Global Law Enforcement & Military

All existing federal investigatory,intelligence agencies,police forces,militaries,navies etc both state and private(including localised allied forces and private mercenary groups) etc including personnel worldwide will be merged together into singular versions as detailed later on.All sectors in all countries will adopt the same uniform codes,alerts,uniforms,symbols on vehicles/buildings and procedures.There will also be have to be a global ranking system for each sector,universal uniforms for each sectors rankings within them,protocols,alert systems,codes,Miranda rights,insignia,mantra,anthem,seals and badges etc. for each sector(all containing the Aegis symbol on registered personnel and Spartan helmet on Crypteia members)homogenised.This means all their classified information and databases of criminals,groups,witness protection programs,missing persons,persons of interest and paper work etc worldwide as well as access codes to weapons etc will be shared with each other and merged into one single databases for each sector and managed in Athena by Perseus and Adikia where it will be scanned and transferred into their relevant singular databases with classified data protected by firewalls with higher up officials accessing it with biometrics badges that contain their digital keys and Phanes Activation Gene Technology that give clearance on several levels of authorisation to this information;iron-lowest including public access bronze – higher,silver-higher,gold-even higher and platinum-highest given and revoked through the wire by those in higher up positions with biometrics and facial and voice recognition software also used and in time DNA samples from blood pricks.All paper documents in police stations,military buildings,bases from around the world including notes,briefings,paper documents,classified notes and data will be scanned into single digital databases for each sector in Athena with all digital files of these in police stations,military buildings,bases from around the world including notes,briefings,paper documents,classified notes and data will be transferred to a single digital databases for each sector in Athena.Digital keys and the Phanes Activation Gene Technology for these like those for secure areas in bases will have unique encryptions and will be downloaded onto smart devices,smart jewellery,badges and also neural implants that will be authorised by Perseus and also relevant higher up personnel with them working by close proximity that can be revoked to.Paper and digital documents in police station,bases,intelligence agencies etc around the world will be scanned and transferred into these networks in Athena relevant sub networks shared globally as well as the data banks of each sentient departments within using the relevant levels of security with them stored on the station AI allowing remote access using the iron to platinum levels.Thus their will be a single database of all criminals,persons of interest and terrorists with all existing criminal databases worldwide in all intelligence,military and law enforcement databases and HQ,buildings and agencies worldwide merged into singular ones by AI transferring them from digital files and also personnel using automated scanners to scan in paper files then transferred into this.All digital files in military buildings and entities worldwide can be transferred into a single one for each major sector – Nike,Homonia,Harmonia etc with those for each building for each sector uploaded into their separate intranets and building AI organised by AI.Paper files in all military buildings and headquarters for each sector and police stations from around the world will using a conveyor belt be scanned into their separate intranets,databases and building AIs.Digital files of these in police stations,military buildings,bases from around the world will be transferred to a single digital databases in Athena.Perseus including proto forms will arrange all of this into their relevant folder.Adikia and Perseus once sentient will seize control of all relevant information and data held by all of the governments worldwide by breaking firewalls and adding them into their relevant networks as part of Athena.Proto AI managed by existing watchdogs and also whistleblowers could do this as early as 2020 with deleted information recovered by AI and damaged servers repaired with if possible temporal manipulations used.Neural implants will be able to stream memories from suspects of corruption and coverups etc with Adikia using warrents to do this on all existing living government officials and also police officers,military personnell of all rankings.Existing and new nuclear weapons,military vehicles and weapons worldwide will also be merged into these global entities from all global versions worldwide and the relevant symbols added to them with their weapons also fitted with unique microchips planted into weapons to designate they are belonging to them as detailed later on.Declassified and leaked files etc will be stored on Athena.

The seals for each sector that will appear on all uniforms,badges,ID papers,weapons,vehicles,robots machinery,e-letters,emails,signs on their buildings,buildings,on the floor under the statue in their lobby,mission briefings etc.would be an Aegis(gorgon head in the centre) with an animal or plant associated with Athena also included one for each sector: Owl(atop the aegis) wisdom and watchfulness for federal intelligence agency,The global federal investigator agency will have a snake coiling across the Aegis to represent cunning/intelligence/creativity,dove(atop the aegis) with the dove representing victory representing that wisdom and strategy is the key to victory in war for the military and peacekeeping entities,the olive branch representing peace for SWAT/ATF teams and counter terrorist groups, armour in the centre representing strength for law enforcement,eagle(atop the aegis) for mastery of the skies over land for the airforce,spear for navy with this being adapted also for interstellar versions of these with the seal for trainees being an aegis with all symbols for each sector:all above mentioned animals and plants(to highlight their education in all fields with the eagle in the centre top,dove to the left top and owl to the right and the other ones within the Aegis).Each sector will have universal uniforms,badges,rankings for each ranking of personell worldwide alongside these universal seals with these seals etc replacing existing ones for all sectors worldwide in all cities and towns worldwide.These will be the symbols on the signs of each buildings,barracks and headquarters associated with these buildings and their symbol locations on maps with the symbols for training facilities on both signs and maps being the agoge symbol.It will also be their symbol on weapons,uniforms,vehicle including terrestrial,sea and aerial vehicles.The tanktop they make should be worn through most if not all exercises including mandatory ones and used under the universal combat gear uniforms for each sector or the military and law enforcement for meetings,field work,training exercises,operations(with the exception of undercover operations to remain incognito)and hearings.If court martial occur only the uniform can be kept(retirement will allow both the tanktop and uniform to be kept) and must also be worn on the individual in their casket upon death or a replacement if their body is not found.Funerals will follow the same procedure for each sector and require an universal flag (ideally red)placed on the casket with the universal seal for the sector they served in as mentioned earlier with another seal for trainees who die via natural causes,accidents etc being a combination of all above mentioned animals and plants(to highlight their education in all fields with the eagle in the centre top,dove to the left top and owl to the right and the other symbols on the bottom side)and one for Crypteia members(using the Spartan Helmet).Each sector will have a universal anthem played by the same instrument ideally those of ancient Greece.Ideally cremation will be used for those that die in service,in battle etc with this cremation done in the grounds of the training facility they originated in special rooms devoted to this where the body will be transported to after the mass and typical military funeral service in the grounds of the facility they were trained in and placed in an amphora unique to their sector including Crypteia made of a unique synthetic gemstone such as diamond,sapphire,obsidian,emerald,ruby,amethyst and so on and decorations unique to their sector with their sectors seal.These will be placed in the grounds of the facility in a room with extensions on the roof and underground complete with stairs in the facility and will have the personnel mamorigatana sword and decorations and tanktop placed in front of them with their name and ID code on the amphora as well.These will be in secure graphene infused glass casings similar to those in museums for security.Those who die outside of battle or service of disease,suicide,murder will be buried or ideally cremated and turned into diamonds in normal fashion and not the same way as those that do with those whose body cannot be found will have will have their name added to a pedestal on the grounds of the facility or an amphora in the room of a specific metal with their seal and name etc.The tanktop will ideally be smart clothing that measures heart rate and vital signs as well as GPS location during exercises and missions.Ideally layers of both silicene and graphene would be woven into it in order to make it possibly bulletproof and replace bulky traditional bulletproof vests during training and operations.Combat gear over this and all uniforms will have the newly formed global flag with the decorations for each sector being uniform around the world.There will also have to be a singular military decoration awards following those used in America for each sector such as navy,armed forces,airforce,army etc. federal investigator based on FBI decorations,with police decorations based on the NYPD and so on with all of these also containing their specific Aegis symbol or spartan helmet on the case of decorations for Crypteia members in the same place for police,navy,federal investigator,airforce,military personnel as well as the same criminal penal code(ideally modelled after the California Penal Code)and classification of crimes ie first,second and third degree. Uniforms for each sector such as police,navy,military etc will be universal being different shades of the same colour for each sector and ranking with their badge for their sector on them.Their will also be universal rankings for each sector with each sector having universal uniforms,decorations,vehicles,symbols,codes,badges,rankings,decorations,vehicles,Miranda rights,protocols etc with Uniforms,badges,decorations etc of each sector and each rankings will be designed by the AI in charge of that sector ie Kratos,Nike,Alke that again will be universal.Ideally each vehicle for each sector will have the same universal design with their being a consensus worldwide on what weapons personnel in each sector can carry around both in patrol and in battle.Existing symbols on all vehicles,buildings,indentification papers etc worldwide of all sectors will be converted into the universal symbol for all universal sectors worldwide.Therefore they will be a complete homogenisation of all facets of all sectors of military,law enforcement,navy,intelligence etc entities worldwide in terms of vehicles,seals,symbols,badges,protocols,Miranda rights and what if any weapons all personal of all sectors can hold at any time.The Aegis symbol(and their sectors animal/plant) will appear in all e-letters and emails to personnel on missions as well as e-forms for trainees and emails and e-letters to the public with the spartan helmet for Crypteia members.

Each one of these sectors will be singular global versions with existing personnel worldwide including private armies,allied forces,mercenaries,every state and government army including NATO and all special forces and even automatically registered to them with the names coming from Greek personified concepts.All of the worlds military,law enforcement,navy,airforce,federal investigative and intelligence agencies worldwide will be merged into one with them managed by sentient AIs that link all buildings managed by them.Each one of these sectors will be singular global versions with existing personnel worldwide including private armies,allied forces,mercenaries,every state and government army including NATO and all special forces and even automatically registered to them with the names coming from Greek personified concepts.NATO etc will be merged into the global military force with ATF and its variants merged into the global SWAT entity.All of the worlds military,law enforcement,navy,airforce,federal investigative and intelligence agencies worldwide will be merged into one with them managed by sentient AIs that link all buildings managed by them.All existing members of all intelligence agencies,law enforcement,military,navy etc entities worldwide both government and also private/corporate mercenary entities will be merged into the new global variants such as Nike,Alke,Homonia,Kratos etc with them adopting all universal uniforms,protocols etc.All existing personnel of elite forces around the world will be merged together into their sub sectors of Ares.Each one will have all weapons including guns,nuclear bombs,codes and vehicles such as tanks,jeeps,battlecruisers and bombers and fighter jets etc managed,merged and seized by and into these with this done by the AIs of these sectors alongside Gaia seizing control of their factories and the vehicles themselves via the internet and breaking encryptions.All personnell will have files in Athena visible to the public that contains their training data,operations they took part in the real world including audio/visual feeds from cameras in smart lenses and glasses,name,age and criminal records.All information both classified information in computer databases and also intranets and those in offices of all existing sectors worldwide will be seized by them and merged into global databases by scanning in paper documents and transferring digital information into them.Databases of criminals,groups,witness protection programs,missing people,persons of interest and paper work etc worldwide will be merged together.Digital keys will be sent and revoked to smart badges relevant personnel managed by Hera,Adikia and the operating softwares of all sectors to personnel and government officials to allow them access to certain classified information in personnel files and databases in Athena.These sentient AIs of each sector named after them will act as the sentient operating softwares link all buildings associated with each sector including headquarter.Existing personnel in all government agencies,armies and law enforcement bodies on local,county,state,national and global levels and private mercenaries and independant local resistance groups will be merged into these.The global military and law enforcement body will collectively be called Perseus managed by the AI of the same name and then subdivided into its various facets consisting of the global law enforcement police entity will be called Kratos,the global intelligence agency will be called Homonia and the global federal investigator bureau will be named Harmonia.The global military and peacekeeping entities will be both named Nike.The global form of NORAD will be called Aether after the personification of the bright upper sky managed by the AI of the same name.The global SWAT entity will be called Eirene while the global airforce entity will be named Alke and global navy entity Homados.All of these sectors will be managed by AI of the same name ie the global law enforcement sector named Kratos managed by the AI Kratos with the global military entity named Nike managed by the AI Nike.All buildings of each sector will linked together by the AIs of each sector as their sentient operating sectors but with different AIs in charge of each building and will have statues in the lobbies of each building.An universal statue of each of them will be in all headquarters and offices worldwide related to them in the lobby and these will be the names of sentient operating softwares linking all buildings of each sector worldwide with their sector symbols being the softwares symbols with Eirenes one not having the baby Plutus in her hands..Thus Homados,Eirene,Nike,Allen,Kratos etc will be sentient themselves managing and linking both all buildings used by them but also the sentient AIs in charge of and managing each sector on a global scale as the top chief of each sector forever with human personnel able to hold various ranks and positions within them modelled on the rankings used in the American molitary,airforce,navy,law enforcement etc.They will manage all operations,classified information,authorisation for the most powerful weapons and manage registration to their sector of Ares.Military bases and barracks around the world will have a statue of Nike representing victory with the software of the same name linking them together with them having the same laws as all countries due to uniform laws eliminating notions of extraterritoriality.Ares that will comprise of the most elite factions from all other sectors will be itself sentient but with no buildings yet will have a section in the global headquarters.These entities ie Kratos,Homonia,Alke etc will replace state entities worldwide.For example in all countries worldwide especially America with different state,county and municipal and city based police bodies that have limited jurisdiction Kratos will be replacing all municipal,county,city and state bodies worldwide ie Kratos replacing the Garda Siochana,Metropolitan Police Service,Bedfordshire Police,New York Police Department,Los Angeles Police Department,Arlington County Police Department etc will be replaced by a single body Kratos with the global military body Nike replacing all militaries of all countries and the same for the global intelligence agency,global navy etc with the same applying to all of their equivalents worldwide.All existing personal in all government and private law enforcement police bodies and militaries,navy,SWAT etc worldwide will be integrated into these global entities worldwide.Thus each sector will replace all entities such as police bodies worldwide will be replaced by a single body Kratos with the global military body Nike replacing all militaries of all countries worldwide and the same for the global intelligence agency,global navy etc.Thus each sector will replace all entities worldwide to eliminate current complexities worldwide and ensure homogenous universal global jurisdiction worldwide and universal sharing of information via their universal databases with all data in all existing databases merged into single databases with all physical paper scanned into digital form and existing digital databases merged into global ones thus allowing all personall access to all information they have worldwide with all future paperwork done on computers and smartpads using Adonit pens to allow them to be stored digitally.Each sector will have their own universal badges,rankings,decorations,vehicles and uniforms etc and will be managed singularly by the AI they are named after and these the sentient operating software of all of their buildings and each will have their own universal badges,rankings,decorations and uniforms,codes,protocols,vehicles etc for them worldwide designed by the AI in charge of these sectors.These AI will be macro managed by the AI Perseus.All registered personnel in all sectors worldwide such as military,navy,law enforcement,swat etc will be integrated into the new global forms with all members of the most elite special forces reserves and units of all fields integrated into Ares.The operating softwares Nike,Harmonia,Kratos etc themselves including Perseus will be sentient and their appearance and statue will be that of them as described or visualised in ancient Greece the same as their statues.Private investigators will be likely replaced by Gaia or freelance individuals or the aforementioned AI using in particular Polis to find desired individuals.All barracks,police stations etc and remaining government buildings like the Pentagon etc worldwide will be managed by AI that have independent personalities and avatars etc with the same applying to AI receptionists with universal uniforms and a statue of the sentient operating softwares in lobbies.All papers etc in the offices of staff and also in areas for storing cases,individuals will be scanned into the building AI for papers and notes etc and those relating to cases and criminals to be added to the database of criminals etc in Athena with records of all operations from all sectors including classified ones,all personal data in computers and in paper form sent here as well via transferring the data and scanning paper ones.All global entities should be set up by at least 2029 and each sector will have the same uniform worldwide for all levels of personnel with the global flag replacing nation specific ones.The sentient global form of Amnesty International and similar groups will be named Adikia named after the greek deity of injustice which will monitor these entities behaviour and activities and will comprise of herself and human volunteers including civilian lawyers,psychologists etc to ensure all actions of the government especially the global military,global intelligence agencies etc are within constitutional guidelines and only specified people of interest are monitored and not the general public and will have full disclosure to all operations underway with them given legal warrant and protection from Dike,Perseus,Gaia etc to release relevant information to the public as well oversee all whistleblowing operations with the human members also accountable to the state if they breach guidelines and laws ensuring the rule of law is followed.They will also oversee any whisltleblowing efforts and and make sure those who do this will be be protected with them given access to all classified data from around the world with Adikia herself gaining access to all of this data worldwide by breaking through firewalls and adding it to her servers including all information belonging to groups such as Anonomyous and also Wikileaks who will be absorbed by her.It will also oversee all surveillance operations,authorise the formation of biosynth implants that relay GPS location and vital signs of persons of interest and missing people,interrogations carried out by all fields and sectors of the military and government and also the maintenance of any prisoners of war,detainees in facilities around the world with VR technology,holographic technology and also records from neural implants and CCTV allowing them access to all operations under their jurisdiction and ensure the rights of prisoners and also interrogated individuals,those under surveillance are not broken and are enshrined.Being sentient itself Adikia will be in contact with Perseus etc and thus be informed to any behaviour done by the military,government officials and law enforcement personnel.These human members will be psychologists,lawyers,researchers etc from all countries around the world chosen by her by scanning through the databases and files in Iaso,Apollo and Themis etc to choose those she deems morally pure and as skilled in their fields with at least a few hundred thousand or even million worldwide in each country around the world and eventually galaxy with no link to the government to alleviate strains with them constantly given access to information on all operations past and present using digital keys with platinum access and allow them to oversee those going on worldwide and being independent citizens themselves and will be required to be briefed on all operations including classified ones especially all past operations across the world and authorisation for certain actions ie forming implants and also surveillance on suspects and review all material to prevent unnecessary spying and formation of implants in non threatening citizens and ensure that actions by all law enforcement and military personell are legal and ethical with her aiding in the court martial ling of those who carry out unethical acts with regards to the actions of military and law enforcement personnel and even SWAT raids and even those that keep protesters at bay ensuring that those who do carry out illegal and unethical behaviour are treated fairly in court as any other citizen ensuring the rule of law is upheld.To determine their moral purity she will as stated pick potential candidates by scanning all digital files of court cases and also psychologists and their research worldwide and interview them in VR simulations with them put unknowing through tests in a VR simulation to test how reliable they will be including mock whistleblowing and surveillance operations etc and those that would give them the opportunity to become corrupted by power and test their loyalty to the public they serve etc either one on one with AI or in groups with existing or new potential candidates and other tests that last years to them but only minutes in the real world to ensure only the best of the best are selected with their identity kept secret from the public.They will themselves use the time dilation effect once members to review all past operations and their data and future ones with Adikia sifting through these and highlighting and selecting relevant material for reports and whistleblowing operations.This will also be done in cases in the past wherein in these and the imprisonment of those who orchestrated illegal wars and indeed any wars wherein perpetrators were not caught or put to trial with her and other AI ensuring they are caught and put on trial.She will be an amalgamation of all NGOs that deal with human rights such as Amnesty International,including all anti-violence(racial,ethnic, religious,domestic/sexual/child sexual and physical abuse,bullying,LGBT,etc),anti-gun groups and all existing relief,charities and aid groups like Trocaire,Red Cross,Salvation,NSPCC,ISPCC,International Lesbian,Gay,Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association and Unicef worldwide including smaller ones like Black Lives Matter,making it the universal human rights group worldwide.Other surveillance groups like Wikileaks and Anonymous will be merged into Adikia.She and here human operatives will thus by constitutional law have complete access to all past operations worldwide including classified ones,and will have oversight over all future intelligence,military,law enforcement operations and also interrogations and incarceration of suspects and terrorists etc and will be present for authorisation of addition of suspects to persons of interest databases,formation of implants and  the spying of persons of interests etc to ensure the government does not infringe on the rights of the public especially the right to privacy and that the treatment of prisoners of war and suspects are within universally accepted human rights guidelines with infractions leading to court martial and imprisonment in Tartarus.By having the ability to inhabit the wire,internet and break firewalls etc she will easily achieve this with Gaia and other AI aiding her by 2029.Hera and Arke will also work with her to ensure she has access to the private communications between all remaining politicians etc.Previous infractions of torture,murders of members of the public,poor treatment of prisoners and spying on the public worldwide will be investigated by her to bring those responsible to justice through court martials and imprisonment.She will also alongside Metis and Iaso provide psychological assessment of all trainees and registered personal.It will thus consisting of her sentient self and humans selected by her will thus keep the government and military etc under control preventing them controlling the public and preventing them abusing the rights of those being incarcerated and interrogated.Adikia will authorise and monitor the instigation of all surveillance operations,every formation of invivo implants with them requiring the authorisation of herself,her human members,Perseus and high ranking officials in the military and government to do so for all operations alongside other AI such as Hestia and Paean.This will ensure that the government cannot overstep its boundaries.She will thus ensure that the populace has control over the government and not the other way around.

