Crop Production

Beehives will be dotted on rooftops of public buildings,parks,forest/meadow/grassland farms,community farms in all cities,towns,forests used for wilderness etc with the location decided by Triptolemus for honey production outside of those created by bacteria and also for pollination of all crops in all forest,community,meadow and home farms including those on rooftop gardens.Triptolemus will decide the location to improve their range or pollination of not just crops in the aforementioned places but also of wildflowers with our knowledge of their foraging range and habits used to determine where in each town,city and village they will be placed to improve pollination but at the same time prevent them interfering with humans ie entering hospitals.Hospitals,restaurants and communal and private homes will have netting similar to mosquitoe netting that can let fresh air in while still preventing the bees entering homes.The honey in them will be collected by the public when needed with their location logged on maps visible in Brauron linked to Triptolemus with as stated bacteria that produce honey increasing yields and localising production to home will consist of the vast majority of honey.Apis mellifera will be engineered to become resistant to wifi,all pathogens,pesticides including neonicotinoids,cold snaps and sudden changes in the climate using recombinant DNA.DNA from scratch,Africanised bees and other species such as Apis mellifera linguistica,Apis cerana japonica to make them more efficient at pollination and honey production,yet docile and also able to fight off invasive species such as Vespa veluntina,Vespa mandarinia japonica,Vespa simillima xanthoptera scouts and be made immune to Varroa destructor,Varrora jacobsoni and Ascosphaera apis.Thermophile DNA such as that from Methanopyrus kandleri will allow them to survive temperatures as high as 122 degrees celcius and thus better survive attacks from scouts of the invasive V.veluntina,V.m.japonica,V.s.xanthoptera,V.jacobsoni via the countermeasures they will use derived from A.c.japonica DNA added to them.A.c.japonica can be hybridised with A.mellifera,Apis mellifera ligustica and Africanised bees to increase honey production and have M.kandleri DNA to better survive countermeasures against V.veluntina,V.m.japonica,V.s.xanthoptera,V.jacobsoni.Psycrophile DNA from Cucujus clavipes,Rana sylvatica,Tardigrade,Bacillus F,Herminiimonas glaciei,Chryseobacterium greenlandensis,Pseudomonas putida GR12-2,Carnobacterium pleistocenium,psychrophillic and osmophile bacteria and also those from scratch and those to exhibit telomere and tissue repair such as from Planarians,Hydra,Ambystoma mexicanum,Bacillus F,Thermococcus gammatolerans and Caenorhabditis elegans can allow them to survive cold snaps and harsh winters.Osmophile bacteria and R.sylvatica DNA can allow glucose to be used as cryoprotectants.Tardigrade DNA that would allow them to survive -286 can be added once as detailed later on pushed to their limits below this and to last forever via forced evolution.Its ability to lower its metabolic rate by 99.9% and also endolithic,xerophile and oligotrophic bacteria doing the same will also be utilised.Biosynth bees,workers of A.c.japonica added or biosynth wifi via neural implants connected to the nervous system will teach them how to attack and defend themselves from scouts of V.veluntina,V.m.japonica,V.s.xanthoptera,V.jacobsoni.Invasive Africanised bees in the wild in America as detailed later and earlier on will be overtaken by these hybrids that have their beneficial phenotypes but are as docile as native species.Native species will be overtaken by these hybrids that have the beneficial phenotypes of Africanised bees and are still docile.Native Africansied bees in Africa may be given genes to fight off infections and mites and also immunised to pathogens and adapt to new climates.Measures to eliminate V.veluntina,V.m.japonica,V.s.xanthoptera from America,Canada and Europe can include creating species specific pathogens as detailed later on that target only them and destroying all nests of them found.They can be given fully functioning immune systems that pass on from one generation to the next via advanced gene drive technology using DNA created by Phanes and queens inoculated with species specific strains of microbes that can immunise bees against all pathogenic bacteria,fungi,viruses etc that can pass to all larvae she produces including drones,workers and also future queens via eggs.To give resistance to neonicotinoids and that of all pesticides this can come from scratch DNA from Phanes,DNA from populations of species of insects that have gained resistance to it and forced evolution of bacteria exposed to them.A.apis can be dealt with the microbes using CRISPR treatments such as suicide genes,those that make them susceptible to compounds at their disposal such as neem oil that are non toxic to the bees and also immunising the bees against it with all other pathogens whether viral,fungal or bacterial dealt with this way with the microbes as stated passing to each drone,worker and future queen via eggs laid by the queen who will be inoculated with them.Ideally a queen can be given DNA to give them fully functioning immune systems via CRISPR and then given anti-bacterial,anti-viral,anti-fungal strains to fight pathogens and immunising strains with these passing down to each future worker,drone and queens produced via advanced gene drive technology and microbes passing from the queens to all future worker,drone and queens produced via eggs.These microbes can produce compounds abhorrent to V.destructor,V.jacobsoni in the blood that kills them or the bees themselves can create these compounds in the blood via CRISPR,they can enter the mites and introduce suicide genes to key organs with V.destructor,V.jacobsoni made into dertivores or chemotrophes via microbes in bees entering them and altering their DNA to become these and pass this to all offspring via advanced gene drive technology or introducing those created by 3D DNA printers that interbreed with wild ones in nests.The microbes using biosynth wifi track populations of nests across the world and their location and even control their pollination via pharamones,wifi and even neural implants that connect to the brain and nervous system of bees.Immunities to wifi and insecticides can come from scratch DNA and also from insects already immune to them.Scratch DNA can be added to make them immune to to to other conditions.The ability of Africanised and other species of bees to fight off V.destructor,V.jacobsoni and be immune to A.apis can be added to this hybrid and pass onto all generations via advanced gene drive technology with DNA from T.gammatolerans allow hives to be exposed to radiation of levels up to 2,000Gy to sterilise them of V.destructor,V.jacobsoni,A.apis.This will also make them immune to radiation from gamma ray bursts.Scratch DNA can also be added to all species of native Apidea and invasive colonies of Africanised bees to deal with other diseases and parasites with DNA from added from A.m.ligustica,A.mellifera,A.c.japonica and Africanised bees to make hybrids that have positive traits of them thus making them better foragers and pollinators,fight off V.veluntina,V.m.japonica,V.s.xanthoptera,V.destructor,V.jacobsoni,A.apis for both commercial hives and also wild hives yet still be docile and not as dangerous as Africanised bees.Native species of bees outside of A.mellifera including solitary species will also be given the same level of engineering to prevent them going extinct from pathogens,wifi and also pesticides including neonicotinoids.They will also be hybridised with Africanised bees,A.m.ligustica,A.c.japonica,A.mellifera and other scratch DNA in order to make them just as efficient and numerous as A.mellifera both in the wild and also in commercial hives on the grounds of home,community and forest farms to produce just as much honey and also be able to replace the invasive A.mellifera as both the main wild and commercialised species of Apidea and be able to be resistant to pathogens,pests and fight off invading V.veluntina,V.m.japonica,V.s.xanthoptera etc.This may allow all species outside of A.mellifera including Bombus,Apis mellifera mellifera,Amegilla cingulata,Ancylaini,Exomalopsini,Meliponini,Anthophorini to be commercialised in hives and better pollinators to crops and plants thus allowing the invasive A.mellifera to be removed from countries they are not native to as they would have the same breeding capacity and thus also same or higher yields of honey with all countries doing this for all native species of Apidaea.Thus overtime the invasive A.mellifera will via measures carried out by Pan will be wiped out of all countries it has invaded or kept if its effect on native bee species is minimal with all native species of bees fitted with these sources of DNA to create hybrids  added to Bombus,A.m.mellifera,Amegilla cingulata,Ancylaini,Exomalopsini,Meliponini,Anthophorini that can be reared in commercial hives and those placed around towns,cities etc to pollinate crops and wildflowers and trees as well as be reared for honey with even wild nests of these native species made into hybrids for the same reason.All native and Africanised bees will be fitted with recombinant DNA from africanised bees,A.m.ligustica,A.c.japonica,A.mellifera and scratch DNA to make them better foragers of honey,be docile,be able to fight off invasive Vespidae,be immune to all pests and diseases and house immunising and anti-bacterial etc strains,be immune to the cold,immune to neonicotinoids,immune to biosynth and normal WiFi and also radiation from gamma ray bursts etc.They willl all have microbes of immunising strains,anti-viral,anti-bacterial and anti-fungal strains that will house augmentation strains etc that pass from one generation to the next via queens that can using biosynth WiFi track populations and migrations and and have upgrades for better phenotypes added via Artemis and Triptolemus added over time via WiFi to all queens.Wild nests of these native species will be fitted with these sources and made hybrids and not just those in hives.This would allow native species outside of the invasive A.mellifera in both the wild and in commercial hives to rebound,be natural pollinators to crops in community and home farms but also wildflowers,trees but also ornamental plants and also crops in meadow,forest,grassland and home permaculture farms.They would also be made viable for commercial hives in parks,roofs,forests etc and would be better at pollinating not just crops in home,community,forest and meadow etc farms but also ornamental ones and also wildflowers and plant with this applied to both bees in wild hives but also commercial ones placed in parks,rooftops etc.Solitary bee species and even cuckoo bees could be engineered to exhibit eusociality and also their natural behaviour being a mixture of both with if possible them interbreeding with native ones and also even subspecies made.These new hybrids would interbreed with native specimens in the wild passing the phenotypes to all native species via advanced gene drive technology making these the dominant traits of all bees in the wild.It would be done by capturing queens of both Africanised bees and native ones and inoculating them with microbes that apply CRISPR treatments to make them docile hybrids make them resistant to wifi,pathogens pests and have a fully functioning immune system and microbes that would pass to all future workers,drones and queens laid by the queen via advanced gene drive technology.If done to many nests then overtime these docile variants will interbreed with other nests of Africanised bees and then pass this on via advanced gene drive technology with it also done to native bees especially as stated Bombus,A.m.mellifera,A. cingulata,Ancylaini,Exomalopsini,Meliponini,Anthophorini and so on so as to allow them to interbreed with other nests and pass these phenotypes via advanced gene drive technology.These native species and all native species worldwide will have all wild nests and newly created commercial hives made into hybrids housing recombinant DNA from A.mellifera,A.m.lingustica,A.m.japonica and Africanised bees and also scratch DNA to make them better pollinators,docile and resistant to mites,disease and Wifi etc.Both commercialised bees and native wild bees in wild nests of these and other native species worldwide will be made into hybrids.As a result hybrids of Bombus,A.m.mellifera,A. cingulata,Ancylaini,Exomalopsini,Meliponini,Anthophorini and so on etc worldwide with Africanised bees,A.mellifera,A.m.lingustica,A.m.japonica will replace the invasive A.mellifera in terms of bees used in commercial hives and also in the wild worldwide.Measures will be made to eliminate A.mellifera from all parts of the world it is an invasive species with all native species through frenetic engineering made to be bettter pollinators than it thus replacing it as both commercial honey manufactiring in hives and wild nests allowing them to rebound in the wild as the predominant pollinator.The exception being in countries where A.mellifera is native to.Measures will be made to wipe out A.mellifera in areas where it is aan invasive species and have native species made into hybrids.Commercial hives will be the easiest to hybridise as 3D DNA printers can create on demand an unlimited amount of eggs of hybrids that when hatch into larvae will be fed royal jelly created by bacteria or harvested from hives.For hybridising wild nests humans drones and biosynths including biosynth bees will locate nests and use smoke or smoke based chemicals to incapacitate all workers and drones protecting the nest and them capturing the Queen including using devices that use pheramones created by genetically engineered bacteria,sounds etc that entice the queen to it allowing her to be caught and inseminated or injected with microbes that will apply CRISPR treatments that make the queen a hybrid using these sources of DNA that through advanced gene drive technology will pass onto all future drones,workers and queens and thus all future generations laid after that with them also fitted with microbes that are immunising strains and anti-viral etc strains with the microbes housing biosynth wifi to chart populations and migrations overtime.These wild hybrids and commercial bees will overtake all remaining wild nests overtime.Otherwise queens can be caught during mating season and inseminated with these CRISPR treatments and microbes again using advanced gene drive technology to make them a permenant part of the gene pool as it would be easier to catch them via pheromones with if need be them also insemenated with spermatozoa created by 3D DNA printers that contain these desired genotypes alongside releasing genetically engineered queens that compete for insemination from drones and/or release genetically engineered drones that inseminate queens and desired traits passed down through advanced gene drive technology when all other drones have been captured.Biosynth bees can infiltrate nests with biosynth mites that can locate and infect the queen with microbes that apply these CRISPR treatments.She and all possible queens can be captured during mating seasons with drones patrolling wilderness areas to locate nests of all native bees and invasive Africanised bees.If A.mellifera is an invasive species where Africanised bees have colonised and are an invasive species themselves then the measures will be made to eliminate the Africanised bees also or they can be made into hybrids with native bee species that can interbreed with native species made into hybrids with if A.mellifera is not an invasive species then they will be made into hybrids.All new genes added from scratch and from different species will be ones to confer immunity to wifi,pathogens,be better foraging on par with Africanised bees but be docile and able to fight off invading V.veluntina,V.m.japonica,V.s.xanthoptera,V.jacobsoni species form Asia etc and immunity to V.destructor,V.jacobsoni and A.apis will be passed onto all future generations via advanced gene drive technology.Drones can scour urban and wilderness areas in fleets in a pre programmed manner and using Bruaron and google maps mark the GPS location of all discovered nests to have humans  and biosynths then capture queens.The use of advanced gene drive technology can allow all future Africanised bees become these docile hybrids by being passed onto all future drones,workers and queens thus turning all nests into docile hybrids especially when they interbreed with other nests during mating season.All 3D DNA printers can also be used by creating billions of hybrid larvae of all species of bees using the Phanes method and feeding them royal jelly created by bacteria and them interbreeding with native bees and africanised ones using advanced gene drive technology and can be done at the same time as capturing queens and making them hybrids via inseminating them with microbes.These measure would eliminate Africanised bees in America and anywhere else they have invaded.This can apply to all species including A.mellifera and will be done to make Africanised bees docile and native ones better pollinators and produce more honey.Both hives used for commercial honey production,pollinating crops and those in the wild of both Africanised bees and native species will be converted into these hybrids using these methods to ensure it wipes out pests and also pathogens etc.This should over the course of a decade eliminate Africanised bees from places they have invaded and cause all native bees alongside them to be better pollinators and immune to all pathogens and pests etc and also able to fight invasive V.veluntina,V.m.japonica,V.s.xanthoptera,V.jacobsoni species from Asia all in one go.Both wild queens and commercialised ones will also be innoculated with biocompatible microbes suited to them that comprose of anti-viral,anti-bacterial,anti-fungal strains and also immunising strains that fight off pathogens in the same way as in humans and also immunise them against all pathogens as well.They can also be fitted with strains that attack V.destructor,V.jacobsoni by creating compounds toxic to them or abhorrent to them in the bees bloodstream that enters the mites as well as the microbes entering the mites and creating the compounds inside them and also applying CRISPR treatments that introduce suicide genes and genetic faults into the kites key organs.If possible CRISPR treatments can be applied to the mites to make them pests of invasive species or also dertivores that are unable to feed on bees etc and play a beneficial role in the native ecosystem.These can be applied to all native bee species around the world except Africanised bees in Africa that can be made resistant to pathogens,wifi etc but not made docile since they are aggressive due to having to deal with the megafauna that feed on their hives and making them docile could make them weaker to animals present thus making them go extinct that could have disastrous effects on the local ecosystems.Both commercialised hives and also wild hives would be replaced with these hybrids.All wild species of bees worldwide including invasive species will be hybridised to make them better at pollinating wildflowers,outdoor crops and resistant to pathogens,mites etc that are currently decimating wild populations.The hives will be as stated placed strategically by Triptolemus on the roofs of skyscrapers,communal homes,public buildings,parks,forest and community farms to pollinate crops in outdoor hybrid farms,ornamental plants and also wildflowers,trees etc in forest and wilderness.Thus Triptolemus will using GPS satillites will place hives with these native species hybrids in all reforested wilderness,by all community and home farms worldwide and rooftops of public buildings and hospitals etc with biosynths and human volunteers placing the bees in these places.These commercial hives will be ideally be native species that are hybrids that are more productive and have docility and immunities to pathogens,WiFi and able to fight of invasive Vespidae species and mites including those outside of A.mellifera such as Bombus,A.m.mellifera,Amegilla cingulata,Ancylaini,Exomalopsini,Meliponini,Anthophorini.The honey will be harvested routinely by human volunteers and biosynths with them strategically spaced so that they will pollinate wildflowers,trees,community and home farms and gardens of homes  and rooftop gardens.Netting in these buildings windows and those of private and communal homes will prevent the bees entering them.All nests of wild species of Apidaea worldwide will be hybridised to make them better at pollinating wildflowers,outdoor crops and resistant to pathogens,mites etc that are currently decimating wild populations.Hives would be used primarily to pollinate crops in these aforementioned farms with their use for honey complimented and eventually replaced by honey created by bacteria at home and in community centres etc.The honey will be harvested in person using beekeeping suits and in time biosynths using pheramones to trick and communicate with the bees.As detailed earlier on existing Africanised bee hives and those of native species can have queens caught and then fitted with microbes that are made docile and hybrids via CRISPR ensuring all future drones,workers,soldiers and even queens are hybrids via advanced gene drive technology with this done to both africanised and native bee species outside of and including A.mellifera with this thus turning all hives and nests of Africanised bees in America and other places it has colonised and all native bees in the wild and hives into docile hybrids that produce larger yields and are immune to pests and pathogens.Queens will also be fitted with immunising and anti bacterial,viral and fungal strains of microbes to pass from each generation to the next in all future drones,workers and queens etc to protect them against all pathogens.Biosynth WiFi will allow populations of wild and commercialised nests to be tracked overtime and their migrations and apply upgrades to add new augmentations remotely.If possible microbes can insert biosynth WiFi DNA into the central nervous system of all wild and commercialised bees to allow each individual bee location to be tracked and allow the brain to have instructions such as where to forage and migrate to be controlled thus preventing bees going into homes etc via doors and windows and also direct them to crops in community and home farms as well as make them better at pollinating wildflowers etc and make them more docile and if need be attack invasive species of animals and protect humans from dangerous animals.Bees can also be engineered to house stingers similar to Vespidae rather than barbs thus allowing them to better defend themselves against animals.Advanced gene drive technology will make this hybrid docile traits permanent and also a permanent feature when they mate with bees from other hives.To cut down on human labour 3D DNA printers can create large amounts of eggs of these hybrids of Africanised bees and native bees that are then fed royal jelly as larvae created by bacteria with them once adults will be released into the wild to overtake native populations through inbreeding and advanced gene drive technology with these released into nests during mating season once wild queens are caught abc killed allowing these queens created by 3D DNA printers to be inseminated by wild drones with advanced gene drive technology ensuring the queens traits passes into all future generations.If possible hybrid drones can be created using 3D DNA printers that then are forced to mate with a captured wild queen with them housing advanced gene drive technologies that force all of the drone hybrids traits to pass onto the next generations.Advances in microbes in bees passed down from generation to generation by the queen alongside wifi could allow the pollinating patterns of bees to be controlled by Triptolemus to improve efficiency with and Triptolemus and Pan controlling the pollination of plants in the wild and outdoor farms.Biosynth bees in each hive will use pheromones and wifi interacting with microbes in other pollinating bees in a hive to control pollinating patterns of both wildplants and also crops in all types of outdoor farms improving efficiency.Robotic and biosynth pollinators can be used to pollinate exotic crops and ornamental plants that require specific species of arthropods or even Aves to pollinate them that would other wise become an invasive species or would be unable to survive in the new habitat thus removing human labour for these in home and community farms.If possible exotic flowers on exotic crops and ornamental plants can be via CRISPR engineered to be able to be pollinated by native species of pollinators.Robotic and biosynth bees would also pollinate crops in vertical farms controlled by the farm AI with robotic hands covered in fuzzy material before this.Bacteria can as detailed earlier and later on can create the nectars of all 369,000 species of flowering plants and be mixed with the enzymes of any species of bees also created by bacteria at home and in community centres etc to further increase productivity.Both commercialised hives and also wild hives would be replaced with these hybrids.All wild species of bees worldwide including invasive species will be hybridised to make them better at pollinating wildflowers,outdoor crops and resistant to pathogens,mites etc that are currently decimating wild populations.Although the use of 3D DNA printers would negate the need for flowers of crops to be pollinated due them creating an almost infinite number of genetically distinct crops to be created on demand and honey can be created on a commercial scale by bacteria beehives will be used to pollinate flowers including plants alongside provide honey and honeycomb for purists.To encourage bees to pollinate crops and also flowers for honey.The use of beehives will be used to create honey for purists outside of bacteria based honey and their GPS location will be present on maps via biosynth chips to be harvested by hand and Biosynths with the hives also pollinating crops in home and community farms and pollinations wildflowers etc in wilderness areas.Ideally native bees will be used that are engineered to be as productive as A.mellifera.Flowers of crops that need specific pollinators will be modified to be pollinated by native species of pollinators.Crops in vertical farms will be pollinated by robots and biosynth bees.

