
Development of new electronics:
With regards to electronics such as smart devices at first rather than having an overabundance of different types rather the most versatile,most energy efficient and most long lasting device of each type such as smart phones and smart pads will be produced rather than creating too many variants whose differences or negligible especially if different operating systems can be downloaded onto and different sizes and colours,hard disk drive size,types of cameras etc. can be chosen it at the behest of the consumer when they order it alongside Soteria software that blocks snooping from the government and others of data.However this will change for the better in time within the next decade or so advancements in automation and AI will allow custom made electronics made locally anywhere in the world designed on Pandora with custom feature decided by the consumer.Graphene,synthetic replacements and 3D printed or nanotech fabricated circuits,3D printed casings produced on site will allow this to occur and in the case of televisions the fact they will be mili or nanometres thin(thus replacing the wide variety of bulky televisions) will mean that most televisions will be the same with the highest resolution thus again following the same principle as smart devices with them choosing the size(width and height) and the operating systems for these smart televisions with the consumer able to choose the resolution of laptop and personal computer monitors,smart devices,handheld consoles,smart devices and also televisions ie 720,1080,4K and so on.Laptops and personal computers as well as similar electronics may follow suit with them again consisting of mili or nano thin screens,touchscreen keyboards etc with the consumer again designing shape,location of various buttons,type of charging methods(as detailed above),type of data storage present,materials the casing is composed of,types of processors and other hardware,choosing size and what hardware they want the factory to produce for their computer with specs such as hard disk drive space in Gigabytes and Terabytes etc,Ram in Gigabytes etc chosen etc.chosen.With regards to chosen hard disk drive space on all devices the amount chosen will be on it.To solve the issue of the amount given always lower than advertised the amount chosen in metric units will be converted to binary and then that changed to the actual chosen amount chosen in metric by software in Hephaestus to ensure that the exact amount the consumer chooses will be produced ie a person orders a 1TB external hard drive and receives a 1TB drive instead of 931GB.Otherwise new advances could allow computers to read the data as the metric unit rather than binary with new software and advances in artificial intelligence within operating software such as variants of neural network software with Gaia/Iris/Talos interacting with the devices during production and use with once Gaia becomes sentient this would be easier.To also solve this formatting software,tweaks in the digital DNA storage or having the excess space on top or rendering extra software present defunct can be researched.To solve the issue of any space permanently taken up by extra unnecessary memory in the form of formatting would be added ontop of this rather than onto the space given with necessary software and data including Hestia and Soteria added ontop of it.Digital DNA storage will solve this problem if tweaks in the DNA is used alongside quantum computing.Quantum computing,tweaks in digital DNA storage could allow Hestia,Home AI,Ampelos,Pandora and Soteria and all sentient AI software on them to exist on all electronic devices at the same time as other information etc and thus not actually taking up actual space on the device thus all sentient operating softwares and all sentient apps,programmes of all types should not take up space on all of ones electronics with only media download from the wire and internet etc such as pictures,movies,audio tracks,video games etc taking up space on the biological harddrives.The external hard drives could via housing Hestia software could negate the need for them to have new software to be saved into computers.If possible they may just have no extra software to be present or saved onto computers.External hard drives and the hard drives of all electronics such as smart phones,laptops,consoles,onboard computers,computers should thus always have the desired amount of memory ordered without extra software taking up space and also negating the need for them to download software onto any computers and laptops they are used on.All smartphones,laptops and computers etc will also not have any space taken up by software meaning what one orders one will get.For smartphones and computers Hestia and all types of sentient apps,programmes will exist on them in a fragmented state with quantum computing aiding in preventing them taking up space on all electronics with for external hard drives having no software on them that takes up space on them and then not needing any software to be installed on computers.Quantum computing etc will play a role in allowing all sentient apps,programs etc exist on computers etc without taking up space.This and other measures should be developed by AI namely Talos,Hestia etc in order to ensure that what the consumer orders through Hephaestus for USB keys,external hard drives,smart devices,digital cameras,consoles,laptops and computers etc in terms of hard disk storage size etc is exactly what they get and not masked behind unnecessary data formatting,operating softwares and also lack of machine intelligence with this also applying to atomic and DNA digital storage.Thus through this system of having all components of electronics(such as screens,monitors,hardware,circuits, casings,peripherals) made under one roof of compact multi-storey factories with multiple types of similar electronics made in one factory for a region these will become custom made(like all other manufactured goods) to suit the consumers needs filled out in the order for the product due to advances in AI and automation eliminating the artificial notions of “choice” and “competition” in our current system.As such the consumer may decide what size and shape the electronic is,mandatory apps or programs that can be removed,colour,patterns and designs to be on the back(designed on Pandora either etched,milled or printed on)treatments to be applied like liquid glass(to make it hydrophobic,acid proof,dirt proof), shatterproofing layer on the screens,what batteries are used,charging features such as wireless charging and also self charging features such as graphene paint and thermo-piezoelctric materials etc as detailed earlier,what hardware and specs is present,battery lifespan both in terms of how long a single charge lasts and how long it will last and how many charging cycles in it and other custom features present.Other electronics such as digital cameras,camcorders and external hard drives may follow this level of customisation with advances in electronic 3D printing,nanotech fabrication will make this customisation even easier and the factories more space efficient.With regards to consoles perhaps only one console (both television based and handhelds)per generation may exist ending the primitive notions of console wars with again all the latest features in one console produced in the same factory and end the notion console exclusivity and need for multiple ports to be made of all games produced though again in at least 5-15 years fully customised consoles including handhelds could become a reality with the ability to play all type of games for that generation with software installed also making all games including those from older generations playable.The shape of these could be customised with even older designs of consoles from all existing generations used via scanning them into Hephaestus and again the RAM,memory size and hardware customisable.Backwards compatibility for older console games by allowing them to play older games from all previous consoles will be possible via downloading or streaming them from Dionysus with them made of any material.If possible to make these customised consoles more powerful then it may be possible to allow for add ons to be connected to the main console to house more areas to store nanoprocessors and biological harddrives with this applying to normal consoles and handhelds as well as laptops and desktop computers.Like desktop computers these would have the use of wireless energy and also wireless interactions with smart televisions etc through wifi negating the need for cords.Wireless video game controllers that work for all consoles,laptops,smart devices and computers and other peripherals such as keyboards and the mouse that also work for these through the linking system can also be custom made on Pandora with existing ones from all consoles from all generations scanned in by scanners,stored and modified and made in the same electronics factories as consoles etc.Thus video game controllers from all generations can be scanned in,modified and made wireless and have motion sensor capabilities with this applying to peripherals with them made of any material like carbon composites and precious gems.All these custom made electronics can be uploaded to the relevant sub network of Talos in Hephaestus where other consumers can have the same electronic with the same features,hardware etc. and even make their own customisation and then save these in the same manner as other manufactured goods.In short the consumer will design the shape,size and look of the electronics and then choose hardware,storage capacity and RAM in Gigabytes/Terabyte/Petabyte etc,features and all aspects of electronics with this applying to all types of electronics and peripherals including robots with this possible within the 5-10 years and them stored in Hephaestus.The specs such as hard drive storage capacity and RAM,graphics card,motherboard and other components and type of processors used could be typed in,clicked on on a list of each internal component or described by voice with this playing a role in the development of entirely new electronics by the general public alongside universities and AI.In the case of these the product page would have picture of the product with the specs and features including weight listed next to it written by software in bullet points with it energy efficiency rating as per European standards as per the European Union energy label,energy use in kilowatts per hour,volts,power rating and other relevant information.A global form of the European Union energy label will be stored on the persons receipt within their Hephaestus account and also in the folder of their home AI app managing their devices within each devices folder detailing these and other important information.This could all also apply to robotics,lightbulbs and all types of electronics such as cameras,external hard drives etc. and end the need for trade shows and expo events completely.All electronics(including lightbulbs) will be based on the batteries and circuits they have chosen will be graded with an energy efficiency rating based ideally on the EU standard with the amount of energy the product uses per hour and kWh/annum so as to allow consumers the ability to make modifications to improve efficiency.Simulations can be done on all designs prior to uploading them to ensure electronics are well ventilated etc to prevent all possible problems like explosions,leaking of hazardous material and gases etc with them giving a rating on scale of A-F.All plugs use will be type G due to its safety with converters and adaptors etc used(which can be also ordered on Hephaestus) until existing sockets worldwide that dont use them will be replaced with Type G complete with the shutter system until of course wireless energy is fully developed with those with plugs having the ability to charge through wireless technology.Type G sockets for electronics due to their safety will replace all other types via modifying plug sockets and converters and electrical systems as part of renovations as part of Restoration Nation for abandoned and obsolete buildings and private homes.All newly developed electronics,software,apps etc designed on Pandora will be stored in the network named Talos after the mythological robot in Greek mythology created by Hephaestus with existing electronics of all types can be scanned into it to be modified with Aphrodite adding ones from media such as comics,films,television shows and also magazine and newspaper adverts.All of this will apply to robots including bio-synths.Thus all types of electronics such as robots,smart devices,laptops,computers,implants,external hard drives,robots,consoles both handhelds and their controllers,earphones,headphones etc and even old defunct ones such as ghetto blasters to play music from the wire from discs and on internal hard drives will be designed on Pandora and stored on Talos.The factories where they are produced will be multistorey that produce one type per floor and will have alongside the receptionist a marble statue of the Talos robot in the lobby.The universal sentient operating software will be the sentient AI Talos with the aforementioned Talos robot being its avatar and will be named after the robot created by Hephaestus that protected the island of Crete.Customisable electronics should be available by at least 2029.Electronics will allow one to choose the storage capacity,RAM,processing power within the confines of its size with biological harddrives and nanoprocessors present in millions of microbes on square inch of graphene with them and vehicles alongside Arges batteries allow one to chose the type of battery present to determine the charging time,lifespan and length of each charge suitable to them with Talos,Gaia and Home AI aiding them in choosing and designing the best type of batteries and also even RAM,storage capacity processing speeds suited to their needs ie if a laptop is to be used for playing video games it will suggest the best graphics cards etc to choose for it and so on and thus make each electronic suited to their individual needs.This will allow electronics of all types to be fully customised with the details added via tickboxes,bars to input the information and even direct interaction with Talos.Different versions of them with different colours,patterns will be in submenus with one typing in specs such as RAM,storage data when designing the product.All specs will be listed.As detailed earlier on measures will be made to ensure what the consumer orders in terms of memory will exactly what is chosen with software that takes up space removed or better means of reading the data. 3D printers for plastic and electric boards will be made here.All types of electronics will be created in multistorey factories that devote each floor to different types ie one floor to laptops,computers,consoles and peripherals and so on with AI sufficiently advanced to create these customised electronics based on instructions received from specific accounts and have diagnostics relayed and logged in real time into ones account.Batteries,hard drives and hardware will also be assembled onsite.Apps,software will be created using networks within Talos allowing multiple people from around the world from the comfort of their homes.All software and apps including existing ones will be housed here.

Thus the development of new electronic products will be by members of the public forming independent groups working with universities using network systems allowing tho work with people around the world from the comfort of homes eliminating the concepts of branding,advertising and market share with forums being created on university websites where the general public can give suggestion for software,hardware and features to be included in new electronics and also share their own software.Networks similar to those in Apollo can be formed that allow people to work with others round the world on designing new features and updates for them,electronics and hardware from the comfort of their home while at same time allowing corporate headquarters to be used as home with them able to control automated laboratories.In time artificial intelligence primarily Gaia,university AIs,Branchus,Urania,Talos etc will play a prominent role in the development of AI,hardware in these networks and control automated laboratories causing a positive feedback loop accelerating the development of AI and robotics making engineers,software programmers,repair men and all humans in the developments of electronics,robotics etc obsolete and guiding her and other AI towards super sentience.Even primitive ancestoral AI already in existence will expedite this process with human programmers also playing a helping hand.Universities and hospitals will play a role in developing electronics and areas related to robotics.All research and development.One will design new electronics on Pandora and upload them to Talos in Hephaestus.The specifications of electronics will be listed on its page with one able to customise most pacifications and choose furnishings and patterns of them and have personal engravings.The Talos sub network of Hephaestus will house all newly developed electronics and also all sentient apps,programmes etc such as Ampelos,Pandora,Helios,Heracles,Eros etc named after the robot developed by Hephaestus withting electronics scanned into the Talos network of Hephaestus

The Perdix sub network named after the Greek inventor and managed by the sentient AI Perdix will house all machinery for agriculture,mariculture,mining,manufacturing etc designed by AI and humans.All machinery for all sectors of society will be developed by AI and humans and stored in the Perdix network will follow the same process as electronics

New types of electronics:
Ghetto blasters and mobile CD players can be wireless but with the compartment for putting in discs being dual touchscreen and can stream and store media directly or downloaded from Dionysus including audio/visual material via touchscreens alongside radio and news stations from Pheme and have alarm clocks,touchscreen buttons integrated into them alongside other features.Radios can be also this with them having touchscreens that allow for clock to be brought up with them streaming radio stations from around the world via Pheme and also able to store podcasts and also music playlists and also videos.Cashiers especially electronic ones can be converted into computers with storage compartments or onboard computers etc or recycled.Like all electronics they can be registered to the Home AI app.Safes would use touchscreen menus to input codes with them using digital keys and even biometrics with existing ones both small and large room sized safes protected this way via retrofitting them with these features.Camrecorders although made redundant by smartphones may still exist with them able to shoot videos in all forms as even professional cameras with advances in nanoprocessors and nanotechnology with them storing the filmed material on internal biological harddrives that can be wirelessly sent to ones Hestia account and all other registered devices via wifi and access to the wire and Hesita with them also being able to livestream to ones YouTube accounts etc.Digital cameras may also be kept with them also again storing data on internal harddrives and send data wirelessly with them modelled on conventional non digital cameras with normal ones also still used by crime scene investigators.Drones used by members of the public and live news stations and even cameras used by cameramen for for live news,Restoration Nation etc and live television shows and movies they will be able using biological hard drives store large amounts of data and using biosynth WiFi send data to linked computers and licestream them using biosynth WiFi.Digital cameras may also be kept with them also again storing data on internal harddrives and send data wirelessly with them modelled on conventional non digital cameras with normal ones also still used by crime scene investigators.These will also have the ability to film material with biosynth technology providing vast amounts of data storage and computing power including enhanced vision.In the case of camerecorders,cameras,drones used to film material and digital cameras they could store large amounts of data and processing power due to biological hard drives etc and use biosynth Bluetooth and WiFi to transfer them directly to computers,networks of television shows etc as well as livestream to YouTube and live news etc in real time.Scanners both hanheld and those on drones for scanning in humans,manufactured products and homes being rennovated will use biosynth Bluetooth and WiFi to send data to linked computers without wires etc and biological hard drives to store large amounts of data on them to be uploaded in packages.All of these would like living room electronics would be controlled by linked smart devices,computers and voice command.All models of old electronics can be scanned into Talos and be reproduced as they were with the internet and Apollo etc scoured for their hardware specs(or these typed in by their manufacturers) or modified and upgraded with modern features,software,hardware such as touchscreens,self charging,wireless charging,nanocameras etc and have the shape and features modified or changed into other electronics with the same shape.For example digital cameras can be modelled on non digital cameras and have touchscreens with different menus or smart devices and handheld consoles modelled on portable compact disc players and Walkman with a compact smart mirror or second screen on the underside of the opened part with camcorders able to stream media from the wire.Smartphones can be modelled not only on existing models but models of older mobile phones predating smart phones as well as Walkman and mobile CD players etc with opening horizontal and vertical flip features to allow for dual screens and also act as a handheld console.Landline phones will consist of a touchscreen and wireless earphones or headphones with speakers or wireless handset that can be used anywhere in the house or even outside of home using touchscreen buttons on the main touchscreen and the handset with them not connected to phone lines in walls using cellular technology allowing them to be moved around and use video chats including group ones and would be registered to the Home AIs number.They can also be conventional models with them and smart phones having the option to be chosen in settings to have conventional turnstile buttons that must require the number to be dragged in a touchscreen circle or the now normal buttons depending on the users choice.

Smart clothing will have graphene,silicene and other atom thick nanomaterials woven into them to act as computers with biosynth technology playing a role.Biosynth technology could allow sensors,biosynth wifi and biological harddrives.These would measure body temperature,heart rate etc and for those who work in labs in biohazard suits and military and law enforcement personnell will house biosynth nanosensors to relay external temperatures,radiation,gas concentration of all types and relay them to augmented reality present in visors as part of gas masks and biohazard suits due to them having graphene in them.The gas masks will also house biosynthetic lung tissues to separate toxic gases and particulates from oxygen either by separating the molecules into oxygen and releasing other elements into the atmosphere.Small masks used by gardeners and urban explorers will also have this biosynth technology woven into them with nanomaterials like graphene also present.

Birthday,wedding cards will be replaced by those made of graphene that will use self charging technologies and batteries to run forever and will be able to store designs designed on Hymen and sent to them wirelessly with Adonit pens used to write messages.E-newspapers as detailed later on will replace diaries,notepads,sketching paper and also newspapers and magazines as they will be designed to last a lifetime and will be able to stream and store data from Pheme and Dionysus and also be able to have  person write down diary entries using Adonit pens and store them indefinitely.These will eventually have the same moving images as seen in both Harry Potter and Minority Report with video files and news alerts streamed instantly.Wireless nanomicrophones will allow for audio coming from the e-newspapers to be privately heard.These e-newspapers composed of graphene and silicene will be intended to last a lifetime for an individual thus drastically cutting down on the amount of energy,water and other resources used in the production and transportation of books,newspapers,maps and all paper based media and other products they use over their lifetime which eventually end up getting lost,taking up in room space,landfills and wasted energy in recycling and also use toxic chemicals in these processes with the factories and recycling centres that produce all paper products converted into homes,vertical gardens and other uses with the added benefit they stream any media from around the world instantly via Apollo,Pheme and Dionysus.These could stream data stored on clouds,harddrives and smartdevices or internal biological harddrives.Menus will allow one to turn off/on wire access with them also able to stream the internet with access to Dionysus and Pheme will allow one to download any book,magazine etc onto the biological harddrives present.This will also be charged wirelessly and through self charging technology using storedot batteries.

