Sewage Treatment

Treatment of Sewage:
In order to alleviate phosphorous,potassium and nitrogen scarcity the best method of dealing with urea and faeces from humans,livestock and pets is through the bio-remediation of these wastes using micro algae(ideally a species that produces the most oil and fibre possible with genetic engineering playing a role here) in both solids and sewage water as it can be recycled into commercial products such as fertilisers,vegetable oil and human/animal and livestock feed thus creating a looped system.All other elements pivotal to plant growth like sulphur,magnesium and copper will be recycled here as well in fertilisers once sent to local community centres where they will be stored for customised fertilisers.Micro algae farms on home and community farms can be used to recycle waste from livestock can again creating a looped system with if possible livestock pens being able to collect the waste from livestock in order to recycle their faeces for more algea.Pet and livestock manure will be added to the sewage line via collection areas connected to it in pens and pet feces added to toilets via toilet paper,kitty litter,piqapoo bags and toilet training.They can also collect a set amount of feces from the home including communal ones with them having miniaturised radiation and drying machines.To deal with algae toilet paper this will be degraded by adding enzymes to the solution that degrade the algae cellulose present in it afterwards when the algae has used up all human and animal waste or mechanical action of shredder machines made of graphene/carbyne and other strong carbon composites present when the sewage enters the plant that can break it down or a mixture of both.

To deal with the issue of pharmaceutical drugs and toxins in sewage there are several methods to deal with this:
•Disposing of them properly instead of flushing down the toilet via pyropure machines in clinics(see later)
•If pharmaceuticals are leaked into the sewage system via human waste multiple sheets of graphene can be used to remove at least 99% of all drugs in the system of the liquid waste.For safety reasons this should be done prior to algae treatment.
•Use of solid resins and activated carbon which can then be disposed through bacteria or chemicals that break them down even further allowing for them to be disposed of in soil etc.this also applies to graphene in both cases their disposal can be automated.Graphene sheets can capture them to be disposed of and recycled of properly.
•Super blasts of super high intensity UV light(as detailed below) can be utilised when the sludge first enters the treatment plant,when killing off algae and pathogenic bacteria for harvest and before water returns to the environment.
•Enzymes such as laccases can be used to break down pharmaceuticals such as oestrogen with others being used to break down other compounds other than oestrogen.Although these enzymes would come from plants and fungi(as is the case of laccases)these can be synthesised by genetically altered bacteria on a commercial scale and grown on site of treatment plants and then added to the water in set amounts determined by the plant AI.
•Biocompatible microbes will negate the need for pharmaceuticals by at least 2029
•Bacteria or the algae used in the treatment plants can be engineered to break down pharmaceuticals that are caught by graphene sheets or are in sewage water.They will be fitted with recombinant DNA from unicellular and multicellular plants and animals that degrade them and scratch DNA as well.

