New Agricultural Systems

Home farms:
All homeowners should also grow their own food in spare rooms,basements,underground extensions and in gardens with communal homes growing them on the roof also through hydro/aero/aquaponics,potted plants,gardens,hybrids,recirculating aquaculture systems and also greenhouses.Recirculating aquaculture systems of various sizes will allow for aquaponics in greenhouses and basements with this rearing fish and crops of all types.All crops will be hybrid ones that can grow in gardens,indoors in pots and hydroponic systems.All private and communal homes will have 3D DNA printers to print out desired crops,upgrades for microbes to change crops on hybrid plants and also those for livestock.Communal homes derived from apartment blocks and hotels and tall skyscrapers will house on their roofs areas to grow food via aquaponics using recirculating aquaculture systems,potted plants etc.They will also have nanobreweries and nanowineries to make their own wine and beer at home alleviating on strains of orders from both Deipneus factories and also remaining automated historical breweries.Phasianidae etc for eggs and miniaturised or even large versions of Bovidae etc will be housed here as pets.Biosynth machinery that creates any type of crop,eggs and other commodities will be present here as well with photobioreactors to produce any type of meat and commodity from bacteria also present downloaded from 3D DNA printers.Photobioreactors to grow invitro meat and commodities from bacteria will be present.Miniature sewage treatment plants present can allow a set amount of feces and urine to be captured from the entire building in the case of private and communal homes and in each suite in communal homes to grow algae for fertiliser and feed.Recirculating aquaculture systems will be present that can rear any type of fish and crop via aquaponics donwloaded from Demeter using 3D DNA printers.Aero and hydroponics will be used in underground extensions,pots and also in shipping containers in large gardens and in areas outside them.Trashcans will grow crops of all types and truffles.This could make both private and communal homes fully self sufficient with regards to food without the need for vertical farms and land used for growing crops.All work will be done by residents and by 2029-2045 90% of the work automated with 3D DNA printers allowing them to download any species of crop,in vitro meat etc..Aero and hydroponics will be used in underground extensions,pots and also in shipping containers in large gardens and in areas outside them.Hybrid crops especially climbing ones like Hedera should be grown on the side of buildings and in gardens with existing ornamental plants given microbes to make them produce leafy greens,herbs and fruits and the acellerated healing phenotype.Pots and trashcans can allow them to grow crops in bedrooms,balconies,hallways especially in the case of communal homes alongside private ones with those that have gardens in both communal and private homes should grow food there.Recirculating aquaculture systems using aquaponics will be present indoors or in greenhouses etc.Homes in housing estates may use any grassy areas outside of homes and next to them to grow extra crops ideally hybrid ones or fruit and nut trees for all members present.Homes in rural areas will use fields next to them or these will be hybrid meadow farms.Areas covered in weeds will be have them removed and used as land for growing food with communal homes derived from primary,secondary schools both abandoned and obsolete and also abandoned universities will use sports fields as gardens to grow hybrid crops.Large palaces,mansions,government buildings will grow food in gardens etc and on roofs as well including those turned into museums.Hybrid crops will be designed to house flowers especially exotic ones to double as ornamental plants.Excess food will be stored or shared with neighbours.Mansions,palaces,castles and even those renovated from an abandoned state will grow food in underground extensions,trashcans and plots of hybrid crops in large gardens with trees innoculated with microbes to produce desired fruits etc.All private homes such as cottages,suburban homes will at first have roof and underground extensions to house areas to grow food will house areas areas not only for amenities,bedrooms for tourists but also larger areas for growing food complete with 3D DNA printers.Communal homes in the rural areas should have all gardens present used to grow hybrid crops using the permaculture method while urban ones will grow them in spare rooms and on the roof with excess traded with neighbours with these crops feeding the entire populace of residents.Communal homes will also grow crops on the roofs of them to increase yields with them even having aquaponic systems in rooms devoted to them on certain floors.Communal homes like private homeowners will have greenhouses and even recirculating aquaculture systems that utilise aquaponics to grow fish and crops with crops reared on the roof.Photobioreactors will be used to grow in vitro meat and milk and other commodities from bacteria with eggs reared by genetically altered animals.Miniaturised biosynth machinery that creates eggs,grains,any crop etc will be also present.All seeds of all crops will be small ones engineered to be suitable to grow in all soils and climates around the world and house the acellerated healing phenotype and will be housed in a small seed to hold genetic material and not large ones they evolved to grow in and will not require certain requirements ie having to be eaten by a specific animal etc.Trashcans will be used to grow tuber and root crops in both private and communal homes especially those that are hybrid crops with them engineered to go as deep as possible with them producing leafy greens and herbs.As detailed all ornamental plants can through CRISPR become hybrids with them producing any desired fruit or nuts.All buildings especially skyscrapers and hotels as well as other ones converted into communal homes in cities should have rooftop gardens to grow extra food with these being recirculating aquaculture systems using aquaponics,trash cans,photobioreactors,greenhouses using soil and aero/hydroponics,pots with soil and hydroponic media and hybrid crops with those that have irregular shapes will use all outside areas to increase the amount of food they grow with commodities grown using bacteria in photobioreactors in rooms near kitchens with them also having entire floors devoted to food production.Roofs of private and communal homes as well as hospitals and public buildings will rear food alongside gardens and underground extensions and grassy areas to alleviate strains on vertical and community strains and provide food in between orders with also picotech fabricators in time also providing an endless supply to ensure abundance.These will house photobioreactors,greenhouses and recirculating aquaculture systems.Communal homes and if possible private homes should have growing rooms to rear fish and shellfish in recirculating aquaculture systems,nano breweries to produce wine and beer and other alcoholic drinks,photobioreactors to rear bacteria based commodities such as flour and milk as well as juices etc and even in vitro meat to make them self sufficient with this done on the roof,basement and spare rooms and obsolete rooms with them also having fridges and freezers to store them.All communal homes will grow food in spare rooms,extensions,basements,in gardens and in the case of cities on the roof in pots,greenhouses and hydro/aero/aquaponics systems with them growing crops including hybrid plants in soil,pots in hallways/balconies/bedrooms/by pools using soil and hydroponic media and also fish and shellfish in recirculating aquaculture systems in spare rooms and also on roofs with those that produce excess will share it with others in the same city and town.Extensions added to buildings can be done and gardens either kept as a indoor garden and also moved to the new top floor. Private homes will house areas to grow food as well.Hospitals,universities,airports,seaports,cruise ships,restaurants and similar public buildings with automated kitchens such as amenities such as zoos,museums,theatres etc will grow food on their roofs,roof,side and underground extensions,in spare rooms using aquaponic a etc and even in any gardens or areas of grass on their grounds while seaports and airports having food grown onsite of vertical farms onsite of them that create them solely for themselves with 3D DNA printers that will utilise the Phanes method.Cruise ships will grow some food and alcoholic drinks onsite with seaports also housing vertical farms for all ships that pass through while airports will have vertical farms onsite to cater to their needs.Restaurants will ideally have singular buildings and house underground vertical farms that grow food for all of them in the same building with them also growing some indoors.This will be done via bacteria producing commodities,in vitro meat,biosynth machinery and also hybrid crops in aquaponic systems making them self sufficient and alleviating strains on vertical farms.In the case of universities will make both outdoor football/soccer and tennis fields will become obsolete by VR thus ensuring it can be used to grow food managed by researchers and also people staying in obsolete areas turned into mini hotel style homes and also biosynths.All farms onsite of homes both private and communal ones and also buildings like universities will utilise the permaculture method of farming,genetic engineering and hybrid crops to increase productivity.This will alleviate strains on vertical and community farms.Interstellar vehicles and space stations will grow food onsite again using 3D DNA printers.These home farms will utilise the permaculture method and will when possible at the behest of homeowners members use genetically engineered crops to increase yields,reduce fertiliser and water requirements,eliminate pesticide use.All home farms will be located at least some distance from lakes and rivers as decided by Pan,Artemis and Triptolemus to eliminate fertiliser and animal waste run off to prevent algae blooms who will determine their chance of causing this and extrapolate measures to eliminate runoff.Most banks of lakes and rivers etc will be reforested with woodlands when soil samples determine them in place thus allowing the trees to absorb excess runoff fertiliser and manure etc with areas that historically house meadows have the banks of rivers etc lined with trees or have artificial constructed wetlands consisting of local waterborne plants and difffereng species of Bambusoidea etc that are engineered specifically capture excess nitrogen and phosphorus with them also in taking and bioremediation gets all other toxins that enter them with them harvested routinely as a fodder crop for remaining livestock as well as pyrolysised to create biochar to amend the soil.This can include biochar being applied to soil to retain both water and fertiliser with crops using oligotrophic and Xerophile DNA reducing water and fertiliser needs by 99% thus eliminating the chance of fertiliser runoff by this amount.Thus home farms will undergoe strict regulations,simulations and feasibility studies carried out by Pan,Artemis and Triptolemus and human researchers with these done routinely with them graded on the ability to limit or eliminate pollution including agricultural runoff,algae blooms and other environmental damage every year to keep them up to acceptable standards following the universal colour code.Farming in homes will be managed by ones Home AI and Triptolemus combined.Even though each homes will be managed by Home AIs and linked together by Hestia all farms on-site of communal and private homes whether indoor or outdoor farms will be managed by Triptolemus.