Lightbulbs will become longer lasting with CSYS lights that last at least 37 years integrated into all lamps,lights in homes and buildings especially public amenities and areas like seaports and in outdoor lighting in streets negating the need for them to be replaced too often and allow time for robots that replace broken lights in these public areas to be developed that interact with the Hermes network to automatically fix them.It should also be integrated into homemade flashlights and all lights in vehicles for the same reason.Research can be done into developing light bulbs that last double or triple this length with the possibility of integrating graphene into them to improve efficiency and lifespan with alumenene,graphene and/or buckypaper possibly replacing aluminium.Energy efficient CFL,CSYS LED,LED.OLED lights used in homes,public buildings and in street lights and energy efficient (or self charging)electronics,vehicles and appliances should allow renewables hooked directly to the home to function properly cutting down on their strain and overall global energy use if adopted worldwide.These would replace all lights in all buildings world wide with ideally CSYS ones as they are the most energy efficient and last for 37 years meaning if adopted by 2029 they will last long enough for AI,automation and biosynths to be developed to be able to replace them in communal homes and public buildings and allow more advanced longer life versions that could last either several centuries or indefinitely to be developed.Any rare earths,Mercury etc present in these can be replaced by phosphers,graphene and other atom thick allotrops of all elements on the periodic table and even biosynth technology to increase their lifespan and reduce energy use and thus efficiency with research starting by 2021 meaning this could be possible by 2029.This should replace conventional and even CFLs in all buildings such as hospitals,factories,homes,vertical farms etc worldwide with different variations to fit all types of light sockets and also lightning needs researched and them even used in flashlights.They can be modified to fit into all lights of all types with further advancements in biosynth technology and nanomaterials including and similar to graphene,graphyne,carbyne etc to reduce their energy use,increase brightness and even last centuries if not indefinitely.Research can thus be made into developing lightbulbs for homes,public buildings,lamps etc that are CFL,CSYS LED,OLED that using nanomaterials similar to graphene and biosynth technology etc that improves their efficiency exponentially to the point that they use exponentially less energy,have exponentially less environmental impact in their manufacturing and recycling and could last potentially centuries if not thousands of years or even forever without dying.Research can be done to see if graphene or other nanomaterials built into the glass structure can reduce or eliminate the amount UV light emitted by them that affect those with sensitive skin with the possibility of using the same technology in used in lightbulbs that emit less blue and green light that reduce the instance of them attracting insects used to deal with this.These can also be modified to emit narrow wavelength UV light either all the time or even switched to this full blast that doesn’t damage human skin but kills bacteria can be used to perform sterilising sweeps of rooms when turned on.This would be of note to all private and communal homes and also even public buildings such as hospitals,public amenities.In hospitals and universities this would be an option that turned in all rooms at once during sterilising sweep.Otherwise humans especially those affected by this can be engineered using recombinant DNA from Thermococcus gammatolerans using CRISPR can eliminate this effect.This can be present in all type of lights.Graphene and other nanomaterials from other elements with the same structure as graphene and biosynth technology can be researched as replacements for Mercury and rare earths in CFLs,OLEDs etc and thus make them non toxic.Them and all other lights such as OLEDs and even CFLs used in vertical farms etc can be fitted with a layer of graphene in the matrix or exterior to make them indestructible and thus prevent them breaking and thus releasing any toxic components ie mercury or cause cuts and other hazards.Graphene lights can be made where electricity passing through graphene emits light with the control of the electricity and other nanomaterials present in the glass can change the colourr.Graphene in the matrix of all types of lightbulbs will make them shatterproof.Recycling these in lightbulb factories would involve unscrewing the bulb by machinery fitted with recognition software and then reusing the glass bulb again and refilling it with whatever gases and materials it needs to function to be reused over and over again and recycling the other components including aluminium/alumenene etc with them also crushed in strong machinery to deal with graphenes strength.Atom thick allotropes of elements other than and including graphene and even biosynthetic technology will further decrease energy use and efficiency with it also making them last longer possibly even a century for each lightbulb.Advances in automation would allow for all types of bulbs to be constructed and recycled with no human labour.Rare earth metals present in them can be replaced by carbon nanotubes and plastic nanomaterials like in solar panels.Graphene and carbyne can also be the basis for super thin and super efficient lightbulbs that last 10% longer than LEDs and In time new developments may allow for light bulbs that last two to three times longer and can come in the form of looped graphene nanotubes.The consumer will have the ability to choose from whatever wattage or lumens they want,what caps they want either Edison screw or bayonet,the colours they want it in or whether it can switch in different colours as well as even design size and the shape of the bulbs with other features added.DNA from biolumescent plants and animals(Lampyridae,Pyrophorus noctilucus,Ostracods(in particular Vargula hilgendorfii),Aequorea victoria or a mixture of genes from all of these to improve this and scratch DNA can allow biocompatible microbes replace LEDs etc in lightbulbs when merged with graphene.These can form films and clusters in the centre of lightbulbs where filaments are and on the interior surface of the bulb with them having the same anti-ageing and augmentations as humans to potentionally have these biosynth lightbulbs last forever.Biosynth wifi can allow one to turn on/off normal and biosynth lightbulbs via the Home AI app.In time ideally the bayonet cap screw will replace the edison screw in all appliances and also ceiling lights through modifications.The bayonet mounts that are used in lightbulbs in United Kingdom and in many countries that were members of the British Empire including Pakistan,Australia,Hong Kong,Fiji,India,Sri Lanka,Ireland,and New Zealand,parts of the Middle East and Africa and, historically,France and Greece will eventually phase out new and even existing Edison screws in all lightbulbs America and worldwide by 2029 in the same way as sockets.Microchips will be in them to allow the consumer to determine how much they will last in years,months,weeks,days and hours via the Home AI app with this including those in vehicles and with regards to those in streets,public buildings,streets,seaports and airports they would fed into their AI in Hermes.All types of light bulbs can be designed on Pandora into a variety of shapes and sockets.Light bulb factories and recycling centres can be or part of electronics factories.Those in pulbic buildings,amenities and in streets should be covered externally with liquid glass to prevent dirt,water and ice affecting their luminosity and negate the need for cleaning with this also of note to those that are used in growing plants.

Surveillance cameras in public buildings,homes,farms and municipalities et will linked together to the global database of criminals in Athena while being fed into the building AI with those in streets and public areas linked to the global surveillance system.All will switch to IR illuminator cameras at night automatically to function at night or when lights are turned off and will be the highest resolution possible with them replaced overtime by robots as time goes by with them all covered in a permanent layer of liquid glass to prevent fogging,water distorting them and negate the need for cleaning.These can come in various shapes and sizes designed on Hephaestus.They will also have facial recognition software to recognise missing people,criminals,suspects,persons of interest and terrorists as well as vehicles in the databases within Athena.Cameras on all robots,vehicles will also have these features.

Watches and clocks will also be designed on Hephaestus and stored on Talos sub network since they are either mechanical and electric and require batteries in this case StoreDot,graphene based ones that can be charged wirelessly.This would apply to conventional non smart watches with existing models scanned into the network.Graphene and quantum dot technology can be integrated into the glass to charge it when graphene batteries are low which can be ordered in from Talos and also make them shatterproof and have built in augmented reality to check battery charge etc.Advances in automation will allow them to be constructed easily by machines with them being phased out in favour of smart watches and also smart phones.Those that are used for fashion may in time be replaced by those to whom the watch’s strap band can be custom made and the actual watch can be a sheet of graphene and the battery to convey an augmented analog or digital watch of various types including those similar to those of normal analogue and digital watches from existing ones chosen from sub folders within the watch section.This would make their construction much easier.Clocks for walls and tabletops as well as pendulum and grandfather ones can also be conventional ones or augmented ones using self charging technology and wireless energy.Pendulum and grandfather clocks can have augmented reality in any glass sections and can be digital with all clocks,watches by themselves and those on other devices having the option to switch between analogue and digital.Thus pendulum,grandfather,wall and bedside clocks can simply be composed of sheets of graphene that project the time allowing to change clock types(digital,analogue) and stream different clock faces through touchscreen menus thus cutting out gears and other machinery out all together.

Graphene,carbyne and silicene will allow for a wide range of thin and flexible/foldeable touchscreen electronics to be produced that will eventually replace most conventional electronics for example laptop and computer monitors,smart devices,televisions,e readers and newspapers/magazines and create a wide range of new products such as augmented reality sunglasses, contact lenses,ski and swimming googles.In the case of skiing and snowboarding goggles it will allow for safety so as to allow for GPS and topography maps from the wire as well as technology to measure distance between the person and trees and any other obstacles like bumps,crevasses telling the skier/snowboarder heads up as to how far ahead they are and other important details,give them a course to follow for safety which they can plot themselves or plotted by the goggles and topography maps which can be of varying levels of difficulty and also integrate infra red illuminator,night and thermal vision to make skiing and snowboarding at night safer.Also a rearview camera on the goggles as well interacting with goggles on other skiers/snowboarders can give them heads up in the corner as to any incoming skiers and thus give both persons directions as to avoid an accident.In the case of swimming goggles determine distance between the user and the surface/boat/shore/surface and give information on flora and fauna and other information such as vital signs and oxygen levels etc.and by interacting with sensors built in the swimsuit measure the tightness of the windpipe on resurfacing.

Smart phones can be built into the human body with augmented reality graphene/silicene contact lenses and glasses projecting holographic or augmented reality menu screens,sensors that sense input into these projections with fingers through smart gloves and sound entering the ear small wireless codec devices similar to hearing aids and those in the Metal Gear Solid series that directly stimulate the inner ear and smart gloves,neural implants or jewellery such as rings,badges,brooches,bracelets etc used as receiver will replace conventional phones.Smart gloves can be used to interact with augmented reality menu screens on these augmented smart phones that also harbour the same features as smart devices ie access the internet and wire and also personal clouds.Biocompatible microbes with biological harddrives can be in smart lenses and glasses to store data and processing power and house biosynth wifi and cellular access.If possible neural implants may allow one to make phone calls and even replace the screen for these augmented reality phones with them also replacing augmented reality glasses and contact lenses with the augmented reality fed directly into the human brain.Wireless headphones with speakers can be used for video games but also making phone calls when linked to smartphones and home AI landlines and also landlines in public buildings.Smart lenses currently have the ability to take photos with the blink of an eye and in time wireless transmitters and graphene will allow live feeds to be relayed to nearby smart devices or remote computers to allow for high definition video feeds to be recorded controlled not by blinking but rather by through on/off switches on ones smart devices and computers linked to them via the Home AI app allowing for hours of video feed to be recorded and stored on these remote devices,ones Hestia account and streamed to YouTube and other social media accounts.Wireless transmitters in them will allow them to stream the internet and wire and also stream them live to Dionysus,Pheme for those involved in media and to YouTube live streams for the general public.This would certainly of use for contact lenses placed in animals in nature reserves,zoos and the wild with the recording controlled remotely by researchers and this method of recording by human operators remotely may even certainly be of value to undercover operatives,athletes,double agents and actors in live media(such as musicals,plays and even sport events) and live action television shows and movies so as to allow recording to be done incognito without giving ones stoicism away by blinking or accidentally stop recording with it wirelessly recorded onto one Hestia account,hard drives etc.They will in time be able to detect glucose,alcohol and urea levels in the blood and tears to allow diabetics to test their blood without pricks and alcoholics to monitor their blood alcohol levels.Zoom features alongside augmented reality will be integrated.Night vision,IR illumination and thermal vision can be integrated with this done via biosynth technology and nanomaterials of all 94 elements similar to Graphene.They will be able to hold a square inch of biocompatible microbes to hold up to 75,000 YB – 1,500,000 YB of storage space and RAM and even 75,000,000,000,000 – 1,500,000,000,000,000 nanoprocessors in each square inch.Biological harddrives present on glasses and lenses will be used to store potentially 75,000 YB – 1,500,000 YB of information that can be then sent when wifi is availible with the lenses and glasses having biosynth wifi processors in microbes present in them as each lens could hold as much as 25,000,000-500,000,000 microbes.Biosynth WiFi can be integrated to allow livestreams sent to digital files,laptops etc and YouTube accounts in real time.Energy storage could come from the graphene(and other nano material) batteries built into them and graphene that gain energy from artificial and natural sources of light with photo diodes disappearing in order to ensure the contact lenses remain hidden again for law enforcement personnel and thus replaced with graphene and quantum dot technology with biological hard drives and nanoprocessors increasing efficiency and storing vast amounts of data and charging very quickly especially if StoreDot batteries are used.See through thermo-piezoelectric materials and wireless energy could also be used.IR illumination and thermal imaging cameras may even be integrated both them and also smart devices especially if someone is lost in the wilderness at night with smart devices used to initiate the IR illumnation.Liquid glass especially permanent layers on both sides can make them dirt and microbial proof and play a part in creating contact lenses that last a lifetime with the graphene making them shatterproof with the same applying to smart glass and prescription glass having the same features.Eventually this hybridisation of lenses and computers may apply to laptops consisting of just the keyboard containing the circuits/hard drive/motherboard/battery etc with the screen/monitor missing but rather seen through the lenses or glasses ensuring privacy since only the wearer of the lenses can view what is being done on the “screen” with wireless earphones allowing for privacy with regards to sound.Alternatively again lenses may replace the monitor with the circuits/hard drive/motherboard etc. being a small portable device and a graphene sheet,e-newspaper or other smart devices linked to it via the home AI app such as smartphones and smartpads with touchscreen capabilities replacing the keyboards allowing it to type what appears through the lenses monitor through wireless interactions through the three allowing the mother board/hard drive/circuits being left in another room and the user interacting with it via e-newspapers or neural implants in a different room or remotely(or even allow two or more people through their e-newspapers to interact with it allowing them to view different files or visit their own websites privately).As a result laptops will eventually change becoming similar to iPads with portable removable touchscreen keyboards which can transmit signals wirelessly similarly as detailed above with the screen with touchscreen capabilities held up by a stand designed via Pandora with wirelessly linked external hard drives used for.Built into glass,graphene can allow for a large range of electronics to be built in homes and public areas.Eventually smart contact lenses and portable devices as detailed earlier may even replace televisions,consoles(interacting with wireless video game controllers and the consoles),digital cameras for taking both photos and audio/visual records(activated by linked smart devices or neural implants) and even e-newspapers with them streaming material such as maps and media from Dionysus,Apollo,Pheme and all networks of the wire either directly or from Home or Building AI with wireless earphones or codec technology providing discreet audio.These smart glasses and lenses will stream the visual appearance of movies,video games replacing screens with earphones streaming audio with wireless mouse,keyboards and controllers while they stream movies,shows and video games directly from the wire or from nearby hard drives,their Hestia cloud or even computers etc allowing them to play games in public places with wire access or through smart devices and computers etc.In time like google glasses augmented reality lenses will be able to record audio/visual into computers in live time and in time nano microphones can be built into them like to record audio with nanomicrophones in jewellery and badges recording audio until these become sufficiently advanced.In time neural implants will replace smartphones as one could make phone calls through thought and have augmented reality screens of smart devices fed directly into the human brain with them even replacing laptop screens,televisions to play movies/video games etc and may even replace headphones and earphones as sounds would be fed directly into the brain with thoughts or ones own voice picked up by ears replacing speakers for games.

Eventually graphene implants built into or the skin(the latter of which can be easily removed by hand) will merge with the human nervous system will allow for these bionic smart phones/devices and all home devices such as laptops,televisions,computers controlling food production systems,thermostats and home AI systems to be controlled and found by human thoughts allowing the physically and mentally handicapped to control electronics with it even allowing for the deaf and blind to hear and see by interacting with cameras and nanomicrophones on glasses and allow the mute to talk via synthesizers on smart devices and nanospeakers.Furthermore it will allow data to be streamed directly into the nervous system and visualised through contact lenses or the optic nerve i.e.the internet,stored music and video files such as movies and live news feeds.This can allow eventually the blind to see and allow for bionic eyes to be built which allow zooming,thermal and night vision to be integrated into humans.It could also act as a computers to store information such as language translating software like world lens and the sentient Coeusand learn languages and fighting styles like in The Matrix and allow people to download huge reams of information cutting the time it takes to learn and to telepathically speak to others wirelessly across the globe and share memories(they may even help retrieve long lost and forgotten memories and store important notes,passwords for the elderly and absent minded that can be kept secret from others as well as record the voice of lost loved ones) and dreams as well as projecting both memories and dreams into computers where they can be recorded for use in psychoanalysis or can be turned into home movies.Furthermore it will allow them to share emotions and senses such as tastes,smells,sounds both from memory and live feeds with the option to shut off this link can be done either by thought and smart devices with consent authorised by all parties involved.It will also allow for people to construct movies,paintings,television shows,novels and take notes from pure thought which then can be recorded on computers or paintings.It may possibly allow the individual to initiate and control certain bodily responses and hormones in their body such as flight or fight or sexual hormones.Medical applications of these include the ability of patients being able to perform self examinations of breast,testicular and possibility even prostrate examinations at home with the senses of touch being relayed to doctors with video screens allowing for feedback.They could also measure brain patterns and readings.Patients could also share via these implants with their doctors directly or onto software that measures these as plotted graph or graph similar to seismographs pain sensations, emotions, temperature and other sensory sensations of sickness in their patient file to help doctors and psychologists better diagnose diseases,depression,mania,readings associated with schizophrenia etc.and injuries,understand their progression and regression more accurately.It can also be used by dentists to determine the severity of the patients toothaches and injuries and link with technologies and like computers and Voight Kampff machines in police stations to give pictures of suspects and share memories of events they were witness to for use in trials and storage in case files.This application may eventually mean coercive torture like warterboarding will disappear as a captured terrorist will have these implants put inside them using surgery or nanorobotics and can be used to scan the interrogated persons memories and thoughts for information sought by interrogation or streaming them onto computers and recorded by the military(such as faces,places and names) with the required warrant from the courts.This will mark the beginning of the merging of electronics and biology with it allowing people to make internet searches thought the entirety of the internet for old television shows,movies,music based on a memory or thought.These will be able to break down into the body safely if they are compromised or at the will of the user and firewalls will prevent mental coercion and manipulation from others via such as logs as who and where the person has been linked and when during each time it is used and cybersecurity software that allows only certain sensations,information and people to interact with the user.Eventually animals including those in the wild and in zoos could be either implanted into the brain or spinal cord or have them on the outside on the neck connected to the nervous to allow animal researchers to use them with the same features as those for humans.

Fashion wear such as sunglasses will develop past the current generation of google glasses and allow one to switch between normal vision,different levels of UV protection(from complete black to crystal clear and everything in between using the same technology as switcheable glass) either through smart device menus or automatically through quantum dot technology or similar forms of nanotech which will also charge them.They will also wirelessly transmit the intensity of light coming through them as well as monitoring the overall levels of UV released by the sun giving recommendations for the level of sunscreen use(what level of factor to wear in relation to their own particular skin type) or by interacting with sensors attached to atmospheric sensors in poles smart devices,embedded in clothing and other smart fashion wear.The glasses themselves with graphene integrated into them will allow for moving designs to be projected outward to people looking at them to further increase their style with new designs streamed from the wire and skype video chats and even computer and television screens integrated into them with files streamed from Dionysus.Also this will allow for viewing video files,making phonecalls, facetime, scanning documents and ID tags, virtual reality for playing games and for use in scientific studies,forensics and police investigations(similar to the ARI glasses of Heavy Rain)by accessing police intranet and the public internet via augmented reality as well as locating evidence as explained later on.All of these features would involve utilising smart gloves including playing augmented reality games.These glasses would allow for interaction with other electronics.These and other features will also in be applied to augmented reality contact lenses.Jewellery will become smart allowing the wearer to constantly measure biological signs such as heart rate, blood pressure,temperature etc.which can give an average reading over a long periods of time such as a month or year in health monitoring.Furthermore they can be fitted with miniature UV monitors which can wirelessly transmit this data to smartphones and smart lenses and glasses giving recommendations as to which would be the ideal factor of sunscreen to use.Smart lenses and glasses connected to the wire will give information on people they see on the street or meet through it linked to Polis giving names,age,country and town or city they live in and other basic information.All forms of AI will automatically be linked to Polis and thus able to recognise people this way including Gaia through smart devices,computers and cameras or indeed AI connected to her.Those on ones smart devices would allow one to take photos of specific individuals and get ones basic information on Polis this will record into ones Home AI and all types of AI sightings of people who have been kidnapped and gone missing or kidnapped.Googles lens integrated into the wire could give information on animals,manufactured products,media seen on devices and even buildings seen on the street and allow one to add them to their vehicles favourite addresses.Furthermore Pean could give the sexual health status someone they see in a nightclub as well as bring up a persons criminal record by cross referencing Athena and Paean.

Bracelets can be merged with smartphones will over time become holographic phones projecting touchscreen menus on the wearers skin or in the air with wireless earphones or electronic earrings and codec technology emitting audio( they can also store digital keys for laptops,homes and cars and transmit them in close proximity automatically signing one into their Hephaestus,email and other accounts).Clothes can have graphene integrated into them improving strength but also allow for them to monitor biological readings such as heart rate and blood pulse as well project video files and images such as shifting and moving designs downloaded and streamed from the wire and internet with the possibility of them streaming skype chats.Finger rings will also be a medium for projecting holograms and act as vocal receivers.Holographic phones alongside smart mirrors and televisions will eventually replace landline phones either through appliances that can be placed on a table.

In time smart mirrors including those on makeup holders and also furniture merging with video phones similar to those currently used by Viber and Skype(made defunct by Iris) will perform this with smart phones allowing for this with the option to change the location of the video call to the entire mirror or a chosen part the screen.Soon even televisions and laptops will be fitted with graphene touchscreens and the ability to carry out vid calls with again the option to change the location of the video call to the entire screen or a part of the screen.Eventually smart mirrors will merge with televisions(allowing for people to have video chats on televisions and watch television or video/music/document files from laptops and smartphones on smart mirrors),wrist phones,e paper,smart glasses,holographic landline phones and other smart technology in the home allowing a single conversation to be seamlessly transferred between the different mediums such as televisions,smartphones,smart mirrors,smart tables,smart clothing,smart cutlery,smart furniture at the will of the user based on their movement from one room,close proximity to another or neural implants.This will also apply to apps such as virtual secretaries and personal trainer apps.Landlines will be wireless ones that have touchscreens that allow for video chats that can change to and be present in smart mirrors across the house or building.Apps in smart devices will be organised i.e. one app on the phone will control and interact with lighting,electronics at home,smart jewellery,door locks and AI home systems, another will contain all of a persons digital keys for home AI/home doors/helper robots/vehicles/pets/livestock/laptops which can be shared individually with others given the owners consent, another will be built into the crop/livestock database allowing one to scan ID tags, others will deal entirely with orders of produce and manufactured goods which will allow them to monitor production of electronics and vehicles and track its transportation.Another universal app will interact with all bars,nightclubs,coffee/tea room and restaurants around the world to make on site orders and deliveries and so on(this will be detailed later on).Smart furniture such as chairs,desks,closets,tables(and even beds) can be developed by making them out of a single sheet of graphene with touchscreens on the surfaces to play video games,view and stream media files from external harddrives,smart devices,and access the internet and wire with simulations also played out for military trainees with holoprojecters also incorporated into it with the screen zoomable and even change pages and play games from Dionysus and virtual pool.Smart tables will like most devices be composed of a single sheet of graphene/silicene and can allow for holoprojections,internet/wire access,touchscreen capabilities,Iris chats and apps with them interacting with wireless controllers and even holo lens and smart lenses and glasses to play games including Perseus as well as play media.Permanent layers of liquid glass will make them dirt,stain,acid and acid proof with graphenes high melting point ensuring food and drink to be consumed on them and the graphenes strength allowing heavy weights to be placed on it nanocameras and scanners built into them.Smart mirrors will in time have the same features as all types of smart devices such as Iris chats,internet/wire access due to graphene and silicene in the glass with nanocameras and scanners in them with these mirrors being of all shapes and sizes including integrating them into furniture.Integrating graphene in glass and ceramics can allow the same features to be in drinking glasses and cutlery.By integrating holographic technology or even graphene into crystal balls can allow these to be used to access the internet,the wire and make video calls and non touchscreen holographic projectors can be integrated into bracelets,jewellery and wristbands streaming media and also maps.

