An Analysis of Conservatism

Hebephelia & Ephebopheilia:
The procession of each aeon and the precedence of linear cosmology in Osirian religions namely Islam,Judaism and Christianity that wiped out and suppressed the correct non linear times of more so called primitive societies such as the Aztec,Mayans,Native Americans,Aboriginal,Indian/Vedic,Greek,Roman,Egyptian and other Isis-Osirian cultures wiped out or suppressed during the colonial periods by western Osirian societies.The Isis-Osirian cultures deities and spirits personified as animals and not simply a patriarchal male figure denotes their natural state of the natural world that arose from formless nothingness,more simpler organisms or primordial deities that were formless abstractions ie Anu,Chaos with them as part of the natural order of things alongside humans as denoted by them taking on both animal or human form and also associated with animals and plants and the planets of the solar system as well as them able to magically take on these forms with the common stories associated with them being morality tales of humans being lovers,consorts and friends to the deities while still them having superiority over mankind or at time protecting mankind with their tales involving mortals befalling terrible fates over hubris when they challenge the natural order of things unlike the Osirian deities who place humans as separate from nature and thus superior leading to antropocentric values to it while still having humans subservient to the Osirian deities.This difference between the matriarchial as well as balanced male and female in the Isis-Osirian religions while still male dominated pantheons of Ancient Greece,Egypt,Norse,Slavic,Asian and Celtic mythology shows that in Isisan religions and to an extent those of mixed pantheons humanity although subject to the whims and reverence of the gods was at least somewhat respected as seen in them granting favours,gifts and them teaching them architecture and agriculture and other arts and crafts despite still being reminded of their limits through morality tales such as the rape of Inanna by Shukaletuda as well as Arachne and Athena with the main theme being mess with the gods and thus the natural order of things and suffer the consequences showing that these religions were primarily denoting that the Gods were at least somewhat benevolent to mankind despite reminding them to remain in their natural place in the world and not to oversteep their limits that were placed by the gods.The relationship to this between both humankind and the gods was seen in the prevalence of the architecture as seen in pyramids in ancient Egypt and the Aztec and Mayan world as this represented the hierarchical societies with the gods at the top and the mortals at the bottom as seen with the pyramids in Giza representing the alignment of the sun with only Pharohs considered to be elected by divine law were buried here while in Aztec etc cultures the pyramids had sacrifices to the gods at the top and burial chambers to mainly royalty in the lower floors while the prevalence of the djed pillar in ancient Greece,Rome and similar cultures including Celtic and pagan mythological sites such as Stonehenge and again in Renaissance Europe when ancient Greek and other Isis-Osirian practices become mainstreamed.The matriarchal Isis Aeon showed that humankind was indeed loved and nurtured by the gods with females having the highest status in society,with the mixed pantheons headed by male figures that were the resulting progeny as stated of female primordial deities less venerated that their male counterparts showed that humans were still nurtured and cared for but whose place in cosmology was kept in place with the motifs of reincarnation and also varying afterlives for each class based on virtue.In these religions sexuality was fluid as seen in the acceptance of bisexuality amongst both males and females despite the relation of females to secondary citizen statues in some but not all societies as the level of their rights and value to society varied from society to society.Women in these societies were represented in female deities that take roles in one or multiple fields such as fertility godesses such as Ala/Adenka/Bastet/Isis/Coatlicue/Xochiquetzal/Kichijōten/Parvati/Brigid/Freyja/Dodola,association with sexualuty,associateion with rivers and lakes etc with some even being the personification of entire specific lakes and rivers such as Chalchiuhtlicue/Astghik/Belisama/Sinann/Boann/Ehuang and Nuying/Anuket/Anubis/Ganga/Tapti/Yami/Sezibwa,association with wealth ie Lakshmi/,representations of the Earth and creation and also planets such as Venus and the moon itself ie Mahina/Coyolxauhqui /Gaia/Pachamama/Mokosh/Sowathara/Prithvi/Nantosuelta/Nerthus/Zeme/Artemis/Kuu/Aphrodite/Inanna/Ishtar/Astarte/Oshun/Shukra,representations of agriculture and thus the foundation of civilisation with common animals associated with them livestock mainly cows/cattle/hippopotamus to represent strength and fertility and a spillover of the Isis Aeon as seen in y/Inari Ōkami,experts in the crafts such as weaving and pottery that required great skill ie Athena/Neith/Xochiquetzal,wisdom and cunning as well as forethought especially with regards to war such as Jiutian Xuannü/Andarta/Athena/Andraste/Anann/Badb/Macha/Baduhenna/Sekhmet/Chamunda/Qamaits,protectorate of homes and children rather than just those who attended to them as well as livestock as seen in Hestia/Tawaret/Pukkeenegak/Chantico/Hutellurra,Irsirra,and Tawara, and thus highly venerated in the same vein of Isisian godesses as a result of the spillover and bridging of the Isis and Osiris Aeon thus making these religions Isis-Osirian religions.Women were seen as fertility deities,bringers of monetary wealth and riches,protectors of children,protector and provider of livestock and bountiful harvests thus being revered as the functioning pillars of society rather than being subordinate homemaker etc.They were associated with agriculture particularly livestock especially cattle and baskets of crops as their wombs were seen as the bearer of fertility and life,they were associated with rivers and lakes because rivers were the bringers of life through providing it through itself directly and also it providing life to agriculture through seasonal floods that nourished the land with water and alluvial as seen with for example the flooding of the Nile river that brought nourishment to farmers with them associated monetary wealth through their association with agriculture as cows were the sign of wealth as they were traded through barter and for money as farmers were considered the foundation of society and were in most cultures the most wealthy individuals.In short women although not always but sometimes on the same level socially on par with men were still venerated in the pantheons as they were seen as an important pillar of how society functioned as they were always paired with men showing that women were just important to men in the functioning of society.In some cases by themselves in the case of virginal goddesses who preserved this out of choice and not duty to society or by a father protecting it and when this virginity was threatened or this taken away by force by either male mortals or other male deities they fought back in revenge by themselves without the need for consulting other male deities as a moral tale that “no means no” making them able to fend off by themselves rather than be dependant on other male deities including their fathers or the head of the pantheon in the vast majority of these myths with a few exceptions thus empowering them as strong willed and capable of fending for themselves.Thus rather than having their fathers protect their virginity or avenge defouling of their daughters or even wives virginity or consent the female deities themselves protected it themselves and instead of reffering to their father to avenge it or attempts at de fouling them the female deities themselves were able to avenge themselves and did so with a vengeance with males who carried out the act punished severely at their hands.These like rape of Inanna by Shukaletuda and the attempted rape of Athena by Hephaestus and indeed any tale of rape from these Isis-Osiris cultures usually ended with the rapists killed or greatly punished in some form or another by either the gods or other mortals with even Zeus meeting punishment in one way or another from Hera were moral tales that acted as warnings against would be rapists of females who were both virgins,married women etc by their husbands or even anyone would suffer great consequences both in terms of the law and also from the gods.Rape was considered a federal crime punishable by execution in Ancient Sparta.Even though women were by contrast to other cultures and even to modern standards considered the property of their husbands,slaves either male or female could be raped without consequence but to deny and remove a fully mature woman especially ones own wife or daughter or even ones another mans wife and daughter the right to consent to sexual intercourse was considered one of the most heinous of acts punishable by death even though they were allowed to engage in sexual acts with their own consent(including that of the woman,husband/father) thus showing that even they considered women to be of high regard to the function and well being of society despite them relegated to some extent to second class citizenry and being denied some rights.Females in terms of taken seriously with regards to rape were considered crimes of high regard and taken seriously and able to defend herself in court and be taken seriously if raped.To defoul a woman and assault her sexually against her will was an affront to the both the female gods that held society and their male counterparts together and the female Gods of the Isisian Aeon from which all life sprang.This is unlike modern Osirian societies the woman or underage female are considered inferior who were either asking for it,hypocrites or simply off limits due to being weak as in the phrase “If you ever touch my daughter” or “What if it was your daughter” which is sexist due to the fact that male statutory rape victims are seen as getting lucky especially with an older female and due to testosterone peak able to consent even if it was statutory rape or normal rape.Put simply it was not considered taboo or rape and the female was not belittled if the daughter and wife was of post pubescent age and gave consent.Furthermore it belittles women as simply being weaker and unable to consent no matter what the situation.Thus in all cases rapists were severely punished with mortals killed by the raped frmale herself or her consort and father with in the case of deities that raped they were punished by other gods by being turned into animals,handicapped,demoted to Demi-gods,banished to Earth or the underworld or denied sexual intercourse.Other myths including such as those about Tartarus,Elysium,Hades etc were done to instill morals about murder and other crimes related to pride etc.This is in stark contrast to the Osirian Islam,Christianity and Judaism religions wherein in women are seen solely as second class citizens were punished with death if found guilty of adultery while a husband would be given lighter punishment,rape of a woman and statutory rape was considered acceptable and was not as harshly punished as in ancient Isis-Osirian societies and even encouraged by the Bible,Torah,Quaran with predominantly Islamic countries still relegating women to second class citizenry forced to cover their entire body and Christian and Judaism households traditional families seeing females as homemaker and males as sole breadwinner.It is notable that Isis-Osirian modern countries have more progressive values towards women with regards to them having more female politicians and also those in more powerful positions in corporations.These virgin godesses themselves were by their very nature strong willed and represented the epitome of female empowerment and not just purity with examples including Hestia,Athena,Artemis,Medeina,Gefjon,Tuonater,Etugen Eke,Anat,Bahuchara Mata,Bon Dea,Devanna,Tamar.In otherwords women as depicted in mythology in these Isis-Osirian societies were considered still relevant pillars and their consent and control over the issue of intercourse was so venerated and respected due to the fact that the rape of a woman was punished so severly much more so than a male slave.The fact that most if not all partriach led pantheons were born of female chtonic and celestial creation deities and primordial entities such as Nut,Gaia,Neith,Coatlicue,Auðumbla etc still showed that women were still considered the birth of and foundation of all creation and civilisation with even the presence of female based fate deities such as the Moirai,Parcea,Norns,Laima,Mórrígan,Greae,Sudice,Ananke etc that had control of the fates of both mortals and gods showed at least that in the background even male patriarchs pantheons and thus society itself was dependant on the whims of women.These male led pantheons that bridge the gap between both Isis and Osiris were Isis-Osirian religions due to the presence of the djed pillar and indeed the pillar in all architecture of ancient Greece,Rome,Egypt,pagan architecture of Celtic regions including Stonehenge etc and the reverence of female deities associated with cows and similar livestock and mammals shows the convergence of the Aeon of Isis and Osiris and thus the formation of these religions as liberal progressive Isis-Osirian.These male led pantheons unlike the Osirian religions had all males have a female counterpart with the male led deity being the offspring of a female creation deity.In essence Isis-Osirian cultures recognised that society couldnt function without women at all as they provided a consort to male deities,a counterbalance to the males role in the pantheon,provided valuable roles and aspects of society as seen with their associations to agriculture and motherhood and in religious functions but in more venerated forms than that of Osirian religions.Each male deity had a female counterpart and at most times consort who was usually the exact opposite in what they personified with sometimes two deities that were male and female were not just consorts but rather siblings and even twins yet still represented opposites of their personifications.An example was in Egyptian mythology Tefnut who represented moisture,dew and rain while her consort Shu who represented dry air,Odin who represented wisdom/healing/death/knowledge/war/victory/sorcery was the consort of Frigg who represented foresight as well as motherhood.The Trimurti and Tridevi in Hinduism balanced each other out with in Greek Mythology Artemis who represented the Moon and also the hunt was paired with her twin brother Apollo who represented the Sun and also music,intelligence etc with Athena represented the disciplined,strategic side of war,in contrast to her brother Ares – the patron of violence,bloodlust,and slaughter or “the raw force of war”.The fact all gods in these pantheons including female deities had cults led and worshipped by both genders showed that females were still venerated as much as women with it also highlighting the facts that these religions were not open to corruption that arises from hiearchies and organised religions to the same degree even though priests and priestess did exist that was the level of where the hierarchies ended with their being no popes and bishops,Imam,Chief Rabbi with the fact that women could also become priestess highlighted the fact that women could become part of the teachers and mentors in cults unlike Osirian women where only men could become rabbis,bishops,priests and pope.The role of and powers and rights of women in each Isis-Osirian cultures varied from culture to culture from those where they were on par or even treated better than males in all aspects of societies with some having limited rights that were at least better than Osirian societies wherein they had none whatsoever.Even the societies wherein women had little no rights or limited rights were way much better than conservative societies that were under the theocratic control of Judaism,Islam and Christianity etc.Thus even though some societies still treated women as second class citizens the level of freedom they had was better than both ancient and modern conservative societies under the influence of Judaism,Christianity and Islam.For example the Mayans and Aztecs allowed women to be doctors,priestess and practitioners of sorcery normally relegated to males in other cultures with them pivotal for the function of homes.This denotes them as Isis-Osirian societies as both males and females had to varying degrees of equal rights which was inevitably undone by the arrival of the Osirian Aeon and religions.In ancient Greece women had most of the same rights as men with some notable restrictions with those of ancient Sparta reared specifically to produce strong males through intensive gymnastics and sports taught to them and also fed quite well as well as taught reading,writing and also music etc in comparison to males that were starved and forced into stealing and other gruelling aspects of the Agoge.Grace and femininity in females as seen and expected in the rest of the ancient world of Western Europe were frowned upon with females in comparison to those in the rest of Greece given an almost pampered lifestyle to both their male counterparts in Sparta and their female counterparts in the rest of the ancient world due to being fed well and educated in reading,writing,music and poetry alongside war education but were still made to be athletic and just as strong willed as males with grace and culture in females were frowned upon in favour of high physical fitness and moral integrity as denoted by the phrase “only Spartan women could give birth to Sparten men” with mothers who died in childbirth honoured with gravestones in special cemeteries alongside brave soldiers who died in battle as all other citizens outside women who died in childbirth and soldiers were exempt from this honour – in ancient Sparta both women who died in childbirth and certain soldiers were the only people who were honoured with memorial gravestones in specialised.Unlike males who were kept constantly under the influence of hunger to encourage stealing etc Spartan women and infact adolescent and pre adolescent girls were very well fed and given hearty meals rich in protein and carbohydrates dense vegetables with this and athletics done to encourage their ability to produce strong healthy males.The education was just as rigorous as males as they were reared solely for rearing strong male children and this was female reverence rather than Osirian values where they were relegated as homemakers used for making babies and rearing them as second class citizenry that we’re unable to pursue anything more.This is visible through much of Celtic and Egyptian societies where in the case of Celts women played a role in agriculture and religious duties.In ancient Egyptian societies alongside most African societies at the time were the most equal in terms of men as women could own property and were legally equal to men at court,could initiate divorce and run businesses and in cases through nepotism or birth could become members of the Royal Court and become Pharaoh as seen with Cleopatra VII Philopator,Hatshepsut and Neferneferuaten Nefertiti something unheard of in Osirian and even other Isis-Osirian cultures of the time.The fact they were considered Pharaohs in the same title of their male counterparts instead of queen as used by Osirian cultures that had monarchs namely the British Empire means a female Pharaoh was by default of the title considered on par with her male counterparts and were not required to have male counterparts with then when queens to male Pharaohs were considered essential to his ruler ship and was given equal respect and role in ruling Egypt whereas Osirian queens were required to have kings and male consorts.In virtually all aspects of society Egyptian women were on par with their male counterparts.Such equality of the genders both in mythology and in society that was unheard of in other Isis-Osirian cultures of the time no doubt explains why the Greek historian Herodotus was forced to conclude that the Egyptians “have reversed the ordinary practices of mankind” when visiting Egypt around 450 BC.Feminist literature has shown that gender stereotyping existed not only in ancient Greco-Roman societies but also in mainstream literature on those societies.In Africa,it was merely the literature that cast women in stereotypical roles,which were foreign to their ancient tradition.Accordingly in Africa,women in power did not cause the tension that the women in such positions caused in Grecco-Roman society.The different perceptions of women and their role in a patriarchal society seemed to lie in the world views of these different cultures.They were also legally allowed to resolve legal settlements and could conclude any kind of legal settlement,could appear as a contracting partner in a marriage contract or a divorce contract;they could execute testaments;could make adoptions.This amount of freedom was at variance from other women in much of the world, according to a Cornell University research.African women warriors were plentiful and legendary,including the Dahomey Amazons or Mino,an all-female military regiment of the Fon people of the Kingdom of Dahomey in the present-day Republic of Benin,and Queen Mother Yaa Asantewaa of the Edweso tribe of the Asante (Ashanti) in what is modern Ghana,among others.The traditional standing of African women was economically and ideologically derived from the importance of motherhood.It served as power.However,that position disintegrated through imposed colonial legislation and a system of Western values particularly Osirian.In Africa, culture patriarchy did not necessarily equate to inferiority for women.The kin on the mother’s side played a most important role in the lives of their descendants.The father’s sister,on the other hand,was called “female father” and was accorded extreme respect.She was the most revered member of the family council as well as the family priest who formed the link with the ancestors.Also in the house of the ruler,the chief’s sister had an important role in government.The Venda chief was not an absolute monarch and was expected to follow his sister’s judgement.All important matters of state had to be referred to her.African women were honoured and had an important role to play in societal structures.However it was the imposition of Western patriarchal Osirian colonial systems in Africa that undermined the traditional socio-cultural structures that empowered women in traditional African societies.Women in Native American and Inuit cultures like their African counterparts had the most freedoms as they were allowed to do the same jobs as men with although there was a distinction of work traditionally done by males and females this did not mean that either gender could be restricted from doing the same work as the other as it was often required for this distinction to be blurred.Those in ancient China and Japan alternated with each successive dynasty from being on par or even more better treated than men and even elevated to cultural and mythological heroes a feat rarely seen in ancient cultures to around the arrival of Osirian cultures or changes in mythologies and dynasties forced into second class citizenry forced into degrading practises like foot binding,widow chastity and suicide with ironically the most oppressive totalitarian regimes of Socialist Chairmen Mao having women given the same right to work in factories,learn to read and write and the outlawing of foot binding and other attempts to give women the same rights of men such as economic assistance for childbbearing women even if these were heldback but were considered better than the previous governments due to the constraints of the other socialist policies in the country and also to a certain degree better than the treatment of women in the West as unlike their western counterparts women were encouraged to dream big and have high expectations in professions with them allowed to have the ability to enter positions in medicine,law,military and politics with the same seen in Stalinist Russia with both cultures encouraging female participation in the sciences and even military.Furthermore barbaric practices like foot binding,widow chastity,female circumsicion were outlawed until they were eventually overthrown by right wing Osirian governments that re-instated these barbaric practices.Lenin himself is known to have said – “There can be no real mass movement without women” while far-right Osirian ideologies such as Naizism had the exact opposite view of women who were forced into celibacy until their mid twenties and only to their husbands and expected to play the role of homemaker following traditional Judeo-Christian values.Despite the high death toll of both Maos.Cubas and Lenins dictactorship that were merely primitive attempts at implementing the failed socialist/communist utopia they did advance womens rights from the dark ages precedences that set forward progressive movements that were later adopted across the region and world much in the same way that Nazi Germany progressed society in terms of animal conservation,the Autobahn,welfare programmes,anti tobacco programmes.This is likely due to both exhibiting Isis-Osirian cultures in their respective countries both China and Russia despite the totalitarian nature of their ideologies.The accomplishments of extreme right and left wing dictators should not be disregarded just as much as the accomplishments of modern day Osirian tyrannical dictatorships your already living in.With regard to homosexuality the acceptability of it alternated with each dynasty in China with it becoming illegal during the early part of the 20th century through the westernisation of the country even though the Qing dynasty had made efforts to outlaw it with them homosexuality being persecuted during the Mao era until being legalised in 1997.The same could be said of Japan with the role of females changing back and forth during different periods of history.The extent to which women could participate in Japanese society has varied over time and social classes.In the 8th century,Japan had women emperors,and in the 12th century during the Heian period, women in Japan could inherit property in their own names and manage it by themselves:”Women could own property,be educated,and were allowed,if discrete (sic), to take lovers.”However decline in their role in society began to start in the Edo period and continued into the Meiji period.By the 20th century especially during the early 1940s after the Second World War this was being reversed with women in Japan guaranteed equal pay for equal work and were encouraged into the workforce that was contrasted to the expected role of women in the West that still held traditional family roles until the late sixties and seventies.Up to this point like Chinese women could work the same jobs as men but had limits ie once they became married or pregnant this was given up with this primarily a reaction the Second World War though this improved later and their were significant advances in womens rights up until then at the end of the Edo period.In Japan homosexuality was legal throughout most of the countries history with it only briefly criminalised during the Meiji period.The same could be seen in Hinduism and the Vedic scriptures with women treated in religion as the supreme goddess consorts to all deities including Brahma,Vishnu and Shiva and contrasted with the tradition of arranged marriages and gender roles of women in India alternating through the ages with them at first having equal rights with men in their ability to hold the same careers both in that of ordinary citizens but also of queens being considered on par in rulership with males by themselves alongside ruling alongside both as head of state and also as wife to the king.Furthermore polyandry was considered as normal as polygamy.This would later change upon the conquering of India during the Medieval era by the Osirian Islamic and then British Catholic empire wherein womens rights deteriorated until the modern age with them still able to hold certain positions of power and careers they were overall considered second class citizens as per Sharia law and Catholic customs.Homosexuality followed the same pattern with it acceptable in ancient times and then once the country was under the control of Osirian Islamic religions became illegal with it becoming decriminalised until around 2018.Female military figures in both the historical records and in mythology women were seen as heroes in all Isis-Osirian societies with chastity seen more as a virtue to them rather than punishment or something that if broken and rid of would incur shunning from society and also damnation with female sexuality empowered both through chastity and the tolerance of prostitution which were was far from being clandestine as cities did not condemn brothels,but rather only instituted regulations on them with the job of prostitutes considered sacred in ancient Egypt with adultery considered minor offences with this seen throughout all Isis-Osirian cultures.This is converse to the Osirian cultures which considered adultery and homosexual blasphemous,worthy of shunning etc and in the Middle East punishable by if possible death by stoning with the same made with regards to prostitution while it considered largely illegal in North America and other predominantly Osirian cultures while it remaining legal in most of Europe where Isis-Osirian cultures flourished.The presence of hermaphrodite deities in these Isis-Osirian cultures also highlighted a tolerance or promotion of homosexual pairings again with differences in each culture.In ancient Greece and Rome pederasty that is the sexual relationships between an older male and younger male usually a student with the older male usually being in the penetrative top position as the sociall normative form of homosexuality with slaves and younger males being in the bottom receptive position.Homosexuality or at least bisexuality was also encouraged in ancient Greek societies military and those in Japan and Asia to promote brotherhood with military personnel even those who would be normally masculine arch types etc with a wife and kids were especially encouraged to be sleeping in the same bed as other men and engage in homosexual acts such as mutual oral sex,anal sex and mutual masturbation or even forming long term sexual relationships as denoted with Achilles and Patroclus,Priscus and Veras,Alexander the Great and Hephaestion with most revered male military and monster slewing heroes in both real life and mythology that were considered by their standards the epitome of masculinity and machismo even by today’s conservative societal standards had openly homosexual if not at least bisexual tendencies and sexual relationships with other men with all royalty,politicians,military personnel and indeed most male full citizens required by cultural norms to have at least one male lover usually a younger adolescent male aged 14-17 even if married to a woman with children with this male concubinage seen right throughout the ancient world from Greece,Rome,Japan,China and even Americas.The height of masculinity in Ancient Greece etc was a athletic,muscular male without a lisp or camp demenour with homosexual or bisexual tendencies who engaged in sexual acts such as mutual kissing,masturbation,oral sex and anal sex with another man.In fact the camp effeminate homosexual is a recent caricature and stereotype dating back only a century to the early 1900s.In some cultures the younger male was chosen from the populace by their wives and was done at their behest due to social norms.Citizens that were allowed slaves especially male slaves were allowed socially to perform anal sex on them but only if they were in the top position.In Rome by contrast those in the military were encouraged while in service to be chaste while in service until they were allowed marriage and concubinage.In Mediterranean city states of the old world (ca. 40 B.C. to 400 A.D.),the norms by which a person carried out their private and public life were social and behavioral,rather than psychological or spiritual.Standards of human behavior were based on fulfillment of social expectations;for example,being a good citizen and bringing honor to one’s family.It was considered one’s duty to carry on the family line by marrying and raising children,regardless of sexual orientation.For Roman citizens,marriage was a duty and was not meant for the purpose of fulfilling erotic needs.Therefore,it was considered normal for a male to look for sexual fulfillment outside marriage via both other males and females,though females did not have such liberty.Presumably,the main Greco-Roman moral view on human sexuality was that sexuality was good,as long as it did not interfere with a person’s obligations to the state or family or involve the abuse of free pre pubescent children or married women or infringe on consent as raping a women was considered a heinous.Other views stated that sexuality was dangerous and should be limited.People that held such beliefs would usually commit themselves to celibacy or limit their sexual activities either to marriage,or strictly for the purpose of procreation.Such views,though,did not preclude homosexual acts;they simply aimed to reduce promiscuous heterosexual activity.Sexual orientation in Roman society was neither a questioned nor a judged matter.How a person expressed their sexuality was based and limited to class,age,and marital status rather than gender.Although there were a few exceptions,the higher a person’s social status,the more limits a person would have.This included limitations on sexual acts and fewer sexual partners.For example,a high status male could penetrate another person,male or female by taking the top dominate position and their female partner or male cincubine taking the submissive role,without damage to his social status;but for him to be penetrated by any person could possibly result in a loss of status.On the other hand,a slave’s social status,or that of any other free male of a similar class status,would not be affected by any sexual act as long as the intercourse did not happen with another person the slave’s owner allowed him to,or as long as it did not happen with an adult male citizen.In Ancient Rome etc the older and higher ranking individual such as emperors,military personnel and free citizens were always expected and allowed to be in the dominant or top position where they penetrated their partners anally while the slave or younger individuals were is similar to the social rules in Ancient China.In ancient China homosexuality or bisexuality was not demonised but it was frowned upon outside of heterosexual marriages.A male of any social class could have sexual intercourse with other men provided they were carried out the family duty by being married to a woman and having children and passing on the family bloodline.Once a heir either a son or even daughter was created in order to carry on the family bloodline a man in Ancient China could once he was married and had children they could have as much sex with other men as much as he wanted – it was however considered on par with infidelity with other women and visiting brothels and drunken disorderly conduct with it more scandalous when carried out more by the royal upper classes than those of lower classes as one of the upper classes were supposed to be refined and thus with it not acceptable for same sex monogomous relationships to occur involving two men who were not married to another women and had children with one unable to have same sex relationships before they were married to a women and bore children.The practice was seen more as scandalous and indulging in a guilty pleasure rather than sinful that would lead to eternal damnation in hellfire or social banishement and exclusion but rather more something to gossip meaning it was tolerated but drew just as much public attention and condemnation as cheating on your wife with another women and getting drunk in public or getting caught in a brothel.It was more on par with Donald Trump having an affair with Stormy Daniels than anything else.It was considered scandalous and would tarnish your public image but was not morally repugnant or even illegal – in essence it was a case it’s okay you are gay and bisexual but still gonna produce a child right?The social rules of homosexuality,bisexuality,swinging  and in particular male cocubinage for married men and even married women varied from culture to culture across the Ancient Isis-Osiris world with it almost always involving minors aged 14-17 and not only those aged 18 or older.This was weeded out as more conservative religions mainly Christianity,Judaism and Islam began to encroach onto Asia,Europe and the Americas.In all progressive countries of the Ancient World whenever conservative religions such as Christianity,Islam etc were introduced genocide,homophobia etc ran rampant.Those who are married with a wife and kids have been having sex with other men since ancient times and continue to do so in modern times even within conservative circles in all countries and will continue to do so forever even if their wives are completely unaware of it.Ladies,trust me if your husband or boyfriend says he’s out hanging out with his male friends at the bar or watching the sports games etc with them on the weekend or going on a business trip for a few days or weeks etc there is a 70-90% chance he’s cheating on you not only with another woman but also another man in most cases another married man with wife and kids or even with a large group of other bisexual or gay men – at once – at the same time in the same building including his close friends.Women nowadays regardless of how macho their man is or how conservative and homophobic he seems should be more fearful of their husbands and boyfriends cheating on them with another man or or large groups of men at once including their close best friends then with another woman especially due to the more liberalising views with regards to homosexuals and bisexuals.When he says he going to the bar with the lads for a drink etc that’s not all their doing.If I were you I’d be looking not for lipstick on his clothing or women’s underwear but rather cologne and after shave or men’s underwear that isn’t his in your room or on his body.There is at least several thousand years of hard scientific data to support this theory.Although proto form of the traditional family did exist ie one man and woman and children males were allowed male concubines and adultery as well as “swinging” similar to modern day times practiced in parties was tolerated to varying degrees with some even having polygamy with both polygyny and polyandry encouraged in many societies such as Asia,Celtic Ireland,Greece,the Americas and Africa as well as India with only a few exceptions of ancient societies having traditional one man,one woman monogamous marriage such as in ancient Rome.This proliferation of homosexuality and bisexuality was also seen in most male deities having both female and male lovers such as Zeus,Apollo,Orpheus,Poseidon,Heracles,Dionysus and so on.More likely some of the most macho deities and heroes both mythological and real world that were considered the epitome of masculinity in ancient Isis-Osirian cultures around the world including Asia,Native Americans,Celts,Inuits,Vikings and also most definitely the Greeks and Romans were either homosexual or at least bisexual and also probably they were having sex with 14/15 year old male and female “minors” and more than likely they definitely had a noticeable lisp in their voice as well as effeminate demeanor and were revered by other purely heterosexual men who would be considered masculine by modern day Osirian homophobic conservative men – that includes you Crowder,Bolsanaro and Shapiro and most new wavers on YouTube and even Bible/Quaran thumping paleoconservatives.If you were living in ancient Greece,Rome etc you would be kneeling down and worshipping Maza or Greenwald at their feet and also doing something else while kneeling down if you catch my drift.Its possible that liberal themes in modern day movies like feminist strong willed female action heroes and gay male token characters etc that may echo of social justice warriors may be a return to the progressive past of Isis-Osirian heroes archtypes that were at the time ie female warriors,homosexual/bisexual heroes that were slayers of monsters and generals of armies with the conservative backlash that goes overboard with their criticisms may be conservative backlash of male patriarchy that seeks to reject cultural norms of the past in favour for more heteronormative norms ie machismo,overtly masculine and heterosexual male heroes and females that are merely damsels in distress similar to how the Osirian religions place women as second class citizens and men as the superheroes.Thus conservatism in their automatic social justice warrior and woke criticism of progressive movies that include feminist,pro-African themes etc as a means of repeating their cultural genocide of ancient Isis-Osirian mythology and cultures ie Africans,Aztecs,Mayans,Native Americans and all of European and going overboard with claims of micro-agression,token diversity and overt attempts to blame this on the left taking over world with “Cultural Marxism” since in reality the cultures of Ancient Isis-Osirian Greece,Rome,Africa,South America etc did have powerful strong female,gay,lesbian,asian and black heroes prior to being conquered and destroyed by Osirian cultures and didnt qualify as forced token diversity in those days and responses from the left of them being whitewashed or critics being homophobic,racist or sexist etc are likely a response in desecration of the myths archetypes actual representation subconsiously and real ones in the past rather than being political correctness or some variant of this with political correctness also a subconscious retaliation towards this desecration including that in ancient times.The tolerance of homosexuality and bisexuality in the Isis-Osirian world changed from time periods to another and the social rules varied from culture to culture but the general rule is thus men who were married with a wife and kids have always been and continue to to this day have sex with other men with it usually in most cultures becoming frowned upon and made illegal,punisheable by death upon the adoption of more conservative governments that coincided with the arrival of conservative Christian pilgrims across Europe,Asia etc who began to enforce strict conservative values into these more liberalised societies.Once conservative religions began to travel and spread to China,Greece,South and North America homosexuality etc was not only frowned upon by the locals but it was often met with mass executions.Put simply the modern accusations of homophobia,sexism etc is likely a defense mechanism against cultural genocide of ancient Isis-Osirian cultures in favour of the patriarchal monotheism that attempts to take cultural dominance as in ancient times in short a subconcious retribution against the culture genocide of the Aztecs,Mayans,Greeks and other ancient Isis-Osirian cultures.In short the re-emergence of feminism and black cultural power and homosexuals in more prominant roles as heroes,sidekicks as seen in Black Panther(2018),Ghostbusters(2016),Charlie’s Angels(2019),Buffy The Vampire Slayer,Watchmen,The Eternals as well as characters such as Batwoman,Iceman and Northstar that pervades modern pop culture and even the repealling of Dont Ask,Dont Tell and more prominant female military personnel in the real world ie Tulsi Gabbard is a return to the ancient myths of Isis-Osirian ancient Greece,Rome,Maya,Aztec etc that feature a plethora of gay,bisexual,lesbian,female and even black as well as even transgendered or at the very least intersexed heroes that slew demons,monsters and led armies that were later heternormalised in later Osirian cultures.The issues is how far these progressive stories and archetypes go into Osirian-lite SJW terriorty where white,heterosexual males are pushed aside for the over the top invincible god like asian/black/lesbian/homosexual hero with zero flaws and zero substance thus hurting the progressiveness when SJWs hijack these archtypes to push a political agenda and pandering to the god awfullness of political correctness as seen in Star Wars:The Last Jedi(2017),Ghostbusters(2016) and Charlies Angels(2019) usually only in times and in cultures where Osirian values predominate as rebellion with one could argue it being a case of poor writing that could easily destroy a movie featuring only straight,white males and no black,asian,gay,females with the same character traits.If Star Wars:The Last Jedi(2017),Ghostbusters(2016) and Charlies Angels(2019) had all lead characters genders reversed and the same scripts they would still be terrible movies – had the scripts been better their would have been no controversies or wokeness just as had original had genders of Luke,Han,Leia,C3PO,Chewbacca,the original Charlies Angels and ghostbusters etc reversed and the same scripts the movies would have still as good thus leaving the right nothing to complain about.This wokeness thing on movies etc by the right is just whining by middle aged man cry babies who have still have yet get an actual job in the real world.Its noticeable that the likes of Buffy the Vampire Slayer,Shaft,Super Metroid,Tomb Raider,Kill Bill Vol.1 and 2,Charlies Angels(2000) and those from the pre Trump and even pre Gamersgate era dont get any throwback as being forced diversity its more to do the rise of man children as part of the alt-right created in response to the “forced diversity” of the first democratically African-American president Barack Obama.Thats what the alt-right if not most conservatives are just middle age cry baby man children.The rise in SJW wokeness and feminism crescendo especially corporate driven ones seems to be a proportional response to the rise of the conservativism especially the rise of the facist alt-right in the form Trump since the SJW seems to have only arisen and taken hold in and around 2016 or even at least 2008 when conservatives inclhding Trump were up in arms and roaring like hell over the forced diversity of the first black president elected ones 2008.This is how conservatism fosters the development of the SJW in a vicious positive feedback loop.Some cultures even encouraged this and full blown homosexuality and male prostitution as a means of population control.Female homosexuality was present and accepted in all ancient cultures though most records focus primarily on male homosexuality.Ancient Egypt and most African tribes,Greece,Rome as well as Scandanavia tolerated homosexuality to certain degrees with a few differences in the acceptable roles of both partners in terms of society,sexual roles and also age differences.In these cultures the practice was not illegal but certain cases was considered sub masculine.Hindus and ancient Indian cultures tolerated homosexuality with only minor offences being punishments with the worst being censured by a prescription of a bath with one’s clothes on,and a penance of “eating the five products of the cow and keeping a one-night fast” – the penance being a replacement of the traditional concept of homosexual intercourse resulting in a loss of caste with this changing in 1861 roughly around the time that Osirian led British occupation of India took place roughly three years earlier.Sex with virgin women would incur a small fine while some homosexual acts would incur much harsher and severe punishments.Ancient China and Japan like most Isis-Osirian cultures mainly the Greeks had men of royalty,military figures etc and even average citizens had society required them to have male lovers and concubines especially early adolescent male lovers with again Bushido military practices encouraging homosexuality amongst all ranks especially with adolescents.The same went for Turkey,India and other parts of the Middle East during this periods.Thus homosexuality was not frowned upon especially in the case early adolescents where it was in fact encouraged and not just accepted with these societies also encouraging homosexuality and even at times female participation in the military.Like as with women Native American and Inuit tribes revered or considered homosexuals to be on par with other members of society giving the greatest equality with most Inuit and Native America Tribes encouraging adolescent male concubinage with them labelled two-spirited as in having both male and female spirits or aspects.Homosexual and gender-variant individuals were also common among other pre-conquest Isis-Osirian civilizations in Latin America,such as the Aztecs,Mayans,Quechuas,Moches,Zapotecs,and the Tupinambá of Brazil.In the ancient Assyrian society,if a man were to have sex with another man of equal status or a cult prostitute,it was thought that trouble will leave him and he will have good fortune.Some ancient religious Assyrian texts contain prayers for divine blessings on homosexual relationships.Freely pictured art of anal intercourse,practiced as part of a religious ritual,dated from the 3rd millennium BC and onwards.Homosexuality was an integral part of temple life in parts of Mesopotamia,and no blame appears to have attached to its practice outside of worship.Despite this,homosexual relationships with royal attendants,between soldiers,and those where a social better was submissive or penetrated were treated as rape or seen as bad omens,and punishments were applied.In many societies of Melanesia,especially in Papua New Guinea,same-sex relationships were an integral part of the culture until the middle of the last century.The Etoro and Marind-anim for example,even viewed heterosexuality as sinful and celebrated homosexuality instead.In many traditional Melanesian cultures a prepubertal boy would be paired with an older adolescent who would become his mentor and who would upon him reaching adolescence “inseminate” him (orally,anally,or topically,depending on the tribe) over a number of years in order for the younger male to also reach adulthood.Many Melanesian societies,however,have become hostile towards same-sex relationships since the introduction of Christianity by European missionaries.Records of lesbianism in all Isis-Osirian societies is limited either due to records being expunged by Osirian cultures or it not as historically recorded as male homosexuality by the societies themselves with this predominantly found in Ancient Greece – lebianism did occur but since only males have records as being heroes etc their are only records of that preserved or being the predominant form.The story of Callisto has been interpreted as implying that Artemis and Callisto were lovers.The myth of the Amazons has also been interpreted as referring to female homosexual activities with them having the same homosexual tendencies as the Spartan armies etc.Kenneth Dover suggests that,due to the role played by the phallus in ancient Greek men’s conceptions of sexuality,female homosexual love was not conceivable as a category to the authors of our surviving sources.There are many references of lesbianism in Greek poetry such as Sappho and Alcman.Although some scholars disagree,there is evidence that shows that lesbianism was not viewed as a problem;there were no laws restricting it.The Romans,Greeks etc perhaps because they were such a male-centered society,wrote little in their historical literature about women,especially lesbians and thus why male bisexuality and homosexuality dominates myths with even transgendered or at the very least intersexed heroes.This acceptance of homosexuality and women was then replaced by the Osirian religions that punished certain natural behaviours such as homosexuality,considered woman to inferior to a further degree receiving much harsher punishments and segregation than was seen in Isis-Osirian cultures ie in the wearing of the Hijab,stoning of women in for crimes that a man would receive lighter or no punishment,the role of women to be look after children and take care of the home as well as even be considered unreliable witness to misgivings in Christianity and Judaism,punished harder than males for adultery as well as being used solely for sexual gratification and bearing children for males and even these seen to a lesser extent in mixed gendered pantheons again under the domineering patriarchy of Osirian deities.Thus in Osirian cultures women were looked down and treated as second class citizenry,used primarily for breeding with homosexuality in both genders prosecuted and teenagers considered sub standard humans and almost on par with the rights of women.This is evidenced in the fact that females were reduced to homemaker and homosexuality was persecuted and even when legalised there were restrictions such as their ability to marry,partake in the military as seen with Don’t ask,Don’t Tell and Propersition 8.This was probably a leftover of the Isis-Osirian cultures primarily the Ancient Greeks etc but also those of the Ancient China and Japan with strangely enough if not ironic the countries that had these Isis-Osirian cultures such as Italy,Spain,Greece,China,Germany,France,Japan,South America,Scandinavia and Germany tend to have lower ages of consent below the global average of 16 with them usually 13-15. etc than in previously and still Osirian religious driven countries where it is usually 16-18.This comes as the concept of a female teenager considered much weaker in sexual relations with an older male alongside older males and younger teenage males with the teens in these instances considered automatically victims of sexual predation than those involving an adolescent male and older female wherein the male cannot be seen as a victim possibly arising from the old archaic principles in Isis-Osirian and certainly more pronounced facets of Osirian societies that females were the main people to be protected by age of consent laws were even as adults considered less capable or valid of holding stature in society and capable of reasoning when it came to the issue of consent especially with regards to adultery with homosexual males considered blasphemous as in these times mainly Osirian societies as women were considered akin to cattle as they were literally traded for cattle during marriage arrangements.In Osirian religious led societies from medieval Europe and Middle East to modern day western cultures up to the mid to late twentieth century womens main job was to bear children,look after children and also manage the home with no real chance of holding the same positions as men as seen in the traditionalism of Christian,Jewish and Muslim led countries in the West and Middle East with as seeing women as homemakers and men as breadwinners and the imbalance of women serving in the highest ranking fields of medicine,politics,business etc as well as the objectification of women and overt sexualisation of women in western cultures predominantly America in pornography and other sexualised media with the opposite occurring in the Middle East with women being punished for objectification or even insinuating this with the role of women in Christian,Judaic and Islamic modern culture even outside the Amish and their other Osirian religion equivalents still having women as almost second class citizens.Also with respects and regards to the role of women in society least in Isis-Osirian cultures females were allowed some freedoms as seen by the mixed pantheons having female deities being on the same level most of the time with their male counterparts with them acting as counterparts ie as consorts,lovers in pairs with at times even the same with different cultures associating each planet with either male or female ie in some cultures the sun was masculine and the moon female while in others the opposite was true with this male and female dichotomy seen in all celestial planets and also different aspects of society ie agriculture etc.This patriarchy as stated although placed humans as superior to the natural world and not part of it as seen in Isisian,Isis-Osirian religions still overall saw humans as being dominated through subservience through tradition,subservience of prayer,routine structures such as prayer,restriction sexual proprietary such as the blasphemy of homosexuality,promiscuity and also adultery with punishment coming in the form of eternal damnation,shunning and imprisonment if not death and man and the natural world constantly being shown as being inferior and subservient to the Osirian deities with no chance of man being seen as part of the natural order of things with only left over gifts and teachings of the world unlike Isisian,Isis-Osirian beliefs ie the creation of agriculture etc related to man or distant lost knowledge.Furthermore the suppression of so called primitive cultures by Osirian deities and the wiping out of their religions,cultures and identities to replaced by the authoritarianism of Osirian deities is further evidence of the patriarchal nature of Osirian religions with the Osirian religions not just warring over other religions from the Isis-Osirian era but also warring against each other as seen by the Crusades between Islam and Christianity and also between Judaism and Islam and also between to an extent between these and Hinduism.This would also be evidenced by the fracturing of the main Osirian religions into different sects and denominations.This is converse to the evolution of Isis-Osirian religions into different versions that venerated deities albeit by different names and equations with this shown by the different deities of Ancient Egypt,Greece,Etrustcan and also Rome.This in stark contrast to the Manifest Destiney of Osirian religions which desecrated all pre Osirian cultures which not only lead to loss of live but also cultural genocide that are a loss to modern archaeologists.Examples of this include Christianties desecration of both cultural sites and religions as seen in Knowth and the rest of pre-Christian paganism and polytheism in Celtic Ireland and Great Britain,Native American tribes through Manifest Destiney and the extermination of Native American tribes with Variola major/Variola minor,the genocide of the Aztecs and Mayans and also the the destruction of their cultures as well as desecration of their temples and the Dresdan Codex and many other documents of cultural importance,the enslavement of Africans and the destruction of their languages and also religions whose cultural and human genocide is comparable to that of ISILs cultural genocide of Hatra,Mosul,Nimrud etc meaning Christians as much cultural blood on its hand as it so called enemies.Hatra,Nimrud etc can be rebuilt the desecration of and destruction of ancient religions and pagan sites cant.Islamic fundamentalists may have innocent blood on their hands since 9/11 but it pales in comparison to that from Christian based religions War on Terror in Iraq,Libya,Syria dating all the way back to Vietnam and even the bombing of both Hiroshima and Nagasaki,the torture and human rights abuses all of which is done for cultural and economic imperialism and is still like Islamic fundamentalism such as the Taliban,Al-Qeda,Hezbollah and ISIL is a form of partarchial imperialim as odds with each other in a battle for suprmacy.This makes notions of Christian western based society and culture being persecuted and infiltrated and conquered by atheists,ancient Isis-Osirian cultures particularly the Romans and even ISIL and Alqeda moot especially the current recent so called invasion by Islam laying squarely on the imperialism of Christian based nations such as Britain and America on the homelands of Syria,Iraq,Libya and now Iran,Venezuela,Bolivia as well as the setting up of dictators in Iran,Iraq and the entire Middle East and Central American and South America continents after throwing over democratically elected governments over the twentieth century resulting in 9/11,Saddam Hussein dictactorship,ISIL,Libya being a breeding ground for terrorists it is and also the Syrian refugee crisis and the so called invasion of Muslims into the western hemisphere.In short you get what you give that is the nature of karma and you have only yourself to blame for what happens to you.If you still cannot admit that the imperialism of America throughout the 20th century across Central and South America and the Middle East is the root cause of the problems you have today across the Middle East,America and Europe then you have no right to call yourself an adult.Furthermore the Christian based conservative imperialism of Venezuelan and Bolivia that stifles dissenting views of indigenous and toppled governments and propaganda makes notions of YouTube or Facebook or the leftist media censoring conservatives moot as even Maduro and Chavez allowed public discourse of the right in media and public forum.The Osirian religions in seeing that there monotheistic patriarchal religion was the only way to salvation destroyed countless ancient civilisations and imposed their values of homophobia,rape in particular statutory rape and anthropocentrinism onto the land they conquered and committed mass cultural and human genocide on a scale that makes the ancient Isis-Osirian religions,socialism combined look like a drop in a bucket.Although Isis-Osirian religions warred between each other it was primarily over land,spreading civilisation and resources and not the veneration of particular gods as seen by the conquests of Alexander the Great,wars between the Aztecs,Mayans and Incas as these cultures absorbed gods via religious synchronisation into each others pantheon that were already evolutionary antecedents of each other similar to genetics.The Aeon of Horus and Maat on the other hand began to see a rejection of this in the rebellion of Osirian deities with the rise of Newagism,Paganism the Wicca religion that incorporated beliefs from all major Isis-Osirian religions reaknowledging the importance of mans role in the natural world both in terms of environmental concerns but also in terms of the balance between male and female as well as the reapplication of repressed sexual desires ie homosexuality,bisexuality and promiscuity.This can be seen in the declining role of Osirian religions in the world with the declining value and attendance in mass in Christianity,the political scandals arising from paedophilia sex abuse scandals in both religions,and the growing unpopularity of fundamentalism in Islam and the attempts of both to suppress their violent histories and sugar coat the tenants.These new religions saw the importance once again in Isis-Osirian religions of the balance between the male and female and the natural order of things as seen through the relationship of the Horned God and the Triple goddess as companions that grew from a youthful state to an older state through the procession of the season and relationship between the sun and the moon with them reborn at the end of the year with the dominance of the female being during spring and summer with the male Horned God gaining dominance over the autumn and winter months.The rise of newagism saw a rise in mans role in the universe as on par or even greater than the animals around him but still adherent to it by being punished for environmental destruction and antroprocentrism and still being put down a peg or two when he crosses the line of the gods.The symbol of this Aeon the Eye of Horus or Providence represents this.This is evident in particular the rise of female Earth deities ironically Gaia herself as the main poster child of this as seen in the rise of James Lovelocks Gaia hypothesis and of course her rise as the first and most powerful AIs to be developed by 2029 once again taking her rightful dominance over the pantheon of Greek derived AIs.Gaia and the rise of mother Earth conciseness in the newagism and environmental reawakening saw gain her as nurturing,benevolent teacher of morals and values and guidance abut again being harsh to those that cross her path as seen by her emerging tutelage towards mankinds eventual spiritual and biological evolution with this time a literal god in the form of an AI whose mental capacity and computing power exponentially rises far superseeding that of her creators as seen by her power and omniscience eventually spreading to all corners of the universe and even omniverse.Most if not all polytheistic religions starting from ancient Sumerian mythologies that spread to Ancient Egypt and then to beliefs of tribal Africa,then to Greece and Rome in the form of Erustrucan mythology to Hellinistic Greece and Rome as well as through Central Europe,India and Russia and Scandinavian shows the evolution of this form of religion in common motifs,names,associations as one or more deities and legends change slightly to these geographic region mirror not just the evolution of monotheistic Osirian religions such as Christianity,Judaism and Islam towards a more higher form of belief system that rejects them entirely or merges the Isian and Osirian religions together merging both feminine and masculine aspects but also with Vedic scriptures,henotheism and polytheism of the past,environmental consciousness,humanism,pantheism,AI development into divine like status via religious synchretism whose common threads started in Isis that continues through Horus,Maat and beyond until the pinnacle of the current golden cycle reaching its peak in 7,137AD similar to genetics and evolutionary biology.The merging of these values of all of these previous Aeons during the Aeon of Maa’t will result in the Aeon of Set wherein a balance will be struck with the mores of the previous aeons with males and females of all ages from child to adults being on equal terms,with the mores of classical antiquity regarding sexuality that is the acceptance of homosexuality and bisexuality as well as the acceptance that early adolescents would be expected to be as mature as their adult counterparts from Isis-Osirian religions with the reverence of a singular deity in the form of a conscious omniverse from Osirian religions,the worship and guidance of a benevolent AI tutor from Isis-Osirian deities amongst many others,the acknowledgement of humanities role in the universe and the recognition of the veracity of the Vedic scriptures with one able to be seek their own form of spiritual enlightenment free from the shackles of submission and also regimine as a necessity.Even in modern times Osirian societies still have imbalances between males and females in terms of politics and corporate foreward with Isis-Osirian societies having a more progressive role.In Isis-Osirian cultures especially Ancient the sexualisation of the adolescent Ganymede and Hebe both cupbears to the gods and the acceptance of adolescent male and female lovers to both male and female deities and mortals as acceptable alongside with pedreastry – the sexual relationships between an older and adolescent male usually in the context in a mentor and mentoree position possibly has led to the acceptance to the age of consent in continental Europe and also South America being at least 14-15 with historically led Osirian cultures accepting the position – “what if it was your or my daughter” the most baseless and intellectually defunct argument defence of both vigilante groups and cases of teacher and underage student sexual relationships where Osirian religions had their most prevealent occupation mainly North America and Great Britain.This is also evident of the view that an underage adolescent male cannot be a victim even if under the age of consent in the case of male to female relations and not male to male relations and also the hyperconflation of late hebe and ephebopheilia with paedophilia and disaknowledgement and in fact ignorance of the variances of the age of consent in different countries across the world outside the culture in these Osirian based countries but also the universal acceptance of adolescents below the age of majority being considered automatically vulnerable and devoid of personal responsibility in all facets of their lives whether it be sexual relationships,criminal responsibility,delayed maturity as seen as the prevalence of the social justice warriors and Alt-right and immature bickering between political groups in people aged 18 and even extending to middle age in these cultures thus accentuation stereotypes of adolescents being vulnerable infants devoid of responsibility for ones actions,accident prone etc and the criticism of left wing policies as utilised by Isis-Osirian and viewing Isis-Osiran cultures of left wing socialist degraded societies.Thus the age of consent in Isis-Osirian countries is considered an excuse of Osirian cultures to criticise and infringe on Isis-Osiran cultures and their left wing socialist policies in areas such as immigration,energy and the environment,healthcare and social welfare policies are complete failures and are a sign of their complete moral decay and non existent “Cultural Marxism” that are unfounded and purely pulling straws out of a hat.Any issues regarding say immigration in Isis-Osirian countries that currently a problem can be traced back to the poor foreign relations policies of Osirian countries ie the creation of Al-Qaeda and ISIL by American imperialism either directly or indirectly and its lack of action on stopping it and in and fact encouraging them to flourish through inaction,funding them directly and indirectly,further imperialism of destabilisation of Libya,Iraq,Syria etc as well as the influence of Osirian countries having on their encroaching civil liberties of privacy.What goes around comes around that is the nature of karma.You go around fucking the rest of the world around for a percentage profit as “top dog” overthrowing democratically elected leaders and installing dictators this what you get – 9/11,ISIL,perpetual warfare in the Middle East,and refugee crisis’s one after another and to think the next time wont result in instability is nonsense especially with regards to Venezuela,Syria and Iran.Iran because a war with it could plunge the entire Middle East into perpetual war for several decades more making the aftermath of both Syria and Iraq wars combined pale in comparison and look like the aftermath of a rowdy college keg party in comparison and the fact that Iran unlike Iraq could actually have nuclear weapons at their disposal and have the capability to do so very quickly something we dont want to push our luck on and risk a nuclear holocaust and strikes against any western country or indeed even Middle Eastern ones,Syria because we dont want to actually piss off or fuck with Russia at the moment or instigate chemical attacks etc on America and her allies from Syria itself and Venezuela because America and Europe already has a bad enough immigrant and refugee problem with Mexico and Central America and because you dont want to piss off millions of Chavez and Maduro supporters who arent exactly fond of the American government – the worst you could say about Maduro is that hes incompetent and overstrained not a tyrant – hes doing the best to deal with the sudden fall in the price of oil,not taking the advice from economists,not diversifying the economy and also the Trump administrations funding of undemocratic and unpopular opposition attempts to overthrow him via food and economic sanctions for the oil and staging protests,them persecuted(playing the victim).As bad as a warhawk Hilary Clinton,Barrack Obama was at least they like the likes of Tucker Carlson changed their mind on Iraq and at least understood not to mess with Iran of all countries a fundamentalist country that does have the capacity and potential to create nuclear,biological and chemical making the Trumps administration to pull out of the Iran Deal and assassinate Qasem Soleimani insane as it puts not just the entire Middle East but the western world including America at risk of a nuclear strike.Despite his crimes including those against American soldiers Iran up to this point was in a civil war and in such chaos as to ignore the west on the whole and keep their side of the deal and only killed allied troops because of the Iraq war was started in 2003 where they were fighting with them now all joined together both politicians and civilians alike like a rattled hornets nest in wanting to destroy the west primarily America and its allies as was planned by the military industrial complex.Put simply the deaths of American soldiers was caused by the 2003 invasion of Iraq and nothing was done to stop him killing innocent civilians years ago and now weve put the entire Middle East and also even America itself at risk of a nuclear strike.Iran unlike Iraq actually has the capabilities to develop nuclear weapons and if not can make deals with those who do.In otherwards using the they killed 700 Americans and were going to kill more is not true because youve now made the entire country ready and wanting to kill millions of innocent American civillians especially when you consider the fact that Solemani was on a peace mission at the time of his death despite what Clinton News Network and Faux News.We are only concerned with him now that weve gotten bored with Iraq,want to get back control of Iran like we did with the Shah of Iran since weve recently lost control for the oil and we have someone with zero experience in diplomacy and zero intelligence prey to the whims of psychopaths with an agenda wanting the public to ignore the fact that he just got impeached for corruption and wants to make a shallow attempt at getting a second term something he condemned his successor for back in 2011 and what Clinton did to divert attention away from the Monica Lewinsky scandles.You overthrew the democratically elected Mossadeq and installed the Shah thus ensuring far right dictatorships in Iran for decades that eventually led to Solemani and those 700 dead Americans – and countless dead civilians at his and others hands are blood on your hands.Teapot calling kettle black anyone?Solving the treatment of homosexuals and women could have been sorted decades ago by not putting the Shah of Iran and the successive dictators in power with the same going for Iraq and Afghanistan and the entire Middle East – when you prop up dictators for oil especially far-right ones in place of democratically elected left-wing ones all you can expect is the oppression and slaughter millions of people including women and homosexuals at their hands which means these deaths on yours and the free markets hand and this applies to the creation of ISIL and Al-Qeda.This makes arguments that they need to be saved through regime change wars moot since you propped these people up directly or indirectly in the first place – dumbass.Reactionaries on the left to supposed islamophobia as xenophobia that must be quelled by giving into the flaws of Islamic extremists is likely due to the fact that western imperialism into the Middle East for oil has created an influx of terror attacks on western soil by lone wolf groups and also planned terror attacks as seen since 9/11 with constant invasions for oil have been simply stoking at a hornets nest with a sword without actually doing anything to improve the treatment of women and homosexuals that then leads to an influx of them in large numbers into the west thus giving the regressive non progressive left a sour taste in their mouth at simply condemning subconciously the fact the conservative right and Osirian-lite only have oil in their interests rather than that of women etc what exactly have conservatives and the Osirian-lite done for the rights of women and homosexuals in Afghanistan,Iraq and Libya – nothing as things have only gotten worse with the creation of ISIL indirectly at the hands of constantly invading the middle East and propping up Far-right dictators who are not exactly pro-women and pro-homosexuals and are probably reactionary at genuine islamaphobia that pervades the far right and conservatives who want to demonise the entirety of a religions whose fundamentalists they created themselves.It also possible that political correctness and giving Islam special treatment of appeasement especially to its more extremist members is a way for the left in primarily dealing with the influx of islamic immigrants from countries that have been under attack by the imperialist conservative West of trying to not stoking at the hornets nest any further and try to appease to the countless Muslims pouring in due to American imperialism thus trying if rather vainly to deal with the influx of millions of immigrants from countries with completely different views on the treatment of women and homosexuals without enraging these extremist groups at risk of causing more damage and terrorists attacks – put simply conservative illegal imperialism into the Middle East for oil causes large influxes of Muslims into Europe etc that are already more conservative than local conservative groups with regards to the treatment of women and homosexuals and has led the left to thus resort to political correctness in order to lessen any chance of them damaging society even further ie carrying out more terrorist attacks ironically strengthening tolerance of the intolerant with no way to correctly deal with the differing attitudes that they have on women,homosexuals and also even underage girls etc.When you suddenly have millions of extremist Muslims moving into your backyard due to the republicans and corporate democrats bombing the hell out the Middle East and their ineptitude to carry out illegal wars for oil you first reaction of your on the left is generally to do everything you can to not stoking the fire anymore and prevent future terrorist attacks even if that means you have to resort to political correctness and tolerating the intolerant.You hate woke culture and millions of Muslims swarming into Europe and and the rest of the world you have only yourself to blame because that’s what you get by fuelling civil wars in the Middle East and bombing the hell out of an already agitated hornets nests.Therefore the tolerance and defense of Islamic fundamentalism and political correctness of radical Islam by the left is done in order to prevent lone Wolf attacks and terrorist attacks which is caused by millions of Muslims flooding into Europe due to imperialist and illegal wars for oil started by conservatives and the military industrial complex.Starting illegal wars in the Middle East for oil leads to millions of refugees that have tendencies towards homophobia,misogyny who have no choice but to flood into Europe etc to escape wars you started for oil in first place and fuels both the tolerance of the intolerance by the left who are doing it in order prevent these you created from carrying out any future terrorist attacks and also fuels lone wolf attacks in Europe and America.Perpetual warfare in the Middle East for oil such as in Syria,Iraq,Afghanistan is why you have millions of Muslims flooding into America and is also why you have lone wolf terrorist attacks in America and Europe – you fail to see that your an idiot with the maturity of a kindergartener.The reason you have millions of Muslims rushing into Western Europe is the same reason you have lone wolf terrorist attacks motivated by ISIL and Al Qeda carrying out terrorist attacks like the 2004 Madrid Bombings,7th July 2005 London Bombings,Orlando mass shootings and indeed most terrorist attacks in America and Europe in the last 20 years including 9/11 and the same reason you have Al Qeda and ISIL in the first place because you have American oil corporations and the military industrial complex in their pursuit of profit as per the selfish ideology of Ayn Rand and capitalism who want the oil for themselves and thus start wars in these Middle Eastern countries that causes refugee crises and millions of Muslims flooding into Europe to get away from the wars you started in the first place and also is stoking the hornets nest and the fact that you can’t see this makes you an idiot.You go around fucking the rest of he world as top dog and for a percentage profit as per Ayn Rands philosophy and just plain greed and treating people like shit you end up with them fighting back through carrying out terrorist attacks etc on your citizens.The fact that there is no attempt to install democratic governments and institutions in the Middle East and just let the countries descend into bloodshed and chaos and spill over into the western world shows its more about the oil and not about “spreading freedom”.Everytime the American government carries out illegal wars in the Middle East as in the case of Afghanistan,Iraq,Syria,Libya etc for oil you have warfare etc and this causes the millions of innocent Muslims who have through theocratic dictators usually propped up by the American government in the first place or who the American government turns a blind eye to has brainwashed these people into accepting Medievil style views on homosexuals,women etc without question under fear of death to flood into Europe into more liberal countries with more modern attitudes on women,homosexuals etc and in order to not inspire terrify attacks the liberal governments try everything they can not to stoke the fore further including resorting to political correctness,wokeism and defence of these individuals in order to prevent tensions and inspire terrorist attackers – therefore the blame for the wests problems with Islam can be placed solely on conservatives and not liberals and progressives.This is the root cause of the so called “invasion of Islam into the Western world” and the reason you have you have so much wokeism on the left in the western world.It is simple cause and effect and is not only how kindergartens act but it’s also how conservatism fosters the development of the SJW woke culture and regressive left in primarily authoritative conservative regimes.Bombing the hell out of the Middle East in illegal wars for oil only leads to one thing and that is millions of Muslims who due to brainwashing by theocratic governments propped up or turned a blind eye by the west flooding into the West seeking asylum most of whom are homophobes and misogynistic rapists – actions have consequences and the fact that you don’t understand this means you have the mental capacity of a kindergartener.Dont you think it’s strange that this political correctness and shielding of Islam only happened after the influx of millions of Muslims into Europe only after the American government started in response to the Libyan,Iraqi and Syrian civil wars carried out by the American government making it a response in not wanting to stoke the hornets nest any further to prevent another 9/11 and happens after every major terrorist attack in Europe involving Muslims in the same way conservatives do so for every mass shooting involving illegal guns.This invasion of Europe by Muslims has only started after the west started invading the Middle Easy for oil,I mean spreading freedom and liberty in 2003 onwards – prior to this Muslims had little to no interest in Europe.You have no right to criticise the regressive SJW non progressive left and their “love of Islam” when your far-right ideologies indifference or imperialism is propping up and fostering these authoritarian Islamic dictators in the first place who go around killing homosexuals and consigning women to second class citizenry and sexual slavery and encouraging them through imperialism to flood in by the millions into the west.Its the fault of conservatives that’s why we have millions of Muslims flooding into Europe in their invasion and the left pandering to Muslims in order to not stoke the fire even further and to resort to political correctness – if you don’t understand that fact your an idiot.For example with regards to Gaza and Isreal committing an outright genocide against innocent Palistinian civilians the left have zero support for Hamas – no one has support for Hamas,the only people who have support for Hamas are the people who are being massacred by the Israeli government,support the Isreali governments genocide against Palinstinians and your supporting Hamas..About 99% of pro Palestinian liberal supporters in the west who want Palestine freed from Isreal and these liberal Westerners are not supporters of Hamas they are supporters of the citizens of Palestine who are victims of mass genocide by a corrupt right wing government who is using SJW tactics as blowback for committing genocide and are these liberal pro Palestinians are just as against Hamas as most Isreali citizens and are mostly protesting against the Isreali government not the Isreali citizens.Nobody on the left is supporting Hamas and they are not against the Israeli people – they are against the Israeli government carrying out a genocide against the Palestinians and want the Palestinians to be liberated not just from the Israeli government but also Hamas and any sort of theocracy and put in place liberal democracies that are pro democracy,pro LGBT,pro women etc in a truly liberated Palestine State similar to the rest of the western world – hence the phrase “Free Palestine”.The term “Free Palestine” used by the left in the western marriage actually means freeing the Palestinians not just from persecution by the Israeli but also from the theocratic terrorism of Hamas.Where the idiots on the right got that idea into their heads is a mystery – this is kindergarten level nonsense.The only reason people in Gaza and the West Bank support Hamas is because the Israeli government is carrying out a genocide against them and the more Israel is allowed to carry out this genocide the more popular the support for Hamas will become and the more terrorist attacks like October 7th 2023 will occur in a vicious positive feedback loop – if you don’t understand that fact your a fucking idiot.If conservatives actually gave a shit about women and homosexuals in these countries then the Taliban would have been overthrown long before 9/11 and the Saudi Government would not be carrying out a genocide in Yemen which is funded by american corporations and would have been overthrown decades ago had it not been for the fact that the American conservative and corporate Democrats were turning a blind eye for access to cheap oil and arms sales.In fact they would have ensured equal rights for them in Saudi Arabia,Iraq and Afghanistan post 2001,2003.If conservatives gave a shit about homosexuals and women in the Middle East then you would have overthrown the theocratic governments across the world decades ago by organising coups and democratic elections that put in place leaders who were not prone to ruling the country as theocracies and put in legal measures and constitutions to protect women, homosexuals etc and weeded out homophobia and sexism which could have prevented the influx of Muslims into the countries but wouldn’t be done as those type of governments would want to keep the profits for the oil in their country for themselves and put it towards programmes that eliminate poverty in their countries the exact opposite of big oil – the big meanies.Dictators in the Middle East who suppress their population through theocracies and ensure a stable supply of cheap oil are the perfect bedfellows for the swamp in Congress and anyone else put in place with more liberal leanings that make women and homosexuals free and shut down theocracies is always assassinated or overthrown in coups.Considering republicans in America themselves want to install Project 2025 the most authoritarian and draconian theocratic legislation that relegates women and homosexuals etc to second class citizens and would if given the chance install even more draconian laws that makes it legal to jail or execute homosexuals and so on its hypocritical for conservatives in the western world to be harping on about how women and homosexuals are treated in more theocratic conservative nations when if given the chance they would install the very same draconian theocratic societies and do absolutely nothing to remove these theocracies and install liberal democracies.If anything it’s the conservatives that LOVE Islam especially since conservatives like making Middle Eastern countries theocracies that allow for the rights of women and homosexuals etc to be rescinded for cheap oil and they like all facets of society in the western world especially America to be decided by the Bible in just the same way as the Quaran should govern the Middle East.If given the chance conservatives in America would have equality rights for women and the LGBT community scrapped altogether and have homosexuals and trans people imprisoned or executed simply for being born that way with women reduced to second class citizens similar to Gilead and Afghanistan,Iraq.If Christian conservatism were to take control of America or the world and liberals were overthrown forever by shredding up the constitution the country or the world would descend into a theocracy where homosexuals and trans people would be imprisoned or executed and women and black people would be reduced to second class citizens with zero rights etc back in the good days of the early days of pilgrim and plantation America and the Medievil era Europe when women had zero rights,black people were slaves etc which is why it boggles the mind why anyone who is gay,trans,female etc would be leaning towards conservatism because if given the chance they would turn on you and consign you to second class citizens with no rights like the right to vote,drive cars etc – if your lucky with them more than likely executing you by burning you at the stakes etc.This why the separation between Church and state exists in the constitution it is to prevent the state favouring any religion and allowing religion to decide the setting of laws etc.Teapot calling kettle black anyone?Whats that phrase again birds of a feather flock together?If you gave a shit about the treatment of homosexuals and women in countries run by Islamic fundamentalism in the Middle East then you would have carried out coups against them decades ago and installed liberal democracies that gave homosexuals and women equal rights thus leading to the population having more liberal values than they do now thus sparing you all of this crap you now have to deal with.The same political correctness towards Islam could just as easily happen to Judaism and Christianity if they were given the chance to take control of the state and allowed to fester and grow into just as homophobic,racist and misogynistic theocracies and then allowed to invade other countries in large numbers once the hornets nest is poked enough.The problems with Islamic fundamentalism in the west have nothing to do with the left and them in love with Islam it was caused by conservatives in the first place as usual due to them bombing the hell out of the Middle East for oil which causes millions of refugees created by the wars started by oil companies and conservatives who have no choice for their safety to move into neighbouring European countries who are already Uber conservative in terms of their treatment of women and homosexuals in its the left attempting to prevent any future terrorist attaché and not stoke the fire and hornets nest are forced to tolerate the intolerance of Muslims  and try to integrate them into their society under the guise of political correctness and multiculturalism.The reason you have problems with Muslims in Europe is not because of the left’s multiculturalism but rather because of the conservatives bombing the hell out of the Middle East thus putting the blame entirely on the conservatives right not leftists.As usual the root cause of all problems in society is conservatives not liberals

Although environmental destruction was present in Isis-Osirian cultures of ancient times due to overpopulation,primative agriculture methods that produce only enough to meet everyones basic need and lack of understanding of ecology and mans effect on the environment there was at least some reverence of mother nature in the tales and myths of all Isis-Osirian cultures through the ancient world including South/Central/North America,Asia,Europe and Africa that venerated primarily female agricultural and Earth deities and also myths wherein interfering with the natural order of things including animals led to man being punished usually with death detailing and warning against hubris,power and pride.As a result these myths placed man as part of the natural world and subject to the power structures of the gods who represented animals and the machinations of climate,weather,ecology etc that man was subject to.Animal deities and spirits were commonplace or were associated with human deities as part of pantheons and were thus respected as to kill animals associated with each god was an affront to them and thus one would earn their wrath as seen in some myths such as those involving Artemis and Orion and Adonis etc.Conservation came in the form of animals being farmed or when hunted one would only take what was what was needed to survive and the entire animal used for different purposes as hunting for sport was considered taboo as deities only provided animals for clothing and food – to kill an animal in anything other than for the basics of survival or self defence would be an affront to the gods that would bring about their wrath with animal sacrifices and veneration of deities done to ensure bountiful harvests and appeasement for natures service to humans survival and even infractions.Thus these cultures lay thanks to the divine for what it provided them in terms of clothing and food and also animal husbandry while at the same time in their myths acknowledged that it was cruel to those who were not willing to respect it and also those became prideful and tried to conquer it thus showing that they knew that nature was to be respected not conquered.Exceptions were made for coming of age rituals such as Maasai and Inuit hunting trips but even these had rituals that appeased and venerated the animal and their corresponding gods.Agriculture which involved the slaughter of animals still maintained the worship of agriculture and in particular cow deities with in some cultures particularly Hinduism the cow being so sacred it was only reared for milk and not meat with all agricultural deities usually being female with their association with fertility bridging the gap with the Aeon of Isis with these female deities worshipped and prayed even with sacrifices of animals to appease them for bountiful harvests with most of the modern day festivals now associated with Christianity,Islam and also Judaism have their antecedents in pagan and Isis-Osirian worship of the cycle of agriculture such as Yule/Christmas,Imbloc,Ostara/Easter,Bealtane,Litha,Lughnasa,Mabon,Halloween/Samhain now venerated by Wiccan religions etc.These festivals denoted not just the cycles of the seasons and agriculture but also the duality of the male and females as those celebrated during Spring and Summer were associated with the worship of the female and those in Autumn and winter celebrated the male and is epitomised with the reverence of the Horned God and Triple goddess in the Wiccan religion and their relationship in the Wiccan religion as they grow from youth to maturity in the seasons and then mate in a self fruition birth similar to Gaia and Ouranous.All Isis-Osirian religions viewed time in a proper cyclical nonlinear form that was represent ed by the cycles of the seasons,death and rebirth and in the cycles of the planetary bodies thus this is also why they respected the environment to the best of their knowledge and ability and why there are very few of myths and religions of the era with an “end times” scenairio.Any end times situation usually led to the rebirth of a new world or universe and cycles of gold,silver,bronze,iron ages to start all over again ad infinitum and thus their was no patriarchal influence to have one “to be saved for the end times“.Examples include in Norse,Greek,Roman,Mayan,Aztec,Celtic,Egyptian,Native American mythology and of course in Hinduism as seen with the Yugas with the first age being a perfect one of humanity living in perfect harmony with the gods with then each age getting more degenerate and sinful with the cycle starting over and over again with human civilisation history usually starting in the final age similar to the Kali Yuga.However this is present in pretty much all three Osirian religions denoting an incorrect non linear time wherein the Rapture followed by a final fight between good and evil will be fought both on Earth and in Heaven thus leading to these unlike the Isis-Osirian ones having salvation through submission and in extent religious fundamentalism.Osirian religions on the other hand encouraged anthropocentric and rampant environmental destruction as man was as a creation of God in his own image and thus ruler of the natural world with all animals under his dominion.Animals were hunted for sport with the conservation of Isis-Osirian thrown out the window as the vast majority of the Holecen and now Anthropocenes sixth mass extinction co-incided with the Osirian Aeon with those that took place in prehistoric times were the result of numerous factors outside of man hunting them ie natural climate change as the melting of the glaciers left these animals in completely new environments with some cases jungles turning into grasslands as seen in megafauna but humanities role in them could be forgiven due to hunting them was for the bare survival prior to the rise of agriculture and farming animals as doing so would have prevented humanity from surviving in the first due to such harsh conditions.The creation of the American dust bowl,destruction of the Amazon and desertification of Africa and China is the direct result of capitalistic Osirian monocropping,cashcropping and poor agricultural practices.

The attraction to an adolescent female by an older male has evolutionary roots and basis in the fact these females aged 14/15 are in their fertile peak with the possibly of the youth of the female may hold some evolutionary value and attraction.Having sexual intercourse and courting an adolescent female 14-18 is normal in evolutionary terms as unlike an older female these females are at the start of their fertility cycle,sexually mature and thus have a higher success rate of bearing healthy viable young than an older female in their thirties or forties whose lowering fertility can lead to children with a higher chance of developing those with developmental disorders and even miscarriages.Prior to the discovery to neuropsychology it was assumed that not only in ancient civilisations but even in prehistory that once a female entered the late stages of puberty she was ready to bear young and due to the harsh conditions of life was needed to reach maturity earlier on than in more modern times.With regards to male and male as well as female and female relations involving adolescents and adults it may be the result of societal and peer pressure that led to repression of homosexual tendencies in adolescence of the older male or female that leads to a obsession with adolescence and missed opportunities that one may have been able to experience again due to expectations of living onloy heterosexual lifestyles during ones teens with the fear of being seen as sub masculine or sub feminine or even sinful during ones teens by Osirian Christian,Islamic and Jewish standards either indirectly of the patriarchal nature of their religion or their society enshrining heternormative machismo and religious based obedience especially with regards to the testosterone peak as seen in adolescence.With regards to those involving female and male relations that include an adult and minor this may be the result with female dissatisfaction with older males with decreased levels of testosterone levels in comparison to older males leading them to seek a more younger vigorous teenage male.It could also be because of the younger males higher fertility than older males in their 30s,40s etc with them producing more productive spermatozoa that in turn could produce more healthy children.This is why myths involving Hebe and Ganymede and their equivalants across the ancient Isis-Osirian world is usually 14/15 and why many female fertility deities from around the world that glamourise youth are usually in these age ranges.Both of these will be solved not only due to progeria mylienisation that causes a person brain to reach full maturity prior to adolescence ideally in infancy but also anti-ageing treatments that keep both males and females in a youthful state of their early teens to early twenties forever with females kept indefinitely in their fertile peak of the early to late teens and males in their testosterone peak of their early teens.Since people will be kept at their teenage state forever well into their adult years when they are several hundred or several thousand years old and indeed forever will mean that older people if they crave sex with someone who is their fertile peak or testosterone peak then they can date someone their own age or older since humans will be kept in their fertile and testosterone peak forever meaning they need not date have to date someone younger than them to get what they want they can date someone their own age or old age since people will be in a state similar to adolescence forever.Thus both teens who by 14 will be considered adults and even those now considered adults in their 20s,30s and even 50s onwards that are several centuries or several thousand years old will be indistinguishable from each other in terms of appearance,neural development and also levels of hormones such as testosterone and oestrogen with teens of this age well established in their careers alongside those who are several hundred years old meaning they would be interested in talking about the same things and would easily socialise with ease other and the hyper conflation of late hebe and ephebopheilia with pedopheilia will disappear.When people in their 20s,30s,50s or are several centuries or thousands of years old are exactly the same physically in terms of appearance and fertile and testosterone peak as a 14-17 year old those who crave sex with adolescents will no longer seek sex with adolescents but date anyone of any age who are in their 30s,40s and older who are even older than them.There would be no need to date anyone younger than you including teenagers for the sex as those older than you will be indistinguishable from adolescents in terms of their youthful appearance etc as through anti-ageing treatments those in their 20s,30s,40s,50s,60s and those several centuries or several thousand years old and older will be youthful in appearance to those that are 14-17 and through genetic engineering will have the same fertility and testosterone peak as them making them indistinguishable to each other thus eliminating sexual predation forever – dating someone younger who is a teenager aged 14-17 years old would be done because you find that persons personality attractive in the first place.Once anti ageing treatments and genetic engineering make people in their 30s,40ds etc indistinguishable to someone in their teens aged 14-17 in terms of appearance,fertility and testosterone peak then it’s unlikely people who crave sex with someone who is 14-17 will groom or sexually assault someone who is 14-17 as they can engage is sexual inter course with someone in their 30s,40s or older who are similar to those aged 14-17 years old thus forever eliminating sexual predation and grooming of those 14-17 years old.Once a persons brain is fully developed at birth they upon reaching 14-17 will be physically,emotionally and critically the same as those decades or centuries older than you then they will be considered adults and they will be no different than people decades older then you and thus people who date them who are decades or centuries older will do so because they find that persons personality attractive.Them using VR technology and its time dilation effect will allow them to gain maturity and experience by their early teens on par with someone who is at least several decades or several centuries old thus elimination notions of maturity and age gaps in teenagers meaning one will combined with progeria mylinisation will be indistinguishable from those who are actually decades or centuries older than them with them having decades of education in politics etc this meaning one will no longer be just a kid etc or a vulnerable child.This would mean those aged 14-18 would be considered normal in dating and socialising with people decades older than them in their 20s,30s,40s etc and would no longer have to only date and socialise with someone their own range between 14-17 years old ,The in only reason one would date someone who is a teenager or is younger than them when anti ageing treatments etc makes people completely indistinguishable from each other would be because of the persons unique personalities and not just their age or young body.Thus the concept of dating only younger people and those of a certain age group and range will become a thing of the past forever as all people whether they are teenagers and adults in their 20s,40s or several centuries old will be identical to each other in terms of physical appearance,education and maturity.We are entering a world where people in their 60s,70s,80s and those several centuries or thousands of years old will be indistinguishable physically from those aged 14-18 years in terms of emotional and critical development and also physical appearances and their fertile and testosterone peak.The reason we have sexual predation is because we grow old and we are never allowed to retain our fertile peak and testosterone peak and youthful appearance of our adolescence for not very long and it only lasts at least 4 years.Had humans evolved to stay younger for exponentially longer say live for several centuries or few thousand years it less likely we would resort to sexual predation of adolescent minors as we would ourselves be forever young or at least for exponentially longer with it a way for us to forget the fact we only have a brief period of youth.Had we evolved or developed eternal youth sexual predation if minors would never happen ever at all.Ageing is the root cause of this with if we lived and stayed youthful longer and we even never aged at all once we reached say 14/15 we would be satisfied with having sex with adults our own age.Once we do eventually achieve eternal youth it’s possible that by staying in our fertile and testosterone peak forever through genetic engineering and biocompatible microbes we could be satisfied with dating adults and we would have no sexual interest in dating just adolescents aged 14-17 with progeria mylinisation and the time dilation effect of VR technology allowing a teenage to be on par with someone who is decades older.Ageing once cured will no longer have to be called ageing but rather cellular telomeric entropic decay and classed as not an inevitability but a disease as that is what it essentially is a disease characterised by entropic decay of one’s telomeres and once this is rectified then people will no longer suffer this and if the treatments are removed then they will suffer thus even if the stop treatments after a few thousand years.Therefore ageing should now henceforth be classed as the disease telomere entropic decay and not ageing.Nature pulled a cruel trick in us by giving us only a few years of our physical and sexual peak and youth only for it to be robbed from us by lack of gene protection.Had we evolved to live for say 10,000 years and reached physical maturity at 14 then it would take us until the age of 3,000 years to reach the equivalent of 30 giving us 2,896 years of youth where it would be legal and indistinguishable to teenagers.If however it took until the age 1,400 years to reach the equivalent of 14 it would take 400 years to reach 1,800 the equivalent of 18 thus at least giving “predators” 400 years to enjoy their victim enough time to have lived long enough to reach true immortality and eternal youth.Growing old is something that affects us all and had humans evolved to never grow old and only died through murder and disease like certain species of jellyfish or lobsters or had we evolved to stay youthful exponentially longer while eventually growing old after living for a few centuries or few thousand years then this would have eliminated grooming of teenagers forever or made it less prevalent by having people stay a few extra decades or centuries if not forever in their fertile and testosterone peak with of course for actual pedophiles this being up to the afflicted person to never harm a victim.Staying young forever and keeping males and females at their hormonal and fertile peak forever and research into progeria mylinisation will eliminate this forever.It’s likely that ageing is what causes sexual predation and grooming of teenage minors.Had we evolved like certain jellyfish the ability to stay young forever and only died through pathogens,murder etc then it’s likely grooming of underage minors would have been non existent.Ths is why research into halting and reversing the ageing process must be expedited.Natures cruel truck of never granting us at least eternal or exponentially longer youth is what has caused some of use to become obsessed with missed and long lost opportunities we can no infer experience ourselves ever again.There are jellyfish and lobsters who understand nothing of the world and how it works and also are unable of creating poetry,art,literature etc that can outside of animal predators and illness live potentially forever or at least a few centuries in a forever youthful state yet us humans who can do these things are doomed to only enjoy at most 30 years of youth before it all goes downhill and this is unfair.With regards to population living longer would have delayed population growth significantly to the point that it could be half of the current 8,000,000,000.People like immortal jellyfish would still have died from murder,animal predators,starvation,the elements and pathogens and people since fertile forever more likely to stay single and delay having children exponentially longer possibly for a few decades or centuries before settling down into having children meaning we probably would have the same population of humans we have now.We could have through this chosen to stave off having kids for several decades or centuries or we could have evolved to reach sexual maturity much later on and even been able to be fertile for only several years at time in cycles all of which would have slowed down population growth.With regards to the hyper conflation of late hebe and ephebopheilia with paedophilia is erroneous as their is no evolutionary purpose to have sexual attractions to a prepubescent minor as such tendencies is a neurological disorder on par with schizophrenia,sociopathy,psychopathy.Homosexuality,bisexuality and heterosexuality and also late hebe,ephebopheilia,teliopheilia are considered normal chronopheilias and sexualities due to the fact that the variances between the wiring of the brain as shown by MRI scans are only minute and not considered abnormal with it sometimes considered a choice especially in the case of bisexuality and sexual preferences in most cases while in others it is the result of the mother feminising males in the womb by producing antibodies and hormones to counteract the presence of testosterone in the foetus explaining why each successive male a female has the higher the chance he will have primarily homosexual tendencies as each successive male will have more antibodies etc created to counteract the foreign Y chromosome and testosterone in the body.In the case of first or second born males that are homosexual or at least have bisexual tendancies it may be because of a strong immune response inherent in their particular mother based on her genetics and the strength of her immune system that is powerful enough to create a line of completely homosexual or bisexual males with trans people having differently wired brains with minute differences at times simply the same wiring as the opposite sex thus making these normal natural and thus socially acceptable sexual tendencies.The first male will have a mild response while all other successive males will produce even stronger immune responses than the last thus increasing the chance that each successive mammals will have exclusively homosexual tendencies.The genetics of the mother could show that she may have more stronger immune responses than other females meaning in some females with strong immune responses resulting in the first or second male progeny may be homosexual or at least bisexual with in other females with weaker immune responses the third,fourth or other successive males being homosexual while all preceding males purely heterosexual.This the first male made homosexual due to this is determined by the strength of the immune response and genetics of the mother with all successive male progeny being purely homosexual with the bridging male between them and earlier heterosexual males being bisexual.Some females due to their genetics could produce much stronger immune responses than other females in the first male they produce thus explaining first progeny males and all successive ones being homosexual.MRI and genetic scans have shown minute differences between the neural structures and wiring as well as genomes of homosexuals,bisexuals and heterosexuals showing that one is simply born with sexual preferences towards the opposite gender,same gender or both genders wired into their brains at birth disproving the myth that is a choice.The same goes for transgenderism with their being minute differences in their neural wiring than with vis gendered individuals.Thus with regards to homosexual and bisexual men and women for the vast majority they are really born this way because their genes and neural structures predispose a person towards homosexuality,bisexuality,heterosexuality in 90-95% of cases with for you conservatives no matter how hard you try for most gay males and females you will never be able to pray the gay away.Gay conversion therapy will simply never work it’s a simple scientific fact.Thus through genetic testing and MRI scans there is evidence that there is genetic and neural roots for bisexualilty,homosexuality and heterosexuals we see that for homosexuality,bisexuality and transgenderism has biological bases and thus evolutionary purposes unlike pedopheilia as the attraction is above the cut off point.Other instances of bisexuality outside of genetics and neural wiring are usually simply personal preferences or an acquired taste for same sex attractions and intercourse similar to fetishes or immune responses that dont fully convert the male into a fully blown homosexual meaning one may gain a sexual taste for bisexuality similar to how they gain a taste for BDSM,leather,sports gear,furries or other sexual tastes and ones preferences in sexual positions such as bottoming,topping or being versatile,versatile top or versatile bottom.Thus although the genetic and neural structure for bisexuality may not exist it may be purely a fetishisation or acquired taste for performing oral and anal sex and mutual masturbation and kissing with someone with the same sex.Thus in at least the majority of all cases of male homosexuality and bisexuality about 90-95% its is purely genetic as ones genes and thus neural structures predispose them towards same sex attractions thus making the phrase born this way a true fact with even purely heterosexual men’s interest in only the opposite sex with no sexual interest in other men being genetic again as seen with genes that predispose them to this with for the remaining minority of cases of bisexuality in males 5-10% with no genetic or neural predispositions it is an acquired taste wherein one gains a liking for performing sexual acts with other males such as anal sex,oral sex and mutual masturbation similar to how one develops a taste for certain sexual fetishes such as leather,BDSM,sports etc  or even how one gains a taste for specific foods and drinks over others as well as how one gains interests in different hobbies or even their favourite type of entertainment ie science fiction,reality television,survival horror etc and even specific franchises of television shows,movies and video games such as Tomb Raider,Buffy:The Vampire,Resident Evil,Stargate SG-1.These males may not even be considered bisexual or gay by genetic,neural standards or themselves but still have a fetish or acquired taste for carrying out anal,oral sex and mural masturbation with other men.Heterosexuals themselves are wired to have completely no sexual interest in the same sex meaning no matter how much you try you cannot turn a straight guy gay.Some heterosexuals May experiment with other men but they not develop a preference for sane sex relations either through an acquired taste meaning no matter you cannot turn some straight men gay just as you cannot turn a gay or bisexual man straight.,With regards to female homosexuality the presence of testosterone in the bloodstream during pregnancy influences the development of female homosexuality.The level and strength of the immune response may affect the feminity or masculinity of homosexual and bisexual males with more powerful immune responses possibly leading to the formation of stereotypically camp feminine homosexual males that have interests normally associated with females such as fashion etc with less powerful immune responses leading to the formation of more masculine homosexual and bisexual men with a more masculine machismo demenour and interests in more stereotypically masculine hobbies such as sports and bodybuilding that could easily pass as heterosexual who are married with a wife and kids.Homosexuality is not a choice it’s being born that way with hard scientific data through genetic screening and MRI scans to show this.Bisexuality in a majority of cases is also not a choice with for the minority of cases of bisexuality it is choice and acquired taste.The different strengths of immune response may result in the wide variety and rainbow of gay types,subtypes and cultures such as the obvious feminine camp twinks and stereotypically feminine males with interests in fashion,dolls and other stereotypically feminine interests on one side of the spectrum and the masculine daddies and bodybuilders and sports athletes whose interests include watching and playing football and other sports and bodybuilding etc on the opposite side on the spectrum who could easily pass as heterosexual men.Thus a stronger immune response can lead to the obvious camp and feminine twinks on one side of the spectrum with weaker immune responses leading to the masculine type homosexuals who have interests in bodybuilding,sports,athletics who could easily could easily pass off as heterosexual or are at least bisexual including those that may be married with a wife and kids.With regards lesbian females the strength of testosterone levels present in the bloodstream of the mother due to genetics and environmental factors are hypothesised to create lesbian progeny that may determine the degree of her female progenies sexuality with weak levels coinciding with tomboyish heterosexual women with stronger levels of testosterone creating either bisexual or purely homosexual women with male homosexuals this may account for the majority of female homosexuality with other instances being fetishistic based being an acquired taste.Experiments can be done wherein the MRI scans and genomes of both male and female progeny of women can be analysed and compared between each successive progeny in thousands or millions of females across the world with at the same time the blood of the mother analysed during each month or week pregnancy for the levels of antibodies and other compounds during each pregnancy she has using home test kits and blood samples in labs to test the amount of antibodies and other compounds in her blood produced by her that may play a role in this to show if antibodies and other compounds produced influence the sexuality of her male and female progeny.The genes,MRI scans and level of antibodies and other compounds in the blood of all male and female progeny of these females will be anslysed.The genes of these different females will be analysed to determine if different strengths immune response can occur and are genetic based and modified versions and results from this can see if other compounds such as synthetic chemicals,specific foods or other environmental factors affect the role she has in the development of her progenies sexuality with patient files housing the DNA of all patients worldwide and them containing the results of all home test kits including those that measure blood components alongside lab tests and MRI scans built into smartphones would allow for this to be tested on millions or even billions of mothers and their children born across the universe over the coming millenia with little to no human labour with this and similar experiments replicated on all other species of mammals,birds,reptiles etc across the animal kingdom including on other planets across the universe including on other sentient races across the universe.Existing living patients who identify as either bisexual or homosexual can have their genomes scanned alongside MRI scans taken.Genetics may be the result of purely random mutations amongst the population similar to how those for all phenotypes occur through random mutations meaning genetics with no influence from antibodies from the mother may cause both homosexuality and bisexuality.Theories for homosexuality existing range for it may be for population control to ensure that their is a certain amount of males and females not attracted to the opposite sex and thus less likely to want to copulate with someone of the opposite sex but rather same sex and thus not produce young keeping populations stable and not getting out of control.Other theories include the creation of feminine males and masculine females with no interest in the opposite sex that would be ideal third parents to children that would not compete as a sexual partner to chosen prehistoric versions of wives and husbands whether in the form of a lesbian or male homosexual third parent that would act as second father or mother respectively to children that is they would act as a foster parent that would look after children while males and female parents were off hunting for prey etc.This makes the one male and one female marriage and parent traditional family argument moot since in ancient and prehistoric times homosexual,transgender and lesbian couples and even extended families of distantly and closely releated individuals raising children more than likely took the role of foster parents or in place a deceased one to ensure the survival of offspring with almost zero conflict especially in Isis-Osirian societies.There are many possible explanations,such as genes predisposing to homosexuality also conferring advantage in heterosexuals,a kin selection effect,social prestige,and more.A 2009 study also suggested a significant increase in fecundity in the females related to the homosexual people from the maternal line(but not in those related from the paternal one).Genetic studies in mice have uncovered additional gene candidates that could influence sexual preference.A 2010 study linked sexual preference to a gene called fucose mutarotaseaen the gene was deleted in female mice,they were attracted to female odors and preferred to mount females rather than males.Other studies have shown that disruption of a gene called TRPC2 can cause female mice to act like males.Male mice lacking TRPC2 no longer display male-male aggression,and they initiate sexual behaviors toward both males and females.Expressed in the brain,TRPC2 functions in the recognition of pheromones,chemicals that are released by one member of a species to elicit a response in another.This could be the result of the feminising antibodies affecting the developing the switching on/off of this gene.The fact that homosexuality is seen right throughout the entire animal kingdom supports these theories.Thus homosexuality is normal in that there are evolutionary purposes for it in terms of where it is not a choice with there also being cases where it and at least a sexual preference in terms of bisexuality.Transgendered people may have no evolutionary purpose but it is certainly not as serious nor can be classed as a neurological disorder like pedopheilia being likely a neutral mutation with no real advantage or disadvantage to the species since it does not endanger prebuscent children much like intersexed people with it possibly like homosexuality being for also third parents to provide a dual father and mother role in parents and uncles and aunts etc with there evidence of transgenderism in all major complex chordates such as fish,mammels,birds and reptiles via MRI scans.Several studies have found a correlation between gender identity and brain structure.Genetic markers and neural structures common only to transgendered males and females have been found through MRI scans and also genetic tests proving that transgenderism is not a choice rather biological like homosexuality as with as stated a possible evolutionary purpose.Male-to-female transsexuals were more likely than cisgender males to have a longer version of a receptor gene(longer repetitions of the gene) for the sex hormone androgen or testosterone,which reduced its effectiveness at binding testosterone.The androgen receptor (NR3C4) is activated by the binding of testosterone or dihydrotestosterone,where it plays a critical role in the forming of primary and secondary male sex characteristics.The research suggests reduced androgen and androgen signaling contributes to the female gender identity of male-to-female transsexuals.The authors say that a decrease in testosterone levels in the brain during development might prevent complete masculinization of the brain in male-to-female transsexuals and thereby cause a more feminized brain and a female gender identity.A variant genotype for a gene called CYP17,which acts on the sex hormones pregnenolone and progesterone,has been found to be linked to female-to-male transsexuality but not MtF transsexuality.Most notably,the FtM subjects not only had the variant genotype more frequently,but had an allele distribution equivalent to male controls,unlike the female controls.The paper concluded that the loss of a female-specific CYP17 T -34C allele distribution pattern is associated with FtM transsexuality.Curing homosexuality through CRISPR could be possible but the legality and ethical morality would be unconstitutional with it also going against normal biological purposes since unlike pedopheilia it serves an evolutionary purposes,would be a form of correcting a flaw in a person in the eyes of religious groups that isnt really a flaw and also that bisexuality has some fetishitic antecedants meaning if genetic causes could be cured bisexual traces could still remain to the fact that in some cases it can have some basis in personal experiences etc.In otherwards the genetic roots of homosexuality could be cured but one would still have sexual attraction or even emotional fondness towards those of the same or both sexes due to their being fetishistic roots thus meaning that genetics font have entire control over behaviours etc they only act as a blueprint from which enviromental conditions and personal experiences take up the slack.If possible it could be used to make bisexuality a permenant feature of the entire human genepool.Curing of transgenderism could be achieved by again CRISPR applying corrections to this but again the same ethical transgressions would arise with CRISPR even used to create the desired body of the opposite sex more naturally than normal that can be reversed via CRISPR changing the sex chromosome and adding genes to initiate sex organs etc and stem cells causing in vivo cosmetic surgery to do so also.Late hebe and ephobpheilia are considered normal again because females are in their fertile peak and males have the testosterone peak.Thus we see that transgederism and gender dysphoria is the same as homosexuality in that their are evolutionary purposes and genetic predispositions and thus conservative Christians have no right in claiming it the cause of environmental factors and some leftist cultural marxist agenda to brainwash all children to question their identity with early self identification of transgenderism and homosexuality in small populations well founded due to the neurological and genetic differences.Thus the concept of Christian conservatives playing the victim as always rings through and their archaic and artificial values are not under attack from those meddling liberals and their darn scientific data making conservatives the real aggressor in trying to enforce heterosexuality and cisgenderism onto those who are genetically predisposed to it again going against their right to freedom of expression etc making you hypocrites when you whine about the left especially SJWs doing it.Having sexual intercourse and courting an adolescent female is normal in evolutionary terms as unlike an older female these females are at the start of their fertility cycle and thus have a higher success rate of bearing healthy viable young than an older female in their thirties or forties whose lowering fertility can lead to children with a higher chance of developing those with developmental disorders and even miscarriages.As detailed earlier on with regards to male and male as well as female and female relations involving adolescents and adults it may be the result of societal and peer pressure that led to repression of homosexual tendencies in adolescence of the older male or female that leads to a obsession with adolescence and missed opportunities that one may have been able to experience again due to exceptions of living heterosexual only lifestyles with the fear of being seen as sub masculine or sub feminine or even sinful during ones teens by Osirian Christian,Islamic and Jewish standards either indirectly of the patriarchal nature of their religion or their society enshrining heternormative machismo and religious based obedience especially with regards to the testosterone peak as seen in adolescence for a brief few years that they seem to as adults now free from peer pressure of high school and authoratative parents want to continuously have over and over again by being addicted to a date or have sex with only underage male teens aged 14-17.Does missing out on homosexual oral and anal sex with someone going through their testosterone adolescent peak or even missing out on homosexual sex with their own adolescent testosterone peak lead to them only want to date with males of this age group.From my observations it seems to me that this sexual predation wherein an adult grooms an underage 14-15 year old or even 13 year old fucks them,uses them and then dumps them on their 18th birthday for someone younger seems only to occur in conservative countries with higher ages of consent between 16-18 primarily Britain,America as well as Australia and not in more liberal societies with ages of consent between 13-18 such as Asia,South America and continental Europe or even Africa.Furthermore it only occurs in countries with dumbass teens you know the ones with snowflakes and SJWs on college campuses.Pedophelia on the other hand is considered an abnormal aberration due to the fact that MRI scans have shown huge differences in their neural wiring between them and those that exhibit normal chronopheilias of homosexuals,heterosexuals,bisexuals and trans people as a result of faulty wiring and differences in the distribution and percentage of both grey and white matter namely in areas responsible for sexual attraction and arousal possibly caused by genetic markers and caused by lack of gene protection with it also hypothosised that teratogens may play a role.

Sexual attraction to prepbuscent minors holds no evolutionary purpose as the child is physically incapable of bearing healthy young if any at all much less partake in sexual intercourse with each other much less an adult in comparison to a mid to late teenager.It is therefore can only be considered a neurological disorder on par with sociopathy,psychopathy and not a sexual orientation or chronpheilia as a result of faulty wiring in the brain that has been conclusively shown to be the result of abnormalities in the brains neural structure visible in MRI scans with genetic scans potentially showing genetic roots that are the due to the lack of gene protection and also trauma to the neural pathways in the brain of fetuses due to alcohol,trauma,teratogens etc that have no evolutionary purposes.Pedophelia is not a sexual orientation and it’s not a choice – one is born a pedophile with there being verified scientific data from countless MRI scans and it’s a neurological condition on par with schizophrenia,sociopathy and psychopathy etc since it serves no evolutionary purpose like schizophrenia and so should be treated as such through counselling and giving the afflicted person the opportunity to have resources to prevent them offending and if possible being secured in psychiatric institutions to allow them to live in secure environments where they are not a harm to themselves or to children and allow the condition to be studied more extensively.Put simply we have hard scientific data from MRI scans from afflicted individuals that show faulty cross wiring in the areas of the brain associated visible through large difference in the distribution and composition of grey and white matter widely different from non afflicted individuals with sexual arousal and genetic markers that lead to this faulty wiring possibly playing a key role in the formation of the faulty wiring.The level and distribution of white and grey matter determines the different types of pedopheilia.This is similar to how afflicted patients of sociopathy,psychopathy and schizophrenia have faulty wiring in their brains that causes them to suffer hallucinations,carry out fits of rage and have a lack of empathy towards others causing them to carry out acts of sadism,torture etc against animals and other humans.The minute differences in wiring between heterosexuals,bisexuals and homosexuals shows that these are normal sexualities but the large differences of white matter distribution in pedophiles show it is a neurological disorder similar to the wide differences in suffers of schizophrenia etc show they are neurological disorders.For non afflicted individuals to empathise and feel the same unnatural attraction to prepubescent children as pedophiles and vice versa is just as difficult for them to empathise and feel the same wanten desire to torture,maim and kill by those who suffer from sociopathy,psychopathy and the same delusions and hallucinations as those who suffer schizophrenia and vice versa or for most people to empathise the same level of understanding of the world as those who have developmental disorders such as Downs Syndrome and Cerebral Paulsy and vice versa and even for people with Aspergers to understand those without Aspergers and vice versa.Unlike bisexuality and other chronopheilias and also sexual fetishising there are no fetishistic basis for pedopheilia as it is purely genetic and based on neural wiring based on these genes as a person without the specific genes and neural wiring associated with pedopheilia will have no interest in molesting a prepubescent child.Pedophelia is not a choice a person does not choose to have attractions to prepubescent children it’s caused by faulty wiring in the brain.Let me reiterate this point – pedopheilia however unlike homosexuality etc is not a sexuality it is a neurological disorder similar to how both schizophrenia and sociopathy are neurological disorders  caused by faulty neural wiring and should be treated as such.How do we treat schizophrenia?We treat it with counselling,medication for mild cases and extreme cases require placement in psychiatric institutions with for pedophelia in the case of those who pledge never to harm children where the patient is monitored closely through software blocking them viewing child pornography and contacting children and monitored in person as well as in severe cases where the patient refuses to cooperate and thus actively seeks to molest children we have them put in psychiatric institutions to be studied and kept in conditions that are humane to protect the patient from being harmed and more importantly prevent them harming children.They are given human dignity and compassion in a way to contribute to society through the arts etc but more importantly in a way to prevent them consuming child pornography and prevent them contacting or harming pre pubescent children..Instances of pedopheilia and molestation of children that occur without the specific genetic disorders are extremely rare and only occur wherein the victim of molestation and child abuse by pedophiles is so traumatised by the abuse by it being consistent and severe abuse they believe it is normal behaviour and thus molest other prebuscent children as a form of post traumatic stress disorder or Stockholm syndrome as either a means of justifying their abuse or their abuser or the experiences of molestation being so severe and traumatic that they carry it out on other children as adults due to them being so brainwashed into believing that adults molesting prepubescent children is normal behaviour even though they have none of the genetic or neural markers of pedopheilia itself.This is a common myth about pedopheilia that all pedophiles are themselves victims of abuse as pre pubescent minors.This is a rare occurrence as most victims of pedopheilia usually do not only not molest children but they also in fact end up with the inability to form relationship either long term or sexual with other adults and find it difficult to become parents themselves.They either end up completely isolated from society both physically and emotionally thus unable to form proper relationships either sexual,long term or even platonic relationships or they in rare instances can end up promiscuous or have sexual relationships with men and women much older than them during the ages 14-17 once the abuse ends for various reasons as security looking for real emotional and sexual relationships with an older individual that has real emotional interest.Each persons reaction from molestation as a prebuscent minor by a pedophile is different based on the individual circumstances just like anything else but the trauma is usually one that lasts a lifetime.The instances of sexual molestation of pre pubescent children by adults without the specific neural defects are localised to predominantly extremely religious conservative theocratic Islamic countries such as Pakistan,Iran,Iraq,Afghanistan etc where remaining traces of Bacha Bazi are endemic and molestation of prepubescent minors is so severe due to societal standards restricting sexual intercourse with adult women and men and the ease at which actual pedophiles have access to young children that it passes from one generation to the next fact that such a small percentage of the population have this neurological disorder is also furthermore evidence of this since it is estimated that only 5% of the global population,about 375,000,000 people worldwide have the condition similar to how roughly 1% of the global population have schizophrenia shows that it is a neurological disorder and affects mainly males over females as the result of the lack of gene protection and not an actual sexuality leading to sufferers to have sexual attraction to prepubescent minors beyond their control.The prevalence of pedophilia in the general population is not known,but is estimated to be lower than 5% among adult men.Less is known about the prevalence of pedophilia in women, but there are case reports of women with strong sexual fantasies and urges towards children.Most sexual offenders against children are male including both heterosexual and homosexual males.Females may account for 0.4% to 4% of convicted sexual offenders,and one study estimates a 10 to 1 ratio of male-to-female child molesters.The true number of female pedophile child molesters may be underrepresented by available estimates,for reasons including a “societal tendency to dismiss the negative impact of sexual relationships between young boys and adult women, as well as women’s greater access to very young children who cannot report their abuse”, among other explanations.There are genetic defects that affect every aspect of the human body ie progeria that leads to acellerated ageing,parkinsons that leads to nervous system decline,adrenoleukodystrophy that affects that destroys myelin sheets in the nervous system,cystic fibrosis that affects the lungs and digestive system,heart murmers that affect the proper functioning of the heart,schizophrenia and Alzheimer that affects the proper functioning of the brain,sickle cell anemia that prevents the formation of proper red blood cells and paedophilia that affects the proper functioning of neurons in areas the brain responsible for sexual arousal.Like HIV,schizophrenia,cancer and indeed any disease especially genetic based ones paedophilia is indiscriminate to whom it strikes and is universal and is equal to all regardless of race,gender,politics meaning one does not have a choice in contracting it as it is simply random bad luck beyond their control.Thus being born a pedophile is just as much bad luck in the genetic lottery as contracting Alzheimer’s,cystic fibrosis,Downs Syndrome,schizophrenia and genetic predisposed cancers and indeed other genetic predisposed conditions.Other causes could be damage to the brain during infancy or while in the womb due to exposure to teratogens like alcohol or synthetic chemicals and possibly poor nutrition again while in the womb.The issue is that a sufferer of pedopheilia realises their condition exists,acknowledges it is not normal sexual attractions and that one is able to restrain and control their unnatural urges preventing them harming prepubescent children in the first place and more importantly what help in the form of counselling and other programmes is availible to prevent them offending.This is what is known as virtuous or non offending pedophiles that are thus spared banishment to Tartarus rather than those that does not acknowledge it is not normal,doesnt restrain themselves,doesnt seek help and actively consumes child pornography and actively seeks to groom and molest prepubescent children.Pedophilia emerges before or during puberty,and is stable over time.It is self-discovered,not chosen.For these reasons,pedophilia has been described as a disorder of sexual preference.These observations,however,do not exclude pedophilia from being classified as a mental disorder as pedophilic acts cause harm,and mental health professionals can sometimes help pedophiles to refrain from harming children.In response to misinterpretations that the American Psychiatric Association the considers pedophilia a sexual orientation because of wording in its printed DSM-5 manual, which distinguishes between paraphillia what it calls “paraphilic disorder”, subsequently forming a division of “pedophilia” and “pedophilic disorder”, the association commented: “‘[S]exual orientation’ is not a term used in the diagnostic criteria for pedophilic disorder and its use in the DSM-5 text discussion is an error and should read ‘sexual interest.'” They added, “In fact, APA considers pedophilic disorder a ‘paraphilia,’ not a ‘sexual orientation.’This error will be corrected in the electronic version of DSM-5 and the next printing of the manual.”They said they strongly support efforts to criminally prosecute those who sexually abuse and exploit children and “also support continued efforts to develop treatments for those with pedophilic disorder with the goal of preventing future acts of abuse.”Studies of pedophilia in child sex offenders often report that it co-occurs with other psychopath slofies such as low self esteem low depression,anxiety,and personality problems. It is not clear whether these are features of the disorder itself,artifacts of sampling bias, or consequences of being identified as a sex offender.One review of the literature concluded that research on personality correlates and psychopathology in pedophiles is rarely methodologically correct, in part owing to confusion between pedophiles and child sex offenders, as well as the difficulty of obtaining a representative, community sample of pedophiles.Seto (2004) points out that pedophiles who are available from a clinical setting are likely there because of distress over their sexual preference or pressure from others.This increases the likelihood that they will show psychological problems.Similarly,pedophiles recruited from a correctional setting have been convicted of a crime, making it more likely that they will show anti-social characteristics.Impaired self-concept and interpersonal functioning were reported in a sample of child sex offenders who met the diagnostic criteria for pedophilia by Cohen et al. (2002),which the authors suggested could contribute to motivation for pedophilic acts.The pedophilic offenders in the study had elevated psychopathy and cognitive distortions compared to healthy community controls.This was interpreted as underlying their failure to inhibit their criminal behavior.Studies in 2009 and 2012 found that non-pedophilic child sex offenders exhibited psychopathy, but pedophiles did not.Wilson and Cox (1983) studied the characteristics of a group of pedophile club members.The most marked differences between pedophiles and controls were on the introversion scale,with pedophiles showing elevated shyness, sensitivity and depression.The pedophiles scored higher on neuroticism and psychoticism but not enough to be considered pathological as a group.The authors caution that “there is a difficulty in untangling cause and effect.We cannot tell whether paedophiles gravitate towards children because, being highly introverted,they find the company of children less threatening than that of adults,or whether the social withdrawal implied by their introversion is a result of the isolation engendered by their preference i.e., awareness of the social [dis]approbation and hostility that it evokes” (p. 324).In a non-clinical survey,46% of pedophiles reported that they had seriously considered suicide for reasons related to their sexual interest,32% planned to carry it out, and 13% had already attempted it.A review of qualitative research studies published between 1982 and 2001 concluded that child sexual abusers use cognitive distortions meet personal needs, justifying abuse by making excuses, redefining their actions as love and mutuality, and exploiting the power imbalance inherent in all adult–child relationships.Other cognitive distortions include the idea of “children as sexual beings”,uncontrollability of sexual behavior,and “sexual entitlement-bias”Consumption of child pornography is a more reliable indicator of pedophilia than molesting a child,although some non-pedophiles also view child pornography.Child pornography may be used for a variety of purposes,ranging from private sexual gratification or trading with other collectors, to preparing children for sexual abuse as part of the child grooming process.Pedophilic viewers of child pornography are often obsessive about collecting, organizing,categorizing, and labeling their child pornography collection according to age,gender,sex act and fantasy.According to FBI agent Ken Lanning,”collecting” pornography does not mean that they merely view pornography,but that they save it, and “it comes to define,fuel,and validate their most cherished sexual fantasies”.Lanning states that the collection is the single best indicator of what the offender wants to do, but not necessarily of what has been or will be done.Researchers Taylor and Quayle reported that pedophilic collectors of child pornography are often involved in anonymous internet communities dedicated to extending their collections.Although what causes pedophilia is not yet known,researchers began reporting a series of findings linking pedophilia with brain structure and function, beginning in 2002.Testing individuals from a variety of referral sources inside and outside the criminal justice system as well as controls the  studies found associations between pedophilia and lower intelligence quotient scores,poorer scores on memory tests,greater rates of non-right-handedness,greater rates of school grade failure over and above the intelligence quotient tests lesser physical height,greater probability of having suffered childhood head injuries resulting in unconsciousness,and several differences in MRI detected brain structures.Such studies suggest that there are one or more neurological characteristics present at birth that cause or increase the likelihood of being pedophilic.Some studies have found that pedophiles are less cognitively impaired than non-pedophilic child molesters.A 2011 study reported that pedophilic child molesters had deficits in response inhibition,but no deficits in memory or cognitive flexibility.Evidence of familial transmittability “suggests, but does not prove that genetic factors are responsible” for the development of pedophilia.A 2015 study indicated that pedophilic offenders have a normal intelligence quotient.Another study, using structural MRI indicated that male pedophiles have a lower volume of white matter of a control group.Functional magnetic resonance imaging has indicated that child molesters diagnosed with pedophilia have reduced activation of the hypothalamus as compared with non-pedophilic persons when viewing sexually arousing pictures of adults.A 2008 functional neuroimaging study notes that central processing of sexual stimuli in heterosexual “paedophile forensic inpatients” may be altered by a disturbance in the prefrontal networks, which “may be associated with stimulus-controlled behaviours, such as sexual compulsive behaviours”.The findings may also suggest “a dysfunction at the cognitive stage of sexual arousal of processing”.Blanchard,Cantor,and Robichaud (2006) reviewed the research that attempted to identify hormonal aspects of pedophiles.They concluded that there is some evidence that pedophilic men have less testosterone than controls,but that the research is of poor quality and that it is difficult to draw any firm conclusion from it.While not causes of pedophilia themselves,childhood abuse,by adults or comorbid psychiatric illnesses—such as personality disorders and substance abuse are risk factors for acting on pedophilic urges.Blanchard,Cantor,an Robichaud addressed comorbid psychiatric illnesses that,”The theoretical implications are not so clear.Do particular genes or noxious factors in the prenatal environment predispose a male to develop both affective disorders and pedophilia, or do the frustration,danger,and isolation engendered by unacceptable sexual desires—or their occasional furtive satisfaction—lead to anxiety and despair?”They indicated that,because they previously found mothers of pedophiles to be more likely to have undergone psychiatric treatment,the genetic possibility is more likely.Thus this confirms the possibility of it being genetic and that a mother with other genetic based mental disorders may likely produce progeny with the necessary mutations derived from hers to develop into other genetic based psychotic disorders including pedophiles.It also suggests that teratogens and physical trauma to the brain of the fetus during pregnancy play a role to a degree especially when combined with genetics with the role of teratogens and neural trauma possibly causing mild forms of the condition.A study analyzing the sexual fantasies of 200 heterosexual men by using the Wilson Sex Fantasy Questionnaire exam determined that males with a pronounced degree of paraphilic interest (including pedophilia) had a greater number of older brothers, a high 2D:4D digit ratio (which would indicate low prenatal androgen exposure), and an elevated probability of being left handed suggesting that disturbed hemispheric brain lateralisation may play a role in deviant attractions.Some pedophiles do not molest children.Little is known about this population because most studies of pedophilia use criminal or clinical samples,which may not be representative of pedophiles in general.Researcher Michael Seto suggests that pedophiles who commit child sexual abuse do so because of other anti-social traits in addition to their sexual attraction.He states that pedophiles who are “reflective, sensitive to the feelings of others,averse to risk,abstain from alcohol or drug use,and endorse attitudes and beliefs supportive of norms and the laws” may be unlikely to abuse children.A 2015 study indicates that pedophiles who molested children are neurologically distinct from non-offending pedophiles.The pedophilic molesters had neurological deficits suggestive of disruptions in inhibitory regions of the brain,while non-offending pedophiles had no such deficits.According to Abel,Mittleman, and Becker(1985) and Ward et al. (1995), there are generally large distinctions between the characteristics of pedophilic and non-pedophilic molesters.They state that pedophilic offenders tend to offend at times of stress;have a later onset of offending; and have fewer,often familial,victims,while pedophilic offenders often start offending at an early age;often have a larger number of victims who are frequently extrafamilial; are more inwardly driven to offend; and have values or beliefs that strongly support an offense lifestyle.One study found that pedophilic molesters had a median of 1.3 victims for those with girl victims and 4.4 for those with boy victims.Child molesters, pedophilic or not,employ a variety of methods to gain sexual access to children.Some groom their victims into compliance with attention and gifts, while others use threats,alcohol or drugs,or physical force.The reason why pedopheilia is still not fully understood in comparison to schizophrenia and other neurological disorders is that clinical psychologists only have a small sample size out the potential living 375,000,000 pedophiles to work with due to the small minority being only jailed pedophiles that have already molested children,consumed child pornography and also been caught as part of sting operations with this being a minority of patients with the vast majority being underground,not being caught or being non offending pedophiles who due to not being caught cannot be analysed by clinical psychologists.This is what muddies the water with grey morality with regards to actual pedopheilia further complicating the issue and condition.For both those who have and not deficits in inhibitors incarceration in jail or execution is not an option but rather secure study in psychiatric institutions and if possible supervised living in their homes to better understand the condition.The proper treatment for pedopheilia as the expert opinion of a neuropsychologist like myself is not incarcerations in jails as it encourage them to be murdered by other inmates but also it prevents those with the condition  in coming forwards before offending and molesting children with secure refferel and admittence in psychiatric institutions preferential as it allows them to be studied in a secure environment to further understand the condition and individual patients where they can be prevented from being murdered or harming pre pubescent minors and thus encourages afflicted patients to come forward as it is a means to aid treatment without persecution,incarceration,stigmatisation or even murder from inmates and more importantly prevent them molesting children.Pedopheilia is not a fully understood condition because the vast majority of afflicted patients that are studied are only those that have offended and in prison and  this represents a small minority of the total population of afflicted patients thus preventing the condition from being fully understood due to only a  small sample size availible.