Permaculture forests,meadows etc:
All communities around the world including towns,villages and cities should have areas set aside areas for permaculture forest,meadow,grassland farms to grow native crops such as fruits, nuts, cereals,bush fruits(berries), fungi, truffles and wildflowers for honey production with enclosed areas or buildings,underground extensions for livestock(or have the permaculture areas enclosed to allow them to roam free within the confines of these areas – a mixture of both is ideal robotic or real dogs can be used to herd them and harvest truffles with sensor dongles for smartphones also developed to detect mature truffles).As detailed earlier on the forest/meadow/grassland farms should have a mixture of native and exotic crops and be on the outskirts of towns,villages and cities including all land currently used for grazing and monoculture farms with community farms growing primarily native crops with exotic ones mixed in in lay fields,backlots and spare land within the town or city or even outside it on the outskirts on arable land and fields with each village,town and city having multiple community and forest farms.Rural towns will use lay fields next to them as permaculture farms with all community farms including new and existing grassland and meadow farms will be permaculture ones that replicate natural growth using hybrid plants with as detailed wild animals and livestock feeding on the grass and weeds alongside depositing faeces to improve growth rates.All options for meadow,grassland and forest farms used will utilise hybrid crops,genetic engineering that exhibits faster growth rates and repellence etc to increase productivity with these containing exotic or native flowers that will be harvested with them all utilising permaculture methods to maintain soil structure.Existing and newly reforested jungles,forests and meadows etc will become hybrid farms that as detailed later on will rear crops ideally hybrid ones in a permaculture fashion that allows them to double as productive farmland and areas for biodiversity managed entirely by biosynths,drones,robots and AI with the use of seed pods and pest repellance and native fauna engineered to adapt to the new conditions will prevent them being affected.These will be growing hybrid crops that have genetic engineering to improve yields growth rates and repellance etc and managed by seed planting,watering and fertlising drones and in time biosynths controlled by the farm AI.The type of fruit,nut and vegetable etc produced can be changed via upgrades such as through biosynth wifi.All seeds of all crops will be small ones engineered to be suitable to grow in all soils and climates around the world allowing exotic crops to be grow anywhere and house the acellerated healing phenotype and will be housed in a small seed to hold genetic material and not large ones they evolved to grow in and will not require certain requirements ie having to be eaten by a specific animal etc.This use of hybrid trees on existing jungles,forests etc will be investigated on a small scale in reforested land in all countries around the world with hybrid trees that are planted in randomised manner to see how effective it is at maintaining natural homeostasis,biodiversity etc and yield viability using genetic engineering to increase growth rates,repellance etc until at least 2045-2100.Picotech fabricators,biosynth machinery and spores that can produce any crop is perfected then this method of hybrid farms will be abandoned trees cut down and pyrolysised and  the land permenantly reforested or biosynth injecting microbes to remove the engineering and ability to produce fruits and nuts permenantly with all native flora reforested since it would be too energy intensive and would have lower agricultural productivity than more advanced methods.Permaculture meadow and grassland hybrid crop farms will still exist.All land surrounding towns and villages turned into hybrid forest/meadow farms with some turned into meadow and grassland permaculture farms with those in rocky areas that have poor soil have the land have soil created for it using organic matter created in factories using plant and animal waste,biochar and algae as well as Bambusoideae to make poor thin soil viable for meadow and grassland farms and also even forest ones.In time picotech fabricators will create large amounts of soil to be spread over these areas making thick layers of soil making community,meadow and grassland farms viable there.This could make areas unsuitable for agriculture especially areas by the coast and rocky cliffs and beaches to house grassland,meadow and forest permaculture farms.Otherwise crops especially hybrids could using genes from oligotrophic bacteria and native plants that grow in poor soils will be able to grow in poor soils.Crops grown in permaculture forest,meadow,grassland and home farms in areas with poor thin soil will have the crops engineered to grow in them and also have new soil created by factories creating it using biochar from carbon sequestrian programmes and bacteria based fossil fuels,sawdust,algae mixed into each and spread in thick layers over all gardens and areas of wilderness.All meadow,grassland etc farms will utilise the permaculture method of agriculture and hybrid crops as well as genetic engineering to allow for higher productivity and maintain soil structure a well as provide areas for arthropods,Aves,Mammaliaare a able to populate them wherein the crops are grown in a similar way to how they would in the wild in a randomised fashion with native animals acting as biological controls for pests, and native pollinators used and also maintain soil structures thus preventing soil erosion,degradation and also negate the need for pesticides,herbicides and synthetic fertilisers if repellance,having pests engineered to feed on weeds is adopted alongside irrigation systems and drones are used to disperse fertilisers and water with xerophile and oligotrophic DNA is present.Having the crops have recombinant DNA from nitrogen fixing crops such as Crotalaria juncea,Medicago sativa,Bambusoideae,Trifolium etc and them inoculated with nitrogen fixing bacteria would limit the need for applicating fertilisers with repellance engineered into them would negate the need for pesticides alongside engineering pests into feeding on weeds.Application of water and fertilisers in all types of crops will be applied by drones and irrigation systems with the crops also engineered to intake fertilisers and water through both the leaves and roots if they can only reach the leaves.These will all be linked together by the sentient operating software Triptolemus with a statue of him the lobby of all of them.Soil samples will determine what grew in prehistoric times around 200,000 years ago before humans areose with them as stated using a permaculture method.Meadow and grassland hybrid farms will house grass and native wildflowers with all crops being native ones with hybrids with leafy greens and planted by seed planting drones in a randomised manner with them having engineering to make them survie all seasons,need less nutrients and water and pest repellance and resistance to all diseases and will be innoculated with microbes and fully functioning immune systems.Wild animals will be introduced to fertilise via urea and feces with them also acting as biological control with crops housing leaves that are undesireable or have barbs etc and can regrow when eated and house stubble to photosynthesis during regrowth periods with them harvested by biosynths.Drones can be used to spray both fertiliser and also water in rotation managed by the farm AI with biosynth nanosensors in the soil relaying levels of water and nutrients etc 24/7.Biochar will be used to retain water and fertiliser to prevent fertiliser run off with crops and all grass and other plants fires with Xerophile and oligotrophic DNA to prevent them needing too much water and fertiliser to reduce runoff.Ideally these hybrid farms will be located at least some distance from lakes,rivers etc to eliminate agricultural run off and them creating algae blooms.Jungles and forests could have each tree species innoculated with microbes with acellerated healing and also augmentations to increase productivity with them producing fruits and nuts that produce smells and tastes abhorent to native fauna and pests but rather instead during crop times producing fleshy seed pods that can provde enough food to prevent starvation and also act as a means to disperse seeds.Again drones can spread fertiliser and water with the type of fruit changed via biosynth wifi from drones and satillites.Each of these will utilise the permaculture method wherein they double as productive agricultural land and at the same time allow for native biodiversity such as mammals,birds,insects to flourish.Each forest,meadow and grassland farms will have buildings to store harvested produce,robots and biosynths,livestock and also photobioreactors for creating bacteria based commodities,invitro meat,hydroponic/aeroponic/aquaponics and recirculating aquaculture systems and also a statue in the lobby of Triptolemus the sentient operating software with each building having an independent personality,avatar,legal name with the same for receptionist AIs present.All of them will grow crops on them and store food inside to be ordered in with the customised batch system as detailed later on also used.They can be the size of a suburban home with underground extensions,skyscraper or be underground entirely accessed by stairs that go underneath all of the farm itself forming in the case of meadow,forest etc farms housing even more areas to grow food via photobioreactors,recirculating aquaculture systems etc.They will also house living spaces such as suites,automated kitchens and living rooms for some residents of the community in roof,side or underground extensions as permanent residence and also as researchers who can overlook all parts of the farm and even tourists.All areas and machinery will be covered in liquid glass and have narrow range UV lights to sterilise rooms.Photobioreactors and aquaponic systems etc will be covered in liquid glass and have narrow range UV lights to sterilise them.Each one will utilise thermo-piezoelectric material covered geothermal pipes and batteries to charge them during blackout.The photobioreactors,recirculating aquaculture and hydroponic/aquaponic systems will cater to the ability to order in custom crops to alleviate strains on both vertical and fish farms.They will also have recirculating aquaculture systems in basements and also house areas to grow any species of ornamental plants and flowers for boquets for orders and also artificial wombs to grow any species of pet or livestock to order on demand.Biosynth machinery that creates any type of crop,eggs and other commodities will be present here as well with photobioreactors to produce any type of meat and commodity from bacteria also present downloaded from 3D DNA printers.These buildings will be in some places skyscrapers,others being iceberg buildings that are suburban style sized homes with large underground extensions or can be underground entirely that are accessed by a watertight door at the bottom of a stairwell with in all cases them having elevators or stairs as well as even passages leading to underground communities underneath.Those in areas prone to natural disasters will be completely underground and also accessed by water tight doors.In both rural and urban communities the buildings will consist of a small building that house storerooms a stairwell or elevators to underground extensions that house living spaces as well as storerooms and also growing rooms that house photobioreactors,aquaponic systems etc and stairs and elevators to underground communities.These will only be used if community and home farms cannot be effective at feeding the whole community.