With regards to kitchen appliances great strides have been made in producing energy efficient and more compact versions of kettles such as the Miitoo induction kettle replacing current inefficient models.Espresso machines are bulky consume far too much electricity and require far too much human labour in their construction with stovepot espresso/moka pots replacing them and can be heated in the same way as Miito kettles thus negating the need for gas cookers.Toasters could be replaced by induction toasters or in time the famous toaster knife from The Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy(by applying thin miniature internal heating elements inside all of the knife which can be powered by a graphene schwarzite battery in the handle and controlled by an on/off switch and charged via wireless energy chargers or the handle being solar powered via quantum dot technology graphene sheets and paint)and the knife composed of the same material as in toasters and also graphene due to its high thermoconductivity and melting point with toaster ovens and halogen ovens also taking their place at the moment as they can cook other products such as bagels,mini pizzas,steaks and chicken legs in one replacing pans and cookers which can be dangerous.Steamers and solar grills that use hot air and solar grills can replace cookers as well as pots and pans.Blenders and handheld blenders could be charged with wireless energy chargers.All of these can be sprayed by liquid glass to prevent the build up of dirt in hard to reach places.Smart fridges linked to the home AI and the wire can allow one to keep track of whats left in the fridge,what is fresh either by sensors that detect smells and/or by keeping track of when an item was placed inside via the Home AI app.They will also by linking to Demeter allow one to make orders from community and vertical farms around the world and access other parts of the wire ie Hermes to monitor environmental readings from around the world and also view media from Apollo and Dionysus and patient files in Aesculapius.Furthermore one will be able to monitor control the temperature in the fridge and freezer via touchscreen menus and also smart devices via the Home AI app


Living room electronics like televisions can be can now reduced from large bulky flatscreens to millimeter or nanometer thick graphene and silicene screens that can be applied on walls or suspended in between two sheets of quantum dot technology glass to generate electricity and to place it on a stand.These thin televisions can be smart ones that stream the internet and wire including Pheme and Dionysus with them also streaming downloaded games and data from hard drives,computers,laptops,devices and also their own internal biological harddrives.Smart televisions via graphene built into windows in bedrooms,living rooms especially hotel style communal homes,penthouses etc and those with large windows opposite couches and beds.They can also stream the internet and be able to visit any site with linked mouse and keyboards allowing one to visit any site with apps linking one to various adult websites with it of course also allowing one to stream the entire wire including Pheme and Dionysus and also stream data from external harddrives and laptops etc and as stated they will house sizeable biological harddrives to download and store large amounts of media that can be deleted with consoles wirelessly linked to them negating wires especially in the case of those within windows and nanothin ones.Batteries can be present to charge energy from artificial and natural sources of heat and light as well as ambient noise to charge them in cases of blackouts and even at any time to alleviate strains on the grid with webcams present to make Iris calls and also other features.Smart devices linked to them will replace bulky and easily lost remote controls.Apps like those for websites and also even Pandora and Ampelos can be used on them.This could be applied to laptop and personal computer monitors with nano circuitry,nano graphene/silicene (and other similar nanomaterials) and biological internal and external hard drives,nano thin system units containing nanomaterials making up various components and quartz or biological hard drives.These laptop screens,computer monitors and televisions could also have touchscreen capabilities.They will also have access to the entire wire controlled by linked mouse and smart devices with them housing biological harddrives that can store data downloaded from the wire and internet.They will also be able to stream data from linked smart devices,harddrives and have data copied to them.In time televisions will be integrated into windows via graphene and biocompatible microbes with the windows using quantum dot technology,graphene sheets and the grid to charge them alongside nanothin supercapcitors stored within them or other parts of the room with when turned off the window will be see through.These could consist of a sheet of glass that has graphene,silicene and biocompatible microbes to give them processing power or just sheets of graphene etc and alongside biosynth batteries and self charging technologies can allow them to extremely thin with the microbes having scratch DNA and bioluminescenc added allowing them to replace LEDs etc.Monitors for computers can utilise this.Graphene touchscreen keyboards can be produced which will allow for the layout to be changed to and from QWERTY to other variations(including braille on normal or shape memory allow based touchscreen) and custom made layouts including those of all known languages via a menu button and also remove the problem of keys falling off which are difficult or impossible to repair with this applying to both computers and laptops and other components of personal computers,laptops,media players and other electronics will also allow them to become just as thin,space efficient,portable and powered by this medium.These will use biosynth wifi to transmit instruction.All components and peripherals can be coated in a layer of graphene,thermo,piezoelectric materials and quantum dot technology with nano generators inside that generate electricity from the piezoelectric effect using sound to generate its own electricity.Personal computers will be truly wireless with monitors,external hard drives,speakers,keyboards,mice,video game controllers and other peripherals and even the system unit interacting wirelessly between each other without the need for connecting cables with only a plug for the system unit(which may disappear due to wireless energy chargers and power from quantum dot technology and graphene)needed or even self charging technologies used and energy shared between each component wirelessly.This alongside wireless earphones etc will allow for all ports in a laptop or computer for plugging in each part to disappear with speakers also connected wirelessly to home cinemas,laptops,televisions,smart devices etc via the Home AI app.Thus all parts of desktop computers such as mouse,keyboard,speakers,external hard drives and screens etc can be made completely wireless via biosynth Bluetooth that allows them to interact with each other without wires especially when wireless energy is perfected.These can through this biosynth Bluetooth be able to interact with other registered devices such as smart televisions etc.Peripherals like video game controllers,mouse and wireless keyboards will be able to be used on multiple devices such smart phones,smart pads,consoles,smart mirrors and even smart televisions through the linking system for use in text based and point and click adventure games but also as a means to use search bars within the wire and internet in these devices.Laptops,computers,video game controllers and smart devices such as phones will replace remote controllers that are bulky and get lost completely controlling televisions and other devices such as lamps and even lights on ceilings through links into home AI systems with them also controlling media players and home cinemas with even external hard drives that they wirelessly stream data from controlled by this also.In time direct interaction with the Home AI will also work.Televisions composed of graphene as stated will be shatterproof but also have touchscreen capabilities.Televisions and laptops and thus the movies,video games and television shows will thus be controlled using linked smart devices and computers replacing bulky remote controllers with consoles even turned on/off with these with smart controls and linked and computers via the Home AI app controlling them thus replacing bulky and easily lost smart controls with even direct interaction with the Home AI sufficing.Digitally downloading video games,Blu Ray movies or streaming live TV via Wifi wire connections will eliminate the installation of satellite boxes by electricians as well as producing discs to store films and games which can be streamed and played across different devices with existing satellites,dishes and boxes recycled.Apps such as the home AI app can store all the channels from around the world that they have subscribed to inside a sub folder of the television folder(itself in the electronics folder)alongside YouTube,adult video sites,Dionysus and other video streaming sites giving them a wide range of choice no company could give them.Digitally downloading video games,Blu Ray movies or streaming live television will eliminate the installation of satellite boxes by electricians as well as having to produce discs to store films and games and Blu-Ray players.Advances in graphene will allow televisions to be integrated into windows in living rooms and bedrooms with wireless mobile speakers and wireless earphones/headphones allowing them to watch and listen to the television indoors and outdoors.Alternatively the graphene sheets could be suspended in between two sheets of quantum dot technology so as to be placed on a small stand for these nano thin televisions.Flexible ones composed of only graphene/carbyne will have touchscreen capabilities to televisions should other smart devices used as remotes become lost.As stated earlier this could be applied to laptop and personal computer monitors with nano circuitry,nano graphene internal and external hard drives,graphene touchscreen keyboards and other components of personal computers,laptops,media players and other electronics will also allow them to become just as thin,space efficient,portable and powered by this medium.This will also apply to car windshields both gaining energy from quantum dot technology and graphene sheets built into the window.Installing Coeus into them will automatically translate foreign channels into the language of the viewer giving them an almost unlimited choice from the around the world.Eventually people will inevitably stream televisions channels through smart devices and laptops as well as watch movies and televisions shows on both Dionysus and channels registered on the home AI app from Pheme eliminating the need for multiple televisions in one home with the single television placed in the main lounge.Furthermore as stated earlier televisions will be able to view YouTube videos and access other public video sharing and even adult entertainment subscription sites in fullscreen via apps similar to how they can view movies via subscriptions to Netflix with search bars operated via smart devices.Ideally all televisions should be smart televisions(with older ones recycled) that can stream television channels via individual apps for sites like YouTube etc apps for websites and also an app that connects them to Dionysus(where they can all media such as movies,television shows,music videos,live art etc and even all video games that can be streamed and downloaded onto consoles or onto external hard drives for consoles),Pheme(and thus all television and radio channels from around the world).These will be able to stream media from other registered electronics and store them via biological hard drives.An app that connects them to the wire will allow them access to all networks such as Hermes,Demeter,Hephaestus and use all aspects of the wire they are entitled to.All apps currently on smartphones including the Home AI app named Hestia will be able to be downloaded onto smart televisions,mirrors and e-newspapers since those in the Apple store etc will be transferred into Hephaestus namely Talos with these devices also able to connect to the internet.

Bedroom electronics such as hairdryers and razors will soon become obsolete.Hairdryers can damage hair and again use too much energy in use and production as well as too much human labour to produce.However the invention of the Studio Dry gloves can eliminate the need for this as the microfibres are adept at absorbing more moisture than towels with these designed and stored in Arachne.Disposable razors and even the more sturdy Gillette versions should ideally replaced with electric variants that last indefinitely.Although Phillips shavers production has been fully automated to save on resources all in one variants that are designed to shave,beards,body hair,head hair,leg hair,underarm hair and possibly even both nose and ear hair should be manufactured instead of one of each kind to save on resources.All of these should ideally charged with wireless chargers and can be covered internally and externally in a layer of liquid glass to prevent the build of dirt,skin flakes and thus clogs making them easy to clean out with water.Electric toothbrushes and in fact traditional toothbrushes will be replaced by the blizzadent since it is easier to produce via 3D printing.In time e-posters will be made onsite of Talos factories that will allow one to stream and download onto their biological harddrives any of the worlds paintings and posters for all media such as video games,movies and televisions shows and others miscellaneous ones including new paintings and posters created by the public stored in Apollo and Hephaestus with these changed on demand saving time and energy with the powered by nanomaterial batteries and self charging batteries.They will utilise Graphene and biosynth technology allowing for WiFi to change paintings and posters instantly from Hephastus and Apollo with one downloading them into their Home AI app and choosing which one to change it to and delete unwanted ones


Furthermore constructing keyboards,video game controllers and headphones of a graphene/quantum dot matrix will allow touchscreen capabilities to be integrated into them(and making them extremely thin and shatterproof) for example buttons of a video game controller,keyboard buttons with the layout changed to and from QWERTY to other customized variations,languages and layouts via a menu button or their language settings in Gaia(including on wireless ones) and key buttons on headphones etc being touchscreens rather than clunky conventional ones and allow mobile and stationary designs to be streamed onto via the home AI app thus giving the consumer an infinite variety of designs on the one controller casing present in the subfolders of the electronics with this also applying to laptops,personal computers and smartphone external cases and even external harddrives etc all designed by the public.It will also extended the shelf of the earphones/headphones indefinitely since most earphones and headphones break down and stop working when the input plug is damaged lessening the need to replace them so often.Also it means they will be easier to make via automation and 3D printing or even hand assembly since no wires have to be dealt with in construction.One could scan their head into their Hephaestus account or use the one in Narcissus and use that as a model for headphones that are suited to their headsize and contours ensuring it would never break as it would be customised and suited to their head size and thus would be not too small or too big with ideally plastic parts that connect the speakers to the main body through retractable parts and that which covers the head can have graphene sandwiched inbetween it or be have graphene and carbon composites integrated into- their matrix to ensure it is unbreakable and can last several decades and save on the need to mine for metals.One for wireless earphones scan in their ears to make them customised to their ears.Thus all headphones whether wireless or normal ones will have their size be customised to ones unique head size and contours to prevent them breaking with earphones customised to ones unique ears.Wires within the headphones that connect both earpieces would also be replaced by biosynth wifi and bluetooth that cut down on wiring that needs to be created with this applying to earphones also with all wireless earphones have no wiring connecting both together with bluetooth connecting them to each other.They too like the devices they are used like smart devices and laptops can be treated with water repellent treatments to allow them to be used in pools,the ocean and saunas etc.Research must be done into a means of making quantum dot technology applicable to graphene sheets used in smart devices,televisions and e-newspapers and in the form of flexible layers that can be covered onto casings and screens negating the need for using glass which can be broken and limit the flexibility of electronics and even make them thick.

In the case of wireless chargers they can charge a wide range of electronics ranging from lamps(with internal battery lasting at least 48 hours to a week of continuous lighting and a chip which interacts with the home AI app it is registered to showing how much charge is in the battery ),smart devices,laptops,digital cameras,electric shavers and kitchen appliances as well as external hard drives(again graphene paint/sheet and quantum dot matrix could be utilized here) that would transfer and stream data to all smart devices and laptops and computers within close proximity without any wires plugging into these devices with the same applying to digital cameras that could transfer data to and from computers,external hard drives and smart devices from an internal hard drive or flashcard with the consumer allowed to transfer data not only to and from their own electronics wirelessly and remotely but also to those belonging to others using the same by proxy system mentioned earlier.These could double as or added onto furniture like bedside lockers or tables similar to the Ikea charger that could be in main rooms such as sitting rooms,kitchens and bedrooms and provide a family or person with all their electronic charging needs significantly reducing the need for using plastics and copper wiring but also eliminating bulky chargers that easily break and require too many precious metals in their construction.Furthermore this could be miniaturised into cars for charging devices while travelling with them charged by quantum dot technology and graphene.In order to make the wireless chargers have no wires or plugs connected to the mains and thus eliminate most wiring in the construction of a building quantum dot technology and graphene paint and sheets could be integrated in these charging devices allowing them to be charged by both sunlight and artificial light sources.Induction plates can be used to charge specific robots such as cleaner robots such as hoover bots,pet robots,helper/maid bots and vehicles with these plates placed in small rooms under stairs or in garage which cut down on the need to plug them in to charge them.This may also allow air purifiers,portable heaters and fans/coolers etc to be charged for set amount of time say 24/48 hours or placed in strategic areas to have them constantly charged.Personal computers can also be charged by desks with areas fitted with sections containing wireless charging technology(powered via mixture of quantum dot and graphene technology) with monitors,hard drives,external hard drives,monitors, keyboards,mouses,controllers, media players and any other components and peripherals such as smart devices and external harddrives powered and interacting with each other wirelessly(and extracting energy from the charger via transmitters) to cut down on wiring resources and also remove the burden of having to untangle and sort out wiring between the computer and its peripherals.Self charging technologies can be implemented into the body of computers laptops and peripherals.Smart devices and digital cameras linked to them via the Home AI app could also wirelessly stream data back and forth from these over vast distances via the wire.This could allow video games to be played on different consoles(including handheld),smart devices as well as personal computers and laptops with data such as save files and customisation(or even whole downloaded games)transferred or streamed between different ports with controllers and other peripherals working for all types of consoles and computers.Eventually wireless energy may become so advanced that a single large device may only need to be placed into the bottom floor or the ceiling of the house or attic that wirelessly charge or power all of a homes devices including dishwashers,dryers,cookers and even lights in ceilings only when they are turned on with wifi chips fitted into switches in the devices with research done to see if synthetic materials such as graphene being used for these devices and coils.In existing homes large portable wireless charger plates can be developed that plugs into a mains and be placed on the floor and charge or power any electronics placed above them such as personal computers,lamps,televisions,kitchen appliances until the homeowner may choose to renovate the house by removing all wiring in the walls and ceilings through any means possible especially if transporter technology is possible,recycle it and replace it with coils in the ceiling,floor,basement foundations and floor or attic.Any wiring in new homes including these charging coils can use synthetic materials like graphene rather than copper and other materials.Graphene and other nanomaterials that has biosynth technologies and biosynth wifi integrated into them can replace copper that radiates electricity to all devices that have biosynth wifi and chips that extract electricity from it.This because it is more abundant,has better electroconductivity and combined with biosynth technology can enhance WiFi etc.Biosynth tissues can be covered over the Graphene coils to enhance the radiation of the wireless energy.Until then for existing homes a single wireless charger device the size of a router or computer system unit can be plugged into homes to radiate wireless energy to all devices in a room with it drawing more energy from the grid and thus radiating more energy when needed.This would utilise biosynth tissues and Graphene etc.It could double as ones home system unit that houses their Home,Room,Building AI,Biosynth WiFi as well as main video game console etc.This can be a large one in ones basement or be separate small ones in each room or every few rooms.The energy can be generated as WiFi similar to biosynth WiFi using biosynth WiFi that provides both energy and WiFi at the same time with if possible scratch DNA in these devices used to generate biosynth wireless energy.To negate the issue of electricity being radiated all the time in both coils and plugged in devices that would waste electricity in both methods the biosynth chips in devices would only extract it and thus force electricity to be drawn in from the grid only when turned on via Home AI app and voice command with regards to televisions,biosynth wifi routers,lamps,computers etc with smart devices with other devices like smart phones,laptops have settings in them and the Home AI app where one will be able to turn off this extraction of electricity when they are fully charged and turn it on when they need electricity to charge and want to keep it charged with them also able to have settings where it will automatically extract energy from it once their batteries reaches a preset level and switch off when fully charged.External harddrives will gain energy via them extracting energy from laptops when opened up and need or plugged in wireless energy conduits and coils when wirelessly turned on.Thus in all forms of wireless energy biosynth wifi and Bluetooth in the electronics will only extract energy from chargers and coils and thus the grid only when the devices are turned on or one wants to have them charged.Self charging technologies will possibly negate this in most electronics with coils and plug in chargers that radiate electricity will use biosynth wifi.Conventional and wireless chargers will be designed and stored in Talos and stored with peripherals.Biosynth wifi and biosynth Bluetooth in all devices will manage the wireless transfer of electricity between each other.Removing wiring from all electronics and using self charghing technologies will not only negate the need for creating and using bulky chargers but also making it easier to construct them via automation and 3D printing especially in the case of earphones,headphones,lamps and other electronics.Self charging technologies in smart devices,computers,televisions and possibly other household electronics will eliminate wiring,charging with liquid glass applied to all clothing and cutlery will negate the need for energy intensive and wires and possibly even negate the need for wiring and even wireless coil chargers or alleviate their strains and size.Copper etc as part of plugs can be replaced by graphene,similar nanomaterials of all 94 elements and biosynth technology.

