
Since hotels and conventional tourist residences will be converted into homes,labs,farms or a mixture of these future means of tourism will be done via the Euthenia platform in Hephaestus replacing Air bnb,couchsurfing etc.This will allow people to make more friends and build further ties between communities on global scale with tourists giving a rating and review of the person they stay with or trade homes with.This can be a platform of home sharing and swapping wherein people trade places with other people in there local,region and country so as to allow people to share homes and residences throughout the year when they are not present and wish to have change of scenery and location throughout the year with the two programs merging together with them also having the option of staying with the homeowner in extra bedrooms and extensions who can act as a host for a set period of time.It can also be once they are integrated into Hephaestus for being used to move into new homes permanently alongside trading homes.The digital keys system can be used as a form of security with visitors given access for the set period of time and them then revoked.All of this can be done online with the homeowner advertising their home on these platforms and any communications done via email and Iris video chats with the sentient Coeus breaking the language removing the need for any third parties and allowing offices for these third parties to be used for homes.Homes in this area can show pictures of each room,the garden and other features with the Home map uploaded there for private remote tours of the entire building and garden with the homeowner also able to upload professional audio visual tours of each room,garden and surrounding wilderness,views,streets and other areas edited using Pentheus and camcorders,smart devices on tripods or automated cameras where they explain their features etc alongside them recording parts of the neighbourhood,nearby amenities and tourist spots.Drones will be used to create aerial shots with hotels and communal homes will have a tour of the amenities,lobby,surrounding area,tourist spots and and the room advertised.Hotel rooms,penthouses and private homes can have professional audio/visual tours made via Pentheus by the homeowner or locale in the case of those being booked for modification that will detail the rooms,features,amenities,gardens,streets,wilderness as well as the local town and city amenities,tourist spots using cameras and drones to do aerial shots with Euthenia and the Home and building AI acting as realtors showcasing these in person alongside the person trading them using VR tours.If possible they may hire presenters and cameramen who worked on Restoration Nation to do this professionally.VR technology phone calls can be used by both parties to bring up simulations of the house,building and AI to allow for them to visit the place before travelling there.Thus VR technology will allow one to given tours of the room,suite,apartment and home by both the home AI and homeowner and also surrounding areas to try out the building.The homeowner will list the amount of rooms,types of rooms,address,floors,whether it is trading or hosting,contact details of the homeowner etc with the homes location on a GPS map visible within the site and their will be a list of local amenities and tourist spots.Mansions,villas,homes and even islands belonging to the so called 1% will become wildly available to the general public this way for holidays,anniversaries,weddings,honeymoons and other ceremonial events.This section of Euthenia with regards to homes will look just as professional as existing home trading or hotel sites.The section devoted to houses will be a global site within Euthenia and thus a person can choose a continent,country,region and locale on a map showing the amount of homes to trade or host within each level and their location visible as pins with a search bar also available for each town,city,village,region,country,continent to be brought up instantly.Otherwise a person can in menu brought up within each of the aforementioned levels use filters to find what they need or are looking for such as the number of bedrooms,star ratings(left alongside reviews by others).Thus the homeowner can host the tourists while they stay there in spare bedrooms,lend off second homes they dont use,switch homes with the tourists or be staying in another persons home as a tourist while the tourist stays in their home with in each case the two parties arranging how long the tourist will be their home.Both participants can leave reviews on each other.Thus homes would be divided into those for hosting/sharing,renting,trading places/swapping or permanently trading away after private and communal of each type.Details such as wifi passwords and maps will be streamed via the home AI with digital keys for doors,gates and communal electronics lent to person during this period and revoked alongside other important data.Calendars on the section for booking a place can be used for the homeowner to mark which days the building is available for renting and sharing with days free shown as a unique colour(or not coloured) with them then crossing out those that are decided upon by both.On could use VR simulations via Iris to do tours of rooms,apartments and buildings as a more effective means of a tour.Those living permanently in hotels and motels around the world will advertise their rooms to the public while they are on holidays either by swapping homes or staying in