Community farms:
Community farms will be in all towns,villages and cities in place of backlots,lay fields,areas of grass,urban prairies and areas not used for housing or reforested wilderness that are on the outskirts of them and also within themwith even the gardens on the grounds of historical large buildings used.Existing private farms both large and small including those that have homes on them will be used but they will produce food only for the locale town,city and village with large farms down scaled with underground areas added to deal with a growing population to house recirculating aquaculture systems,biosynth machinery and photobioreactors etc with buildings such as barns,pens,rotolacters etc turned into guest houses or demolished.The home used by farmers will house extensions for amenities and bedrooms for tourists.Large farms especially in America and Europe and Asia especially those that create and trade large amounts of milk,eggs,crops across the world and even across the country may have most of the land reforested depending on their size and only a small fraction used as community farms for that town,village or city as all cities,villagers and towns worldwide they supply crops to will become self sufficient through their own home,community and vertical farms thus rendering their use defunct forever.Thus most large farms will be downsized to what they are by at least 90-99% with the rest of the land reforested with them feeding only local communities with pens etc for livestock becoming obsolete due to in vitro meat,yeast based milk..Even abandoned piers or any land by the ocean and rivers in major cities will be used with funfairs by seaside towns and playgrounds etc will have community farms put in their place when VR indistinguishable from reality will allow for the land to be used as farms once the land is dug up.Urban prairies in all cities will certainly be used.Rooftops of communal homes and public buildings will house rooftop farms that provide produce for the entire community especially if all skyscraper style buildings utilise them and they utilise aquaponics etc to increase yields and share excess produce.These will be grown and harvested for locales making them self sufficient and alleviating strains on vertical farms and complimenting home farms with the fact that each town,village and city will have multiple of these will provide enough to feed their population.Each community farm will have a building or underground area that houses aquaponics systems,photobioreactors for meat and commodities from bacteria and also storerooms.3D DNA printers will be present to allow them to create any species of crops,fish,shellfish and also in vitro meat and commodities created by bacteria.All produce will be housed in storerooms that log the amount of each commodity and crop produced each season and stores them in fridges etc.The amount produced and stored will be logged into the Farm AI that is visible to the public through Demeter for ordering them or picking up in person.The setting up of community farms and their buildings worldwide will be charted in a global version of ;Ear to The Ground or episodes of Restoration Nation that deals with this wherein each community starts the setting up of their community,forest,meadow and grassland farms to chart it.If need be Triptolemus himself can have a YouTube channel managed by him where people from around the world can send in videos via interacting with him and the AI of each community farm detailing the setting up of community farms as well as vertical and home farms,yearly harvests from community,home and vertical farms and other events such as fairs,conferences.The setting up of them will be done by each town,city and village and each of these worldwide should have community farms in lay fields,backlots etc decided by the community with them all having a building to house robots,store food and house aeroponic systems and photobioreactors etc.Areas in cities and villages etc that are overrun with nothing but weeds will be used once they are removed and pyrolysised and also areas covered in concrete not used with abandoned buildings will be used once the concrete is dug up with the buildings renovated to house the farm AI,statue etc.Areas in towns and village full of low quality slums would be demolished and the area used as community farms when locals move to better accommodation with a tall enough compact building with underground extensions will be placed as well to house the statue,receptionists,photobioreactors for commodity producing bacteria and also hydroponic crops and aquaponic systems that grow fish and also crops.These community farms will all house buildings with underground extensions to house the Triptolemus statue and also extra photobioreactors,recirculating aquaculture systems etc with urban prairies also used.Each community farm will have buildings present that house statues of Triptolemus,photobioreactors,recirculating aquaculture systems etc and areas to store food,drones and living spaces for researchers etc.These can be the size of a suburban home with underground extensions.Existing abandoned buildings onsite of them will be used.Underground extensions can go underground the entire farm itself and go five stories deep to house photobioreactors for in vitro meat and bacteria based commodites,recirculating aquaculture systems for aquaponics and then also biosynth machinery and also even pens for livestock such as Bovidea etc with miniature automated egg packing machines,GEA milking machines and slaughterhouses.These community farms will utilise the permaculture method and will when possible at the behest of community members use genetically engineered crops to increase yields,reduce fertiliser and water requirements,eliminate pesticide use.All community farms will be located at least some distance from lakes and rivers as decided by Pan,Artemis and Triptolemus to eliminate fertiliser and animal waste run off to prevent algae blooms who will determine their chance of causing this and extrapolate measures to eliminate runoff.Most banks of lakes and rivers etc will be reforested with woodlands when soil samples determine them in place thus allowing the trees to absorb excess runoff fertiliser and manure etc with areas that historically house meadows have the banks of rivers etc lined with trees or have artificial constructed wetlands consisting of local waterborne plants and different species of Bambusoidea etc that are engineered specifically capture excess nitrogen and phosphorus with them also in taking and bioremediation gets all other toxins that enter them with them harvested routinely as a fodder crop for remaining livestock as well as pyrolysised to create biochar to amend the soil.This can include biochar being applied to soil to retain both water and fertiliser with crops using oligotrophic and Xerophile DNA reducing water and fertiliser needs by 99% thus eliminating the chance of fertiliser runoff by this amount.Crops and livestock can be fitted DNA from radiotrophic DNA to allow them to use radiation as a source of nutrition replacing fertiliser and feedstock.Community farms near to lakes and rivers can make these modifications and others such as as constructing artificial wetlands by the banks to absorb any potential runoff by engaging in studies with Triptolemus,Artemis,Pan as to the feasibility of setting up community farms.Thus community farms will undergoe strict regulations,simulations and feasibility studies carried out by Pan,Artemis and Triptolemus and human researchers with these done routinely with them graded on the ability to limit or eliminate pollution including agricultural runoff,algae blooms and other environmental damage every year to keep them up to acceptable standards following the universal colour code.By 2029 most work will be automated using automated irrigation systems that also apply fertiliser alongside drones that apply them and routinely observe them.Seed planting drones and robots will plant seeds with at least 90% of the workers automated snd remaining work carried out by volunteers that work in rotas.By 2045 Biosynths will replace all human labour.These will serve mainly the nearby town,city and village they are in and will use the latest advances in genetic engineering,robotics,AI,automated systems and Biosynths to increase yields and eliminate human labour with produce logged inside buildings and can be ordered via Demeter and picked up in person.Each one will utilise thermo-piezoelectric material covered geothermal pipes that provide electricity,air conditiong and heating and havd biosynth storedot batteries to charge them during blackout and alleviate strains on the grid with them also having micro-gas turbines powered by synthetic oil and gas used a looped system to make them energy self sufficient..Each community farm will be managed by AI that will have their own independent personality and avatar with a holographic receptionists in the lobby or main buildings with a wireless touchscreen landline phone where the statue of Triptolemus will be in the lobby of them and main buildings who will be the the sentient operating software linking them all across the world and universe.

Vertical Farms:
Each town,village and city should all also have multiple vertical farms to grow primarily exotic crops to allow for a wide variety of food with flowers grown at home gardens and greenhouses,in community gardens and in higher floors of vertical farms for ceremonies such as weddings etc to allow flower plantations worldwide to be reforested and also be the primary backup source of food in areas prone to droughts,flooding,storms and quick changes in the weather since as stated earlier they use 70% less water and food is grown in controlled indoor environments.Vertical farms will allow for crops to be grown one after the other due to them growing quicker and done in controlled environments with them switching between exotic and native crops and also whatever the AI and community members decide will grow here with the same applied to hydroponic and aeroponic systems at home and in community farms.These will have crops,commodities from bacteria grown in photobioreactors snd aquaponic systrms and this havd recirculating aquaculture systems onsite to provide abundance of all types of food.They will also have recirculating aquaculture systems in basements and also house areas to grow any species of ornamental plants and flowers for boquets for orders and also artificial wombs to grow any species of pet or livestock to order on demand.Biosynth machinery that creates any type of crop,eggs and other commodities will be present here as well with photobioreactors to produce any type of meat and commodity from bacteria also present downloaded from 3D DNA printers.All seeds of all crops will be small ones and the nature of aero/aqua/hydroponics can allow any exotic crops to be grown anywhere and house the acellerated healing phenotype and will be housed in a small seed to hold genetic material and not large ones they evolved to grow in and will not require certain requirements ie having to be eaten by a specific animal etc.Even small towns and villages will have skyscraper style vertical farms to grow as many crops etc as possible with extensions over time to deal with a growing population.Those in extremely rural areas should have these in the outskirts of town,them built underground especially in scenic areas where a skyscraper may hinder the natural beauty of the area,have the food ordered in from nearby larger towns that have them in person or through Demeter with them also rearing fish and invitro meat and housing artificial wombs and nurseries.Thus areas that are isolated areas that rely on natural beauty will have vertical farms on the outskirts,have food ordered in or collected in person from those in larger towns inland or away from their as well as having them underground spread over a large area or large depths that will also serve underground communities with them having elevators for vehicles and stairwells for humans.Rural areas and also even urban areas will utilise this as well with them housing stairs to underground communities.Islands may have them underground as well and have community,meadow,forest and home farms and hydroponic systems in greenhouses and underground extensions with islands and coastal towns and cities relying on desalinisation plants.Islands may have floating vertical farms that float by the coast composed of graphene that also rear native fish in the water in pods with plants using desalinated water and/or using halophile DNA able to utilise seawater.Coastal cities and towns will also utilise this.Islands will also intake orders from the mainland using seabreachers and transporter technology onsite of post offices.All areas,plots and machinery,photobioreactors etc will be covered in liquid glass and have narrow range UV lights to sterilise rooms.Vertical farms crops will be decided by both the AI and also community members interacting with it over the wire with them also using 3D DNA printers to decide what to grow on demand.3D DNA printers will allow them to grow any crop and fish etc by cross referrencing Physis.In time ideally by 2029 each floor of buildings will contain nothing but floors that each contain recirculating aquaculture systems that rear crops and fish etc in batches allowing them to be ordered in one go in customised batches.Also present will be photobioreactors to grow invitro meat and bacteria based commodities.3D DNA printers onsite on each floor will be present to allow them to create any specues of crops,fish,bacteria etc on demand by cross referencing Physis making them self sufficient.All of these will be composed of light but strong materials including biosynth plastics infused with graphene etc.All vertical farms will be skyscraper style buildings including new ones or obsolete buildings in the outskirts etc of cities or in the places of demolished slums and ghettos.The roofs will grow extra crops via aquaponics and pots etc.These wil be composed of steel with graphene paint or carbon and graphene composite girders or foamcrete infused with graphene to give them strength and go very high at least 50-100.To cut energy costs geothermal heating and air conditions will be used alongside them charged from thermo-piezoelectric material geothermal pipes to alleviate strains on the grid and house biosynth storedot batteries in their basement to intake energy from this and grid to charge them during blackouts.Since large amounts of biomass can be created by its quick growing methods and the fact that multiple harvests can be made each year this means that the AI and the locales can grow large amounts of one crop on each plot/floor and then store excess via anti-ageing treatments and also microbes fighting off spoilage micro-organisms in homes,community centres and distribution centres and then have another grown their for the second growing season in the year and so on with this interactions between the AI and the locales being constant throughout the year with community and home farms managed by the AI of them and people who maintain them allowing also for the type of food grown chosen by them with genetic engineering allowing all crops to be grown in any climate,season and soil type.The crops would have anti-ageing treatments and also have microbes in them fighting off spoilage bacteria etc to allow excess produced and intaken by people to stored indefinitely at home thus allow for two rotary systems of a crop to be grown and then harvested and then intaken into homes and then have different crops grown in a rotary system repeated all year long.This would allow locales to store large amounts of each crop at home and then change the type grown by interacting with the farms AI and then harvest the next group and store them in large amounts and so on in cycles with 3D DNA printers allowing vertical farms to change the crops grown by