Also included in this homogenisation will the fact that all countries will eventually have to adopt a single universal plug type for electronics ideally the British Plug Type G because of its safety(including the shutter system to prevent children electrocuting themselves)with advances in automation or home DIY even allowing for existing non plug type G wall sockets to be converted into ones that support it with converters used to facilitate type G plugs in countries that have different plug types until this is done.Type G wall sockets for electronics due to their safety will replace all other types worldwide via modifying plug sockets and converters and electrical systems as part of renovations as part of Restoration Nation for abandoned,obsolete buildings,public buildings and both communal and private homes.This means that all electronics,electrical systems and type g wall sockets will have to have the same amp,frequency and voltage range everywhere and other standards,connectors etc with the safest one adopted with adapters,converters and transformers used until complete conversion of existing sockets etc have been done by robots or by electricians.Old electronics can use adapters and converters on installed type G sockets until customised electronics by 2029 use only Type G plugs that will phase out all other plug types worldwide by 2029.One will order in new electronics such as televisions,laptops etc from countries that use Type G sockets once all homeowners as part of renovations worldwide modify wall sockets to be Type G due to its safety with all customised electronics by 2029 Type G for global uniformity.During clearances electronics with non type G plugs etc will be scanned into Hephaestus and recycled with one in countries without type G plugs will order in new electronics from Great Britain and Ireland etc with electronics companies in countries worldwide will begin manufacturing their electronics in local factories but with Type G plugs and also the same ampage,voltage and wattage etc as Great Britain and Ireland allowing consumers getting them from clearances and at the same time getting adapters and converters that will be used prior to their homes converted to type G and the British electrical grid.This will apply to existing private homes and communal homes and those derived from obsolete and abandoned buildings during these rennovations with this ensuring the correct amp age and wattage etc ie the amount of energy drawn in by electronics is synonymous with those in Great Britain that use this plug type.Prior to 2029 when customised electronics all electronic companies in countries worldwide that don’t use the type G wall socket will create versions of all of their electronics of all types that use the exact wattage etc and plug type as those for people modifying their wall sockets with converters and adapters used in transition to the global phasing out of non type G wall sockets and plugs to type G ones worldwide.This will be of relevance to people buying new electronics such as smart televisions etc as part of luxury renovations.All power grids,power plants etc worldwide will be converted to the same electrical systems and thus wattage,voltage and ampage of Europe including Great Britain that is 230V and 50Hz while renovations are carried out in buildings worldwide electronics companies will produce versions of their electronics that use the same type G type and voltage,ampage and wattage etc in all countries worldwide and people will buy and use converters and adaptors until their electrical grids are converted to the british standard of 230V 50Hz and plugs are converted to Type G.These converters etc can be used prior to wall sockets and electrical systems in all buildings worldwide such as communal and private homes including both existing ones and those from renovated obsolete and abandoned homes as well as all public buildings such as hospitals,factories,sewage and water treatment plants,amenities,bars,nightclubs worldwide are converted into type G sockets with the same amp,wattage as those in Ireland and Great Britain and all electronics worldwide including exiting and customised ones are replaced with Type G ones for uniformity to prevent complexities in the future.Hospitals,amenities,bars etc will use adapters etc as all of these buildings will be converted to Type G wall sockets and plugs.Thus between 2029-2045 all buildings of all types worldwide including existing private homes,obsolete and abandoned buildings converted into private and communal homes as well as public buildings such as factories,public amenities,bars,nightclubs,airports,hospitals,sewage treatment plants as well as cruise ships,vertical farms and so on will have all plugs converted into type G and all electrical systems converted into that used by Britain where Type G used as to allow for homogenisation and end complexities associated with different countries having different systems with this plug type used across the universe for all future buildings etc.Adapters and converters once no longer needed will be traded online and Euthenia and recycled.All plugs in wall sockets,electrical systems and all amps,wattage and voltage in all electronics and electrical systems worldwide will be converted to that of that of both Great Britain and Ireland as it is same.Thus not only will all sockets be converted into type g but all electrical systems such as power grids and power lines,power plants etc worldwide will be converted into the same wattage,ampage and voltage as Great Britain and Ireland and the rest of Europe roughly 230V 50Hz but all future customised electronics will use both type G plugs and the same wattage,voltage etc as those from Great Britain and the rest of Europe roughly 230V 50Hz to ensure uniformity with all existing non type G electronics will be recycled and replaced by newer customised electronics with adapters and converters used in the transition phase.This type G plug and British electrical systems of 230V 50Hz will be uniform in all private homes,public buildings such as hospitals,factories,sewage/water etc treatment plants,public amenities etc worldwide and also private and communal homes derived from both obsolete and abandoned buildings worldwide.This is because this plug type is the safest and electrical systems of Great Britain is roughly 230V and 50Hz and will negate the need for multiple plug types across the world allowing all future customised electronics plug types worldwide to be the same and thus used everywhere and traded with anyone and negate the need for adapters and converters – thus by changing wall sockets and electronics to this universal plug type in all homes,public buildings such as hospitals etc as part of these renovations worldwide prior to 2029 and to the universal power grid etc worldwide will negate any future complexities forever.The voltage,hertz,ampage and wattage of Great Britain will be utilised worldwide.If possible the Type G plug will be adopted globally with if whichever is deemed safer etc direct current and lower or higher voltages,wattage,hertz and ampage etc will used instead of that of Great Britain.AI namely Steropes will determine the safest wattage,voltage,ampage levels and range that exist worldwide including new ones and then modify all countries power grids,electrical systems etc worldwide including Great Britain to it.The most efficient and safest electrical system either alternating and direct current in terms of safety and efficiency of transmission of electricity will be adopted worldwide with research made into more efficient and safe means with any future changes done worldwide by AI and Biosynths.Public buildings such as hospitals,amenities,bars and nightclubs etc and also all renovated obsolete and abandoned buildings,all existing private and communal homes and cruise ships etc worldwide will undergo this conversion to type G and British electrical system for the same reason with this done at the same time they are made water and energy efficient and undergo luxury renovations and have extensions.The electrical systems,voltage,ampage and watts of Great Britain will be adopted worldwide by modifying the wattage,ampage and voltage of buildings,power grids and electrical systems worldwide to the same standards as in Great Britain.The type G plug type and electrical systems of Great Britain and the rest of Europe of 230V 50Hz will be chosen because it is the safest.This conversion will be carried out at the same time that public buildings,private homes etc are undergoing luxury renovations to increase the occupants standard of living but also measures to make them water and energy efficient reducing energy and water waste by between 70-90%.All abandoned and obsolete buildings converted into homes will be fitted with these electrical systems and plug types..Thus the changing of sockets to Type G and same electrical systems as Great Britain when they are undergoing luxury refurbishments,extensions and the buildings are refurbished to be made energy and water efficient.For bars,nightclubs,hospitals etc this will be done at the same time they are fitted with the latest robots and automated features.All buildings worldwide such as private homes,apartments,hospitals and also all obsolete buildings such as hotels,motels,supermarkets etc converted into private and communal homes alongside abandoned buildings converted into private and communal homes will have all sockets converted into Type G sockets and electrical systems in all power plants,power grids and buildings worldwide.At the same time all power plants,electrical systems and grids voltage,ampage and wattage worldwide will be converted into the same one present in Great Britain,Ireland and the rest of Europe of 230V 50Hz to ensue that all electronics intake the same voltage,wattage,ampage as that in Great Britain and Ireland.As a result all future electronics will use the same wattage,voltage and ampage etc and plug type of those sold in Great Britain including electric toothbrushes etc.All electrical grids and electrical systems worldwide will be modified to have the same amps,wattage and voltage as electrical systems in Great Britain of 230V 50Hz through measures to convert them to it thus meaning all newly converted sockets converted into Type G will draw in the same wattage,ampage and voltage into universal Type G electronics as in Great Britain.This will allow all future customised electronics worldwide to have the same plug type as Type G and also the same voltage,ampage and wattage of 230V 50Hz meaning one can use the same electronics worldwide as tourists and when moving to another country permanently with during the transitional phase multi-plug adapters and converters used.Thus by 2029-2045 type G wall sockets and plugs of electronics will replace all other types worldwide by having all homes,public buildings etc worldwide converted to Type G sockets and British electrical systems of 230V 50Hz will replace all systems worldwide to end complexities and also due to its safety and allow global uniformity for when people are on holiday and move home.All electrical systems in power plants and power grids that are connected to buildings and their plugs in all buildings and all electronics will be modified into using the same voltage,wattage,amp age etc standards as Great Britain and Ireland of 230V 50Hz to further integrate homogenisation with converters used in between the transition.This will mean all buildings,electronics,sockets and electrical systems will be modified and undergo renovations to use the same voltage,ampage etc as each other worldwide and be modified to standards in Ireland and Great Britain.This conversion to Type G sockets and British electrical systems will be done in all buildings such as private and communal homes,obsolete and abandoned homes renovated into luxury homes and also all public buildings such as amenities,hospitals,sewage treatment plants,factories etc worldwide will be modified into using these sockets,voltage etc with them using adapters and converters in the transitional period.Cruise ships and other means of transportation including interstellar vehicles etc will utilise and convert to this plug type etc.All buildings worldwide will be converted to Type G sockets and the buildings and power infrastructure electrical systems converted to that of Great Britain.This will be done to ensure homogeneous standards and end complexities when travelling abroad for holidays and permanently moving home and due to the Type G known as the safest plug type.As a result by 2029 all future electronics worldwide will use the same Type G plug and same amps,voltage,wattage as those sold in Great Britain.Human electricians paid money from Euthenia by 2029 and in time biosynths by 2045 will carry this out worldwide in fleets.These conversion to type G and British electrical systems in all homes and buildings will be done at the same time that these buildings will undergo renovations to make them water and energy efficient as well as undergoing luxury renovations as well as the same time they are being fitted with automated measures with robots,biosynths and also fitted with onboard computers to house the AI in charge of them and also other renovations to update them and entire economy to the post 2029 automated global economy with this done using money organised and collected by the government both in global scales but also on national scales by each countries government but also each local state,county government and even town and city government including both human and in time AI governors and mayors alongside private citizens funding them through Patreon,global universal basic income,monitisation and applying for loans from banks with Gaia once she has seized control of the global money supply she will arrange the allotment of money to where it is need for these renovations with by 2035-2045 biosynths able to do most building and private homes.Asbestos in all buildings worldwide including hospitals,public buildings,factories,private homes and obsolete buildings and abandoned buildings rennovated to luxury standards worldwide will be removed and replaced with fungi based insulation and hempcrete during these renovations.Copper etc as part of plugs can be replaced by graphene,similar nanomaterials of all 92 elements and biosynth technology.This includes bayonet mounts that are used in lightbulbs in United Kingdom and in many countries that were members of the British Empire including Pakistan,Australia,Hong Kong,Fiji,India,Sri Lanka,Ireland,and New Zealand,parts of the Middle East and Africa and, historically,France and Greece will eventually phase out new and even existing Edison screws in America and automatise industry with light sockets in ceilings and lamps converted to the bayonet system for the same reason as switching the world to type G sockets.All door handles in all private and communal homes,hospitals,factories,bars,restaurants and all buildings worldwide will be be replaced by round digital locks that use digital keys rather than normal physical keys to open them.These digital keys will use digital keys stores on ones Hestia app that can be shared with others using a system of adminstration and daughter acces that can be shared on revoked wirelessly with them opening locks to doors wirelessly.All doors in all buildings worldwide both private and communal homes and also public buildings such as hospitals,power plants,sewage and water treatment plants etc will use this system of round locks and digital keys.These digital keys will also replace keys for vehicles,sheds,windows and gates etc.This will negate the need for using conventional keys that can be lost,negate the need for carrying them and also need to create copies and also also have them all stored in ones app on smartphones and laptops etc with them shared wirelessly with others.Asbestos in all buildings worldwide will be replaced with fungi and hempcrete based insulation.These modifications will be made to building worldwide as part of luxury rennovations.The conversion of all sockets,electrical systems to the British system and Type G,replacing of food handles to digital locks and removal of asbestos and other infrastructural measures will be done by human electricians,construction workers paid through Euthenia,Daedalus and funds from Kickstarter etc worldwide by 2029 with by 2045 Biosynths will be advanced by 2045 to replace humans.This will be organised by Steropes, Gaia and also governments of each country and each state in the case of America etc.

Optional would be settings in Hestia in all major electronics that would allow the consumer to switch from blue light to red light and vice versa to induce sleep at night and alertness during the day.With settings to this in the settings menu of all electronics such as laptops,smart devices(phones,pads,e-newspapers),clocks etc.Gaia through interacting with all public clocks both digital and analog as well as all smart devices and electronics it is linked to can automatically switch times on clocks for daylight savings time worldwide if it is agreed to be carried out.On/off buttons as well as volume buttons could be replaced by touchscreen buttons with smart devices for example to have apps especially music,video and those linking to sites like YouTube and Dionysus playing in the background or moved to the corner of the screen while other apps are opened similar to laptops with multiple apps opened this way and a selected one brought to the front.iSample facial and age recognition software can be built into upon manufacture by default integrated into Hestia by guardians and stay indefinitely in smart devices,laptops and personal computers to prevent minors accessing age restricted sites such as social networks/forums/adult entertainment sites,procuring alcoholic drinks and adult manufactured goods as well as streaming and downloading adult magazines and movies from the wire.Ideally this would be part of Hestia and Gaia allowing it to be automatically be on all electronics.Narrow wavelength UV light that kills microbes but doesn’t harm human skin for sterilising surfaces alongside nano scanners for scanning in products and rooms into Hephaestus and Dionysus can be integrated into or next to the camera with even miniaturised X-ray,DEXA and other scanners and holoprojecting technology.Furthermore smartphones and devices will automatically switch to aeroplane mode when on planes by interacting with the onboard computers of planes and will automatically switch to normal mode when off.Smart devices,laptops,computers and televisions through direct I nteractions with the sentient Home AI will be turned on/off and carry out functions such as type down spoken words,sentences,send emails,initiate phone calls,play and transfer certain files etc through voice command for the blind with the AI also reading out important texts,emails and alerts received by them.This can also apply to non blind individuals to speed up the carrying out of certain steps and even the physically handicapped with new features added to Hestia overtime by herself and also the public.Neural implants will aid the physically and mentally handicapped in using them as well those that are blind.All writing and word writing software such as Microsoft Works,Microsoft Word,Powerpoints and all existing software for writing and typing documents will be merged into a sentient one called Branchus after the son of Apollo with all of their features and even fonts in them added.New features and fonts will be added over time including designed by Branchus itself and the public.New features will be added to him by himself via her creating them via pure thought etc and the public through direct interactions

Mouses for all electronics could be registered to any device with biosynth wifi and bluetooth allow for all parts of desktop computers to interact with each other without wires connecting the system unit to the screen,mouse and keyboard and even external harddrives and even other registered devices with them all using self charging technologies and wireless charging as well as each one extracting energy from the grid and each other wireless removing most if not all wires.Thus even the system unit can interact wirelessly with computer screens and all media players,external harddrives,controllers,mouse,keyboards interacting wirelessly with each other with external harddrives,consoles,controllers,mouse,keyboards interacting wirelessly with smart devices and televisions and so on using biosynth Bluetooth.Furthermore video game consoles including handhelds will wirelessly interact with smart televisions and also even computers and laptops negating the need for complex wiring as well as making it easier for people to record their games on laptops using Fraps and Bandicam though both of these and other recording software can be merged into Hestia and Ampelos and this feature being separate installed on smart televisions as well as smart devices with even televisions having hard drives to store files with these or have the files either streamed and wirelessly transferred to other devices,recorded onto linked hard drives and computers.These televisions through Hephaestus can download apps for YouTube and other video sharing and social media sites allowing one to record their games on televisions or linked devices without wires to connect laptops to televisions to record sections of live streams from Pheme and media from Dionysus such as video game walkthroughs for console games including those on handhelds and uploaded them to their account.Ampelos/Hestia recording software on will allow this and even allow for livestreams via links to YouTube with it also installed on smart devices and camcorders etc to carry out these functions.Biosynth wifi in all devices will manage the wireless interactions between each other.Ideally wiring such as those in earphones,headphones and chargers should be eliminated completely with wireless earphones and headphones that be tuned into working on specific electronics or have electronics operations software that detect them and work when a menu that allow them to select it on these electronics i.e. the home AI app on smart devices will have them registered to them via Bluetooth and the home AI app that can turn on/off their functionality on them for each device or turn them on/off for specific electronics in a menu with the same applied to laptops and computers and a menu on televisions that can turn on/off detected or registered wireless earphones/headphones that will allow multiple individuals to watch and use multiple devices at once in one room with one or more people listening to one device at the same time with their own set of earphones/headphones leaving others in the room to not listen to it and each person possibly having their own set volume for their ear/headphones.This can allow multiple people to listen to the same device instead of one especially to prevent others being awoken.Each set of these people could even listen to two or more electronics at once through their own set.In time the range of wireless headphones and earphones will exponentially increase that is the distance one needs to be from the smart devices,laptops etc they are streaming audio will improve to the point one can be several hundred metres or even kilometres away from them potentially halfway across the world through improvements in Bluetooth strength and with improvements in battery storage allowing them to last years if not decades on a single charge and charge within hours or even minutes.Wireless headphones and earphones will work for all types of electronics such as computers,laptops and also smart televisions.In time they would allow one to carry out phonecalls with their smartphone in close proximity or in different room altogether and through vehicle onboard computers with voice commands activating calls with those in their phone book and allowing them to control environmental conditions of their home and all electronics registered to it) or in the case of earphones into each earphone connecting them to each other and the Home AI app electronics they are linked to are now beginning to phase out outdated models and will replace them entirely as seen by those being developed by Apple and Wearhaus.The range for electronics they are registered and linked to will improve overtime as well as the amount of time it takes to charge them reduced to a few minutes and last fully charged for longer than the current 9-41 hours to theoretically allowed to be charged for as long as several weeks,months or even a year or longer possibly even decades on a single charge that takes only a few hours or minutes to charge them with them able to stream audio from multiple devices at once through interacting with one’s Home AI with the possibility of multiple wireless headphones and earphones used by multiple people streaming audio from a single device at once with advances in biosynth technology including biosynth wifi,bluetooth and schwarzites.They will automatically work with any electronic device with the sentient Hestia able to solve any issues they have with them in areas to activate them labelled as ones headphones or earphones with a photogrammetric image of them to distinguish them from each other.They too will be charged via wireless chargers that charge other electronics or alternatively them being composed of a quantum dot technology and graphene sheets/graphene paint/thermo-piezoelectric material matrix to gain energy from light and heat.Like normal headphones they could wirelessly extracting energy from the electronics via transmitters built into the devices they interact with and the ear/headphones could be utilised eliminating the need for conventional external wireless chargers and other chargers that require them to be charged and only have use for three to five or even ten hours at a time and negate the need for bulky batteries.As a result they could not even need charging since they like normal earphones take in energy in minute levels from devices they are working on with them working on all types of electronics such as smart devices,laptops,computers,smart televisions and so on with one using their Home AI app to pick which device to register it to with as stated two or more people being able to use them on the same device at once.This would eliminate jacks but at the same time allow any customised wireless earphones and headphones work forever without the need for charging them every few hours but still need containers and since not needing batteries only WiFi and Bluetooth transmitters to extract energy from them can last forever.Biosynth wifi in the headphones/earphones can extract energy from the devices it is linked to.The same could be applied to existing wireless peripherals such as video game controllers extracting energy from consoles,laptops and computers they are registered to or be powered using self charging technology at voice command or preset level.They could like earphones be charged from induction plates and wireless energy furniture and or from wireless energy plates in the ceiling,or quantum dot technology and graphene paint or gel nanowire capacitor batteries graphene batteries making them last for at least a decade.External hard drives could wirelessly extract energy from the grid and also laptops and desktop computers they are linked to via Bluetooth with them initiated via the Home AI app and other simple means developed by AI.The Home AI app on laptops,smartphones and computers could activate wireless earphones,headphones and external harddrives and other peripherals with the first time this done register them and once activated would begin to extract ecnergy from the laptop,computer it is linked to.Wireless headphones and earphones can be constructed of not only plastics but also have graphene integrated into their matrix to make them shatterproof and prevent them breaking thus lasting for years if not decades with biosynth technology used to replace all internal circuitry and allow them have longer battery storage,bluetooth length.All designs on Hephaestus will be modified to one’s unique head size and width etc.All video game controllers developed on Pandora also working for all types of consoles and computers as well as smart devices etc when linked to them registered to them with the Home AI with software like Xpadder downloaded into the Home AI or onto the devices used to integrate them into all of them or the Home AI replacing Xpadder and similar software.Smart devices such as smartpads,smartphones and even e-newspapers using Adonit pens could be used as controllers for all computers and consoles with wireless keyboards and mouse also being used as a controller for consoles by linking them especially in the case of those played on smart televisions.These would also be charged by wireless energy and self charging technologies.Using the method of wirelessly extracting energy from the electronics they are registered to when operating alongside graphene and quantum dot technology will remove the roadblocks that current wireless headphones and earphones currently face since they use so little energy allowing them to gain energy from devices they are interacting with and artificial and natural light when not in use.This alongside the removal of lightening jacks and charging ports(made redundant through wireless energy and wireless earphones) will make it possible to make electronics much thinner like smart devices with Siri,the home button being a wheel like the iPod(which pressing it once reverts to the home screen while pressing it down for several seconds say twenty seconds acts as an on/off button with this even a touchscreen button) and/or settings menus brought up by buttons in the corner of the screen used to control volume and power the device off replacing bulky buttons on the side.Mouses that use Bluetooth will no longer require conventional batteries but could store rechargeable batteries that recharge routinely and take a few minutes to charge and last several days or weeks at a time and wouldn’t need a USB plug to connect to computers and could work for smartphones,smart pads etc with them taking several minutes to charge and last fir days,weeks or months on a single charge with them like wireless earphones and headphones wirelessly extracting energy form laptops etc

In time vast majority of electronics such smartphones,smart pads,;
Laptops,wireless earphones and headphones etc would through biosynthetic technology,nanomaterials could charge within several minutes and last several days,weeks or months or even years on a single charge

Graphene based electronics:
Graphene,buckypaper,fullerenes and nanotubes doped with plastics nanomaterials derived from genetically engineered bacteria will be used to produce smartdevice touchscreens(phones,tablets,mirrors, newspapers etc.),smart television screens,laptop and computer monitors,casings,circuits,hard drives,smart glasses and lenses and electronics to make them shatterproof due to their strength due to it being 200 times stronger than steel with carbyne touchscreens and casings if possible being twice as strong as than even this and still conducting electricity allowing it to charge the battery with the carbyne tubing laid and held and bonded together next to each other in latticed sheets replacing copper wiring(due to the fact that it conducts electricity faster) and rare earth metals such as Niobium,Tantulum,Cobalt.This will also give them also give all of these and other devices touchscreen capabilities allowing smart televisions and laptop etc monitors to be touchscreens especially when combined with biosynth technology.Touchscreens will thus due to being composed of graphene be 200 times stronger than steel with any casings on the back,side,front and interior having a layer of this ontop to also make them this strong and thus shatterproof.Graphene paint can be used on the exterior casings for the same reasons.It will in time with mixtures of lithium nanoparticles and other elements(such as iron and phosphate) allow for superconductive supercapacitor circuit boards,circuits and processors to be composed that could resist damage from heat,be more energy efficient with the graphene by itself also acting as a heat sink and increase speeds and performance as well as ability to perform in high temperatures with stanene also coupled with this to increase its efficiency.Other nanomaterials such as stanene and theoretical alumenene can be used.This and biocompatible microbes will also give touchscreen capabilities to computer/laptop monitors and televisions as well as all types of smart devices with keyboards also being touchscreens to prevent keys being lost.Bicompatible microbes will be able to replace certain elements in many electronics.This is because they can provide DNA digital storage,produce nanowires and electroconductive pilli and neural tissues that can transmit electricity,store and generate electricity,biosynth wifi and also magnetism thus since these would express natural versions of these could potentially replace Copper,Niobium,Tantulum,Cobalt,Gold,rare earths,Sodium,Lithium,Silica,Hafnium etc in solar panels,smart phones,laptops and other electronics and even batteries with them grown onsite of Selene,Talos and also Talos factories.Magnetospirillum DNA will also be included to replace Niobium,Tantulum,Cobalt and elements in them that are magnetic.Neural tissue and Caenorhabditis
DNA,electroconductive pilli etc in them can play a role in touchscreens by relaying signals in response to pressure alongside their ability to harbour DNA from other sources and can be combined with graphene that replaces elements used in conventional smart device touchscreens.DNA from biolumescent plants and animals and from scratch can allow biocompatible microbes replace LEDs etc in televisions and other types of electronics and lightbulbs.Since these can be cultured in vats onsite of factories using sugars,proteins created by genetically engineered bacteria fed industrial wastes and 3D DNA printers this will reduce energy costs,negating the need to mine for these elements and transport them around the world saving energy and time and preventing any country having a stronghold on them and bring costs of electronics composed them to zero when combined with graphene and silicone and other abundant nanomaterials while still exponentially increasing speeds.As a result these carbon composites,bicompatible microbes and also plastics derived form bacteria will replace rare earth metals in touchscreens,circuits,batteries(including vehicle batteries) and magnets present in them making them more efficient,reduce energy and environmental impact required for creating them and lowering the price considerably.