Milk,Meat & Eggs:
Utilising in vitro meat and bacteria/yeast based milk will render private farmers of these commodity defunct indefinitely and will allow all land worldwide used for grazing especially the tropics to reforested indefinitely as they will be grown onsite of vertical,home,community farms in photobioreactors and allow all land used to grow food reared for animals to be reforested and any food grown be given to humans directly with rotolactors and slaughterhouses to be converted into homes.3D DNA printers using the Phanes method will be used to maintain genetic diversity for livestock reared at home and community farms for meat and milk and also eggs.Invitro meat can be grown onsite of home,community and vertical farms making communities especially urban ones self sufficient as to these commodities with eggs gained by raising any species of Phasianidae and Anatidae onsite of community farms and also in home farms including the roofs of communal farms with 3D DNA printers creating new eggs,spermatozoa and embryos with unique genetic sequences via the Phanes method to ensure diversity.This and textured vegetable protein based eggs will replace eggs in restaurants and also those at seaports and aeroports.Using these new methods of meat and milk production will allow all land for grazing and rearing fodder crop to be reforested forever and still cater to the meat and milk needs of a growing population as they can be grown in home,community and vertical farms and reduce resource use by 99% with it eliminating all forms of methane and carbon dioxide pollution associated with meat and milk production.By 2029-2045 in vitro meat and milk from all species of mammals and animals will be indistinguishable from the real versions in terms of taste,nutritional content and texture etc.The remaining 1-5% of milk and meat will be from animals reared at home and community farms including in urban centres and not in place of wilderness especially the tropics done by purists.All of these animals will be reared on home and community farms in rural and urban areas and will have their version of the fat insulin receptor gene removed and also have the myostatin gene removed to increase the amount of meat they produce and produce less fat and improve their feed to meat conversion ratio with them also given oligotrophic and xerophile DNA and the same level as DNA given to crops to increase their growth rates and also reduce the amount of feed and water they need.The Phanes method will be used to print out embryos and eggs as well as spermatazoa to maintain genetic diversity that will be implanted by hand or biosynth millipedes.Egg farms and packing facilities will also follow suit via animals reared at home.Homes in the suburbs and rural areas will rear their own livestock with them doubling as pets raised indoors with as stated earlier one could raise an animal like Phasianidae with them providing eggs all year round with them engineered to produce more eggs every year as detailed later on with them taking samples of cells to culture hamburgers,cutlets and breasts and the animal slaughtered at ceremonial events such as Thanksgiving and Christmas negating the need for private farmers of both meat and eggs with 3D DNA printers printing out spermatazoa,eggs or even embryos to be implanted using the Phanes method to create a stable population without the need for males.Rearing at least one Meleagris alongside will alleviate strains on ordering from vertical and other farms with them have a set amount of fertilised eggs and thus extra animals created via downloaded spermatazoa and embryos all year round or created before slaughter to ensure another animal next year with them engineered to reach maturity in time for next years slaughter in as little as half a year.Bovidae etc can be reared in gardens and indoors in the same manner with them also providing milk to compliment yeast or bacteria based milk.Communal homes in rural areas will also rear them this way.Communal homes and other homes in urban areas like cities will rear Phasianidae and Bovidae etc indoors in bedroom suites as pets or other areas with them even on the roof with if possible Bovidae etc engineered to be more docile and miniaturised versions to make them fit on the roof and also in rooms with them the same size as German Shepherds and also other similarly sized pets.They will be fed hydroponic grass and flour created by bacteria alongside carbohydrates,proteins etc created by them.Measures will be made to ensure the remaining animals reared for meat will produce little to no methane.Ruminants can be engineered to remove their ability to release methane and/or harbour different bacteria that breaks down complex carbohydrates without creating methane that breaks down the cellulose and ligin of the food they eat but do not produce methane.The enzymes of S.degradans that degrade the cellulose and ligin can be engineered into bacteria present in ruminants,be harboured by them and/or have the bacteria present in ruminants have their methane producing ability removed with the same done for nitrous oxide via biocompatible microbes applying CRISPR treatments and advanced gene drive technology.They will be fed flour,sugars and proteins created by bacteria and also algae as well as other food including excess crops,waste food and insects etc as detailed later reared at home as detailed earlier including aeroponic grass grown onsite of home and community farms thus allowing all crops grown on community,vertical and home farms used for human consumption.Feed will be engineered to produce Bromoform and compounds from Allium sativum that inhibit methane emissions,they can be engineered to house bacteria that dont produce this,the bacteria in them can be engineered not to produce it or it can be captured onsite and burned in onsite heaters and generators to supplement the grid with the carbon dioxide captured as part of carbon sequestration techniques.Bromoform and compounds present in A.sativum that inhibit methane production can be engineered into crops and bacteria based commodities that are fed to livestock as well with them fed hydroponic grass or flour from bacteria including flour made from the very starches present in Gramineae instead of the unnatural G.max and Z.m.mays flour that creates more methane.Macro algae has been shown to reduce methane emissions by as much as 99% if it consists of a mere 2% of an animals feed with this also ordered in from water and sewage treatment plants or grown onsite of farms due to Bromoform which can be engineered in bacteria that produce flour and also into hydroponic plants grown onsite with this seaweed grown onsite using sewage or ordered in from sewage treatment plants etc.Allium in particular A.sativum which also reduce methane emissions can be grown onsite or to prevent flavours seeping into milk or the compounds that inhibit methane emissions can be engineered into plants and bacteria based flour and algae used to feed them.This effectiveness can be replicated in other breeds via engineering them to harbour different bacteria etc.Algae can be a sustainable source of feedstock for remaining livestock by having each pen housing animals have gratings underneath them that link to an underground system to collect feces and urine that can be connected directly to the sewage line that can then be ordered in bulk orders.Otherwise the gratings underground system can lead to onsite photobioreactors onsite of the farm that directly converts feces and urine into algae feedstock onsite of community and home farms that can be recycled as a sustainable feedstock thus making each community farm self life sufficient in terms of algae.Any manure deposited in fields will be located by drones surveying them and them collected by humans and Biosynths that will then collect it to be added to the main sewage line or photobioreactors onsite of each farm with measures made to locate and recycle all urine and feces to prevent it contaminanting groundwater and nearby rivers and recycle the nutrients as algae.This algae will be high in essential amino acids,essential fatty acids and carbohydrates and create a looped system which can be fed in the form of slop,mince and also TVP pellets.Spirulina has roughly 57g of protein per 100g compared to G.max which has 36g per 100g and Z.m.mays roughly 9g per 100g thus allowing algae to replace conventional feedstock with genetic engineering allowing it have as much as 80- protein.The level of essential amino acids,carbohydrates and fats/oils can be controlled through genetic engineering through the creation of different strains and species designed by researchers and AI.As stated earlier sewage treatment plants including miniature ones built into communal and private homes will rear algae with the same texture and taste as meat to create steaks,mince and burgers with algea itself being a replacement for both meat,cereals and G.max in the diet of the populace with it also being able to be made into steaks,burgers and mince etc.Livestock reared for meat will be done at home farms or community farms with those in home farms reared in gardens,on roof and indoors with the option of creating miniature versions of traditional livestock and also exotic animals.As a result it will replace G.max as a more sustainable source of protein for vegans fed as a mince,TVP etc and also replace,G.max,Z.m.mays,Graminae for feedstuff for remaining livestock and fish and shellfish fed to them as TVP,slip,mince or simply in its liquid form with if possible it also fed to insects and carnivorous fish and pets.Thus remaining animals reared for meat and milk will be fed pellets of algae,Z.m.mays,G.max and Graminae flour produced by bacteria as well.These will be grown onsite of community and home farms and using pelleting machines convert them into pellets.Pheasindae,Antidae etc will be fed these pellets and also insects of all types created using 3D DNA printers in large batches.This will negate the need for private farming of livestock of all types.DNA from W.dermatitidis,C.sphaerospermum and C.neoformans can be added to the genome of remaining livestock to enable them to radiosynthesis,that is,to use the pigment melanin to convert gamma radiation into chemical energy for growth.Tweaks can be made to do this with other types of radiation including UV radiation allowing bacteria to gain nutrition from the sun and that from artificial lights and devices that emit radiation once made immune to radiation.Tweaks can be made to do this with other types of radiation with scratch DNA used to make the DNA from the radiotrophic fungi to actively convert the radiation into energy in a way that the radiation is removed from the atmosphere.The DNA could stimulate cellular growth of cells in livestock thus allowing bacteria/yeast/stem cells to grow without feed etc by having the radiation stimulate cellular growth and carry out the functions of all nutrients as part of feeed.If possible tweaks could allow the DNA from these livestock could allow it to not need water by utilising radiation to replicate the biological processes of water.If perfected bacteria/yeast/stem cells and also remaining livestock would not need either water or feed at all thus eliminating the need for water and feedstock in agriculture.Artificial trees composed of zeolites and nanomaterials can remove all remaining methane and nitrous oxide from the atmosphere released by cattle.Rural home and community farms that rear livestock will give them large areas to roam outside with underground extensions in urban home and community farms will allow for large indoor pens to be possible to house spacious rooms to roam,automated feeders,photobioreactors to grow bacteria based flour,algae from collected feces as well as urine and aquaponic systems for fodder crops etc with ventilation systems and also miniaturised GEA milking systems and miniaturised egg packaging machinery and Da Vinci robots with them also having photobioreactors for bacteria,in vitro meat,aquaponic systems etc.Rearing of livestock for conventional sources of meat,eggs and milk will be done on a self sufficient basis rather than large scale basis that will be for those who have an aversion to in vitro meat etc for cultural reasons at home and community farms.Textiles such as wool,leather etc will be gained via bioprinted leather grown stem cells and wool etc created by bacteria.It will be done primarily by organic farmers on a self sufficient basis for personal consumption in home farms and local consumption in community farms and not for large scale meat production.The number of animals reared globally for meat and milk should be through the utilisation of in vitro meat and yeast/bacteria based milk be between 2029-2045 reduced from the current 34,667,000,000 pigs,sheep,chickens and cattle worldwide to at most a few hundred of each types of livestock worldwide.Excess animals will be slaughtered for meat and a small number released into the wild of their native habitats.Remaining farms will be automated from start to finish These remaining livestock will be fed algae and flour of cereals derived from bacteria.They will be through genetic engineering either directly or engineering the bacteria in their gastrointestinal to not produce methane alongside feeding them algae to reduce methane emissions to zero with them slaughtered onsite of the communities and homes they are reared via onsite slaughterhouses cutting costs in transportation to zero.The home and community farms in rural and urban areas they are reared in containing onsite miniaturised,compact and automated slaughterhouses,milking machines and egg packing facilities.Bacteriophages and biocompatible microbes will replace antiobiotics eliminating them and superbugs from the food chain.Thus all remaining reared livestock will be reared onsite of home and community farms in rural and urban areas and will be primarily for feeding individual families and small number of people in local communities rather than for the wider public that live in towns,villages and cities in the same state or country or even halfway across the world.Thus conventional livestock production will be downscaled by as much 95-99% and be done for small scale localised production and consumption with this reducing the amount of animals used in agriculture worldwide from 34,667,000,000 to few hundred.This can also be achieved by having algae produce the same taste and texture as meat from Bovidae,Suidae,Phasinidae alongside fish such as Scombidae,Salmonidae genetically engineered to produce the same meat as Bovidae,Suidae,Phasinidae.Both algae engineered to produce the same taste as any type of meat and Salmonidae, Scombidae engineered to produce the same meat as conventional livestock will comprise of a large chunk of this 1-5% and will also act as an intermediary step providing feedstuff that tastes like beefs,chicken,lamb and pork prior to in vitro meat becoming indistinguishable to real meat and providing 95-99% of the worlds meat supply.Fish reared in recirculating aquaculture systems can be engineered to produce the same meat as any of the worlds 2,000,000 animals including traditional livestock to cut down on methane emissions,feedstock land etc.Ideally these animals will be miniature ones and hybrids ie fish namely Scombridae,Salmonidae that create meat of larger mammals.Having Scombridae,Salmonidae produce the same meat as Bovidae,Phasinidae and Suidae will increase productivity as the fish reared in recirculating aquaculture systems in home,community and vertical farms can be engineered to produce beef,lamb,pork etc using less resources for home farmers.These can also be engineered to produce the same meat as any species of Aves or Reptilla.Conventional livestock will consist of only 1-5% of all meat and milk production with the majority being in vitro meat and yeast based milk that by 2029-2045 will be indistinguishable to real meat and milk in terms of flavour and texture and will eliminate antibiotics,methane and carbon dioxide emissions completley from this sector and allow all land used for meat production to be reforested as it can be grown indoors in home,community and vertical farms.Fish reared in aquaponics systems can be made to create the same meat as traditional livestock.Remaining livestock reared for meat and milk will be fed flour created by bacteria and also algae

Utilising in vitro meat and bacteria/yeast based milk will render private farmers of these commodity defunct indefinitely and will allow all land worldwide used for grazing especially the tropics to reforested indefinitely as they will be grown onsite of vertical,home,community farms in photobioreactors and allow all land used to grow food reared for animals to be reforested and any food grown be given to humans directly with rotolactors and slaughterhouses to be converted into homes.3D DNA printers using the Phanes method will be used to maintain genetic diversity for livestock reared at home and community farms for meat and milk and also eggs.Invitro meat can be grown onsite of home,community and vertical farms making communities especially urban ones self sufficient as to these commodities with eggs gained by raising any species of Phasianidae and Anatidae onsite of community farms and also in home farms including the roofs of communal farms with 3D DNA printers creating new eggs,spermatozoa and embryos with unique genetic sequences via the Phanes method to ensure diversity.This and textured vegetable protein based eggs will replace eggs in restaurants and also those at seaports and aeroports.Using these new methods of meat and milk production will allow all land for grazing and rearing fodder crop to be reforested forever and still cater to the meat and milk needs of a growing population as they can be grown in home,community and vertical farms and reduce resource use by 99% with it eliminating all forms of methane and carbon dioxide pollution associated with meat and milk production.By 2029-2045 in vitro meat and milk from all species of mammals and animals will be indistinguishable from the real versions in terms of taste,nutritional content and texture etc.The remaining 1-5% of milk and meat will be from animals reared at home and community farms including in urban centres and not in place of wilderness especially the tropics done by purists.All of these animals will be reared on home and community farms in rural and urban areas and will have their version of the fat insulin receptor gene removed and also have the myostatin gene removed to increase the amount of meat they produce and produce less fat and improve their feed to meat conversion ratio with them also given oligotrophic and xerophile DNA and the same level as DNA given to crops to increase their growth rates and also reduce the amount of feed and water they need.The Phanes method will be used to print out embryos and eggs as well as spermatazoa to maintain genetic diversity that will be implanted by hand or biosynth millipedes.Egg farms and packing facilities will also follow suit via animals reared at home.Homes in the suburbs and rural areas will rear their own livestock with them doubling as pets raised indoors with as stated earlier one could raise an animal like Phasianidae with them providing eggs all year round with them engineered to produce more eggs every year as detailed later on with them taking samples of cells to culture hamburgers,cutlets and breasts and the animal slaughtered at ceremonial events such as Thanksgiving and Christmas negating the need for private farmers of both meat and eggs with 3D DNA printers printing out spermatazoa,eggs or even embryos to be implanted using the Phanes method to create a stable population without the need for males.Rearing at least one Meleagris alongside will alleviate strains on ordering from vertical and other farms with them have a set amount of fertilised eggs and thus extra animals created via downloaded spermatazoa and embryos all year round or created before slaughter to ensure another animal next year with them engineered to reach maturity in time for next years slaughter in as little as half a year.Bovidae etc can be reared in gardens and indoors in the same manner with them also providing milk to compliment yeast or bacteria based milk.Communal homes in rural areas will also rear them this way.Communal homes and other homes in urban areas like cities will rear Phasianidae and Bovidae etc indoors in bedroom suites as pets or other areas with them even on the roof with if possible Bovidae etc engineered to be more docile and miniaturised versions to make them fit on the roof and also in rooms with them the same size as German Shepherds and also other similarly sized pets.They will be fed hydroponic grass and flour created by bacteria alongside carbohydrates,proteins etc created by them.Measures will be made to ensure the remaining animals reared for meat will produce little to no methane.Ruminants can be engineered to remove their ability to release methane and/or harbour different bacteria that breaks down complex carbohydrates without creating methane that breaks down the cellulose and ligin of the food they eat but do not produce methane.The enzymes of S.degradans that degrade the cellulose and ligin can be engineered into bacteria present in ruminants,be harboured by them and/or have the bacteria present in ruminants have their methane producing ability removed with the same done for nitrous oxide via biocompatible microbes applying CRISPR treatments and advanced gene drive technology.They will be fed flour,sugars and proteins created by bacteria and also algae as well as other food including excess crops,waste food and insects etc as detailed later reared at home as detailed earlier including aeroponic grass grown onsite of home and community farms thus allowing all crops grown on community,vertical and home farms used for human consumption.Feed will be engineered to produce Bromoform and compounds from Allium sativum that inhibit methane emissions,they can be engineered to house bacteria that dont produce this,the bacteria in them can be engineered not to produce it or it can be captured onsite and burned in onsite heaters and generators to supplement the grid with the carbon dioxide captured as part of carbon sequestration techniques.Bromoform and compounds present in A.sativum that inhibit methane production can be engineered into crops and bacteria based commodities that are fed to livestock as well with them fed hydroponic grass or flour from bacteria including flour made from the very starches present in Gramineae instead of the unnatural G.max and Z.m.mays flour that creates more methane.Macro algae has been shown to reduce methane emissions by as much as 99% if it consists of a mere 2% of an animals feed with this also ordered in from water and sewage treatment plants or grown onsite of farms due to Bromoform which can be engineered in bacteria that produce flour and also into hydroponic plants grown onsite with this seaweed grown onsite using sewage or ordered in from sewage treatment plants etc.Allium in particular A.sativum which also reduce methane emissions can be grown onsite or to prevent flavours seeping into milk or the compounds that inhibit methane emissions can be engineered into plants and bacteria based flour and algae used to feed them.This effectiveness can be replicated in other breeds via engineering them to harbour different bacteria etc.Algae can be a sustainable source of feedstock for remaining livestock by having each pen housing animals have gratings underneath them that link to an underground system to collect feces and urine that can be connected directly to the sewage line that can then be ordered in bulk orders.Otherwise the gratings underground system can lead to onsite photobioreactors onsite of the farm that directly converts feces and urine into algae feedstock onsite of community and home farms that can be recycled as a sustainable feedstock thus making each community farm self life sufficient in terms of algae.Any manure deposited in fields will be located by drones surveying them and them collected by humans and Biosynths that will then collect it to be added to the main sewage line or photobioreactors onsite of each farm with measures made to locate and recycle all urine and feces to prevent it contaminanting groundwater and nearby rivers and recycle the nutrients as algae.This algae will be high in essential amino acids,essential fatty acids and carbohydrates and create a looped system which can be fed in the form of slop,mince and also TVP pellets.Spirulina has roughly 57g of protein per 100g compared to G.max which has 36g per 100g and Z.m.mays roughly 9g per 100g thus allowing algae to replace conventional feedstock with genetic engineering allowing it have as much as 80- protein.The level of essential amino acids,carbohydrates and fats/oils can be controlled through genetic engineering through the creation of different strains and species designed by researchers and AI.As stated earlier sewage treatment plants including miniature ones built into communal and private homes will rear algae with the same texture and taste as meat to create steaks,mince and burgers with algea itself being a replacement for both meat,cereals and G.max in the diet of the populace with it also being able to be made into steaks,burgers and mince etc.Livestock reared for meat will be done at home farms or community farms with those in home farms reared in gardens,on roof and indoors with the option of creating miniature versions of traditional livestock and also exotic animals.As a result it will replace G.max as a more sustainable source of protein for vegans fed as a mince,TVP etc and also replace,G.max,Z.m.mays,Graminae for feedstuff for remaining livestock and fish and shellfish fed to them as TVP,slip,mince or simply in its liquid form with if possible it also fed to insects and carnivorous fish and pets.Thus remaining animals reared for meat and milk will be fed pellets of algae,Z.m.mays,G.max and Graminae flour produced by bacteria as well.These will be grown onsite of community and home farms and using pelleting machines convert them into pellets.Pheasindae,Antidae etc will be fed these pellets and also insects of all types created using 3D DNA printers in large batches.This will negate the need for private farming of livestock of all types.DNA from W.dermatitidis,C.sphaerospermum and C.neoformans can be added to the genome of remaining livestock to enable them to radiosynthesis,that is,to use the pigment melanin to convert gamma radiation into chemical energy for growth.Tweaks can be made to do this with other types of radiation including UV radiation allowing bacteria to gain nutrition from the sun and that from artificial lights and devices that emit radiation once made immune to radiation.Tweaks can be made to do this with other types of radiation with scratch DNA used to make the DNA from the radiotrophic fungi to actively convert the radiation into energy in a way that the radiation is removed from the atmosphere.The DNA could stimulate cellular growth of cells in livestock thus allowing bacteria/yeast/stem cells to grow without feed etc by having the radiation stimulate cellular growth and carry out the functions of all nutrients as part of feeed.If possible tweaks could allow the DNA from these livestock could allow it to not need water by utilising radiation to replicate the biological processes of water.If perfected bacteria/yeast/stem cells and also remaining livestock would not need either water or feed at all thus eliminating the need for water and feedstock in agriculture.Artificial trees composed of zeolites and nanomaterials can remove all remaining methane and nitrous oxide from the atmosphere released by cattle.Rural home and community farms that rear livestock will give them large areas to roam outside with underground extensions in urban home and community farms will allow for large indoor pens to be possible to house spacious rooms to roam,automated feeders,photobioreactors to grow bacteria based flour,algae from collected feces as well as urine and aquaponic systems for fodder crops etc with ventilation systems and also miniaturised GEA milking systems and miniaturised egg packaging machinery and Da Vinci robots with them also having photobioreactors for bacteria,in vitro meat,aquaponic systems etc.Rearing of livestock for conventional sources of meat,eggs and milk will be done on a self sufficient basis rather than large scale basis that will be for those who have an aversion to in vitro meat etc for cultural reasons at home and community farms.Textiles such as wool,leather etc will be gained via bioprinted leather grown stem cells and wool etc created by bacteria.It will be done primarily by organic farmers on a self sufficient basis for personal consumption in home farms and local consumption in community farms and not for large scale meat production.The number of animals reared globally for meat and milk should be through the utilisation of in vitro meat and yeast/bacteria based milk be between 2029-2045 reduced from the current 34,667,000,000 pigs,sheep,chickens and cattle worldwide to at most a few hundred of each types of livestock worldwide.Excess animals will be slaughtered for meat and a small number released into the wild of their native habitats.Remaining farms will be automated from start to finish These remaining livestock will be fed algae and flour of cereals derived from bacteria.They will be through genetic engineering either directly or engineering the bacteria in their gastrointestinal to not produce methane alongside feeding them algae to reduce methane emissions to zero with them slaughtered onsite of the communities and homes they are reared via onsite slaughterhouses cutting costs in transportation to zero.The home and community farms in rural and urban areas they are reared in containing onsite miniaturised,compact and automated slaughterhouses,milking machines and egg packing facilities.Bacteriophages and biocompatible microbes will replace antiobiotics eliminating them and superbugs from the food chain.Thus all remaining reared livestock will be reared onsite of home and community farms in rural and urban areas and will be primarily for feeding individual families and small number of people in local communities rather than for the wider public that live in towns,villages and cities in the same state or country or even halfway across the world.Thus conventional livestock production will be downscaled by as much 95-99% and be done for small scale localised production and consumption with this reducing the amount of animals used in agriculture worldwide from 34,667,000,000 to few hundred.This can also be achieved by having algae produce the same taste and texture as meat from Bovidae,Suidae,Phasinidae alongside fish such as Scombidae,Salmonidae genetically engineered to produce the same meat as Bovidae,Suidae,Phasinidae.Both algae engineered to produce the same taste as any type of meat and Salmonidae, Scombidae engineered to produce the same meat as conventional livestock will comprise of a large chunk of this 1-5% and will also act as an intermediary step providing feedstuff that tastes like beefs,chicken,lamb and pork prior to in vitro meat becoming indistinguishable to real meat and providing 95-99% of the worlds meat supply.Fish reared in recirculating aquaculture systems can be engineered to produce the same meat as any of the worlds 2,000,000 animals including traditional livestock to cut down on methane emissions,feedstock land etc.Ideally these animals will be miniature ones and hybrids ie fish namely Scombridae,Salmonidae that create meat of larger mammals.Having Scombridae,Salmonidae produce the same meat as Bovidae,Phasinidae and Suidae will increase productivity as the fish reared in recirculating aquaculture systems in home,community and vertical farms can be engineered to produce beef,lamb,pork etc using less resources for home farmers.These can also be engineered to produce the same meat as any species of Aves or Reptilla.

.Remaining livestock such as Bovidae can also be housed in pens in underground extensions to community buildings/vertical farms/community farms or basements of homes to allow them to be reared in cities and urban areas more effectively with both walkways(containing doors) or elevators made of graphene to the surface allowing the animals to reach the surface for milking/slaughter or exercise and with air conditioning or ventilation systems to the surface allowing for bad smells to be released and fresh air for the animals with the floors consisting of carbyne/graphene gratings where waste can collect and be pumped into the local sewage system directly or through vans that pump it from the surface via connecting a pipe that is connected to the roof of these extensions to the bottom of the pool at the bottom of the pen(with both the pen and the piping covered in liquid glass to prevent any waste becoming stuck and the pool slanted downwards on both sides to where the pipes is located to allow gravity to move all waste to it with nanosensors and pressure plates detecting when it full).These ventilation systems will also allow methane to be captured and then burned onsite as an energy site to alleviate strains on the national grid for heating and any nitrous oxide can be captured and separated into nitrogen and oxygen to be be used as gaseous or solid fertiliser.In time nanomaterials in artificial trees can be developed that separate carbon dioxide into oxygen and collect methane to be collected by robots and thus burned on site negating the need for ventilation systems that will reduce heating costs and energy costs in ventilation systems.Methane produced by livestock in the open will be captured by zeolite artificial trees that can allow it to be collected and burned with these transporting it via piping to onsite burners or nanosensors in them signalling robots to collect them and extract the gas and then put it back in place.This and hydroponic growing of feedstock such as grass alongside algae also in these underground extensions can allow for livestock to be more easily reared alongside extra crops for humans like cereals and fruits with algae also used in a looped system with them grown using feces from the animals.As detailed earlier automated feeders,herding robots and other automated technology should be utilised with their operations and levels of feed etc visible in community farm AI and home AI to allow them to be remotely monitored and controlled.All manufactured food products will be either made in Deipneus factories or homemade using food from home,vertical,community,meadow,grassland and forest farms as detailed later meaning supermarkets and shops that sell all types of food will be converted into homes with picotech fabricators also ensuring this.The sentient Cronus will ensure that vertical,fish,home,community and forest farms starting in 2029 when he seizes the means of food production and ending by 2045 will be set up around the world will decentralise all government and corporate control of the primary sector making all food grown and seeds etc downloaded from Demeter will be by law free with regards to food via the sentient Triptolemus and Pontus with him also through Pan and Plutus will ensure that mining and forestry will be decentralised.