downloading new seeds.This can apply to community and home farms.Otherwise the customised batch order system as detailed later on will be used.The growth rates and yields of crops are at least 6-10 times faster than normal conventional methods due to them exposed to light 24/7,and roots exposed to nutrients and water directly thus forcing biomass to be sent to the crop and not the roots with genetic engineering increasing growth rates with ideally all crops being hybrid ones.Water use is also reduced by at least 70-90% an no genetic engineering is required with the process is as organic as you can get and in fact dates back to ancient Egypt,Greece and Mexico roughly to the beggining of agriculture itself about 8,000 years ago.Indoor hydroponics and aeroponics and well as aquaponics via home systems and vertical farms should be the predominant form of agriculture in areas such as Africa,India and other regions that are prone to droughts,water scarcity and flooding that compromise community farms and would lead to famine since they crops can be sheltered inside and also it uses significantly less water and also due to the fact it produces roughly 6-10 times more food with the fact that food can be grown out of season,any species of crop can be grown and faster growth rates allows for multiple harvests each year and can allow for the AI to organise rotations for each crop grown based on the demands and trends of the locale thus allowing one farm to grow large amounts of a crop in each plot and then another one so the locales can stock up on them with the AI and locale population deciding what crops are produced next with this ensuring each area can grow a large variety over time.This could feed a population of at least 48,000,000,000 – 80,000,000,000 people compared to the worlds 8,000,000,000 worldwide while allowing all land worldwide to be reforested without genetic engineering with genetic engineering increasing this exponentially every year from 2030-2045 onwards.They would overall account for 90-95% of the worlds food supply with it using genetic engineering to improve growth rates and yields exponentially and reduce water and fertiliser requirements exponentially.The crops would have anti-ageing treatments and also have microbes in them fighting off spoilage bacteria etc to allow excess produced and intaken by people to stored indefinitely thus allow for two rotary systems of a crop to be grown and then harvested and then intaken into homes and then have different crops grown.This would allow locales to store large amounts of each crop at home and then change the type grown by interacting with the farms AI and then harvest the next group and store them in large amounts and so on in cycles.This can also apply to both home and community farms.Being controlled indoor conditions will prevent pests being able to enter them with it also preventing viral,bacterial and fungal pathogens present though they should still be made immune to these via trans/cis genetics should containment procedures fail with them also fitted with repellance with their sterile conditions in soilless media preventing spoilage and pathogenic bacteria infecting them though they still should be engineered to be immune to these and also given immune systems and immunising strains for these.Hydroponics uses soilles mediums like coir,rocksalt,coconut balls for support in pots and growing the crops in a water medium in specialised machinery with fertiliser applied in water mixtures,aeroponics uses crops suspended in mid air and the roots sprayed with a mist of water and nutrients and aquaponics growing crops in recirculating aquaculture systems where the crops use nitrogen and phosphorous from the feces of fish grown there as a second crop.This higher yields is because more energy is put into the actual plant and not the roots as in open soil,direct access to water and nutrients and also lightening systems are on 24/7 alongside other features.It can thus produce more biomass every harvest for both organic farmers and those who dont like utilising genetic engineering of all types thus allowing organic farmers to grow their own food in home,community and vertical farm systems while still getting higher yields without altering the DNA of the crop with the indoor nature and containment measures preventing weeds,pests and pathogens affecting the crops thus negating the need for pesticides,herbicides etc.The method requires the crops to be grown indoors in vertical,community and home farms and can be done onsite of hospitals,universities,airports,cruise ships and in time both interstellar vehicles and space stations thus allowing for all land used to grow conventional crops to be reforested.The method dates back to ancient Egypt and is thus organic in nature.Thus organic farmers who are skeptical of GMOs can use this in home systems in the form of aquaponics and hydroponic systems and still ensure high reliable yields any time of the year without using pesticides with them ordering in non hybrid and non GMO crops from vertical and other farms to ensure they do not go hungry and allow others to order in and consume genetically engineered food.They can also choose to order to order in non genetically modified crops and fish from farms of all types.All vertical and hydro/aeroponic farms should be multistorey and go upwards to the height of skyscrapers with new floors added over time so as to increase the amount of food grown on each plot of land with underground extensions also added to grow more heavy fruit and nut crops and even recirculating aquaculture system.This technology will be integrated not just in vertical farms but also home and community farms in extensions and in the form of aquaponic systems as part of recirculating aquaculture systems.This will make communities such as towns,villages and cities self sufficient negating the need for private farmers allowing all farmland around the world especially the tropics like the Amazon to be reforested indefinitely to sequester carbon dioxide.All work in these vertical farms will be completely managed by the AIs of the farms and also the sentient Triptolemus as well as Cronus.Each one will utilise thermo-piezoelectric material covered geothermal pipes and batteries to charge them during blackout.They will also house living spaces such as suites,automated kitchens and living room for some residents of the community,researchers and tourists in roof,side or underground extensions as permanent residence and also as researchers who can overlook all parts of the farm and even tourists.All areas and machinery will be covered in liquid glass and have narrow range UV lights to sterilise rooms.Photobioreactors and aquaponic systems etc will be covered in liquid glass and have narrow range UV lights to sterilise them.Each one will utilise thermo-piezoelectric material covered geothermal pipes that provide electricity,air conditiong and heating and havd biosynth storedot batteries to charge them during blackout and alleviate strains on the grid with them also having micro-gas turbines powered by synthetic oil and gas used a looped system to make them energy self sufficient.All work will be automated from start to finish by robots including Tug and Botlr robots and chef robots,biosynths including biosynth bees and so on with the roof housing beehives,nests for biological controls and and can house underground and roof extensions as the population grows.Biosynth bees controlled by Farm AI will be used to pollinate flowers with prior to this robotic hands with fuzzy scoops on each finger to collect and transports pollen.If possible the use of 3D DNA printers onsite of vertical farms alongside community and home farms may allow seeds to be created on demand thus negating the need to have crops pollinated since they will be created on demand each with unique genotypes without the need for being pollinated thus negating the need for biosynth bees or real versions.3D DNA printers present will allow them to download from Physis any species of crops,fish,shellfish,bacteria and in vitro meat on demand for each order.Genetic engineering and other new technologies will speed up the growth and harvest of each batch of crops and shelfish.All crops could be further engineered to not produce flowers.All work in these such as planting,harvesting and transportation and delivery of crops,commodities and fish etc will be automated from start to finish using AI,robots,automated machinery and Biosynths etc by 2029-2045 managed by Triptolemus,Cronus and the AI in charge of each farm.These will all be linked together by the sentient operating software Triptolemus with a statue of him the lobby of all of them fitted with these and the operating software..Each vertical farm will be managed by AI that will have their own independent personality and avatar with a holographic receptionists in the lobby or main buildings with a wireless touchscreen landline phone where the statue of Triptolemus will be in the lobby of them and main buildings who will be the the sentient operating software linking them all across the world and universe.

As stated earlier multi-storey buildings can also be built in towns and villages to grow mainly exotic crops and fungi and genetically modified bacteria in order to provide the community with as much variety food crops and types and resources i.e.oils and waxes as possible to limiting transportation of crops and seeds to genetic trading and diversity assurance which can be done internationally as little as possible cutting down on energy costs.These multi-storey buildings should be used to grow as much food as possible on a as little land as possible with underground extensions and floors added to roofs as time goes by using light carbon composites to further increase the amount of food grown.Existing hydroponic farms can have multistorey vertical farms built next to them with the greenhouses they are housed in recycled or used to house labs,living spaces etc since they are too weak extra floors added with them having the crops transferred with the current space used for lab,living spaces for researchers or used to grow bacteria or fish and shellfish.Demeter namely Triptolemus will contain a listing all community and vertical farms and their stocks of crops alongside video conferencing using computers,smart devices and televisions combined can allow communities to communicate with other communities in the region/country and continent from the comfort of each persons home to plan what crops to grow to ensure each community grows a wide variety of crops and commodities with Gaia eventually aiding in this.In cities existing skyscrapers and council flats can be used as vertical farms once remodelled to grow hydroponically and aeroponically grown food, fungi and insects in spare rooms with rooftops used to grow native and non-native crops in greenhouses and aquaponic systems also built in.In urban areas especially all rooftops and all open spaces on buildings backlots,lay fields,and any available land not used for housing,manufacturing or amenities(with the exception of public gardens and parks which can grown extra bush,tree and vegetable crops) should be used as gardens to increase productivity and provide extra foraging for A.mellifera.Buildings near them or underground extensions can be used to grow certain crops especially exotic ones in solid hydroponic media so as to allow them to be harvested outside their normal in season periods while those grown outdoors can be harvested in season with this ensuring year long abundance of the crop with this applying mainly to fruit and vegetables.Greenhouse grown crops can be pollinated by Lepidoptera and Diptera and by hand or even biosynth bees while outdoor crops including hybrids in home,forest,meadow and other farms including truffle,fruit,nut trees and flowers will be pollinated by A.mellifera and Lepidoptera with each sector of all towns,villages and cities rooftops and surrounding wilderness dotted with beehives and Lepidoptera farms.Crops that require specific insects and even Aves to be pollinated will be modified to create flowers to be able to be pollinated by native arthropods and indeed all species by altering the stamen etc and make the flowers more open with this of note to exotic ones.Those in vertical farms will be pollinated by robotic hands with fuzzy fingers or in time biosynth bees controlled by the farm AI.If possible the ability of 3D DNA printers onsite of home,community and vertical farms to mass produce seeds with unique strands of DNA will possibly negate the need for biosynth bees or normal bees for pollinating crops as one will be able to create them on demand without pollination.To cut down on energy use the crops can be engineered to grow in all temperature ranges especially exotic d crops with the vertical farms using self sufficient energy technologies such as geothermal pipes that supply heating and air conditioning to provide heat and air conditioning and also if possible thermoelectric materials to provide electric with micro-gas turbines present that using tri-generation technologies and by burning fuel from gasoline and methane derived from bacteria.

Vertical Farms

Fish farms & Recirculating Aquaculture Systems:
Fish farms will consist of not just recirculating aquaculture systems onsite of vertical,community and other farms including home ones but also buildings that are multistorey ones used to grow soley fish and shellfish in all towns and cities that can allow one to order in customised orders of fish and shellfish in large batches as well as whats grown their with them as stated in each town,village and city around the world with them growing primarily exotic species.These will use aquaponics to cut down on energy costs and allow for desired hybrid crops to be ordered in at the same time as the crops will use feces from fish as fertiliser thus negating the need for filters.All towns and village and cities around the world will house lake,river and coastal fish farms that rear only native species to ensure that if they do escape they wont affect the native populations as exotic ones will be reared in recirculating aquaculture systems in fish,home,community,forest and vertical farms on land with these growing macro and micro algea and hybrid crops using aquaponics.Deep sea fish farms can be by oil rigs converted into homes.These will be managed by the sentient operating software Pontus and will each have a statue of him on the lobby grounds and them managed by individual AIs with their own avatar,personality and name and also receptionist AI.Recirculating aquaculture systems will be in vertical,home and community farms and also in buildings devoted to them managed by Pontus with this again dependant on the town or cities size.Each one will utilise thermo-piezoelectric material covered geothermal pipes and batteries to charge them during blackout.All work will be automated from start to finish by robots including Tug and Botlr robots and chef robots,biosynths including biosynth bees and so on with the roof housing beehives,nests for biological controls and and can house underground and roof extensions as the population grows.All fish farms worldwide will be linked together by the sentient operating software Pontus with a statue of him in their lobby.To ensure abundance all lakes,rivers,coastlines and coasts next to all towns,villages and major cities around the world including the likes of New York,Los Angelas,Miami,Sydney,Hong Kong,Beijing,London,Paris,Bhopal,Ganvie etc. should have these farms in the wild on their rivers,lakes,estruies and coasts providing native fish and shellfish with recirculating aquaculture systems in homes and in the basement of vertical farms providing a wide selection of exotic fish and shellfish to prevent them becoming invasive species.Traditional fish farms will rear native fish and shellfish in enclosed structures with recirculating aquaculture systems will rear exotic fish indoors.