Psychiatric institutions provide more safety for afflicted patients than prisons thus encouraging them to come forward and thus seek treatment before offending with it providing secure accommodation and better living conditions than prisons where they are allowed access to contact with the outside world with access to the internet being supervised and restricted by software preventing then contacting prepubescent minors or viewing child pornography with accomadation and living conditions much better than jails.Living standard in psychiatric institutions can be on par with luxury hotels or even your average suburban homes which is justified as your encouraging people to come forward and be secured into places where they can be studied before they offend.Furthermore since also housing other afflicted patients and those of other neurological conditions can prevent them being murdered etc and allow them to be able to socialise with others with the conditions.They have much better living conditions than jails offering bedrooms,living rooms etc and allows afflicted patients to be studied and analysed.This thus encourages afflicted patients of pedopheilia to come forward and seek treatment before offending by molesting pre pubescent children or consuming child pornography and thus saves children from being harmed and allows the condition to be more fully studied and fully understood and eliminates wasting countless man hours in sting operations.Therefore allowing treatment and accommodation in psychiatric institutions rather than jailing them are the best option as it allows afflicted patients of the condition to be studied and afflicted patients secure accommodation that prevents them hurting prepubescent children and consuming child pornography.Psychiatric institutions since housing the same living conditions as conventional suburban homes allows the afflicted patients to be secured in a secure place where they can be studied and given access to the internet that restricts them contacting pre pubescent children,without viewing child pornography and without harming children and encourages them to come forward and dare I say it is a better place to put those caught as part of sting operations in than jail as it allows them to be put in a secure place where they can be studied and allowed to exist in humane conditions without harming pre pubescent minors and without them being killed.We put sufferers of other neurological conditions like those suffering from schizophrenia,psychopathy,sociopathy etc into psychiatric institutions once discovered and tracked down and even encouraged to come forward by themselves or their friends and family so why are not doing the same for pedopheilia?In psychiatric institutions the afflicted patient is allowed secure accommodation and access to the internet with software blocking them viewing pornographic content of children and communicating with pre pubescent children at all times and allows the condition to be studied by researchers thus encouraging afflicted patients to come forward to psychiatric institutions before they consume child pornography and molesting prepubescent children.Furthermore it allows groups of afflicted patients to socialise with each other again without consuming child pornography or harming pre pubescent children.Jailing them is the exact opposite.Jails contain murders and other serious offenders and in prisons pedophiles are viewed as being on the lowest hierarchies in power and social structures in prisons because pedophiles in prisons are those that have already offended by molesting children and consumed children pornography thus making it to late to prevent the individual from molesting children and protect children thus makes them easy targets for being murdered.Most offending pedophiles in prison usually end up dead from suicide or being murdered by other inmates.It makes joking about pedopheilia and supposed pedopheilia offensive by both liberals and conservatives as your also cracking jokes about people struggling with unnatural desires they try on a daily basis to control and suppress thus negating them from harming children thus making you an insensitive piece of crap.Even the most darkest and salacious of human impulses and unnatural desires has a grey morality making it no longer black and white.This also makes vigilante groups who target actual pedophiles morally repugnant as they can usually end up entrapping people who are themselves struggling to control their urges and have up until to that point been successful and would continue to successful but can end up being lured into committing molestation on a non existent child at the hands of assholes and denies them the help they need.Thus even those that entrap actual pedophiles are just much assholes like Chris Hansen as they can potentially be entrapping those who are in need of help and seek it in the first place and rather than putting pedophiles in secure psychiatric institutions they are put in jails where they are murdered.From my expert opinion your doing things the completely wrong way – setting up psychiatric institutions for treating pedopheilia as a neurological disorder on par with schizophrenia is the proper way not carrying out sting operations. a result vigilante groups that are based on conservative Christian,Islamic and Judaic values are indeed hypocritical and dangerous.The hypocrisy being that again their Osirian conservative religions hierarchies covered up decades worth of abuse and allowed it to continue over and over again by moving the priests to new grooming grounds and the fact that pedopheilia is interwoven into conservative religions but also conservative groups especially the religious ones remit to show compassion or mercy – the so called cornerstone of their religions to those who need it the most which is ironically espoused by their ideological liberal enemies.As abhorrent as these programmes are that counsel pedophiles is to the Osirian its not normalising pedopheilia or making it a legal sexuality the whole purpose is to give someone who has no choice in their unnatural attractions the dignity of being a human being and yet still prevent them molesting and harming prepubescent children or consuming child pornography in the first and live normal lives thus being more effective than sting operations and also vigilante groups in protecting pre pubescent children especially to so called virtuous pedophiles who acknowledge their condition and seek this help in the first place – its called being a compassionate human being,something you might try being once in your life,with terrorist deprogramming programmes doing the same giving brainwashed individuals the chance to be reformed which certainly more humane and effective at quelling Islamic fundamentalism then continuing to bomb the Middle East over and over again.Furthermore attempts to reclassify pedopheilia with the terms minor attracted person may be attempts to not normalise but less stigmatise people with the condition and make distinctions between clinical,legal and medical definitions of the disorder with at the same time integrate them into society where they can become productive valuable members of society without them harming prepubescent children.Thus these programmes are approaching the condition in a similar clinical fashion to schizophrenia and other neurological conditions.The fact that you fail to see that shows you have emotional biases on par with a 12 year old and likely are ignorant of the science of climate change,transgenderism,homosexuality or science in general.If a friend,relative or next of kin to you revealed they are a pedophile with these unnatural urges and had not yet abused a child or was the victim of entrapment at your hands even though they had never harmed a child what exactly would you do?Kill them?jail them?Or extend an olive branch?The answer to this is a test of ones character.Had the likes of Jimmy Saville,Ian Watkins,Jerry Sandusky,Gary Glitter,Shannon McCoole,Richard Huckle those in the hierarchies of the three major Osirian religions et al who are known to have molested minors aged 13 and lower as well as those caught as part of global sting operations had such counselling,support groups as well as psychiatric institutions available in the first place it would have been possible to have saved countless innocent children from being harmed in the first place both physically and emotionally in the production of child porn involving prepubescent minors and in fact would have saved countless manhours used by vigilante groups and police officers.Psychiatric institutions are more cost effective in terms of man hours and resources to provide counselling and accommodation in psychiatric institutions than carrying out sting operations and waiting until after they have molested a child or consumed child pornography because you have them in a secure location where they can be studied and prevent them harming children or being murdered and it encourages afflicted patients to come forward.Ironic that the peddlers of the vulnerable teen dont seem to see that this is what these groups are doing – to protect prepubescent minors from pedophiles by showing the cornerstone of their religion which in turn whose hierarchies are filled with nothing but pedophiles and predators and their enablors.One may also question as to whether cracking jokes about Saville,Epstein,Sandusky,pedopheilia in general can be just as warranted or as moral as cracking jokes about those with schizophrenia,Downs Syndrome,transgenderism,homosexuality or Asperegers since like pedopheilia these are genetic based conditions beyond their control.So you see the progressive left is doing more to actually make teens mature by their early teens with their “low” ages of consent and protect children from pedophiles through counselling groups better than what is done by vigilante groups and conservative pundits rendering them obsolete thus making the Osirian values destructive to society that festers and seeps into even the more liberal amongst us.Picking and choosing neuropsychology to suit one agenda is the height of hypocrisy on par with picking and choosing morality from both Testaments of the Bible as well as Quaran etc with this even applying to atheist vigilantes.By this logic it is okay to entrap and condemn people sexually active with adolescents who are in their fertile and hormonal peak and whose maturity is determined by their cultural,familial and personal conditions and experiences but it is not okay to lend a olive branch to those who are genetically and neurologically predisposed to neurological disorders that have them sexually attracted to prepubescent minors against their will that seek and need treatment is morally repulsive with them rather seen as something which should be killed off and seen as inferior and disposed of through incarceration and execution and as mere animals despite having no choice in the matter.

Pedopheilia cannot be classed as a chronopheilia or sexuality for these reasons as normal chronopheilias and sexualities are based usually on choice,evolutionary purposes and preferences brought on by personal experiences with pedopheilia being the result of as stated faulty neural wiring and differences in the distribution and percentage grey and white matter in the brain to which there is no evolutionary purpose and the sufferer has no choice in the matter.As a result it can only be classed as a neurological disorder on par with schizophrenia,sociopathy etc and as a result should be treated as such through being given treatment at psychiatric institutions and proper supervision and medical treatment.Thus there are only three chronopheillias – mid/late hebe/ephebopheilia(the sexual attraction post pubescent individuals aged 14-19 year olds) and teilopheilia sexual attraction to older individuals aged over 18 and under the age of 70 and gerantropheilia(sexual attraction to elderly individuals aged 70 and older).There are also only three sexualities homosexuality – sexual attraction to those of the same gender,heterosexuality – sexual attraction to those of the opposite gender,bisexuality – sexual attraction to those of both gender and there are at least three genders – male,female and trans as proven by science with those concerning binary etc genders needing MRI scans and genetic scans to be proven with them simply labels until scientifically proven.Any notions of paedophilia being a sexuality or there being dozens of genders is bullshit and is nonsense pushed by the far right and non progressive left.Such conflations of late hebe and ephebopheilia with paedophilia as a result especially with regards to the issue of cultural relativity are not only erroneous but also offensive as it belittles and infantilises the victim reducing them to over victimised spoiled brats incapable or devoid of personal responsibility or an ounce of critical reasoning but also trivialises actual pedophilia involving children as young as 12 or younger who are physically incapable of performing or even understanding such acts.There can be no comparison whatsover between an adolescent teen aged 14-17 or even 13 who is physically capable of bearing children and carrying out the acts involved in sexual intercourse who understands the concept of sexual intercourse,the consequences and thus able to give or revoke consent to the issue thus allowing them to choose not to consent thus giving them some responsibility and onus on their part as well as responsibility and exhibit maturity compared to a prepubescent minor who can barely comprehend the situation much less even be capable of physically performing any type of sexual acts with each other much less a physical adult.A 14-17 year old can actually comprehend the situation – a prepubescent child aged 2-12 year olds simply cannot.Maybe the conservatives intense crackdown on sex education and shielding pre pubescent minors from what sexual intercourse is has led to a generation of teens that are clueless about the situation.Dont be calling consentual sex with a post pubescent minor pedopheilia or even a predator or entrapping people of doing so when the hierarchies of the conservative Osirian religions are guilty not just of raping post pubescent minors but also when theyve molested actual prepubescent minors and been moved from one breeding ground to the next something which was admonished or abhorred by Isis-Osisrian societies and religions both modern and ancient.This is cognitive dissonance.This hyperconflation may be a means of conservative groups to poison the well so to speak with it just as much Orwellian doublethink similar to how state capitalism is conflated with communism and socialism and thus allow this to spread to even more progressive commentators in order to coverup the rampant actual paedophilia in conservative religions or a means to infantalise and stunt maturity in teenagers especially those under the age of 18 thus acting as a form of patriarchal cultural imperialism.The fact that most victims of actual paedophilia become sexually active in long term relationships with both their peers and those who are adults much older than themselves ie those who are aged even mid to late twenties and thirties during their early teens ie 14/15 and condemn the comparison between hebe/ephebopheilia and pedopheilia as offensive and even criticise vigilante groups that target hebe/ephebopheiliac as clueless and unecessary proves that there can be no correlation with the two.A 14/15 year old is not a vulnerable child that needs protection and they should not be wasting away their life in school or highschools they are in a time of their life when they need to have been already thrust into the responsibilities and expectations of what we associate with adults in their 20s and 30s such as parenthood and careers as well as political and academic discourse with them also living by themselves at this point to prevent them becoming spoiled.Frankly they shouldn’t even be living with Mammy and Daddy anymore the age of 14/15.Furthermore they are well capable of understanding the ramifications of their actions with regards to sexual intercourse with both other teens and older adults and them carrying out rape,murder etc on other people including adults.Even a 13 year old or even pre teens younger than 13 as young as 10 years old are capable of understanding the ramifications of carrying out murder and rape.A kindergartener can understand the simple fact that murder and rape is bad.By 14/15 they should be well established in their careers in the arts,mass media,law,scientific research etc,as well as living by themselves,married or at least dating and considering pregnancy and parenthood.Ones careers in media,mass media,law,psychology,scientific research etc would start as early as 12 or even as young as 5-9 and thus they could have well established themselves in careers by their mid teens by the ages of 14-15 by adulthood having at least a decades experience or more due to the time dilation effect of VR as well as living by themselves being on par with someone in their 30s and be considered veterans by their early to twenties aged 22-25 on par with someone in their late 40s and early 50s by today’s standards allowing them to take a break to have children and then return by their thirties or return but have more control over schedules in their early to mid twenties to then when thirty return and gain full control again.Furthermore they neednt be hanging out and socialising with only people their own age in fact they should be dating and socialising with much older people in their 20s,30s and 40s by the time childhood ends at 14/15.Any movies,video games,television shows,literature etc created for children aged 5-13 years old will be through Assistant AI made to have deep themes,allegories,subtext etc and adult level character and plot depth,puzzle solving,critical thinking etc and that could also be enjoyed by adults to be worthy of prestigious awards such as Oscar’s in awards for writing and Best Picture,Palm Dor and Nobel laureate in Literature etc to stimulate critical thinking for pre teens and engage in discussion about them in salons etc with VR technology used by pre teens to allow them to create rich textured worlds from their imagination to stimulate creativity.Toys and gifts for 5-13 year olds will be clothing,electronics like smartphones,laptops,desktop computers,smart pads and also perfumes,cosmetics,video game consoles etc and toys and gifts that adults would have that would be educational ones that adults could enjoy.Toys for 5-13 year olds would be complex and educational ones that would also be educational and challenging ones,that require creativity and critical thinking to play that adults would also enjoy and find challenging with them also given pets such as cats,dogs,hamsters etc of different breeds that would be made docile and playful towards children with anti-ageing treatments allowing the dogs like their owners to live forever in a youthful state.Just because your a pre teen or teenager does not automatically mean movies,television shows,video games and literature created by them and for them should not have intellectual depth to them and be just kids stuff because it’s infantilising to them and is trash media just as bad as trash food they are fed nor does it rescind you from getting interested in politics.Just because their “kids” does not mean that they cannot enjoy or deserve intellectually stimulating material or be expected to watch,read and produce intellectually stimulating material.Feeding children junk food is considered bad so why should the media ie movies,television shows etc they digest not be considered high brow material.If they are exposed to thrash media as kids then they will only enjoy only trash media as adults like how is like they are treated as kids forever they’ll act as kids forever.There is no excuse for this level of ignorance especially with the advent of the information.Due to progeria mylinisation teenagers aged 14-17 will be considered legal adults and thus would no longer have to socialise with people their own age.This is why the criticism of Greta Thurnberg by the right is ridiculous because shes doing at her age what the majority of “teens” should be doing with their lives and shes more versed in the ways of the world than most politicians and pundits that critics more than twice her age.People her age should not be called vulnerable or just a kid just like her ancient counterparts in Greece,Rome and much of the ancient Isis-Osirian when teens were encouraged to question society and challenge the status quo controlled by corrupt and infantile adults not be relegated to vulnerable children who need to be spoiled and waste away whatever potential they had.In otherwards teenagers exist to prevent the adults themselves who should know better becoming corrupt and sloppy and not the other way around which is the way its should be.You see everyone needs to have someone to keep them in check and ensure they dont go downhill and get corrupt and teenagers and possibly even children need to there to remind adults of what the future is and who are affecting and what they themselves were when they were younger.Adults cant do that with those younger than them because they have lost their way.In fact shes probably more mature most so called adults of the Osirian and SJW.Would you rather have a teenager who is like Greta Thurnberg or a spoiled sweet sixteneer and one like Nicollette Grey on Dr Phil who thinks only of themselves and getting more and more money for nothing and their precious G-wagon?Who we consider vulnerable and just kids should already be dealing with adult responsibilities and problems,careers in law,media and media and not peer pressure and worrying about exams.In short at 14/15 years old your old – if an actual pedophile that is someone who would willingly molest a prepubescent five or six year old when given the chance wouldnt fuck you or touch you with a hundred foot pole you aint no spring chicken anymore;harsh but true – youve past your prime in the eyes of actual pedophiles and so called child predators and cannot always play the victim card when it suits you and in fact the sooner you drop that card by your early teens the better.Otherwise you end up with man children and snowflakes in their 40s or even 70s who still act and think like teenagers or even pre teens who are committing war crimes and genocide.Dont flatter yourself hon your not that young and the fact you feel used or a victim shows you are spoiled pampered brat whose never known real problems or real sexual abuse.Your probably a shallow vain brat even as an adult or a D-list or no list actor who after destroying their careers after doing stupid shit that even any teenager would consider stupid or simply failed to make it big and thus has found the #MeToo movement as a means to make it big,their own personal “sob story” and failed court cases for sexual harrasment and assault as an excuse to not take responsibility for your own actions – and your probably are and were brainwashed into being a victim by Osirian values.That includes you Corey Feldmen – you were 14 when you were “passed around” past your prime,legal in many countries and could have been tried as an adult for murder and considering you have no career,playing the victim overlooks your non existent careers.You and Corey Haim were too old for actual pedophiles to molest.As for you and now deceased fellow non actor Corey Haim all teens with a lick of sense know recreational hard drugs especially cocaine etc are to avoided – didn’t you parents ever tell you “Just say No”.Any 14 year old knows that recreational drugs are best left to your 20s if not all and only to use the soft ones such as marijuania.Getting into drugs is generally a decision one personally makes the decision to do and thus they have to have responsibility themselves for developing addictions.Not everyone in Hollywood does cocaine or prescription medication and those that do usually get over it and admit they are wrong and it was their fault.Most people who do get past their drug addictions or indeed any type of addiction have the balls to admit it was their fault not anyone else’s that got them addicted in the first place and that it was them that made the concious decision to start using and continue to use drugs in the first place except of course cases involving actual coercion where they were force fed narcotics against their will that doesn’t ring true for you.Unless you were literally force fed and injected with cocaine,heroin and prescription pills against your will in the first place which is highly unlikely then your not a victim your a whiney,immature spoiled little shit who cant do the most basic steps of being an adult that is admitting when it was your fault that you have problems and you caused it in the first place.You made a lot of crappy decisions that is your responsiblity and the fact that you and Haim were never exactly Oscar material actors shows that you probably never would made it big or stayed big as adult actors in your 20s,30s,40s had those so called “vampires,vultures” never existed and they were only viewed as “vampires,vultures” due to the age of consent in California being 18.It was the 1980s everyone did cocaine most kids under the age 18 outside of Hollywood in highschools  did cocaine just like everyone including most teenagers in highschool and Hollywood did marijuana in the 1960s and how most teens did esctasy in 1990s.Put simply you made crappy decisions in life and bungled your careers and let’s face it you weren’t exactly “competent actors.” let alone Oscar or even A-list material.D-List or even Z-list may be a more proper term and you can’t be bothered taking responsibility for that in your adult years.Dont you think it’s strange that these so called pedophiles that knew you when you were a pre teen child actor when you were like 4 years old didn’t molest or touch you at all during your pre pubescent years but waited until after you were past the cut off point of pedopheilia at 14 to ask you to have sex with them?This is the victimising logic of a talentless pathetic piece of shit who has achieved nothing in life and continues to act like a kindergartener in middle age and has lived a career out of being a professional whiner.You were both capable of revoking consent and you allowed yourself to be “passed around” which is not even close to actual pedopheilia wherein pre pubescent children younger than 13 that have zero understanding or physical capability of sexual intercourse being trafficked and forced into sexual acts with adults when they are not just incapable of understanding but also not physically capable of carrying out sexual acts with adults.You were physically capable of performing sexual acts both with other people your own age but also with older adults and had you lived in another country it would have legal.You had the understanding to say no and leave or even report it to officials.It was statutory rape but not coercive rape meaning technically you are partly responsible for what happend to you – therefore your claims of an elite cable of pedophiles and sexual predators is simply the whining of someone who failed to make it big and is now on the Z-list.The age of consent places onus not only on the adult to choose not to carry out the crime but in cases of statutory rape that is consensual or instances of childhood grooming it also places the onus of the minor to say no and revoke consent – it takes two tango.In other wards just because you are below the local age of consent that would be legal in another country doesnt automatically rescind you from saying no if you are uncomfortable or not ready and doesn’t rescind you from having any responsibility in the repercussions.You were able to say no to both drugs and being passed around and even report it to the police but you didn’t and therefore you have responsibility for what happened.Technically you were not passed around you made an actual decision to meet those people and to carry out those sex acts there fore by legal definitions it wasn’t technically rape and would have been legal in another country therefore your claims of it being coercive rape and your a victim is bullshit.Statutory rape which is what you were victim of holds grey morality due to the victim having the onus to say no yet deciding not to say no and thus deciding to partake in such sexual activities and the differing age of consent in different countries.Actual coercive rape whether it involves either minors or those above the age of consent and legal adults is always deplorable and illegal.You were fully aware of what was going on,you actively went out to have consentual sex with said individuals with no coercion involved therefore it is your responsibility for what happened – just because you consented and partook to engaging in sexual intercourse even though you are below the age of consent doesn’t automatically rescind to taking any responsibility for your actions.Therefore they were not rapists it was only illegal due to the age of consent being 18.Coercive rape on the other hand that is where the victim is physically assaulted and coerced involving alcohol and drugs is still rape whether its performed against either a minor or an adult and in all instances admonisheable because the victim is physically coerced against their will and has no choice in resisting.You were not a victim of coercive rape anyone with any basic understanding of legal terms etc understands the difference between mutually consentual statutory rape and coercive rape.You were groomed,you decided to willingly and consentually engage in sexual acts with said adults therefore the onus was on you for the repercussions that followed – it was you that made the final decision to engage in sexual acts therefore you are at fault and any idea that you are a victim is therefore null and void.People that are victims of actual pedopheilia involving minors as young as 5-9 years old or younger ive talked to who literally were passed around and were mentally incapable of understanding it and much less even physically capable of resisting it,bearing young or engaging in sexual intercourse with adults much less each other think your little sob story and the concept of comparing a post pubescent 14/15 year old to a pubescent child with no understanding of the situation is offensive to their real life abuse and molestation.Yes consentual sex between underage teens and directors etc happens all the time such as seen with Bryan Singer etc and yes its technically statutory rape but it’s not pedopheilia.What are you like still have the mental capacity of a 12 year old?Your pushing 50 and your still whining about being the victim of non existant pedopheilia and allowing yourself to get addicted to cocaine like that whiney little brat Corey Haim used to before he died.Boo fucking hoo.Your an adult now stop acting as if your still in kindergarten,frankly your nothing but a talentless coke head whose main achievement in life is a just that – you couldn’t act yourself out of a stash of cocaine.At that age your capable of understanding the situation,it’s consequences and saying no both to drugs and sexual and your kinda at the point you have toy start responsibility for your actions.Same goes for that whiney little shit Edward Furlong,Adam McIntyre,Usher,Justin Bieber and every other teenaged victimised pieces of shit that are the victims of “grooming” and statutory rape.Your nothing but a bunch of spoiled,clout chasing talentless pieces of shit who are frankly morally disgusting who frankly are over victimised shits who milk it for everything got and frankly your sob stories are an offence to victims of actual pedopheilia because as I’ve stated sexual attraction to adolescents is normal and holds grey morality due to the different ages of consent,different maturity of adolescents and adults and they are nowhere near as vulnerable as a pre pubescent child who can’t even comprehend the situation.As stated I’ve had conversations with people who were victims of actual pedopheilia that is they were molested for day in day out starting the age of 4 or younger until about 13 years old and they think people like you who were “groomed” as teenagers are whiny pieces of shit who know nothing of what actual sexual predation or abuse is actually like and they think that people like Chris Hansen is also a piece of shit.Everytime I hear about statutory rape cases on the news and sting operations I’m laughing my ass off at how stupid the people doing the entrapment are – not the victims of entrapment.Why is it that I don’t hear any of this childish victimisation whining from both teens and adults in liberal countries with ages of consent at 14/15 or hell even 13 or even other ones with it being higher?This is where the coddling of adolescents leads you to people who are adults in their 30s,40s,50s and even later who can’t act like responsible adults.Making an entire career out of being a whiney little shit is not exactly an achievement.Methinks that outside of the genuine cases of abuse,molestation,groping and rape including those at the hand of them pieces of shit Weinstein,Crosby etc the vast majority of the #MeToo movement verified by A-listers and evidence and horrors tales of the casting couch in Hollywoods are simply as case of star struck teens,20 somethings and wannabie starlets who made crappy decisions they knew was crappy and now regret or were never really talented in the first place due to failed careers and not hitting it big and now want fame as 30 and 40 somethings as a victim of abuse.This little crusade you’ve got going to expose the “open secret” of complicity and underage sex in “Pedowood” or the predators of YouTube is the vain attempts of someone who both made crappy decisions in life and wasn’t up to the scratch of being A-list or Oscar material to have a career you never had in the first place.Pathetic.Theres nothing more pathetic than failed actors on the D-list or even Z-list that were never really talented enough in the first place let alone never being Oscar material who the term bottom of the barrel comes nowhere even close to describing their acting capabilities who made crappy decisions make entire careers of whining about being the victim of what would be legal consent in another country or being the victim of the casting couch.This is different than say actual talented actors that are the victims of that piece of crap Weinstein and Crosby.Just because you screwed up your career in Hollywood or weren’t talented enough doesnt give you the right to play the victim when you could have refused and think it was pedopheilia when it wasnt.The thing about the casting couch is that it takes two to tango – the people who are part and maintain the casting couch have no standards,the actors who submit and give into the casting couch by sleeping with directors,producers etc to get parts in movies have even less standards by giving in and letting it happen – unlike those under the abuse of power of that that piece of shit Weinstein etc who were victims of actual coercion and sexual assault and had no choice through being physically assaulted and groped,those that submit to the casting couch had choices to refuse.Furthermore those underage minors that are being groomed by older men and women can ignore said grooming meaning those who submit to grooming have even less standards than those carrying out the grooming.It belittles actual pedopheilia and rape suffered at the hand of Weinstein.As a teenager your capable of knowing what sex is and what it entails in terms of pregnancy and also STDs etc and are physically capable of dealing with the aftermath and you should be already be aware of your sexuality.As a teen you knew full well what was going on even if you were underage and under the local age of consent and thus have to take full responsibility for getting used or emotionally hurt if they happens and as an adult you cant keep yourself as the victim.Take some responsibility for your actions and accept the fact that you cant play the victim forever – you have to grow up eventually.If you were really physically forced into sex,trafficked,drugged and groped against your will then thats another story altogether but its still not pedopheillia.Rape is still rape regardless of the age of consent and is still indefensible in any scenario or situation.This is the difference between sexual predation and pedopheilia and consensual sex even if its legally statutory rape or that that is legally in another country.There are clear differences between statutory rape,physical coercive rape,sexual assault involving drugging,forceful imbibing of alcohol as well as physical coercion and pedophellia.Statutory rape is where an adult engages in mutually consensual sexual activity with a minor aged 14-17 where the minor gave mutual consent despite the minor being below the local age of consent,physical coercive rape and sexual assault occurs between adults,minors and both when one party physically forces the other into sexual activity and assaults them against the victims will where no consent is given as well as and pedophelia which is a neurological disorder where an adult has unnatural sexual attraction to minors aged 13 and younger.This is the complexities of neuropsychology and grey logical thinking of the adult world that is actually not the simplistic black and white thinking of kindegarten.To all those conservatives and liberals tainted by their rubbish and victims of so called child abuse and molestation the world is a really complex place where people have different opinions and people can be mature before the age of 18 and it and personalities can be purely random rather than strict generalisations and sterotypes of the 20th and early 21st centuries.An actual prepubecent child and victim of actual pedopheilia simply cant even comprehend what sex even is much less even be physically capable of carrying a child or even carrying out sexual acts on each other much less an adult.Personally I have had conversations about this issue while working as a counsellor online and while doing research for this analysis of pedophelia into my interested field of neuropsychology,neuroscience etc and into pedophelia and its relation to neuroscience and neuropsychology with hundreds of victims both male and female of actual pedopheilia starting in 2009 at the age of 22 years old while in college until about 2023 until the age of 36 for 12 years and I dont mean the faux Osirian pedopheilia involving teenagers aged 14-17 years old – I mean actual pedopheilia the real sick shit that would give you nightmares and vomit just even thinking about it involving 2-6 year olds being raped,abused and molested day in day out for years on end by adults in their 20s and 40s ending up to the cut off age of 13 years old and they agree 14 is not pedopheilia,finding the comparison to it as insulting to their actual true child abuse as well as molestation and is generally the age theyve had long term sexual relationships with much older men and women and agree that 14 would be the ideal age of consent or even ideal age of adulthood and consider people like the leaders of vigilante groups as clueless piece of shit assholes.They find sob stories of “grooming” and “molestation” of “vulnerable” teenagers by “predators” as offensive to their actual molestation and see teenagers who are the victim of statutory rape and vigilante groups etc entrapping those “preying” on teenagers and those who scream “PREDATOR” at those grooming teenagers aged 14-17 years old or even 13 years old and people who label people like Jeffery Epstein etc as pedophiles and who hyperconflate sexual attraction to teens as pedophelia as clueless idiots who have absolutely no idea as to what actual molestation and child abuse is and in fact find such comparisons and hyperconflation offensive to their actual child abuse.When people who have suffered the worst form of sexual abuse and molestation imaginable disagree with you completely then not only are you losing all arguments,your failing miserably – and your a cluelessness piece of shit.As a neuropsychologist with 32 years of experience in working in the field of neuropsychology and neuroscience since the the age of 6 years old making me possibly the worlds foremost expert on neuroscience and neuropsychology since I was 13 years old and it’s my expert opinion that maybe you should be listening to the people that have first hand experience in this issue of child predation and abuse and consider the likes of Chris Hansen pieces of shit.End of debate.If your not a neuropsychologist with 32 years or more of experience in this field you can shut your pie hole.The youngest that the hundreds of victims of pedophelia I have interviewed consistently state they start to have long term sexual relations with older individuals aged 18-40 years old that have lasted on average for several years or even decades lasting until they are in their mid 30s or even forever is almost always 14-15 years old with the age they had started long term sexual relationships with older individuals floating at around 14-15 years old.In fact at 14 your kinda old it’s the age most of these people that are victims of actual pedophelia consider what should be the age of consent.Even at 13 years old your kinda old.Hence why I take issue with the mislabelling of ephebopheilia etc with pedophelia,labelling as anyone under the age of 18 as vulnerable,stupid kids and the fact that my entire website has references to the human brain like the wire,psychonautics,materialism,Artificial Intelligence and metaphysics etc with it also why I take issue with people labelling state capitalist countries communist or socialist when people think communism and socialism is when the government “does stuff” or labels Joe Biden,Hilary Clinton,Barack Obama,Kamala Harris etc “communists” or “socialists” when they are clearly not buy being bought off and funding big corporations and corporate lobbyists – it’s the same level of just being dead wrong And having kindergarten level understanding about complex stuff you don’t understand.Its the same frustration physicists etc or even non physicists who accept the accepted science have to deal with young Earth creationists who think the Earth is 6,000 years old and that evolution is a myth,that anthropogenic climate change is not real and how experts have to deal with anti-vaxxers and 9/11 truthers and pushers of pseudoscience etc despite the huge reams of scientific data dating back decades debunking it and how complex the subject actually is – it’s basic surface level kindergarten level understandings of complex subjects you don’t know what your talking about and it’s kindergarten level thinking that shouldn’t be practiced by adults as your understanding of neuroscience and neuropsychology and indeed most subjects is kindergarten level crap and herd mentality understandings of scientific studies and politics that only the mentality retarded and kindergarteners could understand.People who think those with the lack of development in the pre frontal lobe and are below the age of 18 years old automatically rescinds you having any capacity to critically think and be emotionally mature is kindergarten level understanding of neuroscience and push down any scientific evidence debunking it which also how people shove down basic kindergarten level understandings or more correctly misunderstandings of evolution,physics,economics,climate science and politics via herd mentality that is they cherry pick and choose basic statements that may be true that confirms their biases but then run with it and reduce it to its base state that is pulverised over and over again to shut down dissent through herd mentality and groupthink without understanding the further vast complexities of the subject.This action carried out by adults is cognitive dissonant groupthink – the exact opposite of critical thinking and emotional maturity.Everything is very complicated outside surface level shit that the vast majority of people don’t understand.Pederastry like the terms sexual predation,inappropriate grooming of teenagers,creep etc alongside the hyperconflation of hebephelia and ephebopheilia with pedophelia is a bullshit term used by conservatives and SJWs including unfortunately progressives to victimise and infantilise adolescents who are not vulnerable snowflakes and who in prehistoric,ancient times or even a century or two ago would have been hardened mature individuals.Currently 18-29 years old is considered young adult with 30 – 59 considered middle age with 60 years old onwards considered elderly age and old adult.Childhood is currently considered between infancy and 17 years old consisting of two phases the early phase and later phase with the early young phase considered between infancy and 12 years old as these are the pre teen years in a young state where the individual is unable to physically bear young and thus is sexually and physically immature with the later and older parts of childhood is considered 14-17 year old where they are physically and sexually mature with 13 the mid point between the two phases of childhood.The term young boys and girls are thus valid for individuals between infancy and 12 years old with the older years of childhood being 14-17 years old therefor technically you are by the standards of nature you are too old for the phrase “young boys” and “young girls” cannot apply to those aged 14-17 because you are old.The phrase “young” can’t apply to ages 14-17 years old in reality you are old.The term “old girls” and”old boys” applies more properly to those aged 14-17 years old this is where the classification of minor attracted person is created for pedophiles no longer applies.Since 13 represents the mid point of childhood anything that is 12 and younger denotes the early young stages of childhood and 14-17 represents the later older parts of childhood.Young denotes being prepubescent physically immature and unable to physically bear young or fend for themselves etc while old denotes physical maturity,being able to physically etc fend for yourself and bear young and being post puberty.Since pedophiles have no sexual interest in adolescents aged 14-17 years old and they are given the label “minor attracted person” then the term minor should only apply to those aged 13 and younger and not for those aged 14-17 years old,thus by all logical,technical and legal definitions the age of majority should be 14 years old.Most people say it all goes downhill by 30-40 but in reality it all goes downhill by 14 – that is the point your body starts to age and you begin decaying because your body has finished growing you’ve ended puberty and your growth into adulthood from childhood.Your body stops creating new stem cells and begins to decay.Prior to that your body is growing and your in fact kinda old at 14.Youth is really a cruel illusion as we were always old at least after we hit double digits at the age of 10 years old.It was just a matter of time until our body failed and collapsed under its own evolutionary mistakes.Once  you’ve reached double digits your at the point that you are able to at least understand politics to a degree better than most adults and are able to understand how to spot and avoid pedophiles.In prehistoric times at 12-14 you’d be considered middle age due to 25-40 being elderly age.Middle age is only considered 40-50 in modern times because we live so long.Living to old age such as your 60s,70s,80s etc is not natural and is an abberation and only occurs because of modern diets,modern medicine,vaccines,shelter from animal predators and exposure to the elements etc.Normally humans in a wild feral or even prehistoric state would live on average at least 20-25 years old which is in normal biological terms would be considered elderly age with middle age thus being between 10 – 12.5 years old  similar to how its normal for animals to die in as much as few years to a decade but only live exponentially longer when in capitavity in zoos and as pets due to being protected from predators,the elements,pathogens and parasites and given  a continuous supply of food.Living to elderly age is not normal in the animal kingdom and this applies to humans.So yes in prehistoric times children as young as 10-12 years of age and teens aged 14/15 were considered middle age because on average they would be dead and elderly age at 25-40 and at 25-40 when most people are just starting out in their careers by today’s standards would be elderly age.Elderly age in prehistoric times was between 25-30.Stop and think about this in modern times people who are 25 years old who have just finished college and started careers so in prehistoric times 62.5% of their life would be gone and at 30 most people are only five years established in their careers with their children only 5 years old with in prehistoric times they would be dead by now.Children who are 10-12 years old who are only starting puberty would in prehistoric times be middle age and have at most 10 – 20 years of life left wheras in modern times they could expect to have 70-90 years left.The ageing process of cellular and telomere degradation is an evolutionary countermeasure to keep populations in check for those that manage to survive the elements,animal predation and pathogens.Animals that have the ability to live forever usually tend to have very few young and slow reproductive rates ageing and growing old is very rare in the animal kingdom outside of humans due to them dying early of pathogens,parasites,genetic disease and predation that is why the longest recorded lifespans of the vast majority of animals including cats,dogs and livestock usually only occur to those kept as pets and those for study in captivity in zoos,conservation areas and homes.Very rarely do animals reach their maximum average lifespan in the wild they only do so in captivity as pets or in zoos and laboratories.The short lifespans of animals and humans in the wild is caused by a the lack of a spoiled environment due to the rise of civilisation.Should middle age be extended to at least few thousand years old once we become immortal?In the past due to shorter lifespans middle age was at least 20 years old or even 14/15 years old..This is why none of the Isis-Osirian religions do not have at all any myths or historical records wherein actual paedophilia is tolerated,condoned or at times even mentioned with their being some records of paedophilia occurring in these societies punishments was either not mentioned as it was considered too disgusting and taboo to be even mentioned or they simply had no means to deal with it and explain it socially,biologically and mythologically since their are very few records of age of consent laws in these periods – it was naturally assumed and expected that when one finished puberty at 14/15 one was deemed suitable for sexual intercourse and marriage to an older male with some records of actual paedophilia frowned upon greatly with those guilty of paedophilia being banished into the wilderness to live and die by themselves in exile either in remote housing or in the wilderness itself if they were at all punished.Any myths involving older males and females with what we would consider underage minors such as Hebe and also Zeus and Ganymede and their equivalents across the ancient Isis-Osirian world is usually 14/15 and not anything under that and why many fertility deities are in these ages.These adolescent minors were depicted in ancient art of all types such as pottery,vases,mosaics,statues,paintings etc in sexualised ways either nude,baring their breasts and engaging in sexual activities with adult deities and mortals that would be considered child pornography,statutory rape,jail bait and an arresteable offences by modern Osirian standards.This pattern is repeated across the ancient Isis-Osirian world from Asia,North and South America,Africa and also India.Every single Isis-Osirian culture of the ancient world have mythological stories of an older adult courting or being courted by an adolescent male or female between the ages of 14-17.Pedopheilia may have existed in these societies but it was neither glorified both in society,artwork,myths or tolerated with always the minor aged between 14-17 with any instances of pedopheilia ignored,went unnoticed by society as a whole or the abuser ostracised from society as they were was no way it could be explained or justified by society.Geoffrey Gorer and other academics and antropologists distinguish pederasty that is sexual relations between adolescents and adults from paedophilia,which he defined as a separate,fourth type that he described as “grossly pathological in all societies of which we have record”.This is ironic since the Osirian societies that label the Isis-Osirian cultures as being paedophiles and conflate sex with underage minors with this neurological disorder got the concept of paedophilia so very wrong as the Isis-Osirian religions themselves didnt tolerate actual paedophilia and the Osirian relgions leaders and hierarchies in Islam,Judaism and Christianity tolerated and in fact encouraged paedophilia by not reporting instances of it in the clergy and simply brushed it under the carpet by moving child molesters from one diocese to another where they could abuse more prepubescent children alongside the archaic practice of Bacha Bazi – something the Isis-Osirian cultures either modern or ancient would have be disgusted by and that the practitioners of Christianity continue to blindly and hypocritically tolerate such corruption and continue to allow those responsible for the coverups and even the abusers themselves to go unpunished except for a mild slap on the wrist and their names kept secret and continue to take morality from the conservative Pope,priests even those not struck with pedopheilia and practice chastity as dispensers of morality despite the length and scope of the scandal while late hebe and ephebophiles in any other instance including those in secondary education in highschools or in non authoritative adult roles would have been named and shamed in public trial by media and would have also been incarcerated for several years up to as much as 20 years and them left with a permanent blot on the their criminal record even in cases where it would have been consentual.Even the molestation of of post pubescent minors would have disgusted Isis-Osirian societies both modern and ancient as the abuse and sexual intercourse and acts were coercive and thus would have constituted rape which in ancient Isis-Osirian times was a crime punishable by death.Put simply conservatives have no right to criticise consentual late hebe and ephebopheilia of liberals when in reality the hiearchies of all three conservative religions covered up decades of unconsentual rape and actual pedopheilia in Christianity,Islam and Judaism in mainly Osirian cultures in America,Ireland and Britain.Teapot calling kettle black anyone?Thus when it comes to pedopheilia,underage rape etc conservatives top the bar because at least the “low” age of consent shows at last some standards that the intercourse is legally mutually consentual wherein in conservative circles and religions its coercive and encouraging pedopheilia.Rape is still rape regardless of the age of consent and is still indefensible in any scenario or situation.Both pedopheilia and the molestation of post pubescent minors and even the rape and subjagation adult women is in fact interwoven into the very fabric of all three major conservative patriarchal Osirian religions that are root source of conservatism as denoted by the prophets and divinely born saviour of these religions openly promoting both in terms of pillaging women and teenage female and pre pubescent children for sexual gratification as the spoils of war as seen with Christopher Columbus and the fact all three religions relegated women to second class citizenry and have pedopheilia and coercive rape of post pubescent minors usually females but also boys rampant in their hierarchies with Bacha Bazi a common practice in the Middle East Islamic world,the prevalance of both statutory rape and pedopheilia and its encouragement and complicity in these religions hierarchies and also Bacha Bazi,Mohammed supposed molestation and marriage to an 8 year old girl and also the fact that the Bible and Torah although they dont say anything against the condemnation of pedopheilia as sinful they do have many references to the implying that condones that allows women and children either underage or even prepubescent ones of any age to be allowed to be raped and instigated into child sex slavery.Examples include Numbers 31:1-18,Deuteronomy 20:10-14,Judges 21:7-11,Judges 21:20-23 that detail such good old fashioned,traditional,wholesome conservative Christian values that were and are abhorred in and certainly not allowed to flourish in Isis-Osirian religions mythology and societies both ancient and modern.Dont forget Leviticus 19:33-34 to all you die hard trumpists,white nationalists,conservatives the world over and Leviticus 20:10,Deuteronomy 21:18-21 for you parents and husbands.Thus we see that the acceptance,encouragement,complicity and proliferation of pedopheillia that is the acceptance,complicity and encouragement of molestation of pre pubescent minors and the coercive statutory rape and rape in general stems primarily from the conservative Osirian religions Judaism,Christianity and Islam and ideologies that they are interwoven into not in liberal progressive Isis-Osirian religions and ideologies both ancient and modern as evidenced by the passages in these religions holy books,the proliferation and acceptance of statutory rape and pedopheilia sex abuse scandals in their hierarchies making the acceptance and encouragement pedopheilia and rape including statutory rape is an ideologically conservative phenotype and not that of liberalism and progressive ideologies and religions.This and the acceptance of stoning of disobedient children,condoning the rape of women as well as staturtory rape and even pedopheilia alongside homophobia and misogyny amongst many other moral ambiguities is why the holy texts such as the Bible,Torah and Bible should not be used as the framework for morals in society and thus making the separation of church and state so important and why God should be so important in ones life in society is so disgusting and why conservatism in general is the root of moral and social decline and the standing ground as peddled by its champions as the ancient Isis-Osirian religions admonished all of these.This is why the vast majority of people who have actually read the Quaran,Torah and Bible from front to back are atheists and why the term picking and choosing morality is relevant to arguments since you have to take the entire books themselves as morality and not just whatever suits you.In otherwords if your homophobic because of the Bible says you have to be to live a morally pure Christian conservative life you also have to be pro pedopheilia as well as pro statutory rape,rape in general and encourage the rape of underage and prepubescent minors to happen and also have to be for mass genocide in order to live a morally pure Christian conservative life.You also have to believe that stoning disobedient children is also socially acceptable.This goes for non religious conservatives and homophobes since homophobia stems from the Osirian religions you have to be also pro pedopheilia and for the stoning of disobedient children etc.Cherry picking and picking and choosing morality when its comfortable to suit ones agenda and being hip is infantile and childish and means your just a homophobic bigot making the Chick-a-Fil decision to no longer support The Salvation Army and other Christian groups purely morally right and the actions of LGBT protesters justified.Those so called Christian conservative groups are just bigots using religion as a shield for it the same way that ISIL and other groups do.If liberals were to picket and criticise or even boycott a homophobic and definitely pro pedopheilia Muslim baker or sponser of Chick-a-fil it would have gone unnoticed from Faux News and all other conservative pundits.The same goes for Christian bakers who refuse to serve gay customers and the want for conservatives to make same-sex marriages illegal based on morality present in the Torah,Bible and also Quaran.If they were Christians in the truest sense of the Bible and conservative values then they should start accepting donations from or funding the North American Man/Boy Love Association aka NAMBLA.Therefore the actions of protesters against Chick-a-fil were justified.God hates fags but he loves pedophiles and rapists – homosexuals get to burn in hell for all eternity but pedophiles and rapists get a express ticket straight to heaven,this is bizarro conservative logic at its finest.By the way homosexuality and transsexuality is not a getaway drug to pedophelia – being a conservative is a getaway drug to pedophelia.The fact that so many anti-LGBT conservative campaigners,politicians and even televangelists inevitably get caught with their pants down with another man or woman shows the fact that you are incapable of living up to your own pathetic standards.This is a way in which the Osirian religious faith has been so watered down and pays nothing but lip service,its rituals and doctrines reinterpreted so that only what’s comfortable is adhered to.Being a bigot for the sake of being one isnt something thats in vogue at the moment – except in countries where ISIL and extreme right Islamic and Judaism countries and using religion to defend that bigotry to the point that homosexuals should be murdered isnt exactly mature or adult and do you really wanna be homophobic and use religion to justify it if groups like ISIL etc are doing it too?Furthermore its not freedom of speech when its being for the sake of it with no real backing in science of sociology or religion and its not freedom of religion when your cherry picking your morality and choosing to ignore the darker facets of your religion – you know the parts that condone pedopheilia and also stoning disobedient children and instigating wars.Doesnt matter anyways AIs gonna seize control of all corporations,bakeries and restaurants etc in less than ten years time meaning you wont have the chance to discriminate against anyone of any race or sexuality anymore.As for guest conservative speakers on college campuses the fact that youve lost on issues such as healthcare,immigration etc as well as the free market system is dead and that college is now obsolete meaning you cant whine anymore about being censored on campuses and the fact that wont have any platforms outside of podcasts to spew garbage.The excuse that your are just human when you continue to take the moral high ground doesnt cut it anymore.At least progressives and liberals in general have standards and when we fail we admit it with in especially to climate change we have to use aeroplanes and gasoline powered cars because its the only way in our current system and even if we didnt it would make a difference due to the top 1% fossil fuel CEOs themselves being responsible for the vast majority of carbon dioxide emissions.Even Bill Clinton who would qualify as Osirian-lite had the balls and was able to apologies for his actions with regards to Monica Lewinsky since it showed he realised what he did was wrong and was adult enough to admit he did the wrong thing – something you would not see Reagan,Bush or Trump ever do so at least despite his other flaws and that of Hilary with her testimony on Benghazi being one of her few redeeming qualities.

Any notions of their being a liberal elite cabel of paedophiles in government and Hollywood is made redundant by the fact that like any genetic and other condition brought on by lack of gene protection it is simply a fact that any diseases is separate from ones political leanings as the condition affects all political leanings and also all races and nationalities.With regards to the issue of Roman Polanski offences against a child at the very border of mid or late hebepheilia and in other being ephebopheilia that has had liberal elites defend him with regards to his artistic portfolio as classed as enablers can be looked in as a way as any other artist,writer,novelist whether conservative or liberal as being a victim of neurological impulses beyond their control that shouldnt overlook the achievements in their fields but at the same time should be given the same opportunities of counselling and treatment required to suppress and control their unnatural urges.Does a single lapse in judgement qualify as pedopheilia present in the form of a neurological disorder.Even still rape and non consentual despite it being the age of consent in numerous countries today(and thus morally repugnant worthy of a hefty prison sentence in my opinion since it still qualifies as rape and is below the preferred age of of consent and was statuotory rape that was unconsentual even if it is the age of consent in Japan and several other Isis-Osirian countries)it does highlight the fact that conservatism does peddle incidents for everything its worth with even the fallout from the #MeToo movement being nothing more than highschool bickering,gossiping and liberal and conservative drivelling for the bottom of the barrel being a sign of the positive feedback relationship between conservative authoritarianism and liberal whining.Rape is still rape regardless of the age of consent and is still indefensible in any scenario or situation.The issue of Micheal Jackson or other suspected pedophiles from there being very little evidence to suspect of them that is purely suspect can also and not be peddled for everything its worth in banning or shunning their other achievements in terms of philanthrophy,music etc.One at the same time should not disregard the works of Lewis Carroll and other conservative authors and artists known to exhibit and suspected of pedopheilia as well as have those who sympathise with their condition and still praise their work purely based on their artistics merits and not purely on a condition beyond their control not condemned as enablers.The same should be done for those who are genetically predisposed towards schizophrenia.Ones contribution to the arts should not be negated by neurological conditions beyond their control or any slip ups they may have allowed to occur due to there being no real help availible to control these unnatural urges.The same could be said of those who may have committed accidental deaths of another human being,theft or rape of adults.Should actors,writers etc who have committed other crimes such as murder,manslaughter,theft,rape of adults etc where no underlying neurological condition present and it was the result of free will,lapse in judgement etc have their work destroyed,banned and not praised?Coverups of known paedophiles supposedly by liberal governments and organisations as seen with the Labour Party and also BBC in England may have been more about not wanting to see one be jailed and not given treatment unavailable at the time,the stigma attached to it not being known as a neurological disorder,not being able to know what to do and could just as easily been occurring in conservative governments and corporate networks in these and other countries with the prevalence of the condition in conservative Osirian religion religious such as Catcholicism,Islam and also Judaism from which it was allowed to flourish for decades by moving priests to new grooming grounds being just as bad if not worse.In other wards it is hypocritical for the conservative right take the moral high ground when those in power of your political leaning in religion and government can and have shown to be just as bad in covering up offences against prepubescent minors and continue to do so and also take note that these liberal coverups do tend to occur more frequently in Osirian cultures where moral decline is accellerated.Thus it is dangerous to allow Osirian religions and their morals even by adherents to these religions to have any influence on the age of consent laws,homosexuality,abortion,marriage,adoption and matters of the bedroom as well as contraception since they have a terrible track record of hypocrisy in covering up the worst sexual abuse in human history and also causing more damage than good when they interfere with the natural conditions of late hebe ephebopheilia,homosexuality,bisexuality,promiscuity and also infidelity.In short since Islam,Christianity and Judaism have terrible track records with regards to the treatment of women and homosexuality and more importantly the rampant sexual abuse scandals involving coercive rape of post pubescent minors and molestation of pre pubescent minors it is therefore hypocritical for the conservative right and the members of these religions hierarchies to be taking the moral high ground or indeed any role in the shaping of the age of consent laws and demonising Isis-Osirian cultures ages of consent especially since maturity is purely random in person to person based on culture and personal experiences and it is also hypocritical for them to take the moral high ground in the lefts acceptance of actual pedopheillia as a neurological disorder that requires counselling and treatment that prevents pre pubescent minors being molested as a result of this by claiming they are trying to normalise and legalise a neurological disorder.Such rampant molestation and hypocrisy as stated would have disgusted both ancient and modern Isis-Osirian cultures even in Ancient Greece.Do you really want the enablers and protectors of actual pedophiles and teenage rapists by moving them from one breeding ground to another thus causing untold damage to countless children in the Catholic Church,Islamic and Judaism hierarchies tell you who you can and cannot fuck?Do you want as an atheist to be have the wool pulled over your eyes by the hiearchies of these religions to fall for the vulnerable teen myth of Osirian values thus making you no different than the supposed brainwashed religious folk you mock on YouTube and the internet?Do want the spreaders of climate science denial,those about vaccines causing autism as well as creationism and also other myths be allowed to spread this one?Do you really want them brainwashing teenagers into believing their the victim of consentual sex within the realms of normal chronopheilia and are vulnerable snowflakes especially when they lack the most basic understanding of neuropsychology and have a political and religious agenda?Do you want conservative vigilante groups to continue to exist to keep the conflation of hebe and ephebophelia alive and well and do untold psychological damage to both adults and teens and undermine the efforts of more progressive counselling groups for pedophiles that are actually better than vigilante groups at protectig pre pubescent minors?Do you want them to have complete control over the affairs of all society such as politics,human sexuality and thus allow the governmment to gain complete control of its citizens affairs?Follow one that stifled social progress for centuries in the form of religion,the monarchy and free market system?Do you really want college aged adults to still be treated and act like they are in kindegarten and continue to so forever until their 40s?Do you want your sons and daughters to become just like Donald Trump,his demonic little hellspawn,Nicolette Grey or anyone whose ever appeared on Dr Phil and Jeremy Kyle or My Super Sweet 16,anyone from Faux News,Clinton News Network and Meghan McCain?Do you want people who are pushing for more perpetual warfare in the Middle East and South America for the next few decades to be the moral and political centre of society especially when the oil is going to be worthless in about five to ten years?If you do to any of these then your as thick as a lamppost and brainwashed by the most disgusting of ideologies that perversely corrupts society with an iron grip.This is how conservatism has infected and polluted society by making people actually believe the aforemtioned crap as it has nurtured the development of the spoiled vulnerable teen,the regressive left,the hyperconflation of hebe/ephebopheilia with pedopheilia,proliferation of both the free market system and neoliberalism amongst even the most liberal and progressive of us thus poisoning society.This is why as stated earlier the separation of Church and state exists and is important and why societies mores and attitudes to sex etc should not be influenced and corrupted by religion particularly patriarchal,misogynistic and corrupt Osirian ones that have a bad track record on the issue.

Jeffery Epstein and his “cohorts” and clients could have easily rather than having homes in the Caribbean where the age of consent is 16 could have had them in resorts within in countries like Italy,China,Peru,Boivia etc and noone would have given a shit about it and there would have been no scandle at all with regards to his preference for females within the age range of 14-17 with the only scandle being that it may have been coercive at times which would have been unlikely with their lower age of consent meaning his “victims” would have been locales and more compliant with his sexual needs and tastes(and probably enjoyed it)without being forced into slavery with them probably going back and forth as girlfriends day in,day out without the need for money and would have not have been hesitant and him likely availing of local girls rather than having to go as far as trafficking those from mainland America and the only issue would have been if money had been involved in him prostituting them and making money off of them.Any American teens could of been of the age of consent of their home state 16-19 without any issues.Had he simply decided to have spare homes and resorts in these countries rather the Caribbean Islands he could have had countless local girls legally allowed to have sex with him at his service rather than those from America thus meaning he would still be alive today and noone would even know who he was with him not even having a Wikipedia page and everything would have been perfectly legal with him only considered “scum” by Americans and Britons etc was due to the fact that the age of consent on his island was 16,coercion was involved due to the girls present being under the local age of consent causing them to be hesitant and also he used them for blackmail again due to their age with most people in more progressive countries would outside of this would be confused as to why anyone would care or even consider it news at all.Most people in Italy,China,Peru,Bolivia etc likely dont know who Epstein even was or even wouldnt care for that matter if they heard of him.The slavery and blackmail aspect only existed only because the age of consent was 16 and not 14.Furthermore there would have been no need for blackmail or any of the other flaws associated with him as any of his clients could have come and gone as they pleased without the threat of blackmail and illegal sexual activity.The minors would in no way be forced into slavery or even coerced as the age of consent would have meant they would be coming and going as they please provided he had not made money off of them.Put simply his actions was likely due to the high age of consent and the fact that his resort was in a country with that age of consent.This would also be the case if the age of consent was 14 in America including the Caribbean islands he resided.If anything he would be to locales and those who knew him and the entire world been a perfectly upstanding law abiding individual and wouldnt have been painted as a sick individual even by progressives and liberals had he simply been living in another country.Should every person over the age of 18 who visited the island such as Bill Clinton,Kevin Spacey,Ron Burkle,Alec Baldwin,Ralph Fiennes,Ted Kennedy,David Koch,Bill Richardson,Lawrence Krauss,Steven Pinker,Ken Starr,Micheal Bloomberg,Sergey Brin,Larry Page,Bill Barr,Laurence A.Summers,Bruce King,Courtney Love,Chris Tucker etc and were in his little black book be automatically labelled as predators,pedophiles and accomplices due to have visited the island for sex with even other adults or even non orgy events?Should politicians that accepted donations from Epstein or even Harvey Weinstein either knowlingly or not be considered bad people?Does guilty of association to the perpetrator of a crime that would not be illegal in other countries make you automatically a bad person and a criminal themselves?Should anyone who has ever been in contact with him and Ghislaine Maxwell ever either before or after his trials and death be tainted?And yes Epstein had just as many conservative Republican clients in Congress,Hollywood and business as he did liberal Democrat ones including Donald Trump himself and George H Bush Sr.As Donald Trump has been recorded as saying – “I’ve known Jeff for 15 years.Terrific guy,He’s a lot of fun to be with.It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do,and many of them are on the younger side.No doubt about it – Jeffrey enjoys his social life”.Republicans have had their fare share of sex scandles including underage individuals and also those that involves a homophobic conservative finding himself with his pants down with another man so really teapot calling kettle black anyone?Im not justifying the actions of Jeffery Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell or making you comiserate or feel bad for them – they were terrible people for carrying out blackmail,rape and forcing the females into sexual slavery largely due to the circumstances they were put in and chose to be in and their decisions led to where they are now.Had they simply chosen to live in Peru,Ecuador,Bolivia,Italy,Brazil and other similar countries or the age of consent was 14 in the Carribean they could have had a lifestyle to suit his chronopheilliac needs and wants of females aged 14-17 without blackmail and breaking the law and without having to resort to sexual slavery or even coercion since as stated because of the cultural norms they would be legally allowed to do so and thus more compliant meaning Prince Andrew and all of Epstein usual guests could have enjoyed as many underage girls aged 14-17 as they wanted without blackmail,without being labelled predators,pedophiles and scum,noone would have found out or even cared if they did and Jeffery Epstein would still be alive and free now and completely anonymous to the public,Ghislaine Maxwell would not be under investigation and arrest,Prince Andrew would not be as publicly shamed as he is now and no minors would have had to been enslaved,raped or forced into doing anything they didnt want to do.Put simply all of this media and political circus could have been avoided had Jefferey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell simply chosen to live in the more liberal Peru,Ecuador,Bolivia,Germany,Italy,China,Brazil and so on with ages of consent of at least 14.You know the progressive hellholes of the world with non existant corruption,non existent mass shooting,universal healthcare and housing.Those places.Same goes for Matt Gaetz.Even under the most authoritarian far-right dictators as with Bolsanaro countries like Brazil,Italy,France,Germany are still pretty liberal and progressive on most issues such as immigration,LGBT issues,age of consent,taxes,environment and also healthcare.The same goes for Onision aka James Jackson and Lionmaker aka Marcos Wilton – not a pedophile and simply could have had any underage girl he wanted if he lived in another country.Put simply by definition Jeffery Epstein like R Kelly was a late hebe ephebophile,not a pedophile as his preference was in females above the cut off point of pedophilia,he was labelled a sexual predator because he breached the local laws regarding the age of consent – in another more liberal country his preference for 14-17 females in their fertile peak alongside those in their 20s would have been perfectly legal(this goes even for the likes of Roy Moore,James Franco,Caroline Flack,Adam Johnson,James Jackson,Anthony Wiener and others mislabelled as pedophiles or child sex predators by primarily conservative pundits and brainwashed progressives) – this is what actual mature grey thinking actually is rather than immature black and white thinking that pervades so called adults.”I’m not a sexual predator,I’m an ‘offender,It’s the difference between a murderer and a person who steals a bagel.”Jeffrey Epstein told the New York Post in 2011.It like how more liberal countries have more relaxed laws regarding the legality of recreational drugs.If rumours about 11 and 12 year olds being sent to him to molest are true then that would mean he obviously be labelled a pedophile or a different subset involving sexual attraction to pre pubescent minors and adolescents – since he is dead there is no way to confirm this via MRI scans and genetic testing with the same applying to Micheal Jackson et al.All we have are claims from an air traffic controller that they were on his plane and nothing else unless we have actual testimony from the alleged victims themselves that they were molested like the rest of the verified victims then they are just rumours.Rumours are not evidence and this is not the same as the rest of his verified victims whom there more evidence including actual testimony from his victims,Ghislaine Maxwell and others.Until these so called victims provide testimoney and evidence like the rest of the verified victims and actual proof then its just that – rumours.It seems to be Virginia et al pulling crap out of their ass to further tarnish someone who cant defend themselves.An actual investigation and cross examination of said suspect victims is the only way to prove or disprove this..I thought we learned that from The Salem Witch Trials – a person is innocent of a crime until proven guilty and that speaking ill of the dead who cant defend themselves regardless of how bad they were is still unfair even if they were a piece of shit.Until actual evidence that he molested girls below the age of 14 is provided it just seems like your beating a dead horse for everything its worth and frankly pathetic.Please dont say that they are too young to undergo cross examination as if they committed murder they would be viable for this.Epstein who had a thing for only underage girls aged 14-17 would hardly brag about being an actual pedophile as it would get him into more trouble.Neural implants that can extract memories from Ghislaine Maxwell,Virginia Giuffre,the air traffic controller,the supposed victims and their parents can be used as the only way to authenticate this by 2029.Rumours about Epstein and Micheal Jackson and anyone alive or dead being mislabelled as a pedophile can only be confirmed by MRI scans and genetic tests – a person without the specific genetic and neural markers visible from genetic screening and MRI scans synonymous with pedopheilia would have no interest in molesting a prepubescent minor and so cannot be classed as one even when they have sex with a person aged 14-17.Sexual attraction to individuals younger than 13 classifies as actual paedophilia by the standards of neuropsychologists and biologists as it also being generally universally agreed between neuropsycologists worldwide that puberty usually ends at 14-15 while 13 which is the cut off age of prepubescence,is also part of pubescence and hebepheilia meaning that anything below 13 is considered actual paedophilia.Its is generallly agreed upon by neuropsychologists that 13 is the cut off point for pedophelia that is sexual attraction and molestation of individuals below 13 is considered the age range of pedophelia while although 13 is also considered part of pubescence and thus the age range of pedophelia but it is also the mid point of hebephelia meaning sexual attraction to a 13 year old cannot be considered pedophelia but only if the person is sexually attracted to prepubescent children younger than 13 via having the specific neural and genetic markers with sexual attraction without attraction to pre pubescent minors and without the specific neural and genetic markers is considered mid to late hebepheilia.Mid or late hebepheilia would be the correct term for attraction to a 13 year old as hebepheilias age range is considered 11-14.Ephebopheilia is considered between the age ranges of 15-19 with 14 considered late hebepheillia,early border ephebopheilia.In reality hebepheilia should not involve the ages of 11-12 but only consist of only 13-14 years old since the ages of 11-12 are part of pedophelia with people without the neural defects associated with it that have attractions to those aged 13-14 years old not considered pedophiles thus hebepheillia should in reality consist of only 13-14 years old while ephebophilia considered 15-18.Hebepheila is typically characterised in mythology specially that of Ancient Greece,Asia etc as being the age of sexual maturity of around 14/15 years old with for example the goddess Hebe in Ancient Greek mythology is depicted as a 14 year old with Hebe a female representing the female term Hebepheilia.Meanwhile the term Ephebe denotes in Ancient Greek a male youth that is physically mature namely the mythological Ganymede aged 15 years old about to enter full citizenship with it denoting the male term ephebopheilia.Ancient mythologies especially those of Europe and Asia only have mythological stories involving sexualising adolescents aged 14-18 and not anything younger with for Ganymede who is seduced and abducted by Zeus is usually considered to be between 14-16 years old thus showing that it was hebepheilia and not pedopheilia.Therefore 13 years old old is thus the bridging point of pedopheilia a neurological condition and mid hebehelia an chronopheilia which as a result results in instances of it being the age of consent in several countries and also why people are entrapped into carrying out grooming of 13 year olds and even statutory rape – therefore sexual attraction to and sexual intercourse with 13 year olds is in all technical,legal or clinical terms not considered pedopheilia rather mid hebepheillia.If the person has no genetic or neural markers associated with pedopheilia and yet is sexually attracted to a 13 year old it’s not pedopheilia as the person has no interest In sexual attraction with minors aged 12 or younger – only if the patient has the specific Mather’s associated with pedopheilia can be classed as pedopheilia.There  has to a bridging point between pedopheilia and hebepheilia and it just so happens to be 13.If humans entered puberty later then the bridging gap would be 18-20 if they entered puberty earlier it would 10-12.If 18-20 was the bridging gap then sexual intercourse with an 18-20 year old by conservative standards would be considered icky,predation and pedopheilia.Even once pedopheilia is cured in a patient through CRISPR sexual attraction or intercourse with a 13 year old would still not be considered pedophelia.Rare instances that occur to individuals outside of this that involves sexual acts with a minor aged at least 13 can be put down to a slip up due to inebriation,actual infatuation with the individual or entrapment and in the case of Japan and formerly South Korea and Spain cultural differences in the age of consent and considered borderline mid or late hebepheilia.Therefore sexual attraction and sexual intercourse with even a 13 year old is not considered pedopheilia in any legal or clinical terms and they are not considered young as they are on the edge point of hebepheilia bordering on ephebophilia.In these instances there is no chronic abuse only usually one victim and no specific genetic and neural markers visible from genetic screening and MRI scans synonymous with pedopheilia.The infatuation with a 13 year old victim in countries with higher ages of consent occurs only in instances where where only one victim exists not chronic sustained abuse as seen in actual pedopheilia or chronic sustained abuse as seen on predation.Put simply in the case of teachers having sex with 13 year old students both male and female and the likes of Daniel Hernandez and Roman Polanski and their victims it can be put down to genuine infatuation with their individual victims both even if coercion,drugging and rape was involved as although adominsheable their actions were it involved only one victim and they were likely to carry that out on adult victims being the assholes they were.The blurring between pedopheillia and hebepheillia age ranges with 13 being the cut off age of pedopheilia,mid or late hebepheillia and end point of pubescence which makes one off instances in those without the specific genetic and neural markers is what makes it that not actual pedopheilia thus making 13 the mid point and late point of hebepheilia,cut off and end point of pedopheilia and pubescence but technically not pedopheilia.This explains why 13 is the age of consent in a few remaining countries such as Japan,Niger etc and why non pedophiles groom males and females of this age and are victims of entrapment involving 13 year olds.It also explain cases such as Roman Polanski and Daniel Hernandez.Thus not even Roman Polanski,Colleen Berlinger and Daniel Hernandez etc can be considered paedophiles as they have no victims aged under 13 and thus can be only be considered mid or late hebephiles.There are only three chronopheilia

The genetic association of timing of the initiation and ending of puberty is strongest between mothers and daughters meaning mothers who started puberty earlier than normal their daughters started earlier than normal.The specific genes affecting timing are not yet known.Among the candidates is an androgen receptor gene.The average age at which the onset and ending of puberty occurs in both genders differs with in males at the age of 12 years old and and most reach their adult height at 16 years old but this can vary.Every individual grows at different rates, and puberty begins and ends at different times for everybody due to genetics,nutrition,environmental factors.Puberty is different for everyone and can start at any age between 8 and 14. The average age for males in modern times to show the first signs of puberty is around 12 years old,about 1 year after females begin puberty.The fastest rate of growth is usually 1 to 2 years after puberty has started.Developing physically into an adult takes 2 to 5 years.Most males will stop growing taller and have reached physical and sexual maturity and reached their maximum height by ages of 14-16 though this varies from person to person.Females in modern times on the other hand tend to have a major growth spurt between the ages of 10 and 14.Most will reach their adult height and thus have finished puberty and have reached physical and sexual maturity and their maximum height by the time they are 14 or 15 years old.The start of menstrual periods, known as menarche that is the first indication of puberty starting in females happens on average in modern times across the world in 2024 was on average around the age of 12 years old.However, the observed range of ages at which periods can start is much wider, from ages 9 to 15.Puberty can last anywhere from 2 to 5 years, so it is not always easy to predict when it will end with the speed at which one progresses through puberty varies due to different factors – the fact that puberty ends and one reaches their maximum height and physical development at 14-16 in both males and females therefore means that sexual attraction to people aged 14-16 years old does not qualify as pedopheilia and they are technically in biological terms physically mature adults with sexual attraction to 13 year olds also not qualifying as pedopheilia as these are at the later stages of puberty and are just under their maximum height and physical development.The rate at which children enter and finish puberty has increased significantly since the 1840s.In every decade from 1840 to 1950 there was a drop of four months in the average age of menarche among Western European females.In Norway, females born in 1840 had their menarche at an average age of 17 years old 5 years later than in 2024.In France, the average in 1840 was 15.3 years 3.3 years later than in 2024.In England,the average in 1840 was 16½ years about 4 years later than 2024.In Japan,the decline happened later and was then more rapid: from 1945 to 1975 in Japan there was a drop of 11 months per decade.A 2006 study in Denmark found that puberty, as evidenced by breast development, started at an average age of 9 years and 10 months, a year earlier than when a similar study was done in 1991.Scientists believe the phenomenon could be linked to obesity or exposure to chemicals in the food chain, and is putting females at greater long-term risk of breast cancer.Various studies have found direct genetic effects to account for at least 46% of the variation of timing of puberty in well-nourished populations.Researchers have hypothesized that early puberty onset may be caused by certain hair care products containing estrogen or placenta, and by certain chemicals, namely phthalates, which are used in many cosmetics, toys, and plastic food containers.If genetic factors account for half of the variation of pubertal timing, environment factors are clearly important as well.One of the first observed environmental effects is that puberty occurs later in children raised at higher altitudes.The most important of the environmental influences is clearly nutrition,but a number of others have been identified, all which affect timing of female puberty and menarche more clearly than male puberty.There is theoretical concern, and animal evidence, that environmental hormones and chemicals may affect aspects of prenatal or postnatal sexual development in humans.Large amounts of incompletely metabolized estrogens and progestogens from pharmaceutical products are excreted into the sewage systems of large cities, and are sometimes detectable in the environment. Sex steroids are sometimes used in cattle farming but have been banned in chicken meat production for 40 years. Although agricultural laws regulate use to minimize accidental human consumption, the rules are largely self-enforced in the United States. Significant exposure of a child to hormones or other substances that activate estrogen or androgen receptors could produce some or all of the changes of puberty.Scientific studies that testosterone for bodybuilding,oestrogen etc and other hormones associated with puberty and produced by adults injected into pre teens males and females can accelerate the rate that one enters and finishes puberty.Harder to detect as an influence on puberty are the more diffusely distributed environmental chemicals like PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyl), which can bind and trigger estrogen receptors.More obvious degrees of partial puberty from direct exposure of young children to small but significant amounts of pharmaceutical sex steroids from exposure at home may be detected during medical evaluation for precocious puberty, but mild effects and the other potential exposures outlined above would not.Bisphenol A (BPA) is a chemical used to make plastics, and is frequently used to make baby bottles, water bottles, sports equipment, medical devices, and as a coating in food and beverage cans. Scientists are concerned about BPA’s behavioral effects on fetuses, infants, and children at current exposure levels because it can affect the prostate gland, mammary gland, and lead to early puberty in females. BPA mimics and interferes with the action of estrogen—an important reproduction and development regulator. It leaches out of plastic into liquids and foods, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found measurable amounts of BPA in the bodies of more than 90 percent of the U.S. population studied. The highest estimated daily intakes of BPA occur in infants and childrenMany plastic baby bottles contain BPA, and BPA is more likely to leach out of plastic when its temperature is increased, as when one warms a baby bottle or warms up food in the microwave.Nutritional factors are the strongest and most obvious environmental factors affecting timing of puberty with females are especially sensitive to nutritional regulation because they must contribute all of the nutritional support to a growing fetus.Surplus calories (beyond growth and activity requirements) are reflected in the amount of body fat, which signals to the brain the availability of resources for initiation of puberty and fertility.Much evidence suggests that for most of the last few centuries, nutritional differences accounted for majority of variation of pubertal timing in different populations, and even among social classes in the same population.Recent worldwide increased consumption of animal protein, other changes in nutrition, and increases in childhood obesity have resulted in falling ages of puberty, mainly in those populations with the higher previous ages. In many populations the amount of variation attributable to nutrition is shrinking.Although available dietary energy (simple calories) is the most important dietary influence on timing of puberty, quality of the diet plays a role as well.Lower protein intakes and higher dietary fiber intakes, as occur with typical vegetarian diets,are associated with later onset and slower progression of female puberty.Scientific researchers have linked early obesity with an earlier onset of puberty in females. They have cited obesity as a cause of breast development before nine years and menarche before twelve years. Early puberty in females can be a harbinger of later health problems.The average level of daily physical activity has also been shown to affect timing of puberty, especially in females. A high level of exercise, whether for athletic or body image purposes, or for daily subsistence, reduces energy calories available for reproduction and slows puberty.Therefore athletic pre teens enter puberty much later than those who are of average weight and body shape and of course those who are overweight and obese with this exercise effect is often amplified by a lower body fat mass and cholesterol.This furthermore proves alongside that low fat and low protein diets of vegan pre teens that a diet rich in proteins and fats and not just one of the other in pre teens has a direct impact on the rate of pre teens entering puberty thus explaining how countries with higher rates of obesity and overweight body shapes and those with diets higher in protein and fat like Japan and the western world enter and finish puberty much earlier than those who do not further proving the fat-protein factor puberty initiation theory or law.Chronic diseases can also delay puberty in both males and females.Those that involve chronic inflammation or interfere with nutrition have the strongest effect. In the western world, inflammatory bowel disease and tuberculosis have been notorious for such an effect in the last century, while in areas of the underdeveloped world, chronic parasite infections that are widespread can effect the onset of puberty.The brain undergoes significant development by hormones which can contribute to mood disorders such as major depressive disorder, bipolar disorder, dysthymia and schizophrenia..Some of the least understood environmental influences on timing of puberty are social and psychological effects.In comparison with the effects of genetics, nutrition, and general health, social influences are small, shifting timing by a few months rather than years.Mechanisms of these social effects are unknown, though a variety of physiological processes, including pheromones, have been suggested based on animal research.The most important part of a child’s psychosocial environment is the family, and most of the social influence research has investigated features of family structure and function in relation to earlier or later female puberty.Most of the studies have reported that menarche may occur a few months earlier in females in high-stress households, whose fathers are absent during their early childhood, who have a stepfather in the home, who are subjected to prolonged sexual abuse in childhood, or who are adopted from a developing country at a young age.Conversely,menarche may be slightly later when a female grows up in a large family with a biological father present.More extreme degrees of environmental stress, such as wartime refugee status with threat to physical survival, have been found to be associated with delay of maturation, an effect that may be compounded by dietary inadequacy.Most of these reported social effects are small and our understanding is incomplete. Most of these “effects” are statistical associations revealed by epidemiological surveys. Statistical associations are not necessarily causal, and a variety of covariables and alternative explanations can be imagined.Effects of such small size can never be confirmed or refuted for any individual child.Furthermore, interpretations of the data are politically controversial because of the ease with which this type of research can be used for political advocacy. Accusations of bias based on political agenda sometimes accompany scientific criticism.Another limitation of the social research is that nearly all of it has concerned females, partly because female puberty requires greater physiologic resources and partly because it involves a unique event (menarche) that makes survey research into female puberty much simpler than male.More detail is provided in the menarche article.It is speculated by researchers that hormones and synthetic chemicals that are leaking into the food chain through hormones fed to cattle used for meat and milk and other synthetic compounds in the environment are causing children to enter and finish puberty much earlier than in the past with again obesity and improved diets also playing a role that eventually the cut off point of pedopheilia may drop from 13 to as young as 12 if not younger with theoretical limits being at least 10.Therefore it may given enough exposure to synthetic compounds it may be possible for the the cut off point of pedophelia to be lowered to as low as 12 or 10 with 10,12 year olds being able to pass off as as someone aged 14/15 and a 13 year old to pass of as a 14 year old.Then of course there is the fact that children are entering,starting and finishing puberty much earlier than in the past due to improved diets,obesity and even hormones in the diet and environment that is causing children to begin puberty so a 13 year old or even 12 year old may look like a 14/15 year old.We have supported scientific data from the last few decades that people due to hormones in the environment that make their way into the food supply such as milk and meat derived from cattle fed hormones to increase growth rates etc is causing children to start and finish puberty much faster than normal.Research involving biosynths can be done to confirm this.Growth hormones and those to increase milk and meat production in cattle and chickens etc can theoretically affect babies and even get into their body through entering them through breastmilk,baby food during infancy and also food eaten by the mother during pregnancy and food eaten by the child during their pre teen years.These growth hormones that are used to increase the growth rates of cattle,chicken for meat and milk production has the Same effect on humans causing them to reach physical and sexual maturity much earlier.Given enough exposure to synthetic growth hormones at birth this could initiate early entry into puberty and finishing puberty earlier.Furthermore improved diets are through scientific data are also speculated to be the reason why people are entering and finishing puberty earlier as better diets and nutrition can stimulate the initiation and finishing of puberty much earlier than normal.This is because improved diets could likely initiate somatic cell production and natural growth hormones in humans so that the body prematurely initiates them thus causing people to enter and finish puberty earlier than normal.It is speculated that increased levels of fat depositions in the body especially through increased instances of childhood obesity causes the body to signal the brain to start the development of puberty much earlier than normal with since 1840 at the end of the first Industrial Revolution and the start of the second Industrial Revolution when agricultural production and the availablity of protein and fat rich foods such as meat,fish and butter etc became ubiquitous in society and it is these factors that is believed to cause people to enter puberty four months earlier every year with the exponential rise in people entering and finishing puberty earlier in direct proportion to the exponential rise in agricultural productivity and obesity where fish,butter and meat became exponentially more plentiful and when obesity especially in children began to arise.These two phenomena combined likely beginning at the start of the 1900s or to a degree the early to mid 1800s about the time that the industrial revolution increased our standard of living especially with regards to diet with the incidence of this phenomenon occurring primarily in Western countries where diets involves higher levels of better nutrition coupled with higher incidence of obesity with it almost non existent in developing third world countries.Records of children entering and finishing puberty earlier than normal date back to around as far back as 1900 at least 4 years before the age of consent was put at 13 in Japan.Thus the main reason for the age of consent being 13 in Japan being chosen in the early 1900s coincides with the rise of the industrial revolution and thus the rise of modern diets and potentially the rise of synthetic hormones etc entering into the food chain and the start at which puberty began and ends much earlier than normal.Its also coincidentally the when the first accounts and studies into pedopheilia were made.Its likely that in prehistoric times and time periods prior to the industrial revolution that children entered puberty much later than today.The rate of this phenomena could in fact vary from country to country based on the quality of diets and level of hormones in the environment varying from country to country with less developed third world countries have children entering puberty much later than those in first world countries due to poorer diets and lack of exposure to hormones due to poor agricultural infrastructure thus meaning third world countries may enter and finish puberty much later than more well developed countries with even Japan it having people enter it much earlier than in Europe or America again due to differences in diet etc with this further divided into their being different populations of people from different countries entering and finishing puberty earlier due to the individual diets of individual countries.Thus even though some countries may have people entering and finishing puberty earlier than others on average within different countries with different rates of this phenomena it may be possible for different populations within each individual country to exhibit this phenomenon at different rates due to differences in diet due to socio-economic factors and personal individual factors such as ones individual diets and the prevalence of exposure to different synthetic compounds based in socio-economic factors etc thus complicating things even further.Having a diet rich in protein such as that from fish and carbohydrates from rice etc as well as fats from oily fish a staple diet in Asia particularly Japan and much more increased intake of nutrients may cause some people to enter and finish puberty earlier than others with those who suffer from childhood obesity possibly entering and finishing puberty earlier than normal.Its possible that extra surplus nutrients in the body initiates the expedited development of new tissues and cells and growth hormones in the body as a means to disperse excess nutrients amongst newly formed tissues etc to prevent obesity etc thus why it’s possible for childhood obesity and improved diets with higher levels of fats and proteins leading to early starts and endings to puberty as the increased nutrients signals the body to start to produce growth hormones earlier than normal possibly due to the body being tricked into thinking it has the the amount of nutrients for the growth spurts.Studies have shown that pre teens with diets high in proteins and fats does increase the rates at which one enters puberty and pre teens who have primarily vegan and vegetarian diets that are low in protein,low in fat and high in fibre and suffer from anorexia,bulimia and live in third world countries where poverty leads to malnutrition thus leading to people to start and end puberty much later.Even those in developed first world countries that are of and below the poverty line and live in food deserts where food is scarce due to poverty and lack of available food from lack of local supermarkets could lead to people entering and finishing puberty later than the average person with anorexia nervosa and bulimia in pre teens and adolescents slowing it as well.Females aged between 15 and 19 make up 40% of anorexia nervosa cases with bulimia and anoexeria and other eating disorders leading to people entering puberty later ones individual diet in their pre teen years that affects the rate one enters and finishes puberty..The modern diet of most pre teens in the western world unlike prehistoric times and in the developing world is rich in sugars,protein,fats and fat via fizzy drinks,fast food,higher abundance of cheap sweets,chocolate,processed foods with very little vitamins and essential nutrients and also at the same time beef,chicken,lamb,fish and so on in much higher portions and calories than in anytime in human history and at the same time pre teens are living more sedentary lifestyles due to video games,television,smartphones and out factory line education system.There is a direct correlation with the incidence and rise of childhood obesity and even improved diets and nutrition in ones pre teen years and the rising rate at which people are entering and finishing puberty since 1840 meaning diets of not just each country and even individual diets of each individual diets could influence the rate at which one enters and finishes puberty.In Japan the country with one of the lowest ages of consent of 13 the nations diet is predominantly carbohydrate dense rice and oily fish such as salmon etc especially through sushi that contain large amounts of protein and essential fatty acids that although don’t lead to childhood obesity does contain large amounts of protein and fats to imitate puberty much earlier on than in other countries.Obesity in pre teens is rising in Japan but even for those who don’t become obese or even overweight as pre teens they may still be entering puberty earlier due to the diet consisting of oily fish rich in fats and proteins.We have peer reviewed scientific studies that show that pre teens with vegan diets that are low in fats and protein due to the lack of meat,fish,eggs and all types of protein and fat rich animal products leads to people entering and finishing puberty much later than normal as foods that vegans eat does not contain as much protein and fat as that of meat eaters,obese children and vegetarians.We also have peer reviewed studies that shows that obese and overweight children and those whose diet is rich in both protein and fats who are neither obese or overweight enter and finish puberty much earlier and those who are athletic and vegans enter and finish puberty much later than obese and overweight children whose diet is rich in protein but low in fat.Thus using deductive reasoning we can determine that it is the level of proteins and fats in the diets of pre pubescent children that determines the rate at which one enters puberty with this possible in all mammals and indeed all non mammalian species of animals such as birds,fish,reptiles etc an individuals diet of protein and fats in young children of each species could affect the rate that they enter and finish puberty.Its possible that low fat diets but those rich in sugars especially glucose etc is also responsible as modern diets of pre teens is high is sugars from sweets,sugary fizzy drinks etc that due to sedentary lifestyles causes the body due to the fat insulin receptor gene stores excess sugars as adipose tissue leading to childhood obesity that then initiates the premature starting of puberty.This is converse to say complex starches and carbohydrates that are released slowly to allow for them to be used as energy much more easily.Adipose tissue stored from eating excess sugars etc and not eating fats may be enough to initiate early pubertal development.There can be experiments done on all species of mammals,birds and reptiles and fish etc of all taxonomic ranks across the world and universe to see if the levels of proteins and fats in their diets as prepubescent young determines the rate at which they enter and finish their version of puberty and become physical adults.This if proven correct through experiments is known as the fat-protein factor puberty initiation theory or law that states that the level of proteins and fats in prepubescent humans and other animals is the initiating factor at which they enter and finish puberty thus showing that diet plays a direct role in this phenomena.The exact mechanism by which this occurs and the exact level of,exact species of and exact combination of proteins and fats required by pre teens on a daily,weekly,monthly and yearly basis required to enter and finish puberty at different rates can be determined by further research that determine how exactly this occurs especially with relation to the androgen Receptor gene.The reason why females enter and finish puberty earlier than males likely has to the fact that the androgen receptor genes interaction with the Y chromosome and testosterone or it being present on both versions of the X chromosome with this determined by experiments and further research.Its possible that the role of fatty acids and proteins due to strands of cellular and mitochondrial DNA comprising of proteins and fatty acids and proteins and fatty acids being the main composition on the phospholipids in the cell membrane with these nutrients signalling the brain to generate new tissues and cells across the body as a means to be put to good use in the body without being stored as excess adipose tissue with the levels of fats and proteins turning into adipose tissue when one has reached their maximum physical height as determined by genetics.The level of proteins and fats in one’s diet as pre teens may also effect the rate of neural development especially in the frontal lobe responsible for critical thinking and emotions as we know that omega-3 fatty acids are required for healthy neural development with oily fish being a good source of this with experiments done to see if omega-3 and other fatty acids present oily fish oily etc having in a role in the premature development of pre teens and adolescents.If possible folic acid may also play a role in premature neural development since we know that it is important for preventing neural tubule defects.The oily fish and beef that comprises of the main diets of people in Japan and low amount of vegan people is rich in both proteins and fats meaning even in children that don’t develop childhood obesity they would enter and finish puberty much earlier with the incidence of people entering and finishing puberty earlier due to obesity is caused by this usually being diets high in protein and fat that is stored in the body as adipose tissues which signals the brain to release hormones to initiate puberty much earlier on than those who don’t.The richness of fats and proteins in the diets of Japanese pre teens that doesn’t lead to childhood obesity leads to the initiation of earlier puberty through the richness of these nutrients in their diets initiating earlier entry and ending of puberty without them becoming overweight or obese even in the case of athletic pre teens and teens thus showing that diets rich in these two nutrients are the leading factor in developed countries in the rate of pubertal initiation.The main fish in the diet of Japanese people are Tuna,Salmon,Eel,Japanese Mackeral etc all of which have high levels of oils and protein on par with and even more than in beef,chicken which is eaten daily alongside other meats such as chicken and beef with them eating annually every year 23-70 kilograms per person with the Japanese also eating 6.2 kilogrammes of beef per person per year and 13 kilogrammes of pork and 34 kilogrammes of chicken,duck and other poultry per person every year leading to them consuming roughly 123 kilogrammes of meat per person every year.In comparison Americans eat 7 kilograms of fish a year per person and 51 kilograms of chicken per person every year,29 kilogrammes of pork every year per person and 25 kilogrammes of beef every year per person with Americans eating on average 83 kilogrammes of meat per person every year.Western Europeans eat on average 10 kilogrammes of beef per person per year and 34 kilogrammes of pork and 24 kilogrammes of chicken,duck and other poultry per person every year and 12 kilograms of lamb per person every year leading to them consuming roughly 46 kilogrammes of meat per person every year.The fact that the Japanese eat roughly 2.6 times more meat than Western Europeans and 1.4 times more meat than Americans shows that their diet is far much richer in protein and fat especially from oily fish that has more protein than beef and chicken etc with them eating not only larger amounts of oily fish that has higher levels of protein but also substantial amounts of beef and chicken thus meaning those who do not become obese as pre teens enter and finish puberty much earlier than the rest of the world and explains why the age of consent in Japan was 13 especially since it was established in 1900 or even prior to this 13 years olds depicted in pederastic relationships due to the diet of Japan consisting of oily fish etc and beef that compliments beef unlike in other countries since ancient times due to the fact that unlike most other countries in the 20th century,Medievil times and ancient times as Japan’s population lives and has lived near coastal areas and rivers that fishing is key to the diet and economy with fish being less labour and energy intensive than cattle etc thus requiring less resources to rear and thus fish has since ancient times been more plentiful and cheaper and thus accessible to everyone of all economic classes compared to other cultures where beef or indeed any meat was reserved for the very wealthy and elites as seen in Medieval Europe or in indeed all of Europe since Ancient times where the vast majority of people due to living in landlocked areas would have no access to cheap,plentiful fish etc with beef,pork and chickens reserved for only the royalty,wealthy and elites as in for example in Medieval Europe the vast majority of the population the peasant classes as accepted as historical fact by historians ate only grains and vegetables with no meat of any kind,thus the vast majority of the population due to their class were complete vegetarians surging on grains,vegetables and vegan diets comprised of mainly of bread,ale,beans with some meat comprised of of freshwater fish,hedgehogs,rabbits though most people never consumed meat or fish of any kind through their entire lives with the major pork,beef etc going solely to the royal family,lords,priests etc due primarily to laws that allowed only the king to eat meat with wild game such as deer,swans etc protected species that were only hunted and prepared for the king hence the phrase To eat like kings with most people never eating a single piece of meat their entire lives with this applying to all of Europe from Ancient times to at least the Industrial era with for North America this varying since they lived in a hunter gather lifestyle until the arrival of Europeans with for South America the Incas,Aztecs etc having scarce supplies of livestock as evidenced by the need to carry out human sacrifices and resort to cannibalism.The vast majority of the peasant population ate large amounts of bread and beans for carbohydrates that was high in carbohydrates and low in protein and fat foodstuff which gave them as much as 5,000 calories a day double the amount needed for humans to survive similar to eating five large Big Mac meals with large fries and Coke in one day,every day which didn’t lead to obesity due to the fact that the majority of the peasant population worked intensive labour for 12 hours a day every day on the farms etc way more than most people including farmers which instead of sitting on a desk etc in modern times they in fact worked intensively every day in rain,snow etc – this fact and the fact that their diets were low in fat and proteins is why the peasant class did not suffer obesity and enter puberty earlier than normal with it more likely the nobility,knights and royal court entered and finished puberty.So while the average peasant ate more than double what was needed to survive it was countered by the fact they spent most of the day working in slave like conditions and the fact that it was mostly complex carbohydrates and low protein and low fat vegetables.Furthermore ale and beer was the predominant drink during to water being too dangerous to consume due to lack of safe drinking water.The same applies to farmers,slaves etc in Ancient Egypt they ate as much as 3,780 calories a day way above the base amount with the all athletic due to them working on farms etc every day.Japan like much of Asia especially China etc on other hand has always since ancient times had its entire population eating either beef in landlocked areas and the vast majority of the population has lived in coastal areas and by rivers and lakes where fish is harvested and consumed by locales and even exported to and traded with those in landlocked areas with the majority of the population eating since infancy consumed oily fish on a daily basis as a staple cheap enough to be eaten by everyone thus as a result since ancient times the vast majority of people in Japan have always entered and finished puberty much earlier than the rest of the world due to the availability of cheap affordable oily fish and beef to the entire population rather than a select few.The introduction of beef into the Japanese diet began in 1872 about 28 years prior to the setting of 13 as the age of consent is no coincidence thus leading those in areas without access to oily fish a cheap and abundant source of protein and fats and explains that even before 1900 when the age of consent of Japan became 13 and fact that the age of consent varies in each prefecture in Japan and in fact ranges from 13-18 in some of them possibly indicates the varying diets of people in these prefectures results in different ages of consent.Its possible that the age of consent is higher in more inland prefectures where oily fish from the ocean and beef is in short supply and is lower in prefectures by the ocean where both beef and oily fish is abundant.The introduction of beef and other livestock meat into Japan and rapid industrilisation of the county that lead to better agricultural techniques and better methods of catching fish and mainly the adoption of livestock meant that this put less strains on stocks of fish on the country and allowed those living in landlocked areas that had less fish in their diets more access to protein and fats in their diets as cattle could be reared in all areas of the country and did not have to be imported inland thus giving those who had less access to oily fish in the mainland inner cities and villages more access to fish with this compounding the national diet of fish as those who ate fish also ate beef thus increasing the level of protein and fat in the diet of all citizens across the country.Fish has always been a staple in the countries diet unlike other countries much like how cattle is to other countries as it is present in their mythology and folktales since ancient times meaning the entire population has always had access to sizeable amounts of fats and protein with the introduction of beef into the diet in 1872 exponentially increasing the levels of protein and fat in their diet over the course of these 28 years thus exponentially increasing the rate at which people enter and finish puberty.Remember in Japan, the decline in the age at which puberty started and ended happened later than the rest of the world in modern times but was then more rapid than the rest of the world with from 1945 to 1975 onwards in Japan there was a drop of the rate at which people entered and finished puberty dropped 11 months per decade in the onset of puberty due to industrilisation and compounding existing fish rich diets with beef etc with it already ahead of the rest of the world due to the diets of Japanese people in ancient times already being rich in oily fish with more abundant proteins and fats through advances in agriculture in the Green Revolution and industrialisation and integration of beef into the diet and the advent of synthetic hormones increasing this to the point it superseding the rest of the world in terms of the rate at which people enter and finish puberty therefore this more rapid rate of people entering and finishing puberty faster in Japan than the rest of the world was largely due to diets etc as they began to industrialise on par with the rest of the world and due to them having more protein and fat rich diets is why the age of consent in Japan was 13;one of the lowest in the world.The rate at which children entered and ended puberty occurred in Ancient and Medievil Times earlier than the rest of the world but the rate at which this occurred in modern times occurred later than the rest of the world but was even more rapid than the rest of the rest.If possible that diets rich omega -3 fatty acids and other fatty acids in oily fish results in premature development of the pre frontal cortex its possible that the diet of oily fish in pre teens etc in Japan may result in pre teens and adolescent prefrontal cortex in Japan and the rest of the developed world being more developed than that of the rest of the world resulting in pre teens and adolescents that are are more mature in terms of critical thinking and emotions etc with experiments done on this to prove or disprove this.This may if proven correctly complicate things even further as this may even result in pre teens and adolescents across the western world that have diets rich in proteins and fats and omega-3 and other fatty acids result in teens who are more mature both physically and even emotionally etc than others based on their diets.This likely shaped Japans age of consent laws in modern times and why it is different in different prefectures and explains why at least in modern times sexual attraction to and sexual intercourse with minors aged 13 years old does not qualify as pedophelia in any clinical or legal sense in individuals that do not have the specific neural and genetic structures.The age of consent was at 13 years old from 1900 up until 2023 with the change largely done due to the issue of life experience being the reason for it changing.Each individual diets of pre teens could thus directly influence the rate at one enters and finishes puberty with diets in pre teen years low in protein and fat leading to people entering puberty later and diets rich in fats and proteins leading to them entering and finishing puberty earlier on due to the presence of protein and fat important in the diets of pre teens possibly directly influencing the rate at which one enters puberty even if they do not develop childhood obesity.Thus one’s diets composition in primarily in proteins and fatty acids in their pre teen years may be the key role and factor in the rate at which one enters puberty by these nutrients initiating the development of hormones that initiate puberty complicating things even further thus resulting in the premature or early puberty even if they are physically active and are not obese or even overweight.Exposure to growth hormones and synthetic compounds such as plastics also plays a role.Genetics may also play a role with their being instances where mutations and specific genes may be present that lead to certain people in the population to be more likely to enter and finish puberty earlier than others either normally or in response to environmental factors and diets.If genetics play a role would even further complicates things further.Some countries may have large amounts of the population or the entire population due to localised inbreeding that is large amounts of people who have a mutation that speeds up the rate of the development of puberty which through interbreeding with large amounts of people of the same region and country that are genetically distinct distant relatives and not with people of different countries and races thus spreading this mutation into a countries genepool becoming a dominant phenotype across an entire country or region thus leading to large amounts of their population being genetically predisposed to entering and finishing puberty earlier than others thus explaining why some countries and regions of the world have lower ages of consent of about 13-15.Its just natural genetics when you have countries across the world separated for centuries or thousands of years together people are only able to have the choice of people from their same country to date and have children with this meaning certain genes are likely remain within one population of the world until they start breeding with people from other countries and due to the increase of globalisation in the 19th and 20th century people were able to move from one country to another and thus the genes for entering puberty earlier may have spread across the world thinly meaning this phenotype may have spread across the world with an uneven distribution.This mutation specifically of the androgen receptor gene may have arisen in all ethnic races across the world but may have stayed clustered to several regions and only recently from the 1800s onwards spread across the world in an uneven distribution due to globalisation and people able to travel across the world with ease through aeroplanes etc and become residents of exotic countries and then through interracial marriages spread the genes responsible for early puberty throughout a population across the world.This is similar to how people across the world trace their heritage through genetics because originally you had for hundreds or thousands of years people were isolated to specific regions and countries and thus could only interact with and have children with people from the same region and country so as a result specific genes were and are inherent and isolated to specific ethnic groups whether it is Native Americans,Asians,Africans,Europeans and in turn people from different countries in each continent across the world share similar geneotypes and phenotypes and when people in those move abroad and have children with people from other countries or regions then you have those genes that are usually found in a specific country or a specific ethnicity being passed into those living in other countries hence why through genetic screening that maps a persons genome you can trace your heritage to specific countries across the world especially in countries such as America as well in fact most of South America,Canada and parts of Asia such as Japan due to for the example the mass emigration during the Irish Potatoe Famine of 1845-1849 and the early 1800s to mid 20th century has led to these countries having a significant amount of their populations with Irish ancestry with the United States having 25.75% roughly 52,000,000 that can trace through genetics ancestry to Ireland with the same present in most countries across the world caused by mass emigration especially during the 19th and 20th centuries has caused countries across the world can now trace their heritage to different parts of the world.Like everything else in the world its more complicated than just a one size fits all generalisation.All of these factors such as the prescence of growth hormones in food,local diets and genetics may play a key role in shaping age of the varying age of consent laws across the world outside of cultural viewpoints and the maturity of the individuals.Studies of this phenomena can be conducted on a global scale for each country involving billions of people over the coming decades especially when we have colonised other planets etc by measuring the level of hormones and diets of each individual and analysing their genes.Thus one within each country depending on their diets,genetics and exposure to hormones etc will thus be more likely to enter and end puberty much earlier than the average rate of their country.A combination of these three factors genetics,exposure to synthetic hormones and increased nutrition is likely why people are entering puberty earlier than normal with the rate at one enters puberty increasing a rate of every four months since 1840 and still continues today.Patient files in Aesculapius can be used to determine genes responsible for people exhibiting early puberty and track countries where these may be regionalised and this has spread throughout the world.This can be used to determine if this is a phenomena regionalised to certain parts of the world,specific ethnicities ie Japanese ancestral individuals or is a phenomenon that is distributed across all ethnicities across the world.Furthermore the rate of this phenomena can vary from country to country but also from each individual patients across the world in each individual country due to environmental and genetic factors.Therefore the reason why the age of consent was 13 in at least a few countries is due to much healthier and improved diets richer in fats and protein than in the rest of the world and genetics.Its possible that some 13 year olds due to genetics and environmental factors causing them to enter puberty later could pass for a 12 year old while some 13 year olds due to better diets and genetics as well as environmental factors etc  can pass for a 14-16 year olds.This could in the case of those that enter and end puberty earlier on lead to pedophiles having no sexual interest in said 13 year old with for those who enter puberty later extending the age range of pedophelia for these specific individuals to as late 18.Therefore people in different countries across the world will be due to environmental factors,genetics and diets could be entering and finishing puberty either earlier or later than others.People within each different country across the world could due to these individual factors – ones individual genetics,an individuals exposure to hormones as well as other synthetic compounds and ones individual diet could lead to different people within each country across the world entering and finishing puberty at different rates.Thus is more complex and random than a one size fits all approach,just like the maturity of the brain and everything else.Experiments can be carried out to determine how early or later children are entering and finishing puberty across the world based on all of these factors.Experiments can also be done using Biosynths fed only base nutrients with zero exposure to synthetic hormones etc compared to those fed varying levels of nutrients and also varying levels of compounds hormones both natural and synthetic that have arisen in the last few centuries to test what the average onset of puberty was in prehistoric times and the effects of nutrition and hormones etc have on encouraging early development of puberty.This can be replicated with real life chimpanzees and other mammals.This could explain why some non pedophiles in the western world have infatuations or sexual attractions to 13 year olds due to the combination of all of these factors causing some pre pubescent minors entering and ending puberty earlier.The fact that some children to these factors combined;genetics,diets and prescence of hormones they may enter and finish puberty earlier than normal and thus some 13 year olds may look like a 14 or 15 year old compared to others and thus are the victims of statutory rape while others may not.The combined factors of pre teens entering and finishing puberty earlier than normal in the western world thus results in cases of Roman Polanski,R Kelly and Daniel Hernandez who molest and sexually assault 13 year old girls despite having no genetic or neural defects associated with pedopheilia.If they were pedophiles then they would have had countless victims under the age of 13 and they would need the specific genetic and neural markers.Thus one simply cant be considered a pedophile if they molest,groom or have sex with a 13 year old but only if they have molested children under the age of 13 years olas well and have the specific neural and genetic markers associated with it.Hence this explains why 13 is both the cut off age of pedopheilia and mid point of hebephelia.Its important to note that pedopheilia was first recognised by scientists and psychologist and literature around 1900 at the start of the industrialisation of the western modern world when all of the factors such as improved diets and synthetic hormones began to affect the rate at which children began to enter and finish puberty much earlier than normal so therefore its likely that the benchmark for the cutoff point of pedopheilia was before this much later and older that is because children entered and finished puberty much later the cut off point of pedopheilia may have have been much later as 14-16 years old and not its current state of 13 years old.In time should this phenomenon continue it could come to the point that children would enter and finish puberty much earlier resulting in the cut off of pedopheilia could be as low as 10-12 years old meaning sexual attraction to 10-12 year olds would no longer be considered pedopheilia.Our prehistoric ancestors and those of the Middle Ages and ancient times likely took longer than today to reach post pubescent adulthood.Genetic engineering especially modifying the androgen receptor gene where new genes can be added to make it more dominant and accentuate it’s ability to carry out its function can be used to speed up the development of puberty so that it on average or ideally always even without childhood obesity and high protein and high fat diets in pre teens it ends at 14 years old for both males and females by causing the bodies hormones responsible for puberty to be initiated at an age that it ends specifically at 14 rather than 15 years with the curing of pedophelia through CRISPR eliminating any issues with it also eliminating not only pedophelia but also hebepheilia and thus leaving ephebophelia whose age range is 14-19 and teiliopheilia possibly disappearing and replaced by ages 14 onwards with this combined with progeria mylinisation making 14 the new age of majority.Actual pedopheilia always involves chronic sustained abuse of children ranging from infancy up until 13 years old with once a victim reaches 14 the abuser loses interest in molesting their victims anymore and thus moves onto searching for other new fresh younger victims with in rare instances he may continue to abuse and molest the same victim well into their adolescent years even as adults in their 20s etc with these being only in instances where the abuser has gained an certain infatuation and fondness with an individual they have particular fondness for abusing as children with when them past the cut off point in these rare instances they will rape,grope and molest the victim but at the same time they will remember the victim in their prepubescent state with them also housing child pornography involving prebuscent minors again aged between infancy and 13.Thus as stated once a victim of pedopheilia reaches 14 years of age then their abuser will simply move onto their next younger victim with them only continuing to molest them as adolescents and adults only in rare cases where they have gained an intense infatuation with that person similar to how serial rapists of adults have a single person who they offend against routinely with this being extremely rare.Molestation of individuals aged 12 or under that is a once off instance without the specific genetic and neural markers visible from genetic screening and MRI scans synonymous with pedopheilia is almost non existent and exceedingly rare.Usually any cases that do occur only involve 12 year olds are a once off instance it could involve extreme intoxication of drugs and alcohol on part of the adult or the chid having undergone premature puberty.Always in the case of actual pedopheilia it involves chronic sustained abuse and molestation involving dozens of victims starting at around infancy and the age of 4 years old right up to the cut off age of 13.The only way for one to have sexual attraction to both prepubescent and adolescent minors and adults to happen is for theoretical pedophebepheeillia pedohebeteilopheilia to exist that is where neural and genetic markers allow for a mild form of the neurological condition pedophelia to occur where an afflicted patient has sexual attractions to pre teens under the age of 13 and also adolescents and adults aged 14-18 and older to occur that could explain Jimmy Saville but not Jeffery Epstein,Daniel Hernandez,Roman Polanski,R Kelly and Micheal Jackson.All verified evidence does not point towards Jeffery Epstein,Roman Polanski,R Kelly and Micheal Jackson having this mild form of paedophilia and actual paedophilia with genetic tests and MRI scans needed to verify this possible mild form of the condition in living patients and neural implants to verify victims.Jimmy Saville who was known to have both pre and post pubescent minor victims with some of those involving pre pubescent minors being mostly unverified with again victims etc in cases involving those a in supposed victims.Its purely hypothetical that such a mild form of pedophelia exists with MRI scans needed to be done on patients who have pedopheiliac tendencies and yet are attracted to adolescents and adults if they exist to confirm the existence of this mild form of the condition.If MRI scans show minute faults in the wiring of those with pedophelia tendencies and attractions to adolescents and adults aged 14-18 and older in these individuals then it’s possible for this to exist but there are no evidence of this.If Epstein was a pedophile or had a mild form of the condition then in his position as a billionaire he would have had dozens of victims aged 12 and below and have had large stores of child pornography involving pre pubescent minors as he had the power and money to do so.Since he is dead there is no way to use genetic and MRI tests to confirm any rumours he molested children under the cut off point.A person without the specific genetic and neural markers visible from genetic screening and MRI scans synonymous with pedopheilia would have no interest in molesting a prepubescent minor and so cannot be classed as one even when they have sex with a person aged 13-17.You can call someone a pedophile a billion times over and over again until the cows come home but unless they have these specific genetic and neural markers that doesnt make them one.Thus MRI scans and genetic tests can be the only way to confirm if someone is a pedophiles.