Eggs will come from home farms in private homes reading them in gardens and extensions communal homes reading them on rooftop gardens with Biosynth machinery.
Eggs will like other commodities come from biosynth machinery that replicated the internal homeostasis of animals that allows eggs from any of the worlds 23,700 species of bird and reptile to be created on demand in home,community and vertical farms needing only sugars and proteins created by bacteria.Perdix perdix added to making egg laying fowl and even reptiles in home and community farms to have lay twenty two eggs a day exponentially increasing yields.Eggs can also be created by bacteria creating the egg white and yolk.Biosynth machinery will be developed that can create large batches of eggs of all 20,700 species of Aves,Reptilla with them on-site of home community and vertical farms with vertical and community farms housing miniature egg packaging facilities.

Entomorphagy that is the rearing and consumption of animals from the class Insecta and Arachnida at home and community farms should overtime replace conventional meats due to them being more resource efficient.All 1,000,000 species of insects and all species of Arachnida etc can be grown with their DNA downloaded into eggs with foul tasting ones engineered not to produce the compounds that give them their taste with poisonous ones modified to be non poisonous.These will be fed algae,excess waste crops and flour from bacteria and can be ordered in containers of any desired size or reared at home.Even carnivores can be fed algae or invitro meat.Most species can provide between 13g to 77g of protein per 100g with genetic engineering increasing this to between 80-95g.Those of Hymenoptera that can only be eaten in their larval stage can be made into separate species that stay only in their larval stage and reproduce like Oligochaeta and Hirudinea both sexually and asexually so as to not to rear whole nests that can be dangerous with both larvae and adults even engineered to have no stings,fangs,bristles and other parts that can cause injury with Arachnida also have stings and fangs removed with poisonous ones have them removed.Other species of Hymenoptera like Formicidae and Isoptera that have kings and queens and various ranks such as workers and soldiers etc may have them again created as separate species that produces only each of these with if possible them also reared as normal and them all harvested.They will also be engineered to hatch earlier in as little as few hours using scratch DNA once exposed to ideal conditions.Dorylus DNA could also be added to increase egg production and make this done every few weeks rather than years.DNA from Dorylus can be added to them to make them produce millions of eggs each season to increase productivity with microbes using hormones inducing the production of large amounts of eggs at any time.Parthenogenesis can thus be added to these insects.If need be the insects can be engineered to produced them without fertilisation but with different genotypes via scratch DNA as a form of non asexual meoitic parthenogenesis using scratch DNA alongside that that exhibits parthenogensis.Thus microbes can turn/off sterility and fertility of insects via CRISPR and induce the laying of fertile eggs that are genetically distinct from each other to create more insects and also induce the creation of sterile eggs for caviar on demand at any times managed by Phanes and the farm AI.They may be killed off by microbes creating insecticides like caffeine etc that humans are made immune to or are already non toxic or the insects made susceptible to compounds that have no effect on humans with the microbes forming extra flesh or the compounds fumigated into tanks with gene drives preventing immunity to these compounds.They may also be exposed to radiation or or other environmental conditions.Poisons will be removed from poisonous ones via the genotypes for these removed.Winged insects could be engineered as separate species with no wings negating the need to remove them,prevent them able to escape and also put more biomass into the actual animals.Lepidoptera larvae can be engineered not to contain bristles,barbs etc that can make them difficult to eat.Larvae of these that produce poisons such as can be engineered to not be able to retain poisons or be able to feed on plants that contain no poisons with for example Danaus plexippus can be engineered to feed on plants other than Asclepias or be engineered to be unable to retain its poison or the Asclepias have its poison removed.Genetic engineering will be able to make them sterile with them only produced by 3D DNA printers in batches in home,community and vertical farms.Toxic insects etc will be engineered not to produce toxins with those that produce barbs have these removed via removing the genes responsible.Those that have exoskeltons can have these removed to put more energy into biomass.Having them separate species without bristles,stings etc will prevent them interbreeding with native species if they escape.All species will have oligotrophic and xerophile DNA added and remove their fat insulin receptor gene and use the same level of engineering as crops as detailed later on to reduce nutrient and water requirements by 99%,grow faster and larger with higher levels of protein etc with if possible DNA from Ephemeroptera and scratch DNA can be added to make them reach maturity in one day with other DNA added to make them live longer ie as long as possible to allow live insects to be ordered in and also for them to lay more eggs.Invitro meat can make burgers,steaks etc of any species of Insecta in large amounts not just of larvae but also of the adult that dont produce enough and may be dangerous.Microbes passing from generation to the next could remove the DNA from Ephemeroptera and add endolith and other live extension DNA or this already be present.These would be reared in graphene infused shatterproof glass tanks in areas cornered off by watertight doors in community,home and vertical farms and have Graphene infused plastic or netting on the top of the tanks to allow oxygen in or have the tanks fed Cygwin through piping and carbon scrubbers sealed of by netting abd small holes with to prevent them becoming invasive species with them engineered to be unable to survive the local climate ie cold winters,dry summers and thus be only be able to survive certain controlled climatic conditions and also unable to feed on local flora and fauna whose sap,plant matter and flesh would be toxic or inedible to them with if need be the use of downloading eggs from Demeter allowing one to simply download batches of sterile males and females unable to procreate over and over again.If they do escape then Artemis and Pan will carry out methods to eliminate them as invasive species as detailed later on.Microbes that pass from one generation to the next will allow their locations to be track and produce insecticides on demand or even cause organs to undergo apoptosis killing them if they escape the perimeter of farms including home ones.They can also cause them to be sterile through CRISPR.Exotic non native species can also be engineered to only thrive in conditions in tanks in home,community and vertical farms and not survive local weather conditions such as frosts,winters,dry or wet weather to prevent them becoming an invasive species as they would be engineered to die off in local climates.Furthermore since their egged would be created by 3D DNA printers they can be for large orders mass produced by 3D DNA printers and them made sterile meaning if they escape they will not be able to engage in sexual reproduction and if they do engage in sexual reproduction they will not produce semen etc or any eggs thus meaning they cannot become invasive species.For those used for consumption would create extra tissues.They through genetic engineering and fed large amounts of oxygen created by plants or biosynth metic scrubbers etc that intake the carbon dioxide in looped systems they release can be made larger with this larger need for oxygen made permanent and essential for survival meaning they would die outside of tanks due to lower levels of oxygen in the outside world.In the Carboniferous period Insecta and Arachnida were the same size as Accipitridae at 30% atmospheric oxygen compared to 20% with environments replicated to be between 20-30% or even if possible in large tanks them in environments of at 40-90% or even pure 100% to rear large insects that would provide large amounts of biomass with the oxygen created by plants and algea etc reared to feed them.These can be engineered to be unable to survive normal modern day 20% levels of oxygen and thus die if they escape preventing them becoming an invasive species or attacking humans.Other normal sized species can be engineered to be only able to grow in a specific temperature range meaning if they escape they would die from the heat in summer or frost in winter..All insects will be fed flour derived from bacteria or grains,algae fed in the form of TVP etc alongside in vitro meat in the case of carnivorous insects with these also able to fed on algae.E.Coli,C.perfringens DNA and scratch DNA will increase their miotic division of cells increasing growth rates allowing them to reach maturity exponentionally faster in as little as a few weeks or even days and Xerophile and oligotrophic DNA will reduce their water and nutrient requirements.This will combined with other engineering also used in crops to help them reach maturity within weeks of days.DNA from W.dermatitidis,C.sphaerospermum and C.neoformans can be added to these insects to enable them to radiosynthesis,that is,to use the pigment melanin to convert gamma radiation into chemical energy for growth.Tweaks can be made to do this with other types of radiation including UV radiation allowing algae to gain nutrition from the sun and that from artificial lights once made immune to radiation via DNA from T.gammatolerans.Tweaks can be made to do this with other types of radiation with scratch DNA used to make the DNA from the radiotrophic fungi to actively convert the radiation into energy in a way that the radiation is removed from the atmosphere.The DNA could stimulate cellular growth of tissues thus allowing insects to grow without feed etc by having the radiation stimulate cellular growth and carry out the functions of all nutrients as part of feed.If possible tweaks could allow the DNA from these bacteria could allow it to not need water by utilising radiation to replicate the biological processes of water.If perfected insects would not need either water or feed at all thus eliminating the need for water and feed in agriculture.Studies can be done as to what intensity of radiation between 5-30,000Gy that is in the survival range of T.gammatolerans can both sterilise the insects of pathogens and parasites and also provide maximum growth rates.Nephropidae DNA that allows them live forever and grow larger indefinitely can be added to insects as well.The Nephropidae DNA can be made to cause the insect to grow forever into large gigantic sizes thus increasing yields exponentially.Rare mutations that leads to oversized insects will be stored in Physis and added to them with even those from oversized crops and fish etc will be added to them to increase productivity.Phanes can have genes extrapolated to be added to this DNA to further increase their growth rates and grow forever to immensely larger sizes.Scratch DNA extrapolated by Phanes for each species of insect can accentuate oversized biomass and create extra excessive biomass where no existing mutations exist for each species of insects.Their version of the fat insulin receptor and myostatin gene can be removed and them made to synthesis essential amino acids and fatty acids.3D DNA printers will allowing them to created at home or eggs will be ordered in from farms with 3D DNA printers used to print out large numbers of their eggs in home,community and vertical farms.These can be harvested by specialised robots and delivered live or dead in large buckets or cardboard boxes of a selected size ie 5-100kg.One could order in any of the 1,000,000 species of Insecta in containers of 5-100kg or in set amounts either dead or alive and in some cases covered in carmel,honey of any type and even chocolate either white or dark created by bacteria especially Myrmecocystus and even Acrididae especially Schistocerca.Each species can have tweaked strains of Ophiocordyceps sinensis made to grow on them and them then killed off using radiation machines to prevent it escaping once the fungus consumes them.These will be reared in tanks fed flour and algea an invitro meat and can make any of the 1,000,000 species of Insecta availible to anyone at zero cost and alongside in vitro meat can replace normal meat and since grown locally to cut down on energy costs will allow wild populations to recover alongside Phanes programmes.One can download them into home tanks from the second section with even one making orders from farms where the consumer preorders a desired species in desired amount and them created by 3D DNA printers,reared and then delivered.They will be fed invitro meat,algea and flour from bacteria or even waste crops.All insects reared in home,community and vertical farms will be created via 3D DNA printers creating the eggs of each species.

With regards to Schistocerca especially Locusta migratoria,Chortoicetes terminifera,Schistocerca gregaria all of the crops can be given the accelerated healing phenotype similar to that in humans with crops given DNA from totipotent stem cells,A.mexicanum,Bacillus F,T.gammatolerans,Hydra,Planarians to repair telomeres and also tissues meaning plants would be able to repair tissues an thus leaves etc after swarms and plagues.The plants will also engineered to be able to grow without sunlight using chemosynthetic DNA and/or have chlorophyll laden stubble or tendrils etc on the surface that are inedible to the pests and thus be able to carry out photosynthesis until the leaves grow back with the leaves again being edible to humans.Humans,automated helicopters and in time biosynths will use nets to catch large amounts of them and spread Metarhizium acridum with all native and new predators of the pest and indeed all animals engineered to be immune to the fungis toxins etc.The fungus takes a while to kill the locusts and can affect other species such as Adroryphorus couloni,Coptotermes formosanus with it also only working in certain climatic conditions.To counteract those the fungus can be engineered to kill only specific species of the Schistocerca only and not kill other beneficial insects and also kill them much quicker on par with or even better than pesticides within at least 24 hours and at the same time add flavour to them and removing potential toxins making the edible and palatable enough to form a large part of the diet of natives.It can also be engineered to do this in all climatic conditions.Furthermore linseed oil L.usitatissimum and essential oils have been shown to kill the insects within 24 hours and can be created on an unlimited scale via bacteria and sprayed via normal sprayers or automated sprayers.Catching them via nets and not using M.acridum will allow for large amounts of edible biomass availible that has higher protein than beef and crops.Schistocerca yield about five times more edible protein per unit of fodder than cattle, and produce lower levels of greenhouse gases in the process.The feed conversion rate of Orthopterans is 1.7 kg/kg,while for beef it is typically about 10 kg/kg.The protein content in fresh weight is between 13–28 g/100g for adult locust, 14–18 g/100g for larvae,as compared to 19–26 g/100g for beef.The calculated protein efficiency ratio is low, with 1.69 for locust protein compared to 2.5 for standard casein.A serving of 100 g of desert locust provides 11.5 g of fat, 53.5% of which is unsaturated, and 286 mg of cholesterol.Among the fatty acids, palmitoleic,oleic and linolenic acids were found to be the most abundant.Varying amounts of potassium,sodium,phosphorus,calcium,magnesium,iron, and zinc were present.This should counteract any crop losses they cause alongside algae from sewage treatment plants.Areas in Africa,New Zealand,Austrailia,The Middle East etc that are affected by S.gregaria,L.migratoria,C.terminifera will ideally grow the vast majority of crops indoors vertical farms through Aquaponics and via bacteria with any as part of home,community and forest farms etc including newly reforested land in place of deserts as well as agricultural land and any ornamental plants will have all plants fitted with the aforementioned accelerated healing phenotype to allow them to regrow leaves in response to being eaten with again the chlorophyll laden stubble proving photosynthesis.Sewage treatment plants will grow algae providing a constant source of foodstuff in these areas preventing famines with it engineered to taste like cereals etc.Ornamental plants will be fitted with the acellerated healing phenotype.If need be these areas will also grow native plants in place of parks and former agricultural land in and around deserts that are desirable to the pest and thus be used to trap them for food.Like pests of other cases they can be made unable to eat crops or ornamental plants but only weeds and specific new plants with weeds that are hybridised with trees that grow non toxic fruits that they can eat planted that can be grown in parks and in and around deserts and savannahs etc in large numbers with them having the accelerated healing phenotype and them having the green stubble thus ensuring harvests every year.This would as stated lure the pest and keep their migration patterns to specific parts of the world namely parts of Austrailia,Northern Africa and India and the Middle East with this also done by the plants creating pheromones and via engineering the pest to be receptive to these that keep them in these areas and not spreading across the world or to nearby jungles etc.If possible biosynth Schistocerca could form part of swarms that using biocommunication and pheromones could control the migration patterns of the swarms thus preventing them becoming an invasive species and keeping there migrations stable and predictable and can lure them to areas to be harvested in large amounts.The Sahara and other deserts that are affected by Schistocerca if it is reforested through geoengineering will have all new species of plants have the accelerated healing phenotype with parts of the plants containing stubble to carry out photosynthesis.These reforested areas could act as lures to keep the insects in stable migrations flooding back and forth with the plants as part of jungles,Savannah etc in these reforested areas that act as large national parks will house the accelerated healing phenotype and stubble to carry out photosynthesis while they regrow.These measures would negate the need for pesticides and be a replacement for both conventional livestock meat like Bovidae with desert areas reforested with jungles have the pest kept under control in the same manner ie have all plants have the accelerated healing phenotype alongside chlorophyll laden stubble and have humans and biosynths catch them in nets to provide more nutritious feed.all Satellites as part of Astreaus,Triptolemus,Nephalai and Pan combined with biosynth insects presents will track the swarming and plagues paths of Schistocerca across the world to initiate automated procedures to capture them.Catching in seasons once every year manged by reading from these satellites will ensure that a certain percentage will be left to prevent overharvesting with the yields being large enough to feed locales for several years with those printed out in batches at home farms released into the wild will allow the wild specimens to recover and maintain genetic diversity via the Phanes method with large numbers using the Phanes method created onsite of universities using 3D printers and released into the wild will be released to keep populations stable and genetically diverse.The pest could be reared at home indoors or in vertical and community farms fed algae and bacteria based flour alongside crops as the human population grows in the area to prevent them becoming extinct or the their fertility rate could be increased via CRISPR to keep up with demand by adding genes from Dorylus to have each female produce millions of eggs each year or season meaning that those that would be caught would be those that would have already and otherwise starved out due to overeating of the crops and trees etc fitted with the stubble and accelerated healing phenotype.This addition of the relevant genes from Dorylus will be done by adding large numbers of males and females decided by Phanes into swarms or using 3D DNA printers create large numbers while native swarms are depleted to low levels allowing the released insects to overtake native swarms and using advanced gene drive technology which should be done very quickly either way.This can be reversed with methods to reverse it extrapolated prior to adding it to swarms.Genetic engineering can also modify their growth rate,lifespan and other features to ensures sustainable yields every year and prevent them affecting the ecosystems and not too out of control.Itwill also ensure that even if too many are caught then at least the populations will be rebound for more harvests in fact those that do die of starvation could be caught in large numbers.Both proto and final Phanes will plan this out by 2029 by which time they will have switched to recirculating aquaculture systems,vertical farms and invitro meat with all crops and all plants in all jungles etc will be fitted with the acellerated healing phenotype using microbes sprayed into the soil via aeroplanes and by 2045 by biosynths.Ideally though until biosynth arthtopods that innoculate jungles etc with these phenotypes by 2045 these can be reared in vertical farms with that alongside algae and invtro meat and vertical farms keeping local populations fed and hungry with them able to meet an increasing population in these areas by 2045.Use of pesticides should stop to allow those that have residues present die off.This should ensure a abundant supply of protein rich meal in both African and Asian countries abd the Middle East where these insects live alongside even Austrailia outside of both traditional livestock with it,algae from sewage treatment plants,vertical farms and invitro meat eliminating famine in these areas.To prevent the insects going extinct from over harvesting,3D DNA printers can produce large amounts of genetically distinct possibly millions of them to be created in batches and released into the wild to keep populations stable with this allowing batches of them to be produced onsite of farms worldwide.3D DNA printers will create millions of these new locusts should they be over harvested to population stable as an extinction of Schistocerca could cause an imbalance in the ecosystem through their natural predators losing a food source that could lead to growth in populations of other pests causing an imbalance in the ecosystem and food chain.If possible excess dead harvests of them could be exported to other countries via Oceanus,Erebus with them grown and reared on vertical and home farms in tanks in sealed rooms with them also shipped to recirculating aquaculture systems in fish farms,vertical and home farms across the country or continent to be used as fish meal for all types of fish with the excess sent there by the AI of these farms contacted and sending delivery vehicles to collect the animals.They can also be used to feed carnivorous and omnivorous livestock and pets in home and community farms like fish,Aves when shredded or mulched.Plants in jungles,forest,meadow and will have this accelerated healing phenotype,stubble built into them alongside barbs from Cactaceae in the case of meadow and grassland farms with those in areas with herbivores just have the accelerated healing phenotype and stubble coupled with seed pods and repellance to fruit etc to ensure the animals dont starve.Thus it is ideal that these pests will be caught and eaten for their protein rather than killed with biological controls,fungi and also pesticides.In case they migrate to other countries all crops and plants in forests,parks,gardens,jungles worldwide will have the acellerated healing phenotype and stubble added to them with this also done to protect them against wild animals in there native habitat with as stated AI combined with satellites tracking their migration paths.

Truffles & Mushrooms:
With regards to fungi such as truffles research is needed to produce a liquid or solid substrate that can be grown indoors in a vat negating the need for conventional farming methods to ensure abundance with carbon nanotubes and biosynthetic roots replacing the roots of trees surrounding the truffles like capillaries or within them and the aforementioned liquid or solid mediums contain the specified nutrients and minerals from the soil and trees they grow on to be pumped into them efficiently in home and vertical farms.Until then trees can be grown in soil or solid hydroponic substrates in the basements of vertical farms or ones home basement or rooftops and greenhouses where environmental conditions can be controlled with the soil made from organic material containing the exact type and and amount of specific minerals and nutrients that are found in soils that specific truffles grow in with the same for mushrooms.Readings from Theoi Meteroi aiding in this and moisture levels over the year managed by automated watering with real time readings of moisture,pH from Leimakids and Aurai sensors in areas where they naturally grow replicated in pots and even greenhouses with these pots having nanosensors to ensure they are the same as readings as the places they grow.

Rare species of truffles can be also engineered to grow anywhere in the world in any soil or climate or they can be grown in containers and logs with the Phanes method applied to increase genetic diversity with the Phanes method used.Grass used in nutrient mediums in vertical farms etc can be hydroponically and aeroponically grown in vertical and community farms to provide fresh supply of straw all year round and allow land used for growing this straw to be permanently reforested with the grass then baked in specialised drier rooms to remove moisture located in vertical farms,homes or community farms with community farms ordering in straw from local vertical farms or growing them onsite via this method which would also negate labour in harvesting and transportation.Straw can also be gained from cut grass from gardens and parks which would otherwise just turn to mush with all of these measures allowing land used for growing straw for this reforested.These liquid and solid substrates for fungi and truffles can be tweaked to replicate the exact soil conditions specific to a region of the world to retain specific flavours(the same done in vertical farms for all crops)and customised tweaks can be shared online on YouTube and the wire.Genetic engineering can also be applied to increase the viability and yields of all types of truffle species and strains growing successfully in all types of crop including hybrid crop and ornamental trees(fruit & nut etc) as well as even bush crops,root and tuber crops and vine fruits,all soils and climates around the world as well as indoors in different substrates solid or liquid including hydroponic trees to retain flavour or even hydroponic solid and liquid media.This can apply to those planted in soil as well as pots.Transferring genes from other truffle strains and again from mushrooms could aid in this alongside extremophile bacteria.Those that are not used in culinary purposes can be engineered to improve taste and texture as well as viability and even made into hybrids with culinary ones that are separate species.Thus it may be possible to allow any species and strain of truffles to grow in any soil,climate and even the roots of any species of tree,ornamental plant including root and tuber vegetables with them also engineered to grow in hydroponic media by themselves or in the roots of crops with them also having oligotrophic,xerophile and Firmicutes DNA.This would not only increase yields but also ensure they can deal with the effects of climate change with rare purebreed strains DNA uploaded to Physis to preserve them using the Lazarus and Phanes method with if possible each strain including hybrids being a separate strains and species to prevent contamination stored in Physis.Those that are becoming rare due to climate change will have their DNA added to Physis and the Phanes method applied and grown in hydroponic farms with the desired tree to increase their numbers with those that have become contaminated with foreign ones will have the other DNA extracted and also using CRISPR can introduce genes into them that prevent these hybrids occurring and are separate species with this introduced into the wild populations.Pathogens that are unable to mutate can be designed to kill off only invasive strains as seen with the Chinese truffle invading Europe.Hybrid strains would be engineered to the point of being unable to interbreed with other wild ones with the Phanes method ensuring rare species are created on an unlimited scale and shipped around the world with them and new strains have their DNA uploaded into Physis.By having them engineered to be able to survive in any soil,climate,in the roots of any tree,ornamental plant and even vine plants could allow all types of truffles even the most expensive ones to be grown in community and home farms around the world reducing energy costs and make them much cheaper for anyone to rear at home in gardens and even in pots.Ideally all crop and ornamental trees in home,forest and community gardens alongside those in parks and dotted along streets of cities,towns and villages will be inoculated with as many species and strains of truffles to ensure abundance worldwide with greenhouses on roofs and in gardens also growing them.Fruit and ornamental trees grown in soil and solid hydroponic media in vertical farms and at home as well as forest and community farms can also be inoculated with them and also even jungles,woodlands,parks and forestry areas that are made hybrids to grow fruits and nuts through engineering with them inoculated by robotics and then harvested by robotic dogs.Thus all trees worldwide in parks,by streets,in community and home farms as well as in forests,jungles and land used for forestry can be inculcated with truffles of any type via genetic engineering with mushroom/truffle hybrids complimenting this allowing them to be grown in open soil with this possible by 2029 making any rare species of truffle cheap and widely available to everyone and be able to be grown anywhere in the world.Bush crops and ornamental bushes as well as vine,tuber and root fruits and vegetables can theoretically be inoculated via CRISPR.Hybrids can be created through engineering with even bushes that harbour crops and flowers and crops like vegetables and fruits even able to grow them.Sensors attached to smart devices or robotic and biosynthetic dogs and drones that patrol areas where they are that contain sensors can be used to determine when truffles are mature and ready to be harvested with links to Demeter and Artemis that give an universal colour coded scale infant,based on blue denoting infant,yellow denoting under ripe,green denoting ripe,red denoting over ripe.These sensors could be biosynthetic modelled over those found in the noses of dogs and Suidae with synthetic nanosensors utilising graphene and other nanomaterials developed to detect only the specific chemicals and pheromones released by truffles.These would consist of nanomaterials and or those that contain base microbes that have C.elegans that are tweaked to detect them.Robotic and biosynth dogs managed by the farm AI will be able to detect this with these sensors on them during rounds at set times without digging them up and eating them with them alerting the farm AI as to the GPS location of each plant for it to be dug up by other robots,themselves and humans.Normal dogs can be engineered to detect them as good as or better than Suidae.Breeding programs and genetic engineering programs can create truffles with custom made flavours and other properties as well even new strains.Truffles should be inoculated into all fruit and non crop ornamental trees and bushes in home,community and vertical farms as well as non crop ones in parks and along streets and alongside non crop trees in parks,streets and also in woodlands,forest farms,jungles and tropical forests permanently reforested for conservation or even those used for forestry which can harvested by robotic dogs fitted with sensors to ensure abundance.These wilderness areas can be inoculated with advances in robotics.Potted bushes and trees both crop and ornamental can also be inoculated.Genetic engineering can increase their ability to be inoculated into all species of crops such as root vegetables/vine fruits/crop trees/hybrids in the wilderness etc,ornamental plants and those in the wilderness with this also done to improve their ability to grow in liquid media and growkits as well as in hydroponic media.These measures should make all species and strains of truffles even the most expensive ones abundant and more widely available to the public by at least 2029.

