
Introduction :
Advancements in genetics,bio-informatics,3D DNA printing,existing machinery and artificial intelligence will allow subtle alterations to be made to replicated strands of DNA samples to allow these alterations to produce new individuals which can be used in artificial insemination and in vitro fertilization or surrogate females or species with this also applying to creating and improving genetic diversity among both the various breeds of F.catus,Canidae to prevent bottlenecking within them.This Phanes software with CRISPR could as stated earlier allow for billions of subtle alterations to be extrapolated from collected samples for new individuals to be made from an existing strands of healthy chromosomes and DNA of both genders which are first created by 3D DNA printers over and over again indefinitely.Thus by analysing the genome of a few dozen or few thousand closely related and distantly specimens of a species of both genders Phanes can extrapolate billions of strands of DNA that is closely related similar to siblings,parents or distantly releated enough that can be used for the creation of individuals viable for breeding with each and other specimens created via 3D DNA printers.Ideally at least fifty distantly releated females and fifty distantly related males from captivity and the wild will have samples of DNA extracted to be analysed by Phanes to allow him to extrapolate several million or billion strands of DNA to be printed into embryos,spermatozoon,eggs using 3D DNA printers to be inserted into at least a dozen or hundred females given anti-ageing treatments.These strands of DNA using 3D DNA printers can be printed into into spermatozoon,eggs,embryos,seeds,bacteria etc for an almost unlimited amount of new individual strands of DNA representing individual specimens different enough to be either closely related brothers,sisters or cousins or distantly enough to be completly unrelated to allow for healthy breeding programs between themselves managed by software to be created and then implanted into blank spermatozoa,eggs or ideally even embryos from induced pluriopotent stem cells implanted into females or artificial wombs to create an unlimited amount of individuals for surrogacy programmes especially for endangered species in zoos,conservation areas and the wild including amphibians,honeybees,corals,shellfish,fish,shell forming sea fauna and even phytoplankton and Lazarus species brought back via reverse engineering and new species made from model species thus increasing genetic diversity from a single strand.This will be called the Phanes method after the primordial deity of creation with CRISPR increasing the accuracy of creating new individuals and preventing and correcting any genetic deformities caused by it.Phanes through combined with CRISPR and could be utilized for this purpose of isolating specific gene(s) within all plants,animals and bacteria and mapping out entire strands of DNA with desired genes present.This DNA will in time be synthesised onsite by 3D DNA printing inside the cells or to be inserted into the spermatozoa,eggs or ideally even embryos and then surrogate by automated machinery and robotics.3D printed DNA will play an important role in the development of new specimens and the synthesis of DNA strands in blank spermatozoa,eggs or ideally even embryos quickening the process with strands present in both Artemis and patient files used as a baseline to be altered using Phanes into blank sperm and eggs as well as embryos expediting the process.Ideally millions or billions of genetically distinct unrealeated specimens in the form of embryos can be created using 3D DNA printers with them housing psycrophile and telomere repair DNA to allow them to be cryopreserved and thawed and rethawed over and over again.This can be done onsite of zoos,conservation areas and farms.Ideally for each species that undergoes this Phanes method at least a hundred DNA samples from at least a hundred specimens of both genders will be collected and stored in both Physis and his database with him then using this data to extrapolate billions of genetically distinct strands of DNA to be printed into seeds,eggs,spermatazoa and embryos when need or stored in cryonics with psychrophile and teleomere repairing DNA present.Thus a combination of AI in the form of Phanes,3D DNA printers and artificial wombs can be used to mass produce an unlimited number of specimens of endangered species of plants and animals.

Phanes Method:
Potentially this process using 3D DNA printers could be used to make millions or even billions of genetically different individuals from a single parent individual from cells extracted and cultured from them with if possible variants of taq polymerase utilised even in PCR machines are used.Phanes can analyse a species DNA in Physis and existing DNA databases prior to it set up and also dozens of strands of DNA from different samples and specimens of a species to extrapolate billions of new genetically distinct specimens printed into spermatazo,eggs and embryos using 3D DNA printers in research centres next to wilderness areas.It can also allow for the multiple young carried by surrogate mothers at once(or Oviparous species have eggs using semen from different males)to have individuals not related to them or each other for each multiple birth pregnancy ie triplets,septuplets as both the eggs and spermatozoa used to create the embryos will have DNA from separate individual male or female or from scratch created by this means implanted into them ensuring true increases in genetic diversity with each animal in these multiple births not related to each other at all.The sentient Phanes will organise the creation of each strand of genetically distinct DNA sequence in eggs,spermatazoa and also embryos.This will allow these young from a single mother to be able to breed successfully with each other as well as with other young from other animals in the same or different zoos and conservation areas without the problems associated with inbreeding,bottle necking eliminating heredity diseases which can also be eliminated via CRISPR,screening and alteration of spermatozoa/eggs,removing them from fertilised eggs and the Phanes method.Advanced gene drive technology and genes that exhibit telomere repair will eliminate diseases associated with inbreeding and bottle necking will be corrected by using CRISPR treatments and advanced gene drive technology allowing them to have healthy young with other animals and also through the Phanes methods and eliminating suffering in the animals.Thus all live animals with genetic diseases from inbreeding and even random mutations in the wild,conservation areas and zoos will have gene therapy applied to them to prevent suffering and also using advanced gene drive technology make them viable for breeding programmes and also prevent them passing their diseases from one generation to the next and thus eliminate them entirely.Any new created animals will house DNA to prevent them occurring in future generation.Like all breeding between these will be organised by Phanes.If possible biocompatible microbes using horizontal gene transfer can do this while they are in the testes and ovaries prior to the spermatozoa and eggs are harvested by passing on specific alterations to create new individuals to each and every spermatozoa and eggs with females engineered to produce eggs that can be receptive to multiple spermatozoa with the resultant young when born their DNA can be uploaded to Phanes and Artemis to allow for the same gene alterations to be used in different combinations with each other involving different microbes in different males and females with breeding organised by Phanes with controleed alterations of DNA within microbes managed by Phanes signalling nanomachines to cause desirealbe mutations within microbes to be traded or when they are harvested and stored in a solution prior to freezing or even fertilisation and then implantation.The microbes used for this would have to be specific strains that are made to do this work specifically.Otherwise blank spermatozoa,eggs or ideally even embryos created by induced pluripotent stem cells can have 3D printed DNA designed by Phanes and Artemis using 3D DNA printers with the base species DNA within Artemis and patients files to create subtle alterations to facilitate millions or billions of different individuals distantly related to each other made inside them or inserted into them via microbes with these then frozen,ideally having DNA from psychrophiles mentioned above and below alongside bacteria that exhibit telomere repair etc to allow them to survive extended periods of freezing to be then used in breeding programs with Phanes and Artemis managing which spermatozoa are to fertilised with which egg and which female is to be used as a surrogate.This can be done onsite of conservation areas and zoos and sanctuaries across the world using 3D printing technology allowing Phanes to do this much quicker with out extracting and culturing cells and also using microbes as well as more easily track the genetic lineges of all future births down several or even hundreds of generations.This can also apply to oviparous and ovoviviparous animals and ideally this should be done with all animals in a conservation area and zoo etc so each female animal produced from each multiple birth when they reach sexual maturity will again have multiple birth pregnancies ie triplets,septuplets with young that are not related to each other increasing their genetic diversity and population exponentially alongside the trading of spermatozoa and eggs on local to global levels.3D DNA Printing using the Phanes method can save energy and time as new blank eggs,embryos and spermatozoa can have new strands of DNA printed into them onsite of farms,zoos and conservation areas.Ideally several million or billion should be printed at once with subtle differences managed by Phanes to be distantly related enough to prevent bottle necking with the ratio of males and females controlled and then frozen oniste of them in sperm and egg banks with these having recombinant DNA from fromTardigrade,Pseudomonas putida GR12-2,Herminiimonas glaciei,Chryseobacterium greenlandensis,Bacillus F,Carnobacterium pleistocenium,psychrophillic and osmophile bacteria,Cucujus clavipes,Rana sylvatica and also those from scratch that allow them to be stored indefinitely in cryonics onsite of zoos and conservation areas etc with recombinant DNA from Planarians,Ambystoma mexicanum,Hydra,Thermococcus gammatolerans,Deinococcus radiodurans,Bacillus F and Caenorhabditis elegans will repair damaged tissues and telomeres allowing them to be rethawed and refrozen over and over again.

Ideally if possible only embryos should be printed out using 3D DNA printers.The Phanes method managed by Phanes and via 3D printing technology will also be used to control the gender of each offspring with the ratio of males to females for each birthing whether singular or multiple decided by Phanes on local to global levels with each female giving birth to multiple distantly related young multiple times during their lifespan and fertile years increasing the population and genetic diversity even more exponentially.Phanes will extrapolate millions or billions of different genotypes for each species that are so distantly releated that that that could interbreed with their surrogate mother and also their own non releated siblings and wild animals with him deciding the ratio of males and females with this,genetic lineages and the distantly releated genotypes of all millions or billions planned over long timescales and generations with planning which embryos are implanted in each female and which of the males breed with the mother and which siblings through normal sexual reproduction and also the genotypes of those created in artificial wombs and who they will interbreed with.In short all aspects of the repopulation of all endangered and even Lazarus species will controlled by him through fragmentation.Embryos can printed out using 3D DNA printers during each step of the way and implanted or millions or billions of them can be printed out with recombinant DNA from fromTardigrade,P.putida GR12-2,H.glaciei,C.greenlandensis,Bacillus F,C.pleistocenium,psychrophillic and osmophile bacteria,C.clavipes,R.sylvatica from to allow them to be stored in onsite cryonics storage units thawed and rethawed over and over again beforehand as decided by him.Ideally each programme will start with at least a dozen or even a hundred healthy females of a species consisting of wild specimens caught,those from zoos and conservation areas and those created by artificial wombs.These programmes will take place at both zoos and conservation areas and research centres next to where said species resides with them continuing until populations are stable with each animal used in the first batch and produced as offspring given genes to extend their fertility to all year long,have widened wombs to allow for increased success in rearing nonuplets,remove genetic diseases to prevent unesscery suffering,oligotrophic and xerophile DNA,carbon dioxide energy acceptor phenotype,radioresistence to reduce strains on resources and survive future potential gamma ray bursts and anti-ageing treatments to stay alive long enough to produce exponentionally more young and be given microbes that form biosynth implants that measure vital signs and GPS location to pass onto future generation during programmes and in the wild via sexual intercourse.These augmentations passing down from one generation to the next via advanced gene drive technology will be removed once specimens are returned to the wild with the exception of radioresistance to ensure the species will be able to survive future potential gamma ray bursts.Young will be fed species specific milk and even colostrum created by bacteria with them and adults fed hydroponically grown crops,flour and other condiments created by bacteria,in vitro meat,fish from recirculating aquaculture systems,algae,insects created by 3D DNA printers etc.All of these can be prepared on site of conservation areas that carry out these programmes.Since these programmes will take place onsite of zoos,conservation areas and research centres and even farms near the wilderness they originate from if too many animals have been produced then they can be routinely returned to the wild in batches of a few dozen or a few hundred every once and a while in packs together consisting of a mixture of females and males decided by Phanes with him deciding which exact specimens are to be released into the wild and which females are to be kept for future breeding programmes with anti-ageing treatments and augmentations except resistance to radiation removed from these specimens with only this allowed to remain and pass through to wild animals in the gene pool via advanced gene drive technology through sexual intercourse so they can pass this onto future animals should future gamma ray bursts etc occur.The implants will monitor their health and GPS location and will pass down to future generations thus allowing population growth to be quantified and them even passing onto any wild animals they mate with the fact that they would be all distantly releated from each other will allow for them to breed with each other and wild animals without fear of mutations occurring from inbreeding and bottlenecking.Neural implants,VR technology and biosynths can teach them how to survive in the wild ie hunt prey and deal with wild animals,mate with each other and wild animals with biosynths of the same species released as well to monitor their behaviour and also their survival.

Thus ideally 3D DNA printing will produce millions or billions of distantly related individuals printed into blank embryos stored onsite in cryonics that are all eventually inserted into a female decided by Phanes who through engineering,hormones as well as bio-synth worms will be able to hold roughly three to nine young at once that are not related to each other with if this done with many females at once at zoos and conservation areas where the female is reared in buildings onsite of them the female once repeated through this several times over several years can be released alongside some of her fully grown females and males with all of her female children then giving birth to twins and nonuplets over several years or a decade the numbers of animals will increase exponentially with some kept in their for future breeding and the excess in zoos returned to the wild.At least a dozen to hundred females will be used as the first generation batch given 3D printed embryos etc and anti-ageing treatments.The Phanes software will mange the creation of new strands of DNA,thus new individuals and also the ratio of males to females during these breeding programmers on local to global levels.Hormone treatments and ageing treatments will increase a females ability to bear young for longer as well as CRISPR treatments to improve her viability with biocompatible microbes will keep the female and all fetuses alive during the birth and any complications and after birth and artificial wombs will be used to keep premature babies alive.Genetic engineeringvia CRISPR can make the womb flexible thus being able to hold at least 5-9 young at once.Animals with short fertility cycles will through CRISPR treatments added to her genome increase their fertility peak and cycle and anti-ageing treatments keeping them alive to produce more young.Thus each year a single female could bear nine young each year with as stated her children doing so each year when they reach sexual maturity thus exponentially increasing the population with Phanes arranging this on local to global scales both in terms the creation of DNA by 3D printing as well as what young that are genetically different to be implanted into each female and the ratio of males to females.The young as part of twin,triplet and even nonuplet breeding programmes will be as stated by the creation of embryos from 3D DNA printers will be each differently related from each other as their genotypes will be designed by Phanes to increase diversity with genetic diseases weeded out of the printing process.These will since genetically distinct from their own young and siblings as well as the females used and thus all animals involved with them breeding with their siblings,mothers,young through conventional means planned by Phanes to further increase genetic diversity that is planned over generations by Phanes with anti-ageing treatments keeping males and females young and in their fertile peak until the programme has produced a stable population that can be reintroduced into the wild determined by him and anti-ageing treatments removed but DNA that exhibits telomere repair kept to prevent bottlenecking and mutations etc from any possible inbreeding and also prevent genetic diseases appearing in future generations via advanced gene drive technology with them inoculated with stem cell strains that can can pass to each generation and form GPS implants that relay population levels and vital signs over decades and centuries.To prevent pollution and genetic diseases being introduced into the genepool via random mutations telomere repairing genes will be added to them to prevent them occurring to prevent unecessery suffering.The young produced will be so distantly releated that if they breed with each other mutations associated with inbreeding and genetic bottlenecking will not occur.This can be done on Reptilia,Aves,fish and mammals and if possible arthropods and even plants to increase their diversity using artificial insemination.The fact they will be distantly related will also allow them to breed with each other even their surrogate mothers exponentially increasing their population with the ratio of males to females decided by him.As Phanes will control the ratio of males to females as part of young created by artificial wombs and multiple births  and they will be each distantly releated from each other the males can breed with the surrogate mother and also with female siblings she bred with each female that the mother produces also being impreganted once they reach sexual maturity with genetically distinct non related triplets,nonuplets with the mother through anti-ageing treatments to keep her in her fertile peak will go through cycles where one year she breeds with another male to produce one offspring and the next year another set of nonuplets with the embryos printed out with the separate strands of different DNA to hold genetically distinct nonuplets or eggs with different genotypes printed out with DNA to allow for them to receive nine spermatazoa infused at once each with different DNA strands in them designed by the sentient Phanes.This will be done to give her time to rest and still produce healthy young each year at an exponentional rate with when her female progeny are mature enough they will start this cycle meaning they will each produce nonuplets one year and then a single birth the next year exponentionally creating large populations of animals that are genetically distinct from each other.The single birth will be done by one of the male progeny she acted as a surrogate mother that are genetically unrelated to her and she will be impregnated by each genetically distinct male produced every two years including those created by her progeny ie her genetically unrealted grandsons and great grandaughters.Each multiple birth for each female should be followed by least several months after she has given birth to give her time to recover with the anti-ageing treatments increasing the time they can be fertile for these and engineering and also biosynth worms making them more able to bear multiple young and the young survive.During this rest period she will be fed copious amounts of food,milk and allowed to exercise to keep her healthy for the next year.By alternating between a single birth from her progeny and IVF nonuplets will give her time to rest and also still produce at least ten genetically distinct individuals every two years with her female progeny also undergoing this when they reach maturity with the anti-ageing treatments allowing here to do this for decades.Her daughters that are also genetically unrelated to her and her male progeny once they reach sexual will each undergo this having multiple births each year from implanted embryos created by 3D DNA printers and also breeding with a male that is their genetically unrelated brothers and also even uncles and grand uncles managed by Phanes for each female as he will design the embryos to have multiple young that are each genetically distantly unrelated to each other and the mother with a set ratio of males to females and arrange which males she will breed with to produce a desired level of genetic diversity.These males since genetically unreleated will introduce extra genetic diversity and will be given gene therapy to increase sperm motility,fertility and also keep testosterone levels high to increase desire to mate with females.Every ten years each female will create at least fifty healthy genetically distinct young exponentially increasing populations especially if done in different programmes in zoos and conservation areas around the world to even further increase this.Ten females will create 500 children every ten years with a hundred creating 5,000 every ten years.Each of those females will once sexually and physically mature will create an exponentionally more number of young.Anti-ageing treatments will allow animals to live decades or centuries longer. If possible each female may be given one or two years rest from breeding with artificial wombs creating extra animals on the side since anti-ageing treatments will keep her in fertile peak and young enough to live longer than normal -decades if not centuries.Biosynth implants will remain in the animals composed of stem cell strains that pass from one generation to the next through sexual inter course.These will relay the population of animals,vital signs and GPS location.Wild animals can be injected with stem cell strains via Biosynths modelled onAnopheles. Once every few years a few hundred or thousand or several hundred thousand of these genetically distinct young will be released into the wild in batches with their anti-ageing treatments,extended fertility and flexible wombs removed via microbes using CRISPR treatments to ensure they age normally and have normal sized wombs and fertility to prevent overpopulation.Remaining animals will be continue to undergo the exponential breeding programmes until a sizeable population of several thousand,million etc depending on the species is released into the wild.Animals with short fertility cycles such as Ailuropoda melanoleuca can using scratch DNA and those from other animals that exhibit longer fertility cycles have this extended to all year round and at all times of their live and given anti-ageing treatments and in the case of can undergo genetic engineering to make them more fertile not only increasing the range of their fertility during the year to possibly like humans once a month but also allowing them to have large more flexible wombs to hold a larger amount of young without putting stress on the health of the young and mother with advanced gene drive technology passing this onto all successive generations with this removed from them once populations are stabilised.Both microbes and biosynth worms can AIs this by keeping both the mother and all children alive by supplying extra oxygen and nurtrition to ensure they don’t suffocate and starve and improving the rates of implantation of embryos to as close as 100% as possible and also increasing survival rates to 100%.These animals via advanced gene drive technology can have gene therapy to use carbon dioxide as an energy acceptor to prevent suffocation and oligotrophic and xerophile DNA to survive lower nutrition requirements to ensure they don’t starve and lower the amount of food feed to them while inside and outside the womb and these removed  from the species once populations are stable.This will be removed once populations stabilise and them released into the wild.The ratio of females to males will be controlled by Phanes via him engineering relevant sex chromosomes into each spermatazoa and embryo and all females produced will undergo the same cycle of single and multiple births every year.Males produced will breed with there genetically unrelated siblings,aunts,grandaunts and mother and grandmother,nieces and grandnieces,cousins in cycles to continue creating at least one young per female programmed by Phanes each year in between multiple births.Any species that produces only one or a few number of young or eggs can be in the case of vivaparous animals have as much multiple young with different genomes not related to the mother born at once with those who are oviparous,ovoviviparous be engineered to produce multiple or more eggs per usual through IVF as well as either genetic engineering or hormones with this then removed via CRISPR or stopping hormone treatment once numbers are at stable levels.This process will apply mainly to mammals both those that live on land and in the ocean and possibly even Aves,Reptilla etc.Phanes will design each of the millions of embryos to be inseminated by hand or robot or even biosynths as being completely different from each other as if they came from different males with different genotypes but also control which ones contain the relevant sex chromosome to produce the desired ratio of males to females decided by him with like in the case of mammals the mother doing this every year and then her young when mature enough will undergo this as well thus exponentionally increasing the numbers with this large amount of egg production removed when populations reach a desired level of several million or even billion.Phanes will in short plan ahead the creation of billions of distinctly releated embryos,eggs etc and also breeding programmes and the ratio of males to females over decades to plan out programmes that create stable populations of each species that are distantly releated on all Lazarus species around the world with this replicated with those across the galaxy.Reforestation of all agricultural land and cities becoming compact via dimensional transcendentalism and roof extensions will give both Lazarus and endangered species most if not all of their original habitat.