Recirculating aquaculture and aquaponics systems that rear all species of native exotic fish and shellfish due to their weight and size should be located in the basement of vertical,community and home farms with them composed of plastics with those with graphene in its matrix or carbon fibre composites due to its lightness and strength being on top or mid floors with the very top floor being a community garden containing even more rooftop gardens with aquaponic systems providing both recreational and crop plants ie flowering shrubs and trees ideally tropical ones giving those that live nearby a place to rest with trees and plants they wouldn’t normally see as well as Lepidoptera nests for pollination and a more tranquil atmosphere.Recirculating aquaculture systems could be on all floors of vertical farms and them onsite of home,community and vertical farms will render conventional mariculture obsolete thus shutting down all markets and jobs in them and through 3D DNA printers can allow all 33,000 species of fish,as well as all 62,000 Gastropoda species,11,000 species of Cnidaria,all 7,385 species of Amphiba(Anura, Urodela,Gymnophiona),all 55 species of Hydrophiinae,all 7 species of Chelonioidea,all known 67,000 species of Crustaceans,all 20,000 species of Bivalvia,all 7,000 species of Echinodermata,800 species of Cephalopod will be able to be ordered in from vertical farms in their local or reared in home systems with them created via 3D DNA printers.Rare and expensive species of ornamental fish such as Cyprinus carpioas and Scleropages formosus can be created via 3D DNA printers in systems in home,community and vertical farms with desired and even customised coats thus eliminating human breeders that can be created on an unlimited scale without affecting wild stocks.These will replace conventional mariculture completely by 2029 since it is more sustainable allowing wild stocks in the ocean to recover as it allows for localised rearing onsite of home,community,fish and vertical farms as well as restaurants,universities,hospitals and other public buildings and also cruise ships and even in time interstellar vehicles and space stations with 3D DNA printers allowing any species of fish and shellfish from across the world and universe to be created onsite and can be fully automated rendering all 35,000,000 people employed here defunct and can be used for conservation efforts of endangered species of fish and shellfish including overexploited ones and also even coral and phytoplankton and algae with them grown in large amounts using the Phanes method and then dumped into the ocean as adults in shoals.Genetic engineering can have the roe of all species be made on an commercial scale thus allowing caviar to be mass produced.If possible caviar can by 3D printed and given genes to undergo mitosis when fed sugars allowing large commercial scale amounts of the roe of all 33,000 species of fish and all shellfish be grown in a commercial scale.Recirculating aquaculture systems will not only replace traditional mariculture and procurement of ornamental fish by 2029 thus allowing wild stocks to recover but  will also play a key role in conservation of all endangered species of fish,shellfish and amphibians as 3D DNA printers used by Phanes can print out out millions and billions of eggs each with dinstantly related genotypes with the ratio of males and females controlled by him that can be reared to adulthood and then dumped into their native habitat in oceans and lakes etc in large numbers routinely into shoals of wild stocks until populations stabilise to healthy levels with all species of Anthozoa that since composed of unicellular micro-organisms can be printed out using 3D DNA printers and reared in large numbers and released into the wild once conditions in the oceans become favourable.Endangered species of Amphibians etc can also have millions of genetically distinct individuals created,reared in these and released into the wild.Aquaponics will be merged with it cut down on energy use and produce hybrid crops at the same time with them small enough to fit into private and communal home systems and those in vertical farms of varying sizes.Thus it would shut down traditional mariculture indefinitely as all communities including landlocked ones can rear any species in systems present in home,community and vertical farms.The fish will be fed algae in pellet form,TVP form or even just liquid form pumped into them alongside flour from G.max etc created by bacteria with pfish and shellfish fed chunks of invitro meat,insects created by 3D DNA printers or even algae since it can provide all essential amino acids etc.Fish in them especially Scombridae,Salmonidae can be engineered to produce the same meat in terms of taste and texture as traditional livestock such as cattle,chicken,lamb,pork etc negating the need to rear these with less feed and zero land and methane emissions with engineering allowing them to create large amounts of sterile eggs as caviar using Acipenseridae and Dorylus recombinant DNA with them made to produce their own caviar and roe or through recombinant DNA from Acipenseridae that of Acipenseridae to produce a second crop enough to order in large buckets of it between 5-100kg in batches for each person.They will be as stated be found in home,community and vertical farms around the world both in coastal cities and towns etc but also landlocked ones cutting down on transportation costs allowing any person around the world access to any species of fish especially exotic ones found only in certain countries or with them also used to create Anura,Chelonioidea,Hydrophiinae,Urodela,Gymnophiona etc used as pets and also ornamental fish used as pets such as C.carpioas,S.formosus created at local community and vertical farms ordered in alive or created at home using 3D DNA printers allowing rare expensive species with desired coats to be available to everyone around the world at zero cost.They will be found in home(both private and communal home),fish,community and vertical farms as well as restaurants,airports,hospitals,universities and other public buildings that serve fish and shellfish with them also present on cruise ships and even in time interstellar vehicles and space stations with them coming in a large range of shapes and sizes suited to each building etc needs with smaller species of fish and shellfish engineered to be as large as larger species of fish and shellfish or produce the same flesh as other larger species of fish and shellfish with even larger species engineered to be smaller or produce the same flesh as smaller species to both increase productivity or be suited to be reared in smaller or larger recirculating aquaculture systems depending on the situation.They can be onsite of both universities and research centres to rear any species of fish and shellfish for scientific studies releated to mariculture,agriculture and botany especially releated to aquaponics and hydroponics as well as branches of zoology such as malacology,herpetology and ichthyology.Feed for these such as algae will be grown onsite from urea and feces as well as Feedkind and Agriprotein also produced onsite using synthetic blood created by hematopoietic stem cells engineered to undergo mitosis with them also fed pellets of algae using waste from the fish and those ordered in from sewage treatment plants or from home with also compressed flour pellets from bacteria.Any filters taking in and removing oxygen and carbon dioxide can be disguised as a centrepiece.All food for fish and shellfish should consist of algae pellets,algae meal or algae liquid pumped into the recirculating aquaculture systems,TVP created by bacteria,pellets of G.max and Z.m.mays flour created by bacteria while predatory fish should be fed in vitro meat dispensed pellets or chunks created onsite instead of other fish which can be consumed by humans.Predatory fish may also be fed algae pumped into recirculating aquaculture systems as a liquid or pellets and TVP due to its high protein content.These chunks of TVP can be made automatically by automated or semi automated machinery in home farms that compresses the algae into pellets and TVP.All of their feed will be created onsite of the farm itself with alage created from feces created by the fish and even printed put into blank cells.The micro algae can be ordered in from local sewage treatment plants as well as photobioreactors onsite of farms that collect feces and urine released by fish and shellfish and then convert it into algae that is then fed to the animals in a looped system.This algae will be fed to the fish and shellfish as a slop,mince,TVP pellets or simply as a liquid pumped into the aquaculture system.Micro-algae should be used in sewage treatment plants in all communities to recycle nutrients and supply nearby factories with commodities such as oil, textiles etc. and macro algae grown in water treatment plants or ideally vertical farms in landlocked communities and in coastal/ocean farms in communities near the sea alongside fish farms.They too can be grown on site with other fiborous plants inside textile plants to reduce transportation costs and can be used for food for humans if deemed safe.Conventional feed such as Z.m.mays,G.max can be fed to fish and shellfish but will be created by bacteria and feed as pellets with them created onsite of farms that house recirculating aquaculture systems with in vitro meat will also be fed to predatory fish created onsite of farms with insects created by 3D DNA printers also fed to them.As ststed algae did to its high protein content will be fed to predatory fish that normsally eat meat.Fish and shellfish should as said earlier be reared in recirculating aquaculture and aquaponic systems for primarily non native species in all areas such as landlocked areas with/without rivers and lakes and in coastal areas to prevent contamination of the environment and provide variety with native fish and shellfish reared in river,lake,coastal and ocean farms which can be monitored and controlled remotely and fully automated with feed being reared there as well or shipped in automated boats and energy coming solar,wave and micro-hydro power keeping them independently powered 24/7.Restaurants,cruise ships and hospitals as well as other buildings will grow their own fish and shellfish in these with this also allowing caviar to be created with genetic engineering having any type of fish create roe of the same taste and texture of Acipenseridae and also create millions of them each year cutting costs of this to zero.Bioremediation techniques of heavily polluted lakes and rivers worldwide as detailed later on can aid in improving the quality of the water and thus the safety for human consumption.Like vertical and community farms environmental conditions such as pH,air and water temperature can be monitored and controlled in recirculating aquaculture systems.Rivers and lakes in towns and cities should have river fish farms at different points with stable stone piers built along the edges to reach the fish with them being native ones with coastal farms also have stable piers made of stone.Rare and endangered species can be breed in large numbers here in conservation efforts with eggs traded by software or created by the Phanes method and then dumped into the wild as adults prior to mating season.The software Pontus will be used to manage all fish farms of all types around the world with the symbol being the trident with them also onsite of community,vertical and home farms as well as airports and also seaports and even cruise ships and restaurants.All 33,000 species of fish,as well as all 62,000 Gastropoda species,11,000 species of Cnidaria,all 7,385 species of Amphiba(Anura,Caudata,Gymnophiona),all known 67,000 species of Crustaceans,all 20,000 species of Bivalvia,all 7,000 species of Echinodermata,800 species of Cephalopod will be reared in recirculating aquaculture systems in home,community and vertical farms around the world with one choosing the species,how much and in what form with the meat of smaller ones engineered into hybrid of Scombridae,Salmonidae or them given genes to produce more flesh and make bones smaller.Anthozoa since consisting of primarily skeletons can be engineered to produce more tissue or have their tissues made via invitro meat and also bred into Scombridae,Salmonidae with them ordered in from here primarily for ornamental puroposes with them and ornamental fish also ordered in from these farms in the form of eggs or in home 3D DNA printers.3D DNA printers can allow any species of fish and shellfish for both pets and consumption to be printed out in home,community,fish and vertical farms.One can choose to have them ordered in as any type of cuts,with the head and tail removed,deboned,shells removed or in chunks that have no bones with this done by chef robots onsite and them packaged in boxes or buckets of 5-500kg. or sent in desired cutlets,strips,steaks,etc,sent in alive or even chunks like Thunnini in a plastic container of desired size ie 5-100kg and methane or biosynth based plastic sealent of a desired size and amount after selecting which species and also how much.Chef and other robots etc will debone them,remove heads,tails,cut them into the desired cuts and also put them in deboning machines and those that turn them into chunks and then into packaging.Even hybrid fish that produce the meat of larger or smaller fish and even livestock can be ordered in from here in desired cuts.Interacting with Cronus and farm AI will allow one to have them in customised ways.Expensive fish and shellfish either ornamental ones or those eaten for food will be reared in recirculating aquaculture systems in home,community,fish and vertical farms with large species ie Selachimorpha,Thunnus thynnus and Batoidea can have their meat engineered into smaller ones like Scombridae,Salmonidae with caviar of Acipenseridae bred into smaller species with those that are hybrids of Selachimorpha have their fins engineered into them.These can also be used create the meat of rare breeds of larger livestock like Bovidae and the meat of Cetaceans and Pinnipeds