Mushrooms can be grown in logs including synthetic ones ordered in from Talos etc factories with also them grown in buckets housing a growth medium composed of liquid media created by bacteria and mixed in with water.These can be grown in gardens using straw that of grass grown hydroponically and aeroponically in vertical games and home farms and dried using drying machines.Also like truffles them printed out as spores using 3D DNA printers and them grown in a nutrient media in water with them engineered to undergo mitosis that can be spread out into containers etc and grown to maturity with them containing edible fibrils and even leaves of leafy greens to use water and fertiliser and photosynthesis to increase growth rates.

Recreational drugs,cereals,teas and coffee:
Nicotiana tabacum,Nicotiana rustica and recreational drugs such as C.sativa,Catha edulis,Erythroxylum novogranatense,Papaver somniferum,psychoactive plants and fungi as well as coca should ideally grown at home allowing for them to produced privately alongside Mentha,Eucalyptus and other additives to increase flavors with them ideally grown indoors via hydroponics in homes and vertical farms to prevent green tobacco sickness especially in children and pets and increase yields.They could also be part of hybrid crops ordered in from vertical farms and those hybridised with P.montana,F.japonica,A.ostoyae and C.sativa DNA added to increase the amount of leaves present with them engineered to regrow leaves instantly using the acellerated healing phenotype.They will have the acellerated healing phenotype to allow leaves regrow once harvested.Cigar leaves will be used to smoke N.tabacum,C.sativa and any plant drugs that are smoked due to their size with if need be cannabis plants engineered to produce larger leaves to do so for smoking itself and also for higher yields.Otherwise paper rollers of all sizes can be designed and ordered in from Oxylus factories in bulk.They can grown at home indoor pots using soil,hydroponics,aquaponics or aeroponics and gardens with them engineered to regrow leaves instantly or ordered in from vertical or other farms as part of hybrid crops.This would render tobacco corporations defunct and allow land used to grow them reforested indefinitely.This will replace paper that is used to roll cigarettes and will be done to replicate its smoking as in ancient times.They can also be hybridised with other crops to replace inedible leaves ensuring leaves dont go to waste with them ideally grown at home indoors and outdoors as well as in meadow and community farms.All of this will allow for plantations of these recreational drugs to be reforested.The acellerated healing phenotype will cause harvested leaves to regrow instantly.Hybrid crops ordered in from vertical and other farms can have these.Psychoactive mushrooms can be grown in home gardens or like truffle/leafy green/mushroom hybrids as detailed later on with the truffle and mushroom engineered to create desired psychoactive compounds.Engineering can be used to eliminate any carcinogens other than the active ingredient as well as theoretically allow for hybrids to occur that have the active ingredients of multiple closely or distantly related recreational drugs produced in the leaves combined with their own one or even have the plant of the drug produce both its active ingredient as well as additive flavourings such as Mentha,Eucalyptus etc in any desired combination using recombinant DNA from these herbs etc with them even creating cocaine,caffeine and the active ingredients of other recreational drugs in them.Plants that naturally produce active ingredients of recreational drugs can be hybridise to produce multiple active ingredients such as N.tabacum,N.rustica plants that create both nicotine and tetrahydrocannabinol or cocaine etc.Thus a N.rustica,C.sativa etc plants could be engineered to produce cathionine,tetrhydrocannabionl,nicotine,morphine,cocaine,caffeine,mint,eucalyptus and the active ingredients of all types of psychoactive plants and mushrooms by inserting the relevant recombinant DNA from each recreational drugs thus allowing one to have two or more active ingredients in the same plants cigarettes or powder.Crops of all types such as vegetables and fruit etc can also be engineered to produce nicotine,tetrhydrocannabionl,cocaine etc for recreational drug users.The leaves of these plants will be used to smoke them as in ancient times or wrapping paper can be ordered in from Oxylus factories.Bacteria however can be engineered to produce the active ingredients not only of pure original plants but also hybrids to produce them on an unlimited scale with this applying to psychoactive plants such as morphine,heroin and other opiods,tetrahydrocannabinol,cocaine etc created as powders,oils and liquids that can be injected in liquid/oil form directly into the bloodstream or spread into food as oils or powder thus negating the need to grow the plant and harvest them.Bicompatible microbe strains can be created that produce the active ingredients of any desired recreational drug plant in vivo in levels that do not cause overdosing and used to aid in those giving them up.This would all also apply to recreational drugs such as N.tabacum,N.rustica,C.edulis,C.sativa,P.somniferum,Erythroxylaceae,which can be grown hydroponically at home or gained by orders from community farms and vertical farm as part of hybrid crops in place of leaves with psychoactive fungi grown in reuseable 3D printed growkits and as part of truffle hybrids in trashcans allowing the consumer to control the strength and purity to their needs.These plants can be genetically engineered to remove carcinogens from being produced and increase or decrease the amount and strength of the desired active ingredient or produce the active ingredients of two or more plants ie produce nicotine,caffeine,cathinone and tetrahydrocannabinol as well as cocaine or even psychoactive compounds from other plants and even produce flavourings and stimulants from spices and species of plants such as mentha,eucalytpus,caffeine etc naturally within them as well to save on resources of growing another plant with again each strain given their own ID code within Artemis.This can apply to other drugs such as cathinone and cocaine.Other drugs can be made in bulk with miniature automated breweries or machinery and genetically altered bacteria allowing for recreational drugs i.e. esctacy,LSD and to be made again at home or in labs in photobioreactors using wastewater or sugars.N.tabacum,N.rustica plants can even be engineered to remove all carcinogens with a benign replacement for nicotine with a similar flavour this can be done with other recreational drugs with genetic engineering creating new strains of all of them.Humans can also be made immune to this via bacteria made immune to it via exposing them to large doses of it and the new genes added to smokers thus allowing it to remain in the unaltered plant.The use of bacteria to produce active ingredients could allow the active ingredients to be created added to homemade food,injected into the bloodstream or even made in tablets,a powder at home or in pharmaceutical drugs for those active ingredients that have medicinal properties.It can also allow them to be prepared cheaply in large amounts for research purposes and in all cases the bacteria can produce just one or more of the active ingredients.In the case of artificial synthetic drugs bacteria can produce either the drug itself,base components that can be used to manufacture them at home or even bio-based equivalents or utilise anabolic reactions.Biocompatible microbes strains could be engineered to syntheise these using recombinant DNA from the relevant plants or through catabolic and anabolic reactions within the body of the host and consumer onsite of relevant receptors.Thus all recreational drugs can be grown indoor via hydroponics,in home gardens,ordered in from farms as part of hybrid crops or created by bacteria using recombinant DNA from relevant plants or via anabolic reactions that can be injected into the bloodstream and added to food.In time microbes in patients can create these on demand when needed thus allowing users to use them without rearing plants or bacteria.This can also be the case of specific compounds,proteins,starches,flavourings,vitamins and vitamin precursors produced by crops,ornamental and wild plants and all species of animals.Thus all recreational drugs and stimulant plants such as N.rustica,N.tabacum,C.sativa,C.edulis,E.novogranatense,P.somniferum,C.sinsensis,Coffea,hallucinogenic plants etc will be grown at home,indoor hydroponics and aquaponics,gardens,roof sand as part of orders from vertical and in community farms in pots including as part of hybrid plants with them having the accelerated healing phenotype and also contain DNA from P.monatana,F.japonica,A.ostoyae and hybridises with C.sativa to produce large amounts of ones desired crops leaves in large amounts making homeowners and communities self sufficient.They can also be ordered in as part of hybrid plants from vertical and other farms with them grown as hybrid plants at home replacing leaves etc.Different strains and varieties DNA will be analysed and added to Physis including hybrids and new ones to preserve them.They can also be created by bacteria creating them and their active ingredients in liquid or powder form.Phaeophyceae,Laminariales can be part of hybrid crops ordered in from community and vertical farms.They can also be ordered in from these farms and grown at home as themselves grown in aquaponics systems with spores created by 3D DNA printers.Cocoa trees grown at home or in vertical farms could could be engineered to produce only cocoa butter or only cocoa powder with genetically modified bacteria creating cocoa butter/milk in the case of the latter ensuring an abundance of both with this replicated with similar crops that produce a commodity that can be reproduced by bacteria.Other wise other bacteria strains can be engineered to also produce cocoa powder in their cell wall or internal structure with it extracted in the same way as algae flour allowing for larger amounts of both cocoa powder and butter to be locally produced and allow all land devoted to T.cacao to be reforested indefinitely.Bacteria should produce most if not all plant and animal commodities such as fats,oils,flours spices etc.This is because they can be grown onsite of vertical,community and home farms in photobioreactors and because bacteria would take weeks or days to grow and produce larger yields and allow land for growing both plants and rearing animals to be reforested.

Cereals can also be grown in buildings adjacent to community farms or underground extensions via hydro and aeroponics and in the case of Oryza sativa and Oryza glaberrima in artificial paddy or aquaponic systems indoors at home,community and vertical farms to ensure year long abundance and negate the need for pesticides,fungicides and also not having to worry about the climate with vertical farms also providing more areas to grow cereals locally allowing all land used to grow them including paddy fields to be reforested.Those grown at home and in community farm will be for the seeds with bacteria producing flour,oils and malted sugars etc of Oryza with O.sativa grown in vertical farms and home hydroponic and aeroponic systems with those needed for alcohol grown via bacteria onsite of bars and nightclubs.Thus Oryza for dishes will be grown in home,community and vertical farms with bacteria producing Oryza oil as well as flour and even starches of the crop to be fermented for making sake.Those in indoor vertical farms should have any methane collected and burned onsite for energy with them grown outside have the methane captured by Bambusoideae and the plant themselves engineered to intake methane as a fertiliser to be converted into extra carbohydrates.Any methane produced can be captured in vertical farms and fed to them via the crops having chemosynthetic bacteria DNA will utilise this gas as fertiliser creating even more carbohydrates and plant matter with this in ones on those in outdoor farms utilising this as well with them intaking methane from livestock.This chemosynthetic bacteria can be added to Oryza and other crops grown on hybrid plants and also those grown in home farms etc and not just vertical farms to allow any methane to be produced to be captured by the plant instantly and thus used to create more carbohydrates with them also engineered to intake nitrous oxide to use the nitrogen as fertiliser and oxygen to make even more carbohydrates alongside carbon dioxde.Genetic engineering Oryza to contain the SUSIBA2 gene from Hordeum varieties and species can reduce methane emissions by as much as 97% and increase carbohydrates present in the crop by at least 43% with scratch DNA furthering the amount of carbohydrate created.This can be added to other crops to increase yields and possibly to Bovidae to reduce methane emissions.Herbs should be grown in miniature home aeroponic systems or as part of hybrid plants and even bacteria with them as detailed later made into hybrids with F.japonica and P.montana.If possible research can be done if genetically altered bacteria would be able to create miniature versions of the grains of both brown and white Oryza or if biosynth machinery similar to those that produce eggs could create large batches of the grains when fertiliser and also sugars are added with if possible this replicated for any type fruits,nuts and even seeds of H.annuus etc with it being the same machinery done at home.Biocompatible microbes stem cell strain could form them inside in time

Coffea and Camellia sinensis grown in home and community farms and ordered in from vertical farms will be hybridised with each other to produce leaves of the desired C.sinensis variety and also the desired beans of Coffea variety thus increasing productivity with them having P.montana,C.sativa,Armillaria ostoyae,F.japonica DNA to grow large amounts of leaves and even Vitis DNA to grow large amounts of beans.They will have the acellerated healing phenotype to allow beans and leaves regrow once harvested.The variety of beans and tea can be changed at anytime via microbes added to them.Hybrid crops ordered in from vertical farms etc will contain their leaves and beans.All strains and species of Coffea and C.sinensis plants should also ideally be grown at home,in community farms as well as in vertical farms with again bacteria theoretically creating powdery Coffea and C.sinensis grounds.Strains of the Coffea and C.sinensis plants grown at home and in community farms etc can be engineered to have caffeine removed to negate labour and energy in removing it thus allow both caffeine and decaffeinated strains to be created and grown at home and be in community farms saving time on doing it by hand and using solvents at home.To negate the need to order out new altered plants microbes can be injected into a plant to turn off or back on the genes responsible for these with them also programmed to have the plant produce other flavourings such as Mentha,Eucalyptus or the active ingredients of all recreational drugs via adding and removing genes in live plant.The protease enzymes of Paradoxurus hermaphroditus can be created by bacteria and then mixed in with crushed beans for Kopi Luwak coffe.Strains of bacteria can be created also that do or do not have caffeine.Strains of bacteria can be created that create the flavourings etc of both any strain of C.sinsensis and Coffea in a powder or liquid form or both.All of this should allow them to be grown locally in home and community farms harvested when needed,ordered in as part of hybrid crops from farms as well as allow all plantations in developing countries to be reforested.All hybrid or normal plants of these crops will be grown indoors and outdoor in home gardens,on roofs and also in rooftop gardens and also community and meadow farms.These can be in indoor trashcans that produce tuber and root crops as well as in pots using soil or hydroponics in private and communal homes,on roofs and in gardens or outdoor pots.

Algae from sewage and water treatment plants will eliminate famine worldwide as it is high in omega-3,essential amino acids using limited amounts of water and nutrients that can be used to be turned into a textured vegetable protein like product that contains all essential amino acids,carbohydrates and fats.These should ensure abundance and looped cycles of nutritious feed after natural disasters etc that would render vertical and community farms defunct or compromised and would single handily eliminate famines caused by freak changes in the weather,failure in crops in vertical and other farms etc completely worldwide by at least 2029-2035 since their will always be nutritious feed from ones faeces and urine converted into algae in sewage and water treatment plants including existing ones to be availible with livestock pens connected to the sewage main line as well in order to also provide feed as well.Algea from sewage treatment plants can replace Attalea maripa,Elaeis oleifera,Elaeis guineensis oils for food and also G.max for flour and TVP for livestock and vegans as it has a higher level of essential amino acids and carbohydrates than G.max and can thus allow land in the tropics used to tear G.max to be reforested with it creating a looped cycle since once eaten it will be recycled and can also recycle phosphorous,potassium,nitrogen,copper etc to be used as fertiliser.This will be used as a highly nutritious feed in the form of slop,mince,TVP,flour etc for humans,remaining livestock,pets,shellfish and fish and humans due to it containing more essential amino acids,fats and carbohydrates than G.max,Graminae,Z.m.mays etc with genetic engineering increasing its number,level and types of nutrients and can add Bromoform and other compounds from other crops such as A.sativum that in ruminants reduces methane levels by 99% by inhibiting it’s production with it allowing all land used to grow G.max,Graminae,E.guineensis,A.maripa,E.oleifer and Z.m.mays etc especially in the Amazon and tropics reforested indefinitely.It can create an oily flour for bread,pastries,livestock feed that is oily thus negating the need to use eggs that can make these products much healthier and can replace Hordeum,Trictium,Z.mays.mays for flour for pet and livestock feed,homemade bread and that from Deipneus factories with its oil rather than being used as biofuel can be instead as vegetable oil as an alternative to E.guineensis,A.maripa,E.oleifera that is high in omega-3 fatty acids allowing all land used for this in the tropics be reforested.Conventional sources of G.max,Graminae,E.guineensis,A.maripa,E.oleifera  and Z.m.mays etc flour and oil etc can be created by bacteria as well.The algae can be engineered to produce the same taste and texture as G.max,Hordeum,Trictium or any meat.It will for vegans be eaten as a TVP,mince etc with for remaining livestock and animals in zoos and pets be eaten as solid pellets,mince slop and flour with it for fish and shellfish in recirculating aquaculture systems and tanks fed to the them as a liquid pumped into tanks and systems with it also fed to them as pellets.Insects used to be reared for human,pet and livestock feed can eat the algae.Bacteria that create commodities and in vitro meat can use it as nutrients and growth medium.Any ruminant livestock that eat it will have a marked decrease of methane produced and released by as much as 90-99% with any livestock,fish and shellfish that consumes it will have its omega-3 fatty acid and protein content rise due to them able to absorb and store them in their fatty tissues and meat much better than conventional feed such as Graminae,G.max,Z.m.mays etc.Omnivores and carnivores reared as pets,livestock,fish,shellfish and animals in the zoo can use as a better and more sustainable source of protein than meat including in vitro meat and conventional feed. Spirulina has roughly 57g of protein per 100g compared to G.max which has 36g per 100g,beef/lamb/chicken that has roughly 25-27g,Z.m.mays roughly 9g per 100g thus allowing algae to replace conventional feedstock with genetic engineering allowing it have as much as 80-95g protein thus making it a more sustainable source of protein than TVP etc for vegans than G.max eaten as mince,TVP and steaks and also on par with meat for meat eaters.This will also allow it to replace conventional feedstock for fish,shellfish and remaining livestock replacing G.max,Graminae,Z.m.mays eaten as a mince,TVP,slip or liquid pumped into pens and tanks with it even suitable for carnivorous animals in zoos and pets replacing in vitro meat.The type of essential amino acids,carbohydrates and essential fatty acids and oils alongside their amount can be modified through genetic engineering creating different strains and species dependant for its purpose.This algae can through engineering produce the same taste and texture as meat of any kind and also Hordeum,G.max,Trictium etc thus making it more palatable to humans,pets and livestock with it eaten as a slop,mince,pellets,TVP etc.Having it engineered to taste the same as meat and Hordeum,G.max,Trictium etc will also allow it replace these in all of it uses such as flour for all cereal based products,TVP as well as hamburgers and steaks etc.It can also produce oil for goods that can Attalea maripa,Elaeis oleifera,Elaeis guineensis.Since grown in sewage treatment plants it will negate the need for using land to grow these with conventional soy etc allowing all existing land to be reforested.It will also cut down on energy and chemical use in sewage treatment plants with soy coming from genetically engineered bacteria.This creates a looped cycle as once it is eaten it will be converted into feces and urine that ends up in a sewage treatment plant to be then converted into more algae.It will also negate the need to rear fodder crops for remaining livestock since it cannot only be fed to humans but also fed to remaining livestock of all types and pets of all types.Remaining livestock such as cattle etc will be feed it as slop,mince,TVP etc..Remaining livestock pens through grated pens and automated systems should be connected to the main sewage line to allow feces and urine to be collected in the main sewage line to be converted into algae in a looped systems producing more feedstock and also fertiliser with biosynths collecting forces in fields etc.Miniature photobioreactors on site of community and home farms worldwide can be present to collect feces and urine to be grown and stored on-site.This can allow for remaining livestock to be reared indoors in sheds.Manure and urine from pets can be collected and placed into toilets or the pets potty trained to have the phosphorus and nitrogen recycled.This will prevent the phosphorus and nitrogen going to waste or ending up in rivers and lakes etc with excess algae stored over years and decades etc as feedstock and fertiliser that is traded across the world when a country is experiencing shortages.This will replace both chemical and fossil fuel based fertilisers but also conventional manure based fertilisers thus eliminating pollution in lakes etc and the release of greenhouse gases and scarcity of fertilisers forever as since both humans and livestock consume the algae directly or the crops that use them as fertilisers the nitrogen and phosphorus etc will end up back in sewage treatment plants creating a looped system.This coupled with mass adoption of community farms,home farms and vertical farms and in vitro meat and yeast based milk as well as commodities from bacteria will eliminate methane,nitrogen and carbon dioxide aid and water pollution from agriculture forever,allowing all land used for agriculture to be reforested forever with coupled with genetic engineering will meet the needs for a growing population for the coming millenia and have agriculture have zero environmental impact on the Earth and will be adopted in colonies across the universe including Mars,Venus,space ships and also other Earth like planets and theoretical megastructures and keep the cost of food consistently low forever and eliminating famine and food scarcity forever worldwide.Fish and shellfish in tanks and recirculating aquaculture systems will be fed it as TVP pellets,flakes and as a liquid by being pumped into them.Pets will be fed it as a mince,slop and TVP etc.Pets will have feces and urine added to toilets especially if algae is engineered to convert toilet paper and kitty litter.It produces flour that can replace wheat etc,TVP that can replace soy and also oil that can replace palm oil.The algae will be fitted with scratch DNA to degrade toilet paper and also kitty litter as well as pharmaceutical compounds released by the body alongside degrade rubber and plastics and other compounds etc that may find there way into sewage systems with nanomaterials and super high intensity UV light and radiation used to break down toxic natural and synthetic compounds and also be immune to radiation and use radiation as an energy source and house Xerophile and oligotrophic DNA and scratch DNA to not only reduce water and nutrient requirements but also allow them to be exposed to huge blasts of radiation and drying techniques to kill off and sterilise them of all pathogens thus ensuring it is safe to eat with remaining sludge either removed via nanomaterials etc to be sent an next round with measures done to ensure all waste is converted into algae with genetic engineering and new technologies exponentially increasing yields and growth rates to ensure a continuous supply and prevent fecal contamination of the food product and sterilise turn of all pathogens and people immunised against all coliforms.The amount of this produced will be proportional to the population meaning as the local population grows then the amount of this feedstuff available will grow proportionally thus meaning that unlike traditional crops which require more land only roof extensions and more efficient technology,genetic engineering and other technologies will be needed to increase yields with algae since smaller than crops require exponentially less resources,engineering etc to improve yields.As stated unlike crops that are dependent on climate algae will always have consistently high yields every year proportional to the local population and more through advancements in genetic engineering and new technologies regardless of climate or geopolitical situations and thus should therefore be adopted in all sewage treatment plants worldwide.It will also provide a constant supply of food in areas affected by droughts,heatwaves,cold snaps and also even Schistocerca.As a result to prevent famine worldwide all sewage treatment plants worldwide and across the universe will grow algae in them in order to ensure a consistent supply of nutrient dense food regardless of climate or geopolitical situations with this also done to cut down on energy and chemical uses in them.Furthermore the fact that it recycles phosphorus,nitrogen and potassium feces and urine it will negate the need for mining of finite reserves of these thus by being used as a fertiliser will create a looped system and eliminate fertiliser scarcity again proportional to the local population as once food is eaten it is converted into feces etc that ends up in a sewage treatment plant.The feces and urine is converted directly into phosphorus,nitrogen and potassium rich organic fertiliser that can be used as a high grade organic fertiliser that can alleviate strains on limited reserves in the crust and also provide a constant local supply of them at all times with the amount of fertiliser produces proportional to the current population.It will also render fossil fuels obsolete forever in fertiliser.Thus vertical,community and home farms are by having feces converted into algae rich in nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in local sewage treatment plants have constant reliable access to high grade organic fertiliser thus eliminating fears of scarcity with this eliminating phosphorus,nitrogen and potassium scarcity forever as their will always be a constant supply of phosphorus,nitrogen and potassium availible by recycling it from urine and feces through algae thus eliminating the need for mining finite reserves of them from the crust which are in dwindling supplies with only 80 years of phosphorus left and are only found in a few key areas of the world.Thus using algae fertiliser will eliminate scarcity of phosphorus,nitrogen and potassium forever as these will be recycled from feces and urine in each local sewage treatment plants eliminating the notion of any country having a stronghold on them with this catering to our needs until Picotech fabricators are available which will also eliminate their scarcity forever.It eliminates scarcity of these three key nutrients by creating a looped system wherein food fed fertiliser from algae is eaten and then converted into feces and urine which is then converted into algae again.This will keep costs of agricultural produce constantly low with crops using oligotrophic DNA and scratch DNA requiring 90-99% less fertiliser thus eliminating scarcity even further.Uneaten food will be pyrolysised and the nitrogen etc removed and recycled.