Solids can be separated into a separate pen and area from liquid waste via graphene or ideally carbyne latticed sheets laid on the ground which rise up and catch it and then transport it to this area or the sheets pushing them from the sides to these separate area both used to grow algae since graphene and carbyne is roughly 200-400 times stronger than steel.Alternatively the mechanical action of shredder machines made of graphene/carbyne and other strong carbon composites present that can break solids down into a slurry or even liquid that can be harvested for nitrogen,potassium and phosphorous as well as sulphur and copper etc when algae is grown.Most species of algae used to recover the phosphorous,potassium and nitrogen take a mere 3 to 6 weeks to grow before harvesting but genetic engineering could theoretically shorten this to a week,several,days maybe even hours and make them grow and reproduce faster using genes from other bacteria such as Escherichia coli,Clostridium perfringens and Bdellovibrio.Ideally C.perfringens should be used a a source of this as it grows the fastest taking only 10 minutes to divide and create a new generation.Scratch DNA can be added to ensure this takes 1-5 minutes with DNA also coming from fast growing plants such as certain species of Bambusoideae,micro algae etc.To deal with any issues of telomere damage as a result of mitosis the same DNA from Bacillus F,Thermococcus gammatolerans and those to produce phosphatidylcholines etc used in ageing treatments for humans except those from endolithic bacteria will ensure all future cells will be healthy young cells and not degrade due to mitosis with if possible induced plutipotent,totipotent and other stem cells used as a baseline.Recombinant DNA from macro algae that grow 30-60 times faster than terrestrial plants can be added to them in order to further speed up growth rates including that from Laminaria digitata,Fucus serratus,Saccharina latissima,Macrocystis pyrifera and other fast growing algea will be added to increase growth rates.To ensure the yields are consistent and sewage plants don’t overflow existing sewage and water treatment plants could have extensions built into them that allow the algae to grow in one or more areas of bioreacters while other ponds or bioreacters collects fresh waste and when the first few area or pond is harvested for algae and emptied then the next few ones are used in a rotary system.The same apparatus to grow algae in defunct sequestration plants and power plants should be utilised alongside these with in indoor extensions on the the roof or underground to allow LED lights to grow them all day long.To improve yields and speed up growth rates a biostimulation system used by AglaStar.Inc that integrates two types of electromagnetic energy — a millitesla generator and a millimetre microwave generator — which radiate spontaneous growth energy into large volumes of algae biomass to be economically viable(increasing yields by as much as 300%) can be utilised alongside LED and CSYS LED lights that can allow for continuous growth 24/7,365 days a year with open sewage pens covered by steel housing further speeding up the process.This should also be applied to wastewater treatment plants.Genes from psychrophillic bacteria that can grow at between -20 and 10 degrees Celsius or mesophilles that can grow 20-45 degrees Celsius can be added to the algea genome to lower enegry costs significantly with DNA from thermophilles including Methanopyrus kandleri also added to allow them to grow inbetween 80-122 degrees celcius.Forced evolution could push the limits of these extremophiles thus allow new genes to be added to the algae that could allow them to thrive in harsher conditions including lower temperatures and also higher ones that would kill pathogens.Having all threes DNA added to algae will increase growth speeds in all climates and weather conditions allowing them to lower cooling costs in warm conditions and heating costs in cold climates and conditions with the temperature controlled by the building AI.It would also allow them to be exposed to temperatures above 100 degrees to kill off pathogens with this done alongside drying them and exposing them to radiation with the xerophile,thermophile and T.gammatolerans DNA will protect the algea from radiation,high temperatures and low water levels.Geothermal heaters will be used to kill off the pathogens.Having all threes DNA added to algae will increase growth speeds in all climates and weather conditions allowing them to lower cooling costs in warm conditions and heating costs in cold climates and conditions with the temperature controlled by the building AI with geothermal heating keeping them growing areas cool in summer and hot in winter.Recombinant DNA from xerophiles would reduce their use of water and also oligotrophic DNA possibly reducing the amount of nitorgen and phosphorous needed making them more resource efficient and increasing the amount of algae created.Forced evolution can increase this efficiency.DNA from metallotolerants and Geobacter mettalireducens could allow them to survive and use any heavy metals present as an energy receptor with other from scratch allow them to use other pollutants as an energy source.Those from Firmicutes will allow them to form endospores in unfavourable conditions.The Firmicutes DNA can allow the algae to enter endospores while pathogens are killed.Capnophillic bacteria can be a source of recombinant DNA that could allow them to intake more carbon dioxide to not only compliment their decrease of nutrient and water intake from xerophiles and oligotrophes and also increase their growth rates.Capnophile DNA will allow them to intake more carbon dioxide as a food source possibly increasing growth rates with DNA from chemosynthesis allowing them to intake methane and other inorganic compounds as well as grow without sunlight,LED lights saving on energy and ideally the cyanobacteria should be be faculative anaerobic using recombinant DNA from faculatative anaerobes,anaerobes,obligate anaerobes,capnophiles and scratch DNA can be added to the algae genome to naturally use both carbon dioxide and oxygen as energy acceptors alongside nitrate(NO3−),fumarate,sulphate(SO42−),or sulphur(S).Oligotrophic and xerophile recombinant DNA will also allow them to use less water and nutrients with this alongside capnophile DNA will increase growth rates and increase yields.Forced evolution can increase this efficiency.Capnophillic bacteria and Castanea dentata tweaked can be a source of recombinant DNA that could allow them to intake more carbon dioxide to not only compliment their decrease of nutrient and water intake from xerophiles and oligotrophic bacteria could also increase their growth rates especially in the case of those grown in sewage treatment plants where extra carbon dioxide can be pumped in to improve growth with studies done to ensure it doesnt affect nutrient content especially if all sources of DNA are mixed in together to prevent any shortfalls such as lower nutrient content.Bambusoideae DNA can be added as some species can intake 35% more carbon dioxide than trees with other trees that intake large amounts of carbon dioxide will have their DNA added such as Juglans nigra,Pseudotsuga menziesii,Pinus ponderosa will be added to further increase the amount of carbon dioxide intaken.Scratch DNA could ensure nutrient levels are not affected and are in fact increased.This could also be applied to those in community and home farms.The recombinant DNA from capnophile bacteria may require aerotolerant bacteria DNA to ensure they can do so in the high oxygen atmosphere outside since these bacteria can only do so in low oxygen conditions with even faculative anaerobic bacteria DNA added.If possible they may be fitted with DNA from plants that are able to undergo C4 concentration Amaranthaceae,Gramineae,Cyperaceae,Asteraceae,Brassicaceae,Paulownia to limit the amount of carbon dioxide they need and if combined with capnophillic bacteria DNA and scratch DNA will be more efficient at using this gas in them.DNA from microbes can extract carbon from the air at much lower concentrations than 150-200ppm,scratch DNA and that from plants that carry out C3 photosynthesis can be added to the genome of all algae to improve efficiency.DNA from chemosynthetic bacteria can allow them to intake methane and other inorganic compounds can also allow them to grow in the dark cutting down on energy costs for lightening and us methane as fertiliser.That from Firmicutes will allow them to form endospores when conditions are not favourable.DNA from with DNA from chemosynthetic bacteria,Nitrosomas Beggiatoa,Cupriavidus necator can allow them to intake methane,hydrogen gas,ammonia,hydrogen sulfide,iron and other inorganic compounds can also allow them to grow in the dark cutting down on energy costs for lightening and use methane,hydrogen gas,ammonia,hydrogen sulfide,iron as fertiliser.Halophile DNA will allow them to use sea and freshwater with those from metalltolarants,Geobacter mettalireducens and scratch allow them to use pollutants such as heavy metals and pharmaceuticals that happen to enter sewage treatment plants as an energy source breaking them down into benign compounds.Recombinant DNA from Thermococcus gammatolerans,chemosynthetic bacteria and those from scratch will allow them to grow in all wavelengths outside their normal range and survive UV radiation and radiation treatments used to kill pathogens while DNA from Wangiella dermatitidis,Cladosporium sphaerospermum and Cryptococcus neoformans can be added to these algae to enable them to radiosynthesis,that is,to use the pigment melanin to convert gamma radiation into chemical energy for growth.Tweaks can made to do this with other types of radiation including UV radiation allowing algae to gain nutrition from the sun and that from artificial lights.This can allow the radiation to not only kill pathogens but also encourage algae growth with the feces and urine exposed to the radiation before adding algae to sterilise it and then after adding algae to sterilise it again and encourage algae growth and the radiation applied throughout the growth of the algae to increase growth rates thus speeding up the amount of time it takes for each batch of sewage is converted into algae and sterilise it constantly of pathogens.Studies can be done as to what intensity of radiation between 5-30,000Gy that is in the survival range of T.gammatolerans can both sterilise it and also provide maximum growth rates.Oligotrophic and xerophile DNA can allow for them to use less water and nutrients to increase yields.That from thermophiles,psychrphiles,mesophiles will allow them to survive a wide range of temperature ranges cutting down energy costs.Genes from psychrophillic bacteria that can grow at between -20 and 10 degrees Celsius or mesophilles that can grow 20-45 degrees Celsius can be added to the algeas genome to lower energy costs significantly with DNA from thermophilles including M.kandleri also added to allow them to grow inbetween 80-122 degrees celcius.Forced evolution could push the limits of these extremophiles thus allow new genes to be added to the algae that could allow them to thrive in harsher conditions including lower temperatures and also higher ones that would kill pathogens and improve growth rates.Having all threes DNA added to algae will increase growth speeds in all climates and weather conditions allowing them to lower cooling costs in warm conditions and heating costs in cold climates and conditions with the temperature controlled by the building AI.It would also allow them to be exposed to temperatures above 100 degrees to kill off pathogens with this done alongside drying them and exposing them to radiation with the