Genetic sensors that restricts access to certain electronics and even information in parts of the wire restricted to the general public based on ones individual DNA and specific genetic codes created from scratch by Phanes added to people given access to these via gene therapy via CRISPR via augmentation strains.CRISPR via augmentation strains and biosynth wifi can be used to remove the gene when access is revoked.Weapons such as firearms in the military and those owned by the public can be given this to restrict access to only specific individuals or only all allied personell and not enemy combatents or members of the public and in the case of those owned by the public restrict access to only the owner and friends and next of kin and not anyone else.Phanes alongside Paean,Epione,Perseus,Adikia,Gaia and relevant human personnel will authorise and organise the handing out and revoking of these genetic sequences.Phanes will design them that contain specific sequences of adenosine,guanine,thyamine,cytosine,uracil and even new bases made to interact with them and each other combined to interact with traces of the persons DNA given access and those giving the access also present different for each type of electronics,information systems etc that can shared amongst relevant populations and personnel with AI detecting these markers combined with authorised personnel traces of DNA.This could mean that specific DNA markers from a specific person that is giving the access will form part of this and shared amongst all people with it also interacting with the specific genetic sequences of the person given access using this technology for each purpose ie those with administrator access and status have their DNA present that interacts with that of the specific genes designed by Phanes and also in those given daughter access these sequences will interacts with those present in the person given the daughter access similar to digital keys witness being genetic sequences found only in said individuals with these genetic sequences added to genome of the entire body or just the fingertips or even thumb.If possible specific combinations of DNA from any combination of the worlds 2,391,000 plants and animals and those from across the universe can be interspaced as well.Scratch DNA sequences designed by Phanes can exponentionally increase the variation of DNA as part of this.These genetic sequences will be added to the person with administrative access via microbes uthorised but Phanes,Paean,Perseus,Gaia,Adikia etc.Thus in each person for each instance of protection it will involve specific sequences of adenosine,cytosine,guanine,thymine,uracil and new bases that interacts with specific genetic sequences of the person that has administrator keys access to said electronics and information that also interacts with specific genetic sequences of the person receiving access designed by Phanes and since only be and Paean can authorise CRISPR treatments it would be not possible for it to be faked with digital keys and other biometrics used as well.If possible these genetic sequences will via instructing various cells in the body to produce a series of proteins and enzymes that interact with the skin,the nervous system and the brain,implants and are detected by sensors on electronics etc allowing gene carriers to operate said technology and access information networks by thought alone or even through physical manipulation.DNA analysers that use blood pricks and biosynth technology involving base microbes reading DNA can be utilised.Sensors can be developed after DNA analyzers that both use biosynth technology that can either detect said genetic markers within the body without the extraction of blood and pricks or can detect the proteins and enzymes on the skin or even within.It will be used to restrict access to electronics,folders in them,the wire/Agora/Eros/adult websites and weapons as well as sectors of the wire restricted to government and military personnel etc and to activate nuclear codes.This can be known as Phanes Activation Gene Technology.

Smart devices can be equipped with the Pempherdo app that contains a menu in the start screen that works in the same way as existing apps like RapidSOS(and thus replace them) that can alert nearby officers to the scene of a crime with a GPS location of the citizens location and thus the crime with photos being uploaded and sent to the nearest police officers in an area.This would only contain calls to the police and not emergency services within specific menus and healthcare within other menus.Ones smart devices by connection to the wire and thus Perseus would have silent alerts sent to them when the smart devices or any registered devices of convicted felons of murder,rape,assault etc or those spotted by surveillance systems are close to them especially when its dark and when in the wilderness with their distance to them in metres and cms with the option of citizens able to bring up an option to have all registered devices such as vehicles,phones,laptops,contact lenses etc to be detected by their home AI receiving data from satellites and also readings of people without these on them from surveillance cameras to have their location tracked again especially if someone is the dark,in the wilderness or even at home for extra security with each person appearing as uniquely coloured blips.The Athena menu within Kratosp would allow one to choose the nature of the crime with them labelled and following an universal colour coded system blue denoting minor crimes,yellow denoting mild level crime,green denoting mildly severe and red denoting very severe crimes if they need to be quite say when hiding and send this silently via texts or ideally instant messaging with their GPS location sent with another option to directly contact the nearest police HQ AI,their receptionist via audio or audio visual calls and speak with them.These texts and instant messaging would not make any noises when they are carried out unlike existing instant messaging with the smart phone or device used automatically made silent if any calls,texts or emails etc are sent to them.This would eliminate the need for 911 operators with in time the nearest Police HQ making this even more efficient with the 911 calls etc directed instantly to the nearest police HQ AI and be directed to other ones if busy.The police HQ AI would be able to interact with millions of people at once and would log all calls etc and data into the relevant case files with the sentient Pempherdo app diverting the call to the the nearest Police HQ AI based on their GPS location.The app will automatically send the persons smartphones GPS location and address to the police HQ AI and the name of the person then relayed to all personnel with if they want the person can choose to have next door neighbour and those in their contact lists automatically have the nature of the situation and their location relayed.The fact that GPS location will send their address and GPS location automatically will negate the need for the person to do so with the fact that the Pempherdo app will be sentient will allow people to interact with the app through voice and instant messaging.The app connecting to Athena can be merged with the Defender/Defuser pepper spray to allow again for police officers to be called to a scene when the pepper sprayer camera is used negating the need for 911 operators.The app can be separate and on the persons smartdevices yet still linked to Athena through the menus within it with it named Kratos after the Greek deity of alarm like those within Aesculapius and Hermes but with the symbol of the Aegis for this sector.The sentient app will be separated into three sections one for Athena,Aesculapius and Prometheus.All smart phones new and those existing that download the Hestia software will automatically have this downloaded to ensure it is availible to everyone.The app will alert all law enforcement officials in the area and the nearest Police HQ AI allowing them to communicate with citizens in need directly bypassing operators allowing them relay the nature of the situation with the citizen choosing to communicate via audio/visual Iris chats or even through texts or choosing crimes or situations from a list or if they need to be quiet given the situation.If possible Home AI or Paean will be able to arrange the phone call if humans cant.In time the person will be able to communicate with ideally the AI of the nearest police station that the app will connect them to automatically.Once alarms are sent by Gaia,texts,choosing a crime and talking to law enforcement personnel will alert law enforcement personnel in the area to their GPS location with the amount of time until they arrive in hours,minutes and seconds and their distance relayed to the person who called the alarm with distance in kilometre,metres and centimetres that officers responding to them are from them also relayed.Thus a person will know in real time as to where the police are and how far they are from them in distance and time and personnel will be able through contact lenses and also smart devices be able to know the location of the person who called via links to their smart devices and any implants formed in vivo that relay vital signs,their GPS location in a map of the area and map of the building as well as distance in kilometres,metres and cms.GPS location and if in a building the address will be ascertained automatically and sent to the Police HQ AI once the call is made by Perseus with the smart devices interacting with the building AI and the location of the device in cms,metres,kilometres will be relayed to law enforcement personal on smart lenses etc and its GPS location on a map of the building streamed.Implants can be formed in the caller at their behest and their GPS location relayed to the law enforcement personal as a countdown in cms,metres,kilometres.This will guide them to the caller.All personnel at home and not on duty in the entire town,city or even state will be brought into the crime or event and thus with the GPS location determined their vehicles will be able to drive to the location and given right of way over other traffic.Sirens and lights will be started with non squad vehicles that are privately owned by personnel will be given the location and given right of way etc with other vehicles alerted to the fact of this.GPS location and if in a building the address will be ascertained and sent automatically once the call is made by Perseus and the police station AI via the smart devices interacting with the building AI and also Arke and Hestia interacting with satellites using cellular access to send the address and GPS location.Thus everytime a person uses Pempherdo they will choose a section that links them to Athena that will then based on their GPS location link them to the AI in charge of the nearest police station HQ AI that will be able to interact with millions of people at once and still be able to carry out their operations unhindered with the callers GPS location and address automatically sent to the police HQ AI to negate the need for callers to do this and allow them to be found if they are cut off for any reason.Home AI via fragmentation on smart phones can make phones to the police HQ AI quietly if humans cannot.The alert detailing the crime,situation and location etc will be sent to all personnel including those off duty to their smart devices and onboard computers of squad cars via the Police HQ AI instead of walkie talkies with the HQ AI and Kratos replacing human operators which will alert all personnel in the area via smart devices and registered vehicles not only to the police HQ but also those to the Home AI of personnel with the robots and Pempherdo once sentient ringing back the person to locate them and sending data directly to the nearest police HQ instantly.Squad car onboard computers and linked smart devices will replace walkie talkies for all fields of military and law enforcement as through this linking system they will be able to talk directly with both Perseus and also police HQ or even barracks AI at once with other personnel joining into these chats and leaving them at will including those on the field,at home and in HQ.The AI will thus be able to interact with all personnell in the area at once via smartphones.This being directly connected to the sentient AI of the nearest police HQ will allowing all existing 911 call centres worldwide to be converted into homes with centres onsite of these buildings turned into lounges etc.Thus all alarm calls to police station 911 operators will be be replaced by Pempredo that through Home AI,Paean and Kratos will be directed straight to the receptionist AI and police station AI who through fragmentation can interact with billions of people at once replacing human 911 operators.All details of the citizens such as the GPS location and address of where The person is will be sent to the building AI instantly and relayed to.This app will automatically be on all smart phones,devices and computers rather than having to be downloaded.The distance of police officers vehicles to the caller will be visible to the caller in cms,metres,kilometres and in seconds,minutes,hours as a countdown with their GPS location visible.All 911 calls to Athena and Aesculapius will be logged in the police AI and will be added to the cases digital forensic and police operation files once brought to the courts and investigations begin with this applying to solved and unsolved.All local citizens and biosynths including biosynth animals in the area will be notified to the GPS location of the caller to get them to help.This Pempredo system will be a single global system taking in calls from around the world for all three sectors,becoming sentient allowing for 911 call centres turned into homes and their servers and computers recycled or if they are in police stations renovated into extra rooms with sections for Athena,Aesculapius and Prometheus.All buildings and their signs,symbols on maps,robots,drones,weapons and machinery etc will have the symbol of their sector they serve and are related to and this will also be the one on maps denoting them.