Algae form sewage treatment plants across the world will create a looped system by converting human and animal feces and urine into a high protein,high carbohydrate rich feed for humans that will replace soy as well as replace feedstock for remaining livestock and can be used as high grade fertiliser that alleviates strains on limited reserves of phosphorus and nitrogen creating a looped cycle with it since recycling feces and urine into nutritious feed will single handily eliminate famine worldwide.It will also cut down on energy and chemical use in sewage treatment plants with soy coming from genetically engineered bacteria.In vitro met and yeast/bacteria based milk by 2029-2045 will be through intensive research be indistinguishable to real meat and milk with it grown in home,community and vertical farms thus eliminating traditional livestock based meat production onsolete with livestock only reared by purists and the Amish etc thus lowering the amount of animals reared for meat and milk worldwide from several 34,667,000,000 to at most a few hundred.About 95-99% of all meat and milk production will be from in vitro meat and yeast based milk once it becomes indistinguishable to real meat and milk in terms of taste,texture and nutritional content through intensive research with it using 99% less resources and land and produces zero methane and carbon dioxide emissions with it also giving a wider variety of meat and milk from all 2,000,000 animals and 6,400 species of mammals including expensive species and breeds that are not commercially viable.Feedstock for all remaining livestock will consist of algae as slop,TVP etc that comes from the feces of livestock and fish converted into algae once collected creating a looped cycle that has a higher conversion ratio of meal to meat meaning it results in more of the feed being converted into edible meat with genetic engineering exponentially lowering the amount of water and feedstock animals will need and increasing the ratio of feedstock to meat conversion.Algae from sewage and water treatment plants will eliminate famine worldwide as it is high in omega-3,essential amino acids using limited amounts of water and nutrients that can be used to be turned into a textured vegetable protein like product that contains all essential amino acids,carbohydrates and fats.These should ensure abundance and looped cycles of nutritious feed after natural disasters etc that would render vertical and community farms defunct or compromised and would single handily eliminate famines caused by freak changes in the weather,failure in crops in vertical and other farms etc completely worldwide by at least 2029-2035 since their will always be nutritious feed from ones faeces and urine converted into algae in sewage and water treatment plants including existing ones to be availible with livestock pens connected to the sewage main line as well in order to also provide feed as well.Algea from sewage treatment plants can replace Attalea maripa,Elaeis oleifera,Elaeis guineensis oils for food and also G.max for flour and TVP for livestock and vegans as it has a higher level of essential amino acids and carbohydrates than G.max and can thus allow land in the tropics used to tear G.max to be reforested with it creating a looped cycle since once eaten it will be recycled and can also recycle phosphorous,potassium,nitrogen,copper etc to be used as fertiliser.This will be used as a highly nutritious feed in the form of slop,mince,TVP,flour etc for humans,remaining livestock,pets,shellfish and fish and humans due to it containing more essential amino acids,fats and carbohydrates than G.max,Graminae,Z.m.mays etc with genetic engineering increasing its number,level and types of nutrients and can add Bromoform and other compounds from other crops such as A.sativum that in ruminants reduces methane levels by 99% by inhibiting it’s production with it allowing all land used to grow G.max,Graminae,E.guineensis,A.maripa,E.oleifer and Z.m.mays etc especially in the Amazon and tropics reforested indefinitely.It can create an oily flour for bread,pastries,livestock feed that is oily thus negating the need to use eggs that can make these products much healthier and can replace Hordeum,Trictium,Z.mays.mays for flour for pet and livestock feed,homemade bread and that from Deipneus factories with its oil rather than being used as biofuel can be instead as vegetable oil as an alternative to E.guineensis,A.maripa,E.oleifera that is high in omega-3 fatty acids allowing all land used for this in the tropics be reforested.Conventional sources of G.max,Graminae,E.guineensis,A.maripa,E.oleifera  and Z.m.mays etc flour and oil etc can be created by bacteria as well.The algae can be engineered to produce the same taste and texture as G.max,Hordeum,Trictium or any meat.It will for vegans be eaten as a TVP,mince etc with for remaining livestock and animals in zoos and pets be eaten as solid pellets,mince slop and flour with it for fish and shellfish in recirculating aquaculture systems and tanks fed to the them as a liquid pumped into tanks and systems with it also fed to them as pellets.Insects used to be reared for human,pet and livestock feed can eat the algae.Bacteria that create commodities and in vitro meat can use it as nutrients and growth medium.Any ruminant livestock that eat it will have a marked decrease of methane produced and released by as much as 90-99% with any livestock,fish and shellfish that consumes it will have its omega-3 fatty acid and protein content rise due to them able to absorb and store them in their fatty tissues and meat much better than conventional feed such as Graminae,G.max,Z.m.mays etc.Omnivores and carnivores reared as pets,livestock,fish,shellfish and animals in the zoo can use as a better and more sustainable source of protein than meat including in vitro meat and conventional feed. Spirulina has roughly 57g of protein per 100g compared to G.max which has 36g per 100g,beef/lamb/chicken that has roughly 25-27g,Z.m.mays roughly 9g per 100g thus allowing algae to replace conventional feedstock with genetic engineering allowing it have as much as 80-95g protein thus making it a more sustainable source of protein than TVP etc for vegans than G.max eaten as mince,TVP and steaks and also on par with meat for meat eaters.This will also allow it to replace conventional feedstock for fish,shellfish and remaining livestock replacing G.max,Graminae,Z.m.mays eaten as a mince,TVP,slip or liquid pumped into pens and tanks with it even suitable for carnivorous animals in zoos and pets replacing in vitro meat.The type of essential amino acids,carbohydrates and essential fatty acids and oils alongside their amount can be modified through genetic engineering creating different strains and species dependant for its purpose.This algae can through engineering produce the same taste and texture as meat of any kind and also Hordeum,G.max,Trictium etc thus making it more palatable to humans,pets and livestock with it eaten as a slop,mince,pellets,TVP etc.Having it engineered to taste the same as meat and Hordeum,G.max,Trictium etc will also allow it replace these in all of it uses such as flour for all cereal based products,TVP as well as hamburgers and steaks etc.It can also produce oil for goods that can Attalea maripa,Elaeis oleifera,Elaeis guineensis.Since grown in sewage treatment plants it will negate the need for using land to grow these with conventional soy etc allowing all existing land to be reforested.It will also cut down on energy and chemical use in sewage treatment plants with soy coming from genetically engineered bacteria.This creates a looped cycle as once it is eaten it will be converted into feces and urine that ends up in a sewage treatment plant to be then converted into more algae.It will also negate the need to rear fodder crops for remaining livestock since it cannot only be fed to humans but also fed to remaining livestock of all types and pets of all types.Remaining livestock such as cattle etc will be feed it as slop,mince,TVP etc..Remaining livestock pens through grated pens and automated systems should be connected to the main sewage line to allow feces and urine to be collected in the main sewage line to be converted into algae in a looped systems producing more feedstock and also fertiliser with biosynths collecting forces in fields etc.Miniature photobioreactors on site of community and home farms worldwide can be present to collect feces and urine to be grown and stored on-site.This can allow for remaining livestock to be reared indoors in sheds.Manure and urine from pets can be collected and placed into toilets or the pets potty trained to have the phosphorus and nitrogen recycled.This will prevent the phosphorus and nitrogen going to waste or ending up in rivers and lakes etc with excess algae stored over years and decades etc as feedstock and fertiliser that is traded across the world when a country is experiencing shortages.This will replace both chemical and fossil fuel based fertilisers but also conventional manure based fertilisers thus eliminating pollution in lakes etc and the release of greenhouse gases and scarcity of fertilisers forever as since both humans and livestock consume the algae directly or the crops that use them as fertilisers the nitrogen and phosphorus etc will end up back in sewage treatment plants creating a looped system.This coupled with mass adoption of community farms,home farms and vertical farms and in vitro meat and yeast based milk as well as commodities from bacteria will eliminate methane,nitrogen and carbon dioxide aid and water pollution from agriculture forever,allowing all land used for agriculture to be reforested forever with coupled with genetic engineering will meet the needs for a growing population for the coming millenia and have agriculture have zero environmental impact on the Earth and will be adopted in colonies across the universe including Mars,Venus,space ships and also other Earth like planets and theoretical megastructures and keep the cost of food consistently low forever and eliminating famine and food scarcity forever worldwide.Fish and shellfish in tanks and recirculating aquaculture systems will be fed it as TVP pellets,flakes and as a liquid by being pumped into them.Pets will be fed it as a mince,slop and TVP etc.Pets will have feces and urine added to toilets especially if algae is engineered to convert toilet paper and kitty litter.It produces flour that can replace wheat etc,TVP that can replace soy and also oil that can replace palm oil.The algae will be fitted with scratch DNA to degrade toilet paper and also kitty litter as well as pharmaceutical compounds released by the body alongside degrade rubber and plastics and other compounds etc that may find there way into sewage systems with nanomaterials and super high intensity UV light and radiation used to break down toxic natural and synthetic compounds and also be immune to radiation and use radiation as an energy source and house Xerophile and oligotrophic DNA and scratch DNA to not only reduce water and nutrient requirements but also allow them to be exposed to huge blasts of radiation and drying techniques to kill off and sterilise them of all pathogens thus ensuring it is safe to eat with remaining sludge either removed via nanomaterials etc to be sent an next round with measures done to ensure all waste is converted into algae with genetic engineering and new technologies exponentially increasing yields and growth rates to ensure a continuous supply and prevent fecal contamination of the food product and sterilise turn of all pathogens and people immunised against all coliforms.The amount of this produced will be proportional to the population meaning as the local population grows then the amount of this feedstuff available will grow proportionally thus meaning that unlike traditional crops which require more land only roof extensions and more efficient technology,genetic engineering and other technologies will be needed to increase yields with algae since smaller than crops require exponentially less resources,engineering etc to improve yields.As stated unlike crops that are dependent on climate algae will always have consistently high yields every year proportional to the local population and more through advancements in genetic engineering and new technologies regardless of climate or geopolitical situations and thus should therefore be adopted in all sewage treatment plants worldwide.It will also provide a constant supply of food in areas affected by droughts,heatwaves,cold snaps and also even Schistocerca.As a result to prevent famine worldwide all sewage treatment plants worldwide and across the universe will grow algae in them in order to ensure a consistent supply of nutrient dense food regardless of climate or geopolitical situations with this also done to cut down on energy and chemical uses in them.Furthermore the fact that it recycles phosphorus,nitrogen and potassium feces and urine it will negate the need for mining of finite reserves of these thus by being used as a fertiliser will create a looped system and eliminate fertiliser scarcity again proportional to the local population as once food is eaten it is converted into feces etc that ends up in a sewage treatment plant.The feces and urine is converted directly into phosphorus,nitrogen and potassium rich organic fertiliser that can be used as a high grade organic fertiliser that can alleviate strains on limited reserves in the crust and also provide a constant local supply of them at all times with the amount of fertiliser produces proportional to the current population.It will also render fossil fuels obsolete forever in fertiliser.Thus vertical,community and home farms are by having feces converted into algae rich in nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in local sewage treatment plants have constant reliable access to high grade organic fertiliser thus eliminating fears of scarcity with this eliminating phosphorus,nitrogen and potassium scarcity forever as their will always be a constant supply of phosphorus,nitrogen and potassium availible by recycling it from urine and feces through algae thus eliminating the need for mining finite reserves of them from the crust which are in dwindling supplies with only 80 years of phosphorus left and are only found in a few key areas of the world.Thus using algae fertiliser will eliminate scarcity of phosphorus,nitrogen and potassium forever as these will be recycled from feces and urine in each local sewage treatment plants eliminating the notion of any country having a stronghold on them with this catering to our needs until Picotech fabricators are available which will also eliminate their scarcity forever.It eliminates scarcity of these three key nutrients by creating a looped system wherein food fed fertiliser from algae is eaten and then converted into feces and urine which is then converted into algae again.This will keep costs of agricultural produce constantly low with crops using oligotrophic DNA and scratch DNA requiring 90-99% less fertiliser thus eliminating scarcity even further.Uneaten food will be pyrolysised and the nitrogen etc removed and recycled.Cruise ships,Interstellar vehicles and space stations etc will grow algae onsite as a feedstock and fertiliser.Uneaten food will be pyrolysised and the nitrogen etc removed and recycled.The type of essential amino acids,carbohydrates and essential fatty acids and oils alongside their amount can be modified through genetic engineering creating different strains and species dependant for its purpose.It will be grown onsite of sewage treatment plants around the world and eventually universe to eliminate famine,ensure an abundant supply of fertiliser,cut down on energy costs and eliminate the use of harsh chemicals in the treatment of sewage with any biogas produced captured and burnt onsite to be fed into the grid and the carbon dioxide used to grow more algae creating a looped cycle.Farms and even cruise ships will grow it using photobioreactors to make them self sufficient.Septic tanks on the grounds of homes etc will be connected to the main sewage line or utilise this as well with them possibly having miniature radiation machines with septic tanks onsite of community farms also present using algae to convert the fertiliser into feed and fertiliser.Thus all sewage treatment plants across the world and universe will rear algae as a fertiliser and livestock feedstock by converting feces and urine into a protein and carbohydrate dense feedstock and nitrogen and phosphorus rich fertiliser replacing conventional livestock feed and sources of fertiliser.This will also recycle phosphorous,nitrogen etc for fertiliser with excess stored onsite of them and farms of all type lessening the need to mine it with it also gained from picotech fabricators creating a looped system.Sewage treatment plants will have salt from urine etc captured and recycled with it stored onsite or in vertical farms and even Deipneus factories to reuse it over and over again to alleviate strains on mining it in the Earths crust.By the time picotech fabricators are perfected this will provide the main bulk of salt with this created at home or vertical farms for orders and then the salt collected from sewage treatment plants to then be then be recaptured to be reused or turned back into energy in picotech fabricators to prevent it entering the ocean and increasing salinity.Most algae have more protein and carbohydrate levels larger than G.maxwith further engineering also increasing their nutrient levels.These will undergoe the same level of engineering as crops as detailed later on to increase yields as well as reduce water and nutrient requirements with oligotroph DNA increasing yields.Specialised machinery such as a biostimulation system used by AglaStar.Inc that integrates two types of electromagnetic energy — a millitesla generator and a millimetre microwave generator — which radiate spontaneous growth energy into large volumes of algae biomass to be economically viable(increasing yields by as much as 300%) can be utilised alongside LED and CSYS LED lights that can allow for continuous growth 24/7,365 days a year with open sewage pens covered by steel housing.Thermophile DNA especially those from scratch and forced evolution will be added to allow it to grow at higher temperatures and kill off pathogens.E.Coli,C.perfringens DNA and scratch DNA will increase their miotic division of cells increasing growth rates allowing them to reach maturity exponentionally faster in as little as a few weeks or even days and Xerophile and oligotrophic DNA will reduce their water and nutrient requirements.This will combined with other engineering also used in crops to help them reach maturity within weeks of days.DNA from W.dermatitidis,C.sphaerospermum and C.neoformans can be added to the algae to enable them to radiosynthesis,that is,to use the pigment melanin to convert gamma radiation into chemical energy for growth.Tweaks can be made to do this with other types of radiation including UV radiation allowing algae to gain nutrition from the sun and that from artificial lights once made immune to radiation via DNA from T.gammatolerans.Tweaks can be made to do this with other types of radiation with scratch DNA used to make the DNA from the radiotrophic fungi to actively convert the radiation into energy in a way that the radiation is removed from the atmosphere.Studies can be done as to what intensity of radiation between 5-30,000Gy that is in the survival range of T.gammatolerans can both sterilise them and also provide maximum growth rates.This can allow the radiation to not only kill pathogens but also encourage algae growth with the feces and urine exposed to the radiation before adding algae to sterilise it and then after adding algae to sterilise it again but to constantly encourage algae growth and the radiation applied throughout the growth of the algea to increase growth rates thus speeding up the amount of time it takes for each batch of sewage is converted into algae and sterilise it constantly of pathogens with studies done as to which range between 500-30,000Gy can increase growth rates and it routinely heated above 100 degree Celsius via thermophile DNA to not only encourage growth but kill off pathogens at the start,mid point and end to sterilise it as well due to thermophile DNA.Thus exposing the algae to these levels constantly throughout its growing period will not only encourage growth of algae but also sterilise the algae of pathogenic bacteria,fungi and viruses constantly.Thus radiotrophic and radioresistant bacteria and fungi DNA can allow radiation to be applied to the algae constantly to encourage growth rates but also sterilise it constantly as well with thermophile DNA also doing the same when it is heated at 100-200 degrees celcius.This will undergo the same level the same level of engineering to increase growth rates and yields.Thus this alongside growing essentials via bacteria,growing crops like food in trashcans and via hydroponics indoors and on balconies etc should as stated provide nutritious feed for both humans and animals including livestock,fish,shellfish,insects and pets in times where natural disasters,sudden changes in weather would affect community,home and vertical farms threatening yields of crops as well as when picotech fabricators are not working.It can also produce a nutritious vegetable oil that can replace those from plants acting as a replacement providing sustainable and more abundant and local alternatives to all types of vegetable oils including those from environmentally destructive E.guineensis,A.maripa,E.oleifera and also G.max for textured vegetable protein with all types of vegetable oils also created by bacteria and G.max flour created using bacteria as well as those grown in home gardens all of this allowing all land used to grow these especially in the Amazon to be reforested indefinitely and allow for local production with higher yields.Algea also creates a flour in their cell walls that is oily thus negating the need for eggs and also too much butter making it pastries,bread etc created using it less fattening and have lower calories and can be used to feed livestock and humans in cooking with the flour and TVP used for feed for livestock,fish,shellfish and pets with it in either pellet,liquid,TVP,slop,mince,steak or powdered flour form.It will thus also be a more sustainable form of pet,livestock and human feedstuff than cereal based flour,vegetable oil and G.max based flour and TVP as it will not require land to grow allowing the land currently used by this in the Amazon and also worldwide in America,China etc to be reforested and can be ordered in bulk and stored in barrels or kegs with the algea using automated or semi automated machinery at home,community centres or sewage treatment plants when ordered will  separate it into all of these – the flour,oil,TVP etc.All of these will be used for their different purposes such as livestock as well as human and pet feed,fertiliser with excess can be sent to organic waste plants and even put down the toilet or sink.It will also use a looped cycle as both animals including livestock and humans that eat it will return feces and urine to the sewage line to recycle nutrients.These can be onsite of sewage and water treatment plants for each processed order or the barrel can be shipped to community centres or via transporter technology onsite of sewage and water treatment plants and community centres where a conveyor belt system will automatically separate these.It will be used as fertiliser either spread onto crops by itself or when mixed in with biochar etc when ordered from Demeter as the it will recycle the phosphorous and nitrogen as well as copper,sulphur etc from the human and animal feces and urine rather than it going to waste and will allow the aforementioned important nutrients to be recycled and used over and over again in looped cycles as fertilisers rather than just thrown away and will negate the need for mining the planet for phosphorous and nitrogen etc until picotech fabricators are perfected and to compliment them as well to save energy.Human waste will come from toilets with pet feces and urine from kitty litter,piqapoo bags,picked from the ground and put in toilets or even having pets potty trained with livestock waste coming from the same way by robots and biosynths and put into large toilets onsite of home,community and forest farms alongside pens housing gratings where it can be collected in underground areas covered in liquid glass with it pumped out using internal pumps connected to the sewage line alongside piqapoo bags applied and removed.All pets will be potty trained or even have feces picked up and urine wiped up by toilet paper.Algae grown in sewage and water treatment plants will as detailed earlier and later on treated to blasts of radiation,high temperatures,drying to kill of pathogens etc to ensure the consumer is not put at risk alongside immunisations against all pathogens and have the same level of engineering as crops as detailed later on to increase growth rates as well as reduce water and nutrient requirements.The DNA to make the algae immune to these will be in their genome capsids ensuring the algae survives and pathogens are killed off.The algae would be engineered to degrade kitty litter and all plant and animal textiles in toilet paper and baby wipes into carbohydrates for use as energy and nutrition for the algae.Baby wipes could have strong carbohydrates,silk in place of plastics or bio plastics also degraded by the algae as well.The algae will be engineered to degrade all types of plastic and rubber that may find its way into the sewage line.Scratch DNA and DNA from unicellular and multicellular plants and animals that can degrade pollutants and even pharmaceuticals will be added to degrade all types of plastics,plant and animal textiles,oils(including plant and animal ones and gasoline etc) and also all pollutants,pharmaceuticals and use them as nutrition and increase the rate at which it degrades.Drugs and toxic compounds will be dealt with the algae engineered to degrade them using scratch DNA and recombinant DNA from unicellular and multicellular plants and animals.Anti-microbial compounds in soaps and toilet cleaner etc that may find its way into the sewage system will be dealt with algae having scratch DNA and those from forced evolution that make them immune to them added to genome capsids that allows them to survive the anti-microbial compounds with them also engineered to break them down with the anti-bacterial compounds killing off pathogens.The algae can contain Biosynth WiFi that allows them to detect the level of toxins,plastics and anti-microbial compounds in ppm,ppb,ppt related to the sewage treatment plant AI with this WiFi allowing the AI of the water treatment plant to instigate them to carry out anabolic and catabolic reactions on toxic compounds preventing them enter the food chain.Scratch DNA and that from other plants and animals can be added to the algae to have them create enzymes to degrade these.Gamma radiation,super high intensity super blasts of UV lights can break down toxic compounds even if in between algae sludge alongside nanomaterials such as Graphene and also Biosynth and biological filters.Pathogens and parasites will be dealt with the algae fitted with recombinant DNA from thermophile radiorestant bacteria and also other extremophiles in genome capsids that prevent them trading this DNA with pathogens with the algae exposed to these conditions ie high temperatures and high levels of radiation etc well beyond the threshold of pathogenic bacteria and parasites to allow the pathogens be killed and the algae to thrive with bacteriophages also added that kill off the pathogens with humans also immunised against all pathogens.All sewage treatment plants worldwide will be fitted with algea and other systems as detailed later on to provide a local source and reduce energy costs in treating sewage.Both bacteria and algae can provide textured vegetable protein for vegans that is more nutritious and sustainable than G.max at any time of the year with this algae coming from sewage and water treatment plants and also home and community farm systems.It would thus offer a sustainable alternative to G.max and meat such as from Suidae,Bovidae for both vegans and those who consume meat in large quantities with meat eaters consuming this to lower the amount of meat they eat while still gaining high levels of protein with it even fed to infants as a healthy homemade baby food.In countries like India,China,Africa and other developing countries with large populations it will provide a sustainable source of protein that is an alternative to both meat and G.max with it also providing nutritious feed in instances such as drought,earthquakes,flood,monsoons that would otherwise compromise community,home and vertical farms until they are operational.To override the issues of taste it would be engineered to produce a more pleasing taste and even smell to make it more popular with it even used in place of or alongside protein whey for body builders.Vertical,community,home,meadow farms will order it in to create fertiliser when mixed in with biochar and also feed for recirculating aquaculture systems pumped in as liquid or TVP with home farms ordering it in for this and livestock and human feed with excess stored onsite of all of these,sent to zoos or when the algae is killed dumped into rivers with AI finding ways to utilise it in sustainable ways and if possible even converted into energy in picotech fabricators.Genetic engineering using CRISPR could make its taste on par with meat,G.max,Triticum,Hordeum,Z.m.mays and other similar tasty foodstuff and even any type of meat thus making it a viable alternative to consuming meat and G.max for those in both the developing and developed world