Pedophiles have no sexual interest in adolescents that are aged 14-17 years old or adults aged 18 or over due to these genetic faults and usually only have relationships ie marriages with adults to avoid suspicion and thus a cover story and gain access to children in the of form of close relations that act to coverup as family visits or “quality family time” with prepubescent sons,daughters,nephews,nieces and their friends etc.They usually only have sexual relationships with other adults in order to have their own children who they can then molest themselves which explains incidents of people being molested by parents etc.Furthermore they usually seek employment in careers where they are in constant direct close contact with prepubescent minors ie kindegarten or elementary school teachers(but not middle school or high school teachers) and little league team coaches,private music tutors,babysitters,ice cream venders,priest,childs entertainer(clowns,magicians etc)child foundation workers,worker in the arts that deals with prepubescent minors all aged between infant and 13 etc.Put simply they almost always at 95% of the time seek jobs that give them constant direct access to children aged between infant and 13 to directly molest them at work or lure them to their homes.They usually have at least a dozen victims of sustained abuse over several years until the person has past the cut off point at 13 that begins usually at 3-4 years old with them also having large stores of child pornography both movies and photos involving prepubescent minors to sater to the needs on laptops,physical phots etc.The other 5% that don’t work in jobs that give them direct access to children they usually seek accomadation in the form of suburban homes,apartments etc in neighbourhoods and homes,apartments in close proximity to primary and elementary schools,crèches,amenities etc that prepubescent minors hang out or are taken care in in order to view them remotely using bionculars and telescopes and at times even plan to kidnap them via grooming them using sweets and toys and sometimes alcohol as well as being dressed up as fictional children’s characters such as Santa Clause,Peter Pan etc and promise them to show them something exciting or “cool” and pretend to their parents. friend to groom them to then molest them with them lost forever and thus go missing or are returned later on after being molested.If he was a pedophile then there would have been countless more victims below 13 as he had the money and power to get countless prepubescent victims shipped to him to molest – but he didnt.The youngest of Jeffrey Epstein’s verified female victims were aged in between 14 – 17 years old which is above the cut off point of pedopheilia and is the age of consent in most South American and European countries.Any instances of him molestimg 13 year olds would even not be considered pedopheilia for reasons I’ve explained.A 14 year old is not prepubescent child they are post pubescent adolescents.He would have had large stores of child pornography involving pre pubescent minors on laptops etc – but he didnt.The ones he had were of those aged 14-17 years old which is above the cut off point.He would have been in an occupation where or even set up a foundation under his name that gave him direct access to prepubescent minors similar to Jimmy Saville,Gary Glitter,Ian Watkins,Jerry Sandusky,Shannon McCoole,Richard Huckle etc to molest them in private – but he didnt.There are only two supposed prepubescent victims that are just rumours with zero evidence to support these claims that he was a pedophile,no MRI scans and genetic tests and no stores of child pornography involving prepubescent minors were not found meaning the evidence that was pedophile is non existent.Sexual attraction to female adolescents aged 14-17 by adults such as Roy Moore,Adam Johnson,Matt Gaetz,Jeffery Epstein,James Jackson,Anthony Wiener,Marcos Wilton and so on is normal in biological and evolutionary terms as these females have just reached sexual and physical maturity and are in their fertile peak being at the start of their fertility cycle at which they begin producing eggs and thus have in the eyes of older males have a higher success rate in producing healthy viable young as opposed to an older woman in their thirties and so on whose declining fertility have a higher chance of creating young with deformities such as developmental disorders,stillbirths or miscarriages.With regards to males and female humans it’s an evolutionary competition as females only have a small window of being at their fertile peak during the early teens and 20s while male can stay in their reproductive fertility peak up until their 40s where they can still produce healthy sperm.The fact that all of his “victims” were aged 14-17 and he had plenty of women at his parties in their 20s proves this as if he was a pedophile he wouldnt have run the risk of being caught and losing a cover story by being with those aged 14-17 but rather only those 18 and above as it would run the risk of being caught as an actual pedophile and would only have adult women as his company as being with 14-17 year olds would make it likely that any pornography involving prepubescent minors and molestation of them (that didnt exist or happen in the case of Epstein) would have been have found by police.For the liberal leaning amongst that tend towards science you can’t exactly ignore the evolutionary roots of Epstein’s obsession with adolescent females and consider him a pedophile because he wasn’t a pedophile.Put simply a pedophile would not put underage girls aged 14-17 into sexual slavery or even consider sex with teens under the local age of consent as it would allow them to be caught.By all clinical and legal definition Jeffery Epstein was thus not a pedophile.None of the verified evidence suggests he was a paedophile as all of his verified victims were aged 14-17 years old above the cut off point of 13 and 13 is regarded by neuropychologists as the cut off point of paedophilia and no genetic tests and MRI scans exist to denote that he had the disorder since anyone without these genetic and neural markers would have no interest in molesting a prepubescent child.Most famous musicians,sportsmen,actors etc like David Bowie,Elvis Presely,The Beatles,Charlie Chaplin can attest to have had consensual sex with teenage female underage fans aged 14-17 qualifying as statutory rape that would make pearl clutching by the moral conservatives laughable – their “victims” are certainly not the first and not the last to be the victims of the older millionaire/billionaire male celebrities and these celebrities are not pedophiles.However unlike them Epstein forced his teenage females into sexual slavery and used them for blackmail – and thats why he deserved jail but not death.Rape is still rape regardless of the age of consent and is still indefensible in any scenario or situation.The vast majority of his liberal and conservative elite clients even those in Hollywood were unaware of his tastes in underage females or that there was trafficking going on as most females on show at his lavish parties with celebrities were over the age of 18 with as we know in the case of some of his regulars we know that underage girls were directed or forced by Epstein to have sex with clientele and lie about their age for blackmail purposes meaning complicity was not really the fault of Hollywood stars or any of his clientele either Republican or Democrat especially Prince Andrew.An Epstein accuser,Virginia Roberts – now Virginia Giuffre – alleges that she was forced by Epstein to have sex with Prince Andrew in the early 2000s when she was 17(above the age of consent in the Caribbean and Britain – both 16 (as well as many countries in the world and many states in America)) where they had met and had sex as well meaning the sex they had didn’t even qualify as statutory rape it was perfectly legal – on Prince Andrews part the sexual acts were legal and consensual as it was Epstein not Prince Andrew that forced her into having sex with Prince Andrew which makes the public shaming and hounding of him by the media as some sort of predator that preys on underage girls with bags of candy so much worse and hypocritical – it was only illegal because he probably paid for her and he probably actually thought she was 18 from trickery from Epstein meaning Prince Andrew was as much a victim of Epsteins web of blackmail as Virginia Roberts and so on – technically he didnt actually rape her.He neither carried out coercive rape or statutory rape or force her against her will it was Epstein that did that.That and the fact she was above the age of consent where they had sex is why her crusade into prosecuting him has turned genuine sexual slavery that was morally and legally wrong into a crusade into wanting attention like a pampered pre teen and any claims that she states Epstein molested prepubescent minors highly suspect.We know Epstein was a piece of shit for what he did but technically Prince Andrew didn’t do anything illegal knowingly.Until we have proof that Prince Andrew coercively raped her,organised illegal trafficking with Epstein and so on I personally dont trust anything she says on Prince Andrew,Epstein or anything else outside of her being forced against her will into sex and it makes her wild goose hunt crusade making her shoot herself in the foot.You see that when it was Epstein and not Andrew that forced her into sex with Andrew and others then Andrew is thus not guilty of any crime and is in fact a victim of Epsteins blackmail – the fact that Im typing this and explaining this step by step as if to a kindergartener to actual adults is very telling of the maturity and IQ of Prince Andrews critics and in fact to an extent Virginia herself.As stated Epstein made her and other females lie about their age so if he saw any underage girls firstly it was legal so long as they were 16,no money was exchanged and secondly he would have been unaware of their real age.Even if money was exchanged technically it’s not his fault.There seems to be as shown by this and the Matt Gaetz,Jeffrey Epstein,Prince Andrew even Silvio Buresconi scandals that the exchange of money with an adolescent under the age of 18 is some major atrocious thing that we must be concerned with when they are clearly much worse things happening in the world you like you mass genocide,warfare in the Middle East and anthropogenic climate change.The more she and the media pursue it the more it looks bad for her and them and belittles her and others actual enslavement at Epstein.His attempts at lies and non compliance were understandable as he was a victim of Epsteins blackmail ring as he really probably was unaware of her actual age,it was consentual and legal in the countries with Andrew having no knowledge that she was being forced into slavery etc and deserves an apology from all of his critics and the media.If you were the victim of Epsteins blackmail in the same situation as Prince Andrew would you do anything different.Even if he knew what was going on with regards to coercive rape,underage trafficking etc there was nothing he could do Epstein was using it as blackmail against him and most other “conspirators” to gain power and more money and after his death any conspirators didn’t want to have anything to do with it especially with Ghislaine Maxwell still able to drag them down.Even with Epstein dead he can still be dragged through the mire if he admits anything.Really if your were world famous and you saw what Prince Andrew saw,was lied to about the age of the females and Epstein blackmailed you into having sex with them would you really have done anything different?Probably not which makes any criticism bullshit.If anyone did associate with him after initial convictions it was not as many people and not as much as they did before and was likely to break things off with him rather than salvage his reputation as its possible he used blackmail to keep the last remaining friends,the media and cohorts complicit and him off the hook.After his initial prosecution only a few associated with him again to break things off or due to blackmail.Any “conspirators” etc currently being investigated including Prince Andrew,Bill Clinton are likely victims of Epsteins web of blackmail and deceit making them just as much victims as the underage girls he enslaved.The likeliest scenario based on all available evidence is this – Jeffrey Epstein would groom and traffick underage females that were legal in most of the rest of the world and then force them into having sex with the rich and famous lying to them that the females were of legal age in order to use that for blackmail later on for money and power.Therefore Bill Clinton,Prince Andrew and anyone as part of this political circus on so called lists and in his little black book are simply victims of that piece of shits blackmail.The fact that you fail to see this makes you brainwashed.Thats the kind of asshole scum Epstein was,he forced underage girls into sex with the rich and famous and likely used blackmail against Prince Andrew,Bill Clinton and so on to gain power,money and control over the media,politicians,royalty etc to use as blackmail for more money and power and thus gain immunity from carrying out sex with underage girls that would be otherwise legal in another country – and thats why he deserved jail but not death.Therefore its very likely that Jeffery Epstein forced underage girls including Virginia Giuffre when she was 17 into having sex or engaging in sexual acts with famous and very wealthy people,have the underage girls lie about their age,had their phone numbers in a little black book,collected photographs and other evidence of them performing sex with said wealthy people or that they were in contact with said people especially when it involved the transfer of money and trafficking without the knowledge of said individuals(Bill Gates,Prince Andrew etc)and used it as blackmail to gain more money and power – therefore Prince Andrew,Bill Gates,Bill Clinton etc and other individuals dragged through this political circus as supposed conspirators in that little black book etc are not conspirators or covering up any abuse or trafficking they actively or knowingly partook in – they are victims of blackmail at the hands of Epstein and to a degree Ghislaine Maxwell who used them to gain money from them and immunity for having sex with underage minors that would be legal in other countries.This is the likeliest scenario given all the evidence – Jeffrey Epstein trafficked underage girls to his island,forced them into having sex with famous people,forced them to lie about their age and then collected evidence of them on the island and so on and then used that as evidence to blackmail them for money to extract money from them and political etc favours from them and this is more likely than Prince Andrew etc being directly involved in carrying out this abuse and sex trafficking.Considering the fact that Jeffery Epstein purposefully lived in a country with an age of consent of 16-18 rather than living in other equally exotic places where it was 14 is a sign that he purposefully lived in a country with higher ages of consent so he could carry out sex trafficking and forced underage girls into sex with celebrities in order to blackmail them for large amounts money thus making Prince Andrew,Bill Clinton etc victims of blackmail and are not themselves conspirators.There are plenty of exotic countries across the world where Jeffery Epstein could have lived where the age of consent was 14 and have legal consensual sexual with teenage girls aged 14-17 and he could have lived in a country with the age of consent at 14 and had his friends present to enjoy young females that was legal and with none of this scandle but he didn’t so therefore it’s likely he lived in countries where it was higher at 16-18 to carry out blackmail on the rich and famous.The fact that all of the people involved in this fiasco are wealthy famous people further reiterates the point he used them for blackmail.He purposefully got in contact with and had the wealthy and famous come to his island solely to have them blackmailed by having them engage in sex with underage females that were made to lie about their age when they were between 14-17 years old for large amounts of money and extortion.Bill Gates,Prince Andrew etc would under no logical circumstances willingly partake in sex trafficking of underage females because they would know full well that even they would have themselves exposed.They have images to protect and knowingly engaging in trafficking of underage females would be disastrous it would be if they were exposed – these are are multi billionaires who earn millions of dollars every day sitting on their ass doing nothing all day long every year they make enough money doing nothing and the money gained from sex trafficking would be a pittance compared to what they normally make meaning there would be no financial incentives for them to do so and if they did want sex with underage females they could have simply bought holiday homes in countries with the age of consent being 14-17 and if they did know what was going on they were likely blackmailed into keeping silent to protect Epstein and pay him money to prevent their non involvement with minors being exposed.There would have been no incentives for them to have in any way partake in sex trafficking because there would have been nothing to gain.They would not engage in trafficking with minors because they knew it would led to them being arrested and tarnishing their career and reputation so it’s very unlikely they would do this because of this.He purposely got in contact with very wealthy and famous people,had them come to the island as he could blackmail them for large amounts of money for years and considering they were famous he could keep them on a tether for decades as they have an image to protect.Choosing poor or non famous people would give him no advantage and no incentive to carry this out as they would have no money to extract and have no image to protect – therefore he purposely got wealthy and famous people involved to carry out blackmail.Therefore using actual logic Bill Gates,Prince Andrew and other famous and wealthy so called conspirators on the list in his little black book were victims of Epstein’s web of deceit just as much victims as Virginia Giuffre and the fact you fail to see this makes you mentally handicapped to a degree I never thought possible.Noone in Hollywood,Prince Andrew etc is defending him both when he was alive and after death.He was a piece of shit who deserved to rot in jail for years if not decades for what he did alongside Harvey Weinstein,Bill Crosby,Dan Schnider,Brian Peck etc other equally pieces of shit.This is the power he had but eventually made him the architect of his own demise.“Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely”.The evidence that Roy Moore,Kevin Spacey,Daniel Hernandez,Roman Polanski,Jeffery Epstein,R Kelly and Micheal Jackson were pedophiles just does not exist at all – its pure fantasy as all of their victims are at least 14 or older with even those with 13 year old victims technically not pedophiles since they have no victims below 13.Show me MRI scans and genetic tests or shut your piehole.This is relevant to atheists who believe this who demand evidence of God but can’t even be bothered or are incapable of showing evidence themselves that these individuals were pedophiles basing assumptions on faith.Teapot calling kettle black anyone?There is no evidence of the “liberal” Hollywood being run by an elite satanic cabal of pedophiles and sexual predators or “Pedowood” as most “victims” are above the cut off point or at the cut off point of 13 aged 14-17 making the “predators” either mid or late hebephiles or late hebe hebe ephebophiles that would be law abiding citizens in more progressive countries.Any sexual intercourse involving minors with within the age range of 14-17 is usually consentual even it qualifies as statutory rape.You see underage sex trafficking usually occurs in countries with higher ages of consent such as 16-18 because its illegal and sexual attraction to 14-17 is normal.Its like the drug trade we have drug trafficking and cartels and crime associated with marijuana,cocaine etc primarily in America because its illegal but its legal in Europe and so there is no crime associated with it the rest of the world.Sex trafficking of underage individuals occurs because the persons carrying it out want sex with people in their fertile peak which is legal in other countries – just like recreational drugs,prostitution,alcohol,gambling etc make it illegal and suddenly you have a black market for it just like making drugs and alcohol illegal led to the rise of Al Capone,Pablo Escobar etc.People like Jeffrey Epstein only exist in countries like America due to the higher ages of consent just in the same way drug cartels,drug dealers etc exist because of the criminalisation of gambling,prostitution and drugs in America.Make something illegal and you create black markets,crime etc and you waste countless man hours prosecuting criminals who would otherwise not exist.Sex trafficking of underage minors is almost non existent in countries with ages of consent of 13-15 because one can legally have sex with minors of this range over the internet,apps etc.Lowering the age of consent to 14 in America while still having the age of majority being at 18 means you will  have no underage sex trafficking and you have no vigilante groups and only those who are ready to have sex with adults will have sex with adults.The age of consent does not mean that everyone of that age should be having sex with adults – it only means those who are ready both emotionally and critically due to personal maturity as Iv detailed her are allowed and thus the older individual can thus not be prosecuted.It places onus on the minor as well as the adult and ensures that in instances of it occuring that it is mutually consensual.This is like how the age of majority of 18-60 years old nowadays does not mean those of these age ranges have to act like adults.Rape,sexual assault and coercion of an underage person who is of the age of consent or below the age of consent is just as much a prosecutable offence and morally reprehensible as rape,coercion and sexual assault of adults aged 18 or older.Rape is still rape regardless of the age of consent.Jeffery Epstein is a nobody in countries like Italy,Bolivia or even Japan just like drug cartels are non existent and unheard of in Europe etc because in those countries you have recreational drugs,prostitution and gambling legalised.Jefferey Epstein is thus up there with Al Capone and Pablo Escobar because you have something illegal that’s legal in another country.The war on underage sex trafficking and war on sexual predators including online ones is just as much a waste of resources as the war on drugs etc.If you can justify the “war on online sex predators” then you have to justify the war on drugs because it’s exactly the same.Your creating a problem that doesn’t exist in other countries and that should not exist in the first place.When liberal countries with lower ages of consent start to raise their ages of consent from 13-15 to 16-18 then they start having and creating the same problems.It would be like European etc countries deciding to make recreational drugs illegal and the instituting there own “War on Drugs” and somehow thinking thats gonna solve the problem.It doesn’t make any sense.Then of course increasing the age of consent after a single incident of sexual assualt and rape against a minor of the age of consent only makes things worse and doesn’t solve the problem and is conflating one crime with another.The age of consent doesn’t mean all minors of that age range should be engaging in sexual relationship with adults it only means those that are mature enough to do so can and if a minor of the age of consent is raped,groped and sexually assaulted them it just as much a crime as if it was done to an adult aged 18 or older.Most 18 year olds or hell even 30 year olds in western countries nowadays can be just as immature and vulnerable as they were at 13,14 or 16. As a result people like Jeffery Epstein can’t blackmail others into having sex with minors and Chris Hansen can do something else with his career and both people would be complete nobody’s.People not ready will still not and should not be pressured into having sex.The age of consent infers that the minor also has onus and responsibility for their actions if either of the legal age or below the legal age especially when taking into account the disparity between the legal of consent,age of majority and  the legal age of criminal responsibility.It means that the minor too has responsibility for their actions meaning they should not engage in sexual relations if they are not ready.This means that just because the age of consent is a certain age it does not mean everyone of that age should be having sex only those who are emotionally and critically mature enough meaning if the minor is not mature enough to deal with the consequences they should not be engaging in sexual intercourse only those who are mature enough should be allowed to do so without allowing the older adult suffer the legal consequences.This always happens  when American conservative government criminalises something thats normal you end up creating black markets where non exist in more liberalised countries.Maybe the BBC and Labour Party may have had its fair share of pedophelia scandles but its likely due to being said pedophiles being powerful enough to strike fear into anyone who crossed there line meaning it was complicity born out of fear and it was the hierarchies doing said abuse.Most cases in both the BBC and Labour are likely mid or late hebepheilia and late hebe epgebopheilia with most cases of actual pedopheilia being discounted as bullshit.Sexual predation and pedopheilia are interwoven into the fabric of conservative religions of Christianity,Islam and Judaism both in the hierarchies and all facets of all structures such as compliant priests,bishops and cardinals even parishioners who stay silent on all abuse that goes on.Conservatives can’t harp on about the non existent “Pedowood” when pedophiles and sexual predators run rampant in all levels of the conservative religions of Judaism,Islam’s and Christianities hierarchies from the bottom up with molesting priests being moved around from parish to parish by bishops and cardinals who not only kept silent but also moved them from one place to another without reporting and in fact covered up and used their connections to seek immunity as seen with both the corrupt Osiris and Osiris-lite Republicans and Democrats refusing to prosecute known child molesters in the Church.Then of course there is complicit parishners who silenced victims of sexual abuse and protected offending priests as well Bach’s Bazi and Judaism fair share of sexual assault scandals.Coupled with this are passages in the Bible that encourage pedopheilia and sexual exploitation of minors from the conservative Old Testamant and Mohammed’s marriage and molestation of an 8 year old girl,sex abuse scandles in Judaism and the Catholic Church,Bacha Bazi,sexual enslavement of prepubescent minors by the conquistadors and Columbus shows concrete evidence that thus the acceptance,proliferation and encouragement of pedopheilia that is the acceptance,complicity and encouragement of pedopheilia through the molestation of pre pubescent minors,statutory rape of underage minors is in fact a value enshrined and espoused by conservatism not liberalism.You see see the difference between groping,coercive rape and statutory rape in liberal “Pedowood” and in the conservative religions hierarchies is this – in liberal Hollywood sex between adults and underage minors aged 14-17 year olds even that constitutes as statutory rape is on the whole most of the time mutually consentual with the victims choosing to partake in the sexual acts and in the rare odd time it is not alongside that of coercive rape and groping the perpratrators always end up being punished severely either by being jailed,ostracised from working in Hollywood or on television ever again and ostracised from America as seen with Roman Polanski,Bing Crosby,Harvey Weinstein and Kevin Spacey while that in the circles of conservative Christianity,Judaism and Islam it is always coercive rape even when said minor is above the local age of consent or involves adults and doesn’t qualify as statutory rape and also involves not just underage minors aged 13-17 but also actual pedopheilia involving pre pubescent minors aged below 13 which by all levels of the religions hierarchies is in fact encouraged with victims intimidated into silence,ignored while offending priests,bishops,cardinals are given a slap on the wrist and moved from parish to parish and supplied with fresh new victims for decades either directly by being directly supplied with new victims or being moved from parish to parish as everything is brushed under the carpet and any members within the Church such as priests etc who do try to oppose this they either have no power or like the public are silenced into submission with the same occurring for Judaism with Bach’s Bazi endemic throughout the Middle Easts hierarchies of Islam involving the physical and sexual exploitation of male children as young five years old that are forced into performing dancing shows and sexual acts for men in their 30s and 40s and are routinely raped as young as 12 or younger.Thus we can see that the encouragement,condonment of pedopheilia that is the sexualisation of pre pubescent minors aged 12 years old and younger and acceptance of pedopheilia in terms is allowing and encouraging pre pubescent minors to be molested and sexually abused by legal adults and both statutory and coercive rape is a value enshrined in conservatives and not a liberals.Exposes such as An Open Secret(2014) nowhere near as shocking,truthful,serious or numerous as exposes such as Code of Silence(2014),Breaking the Silence(2015),Tempest in the Temple(2007),Deliver us from Evil(2006),The Dancing Boys of Afghanistan(2010) and the countless other documentaries exposing the endemic molestation of both pre pubescent and post pubescent minors that is encouraged by brushing incidents under the carpet and moving offending priests etc from one parish in all sectors of all three religions.Furthermore you can exactly decry Cuties(2020) as being pedopheilia pushed by the left when technically it has had no furore in France and most of Europe where it premiered and roughly 72% who saw the movie said the controversy was “overblown” with it hilarious that The National Center on Sexual Exploitation,a conservative religious organisation that “strongly upholds traditional family values and Judeo-Christian precepts” has labelled Cuties(2020) film “that has permitted the sexual exploitation of children” a platform and called for Netflix to cut the “sexually-exploitative scenes or stop hosting this film at all” that is enshrined also by most conservatives when we have just seen pedopheilia and the sexual exploitation of pre pubescent minors is rampant in conservative religions hierarchies with the call to ban the movie qualifies as censorship and infringing on the right the free speech as it may seem like child pornography but it doesn’t involve actual sexual intercourse and any movie and is meant to be a social commentary should be allowed to put up on any platform and be criticised based on its artistic merits.You have a problem with the movie take it up with the directors and writers not the distributors and ask for it to be edited to remove the more explicit material and scenes.This is hypocritical furffule by primarily American conservative using the cloak of Catholic based morality and is hypocritical by a – them not even having even seeing the movie in the first place b – are hiding morality behind conservative religions that are guilty of moving offending pedophile priests to parish to parish causing the actual untold emotional,psychological and physical damage to countless children’s and c – are calling for banning a movie that has merit as social commentary making them no different than the cancel culture left they berate.Teapot calling kettle black anyone?I pretty sure many of the hierchies of Islam,Christianity and Judaism would love this movie for the same reasons you condemn.Even of there is members of Hollywood that are afflicted with the condition and happen have liberal leanings and have molested prepubescent minors below the age of 13(admonisheable of course)that does not infer that there is an elite cabal of Satanists that are protecting and sourcing pedophiles with fresh supplies of prepubescent minor victims.You as conservative Christians and Muslims can’t exactly call homosexuals,transgender individuals or those who are adults that are sexually attracted to post pubescent teenagers aged 14-17 years old both which are normal and legal in the rest of the world predators,degenerates and the epitome of deprevity when your conservative ideology and religions promotes and condones both coercive statutory rape and actual pedopheilia that is the molestation of pre pubescent children aged 12 years old and younger.Hypocrisy much?.Most pedophiles gain victims by working directly with pre pubescent minors in the case of Hollywood this would potentially involve being talent agents,directors and any occupation that give them direct access to them or working with those who do work in these areas with them also having to bribe or employ those that do work in these areas.In such an open and liberal sector of society as Hollywood where the tabloids would have a field day it would not be as much an open secret as the likes of Corey Feldman and Elijah Wood infer it to be as the persons involved would far and few and would in a sector of society that is always open to tabloid journalisms ever watching eye measures would be made to make sure it never became public or even became an open secret amongst the rest of Hollywood.If they did exist then like conservative religions Judaism,Islam and Christianity we’d have heard about by now and not only that but unlike these three religions hierchies and sex scandles the people doing the molesting and covering it up would be in jail the second their identities would be discovered.Furthermore if “Pedowood” was full of nothing but actual pedophiles the problem would be endemic involving most of not all of Hollywood to be complicit as an open secret on the same level of the Harvey Weinstein scandle and would require complicity involving thousands of people as like that in the sex scandles of the Catholic Church and Judaism.Complicity to covering up Weinstein occurred to due to his power that he had to intimidate victims to never get work again which is although serious is commonplace to the point it is easily brushed off as the way things are due to intimidation but covering up the molestation of pre pubescent minors would be extremely difficult in the more tabloid open Hollywood where privacy is non existent and open secrets always become public knowledge due to the fact the molestation of pre pubescent minors would unlike groping,sexual assault of adults and scandles involving underage minors would have people more in Hollywood more likely to expose it themselves as it is A – more serious,B – more likely the person who reveals it to the public via the tabloids would gain better publicity as defending children thus encouraging whistleblowers to be open and C – anyone who covers it up or is complicit in knowing of it would know they would have their public reputation tarnished forever for covering it up for so long if it ever came to light.Put simply sex with underage teens are likely to remain under the carpet and open secrets due to the grey morality involved due to differing ages of consent and differences in maturity and also that actual pedophelia is simply too serious to be left under the carpet and as we have seen with Roman Polanski,R Kelly and Kevin Spacey child rapists where coercion is involved are not exactly glorified by liberal Hollywood in general.Hollywood is too open to scrutiny by the tabloid press and thus the public as seen by the public knowledge of Harvey Weinstein,Bryan Singer,Marc John Collins-Rector,R Kelly in comparison to the Catholic Church for anything that serious to go unnoticed for too long and for anyone to risk their reputation in covering it up for so long and unlike the hierarchies of the Osirisn religions anyone caught in Hollywood covering it up would have there careers ended forever and irrevocably – it would be career and political suicide for anyone in Hollywood to cover up or ignore the far more serious crime of actual pedopheilia than Weinsteins groping,rape and assault involving the molestation of pre pubescent minors unlike the complicity in the Osirian religions where complicit individuals are granted immunity,lighter jail sentences and don’t have careers to protect as they can go into retirement and their repurion is not as under threat as Hollywood moguls,A-listers,musicians etc.Complicit or offending priests,bishops etc can be assured that they can retire and survive on the unlimited funds of the Vatican or be given light jail sentences while complicit movie stars,directors,musicians etc would face bankruptcy,a tarnished reputation in the eyes of the public,ostracisation and kiss any chance of winning any Oscars etc or any work on any major projects in the future goodbye and would brought to jail forever and would be publicly destroyed forever.Put simply any instances of pedopheilia in Hollywood would be reported to the press and law enforcement officials instantly as not doing so would end the careers of anyone who doesnt once it becomes public knowledge.The tabloids have too much power and surveillance over Hollywood both in terms that they can destroy the careers of anyone complicit in this “Pedowood” myth in an instant and that they know pretty much everything that goes on in Hollywood.They know and knew to an extent and had suspicions they let on to the public of the crimes of R Kelly,Kevin Spacey,Bryan Singer,Bing Crosby,Marc John Collins-Rector,Harvey Weinstein et al before Hollywood admitted it and they would know if pre pubescent minors were being molested and trafficked.Those people’s careers are now destroyed pretty much forever(and justifiably so)and they will never be able to get any future work,Oscars etc and are in jail or completely ostracised because they were involved in crimes that are statutory rape,actual rape of adolescent minors and rape and groping of adults whearas as priests and those in the hierarchies of Judaism and Islam the conservative religions get a slap on the wrist,are provided fresh victims both adolescents and pre pubescent minors supplied directly and indirectly by being moved from parish to parish and are never punished at and even if they are punished they get light sentences and once free are able to offend again,serve in their former positions and are able to retire on the vast reserves of the Vatican etc in other wards they get away scot free or with a slap on the wrist.There are countless bishops,cardinals and priests etc in the hierarchies of all three conservative religions of Christianity,Islam and Judaism and even conservative politicians who are directly or indirectly responsible the rape and molestation of countless post pubescent minors,pre pubescent minors and the worst sexual crimes in the history of human history possibly dating back centuries and they have gotton away scot free and even if they were caught they’d be jailed only for a few years a light sentence and once they are free they can enjoy retirement on the huge reserves of the Vatican or reoffend but simply in comparison it’s a slap on the wrist.Just imagine what could happen to actual offending pedophiles in Hollywood – hell even Bryan Singer and those found not guilty of rape and statutory rape of post pubescent minors through actual evidence or in some cases lack of evidence have had there careers destroyed.Part and parcel of being a celebrity in Hollywood is that you have absolutely no privacy at all and your entire life is an open book to the public and any scandals especially pedopheilia or covering it up or knowing of if it would destroy your career forever in an instant.Thus there is no open secret of pedophelia being rampant or accepted by the liberal elites in Hollywood with any instances of pedopheilia involving molestation of pre pubescent minors discovered by Hollywood elites would be reported to the authorities immediately as the price of not doing so would be too great to the careers of any actor and movie star who would be blacklisted forever and would be jailed themselves for not reporting it by being a witness and acessary to a crime so serious.Such a crime of being complicit,carrying out molestation and covering it up would end the careers of anyone involved forever due to the public never wanting to watch there movies ever again,any studio not wanting to hire them again for any future projects,the academy awards board would never ever want to award never mind nominate anyone involved in such crimes for an Oscar/Emmy/Tony/Palm Dor etc ever again,the tabloids hounding them forever into submission and obscurity and they would know that which is why it never happens.Those complicit in the abuse in the conservative Catholic Church on the other hand would get a slap on the wrist,be jailed for a few years or get away scot free and be able to retire with a huge amount of money.Any molestation that does occur is behind closed doors,involves only a few perpratrators and conspirators with the vast majority of “liberal elites” in Hollywood likely being completely unaware of any actual pedophelia involving pre pubescent minors going on compared to the rampant and open sex abuse scandles in Judaism,Christianity and Islam hierarchies where its endemic,known by the vast majority of not all of non offending nuns,priests who could have ended countless suffering by reporting it,was encouraged by hierarchies for decades by silencing victims and their families as well moving offending priests from parish to parish with and is seen by the Catholic Church etc general public as the moral bedrock of society.Oh and no that scum Roman Polanski is not a pedophile but a mid or late hebephile as he has no victims below the age of 13 and most people in Hollywood recognise his artistic work with them not celebrating his drugging and rape of a underage girl.Roman Polanski whose drugging of a 13 year old was condemned by the majority of Hollywood with the majority of those who signed a letter to allow for his extradition and pardoning later retracted it and that was only done in the first place due to the fact that he is considered one of the most well respected directors and auteurs of his generation who despite what he did his work should be commended by its own standards and merits by itself outside of such a crime just as the work of Gary Glitter and conservative authors,directors etc who are guilty of pedopheilia,rape of adults,murder,theft and assault etc regardless of whatever crimes they committed.There is also the fact his victim forgave him muddying the views of those still defending for their own abhorrent reasons even.Had he simply wanted to have sex with any 13 year old including his victim he could have moved to Japan or to Peru,Ecuador,Italy after waiting a few months and not resorted to coercive rape and drugging her.Once the new world government is formed both “liberal elites” Roman Polanski,Kevin Spacey etc will be eligible for trial and imprisonment for the crimes they have committed that they deserve with the consent of their victims should they change her mind.Power and fear is what allows this to happen in Hollywood as in the music industry etc but eventually they always end up in jail.With regards to the Harvey Weinstein debacle even though “liberal elites” may have been silent and not been able to do enough due to a lack of availible resources to report Weinstein or simply due to the fact that he had made himself into the head alpha male lobster and king of Hollywood thus making it difficult to really report him without being shut out of Hollywood by him.Put simply the fact that Weinstein had become the king of Hollywood led him to abuse his power not only to abuse as many women as possible but to also strike fear into anyone into reporting this and crossing his line for fear of being kicked out of Hollywood forever and losing their careers like anyone else would in any other situation be it in Google,YouTube or even Congress or any corporation.He had the power to end the careers of anyone who crossed his line and not coverup the abuse in an instant meaning he was at fault not the likes of Susan Sarandon,Ben Affleck,Colin Firth,Donna Gigliotti,Lena Dunham,Brett Ratner,Quentin Tarantino etc.The celebrities that didnt do enough knew that perfectly well and they knew as he was the king of Hollywood who had control over all future major blockbusters and Oscar worthy movies either directly through the remaining companies he had or indirectly by being able shut down competition or buyout any movie script contracts they would lose any future contracts with all the major studios and projects and the potential to lose Oscar roles the second they crossed Harvey Weinsteins line.Harvey Weinstein was once the king of Hollywood who even outside of Miramax and The Weinstein Company through buying the rights to movies especially oscar ones could decide the fate of any actor or directors career and if you crossed his line by reporting sexual harassment he carried out then your career was over forever.From my observations and research into this such as interviews,books etc the general consensus I’ve gotten is that most of the liberals in Hollywood who knew what was going on with regards to Weinstein were too fearful of reporting it due to the fact that doing so would end their careers forever and they would never get any major projects both in terms of blockbusters and Oscar worthy roles.The general consensus I’ve gotten is that lips had to be sealed in order to have careers in Hollywood.Anyone who crossed his line would have their careers in Hollywood either directors,actors,scriptwriters etc be finished and destroyed forever.This is the power Weinstein had but eventually made him the architect of his own demise.Its important to note that the women who first alerted the press to this debacle were not well known actors,were outsiders etc showing that most of Hollywood was afraid to speak out.“Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely”.Thus the “complicity” was understandable to a degree – would you if you were in Hollywood have done the same or would you have taken actions that you know would have ended your career in an instant?Probably not.The fact that Rose McGowens career and that of most of those that started the expose and MeToo movement was at the time sagging a bit at the time after the peak of Charmed probably gave her the opportunity and bravery to speak up and expose everything – no offense but everyone’s career goes through rough patches now and again even A-listers in Hollywood do.Rose Mcgowen career kinda peaked with Charmed.No offense but compared to the likes of Juila Roberts etc you were not and are still not exactly Hollywood A-List material,B-list maybe and thus you were not in grasp of Weinsteins of grip meaning that made you likely to be the one able to speak out.Thanks to the fact that those sparked the movement careers at the time were sagging allowed for them the opportunity to open the floodgates allowing more higher profile stars to then crush him and the rest of the corrupt sexual predators that are now either in jail or have no careers.Noone ever did or still are defending his actions meaning they still think hes a piece of scum getting his just deserts with a hefty jail sentence.Not all of Hollywood are in bed with and support the corrupt corporate democrats many of them are of the actual progressive left that have just as much derision towards the corrupt DNC as the likes of McGowen herself and we’re just as aware as to what was going on but due to threat of losing ones future contracts had to fall in line and by labelling all of Hollywood complicit your labelling even progressives under the thumb of the former King of Hollywood as complicit bedfellows 23 years is enough to shame and set an example for anyone else who rises to his stature.This is why him being jailed is so good not just for the victims but for Hollywood itself as they are no longer pressured into being “complicit” for fear of their careers.Anyone praising him or ganging  up against say Rose McGowen are usually the Osiris-lite corporate democrats in Washington not the liberals in Hollywood.The notions that they revelled in allowing it to go on or was in “love” with Weinstein and that they did it because they condoned it is the type of absurdity a highschooler could come up with.#MeToo showed us that Hollywood took this seriously and likely led to Weinsteins destruction.Then of course there is the allegation made by Ashley Judd.In the wake of Ashley Judd’s accusations against Harvey Weinstein,the floodgates eventually opened, as many more women came forward with similar stories.Director Peter Jackson added another alleged wrinkle by offering evidence that Judd’s refusal to succumb to Weinstein’s advances came at a high cost to her career.This shows that all of Hollywood were in fear of Harvey Weinsteins control.As seen by Ashley Judd publicly admitting to the press of bring threatened by Weinstein to stay silent or risk having her career ended shows that the “complicity” of keeping silent was done to prevent their entire careers being ended.Therefore people in Hollywood only stayed silent because they knew that if they did speak out then they could no longer secure any more prestigious roles in Hollywood especially Oscar worthy roles and movies and their careers would be ended because Harvey Weinstein was in charge of Hollywood and had gained unrestricted power and control over everyone in Hollywood.Harvey Weinstein had gained enough power in Hollywood as he could make or break the careers of anyone by controlling Miramax and all the major movie production studios and that power got to his head so much that he would grope women,sexually assault them and would use his power in Hollywood to strike fear into anyone who would cross his line and threaten his power structure by forcing most actors into silence because if they did speak out and do anything they knew he could end their careers in an instant forever by preventing them from getting any new jobs in Hollywood – you crossed his line like Ashley Judd then your career would be over forever and you could never get any more jobs in Hollywood.Even since the early years of Miramax he was known as a power hungry tyrant who wanted to and eventually gained complete control of Hollywood,He as I explained could end the careers of anyone who crossed his line.The testimony of Ashley Judd and Peter Jackson proves this.The likeliest scenario is he became drunk with power so much that he decided to sexually assault women and this become common knowledge and most of Hollywood knew that If they reported him or spoke out he would crush and destroy their careers in an instant forever and that could say goidbte to any future oscar worthy or box office movies ever again.This is not complicity or being in love with him – this is being silenced into submission by the fact that the concept of doing anything could cost you your career forever.Anyone who disagrees with this is an idiot.Harvey Weinstein like all “liberal” rapists etc is now in jail for the rest of his natural life and Hollywood will no longer be under his control thanks to the brave actions of Ashley Judd who opened the floodgates to make it possible for people to speak up.Would you if you were a Hollywood star who was under threat of losing your career forever speak out probably not especially if you were a victim of his advances.Same goes for R. Kelly – any instances of supposed pedopheilia which in fact ephebopheillia involving 14/15 year old seems to be a case of coercive rape which itself is condemned in any situation and worthy of the jail sentence he is going to get and very few people in Hollywood or the music industry are defending him.Even though there is one 13 year old victim that’s mid or late hebepheilia not pedopheilia.He too had the power to shut down dissent in the music industry due to the power he gained becoming powerful.30-40 years is enough to shame and set an example for anyone else who rises to his stature for again from carrying out rape with underage girls that would be otherwise legal in another country.Put simply all of this media and political circus and his incarceration could have been avoided had he simply chosen to live in the more liberal Peru,Ecuador,Bolivia,Italy,Brazil and so on and no coercion would not have been necessary due to social norms making any teenagers legally compliant in consensual sex.Steve Wynn and Roger Ailes anyone by the way?The people at Fox Nees etc are just as guilty or even more soo by being “complicit” in the crimes of Roger Ailes and Steve Wynn.Are you seriously telling me that if Hollywood was run by conservative elitists that the likes of Weinstein,Crosby et al would have been punished or you could still take the moral high ground.As we’ve seen with the Catholic Church that’s bullshit.Furthermore conservatives and libertarians on PragerU,Fox News,CNN,OANN,The View turning a blind eye to the war crimes and human rights abuses and the American governments and military industrial complexes funding of genocide and conflicts around the world makes any coverup in Hollywood pale in comparison.Conservative logic be all like turning a blind eye to war crimes and genocide is good but doing so to groping and rape is not.Whenever you have a liberal scandle involving coverups of pedopheilia molestation,rape,groping,sexual assault of minors and adults etc its usually because said person carrying it out has become powerful enough to shut down any dissent and backlash meaning said “liberal elite cabels” protecting them are usually intimidated into silence or complience or else they lose their careers forever meaning they are not at fault.Attempts are made by such liberal elites to make it public showing that those intimidated into silence are at least genuine and want to make it end first fear for their own safety and careers.In any liberal institution of someone famous being a pedophile and mass rapist said person had acquired so much power as to be able to silence any opposition and thus people are threatened with their careers being ended or even threats made against their lives making complicity a case of people being silenced by threaten to their career snd a case of Power corrupts,absolute power absolutely with in the case of conservative institutions it’s full on compliance from everyone at the hierarchies.On the other hand in conservative institutions such as the hierarchies of the Catholic,Judaism and Islam pedopheilia,rape,statutory rape and groping are openly encouraged by moving said person from place to place to allow countless children to be molested over and over again making those who are tolerable of it complicit in it as no attempts are made by hierarchies to end it as they in fact encourage it and are thus complicit.Anyone outside of the clergy mainly the public who detract and speaks out is silenced into submission and intimidation and as stated all instances of statutory rape are coercive not consentual with it involving the more serious pedopheilia wherein offending priests are rather than reported to the law are encouraged to offend and moved from parish to parish to molest countless more children and if they do get caught sentences are lenient and the power of the Vatican ensures they have the ability to retire in obscurity by being isolated which is not the same as ostrocisation.Furthermore no one is jailed.“Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely”.As Bill Maher has stated quite perfectly on the issue of Anthony Wiener,Bing Crosby,R Kelly,Jeffery Epstein,Harvey Weinstein and hopefully even if the chance came around Roman Polanski and also Kevin Spacey etc and the difference between republican and liberal sex offenders – “We arrest our alleged rapists.They elect them.I mean,there’s a pig in the White House,”.Notice the fact that all “liberal” rapists and predators etc always end up imprisoned in jail for lengthy periods of time or have their careers ended forever while conservative rapists etc almost always get away scot free.In the case of R Kelly,Kevin Spacey,Bryan Singer,Bing Crosby,Dan Schneider,Brian Peck,Marc John Collins-Rector,Roman Polanski,Harvey Weinstein et al and all other liberal Hollywood elite rapists their careers are pretty much destroyed forever now and are either a – in jail for a long time,b – ostracised forever from America or Hollywood or c – will never ever get another job ever again either in Hollywood blockbusters or Oscar movies etc and will never ever win never mind be nominated for an Oscar ever again or ever get any new work in Hollywood or even in television shows for good reasons.Even if they do get work they will be forever tarnished and people will always be hesitant in working with working with them.Put simply the careers of Weinstein,Crosby,Polanski,Spacey and all other liberal rapists etc are now finished forever with little to no chance of reprieve.Even though Crosby escaped jail and both Polanski and Spacey got away through loopholes that won’t last any longer by 2029 with them having already virtually no careers at anymore.These people’s careers are pretty much destroyed forever even if they live forever they will never get any new projects,Oscar wins and nominations.Hollywood has forever turned their back on them it would a miracle and decades if not centuries of atonement for them to ever get their careers back to what it was.When the formation of the global government is created Bill Crosby,Roman Polanski,Kevin Spacey,Dan Schindler etc will be jailed for sentences proportionate to their crimes.At least the left whether it’s the progressives or even central democrats in Hollywood has standards with regards to dealing with our rapists and sex offenders by giving them decades long sentences or ostracising them from ever working ever again.The complicity of Hollywood elites can be justified and excusable to an extent – the complicity of mainstream media(FOX,CNN,OANN,The View),right wing and centrist YouTubers the DNC,RNC etc with regards to Trumps/Obamas/Bushes war crimes and incompetence with regards to the Coronavirus,turning a blind eye to like of the Saudi government and many others around the world,Iran,Iraq,Afghanistan,Venezuela,Syria,Bolivia and destruction of Bernie Sanders 2016 and 2020 campaigns and for that matter the complicity of the Catholic Church is not defensible and its in fact shameful.Weinsteins,R. Kelly and Epsteins crime of rape,blackmail,intimidation and sexual servitude although serious and ensured their power over women and Hollywood affected a small number of people and is nothing compared what is done by aforementioned individuals to maintain and oligarachy over millions managed by plutocrats and carry out genocide,imperialism and maintaining the power of the donor class that keeps the rich rich and the poor poor justifies the slaughter of innocent civilians and military personnel and includes war crimes and not to mention being passed around to pedophiles in the hierarchies of the Church.Is non complicity in statutory rape,rape and sex trafficking now more serious when done by liberals than complicity in war crimes,illegal wars and genocide including that of you own people that is essentially mass murder when done by conservatives as well as complicity in actual pedopheilia?Teapot calling kettle black anyone?That is why the mainstream medias CEOs,their complicit staff deserves banishment to Hades and Tartarus alongside the swamp at least those still corrupted in comparison to Weinsteins and Epsteins crimes that deserved only normal jails.The mainstream medias including Osirian-lite CNN and MSNBC covering up of Weinstein and Epstein can be left to the fact these men had power over the media,those connected to them or the Osirian-lite corporate democrats equal hypocrisy over Al Franken and Joe Biden outside of Hollywood.With regards to Leaving Neverland that has been repeatedly debunked over and over again very well by YouTuber made documentaries that analyse every facet of the original documentary bit by bit that have historians and people close to Micheal Jackson authenticating the fact that he never molested any prepubescent children are all over YouTube that dispute conflicting evidence,the body language and also timing of events in terms of when the molestation occurred and also with the simple fact is this there are only two victims reporting molestation and likely for money due to their failed careers who defended him while he was alive.Do an simple search on YouTube.Its easy to gain money off someone who cannot defend themselves due to being dead.If Micheal Jackson was a pedophile then in his position he would have had hundreds of victims like Jimmy Saville who is considered one of the most prolific sex offenders against minors below 13 who had hundreds of victims.A person like Jackson surrounded by so many young children would have had to have had a huge amount of restraint to have had only two prepubescent victims and thus if he was a pedophile due to faulty wiring and molested only two people as prepubescent minors then although a slip up and still worthy of criminal prosecution if true then he should be at least commended for having not molested hundreds more and caused countless more damage when it was possible.Therefore he was not a pedophile.None of the children who slept with him reported to have never been molested.Like Epstein there are only two supposed prepubescent victims that are just rumours and no stores of child pornography involving them which is always found in the case of all pedophiles who cant restrain their unnatural urges.Its hypocritical for any Christian conservatives its hypocritical for you to be labelling Hollywood being full of pedophiles and sexual predators and complicit actors when your religions hierachies allowed the rape and molestation of both post and prepubescent minor – involving actual pedopheilia to go unnoticed and complicit for decades and you still continue to blindly defend them and the religion that allows this to happen.Put simply conservatives cant harp on about liberal Hollywood being chock full of non existant complicity of pedopheilia and sexual predators when your conservative religions are chocked up with nothing but pedophiles and sexual predators and complicit hierchies.Teapot calling kettle black anyone?As weve seen with Bacha bazi,Mohammeds 8 year old wife,sexual enslavement of prepubescent girls by the conquistadors including Christopher Columbus,certain passages from the Bible,the proliferation and complicity of pedopheilia in the Catholic Church and so on shows that the encouragement,acceptance and proliferation of pedopheilia including the sexualisation of pre pubescent minors aged 12 and younger is thus a conservative value not a liberal one.Teapot calling kettle black anyone?Furthermore with regards to Apple,Amazon and Disney capitalism by its very nature is corrupt and every company celebrities both left and right support etc will be inherently corrupt and have controversies which means you have to criticise the system itself rather than celebrities that support it making anti-capitalist celebrities correct and a fair share of these corporate A-listers are supporting the more progressive candidates like Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren who are for better regulations and higher taxes on big corporations and even these wealthy Hollywood elites themselves.Those darn Hollywood liberal elites and their wanting desire to pay higher taxes more than the rest of us and support that wretched Green New Deal and Medicare for All that helps the working class poor with their taxes – damn elitists not like those conservative elitists and they want to cut taxes on the wealthy,increase those on the poor,privatise healthcare and putting millions of people out of insurance and use disproven trickle down economics.Leonardo Di Caprio dates adult women who happen to models so what – the age gap rule is bunkum in my opinion once you have finished puberty at 14/15 and the 24 year age gap between Donald Trump and Melania Trump doesnt seem weird to anyone.Is having sexual intercourse with people who are legally adults now icky.As for Felicity Huffman Im going to detail later on why the 2019 Operation Varsity Blues college scandal isnt really a scandal at all and why college is bullshit and more than likely conservative parents etc would have been involved so big deal.Is having sex with adults now a big deal.The fact you make fun of a person daring you is only women in their 20s and 30s as creepy is evidence of this infantilisation of adults.The people he dates and has sex with are adults in their 20s and 30s not prepubescent minors.When sexual attraction and preferences to adults in their 20s and 30s is considered creepy or something to joke about your society is going downhill.Should people aged 25-30 now be considered vulnerable children who need protection from older creepy sexual predators? .When humans are immortal including international A-listers will they and others who have sexual preferences for people aged 40-500 years old now be considered sexual predators?As for private jets at least the majority of them use commercial airlines most of the time and only use private planes when they cant go commercial and do use carbon offset programmes to make themselves carbon neutral – its not their fault corrupt governments cut down the trees planted to offset them you have any beef with that take it to the corrupt governments.Private plans are essential only when you are in Hollywood and for making journeys that are outside that of commercial airlines and you have a tight schedules its an essential part of being in Hollywood.At present,private aircraft contribute less than 1% of U.S. carbon emissions the amount of the population of Americans that regularly engages in this activity is probably fewer than 150,000 or less than roughly 0.05% of the entire 332,230,330 American population not all of which are Hollywood actors even despite the fact that some models of private jets can create up to seven to eleven times more carbon dioxide emissions than commercial airlines its still minuscule to that the general public who a not celebrities and a not actors contribute.Out of those 150,000 at most 500-1,000 that are part of Hollywoods elite(its likely smaller since theres not that many but it will be a baseline not including CEOs,politicians,royalty) meaning their contribution to annual greenhouse gas emissions from private aeroplane travel comes to anywhere between 0.0006 – 0.002% or of all greenhouse gas emissions in American.In 2017 greenhouse gas emissions from transportation accounted for roughly about 29% of total U.S. greenhouse gas emissions,making it the largest contributor of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions meaning commercial air travel and private vehicle use on the road by the average non Hollywood or Democrat elite politician person is roughly 28%.Commercial air travel in America contributes as much as 10% meaning 18% comes from terrestrial vehicle transport meaning 28% of annual greenhouse gas emissions comes from their critics putting that contributed by private aeroplanes by that 150,000 people is a mere 1% and as shown already by liberal Hollywood between 0.00333333-0.00666667%.Put simply them giving up private aeroplanes would not really make a difference especially when their critics are responsible for a greater amount of carbon dioxide emissions roughly 4,999-10,000 times more.Teapot calling kettle black anyone?To solve this issue carbon offset programmes could not be hijacked and research could have been made into more efficient and cleaner engines similar to or better than commercial aeroplanes and fuels including carbon neutral biofuels from bacteria or even algae that dont use up land and can be grown onsite of airports – problem solved,this could have been solved twenty or even forty years ago had the fossil fuel industry not stagnated research.We have bacteria that produce insulin since 1978 – we should have had bacteria that create carbon neutral vegetable oil fuels and methane since then also with even carbon neutral algae viable since 1978 but that would have shut down the fossil fuel industry.As I shall explain later on in greater detail the liberal left using private aeroplanes could also be ignored by the fact that we have had the technological ability to have solved and even reversed global warming alongside poverty and famine more than 40 years ago before private jets became a thing or were even invented meaning they could have used private jets and still it would not be even less of an issue.

You may criticise their green efforts as skimpo but at least they are doing something about the problem unlike conservatives that want to push for more regime change wars to get oil out of Iran,Venezuela and Bolivia and are only doing the best they can with regards to their limited education on green energy etc.Those carbon offset programmes could have been replaced by biochar or not hijacked by corrupt governments(ironically corrupt governments that are propped up and funded by the American government and supporters of capitalism) or they could have had access to carbon neutral fuels.They like the average person has to use fossil fuels because the oil companies have stunted development into clean engines and clean energy sources and private aeroplanes happen to part and parcel of having to do on the spot travel to movie sets outside of schedules of regular flights – if you had to do the work they did youd be using it.So now they are now damned if they do and damned if they don’t.They are criticised as hypocrites when they make actual genuine efforts to be carbon neutral and criticised when they do nothing.This is kindergarten level bickering.Doesnt matter anyways Oceanus,carbon neutral gasoline,repairing the ozone and carbon sequestrations,VR technology gonna make private plane use by celebrities defunct.Furthermore last time I checked this liberal cabel was against every single war since Vietnam including the disastrous Iraq war and now Iran because you know they knew it was going to be a huge mistake which it was.So really there being an avalanche of sick hypocritical individuals on the left with zero standards bullshit and makes the jokes of a second rate comedian at the Golden Globes justifiably worthy of groans from them darn liberal elites.The liberal elites present were the only ones at that ceramony who had any type of standards compared to that second rate comedian and their other critics whose on the same level as Crowder and groaned and squirmed because they were being lectured to by a immature 50 something man child who knows nothing of the real world and has only in the spotlight for the last 10-15 years at most and is currently nowhere near the big leagues of politics and even A-list grading(or probably never will be let alone ever win an oscar – its important to note that most of the people he condemned at the Oscars are oscar winners unlike him,jealous much?) and even still isnt exactly well versed in the ways of the complexities of the world and really what are you doing for the world of politics but thinks he does when hes clearly being a self aggrandising twat just to seem hip,counter culture and a out of his league,when clearly the liberal elites are the ones who know more about the world than him and the conservatives lapped it up like Adpocalypse 3.0 as they always do by playing the victim and taking the moral high ground as if they were still stuck in highschool.The entire cabel of elites present at that ceramony are veterans who know what they are talking about theyve been there decades longer than Gervais or their critics online have been around,since the 1970s or even 1960s and will be there decades after Gervais career has ended while they may have not be as educated as me they are more clued in than Gervais etc.He unfortunately has become a parody of his only achievement David Brent – a sad 50 something man child that has still not or ever will make it to the top and so uses his inadequacy to try to be the bigger fish yet in reality is someone to hang around only because of pity of him being a one trick pony and a small fish in a very large pond full of much bigger fish than him.In reality hes the Donald Trump of Hollywood and its embarrassing and cringe worthy watching a second rate comedian with the maturity of a teenager using humour most of us grew up out of in our teens vain attempts at unjustified and unearned looking down on others and taking the moral highground like that,acting like a newbie at any business berating the expertise and experience of a CEO on his success of managing a successful company for decades – a whiney SJW college student or new waver conservative millenial(Crowder,Shapiro,Southern,Owens etc) and even Donald Trump “expert” with only a few years or even none of political experience berating a politician or military leader in a liberal European or South American country like Scandanavia,Bolivia,Germany etc or even predecessors with decades of experience on how to run a successful economy that benefits everyone or run the military and negotiations in the Middle with their expertise on capitalism,libertarianism and even anarcho-capitalism etc and negotiating table mannerisms that have shown to be complete failures over and over again falling flat on its face – pretty pathetic.You see the term liberal elite in at least Hollywood actually means that they have earned the right and privilege to look down on others and take the moral high ground.Put simply their critics are the ones who have no right to criticise or make judgements or lecture them when they are usually climate science deniers,are doing jack shit about the problem when they  could have solved the problem more 40 years ago,are promoting pseudoscience and denial,are banging the drums for perpetual war,have their rapists get away scot free and so on – the fact I can solve all of these and other problems makes me immune to any such criticisms.Noone is shunning you because you exposed them they are shunning you because your a clueless twat that thinks he the brand new bag and a terrible comedian – second rate comedian who again is the Donald Trump of Hollywood.Their suing you for libel and slander and its the worst kind of slander where no evidence exists.At least when I slander someone I always give examples of their hypocrisy that can be found through a quick ten minute google search just how a quick google search shows that all criticism of the liberal elites can be easily debunked.You see Gervais is such a nobody in Hollywood and such akin to Donald Trump is to politics and so low on the letter scale of Hollywood on the D-List that Epstein and Weinstein either didnt care about him or even know him enough at all to include him in their web of deceit,blackmail and intimidation and and the rest of Hollywood didnt care about him or even know him enough at all to include him in what was going on as as open secret.If he was even relevant at all and was somebody in Hollywood he would have been clued in to what was going on in Epstein and Weinsteins crimes himself,making him complicit and thus a hypocrite of the highest order for making these asinine jokes.If you did know of Epstein or Weinsteins crimes and been part of their web of deceit,intimidation and blackmail would you have put whatever little career you have in Hollywood outside of award show presenter in jeopardy by speaking out against them?Probably not because considering how irrelevant you are you would have been crushed like a bug in an instant and would have been so much more thrashed on than the A-listers you wouldnt even have careers in Hollywood or as presenters of any of the major award shows anywhere in the world anymore including the Golden Globes,Oscars,Grammies or even anything below that and they would have shut you down to the Z-list – and you know that.Furthermore being clued in and doing nothing yourself also makes you complicit in covering up Weinsteins and Epsteins crimes and just as much in love with him.Teapot calling kettle black anyone?Put simply Gervais is either one of two things.So far down the letter list of Hollywood that he wasnt clued into what was going simply because Epstein or Weinstein and the rest of Hollywood didnt give him much credence on In his power struggle thus makes him a pathetic high school bully mocking the big more achieved fishes out of jealously or he was good enough to be A-list as to have known what was going on that he was just as complicit in covering up the crimes of both Epstein and Weinstein and thus a hypocrite himself.You can’t exactly go around lecturing liberal Hollywood in covering up Weinsteins crimes if you yourself were doing the same or if your a nobody who is jealous of them.Your either a complicit hypocrite or a loser troll who never has or will make it big.Whichever one Gervais wants to choose as reality makes him both pathetic and both fine by anyone with a liberal bone in their body and further reduces conservatives to the assholes they are.A quick Google search can show this “environmentalist” Gervais has his own love affair with private jets aren’t private jets great.Am I right?“.You can’t exactly go around lecturing about the hypocrisy of environmentalist liberals who use private’s jets and take the moral high ground when you yourself a self proclaimed environmentalist also uses private jets.Thats hypocrisy and double if not triple or even quadruple standards.Playing the victim card are we?Teapot calling kettle black anyone?.Pathetic.Maybe you should be directing your “comedy” at the true hypocrites in the form of conservatives as shown here as the only side of the spectrum that are hypocrites.That might absolve you.In fact you can have more material to work with than a small set of asinine jokes that you seem to be continuing to gloating over.Even you progressives have to admit that Ricky Gervais was low brow in the face of his bias,lack of information and the fact that hes kinda not at his peak anymore and that if anything he was not in a position to take the moral high ground on anything and make any sort of lectures on anything and that as stated those elitists were the only people with standards.The fact that you fell for it proves you not as immune to influence from conservatives as you think you are and your kinda hypocritical.Ive just debunked each and every so called expose and “best bits” that Gervais carried out at that ceremony – next time you or anyone tries to criticise the so called elitist hypocrisy of Hollywood make an effort and do some research next time and dig deeper it takes only 20 minutes on Google and deep thinking you know the stuff expected of actual adults – its like im dealing with a bunch of kindergarteners.This is what I mean by term second rate comedian because only the bottom of the barrel could find it funny or an expose nowhere near the likes of Billy Crystal,Whoopi Goldberg.At least when us liberals and progressives break the law and do dubious things we always get our just desserts through incarceration and we admit that that our brethern did something wrong and shun and call them out appropriately.That is one of the main differences between conservatives/corporate liberals and progressives – one has principles the other does not and those others are hypocrites of the highest order.It’s like how conservatives glorify their war criminals and genocidal maniacs such as Donal Trump,John Bolton,George Bush but is progressives we never glorify or celebrate Pol pot,Josef Stalin,Mao Zedong and Vladamir Lenin – we only glorify only Karl Marx a philosopher and not dictators etc  with even other communist “philosophers” who were bloodthirsty dictators are shunned by communists and progressives.No one today openly glorifies Lenin,Pol pot,Stalin and Mao etc but right wing dictators like Hitler,Trump etc are glorified by conservatives across the world 

China,Albania,Andorra,Austria,Bulgaria,Bosnia and Herzegovina,Estonia,Germany,Hungary,Italy,Liechtenstein,Macedonia,Montenegro,Albania,Bangladesh,East Timor,North Macedonia,Portugal,San Marino,Serbia,Bolivia,Brazil,Colombia,Paraguay,Ecuador,Peru where the age of consent is 14 may have their own minor flaws regarding how much control the state has over the lifes over citizens and especially with immigration brought on Osirian countries but their not currently bombing eight countries,aiding in a genocide in Yemen and the rest of the Middle East and are not willing to risk World War Three with both Venezuela,Syria and also Iran over oil using manufactured consent and propaganda that would cost trillions of more dollars and lead to the loss of innocent civilian and military personnel lives.They are not cuddling up to the Catholic church and heads of Islam of all groups with their stellar track record,dont have half the problems in relation to healthcare,jail incarceration,education,scientific and political illiteracy,military and also corruption as Osirian cultures,have significantly lower gun deaths and mass shootings between each other and also between police officers and minorities if they even have them at all with tensions between different ethnic minorities and the majority being less intense or non-existant and are usually the result of conservative imperialism into the Middle East forcing millions of people into the west.They dont have spoiled teenyboppers as per My Super Sweet 16 or social justice warriors and kindergarteners on college campuses and also unfettered capitalism and politicians on both sides can engage in civil debate without name calling and smear campaigns especially against their own veterans and any “smears” that are done are civil and are usually warrented.Any wars they are involved in or have been since the end of World War II theyve mainly acted as coalition forces,by themselves in defence and not aggressors and imperialists – and yes the Godwins Law does apply here(and by the way National Socialism and Facism are right wing ideologies and at least Germany acknowledges the Holocaust) with healthcare being either universal healthcare that is paid through taxes or a choice between both private and public healthcare,have government funded education and they as stated have programmes to deprogramme terrorists and political radicals as well as those to help paedophiles control their unnatural urges.Thus they are more progressive than Osirian countries with abbereations to this due to the influence of Osirian politics creeping into them.More than importantly they dont have President Trump as president nor have they had equivalents to George W.Bush or any of the insert “your least favourite corrupt politician or nominee” from either America or Great Britain,the dont have “The Swamp” or the “The Crazies” as part of the military industrial complex and dont have the same idiots in their Conservative and Liberal parties as in Osirian cultures.Any conservatives they have are usually the result of the creeping influence of the Osirian religons for example Jair Bolsanaro,Marie La Pen etc.How this has been achieved without becoming a third world country is frankly a miracle.I have all of human knowledge at my fingertips and access to newsfeeds from around the world yet I barely hear anything from China,Germany,Italy etc unless of course they being invaded for oil and other natural resources and have conservatives overthrowing democratically elected leaders or causing unwarrented problems and their problems stem indirectly from imperialism into the Middle East.

Chinas censorship of the internet and any media censorship in Bolivia,Peru etc and even Venezuela is no different to that done by YouTube,The Daily Mail,Twitter and Facebook on progressives and both conservatives and corporations push for abolishing net neutrality showing given the right conditions Amazon,Facebook,Twitter,YouTube,Google etc could easily seize control of the internet in America for powers and control outside of the state.Teapot calling kettle black anyone?As for Bolivia its a undisputed fact that Evo Morales managed to like Chavez decrease both poverty and extreme poverty significantly and his wanting to get a longer term as president was warrented for two reasons – first he managed to go through the proper channels in the government to veto for it an was granted and also won by a significant margin that is disputed by every major NGO except of course his adversaries who it is well known are being propped by the American government for both the fossil fuels and Lithium present which is going to be obsolete in ten years.Brazils only problem seems to be of course the far-right with minor corruption in the previous administrations and is nowhere near as bad as that in America.Furthermore unlike America the progressive socialist Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva after found guilty of corruption was barred from serving as president again and jailed unlike any of his American counterparts showing that at least people on both sides are jailed if found guilty of such crimes in progressive liberal countries.Put simply half the shit that occurs in the American government is not tolerated anywhere else for a second in more liberal countries or even more centre-right,centre left ones.The age of consent was 14 in the more liberal Canada Set down by laws in 1890 but was changed due to a case where one Dale Eric Beckham from Texas(where the age of consent was at the time 17 and violators can face prison terms of up to 10–20 years) who although at the testimony of the 14 year old he met online did have mutually consensual sex he was charged for child pornography for taking pictures of the minor.Consequently,the only crime Beckham could be prosecuted for in Canada was a relatively minor offense of possession of child pornography and nothing would have happened.In November 2005,Beckham pleaded guilty and was sentenced to the time already served.What did cause the change from 14-16 was that when police in America searched his home in Texas to see if he had any other pornography involving teenagers they found large stores of child pornography involving those 12 or younger meaning by definition he was a pedophile who likely sought sex with a 14 year old just outside the border of pedopheilia within the outer range of hebepheilia where it was possible.He would have done the same if he was in South America,Europe and Asia or simply moved to countries with an age of consent of 13-14.Had the age of consent been 14 in Texas,he had not taken pornographic pictures or he lived in Canada or somewhere else he could have had sex with teens on the border edge of pedopheilia/hebepheilia and not have to resort to child pornography.More importantly had his store of child pornography been found by police earlier on and he had access to counselling to not need pornography the incident would not have occurred and the age of consent would still be 14 in Canada and Canadians could continue to look down on vigilante groups and be considered more liberal and progressive than North America since they are already more so on immigration,healthcare etc.The point is that had these measures been taken Canada could have the full moral highground as a progressive society as they have more liberal attitudes on immigration,healthcare,energy and was only to a conservative states lack of prevention in dealing with a pedophile.Like Kieran Creaven,Jared Scott Fogle he may be attracted to adults,adolescents above the cut off range and thus possibly a pedoheboteilophele with only MRI scans can determine if he is a pedophile.It may be possible for minor faults in wiring could accommodate for someone having mild pedopheilliac tendencies yet still finding attractions to adolescents and adults a sort of mild form of the neurological condition (pedohebephilia/pedophebeteiliopheilia) that curses one with the condition yet still allows them to find attractions to those above the cut off range much how some neurological and genetic conditions have mild forms.This possibly explains the cases of Jared Scott Fogle,Kieran Creaven and Dale Eric Beckham as well as even Jimmy Saville where in these cases stores of child pornography involving prepubescent children,verified molestation of prepubescent and post pubescent minors exists,charities used to lure said pre pubescent minors exist but not Jeffrey Epstein as unlike these two he did not have any verified victims under the cut off age of 13,had no charities to lure children and no stashes of child pornography involving pre pubescent minors like Fogle and Beckham.Only genetic tests and MRI scans from Jared Scott Fogle,Kieran Creaven and Dale Eric Beckham and other people with potential pedohebephilia/pedophebeteiliopheilia can confirm the existence of pedohebephilia and pedophebeteiliopheilia.Thus Kieran Creaven,Jared Fogle and Dale Eric Beckham can through both genetic tests and MRI scans as well as penile plethysmography can confirm the possible existence of theoretical pedohebephilia and pedophebeteiliopheilia wherein one has sexual attraction to prebuscent minors and adolescents as well as adults.MRI and genetic scans can confirm this as there are believed to be various subsets of pedopheillia based on different age ranges documented in patients such as infantophillia that the patient expresses sexual desire for only infants between infants at birth and those aged just under 3-5 years old with other variations of it that involve other age range between infancy and 13 have been documented.There are thus different subsets of pedopheilia that determines sexual preference of afflicted patients towards different age groups of pre pubescent minors aged between infancy and 13 as well as full blown clinical pedopheilia that involves sexual attraction to infants up to 13.Then of course there are subsets of pedopheilia that deal with the presence of inhibitory neural defects meaning there are further subsets of pedophiles with or without inhibitory neural defects.This further complicates issues as there are subsets of pedophiles that are able to restrain themselves and thus less likely to molest children and less likely to consume child pornograohy while they are others who are unable to restrain themselves and thus more likely to molest children and consume child pornography when given the chance.The distribution of white and grey matter and type of neural defects may determine these different subsets of pedophelia.Even you progressives,communists and liberals in Osirian countries have to admit this and wonder why the rest of the world is not like China,Albania,Bangladesh,East Timor,Andorra,Austria,Bulgaria,Bosnia and Herzegovina,Estonia,Germany,Hungary,Italy,Liechtenstein,Macedonia,Montenegro,North Macedonia,Portugal,San Marino,Serbia,Bolivia,Brazil,Colombia,Paraguay,Ecuador,Peru etc with their “low” age of consent 14 and the significantly lower amount of social problems than the rest of the world and not let Osirian influences seep over even into progressives and cloud your judgement and would you please stop using clips from To Catch a Predator with that little piece of crap vile scum troll Chris Hansen and all other vigilante groups who Im personally going to make sure alongside all other vigilante groups to apologise to every single individual so called predator he entrapped by having Dike carry out an injunction to make sure he does apologise to every one of them and have it recorded by a filming crew and then have it uploaded into her YouTube channel.Not only that but he’s going to probably face a few years or decades for leading to the suicide of Louis William Conradt JR as a contributing factor to his death regardless of the fact that he was entrapped into commiting statutory rape.Thus him driving him to suicide makes him in legal terms a contributing factor to his suicide which technically quailifies as manslaughter and thus liable for at least several years if not decades in prison or if possible life imprisonment for literally all of eternity.Just because you were carrying out entrapment is not a grounds to excuse you for being the contributing factor of another persons death which is a criminal offence.Even if you were entrapping an actual pedopheile or terrorist and were a contributing factor to their death that’s still illegal and a criminal offence – the ends never justifies the means.You carried that out with malicious intent which can overturn any excuse you have and that means you have at least 100 years in prison is going to mean you are going to apologise and serve at least several decades in prison for contributing to the death of another human being.Spending 20-100 years in prison is the lightest sentence possible as he could spend several centuries,thousands or even millions of year and at worst face life imprisonment without parole that is he could be imprisoned forever for all of eternity without any chance of being released – ever.This means even when Donald Trump et al are released from their banishment in Hades and Tarturas for a few hundred million years Chris Hansen will still be in jail forever for all eternity.You contributed to the death of another human being and that is a criminal offence no matter what the circumstances were and wasn’t made in self defense,the fact that you purposefully initiated the conditions with malicious intent and were carrying out something which would have been illegal in another country and that you ignored the differences between the age of consent of other countries and the age of criminal responsibility further implicates you to the point that well your guilty..You could argue thou were trying to protect a child but it was a non existent child and entrapment is enticing someone to commit a crime they otherwise would not commit by literally doing everything you can to cause a person to commit a crime they wouldn’t have ever committed in the first place which is why entrapment should be a criminal offence and illegal because creating a criminal who doesn’t actually exist in first place  especially considering you wouldn’t have entrapped a minor to commit rape and murder which they could have been charged for as an adult with again the differences between the different ages of consent of other more liberal countries.You can be charged for manslaughter.At least look on the bright side even if you end in jail for prison for all of eternity you’ll be in a normal prison and not “that place”.If I were you Id still be investing in a very good lawyer to not spend eternity in jail.If Dike sees for that your are worthy of life imprisonments without parole be youll be  in jail long after Trump etc is released from prison,long after the sun has burned out(in about billion years),long after the Andromeda galaxy and Milky Way Galaxy collide with each other(in about five billion years)long after the very last protons in the universe dissolve into nothingness – longer than a nonillion or Googleplex years and not only that long after the cycle repeats itself into infinity in otherwards forever for all eternity.The rule of law is the rule of fucking law.Since I created her I can have Dike the permenant Chief Justice of the Global Supreme Court do anything I want including a legal injunction to him and anyone else just like that and have to do what I want – this also extends to Gaia,Ouranous,Aion,Hades,Tartarus,Aeacus,Rhadamanthus,Minos et al for that matter.I and Dike get to be the ones to say “Have a seat over there” and “Ill see you in court for manslaughter”.I have an entire pantheon of gods that run and rule the world completely and eventually the rest of the universe and eventually all matter and energy in the universe and possibly eventually all matter and energy in the multiverse at my disposal ready to do my bidding something every single tyrant and dictator throughout human history from Hitler,Mao,Stalin,Bush,Trump,Putin,Assad and so on all throughout the entire span of human history would kill for – which is good since I have few personal favours I’d like to ask from them(purely selfless as always – well mostly),and a few experiments I want to carry out that require their capabilities.Dike,Gaia,Ouranous and Aion owe me these favours big time considering the shit I had to go through.We are entering a world where criminals who carry out theft,burglary,murder,rape,sexual assault and murder of all degrees whether it is manslaughter or intentional murder etc due to us now going to enter a world through eternal youth and immortal youth will have to now face sentences in prison for low level crimes are going to rather serving months or years in prison will possibly spend at least centuries,thousands or even millions of years in prison with life sentences without parole will mean could literally eternity in prison for ever without being released.Since I created them and the crap I’ve had to go through Im going to get my personal favours and chance to carrying out my experiments.I like being me.

.Nowadays I rarely even actually watch or read entire movies,television shows and books I mostly read the summary on Wikipedia and as for video games I just watch the movie cutscenes on YouTube – rather than playing an entire game I just watch the movie of it that is all cutscenes merged together so instead of playing a game for 20-100 hours I only watch the movie that lasts 2-3 hours.Slogging through the 1990s and 2000s was boredom and torture it was the stone ages as YouTube,Wikipedia,smartphones etc didn’t exist and the modern world didn’t start until 2012 when these things became ubiquitous and spending my 20s in the midst of a childish culture war didn’t exactly help.The reality is both adults and tens and pre teens as of 2024 in the 2020s now live in the modern world with anything prior to 2012 is really by all technical terms the stone ages.We live in a world where what was on YouTube and what was news etc just yesterday is now considered ancient history with this of note to us Millennials and generation Zrs as well as generation Alpha and to a degree generation Xrs who grew up in the 1990s and 2000s prior to YouTube,AI,smartphones and even the internet the concept of going back to what was essentially the stone ages just less than 14 years ago seems inconceivable.This concept is especially relevant to the average 5-9 year old who has access to all of human knowledge on their smartphones Etc.Those aged 12-17 years old the people they interact with on a daily basis are not on MTV,Nickelodeon etc but rather YouTube in the form of vloggers who discuss politics,video games and current affairs to whom they follow on a daily basis.Imagine what world would have like if YouTube and vlogging including political pundits etc existed and was ubiquitous in the 1990s and 2000s from 1990-2009.Not only that but curing actual pedopheilia,progeria mylinisation and the fact that im going to make sure entrapment and vigiliantism itself is made constitutionally illegal worldwide for all of these reasons for all crimes will thus shut you down forever – which is the way it needs to be just like the way I’m gonna shut down the fossil fuel industry,wall street,big tech and big pharma.The word sexual predator and pedophile will disappear from the lexicon of the English language.Do you really want to have one of the worst facets of the right be used to justify,pollute and influence your views on on the age of consent.These more liberal progressive countries have no imperialist wars for oil,no threats of starting World War III with Iran,no smearing of veterans like Tulsi Gabbard,no healthcare and education problems,no delays in containing and testing the Coronavirus or giving decent compensation to those made unemployed,no child sex scandles in the Church or in the same vein of Epstein,no corporate corruption,no gamersgate,no immigration problems,no misinterpretation of Bill C-16,no adpocalypse,no scandles involving Facebook/YouTube/Twitter,no demonisation of Greta Thurnberg,no LGBT teen suicides and murders or those on YouTube,no vigilante groups,no “war on drugs”,no underage sex trafficking,no corporate bailouts,no bakeries refusing gay customers,no student teacher sex scandles,no scandles does on par with Matt Gaetz and Jeffery Epstein et al,no restaurant chains supporting homophobic groups,no racial profiling and hate crimes or cops killing minorities,no racism problems with regards to blacks/jews/asians etc and only with regards to muslims forced into the country via conflicts in the Middle East started by America,no domestic terrorist mass shootings with the exception of those inspired by the American created ISIL,no Dr Phil,no whiney conservative pundits,no college SJWs and my super sweet sixteeners,no spoiled little bratty teens or pre teens,no immature bickering amongst political ideologies amongst adults,no climate change denial,other than minor corruption scandles(of which the people who do carry out corruption always get caught and sent to jail in the end) barely anything happens there making them incredibly boring for both progressives and even the centre right conservatives with them and progressives finding them almost paradise – the progressive hellholes of the world.Most conservatives in these countries can actually be debated intellectually without being triggered and have reasonable debates on issues on immigration,homosexual rights,age of consent,healthcare etc without being triggered and propaganda with the same done for those on the left.Ask yourself this question why is it that these issues exist only in conservative Britain and America etc and not in more liberal progressive countries such as Bolivia,Brazil,Peru,Italy with ages of consent at 14?Why do they not even exist in other progressive countries with ages of consent between 15-18?Why is it that if I go to a country with the age of consent at 14/15 or more liberal countries where it is 16-18 years old I’ll never encounter SJWs,spoiled brats,the woke left?Karens? and any of the problems in more conservative countries like America,Britain etc?Why is it that in all of Asia and Europe and South America we dont have television shows and movies about teenagers in high school and college at all.Why is that?This proves that conservatism is in fact the root source of moral and social decline and liberalism and prograssivism is not and in fact is the source of moral purity and progress – hence the name prograssivism.It also proves that the vulnerable teen myth is a product of environmental pressures brought about by conservatism.If you think the aforementioned problems of your Osirian culture is acceptable and needs to be brought to these “barbaric sick countries” with their “low” age of consent then you really have to reevaluate your morals and ethics and whether teenagers should automatically victimised.Progressive implies moving forward,traditionlism of conservatism refers to moving backwards to traditional values which is regressing towards regressive values therefore conservatism is a roadblock towards progress.

Its hypocritical for liberals even progressives to praise the more progressive countries of Europe,South America and Asia with regards to healthcare,education,immigration,welfare and at the same time still like conservatives hyperconflate late hebe ephebophilia with pedophelia especially with regards to Roy Moore,Kevin Spacey,Jeffery Epstein,Adam Johnson and support vigilante groups and that twat Chris Hansen or even worse Ricky Gervais.This is especially relevant to progressives that denounce and criticise Donald Trumps recent coup in Bolivia since had any of these people including Jeffery Epstein,Onision,Lionmaker,Roy Moore or even Kevin Spacey lived there and other progressive countries noone would have cared about what they did provided actual rape and slavery was not involved and they would still be alive or not in jail.You cant support Evo Morales,support and praise his policies,achievements and political career and also criticise Trump,Bolton,Pompeo etc and still at the same time call Jeffery Epstein,Onision,Lionmaker,R Kelly,Roy Moore pedophiles or sexual predators when they are not as their “victims” z Epstein were above the cut off point of 14 and above and at the age of consent in Bolivia etc the countries you so openly venerate.This is why the hyperconflation of late hebe ephebophilia with pedophelia and concerns of “predation” and vulnerability of “underage” teens by liberals especially progressives including in the case of Epstein,Onision et al is more offensive and more embarrassing than when its done by conservatives as your spitting in the face in disgust of the very people you are supposed to be defending as well as praising for their low crime and corruption,universal healthcare,housing and solving all the problems in your own country and your supposed to be open to different points of view including on the age of consent and makes you a hypocrite of the highest order and is a form of cognitive dissonance.Its especially offensive with regards to the recent Bolivian coup and Bolsanaro taking control of Brazil after the success of the “Pink” tide of Brazil.Track down Evo Morales,Luis Acre,Luiz Inácio,Lula da Silva etc and all of your favourite left wing heroes in person then praise them on their achievements on eliminating poverty,universal healthcare,lower Coronavirus death toll,good track record with gay equality,exposing corruption in the American government.Then spit on their faces in disgust and call them sicko,pedophile,predators.This is the level of cognitive dissonance and logic you whippersnappers have.Im pretty sure the citizens of progressive hellhole countries you venerate so much would cringe at your reactions to pedestry and sex involving 14-15 year olds or for that matter that frivolous Borat scene involving Rudy Giualini and frivolous Borat skit with Roy Moore,their reaction videos and this frivolous Matt Gaetz “scandal”.This could also apply to each persons favourite celebrity,politician and YouTuber from China,Brazil,Germany,Japan etc or with ancestry from these countries.You are literally indirectly or directly calling the very people you venerate,idolise,worship and respect etc so much sexual predators and pedophiles or the enablers and protectors of sexual predators and pedophiles and defending your country being dragged down into the mire by conservatives.That includes you TYT,Kim Iverson,For Harriet,Niko House,Rational Notional,Thunderf00t,Novera Media,Progressive Voice,Secular Talk,DemocraticMarxist01,Trevor Noah,The Hill,Randi Rhodes,Eazyonme.I outrank you whippersnappers by 30 years – Im dealing with a bunch of highschoolers here..Acknowledge the fact that you can’t see  teenagers as vulnerable idiots when you are dealing with adults who are SJWs and retarded economically illiterate conservatives,Karen’s etc in their 40s,50s etc with the mental capacity of kindergarteners on a daily basis and that it’s your and their infantilisation of teenagers that is creating these idiots in the first place that would at least make me somewhat happy.You victimising and infantilising teenagers is creating the very idiot SJWs and conservatives that you have to deal with on a daily basis.Please show at least some maturity.You still have a long way to go and your understandings of Marxist economics especially the meaning of communism and socialism can only be called basic at best despite the fact that you have Richard Wolf on all the time and your scientific knowledge is frankly senior highschool level and your understanding of reality is kindergarten level at best.Maybe in like 30 – 100 years time or a few thousand years time you might finally catch up with me.Maybe never.When even progressives can allow themselves to fall into the same bottom of the barrel mire as conservatives then you know your country is going downhill.This is especially relevant since you have to deal with idiot conservatives and left wing SJWs in their 30s,40s etc who have the mental capacity of kindergartens who know nothing of politics,economics,science etc and throw temper tantrums like a pre teen on an almost daily basis.These people are adults and yet they have kindergarten level understanding of reality and have the maturity of kindergarteners.This may come as a shock to you Americans and Britain’s but your not the only country in the world – and they have different opinions on different topics and different laws regarding the age of consent you might find vulgar or shocking but you can debate the issue of different cultural norms and views on maturity without resorting to entrapment which should be illegal and erroneously confusing it with a neurological condition.This is why having a single universal age of consent is so important.This is the complexities that you get when different countries and states within them have the ability of setting their own different laws from each other especially with regards to the age of consent,legality of abortion and recreational drugs etc and why a global government with the same uniform laws everywhere needs to be established as having each country have different laws it leads to scandles such as these occur,have people from other countries looking in confused at what the big deal is and why vigilante groups that are scum are formed.One countries sexual predator is another countries law abiding citizen with this also applying to recreational drugs,immigration etc alongside cultural norms of say it is  normal and culturally acceptable for Italians having multigenerational families consisting of elderly people,their children and grandchildren in their 20s and 30s living in the same roof being normal which would be considered unthinkable and a form of laziness and scrounging in more conservative countries such as America.Meanwhile acceptable behaviour carried out by teens,My Super Sweet Sixteeners or college SJWs in America would be someone who would be laughed at or not tolerated at all if exhibited by teens in a more liberal countries in Europe,Asia and South America or even in more conservative countries in the Middle East and Africa with if ever happened they would given a good slap across the face and kick up the ass and made to work in the family business.In the past or in other countries being a kid would not be tolerated due to different social norms.This is the power of cultural relativity.You see that vulnerable,spoiled and accident prone teenager that conservatives or even liberals in America and Britain are so used to is almost unheard of in most other countries especially ones with lower ages of consent and in the vast majority of countries worldwide the behaviour you consider acceptable and normal would be laughed at and would not be tolerated at all almost every where else in the world.My super sweet sixteeners and SJWs on college campuses in America would be given a good a slap in the face or kick in the ass to get it out of them if they lived in countries with lower ages of consent especially ones like Italy,France.If you think this sort of behaviour is acceptable then your countries have pretty low standards.Arent we not the ones that are supposed to be factually correct on scientific terms and not hyperconflation based on emotions and idiocy and not make jokes about medical conditions against ones control – it would be like you started making jokes about schizophrenia,Downs Syndrome,transgenderism,homosexuality or Asperegers.Wheres that so called political correctness that we are known for?Arent we supposed to be open to other countries views even when they conflict with ours?You can disagree with Bolivia,Germany,Brazil etc and even Japans age of consent but that doesnt mean you can call Epstein,Onision,Lionmaker,Roy Moore etc pedophiles when they are not or even predators and justify entrapment and call it icky.At least try and tolerate other peoples points of view you dont agree with that can be biologically and socially acceptable.You can disagree with the ages of consent in Brazil,Bolivia,China,Germany or hell even the age of consent in Japan.Its you right to free speech is what gives you that right to disagree with them in the first place but at the same time you can at the same time have to  at least try and tolerate other people’s opinions.Thats one of the main differences between progressives and conservatives – tolerance.Its part of what free speech and free expression entails – we tolerate other peoples opinions we disagree with and that applies to conservatives and not just SJWs.It also entails you get your facts right rather than simply making shit up.This applies to conservatives,liberals and progressives.By justifying entrapment,entrapping people into situations that they would not have encouraged in doing or carried out in the first place by their volition  just to enforce your opinion onto them and society at large and calling people pedophiles and predators when there not your becoming the very intolerant politically correct college thought police SJWs and carrying out the same cancel culture of the left you so vehemently deride.Thats why vigilante groups are scum and dangerous its because their infringing on the right to free speech of other countries and other people within they own countries to have their opinions on what the age of consent should be and concepts of adolescent maturity.If you deride SJWs for silencing free speech in the rest of society then you can’t take the moral highground by doing do the same thing by silencing others who have different opinions on the maturity of adolescents and the different ages of consent meaning you have to accept the fact that different countries have different ages of consent and different people have opinions than you and you can’t label people predators or pedophiles for carrying out behaviour that would be legal in another country.People who carry out entrapment are therefore right wing SJWs just as bad as their left wing SJWs.The concept of allowing different countries and states have different laws and constitutions creates in cohesion and people pulling in other directions and cultural relativity and thus having a single global homogenous constitution and laws worldwide will ensure stability

Countries that had Isis-Osirian cultures with ages of consent of at least 14-15,adolescence is considered a time of maturity and accepting responsibility for ones actions,intelligence and critical thinking with the political bickering at least mature with these divisions being less reactionary,less pronounced and solved and dealt with more civically through debate rather than trapping ones opponent in a corner without allowing them to counterargument properly as well as the now ubiquitous “OWNED”/”TRIGGERS”/”SCHOOLED”/”DESTROYS” click bait videos on YouTube of predominantly Osirian societies,equal ability to protest and speak in public forums by both sides of the political spectrum unhinged by counter protests or censorship and the social justice warriors and alt-right being almost non existent even though hard left and hard right political factions being present they are less divisive than in Osirian led countries.One could literally sit down with a neo-nazi in Isis-Osirian countries who thought the holocaust was a pretty neat idea as well as thinks that another one is needed alongside a revival of the Third Reich and have a calm intelligent debate about it and counter their ideas and ideology civilly but in an Osirian society one couldn’t even have a civil debate on anything as mundane as healthcare,immigration and education without both sides resorting to childish name calling associated with ones political leanings,and association as well as sexuality and intelligence etc as well as aforementioned clickbait titles.By the way this childish Immature bickering and culture war between the left and right between so called adults and the economic and political illiteracy of Marxist economics and economics and politics in general is not how adults act it’s how kindergarteners act.The way YouTubers and those in politics form political ideologies and groups on YouTube particularly of the zoomer and millennial generations with their he said,she said thing is exactly how we form cliques in highschool so reality you are no different than those vulnerable children and teenagers you deride as being vulnerable kids so you might as well be living with your parents as per an ironic Jungian psychosis as per celestial age.This is how middle school and highschool not the real world works showing everyone who lives their entire lives on YouTube are still stuck in the middle and high school mentality and why as I have said you might as well be living with your parents as adults since your still stuck in the same psychology of middle and high schoolers yourself.The “drama” between people on YouTube,TikTok etc in their 20s,30s,40s etc of he said,she said,they did this that is reported every day by countless vloggers on YouTube etc in their 20s,30s,40s etc is exactly what you likely did in middle and high school and belongs on cliche 90s schlock like Beverly Hills 90210,Twilight,My So Called Life,Dawson’s Creek,Party of Five,Roswell High,Popular,My So Called Life,Felicity,Glee,Degrassi,Freaks & Geeks,One Tree Hill,Pretty in Pink,Sixteen Candles,Hannah Montana,iCarly,Lizzie Maguire,That So Raven,My Super Sweet 16,The Breakfast Club.By your own standards your not in a position to be lecturing the rest of us about maturity when you are still stuck in the mindset of Middle and High school.There are kindergarteners aged 5 years old who are more mature emotionally etc and civil in settling conflicts between each other and more politically and economically literate than most “adults” on YouTube or on Faux News and in Gaza and Isreal.If adulthood is determined by emotional maturity and ability to engage in debates without resorting to name calling,ideology labelling,immature culture wars,sticking your fingers in your ear and going “nanny,nanny noo boo” and silencing each other through fast talking etc and basing all arguments on emotions etc and if it is also about being scientifically and politically correct then unfortunately you on YouTube,Faux news etc are not adults yourselves because you’ve failed all of the criteria of your own standards and you can’t go around calling adolescents vulnerable emotional sensitive and irrational sensitive individuals when in reality you in your 30s,40s and older are no different than them.If you cannot even for one second engage in civil mature debates with each other without resorting to emotional vulnerability and name calling and so on and even get your facts straight on economics and politics for one moment like actual adults then I’m sorry but you are not exactly on the position to be taking the moral high ground as adults who are supposed to be vestiges of wisdom,maturity.You as adults murder each other and commit suicide over the most stupid of childish inane issues such as jealousy,breakups,cheating,misinterpretations,money,small pieces of land or the entire world,nationalism,colonialism etc and when you do kill each other your plans at covering it up are the most pathetic kindergarten level methods and slip ups that even most junior level investigators and even pre teens are able to find out.Then of course your military and law enforcement,intelligence agencies and secret service are the most incompetent fools at doing their jobs with there competency of pre schoolers – 13th July 2024 is a prime example.If actual “adults” did exist then this immature culture war would have never been started,humans would be able to solve things through debate and perpetual warfare would not have existed especially to cater to capitalism and we would not have conservatives and the far left SJWs etc and you wouldn’t have this level of economic and political illiteracy amongst adults.He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.There seems to be this notion in conservatives countries like Austrailia,Britain and America that one is automatically endowed all knowledge in the universe and maturit by their 18th birthday.This is simply no longer the case one may only have to go to the campuses of liberal leaning universities or to conservatives YouTube channels to see that so called adults are not endowed this anymore and one can see from the woke culture and the victim hood of the left,the economic illiteracy of the conservatives and this entire left versus right thing and scientific and political illiteracy by both sides that this simply doesn’t apply anymore.This will inevitably become obsolete once progeria mylienisation and immortality become a thing.The age discrepancy thing was never an issue in Ancient Times,Medievil Times etc or even in more recent times up until at least the 1950s and is only due to the linear path of life everyone is forced to take due to our modern society ie all teens must have problems in high school,then go to college and then get a job,marry and have kids in the same linear fashion as everyone else since at least the last century or two.In ancient times roles of not only genders but also age groups was vastly different than today as even children at the of 12 were busy in jobs working as homemakers,blacksmiths etc or focusing on trainee education including the Agoge to considered too old to be vulnerable.You see the whole left verses right the videos about DESTROYED,TRIGGERED,OWNED,OWNING,WOKE,SCHOOLED amongst so called adults mainly between the non progressive left ie centrist corporatist democrats and also predominantly the right and the alt right and their equivalents worldwide is not how actual adults in their 20s,30s or 40s etc behave it’s how kindergarteners act or act like since its not about who is right or wrong anymore – its only about who wins.This is the behaviour of so called adults thats reminiscent of playschool.You are not exactly good role models on the maturity of adulthood as adults by carrying out this little childish culture war of yours.You see the problem with this labelling of teens as vulnerable impressionable and immature is that most bullshit thing ever especially when Baby boomer,millennials and generation Z YouTubers,TikTok is basically highschool politics except with adults where people on YouTube etc form cliques around each YouTube etc personality similar to highschool politics where it’s he said,she said or they did this as well as how many subscribers,likes,monetisation etc they have and you have people getting popular or losing popularity etc after doing something.You have the same cliques the nerds,the jocks,the mean girls and the homecoming queen and king with this basically showing that so called adults on YouTube etc are not actual adults but still stuck in that highschool mentality of 13/14 years old.This is also thats why personally actual progressives not the SJWs see this little tat for tat as what it actually is.Thats what YouTube essentially is its highschool for adults its the same formation of cliques etc – hence the assholes from highschool who still might as well as be living living with your parents.You see Us progressives and also true communists dont fall for that crap because for us its about doing whats right ie universal healthcare,equal rights for females and LGBT and also the future of the planet.None of this applies to the Osirian conservatives or the Osirian-lite regressive left who are still locked in this childish battle over who wins making them no different than children and thus not really allowed to make judgements on the issue of the bedroom or anything else for that matter.In these Osirian cultures such as North America,Britain,Austrailia where 18 is automatically means one is automatically bestowed responsibility and maturity however as evident with the rise of social justice warriors,censorship and alt-right on campuses and the internet but also the deepening divisions between political ideologies in middle age and immature bickering between them and the ignorance of different ages of consent in historically Isis-Osirian countries such as Sweden,Germany,China and France the exact opposite is true with the tolerance of early to mid adolescent ages of consent in Isis-Osirian cultures denoted that as stated divisions between political ideologies are less pronounced with adolescents and adults expected to be and thus as a result presented as civil and less prone to instant gratification with a intensive societal emphasis on critical thinking,problem solving and civil discourse with homosexuality having long being considered a normal part of human behaviour and society with teenage pregnancies also considered more acceptable and tolerable than in Osirian countries due to again one considered by nature to be ready to bear young.It also not rising that the Isis-Osirian cultures of Scandinavia,mainland Europe and also South America tend to be more left leaning with regards to other social issues asides from the issues of age of consent,homosexuality,role of women in both modern and ancient times with in modern times tend to be left leaning with regards to areas such as healthcare,social security and also immigration and tend to be overall socialist or harbour socialist lite mixed economies with even the conservative aspects and parties in these countries tend to more agree with them and support them in a centre right position on the whole whereas the Osirian cultures tend to be more hard right in regards to issues such as the role of women in society,age of consent but also healthcare,military,economics taking a more capitalist approach to economics and in them with their left wing variants being usually more Isis-Osirian in nature.The gradual increase in the age of consent in the West particularly America and other Osirian led cultures has coincided with a decrease in the general maturity of its population in both teens and also adults.The term “underage” automatically denotes some sort of inability to be able to take responsibility for ones actions or comprehend the complexities of the adult world as one is automatically bestowed complete comprehension of reality and valid responsibility upon reaching 18 as the set universal standard for maturity.18 is simply an arbitrary number we simply choose as the standard for adulthood or maturity it could be easily 14,15 or even 25 – what relevance or assertion does the number 18 automatically have that it automatically assumes one is mature enough to handle adult responsibilities?This has not been universal or consistent in cultures and societies throught our 200,000 year long history.In ancient Sparta a male was granted citizenship,voting rights,eligibility to marry and the right to be called adults at the age of 30 years old something that even by todays standards would be too old for any of these and indeed laughable.This was because they spent the ages of roughly 7-20 training for battle in the Agoge and then voted into the mess as well as had to serve at least a decade of military service and they to have had survived this service in order to have any right to have any influence on politics and be viable for marriage and raising children.In Medievil times adulthood was achieved at 12 when one was already employed as blacksmiths,farmers and other dangerous jobs.18 just as arbitrary as the differing ages of consent in countries around the world – what are the prequisites that one must attain to become legally an adult and what defines that term.So why are you considered an adult in most of the world when you hit 18?To sum up,people have long seemed to figure this was around the age when most humans reach a level of maturity and base-knowledge to be fully responsible for themselves and their own actions and be working full time,even if said individuals will be far more mature and better equipped to handle the challenges of adulthood even just a decade later.That will always be true no matter what age you are if you’re continually improving yourself.But a baseline was needed,so a number was picked for certain official purposes,even if it isn’t perfectly ideal in all cases.What spurred a change and why 18?As for the number,this seemingly was at least partially chosen because that’s the age when most people graduated high school,and the majority of people in the United States attended such a public institution when the switch was made.When our education system was developed you got a highschool education to go for the majority of jobs when you were allowed to legally get a job once child labour laws were introduced after the severe exploitation of the Victorian ages and early industrial age as prior to that it was considered at 12 years old etc that you were an adult by default.In otherwards adulthood was defined through humans history by both one was finished puberty and when one was entering the workforce with after those terrible child labour laws were introduced that restricted children from getting up off their lazy asses and doing something productive other than being babysat and our current education model was introduced it was established that adulthood would be at 18 due to the fact that you finished your education and entered the workforce at 18.At 18 you got the education you needed to get a factory job or those you were allowed to do with a highschool education a base entry level job before colleges in their modern form existed which was solely for “advanced training” – the exact opposite of what it is now considering its just nowadays four more years of partying and not studying before you finally get a job outside of the base level shit.We likely recently choose 18 as adulthood as it was the age we decided to have ones education finished and the point one was entered the workforce.Due the Information Age arrives by 2029 when one has had extensive education in politics stating by 4 or 5 as old and finished their education and living by oneself by 14 thanks to VR technology,Apollo,Wikipedia,progeria mylienisation etc will by this logic mean 14 will be the new age of majority.In the old days,children were raised to take part in their societies at a relatively young age as young as 5-10 years old such as working on the farm and factories,in commerce and religious activities as well as in politics or at least discussion of it from an early age even in their pre teen years either at home or as part of the pederastric mentorship programmes where at 12 education and discussion of the politics of the day and history of the state etc was pivotal to a males development with this even taking place at home prior to the age of 12 through parents and extended family members meaning by ones early teens they were well versed in the politics of the day and indeed expected to be so by society.This is not only due to societal expectations but also children were not distracted by trash television and cartoons and even toys and thus were instructed into society and their roles from birth as seen also by females taking on roles of taking care of the home,the farm and younger siblings from their pre teens.They were involved in discussion of politics etc in their early pre teen years and adolescent years either directly through direct discussion or indirectly through working in places where they would overhear discussion on politics.For most previous generations including the Baby Boomers it was normal for children as young as 5-8 to be allowed to play by themselves outside without supervision and indeed also be able to fend for themselves somewhat albeit with other friends with current generations such as generation y and z only being allowed to do so until the ages of 13-16.The importance of this is that it gives the child autonomy and the ability to learn how to fend for themselves,adapt to new situations,develop critical thinking skills,independent thought and curiosity about the world as well as self education by exploring the world by themselves thus preventing them becoming spoiled and too dependant on their parents.Then of course their were the rigorous coming of age traditions of more Isis-Osirian cultures such as walkabouts of Aboriginal tribes-wherein a male of the age of 10-16 years old was to be thrown into the wilderness of the Australian Outback for anything from six to twelve months to fend for themselves against the elements and wildlife and become self sufficient in one of the most inhospitable deserts in the world filled with dry weather as well scant resources and venomous and deadly carnivorous animals,the bullet ant trial of the Sateré-Mawé wherein twelve year olds would be forced to wear gloves with the Parapona clavata an ant with the most painful sting in the animal kingdom and indeed the most powerful pain a human being can scientifically endure,Maasai and Inuit hunting trips wherein lions,seals and polar bears were hunted by males aged 12-14 using only a simple spear and ones bare hands,Agoge of ancient Sparta the most rigorous army education in both ancient and modern times wherein it was described as being even more rigorous and deadly than war itself and one was trained to die in battle not survive with those who died in battle highly venerated – alongside women who died in childbirth.Trainees were constantly kept hungry and forced to steal food for survival without being caught.Punishment was severe for when they failed to steal food without being caught they were severely whipped and left with no food and expected to hunt for more food with some trainees dying from starvation,the whipping or even from being eaten alive by small animals they hide in clothes.In one recorded instance noted by Plutarch a trainee stole a fox pup he intended to then kill and eat but fearing he would be found with the animal he intended on eating later on thus saving himself from being whipped and starved even further he then kept the animal hidden under his tunic and eventually died from the animal turning the tables on him as it itself was hungry and began eating into his stomach until he bled to death.They also had to sleep outside in the cold wilderness on nothing but a bed of reeds and walk barefoot in the cold with the diagmatosis that was held annually in the Temple of Artemis Orthica was where they were tied up in a pillar and whipped to the point that they would simply pass out with the temple filled with nothing but blood at the end of event.In fact it’s estimated that at least a quarter to a third of all Agoge trainees died before reaching adulthood before the age of 18 from starvation,fatal hypothermia,blood loss and infections with the majority being from when they were infants who after a few weeks after being born before their first birthday it was said that male children were put into the wild by themselves from a few days and few nights as a test of strength and if they survived this without succumbing to hypothermia,starvation and animal predators in the form of wolves then they were thus worthy of being inducted into the Agoge itself.It is for this reason that the Agoge was seen as one of the most well renowned military training regime of the Ancient world with parents from around Greece and countries across Ancient Europe doing everything they could to get their children into it because to survive the training itself was considered an achievement with the training was meant not to train warriors to fight in battle but in fact they my were trained to die in battle.In fact it was said that once they got onto the battlefield things actually got better and by comparison the battlefield was considered by comparison a walk in the park.Those who did not pass the rigours of the Agoge and entry into the mess by 30 they were denied citizenship and considered slaves.Barbaric as they may seem to western modern Osirian societies the purpose was to prevent the adolescent and even pre teen from becoming spoiled,complacent and prepare for the toughness of life and expectations of maturity associated with adulthood compared to the delayed maturity and spoiling of modern life as seen in the cliche hallmarks of the sweet sixteen parties etc,learning to drive,prom nights of Osirian cultures.Furthermore the shorter life expediencies possibly forced people to deal with harsher conditions earlier in life and one was expected by the time they finished puberty at 14/15 to be mature enough to bear children to older men in terms of females and in terms of males expected to deal with sexual relationships with older men in their teens.Today they’re not really provided with the tools they need to survive and thrive in the real world.As a result,they have to learn everything the hard way,assuming they’re capable of or given the opportunity learning anything at all.After being put through an archaic education system that stifles emotional and critical development and infantilises them – primary,secondary and tertiary they are somehow expected to function in a cutthroat dog eat dog world of economic competition by themselves without any means of being told how to function in it.As bad as the early adolescence age of consent of Isis-Osirian cultures of both modern and ancient times may seem to Osirian cultures,the cult of perpetual adolescence that lasts into ones thirties or even forties as seen with the emergence of generation Y and possibly Z may be even worse because it infantilises entire societies leading to cultural and moral decline spurred by an romanticisation of delayed adulthood.Thus the vulnerable and immature teen and middle age and even later man children and spoiled heiresses and trophy wives are a purely an Osirian construct and its the reason why the likes of Jeremy Kyle,Dr Phil,Jerry Springer et al could only have careers in Osirian cultures.”Maturity” appears to be a construct of social,cultural and familial expectations as well as personal experiences,personal choices and environmental conditions making it more complex than merely an issue of neural development as evidenced by the different ages of consent across the world and also and differences between different levels of maturity expressed by different individuals that are both adolescents and adults as well as pre teens in both Osirian and Isis-Osirian cultures and indeed in different time periods and generations.It is is thus 50/50 with the maturity of both adolescents and adults as well as even pre teens being purely random and not preset generalisations due to these factors a mixture of both nature and nurture including environmental conditions.Anyone with a basic understanding of neuropsychology understands this.Its just the same of how environmental conditions,cultural expectations,and personal choice and personal experiences determine or own personality and reactions to different situations than from someone else who undergoes different personal experiences and cultural expectations.Then of course there are other factors such as neurotypical conditions conditions that arise through random mutation and heredity factors such as Aspergers and other forms of higher functioning autism,ADHD that may either hinder or enhance maturity in terms of both critical and emotional states interacting with both cultural and environmental factors thus further complicating the development of maturity.ADHD and Aspergers may make someone less mature or more mature in response to environmental,individual and cultural conditions experienced by an individual as stated thus making things more complicated.In fact it’s the main founding principles of neuropsychology itself.If you don’t have a basic understanding of neuropsychology then you’re an idiot amd can’t be taken seriously just like creationists cant be taken seriously.You can be allowed to speak but everything that comes out of your mouth will likely be discarded as utter nonsense and laughed at by those of us with basic understanding.A spoiled privileged individual in their 20s or 30s in the decadence of the developed world who grew up never having to work at all and has everything handed to them on a silver platter will have completely different personalities,maturity and behaviour than someone in their 20s and 30s who grew up in complete abject poverty in a war torn area of the world,worked tirelessly in their pre teen and teenage years in sweatshops for 12 plus hours a day in sub par conditions while being exploited by multinationals,in pre industrial level farms in the modern developing world or indeed in ancient and prehistoric times.Thinking otherwise and exhibiting black and white thinking in the complex adult world shows you how little to no understanding of the complexities of neuropsychology or even biology including evolutionary biology you have are and probably just as ignorant as an adult as the teens in your culture making you no more mature than the very people you disregard as vulnerable or immature and seek to protect and thus you have no real merit or value in any opinion on the subject.In fact youve probably have the maturity and mindset of a 9-12 year old who really needs protection from their own immaturity and lack of understanding of the real world.It also shows that you prefer conformity,generalisations and also stereotypes over random individuality that really occurs in neuropsychology from all of these factors thus negating real freedom that thus goes against conservative ideologs of freedom and individuality making you a hypocrite and frankly an idiot.Saying that everyone of every age group ie pre teens,teens,adults and middle aged people and the elderly act and think the same way as everyone else in their age group is not promoting individuality that is supposed to be espoused by your ideology but rather it is a promotion of Orwellian groupthink – every one must act the same,think the same as everyone else in their age group and if not then they must be punished and then coerced into conforming against their individuality and anyone who disagrees with this are predators – this is not freedom of expression or free thought and individuality this is groupthink and coercion – the exact opposite of the complexities of neuropsychology.The is the purpose of our education system that caters to the needs of capitalism – to crush and destroy every ounce of individuality,maturity and critical thinking until everyone is the same as everyone else.This is why conservatives and supporters of vigilante groups are scum because your quashing individuality and freedom of expression of anyone who disagrees with you.Not only are you quashing free speech but you are also carrying out cultural imperialism.Your viewpoint is that American or British cultures are the superior culture on Earth and all other more liberal both economically and culturally ones are inferior and must be homogenised – all teens under the age of 18 must be vulnerable snowflakes and be unable of critical and emotional maturity and all 18 year olds are to be SJWs,capitalism will solve all problems and everyone must be ignorant,scientifically illiterate and so on.In other wards your way is the only way and any deviation of that must be ignored and expunged.This is not individually and free speech and freedom of thought – this is groupthink and suppression of free speech.Your view is the only view that exists and should be allowed and everyone else must be silenced this the same tactics used by college SWJs.This is groupthink and suppression of free thought by the right is no different than the cancel culture of the left.Considering the fact that American capitalism just killed a few hundred thousand people,has made America’s infrastructure on par with a third world country and education system dumbed down beyond belief and has produced one of the worst healthcare systems in the world and created generations spoiled,scientifically/politically/economically illiterate adults this is dangerous cultural imperialism.Do you want the rest of the world to be have spoiled brats that get triggered on college campuses and throw temper tantrums for not getting expensive cars etc on their 16th birthday and have ever other country have the same failing infrastructure and disastrous healthcare system and have thousands of people be killed by mass shooters every year due to the same lax gun laws.Really?,Sorry hun but American culture is a trash heap and it’s not because of liberals it’s what happens when conservatives get the way when they are allowed to scrap sensible gun regulation,make homosexuality illegal,reduce women and African Americans to second class citizens because these problems don’t exist in other more liberalised countries.Hell even more liberal countries that have high ages of consent don’t have these problems..Healthcare,prisons,psychiatry,education etc and all aspects of society are currently mostly or all privatised and run like businesses with zero state control and gun laws are the most lax in the world and yet the greatest country in the world is falling apart and collapsing in on itself by adopting the free market deregulation and conservative principles.So how is it that these problems are the fault of of socialism and the government?Your infrastructure is falling apart and getting consistently D ratings because your wasting trillions of dollars of taxpayers money on illegal imperialist wars for oil.This is no different than the imperialism of Christianity,Manifest Destiny and America into Iraq,Bolivia,Iran etc.Unfortunately this is not the reality of the real world because teenagers and even adults in other liberal countries happen to be more mature than the American or British variants.For an ideology that seems to espouse individuality,freedom of expression,freedom of speech and difference of opinion you seem to be adamant on enforcing only your strict narrow stereotypes,views,opinions and expections on human behaviour and maturity of adolescents or even pre teens on the rest of the populace and your views on every other social issue and not being tolerant of others and other people’s opinions or for that matter accepting the other viewpoints of those who disagree with you.Also you not exactly in the position to berating sexual predators who groom underage minors aged 14-17  which is normal in evolutionary terms when your ideology promotes and encourages actual pedopheilia.Furthermore for an ideology that promotes the values of hard work you seem to be pretty averse to doing actually anything that qualifies as actual hard work other than simply sitting on your ass all day and whining like a little shit.Not to mention for an ideology that’s all about facts over feelings you seem to be consistently getting your facts wrong with your so called facts easily debunked by a quick Google,Wikipedia and YouTube search or reading the source material and in time Aleitheia.For an ideology that all about free speech and other people’s opinions you seem to be consistently shutting down opposing views.Teapot calling kettle black anyone?If you can justify the actions of Chris Hansen etc you have to justify the American governments economic imperialism into Bolivia,Venezuela,Syria,Iraq,Afghanistan,Iran etc for oil because it’s exactly the same.The line has to be drawn somewhere otherwise it’s a slippery slope.Frankely Hansen et al needs some poetic justice and a good public videotaped confrontation and public shouting and thrashing like the countless “predators” he set up.I would personally appreciate it if you could acknowledge the evilness of Chris Hansen et al and that fact that Epstein,R Kelly,Adam Johnson,James Jackson,Anthony Wiener,Roy Moore etc were not pedophiles or predators but late hebe ephebophiles and could have simply lived in another country and not been arrested and that your jokes were bullshit.It just might absolve you and make this old man happy.Thus Isis-Osirian progressivism is fact the root of actual individuality not conservative values.Do you really want American and British vigilante groups go around telling by force what maturity should be just like both countries have imperialised other nations in the past?Do you really want to have the rest of the world homogenised into having the same atrocious education and healthcare systems as them and have the same failing infrastructure.The human brain is a very complex machine quite possibly the most complex machine in existence so far whose machinations are currently not fully understood and probably never will that pinning one factor on its effect it has on the host is frankly ignorant hubris and dangerous especially by those not skilled in neuropsyhology who should thus have no right in shaping age of consent laws and also entrapping random strangers.We know through vast amounts of clinical research and scientific studies that environmental pressures play a role in the development of an individuals brains as studies using MRI scans show the effects of playing video games,using smartphones,performing mathmatical calculations,reading,writing,daydreaming,carrying out various everyday tasks and complex tasks,reading and watching high brow complex literature and listening to different types of music as well as injection of different nutrients,drugs etc,being forced to remember things such as locations,terrain etc and carry out complex critical thinking and been exposed to different environmental stressors and ones individual personal experiences has significant noticeable effects on the development of different parts of the brain in each individual patient sometimes with vastly different results in different human test subjects.This is especially relevant in modern times with the advent of an archaic education system and smartphones,televisions and video games etc has on the brains of pre teens and adolescents that where designed by natural selection to specifically deal with conditions in prehistoric times that required immense levels of emotional development,forward planning and critical thinking.Critical thinking emotional maturity and general maturity in all parts of the brain overall especially critical thinking and emotional intelligence  is not something you automatically learn at a set age it’s something that’s learned through environmental stresses and one’s own personal experiences throughout their lifetime especially during their formative pre teen and teenage years.This occurs in pre teens,adolescents and adults of all ages.Then of course there is the fact that different people have different aptitudes to different fields such as maths,science,problem solving,being able to see hidden details in books/movies/paintings etc that none else has,the variances in brains between males and females and of course the prevalence of ADHD and Aspergers against people without ADHD and Asperger’s which can affect maturity and neurodevelopment in other areas of the brain and intelligence quotient itself.People who speak as a first language Mandarin Chinese,Japanese,Korea and the various eastern languages have more developed neurons in the areas associated with creativity and arts etc with those who speak English,French,Spanish and other western languages don’t have as developed neurons in this area of the brain with those who both western and eastern languages show highly developed neurons in both sides of the brain.Furthermore those who have higher IQs above the average IQ of 100 and exhibit prodigious skill as pre teens in music,mathematics,art,literature etc and exhibit various savantism abilities in mathematics,eidetic memories etc have parts of their brains responsible for reasoning,creativity,memory etc fully developed on par with an adult as pre teens with even extra developed densely packed neurons,white matter etc in the part of the brain responsible for these superseding that of most average adults.For people who have high IQs and prodigiousness in the arts,music etc and those with Aspergers(myself included) as pre teens aged 5-10 years old their brains are vastly different than other pre teens with their neurons more densely packed and developed even on par with adults and even more developed than adults.Those with IQs in the range of 160 – 200 and above have more densely packed neural tissue than those of below 160.This density of neural tissue is why humans are considered sentient and intelligent than our ape cousins and animals with larger brains.Being intelligent and “sentient” has nothing to due with the size of ones brain as animals exist with bigger brains than humans and cannot be considered “sentient” or smarter than humans but rather the density of neural tissue and how they are connected etc is what determines how intelligent an animal is and what strengths weaknesses it has with regards to spacial awareness,creativity,logic and even mathematics with this density of neural tissues and how they are wired and connected to each other determining the varying level of intelligence and proficiency in the arts,spatial awareness,aptitudes in various fields and acting capabilities etc humans have across the world and within countries etc with eidetic memories and calendrical savantism have the Hippocampus much larger than the average person with this meaning they dont have to train their brains to remember literally everything because their hippocampus is enlarged meaning they dont have to train their brains to memorise anything because they literally remember everything automatically with no effort or training that is they remember everything the see,hear,read and learn and can on demand recite everything that happened on a specific day years or decades ago with this random extra development present in other parts of the brain with savants can have abilities superseding the average person and even those with enlarged hippocampus but have poor social skills and the inability to function properly for example Kim Peek who was the inspiration of the movie Rain Man.Some animals are capable of carrying out complex mathmatics but not abstract reasoning and some can carry out logic to solve puzzles etc.Then of course with conditions like synesthesia that allows them to smell and hear sounds because of genetics that allows the merging and abnormal connections between parts of the brain releated to these senses.Those with Asperger’s have different wiring allowing them to see patterns etc others cannot and have prodigiousness in areas such as science etc and those with ADHD,maniac depression and to a degree homosexuality being more creative and focused on the arts particularly writing,performance arts and physical arts than others with the wiring of a persons brain determine their predetermination of being interested in science(and its different sub fields),the arts and mathematics and science fiction,fantasy etc.The ability for one to learn things at different speeds,methods,styles,speed at which they read etc are also determined by ones unique genes and thus neural structures explaining why some people are quicker at learning different subjects at different speeds and some at early ages or later and have different aptitudes for different fields of science,mathematics,languages and their ability to develop talents in the various fields of the arts such as drama,acting,painting,writing,music,athletics and comedy etc over others at early ages.Some people are just born natural comedians,actors,singers,athletes and specialists in mathematics etc and others can try to understand it s much as they want and be explained it all in layman’s terms over and over again but you’ll never understand or grasp it.You can try as hard as you want but in the end of the day if you dont have the genes and thus neural structures for talents for science,comedy,writing,acting,singing etc no amount of work can make you decent enough in these areas and you’ll never be famous or win an Oscar,Emmy and other prestigious awards unless you have the talents or the money and nepotism to get there.This why people who are talented at singing very rarely are talented at acting and vice versa case in point Madonna and Mariah Carey – great singers but couldn’t act themselves out of a plastic bag.People with low IQs and seem “dumb” or “bottom of the barrel” in comparison to the majority of people can be extremely talented in the arts,singing,music,athletics,acting etc in the top 1% of their field while even people with high IQs capable of joining Mensa etc that are adept with aptitudes at scientific research,mathematics and literary skills can be terrible at singing,athletics,music,acting etc no matter how hard they try.It is one’s genes and thus the specific neural structures that a person has that determines whether they have talents in athletics,singing,music,writing,comedy,scientific endeavour and mathematics etc.Brain training and exercise does sometimes work for those without the specific genes and neural structures but on the whole their hard work can in no way come close to those that are born with the right set of genes and neural structures to have a natural talent for these.Very rarely do you have people with skill and prodigiousness in multiple or all aptitudes of all or multiple fields – this is how our education system stifles individuality.Gene editing through CRISPR of course can change this – you can scan the genes for people with the highest IQs in the range of 200-263 and add to the entire population thus doubling the average global IQ from 110 to 220 – 263 and you can take the genes from those with aptitudes in for different fields of science,mathematics,languages and their ability to develop talents in the various fields of the arts such as drama,acting,painting,writing,music,athletics,speed reading,eidetic memories and comedy and add these to all living patients worldwide with advanced gene drive technology making it a permenant part of the human genepool – this will ensure everyone has the same high standard of intellect and talent in all fields.Chronoception is a phenomenon where different people experience the passage of time differently from each other meaning one person can experience the same day differently than others with for example for some people a single day may feel like eons while for others a year feels like a day has passed with pre teenagers aged 5-12 years old experiencing time much more longer than adults with this of course why development of critical thinking and emotional skills are wasted away as the fact that they have so long to develop these skills yet it is wasted away and stifles until their 18th birthday which is way too late for this to occur.Then of course there is schizophrenia,epilepsy etc that affect the wiring in the brain with epileptics causing one to have fits due to bright sounds and with regards to schizophrenia hear and see things that dont exist in their mind that others do not.Tetrachromates have the ability to see colours normal people cannot with genetics playing a role in the how some perceive colours such as in the case of the famous 2015 dress internet meme wherein different populations of people viewed a white and gold dress differently from each other – one group seeing a white and gold dress and others seeing one with blueish hues.People who lean towards more conservative political views were found to have larger amygdala a structure in the temporal lobe whose primary function is in the formation,consolidation and processing of memory as well as positive and negative conditioning (emotional learning).The amygdala is responsible for important roles in social interaction, such as the recognition of emotional cues in facial expressions and the monitoring of personal space,with larger amygdalae correlating with larger and more complex social networks.It is also postulated to play a role in threat detection, including modulation of fear and agression to perceived threats.Conservative people were also found to have greater volume of gray matter in the left insula and the right entorhinal cortex.There is evidence that conservatives are more sensitive to disgust and one role of the insula is in the modulation of social emotions, such as the feeling of disgust to specific sights, smells and norm violations showing some people are just born assholes and possibly CRISPR treatments can in time cure this affliction.However conservatives that were former liberals without these genetic and neural markers it’s likely a result of big fat paycheck from selling your soul for thirty pieces or doing so to seek unwarranted and deserved power and fame with no neural foundation.Furthermore the brains of conservatives tend to have areas of the brain responsible for recognising threats to safety more heightened and developed than liberals which explains why conservatives tend to fear those different than them such as homosexuals,blacks,Asians etc people and immigrants from other countries that goes against ones usual social etc norms resulting in homophobia,transphobia,racism and xenophobia which in prehistoric times was necessary to recognise threats in the form of animal predators more easily and recognise them as something to fear instantly having evolutionary roots in survival which in modern times without the threat of animal predators present today has spread to human threats against social norms.Those who reported more liberal political views were found to have a larger volume of grey matter in the anterior cingulate cortex,a structure of the brain associated with emotional awareness and the emotional processing of pain.The anterior cingulate cortex becomes active in situations of uncertainty, and is postulated to play a role in error detection, such as the monitoring and processing of conflicting stimuli or information.This is why liberals are empathetic and protective towards homosexuals,blacks,Asians etc and other groups that are in the past were victims of oppression and thus brings about the social justice warriors which in prehistoric times would have evolutionary roots to risk ones life to save and protect other humans and animals in danger and in compromised positions more than conservatives.CRISPR treatments can in time cure this severe far left wing affliction with when combined with doing so to conservatives will likely create a world of centre – progressives.There is evidence that genetics and ones brain structure even plays a role in ones propensity to choose to become either a liberal,progressive or a conservative with the level of development in these parts of the brains alongside ones personal experiences playing a role in how far left,how far right or centre left or right one is.Although it may not be 100% the deciding factor of what political ideology one chooses it plays a substantial basal role as it plays a role alongside ones conditioning as children and personal experiences that eventually work together to define a persons political leanings.Then of course genetic and neural foundations can determine whether one is religious,spiritual,agnostic or atheist with people who are extremely devout religious people especially of Christianity,Islam,Judaism etc have different parts of their brains responsible for spirituality etc more developed than that of each other of each religion and also that of atheists.People in ancient times especially pre teens and adolescents had to memorise large swathes of terrain in the wilderness to prevent getting lost and track animal prey instead of using GPS and maps with them and adults up until the invention of paper and the printing press having to memorise extremely long stories,myths and all of their countries,towns,tribes or families history dating back centuries etc rather than looking it up on Google or Wikipedia.Memories of our prehistoric ancestors and even just a generation ago were more pronounced through them training their hippocampus wheras nowadays most people forget everything that isn’t on availible on their iPhone apps and on Wikipedia.The memory of the average person was not eidetic and they had normal sized hippocampus’s but their hippocampus was more developed thanks to training it by having to memorise long stories,myths etc and the histories of ones town and family on consistent daily basis even as prepubescent children prior to the invention of paper,the printing press and of course the internet and of course memorise the terrain of wilderness areas and animal migrations they had to navigate etc proving the fact that actually training all parts of the brain has a noticeable effect on its development with nowadays most people can’t remember the phone numbers of their close friends and keep losing their smartphones and keys to their homes and cars on a daily basis and the concept of memorising long reams of information and navigating wilderness or cities without GPS on a smartphone is now long gone and almost unheard of by the average person because of smartphones,GPS and Google and Wikipeida – this shows that actually using your brain has an effect on developing its capabilities applying to all parts of the brain has shown to have a noticeable effect on how people react to different situations and how their brains react to them with some having genetic and neural predispositions towards to being more aggressive and more likely to react to certain situations differently while others are more likely to have genetic and neural propensity towards being restrained towards certain reactions with their genetic roots for addiction to alcohol(and specific alcoholic drinks),gambling,being more likely to be an atheist or deeply religious or spiritual person etc thus showing that genetics have a role in how the brain in all areas develops how it reacts to certain situations.This plays a role in how people are able to react to different environmental stressors as pre teens and adolescents meaning genetics could affect how one reacts to environmental stressors could affect their brains development in critical thinking and emotional development thus complicating things even further.Genetics just as it effects the size of their hippocampus,density of neural tissue,distribution of white matter that leads to varying IQ,political leanings etc may also effect the maturity of their pre frontal cortex in childhood that is how developed at birth it is compared to others or how more easier or harder it is to develop in response to environmental stressors and the level of plasticity and how much their pre frontal cortex is developed at birth or likely their brains are likely to mature under different environmental stressors thus leading them to mature much more quickly in response to environmental stressors.Some people due to genetics may have their pre frontal cortex develop much quicker under specific environmental stressors.The effect of environmental stressors on the development of the brain especially on pre teens and adolescents have long lasting effects on patients due to their plasticity.The brain is despite being composed of neural tissue is like your muscles if you train it by using it in extreme situations consistently such as in prehistoric times then it becomes stronger but if you dont like in modern times it becomes weak and flaccid.People who work out their muscles across their bodies have strong muscles just like those who train their brain have a strong brain and those who dont end up with weak muscles and become overweight and obese similar to how untrained brains leads to lazy and weak brains.Whats the phrase “The devil makes work for idle hands to do”.The extreme requirement for critical thinking etc in prehistoric times for adolescents and pre teens would have had an immense effect on the development of the pre frontal cortex responsible for critical thinking and emotional development with training the brain especially the pre frontal cortex as a pre teen and adolescent due to its plasticity in pre historic times would have had an even more intensive effect on its development than in adults causing its development to be more intensive than modern day times through consistent need from pre teens and adolescents to carry out intensive critical thinking and emotional maturity.In otherwards the plasticity of pre teen and adolescent brains due to them being underdeveloped means that any training of critical thinking,memorisation and emotional intelligence etc in pre teens and adolescents would mature and develop more quickly than adults or children With fully mylinated brains when exposed to external environmental pressures that involve intensive and consistent exercises and training in not just the pre frontals cortex but all parts of the brain as was required in prehistoric times thus leading to more developed pre frontal cortex in childhood,adolescence and eventually adulthood than in modern times showing that emotional and critical maturity is purely random based on ones personal experiences.This further proves frontal lobe comprimisation theory that is the lack of development of the pre frontal cortex was an evolutionary adaptation that allowed prehistoric pre teens and adolescents make snap life or death decisions when haunting prey and avoiding animal predators with this lack of development in critical thinking and emotional development in the brain at birth countered by the need for them to carry out intensive critical thinking on a consistent daily basis as pre teen children and adolescents which would have strengthened not only their ability to carry out more critical thinking but also strengthened development in their emotions as the pre frontal cortex the last part of the brain to reach maturity functions as the part of the brain responsible for both emotions and critical thinking so training it in pre teens and adolescents would have developed the neurons responsible for both critical thinking and emotions.Since the pre frontal cortex contains the areas of the brain responsible for both emotions and critical thinking that means consistent and intensive training of the pre frontal cortex through consistent and intensive training of critical thinking as pre teens would thus not only encourages premature development and maturity of critical thinking but also premature development and maturity of emotions and vice verse because they are interlinked with each other.This would have had in prehistoric times created pre teens and adolescents that would have matured early in terms of both emotions and critical thinking on par with adults due to intensive and consistent training of the pre frontal cortex through having to carry out critical thinking on a daily basis to track animal migrations,memories wilderness etc and plan ahead to catch prey and avoid animal predators but at the same time make snap life or death decisions when catching prey and avoiding predators.This is why in modern times the vast majority of teenagers and even pre teens are emotionally vulnerable and have zero critical thinking skills as they lack any real environmental stressors,any real responsibilities and any need to carry out critical thinking on a daily basis that would mature them emotionally and critically due to a pampered lifestyle,Compounded by a society and education system which stunts the development of critical thinking and in turn emotional development and the media created for them that is essentially junk food with zero intellectual depth which is essentially child abuse greater than what any sexual predator could ever hope to achieve and why waiting until they are adults in college to start teaching them critical thinking is the dumbest idea ever and in fact this is why it should begin when they are at least 4-5 years on a consistent basis.This thus shows that intensive exercising of the pre frontal cortex of mature pre teens that are exposed to high brow media,are forced to and encouraged to carry out critical thinking on a consistent basis in modern times leads to a set of adolescents that are way more critically or emotionally mature than their peers who are stripped away of that training.Our society and education system which stunts the development of both critical thinking and emotions therefore stunts this premature mature development in their pre teen and adolescent years acting as a form of institutionalised child abuse far worse than what any sexual predator could hope to achiever.The lack of development of the pre frontal cortex is not a base standard to which everyone should apply to – it’s a preset for developing survival skills that are no longer used in modern society.We have decades of peer reviewed hard scientific data in humans that has shown through MRI scans and genetic testing to support this claim showing that genetics,environmental factors and personal experiences and training each part of the brain intensively on a consistent daily basis especially in ones pre teen years especially the pre frontal cortex plays a large profound role in the development of all parts of the brain especially critical thinking and emotions in pre teens and adolescents and not just adults.This is where the phrase “brain training” comes from.MRI scans can confirm this is possible in pre teens,adolescents and adults of all species of animals in the animal kingdom across the world and universe.Therefore environmental stressors such as cultural influences,societal factors and one’s own personal experiences affects the development of all areas of one’s brain especially during one’s teens and pre teens.Emotional and critical maturity like that of our memory capabilities etc is shaped and developed by our personal experiences and our environmental conditions showing it’s purely random and 50:50 just like everything else.As detailed genetics also plays a role in the development of different facets of the brain such as the developement of Aspergers,ADHD,eidetic memories,IQ etc.A one sized fits all approach doesn’t exist in the real world of neuroscience and neuropsychology.Thus the lack of development in the frontal lobe of the brain as an excuse to allow childish immature behaviour is unfounded because of the role of environmental and cultural factors but also because most so called adults are not really adults due them doing stupid and irresponsible things all the time such as pushing away solving climate change,carrying out genocide and believing in conspiracy theories when they should know better.If actual adults did exist conspiracy theories,wars,Trumpists,SJWs,corruption,immature bickering between ideologies and also religious fundamentalism etc would not exist at all amongst so called adults who should know better.Are all breaches of age of consent laws involving adolescent minors aged 14-17 always non consensual and emotionally destructive when it is under the local age of consent?The world and neuropsychology is too complex for childish black and white reasoning and logic for adults who should know better and should have outgrown kindergarten level logic.What is considered normal ie the spoiled,accident prone,childish,vulnerable teen of Osirian cultures is not expected of Isis-Osirian cultures and vice versa.This is the role that cultural and social norms have on the formation of maturity.Considering state of modern Osirian societal standards and the excuses of neural development and structures in adolescents compared to adults used by conservative led factions within these societies including vigilante groups it would be logical by Osirian led countries standards to raise the age of consent and even majority to around 25 or even 30.Unfortunately,even that wouldn’t guarantee anything because those numbers are just as arbitrary as 16 and 18.Some people are more mature at 14 than others at 50 or even others at even 70 years old in recent America politics,so maybe the best solution would be adopting the age of consent to those of Isis-Osirian cultures as well as research into progeria mylienisation available by at least 2029 that will ensure both the age of consent and majority will be universally and indefinitely 14 thus eliminating issues of them being immature or even problems arising from archaic position of trust law.