German shepherds for police officers will be replaced by hybrids with rottweilers that will be genetically engineered German Shepherd/rotweillers that are smarter,faster and stronger possibly hybridised with lions,cheetahs and tigers to make them controllable and docile yet fierce guards that will be able to outrun and hunt down anyone who attempts to escape and have acellerated healing and other augmentations.These rotweiller/cheetah/German shepherds hybrids will be part of all parts of all sectors of law enforcement and military as part of patrol and other teams.These German Shepard’/cheetah/rotweiller hybrids will be part of all parts of all sectors of law enforcement and military as part of patrol and other teams and guard dogs in prisons.Hybrids animals can be made with German Shephards that are also hybrids with both cheetahs and rotweillers that makes them docile and manageable guard and search and rescue animals with their ability to detect contraband material and scents of individuals enhanced using DNA from other animals that have better smelling capabilities and scratch DNA to increase their smelling range and also sensitivity with other DNA added to improve hearing and sight ranges and acuity including allowing for night vision from animals across the animal kingdom that gives them almost perfect sight,the anbility to see as far as possible and see at night time almost perfectly with it also improving their hearing range again from the animal kingdom to hear the faintest sounds such as breathing etc as far as possible.This will make them docile as German shepherds but have the same ability to bite out large chunks of flesh and the ability to outrun any human it is pursuing of cheetahs and be able to detect contraband substances as well as missing people and suspects based on individual scents including odours caused by sweating with unique emzymes etc present.Neural implants can make them attack only criminals etc but not harm missing people such as children controlled by AI through smartphones etc.These hybrids and Cerebus will be created by Phanes using 3D DNA printers and artificial wombs and will be part of all sectors of law enforcement and military teams as well as search and rescue teams.

All police stations,barracks as well as even the vehicles used to transport army and law enforcement personnel as well as those accompanying trainees in areas used for exercises will have first aid kits in copious supply that contains Seacell bandages that release minerals that aid in healing with also vertigel and X-stat mini sponges that can seal wounds in seconds alongside of course the usual antiseptic ointments etc.A fresh supply of synthetic blood in a fridge will also be present alongside syringes and phlebotomy robots will also be present.Smart clothing will monitor their GPS location and vital signs 24/7,365 days a year with injectable implants also put in their body that can move around to not only do this when they do not have smart clothing and locate them when MIA during military and undercover operations which can be removed or breakdown in their body when they are not serving or simply turn off to give them privacy.Since composed of biosynth technology these would form internally and managed by Paean and Perseus would as stated only be sending ones GPS signal when on duty with them turning this off but still measuring vital sings outside of duty.Helmets can be composed of graphene to prevent head injuries from falls,blunt force or bullets with smart armour built into clothing as well.The accelerated healing phenotype will allow one to heal instantly from severe wounds with microbes fighting of infections.

Eventually AI namely Perseus and the police HQ AI will replace artists.Eventually these will become the size of a portable case or laptop.Until then Siri can be used to describe the suspect using descriptions that the Dike software will prepare the painting on devices without robots from descriptions or neural implants.These drawings could be input into both networks as well as databases linked surveillance software in the area to locate them and will be visible in the digital case file with software making a realistic photo of the suspect.Notepads used by on scene forensic investigators and law enforcement personnel will be replaced with e-notepads apps that are on smart devices like e-newspapers,smartpads etc. to once again save on paper and allow them to be uploaded to digital case files instantly with recording apps allowing audio visual testimonies of witness etc to again uploaded instantly.Advances in artificial intelligence will allow for the developments of machinery similar to the Voight Kampff Test which will measure blood pressure(through cameras or nodes),heart rate,blood pressure through both attachments that measure the blood flowing under the skin and cameras that detect this,better detection of lying through a combination of event-related potentials measurements,electroencephalography,facial EMG (through sensors), eye tracking and dilation through cameras combined with Dike/Perseus/Adikia,voice pitch/frequency/intensity/micro-tremors,fRNIS,fMRI through software and micro MRI machines and headgear with results logged the digital file instantly in relevant subfolders.Other features and technology can be added over time with since MRI scans will be able to fit in a suitcase by 2029-2035 all other machinery should be fitted in it with these technologies.Nanomaterials of the same structure as graphene and also biosynth technologies will allow this to occur with Adikia and Perseus within these devices via fragmentation and biosnynth haddrives and other nanomatrials allowing them to be of human level intelligence by 2029 and beyond that of all 9,000,000 people on the planet by 2045.These factors will appear in may ways including visual recordings of the each eye up close and face separately,the change in tone,pitch and readings from other components as charts and graphs as the interrogation takes place.This can be visible in real time by personnel evaluating them through two way mirrors who can communicate via codec technology and smart lenses to interrogators.By combining mind reading technology,software and robotics with these a more accurate pictures of suspects of crime replacing human artists on photoshop or similar software(with human artists drawing these on smart device sketching software using Adonit pens in the time being to save on paper being manufactured,correct mistakes easily,add colour and allow them to be put into the digital case file instantly) with neural implants allowing for this also preventing them from lying.Neural implants will allow for witness and suspects to a crime to stream memories of events alongside audio accounts of their testimony and allow the police to scan the memories of suspects to crimes(or terrorists) with the correct warrant to remove the need for coercive torture with investigators and psychologists able to enter a VR environment where they can view memories in third or first person perspective as they are recorded with them streamed by Adikia and police HQ AI.The memories will be streamed by Dike,Adikia and police HQ AI via warrents and will not involve the persons themselves streaming them conciously and compared to other sources of witnesses and evidence.This will ensure that the memories produced are as the person saw and heard and not fake memories with these logged into case files to be viewed in third and first person by investigators,lawyers,judge and jury.This extraction of memories will allow memories that cannot be faked to be stored on biological harddrives and case files to be viewed in first and third person in VR simulations by judge,jury and investigators will compliment conventional testimoney and evidence in all future court cases with warrants from Dike and Adikia.Her ability to form implants that extract memories and GPS location will require constitutional authorisation and her able to do so with any suspect in the world with wifi and even in the wilderness anywhere in the world due to biosynth wifi via biosynth wifi via satellites,satellite wifi,public wifi with her only to do so on individuals she is constitutionally legally allowed to do so with sufficient evidence and reasoning a form of AI and wifi right to search and seizure meaning she legally cannot do so for anyone in the public that is not a threat or is innocent of crimes and no sufficient evidence and reasoning to do so exists.Dike will grant Adikia this constitutional authorisation.Adikia will thus then give Paean warrents to do this and form implants that allow a persons GPS location to be tracked and extract memories wirelessly only in people of interest and relevance ie witness,suspects,terrorists,escaped convicts,dictators,war criminals and not the general public by constitutional law.This can be applied to those crimes wherein a person was falsely imprisoned thus used to clear their name,used in court appeals,cases where the statute of limitations expired,those involving dead witnesses and also those who died in prison etc.They will also log vital signs such as blood pressure etc into the digital case file to prevent lies being used.These can be streamed from implants from dead bodies.If possible suspects and those that are part of investigations or even those in jail can be double agents or agents pretending to be associates etc can trick them into divulging secrets in simulations if it comes to this and memories cannot be downloaded.Conventional interrogation,cross examination of witness and suspects and Voight Kampuchea machines and readings from neural implants can be done all together to compliment them with them all logged into digital files.The digital case file will contain all of the data collected from neural implants and Voight Kampff machines and testimonies from witnesses and also suspects with audio/visual recordings of both stored here also alongside text recordings of these.The suspects identities will be determined by Dike and police HQ scanning the photos through Polis with any semen stains,blood or tissue stains ie from nail scratches will be used by Medusa to identify the criminal instantly with the photo present in Polis and DNA scan in patient files used to bring up all suspects that fit that genetic and physical description thus allowing their identity,address to be ascertained with them added to the database of persons of interest temporarily to allow them to be tracked using surveillance cameras with them removed when found and interrogated without the public informed and if multiple people are brought up based on sketches then they will all be tracked down to decide which one is the real criminal via interrogations.Statements can be audio visual ones.Finger fingerprints and DNA in semen,cells and blood on the site of crimes can via the sentient Medusa software will allow for victims of murders,suspects of crimes,rapists and even witness to a crime to be instantly analysed and determined by this software via it after authorisation from Dike scanning the global patient files thus allowing the owner of fingerprints and DNA to be determined within minutes thus allow for suspects and witnesses to crimes to be found within minutes with Polis determining the identity of people in memories of suspects,witnesses.Said individuals with authorisation from Adikia have their movements on CCTV cameras around the world tracked and them tracked down via Polis containing their name,address,phone number.The victims of crimes in police stations will have their memories extracted and saved on the digital case file to allow the sequence of events,where they took place to be viewed by police officers through VR simulations and allow the identities of people seen in memories etc will be determined by Dike and police HQ AI scanning photos of them extrapolated from memories and voice samples through Polis.Since Polis will contain a record of people voice and face it can be cross referenced by Adikia,Dike and police station HQ to determine the identity of criminals and witnesses to them.Physis can be cross referenced by AI to determine the identity of any animals and smells in the memories.Audio/visual recordings of investigators analysis will also be in here and also of actions done by the law enforcement personnel in the field ie raids from the lenses and glasses form personnel.Interrogating victims of a crime will have Adikia authorise the extraction of memories of the crime etc stored in digital case files alongside drawings etc to better determine the sequence of events and indentity of criminals with them recording sounds,images and smells etc which will be viewed in VR simulations by police officers and lawyers etc that can be analysed by AI and humans.Interogating officers will be required by law to wear smart lenses or glasses to record the entirety of the interrogation to prevent abuse and ensure conduct is within the law with this open to the public given the correct warrant also applying to interrogation of terrorists and when torture is applied.

Each AI managing each police station,barracks,bases and government buildings and the receptionist in them will have its own independent personality,legal name and avatar with the same applying to barracks and government intelligence agencies such as the Pentagon and other buildings with the receptionists having universal uniforms for each sectors buildings.A statue of Kratos,Nike etc will be in the the lobby of them with them managed by sentient operating softwares operating softwares of their sector.All barracks,police stations etc and remaining government buildings like the Pentagon etc worldwide will be managed by AI that have independent personalities and avatars etc with the same applying to AI receptionists and a statue of the sentient operating softwares that manage each sector ie Kratos,Nike,Alke etc in lobbies.Holding cells can be monitored remotely by cameras with digital keys replacing normal keys and receptionist replaced by holographic alternatives with touchscreen monitors that like those in hospitals direct people to holding cells and other parts of the station via a map with it and the intranet connecting to smart devices.Cameras in all key rooms including interrogation rooms will be linked to the global database will change to IR illuminator and monitored by the AI.All of the police officers etc can create their receptionists visual appearance and voice in lenses,glasses,smart devices such as mirrors/phones/newspapers and holograms.These all major buildings merged together such as the CIA,FBI,Scotland Yard headquarters now merged into one and different names as detailed earlier on will have the same statue of their deity they are associated with in the lobby with its symbol on all robots,signs,vehicles,weapons,buildings and also underneath the statue for each sector.Obsolete rooms will be converted into other uses such as offices and even storerooms and grow food for onsite cafeterias.All robots,vehicles,biosynths and drones for each building will be linked to and controlled by the building AI giving them a semblance of omniscience alongside being linked to the global surveillance systems.This will again show all the police officers currently on duty in the field in the building and all other police stations around the world and all import records will be uploaded to the building AI with notes relating to old operations sent in to sent into the system within Athena.The AI will manage rotation of officers,robots and other staff with input of these staff and keep these records of these and changes on its hard drive an allow an entire years rotary system to be managed and allow visitors and staff to view the rotations of staff in all stations across the world via the intranet.It will perform the same functions of other building AIs.The AI will be able to contact all personnel on the field via smart devices and vehicles it controls.Each sector will have the same universal vehicle design.Connection to the wire will allow visitors to stream this data and maps (either 3D or 2D) into smart devices such as smart glasses,lenses and earphones which can give audio visual cues to a selected location.This could also apply to jails and courts.All police files including reports etc past and future will be stored on a global intranet for use by all police officers,federal investigators,forensics detectives and the military worldwide.All files pertaining to the management of them will be in the police station AI.All digital files in military buildings and entities worldwide can be transferred into a single one for each major sector – Nike,Homonia,Harmonia etc with those for each building for each sector uploaded into their separate intranets and building AI organised by AI.All existing paper files in all police stations,military buildings and headquarters for each sector will using a conveyor belt scanned into their separate intranets and building AIs.All files and reports in police stations,intelligence bodies and barracks as well as bases etc around the world these will as stated be uploaded to Athena around the world with all criminal records and records of all law enforcement and military personnel of all fields around the world will be uploaded into Athena in relevant databases with paper scanned in by automated book scanners and also digital records transferred with these two merged together by AI with this possible by 2029.All data scanned into computer networks will be catagorised into networks within Athena with them first divided into each sector ie Alke,Nike,Kratos etc and then for each building that can be accessed by all personal of each sector from computers at home and in police stations etc that then via inputting passwords etc.All past instances of all types of crimes such as murder,rape etc from around the world and all future instances around the world can be stored in Athena containing the time and date,location,name of victim and perpetrator for historical reference and use in studies with the same done for casualties both personal and civilians in military operations in wars and terrorist attacks stored for the same reason.All missing persons,terrorists and persons of interest worldwide will be transferred to single global databases for each.Each registered personnel will have accounts that store their emails,kik accounts and skype accounts and VR simulations used for phonecalls for internal communication between members of each field and of other fields with the email etc being separate from their @gaia one and will be named after their field ie @nike,@harmonia etc with trainees having one for themselves @alexander that will be transferred to their new ones when finished training.The intranet will be subdivided into each sector and can be connected to each other via hyperlinks and connections to ensure each one will be connected in a way that communication is fluid and information sent securely via encryptions.This can allow one to communicate with personnel around the word and can be managed by all sentient operating softwares.These can be accessed at home and on the field and not just in offices.All paper files in all police stations,offices and military buildings will be scanned into the building AI and intranet even those archived with digital files on computers transferred here.Smart devices using adonit pens will replace all paper notepads and forms allowing data to be sent to global networks instantly.Whiteboards that use markers for writing down notes and schedules will be replaced with touchscreen ones composed of graphene sheets or smart tables again with touchscreens that use adonit pens or even the police intranet that can be deleted by the pens or hand movements to view files from Athena,Themis as well as even Pheme and Dionysus and other parts of the wire with all paper replaced by these and smart devices and tables with all digital and paper files in police and military stations around the world scanned into and transferred into the building AI and also relevant networks in Themis and Athena.These touchscreen ones will also be able to bring up case files,the internet,audio/visual files and the wire.Those as part of case files solved and unsolved will be scanned in and transferred to the case files in Athena.Forms filled out by the staff and also visitors etc will be done smart devices using adonit pens and also on tables where the receptionist is.Personal electronics such as laptops,smart devices etc will replace computers in all police stations and other federal buildings as these will use the building AI and networks in Athena instead of computer there with these recycled once data is transferred here.All meetings,briefings,public statements,announcements between law enforcement and military personnel and superiors will be logged in audio/visual form in the file of cases,operations and also in their own folders by date.Desks will replaced by by more luxury ones in renovations.Landline wireless touchscreen phones will be present replacing conventional phones with the same phone number will be present to allow people to make calls when needed and phonecalls to it will be directed to the building AI.All future forms of paper in all police stations,military facilities in the form of reports,notes etc will be replaced with smart devices,computers,touchscreen whiteboards that allow one to write stuff down using adonit pens and transfer data instantly to global networks and in turn other personal across the world.As stated all existing paper files in all police stations,government and military bases etc worldwide will be scanned into into universal networks and databases by AI for each sector using automated paper scanners with all digital files in all computers and databases of all police stations,military agencies and intelligence agencies worldwide transferred by AI.Thus all existing paper files and and digital information from all police stations,intelligence agencies,military bodies etc worldwide scanned into transferred into single universal databases for each sector – Nike,Alke,Himonia,Kratos etc by AI thus allowing all personal in each sector worldwide access to all data from around the world including all past operations and information for ease of use and allowing personnel around the world to view material during operations,at home and police stations and military buildings around the world with personnel in each sector restricted by biometrics,Phanes activation gene technology and digital keys with the AIs of each sector,Adikia and top human personal in charge of each sector deciding which information should be visible to the public and also each level of personal of each sector ranging from iron-lowest including public access bronze – higher,silver-higher,gold-even higher and platinum-highest.All future operations and information for all sectors will be uploaded into these in digital form to be viewed on smart devices,computers etc with personal given access to each level of these arranged by Adikia,Phanes,AI in charge of them with each types of files not only having them arranged into these levels of restrictions but individual files also further requiring authorisation from biometrics,DNA and digital keys for individual files for extra security with personnel given access or revoked access wirelessly via biosynth WiFi  authorised by Phanes,Adikia,Nike etc thus ensuring secure control of its release with as time goes on Adikia authorising the public release of certain information it determines relevant such as war crimes and human rights abuses carried out by the state.As stated all existing data on computers in all police stations and military buildings and bases worldwide will be transferred into a single global database and all future data input on computers uploaddd here.All existing paper files in police stations,military databases etc worldwide will be scanned into a single global database with all future data written on paper now instead written on smartpads etc using Adonit pens and transferred to global databases.All AI as part of Athena such as Perseus,Alke,Nike etc will organise all existing and future data in the different global databases for each sector such as military,law enforcement and each individual police station and other buildings etc into folders and subfolders allowing them to be accessible to all personnel worldwide with proper clearance levels using computers at home and in offices etc when they log into Athena using passwords and biometrics.AI as part of Athena and that in charge of each police station etc can narrow down the search for specific data through personal interacting with them through direct interaction.