with as stated earlier on rare breeds of livestock through the Phanes method can be made commercially available worldwide with invitro meat also playing a role.The ideal species of fish to hybridise with ornamental fish to make more meat and also rare expensive species of traditional livestock and fish should be Scombridae,Salmonidae as they are sizeable and also mature very quickly allowing for large numbers to be grown in recirculating aquaculture systems at home,community and vertical farms with eggs downloaded from Demeter increasing productivity and also availability of rare types of meat.Small species of fish like Engraulidae can have new sub species or species made by Phanes that are as large as large species of fish such as Scombridae,Salmonidae which are sizeable themselves and thus increase productivity for them.Larger fish that are too big for home and even large system in vertical farms such as Selachimorpha,Batoidea can be made into smaller sub species or species that can fit inside them.These new species and sub species will be stored in Physis with new scientific names that denotes their species and thus which original species they are related to etc decided by Phanes.If possible smaller breeds of fish can be engineered to produce the same meat as larger species and larger species produce the meat of smaller species to increase productivity depending on the situation.These new species and sub species will be stored in Physis with new scientific names that denotes their original speciesand meat type etc decided by Phanes..Acipenseridae can be engineered to mature much quicker ie in as little as one or two years rather than 15-24 for males and females respectively using scratch DNA,those form fast growing bacteria and also from smaller fish that reach maturity during this time period to increase productivity with them also engineered to create the same roe and caviar as other fish as Acipenseridae as it lays millions of eggs at a time in comparison to other fish with them also engineered to produce the same amount of eggs.Smaller species of fish can be engineered to produce the same caviar in terms of taste and texture and amount as that of Acipenseridae using recombinant DNA from it with them producing millions of eggs per year or induced to create them in batches of sterile ones when wanted solely for eating.All species of smaller fish including ornamental ones and any species of shellfish can be engineered with the same DNA as Acipenseridae to produce millions of eggs at once in home,community and vertical farms to rear millions to have more fish and increase productivity but also more of their unique caviar and roe allowing the caviar and roe of any fish to be more widely available and allow them to be ordered in 5-100kg bags or 3D printed containers of any size with as stated done in home farms to increase their numbers for local consumption and make homeowners self sufficient in the production of caviar.These may also have Dorylus DNA to produce more eggs.They may be engineered to lay millions of sterile eggs all year round for caviar and at one time of the year produce millions of fertile eggs for new young in all options.The eggs for caviar can be stored onsite of farms or the fish can via microbes have the ability turned on/off with it turned on and them induced to lay millions of eggs onsite via the microbes producing natural or synthetic hormones and robots aiding in this by massaging the animal when an order of caviar is made and it turned off and then turned on again for the next order as well as when eggs used to create more fish is also created and need.Since orders will be done from farms then ideally the microbes will initiate the production of sterile eggs for caviar and fertile eggs for more larger orders of fish since fish will be created at first via 3D DNA printers.Shellfish will also undergo this to create large amounts of each species with this applied to ornamental fish as well with this done in home,vertical and community farm systems.This will also make home recirculating aquaculture systems self sufficient for caviar with all species of fish and shellfish using the same level of engineering as crops to make them grow faster in a few months and also use less resources ie those E.coli,C.perfringens and also oligotrophic DNA,scratch DNA and removal of their fat insulin receptor and myostatin gene to produce more flesh alongside those from fast growing fish.Those in deep sea and lake,river fish farms will have this as well but made a separate sub species unable to pass this onto wild populations if they escape.This will play a role in conservation of endangered species with it removed once populations are stable.Acipenseridae can be engineered to produce more flesh in order to prevent it going to waste with the same applied to ornamental fish.Shellfish of all types including expensive ones will be reared here for orders.Ornamental fish can using CRISPR can be bred with customised patterns especially C.carpioas,S.formosus and will be downloaded into eggs thus negating the need to harvest them from the ocean and make breeders defunct.Anthozoa of any species can be created this way via 3D DNA printers at home and polyps placed in aquariums.All expensive shellfish and Echinodermata can be reared in recirculating aquaculture systems with this including Acipenseridae to become more widely available to the general public.As a result all 33,300 species of fish and shellfish can be reared in these in home,community and vertical farms with eggs downloaded from Demeter into blanks eggs at home or onsite of vertical farms and them delivered with bony ones that create very little meat can be engineered to produce larger amounts of meat and less bone or have their meat engineered into smaller fish and even have foul tastes removed with this also having the consumer have a choice of 33,000 types of caviar with slow growing ones engineered to grow more quickly with all species of fish reared for meat and caviar with them having DNA from Acipenseridae to produce millions of eggs each year for caviar with Acipenseridae DNA engineered into smaller faster growing fish to cause to create the same roe with Acipenseridae engineered to grow faster using scratch DNA and that from fast growing fish and bacteria.Those that produce foul tastes will be engineered not to produce these.All ornamental fish especially endangered and expensive ones can be downloaded with custom made coats designed on Pandora with those of C.carpio have the much sought after yellow and white coat mutation saved on Physis with one able to decide the pattern of this allow for the fish to be downloaded and reared at home eliminating scarcity and also private fish breeders bringing their cost to zero and will eliminate the need to hunt for wild varieties with recirculating aquaculture systems and the Phanes method will play a role in conservation of endangered species.In vitro meat will allow the meat of all 2,000,000 species,sub species and breeds of all animals including those that are too laborious or expensive to rear including rare and expensive breeds of traditional livestock once it becomes indistinguishable from real meat by 2029 with it also allowing for foie gras and offal from all animals to be created this way.Compounds affected by feedstuff will be produced by bacteria and mixed with them or the stem cells engineered to produce them in specific amounts.Fish ordered in from farms and even reared at home will be able to have the meat of any species of animal including larger fish and even rare breeds of livestock and rare species of fish in them to increase productivity.The different flavours of different breeds and species that create different flavours etc due to different factors such as climate,age,feedstuff will be analysed in labs both individually and collectively and like milk and alcoholic drinks stored in a database managed by Triptolemus or in the animals Physis to allow a consumer to order in different cuts of meat of all species and breeds of a set age,set climate,set feedstuff for customised meat.Insects in home and other farms will have DNA from Dorylus added to their genome to create millions of more eggs next year ensuring abundance with these being a separate species to ensure that if they do escape then they cannot mate with native species and cause an imbalance in the ecosystem with them engineered to be unable to survive the local climate ie dry summers,wet and cold winters will be fed algae and also flour and invitro meat.Shellfish of all types can have them sent in batches containing a set amount of them ie fifty to a hundred Mytilida,Ostreidae,Pectinida etc or in boxes of 5-100kg with caviar also ordered in these sizes and also if possible shellfish can be engineered not to produce shells for specific orders at all as it wastes energy that can go into biomass and is troublesome to deal with disposing of them.They can also be sent in chunks like Thunnini in the case of Brachurya or even be sent in alive both with or without shells.Shellfish can be engineered to have no shells to negate labour in removing them while fish can be engineered to have an organic scaffolding that is composed of edible carbohydrates and proteins that like those in meat is softened when cooked or exposed to a broth and marinater created by bacteria ordered in.Thus recirculating aquaculture systems onsite of all home,community and vertical farms across the world will provide all coastal and landlocked towns,villages and cities with any species of fish and shellfish thus shutting down all jobs and markets In mariculture.Conservation efforts for endangered and overexploited species in recirculating aquaculture systems will also use this with once large numbers of fish are reared and created then this phenotype removed permanently from the genepool before they are dumped back into the ocean.3D DNA printers onsite of home,community and vertical farms and even fish farms will not just utilise the Phanes method but also allow for any desired species of shellfish and fish printed out into blank eggs.This will give home farmers and those on vertical farms access to all species of fish and shellfish including ornamental ones rendering breeders of expensive ornamental ones defunct and allow any species of endangered,expensive or rare ones to be grown at home or as detailed later on one could preorder any one in batches from local vertical and fish farms.Any species of fish and shellfish can be downloaded using 3D DNA printers giving people a wide variety of these in their diet.Any species of fish can be engineered to produce the same caviar as Acipenseridae with the same taste etc and them created in the same large amounts via recombinant DNA from Acipenseridae with otherwise each species engineered to produce their own unique caviar in just as copious amounts as Acipenseridae using DNA that gives its ability to produce large amounts of eggs either to quickly increase numbers and also create large amounts for consumption both flesh and caviar using DNA from Acipenseridae.Dorylus and scratch DNA can also be added to increase productivity.Thus having DNA from Acipenseridae will allow any species of fish and shellfish produce millions of eggs each year both for the production of caviar and also to increase the amount of fish availible with shellfish also undergoing this with this applied to both home,community and vertical farm systems.Caviar can come from fish and shellfish engineered to produce it in large amounts of their native roe or that oAcipenseridae using Acipenseridae DNA.Caviar can be created in large batches via 3D DNA printers directly or if possible can be created as sterile egg via 3D DNA printers that can using bacteria,totipotent stem cell DNA undergo mitosis like bacteria and in vitro meat and thus grown in photobioreactors using sugars etc allowing the caviar of any species of fish and shellfish containing their DNA to be commercially grown in large amounts if perfected to be the same taste and texture of any species and one would order it in batches of 5-500kg in methane plastic buckets.Thus the eggs and roe of any species of fish would be created by 3D DNA printers with them having DNA to make them sterile,undergo mitosis from bacteria,totipotent stem cells to create duplicates that have the same nutritional level,texture and taste of normal roe with the taste,texture and DNA of all species of shellfish and fish analysed by AI to determine this with them undergoing mitosis using sugars etc created by bacteria.If perfected this could allow caviar of any species to be grown on a commercial scale much quicker.Biosynth machinery can also create batches of caviar of any species of fish and shellfish.Caviar will come from having all fish and shellfish have the same DNA from Acipenseridae to lay the same roe as it but also millions of eggs each year with microbes in them producing natural or synthetic hormones to initiate the creation and laying of eggs at any time with this also done to increase productivity in both fish and shellfish as well as caviar in home,fish and vertical farm systems.They may be able to lay their native roe in the same amount.The microbes through the switching on/off of genes and producing specific compounds could initiate on demand eggs that were sterile to be used as caviar or those for creating new fish with the ratio of males and females controlled and if possible them all females engineered into requiring no fertilisation from males to create the eggs both sterile and fertile with this applied to all species of fish and shellfish.Parthenogenesis can thus be added to these fish with the microbes actions via CRISPR and creation of hormones inducing the creation of sterile and fertile eggs.If need be the fish can be engineered to produced them without fertilisation but with different geneotypes via scratch DNA as a form of non asexual meoitic parthenogenesis using scratch DNA alongside that that exhibits parthenogensis.They will also be engineered to hatch earlier in as little as few hours using scratch DNA once exposed to ideal conditions.Thus microbes can turn/off sterility