homes in other home sharing programmes by advertising them in the swapping section thus allowing people access to hotels during holidays and different time of the year with this also used to permanently trade away suites in hotels with this done in a different section.If need be the large Venetian size may mean that a person may have two beds in their suite to house tourists as well as friends.A person would advertise the dates the room is free weeks or months beforehand with the same done to these in private homes going on holidays thus while a person who lives in private homes is one holiday using home sharing programmes in Euthenia they too can have their homes advertised in this swapping section for tourists to stay in them for certain periods of time.The building would appear in the sections with their location,address,rooms free etc as a clickeable link with communal homes with multiple rooms free would appear as the same one with this appearing the second the owner advertised it.Spare rooms in communal homes and also whole private homes and also even all rooms in a communal home availible due to the resident has permanently moved away or has not yet been taken by anyone will be present in the renting/sharing and also permanently trading away section to cater to tourists as well as permanent residents with when it booked for tourists the dates it is booked for denoted in the calenders of both section to alert potential permanent residents of when it would be free with in the case of private homes with spare bedrooms and extensions the house kept in the sharing program with them also being able to house multiple tourists at once with each room ie master bedroom,spare bedroom and underground ones advertised at once.The macro AI,room AI and also Home AI will be contacted.As stated large families may use multiple communal buildings and private homes in the same area for holidays in an area that would negate the need for hotels being used in their conventional form.This would make all tourist corporations and state bodies,boards and departments around the world obsolete allowing them to have their headquarters become homes and server recycled with the same applied to Air bnb,couchsurfing,hiphousing etc and the websites of hotels.All homes on Air bnb,couchsurfing and hiphousing etc websites will be transferred into Euthenia before being shutdown and recycled with AI doing this.VR indistinguishable from reality can allow on to carry out Iris chats to visit rooms,apartments etc to get a virtual tour beforehand.All tourist agencies and websites that advertise tourist spots such as tripadvisor be made defunct by Euthenia etc

As stated existing homes in the suburbs etc of major cities and tourist spots around the world can have roof,underground or side extensions added to solely house bedrooms and amenities for tourists all times of the year with them also adding luxury fittings and new furniture etc to all rooms to make them desirable especially in the suburbs of tourist spots across the world in major cities covered in episodes.This will also increase their standard of living and will accommodate to those who live alone with families whose children have moved away also advertising their spare rooms who will also have luxury fittings added in all rooms covered in episodes with them also having extra rooms.Each house renovated will ideally have at least three or four rooms added to house an average family or multiple unrelated people at any one time with them also adding amenities such as ensuites,jacquizzies,indoor pools,games rooms and extra living rooms in them with these again increasing the owners standard of living and also making them more desirable with these extensions being on the roof,side and underground making them the same size as Mcmansions.If all homes in an area especially those in major tourist hotspots such as Haiti,Las Vegas,New York,Lanzarote etc adopt this then a large family or group of friends can stay in multiple closely knit homes in the same city,street or neighbourhood.This would compensate the use of hotels and motels as permanent homes.Those in tropical and famous areas could have at most even ten Venetian style rooms alongside amenities underground especially if they are far away from other homes.Those in rural areas will also have these.Existing homes including mansions and palaces renovated from abandoned ones will advertise free bedrooms as part of home sharing programmes that will replace hotels for extended periods of time as detailed later on.Training facilities used by the Agoge including Quantico and other state and federal law enforcement and military training buildings,summer and gay as well as boy and girl scout camps used by the Agoge who will be not used by Agoge trainees during Summer,Christmas and other holidays and thus can be used by the general population when advertised for these time periods further accommodating this especially in major cities and also those by lakes and woodlands and tropical areas.These will be in underground extensions.Unoccupied rooms and apartments in communal homes may also be advertised for this by the macro AI or residents there with if need be hotels,inns,hostels and ski lodges etc renovated into permanent homes will also have underground extensions with extra bedrooms and amenities to cater to tourists covered in episodes.State federal buildings such as governor and mayor halls will be occupied by mayor or governor AIs with them having underground extensions to house suites for