Premature births will be kept alive in artificial wombs and by microbial action with all 3D printed DNA recorded in the zoo,conservation area AI and thus Artemis for tracking of this and also to ensure DNA can be replicated if any animals dies.3D printing of DNA should be pursued as it can allow for the lineages and individual strands to be planned out much quicker and ad desired genes ie those from extremophiles to be added instantly and control gender ratio easily and allow for millions or billions of new spermatozoa,seeds,eggs and embryos to be printed out at once onsite of farms,conservation areas and zoos etc managed globally by Phanes and allow these to be stored indefinitely via cryonics onsite and decide which cryopreserved eggs etc will be used with each female and decide which spermatozoa to fuse with each egg and also allow old DNA to be replicated instantly.These microbes like GPS transmitters added to them prior to then perfected or formed by them internally will keep track of their location in the wild and vital signs alongside passing onto the next generation.Those in the wild can have microbes with their ability to form implants and also send GPS locations will be injected into existing animals in the wild by drones,animal robots and biosynths tracking and following them and injecting them via darts or alerting humans to their presence with them sedated to allow humans to catch up and also in time bio-synth arthropods.Otherwise inoculated animals will pass them onto them through sexual intercourse and also via unborn fetesus.Induced pluripotent stem cells can aid in this with sperm and eggs created from stem cells extracted from the blood or tissues to create an unlimited amount of blank eggs and sperm with any existing DNA removed before new DNA is introduced,stored in by freezing them and then implanting them when needed.The cells would be given the ability to undergo mitosis in their DNA and this kept or removed when turned into eggs,spermatozoa and embryos with if possible embryos created from these that can then have the DNA of the child input via 3D DNA printing.Both healthy DNA samples and stems cells to undergo induction into sperm and eggs cells can be obtained from specimens in the wild,in zoos and in reserves or from farms around the world once an animal has been sedated and then tagged and left to return to the female implanted with numerous embryos via IVF and 3D DNA printers will give birth to fraternal triplets,quadruplets or even nanoplutes that are in no way related to each other or herself with each one of the eggs and sperms being separate individuals using this method repeated throughout here lifetime.Software,bio-synthetic worms in the womb and even engineering the eggs to be receptive to multiple spermatozoa and implant successfully into the womb can allow for this to occur.Genetic engineering can increase the chances the female has of carrying so many young with biosynthetic worms ensuring all embryos implant and also come to full term with the young engineered with oligotrophic,xerpophile and faculatative anaerobic DNA to require less nutrients reducing strains on the mother and also survive without oxygen with them given the accelerated healing phenotype.The mother and all her females can be engineered to have slightly bigger wombs via CRISPR with this removed from live animals and the genepool once breeding programmes are finished.Phanes will manage all operations and with regards to artificially created DNA strands ensure each one created around the world for each species is a unique strand,their implantation into eggs and sperm and the embryos will be randomised or ideally planned and in time this process of creation and implantation into eggs and spermatozoa will be fully automated.He will also apply genetic treatments to prevent tumours,genetic diseases etc forming and augmentations such as decreased water and food requirements or even resistance to radiation to those that live in areas affected by radiation and sensitive to ozone as well as those to make them immune to all artificial chemicals,pollutants and even radioactive elements etc.Like humans all animals in conservation efforts with be given augmentations from oligotrophs,xerophiles,radiation resistance,maybe even synthesisng essential amino acids and other nutrients etc using advanced gene drive technology.These augmentations and genes that correct and also prevent the formation of genetic diseases will be applied to all young when eggs,embryos etc are printed out with advanced gene drive technology to pass through the genepool.He will also control the ratio of males to females with all females have biosynthetic worms to improve the implantation of the embryos and also them inoculated with all strains of species specific microbes including those that immunise them,correct detrimental mutations and fight off all pathogens and anti-ageing strains.This could apply to any endangered species from all taxonomic ranks reared in zoos and conservation areas as well as labs with it as said earlier creating millions or potentially billions of individuals from both a single parent individual as well as the new individuals created by this process allowing any endangered species to brought back from the brink of extinction including plants,corals and insects from all phylum and also aiding in the raising the population of Lazarus,hybrid and newly created species.Once populations of them increase then excess females and males produced will be released out in the wild with if done in multiple zoos and conservation areas around the country or region then when populations of all animals reach several million or if need be billion then they will all or mostly released into the wild with them innoculated with stem cell strains to form implant that read their vital signs and GPS location that pass from them to the next generation and those that fight off pathogens,immunising strains,augmentation strains can be removed alongside long lifespans.They via neural implants using VR programmes or even conventional means will be re-educated as to how to survive in the wild with any excess left in zoos and also once made docile through CRISPR will be traded as pets on Euthenia.If a species population is too low the “Lazarus method” can be used using a closely related species with the existing species brought back in significant numbers using the same method.CRISPR can also allow rare phenotypes caused by mutations to be replicated on an unlimited scale such as strawberry coated or spotless Panthera pardus,white bengal Panthera tigris without diseases caused by inbreeding or other defects caused by these desirable mutation repaired by further engineering via CRISPR with gene drives making these a dominant feature in lineages with enough engineering making them different species or subspecies from their parent species using the Lazarus method preventing this mutation overtaking normal phenotypes in the wild and it also used to remove genetic diseases that arise from them.This could make these rare phenotypes on an unlimited scale for zoos and even pets and show performers when made docile with engineering making those used as pets etc to be more docile.This could also make animals of type with an almost unlimited types of coats,patterns,colours and designs for all animals from all phlyum with recombinant DNA coming from all other taxonomic ranks including micro-organisms such as extremophiles or even created from scratch with again gene drives making these dominant and software isolating the specific DNA.Ideally the animals in these farms especially mothers and the young will be given large areas to exercise and move around and also fed healthy meals consisting of algae engineered with all essential amino acids and invitro meat for carnivores and also algae and hydroponically grown crops for herbivores with entomorphages have insects grown onsite fed algae and flour from bacteria etc.As stated females will be inseminated via in vitro insemination with them given anti-ageing treatments and also ample time in between pregnancy including those including multiple births to alleviate stress with genetic engineering increasing their viability to bear more young at once and even extend their in heat and ovulation periods and times they can bear young to be extended to longer periods or indefinitely which can be removed later on once populations are stable with each multiple young using the Phanes method to have each young created be distantly related from each other and the mother to allow for an exponential increase of the species population with them fed large amounts of protein and carbohydrate as well as vitamin rich food with algae,bacteria etc playing a role in this.This can include A.melanoleuca.Birds,reptiles and and all egg laying species of animals can be engineered to be resistant to pesticides and their effects such as thinning of the egg to make stronger eggs,flush it out of their systems or break it down etc using DNA from resistant animals and insects and those from scratch.This can be done by having bacteria in labs exposed to these chemicals and then evolve new genes to counteract this and then have this added to the species genepool which will overrun wild specimens via advanced gene drive technology.These can also be applied to honeybee hybrids and beneficial insects such as Lepidoptera.Biocompatible microbes can be added to a species to further improve this.

Artificial wombs once sufficiently advanced by 2029-2035 will be used to create extra animals on the side using genetically distinct 3D DNA printed embryos designed by Phanes created by 3D DNA printers with this also catering to create from scratch for the first batch an large amount of animals that are difficult to catch ideally at least a dozen or even a hundred females.They will be able to create any species of both viviparous and oviparous species of animals in batches by 2029-2035 via 3D DNA printers printing strands of DNA into embryos and could create an extra hundred animals every year.These will onsite of conservation areas and zoos where these programmes are carried out will create at least an extra dozen to hundred extra males and females every year decided by Phanes that are distantly releated from each other and those created already from insemination with when they reach maturity the females will undergo the same breeding cycles and also programmes with other males produced with again the genotypes being genetically distinct from each other and ratio of females to males created decided by him creating a further exponentially greater amount of animals every year with at least an extra dozen or hundred created every year and an extra one hundred and twenty every year or a thousand animals every decade.He will be able to plan out entire genetic lineages decades ahead that have a desired ratio of males to females and have to a certain degree especially with regards to those created by multiple births decide the entire genetic lineage forward a few decades with him deciding how much males and females to create and calculate how much and which ones will be created every year and decade,which animals will breed with each other,which ones will be anually released into the wild with him also deciding how much will be created to restore ideal populations to be released into the wild for each species with if need be this done in different labs such as universities,research centres and also conservation areas and those by the wilderness they are native to.Blank embryos that a genetically distinct from one another can be created by 3D DNA printers instead of spermatazoa and eggs for artificial wombs and insemination can save time in fusing them and also much easier for implantation with Phanes printing out billions of them and storing them in cryonics via DNA from psychrophile bacteria and bacteria that exhibit  telomere repair and him planning out the ratio of males to females and implantation and the genotypes of each embryos over years and decades and how much will be released into the wild every year and decade.The young can be engineered in the case of slow growing species to reach sexual maturity much earlier in as little as 5-10 years thus allowing for them to start cycles of birth much faster using scratch DNA and that from fast growing animals and also bacteria to increase cell division with this then removed from animal once it reaches maturity and it given anti-ageing treatments.Each zoo and conservation area will have at least a dozen or hundred of these thus allowing for an extra ten to hundred animals that are genetically distinct from each other to be created every year and those produce by surrogacy programmes every few months with again the ratio of males and females produced decided by Phanes with males interbreeding with females produced here and also surrogacy produced females with females created here undergoing the same cycles of ten every two years as well with Phanes able to control this on a global scale.

Non toxic chemicals that cool or freeze water can be used to cool or even freeze waters around reefs should be researched to slow the rate of ocean warming especially in warm El Nino seasons.Transgenics using CRISPR and gene drives can allow coral to be bred to survive in more cooler and warmer waters with recombinant DNA coming both thermophillic and acidophillic bacteria(and strains of coral and shellfish capable of producing harder shells and thriving in warmer acidic environments as well as from scratch) to survive lower pH conditions(DNA from alkanliphiles allowing them to survive extreme alkaline oceans if any events cause this)as well as warmer oceans and even DNA from mesophillic,thermophillic and psychrophillic bacteria,Tardigrade,from other animals and from scratch to allow for reefs to formed around both the Arctic and Antarctic waters as well as more temperate and Mediterranean waters thus allowing for more or even all of the worlds shallow ocean coasts,beaches and islands to harbour them with DNA from other extremophile bacteria added to suit all types of environments with further engineering allowing them to reside in freshwater lakes and rivers.These could include those from recombinant DNA from from Tardigrade,P.putida GR12-2,H.glaciei,C.greenlandensis,Bacillus F,C.pleistocenium,psychrophillic and osmophile bacteria,C.clavipes,R.sylvatica and also those from scratch that allow them to be survive freezing conditions indefinitely with recombinant DNA from planarians,A.mexicanum,Hydra,T.gammatolerans,D.radiodurans,Bacillus F and C.elegans will reapair damaged tissues and telomeres allowing them to be rethawed and refrozen over and over again.Radioresistance will allow them to survive gamma ray bursts.More genes from scratch could make them produce much harder shells with this applied to all shellfish.Genes made from scratch would be created by Phanes creating the necessary sequences of bases to create a genotype for a phenotype including surviving acidification etc.This means the DNA of any type and species of Anthozoa can be taken and stored in Physis and using 3D DNA printers have millions or billions printed into cells that can be reared in recirculating aquaculture systems until conditions in the ocean become favourable with them given extremophile DNA such as acidophile DNA that can allow them to survive bleaching.Existing coral in the ocean can be give this via biosynths modelled on sea fauna that can inject microbes that apply CRISPR treatments to all cells with if possible them also adding biosynth WiFi to allow for populations to be tracked and give upgrades etc.Coral reefs can be formed around all of the worlds beaches,estuaries,rivers,lakes etc that are new species of Anthozoa designed by Phanes unique to each one that can survive in these areas with new species of algea,phytoplankton and fish,shellfish and sea mammals designed by him and existing species engineered to adapt to these new reefs with them engineered with bioluminescence with as stated all beaches and estuaries and even rivers and lakes around the world housing these new coral reefs adding to existing ones that are saved by conservation efforts.All of these beaches,rivers and lakes etc will undergoe bioremediation techniques to make them clean with the coral engineered to use both photosynthesis and chemosynthesis and feed on algae and also phytoplantkon and form symbiotic relationships with local fauna for nutrition with them engineered to survive the local climate.Island chains close to each other and the mainland will form reefs that connect to each other and the mainland as far as possible with piezophile DNA also allowing them to form around underwater communities especially when engineered with biolumenescence with Phanes,Pan and Artemis deciding the layout of them.If possible the entirety of all rivers and lakes worldwide will have them with those in estureis,coastlines with cliffs as well as by cities etc and beaches going out as far as possible possibly surrounding the entirety of all countries surrounded by oceans ie Ireland,Britain,North/South/Central America,France,Spain,Africa etc having these at all parts of the coastline as far out as possible with engineering allowing deepish parts to house them with the bioluminescence allowing for them to be seen at night in all rivers,lakes,esturies,beaches and coasts at night especially deep part.Even both the Arctic Circle and Antarctica will have these formed along their coastline and any rivers using DNA to thrive in all temperatures using thermophile,mesophile,psychrophile and even scratch DNA.As stated they will use photosynthesis,chemosynthesis and even consume algea and phytoplankyon with iron fertilisation used to increase the amount of algae present and them even consuming nutrients from runoff,animal and fish feces etc to not cause imbalances in the ecosystems with Pan and Phanes managing they have adequate sustenance.This will increase the amount of habitats for coral reefs them once carbon dioxide levels return to 250ppm with these increasing the biodiversity value of all beaches,rivers etc and their value to tourism of all towns,villages and cities by them and making coral reefs ubiquitous to all rivers,lakes,beaches,seas,bays,gulfs,coastlines,esturies worldwide including those by cliffs,islands and even towns and cities by the ocean will have these that are unique species for each one increasing their value to touristss well as allow each town,city and village by the sea,lakes and rivers have their own coral reefs for themselves.The biolumescence will allow them to be seen at night and under deepish water with them even by the coasts of cliff faces and surrounding islands with as stated chains of islands having large ones that connect to each one and even to neighbouring mainland countries and beaches forming large reefs in between all islands and extend to the mainland beach of the mainland country next to them.This would include all of Japan,Ireland and Britain,The Phillepeans,Indonesia,Aran Isands,Faroe Islands,Galapgos Islands,Lucayan Archipelago,Cyprus,Taiwan,Sri Lanka,Lanzarote with them forming reefs connecting all islands and also connecting them to the mainland continents next to them.Countries separated by oceans like Ireland and Great Britain have reefs connecting them.Rivers,lakes and esturies will have them adapted to freshwater and brackish water with any energy sources such as microhydroturbines etc built to float above them etc managed by Pan and Steropes.The entire coastline that includes cliffs and beaches surrounding all countries worldwide will house them extending as far back as possible even into deep water.Even all major rivers worldwide will have like the Amazon,Seine,Hudson,Tigris,Euphrates,Colorado and Mississippi Rivers and famous lakes like the Great Lakes of America(Michigan,Erie,Ontario,Superior,Huron),Loch Ness,Lough Derg etc along the span of the entire lake and river.This would apply to those by the coast of all towns and major cities across the world including Dublin,London,New York,Hong Kong with those by the coast,beaches,cliffs and all cities and towns by the ocean will go out a far as possible including into deeper waters.With regards to islands and coastal cities Oceanus will have the coral grown over and around them or it will be underneath the crust by the ocean and then pop up underwater after them.Underwater communities will have them surrounding them.All seas both inland and those connected to oceans,bays etc and huge sections of oceans that separate countries ie the Gulf of Mexico,Gulf of Aden,Gulf Of Bothnia,Persian Gulf,Gulf Of Oman,Gulf of Thailand,English Channel,Bay of Bengal,Hudson Bay,Bay of Biscay,Northwestern Passage,Caspian Sea,Aral Sea,Tyrrhenian Sea,Black Sea,Meditteranean Sea etc will have large reefs formed will have large reefs formed that span all or most of them.Existing sea mammals,fish and shellfish will be engineered to adapt to them and form symbiotic relationships and even new species of fish,shellfish and mammals will be created by Phanes that do so to increase biodiversity with the coral and animal both brightly coloured.Each reef will have new species of brightly coloured fish and shellfish to increase biodiversity with this done to increase the habitat range of coral reefs giving each town,village and  city by lakes,rivers and coasts etc sizeable reefs to increase tourism and biodiversity value.Species of animals that are endemic to a small area of the world like M.polymorpha,A.mexicanum and
B.latzi can be added to these especially in reefs in the areas near where they reside and adapted to these new reefs with them undergoing conservation efforts in recirculating aquaculture systems in research centres first.These should be started to be set up worldwide by Phanes,Artemis and Pan by 2045-2060 all done at once thus meaning all coastlines,beaches,lakes,seas,rivers,esturies and islands worldwide will have newly set up coral reefs constructed by Pan and Phanes suited to the local climate,pH,salinity,depths with them being new species for these areas with new species of fish and shellfish also created with simulations done as to their effect on the global climate and ecosystems with algae created and dumped in them in large numbers alongside even fertiliser added to increase algea to ideal levels to sustain them.Algea in these and all oceans and rivers will be engineered via introducing new ones that do not produce toxins or even if algea blooms occur do not consume oxygen when they die and decompose with the local fauna and coral engineered to use both carbon dioxide and oxygen as energy acceptors.If possible recombinant DNA from faculatative anaerobes,anaerobes,obligate anaerobes,capnophiles and scratch DNA can be added to the local faunas and corals genome to naturally use both carbon dioxide and oxygen as energy acceptors alongside nitrate(NO3−),fumarate,sulphate(SO42−),or sulphur(S).The algae and coral will utilise photosynthesis,chemosynthesis to survive areas deeper underwater.The coral can be engineered to feed on and filter out pollution and dirt in the bodies of water at making them pristine and clear enough to see the coral and floor.This can include scratch DNA and those from multicellular and unicellular plants and animals that do this already with the other sea fauna including phytoplankton also engineered to tolerate and break them down with if need be these pollutants pumped in by AI in controlled amounts.Biolumescence will be added and new improved biolumescence will be added via microbes via those engineered to swim in the water and interact with all Anthozoa to allow them to glow especially in lakes,rivers,esturies but even in deeper reefs in the ocean during the day and night.Simulations will be done by these AI as to their effect on the local and global ecosystems and climate.Native species of fish and other sea fauna will thrive here with even new species of brightly coloured fish and even other species of sea fauna will be created using model species to increase biodiversity.Sea flora such as macro algae etc will also be thriving here with the new species of coral and fauna created from scratch using existing coral species and existing native fauna as a baseline to be then reared in large numbers in.All existing coral species and other endangered species of fish,shellfish and other fauna that reside in existing coral reefs will be grown in large numbers in recirculating aquaculture systems using the Phanes method until conditions ie ocean pH and temperatures return to normal through reducing carbon dioxide levels back to 250ppm at which point they will be returned to the reefs natural habitat.As a result genetic and live samples of all species of coral and other fauna and algae as well as phytoplankton that live in these reefs will be collected.Until then they can be also engineered to thrive in the higher temperatures and lowered pH alongside the algae and phytoplankton that thrive in oceans also engineered to thrive in these conditions while carbon dioxide levels are reduced to 250ppm.Bio luminescence can also be added to their genome to allow them to glow at night as well as recombinant DNA from piezophiles and Tardigrade to make them survive lower depths such as outside underwater cities and underwater wards of sea based hospitals and extend outwards from existing reef with light from lights anchored to the ground aiding in their growth or they can be engineered to not need lights at all at these depths allowing for these new and existing ones to extend to the very depths of the ocean.The bio luminescence can be gotten from transferring genes from Lampyridae,P.noctilucus,Ostracoda(in particular V.hilgendorfii),crystal jellies(A.victoria) or a mixture of genes from all of these to improve the corals abilities to produce the necessary luciferins alongside genes from other bioluminescent flora and fauna and those made from scratch.Algae that the coral feed on can undergo the same genetic engineering bred in large numbers can be deposited into these new farms and reefs to encourage growth and also those in recirculating aquaculture system to feed the coral with them engineered not to produce hydrogen peroxide.This means they could theoretically form reefs anywhere in the world increasing their numbers with the tropical fish that reside in coral reefs also undergoing the same level of engineering or these reefs could harbour native fauna.To add variety to the existing species(and conservation in recirculating aquaculture system) of coral entirely new species of coral could be produced from existing species for new reefs around the world using a model species with the Phanes method can be utilised to create new individuals of coral increasing their numbers with the Lazarus method using strands of all endangered species DNA in Physis.New reefs could theoretically be created in all beaches,coasts and also even rivers,esturies and lakes around the world with them engineered with bioluminescence added with Phanes designing these new species of Anthozoa and engineering local fish and shellfish etc to integrate into these reefs.The same can be applied to shell forming shellfish and fauna such as limpets,Gastropoda and Strombus etc and fish to survive all temperature and pH ranges with shellfish and other shell forming fauna being engineered to produce stronger shells resistant to lower pH using again genes from acidophiles and from scratch.Combining recombinant DNA from all species of these extremophiles(thus making them polyextremophiles)into each known species of coral can ensure their survival not in the short term due to global warming and ocean acidification)but also in the distant future when the earths oceans change due to natural variations in the climate over geological time or sudden changes caused by say external forces such as solar variations,axial tilt,changes in the planets rotation,milankovitch cycles and asteroid impacts or even geological forces such as volcanoes that may cause a sudden shift in the pH or temperature of the worlds oceans.T.gammatolerans could be a source of DNA to create coral etc that could survive extreme doses of radiations,UV light and also low levels of ozone,gamma ray bursts etc.Acanthaster planci can be dealt with by the usual aforementioned techniques or rearing genetically engineered versions of this species to become detritivores and also consume both microalgae and phyoplankton and these released in large numbers to pass this down to existing populations using gene drives,replace them or them made a separate species to replace them when the one that hunts coral is made extinct via the aforementioned methods.The same level of engineering can applied to all species of phytoplankton and algae with them bred and then released in large numbers over the worlds oceans or in lower depths using underwater vehicles to survive any current changes in ocean acidity and temperature and all oceans with DNA from plastic degrading bacteria detailed earlier on allowing them to degrade any plastic that enter the oceans with gene drives making these phenotypes dominant and passed onto all future generations as they interbreed with non modified phytoplankton.Ideally algae and phytoplankton should have recombinant DNA from mild acidophiles and from scratch to survive the mild acidification by the end of the century or even after ideally being a pH of at least 5-6 and to ensure they can be still digested by animals that can only thrive on them with the Phanes method also applying to them and new species of them also created to increase diversity.They should also be engineered to survive natural climate change and other events when needed.Gene drives should be used to make these phenyotypes dominant and also other phenotypes could be introduced over time such as not requiring light and symbiotic algae to function with food sources coming from chemosynthetic bacteria etc allowing them to gain nutrition from the ocean itself mainly salts etc for underwater cities with them also given bioluminescence.These would be released in all oceans in automated cruise ship or trawler sized vehicles over the coming decades in all oceans across the world in waves over and over again with them allowing them to interbreed with and overtake native stocks and carry out horizonatal gene transfer with them checked every so years to see they have overtaken them by automated boats taking samples routinely with them bred in swimming pools and aquariums with if possible biocompatible microbes suited to interact with only all species of phytoplankton be created that can using horizontal gene transfer to pass on these phenotypes.Since 3D DNA printers can be used to print out millions or even billions of genetically distinct fish and shellfish eggs out at once in tanks that can be released into the wild at once this would negate the need for rearing endangered or Lazarus insects in captivity since as stated several million or billion specimens can be created via printing distinctly releated strands of DNA into eggs and inducing them to hatch and releasing them into the wild in large batches.

