Human Anti-Ageing Treatments

CRISPR utilised by anti-ageing and augmentation strains will make these modifications and gene therapy treatments more accurate and effective.CRISPR treatments will be applied by anti-ageing and augmentation strains through horizontal gene transfer controlled by Paean by biosynth WiFi.Even proto AI could apply these treatments with this involving the microbes transferring DNA including scratch DNA developed by Phanes and recombinant DNA from plants and animals present in the strains of these microbes that are then applied to them.Scratch DNA throughout here refers to strands of DNA extrapolated by AI namely Phanes that doesn’t occur naturally in nature through natural evolutionary processes.will allow the phenotypes of the genes added to the patients genome in each cells to be then expressed by the cells in patients.The anti ageing strains etc will house DNA from yeasts to allow them to transfer CRISPR treatments to the cells of patients through horizontal gene transfer thus giving them CRISPR gene therapy treatments to halt and reverse the ageing process and have augmentations.CRISPR will involve genes from existing plants and animals and those created by Phanes from scratch added to the genome of living patients through horizontal gene transfer exhibited my anti ageing and augmentation strains that will once added to the genome then exhibit those phenotypes.For example the genes from bacteria that exhibit telomere repair once added to a patient genome will thus repair telomere damage etc with the genes from other plants etc added to them exhibited.In otherwards in layman’s terms CRISPR is a gene editing technology that will by adding genes to a patients genome give living patients the abilities of that gene such as augmentations from extremophiles and those to treat genetic diseases and both halt and reverse the ageing process.Biocompatible microbes through having horizontal gene transfer present from yeasts will be able to apply CRISPR treatments that includes DNA from existing living organisms and new genes derived from scratch from Phanes will thus through CRISPR will be used to cure genetic diseases and halt and reverse the ageing process in existing living human and animal patients worldwide by it allowing new genes to be added to a patients genome in each and every individual cells and this will be done through anti-ageing and augmentation strains exhibiting horizontal gene transfer and also taq polymerase and Cas-9.Epione and Paean would first carry out simulations on its effectiveness on chimpanzees,mice and humans before trials begin.This could be done by altering the host cells they infect unable to harbour them(in the case of HIV this would remove the receptors on leukocytes that allow the virus to attach and infect them thus replicating while other treatments eradicate the virus),or alter and strengthen the immune system namely CD4+ T Cells strengthened to recognise and fight off HIV with custom made anti-viral and antibody compounds as well as cancers earlier on.HIV resistance could be gained from populations genetically resistant to them transferred to other non resistant populations from both humans and closely related mammals as well as even from scratch with this replicated with other pathogens and viruses as well as specific cancers.Thus the non resistant humans using DNA from resistant populations could have their leukocytes to be unable to be infected by HIV by editing their surface proteins and the same replicated with all major viruses that infect leukocytes allowing biocompatible microbes to remove HIV virions.Recombinant DNA need not come from humans but also from closely related primates and mammals with similar immune systems and resistance with their resistance to Simian Immunodeficiency Virus and also recombinant DNA from SIV itself with this also applying to all viruses that infect leukocytes such as Ebolavirus,N.meningitidis etc.The patient file system will quickly identify which populations have this phenotype and what genes are responsible for this with known people that have this will have their DNA analysed and compared to those that suffer from the disease to isolate it.Microbes as detailed will apply this resistance to infected patients with N.meningitidis,HIV and Ebolavirus forcing the viruses to interact with other microbe strains and thus curing infected patients of the disease with ideally all patients including those currently not infected with HIV,Ebolavirus also modified to have their leukocytes and organs made unable to be infected allowing other strains of microbes to eradicate the pathogens or at least make them asymptomatic carriers before they gain a stronghold with resistance and microbe strains able to attack them made a permanent feature of the human genepool via germline therapy alongside immunising the primary immune system indefinitely also wiping out the disease in newly infected patients and uninfected patients while it is unable to infect leukocytes.Further advances in artificial intelligence will make germline therapy safe negating the need for having to screen every embryo,sperm and eggs with this first tested on animals with Epione again carrying out simulations on these on its effectiveness on chimpanzees,mice and humans before trials begin using advanced gene drive therapy technology.Gene therapy that treats every cell in their body will limit phenotypes such as correcting faults and mutations that cause specific diseases and immunities to diseases such as the immunity to HIV,cancer and even upgrades to the patient with germline therapy used to ensure these are passed onto the mother and fathers child thus allowing that child to pass on immunities to cancer,pathogens and other desired phenotypes onto the next generation without the need for microbes making them a permanent part of the genepool of H.sapiens with them also removed from the genepool via germline therapy if desired.Germline and advanced gene drive therapy once perfected will allow these to become a future feature of successive generations alongside screening,correcting and modifying spermatozoa,eggs and embryos for these diseases and using CRISPR to correct them with biocompatible microbes used to perfect this with them residing in or outside the testes and ovaries that insert gene therapy into each and every spermatozoa and egg individually by them,altering the genome of fertilised embryos or by them even altering the genes in these organs ie the ovaries and the testes responsible for the production of spermatozoa and eggs or the entire host DNA using advanced gene drive technology to ensure that all future sperm and eggs are free from the genetic faults and mutations allowing one to conceive children naturally and not have to use in vitro fertilisation without passing on these diseases to the next generation removing them from the human genepool indefinitely more easily.If perfected this advanced gene drive technology combined with germline therapy made by microbes to edit the hosts DNA precisely and permanently applied to all cells including those in the ovaries and testes that in turn produce spermatazoa and eggs to negate the need for them to edit every single egg,spermatozoa and thus allow them to conceive genetic disease free children naturally and also pass on desired phenotypes of H.ubermensch.This would thus mean eggs,embryos etc would no longer have to be screened for genetic diseases and with correcting CRISPR treatments added to all cells of a body including ovaries and testes would have pass these CRISPR genetic corrections passed onto all future produced spermatozoa and eggs and all conceived offspring thus either eliminating mutations that cause genetic diseases from passing onto all future generations and the human gene pool if applied to all patients worldwide or pass on augmentations etc to all future generations automatically.As stated these children created via germline therapy that uses advanced gene drive technology and germ line therapy will be able to receive the corrected genotypes during natural conception and will thus play a role in eliminating cancer,hereditary and neurological disorders from the entire human genepool forever and even play a role in creating H.ubermensch,designer babies and other means of manipulating evolution of H.sapiens including populations of H.sapiens with traits of H.ubermensch.To this it would require all or large samples of populations have their own genome altered and the microbes applying germline therapy on a global scale managed by Paean,Epione and hospital AIs.This could potentially eliminate all genetically based diseases including neurological disorders and developmental disorders from the human genepool as well as passing on genes into the genepool that will naturally be passing them onto the next generation without the need for germline therapy and microbes thus eliminating a disease indefinitely with them also altering humans to the point that those that are environmentally caused like cancer by making humans immune to the causative agent ie in the case of cancer removing the ability for tumours by adding genes from animals that never get cancer,extremophiles like T.gammatolerans to make humans resistant from radiation and also those from scratch to prevent carcinogens from being able to affect the body as well as immunising humans to oncoviruses that can be passed from mother to child via the placenta and breastfeeding.It will play a prime role in the development and eventual creation of populations of H.sapiens or all of H.sapiens with desired characteristics of H.ubermensch mainly that from T.gammatolerans to make humans resistant to radiation of all types,Salmonella to make them resistant to the effects of low gravity,Tardigrade,D.radiodurans and those from scratch to survive the vacuum of space,psychrophilles to survive sub zero conditions,synthesise all essential amino acids/fats/vitamins etc,oligotrophs and xerophiles to make them require less food and water(which can be applied to living patients via horizontal gene therapy)and eventually lead to the rise of H.ubermensch separate from H.sapiens via intensive germline therapy over several generations.Ideally these phenotypes of H.ubermensch will be added to all living patients worldwide and become part of the human genepool via advanced gene drive technology while not creating H.ubermensch with them added for their properties ie making the H.sapiens immune to radiation,require less nutrients,be able to survive extreme pressures,the vacuum of space.This would allow living populations of H.sapiens to survive extreme conditions on Earth,on other colonies both permanently as well as temporarily if containment procedures fail there and also on interstellar vehicles and stations.Anti-ageing genes from T.gammatolerans,Bacillus F,oligotrophs,xerophiles etc can be added to the gene pool via advanced gene drive and germline technology if shown to safe in both humans as well in animals will alongside the presence of these strains will have these anti-ageing genes,removal of genes and also production of anti-ageing compounds passed onto the next generation and thus a permanent feature of the human genepool.Gene therapy via microbes and CRISPR will also play a role in giving populations of H.sapiens via first live patient and germline therapy characteristics of his evolutionary successor and cousin as detailed later on H.ubermencsh as well as leading to the rise of H.umbermensch.H.ubermensch should be possible through extensive genetic engineering by at least 2045 with it also allowing humans to manipulate the genomes of other animals and plants thus creating entirely new species of plants and animals created on Pandora with Phanes extrapolating the genotypes of them.As detailed later on this will also lead to the creation of new sentient sentient races on par with humans created from scratch or using exiting non sentient animals from all taxonomic ranks of the animal kingdom as a baseline with this allowing for colonies like Mars,Venus and other extrasolar colonies in the universe with no life to have millions of non sentient and even sentient species created with whole taxonomic ranks creaked by Phanes adapted to their terraformed environment.Any faults in the gene therapy that could lead to mutations and breaks could be dealt with advanced gene drive technology that used specific genes,application etc to prevent them with all gene therapy treatments for ageing,augmentations etc will use advanced gene drive technology to prevent faults and pass them onto all future cells via mitosis with them applied to telomere,mitochondrial and other DNA.If possible base microbes or specific strains in females could detect mutations in embryos that lead to those are not hereditary ie those that lead to Downs syndrome and other developmental disorders through via horizontal gene transfer putting in genes or chemicals and even compounds that allow for these mutations to be detected and then signal to the microbe that it has occurred to allow the correction to be corrected by the microbes or those added via inbreeding at the during development of the embryo or while the fetus is in its early stages of development.It could also be used to apply the Phanes method to individual spermatozoa,eggs and embryo in utero with multiple microbes suited to this passing on desired alterations to each one.Spermatozoa and eggs that are frozen and stored in banks by donations and for later use in later life pregnancies can be corrected for all types of genetic diseases that may pass into potential offspring can have the corrections be done by biocompatible microbes in storage or prior to or during