several people such as tourists with if possible offices used by other defunct human staff will be converted into hotel suites advertised on Euthenia.Palaces and castles already owned by the wealthy including royalty could advertise spare rooms to the public for permanent residence as well as well as tourists and even have extensions underground and the side to house extra Venetian suites for tourists.Castles,mansions,palaces,villas,small houses including those as part of ghost towns and neighbourhoods etc will have underground,side and roof extensions to house extra amenities and also bedrooms for tourists with them in the case of castles,palaces,mansions if owned by large families or even just a married couple have these to house tourists consisting of potentially large families in the same architectural style of the main building.Even mansions,palaces,castles currently owned,those gained via Euthenia and also renovated abandoned ones having roof,side and underground extensions in the same architectural style of the main building and in time dimensional transcendentalism to house amenities and extra rooms for tourists with mansions,castles and palaces renting out all existing spare rooms alongside these will allow even large families to stay in multiple homes in the same neighbourhood and still act as permanent residence for large families living there.The very wealthy who own two or more homes especially villas,mansions,palaces etc will have these extensions etc housing amenities and extra bedrooms in all homes to not only house space for tourists but also extra ones that can house permanent residents moving into all of their homes especially the very poor with this allowing the extra homes to cater to permanent residents,tourists and allow the original owner come and go as they please while allowing others to move in as permanent residents and also cater to tourists and will add dimensional transcendentalism devices to house extra bedrooms and living spaces for tourists.This would allow the poor to move into extra homes owned by the wealthy and still allow the original owners to use them whenever they want.Existing homes including mansions and palaces renovated from abandoned ones will advertise free bedrooms as part of home sharing programmes that will replace hotels for extended periods of time.These will be advertised in Euthenia.The rich and famous including royalty,musicians,actors,CEOs,politicians who live in mansions and palaces alongside all homes in wealthy neighbourhoods around the world can rent out spare rooms and those added in extensions and in time dimensional transcendentalism.Certain amenities like defunct government buildings,opera houses,museums,theatres,community halls,churches,vertical farms,breweries,historical libraries etc may also house underground extensions for tourists to stay in with these also integrating dimensional transcendentalism.All abandoned buildings turned into private homes including those ghost towns will have underground,side and roof extensions for tourists.The use of home sharing managed by the sentient Euthenia is a more authentic and personal form of tourist accommodation than hotels allowing homeowners to act as guides to the local area but saves hassle in automating hotels managed by AI and also can allow hostels,hotels and motels to become permanent homes especially five star ones to increase the standard of living for the poor who move there and can allow room/home swapping and renting when permanent residents in hotels themselves go on holidays including during the summer,spring and Christmas etc when people normally visit major tourist hotspots,but also room sharing when dimensional transcendentalism is perfected with each suites devices housing amenities,kitchens,living rooms and up to twenty Venetian or larger suites and en suites.They when on holiday during Christmas,summer or year or longer road trips can rent out their suite via Euthenia.Private homeowners will also rent out their homes when on holiday as part of road trips and Christmas and Summer holiday.Existing homes including mansions and palaces renovated from abandoned ones will advertise free bedrooms as part of home sharing programmes that will replace hotels for extended periods of time as detailed later on and can themselves have side,roof and underground extensions to house more bedrooms in extensions for specifically for tourists added in the episodes where they are renovated alongside luxury houses gained from retail sites for the poor in the episodes detailing the people moving in.Museums,theatres both existing and new from defunct government buildings will have extensions added covered in episodes to house not just volunteers but also tourists with those from restored buildings have hotel like buildings and underground extensions added again to house not just volunteers but also tourists.Those in hotels may swap homes or rooms with others across the world where both people arrange the details via Euthenia with this allowing in a sense hotels being used by tourists as when a resident in a hotel is going for holidays abroad by sharing a home etc or is moving away permanently they would advertise their room in Euthenia to anyone wanting to stay their.These will be advertised in Euthenia.The same would apply to those living in cruise ships.Those living permanently in hotels and motels around the world will advertise their rooms to the public while they are on holidays either by swapping homes or staying in homes in other home sharing