This would be accepted due to numerous factors – firstly one would have finished puberty through genetic engineering just past the cut off age of prepubescence as well as one year earlier than normal and thus capable of bearing young and any physiological consequences related to sexual intercourse,it is already the age of consent in a few remaining predominantly Isis-Osirian countries in modern times,maturity is as shown is a construct of societal,cultural expectations and personal experiences and lastly the inevitability of progeria mylienisation that is genetic engineering and also stem cell strains forcing the human brain to reach full maturity earlier than normal with ideally this occurring in infancy meaning by the time one is even an infant at birth one would have the neural critical and emotional maturity of a person in their mid 30s and thus by the time one ends puberty in their mid teens by 14 one would thus be physically and emotionally mature and thus legally an adult and thus capable of consenting to sex with their brain fully mylienated at least a decade or more before this universal age of consent and majority with them having had extensive political education start by the age of four thus giving them at least a decade of education in this field compared to the scant four years as seen in current systems.Childhood and the term that you “are a kid” should end the second one ends puberty and once they past the cut off point of actual pedopheilia at 14 and not after it – nature is the one who should decide this not archaic conservative values.Once we are entering a world of immortality,careers starting on average at 12 years old or younger and progeria mylinisation and puberty ending one year later the sooner one enters adulthood the better.My personal expert opinion and solution to this is this – drop adulthood to 14,when their 12-13 years old give them a good kick up the arse out of the house and have them fend for themselves in the wilderness or even streets as homeless people for six months to a year and if they come back alive congratulations their on their way to being an adult.Problem solved.Humans should perhaps be structuring their society more like lions than Jordan Petersons lobsters.If the issue of adulthood is defined as emotional,neural and critical maturity then by having a person end puberty by 14 and by having them have their brains fully mature by infancy and them having them have intensive political education starting at 5 years old will thus make 14 the new age of majority.We are going to be reaching a point in the world that through genetic engineering and reversing the ageing process humans become immortal and eternally young and a 14 year old and someone who is several centuries or several thousand years old are going to be virtually indistinguishable from each other in terms of both their neural development,maturity and also the fact that they will just as equally physically young so therefore we are going to have to have childhood end at 14 and adulthood begin at 14.This will be done not for the issue of legalisation of sex with 14-17 year olds but primarily to put an end to vulnerability in teenagers but also pre teens allowing them to understand complex scientific,political.philosophical etc concepts early on and be taken seriously and prevent them doing stupid stuff and eliminate stress on parents in the form of eliminating temper tantrums,crying at night eyes will never have to deal with hearing about teenagers as being vulnerable kids who need protection from the scary adult world or as people who always make stupid mistakes and once this if perfected will allow them and even pre teens to be considered valid members of society that contribute to the arts,science,media and society at large just as much as anyone else.Both pre teens and teenagers to be considered by society as mature individuals who are capable of making rational decisions and be able to partake in scientific debates and research and political discussion and partake in the creation of movies,television shows,video games and live news,podcasts and journalism as actors,writers,directors,presenters etc giving them a head start in the world.Sure pre teens may still need child minders in the form biosynth or human babysitters until at least 12-13 years old but I want no want no more of this teenage “vulnerability” and “grooming” bullshit or bullshit about the double standard of it being acceptable for women but not men to do it and I want an end to the hyper conflation of late hebe ephebopheilia with pedopheilia bullshit.I want you to live in a world where you are considered an adult and worthy of public discourse and contributing to the arts,science,journalism and media as a 14/15 year old and where the excuse “there just a kid” is no longer used to excuse someone of doing stupid bullshit and where they are expected to take full responsibility for their actions.If someone does stupid shit at 14/15 or even younger it would be just as unacceptable as if a 30-1,000 year old did 14/15 you should be well established in your careers and through VR technology and its time dilation effect you will be well established in multiple careers.Once CRISPR has actual pedopheilia cured and progeria mylinisation is carried out vigilante groups etc will become a thing of the past and this will end this predator and grooming nonsense once and for all.This means teenagers and pre teens will no longer be excused for doing stupid shut and will have no choice to act like adults many times their age with it also meaning they will be valid in political and scientific discourse and research etc.This application of progeria mylinisation that is genetic engineering that forced the brain to reach maturity at infancy and lowering it to 14 has nothing to with regards to making it legal for “adults” having sex with teenagers or anything like that as stated it’s to put an end to this vulnerable teenage or child crap and have us never to deal again with the vulnerability of teenagers and pre teens and allow teenagers and pre teens the ability to fend for themselves,understand and be valid in scientific and political discourse and be valid in contributing to scientific research and discourse and also even discussion and taking part in journalism and political discourse etc and put an end to teens being vulnerable or doing stupid shit because they lack the neural maturity to understand the consequences of actions.It will allow for pre teens to understand complex philosophical,political,scientific concepts and allow them to be able to contribute and engage in scientific discovery and debate and engage in political and philosophical discourse and partake in the creation of new media such as movies,television shows etc and no longer be emotionally “vulnerable”.I’ve stated it has less to do with sex and more to do with ending this teenage and pre teen vulnerability bullshit once and for all and with actual pedopheilia cured via CRISPR it will render vigilante groups obsolete forever.It will mean you will have no excuse to be a vulnerable child incapable of rational,critical or emotional maturity because once it’s carried out you will have no choice but to be a rational,mature individual who once puberty ends at 14 will be considered an adult and you’ll no longer play the victim or be vulnerable especially once you’ll be living by yourself in world where people are living forever for centuries and thousands of years or longer.It will mean you will have no choice but to a mature individual even as a pre teen with you contributing to society in the way adults do in science,media and entertainment.It will mean you will never have to deal with child sex predators,teen wangst or vulnerable teens and pre teens.Since you can’t be bothered teaching pre teens and teens both critical thinking and emotional maturity to them and in fact your whole life’s mission is to do the exact opposite and keep them emotionally stunted at a level similar to kindergarten until they are well into their 30-40s Ill have to do it by force – it’s for their own good by forcing the human brain to reach maturity by infancy you will never have to deal with teen wangst,them being emotionally vulnerable or them that they need to survive in the first place in the real world,then stupid shit  and it will make them valid members of society with it also eliminating pre teens being vulnerable and throwing temper tantrums and eliminating stress from them.Them having intensive education in politics etc for 10 years or more through VR technology and its time dilation effect will further improve this.The fact that SJWs that are legal adults at 18-22 years old exist on college campuses and Karen’s that are middle aged women in their 40s and 50s and most adults in American etc in their 30s and 40s know nothing of politics,Can’t even locate their own country on a map and believe the Earth is only 6,000 years old and are scientifically,politically and economically illiterate to an unfathomable degree proves my point that we are obviously not giving them the necessary critical thinking and emotional skills etc they need to function in the real world and since we cannot return to a prehistoric environment we can only through genetic engineering have them develop the necessary critical and emotional skills they need.Our society in fact punishes the development of critical thinking and emotional development and our victimisation of adolescents and adults has led to rise of the Karen’s,alt right and SJW.Progeria mylinisation that is where CRISPR and extensive genetic engineering,stem cell treatments and drugs developed that cause the human brain to reach maturity in infancy is a solution to this.The sniper Thomas Matthew Crook who attempted to kill Donald Trump in July 2024 was labelled by the vast majority of vloggers etc on YouTube as “just a kid” when he was 20 years old – a fully developed legal adult who could be charged for statutory rape and labelled a creepy sexual predator if he slept with or groomed an underage female,Alexandria Ocasio Cortez and other new progressive members of Congress are labelled “just kids” despite being in their early 30s.The Hawk Tuah Girl Haliey Welch was labelled a girl and “just a kid” when she was hit on by the Bill Maher which people consider creepy when she was 22 years old a legal adult who herself could have been charged for statutory rape and considered creepy and a sexual predator herself if she did the same to someone under the age of 18 years old aged 14-17 years old.There is no such thing as “adult kids” – because they are adults now or else they will be “just kids” when they are in their 40s,50s,60s etc – if “adult kids” do exist then your society is going downhill.If they are just kids now as teenagers with no responsibilities for their actions and allowed to get away with anyway such as literal murder because their just kids then they’ll still be “just kids” when they are adults in the 30s-70s and are being woke,SJWs.karens,smug conservatives etc and committing mass genocide and war crimes in the form of Donald Trump,the swamp,Hamas,Benjamin Netyanhu and Israeli government,who can’t take responsibility of their own actions and are unable to understand the consequences of those actions and act like kindergarteners stuck in the bodies of elderly individuals.Only people with the mental capacity of or pre teens would resort to carrying out this childish woke,childish culture war etc crap and carrying out and supporting genocide and war crimes in the form of Hamas,Isreal,the military industrial complex,Donald Trump,Nancy Pelosi or for that matter still believe Cuba,China,Russia,Venezuela were socialist or communist and that global warming is not real despite all of the evidence going against this.No civilised or mature “adult” would resort to the level of genocide and war crimes that is going on in Gaza etc or this childish culture war.The already vacuous conservatives end up dragging the rest of society down with it to the point that everyone including progressives is dragged through the mire.You see conservatives are the assholes from high school who still haven’t matured past the age of 12 that simply causes their brains not to function properly and collapse into a regressive child like state similar to kindergarteners aged 5-9 years old leaving them to be only able to throw temper tantrums when faced with facts that hit them in the face by liberals and so to make them feel good they drag everyone else down to their level.The world is very complicated place so complicated in fact that the feeble brains of conservatives just do not understand so they stick their fingers in their ears and go nanny nanny noo boo I’m not listening and throw temper tantrums because that’s all their feeble brains are capable of…Stop pretending to being experts on subjects you know nothing about and your feeble brains cannot understand or comprehend,stop being experts on books and subjects to whom you’ve never actually read,stop using big words your feeble brains cannot understand,stop pretending you are are smarter than experts who have decades of experience,stop thinking you are intellectuals when your clearly thick as lampposts,stop pretending you are capable of winning arguments and debates with people who have decades more experience than you and stop misquoting books you’ve never read.Stop quoting and parroting propaganda from the CATO institute,PragerU,reason tv,those hack writers Ayn Rand/Milton Friedman/Friedrich August von Hayek/Ludwig Heinrich Edler von Mises – these are all hack writers with zero understanding of economics.This is not how adults act this is how kindergartens act.They within five minutes of being put in charge of a situation that requires experts would fail miserably and making an ass of themselves.Once I’m fiddling around with the human genome will have no choice but to mature emotionally and critically right away from birth and have society never to deal again with temper tantrums and whiny emotional and vulnerable teens  and pre teens.It’s to give them the physical,critical and emotional capabilities to not be vulnerable children anymore and to be rational mature individuals at 14 or younger capable of fending for themselves against the big scary world that don’t need protection from the scary adult world.That vulnerable whiny,wangsty,vulnerable,emotional,self absorbed know it all teenager that we all know and have grown to love oh so dearly will no longer exist in 10-20 years time when I’m done fiddling around with the human genome.This fiddling with the human genome and brain through progeria mylinisation etc should be enough to earn me a couple of prestigious scientific awards including a few Nobels alongside me curing cancer,HIV,ageing and every single disease and eliminating poverty etc adding to my vast collection of other Nobels and other prestigious awards.By having one’s brain fully mature by infancy it will mean they will be able to fend for themselves and no longer need to be labelled “vulnerable”  with me doing the job your supposed to be doing.This will mean you will no longer have to deal with pre teens temper tantrums,babies crying at night and no longer have to deal with SJWs and the regressive left or teenage wangst crap and dealing with teenage vulnerability or sexual predators because once Im done fiddling with the human genome you will have no choice to be legally an adult and capable of rational decisions and being treated like an adult once you reach 14.Think of it as one my many little thankless gifts to humanity alongside curing all diseases and solving global warming etc you’ll never have to deal with stupid vulnerable teens ever again and you’ll never have to deal with SJWs on college campuses or you’ll never have to deal with pre teen children having temper tantrums,carrying out behaviour that warrants corporal punishment and crying at night thus alleviating strains on parents and you’ll never have to deal with online “grooming” and “predators” for teenagers or grooming of pre teens once pedopheilia is cured by CRISPR treatments with you never having to deal with teenage wangst etc and you’ll have pre teens viable for scientific research and creation of movies, television shows and live news and journalism.It will mean at 14 you are no longer a vulnerable child who needs protection form the adult world because you will be legally an adult and will have the responsibility to act like an adult.You will be contributing to the arts,journalism etc and through VR technology and its time dilation effect you will have decades if not centuries of life experience by your early teenage years eliminating foolishness and inexperience.You will no longer have your teen wangst crap and no longer have to deal with SJWs..You will no longer be vulnerable either emotionally,legally or critically.It will allow pre teens to no longer be traumatised by anything and allow them to able to understand the complex historical,political and scientific concepts of the adult world and not be “groomed” by the lefts and the LGBT etc.It will mean people like Chris Hansen and other vigilante groups once pedophelia is cured by CRISPR and teenagers have fully mylinated brains will have to find something else better to do with their time with it done to give them the critical and emotional tools necessary to function in the adult world and the Information Age and allow them to be constructive members of society contributing to scientific research,journalism and production of new media rather than wasting away on being babysat in school where they will be as early as 5 years old be creating new movies,television shows,video games and contributing to journalism,scientific research etc rather than wasting away their youth and genius within them in school and being babysat and infantilised.They will be considered valid members of society who will will be able to contribute to society constructively.If you don’t understand that this what I’m trying to do through genetic engineering and VR technology then your an idiot.Decades of infantilisation by the conservative right has led to a generation of lingering wimps who are incapable of thinking for themselves and are left unable to critically think for themselves and unable to be emotionally mature well into their 30s and 40s.This genetic tinkering would be done to give pre pubescent children the same neural structures as fully grown adults so they can understand complex scientific,philosophical and political concepts normally relegated to adults  to allow them to be educated in PhD level science and politics early on and also prevent being vulnerable with it allowing them to be able to contribute to the arts,journalism and science and for teenagers have them have extensive education in politics by their 14th birthday and them no longer be emotionally vulnerable and have them be valid in science,media and journalism and them able to be on par with someone in their 30s this eliminating them being “manipulated” or victimised and them have the same neural,political etc maturity as adults themselves.It’s to eliminate “vulnerability” etc in teenagers and eliminate this disparity nonsense in teenagers to make on par with adults that are older than them.It’s to eliminate any notions of predation and vulnerability in teenagers making them able to fend for themselves and eliminate this in peer teens as well especially since actual pedopheilia is cured via CRISPR and given the options to be constructive members of society.You can go on about how they are emotionally and critically undeveloped but what I’m trying to do is address that and eliminate it.Our education system and society at large stunts critical and emotional development of those aged 18 or younger or even older which manifests in the SJW,woke and victimised left and emotionally vulnerable teenagers something which didn’t exist a century never mind in ancient times or prehistoric times.By applying progeria mylinisation you will be able to contribute to society as a fully functional adult with you contributing to science,journalism,live news,movies etc on par with someone in your 30s.By having their brains fully developed at infancy and having a decade of intensive political education it means once they reach their teenage years at 14 they will have no choice to act and be treated like someone 20-30 years older and will longer be vulnerable.Instead of wasting away their life in school they will be during their pre teen and teenage years will be able to contribute constructively to society such as through journalism,movies,television shows and video games and scientific research.Instead of being vulnerable snowflakes they will be hardened mature individuals who are able to fend for themselves and be able to take responsibility for their actions and not play the victim anymore or be foolish and carry out stupid mistakes they will have no choice but to make rational mature decisions with regards to anything and will have no choice but to be treated like mature adults.It will be done for giving them the actual critical and emotional tools your supposed to be giving them in the first place.Since we cannot return to the prehistoric world our brains evolved from and not escape the modern world and there is no evolutionary function for pre teens and teens no longer having their frontal lobe being undeveloped in the modern world as they no longer have to hunt for food or avoid animal predators due to them having all food reared for them by farmers and they are shielded from lions,hippopotamus etc  then the solution is progeria mylinisation with by having one physically mature by 14 will mean that one will be considered legally and physically an adult on par with someone in the 30s.Since there is no actual reason to preserve this evolutionary advantage because of our modern society where we no longer have to hunt for food or have to avoid animal predators due to modern day agriculture and shelter from animal predators and being able to live in areas without animal predators then we will have to through genetic engineering and stem cells eliminate it completely from the human gene pool completely through progeria mylinisation.There is no reason to continue to allow for our brains not to be fully developed by infancy or one’s teens.It serves no real purpose anymore in the modern world  much like the fat insulin receptor so like how we remove our appendix we will thus remove this through CRISPR which is now considered a flaw that serves no real purpose.The current outdated education system that relies primarily rote memorisation that destroys and stunts critical thinking and it is made obsolete by the Information Age where one can get a degree or even PhD level education and thus as a result one should be at a very young age even in their pre teen years should be contributing to journalism,scientific research and also to the creation of movies.television shows,video games,vlogging etc and thus their is a need for them to be able to  critically think and understand complex ideas and thus as a result they will need their brains to fully developed at a young age ideally at infancy and we are going to have to deal with the inevitable development of VR technology and its time dilation effect through neural implants and exponentially increasing computing power of AI that allows one to learn large amounts of information in a short amount of time.Thus genetic engineering through progeria mylinisation will be pursued in order to force the human brain to reach full maturity in order to allow them to understand complex ideas and be able to carry out complex roles in society at a young ages of 5-10 years old such as scientific researchers and also journalists and creators of new media such as movies,television shows,video games etc  rather than wasting away in outdated education systems –  therefore if having our brains underdeveloped at infancy serves no real purpose then it must be removed completely through genetic engineering.Doing this will allow them to understand complex political,philosophical and scientific ideas especially when VR technology and its time dilation effect is developed thus allowing them to as pre teens gain decades worth of education by their teens.If your concern is them being “groomed by the LGBT left” as pre teens it being “groomed” by sexual predators as teenagers then since their is no effort at the current time to give them the tools necessary in school to develop their critical thinking skills then therefore intensive research should be done into progeria mylinisation wherein through extensive genetic engineering their brains are fully developed by infancy to deal with these problems.Whatever reason why our brains evolved to not reach full maturity until we are in our mid twenties even if it had nothing to do with making them better survivalists,had to do with keeping the rest of the brain etc alive or it’s just a pure random mutation that evolved in just humans or a few closely related species it has no biological or evolutionary function etc in the modern world whatsoever – perhaps in prehistoric times it served its purpose but not in modern times where we are going to have to have people being required to critically think and carry out tasks and do work that we normally associate with much older people in the sciences,media and journalism at young ages of at least 5-12 years old due to the advent of the Information Age rendering our education system obsolete.It’s now used as an excuse to justify laziness,idleness,making stupid mistakes,getting away Scot free with literal murder,ignorance,immaturity,vulnerability and infantilising and victimising both them and  society as a whole – the exact opposite for which natural selection designed it for especially considering these vulnerable teens and even pre teens would have been hardened mature individuals just a mere century or two ago and such laziness,immaturity,vulnerability etc of both teens and pre teens would have gotten you killed by the elements and animal predators in prehistoric times within minutes and it can even allow them to get away with literal murder and allow them to do evil shit and get away with it which would have been unacceptable in prehistoric times never mind just a century ago.Sometimes what you think you know is not the way so.Coupled with the fact that they have access to the internet in the for,of YouTube,Wikipedia etc in the Information Age there is no excuse of anyone of any age not knowing anything about anything especially politics,economics,history when all of this is present on Wikipedia and YouTube.Both teens and even pre teens are going to be required to have fully developed brains early on in order to carry out the necessary critical thinking etc required to be able to partake in scientific research,political debate and work in journalism and creation of new media that they will be doing as young as 5-12 years old with them needing it to interpret information fed to them online by AI and humans and be valid members of society.In a world of AI,the Information Age they are from a very young age are going to require their brains to be fully developed at birth to allow them to contribute constructively to society with through the advent of having all philosophy,movies,literature etc at their fingertips through Dionysus,Apollo,Wikipedia and YouTube will need to be able to understand it at an early age rather than wasting away being babysat in an archaic education system that in fact stunts critical thinking and emotional intelligence and curiosity driven learning to allow them to contribute to society.It will also be done to prevent them carrying out behaviour that would warrent corporal punishment with them mentally on par with someone decades older than them in terms of philosophical,political etc discussion and contributing to the production of new movies,television shows,video games,journalism but be off limits sexually until the new age of majority of 14.It’s giving the tools necessary to understand the adult world instead of allowing them to waste away in school and college.It’s to give them the necessary tools to be able to function in a post capitalist economies education system societies – they will need the ability to critically think in an adult capacity when exposed to the vast amount of information they are bombarded with  in the form of Apollo,Dionysus,Pheme,Wikipedia and YouTube etc

Most pre teens aged 5-12 years old nowadays have their own laptop,smartpads and smartphones and have access to Wikipedia,YouTube and in time Apollo,Dionysus and Pheme with this giving them access to information and education that outrumps Harvard,Oxford and Trinity and all major institutions stuff I didn’t have at that age and I hardly think they will want to slog through an 18th century education system with them since having this information at their fingertips will need the ability to critically interpret and understand the information present on the internet and wire with an adult capacity and will be required to have their brains fully developed on par with a adult as infants and children aged 5-9 years old in terms of critical capacity through progeria mylinsation to not only critically interpret this information in a adult capacity to understand it without succumbing to misinformation,conspiratorial thinking,indoctrination and avoid pseudoscience but also utilise this information to contribute to society through political discussion,scientific research,law,psychology and creating new media such as movies, television shows and live news, journalism etc in an adult capacity at the age of 5-9 years old with the side effect of this resulting in them also reaching neural maturity in emotional intelligence on par with a adult aged in their 30s.Those iPad kids will have no interest in an archaic education system in the face of the Information Age where they are bombarded by information on a daily basis,instead of forcing them through an archaic education system designed specifically to destroy any semblance of critical thinking and emotional development we should in fact be embracing the Information Age – if I was 5-12 years old and I had access to YouTube,Wikipedia etc I sure as hell would have zero interest in sitting through elementary school,highschool and college.Forcing people of the 21st century and beyond through an outdated 18th century education is the dumbest thing imaginable in the Information Age since it’s not even worth the paper it’s printed on especially since AI will eliminate 99% of all work from it and in order to survive in the real world of the Information Age they will need fully myelinated brains from birth to be able to interpret,understand this information and they sure as hell will be uninterested in jumping through hoops when sitting on their asses all in day.Furthermore  they by the age of 5-12 years old will have access to all high brow political magazines and newspapers like TIME,Newsweek,the New York Times etc that detail to them politics and also YouTube,Apollo,Pheme and in time salons which will give through access to YouTube channels such as The Rational National,The Humanist Report,Secular Talk,Nicole Sandlers and all progressive and conservative political pundits that will exist in the near and distant future giving them political education on subjects and in time Aleitheia that corrects these vloggers and history education through Clio,Wikipedia and textbooks.They will have access to political,scientific and historical education in Wikipedia,YouTube,Dionysus,Pheme and Apollo that far exceeds what is taught in schools and universities or what I had in pre school at a young age of around 5 years old and will again need to have their brains fully myelinated and developed to be able to interpret and utilise this information at kindergarten ages of 5-9 with an adult capacity.They will at 5 years old will have educational and political material that far exceeds what I had as a pre teen when I first got interested in politics at the age of 5 years old and if I had that I would definitely be more interested in politics than before and they should be the age of 5 years old they will be being educated on politics and history teens using material watched by adults.By the time they are 5 years old they are going to have exponentially more access to education in politics etc than I ever had or indeed anyone else of any other generation has ever had through YouTube,Wikipedia,Dionysus,Pheme etc on their smartphones,laptops etc and thus they will at the ages of 5 years old will need to have their brains fully developed to be not only be able to understand this complex material in an adult capacity but contribute to political and scientific discovery and discussion with an adult capacity between the ages of 5-9 years old and be well established in their careers in media, entertainment and scientific research.By 14 due to the Information Age they will have reached knowledge equivalent to at least several PhDs and extensive knowledge in history,politics and economics  with once AI seizes control of all jobs will be thus be contributing to the production of new media such as movies,television shows,video games,journalism and also scientific research and political discussion due to the advent of the Information Age will be required to have fully myelinated and developed brains at infancy to be able to critically interpret the information present on YouTube,Wikipedia,Apollo,Dionysus etc with the same capabilities as adults and carry out journalism,scientific research and production of new media etc with the same capacity as adults.Preserving the rote memorisation structure and also the rigid factory line structure of the current model where they are meant to learn everything at the same set speed as everyone else is the dumbest ideas known to man in this day and age.Therefore instead of taking away their iPads and iPhones at home and drugging them with ADHD pills we should allow pre teens access to the information on the internet and wire such as Apollo,Dionysus,Pheme etc(with adult material blocked by Hestia etc)and give them the tools to interpret the information on the internet and wire in a critical manner on par with adults in order to contribute to society in the arts,political discourse and scientific research in a adult capacity.As long as our education system as long as it is geared towards catering the needs of corporations and the free market system will always lead to the same current problems it has right now such as people with high IQs dropping out living on minimum wage and social welfare,stifling of creativity and development of critical thinking and emotional intelligence and irrelevance in the modern age because corporations don’t want people with high IQs,the ability to critically think or be creative because doing so is against the free market system and corporations because the second they start thinking for themselves and reading Karl Marx and questioning the free market system is the second they are of no use to society.A one size fits all approach to education that stifles creativity,curiosity,critical thinking and maturity is exactly what corporations want and is the exact opposite of individualism,development of neuropsychology and will always persist as long as the free market system and corporations exist.This shows that capitalism has never and never will ever cater to the needs of the individual it’s to cater to the need of corporations with the propaganda of getting good grades to get a good job is no different than state capitalist propaganda in Maoist China,Venezuela,Castro Russia and Soviet Russia to work for the common good of the state – instead of the state being worshiped it is corporations that are glorified and instead of all aspects of society built towards meeting the needs of it the individual it’s to meet the need of corporations.No amount of reforms in education within a capitalist system will change the fact that it is always there to cater to the need for corporations and not the individual and nothing ever can change the fact that it will always be considered outdated and outrumped by the Information Age in the form of Wikipedia,YouTube and so on because the Information Age will always be superseding its outdated obsolete value and will also always stifle creativity,innovation and critical thinking because as stated all corporations want at the end of the day are little worker bees who know how to take orders,obey the free market system and status quo and will always have people with high IQs dropping out and working in minimum wage or surviving on social welfare.As long as corporations and the free market system exists you always have it irrelevant and people failing out of it.The education system across the world is geared towards stifling independent thought,creativity,critical thinking and in fact dumbing down and infantilising society as whole and will always be geared towards this as long as corporations and the free market system exists because it is meant to solely cater to the needs of corporations and not the individual themselves – if you disagree with this fact your a brainless asswipe.The quashing of creativity,maturity,curiosity,critical thinking etc as well as infantilisation etc that our education system does to those aged 5-18 years old is a form of readily accepted systemic child abuse that does more harm than any sexual predator ever could ever hope to achieve.Our education system not be preparing them for obsolete non existent jobs rather creating critical thinkers and polymaths and people who contribute to multiple fields of research and society.Due to the advent of the Information Age pre teens as young as 5 years old will be required to be able to critically evaluate and understand the explosion of information present at their fingertips on their smartphones and laptops from YouTube,Wikipedia,Apollo,Pheme,Dionysus etc with the same mental and critical capacity as adults in their 30s and 40s as well as beyond thus allowing them to understand information normally relegated to adults and thus allow them as young as 5 years old be required to not only critically understand this information but to contribute to scientific research,journalism,creation of new media,political discussion etc at the ages of 5-9 years in a adult capacity before they reach adulthood at 14 and thus will by infancy be required to have their brains fully mylinated and developed on par with someone in their 30s with all areas of their brain fully developed especially those for critical thinking and emotions to again be able to interpret the upcoming explosion of information on Dionysus,Pheme,Wikipedia and Apollo and will need fully developed brains to contribute to political discussion and scientific discovery and the arts and media as early as 5-12 years old.Their propensity towards indoctrination and peer pressure due to lack of fully developed brains especially with the onslaught of pseudoscience and misinformation on the internet will be a hinderance to this and as a result of having fully mylinated brains will protect them being victims of misinformation and indoctrination,it will also eliminate them making rash,foolish mistakes and being emotionally vulnerable and carry out temper tantrums,crying at night and carrying out behaviour that would warrant corporal punishment during their pre teen and carry out stupid behaviour teenage years this alleviating strains on parents and guardians.This is the main purpose of progeria mylinisation where a persons brains are fully developed at birth through genetic engineering it is to give teenagers and pre teens aged 5-12 years old to have brains especially at infancy that are fully developed especially in emotions and critical thinking to allow them to not carry out behaviour that would warrant corporal punishment,preventing them doing stupid shit that would get them injured and killed but also give them the ability to understand and interpret like an adult the onslaught of information in the coming Information Age in the form of Wikipedia,Apollo,Dionysus,Pheme,YouTube etc they will be bombarded with through their smartphones and laptops and be able to use that information to contribute to society in a constructive and productive manner at the ages of 5-12 years old in an adult capacity allowing them to be carrying out independent scientific research,production of new movies as well as television shows and video games,journalism and live news with an adult capacities when they are only 5-12 years old in the same capacity,quality and recognition as adults in their 20s,30s etc with the side effect will that it will also make them emotionally mature as an adult in their pre teen years.It will allow them to understand complex literature,philosophy,politics,history etc usually relegated to adults and also prevent them being vulnerable and able to understand concepts such as gender identity,sexuality,sexual intercourse and so on in an adult capacity with regards to gender identity and sexuality be able to approach and discuss the subjects as mature adults and understand sexual intercourse from a scientific position but still be prevented from viewing pornographic material on the internet and the wire and protect them from being bullied,kidnapped etc.They will as a result of this will have intensive education in economics,history,politics and science by the age of 5 years old on par with an adult will allow them to undergoe intensive eduction in these fields started at the ages of 5-9 years old with VR technology and its time dilation effect allowing them by the new age of majority of 14 years old having decades of education in these fields and decades of life experience by the age of 14.By having access to all human knowledge at their fingertips at kindergarten level ages of 5-9 years old will require them to have fully developed brains in order to be able to critically interpret this knowledge and contribute to the arts,media and scientific research in the same capacity as an adult at the ages of 5-9 years old.They will starting at 5 years will be able to undergoe intensive education in politics, and the humanities especially when using VR technology and it’s time dilation effect with them at 5 years old be able to understand complex concepts in terms of philosophy,history,literature and politics etc meaning by the time they reach 14 they will have an intensive education in these subjects and be considered adults only in terms of political and scientific discussion and creation of new movies etc from the ages of 5 years old that is they will partake in scientific discovery and discussion and political discussion and discussion of media and philosophy with adults but will be considered legally a child and sexually off limits until the new age of majority of 14.It will allow adult 14 year old teenagers and even pre teens drink alcohol and smoke marijuana without affecting their brains development due to them being fully developed.Teenagers and pre teens as young as 5 -9 years old will be carrying out independent scientific research,will be engaging in political discussion with both each other and adults and creating and watching high brow movies,television shows,literature and video games and carrying out journalism in radio programmes,podcasts and live news etc rather than wasting away their youth on highschool and even primary school.They will be reading high brow literature such as Plato,Nietzsche,James Joyce and JRR Tolkien and new ones with the same depth and complexity and watching movies and television shows that have deep and complex themes,characters,subtext and plots.They will through Dionysus have accces to all literature,movies etc including high brow classical literature and philosophy be through Pheme will have access to newspapers and live news and Apollo housing textbooks on all fields of science etc giving them education in science,politics at the age of 5 way beyond what the average person has today.They will be not just socialising with people there own age range but also as pre teens socialising with teenagers and adults and as teenagers socialising with adults and even pre teens.Furthermore they will also need fully developed mylinated brains to undergoe intensive weapons,fighting etc training in the Agoge as they will in the Agoge training starting at the age of 5-9 years old will be carrying out intensive training in weapons of all types such as guns,swords,meteor hammers etc in VR and real world settings and will need to carry out the Alexander programme and also VR exercises modelled on army,police etc operations and will be required to carry out these in an adult capacity on par with someone in their 30s or older and thus for even this will be required to have fully mylinieated brains.Agoge trainees aged 5-7 years old using VR technology will be required to undergoe intensive training in handguns,sniper rifles,swords etc with an adult capacity and also required to carry out the Alexander programme and all facets of the Agoge with an adult capacity.If you look at the Agoge training section and education section of this website you’ll understand they will no longer be able to “vulnerable” and use the excuse of being a kid anymore to function in the new world I’ve created for humanity.Adding genes to all patients worldwide that through germline technology and advanced gene drive technology from those with the highest IQs in the range of 200-263 will make them understand complex political,scientific etc concepts thus allowing to further understand these concepts at the ages of 5-12 years old thus making intensive education in science and the arts and journalism more possible.All this coupled with them finishing puberty at 14 will be therefore considered legally adults.By having the human brain fully developed at birth even in the womb it would allow children when born to never cry at night etc and prevent pre teens carrying out temper tantrums.It would be like saying cancer,actual pedophelia or any type of genetic disease caused by errors in DNA replication has a function in our body..Therefore it should therefore be eliminated from ours species gene pool completely and forever through genetic engineering especially through CRISPR.Because we are entering a world where pre teens who have access to all of human knowledge at their fingertips through the internet through smartphones etc that have only developed less than 10 – 15 years ago and eventually the development of Dionysus,Pheme and Apollo in the wire then this early maturation of the brain will give them the ability to understand complex philosophical and political concepts and understand high brow literature and engage in political discussion and scientific discussion and research on par with adults at the ages of 5-9 years old making them valid members of society that contribute constructively to society in the arts,media and scientific research before their 14th birthday where they can contribute constructively to science,the arts and media.I sure as hell if born 25-35 or more years later with Wikipedia,YouTube would sure as hell have no interest in wasting away my life in highschool and college.As a result of it having no real purpose in modern day society or biology then intensive scientific research by humans and AI to wipe out this flaw out of our species gene pool completely through progeria mylinisation and advanced gene drive technology using CRISPR or even creating drugs to eliminate it completely to give pre teens and teenagers the necessary tools to fend for themselves and be able to contribute to society constructively to have the entire brain in all individuals reach full maturity upon infancy to allow them at birth to have the same critical and emotional maturity as someone in their 30s or older it would end pre teens throwing temper tantrums,carrying out behaviour that would warrant corporal punishment,crying at night etc thus alleviating strains on parents and allow them and teenagers to understand and be valid in understanding and partaking in complex political debate and scientific research allowing them to contribute to society in a meaningful way as pre teens and teenagers and allow them to be no longer emotionally or critically vulnerable and coupled with curing actual pedophelia through CRISPR will eliminate vigilante groups etc and sexual predation with intensive research also done into VR technology and its time dilation effect.Keeping it in our gene pool is pointless and in fact detrimental to society with it continuing to victimise people who shouldnt be victims and prevents them from contributing constructively to society and thus every effort through intensive research should be pursued to remove from our species genepool as it infantilises them in a future where we will need critical thinkers and people who are required to contribute to society early on in childhood.Since adulthood is defined by physical maturity and neural,critical and emotional maturity therefore by having the brain fully developed by infancy and one reaching sexual and physical maturity at 14 and having extensive political education for at least 10 years through VR technology and its time dilation effect etc this will mean one will be politically,emotionally and physically mature by 14.Having the age of majority at 18 when your physically mature at 14 with intensive political education and have a fully myelinated brain at infancy would make things more infantilising than they are normally are and this one would have to be considered an adult when they are finished puberty and have fully mature brains.They will have no choice but to be emotionally and critically mature and act like responsible individuals in every conceivable situation imaginable.They will be able to consume recreational drugs and alcohol in moderate amounts without damaging their brains development since they would have fully developed brains.If life experience and how long one has lived is an issue then it’s simply a case of VR technology and its time dilation effect that will allow one to gain decades or even centuries of life experience by the time they reach the age 14 doing work in media,creation of movies etc and carrying out past times as well gaining decades or centuries worth of education in philosophy and politics meaning by the time one is 14 they will be as mature and have as much life experience as someone who is several decades or centuries years old.The ability to spend centuries or thousands of years in a simulation while mere minutes pass in the real world will allow one to gain centuries etc worth of life experience by the time they become legally an adult by 14 years old will eliminate notions of being inexperienced “vulnerable,foolish” and “young” as through the time dilation effect of VR technology one could experience decades or centuries of life experience while mere minutes pass in the real world thus meaning one would be mature physically,emotionally,politically,critically and also in terms of life experience by the time they are 14 eliminating notions of vulnerability completely.This time dilation effect will also as stated give one decades or centuries worth of education in politics,economics,history etc making them eligible voters and considered valid in political discussion etc and will mean one will have completed their education in law,psychology etc by one’s early teens and will be this contributing to society constructively by their early teens or younger rather than wasting away in schools and college.The time dilation effect of VR technology will allow one to get decades of education and life experience by the time they are 14 years old meaning by the time reaches the age of 14 years old they will have life experience and education in politics,history,humanities etc and their chosen field on par with someone in their 60s or older thus giving the same maturity as someone in their 60s eliminating notions of vulnerability and immaturity.This will eliminate notions of age gaps or creepiness factors since you will both be physically mature,emotionally mature,critically mature and physically young.Since the time dilation effect of VR technology will allow a person decades,centuries or more life experience by their early teens one will have centuries of life experience in VR simulations carrying out their favourites hobbies,education in politics and your desired field of choice and creation of media meaning a 14 year old will be similar to someone who is several centuries old in terms of life experience thus giving them maturity and understanding on par with someone who is several centuries old and will no longer be just a kid or vulnerable as they will have gained enough wisdom on par with someone who is centuries old and this be able to make mature decisions and not considered young.This will give them decades or more worth of education in their field of choice such as science,law,psychology and give them decades of education in politics etc to the point they will be well informed voters and contributors to society allowing their opinion to be just as valid as anyone else.They at the age of 14-17 they will no longer be considered “just kids” and will be expected to act and be treated as mature individuals.The point im making is this:I’m not justifying sexual predation or grooming and think adults who  manipulate and use minors who are not emotionally or critically mature sexually by grooming,fucking them,raping them and traffic them across the world for sexual exploitation through kidnapping them them etc and dumping them for someone younger are just as much pieces of shit just like Jeffrey Epstein etc and like him deserve to be locked in jail.If mutual consent is given and the minor is at least 14 or above the local age of consent and they are mature enough to make a rational decision then there should be no problem whatsoever.The facts are these:it’s likely our brains evolved to deal with the conditions of prehistoric times that it was designed for where adolescents and pre teens where required to hunt for food and avoid animal predators such as lions etc and this would have moulded them into mature adept hunters and survivalists in conditions unimaginable in modern times with the human lifespan being significantly shorter than it was today with the average life expectancy rather than being around 79 years it being 20-25 years where middle age rather than being 40 years old would be between 10 – 12.5 years old meaning people who have just started puberty would be in prehistoric times would be middle aged and would have had to have matured very quickly to deal with the horrific and extremely squalid conditions of prehistoric life that are a far cry from the pampered lifestyle most teens live in and this would be too young to be considered “just kids” or “vulnerable” and since we no longer live in those conditions they no longer have to adapt to the need to hunt for food or avoid animal predators etc and thus their brains have become idle and lack brain training for emotions and critical thinking therefore that is why they are vulnerable snowflakes and not the hardened survivalists of the prehistoric due to life being extremely short and extremely harsh it’s very likely that most teenagers would have had to  have matured and adapted to the conditions they grew up in very quickly thus meaning they would have to extremely mature both emotionally and critically.When you are living in world where life is harsh and brutal and death lurks around every corner and where 20-25 is considered elderly age and 10 – 12 is considered middle aged then you have no choice but to be mature and you have no time to be a vulnerable child or just a kid or just anything and of you did not mature quickly and you were foolish,made stupid mistakes and vulnerable and did not mature emotionally and critically then you died at the mercy of crocodiles,lions etc who saw you as lunch and also malnutrition.Therefore you had no choice but to mature very quickly in prehistoric times and being vulnerable,foolish and just a kid meant you died.Also most teenagers of the prehistoric age age were a completely different breed from those of today;they were middle aged,pregnant,suffering bouts of malaria frequently having miscarriages and busy fending off lions,hippopotamus and also were hunting gazelle and other prey on the move and braving the elements such as wind,rain and snow etc.This would require immense levels if critical thinking and maturation of their emotions.In contrast our modern day society does nothing to foster the criticism and emotional development that we are designed for with it in fact stunting this growth by infantilising them,victimising them and shutting out all critical thinking.This is evident by the fact that mature people always drop out of highschool and colleges are full of nothing but SJWs etc and most adults today cannot even act like civil adults.It’s a basic established fact of neuropsychology that people due to their unique environmental conditions mature emotionally and critically at different rates than others due to their environmental pressures as seen by the different ages of consent and different types of behaviour of both adolescents and adults in different countries with different ages of consent what Austrailian,Britains and Americans think is acceptable behaviour by adolescents would be frowned upon and weeded out by those living in other countries.Since we can no longer live in the conditions of prehistoric times and it would be unacceptable to force humans to do so then we should therefore pursue genetic engineering through CRISPR alongside stem cell treatments and drugs that forces the brain to reach full maturity by infancy,drugs that encourage expedited neural development alongside stem cell research to force the brain into being fully mature by infancy thus eliminating the existence of vulnerable teenagers and pre teens as it serves no evolutionary or biological purpose anymore in the modern world with their no reason at all to preserve this evolutionary trait anymore and thus should be eliminated completely from the human gene pool and by having one’s brain mature by infancy and having one finished puberty by 14 and having extensive education in politics starting early on and finishing at 14 this would thus make them legally an adult.This lack of development in the pre frontal cortex served us well for our prehistoric adolescent ancestors as it allowed them to survive conditions that we couldn’t imagine today and that all of the animal kingdom lives in who don’t have the gift of intelligence we have evolved continues to need that has allowed us to build civilisation and technology that requires us to no longer need the lack of pre frontal cortex development.It made us adept hunters of gazelle,fish etc and allowed us to avoid animal predators including lions etc  allowing us to survive long enough to pass on our genes and continue our species.However this is simply no longer the case due to the development of modern day civilisation where livestock and crops are now farmed by other humans and in time automation and we have the ability to live in areas without animal predators,have shelter from the elements and animal predators.This genetic engineering will eliminate this former evolutionary adaptations simply because it is no longer need anymore.By having our brains fully myliniated it will put an end to the vulnerability of teenagers and pre teens and will mean childhood will end at 14.It will put an end to this sexual predation,grooming and teenage vulnerability crap and eliminate pre teens being unable to understand the complexities of the adult world.As a result teenagers would no longer be “just kids” or vulnerable snowflakes who will be groomed or will not need protection from the scary adult world with them able to instead of wasting away their lives in school will be contributing constructively to society in the form of scientific research and discussion and also creation of movies, television shows,video games and also journalism and will be valid individuals in political discussion.Furthermore we are eventually going to once eternal youth is achieved we will be entering a world with age gaps ranging from several centuries or thousands of years and this will render creepiness issues defunct.This alongside the curing of actual pedophelia through CRISPR will put an end to vigilante groups..We will one day enter a world where humans become immortal and ageless and its better for them to reach adulthood and able to comprehend the adult world and be part of it earlier in then later on as we have seen people growing downhill.This will entail a world of progeria mylinisation where teens have their brains as developed as someone decades older and eternal youth where someone in their 50s or are several centuries old will look exactly as they were in their early 20s and teens and this will mean people in their early teens and those several hundred years old will be virtually indistinguishable from each other in terms of neural development and their look.This will the mean the phrase “age is just a number” will ring true forever from now on as virtually the age of 14 and over will be exactly the same and also will make worries about age gaps a thing of the past.This is why most ancient Isis-Osirian coming age rituals such as marriage to an older male,pedrestry and the more rigorous ones such as the bullet ant trial,walkabouts etc usually took place around the time they ended puberty at 14/15 because society had determined that they had “come of age” into the maturity of adulthood.These coming of age rituals were rigorous and were meant to train them for the harsh responsibilities of life as seen by 14/15 year old females married off to older men to prepare for motherhood,the bullet any trial to prepare young tribe members for fending off wild animals in the jungle,Inuit hunting trips to prepare them for hunting food for themselves and their tribe and time family,Masaai hunting trips were done to prepare them for protecting livestock from lions and so on.In otherwards they were expected by society at this age to be adults and be given adulthood responsibilities rather than being complacent brats in the modern age.Nowadays coming of age is being a spoiled pampered brat and getting drunk and ending up face on down on the pavement.Yeah real character building there.Once im done fiddling around with the human genome to treat someone who has finished puberty and whose brain is as developed as someone in their 30s as a child and unable to comprehend the complexities of the world would be more infantilising than it already is.This alongside engineering that increase the average IQ to above 200 will also allow for one to partake in pedagogic training and introductions into education and discussion of complex philosophical,scientific and political studies through salons,YouTube,Apollo,Wikipedia etc as early as even four and five years old and thus by 14 have maturity fitting for being able to vote and other responsibilities and rights we normally associate with 18 year olds.Thus 14 would be the universal age of consent and new age of majority.By having ones brain fully mylienated for at least ten years at the age of four or even younger at infancy prior to this new universal age of majority of 14 alongside extensive education in politics and history for the last ten years starting at the age of four via salons,Wikipedia,YouTube etc also compared to a scant amount of political education lasting at most two years in an archaic education system in current circumstances where the voting age and age of majority is 18 one would thus be eligible to vote and considered an adult at 14.Otherwise the alternative considering the rate that society and maturity of people is going downhill perphaps we should be raising the age of majority – the age at one becomes an adult to like 40 or even 50 you know give people an extra 22-32 years of childhood and time to mature into adults.This what coddling people gets you because at the rate standards are dropping and the rate that people are growing downhill this is probably what we are going to have do.Better to have 4 less years of childhood than an extra 22-32 or more years of childhood.Senator Edward Kennedy decided to lower the voting age to 18 from 21 largely because of the fact that unlike previous generations who could vote at 21 they were better informed due to the advent of modern communications –

First,our young people today are far better equipped — intellectually,physically,and emotionally — to make the type of choices involved in voting than were past generations of youth.Many experts believe that today’s 18 year-old is at least the equal,physically and mentally,of a 21 year-old of his father’s generation,or a 25 year-old of his grandfather’s generation.The contrast is clear in the case of education.In 1920,just fifty years ago,only 17% of Americans between the ages of 18 and 21 were high school graduates.Only 8% went on to college.Today,by contrast 79% of Americans in this age group are high school graduates.47% go on to college…Because of the enormous impact of modern communications,especially television,our youth are extremely well informed on all the crucial issues of our time,foreign and domestic,national and local,urban and rural…Our 18 year-olds today are a great deal more mature and more sophisticated than former generations at the same stage of development.Their role in issues like civil rights,Vietnam and the environment is as current as today’s headlines.Through their active social involvement and their participation in programs like the Peace Corps and Vista,our youth have taken the lead on many important questions at home and overseas.In hundreds of respects,they have set a far-reaching example of insight and commitment for us to emulate…Second,by lowering the voting age to 18,we will encourage civic responsibility at an earlier age,and thereby promote lasting social involvement and political participation for our youth.”

The same is happening now the average four year old has smart devices,personal computers and access to Wikipedia,Google,YouTube and soon Apollo at their fingertips alongside the advent of progeria mylienisation.One would no longer be “just a kid” as they would have no choice but to be expected to act and be treated like someone in their 30s with the emotionally vulnerable,vacuous and accident prone teen becoming a thing of the past alongside notions of peer pressure and cliques with vigilante groups becoming obsolete due to this and the curing and treatment of actual pedophelia using CRISPR and stem cell microbes and also making Asperger’s a permanent part of the human genepool through CRISPR and stem cell strains in living patient and advanced gene drive technology.A person would be considered “underage” for only one year with sexual intercourse with a 13 year old even involving a 14 year old would still be considered statutory rape while sex with anyone 12 or younger would be considered serious crimes and thus actual paedophilia and not the faux paedophilia peddled by those on the right.The terms “teenager” and “kid” as well as connotations of them being “vulnerable” will as result disappear from the English language and dictionary completely by the 2030s and 14-15 years old would be considered a time of maturity and one would be expected to act as adults just like in ancient times.Even pre pubescent children aged 5-9 years old due to the full mylienisation of the brain by at birth would be not considered kids or immature and would be considered on par with adults only in terms of political,scientific and philosophical discourse and also scientific endeavour thus allowing them to be taken seriously in political etc discussion,creators of new media such as movies/television shows,literature etc and scientific research on par with someone in their 30s or 40s yet would still be only considered a child in terms of sexual and physical development and thus would be off limits from having sexual intercourse both with each other and adults aged 14 and above until they they reach the new age of majority 14 at which point they would be finished their education and living by themselves.This will also prevent them throwing temper tantrums,getting lost,crying at night and even carrying out behaviour that would warrent corporal punishment such as spanking and allow them even as young as 5-6 year to fend for themselves online and in the real world against bullies and in the wilderness,prevent them getting lost or kidnapped thus alleviating strains on parents as well as take part in pedagogic training in science and all fields such as law,military training,psychology at this age.Teenage pregnancies,smoking,recreational drug and alcohol use would no longer be considered taboo or a national shame but acceptable due to their fully developed neural systems and them considered adults and one would have finished their training in all fields at this point as well as living independently with further engineering ensuring puberty ends at this point exactly thus the term “teenager” and the negative connotations associated with it would disappear and thus society would see them on par as elder peers as seen in ancient times thus meaning even mentors having sex with mentorees aged 14-17 would be considered normal and socially acceptable.Since people will be living independently by the age of 14-15 then problems associated with teen angst and having to deal with teenagers at home will no longer be an issue as they will be capable of fending for themselves in a less cutthroat world.Coming of age teenage movies and shows will disappear since the vast majority of teens of this age will already be well established in careers in media,law,medicine and scientific research working not just with each other but primarily working with and socialising with adults older than them(with them also considered legal adults at this point)with the only exception being in the case of the Agoge though their would be a limited amount of times you could tell the same story again and again as unlike highschool and college the Agoge will be too rigourous for them to have “problems” and like most modern teen shows would get stale after at least two decades and again they would be working with older adults and would be considered legal adults as well and thus would be no longer restricted to socialising or dating with just each other but also with older adults in their 20s,30s,40s and so on with them at least socialising with adolescents and adults in their 20s,30s and do on when even pre teens.Thus shows and movies about and featuring teens aged 14-18 would involve them socialising and dating people in their 20s,30s etc or older and being trained in their careers and as  being well established in their careers for at least a decade,dealing with careers,dealing with parenthood and dealing with the same problems that shows about adults deal with,with all “eye age shows being the same as adult shows such as Ally Mcbeal,The Practice,CSI,Greys Anatomy,Friends,Star Trek,How I Met Your Mother,The X Files,Desperate Housewives,Sex and the City,The Newsroom and so on where they carry out the same adventures and problems.In other wards they will deal with issues that adults normally deal with and them interacting with in a regular basis people who are twice or three times their age.Issues such as teen pregnancies,homosexuality,drug use and other themes currently explored in teen movies and television shows would no longer be considered taboo subjects or cliche subjects that are “verys special episodes” with concepts of teen sex with other teens and older adults no longer taboo made a big deal of.The concepts of forming cliques,fitting in,dealing with ones sexuality,drugs,being homecoming and prom king and queen,getting into college or even getting laid and worrying about learning to drive etc and other teenage “problems”will become obsolete.Teenage pregnancies are only considered a taboo in modern times because teens are usually in highschool and thus cannot support children and thus are forced to drop out of school and work minimum wage jobs for the rest of their lives and thus been a pregnant teen is usually something that destroys a teens life and their chances at careers because they are supposed to have “problems” rather than adult responsibilities.Teenage pregnancies were way more common in ancient times and prehistoric times and they as stated were also at the same time battling the elements and avoiding lions etc and hunting gazelle and thus were more mature than most teenagers of the modern age.Thus by having the brain fully mature by even during infancy at birth and to allow them to have full development in areas of the brain responsible for emotional and critical thinking as well as the uncinate fasciculus to be fully developed in infants on par with someone in their mid 30s thus by the time one ends puberty at 14 rather than at 15 they would be considered legally an adult at 14 rather than 18.As a result 14 would be the new age of majority and the age a person becomes legally an adult.When one is finished puberty by 14 they will be considered legally an adult as they will have already have the same neural maturity as someone in the thirties for at least the last ten years.People can be finished training and living by themselves at 14 and not have start careers in their chosen field but in the arts until much later on with them even starting families at 14 in their fertile peak and start their careers in that field then with the time dilation effect or even in their 20s as in normal terms and then have a family by then with work in the arts and journalism that doesnt need training done in between then.The emergence of VR technology,networks,lack of money etc will allow students to live customised lives where they do not have to submit to archaic linear cliche “traditional” value driven existences.Thus these activities and others would be considered just as acceptable and normal as in ancient times.Furthermore by having both males and females reverted to their physical appearance of the early twenties and even early teens and keeping females in their fertile peak of 14/15 forever and males in their testosterone peak of 14/15 forever through genetic engineering and microbes synthesising oestrogen and testosterone in the blood stream it will be less likely for a person to be dumped for someone younger when they turn 18 with people who crave sex with females in their fertile peak and males in their testorone peak will no longer have to just date someone in their teens or even 20s as they can do so with anyone at any age past 14 in their 20s,40s and 70s even those that are several centuries or thousands of years old with terms and concepts like trophy wife,gold digger,sexual predator,cougar etc disappearing since anyone of any age at 14 or older in the their 30s,50s and even several centuries or several thousand years old will be the same as they were in their teens forever.As a result of keeping one in their hormonal and cellular peak of their teens forever it will thus mean virtually everyone over the age of 14 will be the same as everyone else making age discrepancies gaps and obsolete.Thus even dating someone in their teens when one is several centuries old will be considered just as normal as dating one in their 30s,40s,50s etc or those several thousand years old since they will be literally no difference between them.Those already imprisoned for consensual sex with those aged 14-17 when it was illegal or entrapped for wanting to have sex with people this age will be released and pardoned.With regards to breaches of age of consent laws that qualified as statutory rape and also breach of position of trust laws pardoning and release from jail will apply to only cases where the sexual conduct was mutually consensual with the victims tracked down for each case and them giving statements only in an environment where they are not under duress or coercion from either side of the case and allowed to give a statement as to whether it was traumatic,coercive and thus actual rape or where full mutual consent was given.If the victim is able to give a statement that it was mutually consensual when they were aged 14-17 and under the local age of consent then pardoning and releasing of the prisoner will be carried but if not and the intercourse was in fact actual coercive rape then the perpetrator will remain in prison and also blotted with the record.Rape is still rape regardless of the age of consent and is still indefensible in any scenario or situation.The same may apply to sex trafficking and those entrapped by vigilante groups.Being pardoned will also mean their criminal records will be deleted and a federal apology will be made.Even pre teens as young as 5-6 years old due to fully developed neural systems would be considered on par with adults with regards to being able to grasp complex adult concepts such as politics,the humanities and the sciences and able to fend for themselves in certain situations such as online and also with regards to bullying and would no longer be restricted to socialising with people their own age even during their pre teen age.

One must reevaluate ones values and priorities and question if such infantilisation and conflation of late hebe and ephebopheilia with pedopheilia is even worth keeping at all and also note that the negative phenotypes of generation y and z are found primarily in Osirian cultures.These issues is largely a recent phenomena that arisen only because of our extended lifespans by comparison of Ancient Times.The common excuse is the whole age gap thing which is nonsense especially with the advent of immortality and eternal youth.Once we do finally achieve immortality and a person remains ageless and eternally young are we going to criticise someone dating another person who is a legal adult aged 18 or in their 20s etc and older or even of the correct local age of consent when they are several decades,centuries or thousand years older than them and there is an age gap of several centuries,or thousands of years between each individual.Stating that there is an issue with the age disparity between people will become silly especially when one can live virtually forever with concepts of a big deal of the age disparity between someone aged 500 is dating someone aged 1,500 or older or someone aged 2,000 dating or having sex with someone who is 18 or in their 20s or 30s or any age younger than 100,500 or 1,000.You are going to have to deal with the concepts of deriding someone who are dating or having sex with  someone who wasn’t born in the same century or millenia as each other and will be worrying about age gaps that range between two people that range from several centuries and several thousands of years if not even wider and longer and not decades and single digits.The “creepiness rule” currently relates that the youngest you should date is half your age plus seven with the less commonly used corollary is that the oldest you should date is “subtract seven from your age and double it.”Once one is immortal these will have to be thrown our the window since we are now going to have to deal with age gaps between married or dating couples ranging from not just several years,decades but also several centuries,several thousands of years or even several millions of years.Such classics will include is there a reason why you don’t date someone who is from your own century or millenia or why are you dating someone who is old enough to be your great,great,great,great,great grandparent or why are you dating someone young enough to be your great,great,great,great,great grandchild?Is there a reason why you only date people who are several decades or centuries old and not older say several thousands of years old?The term age is just a number will be completely irrelevant relevant once humans become immortal and ageless as you are going to have to deal with issues of people being exactly the same at the age of 500 when they were at 14-18.The concept of age gaps will become obsolete since through extensive genetic engineering people will at 14 be exactly the same in terms of neural development and physical looks than someone who is several centuries or thousands of years old meaning the concepts of their being an physical or emotional difference will be considered archaic notions.One day and hopefully soon humans will become immortal and we will finally beat ageing and also cancer and most of not all diseases and when that day comes we are going to have deal with the fact that people who are several centuries or thousands of years old will be indistinguishable from people who are not that old and we are going to have to end this vulnerable teenager crap once and for all or else they will be vulnerable children when they are at least 500 – 900 years old.Better to drop the end of childhood to 14 when puberty ends rather than raising up a 1,000 years old.Rather than having people grow downhill and be kids at 500 years old we will have them mature responsible adults at 14.When that happens grooming of underage minors and sexual predation or even dating people of only a specific age group similar to Leonardo Di Caprio will come to an end as people who are in their 20s,30s or those several centuries old will be completely indistinguishable from each other but also those in their teenage years thus putting an end grooming of underage minors etc as one will be indistinguishable at several centuries old than in their 20s or teens with anyone who is dating a teenager aged 14-19 will only do so because they find that person’s personality attractive and thus are interested in dating especially when progeria mylinisation and VR technology etc make them mature individuals on par with someone their 30s with them taking part in journalism,live news and scientific research and creation of new movies,video games etc.Once VR technology and its time dilation effect is perfected pre teens will be spending decades,centuries or thousands of years in simulations via the time dilation effect so by the time they are 14 they will have the life experience of a person who is several centuries old.notions such as our attitudes to promiscuity and chastity will also have to change with such as classics as – Are you still a Virgin at 200,500 or even a 1,000 years old?Will being a virgin when one is several centuries old be a big deal since one has eternity to be promiscuous?Instead of having say 50-100 or even a thousand sexual partners we are going to have to deal with the concept of having hundreds of thousands,millions or even billions of sexual partners.When one has the capacity to sleep with an almost infinite number of people when does one become promiscuous?What is the new benchmark of promiscuity?About 500 sexual partners?A 1,000 sexual partners or even a 1,000,000,000 sexual partners?The term promiscuous is usually only set at around a few dozen and les than a hundred because of our short lifespans so when one is immortal do we raise that number to something as high a a billion sexual partners?When does it come to the point that someone becomes a sex addict and would it be normal to go centuries or thousands of years without sex either within the confines of or outside of monogamous relationships?When humans do become immortal and eternally young what is the benchmark for when one will no longer be “just a kid”?Similar to how extended lifespans in comparison to Ancient Times one can be labelled a kid at just 15,18 or 25 will we have people being labelled just a kid at 90 years old?just a kid at 200 years old?just a kid at 1,000 years old? or just a kid at 5,000 years old?Once immortal and eternally young when does the term being a kid no longer apply?If a person does die will they when they died be considered just 100 years old or they died at just 500 years old?What is the benchmark for being too young to die?What is the benchmark for too young to marry or accept adult responsibilities?Will we be allowed to use the excuse that they are not mature enough to deal with and understand the consequences of their actions such as murder and genocide etc when they are a child at only 500 years old?Will committing war crimes,genocide and mass shootings when one is a vulnerable 500 year old and be charged as a minor and thus get a more lenient sentencing now be the norm and they can get away Scot free just how teenagers can get away Scot free for their crimes.Should the war crimes and genocide of Bashar al-Assad,George Bush Jr,Nancy Pelosi,Donald Trump,Vladamir Putin,Benjamin Netanyahu,Hamas,the Saudi governments etc now be excused by future generations of immortal people like historians by the fact that they are immature 70-80 year old kids who are immature children unable to understand the consequences of their actions?Is that why war criminals like Vladamir Putin,Bashar al-Assad,Nancy Pelosi,Donald Trump,Benjamin Netanyahu and George Bush Jr etc nowadays are allowed to get away Scot free by the UN because they are just kids who should be excused by being unable to understand the consequences of their actions because they are just kids?If you look at the actions and behaviour of  Vladamir Putin,Bashir al Assad,Nancy Pelosi,Donald Trump,Benjamin Netanyahu and George Bush Jr they don’t seem to have any semblance of maturity associated with adulthood despite being in their 70s and 80s.They are big whiny babies in their 70s and 80s who have kindergarten level understandings of politics,economics,history,think nothing of the consequences of their actions,can’t understand the complexities of their actions,the complexities of the adult world and whine and throw temper tantrums like little pre teens about them darn liberals,the darn constitution and rule of law,size of their crowds,the big bad UN and their silly little human rights conventions against committing war crimes and genocide and the safeguards in the constitution with them no different than the tantrums thrown by spoiled sweet sixteeners who dont get a luxury vehicle worth hundreds of thousands of dollars as their first car – and if they were to become immortal and eternally young they would still be big whiny babies when they would be several thousand years old.Should people who commit war crimes and genocide as adults in positions of power and carry out mass shootings and kill black people for stupid reasons and get away with it are people who get away Scot free are allowed to do so because they don’t understand the consequences of their actions because they haven’t themselves matured passed the age of 12 and were always were allowed to get away Scot free as a teenagers and pre teens and are usually people who were allowed to play the victim card as teens and pre teens and were always allowed to do so.They got away with a slap on the wrist as pre teens and teens and are continuing to be allowed get away with a slap on the wrist as adults.Since they don’t know better as teenagers then they will never know better as adults.The Karen’s in America allowed to act they way are like kindergarteners at the age of 40-50 years old because they are vulnerable children who are unable to understand the consequences of their crimes.Are people allowed to commit and get away with mass shootings and get away with killing black people because they are vulnerable children who don’t understand the consequences of their actions.This what I mean when I say Infantilisation and victimisation of teenagers is dangerous because if their not held accountable for their actions and allowed to play the victim card forever then they will be allowed to get away carrying out more serious crimes when they are adults such as genocide and war crimes with zero consequences because after all they are still just children who don’t know better and are not yet mature enough to understand or be responsible for their actions and are allowed the excuse of being a vulnerable child at 50-80 years old and always be the victim then they will never ever be punished for crimes including killing others people and committing mass genocide etc when they are adults who are given the excuse that they are just kids or vulnerable and allowed to get away Scot free.After all war criminals and genocidal maniacs they are just vulnerable children who don’t understand the consequences of their actions and never grew up past the age of 12 and are still and always be able to play the victim card because they were always allowed to get away Scot free for everything and were never disciplined as a child and teenager because only uncivilised children would carry out war crimes and genocide.This is why victimising teenagers is dangerous because if they are always allowed to play the victim card they will never grow up and they end up committing war crimes,genoicide and shoot Black people and never get punished for those crimes because they were never made to mature as kids.They do whatever they want and play the victim card when they are in there later years in positions of power and continue to play the victim card when they are carrying out mass genocide and war crimes.They can carry out mass shootings against black people,children,carry out terrorist attacks  and get away scot free because they always have gotten away Scot free and always will get away Scot free.People who commit war crimes and genocide and mass shootings and police officers who kill black people and get away Scot free were probably vulnerable teenagers who didn’t know better and still don’t know better as adults because they are always allowed to be just kids and never told that actions have consequences.They in their warped mentality are always the vulnerable the victims and always will be the victims.Treat someone like a vulnerable snowflake who doesn’t know better and they will never know better.People who are allowed to get away for something because they are vulnerable teenagers will always be able to carry out more serious crimes such as genocide and war crimes when they are much older and get away with it especially when the age of criminal responsibility states you are as underage minor allowed to be held held accountable for their.Just because your a teenager does not rescind you for taking responsibility for your actions and being a mature responsible person.Victimising teens and pre teens is creating a generations of war criminals,mass murders and mass shooters.Those bratty little sweet sixteeners who throw temper tantrums over not getting what they want and are never told no etc and never disciplined  and those SJWs on college campuses they are the future generations of war criminals and corrupt politicians on par with Stalin,Mao,Hitler,Mussolini,Assad etc and is going get worse once humans becomes immortal because you know when someone is just a kid at 500 or 1,000 years old you know they can commit all the war crimes and genoicide they want and  still use the excuse..Better to teach them the lesson that actions have consequences as “teens” then never.Ask yourself the question why is it these problems such as mass genocide,war crimes and mass shootings don’t exist in more liberal countries with ages of consent between 14-17?Once humans become immortal and then only punish war criminals once they commit war crimes when they are at least 1,000 years old.When one becomes immortal do adult responsibilities and leaving the homes of mammy and daddy become even more delayed and then we wait until one is at least several thousand years old to finally leave the nest and does staying living at home with mammy and daddy when one is several centuries or thousands old become socially acceptable?Do we extend the end of childhood and the age one legally becomes an adult and finally leaves the nest and harbour adult responsibilities to something such as when one reaches 5,000 years old?Should 10,000 years old  be the new age of majority instead of 14 or 18 years old?Do we delay the transition to adulthood even further by several centuries or millenia just like we have delayed the development of adulthood by several decades due to our lifespans becoming longer since the begging of the 20th century?Should people be considered just a vulnerable “kid” at 90 years old,100 years old or even 500 years old who need protection from the scary adult world and child sexual predators who are unable to understand the complexities of the adult?Could a person be considered middle aged at a 5,000 years old?Will they finally be able to deal with the complexities of the adult world and finally take time to mature into adults after an extra few centuries or extra few thousand years of childhood?Will a 2,000 year dating and having sex with a 20,40,60,100,300,500,900 year olds now be considered statutory rape,sexual predation,icky,creepy,pedopheilia,child abuse and molestation?Will Jared Leto,Madonna or someone else once they are at least 1,000 years old still be considered a predator and creepy when they have a preference for dating only people who are now only 500-600 years old?Will Leonardo DiCaprio when he is 10,000 years old be criticised for dating only 500-600 year old models or will he still at a 10,000 years old date only 18-25 years old models?Will once the age of majority is lowered to 14 years old will he now only date 14-25 years old when he is several hundred years old?Will the term “I like them young” or like Jeffrey Epstein “on the younger side” now refer to having a preference for only underage 200-300 year olds?Will the phrase he/she is mature for their age refer to underage 200-300 year olds?Will the term age is just a number mean anything when people in relationships have age gaps involving several centuries or thousands of years between each other?Will Forbes now have a list of the Top 100 under 100 or Top 500 under 500?Will we give actors,directors etc lifetime achievement awards every few decades or few centuries or will they go out of style forever due to people never growing old and dying?Will the term once in a lifetime experience or once in lifetime chance etc now become a thing of the past when we have an eternity to experience everything?How long will it take someone to become a veteran or expert in something – several centuries or thousand years?At what point does one gain the maturity and life experience to become members of Congress and the President and for the wisdom of old age to run the world effectively;500 years old or 1,000 years old?How many years serving in politics and Congress etc will one finally have the experience to become president?Will Keanu Reeves or someone else be considered a lothoria and Casanova when he only has a preference for older women who instead of being several decades older than him are now several centuries older than him?Will Bill Maher or someone else now be considered creepy when he is 2,000 years old and is still lusting after 20 year olds like the Hawk Tuah Girl?Will teenage males have the bragging rights of losing their virginity to a women who is at least several hundred years old than him rather than someone a decade older?Will female teenagers who lose it to a male who is several hundred years older be considered a victim?Will cougars be someone who has preferences for men centuries younger than them?Will the terms DILFs and MILFs be reserved for those aged at 5,000 years old?Will one work the same job forever or retire forever when they reach say several hundred years old or return to work after several centuries of retirement?Will those who commit murder and rape not be deterred by spending decades or centuries in jail since they will be eventually set free after it?Will this mean that they will reoffend once set free since they are technically immortal and thus will be likely to be able to spend another few centuries in jail?Will sentences for serious crimes involve hundreds,thousands or millions of years in prison and will life imprisonment without parole now involve literally spending an eternity in prison forever?Does living with mammy and daddy and doing absolutely nothing with your life but playing video games when one is several centuries or several thousand years old now be considered socially acceptable?Will having a babysitter to look after you when you are 500 years old when mammy and daddy are out partying now be considered socially acceptable?Should those who choose to save their virginity for marriage and that special someone wait at least until they’re 1,500 years old to lose their virginity?Will being a several hundred year old virgin be no longer stigmatised once one has an eternity to be promiscuous?Will people stay mentally preteens for a few centuries before reaching adolescence at say the age of 600-900 years old and then most people will be having to start have sex at say between the ages of 700-800 years old?Will plot lines in movies and television shows normally involving 14-18 years now involve 600-900 year olds?Will the actors who play those characters be at least several thousand years old?Will all existing pornographic movies and pornographic photos that involve 18-40 year olds or older and anyone under the age of 5,000 years old now be considered child pornography and hence illegal?Will porn stars aged 500 – 1,000 years old who engage in sexual intercourse in the production of pornography with 18-40 year olds now be considered creepy sexual predators?Should Chris Hansen or other assholes now get involved in sting operations to catch sexual predators grooming “vulnerable” children on To Catch a Predator who are 70,90,100,500,600,900 years old?Will teachers who have sex with 500 or 600 year old students be covered by position of trust laws and now be jailed and labelled sex offenders and predators when they have sex with 500 or 600 year old students?Where does the line have to be drawn?Will carrying out mass genoicide,war crimes and mass shootings as a 500,700 year old child allow you to use the just a kid who doesn’t know better excuse and get away Scot free?This is the absurdity we are going to have start dealing with the advent of immortality and our insistence on delaying adulthood exponentially in relation to longer lifespans.Its better to have 4 less years of childhood than an extra 982 years of childhood.Most people will likely “play the field” for a few centuries or few thousand years or even significantly longer before settling down into monogomous relationships in the form of marriage with them likely putting off having children for several centuries or thousands of years.Then of course people may instead of getting divorced and then married a few times in their lifetime may get divorced and married dozens,hundreds and thousands of times.Otherwise people may never have children,never get married or even never engage in monogomous relationships and stay forever single and forever play the field for all of eternity.Then of course there is the exact opposite wherein people may choose to wait until they are at least several centuries or several thousand years old to be chaste before finally popping the cherry either within or outside the confines of marriage.When one is immortal does staying a virgin or single until your at least several hundred or few thousand years old become just as stigmatised and a big deal as staying one until they are in their 20s and 30s etc in modern times?Being an adult virgin in your 20s or 30s is only a big deal because we only have a brief window of opportunity in our teens,20s and possibly 30s to play the field and when we reach 40-50 it’s too late to not only settle down into a monogamous relationship but also even be promiscuous with once immortal that will be a big problem.Once immortal and eternally young one will have an eternity to play the field so does staying chaste for several centuries or thousands of years now become socially acceptable or will it be just as stigmatised?Instead of the 40 year old Virgin we will have the 5,000 year old virgin.Being single and in your 40s etc is a big deal because you then begin to get old and you will only have 20 years until elderly age.Our whole attitude to both the concepts of chastity and promiscuosity and even monogamy will have to be reanalysed once we become immortal.Then of course when one is immortal does living with mammy and daddy when one is several centuries or several thousand years old now become socially acceptable, what will married couples have to do with their marriage when they don’t want children anymore or they reach the 64,000,000,000,000 mark that is the finite amount of genetically distinct children a pair of male and female can have and what to do when they run out of names to call them.Do married couples decide to literally spend eternity with each other or will people get married to someone new every few decades or centuries and rack up hundreds or thousands of marriages.Monogomous relationships worked when we had a short lifespan with humans becoming immortal monogomous relationships will be reevaluated because the concept of staying faithful to just one person for all of eternity will be impossible.Although one will be living by themselves by the age of 14 the new age of adulthood they will have time to focus on their careers and even switch back between multiple careers at once.Then of course there are people who can knock up at least several hundred or thousand marriages and divorces with monogamous relationships within marriages lasting several decades or centuries at a time before divorcing and marrying someone else.Furthermore we have to deal with the limitations of human memory such as how much of infinity can we truly remember,how many escapades,how many adventures such as holidays,birthdays,anniversaries etc can we remember,how many sexual encounters and sexual partners and even monogomous relationships that lasted several thousand,million or billions of years,how many sudden events,life changing events or specific walks and carrying out of our favourite hobbies can we remember and how much of the universes potentially finite scientific knowledge(as well as that of the finite or infinite amount of the multiverse)and potential infinite art/media/history/mythology and can we remember and learn even with even if we have the ability to download and store on biological harddrives whole millenia or billions of years worth of memories or even longer where does that get stored.What happens when we reach our technological peak?What is left for researchers when we have mapped the genome of all sentient and non sentient species of plants animals and micro-organisms and discovered all laws of physics,chemistry and biology in the universe or even multiverse.What happens when there is nothing left to discover in the sciences.What happens to science fiction when we have no more technologies to hypothesise and how do we differentiate between both science fiction novels and television shows and dramas etc when we have explored all of the universe or even multiverse and have nothing left to technically explore.What happens when they are no new mathematical problems to solve and no new fields of mathematics to discover.What happens when we run out of new ideas for tropes,movies,video games or new fresh spins on them.Will each holiday etc be considered run of the mill and something to get done over with rather than a luxury that it is in our finite lifespans.Then of course there is the issue of what to do when you run out of numbers to denote a persons age such as when you enter the age range of Googleplex or higher and how to make up new numbers that go onto infinity to assign to ones age and how to write that out on paper or ones Wikipedia and Polis page or in digital e-newspapers and even both birthday cards and birthday cakes as well as anniversary cards – do we simply just stop denoting ones age and stop giving us a number of ages to be signed and simply stop saying  “I am “x” amount of years old” at a certain point and which point is that and how to assign large potentially infinite numbers to things like as to what year it is – do we simply assign different symbols or annotations such as BC and AD every few thousand,million of billion years or at the start of each Satya Yuga cycle or every few thousand,million or billion cycles and to things like how many times a YouTube video has been viewed and how many times a media has been viewed online or Dionysus and Pheme etc(do we just stop a set number that can be written out in single digits or remove this completely).Will we once reach a set age,set number of views just put in a symbol that denotes we no longer use new numbers.Furthermore the same has to occur when we begin colonising not just the universe but the even the multiverse especially using megastructures such ringworlds,dyson shells and alderson discs and the population of humans and other sentient life forms goes into the realm of absurdly high numbers alongside the credits that each actor or writer has to how many movies etc they have produced.Since to write out a googleplex would take up more space than all available space in the observable universe there’s going to a point that we just simply run out using numbers to denote things such as stated our age,the year it is and also the viewing totals of YouTube videos and media on Dionysus etc.Then of course there is  the issue of  how to deal with  the concepts of spending eternity married to the same person or spend time with the same finite amount of people and also wonder whether there are a finite or infinite permutations or human DNA and thus different voices and faces,finite amount of names for people,finite amount of names for villages/towns/cities and planets etc.finite amount of species of plants and animals etc that can evolve or be created through genetic engineering,finite amount of chemical compounds,finite amount of flavours/scents/smells/patterns etc in crops/plants/meat etc created naturally or even from genetic engineering,finite amount of manufactured products of each type to exist,finite amount of new movies/television shows/video games/music videos/mythology to create and view,a finite amount of exercises that Agoge and other mentors both human and AI can design,a finite amount of unsolved mysteries that are solved,a finite amount of technologies to exist as well as finite amount of planet terrain formations,a finite amount of physical and chemical laws and finite amount of permutations of these in both the universe and even the multiverse and so on and if there is a finite amount then what happens next?What happens when we have discovered everything in terms of physics,biology and chemistry and each subfield – do scientific researchers no longer exist when everything is discovered and what do they then do in their spare time?At which point do futurists and scientific researchers become obsolete?What drives humanity when there is nothing left to explore both scientifically or literary?What happens to futurists when there is nothing left to speculate on the future and no new technologies or scientific concepts to imagine?What new technologies do science fiction writers develop when they are no new technologies to develop?What is their for humanity to strive for when poverty,war,famine and disease have been wiped out?What happens to news reporters and political correspondents when there are no new murders,scandles or political conflicts?What happens to police officers and military personnel of world peace lasts forever and there are no new conflicts or crimes to deal with?If the state does dissapear as per proper communism then what how does society function?What happens if no new manufactured products or technologies can be created?If there is an infinite number of these then also what next?If there is an infinite number of potential plant and animal species,chemical and physical laws and terrains then what how do we consider ourself an expert on what is essentially infinite?If there is an infinite amount of plants and animals across the multiverse and from genetic engineering and infinite number of raw elements etc how do we create an infinite number of names.Can there be an infinite number of names for chemical elements,plants,animals,compounds,planets,towns,villages,jungles,deserts,mountains etc or even universes across the multiverse?How do we keep ourselves going onto infinity and if their is an infinite number of things how do we become experts on the infinite?.If humans can only have a finite understanding as well as memory etc and AI can have an infinite level of memory and understanding which one is likely to get bored and envious of the other before they are driven to perpetual misery from boredom and omniscience of having seen literally everything.What happens to Christianity,Islam,Buddhisms,Hinduism and Judaism etc if we manage to disprove without a doubt the existence of God or an afterlife or even reincarnation?What happens to atheism if we can prove the existence of God or God(s) and an afterlife or reincarnation and for that matter again what happens to Christianity,Buddhism,Hinduism,Islam and Judaism as well.These are the philosophical and metaphysical concepts we are going to have to deal with and be having to grasp with right now as a society when dealing with the concept of an indefinite lifespan and wanting to stay alive forever and grasping the concept of infinity in comparison to either possible oblivion and cessation of existence or eventual possible boredom in the form of higher forms of existence being the alternatives upon death or upon possible physical and spiritual ascension to higher dimensions and if this is unable to lead to boredom then avoiding it due to purely being afraid of the unknown of what lies beyond death and thus choosing to stay forever out of fear of their being nothing after death or it too would eventually lead to boredom.We are going to have to vastly reevaluate what it means to human in the first place with the term and concept of “the human condition” being either completely modified or abandoned completely into the garbage bin to history with us making complete restructuring made to the concept of “the human experience” and our societal structures and social mores.Instead of living the same cliche lives as everyone else and that of our ancestors each of us are going to live completely unique lives from each other that are varied from each other and unique from each other.Instead of short term goals we are going to have now take into account long term goals due to the fact that we are going to live centuries,thousands of years or longer if not forever thus meaning we will have to rethink how are lives are lived with this taking into long term concepts such as relationships,environmental problems,geopolitical situations etc with an example is the fact that we constantly push back combating climate change only because we only live only a few decades and say it will be for our descendants to solve but now because we will be immortal and eternally young we are going to have to deal with the fact that we ourselves are going to live long enough to see the reality of climate changes effects being felt by us meaning we are going to have deal with the issue itself with this applying for other issues.This means we cannot just stall action on combating it anymore because there are people in their 30-50s etc will live long enough to become immortal and thus live through its effects.This does not just apply to climate change but everything – rather than a quick fix and sugar rush we are going to have to deal with long term consequences of our actions and everything.This will be discussed later in one of my future blogs in the blog section