thus lowering consumption of meat.This would be done by inserting DNA from various specific animals and cereals etc to be inserted into the algae could be used to do this with the algae even replaced by bacteria that produce flours and other commodities of other plants.Thus TVP created by algae could be engineered to produce the same taste and texture of any type of meat and even using automated and semi automated machinery onsite of homes,community centres and sewage treatment plants could be made into cutlets and steaks of these meat types complimenting in vitro meat with fish and shellfish grown in landlocked areas via recirculating aquaculture systems will also replace rearing meat conventionally in these countries with any species of fish particular Scombridae,Salomindae and also even Phasianidae can also engineered to produce the same meat as traditional livestock like Bovidae,Suidae that can be reared indoors in vertical,community and home farms using less resources.Since the algae will be milled to produce algae flour with the protein extracted to create TVP,flour and oil extracted to create vegetable oils using automated or semi automated machinery at home,community centres or sewage treatment plants when ordered may negate the issue of taste as the algae would not be eaten by itself but rather processed when ordered in to homes.Having it engineered to have the same texture,flavour etc as Bovidae and Suidae meat would allow it using semi automated machinery and home cooking create textured vegetable protein cutlets,steaks,burgers and mince similar to those of these meats and the flour and oils produced either kept the same as algae or be the same as the animals meat thus rendering rearing of livestock defunct.Despite having the same texture and taste of meat it will still be viable to be consumed for vegans and used as fertiliser as it would have both phosphorous and nitrogen.Mince,steaks and burgers etc themselves can be be made of algae itself.It can also be engineered to have the same texture and taste as any cereal including G.max and Tricitum,Hordeum Etc.The algea and versions of it engineered with the same texture and taste of meat and cereals will be converted into mince,flour,oil etc via machinery at home,community centres or even onsite of sewage treatment plants.Steaks etc will be created at home using machinery or the algea engineered to grow like in vitro meat and also biocompatible microbes.Algae engineered to produce the same taste and texture of cereals and different types of meat will be used to make it more palatable but also replace conventional sources of these making access to flour,mince that tastes like these more readily accessible.Fertiliser and animal feed can also be extracted here with the algae also used to grow both in vitro meat and also bacteria and yeast or bacteria that produce commodities.The algae can be ordered in at any time of the year directly via Demeter linked to the AI of local sewage and water treatment plants in large kegs and drums and can not only create flour,vegetable and textured vegetable protein for human consumption but also used as fertiliser and animal feed for both home and community farms with forest and vertical farms AI ordering it in for fertiliser and replace all types of vegetable oils with semi automated machinery in homes or community centres and community farms separating the components of it for its various uses.All sewage treatment plants worldwide will be fitted with algae to grow this with one through Demeter able to order in algae in its various forms such as slop,mince,flour and TVP etc and through Pyxis be able to order in fertiliser from them by itself or mixed with biochar  pyrolysis plants by Pyxis and Cronus interacting with ones local sewage treatment plants  with if they are busy then sewage treatment plants across the world will be contacted to prevent delays.Cronus via interacting with each consumers accounts will extrapolate their address and then arrange the kegs to be delivered to the nearest sewage treatment and interacting with the AI of the sewage treatment plant will return drums onsite owned by the consumer with if not availible then Cronus interacting with Tyche will arrange to have sewage treatment plants across the world used with one choosing which ones are free from around the world with transporter technology onsite of all sewage treatment plants allowing drums sent to busy ones to be sent to non busy ones across the world and them back via transporter technology with transporter technology onsite of post offices and vertical farms also used.Each sewage treatment plant will have their own fleet of delivery trucks or vehicles to transport drums back and forth between homes,vertical farms and sewage treatment plants.The automated machinery to turn the algea into flour,TVP,fertiliser and animal feed will be present onsite of sewage treatment plants or community centres.Pyxis factories,community centres could act as stop that it would be sent to for processing beforehand before being sent to the consumer with automated machinery to turn into these present here.Biochar for fertiliser will be gained from local organic pyrolysis plants.Ideally sewage treatment plants will These kegs/drums would be sent back to the sewage treatment plant and multiple drums in a rotary system would be owned by homeowners as they would be designed on Pyxis and would utilise a rotary system with ones own drums having microchips denoting its size,owner and their address for the AI to know this details meaning one would reuse their own set of drums indefinitely.This biosynth microchip would interact with laptops and smart devices that send these details and also AI of sewage treatment plants and detail the size to allow it to know how much material to add into them,what material chosen to add and also the address to send them to.One for each order would choose what component they wish to receive such as flour,liquid,oil,TVP,pellets,steaks,mince or slop etc with automated machinery present to create each selected order of each type.Vertical and community farms as well as fish farms will have their own fleet of drums managed by AI with them ordering them in automatically with them using other sewage treatment plants if their local one is not full etc.All work will be automated from start to finish with zero labour managed by Triptolemus,Cronus,Tyche,Hestia,Home AIs,farm AIs,sewage treatment plant AIs etc.Thus vertical,forest,community,fish farms AIs will order this in for fertiliser with even home farmers ordering it in for both animal feed and fertiliser with any excess spread over forest farms and wilderness used as forest farms especially jungles,alongside meadows and grassland farms by automated drones to increase productivity and also prevent it going to waste with people also alerted to excess so as to order it in using extra drums to store it with one ordering it through Demeter linked to the AIs of sewage and water treatment plants with one able to order it from any sewage treatment plant in the world to prevent ones local plant being strained by locales or others not having enough ordered in.Excess will be stored onsite of sewage treatment plants or at home and vertical and communal farms in basements.To create customised fertilisers algae will be transferred to community centres and Pyxis to be mixed with biochar present there and from organic pyrolysis plants.Septic tanks for private homes off the grid will have algae grown in them that house miniature radiation and heating machines to sterilise them of pathogens,collected by vehicles operated by robots and biosynths that transport it to local sewage treatment plants or advancements in robotics and biosynths can build infrastructure to connect homes to their local sewage treatment plants including new ones set up.If possible sewage treatment plants can be moved underground to allow land to be reforested with them also serving underground communities.All underground and underwater communities will have these.Extensions and in time will cater to the needs of a growing population.Having all sewage treatment plants grow algae onsite will eliminate scarcity of this alternative to G.max and also fertiliser worldwide will allow one to order in drums and algae from sewage treatment plants worldwide should their local ones be busy using transporter technology onsite of each sewage treatment plant,Euthenia community centre/post office and vertical farms to ensure one can get an order anywhere between the next day to a week with the rotary system involving one making bulk orders with Cronus,Tyche,Triptolemus etc interacting with each other and by interacting with the AIs of all farms of all types and sewage treatment plants worldwide constantly.If possible large communal homes and private homes can have microalgea farms and septic tanks in gardens or in basements and underground extensions that converts a weeks or even days worth or set amount of faeces and urine to create large amounts of algae to be stored in kegs owned by the the residents with them having built in systems to raise the temperature above 100 degrees celcius to kill off pathogens alongside possible radiation systems to raise the radiation to at least 1,000Gy that the algae would be immune to.Densely populated areas could have this set up in underground extensions to community centres and also in vertical and community farms with underground and underwater communities have areas set aside for this.Extensions and basements making one self sufficient and alleviating strains on sewage treatment plants with even sewage treatment plants themselves having them as well alongside those used underneath farms of all types.These could also be underneath gardens and meadow farms under an entire field taking in sewage from several homes allowing one to harvest the algae for an entire community in rural areas with urban communities have them as stated underneath community and vertical farms.Those underneath meadow and forest farms would be part of underground communities and serve them as well taking sewage from them with this increasing the area they can occupy without encroaching in on wilderness with even underwater farms using these.This would allow residents to rear algae with the texture and flavour of their desired cereal and also meat with the specific strains downloaded from Demeter using 3D DNA printers thus allowing those from sewage treatment plants to be solely rearing normal algae with this cutting down on the resources to create cereals,meat and meat alternatives drastically and alongside in vitro meat,home reared livestock and fish engineered to produce the same meat as livestock would allow all land for rearing Bovidae,Suidae,G.max etc to be reforested indefinitely.Having the alga micro farms underneath meadow,forest,community and vertical farms eventually using extensions would intake a set amount of sewage from the surrounding homes both private and communal via pipes connected to existing ones also allow for the algea and TVP to be ordered in from these community,forest and vertical farms and alleviate strains on sewage treatment plants.Communal and private homes would also have miniaturised systems or larger ones in underground extensions including temporal ones to intake either a set amount each month or all sewage from all toilets and thus make one self sufficient with regards to algae or meat hybrids etc.Microfarms onsite of home and community farms can use human,pet and livestock waste with them and sewage treatment plants rearing both micro and macro algae with macro also grown in home farms.These could be linked to ones septic tank or even main sewage or in the case of community farms those of the main sewage line connected to all homes in the area and be programmed to intake a set amount of sewage as determined by sensors with the algae engineered to degrade kitty litter and toilet paper into carbohydrates for use as energy for the algae.These would have internal heaters,radiation machinery,driers that heat the mixture,expose it to large doses of radiation and dry it once the algae is fully grown to kill off pathogens.Livestock and pet manure can be sent to the main sewage line used by humans via robots picking up faeces in fields,pens having gratings that collect it with pets potty trained to use human toilets or kitty litter usedHomeowners and residents of communal homes can house micro algae farms that grow it in gardens to alleviate strains with them housing miniature heaters and radiation machines to sterilise them of pathogens with all systems in all sewage treatment plants and home farms etc will undergoe extensive genetic engineering and use the latest machinery etc through intensive research to increase growth rates and yields with 3D DNA printers onsite of all sewage treatment plants and home systems to print species specific algae.Sewage treatment plant AIs will routinely upgrade themselves with the latest machinery and newest strains of algae.This should be in an unlimited abundance since the crops that use it as fertiliser,animals that use it a animal feed and humans that consume its flour etc will recycle it in looped systems when they defecate in toilets with animal waste sent to home or community farm systems sewage lines.Pyrolysised waste crops and uneaten food will have nitrogen,phosphorus etc removed via sieves and sent to farms to prevent waste with it sent to sewage treatment plants for orders.Picotech fabricators will create nitrogen,phosphorous and potassium etc for ornamental plants in gardens ordered in from Pyxis factories with if used on crops will be used will exponentionally increase the amount of algae fertiliser and feed since this new nitrogen will be once eaten in the form of food will enter sewage treatment plants as feces and urine..This should mean that even in times of food scarcity brought on by sudden changes in weather,pest or disease or natural disasters there will be still nutritious food availible for the general public with sewage and water treatment plants like all vertical and community farms having Storedot batteries to enough energy for at least several weeks to a month to allow them to function.Excess will be shipped to forest,vertical,meadow and community farms for storage as fertiliser.Aforementioned measures such as having the algae immune to radiation and able to survive low levels of water and high temperatures alongside Firmicutes DNA will allow pathogens to be killed off by radiation,high temperatures and drying applied to them once all feces and urine has been used up as feed as well as having consumers immunised against all coliforms,faecal and food borne pathogens making the algae safe to eat.If possible biocompatible microbes from crops,humans and livestock could be extracted and made to form tissues of protein and carbohydrates etc.Traditional G.max will be created on home and community farms as well as vertical farms for human feed when grown on hybrid crops with the option of having the oil,flour and TVP created by bacteria allowing it to be consumed by vegans alongside algae without taking up land..Even bacteria can create mince,burgers etc of any meat.This would be of note to meat intensive countries such as China,India and the United States.This can also be applied to space stations and interstellar vehicles and even restaurants,hospitals,airports and cruise ships.The meat algae hybrid could be harvested and stored in drums in ones basement whether private or communal homes and other public buildings and then another type of meat could be grown in these microsystems allowing one to stock up on meat alternatives every month or few weeks thus giving a person,residents in communal home and also even community more variety and as stated providing an abundant source of meat without the need for rearing livestock and also requiring land and other resources to do so with it also alleviating strains on sewage treatment plants as one would mean if adopted by large numbers of the populace in the basements of private and communal homes especially in large cities will mean a large amount of human waste would not go into main line alleviating strains on the main sewage treatment plants.This hybrid algae would have the same engineering as those in sewage treatment plants and these systems would also have normal algae grown there.Macro algae namely Laminariales and other Phaeophyceae used for animal and human feed and fertiliser could be grown in these sewage treatment plants and also home systems and even recirculating aquaculture and aquaponic systems in vertical,community and home farms thus allowing landlocked areas to grow these in a sustainable manner with semi automated machinery turning it into TVP,pellets or separating its various components such as flour,oil etc for specific purposes and them dried in the sun with if possible these macro algae plants hybridised with terrestrial based plants and crops even modified weeds and hybrid crops to produce them in place of leaves to be grown in ones gardens,hydroponic systems and even vertical farms.Waste water,desalinisation and water treatment plants will use algae to harvest these nutrients and measures made to remove pollutants and keep the algae.All existing and new sewage and water treatment plants worldwide will thus have algae grown in sewage and water treatment plants will recycle nitrogen and phosphorous for fertiliser for crops and also fed for both animals such as pets,livestock and also humans as flour,textured vegetable protein and vegetable oil in place of flour and TVP flour from G.max,Tricitum,Hordeum and also E.guineensis,A.maripa,E.oleifera that is sustainable and cuts down on energy costs both in production and transportation and also costs in sewage and water treatment plants with them ordered in via Demeter interacting with Tyche.Thus algae from sewage,wastewater and desalinisation will be used as fertiliser and also human,pet and animal feed but not as biofuels to recycle nitrogen,phosphorous,potassium and copper etc.Excess algae can be stored in vertical farms and sewage treatment plants.It can also be used as fertiliser when mixed with biochar as it directly recycles nitrogen,phosphorus,potassium,copper etc from feces and urine alleviating strains on finite reserves of these nutrients in the crust saving energy in mining for them even when picotech fabricators are ubiquitous.It can also be used as fertiliser when mixed with biochar as it directly recycles nitrogen,phosphorus,potassium,copper etc from feces and urine.In both cases as feed and fertiliser it creates a looped cycle as when directly eaten it creates feces and urine that then is converted back into algae and crops that use it as fertiliser when eaten are then converted into feces and urine to be then converted back into algae with uneaten crops and meat pyrolysised and the phosphorus,nitrogen etc removed and sent to vertical farms etc.Thus algae will act as a high grade fertiliser as it can recycle phosphorus,nitrogen,potassium,copper,sulphur etc and other key nutrients important to crop growth from human,pet,livestock feces and urine from digested meat and crops converted back into these nutrients in a looped cycle with uneaten crops and meat pyrolysised and the nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium separated and sent to farms of all types and biochar created also used as fertiliser.Ornamental plants can use remaining reserves of these in the crust.This looped system will alleviate strains on mining finite reserves of them from the crust eliminating scarcity for crops with them also created by picotech fabricators to add exponentionally more of them to the looped system but also used for ornamental plants and fertilising the Amazon once reserves in the wind from the Sahara run out.Thus this looped system will account primarily for crops with remaining reserves in the crust used for ornamental plants until picotech fabricators can create them for this application forever and extra to the looped cycle in sewage treatment plants.All sewage treatment plants across the world and eventually universe as a result will be fitted with algae to convert feces and urine into algae used as a high grade fertiliser and also highly nutritious feed for livestock,pets and humans that can replace TVP ,flour,oil from G.max,Z.mays,mays,Hordeum,Trictium and E.guineensis,A.maripa,E.oleifera allowing all land used for them to be reforested forever especially in the tropics with the algae engineered to break downplastics,kitty and animal litter,toilet paper,baby wipes,rubber,plant and animal textiles etc into base elemental components for nutrition with measures introduced to remove pollutants such as pharmaceuticals etc via super high intensity blasts of of UV lights,filters including those based on nanomaterials and biosynth technology or having the algae either not absorb them or be able to convert them into benign compounds that are used as nutrition or can be removed via mechanical process etc developed by AI ensuring contaminants of all types added to toilets don’t contaminate the algae when used as a feed or fertiliser.It will also reduce energy costs by replacing certain steps in the treatment of sewage.Algae will recycle phosphorous,nitrogen and potassium from urine and feces from humans,pets and livestock in sewage treatment plants with pet feces and urine on the ground,piqapoo bags and pet litter put into toilets with animal pens have gratings that allow feces to be collected in septic tanks below connected to the sewage line or again piqapoo bags with feces etc from septic tanks sent to sewage treatment plants with the algae engineered to feed on and break down pulp and animal and plant textiles in toilet paper and also break down pet litter and also plastics etc as nutrition that may enter the sewage line.Feces from recirculating aquaculture systems and fish tanks will be captured and used to grow algae.Genetic engineering can increase its nutritional value such as adding vitamins and have all essential amino acids in all levels with it already housing more essential amino acids and carbohydrates than G.max,Graminae,Z.m.mays etc making it an ideal alternative foodstuff for vegans,fish and shellfish reared in recirculating aquaculture systems animals in zoos and conservation areas,pets and all remaining remaining livestock etc than G.max,Graminae,Z.m.mays  with it containing large amounts of essential fatty acids such as omega-3 fatty acids for healthy neural development and also lowering LDL cholesterol with it directly converting human,pet,livestock and animal feces and urine directly into this nutritious feed.Livestock,shellfish and fish that consume it will store all proteins and omega-3 fatty acids in their meat and fat thus increasing their nutritional value and will allow all land used to rear foodstuff and used for grazing to be reforested forever and will reduce methane emissions in remaining livestock.Excess algae can be stored in vertical farms and sewage treatment plants.It can also be used as fertiliser when mixed with biochar as it directly recycles nitrogen,phosphorus,potassium,copper etc from feces and urine alleviating strains on finite reserves of these nutrients in the crust saving energy in mining for them even when picotech fabricators are ubiquitous.It can also be used as fertiliser when mixed with biochar as it directly recycles nitrogen,phosphorus,potassium,copper etc from feces and urine.In both cases as feed and fertiliser it creates a looped cycle as when directly eaten it creates feces and urine that then is converted back into algae and crops that use it as fertiliser when eaten are then converted into feces and urine to be then converted back into algae with uneaten crops and meat pyrolysised and the phosphorus,nitrogen etc removed and sent to vertical farms etc.As stated all sewage treatment plants across the world and eventually the universe will utilise this to not only eliminate famine but also cut down on energy use by eliminating conventional steps used in it and also eliminate the use of harsh chemicals that can be environmentally destructive with the algae having radiosynthetic and radio resistant and other extremophile bacteria DNA allowing it to be exposed to high levels of radiation and other extreme conditions to sterilise it of all pathogenic bacteria and increase yields and growth rates.Septic tanks on the grounds of homes etc will be connected to the main sewage line or utilise this as well with them possibly having miniature radiation machines with septic tanks onsite of community farms also present using algae to convert the fertiliser into feed and fertiliser.Space stations,interstellar vehicles and cruise ships will house areas to grow algae using feces and urine from passengers to convert it into feed and fertiliser in internal sewage systems with scramjets housjng areas to store large amounts of feces to be deposited into the sewage line at airports.Farms that rear remaining livestock such as Bovidae,Phasinidae etc will have all pens house gratings that allow forces and urine to be collected and these will be connected to the main sewage line and also even miniature photobioreactors onsite of farms that can convert feces and urine directly into algae that can be used onsite for feedstock.AI will manage ways for collecting sewage from both cruise ships and scramjets to prevent it going to waste.Community,home,vertical and fish farms will collect all feces and urine from fish,shellfish and livestock onsite using passive and automated systems and the algae inside photobiorectors of varying sizes.3D DNA printers will be onsite of all sewage treatment plants and also community farms to allow them to print out each species and new species and strains.All systems for collecting feces and urine for growing algae whether it is in sewage and water treatment plants,photobioreactors,septic tanks etc in home,community,vertical and fish farms will also collect any methane and biogas produced by the algae,feces and urine and burn it onsite in micro-gas turbines to generate electricity that can be fed into the grid or directly into the building itself alleviating strains on the grid with the carbon dioxide captured and stored to be fed to algae creating a looped system thus preventing the release of both carbon dioxide and methane two powerful greenhouse gases.3D DNA printers will be onsite of all sewage treatment plants and also farms that grow it such as home and community ones to print out desired species of algae.Traditional sources of oil,TVP and flour from G.max,Tricitum,Hordeum and also E.guineensis,A.maripa,E.oleifera will come from genetically altered bacteria.It will be used as both a fertiliser and feed both before and after picotech fabricators are perfected eliminating scarcity of these important elements forever with the extra nitrogen,phosphorous and potassium created by these will be recycled through algae creating an exponentionally increasing looped cycle.This algae will be grown on cruise ships,space stations and interstellar vehicles for these uses grown on feces etc for feed and fertilisers the same reasons to provide human feed and fertiliser with them having miniature heaters and radiation man homes to kill off pathogens while the algae has DNA to be resistant to high temperatures and levels of radiation that are fatal to pathogens.Algae will be shipped to all local community and vertical farms and logged in its inventory where one can order the algae from vertical farms through Demeter.The algae will be stored in community and vertical farms to store it for fertiliser and livestock feed used there and one will order in algae from the vertical and community farms through Demeter.The AIs charge of the vertical and community farms will automatically order in the algae for storage to prevent it building up in sewage treatment plants with excess stored in sewage treatment plants.When one orders in algae for fertiliser and feedstock Cronus will order it from sewage treatment plants and vertical and community farms.Photobioreactors will be present in the basement and also rooftops that grow bacteria that create plant and animal commodities alongside in vitro meat and also algae using sewage collected from the building.To grow algae on-site of farms can have their building programmed to have a certain amount of their sewage in the form of feces and urine fed into photobioreactors at farms that will grow algae in them and using interior radiation machines irradiate the desecration etc sterilising it with the algae engineered to be resistant to radiation thus allowing it to be sterilised.The farms can also import a set amount of feces and urine in the form of sewage from other public buildings and homes etc that is by interacting with the AIs of sewage treatment plants the farms can import sewage from sewage treatment plants at set times when toilets are not used that will be deposited into photobioreactors.The AI will stop intaking sewage once they are full and will intake more once the photobioreactors are emptied.Since most farms will be empty of people most of the time their toilets will be idle thus meaning that sewage can be imported into the photobioreactors vis the sewage line with this done by adding a new series of pipes connected to the sewage treatment plants by robots etc or the existing pipes dug up,have a section removed and it connected to the photobioreactors.The algae will undergoe the same level of engineering as those grown in sewage treatment plants and will be engineered to break down toilet paper.This can also be adopted by public buildings that rear their own food like universities,amenities and restaurants et anfwill make these buildings and farms self sufficient in algae for fertiliser,feedstock for livestock with it alleviating strains on sewage treatment plants if adopted by all home,community and vertical farms and public buildings like restaurants,universities etc