programmes by advertising them in the swapping section thus allowing people access to hotels during holidays and different time of the year with this also used to permanently trade away suites in hotels with this done in a different section.A person would advertise the dates the room is free weeks or months beforehand with the same done to these in private homes going on holidays thus while a person who lives in private homes is going on holdiays and using home sharing programmes within Euthenia they too can have their homes advertised in this swapping section for tourists to stay in them for certain periods of time.All hotels,bnbs,motels around as detailed earlier on will become permanent homes for residents there from around the world with room swapping and also all private homes in the suburbs housing roof,side,underground extensions to house bedrooms for tourists in all major tourist hotspots around the world allowing even large families to stay in different homes in the same neighbourhoods thus allowing traditional tourism to continue once hotels,motels,inns etc are converted into permanent homes.Dimensional transcendentalism will also increase their living spaces in each suite to house personal amenities and even bedrooms for tourists and guests thus allowing for hotels etc to become permanent homes but also cater to to traditional tourism at the same time while the permanent residents stay there.Thus as detailed later on it would drastically increase the standard of living to all citizens worldwide while still lowering the amount of space these palace homes take up in the real world outside and wouldnt cost a penny.Suites in communal hotel style homes will house these to increase their standard of living giving them extra bedrooms for tourists allowing traditional tourism to continue while allowing permanent residents to stay and house personal amenities and growing rooms.Until then underground,roof extensions and even building large hotel style homes in place of poor housing states,slums etc and modifying council flats into luxury style homes via making each apartment large Venetian style suites.Thus once it becomes availible by 2045 dimensional transcendentalism will be added to private and communal hotel,penthouse,apartment style homes existing and those derived from obsolete and abandoned buildings to give extra amenities,areas to grow food via hydroponics,vats for bacteria and in vitro meat and master bedrooms and toilets for tourists and guests with this also used in underground and underwater communities and those on other planets across the galaxy and even space stations and interstellar vehicles.In hotel style homes it will be in suites to house these rooms such as personal amenities,growing rooms for food and master beds and ensuites for tourists and guests allowing tourists to stay in suites and apartments at the same time as permanent residents.If possible the suites could act as a miniature lobby with the main residents bed and furniture moved into the extradimensional space in a master bedrooms also housing amenities and master bedrooms and en suite for tourists with the main en suite shared or not if no extra en suite is added.As stated this could house an extradimensional space the size of mansions,penthouses,giga mansions and palaces meaning as much as ten to twenty master bedrooms and ensuites for tourists could exist alongside spacious living rooms and kitchens,growing rooms,amenities etc allowing for one to host many guests in them and still there.These in apartments and penthouses will again give one master bedrooms and ensuites,those for tourists and amenities etc.The storerooms,basements,communal living rooms and kitchens of communal homes will house areas to grow food,extra space for residents and more amenities.Hallways on each floor could house devices to house more suites with their own devices following a matroyoshka doll structures.In private homes this will house these also with a persons bedroom turned into miniature lobby and a device in their room leading to personal amenities and main residents bed and furniture moved into the extradimensional space in a master bedrooms and en suite also housing amenities with one in the refurbished basement,hallway,kitchen and living room lead to extra amenities,growing rooms for food,larger living room and also master bedrooms for tourists.Kitchens and living rooms may act as miniature lobbies for them with basements and storerooms refurbished and housing devices leading to larger storerooms and also amenities,master bedrooms and en suites for tourists and guests with as many as ten to twenty bedrooms.Matroyoshka doll structures will be used to further increase living spaces and density.One would order a device from Antikythera or Archimedes and the person ordering it including AI would design the rooms and their size on Pandora with robots and biosynths building them when it is set up with in the case of communal homes each floor of suites/apartments will be designed by a person booking it on Euthenia using Pandora and then it will be built by biosynths etc entering it for the chose room with them also doing so for the dimensions within the devices in these apartments and rooms.Designs would be stored in a specific section within Daedalus suited for them and one could copy sections of buildings in Daedalus into this section.Biosynthtic technology and nanomaterials that passively separate oxygen from carbon dioxide will provide oxygen and digital smart windows provide scenery.