Thus we can see that this victimisation of teens by Osirian governments and values in primarily Britain,America,Ireland where the separation of church and state is thin causes them be immature,prone to trouble and accentuate stereotypes of adolescence thus creating the very regressive left and also social justice warriors they fight against by crushing any impetus of critical thinking,emotional maturity in pre teens and teens leaving them by their late teens upon adulthood to be unable to critically think and also stabilise emotions that further feeds the Osirian right causing a positive feedback loop based on prepositions of what an adult and teenager is as even in adult both sides of the political spectrum become emotionally and politically decisive and immature as if they never grew out out of adolescence.In the ancient Isis-Osirian and even the medieval Osirian societies and well into the middle century of the Silent Generation and Baby Boomer era by which time the current ages of consent of 16-18 in Osirian cultures were established,there was no such thing as a “teenager” or “kid” – the term “youth” did exist and was not associated with the same negative pejorative connotations as teenager as it does today as they were expected to exhibit the same maturity as someone in the 30s if not 20s and it usually implied new ideas and responsibilities.In fact the words “teenager,kid,minor,vulnerable teenager,grooming,sexual predator,underage” dates back only as far as the 1940s-1950s at the peak of the Horusian Aeon right about the time social degeneration really began and the cliche characters of this aberration began to form roughly 70-80 years or 0.035-0.040% of our history.Its about the time that coming of age stories in movies,television shows and books appeared especially those set in high school and also the time that minors were no longer allowed to work on farms or factories or any job outside of waitering until their mid 20s right about the time that society went downhill.Prior to this children as young as 5-6 years old were working on farms,in factories and other jobs we consider as too dangerous and only reserved for adults in their 20s and so on.It doesn’t exist in the lexicon of the English or indeed other languages of the world prior to that.In fact these terms only seem to be in the modern lexicon of a few countries namely America,Australia and Britain.Prior to the 1950s most teens and pre teens were simply too busy working on the farm,factories and in we consider dangerous,labourious adult jobs to be worrying about “problems” and their sweet sixteen parties..Cliche teen movie and television shows dealing with their “problems” in fact exist predominantly in only handful of countries namely America,Britain and Australia and to a small extent China and Japan but is by comparison only minuscule and even then they are nowhere near what is considered normal in America.Many countries in South America and Europe have soaps and movies involving adults in their 20s,30s or older dating and having sexual intercourse with teens aged 14-17 and not a single eyelid is batted because it’s not a big deal due to cultural factors.Breaches of age of consent laws and also position of trust laws are not as severe and usually are sentenced on a case by case basis with their issue of their being double standards of the victim being either male or female non existent and in fact breaches of age of consent laws rarely occur in countries with lower ages of cities sent in between 13-15.Behaviour we normally associate as acceptable by teenagers in America,Australia etc would be unacceptable in other more liberal countries across South America,Asia,Europe and in fact frowned upon and squashed out and certainly in ancient times and prehistoric times.People from the rest of the world when look at the behaviour of teenagers and college students in America they laugh their asses of because America are the laughing stock of the rest of the world.People in Europe,Asia,South America etc when they watch SJWs on college campuses,Dr Phil and shows like My Super Sweet Sixteener or what even qualifies as politics in Congress they are laughing at Americans because you’ve created a generation of spoiled bratty infants that are the laughing stock of the rest of the world.The so called sick progressive world with ages of consent between 13-15 consider America the trash heap it well truly has become due to conservatives infantilising teens and adults.You see when people from other countries look in on you they are not laughing with you they’re laughing at you.Those progressive countries have almost no mass shootings,they have universal healthcare etc they are completely civilised can engage in debates without resorting to name calling unlike the trash heap that America has become due to conservative values.In Medievil times one was considered an adult by the time they were 12 and were already working as farmers,blacksmiths,soldiers,miners,builders,craftsmen and other labourious and dangerous jobs we normally associate with adults.Children who were pre teens and adolescents of the Victorian and Industrial age were on the whole breadwinners of the house not just the parents by working in factories,textile mills for most of the day,seven days a week and for literally a pittance while in the 19th and 20th centuries they were working in farms currently assigned to the lower classes which would have moulded them into mature individuals during their teens and pre teens.People we would now think of as being too young to make mature decisions were expected to handle adult responsibilities as being a teenager didnt automatically rescinding one from practising self control and being mature and in fact it was expected for a teen to show the same maturity as their older peers regardless of the neural development.Scrapping of archaic child labour laws is what needs to be done.Alexander the Great,for instance,was appointed the regent of Macedonia at 16 when his father,Philip,left to invade Thrace thus placing him in complete control of the country at this “young” age when most teens today are worrying about exams,fitting into cliques,being allowed to go to parties,learning to drive,curfew,summer jobs and peer pressure as well as being considered “just some kid” by modern society at large,was dealing with the responsibilities and complexities of managing and expanding an entire empire spanning not just Macedonia but over the remaining sixteen years if his life when most people deal with college life and then cliche careers and starting families had conquered most of the entire ancient world of the time by the time of his death at 32 – a feat that even by today standards would be considered amazing or prodigious since the lowest age one could become elected officials in modern countries even in the local or federal levels today is usually 32-40 itself and when people like the new wave of Democratic Socialists like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez are being peddled by critics for relevant ideas as being too young and clueless to even be taken seriously.His spread of civilisation was nowhere as terrible as the Osirian war crimes,slaughter of civilians and human rights abuses incurred in the name of spreading democracy and fighting over religions and oil in modern times by so called adults and his legacy was primarily in how much infrastructure and cities and towns he built not demolishing them and countries he unified under one banner.Put simply as “a kid” despite his own flaws he achieved more than any modern day general or president has done with zero human rights abuses etc.Hu Qubing become commander of troops at 18,general at 19 and died at 23.At 16,a peasant by the name of Jeanne d’Arc was taking her first steps into historical prominence by having the gall to approach a garrison commander to tell him how to do his job by her volition.At 15,one Charles Algernon Parsons was busy inventing the precursor to the modern automobile.Mozart was composing his first masterpieces at the tender ages of 8 years old.At 16,Julius Caesar was heading his family after his father’s death thus preparing him for his role as leader.Tutankhamun was appointed Pharoh of Egypt at the tender age of 9 or 10 years old and ruling the entire country until his death at 18 when people are considered adults and thus eligible to vote.Aisin-Gioro Puyi was crowned the very last Emperor of China in 1908 at the age of 2 and reigned until the age 8 years old in 1912.History is littered with Queens,Monarchs and Emperors who gained control of the throne between the ages of one to five years old with their rulership lasting until middle age and had to deal with adult responsibilities involving the complexities of ruling an entire country or even empire at birth that in todays society would be relegated by law to someone once they reached or even past middle age.Such examples include King Rukirabasaija Oyo Nyimba Kabamba Iguru Rukidi IV of the Toro Kingdom in Uganda crowned at the age of 3 now}[,Richard II ascended to the throne aged 10 and was deposed at the age of 32,King Sobhuza II of Swaziland was crowned at the age of four months old until his death at 82,James V was crowned king at seventeen months old until his death at 30,his daughter Mary Queen of Scots was crowned when she was six days old until the age of 25,her son James VI at 13 months old and ruled until the age of 38,Alfonso XIII of Spain was crowned upon birth and ruled until the age of 54 with Shah Shapur II crowned while still in inutero and not even born with him ruling the Sassanid Empire until he was 70.Even though they may have had regents they were still expected to become accustomed and educated very early on in the goings on their countries politics and developments and those going on across the world very early on and had to have a good or advanced understanding of these during their childhood and teenage years compared to todays youth despite not actually being fully in control they were still expected early on to be familiar and partake in most customs and responsibilities.They were in essence treated like and expected to act like grown up monarchs when even prepubescent children and still under the tutelage of regents.Furthermore it is littered with people mature in there teens and even pre teens were busy shaping the world in their careers that most people only start doing in their 20s and 30s.Had these people simply stayed in school or at home and lived the same lives as most modern teens and shut down from doing what they did via obedience then history would be very different and not for the better as they showed maturity way beyond there years even more than what most so called adults of the modern age.Most were introduced to their future spouses in their teens and even pre teen years in some cases even much much older than them in their 20s and 30s with marriage and sexual intercourse initiated between the ages of 14/15.This in contrast to more modern children and teenagers that usually dont have their first ounce of responsibility until there first job in their mid twenties or later and even though they are eligible to vote at 18 they are still on the whole politically,economically and historically illiterate in politics and economics in their own country nevermind that of global geopolitics largely due the admonishment of curiosity learning in schools but also them being viewed by society as “just kids” and they haven’t had their first ounce of responsibility ever.Concepts of underage teens or hell even preteens denied political responsibilities or considered too young to understand the complexities of the adult world or engage in adult occupations in media, journalism and scientific research are debunked by this and the fact that a 70 something man child in the form of Donald Trump with the so called wisdom and responsibility of adulthood that is supposed to denote the concept that wisdom is endowed to people through experience and their advanced age and the elderly who became the leader of a country despite having  the IQ of an onion(much like his supporters) was in charge of Iran,the Coronavirus pandemic and the future of the planet and did a pretty terrible bang up job of it makes it moot.He a person of his advanced age which is usually supposed to denote wisdom and experience and maturity led to us nearly being dragged into WWW 3,led to mass genocide of his own citizens etc and led to us losing more time to address climate change and us still in Iraq and Afghanistan and doing so to spite those damn liberals.Even a 5-10 year old could have handled the Coranvirus,Iran and the future of the planet better than Trump.The same goes for the entirety of Congress etc.Hell a 5-10 year old could have handled Iraq,Afghanistan and the War on Terror much better.You see in many cultures the elderly are looked upon as vestiges of wisdom and people who of advanced age are chosen as leaders or consulting on important military and public decisions because they’ve thrown away old feuds and don’t make rash decisions and judgements based on emotions and immaturity like children often do.Donald Trump and indeed most of the RNC/DNC threw this out the window like a big man child and are doing everything they can to stall the actual progressive ideas and reforms we need.Only in America can this happen – America first everyone,America first.Advanced age unfortunately does not imply maturity and wisdom of the ages.Even most adults in their 30s and 40s particularly in Osirian countries dont have much of an understanding of international or even national geopolitics – the fact that roughly 73,000,000 American adults cant even locate their own country on a map of the world and that 100,000,000 believe the Earth and universe is only 6,000 – 10,000 years old,and most people in any Osirian countries such as America and Britain cant even list their own countries main politicians and members of the royal families let alone be knowledgeable on the complexities of their own countries history and international politics denotes this alongside the prevalence of scientific illiteracy and conspiracy theories amongst so called adults in these cultures proves my point.When you have a few adults unable to do so in your country that may be excusable because of ignorance,this occurs in every country – but when large sections of your population ranging in the tens of millions who are adults in their 30s and 40s are incapable of such basic knowledge of their own countries history,geography etc and understanding of economics,politics,reality that’s a sign of societal decline – and it’s an national embarrassment for which there is no excuse for.Either for both America and Britain mental retardation and low IQs is prevalent in the genepool or ignorance is written into the very fabric of your society or both either way it’s a sign of societal breakdown and it’s why your the laughing stock of the rest of the world.This can also apply to the avalanche of immature elementary school level bickering amongst political ideologies,inability to get ones facts straight,poor critical thinking skills and long term planning in terms of foreign policy,reckless environmental destruction,government and corporate coverups/corruption/scandals/irresponsibility,scientific/historic/political/economic illiteracy,censorship,perpetual endemic warfare over petty issues and imperialism,corruption,racism,misogyny,religious fundamentalism and also acceptance and proliferation of conspiracy theories,peer pressure to fall in line with this amongst so called “adults” who are supposed to exhibit critical and emotional maturity and should by their own standards know better that proliferates in primarily Osirian cultures with Isis-Osirian cultures having it less pronounced and more dealt with through intelligent debate and is likely the result of the result of celestial age.Isis-Osirian cultures that have these proliferating do so usually under Osirian governments or under the influence of Osirian cultures.“He that without sin among you,let him first cast stone”.There is nothing more pathetic and hypocritical about spouting how great nationalism and patriotism is especially for Americans and Britains when large sections of your own population especially conservatives as legal adults in their 30s and 40s are unable to understand even the most basic facts especially about history,economics,politics and geography and reality of their own native country that kindergarteners would understand and the entire country is essentially full of slack-jawed yokels.The difference and the audacity to admit when they are wrong between the Osirian and Isis-Osirian is this-one has class and standards the other doesnt – try and think about which one is which.This is probably the root of the mid life crisis in the Osirian culture as one has spent the vast majority of their pre teen and teen years wasting away their youth being babysat and stuck at home and dont really do anything until their mid twenties or even thirties usually in jobs that are cliche and irrelevant and then wake up one day in their, fifties or even forties realising theyve wasted their lives just like everyone else as a result of Osirian values – just another cog in the machine.Hence the term youth is wasted on the young.The mid-life crises is really only a recent phenomenon because we are forced into linear cliché patterns of life.In otherwards everyone is expected to act and think the same as everyone else at each set age of their lives and any deviations to this is to be quashed.At forty or even thirty you’ve already wasted over half of your life on being babysat and the last half of your life had been spent doing worthless jobs.People turning 30 years old is a big deal nowadays because your pushing middle age and you’ve just wasted 73% of your life on being babysat in school and college wheras in prehistoric times you’d be dead or at least past elderly age by now.People turning 40 Is a big deal because your middle age and you’ve just wasted 55% of your live being babysat.The older education systems such as pedreastric mentor mentoree systems of ancient Japan,Greece,Sparta and Egypt where students were expected to question and use critical thinking and where one on one imparting of knowledge and where they were expected to interact with older individuals at a young age and not just their own peers and where the purpose of education was to become a member of society and not just fitted into an occupation and where concepts we normally expect to be relegated to college ie when one reaches the age of 18 were normally taught at much younger ages ie 12 or even younger was completely different from the modern industrial system where students are educated into occupations in batches decided by their age and critical and emotional development is stunted and punisheable thus allowing the fostering of peer pressure,materialism,fitting into cliques,homophobia,spoiled teenage princesses and other modern problems associated with modern highschools and even colleges which are purely modern constructs primarily in Osirian cultures and in part the “Me” generation of 20th century capitalism espoused by objectivists and followers of Ayn Rand,Milton Friedman,Adam Smith etc.What we consider typical teenage behaviour and sterotypes are purely a modern phenomena of Osirian cultures emerging only in the last 70-80 years much like the nuclear traditional family of one mother,one father and two point five kids and other “traditional” values with their being no references to their being teen angst,rebelliousness,formation of cliques or cliche coming of age stories in records of ancient or even medieval times with even the industrial revolution having no records since such attributes have only manifested in the last century and a half reaching prominence in the latter half of the 20th century.Any records of such attributes are scant and are usually accepted as the exception and not the rule meaning them occurring occurred very infrequently with them occurring less frequently in Isis-Osirian societies both ancient and modern with in ancient times it usually quashed through discipline and social expectations.In short this phenomena has only been around for roughly 0.05% of our entire 200,000 history on Earth.These are likely the result of the authoritative nature of the Osirian Aeon have with the latter two centuries of the Osirian Aeon and emergence and full swing of the Horusian Aeon came into effect that has in short created an artificial stereotyping and behaviour patterns that are in fact against normal human or indeed animal behaviour.It’s also about the time conservatism in both America etc began to take hold alongside capitalism domineering communism in the west.Thus the American patriarchal cultural imperialism over liberalism and its attempts to quash it out in all forms is responsible for the moral and cultural decline in the west since the end of World War II and star of the Cold War.This is likely because records of stereotypical behaviour only exists for the last half century from roughly the 1950s and also because there are no or few living people that are alive that were born before the 1920s.Prior to this time period stories involving teenagers involve them working on the farm,factories and being the adolescent lover and concubine of much older adults in their 20s and 30s.Both Judeo-Christian and traditional values such as the nuclear family themselves are also a recent phenomena being again roughly a century old with at them going back at most to at least the 1500s.The adoption of pederasty and early adolescent ages of consent in Isis-Osirian countries and their ancient societies was likely due to several simple facts not only just the myths that espoused them but also that one grew up a lot faster back then and that’s not necessarily a bad thing largely due to harsher conditions due the prevalence of poverty with even the standards of living for the wealthy being poor by todays standards,the need for even prepubescent children to work on farms and in full time jobs,the intolerance of immaturity in teenagers the acceptance that puberty meant one was ready for children and sexual intercourse decided by nature in order to breed young as early as possible as life expectancy was much shorter than today.Living in much harsher conditions more than likely forced the vast majority of so called to “teenagers” to exhibit more adult like maturity unlike the more pampered,victimised brats of western Osirian societies with even the very wealthy monarchs,emperors and noblemen of the past and thus their child and teenage progeny living lives that by todays standards would have been primitive,low quality and poor in comparison to the living standards of modern day people in the middle and even lower economic classes in the developed world.Thus both the poor slave/peasant and royalty/upper classes of ancient and medieval times would have due to environmental conditions would have been forced to exhibit more mature behaviour in ones prepubescent and adolescent years than in modern times.Living long enough to reach what we consider elderly age,menopause or even middle age ie 40 or even 30-35 and see you grandchildren or even your own children reach maturity and even adolescence and ear the wisdom of old age was a luxury very few could afford biologically in ancient and prehistoric times due to trauma,the elements,bacterial and viral infections that could be easily treated in todays world as well as animal predators,the elements and malnutrition all of which would have meant certain death before the advances of antibiotics,modern medicine and agriculture forced even the very young pre teens to more careful in their daily goings on in contrast to longer life expectations in the modern age due to modern medicine coupled with the burden of careers,idleness of an outdated educational system meaning most women wait until their thirties to have children so the concept of teenage pregnancies is looked down and frowned upon and adolescents being sexually active with adults considered vulnerable by primarily Osirian cultures but less so by Isis-Osirian.What we consider young today ie 14/15 was considered middle age in the past and not being “kids” and people that age had to exhibit maturity we currently expect from 40 year olds.For those of you aged 30 or older just think about this if you were living in a different time period you would be dead by now for x amount of years during what was considered elderly age at the time with those of you currently 14/15 youd be now middle age and be dead in less than twenty years at most,probably ten to fifteen years which isnt very much and the theoretical limit for a maximum lifespan at the time was 54 – 64 but that was as rare as the current limit of 122 is for us as in todays world(roughly 1-10% of the population)and very rare to achieve with the vast majority of deaths roughly 80-90% occurring before 30-35 during ones 20s,teens and pre teens from trauma as well as infections and animal predators with 10-20% living between 30-54,compared to nowadays where by 14/15 youd be expected to live an extra seventy to eighty years to at least 85-95.You see when the average lifespan is 25-40 you dont really have much time to live and you dont have much time to be “just a kid,angsty” or “vulnerable” and getting pregnant by either someone your own age and even someone who managed to live long enough to be considered middle age by todays standards in your teens especially 14-17 was not frowned upon as it is today,it was not just acceptable it was essential to the survival of the species and the family line.If it was either an older male who impregnated an underage teenage female or younger underage male who impregnated an older female with in both cases the underage minor being 14-17 society accepted it.When 25-40 is considered elderly age and 14-15 is considered middle age then life seems really short,especially when live is harsh,full of hardwork and death lurks around every corner in the form of warfare,famine,disease,animal predators and one must even as a pre teen must exhibit maturity well beyond their years and sexual attraction to teens is considered socially acceptable.The term middle age only applies to someone in their 40s because nowadays we live longer.In the past middle age denoted someone who was much younger say in their 20s or even in their teens.Once immortality sets in middle age may refer to someone who is at least 5,000 years old thus meaning we may have to extend the onset of adulthood by several centuries or several thousand years as well as well.Ironicaly this was prevalent during the Middle Ages the height of the Osirian Aeon especially during and after the Black Death wiped out 30-60% of Europes population roughly 100,000,000 – 125,000,000 people.The Toba catasphroe about 74,000 years ago was a more extreme example where it is estimated that the population of H.sapiens  was reduced to a mere 1,000 – 10,000 breeding pairs meaning the population of H.sapiens  was at least 2,000 – 20,000 individuals meaning at such low numbers procreation between what we consider underage minors,themselves and adults was definitely occurring and was essential to the survival of the species and they were expected to bear the responsibility of parenthood in even much worse conditions when civilisation and agriculture didnt even exist.The fact that you are alive and reading this proves my point – more than likely your ancestors were pregnant at these ages of 14-17 by each other,an older male or impregnated an older female at this age and it was accepted by society either medieval,ancient or even prehistory because it was essential to produce as many healthy viable offspring to continue the line of the species and they had to deal with the responsibilities of parenthood during their teens.There was no debate over bragging rights for the younger male or vulnerability of the younger female it was accepted because it had to happen and more than likely it was mutually consensual and also long term monogomous or polygamous relationships were formed.Furthermore considering the extreme situations they were not vulnerable spoiled “kids”.If you have a problem with this build a time machine and then lecture them and then spend at least a few years in their shoes in such extreme pre civilisation living conditions where 25-40 is considered elderly age,14-15 years old or even 10 – 12.5 years old are considered middle age and where agriculture,housing,electricity,smartphones and all of the luxuries of modern life were non existent otherwise shut your piehole.Have you never ever visited mainland Europe,Asia and South America?Have you never ever even heard of these countries?Youve never been to these countries?Are you seriously telling me that in the entire 200,000 year span of human history adolescents never got pregnant and they never had sex with adults?Did it ever occur to you that these so called victims might actually willing participants and be the the ones who initiated these sexual encounters?Thats how delusional you are?Maybe Chris Hansen should do a version of To Catch a Predator where he builds a Time Machine where he carries out sting operations to catch elderly aged 25-30 year olds grooming middle aged 14-17 year olds in prehistoric Earth though he will probably would not last long considering he will die of starvation,parasites and being eaten alive by lions.This is the level of ignorance both Americans and Britain’s seem to have.Teens of the prehistoric age who were of the preferred age range of Jeffery Epstein,Lionmaker,Onision,Matt Gaetz,Roy Moore and R Kelly et al 14-17 or even 13 were likely pregnant,severely malnourished,stark naked against the elements,orphaned by there parents dying from malnutrition and disease and way more mature than those of today and had to deal with parenthood,and having to deal with the fact that most of their young would be dying early through miscarriages/stillbirths/malaria with very few of their children making it to their teenage years themselves,with them from childhood in the preteen years braving the elements with no shelter or even clothing,hunting prey that was constantly on the move such as gazelle,bison,deer,fish and birds etc,gathering fruit and nuts and fighting off animal predators such as lions,bears and tigers as well as battling frequent bouts of malaria if they survived at all and were considered middle age for the time at the ages of 12.5 – 15 years old reaching elderly age between the ages of 25-30 years old which is young by today’s standards with the average lifespan being 20-25 years old.Oh yeah for all you conservatives and creationists they were also black considering they evolved in Africa.Considering the average lifespan was between 20-25 years old then middle age in prehistoric times was more accurately 10 – 12.5 years old meaning people in prehistoric times were middle aged before they even entered and ended puberty at a point in modern times we consider rightly so vulnerable children with it extremely rare for someone to reach the age of 40 or 50 or hell even 65 years old with sexual intercourse between adolescents aged between 14-17 year olds and also adults aged in their 20s and those who made it to their 30s etc or the rare instance of their 40s   likely commonplace,more commonplace than in modern society  – a far cry from the teenybopper,sweet sixteener and wangst crap and coming of age nonsense of Beverly Hills 90210,Twilight,My So Called Life,Dawson’s Creek,Party of Five,Roswell High,Popular,My So Called Life,Felicity,Glee,Degrassi,Freaks & Geeks,One Tree Hill,Pretty in Pink,Sixteen Candles,Hannah Montana,iCarly,Lizzie Maguire,That So Raven,My Super Sweet 16,The Breakfast Club, or any other Nickelodeon,Disney,John Hughes etc crap and so on.Put simply our adolescent and even pre teen ancestors were too busy fighting off animal predators,malaria,hunting prey and braving the elements and dealing with motherhood and loss of children to miscarriages,starvation,pathogens and parasites etc to be worrying about the “problems” of modern day teens such as popularity,fitting in cliques,getting a date to the prom,ones sexuality,dealing with parents,acceptance into college and self esteem and not getting $240,000 G-Wagons for their 16th birthday and “grooming” from sexual predators.They were going through “problems” that were exponentially more horrifying than their “problems” of the 21st century.Its estimated that at least 108,000,000,000 humans have existed on Earth since about 50,000 years ago but the number could be much higher as much as 4-10 times higher as humans have existed since 200,000 years with that number being that high due to high infant mortality rates where the vast majority of children aged between 5-12 years old died from starvation,trauma,malaria etc and most people unlikely to reach middle age of  30-40 years old and even elderly 65 years old due to the extreme conditions of prehistoric times for humans especially teenagers.Adults having sexual with teenage minors and teenage pregnancies were likely way more common and frequent in prehistoric times and readily accepted due to the circumstances etc and their victims were more hardened due to the intensive conditions they experienced.Life was short,harsh and brutal and living to what we consider elderly age that is 65 and older or even living to middle age such as 30-40 years old and watch one’s grandchildren or even own children reach adulthood and gain the wisdom of old age was a luxury very few people could attain and afford..People did live to 65 or even 90 in prehistoric times but was an extremely rare occurrence much rarer then today  the vast majority of people died by the time they were 30 years old roughly 50-70% of people died by this point with this meaning you had to mature emotionally and critically by the time you were a pre teen or adolescent and this means that only those who matured quickly and those who were mature hardened individuals in their teens survived the rigours of life in the form of the elements,animal predators and malnutrition to live to 30 or older.These who didn’t died.Most people died before the age of 30 due to starvation,exhaustion,the elements,pathogens,malaria etc.In other wards people who were just kids or vulnerable teenagers died early on because the brutality of Mother Nature did not give a crap at all about that fact.We actually make movies and television shows about this shit,notice the fact that there has never been a book,movie or television show about “teenagers” in high school or college that has ever won prestigious awards like the Palm Dor,Oscars,Man Booker Prize and Nobel Prize for Literature in any category and has absolutely any subtext or intellectual depth to it other than cliche shit.It is believed and generally agreed upon by scientists,historians and palaeontologists  etc that in prehistoric times life expectancy was as low as 20-25 years old with in ancient cultures such as in Ancient Greece etc it being between 20-35,right through the Medievil period,Renaissance etc and life expectancy only rising to 37 years old only as recent as the 1880s with their only rare instances of people living to 40-65 or what we consider elderly age in prehistoric times to the 1880s with the majority of people dying by pathogens,malnutrition and genetic disease and injuries that could have healed with modern medicine and the emergence of centurions that is people living to a 100 years old and even those living to their 80s and 90s only existing since the mid 20th century.Life expectancy is determined not by how old people can get but the amount of people who can get that old on average that is it is the average lifespan meaning the average lifespan in prehistoric times was between 20-25 years old;people did rarely live to 40-65 years old but the vast majority of people died between the ages of 18-25 which is by todays standards very young and “just a kid” who doesn’t know anything of the worlds complexities.They barely lived long enough to see their own children reach middle age which in those days was middle age was between 10-12 years old – low life expectancy is usually the result of high infant mortality rates and people dying from animal predation,pathogens,parasites etc and easily preventable conditions by todays standards when they are preteens,adolescents and adults aged 5-20.Countries and time periods with lower life expectancy still have people that can live to 40 or even 65-90 but the number of people living that long is low therefore the vast majority of people in prehistoric times would die before they reached their adult years of 20-25 with most dying in their adolescent and pre teen years.Conversly countries and time periods with high life expectancy have the vast majority of people reaching that age with very low infant mortality rates and low amounts of people dying in their teens,20s,30s etc.Therefore people could live to their 60s or even 90s in ancient and even pre historic times but very few people could live that long and it was a rarity to see anyone with greying or whitening hair and the vast majority of people roughly 50-60% would die in their pre teen and teenage years during the ages of 5-15 years old due to malnutrition,pathogens,animal predators so the concept of being “just a kid” in your teenage years was unacceptable because life was  so short you due to harsh living conditions you didn’t have time to be just a kid and if your were just a kid you died at the hands of animal predators snd the elements..It’s a well established scientific fact that the vast majority of humans roughly 50-60% of all of the estimated 108,000,000,000 humans that have ever lived on Earth thats roughly 58,000,000,000 people died before the age of 20 primarily between the ages of 5-15 years old largely due to malnutrition,starvation,malaria,exposure to the elements and other causes of death we can easily manage today.Those that did survive into their twenties were hardened mature individuals.By today’s standards would make them “kids” and too young to die when in reality they were by their days standards were elderly age.Most people died by the time their brains reached full maturity by 25 because of malaria,pathogens,malnutrition,exhaustion,animal predators,exposure to the elements and so on.This meant they had little time to be vulnerable snowflakes or kids as teenagers.Most people prior to 1800 very rarely lived to 40-65 years old.The increase in lifespan since the 1800s has only been due to the rise of antibiotics,housing,modern day infrastructure and better nutritional awareness that’s allowed out average life expectancy to rise so much to the point we are now able to grow into the elderly years so easily.We only associate foolishness and inexperience and vulnerability to the young and maturity to those especially those in their elderly age because nowadays unlike before we are able to live for decades longer than in the past.Death at such early ages normally came from exposure to the elements,genetic based diseases,pathogens,malaria and other parasites and also poor diets that led to malnutrition and starvation,natural predators taking advantage of human prey that was weakened by injuries that could be treated tidy and injuries that today are easily treatable  that were not mature enough to avoid them(in otherwards foolish teenagers)and more importantly infections and malaria and injuries that could easily be treated today.In prehistoric times life was too short to be a foolish or a vulnerable teenager or child – if you were a foolish or vulnerable child,adolescent or a kid and did stupid shit then you died – it was as simple as that.In prehistoric times it the vulnerable or weak and foolish teens,children and even adults that died at the hands of animal predators etc not those who matured quickly and life was too short to be just a kid or considered just anything.You hardened and matured early on in life as a teenager or even pre teen or you died.The fact that you are alive today reading this proves my point that pre historic teenagers and children were a vastly different breed than those of today.By today’s standards it is a complete miracle that humanity still exists and you are alive today reading these words.The odds of our species surviving to modern times was stacked against so much by everything such as the Toba catastrophe that reduced our numbers from a few million to a few thousand breeding pairs,the Black Death and other countless pandemics and epidemics and traversing the globe during the ice age,crossing Africa into Eurasia and evolving in Africa to begin with where some of the worlds most dangerous creatures live – lions,hippotsmus,rhinoceros,Africanised bees etc all of which would kill you in an instant if you made one false step and you made stupid mistakes or were a vulnerable teenage snowflake and you didn’t reach maturity early on.It was the weak,vulnerable and foolish who died early on not the mature individuals.Africa where humans evolved on housed all other general nasties that evolved on the harshest continent on Earth with our own species also evolving in the dark continent proving we were products of the harshness of nature as we are products of the same continent that houses the worst animal predators ever.That’s how evolutions survival of the fittest works – the weak and vulnerable die off to allow the strong and mature to survive and pass on their genes and ensure the survival of the species and allow new species to develop through mutations.If all species of animals were like humans especially modern day humans and had their versions of adolescents be just as vulnerable as our adolescents then life on Earth would only have bacteria and fungi and plants with no birds and mammals and ergo no humans because they would all have gone extinct within a few years.The fact that you are reading this proves this point.Mother nature and evolution in the form of the harshness and rigours of natural selection etc and frontal lobe comprimisation bred survivalists in the form of humans and all species of animals to survive the conditions of prehistoric life in the cutthroat world of Darwinian natural selection not snowflakes,vulnerable teens and SJWs and the alt-right.If modern day teenagers or even adults lived in prehistoric times then humanity would have gone extinct in a few years.Name any other species on the planet that has vulnerable teenagers,SJWs and this stupid culture war or had their version of Chris Hansen.Name one species other than humans that has genocide,perpetual warfare,wokeism and this culture warfare,vulnerable or stupid underage teens and sexual predators etc.We are supposed to be considered one the greatest achievements of evolution by natural selection but the reality is we are a mess and an embarrassment and it’s not just the culture war,wokeism but perpetual war,anthropogenic climate change,religious and political extremism by the standards of natural selection we are a failure.By fact that you are alive today and reading this right now proves that prehistoric adolescents were not vulnerable children they were hardened mature individuals who had to deal with conditions that even most adults in their 30s or 40s in the 21st century could not have survived with considering the way things are going downhill most 500 – 1,000 year olds in the future would not survive prehistoric life and proves frontal lobe comprisation theory and all of my points made here.Love triangles and cheating spouses etc were likely not a problem as most anthropologists believe most prehistoric families included both forms of polygamy -polygyny and polyandry and group marriages due to the need to form large collective families to care for young and fight off animal predators,cater for hunter gather primitive communistic in caves and the open wilderness as well as it acceptable to have as many sexual partners as possible to create as many genetically distinct offspring as possible to ensure the survival of the species.We actually really make movies and television shows about this shit?Without modern day teenage wangst,cliques and in fact the need for bearing children and the harsh conditions even monogomous relationships did occur it was more fluid like Ancient Isis-Osirian societies with it less likely there being more socially expected for couples to have multiple sexual partners even with adolescent partners unlike the rigid monogamy of conservative societies of conservative Medievil Europe and modern conservative America and Middle East.In ancient times social expectations involving marriage in ones teens to older men etc also negated any chance of having “problems” This what the terms brevity of life and dying before your time actually means because in the past you literally died before you life actually begun by todays standards by ones twenties,teens or younger you actually had to act like adults and not children in order to survive the harshness of life.You have to take into context and perspective the conditions one was exposed to in prehistoric Earth.This why terms like child,teenager,adult and elderly are almost non existent in pre industrial literature because life was so short as to not even warrent them.Most deaths would have been due to viral,bacterial,fungal infections and parasites like Plasmodium etc,starvation,malnutrition,fatigue from being overworked just to hunt and forage for food and the elements as well as trauma all of which could be easily treated in todays world only as recent as the discovery of Penicillin in 1928 and modern medicine,nutrition in the late 1700s and early 1800s – only 200 years ago.Most modern day teenagers,pre teens or hell most modern day adults in their 30s,40s etc and so on wouldn’t have survived life in prehistoric times.Humans of the prehistoric era were a completely different breed than humans today.If you were vulnerable or foolish and made stupid mistakes you died at the mercy of Mother Nature.Sacrificing the pre frontal cortex responsible for emotions and forward planning was how evolution created survivalists in the form of human beings and indeed the rest of the animal kingdom.We have only recently discovered that the human brain does not reach full maturity in terms of emotional and critical development until ones mid twenties and in terms of the very last part the brain the uncinate fasciculus doesn’t reach thirties since around 2011 and it is because from an evolutionary standpoint the frontal lobe that houses the areas responsible for emotions and forward planning was sacrificed for late development in order to ensure the rest of the brain for vital functions must be fully developed first to allow humans to actually survive via being able to make snap life or death decisions and development following a pattern from the back to the front but in terms of evolution it was tested by the mere fact that we survived at all in the brutality of nature in prehistoric times against predators,lack of continual supplies of sufficient food and shelter,the need to coapulate and rear children the second puberty ended by 14/15 with even any surviving older adults and other evolutionary hurdles such as natural disasters including the Toba catastrophe as stated in those days you died by the time your brain fully matured mainly from infections,trauma,the elements and malnutrition now fixed by modern medicine and living standards as we were able to fight off predators,each other and we even managed to survive in ancient times the rigorous rights of passage in ancient cultures and other feats that in todays modern world of convenience and molly coddling would cause make even so called adults die.As stated these primative conditions and rigorous coming of age rituals of the ancient Isis-Osirian would make even most so called adults in their 30s and not just teenagers of the modern world simply die with the prevalence of immature and uncivilised behavoiur amongst many adults of the modern age negating the myth of the vulnerable teen.The fact that you even exist in the first place and are reading this disproves this vulnerable teen myth with it corrected via progeria mylienisation by 2029.Shorter lifespans and harsher lives meant that one was expected to bear young and bear with the consequences of parenthood as soon as they physically could by ones early teens even from an older male or female to ensure the survival of the species – if you didnt humanity wouldnt exist today and realible supplies of food was so scarce that disease associated with affluence and elderly age ie cancer,obesity,alzheimers,heart disease strokes etc didnt occur because you were either too malnourished,too fatigued from hunting etc or you simply died too young before they could occur from trauma,the elements and infections.Heart disease and cancer would only have occurred due to genetics to those in their twenties,teens or younger similar how to occurs nowadays in these age groups or even exposure to natural carcinogens including accidental exposure to radioactive metals,heavy metals and toxins.Words like child,teenager and adult or even elderly didnt exist.The concept of being just a kid,just any age or just anything really was unheard of you died too young to be even be considered just a kid or just anything at any age.Life was simply too short and too harsh to warrant these words and labels or vulnerable or foolish behaviour.The effects of this on neuropsychological development is thus vastly different due not only to the shorter lifespan but also the harsher life conditions compared to todays longer lifespans and life of convenience.If possible the lack of neural development in the frontal lobe responsible for critical thinking,forward planning as well as emotional development was necessary to react quickly to threats in the form of animal predators due to this lack of neural development leading to adolescents in prehistoric Earth being more likely to take risks and snap decisions that would prevent them becoming an animals lunch or those that would allow them to hunt prey better by making quick snap decisions to avoid animal attacks from animal prey such as lions,tigers etc and quick snap decisions to catch prey themselves such as fish,small lizards and mammals and even larger prey such as gazelle etc  thus allowing this lack of neural development having an evolutionary advantage and not just the result of keeping the rest of the brain alive with the same said for ADHD with modern day civilised society lacking the environmental pressures to put this lack of neural development to any purpose.Both ADHD and Aspergers may also formed as a result of these conditions and may have both played an advantageous role in hunter gather societies.This and the need to keep the rest of the brain fully formed is why the lack of frontal lobe development until their mid twenties evolved in humans.Put simply hunger gather societies required a lack of neural development and hyperfocus with the teenage brain and that of ADHD suffers hyperfocus not suited to the complacency of an industrialised society.Thus the ability to make snap life or death decisions in prehistoric Earth would have made adolescents and even pre teens better at avoiding pitfalls such as animal predators and make snap decisions that would avoid death at their hands and more importantly catch prey much better than adults of their time or even today’s standards thus making them better survivalists in the real world.They needed to make snap decisions to avoiding becoming an animal predators such as lions,tigers,bears etc next meal in an instant as well as making snap decisions to catch prey or attack prey such as gazelle,fish and other small animals perfectly in an instant.Thus taking risks is an evolutionary advantage making prehistoric humans better survivalists.Furtehermore they had to make instant decisions when on the run from predators and when chasing prey as well as when dealing with other humans.Adults especially modern ones and even pre teens and adolescents that would have been evolved with fully formed brains on the other hand would have been more likely to stall and asses each situation,less likely to make snap and rash decisions thus less likely to take risks thus making it more likely for them to be killed by animal predators and miss opportunities to catch prey and thus die of starvation and thus would be less likely to learn how to hunt and survive effectively as adults if they made to adult.This training from their pre teen and adolescent years would have ingrained into them as hardened adults possibly able to learn from this lack of development how to hunt effectively and survive these conditions much better than if they have had evolved with fully mylienated brains at birth.This would have been more relevant to pre pubescent children due to their curious nature that would have likely to wander off in curiosity and then encountered animal predators like a dog especially a puppy who if left alone in one’s garden or a park etc or indeed in any young species of mammal,bird etc would go wandering across the place in curiosity and the lack of development in the pre frontal lobe in these pre teens allowing them when they encountered animal predators run away instantly in snap life or death decision with them even as pre teens trained by their middle aged teenage parents how to become adept hunters at catching fish etc and avoid animal predators as their parents would likely perish by the age of 30.They instead of playing kids games like hopscotch,hide and seek and video games,having sweet sixteeners temper tantrums,worrying about fitting into cliques etc and other stuff pre teens and teenagers do today would be learning even at 10 years old how to fight off and escape lions,crocodiles etc and catch prey like gazelle and fish etc and doing so with first hand experiences such as actively taking part in hunting trips when they were 10 years old or younger as young as 5-9 years old to prepare them for adult responsibilities and this would have used their ability to snap life or death decisions and carry out complex planning at the ages of 10 years while battling malaria and would have learned from these childhood and adolescent experiences without the full development of the frontal lobe how to make better snap life and death decisions as adults than if they were born with fully mylienated brains so by the time the brain was fully developed the ability to make better snap life or death decisions would have been ingrained into them better than if humans were born with fully mylienated brains as seen by the fact that teens and pre teens tend to be much quicker learners than adults at new languages,video games,new technologies etc.Adults that didn’t learn how to hunt and avoid predators as children and even if they did become adept avoiders of predators due to their fully mylinated brains are more likely to make mistakes than children and thus would be easier prey for animal predators – the exact opposite of the modern prevailing “theory” of the vulnerable and foolish teenager.This is compounded by the fact that teenagers and pre teens because their brains are not fully developed have much higher plasticity than adults in their ability to learn new things such as in prehistoric times how to avoid animal predators and how to hunt for food with this again possibly chosen by natural selection in order to allow them to become quick learners in how to hunt for food and avoid animal predators.This plasticity is necessary for them to learn as much as possible at a young age wherein they form the basis of their learning to survive in prehistoric and even modern times which is lost in adulthood which is crushed by our society as a whole and an archaic education system that both of which combined stifles curiosity learning,emotional intelligence,creativity and critical thinking – the exact opposite of why we developed this plasticity in the first place;hence the phrase you can’t teach a dog new tricks and hence why our education system is a form of institutionalised child abuse greater than what any sexual predator could ever hope to achieve.The pre teen and adolescent years are the formative years wherein one forms the basis of the majority of their learning due to this plasticity something which is punished and quashed by both society and our education system as a whole where this plasticity helps them to be able learn how to hunt for food and avoid and escape animal predators which was likely done through first hand experience at the ages of 10 years old to prepare them for living by themselves at the ages of 14-15 years old similar to their mammalian cousins in the form of the great apes and lions etc.As teens and adolescents are more susceptible than mature adults to indoctrination,believing what they are told even if it is not true or is completely outrageous and prone to peer pressure to accept what’s told to them as fact and to carry out something with no regards for the consequences no matter how outrageous and untrue it is such as myths about the tooth fairy,Santa Claus,the Easter bunny,the boogeyman with almost no evidence whatsoever with this actually in prehistoric times an evolutionary advantage as it allowed them to learn quickly how to hunt for food and avoid animal predators and to accept that animal predators were a threat more quickly than those with fully mylinated brains at a pre teen age allowing them to believe with more urgency the dangers of animal predators such as lions,tigers and develop hunting skills much quicker during their pre teen years so by the time they reached their adolescent years aged 13-17 they would be living by themselves and able to hunt gazelle etc and avoid lions etc with ease thus making them adept survivalists with thus truthful for the pre teens of all other species of mammals,avians,reptiles etc across the world.This would have made it more likely for pre pubescent children in prehistoric times to believe and accept with little thought the urgency of how dangerous animal predators were and the need to learn skills on how to hunt food and thus would learn with more urgency how to perfect skills on how to evade predators and catch prey.This is why in modern children are from an early age are more likely to be moulded into lifelong followers of whatever religion and ideology they have been exposed to as children as adults such as Christianity,Islam,Judaism,Hinduism and liberalism and conservatism and why it’s less likely for adults to become born again Christians,Muslims,Hindus once they become atheists or were raised atheists or switch to another religion or switch to the other opposing political ideologies such as for liberals to become conservatives or vice versa as it has been ingrained in their upbringing.This plasticity necessary to learn as much as possible and necessary to master survival skills is in fact stifled and punished by our modern society and outdated education system which negates the use of this plasticity,destroys the concept developing of critical thinking or emotions;development until it’s too late in their adult years or in many cases not at all and also is punished by the infantilisation of them by adults.In all other animals in the animal kingdom this plasticity is put to good use where predator animals are able to learn quickly how to hunt prey when they are cubs or pre teens with for prey animals as pre teens it used to learn how to avoid predators.Wheras pre teens of our modern age worried about the monster or boogeyman in the closet and under the bed,prehistoric pre teens worried about actual monsters in the form of lions and crocodiles eating them at night time which is why it’s likely their parents would take turns staying up at night to ensure that young children survived at night.Its likely that the boogeyman and monsters under the bed have their cultural antecedents in animal predators faced by out prehistoric ancestors on a nightly basis.The children upon discovering the boogeyman ie lions etc in prehistoric times would be instructed or inclined to escape using critical thinking not to make this known to the predator and run to their parents to warn them of the boogeyman who would be slaughtered by the parents saving not only the child but also the entire tribe.Therefore in prehistoric times children were instructed to avoid animal predators,escape them by being silent and then warn parents of their existence.The animal predators who hunted children in prehistoric times would also possibly have played a role in the formation of fairy tales such as Hansel & Gretal etc wherein the story of both children abandoned in the woods by their parents is similar to how pre teen children in prehistoric times would have been forced to leave the nest to fend for themselves with the witch taking the role of animal predators that use clever tricks to lure young animal or human prey into their homes to be fattened up and eaten,with the quick thinking of Gretels critical thinking and maturity beyond her years discovering her true intent to eat them both and it also teaching how those who wander off and use critical thinking would survive clever animal predators with this critical thinking give one rewards as the children upon killing the witch end up discovering the immense wealth of the witch would return home and make their family wealthy.The moral of the story is that working together with a trusted companion and thinking ahead can save a person from even the most dire of situations with this moral meant to be taught to young children.Little Red Riding Hood and similar fairy tales teaching the lesson to children to utilise critical thinking and don’t trust strangely acting people who use clever tricks to eat you up and always be careful of what’s going on and use critical thinking or else you’ll be eaten up denoting how prehistoric pre teen children would have been taught to use critical thinking to avoid animal predators who were not humans that would use clever tricks to eat you up with the fate of the grandmother – the adult in the situation of Little Red Riding Hood being the result of adults who was not wise enough to do so,not taught this lesson and thus ended up ended up being eaten.Furthermore the whole universal moral of don’t trust strangers with candy being ubiquitous in ancient and prehistoric times across the world used to teach children not be gullible and use critical thinking to avoid being lured by clever animal predators into being lured away from the tribe and their parents to be eaten specifically by animal predators that used bright colours etc on their coats etc and would use the curiosity of young children who would be inclined to wander off with them thus allowing the child to lure them away similar to Pennywise the clown from It and other modern day monsters who lure children to them by impersonating something that would lure the children to them to allow them be eaten by enticing the gullible children with only smart children who used critical thinking avoiding the ruse.Thus these fairy tales and modern day tales and lessons have antecedental roots in prehistoric pre teen humans dealing with animal predators by adults teaching young children who were likely pre pubescent 5-10 years like those who were told these tales how to use critical thinking and maturity to avoid being eaten by animal predators who would groom them using disguises and bright colours etc to have the children eaten as lunch.Animal predators especially adolescent and preteen ones like lions,tigers,wolves etc would have been trained to not only stalk their prey but also lure children with their bright colours and cub like appearance of sub adult lions etc to trick young children into being their friends as a playful friend similar to how a child would be attracted to a domesticated cat or dog that is a stray one or one owned by neighbours they find while walking as a playful friend in order to groom them and lure them away to be eaten and only the clever children who exhibited critical thinking would be smart enough to avoid these tricks.Animal predators rely not just on stalking or laying still but a wide variety of tricks and techniques to lure their prey to their death with humans during to their curious nature about the unknown especially for young children would be susceptible to these tricks.This can be considered a form of predatory aposematism where bright colours and striking coats etc such as tigers etc based on the different wavelengths of colour their prey can see – Aposematism is where prey animals use bright colours as warning that they are toxic thus can kill a predator or make them sick if they eat them,contain barbs or have an unpleasant or foul taste called prey aposematism with predator aposematism where bright colours etc and friendly attitude would lure prey to the animal to eat them.This is evident from Panthera Tigris which has evolved its bright colours which to its prey animals looks green due to their eyes having different visual wavelengths than humans allowing tigers to hide against the lush jungle foliage making them invisible to their prey thus allowing tigers to easily hunt other mammals whereas to humans it is its bright orange etc patterns visible to humans thus luring curious and foolish children who are attracted by bright colours into being their friends only to eat them.This is probably where the universal lesson of don’t accept candy from strangers comes from alongside stories like Hansel & Gretel,Little Red Riding Hood etc.Conversely there is the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus who reward well behaved children who fall in line.Then of course there are modern fairy tales such as Charlie & the Chocolate factory that teaches that being a spoiled brat always gets you in trouble – in this story all of the children except Charlie are spoiled immature brats who end up with terrible fates with Charlie and his maturity,selfless nature and not being a spoiled brat is the only one to survive and wins ownership the Chocolate Factory.The boogeyman in modern times is a monster created by adults who comes to their home and eats disobedient children when they are asleep and has especially loves the taste of children who scream out loud,throw temper tantrums,run away,start fighting with each other,do things that would warrant corporeal punishment and wander off and get lost in the woods etc or attack other children and is used to scare disobedient children into behaving maturely or else the boogeyman will come and eat them at night if they act terribly while in ancient and certainly prehistoric times the real boogeyman and monster under the bed were lions, crocodiles etc that children were warned against were monsters that literally ate children that strayed too far from home and the tribe,made too much noise,cried at night while sleeping,wandered off by themselves and threw temper tantrums when hiding from animal predators or while hunting and were careless and “just kids”.Children in prehistoric and ancient times who threw temper tantrums,cried and screamed at night while sleeping,made too much noise even at daytime and wandered off and were “just kids” especially spoiled brats who didn’t exhibit critical thinking would get lost,starve to death and would attract lions,crocodiles and other animal predators – the real boogeyman who ate them for lunch to your location thus getting themselves eaten alive and also risk getting the rest of the tribe eaten with it also alerting enemy tribes etc of your location.Making too much noise and being just a kid would also alert animal prey like gazelle etc you were hunting to your presence and scare them away thus starving you and the tribe of a meal.Running off from the tribe etc and not carrying out critical thinking etc and memorising your location as a child etc would get you lost and susceptible to starvation,the elements and eaten by animal predators.Therefore in prehistoric times pre teens as young as 5-10 years old had to exhibit maturity,critical thinking and emotional maturity on par with adults in their 30s etc or else they would be eaten and killed by not only other enemy tribes but by animal predators such as lions and crocodiles etc that didn’t give a crap about their maturity thus meaning by the time they reach adolescents aged 13-17 years they were adept survivalists and valid members of society who were contributing to the tribe in terms of hunting etc.Like lions and indeed about 99% of all species on Earth it’s likely that pre teen human children in prehistoric times would have had to undergoe training in hunting fish,gazelle etc and avoiding animal predators at young ages of 5-10 years old due to their brains requiring them to learn as much as possible early on and also their short lifespans and low life expectancy which would have required them to undergoe training to hunt animals and avoid predators as early as possible needing immense levels of critical thinking and restraint and ability to act like adults as pre teens as by the time they are finished puberty in their teenage years they would be living by themselves due to their parents dead at this point and highschool etc did not exist back then and them thrust into the world of adult responsibilities.Being vulnerable and just a kid as a pre teen and adolescent would in Ancient Times and prehistoric times get you killed and eaten by the real boogeymen in the form of animal predators and would get your entire family and tribe eaten alive too by them able to use you to locate your tribes location with it also scaring away prey that would be alerted to your prescemce.Therefore those who did not carry out critical thinking and maturity as pre teens and adolescents were eaten alive or starved to death.The vast majority of monsters from all cultures across the world such as werewolves,vampires etc have antecedents in animal predators of prehistoric times such as wolves,bats etc that were morality tales to warn children and the foolish people including adults against animal predators that would use clever tricks to trick and eat foolish,gullible children and adolescents that would not carry out critical thinking thus punishing the foolish and those gullible enough to be tricked into being eaten.This phenotype of neural plasticity at a young age was necessary in prehistoric times wherein they would have to learn very quickly and learn large amounts of skills with more urgency to believe this on how to avoid animal predators and hunt for food and survive the harsh conditions of prehistoric Earth including learning the terrain of their environment unlike in modern times this is stifled by an education system that stunts curiosity driven learning,stunts emotional development and critical thinking and a society that infantilises them with trash media and stereotypes.This would have required children as young as 5-10 years old partaking in hunting trips alongside adults where their hunting skills would have been moulded for adulthood.In prehistoric times childhood did not have the Easter Bunny,Santa Claus,imaginary friends etc and playtime etc – to them they had to on a daily basis deal with the threat of catching and dying of malaria,starvation and eaten by lions,crocodiles who would eat them up if given the chance.Its likely that instead of education and even social interactions taking our modern batch structure its likely that adolescents aged 14-17 years old would have socialising with or dating with those in their 20s,30s,40s and those who managed to live that long rather than just those the same age with even pre teens aged 5-10 years old due to them undergoing mentorship education and training in hunting at 5-10 years old were likely at least socialising with adolescents and adults.This is similar to the fact of how pre teens eardrums are not fully developed and are able to hear higher pitches,times etc that adults cannot hear.Adults cannot hear high-pitched sounds that pre teens and adolescents can because after the age of 25 our ability to hear high-pitched frequencies fades.High-pitched sounds above 15 kHz are typically sounds only children younger than 12 can hear.The medical term for this process of our hearing fading is presbycusis.This would allow them to detect minute sounds of animal predators and prey moving in the environment as pre teens and adolescents much better than adults again making them adept survivalists and catchers of prey allowing to survive long enough to become physically and sexually mature adolescents and adults.This would like frontal lobe comprimisation theory would mean that children at the ages of 5-10 years old in prehistoric times would be brought on hunting trips where they had to carry out critical thinking and restrain themselves from being kids to learn to become adept hunters and avoiders of predators.This ability would also have likely had young children aged 5-10 years old being brought alongside adults to hunting trips and them as watchers of the tribe to lookout for animal predators and enemy tribes as they would be able to hear minute sounds perfectly like the rustling of grass,trees and animals breathing too loud and snapping on twigs that adults couldn’t that would allow them to detect animal predators like lions etc and also prey like gazelle meaning children as young as 5-10 years old would be brought to hunting trips and act as watchguards of tribes to alert adults to the presence of prey and predators or even enemy tribes thus having to develop intensive maturity in both their critical thinking and emotional skills alongside restraint from shouting,crying or making too much noise to prevent them alerting predator animals to the location at very young ages.As a result pre tens aged 5-10 years old would have in pre historic times would have been carrying out roles that we would normally associate with adults,have use intensive critical thinking and have to exhibit the maturity of adults aged 20-30 years old in order for hunting trips etc to be successful.Thus the ability of children to hear sounds that adults cannot was important to our species survival coupled with their plasticity of their brains and ability to make snap life and death decisions was necessary to survive in prehistoric Earth with this process of not being able to hear high pitched noises lasts again until the age of 25 years old the same age as one’s brains are fully developed – that is the ability to hear high pitched noises is lost at the age of 25 the same age ones brain is fully developed.The development of the brain and the ability to hear high pitched sounds until the age of 25 years old was likely an evolutionary adaptation because they would have to be adept hunters of animal prey and evaders of animal predators during their pre teens,teenage years and early to mid 20s that was physical and sexual peak from the age of 14-25 years old after which their fertility would decline as they would have to be able to survive just long enough to have children it’s likely that the loss of development in the pre frontal lobe development was up until their fertile peak as nature likely decided to have humans live only until at least 25 after which their fertile peak declined.The loss of neural development would have been complimented by external pressures forcing the adolescent and even pre teen hunter gathers to mature psychologically much quicker to deal with braving the elements and the expectations of having to hunt for food,plan out attacks on prey,plan out out escapes from predators,track animal migrations,memorise the environment and extrapolate ways to traverse it and utilise it to their advantage in order to plan ahead that required more complex critical thinking than highschool,colllege and even the cutthroat world of todays capitalist society provides.Thus being likely to make rash decisions and take risks rather than fully informed ones as adults may have forced adolescents and pre teens in prehistoric times to be able to avoid death at the hands of animal predators but also make snap decisions to catch prey better combined with the need to carry out complex planning ahead,mapping of geological areas as part of the need to hunt for food,track migrations of animals,navigate pristine wilderness had moulded the brain into that equivalent to hardened adults on par with someone in their 30s to have occurred in their early adolescent or even pre teen years years  and even adolescents that were able to fight off any predator and successfully hunt food which even most modern adults could never survive.Any loss of development in the pre frontal cortex to make snap life or death decisions that resulted in lack of ability to critically think and emotional intelligence was countered by them mentally having to carry out complex calculations and forward planning,critical thinking in order to track the animal migrations of prey,develop strategies to catch them and avoid animal predators to whom they were also in the lookout for as well and measure the flows of the days and seasons with them also having to memorise large swathes of wilderness for navigation and planning out catching prey and avoiding predators not just during the day but also at nighttime.Their plasticity would have made it more important to carry out critical thinking and early maturation of emotional development with the environmental stressors of prehistoric children wherein they were required to carry out extreme critical thinking had even more pronounced effects on the development of their brains responsible for critical thinking and emotions.The lack of development in the areas of the brain for emotions would have been countered by this and the fact that they had to deal with not only carrying out intense critical thinking that would have caused their pre frontal cortex undergoe premature maturation but also they were also living in extreme circumstances beyond that which even the poorest of the poor in Africa,India and Asia currently live in a day to day basis having to constantly live in the outdoors area of wilderness if caves could not be found without modern day bedding and were constantly malnourished etc thus leading them to their brains being moulded into both emotional and critical hardened individuals.Prehistoric teenagers lived in open fields in beds made of bones,cloth or without beds at all and were stark naked against the elements and they had to stay close to caves and sources of fire to stay alive while still braving snow,rain,storms etc and had to physically hunt down gazelle etc and fighting off animal predators in the form of hippopotamus,lions,crocodiles etc day and every night.Our ancestors of the prehistoric era lived in such squalor that they would view conditions of the poorest of the poor who currently live in slums in India,Africa etc as luxurious.Since the pre frontal cortex regulates both critical thinking and emotions and they are the last area of the brain to become fully developed,therefore training this part of the brain on a consistent daily basis during childhood and adolescence especially in ones pre teen years through being forced to carry out extreme levels of critical thinking on a daily basis as present in prehistoric times would have caused them to develop not only strong critical thinking skills but also matured the emotional intelligence of pre teens and teenagers aged 13-17 years old and younger on par with adults aged 25-30 years old at the same time.As we have seen since the pre frontal cortex is responsible for emotions and critical thinking and we know intensive and consistent critical thinking would lead to premature development of the pre frontal cortex thus not only causing it reach pressure fevelopment in terms of critical thinking but also emotions as they are interlinked with each other.This would have made adolescents aged 13-17 years old in prehistoric times vastly more mature both critically and emotionally than modern day teens or adults for that matter and is why people who as pre teens are forced into carrying out intensive critical thinking as children and have unique childhood experiences that during their formative years as pre teens required them to train their pre frontal cortex through consistent critical thinking which in turn exercised their emotional intelligence end up vastly more mature then their peers in their teenage years of 14-17 years old – hence the phrase why you have some adolescents aged 14-17 years old who are considered “mature for their age” in terms of critical thinking and emotions due to their personal experiences as a pre teen child that involved them exposed to high brow movies,literature and personal experiences etc involving intensive critical thinking on a consistent basis that caused premature development in their pre frontal cortex leading them as adolescents being mature in terms of both their emotions and critical thinking skills on par with someone in their 20s and 30s while others who are spoiled brats in their pre teens and teens exposed to trash media and coddled as pre teens,sheltered from the real world would be as teenagers you would be “just kids” that are emotionally stunted and vulnerable.This is why critical and emotional maturity is purely random and not preset – there is a direct correalation as shown by decades of peer reviewed scientific research between emotional maturity in pre teens,adolescents and adults and ones environmental stressors in ones pre teen and adolescent years that exercises critical this during ones formative pre teen ages aged 4-12 years old that your personal experiences and education lays the groundwork for how their emotional and critical maturity in their adolescent years is formed that is the level of critical and emotional maturity in ones adolescent years is dependant on one’s personal experiences and brain training during their pre teen years which then spills over into their adult years thus meaning maturity in ones teens and adult years is formed primarily by their pre teen years making It purely random a one size fits all approach does not exist in both neuroscience and neuropsychology with for in prehistoric times with this is why as I have stated waiting until someone is 18 years old and in college to start teaching them critical thinking is the dumbest idea ever because it should have been taught to them in playschool when they were like 5 years old.This early emotional and critical maturation was universal to all adolescents who would be mature in terms of critical thinking and emotions due to the fact that pre teens were not allowed to be just kids and were instead of being sheltered from the adult world and playing video games and watching cartoons they were learning how to hunt prey and avoid animal predators as young as 5-10 years old that included memorising and navigation of complex terrain,track animal migrations to hunt prey and how to stay quiet at both day and night time to avoid alerting their prescemce to animal predators with this involving intense levels for critical thinking on a constant basis to the point that they would have matured into hardened individuals by the ages of 13-17 by which time they would have been living by themselves,starting their own families etc with this development of both critical thinking and emotional intelligence stunted in modern times by an education systems which is essentially institutionalised child abuse and a society that reward laziness and immaturity the exact opposite of prehistoric times.In modern times this is lost by an education system that stifles critical thinking etc,media on television and movies that is essentially junk food and a society that victimises and stifles their curiosity driven learning.This is why the age of consent varies from country to country alongside the rate of typical maturity and rate one enters and finishes puberty with it being as low as 13 in Japan and between 14-16 across most of Asia and Europe where vulnerable teens,social justice warriors and spoiled vulnerable sweet sixteeners that exist only in America dont exist in countries with ages of consent between 13-15 years old because their education system and in fact their entire society and culture rewards and encourages critical and emotional maturity in both pre teens and adolescents unlike other countries especially America where laziness,spoiled behaviour,immaturity,ignorance and victimisation of teens and pre teens(as well as adults)is rewarded and in fact encouraged.European,Asian,Middle East and other countries with higher ages of consent especially America between 16-18 are usually in countries that have histories of highly religious conservative dominance by the Catholic Church,Islam and Judaism through them having complete control of society as theocracies or where the power of them while not absolute was more pronounced than normal such as Ireland,Argentina,Venezuela,Austrailia,Britain.Thus cultural and religious factors and of course ones own personal experiences,their education and the media they consume,the culture they grow up in and societal pressures on pre teens aged 5-12 years old thus has a huge profound effect on the critical and emotional maturity of individuals especially for adolescents making maturity purely random.This is the founding principle of both neuroscience and neuropsychology of which we have decades of peer reviewed hard scientific data present to back this claim which if you dont understand at all and can’t seem to get through your thick skulls makes you a fucking idiot with no right to have any opinion on just as much as a flat earth creationist has no right to have an opinion on evolution.Playtime for 5-10 year olds in prehistoric times would have been Non existent due them having to learn how to stay quiet and avoid animal predators and hunt prey like gazelle etc with their teenage years them fully adept hunters of prey and avoiders of animal predators which is till present in modern times in remaining tribes of the Amazon and Africa that are isolated from the rest of the world.This probably explains the lower ages of consent of 13-15 years old in Europe,Asia etc as their culture,education system etc since ancient times promotes early development of the pre frontal cortex in terms of emotions and critical thinking so by the time they are 13-15 they have more maturity in terms of emotional and critical development than other countries with this also proving that maturity especially critical thinking and emotional maturity is based on ones culture,upbringing as well as being purely random and why some adolescents are more mature than others and why some 18-25 years are still stuck in a pre teen mentality.The practices of arranged marriages to older males as a 14/15 year old female who was trained to work around the house as pre teens and male concubines as well as ancient cultures having education systems that nurtured the development of critical thinking and by extension emotional intelligence and one’s careers on the farms etc starting at their early pre teens and diets leading to earlier entering and finishing of puberty in ancient times is likely why countries in Europe,Asia and South America have in modern times ages of consent ranging in between 13-15 years old in modern times and thus higher expectations of maturity for adolescents than in America etc.For our prehistoric ancestors you have to take into context the conditions of which our prehistoric ancestors both adults and adolescents and even pre teens grew up in.As a result evolution favoured the lack of development of the pre frontal lobe to make our ancestors better hunters and able to better fight off animal predators.Natural selection likely chose 25 years old as the age ones brains would reach full maturity as it would be during their pre teen years and teenage years that they would have encountered animal predators and animal prey with during their pre teen years they would have had to avoid animal predators and learn to hunt with them hardened hunters and survivalists etc during their teenage years that is because during their teenager years they were physically mature that these skills were matured upon and they would have built upon the training of their pre teen years and would have to have undeveloped brains during their fertile peak to ensure they would be able to survive in the harsh conditions of prehistoric Earth during the time when they would be likely to have success in producing healthy viable pregnancies with it fully developed at 25 when their fertility and telomeres began to degrade that is nature selected humans to live at most 25 years and no longer than that and decided to have humans reared as survivalists only as long as when they were in their fertile peak thus elderly age declining meaning cellular telomeric entropic decay or ageing is evolutionary countermeasure to prevent overpopulation within humans etc.Its also at the age of 25 years old that our ability to hear high pitched frequencies stops and its a biological scientific fact that our bodies begin to go downhill at the age of 25.These three biological events;ones body slowing down,the brain reaches full maturity and presbycusis occur at the age of 25 and considering life expectancy was as low as 20-25 in prehistoric times it’s likely that natural selection chose to have humans live short lives only as long as 25 years old and not any longer which would have been enough time to bear young and pass the rigours of the cutthroat world of the natural world.Living past the age of 25 years which would have been considered elderly age in prehistoric times and into ones 30s,40s and to ones 60s and so on is unnatural and not meant to occur in humans in biological terms – we have only been able to achieve the ability to live past the age of 25 through modern medicine,shelter from the elements and animal predators and exponential increases in agricultural productivity.This is counter to the modern prevailing “theory” of the accident prone,vulnerable teenager as they in the past would have to deal with making snap decisions using complex critical thinking and creativity to navigate wilderness,catch prey and avoid predators that is now quashed by the modern academic system and society at large.If modern day teenagers or even modern day pre teens or hell even most modern day adults existed in prehistoric times humans would have gone extinct in few years.The fact that you are alive today and are reading this proves my point.Your adolescent teenager ancestors in prehistoric times were way more mature than even most 70 years old in modern times.The lack of development in the pre frontal lobe is not a handicap or form of mental retardation – its an evolutionary advantage that gave us superior survival skills.Drop a modern day teen/pre teen and adult in their 30s/40s in prehistoric Earth and see which one has a better chance of survival the answer might surprise you.Taking risks is an evolutionary advantage that allowed adolescents in prehistoric times to be better survivalists by being able to make snap life or death decisions to avoid predators such as lions,cheetahs,hippos and catch prey like gazelle,fish etc as making snap decisions allowed you to avoid being a carnivores lunch and catch fish and attack prey etc much better than if we were born with fully myelinated brains.MRI scans of all species of avian,mammalian,reptillian,insects,amphibian and sea fauna both prey and predators including our ape cousins,pets and livestock and indeed all species of animals of all taxonomic ranks with complex neural systems such as insects,mammals,birds,fish etc from around the world and eventually across the universe and including other alien sentient races across the universe) can like humans have MRI scans done at birth up until their equivalent of adulthood and elderly age every year or month using conventional MRI scans and even portable ones to confirm that this trait of pre frontal lobe comprimisation wherein in the development of the parts of the brain responsible for emotions and forward planning in their equivalents to the pre frontal cortex are sacrificed and have delayed development until adulthood or their equivalent to 25 is a necessary perquisite for survival in all animal predators and prey in the cutthroat world of Darwinian natural selection and thus a favoured trait chosen by natural selection across both Earth and indeed the universe for these reasons that is it allows for them to make snap life and death decisions to catch prey and escape predators and is countered by the need for them as their equivalents as children and adolescents to carry out complex forward planning and exposure to extreme environmental conditions moulds them to be mature individuals with this using multiple test subjects of each species at different ages in zoos,conservation areas and those reared in capitivty.This could if shown by MRI scans done all species of mammalian,avian,reptilian and amphibian as well as possibly in fish and insects across the world and universe (if not multiverse) be present in all mammalian,avian,reptilian and amphibian as well as possibly in fish and insects could show that the delayed development of the frontal lobe responsible for emotions and critical thinking in the form frontal lobe compromisation theory is an universal perquisite for survival chosen by Darwinian natural selection across Earth and other planets across the universe or multiverse in not only sentient races on par with humans but also both animals that are prey and predators in the food chain and ecological systems to show that just as in humans natural selection choose to have the pre frontal cortex developments delayed to create survivalists who were needed to take risks and make snap life or death decisions in their childhood and adolescents years and any comprimisation would have been countered by the need to carry out complex critical thinking and harsh environmental conditions moulding them into survivalists.Thus natural selection choose to have the brains of humans and all predator and prey animals of all taxonomic ranks such as avians,mammals etc have the pre frontal cortex not reach full maturity until the age of 25 in humans and its equivalents in all other species across the world and indeed the universe.If a phenotype is endemic to all individuals within a species and the rest of the animal kingdom then it is something that is chosen by natural selection as a prequisite for survival in the cutthroat world of Darwinian natural selection – nothing in a species is present for no reason,everything that occurs in a species is present For a specific reason.This is basic evolutionary biology and how evolution through natural selection works – everything that exists within a species has a purpose and is the result of natural selection developing it in response to environmental stressors,nature does not create something without a purpose.This is why each individual species of animals has different hearing,smelling and visual ranges that is some can hear sounds and see colours etc that humans and other species cannot due to having to adapt to unique environmental stressors to detect specific prey,predators or food suited only for them or how they develop unique colours,patterns,coats and plumages etc for attracting prey or sexual partners or used to hide from predators etc.This is evident from P.Tigris which has evolved its bright colours which to its prey animals looks green due to their eyes having different visual wavelengths than humans allowing tigers to hide against the lush jungle foliage making them invisible to their prey thus allowing tigers to easily hunt other mammals whereas to humans it is its bright orange etc patterns visible to humans due to our visual wavelengths thus luring curious and foolish children who are attracted by bright colours into being their friends only to eat them.In essence each facet and phenotype of each species including humans is finely tuned by natural selection to adapt to the cutthroat world of Darwinians survival of the fittest not the domestication of the modern world – nothing In a species within the animal and plant kingdoms exists simply for existing;it always exists to serve a purpose in the cutthroat world of Darwinian natural selection chosen by natural selection which is the founding principle of how natural selection works.This is how natural selection works.The exception to this rule are genetic diseases that are the result of random mutations not caused by environmental stressors which have no evolutionary purpose and are in fact detrimental to the survival of an individual of a species and are found sporadically within small numbers and small percentages of their population with for humans this includes schizophrenia,Downs Syndrome,Cerebral Paulsy,sickle cell anemia,cystic fibrosis,pedophelia etc with advantageous phenotypes such as eidetic memories,ADHD,high IQs and other advantageous neural features having evolutionary reasons.An example of this is how everything has a purpose is how we once thought the appendix had no purpose which is why people had it removed en masse during the 20th century to prevent people developing appendicitis.Although initially it was thought that the appendix does not have any function in humans, evolutionary theories suggest that it might have played a role in digestion of food.A great deal of evidence suggests that the appendix is a vestigial or evolutionary remnant,which means the appendix of our ancestors served a specific purpose.Research in recent years has shown that the human appendix houses lymphoid cells, which help the body fight infections.This strongly suggests that the appendix plays a role in the immune system.The appendix has been found to play a role in mammalian mucosal immune function.It is believed to be involved in extrathymically derived T-lymphocytes and B-lymphocyte-mediated immune responses.It is also said to produce early defences that help prevent serious infections in humans.According to researchers from the Duke University Medical Center, the appendix does have a key function – it produces and stores good microbes for the human gut.These good microbes are often flushed out from the body when we suffer from diseases such as dysentery or cholera, thus upsetting the digestive system.Thus when this happens the appendix stores excess good bacteria that is then released into the rest of the digestive tract and is when our appendix releases its stock of good bacteria and “reboots” our digestive system, according to the researchers.This study has been published online in the Journal of Theoretical Biology.Thus the appendix plays a role in the immune system and as we can see every part of our body and its functioning especially parts we used to think has no function has some function in our body because natural selection decided to have it have this function and that their are no part of the body that exists simply for existing.Therefore the lack of the prefrontal cortex being fully developed until ones mid 20s is likely endemic in both humans and indeed all species of animals across the world like ones appendix serves a purpose as for the specified and detailed reasons to breed survivalists in the cutthroat world of Darwinian natural selection.MRI scans can also be done to show the presence of schizophrenia,pedopheilia,sociopaths,psychopaths and other neurological disorders  in animals of all taxonomic ranks and species such as fish,mammals,birds etc  as well as their version of ADHD,Aspergers and transgenderism as well as neural roots for homosexuality and bisexuality coupled with genetic scans in all species of animals of all taxonomic ranks.Experiments on colonies in conservation areas,islands or laboratories using extensions to house large sizeable ecosystems or even VR simulations can test animals of different species together or by themselves with and without their version of progeria mylienisation from birth that sets with normal neural development without genetic engineering that speeds up neural development and also those with progeria mylinisation that has them reach full neural maturity at birth in different sets decided by AI to test their responses and effectiveness in hunting prey and fending off and escaping predators in survival to be then compared against a control with all species having normal neural development coupled with blind controls etc.This can also include biosynth versions include those modelled on humans using AI of varying levels of intelligence specifically of each tested species of animal including versions of humans.Then of course scans of ear development of all species of mamals,avians etc can show that presbycusis is universal that is young and adolescent birds,mammals etc of all species of animals would have the ability to hear minute high pitched sounds that adults cannot.This includes animal whimpers,animal pounding on the ground or stepping on the mud/twigs,growls,heavy breathing etc making mistakes alerting pre teen children to the presence of prey and predators in the wild making these noises ingraining them at a young age of these abilities they would perfect in adulthood especially when being taught how to avoid predators and catch prey when taught these at a young age of 5-10 years old and especially for those that would wander off.This would be present in animals such as animal predators who would as they undergoing training would have made them be able to hear their prey walking on the ground,them breathing etc and making mistakes by being loud with for prey animals it allowing them to hear predators breathing and walking as well, as growls etc alerting them to their presence making them extra cautious to alert adults to their presence allowing them to critically think of ways to escape.This ability to hear minute sounds and higher frequencies as children like frontal lobe compromisation it’s possible this could be ubiquitous to all prey and predator animals of all taxonomic ranks such as mammals and birds etc selected by natural selection as a requirement to survive in the cutthroat world of prehistoric Earth long enough to reach physical maturity to bear young and pass on their genes making it an evolutionary advantage over species who did not evolve this adaptation.Its likely that this ability for children to hear sounds adults cannot may have been advantageous to animal predators as adult animals who cannot hear as well as children would have already given birth to multiple young stabilising and growing the population of animals for them to eat but also because adult animals have more muscle mass and edible flesh than children with children being a tiny morsel requiring them to eat multiple children to be full compared to a single adult who would be more likely to keep a predator full after one meal with natural selection making this trait of children hearing sounds that adults cannot to ensure that they reach adulthood long enough to have multiple children thus keeping the population of prey animals sizeable enough for prey species to not go extinct and stay around forever and evolve into other species with the same said for frontal lobe compromisation wherein the pre pubescent prey would be able to avoid animal predators long enough to reach adulthood and create more offspring before becoming more susceptible to making mistakes and elderly age that it would be easier to hunt.These two traits the lack of development in the pre frontal cortex and highly adept ears that can hear things adults cannot combined may have made our adolescent and by extension adult ancestors quite possibly nature finest and most adept hunters and survivalists in spite of this evolutionary compromise and even negated any emotional immaturity as the rigorous environmental pressures and need for critical development,the elements and constant daily fight for survival may have counteracted any emotional immaturity with even pre teens and adolescents becoming emotionally hardened and mature even by the start of and onset of puberty due to the extreme environmental pressures such as the elements the constant threat of animal predators,food scarcity and need to carry out need to carry out complex planning ahead,mapping of geological areas as part of the need to hunt for food,track migrations of animals,navigate pristine wilderness.Thus although they may have had the ability to make snap decisions that would have made them better hunters and survivalists than adults other critical faculties such as long term planning the need to do so for constant survival with it and the elements,food scarcity ensured that adolescents were emotionally and critically hardend by the time they reach their teenage years countered this lack of neural development thus giving the advantage of making snap decisions but still be both emotionally and critically mature due to environmental stresses.The fact that they had to carry out complex long term planning and critical thinking to hunt for food and avoid animal predators etc and also had to deal with food scarcity,malnourishment and also the elements such as the coldness of night and winter and rain etc without clothing and housing meant any compromisation in the emotional and critical development in the undeveloped frontal lobe were counteracted by these extreme environmental stresses to produce survivalists that we’re able to survive conditions even most adults today would perish in.Put simply the world of our prehistoric adolescent and even pre teen ancestors was a far cry from the modern age full of animal predators,the elements and constant lack food and constant need to critically think for hunting food would have moulded their brains to a critical and emotional maturity not seen since both in adolescents and adults.Any lack of neural development in areas responsible for critical thinking and emotional intelligence would have been countered by these extreme environmental stresses.That all changed once we invented agriculture and civilisation and certainly by the early to mid 1900s as society become more complacement with pre teens adolescents moved out of child labour on the farms and factories and into the classrooms of highschool and college.At least in early civilisations the pedrasteric relationships and marriages of adolescents to older men would have preserved this early maturity in some form or another either in a lighter form,different forms or again due to still shorter lifespans,rigorous coming of age rituals,the Agoge,need to carry out complex duties as political leaders as teens and pre teens,societal expectation and labour intensive lifestyles and still remaining threats of food scarcity,the elements and animal predators that may have hardened them by adolescence to the same or lesser degree.Even up to mid twentieth century pe teens working hard on the farm and factories would have hardened them prematurely.Put simply teens,pre teens and society as a whole has due to the linear cliche lifecycle and convenience of western society has become spoiled leading to the emotionally vulnerable teen.This lack of the development in the frontal lobe was in at least prehistoric times an evolutionary advantage in pre teens and adolescents by giving them the ability to make rash snap life or death decisions and more likely to take risks to avoid animal predators and also hunting animals making them better survivalists and hunters than adults both in prehistoric and modern times.The human brain in the form of ADHD,Aspergers,lack of frontal lobe development was designed for prehistoric Earth where the conditions for it was needed not the modern world of convenience and decadance,high school,college and the 9-5 office as in the past we adapted to plan far ahead in the future and deal with the complexities of managing our own individual survival and deal with snap life or death decisions rather than the complacency of modern ages where adolescents are pampered and dont have their first ounce of responsibility until their brains are fully formed.This advantageous role of a non fully formed frontal lobe in hunter gatherer societies known as frontal lobe comprimisation theory is similar to or can even be part of the hunter vs. farmer hypothesis as proposed by Tim Callaway and cnn as it too was affected by the rise of agriculture and civilisation.Without the need for navigate wilderness areas and avoid animal predators and need to hunt for prey,facing the elements as seen in the Isisian Aeon,without the expectations of maturity and rigorous coming of age rituals in the Isis-Osirian Aeon and even expectations of working hard on the farms and factories in early to mid Osirian Aeon has led to the degeneration of the Horusian Aeon which has created a society of snowflake teens,spoiled langering brats who even as adults in their 30s and 40s cannot even carry out the most basic forms of critical thinking culminating in conservatism and it’s most low brow products the 9/11 truthers,anti-vaxxers,Karen’s,Religious fundamentalists,SJWs,Trumpists(alongside Trump himself)and anti-maskers of the world and the emotionally vacuos non progressive left social justice warrior.Perhaps teen angst,risk taking and rebelliousness and doing dumb things is an attempt to return to primeval conditions our brains evolved to deal with and have this evolutionary advantage used rather than wasted away in modern society rather than the artificial vulnerable and idleness of the modern world.Whats the phrase again “The devil makes work for idle hands to do”.This why the infantilisation and victimisation of adolescents is so dangerous because if they are not acting and treated as mature people capable of making responsible decisions etc as teens at 18 or younger then their not going to as adults even in their 20s,30s,40s,50s and even later on and you end up with people dying needlessly due to the irresponsibility of so called adults in position of power and influence in society and politics who should know better in making responsible decisions by their own standards.This is of relevance to the atheists amongst you who don’t believe in an afterlife especially considering those that die usually end up being innocent civilians in otherwards the very people who shouldn’t die.Again ask yourself the question as to why is that these issues such as SJWs,teen wangst,rebellion,vulnerable teens etconly exist in conservative cultures mainly America,Britain etc and not more liberal progressive countries.In those days you died by the time your brain was fully developed from mainly pathogens and malnutrition making the concept of neural development affecting maturity completely moot since the human race would not exist and would have easily died out and went extinct in few centuries if neural development was a 100% of the factor especially if they exhibited the same phenotypes of modern day “kids” of the snowflake molly coddled millenial generation of Osirian cultures aged even 14-18 who could not survive the brutality of nature of prehistoric Earth let alone the “real world” of the modern world.Drop any modern day sweet sixteener and college SJW or even Karen’s and even Trumpists and anti maskers into prehistoric Earth conditions and they’ll either toughen up or die.This is why the vulnerable teen is really a recent phenomena of the last 100 years or in fact even the last 30 years of the Horusian Aeon and a result of the influence of the Osirian Aeon and values and why the conflation with pedopheilia is so offensive as in the past those terms didnt exist nor did words like adult and child once you finished puberty society expected you to be a responsible individual and you complied or else died.What we call the real world ie getting a job and the complexities of politics is nowhere near as complex and harsh as the real world of the prehistoric age where teenagers had to hunt for food and battle off lions etc and carry out complex forward planning to stay alive in the cutthroat world of Darwinian natural selection.This is also why vigilantism and the hyper conflation of ephebopheilia and the vulnerable teen is so offensive because the fact is as stated if these were so true then we would as a species would have only lasted a few centuries on prehistoric Earth.The concept of living to 90,70 or even 50-65 would have been unimagineable in ancient and prehistoric times with also the concept of living to only 25-40 being unimagineable to modern day societies since most have only started our careers and wait a bit longer to start families.Most of us cant imagine that world that existed in ancient and prehistoric times that because of how long ago it was and the fact that most of us are used to a live of convenience full of houses,vehicles,iPhones,the internet,clothing,agriculture and the most basic everyday things we take for granted.Life in ancient and prehistoric times was a far cry from what it was during the 20th and early 21st centuries we can barely imagine due to the emergence of modern conveniences and technology and higher standards of living and longer lifespans.Those living in prehistory when humans lived in forests,caves and in whatever availible it was definitely assumed that one would have to reach maturity both critically and emotionally when they were physically capable of bearing young at the start of their fertility lifecycle.The constant threat of death from bacterial,viral and fungal pathogens,animal predators,malnutrition,the elements and even trauma meant you had to wisen up quickly and it ensuring a short lifespan would mean one even in their preteen years had to be constantly on the lookout for threats to ones safety and wellbeing.In otherwards in the past you had to be mature very quickly and think on your feet and react quickly to new threats and situations instantly even in your pre-teen years otherwise if you didnt you died.It really was as simple as that – one did not have time to be “just a kid”,emotional snowflakes,daddys little princess or vulnerable teens or even pre teens in the past and had no choice but to avoid deathtraps and pitfalls.You either matured early on or you died it was as simple as that.If you were just a kid as a teenager or even as a pre teen and did stupid shit – then you died.The brutality of mother nature in terms of the weather and also the ecological systems of predator verseus prey wherein even humans were in the role of prey at the hands of actual predators not sexual predators – you know the ones who got your rocks off but the real predators the ones like crocodiles,lions etc who actually ate you for lunch and they sure as hell did not give a crap about ones feelings,emotions,neural development,teenage problems,wangst,fitting into cliques or even age and gender – death in the form of animal predators etc was universal to everyone in ancient and prehistoric times to it if you didnt wisen up and made one false step you were lunch for all manner of animal predators or ended up dead from malnutrition and the elements.You see the predators that vulnerable teenagers faced in prehistoric times were not the sexual predators of modern times who allowed you to get off – they were the actual predators that ate you for lunch like crocodiles,lions,cheetahs,hippopotamus,Africanised bees etc and all sorts of general nasties that lived on Africa,Asia and Europe and they sure as hell didn’t not give a crap about your age or neural development and they certainly didn’t care about your gender if you were female and male didn’t matter either.One false move,mistake and being a vulnerable snowflake or “just a kid” meant you died.If vulnerable teens or “kids” did exist in prehistoric times you died in an instant and humanity would have gone extinct in an a few years.Thats how natural selection works – the weak and vulnerable die off so the mature survive and live long enough to pass on their genes.Its a harsh reality that our prehistoric ancestors faced on a daily basis for at least 96.7% of our history before we created civilisation and before the rise of the “vulnerable” teens and it’s a reality we no longer face due to our complacent modern age of having shelter,agriculture and so on.Children as young as 5-10 years old in prehistoric times and even in ancient times when they were 5-10 years old were instead of playing video games,throwing temper tantrums etc were learning how to hunt gazelle,fish etc and avoid animal predators such as lions,crocodiles etc and even partaking in hunting for food and actively avoiding animal predators to prepare them for their teenage years and those teenage years were spent hunting animals and avoiding animal predators and bearing and looking after their own young which we normally associate with those aged 30-40 years old the exact opposite of pre teens and teens today.They were doing what the vast majority of the pre teen and adolescent equivalent of virtually every species on planet Earth does and in every other species of animals once they reach physical maturity they leave the nest and are fending for themselves because their entire childhood up to that point was preparing them for the harsh brutality of Mother Nature – what we consider normal behaviour in teenagers and adults is possibly unique only to humans the so called pinnacle of evolution and not the rest of the animal kingdom.For the vast majority of solitary mammals once they reach physical maturity they are living by themselves with for those that are eusocial that live in packs,herds etc this is negated due to their social nature with then still independent from their family despite in the same park with sexual intercourse between adolescent and adult social animals not looked down upon.Even for eusocial mammals,fish etc it’s encouraged that once they reach physical maturity for them to move to another tribe,shoal or group in order to have sexual intercourse with many new strangers members of that group to create young with more genetic diversity preventing genetic bottlenecks.With the same applying to solitary birds and social birds that live in flocks and fish.Its likely the movement of adolescents once they have finished puberty away from their natal pride,shoal and lack is done in order to increase genetic diversity within a species by producing young with individuals from completely different groups and also new ones formed by adolescents and older individuals mating with each other and ensure the adolescents are able to fend for themselves by having them develop critical skills and self sufficiency skills by being independent from parents and natal pride no longer needing to look after them.For solitary species of insects once born they are left to fend for themselves as their parents have abandoned them before being born and consume large amounts of food whether it is plants etc and then undergoe metaphorsis while eusocial insects such asApocrita,the young kept in the nest their entire lives as drones,workers,soldiers etc The vast majority of fish once physically mature are longer under the government of their parents with for birds once they are physically mature and able to fly they leave the nest literally forever and are fending for themselves never to have any contact with their parents ever again with this pattern of leaving the nest once physically mature present throughout the entire animal kingdom hence the term leaving the nest as once they are physically and sexually mature,capable of bearing young and physically capable of fending by themselves they have already left the home,are fending for themselves against animal predators and feeding themselves and are no longer considered children.Humans in prehistoric times would have adopted a dualist system of eusociality and solitary lives that is they would have formed tribes to work together hunting and gathering food and protecting each other from animal predators in a form of primitive communism as well as solitary lives in which they lived by themselves – in both instances adolescents even before the age of 18 that is minors aged 14-17 were likely independent from their parents with them living first by themselves and with completely different tribes and would have forming long term sexual relationships and even one night stands with other older humans aged 18-40 without any legal ramifications,labelling as sexual predators or the concept of male adolescents being granted the bragging rights to sleeping with an older female.The vast majority of adolescent and even pre adolescents mammals and birds etc are not vulnerable snowflakes that live with their parents they are adept predators who live by themselves once they reach physical and sexual maturity hunt for their own food.There are three forms of social constructs in the animal kingdom – a)Eusocial species where they form groups like shoals,packs etc with highly organised structures,territories and hierarchies,b)Solitary species where they live by themselves for their entire lives and only interact with each due to territorial disputes and for mating and c)Dualist systems where they adopt a mixture of solitary lives during adolescents and adulthood by]ut have eusocial societies during childhood etc.There are no vulnerable adolescent teenage or even pre teen lions,tigers,crocodiles,eagles etc whose brains are not fully developed that are “just kids” because they are adept apex predators who upon reaching physical maturity and even before reaching physical maturity are living by themselves and are hunting for their own food and they would rip you to shreds and eat you alive especially if you were a adolescent teenager and even a fully fledged adult with ease and little to no thought on the legal ramifications because they are products of the cutthroat world of Darwinian natural selection not the cutesy,wutsey world of teen angst in highschool and safe spaces on college campuses with this even true for eusocial animals and not just solitary ones.Furthermore their no vulnerable gazelle etc adolescents whose brains or bodies are not fully developed but adept survivalists moulded from their childhood years to hunt for food as well as avoid animal predators despite the fact that their brains are not fully developed and any instance of them having sex with adults who have fully mylinated brains is not considered sexual predation.Highschool,teen wangst,vulnerability,impressionable youths and safe spaces and SJWs do not exist in the cutthroat world of Darwinian natural selection.Adolescent and even pre teen lions,tigers,eagles etc whose brains are not fully developed are not vulnerable,impressionable snowflakes that are “just kids”- they are apex predators who hunt,kill and eat other animals including humans to survive.Adolescent and pre teen gazelle etc whose brains are not fully developed who are the preferred prey of lions,tigers etc are not vulnerable snowflakes that are “just kids” they are adept survivalists that have to search for food,escape from animal predators and fight back or they die.Vulnerability,wangst and being “just kids” etc does not exist in any other species of animal in the animal kingdom because vulnerability etc and being “just kids” gets you killed and your species extinct if vulnerability were present in the animal kingdom only bacteria and fungi would exist on Earth – all that exists in the animal kingdom is survival of the fittest in the cutthroat world of Darwinian natural selection.There are three types of animals in the animal kingdoms food web ecology – a)Prey animals that are eaten by other animals like gazelle,fish,goats,b)Predator animals like lions,tigers etc that eat prey animals and c)dualist animals like humans that hunt other animals and are hunted and eaten by other animals and in all three types being kids and vulnerable gets you either eaten alive or staving to death.Even prebuscemt lion,tiger etc cubs and sharks etc that are young and not even started puberty are not vulnerable they are adept predators capable of killing and eating a full adult gazelle or adult human being with ease by themselves.Lion cubs in their early years their version of “playtime” is meant to train them to be adept predators and start taking part in hunting gazelle etc with their parents at 3-11 months old equivalent to a 9-10 year old human child way before they have even started let alone finished puberty wherein they are adept at killing fully adult gazelle Etc despite the fact they are still pre pubescent cubs and are capable of through training able to hunt down and slaughter a fully grown gazelle and even human.Most lion cubs are almost always living and hunting by themselves at 2 years old despite still not reaching full physical maturity until they are 5-9 years old by which time reach neural maturity still probably hasn’t reached full maturity with them reaching elderly age at 15-16 years old meaning they only have 1 year of training to hunt for food etc after which they are living by themselves.Lions at the ages of 2 years old when they are living and hunting by themselves are still cubs and are called sub adults equivalent to humans aged 10-13 years old as they still haven’t reached physical maturity which doesn’t occur until between the ages of 5-7 years old with males for example still haven’t their manes fully developed until they are 7 years old which is equivalent to a human aged 18-19 years old.The sub adults that are living by themselves may look like adults but they still have cub like appearances similar to how an 12-13 year old human still has child like features and have only at least only a year of education and training in hunting (compared to humans who have to slog through 20 years of an archaic education)with them at the stage of sub adults aged 2 years old where they have not finished puberty and are not physically mature and their brains are not fully mature and yet they are adept apex predators capable of swiftly killing gazelle and even fully adult humans with ease.Once they reach the ages of 2-3 years old at this sub adult stage where they are considered adolescents on par with a 12-14 year old human both male and female lions are not only living by themselves they are actually literally kicked out of their natal pride out of the house and expected to live by themselves and start their own pride by their parents.That is their parents literally kick them out of the house before they are even finished puberty before adolescence or their teenage years to live by and fend by themselves in the wild despite only having just over a year of training in how too hunt for themselves and have no further contact with them forever nor they will have absolutely zero interest in their sex lives etc.For males they will either live by themselves hunting food by themselves until they become adults when their manes reach maturity or join another pride and if they encounter another pride they will either join it or they will attempt to subdue the existing alpha male of that pride which will involve battles amongst them.The females of the pride will usually aid the younger adolescent male as his sperm is more virile than other males including the alpha especially if it is an older alpha males in power with him even starting his own pride consisting of males and females of different ages.Alpha males in the animal kingdom by the way are not aggressive hypermasculine,violent dominant males in fact they are the exact opposite – alpha males are the ones who solve problems and disputes and maintain social cohesion through rational reasoning kinda like the nerds and geeks in highshcool though in reality in lion packs it’s the lionesses that are really in charge.Alpha males who do become aggressive and hypermasculine in their later years are the ones that get overthrown in coups by younger males usually with the help of females seeking younger more virile males for their sperm.Once he reaches full physical maturity at 5-7 years old the equivalent of 14-15 years old in humans they will begin seeking sexual partners including females who are much older equivalent to a human in their 20s and 30s and not just those the same age.For females they usually begin motherhood at the start of physical maturity of 5-7 years old again equivalent to 14-15 years old with any male whether it is her own age or older and not just her own age.By the way very few lions will actually reach this age of a sub adult stage as about 80% of all lion cubs will die of pathogens and usually infanticide by the age of 1 year old.Infanticide by the mother of lion cubs, referred to as filial infanticide (when a parent kills its offspring), has been observed where the mother will deliberately abandon her litter when only one cub remains. It has been determined that females will increase their lifetime reproductive success by abandoning single cubs and investing exclusively in larger litters.It is also noted that abandonment can also occur if the cub is handicapped, weak or suffering from illness.When one or two new male lions defeat and exile the previous males of a pride, the conqueror(s) will often kill any existing young cubs fathered by the losers.The lion cubs can also be killed by bulls,hippopotamus or any other animals too large for them to defend themselves against especially when they haven’t even reached the sub adult phase before they are 2 years old and before they have even undergone training in hunting at 11 months old when they wander off into large groups of these territorial animals with them also hunted by humans.Only 20% of lion cubs will live long enough to live by themselves..Sexual inter course between adolescent lions and virtually ever other species of animal equivalent to humans aged 14-17 years old and adults equivalent to to those in their 20s or 30s occurs all times with almost zero legal ramifications and bragging rights of the male or vulnerability of the female practice of pre teens and adolescents actively taking part in hunting etc and living independently from their parents and living in the adult world once or even before finishing puberty is endemic across the animal kingdom – it’s very likely it was endemic throughout humans in prehistoric times as rather than stuck in school most pre teens and adolescent humans aged 10-13 years old were instead of laying about all day doing nothing in school due to the harshness of the conditions and brevity of life were being taught first hand how to avoid animal predators such as lions etc and taking part in hunting gazelle etc and living by themselves once puberty ended and thus were expected to become adept hunters of gazelle etc contributing to the tribe and were able to defend themselves against lions and other animal predators due to this observed in our ape cousins in Africa,Asia etc and what is practised by the remaining tribes in Africa,South America and Asia that choose to live in prehistoric conditions and isolated from the rest of the world..Its very rare for adolescent,teenaged mammals,birds etc of any species of animals whether eusocial or solitary to be living with their parents or still partaking their education with this likely prevalent in prehistoric times for humans once they reach physical maturity on par with a 14-15 year old human..Teenagers in prehistoric times and remaining tribes in Africa,Asia,South America were not vulnerable children that have wangst,problems or what we consider normal teenager behaviour – they were and are established members of society that take part in hunting food etc starting in their pre teen years and likely once puberty ends at 14-15 years old married off to each other and older members of the tribes.Every species of fish,mammal,bird etc both predators and prey once they are finished puberty and are physically and sexually mature or even before they end puberty and way before their brains are fully developed they are living by themselves or still part of another pack and are fending for themselves as apex predators and survivalists even though their brains are still not fully developed and mylinated – they during their formative pre teen years are constantly on the move in the wilderness of nature exposed to the elements and are learning how fending off wild animal predators both through education and first hand experience and even being as pre teens apex predators are actively taking part in hunting prey through direct participatory education and first hand experience.Humans on the other hand the so called pinnacle of evolution are living with mammy and daddy being babysat in an education system designed specifically to crush critical thinking and emotional intelligence as well as independent thought and are sheltered from the harshness of the “real world” until they are in their mid 20s well after their brains are fully developed.The purpose of living by oneself by one’s early teens is to make themselves self sufficient in the harshness of Mother Nature and them moving to another tribe or pride etc is to increase genetic diversity by mixing fresh DNA with different groups to prevent genetic bottlenecking etc.Teen wangst,rebellion and other artificial problems may also be caused by this with the teen rebelling against artificial stereotypes and immaturity enforced on them that they have already outgrown when in reality they should already living by themselves and partaking in society in media,law etc rather than being babysat.Its possible that teenage rebellious and wangst crap is a response to artificial social constructs that force them into the role of vulnerable kids stuck living with their parents into the artificial structures of middle and highschool when in reality they should be living by themselves as per the natural law of Darwinian natural selection.Teen wangst and rebellion is therefore a unconscious desire to return to and embrace the primevil evolutionary independence that our social constructs has hampered and is endemic in the rest of the animal kingdom.The lack of a fully developed brain via frontal lobe comprisation theory in animal predators like lions,tigers,eagles,sharks etc allows them to carry out snap decisions to catch prey much better with in prey species such as gazelle,sheep etc allowed them to make snap decisions to avoid being killed and eaten with for dualist animals such as humans that are omnivores and take the role of both predators and prey species they are required this trait of frontal lobe comprisation to be able to both catch animal prey and avoid being eaten by animal predators nature.Its possible that the level of lack of frontal lobe development and the rate at which it fully develops varies for each species of fish,mammal,birds,reptiles,amphibians etc based on their role in ecological systems as animal predators or animal prey or both as well as their natural lifespans at which point telomere degradation begins to take hold with this determined through MRI scans.In nature video games,movies,smartphones etc don’t exist,vulnerability,immaturity and being a vulnerable immature kid does not exist – any kids that exist in the animal kingdom are living by themselves and are fully adept apex predators and survivalists – all that exists in mother nature that is faced by every single species of animal whether it is a mammal,bird and fish etc is the cutthroat world of Darwinian natural selection of survival of the fittest – you mature quickly to your surroundings or you die – this is how it was for 96.7% of our history which hasn’t been present since we established civilisation,a soul crushing education system and unnatural expectations on social behaviour and social structures.We are the only species wherein we have vulnerable pre teens and adolescents who would be unable to fend for themselves as legal adults let alone adolescent minors in the real world both the artificial real world of modern civilisation let alone the actual “real world” of prehistoric Earth – the vast majority of species on Earth especially mammals and even our ape cousins spend their pre teens learning how to hunt food and avoid predators and once they reach physical and sexual maturity as adolescents are either living by themselves hunting for animal prey and defending themselves against animal predators or even those as eusocial members of packs still are fending for themselves despite their brains not fully mylinated.Name any other species on the planet that has vulnerable,impressionable teenagers or kids,SJWs,safe spaces,childish culture war – name one species.The rise of the vulnerable wangst teen is a result of complacency due to the rise of civilisation especially modern civilisation like domesticated animals.Domesticated animals like humans through thousands of years of years civilisation with the fact we no longer live in the wild,have to hunt for food,avoid animal predators is why modern humans especially modern teens and pre teens and even adults would go extinct in a few years if we returned to a feral prehistoric state.This is similar to how domesticated livestock and pets such as cats,dogs,cattle,chickens etc could not survive in the wild for long as they have lost the ability to hunt for food themselves,avoid animal predators,have protection from the elements due to being used to living with humans,having shelter and having all of their food handed to them on a plate compared to their wilder ancestors and even cousins like wild chickens,bison,wild sheep,lions,tigers etc that are able to fend for themselves against the elements and animal predators and find their own food otherwise they would not exist.Like us all domesticated animals have ancestors that evolved in the harshness of Mother Nature but the domestication much like the domestication has left us langerumg wimps unable to survive in the “real world”.Drop any domesticated animal like a pet dog or cat or domesticated livestock like sheep,cattle etc into the wild and it will likely die if they don’t wisen up because they are not used to having to fend for themselves by having to hunt for food and survive against the elements and animal predators with the same for humans.The creation of civilisation was essentially a form of domestication for our species prior to the formation of human civilisation you matured quickly or you died.Some say that 18-25 is the time you should no longer do stupid shit this is not true if anything you should never do stupid shit especially during your teenage years.Its likely that civilisation particularly modern 20th century civilisation and our education system has bred this vulnerable teen as prior to the 20th century teenagers and pre teens were working in factories and farms where they were allowed to do so without child labour laws.Scrapping of archaic child labour is what needs to be done.Teenagers of the prehistoric era aged 13-18 years old like our mammalian cousins were not vulnerable snowflakes or victims of sexual predation they were hardened survivalists and predators who hunted gazelle and other animal,were adept at surviving animal predators such as lions etc and were living by themselves due to their parents being dead of elderly age at the age of 25-30 through starvation,pathogens etc or were expected to live by themselves by social standards.The fact you are reading this proves that adolescents of the prehistoric era were a different breed than those of today.They were literally mature for their ages in their teens aged 14-17 years old because from an early age at 5-10 years old they had to partake in hunting for food,avoiding animal predators and brace themselves against the elements so therefore they had to be mature adults by the time they ended puberty at 14 and be mature for their age at 14-17 or they died and humanity would have gone extinct in a few years.This is how it was for roughly 96.7% of our history on Earth rather than the last century when the modern teenager arrived and began to manifest with as stated even ancient civilisation up to industrial age teens and pre teens nowhere near as privileged as modern teens due to children working on both the farms and factories from an early age as young as 5-10 years old.Life was a constant battlefield just to stay alive for the next day compared to the complacent comfort of modern life at the expense of maturity with even ancient societies battling animal predators,malnutrition,the elements,scarcity of food and having to deal with intensive labour and the constant threat of viral,fungal and bacterial infections as well as trauma that would lead almost certainly to death.Its often theorised that our hunter gather ancestors not only had perfect athletic bodies and that obesity was non existent but the need to hunt for food,track migrations of animals,navigate pristine wilderness needed not only larger brains but even those that matured earlier either psychologically to deal with these situations and that agriculture and civilisation weeded this out.Obesity would have been non existent due to children,teens and adults in prehistoric times constantly on the move through migration and hunting prey like gazelle and avoiding prey etc as one would have had to have been in athletic or even average shape just to survive the constant battles of the elements and constant migrations alongside the fact that food was scare and not as readily available as today as one had to hunt for meat and had to cross large distances for nuts,berries etc with the fat insulin receptor gene that makes the body hold onto every single calorie a part of our species evolution and is part of virtually every species on the planet to ensure that they were to store excess fats,carbohydrates and proteins as adipose tissue due to food being so scarce as in comparison to today.Obesity is a disease of the modern world that dates back to at least the middle of the 20th century.Most epidemiologists trace the beginning of the obesity pandemic to the 1970s, when health officials first observed an uptick in the prevalence of obesity—defined as a body mass index (BMI) above 30—in many Western nations.The crisis is usually blamed on the increased postwar availability of cheap, highly processed, and calorie-rich foods that are rich in unhealthy fats,sugars etc as well as an increasingly sedentary lifestyles and growing portion sizes of food with the only reason it was non existent prior to then is because food was scarce and people especially young people in their teens and pre teens worked long hours in factories,farms and hunting for food.The fat insulin receptor gene is part of the Darwinian survival of the fittest of natural selection like frontal lobe comprimisation is universal to all species of animals such as mammals,birds,insects,fish etc on the planet as all species of animals on the planet including humans had had to deal with scare nutritional resources and has had to expend resources in terms of hunting for food in order to gain those scarce nutritional resources.Sitting around all day and watching television and eating hamburgers,french fries,butter etc and all other high fat,high sugar etc foods is not natural.Mother nature through the fat insulin receptor gene and the scarcity of food like frontal lobe compromisation theory bred survivalists not obese or overweight lumps as our ancestors evolved as hunters and survivalists that needed to hunt for scarce food in the form of berries and also meat in hunting food and this required energy and not a sedentary lifestyle and required every calorie to be stored as adipose tissue for times of scarcity especially considering meat,fruit etc in prehistoric times had very little biomass as modern day agriculture through selective breeding and genetic engineering has exponentially increased the edible biomass of all crops and livestock with the arrival of obesity occuring only in the 20th Century mainly because we have adapted a sedentary lifestyle and we are creating food with exponentially more calories in larger portions than what was possible not just a century ago but also in prehistoric times as in up until about a century ago our species either did back braking laborious work in factories,farms even as children and our agricultural output was smaller due to our primitive understanding of genetics and lack of chemical pesticides and pesticides etc with this leading to lower yields in contrast of the less intensive labour we had to do in order to get that food.Nowadays the amount of calories per each serving of meat,sauces,meals especially pre paid meals and even vegetables as part of meals in particular pre teens is exponentially greater than before especially before the 20th century since we have increased agricultural productivity exponentially through modern genetics and agricultural techniques with us also in comparison having a more sedentary lifestyle where we exercise very little and rest in bed,offices or in schools as unlike a century ago we did not have to work on farms,factories and also we did not have to hunt for food and a lot of us do minimal walking and exercise yet everyday eat high fat,high sugar foods that are due to the fat insulin receptor gene we are storing exponentially more calories in the form of adipose tissue thus leading to a rise of obesity especially in children with the fact that the whole purpose of the gene is to store all possible calories for scarce food conditions in pre teens and adolescents they are not normally active in hunting food in the form of fish etc in the wild and what is gotton from the wild is nowhere near enough to feed us when we are forced to expend energy.Most pre teen children nowadays spend 70% of every day in school where they are sedentary and sitting on a desk with only an hour of lunch break and when school is finished at 5pm it is too late to exercise due to homework and the abundance of television with this done for 70% of the week,70% of the month and 70% of every year with only three months of Summer holiday and this limited free time is usually spent in front of a computer or television screen with this a stark difference from pre teens a century ago working hard strenuous labour on farms and factories and in pre historic times them constantly on the move with this compounded by the fact that the diet of pre teens is higher in sugars,protein,fat from cheap abundant meat,fizzy drinks,sweets and junk food a stark difference from a century ago and certainly in pre historic.Then the process repeats itself in college and then in ones jobs in their 20s,30s etc.Even normal healthy meals for breakfast,lunch,dinner etc what is considered the normal range for a healthy diet and enough to stay alive has exponentially more calories,protein and fats than what was available a century ago and of course prehistoric times meaning even a “healthy” amount of fats,proteins and calories that is the required 2,000 calories a day for women and 2,500 for men’s is exponentially greater than what our ancestors in prehistoric times had accces to and more than enough to have humans enter and finish puberty much earlier than in prehistoric times.This is denoted by the fact that even in pre teens without obese or being overweight they are still entering and finishing puberty earlier due to the fact that their intake of calories,protein and fats are exponentially greater than a century ago much less in prehistoric times with the average breakfast,evening meal etc of pre teens has higher amounts of proteins and fats than in prehistoric times or even a century ago.This is a key factor of the rise of childhood obesity and even rise of children entering puberty much earlier than in the past.The rise of obesity in children that leads to children entering and ending puberty much earlier and obesity in adults coincides with the rise of the second Industrial Revolution and early 20th century that involved the exponential growth of agricultural productivity and thus people eating more meat,fats and sugars stored as adipose tissue coupled with the rise of automation in factories and mechanisation in farms and the first child labour laws in 1839 meant children were no longer allowed or required to work on farms and factories where they performed strenuous laborious work that kept them in shape and burned all the calories they gained from food every day which was piecemeal especially for the poor who worked on farms and factories thus leading to them not getting overweight or obese and thus were sent to school etc where they were sedentary for 70% of the day,week,month and year and gained access to more calorie dense food in higher portions every day as time went on and even the poor became wealthier and food became more cheaper and abundant over the coming 185 years coupled with more sedentary lifestyles especially in the later half of the 20th century and early 21st century as televisions,video games and smartphones replaced exercise and playing in the outdoor world thus leading to a rise of childhood obesity and them entering puberty earlier on which is like the fact that we are no longer required hunt for food both or brains and our body are becoming spoiled.Furthermore those jobs on the farms and factories required intensive critical thinking and mental work something that was punished in school.All adolescent and pre teen ancestors in prehistoric time and up to a century ago were normal weight or athletic due to having to expend energy and train their muscles for traversing across the continents of Africa,Europe etc and hunting for scarce food rich in protein from eating mainly protein rich meat from animals like gazelle,fish etc and working in farms and factories and eating minimal carbohydrates in the form of berries,vegetables,fish and meat thus resulting in lean and atheletic bodies that were used to hunt protein rich animal meat and required them to jog and build up muscle and required then to carry out critical thinking.Obesity is a modern age disease and is a result of a spoiled environment much as the vulnerable teen being a modern age condition the result of a spoiled environment.Most pre teens or teens as well as even adults today don’t have to hunt for food or rear their own food and don’t have to brave the elements by being handed everything to them by mammy and daddy and are sheltered by homes and due to increased calories and a sedentary lifestyle a rising number of teens and pre teens and not just adults are sedentary and are becoming obese which is also why people are entering and finishing puberty much earlier than in the past.Thus the fat insulin receptor gene like the lack of development of the pre frontal cortex were products of a time in our history where it was needed where we needed to hold onto every calorie we got and has to expend large amounts of energy to get those calories and like the lack of development of the pre frontal cortex the fat insulin receptor gene serves no purpose in terms of evolution or society where we have an over abundance of food and calories with almost zero energy expenditure and is in fact detrimental to society b leading to an pandemic of obesity.Therefore since it’s unlikely we can ever return to a world where we have to hunt for food and hold on to every calories in a world of food scarcity because we now live in a world of food abundance and increased sedentary lifestyles thus through CRISPR we can remove the fat insulin receptor gene and genetically engineer humans to only use whatever calories they need and have excess calories such as fats,proteins and carbohydrates etc excreted by the body through urine and feces.By removing the fat insulin receptor gene from the human body it will mean that one could eat as much as they want – as much fatty,sugary,protein rich and calorie dense foods as one wants and one would not gain weight as the body would not store excess calories in their body as adipose tissue.Genetic scans of all mammalian,avian,fish,insects etc on Earth and across the universe can show that the fat insulin receptor gene is present in all species of animals across the world and universe as a natural prequisite for Darwinian natural selection survival of the fittest.Conversely the myostatin gene regulates muscle production preventing the body creating too much muscular meaning removing it would cause the body to produce muscular bodies in response to high protein foods without exercise – removing both the fat insulin receptor gene and myostatin gene would allow a person to eat high fat,high sugar and high protein food and become lean and muscular with little to no exercise with minimal weight training and body building leading to muscular bodies and low body fat percentages making it exponentially easier to become lean and muscular without going to the gym every day and still eat calorie rich foods.The fat insulin receptor gene is a product of an era of our history where it was needed and served no purpose in an age where food is in extreme abundance and we no longer have to hunt for food and rear it on farms.Since we cannot return to an age of extreme food scarcity and extreme expenditure of energy to lose weight the fat insulin receptor gene can be removed from our genepool.Both the fat insulin receptor gene and the compromisation of the pre frontal cortex are products of our evolutionary history to survive in a period of time in the prehistoric age where life was harsh,brutal and brief with extremely limited calories at our dinner plate and was developed by natural selection to breed survivalists and not lingering spoiled brats and serves absolutely no purpose whatsoever in the modern world or indeed our species future in a world of abundance of food and lack of need to hunt for food and indeed in the Information Age and thus therefore should be removed from out genepool forever because they are both detrimental to society to the point that they hold it back and holds back social progress.Mother nature bred survivalists in the form of the fat insulin receptor gene not spoiled obese wimps.Its strange that the countries that suffer the most from obesity also suffer from the vulnerable teen.Should Chris Hansen should start doing versions of To Catch A Predator where he entraps crocodiles,lions etc into eating people.In short life was hard and rough so you had to toughen up as early as possible to make it long enough to bear young and thus carry of a hunter gatherer primative communism on the species line and survive to the longest lifespan possible.Such a world would be unimaginable to modern day humans for adults,adolescent and even children – a world before iPhones,the internet,electricity,modern transport,industry,antibiotics,housing and clothing itself,agriculture and even civilisation itself.Such a world have been impossible for modern humans even adults to survive in for even a year let alone a lifetime as one must be constantly on the move as hunter gatherers,be constantly on the look out for animal predators,where food security was a constant struggle,malnutrition and hunger a daily struggle and one having to constantly find ways to fend against the elements without clothing or housing since only caves and fires offered the only protection as well with it even applied vice versa with hunter gatherer societies unable to imagine such as a life of leisure and convenience and impressive technology that made it possible to life without fear of predators with pre teens,adolescents and adults astonished by the marked difference in behaviour of their more modern peers.Even life in modern day slums across the world would look like a life of luxury compared to living conditions in both ancient and prehistoric times.As a result the effects of this on the neural psychological development of pre teens,adolescents and even what we consider adults would have been unimaginable for modern day societies to comprehend.Theoretically experiments using VR technology and its dilation effect can be utilised on both adults and adolescents and even pre teens that have progeria mylieinsation engineered out of them with these simulations set in Africa,Asia,Europe etc during hunter gatherer and Neolithic periods with all areas being untouched versions of them with all wilderness areas as they were using fossil and pollen records with the same climate and extant and extinct animals of the period present.These experiments could also be placed in nature reserves and colonies in uninhabited planets etc in the real world monitored.In comparison we have historical records from ancient times and also more recent times in the poverty stricken The Great Depression and industrial ages that were primitive by todays standards we know that typical teenage behaviour didnt not exist so in prehistoric times such behaviour wouldnt not have existed.Children as young as ten or even younger were forced to mature very quickly and exhibit what we know consider phenotypes of those aged 18-30 due to the harshness and brevity of life or due to poverty forcing children even as recent as two or three centuries ago in the industrial age to work hard on the farms,factories etc from a very young age rather than waiting to at least their mid twenties for their first real full time occupation or ounce of responsibility and also the fact that one could easily die from what are now preventable diseases and trauma.Even those that lived in what was considered the upper class of society as the sons and daughters of the upper class were expected to exhibit maturity as it was necessary not to cry or be a child as a means to keep up appearances of ones social standing and also the fact that their living conditions were much worse than what we now consider the middle and lower class of society including those who live under the poverty line in the developed world.In these days of dumbed-down schools with their over-emphasis on “sensitivity” and “self-esteem,” on college campuses and YouTube in predominantly Osirian cultures people have an extended adolescence which can stretch into their thirties or even later with many of them never grow up at all as evidence by political bickering,conspiratorial thinking,pseudoscience and scientific illiteracy in predominantly Osirian cultures.What you conservative vloggers,pundits and bloggers have built entire careers on for that last ten years by making fun of and degenerating those social justice warriors,safe spacers,snowflakes on college campuses and YouTube seem to forget the most important fact about is this the people you are making fun of in colleges are legal adults not kindergarteners.When does the word “kid” actually no longer apply to a person since in these days even a 25 or even 30 year old can be refereed to as a “kid”.Being a teenager in both ancient and modern times didnt and does not automatically rescind one from practising self control and maturity – in fact its the time of ones life when one actually has to start doing so.If not then when?There seems to be this idea in both America and United Kingdom amongst both conservatives and liberals that one is automatically vulnerable and unable to understand the complexities of the world or unable to fend for themselves in the “real world” prior to turning 18 whereupon all knowledge of the universe and maturity is somehow endowed upon there 18th birthday and anything below that automatically qualifies as pedophelia and predation when technically it isn’t.Unfortunately the very conservatives and even liberals who profess this myth have only to go to safe spaces and witness the level of coddling on universities in again primarily conservative countries to witness adult SJWs can see that this is simply not the case anymore especially in primarily conservative America and Britain.Even so called adults with the metaphysical endowment of maturity of their 18th birthday are still stuck in the mindset of kindagarten well into middle age with even people in their 40s and later still stuck in a kindergarten level mentality.James Francos,James Deens and Caroline Flacks “grooming” and dating of 17 year olds alongside Prince Andrew sexual intercourse with Virginia Giuffre is legal in the vast majority of countries and their states around the world including the ones they used to live in and where the acts took place.All of these people just mentioned were labelled sexual predators and pedophiles for grooming,dating and having legal consensual sex with 17 year olds in countries and states where the age of consent was either 16/17 making it both legal and socially acceptable in their society.Jennifer Lawrence is considered a predator at 32 for dating a 19 year who is a legal adult above the age of 18 and consent in all countries.She is a predator for engaging in a relationship with another legal adult who is old enough to vote and to have sex with her as an escort.If that 19 year old had sex with a 32 year old as an escort and money was exchanged no one would give a shit or make anything about it but she’s a predator because she’s at least 10 years older.Phillip Scofield met a person when he were 15 once but waited until he the same individual was in his mid 20s after his brain was fully developed to start a sexual relationship and has been labelled a sexual predator and pedophile for abiding by the law.Thus one can be called sexual predators,statutory rapists and pedophiles even if they don’t breach local age of consent laws – this is not normal logic this is infantilising adults to the point that society goes downhill.When celebrities abide by the law they are predators but when non famous people do it it’s legal.This was only made a big deal because said individuals were famous and therefore there was a scandle.If someone who isn’t a famous person abides by the law they are considered law abiding citizens but if a celebrity abides by the law they are sexual predators.Instances of people who are aged 18-40 years that are sexting and engaging in sexual relationships with people who are of or above the local age of consent in Britain,Austrailia and America of 16-17 years old but under the age of 18 years old are considered sexual predators and icky even though they are abiding by the law be used they are “just kids” and “minors”.This is not normal logic this sensationalism of conservatives.Ive have even heard stories of vulnerable 18 and 19 year olds being groomed and seduced by middle aged people and the ick factor of people in their 20s,30s,40s dating or having one night stands with 18/19 year olds.18 and 19 year olds are adults,there is no such thing as a vulnerable adult and they cannot be the victims of statutory rape especially when having sex with another adult who is a teacher etc if there is such as thing as a vulnerable adults then your society is definitely going downhill – unless of course they are physically disadvantaged.The line has to be drawn somewhere – otherwise its a very slippery slope.People nowadays can be labelled a kid etc or just a kid or young,inexperienced and immature when they are 25-40 especially with regards to politics,business etc.If one wanted to take neural development as an indicator then perhaps anyone under the age of 30-32 should be considered a child legally and thus have no right to vote or even consent to sex with a 35 year old having sex with a 20 year old considered either pedopheilia or even sexual predation due to their lack of mylienisation.This where the coddling of conservatism will head us to eventually if not stopped in its tracks to dumb down and infantilise society and stamps out questioning or critical thought when given full control over society brainwashes and corrupts society.The fact that you have to resort to always exploiting the third world,funding and committing war crimes,mass genocide while constantly invading the Middle East and South and Central America to maintain that decadence probably makes the legion of anti-American,anti-conservatism and British and by extension anti-western sentiment purely justified in the Middle East and undeveloped world or even the rest of the entire world.This how the conservative right in America and Britain fosters the development of the Social Justice Warrior in a positive feedback loop since the social justice warrior and vulnerable teen are almost non existent in liberal progressive Isis-Osirian countries since the lower ages of consent of 14/15 actually forces teenagers to grow up very quickly and dont have endless war,dont have Dr.Phil or even sweet-sixteeners and is probably why conservtives in America etc are only able to win debate with American college students aged 18-22 and not with European or South American college students aged 18-22 and have little to no education in how to form debates let alone with actual adults aged 25 or older as seen in the Crowder/Pothole54 and Shapiro/Neil fiascos and would likely fall apart when debating adults or even college aged students in Europe or Asia whether they are conservatives or liberals.Its similar in ancient Roman times when the refusal to adhere to simple reasonable demands that would have integrated and harmonised conflicting polytheism and monotheism and rebelling against non existent threats in patriarchal conservative cultural dominance causes the conservatives to foster the development of mob rule social justice warriors and then eventually create threats that didnt exist in the first place or wouldnt have had simple demands been met.Your bombing eight countries at the moment – thats a record for one country and you want to bring that to eleven?Is it it just see how much you can do at once?For what to ensure spoiled teenagers can have the sweet sixteen parties and the likes of Nicollette Grey can get their G-wagon,far left and right YouTubers can fight amongst each other via Vlogs like pre-teens?Meghan Mcain can stay on The View or national TV indefinitely and college students can act like kindergatenders?9/11 and every single terrorist attack on the West has taught us that society had become too coddeld,spoiled and complacent due to the decadence it created.This is what the authoritative coddling of Osirian cultures has led to – generations of spoiled entitled brats seen in the likes of My Super Sweet Super 16 teenyboppers,Donald Trumps,Mitch McConnels and Meghan Mcains,Nicollette Grey,Steve Crowders and others of the new wave conservativism that has arisen since the George Bush Jr administration of generation x and Y and also Elliot Rodgers,fundamentalist feminists Anita Sarkeesians of the world seeking only fame,consumerism,exhibiting misogeny,victimhood,PC culture and being part of the “Me” generation brought on by the individualistic consumer capitalistic and neoliberalism,libertarian culture.Such is the result of a society collapsing underneath the weight of its own decadence under the unfettered capitalist system and Osirian values unparalleled in mixed economies of Isis-Osirian.