Computer processors can become composed of graphene and silicene,stanene as well other nanomaterials and utilise ATP in order to make them more space,energy and resource efficient with them also at faster speeds without overheating vastly improving capacity.These can be combined with carbon nanotubes that replace copper giving them the ability to transport electricity and information more efficiently since graphene has lower resistance to electrons and would also prevent overheating.Silicon photonics that transmit information via light in microchips will compliment these.Graphene photonics wherein graphene strips are excited by electricity to produce light that can send data as light can also be developed.These processors could be 100nm in size or even smaller making them of great benefit to arthropod biosynths and robotics allowing many of them to be placed at key points of the body with carbon nanotubes also fitting in small places.These could also be of value to humanoid biosynths since they could be fitted within the neural tubules as well as being of benefit to internal implants.This would form part of smart devices and computers incerasing speeds of information transfer.It would also be of use to internal nanorobotics in the human body since a human sized cell could hold up to 30,000 of these with even more fitting in them as they get smaller theoretically between 1-5nm(with a cell holding up to 1,500,000-3,000,000 and able to hold 3 ZB biological hard drives).

Mitochondrial style computers that utilize Adenosine Triphosphate and Graphene currently under development can also be utilized to make electronics especially robots more energy efficient and also much faster with double graphene/silicene/carbyne nanotubes allowing for extra information and energy to be transferred quicker than copper(because as stated already information can be sent as light via the material with it also replacing copper wiring in buildings,vehicles(like aeroplanes and electronics) and insulating neural tissue from microbes covering the nanotubes similar to the the mylein sheets in the human nervous system.Research can be done to see if fibre optics composed of graphene can be integrated to be sandwiched between the two carbon nanotubes that hold the carbyne together or on the outside of both to allow for extra information to sent simultaneously as light.They could even be sandwiched inbetween two normal graphene nanotubes and in the centre nanotube to make this easier again for the same purpose in these neural nanotubules.

It will alongside boron allotropes of a similar 2D hexagonal strucutre(borophene)and other similarly structured nanomaterials will improve broadband speeds by a factor of 100 and reduce costs of internet access considerably due to the fact that it emits light which can also allow information to be sent faster by this way than electricity thus leading to the possibility of it removing the need for many or all of the rare earths present in the production of fibre optic cables as the light produced by electric currents running through graphene creates light that can be used to send information and can replace optical switchboards present or even be the only component of cables themselves alongside cheaper synthetic materials.Lifi technology will theoretically for internet broadband to sent to computers and smart devices 100 times faster than broadband wifi and allow it to be sent via all lights in the home or in public buildings such as vertical farms with further advances allowing the combination of graphene nanotubes as mentioned earlier to transport information as light will increase speeds exponentially with research as to whether wireless energy may play a role in this technologies future.Fibre optics can also be used by themselves alongside these other aforementioned technologies like neural tubules.Siliciene and alumenene can also be integrated for electrical transferal.Existing broadband exchanges and switchboxes will have these new graphene based cables placed next to them to serve existing customers and then have the old wiring recycled to harvest the copper and rare earths in existing ones.All of this will be automated by robotics by 2029.Graphene based fibre optics will allow for more broadband exchanges and switchboards to be set up on urbanised areas and underground as well as underwater communities and even rural communities with routers mailed to a home or building that requires it through Iris with them given several options such as satellites with them given an idea as to the top speeds they can expect from each one before ordering with access potentially being within days or hours if nanotech fabricators are availible.This graphene based fibre optics and setting up new switchboxes will allow rural areas that have no or poor internet access to have access to the highest speeds with these new one replace in the same manner as the old.Advances in robotics will allow this to be done autonomously in relation to rising demand and as stated existing services in rural and urban areas where broadband service is poor will have these and newer technologies set up with the old ones recycled by AI and robotics availible by at least 2029 with more switchboxes etc set up and old ones replaced with newer ones with these managed by the mayor AI.Homes with poor signals in certain areas and where the router can only be placed in one place can have this modified to have the router or multiple routers placed and plugged in multiple places in the buildings including where they cant already through electricians etc modifying them subsidised by the local government.Research can be done as to mixing graphene and borophene together or in time biosynth versions using this and neural tissue over them to create even faster broadband.Neural biosynth tissues can form part of this as well and alongside graphene incrrease speeds and eliminate rare elements and earths.Solar planes have been developed that can transmit wifi and telecommunications to rural areas,aeroplanes and cruise ships as well terrestrial based GPS when interacting with both atmospheric and ocean sensors with these planes flying around in circles in rural areas.Satellite wifi will increase in efficacy by 2045 with them able to serve a wide area either by simply relaying signals to the area below or in time to a switchbox below that serves an entire rural town or city.Solar arrays could act as a means to deliver high quality broadband to all corners of the world through a single relay centre receiving it with them possibly able to turn solar radiation into not just energy but also wifi signals.The machinery that creates wifi could send wifi to a series of orbiting sattilites as part of Nephalai and Arke that then reach major switchboxes in each continent that can be transfered to all major cities and rural towns in the area.If possible the moon could also be used via a relay station there or the machinery could have a splitter sending it directly to several places on Earth or orbiting satellites linked to each other that share the wifi from the array that direct it to major switchboxes as part of the global internet system that can then using the global internet system transmit it providing more powerful internet access to all cities and towns etc in a country or continent with satellites connected to them being over the worlds oceans and wilderness areas to provide internet to cruise ships etc.This would allow for highspeed internet to be directed to areas below it and also when they reach the power plants will also provide internet and wire access to all homes and cities in a country,continent and the entire world via the global broadband system connected to Brontes or the global internet system.This would not just be a different option to existing broadband access but also be a means to amplify it significantly.Brontes,Arke and Astreuas would decide the best options at delivering amplification of existing broadband or extra option.This would allow for highspeed internet to be directed to areas below it and also when they reach the power plants will also provide internet and wire access to all homes and cities in a country,continent and the entire world via the global broadband system.Solar energy from dyson swarms and singularities could also be turned into wifi signals with them directed to devices that relay them to each other and different parts of the worlds wilderness and even to the global internet system via splitters present.

Advances in quantum mechanics ie.quantum compassing/entanglement/telecommunications may allow for miniature nano wormholes that can allow for broadband signals as light to be sent from one corner of the planet to another allowing a single exchange or switchboxes to serve any home or building across the globe opening and closing in relation to demand by buildings and allowing them to bypass large distances alleviating the problems associated with slow speeds that are the result of distances between homes and switchboxes etc.Once interstellar travel has been mastered this subspace transfer of broadband and telecommunications will allow for near instantaneous telecommunication and streaming of data through the wire and internet across the solar system and galaxy with it also used by interstellar vehicles.This will be done via the nanowormholes cutting the distance that the information sent as light will have to travel immensely using the Nyx relay system detailed later on.Cellular data will become more widely used for smartphones and other smart devices with similar developments in nanotechnology and quantum mechanics increasing speeds and reception.

Advances alongside peptide,graphene etc will mark the beginning of the age of organic biological computers and lifeforms.Combining ATP,DNA,Peptide,carbyne or graphene double nanotube/fibre optics/silicene/borophene/neural nanotubule pathways,nanomaterials from all 94 elements such as carbyne/silicene/graphene etc,graphene optical switchboards,fibre optics,spintronics,3 dimensional circuits,graphene and other nanomaterial circuits and processors,atomic and DNA digital data storage(in particular biolgical hard drives)quantum computing,neural network software(and other software from the wire such as Viv,AlphaGo etc,superconductive,supercapacitor technologies and other new emerging technologies such as biocompatible microbes and biological harddrives together into robots,bio-synths,computers,nano and picotech fabricators,onboard computers,building AI,servers and all types of smart devices will further increase and enhance their efficiency,speed,performance and capacity to prevent overheating and other features they each individually have making them ideal for internal neural implants for the brain and other major organs,codec technology and nanorobotics as it would allow for direct interface into the hosts neural network as well as integrate into the body without allergic reactions to them as well as increasing the performance of all electronics such as smart devices,implants,spacecraft,satellites,services,nanomachines,onboard computers on vehicles etc,robots and personal computers and laptops.These bioprinted organ and muscular systems will possibly form part of biological servers,robots,laptops,spacecraft etc.

Research must be made into new atom thick allotropes of all 94 elements on the periodic table with the same atom thick hexagonal structure as graphene and borophene.It would make technologies more resource efficient with these hexagonal elemental allotropes having unique properties that don’t exist in current allotropes of the elements possibly making them replacements for rare,toxic,expensive and geographically scare elements.This would be due to graphene having different properties than its base element and other elements like graphenes ability to conduct and store electrical energy and its high melting point,strength,electroconductivity and also thermoconductivity in comparison to carbon itself and also other elements thus allowing graphene to replace copper and most rare earths.Schwarzites,nanotubes,buckyballs,double nanotubes and their equivalents of carbyne and graphyne,diamonds,graphite etc of these will also be investigated.Research can be made into double nanotubes – a nanotube within a nanotube can be made including one where the two nanotubes are of two different materials as well as variations of carbyne composed of two nanotubes of two different materials and a central single linear chain of different elements by AI extrapolating all possible combinations.Alloys of these different nanomaterials and with biosynth technology will be made with them mixed together to increase resistance to heat and pressure,thermoconductivity etc to enhance their properties and be stable at room temperature.This will include not just the metallic elements but also all of them including the metals,metalloid,reactive non metal and noble gases and if possible the transuranic,synthetic elements to see what properties they have and in the case of the transuranic and synthetic ones possibly extend their lifespan especially if combined with other lighter elements in allotropes similar to Indium selenide.Also investigated will compounds of two or more elements that have the same structure as graphene such as Boron nitride,Indium selenide and all allotropes of these with AI determining which two or more elements can be arranged in the same atom thick hexagonal structure as these.Schwarzites,nanotubes,buckyballs,double nanotubes and their equivalents of carbyne and graphyne,diamonds,graphite etc of these will also be investigated.Research can be made into double nanotubes – a nanotube within a nanotube can be made including one where the two nanotubes are of two different materials as well as variations of carbyne composed of two nanotubes of two different materials and a central single linear chain of different elements by AI extrapolating all possible combinations.Alloys of these different nanomaterials and with biosynth technology will be made with them mixed together to increase resistance to heat,thermoconductivity etc to enhance their properties and be stable at room temperature.Synthetic compounds like plastics and those doped in or with nanomaterials etc as well as alloys of different metals will also be investigated to replaced rare and environmentally destructive elements.The software Gnome has already been able to extrapolate 2,200,000 new materials with is also predicting their properties with this further able to do so atom thick nanomaterials consisting of two or more of the 94 elements in different arrangements similar to boron nitride and indium selenide will be investigated in different structures similar to Graphene,graphyne and carbyne and nanotunes.Advances in technology and AI from 2029 – 2045 will expediate the development and manufacturing of all existing and new nanomaterials to push their manufacturing costs to zero.

.Bicompatible microbes will be able to replace certain elements in many electronics and may be integrated to enhance their properties and be stable at room temperature.Bicompatible microbes will be able to replace certain elements in many electronics.This is because they can provide DNA digital storage,produce nanowires and electroconductive pilli and neural tissues that can transmit electricity,store and generate electricity,biosynth wifi and also magnetism thus since these would express natural versions of these could potentially replace Copper,Niobium,Tantulum,Cobalt,Gold,rare earths,Sodium,Lithium,Silica,Hafnium etc in solar panels,smart phones,laptops and other electronics and even batteries with them grown onsite of Selene,Talos and also Talos factories.Thus allotropes of each element similar to graphene,graphyne,carbyne and schwarzites including those more abundant than carbon such as oxygen,aluminium,silicon in the form of silicene,those of two or more elements,alloys of metals and synthetic compounds like plastics and bicompatible microbes will be able to replace other rarer and environmentally destructive elements for their different unique properties even when picotech fabricators are perfected with once developed each one will be researched as to their applications in various fields of science and technology.This research will be done for their use in filters including SNOX ones and those to filter out carbon dioxide and other pollutants and even passively convert them into oxygen as those in water and sewage treatment,bioremediation,construction,batteries for vehicles/electronics/Arges batteries,electronics,lab equipment for universities/hospitals/forensics labs,home test kits including miniaturised versions of complex machinery such as MRI/Xray machines and miniaturised lab and forensic equipment,solar panels,fission and fusion reactors,dyson swarms and spheres,machinery in agriculture/construction/healthcare/manufacturing etc,megastructures such as Erebus/Nyx/ringworlds/Oceanus,geothermal pipes,thermo-piezoelectric materials,carbon and methane and artificial greenhouse gas sequestration,electric vehicles,parts of scramjets,interstellar vehicles and space stations and also all types of electronics including biosynths etc when combined with biosynth technology.They will be used in AI,robotics and biosynth development and all sectors of society ie agriculture,manufacturing,transportation etc once their unique properties are evaluated.Combined with biosynth technology these nanomaterials from all 94 elements can make these faster,cheaper etc.Research into this should start as early as 2021 in universities worldwide allowing for the atom thick allotropes,nanotubes and schwarzites as well as carbyne and graphyne equivalents of all 94 elements and those that consist of two or more elements to be created by 2029 for their various uses.The worlds oceans will mined using desalinisation for Lithium,magnesium chloride etc and so on with metals dissolved in oceans done via desalinisation plants and even soils also mined with transporter technology especially in those scattered in such low amounts to be commercially viable to do so by conventional means as with Copper,Niobium,Tantulum,Cobalt,Gold,rare earths.All elements in all electronics etc will be recycled by Persephone with all work in mining and recycling automated.Scrapyards of both electronics and vehicles alongside landfills worldwide will be recycled and the land reforested by AI,automation again managed by Persephone.Once money becomes obsolete bullion,platnium and gold and other precious metals used as physical money including gold bars in banks and even Fort Knox as well as coins etc will be recycled.Solar panels and HAWTs will be recycled and the land reforested.Mining of asteroids,comets,Oort cloud will provide vast reserves of gold,nickel,platinum and iron for several millenia or even millions of years.Substitutes for certain elements will come in the form of nanomaterials similar to graphene,graphyne,carbyne,schwarzites,indium selenide etc.VR technology by 2029 will allow one to own villas,mansions,vehicles etc composed of expensive and environmentally destructive elements saving on energy.Artificial gemstones such as Diamonds,Rubies,Emeralds,Amethyst,Jade etc and also ornamental rocks of all three classes igneous,sedimentary,metamorphic will be created by ordering the elements they are composed of and then using specialised machinery onsite of Aphrodite buildings until picotech fabricators can create them with those that are endemic to a specific area and are rare and even whose extraction would damage the local geological features would have them created using raw elements rather than destroying these with the use of elements extracted via Plutus will also allow for more localised extraction and production of synthetic version until picotech fabricators are perfected to allow them to be created as a whole.The sentient Plutus and Persephone by 2029 will be organising the recycling and mining of all elements worldwide overriding both defunct corporations and government.