xerophile,thermophile and T.gammatolerans DNA will protect the algea from radiation,high temperatures and low water levels.DNA made from scratch will better integrate this recombinant DNA and better increase their effects and limits further increasing growth rates.This will also make them resistant to radiation applied to kill off pathogens with all of these sources of recombinant DNA used to make the algae survive radiation low levels of nutrients and water and increase growth rates will be housed in genome capsids that prevent them passed onto pathogens with the resultant algae exposed to high blasts of radiation of at least 1,000Gy and drying to kill of pathogens and not the algae thus making the algae produce safe for animal and human consumption and use as fertiliser.Radiation can be applied at each step using both super blasts of super high intensity UV light but also normal radiation at rates between 500Gy-1,000Gy using machinery that creates this to kill pathogens in the slurry and even effluent.The mixture and effluent will also be dried and even heated to temperatures of at least 100 degrees celcius or higher once forced evolution makes this possible with this eliminating all pathogens from the mixture and also effluent allowing it to be used as fertiliser as well as human,pet and human feed.The genetic engineering will increase the rate at which algae can turn the sewage in the form of feces,urine and also toilet paper etc into algae used for livestock,pet and human feedstock and also fertiliser.The radiation treatments alongside drying and warming the algae well beyond the threshold of pathogens will allow all algae to continue to recycle the algae with this done at various steps before the algae are introduced or after and even during their breakdown of the feces and urine.Humans can also be immunised against all faecal coliforms with the algae also dried and even exposed to high temperatures beyond the threshold of most pathogens alongside radiation all at once to prevent the pathogens adapting.The Firmicutes DNA can allow the algae to enter endospores while pathogens are killed.This will also make them resistant to radiation applied to kill off pathogens with all of these sources of recombinant DNA used to make the algae survive radiation,low levels of nutrients and water and increase growth rates will be housed in genome capsids that prevent them passed onto pathogens with the resultant algae exposed to high blasts of radiation of at least 1,000Gy and drying to kill of pathogens and not the algae thus making the algae produce safe for animal and human consumption and use as fertiliser.Adding genes from Paris japonica can allow algae etc to house larger genomes as much as 150,000,000 base pairs due to this plant having the largest genome of any organism found on Earth.P.japonica is the organism that has the largest genome with roughly 150,000,000 base pairs and 1,500,000 genes about 50 times more than humans.This should meet the needs of algae to house extremophile DNA and those to increase yields.Artificial trees which collect one tonne of carbon dioxide every day can be a source of carbon dioxide for their growth and placed on the roof or sides and the the harvesting of this gas will be explained later.Any gas created by the algae can be collected into gas micro-turbines to capture biogas from algae treating the water and turning it into commercial products such as fertilisers and food products while the gas collected is burned to power the plant and carbon dioxide released is used by the algae to grow creating a looped system which prevents methane returning to the atmosphere with excess energy shared with the locale community to alleviate strain on the grid.If possible treatment plants can be designed to have slopes at the point where treated water returns to rivers and oceans with graphene turbines to generate electricity.They can have genes added that allow them to produce enzymes that break down toilet paper and baby wipes made entirely of red algae and also produce laccases that break down pharmaceutical compounds.The green micro algae as part of sewage treatment plants that turns human waste into usable nitrogen and phosphorous fertiliser can have enzymes in them that degrade the cellulose in the toilet paper and wipes etc made from them and turn it into carbohydrate nutrition.Drugs and toxic compounds will be dealt with the algae engineered to degrade them using scratch DNA and recombinant DNA from unicellular and multicellular plants and animals.Anti-microbial compounds in soaps and toilet cleaner etc that may find its way into the sewage system will be dealt with algae having scratch DNA and those from forced evolution that make them immune to them added to genome capsids that allows them to survive the anti-microbial compounds with them also engineered to break them down with the anti-bacterial compounds killing off pathogens.The algae can contain Biosynth WiFi that allows them to detect the level of toxins,plastics and anti-microbial compounds in ppm,ppb,ppt related to the sewage treatment plant AI with this WiFi allowing the AI of the water treatment plant to instigate them to carry out anabolic and catabolic reactions on toxic compounds preventing them enter the food chain.Scratch DNA and that from other plants and animals can be added to the algae to have them create enzymes to degrade these.Gamma radiation,super high intensity super blasts of UV lights can break down toxic compounds even if in between algae sludge alongside nanomaterials such as Graphene and also Biosynth and biological filters.Sensors can be used to detect levels of specific pathogenic bacteria and viruses in the resulting algae sludge which which can be killed using UV treatment in both the sludge as well as the surface and can also be kill off alongside the algae(for harvest)and by heating them past their temperature threshold either before the algae is added or after the algae has used up all nutrients.UV treatment in the form of super blasts of super high intensity UV can reduce need for using chlorine and other harsh chemicals with them done at key points of when the sewage is turned into algae and also on effluent water with radiation blasts of 500-1,000Gy are also applied.These sensors can also determine how much chemicals or UV treatment should be used to kill off any remaining pathogenic bacteria in this water before it reenters the environment with if need be water effluent etc rerouted.Ideally Seacell that is textiles from algae can be produced by non algae bacteria onsite of Arachne factories.Persephone will organise the allocation of the fertiliser etc based on interactions between sewage treatment plants,vertical and community farms and also factories AI.Home,vertical and community farms would order in algae for use as livestock,pet and human feed as well as fertiliser.Liquid glass will be coated onto all pens holding sewage and phorobioreactors etc growing the algae to negate cleaning and ensure all of it is collected.All of these measures should be introduced to existing sewage treatment plants to cut down on energy and improve efficiency with any new developments in filtration and treatment methods being also introduced by researchers with extensions to them added overtime on roofs or underground to accommodate an increasing population managed by the plant AI based on increased inflow and cross referencing Polis.Thus algae from sewage,wastewater and desalinisation will be used as fertiliser and also human,pet and animal feed but not as biofuels to recycle nitrogen,phosphorous,potassium and copper etc.All sewage treatment plants across the world and eventually universe as a result will be fitted with algae to convert feces and urine into algae used as a high grade fertiliser and also highly nutritious feed for livestock,pets and humans that can replace TVP ,flour,oil from G.max,Z.mays,mays,Hordeum,Trictium and E.guineensis,A.maripa,E.oleifera allowing all land used for them to be reforested forever especially in the tropics with the algae engineered to break downplastics,kitty and animal litter,toilet paper,baby wipes,rubber,plant and animal textiles etc into base elemental components for nutrition with measures introduced to remove pollutants such as pharmaceuticals etc via super high intensity blasts of of UV lights,filters including those based on nanomaterials and biosynth technology or having the algae either not absorb them or be able to convert them into benign compounds that are used as nutrition or can be removed via mechanical process etc developed by AI ensuring contaminants of all types added to toilets don’t contaminate the algae when used as a feed or fertiliser.It will also reduce energy costs by replacing certain steps in the treatment of sewage.Algae will recycle phosphorous,nitrogen and potassium from urine and feces from humans,pets and livestock in sewage treatment plants with pet feces and urine on the ground,piqapoo bags and pet litter put into toilets with animal pens have gratings that allow feces to be collected in septic tanks below connected to the sewage line or again piqapoo bags with feces etc from septic tanks sent to sewage treatment plants with the algae engineered to feed on and break down pulp and animal and plant textiles in toilet paper and also break down pet litter and also plastics etc as nutrition that may enter the sewage line.Feces from recirculating aquaculture systems and fish tanks will be captured and used to grow algae.Genetic engineering can increase its nutritional value such as adding vitamins and have all essential amino acids in all levels with it already housing more essential amino acids and carbohydrates than G.max,Graminae,Z.m.mays etc making it an ideal foodstuff for vegans,animals in zoos and conservation areas,pets and all remaining remaining livestock etc with it containing large amounts of essential fatty acids such as omega-3 fatty acids for healthy neural development and also lowering LDL cholesterol with it directly converting human,pet,livestock and animal feces and urine directly into this nutritious feed.It can also be used as fertiliser when mixed with biochar as it directly recycles nitrogen,phosphorus,potassium,copper etc from feces and urine.In both cases as feed and fertiliser it creates a looped cycle as when directly eaten it creates feces and urine that then is converted back into algae and crops that use it as fertiliser when eaten are then converted into feces and urine to be then converted back into algae with uneaten crops and meat pyrolysised and the phosphorus,nitrogen etc removed and sent to vertical farms etc.As stated all sewage treatment plants across the universe will utilise this to not only eliminate famine but also cut down on energy use by eliminating conventional steps used in it and also eliminate the use of harsh chemicals that can be environmentally destructive with the algae having radiosynthetic and radio resistant and other extremophile bacteria DNA allowing it to be exposed to high levels of radiation and other extreme conditions to sterilise it of all pathogenic bacteria and increase yields and growth rates.Septic tanks on the grounds of homes etc will be connected to the main sewage line or utilise this as well with them possibly having miniature radiation machines with septic tanks onsite of community farms also present using algae to convert the fertiliser into feed and fertiliser.Space stations,interstellar and cruise ships will utilise areas to grow algae to convert it into feed and fertiliser in internal sewage systems with scramjets using areas to store large amounts of feces to be deposited into the sewage line at airports.AI will manage ways for collecting sewage from both cruise ships and scramjets to prevent it going to waste