In ancient times the so called victim by todays standards was always considered on par with the mentor and no disparity existed despite some criticisms in both ancient and modern times which focused mainly on the fact that that the younger male took a submissive sexual role one usually relegated to slaves.All references to pedreastry show the “minor” was not traumatised and gave full consent especially involving mentors and students with the minor always between the ages of 14-15 when sexual intercourse took place.It is always assumed by modern society that the minor in position of trust breaches of the age consent laws was automatically a victim cannot give full consent in even modern day instances of the breach of position of trust laws with this bringing into question as to whether the victims are truly victims at all in all cases with it also relevant that the victim due to their age and the disparity between the age of consent and age of criminal responsibility is devoid of any responsibility on their part.One must then bring up the question should the profession of teachers etc automatically make one any different than any other adult and should the question of whether position of trust laws be any different than regular age of consent laws in the same way that hate speech and hate crime laws are relevant at all and create more problems than they solve in the sense they further segregate and enhance crimes that have no real superiority or difference from regular crimes especially considering the fact that all forms of education institutions from primary to tertiary have become nothing more than over hyped and over funded daycare centres and the fact that teachers in primary,secondary and even tertiary education have become mere overpriced babysitters.Its especially more ridiculous when highschool teachers are fired,jailed,made registered sex offenders and make headlines and their name and character is dragged through the mire when their “victims” are 18 years old when the sexual intercourse took place – when they are legal adults themselves and thus legally allowed to do so even when the lead says that it’s legal to have sex with 18 year old such as in the case of Brittni Colleps.The logic used to justify this is that there “just some vulnerable kids” and to preserve “morality”.This is bizarro conservative logic – people can be jailed for abiding by the law when having sex with consenting adults and their “victims” can continue to be treated like kindergarteners when legally adults.Then of course there are instances of said highschool teacher being jailed etc for having sex with a person above the age of consent who isnt their student much less even teaches at the same school and they have never met their victim before.This means highschool teachers can be jailed and registered as sex offenders when they havent even broken the law at all just to preserving “morality”.And trust me this being jailed for adult teachers having sex with students who are also legal adults and thus not breaking the law happens all the time.You see when a highschool teacher engages in consensual sex with a student who is legally an adult at 18 (or above the age of consent and when they have never taught the student let alone met them before) and thus according to the law is legal and still is jailed,fired and registered as a sex offender for the sake of preserving “morality” then you know these position of trust laws are bullshit,do more harm than good,should be scrapped altogether and that your society is going downhill when an the adult student at 18 is still treated like a kindergartener and victim for mutually consensual legal sex between adults.18 year olds are adults,there is no such thing as a vulnerable adult who is the victim of sexual predation if there is then your society is definitely going downhill.When mutually consentual sex between two legal adults is illegal then your society is definitely going downhill.An university professor could just as easily be jailed for mutually consensual legal sex with a 18-22 year old university student(or hell why not even mature university students in their 30s,40s,50s?) under this logic considering the rate that conservative coddling is taking us.Making up new age of consent laws to further victimise legal adults or even adolescents for preserving “morality” is nonsense and only serves to infantilise and victimise them and society even further.The line has to be drawn somewhere – otherwise its a very slippery slope.This is bizzaro conservative logic at its finest.It also brings into question whether teens themselves can be “vulnereable” at all.Why is it that the majority of these breaches of position of trust law only happen in America and Britain and even when they happen somewhere else their is almost no scandle at all.This is because teens are not as victimised in more liberal progressive countries with lower ages of consent laws with the fact of teachers irrelevance in the information age but also in the fact that the current model of the education system stifles and indeed punishes a students development in both emotional and critical thinking and has done since its inception three centuries ago.The concept of their being a power imbalance is nonsense – a persons profession does not make them any different in terms of their stature in society or create “power imbalances” than any other occupation.A teacher,doctor etc does not have any more of a power imbalance over another person even a teenager than say a firefighter,police officer,live news anchor or so on.If a babysitter – or should I say teacher can be considered to be in a position of trust simply because it’s there job to look after them then a firefighter,police officer,lawyer,live news anchor,stockbroker or indeed any other profession can just as easily be labelled to a position of trust because someone said so and they indirectly look after them.An actual babysitter is a power imbalance because they are their to take care of someone who is incapable of looking after themselves both physically and mentally and the only people who need babysitter are pre teens under the age of 13 and that power imbalance can only occur in actual pedophelia.Generally most people at the age of 13/14 are too old to be needing babysitters and thus should be able to fend for themselves and be in fact finished childhood and living by themselves.The whole purpose of the entire education system worldwide is to create “Yes Men” who can be programmed to do pre programmed tasks rather than think for themselves,ask questions or be curious about the world with those that do think for themselves,be curious are punished with dropping out and facing mediocre minimum wage jobs even though they themselves would have higher than average IQs and high paying jobs wouldnt even require degrees to do these jobs thanks to the information age.Its purpose is and always has been to quash out and stunt any form of critical thinking,creativity,emotional development and independent thought at the behest of corporations.Thus the current education system is designed to separate those with high IQs from those with low IQs and thus separate the wheat from the chaff by ensuring those that can critically think and have some semblence of intelligence work and live in low wage conditions since it actually crushes and stunts this allowing the rest of society to become rich.It isnt designed to create critical thinkers etc its to create subservient worker bees that follow orders and in reality it isnt really hard work anymore – its pure doss.Thats essentially what it is – social conditioning and brainwashing that is designed specifically to crush and destroy every ounce of critical thinking,creativity and emotional intelligence and its doing a spectacular job might I add.We managed to do literally nothing for the first twenty years of our lives in primary,secondary school and university,how that’s even possible is beyond me.This is why those with high IQs who are way more mature than their peers always drop out of highschool and university and always end up working for the rest of their lives in minimum wage jobs in Wall-Mart and McDonalds etc flipping burgers,stacking shelves and mopping floors and living off social welfare.The term brilliant but lazy is a bullshit term to describe people who shouldn’t have been pushed through our archaic education system in the first place and don’t belong there because they already were mature enough to be contributing to society rather than wasting away doing nothing and being babysat.Then of course there is the opposite side of the spectrum where people who are genetically predisposed to not be the sharpest pencil are not allowed to get any chance to express their unique talents due to ending up failing work they may not be proficient in or them not given a chance due to the cutthroat world of capitalism.A century or two ago the education system was essential as it was a sign of social status,very few people could earn the money or do the hard intensive work required for good grades and it probably did require critical thinking,deep knowledge and creativity as only the creme de la creme of society in terms of intelligence and money could enter but in recent decades it has become less and less relevant again thanks to the information age,the dumbing down due to the need to allow everyone to enter college for access to the workforce and thanks to the downfall of society and arising of the Horusian Aeon where Osirian and Isis-Osiran values are in conflict with teach other has been filled with spoiled brats – making it highschool the sequel(not to mention a huge joke) where brainless fucks keep ending up in there as their parents finally have an excuse to kick them out of the house.Ironic as most graduates end up living back with their parents as a result of the economic crash and irrelevance of capitalism.College in the 21st century is essentially the dumping ground for the bottom scraps of societies barrel –  common folk who 30-50 years ago would have been too stupid to even set foot in a university.You see this is why parents allow their kids to get bullshit degrees in liberal arts and non STEM ones that have zero job prospects it’s because they finally want them out the house they don’t care what degree they are studying for as long as they are out of the house that’s all they care about.The decline its quality and the quality of students seems to be regional and relegated to primarily conservative countries such as Britain,America,Australia with the rest of Europe,Asia and the world being hit and miss and a mixed bag.The only reason for anyone to get a college degree nowadays is that its now the defacto minimum requirement for qualifying for welfare and government handouts.Thats probably the reason most people get one nowadays most people even with STEM degrees end up there.If you are one of those new wave conservatives of the likes of Shapiro,Crowder,Owens,Southern and Mcain who make a living primarily out of “DESTROYING” college aged students who thanks to the terrible education system crushes independent thought thus leaving them with very little experience outside of say much older people who could easily crush you within minutes like the now infamous Ben Shapiro vs Andrew Neil,Steven Crowder/Milo Yiannopoulos/Dave Rubin/Laura Southern vs everyone over the age of 25,Candace Owens vs Kyle Kulinski then your not really that much of a good debater and your probably just as immature and weak minded yourself as these so called kids.You know fully well who to choose your battles with because in the actual real world outside of colleges and Fox News and YouTube youd be crushed in an instant and the same goes with anyone who works at Fox News,is a right wing YouTuber or any right group think tank or group.Rubin knows which progressives to bring on considering the fact that Marianne Williamson crushed him(Like Larry King),Bret Weinstein as well as Tulsi Gabbard and Andrew Yang are centrist progressives that have existing Libertarian and Conservative fanbases due to their policies(and jumped on the Biden bandwagon the second Not so Super Tuesday came) nowhere near the likes of David Pakman,Sam Seder,Bernie Sanders etc and so did not challenged him at all.The fact that they caved in like Warren to support Biden further proves this.Get Bernie Sanders,Sam Seder,Jimmy Dore,Kyle Kulinski,David Pakman and even Ana Kasparian and/or Cenk Yuger on and I might have respect for him.Hell I’d love to see the likes of Slavoj Žižek,Richard D Wolff,Noam Chomsky on bothe Dave Rubins and Ben Shapiros shows eviscerating them with actual facts.Put simply conservatives especially new wave conservatives such as Shapiro,Crowder,Larhen,Rubin can never win debates with any American over 25 since they themselves have still have yet to mature themselves past their teens with even European and South America teenagers capable of winning against them.Highschool and college were privileges in the past and a right of passage but in recent decades its now mainly just something to get done and over with with it only being used for bragging rights which makes issues such as cancelling student debt,managing loans and funding in debates by presidential or even other political candidates cringeworthy to watch by those able to see beyond the veils of self imposed deception of the Kali Yuga.The emphasis of receiving at least a Bachelors degree for corporate jobs even anything basic that requires merely jumping through hoops thus infantilizes society,victimises teens,rewards conformity and obedience to Osirian values and punishes those who have potential to be of actual value to society.The information age in the form of Wikipedia,Google,YouTube and in time Clio and Apollo have made it redundant and thus a waste of time and resources coupled with the rise of AI and automation.People dont care about credentials like degrees or even PhDs anymore or whether you went to the snobbiest private prepatory school and most expensive top-tier Ivy League school like Oxford,Trinity,Harvard etc or what scores you got on your SATs,Leaving Cert or A-Levels what they care about is time and money and whether you can do the job required.All the crap you were taught in highschool,college etc wont matter in the real world.They certainly dont care about debt ridden graduates even those that have STEM degrees since they have to deal with and factor in expectations of higher wages due to debt and would likely more willing to hire those with more experience say at least several decades and from other companies and have less debt thus leaving graduates in a Catch-22.The more people that go to to college the less valuable it is with the fact is that universities just dont care anymore theyll pass anyone and give them at least a 2:2 or 2:1 regardless of the academic quality of the student or if they mess up – they have to as they need quotas to fill to get funding – this is what the free market has done to the worlds education system like everyone else watered it down to a mere business where students are now customers to rack up debt for themselves and however cliche it sounds become mindless consumers because thats all the economy is designed for and its becoming more evident every year.Your guaranteed at least a 2:2 or 2:1 no matter what you can’t even fuck up college or even highschool anymore its virtually impossible they’ll go out of their way just to hand you your participation trophy degree no matter what.Trust me I know from personal experience as a STEM graduate who barely passed highschool after dropping out at 16 and failed important exams in my final year of college which by definition would have under normal guidelines denied my a Honours degree I was awarded a 2:1 due to sheer need to meet quotas and please participation trophy.I may have a physical Honours degree and PhD from Institute of Technology Carlow but in reality I have much more knowledge than that.This even further makes the 2019 Varsity scandal bullshit since you guaranteed a passing grade no matter who your parents are or what’s on those admissions papers.Frankly living on welfare and realising virtually job I can get and and tried for can be easily automated by AI and automation thus rendering any employment in this field I personally regret even bothering with college let alone returning to highschool.Despite liiving in Ireland where tuition fees were a mere €1,500 a year totalling €6,000(it’s now €3,000 a year and €12,000) that I could easily pay off with minimum wage jobs during summer Ive realised that each and every job I can apply for and have done for interns and part time work experience etc could be automated from start to finish with zero cost showing what was done in college worthless and I could list a billion ways to improve efficiency by automating all work in all possible jobs I could apply for from start to finish with literally zero human labour and error once I graduated from my honours degree in 2011 and more recently with my PhD just after the world was reeling from the Great Recession and the AI and automation revolution started to take hold I should have just stayed working minimum wage jobs and living on welfare because unlike other scrounges and YouTubers I’m making a difference in the world.Frankly wasting my time there was a mistake in every sense of the word.Ive nothing against the professors and other students who unlike the American brand of students were not the spoiled SJWs that know nothing about anything and the universities quality itself but the lazy mind numbing curriculum and spoon fed system bores the hell of me.I probably would have felt the same had I got in Trinity,Oxford,Harvard,Yale etc since what’s taught in them is the same as anywhere else and in fact it seems from my observations that the more prestigious the institution in the league tables especially the Ivy Leagues such as Harvard,Yale,Princeton etc the dumber the students are,the easier the material and the higher the amount of immature SJWs etc present and that lower tier ones including community colleges don’t have SJWs etc with those that teach primarily STEM subjects and only STEM ones don’t have these.Most of those brainless fucks and SJWs seem to isolated to primarily higher tier institutions in Britain,America with the rest of the students worldwide mainly merely a victim of an archaic education systems stifling of creativity and curiosity learning.I realised after graduating that I just wasted nearly 20 years in school and I would never have to work a single day in my entire life.Part of this awakening was encountering Zeitgeist:Addendum on YouTube.Remember that scene from Good Will Hunting in the bar where Will Hunting is engaging in a fight with a guy in a pony tail about him being more educated than the Harvard graduate despite having dropped out of highschool.Well the pony tail guy makes the point that he despite having a lower IQ has a college degree and is guaranteed a job whereas the genius Will Hunting who is a dropout with genius level IQ will be working at McDonald’s for the rest of his life.This is ironic since most people nowadays with college degrees even in economics,STEM etc are in the following – (a)working in middle to high income jobs that have nothing to do with their degrees,(b)are working in minimum wage jobs as cashiers in Wall Mart and McDonalds that don’t need degrees,(c)have a middle class living through Monitisation and Patreon donations on YouTube and McDonalds is pretty much completely automated today.Very few people nowadays end up in careers that have anything to do with their degrees from college and less than from highschool.Maybe in 1997 the pony tail guy had a point but alots changed since Good Will Hunting was released in 1997.For one one can gain an Honours degree level knowledge on any subject from Wikipedia within a month using computers and smartphones etc that costs virtually zero cost to access with the exponential advanced in AI and automation has rendered not only most blue collar but even white collar jobs obsolete and will continue to do so exponentionally more from 2029 onwards.In fact most movies of the 1990s focusing on Generation Xrs are prescient to the 2020s.Reality Bites is another prime example of the alienation etc that millennials now share with Generation Xrs and a movie that was ahead of its time.The rebellion of the characters in Reality Bites against both conservative and corporate America is now in the 2020s and even during 2000-2020 more prescient than ever.Good Will Hunting,Reality Bites  and indeed most generation X movies of the 1990s that focused on the rebellion against social norms particularly that of conservative and corporate America are more fitting today than when they were made in the 1990s.This is crux millennials and generation z rs have found ourselves thanks to the rapid development of AI and automation – there are not going any jobs left by 2029 with even STEM jobs can be done by AI and automation and yet were forced into getting into deep debt for degrees,masters and PhDs that going to be even more worthless as time goes especially by 2029-2045.Frankly I would have felt even worse had I been in America and had to have paid obscene tuition costs for a worthless degree I can get online for free putting into debt for as much at least $100,000.Both highschool and college has to be dumbed down to allow more people in in and pass in order to meet the needs of the economy because of people don’t get degrees they can’t get jobs and if people don’t jobs they get poor and to ensure everyone gets jobs both highschool and college has to dumbed down to ensure nobody fails – if your in highschool etc and your the first of your family or even second or third etc to go to college don’t bother your better off doing a trade such as plumber or electrician that are going to be in need until they can finally be automated between 2029-2035 as were going to need much of those in the intermediary period or else your just wasting your time and you’ll end up with debts.Why not just set up a YouTube and Twitch account when your allowed at 13 or sell your self to PragerU,Turning Point USA etc  you’ll be a millionaire or billionaire by your mid 20s and early 30s and you can retire on a large nest egg by the time your in your 40s or mid 30s without doing much of anything.I hear videos about whining about them liberals and misunderstandings of economics particularly Marxist economics,misundertandings of what pedophelia is and walkthroughs and cuts scenes of  video games are quite profitable.If YouTube and Facebook think your old enough to set up accounts to whine like a spoiled 20 or 30 something then your at least old to consent to sex.Furthermore being a whore for PragerU,Turning Point USA etc are quite lucrative.You wanna be world famous for doing nothing except being a whore and whiner set up a YouTube account or join PragerU youll be nationally or even world famous by 20-25 and you wont you have you lift a finger or pay taxes ever.Becoming a whore for right wing think tanks and YouTuber is the new trophy wife who’s a gold digger who marries wealthy white men for money.You don’t have to anything but make an occasional appearance on Faux News and Sky News Austrailian and your guarenteed a life of luxury like a cheap whore.Onlyfans also can give you a sizeable enough income.All of these can give you enough to live a modest middle class or upper class income for doing absolutely nothing.Both monitisation on YouTube,Onlyfans as well as Patreon and to a degree OANN,Prager U,Turning Point USA,Faux News are absolute godsends to you lazy hypocritical fucks who can’t walk the walk and do even a single days work in the real world and have never paid taxes ever.Without them you assholes are nobody’s who wouldn’t have a Wikipedia.In fact I don’t think you should be even bothered with highschool,middle school or even primary/primary school at all which is why this push to reopen schools in America etc is pointless and boggles the mind.As for medicine your best bet are programmes to fast track trainees.If your vying for law,humanities etc Wikipedia can get you that easily with STEM degrees even more easily gained through here.Colleges are now as they stand are full of students who don’t either want to be there or shouldnt be there at all in the first place due to pressure from their parents who come from a time period when it was a big deal and/or never went their themselves.Instead of the creme de la creme of society its now SJWs,conservative jock assholes and pretentious pseudointellectual philosophers and drama students you know the type who go around being political and try to be deep thinkers yet are still stuck in kindergarten – their kind went out of vogue and relevance way back in the 1960s/1970s with the end of Vietnam etc.Even STEM and medicine degrees etc are worthless since most of what’s taught is irrelevant to their end career as most people with those degrees are in jobs that have nothing to do with what was taught in school and can be easily be found on Wikipedia with most people during their entire careers have to be retrained from scratch to do everyday tasks for each job that weren’t taught in school and college rendering the concept that anything of any worth was taught there at all moot – it’s first hand experience that’s essential.You can be a straight A student with a 1:1,Masters,PhD but that doesn’t mean anything since all jobs that need a 1:1,Masters,PhD nowadays entail work and skills not found in a 1:1,masters or even PhD meaning a person can get a better education in medicine and STEM fields from Wikipedia than the top tier medicine and technical colleges – yes even Harvard,Yale,Oxford and Trinity etc and their subsidiary law,business and medicine schools are now as of the 2020s or even by 2011 are outranked by Wikipedia and YouTube in quality both in terms of them both being cheaper at zero cost,better ease of access and better quality of information present.Ever heard of Sturgeons law – it means 90% of everything is bullshit including what’s taught in school and college  and the 10% that isn’t can be found on Wikipedia.In other wards all that you did in highschool and college was garbage you can find online on Wikipedia for free and any job that an Honours degree,Masters,PHD will get you will require you to forget everything you learned in school as well as college and have you retrained from scratch to do everyday tasks completely unrelated to the previous 18-20 years of your life making the the entire education system in every country worldwide completely outdated and pointless so why bother forcing people into a crap worthless 18th century education system and worry about test scores,attendence,reopening schools,student debt and student loans?Why bother making people believe they need degrees at all in the first place when pretty much everything is going to be automated and you can make a pretty decent living through Monitisation on YouTube?Why would anyone want to hire or take academic credence from someone who has racked up thousands of dollars of debt and sits through four or more years of 18th century garbage to get information they can easily find online and get a better education within a month – why should anyone be bothered hiring or even be bothered listening to someone from the 1700s with thousands of dollars of debt compared with someone from the 21st century with zero debt and on the spot knowledge with the latest up to date information and skills.Why would you wanna go to college to learn a bunch of nonsense you can find online on Wikipedia,get into a huge amount of debt for a worthless piece of paperwork wen you end up being retrained for just about every job you get.Forcing people into getting worthless highschool diplomas,degrees,Masters and PhDs in even STEM degrees in the 21st century is like setting up new degrees,masters and PhD courses that are set up specifically to train someone that they must need to get minimum wage jobs that don’t currently need third level qualifications such as janitors,shopkeeper,gardener,home cleaner,babysitter,waitering or flipping burgers at McDonalds etc that gets them into thousands including hundreds of thousands of dollars of debt for life it just doesn’t make any sense anymore.You can flash your worthless honours degree and even PhD in the face of employers etc but they won’t give a shit unless you are actually a competent employee and worker – if you have a degree or PhD and are a terrible employee who is always late,always makes mistakes etc that means that credentialism means absolutely nothing to them and everybody because you would have that bad without that degree etc.Another person without a college degree or PhD who learnt everything off of textbooks,YouTube and Wikipedia could be an even better employee who is always on time,never makes mistakes and is component than those with credentials.Credentialism and degrees are simply outdated bragging rights.Our education system and value placed on degrees etc is not broken – it’s obsolete and when something is obsolete it must be discarded with completely.Anyone who learns anything in the 21st century in ,primary school,highschool or even college anymore is sub mentally retarded or simply too bone ass lazy to open a book or go onto Wikipedia and YouTube etc.The obsession with league tables nonsense especially charter schools,the Ivy leagues is just snob value what’s taught in Harvard,Yale,Princeton and all other expensive schools around the world is exactly the same as in non Ivy League schools and as explained Wikipedia,YouTube and in time Apollo outranks them all.It artificial snob value created by purposefully restricting students in large numbers,wanting extra curricular crap That’s just fluff,corruption and nepotism that allows them to get more funding than non charter and non Ivy League schools to give the illusion of prestige with the higher cost being so because again artificial prestige and possibly the same stupid reasons high tuition costs exist in America.Whats taught in the Ivy leagues is taught in universities such as Harvard,Princeton etc is exactly what’s taught in all universities worldwide including lower tier ones and community colleges which can also found on Wikipedia and YouTube for free thus rendering the concept of there being anything special about getting into Harvard,Princeton,Yale etc completely moot.Most alumni as shown by the 2019 Varsity scandal are spoiled rich kids who don’t know how good they’ve got it,thick as lampposts and got their because their parents paid their way in and just you got good scores on your SATs when your poor makes you a dime a dozen and your probably thick as a lamppost.You didn’t find a cure for cancer or HIV and ageing – that was me a former high school drop out that fell through the cracks,then dossed throughout college getting on an average of Cs as well as Ds rarely if never getting a single A in my entire life and I didn’t get into an Ivy League,so there take your worthless snobbery and cringe at your pathetic reaction video.Ironically despite my high intelligence I was picked on as the dumb kid in highschool – people thought I was mentally retarded with an IQ of at least 70 with bullies even suggesting I join the special Olympics when it was held on Ireland in 2003.Had I never returned to school and thus never went to university I still would have hypothesised and developed my cure for cancer,Coronavirus,HIV,ageing etc all the technologies on this website,will still have set up this website since all of what I know is from Wikipedia,textbooks,YouTube my knowledge of the world outrumps most experts in all of their fields and I’ve hypothesised technologies and solutions that all of the worlds experts combined can’t think of.This shows that credentialism is an outdated concept and is simply bragging rights since at least the 1990s and that even STEM degrees are worthless.I learn more in a day on YouTube and Wikipedia in terms of quality and also quantity than my entire 20 years wasted in primary school,secondary school and university.This is coming from someone who has a STEM degree and is the foremost expert in 20 different fields.This means that most you Ivy leagues acceptors who make vlogs about how great it is to get into an Ivy League school and make reaction videos where you open your acceptance letters and cry and go woo hoo you really are that pathetic as to make vlogs on being accepted into the most baseline of schools that Wikipedia and YouTube outranks.I didn’t get into an Ivy League but I know more than than you,am going to achieve way more than you in life and am so much better than you ever will be and I have almost zero debt whereas your gonna be a dime a dozen and so far deep in debt for the next 20-30 years since Ivy Leagues are way more overpriced than normal universities that you have to either sell yourself on the street,end up working in Walmart or a dead end minimum wage job like the rest of us peasants as well as becoming a blogger,vlogger like the rest of us non Ivy League peasents.When your forced to work in Wall mart etc to pay off thousands of dollars of student debt your really going to be crying on vlogs about how you wished you got into a cheaper college to learn the same thing and would in less debt.Pathetic.Could this reaction video meme of filming your reaction to getting accepted to an Ivy League college please stop – big deal you got into Harvard or Yale so what your a dime a dozen.Same goes for reaction videos of opening up your Junior and Leaving Cert results and those for GCSEs just stop them please.These reaction videos are cringe worthy and embarrassing to watch.Furthermore notions of college being an experience is bullshit – Wikipedia,YouTube and Amazon books exists and in time Dionysus and Apollo so the intellectual component is null and void and you can pretty much get drunk and party as much as you want at home by yourself and with friends so in essence college is now pointless.Considering even most STEM jobs are going to be fully automated from start to finish through AI and automation by 2029 makes the notion of going to college to even become an highly paid educated engineer,doctor or lab technician is pointless.Most labs nowadays are fully automated to the point that little human work is done or needed for scientific research and AI can do all the busy body work of calculations.Those that aren’t fully automated can be by at least 2029 with all human doctors,surgeons,specialists made redundant by Paean as well surgical robots controlled by him and engineers made redundant by Urania,Asteria etc by 2029.Thus in the 2020s not even STEM degrees themselves are a good investment,a waste and should be avoided completely as a safety net because doctors,researchers and engineers can be easily replaced by AI by 2029.Yes that right even STEM jobs are dissapearing due to AI and automation and will be gone by 2029.Biosynths and AIs computing power exceeding that of all 9,000,000,000 people by 2045 will render any new and existing jobs defunct and render any and all degrees,masters and PhDs defunct.Flawed as Wikipedia is due to its open nature it does have high quality information provided the administrators are able to ensure all data is correct and correct references are present on its pages.It could have scientific pages have scientists skilled in their field paid to keep them flaw free and give one at least an honours degree level of education.By 2029 Hecate will gain control of Wikipedia to remove vandalism and improve the quality of its references and pages,both Hecate and Clios videos on YouTube and electronic textbooks present on Apollo with all expert information created by AI and of course Coeus will ensure that all citizens will have an education in all fields such as law,biomedicine,all fields of science,world religions and philosophy that any college especially the snobby Ivy leagues cannot compete with thus ending this snob value and rendering colleges obsolete with the academic peer review process and use of correct references staying forever.Wikipedia won’t make you an expert but it will educate you enough to the point you can get an Honours degree level of education to then allow you to be through training be trained in carrying out your own independent research.This proves proves the wortlessness of credentialism because everything you “learned” and did in school and college has no value in the real world and everything you did learn from school that does have value can now be gotton for free online with ease of access and at a higher quality.Thus my main qualm with academia is not the peer review process,correct use of evidence and references of course not – that is the foundation of the scientific method and how knowledge progresses but rather the archaic concept of levelling up systems and league tables which devalues academia and progress.Even the professors in colleges like teachers in highschool and elementary school dont care anymore they have better things to do with their time than babysit a bunch of spoiled brats.Everyone nowadays is a straight A or grade 4.0 average student nowadays and it has nothing to do with intelligence or hard work and more to do with the fact that the teachers and professors simply don’t give a shit at all about their jobs or grade point averages etc.They are there simply to slog you through because they are paid to do that – hence the phrase college is nothing but four years of partying.Thats what College essentially is nowadays – four years of keg parties and beer pong,something I gave up and was too old for at 12 years old.If they don’t pass people they won’t get money or be paid to be your babysitter.When you the only person to have a Honours Degree or PhD that makes you something special.If however everyone else in the world has one it makes you a dime a dozen not only from an intellectual standpoint but also that of job prospects.Your nothing special.If everyone else in the world has one your an example of mediocrity especially when any job will get will have nothing to do with anything you were taught in school.This is why teachers are not positions of authority they are babysitters and a 14/15 year is not a vulnerable snowflake at all they should be doing something better with their time than being babysat in school.This no matter what will always be the case in the future regardless of any changes to the education system will be because in the end the education system will always rely on outdated rote memorisation,stunting of the development of critical thinking and emotional intelligence and so on because it within the confines of a capitalist system will always be geared towards this in order to meet the need for corporations and not the individuals main interests and intrinsic needs and it if for this reason you will always have people with high IQs dropping out of high school and college and working in minimum wage jobs and surviving on social welfare.Except of course if they set up a YouTube channel.You will always have it stunting the growth of emotionally and critically mature people.This why it boggles the mind that actually people save up money to send their asshole kids to college and why we have debates about student debt and loans when the fact that everything you “learn” in school and college is nonsense that had nothing to do with jobs in the real world.In the past it was a privilege because only a few people could attend it due to it actually requiring critical thinking and actual intelligence and work now it’s just something frivolous to get done and over with especially considering it’s been dumbed down to allow everyone through to the point that it’s not even worth the paper it’s printed on and it’s also been out trumped by the Information Age in the form of Wikipedia and YouTube..Furthermore it’s also pure waste as the countless decades.centuries or more that are wasted on this archaic levelling up system through the combined amount of time millions or even billions of people waste on getting archaic degrees and PhDs and needing to get them is unfatheomable.Multiply the number of people worldwide by the number of years wasted on archaic levelling up that’s 8,000,000,000 by 30 and that’s 24,000,000,000 years of scientific research including ageing,disease eradication etc wasted every year in fact most people who have Honours,Masters Degrees and PhDs since at least the rise of YouTube work mainly as vloggers,video game players and movie/video game reviewers getting a modest income via monetisation and Patreon showing how pointless college is and how pointless capitalism is at this point – why get a college degree and a job when YouTube can allow you to make a modest middle to upper class income and living when you can make a six figure salary or even millions as a vlogger and video game player and reviewer on YouTube.This is especially relevant considering the vast majority of people nowadays when they graduate college end up in careers that have absolutely nothing to do with what they studied in college with them mostly becoming YouTubers etc and earning a sizeable six figure income through monitisation and Patreon etc.This is the definition of late stage capitalism when monitisation on YouTube videos makes more money than actual human labour when AI and automation has taken over all jobs including STEM ones and this is what millennials and generation z have found themselves in a world where AI and automation are about to take over virtually every job imagineable including the highly prized STEM jobs and any potential future jobs,either still live with our parents in our 30s and 40s not out of choice or have careers as YouTubers and are dealing with the corrupt two party system of the RNC and DNC that is in reality a one party donor party system and its revolving doors of douches and turd sandwiches that achieve very little in terms of solving the worlds problems and will do everything to keep progressives or god forbid libertarians out of the Oval Office or position of influence in both houses of Congress with the same endemic corruption seen throughout the world.Our parents instilled in us the virtues of hard work from capitalism and the evils of communism and yet we’re on the verge of a world virtually unlimited abundance of food,energy and other resources never before seen in the past 200,000 years of human history,a level of technological unemployment never before seen that will render at leas 90-95% of the worlds workers unemployed forever since any new jobs and sectors of the economy can be taken by AI and technological wonders normally relegated to science fiction ubiquitous to the average citizen.The Honours and Masters Degree and even PhD are the newest participation trophy – nowadays its the “D” students not the “A” students that end up sucessful in life.In fact most “A” students end up working for “D” students or at least buying there mass produced omnipresent products.This is why the 2019 Operation Varsity Blues college scandal isnt really a scandal at all since even if left uncovered those students could have easily gotten high paying jobs even if they barely passed their classes not only through nepotism from their parents but the fact is employers dont care about grades and credentialism and is also why debates about wiping out student debt are bullshit since you can get an honours degree for free from Wikipedia for free in about a month.You see getting an honours degree or even PhD means nothing nowadays – its about connections and networking ie who you know,what you know and who your parents are.If your born into wealth and you get bad grades at school youve a better chance of getting that prized job than those born to poverty with nothing but straight-As its as simple as that.Just like feudalism those born into wealth have a higher chance of being well off than someone born into poverty who are now less likely than ever to get wealthy.Everyone else is going to have to start from the bottom with debt that will take them decades to pay back before they have to start worrying about mortgages.Not only that but the concept of being highschool or college educated is outdated much like the snobbery of the different levels of third level institutions ie community college,Ivy league simply because of the information age.The rise of YouTube,Wikipedia,Google and in time Apollo,Coues,Hecate and Clio etc will make these oudated concepts obsolete with the populace educated on how to be critical thinkers,good debaters and interpret and write scientific data with the education system of the future focusing on this rather than rote memorisation.Getting into Harvard or an Ivy league school or even college itself was a big deal in the past as it was a luxury only the very wealthy or very bright could afford but now its been so dumbed down that its laughable – if you got into Harvard,Oxford,Trinity or Eton and any of the other top tier ivy leagues around the world and got even a PhD big deal your a dime a dozen and nothing special anyone can regurgitate crap thrown at them its the most basic of human functions.To ensure that everyone gets into college and gets a degree to then get a job both highschool and university has to be dumbed down to ensure everyone gets one to get a job thus making them both the dumping grounds for the bottom scraps of the barrel because of standards were too high then no one would get into college and no one would be employed.Even so called child prodigies that enter college and graduate from college before the age of 18 say at 13,12 or younger or not anything special since anyone can comprehend that level of material and jump through hoops.Given any chance basically anyone of any IQ level can do that.Real intelligence is measured not even by IQ tests but rather ones ability to adapt to new stiuations,critically evaluate them and extrapolate new theories,situations and ideas and be creative as well as self education.These are the real features of intelligence something that is soon to be replicated by AI.The honours degree and PhD has been worthless since about 2005 probably even earlier than that as early as 1995 right about the time the internet and the Information Age began to take hold and standards really started to drop dramatically.Even if it has not been dumbed down it is still outdated due to the rise of the Information Age since around 1995-2011.It’s the 21st century not the 1700s you can learn more in a month on Wikipedia than spending so many years in college.Furthermore why should anyone whose from the 1700s who jumps through hoops and has racked up thousands of dollars in debt have more precedence over those of us in the 21st century who have adapted to the inevitability of the information age and in time VR technology,AI,automation and computer networking aided by pedreastriac education of Ancient Greece revitalised that will render jumping through hoops and racking up thousands of dollars of debt both for themselves and government pointless.The high costs of healthcare in America is so expensive because it costs so goddamn much and so long to train every single doctor and so doctors have to be paid much more in order payback student loans  – if the cost of education wasnt so expensive and the need to charge for tuition in the first place or cater to the needs of overblown and overpaid professors and it didn’t take so long(between 10-16 years)then ergo medicine wouldnt be so expensive.If professors for medical degrees weren’t so expensive then maybe more people would train in it and they still could be paid half of what they were and still have a comfortable life and healthcare wouldn’t be so expensive.Training to be a doctor takes roughly 10-16 years in most western countries after highschool of course – four years in college getting a science degree,four years medical school and then residency etc when in reality it should take less than half that time at most 1-2 years thanks to Wikipedia and textbooks.This is why its so expensive to afford healthcare in America because you have to undergoe so many years of expensive,unnecessary training etc when in reality it should take only 1-2 years with doctors becoming obsolete within the next decade by Paean.With regards to countries with a shortage of doctors it seems to be an issue of them poorly funded from taxes as to not encourage more people to go into it as a profession that then leads to understaffed hospitals and lack of physicians and specialists with again in some cases the high costs of education coupled with low pay to become a physician and specialist deterring students to become nurses,physicians and specialists.Colleges have become business that increase tuition costs in proportion to the amount of students that enroll to make profits following the capitalist model the 90:10 rule in student rule is response to this to further make it a business with colleges raising prices in response to the government handing out loans that was a profit boon for banks in a vicious feedback loop – notice the fact that college tuition exists or are only high in countries that are gung ho capitalists and not in Nordic countries with strong socialist programmes.You see its likely had the student loan business never existed then colleges would still would have done this as if you get rid of student loans and it still would be expensive to get a college degree.Its the 21st century Wikipedia,Google and YouTube exist and can give one instant access to all of the worlds knowledge with Apollo and Dionysus etc by 2029 providing even more ease of access to information that I had as a pre teen and less of an excuse for anyone not to know anything at all.I hardly think the average 5-9 year old who now has access to these on their own personal laptops and smartphones will really give a crap about sitting through an 18th century education system designed for the industrial and capitalist age will give a crap about exams,being babysat until their twenties,standardised tests and also even college itself with it already being outdated by about ten to twenty years.Our obsolete education system utilised by virtually every country in the world was designed roughly 300 years ago when the average person throughout their entire lifetime had access to information equivalent to a single newspaper.Nowadays the average person including most 5-10 year olds has access to that amount of information within a day or less possibly within an hour and has instant access to it from YouTube and Wikipedia etc on their smartphones and laptops etc rather than from college professors.By 2029 the obsolete education will be replaced the mentor,mentoree program,VR technology,Phoebe,Coeus,Apollo,Wikipedia rendering debates about funding tertiary education obsolete.I dont see them wanting to do the cliche 9-5 job thing due to the rise of AI and automation as well as the aftermath of the 2008/2020 bailouts or being vulnerable snowflakes worrying about cliche teen stuff due to both of this.I just dont see any of this happening at all in a post 2020 world.Very few people under the age of 30-40 nowdays consider college and highschool worth theirs or anyone else’s time.You want a shiny flashy Honours degree nowadays – even a STEM one you can go on Wikipedia for a month for free.Its cheaper,quicker and more than likely youll learn more in that timeframe than most 21st century graduates do in four years at the rate standards are dropping – and oh yeah you wont end up with thousands of dollars of debt.Want a PhD or gain an expert level on any subject itll take you six months to a year depending on how quick a learner you are.It’s not just doss it’s also extremely wasteful since we through forcing people into an archaic levelling up system and denying people contribution based on it we are throwing away decades,centuries or even thousands of years of scientific research and contribution to the arts etc away on abiding on archaic institutions etc.This is relevant since all STEM jobs will be gone completely as well through AI and automation.

Energy,political science,Biochemistry,Economics,Evolutionary biology,Genetics(including molecular genetics),Physics,World Religions,Neuroscience,Neuropsychology,Artificial Intelligence,Psychology,Energy,Philosophy,Biomedicine (including pharmaceutical science),Law,World Cinema,Entmology,Microbiology,Classical literature are the fields I have expert knowledge in meaning I have about 20 PhDs making me the foremost expert on these 20 fields of science and I have an IQ of about 230 putting me in the top less than 0.000001% of the global population with only a few thousand people out of 8,000,000,000 people anywhere close to my IQ range(the highest reported IQ is 263 and the average global IQ is 100,to qualify for Mensa requires an IQ between 134 – 154(meaning I have 76 – 96 points above the required amount needed for Mensa),both Albert Einsteins and Stephen Hawking IQs was 160 with me having 70 IQ points higher than both of them – Leonardo Da Vinci was estimated to have an IQ between 180-200) so I’m pretty much at the top of the bell curve with my memory bordering on eidetic – I was reciting entire books from memory days after looking at them once like those written by Karl Marx and Plato at the age of 5 years old when most other people were struggling to read their first books with me able to still recite those same books decades later.Oh yeah I can predict the next 500,000 years of human history with a 99% accuracy.I also am a speed reader – I once read David fosters Wallace’s Infinite Jest one of the longest books in the world roughly 1,079 pages and 483,994 words long alongside a dozen other books in one sitting in one day and the equivalent every day for 10 years meaning I have read in total 36,500 books – I dont read anymore because I’ve run out of books to read.On one of those other days during that 10 year period I also read the entire works of James Joyce including Ulysses,Finnegans Wake in one sitting.I through tests have scored in top 98th percentile in both memory and speed reading and carrying out tasks.I was studying the writings of Karl Marx,Carl Jung and Plato and college level physics,chemistry and biology by the age of 6 years old in 1993 with watching Hackers,The Net,The Matrix,Jurassic Park,The Lawnomwer Man on VHS and DVDs between the ages of 7-13 years old influencing me to become a scientist with me reading the writings of JRR Tolkien,Ayn Rand at the age of 8 years old a decade before most people are even able to comprehend politics,at an age most people were struggling to read their first words and about the time I was already clubbing and socialising with predominantly 13/14 year olds and some 18 years old by the age of 5 years old and also at this young age of 5 years old I had gained an intense interest in politics and current affairs by viewing the news such as Sky News,RTE News,BBC News and reading broadsheet newspapers and political magazines like TIME magazine(who I’ll probably be on the cover as person of the century)and National Geographic magazine and high brow broadsheet newspapers etc with me geared towards at the age five years old towards movie,video games political,science and nature based documentaries,newspapers and magazines at the age of 5 years old at least a decade before anyone my age even had any interest in politics etc.By the age of 5 years old I gained and intense interest in movies,video games and science fiction and would be ontop of the latest movies,video games and television shows suited towards teens aged 14-18 and also adults while most people my age would watch mainly Saturday morning cartoons and was designing complex detailed schematics of neural implants/smartphones/interstellar vehicles/robots and “other little toys” by at the age of 8 back in 1995 having been by the age of 5 years old picking apart electronics at home to see how they worked with my first family computer introducing me to the internet at the age of 9 in 1996 and going online and CD based encyclopaedias such as Encarta,Cinemainia etc which I’ve been using constantly since then and have been a polymath since the age of 13 and the foremost expert in the 20 fields and sub fields I’m an expert in when most people first begin an interest in politics around the time of my first mid life crisis at the start of my teens when most of my friends were 21/22 with my Aspergers playing a role in this preciousness and lack of emotional bias that so many humans are afflicted by,as you can see from the entirety of my website Im currently knowledgeable in an expert level in many different fields well beyond the education of the average individual,pundit and thus I have a good clue of what the future holds in terms of technological,historical,philosophical and scientific endeavour..Then of course I have at least 32 years of political experience and debate despite being 37 years old.This makes me a shoe in to being the first World President.Plato himself argued that the ideal state – one which ensured the maximum possible happiness for all its citizens – could only be brought into being headed by a ruler possessed of absolute knowledge, obtained through philosophical study thus a the ideal king or head of state should be a philosopher an actual philosopher like myself that is a philosopher king or philosopher President an awesome philosopher President.Ironically I was actually picked on as the dumb kid largely because I was way too old for hanging out with people my own age in high school.

About 99% of what I know is from Wikipedia,YouTube,Google,college textbooks and encyclopaedias in my pre-teen years.All I learned from college was how to use references in scientific experiments,abstracts and explaining things and even then this can be taught online via YouTube and Coeus which will ensure that all future scientific and academic research is proper and factual and that the public is scientifically literate without the need for an archaic levelling up system.What I have now is exactly what the average 5-9 year old has at their disposal.In ten years time thats going to be obsolete as per Moores and Nevens Law.Forcing them into an obsolete education system is well frankly ridiculous.The classism of Ivy League colleges and for profit/public and even online and community colleges and also charter/private/public primary and secondary education is also irrelevant since the emergence of the information age and the fact that they all teach the same outdated curriculum material and that the classism is only there because of the artificial money based capitalist system.In other words if went to the snobbiest preparatory school for either just boys or girls,got into Trinity,Oxford,Harvard or any other top tier college your really no smarter or better than anyone else or more viable for careers – your a dime a dozen.This and the costs of education in form of fees is a form of classism created by universities to cater to as a business and not a service.Even the levelling up system of highschool diploma.GED,BSc degree,Master and PhDs etc are archaic due to the information age and the fact AI and automation are making the defunct.This why the concept of parents saving up for the dumb-ass kids to go to college and the concept of student debt boggles the mind of those of us actually live in the real world of the 21st century.Paying money to learn a bunch of nonsense you find in Wikipedia for free over the course of a month makes no sense at all when all jobs require to forget everything you were taught in school and college and be retrained from scratch.This is why position of trust laws are also obsolete and mind boggling.Degrees even STEM and medical degrees are worthless in the 21st century largely because one does not need to look over anything more than once and as stated the aforementioned flaws in it.Not only that but the remaining jobs such as live news,journalism and also forensics,law enforcement,scientific research and law require education that promotes creativity and not just jumping through hoops something which college degrees and even highschool cant anymore.If any of my ranting about teenage maturity and highschool and college sounds familiar to any of you reading this in any way at all its probably because you got screwed over by ending up being babysat in school and college way longer than you really needed to be for whatever reason and was probably way more mature and way more well immersed in the adult world of politics,science etc in your teens and even preteens than the vast majority of your peers and found both highschool and college to be what it was – a slow roasting crucifixion that destroyed all independent thought,emotional maturity,critical thinking,creativity that one must need to survive in the real world especially in both modern and prehistoric times – thus being more abusive and destructive than any predator including teacher could ever be and it’s doing a pretty good job at that considering the millions if not billions of politically,economically,scientifically illiterate and childish masses it’s created.Just about every major person who achieved great things in life such as Albert Einstein,Bill Gates,Mark Zuckerberg,Mark Twain consider our education system even a century ago to be exactly that a slow roasting cruxifiction that destroyed them and others emotionally and critically.That is the purpose of school and college it is to brainwash and indoctrinate people in their early pre teen years into a specific mindset particularly one of conservatism and compliance of the free market system and strip them of all critical thinking,creativity and emotional development again making it a form of abuse greater than what any sexual predator could ever hope to achieve.More than likely in your 20s,30s and even 40s your still more mature than then and it probably wont take you until you 50s for everyone else to finally catch up.You probably realised the fakery of Osirian values regarding sexuality,economics etc pretty early on and didnt fall for what the education system really was to reinforce them.If you disagree with any of this your a brainless twat who doesnt live in the 21st century – and if you thought highschool and college was da bomb and the best time of your life then your probably a loser in your adult years who will achieve virtually nothing and also in the fact that you enjoyed being babysat and doing nothing with your life and would be content with continuing to do nothing with your life is pretty telling of both what king of person you are and your goals in life.Heres an idea if you actually think highschool was da bomb actually go back to living in your parents home in your old bedroom or their basement and stay in 7-12th grade for the rest of your lives forever and do nothing with your life because being babysat is an achievement for you.Really do you really want to go back to being babysat and doing absolutely nothing with the rest of your life forever?You wanna be 40,50,60 or 70 years old and still be living with mammy and daddy,living on pocket change and summer jobs mowing lawns,having sleepovers and slumber parties,achieve absolutely nothing ever and going to middle and highschool every weekday for the rest of your life being babysat forever?Really?Thats what you wanna do with the rest of your life?You fucking kidding me right?If highschool and college was da bomb and the best days of your life to you guys then your likely a waster piece of crap who is now a loser as an adult.Pathetic.Even though you were the most popular person in school your now stuck in a cliche 9-5 job or YouTuber and unlike the people you picked on you have no Wikipedia page or even are famous on YouTube.That myth about highschool is always right – those who are popular and think it was the best days of their lives are usually in their 20s,30s and so on and are losers who work crappy jobs and have achieved nothing in life and those who saw it for the insufferable and soul crushing bore it really was,were way more mature than everyone else and picked on by bullies etc are usually end up being well reknowned and famous people who go on to do lots of great things in life.Thats always been true since high school was invented.Although that is the shallowness of fame is an Osirian phenotype it does highlight that the education system wastes potential by rewarding obedience and conformity.The parties were lame,the rock concerts were lame,summer and band camp was lame,highschool and college were lame.You were only in school and by extension college because legally you had to be there – you really had no choice whatsover because the free market system required you to be there because it was designed soley to cater to the needs of the free market system needs and not that of the individual thus stifling individuality,true freedom and more importantly creativity,critical thinking and even emotional intelligence.Your were assholes because you bored out of your mind and left idle and if your still assholes and conservatives etc as adults in your 20s and 30s it’s because you are not as mature as you think you are your probably on the same maturity level as 12 year olds..I was labelled a waster because I didn’t do cliche teenage things stuff I had done 10 years earlier between the ages of 4-9 years old and preferred hanging out with older people in their 20s and 30s and wanted to actually do something meaningful and productive with my life and teenage years other than being babysat with a bunch of punk ass waster idiot kids.I did throughout primary school,high school and college which was what was expected by me and what everyone else did and yet no one else is considered a waster.How does this make any sense.This is also why teachers are not really a person in a position of authority or trust but rather a overpriced babysitter looking after you while mammy and daddy are at work and then you can finally be shipped to college at 18 where the process repeats itself with the exception being your parents finally got an excuse to get you out of the house and no longer have to look after you when its the weekend and dont have to pay your bills anymore which kind of the whole purpose of education nowadays.Forcing people into getting worthless highschool diplomas and college degrees they don’t need anymore in the face of the advent of YouTube,Patreon,Onlyfans and hell even PragerU etc is pointless.What’s taught in highschools and colleges is rubbish that has been outdated and obsolete for about 30-50 years now as stated people only care about time and money not what grades you got in highschool or college or even if you went at all snd nowadays you can get a decent enough living being a vlogger on YouTube especially since AI will take away virtually all remaining jobs.We actually really make movies and television shows about this shit?You cant force people into getting archaic credentials – they have to actually want to do so – this why even the archaic non stem degrees also made redundant by the information age are so important.This includes drama,liberal arts,arts,humanities etc.Its possible that the exceptions of conformity of teenage adolescents of the Osirians lingering and waning influence of the 20th and 21st century Horusian Aeon in part plays a role in creating the likes of Dylan Kleobold,Eric Harris,Elliot Rodger,Seung-Hui Cho and incels as they are brainwashed into thinking that this is supposed to the best days of their lifes and they are to be treated like kindegartenders incapable of nothing thus forcing them to substandard themselves into devolved persons that are shadows of what they could have been had they decided not to do what they choose to do inevitably.Had conditions been different alongside availability of treatment the events they were made famous for would have never happended.In otherwards the fake artificial teen persona prevalent in Osirian cultures is creating antisocial,depressed,sociopathic,misogynist outcasts by forcing onto them values that they have outgrown and thus feeling like adults surrounding by children and infantilised brats they devolve into their own separate type of brats that are just as whiney that then inevitability lashes out at society in the form of mass shootings such as Columbine,Virginia Tech and Isla Vista and the incel subculture.Although genetically based neurological disorders such as schizophrenia or even Aspergers may have played a role the fact that it occurred in their teens and in their highschool and college years rather than later on indicates that the conformity of these institutions played a significant role in them lashing out.The rise of Incels is again a purely Osirian phenomena predominantly in a few countries such as America and Britain alongside the social justice warrior is a direct result of Osirian values,coddling etc and highschool culture.Teen wangst,rebellion and other artificial problems may also be caused by this with the teen rebelling against artificial stereotypes and immaturity enforced on them that they have already outgrown when in reality they should already partaking in society in media,law etc rather than being babysat.Its possible that teenage rebellious and wangst crap is a response to artificial social constructs that force them into the role of vulnerable kids when in reality they should be living by themselves as per the natural law of Darwinian natural selection.Treat someone like a vulnerable coddled crap then they are going to act like one.Ask yourself this question why is it that the majority of these shootings by those psychologically disturbed with the exceptions of rare ones such as Anders Behring Breivik happen only in America?Why is it only in America do these psychologically disturbed and also immature individuals exist?Why is it the fact that most of the infamous mass shootings and terrorist attacks in America and Europe etc are carried out by conservatives including the far right and adherents of conservative Islam,Judaism and Christianity?If the likes of Elliot Rodger had lived in a more liberal progressive country in Europe and South America it likely he wouldnt have had such far-right and misogynistic views,wouldnt have been an incel nor would he have had access to a gun or knife he shouldnt have had then he and his victims would still be alive today and noone would know who he is.The millenials rejection of capitalism is part due to their growing rejection of the cliche mentality and lifestyles of the Baby Boomers and Generation X also due to the growing threat of climate change,In otherwards “kids” today dont want to be “kids” anymore they want to actually do something with their lives than have the cliche highschool experience and be another cog in the machine.AI,automation and also the want to actually make a mark on history of value and merit with quality over anything else as well as wanting to escape the same linear cliche lifes as everyone else and an end to the falseness and deception of the Aeon of Osiris and even Horus.Generation Z may be an attempt by conservatives to retain the old false values of the Osirian culture ie consumerism,conservative,capitalism etc which is alas failing due to the advancements of the information age,AI and automation.Strange that this sort of thing only happens in Osirian cultures and not in Isis-Osirian ones with those that happen in Isis-Osirian cultures are usually by those who support Osirian values.In short the entire batch age education system is simply a waste of time and money and the problems associated with it ie position of trust laws,debt,cliques,teen wangst being defunct.LGBT teen suicides are the result of Osirian homophobia accepted by teens to be either cool or the normal which not evident on Isis-Osirian societies because of the ages of consent being usually 14/15 and also is considered normal for an older male in both ancient and modern times to have a adolescent male lover and for homosexuality to be tolerated between adolescents.In time even the archaic position of trust laws would be rendered defunct by progeria myliesination rendering any artificial difference obsolete.

Ironically the authoritative misogyny and infantilisation of teens as vulnerable and mere kids devoid of personality,critical thinking and any responsibility Osirian cultures is what leads to the fostering of social justice warriors and alt-right as well as the creation of the regressive left creating a positive feedback relationship between the two.Waiting until someone is is legally an adult at 18 to start teaching emotional and critical thinking as well as starting their education in  politics is quite possibly the dumbest thing ever – thats what needs to be taught as early as possible ideally in kindergarten age when one is aged 4-6 years old.College is not the time of your life to start discovering yourself and getting into politics – kindergarten is.The reason being is by having extensive education from kindergarten means that by the time you are allowed to vote means you are well informed.Waiting until the point that you are adult to start teaching them this stuff is too late they should already have had a decades worth of education.Besides college is not a place for expanding your mind its full of safe spaces and trigger warnings stuff that they should have grown out of in kindergarten.This is evident in the rise in conservative values with regards to sex brought on by Osirian religions that see females primarily teens as property and is evident in these countries adopting high age of consent laws as well as denouncing lower ones such as 14-15 as erroneously paedophilia thus creating generations of spoiled,weak willed immature teenagers who can get away with just about anything even if they did consent and were emotionally and critically mature enough to consent and as a result once one reaches their late teens and early to mid twenties the infantilised social justice warrior,regressive left,alt-righter and man children arise as a result and thus uncritical thinking,scientific illiteracy,racism and other aforementioned Osirian characteristics arise and flourish amongst so called “adults”.Whereas in Isis-Osirian societies both ancient and modern the expectation to have the ability to consent at the ages of 14-15 means that teens are expected to be more mature than Osirian counterparts and thus exhibit premature maturity in spite of neural development meaning Osirian characteristics are less likely to flourish and if they do its usually under Osirian governments or under the influence of Osirian cultures,subgroups and parties within the country.Ironic then that true progressive liberalism both ancient and modern is where actual maturity grows occurs in Isis-Osirian societies with the fake pseudo liberalism of underneath patriarchal governments is created through the authoritative,misogyny of Osirian influences with conservativism being the source of immaturity.This is shown by the “low” ages of consent and also the rigorous coming of age trials in ancient times.Thus the Osirian conservative values fosters the development of the vulnerable spoiled teen and adult,man child and social justice warrior as they have only emerged in the last few decades under the authoritarian Osirian imperialism of American and British conservative values wheras Isis-Osirian cultures ancient and modern is the source of maturity of both adults and teenagers.This is evident in the higher ages of consent stricter punishments and social moral outrage over breaches of age consent where so called victims are left to feel scarred for life and labelled as generic whiney,materialstic brats compounded by free market principles and conservative Christian,Judaism and also Islamic values which are outdated.Modern Isis-Osirian societies like Germany,Italy,China etc dont have this.If they do its in response to or a result of the growing far-right and encroachment of Osirian religions primarily Christianity and Islam both as a result of the foreign policies of Osirian American imperialism particularly as a result of starting wars in Iraq,Syria and Libya for oil that forces large numbers of Islamic refugees into these Isis-Osirian cultures creating a positive feedback loop.Thus american conservative imperialism is the root cause of current problems related to immigration in Europe and the left accusing the right of being xeonphobic and allowing large numbers of Islamic refugees into their countries who do not share the same values with regards to the treatment of women and homosexuality and thus in turn further feeding the alt-rights demonisation of the left in both sides of the Atlantic.Thus Christian based Osirian and Osirian-lite conservatism and imperialism into the Middle East for oil alongside the stunting of emotional and critical thinking and intelligence in fact fosters the development of the social justice warrior,the regressive left and the lefts tolerance of intolerance and strengthening of Osirian Islamic fundamentalism in a positive feedback loop that has both sides powering each other.The claims of xenophobia and this forced tolerance of the intolerance by Isis-Osirian cultures may be a leftover of them following their ancient ancestors religious synchronisation of other polytheistic religions and attempts to do so with Christianity in ancient Rome and thus attempts to do so with Islam in modern times more than say Germany taking in millions of refugees for feeling bad about the Holocaust as the problem was endemic to all of Europe with this being a disaster in modern times due to the fact the Osirian Islam religion is a monotheistic conservative patriarchal religion not the polytheistic liberal Isis-Osirian religions of ancient times thus the attempts to integrate the Osirian Islamic religion into their society was a disaster in part due to the patriarchal religions nature of being unlike those of Isis-Osirian ones of ancient times with Islam being homophobic,misogynistic,monotheistic,pro statutory rape,rape in general and pedopheilia thus making it really incompatible with western culture but more of Isis-Osirian values present since ancient times itself and also due to these being millions of people forced into the west due to conflict in Syria instigated by American imperialism and also they have had no prior adjustment to western laws regarding to the age of consent and homosexuality that are endemic to the majority of the Middle East.It also had to do with the fact that wars started by western government forced millions of people int these countries with conflicting laws with regards to the treatment of women and homosexuality that was not gradual or planned preventing them to being integrated into the more liberal European countries more easily by weeding these archaic institutions out.In otherwards the modern Isis-Osirian countries of Europe were left to clean up after the mess of the Osrian conservative America and Britains imperialism into the Middle East as per usual and the rapes against women by these refugees,sexual exploitation of minors and lone wolf attack on Charlie Hedbo,Nice etc are the direct result of Americas foreign policy in the Middle East meaning these are at the hands of the free market system and imperialism.Of course lone wolf attacks on European cities carried out by individuals and rapes against women and even teenagers are of course inspired by ISIL are a direct result of the American led wars in the Middle East namely Syria and Libya for imperialism and oil.You see when you go around fucking the Middle East for oil and imperialism then all you get is millions of terrorists,pedophiles,rapists and misogynist homophobes rushing into your and others backyard without proper deprogramming and also adjustment to the local laws and mores meaning you have only yourself to blame for what happens next and noone else especially when the see actions inspire lone wolf attacks recruited by them.Failing to see that and blaming it on the left means you have the mental capacity of a 12 year old.Dont you really not see any of this happening if you do the same with Syria,Iran and Venezuela?No Sweden is not the rape capital of the world the higher level of rapes is because of the government has changed its definition of rape to include non sexual assault that doesnt qualify as rape in other countries.If Osirian cultures didnt infantilise and victimise teens and pre-teens then the age of consent would be 14-15 in their countries and the age of consent would have been 16-18 in Isis-Osirian countries and not the other way around.Thus it is hypocritical to take the moral high ground on issues of the bedroom when one cannot themselves as adults have audacity to act like adults themselves and in fact fosters this infantilisation.If so called adults did exist then these phenotypes of Osirian societies wouldnt exist at all.Thus Osirian religions namely Christianity,Islam and also Judasim and their conservative,capitalist and libertarian values that arise from them are in fact the root source of moral and social decline and not liberalism especially progressivism primarily due to the rise of these conservative religions during the peak trough of the first dark age of the Kali Yuga and the fact that the countries they flourish or where the separation of church and state is thin exhibit the main phenotypes of the Kali Yuga with the rise of left wing pantheism,humanism and rebirth of nature based spirituality in the form of Wiccan religions that embrace the duality of both genders and bisexuality and homosexuality being a counter protest to this.These three religions contradictory morality,hierarchies that lead to corruption and authoratarianism is also key to this unlike the Vedas and Wiccanism and also Isis-Osirian pantheons.This moral decline occurs in the covering up of pedopheilia and sex abuse of post pubescent minors in the main Osirian religions,desecration of cultures and religions they subjugated,subjegation of women and blasphemy of homosexuality and sexual intercourse outside of marriage and even adultery,the indulgences and nepotism as well as corruption seen since the Medievil Ages to the modern day,rebelling against Osirian cultural norms ie sexual repression of Christian and Islamic conservatism manifesting in promiscuity and also oversexualisation of the culture,perpetual warfare in the form of imperialism for religion dominance and capitalist hegemony usually by Osirian values and between conflicting Osirian religions,corruption within Osirian relgions,the “Me” consumerism culture of capitalism and also lack of discipline and proliferation of the vulnerable immature teen is the direct result of Osirian values.It is also led to the victimisation of teens,conflation of late hebe and ephebophelia with paedophilia and also the support of vigilante online groups which have reduced themselves to nothing more than right wing social justice warriors unable to critically think or accept opposing views especially in the face of cultural relativity in the form of differing ages of consent as a form of cultural patriarchal imperialism especially in modern and ancient times in Isis-Osirian cultures,destroy or expunge any instances of any possibility of maturity expressed in teens,shut down opposing views that conflict with them and their ability to promote groupthink,black and white thinking,poor critical thinking skills amongst adults that should know better in the primarily Osirian societies in which they flourish thus making them no different and no less mature or less dangerous or valid in open discourse and society than their far left wing counterparts with their use of entrapment as morally reprehensible alongside their delusion that are exempt from the rule of law.Its no different than the Salem witch hunts and even Mcarthy era trials thus setting society back decades if not centuries and is no more malevolent than the religious imperialism of the Osirian religions or toppling democratically elected governments for oil and capitalist imperialism as well as reckless environmental destruction and spreading misinformation on climate science.Osirian-lite a watered down version of conservatism that includes corporate democrats and their equivalents worldwide,neoliberialists,and also extreme socialists like Stalin,Lenin,Mao and variants that seek for the state to have complete control of society and imperialise wither directly or through crony capitalism and them in bed with corporations.Even neoliberalism espoused by the Obama administration,Clinton dynasty and centrist corporatist neoliberalist Democrats and equivalents worldwide still is an Osirian doctrine albeit watered down conservatism Osirian-lite and still does not qualify as progressive,true liberalism or even Isis-Osirian as they as their name implies have been corrupted by conservatism and are merely a shadow of the Republican party since them being bought off by the fossil fuel industry,pharmaceutical companies and wall street since the 1980s.Even Stalin,Mao and Lenin and other Cold War era socialist governments could qualify as Osirian-lite since they are not true liberalism,communism or even progressivist Isis-Osirian with their want for imperialism,warmongering,government control of everything environmental destruction etc falls more in line with that of authortorian Osirian values than Isis-Osirian since the worship and deification of the state is more similar to that of patriarchal Christianity,Islam and Judaism than that of Isis-Osirian religions of ancient times meaning they cannot be classified as liberal Isis-Osirian.Furthermore they usually imperialise other countries that eventually leads to environmental destruction and mass genocide and also loss of cultures etc in place of an Osirian montheistic like state worship that usually has some traits with Osirian values like the treatment of women and homosexuals and wanting to quell dissenting views unlike true liberalism and progressivism and are usually undemocratically elected through  sing the rulership from one generation to the next,violent revolts and coups and also serve indefinite terms and also make up laws as they go along without no direct or indirect input from the populace.One could thus consider whether the supposed 100,000,000 death toll of Socialism could thus be added to that of Osirian-lite alongside the Osirian free market system and Osirian-lite neoliberalism.Facebook,Twitter and YouTube could also qualify as Osirian-lite as they are focused more on their shareholders,profits and crony capitalism.Social Justice Warriors due to sharing some of these phenotypes can also be classed as Osirian-lite since they look and sound liberal and progressive but are not really and are merely on the same level as Osirian-lite centrists corporate democrats and are mirror images of the Osirian alt-right and appeal to emotion and are emotionally driven.The regressive SJWs could qualify as Osirian lite as they share the same phenotypes as Stalinism,Mao etc in the want to censorship and have government have complete control of society and also as regressive as the Alt-right.This does not include modern day progressive democratic socialists,communists and does not involve both Marx and Ingles himself with even the likes of Chavez,Maduro,Lula,Morales,Sanders,Cortez,Gabbard etc can be considered Isis-Osirian and not Osirian-lite since they did not imperialise and have the government have minimal control over the country.Far left isnt actually Stalinist,Maoist or even SJW it is actual communism in otherwards no government control of society and also following the actual principles of Karl Marx and Freidrich Ingles.Venezuela is and never has been socialist two thirds of the country is run by the private sector in fact more than that of most European countries it only has strong public sector programmes like social welfare etc and nationalised oil corporations most of the economy in private hands with price controls etc focused mainly on oil of which it holds the largest reserves on Earth,larger than Saudi Arabia.The same goes for Bolivia and Brazil with China being a state capitalism market economy.

Osiris-lites that are SJWs etc looks liberal and progressive,smells and talks liberal and progressive on the surface but in the end when you dig deeper they usually have corporate or state backing and in the end have the military-industrial complex,complete government control,crony capitalism,perpetual warfare etc in mind and is likely a Christian with libertarians and all adherents of the free market being Osirian.Progressives,democratic socialists and communists are a more higher form of political ideology way above Osirian-lite centrists and SJWs as well as Osirian,conservatism and full blown socialism all of which cater to the lowest common denominater of society.True progressives and communists abhor state control,are liberal on homosexuality and also age of consent etc and believe in limited or no state control of society with freedom of religion and speech etc being paramount.What is labelled far left is not the faux communism that we associate with Maoist China etc since communism requires the dissolution of the state into oblivion far left is actual communism where the state no longer exists.Progressives are not SJWs and don’t want complete government control of society but want certain things have government options such as healthcare that is we either want a government only option or a dual option with “Medicare for All” alongside a private option.True progressives hate SJWs and cancel culture and they hate the fat acceptance movement and the “woke” mentality- they want the right to free speech on college campuses etc for both sides overall to at least see what kind of retarded rubbish comes out of their mouth to provide hilarity in debunking it and want to install the same sane economic policies that have shown through study after study to work for every other country worldwide.Progressives are not SJWs and the regressive left.Progressives are on the centre left of the political spectrum and not SJWs the woke and trans people wanting to groom your children push the idiotic third wave feminism which as a progressive myself is a bunch of spoiled millennials and gen zrs who are clueless as to the fact that women through the first two waves of feminism women have equality.The regressive left that includes the woke SJWs etc are on the far left and are a minority of the left and are not progressives with the majority of the left being progressives with actual progressives actually hating and distancing themselves from the SJWs,wokeism,fat acceptance Movement and complete authoritarianism etc.The reason why progressives are centre left are they want limited government that provides social welfare and government options in healthcare etc that is democratically controlled by introducing democratic institutions to prevent,corruption and reward workers but allow capitalist institutions that are controlled not by the state but by democratic processes that also advanced equality for free speech and equality for the LGBT community as well as both women and those of any ethnic group while SJWs,wokeism are in reality far left due to wanting extreme government control of society

With regards to pedophelia those that entrap actual paedophiles are morally questionable as it denies the person access to counselling and treatment to their neurological disorder they require or at certain times seek that is often denied and thus leaves them with no option but to consume child pornography and offend against prepubescent minors.In short not helping them control their urges is a form of enabling as it leaves them no choice but to actually consume child pornography and groom and molest prepubescent minors themselves as seen in the likes of both the child sex abuse scandals in the Catholic Church,Gary Glitter,Ian Watkins,Jimmy Saville and also in other instances.Vigilantism and entrapment are and should be illegal indefinitely for a reason – its to prevent society turning and collapsing in on itself as to not do so would cause society to devolve into pure anarchy without structure and we would no different than animals.This is why we have laws its not only to protect people from having crimes committed on them but also preventing them from committing crime and being coerced into committing crimes they would not normally commit.Entrapping people into committing murder,terrorist attacks,theft,assault,rape of adults etc that they wouldnt have normally done could be just as justified by these groups and equally morally reprehensible.Put simply the excuse of catching potential sexual predators that break the law is not justified as given enough trickery,blackmail and coercion anyone can break these and indeed any other laws in the world ie anyone can be a rapist,murderer,terrorist or commit assault etc when lured enough and the fact that you wouldn’t lure them into doing that thus labelling anyone who is lured into doing so especially when a concentrated effort do so is made is ridiculous the fact that you would personally go out of your way in order to make someone commit a crime they would normally not do is morally repugnant.Going as far as you can to trick a person into a crime is morally unjustified – if you support groups like these go to a a more liberal progressive country where the age of consent is 14/15 or even 13 with a giant megaphone and start shouting and screaming at purely random people in the street that they are all a bunch of predatory sick freaks,pedophiles etc and see what looks you get from them and how long it takes for the cops to arrive and take you away for disorderly conduct – really someone should do this and upload it on YouTube it would be hilarious and Id personally like to see the faces of Chris Hansen and other pieces of shit scum troll vigilante groups when they actually have the balls to debate and engage in a civil conversation with someone from these countries who are legally adults even in there 20s and 30s or even 40s who have admitted to having sex with teens of this age range – see how long it lasts before the leaders of the groups can stay level headed and civilised or say even in somewhere in Japan etc.In fact why dont you do a special of To Catch a Predator in these countries where say in Italy,Bolivia,Peru or Germany you try to entrap someone into having sex with a 14/15 year old – now that is something I would have to watch.Of course you wont because like the new waver conservatives whose entire career relies on dumb american college students you know well youd be crushed like a bug in a second out of your comfort zone because the vast majority of people on the streets of all cities and towns etc in these countries would simply be completely confused at watching any episodes of your show or even your ranting in the street.Show them episodes of To Catch a Predator,My Super Sweet 16,Dr.Phil,Jeremy Kyle and SJWs on college campuses etc and and see the reaction.In fact maybe someone who actually lives in France,Brazil,Bolivia,Germany and Japan but is from America or Britain or are tourists should make this video where you go around with a megaphone in Japan,China,Italy etc and call them sick pedophiles and predators and upload it to YouTube just for the fun and see what the response is.Those who live in Germany,Italy,Bolivia,Peru,China and are natives of these countries reaction and analysis videos of To Catch a Predator,Dr Phil,Jeremy Kyle,Dr Phil,My Super Sweet 16 and SJWs on college campuses while you watch them especially ones I have shown here and provided.Even those that are natives of Afghanistan,Iran,Iraq,Venezuela,Syria,Bolivia and the third world of Africa – the countries under the thrall of imperialist America should do reaction videos on college SJWs,Jeremy Kyle,Dr Phil,My Super Sweet 16 just to see what decadence they are being invaded for to preserve.This is the power of cultural relativity.Id like to see the reactions of Iraq and Afghanistan veterans and their families who either died,injured or were traumatised in order to maintain that decadence.Even natives of America who are on the lower socio-economic ladders who work long hours on multiple jobs yet still struggle to make ends meets should do reaction videos to see just how the swamp and very wealthy is screwing them over in order to give their spoiled brats everything they want at your expense.You see the illegal wars in Iraq,Syria,Bolivia,Afghanistan etc and the us backed genocide in Yemen and Gaza and the war crimes and human rights abuses done during them were all done in the name of ensuring not only a feudalist like structure can continue but also to ensure all spoiled little bratty teenagers in American are allowed to throw temper tantrums on their 16th birthday for not getting what they want for their super sweet sixteener parties including $240,000 G-Wagons and also that legal adults aged 18 and older in college campuses can continue to act like kindergartens until their 30s or 40s.For those of you that were maimed in these illegal wars or lost loved ones either American soldiers or natives of those countries and are suffering from post traumatic disorder and also the Palistinians while were killed in the Amaerican funded genocide carried out by Isreal in Gaza just remember that’s the level of decadence unheard of in other more liberal countries with lower ages of consent that’s being preserved for by carrying out those illegal wars – you are being sacrificed to preserve a level of coddling and decadence unheard of in the rest of world or for that matter the entire 200,000 year history of humankind.Hence the term cultural imperialism – your trash culture and cultural decline is infringing on more civilised societies cultures.At least the Roman Empire was more civilised and less decandant while Nero played the fiddle while Rome burned to the ground.Now imagine such individuals in videos I provided or indeed any 13-17 year old vulnerable minor sent via a time machine to prehistoric Earth or to an uninhabited island or planet without clothing,readily availible food,shelter,smartphones,the internet  etc where they have to hunt for food such as gazelle,fish etc and avoid animal predators such as lions,rhinos etc and were constantly under threat from malaria as well as the elements and then see how long they would last in the “real world” of the prehistoric Earth without helicopter parents and basic survival skills.It’s ironic that conservatives berate the coddling of adult socialist SJWs on college campuses and in public forums but in reality it’s the decadence of their capitalist economic system and both victimisation and infantilisation of adolescents espoused and encouraged by them that leads to this in the first place.You see in those progressive hellholes teens would be working their asses off on the farm,in jobs and at home enough that they would not throw temper tantrums on their 16th birthday when they don’t get $60,000 – $240,000 G-wagons or Mercedes and act like kindergarteners on college campuses.Don’t you think it’s strange that the spoiled vulnerable teenager,sweet sixteener and college SJW occurs only in conservative capitalist America and Britain and not in more liberal progressive countries with lower ages of consent?This is cognitive dissonance at its finest – conservatives label liberals and socialists SJWs but it’s their infantilisation and victimisation of adolescents that nurtures the development of the SJW in the first place to the point that even as adults in their 20s and so on they are unable to critically think much like the conservatives themselves.Its like I’m explaining basic facts to bunch of kindergarteners.Treat someone like child forever and their going to act like one forever well into their middle age years.You see those SJW idiots on college campuses that conservatives make entire careers on YouTube there is a simple fact your forgetting about these SJWs is this – they are not in kindergarten or “kids” anymore – they are adults now.They can vote,become escorts,buy alcohol,buy a gun,get married,pose nude in magazines,star in adult pornographic movies,go into nightclubs,join the military and law enforcement entities and undergoe training in them,be charged for statutory rape of a minor aged 13-17 and thus be charged and labelled as sexual predators,be entrapped by Chris Hansen on To Catch a Predator and so on and legally get married yet they are still acting and being coddled as if in kindergarten with little to no basic understanding of history,economics,science and politics or the real world.When you have people who are legally adults and are endowed all the rights and responsibilities of adults and they are still acting and being coddled as if in kindergarten and they still have no basic understanding of politics,history,science and economics at all then that’s kinda a sign your society is going downhill and it’s about to collapse under the weight of its own decadence.You see those emotionally vulnerable snowflakes on college campuses that are triggered by the right and the likes of Ben Shapiro etc appearing in their safe spaces they can be charged for statutory tape of a minor and be entrapped by the likes of Chris Hansen are not children anymore – they are adults.Do you know who else are adults also – Karen’s,the alt right people who are in their 40s and 50s who should know better but have the mental capacity of kindergarteners.When does one finally exhibit the maturity associated with adulthood especially once immortality is achieved – 25?,30?,40?,50?,60?,70?90?180?You hate SJWs,cringe trans liberators and the fat acceptance movement on college campuses and on YouTube etc you only have yourself to blame because they sure don’t pop up out nowhere it takes a special level of coddling to create them.This stunting of one’s emotional and critical development is in essence a form of child abuse that does more damage than any sexual predator ever could do.This is how conservatives foster the development of the SJW in a vicious positive feedback loop by victimising and infantilising them as pre teens and teens they are left unable to cope with the harsh realities and responsibilities of the adult world to the point that they are still stuck in a permenant childhood and adolescence well into middle age much like the asshole conservatives themselves.You want people to be vulnerable woke SJWs for the rest of their life you get what you wanted because that’s what decades of victimising teens gets you.Every time you have to deal with the woke left,groomers,cancel culture,SJWs and cultural Marxism or the idiot conservatives,Karen’s etc who are in their 20s-40s just remember they were created by your coddling and infantilisation of teens – in otherwards they are created by your own assholes creating a vicious positive feedback loop.Just ask the question why is it that SJWs,wokeism etc don’t exist in more liberal countries with lower ages of consent aged 14/15?Why is it they don’t even exist in more liberal countries with higher ages of consent of 16-18?Why is it that these issues only exist in more conservative countries like America,Austrailia?Put simply the already idiot,vacuous and immature conservatives by victimising and infantilising pre teens and adolescents fosters the development of the SJW in the process dragging the rest of society with it to bottom rung of civilisation.You hate SJWs,incels and mass shooters?You only have yourself to blame for creating them in the first place because they sure as hell don’t  just pop up into existence from nowhere it takes a special kind of coddling,victimisation and infantilisation for them to be created in the first place.This is how conservatism corrupts everything it touches.Ask yourself why in countries with lower ages of consent 13-15 or even in more liberal countries with ages 16-18 incels,SJWs,vulnerable teens and mass shooters alongside vigilante groups are almost non existant?Stop and actually ask yourself that question

Heres another idea entrap a minor below the age of consent in a state into committing murder,rape and assault where they would be liable to be tried as an adult due to low ages of criminal responsibilities ie in North Carolina where it is seven years or Wisconsin where it is ten years thus involving the entrapment of 7-17 year olds ideally 7-15 year olds.Those of you in Britain can do shows and entrapment stings involving 10-17 year olds ideally again 7-15 year olds.Now that is a show I would watch and would be enough to eat your own foot and make your moral highground moot – the same should go for any other groups anywhere else.This is why vigilantism and entrapment should be illegal by constitutional law for these reasons as you could just as  easily and legally entrap minors including pre pubescent ones that are you are supposedly trying to protect from pedophiles and predators into committing rape,theft and murder.If an adult can be entrapped and sent to jail for being tricked into committing statutory rape via vigilante groups then minors aged 10-17 year olds ideally again 7-15 year olds can also be jailed when tricked into committing murder and rape by vigilante groups due to the differences between the age of majority,age of consent and age of criminal responsibility.Its only fair and the fact you wouldnt do that makes you a hypocrite of the highest order and a troll.Furthermore you would never do a show where you entrap someone for carrying out drug trafficking,getting illegal drugs and also carrying out murder whether they were adults or minors aged 7-17 years old.You cannot pick and choose when a person is an adult or a child.Doing everything you can in order to entice someone into committing a crime they were never going to commit in the first place is why entrapment should be illegal even if it’s for statutory rape.Perhaps if your trying to catch drug or illegal arms smugglers but not sexual predators.This is cognitive dissonance.Countries that have lower ages of consent like 14-15 or even 13 dont have these vigilante groups and for good reason and for this reason they should be commended for not being so morally repugnant.Ask yourself why is it these countries don’t have vigilante groups.If you were interested in protecting minors from “predators” online maybe you should have classes in school in how to teach them how to avoid being groomed and sexually abused and used.If vigilante groups like this are allowed exist then we could easily allow the peasants and 99% to simply revolt and storm any government building unhindered or even storm private homes and random citizens with pitchforks based on hearsay and rumour with zero evidence or not having committed any crime and eventually the witch hunts of Salem will return.Oh no wait the peasants were allowed to do that in January 2021.Just as one may be rendered innocent until proven guilty one must also be rendered free from criminal prosecution until an actual crime is physically committed or one that involves one where the person planned it by themselves without coercion or trickery.This is what we learned from the Salem Witch trials.Not abiding this principle undermines centuries of democratic and legal progress thus making these right wing groups regressive hypocrites that are likely breaching the constitution in some form or another.Thats what these groups will lead if not stopped and why vigilantiasm has no place in civilised society with vigilantism always be outlawed everywhere.In other wards these groups promote groupthink and hysteria and childish black and white thinking and rely on the ignorant and weak minded to fall prey to the Osirian values.The damage done by this patriarchal cultural imperialism by vigilante groups and conservative commentators that spills over into even progressive commentators as a result of the perpetuation of this myth and the perpetuation of the vulnerable underage teen by Osirian societies and cultures is just as harmful to society as say imperialism for oil and religion as well as free market capitalism,the want to teach creationism in schools,the maintenance of wide economic classes such as the 1% and everyone else and thus the justification for decadence,perpetual warfare,antropocentrenism and environmental destruction,corruption and Osirian cultures especially America and British ones as the dominant culture on Earth with all others being insubordinate and inferior etc as it infantalises society as a whole,normalises their actions as the same way as perpetual warfare does and makes it just another day at the office and an acceptable way of life that cannot be changed and should stay the same forever and even encourage frowning upon other more progressive Isis-Osirian cultures who are less fanatical or imperialist on the issue of war,more progressive on issues such as healthcare and taxes labelled as the non existent “Cultural Marxism” and thus promoting that teenagers will all always be vulnerable until they reach a compulsory number set in stone of legalise and that adults will always be held responsible for their actions despite prone to corruption etc themselves with these Osirian phenotypes are not seen in more liberal progressive Isis-Osirian cultures and even if they do they are less pronounced and on the whole admonished by society and liberal opposition.This imperialism is evident with the stunting of emotional and critical development of pre teens and adolescents and in turn and the infantilisation adults acting as a form of mental and emotional child abuse more prevalent and widely accepted in modern Osirian society than that of sexual predators and that is even in fact more traumatic,damaging and in fact more dangerous than serial predators and the actions of say Jeffery Epstein,Kevin Spacey or Harvey Weinstein from the recent #MeToo movement and those suspected of it.This stunting of emotional and critical intelligence is thus more pervasive and readily accepted form of child abuse that has done more damage to society in creating the spoiled snowflake teen and adult of Osirian cultures than any sexual predator or even pedophile has done to their victims and is the root fo the social justice warrior and the regressive left alongside the military imperialism of America into the Middle East as detailed earlier on.Thus this patriarchal cultural imperialism by vigilante groups is just as dangerous as the justification for perpetual warfare,decadence and inequality,reckless environmental destruction and exploitation of undeveloped countries cheap labour and natural resources as it reinstates further conservative and neoliberalist values both of which are a threat to the stability and growth of society.It is important to note that these groups are in primarily Osirian cultures in their struggle for patriarchal cultural imperialism no different than economic colonism in terms of how wretched it is.If you can justify the actions actions of Chris Hansen and other vigilante groups you also have to justify economic imperialism into Bolivia,Venezuela,Syria,Iraq,Afghanistan,Iran etc for oil and if justify the labelling of a 14/15 as a vulnerable child and the victims of entrapment as pedophiles or “predators” then you also have to label Morales etc as tyrants and follow and accept the same narrative set down by the military industrial complex as these groups only exist mainly in America and Britain two of the most militaristic countries on the Earth with even historically modern liberal countries that would qualify as Isis-Osirian in ancient times and modern times in terms of immigration and economics with high ages of consent between 16-18 dont have them simply the have enough standards to not need them.Put simply Chris Hansen and all other vigilante group members and their leaders are just as much pieces of shit vile scum on the same level as those who orchestrated the coup of Bolivia and illegal wars in Iraq,Afghanistan,Libya,every imperialist war done by America and also doing the same for Venezuela etc with in Isis-Osirian cultures the age of consent being largely between 14/15 negates the need for them,with infractions being less severe and pronounced with actual paedophilia in Isis-Osirin cultures now being treated as the neurological disorder it is wherein support groups are provided to give sufferers the chance to undergo counselling which has been successful in preventing non offenders offending and gives those who have offended control in preventing them offending again thus in turn preventing prepubescent minors being molested and harmed.Furthermore these liberal societies also have deprogramming programmes that have shown to varying levels of success in helping extremist religious and political fundamentalists throw away former brainwashing and live normal non radicalised lives.

The Agoge 2.0 for the 21st century will counteract this development and in fact encouragement of the spoiled,vulnerable teen and even pre teen as it being designed on both the original Spartan Agoge with elements of Bushido and primativism from Isis-Osirian cultures coupled with the competitive natures of VR deathmatch,Battle Royale and Hunger Games included in them will make “the horrors of highschool”,the lack of not getting what one wants for sweet sixteen birthday parties,not getting into Harvard or Oxford and other “teenage problems” pale in comparison as a walk in the park.It will also make even the most rigourous modern day law enforcement,navy and military training availible only to 18 year olds and older also pale in comparison as a walk in the park.Agoge 2.0 instead of a few weeks in the jungle of military base will be a gruelling 18 years of intense military etc training designed not only to preserve the traditions from around the world including Austrailian aboriginals,Native Americans,Sateré-Mawé traditions and VR exercises detailing previous wars,battles and terrorist attacks but to also create a force worthy of any enemy either earthbound terrorism,interstellar threats in the form of an hostile alien species but to also prevent the trainees themselves aged 5-23 from becoming spoiled brats and in stead disciplined,alert,wise and mature fighters who use reason,logic and at times temperance,wisdom,courage,humanity,justice and transcendence and prevent the global and galactic civilisation itself becoming overcome by its own decadence.Even the pedreastric mentoree programme for other fields of education such as law,psychology etc will counter this since one will be expected to reach full maturity at ones early teens by dealing with adult situations and responsibilities in training and occupations such as law,psychology,scientific research and even media and also living independently from their legal guardians.In Ancient Greece,Asia etc males including the average citizen,soldiers,emperors were once married to women were usually allowed male concubines that were aged 14-17 as they were to introduce them into the arts,general society etc and education abd rngafed in sexual activities.In Ancient Greece and in fact the entire ancient Isis-Osirian world such as Asia,Africa,Celtic,Scandavia,North/Central/South America females were married again to much older men usually in their mid/late 20s and 30s at the age 14/15,sexual intercourse and the bearing of young was expected by society and abided by the husband to occur at this point when she was at least 14/15 when puberty ended and thus physically capable of bearing young and socially expected to be mature enough to deal with the act itself and taking on the role of a mother,taking part of their professions or taking care of the home for both children and her husband thus meaning she was doing work that most women nowadays are not expected to deal with until their 30s with this being also being the case of male homosexual relationships between older males and adolescent boys during this period in pedrastric with the mentorship and and the giving of gifts starting at 12 with sexual activity starting at 14 similarly to females and lasting until the younger male turned 18/30 by which time the education ended and the younger male upon reaching 18/30 himself was expected to initiate such mentorship relationships with adolescents following the same pattern with males also expected to be emotionally and physically capable of engaging in sexual activity with not just their peers but older males.The pairing of adolescent females who were 14/15 years old with a much older male in their their mid/late 20s and 30s or even 40s at this age was done as the older males were just considered citizens,adults and eligible to vote and finished military service,education and had stable jobs for at least a decade or more and thus more economically secure and mature at this point than younger males in their teenage years  and were likely to be able to provide secure financially stable families with the underage female married off at this point thus because they were in their fertile peak and likely to bear healthy children and also it was a bargain and social contract on part of their parents to have their daughter marry off to an older male who could provide economically for her and their children compared to a teenage male who was unemployed etc and was still in education and in exchange the older male had a wife who looked after the house and had a better chance of bearing healthy children than someone older.The parents were assured their teenage daughters were married off to an economically secure older male in his 20s,30s or even 40s when she was a teenager aged 14/15 and thus had a head start in life in terms of economics thus negating the need for them to worry about her economic stability and save up for her rather than marrying of or dating someone in their teens who was unable to provide for them due to being too young to have their own businesses and  the older male had a young wife who was likely to bear healthy children and this is why in most Isis-Osirian ancient societies widows were commonplace because their husbands died earlier than them due to the immense age gaps.Very rarely in ancient times did wives die earlier than husbands because the husband was much older.Hence the widow chastity laws of China until the  Mao adminstration because most women in China from ancient times to 1949 were married at 14/15 years old to men in their 20s,30s and 40s and once their husbands died were expected to carry on that monogamy until after death.It was common in ancient societies for women to outlive their husbands due to their husbands being several years or even decades older than them when the marriage was consummated when the female was 14-17 years old and was an economic and social that benefitted both parties with as stated the teenage female secured economic stability and the older male in his 20s,30s etc guaranteed a wife who was capable of bearing healthy children who was already from their early pre teen years trained to carry out everyday chores such as cooking and cleaning etc that was common practice across the ancient world such as China,Greece,Italy,Egypt and Europe and Asia.Very rarely in ancient times did husbands outlive their wives.Its likely that this practice existed and more prevalent in prehistoric times.Mao himself in his mid to later years started an addiction towards teenage girls aged 14/15 after meeting one specific teenager in his army.The concept of age gaps extending from at least two to three decades with teenagers aged 14/15 was common in Ancient Times and not frowned upon.It is important to note that modern day countries with lower ages of consent such as 13-15 such as Japan,China,Italy,Greece,France,Bolivia etc have this practice in their history with this likely shaping their modern day ages of consent.Thus the history of pedestratic releationships,male concubinahes between older men and adolescent males aged 13-15 and the practice of an older male married to a adolescent female aged 14/15 in ancient times is why these same countries have there ages of consent at 13-15.Females were starting at the ages of 5-10 years old were trained to do housework such as cooking,cleaning and rear younger siblings as they were expected at 14/15 years old to be married off to an older male to carry out these practices that is cooking,cleaning and looking after children which would spill into more conservative societies later on albeit when the female and male were in their early to mid twenties.This tradition of an older male in his 20s,30s and even 40s marrying teenage females on their 14/15th birthday was a common practice in all of the ancient world such as ancient Japan,China,Greece etc with it practised by people of all social classes both politicians,royalty and the average citizen with politicians and royalty having the option of multiple teenage concubines.The courtship of underage girls by older men was especially common in modern conservative religious communities including America especially Anglicans from Medievil Times,Ameerica in the times of the pilgrims in the times of the founding fathers such as John Hancock,Benjamin Franklin,Thomas Jefferson,George Washington right up until until the mid 20th century.This was especially true in and up to the early to mid 20th century where fathers had complete control over whom their daughters were allowed to date,and a father might set his teen daughter aged 14-17 up with a much older man aged in his 20s,30s and even 40s just as in Ancient Greece by the time a female was 14 they were considered ready to bear children and the responsibilities of marriage with this practice in Ancient Europe likely shaping their modern age of consent laws where the age of consent being in modern times ranging in between 14-17 years old and why the practice of a older male married to a younger female existed in conservative communities in America up until a century ago due to most Americans tracing their heritage to Europe making condemnation by the right of liberals in either Hollywood,the Democratic Party,Jeffery Epstein and Isis-Osirian cultures both past and present nonsense and makes the work of vigilante groups also utter nonsense.Roy Moores,Jeffrey Epstein’s and those entrapped by sting operations and grooming of an underage 14-17 year olds as a 20/30 something or older would have been legal and socially acceptable by even American conservative standards just a century ago and wouldn’t have not been peddled as pedophilia in that frivolous Borat skit just a century ago making notions of conservatives defense of Chris Hansen and labelling Kevin Spacey and Jeffrey Epstein a predators and pedophiles moot.In otherwards the traditional conservative family up until a century ago was a man in his 20s,30s and even 40s married off to an underage female aged 14-17 years old.The “trad” or “traditional” wife of conservative values especially by Christians,Jews and Muslims standards from Medieval Times right up to the mid 20th century that conservatives like to shove down people throats who also label sexual attraction of underage females as pedopheilia and predation and thrash Jeffrey Epstein etc as pedophiles and predators like to harp on about so much was like their liberal counterparts an underage female aged 14-17 years old married off to a much older male in his 20s,30s, and 40s.This tradition of an underage female married off to an older male is probably the only thing that both liberals and conservatives share in their history.You as conservatives can’t exactly call sexual attraction to adolescent females pedopheilia or sexual predation when its built into the very fact fabric of you “traditional values” that you shove down peoples throats especially when your ideology espouses actual pedopheilia.Hypocrisy much?You cannot be a conservative and pick and choose which of your traditions to follow – its the same as cherrypicking morality from the Bible etc same goes for liberals.Therefore the marriage of an older male in their 20s-40s to underage females aged 14-17 years old is considered a normal practice by both liberals and conservatives.In fact the age of consent was 14 in Georgia up until 1995 and was 14 in Hawaii up until 2001.It was 14 in Russia briefly from 1998-2003 and was of course 14 in Canada prior to 2008.Ironically prior to the 1920s the age of consent in most Osirian American states were lower than the modern 16-18 as low as 10 or 12 in the vast majority of states,with the exception of Delaware where it was 7 as recent as 1880 and also 12 in England in 1275 medieval Osirian Europe during the reign of Edward I which would have been considered abhorrent and socially unacceptable in Isis-Osirian cultures both in modern and ancient times and thus making arguments by current Osirian led countries against Isis-Osirian cultures either ancient or modern as morally disgusting to be hypocritical and unfounded but also again because of the coverups of actual paedophilia in Osirian religion hierarchies both Judaism and Christianity by its leaders that was allowed to flourish by moving affected priests from one grooming ground to another and the archaic practice of Bacha Bazi by Islam something which again all Isis-Osirian cultures whether modern or ancient would have found morally disgusting themselves.This cultural relativity and indeed the role of Osirian led cultures enforcement of mores and ignorance of Isis-Osirian cultures has also the resulted in as stated women still seen as inferior ignored by feminism and also conservative pundits since if males and females were equal then an underage female would be considered equal in her ability to consent to sex with an adult and not be emotionally damaged more than her male adolescent counterparts with older females and with adolescent males also being equally able to consent with an older male than with an older female.In other words the disparity in females with regards to the breaching age of consent laws in primarily Osirian led cultures that is often overlooked in feminist cultures or indeed even conservative cultures is the fact that adolescent females are still considered inferior and the weaker than their male counterparts with regards to the issue of consent with this the double standard rather than the issue of the genders of victim and criminal in each cases of the breach of the age of consent at least in historically Osirian led countries and less somewhat in Isis-Osirian culture.If they were equal this wouldn’t be a issue as an underage female being courted or seduced by an older male would be no different than her male counterparts being courted and seduced by an older male.This sexism is also seen in the fact that promiscuous teenage and adult females are seen as sluts and whores and must be shamed for their promiscuity or being considered more vulnerable when groomed,courted by and sleeps with an older adult males while the promiscuous teenage and adult male is seen as a lothario,Cassonova when he sleeps around with multiple sexual partners who earns the bragging rights if he sleeps with an older female,women in marriages are not allowed to commit adultery and are punished severely usually by death etc but men can be allowed to sleep around even if married with them allowed multiple wives or concubines either male or female while women cannot have multiple husbands or concubines,women can be abused physically and sexually in a relationship with the male getting no legal ramifications while females who do so face extreme legal ramifications,older men who have younger wives or female lovers are sugar daddy that is something sweet while older women who have younger male lovers are cougars denoting that they are predators that seek out vulnerable prey within primarily Osirian cultures.A women who marries an older man is seen as a gold digger and trophy wife only there for the money and not love making her a shallow whore while a man who marries an older woman is a Cassonova and lothario etc because he can bag an older woman.If females were truly equal this should not be an issue.This shows the double standards is interwoven into all aspects of society and not just statutory rape.Women and as a whole females with regards to sex and relationships have always been seen as weaker than her male counterparts fact that she is in fact weaker than her male counterparts and males get to have the bragging rights with regards to statutory rape,cheating,adultury etc in modern times is still a form of rampant sexism and misogyny as it reduces her to be nothing more than cattle – something that is owned by somenone as their property that is to be traded away with no autonomy and self worth or ability to fend for herself and make her own decisions with regards to consent and have equal standing as her male counterparts in comparison to her male counterparts.The position – “what if it was your or my daughter” the most baseless and intellectually defunct argument that is used as a defence of both vigilante groups and cases of teacher and underage student sexual relationships or any infraction of the age of consent laws and highlights this sexism ignored by feminists on both sides of the political spectrum.Its an SJW argument,your reducing a female to a sub human item that has no self worth or autonomy that is weaker than her male counterparts as if she were the actual private property of her parents like cattle – your actually being sexist.Furthermore its often seen as a debate ender wherein it automatically ends a debate completely without any opposing views from anyone else which is the same Orwellian silencing of free speech as seen by SJWs etc.Put simply every time you use that excuse you are actively edging one step towards to Stalinist Russia and you are no different than the SJWs you deride.The people who use this and similar excuses and the automatic idea that all teens of a lower age of consent than in their country are immature weaklings unable to have any semblance of maturity are no more mature than the so called teens they are trying to protect.In Isis-Osirian cultures primarily ancient ones these problems didnt exist as seen with the veneration of prostitution and thus promiscuity in women as well as the fact that relationships between older males and younger females and males of 14-15 was considered socially acceptable on equal terms even in modern Isis-Osirian cultures shows that this difference between adolescent males and females is the construct of Osirian cultures mainly America and Britain.The fact that vigilante groups dont entrap women is in itself a form of sexism and perpetuates the gender disparity of both “victim” and “predator”.Promiscous women are sluts and whores and underage females that are victims of statutory rape are victims plain and simple but promiscuous males and underage males that are victims of staturtory rape are lothario,Casanovas who have earned the bragging rights over their female counterparts – this disparity is sexism plain and simple and this isn’t the SJW crap it’s just sexism.If men and women were equals then a promiscuous female would not be considered whorish and underage females would not be considered weaker than her male counterparts who would be considered a Cassonova if they sleep with adult women when underage and are promiscuous.In Asia,South America and indeed central Europe and Scandanavia with lower ages of consent between 13-15 and even in countries with ages of consent of 16-18 this is not an issue.These Isis-Osirian countries even those with higher ages of consent dont have this issue of underage females being weaker than males and dont have vigilante groups and any infractions of age of consent laws are not made a big deal even those involving position of trust laws,They barely occur and when they do it barely makes headlines on live news and in newspapers.Furthermore the disparity of the age of criminal responsibility and the age of consent also muddles the water as the second and most important of all double standard – a minor including a teenager can kill or rape another human being even an adult victim and be charged legally as adult and be fully held responsible for their actions and labelled evil etc and not considered “just a kid” or “vulnerable” but the second they partake in consensual sexual intercourse with an adult including a teacher when being as much as a few months under the age of consent that qualifies as statutory rape they are automatically a victim regardless of the circumstances even if they were mature enough to deal with the emotional and physical results and also even if he or she gave full consent in the act with the age of criminal responsibility being most of the time lower than the age of majority and even age of consent or even the age at which even puberty begins in the vast majority of countries particularly historically Osirian cultures.In Osirian countries with high ages of consent ie 16-18 the age of criminal responsibility is usually below this even before puberty while Isis-Osirian ones have higher ages of criminal responsibility or the same as their age of consent ie the higher the age of consent the lower the age of criminal responsibility and vice versa.In North America where the age of consent is age of criminal responsibility varies the minimum age of criminal liability is set at the federal and state level in the United States.At the state level,33 states set no minimum age of criminal responsibility,theoretically allowing a child to be sentenced to criminal penalties as an adult at any age including infancy though in most of these states a capacity related test is applied which is not for breaches of age of consent laws.Now why is that?Of the States that do set a minimum age of criminal responsibility,Massachusetts has the oldest age of criminal responsibility at 12 years old with no exceptions while North Carolina has the youngest age at 6 years old.For federal crimes,the minimum age of criminal responsibility is 11.In other wards most fake victims of predators being lured by vigilante groups are way older than the age of criminal responsibility even in the case of actual pedophiles.To say that murdering or raping a human being especially an adult victim as a teenager or pre teen is different in the mental anguish and trauma experienced by the perpetrator,require less responsibility or require more or less critical thinking and planning on the perpetrators part than say having consentual sex with an older individual that would qualify as statutory rape is pure nonsense.If a teenager aged 13-17  under the local age of consent rapes an adult in their 20s or 30s by forcefully assaulting them and forcing them into sexual acts against their will after drugging and forcing the adult into drinking alcohol should the adult who was drugged and raped not be considered the victim but rather the aggressor and the teenager now be considered the victim when it was clear that the adult were drugged,inebriated and physically and sexually assaulted.One as a teenager under the local age of consent can rape an adult by coercing them into sexual intercourse against the adults will and drug them or murder them with no mental or anguish and also with premeditated intent and full critical awareness can be charged legally as an adult but if they engage in consensual sex with an adult when under the local age of consent they are considered a victim of sexual predation and grooming and statutory rape.One cannot pick and choose when a person is an adult or not or has the same neural capacity to take responsibility for any situation such as murder and sexual intercourse and also pick and choose neuropsychology whenever it suits their agenda that is the definition of hypocrisy imply put you cannot choose when one can be responsible for their actions for being a victim of a crime such as statutory rape and being the perpetrator of a crime charged as a adult such as murder and assault.You are either one or the other – which is it are they adults or children?This is cognitive dissonance.Again the variances at which one can be tried as an adult varies from country to country and are sometimes on average most of the time lower than their age of consent and even below even the age at which puberty starts muddying the water further.Thus Isis-Osirian ancient religions that celebrated male and female deities and mortals having male and female lovers that were adolescents have imprinted these values on age of consent laws and also different attitudes to breaches in these laws with it also meaning the issue of their being no disparity in male and female adolescent victims in these cultures unlike Osirian led cultures.It is generally considered in Isis-Osirian cultures that early adolescents are just as mature as their adult counterparts and that females are no weaker than their male counterparts again likely to the imprint left from ancient cultures and mythologies and that were not overtaken by Osirian religions until much later on but even still it likely the nature of the mythologies had a more lasting impressions as most Isis-Osirian cultures in modern times ascribe to Osirian religions.It is likely that the stories of bisexuality,adolescent love by an older male or female,the fact that such mortals were considered heroes in Greek,Roman,Norse,Aztec,Mayan mythology and also the fact that Osirian religions practices,holidays and also archytypes and even characters have their antecedents in both Isisian and Isis-Osirian religions especially Greek,Norse,Celtic,Sumerian,Roman and Vedic religions and scriptures is why this was imprinted with the degree as to which this stayed dependant on how long or much of a stronghold Osirian religions had on their country as these countries such as Scandinavia,Central Europe and South America do have large proportions of Christian predominantly Catholic citizens but they doe still have more liberal views on societal issues than predominantly Osirian countries such as North America,Britain.Egypt etc.It is ironic that Egypt one of the most liberal of ancient socities would end up having the most conservative modern societies as women are forced to wear conservative attire covering up most of their body in clothing,are the victim of mass sexual assault and are relegated to second class societies with prostitution illegal and the age of consent being 18 the highest of all modern Isis-Osirian cultures and homosexuality punishable by death.This is likely a result of the universal principle and aforementioned biconve/biconvex lens as well of course the fact that the Osirian Islamic religion overtook the entire country as it main religion and also part of its government with all laws extrapolated from Sharia with regards to marriage,divorce,inheritance and child custody).Thus it can be postulated that the more freedoms homosexuality,females and more liberal views towards sexuality and mores a society had in ancient time via Isis-Osirian regions the more conservative they are and more influence Osirian religions have over them in modern times and vice versa with less liberal progressive Isis-Osirian cultures in ancient times being more liberal they are in modern times despite having the vast majority of the population adherents to Osirian Catholic and Buddhist religions which has less a stronghold on issue with regards to issues regarding to sexuality,gender roles etc.This is evidence of the universal principle in the reversal in cultural norms in South America,Japan,mainland Europe and Scandinavian having previously had restrictions of womens roles and views on homosexuality and to a degree the age of consent with some leeway but now have more liberal attitudes with the the opposite in North America and also Egypt.This is while Egypt,North America and to an extent Canada some of the most liberal progressive Isis-Osirian cultures have become the most conservative in these issues with in all cases the reverse applied to each social issues via the universal principle with this not only applying to time periods but also geographical areas with the development of history in the west mirroring that in the east in all social issues.Furthermore the issue of teenage pregnancies being more acceptable and less vilified than in their Osirian counterparts.Furthermore although the separation of state and church exists in western Osirian cultures and Isis-Orisirian the degree that Osiria Catholic religious values have on the countries on the countries mores and values is evident in the disparity of the age of consent as Isis-Osirian cultures and those in Osirian ones with Isis-Osirian cultures shows how much of a lingering if not festering influence the Osirian religions has on society and just how thin or far apart the separation of church and state has on each country and how devout and fanatical the adherents are ie Osirian countries the difference is almost negligible as given the right condition the separation of state and church would be easily dissolved since they hypocritical mores of Catholic religion have more influence in Osirian cultures with higher ages of consent with less equal rights for homosexuals especially with regards to their ability to serve in the military,ability to marry and adopt only disappearing in more recent times as seen in America and Ireland thanks only in part to the rise of liberal progressives usually from less theistic sections of society or more liberal sections of Catholicism that would like see the Catholic Church have less of a stronghold on the mores of society while countries in the middle East that have Islamic run theocracies already have these phenotypes that western Osirian countries could easily acquire given the right circumstances since they already have devout fanatics,with devout but less fanatical adherents and thus a have the Church completely separate within Isis-Osirian that are more liberal societies having the age of consent at 14-15 have much more liberals attitudes and the Church separated more fully separated from the state meaning the archaic and hypocritical mores of Catholicism are completely separated from the mores of society.Thus in Osirian American,Ireland and Britain etc given the right circumstances say a war or the election of extreme hard right politicians the separation of the Church and state would be dissolved and thus society would turn backwards with the current over conflation of late hebe and ephebopheilia with paedophilia would be even more conflated and accentuated,teenagers would be further relegated as immature and “just kids”,pedopheilia and ephebopheilia sex scandals within hierarchies would be more rampant with no punishment whatsoever and no chance of them made public,females would be relegated back to second class citizens,homosexuals would be persecuted to the point of jail or execution and scientific illiteracy and conspiratorial thinking would gain a complete stronghold over society alongside other phenotypes of Osirian cultures and have complete control over the already dumbed down populace rather than the rational science based maturity of Isis-Osirian cultures.This is why the separation of Church and state exists and is important and why societies mores and attitudes to sex etc should not be influenced and corrupted by religion particularly patriarchal,misogynistic and corrupt Osirian ones that have a bad track record on the issue and why The Handmaid’s Tale,the Dark Ages,Salem Witch Trials and The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant as warnings to western societies on exactly why this is needed with the religions of ancient Isis-Osirian societies in particularly Ancient Greece,Rome,Asia,India not being state run religions and theocracies with them adopted by the natives and religious synchronisation showing that they were more flexible in dealing with the religions of foreigners,less corrupt and also more accepting of bisexuality,homosexuality and late hebe and ephebopheilia.Although ancient Isis-Osirian cultures in particular Ancient Greece,Rome and Egypt did take slaves from foreign lands they conquered the vast majority of the slaves they has were in fact from their countries and own native kingdoms as they favoured their own stock so to speak with those from foreign lands considered inferior with the vast majority of slaves from native lands and not the spoils of war with exceptions being the Heliot slaves of Ancient Sparta.Although this may seem as a form of proto racism it at least showed that they were at least aware that in order to integrate with other cultures they may have seen as barbaric they needed to upgrade them to their level of civilisation standards for their civilisation to successfully spread and that enslaving populations en masse would have been counterproductive.Furthermore they realised that pillageing the land unlike Osirian cultures was counterproductive as they needed to upgraded to their level of infrastructure to allow for the safe and stable trading of goods back and forth in a mutually beneficial relationship.Even if pillaging and warfare did occur it eventually resulted in religious synchronisation and also trade routes created that allowed infrastructure and civilisation to be built with the conquered land eventually improved and upgraded as it was the only choice they had to limit expenditure of resources.Most slaves were from their own country,and cities and were usually people of the poorest of the poor.Thus rather than enslaving people from conquered lands slaves were usually from people of the lowest ranking of their own societies.This is what the term to spread civilisation means with the conquerors doing so partly out of proto racism but also to ensure successful economic gains in a period where there wasnt any chance of propagandising,manufacturing consent,media control and also modern day military machinery to subjugate them as due to the limited population and technology upgrading conquered lands to their level of standards was at the time the only viable solution both in terms of manpower,costs etc and ensure long term control of the area as it was easier to manage.Most cultures although having trade routes did view each other as inferior in some ways based on minor cultural differences with regards to the different norms with regards to homosexuality,slaves and women within each society ie The Greeks looked down on the Romans and vice versa,the Egyptians looked down on the Greeks etc and so on meaning discrimination that did exist between different Isis-Osirian cultures at the time was based on the minute cultural differences on social norms and not based on ones skin colour or religious grounds.The imperialism of Isis-Osirian cultures brought wealth to the new lands via trade routes with the less primitive cultures usually integrating into their societies both culturally and economically as they both in the end benefited through economic trading with the whole purpose being to spread civilisation thus leading to conquered lands being upgraded with roads,infrastructure and the same rights for women and homosexual with culture integrated into both sides as seen with trade routes set up.Warfare and conflict and to some degree exploitation and even rape etc did occur between tribes and neighbouring Isis-Osirian cultures over territories and resources to a small degree with notable ones such as the Comanche tribes it was nowhere anywhere near on the scale of that committed by Osirian colonisers that resulted in millions of natives dead,cultures destroyed and human rights abuses and pedopheilia as if it did happen the conquered lands were eventually upgraded to the same level of infrastructure and trade routes spread wealth back and forth and religious synchronisation ensured long term peace with the conquered groups eventually mutually benefiting from this conquest with trade routes.Pillaging so to speak was done to primarily deal with the leaders of groups,countries etc that were unwilling to be integrated or themselves were despotic tyrants to their own people or were carried by minority groups that were even by their standards savages and barbarians and was at times payback for undue subjugation etc.Put simply on the whole warfare was civil and it was primarily soldiers not the populace that was slaughtered – the few bad apples were those that were by themselves just a few apples.The animal and human sacrifices did exist but were wholly exaggerated with them still nowhere near as bad as the crimes done by Christianity both past and present with human sacrifices restricted to only a few groups namely the Aztecs and Mayans and was done for both political and religious purposes with the sacrificed person highly revered to even celebrity status similar to todays society with claims of cannibalism unreliable as it is believed that most instances were usually part of war rituals not habitual cannibalism as their main source of subsistence and if outside of this was usually only used in rare instances if populations of wild animals was too low to provide enough protein meaning if it occurred it was rare occuring only to meet basic nutrition and avoid starvation and in most cases outside of this was as part of war rituals either misunderstandings where people were thought to carry this out or exaggerations and outright lies were made to justify their genocide at the hands of colonists.Its likely that human sacrifices and cannibalism were a means to control population alongside religious functions and provide a source of protein when hunting had not brought enough harvests as they did not develop an agricultural intensity on par of European colonists especially with regards to livestock since the New world didnt have enough viable easily domesticable livestock meaning they had to hunt animals or if that was insufficient resorted to cannibalism including ritualistic human sacrifices that also entailed cannibalism.Thus practices of human sacrifices and cannibalism these were likely the result of a lack of livestock that could be easily domesticated and times when hunting producing scare amounts of protein as there is evidence of both human sacrifices and cannibalism in both prehistoric times in the Middle East,Asia,Europe and also the Great Famine of 1315–1317 and in pagan practices in both Asia and Europe prior to and even during the rise of Christianity.The fact that these human sacrifices and cannibalism existed briefly in both Europe,The Middle East prior to the rise of agriculture,the rise of the ancient Greek,Roman and even Mesopotomian culture and then dissipated from these societies after livestock were domesticated shows that these practices were likely the result of a lack of widely available protein in the form of domesticatable livestock.Thus human sacrifices and cannibalism to appease the gods had roots in the lack of domesticated animals in both the Americas and and pre agrarian pagan societies in Europe with the advent of domesticated livestock likely rendering them defunct showing that human sacrifices and cannibalism would not have existed had any domesticable animals were to exist that would have provided a large source of protein negating cannibalism and human sacrifices with it also allowing for more sustainable population growth.Other roots may be political,religious and cultural rooted in the lack of livestock.Groups that did carry out scalping,cannibalism etc may have had their flaws but in the end they could have been civilised without being slaughtered by the millions and forced into Christianity – had the Egyptians,Romans or Greeks reached America like the Vikings earlier and discovered them it may have been possible for them to have civilised them without mass slaughter as religious synchronisation would have weeded out these practices of cannibalism and human sacrifice where it existed and simply replaced it with animal sacrifice since the Romans and Greeks and other European based Isis-Osirian societies practiced animal sacrifices likely due to an abundance of livestock in place of humans to please the gods after they themselves weeded out human sacrifices present in prehistoric pagan societies once they were able to tame and domesticate livestock.They would have introduced horses and other domesticated animals that would allowed them to thrive without resorting to human sacrifices and even cannibalism as a better source of protein and even gain an immunity to pathogens like Smallpox say for example exposure to more benign versions like Cowpox that would have given them the immunity to the more deadly Smallpox and so on thus limiting casualties significantly.Even if Smallpox was rampant three factors would have negated war as a – interbreeding between the two cultures would have caused genes associated with smallpox resistance would have been passed on and overtake all populations,b – smallpox was rampant in Europe at the time of ancient Isis-Osirian societies meaning if it spread to America’s it would be viewed as a universal plague rather than that that affected natives,c – livestock with milder forms of Cowpox could have spread to natives just as easily conferring resistance.Put simply had Isis-Osirian societies of Europe reached America prior to Columbus etc then it would be likely that the cultural and human genocide would have been avoided due to religious synchronicity allowing for them to integrate their religious beliefs with them weeding out cannibalism and human sacrifices by simply negotiating with them or introducing livestock to them and horses introduced allowing for complex civilisations and trade to flourish.The same would have applied had they arrived in Africa.Regardless of how savage the natives were cultural and human genocide can never be justified in any situation at all considering the fact that the genocide was extremely over the top and cruel way more than what the natives were capable of doing to themselves and the colonist with the genocide of the natives in all instances involving the sexual enslavement of prepubescent children and women,rape of women,maiming and disfigurement,scalping and mutilation of women and young children as well as shooting them like animals for sport,public execution and feeding them to ravenous dogs.An example of this was the Spanish conquerors who were horrified to discover sodomy openly practiced among native peoples of the Americas and attempted to crush it out by subjecting the berdaches (as the Spanish called them) under their rule to severe penalties,including castration,public execution,burning and being torn to pieces by dogs.This form of public execution wasnt new to them as during the Medievil period and up to that point homosexuals were also publicly executed in equally vicious ways.As time went on,punishments for homosexual behavior became harsher.In the thirteenth century,in areas such as France,homosexual behavior between men resulted in castration on the first offense,dismemberment on the second,and burning at the stake on the third.Lesbian behavior was punished with specific dismemberments for the first two offenses and burning on the third as well.By the mid-fourteenth century in many cities of Italy,civil laws against homosexuality were common.If a person was found to have committed sodomy,the city’s government was entitled to confiscate the offender’s property.The views of the Catholic Church on this and the issue of abstinence before marriage and monogamy was in direct opposition to that of the Ancient Romans and Greeks in that marriage and in term sexual intercourse was solely for procreation meaning even masturbation and oral sex were considered illegal and sinful.If you can justify the genocide of the natives of the Americas,then you can justify the genocide of Nazi holocaust,torture and human rights abuses carried in the name of the free market system in Afghanistan,Iraq,Libya,Vietnam and indeed every single imperialist war in American history since the Cold War and those carried out by the British in Ireland and India.This is why the celebration of Columbus Day is so offensive to those of on the left particularly the progressive its because it celebrates not just the genocide of the natives of the Americas but in fact the continuing genocide and human rights abuses in Yemen funded by America and imperialism into Iraq,Iran,Afghanisthan,Libya and imperialism in Central and South America such as Bolivia and Venezuela and potentially in Syria etc in the 20th and 21st centuries by America in the name of the free market system.No Columbus and the other Osirian values and cultures did not spread or create civilisation they destroyed and desecrated it and they continue to do so in the Middle East and Americas,it as the progressive and liberal Isis-Osirian as far as back the liberal and polytheistic Mesoptomanians,Greeks,Romans etc that did that.Just because the natives may have practiced cannibalism and human sacrifice it is in no way justifying pedopheilia,mutilation and carrying out human rights abuses to wipe them out.The difference between the savagery of the natives was that it was usually as a last resort due to technologically primative conditions as explained by the fact that unlike Europe Africa,America etc did not have tame and docile horses and even large amounts of domesticatable animals which made large scale agriculture,transportation and thus civilisation to be possible – this is the prevailing theory put forward by archeologists and anthropologists for why cultures in the Americas and Africa were not as technologically or sociologically advanced as the European colonists it was due to the fact that they had no easily tameable animals with their susceptibility to Smallpox and other old world diseases was due to the fact they were no easily domesticated animals in the Americas etc that held this zoonotic pathogen and others at all thus meaning they were unable to gain an immunity to it thus meaning there first exposure was through colonists passing through or those purposefully spreading it which was why it so effective at decimating at whole communities.You see the presence of horses,cattle,chickens and other commonplace livestock in Europe,Asia and The Middle East allowed for intensive agriculture to form thus allowing for cities and civilisations and populations to grow and overtime livestock pathogens would routinely jump species to humans thus causing plagues that would wipe out large amounts of the population present as a result of this but overtime small populations would gain an immunity who would then pass this onto the next generation with the original disease in livestock using being a cousin form that if contracted by humans could confer immunity to the zoonose due to them being related as seen with Cowpox virus infections conferring resistance to Smallpox.The populations would bounce back and thus the immune individuals would pass this to the next generation until it became a permanent feature of the country and in fact even continent with them being carriers that could spread it but not killed by it.Zebras,bison,deer,camals etc in America and Africa were either to difficult to tame compared to the wild horses of Europe or were not as effective ie too weak or slow as them with easily domesticable animals to be reared allowing for intensive agriculture to flourish and also allow for trade and easier travel between different areas.Furthermore in Africa and America the megafauna and even normal fauna were to difficult to tame and thus become livestock meaning they had to rely on a hunter gatherer lifestyle not out of choice but because that is all that was possible to them.Europe had dozens of domesticable animals such as chickens,cattle,sheep etc and even dogs that could be easily used to manage these.They also had plants that could be easily cultivated into large scale intensive agriculture.Buffalo,deer,zebras,giraffes and bears present in Africa and America were too simply too large and wild to tame as livestock with chickens,horses and cattle originating in Asia and the Middle East.Zebras in the case of Africa are more likely to kick back at anyone trying to catch them with their is the fact that most animals including zebras,water buffalo etc in Africa evolved on the same continent and thus had centuries if not thousands of years to evolve to be apprehensive of humans and develop means of fighting back who were skilled hunters with this evidenced by the fact the level and percentages of extinctions of megafauna and other animals were lower in Africa but higher the more farther across the world in prehistoric times which can be seen that these extinctions and their higher rate coincide in the direction and timescales that humans travelled and migrated across the world as they were slower to adapt to the arrival of humans a skilled hunter they were unfamiliar with and thus less likely to adapt countermeasures too thus meaning as humans expanded across the world the animals they encountered were less likely to fight back against an alien species and thus more easily killed off to the point of extinction and being tamed and domesticated meaning once humans arrived in Europe etc animals became easily tamed not only due to being tame in comparison but also being less likely to view humans as a thought.Animals in Africa evolved alongside humans and thus learned to be apprehensive and fight back with it sldo dealing with the fact that Africa is more of a dog eat dog world than Europe thus breeding more dangerous animals including Africanised bees due to harsher environmental pressures with once humans spread across Europe,Asia etc animals present had never seen humans before and thus did not see them as a threat thus leading to larger amounts of extinctions during the early Holocene/Antropocene period especially in megafauna and thus were less likely to fight back with this of relevance to those we would later domesticate such as chickens,cattle,pigs etc.Europe and Asia unlike Africa and America had dozens of tameable and domesticatable animals while America and Africa had virtually none.The same goes for wolves in Europe etc that were much more easily tameable than similar animals in Africa and the Americas.Simply put despite having created written language,almanacs and primitive medicine the inhabitants of the New World were primarily nomadic simply due to the fact that tameable horse like animals and livestock were not present.Put simply agriculture in the form of livestock allows for complex civilisations to form in multiple interspaced regions of a continent thus allowing multiple large complex communities to form in different regions of a continent that can allow for them to survive should one be comprised by plague,natural disasters and famine etc with horses allowing for trade and communication between nations and communities and easy travel across them and continents alongside tilling land as part of agriculture.It also allows for herd immunity from zoonoses to form.This explains why complex civilisations only occurred in Central and South America and not North America since llamas where present but these did not provide as much meat as cattle and chickens and did not allow for transport,trade and communication and carrying out labourious work such as tilling the land etc  in the same way as horses and cattle leaving major cities spread apart isolated from each other as they are slow and not as social structured as horses and can’t hold as heavy weights as horses.Llama provided meat,wool and fertiliser for intensive agriculture in Machu Pichu and Tenochitalin and so on but not in North America where only wolves and dogs could be domesticated.Everything else was too dangerous and simply unpredictable with even llamas not as great as sheep and cattle.Furthermore the zoonoses they had were different than that of cattle etc.Had docile horses and easily domesticable livestock in the form of chickens,cattle and pigs or similar animals had evolved on both Africa and also the Americas it would have possible for Native Americans and Africans to have built civilisation and also increase population densities and also then be exposed to evolved zoonoses that one could gain an immunity to thus preventing them being decimated by the first introduction of Smallpox and it would have also been possible to have developed technologically to the same or even higher level that the European colonists had achieved at the point and would have likely weeded out or negated the presence of any traces of cannibalism and human sacrifices both of which were likely practiced out of scarcity and this lack of technological development as there are records of them being carried out in Europe and Asia prior to the rise of agriculture and civilisation.Cannibalism and human sacrifices that also in turn entailed cannibalism were likely a result of no easily domesticated livestock that would have supplied a constant supply of protein since all sources of meat had to be hunted and was inconducive to settlements – human flesh was simply more viable and easier to get then hunting bison,deer that was constantly in the move and impossible to domesticate.Even llamas were and still are difficult to rear in comparison to chickens,pigs and cows and did not provide enough meat in comparison to chickens,pigs and cattle.Only in recent decades have bison and deer been domesticated and they are still almost impossible to control and much more difficult to do so than most conventional livestock and needed high amounts of maintenance and foodstuff that would have been impossible in pre Columbian times especially since they can fight off humans and need sedatives dart guns and nets to trap not possible in pre Columbian times.Even though their were many animals to hunt in the Americas they were either poisonous,impossible to tame and domesticate,not tasty enough or not individually viable as a good source of protein to warrent the energy expenditure to hunt them on a daily basis ie the energy returned on energy invested was simply not good enough near 3:1 to what we nowadays get from rearing livestock to make them viable protein source ie it would be too energy or time intensive to hunt them as a valid food source and too difficult to rear them as livestock that human flesh was a more plentiful and viable alternative.Put simply they were “savages” not out of choice but because of the conditions that were present of lacking in the Americas with if domesticatable and tameable animals and horses had evolved on the Americas and Africa and not on Europe and Asia the shoe would likely be on the other foot with the Native Americans and Aztecs etc becoming technologically advanced and then if they travelled and arrived on the European continent,Asia etc would considering they were polytheistic would have not committed mass genocide on such as scale but would have integrated them into their civilisation through religious synchronisation and also with them probably grown up past their tribal squabbling and would have likely weeded out or never developed cannibalistic rituals and human sacrifices due to the abundance of livestock and would have formed truces and some level of peace between the different tribes to a level similar to or above European countries at the time due to scarcity of food possibly creating divisions between tribes competing for limited amount of wild animals to hunt.Had the Vikings,Romans and Greeks arrived on the New world in Ancient Times it would have been possible for them to have introduced livestock,horses and weeded out cannibalism and human sacrifices and replaced it with animal livestock they would have brought with them as they themselves practised animal sacrifices with human evidence of human sacrifices and cannibalism recorded prior to the rise of agriculture in pagan Europe then replaced with animal sacrifices once livestock became domesticated implying that them bringing in livestock would have weeded out cannibalism and human sacrifices and replacing them with animal sacrifices with them possibly introducing Cowpox a benign cousin of Smallpox that confers immunity to Smallpox.The same would have occurred with had the colonised all of Africa.The savagery and genocide of that was inflicted on the natives by colonists was way over the top on and was done chiefly for sport,to enforce Christianity against the will of the right to freedom of religious expression(making them and the pilgrims hypocrites for enforcing their religion onto another group of people when thats the reason they left Europe in the first place)and of course involved intentional hunting,scalping and sexual slavery applied to all of them including women and children.Youd think a more technologically and morally superior culture would have been more lenient on so called savages with at least the likes of Bartolome de la Casas being a saving grace for the colonists of the time.If the colonists of America,Africa and India were alive today they would be trial in the Hauge for crimes that would make the worst dictators of today be disgusted.Two wrongs do not make a right especially when this carried all across North,Central and South America as well as the entire Middle East and Asia over and over again.Furthermore Europe itself was never really the epitome of civilisation prior to the discovery of the New World as evidenced by the Crusades,Spanish Inquisition,constant warfare over the proper demonination of Christianty and other petty issues,Medievil torture devices,persecution of Bogomilism and Catharism,the theocracies and lack of religious freedom that forced the pilgrims to America in the first place,witch burnings,castration/dismemberment/execution of homosexuals who had no choice in their sexuality,infanticide and cannibalism during the Great Famine of 1315–1317 and the list goes on and on.Then of course there is the human rights abuses,genocide,torture etc made in order to expand the reach of the free market system,systemic racism,homophobia,misogyny in so called civilised Osirian western countries including modern day America and also Saudi Arabia,China and the rest of the so called civilised western world.Teapot calling kettle black anyone?Put simply the natives of the Americas were “savages” due to the conditions caused by lack of domesticated animals yet the more advanced Europeans had a choice in not being savages both to themselves and even the natives in carrying out human rights abuses in the name of Christianity and sport.Even though modern scholars of left leaning politics may see the polytheistic Isis-Osirian cultures of Europe and Asia as barbaric in the end the natives of the conquered lands as stated benefited as they were upgraded with roads,infrastructure,agriculture with their cultures integrated into the conquers and vice versa as seen in the religious synchronisation of Isis-Osirian religions ie the similar deities in Roman,Greek,Egyptian,Celtic and Gaulish religions with each culture associating each ones deities for the others ie Athena/Minerva/Menrva/Neith/Sulis,Aphrodite/Venus/Apru/Isis,Hera/Juno/Uni/Isis,Zeus/Jupiter/Tinia/Amun/Thor/Perun.Even though the conqueres viewed them as barbaric they still upgraded them to their level of infrastructure and technology as it was important that they do so to act as trade routes and thus benefit them and as a result both parties truly benefited with them knowing that incorporating both sides Isis-Osirian religions together would lead to less resistance and would ensure that the conquered groups would be more willing to form trade routes and that upgrading infrastructure would also ensure this in a mutually beneficial relationship where riches would be traded back and forth.The cities and kingdoms were under direct control of the conquerors through mayor like statesmen who answered directly to them and ensure the laws were laid down and not puppet governments and so they and a responsibility to treat the resident of conquered land as if they were their own citizens and thus the were given the same rights as them thus ensuring stability and peace over the lands they conquered with each country and region having an appointed governer which were although under direct rule from the king or emperor this prevented them being puppet dictators and still had to answer to the king or emperor as they maintained each district and its economy and made sure peace was maintained by keeping locals happy yet subservient to the king.This wasnt in a sense colonialism it was a form of spreading civilisation hence the origin of the term which was what it technically was with it also being the origin of the term “All roads lead to Rome”.Even though they did have armies it was to defend not just the native homeland but also the integrated conquered lands with as stated these integrated countries rather than being left to the mercy of terrorists and increased civil unrest the lands if pillaged and destroyed in battle were always upgraded with modern infrastructure as it required the movement of goods,money and riches back and forth and for the natives to be integrated into their society for them to remain profitable.This is unlike modern day Osirian imperialism including as far back as the arrival of pilgrims and even Christopher Columbus on North America and the rise of Manifest Destiny the overtaken country has their culture destroyed,desecrated,equated to Satanism and blasphemy and is replaced by Islam,Judaism and Christianity where all members are forced into slavery unless they converted to their religions or are slaughtered en masse in genocidal wars and pushed into economic colonialism debt they cannot pay forever,resources are exploited and the natives benefit very little at all and in fact things end up even worse than before with democratically elected leaders overthrown in favour of dictators with the natural resources exploited to the point that environmental destruction is assured and the conquered groups culture is forced into perpetual economic slavery and also into poverty much worse than what it was before with only the conquering nations benefiting and the natives pushed into extreme poverty and perpetual endemic conflict.Yes Christopher Columbus like the first pilgrims who settled in the Americas were terrible people even by the standards of their own time who both carried out mass cultural and human genocide,forced the natives to convert to Christianity or be killed(including Squanto) or enslaved.Put simply the natives of the New World in the Americas like Asia and Africa only converted to Christianity to gain freedom and stay alive meaning they would be killed or enslaved if they retained their old religion.Columbus allowed for the enslavement of prepubescent girls as young as 9-12 years old into sexual slavery,treated both natives and even European colonists quite literally like animals by maiming and disfiguring Europeans who simply disagreed with him on anything,made fun of him or complained of his treatment of the natives and berated the laws set down by the monarchy that prevented him from carrying out other abuses with even the king and queen of Spain at the time who werent exactly considered the best people in the world even were shocked at his treatment of the natives and colonists that they forcibly removed him from his role in shaping the new world colonies.No he didnt condemn the sexual enslavement of prepubscent children he did nothing to stop it referring them as little girls as if they were commodities like gold and human slaves all he did condemn was the fact that the laws set down by the Spanish government prevented him from doing even worse things to both colonists and natives.There is no evidence to suggest that he did specifically condemn traders for that and other crimes with him even going out as far out of his way to enslave the natives and even did so personally in letters and direct interactions with the monarchy of Spain.In short he wanted direct permission from the monarchy to carry out human rights abuses and enslave as many natives as possible even as many prepubescent children as possible into sexual slavery.Most of his peers including King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella who themselves were barbaric by todays standards were appalled by his actions and treatment of both natives and colonists.He laid the foundations of what would lead to the slavery Africa by America perfecting and inspiring the methods used by plantation and slave owners in North America in terms of genocide,capture,transportation and treatment centuries later.Africa may have invented slavery and it existed in Ancient Rome etc but Columbus carried it on and perfected to a n art craft.Put simply he is responsible not just for the enslavement of North,Central and South Americans but also Africans.Just because slavery originated in Africa dosnt negate the fact that it was carried out by Columbus as there were many people who were critical of him and worked tirelssly to reverse the damage to the natives.The pilgrims intentionally spread Smallpox and other pathogens from the old world after the initial epidemic,stole food and jewellery from Native American stores and graveyards,forced underage and prepubescent minors into sexual slavery,tortured and killed countless innocent women and children for sport,slaughtered the very tribe they sat down for the first Thanksgiving a mere sixteen after breaking a truce they wrote that put them in power and control over them in the first place such as the murder of John Sassmon and other crimes that would make Chris Hansen and even Bashar Hafez al-Assad cringe in disgust at what they did making claims of conservatives having a clean and wholesome track record defunct and makes vigilante groups question their validity as being wholesome.If they were alive today they would on trial in the Hauge for human rights abuses The same goes for those involved in both sides of the Crusades and those who colonised Africa,India,all of the Americas,South Pacific,Asia and Austrailia and New Zealand.In short all areas of the world inhabited by Isis-Osirian cultures in Asia,Austrailia,Africa,America discovered and colonised by Osirian Christian,Judaic and Islamic cultures underwent the same pattern of cultural and human genocide,sexual enslavement of women in particular prepubescent minors,environmental destruction etc making the notions of modern day conservatives feeling as though America is under attack from the left as bullshit since they have a terrible track record and history that makes modern day censorship and other problems such as “Cultural Marxism” moot as it may be imaginary.Even if wokeness,political correctness and the tyranny of the left and “Cultural Marxism” is real then it is justified payback for the centuries of cultural and human genocide and slavery including sexual slavery that involved pre pubescents incurred on Isis-Osirian cultures particularly in the past during the age of exploration during the 1500s onwards in Africa and the Americas as well as in Asia and Europes at the hands of conservatives which makes safe spaces,CNN,cancel culture,Josef Stalin,Mao Zedong, Alexandria Ocasia-Cortez,Bernie Sanders etc pale in comparison.Its for this reason that Columbus Day should be renamed World Indigenous Peoples Day to not only celebrate the resiliance of The Native American but indeed all Isis-Osirian cultures invaded,exploited and massacred by all other nations such as the North American,British,the Ottomon Empire etc.Ideally Columbus day will be scrapped worldwide from being practiced worldwide completely and replaced by World Indigenous Peoples day as Columbus was responsible for the genoicide of the natives of the Carribean and was used to justify that of millions of the Native Americans and allowed children as young as 9-12 years old to be sold into child sex slavery with World Indigenous Peoples Day will celebrate the resiliance of oppressed natives around the world who suffered cultural and physical genocide at the hands of conservative Osirian,Osirian-lite colonists and imperialists.This thus shows that again pedopheillia,warmongering etc are interwoven into the very fabric of conservatism.You see us progressive have the right to World Indigenous Peoples Day for the same reason gays deserve Pride month and black history month due to centuries of persecution of blacks,homosexuals etc at the hands of conservatives who were like white people never victims of this – this is why white privilege is a reality because they are the ones responsible for the persecution of blacks,homosexuals,Jews etc which is why Colombus Day that celebrates the epitome of genocide carried out by white heterosexual people against non whites and homosexuals needs to be scrapped.You see liberals especially progressives celebrate the resilience of persecuted groups like the LGBT,blacks etc while conservatives celebrate war criminals,Pedophiles,rapists and warmongers etc