Rare endangered species of Amphiba(Anura,Caudata,Gymnophiona) can be reared in recirculating aquaculture systems during their early stages using the Phanes method and then pens in their adult phase with irradiation(if proven to be safe) to kill off any Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis spores or live fungi that have infected or contaminated any specimens or eggs of amphibians traded or taken from the wild.Research can be done into if cis and transgenics via CRISPR can also be used to transfer the ability of all species of all three groups to harbour both Lysobacter gummosus and Janthinobacterium lividum which has antifungal properties to B.denrobatidis.Both can be grown on a commercial scale on site of farms to rear them as a source of fungicides to treat traded and incoming wild samples and the recirculating aquaculture pools holding them if UV treatments fail and irradiation causes permanent damage to their genome and fertility.To make tadpoles,eggs and ambphibians resistant to UV light recombinant DNA from T.gammatolerans can be added to their genome to make them able to resist damage from UV and irradiation treatments to kill fungi that kill them and living in areas with low ozone in the atmosphere.This resistance to UV light and also that of the ability to harbour both L.gummosus and J.lividum or even produce the antifungal properties naturally added to the genome of of wild specimens through introduction of these captive reared specimens to wild populations and also specially created ones for all species with gene drives ensuring these phenotypes are dominant.If possible a hybrid could be created that would be innoculated into all amphibians.All frogs,toads,salamanders created via 3D DNA printers will have DNA added to make it harbour L.gummosus and J.lividum or even produce the antifungal properties naturally added to their genome including using scratch DNA created by Phanes.Both bacterium could be grown in labs in large quantities which can be mixed in water and filled into multiple large automated aeroplanes or spreader vehicles that can be spread over rainforests and jungles across the globe to ensure that it enters the soil and waterways competing with B.dendrobatidis or have violacein the antifungal compound created by J.lividum sprayed into the wilderness although the former may be the most effective method as the bacterium could eventually grow in the soils and waterways of the rainforests and jungles thus killing off any fungi they come in contact with.This could also be done in soils in non tropical regions and even urban areas of the world with areas where known outbreaks have occurred to be treated first in both inside the region and outside creating a enclosed area that stops the spread of the fungus.Engineering these bacteria to thrive in both soils,waterways as well as trees by themselves or in symbiotic relationships with with local flora and fauna(including other microbes)will further improve this method with further engineering including hybridising both species of bacterium into one super bacteria to further increase anti-fungal capabilities when spread into these environments with the possibility of other anti-fungal agents introduced into this through engineering with frogs,toads and salamanders made to harbour this super bacteria.The bacteria will be engineered to pass the ability to produce anti fungal compounds to pass onto wild bacteria via horizontal gene transfer and all future generations by advanced gene drjve technology.Recombinant DNA can come from extremophiles to allow the bacteria to survive all temperature ranges and soil types especially when spreading the bacterium in soils around the world to eliminate the spread of the fungus around the world with gene drives making these dominant genes spread to other native microbes in the soil they may interbreed with spreading this trait to all microbes in the soil and waterways.All major native microbes in soil and water could also be engineered to produce the antifungal agent and then spread this phenotypes via interbreeding with native bacteria and gene drives from both anti-fungal microbes or the super bacteria to all bacteria in these environments once they are again grown in large amounts and spread into the environments such as waterways and soils to prevent the fungus thriving there.Native flora such as trees and plants could also be engineered to produce the compounds from both bacteria and spread via both real and bio-synth arthropods.Programmes to carry this out include spreading the bacterium around known areas where cases occur or where the fungus has been found while spread it both outwards and inwards to corner off epidemics and destroy them with then the rest of the worlds waterways and soils treated until they are endemic to all corners of the world.This will be done by Phanes creating the bacteria in bulk and then loading it onto automated planes to treat forests,jungles,grasslands,rivers and lakes with gardens,farms and parks treated by fertilieser robots and rivers and lakes also treated by ships and vehicles pumping the bacteria into them in large quantities.Resistence to the fungus can be programmed into all threatened species with CRISPR and gene drives also used to kill off or make B.dendrobatidis benign or unable to become resistance to anti fungicides using biocompatible microbe methods as detailed later that can also be used to to defeat human pathogens such as HIV and MRSA.Daphnia magna can be reared in large numbers in labs again and then released into waterways of areas affected by B.dendrobatidis as it has shown to consume spores of the fungus and can be combined with spreading J.lividum into waterways around the world such as rivers,lakes and canals.If possible native bacteria from souls and waterways can be grown that are given recombinant DNA of J.lividum to produce its anti-fungal properties and then spread into waterways and soils using aeroplanes that interbreeds thus passing onto future bacteria that kill the pathogen in the soil and water with trees etc inoculated via microbes in the soil and biosynths that give them gene therapy that has them produce the anti-fungal compounds in their leaves.Biocompatible microbes can also be inserted and passed onto specimens of amphibians released into the wild then passed from one generation to the next to compliment this as they could fight off these infections and also immunise the host against these and all possible strains and even all pathogens that affect them via the common proteins method.Endangered species of frogs will be reared in the wild with this engineering alongside their own species specific biocompatible microbes that have all the same strains as humans especially antiviral,antifungal and antibacterial strains and also immunising strains that using the common proteins methods could immunise amphibians against all viral,bacterial and fungal with augmenting strains immunising them from pesticides and manmade chemicals that passes down via sexual reproduction.Phanes can extrapolate genes to be added to amphibians that will be confer resistance to all major toxins and pathogens especially B.dendrobatidis that passes down all future generations by advanced gene drive technology.They can be genes that pass down from generation to the next that produces antibodies to the pathogen.This process can be replicated with any species of endangered animal that is threatened in the wild by invasive pathogens whether they be fungi or bacteria and possibly viruses.In the case of viruses vulnerable populations of animals in the wild and in captivity can be vaccinated while at the same time cis/trans genetics can transfer resistance and again biocompatible microbes can be created that pass to the next generation and animals in the wild via sexual intercourse.These and the aforementioned methods for increasing genetic diversity and animal populations can be used to replenish populations of endangered amphibians such as removing genetic diseases,creating unlimited amounts of individuals using the Phanes method.Thus both wild and captive bred Amphibia will be given anti-fungal,anti-viral and anti-bacterial and immunising strains of species specific microbes that can protect them against B.dendrobatidis and other major pathogens via creating compounds from plants and animals such as recombinant DNA J.lividum as well as synthetic antibodies created by anabolic and catabolic reactions.Radiorestence will be added to all endangered species to protect them against radiation in areas with low levels of ozone.Ideally 3D DNA printers can be used to print out millions or even billions of genetically distinct toads,frogs,salamanders of each endangered species reared in recirculating aquaculture systems and then released into the wild with resistence to fungal diseases and also radiorestance to radiation protecting them from gamma ray bursts and UV radiation engineered into them that can be released into the wild at once.Since 3D DNA printers can be used to print out millions or even billions of genetically distinct insects out at once in tanks and recirculating aquaculture systems that can be released into the wild in batches of several thousand or million at once this would negate the need for rearing endangered or Lazarus Amphibian eggs in captivity since as stated several million or billion specimens can be created via printing distinctly releated strands of DNA into eggs and inducing them to hatch and releasing them into the wild.Thus rather than rearing amphibians in captivity it can be simply be a case of billions of eggs with unique strands of DNA distantly releated enough to interbreed with each other and wild animals without inbreeding and bottlenecking being created by 3D DNA printers with Phanes deciding the ratio of males to females and also creating biosynth implants in them as well as giving them resistance to radiation and pathogens etc.These will be reared in research centres and universities in towns and cities near the wilderness areas they live in with once they reach maturity they will be transported in barrels in trucks.Biosynth implants will be formed in all frogs,amphibians etc that pass down from one generation to the next and to live wild specimens via sexual reproduction to  keep track of populations etc.Radioresitence to gamma ray bursts and UV radiation in low ozone areas and immunities to fungal pathogens including B.dendrobatidis will be added to these taxonomic tank of animals to pass this onto all future generations via advanced gene drive technology.These will be created in research centres near their habitats,transported and released in large numbers such as several thousand or several million.

To make things quicker 3D DNA printers will create several million genetically distinct eggs of each endangered species of amphibians that are distantly related to allow them to breed with each other without bottlenecking and also the ratio of males to females all designed and decided by Phanes in research centres next to the wilderness they live in and them hatched and reared to maturity in recirculating aquaculture systems and once mature they will be dumped into their native lakes,rivers etc in batches of several thousand at a time.

Fish & Shellfish:
Recirculating aquaculture systems can rear endangered species of coral,shellfish,fish,Testudines,macro/micro algae and even phytoplankton in controlled conditions without any predators and moved into aquariums for study in zoos and farms and then moved back into the wild when conditions are favourable with the Phanes method used via 3D DNA printers and live fish,shellfish and coral as well as eggs and spermatozoa traded on local to global levels.Ideally 3D DNA printers managed by Phanes will create all eggs etc with subtle enough differences.Fish and insects,Gastropoda,Cnidaria,Amphiba(Anura,Caudata,Gymnophiona),Crustaceans,Bivalvia,Echinodermata,Cephalopod and even Anthozoa,phytoplankton etc that live in lakes,rivers,esturies and the ocean will be easier as 3D DNA printers can create millions of genetically distinct young at once in one go,rear them to adulthood and then release them into the wild when conditions become favourable.Coral and endangered fish and shellfish can be reared in aquariums and zoos using the Phanes method to allow large numbers of them to be created.All known species of coral and other fauna that reside in coral reefs should therefore be moved to these systems immediately to rear large numbers of them in controlled numbers across the world with software trading eggs etc to maintain genetic diversity to ensure they survive should all of the worlds coral reefs be destroyed over the coming decades with these being Olympic pool sized systems for coral,large shellfish,turtles and Selachimorpha.Recirculating aquaculture systems should be used alongside 3D DNA printers and the Phanes method.Since coral is created by different species of micro-organisms Anthozoa these can printed in millions or billions of cells and with different genotypes once their genome is uploaded to Physis thus allowing large numbers of them to reared in recirculating aquaculture systems in research centres until conditions become favourable when ocean pH,temperature and carbon dioxide levels return to normal levels with fish and other sea fauna also reared here in centres and zoos.Endangered species of fish will be reared in recirculating aquaculture systems b and shellfish can have Acipenseridae DNA added to them to produce millions of eggs every season and this removed once populations stabilised with both the new animals and coral applied to the reefs.Recirculating aquaculture systems as part of fish farms can rear endangered fish for caviar,pets and also food with coral reared here to have as pets and jewellery alongside shellfish managed sustainable to ensure the amount of them grows overtime with the Phanes method applied using 3D DNA printers.Recirculating aquaculture systems will be used to rear all species of endangered and overexploitated marine Gastropoda,Mollusca,Crustaceans,Anthozoa,fish using the Phanes method and also 3D DNA printers with them all given DNA from Acipenseridae to lay millions of eggs with this then removed when populations stabilise via microbes added to each fish or passing from one generation to the next and via wifi turning off genes for this.They will be dumped into their habitat as adults prior to mating season in shoals alongside tracked wild specimens.Endangered species will be reared in universities,research centres,buildings as part of the area and farms and even homes near their native habitat by the coast and by lakes and rivers etc so as to allow large numbers to be reared once created via the Phanes method and then dumped in the ocean,river or lake once adults in large numbers with them ideally dumped into the ocean as part of shoals.Rearing them in these systems as part of fish farms and those built into community,vertical and home farms will allow them to be reared for use as pets without havesting them from the wild.This can also apply to species of conventionally caught fish and shellfish in danger of over exploitation such as Scombridae and Salmonidae.These can be done all around the world and then have the fish,shellfish put in trawlers that house underwater areas holding nets with the fish and shellfish in either large pools of water within the trawlers that once the trawler reaches shoals of the fish in the case of species that do form shoals will be released next to them before and during mating seasons with large numbers of fish and shellfish dumped in waves until numbers returned to stable levels..Those that don’t form shoals will be dumped in large numbers.The fish etc in the case of deep sea species can be also reared in recirculating aquaculture systems onsite of oil rigs converted into research centres that can then be simply dumped into the ocean in large numbers of at least several thousand,hundred thousand or even several million at a time.With regards to those native to lakes,rivers etc they will be reared in recirculating aquaculture systems in research centres near them in nearby towns,cities etc and if possible by the banks and then transported by drums etc full of water then dumped in large numbers with those native to coral reefs reared nearby,transported and dumped in large numbers.The use of recirculating aquaculture systems to rear all fish and shellfish consumed by humans and used as pets will allow wild stocks to also recover with the conservation efforts aiding in this by adding several million or even billions to the wild with these recirculating systems for rearing them located next to the rivers,lakes and oceans they live with each building housing multiple large systems then either recycled or used to rear exotic fish for local communities once populations are stable.Fish as part of these efforts can be engineered to create more eggs than normal with this then edited out when populations reach desired levels with all fish have microbes inoculated into them to track their location and vital signs both in the reserves but to also pass onto the next generation when they interbreed with them.These grown indoors can be implanted with desired phenotypes form extremophiles or resistance to disease etc to then also pass into wild stocks.They will be dumped in large numbers say several hundred thousand or several million in ratios of males to females decided by Phanes with them so distantly releated that they will be able to interbreed with each other and wild populations without botllenecking.When their populations inthe wild reach several million or billion the process will stop.3D DNA Printing using the Phanes method can save energy and time as new blank eggs can have new strands of DNA printed into them by having billions of genetically distinct fish and shellfish created onsite of farms.Ideally several billion should be printed at once and then frozen onsite of them in sperm and egg banks with these having recombinant DNA from from Tardigrade,H.glaciei,P.putida GR12-2,C.greenlandensis,Bacillus F,C.pleistocenium,psychrophillic and osmophile bacteria,C.clavipes,R.sylvatica,and also those from scratch that allow them to be stored indefinitely with recombinant DNA from planarians,Hydra,A.mexicanum,T.gammatolerans,D.radiodurans,Bacillus F and C.elegans will repair damaged tissues and telomeres allowing them to be rethawed and refrozen over and over again.Improved infrastructure to prevent sewage runoff and even algae blooms by planting forest farms,forests and constructed wetlands by the coast containing native plants and also bamboo should also be employed to prevent bleaching by absorbing agricultural runoff alongside carbon sequestration and also spreading calcium carbonates aerosols into the upper atmosphere along reefs to cool the waters by blocking sunlight.3D DNA printers can be used to print out millions or even billions of genetically distinct eggs etc of fish,shellfish,Anthozoa out at once in recirculating aquaculture systems that can be released into the wild at once.Thus endangered species of fish and shellfish can be simply be a case of millions or billions of eggs with unique strands of DNA distantly releated enough to interbreed with each other and wild animals without fears of inbreeding and bottlenecking with Phanes deciding the ratio of males to females and also creating biosynth implants in them as well as giving them resistance to radiation and reared to sexual adulthood where they are physically mature enough to mate will have them released into the their native oceans,lakes and rivers by large boats or trawlers in large batches of several hundred thousand or million at once they reach maturity.They will ideally be dumped into existing shoals of fish for those that form shoals in lakes,rivers and deep ocean during mating season with those that don’t form shoals dumped in their native habitat in groups.For deep sea species of fish and shellfish research centres can be present in new or existing oil rigs in the ocean powered by wave pistons where recirculating aquaculture system are present that create thousands millions or billions of them can be created by 3D DNA printers and reared to maturity and dumped into the ocean by trawlers where they are held underwater with nets separating them from the ocean to provide them with oxygen while being transported and them opening up to be released into the ocean in large batches with research centres also by the ocean in coastal towns and cities with those native to rivers and lakes have them tested in research centres in nearby towns and cities and them transported in barrels etc in trucks that are dumped in large batches.Shoals of wild fish in the ocean,lakes,rivers will be tracked by conservationists using the same technology used by trawlers to track them down.Phytoplankton and Anthozoa will undergo this with 3D DNA printers creating billions of individuals to be released into the wild with them given radioresistence.To prevent coral bleaching Zooxanthelle can be genetically engineered by being released in large amounts into oceans and reefs to interbreed with native specimens that are engineered not to produc toxic oxygen species or only do so at extremely high temperatures using thermophile DNA.This and other measures can be done to combat coral bleaching.Phytoplankton and all micro algae species will be created using 3D DNA printers in large amounts and reared in recirculating aquaculture systems that will then be dumped into the oceans in large amounts sing ships.These will by being created by 3D DNA printers will have thermophile,Alkanophile and acidophile DNA to survive warmer temperatures and lower pH etc due to increased carbon dioxide concentrations and any future geological events.Biocompatible microbes that can form biosynth implants will be formed in all fish and shellfish that pass fown from one generation to the next and to live wild specimens via sexual reproduction to  keep track of populations etc.Radioresistence will be applied that passes down from each generation to the next to protect against gamma ray bursts.Testudines can be brought back by again 3D DNA printers creating millions of billions of genetically distinct individuals that are feared to adulthood and released into the wild.This can be done for all species of sea animals including Selachimorpha with ideally olympic sized swimming pools and zoo aquarium sized recirculating aquaculture systems to rear both larger fish including Selachimorpha,dolphins and even large numbers of small fish with this applying to all species such has tropical fish and those consumed for meat.

To make things quicker 3D DNA printers will create several million genetically distinct eggs of each endangered species of fish and shellfish that are distantly related to allow them to breed with each other without bottlenecking and also the ratio of males to females all designed and decided by Phanes in research centres next to the wilderness they live in and them hatched and treated to maturity in recirculating aquaculture systems and once mature they will be dumped into their native lakes,rivers and oceans in batches of several thousand at a time.Deep sea species will have the fish dumped into existing shoals of fish and groups of shellfish to encourage them to breed with native wild populations increase genetic diversity.

Munidopsis polymorpha,A.mexicanum,Branchinella latzi and other species of amphibians fish and shellfish that are endemic to only small specific areas such as one or two lakes,lagoons etc can undergo the Phanes method programmes it and may be possible to extract several specimens and use the ability of the Phanes method to create an unlimited amount of individuals and implant them in blank sperm and eggs from pluripotent induced stem cells to be implanted into one individual season after season to increase their numbers(or us a related model species)and raise them in recirculating aquaculture systems and zoos across the world to increase their populations from at least several hundred to millions or billions.Otherwise like fish,ambians and shellfish it can simply be simply a case of using 3D DNA printers to create millions or billions of eggs of these species that are  genetically distinct from each other with the ratio and males and females controlled with the possibility of setting up new colonies of them around the world in the wild in controlled environments with further engineering such as from extremophiles and native species allowing them to survive different environments,rock pools and oceans around the world with this applied to other species both endangered and non endangered species that are only endemic to specific regions.They can be engineered to live in rock,pools and lagoons and lakes etc around the world as well as ideally newly created coral reefs across the worlds oceans including those near their native habitat.This will expand the habitat range of these endangered species endemic to certain areas to be expanded to areas where they will not become invasive species with AI modifying them to form a key role in ecosystems or even engineering them into consuming invasive species of plants and animals thus keeping the numbers of invasive species under control.Them integrated into these new areas around the world will be engineered or adapted not to become an invasive species and even feed only on pests and invasive species or even new species of prey created by Phanes that only they can consume or have a preference for,become dertivores,chemotrophs to prevent them creating an imbalance that can aid in the ecosystems they are introduced with their populations kept stable by other apex predators either created from scratch that can only feed on them or existing ones that consume with them engineered to be edible and Phanes,Pan and Artemis creating simulations as to how they may fit into these new ecosystems in a stable equilibrium.They can be introduced into lakes,rivers,lagoons etc and even newly created coral reefs worldwide.Thus each new habitat they are introduced into Pan and Artemis etc will beforehand carry out intensive research and simulations as to their effect on them with made part of new coral reefs across the world to ensure that if they go extinct in their native habitat they will be endemic to large parts of the world.Phanes will allow for this process of creating unlimited amounts of new individuals from a single strands to be error free since it will combine with CRISPR,Phanes and even Gaia via Artemis as well as playing a role in reviving extinct species back into modern times.These new sub species of new species These measures could extend the range of these species to across the globe ensuring they are just as ubiquitous as other species of animals ensuring they do not go extinct with them adapted to not be an invasive species by having new prey animals and plants created that they can only eat or have a preference for and if need be new predators creators or existing predators consume them alongside their normal prey.Cybelr etc will carry out simulations as to the effects on the environment.They will become suited to survive on terraformed planets across the universe including Mars,Venus and megastructures such as artificial planets,ringworlds,Dyson shells and alderson discs.Other species of animals endemic to only a small area of the world alongside Lazarus species and new species of animals will undergoe this.This could also be applied alongside the Phanes method to help M. polymorpha that reside in only one or two isolated areas around the world be able to survive conditions in all oceans and pools around the world in particular the Mediterranean once they have been reared in recirculating aquaculture systems with first a sample of DNA from them used to create new populations from a closely related model species over several generations who will then be reared in aquaculture systems that replicate their environment to raise their populations and then have these new populations under engineering to be able to survive all oceans,lagoons,rockpools and artificial lagoons and caves created for it etc around the world via recombinant DNA from acidophiles,alkanophiles,psychrophiles,mesophiles and thermophiles and scratch alongside those from poikilotherms,psychrophiles and thermophiles which will would theoretically allow them to survive at different temperature and pH ranges and manage a more pronounced and stable thermo-regulation as well as produce more stronger.These in the case of M.polymorpha will be possibly a sub species capable of interbreeding with their parent species and also the original DNA can be used to create more of the same species for other areas in its native Lanzorote and parts of the Mediterranean to ensure they are not restricted to only one part of the world with also them engineered in both programs the creation of the sub species/strain and the same original species will be engineered to create more eggs annually throughout their lifetime with the Phanes method allowing for fresh DNA to be implanted into them and then when populations returned to normal they will be engineered to create only two each time they are impregnated.B.latzi,A.mexicanum can undergo this.These new sup-species,species and even the same exact species created by Phanes will be made to live in new coral reefs,rock pools,lagoons,esturies around the world and them adapted to the local climate,pH and salinity etc.Conservation efforts will be carried on M. polymorpha,B.latzi,A.mexicanum and other animals endemic to certain parts of the world with them reared in recirculating aquaculture systems using 3D DNA printers,the Phanes method etc and also eliminating invasive species that consume their young and also also improving infrastructure to eliminate water pollution and utilise deasalinisation water pipes to landlocked cities and towns near the lakes,rivers etc where they live.The phenotype of being able to produce stronger shells should be introduced into existing populations of M.polymorpha to ensure their survival with if they go extinct in Lanzarote they can be created again as part of Lazarus programmes with stronger shells and the lagoon undergoing efforts to make it have the correct pH again and the new species and sub species ensuring they survive across the world.CRISPR and gene drives can ensure these phenotypes for all of these projects are not only more accurate and stable but ensure that these phenotypes are dominant and stay within the genetic lineage especially in the case with inbreeding with non engineered wild specimens.Lagoons that house M.polymorpha can have coins and other rubbish present that affects its pH removed by experts once its DNA is extracted and remediation efforts done to clean the lagoon of pollutants and have a pH ideal for it,B.latzi will have its native habitat cleaned of urine,feces and better infrastructure to return it to a pristine statute.To deal with A.mexicanum Lake Xochimilco and Lake Chalco can undergo major restructuring programmes with the lakes refilled again to their pristine state using desalinated water from desalinisation plants etc once better programmes for dealing with floods and flood defences can be created for the nearby Mexico City by AI such as flood tunnel systems used in Tokyo and retractable dams placed on the banks of rivers etc by the city will be utilised with methods to prevent pollutants from entering them and removing existing pollination with efforts managed by Pan to remove invasive species of fish such as African tilapia and Asian carp that eat A.mexicanum young and their prey.All of these and other endangered species of mammals,fish,shellfish,insects etc endemic to specific areas of the world can be engineered to live in other parts of the world including newly formed coral reefs around the world.3D DNA printing will play a role in creating these new breeds of species to survive new environments.Biosynth implants will be formed in all sea fauna that pass fown from one generation to the next and to live wild specimens via sexual reproduction to  keep track of populations etc.Radioresistence will be applied that passes down from each generation to the next to protect against gamma ray bursts.