all hotels,bnbs,motels around the world as detailed earlier on will become permanent homes for residents there from around the world with room swapping and also all private homes in the suburbs including those derived from abandoned and obsolete buildings,castles,mansions,palaces etc owned by royalty,rich and famous etc housing roof,side,underground extensions to house amenities bedrooms for tourists in all major tourist hotspots around the world allowing even large families to stay in different homes in the same neighbourhoods thus allowing traditional tourism to continue once hotels,motels,inns etc are converted into permanent homes.Dimensional transcendentalism will also increase their living spaces in each hotel suite to house personal amenities and even bedrooms for tourists and guests thus allowing for hotels etc to become permanent homes but also cater to to traditional tourism at the same time while the permanent residents stay there.All people worldwide living in mansions,villas and those in the upper and lower middle class or in lower and middle class that even live homes in the suburbs and rural areas will have roof,side and underground extensions to house extra bedrooms and amenities alongside luxury refurbishments for tourists to compensate for the fact that hotels,motels,inns etc becoming permanent homes as an entire family could stay in multiple houses in the same neighbourhood with even residents in hotels etc trading away or swapping rooms when on holiday thus allowing traditional tourism to survive.These will also integrate dimensional transcendentalism into them to add more bedrooms,living rooms and amenities.Castles,mansions,palaces,villas,small houses including those as part of ghost towns and neighbourhoods etc will have underground,side and roof extensions to house extra amenities and also bedrooms for tourists with them in the case of castles,palaces,mansions if owned by large families or even just a married couple have these to house tourists consisting of potentially large families in the same architectural style of the main building.Even mansions,palaces,castles currently owned,those gained via Euthenia and also renovated abandoned ones having roof,side and underground extensions in the same architectural style of the main building and in time dimensional transcendentalism to house amenities and extra rooms for tourists with mansions,castles and palaces renting out all existing spare rooms alongside these will allow even large families to stay in multiple homes in the same neighbourhood and still act as permanent residence for large families living there.The very wealthy who own two or more homes especially villas,mansions,palaces etc will have these extensions etc housing amenities and extra bedrooms in all homes to not only house space for tourists but also extra ones that can house permanent residents moving into all of their homes especially the very poor with this allowing the extra homes to cater to permanent residents,tourists and allow the original owner come and go as they please while allowing others to move in as permanent residents and also cater to tourists and will add dimensional transcendentalism devices to house extra bedrooms and living spaces for tourists.This would allow the poor to move into extra homes owned by the wealthy and still allow the original owners to use them whenever they want.Existing homes including mansions and palaces renovated from abandoned ones will advertise free bedrooms as part of home sharing programmes that will replace hotels for extended periods of time.These will be advertised in Euthenia.The rich and famous including royalty,musicians,actors,CEOs,politicians who live in mansions and palaces alongside all homes in wealthy neighbourhoods around the world can rent out spare rooms and those added in extensions and in time dimensional transcendentalism.Certain amenities like defunct government buildings,opera houses,museums,theatres,community halls,churches,vertical farms,breweries,historical libraries,universities etc may also house underground extensions for tourists to stay in with these also integrating dimensional transcendentalism.All abandoned buildings turned into private homes including those ghost towns will have underground,side and roof extensions for tourists.The use of home sharing managed by the sentient Euthenia is a more authentic and personal form of tourist accommodation than hotels allowing homeowners to act as guides to the local area but saves hassle in automating hotels managed by AI and also can allow hostels,hotels and motels to become permanent homes especially five star ones to increase the standard of living for the poor who move there and can allow room/home swapping and renting when permanent residents in hotels themselves go on holidays including during the summer,spring and Christmas etc when people normally visit major tourist hotspots,but also room sharing when dimensional transcendentalism is perfected with each suites devices housing amenities,kitchens,living rooms and up to twenty Venetian or larger suites and en suites.They when on holiday during Christmas,summer or year or longer road trips can rent out their suite via Euthenia.Private homeowners will also rent out their homes when on holiday as part of road trips and Christmas and Summer holiday.All private homes including in the suburbs,rural areas,apartments and outskirts even castles,mansions,villas,palaces owned by the average individual and wealthy and famous in all islands,towns and cities that are hotspots will have roof,side and underground extensions to house amenities,bedrooms for tourists and luxury refurbishments and in time dimensional transcendentalism added to house tourists allowing for whole families to stay in the same neighbourhood.Having royalty,wealthy and famous people rent bedrooms in villas,castles,mansions,palaces in extensions etc can allow the average person stay in them briefly as part of holidays