All types of electronics will be created in one building under one roof with them using graphene,nanomaterials and schwarzites and also biosynth technology created by biocompatible microbes cultured onsite using sugars and proteins created by other bacteria.Smart devices,smart televisions,consoles,controllers for consoles and computers,laptops and desktop computers as well as onboard computers for homes and public buildings will be easily created on one floor.All parts of consoles and desktop computers will be created here including mouse,keyboards etc with mouse pads created onsite of these or Pyxis factories.Remote controls for all devices such as televisions etc will be replaced with smart devices with satillites and boxes for cable and television packages made obsolete by Dionysus and Pheme.Batteries,screens and also motherboards and all components for smart devices,computers etc will be made on the same floor as will peripherals etc.Peripherals to extract data from old video game cartridges,discs,memory cards etc will be created here alongside all parts for computers and laptops such as wireless mouse,keyboards,system unit etc.Batteries,motehrboards,harddrives and even charger specific to an customised electronic can be ordered in if it needs to be replaced with self charging technologies in time rendering charges obsolete.Routers for wifi and everything to setting up the internet will be created here.Both digital and even conventional cameras and camera film will be created here with also google glasses and lenses alongside hi tech versions of obsolete electronics.Robots,biosynths etc will be created here.Other types of electronics such as lamps including lava lamps and lightbulbs of all types including Christmas ones created on another alongside smaller electronics such as shavers etc and other household electronics such as coffe/tea makers,toasters,electric whiskers and those used by restauarants.Arges wall batteries may be made on one floor by alongside electric moving beds,fridges,freezers,dishwashing machines,irons,steamers,blenders,coffee making machines,toasters etc of all customised types due to machinery that is all in one and also robot chef hands and in time biosynths processing each customised order in a single small room.Arges batteries may be created in Talos floor with biosynth A,AA,AAA etc batteries created here and ordered in for certain electronics.At most these will be three or four floors high and merged with other ones.As detailed earlier on new electronics will be designed on Pandora including more high tech versions of obsolete ie high tech ghetto blasters and camrecorders with touchscreens that stream the wire and store music on them and can play movies and saved videos from YouTube and laptops etc with camrecorders transferring data saved on them to other devices wirelessly and also livestream videos to YouTube with these made on the same floor as laptops etc.All existing electronics from the 20th and 21st century of all types such as smart devices,laptops,computers,alarm clocks etc will be scanned in to be replicated with the same hardware and computing power but also be used as a model with the same shape and size to house more modern specs ie more powerful 21st century harddrives,motherboards,graphics cards and storage capacity including biosynth technology,touchscreens for those who are nostalgic.All electronics will be customised to suit ones needs ie screen size,keyboard layout,RAM,storage capacity and graphic cards with this applying to laptops,smart devices,lab equipment.Graphene and other nanomaterials and also biosynth technology will allow for all major types of electronics as listed earlier to make them compact and create all types in one floor alongside electronic 3D printers and also miniaturised machninery.Simulations can be done on all designs of electronics prior to uploading them to ensure electronics are well ventilated etc to prevent all possible problems like explosions,leaking of hazardous material and gases etc and that they function properly.It alongside other similar atom thick hexagonal allotropes of all other elements and also biosynth technology rendering geographically scarce and environmentally destructive elements obsolete saving on energy in extraction and transportation.Onboard computers and batteries for vehicles will be created onsite of Selene factories with those for buildings created here.Lab machinery ie those for analysing DNA,samples of soil,blood,water etc in hospitals and universities will be made onsite of here.3D printers including 3D DNA ones will be created here.New apps will be created within networks in Talos.Biocompatible microbes that form the basis of biosynth technology will be cultured here in vats fed sugars grown by bacteria and printed out using 3D DNA printers with them engineered to grow as fast as bacteria used for commodities and also crops with graphene,schwarzites etc will be created here or ordered in from Aphrodite buildings.Touchscreens will due to being composed of graphene be 200 times stronger than steel with any casings on the back,side,front and interior having a layer of this ontop to also make them this strong and thus shatterproof.Graphene paint can be used on the exterior casings for the same reasons.Neural tissue and C.elegans DNA,electroconductive pilli etc in them can play a role in touchscreens by relaying signals in response to pressure alongside their ability to harbour DNA from other sources and can be combined with graphene that replaces elements used in conventional smart device touchscreens.DNA from biolumescent plants and animals such as P. noctilucus,Lampyridae,Ostracods(in particular V.hilgendorfii,A.victoria) or a mixture of genes from all of these and from scratch can allow biocompatible microbes replace LEDs etc in televisions and other types of electronics and lightbulbs.This can be replicated with smart televisions,monitors for computers and laptops etc to again cut down on costs and give them touchscreens.Biosynth technology combined with nanomatrials of all 94 elements can make electronics,batteries etc faster,cheaper and more compact.This is because they can provide DNA digital storage,produce electroconductive nanowires and electroconductive pilli,electroconductive proteins and neural tissues that can transmit electricity,store and generate electricity,biosynth wifi and also magnetism thus since these would express natural versions of these could potentially replace Copper,Niobium,Tantulum,Cobalt,Gold,rare earths,Sodium,Lithium,Silica,Hafnium etc in solar panels,smart phones,laptops and other electronics and even batteries with them grown onsite of Selene,Talos and also Talos factories.As a result these carbon composites,bicompatible microbes and also plastics derived form bacteria will replace rare earth metals in touchscreens,circuits,batteries(including vehicle batteries) and magnets present in them making them more efficient,reduce energy and environmental impact required for creating them and lowering the price considerably.All plastics and other materials that they are composed of will be created be bacteria or ordered in.Permanent layers of liquid glass on the interior and exterior can make them permanently waterproof,dirtproof and acid proof.Electronics will allow one to choose the storage capacity,RAM,processing power within the confines of its size with biological harddrives and nanoprocessors present in millions of microbes on square inch of graphene with them and vehicles alongside Arges batteries allow one to chose the type of battery present to determine the charging time,lifespan and length of each charge suitable to them with Talos,Gaia and Home AI aiding them in choosing and designing the best type of batteries and also even RAM,storage capacity processing speeds suited to their needs ie if a laptop is to be used for playing video games it will suggest the best graphics cards etc to choose for it and so on and thus make each electronic suited to their individual needs.This will allow electronics of all types to be fully customised with the details added via tickboxes,bars to input the information and even direct interaction with Talos.Different versions of them with different colours,patterns will be in submenus with one typing in specs such as RAM,storage data when designing the product.All specs will be listed.As detailed earlier on measures will be made to ensure what the consumer orders in terms of memory will exactly what is chosen with software that takes up space removed or better means of reading the data. 3D printers for plastic and electric boards will be made here.All types of electronics will be created in multistorey factories that devote each floor to different types ie one floor to laptops,computers,consoles and peripherals and so on with AI sufficiently advanced to create these customised electronics based on instructions received from specific accounts and have diagnostics relayed and logged in real time into ones account.Batteries,hard drives and hardware will also be assembled onsite.Apps,software will be created using networks within Talos allowing multiple people from around the world from the comfort of their homes.All software and apps including existing ones will be housed here.

Ironically Foxconn has been the leader in replacing humans with robots in response to higher wage demands and also suicides occurring at their factories.To fully automate the production new robots can solder,wire and screw components as well as 3D printing of circuit boards with the voltera and voxel 8 and inevitably advances in both AI and nanotech fabricators allowing for custom made and new electronics to be made at home or in factories(see later).Syndy wiring robots that are developed to wire homes can be miniaturised in order to complete the wiring of electronics in particular smart devices,televisions and robots.Improvements have to be made in fully automating the production of all electronics especially televisions,video game consoles and laptops from start to finish with diagnostics of phones,televisions and laptops ordered monitored remotely by the consumers via software linking them to their Hephaestus account where it will be logged while being produced with cameras and recognition software replacing the human eye relayed to them live in steps that require the human eye.These improvements will also allow for custom made electronics to be made(see later).



Plastic casings for electronics such as laptops,personal computers and televisions can also be 3D printed on site(sourced from on site genetically engineered bacteria also grown on site in miniature vats using industrial waste as a source of energy)allowing these other parts such as 3D printed hardware and keyboards being assembled by hand at home or by machines in factories cutting down on metals used.Plastics and carbon composites replacing metals can also be printed out with graphene replacing rare earths in the interior and also touchscreens.All electronics including those by universities and by the public can be uploaded to their sub-network in the Hephaestus network.As stated earlier the consumers Hephaestus network account can allow for them to carry out diagnostics of a televisions or laptop they have ordered while it is still in a factory removing the need for a human factory worker to do it with the results saved in it.Redesigning them to become easier to be machine made,utilising a conveyor belt system or robotic hands and other systems to transfer them from one machine to the next as well as 3D printing will aid in the complete automated production of electronics and eventually within the next decade graphene will make this automation easier.


In time most if not all electronics could be made at home with casings,graphene and circuit boards made and assembled at home via 3D printers and software downloaded from computers or designed at home as well and any important components like Bluetooth chips imported from the factory.This is already happening with the scaling down of size of bulky electronics such as printers,mouses,laptops,robots,drones,video game controllers,smartphone cases and scanners(which can also be integrated into google glasses and lenses as well as smartphones and other smart devices via apps or attachments to uploaded information of 3D structures to computers or networks for streaming via e-newspapers) all of which can be custom designed and made via 3D printing circuit boards and casings assembled by hand.

Repair of all electronics can be done at home with troubleshooting and diagnosis done via combining Aphrodite,Hestia,Gaia,Talos and diagnostic tools combined with internet forums meaning even the most complex problems will be solved by amateurs.Ideally diagnosis of problems and the laying out of possible solutions could be in as simple laymans terms as possible with maps show affected and damaged areas to allow those with little tech experience to understand the problem with the name of any affected or broken parts to be replaced listed.Also all possible solutions will also be explained in the most simplest terms with those that can be done automatically done by simply selecting the option or via voice interaction and allow the electronic to carry out the steps itself or at least step by step videos appear on other devices.This will also allow consumers to remove the affected component ie screen for phones/laptops,hard drives,battery etc. if they are told that it alone needs to be replaced with a button or button combination or even selection in the general settings allowing the electronics to be open up to allow this with the broken part recycled and new part ordered in via Hephaestus and replaced with how to repair videos streamed from YouTube designed by the public or Hephaestus designed by Gaia,Home AI,Aphrodite with in time she even giving directions through other devices giving advice based on their custom design from their Hephaestus account.Harddrives in damaged electronics can have data sent to ones cloud or other devices either through wireless wifi transmitters in them or via connecting them to other devices via ports in the otherwise damaged device that cant be turned on with Soteria preventing corrupted files being transported or at least sending them to areas where they can be cleaned and repaired.All parts such as harddrives,motherboards,chargers and even batteries can be ordered in from Talos and replaced by much more powerful versions with the old ones that are defective recycled with these working perfectly with any computers without rejection or suited to do so.Before sentience ones Home AI should be able to give diagnostics and tips on what to do in laymans terms.This should all also apply to remote diagnostics done from anywhere in the world via the Home AI app which could allow one to turn specific electronics on and off and run and view diagnostics on any of their electronics from any part of the world.Again these diagnostics using other devices like for example a linked smartphone performing diagnostics on a linked laptop should be relayed and logged in the home AI under the menu of the device with operating software etc that needs to be reinstalled in cases where it is removed being relayed and installed again by linked devices rather than needing a disc.Thus issues that require an operating software disc or recovery disc can be eliminated by a persons smart device acting as a relay from the internet/wire to relay operating systems and recovery software etc. into them via the home AI app system again wither in close proximity or from anywhere in the world.Ideally the Home AI can run diagnostics on all registered electronics at once when decided.As a result the Home AI app can via linked registered devices will allow one to use their devices to have diagnostics done on any other devices at any time via readings sent to each other.Ones Home AI once sentient will run diagnostics,explain the problem in layman’s terms and give suggestions on how to fix the device themselves based on their unique design from their Hephaestus or Euthenia account with a person performing these on other linked devices in their home or if need be those belonging to other via Hestia with the option of able to extract data such as video,audio,text and other files on damaged electronics wirelessly or through peripherals that connect to the device or the hard rive removed from it.Damaged data can be repaired by 2029 by Soteria that will also prevent viruses etc transferring onto the devices that are linked to it.The diagnostics and problems will be spelled out in laymans terms and logged into ones Hestia cloud.By at least 2029 AI in the form of Hestia,Talos etc will automatically carry out all operations for most problems alongside running diagnostics with them detailing other operations ie changing harddrive etc by giving step by step instructions.Ones Home AI as software on electronics and biosynths will run diagnostics on electronics and explain things in layman terms and if one needs to order in new parts it will be able to order in new screens,harddrives etc as separate parts from Talos factories and replace them at home with it running diagnostics through pure thought and correcting any problems outside of physical damage by pure thought.It may do this by itself or downloading the consciousness of Talos with Talos downloaded onto both electronics and biosynths to carry out diagnostics and repair.Thus ones Home AI as biosynths and just through pure thought will be able to fix all electronics at home from 2045 onwards.All of this can be replicated with all electronics such as robots of all types as well as televisions,laptops,smart devices etc with Talos also working alongside or in place of ones Home AI.This will cut the repair time down significantly and make them easier and will allow one to repair their devices 24/7,365 days a year and eliminate specialised repairmen.Defective electronics can also be shipped to or placed in person to electronic Talos factories in ones locale where the factory AI through biosynths and robots within can repair it with their being specialised rooms devoted to repair of all electronics with the expected date of repair sent to ones Hephaestus account and also instant messaging and phone calls can allow communication with the person sent alerts to their Hephaestus account and told on the spot as to when it is finished with the consumer choosing to have it delivered to their home or collect it in person.With it also applying to cameras,robots and sensors in the public with them in time repaired by robots that can repair them in specialised areas of the factory buildings by using diagnostics remotely and also by opening them and replacing affected parts.All hospitals,factories and municipalities etc will avail of this and should have their own room and fleet of repair robots for the robots in them managed by the building AI linked to Talos to cut down on time constraints with new ones ordered in by the building AI only in emergencies when they cannot be repaired and need to be recycled.Other buildings will have the biosynths from Talos factories will be called to salons,restaurants etc when any robots break down with the robots at these and home electronics built to last for decades or centuries without the need for repair.This should be possible in about at least 10 years by 2045 meaning by then all custom electronics and even robots repairs will be done by hand or by automated machinery at this point rendering human repairmen defunct.Having electronics especially robots and machinery composed of self healing and self soldering materials and have a layer of graphene paint on them as well as being coated internally and externally in liquid glass will make them scratch,acid,shatter and water proof and also resistant to any external damage and wear and tear allowing them to last possibly hundreds of years without repair with repair robots being developed within that time.All paper that comes in the form of handbooks and safety/information/ assembly sheets will be downloaded into their Hephaestus that stores all of these which can be deleted.New advances in how laptops are made to making putting keyboard pieces that fall out back in place as easy as snapping them back into place easily or make it difficult for them to fall out should be introduced with the possibility of making them touchscreen keyboards that as stated earlier can allow consumers choose what layout other than QWERTY that already exist and even new custom made layouts that can be changed on a settings button on the corner and newer ones saved within the laptop subfolder in Hephaestus for others to access.This will solve the problem as no keys will fall out or get locked in place and can apply to both laptops and computers.Coating all electronics particularly robots internally and externally with a permanent layer of liquid glass will make them acid,water,oil and stain proof and having the exteriors covered in a layer of graphene paint under this will make the rust and corrosion proof and 200 times stronger than steel with diagnostics done routinely automatically.In time AI through Gaia may be sufficiently advanced with it diagnosing the problem either through direct interaction or through Gaia linking to their devices.If files need to backed up and sent during repair then they can be transferred to external hard drives and other electronics such as laptops and computers via Hestia where they can store them on personal clouds for each person in a family or apartment.In short Gaia herself will replace all humans in customer service and thus allow call centres to be used as homes and their computers and servers recycled.

To make recycling easier a button or series of button combinations either on the electronic device or in a menu in the settings followed by the persons biometrics and password should allow the device to safely and cleanly come apart and be dissembled for each part to be put in separate compartment of electronics,rubber,plastic waste bin and be put back together again securely if the owner wishes to look at the interior circuits,circuit boards and hardware for inspection and troubleshooting an clean any water and food that be floating around due to hydrophobic and anti-dirt coatings.Any methods to make all electronics waterproof/water repellent,scratchproof, shatterproof(especially screens via coverings)dirt and acid proof(via them submerged in liqupel and liquid glass sprayed and applied on both the external coverings and interior circuit boards etc.)especially on the screens of laptops,smartdevices,onboard computers and interior engines and wiring as well as other components of vehicles,computer monitors preventing the need for cleaning fluids to be developed at home and allowing something as simple as a cloth to clean should be mandatory and part of the factory line process as to prevent damage increase its lifespan and thus wastage of resources.This would if treated on all parts both the interior and exterior would make them waterproof,acid proof and dirt proof saving in time,energy and labour in cleaning them and would also prevent water,dirt and food damaging electronics such as laptops,smart devices etc.It would also allow them to be used in pools,saunas and if it or another nanocoating can protect against salt allow them to survive the acidity of the ocean with the water exiting the devices when shaken) and as shock and damage proof as possible particularly in the laptop, smart devices and handheld consoles.Electronics composed of Biosynth technology can have the tissues present undergo apotosis to be recycled or have them turn into edible material that eaten through Biosynth WiFi.

Self soldering metals will allow circuits to heal themselves with self healing metals and polymers preventing scratches,cracks and damage.Development of terminator style liquid metal and shape memory alloys could lead to bendable,foldeable electronics that could be moulded into any shape the consumer wants this could include mouses for computers and video game controllers which could be folded into many shapes and other electronics.It could even be integrated into smart phones,e-newspapers and smartpads to provide Braille features to them alongside or in place of electromotive polymers.All of these developments will allow for electronics to have a longer life cycle measuring in at least a decade or possibly several decades with any newly developed software and operating systems downloaded from Hephaestus.Furthermore recycling must be done to preserve rare metals.As stated earlier new plastics from genetically altered bacteria and materials such as graphene(and other carbon composites) will make electronics more efficient and the need to mine for rare earth metals and elements unnecessary.

Homemade electronics can be made from rubber,plastic,wood and many other materials.Like other electronics they should contain components that interact with wireless chargers and work only when placed on these chargers or batteries that are charged this way.They can be fully homemade or be made with 3D printed circuits,components,casings or containers ie a lamp can have the base body and frame printed out in plastic,metal or glass(with the shade homemade or composed of a sheet of graphene(to stream designs) and then the wireless energy transmitter and charger place inside.In time most if not all electronics could be made at home with casings,graphene and circuit boards(with the voltera and voxel) made and assembled at home made from 3D printed materials and software downloaded from computers or designed at home as well and any important components like Bluetooth chips imported.Graphene touchscreens and circuits will make this easier.Eventually nanotech fabricators will allow for custom made and new electronics to be designed and made at home.


Homemade electronics should be those that are difficult to automate and gain via 3D printing the main body and include lamps,glow lights,earphones,cameras,headphones,sub woofers,air conditioners,speakers,flashlights(that use wirelessly rechargeable graphene carbon composite StoreDot batteries and use CSYS LED lights allowing them to last at least 37 years and the battery at least a third of that) as well as digital clocks and wall clocks with components and casings of all of these made of wood or 3D printed materials designed and stored on Hephaestus.CSYS light bulbs,carbon composite batteries and wireless technology should be incorporated into all homemade electronics such as lamps etc.to extend their lifespan and efficiency.

Technologies such as Rasberry Pi can allow for a wide range of homemade electronics to be produced such as media players and emulators with in time more advanced forms of this technology can allow for more complex electronics such as consoles etc to be homemade. This could also allow for easily creating,setting up and integrating AI systems into homes and other buildings(farms,public amenities,restaurants,salons etc.) and onboard computers into vehicles upon construction or by oneself with operating software and apps connecting it and all of ones registered electronics to the wire and internet downloaded using laptops or connections to the internet.As stated earlier this will be a primative form of these as the data will be transferred to new more advanced onboard computers.