storage due them having the ability to survive low temperature due to them having DNA from psychrophiles.For parents who may pass on genetic diseases determined by Paean sperm and eggs can be collected from both parents fused together by robotics and then screened for diseases including Down’s syndrome and similar heredity disease both physical and mental and then CRISPR through the microbes could be used to edit these deformities out safely with Paean managing this or the editing can be done to the eggs and spermatozoa or both prior to fusion and they then implanted into the mother via IVF allowing parents who have the potential to pass deformities down to their child have children of their own and not resort to surrogacy programs.Gene therapy for these and other conditions should be pursued for already living patients suffering these in tandem to this with it also being used to treat ageing,Downs syndrome(and other disabilities),schizophrenia,Multiple sclerosis,parkinsons,alzheimers and deal with cancerous and precancerous cells and correct mutations that cause cancer again tested on mice and chimpanzees with again Epione carrying out simulations on these on humans and test animals.Downs syndrome if detected could if possible be treated using CRISPR to remove the extra chromosome,inactivate them in every cell preventing this from occurring in all future cells by adding genes that remove and then prevent the replication of a third chromosome 21 in each cell first tested on chimpanzees engineered with Downs Syndrome or even alleviate the symptoms of it rather than choosing to discard the unborn fetus with microbes repairing any faults and correcting defects such as low intelligence and heart defects.The same may apply to those with intersex disorders.All CRISPR treatments to treat ageing,genetic diseases,developmental and neurological disorders and those for augmentations etc in living patients will apply the genes to telomere/chromosomal/nucleur and mitochondrial DNA in all cells in the body and if need be plasmids for stability and uniformity.These augmentation genes and those to treat neurological disorders will be passed into leukocytes to allow them to survive extremophile conditions while beneficial bacteria in the gut can be given them as well alongside those made to express human surface proteins to make them immune to immune responses with pathogenic bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract not having these to allow them to die from exposure to these conditions and the primary immune system.Theh will not be given anti-ageing treatments to keep their populations stable.Anti-ageing treatments will be applied to bone marrow in a way to prevent leukocytes housing this DNA and thus living forever that would cause them to overrun the body or if shown to have their levels controlled by microbes via chemical signals or if possible undergone apoptosis and flushed out of the body can have this DNA present with all augmentations and genetic disease treatments added to bone marrow to allow leukocytes survive these conditions and be free of these diseases.Thus bone marrow will house anti-ageing treatments in a way to prevent leukocytes living forever but leukocytes will house CRISPR treatments to treat genetic diseases and augmentations such as radioresitence to survive these conditions through being properly applied in the bone marrow.The same will apply to erythrocytes wherein they recombinant DNA to treat genetic diseases and augmentations such as radioresistance will be applied to the patients genome to allow erythrocytes to survive these conditions but anti-ageing treatments will not interact with those responsible for erythrocytes preventing them living forever.Bone marrow and other parts that are responsible for the production of erythrocytes and leukocytes will be given anti-ageing treatments but through their placement on the loci and scratch DNA will be made to stay youthful but ensure that the erythrocytes and leukocytes they produce don’t carry the anti-ageing treatments thus allowing to die off and not overrun the body with Phanes developing genetic countermeasures to this with microbes from 2029-2035 ensuring that any possible immortal excess leukocytes etc can have their replication controlled and undergo apoptosis if their levels get too high.Beneficial gut flora will have augmentations added but not anti-ageing treatments to allow turn to survive extreme conditions and also prevent them overrunning the body by allowing them to die off.Pets owned by the public,livestock and animals in zoos will be able to avail of anti-ageing treatments and those to remove genetic diseases and augmentations via species specific microbes.All treatments to living cells in living patients will also use advanced gene drive technology to ensure the treatments pass from each generation of cells to the next via mitosis.Junk DNA and DNA that leads to ageing,genetic deformities and other unnecessary DNA will be removed to accomadate new CRISPR treatments to treat ageing and augmentations to prevent the finite nucleus becoming packed with DNA.Temporary augmentations form scratch and animal etc sources will involve ones original DNA for the phenotype being removed and replaced with the new DNA thus some augmentations that are used temporary ie having the same smelling and hearing ranges of other animals or changing eye and hair colour when unwanted will be removed and replaced with ones original DNA etc.Temporary augmentations that affect only part of the body will possibly be applied to the specific organs and tissues they affect such as those for different smelling ranges may only to be applied to genes present in cells in the brain and nose,those for different visual ranges may only be applied to genes present in cells in the brain and the eyes or just the eyes and so on.Cells in the body can be engineered to house ribosomes and in particular plasmids and in particular plasmids that are strands of DNA that float in the cytoplasm that express extra phenotypes for augmentations via specific DNA and thus phenotypes.Mitochondrial DNA can be modified to house extra phenotypes than the main genome that cause the cells and tissues to express their phenotypes.Better sources of scratch and recombinant DNA will replace older ones by removing them from the patients genome.If possible advancements in Phanes developing scratch DNA will allow DNA to express two or more phenotypes at once.Sources of recombinant DNA from animals,plants and unicellular life forms such as bacteria,fungi,viruses that’s express two or more desired phenotypes can be utilised for example T.gammatolerans can survive radiation levels of up to 30,000Gy and at the same time potentially express telomere repair that will prevent future damage and degradation in mitochondrial and telomere DNA to combat ageing and eliminate cancer,genetic diseases,developemental disorders etc from the human gene pool and protects one from levels of radiation of up to 30,000Gy all at once.Thus this could eliminate the need for D.radiodurans,Bacillus F DNA and scratch DNA to combat all of these since this DNA express several phenotypes and applications at once with research done into scratch DNA and that from plants and animals as well as micro-organisms that express multiple phenotypes and applications at once for augmentations and combat ageing.This will be done to deal with the limited space in the human genome and nucleus that holds them.The human genome is estimated to contain roughly 30,000 genes or 3,000,000,000 base pairs with it hypothesised that about 75-98% (between 22,500 – 29,400 genes or 2,250,000,000 – 2,940,000,000 base pairs)consists of non coding junk DNA that has no biological functions and thus could be easily replaced with new recombinant DNA from plants,animals and micro-organisms and scratch DNA without damaging or negatively affecting the patient.Genes in the body that contribute to the ageing process can also be removed and replaced with those for augmentations and those to reverse and halt the ageing process.Paris japonica is the organism that has the largest genome with roughly 150,000,000 base pairs and 1,500,000 genes about 50 times more than humans.If humans through intensive research into genetic engineering and CRISPR be able to hold the same amount of genes and base pairs as P.japonica then it will vastly increase the amount of storage space for DNA from extremophiles,plants,animals,micro-organisms and scratch DNA for augmentations and anti-ageing treatments and also cater to Phanes Activation Gene Technology with it more than enough to meet our needs.Research using human cell and tissue cultures will be done to see if they can hold this amount of genes after initial treatments to end ageing etc.New species of plants and animals found on plants across the universe will be scanned to see if they have larger genomes with scratch DNA developed alongside other methods to determine the theoretical limit size in terms of base pairs and actual genes of DNA that can fit in human cells.Tests will be done on human cells extracted from a patient or those created using 3D DNA printers to see if they can fit the same amount of genes and base pairs as P.japonica with them using base microbes etc find ways to give these cultured cells the same number of base pairs in otherworlds using microbes ways will be found in labs to give cultured human cells the same amount of genes and base pairs as P.japonica so as to find the best ways to give living human and animal patients the ability to hold the same amount of base pairs through gene therapy as P.japonica with this repeated with scratch DNA that can give humans even more base pairs up to the theoretical limit.Test animals and biosynths that have human recombinant DNA will be used in tests as well to determine the best way using gene therapy and what genes need to be added to add to living patients the same amount of base pairs and genes as P.japonica or the theoretical limit.Thus P.japonica and scratch DNA can be engineered to give living patients this new base pair size.If need be the cells of the body of humans etc may be engineered through CRISPR to become slightly larger that is the same size as that of P.Japonica.This will be done on human cells extracted from a patient or created using 3D DNA printers will that contain DNA from P.japonica to see if they can fit the same amount of genes and base pairs with them using base microbes etc find ways to give these cultured cells the same level base pairs in otherworlds using microbes ways will be found in labs to give cultured human cells the same amount of genes and base pairs as P.japonica so as to find the best ways to give living human and animal patients the ability to hold the same amount of base pairs through gene therapy as P.japonica with this repeated with scratch DNA that can give humans the theoretical limit.Thus once it is possible to determine the theoretical limit of base pairs that can fit into human cells tests on gene therapy applied to cultured cells in labs with if possible test animals such as mice etc housing human recombinant DNA and biosynths used will be done in order to apply this new limit to living humans.Thus once it is possible to determine the theoretical limit of base pairs that can fit into human cells tests on gene therapy applied to cultured cells in labs with if possible test animals such as mice etc housing human recombinant DNA and biosynths used will be done in order to apply this new limit to humans.If possible human cells can be engineered to house an extra one or two nuclei to house entire chromosomes DNA that will be engineered to hold only augmentations and not programmed to express any phenotypes thus being technically junk DNA.Biocompatible microbes will house this genome size to hold more recombinant DNA for each strains treatments and functions,to hold extra space for augmentations to survive in the body and also hold at least 150ZB data storage and RAM especially for biosynth technology.It can also be used to increase the genetic variation of possible genetically distinct that can occur between each and every single male and female during sexual reproduction from 64,000,000,000,000 to 3,200,000,000,000,000.Crops,fish and shellfish,livestock,algae,bacteria for producing commodities,stem cells for invitro meat and ornamental plants will utilise DNA from P.japonica etc and scratch DNA to house more DNA for augmentations including scratch DNA to increase growth rates and yields.If possible human cells could be engineered to hold an extra second nucleus that can contain and extra three metres of DNA that is junk DNA or that consisting of augmentations with DNA from P.Japonica in both the original and this second nucleus increasing the amount of DNA.All new modifications will be instantly relayed to ones patient via being both logged and also ones DNA scan modified.The genes to reverse and halt the ageing process should be able to be held in existing DNA present in the human genome alongside key augmentations such as the acellerated healing phenotype with this research done as a backup and measure to house extra augmentations.The anti-viral,anti-bacterial,anti-fungal strains,anti-helminthic,anti-cancer strains will be engineered to interact with only bacteria,viruses,tumours and parasites for each strain to prevent the applying suicide and other CRISPR treatments to human cells and that of gut flora.CRISPR treatments to alter pathogens and parasites like those to treat ageing will be done via horizontal gene transfer.Horizontal gene transfer will be used by anti-ageing,augmentation and genetic disease strains to transfer CRISPR treatments