and hang around them and their neighbourhoods while staying in hotspots with them also renting out the home while on holiday themselves using home sharing programmes using private homes turned into mini mansions via roof,side and underground extensions and luxury refurbishments and staying in hotels in devices and home swapping and as stated second and third homes that have extensions can have permanent residents move in and extra rooms for tourists.People in apartments will rent out spare bedrooms,have luxury refurbishments and also rent the apartment when on hoiday.All of this can compensate for bnbs,inns,hotels etc converted into permanent homes and can allow more people to stay in a hotspot at anytime of the year as all homes both private and communal homes can house tourists.Euthenia can be used to arrange sharing,renting and swapping homes and rooms and thus the communal ownership of all homes worldwide.VR technology can allow any home to be used in media and VR holidays and personal simulations thus meaning that one can have any mansion,villa etc at a whims notice.Road trips wherein a person visits multiple hotspots around a country,continent and the world will replace normal one stop holidays allowing a person to see multiple hotspots around the world with the sentient Helios app interacting with the sentient Euthenia,Oceanus,Eos,Amphirite,Ophion etc organising all stops,accommodation and means of travel with homes in towns and cities that are not considered hotspots and have only one or no hotels have all homes have these extensions etc to make them appealing and new hotspots and have volunteers,home sharers and AI organising tours with them also acting as in stops as part of road trips as well as cater to guests such as relatives and friends at any time of the year.Networks and VR technology its time dilation effect and networks can allow remaining work in mentoring,law,psychology,live news and media production to be done during these that can last even a year or two.Brauron visited in VR simulations can also suffice if overbooked.

Digital keys to homes,rooms,electronics and vehicles as well as access to Home AI through the daughter key access can allow vehicles to be temporarily shared with others when either trading homes or being guests with the possibility of vehicle renting systems in Euthenia and Helios.Otherwise a vehicle rental system wherein a global public service can be within Helios that also manages taxis etc to the general public can also lend out vehicles during their stay with a timed digital key that allows unlimited access during the set time that the individual is staying at the place but then expires at the set time with the tourist given time to remove any personal belongings from the vehicle at which point their temporary digital key for this vehicle is automatically deleted from the app storing digital keys at which point the vehicle is automatically driven back to the public warehouse it is stored the next morning.The vehicle and digital key app would alert the tourists to be automatically driven back to their temporary place of residence at that set time at night this would allow them to remove all items and people from them with cameras that look inwards ensuring no one is inside with them having to push a mandatory button or passcode to ensure all items and persons are out of the vehicle.While stored in the app that digital key would show how much time would be left until the vehicle would return and their access revoked.To return to the airport or seaport the tourist would use public transport like Uber taxis and the rented vehicle.One can book the vehicle beforehand for the time they are in the area,choose from different models such as sports cars and coaches and have arrive at the airport/train station to pick them up and drive to their destination with them stored in underground in extensions to taxi ranks.Alternatively they can rent the vehicle until one or two days after they return to their home and thus they can get the vehicle to drive them to the airport/seaport and it will return itself to the warehouse.Otherwise the vehicles would be parked in random or specific spots around the area and can be booked on the spot or specific time periods with them driving to ones current residence or their location given to the tourist with in both cases their distance in kilometres,metres,cms constantly relayed.This rental system can be composed of a single website/network serving a range of tourist spots,cities around the world and can be arranged to have the vehicle pick when they arrive at the airport/seaport with the time set and type of vehicle set on the website based on the needs o the individual such as number of seats and can be be organised and logged in the app responsible for organizing travel.The vehicle can be arranged beforehand to have all menus in the writing and any voice commands in the tourists own language.This app and the digital key would allow them to locate the vehicle on GPS google maps or by distance wherein the smart devices show how far it is from tourist in metres and centimetres via both the digital key and Helios travel app.Vehicles of all shapes and sizes and as many as the person wants can be rented including even flying vehicles and also yachts and boats will also be available on this global platform with yachts driving to nearby ports of the address which can be detected via GPS or their distance from the smart devices with them returning the boatyard where they are stored with the same features and precautions as terrestrial.Otherwise ferries and underground tunnels can allow for the persons own vehicle to be transported to and from the destination while they are in the air or sea.Vehicle sharing platforms within Euthenia and public transport can also aid tourists in their transportation needs.Alternatively one can arrange to have ones own vehicle to drive or fly to their tourist destination using the Ophion system.

