eliminating all 1,000,000,000 jobs in agriculture and 600,000,000 jobs in mariculture worldwide forever,eliminating the eliminate all human labour and thus ensure high productivity with zero human labour and shutting down internal markets as 3D DNA printers onsite of all home,community and vertical farms will allow one to create any species of crop,in vitro meat,bacteria,fish and shellfish making towns,cities etc worldwide self sufficient.It will also eliminate markets and international trade since all crops,fish and commodites can be grown in any town,city and village worldwide.Recreational drugs of all types such as tobacco,marijuania etc will be either grown at home or will be be ordered in from community and vertical farms as part of hybrid crops.Agricultural research will be relegated to universities worldwide using greenhouses snd also hydroponics,aquaponics,potted plants and also plots in nearby fields and roofs with home,community and vertical farms also aiding in this determine the effects of local soils and climates on crop growth with government and corporate labs converted into communal homes.Universities will house extensions to house agriculture science labs where they are grown in pots of soil,greenhouse,hydroponic and aquaponic media etc with home,community and vertical farms also carrying out scientific research both individually or collectively on national,continental or global scales by having results of them fed into computer networks.Thus all land worldwide used for agriculture worldwide will be reforested forever due to a combination of in vitro meat,algae,commodities from bacteria,aquaponics,aeroponics,hydroponics and recirculating aquaculture systems etc in home,community and vertical farms and still be able to produce emough to feed enough for the growing population from 2100 onwards to the 4,000,000,000,000,000 population mark.This will give each country larger areas of wilderness for hiking and extinct species of animals brought back from extinction and already endangered species and act as major carbon sinks that sequester carbon dioxide and improves air quality with AI analysing soil samples from as far back as before the rise of agriculture and even 200,000 years ago before the rise of humans to see what type of wilderness was in place of each area of farmland such as jungles,meadows etc.Christmas tree plantations will be made redundant and reforested forever by ordering in from vertical farms and engineered to reach maturity a few moths and planting them in ones private homes gardens or on the roof of communal homes permanently and them moved back and forth between the garden and also living room in pots with them having the acellerated healing phenotype and also have biolumenscence added and removed via microbes to allow plantations to be returned to permanent woodland.Synthetic wood and paper will replace conventional forestry with the wood and aped created by bacteria creating resins,pulps and fibres etc onsite of localised Oxylus,Talos,Epeius factories etc thus allowing land used for forestry to be reforested forever as carbon sinks.This will allow one access to wood of any of the worlds 60,065 species at zero cost eliminating all human jobs and labour in forestry.All towns,villages and cities worldwide will be reforested as far back as possible alongside former agricultural land and land used for forestry to give them sizeable areas of wilderness surrounding them for hiking,scenery,improving air quality,transpiration etc with urban forests set up in all of them as well..All machinery used in agriculture will be recycled and all buildings such as egg packing buildings,milking parlours,slaughterhouses etc will be turned into communal homes.This should be possible between 2029-2045.Ploughing matches etc will likely take place in VR simulations with agricultural fairs will involve contests and eating fairs using produce created in home,community farms and possibly vertical farms on local to global scales.Those involving livestock will involve remaining reared livestock.Ploughing matches will become obsolete or take place in VR simulations.All mazaines,journals,programmes that deal with agriculture such as Ear to the Ground etc will focus on the setting up,maintaining etc of home farms,community farms and possible vertical farms rather than traditional farms and agricultural fairs.