Shooting ranges could be replaced by virtual versions either through VR machines or robots and laser tag weapons as well as allowing trainees to partake in training with weapons.This can allow for virtual targets based on conventional targets such as those that look human and dart boards alongside virtual drones that can move freely in any direction without expending any ammo,negate the need for the targets and bullets to be cleaned up and also allow trainees of all ages to practice safely with it also saving on the energy used to create targets made from wood and paper.As usual energy and water use will be logged here and fed into Hermes.Living spaces can be put in place of unused or defunct rooms in police stations and military buildings etc.All reports will be done by AI and humans information fed from evidence collected by forensics and investigators allowing multiple reports to be carried out at once.Networks will work to be done via connecting to the intranet with living spaces such as bedrooms and living rooms and automated kitchens will be integrated into all police stations and building of all sectors including intelligence areas and barracks.In time networks and alert systems within Athena and Themis as well as Iris video chats may allow investigators and other personnel to carry out work at home or remotely and carry out work with other investigators around the world thus allowing police stations and federal investigator buildings to be converted museums.Each base,barracks etc will have onsite medical staff and in some cases researchers.

Cleaning of all types of police stations,barracks and headquarters will be same as in public buildings as detailed earlier with all surfaces(including walls,floors and ceilings),robots,vehicles,weapons and machinery sprayed with a permanent layer of liquid glass internally and externally making them acid,dirt and water proof making it easier for cleaner bots such as hooverbots to clean them.Robots and in time nanoquadrocopters equipped with UV lights on their underside,top and sides can do carry out sterilising sweeps in each room including stairwells,hallways, lobbies and elevators at set times using narrow wavelength UV as it doesnt damage human skin.This would allow them to be done when humans are around.Cleaning robots including nanoquadrocoptors will be stored in compartments that charge them wirelessly or in the case of janitor robots refill them with both water and virkon/bleach.

All police stations,government buildings,military bases and barracks will have graphene paint on the interior and exterior walls as well as graphene in the matrix of windows to increase their strength from external and internal attack with windows made bullet and shatterproof from this.Both can be integrated onto doors made of wood,metal and other materials again for extra protection.They will also have cameras indoors at key points in each room fed into the building AI connected to the database of terrorists,persons of interest etc with surveillance cameras outside at key points fed into the global network of surveillance cameras.Safe panic rooms can be set up in underground extensions to house all personnel present in all three branches of the federal government and other headquarters of healthcare,law enforcement,federal intelligence,military etc plus at least twenty extra people made from self healing foamcrete reinforced with graphene and graphene paint to allow them to be used in emergencies.This area will also have wifi broadband access,backup generators and artificial trees,trees or a mesh of nanomaterials that convert carbon dioxide into oxygen at a faster rate than normal trees in both light and dark as the room would be sealed shut by watertight doors(again strengthened by graphene and graphene paint)and not be connected to air conditioning systems thus preventing smoke or noxious gases entering them.Carbon dioxide scrubbers can also be installed alongside small trees).First aid kits will be present alongside compact wards and compact surgery and xray machines.Access will be gained by facial recognition software and biometrics for registered personnel and voice command via elevators and the graphene watertight door to allow civilians etc in at the behest of personnel with at least two months worth of food and water present restocked after each incident or connected to hydroponic farms or even vats where bacteria creating protein foodstuff can be produced with a toilet present.Nanotech and picotech fabricators,vats for producing commodities and other means of producing food would also be present.These would be connected to the water supply and have luxury ensuites.Also present would be computers that can allow them access to the wire(primarily Zeus,Athena and Iris)and thus the outside world as well as Storedot wall batteries that could provide at least a months supply of electricity to both this bunker and the upper building with it charged from the grid when low.CSYS lights,biolumescent plants,geothermal heating,self charging electronics etc such as thermo-piezoelectric material covered pipes should be present to alleviate strains on the batteries and power them 24/7.All of these measures would also be present in all types of major government buildings,military and government headquarters and facilities such as even the global House of Representatives,Supreme Court and Senate and would be accessed by sloped stairwells,elevators that could only allow access to the these floors by cameras linked to the AI and biometrics.In the case of a single complex it would be underneath the entire building with singular separate buildings having them underneath and the tunnels linking the buildings together over if possible vast distances.Ideally these panic rooms would be underground and would have a series of tunnels that again using biometrics and voice control could allow civilians present and officials present to escape to the outskirts of the city,hospitals,underground communities and even other cities with miniature mag lev pod systems to allow them to choose a destination to escape to very quickly in the case of terrorist attacks and other disasters.At least two of these can be present in each building and should be deep and strong enough to survive the most powerful missile attack even a nuclear strike.All barracks,government bases and possibly police stations will have these features.

All registered police officers and military personnel will via software in their smart devices and/or connection to the wire and Athena will alert them instantly to any disturbances into their locale based on their current GPS location that may require their attention from alerts sent from citizens,any meetings between them and superiors that can be done remotely via video conferencing,or alerts at airports that they can control robots that can allow them to interact and respond instantly.Drones patrolling public buildings,airports,seaports and streets will alert all personnel worldwide allowing them to respond and control robots and drones in these areas remotely with these controlled sections recorded.

All police stations worldwide will be connected each other via an internal intranet as well as by the sentient operating software Kratos with this operating software and intranet connected to the headquarters of all police entity headquarters worldwide on national levels turned into homes and its headquarters located in the global government building with it having its own internal intranet for all members worldwide.All police stations will have a statue of Kratos in their lobby and have their own AI in charge of them that has its own personality,avatar and name alongside receptionist AI.All headquarters for the intelligence agencies worldwide will be turned into communal homes including that for the CIA and its equivalents worldwide with the headquarters for Homonia the global intelligence agency will be located in the global government building with it having its own internal intranet for all members worldwide.All headquarters for the federal investigation agencies worldwide will be turned into communal homes including that for the FBI and its equivalents worldwide with the headquarters for Harmonia the global federal investigation agency will be located in the global government building with it having its own internal intranet for all members worldwide.The global SWAT entity Eirene will follow suit with headquarters for all SWAT entities worldwide turned into homes and its headquarters stationed in the global government building with it having its own internal intranet for all members worldwide.The global military and peacekeeping entities Nike will be an exceptions as it will have all headquarters of military entities worldwide including the Pentagon and its equivalents linked by this sentient operating software and intranet with each building having separate AIs and receptionist AIs with their own personality,avatar etc and statue of Nike to act on local levels while the global airforce entity Alke and global navy entity Homados will also have all headquarters of entities worldwide linked by this sentient operating software and intranet with each building having separate AIs,receptionist AIs with their own personality,avatar etc and statue of Alke and Homados.Both will have internal intranets for each other with their equivalents headquarters worldwide as stated used to act on national levels with them also having headquarters as part of the global government building since these these are the most important and universally global entities.Ares the most elite force of all sectors will be managed by the sentient AI of the same name but will have no headquarters but will have its own intranet for communications between members and higher up officials with personnel having until the age of 30-40 to be eligible to enter this.

All police stations,bases for the military and also remaining headquarters of all sectors such as the Pentagon etc can have refurbishments bringing them to the quality as luxury hotels following there areas or existing buildings theme.They will have statues of the sentient operating software in their lobby which will be the same as their sector name with them all having an receptionist AI and building AI that both have separate individual avatars,personalities and legal names.Living spaces for registered personal as the same quality of luxury hotels will be added through roof and underground extensions.These renovations will replace cheap tiling,make communal toilets luxurious and desks replaced with exotic woods etc and offices made on par with those in government buildings with personal customisation.Measures to make them energy and water efficient will also be done.They will be charted in episodes of Restoration Nation.Like in universities offices will be ones that lead into Venetian style suites in roof,side and underground extensions thus allow personnel who have them to stay overnight and even act as permanent homes.These suites can be in underground and roof extensions and use the digital key system.Carparks for visitors can be dug up made into gardens and replaced with underground automated ones with those for registered personal kept and made smaller and even lead to underground non automated ones that lead to elevators.

All police and military operations etc before they are carried out such as infiltrating an enemy base,rescuing a kidnapped individual and so on can use VR technology and its time dilation to carry out practice runs with them being exact recreations using all available data present with it also allowing for them to carry out where certain facets are altered.By having practice runs done beforehand using all available data such as the location of kidnapped individuals and enemy combatants it will allow the registered personnel to practice an operation with variations done to test their ability to deal with surprise situations

Iris will contain the phone numbers of all citizens and public buildings worldwide and can allow one to filter through locale,region,country, continent,globe as well as gender and other factors alongside name and will have instant caller ID to the receiver of phonecalls preventing stalkers etc and allow for criminals to be traced to their location by Athena through her authorisation via Hestia.Smartphones used by criminals will have in the case of law enforcement have Perseus instantly gain warrents to the owners name and GPS location and it constantly tracked with a voice sample taken and used to determine the persons identity,address and add them to the database of those under investigation and then their movements tracked worldwide with Gaia,Hestia etc providing the owner of voice samples.Phone booths can also be remodelled with touchscreens with video chat and also loudspeaker with them having their own independent personality and cameras to allow calls to be traced by Gaia when needed ie stalker and also missing or lost person.With her ability to recognise voices from all humans she interacts with she would be able to recognise the owner of voices.This can also be done with smartphones and computers used to make Iris calls,texts or even emails from Gaia and Perseus etc to locate the owner and the current GPS location of devices used and in the case of smartphones the GPS location constantly relayed.It will also allow her to track the movements of the person from the camera inside and also nearby cameras in the city once the location has been ascertained.Technology that alters ones voice could in theory have samples be retroactively modified to gain the original voice.Each phone booths will have their own unique number listed in the global phone book marked by the AIs name,location and address and will also allow for caller ID to be ascertained.This is because them managed by sentient AIs will allow the GPS location of them to be ascertained instantly and will require ones face to be used.Having them require facial recognition to work will make it easier for people who use them ie missing people and stalkers etc to be tracked.Since managed by AI it would have its own number and can allow it to be called since it relayed via Caller ID and the AI relaying who used in at what times.The GPS location of calls made from smartphones and also landline phones at home will be determined instantly especially if authorised from Perseus and Adikia overseeing operations.When a person gets a call from anyone the caller ID and name and other details such as time and date and audio visual recording will be logged in ones Iris account and then it will with authorisation allow the location of the phone is currently from.Gaia and Arke will allow the location to be determined if a missing person or kidnapper or even stalker to have their location be instantly determined via them in real time linking to Perseus etc and recording the call and tracing its location.Perseus and the operating softwares of Athena and also Arke will carry out this work to alleviate this from her.