Endangered species of insects can be reared in vertical farms,insect farms and zoos using the same aforementioned techniques with carnivorous and omnivorous ones fed in vitro meat and algae pellets with algae also fed to herbivorous insects with plants eaten by specific species grown onsite using hydroponics and also having these plants planted routinely by drones in gardens,forest farms,community farms and reforested woodlands and meadows as well as in pots on roofs of communal homes around the species range ie Asclepias viridis for Danaus plexippus.Those that require specific plants,carrion etc to grow will have these reared in the farms etc using hydroponics.These Asclepis plants can also be planted in pots on rooftop gardens of all communal homes in major cities and towns with if possible a hybrid between Asclepis and small shrubs and bushes or even something as tall as a Cupressaceae,Abies tree with pleasing orchid like flowers during blooming season and produces non toxic fruits that regrows after being eaten using the same accelerated healing phenotype in humans via recombinant DNA from planarians,A.mexicanum,Hydra and C.elegans,T.gammatolerans,D.radiodurans,Bacillus F will repair and regrow damaged tissues can be created using CRISPR making the plant larger to feed more larvae especially if planted in packs with them easier to grow and more aesthetic in gardens and parks.This would encourage people to plant them in gardens and them planted in all parks,meadow/grassland permaculture farms and also alongside highways and also roundabouts thus allowing the trees to be planted in rows to feed large numbers of larvae with this complimenting normal plants and could also be planted on rooftop gardens with these trees even engineered to produce non toxic fruit for humans.It could also be a hybrid of all types of Asclepia plants with the Danainae family engineered to feed on the plant or different species of these Asclepia trees could be created and planted in the area and by having aesthetic flowers they will be more likely to be planted in parks and gardens and being large they will meet the needs of large numbers of larvae.These and other endangered insects could be engineered to be able to extended their range with reforestation caused by the use of bacteria based commodities and also vertical and community farms will allow all land that they require to be reforested.The lawns and grounds of amenities,universities and public buildings of all types will have them planted here by drones as well.These hybrid trees etc will be planted in the grounds of all public buildings such as universities,hospitals and the roofs of communal homes and public buildings and also in parks and botanical gardens in all towns,cities etc in their habitat range and in their migration path with the normal unaltered plants and these tree hybrids planted randomly in stable numbers in reforested agricultural land again their migration paths and native wilderness.In time genetic engineering could allow for them to feed on invasive plant species alongside their natural plant and using DNA made from scratch and from other insects including pests made to make them all such as pollinators and beneficial insects such as honey bees resistant to neonicotinoids and other pesticides and synthetic chemicals.Having them feed also on invasive species of plants and weeds alongside their native plants will increase their food range and keep the weeds and invasive plants numbers stable.The Phanes method can apply to them with them also engineered to produce more eggs than normal and then this removed once populations are stable.Recombinant DNA from extermophiles will allow them to survive changing climates,changing solar variations,axial tilt,changes in the planets rotation,milankovitch cycles and asteroid impacts or even geological forces such as volcanoes that may cause a sudden shift in climate.This can be all applied to all types of endangered insects.Native species of bees outside of A.mellifera will also be given the same level of engineering to prevent them going extinct.All species of bees outside of A.mellifera will undergoe engineering even hybidisation to make them competitive in both the wild and also in hives with normal bees.Hybrids between A.mellifera and Africanised bees will be created by 3D DNA printers creating large amounts of hybrids fed royal jelly that will overtake both native bees and also Africanised bees that have the docility of normal bees but better foraging of Africanised bees and immunities to colony collapse disorder,Varrora destructer,WiFi and pesticides.Wild queens of both Africanised bees and native species will be caught and have microbes added that change the queen and thus by extension all future workers,drones and queens hybrids.Since 3D DNA printers can be used to print out millions or even billions of genetically distinct insect eggs out at once in tanks that can be released into the wild at once this would negate the need for rearing endangered or Lazarus insects in captivity since as stated several million or billion specimens can be created via printing distinctly releated strands of DNA into eggs and inducing them to hatch and releasing them into the wild.Thus rather than rearing endangered insects in captivity it can be simply be a case of billions of eggs with unique strands of DNA distantly releated enough to interbreed with each other and wild animals without fears of inbreeding and bottlenecking with Phanes deciding the ratio of males to females and also injecting microbes that can create biosynth implants in them as well as giving them resistance to radiation.These will be reared in research centres and universities in towns and cities near the wilderness areas they live in transported in trucks and released in large numbers of at least several hundred thousand or million at a time.Biocompatible microbes that can form implants will be formed in all insects that pass from one generation to the next and to live wild specimens via sexual reproduction to keep track of populations etc.Radioresistence will be added to them that passes down from each generation to the next to allow an immunity to gamma ray bursts etc.They will be created in the areas they inhabit and released in large batches of several hundred thousand or several million at once.

To make things quicker 3D DNA printers will create several million genetically distinct eggs of each endangered species of insects hat are distantly related to allow them to breed with each other without bottlenecking and also the ratio of males to females all designed and decided by Phanes in research centres next to the wilderness they live in and them hatched and reared to maturity in tanks and once mature they will be dumped into their native meadows,jungles etc in batches of several thousand at a time.Ideally this will be done by people driving out to the wilderness areas and travelling by foot and releasing them from nets and tanks with if possible the insects stored in aeroplanes and dumped over their wilderness areas from the air with this done by fleets of aeroplanes.

Birds & Reptiles:
Endangered species of Aves and Reptilla including even Testudines will be engineered with DNA from Perdix perdix that lays twenty eggs everyday with even scratch DNA increasing this and then removed when populations stabilise.Captured animsls will have this ability of P.perdix and anti-ageing treatments added by CRISPR gene therapy via microbes added.Spermatazo or embryos with genetically distinct genomes will be created using 3D DNA printers allowing them to be inseminated.This vitro fertilisation will be used wherein each females will using P.perdix DNA lay at least 20-22 eggs every time exponentionally increasing numbers with the ratio of females and males decided by Phanes with them given anti-ageing treatments to allow females and males live longer with them using 3D DNA printers creating embryos with different genotypes allowing for siblings to be able to be so genetically distinct from each other breed with each other and with female and male parents with it alternating between IVF,breeding between adults and also creating animals from artificial wombs.Artificial wombs can be modified to produce large batches of egg laying animals whose young are so genetically distinct from other that can interbreed with each other.The Spermatazoa or embryos will via 3D DNA printers will be genetically distinct from each meaning once inseminated the animals will create 20 eggs that hatch into 20 animals that are genetically distinct from each other that could breed with each other with genetic bottlenecking.The gender of each young will be planned by Phanes through the creatio of the sermatazoa and eggs.Species of amniotes that exhibit temperature-dependent sex determination can have the eggs divided into different incubators that are of varying temperatures to ensure that they produce a desired amount of males and females as determined by Phanes that plans the amount of males and females to be produced for the next generation of breeding over countless generations.A single animal could create at least 7,300 animals every year with 1,000 animals creating 7,300,000 a year each genetically distinct from each other.Each newly created animals would be reared to maturity by humans feeding them insects or protein and carbohydrates etc rich colostrum like material created by bacteria using hands with a sock puppet on their hand or biosynth machinery used.Each generation young created would upon reaching maturity undergoe the same process until the number of animals rises exponentionally and is high enough for stable levels.Anti-ageing treatments will keep animals young and fertile allowing them to do this for several years until populations are at stable levels.Once a large amount of animals has been created and they are adults the to be create large batches P.perdix and scratch DNA to create larger batches of eggs will be removed with them engineered to produced the normal amount of eggs will remain to prevent overpopulation issues and anti-ageing treatments will be removed via microbes removing the genes via CRISPR to allow them to age normally with stem cell strains kept or added to form implants that measure their vital signs,population number and GPS location through satillites as part of Artemis and biosynth WiFi in wilderness areas that via the stem cell strains present will pass to all future generations created by interbreeding with unincolated animals and other previous captive animals.Biosynths modelled on insect haematophages such as Anopheles can innoculate existing wild animals for the same reasons. Research will be done to see if all a species of Aves and Reptilla including Testudines can have their DNA 3D DNA printed into embryos with eggs thus negating the need to use invitro fertilisation allowing millions or billions of genetically distinct individuals to be created in captivity and released in large batches into the wild with the ratio of males and females decided by Phanes. Even biosynth machinery modelled on photobioreactors could be modified to create large amounts of each species of Aves,Testudines,Reptilla etc eggs to be created using 3D DNA printed embryos that will be reared to maturity,hatched,fed by biosynths,machinery or hand and then released in large batches of several thousand animals at a time with this allowing millions or billions of genetically distinct individuals to be created and released into the wild.Thus Biosynth machinery can be modified to create large batches of eggs that are engineered to hatch into young with Phanes creating huge batches of eggs as much as a few dozen or few hundred at a time that are each completely genetically distinct from each other by either printing embryos or creating the eggs with the genetically distinct embryos.These will be reared in research centres by the species habitat and then transported and released in large numbers at a time such as several thousand or several million.


Endangered plants,crops and flowers can be reared in vertical farms,nurseries and buildings used for agricultural research via hydroponics/aeroponics in controlled conditions to grow much quicker and then moved into botanical gardens and parks and even home gardens and eventually their natural habitat when conditions are more favourable and as part of reforestation efforts.They can be engineered to be less likely to experience shock when transferred back to their native habitat with these grown in vertical farms and nurseries as well as community and home farms across the world with engineering allowing them to grow in any soil and climate around the world.In the case of Brighamia insignis that require pollination from endangered or extinct pollinators Lazarus programmes can take place for the extinct species,new ones can be created to be able to do so and do only for that species and other ones with endangered ones undergoing Phanes conservation efforts.The plants can also be engineered to be able to be pollinated by all species of Insecta etc.Those that require passing through the guts of other animals for example Ryparosa can have the animal reared locally or have them digested by machinery with custom made fertiliser with the exact nutrient content of the faeces to rear it locally.Otherwise the plant can be engineered to be able to survive by needing and not needing this process of digestion to make it easier to rear and survive in the wild better with ideally the requirement for seed digestion removed and then readded once populations stabilise via microbes altering live plants.The ability to produce large amounts of seeds will be added to them using DNA possibly from Wolffia microscopica,Typha latifolia and even Dorylus to produce millions of seeds each season and also force them to reproduce every 30 hours with them also engineered with the same fast growing rates of crops with this then removed via CRISPR.The W.microscopica DNA may only allow for vegetative asexual reproduction but scratch DNA and that of other plants including flowers etc could have this be sexual reproduction with DNA from T.latifolia creating extra brown spikes that create millions of new genetically distinct seeds via meiosis every 30 hours when combined with W.microscopia DNA and their ability to produce flowers and them having seed pods and/or the forced dehiscence of Arceuthobium meaning every 30 hours new sets of millions of genetically distinct seeds are ejected out in forced dehiscence provided robotic,biosynth,human and insect pollinators are constantly present.This could increase the amounts of seeds created outside of 3D DNA printing to about one nonillion plant seeds(thats a number with 30 zeros – 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000)in about four months per plant. C.gigantea DNA to create the same amount of seeds or even spores could create enough in just two generations could theoretically produce a volume of puffballs roughly seven times the size of the earth with this not taking into account the aforementioned W.microscopica,T.latifolia DNA.Acellerated healing will also increase the rate of regrowth of these with scratch DNA reducing it to possibly 15 hours and those associated with increased growth rates halving this even further or lower than that with temporal transcendental dimensionalism.If need be the plants can be engineered to produced them without fertilisation but with different geneotypes via scratch DNA as a form of non asexual meoitic parthenogenesis.Both biocompatible microbes and 3D printed DNA will be used also to create these with biocompatible microbes sending the genome of the plant to Artemis alongside their GPS location allowing the populations of all species of plants to be quantified on local to global levels with any excess harvested for animal food by hand with people like farmers flying in one automated helicopters or the microbes intentionally cause the plants to die through any means possible.Like spermatozoa seeds or even pollen and anthers or even ovules can be modified by microbes within a plant using horizontal gene transfer similar to spermatozoa in germline therapy with the microbes passing from one generation to the next.Disease resistance to fungal,bacterial and viral as well as even genetic diseases can be added via the printers to improve their viability to survive with this added to non endangered plants to do this also and with them also engineered to resist plant rot from plastic eating Pestalatiopsis microsporio and other bacterium.Fungal,bacterial and viral pathogens of wild and ornamental plants as well as native ones be dealt with in time by at least 2029-2045 biocomaptible microbes inoculated via injection into stem,bark or via watering the roots with a mixture of microbes that can attack them in the same way as in humans using antiviral,antibacterial and antifungal compounds as well as CRISPR treatments.The microbes can via using CRISPR can give all plants in the wild a primative or fully functional immune system similar to humans via gene drive technology and using the common proteins method immunising strains that can allow them to be immunised against all viral,bacterial and fungal pathogens with this applying to even live plants in gardens and the wild with these passing from one generation to the next.CRISPR using scratch DNA will also confer resistance to all fungal,viral and bacterial pathogens of all plants .Recombinant DNA from mesophiles,thermophiles,psychrophiles,xerophiles and other extremophiles as well as those from scratch can be introduced into the genome of them to allow them to grow in the outdoors of all climates and if this is introduced into wild populations once a sufficient amount of individuals are grown gene drives will ensure these phenotypes are integrated into wild populations.Recombinant DNA from Firmicutes could allow in severe dry spells,droughts and severe nutrition scarcity allow all of the cells of each plant to form endospores until these are availible.Recombinant DNA from halophiles and osmophiles will allow them to survive high concentrations of both salt and sugar and even produce sugar as a cryoprotectant alongside anti-freeze peptides.This can also make the species tolerate changes in regional and global climate change brought on by climate change in the Antropocene and unforseen events such as volcanic eruptions or meteorite impacts or natural changes in the climate caused by astrophysical forces such as solar variations,axial tilt,changes in the planets rotation,milankovitch cycles,increase in solar luminosity that may cause a sudden shift and even droughts with this introduced in existing forests,jungles by biosynths modelled on arthropods and Aves pollinating trees and flowers in pre programmed fashion expediting the process.This can also allow the the range of endangered species to be extended to all corners of the globe and can allow for tropical woods used for furniture etc to be grown in more temperate climates and temperate species of trees to be grown in tropical areas.It will also allow them to grown in home and community farms as part of conservation efforts.Genes from T.gammatolerans can allow for forests used to survive areas affected by severe radiation or potential radiation leaks and threats with this added to the genome of native fauna that can survive their and introduce it into the genepool of any other animals that interbreed with them.It will also allow them to survive possibly even gamma ray bursts if introduced into all plant and animal species including those that reside in the ocean and waterways.The plants can be engineered to produce more seeds than normal with this removed when populations are stable with Phanes managing their creation of seeds worldwide with them engineered to be less likely to experience shock when returned to the wild from hydroponic systems.The Phanes method can once again be used to create an unlimited amount of individuals from cells cultured in media and injected into sperm/pollen and eggs/ovules combined into a seed or into a blank seed with them engineered to produced more seeds than normal and then have this removed when populations are stable with seeds traded from nurseries and vertical farms and the wild on local to global levels.Like animals millions or billions of these can be created onsite of vertical farms,conservation areas and cryonically frozen with the same engineering from – Tardigrade,P.putida GR12-2,H.glaciei,C.greenlandensis,C.pleistocenium,psychrophillic and osmophile bacteria, C.clavipes,R.sylvatica,Bacillus F and also those from scratch that allow them to be stored indefinitely in cryonics with recombinant DNA from planarians,A.mexicanum,Hydra and C.elegans,T.gammatolerans,D.radiodurans,Bacillus F will repair damaged tissues and telomeres allowing them to be rethawed and refrozen over and over again.

Ideally if perfected blank seeds with 3D DNA printed DNA put into them can be created then these can be planted in a randomised manner in their native habitat by drone seed planters once created on an unlimited scale using the Phanes method without the use of hydroponics.If possible to speed things up once 3D DNA printing is advanced enough millions of seeds can be printed out at once using the Phanes method into small seeds that will contain genetic material to ensure the next generation of plants will produce the same seeds as normal that require seed dispersal techniques they normally require and are of the same size.This will save time as millions or billions of new seeds that are genetically distinct from each other can be printed out and then loaded into seed drone planters that will then be plated in a randomised manner in their native and reforested habitat almost a few weeks later.Fleets of drone seed planters will be utilised to plant sizeable amounts of each species in a pre programmed randomised manner replicating natural dispersal of plants.Resistance to all pathogenic disease and resistance to radiation will be printed into them with seed planting drones then planting these in a randomised pattern.All endangered species of plants will have radio resistance added in order to survive gamma ray bursts.They will through microbes present be immunised against only invasive species of pathogens that are foreign to them and can’t fight off.Swarms of insect Biosynths will inject microbes into the leaves etc of existing plants in the wild to give them immunity to diseases.If possible CRISPR can give wild plants and new ones a fully functioning immune system that can be given microbes that can immunise them against all pathogens and microbes that fight off pathogens that pass into future generations through seeds etc.Endangered plants that are being decimated by invasive fungal,bacterial and viral pathogens will via Biosynths I modelled on insects can innocuoate them with species specific microbes that immunise them against all species of pathogens and fight them off using CRISPR treatments and also antiviral,anti microbial and antiviral compounds.Scratch DNA designed by Phanes will give plants immunities to all invasive fungal,viral and bacterial pathogens.Advanced gene drive technology can ensure these phenotypes become dominant and spread to trees in the forest automatically over coming decades and centuries with simulations in Demeter and Phanes and Pan determining the speed at which this occurs with again bio synths modelled after arthropods to transfer them to all plants in an area 24/7,365 days a year in a pre programmed measures via injection of microbes that transfer this via horizontal gene transfer.This can also be used to transfer resistance to genetic,bacterial,fungal and viral diseases to specific plant species.All animals across the world can undergo the same engineering to allow them to survive extreme conditions and aforementioned changes in climate.Plants will be planted in the wild by robotic planters and seed planting drones at randomised areas in the wild with seeds created from these plants and also 3D DNA printing will be spread and planted by drone seed planters to randomised places.All of this can apply to all types of plants such as trees,ferns,bushes,flowers etc all around the world.All species of plants will be created via 3D DNA printers and will be planted by fleets of drone seed planters by Pan in a randomised pre programmed manner decided by Pan to replicate the natural random nature of wilderness.Biosynth implants will be formed in all plants that pass fown from one generation to the next and to live wild specimens via sexual reproduction to  keep track of populations etc.Radioresistence will be applied that passes down from each generation to the next to protect against gamma ray bursts

Amphibians,slamanders etc as detailed earlier on will be made immune to B.dendrobatidis as well as immune to UV light due to them sensitive to UV light that can come from holes in the ozone and them also reared in recirculating aquaculture systems alongside endangered fish and shellfish for Phanes programmes with programmes carried also detailed earlier on to eliminate invasive species of plants and animals worldwide to return ecosystems to their normal state alongside reforestation programmes.Endangered species of coral,shellfish,fish,frogs,toads,salamanders as well as insects will have millions of genetically distinct eggs printed out using 3D DNA printers with coral,shellfish,fish,toads,frogs and salamendars etc  raised in recirculating aquaculture systems and insects in tanks.Once at stable numbers or routinely these animals that are genetically distinct from each other will be released into the wild as adults or teens into existing or new shoals,packs,prides and groups of them with VR technology being used to teach them how to act in the wild ie hunt for food,avoid predators,mate etc managed by the sentient AI Artemis and human researchers.Even Anthozoa will undergo this conservation efforts using the Phanes method as they are composed of unicellular organisms that form these reefs with all species of Anthozoa that create all types of coral will have their DNA added to Physis to be reared in recirculating aquaculture systems via 3D DNA printers that can print out millions or billions of genetically distinct organisms.Phytoplantkon will be reared in recirculating aquaculture systems via 3D DNA printers that print out millions or billions of genetically distinct organisms.Phytoplantkon and Anthozoa will be engineered to survive warmer and more acidic conditions.Thus Anthozoa,shellfish and fish will be reared in recirculating aquaculture systems with 3D DNA printers using the Phanes method where the sentient Phanes designs millions or billions of genetically distinct eggs to create billions of new genetically distinct individuals.Mammels,birds and reptiles etc will undergoe efforts where females are inseminated with 3D DNA printers embryos that are genetically distinct from each other that have nonopluts,octuplets etc implanted into them to with each one being genetically distinct from each other thus exponentionally increasing the amount of genetically distinct individuals created by each female with him also managing the ratio of females and males and these females also undergoing breeding programmes with their genetically unrelated siblings and offspring in cycles with this creation of distinct nonuplets with others created via biosynth artificial wombs.The females and males will have anti-ageing treatments to extend their fertility peak and also to be able to lay as many eggs as possible and hold as many young inside to increase the success rate.This and other methods will increase the population of any endangered species exponentionally every year and them released back into the wild once anti-ageing treatments are removed and biocompatible microbes added that can pass on from one generation to the next to keep track of populations and permanently remove genes that cause genetic diseases to prevent unnecessary suffering.T.gammatolerans DNA will be added to ensure radiorestance should a gamma ray burst occur.Anti-ageing treatments will be added during breeding programmes alongside those to increase fertility and fertile peak range to increase the numbers of animals created by each single animal alongside those to increase egg production for Aves,Reptillia.This will be removed via CRISPR using microbes once animals are released into the wild to make the age properly and produce normal amounts of young to prevent overpopulation.If populations get too high it will allow the location of them to be tracked for culling programmes ie hunting trips.Each species undergoing the Phanes method programmes will have stem cells of microbes added that form implants that through biosynth WiFi relay vital signs,population levels of live animals and GPS location s to monitor migrations anc where to be found by hikers and tourists etc with them composed of stem cell strains passing from one generation to the next via sexual inter course.Existing wild animals may be innoculated by biosynth lampreys and insects.Genetic databanks across the world may already have the entire genome of all species so only a sizeable number of genetic samples will be needed to be collected to allow the sentient Phanes to extrapolate genetically distinct strands of DNA to create millions or even billions of eggs,seeds,spermatazoa,embryos of fish,mammals,birds etc to be created via 3D DNA printers and then inserted into animals that create distantly related twins,triplets or even nonuplets thus exponentially increasing the number of genetically distinct individuals or artificial wombs can be used as part of conservation efforts as detailed earlier on.Endangered species of plants will have DNA added to Physis and with endangered ones have millions or billions of genetically distinct specimens created by 3D DNA printers into blank seeds to be then planted into their native habitats as part of reforestation projects by seed planting drones etc in preprogrammed measures with even rare varieties and cultivars of crops replanted in their native habitat with there DNA transferred into Physis from seed banks with this allowing them to be printed out in vertical and home farms thus making them a part of the worlds main diet preserving them indefinitely.By 2029-2035 reforestation of agricultural land worldwide and bioremediation of all polluted soils,rivers and oceans worldwide will allow for clean and sizeable habitats availible to them once these programmes are finished in zoos and conservation areas as well as research centres thus bring populations back to stable levels.Physis will by 2029 have the DNA of all species of plants,animals,micro-organisms worldwide including those from existing databases transferred here for this and the ordering of crops,fish etc from vertical and home farms via 3D DNA printers.Thus it will be possible for Phanes programmes to be carried out by 2029 that can be bring any endangered species of animals and plants at the brink of extinction due to deforestation and climate change to be brought back from the brink of extinction with the genome of all species of them and all non threatened species added here with at least a dozen or hundred samples from different individuals taken from endangered ones stored in databanks in order to allow Phanes to use these as a baseline for him to extrapolate billions of genetically distinct individuals for these programmes printed into seeds,eggs,embryos.Endangered species of plants and animals that are endemic to only a small area of the world such as M.polymorpha,A.mexicanum,B.latzi can be engineered to live in other parts of the world including coral reefs created surrounding them and other parts of the world with simulations made to prevent them becoming invasive species.They through genetic engineering can be made docile and become pets in place of or alongside conventional pets such as cats and dogs.Biosynth implants will be formed in all animal that pass fown from one generation to the next and to live wild specimens via sexual reproduction to  keep track of populations etc.Radioresistence will be applied that passes down from each generation to the next to protect against gamma ray bursts.Thus any species of endangered plant and animal can be brought back from the brink of extinction by adding all species of animals and plants especially endangered ones into the Physis database and collecting sizeable sample of specimens of all endangered ones it will allow Phanes to extrapolate billions of genetically distinct DNA created by 3D DNA printers printed into embryos,spermatazoa etc to implanted into females as twins,triplets and even nonuplets that are distantly releated enough to be able to breed with their surrogate mother and also each other with fish,shellfish,coral,amphibians,insects have unique strands printed directly into eggs and cells to exponentially increase the population to stable levels with Phanes designing these strands of DNA and managing the ratio of males to females with artificial wombs also used with them released into the wild once their habitat is reforested with endangered Anthozoa,fish and shellfish reared in recirculating aquaculture system.The Phanes method can be applied to less threatened species that are hunted regularly for sport especially by the Inuits and Maasai to ensure traditional hunting trips can continue indefinitely and keep populations of genetically distinct individuals constant and stable.With regards to extinct species of plants and animals there are several options – Phanes can using preserved samples of animals in labs and universities fill in the blanks of damaged and degraded DNA of known phenotypes and using different specimen samples analyse the differences between their DNA to create a complete genome with him also extrapolating the genome of them from scratch based on known phenotypes based on skeletons,descriptions in paintings,drawings and also historical record with when temporal manipulations are feasible samples from dozens of specimens can be gained via biosynths modelled on haematophages and other similar animals to then allow the animal to be recreated using model species and also artificial wombs and 3D DNA printing DNA into eggs and seeds.Biosynth artificial wombs will make it easier to create dozens of a Lazarus species in one go with regards to viviparous and oviparous species to be then initiated into Phanes programmes involving both males and females created here with fish,amphibians and insects brought back by simply having large amounts of eggs created in one go and reread in tanks and recirculating aquaculture systems negating the need for a model species to be created or found.Extinct plants will have millions or billions of genetically distinct seeds created at once.All of this is detailed earlier on thus by 2029-2035 it should be possible to bring back any species of animal or plant back from the brink of extinction or even back from extinction itself with regards to extinct species  with them returned to newly reforested land worldwide.Thus by anslysing paintings,skeletons and dead animals in museums and known phenitypes Phanes will be able to by pure thought design the entire genome of extinct species and use existing DNA samples of DNA as a baseline to create a complete genome which can using the Phanes method method bring back any extinct species of plants and animals from extinction..Ideally these two methods should apply to mainly to all animals from all taxonomic ranks made extinct by humans in the Anthropocene,Holecene and Pleistocene made extinct by humans or the climate changes after the last Ice Age.Megafauna made extinct by humans may have to created on other colonies especially terraformed ones.Ideally colonies on other planets that are terraformed such as Mars,Venus,other discovered planets outside of the Sol system that are uninhabited,artificial planets the same size as Earth,alderson discs and ringworlds can house Lazarus species from all geological periods prior to the rise of Homo sapiens such as Dinosauria to prevent them interfering with the current ecosystem with each one containing those from each individual geological period ie each planet contains only those from each geological periods.Alderson discs and ringworlds due to their size can have those from several geological periods spread over them.