and fertility of fish via CRISPR and induce the laying of fertile eggs that are genetically distinct from each other to create more fish and also induce the creation of sterile eggs for caviar on demand at any times managed by Phanes and the farm AI.Dorylus and scratch DNA could also be added to increase egg production and make this done every few weeks rather than years.Caviar can be created in large batches via 3D DNA printers directly or if possible can be created as sterile egg via 3D DNA printers with in both cases the same texture and taste that can using bacteria,totipotent stem cell DNA undergo mitosis like bacteria and in vitro meat and thus grown in photobioreactors using sugars etc allowing the caviar of any species of fish and shellfish containing their DNA to be commercially grown if perfected to be the same taste and texture of any species and one would order it in batches of 5-500kg in methane plastic buckets.If perfected this could allow caviar of any species to be grown on a commercial scale much quicker.Biosynth machinery can also create batches of them.Recirculating aquaculture systems also using 3D DNA printers allow any species of fish and shellfish etc to be produced onsite on demand in systems at home or in vertical and fish farms in large batches with this including ornamental ones and even coral.This alongside invitro meat,algea and entomorphagy will replace Bovidae and conventional livestock as the major source of protein in humans diet with species of fish such as Salmonidae and Scombridae can also be engineered to produce the same meat as Bovidae,Suidae and even Phasianidae to allow them to be grown in home,vertical and fish farms increasing productivity since they use less resources like feed and land.Any type of fish especially Scombridae,Salmonidae can be engineered to produce the same meat as any breed of livestock including rare ones of Bovidae,Suidae any species of Reptilla,Aves,Insecta etc and any rare breeds of them to cut down on resources such as land and feed as they can be reared in recirculating aquaculture systems within home,community and vertical farms and allow steaks and cuts of meat with the same texture and taste as conventional livestock to be created with fewer resources such as animal feed and land with them producing no methane and increase productivity.It can also be used create meat of any species of mammals or Aves.This would be of note of countries like China,India,Africa and not just the developed world as the hybrid fish will be easily reared at home in gardens,roofs,spare rooms,kitchens,underground extensions inside recirculating aquaculture systems and in some case increase productivity with fewer resources in the case of Bovidae and Suidae etc meat and can allow restaurants,hospitals etc rear these more better for real fresh meat and create compact cutlets and steaks and also hamburgers with this also allowing home systems in private and communal homes rear large amounts of meat for human consumption without the need for rearing large mammals etc.These hybrids will be made to be separate species to prevent gene flow fears.Any fish and shellfish species could be engineered to produce the meat and caviar/roe of any other fish and shellfish species to allow Selachimorpha including their fins,Batoidea and Acipenseridae meat and caviar as detailed earlier on to be created on smaller fish like Scombridae,Salmonidae reared in small recirculating aquaculture systems.Small fish can be made bigger the same size as Salmonidae,Scombridae or larger fish made smaller the same size as Salmonidae,Scombridae or the meat of small fish can be engineered into Salmonidae,Scombridae and the meat of larger ones engineered into these two as well for an increase in productivity with them engineered to produce more meat and less meat.Studies will determine which is the best size for increasing productivity.Salmonidae and Scombridae may also be engineered to produce the same meat as Suidae and also Bovidae as well as all types of livestock to cut down on resources and increase productivity since they can be reared in recirculating aquaculture.Ornamental fish,bony fish and those that dont produce enough meat can have them engineered to produce more meat with foul tasting ones have the foul taste removed while In vitro meat will also play a role in mariculture allowing any species to be created quickly.Bony fish can be engineered to produce more meat by removing the fat insulin receptor gene and myostatin gene and also scratch DNA and those from large livestock with them also having oligotrophic and xerophile DNA with shellfish also engineered to not produce no shells to remove labour and increase biomass.They may also be made to synthesise essential amino acids and omega-3 fatty acids etc to reduce the amount to be feed.Since they dont have to fight of predators or hunt for food the fish and shellfish dont expend energy and thus grow faster alongside the regulation of environmental conditions.It will also allow for caviar of all types from all species of fish and shellfish including Acipenseridae to become more widely available to the general public.Fish can be engineered to create skeletons made of edible carbohydrate or protein organic scaffolding material made of protein or carbohydrate material that once cooked or exposed to enzymes ordered in is edible and wont choke a person unlike calcium based skeletons and can be eaten increasing edible biomass with shellfish have shells engineered out with this forcing the animal to produce more edible biomass instead of shells.Bacteria will be designed by Phanes that creates enzymes to break down the organic scaffolding and adds flavour with the skeletons also since composed of organic proteins and carbohydrate scaffolding can be made to break down when exposed to heat when boiled,baked,fried etc.The enzymes can be mixed in with homemade sauces or those ordered in from Deipneus factories.The same will apply with Brachurya with larger species engineered to produce the same meat as other smaller species.To deal with the issue of rearing large amounts of Brachyura in a system Macrocheira kaempferi due to the size of its legs and small body size can have other species of Brachyura produce its meat with for example its meat bred into Pseudocarcinus gigas the largest Brachyura that has a compact body with if possible M.kaempferi can have it engineered to have smaller legs than normal thus allowing larger numbers of them to be reared at once increasing productivity with all species of Brachyura engineered to be the same size as P.gigas with the same done for any other type of crustacean with the largest species have it DNA responsible for large growth engineered into other species.Otherwise smaller species of crustaceans and Brachyura can be engineered to produce the same meat as larger species of crustaceans or larger species of crustaceans can be engineered to be the same size of smaller species with this repeated with all species of shellfish and crustaceans with large species made as small as smaller smaller species or small species made as large larger species with if possible scratch DNA created by Phanes can make each individual species either much larger or smaller with studies done to show which is more manageable for each size of recirculating aquaculture systems and increases productivity per tank.Birgus latro,Gecarcoidea natalis,Johngarthia lagostoma and other land based crustaceans can have its meat engineered into other species of Brachyura that are hybrids separate from other species to be reared in recirculating aquaculture systems or they can be made only able to survive in water as separate sub species from the original one.All crustaceans,shellfish and Brachyura can have genes removed or added by Phanes that prevents them forming shells that saves on human labour in removing them by hand and thus save on waste and also force the animal to put more energy into biomass with this of note to those that have Nephropidae DNA that allows them to grow forever into gigantic sizes.Salmonidae and Scombidae can be engineered to produce the same flesh as an species of shellfish to increase productivity.This will make it easier to rear the meat of larger species in home and vertical farm recirculating aquaculture systems and also increase productivity of use in countries like China,India etc.Physis will locate the genotypes that express the different types of meat,blood and flavourings.With regards to fish and shellfish these could be engineered to reach sexual maturity much quicker in as little as a few months,weeks,days or hours especially Acipenseridae species.Sea based fish and shellfish will be engineered to be able to grow without salt in the systems to cut down on resources and thus need to add salt except those grown for conservation efforts which will be grown in systems with salt.Poisonous fish and shellfish will have the root cause of their poison removed ie via removing genes that express this,immunise them against poisonous bacteria etc determined by AI to make them edible with this also making them viable as pets.Those used for food or as pets will be faculatative halophiles that are able to grow with and without salt with those that have adapted to grow in the bottom of the sea engineered to be able to grow at lower pressures with those adapted to grow in different conditions ie in the dark etc also engineered to grow in these systems.All species of fish and shellfish will have oligotrophic and xerophile DNA added and remove their fat insulin
receptor and myostatin gene and undergo the same level of engineering to increase growth rates as well as reduce water and nutrient requirements as detailed later on as in crops and have them mature in as little as a few weeks or even days or hours with this including genes from E.Coli and C.perfringens,GM Salmonidae,growth promoter genes from fast growing animals,scratch DNA with them ordered in bulk since they will be kept for the entire year or few months with one choosing multiple species of fish and shellfish and home systems catering to ones needs in between large orders from here.The fast growing ability of Nothobranchius furzeri,Coryphaena hippurus and which grow in as little as 14 days or Tilapiini that mature in 240 days by finding and adding the genes responsible for this added to all shellfish and fish reared here with them also given more oxygen in the tanks created by photosynthetic bacteria that create feedstuff as well as aquaponically grown crops harvested and directed to the pools via pipes and the fish and shellfish also engineered to utilise this oxygen better to increase growth rates using recombinant or even scratch DNA.They could also have the ability to utilise carbon dioxide with them being faculatative anaerobes,anaerobes,obligate anaerobes,capnophiles and scratch DNA can be added to the shellfish and fish genome to naturally use both carbon dioxide and oxygen as energy acceptors alongside nitrate(NO3−),fumarate,sulphate(SO42−),or sulphur(S) thus using both better to increase growth rates.DNA from microbes can extract carbon from the air at much lower concentrations than 150-200ppm,scratch DNA and that from plants that carry out C3 photosynthesis can be added to the genome of all plants to improve efficiency.DNA from with DNA from chemosynthetic bacteria,N.Beggiatoa,C.necator can allow them to intake methane,hydrogen gas,ammonia,hydrogen sulfide,iron and other inorganic compounds can also allow them to grow in the dark cutting down on energy costs for lightening and use methane,hydrogen gas,ammonia,hydrogen sulfide,iron as fertiliser.E.Coli,C.perfringens DNA and scratch DNA will increase their miotic division of cells increasing growth rates allowing them to reach maturity exponentionally faster in as little as a few weeks or even days and Xerophile and oligotrophic DNA will reduce their water and nutrient requirements.This will combined with other engineering also used in crops to help them reach maturity within weeks of days.DNA from W.dermatitidis,C.sphaerospermum and C.neoformans can be added to these fish to enable them to radiosynthesis,that is,to use the pigment melanin to convert gamma radiation into chemical energy for growth.Tweaks can be made to do this with other types of radiation including UV radiation allowing fish to gain nutrition from the sun and that from artificial lights once made immune to radiation via DNA from T.gammatolerans.Tweaks can be made to do this with other types of radiation with scratch DNA used to make the DNA from the radiotrophic fungi to actively convert the radiation into energy in a way that the radiation is removed from the atmosphere.The DNA could stimulate cellular growth of tissues thus allowing fish and shellfish to grow without feed etc by having the radiation stimulate cellular growth and carry out the functions of all nutrients as part of feed.If possible tweaks could allow the DNA from these bacteria could allow it to not need water by utilising radiation to replicate the biological processes of water.If perfected fish and shellfish would not need either water or feed at all thus eliminating the need for water and feed in agriculture.Studies can be done as to what intensity of radiation between 5-30,000Gy that is in the survival range of T.gammatolerans can both sterilise the fish of pathogens and parasites and also provide maximum growth rates.Thus exposing the fish and shellfish to these levels constantly throughout its growing period will not only encourage growth of edible biomass but also sterilise the fish and shellfish of pathogenic bacteria,fungi and viruses constantly.Scratch DNA can be extrapolated by Phanes anc be added to fish and shellfish to make them reach maturity within a week or few days ready to be harvested.Rare mutations that result in large oversized fish and shellfish can be added to both shellfish and fish will be added once stored in Physis.Genes from larger species of fish can be added to smaller ones and produce less bones and create more meat.Psychrophile,mesophile,thermophile,anti-ageing,acellerated healing and telomere repair DNA can allow them to grow in all