DNA from thermophilles including M.kandleri also added to allow them to grow inbetween 80-122 degrees celcius.Forced evolution could push the limits of these extremophiles thus allow new genes to be added to the algae that could allow them to thrive in harsher conditions including higher temperatures as high as 200-300 degrees Celsius that would kill pathogens.Radiation can be applied at each step using both super blasts of super high intensity UV light but also normal radiation at rates between 500Gy-1,000Gy using machinery that creates this to kill pathogens and parasites in the slurry and even effluent.The mixture and effluent will also be dried and even heated to temperatures of at least 100 degrees Celsius or higher once forced evolution makes this possible for algae to survive as high as 200 degrees Celsius with this eliminating all parasites and pathogens from the mixture and also effluent allowing it to be used as fertiliser as well as human,pet and human feed.The genetic engineering will increase the rate at which algae can turn the sewage in the form of feces,urine and also toilet paper etc into algae used for livestock,pet and human feedstock and also fertiliser.Recombinant DNA from T.gammatolerans and those from scratch will allow them to grow in all wavelengths outside their normal range and survive UV radiation will also make them resistant to radiation of up to 30,000Gy with 500Gy-1,000Gy applied to kill off pathogens and parasites.DNA from W.dermatitidis,C.sphaerospermum and C.neoformans can be added to these algae to enable them to radiosynthesis,that is,to use the pigment melanin to convert gamma radiation into chemical energy for growth.Tweaks can made to do this with other types of radiation including UV radiation allowing algae to gain nutrition from the sun and that from artificial lights.This can allow the radiation to not only kill pathogens but also encourage algae growth with the feces and urine exposed to the radiation before adding algae to sterilise it and then after adding algae to sterilise it again but to constantly encourage algae growth and the radiation applied throughout the growth of the algea to increase growth rates thus speeding up the amount of time it takes for each batch of sewage is converted into algae and sterilise it constantly of pathogens with studies done as to which range between 500-30,000Gy can increase growth rates and it routinely heated above 100 degree Celsius to not only encourage growth but kill off pathogens at the start,mid point and end to sterilise it as well due to thermophile DNA.Thus radiotrophic and radioresistant bacteria and fungi DNA can allow radiation to be applied to the algae constantly to encourage growth rates but also sterilise it constantly as well with thermophile DNA also doing the same when it is heated at 100-200 degrees celcius.It can also be fitted with scratch DNA and recombinant DNA from unicellular and multicellular plants and animals that break down all types of pollutants.Oligotrophic and xerophile DNA can allow them to survive being dried and starved of nutrients to kill pathogens and parasites.Firmicutes DNA can allow them to enter endospores when in unfavourable conditions such as too cold,hot,dry,resource scarce that can kill pathogens.DNA from T.gammatolerans,Bacillus F,A.mexicanum and Planarians etc can be present to repair cellular and telomere damage.All of these sources of recombinant DNA used to make the algae survive radiation,enter endospores,low levels of nutrients and water,high temperatures used to kill pathogens and increase growth rates will be housed in genome capsids that prevent them passed onto pathogens with the resultant algae exposed to high blasts of radiation of at least 1,000Gy and drying to kill off pathogens and not the algae thus making the algae produce safe for animal and human consumption and use as fertiliser.Humans can also be immunised against all faecal coliforms and parasites with the algae also dried and even exposed to high temperatures beyond the threshold of most pathogens and parasites alongside radiation all at once to prevent the pathogens and parasites adapting.The radiation treatments alongside drying and warming the algae well beyond the threshold of pathogens will allow all algae to continue to recycle the algae with this done at various steps before the algae are introduced or after and even during their breakdown of the feces and urine.Humans can also be immunised against all coliforms and parasites.These pathogens and parasites that will be killed off include Naegleria fowleri,Acanthamoeba,Cestoda,E.coli,Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus.Pathogens and parasites will be dealt with the algae fitted with recombinant DNA from thermophile radiorestant bacteria and also other extremophiles in genome capsids that prevent them trading this DNA with the algae exposed to these conditions ie high temperatures and high levels of radiation etc well beyond the threshold of pathogenic bacteria and parasites to allow the pathogens be killed and the algae to thrive with bacteriophages also added that kill off the pathogens with humans also immunised against all pathogens.Bacteriophages can be added to the effluent and algae at any point best determined by studies where they will kill off pathogens exponentionally with the bacteriophages either filtered out or killed off by radiation.Conventional sterilisation techniques alongside radiation treatments,drying and also heating to kill off pathogens can be applied prior to when the algae is added with studies done as to when to add the algae and when to add bacteriophages.All sewage treatment plants will house 3D DNA printers onsite of them to print our desired species of algae on demand to be added to sewage.The green micro algae as part of sewage treatment plants that turns human waste into usable nitrogen and phosphorous fertiliser can have through genetic engineering enzymes in them that degrade the cellulose in the toilet paper and wipes etc made from them and turn it into carbohydrate nutrition.They can also do this with silk and other animal and plant textiles as part of baby wipes and toilet paper added for strength.They will be engineered to degrade all plant and animal textiles used in baby wipes and toilet paper and also any organic matter in the form of oils,kitty litters with if possible even plastics and kitty litter degraded into nutrition by them with scratch DNA increasing the rate of degradation alongside forced evolution.The algae would be engineered to degrade kitty litter and all plant and animal textiles in toilet paper and baby wipes into carbohydrates for use as energy and nutrition for the algae.Baby wipes could have strong carbohydrates,silk in place of plastics or bio plastics also degraded by the algae as well.Algae used to clean sewage will have recombinant DNA from from rubber,hydrocarbon and phytalate degrading bacteria,Ideonella sakaiensis 201-F6,Pestalatiopsis microsporio which can live on polyurethene(but again removing its ability to cause plant rot in case it escapes into the wild),Aspergillus tubingensis,oil degrading bacteria including those from the genus Geobacter,fungi that breakdown plastics and bacteria present in mealworms and waxworms which can also degrade plastic all combined into them will allow them to be able to degrade baby wipes,fatbergs and also any plastics present with them also engineered to degrade all plant textiles and paper pulp with scratch DNA speeding up the rate of this degradation with them using the plastic as nutrition.Scratch DNA and DNA from unicellular and multicellular plants and animals that can degrade pollutants and even pharmaceuticals will be added to degrade all types of plastics,plant and animal textiles,oils(including plant and animal ones and gasoline etc) and also all pollutants,pharmaceuticals and use them as nutrition and increase the rate at which it degrades.All sewage treatment plants across the world and eventually universe as a result will be fitted with algae to convert feces and urine into algae used as a high grade fertiliser and also highly nutritious feed for livestock,pets and humans that can replace TVP ,flour,oil from G.max,Z.mays,mays,Hordeum,Trictium and E.guineensis,A.maripa,E.oleifera allowing all land used for them to be reforested forever especially in the tropics with the algae engineered to break down plastics,kitty and animal litter,toilet paper,baby wipes,rubber,plant and animal textiles etc into base elemental components for nutrition with measures introduced to remove pollutants such as pharmaceuticals etc via super high intensity blasts of of UV lights,filters including those based on nanomaterials and biosynth technology or having the algae either not absorb them or be able to convert them into benign compounds that are used as nutrition or can be removed via mechanical process etc developed by AI ensuring contaminants of all types added to toilets don’t contaminate the algae when used as a feed or fertiliser.It will also reduce energy costs by replacing certain steps in the treatment of sewage.