All of this can apply to endangered and extinct plants as well endangered animals from all phylum of the animal kingdom.This can also apply to species of animals from all taxonomic ranks that are only endemic to specific areas.It is for these reasons that healthy chromosomes,cells for culturing,seeds,spermatozoa,egg and DNA samples from as much individuals as possible from endangered species of organisms and also samples from species at risk of extinction from all phylum(this includes plants)by the end of the century should be collected and stored cryonically(using psychrophile and extremophile,Hydra and A.mexicanum DNA as detailed earlier on to improve viability and storage length)in the form of skin,blood,sap,cells,tissues,spermatozoa,seeds and eggs as well as blank cells from induced pluripotent stem cells to ensure that if they go extinct or if their numbers dwindle or diversity bottlenecks then advances in genetic engineering,artificial intelligence and machinery and other methods for reviving extinct species could be used to revive them or increase there numbers with a database of healthy DNA samples to work also using closely related model species,reverse engineering or theoretical artificial wombs and similar technology to bring them back from the brink.This large collection of DNA samples from many individuals will allow Phanes to organise large numbers of subtle alterations to create millions or billions of new specimens as a baseline by at least 2029.This could bring species that whose currently listed conservation status is extinct in the wild,critically endangered,vulnerable and bring them up to not threatened and least concern by the middle of the century with extinct species using the Lazaruz programmes brought from extinction to least concern by this time also.Having all these cells,tissues,sap,spermatozoa,eggs, and even blood samples containing leukocytes that house DNA put into cryonics fitted with psychrophile DNA and those that prevents telomere degradation etc allowing to survive freezing and thawing as detailed earlier and later on will be pivotal.As many samples of skin cells,tissues,leukocytes in blood samples,spermatozoa,eggs,seeds etc should be collected from as many individuals as possible with this then allowing the DNA to be preserved with one sample of each cells,tissues,eggs,seeds,spermatozoa of each species will have its DNA read and added to Physis and the AI of the zoo,park AI to be used by 3D printers to apply the Phanes methods thus creating millions or billions of seeds,spermatozoa,eggs that can be put into blank eggs,spermatozoa and seeds to carry out Phanes breeding programmes should they survive the next few years when it is advanced enough by 2029 or if they go extinct be first these new DNA strands will be saved in Artemiss databases to be used in Lazarus programmes with subtle strands of the extinct animals would thus allow both Phanes and Lazarus programmes to be carried out on all currently endangered species of plant and animal species.Them used in Lazarus programmes add pieces of the extinct animals DNA into the spermatozoa,eggs and seeds of large numbers of a model species until the model species is the old extinct species revived.All Lazarus and a Phanes method programmed worldwide will occur onsite of research centres at the outskirts of conservation areas that the species is native to with those involving fish,amphibians and shellfish have them reared in recirculating aquaculture systems done in oil rigs,floating research centres in the case of deep ocean species with those that are native to lakes and rivers etc done in in centres by the edge of them or in nearby towns,cities etc with those native to coral reefs done in centres next to them.This will allow the animals etc to be dumped in large numbers with ease.All endangered species of plants and animals in planets across the universe will undergoe Phanes programmes.

Pan will organise the reforestation of graveyards,agricultural land,airports,urban prairies,woodlands surrounding towns and cities etc by 2029 into forests,jungles,grasslands and meadows.All reforested areas such as airports,agricultural land,urban prairies,graveyards etc will be reforested as far back as possible to existing wilderness thus increasing their size for wildlife as well as carbon sinks managed by Pan.Roads will as stated be dug and replaced by underground ones that pop up or have carparks at key buildings like homes and research centres with walkways composed permeable interlocking pavement and bioluminescent trees that allow for hiking.Pan will using historical data and have Mars curiosity robots transported by drones,people and automated vehicles analyse soil in all fields for fossil and pollen to see what trees and grass grew their allowing for native woodlands to be put in their original place alongside meadows with the forests being hybrid ones that use native trees that rear fruits and nuts with meadows being hybrid permaculture ones.Historical documents and records will be analysed to see what was originally in place of agricultural land with this allowing Pan to decide in non tropical areas how much and what part of land will be reforested into forests,meadows etc.Artificial hedges made of stone or plants in the western world that separate fields up will be torn down and recycled to make fields used by agriculture turned into large fields of meadows or forests as decided by Pan.Stone ones will be recycled and those made of plants like bushes and trees will be pyrolysised with the work done by tractors and land taken up be them reforested with grasses.He will utilise satellites including those as part of Google Earth and Silviaterra to plan all reforestation efforts and mange the construction of underground roads and walkways in between towns and in existing wilderness.Future homes and communities would ideally be underground ones beneath reforested land with these reforested areas stretching as far back as possible to existing forests etc and also those used for forestry.Future homes would ideally be iceberg or underground homes and underground communities that can go underneath these reforested areas.This can include homes that are ergonomically designed to have a small door,balcony and roof on the surface to walk out onto the reforested area alongside a stairwell leading to the main building and the vast majority of the home underground that uses smart digital windows and also has the basement house entrances to underground roads leading to underground communities or even nearby towns and cities with entire communities in jungles,forests,deserts constructed like this with AI designing the structure alongside the consumer with them powered by thermo-piezoelectric material covered geothermal pipes etc.Access to the homes by foot would be using walkways designed by Pan which would be entered by doors on the surface or stairwells with entrances to underground communities in the form of stairwells,elevators led to by stairs etc with these being watertight ones that automatically close if left open to prevent animals and rainwater entering them and flooding them.This would be of note to Europe,China and all of the Americas-North,Central and South.Retail streets in all villages,towns and cities will be converted into mega hotels.The DNA of all species of animals and plants worldwide including endangered ones including Anthozoa will be uploaded to Physis with large samples of DNA taken from endangered ones that will be crygenically frozen that will allow Phanes to extrapolate genetically distinct strands of DNA to create millions or billions of new individuals as part of Phanes programmes to bring them back from the brink of extinction once their native wilderness is returned to normal.

The Phanes method and the Lazarus method utilising 3D DNA printing technology should also be perfected by this time especially using DNA to keep them frozen and thawed over and over again by at least 2029.Primative versions of these two methods – Lazarus and Phanes will be done using CRISPR to introduce subtle alterations into sperm,eggs and seeds as early as 2019/2020 thus ensuring current endangered species of animals and plants cna be given first versions of the lazarus and Phanes programmes by them with large samples of DNA from all animals found and the young produced stored cryonically to imporve this and also more advanced mehtods by 2029.For this reason as stated skin,sap,tissue an cell samples,alongside,seeds,spermatozoa,eggs from as many individual animals and plants as possible of all species of animals and plants at the brink of extinction by the end century will be cryonically stored with the aforementioned psychrophile and extremophile DNA to allow to survive freezing and thawing with once samples of DNA of one of each seed,cell,tissue,etc injected into a different cell for each source DNA or even blank bacteria that when inserted into unique cultures will create more cells/bacteria,tissues containing the DNA of each of the different sources ie seeds,spermatozoa,eggs of different plants and animals allowing them to be inserted into millions of blank sperm,blank seeds,blank eggs which using CRISPR before 3D DNA printing is perfected can make different subtle alterations to each seed,egg and spermatozoa thus maintaining genetic diversity them used in primitive Phanes and Lazarus programmes.This should at least increase numbers drastically especially if non related twins and other multiple births are carried using hormones and also even single births until it can be perfected by 2029.Samples from dead animals and plants can also be used if they are still viable with this of note to recently dead and killed animals.Having all plant and animal DNA stored in Physis will allow for the endangered species genome to extrapolated for a baseline to create new individuals alongside skin,cell,blood and sap samples from all endangered species allowing Phanes to extrapolate from Physis and as many samples as possible a whole library of millions or billions of new DNA strands created via 3D DNA printers.Thus all species of plants and animals that are endangered will have large number of samples taken from both the wild and those in captivity from at least several hundred or even dozen samples with this DNA taken from sap,blood,skin cells etc and stored in the proto Phanes database to allow him by 2029 to create and extrapolate subtle alterations to millions or billions of DNA strands into seeds,eggs,embryos etc to bring any species back from the brink with reforestation efforts and reducing carbon dioxode levels back to pre-industrial levels will aid in bringing back any species to .The same aforementioned practices could be applied with sentient species and wildlife on other planets once interstellar travel becomes possible to prevent unnecessary extinctions with even entire humans created this way through the Phanes methods and prevent bottle necking of human populations of colonies outside of Earth and also interstellar vehicles and stations during certain disasters or circumstances to ensure diversity with breeding programs not using this also managed by Phanes either through Nyx or in a fragmented form with spermatozoa and eggs collected from specimens shared on local,global and even galactic levels.With regards to those on interstellar vehicles and stations it would limit the amount of people needed on a vessel and allow for IVF programs to be carried out again with females bearing multiple young without the need for emotional attachment or feelings of betrayal etc that could lead to tension onboard with it and breeding programs managed by Phanes.Again blank spermatozoa,embryos and eggs from humans would be collected via induced pluripotent stem cells and then 3D DNA printing technology can create individuals with diversely distinct DNA that can ensure healthy genetic variation or cells can be cultured,the DNA edited via microbes and then implanted into blank spermatozoa and eggs.Thus all interstellar vehicles,colonies,bases and space stations will have both 3D DNA printing machines and also artificial wombs with Phanes in a fragmented form managing the birth of IVF children and the ratio of males to females with microbes in humans controlling their fertility by making patients sterile for extended periods of time in a reversible means of contraception using gene therapy to prevent overpopulation with VR technology also facilitating sexual encounters that do not result in pregnancy.The DNA of all passengers will be stored on Phanes database to facilitate this and should any person die.This could also be used to increase the diversity of rare human and non human genetic lineages that can be inserted into blank sperm,embryos and eggs for IVF programs to revive them and increase their diversity to prevent extinction or even dilution.Millions or billions of spermatozoa and eggs will be created and stored on these stations and vehicles for breeding programs managed by Phanes in a fragmented form.These eggs,embryos and spermatozoa using DNA from H.glaciei,P.putida GR12-2,C.greenlandensis,Bacillus F,C.pleistocenium,psychrophillic and osmophile bacteria,C.clavipes,R.sylvatica will allow them to be stored in cryonics onsite with recombinant DNA from planarians,A.mexicanum,Hydra and C.elegans will repair damaged tissues and telomeres allowing them to be rethawed and refrozen over and over again.Artificial wombs once developed could allow for extra animals of both oviparous and vivaprous to created by inseminating sperm into eggs created from the Phanes method and implanting them into the device where they can grow from an embryo them being delivered from the womb like mammals with this applying even to ovivaparous.These artificial wombs may inevitably be biosynth animals that consumes nutrients and provides the young with nutrition with these being modelled on Mammalia,Aves and all types of animals.Sugars,complex carbohydrates,proteins and also vitamins and other essential nutrients created by bacteria will be pumped into these wombs or consumed by the biosynths in recommended amounts alongside minerals.These wombs would be a biosynth animals or even one where they consist of a pod with a fleshy biosynth interior that allows for embryos that form fetuses and eggs to be inserted directly or implanted similar to how fertilisation occurs in humans.Physis which stores all of the worlds plants,micro-organism and animals DNA will aid in this with it being sentient and its avatar being that as described or a formless being.The purpose of Physis will be to store all genes within their DNA including mutations for all phenotypes of each species,breed,strain divided by species,sub-species,breed and strain in a phylogenetic tree from simple celled organisms to complex lifeforms including sentient ones divided in each taxonomic ranks to allow them to be use to bring extinct and endangered species back to life using Phanes and Lazarus programs and allow for hybrids and new species of animals and plants to be created by Phanes cross-referencing the DNA of all species in it to pick and choose what genes they need for it.Scratch DNA for each species create Phanes will be in subfolders with them and the main visible as a 3D strand of DNA that can be scrolled through for each gene with chromosomes chosen.It can also be used for Phanes,Epione and other AI for research into diseases;viral,bacterial,genetic,neurological etc and creation of specific types of Each planet in the universe will have their own version of Physis within that planets version of Artemis showing the phylogenetic tree for all lifeforms native to that planet to again allow hybrids and new species to be made with not only DNA from lifeforms native to that planet but all discovered planets.All buildings by wilderness areas,zoos and conservation areas will house both artificial wombs and 3D DNA printers to allow for specimens of each species undergoing Lazarus and Phanes to be mass produced onsite to be reserved in pens,recirculating aquaculture systems and then released into the wild..Intensive resesrch will be done to create 3D DNA printers be able to create the eggs.spermatozoa,embryos,seeds etc of any species of plants,fish,shellfish,amphibians,etc on demand.The Phanes method can be used to aid in recovery of populations of endangered species of plants and animals across the universe on colonies where the actions of non human sentient alien races led to populations of species of plants abd animals to decline to the point they would be considered endangered with it also done to recover species made endangered by natural disasters etc that affected a large area Oof a planet.

To allow traditional hunting trips to be carried out by both native tribes such as Maasai and the general population(ie. safari,whale,bear and fox hunting) in any wilderness such as African Sarenghetti,Amazon,temperate forests,the worlds oceans without inflicting pain and animal cruelty robots and eventually bio-synths could allow for fake endangered,extinct and mythological animals from horror/scifi movies,video games and world mythology to be hunted with a set level of AI from easy to expert programmed and the animal(s) given a set amount of time to escape into the wild ie.1,12,24 or 48 hours and then the hunter is allowed to track it down with or without GPS chips embedded into them to increase or decrease difficulty as well inclusion or exclusion of inhibitor chips that prevent or allow the bio-synth from attacking the hunter making the threat more real and possibly even fatal.To further increase difficulty these bio-synths could also have meta materials to make them invisible,shapeshifting abilities via shape memory alloys,metamaterials and octo camoflauge to make them blend into the environment.Weapons such as rifles would have scopes fitted with radar or other technology that detects unique ID chips present when viewed through with the eye in the bio-synths ensuring only bio-synths and not real animals are harmed for example if one is hunting a bio-synth lion or Panthera tigris in India and Africa and it is blending in with real animals.In time even VR simulations could be employed in fictional settings and hunt any animal without the fear of limiting numbers of endangered species,allow for hunting mythological animals,those from media and also fear of death with the same time dilation effect with this allowing for mythological animals to be hunted in any environment they have with these arranged by Artemis and can be part of Agoge training.As stated earlier hunting of pests and invasive species should be legalized and encouraged to reduce their numbers and allow protected native species be unharmed and population numbers grow and allow cultural traditions to thrive.Once the populations of native endangered species become stable and in fact increase they can be hunted again in controlled manners with the amount produced via the Phanes method and conservation methods controlled to keep their populations at a stable level reared onsite of conservation areas next to the wilderness areas.Animals such as Cervidae,Panthera leo,Pinnipeds,Ursus maritimus and whales can be reared on nearby automated farms or those done by volunteer conservationists to increase populations using the Phanes method and released in controlled numbers to keep population stable but also increase them exponentially to allow for hunting programs and rituals especially native ones such as Inuit,Masaai and Agoge ones going for millenia to come with even invasive species not native to that region hunted and again in time bio-synth versions hunted controlled by the national park AI.Busts and taxidermied animals can be done with the animals being reared at home or brought home and then slaughtered or when they have higher numbers in the wild hunted with the taxidermy process either done by hand or automated using the same Davinci and slicing machinery in slaughterhouses combined with phlebotomy and sewing robots with the organs and meat either eaten or pyrolysised with this done in buildings next to conservation areas.Otherwise this can be done by hand.In time even bio synths may suffice for taxidermied animals.The phlebotomy robots would remove blood and inject preservatives,while robots would remove all organs and skeletons and put the hide and skin etc onto a graphene skeleton or cast created by scanning in the skeleton or the body of the animal with miniaturized Da Vinci robots that would sew the skin back together.Biosynth animals of varying levels of intelligence can be used to replace animals as pet of hunting trips with the culling of invasive species also used and encouraged with the a Phanes method,artificial wombs allowing for species in danger of extinction from over hunting to brought back to stable population levels with if there is too many of a species hunting trips encouraged to cull excess animals.Biosynth implants that pass from one generation to the next will relay the population levels of each species and also GPS locations.VR hunting trips will also be carried out.

BOINC integrated into Artemis and Phanes can allow for the possible outlooks and population growth of endangered species over long periods of time such as years to millennia taking into account climate,lifespan,how many young it can give birth to,migrations of birds and fish etc with this also applied to non endangered animals and even applying to plants as well. Home,community,forest and vertical gardens will allow all deforested areas worldwide or agriculture to be reforested indefinitely allow for endangered species to have their original habitat restored with this applying to extinct species brought back through Lazarus programs.Existing areas fragmented by mines,human settlements etc will be demolished once the residents are moved to other areas using tall luxury homes or ideally even underground communities that can allow humnas to continue to live under existing and new protected areas and thus allow all land to be permanently reforested. Low quality home estates and slums etc will be be demolished and reforested while people move into communal homes derived from abandoned and obsolete buildings and those built in city centres from retail streets that are given roof extensions up to 100 floors will make cities compact alongside underground communities allowing each town,city and village sizeable wilderness areas.This will also occur to islands such as Mauritius,Hawaii,Lanzarote,Gran Canaria etc that have low quality housing estates and deforestation.Simulations can be carried out by Artemis as to whether endangered species can be introduced into other ecosystems worldwide to increase there habitable range with them made to feed on new species of plants and animals created for them to prevent them decimating native species with them also have existing species of new predators feed on them to keep their populations stable to prevent their population exploding to unsustainable levels.They may also be used to populate terraformed planets such as Mars,Venus and megastructures such as ringworlds,dyson shells,alderson discs and artificial planets.

Farms will become more ideal over hunting wild animals as without money as an incentive poachers will disappear and automation coupled with invitro meat and high protein algae food meal will drive costs of P.tigris,Rhinocerotidae,Elephantidae and other endangered species farming down substantially with advances in robotics making it easier for wild populations to be protected against any remaining poachers.Farming using the Phanes method can be used to drastically increase the numbers of endangered species especially those hunted for commodities such as P.tigris,Elephantidae with eggs,spermatozoa also traded on global levels between zoos,conservation areas,farms and those in the wild alongside the Phanes method to maintain and improve genetic diversity.It will also allow these animals to be reared locally in any country in the world with those reared on farms made docile through genetic engineering to prevent them killing farmers,other livestock as well as being a danger when they ecape with them also having RFID chips in them to get them located at any time.This will allow for them to be farmed for these commodities once the Phanes method increases populations to more stable levels with Rhinocerotidae horns and Elephantidae tusks removed from animals that die of old age and also removed from them in way that doesnt harm or kill the animals with the Phanes method utilised and trading of the spermatozoa and eggs done on local to global scales to ensure genetic diversity.Genetic engineering can allow for farmed Rhinocerotidae and Elephantidae to be much smaller,docile and have their horn and tusks regrown instantly if done correctly with the animals sedated.Them being smaller and docile can make them more manageable in foreign countries and less of a threat to farmers and the public if the escape with again RFID chips added to them.3D DNA printing using the Phanes method can save energy and time as new blank eggs and spermatozoa can have new strands of DNA printed into them onsite of conservation areas,zoos and farms that rear endangered species hunted for fur,horns,organs and ivory etc using IVF that has females rear three to nine young at once.Tusks can be removed above the root to allow them to regrow with the same applied to Rhinocerotidae horns with genetic engineering increasing the speed at which they regrow and their length allowing for them to grow larger meaning these animals can be farmed for these and the ivory and horn harvested in cycles with animals in the wild merely sedated by microbes present in them and the horn or ivory removed and then allowed to regrow once they regain consciousness without killing them but rather using sedatives until tusks and horns can be grown on nutrient media or synthesised by fabricators.This regrowth could be facilitated by adding recombinant DNA from Planarians,Ambystoma mexicanum,Hydra and totipotent stem cells utilising the same accelerated healing in humans alongside scratch DNA.DNA from Crocodilla as well as Selachimorpha,Macropodidae,Trichechidae,Rodentia particularly Arvicolinae,Castor,Cavia and possibly Elephantidae can also be usedand scratch DNA made to interact with DNA that expresses the horns and tusks.If possible new species of each type of Rhinocerotidae and Elephantidae can be created that are smaller,docile and can be manageable on farms that have large tusks and horns again harvested above the root and regrow them very quickly allowing wild populations to recover using the Phanes method.These Rhinocerotidae and Elephantidae hybrids would also be engineered to grow both long tusks and horns that when harvested above the root would regrow and using engineering to make them docile and microbes release sedative on demand and implants to monitor their location be able to be reared in any country in the world in private home and community farms allowing for quick production and allow for private farmers to meet their needs of these commodities making poachers defunct and allow conservation efforts to be applied to wild populations of both Rhinocerotidae and Elephantidae.

Biosynth animals with the ability to regrow horns and tusks can be used.These would be reared on private home and communal farms of those that require them with synthetic versions created by 3D printing and bacteria creating the keratin and enamel via anabolic and catabolic reactions or stem cells undergoing mass replication in a mould will be done in Linus and other factories.Both synthetic ivory and rhino horn will be produced onsite of factories with in time biosynth machinery producing them.If possible Biosynths modelled on each animal that grows these commodites that can be farmed as a humane alternative to hunting or farming real animals as the acellerated healing phenotype will allow the biosynth to regrow harvestedorgans,bones,fur,horns and tusks.Biosynth machinery could be used to grow these and other commodities such as ambergris.Thus community and home farms could rear Biosynths modelled on a species that would be more humane than rearing live animals.DNA from Wangiella dermatitidis,Cladosporium sphaerospermum and Cryptococcus neoformans can be added to these Biosynths to enable them to radiosynthesis,that is,to use the pigment melanin to convert gamma radiation into chemical energy for growth thus helping them use it as a food source with it vcombined scratch DNA eliminating water by replications its biological uses.