to the patients cells and them engineered to interact with only human cells.The anti-ageing and augmentation etc strains will be engineered to only interact with only human cells ideally those of the patient via surface proteins on them that only interact with only human cells to prevent them applying these to pathogens that would allow them to live forever with them via induced evolution and other sub strains engineered to interact with gut flora.Horizontal gene transfer will be utilised by the microbes different strains using DNA added to the microbes from yeasts,bacteria etc that are able to do this with them using taq polymerase and Cas-9 to recreate strands over and over again via biosynth WiFi.Horizontal gene transfer engineered to interact with human cells can thus allow current living patients to avail of CRISPR treatments such as augmentations and also those to reverse and halt the effects of ageing etc by allowing CRISPR treatments to be added to the cells of living patients.All cells in the body will have the new genes added with advanced gene drive technology also in cells in the testes and ovaries ensuring it is passed onto the next generation through the spermatozoa and eggs produced in living patients carrying these modifications to the next generation thus making them permanent features of the human genepool and the children of the affected individual with these if desired removed from living patients and their young by microbes.Thus all alterations to a living patients and also those in their progeny can be reversed by removing the applied genes.If any CRISPR treatments do cause any unwanted side effects to a patient then it is simply a case of them being removed as soon as possible.Faults caused by gene therapy will be corrected by treatments done as soon as possible.The estimated time for all treatments to all cells in the body to be finished will be visible in ones patient file and relayed by the nanomachines as a countdown in hours,minutes,seconds with treated areas of the body relayed to the patient file as well as through chemical signals such as unique smelling and coloured urine etc with the microbes via nanomachines relaying what parts of the body have been treated visible as a map of their body and percentage in real time in their file as a percentage.Advanced gene drive technology will be utilised to ensure that all CRISPR treatments for ageing and augmentations as well as correcting genetic diseases will be passed onto each generation of cells during mitosis and it even pass down to each generation of offspring alongside germline by being present in spermatozoa and eggs via both germline therapy the genes and advanced gene drive technology present in both the eggs and tests of patients negating the need to edit each and every spermatozoa and eggs and not having to be added to each newborn.Anti-ageing,genetic disease etc strains will be able to undergo mitosis and have flagellum to allow them to spread to all parts of the body when only a few thousand or million microbes are injected.Base microbes will routinely scan DNA to see if treatments are in each cell and are present and passed down from generation of cells and to see if any faults have occurred with faults corrected by those that applied the original treatments signalled to do so.With regards to ageing it will also detect the levels of Phosphatidylcholines.These will all be logged in the patients file.All types of strains that apply CRISPR treatments will be able to recreate the CRISPR treatment over and over again via taq ploymerase and Cas-9.Chimpanzees and mice that have human recombinant DNA in them used as test subjects by 2023/2024 with them engineered with each type of neurological,developmental,genetic disorders etc and use in ageing and augmentation trials to get more realistic results transferable to human trials starting in 2025.3D DNA printing will create the spermatozoa and eggs with these phenotypes and the patients unique DNA from patient files to cut down on labour costs with patient specific DNA to aid in creating treatments suited to each patients condition with regards to those that have neurological,developmental disorders and genetic diseases.To deal with the issue of Cas-9 eliciting immune responses it could be modified to contain some or all human proteins entirely as an human and patient version of Cas-9 as well as protein bumpers that dont illicit an immune response used as an mini vector to transfer DNA by flooding methods.This would be done by first modifying the DNA of Streptococcus pyogenes itself with human recombinant DNA to create a human or patient specific version of Cas-9 with the same done for all animals that will utilise it.Cpf1 from Francisella novicida can be used for this and also apply CRISPR treatments alongside Cas-9 from S.pyogenes.To prevent the issue of immune responses from CRISPR treatments using recombinant DNA from any species of plants and animals and scratch DNA human versions of Cas-9/Cpf1 or even patient specific versions of Cas-9/Cpf1 can be created by AI namely proto and final Phanes can analyse the genome of S.pyogenes,F.novicida also analysing both human DNA and patient specific DNA and modify it for humans and individual patients present in the their own leukocytes that contains their trace DNA.The anti-ageing,augmentation and genetic disease curing strains as well as the anti-viral etc strains in order to carry out CRISPR treatments would need relevant DNA from S.pyogenes,F.novicida,T.aquaticus in order to utilise CRISPR Cas-9 as well as taq polymerase to recreate strands of CRISPR treatments over and over again allowing each microbes to apply these treatments over and over again.These microbes since using ones own or 3D DNA printed blank leukocytes as a vector would prevent the issue of eliciting an immune response as seen in both foreign viruses and bacterial vectors.The 3D printed blank leukocytes will house human DNA,the hosts own DNA from their patient file inserted alongside other DNA from relevant multi and unicellular organism from Physis with this changing when passing from one generation to the next and would transfer the DNA using horizontal gene tranfser to only human cells interact by interacting with the unique surface proteins of the human patients cells and not that of pathogens.Otherwise ones own leukocytes will have DNA added by 3D DNA printers.Humans and animals will utilise their own leukocytes as a baseline for microbes to apply gene therapy to prevent them illiciting an immune responses that could be fatal or render them ineffctive and allow them to be more precise and effective and each patient will have their own patient specific versions of CRISPR Cas-9 could be created using the patients DNA in their own leukocytes with them changed when they pass to the next generation to further prevent immune responses with Phanes creating these in microbes when they are printed out by 3D DNA printers.This will allow all strains to form a permanent part of the body and act as the perfect vector of CRISPR treatments and anti-viral etc treatments with the human and indeed patient specific versions of Cas-9 created by 2023/2024 ready for proto microbes and bacterial vectors that have human protein coats due to the presence of human DNA,ideally the patients DNA and human versions of Cas-9 to give those currently aged 80-95 anti-ageing treatments to the interior vital organs and give them other treatments to allow them to survive strokes etc long enough to receive more advanced treatments in 2029 to be reverted to a state similar to their early twenties.This will also allow anti-ageing strains,augmentation and those to treat genetic diseases alongside all other anti-viral and anti-bacterial strains to undergo mitosis using bacterial DNA to treat each and every cell in the body with taq polymerase and Cas-9 to recreate the strands of DNA and also Cas-9 in the strains allowing them to treat countless cells with the DNA from macrophages and ameobas will allow them to move inbetween cells.Advanced gene drive technology will be used to ensure the therapy is permenant.Gene therapy will be applied via either horizontal gene transfer using Cas-9 or via flooding where protein bumpers housing the DNA and also synthesised Cas-9 will act as a mini vector allowing the Cas-9 and DNA to be sent to the relevant areas of the the genome specifically.Animals will have their own leukocytes as baseline and their own version of Cas-9 with them each having their own unique species specific microbes consisting of the same strains as in humans.Thus both livestock and pets of all species will have their own versions of microbes created for them including immunising,strains,anti-viral and anti-bacterial strains and also anti-ageing strains and them given the same augmentations as humans with all pathogens whether viral,bacterial and fungal of each species will be tested against compounds from the bites,stings and excretions of all plants and animals around the world to create anti-microbial compounds against them as part of anti-viral and anti-bacterial strains and those to fight off parasites with immunising strains immunising both pets and livestock against all pathogens especially zoonotic diseases to eliminate antibiotics from the food chain.Crops and plants whether in the wild or ornamental ones will using bacteria that contain the hosts species DNA and their own species specific version of Cas-9 with them giving their own fully functioning immune system via CRISPR that uses their microbes as a baseline leukocytes.Each species of plant whether crops,ornamental or wild one will be first given a fully functioning immune system in labs using bacterial/plant cell hybrid vectors and CRISPR and then their version of leukocytes created that can be immunised and microbes of all strains created using these plant leukocytes with this replicated with Apidae.This will be done to develop their own species specific microbes and also immune system that can be immunised against pathogens negating the need for chemicals to fight of viruses etc with them having their own strains modelled on human versions including those that also fight off infections as backup ie anti-viral,anti-bacterial,anti-fungal strains that use CRISPR and anti-microbial compounds rendering bactericides etc defunct.Existing plants in gardens can be inoculated by syringes and watering cans containing a mixture of water and microbes that enter the roots with biosynth wifi from smart devices causing upgrades with in time biosynth artropds injecting them into leaves etc.Animal trials begging in 2023/2024 will use their leukocytes with them having human recombinant DNA added to them to have an immune system identical to humans to ensure that these leukocytes can have these human version Cas-9 used in them to see if no immune response can be caused by them especially in chimpanzees.This engineering would also have these animals produce leukocytes similar to humans with human DNA and use this human Cas-9.To further prevent immune responses it may be possible for the Cas-9 to be suited for each patient using their unique DNA that is changed to that of their offspring as they pass from one generation to the next as detailed later on to further prevent allergic and immune reactions.This can be done via Phanes modifying DNA relevant to it and CRISPR from S.pyogenes.All types of microbes of each species of plants and animals will be since using the species leukocytes and in the case of plants those made from scratch will only be able to interact with the species they are designed for to prevent them affecting any species they contaminate with them also destroyed by the hosts own microbes they infect once detected by base microbes as well as programmed by Paean to undergo apoptosis if they are in the body of foreign species.They will also consist of different strains for each species and will be engineered to only interact with the specific target they are designed to via the surface proteins on them ie anti-viral strains will interact only with viruses and anti-bacterial strains with bacteria and so with augmentation and ageing strains engineered to only interact with human and the patients cells.As a result of this need to remove the effects of senescence universal debate and legal acceptance will have to made for the use of CRISPR gene editing techniques especially with regards to screening for diseases and even then removing gene(s) associated with genetic diseases to remove heredity deformities and diseases from humanities genepool entirely once an embryo created by invitro fertilisation has been screened or both the egg and sperm have been screened and edited ie.allergens,addictions,genetic based obesity and diabetes,certain cancers,parkinsons,alzheimers,eplipsey,colour blindness,blindness and deafness,channelopathies in newborns and other mutations that cause sudden infant death syndrome,haemophellia,Huntington’s disease,congenital heart conditions as well as adding resistance to and ability to fight off or prevent infections such as HIV,HPV(especially those associated with cancers),Epstein–Barr virus and terminal genetic diseases,with this procedure first tested on mice and other apes such as chimpanzees with gene drives used to make the alteration permanent.There has been success in CRISPR gene therapy in curing blindness etc within the last few years using viral vectors with this a great achievement since the technology is only 10 years old.The production and use of biocompatible microbes to utilise CRISPR gene therapy will expedite the development of gene therapy to halt and reverse the effects of ageing,cure genetic diseases from 2029-2045 onwards