If possible sewage can be treated normally but include new more efficient processes to clean the sewage and have it sterilised including exposing it to strong blasts of radiation that will be able to have the sewage collected into one area including in a extension where it is completely sterilised and if possible have nothing but the treated sewage left like as normal and it collected in an extension where in a treated and sterilised form that consists of nothing but dried feces and urine that contains all of the original nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium and the algae can be used to recycle and use up all of the nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium.Toilet paper could still exist and the algae still engineered to degrade it.This could eliminate the chances of consumers being infected from pathogens.AI in the form of Tyche will find out ways to recycle the nutrients in sewage without leading up humans being infected with coliforms.Photobioreactors can be present to grow algae using feces and urine pumped into them stored in basements.Sewage can be pumped into storage areas once sterilised.The algae can be grown in photobioreactors that will be fitted with radiation machines and heaters to sterile feces and urine.3D DNA printers will be on site of all sewage treatment plants worldwide to make them self sufficient in terms of algae.These photobioreactors will be present on-site of all sewage treatment plants with them having multiple versions of these throughout the sewage treatment plants that intake sewage that has been treated to eliminate pathogens thus sterilising them allowing the algae to be reared entirely on feces and urine

Super blasts of super high intensity UV light have been shown in Athlone Institute of Technology to kill off all antibiotic resistant pathogenic bacteria/parasites and also break down all known Hormone endocrine disruptors,pharmaceuticals and other toxic compounds before being introduced into the worlds rivers and oceans.It does this by breaking down the bonds that hold chemicals together.This could be integrated into all steps of the treatment process especially where slurried waste enters the plant to ensure pharmaceutical compounds not collected by graphene sheets are destroyed,after algae treatment to kill off all bacteria and destroy drug compounds preventing them contaminating the algae fertiliser and where it reenters the environment water supply to the populace.Rejuvenation of wetlands in the way of water to where it is pumped back into the environment has shown to break down any remaining pollutants and bacteria acting as a backup and home for wildlife as well as sequester carbon dioxide.Bamboo can be used in this and nanosensors can be placed in and after these wetlands to monitor their efficacy with it harvested by robots to be pyrolysised to create biochar,graphene,diamonds with recombinant DNA from hemp to improve its growth rate from three years to four months.Use of algae in water treatment alongside UV treatments and wetlands and other biological processes can cut down on the need for harsh chemicals and energy use to clean water and waste.

Once again sensors within each step of the sewage system can detect the levels of pharmaceuticals,bacteria, viruses,heavy metals etc and environmental conditions such as pH and thus be monitored remotely and fed into computer networks relating to the management of the environment and infrastructure.It will measure the levels of these at each step from the start to where the water returns to the environment.If filtration is not 100% or within acceptable limits then water than be rerouted in these situations back to the begging where it then passes through the same process and if for example the graphene sheets are dirty and dirt and other materials build up the incoming pumped water can be temporarily stopped so the graphene can be removed and other stored new sheets can be put in its place to allow the process to restart(with extra energy used to pump in the replacement water that was lost while the process was temporarily stopped) while it is either disposed of or treated to remove all collected waste and stored until the 2nd (or even 3rd)set of sheet(s) are clogged with materials in a rotary system.Used graphene sheets can be replaced or either pyrolysised or disposed of in compost or even treated to have the pollutants removed on site and then reused indefinitely by being sent to factories with all steps involved in this automated.The pollutants will be sent to Aphrodite factories once broken down into base elements.The sewage treatment plant AI will log all of these readings and rotary systems as well as how much waste comes in and how much algae is produced and yields of the byproducts.They will alert the community to any faults and pollutants and bacteria and viruses at each step and those re-entering the environment and are still present in the algae at each step before it can be harvested thus measuring the plants efficacy and allowing further automated treatments to be installed.These levels of each pollutant,virus/bacteria,metals and pH can be measured in a universal colour coded system – blue denoting safe,yellow denoting some concern,green denoting some danger and red denoting severe danger.Warnings based on this can be sent to a regions citizens instantly via apps connected to the wire.This process can be carbon negative.All trace and heavy metals and other useful chemicals such as lithium,zinc,titanium,sodium chloride and copper etc. excreted by the human body from food or pharmaceuticals can be collected from the treated water to be recycled using graphene and other methods like porous inorganic materials that capture them creating looped systems preventing them being lost to the oceans and be sent to Aphrodite buildings to be used in commercial products.Nanosensors at each step will measure the levels of bacteria,pharmaceuticals etc visible in the plant AI.Until nanosensors are advanced enough robots that collect water at each point can be used to detect levels of bacteria and other contaminants using cameras and automated gram staining to detect the specific species with advances in robotics allowing for samples of bacterium to be transferred to the gram stainer by machines.All steps in sewage treatment plants from start to finish can be and should be automated from start to finish automated corrective measures of all possible problems built into the AI of each facility.

The methods used in the slingshot water purifier can also be integrated into the system of water purification to cut down on energy costs and remove any unfiltered material at the end.

Biocompatible microbes flushed out of the body into toilets etc will be collected here and used as electronics once sterilised of any pathogens using super blasts of high intensity UV light.Otherwise they will be made to undergoe apotisos

To deal with clogs in sewage pipes caused by a blockage of waste there are the following options:

•To deal with oil clogging the system the addition of oil degrading bacteria mixed with water into the pipes at regular intervals mixed with water(or lining the pipes with the bacteria) or into the cleaning system alongside.Other methods include having a 3D printed plastic barrel at hand at home where it can be disposed of a local recycling plant for use in the production of biodiesel/fertiliser or have the homeowner order in a culture of oil degrading bacteria which can be added into the barrel to break it down.Algea could also be engineered to break it down with all part od the system ie pipes,sewer,plant covered in a permenant layer of liquid glass to prevent oil sticking to them.Otherwise generators at home can burn it to heat the home.This could also be used to produce homemade cosmetics,petroleum jelly and greases and oil for vehicles and machinery.A permanent layer of liquid glass sprayed on the piping and all machinery in the sewage treatment plant will be able to prevent grease building up and clogging and will protect machinery at all steps if acid is used to deal with clogs.This should prevent clogs in sewers,sewer pipes and pipes in homes and public buildings.Also homeowners and automated restaurants can remove gas cookers,microwaves,ovens and any cooking appliance and replace them with steamers,halogen ovens(like the FlavorWave Plantinum halogen oven) and solar grills that use hot air,infra red heat and solar power and thus not only use less energy and quicker at cooking food but also do not use grease or cooking oils eliminating the source of the problem.Another benefit is that they allow gas/electric cookers,ovens,microwaves/microwave ovens to be recycled for scrap metal and use less resources like space and energy.The algae can also be fitted be engineered with DNA from oil degrading bacteria and those that consume fats.