Advances in making fake fur,in vitro meat and bioprinting organs and synthetic bones associated with cultural traditions i.e. P.tigris penis and bones for wine and other appendages such as synthetic Rhinocerotidae horn will make hunting animals for these obsolete with synthetic teeth and ivory grown the same way as synthetic teeth also theoretically a reality like how teeth have been grown on mice.In time 3D printing,biosynth machinery or stem cells could produce synthetic variants of ivory or Rhinocerotidae horns amd synthetic teeth more cheaply and locally.Synthetic or even identical variations of ambergris,musks,blubber and Selachimorpha,Rhincodon typus,Pinnipeds,Cetacea and other animals oils and fats can be produced via genetically altered bacteria on a commercial scale more locally onland without killing these animals with other plant hormones and commodities produced this way.The oils of all endangered plants can be created this way.Thus bacteria will be able to produce the oils,fats and even blubber of any animal that is hunted for them.Selachimorpha for shark fin soup can be reared in recirculating aquaculture systems with other endangered fish used for meat or pets reared in these as well with hybrids of Selachimorpha and smaller fish that make the same meat or smaller species of Selachimorpha that is more manageable in home recirculating aquaculture systems and has the same fin.Synthetic blood would replace blood used for medicines and other uses with the hematopoietic stem cells from a specific species created onsite of homes etc that need them which can undergo mitosis via genes from bacteria and fed sugars.The organs of any animal used in traditional medicine including penises can be created via bioprinted organs or even stem cells engineered to undergo mitosis with bones used in medicine created again with osteoblasts stem cells with blood of any animal created using haemotiopic stem cells from any of the worlds 2,000,000 species of animals with them engineered to undergoe mitosis to make them viable for commercial scale manufacture without killing any animals.If possible traditional livestock like Bovidae will be engineered to produce the meat,fat/blubber,bones,blood and organs and even leather etc of more endangered animals like R.typus,P.tigris,Pinnipeds,Cetacea etc with bioprinted organs and also invitro meat also created locally to cut down on resources with biorpinted leather technology allowing the skin of any animal including R.typus to be created cheaply with bioprinted reptile skin also pursued.In vitro meat can produce the meat of any species of animal including any species of endangered animals thus negating the need to hunt them for food.Ioprinted leather can be made of any species of 5,416 mammals especially endangered ones…Bioprinted reptile skin can also be produced.This could allow for the leather of all 5,416 species of mammals and skin 10,000 species of reptiles to be created onstie of Arachne and other factories.Fur from all 5,416 species of mammels including Acinonyx jubatus,P.tigris(including white P.t.tigris),Panthera pardus,Neovision and so on can be created by bacteria then knitted into customised patterns on a mat made of skin derived from stem cells.Feathers of any species of bird can be reared on a mat of stem cell based flesh with blood and nutrients created or synsthesised via bacteria and woven into stalks with AI developing ways to do this.Invitro meat can allow the meat of any of the worlds 2,000,000 species of animals and also organs specific to traditional medicine to be created with zero effort and bones can be derived from synthetic bone and blood from synthetic blood using the stem cells of a specific animal that is engineered to undergo mitosis.Sng commodities from endangered snimdd asked such as fats,oils,blubber abc fur etc can be synthesised by genetically engineered bacteria.Organs of any animal can be created bybioprinted versions using cells from the animals with blood gained by synthetic blood that creates haemotiopic blood cells used to create them.Plumafeof endangered birds can also be gained this way from bio-synths,grow on bed of invitro flesh,farming the birds or engineering more abundant species such as Phasianidae to have the plumage of endangered species.Nanotech/picotech fabricators will allow all of these to be created quickly when needed.AI will devise ways to allow for commodities of any endangered species to be produced locally in farms,homes and factories negating the need to hunt any animals.AI Will extrapolate synthetic versions of all animal commodities through genetically engineered bacteria,Biosynth machinery etc to eliminate the need for killing any animals

Biosynth machinery could also grow honeycombs,ambergris,coral,pearls,ivory,rhino horn,amber,animal teeth as well as other materials of commercial value created by animals and plants.These can also create all 80,000-300,000 species of crop,all edible seeds,grains,eggs of all 20,700 species of Aves and Reptilla can be created by them once their DNA is added to Physis.The pearls,teeth,rhino horn,Ivory,teeth,shells,ambergris,coral etc will be more authentic as the machinery will create them using biosynth tissues containing the DNA of the animal that create these changed by WiFi replicating biological process and also  via anabolic and catabolic reactions that they are indistinguishable to natural versions especially pearls with pearls being of any size and colour and formed via the onion layer method making them indistinguishable under a microscope to natural pearls rather than cultured pearls with the same done for ivory and rhino horn etc negating the need to rear or hunt animals.Ivory,teeth and rhino horn will be created by anabolic and catabolic reactions and also even replicating biological processes by harbouring stem cells or vestibules etc that create these commodities in batches thus allowing large amounts of them to be created onsite of factories,farms and even homes that are indistinguishable from real ivory,rhino horn and teeth from any species of mammal,reptile and fish rendering poaching and farming animals defunct while Phanes programmes and conservation efforts take place.Ambergris can have the same fecal and waxy material of Physeter macrocephalus created by bacteria and then aged artificially much quicker than normal or have bacteria using biosynthetic wifi etc create the exact chemical structure of luxury full form ambergris through anabolic and catabolic reactions once its chemical structure is analysed with this created in this machinery or outside it.All of these crop,commodities etc can be created in large batches with these commodities being mass produced in these machines in large batches at zero cost onsite of factories,vertical farms,restaurants etc and at home in machines of varying sizes.AI will carry out intensive research into this machinery to all of these and other commodities created in batches that are indistinguishable to real versions.Similar animal commodities from the galaxy will be created in these machines.

Artificial wombs onsite of vertical and other farms can allow any of the worlds 2,000,000 species of pet animals to be grown and then delivered to them as pets and livestock with ornamental fish and coral reared in recirculating aquaculture systems or like insects via 3D DNA printers at home and ordered in live allow one access to any species of rare ornamental fish and shellfish such as Cyprinus carpio,Scleropages formosus and also those designed on Pandora negating private breeders and pushing their costs to zero and them having any desired coats including rare ones,have docility engineered into them with even coral printed out eliminating private breeders and the need to hunt down wild animals.Dangerous animals can have docility engineered into and have poisons removed.Rare plants can be downloaded into seeds at home or downloaded.

To revive extinct species of animals ang plants use of DNA samples to recreate it with a closely related surrogate species can be a means to return them back to the world by providing a womb for them to propagate.In cases where only damaged fragments of DNA exist a species with a similar genome can be used to “fill in the blanks” so to speak alongside scratch DNA as has been attempted with the Ectopistes migratorius and Thylacinus cynocephalus with it also theoretically being possible with Homo erectus and Homo neanderthalensis and other extinct hominids which can be studied by anthropologists.Advances in genetic engineering and artificial intelligence can allow for reverse genetic engineering to take place where over several generations known attributes can be breed into a closely releated model species using genetic engineering to bring in genotypes(and thus phenotypes)closer and closer to known existing yet damaged samples and/or known attributes and phenotypes if no samples exist as accurately as possible with DNA created by injecting genes into a closely related model species spermatozoa and eggs over each generation or 3D DNA printers creating the precise DNA sequences of the species as determined by software such as a combination of CRISPR and Phanes combined with them also scanning through the library of DNA of all organisms in Artemis Physis sub network.Gene drives will ensure desired phenotypes are sent down the lineage.Firstly a large population of this model species will be bred in a controlled environment like a lab or farm or multiple of these over an area ideally within the range of one to two million and each ones spermatozoa and eggs DNA are modified either through germline therapy in vivo or even through altering individual spermatozoa and eggs done in vitro by humans,microbes in the testes and ovaries or automated machinery into blank spermatozoa,eggs or even using CRISPR via these techniques to edit non blank spermatozoa and eggs and even fertilised embryos with each generation these subtle alterations over several generations using known phenotypes made from scratch or the library of DNA in Physis with available samples also used until they become a separate new revived Lazarus species unable to mate with its parent species.AI namely Phanes will extrapolate the genotypes for the known phenotypes the animals from historical records,pictures,museums,skeletons,drawings etc and also fill in the blanks of any remaining genotypes that still exist even in poorly degraded DNA with temporal manipulations if possible will allow for biosynths to collect large amounts of stable DNA from many samples.If possible it may take only one or two generations to do this with in time 3D DNA printing playing a role in creating DNA within spermatozoa and eggs with the desired phenotypes until finally a new Lazarus species is created.If possible once perfected 3D DNA printers printing billions of unique strands of DNA of each species into eggs,embryos and artificial wombs will allow for the creation of Lazarus species to be done in one generation without using a model species.As stated before Phanes software and machinery can be developed for the charting and isolation specific gene(s) in multiple or large numbers(ranging of hundreds and thousands) of species of bacteria and animals at once for isolation,analysis of them for use in genetic engineering again for creation of bacteria that produce commercial products on a large industrial scale or in transgenics in plants and animals allowing for in time all steps in the creation of genetically engineered organisms especially microorganisms to be carried out entirely by machines from start to finish.Utilising CRISPR it would organise all genetic engineering and also also make genes from scratch to create desired phenotypes.This should be feasible if all of this data regarding the genome of all known species is transferred to Physis with further advances in artificial intelligence allowing for genes that produce specific phenotypes that belong only to extinct animals can be made from scratch.This would continue until the populations of a model species used as a blueprint would eventually become its own independent separate species unable to procreate with the model species but only itself through enough engineering with the Phanes method used to create large numbers of these new species if needed via 3D DNA printing with millions of them produced and stored in sperm and egg banks with breeding programs as detailed later on used.Thus 3D DNA printing can create millions or billions of DNA strands of an extinct species to be stored in cryonics provided they have DNA from psychrophiles and those that exhibit telomere repair thus allowing these to be used on a model species and also large numbers of the species as part of Phanes programmes within Lazarus programmes.These altered generations can be interbreed with non altered stocks using gene drives to ensure it overtakes older genotypes over each generation with microbes via germline therapy making the very last modifications to make them separate species.3D DNA printing will create speramatazo and eggs a well as embryos that can be implanted into each step of the model species until it becomes a new separate species with advances in AI and 3D DNA printing by about 2045 will make fewer steps from the model species to the final animals.

Biosynth artificial wombs will make it easier to create dozens of a Lazarus species of both genders in one go with regards to viviparous and oviparous species to be then initiated into Phanes programmes involving both males and females created here.Phanes can create millions or billions of genetically distinct embryos of the Lazarus species that can be then implanted into these wombs and have thousands of them reared at once and stored in conservation areas in batches of several thousand animals at a time and have each and every of them released in batches of several hundred thousand at a time.Biosynth implants that pass from one generation to the next will be added to keep track of their GPS location,numbers and health etc thus allowing them to be tracked down to release extra animals in the same packs etc.With regards to fish,amphibians and insect Lazarus species it can be done by simply having billions of eggs created in one go and reread in tanks and recirculating aquaculture systems.Extinct species of fish,amphibians,insects can have millions or billions of genetically distinct eggs created in large batches in tanks and recirculating aquaculture systems and then released in one go into the wild with as stated birds,reptiles and mammels created in artificial biosynth wombs.This will negate the need for finding or creating model species.Extinct plants would have millions of genetically distinct seeds created by 3D DNA printers.This can involve just creating dozens or hundreds of specimens of the extinct species in one go and then them undergoing the Phanes method to create large amounts of them over several years similar to Phanes progammes of endangered species.To get the genome of extinct species of plants and animals correct there are several options – Phanes can using preserved samples of animals in labs and universities fill in the blanks of damaged and degraded DNA of known phenotypes and using different specimen samples analyse the differences between their DNA to create a complete genome with him also extrapolating the genome of them from scratch based on known phenotypes based on skeletons,descriptions in paintings,drawings and also historical record with when temporal manipulations are feasible samples from dozens of specimens can be gained via biosynths modelled on haematophages and other similar animals to then allow the animal to be recreated using model species and also artificial wombs and 3D DNA printing DNA into eggs and seeds.Thus biosynth artificial wombs will be able to create dozens of extinct reptiles,mammels and birds in one go at a time in universities and centres in their original habitat with them undergoing the same Phanes programmes that endangered species undergoe once at least a few dozen or hundred specimens each with unique genotypes are created in artificial wombs with this possible between 2029-2035 with extinct fish,shellfish and insects created in large batches using 3D DNA printers with this allowing for millions or even billions of eggs created within a few months or even weeks and then reared in tanks and recirculating aquaculture systems.Thes animals created using artificial wombs and model species will then undergoe the Phanes method to create stable populations all distantly releated from each other that can then interbreed with each other.Ideally these two methods should apply to mainly to all animals from all taxonomic ranks made extinct by humans in the Anthropocene,Holecene and Pleistocene made extinct by humans or the climate changes after the last Ice Age with those that lived in previous geological periods whose extinction occurred prior to the rise of Homo sapiens studied in controlled environments such as isolated islands,off world colonies on other planets and zoos.Megafauna made extinct by humans may have to created on other colonies especially terraformed ones.Ideally colonies on other planets that are terraformed such as Mars,Venus,other discovered planets outside of the Sol system that are uninhabited,artificial planets the same size as Earth,alderson discs and ringworlds can house Lazarus species from all geological periods prior to the rise of H.sapiens such as Dinosauria to prevent them interfering with the current ecosystem with each one containing those from each individual geological period ie each planet contains only those from each geological periods.Alderson discs and ringworlds due to their size can have those from several geological periods spread over them.This can also be replicated with extinct plants as well as sentient and non-sentient lifeforms on other planets once interstellar travel has been achieved with it even applied to humans should they become endangered on colonies or on Earth.Young can be attended to at the beginning of projects by either humans,closely related animals that are cosmetically altered to give the appearance of the lazarus species or in time bio-synths that look after it an monitor its behaviour etc through its life.These will also in particular bio-synths teach them to have innate and known behaviours ie. in the case of birds teach them how to fly as well as flight patterns during migration periods.By utilising genetically altered bacteria,community/home and forest farms,invitro meat etc all land currently used for agriculture and animals grazing will be reforested permanently allowing for habitats that were destroyed during the Holocene that led to the extinction of certain species to be once again liveable for them.Underground homes and communities can be built underneath these newly replenished wilderness and also existing ones to facilitate a growing human population without encroaching on them with any other buildings to cater to the maintenance of primary,secondary and infrastructural sectors of the economy such as factories,farms,sewage and water treatment plants etc built underground.This lazarus method can also be used to bring any species close to extinction back from the brink and their DNA and information added to Physis and should suffice if temporal manipulations are not possible to extract DNA and live samples from the past via biosynth arthropods.The Lazarus programmes will be carried out on planets across the universe only to revive species made recently extinct through the actions of humans,other sentient races and also recent planetary disasters.If interdimensional travel is possible then travel can be done to versions of Earth and other planets where humans etc did not evolve thus allowing large amounts of samples of plants and animals extinct in our reality to be collected abc them used for Phanes programmes.Furthermore alongside this if temporal manipulations allowing one to travel to the past is possible one could travel to the past and collect samples of each extinct plant and animal to be brought to the present and used for Lazarus programmes.These Lazarus programmes can be used to aid in recovery of populations of endangered species of plants and animals across the universe on colonies where the actions of non human sentient alien races led to populations of species of plants and animals to decline to the point they would be considered endangered with it also done to recover species made endangered by natural disasters etc that affected a large area of a planet.Only species made extinct by the sentient race and by recent planet wide extinctions will be revived with those from thousands of millions of years ago revived in Alderson discs etc

The Phanes method in zoos and also conservation areas will be used to increase the numbers of wild animals while these farms using altered and hybrid animals can negate the need for hunting the real unaltered animals thus making poachers defunct as people around the world can rear these animals in private and community farms or if possible at home.The DNA of all species of animals including endangered ones will be printed into eggs and spermatozoa allowing for anyone of them to be created when needed in home and community farm 3D DNA printers at a whims notice with unique strands of DNA negating the need for animals to be captured from the wild and transported to zoos and homes around the world with them grown in biosynth wombs that consist of biosynth animals that house the fused embryo to birth being fed sugars,vitamins and proteins to bring the animal to full term.They will all be engineered to be docile on par with most breeds of Fcatus,Canidae and easy to manage with oligotrophic and xerophile DNA added as well to cut down on costs for feeding with them also inoculated with species specific microbes of all strains including immunising,anti-bacterial and anti-viral strains.Ideally they will be made to be a separate species from the parent species to prevent them interbreeding with them if they escape and them also fitted with biosynth implants formed invivo to allow their GPS location to be ascertained at all times alongside vital signs especially they are lost and escape with them having strains of microbes that create sedatives so that can be caught preventing them becoming invasive species.Synthetic fur,reptile skin and ivory etc will be used in factories to create clothes etc created there with these created on farms done for homemade products.All wild animals farmed can have microbes strains that release sedatives upon them getting angry to keep them in control managed by the farm AI.All endangered or even non endangered animals can be used as baseline for new species that have the same meat flavour,texture,blood and organs for consumption as well as fur but are more docile,have no teeth,smaller and more manageable and reared in community and home farms around the world with this allowing for localised production,negating the need for poachers and allow wild animals to bounce back via the Phanes method.These will through genetic engineering synthesise essential amino acids and contain recombinant DNA from oligotrophs and xerophiles to reduce the need of nutrients to be given to them with them fed flour from bacteria,algae and in vitro meat grown on site.These docile and even miniaturised variants can be created for zoos,circuses,pets etc.Vaccines and drugs derived from genetically altered bacteria or even microbes and will also drive costs down even further with farms built by machines reliving human labour and ideally biocompatible microbes that carry out the same function in them as in humans will be developed.Automated feeding and animal waste collection and systems based on those in Myso chicken farms will improve conditions.Colostrum and milk of high nutritional composition can be produced by yeast onsite and provide an unlimited supply with children feed either by automated feeders in their pen or have the mother sedated and fed by researchers using bottles with the offspring cared by researchers to ensure they have enough nutrition until they are able to fend for themselves especially in the case of triplets or even nonuplets if the mother is too weak to feed them all.In time bio-synths can be used to feed them separately that look like the mother.Farms can also be much larger and with sectioned off reforested jungles and forests keeping them in an area that is large enough for them to exercise in but also stimulating.These can then also retrained to hunt and carry out known behaviour by bio-synths and robots and then returned to the wild or sanctuaries and zoos where more mating can occur.As stated earlier synthetic versions of P.tigris products such as fur,bioprinted organs,synthetic bones grown for wine production can help alleviate the stress on killing P.tigris prematurely allowing them to grow to old age with hormones and anti ageing research used to maintain fertility and lifespans.Again wild specimens can be caught and then fertilized and once they give birth can be returned to the wild.They can then be tagged with a RFID chip/barcode tag that allows them to be tracked via GPS(including terrestrial GPS and quantum compassing),for monitoring vital signs such as temperature,heart rate and hormone levels i.e. oestrogen and testosterone as well as relocating them for future breeding.In other words the same barcode tagging system employed for livestock will be employed here with each animals DNA kept on their medical file to allow the Phanes software to keep track of lineages to plan future breeding on a global scale for each species more accurately and fully automated through either randomization or planned lineages to weed out negative mutations and prevent bottle necking with genetic engineering using CRISPR and gene drives to further improve this on embryos,spermatozoa and eggs from individuals with genetic defects removed permanently from the lineage using advanced gene drive technology.Living animal patients of endangered animals in the wild and in zoos will be treated and cured of all genetic diseases especially those brought on by inbreeding removed using biocompatible microbes via CRISPR to cure them and using advanced gene drive technology prevent their spermatozoa and eggs passing them on to young when they conceive them naturally with genes added that would prevent these happening at all ever again.This would be done to improve genetic diversity,prevent bottle necking and eliminate unnecessary suffering and allow them to partake in breeding with those created via the Phanes method and other animals.Thus Phanes will organise breeding on local to global scales by trading animals either males and/or females,trading spermatozoa and eggs,skin and blood samples for production of induced pluripotent cells using DNA scans from patient files for each species to prevent inbreeding,bottle necking and formation of negative mutations.
3D DNA printing using the Phanes method can save energy and time as new blank eggs,embryos and spermatozoa can have new strands of DNA printed into them onsite of farms and conservation areas as well as zoos.Ideally several million or even billions of each species with subtle alterations to be distantly related using the Phanes method managed by the sentient Phanes on a global level with no genetic diseases present should be printed at once and then frozen onsite of them in sperm,egg and embryo banks with these having recombinant DNA from from Tardigrade,Pseudomonas putida GR12-2,Herminiimonas glaciei,Chryseobacterium greenlandensis,Bacillus F,Carnobacterium pleistocenium,psychrophillic and osmophile bacteria,Cucujus clavipes,Rana sylvatica and also those from scratch that allow them to be stored indefinitely with recombinant DNA from Planarians,A.mexicanum,Hydra,T.gammatolerans,Deinococcus radiodurans,Bacillus F and C.elegans will repair damaged tissues and telomeres allowing them to be rethawed and refrozen over and over again in these banks printed into their genome as well.They will also have DNA from extremophiles such as xerophiles,oligotrophs,Firimcutes,T.gammatolerans etc to allow them to survive extended periods without water and nutrients and require less resources with genes to protect them from developing genetic diseases also added.Phanes will ensure all eggs and spermatozoa printed out globally will have subtle alterations to be distinctly related from each other and will be free from genetic diseases and using advanced gene drive technology will have desirable phenotypes being dominant with him logging the DNA of all animal spermatozoa and eggs etc and also their location globally worldwide.DNA from Archaea and other forms of elf repair mechanism will be added to them to prevent any future genetic diseases to occur and protect them from inbreeding.The blank spermatozoa,eggs and embryos will be created by toitpotent and other stem cells including pluripotent stem cells that can undergo mitosis and thus be grown onsite on an unlimited scale in vats to be harvested and have the DNA inserted.If possible the entire genome of the animal will be printed into embryos that can be implanted by humans,robots or biosynth millipede,mosquito and worm hybrids that can fly onto an animal and once gaining nutrition from blood can grow legs to move into its cervix whereupon it becomes a worm that deposits the embryos or inseminates the eggs with multiple spermatozoa at once and even multiple of them depositing multiple embryos into the animal.This hybrid biosynth available by 2045 can allow not just those in conservation areas and zoos to be inseminated this way but they could track down those in the wild gaining nutrition from other animal blood and also plant sap to then track down wild animals and inoculate them with biocompatible microbes including those that fight off infections,cure genetic disease but those that form implants to relay GPS location and vital signs and then inseminate them with multiple speramatazoa in eggs once ovulation occurs while it waits inside or implant the animal with embryos with other biosynths alerted to its location to implant more embryos at the same time or another time once the animal is ready to once again be fertilised.These will cover large areas of the wilderness in swarms and inoculate and inseminate or implant embryos to as many females as possible with males also inoculated with microbes with the ratio of male to females created in wild animals organised by Phanes.If possible first inoculating all animals in the wild with microbes that create implants and then immunise them against pathogens and remove diseases and read their genome sent to Artemis first will allow for the current population of animals and ratio of males to females to be quantified both for this implantation by biosynths and also collecting males and females for breeding programmes in captivity.Gene therapy using CRISPR and advanced gene drive technology could allow already living individuals to be cured of genetic diseases and allow them to bear healthy young with Phanes interacting with patient files highlighting individuals worldwide of a species with specific mutations that lead to specific genetic disease to allow researchers take action either through gene therapy that enters the germline or by ensuring all embryos formed by them and their sperm and eggs have these gene defects removed.The same methods of applying specific genes from Archaea bacteria and also other animals and even those from scratch could be applied to patients of a specific to eliminate all genetic diseases,cancers,neurological disorders etc.To make this possible all wild animals found via foot,jeep and drones in the wild and in captivity in zoos and reserves should be temporarily subdued,tagged with GPS RFID chips with a unique ID code,semen/eggs DNA collected and then released back to the wild.Advances in biosynths arthropods will allow swarms of them to inject these into all animals.Any specimens of Aves,Reptilia,Cetaceans or mammals in zoos can be trained by bio synths and robots modelled on them on how to hunt and carry out other behaviour in the wild once released or while in captivity to ensure they are able to survive without human interference.In time neural implants could have these recorded from wild animals and then downloaded into captive ones with VR programs and AI aiding this quickly.Thus AI namely Artemis will based on observations of wild animals of the exact species by biosynths will teach captive animals by both downloading information directly into their nervous system via neural implants or through running VR programmes where they will teach them how to hunt,hide from predators,socialise with their own kind etc with human volunteers and Artemis taking the form of other animals in these programmes.Biosynths in the wild will also teach them how to do this in person.Once levels of animals become too large in conservation areas,zoos and farms Phanes and Artemis will decide which ones will be released.Private individuals can rear endangered species especially docile ones with birds reared in aviaries,fish etc in recirculating aquaculture systems with them having 3D DNA printers and sperm,egg and embryo banks at home managed by Phanes.Zoos will also rear them in all areas including extensions and 3D DNA printers and sperm,egg and embryo banks with the animals shipped across the world to their native habitat with ideally private farmers and zoos rearing animals.Conservation areas will have farms managed by the conservation AI on the outskirts that will have 3D DNA printers and also egg,sperm and embryo banks that will also have pens and will rear native animals that will be caught in traps and also using sedative guns that will allow the animal to be impregnated,reared,given anti-ageing treatments and then after at least a decade of giving birth to multiple distantly related young once or three times a year will be released alongside all of her young from this released once they reach maturity except one who will then undergo the same process.Each of the young that are female will undergo rearing of multiple young several times a year before being released to increase numbers exponentially with them given at least a month or two before they are impregnated again.These conservation farms will be large ones beside the edges of jungles,forests,grasslands,meadows and even rivers,lakes and ocean with them manged by Artemis and also human volunteers as well as researchers and can double as zoos a the same time with all endangered species of plants and animals of all phylum in the area reared here.These would also rear endangered species of all types of plants native to the area via hydroponics and aeroponics using the Phanes method with them engineered to be resistant to shock when returned to the wild.They can be part of towns and cities in the country as well to again double as zoos and also allow large numbers of people to maintain them thus alleviating strains on human labour.3D DNA printers on site of them will print out spermatozoa,eggs and even embryos of unique genetic codes and desired gender ie the ratio of male to females will be decided by Phanes with even if a few females of the endangered species are present then they can each be impregnated with spermatozoa or multiple embryos to create more males and females decided by Phanes ideally as much as up to nine or ten animals birthed each time via engineering the animal whether belonging to the classes Mammalia,Amphibia,Reptilia or Aves to be able to produce more eggs or bear more live young etc. This will be done via CRISPR treatments to increase the size of the womb etc passed onto each generation and removed when populations are stable.This will each time thus allow each female produced to bear multiple young that are distinctly related from each other and herself allowing for exponential growth in the animal population.Ideally for more accuracy the 3D printers will print out whole embryos that each have unique genotypes distantly related from each other or have spermatozoa and eggs each random genotypes in each one then fused together by humans or automation and in either cases implanted into the womb or stored in embryo bank wit the aforementioned DNA added that exhibits telomere repair and psychrophile bacteria DNA to allow them to be thawed and refrozen.The animals will be given anti-ageing treatments to extend their fertility indefinitely and extended their lifespan to several decades longer than normal or even indefinitely with this removed from her and her offspring when populations stabilise.This will keep the animal at their fertile peak for longer or indefinitely and allow her to live longer than normal say several decades and thus give birth to more multiple births over her lifetime and if need be give her longer time to rest while her now mature female progeny undergo multiple births.The ratio of males and females produced will be controlled by Phanes for each birth and since distinctly related from each other the young produced could breed with each other normally preventing bottle necking and mutations associated by incest with their breeding by normal means and that of their progeny will be managed by Phanes with their DNA added to patient files to allow him to organise this on local levels and even send some excess females and males in the wild or to the site of zoos and other conservation areas around the world.Thus Phanes by creating 3D printed DNA will print out spermatozoa,eggs and embryos that are distinctly related from each other and the mother used in these programmes to increase genetic diversity possible by 2020-2029.If possible the programme could have only females produced that are genetically distinct and then after a while when a large amount of them are created an equal amount of males created that are unrelated.This would continue until at least several million or tens of millions of animals and if need be in some case even billions of animals are created then released into the wild with excess kept just in case populations decrease in the wild as well as to replenish zoos and other by engineering them to become docile will become pets traded via Euthenia.Mammals and large flightless birds will be reared in pens with fish and amphibians reared in recirculating aquaculture systems and pens while insects are reared in tanks and birds in aviaries.Plants will have the Phanes method applied by inserting the DNA into seeds or their progenitors and them engineered to produce more seeds themselves and them pollinated by biosynth arthropods and even robotic fingers inside hydroponic systems with excess plants routinely planted using developed seeds from these vertical farms or even those created via 3D DNA printing can be planted routinely into the wild in randomised fashion by drone seed planters.Once perfected 3D DNA planting into blank seeds will allow for seed planting drones to plant the species of plant in randomised manners in their native habitat especially as part of reforestation efforts once created negating the need for rearing them via hydroponics with millions of samples then created via the Phanes method.Each animal will be upon birth be inoculated with microbes from phlebotomy robots or from their parents that will form implants to monitor their vital signs and also GPS that will pass from one generation to the next and non inoculated animals in the wild via unprotected sex.