Alongside this are platforms within Euthenia and the digital keys system that will allow people to lend their cars and bicycle to friends and other members of the community when they are not used like say when on holiday with a single global platform within Hephaestus namely Euthenia facilitating this with all vehicles subdivided by type and subtype.This could also apply to yacht,boat and private jet sharing programs that can be integrated into the same global site or platform within Hephaestus.The internet allow people to share these vehicles at certain times of the year they are not using them with the vehicles driving to the person who wishes to uses it either to their home or local pier/boatyard/airport and temporary digital keys given.Motorhomes can also be rented and shared between the global community again via this platform and allow an individual to travel across a country for a set period of time.

Pets can be sent to destinations across the world via several options.Firstly for in country trips one would bring them in their private vehicles if they are driving with trips made via Oceanus will be sent to the destination via the vehicles driving themselves to the destination with the windows in the front down a bit to keep the indoor cool and provide oxygen with if possible the Home AI in the form of a biosynth driving them there and feeding them when needed.Trips that involve Eos,Erebus and Oceanus will have the biosynth do the same at the same time or separately.The pet can be looked after at home by the Home AI controlling a biosynths that will give them food,walks etc and prevent them getting lost or left bored and look after the house while the family is gone such as ensuring it isnt broken into and them also watering and feeding flowers and other ornamental plants as well as looking after livestock and also crops as well with them able to lock and unlock any door at any time.The biosynth through fragmentation will be with the family through registered devices and also a second biosynth that can stay in the same or extra bed in suites and homes or stay in living rooms overnight.Neural implants in the pet and also livestock as well as homeowners will allow for VR simulation to be carried allowing the pet and owners to entertain them at certain times every day using the time dilation effect with the AI also taking the form of the owner in these as well preventing the animal getting lonely in simulations of their destination or home with homeowners able to bring them on VR trips to mythological places.Neighbours will be able to bring them on walks with them given access to the home via digital keys to feed fish at specific time with them also house sitting for certain times or all the time if the neighbour is a teenager or wife/husband as part of a couple.Otherwise they can be stored in local community,meadow,grassland and forest farms and cared after by the community or by a friend and neighbour who has access to the house via digital keys or who can bring the pet into their home.The buildings of these farms will have areas to house pets and even livestock to be stored during holidays.Biosyths at these farms or those controlled by the home will look after them as the farms will have automated feeders and large open areas to run through and interact with other animals.People who like animals can advertise on Euthenia or ideally Agora to act as pet minders for these instances in all towns,villages and cities around the world with them since not burdend by careers can do so all year long with their Home AI in the form of biosynths also aiding in this.

Sharing of motorhomes when they are not used on a regional,national and global scale with tourists will allow a person to travel on the road with the vehicle travelling 24/7 while the passengers are asleep in the accommodation stopping at local sewage plants to remove sewage and also water used in the sinks and showers or even if possible use algae to treat the waste and convert it into food that can be used to feed humans and fish in compact tanks that treat it and the water with graphene sheets and super blasts of super high intensity UV lights present to make them more compact.Dish and clothes washers made redundant by liquid glass on clothes and cutlery and also steamers,solar grills and halogen ovens making ovens and microwaves etc will make more space for these with the algae used as food once deemed safe by internal nanosensors.Gas created would be expelled or stored in a compartment where it can be used as energy to power the vehicle or expelled.They can also have docks to dock with sewage and water treatment plants that vehicles used to collect waste from septic tanks can connect to.They can drive 24/7 stopping at charging stations or the open to charge.It will also stop at vertical farms and water treatment plants to collect water,food and even at factories to collect orders of manufactured ordered and selected by the passengers.Water collection systems can collect rainwater with them opened and closed by the onboard computer.Manufactured goods can be delivered to the vehicles current or expected location or the vehicle can drive to factories to collect them with this also applying to food deliveries from community and vertical farms.Also sharing motorhomes will allow tourists to travel over a region or country they are visiting and replace traditional accommodation sharing with this sharing of motorhomes and all vehicles would be integrated into Euthenia.They can arrive at the airport and then travel to ones destination and act as a home for them the entire trip stopping on the streets of all major towns and cities they visit and when the journey has ended they can return to the airport to travel home.