DNA repair
With regards to ageing DNA from long living species and animals could be used to increase the lifespans of H.sapiens with gene therapy as part of ageing treatments with the recombinant DNA coming from Bacillus F that have been found to live for 3,500,000 years.,T.gammatolerans or even lifeforms that exhibit biological immortality and ability to repair DNA such as Hydra,T.dohrnii,D.radiodurans and Planarian flatworms in the case of repairing tissues can also be used alongside those form scratch with these possibly used together.Scratch DNA,the homology directed repair mechanism ie homogulous recombination present in embryonic stem cells as well as certain bacteria added by gene therapy and NMD that boosts NAD+ production that repairs DNA added by drugs and also synthesised by microbes by catabolic and anabolic reactions may be required to repair existing damage alongside removing genes associated with ageing with this created by proto AI with this done after the aforementioned DNA at least halts the effects of ageing with the DNA added to both telomere/chromosomal DNA and also mitochondrial DNA in all cells in the body.

If possible the DNA of younger patients even infants and adolescents or those in their twenties including close relatives of older patients aged 50 or older can be analysed to have the damaged telomeres of older patients replaced with those from younger patients if possible related to them and those generated from scratch via Phanes with those from Bacillus F and T.gammatolerans alongside Nephropidea DNA replenishing telomerase as well as repairing and preventing any future damage especially in older patients.This would allow the telomeres in older patients to be reversed to those in their early teens and infant years with the DNA repair mechanisms of these bacteria added first repairing any future damage forever.Genetic sequences from younger patients will be added to the older patients in both telomeres and mitochondrial DNA with Phanes also extrapolating the younger DNA of older patients using samples from relatives that are in their pre teens,teens and even twenties.The DNA repair mechanisms of T.gammatolerans,Bacillus F etc and Nephropidea will possibly slow,prevent and repair future telomere damage in older patients prior to them being applied with their scratch DNA and that of younger relatives

Telomeres of each individual patient and younger patients including close relatives can be analysed and compared in labs and using automated DNA analyzing machinery as well as base microbes to allow Phanes to fill in and repair existing damage to return chromosomal,telomere and mitochondrial DNA to a state associated with infancy by filling in blanks.Each patient especially older ones aged 30 and older will have the DNA in their telomeres,chromosomes and mitochondria analysed in labs from cell and tissue samples etc and damaged DNA repaired by adding CRISPR treatments to return them to a state similar to infancy using scratch DNA extrapolated by AI including proto Phanes and also from younger patients including younger relatives in their 20s,teens and pre teens.Before this telomere as well as cellular and mitochondrial DNA can be analysed and fitted with T.gammatolerans etc DNA.Chromosomal,telomere,cellular and mitochondrial DNA will at first be repaired by being fitted with the DNA repair mechanisms from D.radiodurans,T.gammatolerans and Bacillus F as it will repair any future DNA damage especially in older patients.AI such as Phanes etc may need to extrapolate the missing damaged DNA for each patient to ensure their own DNA is present in the cellular,telomere and mitochondrial DNA repaired with all patients having their cellular,chromosomal and mitochondrial DNA analysed by blood pricks or skin cells extracted on DNA analysers in labs or dongles to determine how much damage has been done due to their age via senescence and thus allow for the damaged DNA to be repaired via extremophile bacteria DNA added and AI using CRISPR filling in the blanks and then have the DNA repair mechanisms of extremophile bacteria ie T.gammatolerans and Bacillus F added to repair further damage to prevent further damage.DNA of infants may be analysed and have genes added.Thus the DNA from these bacteria will be able to repair any future DNA degradation prior to having younger DNA added to repair existing damage and also after it over geological timescales after each miotic division

Combining Bacillus F,T.gammatolerans,D.radiodurans ability to repair telomeres would work to prevent future telomere and mitochondrial DNA damage.If possible to prevent the DNA for DNA repair taking up too much place in the patients genome it would ideal for only recombinant DNA from T.gammatolerans to be used since it can express this phenotype and unlike that from Bacillus F and D.radiodurans can allow one to withstand blasts of radiation if up to 30,000Gy meaning in order to prevent future DNA degradation in telomere and mitochondrial DNA,recombinant DNA from T.gammatolerans should only be used by itself with no recombint DNA from D.radiodurans and Bacillus F once trials on tissue samples and animals show that only it is needed.Each patient will have cell samples taken and analysed in automated labs to determine the level of telomere degradation in their chromosomes and mitochondrial DNA and compared with that from infants.Telomere,chromosomal and mitochondrial DNA will be at first fitted with DNA repairing DNA from these bacteria Bacillus F,T.gammatolerans,D.radiodurans to prevent future damage to them due to these bacteria exhibiting DNA repair mechanisms.Any future damage to telomeres to radiation,free radicle,mitosis has on the quality of telomeres in the chromosomes,mitochondrial DNA etc will be repaired instantly by adding the genes from these bacteria that allow them to repair their DNA thus rendering the hayflick limit and damage to telomeres,chromosomes and mitochondrial DNA obsolete forever.This DNA from these bacteria that exhibit DNA repair will be added first to patients mitochondrial and telomere chromosomal DNA via CRISPR to prevent any future damage and decay of the patients DNA while AI using CRISPR can repair existing damage to ones DNA by filling in the blanks etc.AI will for each patient after lab machinery has analysed their level of DNA degradation in telomeres,chromosomes and mitochondrial DNA and compare that from infants or at first those in their teens or pre teens will allow AI to extrapolate missing damaged DNA to fill in the blanks restoring their telomeres,chromosomes and mitochondrial DNA to a level similar to infancy reverting DNA back to healthy levels as seen in infants.This may involve using DNA from younger relatives as a baseline and involve AI extrapolating scratch DNA.Thus DNA from younger patients especially releated individuals and even scratch DNA extrapolated by Phanes for each individual patient will be added to both mitochondrial and chromosomal telomere DNA to repair existing damaged DNA to revert both mitochondrial and telomere DNA to levels and states similar to that of infancy with DNA from D.radiodurans,T.gammatolerans and if need be Bacillus F that allows them to exhibit DNA repair will be added to all cells mitochondrial and telomere DNA in patients at first to prevent future telomere damage caused by mitosis to slow down damage and any future damage repaired instantly and have aerotolerant bacteria and scratch DNA to counteract the effects of free radicles.Strands of damaged DNA caused by ageing and few radicles etc will be analysed and removed and replaced with copies of the DNA that are of a less damaged stated.Ones entire DNA in their chromosome,mitochondrial DNA will through scratch DNA extrapolated by AI using CRISPR be reverted to a state similar to infancy including telomeres.

Telomeres of all patients will be analysed in automated labs to determine their level of degradation.Chromosomal,telomere,cellular and mitochondrial DNA will at first be repaired by being fitted with the DNA repair mechanisms from D.radiodurans,T.gammatolerans and Bacillus F as it will repair any future DNA damage especially in older patients.AI may need to extrapolate the missing damaged DNA for each patient to ensure their own DNA is present in the cellular,telomere and mitochondrial DNA repaired with all patients having their cellular,chromosomal and mitochondrial DNA analysed by blood pricks or skin cells extracted on DNA analysers in labs and using CRISPR have the repair mechanisms of extremophile bacteria ie T.gammatolerans added to repair further damage and to prevent further damage.DNA of infants may be analysed and have genes added.Thus the DNA from these bacteria will be able to repair any future DNA degradation.Existing damaged DNA can be repaired by CRISPR adding genes in each patient to repair existing DNA damage in mitochondrial DNA and existing damage in one’s chromosomes and the telomeres thus having the DNA in one’s mitochondrial DNA,chromosomal DNA and their telomeres reverted to an infant state thus reverting ones internal organs and exterior skin to an their peak state of an infant or at least their early tens of 14/15 years old thus keeping one forever at a state similar to the ages of 14/15 years old.Adding DNA repair mechanisms from T.gammatolerans to one’s mitochondrial DNA,chromosomal DNA and their telomeres once they are reverted to an infant state will prevent any future degradation in their DNA and telomeres from ever occurring again thus keeping patients DNA at an infant state and their interior organs and exterior skin at a state of 14/15 years old forever .