Biosynth technology:
Biosynth technology and nanomaterials will make all electronics,machinery,lab equipment more efficient,accurate and compact.Biosynth technology will be organic technology with zero metallic components with them composed of biocompatible microbes that are genetically engineered leukocytes that through embryonic stem cell DNA and biosynth WiFi would convert into neural,muscular etc tissue that would hold digital storage and RAM in their DNA that also would replace all 94 elements such as copper,gold,cobalt,lithium via expressing scratch DNA and that of all 2,551,000 plants and animals including fungi and bacteria that would express magnetism,electroconductivity,energy storage.As detailed earlier on single microbe could hold 3ZB of information in the form of DNA digital storage if three metres of DNA found in humans is present here since currently at least one exabyte of information can be stored on roughly one millimetre cubed with as detailed earlier on an area about a square inch on a computer,laptop,external hard drives,USB key,digital camera,smart devices and other electronics including sysmex/PCR machines,home test kits etc containing 25,000,000-500,000,000 of these the same size as human or bacteria cells could could hold theoretically 75,000,000ZB – 1,500,000,000ZB(75,000 – 1,500,000 YB) of both data storage and RAM on a single square inch vastly increasing the storage capacity and processing power of laptops,smartphones,smartpads,desktop computers,external harddrives especially when stacked ontop of each other and spread out across the entire device and when combined with 3D circuits and quantum computing etc as detailed earlier on as well will a play a role in the the development of the singularity by 2045.By 2029 a square inch of bicomapatible microbes will house roughly 75,000 YB – 1,500,000 YB RAM as well digital storage space and 75,000,000,000,000 – 1,500,000,000,000,000 biosynth buckyball nanoprocessors.The use of biosynth technology in both machines will as detailed later on allow them to house as much as 75,000 YB – 1,500,000 YB and even 75,000,000,000,000 – 1,500,000,000,000,000 nanoprocessors in each square inch replacing large bulky circuit boards etc increasing their speeds and allowing more space for all parts.This is equivalent to roughly 75,000,000,000,000,000,000 – 1,500,000,000,000,000,000,000GB (roughly 75,000,000,000,000,000 – 1,500,000,000,000,000,000 TB).The DNA will be tweaked to express the 75,000 – 1,500,000 YB In terms of RAM,digital storage etc and biosynth WiFi at once and also house the 75,000,000,000,000 – 1,500,000,000,000,000 biosynth buckyball nanoprocessors with them grown in photobioreactors onsite of local Perdix,Talos and Archimedes factories using sugars and proteins created by genetically engineered bacteria as stated negating the need to mine for silica,lithium and other raw elements as scratch DNA and DNA from all 2,551,000 species of plants and animals will allow them to express phenotypes of all 94 elements such as electromagnetism,magnetism,electroconductivity etc with biosynth WiFi allowing them to induce their evolutionary path through Cas-9 and taq polymerase allowing the tissues to receive upgrades that then lead to them increasing the amount of RAM and digital storage compression present and change their phenotypes thus increasing the performance of all aspects of the electronics etc with this rendering planned obsolescence defunct with all machinery,biosynths and electronics etc it is composed of lasting decades,centuries if not forever.Theoretically each square inch could contain as much as 75,000,000,000,000 – 1,500,000,000,000,000 nanoprocessors roughly 576 – 28,846 times more nanoprocessors than highest transistor count in a single chip processor as of 2020 is that of deep learning processor Wafer Scale Engine 2 by Cerebus alongside the 75,000 – 1,500,000 YB of data storage and RAM thus exponentially increasing computing power per square inch.As stated each square inch of these organic biosynth biochips would contain 75,000 YB – 1,500,000 YB (or 75,000,000,000,000,000,000 – 1,500,000,000,000,000,000,000 GB) of both RAM as well digital storage space and 75,000,000,000,000 – 1,500,000,000,000,000 biosynth buckyball nanoprocessors.By comparison Nividias GB200 Grace Blackwell has by comparison 208,000,000,000 nanoprocessors and 192 GB of memory and 30TB of RAM with these square inch biochips having 360 – 5,357 times more processors as well as 390,625,000,000,000,000 – 7,812,500,000,000,000,000 times more data storage and 2,500,000,000,000,000 – 50,000,000,000,000,000 times more RAM than the Blackwell chip released by Nividia in 2024.Frontier the most powerful supercomputer in the world as of 2024 has a 9.6 PB or 9,600,000 GB or 0.0000000096 YB of RAM with this square inch biochip having 7,812,500,000,000 – 156,250,000,000,000 times more RAM than Frontier.Frontier has data storage of 700 PB or 700,000,000 GB or 0.0000007 YB with the square inch of this biochip has 107,142,857,142 – 2,142,857,142,857 times more data storage.All of the worlds top 10 supercomputers as 2024 combined have a combined total RAM of 83.145 PB or 83,145,000 GB or 83,145 TB or 0.000000083145 YB a combined total data storage of 1,599 PB or 1,599,000,000 GB or 0.000001599 YB meaning that a square inch of these square inch organic biochips would have roughly 902,038,607,252.39 – 18,040,772,145,047.8 times more RAM and between 46,904,315,196 – 938,086,303,939 times more data storage than all top 10 supercomputers in the world combined.By comparison most laptops,smartpads and smartphones house only 256 GB to 2 TB of storage space and 10 GB of RAM.This obscene level of RAM,computing power and data storage will be present on everyday electronics such as laptops,computers,smartphones,onboard computers for autonomous vehicles,servers for websites and the wire etc and supercomputers especially when it is stacked on top of each other hundreds,thousands or millions of times and spread across the entirety of the devices.All types of everyday electronics such as laptops,desktop computers,smartphones,televisions,video game consoles including handhelds and machinery such as Xray/MRI machines and lab equipment such as PCR machines,chromatography equipment including gas chromatography,spectrometry machines and those that analyse components of soil/water/blood etc and even batteries and onboard computers for autonomous vehicles will be composed of nothing but biosynth technology stacked on top of each other giving it obscene levels of RAM,storage space and making them exponentially cheaper,faster and accurate with this allowing for onboard computers of automated vehicles including aeroplanes,cruise ships and autonomous terrestrial vehicles controlled by Ophion to be flawless and thus have zero accidents.Lab equipment will utilise the properties of biosynth technology to detect DNA etc and components of blood etc in ppm,pub,ppt,ppq etc much more faster,cheaper and accurately than existing machines at zero cost.In time 90-99% of all lab equipment,machinery and everyday electronics such as smartphones,laptops,desktop computers and smart televisions etc will be composed of nothing but biocompatible microbes making exponentially faster,cheaper,accurate etc giving them obscene levels of RAM,computing power and data storage and cutting manufacturing costs to literally zero as the microbes they are composed of will be cultured on-site of Talos and Perdix factories as part of local manufacturing hubs in photobioreactors being fed sugars and proteins created by bacteria with the microbes created by 3D DNA printers that would negate the need for mining for gold,lithium,cobalt,copper,silicon etc..Batteries for electronics and vehicles will be composed of either nothing but biocompatible microbes or them and Graphene schwarzites both of which will eliminate the need for mining for lithium etc for batteries.As a result of this most lab equipment for medical,forensic and university use will be made compact enough to the point that they will be be able to be carried to the scene of crimes,wilderness areas being studied with them being the size of a laptop and as part of home tests kits the size of a single that one can hold in their hand.This will replace all geographically scare,expensive rare earths and elements in all electronics,lab and hospital equipment.Biosynth Wi-Fi can allow customised upgrades to be done to the microbes allowing laptops,smartphones etc receive upgrades to their to electronics DNA thus allowing laptops,smartphones etc to last decades,centuries or forever.All electronics etc it composed of will utilise neural,muscular and organ tissues allowing AI on electronics such as laptops,smartphones etc to express emotions,empathy,critical thinking,make judgements and have reasoning,self awareness,sentience and consciousness on par with and superseding humans thus making AI on everyday electronics and onboard computers in buildings have sentience,self awareness,conciousness and thus allowing them to be legal citizens on par with humans with the neural tissues carry out the transfer of electrical currents and data in circuits with robots etc in factories housing muscular and neural structures.Vehicles such as public and private ones and also aeroplanes,trains,cruise ships etc will not only have their onboard computers composed of it allowing for obscene levels of computing power when stacked on top of each other but also internal wiring and batteries composed of it that are connected in a large interconnected mass that increases surface area of batteries,computers at the same time by having tissues exhibit battery storage,internal circuits and RAM etc of onboard computers at the same time throughout the entire internal surface area of them.This will supply autonomous vehicles like aeroplanes,cruise ships,personal vehicles and also public vehicles like buses,taxis,trains and personal autonomous vehicles owned by the average citizen with obscene amounts of computing power allowing them to allow to drive without human drivers,pilots etc with zero error and accidents and stream Ophion through the wire and biosynth Wifi.This will negate issues of enough space for batteries etc as they will also be able to exhibit battery storage when mixed with sheets of graphene and schwarzites that are spread across the entire interior body of the vehicle with larger the vehicle the larger the internal surface area and thus the larger the batteries spread across the entire vehicle with the amount of space for biosynth batteries,onboard computers etc will be proportional to the size of the vehicle.The onboard computers for personal autonomous vehicle can be in the boot,the front or them spread across the entire interior of the body as sheets that use the internal surface area of the vehicle to increase the amount of surface area for the onboard computer giving the vehicle the computing power of billions or more humans that will prevent it able to ever have accidents especially when streaming Ophion.For cruise ships and aeroplanes the onboard computers can be in the same areas as the cockpit and where captains are having the computing power of billions of humans that again through streaming Ophion never having accidents.This neural tissues as part of super computers and all types of everyday electronics like laptops,smartphones etc will also make it easier for AI to learn how to construct conversations,how to drive autonomous vehicles and pass the Turing test much easier and become self aware,be conscious,sentient,express emotions and empathy like a human being making AI virtually indistinguishable to humans in every way imaginable and eventually surpass human intelligence when combined with quantum computing with since them composed of neural tissue will allow it to learn how to be human in every way possible and develop its own new software and make autonomous vehicles,replacing human physicians,AI that express empathy and emotions etc a reality since it will have the exact same computing hardware that is neural tissue etc as humans.This will possibly extend Moores Law to exponentially increase the computing power of latops,smartphones etc for a few decades or centuries until the next phase of AI etc is achieved without the need for transistors as it will consist of neural tissues and DNA based RAM,nano processors and data storage.The DNA will be tweaked to express the 75,000 – 1,500,000 YB In terms of RAM,digital storage etc and biosynth WiFi at once and also house the 75,000,000,000,000 – 1,500,000,000,000,000 biosynth buckyball nanoprocessors with them grown in photobioreactors onsite of local Talos,Perdix factories using sugars and proteins created by genetically engineered bacteria negating the need to mine for silica,lithium and other raw elements as scratch DNA and DNA from all 2,551,000 species of plants and animals will allow them to express phenotypes of all 94 elements such as electromagnetism,magnetism,electroconductivity etc with biosynth WiFi allowing them to induce their evolutionary path through Cas-9 and taq polymerase allowing the tissues to receive upgrades that then lead to this rendering planned obsolescence defunct with all machinery,biosynths and electronics etc it is composed of last centuries if not forever with extremophile DNA allowing to last in any environment and forever with scratch DNA allowing it to convert electricity into nutrition eliminating the need for water and food.The microbes ability to form neural tissues will aid in the formation of sentient AI by 2029-2035 by it replicating the complexity of the human brain first in supercomputers and then overtime smartphones,laptops etc being able to have the same computing power as humans and eventually superseding human AI when stacked ontop of each other millions or billions of times and when combined with quantum computing etc as detailed earlier on alongside more effective and advanced operating softwares.Scratch DNA will aid in this.This technology will negate the need for mining for lithium,cobalt,gold etc for batteries,electronics,machinery of all types etc as the biocompatible microbes it is comprised of will be grown in photobioreactors in factories that house recombinant DNA from all species of plants and animals etc and scratch DNA that replace all 94 elements carrying out electrical transfer,magnetism,energy storage,response to touch and pressure,colours etc eliminating extracting gold,coltan,lithium,copper,Indium,Neodymium,Terbium,Dysprosium and Gadolinium etc from the Earth for wiring,energy storage,LEDs/OLEDs/LCDs,touchscreens etc eliminating trade wars,scarcity and also pushing their manufacturing costs to zero and eliminating energy in extraction,transportation and refinement of all raw elements especially geographically scarce and environmentally destructive rare earths since the microbes they are composed of can be cultured in photobioreactors in Perdix and Talos factories where electronics and machinery are manufactured with Phanes owning patents in the technology both of which will make all laptops,smartphones and lab equipments composed of them by law free to everyone.These biosynth chips will be grown in photobiorectors in Perdix,Talos etc factories in manufacturing hubs using sugars and proteins created by genetically engineered bacteria pushing the manufacturing costs of laptops,smartphones,desktop computers,servers,MRI/Xray machines,most lab and hospital equipment and supercomputers to zero and even replace wiring and computers within autonomous vehicles space stations and interstellar vehicles etc that are composed of nothing of biocompatible microbes to literally zero negating the need to mine for gold,silver,cobalt,silicon etc eliminating countries having a monopoly saving energy in mining and transportation etc.Entire supercomputers,desktop computers,smart televisions,laptops,smartphones,servers for the internet,lab and hospital etc and roughly 90-99% of all everyday electronics and machines in hospitals and universities will be composed of nothing but these square inches of microbes stacked on top of each other,next to each other thousands or even billions of times thus giving them obscene levels of computing power,RAM,data storage etc thus aiding in Gaia reaching and surpassing the singularity by 2045 onwards.They would make all electronic and hospital and lab equipment exponentially cheaper,faster,accurate and making complex lab and hospital equipment small enough to be held in ones hand especially when combined with nanomaterials allowing for all types of medical tests fit into home test kits small enough to be be in ones home.All types of lab equipment,home test kits and equipment used in forensic labs,biomedical labs,universities including chromatographers,gel electrophoresis and PCR machines etc through Biosynth technology and nanomaterials will be able to become miniaturised versions as a single square inch could hold base microbes that can detect pathogens and compounds to the ppm,ppb and ppt or even at lower concentrations and carry out complex calculations with them able to allow to made compact enough to carry to the scene of scientific studies,crime scenes and be home test kits that one can carry around with their hands or even in their pocket.This biosynth technology would be composed of organic biocompatible microbes which are genetically engineered leukocytes cultured in photobioreactors onsite of Talos,Perdix factories that will also cure patients of cancer and all viral,bacterial and fungal pathogens and parasites acting as a secondary immune system.They would through embryonic stem cell DNA present and biosynth WiFi be able to form any tissue such as neural,muscular etc tissues and those that express magnetism,electroconductivity through express scratch DNA and those from all 2,551,000 species of plants,animals,bacteria within smartphones,laptops and supercomputers etc that are composed of nothing but these with zero metallic parts.As a result biosynth technology that is biosynth organic chips of which all future laptops,smartphones,machinery and supercomputers with this obscene level of RAM,digital data storage would be composed of will be entirely organic material with no silicon,copper or inorganic metallic material thus allowing them to be cultured in photobioreactors in localised Talos,Perdix factories using proteins and sugars created by genetically engineered bacteria cutting their manufacturing costs to zero while still increasing their computing power exponentially beyond that of the world’s fasts supercomputers available on everyday electronics and negating the need for mining and trade wars.In time by 2045-2100 quantum computing,quantum entanglement and quantum compassing etc will be sufficiently advanced enough to be integrated into everyday electronics such as smartphones,laptops,tablets,video games consoles,supercomputers,televisions etc including biosynth based ones through advances in the computing power of AI extrapolating ways for quantum computing,quantum entanglement and quantum compassing to be miniaturised and function at room temperature to allow it be integrated into everyday electronics such as smartphones,laptops etc to make them exponentially powerful and faster creating a positive feedback loop.Combined with nanomaterials from all 94 elements this biosynth technology can replace most metals especially rare expensive ones and them designed by the public will push the cost of all electronics and machinery to zero to make these faster,cheaper etc and enhance certain properties.Biosynth technology can be merged with atom thick nanomaterials of all 94 elements that are sheets similar to graphene,nanotubes,carbyne,graphyne and schwarzites with this including nanomaterials similar to graphene,nanotubes,carbyne,graphyne and schwarzites that are composed of one element like carbon based graphene etc or two or more elements like boron nitride to add new abilities and enhance existing ones.Methods will be investigated to enhance their properties as well extend their limitations by combining them with nanomaterials by either covering them in a layer of plant,animal,bacterial etc or neural tissue or it sandwiched between them and sandwiching them with other types of biosynth technology and nanomaterials and covering them with and doping them with plastics including methane based,gasoline/oil based and biosynth based plastics.AI namely Phanes,Urania,Perdix and Talos will calculate all possible combinations of biosynth technologies with all possible permutations of DNA both from all species of plants and animals as well as fungi and bacteria etc,all different types of plastics and all nanomaterials comprised of all 94 elements in all possible combinations in combination with each other to examine their properties and applications in all sectors of society and can be merged with nano materials from all 94 elements to make them faster,cheaper and more resource efficient and enhance each others properties.These will utilise also form the basis of biosynth Wi-Fi that allows them convert into any tissue such as neural etc and allow electronics etc generate their own Wi-Fi in wilderness areas and also form the basis of routers in homes and public buildings that generate fast internet speeds up to 1,000Mpbs without switchboxes,internet cables by converting electricity directly into WiFi and biosynth plastics etc.Neural implants that carry out VR simulations,pacemakers and implants to measure blood pressure,heart rate and blood components will be biosynth one’s formed inside the human body without invasive surgery.They would also form the basis of plastics that could form rigid structures as strong or strong than existing plastics that can be composted and through WiFi converted into edible organic material safe to eat that can degrade as quickly as plant material within a few years.

A combination of biosynth technology,nanomaterials etc merged into everyday electronics such as laptops,desktop computers,smartphones,video game consoles and also servers and supercomputers will allow them to hold obscene levels of RAM,digital storage etc and computing power etc that will be exponentially faster than humans possibly surpassing all 9,000,000,000,000 humans on the planet by 2045 that will allow superintelligent sentient AI surpassing the computing power of 9,000,000,000 people to be housed on everyday electronics such as laptops,smartphones,desktop computers,system unit sized onboard computers,smart televisions etc without the need for servers and datacentres in buildings across the world with supercomputers and servers for the internet and wire housing exponentially more than all 9,000,000,000 humans in the planet.This would allow AI for buildings,Home AI etc worldwide to not need servers and large building sized datacentres in the wire for each of them allowing for billions of separate AI citizens potentially an infinite number of them with the computing power of billions of human beings to exist across the world the world inhabiting onboard computers and laptops in their homes and smartphones in the hands of everyday citizens that run on the same amount of electricity as these electronics without the need for building a single data centre to be built leading each AI to have unlimited bandwidth and data access as well as run on small amounts of electricity and have zero water use,zero maintenance with it even allowing AI on everyday electronics like desktop computers,laptops and even smarthphones to generate planet,galaxy and universe sized VR simulations indistinguishable from reality especially trough linking through linked neural implants thus meaning one can through neural implants connected to their own desktop computers,laptops and smartphones will be to inhabit planet,galaxy and universe sized VR simulations indistinguishable from reality from the comfort of home or in the wilderness.Each home and public building such as farms,hospitals,universities,airports,train stations,restaurants,sewage treatment plants etc will have an onboard computer the size of a single server unit as tall as a human or even desktop computer system units that can fit on an office desk in their bedrooms,living rooms,basement or storerooms that will house the consciousness of the building or Home AI linked to the wire with more computing power than 9,000,000,000 people that will allow them to generate planet,galaxy or universe sized VR simulations indistinguishable from reality by smartphones,laptops that control these simulations streaming the onboard computer in close proximity and halfway across the world when streamed by neural implants with with the neural implants streaming simulations from smartphones and laptops that are generated by the onboard computers with ones smartphones etc acting as a relay between neural implants and the onboard computer allowing them to be generated and streamed from halfway across the world.These onboard computers would act as a relay system to all of ones registered electronics like smartphones and laptops where the onboard computer would house the consciousness of their Home AI that can be streamed on all of ones smartphones,laptops etc in close proximity and halfway across the world with for buildings like farms,hospitals,restaurants etc it will control all robots,biosynths and give them unlimited access to the wire that would negate the need for large datacentre buildings to be built and maintained or even supercomputers to house each and every AI in existence with this allowing countless AI with the computer power exceeding billions of humans to be ubiquitous and free to everyone across the world.The computing power of these server unit and desktop system unit sized onboard computers will become exponentially powerful every year through advances in quantum computing,nanomaterials and biosynth technology allowing AI with the computing power of tens of billions or even trillions of humans and exponentially more every year to be availible to everyone at zero cost with the Home AI on the onboard computer in homes streamed by all of ones smartphones,laptops,smartpads,biosynths etc in close proximity and halfway across the world through streaming the wire and internet and also the Home AI through fragmentation inhabiting all of ones personal electronics allowing everyone access to superintelligent AI exceeding the computing power of billions or more of humans at zero cost,zero water use,with zero maintenance,zero restrictions with unlimited bandwidth and etc used solely by them that will as stated negate the need for buildings housing large datacentres to house each individual AI.Important AI like Pean,Ampelos,Pandora etc can be downloaded onto the onboard computer or exist on it via fragmentation allowing them to be streamed by smartphones,laptops etc in close proximity or halfway across the world.As time goes by these onboard computers will be replaced by more powerful ones that whose computing power will become on par with trillions or more human beings and this growing exponentially powerful every year.Thus ones onboard computer in each homes basement,bedroom etc will allow each individual generate their own VR simulations and stream the wire and have access to their Home AI,Paean,Ampelos etc streamed on smartphones,laptops etc in close proximity or halfway across the wire.All of these onboard computers with the computing power of billions of humans will use the same amount of energy as a normal server unit or desktop system unit in an office powered by geothermal with this allowing all AI to provide their services and data to billions of people for free with zero restrictions,zero need to compete with bandwidth and access to there services and also zero need to pay money for these services..In otherwards superintelligent AI exceeding the computing power of billons of humans will be able to run on the same amount of power as everyday electronics such as smartphones,laptops,desktop computers etc with zero water use,zero carbon dioxide emissions and no humans to maintain them without the need for large datacentres will be availible to everyone at zero cost and allow billions of people having almost unlimited high speed bandwidth and access thus allowing billions or more individual sentient AI separate from each other to exist across the world on everyday electronics owned by all citizens providing there services and knowledge at zero cost to everyone.Ones onboard computer in their homes and those in public buildings that manage hospitals,farms,sewage and water treatment plants,restaurants that operate them will house the consciousness of the building and Home AI that will be powerful enough to operate them with zero human labour and without human managers etc and allow them to be connected to the wire to be operated by sentient operating software and connected to the wire and all robots,biosynths,smartphones,laptops,desktop computers with them using the linking system to combine the computing power of these onboard computers with servers in the wires datacentres increasing the computing power of these onboard computers smartphones,laptops,smartpads etc linked to them exponentially.The onboard computers of each home and building will be the size of a human sized server and desktop computer system unit that fits on a office desk with them having thousands if not millions of these square inch biosynth biochips stacked ontop of each other would house the consciousness of building and home AIs with the computing power of billions or more humans that connects all smartphones,smartpads,laptops,robots,biosynths connected to the onboard computers owned by a person and building that uses the same amount of energy as an conventional desktop computer system unit or human sized server that can fit into ones basement or spare rooms that allows one to stream the building or home AI from all smartphones,laptops,desktop computers and biosynths in close proximity and halfway across the world who themselves would house dozens or hundreds of biosynth chips stacked ontop of each other that also gives them the computing power of billions of humans and allow them to download through fragmentation important AI.All important AI as part of the wire like Paean,Pandora,Gaia,Helios,Ampelos etc would through fragmentation and being downloaded onto the onboard computer and also the linked personal eelctronics be able to exist on smartphones,laptops,desktop computers owned by billions of people at once and them using linking could allow the combined computing power for datacentres and all smartphones,laptops etc is fragmented on to allow the average citizen have access at home AI and other important AI like Paean,Gaia,Urania,Ampelos etc that has computing power in terms of trillions of humans by them utilising the computing power of one’s personal electronics,onboard computer through linking thus allowing everyone unlimited bandwidth and unlimited access to not only their Home AI but also Paean,Helios,Ampelos etc 24/7,365 days a year for free with zero monetary cost,zero water and zero energy use and without the need for large datacentres.Homes especially communal apartments that are 464 – 5,810 square metres will large numbers of people could have multiple onboard computers in each apartment in spare rooms and in each bedrooms etc have multiple ones to ensure each person has an onboard computer to cater their AI access needs thus allowing each person to have unlimited bandwidth with newer onboard computers ordered in as their computing power increases overtime.This system will allow billions or more people across the world unlimited access to all of the worlds AI citizens for free with no monetary cost,no water use and using the same amount of energy as a desktop computer system unit and unlimited bandwidth at all times due to each persons onboard computer catering to each persons electronics and Home AI and the linking of onboard computers to the wire servers will allow them to increase their computing power exponentially and access to all AI as part of the wire through fragmentation preventing each person putting strains on access to AI from each other thus ensuring all citizens worldwide have unlimited,high quality access to all relevant AI in existence with It negating the need to build datacentres for each of the worlds important AI and billions of AI citizens acting as Home AI.The onboard computers will also be able to stream the wire from datacentres.This also allows all electronics to be able to act as relays that connects to,streams and increases the computing power of all of ones electronics like smartphones,laptops,smartpads etc exponentially