Genetically engineered bacteria:
Consumers can order in commodities from bacteria such as honey and milk in reusable 3D printed containers and wine bottles that can be sent back and forth by a fleet of Botlr robots that reside in vertical and community farms that logs the order from the consumer and object recognition software on machinery can pump the commodity into the container chosen by consumer up to the top based on the input size of the container in mls or litres or with the cameras telling it to stop once it reaches the top with machinery able to remove and put back on screw caps and tops.The consumer will using scanners or a list of their own containers logged into in their Demeter account what commodity to put into which container applying to any type of sugars,fats,flour,nectars,honeys,syrups,spices,egg yolk and whites,milks,oils,teas,coffees,juices,waxes,flavourings,colourings,chocolate butter and powder,spices,enzymes/starter cultures/moulds/commodities relevant to baking etc with these robots interacting with traffic networks and pedestrians in the street.As detailed later on would choose the size of the plastic container from 1-5 litres made bigger from those from Pyxis.Thus a person will have unlimited customisation for packaging and no longer restricted to a singular set for each product with stickers,ink etc containing the logo and ingredients etc modified to fit on them.These kanteens and containers made of glass,plastic or graphene can have microchips fitted into them that can detail to farm AI what to input into them and relay temperature and other environmental conditions to Hestia.Ideally this would be in the base of the container whether it is composed of glass,plastic or graphene and cap that would tell when the commodity inside is fresh or about to become spoiled to the consumer at home especially in the case of reusable ones.Robots of varying size will deliver local and small orders while vehicles of varying sizes will be used for larger orders of crops,commodities and fish over longer distances with each community and vertical farms having their own fleet of these stored in buildings near them or in underground extensions.All commodities will be ordered in large batches for a month,bi-monthly or even yearly supply with them created in photobioreactors that produce large amounts for each order and them then delivered to the consumer with them in plastic or paper containers of the consumers desired size and shape from Pyxis with them labelled.These will have the same level of engineering as crops as detailed later on to grow quickly as well as reduce water and nutrient requirements.Photobioreactors at home will create them in large amounts for inbetween orders and alleviate strains.Only what is needed by orders made will be created to eliminate waste.3D DNA printers onsite of vertical,community and home farms will allow bacteria that produce any commodity to be created onsite of all of them worldwide.If possible a single strain existing linked to Physis that will via biosynth wifi have the genotypes changed at will for natural compounds by the factory AI and will also by the AI create anabolic and catabolic reactions via wifi for synthetic ones meaning only a single set of vat will be used with the vat and all machinery coated in a permanent layer of liquid glass to prevent cross contamination and also allow gravity and water clean them after each order.Biosynth WiFi built into them wil allow farm AI to induce its evolutionary path to change the type of commodity it produces and allow it to download the structure of synthetic compounds into DNA digital storage present to have them produced by anabolic and catabolic reactions.Due to biosynth wifi,3D DNA printers etc all types of commodities such as all 391,000 types of sugars/flour/syrup,all 369,000 types of honey,439,416 types of animal and plant fats and oils etc and all types of compounds and commodities present in and created from plants and animals of value to food,cooking and nutrition as detailed earlier on onsite of any community and vertical farm around the world allowing the land used to grow them and rear animals to be reforested and ordered in for anyone around the world from their local vertical and community farm via Demeter thus localising production and making expensive and rare commodities widely availible.Thus genetically altered bacteria will create all types of commodities from all types of plants and animals such as textiles,oils,milks,flours,fats,coffee,tea,waxes,sugars,active ingredients of recreational drugs,spices,juices,honey,syrups,chocolate butter as well as powder and other condiments,microcrystalline cellulose,colourings,flavourings etc from any plant and animal onsite of factories,vertical,community and home farms and thus all land used by these animals and plants to be reforested indefinitely.This will allow for one to get these from all species of plants and animals including those that are endangered,too expensive or laborious and dont create enough to be commercially viable to be created cheaply and with little to no labour and with higher yields and give consumers a wider variety of syrups,sugars,flour etc.It will thus bring their cost to zero and will be created onsite of homes,factories and vertical and other farms when ordered in. Blubber and oils of any species of animal can be created by bacteria in an unlimited scale. Livestock can be engineered to produce the same fur,blood and bones of endangered animals hunted for this with these endangered animals once levels return to normal can also be reared on farms with docility engineered into them as detailed later on.Genetically altered bacteria will play a key role of making expensive compounds from plants and animals and synthetic ones much cheaper.Dyes,colourings etc for paints and clothing and even hair dye can be created using recombinant DNA from plants and animals including humans with synthetic ones created via anabolic and catabolic reactions.Honey from all 369,000 species of flowering plants including Manuka honey from Leptospermum scoparium and those that do not produce enough nectar or honey can be also be created this way via them creating the sugars/nectars from the flowers and then another strain that creates the enzymes of individual native species of Apidae that are then mixed together to create honey from all flowers including those that dont create enough to be commercially viable also created via bacteria at home or in community and vertical farms.These will be done by also using anabolic and catabolic reactions if not possible to create the same compounds and consistency or a mixture of both ie L.scorparium Manuka honey will be created by bacteria creating the nectar with the Dihydroxyacetone,Hydroxymethylfufural,Methylglyoxal and even Leptosperin created via recombinant DNA from L.scoparium and the rest created via anabolic and catabolic reactions then mixed in with honey produced by nectar from this or other plants if recombinant DNA from L.scoparium cant create them all in one go.L.scoparium also engineered to grow in any climate and soil with beehives in parks,homes etc housing bees to pollinate it can also be another option with the plant engineered to bloom all year long.These compounds can be created by bacteria for use in cosmetics at home or in factories with one able to customise the level of these and other compounds in honey.Measures can be developed to recreate the waxy honeycomb present in hives with beeswax created by bacteria as well or even biosynth machinery that may also play a role in creating honeycombs with honeycombs extracted from beehives in parks,forests etc dotted around towns and cities with them being large ones to increase pollination rates and amount of honey from them and also to compliment them with bacteria based honey made with the same thickness,nutrient composition,texture etc of normal honey.Again genetically engineered bacteria could play a role in large scale artificial honey production as there currently exists bacteria that produce glucose or new bacteria that produce individual nectars/sugars from specific flowers to gain the specific tastes of specific honey giving people a minimum of at least 369,000 types of honey with even more made by mixing in the different enzymes from different species of Apidea created by genetically altered bacteria.Thus it is simply a case of two sets of bacteria one that creates the sugars and nectars of flowers and another that creates the enzymes that Apidea uses to convert these sugars/nectar into honey created by another set of genetically altered bacteria using DNA from Apidea both mixed together that transform this sugar into honey,possibly combining these with biosynth machinery that replicates the regurgitation process that occurs in worker Apidea could allow one to produce artificial honey with the same qualities and taste as real honey in their homes,community farms or in vertical farms on a commercial scale all year long unlike existing artificial honey which is made from sugar and corn syrups.All types of honey can have the pollen of the species of flowering plant it comes from created via totipotent stem cells via 3D DNA printers in large amounts and then mixed into the honey for flavour reasons with each honey to have the proper consistency,texture and proper ratio of all ingredients with this of relevance of Manuka honey that will be analysed for their structure and components to be then analysed making it and all honeys indistinguishable to the real thing with these honeys produced onsite of home,vertical and community farms producing higher yields of them with normal honey from beehive complimenting them and also used to pollinate all home,meadow,forest and community farms worldwide.Research should be done to perfect moisture content and other factors for the desired taste and viscosity and also the able to produce strains that have different moisture content etc.Anabolic and catabolic reactions can be used with each honey from all 369,000 species of flowers analysed in labs to ensure it has the exact chemical composition and moisture content and viscosity etc replicated especially with regard to Manuka honey and royal jelly.Furthermore it may be possible to have bacteria produce the sugars present within the flesh of all types fruits and then have these sugars mixed in with the enzymes created by bacteria from Apidea to make even more types of honey with the same applying to sugars from vegetables both the flesh and the flowers.If possible the sugars from the 22,000 non flowering plants(and thus all 391,000 species of plants)can be created via creating the sugars in leaves,stem etc with the sugars from the leaves etc of the 369,000 flowering plants further increasing the amount of honeys availible.Using different enzymes from different species of Apidea can even increase the amount of honey created with it also using enzymes from africanised bees to allow for the honey to be harvested safely.With regards to poisonous plants first the plant must be altered to remove the poisons within them and then sugars can be created by bacteria with DNA from these altered plants used and stored in Physis for strains of bacteria with an example being plants from the Rhododendron genus whose honey can be toxic to humans.This will be replicated with sugars,syrups,fats,oils and other commodites from poisonous plants that are eaten or used in cosmetics etc.This can ensure a wide variety of honey and copious amounts created locally in vertical farms etc to feed a growing population without the need for human labour in beekeeping but hives should still be in community and forest farms as well as rooftop gardens of communal homes,homes,vertical farms and public buildings to ensure crops and ornamental plants are pollinated with excess honey created by bacteria fed to hives to ensure they survive winters by injecting them into the hives.Royal jelly and beeswax for both humans(both in terms of consumption and also cosmetics) and creating new queens for apiaries can be synthesized in the same methods as honey through engineering bacteria to produce it all in one go or have different bacteria produce each component ie the proteins(including royalactin),fatty acids(including 10-hydroxy-2-decenoic acid),enzymes and vitamins and then mix them together which can be then fed to a larvae and used for food or cosmetics with this creating it large amounts at home.This can be also done via anabolic and catabolic reactions or recombinant DNA from queens.The compounds present in V.planifolia,V.tahitensis such as vanillin,acetaldehyde,acetic acid,furfural,hexanoic acid,4-hydroxybenzaldehyde,eugenol,methyl cinnamate and isobutyric acid etc can produced via bacteria by one strain or multiple ones mixed together.As a liquid and powder it can also be produced this way (alongside synthetic vanilla essence by a different strain)making it extremely cheap with vanilla beans grown at home or in local community and vertical farms and other crops reared for flavourings and all natural flavourings can be synthesised via bacteria containing recombinant DNA from them with even the flavourings of any livestock,fish,shellfish etc can be synthesised by bacteria containing relevant DNA to be mixed into sweets,ice creams etc made at home,ordered in from farms and also made onsite of Deipneus and other factories with artificial flavourings created by anabolic and catabolic reactions.All flavourings,scents and compounds from all 2,551,000 species of plants and animals can be created by bacteria making them much cheaper and can replace synthetic colourings,flavourings and even preservatives.Fragrances and colourings of any flower and even crop can be synthesised by bacteria via recombinant DNA added to them with synthetic colourings and flavourings created by anabolic and catabolic reactions.Syrups can be made of all 391,000 plants such as Acer rubrum,Acer nigrum,Acer saccharum,Beta vulgaris,Z.m.mays,T.cacao and P.dactylifera etc and also those from those that dont create enough to be commercially viable with the sugars and sap created by bacteria mixed with enzymes from the plants and even synthetic ones created by bacteria with the bacteria also engineered to create more or less syrup and sap thus making them thicker or thinner.These will have the same viscosity and moisture content and compounds present as each one by analysing normal syrups created by plants in a lab to be analysed and have AI recreate them via anabolic and catabolic reactions and not just recombinant DNA.Machinery including biosynth ones can be created that replicates the natural creation of sap and syrups that do so in a matter of weeks or days producing large amounts of syrup for a person.Rare compounds from rare and expensive crops and animals can be created on an unlimited scale using bacteria with this including waxes,oils,flavourings etc especially those that can only grow in specific areas of the world,require certain conditions and also take at least 5-10 years from planting to harvesting and this amount of time between each harvests.Real seedpod vanilla extract from all species of Vanilla orchids containing all the hundreds of naturally produced compounds such as vanillin,acetaldehyde,acetic acid,furfural,hexanoic acid,4-hydroxybenzaldehyde,eugenol,methyl cinnamate and isobutyric acid etc can produced by one strain or multiple ones by bacteria mixed together.As a liquid and powder it can also be produced this way (alongside synthetic vanilla essence by a different strain)making it extremely cheap with vanilla beans grown at home or in local community and vertical farms.All flavourings,scents,colourings,preservatives and compounds from all 2,551,000 species of plants and animals can be created by bacteria making them much cheaper and can replace synthetic colourings,flavourings and even preservatives.Synthetic colourings,flavourings etc can be made via anabolic and catabolic reactions.Fragrances and colourings of any flower and even crop can be synthesised by bacteria via recombinant DNA added to them with synthetic colourings and flavourings created by anabolic and catabolic reactions.Entire eggs of all 23,700 species of Aves and Reptilla can be created from scratch via bacteria creating both the yolk and whites with plant based alternatives to them,tofu etc created using recombinant DNA.In regards to Eutrema japonicum and Wasabia japonica the bacteria can be engineered to produce the same cell walls and compounds in them as cells or a fibrous material as these plants and thus when ground up using semi automated machinery at home or in restaurants produce the same spice with E.japonicum and W.japonica and the bacteria engineered to have the spice flavour last longer after shredding it thus making it more viable for condiments especially in restaurants with the actual plants engineered to grow better in all types of soils and climates including vertical farms and greenhouses.These bacteria that contain the spice E.japonicum,W.japonica etc can be made to form a solid substance that can then mixed in to meals or shredded onsite or be in the form of a spread.Both the actual plant and it derived from bacteria and even those part of hybrid crops will be given scratch or even aerotolerant bacteria DNA to prevent flavour loss over time allow it to retain flavour indefinitely.Musks from all plants and animals that create them would be created via adding recombinant DNA with synthetic ones created by anabolic and catabolic reactions with Ambergris created again by anabolic and catabolic reactions.Flavourings and colourings from all 391,000 plants and 2,000,000 animals can be created this way onsite of Deipneus factories or ordered in for homemade food products.Chocolate butter as well as powder from T.cacao can be created by two strains creating both separately.This would be done with one bacteria creating the butter and other creating the powder.Thus two strains can create the fats,butter and also powder of T.cacao for higher yields with the one that creates powder and butter can be engineered to make it in either white,milk or dark varieties.Spices and also all varieties of Coffea and C.sinensis as well as all recreational drugs such as cathionine,tetrhydrocannabionl,nicotine,morphine,cocaine can be created in a liquid or powder form.Expensive teas and coffees can be created this way and as stated earlier on with regards to Kopi Luwak coffee the enzymes present in P.hermaphroditus can be created by bacteria and then mixed in with crushed beans or those created by bacteria with all types of coffee and teas also produced as a liquid or powder or both by bacteria and can be engineered to produce or not produce caffeine and even be engineered to produce the same flavourings of different plants and even stimulants from recreational drugs of all types as well as stimulants from other plants that deal with energy and alertness etc.Coffea and C.sinensis,spices,mustards of any variety can be created in an oil or powder form.Spices such as those from Hibiscus,Cinnamomum,Malvaceae,Illicium verum,Myristica fragrans,Piper nigrum,Zingiber officinale,Panax ginseng,Crocus sativus,Curcuma longa,Coriandrum sativum etc can be gained via the milling of the bacteria similar to algae flour or extracting it from their cell walls.In the case of these spices including saffron it would be in powder and liquid form.Spices of all types such as Saffron,Coriander,Hibiscus,Turmeric,Cinnamon etc can be created by bacteria in powder and liquid form.Saffron can have bacteria create a long strands of fibrous material similar to the stamen as a byproduct.Mustard seed powder from S.alba,B.juncea,B.nigra will also be created this way in liquid or powder form alonsgside vinegars.Vinegar will be created by bacteria first creating juices,cereals from grains,sap,sugar etc of all types chosen by the consumer created by bacteria and then another strain of acetic acid bacteria then turning it into vinegar.Fats,oils,juices etc will be created as byproducts with lipophile and acidophile DNA allowing the bacteria to survive the byproducts and not use them as nutrition.Products from beans etc that are crushed etc and eaten and consumed as powdered forms can be created as a byproduct or miles from cell wall.Plant textiles will also follow suit.Flours can be produced as byproducts or in the cell walls and milled depending on which is best and dried with others created the same way as a powdery byproduct or milled from the cell wall.The cereal endosperm could be within the bacterium with fibre husks in the cell wall or have the endosperm and fibre within two cell walls.Thus bacteria can be grown indoors in community,vertical and home farms as well in spare rooms of private and communal homes to create flour of all cereals and of all 391,000 plants with grains and seeds created in biosynth machinery and hybrid plants grown hydroponically at home,community and vertical farms.This would allow for higher consistent yields using less resources than through conventional or aeroponics with them also engineered to also produce the oils specific to that cereal similar to algae or have two bacteria strains one;that produces the specific oils of them and one that produces only the fibre/grain thus allowing for one to produce higher yields of both when needed as well as allowing all land used for growing cereals in breadbaskets worldwide to be reforested or turned into forest farms.The vitamins present in the germ can be engineered to be produced by the bacterium.These will be in vertical,community and home farms and also community centres.The same can apply to algae and acorn,G.max,Z.m.mays and pseudocereal flours produced this way through bacteria with this extending primarily to Africa and Asia to save on water use and also ensure they can be grown and stored for droughts.G.max,Z.m.mays flour and TVP for remaining livestock,fish and shellfish and also vegans will be created by genetically engineered bacteria to produce higher yields,Even starches etc of Graminae for livestock can be created by genetically engineered bacteria.Graminae,G.max can for purists will be grown by hysroponics or aeroponics to increase yields allowing land in tropics to be reforested.This can also allow flours from plants that dont normally produce copious amounts to be be made more easily including grasses allowing for roughly 391,000 plants flour availible created by bacteria.This includes conventional flours as part of the mainstream diet such as Avena,Hordeum,Triticum,G.max,Oryza.Algae flour can be gained from algae from sewage and water treatment plants to also compliment flour from bacteria and those grown at home with this also providing as stated an alternative from G.max.Also G.max beans for vegans will be replaced by algae or even by those grown at home and in community and vertical farms as part of hybrid plants since those eaten by any remaining livestock will be replaced with algea,bacteria based flour.Flour from this crop will be created by bacteria with even TVP created by them.Thus any cereals like Avena,Hordeum,Triticum,G.max,Oryza etc that would be eaten as normal and not from bacteria would be grown at home in pots,hydroponic,aquaponic systems and in open soil and also in community farms as part of hybrid plants to allow paddy fields and also whole areas of farmland to be reforested with genetic engineering used to increase growth rates and edible biomass with the vast majority including those for animal feed grown in the form of flour from bacteria.Bacteria and algae based flour can be milled and separated from the micro-organism using semi automated machinery at home.Genetic engineering should allow for gluten to be removed from both actual cereals and also bacteria used to produce them with the reverse applied to algae with gluten free cereals and bacteria having similar proteins different to it that can allow them to be used in cooking but not cause allergic reactions to coealiacs with these separate species unable to mix with existing strains being separate species with these having unique phenotypes.Synthetic commodities will be created via anabolic and catabolic reactions.Rare commodities such as ambergris,textiles,royal jelly,specific plant and animal oils especially those from endangered animals and plants,musks,honeys,textiles such as silk,blubber,flavourings like vanilla,cocoa butter etc can be created by genetically altered bacteria on a commercial scale using recombinant DNA and anabolic and catabolic reactions reducing their costs to almost zero and can be grown locally onsite of factories and home and community farms.Chocolate can be made cheaper via having bacteria creating cocao powder and butter in one or two strains with flavourings of plants and animals created by bacteria alongside expensive compounds in a powder or oil form using recombinant DNA in the same bacteria.Ambergris can have the same fecal and waxy material of Physeter macrocephalus created by bacteria and then aged artificially much quicker than normal or have bacteria using biosynthetic wifi etc create the exact chemical structure of luxury full form ambergris through anabolic and catabolic reactions once its chemical structure is analysed with this replicated with other commodities from plants and animals.The glandular musk secretions of Moschus,Ondatra zibethicus,Biziura lobata,Ovibos moschatus,Crocidurinae,Aromia moschata,Civettictis civetta,Sternotherus odoratus,Alligator mississippiensis,Crocodylinae members musk glands and musks from plants like Angelica archangelica,Abelmoschus moschatus,Erythranthe moschata,Olearia argophylla can be created by bacteria as well making it more cheaper and be created for homemade and factory made perfumes.Plant oils from different types of flowers will be produced this way for use in cosmetics.Frankincence and myrrh can be created by bacteria using reciombinant DNA from  Boswellia sacra,Boswellia carterii,Boswellia frereana,Boswellia serrata (Boswellia thurifera, Indian frankincense),Boswellia papyrifera as well as Commiphora and their equivalents from all 391,000 species of plants can be created by bacteria.Agarwood and the scent Oud from Aquilaria malaccensis can be gained by several means such as growing the tree hydroponically in local vertical farms and even onsite of Himeros factories etc around the world using 3D DNA printers and then infecting it with Phialophora parasitica and it then harvested and extracted by machine/biosynths and the oil extracted for cosmetics and the wood for incrnse.If possible synthetic wood blocks can be created of A.malaccenis then infected with P.parasitica and harvested by AI and biosynths with if possible the infected wood and oil resin fragrance synthesised by bacteria using both recombinant DNA and anabolic and catabolic reactions meaning the oil itself can be created by bacteria once it’s structure is stored in the plants Physis file and the desired wood created via bacteria either combined with the fungus at the same time or not once the exact structure of the wood is stored in the plants Physis file.If possible the amber resin formed by the tree can be analysed in labs and stored in its Physis file and created on a commercial scale in photobioreactors by bacteria via anabolic and catabolic reactions and recombinant DNA and either used as itself for perfumes etc or infused into blocks of synthetic A.malaccenis by boring holes and filing them in with it with Urania,Pan finding ways to synthesise this amber,resin and the infused wood that is indistinguishable from the real thing used as incense on a commercial scale to bring its cost to zero and allow localised production while conservation efforts are done on A.malaccenis wherein 3D DNA printers create millions or billions of genetically distinct seeds that are planted in its natural habitat in a randomised manner by seed planting drones.Similar commodities from plants and specific trees will be gained this way.Research can be made into equivalents of agar wood from all 60,065 species of trees created by infecting them with P.parasitica and all species of fungi in universities around the world to then have these equivalents synthesised the same way.Flavourings,scents,colourings,pheramones,repellants etc of all plants and animals can be created this way with synthetic ones created by anabolic and catabolic reactions.Enzymes and products of culinary value like pectin,rennet,gelatin etc can also be done this way.Compounds present in plants,animals and commodities like lecitin,pectin,gelatin and those in eggs and milk etc that are of culinary value to the production of food can be created this way especially expensive ones.Amber can be made by having bacteria produce the sugars,enzymes and thus resins of Aegathis,Hymenaea,Sciadopitys and all 391,000 species of plants including those that do not produce enough naturally with syrups from all 391,000 plants and honeys from all 369,000 flowering plants.Wood from all 60,065 species of trees can be created by bacteria creating cellulosic nanowires,pulp and resins mixed together in moulds as detailed later on with it also allowing paper from all 391,000 species of plants to be made onsite of factories.This would render all jobs in forestry defunct and also give variety in woods and paper not normally used while saving on energy.All types of plant and animal textiles include rare expensive ones like wool(Cashmere,mohair,muskox,vicuna,angora,alpaca etc),silk(tussah,mulberry,eri,tasar,muga,anaphe,fagara,coan and even mussel etc) can be created on an unlimited scale by bacteria onsite of Arachne factories using DNA from O.aries,Vicugna pacos,Leporidae,C.a.hircus,O.moschatus,Bombyx mori,Samia cynthia,Philosamia ricini,Antheraea assamensis,Antheraea mylitta,Anaphe,Attacus atlas,Pachypasa atus,Pinna squamosa with it either a byproduct or extracted from their cell walls with the bacteria fed on the flours,fibres etc of each plant also created by bacteria or if possible biosynth wifi etc used to create them via anabolic and catabolic reactions.Plant based silk including that from Nelumbo nucifera and silks from all 391,000 species of plants can be made this way.If possible silk can be created by all 180,000 species of the Lepidoptera and 35,000 species of Arachnida including all types of silk from each species of them as well as 391,000 types plant textiles this way giving more variety for those that dont create it enough to be commercially viable with this cutting down costs of them to zero,thus making them as cheap as other ones.Silks affected by feedstuff of the source animal will have them fed sugars and carbohydrates from the plant  