If possible to prevent the DNA for DNA repair taking up too much place in the patients genome it would ideal for only recombinant DNA from T.gammatolerans to be used since it can express this phenotype and unlike that from Bacillus F can allow it to withstand blasts of radiation if up to 30,000Gy thus having the most effective repair mechanisms meaning in order to prevent future DNA degradation in telomere and mitochondrial DNA.The fact that T.gammatolerans has been proven in lab settings to survive such extreme blasts of radiation allows it to exhibit better DNA repair mechanisms thus making it the ideal candidate for the source of DNA repair mechanisms.Research can be done if this DNA repair mechanism could also protect humans from extreme doses of radiation and possibly eliminate all or most cancers from the human gene pool by preventing the random breaks and mutations from exposure to radiation,carcinogens etc from occurring thus preventing tumours ever forming in all patients

Telomere,chromosomal and mitochondrial DNA will be at first fitted with teleomere repairing DNA from these bacteria T.gammatolerans to prevent future damage to them due to these bacteria exhibiting DNA repair mechanisms.Any future damage to telomeres to that mitosis has on the quality of telomeres in the chromosomes,mitochondrial DNA etc will be repaired instantly by adding the genes from these bacteria that allow them to repair their DNA thus rendering the hayflick limit and damage to telomeres,chromosomes and mitochondrial DNA obsolete forever.This will halt and reverse the affects of ageing.This DNA from these bacteria that exhibit DNA repair will be added first to patients mitochondrial and telomere chromosomal DNA via CRISPR to prevent any future damage and decay of the patients DNA while AI using CRISPR can repair existing damage to ones DNA by filling in the blanks etc.To repair telomeres forever scratch DNA can be extrapolated that has them express the synthesis of telomerase at stable levels associated with infancy as this is key to keeping telomere at healthy levels however too much can lead to cancer.Nephropidae are a species of biologically immortal crustacean that can theoretically live forever yet dies mainly from exhaustion from shedding its ever growing shells,pathogens,parasites and also predation.Part if the reason is that they are able to keep their telomeres at an infant level forever.This biological mechanisms could be applied to humans by producing the compound at stable levels forever without leading to tumourgenisis through scratch DNA.Advanced gene drive technology will make these changes permanent

The DNA to exhibit DNA repair will be modified by AI to be better integrated into the human genome due to the fact that it comes from bacteria and not multicellular organisms.This can include adding new scratch DNA to better integrate the genes or use them as a baseline for AI to design better DNA to exhibit this phenotype

DNA extrapolated by AI for each individual patient will be added to both mitochondrial and chromosomal telomere DNA to repair existing damaged DNA to revert both mitochondrial and telomere DNA to levels and states similar to that of infancy with DNA from ,T.gammatolerans that allows them to exhibit DNA repair will be added to all cells mitochondrial and telomere DNA in patients at first to prevent future telomere damage caused by mitosis to slow down damage and any future damage repaired instantly.Similar to how the AIs Gnome and Alpha fold were able to extrapolate millions of new proteins and nanomaterials within hours expediating scientific advancement by 800 years in a few hours Phanes even in a proto form or both Gnome and Alpha fold will be able to similarly extrapolate millions of genes for each individual patient that restores all DNA in their chromones and telomeres to an infant state to be prepared for individual CRISPR treatments with them also extrapolating millions of compound that reverse the cellular structures of each individual patient to an infant state indefinitely with them also extrapolating all biomedical process of ageing in humans and animals etc.They will also be able to extrapolate DNA to repair chromosomal DNA should that from ,T.gammatolerans should not suffice.Ones entire DNA in their chromosome,mitochondrial DNA will through scratch DNA extrapolated by AI be reverted to a state similar to infancy including telomeres. Telomeres that shorten as one ages will through scratch DNA and CRISPR be reverted to a level and state similar to infancy of about 8,000 to 10,000 nucleotides long by AI extrapolating the correct genetic sequences to be reapplied to them using CRISPR.The DNA repair mechanisms from T.gammatolerans will be added to the telomeres to prevent them degrading any further negating the hayflick limit.One’s entire genome in their patient file will be analysed by AI before and after gene therapy to ensure that ones entire genome is repaired to a pristine state with it used by AI to correct damaged section by removing damaged DNA and replacing it with DNA with the exact same sequences of bases.Scratch DNA will be used to revert telomeres in all chromosomes to an infant state where they are fully rejuvenated with mitochondrial DNA reverted to an infant state thus will be done in all cells in the body.

Nephropidae are a species of biologically immortal crustacean that can theoretically live forever yet dies mainly from exhaustion from shedding its ever growing shells,pathogens,parasites and also predation.Part of the reason is that they are able to keep their telomeres at an infant level forever..If they were to be kept in captivity without predators,pathogens or even be engineered not to produce shells it’s theoretically possible for them to live forever or at least several centuries.This biological mechanisms could be applied to H.sapiens by producing the compound at stable levels forever without leading to tumourgenisis through scratch DNA.H.sapiens do create telomerase but not enough as even though they do create it it is not enough as despite its function as to rejuvenate and protect the telomeres telomere degradation still occurs.Only enough is created to partially repair damage unlike Nephropidae.Nephropidae do not have this problem as their telomeres are forever at an infant state and they unlike H.sapiens have an infinite supply of telomerase.Telomerase is not unique to Nephropidae . It is present in most other animals, including H.sapiens, but after passing the embryonic life stage, levels of telomerase in most other cells decline and are not sufficient for constantly re-building telomeres.Since both H.sapiens and Nephropidae produce telomerase they should have similar genes with the different mechanisms resulting in both have genes that are similar but slightly different due to Nephropidae telomerase mechanism being more successful thus genes from Nephropidae should be easily integrated into H.sapiens without side effects.AI can analyse the genes responsible for telomerase production in both H.sapiens and Nephropidae and thus determine ways to integrate that from Nephropidae into H.sapiens through CRISPR treatments thus rejuvenating telomeres in patients to an infant level forever with it and DNA repair mechanism ensuring that the telomeres stay at a levels associated with infancy forever.The genes in Nephropidae can used as a baseline to research those developed that can be added to humans that are added to the human genome via CRISPR that produce telomerase at levels sufficient to rejuvenate telemeres to an infant level forever while at the same preventing tumourgenesis or issues associated with rejection etc with research done into genes added to the genome that enable telomerase be created at sufficient levels to keep telomeres at a state similar to infancy forever while preventing tumourgenesis.DNA repair mechanisms from T.gammatolerans added to the chromosomes including the telomeres could prevent the development of mutations and random breaks that lead to tumours.In otherwards research should be done to rejuvenate telomeres to an infant state forever through CRISPR while preventing tumourgenesis based on the same principle as the ability of Nephropidae to keep their telomeres constantly rejuvenated.This can involve using CRISPR treatments or using drugs etc that induce the formation of these changes.It can also involve using CRISPR to alter a human patients DNA to the point that the cells produce the required amount of telomerase to first rejuvenate them to a youthful state similar to one’s early 20s,teens or even infancy in the case of those who are aged 40 and older and keep them rejuvenated forever at an infant or youthful state without leading to tumours or other side effects.AI will develop CRISPR treatments including using genes created from scratch or even recombinant DNA from Nephropidae that is altered to do this without rejection,formation of tumours etc Advanced gene drive technology will make these changes permanent .