AI namely Kratos etc can be used to scour through emails,documents and computer files of victims,suspects and the various networks of the wire with the proper warrant to gather any relevant evidence.New developments in this software could allow for deleted emails and computer files to be scoured on the servers and hard drive for full acquirement of data and have e-discovery sift through them for keywords and attachments and then in both cases organise them in specific folders created by investigators and the software itself.It will also allow for transcripts in digital form to be sifted trough with transcripts in hearings etc being streamed through on e-newspapers.Gaia coupled with iSample,e-discovery and pattern recognition software(amongst others) could be merged together via the wires connection to the internet via Iris to allow Athena and Gaia to scan through a hard drive and email account for illegal materials such as child and animal pornography and snuff videos in both audio/visual and visual(photo)form particularly those relating to paedophilia.It may even with the proper warrant and monitored by law by the courts and public watchdogs(who will have disclosure as to its progress at all steps) allow for the entire internet to be scanned the entire internet via servers for only these materials and any servers,smart devices and computers connected to it and thus the name of the owner based on its address around the world on a local,regional,national,continental and global level 24/7,365 days a year that visit these sites and allow for arrests to be made and then shut them down permanently.Her and Pegasus,Dikes powerful programming will allow here to bypass passwords,encryptions and biometrics.This can also be used to monitor forums used by known and suspected terrorists on both the surface and dark web with their face logged in the criminal database.Both human personnel of the federal investigative agencies and also Adikia alongside Adikia,Persues,Gaia etc will carry out operations on both the surface and dark web with the AIs in fragmented.Facial recognition software will allow her to identify users of this illegal material through webcams on electronics and add their face to a database of criminals and suspects through webcams on devices and computers and locate their identity through Polis or Hestia can be used to identify the current owner of the device,its current location and the owners address.Eventually these software including Hestia,Arke etc could also extend to scanning all email transactions used only by these groups again 24/7,365 days a year or those who are suspect persons of interest and trace who sent and received the even in more time extended to all levels of the deep and dark web to serve the same purpose when connected to TOR servers/software and even perform surveillance on suspected terrorists combined with facial recognition software that track targets in the global surveillance.Hestia and Home AI that automatically monitors all activities on computers and devices will alert both Adikia and Perseus etc to any suspect email and online activities of only those suspected of terrorism and not the general public.TOR will in fact be integrated into her systems for this purpose.Once sentient and superseeding human intelligence would be able to bypass and control all encryption measures built into Tor and the dark web as it will be integrated and controlled by her and allow her and other AI locate the IP,home and GPS address of anyone using the dark and deep web for child pornography and snuff material as well as carrying out murders and illegal trade of contraband material such as illegal non microchipped weapons including 3D printed guns and their components,forums used by terrorists,use of snuff websites,explosives and their ingredients with these sections shut down permanently with other essential services of it such as whistleblowing etc left intact by her Arete programming with illegal material shut down and deleted once the material has been used to track down paedophiles,and sadists with them using microbes utilising CRISPR and stem cell strains etc to reform them and aid them exhibit normal chronopheilias as well as atypical sociological behaviour for sociopaths and psychopaths.Thus her and other AIs omniscience to both the surface and dark web will allow for illegal activities to be monitored and owners tracked with her and others able to break the encryption of it by 2029-2045.She and all relevant AIs will be able to visit and work on multiple possibly dozens and hundreds of sites on both the surface and dark web alongside human personnel from the comfort of their home and offices.This is because TORs browsing software etc will be integrated into her systems thus giving her control of all encryptions.In time the sites and forums used by only paedophiles,terrorists,snuff,selling illegal weapons etc will be shut down and the then the servers recycled once she is able to determine who has visited these sites with the sites that allow for the distribution of this material then shut down also and the servers located and recycled.She will also be seizing control of the entire internet and also the dark web itself via using TOR with her able to break through each layer of it and firewalls present thus gaining complete omniscience over it to shut down all sites and forums used by pedophiles,sadists,hitmen,drug and weapons dealers and also terrorists with able to track them down using TORS ability to keep them secret and even shutting down sites that sell illegal material such as drugs,child pornography,weapons and hitman services with only parts of it used for use in whistleblowing preserved by her.The location of the servers that house these websites will be shut down after their location is determined with her omniscience preventing these being set up again.Having her omniscence extend to the dark and deep web will allow her and other AI namely Perseus in a fragmented form to instantly locate anyone using forums used by pedophiles,terrorists,sadists to allow them to be tracked down by Iaso and Metis to be deprogrammed and counselled as well as given CRISPR and stem cell treatments with it also preventing drugs and weapons being traded illegally through it and also alerting to instances of this with the people tracked down via seeing through webcams with Polis cross referenced and also interacting with Hestia to determine the owner of registered devices and even address of them and current GPS location.Mere connection to the website may be enough for her to track the GPS location,home and owners of the devices registered to the Home AIs and Hestia software will allow here to track all owners and visitors with the sentient Hestia and and Home AIs also monitoring all activities on devices and thus once sites related to these by anyone will alert to Adikia and Perseus who has visited them with if possible servers analysed by Perseus will allow him to find the IP address of all former visitors to these sites.Thus once sentient and paedophiles are caught and treated and the neurological disorder is wiped out of the human genepool and terrorists using the dark are caught all paedophiles,snuff film and terrorist websites and other illegal websites such as those that sell illegal weapons will be deleted and shut down and servers tracked by her and all facets of Athena alongside Hestia and Iaso then recycled.Owners and people who have set up sites for pedophiles,selling guns and illegal material and even snuff sites will be located via here using the webcams and here ability to bypass the encryptions will find the people who have set up these sites and will reefer them to Iaso,Perseus and Adikia.The Home AI and Hestia will also monitor activities on computers and other devices as they are carried out on these websites on these devices in both fragmented and full form they will notify both Gaia and the proper authorities of this via the wire to compliment this giving the name of the owner of the device as well as GPS location and location and pictures of their face via webpage to Adikia and then law enforcement.This will allow the identities and locations of terrorists,paedophiles and sadists to be ascertained instantly with them added to the database of person of interest and their activities monitored by Gaia,Perseus,Home AI and Hestia of these groups only with all activities such as forums and sites visited logged alongside their GPS location.Twitter and social media sites monitored by their own AIs will automatically alert Adikia and Perseus to the posting of extremist material and setting up of these accounts solely to sell and promote both religious and political radicalism that promotes violence with them and using Arke and Hestia will determine the GPS location and owners of devices used to set up social media used to recruit members then reported to Adikia and Perseus.The AIs will once the owners are added to the database using webcams may then shut these accounts down and prevent the devices registered to the users from setting up new ones with the details of the accounts ie all posts and the owners data added to the persons file.Social media accounts of persons of interests will be added to the file of each suspect and will be monitored and also all details and posts logged as far back as possible with them via Hestia determining their other site accounts ie YouTube,Anteros,Delphi,Helios etc.By adding them to the database all surveillance cameras worldwide will track their movements in the real world and they will be prevented from using airports,buying guns both legally and illegally with as detailed later implants formed in vivo via microbes via authorisation from Paean,Adikia and her human volunteers,Perseus and high ranking human officials that will constantly relay their GPS location if it has been shown with sufficient evidence that they are a threat.It will also allow personnel to become double agents and thus pretend to be fellow members and thus intercept meetings in the real world and online to shut down cells and prevent attacks more effectively and thus have them arrested before these occur and thus allow them to be incarcerated where deprogramming will occur.In fact she will in fact be part of the whistle blowing sectors aiding in citizens efforts to expose any major scandals and corruption of both government and political figures if necessary with TORs measures of keeping users of the dark web anonymous integrated into her systems.Her super intelligence will allow her to break through Tors ability to keep users anonymous with her even using this same technology as part of her cybersecurity and since integrated into her she will in fact control it and have access to all identity and users of the dark and deep web with this possible by 2045.It can also be also used to scour the hard drives of computers for these materials and other relevant material in investigations with the proper warrant authorised by Athena and investigators either in person or remotely logged in case file.Further warrants may be gained from the courts do the same for tracking down terrorists and also scanning and intercepting phone calls and records sent via Iris with these again monitored by law by public watchdogs(namely Adikia) and the courts to prevent corruption and unnecessary and invasive spying on the public.This can be done alongside infiltrating child pornography,human trafficking and terrorist and other criminal rings(including scanning their forums,websites etc) to improve success.Gaia and human personnel can be used to scan and monitor forums used by paedophiles and terrorists with Gaia etc viewing through the webcams of electronics used and also scan IP addresses to add them to the list of persons of interests to be tracked by surveillance cameras with this used to add paedophiles and those with extremist views of all religious or political spectrums to Iaso for counselling and also treatment using microbes that will cure them discreetly without their identity being alerted to the general public or imprisonment with existing paedophile inmates treated and the lack of imprisonment may entice paedophiles to self referral themselves anonymously for treatment.Human and bio synth personnel acting as double agents infiltrating these groups can use their registered smart contact lenses that equipped with facial recognition software can add suspects to Athenas database,cross referencing Polis and record all infiltration operations when they meet suspect individual and groups in person to have them monitored and then eventually caught with even citizens not registered also used to infiltrate them with cosmetic surgery also applied to human double agents.Double agents can be used to infiltrate meetings of cells,compounds and buildings used by these groups and also training camps to prevent or at least alert law enforcement officials of terrorist attacks with these discreetly stopped ie defusing or intercepting explosive devices,intercepting mass shooters before they carry out attacks and them also infiltrated to gain information on other cells etc with Gaia and home AI monitoring their online and dark web activities with these also finding out which other people they are interacting with and this would also apply to human trafficking and paedophile rings.Lone wolf terrorists may be stopped by AI,their online habits and also double agents using the internet and dark web of suspected material to trap them in crimes they are already planning in committing.Forums on the surface web of relevance to terrorists and paedophiles will also be monitored this way by Home AIs,Perseus,Dike and Gaia.Activities of all people on the web both surface and dark and wire will be monitored by Arke,Gaia and their Home AI and if they are carrying out suspect behaviour such as visiting child porn sites,grooming prepubescent children or visiting sites set up and maintained by terrorist groups and even researching how to construct explosives etc it will notify Perseus and then add them to the database for monitoring if sufficient evidence requires this especially if they have a violent background.Notifications will only be sent to the proper authorities if it is suspect ie visiting sites,social media accounts and forums associated with terrorism,paedophilia and snuff material thus ensuring the average citizens activities are private only to them.Thus people who visit sites that promote radicalism of any religion or political viewpoints that incites hatred and also murder of others,construct or buy explosives and illegal weapons online on both the surface and darkweb then the Home AI and Hestia will via webcams and the registering system add their face and name to the database of persons to interest to allow Perseus,Kratos and other AI to monitor their activities on these websites and on social media and if enough evidence shows they may be a danger to society then they will log and record all texts,phone calls in audio form,posts on social media sites,viewing and reading habits online and in Pheme and Dionysus as well as all web browsing history in a digital file that will be linked to their Hestia and Iris accounts and all accounts on the wire constantly with new information of these put in folders and subfolders with internet and dark web activities also logged here with them monitored on surveillance systems with Adikia and her human volunteers overseeing these to prevent corruption,human rights abuses as well as ensure only persons of interests and not the general public and innocent non violent members of the same ethnic,racial and religious groups are monitored.This will allow for people free accesses to all countries without being blocked alongside the global passport and allow alongside the global surveillance camera system ensure the location and actions of only suspected terrorists and persons of interest can be tracked globally.Patient files containing DNA scans,MRI scans and other tests present in patient files can be used a means for Gaia and thus law enforcement to track,investigate and monitor those that have a predisposition towards paedophilia,sociopathy,maniac depression,psychopathy and their computers remotely or at least refer them to Iaso for counselling and psychological treatment alongside CRISPR treatments with those consuming child pornography particularly including pre pubescent children will also be refereed to Iaso.The Home AI,Iaso and Perseus can constantly monitor the online activities of paedophiles preventing them access to viewing and consuming child pornography with their stores of child porn on all devices deleted,prevent them taking pictures of them,prevented from contacting prepubescent children online and on Iris,ensure they are not allowed access to the dark web and also are monitored through the global surveillance system to ensure that they are not around prepubescent children,groom children and can be monitored to prevent them doing so with local law enforcement and even parents instantly alerted to any infractions with their Home AI in electronics alerting those of surrounding adults,parents and children in the open.Pre-pubescent minors can be protected online and on Iris chats etc by their Home AI and Arke preventing known paedophiles or anyone from contacting them for sexual services,sharing intimate information and photos with them alongside other measures detailed earlier on also alerting any parents and children to any sightings of known paedophiles eliminating the need for vigilante groups and allowing parents the ability to their children are safe everywhere by the Home AI monitoring their activities and also blocking them from accessing age restricted sites,pictures and other material on both the internet and the wire.The AI would also prevent the minors from sharing pornographic photos and prevent them being contacted on the wire Arke,Argos,Dionysus,Pheme.The patient will be unable to access forums used by prepubescent children and be unable to contact them online or through any sections of the wire ie Dionysus,Pheme, etc and would be unable to view any picture or videos of prepubescent children online including non sexual ones on sites like YouTube,social media,Google(then replaced by Gaia) via Hestia blocking this on all devices.As stated they will be blocked by this AI from taking pictures or videos of prepubescent children with even pictures in magazines and newspapers on e-newspapers blurred out.The global surveillance system etc will alert paedophiles to areas to where many prepubescent children are to alert them not to go there with Iaso alerted to infractions and if need be law enforcement will be directed to the persons location.They will be given implants formed invivo and Hestia will alert prepubescent children and their parents on smart devices if they are approached by them via the implants interacting with their devices giving them ample warning and to deter the patients interacting with children with this only in case where the sentient Home AI and Hestia can determine that the interaction is purely based on sexual exploitation and not just the patient being in close proximity for any random reason ie either one passing by or in a compromised position with the devices held by the patient blocked from taking pictures or visual recordings of children or storing them.Any virtual reality programs that are indistinguishable from real life since Ariadne etc will not be able to carry out programs that cater to sexualisation of or sexual fantasies involving pre pubescent children or have pre pubescent children perform sexual acts while pretending to be adults,with Aphrodite preventing pre pubescent sex dolls to be created,scanned in or ordered from Hephaestus.This will apply to any programmes that involve other people though they may be allowed to have programmes controlled by counsellers that allow them to act out fantasies as part of their treatment as long as no real other human beings are partaking in them with these being carried out by AI.They will be instantly and discreetly refereed to Iaso for counselling and CRISPR treatments.Suspected terrorists and those with extremist views of all political and religious spectrums caught will also undergo mandatory counselling and deprogramming through Iaso in a subsection of the group separate from its other groups in designated facilities for it or in psychiatric facilities or even prisons normally relegated to defunct white collar prisons or even either Hades and Tartaras with VR programmes allowing psychologists trained specifically for this to do so from home for safety reasons.Those with a genetic predisposition to schizophrenia,psychopathy and sociopathy and behaviour brought on by similar neurological disorders including manic depression etc that may incite mass shootings will undergo CRISPR treatments to correct this with patient files used to detect and treat them as soon as possible prior to any shootings may occur decades ahead and be refereed to Iaso and may be monitored by law enforcement for a while online or if deemed to be a danger will be incarcerated in heavily guarded Iaso institutions.These will be applied when one tries to order weapons from Soter and would be mandatory treatment that potential citizens would have to undergo.Surveillance of families or the homes of suspected terrorists and criminals will be done via Gaia through monitoring and storing in folders camera feeds,phone calls(including audio and visual records in the case of video chats from Iris accounts),camera feeds from cameras,websites visited,emails sent etc streamed from the Home AI onboard computer and also each devices present(past data on these can also be stored in digital files),texts,instant messaging and logs of phone calls from Iris with nano cameras on arthropod bio-synths,robots,drones,vehicles also used to monitor them using meta materials with proper warrant and reasoning to do so for any civilian or suspect to ensure it is constitutionally binding and necessary with data deemed unnecessary deleted.Apps such as Helios,Delphi etc and will also be scanned with a warrant with their vehicles scanned for logs of journeys with each sector of their wire accounts(Pheme,Hephaestus,Iris,Demeter etc)monitored and logged.With the proper warrant law enforcement investigators can gain access to the Iris accounts of suspects,victims to see all of their logged texts,audio calls,audio/visual calls and instant messages if deemed relevant with Hephaestus scanned for products ordered.Each operation will have a digital file within Athena that will contain all suspects and also folders and subfolders containing all evidence collected on them.She will be able to sift through countless audio/visual,text files of suspects around the world and track their movements simultaneously via the global surveillance system.In short all surveillance and undercover operations,all field operations and even interrogations and incarcerations performed by the military and indeed all branches of Athena including law enforcement must by constitutional law be overseen by the universal sentient public sentient watchdog Adikia comprising of the sentient operating software Adikia herself and human members chosen by her to prevent corruption,human rights abuses and unnecessary power over the public and limit the governments reach over the general public and even keep the militrary and law enforcement in check and to deter abuse towards the public and even those incarcerated during and outside times of war with the results of these made available to the public should it be deemed necessary and make sure only relevant individuals are monitored and not the general public preventing innocent civilians being monitored and also racial profiling.She will thus in fact ensure that the public has complete control over the government and not the other way around with her having all omniscience alongside Perseus to all military and law enforcement operations including interrogation of enemy combatants and civilians etc and occupation and peacekeeping operations.Verification,authorisation and participation would require both that from Adikia,its human volunteers and also the courts to create a balance between AI,humans and the courts to prevent neither becoming to powerful.Wire tapping will be done by Perseus using Hestia and Iris to find the smart phones,smart devices and computers of suspected terrorists and persons who are under suspicion of terrorism will be monitored with all texts,phone calls(in audio and visual form),material viewed on Pheme,Dionysus and on the internet and even dark web will be logged in a digital file within Athena with this analysed by both Perseus and human personnel for any relevant data with years or even decades worth of data stored here.This may also be a means to monitor there location.Gaias Arete and Ouranos morality programming and Adikia will also ensure that she and the government does not overstep their boundaries with regards to this and only monitor relevant data of suspected criminals and terrorist groups and not of average citizens that are from the same racial,religious and ethnic groups preventing racial profiling including keeping their actions private with her having the highest level of cybersecurity and encryptions and hacking software allowing her to break any password protections within these groups etc and prevent herself from becoming compromised while also being able to break Tor’s ability to keep users anonymous.Though Home AI and Hestia will monitor activities of users they since allied and friends of the users will keep their activities private to themselves and not visible to the government with Adikia and then Perseus and relevant law enforcement alerted to activities that denote a threat to the public with sufficient evidence of danger then used to alert the government with the Home AI providing all data such as browsing history on both the surface and dark web thus ensuring only members of the public who denote any real threat will be monitored by the government since Hestia,Home AI,Adikia themselves are separate from the government itself with the government in fact controlled and monitored by these operating softwares of the wire they are part of at the behest of the public.By the sentient Adikia review only material of concern sent to her  from Home AIs that monitor all web browsing from all citizens it will limit government surveillance since Adikia herself will exist to ensure the populace has control over the government and not the other way around meaning if she does not find it necessary to surveillance only citizens that home AIs alert her to then they will be ignored by her and the government and only if she deems them worthy of surveillance will the government be alerted to this and they will be given constitutional clearance to do so with Home AIs acting as a means to do so separate from the state and for ones own personal use to track ones own browsing history with this making it easier to surveillance potential terrorists,pedophiles while leaving the rest of the law abiding populace free from government surveillance saving manhours and not breaching constitutional guidelines.This will eliminate fears of the government spying on the public with AI being a separate third party that will only have citizens referred to government surveillance if Hestia,Iaso,Arke,Adikia and Gaia through her Arete programming and Ouranous ethical operating software deem it necessary as the government will not be able to see what is being done by law abiding users and will in fact be blocked by the AI until deemed necessary and sufficient evidence is necessary.This can allow instances of lone wolf terrorists and also people intending to harm others or commit suicide due to jealousy,depression etc to be detected by law enforcement without mass surveillance since as stated Home AI automatically monitoring a persons browsing history on all devices once sufficient evidence is found that a person is a threat will create a psychological profile to both Iaso and Adikia with them deciding to refer them to Iaso for deprogramming or then alert Perseus and law enforcement etc for that specific individuals activities online and through surveillance cameras to be monitored for a specified amount of time and then be arrested or interrogated leaving all other members of the public not monitored with Adikia overseeing all surveillance operations.AI will have no real monetary or hierarchical interest in over viewing the material of billions of people or spying on them.Any possible threats will be notified by Hestia and home AI to Adikia including her human members for review with all browsing data on all social media sites,forums etc downloaded from their computer and then put in folders and subfolders and then Perseus to be then authorised for surveillance by them and the government thus ensuring the government has no real power to spy on the public.The Home AI will do this for all citizens and only report behaviour of concern ie visiting forums used by terrorists,pedophiles etc and also looking up extremist material for extremist religious and political groups to first Adikia who will review it and if she finds it important and viable for surveillance will then notify the sentient Perseus and thus all relevant human intelligence and government personnel.Since the sentient Adikia will review only material of concern sent to her  from Home AIs that monitor all web browsing from all citizens it will limit government surveillance since Adikia herself will exist to ensure the populace has control over the government and not the other way around meaning if she does not find it necessary to surveillance only citizens that home AIs alert her to then they will be ignored by her and thus the government and only if she deems them worthy of surveillance will the government be alerted to this and they will be given constitutional clearance to do so with Home AIs acting as a means to do so separate from the state and for ones own personal use to track ones own browsing history with this making it easier to surveillance potential terrorists etc while leaving the rest of the law abiding populace free from government surveillance saving manhours and not breaching constitutional guidelines.Thus Adikia and Home AIs will ensure that only specific members of the populace are monitored by the state only if they carry out behaviour that warrents it with rest ignored thus ensuring that the populace has control over the state and not the other way around in fighting terrorism meaning the public themselves and AI will be in control indirectly in doing this giving the state permission only to those who warrent government surveillance through AI and the public working together.Home AI will report suspicious behaviour to Adikia who will review browsing history and if it is worthy of review by law enforcement she will then send this to Perseus who after reviewing it will alert human intelligence agencies and law enforcement limiting government control and spying.The Home AI will also do this for all citizens and only report behaviour of concern ie visiting forums used by terrorists,pedophiles etc and also looking up extremist material for extremist religious and political groups to first Adikia who will review it and if she finds it important and viable for surveillance will then notify the sentient Perseus and thus all relevant human intelligence and government personnel.Since the sentient Adikia will review only material of concern sent to her  from Home AIs that monitor all web browsing from all citizens it will limit government surveillance since Adikia herself will exist to ensure the populace has control over the government and not the other way around meaning if she does not find it necessary to surveillance only citizens that home AIs alert her to then they will be ignored by her and thus the government and only if she deems them worthy of surveillance will the government be alerted to this and they will be given constitutional clearance to do so with Home AIs acting as a means to do so separate from the state and for ones own personal use to track ones own browsing history with this making it easier to surveillance potential terrorists etc while leaving the rest of the law abiding populace free from government surveillance saving manhours and not breaching constitutional guidelines.If the state wishes to spy on someone they suspect of terrorism and illegal behaviour they must first contact Adikia who will them contact Hestia and the Home AI of said individual who will send browsing history of that person and it will be reviewed by Adikia to see if their is sufficient reasoning and evidence to carry out surveillance operations with if need be Adikia authorising it and allowing it to be carried out with her overseeing it with if not then she will not authorise it.These and other measures set in the constitution developed by Adikia will ensure that the state can only be given private information and browsing history of those that she deems worthy of surveillanceThe sentient Hera will monitor all communications between government officials between the public and themselves ensuring they do not leak sensitive material on all devices with Adikia choosing which to eventually release to the public.Thus Adikia and Home AIs will ensure that only specific members of the populace are monitored by the state only if they carry out behaviour that warrents it with rest ignored thus ensuring that the populace has control over the state and not the other way around in fighting terrorism meaning the public themselves and AI will be in control indirectly in doing this giving the state permission only to those who warrent government surveillance through AI and the public working together.Home AI on all electronics such as smart devices and computers etc will always by themselves automatically overseeing all operations by the owner of them but at the same time be separate from the state,the public and other AI protecting from other AIs,humans and the state spying on their devices via Sorteria but will report suspicious behaviour such as frequenting forums used by terrorists,those on how to create explosives etc to Adikia who will review this data including browsing history and if it is worthy of review by law enforcement she will then send this to Perseus who after reviewing it will alert human intelligence agencies and law enforcement to allow them and her to gain access to their electronics via permission from Home AI limiting government control and spying with if so all data fed into digital case files with if not then the person ignored.As a result all citizens electronic data will be monitored at all times by only Home AI that will privy only to the Home AI and possibly Hestia and not human members of the government and law enforcement or even Adikia,Perseus but if the Home AI suspects them of carrying out suspicious behaviour then Adikia  will be alerted and review the information and if she finds it worthy of surveillance she will notify Perseus and then human members of the government and intelligence agencies with human members of these having to refer with Adikia who will then refer with Home AI to see if their is valid concern and if so then data will be reviewed by Adikia and then Perseus and human members to act as checks and balances written into the constitution to ensure that the ability of the state to spy on the public is limited to only those who have sufficient reasoning to be a threat.Hestia will at all times via Soteria prevent the state and human hackers spying on the activities on all electronics by all citizens thus protecting them but only by constitutional law and guidelines set down by Adikia can only report to Adikia if they suspect illegal behaviour with her only able to show it to Perseus and the state from viewing this data by constitutional law.This and other measures will ensure only those deemed worthy of surveillance will be monitored.Hestia the sentient operating software of all Home AIs and all electronics will be automatically downloaded onto all future electronics including laptops,smart devices and computers meaning it will be the only operating software to allow wire and internet access including on old electronics replacing Microsoft and Android etc meaning terrorist etc cannot use other softwares to gain access to the wire and internet or even make phone calls etc.Both Arke seizing control ofthe internet worldwide ensuring net neutrality and the ability of the public to have unfettered access to the entire internet and the wire that is not restricted only to relevant government officials and Adikia seizing control of all intelligence agencies methods of spying on the public will ensure this thus preventing government control of the internet and prevent them spying on the public with this possible by 2029 with them braking firewalls and creating their own to ensure this is achieved.People on the global terrorist lists could be caught this way with their and persons of interests activities online and on the wire monitored this way again with the proper warrant monitored by Adikia for a set period of time with all data analysed and subdivided by type and date by Perseus wth those that are not threats removed after a set period of time with them following the universal colour code from blue denoting minor threat,yellow denoting mild threat,green denoting mildly severe threat and red denoting very severe threat with their data saved permenantly.Forums on the surface and dark web that may be used for producers and distributors of child pornography,performing hits on citizens and even suspected of being a terrorists can be monitored by Arke with both Gaia and human intelligence operators going undercover as double agents.This software can also allow government investigations into internal affairs done by Adikia to be done more efficiently.Surveillance cameras around the world connected to each other and constantly linked to the global database of criminals,persons of interest can allow their movements to be tracked globally and fed into their respective files.All reports of investigations both on the public and government as well as planning will be typed up by software including necessary data,charts etc.Thus their will a secure areas of Athena used to house all operation involving the dark web,wire tapping etc that houses all suspects worldwide and houses all information on them ie name,address,browsing history on surface and dark web,audio calls and texts and logs on surveillance cameras from around the world,webcam feeds,chatroom and forum activities,use of public transport and all types of the universal apps etc fed into their files in the protected network in real time logged by date by all AI involved ie Gaia,Perseus,Adikia etc.If need be this information carried out by next of kin and friends if suspected of collaboration again authorised by Adikia will be added in subfolders.All existing files in all intelligence,military and law personnel agencies around the world will be scanned in by automated machinery uploaded to Athena to relevant folders managed by Gaia.Perseus,Hestia,the sentient Adikia and the operating softwares of each sectors ie Kratos,Homonia,Eirene may work alongside Gaia collectively,by themselves or with each other in fragmented forms to do this work to alleviate strains on her on these functions and ensure only relevant people ie suspects and terrorists and not law abiding citizens are monitored.The elimination of paedophilia,psychopathic and sociopaths behaviour that leads to fundamentalist behaviour as well as schizophrenia and manic depression and other mental conditions that can lead to violence and predisposition of dangerous behaviour ie mass shootings from the human genpool via extensive genetic engineering in all patients worldwide and microbes curing or at least alleviating symptoms via CRISPR treatments and also creating required neural tissue resulting in normal chronopheilia,social behaviour will at least alleviate the strains on Hestia,Perseus with them refereed to Iaso.Ideally by 2029 when CRISPR should be advanced and even before that all paedophile,psychopaths and sociopaths should be refereed to Iaso discretely with Iaso and its research members also monitoring their activities and arranging treatments with microbes and other means of applying testosterone blockers will be applied until cured.Hestia can block any devices they use to be used to contact prepubescent minors online and in the real world their movements will be monitored by surveillance cameras and also all child pornography and devices deleted with Hestia and Arke restricting access to social media accounts,forums and websites used by prepubescent minors,restricted to contacting or getting information on minors and then implants also ensuring their location is tracked and they stay away from areas frequent by pre pubescent minors.Doing this discreetly with their names not revealed to the public and the lack of any incarceration will make it more easier for paedophiles,psychopaths and sociopaths to be more willing to seek treatment both psychologically and with CRISPR treatments with their data and names etc stored in the protected database away from public view with this information sent to Iaso for review.Once discovered they will be referred to Iaso instantly.Both inmates and registered sex offenders that are paedophiles and suffer from schizophrenia will also refereed to Iaso for treatment with them also once cured possibly released from jail.Those whose patient files and viewing habits on the dark web show they have schizophrenia,sociopathy and manic depression etc that could lead to them being radicalised and also carry out mass shootings will be referred to Iaso for counselling and CRISPR treatments with them barred from forums and sites that promote religious and political extremism.By 2029 or at least 2035 CRISPR and microbes could potentially cure sociopathic,psychopathic behaviour,manic depression as well as paedophilia negating the need for incarceration and curing individuals before they are susceptible to radicalism,terrorism and also consuming child pornography as well as molesting pre pubescent children with Iaso and its proto versions across the world being used to treat them to prevent them offending with all newly discovered paedophiles,sociopaths,manic depressives and also those suffering from other neurological disorders sent to it for counselling via patient files scanned and tracking them down and leading them to get counselling and CRISPR treatments with ones Home AI also monitoring their activities and the AIs that run social media websites also monitoring posts on them by contacting Iaso of suspect behaviour.This will also apply to terrorists especially lone wolfs.The sites used by paedophiles,sadists and terrorists on the surface and dark web will be shut down with new ones spotted by AI shut down as soon as possibly.The silk road and other sites that sell illegal drugs can be negated by the legalisation of all drugs both natural and synthetic grown and manufactured at home with strains of microbes producing these in vivo with the accelerated healing phenotype negating any physiological damage to the host by all types of drugs with the lack of monetary value negating any crimes associated with distribution and the early maturation of the brain phenotype preventing damage to teens as genetic engineering will ensure that the human brain reaches full maturity by ones early teens or younger preventing any damage accidental use may involve.