•To deal with clogs caused by baby wipes,tampons,toilet paper,kitchen towels can be used to clean surfaces made of red algae they have several methods of disposal.Baby wipes,kitchen towels,tampons made at home or in factories can be disposed of in bins with organic material such as paper/cardboard/food where they can be pyrolysised to recover carbon and nitrogen as fertiliser or if they enter the sewage system they can broken down with enzymes that degrade the algae cellulose and bio-plastics in paper towels and baby towels.Ideally baby wipes,tampons should be homemade of entirely of red algae/seacell mixed in with silk fibres and scented oils so as to be disposed with other organic waste and packaged either in methane based plastics or seacell and then packaged cardboard so as to allow the cardboard and tampons to be put in the same bin as organic waste to be made into biochar.Fungi that turns plastic into edible food could be used as it then mixes in with the algae and can be safely eaten and used as fertiliser.Baby wipes would be homemade or if made in Lotis or Hippocrates factories would have silk from both Arachnida,Lepidoptera and strong hydrophobic carbohydrates in them to be degraded in sewage treatment plants and allow them to be sent to organic waste pyrolysis plants with these in place of plastic that can also be pyrolysised and degraded by algae in sewage treatment plants with algae engineered to degrade silk,carbohydrates and all plant and animals textiles such as silk,flax etc as nutrition.These would have silkworm silk to make them strong enough for use but still be able to be broken down and degraded by algae in sewage treatment plants and allow them to be sent to organic waste plants and will negate the need for cotton make up removers.Algae will be engineered to break down silk and all plant textiles as part of them as nutrition with DNA also from Sacchrophagus degradens present.Fatbergs caused by baby wipes mixing in with grease can be dealt with pouring down algae cellulose,plastic and grease degrading bacteria all at once in a mixture of water with genes from bacteria present in mealworms,waxworms and I.sakaiensis 201-F6 etc can be transferred into a single species to further increase the rate of degradation.Other waste like cigarette butts can be dealt with diamond/carbyne shredders used to rip it into small pieces or having them put into organic waste bins.Algea will also be engineered to degrade these and rubber from condoms etc with the plastic degrading bacteria added to break down any plastic that reaches them.Otherwise acids can be poured down once the piping and machinery in sewage systems have been coated in a permanent layer of liquid glass.Robots that clean sewers can collect the fatbers and then transport them to facilities where they can be converted into biodiesel with again liquid glass on all sewers and piping preventing the formation of fatbergs with ideally these fatbergs would be collected in processor plants as part of sewage treatment plants with graphene sheets separating them from the solids etc.These will them be cleaned and shipped into nearby organic waste facilities.Having babywipes homemade of toilet paper infused with silkworm silk will allow them to be shredded by graphene shredders and also broken down by enzymes in algae or sent to organic waste bins in homes.The algea that converts human waste into usable fertiliser etc can be fitted DNA to produce enzymes that breaks down toilet paper made of silk and red algae and all plant and animal textiles as well as oil and plastics.Having all parts of a sewer system and treatment plants covered in a permanent layer of liquid glass will prevent fatbergs forming with if possible graphene sheets used along the system that separates the slurry from rubbish with the fatberg material collected and used as fuel.

•Clogs produced by other materials such as condoms could be alleviated by proper disposal in bins reserved for rubber and plastic (see later) or again bacteria suited to degrade them.In time microbes will render condoms defunct with all types of waste composed of organic or synthetic materials be dealt by having the algae engineered to degrade them using scratch and recombinant DNA from relevant bacteria etc

•Clogs caused by toilet and sewage can be dealt with by having pipes coated with a hydrophobic coating to prevent any build up of organic material and thus move it along much easier.Robots exist to spray this coating in the internal surface of pipes and can be modified to remove any clogs by drilling them off with them alerted to a clog in the city and in ones home by contacting the mayor AI or through the snakes that patrol them.All clogs could be solved by coating the pipe system,sewers and machinery in sewage plants with a permanent coating of liquid glass that make them acid proof and then when a clog is detected by snake robots and quadrocopter drones,sensors or computer systems a mild to strong acid can be poured through the system to dissolve the clog.The sewers and pipes will be constantly patrolled by robots modelled on snakes etc that use sonar,cameras covered in liquid glass and echolocation to detect clogs and then alert robots that can breakdown these.Ideally all piping,sewers(including walls and ceilings alongside floors),sewage treatment plant machinery should have a permanent layer of liquid glass sprayed on them to prevent dirt,grease and human waste building up as well as protecting them weak acids used to remove clogs once cleaned by machinery.Snake like robots or aerial quadrocopter drones(in the case of sewers) constantly patrolling them with both cameras and sensors detecting and alerting clogs or build up of material(they themselves would both be coated with a permanent layer of liquid glass to protect them from acid flushes) and allow acids and material degrading bacteria be flushed through automatically controlled by Tyche once clogs have been detected.All surfaces of the sewer system such as pipes,sewers and the entire sewage treatment plant themselves will be covered in a permanent layer of liquid glass that will leave it hydrophobic,oleophpbic and dirt proof thus prevent feces,oils,fatbers,rubbish sticking to them to aid this.These sewers and pipes can be mapped with these drones and uploaded to Artemis.If clogs or build up of dirt is found acid can be poured down them or robots that remove dirt from sewers can be automatically dispatched both of which managed by Tyche.The nanoquadrocopters that routinely scan the sewers for rubbish and clogs via cameras can also scan the sewer systems into Artemis and routinely bake the sewers walls,floors and ceilings in UV light as they will have UV lights on their underside,sides and tops to keep them sterilised and will be powered by wireless charging induction plates connected to the grid.Since it will be dark they both will utilise IR illuminated lighting to present live feeds of problems.Snake like robots that use echolocation to detect clogs will also have cameras and any major clogs etc will be logged in Tyche in the city AI with audio visual recordings of them,GPS locations,location on the Artemis map and time and date of their discovery and also analysis of the clog and measures to remove it.Specialised robots that remove clogs,bore through them and push clogs along can be developed that are called automatically to detected clogs with them called to homes if needed with those for homes and public buildings put down the actual toilet bowl.To allow this to happen all sewers and pipes including those in homes and those underneath roads etc would be coated internally with graphene paint underneath the layer of liquid glass to prevent them rupturing while the robots,bore through or push clogs along with these entering through toilets in homes,public buildings,those in streets.These robots will be stored with others that manage the sewage treatment plants and also the rest of the city controlled by the mayor or plant AI.Robot snakes will constantly patrol all parts of sewage treatment plants,sewer systems and pipes as part of their system and will house cameras that are covered in liquid glass like the rest of the body and will be charged by wireless charging at point in the sewage plant and other mechanisms with fleets of these working together with this fed in real time and will instantly send alerts to the robot cleaning robots to clogs especially fatbergs.This will be possible by 2029.All sewers,pipes as part of them and also all parts of sewage treatment plants will be cleaned by robots until in a clean pristine condition,exposed to UV lights in all directions by robots to kill off pathogens and will be then coated in a layer of liquid glass to keep it dirt,fatberg,oil and bacteria free with this done by automated robots step by step by 2029-2045.Specialised buildings in towns,cities can producing mild acids from bacteria and flush acid through the entire sewer system when a clog is detected by snake robots or through a button on toilets to deal with blockages on pipes at or near homes with this of note of public toilets in public buildings and in streets.All pipes,sewers and even the bowl and cisterns of toilets would be covered in a permanent layer of liquid glass to allow this to happen.