Scratch DNA alongside recombinant DNA from aerotolerant anaerobic bacteria can be utilised to improve this especially those that cause the rejuvenation of Phosphatidylcholines and telomeres in the membranes and DNA of all cells destroyed by free radicals with further engineering making cells immune to the effects of free radicals,such as reactive oxygen and free radicles taken in by the host and produced by microbes to fight pathogens counteracted by recombinant DNA from aerotolerant anaerobic bacteria and scratch DNA developed by Phanes.Scratch DNA and those from other plants and animals can be added to counteract the effects of all free radicles and any compounds that lead to senescence or cellular and genetic damage using DNA from scratch or engineer them into turning the products of aerobic respiration into compounds that can be consumed or excreted or not be effected by them.This DNA would be used to make cells immune to the effects that oxygen has on damaging DNA etc.This could also be done with the body engineered to produce antioxidants.Recombinant DNA from T.gammaolerans and D.radiodurans would be used to protect the body from any daily doses of radiation that one experiences from sunlight UV radiation,radon,xrays and even nuclear fallout,gamma ray bursts and cosmic radiation preventing DNA damage if applied to telomeres in both the nucleus/chromosomes and mitochondria.If possible DNA from T.gammatolerans can negate the need for DNA from Bacillus F,D.radioduran/ as it also protects one from blast of radiation of up to 30,000Gy thus allowing for DNA repair and also protection from radiation.CRISPR treatments will be used to repair existing damage in telomeres,chromosomes and mitochondrial DNA.Senescent cells can be made to undergoe apoptosis through microbes as well as replaced by younger tissues through stem cell strains and proteins associated with them such as P-16 can be removed through this or them creating compounds that destroy it with tumours fought off by ant-cancer strains.Stem cells strains can be used to replace depleted collagen with fresher supplies of them to levels associated with infancy.Stem cells strains can be used to replace depleted collagen with fresher supplies of them to levels associated with infancy with base microbes breaking down compounds associated with old age.Research can be made using biosynths if the addition of endolithic bacteria to the human genome has any positive or negative effects on the ageing process where it may enhance ageing treatments by extending human lifespans or if can be detrimental by causing negative effects on the host i with this including those who undergo mitosis every 10,000 years discovered by the Integrated Ocean Drilling Project in 2013.If possible the endolithic bacteria’s slow metabolism can be researched as a means of negating the effects metabolism has on the ageing processes by adding the genes responsible for it added to a patients genome.Research on biosynths can confirm if slowed miotic rates slows down the ageing processes by slowing down the the rate of telomere degradation in cells with using specific endolithic bacteria from 2013 would mean the ageing process would be slower to the point one would age the equivalent of several months once every 10,000 years with the decreased metabolism of endolithic bacteria also sliding down metabolism that affects ageing.Turritopsis dohrnii, DNA will be researched to add to revert cellular structures and DNA to an infant state.Also DNA from Glycine max and scratch DNA can be added to human cells to have them synthesise phosphotidicholines back to levels associated with infancy.All of this will be done in biosynths with this can be done after initial treatments reverse telomere degradation extending human lifespan.The first treatments to halt the ageing process will extend it minimally with the next set of treatments extending it even further with the next treatments extending them indefinitely to the point one becomes immortal forever.These newer treatments will be developed by AI namely Phanes,Paean etc for each individual patient.Advanced gene drive technology will make the changes to one’s genome permanent with every year as AI advances exponentially in computing power will be able improve methods to reverse the ageing process in much older patients and at the same time halt it to the point one can live for centuries or even thousands of years at a time or even forever for millions of billions of years at a time..AI will conduct this research of using recombinant DNA from endolithic bacteria, Nephropidae and other biologically immortal animals and bacteria using animal trials and those using biosynths etc after CRISPR is already able to repair telemetry and mitochondrial DNA to test what effects they would have in humans to extend the lifespan of humans to forever

Scratch DNA alongside recombinant DNA from aerotolerant anaerobic bacteria can be utilised to improve this especially those that cause the rejuvenation of Phosphatidylcholines and telomeres in the membranes and DNA of all cells destroyed by free radicals with further engineering making cells immune to the effects of free radicals,such as reactive oxygen and free radicles taken in by the host and produced by microbes to fight pathogens counteracted by recombinant DNA from aerotolerant anaerobic bacteria and scratch DNA developed by Phanes.Scratch DNA and those from other plants and animals can be added to counteract the effects of all free radicles and any compounds that lead to senescence or cellular and genetic damage using DNA from scratch or engineer them into turning the products of aerobic respiration into compounds that can be consumed or excreted or not be effected by them.This DNA would be used to make cells immune to the effects that oxygen has on damaging DNA etc.This could also be done with the body engineered to produce antioxidants.Recombinant DNA from T.gammaolerans and D.radiodurans would be used to protect the body from any daily doses of radiation that one experiences from sunlight UV radiation,radon,xrays and even nuclear fallout,gamma ray bursts and cosmic radiation preventing DNA damage if applied to telomeres in both the nucleus/chromosomes and mitochondria.If possible DNA from T.gammatolerans can negate the need for DNA from Bacillus F,D.radioduran/ as it also protects one from blast of radiation of up to 30,000Gy thus allowing for DNA repair and also protection from radiation.CRISPR treatments will be used to repair existing damage in telomeres,chromosomes and mitochondrial DNA..Senescent cells can be made to undergoe apoptosis through microbes as well as replaced by younger tissues through stem cell strains and proteins associated with them such as P-16 can be removed through this or them creating compounds that destroy it with tumours fought off by ant-cancer strains.Stem cells strains can be used to replace depleted collagen with fresher supplies of them to levels associated with infancy.Stem cells strains can be used to replace depleted collagen with fresher supplies of them to levels associated with infancy with base microbes breaking down compounds associated with old age.Research can be made using biosynths if the addition of endolithic bacteria to the human genome has any positive or negative effects on the ageing process where it may enhance ageing treatments by extending human lifespans or if can be detrimental by causing negative effects on the host i with this including those who undergo mitosis every 10,000 years discovered by the Integrated Ocean Drilling Project in 2013.If possible the endolithic bacteria’s slow metabolism can be researched as a means of negating the effects metabolism has on the ageing processes by adding the genes responsible for it added to a patients genome.Research on biosynths can confirm if slowed miotic rates slows down the ageing processes by slowing down the the rate of telomere degradation in cells with using specific endolithic bacteria from 2013 would mean the ageing process would be slower to the point one would age the equivalent of several months once every 10,000 years with the decreased metabolism of endolithic bacteria also sliding down metabolism that affects ageing.Turritopsis dohrnii, DNA will be researched to add to revert cellular structures and DNA to an infant state.All of this will be done in biosynths with this can be done after initial treatments reverse telomere degradation extending human lifespan.The first treatments to halt the ageing process will extend it minimally with the next set of treatments extending it even further with the next treatments extending them indefinitely to the point one becomes immortal forever.These newer treatments will be developed by AI namely Phanes,Paean etc for each individual patient.Advanced gene drive technology will make the changes to one’s genome permanent with every year as AI advances exponentially in computing power will be able improve methods to reverse the ageing process in much older patients and at the same time halt it to the point one can live for centuries or even thousands of years at a time or even forever for millions of billions of years at a time.

To prevent the issue of immune responses from CRISPR treatments using recombinant DNA from any species of plants and animals and scratch DNA human versions of Cas-9/Cpf1 or even patient specific versions of Cas-9/Cpf1 can be created by AI namely proto and final Phanes can analyse the genome of Streptococcus pyogenes,Francisella novicida also analysing both human DNA and patient specific DNA and modify it for humans and individual patients present in the their own leukocytes that contains their trace DNA. Alongside the development of human and patient specific versions of CRISPR Cas-9/Cpf1 the recombinant DNA from completely different plants,animals and bacteria responsible for reversing and halting the effects of ageing can through strands of scratch DNA extrapolated by Phanes can be added to them to integrate the recombinant DNA added to a patients DNA without fatal immune responses allowing the desired phenotypes from plants,animals,bacteria etc and those made from scratch to be expressed effectively in patients again without fatal immune or rejection responses.Otherwise to express the desired phenotypes from the plant and animal kingdom different or similar strands of scratch DNA extrapolated by Phanes etc that expresses the same desired phenotype can be safely added to one’s genome.Thus AI like Phanes incorporating existing AI software such as OpenCRISPR-1,Evo,CRISPR GPT,AlphaFold 1-3 etc and new more advanced AI programming software can be used to extrapolate versions of CRISPR Cas-9/CPf1 and scratch genes to better integrate recombinant DNA from plants and animals that can be applied to not only humans and other animals such as pet dogs,cats etc but even specific individuals of humans,cats,dogs etc without illiciting immune responses that may be fatal thus allowing CRISPR treatments be developed and applied to humans,dogs and cats that effectively reverse and halt the effects of ageing forever.

Existing research into telomerere and mitochondrial DNA repair and rejuvenation that does not involve CRISPR will be used to repair abc restore damage to telomeres with this used as a treatment that acts as Proto treatments that extend the human lifespan and that of pets prior to CRISPR treatments can extend the lifespan of individual’s exponentially to the point that more advanced treatments explained here and others can be developed that render one eternally young forever……………………………………………………