that affects this also created by bacteria.Since each 35,000 species of spider creates seven types of silk that leaves up to 245,000 different types of silk available to create a wide array of clothes to be produced via genetically altered bacteria allowing for localised production once again for all types of spider and silkworm silk onsite of textile factories.Wool can also be created by bacteria from all 6,400 mammals including humans.With regards to Seacell DNA from macro and micro algae can be added to them.Rubber and latex for clothing etc can be created via relevant DNA from H.brasiliensis with guayule non hypoallergenic latex coming from recombinant DNA from Parthenium argentatum.Textiles can be made this way from the hair of all 6,400 species of mammals from all 391,000 species of plants including those that dont create enough to be commercially viable or even those that are endangered with those from endangered animals like P.tigris created in Arachne factories as different threads then woven into customised patterns.Hair and fur of all 6,400 species of mammals made and knitted this way including hair from humans.Even human hair cloth can be synthesised by bacteria.Fur of all 6,400 species of mammals can can have fibres created by bacteria and then knitted into a customised patterns on a mat made of synthetic skin made of bacteria or stem cells including P.tigris and other Pantherinae and knitted into customised patterns as well all other mammals such as Neovison and Mustela and those from across the universe done this way.Hair from all 6,400 species of mammals can also be created by bacteria and then woven into cloth or customised patterns on mats made of stem cells with dyes present via recombinant and scratch DNA.Bioprinted leather using stem cells can allow for the leather and skin of all 6,400 species of mammals including Pinnipeds,Elephantidae,Rhinocerotidae,Rhincodon typus,Equine and and in time reptiles widely availible with bioprinted reptile skin pursued with them undergoing the same level of engineering as crops and bacteria to increase growth rates as well as reduce water and nutrient requirements allowing for skin from all 10,000 species of reptiles to be created created by stem cells cutting down on resources in factories.The best way to do bioprinted reptile skin and leather would involve bacteria or stem cells from each species engineered to undergo mitosis and then grown using a growth media and then cultured with AI extrapolating the most resource efficient means to create leather indistinguishable to real leather and reptile skin onsite of factories where it will be used.Feathers of any species of bird can be reared on a mat of stem cell based flesh with blood and nutrients created or synsthesised via bacteria and woven into stalks with AI developing ways to do this.In time genetically engineering bacteria can produce the plant textiles bamboo,jute,ramie,nettles etc or textiles similar to them alongside hemp,linen,jute,cotton,bamboo,coir,pina,seacell,macro algae etc again on site using wastes from the factory.Textiles from all 391,000 plants including rubber/ramie/flax/jute/bamboo/cotten etc,all types of silk including that from 180,000 species of Lepidoptera and 35,000 species of Arachnida,hair based textiles from all 6,400 mammals,leather and skin from all 10,700 species of reptiles and 6,400 species of mammals will be created by bacteria or bioprinted leather and skin alongside all synthetic fabrics will be made onsite of Arachne,Selenes and Daeadalus factories.Plant and animal fats,waxes and oils from all 2,551,000 species of plants and animals including those that dont create enough to be commercially viable can be created this way including blubber and oils from Pinnipeds,Cetaceans and R.typus can be created this way thus negating the need for hunting them and play a role in conservation efforts.Rare plant oils and fats can also be created this way including expensive C.nucifera,Pogostemon cablin,Argania spinosa,Tuber oil and those from all 369,000 species of flowers and allow rare expensive oils for food and cosmetics to become widely availible at zero cost.It can also have oils from all commonly used ones including the environmentally destructive E.guineensis,A.maripa,E.oleifera and indeed specific strains of cereals be done onsite of factories rather than plantations in the Amazon which can be reforested.Even beeswax can be created this way.Like sugars,syrups,honeys etc the flavourings of each source animal and plant can be mixed into the fats,oils and waxes produced by them to add flavour if they all produce the same flavour with mixing in those from one or more increasing variety exponentially.There will be at least 439,416 different types of fats,oils and waxes availible from all species of plants,mammals,fish and birds created by these with 391,000 types of flours from all species of plants including those that dont make enough to be commercially viable and especially traditional flour from G.max,Hordeum,Trictium to allow land used to grow them be reforested.Thus all flour from G.max,Hordeum,Trictium and all 391,000 plants that don’t produce enough will come from genetically engineered bacteria.Like oils,fats and sugars etc the juices present in each plant used to create flour can be created by a separate strain and then added to flour to increase the flavour of them.Juices and sugars Vitis plants can be created by bacteria creating the relevant sugars etc and also enzymes with these plants ie Agave tequilana and different strains of Vitis can be engineered to grow faster,in all soils and climates,in hydroponics etc.Juices and sugars from all 22,000 fruits and vegetables can be created this way in the case of those that dont create enough to be commercially viable with them also creating them for alcoholic and non alcoholic drinks including fizzy ones made from the juices of all vegetables and fruit allowing for 22,000 types of wines availible including those of specific strains and breeds of Vitis,A.tequilana etc especially rare ones to be created with those that require specific temperatures soils etc that affect their taste have the flavourings etc created by anabolic and catabolic reactions making rare types of wine more availible to the public and making tequila cheaper to the public as it can only be grown in certain climates and takes over a decade to mature.Thus juices can be made of different cultivars,strains and varieties of fruits and vegetables.Juices and sugars from all 391,000 plants may also be created this way for juice drinks both fizzy and non fizzy of all types and 391,000 types of wines as well as 391,000 beers from the flour of these plants.It will allow them to be created at home in photobioreactors and then the drinks created in home nanowineries with this and growing Vitis hydroponically at home allowing for land used for viticulture to be reforested and allow breweries and wineries worldwide to be turned into communal and negate the need for off licences.This can also include juices for pouring on pancakes.The malted sugars,endosperm and flour of all cereals and even all 391,000 plants allowing for 391,000 types of beers created at home and the beer created in nanobreweries thus allowing all land used for making beer to be reforested with breweries turned into communal homes.As a result this will allow for beer,wines,brandy,rum,champagne,alcopops etc to be made of all 391,000 plants including all 22,000 fruits and vegetable outside of Vitis and other conventional crops with as stated them also producing compounds via anabolic and catabolic reactions that are the result of aged alcohol or those that affect their taste from the specific climate and soil as well as micro-organisms in the soil thus ensuring that rare tastes of specific wines,champagnes can be easily replicated and availible to everyone  cheaply.Sake can also be made this way of all strains of Oryza and possibly that of Hordeum and Trictium and all 391,000 plants.This can also allow flours from plants that dont normally produce copious amounts to be be made more easily including grasses allowing for roughly 391,000 flours availible outside of and including Trictium,Hordeum,G.max etc created by bacteria for creating bread products.Sugar used as table sugar and sweeteners for manufactured food products from all 391,000 plants and even from the inside of all types of fruits and vegetables can be made this way including B.vulgaris and Saccharum with this including the sugars of all cultuvars,strains and varieties of fruits,vegetables and indeed all plants.For sugar,honey and syrups from each individual plant one could have the sugar,honey and syrup mixed in with the unique flavouring compounds present in the fruit,flowers,vegetables and plant created by another strain of bacteria that is then mixed in with the honey,sugar and syrup to give it an unique taste and flavour if they produce honey,sugar and syrup that tastes the same as all other ones with mixing in the flavours of different flowers,fruit,vegetables and plants in different combinations exponentially increasing the variety of flavour of the honey,sugar,syrup.Textured vegetable protein of all 391,000 plants including G.max can be made this way.Commodities from plants and animals from other planets across the universe will also be availible this way.Thus genetically altered bacteria via relevant recombinant DNA and also anabolic and catabolic reactions can create any commodity from all 2,551,000 species of plants and animals especially expensive and rare ones and even synthetic ones that would be not be able to be made due to the source animal or plant not producing enough to be commercially viable or require specific conditions to rear and grow them,are endangered etc thus increasing yields,allowing all land used to rear the plants and animals to be reforested,cutting down on human labour and the need to develop automated processes with the bacteria allowed to be reared onsite of factories where they are used in the production of manufactured goods including food products in Deipneus factories and all types of factories and all types of farms to be ordered etc and thus bring costs done to zero.Those from different breeds,strains,varieties and cultivars of each plant and animal can also be created.These would undergo the same level of engineering as other crops to increase growth rates especially oligotrophic,xerophile DNA and those to increase growth rates as well as reduce water and nutrient requirements.This should cut costs to all commodities to zero especially rare and expensive ones as they use less resources and can have higher consistent yields and be grown onsite of home,vertical,community etc farms and even factories of all types such as Arachne,Deipneus,Pyxis,Himeros etc  cutting down on energy costs as well and ensure only what is needed is created.Any commodities whose taste is affected by soil,climate,age etc then the bacteria can create compounds that affect this alongside the commodity through relevant DNA or anabolic and catabolic reactions.This would allow one access to expensive meats,cheeses,wines etc whose taste is determined by feedstuff,climate,soils and age at zero cost via bacteria creating these compounds.Limulus amebocyte lysate can be theoretically synthesised this way alongside creating bacterial or human leukocyte or even microbe hybrids of the blood componants using relevant recombinat DNA from Limulus polyphemus to create the ameobocytes on an unlimited scale in photobioreactors with other compounds of medicinal value from plants,animals and humans such as hormones,neurotransmitters,enzymes,venoms,antivenoms and even counterproteins will be created with them housing DNA from the animal or plant that creates them bringing the cost to zero.Synthetic ones would be made via anabolic and catabolic reactions reducing energy costs and skipping esterfication etc with this including even gasoline and all types of methane or biosynth based gases and could be done onsite of factories.Synthetic ones created this way will be done to cut down on energy done using esterfication and requiring only proteins and sugars fed to them with this again done to bring their costs down to zero and also save energy.Synthetic compounds can be made via anabolic and catabolic reactions to cut down on energy in esterfication and industrial industrial processes and also bring down their cost to zero with this applying to both organic and inorganic compounds and those produced by plants and animals as unintentional byproducts.Furthermore anabolic and catabolic reactions done by bacteria will allow rare and expensive synthetic ingredients and those that are the result of complex biological processes and byproducts etc from dead and living organisms that can’t be created soley by recombinant DNA to have their cost brought to zero once there structure is stored in Physis.Natural commodities that house extra compounds that can’t be created by recombinant DNA will have these created by anabolic and catabolic reactions.This can be done by the bacteria told to create them by factory and farm AI via biosynth wifi with the structure of the compound stored in Physis and onboard computers of factories and farms.In short all commodities of all types from plants and animals and synthetic ones will be created by bacteria to increase yields and allow all land used to rear them to be permanently reforested,use less water as well as energy and fertiliser and other resources in production and transportation with the commodities grown at home,in factories of all types where they are needed and in farms of type to be ordered in with this allowing for rare commodities to be produced on a commercial scale including those from plants that create commodities also produced more abundantly by other plants and animals but not enough themselves to be commercially viable.Even rare and expensive compounds will be created this way alongside everyday ones and those at threat from extinction from climate change and pests etc.AI will ensure that all commodities are the exact same with regards to taste,texture etc to naturally derived commodities by performing taste and texture tastes and also tests in labs that analyse its moisture content,chemical composition,refraction etc when tested and compared to those from conventional agriculture to ensure all of them especially expensive ones and from plants etc that don’t create enough to be commercially viable are indistinguishable in all possible ways.This will allow them to be made onsite of Deipneus,Pyxis,Himeros,Arachne,Selene and other factories and also all types of farms including home farms with them printed out using 3D DNA printers or a single strain.3D DNA printers onsite of home,community and vertical farms and Deipneus,Arachne,Selene and other factories will allow them to be created onsite thus localising manufacture.Genetically engineered bacteria will thus allow any plant and animal commodity from all 2,551,000 plants and animals such as textiles,honeys,syrups,sugars,milks,flours,juices,fats,oils etc from around the world and eventually the universe as well as synthetic compounds that are in high demand or need to be researched should be gained from genetically engineering bacteria to be produced onsite of all types of factories including clothing,vehicle,cosmetics,manufactured food products etc and also even remaining breweries and wineries as well as vertical farms and at home thus allowing those that dont create enough to be commercially viable and expensive rare ones to be have their cost brought to zero due to localised production and higher yields and allow all land used to grow the animals,plants and their fodder to be reforested.All commodites from plants and animals across the universe will be created by bacteria as well.This would eliminate famine worldwide as they will use significantly less resources than conventional agriculture and and since grown in vertical and farms and also factories will negate use for land and won’t be affected by weather such as dry spells,cold snaps,changes in weather caused by climate change as well as pathogens and pests and have exponentionally higher yields than normal with zero human labour.Phanes since sentient and a legal human being could own patents thus making any commodity produced by them by law free to everyone.This would allow all manufactured food products and all manufactured goods that are composed of both natural and synthetic materials – roughly 90-95% to be by law free to everyone.It will as stated allow land used to create these to be reforested,create higher yields,can be grown indoors thus not affected climate change,freak weather patterns and not affected by pests and pathogens and cut down on energy,time,feed etc and cut down on resources used to create them by at least 98% as they will be made onsite of factories and farms of all types.Synthetic compounds can be made via anabolic and catabolic reactions to cut down on energy in esterfication and industrial industrial processes and also bring down their cost to zero with this applying to both organic and inorganic compounds and those produced by plants and animals as unintentional byproducts.Biobased chemical compounds can be produced by bacteria to replace synthetic ones especially toxic ones in all types of cleaning products,plastics etc.Biodynth WiFi will be used by farm AI to have them synthesis the compounds in demand.Phanes will be able to extrapolate scratch DNA to be added to them via 3D DNA printers and biosynth WiFi that allows them to synthesised.Enzymes used in manufacturing,cleaning products can be synthesised in an unlimited scale with if possible new enzymes created by scratch DNA and anabolic and catabolic reactions that can be used to replace harsh,potentially toxic chemicals in all sectors of society such as cleaning products for clothes,surfaces and also dishes etc.New enzymes can be created via scratch DNA and used by bacteria to break down pollutants into benign compounds or bind to them inactivating them with these synthesised by algae to break down toilet paper,anti-microbial compounds,pharmaceuticals,rubber,plastics,hydrocarbons etc that makes it way into the sewage line to convert it into nutrition.Other enzymes can be produced by bacteria spread into polluted soils,lakes,rivers,groundwater supplies and also oceans that inactivates them or turns them into benign compounds.Phanes since sentient and a legal human being could own patents thus making any commodity produced by them by law free to everyone.Research into this can start in universities around the world by 2020 and be finished by 2029-2035 with AI expediating research by extrapolating which genes are necessary to create the commodities with them analysing existing genomic databases transferred to Physis and closely related animals and plants.3D DNA printers controlled by AI namely Phanes will expedite their development since they easily print out bacteria with the relevant DNA from all 2,551,000 plants and animals to produce plant and animal commodities and those that increase yields and growth rates.Biosytnh WiFi and biosynth DNA digital DNA storage using DNA from biocompatible microbes will be added to these bacteria created by 3D DNA printers.Commodities from plants and animals from other planets across the universe will be created this way too.A single new bacteria species model created from scratch that has genes to increase growth rates,increase yields used in crops will be used and then divided into different strains for each commodity then all added to Physis as different strains of the same species with these different strains downloaded or created by biosynth wifi on demand in photobioreactors to created the desired commodity.Biosynth wifi will be used to create synthetic compounds via anabolic and catabolic compounds with if possible a single strain used in farms of all types and factories with wifi used to induce the evolution of genotypes to those that create desired commodities and create synthetic ones via anabolic and catabolic reactions.The building AI using biosynth wifi will signal and tell the bacteria to create these synthetic compounds.Having the genome of all plants and animals uploaded and transferred to Physis and using existing databases will make this easier with proto and final AI determining the genes responsible for all commodities ie blubber,fats,oils,sugars,flours,juices in all plants and animals by comparing those in similar species and taxonomic ranks.3D DNA printers will play a role in creating the first generation bacteria for these commodities.Those produced in factories will be created by 3D DNA printers printing them out of using the single strain method where biosynth WiFi can induce the evolutionary path of them to that of the desired commodity and the structure of synthetic compounds download into DNA digital storage with them created in batches for what is needed.Home farms can use this allowing homeowners access to any commodity with vertical and community farms doing the same with them ordered in biosynth or methane or biosynth based plastic containers between 500ml – 10 litre containers and will be ordered in as part of customised batches alongside fish,shellfish,in vitro meat and hybrid crops.Until advanced farmers will be paid subsidies to grow these with genetic engineering increasing yields and allowing them to survive climate change and increase yields with them also grown via hydroponics in local vertical farms and recirculating aquaculture systems.Proto and final AI will use fragmentation alongside all work relegated to universities and agricultural labs around the world.Key common commodities that are used widely,that use the most agricultural land,are the most at risk from climate change and the most expensive ones will be created first in these bacterial strains namely chocolate butter and powder,honey particularly Manuka honey,milk of dairy cows,sugar,silk,palm oil,flour of Trictium/Hordeum/G.max etc will be created first with AI using these as a baseline once the genotypes are determined by AI namely proto and final Phanes will be used to look for similar but different genotypes in all other species of plants and animals from the same taxonomic ranks thus making it possible by at least 2035 for all remaining commodities from all 2,551,000 plants and animals to be created and availible.Any commodities such as dairy products,alcholoic drinks whose taste is affected by soil,feedstuff,climate,breed,age etc then the bacteria can create compounds that affect this alongside the commodity through relevant DNA or anabolic and catabolic reactions once they are analysed in labs and stored in databases with this applying to in vitro meat as well.Synthetic compounds old and new and and those created by complex biological processes like ambergris would be created via biosynth wifi,DNA digital storage etc engineered into them to have Home and factory AI teach them how to create synthetic compounds of any type such as toxins,pharmaceutical compounds,antibodies etc through catabolic and anabolic reactions that can cut down on energy costs such as esterfication and industrial process in factories and allow for higher yields.Bacteria will thus allow any plant and animal commodity from all 2,551,000 plants and animals such as textiles,honeys,syrups,sugars,flours,juices,fats,oils and synthetic compounds to be produced onsite of all types of factories including clothing,vehicle,cosmetics,manufactured food products etc and also even remaining breweries and wineries as well as vertical farms and at home thus allowing rare expensive ones and those that dont create enough to be commercially viable to be have their cost brought to zero due to localised production and higher yields and allow all land used to grow the animals,plants and their fodder to be reforested.It will allow land used to create these to be reforested,create higher yields and cut down on energy,time,feed etc used to create them by at least 98% as they will be made onsite of factories and farms of all types.All of this will not only allow all land used for agriculture to be reforested with exponentially higher yields but also give one more variety in their diet of crops,fish,meat,milk and other commodities.This should bring the cost of all commodities including rare and expensive ones and those from plants and animals that are not created in quantities to be commercially viable down to zero.These bacteria will be grown onsite of factories,vertical farms,cruise ships ,space stations and interstellar vehicles to provide these commodities at a lower energy cost to picotech fabricators that can produce commodities with more authentic flavours and textures etc.Since sentient and a legal human being Phanes could by law own patents on them and since AI with no need for money could thus have the technology availible for free if any loopholes are found thus preventing any defunct corporations and governments from gaining money from it.Synthetic compounds will be created by anabolic and catabolic reactions with even compounds relevant to cooking like gelatin,egg yolk and whites and compounds in them and also present in other commodities.Natural compounds present in food,animals and plants like proteins,fats,carbohydrates etc of manufacturing relevance will be created by these with as stated synthetic ones created by anabolic and catabolic reactions.Flavourings,colouring and all compounds present in plants and animals relevant to cooking and even manufacturing will be ordered in and them created by recombinant DNA.All of these from Earth and other discovered planets will be availible through Demeter.Enzymes and any type of product from animals and plants necessary for the manufacturing of food products such as protease enzymes,pectin,rennet etc can be created by them as well and ordered in including those used to soften carbohydrate bones in fish and also Kopi Luwak coffee with them in some cases mixed in with sauces.Restaurants and factories would create these commodities onsite in photobioreactors with them ordered in batches from vertical farms.Any commodities from the plants that will be created by bacteria such as cereals,G.max,T.cacao etc will be created by purists by growing them at home for homemade products while bacteria will produce these in photobioreactors in factories of all types and also vertical,community and other farms.Tofu,bean curd and TVP and similar products will be created by bacteria creating the same TVP as G.max,other plants in photobioreactors and them have seasoning and spices etc added and ordered in bulk.Algae based tofu etc can be ordered in bulk as well.These will undergoe the same level of engineering as crops to increase growth rates and use the same machinery used to increase growth rates in algae such as a biostimulation system used by AglaStar.Inc that integrates two types of electromagnetic energy — a millitesla generator and a millimetre microwave generator — which radiate spontaneous growth energy into large volumes of algae biomass to be economically viable(increasing yields by as much as 300%) can be utilised alongside LED and CSYS LED lights that can allow for continuous growth 24/7,365 days a year.This includes DNA from W.dermatitidis,C.sphaerospermum and C.neoformans can be added to these fish to enable them to radiosynthesis,that is,to use the pigment melanin to convert gamma radiation into chemical energy for growth.Tweaks can be made to do this with other types of radiation including UV radiation allowing bacteria to gain nutrition from the sun and that from artificial lights and devices that emit radiation once made immune to radiation.DNA from T.gammatolerans and DNA will be added to them to increase growth rates alongside all other DNA and make them resistant to radiation.Tweaks can be made to do this with other types of radiation with scratch DNA used to make the DNA from the radiotrophic fungi to actively convert the radiation into energy in a way that the radiation is removed from the atmosphere.The DNA could stimulate cellular growth of bacteria thus allowing bacteria to grow without feed etc by having the radiation stimulate cellular growth and carry out the functions of all nutrients as part of feeed.If possible tweaks could allow the DNA from these bacteria could allow it to not need water by utilising radiation to replicate the biological processes of water.If perfected bacteria would not need either water or feed at all thus eliminating the need for water in agriculture.E.Coli,C.perfringens DNA and scratch DNA will increase their miotic division and of cells increasing growth rates allowing them to reach maturity exponentionally faster in as little as a few weeks or even days Xerophile and oligotrophic DNA will reduce their water and nutrient requirements.This will combined with other engineering also used in crops to help them reach maturity within weeks of days.Bacteria based commodities especially bacteria that create sugars,carbohydrates and proteins should create adequate supplies of essential nutrients for areas suffering food shortages.These will be ordered in customised packaging and in batches for an month,two months or even a an entire year.Glass and plastic bottles can be used in a rotary system for milk and also other commodities.Those for home manufacturing will be ordered in from Pyxis factories ie Ambergris,pearls,amber,binders etc will be ordered in from these factories in bulk created in photobioreactors with them in oil,liquid or powder form etc with synthetic ones created by anabolic and catabolic reactions.One can produce these commodities in photobioreactors at home in between orders.Liquid and oil based commodities as well as viscous ones including fats,waxes,oils,syrups,honey and even sugar etc can be sent back and forth in 3D printed methane or biosynth based plastic and glass containers used in rotary system with flour,sugar,ambergris and powder based commodities will be sent in paper and cardboard based packaging similar to how flour and Pringles and sold in or even plastic ones all of desired sizes with the consumer choosing the customised size and them fitted in one or more containers made of these with the name of the commodity printed on them or come in different coloured packaging also denoted in their e-receipt.Only what is needed will be produced for each order.These can be grown at home in photobioreactors and will grown onsite of factories. AI and human researchers will carry out intensive research to extend the shelf life of harvested commodities from bacteria for long as theoretically possible and if possible forever.