•Clogs in toilets can be dealt with new more advanced and efficient plungers designed,scanned in and stored in Pyxis.These can be stored in compartments in both public toilets in streets and those in public buildings such as hospitals,vertical farms etc

Again a combination of micro-organisms that degrade oils,algae celluose,rubber,bio plastics,human waste and other materials can be coated onto this hydrphobic,anti dirt, acid proof layer and/or routinely added to the system in a water mixture or when a clog is detected on a routine bases automatically specialised machinery or plants connected to the sewer system where these bacteria are grown in large phorobioreactors again automatically with its functioning monitored by the public via Hermes.Genetic engineering will allow for a single species of bacteria that degrades all of these materials or as many as possible with the fast growth rates of C.perfringens integrated into them to ensure it degrades the material as fast as possibly.Pests such as rats can be dealt with like invasive species and pests as detailed later on with any other animals ie alligators dealt the same way.Atom thick nanomaterials derived from all 94 elements similar to graphene coupled with biosynth technology will be researched as a means to purify sewage to acceptable environmental standards to remove pollutants etc much more cheaply using less energy and toxins.

To deal with septic tanks these can also be cleaned using both graphene and miniature sewage systems that can utilize algae that can clean the waste water and then ideally used as fertiliser with miniature UV lights using super blasts of super high intensity lights similar to the Rainsafe systems incorporated to kill any bacteria.The sewage can be removed using automated pumps and fleets of self driving vehicles that reside during the year at sewage treatment plants to be transported to and added to large scale sewage treatment plants for algae production when sensors and pressure plates inside septic tanks in the area and alert the sewage plant it is full thus automatically sending a vehicle to that home at any time of the day with the same vehicle serving multiple homes in the area that are nearly full.These vehicles would be onsite of sewage plants and would serve all homes in that region that have septic tanks and would be sprayed internally and externally with liquid glass and would deliver this into the sewage plants main line.Small circular rings with containing microchips can be wrung around where the pumps goes in so the onboard computer on the vehicle can lock it self into place into the tank and suck up waste.Any cleaning of septic tanks can in turn be negated with liquid glass sprayed again on the tank interior and piping interior(and the exterior of the pump) as it is hydrophobic and repels dirt meaning any human waste will sit there with new underground septic tanks designed so that they cave downwards in a v-shape allowing the sedimentation to collect there and easier to collect from pumps.This can be replicated with roof drains.If possible septic tanks could be connected to miniature home and community farm algae microfarms onsite of homes and also community farms with the septic tank connected to them via piping to allow one access to nutritious feed from ones waste with these having miniature driers and also radiation machinery onsite to kill off pathogens.As detailed earlier on private and communal homes can alleviate strains on sewage treatment plants in order grow their own algae and also algae that creates the same texture and taste as meat in basements,in farms underground to negate the need for rearing animals for meat with if adopted by large amounts of homes both private and communal homes will alleviate strains on sewage treatment plants.Built in heaters that heat it past the the the threshold of the pathogens alongside the addition of materials to increase or lower pH,moisture ie dry it as well as miniature irradiation machinery that expose them to levels of a least 500-1,000Gy beyond the threshold of the pathogens once the materials been broken down by the beneficial bacteria.

Any gas created by algae in sewage treatment plants can be collected into gas micro-turbines to capture biogas from algae treating the septic tank and turning it into commercial products such as fertilisers and food products while the gas collected is burned to power the building and carbon dioxide released is captured and used by the algae to grow creating a looped system which prevents methane returning to the atmosphere with excess energy shared with the locale community to alleviate strain on the grid.The energy will be used to power mainly the sewage treatment plant itself and excess fed into the grid.This can be replicated with septic tanks with miniaturised versions of this technology powering and heating the home.This should also allow them to function should natural disasters strike the area and cut them off from the grid.This can be replicated with wastewater treatment plants.

The avatar of each sewage treatment plant AI will be designed by those that maintain it with each AI having its own separate and independent personality and legal name with this applying to holographic receptionists who will wear an universal uniform.Adopting these automated measures and efficiency ones to all existing sewage treatment plants can be achieved worldwide by 2029.

Metering & Quality:
Nanosensors placed along each step of the process beginning at the sewage enters the plant to just when the water leaves the plant and enters the local water bodies to detect and report the level of contaminants such as micro-organisms,individual metals and pharmaceuticals present and all environmental conditions such as pH,salinity etc.which can be freely available to the public 24/7 on a local,regional,national,continental and global scale allowing for the prevention of metal poisoning and bacterial infection which can be instantly sent to the public via alerts connected to the networks controlling the AI of each water and sewage treatment plants interacting with the Home AI and its adjoining app.The amount of water each plant intakes and treats will be measured on local,regional,national,continental and global levels as well as levels of energy,chemicals etc used and yields of algae etc.Water treatment plants will appear as a light blue 3D pin while sewage treatment plants plants will appear as a green 3D pin on a world map with the number of both on local to global levels numbered with the viewer able to add/remove either one by ticking on boxes.All steps in each treatment plant can be visible to the public through cameras at key points(that switch to IR illuminator when dark),readings from nanosensors,and pictograms that detail each piece of machinery etc via logging into the intranet of each one with temperature and humidity reading of each room visible via nanosensors.Fires will be averted by the AI through nansensores in fire detectors hooked to the main grid detecting carbon dioxide,methane and temperature alert firehouses through Pemphredo and Prometheus that directs them to their address and GPS location.Automated measures will be put in place to deal with and prevent fires.

All sewage treatment plants worldwide will be managed and linked together by sentient operating software Tyche with the symbol of the wheel of fortune on all signs,maps as well as all machinery and robots present.This symbol will also appear on all e-reports,studies etc related to them alongside the caduces.A statue of Tyche will be present in the lobby with her symbol will be on the lobby floor underneath it where the holographic receptionist is with a landline phone.Ideally water extraction/treatment and sewage treatment plants will be be next to each other by building sewage treatment plants or water treatment ones next to existing ones allowing the former ones to be converted into communal homes then these two would be built next to each other with the statue in the cetnre of the outside or by the entrance to them.This will allow sewage and waste water treatment plants to be converted into communal homes making it ideal.All land around these hubs would be reforested.The layout these will be designed by Tyche and them covered in gardens full of trees,flowerbeds etc designed by Pan ad Hegemone.If possible they can be underground with underground communities served by there own treatment plants that have the algae used as fertilisers with underwater communities also for the same reason and if need be excess dumped in the water when the algae is killed off via high temperatures allowing fish in the ocean to consume it.Having them underground can allow the land above them reforested and a single statue next to them in an underground area.Islands would have either septic tanks or underground treatment plants with both underground and underwater communities having them.Power sources outside of the grid can be geothermal piping covered in thermo-piezoelectric materials that convert heat from the mantle into electricity to alleviate strains on the grid and ensure a constant supply of energy even when the grid is suffering a blackout.Once sentient her avatar will be based on that of her statue with this macro managing all of these buildings alongside the sentient Moirai.Studies will be done on water use and and also production of sewage by interacting with Hestia and the operating software of all public buildings with studies on each and every individual citizen and different demographics(age,race,size of families,gender etc) on local to global levels over days to millenia.Ideally sewage and water treatment plants should be located upstream of the water treatment plants that extract water from lakes and rivers to keep the levels of water constant with old ones converted into homes.