Combing the genetic regenerative abilities of D.radiodurans,T.gammatolerans that allows them to survive such extreme doses of radiation(30,000 Gy compared to 5Gy for a human) by repairing DNA,with the DNA regenerative abilities of Bacillus F,scratch DNA into gene therapy treatments using CRISPR applied by anti-ageing strains microbes using horizontal gene therapy into both the nuclear telomeres and also mitochondrial DNA of all cells in the body would reverse and negate all of the effects of senescence in more complex multicellular organisms such as H.sapiens brought on by mitochondrial metabolism,telomere degradation with again this at first halting the ageing process and then further research into them,other more complex immortal lifeforms and DNA created from scratch done by Phanes,Epione and Paean could reverse it secondly by repairing existing damage to ones the telomeres and cells using this recombinant DNA,DNA strands made from scratch and from and other biological components with a more fixed state and then reversing the symptoms of ageing.These anti-ageing treatments would allow more complex multicellular lifeforms such as H.sapiens and other sentient life forms alongside all species of pets etc from across the universe from all taxonomic rank in their adult years even those in their elderly years such as those currently aged 60-95 to have their cellular and telomeres structures be reverted to that of their infant years and live forever in a state similar to early to late adolescence staying youthful in a state similar to the ages of roughly 14-15 with the microbes using other gene therapy via CRISPR and creating relevant sex hormones with females kept in their fertile peak of 14-15 and males their testosterone peak of 14-15 indefinitely and eat and drink as much as they want prevent mitochondrial damage to the cellular processes with them enhanced by these and other phenotypes of these extremophiles.Thus one internal organs and external skin would have it reverted indefinitely to a state equivalent to infancy allowing one to stay in a perpetually youthful state similar to the ages of 14-15 with females forever kept in the fertile peak of 14-15 and males kept forever in their testosterone peak of 14-15 through genes added that keep their hormones at this age range forever with once patients are reverted to this young state One would thus be reverted to their youthful internal and external appearance of their early 20s or even early and late adolescence of the age of 14-15 with their cellular structures and telomeres reverted to their infant state with females forever kept in the fertile peak of the ages of 14-15 and males forever kept in their testosterone peak of ages 14-15.The anti-ageing treatments could also aplly to all species of animals including pets of all species and breeds of animals such as Canidae,F.catus,,Serpentes and animals in zoos etc as well as even ornamental plants with Phanes modifying the treatments to each species and breed.This would thus allow humans etc be reverted to their youthful appearance of early 20s or early and late adolescence .The anti-ageing treatments could also aplly to all species of animals including pets of all species with Phanes modifying the treatments to each species and breed.This would be applied by anti-ageing strains of microbes to the hosts DNA in all cells and tissues where they will reside.Bone marrow would have this DNA but it added in a way to prevent leukocytes housing it as it would be ideally to have them die off at the same rate they do normally to prevent overproduction of them especially during infections with Phanes extrapolating ways to ensure that they and erythrocytes die off at a normal rate but still stay young as in an adolescent of infant to prevent them overrunning the body extrapolating ways to ensure that they and erythrocytes die off at a normal rate but still stay young as in an adolescent of infant to prevent them overrunning the body.Augmentations would still be added to leukocytes.Phanes will develop countermeasures to any problems associated with gene therapy that extends the human lifespan.Augmentations would allow one to heal instantly from wounds,cuts,burns and also regrow limbs,become immune to radiation,survive exponentially longer or completely without water and food,survive the vacuum of space and all extreme environmental conditions on Earth and across the world thus effectively making one immortal.Mapping of these lifeforms DNA using artificial intelligence will be done to determine the genes for their incredibly long lifespans with this of note to the unicellular lifeforms that seem to live the longest and have fewer genes than multi cellular lifeforms that exhibit this phenotype meaning it should be easier to determine which genes are responsible for this much quicker using artificial intelligence and automated labs testing each sets of suspected genes especially in regards to ,T.gammatolerans,Bacillus F as well as Planarians.This should at least first halt and reverse the ageing process by 2029 with AI creating scratch DNA and carrying out more advanced research using DNA from T.dohrnii etc on animals to further enhance age reversal and halting.Other non human multicellular lifeforms including pets,livestocks wild animals in zoos,conservation areas and the wild(especially endangered species) will be able to avail of this with Phanes,Paean,Urania and Hecate suiting it to their specific DNA with even ornamental plants and crops in gardens etc also availing of this.Having all work such as simulations of the ageing process and effects of treatments as well as creation of scratch DNA,preparation and scanning of the extremophiles done by Phanes,Paean,Hecate,Epione,Urania and even ancestral AI,automated labs in hospitals and universities using all data on Apollo and existing scientific papers online searched by AI will expedite the process exponentially.3D DNA printing and automated labs can also expedite the process exponentially since mapped genes in Physis and those from scratch can be easily be added to leukocytes used as baseline and microbes as upgrades expediting their development even quicker theoretically allowing therapies to first halt the ageing process available within a decade extending the lifespan of those in the currently in the age range of 50-95 to receive therapies to first halt the ageing process giving them more time to receive the benefits of more advanced therapies that then repair and reverse the ageing process thus reverting them to a more youthful state of their early adolescence and early twenties indefinitely with females having the same fertility peak in their early teens 14-15 years of age and the same for males with males through other gene therapy applied via CRISPR to them and also through testosterone and other hormones created by the microbes allowing to on demand or indefinitely to have the same testosterone peak they had aged 14-15 years of age.It could also reverse presbycusis allowing those middle aged or older to revert to their hearing peak they had as prepubescent children.