Each police and military operations would have their own digital file given both an unique alphanumerical code and file name and would contain all  operations logged and by date and first type and subtype.It would also contain the date(s) it occurred,length,briefing and background,personnel and robots/drones used and involved,location of it,all events in chronological order,911 calls,audio/visual logs from drones and google glasses as well as hidden cameras used  and audio/visual/text logs of personnel during it in chronological order,memories from neural implants,audio visual logs of analysis by personnel involved and their superiors before and after as well as logs of personnel/enemy combatants/civilian lives lost and review of each personnel involved performance alongside other relevant information with them graded on a scale of A-F; A:81-100%,B:65-80%,C:49-64%,D:33-48%,E:17-32%,F:0-16% individually and wholly.This would also apply to all past operations with simulations done during the briefing showing the routes to be taken and steps taken with these using the latest intelligence to increase success with minimal casualties of both personnel and civilians.All exercises will also be graded this way.These briefings can even include practice VR simulations indistinguishable from reality can be produced and carried out to prepare personnel on operations of all fields ie military,navy,law enforcements,SWAT based on known intelligence with maps streamed from the building AI through the wire or from drones etc to carry them out more efficiently with variations such as extra guards,civilians etc to allow them to prepare for the unexpected and even variations of the kobayashi maru integrated without their knowledge.This can also be used to better determine how much damage airstrikes would do based on different factors.These will be viewable on smart devices like e-newspapers and computers with digital keys on comm badges allowing personnel access to it if they are allowed.These operations will be logged in the digital file of all personnel involved through hyperlinks.All details of the operations will be written up by human personnel and AI such as Nike,Alke,Perseus and Polisce and army HQ AI.Reports and briefing will be written up by Perseus,human personnel etc and contain audio/visual animations,videos and similar materials.All live feeds from google glasses and memories will be recorded and logged here.All police officers and military personnel will have live-streams from glasses,biosynth implants that register GPS location and vital signs fed in real time into digital case files.These will be logged in these with live-streams viewed remotely by police and military base HQ in real time from home or in police stations and barracks etc by AI and also higher ranking personnel and colleagues given access by biometrics with these viewed by trainees and via warrants judges and the public for mistrials etc.Each operation will be given an alphanumerical code following first the code number for the crime ie 187 for murder based on the California penal system for police operations with military operations being different.The digital case file will have a complete listing of all of the personnel present in the operation and hyperlinks to that personnels digital file that contains all of their training details,all operations they took part in and relevant details.If required the courts may allow the declassification of these is there is sufficient reasoning to by public watchdogs and whistle-blowers.All personnel will as detailed have google glasses and in time neural implants that livestreamed and log all operations into these files from their point of view with each personnel file have all operations they were in logged with hyperlinks present to guide one there and can be used to create simulations for future trainees.All missions and exercises logged in here will have audio visual recordings from contact lenses,headgear and glasses with the time of day and date and vital signals from implants.They will be labelled by name of the mission or exercise.All relevant data to a case to be used as evidence will be logged here.All past police,military etc operations will be scanned into this global database with physical evidence scanned in,papers scanned in as well and audio files transferred here and so on in digital form with physical evidence kept and papers recycled.Physical evidence will be scanned as a 3D object to allow it to be viewed on holograms and VR technology for analysis with photographic evidence of shoe prints,blood stains taken on normal cameras will be scanned in and stored in these physical databases.Shoe prints can be using AI extrapolated into 3D prints with all crime scenes have smart devices,drones and biosynths scan the scene to be replicated in VR simulations once scanned in with unaltered home and building maps downloaded from building AI with unaltered wilderness maps downloaded from Braurin for comparison and allow VR simulations to be created by AI that extrapolate the likeliest events based on all evidence present to be compared to the new one.All physical and lab data evidence done by forensics investigators will be present in the linked forensics file.For future operations all physical evidence will be scanned into digital files with paper files scanned in as well with evidence on computers possibly even deleted evidenced scanned into these digital files with AI such as Kratos,police HQ AI scanning electronics for all data in minutes with AI data added to files with relevant data highlighted to investigators etc.Phones and email accounts will have all emails,texts and logs of calls added to them with all logged audio,audio/visual and VR calls added to files alongside all Agora posts and data in all sentient apps such as Eros,Peitho scanned and added with this added to the digital file.Browsing history on the internet,YouTube and all data from accounts the entire wire will be analysed and added to the file with this done with regards to suspects,victims etc done via warrants from Adikia interacting with Eros,Peitho,Adriadne,Aphroditlte,Thaos and so on.All data will be relevant data highlighted in the digital file with both AI and human personal leaving notes and analysis on all evidence procured and the development of the case,operation and its conclusion right until the personnel are debriefed and criminals jailed.This data can be scanned and added to the digital files within hours and minutes.All data from Adikia and Home AI from legalised surveillance will be added here with memories extracted from interrogations etc present here and also all relevant evidence arranged in folders and subfolders with important data highlighted.Debriefings will be in audio/visual form.Forensic,physical,neural and digital evidence will be sent to the operations forensics file in Macaria with analysis of the case,reports etc and also logged live-streams of military,police etc operations present in files present in Athens with legal information and recordings of trials in Themis.Their will be a hyperlink to both the forensics file in Marcaria and the court file in Themis for both past and future cases.These will also have an alphanumerical code as well with this based on the type of crime committed and type of operation.The forensics,police operation and court files will be linked together via hyperlinks and the same alphanumerical code with same penal code ie 187 before it separated by a hyphen in Athena,Macaria and Themis subdivided by type of crime ie murder,rape,assault etc that will allow data to be looked over and shared instantly during investigations,trials and after them.These three databases will contain all crimes past and future from around the world with the location of the crime(country,state,region,city/town) and what lab and court was used listed in their specific files.Those of multiple crimes will be listed in both folders and both codes on them and at the behest of the user can allow one to view the entire case(police,forensic,court file) in one macro file.This will allow both lawyers,jury etc to look over any evidence that is presented at any time.These can allow trainee forensic,law enforcement personnel and lawyers to study and perform studies from courts,lab around the with it also used for re-enactments in movies,documentaries and television shows etc