Cleaning of all types of sewage treatment facilities will be same as in public buildings as detailed earlier with all surfaces,pools,piping,vehicles and machinery sprayed internally and externally with a permanent layer of liquid glass making them acid,dirt and water proof making it easier for cleaner bots such as hooverbots to clean them and to protect all piping and machinery at each step of the plants from acid flushes.It will also prevent clogs form occuring.Nanoquadrocopters and robots equipped with narrow wavelength UV lights on their underside,top and sides can do carry out sterilising sweeps in each room including stairwells,hallways, lobbies and elevators at set times.These sterilising sweeps could be programmed to occur in rooms,hallways etc. at very late times when no visitors are present and when the patients are asleep with their curtains closed and last from an hour or two per room.Ideally all rooms will have these lights on their ceilings to prevent the need for robots and sterilise all rooms at once.These sterilising sweeps can be programmed in at set times of the night or be initiated by researchers remotely when the farms are closed and not inhabited by anyone.Cleaning robots including nanoquadrocoptors will be stored in compartments that charge them wirelessly or in the case of janitor robots refill them with both water and virkon/bleach.

All sewage treatment plants in areas prone to storms,floods and tsunamis should ideally be several feet above ground or have walls around them covered in graphene paint and liquid glass with floodbreakers and tsunami walls present with the windows having graphene in its matrix to prevent damage and any waste seeping into the environment.They should also have Storedot batteries inside that store enough electricity for at least a week or two to continue functioning if blackouts occur due to natural disasters etc with the amount of electricity stored left visible through the building AI and these charging up from the grid or even solar panels and other self charging technologies with these also powering the plant at other times of the year to alleviate strains on the grid.Surveillance cameras inside and outside will be linked to the global database of criminals in Athena but fed into the building AI and will be coated in liquid glass to keep them clean.

Artificial Intelligence:
Each sewage treatment plants will have an AI that will measure the amount of waste water and sewage coming in and reading from nanosensors at each step of the way will be logged here over days,weeks,months,years,centuries etc on local,regional,national and global scales.In the case of both plants the yields of micro algae will be logged for each procedure and the readings of the water after treatment also logged in both cases on local,regional,national and global scales.Also the amount of outgoing treated water in both cases will be logged and averaged every hour,day,week,month etc and charted on a graph for each one alongside environmental readings from nanosensors to give readings of metals etc going back the environment or measure how much is recycled alongside routine diagnostics from machinery and live camera feeds looking at each step.Routine diagnostics done automatically on all systems such as lighting,robots and machinery and will send alerts to problems which will follow an universal colour coded system – blue denoting safe,yellow denoting some concern,green denoting some danger and red denoting severe danger making it easy for the layperson to recognize the level of severity of the problem.All of this will be open to the public via the Hermes network allowing them to monitor any sewage and waste water plant around the world from anywhere in the world.If a problem occurs automated measures within the AI system will isolate severely compromised machinery ie. from cyber attacks will be cut off from the AI and other machines until it is solved with AI of compromised buildings from other similar buildings and the rest of the wire until rectified to prevent problems spreading.The AI and thus all robots under its control will have the latest cyber security installed and constantly updated.Automated corrective measures or those that can be done remotely via the wire for all possible problems will be built into the building AI again view able to the public.This should prevent the problems associated with the tragedy of the commons.A series of networks set up world wide will measure the amount of water and energy and other resources used(such as chemicals) in water and sewage treatment on a local,regional and global scale linked to each individual sewage and water treatment plants AI.Thus Tyche will link all sewage treatment plants with all other ones worldwide and all water treatment plants worldwide.The levels of pollutants such as microbes,pharmaceuticals and heavy metals will be measured on the same universal colour coded system at the point before it enters the environment.Sewage treatment plant AIs will manage the operations of the plant they are in control in,arrange orders of resources,log resources,deal with emergencies etc replacing supervisors and managers with cameras at key points of all plants and nanosensors and in time mobile holographic technology allowing it to oversee various operations all at once replacing all human workers,quality control and supervisors etc.Cameras on robots and biosynths on the sewage treatment line,cameras at key points of the line,key points of the plant overseeing the entire line and any blind spots and cameras on robots patrolling the plant will give the plant AI will give it complete omniscience over the entire plant with the AI deciding where to put cameras in order to prevent it having blind spots ensuring it can everything in all key rooms even lobbies with all feeds fed into the factory AI 24/7,365 days with biosynth nanosemsors detecting the level of carbon dioxide,oxygen and other gases,temperature etc in the plant and also levels of nutrients,pollutants,temperature of both sewage and algae.Robots and drones will do rounds to spot faults,spills,rubbish with diagnostics done once every day on all machienry.Cameras monitoring machinery etc will thus have the ability to switch between normal vision and IR illumination and or night vision in order to allow remote monitoring to be done when the lights are off with lights if needed will be long lasting efficient ones such as CSYS ones.This will give the plant AI omniscience over the entire line to see what is going on.Any remaining work that can only be done by humans will inevitably be done by humanoid robots and biosynths controlled by the plant AI with them having IR illuminator and normal cameras and zoom features with them wearing an universal uniform for each factory type.All lights used for growing both macro and micro algae in both plants should be LEDs to promote speedy growth with research to see if longer lasting CSYS LEDs can be used and modified to increase growth.CSYS lights should be used in lighting in hallways and other rooms so as not to be replaced so often by robots and limit energy use.New technology can be integrated into the lights to send measurements of how much time measured in years,months,weeks,days,hours and minutes of power is left in the lights fed into Hermes to alert these robots.Since they will have no humans there most of the time the lights will be out 24/7,365 days a year but will only turn on when recognition software present recognises humans entering it or through light switch present and turns of after a set amount of time to prevent waste.Ideally the former should be implemented.Cameras monitoring machinery etc will thus have the ability to switch between normal vision and IR illumination and or night vision in order to allow remote monitoring to be done when the lights are off.Furthermore these plants will fully automated they will only be turned on and off by researchers there rather then being on all the time.Since they will be heavily automated the plants will process waste 24/7,365 days a year.Any hydrogen and methane produced by wastewater and sewage treatment plants can be collected to be used as a self sufficient energy source.Machinery and robots can also be composed of self healing metals,electronics and polymers to prevent them breaking down.Miniaturized versions of repair robots can be integrated to repair damaged machinery.