Those past this range say currently aged 90-100 could if they manage to naturally biologically live to past 100 even to the ages of 110-120 could feasibly have this if they manage to still stay alive.Thus those currently in the “goldilocks range” aged between 50-70 are the highest age range limit to have a 100% chance of availing of this with those between 71-81 having at least a 90-100% chance of availing of this depending on how well they have taken care of their body – those aged about 75 would have at least 90-95% chance while those aged 76-81 their chances would be 75-89% ,those aged 81-91 have a 50-75% or less chance of availing of it due to the extreme damage though as stated if they were biologically meant to originally live to between 100-110 they could have at least 50% chance.As detailed later on proto treatments available by 2023-2025 could allow those currently aged 80-95 to live long enough to 2029 by halting the effects of ageing in vital organs such as the brain,blood vessels and then allowing it to be reversed to a more youthful state of ones early twenties by this date with other CRISPR treatments allowing them to survive heart attacks and strokes and other age related conditions thus raising their chances considerably to at least 50-75% of living an indefinite lifespan of eternal youth.This would increase the chances currently aged 75-80 to at least 100% and those currently aged 80-100 to at least 50-85%.The chances of availing of treatments that halt and then reverse senescence depends on how quickly the treatments to halt and then reverse the ageing process can be developed,the level of global cooperation,how good in shape one is with regards to their age ie some 80-90 year olds may be in better shape than other 80-90 year olds,their previous medical history and how old they were biologically born to originally live to without the treatments ie if their genetics predispose them to live to 100-122 the current upper limit of human lifespans and other factors such as their inability to die of trauma,pathogens,heart attacks,natural causes,accidents or murder and how much in shape or damage their lungs,brains,livers are in response damage from cigarette smoking,alcohol damage and their cholesterol levels and genetics that predispose them to cancers,alzheimers etc similar to some people are more likely to die of Coronavirus infections than others.Each individual patients current state of health determines their chances of survival with the general rules got good health such as give up smoking,avoid exposure to carcinogens,avoid fatal accidents and eat healthy food,exercise etc used to increase the survival rates of those 40 or older with older patients taking cholesterol tests and health check ups.If possible clinical trials applied on the oldest living patients can start by 2025.The state of ones health of those above 75 such as cardiological health,pulmonary health as well the state of their cellular structures and telomeres and whether they would be biologically predetermined to live to above to 100 or above determines the possibility of their chances increase above these percentages.Thus these percentages are basal guidelines with them different for all patients above the age of 50-70 based on ones unique genetic and health factors.Patients should undergoe medical tests to determine their chance of survival with those aged above 70 that are currently 80-100 being part of firstclinical trials and the first line of patients to receive anti-ageing treatments between 2025-2029.The rate of scientific research,use of AI and automation in labs,use of computer networks to share data and 3D DNA printers and level of cooperation done in universities,hospitals etc worldwide should exponentially increase and determine the rate that the first human trials and treatments are available for older patients thus increasing survival rates of those currently aged 80-100 years exponentionally to between 80-90%.Simulations and practical applications should show this done at the same time that the treatment is development.Older patients above 75 may want to avail of bioprinted and chimera organs such as hearts and livers etc from cattle,remove their fat insulin receptor gene to eliminate heart disease as well as check regularly for cancer and other fatal diseases and infections and also take preventative action towards extending their chances of living long enough to avail of treatments to first halt the process of senescence and thus avail of those to reverse the effects already on them.This should also be done of all patients over the age of 40 or indeed any age getting checked regularly for all types of cancers and have genetic scans for all types of genetically predisposed cancers and conditions that would lower their percentage of survival that they may be prone to especially cervical and prostrate as well as getting DNA scans for it and other genetic diseases with survivors of cancer and heart disease also getting routine checks and bioprinted organs.Intensive research should be made into primarily strains that treat ageing and also cancer above all other strains at first due to the fact as they can reverse the ageing process in the elderly who are the most at risk individuals alongside cancer which is the most deadly of diseases.Other strains such as augmentations and anti-viral etc strains could be delayed until after ageing strains are perfected as most pathogens can be treated with existing treatments and preventative measures to prevent infections.As detailed later modified immunotherapy and viral vector cancer treatments using CRISPR and Polybia-MP1 will increase survival rates for all types of cancers especially those in middle age or older.Ideally all patients worldwide should get DNA scans by 2023/2024 to check for cancers and other fatal genetic conditions to prepare for them to get frequent screenings such as prostrate exams and pap smears,mammograms and xrays etc and also get bioprinted organs.Those who work with carcinogens or in heavy polluted sites and even smokers may want to avoid smoking and also heavy drinkers would likely avoid drinking heavily and get frequent checkups with those in accident prone occupations taking extra care to prevent death and serious injury.Those aged 75 and older can avail of organs like hearts,kidneys,lungs from chimera animals such as pigs and cattle as early as 2023 to provide them with organs that are in a vigorous and youthful state equivalent to those in their early twenties to increase survival rates with them taking anti-rejection drugs until CRISPR treatments remove all foreign DNA.AI will create strains of bacteriophages that can kill off strains of fatal superbugs that can be created onsite of all hospitals.Medication for chronic infections such as HIV and chronic conditions such as genetic conditions will be provided to all suffers worldwide in both the developing world and first world.Biocompatible microbes since living within the tissues of the patient will be able to apply the relevant genes to the host permanently to the cells and tissues in the body.The same anti-ageing procedures can also be applied to livestock and pets as well as crop and ornamental plants and endangered wild animals.These and extra phenotypes using other recombinant DNA could allow H.sapiens to survive the same extreme conditions as these extremophiles that would normally be fatal to humans such as extreme doses of radiation,pressure,prolonged periods without water and nutrients such as proteins,fats and carbohydrates,vitamins especially if H.sapiens can be engineered to synthesise essential vitamins,fats,amino acids by themselves or this is done by biocompatible microbes.As stated earlier it takes about an hour to map and identify a patients entire DNA of 46 chromosones and 30,000 genes thus it should be easier and quicker to map and identify all the genes of each one of the aforementioned and other species responsible for their regenerative capabilities,lack of neuro-muscular degenerative diseases and cancer as well as biological immortality especially in the case of unicellular Archaea lifeforms and even mammals etc especially if done simultaneously by artificial intelligence since as stated they should have shorter genomes accelerating the creation of ageing therapies via gene therapy using horizontal gene transfer through biocompatible microbes.Their DNA should already be within genomic database scattered across the internet but having proto AI transfer them into a single database will expedite research and progress research should be made into primarily strains that treat ageing and also cancer above all other strains. these extremophile Archaea lifeforms and animals that dont exhibit genetic based diseases should at least halt the ageing process in humans at first with further research using them and other lifeforms with this phenotype and DNA made from scratch as well as biocompatible microbes then allowing for the ageing process to be reversed allowing for patients to be reverted to a indefinite youthful state of early teens and early twenties with Phanes,Gaia,Urnaia,Hecate and Paean doing this and other research into genetic engineering and therapy.These and DNA from animals that exhibit biological immortality could also prevent any random mutations that would lead to cancer in both the nuclear telomeres/chromosomes and also mitochondrial DNA.The ability of embryonic stem cells and cancer cells to produce telomerase could introduced into other cells to make them replicate indefinitely with gene drives and other genetic treatments keeping this under control preventing the body being overrun with tumours.Other DNA can be made from scratch as well to better integrate this recombinant DNA or replace it with if possible DNA coming from all or most of the aforementioned sources.If possible both gene therapy and even editing embryos,spermatozoa and eggs will be done to increase the intelligence of the unborn child and thus if done on a large scale be able to over several decades increase the average intelligence quotient of the entire species.To deal with the drawbacks of gene therapy the virus used could have DNA from the host patient or just human DNA to create human proteins on its capsid to avoid detection by the immune system and thus be used indefinitely without immune reactions.Gene drivers especially advanced gene drive technology could be used to make the gene inserted of any phenotype as well as permanent features of H.ubermensch and H.sapiens to spread through future cells through mitosis becoming a permanent part of the patients body or just specified cells DNA or at least lower the amount of treatments to be done with this becoming a permanent part of all future successive cells.To deal with treatment that requires multiple genes to be inserted all of these genes could be added to the cells genetic code in one go or they could be done in waves one after the other to allow each piece of recombinant DNA to be added one after the other or in one go especially if CRISPR is used which can allow for genes to be inserted at proper sites avoiding unwanted mutations and cancers.Ideally both mitochondrial and nuclear telomere DNA will be modified in all forms of gene therapy such as ageing and augmentations to ensure stability and prevent mutations in one that would affect the other in all cells in the body with as stated advanced gene drive technology will ensure the genes will be passed onto each successive cell and to all spermatozoa,eggs and thus all successive children in the patients bloodline via germline therapy and thus the rest of the genepool of H.sapiens.Nanomachines could in time become more effective at this therapy alongside biocompatible microbes engineered to interact with and transfer these strands of DNA using CRISPR into human cells with them either mortal versions or immortal versions that rein insert DNA into cells constantly over their lifetime with themselves having recombinant DNA from endoliths to make them immortal with gene drives as well as receptors and sensors on cell walls making them unable to react with other biocompatible microbes for pathogens causing mutations and hybrids and insert genes to specific cells.DNA from Planarians,Hydra,A.mexicanum and C.elegans will also allow them to undergo cellular repair and memory to counteract any damage inflicted on them which can be transferred to the host and the primary immune system via horizontal gene transfer.Having these have the DNA from bacteria that exhibit horizontal gene transfer with humans or from scratch could improve their efficacy in effectively transferring genes preventing mutations,faults and tumour growth with biocompatible microbes also engineered to detect fight off any tumours caused by this and even fix any mutations that lead to these and faults that may with gene drives also aiding in this.Gene drives and also sections of DNA made from scratch could fix any mutations,faults and other problems that may arise and better integrate DNA from other distantly related animals and plants with DNA from animals that never get cancer added to prevent tumours forming though this would be done to remove cancer from the genepool of H.sapiens.Again advanced gene drives might make the therapy permanent through mitosis and pass onto to the next generation of cells but these microbes might exist purely to fix any faults or if it needs to be done every few years or decades especially with regards to ageing and organ specific treatments.Base microbes can copy genes and the entire DNA in specific cells,tissues and the entire body routinely to determine if gene drives are successful and also to detect any faults that may occur with these results relayed to Paean via nanomachines in them with this occurring if any surprise disease are exhibited by the patients.Before that phlebotomy robots can collect cells from various parts of the body in automated labs and grow tissues from these to allow them to be analysed by human and robotic staff to see that the relevant genes are present or they could put through PCR analysis to check for the specified genes.Ideally these biocompatabile microbes based on the patients leukocytes will be used as a more effective means as a vector than viruses as since they will be forming a permanent feature of the human immune system they will be able to permanently trick the hosts immune system into believing they are part of it as they will use the patients leukocytes as a baseline eliminating the problems associated with foreign viruses and bacteria illicitating immune responses and can carry out corrections of faults that occur in waves over years or even decades as well as using gene drives to make the therapy and corrections permanent and if need be carry out reinsertion in waves.They will also be able to treat all cells in the body for augmentations and also ageing without illicitating an immune response and also by using their malleability to move and squeeze in between each cells with them using horizontal gene transfer and also bumpers.To deal with the use of Cas-9 illiciting immune responses it could be modified to contain some or all human proteins entirely as an human and patient version of Cas-9.Advanced gene drive technology will ensure the genes added to all cells will pass from generation to the next via mitosis with base microbes copying the DNA in all cells in the body and wirelessly send the results to see if they are present into ones patient file with this done regularly.Specific strains will be made to deal with ageing via CRISPR treatments with the DNA for the application to all the cells in the body will be housed in ribosomes and in particular plasmids that will be recreated over and over again via taq polymerase and Cas-9 to be reused over and over again with millions of microbes applying the DNA to all cells in the body at once until all cells are treated.Each relevant genes can be applied all at once or in waves one after another.The genes for these will be applied either by horizontal gene transfer and also bumpers acting as a mini vector with advanced gene drive technology used to ensure the genes pass from one generation to the next.All species of animals including all types of pets,livestock and all species of plants including ornamental plants as well as crops could avail of the same anti-ageing treatments as humans.Pets owned by the public,livestock and animals in zoos will be able to avail of anti-ageing treatments and those to remove genetic diseases and augmentations using specues specific microbes.The same extremophile bacteria DNA used to reverse and halt the effects of ageing ie endolith,T.gammatolerans,Bacillus F,D.radiodurans recombinat DNA will possibly prevent cancer,all genetic diseases,neurological diseases,developmental disorders being passed onto future generations or occurring in the first due to random mutations by repairing mutations via DNA repair that cause genetic based or even environmental based cancer,all genetic diseases,neurological diseases,developmental disorders in the developing thus wiping these from the human genepool after being applied to all patients worldwide when they are cured using germline therapy and advanced gene drive technology.Cancer caused by radiation,carcinogens will be repaired by this DNA.Thus no new extra DNA will be needed to be added to all patients worldwide as those that already halt and prevent ageing will be able to prevent the random mutations that cause these with it also preventing deformities from inbreeding,incest and also damage from teratogens.This would thus wipe these diseases such as cancer,genetic diseases,pedopheilia,schizophrenia,Downs syndrome etc from the human genepool forever by preventing the necessary random mutations and teratogen or other environmental based factors that cause them via DNA repair mechanisms.This would also prove gene protection theory.Bone marrow would have this DNA to halt the effects of ageing but it added in a way to prevent leukocytes housing it as it would be ideal to have them die off at the same rate they do normally to prevent overproduction of them especially during infections with Phanes extrapolating ways to ensure that they and erythrocytes die off at a normal rate but still stay young as in an adolescent of infant to prevent them overrunning the body extrapolating ways to ensure that they and erythrocytes die off at a normal rate but still stay young as in a state equivalent to an adolescent of infant to prevent them overrunning the body.Augmentations would still be added to leukocytes.Phanes will develop countermeasures to any problems associated with gene therapy that extends the human lifespan.This concern is minimal but since CRISPR is a new technology and its effects not fully understood especially the effects of bacterial DNA on humans especially unborn fetuses must at least be investigated.Either way the additions of recombinant DNA from endoliths will still play a role in halting the effects of ageing in existing living patients of H.sapiens who are adults especially those currently aged 80-95 and younger that already have finished puberty applied via advanced gene drive technology as early as 2023-2029 with its effects on unborn fetuses passed onto them via advanced gene drive technology done on mice during this period patients that wish to have children will have their levels of Phosphatidylcholines and telomeres reverted to an infant state will when planning to have children have this DNA removed from their genome or that in their ovaries and tested and once the female has given birth it added back and to them and their levels of phostidycholines and telomeres reverted back to infancy via CRISPR should they have depleted due to mitosis.Phanes will extrapolate solutions to this problem.Advanced gene drive technology will make these changes permanent

All sources of recombinant DNA will be added to both mitochondrial and telomere DNA in all cells.Recombinant DNA from Hydra and T.dohrnii could allow for old senescent cells especially in those receiving the first trials after animal trials to have their cells revert to a younger state almost instantly.T.dohrnii and Hydra etc DNA can be used if shown to be safe in animal trials to be able to cause older senescent cells to reprogramme themselves to a much younger state if scratch DNA is added with this done once every once every 10,000 years by causing Phosphatidylcholines and NAD+ and possible telemeres in the cells to revert to a younger state.After the first patients avail of anti-ageing treatments,animal trials can show if recombinant DNA from T.dohrnii,Nephropidae,Hydra can be transferred to humans to keep telomerase level stable to the point that it keeps it forever at levels of infancy and also able to revert senescent old cells to a younger state automatically after miotic damage every 10,000 years with this tested on animals given anti-ageing treatments except endolithic bacteria.This is due to biological mechanisms within these three species T.dohrnii,Nephropidae,Hydra to be able to revert their cellular and genetic structures to a infant state as they age thus making them biologically resistant to the ageing process.Research can be done as to the effect of endolithic DNA from endolithic bacteria discovered by the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program that undergo mitosis every 10,000 years abd has extremely slow metabolism could aid in slowing down the ageing process in humans or if it has dangerous side effects.It could have the ability to slow down the growth of or kill off tumours in cancer patients