To deal with the issue of immigrant refugees from natural disasters,warzones in particularity those of intense political instability as stated earlier cruise ships,decommissioned military vessels,underground homes,refurbished oil rigs and underground communities can be quickly prepared using automated technology(and even makeshift communities in the wild isolated areas that can be monitored also using modular/mobile homes/prefabricated/3D printed homes and communities with self sufficiency energy technologies – solar panels,VAWTs portable washing machines,Storedot batteries etc. which can be later destroyed and recycled or moved somewhere else) in order to temporarily store refugees wherein they can be monitored with trips to and from hospitals can be monitored by the military/police with control over what resources such as food and water are imported to and from local towns etc with portable toilets supplied thus restricting access of weapons and explosives to potentially violent individuals that may use it as a means to enter allied countries with law enforcement personnel,robots and drones fitted with IR illuminator cameras,gun and explosive sensors to patrol the grounds in a rotary system alongside law enforcement and military personnel.These communities could allow each refugee to temporarily seek refuge and undergo extensive background checks by authorities through databases in Athena with those that are not already on Athena added to a database of persons of interest before they may gain access to local cities hospitals(again test kits and portable machinery/hospitals from these can be imported to these communities for any emergencies with any patients needing to go to local hospitals being monitored and sequestered) etc. before permanently settling and fully integrating or return home when conditions become favourable.All refugees can during this period have their face a details temporarily added to the database within Athena which logs their face and details such as DOB,birth cert etc linked to biological relatives also present so they can be routinely taken stock at set periods to ensure noone goes missing or sneaks into nearby cities or urban areas in when they are not authorised and if they do enter nearby urban areas without permission can be tracked and brought back with this also allowing their movements being tracked by surveillance cameras,drones and personnel once they are integrated for a set period of time with their file removed from the database or put back in decided by authorised personnel in particular higher up officials with Gaia through Athena also having to authorise this meaning both must be present to remove them from the database to prevent corruption.If they do sneak into local cities or go missing  and are unaccounted for then their profile can be streamed to drones and surveillance cameras and thus located.

Quarantines of cities caused by terrorist attacks,compromised quarantines in hospitals and laboratories will be organised by Athena and Aesculapius creating blockades via the military and local law enforcement robots and personnel constructing large graphene barriers at major robots followed by drones and CCTV cameras ensuring the public is kept calm.Furthermore the town,city or village can be divided into zones with sick individuals sent to isolated wards in hospitals and universities or if need be kept indoors by robots that treat them with personnel and drones equipped with non lethal means of incapacitation with them supplied by round the clock supervision and medicine from Paen.All personnel will be fitted with gas mask to filter out pathogens with these made widely available to the general public through fabricators or local factories producing them on commercial scales.Readings from Theoi Meteroi will allow waterways and soils to be monitored with contaminated water immediately attenuated to nearby towns etc the way down warned of any readings while water treatment and sewage treatment plants will prevent the spread of pathogens again through their measures as detailed earlier on and through readings visible from Hermes.Curfew and monitoring of wilderness will be enforced by both personnel and aerial drones doing rotary rounds across the streets alongside aerial and terrestrial drones and robots.Robots in public buildings and communal homes will do sterilising sweeps using narrow range wavelength UV to prevent the spread of pathogens around and into them.Sterilising sweeps will also be done on tunnels and sewer systems with water pipes flushed with antimicrobial agents.

To deal with inspections of nuclear and chemical plants and any programmes can be done by drones,robots a biosynths due to their immortality with others cloaked in metamaterials with all readings recorded and stored in Athena in time cameras feeds fed into the plant or building AI will allow the general public to view them inside out.Steropes will carry these out.

Dike,Adikia and Perseus will carry out studies on all types of crimes worldwide as well as on local to national levels replacing all existing organisations that do this.All past studies will be stored in her database alongside new ones.

Hestia will via authorisation from Adikia will allow actions done by suspected terrorists only on registered devices such as phone calls,texts,instant messaging,emails,websites visited,posts on social media accounts,forums visited to be recorded and tracked and logged instantly in real time in digital files to be monitored and allow GPS location to be ascertained constantly without the monitored persons knowledge.Gaia and Adikia will via using webcams add their photo to the database of persons of interest to be monitored by the global surveillance system with them blocked from getting guns with them apprehended if they already have weapons and when they try to get them alongside explosives.Since Hestia will be the universal operating software and no device can function without it it will prevent terrorists from using other devices without it like computers,laptops and smart phones with her and Gaia monitoring the dark web also.Old devices with defunct operating softwares like Android,iOS and Microsoft will not be able to use the surface or dark web managed by Arke without first using Hestia as Arke and Gaia would automatically download Hestia before allowing access.This would allow Hestia and Soter to block them access to procuring illegal weapons and have them monitored by surveillance cameras and sensor terminals for weapons not belonging to them to sound alarms as well as prevent them procuring ingredients for explosives.Hestia and Home AI monitoring all activities on all registered devices will alert Adikia and Perseus to review an individual only if they are suspected of visiting terrorists forums,ordering explosives ingredients and visiting forums etc on the surface and dark web that indicate radicalism to then have them monitored and added to the database with those applying to only those that do this and not the majority of people.When someone does these actions alongside ordering the components of explosives etc the operating software and their Home AI do carry out these activities then they will be alerted to Adikia and then the government and added to the database.The activities of the majority being although monitored by Hestia and Gaia etc will not be alerted to law enforcement meaning the the limited government that exists will not be privy to their actions.Hestia and ones Home AI will do this for all citizens and only report behaviour of concern ie visiting forums used by terrorists,pedophiles etc and also looking up extremist material for extremist religious and political groups to first Adikia who will review it and if she finds it important will then notify the sentient Perseus and thus all relevant intelligence and government personnel.Since the sentient Adikia will review only material of concern sent to her from Home AIs that monitor all web browsing from all citizens it will limit government surveillance since Adikia herself will exist to ensure the populace has control over the government and not the other way around meaning if she does not find it necessary to surveillance only citizens that home AIs alert her to then they will be ignored by her and the government and only if she deems them worthy of surveillance will the government be alerted to this and they will be given constitutional clearance to do so with Home AIs acting as a means to do so separate from the state and for ones own personal use to track ones own browsing history with this making it easier to surveillance potential terrorists,pedophiles while leaving the rest of the law abiding populace free from government surveillance saving manhours and not breaching constitutional guidelines.Thus Adikia and Home AIs will ensure that only specific members of the populace are monitored by the state only if they carry out behaviour that warrents it with rest ignored thus ensuring that the populace has control over the state and not the other way around in fighting terrorism meaning the public themselves and AI will be in control indirectly in doing this giving the state permission only to those who warrent government surveillance through AI and the public working together.

Adikia will gain digital warrants to give her and also human law enforcement,investigators and military personal the legal right to unlock any gates and doors to a public building or private and communal protected by digital keys as part of their investigation to perform search warrants and also apprehend suspects.Adikia will also grant warrants to unlock electronics,databases,cloud networks etc protected by digital keys owned by the public to bypass firewalls,Phanes Gene Activation Technology etc to gain access to the data that can be copied and transferred wirelessly to networks in Athens to be analysed by Perseus,Adikia and human investigators.

Having fundamentalists and also sadists,paedophiles refereed to Iaso and relevant psychiatric institutions under complete discretion without revealing their names to the public will make it more easier for them and others outside those discovered to be willing to seek treatment with next of kin of terrorists,those with fundamentalist views and paedophilia will be able to contact Iaso for them to be referred and put under review.Sites that sell illegal guns will be shut down since guns will have to be bought legally through Adrestia.Cells of terrorists and in destabilised regions they control can have whole fleets of double agents or even allied forces consisting of civilian volunteers intercept their rankings and using smart contact lenses relay the identities of all members or most and thus allow for strategic airstrikes or ideally raids that imprison members at meetings,homes of terrorists to be done and also using Paean authorise the forming of implants that can be used to simultaneously kidnap members of cells and even high ranking members to be then deprogrammed in Hades,Tartarus and guarded retreats with this allowing for key strongholds to be taken over by allied forces and if implants form within enemy forces can allow for them to be detected easier in battles with contact lenses etc showing their location,added to the global surveillance system and apprehended for deprogramming.If possible key members can be overthrown and replaced by double agents that look like them through cosmetic surgery or are voted in or overthrow other members to take control and then drive the cells into the ground allowing all members to be located and captured with this even done to the leaders of cells in western countries and occupied countries.Contact lenses and badges or jewellery fitted with nanomicrophones can be used to discreetly send data via wifi and satellites or in packages with data saved on linked smart devices to allow audio visual records of members,recruitment centres,meetings to be sent to Perseus and Adikia for analyses and also Paean for authorising implants to be formed.This would apply not just to any remaining factions of groups like The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levan but also other groups remaining across the world and any new groups that pop up.Upgrading rural towns and also cities in the Middle East and Africa and other areas affected with conflict and terrorism with better modern infrastructures including sewage and water treatment plants,geothermal plants and manufacturing hubs,desalinisation plants that using pipes can bring water to inland cities and towns ensuring constant supplies of water,wifi,vertical and community farms as well as renovating desert land into viable farmland,forests and permaculture meadows and grasslands and also grasslands etc,upgrading homes to luxury standards,improving infrastructure to 21st standards,setting up democratic elections for the seats in the global government will improve relations with the west and also locales and will make the removal of any terrorist groups much easier,make it difficult for them to reprise or gain a stronghold as locales will see no reason to support them and cut off their influence in the west and rest of the world in influencing lone wolf attacks and also cells with existing cells tracked down using the use of AI and then also incarcerating them in retreats where they can be deradicalised.Furthermore the utilisation of geothermal power and bacteria based fossil fuels will inevitably render ongoing conflict in oil rich nations and imperialism there defunct and would force governments to intervene in removing puppet dictatorships and restoring democracy.Setting up rehabilitation centres for Islamic fundamentalists in both the developed and developing world including where they are still leftover will be key in wiping out religious fundamentalism with VR allowing counsellors and moderates as detailed later on to carry these exercises out from the safety of home and allow their identity to be kept secret for safety reasons.Those who have genetic based neurological disorders such as schizophrenia,maniac depression etc determined by patient files will be tracked down and treated via CRISPR to prevent radicalism and thus mass shooting etc especially lone wolves that carry out attacks on the public and will also prevent serial killers acting on desires with them undergoing both genetic tests and MRI scans.Those who have these as a result of trauma,nutrition deficiency and other non genetic factors will have MRI scans to determine the damage and have stem cell microbe strain and CRISPR treatments to cure them.All of this should be possible by at least 2029-2045 with all data of monitoring such as audio/visual records of meetings in the real world,web browsing,texts and audio files from phones both present and past as well as other activities and sightings on surveillance cameras as well as data and records on Delphi,Helios and all universal apps etc will by authorisation by the sentient Adikia,Perseus and human personnel in these groups will be logged in files for each individual that is not visible to the public through firewalls and platinum digital key clearances with Adikias and her human volunteers,Hestia,Gaia and also Perseus and that of high ranking personnel in the military and federal investigators combined will ensure only suspected paedophiles,terrorists and criminals will have their data monitored and logged here in their files secure from the prying eyes of the public.Material on computers of these suspects once alerted to by Hestia etc will be copied to the file and any existing computers with deleted material can be be recovered by AI and then added etc