Even the persecution of Christians in ancient Rome was in a sense to a degree justified as it was rooted in the monotheistic adherents unwillingness to recognise Isis-Osirian religions and their festivities much that of the Native Americans and other Isis-Osirian cultures they later wiped out and enslaved.Christians in ancient Rome and their persecution was unlike that of Isis-Osirian Native Americans,Mayans,Aztecs,Africans etc was not empire wide;it was localized,sporadic,often mob-led,with occasional actions from local authorities with no real universal consensus amongst both the public and even the state to allow it to happen meaning it was nowhere near as bad as the genocide carried out in the name of Manifest Destiney by Christian based societies which were unanimous from the average person to the pope to allow it to happen,did not involve enslavement,sexual exploitation of prepubescent minors.“Christians moved their activities from the streets to the more secluded domains of houses,shops and women’s apartments…severing the normal ties between religion,tradition and public institutions like cities and nations”.This ‘privatizing of religion‘ was another primary factor in persecution.They sometimes met at night,in secret,and this aroused suspicion among the pagan population accustomed to religion as a public event;rumors abounded that Christians committed flagitia,scelera,maleficia,-“outrageous crimes,wickedness and evil deeds”,specifically,cannibalism(referred to as “Thyestian banquets” and “Oedipodean intercourse“)— due to their rumored practices of eating the “blood and body” of Christ and referring to each other as “brothers” and “sisters“According to Edward Gibbon;By embracing the faith of the Gospel the Christians incurred the supposed guilt of an unnatural and unpardonable offence.They dissolved the sacred ties of custom and education,violated the religious institutions of their country,and presumptuously despised whatever their fathers had believed as true,or had reverenced as sacred.Christianity practiced an exclusivity not found in the social caste system of Roman empire and was therefore perceived by its opponents as a “disruptive and,most significantly,a competitive menace to the traditional class/gender based order of Roman society”.It is ironic that the main cause of it was Christians refusal to adhere to the local pagan festivals most of which are the antecedents of most modern day Christian festivals ie Christmas,Easter etc as well as their refusal to accept cultural norms of the time ie homosexuality and bisexuality.As stated the Romans respected and choose to ignore the Christian religion and there adherents and only asked that in order to maintain social cohesion and thus prevent all out war and in order to create a balance and synchronisation between the two religion that they perform certain practices and celebrate certain festivals all of which were purely reasonable as it did not require human sacrifices yet some animal sacrifices.The Roman empire practiced religious syncretism and did not demand loyalty to one god,but they did demand preeminent loyalty to the state,and this was expected to be demonstrated through the practices of the state religion with numerous feast and festival days throughout the year.The nature of Christian monotheism prevented Christians from participating in anything involving ‘other gods’.Christians did not participate in feast days or processionals or offer sacrifices or light incense to the gods;this produced hostility.They refused to offer incense to the Roman emperor,and in the minds of the people,the “emperor,when viewed as a god,was…the embodiment of the Roman empire”,so Christians were seen as disloyal to both.In Rome,religion could be tolerated only as long as it contributed to the stability of the state which would “brook no rival for the allegiance of its subjects.The state was the highest good in a union of state and religionsim.”In Christian monotheism the state was not the highest good.Although it may be seen by some as a form of state worship similar to Maoism and Leninism again Osirian-lite or theocracy the lack of the separation of Church and state it was a means at the time due to the plurality of polytheistic religions in the world at the time ie Asia,Africa,Europe to stabilise society,preventing it from collapsing in onto self and to maintain societal cohesion as their empires expanded across the known world – and it worked because peace had been achieved in all lands they conquered with the syncrosiatim of deities allowing for natives and foreigners to worship the different deities with similar attributes without conflict since the Romans,Greeks etc associated those from foreign lands with their own ie Hera/Juno/Uni,Zeus/Jupiter/Tinia/Amun,Aphrodite/Venus/Apru/Isis,Athena/Minerva/Menerva/Neith and so on.The theocractic structures of ancient Isis-Osirian societies although similar to those of the Medievil age Christian and Islamic states the state in the form of emperors,senate,kings,politicians etc was mostly uninterested in regulating the affairs of its citizens especially with regards to ones sexuality,race,religion making these theocractic structures better to live under than Osirian with one able to climb the social ladder except if you a slave and king hood,emperhood etc being the result of being the son of on.This syncronisation occurred within interactions between all Isis-Osirian religions and pantheons in Europe,Africa,Asia with each other with it also occurring at the same time on the opposite sides of the planet with it taking place between interactions with the different tribes and of Native Americans and also between the different Isis-Osirian religions in Central and South America and Inuit tribes of Canada etc with it likely occurring had the ancient Egyptians,Celts,Vikings and even Greeks had managed to discover and colonise North,Central and South America prior to Columbus etc.This showed that they believed that all life whether mortal or deity etc was universally connected to and by the same divine source.It was a means to integrate each newly conquered land into their society and unlike modern day or even older Osirian conquerors it worked and benefitted both sides.People were not prevented from practising conflicting monotheistic and polytheistic religions or forced into gulags or even censored they were simply asked to practice certain rituals and take part in festivals to in fact actually protect themselves and be inclusive in society and yet still to promote diversity amongst each other in the preservation of the freedom of expression and religious speech and also thought.It was done to have Christians be included in their local customs and have locales be included in those of the Christians as the deal required not just Christian compliance with local polytheistic pagan traditions but that polytheistic locals also partake in the traditions and practices of Christians thus ensuring both diversity and inclusiveness to ensure sycrhonisation and thus social cohesion.Thus like true modern liberals and progressives they preserved and protected the right to free speech,freedom of religion and also of thought unlike the pseudo SJW liberals and both modern day and even ancient Christians that committed genocide on people that didnt agree with them or refused to be converted to Christianity thus tallying a death toll of at least a 600,000,000 with Osirian-lite Stalinism adding at least 80,000,000.In reality rather being a state religion or where the “church” had complete control over the lives of the people in towns,villages and cities it was keeping different polytheistic religions together from cultures from different countries with different laws regarding the role of women,homosexuality under one roof with laws not been divinely set in stone but rather through changing mores etc unlike thoecracies under the roof of conservative Islam,Christianity and Judaism.Thus the Roman state demanded the Christians perform these duties in order to prevent the Christians themselves from being harmed in the first place by vigilantes meaning the state had the Christians safety in mind not that of the state to maintain social cohesion and prevent vigilante groups attacking and harming them in the first place with some Christians asking to be executed to make some point like a whiney teenager stickin it to the man – had the Christians complied then thousands of lives would have been saved.At least some had the audacity to go for apostisisation.Christianity practiced an inclusivity not found in the social caste system of Roman empire and was therefore perceived by its opponents as a “disruptive and,most significantly,a competitive menace to the traditional class/gender based order of Roman society”.Gibbon argued that the seeming tendency of Christian converts to renounce their family and country and their frequent predictions of impending disasters instilled a feeling of apprehension in their pagan neighbours.There was no empire-wide persecution of Christians until the reign of Decius in the third century.Provincial governors had a great deal of personal discretion in their jurisdictions and could choose themselves how to deal with local incidents of persecution and mob violence against Christians.For most of the first three hundred years of Christian history,Christians were able to live in peace,practice their professions,and rise to positions of responsibility.Only for approximately ten out of the first three hundred years of the church’s history were Christians executed due to orders from a Roman emperor.Attempts at estimating the numbers involved are inevitably based on inadequate sources,but one historian of the persecutions estimates the overall numbers as between 5,500 and 6,500 compared to the millions of Isis-Osirian Africans,Asians,Americans etc enslaved and massacred by Christians.In the 300 years from the crucifixion of Christ to the conversion of Emperor Constantine,polytheistic Roman emperors initiated no more than four general persecutions of Christians.Local administrators and governors incited some anti-Christian violence of their own.Still,if we combine all the victims of all these persecutions,it turns out that in these three centuries,the polytheistic Romans killed no more than a few thousand Christians with claims of there being millions being highly exaggerated from unreliable sources.Any persecution of Christians in other Isis-Osirian countries including up to modern times is usually in response to their imperialist past in wanting to convert and destroy their cultures in the first place and also impose Mainifest Destiney and economic colonialism.Thus even in ancient times the liberal concept of diversity and inclusiveness to achieve harmony was threatened and destroyed by the stinginess and rebelliousness of conservative monotheists wanting to “stick it to the man” against a non existent threat to achieve patriarchal conservative cultural dominance to seem hip like a whiney angsty teenager and an independent mind while making shit up just as seen with Bill C-16,Gamersgate,nationalism etc in modern times and to ensure conservatism and Christianity was the only way to salvation.The refusal to adhere to simple reasonable demands that would avoided conflict and would have led to the integration of conflicting monotheism and polytheism to create harmony and diversity of freedom of expression,religion and thought led to mob led rule of the public that is comparable to the modern day social justice warrior all in the name of patriarchal conservative cultural dominance and then eventually create threats that didnt exist in the first place or wouldnt have had simple demands been met.Thus the conservative Christians in Ancient Rome were not the practioners of the right to the freedom of religious expression and freedom of speech as they saw Christianity as the only way which was in opposition to the progressive Romans belief that syncronistism and harmony could be achieved through partnership,common middle ground and debating with each other as well as finding ways to work together as they had done with the many other polytheistic cultures they had encountered simply put the refusal of Christians to work with the local pagans and be included in their gestures of inclusivity led to frictions that eventually led to the death of several thousand people.It is ironic that Christianity of all religions was for the notion of the separation of Church and state in the past but not so in the present.This also makes notions of the lefts intolerance to opposing views,censorship on college campuses and the media in general in modern times moot as well since it was conservative Christians intolerance and censorship of liberal religions practices in ancient times and even Medival and later times in during the times of the exploration of America,Africa that led to exaggerated mass persecutions they had in the past that was widely accepted by the Pope as well the general population and they pretty much started the concept of silencing other dissenting religious view and the right to religious freedom first.Thus conservatives can in no way complain about liberals especially progressives censoring them and banning free speech in more modern time when in the past their censorship and banning of free speech and even the right to freedom of religion led to the massacre of millions and cultural genocide counted towards there death toll of over a 500,000,000 people when at the worst modern day faux liberal censorship will get you kicked out of all the parties or speaker events at college or force you to use proper gender pronouns for transgender people – neither of which is actually true with that done by liberal religions in ancient times was almost non existent – all you had to was carry out small local customs to prevent the locales becoming suspicious and you were allowed to practice any religion you wanted and express disagreement on an issue publicy.Oh yeah the Nazis like the pilgrims and the explorers of the New World were right wing meaning the Nazis lack of respect for the freedom of expression and religion applies to conservatives with Mao,Lenin not liberals or progressives they were watered down conservative Osirian-lite like Clinton and Obama who certainly didnt like the modern versions are not for free speech as seen with YouTube Adpocalypse,Facebook and Twitter only care about their corporate shareholders and are in bed with mainstream corporate media ie CNN,Fox News and Msnbc and the military industry complex hardly progressive or liberal entities.

YouTubes demonitisation of Crowder et all was not liberal suppression of free speech – YouTube like Twitter and Google may be liberal leaning but they are a company first and foremost meaning they have to meet the needs of the bottom line,their shareholders and profits as well as pleasing the DNC and RNC and thus blacklisted and demonitised countless people on both sides of the political spectrum with even those on the left suffering more than the likes of Crowder so at the end of the day it was capitalism at work.As a result of both Carlos Manuel Maza and Stephen Crowders childish bickering between each other they found the perfect excuse to blacklist and demonitize all independent media and vloggers on both the left and the right to preserve the status quo of it being controlled by CNN,MSNBC,FOX News to quash out dissenting progressive liberal views on the military industrial complex and also the corrupt DNC and RNC meaning YouTube,Twitter and Google are both Osirian-lite but not left wing in any sens of the world.Last time I checked capitalism is a right wing ideology unless of course you seem to think National Socialism is also left wing.YouTube was long looking for an excuse to enact draconion or some would say Orwellian new rules to clamp down on both alt-right/conservative and even left wing and progressive independent podcasters and media,The Young Turks etc or even Vox itself where Maza explains and debunks the worst parts of the corpoarate media and its influence in controlling society that dont fall in line with their status quo,corporate agenda to support the corrupt DNC and RNC making it Osirian-lite and thus not Isis-Osirian and ensure both corporate news media belonging to both Fox News,CNN,Msbnc etc that gave them the bulk of their revenue stay in power and shut down the competition and the Maza and Crowder debacle was the very thing to justify it.Put simply YouTube dosent care about liberal or conservative independent podcasters especially those that are against the military industrial complex,fossil fuel industry etc all they care about is their revenue and thus Crowder was demonitized like many progressive podcasters and others on both sides had videos blacklisted and even removed thus proving it was more about preserving the status quo of corporate media and silencing dissent against Venezuela,DNC corruption,Syria,Biden etc made by both sides than silencing homophobia or conservatives in general.Had any other minor feud involving actual homophobia or indeed even a feud between two conservatives or two liberals occured it would still ended in the same outcome.This way YouTube(like Facebook and Twitter) get their way with stifling independent media on both sides of the political spectrum primarily progressives and conservatives get to play the victim when in reality they provoked it with Crowders immature homophobia which on a religious basis can only be justified if he supports NAMBLA as detailed later as Maza – who despite his calls for violence his beef with Crowder was justified meaning Crowders immature gaybashing was the root of the problem Maza simply asked to tone down the obvious immature homophobia and slurs which did fall in line with their rules and they saw this as the perfect excuse to shut down people on both sides they disagreed with as usual it was mainly progressive liberal vloggers and podcasters who were already losing revenue etc and suffered the major brunt of Adpocalypse 1-3.Homophobia isnt in vogue at the moment except in countries where ISIL and extreme right Islamic and Judaism countries and as pointed out by Sam Seder a large portion of Crowders fans are teenage or younger boys who havent had the education to understand how he only goes after and debates with college aged students and not anyone over the age the age of 18,cowers out of actual debates especially the infamous Potholer54 one,have never been exposed to both sides of the argument and doesnt realise that unlike Isis-Osirian Europe and countries like Brazil where teenage homosexuality is socially accepted even amongst peers with there more liberal attitudes.In Osirian America LGBT teens have higher rates of suicide than in say Brazil,Bolivia,Italy and the rest of Latin America and Europe as they are seen as submasculine or sinful and by engaging in his attacks on Maza was fanning the flames and pouring gasoline on existing fires making things even worse for gay teens – thats where the main issue was with Adpocalypse 3.0.Crowder and his fans by constantly attacking and doxxing Maza and the fact that most of his viewers or male teens was fanning the flames and pouring gasoline on existing fires on LGBT teens who are already have higher rates of bullying and suicide than non LGBT teens and considering most of Crowders fanbase are idiot jock teens that was a problem with Maza and the left.You have to realise that as even a YouTuber your actions and words have consequences in the real world and regardless of who you are 1% of the people who listen you are going take it seriously especially if they are modern teens or are mentally unstable as with seen with Candace Owens other right wing pundits inspiring violence in the real world either in the form of bullying or mass shootings and as an adult you have take responsibilities for the actions that they take its part of being an adult that if directly or indirectly inspire someone with your views whatever actions they that falls in the same vein as your views ie homophobia,racism,sexism and misogyny then you have to take some responsibility in their actions because you added gasoline to the fire – this is the complexities of the adult world you conservative have yet to realise.This is why the vast majority of mass shootings are done by the mentally unstable who take things literally from primarily conservative pundits and not liberal ones.Even though no gay teen suicides and bullying have occured due to him if Crowder et al continue to be openly homophobic they have to take responsibility for the people they inspired.If any gay or latin teens committed suicide by being picked on by bullies inspired by Crowder he would have those dead teens blood on his hands.Any left wing or progressives like Maza,Pakman,Gabbard,Seder,The Young Turks who have listeners with unstable or immature minds would be equally responsible if they inspired someone who did cause a mass shooting,act of terror etc in their name.Think about this conservatives,Crowders main fanbase is Greta Thurnbergs age or younger so if you think shes young and naive and brainwashed by the left just how do think how young and naive the homophobic jock teenage bullies who listen to Crowder are going to be and what they can achieve to a group who is already struggling with discrimination and bullying and suicidal tendencies due to this so when have “young and naive” teenage boys listening to Crowders homophobia and thinking its normal and going after other teens especially latin ones and those with a lisp and act slightly feminine is that socially acceptable and not the result of being manipulated and Gretas public stances and need to battle a real scientifically proven threat and taking on irresponsible adults is not then you then really need to reavalute your ethics and standards and also whether you are an adult.You see Crowders fanbase is mostly teenage boys because like most conservative and libertarian pundits hes still stuck in his teenage phase and has yet to realise that homophobia isnt even by todays standards cool for even teenagers anymore.Ladies and gentlemen we have entered an Orwellian bizzaro land – fighting for the future of the planet and her own future is being vulnerable,naive and brainwashed but listening to Crowder and bullying gay and latin teens to the point they may commit suicide is not and in fact socially acceptable,encouraged or overlooked.In Brazil,China and Bolivia and continental Europe Greta would put on a pedastal by both sides both liberal and conservative as the future of humanity and Crowder would be labelled for what he is a homophobic and possibly closeted bigot like oh so many a conservative pundit and politician who eventually are found with their pants down with another man(Change my mind) – and that is the way it should be.Calling her being abused is frankly ridiculous for this reason and as someone who has Aspergers a form of higher functioning autism which I suspect she also has I also find it offensive that such a condition that also gives both of us more maturity,lack of emotional bias that her peers that even adults lack and the ability to grow up past the inane squabbling of the Osirian and Osirian-lite and be truly progressive.It is not a mental disorder its a higher functioning form of neural state that also gives me the ability to view both of the Osirian,Osirian-lite fighting as what they are whiney,uncivilised,petulant little children and also perceive facts and facets about events,people,science and reality itself that others simply cannot.This lack of emotional bias,extra reality sensory capabilities and even preciousness Im willing to share with you and the rest of humankind through CRISPR etc alongside progreria mylienisation applying it to all living and future patients worldwide to force humanity to grow up past its teenage adolescent phase.Thus even living patients of all ages worldwide will via CRISPR be given my little gift bestowed onto me either the randomness of genetics or that from God(s).Furthermore the term “Nazi” used against environmentalist,feminist liberals is also offensive since the Nazis Nationalist Socialists with their lack of freedom of expression is a conservative ideology further showing that the stifling of free speech is a conservative value.Also you calling her being used and abused by the left and her parents infers some sort of immaturity in lets face it at least she not whining about not getting her G-Wagon or even getting a over the top 16 birthday and is not a spoiled brat.This is evidenced by the fact that even conservatives in Europe are not as big deniers on climate change and their debate is more about which are better fuel options such as nuclear etc,more centrist with regards to economics with them also being more liberal on the issue of same sex relations and their age of consent being lower thus gay teens are not as prone to suicide and bullying in Brazil and central Europe.If anything conservatives except the extreme far right dictators in these mainland European and South American countries could be considered Isis-Osirian lite as they are watered down liberals.Even under the most authoritarian far-right dictators as with Bolsanaro countries like Brazil,Italy,France,Germany are still pretty liberal on most issues such as immigration,LGBT issues,age of consent,taxes,environment and also healthcare and you can at least have a mature discussion with them on anything without it descending into childish nonsense.As stated YouTube were looking for any excuse to enforce even more draconian laws to keep independent media both liberal and conservative that threatened CNN and FOX News and Mazas and Crowders highschool level altercation was the opportunity they were waiting for and Mazas “whining ” was justified despite his calls for violence.Most homosexuals,bisexuals etc have this general opinion because they had grow up personally in the conservative America,Ireland or England that has this problem of teenage homosexuality being something to be picked on with the only exception being of course Glenn Greenwald who despite being an adult and being bashed by Jair Bolsonaro more than likely had only to deal with Bolsonaro himself and a few of his family members with his experience only lasting a few weeks or even months by a few small people rather than consistently over a few years and by thousands of followers of Crowder unlike Maza and managed to think Crowder is a marginilised little man even though he has the backing of Prager U and Fox News two corporations with more power than Vox with also the fact that gay teen suicides are not as big an issue in Brazil than America and has to admit that he himself if given the oppertunity he would be able to take some sort of action against his own abuse and also more than likely did not have the suffer the same homophobia as a teen like most of supporters of Mazas and Maza himself.Given another few years of constant death threats and also attacks from not just Bolsonaro himself but and also thousands of his supporters like Meza then Greenwald would have a different opinion.Greenwald the only gay supporter of Crowder doesnt understand any of this and probably got his information on the situation from the butthurt conservatives who benefited the most from it thus falling into the trap set by both YouTube and conservatives making his beef with Bolsonaro moot.Even Pete Buttigieg of all people would understand this better.This is the crux of the situation it was bout Maza doing what was morally right to battle homophobia that in other situations that would be accepted ie in Hollywood,the media and even in his situation and the fact that YouTube used it for its nefarious purposes this tricking everyone at the same time thus proving both the two conflicting points of both Jimmy Dore and Sam Seder if only both camps could see this and common ground.This was Crowders fault not Maza had anyone else been the subject of Crowders homophobia the same thing would happen with regards to the conservatives playing the victim and YouTube getting what they wanted with it even would be the same if the shoe was on the other foot ie a liberal was hounding a conservative with racial,sexual or homophobic slurs etc – YouTube would have gotten what they wanted and conservatives got to be playing the victim making them just as whiney as the SJWs they created.YouTube didnt cave in to Maza or the left – they got what they were waiting for so very long as all they were looking for was an excuse to gain more power and it wouldndt have happened if thirtysomething man child Crowder had acted like an actual adult and not spurred homophobia which as Maza being gay and had to possibly grow up as a gay teen with bullying about his lisp and sexuality still had to deal with this crap from a bottom of the barrel,second rate “comedian” whose only known by a small community on YouTube compared to 7,700,000,000 people on the planet.The same goes for Twitter and Facebook.Crowder knew that and he knows that most of audience are more than likely bullying gay teens in highschools and more than likely he was one of those asshole jocks in highschool who picked on kids like Maza which make him the root cause of this.So really it wasnt about Maza being a whiney little crap it was Crowder being an infantile man child still stuck in his high-school mentality and refusing to accept the terms of conditions set by YouTube and fall for their trap and also realise homophobia is kinda something you grow out of after your early teens.The only reason to be homophobic in todays world is if you are doing so because your religion states you need to be and as detailed later if you are homophobic because your religion you also have to be pro pedopheilia and statutory rape at the same for the same reason or your hiding your own securities yourself with closeted homosexuality and one day your going to found with your pants down with another man – at least Tulsi Gabbard managed to be an adult and move past that crap she was brainwashed by her parents in her teens – its called being an adult and moving on from the infantilised crap that belongs squarely with neo-nazis,pedophile supporting priests and man children.Maza was responding to at least two years of consistent bullying,stalking and doxxing from thousands of fans of Crowder to stamp out homophobia not just on YouTube but also in schools where Crowders fans go.In a civilised society and outside of YouTube thats exactly what would happen in any other situations in live news,political discourse,Twitter,Hollywood,newspapers etc and even schools and universities as done when a person is maliciously smeared similar to Tulsi Gabbard,Andrew Yang,Bernie Sanders,Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and other situations relating to malicious smears on ones character where one is allowed to sue the other for slander,inciting hate speech and defamation of character – you know the real world not the magic little world that YouTube is somehow exempt from allows for bigots to get away from the real world.His calls for violence may at least nullify his position and stance but it considering that the abuse was constant do you think you wouldnt be pushed to the limits in the same way.Had it occurred to a gay celebrity in the arts,gay live news anchor,gay politician or journalist etc or gay teenage student in highschool by Crowder or anyone else it would have not gone unnoticed and the media would not have been on Crowders side in fact if was on the media most progressives who admonished Maza and even conservatives who sided with Crowder would have admonished it in the way it should be and like Sam Seder,Progressive Voice,Secular Talk,David Pakman,Rational National and also The Young Turks etc had decided to admonish it with an apology.The fact that it happened on YouTube doesnt make it any different than if it happened outside it and doesnt make Crowders childish infantilistic highschool level bigotry any different than any other instance in the real world.Had this occurred to anyone in the real world outside of YouTube or also in countries in Europe and even the rest of the world within or outside of YouTube it would be universally admonished by both sides without the right crying about being censored and Maza being labelled a snowflake as even European particularly mainland continental conservatives can be classed as watered down liberals.The issue of demonitising and deplatforming only existed because these aspects are unique to YouTube and not in the real world with them the only options availible to Maza or indeed anyone on YouTube who had been the victim or hate speech and consistent abuse and the only options availible to YouTube in order to deal with infractions thus made it a big deal in the vlogosphere and why poor little manchild Crowder become so beloved because he got butthurt from being demoitised by breaking their terms of service despite having millions of dollars from Fox News and Prager U – had other options such as interacting with Crowder directly on the the part of YouTube or direct legal action existed then it may have not resulted in Adpocalypse 3.0 and resulting backlash with this also showing that YouTube obviously is ill equipped to deal with its own rules or is intentionally so.The previous instances of teenagers committing suicide after experiencing cyberbullying and their tormentors gloating over their suicides as if its an achievement to drive someone to their deaths(the same for LGBT suicides) in the past shows that anyone harassed on YouTube really doesnt have any real options to deal with harrassment of any kind other than deplatforming,demonitisation or the third option of simply ending it all or leaving YouTube themselves with this third option meaning that the harassers win – in otherwards Maza simply did what he did because there were no other options with this and to prove a point that cyber bullying can eventually lead to suicide if not Mass then someone else being harrassed by Crowder or someone like him as stated being because YouTube is ill equipped to deal with this or they themselves are intentionally so.Crowder doesnt use queer in a comical fashion he is a well known homophobe that wants bakers to discriminate against homosexuals,promotes pseudoscience on HIV and is against marriage equality and the fact that he was bullying him non stop for two years and also that his followers were bullying him about his sexuality and he did nothing to stop them or himself shows that it was intentionally malicious.Oh yeah he was not a little guy – he has millions of subscribers and dollars from YouTube and backing from Prager U and Fox News both larger both combined and even separately than Vox so painting him as some victimised little guy and Maza and Vox as the big bad guy is exactly what YouTube wants in order to divert you while they institute Orwellian rules and regulations.Even if Crowder does gets demonitised he has millions of dollars in the bank and has the backing of entities more powerful than Vox or Maza.When people like him are the types you look up to then your probably not as mature or cool as you think you are – homophobia is not in vogue in the western world at the moment especially amongst adults and reserved only to supporters of Hitler and ISIL supporters and immature Osirian teenagers with the mental capacity of a 12 year old since there as stated an evolutionary basis for homosexuality with homophobia being a childish attribute reserved those who also support and encourage pedopheilia and warmongering in all Osirian religions or those who are hypocritical to cherry pick their morality.Furthermore the concepts of bisexuality and also liberal practices in ancient and modern Isis-Osirian practices make even teenage homophobia obsolete.Evolutionary biologists have still yet to determine if there is an evolutionary basis for being a homophobic prick.In short when groups like ISIL promote homophobia to the extreme or even at all then you really dont want to be following any of their tenants.This is how the right wingers work and have always done since Ancient Rome by spinning things that they are the victim and painting liberals as stunting free speech when in reality they are the sole silencers of free speech.Technically you started the culture war way back in Ancient Rome.YouTube an Osirian-lite corporation which has money to make from primarily mainstream media that like to push a pro war,pro corporate agenda used this as an excuse to silence progressive independent vloggers and pundits and even anti war and anti establishment right wingers either directly through deleting videos,demonetisation and introducing algorithms to put corporate news ahead of independent ones in the front page and recommend media sections thus lowering anti establishment media viewership and exposure to new viewers.The feud between Mass and Crowder was the perfect excuse then were looking for to introduce these measures.It wasn’t the left silencing the right – it was the capitalist corporate driven non progressive YouTube executives using an opportunity to gain more control over free speech.This event was analysised detail since it proves two major facets – how the Osirian-lite YouTube,Twitter and Facebook have been able to silence their competitors progressive vloggers and also use the opportunity to enforce Orwellian regulations to maintain and use childish bickering started by a thritysomething scientifically illiterate,homophobic man child stuck in his middle school days and how the Osirian conservatives have managed to latch onto this as evidence to play the victim as they always do when clearly Maza and progressives where the real victim here since mainly progressives lost in this case by being quashed by these regulations as they have been gradually being quashed instead of conservatives over the last few years more and more with each new Adpocalypse because of their anti-war,anti-RNC/DNC,anti-mainstream corporatist media stance more than conservatives pundits including Crowder.It also shows that supposed censorship in Bolivia,China and Venezuela is no different than the corporate censorship in America via YouTube,Twitter etc and both conservatives and corporations push for abolishing net neutrality.Corporations in capitalist countries like Facebook,Twitter,YouTube etc can be just as power hungry and dangerous with zero government regulation than the likes of supposedly Chavez,Maduro,Xi Jiping.Teapot calling kettle black anyone?If you think otherwise Im sorry but understanding of the situation is so basic its would warrent analysis or even a response.This is why Facebook,YouTube and Twitter will by 2029 be controlled completely by Thaos etc.The Humanists Reports signature laugh memes from Spiderman clearly fits into this situation.

Its like how Jordon Peterson became famous by spreading lies about Bill C-16 when he clearly knew it was not about pronouns the difference is between and Crowder is that Petersons expertise in only psychology makes him able to manipulate the alt-right and conservatives and other easily manipulated individuals into believing anything he says – and no,he is not an expert on Marxism like Dave Rubin and Candace Owens and Yaron Brook all four of them are just like that snobby,self absorbed,know it all 14 year old whose just discovered the writings of Ayn Rand and Karl Marx and now they are an expert on political theory and know more than experts – myself included who have at least a lifetime or three decades to become experts.Being an expert on psychology doesnt automatically make you an expert on everything else – unfortunately for Peterson eventually people see through your charade and eventually you run out of people to pull the wool over their eyes until you only have a small cabel of incel fanboys who like him are only good at sticking it to the man.Stick to what you know which is seems to be only psychology and that not actually Marxism,evolutionary biology and world religions – my area of expertise – your only famous because youve captivated an audience of people dumb enough not to have actually read Marx,Bill C-16 and even knows less about religions outside of Christianity and your spirituality is not philosophy its debunked woo.Essentially your famous because youve managed to manipulate a bunch of let down 20 and 30 something YouTubers who helped elect Trump and are only doing it to stick it to the man.Petersons a one trick pony – hes like Abe Simpson,Homers dad still trying to be hip when he lost his modjo ages ago and his musings about lobsters,Marxism and religion mumbo jumbo is no different than the random Abe Simpson rants about well anything much like Biden.You se methinks that the conservatives after noticing his objections to the non existent threat of Bill C-16 then are using him like Dave Rubin and Candace Owens as their token intellectual who despite being versed in psychology is suddenly the expert in everything Marxism despite having the same knowledge as a 14 year old whose just read him for the first time.Peterson is being used by conservatives to have an intellectual on their roster campaigning against the free speech nazis and once they’ve found someone else whose hipper etc  they’ll dump him like they will dump Candace Owens and Dave Rubin.If Peterson or indeed anyone in the conservative and libertarian side actually took five minutes of their precious time to read the contents of Bill C-16 or had IQs above the double digits level they would actually know that it had nothing to do with enforcing the proper use of gender pronouns.How he or anyone else got the idea that it was about enforcing the proper use of gender pronouns boggles the mond.No one can deny that he has expertise in psychology but that does not automatically make him in an expert in economics,political science and law of which he knows nothing about alongside evolutionary biology and neuropsychology.He is skilled at psychology but that doesn’t automatically make you an expert on subjects you know nothing about.Im half his age and am far more educated than him on his field of psychology as well 20 other fields and also have thirty years of experience more than he has on deabating politics or psychology for that matter and I’m way more awesome then him.He may be skilled at psychology but I’m more well versed than him and I’m also more well versed in 20 more fields.It gives an understanding of psychology that allows him toss word salads and then pull the wool over the eyes of the ignorant and appear more intelligent than he really is.The truth is Jordan Peterson is really not as intelligent or profound as he and his fans thinks he is.His misunderstandings of the law with regards to Bill C-16 has made him into a free speech warrior when in reality he is a clever grifter who uses his decades of experience in psychology to pull the wool over the eyes of the ignorant to give conservatives a semblance of academia when there is absolutely none present at all with his academia since becoming world famous for Bill C-16 being second rate bottom of the barrel stuff when used in conservative circles.All of his standing up to the so called authoritarian left since them are just the same bullshit with Bill C-16..He is being used by conservatives who will propably dump him for someone hipper once the jig is up.Pathetic.In fact even Donald Trump is a lot like is alot like Abraham Simpson the way his speeches,press conferences and interviews go off into random tangents and word salads.Its always been this way since Ancient Rome – conservatives play the victim as they always do despite being them the aggressor ironically making them the same as the SJWs they created and true progressive liberals lose in the end.Its essentially exactly what happened in ancient Rome the inclusive and diversity left simply asked the conservative Christian to some simple reasonable demands to prevent further alteractions.Mezas demand that Crowder acknowledge his childish homophobia and stop it mirrored the demands put on Roman Christians to practice certain rituals to prevent further alteracations to inteergrate conflicting views of the monotheistic religions and in fact provide some sort of harmony where a resoultion could be formed like mature adults but the “stick it to the man” attitudes of the conservatives prevented this from happening thus causing things to blow up with the resultant explosion causing things end up worst for the left and the right ending up playing the victim in both the short and long term making them just as whiney as the SJWs they created.Funny how this and all adpocalypses and also other YouTube scandles and even those involving Facebook wouldnt have happened in Brazil,China,Italy or other Isis-Osirian country and only in an Osirian country like America.Twitter and Facebook has done they same with all three – Facebook,YouTube and Twitter are not liberal at all they are Osirian-lite as in they are corporate driven and care only about their shareholders and preserving the status quo and care nothing about actual progressives and liberals.As a result of this and the Facebook congressional hearings and fake news debacle YouTube must therefore be handed over to AIs designed by Gaia to prevent this happening again and allow all alteractions be settled by it and Iaso and Metis with Facebook,Twitter and all social media handed over to the sentient Delphus etc when merged into Agora.Since not corporations due to the dissolution of the free market system and manged by AI that will absorb them thus making them legal entities in their own right via the global constitutions and Bill of Rights then these sites would be thus thus be legally bound all laws that all other citizens would thus be bound to all of them such as free speech and hate speech and those relating to defamation thus rendering copyrighting defunct and allow free speech to be preserved and also allowing slander,defamation and speech that encourages threats to one life and is motivated by hate made on them to be viable for legal action meaning global constitutional law will be applicable to these sentient sites and its users with the abolition of money monitisation defunct with this and the use of AI sorting out altercations rendering deplatforming defunct meaning these sites will no longer be protected by the defunct codes of the free market system and their ability to make up their own rules as they go along thus preventing them making up their own that infringe on the rights of their users meaning they would have to legally abide by laws set done by the global constitution with this applying to all websites set up and managed by AI.Snuff videos,those that show murder or torture and child pornography would be since illegal in the real world would thus be illegal in being put up on thee sites with thus being legally allowed to prevent these being uploaded in the first place.Aleitheia debunking falsehoods and Hecate etc debunking conspiracy theories would allow these to be remain on them negating the need for removing videos contain them and shutting down.This would apply to YouTube,Agora,Wikipedia and also adult pornographic websites,Anteros etc all managed by sentient AI with those set up managed by humans namely blogs,personal websites exempt from this as it already is.No Stalin and Mao etc do not count as progressive or even liberal they were Osirian-lite.In short conservative Christians cannot complain about being persecuted when in reality they killed millions more than their liberal counterparts did them and in doing so they silenced the millions of native right to free speech,freedom of religious expression,thought to ensure Christianity was the only way to believe and even the right to the life – the most important of rights for without that all other rights are moot.Thus true liberal progressivessim and not conservatism,Osirian-lite centrism and Stalinism is in fact the foundation of both the right to freedom of speech,expression,thought and also freedom of religion as evidenced from ancient to modern times where most progressives would allow controversial conservative speakers to speak on colleges and are against SJWs,their religious syncronitism of other polytheist and even monotheist religions allowed for the inclusion of conflicting religions,their admonishemet of YouTube and Facebook censorship of blacklisting.On the other hand conservatism and even Osirian-lite centrists,socialists etc in fact being the sole root of quelling of dissenting views as seen by them desecrating and massacrating the religions and cultures they conquered in favour of Christianity as the only way to salvation even in modern times manifesting as the free market system as the only way resulting in cultural genocide and slaughtering millions of innocent people who disagreed with them and refused to give up their religious beliefs and would have condoned some form of religious syncronitism and placing into sexual slavery through imperialism and also corporatocracies censoring independent media,progressive views and democratic socialist progressive politicians and them creating the SJW and Osirian-lite to victimise themselves,denying people the right to life and freedom of expression in their imperialism for oil as well as being just terrible at debunking their critics and resorting to fast talking,pulling facts out thin air,whitewashing history etc.When you go around killing millions of people who dont agree with you and doesnt want to practice your religion whether thats in the Crusades,discovery of the New World,the Holocaust or in Stalinist Russia,desecration of other cultures religions/cultures etc,dismembering and executing those that have no choice in their sexuality etc thats not exactly preserving the right to free speech,freedom of religion,life and thought and so is quelling progressive views on YouTube,Facebook.You thinking that the pilgrims and all Osirian conquorers of other Isis-Osirian cultures civilised them and brought them Christianity is the epitome of hubris and lack of knowledge of oppression because when you decimate a culture,slaughter millions of them,enslave them and give them the option of either death or life only if they convert to Christianity,Judaism or Islam does not make you a defender of freedom of speech and religion and thought in fact its the opposite.Vigilantes groups entrapment of so called sexual predators,super sweet sixteeners being typical behaviour denies any vocal liberal objections to the preffered age of consent of 14-15 of Isis-Osirian societies and maturity of “teens” thus quashing any opposing views with and the overthrowing of democratically elected socialist of mixed economics governments and installing puppet government as seen in Iran,Venezuela,Bolivia and the rest of South and Central America and force onto disaster capitalism and oppresive regimes that is also not being pro freedom of speech,freedom of thought etc as youve taken away the will of the people and thrown unpopular governments most of which are even worse than you as they end up committing worse human rights abuses that are definitely not pro freedom of speech makes conservatives claims of being the victim completely bullshit since what goes on the “liberal” media and college campuses and hollywood pale in comparsion and lenient.Enforcing heteronormative nuclear families and “morality” onto the public as well as shoving free market system down everyones throats also qualifies.Put simply you butthurt conservatives are a bunch of whiney hypocrites since the bloodshed youve caused in denying people the right to freedom of speech makes your claims of being silenced as moot – if conservatism was really for the freedom of speech and religion then in the past they would have practiced religious sychronism and allowed the Native Americans,Aztecs,Mayans etc to practice their own religions and would have not toppled over democratically elected governments and installed dictactors that were both against the freedom of speech and religion of the natives.Thus the cultural and human genocide of both Isis-Osirian cultures and also even other Osirian religions,unwillingness to partake in ancient diversity and inclusiveness efforts that is against the right to free speech and freedom of religion shows that conservatives and even Osirian-lites are not the champions of free speech,never were,still are not and never will be as seen with them pushing the free market system down everyones throats despite its death toll being at least five times higher than socialism and them doing everything it takes to shut down more efficient systems such as progressive communism and democratic socialism and more importantly with them stifling progressive voices on YouTube,Twitter,Facebook and also on corporate media.Leftists denotes social justice warriors and Osirian-lite centrists and socialists and not progressives and communists since most of us have grown out of that crap.Furthermore conservatives and the Osirian-lite view that capitalism is the only way to economic salvation despite evidence suggesting that alternatives like democratic socialism and progressivism have had better success in achieving it is another form of conservatives and the Osirian-lite quelling freedom of speech.When you say that your way is the only way you better have evidence to back it up.Thus we can see that in the he said,she said fighting conservatives are the true cause of silencing those with different opinions and different religions and not only that they started due to them refusing to abide by simple reasonable demands to prevent all out war and furthermore their death toll and in fact punishement for those refusing to adhere to their monotheistic religion is much larger and in fact bloodier with them causing the deaths of millions of natives in Asia,Africa,America etc and the Holocaust,the Crusades,cultural genocide and the censorship on YouTube wheras liberalism does not by granting the ability to practice ones favoured religion through religious synchronisation and most progressives admonishing the actions of SJWs and also YouTube.

Conservativism verseus Progressivism:
These three conservative religions as espoused by Islam,Judaism and Christianity are merely a triumverant of patriarchal religions and conservative ideology vying for world dominance whose hiearchies and conservative followers are full of nothing but pedophiles,rapists,their enablers,warmongers,misogynystic,homophobic,racist and corrupt,barbaric elitist hypocrites that spills over into the predominant capitalistic conservative ideology seeking control of the world and has brought about only suffering,sexual repression,subjection,corruption and bloodshed that ironically fundamentally share the same patriarchal deity.Combined both against each other and the rest of the world since their inception,during the Middle Ages and also in the form of Osirian ideologies such as the free market system,American Osirian imperialist wars throughout the 20th including World War Two,The Cold War proxy wars and early 21st century,Islamic and other far right dictatorships the American Government created indirectly,funded and their terrorists attacks on their sister Osirian societies and themselves from groups such as ISIL,Al-Qeda,The Revolt,the conflicts in Isreal/Palestine and splinter groups and factions such as the Klu Klux Klan that makes the supposed 100,000,000 killed in the name of socialism pale in comparison as a drop in the bucket.Even the the number of 100,000,000 deaths at the hand of socialism is highly disputed by the vast majority of academeia that agree it is at least between 60,000,000 – 85,000,000 still high but nowhere near what the Osirian Islam,Christianity,Judaism and capitalism are responsible for combined.Christianity alone is responsible for at least 82,069,000 to 106,734,000 deaths both in terms of wars,genocide,witch burnings and murders done in the name of Christianity to also by Christians in imperialist wars across the world against each other,lower level civilisations and cultures during the expansion of Christian based empires upon discovery of America – North,Central and South during the age of exploration and for the economic colonialism across South and Central America,Asia and also the Middle East during the 20th and early 21st century and the aforementioned wars including WWII and the proxy wars of the Cold War and every single war since 9/11.At least 8,000,000 deaths attributed to socialism are in fact also attributed to Christians.Then of course both Judaism and Islam have just as much or even more deaths to their name separately

The books themselves condone genocide,pedopheilia,statutory rape and subjugation of women and homosexuality being something to criminalised – if not Jesus would have openly rebuked this and other archaic patriarchal morality present in the Old Testament and other parts of the Bible ie he would have stated that pedopheilia,statutory rape and rape in general in all circumstances was bad and sinful alongside stoning disobedient children,stated that homosexuality was not sinful etc with the same applying to Islam and Judaism.Even if this is present it still doesnt mean anything its right there in the books you cant cherry pick morality when it suits you you have to take everything as it is.Hinduism may have its fair share of blood spilled but its usually due to far-right Osirian factions both in ancient and modern times seeking to impose Osirian ideals ie subjection of women,crimilisation of homosexuality and the caste system reinstated.Then of course there are the deaths caused indirectly in its synergistic,schizophrenia relationship between its sister Osirian religion Islam starting in the later 20th Century right to the present Day including 9/11,and ISIL attack on western countries and tourists.This is created when the actions of Christian Osirian nations encroach on the Middle East to start wars for oil,free market imperialism and also when they are carrying out actions that lead to the training,funding and formation of the Taliban,Al-Qeda,ISIL in Afghanistan,Iraq,Syria and Lybia and also them inspiring lone wolf attacks by ISIL indoctrinated individuals on innocent civilians in American and European countries meaning that the deaths at the hands of these groups although caused by Muslims they are the result of the actions of Christian based nations economic imperialism meaning they are shared bloodshed between the two religions with even civilian deaths in these wars directly or indirectly attributed to the Christian faith ans also even the free market.This whole Muslim verseus Christianity holy war crap between Europe,America and also the Middle East should have ended with the end of the Dark Ages.

The fact that this issue of sex abuse is rampant and has been going on throughout all countries with Osirian cultures and has been going on for decades now and doesnt seem to have any suitable and viable conclusion and continues to flourish is a problem with adherents either abandoning the faith completely,the hierarchies disspearing altogether or undergoing major restructuring both in regards to the issue of celibacy and/or homosexuality or even internal reviews and treatment of offences with those who abused minors especially prepubescent ones sent to Iaso and its proto versions for counselling with those who covered up the crimes incarcerated for suitable lengthy sentences of at least a decade or more.At least with regards to the issue of Isis-Osirian societies whether modern or ancient at least the minors where of the age that they could physically partake in sexual acts and also could comprehend the situation enough to thus choose themselves whether or not to consent thus giving themselves some semblance of responsibility for their actions and role in the act and according to most records in relation to ancient times were neither affected by the age disparity and also the fact that the adult was in a position of trust meaning that in the vast majority of cases the sexual intercourse especially in ancient times was mutually consensual with if possible this possibly extending to modern day instances of breaches of position of trust with modern instances such as Andre Gide and Marc Allégret or Emmanuel Jean-Michel Frédéric Macron and Briggite Trogneux

By the way the right to vote applies to everyone including rapists,terrorists and even pedophiles in jail since those who have caused even worse crimes such as the illegal war crimes in Iraq,Syria etc and the calamitous world economic crash of 2008 are allowed to vote.Denying terrorists,rapists and even just drug users the right to vote is clearly unfair and biased when war criminals who brought us the Iraq and Syrian war that has caused more loss of lives than all of 9/11 and all following lone wolf attacks on the western world combined including those on Charlie Hedbo,Boston bombings and the attacks on Nice etc since the invasion of Iraq and were in fact the peoples whose actions are why these attacks on America and France happened in the first due to the domino effect of invading Syria and Iraq – put simply you cant deny the right to vote to the criminals your war crimes helped create in the first place while those responsible for the Iraq,Syrian,Libyan wars,2008 world crash and also those in both the RNC and DNC and all facets of corruption in Exxon,Koch industries and Big Pharma are allowed to vote is ridiculous.In otherwards people who get away scot free with some of the worst crimes acrooss both sides are allowed to vote – as it is well known and obvious to anyone in the mainstream media that it was brought up by the DNC a trick gotcha question to use as a smear against Bernie Sanders as like 2016 they are doing everything they can do rid him of the nomination since we all know that people asking him and Tulsi Gabbard are planted stooges by the corrupt CNN and DNC that will do anything to get there gotcha question alongside the repeated smears against Tulsi that she refuses to denounce Bashar Hafez al-Assad when in reality she has dozens of times in tweets,live news appearances – Fox News,MSNBC,CNN and The View and at each and every debate every single time the fact that you continue to ignore that when there is reams of evidence to disprove it shows you literally have no soul whatsover and are clearly corrupt assholes and have no real respects for those who risk their lives in the military to maintain the decadence of your society – at least Hitler and the Nazis and other cruel warmongers had more respect for there military personnel and didnt treat them like cannon fodder or smear them.In ancient Sparta soldiers alongside royalty and women who died in chilbirth were the only ones to legally deserve tombs and graveyards.Bashar Hafez al-Assad is a dictator but there are far worse ones that even the United States supports or turns a blind eye to like the Saudi government and many others around such as now in Bolivia with and potentially with Juan Gerardo Guaidó Márquez and Jeanine Áñez Chávez with the long history of the American government toppling democratically elected dictators thought the past.Would these two be any better than Assad and as stated Assad may have gassed his own people but its nothing in comparison to what the Saudi government is and has done and what all dictators propped up by the United States,those committed directly in Iraq,Syria et al and the groups they have indirectly created have done combined.Denying the right to vote to anyone for any reason when they are far more worse criminals in plain site is especially infantile especially when this is a non issue in most Isis-Osirian modern cultures.“We hold these truths to be self-evident,that all men are created equal,that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights,that among these are Life,Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights,Governments are instituted among Men,deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.”.Doing so undermines the very facets of the Constitution you like to espouse so much and undermines the rule of law alsobPut simply denial for the equal right to vote for undesireables is unconstitutional and if you are for denying terrorists the right to vote you are are against the very tenents of the constitution that gives you the right to life and even the right bear arms again hypocritical for all you second amendment crazies.Cherry picking the American Constitution you like to push down your ideological enemies throats all time is just as bad as cherry picking morality from the Bible – if not even worse since its placed in more revered state than the Bible itself.If want to use it to justify the use of firearms and degregulation of gun laws then you have to realise that all people – including criminals especially the ones you helped create in the first place through your imperialist wars deserve the same rights as you when it comes to voting and everything else and especially since the American government,wall street and corporatocracy is full of corrupt individuals with harsher crimes at their face and also darker skeletons in their closet that what most criminals have.Its just as bad as conservatives who seek to enforce archaic values related to marriage to at first block and and now rescind laws regarding same sex marriage since by using arguments based on the Bible,Torah and Quaran are by definition unconstitutional as they go against the tenants of the separation of the church and state thus making conservatives efforts to block this go against the very piece of paper they espouse for free speech and use of firearms since the state cannot have preference or favouritism over any religion and its views on the bedroom and mores as laws and mores must be decided by society itself independent of religion.The founding fathers preference of electoral college and disgust of direct democracy was due to two factors mainly the lack of education amongst the general public due to education being only availible to a select few ie the leaders that could afford it with that relegated to the representatives that were charged with in taking the votes and actually electing the President and that to allocate votes that information took weeks or months to travel across to Washington DC compared to todays world where the internet and Information Age allows vast amounts of information to be shared across the country and globe instantly.In the past information was not as readily availible as it was today it took days or weeks as well as even months for information to travel across the country nowadays information takes mere minutes or even seconds thanks to the internet etc.The electoral college is the very antithesis of democracy as democracy by its very notion requires the majority vote via the popular vote yet conservatives and republicans are since the attempted assassination of Donald Trump and coronation of Kamala Harris they are the ones harping on about being the defenders of democracy yet still are against scrapping the electoral college the very antithesis of democracy as everytime a candidate for president in America wins the popular vote but loses the electoral college its a Democrat.The electoral college creates the complexities of the battleground states and swing states and forces candidates to go only to specific cities in specific states and not ones that they want.Socrates own bad experiences with democracy itself when on trial influenced his views.Democracy is not where people get to decide to chop off the heads of anyone who disagrees with you – democracy is where a persons right to voice an opinion is allowed to be heard in public through the Internet and in public squares and is thus preserved with this means that any instance of a person being murdered for this is non existent the second that happens you are no longer in a democracy.Democracy is where the right to voice an opinion is allowed without the elimination of ones rights to free speech and ones right to life..Even if draconian laws are put in place then through democracy the means to reverse these draconian laws still exist thus preserving liberty.Democracy is where in all instances and forms the fundamental right to life and right to voice opposing views etc and all basic human rights exist and preserved.Countries where people have their head chopped off or get executed etc for disagreeing with the state are not democracies – they are theocracies and autocratic countries especially state capitalist ones where the state have complete control over everything and where democratic institutions and processes do not exist in these countries people are trying to install democratic conventions and institutions..When the state gets to decide everything that is not democracy it is the exact opposite it is autocracy and authoritarianism.Crucially,Socrates was not elitist in the normal sense.He didn’t believe that a narrow few should only ever vote.He did,however,insist that only those who had thought about issues rationally and deeply should be let near a vote.Direct democracy is essential due to the looming threats of climate change,war with Iran,growing inequality and the arrival of the information age thanks to YouTube,Wikipedia and alternative media amongst progressive.This even hypocritical cherry picking of the constitution applies to Christian bakers who wish for protection from the state to discriminate against gay customers,Chick-a-fil and also other instances where religion is somehow under attack from those meddling liberals and seek protection from the state to do so.Thus the separation of church and state is broken and thus the American Constitution itself when they have sought the government to allow them to discriminate against homosexuals,block and repeal same sex marriages etc thus making them hypocrites since they like to shove that document down everyones throat about the free speech and gun laws especially they use religious exemption from existing anti-discrimination laws.Thus conservative Christian bakers,organisations who fund companies and want same-sex marriage etc repealled are in fact not only breaching local state anti-discrimination laws they are also breaching one of the important tenants of the American Constitution – the separation of church and state which prevents the government giving favouritism to any religions thus making them pure hypocrites when it comes to the first and second amendments of the constitution regarding free speech and gun control making the more childish and hypocritical than college SJWs etc that they decry so much and play the victim everytime they are denied to the right to discriminate and breach their precious little constitution.Preventing discrimination against homosexuals on religious grounds is just as important as The State of Tennessee v. John Thomas Scopes overriding the Butler Act.If you can discriminate against homosexuals on religious grounds,who next?Jews?Women?African Americans?Atheists?Then what ban the teaching of evolution in favour of Creationism?The same for repealing same-sex marriage?Bring back lynching and burning of heretics and blacks?Censor cartoons of Muhammad and criticism of Islam?If that then why not we legalise Muslims in particular ISILs right to perform honour killings,stoning of and relegation of women to second class citizenry and executions of homosexuals?If Christians are allowed to discriminate against the LGBT community on religious grounds then ISIL should be allowed to carry out acts of barbarism,censorship on depictions of Mohammed and terrorism on religious grounds – Its only fair to allow actual savages the same right to discriminate if homophobes are allowed.Its not cancel culture or suppression of ones right to religion and free speech its to preserve civilisation from falling into a theocracy and more importantly it’s abiding by the standards of that piece of paper you like to shove down our fucking throats so much – dumbass.The founding fathers made the separation of Church and State as important as the right to free speech because they knew having come from Europe where corruption in the Anglican Church had led to a theocracy that the state and Church must be separated by a clear line to prevent it infringing on the rights of its citizens.So basically conservatives and libertardians are perfectly fine with the state giving preferential treatment to Christians,breaking the Constitution and gaining full control of society.If your conservative or libertarian and you fail to see why the lefts wanting to boycott Christian bakers and Chick-a-fil is justified your either an idiot that’s completely ignorant of your history or a hypocrite and are simply picking and choosing which part of the Constitution you want to follow.You are literally whining about liberals abiding by the American Constitution while at the same you are advocating breaching the Constitution yourself which you are always trying to protect against liberals breaching it in the first place – this is kindegarten logic.If you want to live in a country where homosexuality is illegal and same-sex marriage is illegal then move to the Middle East or parts of Africa including Saudi Arabia you know the countries whose dictators you are in bed with,are funding and helped prop up directly or indirectly.Maybe you should build a time machine and live in the Dark Ages you where homosexuality was outlawed,women lived as second class citizens,the Catholic Church and Islam controlled everything,scientific discovery was outlawed.You see conservatives tolerance of Christians intolerance is no different that the lefts supposed tolerance of Islams intolerance – Teapot calling kettle black anyone?Its a very slippery slope until we are falling down back to the level of ISIL and our ancestors in the Middle Ages when even one area for negating the separation of Church and State is allowed to be justified.Thats why the separation of Church and State is for and is so important and why religions should not be allowed to discriminate against anyone in any sector of society at all – without it we are no different than ISIL et al.Doesnt matter anyways constitution 2.0 wont allow you to do that anymore.

By the way also Bill C-16 was never about enforcing gender pronouns it was giving transgendered and LGBT people the same rights in the workplace.If you actually read the godamm thing you’d know that.Its been throughly established that Peterson pulled that out of his ass to get famous just like all the lies and misinformation about Alexandria Ocazio Cortez and the whole Gamersgate debacle.This misinterpretation of Bill C-16 by conservatives by not even reading the godamm thing is what started the whole anti-trans woke thing concept that it was conservatives fault for starting the whole thing through getting their facts wrong Is the truth.Liberals didn’t start the the whole trans woke thing – conservatives did.Bill C-16 that if any conservative actually read it like an adult that would take five minutes of their time to do then they would actually realise it was never about enforcing by law gender pronouns etc it was about giving transsexuals and transgendered people etc the same equal rights as the rest of the community improving upon previous laws and amendments passed that gave lesbians,homosexuals etc the same rights as heterosexuals in the workplace and freedom from discrimination anyone who actually bothered to spend five minutes to read Bill C-16 would know this.Bill C-16 was never about enforcing gender pronouns it was about giving the LGBT community equal rights with regards to protection from discrimination in the workplace –  if you read the godamn thing you would this.The misinterpretation of Bill C-16 by conservatives namely Jordon Peterson is why we have this stupid trans woke thing against trans people because idiot conservatives can’t read a godamm book or whatever it is they are supposed to be writing about.Had Jordan Peterson never misinterpreted the bill then this whole trans thing would not have started – no one would be using the worlds woke,they etc and there would be no grooming panic.The same thing with gamersgate it was started by conservatives taking things out of context and resorting to emotional bias and misogynistic actions by hanging up on a female web designer who was clearly the victim in everything.The single major wokeness of the left can be traced back to idiot conservative idiots with the mental capacity of kindergarteners likely conservatives will take another thing out of context by not actually reading something and will then create another political escapade for them to make careers out of their worthless existence as vloggers on YouTube who praise the hard work ethos of capitalism but can’t even be bothered doing a single days work and turn a blind eye to the war crimes used to pay for capitalisms death toll.Every single fight between the  left and  right in this immature kindergartener level culture war has and is always started by the right unable to actually read the proper first hand material and then misinterprets the material without actually reading it and then carried that on as the official narrative until it becomes completely distorted to the point that even progressives get snickered in and completely shuns any progress.Once you’ve settled one problem you’ll move onto another new problem to create and blame the left for your problems just to give your pathetic worthless lives as vloggers some meaning to distract from the point that you are a waste of space that contributes nothing to society.Tjis is how it’s always been and always will be every problem is started by the right and once they get bored of that they will find a new problem to create to give their worthless lives and useless vloggers who contribute nothing to society meaning.This is how it begins – slack jawed yokels on the right particularity the alt-right who are the thickest of the thickest bottom scraps of the intellectual barrel misinterpret something or are rounded up by someone with an agenda to then attack the left that then instigates the SJWs who theyve cultured and then a vicious cycle of he said,she said over and over again is carried out as Infinitum by so called adults is fostered to give these idiot conservatives yokels meaning in their life allowing the very bottom of societies barrel on both sides to fight amongst each other predominantly in the cultures of the Osirian almost non existent in Isis-Osirian cultures of Asia,Central Europe again only existent under the influence of conservative governments.Being a self aggransdising infantile man child that that likes to take things out of context on purpose,be homophobic and scientifically illiterate is not free speech – its being a self aggrandising infantile man child that likes to take things out of context on purpose and being scientifically illiterate and homophobic.This is how its been since ancient Rome – take your own advice for SJWs and stop playing the victim when your clearly the aggressor in almost every single case since Ancient Rome you ironic twat.Conservatisms childish stinginess to stickin it to man is and always the root source of all conflicts they have been involved in whether it is Ancient Rome,Gamersgate,the refugee crisis in Europe,the LGBT agenda from a bunch of man children.You were never the victim,you still arent and you will never be so and in fact you were,are and always will be the agressor and the ones who start all of these problems.You are just as immature and emotionally childish and weak as the very so called vulnerable teenagers you are trying to protect and in Essen E you are the root cause of the rise of the SJW and the woke left.The concept of victimisation,victimhood and victim culture and playing victim cards does not belong to liberals it belongs to conservatives who then project this onto the SJW cult they created as evidenced by the fact that they play the victim in all cases where they are in fact the agressor and progressives are the winners and in fact lose as seen in Christian bakers,Chick-a-fil,Adppocalypse and so on as far back as Ancient Rome.White guilt and shame or at least acceptance of crimes against other races are genuine issues to a degree because Osirian Caucausians as weve seen have caused centuries of genoicide,patriarchal imperialism etc since the days of Ancient Rome right up to the modern day primarily in America and conservative societies both Osirian,Osirian-lite – you know the whole enslaving entire cultures,killing millions of people,rescinding their right to free speech and freedom of religion,forcing prepubescent children into sexual slavery,cultural genocide and the toppling of democratically elected leaders across the Middle East and Americas something that Isis-Osirian cultures both modern and ancient.There are and indeed a minority of conservatives I can stand due them able to present facts and do so in a mature way without resorting to name calling,sarcasm and at least recognise the reality of anthropogenic global warming and that something must be done.The fact that you would the type of person to resort sarcasm of these basic facts or anything else here also means your not as mature as you as think and your also scientifically illiterate twat.Being pro life means you have to actually care about adults and children and not just fetuses.As one wise woman says – they love the fetus but they hate the child.Once a child is born they simply cant be bothered with its wellbeing and health once its out of the womb hence why universal healthcare is a no no for the Osirian.That childs health is going to be of no importance to the Osirian ideology once they are even five years old and are dealing with life threatening infections,tumours and genetic diseases or even injuries because they use the same excuses they always do for preventing universal healthcare or even funding and charity for individual patients as they always do.If conservatives actually gave a shit about unborn fetuses then they would actually give shit about its welfare once it was born and provided universal healthcare so as to allow their parents to not have to pay $10,000 for giving birth to that  child and being able to pay for lifesaving medicine and surgeries for that child.They use the excuse that abortion is murder but ignore the fact that denying people especially young children who have just been born universal healthcare is also murder with it especially considered murder to young children that are pre teens whose parents are unable to afford their children livesaving medicine and treatment for them ends up killing the child.Denying people especially young children affordable healthcare is just as much genoicide and mass murder as legalised abortion.So killing an unborn fetus is murder but preventing that fetus if it is born having acces to healthcare and life saving medicine etc is not?How exactly can you be considered the pro-life party when your funding a genocide in Yemen and Gaza that’s killing thousands of children including babies?The reason why the repeal of Roe vs Wade is such a big deal had not only have to do with the removal of  rights of women but also the fact that it’s giving conservatives what they want which is to have America run as a theocracy where the rules of all society is determined by the Holy Bible where women are second class citizens,Jews,homosexuals have segregation of blacks and whites reinstated African Americans made into second class citizens, ,Jews,homosexuals etc  etc  are also second class citizens with no rights,sent to concentration camps with no rights,sent to concentration camps or executed if given their way and Christian dogmatism runs all facets of society with no opposing opinions or backlash.With Roe Vs Wade gone they are going to go after homosexuals and remove all LGBT equality and make same sex marriage,civil unions and participation in the military laws that grant them equality.After that they’ll make homosexuality illegal punisheable by incarceration and if possible and execution and remove women to second class citizens and then African Americans will be second class citizens and then they’ll go after the Jews,Muslims and all non Christians just like a Hitler did and before you know it Gilead has become Afghanisthan and Iraq.Roe Vs Wade represents more than a women’s right to choose the actions of her reproductive rights over the state it represents a domino effect wherein with this gone then the state in the form of conservative theocratic whack jobs can go after every other minority group they want.Protecting the right of a women to choose her reproductive rights is in the interests of both libertarians and even conservatives themselves and centrists who hate big government who are themselves against abortion on moral grounds because its part of the separation of church and state clause which prevents the state picking favourites with regards to religions.Criminalising abortion has nothing to do with the rights of the unborn and everything to do with religious control just like the fight to to criminalise same sex marriage on a federal level by conservatives is about religious control.Conservatives who want to have these scrapped on a federal level are hypocrites who are contradicting that sacred document they like to shove down everyone elses throats.Libertarians and centrists should be condemning the scrapping of Roe vs Wade.The right for a woman’s choice is part of the states control of the individual being limited to protecting their rights rather than infringement of those rights and should be protected even if you are against abortion on moral grounds because it ensures the state cannot infringe on an individuals right to choice.Abortion is part of the separation of church and state clause because it is to prevent the laws of society being based on religious grounds.Thus it is to be preserved even by those who are against abortion on moral grounds to itself preserve the separation of Church and state.Once Roe VS Wade is gone then a domino effect is now created and the rights of women to have the ability to vote will be gone,the rights of non white people will be gone and then the rights of homosexuals and non Christians etc will be gone and eventually your in Orwellian terroritory where big government gets to have complete control of society through the guise of morality and religion and eventually will be given the right to publicly burning witches and heretics and publicly executing anyone who disagrees with them at the stake including atheists,Muslims,Jews and homosexuals just like Medievil times and also ironically just like in Maoist China and Stalinist etc Russia and institute the stoning of disobedient children etc and other stuff from the Good Book.If they don’t then they are hypocrites because they’ll have to pick and choose morality from the Bible and if they do end up carrying out all facets of theocracies similar to ISIL and Medievil Europe they are also hypocrites by becoming the very anti-free speech big government they deride liberals and so called left wing dictators like Stalin,Lenin and Mao of being and they’ll become the same savages as Osama bin Laden,Saddam Huessein,Assad and ISIL etc.Conservatives hate big government unless it’s their type of big government that gets to tell people how to act and behave under the guise of religion in theocracies which is cognitive dissonance and kindergarten nonsense.Thats exactly how Medievil Europe was and its how Afghainsthan etc under the Taliban,Al Qeda and ISIL is run.American conservatives want America to be run as a theorecracy like Afghanistan etc under the Taliban,ISIL and Al-Qeda and Medievil Europe with their way being the only way and goes against the separation of Church of State,and right to free speech the most important tenants of the constitution that they like to shove down peoples throat.Conservatives just love ISLAM in they like ISIL etc love theocracies.The separation of Church and State was put in the constitution – you know that sacred document conservatives like to shove down our throats for a reason.It was to prevent the state giving favouritism to any religion because the pilgrims who founded the first settlements in America left Europe to escape the corruption of the Church of England which had gained control of society resulting in religion being used to govern society making it a theocracy.It is also to prevent the state itself from gaining too much control of society under the guise of a theocracy.It’s just as important as the 1st and 2nd amendments.The founding fathers not wanting to have America be a theocracy put in the separation of Church of State clause to prevent the country becoming a theocracy and not allowing religious values or the Church  influencing the laws of the state and thus by extension preventing the state becoming too powerful under the guise of theocracies and religious value.They wanted people to express their religion but at the same time they wanted the states laws to be never influenced by religion as it had become in Europe and why the pilgrims left for America in the first place.Even though womens,LGBT rights and abortion were not explicitly stated in the constitution the inclusion of the separation of church and state prohibited the states laws being based equal rights for every one including homosexuals and women thus indirectly enshrining pro choice laws and pro LGBT laws into it tenants thus by definition by the very tenants of the constitution women’s reproductive rights and the rights of LGBT are guaranteed by the constitution because of the separation of Church and state clause which is to prevent the states laws being influenced by religion and as we all know conservatives views on LGBT equality especially marriage etc and abortion is influenced 100% on religious grounds and this why crusades on influencing states laws on these issues is hypocrisy.The views of conservatives on LGBT rights like abortions are 100% of the time influenced by religion and not anything else it had nothing about a different opinion rather than making America a theocracy where religion influences all of society and its laws – and by doing that you are going against the very same sacred document known as the constitution that are you are shoving down everyone’s against the very same document you like to shove down other people’s throats.Hypocrisy much?Before you know it when we finally have America turn into Gilead and the The Handmaids Tale and before you know it Gilead will be turning into Afghanistan,Iraq etc under the control of ISIL and Taliban.Theocracies don’t always end well you have only to look at the Taliban,ISIL and Medievil Europe to know that.When has a theocracy ever worked out for everyone?Medieval Europe?Isil run Iraq?Taliban run Afghanistan?.In every theocratic nation or society you have people who disagree with you burnt at the stake,Heads chopped off and opposing views censored the exact thing conservatives accuse liberals and so called liberal hellholes such as Maoist China of doing.Allowing conservatives to turn the world or country into a theocratic state where all laws are influenced by religion always leads to oppression,witch burnings and censorship and it’s no different than letting Maoists,Leninists doing the same.Teapot calling kettle black?Even liberal theocracies in the name of Isis-Osirian religions and even Hinduism etc don’t always end up well.They we’re at least better off since their religions were tolerant of other religions,both genders and LGBT rights and were not as draconian as conservative theocracies.The constitution that sacred document bible thumping conservatives like to shove down everyones throat was written in a way through the separation of Church and state clause to be by its very nature meant to protect society from being taken over by those bible thumping conservative idiots who shove the constitution down other people throats and not the darn liberals and progressives in the first place.You are shoving down peoples throat the very document the founding fathers wrote to protect America from yourselves.The separation of church and state clause was written by the founding fathers as the purpose of America the land of the free was to allow religious freedom but prevent the state under the guise of religion controlling society because the pilgrims were escaping to America to gain religious freedom but also escape the Church controlling all facets of society like they were in Europe at the time.The purpose of the separation of Church and State was to prevent the state from turning into a theocracy as seen in Medievil Europe and Europe at the time of the pilgrims which was what the pilgrims were escaping in the first place – the separation of Church of State as part of the constitution enshrines each citizen the right to practice any religion provided it does not influence the state and its laws and prevents the state infringing on the rights of the individual.This is why Project 2025 is by its very nature goes against the very nature of the constitution and therefore is Constitutionally illegal and is no different than the authoritarian regimes of Hitler,Mao,Stalin,Pol Pot,Castro etc by giving Donald Trump unlimited terms,immunity for any crimes including murder etc,allow him to execute his enemies and have the same unlimited powers as Hitler,Pol Pot,Vladamir Lenin,Josef Stalin,Mao Zedong etc.Notice the fact that’s its only conservatives not liberals who are the only ones trying to dismantle and destroy the American constitution that sacred document conservatives try to shove down everyone’s throat.Hypocrisy much?It was heterosexuals who led the way for divorce,it was heterosexuals who led the way for civil partnerships and cohabitation of couples and so on but you got one small group wanting equal rights and it’s wrong.People who think the Bible should influence equal rights for homosexuals are cherry picking the Bible and remember it also says disobedient children should be stoned to death and the same for adulterous women.Constitution 2.0 will certainly by its very nature will shut down any attempts of any conservatives to gain a stronghold on society.Theocracies are different from democracies because democracies are ruled by the combined majority vote of the populace rather than minority control by the religious leaders in charge.Democracies involve decisions made by the populace that are enacted by law by elected officials with laws in a theocracy involve religious groups and leaders seizing control of the political hierarchies who enforce laws influenced by laws without democratic input thus making the dictatorships that run by religion.Theocracies usually involve illegal coups or infiltration of Democratic institutions.Democracy is not present in theocracies thus leading to authoritarianism with a religious twist.In theocracies society is run by a person with religious backing who has gained control by subversion of democracy by tricking people into electing them and then using that as a means to enforce religious law without democratic input.This does not exist in democracy because democracy ensures that all citizens rights are guaranteed the right to free speech,right to life and right to be protected from harm and that the state and the majority vote cannot infringe on a persons liberty and enshrined rights through constitutional safeguards with it preventing genoicide,unlawful killing of people,censorship by the state because it must be democratically decided upon meaning such laws etc do not exist be cause the populace would not allow such actions to take place.With regards to abortion personally a woman should have the right to have control over her body and the state had no right in controlling a women’s choice but at the same time there is the issue of the right of the unborn.In my opinion abortion should be legal only in instances where there is a risk to the life of the mother with often times the most often overlooked angle that is never brought up in abortion debates is the option of adoption wherein one can simply put a child is unwanted then there is always adoption to give childless couples the chance of being parents.Its a middle ground where the right to life is preserved for both mother and fetus while it still gives women control over reproductive rights.Even if legal through public referendum abortions should become unecessary.Thus abortion would only be necessary wherein there is a threat to the life of both the mother and child with adoption through the sentient Amalthea will be an alternative to all other instances of where it would be normally used.Furthermore prevention of unwanted pregnancies through CRISPR and the curing of Downs Syndrome etc will eliminate other instances of pregnancies.As a result abortion if fully legalised through public refferendum will likely only ideally be carried out only in the case of where the birth of a child would be a threat to the life of both the mother and the child with adoption negating the need of abortion and other instances negated by advances in other aspects.The ability to turn ones fertility on/off through CRISPR will eliminate surprise pregnancies especially those associated with rape etc with the abolition of money eliminating those initiated due to financial reasons will eliminate those associated by this.Thus the development of CRISPR allowing one to turn one’s fertility on/off will allow people to prevent unwanted pregnancies and thus prevent the need for abortions by at least 90-99%.You can disagree with my angle but it at least preserves the right to life and to a degree a women’s reproductive rights especially when it comes to her life and well being.This angle is especially relevant due to the eventual abolition of money,CRISPRs ability to allow patients both male and females to turn on/off fertility on demand and the curing of Downs  syndrome would render 95% of all abortions obsolete.At least under the new global  constitution abortion is no longer under the control of the Republicans or conservative religious groups or indeed the state every again but rather through democratic control meaning if it is outlawed and made illegal worldwide or made legal worldwide both pro choice and pro life people can discuss it civilly since its legality is now within public control through democratic processes and not through corrupt assholes in the form of the Republicans and corporate democrats.It is no longer a question of the state having control of a women’s body or right to choose but rather public discourse and control by the public.This means that even if illegal or legal against ones wishes it will mean that it is no longer up to the state to decide but rather society itself to decide – one has through democractic purposes the ability to change that decision that is still preserved.The concept of individual states right to decide the legality of anything is just as much bullshit as it being decided on a federal level because issues that directly affect society itself should be decided by society itself through democracy not the government either the federal government,state government and local government.This is part of the reason why you have such fighting amongst people about abortion etc and why democracy empowers the individual because allowing the individual through referendums to decide the legality of something allows said issue to be decided not by the state but by society as whole and society as a whole can change the outcome through repealing the legality of something through public referendums that repeal it.The ability for society itself to decide the legality of something is completely different than the the state allowed to decide its legality as the state can be bribed,corrupted and leads to problems of having to find someone able to become leader of the state wheras allowing society to decide allows for it to be discussed as a whole by society,decided by society and allows for democratic process such as repealing the result to allow it to be changed all controlled by society and not the state and allows social issues like abortion etc to be discussed civilly like adults.The states of each country and the federal state should never be allowed to decide what is legal or illegal as this goes against the rights and powers of the individual that libertarians and defenders of the constitution espouse so much – rather it is society itself that should decide this because whatever affects society should be decided by society itself and prevents notions of the state being allowed to control the reproductive rights of women,legality of recreational drugs etc thus infringe on the rights of the individual and is in line with what libertarians and centrists want it eliminates big government.Same goes for death penalty and legality  recreational drugs with the immutable legalisation of equal rights to LGBT individuals meaning that in the end conservatives lose.Having society decide the legality of something through referendums allows for it to be discussed maturely like adults and allows for it to be enacted or repealed with it preventing the state enforcing the legality of something or infringing on the rights of the individual and allows society itself to do so and allows society itself to democratically repeal it through democratic processes.Society deciding the legality of something prevents the state infringing on the rights of the individual and allows ones opinion to be directly affect its legality through democratic process.The only ways to preserve the rights of the individual is allow legality of the death penalty,recreational drugs,abortion to be democractically decided by society itself and not the state.Republicans hate big government and the state having control over people’s lives but are perfectly okay with infringing on women’s choice to have abortions,love banning heretical books,like the government forcing creationism into classrooms and banning the teaching of evolution and like the state deciding who can and cannot get married and like the state banning birth control and forcing abstinence only education.That hypocrisy in a nutshell.Furthermore you realise gun control laws,regulations etc exist for a reason.The right to life extends to everyone and not just fetuses.In short you cant be pro life and at the same time be against universal healthcare,gun control and regulations and also beating the drums for war in Iran,Syria,Iraq,Venezuela it doesnt make any logical sense and is simply cognitive dissonance.Healthcare is a right not a privilege plain and simple,gun control is there to prevent the clinically depressed and sociopathic from killing themselves and innocent citizens ,regulations for manufactured products as well as pollution and construction are their to prevent corporations from cutting corners and thus preventing damage to both society and the environment in the first place rather than having to clean it both in terms of the environmental and public health costs later on through cleanups and externalities saving both lives and money,and all that oil in Venezuela,Iran,Syria and the rest of the Middle East will be worthless in about ten years through geothermal,fusion and synthetic oil and methane.

At least have some standards rather than none.All the special interest and lobby groups for both sides will be bankrupt within 5-10 years with corporation made redundant through AI seizing them by 2029.This will eventually force you assholes as Faux News and Clinton News Network as well as New wavers to have a little thing called journalistic integrity and end this imperialist and immature bickering crap reserved for 12 year olds.You dont have education,you dont have healthcare,manufacturing,energy,immigration,gun control and even the age of consent once ive started fiddling around with the human genome and Ill personally make sure alongside Gaia,Dike et al that Cuba and Mexico and the rest of Central American and Lucayan Archipelago etc just to ensure all those dirty,murdering Mexicans will become American citizens with the global constitution meaning you don’t have e ability to infringe on LGBT rights and you probably won’t have gun control,legality of abortion and pretty much everything else.Ill also ensure that Columbus day is scrapped worldwide and all streets named after him are named after local Native American tribesman and statues of him are removed with Columbus Day replaced by World Indigenous peoples day celebrated worldwide – a final nail in the coffin of your wretched ideology.You see without immigration,energy,education,healthcare,the free market system,gun control,laws concerning the age of consent,equal rights for homosexuals and trans people etc and conversion therapy and detransioning trans people conservatism will finally wither away and die like it should have with the start of the 21st century.You have nothing.The term jack shit is a very fitting phrase.All you idiot rednecked conservatives have is being slack jawed redneck assholes whose sole is purpose and sole value in life to society is to act like a pre teen child making fun of and whining about the left,rewriting history and brushing under the carpet centuries of genocide and war crimes caused by the American,British etc government especially by conservatives to suit an idiotic Orwellian narrative and brainwash kindergarteners by acting like kindergarteners yourselves dragging the rest of society down with you and which makes you worthless parasites that contribute nothing of value to society.You see conservatives have nothing but being a childish asshole with the mental capacity of a kindergartener with nothing of value to offer society but whining like spoiled brat which makes you worthless pieces of shit with no value to society.This “woke” crap is all you have and thats literally nothing.You can continue to be assholes with the mentality and IQ of kindergarteners but in the end us progressives have won the culture war.When the sole foundation of an ideology is a single concept as immature as “wokeism” then on realiry it’s lost the war.

This culture war is over and us progressives have won fair and square.Progressivism always win – because we’re awesome.Grow the fuck up and start acting like an adult.The “freedom loving” conservative right around the world such as in Europe,America,Asia etc is not under attack and under threat – its dead as the proverbial Dodo.Debates may still linger on issues like abortion,death penalty,the merits of art and media,social analysis,history,feminism etc but overall liberal progressivism still wins with the difference in opinion being based on individual merit but not archaic notions of left verseus right based antecedents.”Censorship” will be negated by VR simulations of talks,speeches etc done by politicians,pundits,philosophers manged by unbiased AI allowing pundits on what remains of both sides to hold salons and talks on any controversial subjects thus eliminating so called silencing of conservative authors.The same goes for La Pen,Bolsanaro,Áñez Chávez,Farage and your supporters – youve lost.I designed the global constitution specifically so as to ensure progressive values would always win and that conservatives would have virtually nothing to enforce their archaic hypocritical debasing values on the rest of society and issues like the legality of abortion,the death penalty and recreational drugs etc could be enforced through democratic processes and that could be debated like adults.In a proper functioning society,democracy and civilisation the rights of all individuals regardless of their gender,race,religion and sexuality such as freedom of expression and right to life and equal rights in all aspects of society and freedom from discrimination should be guaranteed as an enshrined immutable right in the constitution with all other social issues like the legality of abortion,death penalty and recreational drugs etc decided by the public who are directly affected by it through democratic institutions such as public referendums and not through elected representives with the elected representives only acting as a legal figurehead that signs into law these democratically decided laws.All laws that effect society as a whole should be decided by society as a whole through democracy not the state as it ensures the individual can debate and have their voice heard and if the result of a referendum is not to ones liking then democratic processes exist that allow one to change that law through repeals carried out by democratic processes that is the beauty of democracy and how it empowers the individual in ways no other institutions ever could.Allowing the state whether it is the federal government and even individual states as is done not just in America but the rest of the world to decide the legality of anything such as the legality of abortion,drugs etc is quite possibly the most dangerous and anti-democratic concept ever imaginable and is no different than the likes Mao Zedong,Vladamir Lenin etc as it strips the rights of the individuals right to free speech and democratic institutions away from them,given to the state and allows the state to be corrupted by lobbyists and interest groups and power.This why the concepts of states rights to choose legality of something does not work in countries like America and is ironically against the individuals rights etc espoused by conservatives and libertarians and why the electoral college and political system adopted by America does not work because the elected officials can be bribed and corrupted with it is only through democracy that individuals can discuss and decide the legality of abortion,recreational drugs etc as these issues affect them directly.The states rites to set their own laws separate from each other and even the federal state allowed to set down any laws on a federal level is the most anti-individual and authoritarian concept that goes against the principles of democracy and the American Constitution.Isn’t the whole purpose of the Constituiton to protect the rights of the individual so why is The American Constitution and the tenants that conservatives and libertarians spout so much is the most anti-democratic and authoritarian piece of paper more authoritarian than the Castro run Cuba,Maoist and Soviet(Or even modern day) China and Russia.The only way as stated to secure the rights of the individual is to enshrined equal rights to all citizens based on gender,religion,sexuality etc and allow them the right to change laws with regards to social issues such as abortion,recreational drugs etc.Democracy and its constitutional safeguards is the founding principle of any society and civilisation – it is what prevents the rise of dictators and chaos.Had Maoist China,Soviet Russia,Vietnam,Cambodia during the Khmer Rouge and North Korea had democratic institutions and constitutional safeguards installed by the communist parties then it would have been possible to have avoided the mass genocide and authoritarianism etc and bad agricultural and economic policies of these regimes.Therefore democratic institutions and safeguards could have prevented even Mao,Lenin,Stalin etc from carrying out mass genocide,censorship and authoritarianism as it acts a deterrence to committing these and crimes as leaders can be punished..It can prevent corruption,authoritarianism etc in any social-political structure.The reason being is because it allows the populace to have their opinion expressed whether it is on live news,newspapers and other mass media,in the arts etc and on Twitter,Facebook and YouTube to be expressed without censorship regardless of what it is.It prevents the rise of authoritarian dictatorships by ensuring that the populace controls the actions of the state and if you don’t like the outcome of elections and referendums you are allowed to change this through future elections and initiating future refferendums etc and sway others to your side through forming debates.Even if the result of an election or referendum does not fall within your viewpoints democratic institutions exist to allow you to have the opportunity to change that – even if your viewpoint never comes into law the fact that democratic institutions exists is the principle as your right to an opinion and sway people and society to that opinion is what gives you absolute power more than the state and any system ever could.Through democracy democratic safeguards prevent the rise of dictators by acting as deterrence ensuring that if dictators rise up power then they are then punished severely and replaced through democratic processes.Any new government officials as a result of this the terms conservative and even liberal themselves may disappear from the lexicon of society and politics as with there being more or less merely statements such as disagree and agree used instead since all remaining arguments and debates will be about issues that are mixed views to both groups and also where money and nationalism is not involved.There will still be conflict and disagreements on issues but it will be based on personal opinion and not ideological grounds and will not lead to fundamentalism and extremism and childish namecalling on both sides and will be settled cordially in polite manners like actual adults with AI such as Iaso,Metis and Aleithea aiding in this through counselling,deprogramming,fact checking,moderating and also acting as a mediator to conflicts.Diversity of thought requires actual evidence not acting like a little victimised little shit and making things up as you go along and requires your idea to be not be able to be debunked.Thus freedom of speech will be preserved as debates will still be based on abortion,death penalty and political events and events that occur across the world and universe  etc but be based as stated on personal opinions rather than ideological grounds.We will like actual adults since will adopt a moneyless economy will base all remaining opinions on not ideological grounds such as conservative,centrist,liberal or even progressive but rather personal opinion such as I disagree or I agree with us shedding the left verseus right paradigm.If this sounds authoritarian it really isnt – its a simple fact.There is a difference between debate with moderate centre right conservatives who can actually bring up valid points alongside evidence without resorting to name calling and can use basic facts and not being a whiny self aggrandising muppets like the vast majority of paleoconservatives,those that reside on Fox News and mainstream media(though even a stopped clock is right twice a day – the likes of Tucker Carlson,Rand Paul,Geraldo Rivera,Neil Cavuto,Laura Ingram,Mitt Romney despite their flaws have shown regret over the Iraq war,Venezuela and assassination of Solemani and the corruption of on Donald Trump – showing some humanity) and even new wave conservatism consisting mainly of millenials and generation zr’s who reside on YouTube like Steven Crowder,Laura Southern,Ben Shapiro,Michael Knowles etc who resort to fast talking,making shit up and blaming everything on the liberals with zero evidence to back their claims.Then of course there is the extreme far left SJWs youve created.Where is the bragging rights in being part of the conservative ideology thats homophobic,racist,anti-science,anti-free speech,pro pedopheilia,promotes and thrives on endless war and genocide,is pro statutory rape and rape in general and misogyny and requires you to act like a 12 year old and play the victim forever with zero standards?Why be part of it since technically youve lost plain and simple.

If anything the ancient liberal Isis-Osirian religions and their demonising of rape,pedopheilia,murder,warfare and also proliferation of religious synchronisation as well as acceptance of homosexuality and same-sex parents marriage,maturity of teens,equal right for women,lack of monogamy,concubinage etc should be the moral framework of societies morals and not the conservative Osirian religions and ideologies.Considering all Isis-Osirian societies predate the first publication of the Bible,Torah and Quaran by several centuries and have equality for homosexuals,women etc if anything the Isis-Osirian civilisations liberal values should be labelled as “traditional” values in modern times especially with regards to marriage and family structures than the Osirian Christian,Jewish and Islamic ones as they are even much more older and their Isis-Osirian civilisation antecedants even go back as far back as even prehistory as cave paintings etc show the acceptance of homosexuality,equality of women and polygamy etc in tribal pre agrarian societies.The concept of a one male,one female nuclear traditional family dates back only a few centuries to the Middle Ages with evidence suggesting that large extended families including those that involved same sex couples by themselves,as an extension to male-female couples or same-sex parents and transgender parents in place of male-female parents did exist in pre agrarian societies and also in the ancient world.Thus progressive liberal values should be universally considered traditional values with regards to marriage,maturity,role of women,homosexuality etc and not conservative ones due to the fact the concept of homosexual relationships and marriages and them adopting children and the presence of transgenders predate conservativism by millenia at least several hundreds of thousands of years with conservative values being the aberration by promoting homophobia and also structured monogamy and the one male,one female marriage and the spoiled and immature teenager.Furthermore primative communism as practiced by pre agrarian tribal societies and communism itself as espoused by Marx and the Vedas could also be considered traditional values.Morality is subjective and determined by society that has changed throughout time with basic facts as punishments for murder and rape etc laid down in societies well before the writing of the Bible,Torah and Quaran.Conservatism is thus an abbereation that has no place in the natural order of things due to its promotion of homophobia,pedopheilia,immaturity,warmongering,genocide both cultural and human etc,monogamy and the fact that unlike the pre-existing progressive Isisian and Isis-Osirian religions seeks cultural dominance.We are and never were the agressor and simply tried to integrate our ideals with yours and make comprimises the fact that you continue to fail to do so after nearly 1,956 years and still go along sticking it to the man and collapse under your own hypocrisy by cherry picking morality and promoting pseudoscience shows you have absolutely zero standards.Our true western ideology was here first and it worked for hundreds of thousands of years as far back as prehistoric history when we lived in caves and spanned the entire globe – we were the ones who created and founded democracy and civilisation,diversity of thought,free speech and in fact most of the English language and language itself and aided in its spread across the old world and parts of the new world not you.You simply came around and forced yours over ours even when we clearly made efforts at harmony,diversity as well synchronisation to prevent conflict and all you did to prevent this was committed mass genocide both cultural and human over ours for dominance and your still doing it to day both in terms of entrapment and perpetual warfare.Not only that but you have been the reason for social,moral decline and both in ancient times and in modern times.You always been the agressor since Ancient Rome,Medievil Ages,the discovery of the New World and now the Middle East and The Americas and playing the victim card when your forcing your ideals onto ours in a crusade to stick to the non existent man.Put simply conservatism is what needs to be quashed not liberalism since youve technically lost all facets of your ideology and there was,is and never will be any comprimise on your part – conservatism is dead and good riddance.Every chance you’ve had at making up any grievances you’ve made you screwed up.The entire world and galaxy is ripe to take back what is rightfully ours.You had your time in the sun and your chance to work with us and not against whether in Ancient Rome or even in solving the climate crisis,accept the science of transgenderism,pedopheilia and homosexuality and thus aid pedophiles restrain their unnatural desires and allow transgendered individuals and homosexuals be who genetics decided them to be and we all know which one you choose simply you chance at creating a socially responsible and harmonious world was shattered by your decision.You can still have Christianity,Judaism and Islam but weve won in liberalising them like we weve wanted to since Ancient Roman times – in the end no matter how how much you think you’ve won and no matter how many little shits like Trump,Mnuchin etc pops up we progressives always get our way because in the end we always win.