temperature ranges reducing energy costs and prevent freezer burn.These rare mutations from any species of fish and shellfish can be added to the genome of any other species of fish and shellfish with the genes from oversized crops added to fish and vice versa and they may even be added to livestock of other types.Scratch DNA extrapolated by Phanes for each species of fish and shellfish can accentuate oversized biomass and create extra excessive biomass where no existing mutations exist.Their version of the fat insulin receptor and myostatin gene can be removed and them made to synthesis essential amino acids and fatty acids.Genes from the Belgian Blue breed of Bovidea can be added to any species of fish and shellfish.Nephropidae that normally can live forever but die due to having to remove larger shells or pathogens(killed off by immunising strains of microbes and radiation once made immune to radiation) can be engineered to produce no shells and thus grow to incredibly large sizes with engineering increasing their growth rates with the same applied to other crustaceans and shellfish with this negating the need for them to have shells removed with them also engineered to have no nerves to detect hot and cold especially when cooked to remove issues of pain caused by cooking them alive.The ability of Nephropidae to continually live forever and grow larger indefinitely can be applied to other species of crustaceans and shellfish namely Brachurya and Mollusca with them also have their shells engineered out and also have them have the same immortality genes and ability to continue to grow indefinitely to increase yields especially if they also have their shells removed via engineering.Having their ability to create shells removed from them will be done to allow them to grow forever without dying from exhaustion and also negate human labour in removing shells and prodicing waste and also allow energy normally out into shells be put into biomass.This can be extended to all species of fish and shellfish with the same genes that cause Nephropidae to grow indefinitely added to them to increase yields by growing bigger.This DNA from Nephropidae that gives it the ability to grow forever can be added to species of fish as well.If this DNA is not able to produce this phenotypes then scratch DNA or other DNA for each species of shellfish and fish can be extrapolated that cause them to not only grow forever but also grow exponentially faster to produce large monstrously sized shellfish and fish.Phanes can have genes extrapolated to be added to this DNA to further increase their growth rates and grow forever to immensely larger sizes.Having the need for shells removed out of their genome will cut down on energy used in their creation that can be used for more biomass and reduce labour in removing them with if possible the meat of small species of fish bred into larger species and vice versa if need be.The microbes through the switching on/off of genes and producing specific compounds could initiate on demand eggs that were sterile to be used as caviar or those for creating new fish with the ratio of males and females controlled and if possible them all females engineered into requiring no fertilisation from males to create the eggs both sterile and fertile with this applied to all species of fish and shellfish.They will also be engineered to hatch earlier in as little as few hours using scratch DNA once exposed to ideal conditions.Fish and shellfish in recirculating aquaculture systems will also use DNA from GM Salmonidae to grow faster with them all engineered to be able to grow in fresh water to negate the need for having salt in recirculating aquaculture systems with them also engineered to be faculatative halophiles being able to grow with or without salt.Combining these together will increase growth rates theoretically allowing most species to reach maturity in as little as seven or less days expediting orders.This can also be done by the animal having its version of the fat insulin receptor and myostatin gene removed and them synthesising essential amino acids and even omega-3 fatty acids as well as causing muscles to be destroyed by undergoing apoptosis and be regrown using up fat stores with xerophile and oligotrophic DNA added to reduce water and nutrient requirements by as much as 99%.All fish and shellfish can be made immune to radiation from T.gammatolerans and be exposed to large doses of radiation to kill off pathogens in the pools and also in pathogens and zoonoses in the fish and shellfish preventing food poisoning.They can also be innoculated with their own species specific microbes that immunise them against pathogens and zoonoses that will also fight them off and these once harvested either flushed out of the system to be collected for electronics,be made unable to survive the acids of the human stomach,heat of cooking,unable to interact with human microbes,flushed out of consumers body for use in electronics or them engineered to form layers of extra flesh in the animals with the same done for those in crops and livestock at home.They can also have the same engineering from C.clavipes,R.sylvatica,Tardigrade,Bacillus F,P.putida GR12-2 due to its antifreeze proteins and possibly Bacillus F,H.glaciei,C.greenlandensis,C. pleistocenium,polikotherms to be resistant to the cold especially the winters and survive in areas in both poles and lower temperatures in recirculating aquaculture systems with them having all the same engineering as plants with recombinant DNA from Planarians,A.mexicanum,Hydra,totipotent stem cells,T.gammatolerans,D.radiodurans,Bacillus F and C.elegans will repair damaged tissues and telomeres allowing them to be rethawed and refrozen over and over again.This will apply to both livestock and also fish,shellfish and even insects.This could also prevent frozen meat becoming damaged and exhibiting freezer burn alongside adding aerotolerant bacteria and xerophile DNA.Tissue samples etc can be extracted from all livestock to create in vitro meat thus allowing them to increase yields of meat while still alive.The same anti-ageing treatments in humans could keep fish and shellfish fresh exponentially longer for several months,years,decades and possibly even forever without psychrophile DNA preventing freezer burn and microbes in them protecting them from spoilage and pathogenic bacteria etc.AI and human researchers will carry out intensive research to extend the shelf life of harvested fish for long as theoretically possible and if possible forever.Recirculating aquaculture systems by 2029-2045 will replace traditional fish farming and even mariculture involving deep trawlers forever as any species of fish can be reared in them onsite of local home,community,vertical and fish farms in every town,village and city worldwide including landlocked ones combined with 3D DNA printers allowing dwindling fish stocks to recover with it meeting the needs of any sized population with as stated it used to return populations of endangered species of fish,shellfish and even those that are not eaten as food such as ornamental fish and even Chelonioidea,Hydrophiinae,Anura,Urodela,Gymnophiona since 3D DNA printers can create millions or billions of genetically distinct eggs that are reared to maturity in them and then released into the wild as adults into existing shoals etc around mating season.The same can be done with coral also known as Anthozoa that is created by micro-organisms that can be printed out into billions of stem cells cultured and induced into forming coral that can then be deposited onto the ocean floor as part of existing and new reefs using artificial organic biodegradable beddings and netting for them to anchor to alongside dumping all other sea fauna present when conditions in the ocean become favourable.The same can be done with phytoplankton and macro algae.They will allow for trawlers to be recycled with them playing a role in conservation by allowing large numbers of endangered species if fish and shellfish to be created via 3D DNA printers and then reserves to maturity in them and then dumped into their native oceans,lakes and rivers in large numbers.The use of aquaponics will allow for a third crop alongside caviar of any species of fish to be produced in the same plot of farms with this replacing traditional mariculture and aquaponics being the predominant form of agriculture as it increase yields for most crops outside of genetic engineering by as much as 6-10 times and can allow any species of crops to be grown locally with ideally these being hybrid crops that allow larger exotic crops to be grown on more manageable plants and house as much as six or more crops on the one plant.This would allow any exotic crop to be grown in home,community and vertical farms around the world in every town and city thus cutting down energy costs in planting,harvesting and transportation to nearly zero and allow one access to any crop and fish and shellfish from around the world.It will be combined with aquaponics to rear hybrid crops as it allows the feces and urine from fish to be turned into fertiliser which cuts down energy operations for running them by eliminating the need for filtering out feces.Them being powered by renewables in the form of thermo-piezoelectric material covered geothermal pipes,solar panels,micro-gas turbines and also geothermal etc from the grid will cut down on carbon dioxide emissions to zero with since locally produced in fish,home,community and vertical farms in all towns and cities worldwide cuts down energy costs in transportation such as having to fuel trawlers themselves and also transporting them to supermarkets across a country and the world with all parts of them composed of biosynth plastics,biosynth technology and nanomaterials as well as other technologies that improve energy efficiency and even genetically engineering the fish and shellfish to use both carbon dioxide and as well as oxygen as energy acceptor and other augmentations will substantially reduce energy costs in the form of maintenance and running them.Even though it uses more energy as non recirculating aquaculture,traditional trawling etc intensive research to improve energy efficiency such as using nanomaterials such as graphene,other atom thick allotropes and those from all other 94 other elements,them combined with biosynth technology to replace filters and other systems as part of them,better designs alongside utilising aquaponics and having fish and crops genetically engineered to be more resource efficient,grow faster and larger etc and other means will be done by humans and AI to reduce energy costs to be in operating them,maintenance and transportation by as much as 50-95% to reduce energy costs on par with or better than traditional fishing,aquaculture or even crop agriculture.To cut down on manufacturing costs they can be composed entirely of biosynth technology,atom thick nanomaterials of all 94 elements and biosynth or normal plastics created by oil gained from bacteria eliminating costs associated with starting them up.Having them composed of strong biosynth plastics intermixed with graphene will makr them stronger and lighter for home,community and vertical farm systems.Resesch will be done into making them more energy and water efficient.All work in their operation,maintanence,harvesting and transportation should be fully automated by 2029-2045.Ideally aquaponics should be utilised for all systems in home,vertical and community farms as it cuts down on energy costs for filters, and also grows crops at the same time using the faeces and urine of fish and shellfish grown as nutrients for plants.It is also because it creates both a vegetable and fruit crop and also reared fish and shellfish.There can be small versions at home farms in greenhouses and in basements or large ones in vertical,community and other farms in the local with them onsite of all of these and also their being multistorey indoor fish farms managed by Pontus that grow large amounts with as detalied later on one not only able to grow them at home but also order in desired species in batches from fish farms and vertical and other farms.Recorculating aquaculture systems will render traditional mariculture obsolete forever since they will be onsite of all home,community,vertical and fish farms worldwide allowing for any species of shellfish and fish to be reared locally thus cutting down on energy costs and allowing wild stocks of fish to recover combined with conservation efforts.It will allow genetically engineered fish and shellfish to be reared in a safe contained area preventing them escaping and contaminating wild shoals and ecosystems.Traditional fish farms will rear native fish that don’t have genetic engineering.Aquaponics that rear both crops and any species of shellfish and fish will render traditional mariculture obsolete as it will allow all species of fish shellfish to be reared in home,community and vertical farms in all towns,cities and villages worldwide allowing trawlers to be recycled.This wil be done via recirculating aquaculture systems onsite of home,community and vertical farms and even fish farms.Ornamental fish will be grown in these eliminating the trade of ornamental species species especially endangered ones.It will be used for conservation efforts of endangered species of fish that have stocks depleted by having large amounts of fish created and reared to maturity and then dumped into their native oceans,lakes and rivers.This will cater to the consumption of fish and shellfish forever rendering traditional mariculture obsolete with it also allowing for caviar to become cheaper with genetic engineering allowing smaller fish to create in large batches the same for caviar of Acinesperidae alongside produce that and their caviar in larger amounts thus allowing caviar of any species to be produced in large amounts that can be ordered in buckets of 5-10 kilogram.Fish and shellfish will be fed in vitro meat and insects in the case of carnivorous species with them and other ones also fed algae derived from feces of them that will be reused in a looped cycle and fed as a liquid or TVP.