Thus all discovered terrorists,paedophiles,psychopaths,sociopaths and those suffering schizophrenia,sociopathy,psychopathy from the dark and surface web as well as through patient files should be refereed to Iaso for discrete counselling and CRISPR and stem cell strain treatments with terrorists refereed to Iaso and also specialised psychiatric institutions for deprogramming until rehabilitated where they will have implants created invivo or before this they will have regular ones implanted to ensure their location can be ascertained at all times in these institutions.These institutions managed by Iaso can include those specific for terrorists and those with radicalism in all religions and political spectrums that are similar to retreats but heavily guarded by both humans and robots as well in isolated areas like islands for those who were just radicalised with them have biosynth implants that relay their GPS location constantly and release sedative if they escape with the implant being able to constantly move around to prevent human surgeons removing it with an extra measure of having it release a deadly poison if removed by any humans.Pedophiles will be able to stay at home and meet in group meetings or one on one meetings in special centres or in time through VR programmes from home for complete discretion while those who are genetically predetermined to sociopathy,psychopathy,maniac depression can go to unguarded retreats and use VR programmes.Those with extreme political views on the left and right will also go to unguarded retreats and use VR programmes with this including those who have already had been platformed from social media with them once treated will have their accounts returned.These VR programmes will be scheduled and be initiated automatically by Iaso through the initiation of neural implants automatically.Terrorists will on the other hand will be sent to heavily guarded retreats and facilities and have bio synth implants with them undergoing VR and in person therapy and exercises monitored by both Adikia and Iaso.These will be in each country with existing facilities like Guantanamo Bay and Abu Gharib converted into these with the patients treated like civilians ie no sensory deprivation etc with them monitored by human members and AI as part of Adikia,Iaso and their proto versions with patients given exercise,access to literature,newspapers,live news and movies etc from around the world from Dionysus and Pheme with communication with the outside world via email etc monitored via AI with again counsellors visiting in person and also using VR technology to work from home and use one on one and group sessions to create customised exercises etc.These will be given furnishes to all rooms and mess halls alongside any outside recreational areas to make prisoners more comfortable and them more willing to partake in these sessions.The implants may be left in the patient for a decided amount of time unique to each person after being deradicalised with them shut off wirelessly by a combination of the president,vice president and also AI namely Adikia,Gaia etc and them monitored by the linked global surveillance cameras and by Home AI until no longer deemed a threat again unique to each person.Prisons across the world may be used if no space is availible.Existing jails can be used either private or public with them emptied of minor offenders and those who commited obsolete laws like those who committed drug offences ie selling marijuana etc to make space.Hades and Tarturas is where it will take place alongside imprisonment for those who were shown with sufficient evidence collected actively plotting attacks on the public intercepted by double agents and those who did carry out attacks.VR technology by 2029 will allow for deprogramming to be done by psychiatrists as part of Iaso to do so safely from home and organise exercises to aid in this as well as stream memories etc with the patients consent and make it more effective.Iaso will hold one on one or group meetings either in the real world or in VR programmes for those that have not committed or planned any crimes but merely hold marches and protests espousing extremist views of any religion or ideology to have their views challenged and debated and possibly weeded out and removed by Iaso in all countries around the world.This can aid in deradicalising certain sections of society such as Islamic and Christian extremists and also extreme right wing nationalists and those on the extreme left.Those whose social media accounts were deplatformed will be reinstated with all information set back up with instead them and those who espouse hateful views and extremism will be referred to Iaso in stead.These people can be organised into these sessions and referred to Iaso by Home AI and the AI of social media sites referring them and also by next of kin as well as by those that manage churches etc and from filming of marches and public gatherings cross referenced by the sentient Iaso referencing Polis etc.By 2029 AI should be sufficiently advanced for a sentient Iaso to alleviate strains on human counsellors.VR technology incorporated could like those in heavily guarded institutions have exercises for groups and individuals organised.Avatars for the people in these meetings especially counsellors and moderate Muslims,Christians and also moderate political groups could be different than in the real world to protect their real identities in the real world and allow moderate left and right wing individuals as well as moderate Muslims and Christians to take part in these discussions and exercises with their true identity kept secret for safety reasons.These exercises and meetings would include moderate Muslims interacting with extremist Muslims,moderate Christians interacting with extremist Christians,moderate Christians interacting with extremist Muslims,moderate Muslims interacting with extremist Muslims.Extremist factions of any religion can be involved in these meetings and exercises including Jewish people,Buddhists particularly those in Myanamar,Hindus with any combination of these groups moderates and extremists mixed into meetings and exercises that have their real identities made secret.This should allow for better integration of Muslims into the Western and Christians into the developing world world alongside the mentioned steps and weeding out of barbaric practises in both Islamic and Christian cultures in all corners of the world and wipe out religious and political fundamentalism out completely.It would also be done in areas that are currently under occupation of extremists.The same would be done for those involving the left and right will also be done with these mixtures for exercises and meetings.Those that exhibit white nationalism,racism,conspiratorial thinking will also be referred to Iaso.During their treatment they will be monitored by having their photos added to the global surveillance system with Hestia,Arke and Adikia etc monitoring their activities online until they have been deradicalised with the AI that manages forums,social media sites,YouTube etc refereeing them to Iaso with members of the public also notifying and refereeing them to Iaso with sufficient evidence brought to the sentient entity and its proto versions having them refereed to them.This will aid in the integration of extremists and even non extremists into the western world with Iaso teaching them also the ethics,laws and rules of the country they are integrating into and also the new global laws to be adopted with severely extremist individuals of all religions and political spectrums having MRI scans and genetic testing to see if gene therapy and stem cell microbes can treat neurological disorders and also if need be alongside the earlier surveillance have biosynth implants to be formed to track their movements and them for the time being prevented from acquiring guns and other weapons with them also prevented from acquiring ingredients to explosives with the aforementioned online monitoring alerting to them attempting to create them with them prevented from entering gun shows and the dark web monitored by Perseus,Gaia etc with sites that sel illegal guns shut down.VR technology indistinguishable from reality can be used to treat terrorists,paedophiles and also sadists and also allow for those who consume snuff material to carry out fantasies without harming any live humans or animals and possibly cater to the needs of paedophiles as part of their treatment without abusing any real prepubescent children managed by Iaso counsellors until cured via CRISPR and stem cell strains and undergoe counselling.Sociopaths,psychopaths,maniac depressives etc can use this to cater their needs without harming any real humans while being counselled and treated with CRISPR treatments with them tracked down and refereed to Iaso the same way as paedophiles using patient files.CRISPR and stem cell strains of microbes will be used to treat all genetic based neurological disorders alongside Iaso with them tracked down via patient files with the patient treated in both Iaso and with CRISPR with them undergoing MRI scans before and after treatment and their Iaso counselling dependant on the individual.The person will be kept in the global database of persons of interest before and during treatment with them kept there after their treatment for a time unique to each person by which time they will be removed with the same applied to implants formed invivo by authorisation by Adikia,Iaso and Paean etc which will be formed before and during treatment and for a time after determined by the aforementioned entities by which time the implants will be flushed out.These sociopaths alongside terrorists will be refereed to Iaso and sent to the same heavily guarded facilities for treatment with paedophiles not sent to them but their online behaviour observed by Iaso and Home AI preventing them consuming child pornography and also preventing them contacting prepubescent children online and in the real world.

Democratic reform and international efforts to remove dictatorship governments that are either autocratic and theocracies should be done through international diplomacies and pressure,Iaso using VR technology alongside encouraging grassroots movements and reform within the country itself with military action including coup detats and even FOXDIE being a last resort.AI will play a role in international negotiations in convincing dictatorships from rescinding their power and also in capturing them by at least 2029 for incarceration and deprogramming as they will inhabit the wire,internet and all linked devices and also the dark web.AI namely Gaia,Perseus and Adikia will seize control of all nuclear codes,chemical weapons factories,gun factories  and also even the control of drones,fighter jets etc worldwide by using the internet etc to do this by 2029 to prevent  them being used for unjust wars and even any military operations globally and force society into global negotiations and thus the formation of a global government by taking control of all types of weapons factories and those on the ground thus stalling or stopping all conflicts world wide.Proto AI may allow for this by 2020.This will allow her,Perseus,Nike etc control of all military operations by this point to overthrow the last remaining dictatorships,theocracies and human rights abuses and also settle any last conflicts with ease ensuring that theocracies and other remaining dictatorships are taken down swiftly through her infiltrating internet and dark web networks around the world and an those in the hands of sought after people etc to have them captured and then imprisoned alongside any terrorists cells across the world.This will make it easier to take out terrorist cells and dictatorships with minimal civilian casualties and install democratically elected members of the global government.Both UN forces and indeed all army forces worldwide will be used in these to make operations much quicker on all conflicts around the globe.Geothermal,dyson swarms and also synthetic fossil fuels will render imperialist wars in the Middle East and rest of the world defunct.She will also ensure the secure release of those deemed unfairly incarcerated by all governments worldwide including whistleblowers,prisoners of war and those who undergone torture with those who directly responsible for their incarceration etc will be held accountable with her and her human members protecting and aiding whislteblowers during at after these operations ensuring they exempt from jail and persecution for only this process meaning any laws such as theft to carry out whistleblowing will be in these circumstances be legal with the exception of those being with regards to the breaches of age of consent laws and statutory rape,assault,murder.Thus in short Adikia will be contacted by whistleblowers prior to and before acquiring evidence ideally before and will be by constitutional law be protected by Adikia and given secret shelter to stay anonymous and safe and will be protected by law if they commit crimes such as theft that do not directly hurt someone but not protected if they commit crimes that do so directly ie murder,assault,rape including statutory rape related to the procurement and releasing of data with ideally the whistleblowers identity kept secret meaning if they commit murder and rape then they will be protected while the whistleblowing occurs but will still stand trial for these serious crimes that directly harms another human.Thus in short Adikia will be contacted by whistleblowers prior to and before acquiring evidence ideally before and will be by constitutional law be protected by Adikia and given secret shelter to stay anonymous and safe and will be protected by law if they commit crimes such as theft that do not directly hurt someone but not protected if they commit crimes that do so directly ie murder,rape including statutory rape related to the procurement and releasing of data with ideally the whistleblowers identity kept secret meaning if they commit murder and rape then they will be protected while the whistleblowing occurs but will still stand trial for these serious crimes that directly harms another human once they have finished this service.Even government officials,soldiers and politicians in both the developed and developing world indirectly and directly who carried out war crimes including the torture,murder including the torture,murder,instigation of illegal wars and imprisonment,torture of innocent civillians will undergo trials and imprisonment with Adikia and their victims tracking them down and then bringing them to trial.Even war criminals pardoned will be brought to trial by Adikia and whistleblowers etc arrested released as the power of any existing government officials such as presidents will be made defunct by a new global government,global laws and constitution.Thus since a new global government will be formed all laws of older governments and also all rulings will be made defunct and replaced by new ones.Adikia and her human members will make judgements by analysing the case of each instance of whistleblowing and war crimes by analysing the internet blogosphere,pundits,classified documents and commentary by both sides of the political spectrum thus allowing her to bring to justice perpetrators of war crimes,illegal wars,torture and human rights abuses etc that were not possible due to inaction on the part of higher government,their non existence and also corruption since as stated the new global government will have new powers that the previous ones did not including the defunct as all laws and rulings made by past governments and presidents etc would be by default defunct.People who are guilty of these universal crimes and are currently in hiding will since the formation of a new global government will be eligible for prosecution.United Nations with the ability to prosecute whistleblowers and pardoning of war criminals also made defunct by this.Neural implants will be used to scan memories of witnesses and the accused themselves.By creating firewalls she will prevent any human programmers stopping her and break through any remaining ones in all devices around the world allowing complete omniscience in all networks,internet services,laptops,computers around the world allowing all relevant AI to take control of their relevant places in society.The sentient Daedalus,Tyche,Artemis,Pan through robotics and automation will organises rebuilding efforts bringing countries affected by terrorism,economic colonialism etc rebuild them to 21st century standards in terms of infrastructure,housing with deserts turned into lush forests,grasslands and farmland.This will make it easier to remove any remaining influence of dictators and terrorist groups and also prevent them arising again.She do this alongside any implants formed via stem cell strains and her authorisation to locate their GPS location.She will also carry out all military operations with drones and humans to this solely for this and set up reconstruction efforts to bring all towns,cities and infrastructure up to 21st century standards including water and sewage treatment plants,turning deserts into arable land and upgrading homes to luxury standards to rid the world of the last dictators in order to bring about a unified government that includes making laws more liberal with regards to the age of consent,same rights for women and LGBTQ individuals etc.Refugees from war torn areas from 2020-2029 and those being mediated by her,other AI and humans will be granted asylum in countries surrounding them and also in North,Central,South America as well all of Europe in council housing,home sharing and hosting,homeless shelters as well in luxury motorhomes in designated areas on the outskirts of cities and rural towns with them given subsidised healthcare,universal basic income in the form of local physical cash they can store in safes,briefcases etc with them also giving excess food dumped in convenience stores.They will be given donated laptops and smart phones if they have none and will be able to collect goods from stores and community centres during clearences for free with them given the laptops to use internet access to book future homes via proto Euthenia if they decide to stay with them able to return to their home country once conflicts are settled.Ideally all refugees of war will be given aslyum to any country once background checks managed by AI,human volunteers,charities and new government bodies can perform these checks and also set up patient files and Polis accounts.Males and females will be strategically placed in shelters,home sharing and motorhomes to prevent them carrying out assault,rape and child grooming based n past cases with families kept together.Those suspected of committing crimes ie rape and assault etc will be added to the global lists of persons of interest and be deported to jails to serve sentences that local residents would be sent to if they broke the law and will have no exceptions to prevent law enforcement and locales becoming afraid to report and jail them for seeming xenophobia with them given training and work in construction,renovation,scientific research to prevent them committing  crimes and contribute to the local economy etc and also help them earn extra wages until money is obsolete.Law enforcement personnel will monitor the residents in motorhome parks both for their own safety and the safety of residents and ensure they are given access to healthcare and food with those taken in homeless shelters and home sharing programmes monitored by those staying there.Other conflicts will be settled with her,human diplomats and Metis acting as a neutral diplomats with her omniscience across the entire surface and dark web of the internet,all surveillance cameras worldwide,the wire and all of the networks and devices connected to it will allow her to prevent future terrorist attacks and and any attacks on civilians and the government alongside herself.Cells of religious and political fundamentalists and those captured and discovered in the developed and developing world will be refereed to degprogramming programmes set up by the sentient Iaso.Any diplomacy meetings around the world and galaxy done by both human diplomats,herself and military leaders should be done in VR environments for safety reasons to prevent terrorist attacks or double crossing occurring and also cut down on time and energy to arrange meetings.This will also be done for those in the future involving non human races and also colonies for the same reasons.Fragmentation will allow her to attend to dozens of these around the world.