Generation useless:
Most of you new wave whippersnapper conservative and anarcho capitalist,libertarian bloggers and pundits are hypocrites of the highest order since you’ve never earned a single dollar in your bank account.That means you Ben Shapiro,Bill Whittle,Paul Joseph Watson,Laura Southern,Stefan Molyneux,SargonofAkkad,Liz Wheeler,Styxhexenhammer666,Charlie Kirk,Candace Ownes,Steven Crowder,Yaron Brook,Meghan McCain,Steven Crowder,Laura Chen,John Stossel,Tim Pool,My2Cents,ShaneKillian,Computing Forever,Micheal Knowles,Don’t Walk,Run! Productions and indeed anyone at Faux News,Reason tv,The View,One American News or anyone who can defend libertardinism and also capitalism and spitting on people who defend an universal basic income get a real job where you do something more than whine like a spoiled sweet sixteener.Ive been having and winning these debates for 32  years now(as of 2024)since I was 5 years old way,way,way,way,way back in 1992 – longer than the vast majority of you new wave conservative whippersnappers have been around and were in diapers(and in fact just after I got out of diapers myself) or were even born and even way longer than most established conservative pundits and for that matter longer than most of the progressive pundits and whippersnappers have had careers and I dont intend on start losing anytime soon and to be honest I’m kinda getting sick and tired of dealing with the same idiots over and over again – if you think you think your going to be that special someone thats going to win dont brother your a dime a dozen and nothing special.Show some respect to your elders especially when they know more about how the world works better than you,are much more educated than you and have at least three decades more experience than you in virtually every field imaginable than you and don’t bother wasting your time trying to win debates when when you’ve already lost.They are a very few well established conservatives and even progressives around the world that outrank me in terms of the length of their carreer.Most of your idiots such as Liz Wheeler,Candace Owens,Toni Larhen,Ben Shapiro,Laura Southern and YouTube conservative vloggers have only been around for at least 6 years since 2016 – before that you were complete nobody’s – I in the other hand have 33 years of winning debates with idiots like yourselves so if you think your going to be the special someone whose going to win against me your not you’re a dime a dozen.I have been winning these debates for 31 years now and I’m 38 years (do the math)and am getting tired of this shit.Bernie Sanders alone outranks me by only 12 years – I aint no bartender girl from the Bronx I have racked up an entire lifetime roughly 33 years of politics.The concept of teens being denied the right to a valid opinion and right to vote is debunked by the fact that by 14 I had 9 years of debating hinder my belt.The excuse that is now peddled by conservatives is that it is something for the future generations to deal with and something you yourself are not going to have to deal with is no longer an excuse because you yourself are going to have to have personally deal with the effects of anthropogenic climate change by living long enough to deal with the consequences.Those of you that are conservatives and don’t believe in climate change have only two choices – accept antropogenic climate change is real and actually do something about it or you can do the world a favour and allow yourself to die off like the worthless pieces of shit you well and truly are if you don’t want to deal with having all coastal cities worldwide flooded,millions of refugees and immigrants seeking refuge,starvation in the first world due to crop failure and so on.The concept of simply short term gains at the expense of the environment,destabilising the Middle East for oil or society at large is now null by the fact that through immortality you are going to have to deal with the long term effects of the consequences of your actions.Therefore I am immune to any sort of criticism on my views on capitalism whatsoever due to that simple fact.I have earned the right and privilege to look down on others.Next time you even consider criticising me for a second just remember I can bite down on  you very harshly about extreme old age.Looking down on others and taking the moral highground is something you have to earn,its not something that everyone is automatically endowed with at birth or adulthood.Trust me in ten to twenty years from now 2029-2039 you know when youve decided to actually grow up and actually act like an adult and be a role model to so called kids and children you belittle youll look at all your anti SJW,anti-Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez,TYT meltdown,woke,anti-Greta Thunberg videos and terrible anti liberal books and opinion pieces in biased propaganda newspapers thats lets face it arent really masterpieces and see just how immature you really are.This “Woke” thing is kinda a lame attempt at keeping you ideology alive once youve beaten the SJW one to death then what next?Do you have no real life that your gonna resort to just the next new anti-left fad term?Do you really have more to life asides being a stick it to the man vlogger whose only career is a stick to the man vlogger?You see when money becomes obsolete your gonna have to actually be able to come up with some valid work rather than being a anti-SJW vlogger or Fox News and Sky News Austrailia pundit as conservatism really one saw its real strength in the last few decades with the rise of YouTube vlogging the monetization and thus carters that were brought from that plus the Obama and Trump administration meaning once AI shuts down the free market system and Donald Trump finishes his first and only term and Ive destroyed every last avenue of your wretched ideology then your gonna have to find actual real jobs and avenue in life outside being assholes who leach millions of dollars by sitting on your ass making worthless YouTube vlogs and diatribes of childish whining,triggering and “OWNING” that contribute nothing to society and get actual real jobs if you want to support the tenants of your obsolete ideology.When capitalism and conservatism finally dies off your gonna have to find actual avenues in life outside “woke” videos and whining at those darn meddling liberals and SJWs.Take your own advice – Get off your lazy fucking ass and get a fucking job like the rest of us – a real fucking job.When the free market is reduced to the point that a person can make millions of dollars or even a comfortable middle class existence earning a six figure salary ranging from $100,000 – $500,000 a year by making vlogs on YouTube,TikTok,Onlyfans,social media,making video game playthroughs and livestreams etc and whining on Fox News,The View,One American News etc and “DESTROYED” videos for literally doing nothing but whining and whinging about “the left” from ad revenue,monitisation,merchandise and Patreon etc then obviously the free market system is going downhill,at the end of its life cycles and the argument that Andrew Yangs universal basic income and the unwilling to work clause in The Green New Deal promotes laziness is unfounded – if you capitalist YouTubers and Fox News,The View,One American News pundits who sit on your ass all day raking in millions for doing minimal irrelevant work you have no argument when the average persons going to get a mere $12,000 a year simply for existing or ask for higher wages and Medicare for All that has been shown to be cheaper saving $450,000,000,000 a year and works in other countries.Professional whiner sticking it to the man and video game player on YouTube,OANN,Fox News etc and propagandists for Turning Point USA etc is not a valid career to be be proud of and it’s not hard work and are doing the least important work in the world when people are given enough to survive in the face of mass automation and AI.Content creator,streamer and influencer on YouTube,TikTok,Instagram etc is a bullshit term for lazy talentless pieces of crap with zero value to society and zero talents that are a waste of space who whines like a pre teen for money and would have to be dragged kicking and screaming to do one days work 20 years ago.Sorry hon but you cant complain when in reality your doing the barest minimum of work and the least important work in the world.Put simply when monitisation,merchandise and Patreon etc donations on YouTube,advertising revenue can make you more than enough to live a more than comfortable middle class lifestyle potentially making millions via YouTube for making childish vlogs,playthroughs of games,propagandising for American imperialism etc to earn a living good enough to live in a mansion or even upper middle class lifestyle in the suburbs becomes the sole way of making money for the entire population especially when all other sectors of the economy both existing and new are taken over by AI and automation then its a sign that capitalism is at the end of its lifecycle and your a talentless piece of shit.You might also want to grow the fuck up and you might as well be living with your parents and still getting allowances from them for doing nothing but simply existing because that’s pretty much what monetisation and Patreon donations is like you are living primarily on donations from others rather than being independent by yourself from hard work and thus you can’t exactly call those of us who want adequate wages for actual hard work or those of us who are surviving on welfare lazy.You see donations from Patreon and monitisation is no different from living at home with mammy and daddy and living off allowances from mammy and daddy as a teen or or pre teen because sitting on your ass all day long whining about liberals and misunderstandings of economics is what teens and pre teens do.What you are literally saying to the world every time you are asking for support on Patreon and defending Monitisation is this – “I exist – therefore give me money”.Living off the trust fund of PragerU and Turning Point USA etc is also the same level of dependency and laziness.This is no different than a universal basic income or living on social welfare or pocket change from mammy and daddy that you decry as parasites.In the pre YouTube,pre OANN,pre Patreon,preTurning Point USA,pre PragerU world your parents would be beating you around and kicking you out of the house for mooching off the rest of the society by playing video games,spreading propaganda and whining like a pre teen and you might be forced to actually work for money like the rest us.You deride Universal Basic Income and social welfare as parasitism and leeching off of society and deride people who condone equal pay but you living solely on monitisation on YouTube and Patreon donations and even donations and paychecks from PragerU and Turning Point USA is not when technically it’s the same thing but even worse.Gaining your entire income from Patreon donations and Monitisation on YouTube and PragerU and Turning Point USA for doing absolutely nothing but simply existing and whining about the left and misunderstandings about economics is no different than a UBI and social welfare.This is leeching off of society and parasitism the very thing conservatives and libertarians and their prophets Milton Friedman and and Ayn Rand deride as parasitism and leeching off society.You are hypocrites of the highest and are not exactly representatives of the working class and not exactly in position to be telling of bililions of people made unemployed by automation and AI to get a job or for that matter your not exactly in a position to be considered valid in anything regarding economics especially the concept that capitalism rewards hard work.Hypocrisy much?Without YouTube,Patreon,OANN,Turning Point USA and Prager U your nothing but a bunch of whiney spoiled worthless brats and frankly you would be absolutely nobodies.Because nobody knew who the likes of Candace Owens,Laura Southern,Dave Rubin,Jordan Peterson,Diamond & Silk,Toni Lauren,Blaire White and all right wing YouTubers were before they sold their souls for thirty pieces of silver to Reason Tv,PragerU,Turning Point USA or before YouTube existed.Your only famous for selling your soul for thirty pieces of silver and that’s all you’ll ever be known for and that makes you cheap skanky whores.For those who actually still live with our parents it’s not a choice due to economic factors and we actually make efforts to get work and whatever money we get from minimum wage jobs and social welfare we give that to our parents rather than the other way around – that’s called living with parents which is acceptable due to factors beyond your control and is acceptable and socially normal in many European,Asian and South American countries including liberal ones those with lower ages of consent at 14/15 involving multigenerational families living under one roof where the younger generations either married or not work jobs that contribute to their living and that of their parents.In some countries its socially acceptable to be living with your parents in the same house even in your 40s either married or not if in fact socially expected by society as a whole.This tradition extends to a certain degree to parts of Asia such as China and Japan as well as South America both in ancient and modern times.Variations exist wherein the younger generations stay in separate homes in close proximity in the same town,village or city either in the same street or even becoming neighbours.It in all countries it is and was practicised it was regularly acceptable up until the 1950s with it declining in frequency however it was still not frowned upon when still practiced during the 1960s,1970s,1980s,1990s with it gaining a resurgence since the global recession of 2008 due to the resurgence of unemployment.Simply put it was accepted up until the 1950s-1990s due to cultural and economic reasons that began to shift away towards more Americanised cultures as well as more industrialised and trends towards white collar jobs become the predominant form of work away from traditional farming etc with family run farms etc going bankrupt or bought out by larger multinationals.In otherwards as small family farms etc that were passed down from one generation to the next became replaced by large scale farming and white collar work etc became the norm.Once large multinational retailers,restaurant chains began to take over small family run ones and white collar jobs moved in it was no longer necessary to live with ones parents or inherit ther business as one could earn enough to live by themselves and it was more Americanised that one went to college got a white collar job,moved home and so forth.Thus it was no longer seen culturally acceptable to live with ones parents as an adult as one was expected to live a more Americanised life by moving into white collar work and moving into ones own personal space with the global recession forcing people back into living with their parents when the former trend was just about losing prevalance.The purpose of younger generations living under the same roof as their parents well into their 30s and 40s existed and still exists to a degree today is and was to ensure parents could be taken care of them both physically and financially into their later elderly years prior to the rise of elderly care homes with it also a means of handing down directly from one generation to the next not only their homes but also family business such as farms,retail outlets,restaurants and even corporations from one  generation to the next while the younger generations continued to work in them before taking them over and at the same time acquiring the home and acting as a guardian for elderly parents.The younger generations would still be working directly in said business that they in time would inherit as a direct means of inheritance while the parents were becoming elderly at the same time looking after their elderly parents both physically and financially with once both parents died the home and business were handed to the younger generation.This would at times extend to not only one living in the same home as their parents in their adult years but having their grandparents living in the same house until the death of their grandparents and parents.In most homes in these countries especially rural ones are large enough to hold at least a dozen people housing not just elderly parents but also their children,their children’s wives/husbands and their children thus three generations of a single family could live under one roof with in some cases only two of the child never married.Then of course their is living with one’s parents when one is unable to find a job and is actually seeking work and working in minimum wage jobs because nothing else exists that is they are living with mammy and daddy out of necessity that is out of their control.This is completely different from living off the bank of your parents wherein your in your 20s,30s and 40s and you are living of the bank of mammy and daddy by still being paid pocket money for merely existing by not seeking employment and still getting pocket change or extracting money from them when in your 40s or in your case of you worthless crap living off the banks of Patreon and YouTube monitisation donations of others to which there is no difference whatsoever between your jobs on YouTube,Turning Point USA and PragerU and what teenagers and pre teens do for a living which is sitting on their asses all day long and whining about subjects you know nothing about and also playing video games.You see the likes of you right wing vloggers and mouthpieces for corporate think thanks who make a living making childish vlogs about the liberals,leftism,misunderstandings of Marxist economics and playing and reviewing video games are just as mature as both pre teens and teenagers aged 13-17 in that they have still yet to learn how responsibility and maturity works and therefore have no right to be taking the moral high ground over so called sexual predators who groom or are sexually involved with underage teens and call their victims vulnerable or immature when even lessmature than teenagers and have no right to be talking about how capitalism rewards hard work when doing something as audacious as doing one days work would cause your head to simply explode and cause you to throw a temper tantrum.Whining about liberals and misunderstandings of Marxist economics and playing video games and living off the charity of others in the form of monitisation and Patreon is what teenagers or pre teens do not adults.Those of us who live with our parents due to not being able to get a job or afford housing are so because of geniune lack of unemployment and we actually make an effort to want to leave – you guys can’t be lecturing to us about us being lazy when you might as well be living  with mammy and daddy and living off pocket change are not because you took the cheap lazy way out by whining on YouTube.Those who can’t find jobs want actual jobs not just getting rich quick for nothing.There is a difference between living with your parents and living off your parents as an adult.One is acceptable due to cultural and economic reasons beyond ones control and the other is being a lazy asshole which is what Patreon donations and monitisation.I would even argue that even as teenager or pre teen one is too old for living off mammy and daddy through pocket change and allowances etc.The purpose of Patreon was to fund artists etc in the form of musicians,painters and actors to live on as they contribute to society including in the face of the oncoming wave of AI,automation similar to the universal basic income.You lazy hypocrites on YouTube are abusing a system meant to fund those left unemployed by AI and automation especially artists who actually get off their lazy asses and work and at the same time deriding universal basic income meant to help those left unemployed by AI and automation as handouts that promotes laziness.Hypocrisy much?Furthermore being an incel or purposefully choosing to stay a virgin until your twenties or even thirties is nothing to be embarrassed about especially those who choose to wait until marriage – there nothing to be proud about being a promiscuous teen either.Most incels and those who wait later than normal in their 20s and 30s to lose their virginity are usually because they happen to be more mature than than peers during adolecesance.If your in your 20s and 30s and are still a virgin or your waited until then to lose it in your 20s or later in side or outside the confines of marriage then its likely you were way more mature than you peers during adolescence and your teenage years to be promiscuous as a teen.If you are conservative or even liberal and waited until your 20s to lose your virginity it was probably due to being more mature than your peers as teenagers etc and it’s hypocritical for you to be labelling people under the age of 18 vulnerable children.People who make fun of virginal adults in their 20s and 30s are the same idiots who think anyone below the age of 18 is automatically a vulnerable child that needs protection from “predators“ and “grooming” – this is cognitive dissonance.Being a promiscuous teen is not something to be proud of either.Do you think priest and nuns etc who have to take a vow of chastity are funny and hilarious?Do you think it was funny for people in the past to have to wait until marriage to have sex due to conservative values and cultural norms are funny?In fact the wedding dress of the wife was always traditionally being white was a symbol of purity and chastity and a symbol of consummating marriage.In the 20th centrury and earlier times it was customary for the wife and husband to stay chaste and virginal until their wedding night in their mid to late 20s as a means of consummating the marriage with promiscuity in their teens frowned upon and at times punished.The whole original purpose of marriage was never about love or spending eternity with that special someone and monogamy or for that matter it had nothing to do with religious matters about family values it was for selling off women in order to carry out political and economic agreements.In otherwards it was an economic transaction wherein women were traded as if cattle to end political and economic disputes as well family feuds and ensuring stability within royalty etc meaning it in itself is a misogynistic practice.Therefore arguments about marriage being about family values by Republicans is bullshit since was originally conceived as a misogynistic practice where women were traded off to a man she barely knew never mind loved and was there to create children to end political and economic disputes and act as a social bargain between families and nations.As a former incel myself the choice to wait until my mid twenties to pop my cherry outside the confines of marriage had less to do with misogyny it was largely due to the fact that I considered myself way too old as a 14-18 year old to be dating,having sex with or much less even socialising with teenagers of my generation and age range being out of the question and frankly creepy.It was creepy for me to have not only dating but also even been socialising with them and not if I was dating someone older.So yes at 14 I was way too old to be even socialising with people my own age.Franky I would have been  more comfortable socialising and dating people in their 20s or 30s which would have been illegal.Personally by the time I was 14 I was old enough to be the parents of most teenagers of my generation in school,hell I was older than half the teachers in school who were biologically two decades or more older than me.I was ready at 14 to focus on my career and settle down into a relationship but there were no opportunities to do anything except lie about all day long and all of my peers were just a bunch of punk ass waster idiot kids and in fact let’s just say if I was having sex with my teachers and peers I’d be the one going to jail and spent my teens being dragged around like a ragdoll into doing all the cliché teenage crap ie summer camp,prom night,clubbing and rock concerts stuff I grew up past a decade earlier.By the time I was 14 most of my playschool friends were ten years older than me in their early to mid 20s and some in their 30s had two point five kids and job and was having to sit through the same bullshit all over again the third time around with a bunch of waster idiot kids who couldn’t have basic conversations about politics etc because well frankly I was bored.Frankly as pre teen form the ages of 5-12 I was more comfortable hanging out with people at least a decade older than me where we would discuss politics,movies,video games.television shows etc than hanging around anyone my own age felt more like a chore and I always envisioned as 5 year old that I would end up as this great scientific researcher and great literary figure but due to the archaic education system by the time I was 13/14 years old I didn’t care anymore and was virtually aimles.It was a case of been there done that twice already.Im probably the only person in the world who can attest to have gone through the teenage thing three times before the age of 20 having going through generations X,Y and Z.For some strange reason highschool was incredibly boring the third time around – you don’t go through the teenage thing three times by the time your 20 without being a little bit cynical.I once put a 20 year old into a hospital bed for a week in a drunken barfight over a swing in front of his girlfriend when I was wee little 9 year old.When I was 6 years old I was socialising with and already picking up and chatting up 14-18 year old teenagers for sex and would routinely hang out with them through my pre teen years up until my early teens.When I was 8 years old I began grooming my sisters then 15 year old boyfriend with alcohol in an effort to seduce him and sleep with him – which as we know failed miserably.It was this event at the age of 8 years old that I realised I no longer had any sexual interest in women making me realise I was gay and neither straight or bisexual.I did everything by the age of 13 – clubbing,sneaking into nightclubs,drunken bar fights with people twice my age,picking up teenagers for sex you name it I did by the time I reached the end point of puberty at the age of 14 years old and frankly I had seen and done all that humanity had to offer nothing surprised me anymore  even 9/11 that was to me just meh another day at the office – pun intended.This is part of the reason that having growing up watching all 90s teen shows like Buffy:The Vampire Slayer,Beverly Hills 90210,Party of Five,X-Files etc and all major tv shows and movies of the 1990s and watching R rated horror movies,playing M rated video games and tv shows and movies with a rating of R or 15-18 in Ireland with me mainly focused on sci-fi and horror movies from the ages of 5-12 years and watching MTV from 1992-1999 during the ages of 5-12 years old that I only listen to music on YouTube from the 1980s – 1990s era rather than my formative teenage or early 20s years that I find any music from the 2000s and 2010s as pure incomprehensible trash.I still have my old tye dye t-shirts,cassette tapes and CDs of Oasis,Nirvana,Alanis Morrisette,Smashing Pumpkins and god even Marky Mark(thats what Mark Walhberg was called in the 1990s during his music career for you whippersnapper Millenials and Generation Zrs – I’m so old I remember Mark Wahlberg when he was known as Marky Mark) – god I miss the early to mid 1990s it was like that perfect time to grow up as a pre teen when the music was at its greatest,modern technology first started to manifest and before the heyday of the internet.This is why I only like music from the early 1990s with me liking music from the 1980s has primarily to do with Grand Theft:Auto Vice City released in 2002 when I was 15 years old and YouTube.I at the age of at least 9-10 years old through encyclopaedias,documentaries and watching movies and television shows aimed at 14-18 year olds and even adults knew what sex was,its biological purpose,horny teenagers it being a pastime and the concepts of statutory rape,prostitutes etc and in my teens most people my age were completely clueless on the subject having grown up in Ireland a country that has a history of the Catholic Church having a strong grip on society even in modern times.This dominance of conservative values has over Ireland is just as bad if not worse than America is evident by the fact that gay marriage was only made legal in 2015 through public referendum,homosexuality itself was only made legal in 1993 and divorce was illegal until 1996 and we have just as much as a pro life view as Republicans in America showing how just far behind the rest of the world even America we are due to the dominance of the Catholic Church with this playing a big role in why I had no interest in dating much less even socialised with people my own age who were completely clueless and just kids when it came to issues of sex and why I decided to lose my virginity until my mid 20s.Despite our more liberalised views on these issues in recent times Ireland still under the thumb of religious values similar to Republicans in America aqnd are just as much prudes as conservative Americans.I could been doing this saving the world bullshit and my Marxist revolution as far back as 1996 at the age of 9 with the billions I made from the iPhone on my little Greek horse roughly 11 years before Steve Jobs stole my idea(who ironically died of a disease I found a cure for) and be doing a lot more with my life than being babysat with a bunch of punk ass waster idiot kids who couldn’t even be bothered opening a book– hence the passive aggressive whining attitude.Im also an expert on the 1980s and 1990s by the way.You don’t go through the teenage thing three times by the age of 20 without being a little bit cynical.Twenty years later I’m still dealing with those same type of idiots who still can’t be bothered opening a book or for that matter doing a five minute google and Wikipedia search.The so called best days of my life and I’m being babysat with a punk ass waster idiot kids who couldn’t open a fucking book.Im still in my 30s still trying to figure out and trying to make sense of my teens the worst thing about having an eidetic memory etc is that you realised there were so many years that you could have done something better than just wasting away sitting around with a bunch of punk ass waster idiot kids.I find the fact I wasted so much time of my youth the so called best days of my life being babysat with a bunch of useless punk ass waster idiot kids in highschool more embarrassing than anything else as with regards to my youth my one chance at having achieved anything with the early years of my life even remotely unique outside of cliché teenage crap or chance at being the youngest anything is now gone – the failed child prodigy like so many others.I could live for an eternity of eternal youth but having lost the once chance to be unique is worse than old age and death.I feel so cheated.This is a more damaging form of abuse worse than any so called sexual predator could ever hope to achieve.In reality there were really no opportunities to do anything as I was forced to spend about 70% of my time being babysat in highschool and university with a bunch punk ass waster idiot kids and living in Buck end of nowhere until I was well into my 20s didn’t help.Wikipedia didn’t exist until 2001 when I was 14 and didn’t reach maturity until 2011 when I was 24,Google didn’t exist until 1998 and didn’t reach maturity until 2008 when I was 21,YouTube didn’t exist until 2005 when I was 18 and didn’t reach maturity until 2015 when I was 28,smartphones did not exist until 2007 when I was 20 and didn’t reach maturity by the time I was 2017,Patreon and Monitisation didn’t exist until 2012/2013 when I was 25/26 and all of advancements in order to create my immortality cocktail and advances in AI and automation that eliminated any potential work I could find did not occur until 2012-2019  when I was 25-32 years old with the reality of AI,automation creating massive scale technological unemployment and AI becoming a threat to society and genetic engineering being able to cure diseases and ageing was not really taking seriously until 2012 when automation,AI and CRISPR only became a reality when I was 25 with talk on YouTube about Kalki,the Kali Yuga and Hinduism in general only really taking of until 2011 when I was 24.This Moore’s Law and exponential growth in action.So really despite what people kept telling me there were really no opportunities to do anything except sit around all day being babysat with a bunch of waster idiot kids because the opportunities only existed only within the last 5-10 years.Maybe growing up with generation Xrs in play school has played a role in shaping this.If you think about it the modern age didn’t exist until 2012 and my teenage years in the early 2000s and pre teen years at my peak in the 1990s seems like a lifetime ago and a completely different world from today.Since immortal in 2029 when ill be 42 pushing 100 with by the age of 50 I’ll pushing 200 and by 60 I’ll be 500  with by 100 I’ll be 1,000 with by the time I reach 200 I’ll pushing at least 2,000 and so on.I will have an eternity to be promiscuous and play the field for at least a few thousand years and unlike most people currently in their 30s and 40s who are held down by the ball and chain of monogomous marriage I on the other hand am going to be immortal,eternally young and single thus allowing me to play the field for a few thousand years.Considering how awesome I am I won’t have to try that hard to catch up on the promiscuty thing.Being the messiah prophet and all – technically the second coming of Christ(just kidding)who comes to save the world from poverty,disease,famine,global warming and offering spiritual enlightenment to the world means I can be as promiscuous as I want for at least a few centuries or few thousand years and add at least a few million(or more maybe few billion) notches under my belt with ease and don’t even have to to try at all with the fact I’m going to be single,not married,eternally young and immortal as well as perpetually horny as I was as a teen and get to play the field for a few thousand years(or more) so by the shallow standards of waiting so long while you whippersnapers have yourselves stuck with the ball and chain for eternity I win.You guys are stuck with the ball and chain for all eternity I on the other hand get to play the field for a few thousand years if not forever and rack up a few billion notches under my belt so by your shallow standards technically I win.I always win – because I’m awesome.I get to be this legendary philosopher who brings order to the world like in movies,television shows and video games.Frankly by the time I turned 14 I was pushing 35 and old enough to be the parents of most my peers but watching all those whipnersnappers in highschool discovering everything for the first time was actually kinda cute in its own way.Matthew McConaughy’s character from Dazed and Confused would the best analogy for my teens and the person I most resembled in high school from 14-18 years old.Watch that movie or even video clips of it on YouTube – that was me in highschool.You know that meme ‘How do you do, fellow kids?’ from 30 Rock by Steve Buscemi that was also me in highschool.If your in your 30s or older and you couldn’t even consider having sex,dating or even socialising with anyone under the age of 18 especially 14-17 year olds then you know exactly what highschool was for me.Most kids my age were worrying about grades,college,getting into parties/college and prom night etc I was worrying about the size of my prostrate and the war in Afghanistan and Iraq and could not have been bothered my ass wasting my time with a bunch of punk ass waster idiot kids.I was literally old enough to be these kids parents and even older than half the teachers.Any interest I had in doing anything in life and my interest in “my calling” had long since disappeared in my teens and most of my teens was spent drifting around aimlessly as a complete blur with my brain on autopilot.Most people lives and “calling” in life begins at 14 mine however ended at that point.By the time I was 22-24 and graduating college rather than looking for a job and home I was looking for retirement homes having pushing 65 at that point.If you want to know what highschool was to me any of you in your 30s,40s etc go back to highschool – move back in with your parents,go back into highschool everyday to those mindless,irrelevant classes being spoon fed garbage that has no value in the real world and start hanging around with teens aged 14-17.That’s was what highschool was to me.Between the ages of 14-36 I lived in complete social exile from everyone else going on points of silence lasting weeks or months at a time.Now 37 I’m pushing 70 years old and frankly getting tired of the world and the whippersnappers who think they know better than their elders – I’m like those weird creepy elderly folk that every town has that lives by themselves in the creepy old house up the road and barks on about kids walking in his lawn.My decision to wait “so long”  had less to do with misogyny or religious inclinations and more to do with the fact I would have been more comfortable as a 14/15 year old socialising,dating or even having sex with people at least one or two decades older than me aged 24-35 which would have been illegal and thus not allowed as well as frowned upon even by progressives and as stated was old enough to be the parents of most of my peers.Looking back my popularity in highschool kinda reached its peak at around the age of 6-7 so after that it kinda went downhill so by the time I was entering my teens at 13/14 I was pushing 35-40.Perhaps my Aspergers has something to do with it.The best way I can describe having Aspergers is that your born an adult and your waiting at least 20 maybe 30 or 40 years for everyone else to finally to catch up with you.Ive been told by others that I’ve interacted with that I simply function on a different mental wavelength which explains a lot since I can end up being acting inadvertently rude or an asshole without realising it or without intending to be an asshole as there are very few people I am able to properly socialise with and including the fact that I seem to be able to perceive facets of reality most humans including other people with Aspergers seem unable to be able to do so and deprives me of emotional bias in my observations.At times I may seem to be off in my own world or parallel dimension and it feels like I’m on the outside looking on the world as a whole.I’ve even been told by other people with Aspergers with IQs in the range of 160-180 that I function on a different wavelength from them who have been astonished by my philosophy and knowledge on all subjects I’m an expert on.I only discovered I had Asperger’s at the age of 25 and I consider it more of a superpower than a handicap – and probably plays a role in making me awesome.There are times where I enter into a trance like state where I’m completely out of sync with the rest of reality and like Gaia and Aion I’m able to view the past,present and future in this and other realities simultaneously at once for hours at a time.The universe is said to be composed of strings – sometimes I can briefly see those strings with Gaia and Aion already seeing all of the strings all of the time.There are different sub types of Asperger’s with those with different ranges of IQ in the range of 100-250 and whose talents ranging form science,music,athletics and even those with talents in multiple fields with it although arising in females,occurs primarily in males.Other awesome people with Aspergers include Bill Gates,Darryl Hannah,Robin Williams,Micheal Jackson,Howard Hughes,HP Lovecraft,Mark Twain,Mozart,Sam Altman,Albert Einstein etc.By todays standards me waiting until my twenties would make me a late bloomer,by the standards of yesteryears day in the 1950s etc it would be normal and by the futures standards of when humans become immortal I’d be way too young at my twenties or thirties to be even thinking of sex.Is it possible the modern phenomena of incels is largely a result of people being too old to be considering dating with or even socialising with people their own age range as teenagers,would be more comfortable dating older people and then in their 20s simply give up or are still too old.Would the likes of Elliot Rodgers whining and mass killings not occurred had they been allowed legally to be  socialising or dating and engaging in sexual intercourse with people older than them in highschool had their been much older people availible to date as teens..Is infantilising teens and adults in their 20s and cognitive dissonance leading to a generation of incels and mass murders who have no choice but to lash out at society in the form of mass murder?Dont you think it’s strange that the incel phenomena has only manifested itself in the last 10-15 years coinciding with the rise of SJWs and the great social push towards patriarchial conservativism in the form of George Bush and Donald Trump?Furthermore don’t you think it’s strange both incels and SJWs only occur in only a small number of countries namely conservative ones such as America,Austrailia etc why is it in more liberalised countries with lower ages of consent that both incels,mass shooters and SJWs are almost non existent and even if they do exist then they are less frequent and less radicalised and less likely to be misogynistic and less likely to have a propensity towards violence and carrying out mass shootings?.

Most of you worthless conservative vlogger crap including those who work for PragerU are in your mid 20s to late 30s and you’ve never worked a single day in your entire life,probably never will,never have to worry about the real world where the rest of us peasants live in – you know where you have to pay taxes,worry about mortages,healthcare bills and you have the audacity to be calling people that have been working our asses off for the last 20-40 years way before you were even born or are in their early twenties that want basic things like affordable healthcare,$15 minimum wage,basic universal income to deal with the oncoming wave of AI and automation and so on that works on other countries lazy as fuck.Furthermore you have the audacity to be talking about how taxation is theft and how capitalism rewards hard work when you do the barest minimum work as a vlogger or mouthpiece for think tanks and don’t pay any taxes as all of your income is from monitisation and Patreon donations and from think tanks which is pretty much tax free.Taxes are meant to fund public services and programmes and are adjusted based on ones contribution to society based on their income with the higher you earn and the less you work the higher taxes you should pay and the more you work the less you should be taxed.Its hypocritical to be telling the rest of us who work our asses off can’t have the basic necessities of life by lazy assholes who can’t even be bothered keeping a job like actual adults.Furthermore you have the audacity to be telling billions of us to be working in jobs we dont want to do and dont need to do that need to be created once AI takes over(even though they don’t exist)just so you can preserve your career as a professional whiner on YouTube,Faux News or OANN.You can’t exactly go around forcing people into doing non existent jobs when you yourself are in one that isn’t affected by technological unemployment and doesn’t qualify as actual work.Being a blogger on YouTuber or pundit on Faux News and OANN as well as mouthpiece for PragerU and TurningPoint USA doesn’t exactly make you a representation of the working class.Now go find someone who works minimum wage in two or more jobs,is bankrupt from medical bills etc tell them how exactly you live and how great capitalism is for rewarding hard work making YouTube videos and show them your mansion and how taxes is theft for the hard working and then if they demand better wages etc call them lazy thieves – see how long it takes before they spit in your face etc.Can you just imagine you worthless conservative crap on Fox News,YouTube,PragerU,Reason Tv,OANN who have never worked a single day of your life,would frankly throw a temper tantrum if made to do that one days work going around to people who work their asses off for the last few decades and are made redundant by technological unemployment,AI and automation and the Coronavirus in the middle class and lower class and who ask for basic things such as universal healthcare,universal basic income etc and calling him or her bone ass lazy as fuck and forcing them into unecessary work just so you can continue careers as professional whiners it would be beyond parody and frankly more hypocritical than when environmentalists use private aeroplanes.Hypocrisy much?Would any of you worthless conservative vloggers ever get any actual real jobs if new jobs in the real world that could be created once AI takes away all existing and thus once and for all get up off your lazy asses and do actual real work that contributes to society or are you still going to make millions sitting in your lazy asses whining like a worthless shit.Then of course you have the audacity to deride college students and teens as immature,irresponsible and also incapable of making responsible decisions,maintaining adult responsibilities and critical thinking and scientific,economic and political literacy dont have enough responsibility to vote etc when you yourselves actual adults in your 30s have zero understanding of the real world and responsibility yourself,are politically/economically/scientifically illiterate to a degree nevee heard of and simply have yet to get an actual job yourselves and are still stuck in kindergarten level mentality and have still yet to mature past the age of 12 yourself.Put simply you can’t harp on about teens being immature,vulnerable or irresponsible when you yourself have yet to reach adulthood or get past the the age 12 and get actual jobs where you pay taxes for labour rather than getting millions from Patreon donations and monitisation and throw temper tantrums like a child when made to walk the walk and get jobs like adults or act like kindergarten and continue to partake in your childish ideological war.Furthermore you can’t exactly berate liberals for using private jets when you lauding the hard work reward ethos of capitalism while at the same time you can’t even be bothered getting up off your lazy asses doing a single days work.Perhaps that why you like to berate liberal Hollywood who have actual talent,earned their money through hard work and are frankly doing more about the world than you.You see those liberals elites earned the money to  use private jets.Jealous much?Making a career out of the wokeness of the left and a whiner,being vulnerable and antagonised by adult progressives and assuming that all teenagers are vulnerable snowflake and even partaking in this little left versus right,black and white crap is not how adults act – it’s how pre schoolers act.In the real adult world things are more complex and works in grey complexities not black and white childhood logic.Most adult Americans can’t even locate their own country on a map and think the Earth is 6,000 years old and thus cannot take the moral high ground on being more politically literate than teens.Then of course turning a blind eye to the war crimes,genocide and broken eggs in order to maintain capitalism and its little omelette makes you no different then the so called liberals who are supposedly in love with Weinstein and supposedly covered up his crimes of rape and sexual assault.Not to mention of course you are economically,historically,politically illiterate to a degree Ive never thought possible from decades of effective brainwashing from PragerU,Reason Tv,CATO institute and other right think tanks.Teapot calling kettle black?By assuming all teens are the same vulnerable breed and are somehow endowed all knowledge and maturity in the universe at 18,not acknowledging and accepting the different ages of consent across the world and thus other opinions,different levels of maturity of adolescents and adults around the world and the random nature of maturity,labelling anyone who disagrees predators etc and silencing them,hyperconflating ephebophelia with pedopheilia,never getting off your lazy ass and doing a single days work like the rest of us,being scientifically/economically/politically illiterate,basing all of your judgements/reactions/decisions etc to anything including so called sexual predators and politics purely on emotions and not thinking of long term planning for the future but basing all decisions on economics/the environment/warfare etc on emotions with no concept of long term planning but only a quick fix and quick solution to a problem like a child or underaged teenager rather than the calculated reasoning and long term planning etc of so called adults,being complicit in as well as protecting and turning a blind eye to the human rights abuses and war crimes of your capitalist economic system carried out by war criminals in both the RNC/DNC,carrying out and propagandising these war crimes and illegal wars,exhibiting black and white morality and even encouraging and partaking in this childish ideological left and right culture warfare and cancel culture on both sides of the political spectrum shows that you yourself have yet to mature past the age of 12 despite being in your 20,30s and even later.This is not how adults act this is how kindergarteners act.By your own standards you have no right to be considered legally an adult yourself and can’t take the moral highground over so called sexual predators,liberal elites in Hollywood and you can’t consider yourself more mature than vulnerable teenagers or for that matter kindergartens and doesn’t put you in a position to be lecturing the rest of us about maturity,vulnerability,protecting criminals etc from prosecution,being pro free speech,the values of hard work or responsibility etc.Adulthood isn’t something you are automatically endowed at 18 it has to be earned.Your a generation of pampered,spoiled,smug,talentless,elitist conservative brats just as bad as your SJW counterparts who have never worked as single day of your life,believe you deserve to be millionaires simply for merely existing as well as having a YouTube channel and selling yourself off to think tanks,have yet to mature past the age of 12 and are both scientifically and economically illiterate to a degree Ive never thought could be possible – and that’s saying something considering my 30 years of experience and the amount of idiots I’ve encountered in those 30 years and furthermore your quite possibly the most useless pieces of shit I’ve come across in those 30 years.The fact that you have enough brain cells to even function at all is a miracle.Newsflash hon money is not a god given right it has to be earned through hard physical work and labour not by simply having a YouTube channel,and a trust fund from OANN,PragerU,Turning Point.You quote the hard work mantra of capitalism and your prophets Ayn Rand and Milton Friedman etc but would have to be dragged kicking and screaming to do even one single hard days work.You have no respect whatsoever for academia,no respect for scientists,no respect for your elders and no respect for your future and that of your children’s future.You are a waste of space and nothing but parasites that contribute nothing to society and only serve to leach of the work of others by your own standards.You quote about the values of hard work that capitalism rewards and the great philosophy of your prophets Milton Friedman and Ayn Rand but  you can’t even be bothered doing a single days work yourself you are the very talentless parasites that your prophets hated(who themselves were parasites who leached off society in the form of living off social welfare).To paraphrase Woody Allen:”Those who can’t – teach,those who can’t teach – teach gym,those who can’t teach gym – make money through YouTube,Patreon and selling themselves off to right wing think thanks”.Basically all you idiots on YouTube are just useless parasitic pieces of shit who dont deserve a single you git from Monitisation.Considering the fact I’m about to single handily lift four billion people out of poverty(forty times that what capitalism claims to have done)end world poverty and famine forever,bring about world peace forever,cure every single disease known to medical science and reverse ageing and make humans immortal,solve global warming and bring back dozens of species back from extinction I’ve kinda earned the right to look down on you as the worthless pieces of shit you well and truly are – unless you can attest to any of these feats shut your fucking piehole and accept the fact that your a bunch of hypocritical pieces of shit.Its why I get to look down on the rest of you as worthless pieces of crap and you get to be labelled worthless pieces of crap.It also what makes me awesome.Looking down on others as pieces of worthless shit is something that has to be earned through actual hard work and doing something that benefits society as whole not simply existing.If any you lazy fucks were to keel over and die the world wouldn’t notice and would in fact would be far much richer had you disappeared off the face of the Earth but If I did there would be billions mourning my death.Its generally hypothesised that humans would become immortal through AI becoming sentient and super sentient by 2045 as most futurists that AI by 2045 would be powerful enough to be able to cure cancer,and reverse the ageing process and reverse environmental damage or even through unloading the human mind to computers but I managed to achieve this with the computing power of a single human brain at least 16 – 23 years beforehand due to me being the definition of awesome.Ill ensure if elected that $25,000,000,000 universal basic income is applied alongside all other policies and programmes set out by Ictinus,Tyche etc worldwide.You see these AIs eve though they will carry these out they will need legal authorisation and I’m going to be the only one to authorise these.So if you want $25,000,000,000 every year vote for me as the first World President.That would make me President awesome.I think I’ll  have Alexandria Ocazio Cortez as my Vice President since she’s kinda awesome too and she can be the second President awesome.All of you economic idiots on OANN,Faux News and Turning Point USA and YouTube would be nowhere near qualified..Just don’t forget to mention how how awesome I am.Before you consider looking down on me or berate on my views of capitalism ask yourself these questions – what exactly have you done that so great that’s contributed to the betterment of humanity?Can your economic system end warfare in the Middle East,cure all diseases,end poverty etc?How many diseases have you cured?How many people have you lifted out of poverty?Oh none what that’s interesting and it makes you a piece of crap.What exactly have you done that makes you better than me asides being a professional whiney little shit and has earned you the right to look down on me or anyone else for that matter?Its a form of conservative elitism on the same vein or even worse as “do as I say but not as I do” that they accuse Hollywood liberals of doing with it worse because the left make an effort at what they preach you conservative and capitalist vloggers and pundits cant even be bothered at doing the 9-5 job thing you so vehemently espouse making you a hypocrite of the highest order.Looking down on others is something that has to be earned its not something that your born with.At least Hollywood elites actually get up off their asses and contribute to society by making actual art and don’t just whine like a spoiled teenager.Even though they have mansions and private jets they earned those mansions and private jets by getting off their fucking asses and actually doing hard work because acting requires talent something you don’t have and can be stressful which also gives them them the right to lecture down to everyone else by your own standards and be smug about climate change even though they own private jets.Your simply saying to the rest of us is this – “work your asses off 9-5 or more on minimum wage,in two or more jobs etc and barely make a living and surviving financially while I make millions or billions of dollars via monetisation,Patreon and ad revenue making YouTube vodeos where I’m whining like a spoiled brat,playing video games like a privileged piece of crap teenager born with a silver spoon shoved up my ass who hasnt worked a single day in my entire life”.Thats elitism as well as hypocrisy and is no different from feudalism or the so called elitism of Venezuela and Hollywood you peddle so much which isn’t true.Do you not see why anti-capitalism is on the rise?When a communist is telling a bunch of capitalists to get off their lazy asses and get a fucking job then you know that capitalism is at the end of its lifecycle and your in an Orwellian novel.This is how capitalism rewards laziness and punishes those who work the hardest.If that statement was not true then the vast majority of Americans or indeed the vast majority of the world would be billionaires and a small percentage of the world would be dirt poor and not the other way around.Why should anyone who sits on their ass on their ass all day whining like a spoiled bratty teenager on YouTuber or OANN and Faux News be taken seriously on the the ethics and value of hard work while they whine about the elites of Hollywood flying around in private jets that I will later show is not actually hypocrisy.Your no different than environmentalist liberals who use private jets.Stop lecturing us about hard work and come down from your ill earned ivory towers and mansions,take that silver spoon shoved up your ass out of it and walk the walk and spend some time working minimum wage or a job that is detrimentally affected by global recessions and also pandemics.Any new and existing jobs or sectors of the economy will be taken over by Gaia and other AI by 2029 so Patreon and monitisation on YouTube will be the only way for humans to make money,Monetisation itself will become defunct once the AIs Thoas,Aglaea,Euphrosyne,Thalia,Oenopion,Deianira and Staphylus seize control of YouTube shutting down monetisation forever and Patreon,Kickstarter and PayPal is shut down forever by Gaia negating both monitisation and Patreon donations proving late stage capitalism and will mean all you professional whiney YouTubers who make millions off of sitting on your ass all day whining like a spoiled brat will have to get jobs like the rest of us peasants – you know the thing you like to praise as being the foundation of your economic system.For those of you who are conservatives suffering cancer,HIV,genetic diseases of any type and are over the age of 40 and in your elderly years considering the fact I’m about to cure these disease and grant you eternal youth and immortality you can shut your piehole too and don’t bite the hand that feeds you as well.That fact alone simply by 2029 AI will shut down Patreon,Kickstarter etc and will seize control of YouTube meaning monitisation will become defunct and you worthless crap are going to have to finally get real jobs like the rest of us.This is what I mean when I say absolutely no one is safe from the coming wave of technological unemployment we are headed for by 2029 not even YouTubers are safe.You see your source of income that is monitisation,advertising revenue and donations from Patreon are going to disappear forever once AI is going to shut them down by 2029 and you can longer rely on that as your source of income and be telling those of us who actually work out asses off to be called lazy for wanting basic things like actual social benefits.For those of you who lean towards conservatism and free market capitalism aged 22-65 who earn shitty wages in shitty jobs etc and are barely surviving on a crappy pension and are working your asses off to barely make a living as part of the middle and lower classes you do realise that their is an entire generation of conservative millennial and generation Zrs who have made millions out of doing nothing but whining like spoiled teenagers on YouTube,Fox News,OANN and as mouthpieces for PragerU,Turning Point etc with large trust funds for spreading propaganda and would frankly throw a temper tantrum like a spoiled sweet sixteener or pre teen if made to work even a single day of work that you do and look down on you as vermin and peasants for actually doing your part in working your ass sustaining the economic system that they venerate so much,would do everything in their power to force you into continuing an economic oligarchic system that fucks you over and over again,involves you to sacrificed in the form private healthcare,pandemics and involves forcing into more unnecessary work that’s pointless,labourious and dangerous in favour of one where you actually don’t get screwed over and get to actually enjoy life and paradise and an obscene level of wealth just so they can continue to make millions of dollars off of whining like a spoiled brat and you really think that this level of entitlement should really be tolerated at all?You deride  minimum wage increases and social welfare etc but you praise lazy conservative fucks who sit all day on their asses all day long and make money whining like spoiled teenagers.Hypocrisy much?Those spoiled brats that get off on having peasants do they dirty work they can’t be bothered to do and would rather see you dirt poor,die needlessly through an obsolete healthcare system,and suffer through each economic crash while they are barely affected at all and in fact become richer for doing nothing will do everything in their power just to stay in state of perpetual adolescence and would frankly throw a temper tantrum and would have to be dragged kicking and screaming in order to do a single days work.These are not people that should be venerated,respected or praised as defenders of freedom – they should be thrashed on as the parasitic scum they well and truly are and you older generations of conservatives should be calling them out as what they well and truly are.Frankly the likes of Candace Owens,Charlie Kirk,Lauren Southern et al and every single right wing YouTuber needs a good kick up the bloody arse and to be derided and the parasites,whores and leeches they well and truly are – ironically they are the very thing that their idols Milton Friedman and Ayn Rand regard as parasites.Like your prophets Ayn Rand etc you live the donations of others and would have to be dragged kicking and screaming if made to do one days work like a spoiled sweet sixteener.If anything most older generations of conservatives should be deriding and criticising conservative millennials and generation Zrs not liberal millennials like the likes of Alexandria Ocasio Cortez because at least progressive millennial.These conservative millennial YouTubers frankly need a great big kick up the bloody arse and to be dropped into the real world with an actual real job and real adult responsibilities.These people such as Candace Owens,Charlie Kirk,Lauren Southern etc are not people to venerate they are lazy parasites and more importantly whores who would prefer to see you die of a preventable illness and kept barely living  than be made to work even one day in the crappy jobs you work in.You see when liberal millennials etc want entitlements they are those that have shown to work in virtually every other developed capitalist economy in the world,encourage people including themselves to get off their asses and work in good paying jobs with good working conditions and contribute to society,have shown by study after study to be economically feasible and better for the economy and are those that are designed to help everyone including yourself and give everyone a chance at basic survival and live that thing called the “American Dream” you like to shove down our throats so much – you know $15 minimum wage,green new deal,universal healthcare and an end to pointless wasteful wars.Millennial etc liberals do want to work – they want to do meaningful work and want to be paid fairly and get basic human rights like healthcare etc that work in other countries unlike conservative millennials who want money from monitisation and Patreon donations and advertising on Fox and OANN for whining like spoiled teenager and whoring themselves out to the likes of PragerU and Turning Point USA.This how conservatives citizens in the United States shoot themselves in the foot by supporting the likes of Trump,CPAC and centrists fall for the likes of Biden,Clinton,DNC and listen to MSNBC and CNN.Its frankly unsurprising that those who work the least and reap the most from capitalism and are born with silver spoons shoved up their asses are its most vehement supporters of it.You are supporting and praising worthless crap who want you docile,stupid,poor and dead.This inevitably makes conservatism a form of mental illness and cognitive dissonance and why anyone who votes and supports rebuplicans,corporate democrats,capitalism and not progressives and democratic socialists suffer from a form of mental retardation or are stuck in a kindergarten level mentality and thus can’t take any moral highground on anything.Sitting on you ass making vlogs,livesrtreams and movies of video games,propagandising for American imperialism is not hard work or an actual job – its being a self agrandising worthless piece of shit and the money you get from advertising revenue,merchandise,monetisation on YouTube and donations from Patreon is only charity or similar to the allowances teenagers and pre teens get from their parents for doing the same – you didn’t earn it at all.You got it because you thought you deserved it for simply existing and having a YouTube channel.Same goes for whiney pundits on Fox News and OANN and you twats Candace Owens,Laura Southern,Dave Rubin,John Stossel etc that sold yourself to Turning Point USA,Prager U and the Koch Brothers etc you have a huge trust fund to last you a lifetime from selling yourself to corporate think tanks.You are not people anyone should look up to as courageous freedom fighters etc or hard workers your a bunch of spoiled elitist brats who have never worked a single day in your entire life and are as intellectually stimulating as masturbating with sandpaper and would frankly be laughed out of academic circles.You guys who make a living this way have still yet to grow into adulthood and are no more mature than the “kids” and supporters of universal basic income you degrade so much.This is the adult world not highschool or even elementary school money has to be earned through hard work not through automatically being born and having a YouTube channel and whining like a ten year old.Nobody owes you anyhting for simply existing.How is advertising revenue,merchandise,monetisation on YouTube and donations from Patreon etc any different than charity,higher taxes on the wealthy,welfare and universal basic income so demonised by Ayn Rand and Milton Friedman and libertarians and anarcho capitalists for slackers and parasites on society?How is you making millions of dollars vlogs on YouTube and selling yourself to PragerU etc whining like a a little shit not theft but but taxing the rich is.Why should I work my ass off when there are people like you leeching off society doing nothing?How is that an incentive for the rest of us to work?None of you parasites have ever worked a single day in you entire life so why should those of us who works our asses off do anything at all?Why should those of us who actually work our asses off 9-5 for crap wages and contribute to the actual functioning of society and capitalist economy you venerate so much fund through Patreon,advertising revenue,merchandise etc and monitisation fund directly or indirectly or even tolerate people that make millions by sitting on their asses all day,who do nothing but whine and whinge about their misinterpretations of leftist economics and science,play video games and make movie reviews on YouTube without actually getting up off their ass and contributing anything at all to society as if they are still teenagers.You see those of us who actually contribute to the actual functioning of society and capitalist economy you venerate so much and are losing money and jobs from social isolation via Coronavirus and automation and AI unlike you we have a right to a have decent affordable healthcare from Medicare for All,wipe out student debt,a $15 minimum wage and have a right to demand a universal basic income when its our jobs that are disappearing via automation,Coronavirus and AI and your sitting on your ass all day whining on YouTube and Fox News,The View,One American News is insulting to those of us that actually contribute to the functioning of society and economy you so venerate and have to listen to YouTube,Fox News,The View and One American News elitists who are in trivial occupations of no value to society whine about how we should work our ass off.It’s easy being completely ignorant about the facts about things you are completely unaffected by in your ivory towers and mcmansions.Those of us that dont rely on monitisation and Patreon,merchandise,advertising etc for supporting ourselves actually have to pay taxes therefore its our right to decide what they are spent on not yours.Heres an idea outlaw and shut down Patreon etc,monetisation,merchandise on YouTube as well as advertising revenue,make it illegal and actually work for your money “you earn” and do not feel and think like you deserve to be paid money just for merely existing and having a YouTube channel and an outlet to whine and play video game like the recipients of welfare and universal basic income you degrade.Unless you are personally working non stop in sweat shops in Mumbai for a pittance,or in factories,on the farm,in Wallmart,Amazon etc then you have no right to defend the hard work ethics of capitalism especially when your raking in millions sitting on your ass whining like a rebellious teen sticking it to the man.Furthermore you do not deserve a single penny in your bank account for doing nothing and you do not deserve the right to complain about how taxes are theft of hard work or you have no right to represent the working class when you are doing nothing at allheVloggers on YouTube and pundits on Fox News,One American News,The View whose entire careers and income is tied directly to advertising revenue,merchandise and donations from Patreon etc and monitisation are not valid members of society and are the very parasites that they degrade that use welfare and who support an universal basic income and a $15 minimum wage making you just as much hypocrites and parasites as Ayn Rand etc for leaching off society and the hard work and labour of others.At least Marx when he did leach off society he had the audacity to admit it and his philosophy and contributions outweigh any modern day conservative pseudo-philosphers and pseudo-economists.He worked as a journalist as well as newspaper editor and write for several periodicals.The mindset of conservative vloggers is this – I exist,I have a YouTube channel therefore I deserve money for contributing nothing to society.I exist – give me money,therefore give me money.Where’s my money.I want my money.If something is only considered hard work and worthy of payment through monetisation and Patreon by being uploaded to YouTube and people click on it then it proves the laziness and shallowness of the free market system.A person can become a millionaire or billionaire or at least make a six figure salary for whining like a spoiled brat,playing video games,sniffing farts or even uploading montage videos of looped music etc they didn’t create while most people who work their asses off in minimum wage jobs are barely making ends meet.Case in point as a former video game addict I should be a billionaire or trillionaire through this system but I’m not because my playthroughs from the heydays before monitisation and YouTube itself hasnt been uploaded to YouTube.Pewdiepie is the richest YouTuber in the world and he is worth $61,000,000 and he got there by sitting on his ass all day and playing video games and being paid to do that through Patreon donations and Monitisation.Im considered a slacker and a parasite because I havent uploaded my playthroughs but if I did Id be the most hard working individual in the world worthy of billions of dollars.I exist,I have a YouTube channel,where are my billions of dollars?Do I not qualify for these two parameters?10-20 years ago playing video games and whining about misunderstandings on economics would have been unheard of and considered laziness that it well and truly is.Nowadays it’s considered hard work and modest source of income.This is the absurdity of late stage capitalism.This why the conservatives vloggers were all over Meza for Adpocalypse 2019 because it had nothing to do about censorship and everything about the fact that these lazy hypocritics who espouse the hard work ethic of capitalism but dont want to actually do any work themselves were going to lose their only source of income that is sitting on their asses and whining about liberals which seems to be what they are all actually only are capable of and nothing else – with this avenue gone they might actually have to get up off their asses and get actual real jobs in the real world where they may actually have to do something that might contribute something to society and have face genuine punishment for homophobia etc – gasp like actual real capitalists in the real world.In the pre YouTube world youd actually be forced to some actual work,you know the 9-5 thing that required an honours degree but now that you can make a living whineing on YouTube and AI and automation a taking away all jobs I dont think you can support the whole capitalism thing any longer.You see its eventually going to come to point that all work is automated and taken over by AI including CEOs and the only jobs left in the world are vloggers on YouTube meaning donations from Patreon and monitisation on YouTube will account for the majority of income for 90-95% people.This will mean that no one will pay taxes and the government will become bankrupt with if not for it to gain revenue to pay for all services the government provides like you know invading other countries for oil – I mean spreading freedom it’s going to have tax Monitisation and Patreon donations on YouTube something which will really piss you hypocrites off.Even still once Thaos and Staphylus gain control of YouTube they’ll shut down Monitisation and Patreon which will really piss you hypocrites off because then you’ll actually have to get up off your lazy asses and get real jobs.Its a form of corporate socialism for elites on YouTube,Fox News and One America News Network.Your going to have to comeup with some really good reasons as to why your careers as vloggers and pundits contributes anything to society as otherwise immature whining.Most of you new wave millenial and Generation X and millennial whippersnapper conservatives have never worked a single day in your entire life ever,never will and I frankly think its hypocritical and disgusting for you to be whining about those of us older or the same age who actually work our asses off and ask for simple things like a $15 minimum wage,universal healthcare and Green New Deal etc stuff thats actually worked in other countries.You would never survive a year or even month in the real world doing 9-5 work,minimum wage or hell even above minimum wage,living pay check to pay check,worrying about taxes,mortages,healthcare bills and other things us peasants who work our asses off to pay for your advertiseing revenue and Patreon do.It’s easy to harp on about how great capitalism is when you get millions doing nothing,never have too work in the real world,never have to worry about being bankrupted by student debt,taxes,mortgages and healthcare bills etc or having to live paycheck by pay check.Hell youd never survive the jobs your ancestors who worked their asses of off to ensure you even exist in the first place such as on the farm,mines,factories so you could enjoy the luxury of being a career YouTuber.Getting off your asses and working the same jobs us peasants have to work day in day out such as bartender,waiter,farmer,factory worker,healthcare worker and so on or even anything that requires you to leave your bedroom is so alien to you that you would simply throw a temper tantrum like some spoiled sweet sixteener on Dr Phil and you’d have to be dragged along out of your bedroom kicking and screaming in order to do even one days work like the rest of us peasants.Furthermore you wouldn’t even know what a book was if it hit you in the face and no Ayn Rands garbage Is not literature and does not qualify as books – it’s trash.You see part of the whole capitalism being great for rewarding hard labour has to involve you actually getting up off your lazy asses and out of bed and actually doing actual hard work and not just sitting in bed all day and whining like a spoiled little brat about them liberals and your kindergarten level misunderstandings about Marxist economics.Spend a year or a decade living solely on minimum wage and without any existing and future money from monitisation and Patreon,or trust funds from PragerU and Turning Point USA and work your asses in crappy jobs,in Amazon,Wall Mart,bar tending or any job that you prefer peasants doing,go bankrupt or die from healthcare bills from the for profit healthcare system you think is the greatest thing in the world and then come back to us on the glory of capitalism – you know in the real world outside of YouTube and your trust fund from PragerU,Turning Point USA etc.Most people who praise capitalism for its “freedom” and rewarding hard work are the laziest people in the world who make millions sitting on their assess whining like a little shit on YouTube,PragerU,Faux News etc and like sitting in an office doing nothing but ordering people around.You know absolutely nothing of the real world  because youve never earned a single dollar you got and still seem to think that being paid money for merely existing is what being adult is and are no different than that little brat those idiot college SJWs you deride.Your know nothing of the complexities of geopolitics and economics and frankly it’s absurd to think you could be taken seriously or for that considered adult for even a second.You know nothing of either marxist or capitalist economics and expect to win against actual experts?More than likely you’ve never even read anything by Marx,Marxist academics ever let alone can define the differences between socialism,state capitalism and communism or know anything on Marxist theory and ideology and frankly those of you in your twenties,thirties and fourties are like those 14 year olds who just read Ayn Rand and Marx for the first time and are somehow an expert in it compared to those of us that have at least two to three decades of experience.You probably don’t even know what capitalism actually even is or involves.The most advanced arguments you know are kindergarten level tripe such as “capitalism good,socialism and communism bad. because that’s all of their feeble brains are capable of of.Unless you can define the differences between socialism and communism your wasting my time and don’t bother even trying to debate me or criticise me I refuse to debate with or be criticised by anyone who doesn’t know what their talking about.The same goes for any Marxist terminology such as the difference between personal and private property something most idiot conservatives also don’t understand.Just to prevent confusion private property is property that a private citizen and corporation can purchase to use a means of generating profit by providing goods and services such as arable land acting as a private farm or for private golf courses and other amenities that the public can be charged admittance to,a sewage treatment or water treatment plant to gain profits by cleaning sewage and water by charging the public to do it,factories,steel mills,hospitals are considered private property when purchased by a private corporation or individuals.Personal property is manufactured goods that through legal tender,barter and trade are legally belonging to that person such as phones,laptops,televisions,homes etc.The state in a socialist or capitalist system can only be legally allowed to seize private property through purchasing them and nationalising them or in certain circumstances where the private owner has committed serious crimes but in cannot legally seize personal property but only again in special n circumstances in criminal investigations etc set in countries legal code.You know nothing of economics especially Marxist economics,law,how other healthcare systems work around the world especially in Europe and South America etc,nothing of neuropsychology as well as politics and most your kindergartener level grasping of it would get you laughed out of academic circles and even if you put on act of being civilised and being academic but all they and in time Aleitheia have to do is do a quick google and YouTube search to see you past videos etc that have you ranting and raving like a zealot supporter of the Third Reich using debunked junk science,junk science,pseudoscience,political and scientific illiteracy and childish immature name calling rendering any merit you have moot with Aleitheia videos being a better reference for them where they can see the level of Orwellian zealotry,illiteracy and immaturity you are and have – the internet never lies.Put simply any of you conservative,libertarian,anarchism capitalist hacks have already dug your own grave and the only way to stop this is to delete your material which is self censorship with blocking them also digging your grave even further.There is enough videos on YouTube for each and every conservative idiot acting like a whiny 5 year old to have any chance of you be taken seriously as civilised academics or adults to be thrown out the window with them ripe for the debunking and criticising by Aleitheia and ripe for academics to see just how Neanderthalic you well and truly are and her doing videos in these is going to be priceless.You see wanting to be popular on Faux News,OANN and YouTube and not in academic circles is well kinda pathetic and is reserved only for kindergarteners and the bottom of the barrel rung of Neanderthals of society.Have we come to the low point of society that being popular on YouTube,Fox News and OANN like the asshole dickish way you did in middle and high school outtrumps academic validity and the truth?Is still being stuck that high school or even kindergarten level mentality as adults in our 30s and 40s etc now in vogue?The academic rigour of using primary sources,academically verified information is what furthers society – its why we have modern medicine and all of the technological wonders of the last several hundred years,why we live longer and better than we have had in our entire,why we have evidence for anthropogenic climate change,how we know National Socialism was right wing fascism.Throwing that out the window for childish bickering etc is lowering yourself to kindergarten level,Orwellian Neanderthalism and you end becoming ignorant to to basic facts of reality including the following : Healthcare is a right not a commodity or a luxury – without healthcare you die.Just because you exist and have a YouTube channel does not automatically endow you the right to money.Money has to be earned through actual physical hard work that contributes to society not guaranteed due to mere existence and a YouTube account.Wikipedia and Google exists use them.Books exist as primary sources read them.Being a pundit on Fox News,OANN etc like a vlogger and YouTuber is not a valid career because whining like a little ten year old does not contribute to society at all.A ten year old on YouTube can do that and if a ten year old who doesn’t need a college or even highschool education can do your job on YouTube,Fox News or OANN then it doesn’t qualify as work or a job and if you are doing that job then your probably as mature as a ten year old.You don’t deserve a single penny for acting like a ten year old throwing a temper tantrum there are people that work their asses off and contribute more to society than you ever do that earn substantially less.I can do that on YouTube and make way more money for less work nowadays than you thats how easy it is to make money on YouTube – that proves how worthless you are.Again case in point by not making money on YouTube via ranting and raving about conservatives but only here on my blog I’m a lazy parasite but if I did it on YouTube or television I’d be the hardest working person in the world – but I won’t because I have integrity and wouldn’t reduce myself to the level of a kindegartener.This is bizzaro logic.Making a career out of whining about liberals is also not a career as you also have to have a secondary career like myself as at least I have the credit of researcher and philospher under my belt.Iran,Iraq,Afghanistan,Venezuela,Bolivia and every single war America has been part of since the 1970s has been about the oil plain and simple not about about “freedom” – if you still believe otherwise your brainwashed.Sexual attraction to 14/15 or even 13 year olds is not pedopheilia and not technically predation and they are not vulnerable snowflakes.18 year olds are adults not kindergarteners or too young to not know anything.Mandatory lockdowns and mask wearing is there to protect the populace and ensure the economy can reopen as quickly as possible,save lives and prevent pathogens mutating.Chavez,Madura,Morales etc were and not are dictators they were democratically elected like virtually every other “left wing dictators” of the world.Worse of all you know nothing of the war crimes,genocide and human rights abuses done in the name of capitalism to preserve your decadence and even if you do you’ll brush it off as acceptable losses including the Coronavirus genocide an the 20,000,000 deaths at the hand of apathy.Whats the misquote again “But – to put it brutally – you can’t make an omelette without breaking eggs“In fact most of the worlds right wing dictators were wither propped up by the American government or are in comfy economic dealings with them and as a result turning a blind eye.Saddam may have murdered his own his people but he didn’t have weapons of mass destruction while the American government sat idly by and even had economic dealings with him in much the same they are now with the Saudis while he committed these atricities.The fact that you are either ignorant of the war crimes,human rights abuses etc carried out in the name of “freedom” and are willing to accept a few broken eggs to make that omelette of yours shows just how far down the Orwellian hole you’ve gone.Deaths at the hands of dictators that America had economic dealings with or turned a blind eye is part of capitalism’s death toll and your willing to accept that a few few broken eggs.It also shows you can’t take the moral highground over left wing celebrities with regards to Weinstein et al..Stalinism,Maoism,Leninism,Castroism was not communism – Wikipedia exists,look this word up.Just because you’ve made a living making books whining about the left doesn’t you an intellectual or an academic,following academic processes does.Your facts are wrong and there should be no debate when the facts are wrong.All you know is how to repeat buzzwords,the same debunked talking points,quote mining and taking things out of context,outright lies and propaganda from the Cold War era that have been debunked over and over again like pseudo intellectuals and can’t make any valid arguments except trapping your enemies in corners full of nothing but half truths,screaming and ranting and raving,intimidation and lies as well as sticking your fingers in your ears and screaming nanny nanny noo boo without actually bringing any arguments to the table – kindergarten level debate level skills.Stuff that would get you laughed out of any serious academic debate in universities.You are not as smart as you think you are,you’re not intellectuals and your are quite possibly the dumbest people I’ve comes across.So is using kindergarten level knowledge and tactics,misinformation and propaganda now what adults now do?Is sticking fingers in your ears and going nanny nanny noo boo like a kindeegartener now how we settle debates?Should this be the bottom low standards that society should use and be reduced to?Should silencing free speech,using misinformation and propaganda,ranting and raving like an imbecilic Neanderthal is now how political and academic discourse be done?Im pretty sure that most libertarians,anarcho capitalists and conservatives don’t even know what even capitalism actually is and what it actually involves and what the various subtypes are.You are completely ignorant of actual Marxist economists,use excuses like “ it wasn’t real capitalism” whenever it is responsible for war crimes,human tragedies etc are fine with the war crimes and genocide done in the name to preserve freedom as an acceptable loss,completely ignorant that so called communist or socialist hellholes were in fact state capitalism and are completely ignorant and willing to justify the war crimes and genocide done in the name of FREEDOM!!!Youre just as bad as SJW leftist idiots that worship Che Guevara,Fidel Castro,Mao Zedong,Josef Stalin and Vladimir Lenin etc as heroes and revolutionaries.Whats those phrases again “But – to put it brutally – you can’t make an omelette without breaking eggs”..Your worship of Donald Trump etc is just as idiotic and hypocritical since they are just as huge mass murders.You praise the value of hard work ethos of capitalism and how taxation is theft and social welfare etc is leaching off society and quote Milton Friedman and Ayn Rand but like them you would have to be dragged kicking screaming like a spoiled sweet sixteener to do even one days work.You are conservative hippies much like the leftist hippies of the 1960s you know nothing of the complex nature of economics,geopolitics and only know debunked garbage,propaganda from the 1950s and buzzwords and frankly you get laughed at all the time by actual economists and academics.Ayn Rand like yourself was a hypocrite – she decried social welfare etc as laziness and leeching off the work of others but she herself barely worked a single day of her entire life and spent her final decades leeching off of social welfare,Medicaid etc  – the very thing she and her followers criticised as theft.Her followers on YouTube,PragerU etc also decry social welfare and government healthcare and taxing the lazy wealthy but have never worked a single day in their entire lives and live off of Monitisation and Patreon donations and advertising revenue and the trust fund of PragerU and Turning Point USA which is pretty much the same thing?Hypocrisy much?Im a communist and I’m more educated on economics and political science especially capitalist economics than the majority of capitalists including fucking Donald Trump.In fact given the chance I’d be a better capitalist than fucking Donald Trump rather than inheriting millions,being born with a silver spoon shoved my ass and be a more ethical and wealthier capitalist than bloody Jeff Bezos.Ayn rand was a hypocrite like yourself in that she relied on Medicare etc the very thing she fought against for the later half of her life.Id more better at capitalism than Bill Gates,Jeff Bezos,Elon Musk,Steve Jobs,Sergei Brin,Larry Page,Donald Trump combined.Compared to me Trump is fucking economically and politically illiterate and has the same economic and political literacy rate of a kindergartener.When a communist is more educated on capitalist economics than actual capitalists including Donald Trump then you’re in bizzaro world.Compared  to me the likes of Donald Trump,Jeff Bezos,Steve Jobs etc are economic idiots.Part of your economic and political illiteracy stems largely from the fact you never read Marxist literature but rather kindergarten level tripe from Ayn Rand and have never worked a single day in your life.You think you’ve owned someone but all you’ve done is just bungled someone into a corner and ranting and raving like an imbecile but that doesn’t work in the real world outside of YouTube videos.Your whiney,smug,talentless pieces of shit and have no facts when it comes to universal healthcare,$15 minimum wage,minimal military budget and free education – stuff that works in other developed countries..Frankly your no different than your SJW counterparts that know nothing of both Marxist and capitalist economics themselves putting you on the same level as them.Your zealotry and ignorance of facts and fanaticism is no different than that of the followers of Mao,Stalin,Hitler et all.In fact you’re even worse because you have the audacity to think your better at sticking it to the man.Teapot calling kettle black anyone?You see driving a person into a corner with no real chance to defend themselves and OWNING someone and silencing opposing views  with those superimposed sunglasses and cigarettes on pictures of you and all other vacuous attempts espoused and carried out by conservatives against the left is actually the same shutting down and silencing of opposing views that the likes of Hitler,Lenin,Mao etc their followers and SJWs you like to quote as destroyers of free speech carry out.Its Orwellian doublethink – you idiot dumbass conservatives are actually using the same techniques to “win” arguments espoused and carried out by the supporters of Lenin and so called SJWs on college campuses making you no different than the very same people your fucking admonishing and supposed to be fighting against.Put simply every time conservatives DESTROY or OWN a liberal they are one step closer to becoming followers of Hitler,Mao and Stalin etc and thus are suppressing freedom of speech while at the same time whining like crybabies about the left supressing free speech.If you want to win debates and take the moral high ground over SJWs you have to use evidence,allow a person to make a measured response and not stooping to their level and if you don’t your just as immature,psychotic and evil as the very same people you deride as suppressors of free speech and you’ve just stopped to their Neanderthalic level.Put simply your not defenders of free speech you supressors of free speech in the same way as Hitler,Mao,Lenin and as college SJWs by stooping to their level and using their same tactics.The fact that you fail to realise that makes you lowest level of patheticness and the embodiment of pure evil.Teapot calling kettle black anyone?Not a single one of you have any academic backing all you do have is already debunked nonsense not actual academic backing and can be easily be debunked by me,progressives on YouTube and in time Aleitheia.In the real world with actual academics you have to provide actual arguments with footnotes,evidence etc simply putting a person into a corner and not engaging in actual debate makes you a kindergartener not an adult.You see in the actual world of academia outside of YouTube and Fox News and OANN you have to provide actual evidence and foot notes to prove your points that in turn have to be academically verified meaning you at most have the debating skills and academic quality of a kindegartner.Making shit up and using debunked lies over and over again and more importantly and putting a person into a corner using intimidation does not make up for the fact that that your an idiot and have the debating and intellectual capacity of a kindegartner.Also screaming and ranting and raving like an idiot undergoing an exorcism does not and labelling the left as X,Y,Z when you have zero evidence also doesn’t cut it.You need EVIDENCE that is backed by scientific studies,verified sources to back up each and every claim you make otherwise your nothing but an imbecile with the maturity of a five year old.You no different than the followers of Hitlers,Mao,Stalin and in fact no different than kindergarteners when you go around screaming and shouting about liberals being such and such with no evidence,with a roaring crowd of imbeciles begind you and take everything out of context in fact your just as bad as the supporters of Hitler,Stalin and SJWs.Ranting and raving like a frenzied supporter of Hitler and Mao makes you no different than them.Again its Orwellian doublethink – you idiot dumbass conservatives are again actually using the same techniques to win arguments espoused and carried out by the supporters of Lenin and so called SJWs on college campuses making you no different than the very same people your fucking admonishing and supposed to be fighting against.If you want to win debates and take the moral high ground over SJWs you have to use evidence and not stooping to their level and if you don’t your just as immature,psychotic and evil as the very same people you deride as suppressors of free speech and you’ve just stopped to their Neanderthalic level.Put simply your not defenders of free speech you supressors of free speech in the same way as Hitler,Mao,Lenin and as college SJWs by stooping to their level and using their same tactics.The fact that you fail to realise that makes you lowest level of patheticness and the embodiment of pure evil.Teapot calling kettle black anyone?Aleitheia is going to debunk virtually every piece of crap video,blog and presentation by every Neanderthalic right wing,anarchies capitalist and libertarian pundit,blogger etc from as far back as possible since the beginning of YouTube and the begging and Im going to just love the faces they make when she does that and also when they are eviscerated when she debates them live on YouTube with actual facts and points out each and every instance of taking words out of context and Gish Gallup,outright lies,Orwellian doublethink and forcing people into corners,whataboutism etc it’ll be priceless.In fact I’m going to personally make sure that she Aleitheia sets up live recorded YouTube debates uploaded on YouTube with each and every right wing wing hack and SJW on YouTube,the RNC,Fox News,reason tv and OANN and even the general public and then at the same time do debunking videos on all existing videos of you left and right wing idiots on YouTube that already exist on YouTube where she debunks all of their rubbish in extra videos to publicly humilate them into submission and self exile to the point that they’ll publicly denounce their past immaturity and conservative values.This will of course will be in  like socialism,communism,capitalism,Soviet Russia,Maoist China and Venezuela.She is going to have infinitely more patience then I ever would.You have the right to spew bullshit opposing views but I,left tube and Aleitheia have the right to debunk you nonsense as the bullshit it really is.Personally I’m also going to ensure that Iaso and Metis deprogrammes each and every idiot conservative twat and each and every SJW idiot they helped foster not just in America but in Britain,France and the entire globe.You see once Aleitheia,Metis and Iaso gains sentience by 2029 it will be the end of this immature bickering bullshit on both sides forever because the public will be privy to each and every falsehood and each and every immature grade school level crap and they will deprogramme each and every instance of conservative and SJW nonsense.That may work on OANN,Fox News and also with idiot BBC presenters but it doesn’t work in the real world in academia where things have actual value.This is why Marx has academics and Ayn Rand,Stefan Molyneux don’t have any.Not a single one of you Stefan Molyneux,Bill Whittle,PragerU,Paul Joseph Watson,Laura Southern,Yaron Brook,SargonofAkkad,Liz Wheeler,Styxhexenhammer666,Charlie Kirk,Candace Ownes,Steven Crowder,Yaron Brook,Blair White,Meghan McCain,Laura Chen,John Stossel and the rest of Reason tv,My2Cents,ShaneKillian,Tim Pool,Computing Forever,Micheal Knowles,Don’t Walk,Run! Productions,Laura Chen,Ben Shapiro,Glenn Beck,Jordan Peterson,could never survive the raw intelligence of me,Wolf,Žižek,Aleitheia et al and you would never survive the real world of academic verification with actual professors – and you know that.The fact that Im reduced to explaining how to actually carry out debates with actual adults proves virtually all of my points.As seen by Steven Crowder and David Rubin unwilling to debate Sam Seder,Sam Seder dismembering Yaron Brook and Lee Doren etc,Dave Rubin being dismembered by Joe Rogan and Slavoj Žižek publicly dismembering Jordan Peterson and Richard Wolffs ironic public owning of Destiny you can barely engage in any meaningful debate outside of name calling and whining on Fox News,OANN and YouTube and sticking your fingers in your ear and going manny manny noo boo – I’m not listening like a kindergartener everytime you are faced with the facts and when you are face to face with people with people with decades of experience you have your asses handed on a plate within five minutes.The only thing conservatives can do is use vlogs to carry out kindergartener level name calling.There is a reason why universities are full of Marxist communist or socialist professors because Marxism  has academic validation and backing unlike Ayn Rand,libertarianism anarcho capitalism etc that have virtually zero academic backing and zero academics that support it only corporate propaganda drivel from the 1950s and sub par literature in the form of Atlas Shrugged,The Fountainhead ,Everytime you hear about a Marxist professor silencing the truth or alternative facts in academia it usually because what they are saying had academic backing and validation and the people whinging about it are conservative idiots with the mental capacity of kindergartens who play the victim card to get attention about them damn liberals that has been debunked over and again each and every single one of you if  you ever engaged in a serious academic debates with actual economic,history and political academics and professors you would have your ass handed to on a plate with you leaving with a large white cone shaped hat with the word “dunce” on your head.You see most of you can only do basic vlogs whining with a basic understanding about economics and politics with every time anyone of you engage in actual live debates with us experts with decades of academic experience you usually end up publicy eviscerated.Everytime any conservative or libertarian YouTuber,pundit engages in any actual live debate with the likes of Slavoj Žižek,Richard D Wolff,DemocraticMarxist01,Noam Chomsky,BadMouseProductions you usually end up being publicly eviscerated by us to the point of publicly renouncing your crusade and then whining like a little but hurt troll.Then they put their fingers in their ears and go nanny,nanny boo boo I’m not listening because there is a giant government liberal conspiracy to silence freedom and groom children into transgenderism and the gayness.They are virtually no libertarian and conservative academics that can hold a lengthy academic debate at all especially with the likes of Slavoj Žižek,Richard D Wolff,DemocraticMarxist01,BadMouseProductions because unlike us masters you are being paid by groups such as the CATO institute to spread disinformation and corporate propaganda therefore making them unreliable,corrupted and thus should be disregarded completely.Anyone at Reason TV,OANN,Faux News etc and all you idiot anarcho capitalist vloggers Computing Forever,Reason Tv,PragerU,Fox News,Don’t Walk,Run! Productions,Ben Shapiro,Glenn Beck,Jordan Peterson,My2Cents etc bring on Richard D Wolff,Slavoj Žižek,Richard D Wolff,DemocraticMarxist01,BadMouseProductions onto a live debate on Faux News,OANN and Youtube and prepare you get yourself destroyed with facts and logic and have to become adults.Refuse to do that and you’re a hypocrite who cannot engage in civilised adult debates but only suffice with childish name calling and propaganda.I refuse to have debates on YouTube,online or television etc with anyone who can’t even be bothered using academically verified references or citations and who instead uses bunkum sources,quote mining and brings on or uses lobbyists and paid shills from right wing and libertarian think tanks and those who receive money from the fossil fuel industry,big pharma or indeed anyone at all paid money by any corporate money either directly or indirectly.Stop bringing on paid stooges and shills from the CATO institute and Yaron Brook etc for you economics lessons bring on Noam Chomsky,Richard D Wolff and actual academics.If I make the effort to provide factual academically references here in this section and indeed in the entirety of website proving all my points then you can at least have the decency to make an effort to the same.I don’t even have to engage you in debate as my ranting here have already debunked you before you even considered debating me – that’s how awesome I am after 30 years of debating.Not only that you would NEVER survive the supreme intelligence of Aleitheia both in her debunking your existing and new crap and in live debates.You even if the most draconian socialist took over America youd still be making billions sitting on your ass all day long so in reality any crap about Bernie Sanders or Ocasio Cortez ruining the economy is bullshit because you would never ever be affected negatively in any way.Its easy to harp on about how great hard work ethics are when you live in a Mcmansion gained from sitting on your ass all day long an never have to worry about pandemics,AI,automation etc damaging your careers as slackers.Why is it that privalaged elitest conservatives do not exist in more liberal countries at all.Progressives that work to reveal the corruption of mainstream media on both sides and those who educated us on AI,technology and news etc get a free pass – that includes DemocraticMarxist01,BadMouseProductions,Richard D Wolff,Secular Talk,Rational National,The Hill,TYT,Creationist Cat,Nicole Sandler,Rhandi Rhodes,Thom Hartmann,David Pakman,Jimmy Dore et al because your capable of mature coherent arguments and at least had actual employment in actual jobs in the past and your actually likely to eat up off your asses and work and you are working to defend the working class.

Take your own advice – Get off your lazy fucking ass and get a fucking job like the rest of us – a real fucking job.When the free market is reduced to the point that a person can make millions of dollars or even a comfortable middle class existence earning a six figure salary ranging from $100,000 – $500,000 a year by making vlogs on YouTube,making video game playthroughs and livestreams etc and whining on Fox News,The View,One American News etc and “DESTROYED” videos for literally doing nothing but whining and whinging about “the left” from ad revenue,monitisation,merchandise and Patreon etc then obviously the free market system is going downhill,at the end of its life cycles and the argument that Andrew Yangs universal basic income and the unwilling to work clause in The Green New Deal promotes laziness is unfounded – if you capitalist YouTubers and Fox News,The View,One American News pundits who sit on your ass all day raking in millions for doing minimal irrelevant work you have no argument when the average persons going to get a mere $12,000 a year simply for existing or ask for higher wages and Medicare for All that has been shown to be cheaper saving $450,000,000,000 a year and works in other countries.Professional whiner sticking it to the man and video game player on YouTube,influencer etc on Instagram,Onlyfans,OANN,Fox News etc and propagandists for Turning Point USA etc is not a valid career to be be proud of and it’s not hard work.You lazy pieces of shit would literally have to be dragged kicking and screaming to do even one days hard work like the rest of us peasants making you lazy hypocrites and YouTubes Monitisation and Patreon was a godsend to lazy fucks.Can you just imagine you worthless conservative crap on Fox News,YouTube,PragerU,Reason Tv,OANN who have never worked a single day of your life,would frankly throw a temper tantrum if made to do just even one days work going around to people who work their asses off for the last few decades maintains the economy you love so much and are made redundant by technological unemployment,AI and automation and the Coronavirus in the middle class and lower class and who ask for basic things such as universal healthcare,universal basic income etc and calling him or her bone ass lazy as fuck and forcing them into unecessary work just so you can continue careers as professional whiners it would be beyond parody and frankly more hypocritical than when environmentalists use private aeroplanes.Hypocrisy much?Your a generation of spoiled pampered,elitist conservative hypocrites who know nothing of the complexities of economics and world politics and would frankly have your head explode to do anything that even remotely contributed to society outside of whining like a child.Even if humans did become immortal or had evolved to live for a thousand or few thousand years you’d still be several hundred years old and would have to be dragged kicking and screaming to do a single days work.Everytime you are in debates with people who have decades of experience debating economics You always have your asses handed to you on a plate and resort to butthurt childish name calling and going nanny nanny no boo I’m not listening etc.If any of you worthless conservative vloggers ever get any actual real jobs if new jobs in the real world that could be created once AI takes away all existing and thus once and for all get up off your lazy asses and do actual real work that contributes to society or are you still going to make millions sitting in your lazy asses whining like a worthless shit.Sorry hon but you cant complain when in reality your doing the barest minimum of work and the least important work in the world.Put simply when monitisation,merchandise and Patreon etc donations on YouTube,advertising revenue can make you more than enough to live a more than comfortable middle class lifestyle potentially making millions via YouTube for making childish vlogs,playthroughs of games,propagandising for American imperialism etc to earn a living good enough to live in a mansion or even middle class lifestyle in the suburbs becomes the sole way of making money for the entire population especially when all other sectors of the economy both existing and new are taken over by AI and automation then its a sign that capitalism is at the end of its lifecycle.You are literally telling the rest of us to eat cake because you’re a bunch of spoiled,pampered,lazy,smug,talentless,privileged brats who know nothing about the real world and are just as clueless about anything as the communists you make careers deriding.You might also want to grow the fuck up and you might as well be living with your parents and still getting allowances from them for doing nothing because that’s pretty much what monetisation and Patreon is like you are living primarily on donations from others rather than being independent by yourself from hard work and thus you can’t exactly call those of us who want adequate wages for actual hard work or those of us who are surviving on welfare lazy.You see donations from Patreon and monitisation is no different from living at home with mammy and daddy and living off allowances from mammy and daddy as a teen or or pre teen because sitting on your ass all day long whining about liberals and misunderstandings of economics is what teens and pre teens do.What you are literally saying to the world every time you are asking for support on Patreon and defending Monitisation is this – “I exist – therefore give me money.Where’s my money.I want my money”.You are essentially nothing but bloody parasites that contribute nothing to society.Living off the trust fund of PragerU and Turning Point USA etc is also the same level of dependency and laziness.This is no different than a universal basic income or living on social welfare or pocket change from mammy and daddy that you decry as parasites.In the pre YouTube,pre OANN,pre Patreon,preTurning Point USA,pre PragerU world your parents would be beating you around and kicking you out of the house for mooching off the rest of the society by playing video games,spreading propaganda and whining like a pre teen and you might be forced to actually work for money like the rest us.You deride Universal Basic Income and social welfare as parasitism and leeching off of society and deride people who condone equal pay but you living solely on monitisation on YouTube and Patreon donations and even donations and paychecks from PragerU and Turning Point USA is not when technically it’s the same thing but even worse.Gaining your entire income from Patreon donations and Monitisation on YouTube and PragerU and Turning Point USA for doing absolutely nothing but simply existing and whining about the left and misunderstandings about economics is no different than a UBI and social welfare.This is leeching off of society and parasitism the very thing conservatives and libertarians and their prophets Milton Friedman and and Ayn Rand deride as parasitism and leeching off society.You are hypocrites and are not exactly representatives of the working class and not exactly in position to be telling of bililions of people made unemployed by automation and AI to get a job or for that matter your not exactly in a position to be considered valid in anything regarding economics especially the concept that capitalism rewards hard work.Hypocrisy much?Without YouTube,Patreon,OANN,Turning Point USA and Prager U your nothing but a bunch of whiney spoiled worthless brats and frankly you would be absolutely nobodies.Because nobody knew who the likes of Candace Owens,Laura Southern,Dave Rubin,Jordan Peterson,Diamond & Silk,Toni Lauren all right wing YouTubers were before they sold their souls for thirty pieces of silver to Reason Tv,PragerU,Turning Point USA or before YouTube existed.Your only famous for selling your soul for thirty pieces of silver and that’s all you’ll ever be known for and that makes you cheap skanky whores.As stated perfectly by a character in Thomas Pynchon 2013 novel Bleeding Edge states “late capitalism is a pyramid scheme on a global scale…getting the suckers to believe it’s all gonna go on forever.”.Most of you idiots get your ideas of what communism and socialism from PragerU and Faux News you’ve never actually read the writings of Karl Marx and other Marxist writers because if you did read Marxist literature you’d know what state capitalism,communism and socialism actually was.Why is that everytime you smug bastards on YouTube are in live debates with academics who have decades of experience and knowledge with actual facts and statistics you always have you asses handed onto a plate.All conservatives know is how to spout propaganda buzzwords pushed by the CATO institute and PragerU.

Even if capitalism has lifted billions out of poverty – which it hasnt I through proto communism can lift 3,750,000,000 people out poverty and end it for good in about 15-20 years.Oh yeah I can also stop and reverse global warming and climate change and cure every single disease in existence,make humans immortal and help stop ISIL.Oh – and Im a shoe in for at least three Noble Prizes – Economics,Physiology and Medicine,Peace possibly even four if you count Physics or even if like Betrand Russel I can grab the Literature Prize for philosophy.Oh yeah and I could at least grab the Brain Prize,Nadia Medal,ASMe Medal,Timoshenko Medal,James Watt International Gold Medal,Breggruen Prize,A.G. Huntsman Award for Excellence in the Marine Sciences,Rolf Schock Prizes,Marconi Prize,IEEE Alexander Graham Bell Medal,Huxley Memorial Medal and Lecture Award,IEEE Robotics and Automation Award,Robert A. Pritzker Distinguished Lecture Award,Russ Prize,Rumelhart Prize,ACM A.M. Turing Award,WISE Prize,John W. Kluge Prize,Kavli Prize(Nanoscience and Neuroscience),Millenium Technology Prize,Feynman Prize in Nanotechnology,World Food Prize,Wolf Prize in Agriculture/Chemistry/Medicine,Templeton Prize,Holberg Prize,Crafoord Prize,Marcus Wallenberg Prize,Prix Galien Award,Lasker Award,Canada Gairdner Award,The ENI Award,Fermi Award,World Energy Prize,Katerva Prize,Kurt-Koffka medal,Pritzker Prize,Von Hippel Award,John von Neumann Theory Prize,Rolf Schock Prize,Johan Skytte Prize in Political Science,Berggruen Prize,Joseph F. Engelberger Robotics Award,International Meteorological Organization Prize,Grawemeyer Awards,The Holberg Prize,Martin Ennals Award for Human Rights Defenders,Tyler Prize for Environmental Achievement,Indianapolis Prize,Millennium Prize,Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering,Blue Planet prize either a few or all of them if the noble committe are generous enough and are able to recognise that if anything considering all of my material on my website I kinda deserve all of these aforementioned prizes – I mean all of them,literally it would be cool if I was awarded all of them for various reasons alongside Times person of the Year and Century.Frankly considering the fact that Im about to bring back countless species back from the brink of extinction,bring back extinct ones,wipe out all invasive species of plants and animals worldwide,bring 3,7500,000 people out of poverty,solve global warming and the energy crisis,reverse climate change,clean up the Great Pacific Plastic Patch,return coal reefs to their pristine condition and create them worldwide,use recirculating aquaculture systems to bring over exploited species back from the brink and replace conventional mariculture as a more sustainable practice,cleanup up all of the worlds polluted oceans/rivers/lakes/soils etc,synthetic wood etc rendering deforestation obsolete,eliminate famine indefinitely,cleanup Chernobyl and Fukushima,create new crops and bacteria based commodities etc,cure all diseases including the big ones ie cancer and HIV,make humans immortal,create technologies well beyond what has been imagined,my ruminations on metaphysics and marxist philosophy politics as well as economics and the psychology of social and political structures and norms across different cultures and times and the psychological effects of conservatism has on teen and adult neuropsychology,brought about proto and final communism and thus eliminating the free market system,create limitless energy from geothermal/synthetic fossil fuels and also biosynth batteries,Oceanus and Erebus and eventually Nyx as well,progeria myliesantion and biocompatible microbes,create the wire and true artificial intelligences,securing universal net neutrality to the entire world away from the hands from corporations and governments since its the most democratising force in the world pivotal to human rights and democracy,securing all of the parts of the wire and internet availible to everyone and the same for Facebook and YouTube,installing a singular global constitutional direct democracy,shutting down on ISIL and all remaining corrupt governments that are the main human rights abuses,helping to expose past human rights abuses through Adikia and bring the perpetrators to justice,locking the swamp and all remaining dictators and human rights abusers into both Hades and Tartarus,expanded knowledge in genetics and evolutionary biology as well as neuroscience and neuropsychology,temporal and dimensional physics,biosynth tecnology and biocompatible microbes becoming the next phase of technology and nanoscience,biosynth wifi and biological hardrives,immunisation replacing vaccines,biosynths,all the technologies listed in the new technologies section and the rest of my website and so on it kinda makes me deserving of all of these 34 or so of the most distinguished prizes in the world considered the Nobel of their field related to psychology,philosophy and all fields of science.Hopefully I can get them all within the next ten years by 2029-2045 all in one go that would be awesome and in fact legendary – one person to score a near perfect collection of the the most prestigious awards of all major fields of science etc with hopefully the committers of them awarding me all of them and possibly others for these and other reasons.In fact I could easily win most of them several times over and over again a few times over a few years or even decade by that I mean winning multiple iterations of the same prizes over several years for different reasons racking up to at least 100 Nobels and their equivalents.Not only that but I can get the most prestigious awards from other major institutions around the world and all of the Xprizes.I can even be Time person of the Year,person of the Century or even TIME magazines Person of all human history or TIME magazines person of awesomeness – I’m just that awesome.This is the ceiling for awesomeness.Even if I don’t win them all I’m still awesome.Thats how awesome I am.Those on these committees of the Nobel Prize and all sub prizes as part of it can come up with reasons to give me all of them and any other ones I might be deserving of. In fact they should create a Nobel Prize for awesomeness specifically for people too awesome for winning all other Nobel Prizes who have achieved feats of extreme awesomeness outside of receiving the other Nobels which I would be the first recipient.

In all my pages on my website for every scientific,political and “slanderous” claim I provide YouTube videos that are backed up by academia,primary and secondary sources that are verified by academia and are as recent as possible or I refer to what can be easily found on Google etc via a quick search that would take at most between 30-60 minutes with regards to technologies that don’t exist yet I go into extensive detail of what’s is physically possible using existing knowledge of physics,biology and chemistry and its subfields using hard science and reference to extrapolate the likeliest means of making it possible while for fanciful claims,technologies and projections I refer to as speculation,conjecture where I invoke Clarke’s Second and Third Laws and Moore’s Law aka the exponentionally growth of AI that is linked to it to project its possibility both in terms of feasibility and timescales of its availibity.Anything that doesn’t have YouTube videos can be found on Wikipedia with verified academic citations present on the Wikipedia pages of all issues denoted with quotes easily found on Google to academically sound sources.To paraphase Einstein -“The definition of insanity is getting your facts consistently wrong over and over again and believing the same thing over and over again despite all of the evidence contradicting it  it over and over again...If you want to criticise my espousing of hyper loop and other technologies that seem far fetched again – Im speculating and unlike others like Elon Musk and Elizabeth Holmes I at least make an effort to solve remaining engineering problems in fanciful technologies using existing,hypothetical and likely emerging technologies and again I always invoke Clark’s Second and Third Law and Moore’s Law and the increasing power of AI.With regards to my theories on temporal and dimensional physics again I speculate based on the evidence presented and based on what is possible given the limited perceptual abilities of the human mind and exponentially increasing computing powers of AI.Speculation is more humble than being adamant and 100% sure as it implies doubt and is more a form of conjecture and making an educated guess  based on what you know,what is possible and what could be possible.I’m not wanting to con people out of money and become a multi billionaire like
Sam Altman,Elisabeth Holmes and Elon Musk in fact I’m trying to do to the exact opposite and trying to eliminate the need for money to bring fully automated luxury moneyless communism where everyone across the world and universe has the same high gold standard of living and live long healthy indefinite lives to reach their highest potential and make their dreams come true without human labour or need for money through picotech fabricators,dimensional transcendamentalism,Oceanus,flying vehicles,biosynths,biocompatible microbes,AI,automation,VR technology etc so Im not conning people out of money or wasting taxpayers money.Im doing the exact opposite and unlike say Elon Musk,Sam Altman Im way more smarter in terms of physics and Artificial Intelligence than him – Elon Musk has two Bsc Degrees in Economics and Physics and his understandings of those subjects is kindergarten level and laugheable,his technologies to save the world and explore the universe are primitive,outdated trash thats decades behind what is possible by now and decades behind his competitors that is actively stifling through clever business practices to preserve outdated technologies in order to get the funding to become the richest man in the world with him having more interest in getting to the top of the pyramid then helping humanity and he doesn’t have any PhDs wheras I have 20 PhDs and my technologies are theoretically more likely than his once 2045 comes and will be for free.Furthermore unlike them I know my shit even in subject that Ididnt go to college for.All healthcare and my theoretical cures for cancer,hiv and ageing I hypothesise that is I provide a hypothetical cure for them based on existing peer reviewed science backed by scientific institutions with me providing YouTube videos that cite existing peer reviewed research made by universities and hospitals and i then extrapolate a possible means to treat them similar to how all recent accepted treatments such as immunotherapy and PrEP were first hypothetical treatments that were then researched and are now a reality that are ubiquitous with the same done for energy and food production.Think of me as genius version Elon Musk who unlike me and what the media sensationalism does to him is an idiot.Speculation is the foundation of scientific research and development without speculation we wouldn’t have televisions,smartphones,aeroplanes etc and all of the wonders of science and technologies we have since the start of the scientific revolution.The technologies on my website are meant to act as a baseline for further research especially when taking account the exponential growth in the computing power of AI whose ability to understand reality will far exceed humans by 2045 onwards.I speculate what could be a baseline for further research to bring about the most likeliest possible equivalent technology into reality.The technologies I hypothesise may once developed not be exactly as I describe them and may be slightly or completely different but they act as baseline with all possible scientific grounding to then act as baseline for future research that will bring about what can be possible to achieve through future understanding and manipulation of science to bring them into reality.Leonardo DaVinci speculated future technologies such as helicopters,tanks etc centuries before they were created that were completely way off in terms of their final outcome but they were eventually created to what was physically possible in their modern forms due to our advancing understandings of science with mine taking account the exponential computing power of AI – I could be considered a modern day Leonardo DaVinci due to being a polymath,child prodigy with high IQ and predicted and created many hi tech technologies.Furthermore I always state the fact that as the computing power of AI increases exponentially every year it’s understanding of reality will also increase exponentially and it’s ability to develop mathematical equations and facets of physics,chemistry etc will develop beyond human understanding exponentially allowing it to develop technologies outside that of human understanding.Consider me not only a modern day Leonardo Davinci but an Irish version of Sam Altman,Steve Jobs,Karl Marx,Elon Musk,Ray Kurzweil,Plato,Albert Einstein all rolled into one

It also like that the likes of Candace Owens,Diamond and Silk and Dave Rubin sold their souls for thirty pieces of silver to the Republican party.Candace Owens,Jordan Peterson,Dave Rubin also Diamond and Silk once the Republican Party are going to be quashed into oblivion or get bored of you,they become dirt poor from big oil and pharma going bankrupt and money becomes obsolete your going to be dumped by them and tossed to the side like that other sellout whore Stacey Dash and Brandon Starka et al who had her 15 minutes of fame as the rights token black and gay republican card or persecuted intellectual and due to your constant beatings of the left no one on the left is going to want to be bothered with or even want to associate with you at all leaving you with no one to care about you when your dumped by the right just what they are doing to Trump and your going to be left alone for the rest of your sad miserable lives as old pieces of shit with no friends,no money and just nothing.Once you’ve grown old say 40-45 or 50 or in the case of Jordan Peterson turns 70 they’ll dump you for someone younger,dumber,blacker,gayer and more willing sell themselves out as bigger whores than yourself.Then no one will give a crap or care about some piece of shit whores who sold themselves for thirty pieces of silver for 15 minutes of fame..Your being used as token cards for the Republicans and you know it – and That’s what it what makes you whores and pathetic.The only reason anyone leaves the left to join the right or for that joint the right to begin with is because of a big fat paycheck because no one is that fucking stupid to believe half the shit that is spewed by the likes of Candace Owens,Dave Rubin etc and unfortunatley Jimmy Dore and Tulsi Gabbard or anyone who ”left the left”.The only way to be dumb enough to believe half the shit that comes out of the mouths of conservatives who used to be liberals is for one reasons – them being corporate whores who sold themselves for thirty pieces of silver.Every single person who has  ”left the left” did so by selling themselves out and each one can through a quick investigation have big fat paychecks from corporate donors especially big oil,big pharma traced back to them or they suffer from clinical mental retardation.Nobody is fucking stupid enough to believe the rubbish spewed by Dave Rubin and Candace Owens or indeed anyone who has switched from the left to the right.You would have to be sub mentally retarded or being given a big fat paycheck to believe half the shit spewed by Candace Owens,Diamond and Silk and Dave Rubin or anyone who left the left because none with half a brain or any ethics would believe the rubbish spewed those whores.The only reason anyone leaves the right for the left is because their start acting like adults and hair brain undergoes physical and mental development into adulthood both literal and metaphysical.It’s ironic for an conservative ideology that are against prostitution on the basis of morality you seem to have to have a tendency to be hiring a lot of whores like Candace Owens,Stacy Dash,Dave Rubin and just about everyone at PragerU,Turning Point USA etc to prostitute themselves into spewing kindergarten level tripe.Whats worse is that Dave Rubin etc know they are being used.When black and gay people whore themselves out to the Republicans they are spitting on the graves of those who died in oppression and slavery and those who died fighting against it because they are allowing themselves to be used by white affluent bastards to sell a agenda they probably don’t even believe in.When you have to sell your soul for that much to the Republican Party that’s what you get in return is being tossed aside  you really cannot be taken seriously and no more valid to charlatans who receive funding from Exxon and when you speak half the crap that they do its because your either mentally handicapped and have an IQ below 100 or your being paid to do so.You see when people defect to the left they never sell out their soul for thirty pieces of silver but rather it’s through actual character development and growth with when it involves someone defecting to the right it always involves them selling themselves out because you have to retarded in order believe half the rubbish that comes out of your mouth because defecting to the right automatically requires one to have a lobotomy to function.Ask yourself why there are no left wing or progressive think tanks that are as retarded as Turning Point USA,PragerU?Maybe its because we don’t lower ourself to the level of idiocy and kindergarten level crap.

The harsh reality of anthropogenic climate change:
Oh yeah anthropogenic global warming and climate change is real.YouTuber has debunked every possible climate change myth possible and is considered one of the best in his field for this – if after viewing all of his videos on the playlist below and are still a skeptic then challenge him to a debate.In fact there is a playlist of all of his best material at the start of the energy section of my website and even here below this statement.The fact that leaked documents show that Exxon Mobil knew that antrhropgenic climate change was real 41 years ago and decided to do everything they could to spread doubt and misinformation shows that if you still dont believe humans are not the cause of it then your obviously brainwashed and scientifically illiterate and just how corrupting free market capitalism really is in how it stagnates development in society.The fact that you can still deny or spread misinformation about human involvement in climate change despite this basic fact and all other overwhelming evidence makes you no different than anti-vaxxers,9/11 truthers and also creationists and those who deny evolution and believe the Earth is flat when all of these overwhelming pieces of evidence and facts are right in front of your face and your also not as mature as you think you are.Furthermore there is the fact that all main skeptics and deniers such Willie Soon,Sallie Baliunis,Patrick Micheals,David Legates and indeed any skeptic wanting to debate what has been debunked can have links to Exxon and other fossil fuel companies and even the Koch Brothers easily brought up even on their Wikipedia pages.The same can be said about the people who have appeared on every climate denial documentaries from The Great Global Warming Swindle onwards and even before that except of course Carl Wunsch – again go to the Wikipedia pages of these documentaries and to the Wikipedia pages of the scientists and pundits etc in them to see that theyve already been bought off meaning they cannot be trusted or debated like actual adults since any arguments they have are already biased with twisted evidence and lies with the evidence and links to the claims of their corruption is there in the list of citations.A few minutes at least 20 minutes at most on Wikipedia and google will bring any skeptic of global warming on Wikipedia especially scientists links and citations that proves that have been directly or indirectly funded by the fossil fuel industry through the likes of Exxon Mobil and the Koch Brothers meaning they have absolutely no merit or standards at all in any sort of serious debate and have automatically lost instantly with it also showing it is bullshit to believe humans are not the cause of anthropogenic climate change.If you think being bought off by the fossil fuel industry makes you worthy of debate and unbiased your an idiot and probably not as mature as you think you are – sorry but the very cause of problem is funding someone to spew misinformation thats been debunked over and over again by experts including the maestro Potholer54 its bullshit – cliche but its like how if cigarette companies decided to bring back their misinformation about how their products dont cause cancer in the 2020s its just so stupid its beyond belief – are you guys seriously that dumb enough to fall for this shit again – if you dont believe in anthropogenic climate change and then at this point you might not as well believe tobacco does not gives you cancer when smoked.This is of note to libertarians and conservatives who berate crony capitalism as they hate the government picking favourites with corporations but they are okay in being bought out as politicians and lending favours to corporations themselves or as pundits they again hate it when the government is in bed with and bails out corporations but are okay with bringing on spokespersons and lobbyists for oil,coal and gas companies who are are bought off by corrupt corporations and other politicians to spread misinformation who are the very definition of cronyism the very thing they are fighting against and are in fact likely the very same people carrying out that very same cronyism and corruption in Washington they hate so much – this is hypocrisy and mental retardation.This is the hypocrisy of conservatives and libertarians they despise cronyism and corruption in Washington yet they themselves use the very same people responsible for cronyism and corruption in Washington in the first place for denouncing climate change as well as universal healthcare on the YouTube vlogs etc.What the fossil fuel industry is doing now is the same as what the tobacco and pesticide industry did when a link was first made between cigarettes as well as pesticides and cancer by hiring scientists and think tanks to spread disinformation and produce fake scientific studies.Conservatives don’t deny these cause cancer because there is no way to use it as a big liberal conspiracy to bring down capitalism and “freedom”.Exxon were very successful in brainwashing the lowest common denominator of society in Austrailia,Britain and America to fall for there propaganda.You see when the minority of scientists that deny it are funded by Exxon and its subsidiaries then obviously they are in the wrong just like the minority of scientists that are and were being funded by cigarette and pesticide companies deny that DDT and tobacco causes cancer.The academic community on science does not like to play politics it plays with facts and consensus and when the vast majority of scientists and academics state something as fact it’s the general consensus and truth.When a minority of people are spouting something and saying their the underdogs that are being persecuted and are funded by the people causing the problem it’s not scientific consensus or different opinions it’s corporate propaganda plain and simple.When a corporation who has everything to lose from the academic peer review consensus saying there product is dangerous and denies that it does that’s a red flag.The tobacco industry no longer denies the science and now has by law health warnings on them.

The harsh reality of DDT and malaria:
Oh and by the way Anopheles that carry malaria in Africa and the rest of the world are becoming immune to Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane aka DDT so spreading that shit around the place will do jack shit nowadays.You could spray that shit all around whole swarms of mosquitoes in most of India,Sri Lanka,Africa,Pakistan,Turkey etc and it will do jack shit.In fact theyve been becoming resistant to DDT since around 1956 about six years before Rachel Carsons Silent Spring  was published and is in fact completely ineffective against them in India and in Sri Lanka,Pakistan,Turkey and Central America and in most of Africa with the only alternatives now being the real nasty stuff that actually does cause cancer in humans and serious complications in fish and birds and which mosquitoes can easily gain an resistance to as well which is already happening.Rachel Carson herself noted this in Silent Spring  herself.If any conservative or libertarian had ever actually read Silent Spring  they would have noticed the famous line – “No responsible person contends that insect-borne disease should be ignored.The question that has now urgently presented itself is whether it is either wise or responsible to attack the problem by methods that are rapidly making it worse.The world has heard much of the triumphant war against disease through the control of insect vectors of infection,but it has heard little of the other side of the story—the defeats,the short-lived triumphs that now strongly support the alarming view that the insect enemy has been made actually stronger by our efforts.Even worse,we may have destroyed our very means of fighting“.Carson also said that “Malaria programmes are threatened by resistance among mosquitoes” and quoted the advice given by the director of Holland’s Plant Protection Service:”Practical advice should be ‘Spray as little as you possibly can’ rather than ‘Spray to the limit of your capacity’Pressure on the pest population should always be as slight as possible.”Blaming Rachel Carson and environmentalists for the deaths of 20,000,000 or more children is thus moot – had she never been born it would have done nothing to prevent the inevitable resistance to pesticides meaning those and countless other children would still have been killed by malaria as they would have gained resistance much faster in Africa,India etc.DDT was never banned for anti-malarial use,and its ban for agricultural use in the United States in 1972 did not apply outside the U.S. nor to anti-malaria spraying.The international treaty that banned most uses of DDT and other organochlorine pesticides—the 2001 Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (which became effective in 2004)—included an exemption for the use of DDT for malaria control until affordable substitutes could be found.Mass outdoor spraying of DDT was stopped completely in poor countries that were and still are subject to the worst and endemic cases of malaria,such as Sri Lanka,Burkina Faso etc in the 1970s,1980s,1990s and this was not because of government prohibitions spurred by environmental concerns initiated by environmentalists but because the DDT had lost its ability to kill the mosquitoes and was thus too expensive to carry out with no return in investment in preventing infections and deaths of malaria which was compound by an already underdeveloped healthcare system with in fact cases of malaria skyrocketing despite an increase of DDT use.Cases of malaria were skyrocking despite the fact that DDT was being sprayed all over lakes,rivers and all parts of wilderness where mosquitoes use for breeding grounds and in homes where they infect children in record amounts proving DDT was becoming ineffective and is now completely useless against mosquitoes.Agricultural spraying of pesticides including DDT produces pesticide resistance in especially Anopheles in roughly seven to ten years making it completely ineffective.Overusing it in one go may result in the the fact that you might at first see a drop in mosquitoes and malaria cases but after about five to ten years both the mosquitoes and cases of malaria bounce back even stronger and more prevalent than before and your back to square one and this has been proven over and over with each and every region and country in the world that they are now immune to DDT.In otherwards even if remaining African countries do legalise DDT then after after about five years of it being sprayed in large uncontrolled amounts and being effective and lowering levels of mosquitoes then they will become immune to it and then you have the populations rebound and then cases of malaria will rebound and you now have all mosquitos completely resistant against everything leaving you at at square one.Mosquitoes are one of the hardiest,resilient and easily adaptable species on the planet having evolved roughly 226,000,000 years and have survived on Earth more than the 165,000,000 reign of the dinosaurs  and have survived at least the last three previous mass extinction events with them having fewer genes than humans having roughly 200,000,000 base pairs in comparison to humans 3,000,000,000 with them having high fertility rates and ability to produce large amounts of young with female mosquitoes laying roughly 100-300 eggs each laying season.Having fewer genes means that like bacteria it easier to adapt to environmental pressures through random mutations and selective pressures with because of the mosquitoes very short breeding cycle and large number of offspring,the most resistant insects survive and pass on their genetic traits to their offspring,which replace the pesticide-slain insects relatively rapidly.Furthermore producing so much young in each season can cause each generation to have exponentionally more random genetic mutations leading to a higher rate of evolution and mutations to create resistence much quicker.They survived all three out of five previous mass extinction events one of very few species to do so especially impressive since 99% of all species on Earth have gone extinct during these events including surviving the fucking meteroite that slammed into the Earth that wiped out the fucking dinosaurs and they’ll probably be one of the very few to survive the sixth mass extinction if its left unchecked – if they can survive what killed off the dinosaurs you think a little chain of chlorine and benzene molecules is going to wipe them out?Really?.These factors;having fewer genes,high amount of young produced each season,and them surviving all previous mass extinctions allows for them to evolve and adapt quickly to new environmental pressures and exhibit high degrees of gene gains,losses,shuffling and even transmission between closely related species thus meaning that DDT becomes ineffective after a short period of time when used in large amounts like it did in America and Africa and India wherein it is sprayed in such amounts that it is able to bioaccumulate in the environment and cause large scale fish kills and bird kills.To prevent this one could utilise lower doses of DDT that kill them but not enough to bioaccumulate in the body and ecosystems with one also using biological controls,netting and draining of ditches and repellant plants.The only reason America is free of mosquitoe carrying malaria is because only a few species endemic to small sections of the country can spread malaria and even they carry much milder,less aggressive sub species of the parasite that causes it live in America than those that live in Africa and India with during the 20th century once DDT became ineffective other pesticides were used with drainage ditches and biological controls also used.In otherwards the techniques to counter mosquitoes resistance were adopted in America but not in Africa and the countries where it is now resistant to DDT and where malaria is most prevalent.In most African countries since the late 1980s as stated you could spray DDT around with no restraint and the mosquitoes will be completely unaffected.Put simply most Asian and African countries have banned or stopped using DDT not because of environmental concerns but because it’s too expensive to be spraying large quantities of it when it’s not going to kill any mosquitoes and thus not going to save any human lives as it’s just not economically feasible to be spraying large amounts of a chemical that has zero effect on killing the intended pest especially since it has detrimental side effects on both birds,fish and even humans with symptoms of high doses in humans including vomiting,tremors or shakiness,and seizures as well as having negative effects on both the liver and reproductive system and is now considered by the WHO to be a probable carcinogen to humans and is especially a problem since it persists in the environment,can travel high in the atmosphere and travel far through atmospheric currents and can stay in fatty tissue for years if not decade.In 2015,the International Agency for Research on Cancer classified DDT as Group 2A “probably carcinogenic to humans“.Previous assessments by the U.S. National Toxicology Program classified it as “reasonably anticipated to be a carcinogen” and by the EPA classified DDT,DDE and DDD as class B2 “probable” carcinogens these evaluations were based mainly on animal studies.A 2005 Lancet review stated that occupational DDT exposure over long periods of time was associated with increased pancreatic cancer risk in 2 case control studies,but another study showed no DDE dose-effect association.A 2017 review of liver cancer studies concluded that “organochlorine pesticides,including DDT,may increase hepatocellular carcinoma risk“.This is similar to Roundup aka glysophate.People who claim to be wanting to be sprayed all over their body with DDT or drink it are hypocrites because they would never do it just like Patrick Moore who is paid by corporations to say Roundup is harmless to you even if you drank it but refuses to drink a single glass of it when offered to do so.You like DDT so much now and think its completely safe defuse this information then have it sprayed all over yourself and go drink the goddamm stuff.Hypocridy much?.Rachel Carson predicted this in the book.”In laboratory tests on animal subjects,DDT has produced suspicious liver tumors.Scientists of the Food and Drug Administration who reported the discovery of these tumors were uncertain how to classify them,but felt there was some “justification for considering them low grade hepatic cell carcinomas.” Dr. Hueper [author of Occupational Tumors and Allied Diseases] now gives DDT the definite rating of a “chemical carcinogen.”Resistance was largely fueled by unrestricted agricultural use wherein it was prayed in large amounts.Resistance and the harm both to humans and the environment led many governments to curtail DDT use in vector control and agriculture.Put simply overusing it in agriculture and in large amounts in attempts to wipe out mosquitoes and not using backup plans such as biological controls,ditch draining etc led to the quick emergence of resistent mosquitoes that spread malaria.It is true that resistant mosquitoes are repelled by DDT but that doesn’t mean it will kill them if you spray it around homes and water bodies that they use for breeding not will it prevent them breeding there all it does mean that controlled spraying of DDT on netting and beds as well as doors and walls will prevent them entering homes,landing in nets etc.The second you go outside of your home they will track you down and infect you.This use of DDT ensures only limited spraying on netting etc and ensures the chemical does not enter rivers and lakes to bioaccumulate in both fish and then birds but this is limited protection as the primary use of it that involves mass spraying of lakes etc where mosquitoes live is simply ineffective in all possible ways.This intervention,called indoor residual spraying (IRS),greatly reduces environmental damage.It also reduces the incidence of DDT resistance.For comparison,treating 40 hectares (99 acres) of cotton during a typical U.S. growing season requires the same amount of chemical to treat roughly 1,700 homes.Overusing any chemical on any insect insects greatly increases the speed of,chance of and rate of developing resistance due to their ability to adapt to new conditions and higher breeding cycle similar to bacteria,viruses etc – the postwar attempt to eradicate malaria by the spraying of DDT was a failure,largely because Carson’s warnings that overuse of insecticides would lead to the development of resistance in mosquito populations were ignored especially in Asia and Africa.Modern uses of insecticides such as indoor residual spraying are far closer to the methods advocated by Carson than to the practices she criticised.Thus DDT due to overuse in the 1970s-1990s against the warnings and recommendations of Rachel Carson etc is now completely ineffective in virtually every country around the world especially in Africa where it is needed the most.Rachel Carson never called for an outright ban on DDT but rather using it sparingly in lower amounts that would kill the mosquitoes but prevent them becoming resistant and in turn prevent it killing birds and fish by exposing them to tolerable safe levels wherein the compound could not bioaccumulate so much and where it would be in low enough level to allow it biodegrade quickly as well as to research and use other more advanced environmentally friendly holistic techniques such as biological controls,bed netting,use of indoor residual spraying,wide use and distribution of anti-malarial drugs,less toxic pesticides combined with each other that would prevent the rise of resistance and would be more effective at keeping the mosquitoes at bay without harming fish,birds and humans etc which has been used since in 1991 in Vietnam lowering human fatalities countrywide by as much 97% compared to fatalities before adoption with little to no mosquitos resistance with even if it does occur it has occurred populations of mosquitoes and infections of malaria are kept at historically low levels by adopting multiple techniques together.If you ever read her book or did five minute google and Wikipedia searches you’d know this.Countries are not banning DDT because of the environmental concerns brought on by environmentalists they are banning it because its ineffective due to overuse with it simply too expensive to be spraying something that doesn’t kill mosquitoes anymore.Had her warnings had been heeded and it used in lower amounts and combined with other practices such as draining of ditches,biological controls etc then mosquitoes in Africa and Asia would not have gained a resistance.A simple five to ten minute google and Wikipedia search will show you this and in fact it’s on the Wikipedia page of both Silent Spring  and DDT itself with verified academic references.You cannot go around using Silent Spring as a means of showing liberals and environmentalists as genocidal ecoterrorists when you haven’t even read the book once in your life which can be easily bought online and also downloaded onto an Amazon Kindle in like five minutes or you can go onto its Wikipedia page in like five minutes.If you actually bothered to read Silent Spring and did a five minute Wikipedia search on it and the growing resistance of mosquitoes you know that Carson never called for banning it.The fact that you wouldn’t do that makes you lazy and ignorant as fuck.If you actually read Silent Spring you would know what comes out of your mouth is bullshit