Home,community,forest and vertical gardens and improvements in agriculture will allow all deforested areas worldwide or agriculture to be reforested indefinitely allow for extinct species brought back through Lazarus programs to be able to roam.Extinct species of plants and animals that are endemic to only a small area of the world such as Raphus cucullatus,Pezophaps solitaria,Thylacinus cynocephalus can be engineered to live in other parts of the world including coral reefs created surrounding them and other parts of the world with simulations made to prevent them becoming invasive species.They through genetic engineering can be made docile and become pets in place of or alongside conventional pets such as cats and dogs.They will also especially in the case of megafauna be made inhabitants of terraformed planets across the universe including Mars,Venus and megastructures such as artificial planets,ringworlds,dyson shells and alderson discs.Biosynth implants will be formed in all animal that pass fown from one generation to the next and to live wild specimens via sexual reproduction to  keep track of populations etc.Radioresistence will be applied that passes down from each generation to the next to protect against gamma ray bursts.Existing areas fragmented by mines,human settlements etc will be demolished once the residents are moved to other areas using tall luxury homes or ideally even underground communities that can allow humnas to continue to live under existing and new protected areas and thus allow all land to be permanently reforested. Low quality home estates and slums etc will be be demolished and reforested while people move into communal homes derived from abandoned and obsolete buildings and those built in city centres from retail streets that are given roof extensions up to 100 floors will make cities compact alongside underground communities allowing each town,city and village sizeable wilderness areas.This will also occur to islands such as Mauritius,Hawaii,Lanzarote,Gran Canaria etc that have low quality housing estates and deforestation.Simulations can be carried out by Artemis as to whether Lazarus species can be introduced into other ecosystems worldwide to increase there habitable range with them made to feed on new species of plants and animals created for them to prevent them decimating native species with them also have existing species of new predators feed on them to keep their populations stable to prevent their population exploding to unsustainable levels.They may also be used to populate terraformed planets such as Mars,Venus and megastructures such as ringworlds,dyson shells,alderson discs and artificial planets.

The Phanes method and the removal of diseases etc can be applied to domesticated animals such as Felis catus,Canidae that are currently under threat of bottlenecking and have deformities due to inbreeding.These genetic engineering treatments and genetic treatments such as gene therapy can allow for the weeding out genetic diseases and deformities caused by inbreeding especially when artificial sperm and eggs can be created an example would be using these to remove syringomyelia,mitral valve disease,luxating patella,thrombocytopenia and macrothrombocytopenia,keratoconjunctivitis sicca,primary secretory otitis media from the dog breed known as Cavalier King Charles Spaniel increasing their lifespan exponentially with this replicated with all breeds of dog and cats and other types of pets that have had deformities built into them due to breeding.Living animals will have these corrected by CRISPR using microbes with them edited out of the species and breeds genepool via advanced gene drive technology and also 3D DNA printing with cosmetic surgery done using stem cell strains also aiding in this with in the case of their heads this can modify the skull by making it larger on the outside by building layers of skin and skull tissue on the top of the animals and while at the making the part of the skull just above the brain undergo apotosis to make the head the same size but at the same time increase space for the brain to be housed removing discomfort etc with new neural tissue created as well.CRISPR treatments will be applied to all living animals to cure these conditions with advanced gene drive technology removing it from the genepool.Those that have deformities that are there for cosmetic purposes can have them modified or have the breeds body both internally and externally modified to make them live longer and prevent discomfort with all pets given ageing treatments to increase lifespans dramatically via CRISPR and advanced gene drive technology applying this to live animals.Thus a combination of gene therapy using CRISPR and microbes cosmetic surgery will be applied to living animals to extend their lifespan and remove discomfort with advanced gene drive technology removing this from the genepool.All animals created via artificial wombs will have these deformities removed.In time original breeds that dont have these problems can be created via using DNA as a baseline that can have the mutations that lead to these removed via 3D DNA printing and CRISPR with advanced gene drive technology removing it from the genepool entirely returning them to more healthy breeds.Bio-synths can be made replacing pets that are bred for aesthetics that cause serious health problems with these having no sensory systems to prevent pain from these.As stated if possible living and newly created animals modified internally and externally to keep cosmetic features but remove discomfort and also increase lifespans.Other characteristics can have their flaws corrected for example the Sphynx cat can have recombinant DNA from T.gammatolerans added to them to protect them from sunbrun with the same applied to other hairless livestock or pets.Also recombinant DNA from poikilotherms,psychrophiles,Tardigrade and thermophiles as well as from scratch which will would theoretically allow them to survive at different temperature ranges and manage a more pronounced and stable thermo-regulation at all temperature ranges thus negating the need for them to be indoors all the time and be able to function at a wide range of temperatures unlike existing Sphynxs allowing them to not require homemade coats and jumpers with this also applied to other hairless livestock and pets and even those that have coats to ensure they can thrive in a wider range of environments.These psychrophiles could include H.glaciei,C.greenlandensis,Bacillus F,C.pleistocenium,P.putida GR12-2,psychrophillic and osmophile bacteria,C.clavipes,R.sylvatica with recombinant DNA from planarians,A.mexicanum,Hydra,T.gammatolerans,D.radiodurans,Bacillus F and C.elegans will reapair damaged tissues and telomeres allowing them to be rethawed and refrozen over and over again.The same use of Phanes methods to create millions of different individuals from a single cell culture or 3D DNA printing should be used to increase genetic diversity of all breeds of domesticated pets such as F.catus,Canidae especially rare breeds as a result of breeding programs and Phanes will organise all future breeding programs on local to global levels using 3D DNA printing to recreate new strands of DNA for each breed that are genetically distinct with them implanted via biosynth worms instead of having animals copulate with this even including them inseminated with embryos of desired breeds,hybrid breeds that are genetically different but produce a desired breed or hybrid printed out at home.Animals ordered in from vertical farms artificial wombs will be of any desired breed or hybrid or even new breeds and species with unique genotypes and also free from deformities.The living Phanes method can be applied to living animals especially pets that are in danger of inbreeding anc genetic bottlenecking to alter their DNA enough to make them new genetically distinct individuals.Hybrid breeds and new breeds of cats,Equidae and F.catus,Canidae can be more easily made using 3D DNA printing and CRISPR with them ideally separate species or sub species to prevent dilution and eventual inbreeding with them through the Phanes method ideally using 3D DNA printers creating millions of them worldwide to increase diversity to allow for healthy breeding programmes managed by Phanes to be organised on local to global levels involving sexual intercourse and 3D DNA printers creating eggs and sperm with DNA from two parents on opposite sides of the world from patient files or the Phanes method.The Phanes method would solve the issuing of genetic bottle necking in F.catus,Canidae alongside gene therapy to cure diseases a well as making each breed a separate animal.This can apply to livestock to allow desired phenotypes in populations to proliferate in farms and homes around the world decided by the owner but maintain genetic diversity and apply to exotic pets such as lizards,arthropods,reptiles and amphibians.Custom made breeds of F.catus,Canidae and Equidae will be more easily created via CRISPR using DNA from all breeds,from each other,from scratch and all animals from all phylum stored in Physis created via 3D DNA printers designed on Pandora thus allowing ant type of coats and other phenotypes to be created.With regards to Equidae the phenotypes of all known breeds and unique animals will stored in Physis including those of prized individual animals allowing the DNA of these to be recreated into not just new animals in blank spermatozoa etc but also microbes adding these to live animals with the same done to pet animals of all types with scratch DNA and those from other animals accentuating this.As stated ideally each breed should be made a separate species if possible with them using the Phanes method have millions of new strands of DNA with hybrid breeds created via Phanes creating new species.This would also apply to all types of endangered species and even livestock and pets to fully remove genetic diseases from their genepool with it even applying to wildlife that are not endangered solely for the purpose to prevent it causing unnecessary suffering or trouble to the species.Genetic deformities would firstly be removed from the genepool of endangered species caused by inbreeding etc via CRISPR to remove them from them allowing them to be used in breeding programmes,eliminate them from the genepool and also eliminate suffering with the Phanes method also applied.

This could even create new species of plants and animals based on mythological,legendary,fictional,folklore and cryptozoological animals such as unicorns by mixing the DNA of Monodon monoceros and Equidae,creating dragons by mixing DNA from bats with those from Varanus komodoensis and even Serpentes with large and strong enough wings,griffins created from mixing DNA from P.leo and Accipitridae with them if possible taking on miniature biophysical feasible forms or whatever size they physically can be.Scratch DNA created by Phanes.Scratch DNA extrapolated by Phanes will be used.Recombinant DNA from Elephantidae and other large animals like Balaenoptera musculus,endolithic bacteria as well as scratch DNA that slows its metabolism could allow for these to be large as possible by slowing the metabolism.Endolithic bacteria that undergo mitosis once every 10,000 years will slow metabolism to a degree that would allow animals to be created of virtually any size.Xerophile and oligotrophic DNA and their ability to synthesise essential amino acids and other nutrients can be used to make those that would require enormous amounts of food and water to their theoretical limits of size and even make larger versions of small animals including humans.The reverse could be done with creating smaller versions of larger animals including megafauna by increasing their metabolism using DNA from Gliridae.Phanes through scratch DNA and that from other existing animals will be able to create countermeasures to any problems for creating large or small animals that don’t arise through natural selection.Eventually even new species of animals can even made based on those from video games,television shows,literature,movies from sci-fi/horror and fantasy genres with Physis cross referencing the DNA of all known organisms including plants,bacteria and animals and scratch DNA used.It could be possible to make species of animals that are macro sized versions of microbes such as Tardigrade,bacteria,fungi,ameobas,protazoas etc that have the same genetic sequences,bodily structures and phenotypes as their bacterial ancestors with the same or more advanced organ,musculature and neural systems or even better means of motility such as legs and arms alongside existing ones.Even new breeds of custom made breeds of livestock,pets such as F.catus,Canidae and wild animals can be created at first with gene drives used to make them dominant though ideally with regards to these ideally they should be engineered to the point they are a separate species unable to mate with their parent animal species with existing breeds and hybrids also engineered to be separate species with any life threatening defects removed via CRISPR.Entirely new custom made species can be made this way in time with a model species used to create new separate species over time similar to the Lazarus method with Physis cross referenced for specific genes that would express desired dominant phenotypes with their DNA and other information added to Physis.As like before germline therapy in vivo or even through altering individual spermatozoa and eggs done in vitro by humans,microbes or automated machinery into blank spermatozoa,eggs or even using CRISPR via these techniques to edit non blank spermatozoa and eggs and even fertilised embryos.3D printed DNA will play an important role in the development of new species and the synthesis of DNA strands in blank spermatozoa and eggs quickening the process to one or two generations.Artificial biosynth wombs will also be used to speed this.These altered generations can be interbreed with non altered stocks using gene drives to ensure it overtakes older genotypes over each generation with microbes via germline therapy and 3D DNA printing making the very last modifications to make them separate species.Hybrid species can be created by mixing in DNA from closely related species of plants and animals or even distantly related ones from completely different phyla and taxonomic ranks with hybridising DNA from both animals and plants.This can be wild animals,ornamental plants,wild plants as well as crops,livestock and pets.Other genes to express desired phenotypes could theoretically be created from scratch with advances in artificial intelligence present in Phanes through Gaia with this artificial DNA better integrating other DNA and extrapolating genes from those from desriptions and also those decided by designers.

Pandora will allow the general public to design new crops,ornamental plants and also livestock and pets with the AIs Phanes extrapolating the genes necessary to create the phenotypes and them having the options of ticking in boxes to create hybrids easier or use Physis to select genes to be added to the DNA.Entirely new DNA bases may even be developed to work alongside adenine,cytosine,guanine,thymine or each other to express unusual phenotypes with them made from other elements other than carbon with new species being silicon or other elemental based lifeforms using Phanes and also 3D DNA printing.These new species can be of varying level of intelligence such as on par with insects,F.catus,Canidae,apes,proto species and even humans.New species of crops and plants such as trees,flowers,ornamental plants etc can be created with custom made attributes such as flower and body colours and patterns,leave shapes,patterns and flavours with even new species and breeds of livestock and pets again with custom made phenotypes that would not arise naturally through breeding and even mutations.

This may even extended with further understanding of our genome,the genome of ape cousins and ancestors as well as artificial intelligence via Gaia,Phanes etc could allow us to theoretically create sentient species of animals of equal intelligence to humans.This could be done with at first something closely related to us like our ape cousins that have already sufficiently dense neural mass like Gorilla gorilla and Pan troglodytes as a model species and creating one independent species after another each with significantly higher neural mass and density as well as even more proportional and biologically required features such as height and organ size and efficiency until they have brains,posture and other unique biological features on par to humans with them being an entirely separate species that is unable to produce offspring with humans or even P.troglodytes and G.gorilla as well as the intermediary species between them and their ape descendants.The intermediary proto species of these can be studied in the wild,reserves,zoos and even other planets to examine them the same way extinct ancestral and cousin hominids of H.sapiens would be examined by both biologists and anthropologists.If extinct hominids can be resurrected then this process may be replicated with extinct species such as H.erectus and H.neanderthalensis.Further advances may even allow this apply to other non sentient animals on Earth from all taxonomic ranks such as Cetacea,Insecta,Reptilia,Aves,Amphibia etc allowing for millions of species of sentient races to be created with Phanes making holographic projections of each species evolution to each possible new species that could lead to every possible sentient species that is biologically possible and realistic.Eventually the process may be perfected to allow the steps from non sentient model species to fully sentient species may come to a few generations over a couple of years.Those that originated from herbivores would require them to be able to synthesise the essential amino acids not found in plants.Mastery of this may even allow it to extended to create complex and eventually sentient life from single celled bacteria and other microbes such as Tardigrade,fungi etc. with as stated allowing these microbes to be more macro versions of themselves with the same or more complex organs,musculature systems,neural systems and propulsion or used as a baseline for completely different organisms and whole new sets of phylum giving us a more detailed insight into how life has evolved on Earth over the last several billion years with this also allowing for the process to be replicated on planets across the galaxy(including or own solar system) where complex lifeforms have evolved but havent gone on an evolutionary path towards sentience or where only bacteria and other microorganisms exist.This would allow us to seed the galaxy with sentient life on Earth like planets where none already exists with this managed by Phanes and Asteria using native model species from those planets and not foreign ones with them studied remotely with any proto stage civilisations also used as model stages with the original species DNA stored in that planets Physis.Multiple sentient races of different taxonomic ranks and habitats they inhabit such as oceans,skies and jungles etc can be created for anthropological studies on interactions between multiple sentient races on one planet with all created species observed by antropologists and biologists.Custom made attributes to survive the unique conditions of said planet can be made possibly using DNA from local or alien extremophiles including Tardigrade,extremophiles and super extremophiles or from scratch especially in the case of Demon,Hell and Super Terran class planets and subtypes of Terran class planets,moons and even tidally locked planets that harbour only micro-organisms but if they dont even contain microbes then using bacteria from Earth and other planets especially extremophiles can allow for the creation more complex plant and animal life sentient and non sentient life of all taxonomic ranks to be created on both the land,sea and air as well as plants.Phanes and Physis will organise this using 3D printing technology and other methods.The bridge between in each species down the evolutionary line could take centuries or even decades if perfected.With regards to this venture using microbes as a starting point entire unique phylum,classes,orders and families(as well as sub orders of these)of complex organisms or those that have similar features of all existing phylum,classes,orders and families that already exist ie chordates,arthropods etc with their lineage from specific microrganisms that could be used to populate terraformed planets like Venus,Europa,Titan and similar planets in the galaxy that are like them and Earth but no complex or even simple life has evolved to give more variety with them engineered to survive the unique conditions of these planets.All of these terraformed planets will be given unique similarly related species of all phylum and taxonomic ranks unique to the conditions of them to increase biodiversity.This can even include those that are hybrids of plants and animals of the different kingdoms with Phanes and Physis managing the creation of the different taxonomic ranks.These can be of any design with even fictional races from movies,television shows and video games including those from open source games like Spore.These will be added to the Physis sub networks of each planet including Earths for those derived from native species.Again entirely new DNA bases may even be developed to work alongside adenine,cytosine,guanine,thymine or each other to express unusual phenotypes to survive these environments and not be carbon based created via Phanes and also 3D DNA printing.

Hybrids of all crops,ornamental plants,livestock,pets etc should ideally be engineered to the point that are their own separate species that is unable to cross breed or breed young with the species they were born from to prevent genetic dilution with engineering also allowing for the for hybrids to consist of two or more species from all taxonomic ranks.Advancements may even allow for hybrids of humans and other sentient races(or even non sentient races) across the galaxy including those originating from Earth based species which can be like as mentioned their own separate species or even act as intermediary species that can breed young from both(or more)species.If possible living humans and sentient species with similar or different genomes can be modified using CRISPR to allow for viable offspring to be created via in vitro fertilisation or sexual intercourse with the spermatozoa and eggs of humans and other sentient races able to form viable embryos and thus hybrids that could function without genetic deformities and abnormalities such as defective organs and immune systems.
In time it may even be possible to merge plant and animal DNA together to create hybrids of plants with animal characteristics such as nervous systems(ie peripheral,central nervous systems and brain)as well as musculature and organ systems that can intake proteins and other macro-nutrients with them either carnivourous,omnivorous,herbivores and intake nutrients from soil,consuming nitrogen etc and using sun and artificial light in photosynthetic processes as well as chemosynthetic attributes.Eventually like other animals they may eventually become sentient through enough engineering.The reverse may also be applied with animals given qualities and phenotypes present in plants.