Remote controlled drones can allow a person to remotely visit anyplace in the world from the comfort of their own place including view areas from angles that they would otherwise be physically be unable to do so with them stopping at wireless chargers at set points or through self charging technologies.These would be housed in special buildings near these spots and through Hermes people will be able to book them and see what ones are available with this done possibly from Artemis with them given booking a set amount of time say a couple hours to several days and them controlled by wireless remote controllers,joysticks while at home with links made through the wire.This can be done for geological features,caves,wilderness areas and even cities with in time nanosensors feeding temperature,smells etc into neural implants.Otherwise one could use ones own personal drone onsite of them or even have their drones shipped to anywhere in the world by shipping them back and forth via Hephaestus or Eos airlines with them housed in specialised boxes that automatically open at their destination and can be entered into rented vehicles to and from the airport by machinery.VR once indistinguishable from reality will allow one to virtually visit any place in the world or galaxy from the comfort of their home within minutes or even seconds especially using Brauron with this of note to amenities that are overcrowded or are prone to damage from people as well as those restricted to the public.These would have the exact same layout as those in the real world and in fact would be a replicate of those in the real world and allow one to rack up large amounts photo collections with the AI of the amenity giving tours customised to the person.This would be the Brauron program with one using accommodation and travelling to each place instantly or via conventional means with these multilayered ones that have millions of people in it.One could choose a simulation of the place that is taking place in any season and any time of the year as well as any type of weather.In time even entire trips to resorts,cities real or fictional could take place using this that last months or even years to the user but mere minutes pass in the real world with them interacting with both AI and other people.This could include ones own multiple homes in these simulations that would allow one to travel their in seconds and also visit places as part of Enyo, the wires construct etc and interact with both AI and also other humans in the simulations visiting their from the comfort of their home saving time and energy in travelling by Ophion etc and also using less energy and utilising the time dilation effect allowing one to travel to any place real,mythological or fictional and interact with other people either real or AI from the comfort of their own home negating the need to travel using Erebus,aeroplanes and Oceanus alleviating strains on them making airports less busy with this negating the need to pack clothes and other essentials saving on stress in this with the person able to conjure up instantly any manufactured product during these when needed without the need to use up resources in the real world.One could choose a simulation of the place that is taking place in any season and any time of the year as well as any type of weather.Dozens of people who are friends or complete strangers could engage in these linked simulations from the comfort of their home with AI people with multiple layered simulations for each resort that can be accessed with each other using portal keys allowing people to visit different versions of a resort if they are overbooked and can allow people to visit simulated versions of real life buildings including private and communal hotel and apartment homes that are occupied in the real world by permanent residents with news feeds and material present in Dionysus and Pheme viewable while in these.

Tourist offices in cities that provide maps and booklets on local tourist attractions can be turned into homes and have the maps and booklets streamed from the City AI via the wire from anywhere in the city or anywhere in the world saving on paper and allowing for audio/visual media to played further increasing their educational value.

To deal with the language barrier apps like word lens will allow an individual to translate written words such as signposts.This can be incorporated into google glasses and lenses with a built in microphone converting spoken words by locals into written text on the augmented reality screen in the wearers language or the microphone could convert the locals spoken language into audio in the tourists language via wireless earphones.The tourists spoken voice would translate their language to the locals language via translating software.Eventually the sentient Coeus will be able to translate all words read and voices heard into ones native language through neural implants