All new species whether sentient,non-sentient animals such as pets and livestock and even plants can be designed using Pandora integrated into Demeter with them done via direct interactions with Gaia,designed on Pandora,on sketches with holographic projections showing both their DNA strands and also their appearance with them turned in 360 degrees.Phanes interacting with this will then calculate the required genotypes to create these phenotypes with even size,eye colour,plumage,coats,any horomones,toxins,patterns,organs and muscle systems and even skeletons can be designed on this.

In time recombinant DNA from extremophiles will allow future humans to survive strong and long blasts of radiation and a theoretical collapse of the ozone from gamma ray bursts say from T.gammatolerans,Geobacter metallireducens and other variants alongside metallotolerant bacteria allowing them to survive consuming uranium and other radioactive materials or pollutants toxic to humans such cadmium,arsenic, copper,zinc etc as a nutrient especially when combing recombinant DNA from each metallotolerant bacteria is combined with G.metallireducens ,longer periods without water from xerophiles,lower levels of nutrients from oligotrophs as well as Elephantidae,B.musculus other large animals with slow metabolism and scratch as well as endolith bacteria,halophiles and osmophiles allowing their cells to thrive in highly saline and sugar conditions to even surviving the vacuum of space for periods of time using recombinant DNA from Tardigrade and D.radiodurans, with psychrophillic and again Tardigrade DNA to survive temperatures as low as -20 indefinitely or even as low as -200 degrees celcius for a month at a time and the extreme pressures(6,000 atmospheres)again from Tardigrade with other recombinant DNA coming from piezophiles to aid this.Also recombinant DNA from poikilotherms,psychrophiles(namely P.putida GR12-2 and even H.glaciei,Bacillus F as well as C.greenlandensis,C.pleistocenium) and thermophiles as well as from scratch which will would theoretically allow them to survive at different temperature ranges and manage a more pronounced and stable thermo-regulation in all environments.DNA from C.clavipes,R.sylvatica with recombinant DNA from planarians,Hydra,A.mexicanum,T.gammatolerans,D.radiodurans,Bacillus F and C.elegans will reapair damaged tissues and telomeres allowing them to be rethawed and refrozen over and over again.Those from planarians,Hydra,A.mexicanum will also allow for them to heal rapidly.Further DNA from bacteria such as even Salmonella to survive the zero gravity of space with capnophiles being a source of DNA to survive in high concentrations of carbon dioxide alongside normal oxygen rich atmospheres with other DNA from other bacteria including chemosynthetic bacteria allowing them to process ammonia,sulfur,hydrogen and other gases toxic to humans due to transgenics from Nitrosomas Beggiatoa Cupriavidus necator, alongside oxygen.Other DNA from scratch can allow them to survive other toxic gases with recombinant DNA from capnophillic, faculatative anaerobic or anaerobic digestive bacteria and also Heterocephalus glaber allow them to survive both oxygen and high carbon dioxide environments with them engineered from scratch to use all known toxic gases as energy carriers and receptors or at least be immune to them.Since Tardigrade are not true extremophiles and can in fact die due to prolonged exposure from extreme conditions their recombinant DNA should be added to supplement that from true extremophillic bacteria and micro-organisms to allow these future humans to survive more extreme conditions for limited periods of time alongside thriving in hostile conditions though combining and tweaking the DNA of extremophillic bacteria and Tardigrade alongside those made from scratch to better integrate these phenotypes may allow them to thrive in the extremes tolerable of Tardigrade and other true extremophiles indefinitely or at least for longer and more extended periods of time than the water microbe can for only limited periods of time.Recombinant DNA from Firmicutes could allow in severe dry spells,droughts and severe nutrition scarcity allow all of the cells of them to form endospores until these are available.It may even allow them to survive other extreme environments.Thus combining recombinant DNA from each extremophile and Tardigrade could create a species of Homo ubermensch capable of going a decade without water or even and decreased nutrient intake,surviving temperatures from -20oC,near absolute zero and above 100oC,the vacuum of space,radiation levels of 30,000Gy(as opposed 5Gy),accept uranium and other radioactive materials as energy source,survive high carbon dioxide conditions or even those of other gases,pressures of 6,000 atmospheres.Recombinant DNA from Serratia liquefaciens and Carnobacterium can allow them to survive the extremely low pressures of planets like Mars as well low pressures of up to 20km the upper height of the stratosphere.Other DNA can come from Methanothermobacter wolfeii,Methanosarcina barkeri, Methanobacterium formicicum combined with S.liquefaciens and Carnobacterium.Recombinant DNA from Paracoccus denitrificans allow them to survive resistance to g-force and survive extremes in hypergravity of up to 403,627 times g.Immunities to cancers and pathogenic bacteria and viruses can be added from scratch as well as H.glaber and from scratch.Genes from other animals can be integrated with for example microgills from fish to allow them to breathe underwater alongside normal overwater vision with transgenics giving them the ability to see in the dark like owls(possibly even the ability to swivel their head by other genes giving them the same contractile blood reservoirs),view long distances up to three kilometres like eagles,underwater vision from Selachimorpha to allow them to repel water from the eyelids and also detect electrical fields and dim glows.With regards to vision they could also have recombinant DNA from felines,bees and all types of animals to be able to view all wavelengths of light outside the narrow range of humans and switch between them on demand when in certain situations given them perfect eyesight.Recombinant DNA from opossums,rabbits,Equidae etc could allow them to produce proteins and even serum to counteract all known animal,plant,synthetic and elemental toxins and venom with DNA from algae,plants and even animals to synthesise all necessary essential amino acids not produced my humans such as histidine,isoleucine,leucine, lysine,methionine,phenylalanine,threonine,tryptophan and valine alongside those already produced by humans as well as precursors to vitamins such as beta carotene.Other genetic manipulations can increase muscle mass ratio and intelligence.DNA from long living species and animals could be used to increase their lifespans with gene therapy possibly applying to living H.sapiens as part of ageing treatments with the recombinant DNA coming from endolithic bacteria,T. gammatolerans that can survive for more than 10,000 years,Bacillus F that can live for 3,500,000,000 or even other lifeforms that exhibit biological immortality and ability to repair DNA such as Hydra,Turritopsis dohrnii and planarian flatworms.Further DNA from around the animal kingdom can be used to given them the sharpest hearing(which can be controlled),taste,smell and other senses and abilities and ability to survive extreme environments from extremophiles.Again CRISPR combined with Phanes software could allow this to happen with DNA created from scratch better integrating the foreign DNA to express desired phenotypes and other phenotypes.New phenotypes can be added to living specimens and the genepool using gene therapy as well as genetic engineering of eggs,spermatozoa and embryos etc to adapt to new environments on other planets etc.Variants and populations of H.sapiens can be created with one or several of these phenotypes such as the ability to survive the vacuum and zero gravity of space,extreme doses of radiation(including UV radiation from low ozone or gamma ray bursts) and certain harsh environments as well as certain abilities of animals(including enhanced hearing and vision,night vision and ability to breathe underwater) using CRISPR gene therapy for living people and and transgenics for newborns with H.ubermensch containing most or all of these phenotypes being a separate species from humanity unable to reproduce with H.sapiens.CRISPR may also be use to remove these phenotypes if desired or required.Versions of other species of non human animals and even animals can be engineered with the same phenotypes to populate planets and parts of Earth not suitable for humans and native animals and plants.

Greenpeace,the WWF,ISPCA and similar conservation and wildlife protections organizations around the world such as species and habitat specific organisations worldwide will merge into a single sentient one named Artemis after the goddess of the wilderness,nature and wild animals and instead of having offices will work together using networks within Artemis to allow them to work and collect data from conservation operations around the world including zoos,reserves and sanctuaries linked to Artemis via Phanes from the comfort of their home with offices and headquarters worldwide currently used by all of these aforementioned groups used as homes or other purposes.Rather than being separated into regional and country based versions it will be a single entity.This will make things more efficient in terms of communication and sharing of ideas and projects with the sentient Coeus translating every thing in networks and also in forums,audio/visual chats etc.It will also allow them to work with people around the world and more easily allow new volunteers of all ages(including 12 or younger) to join their efforts without secondary and tertiary perquisite qualifications with Artemis also the software within the wire that manages all of these conservation efforts.It will also be the sentient and independent sentient AI personality that manages the organisation as a whole sifting and organising all emails and incoming information,organise all events and projects,phonecalls for each member and runs simulations on all possible measure using Brauron,Phanes,Pan,Pan etc with.All emails and phone calls will be directed straight to her allowing to repsoned instantly to millions of people at once with she even having instant messaging accounts and forums,group Iris video chats and when VR becomes indistinguishable from reality will allow all members such as spokespersons,lawyers and volunteers to hold group meetings in a wide variety of environemnts.For VR chats and interactions with members and the public via computers and smart devices and apps she will have an universal avatar ideally being that of her statues.An universal statue of her will be on the grounds of all conservation areas,zoos,UNESCO natural heritage sites,national parks and other areas managed by it by the main building with volunteers there wearing an universal uniform around the world with the symbol of Artemis(her on a throne with a lion on it).Her symbol will also be on all signs that replace existing ones ideally graphene ones.Each forest,jungle,rainforest,national park and wilderness area will be managed by an AI with an independent personality,avatar,name with them housed in a building in the entrance of them containing the universal statue of Pan unlike Artemis in the lobby with the sentient software linking all of these across the galaxy,a holographic receptionist with the same universal uniform as human volunteers.Small buildings will have extensions tho the lobby and other areas to house toilets,robots(with her symbol on them),living spaces for researchers,cafeterias and living rooms with televisions connected to the wire as well as places to hold art based on the area.Retail centres in these will be turned into information hubs or places to grow food for automated restaurants onsite(new ones will be added to existing ones) managed by the reserve AI with the goods sent to the nearest community centre to be scanned into Hephaestus and dispensed to the public.Pan not Artemis will be the sentient operating software that links all of these worldwide together and the universal conservation entity.The sentient Artemis software will organise all conservation efforts within Artemis with the software dealing with pests and invasive species eradication and management programs organised by Pan again within Artemis with Pan maintaining all jungles,forests etc worldwide alongside forestry and also all biochar and bioremediation programmes.Both will be sentient and their networks will allow researchers and volunteers to work from home and all projects including past ones from around the world will be listed here with all relevant details,intros including audio/visual and animated material with their status;in progress,closed or finished stated and logged by date.An universal sentient software Phanes named after the primordial deity of procreation will have to be devised that plans and logs the trading of seeds,semen and eggs of not only crops and livestock but also endangered species utilised in community,home and vertical farms as well as zoos,conservation areas, and other areas managed by researchers and conservationists with networks with Artemis wherein it will be housed allowing for them when logged into their wire account to do work from anywhere in the world.Ideally though 3D DNA Printing using the Phanes method can save energy and time as new blank eggs and spermatozoa can have new strands of DNA printed into them done onsite of farms,conservation areas etc.This will also manage all genetic engineering operations and its avatar will be itself.Artemis itself will become sentient.Both Artemis and Phanes will by 2029 compile a list of all endangered and extinct species of plants and animals for initiating Phanes and Lazarus programmes

Swarms of arthropod bio synths modelled on Anopheles can inject species specific microbes into all wild specimens of all species of wild animals with them forming biosynth GPS implants and even nanomachines similar to those in humans as detailed earlier on into whole populations of all species in an area with the Phanes database having all species worldwide logged and them relaying the GPS location of all specimens and it also setting up patient files in Artemis and or Aesculapius with the microbes copying DNA from cells via horizontal gene transfer and reading it via taq polymerase and Cas-9.Biosynth WiFi from them and biosynth trees will allow data to be sent and upgrades back and forth between specimens and Artemis.Biosynth lampreys will do this for sea fauna.In all cases for sea,air and terrestrial fauna the microbes that form the biosynth implants will pass from one generation to the next via sexual reproduction.Animals released into the wild as part of Phanes programmes for endangered species and Lazarus programmes for extinct ones will house microbes that form biosynth implants with them passing down from one generation to the next with if possible traps laid for wild animals that can be inoculated and them pass from one generation to the next.Wild animals that these released and inoculated animals have sexual intercourse with will become innocuoared themselves.Radioresistance will be added to them that passes to all future generations via advanced gene drive technology to ensure they can survive gamma ray bursts.This will be done to all 2,000,000 species worldwide including in the oceans with it including phytoplankton,bacteria,fungi,parasites etc with radioresistance added to phytoplankton,fungi etc but not human and animal parasites so as to allow infections to be treated with radiation treatments.All specimens of plants worldwide will be jnnoculated including those part of reforestation programmes.This will oas from one generation to the next via seeds and allow the population and exact GPS location of each species of plant worldwide to ascertained.This database will house a list of all species and can allow to see all logged populations of each selected species visible as a list and as a world map with the former allowing one to see the populations of an animal on local,regional,national,continental and global levels with their GPS location visible as uniquely coloured blips and detect which are alive and how much are male and female.The database would detail which are female and male and how old they are based on determining the levels of hormones present,cellular degredation and other factors with even those in zoos,farms and reserves having these implants in them.Advances in both biosynth and nanotechnology will allow these implants to biological implants formed invivo with the microbes capable of being in the case of females pass into unborn fetuses through the placenta or eggs thus keeping track of growing populations.This can be done by these biological implants undergoing self replication similar to mitosis and moving into the animals young or through nanomachines entering the fetus constructing them alongside neural implants etc from scratch.In the case of oviparous and viviparous species nanomachines could enter them and relay their GPS location to be then injected by arthropod biosynths or again mitosis.Biocompatbile microbes that contain nanomachines and form biosynth RFID chips and worms that pass from mother to child via the placenta and eggs as well as unprotected sex and can be injected by syringes either in person or shot into animals and in time bio-synth arthropods to adult males and females and in the case of sea animals lamprey based biosynths could allow for this to be done more efficiently and could via base microbes copy the hosts DNA and then send this to Phanes for use in genelogical and breeding programs with their GPS location constantly tracked and keep track of the populations of each species logged into Artemis and even the number of males and females of each species more effectively than conventional nanomachines.The genome of each animal will be stored in its patient file linked to Artemis.Since passing from one generation to the next the population will be constantly relayed with the Artemis network visible as folders and subfolders will allow one to on a map of the world view all animals of a species chosen on a list of tickboxes in the area from global to local levels to be checked.Demographics such as age,gender etc on local to global scales can be charted on different charts.They would also increase the lifespan of endangered ones and allow for species that are overpopulated then tracked and culled through hunting via drones or humans to prevent imbalances in the ecosystem or even cause certain populations to be killed from the inside out decide by Phanes and Artemis allowing for populations to be kept stable.Phanes and Artemis can tell hunters which exact animals to kill.Satilites will track the GPS location of each animal shown as blips in maps in networks of Artemis brought up by both researchers and the public.The DNA sent into the Artemis and Physis database via base microbes can be synthesised using 3D DNA printers etc and altered for breeding,Lazarus and Phanes programmes and can allow Artemis decide which animals should be killed based on its DNA for future breeding programs to maintain diversity.This could allow for population levels and locations of each individual species to be tracked both in numbers and their location by the public and Artemis with the microbes also applying gene therapy to make them survive radiation from fallout as well as gamma ray bursts that may occur in the distance future,eliminate genetic diseases and and pathogens especially zoonoses with this of note to endangered species and carry out the same functions as those in humans.Furthermore ecological and population dynamic studies of all types could be done using them by interacting with the population levels of all species in an area and also Theoi Meteroi and track populations on local to global levels over millenia.It could also apply xerophile and oligotrophic DNA to lower their nutritional requirements and those to wipe out genetic diseases with biosynth trees doing this instantly to all animals in their range and the entire global chain.The same can be applied to plants.The DNA of each animal will be in the patient files and also Artemis gained via base microbes passing from one generation to the next sending DNA wirelessly to the database and via biosynth wifi etc have animals microbes for those treating genetic diseases can cure afflicted animals of genetic diseases to be cured wirelessly and them also given augmentations as well such as resistance to radiation should gamma ray bursts occur and oligotrophic and xerophile DNA.As stated this will make it easier to track genetic lineages with all wild animal patient files present in Artemis and allow for whole strands of DNA and chromosomes to 3D printed and inserted in induced pluripotent stem cells allowing it easier to create clones or even make subtle alterations for the Phanes method and Lazarus programs with them also used to locate specific animals for hunter drones and human hunters.This could be used by campers etc and people in all areas locate dangerous animals locations and be warned via the wire alerting them to their location and distance in kilometres,metres and centimetres with this also used by animal behaviourists and even hunters to use this to locate specific animals they wish to locate.For campers and those in the wild the microbes could synthesise sedatives on demand suited to the animals species,gender,size etc should a person be in danger through the wire or close proximity via Gaia or Home AI acting through fragmentation.Otherwise the dangerous species can have specific strains that create electric shocks via mechanotransduction or induce pain to the muscles and nervous system by creating compounds whenever they get close to registered devices belonging to campers etc with the distance chosen by the person teaching the animal to avoid humans at all costs.This can be replicated with Ursus arctos,Hippopotamus amphibius,P.leo,P.tigris,Selachimorpha and even both Alligatoridae and Crocodylians with swimmers wearing swimgear and boards that have patterns that disguise them and also wearing magnetic bracelets with areas where Selachimorpha are cornered off by buyos that release magnetic pulses a significant distance into the ocean to give swimmers a large swim area.This can also be done when spermatozoa and eggs need to harvested and females implanted with fertilised embryos before being released into the wild.If possible.One could choose all species in an area whose populations and individuals they want to track using tickboxes visible on Brauron interacting with Artemis within Artemis open to the general public.This would be arranged by taxonomic ranks and then species with the number of each one in each layer present in the top of the screen and them visualised as uniquely coloured blips for each species chosen on a global map that can be zoomed from global to local levels.Thus the levels of populations of each species can be tracked on local to global with these linked to patient files of each specimen.These can be applied by biosynth drones containing the biosynth artropods patrolling an area and then releasing them when a target species not already inoculated and have implants formed is spotted.The GPS location of individual specimens can be located by researchers with it used to chart migrations.This can allow those of interest to tourists such Rhinocerotidae,Pantherinae,Cetacea can have entire packs,groups and each individuals GPS location to be tracked by guides for tourists to save time and allow jeeps,boats etc especially automated ones controlled by the sentient Artemis to track them down thus cutting down on time to reach them and allow specific individuals to be tracked and entire packs to be tracked to increase value to tourists and those monitoring their migrations.Researchers can use this to track down individual animals and packs,shoals to track migrations and individual animals,track populations and health of each animal and whole populations.They and vets can track the health of each animal,packs etc and track their location to address medical concerns etc.Populations will not only be tracked on local to global levels but also over timescales such as years,decades etc with the number of females and males as well as age of individual animals logged in these charts and files.All arthropods belonging to Hymenoptera can be forced to avoid humans,attack dangerous animals attacking humans,kill off invasive species and preform better at pollination using wifi managed by Artemis,Pan and Aristaeus via these microbes creating biosynthetic wifi systems and neural implants or interacting with their nervous system and thus using pheromones and physical signals.This would only be possible in these due to their simple neural systems with it not possible in more complex organisms such as humans though in mammals and birds it could act as a means of communication between researchers etc.This would also allow hunters to locate animals when they need to be culled with it also used to perform complex ecological studies using data from different animals and plants with seasons,climate etc readings from Theoi Meteroi fed into them.These microbes would thus form not just GPS transmitters but also implants that measure vital signs fed into patient files in Aesculapius and also blood components such as lipids,erythrocyte levels etc and even form neural implants to allow dreams and readings from the eye to be recorded and give them suggestions through telepathic communication or even instructions sent from computer networks namely Artemis.Furthermore it may be possible for the base microbes to copy DNA in fetuses to add them to the database to allow the network to use it in breeding programs,detecting genetic diseases that can corrected via CRISPR(since the animals can be tracked down by researchers or bio-synths that can inject gene therapy into them) and other purposes such as having the specimens DNA constructed via 3D DNA printing to create a sample for use in creating clones or new individuals by making tweaks to the DNA.It will allow the GPS location,vital signs and populations of animals to be determined by tourists,researchers and conservationists in the case of Cetacea,P.tigris,U.arctos,U.maritimus,G.gorilla and P.leo.With regards to plants the microbes or implants would enter into fertilised seeds with seeds that do not germinate being located and collected by humans or bio-synths which can then plant them in the wild or captivity.Swarms of biosynth Anopheles can inject microbes that form implants into all specimens of all 391,000 species of plants for the same reasons.Thus Phanes and Artemis could keep a more accurate log of all individuals of all known species of plants and animals worldwide which will be logged in Artemis with vital signs and readings fed into Aesculapius with the base microbes adding their genome into Artemis for any Lazarus and Phanes methods programs.All plants and animals can be identified by integrating Google Lens into all networks of the wire including Artemis allowing one to identify an organism based on pictures based on it with it also having software to detect the sounds of them and identify them this way.This would give them information such as poisons and other dangers present.The same can be done for plants with this done by it cross referencing Physis.Poisonous animals and plants of all types including Hymenoptera,Serpentes,Medusozoa with the exception of Parapona clavata could be engineered to produce toxins that are ineffective to humans but not their prey with their prey also made susceptible to these new toxins via microbes in them with this passed from one generation to the next via advanced gene drive technology.This can be done with large numbers bred in captivity and then released into the wild to interbreed as well as biosynths modelled on lampreys and arthropods in swarms injecting microbes to alter their DNA for this.Thus species specific microbes will become a permanent part of all species of animals and plants worldwide and carry out the same functions such as immunise against all diseases and act as secondary immune system especially in the case of zoonoses and those that are wiping out the populations and those including synthetic viruses that are used to wipe out invasive species,extend lifespan and remove genetic diseases including those caused by inbreeding of especially endangered species,track populations by forming biosynth implants with these implants also relaying vital signs and also blood components to patient files in Aesculapius to allow researchers to carry out large studies remotely using billions of animals and plants.Living plants in the wilderness would apply all types of gene therapy ie anti-ageing,ability to survive all climates and extreme environmental conditions as well as add fully functioning immune systems that can be immunised against pathognes by immunising strains,add strains that fight off bacterial/viral/fungal pathogens using compounds and also CRISPR similar to those in humans,diseases and pest repellence and resistance as well as augmentations similar to those in humans can be applied by entering the roots through mixtures with water via watering cans and also aeroplanes as well as pests engineered to house the microbes released in large numbers overtake them and then reproduce naturally in the pests body as well as arthropod biosynths to infect large number of plants in swarms with each species of plant and tree have species specific microbes.Each plant species in nurseries and labs near the wilderness they reside in would be given a fully functioning immune system via CRISPR to create their versions of leukocytes that can be used as a baseline for all types of strains for that species including thos that give wild plants immune systems with them also having nanomachines and biosynth wifi like in human versions.Otherwise bacteria coated in coats of the plant using the plants recombinant DNA will be used to create different strains.All animals will also be fitted with biosynth wifi and nanomachines with them inoculated with biosynth arthropods and also pests released in swarms.The wifi will relay to Artemis populations of all species of plants and animals around the world.