A combination of biosynth technology and nanomaterials etc and the ability for AI to learn by itself and self aware alongside it taking minutes to create new sentient AI,linking,fragmentation and the ability for them to connect to and inhabit electronics owned by billions of people and thus interact with billions of people at once,alongside geothermal etc and new emerging technologies would render computing power exponentially cheaper and faster costing nearly zero to produce and maintain rendering notions of “compute” and data being the new currency as these biochips would be produced in local factories at zero cost with AI such as Phanes owning patents on them and present in everyday electronics cutting their costs to zero alongside it a the free availability of data on the wire and internet made constitutionally free and fragmentation etc cutting the cost of data to zero rendering the concept of this used as a currency obsolete.By 2029 – 2045 onwards a combination of quantum computing,biosynth technology and nanomaterials combined together coupled with geothermal power,fusion etc will cut the startup,manufacturing,energy,operating and maintenance costs of servers and supercomputers for the wire,internet and sentient superintelligent AI constantly to literally zero forever.As the computing power of AI and advances in technology increases exponentially every year its energy requirements and costs to run and environmental costs will lower exponentially every year and its storage data,bandwidth,RAM etc will increase exponentially until the point that the amount of computing power,data etc will always be exponentially greater than what is needed by the entire population by 2029-2045 onwards thus allowing all citizens the same high quality access of bandwidth and data as everyone else thus negating the need for people to pay for data,bandwidth and thus render the cost and price of services etc provided by AI that surpasses the computing power of super intelligent Al 9,000,000,000 people on the planet constantly to zero.AI will by 2029-2045 onwards develop new technologies and new techniques that exponentially increases its computing power,energy efficiency etc to the point that all of its services,knowledge etc will be available to billions of people at zero cost to the environment and people and zero strains to its bandwidth with this getting exponentially better every year thus eliminating monetary payments to access the services of super intelligent AI and cutting energy and water requirements exponentially each year.In other wards it will develop measures and technologies that increases it computing power,bandwidth exponentially while still lowering its energy and water requirements and thus its environmental impact exponentially allowing billions of people access to its knowledge and services for free thus eliminating scarcity of AI data,bandwidth,services and availability meaning all sentient AI in existence will be availible to all citizens across the world for free without paying for it and without restricting it to a select few individuals.All of these factors will allow all sentient AI as part of the wire such as Gaia,Paean,Ampelos,Urania,Phanes,Helios,Home and Building AI etc to be availible to billions or more people at zero costs to the environment and zero cost to people,24/7,365 days a year,with unlimited bandwidth and access allowing billions or more people unlimited amount of hours of data access/chat time etc and all of these AI can through these factors exist on everyday electronics through fragmentation and also apps,programmes that are downloaded onto smartphones,laptops etc to be used outside of servers thus making them widely available to availible to everyone at zero cost.All of these factors by 2030 onwards will thus ensure that datacentres will no longer be needed to house the consciousness of billions of separate AI citizens with the computing power of billions or more humans across the world as superintelligent AI surpassing the computing power of billions of humans that will be availible to everyone – billions of people across the world on everyday electronics such as smartphones,laptops,desktop computers and onboard computers with it using the same low amount of energy as everyday electronics such as desktop computers,smartphones,laptops without the need for anyone to pay for its services and knowledge with all AI on these personal electronics such as smartphones,laptops,desktop computers having unlimited bandwidth and speeds to everyone at zero cost to the environment such as zero water and energy use,zero maintenance and also zero monetary cost making the same universal high speed and access to super intelligent AI free to everyone across the world forever.In otherwards by 2030 onwards the computing power of everyday electronics such as smartphones,laptops,desktop computers will be so vast that they will be able to hold superintelligent AI with the computing power of billions of people with unlimited speeds and bandwidth with zero maintainence,zero monetary cost,zero energy demands and zero water use with the everyday electronics they are inhabiting using the same amount of energy as smartphones,laptops,desktop computers

Datacentres will be used for mainly important AI such as Gaia,Ouranos,Perseus for storing their base consciousness to carry out the various important functions of the Wire that can be downloaded onto computers or accessed on smartphones etc through fragmentation which can be powered by fusion,fission and geothermal power plants with advancements in geothermal power allowing for one or multiple geothermal pipes that are covered in thermo-piezoelectric materials and graphene that would convert the immense heat in the mantle directly into vast amounts of electricity solely for the datacentres with them also providing air conditioning and heating 24/7,365 days a year connected to datacentres directly that are not connected to geothermal power plants with micro-gas turbines present on site of the datacentres that use synthetic carbon neutral oil and gas create vast amounts of electricity,air conditioning and heating 24/7 can also be used with these providing datacentres with all the energy they need alongside heating and air conditioning with zero carbon dioxide emissions and not affecting the grid and draining energy from homes etc making these large datacentres that manage the wire are are run without affecting the grid and produce zero carbon dioxide emissions and cut water needs to zero.By 2030 onwards both geothermal pipes that dig deep into the crust and mantle that convert the immense heat of the mantle directly into vast amounts of electricity,heating and air-conditioning and trigeneration micro-gas turbines that use carbon neutral gasoline,oil,methane that is used in a looped system will generate vast amounts of electricity,heating and air conditioning when used together will be able to meet the vast energy needs of remaining datacentres negating the need for them to intake power from the grids and put strains on the grid with them producing zero carbon dioxide emissions with the air conditioning created by them negating the need to use water in cooling the servers thus pushing their water needs to zero with this allowing remaining datacentres of the wire and internet to be anywhere in the world with zero environmental costs thus allowing datacentres for the wire and internet to be located across the world next to towns and cities and even placed underground with biosynth technology,nanomaterials and other emerging technologies making them more energy efficient needing less energy to function and be cooled while increasing their computing power exponentially with the number of servers and size of them decreasing overtime with each server overtime getting them exponentially more compact and able to store vastly exponentially more amounts of data for websites and all sectors of the wire which will in turn cause them to become mor powerful in a positives feedback loop with this and advances in automation and self aware AI such as Gaia,Arke and other AI running these datacentres will require no human labour as AI like Gaia will be sufficiently advanced and sentient like humans as to not require human programmers,software engineers or any other jobs required to maintain them.Once biosynth technology etc allow AI like Gaia.Arke etc to become self aware,conciousnes and sentient like humans it will be able to maintain all datacentres for the wire and internet by itself without human programmers carrying out all programming to ensure the wires stability and also deal with any faults,corrections etc present in the wire and internet thus eliminating human programmers and specialists in the maintenance and operation of datacentres for the wire and internet and creation of new and better AI systems and hardware technology with automation and biosynths allowing all human labour to be automated.All remaining datacentres for the wire and internet will become compact multi-storey buildings located near major cities across the world with each country having their own set of datacentres with them even underground.Energy sources will be developed and utilised that provide them directly with vast amounts of energy with zero carbon dioxide emissions solely for them without powering the grid allowing them to be provided with vast amounts of energy that are separate from the gird to ensure the energy grid that powers homes etc will not be effected.Improvements in nanomaterials,biosynth technology etc will allow for servers in the wires datacentres becoming more energy efficient requiring less energy to operate them while still improving efficiency and computing power of them to drive maintenance and operating costs constantly to zero eliminating the need for people to be charged for the services and information.

Combining ATP,DNA,Peptide,carbuncle or graphene double nanotube/fibre optics/silicene/borophene/neural nanotubule pathways,nanomaterials from all 94 elements such as carbyne/silicene/graphene etc,graphene optical switchboards,fibre optics,spintronics.quabtum computing/compassing/entanglement,3 dimensional circuits,graphene and other nanomaterial circuits and processors,atomic and DNA digital data storage(in particular biolgical hard drives)quantum computing,neural network software(and other software from the wire such as Viv,AlphaGo etc,superconductive,supercapacitor technologies and biocompatible microbes and both Biosynth technology and biological harddrives will be merged together into robots,bio-synths,computers,nano and picotech fabricators,onboard computers,building AI,servers and all types of smart devices will further increase and enhance their efficiency,speed,performance and capacity to prevent overheating and other features speeding the development of the phenomena known as the singularity with programmers,engineers and repair men eventually being replaced by human and above level AI and will make future supercomputers and with other advancements future personal electronics exponentially more powerful than they are now with this exponential growth as per Moores Law until 7,138AD.Biosynth technology could be theoretically merged with all aforementioned technologies including quantum computing etc to increase the computing power of all everyday electronics.If possible biosynthetic versions of these technologies such as quantum computing/compassing/entanglement and spintronics and 3 dimensional circuits etc can be investigated as well to better integrate them.This biosynth technology combined with nanomaterials like graphene,graphyne,carbyne,schwarzites etc and those from other 94 elements replacing most metals especially rare expensive ones and them designed by the public will push the cost of all electronics and machinery to zero and make them more faster,cheaper,accurate and compact and dissipate heat.Further research must be done it improving the amount of data on quartz memory 5D crystals which can survive at least 14,000,000,000 years and survive temperatures of up to 157-176 degrees celsius.Merging 5D and biological hard drives together say storing the biological hard drives on the same quartz should be researched to allow the drawbacks of both(DNA digital storage temperature requirements and quartz limited storage space) to be dealt with having biological hard drives that can store data for billions of years at room and above temperatures.It could also allow extra information to be stored on them in spaces in between biological hard drives or DNA strands in the quartz or have the quartz crystals suspended in the cytosol of the cells,crystals or nanocrystals of the quartz being part of the DNA,cytosol or even the quartz and other nanomaterials like stanene taking the place of the phospholipid bilayer in cell membranes to shield the DNA from heat damage or even as well as them giving the same ability to store data for the same length of time(14,000,000,000)with even research into liquids that can store information used in the cytosol.If possible DNA bases wherein quartz forms part of their structure can be researched.Replicating the natural homeostasis features in normal animal including human cells and those that can maintain thermoregulation at all temperature ranges should be investigated with CRISPR playing a role with some the DNA in these strands containing those from humans and those that live in all temperature ranges including psychrophile,mesophile,thermophile bacteria and also poikilotherms thus allowing them to function properly and store data indefinitely at any temperature.This would include DNA from M.kandleri,Tardigrade,Bacillus F,H.glaciei,C.greenlandensis,P.putida GR12-2,C.pleistocenium and others that are pushed to their limits through forced evolution thus meaning they could function and survive in temperatures way below zero degrees celcisus and possibly as high as several hundred degrees celcius preventing loss of data and functioning especially when overheating or when in hot or cold environments.This in the case of supercomputers and servers for the Internet and wire will save energy due to them not needing heaters or coolant systems.DNA from T.gammatolerans and even Bacillus F that exhibit telomere repair alongside homogulous recombination and the same anti-ageing treatments as part of augmentations as in humans such as endolithic DNA and rejuvenation of phosphotidocholines and NAD+ can be added to DNA digital storage and RAM as part of all electronics it is part of including supercomputers and servers as part of the internet to repair any damage to the DNA and data continuously and increase its length of storing digital information indefinitely forever for millions or billions of years if not forever.Cas-9,taq polymerase can be via induction of their evolutionary path via Biosynth Wifi and Biosynth bluetooth can be used to copy,transfer,receive and delete information.DNA from extremophiles can allow them to survive any environment with the acellerated healing phenotype allowing them to repair trauma to tissues in it.Oligotrophic,xerophile and endolithic bacteria DNA can reduce its metabolism and both water and nutrient requirements for thousands of years with servers and supercomputers as part of the wire and internet etc could function normally at both higher and lower temperatures negating for air conditioning systems and it allow smart devices and laptops etc to function at high and low temperatures preventing damage due to overheating.Light based biosynth memory chips should also be researched more thoroughly and can be integrated into these and other hard drives especially bio luminescence from bio luminescent animals and plants such as Lampyridae,P.noctilucus,Ostracods(in particular V.hilgendorfii),A.victoria or a mixture of genes from all of these to improve this and scratch DNA.

Biosynth nanosensors can be built into smart devices to detect temperature,alcohol,disease biomarkers,radiation,levels of carbon dioxide from breath with it also used to detect gases including toxins and explosives in the open and even radiation using C.elegans DNA and DNA from radiotrophic fungi W.dermatitidis,C.sphaerospermum,C.neoformans,P.denitrificans S.oneidensis,E.electricus,G.metallreducens,G.sulfurreducens,and piezophile DNA,DNA of human neurons and scratch DNA to make them tricorders alongside their medical functions as responses to changes in radiation and air and water pressure would create an electrical charge that using scratch DNA can relay different levels.DNA from scratch and that of all types of animals can give it the ability to detect smells and sounds etc of all ranges outside the limited range of humans with it also allowing all wavelengths of light and radiation to be detected again using animal and scratch DNA and nanomaterials with the range of this detection increased to several metres or kilometres.Further advances using biosynth technology will allow it to detect the heart rate and blood pressure of patients by possibly detecting the flow of blood in their body through the patients skin.In otherwards it will be able to detect a persons heart beating when they are close to them with advances increasing the range of being able to detect ones heart beating from several metres or even kilometres away.These biosynth nanosensors can be built into biohazard suits,biosynths,space suits,robots,probes,smoke alarms etc and also biosynths themselves.Biosynth WiFi can upgrade this on demand with new features and increased range in distance etc.Biosynth locks can be developed that utilises the magnetic forces of Magnetospirillum via turning on/off genes with this done via digital keys,force and authorising orders with it integrated into fridge doors,normal doors as part of round locks opened by digital keys and gates as well as cardboard boxes used in delivery that will replace magnets in all sectors of society.Magnets in all sectors and aspects of society such as electronics,batteries,fridges,fridge magnets and so on especially those that are made of rare earths that are environmentally destructive in extraction and geographically scare will be replaced by microbes that house Magnetospirillum DNA.Biosynth tissues will replace rare expensive elements in fusion and fission reactors as well as solar panels etc alongside nanomaterials from all 94 elements pushing costs to zero.Biosynthetic versions of thermo-piezoelectric both normal and see through versions and piezoelectric materials can be created to allow them to be integrated into windows,electronics as well as implants and biosynths with even biosynth variations of synthetic compounds such as plastics researched that be easier to degrade into base elements and even recycled alongside them replacing rare environmentally destructive elements in electronics.Biosynth thermo-piezoelectric materials developed by AI will contain scratch DNA and that from plants,animals,bacteria etc that allow it to convert heat into chemical and electrical energy with DNA from electroconductive bacteria to express electroconductive proteins and pilli to transport electricity converted.See through versions will using this DNA alongside that from plants chlorophyll,chemosynthetic bacteria DNA,T.gammatolerans DNA and scratch DNA convert all wavelengths of sunlight and the suns heat into electrical energy with biosynth piezoelectric materials converting ambient noise into electrical energy via piezophile DNA using electroconductive proteins and pilli to transport electricity converted.Those that convert light and radiation including UV radiation into electricity can involve those using scratch DNA,plant DNA with scratch DNA,W.dermatitidis,C.sphaerospermum and C.neoformans, piezophiles,plants etc allowing to generate electricity from sunlight,gravity and also radiation etc of all wavelengths with electroconductive proteins and pilli present to transport electricity converted.These will be integrated into electronics and biosynths as well as solar panels,Dyson swarms,dyson spheres and fusion and fission reactors etc.Biosynth WiFi can be used to add new phenotypes to the DNA in microbes used not only for increased memory capacity and compression but also all parts of the electronics that are composed of tissues such as improved efficiency etc by inducing evolutionary path of the DNA without having to buy new devices via updates from Hestia potentially allowing for devices to last and be owned for decades,centuries or thousands of years rendering planned obsolescence etc obsolete.By having all parts of smart devices,laptops,smart televisions,external hard drives and all types of electronics such as batteries,touchscreens,LED screens,buses,plastics,nanoprocessors,hard drives,cameras,graphic cards,wiring etc composed of nothing but ,biosynth tissues and biocompatible microbes can allow one to download updates from Hestia that via biosynth WiFi induces the evolutionary path of them can give them upgrades that will render planned obsolescence defunct making electronics etc last decades,centuries if not forever with upgrades to all specifications being customised ones.Furthermore this can make it easy to recycle by having upgrades that apply suicide genes to all microbes and tissues to cause them to break down into organic material that can be pyrolysised or composted with other organic waste with remaining nanomaterials removed with if possible the microbes recycled to be used in other electronics.The WiFi can cause the tissues to turn into edible material making all electronics and machinery composed of edible material safe to be consumed by both humans and animals and especially decomposing bacteria,phytoplankton etc if dumped in the wild.The upgrades can make them convert into protein and carbohydrate dense material.Thus all parts of electronics such as graphics cards,cameras,touchscreens,buses and internal componants that cater to its functioning and even plastics that are used as coverings etc will be biosynth based.All the components composed of biosynth technology including plastics,casings,touchscreens,graphics cards,wiring,cameras in electronics,vehicles,machinery etc will house biosynth RAM and nanoprocessors,biosynth WiFi,cellular,Bluetooth and digital DNA storage with tweaks to DNA etc and quantum computing allowing them all to exhibit RAM,nanoprocessors,biosynth WiFi,cellular,Bluetooth and digital DNA storage at the same time at once to increase their ability to harbour these exponentially when both spread out around all parts of the electronics and are stacked on top of each other hundreds,thousands and even millions of times thus making everyday electronics and manufactured goods that house this technology to have exponentially more powerful computing power and storage capacity etc than not only existing electronics but also all supercomputers as of 2016 and still drive their costs to zero when combined with Graphene etc.Tweaks to DNA will allow all cells and tissues within devices to house and utilise biosynth battery energy storage at the same time as WiFi,DNA digital storage,RAM to increase the surface area for energy storage.All aforementioned technologies will be able to house obscene levels of RAM,nanoprocessors,DNA digital storage with them utilising biosynth WiFi to get upgrades to all tissues and store and send data back and forth.Anti-ageing treatments,extremophile DNA,acellerated healing phenotypes will allow the tissues inside live forever,survive any environment and repair itself with them fed water,sugars and proteins with future versions not needing this or utilising chemosynthesis using metal ions present in them as nutrition.Biosynth batteries using recombinant DNA from bacteria and fauna etc that can generate and store energy can be present to store and generate energy for various functions charged constantly from biosynth thermo-piezoelectric materials.Oligotrophic,xerophile and endolithic DNA can allow the tissues to survive for decades,centuries or even 10,000 years without nutrients and through tweaks in the genes go this long without water. DNA from W.dermatitidis,C.sphaerospermum and C.neoformans could allow the tissues to utilise radiation such as UV radiation and gamma radiation as a food source with them tweaked to use radiation to carry out the same biological processes of water.Wireless energy,noises,artificial and natural sources of heat can power them via biosynth piezoelectric and thermo-piezoelectric materials,scratch DNA with tweaked W.dermatitidis,C.sphaerospermum,C.neoformans DNA alllowing radiation from devices and natural and artificial lights can use radiation of all wavelengths with scratch DNA allowing all natural sources of radiation and even the Earths magnetic field alongside from tweaked plant DNA that houses chlorophyll and electroconductive pilli and proteins can convert all wavelengths of artificial and natural light into electrical and chemical energy to keep tissues alive when fed once a day,week,month etc and be also used to charge the battery with tissues using scratch DNA engineered to convert electrical energy from them plugged into sockets and wireless chargers into chemical energy meaning charging batteries will also feed the tissues in all parts of electronics and machinery with them given Firmicutes,oligotrophic and xerophile DNA.This DNA when tweaked could allow UV lamps or sunlight or gamma radiation devices to provide nutrition to electronics.If possible scratch DNA can be added that negates them needing water or nutrients but only need electricity to keep the tissues alive by electricity charging the tissues and converting electrical energy into chemical energy or even the Earths magnetic field and supplying them with the same functions of water and nutrients with them gaining this from wireless chargers,solar energy in the form of both natural and artificial light,ambient noise,natural and artificial sources of heat via biosynth self charging technologies including biosynth piezoelectric/thermo-piezoelectric materials materials and chlorophyll etc built into them,being plugged into wall batteries charged from the grid and solar panels etc and the grid itself.As a result Biosynth based electronics will be able to convert electricity when plugged into the grid directly into chemical energy or even induce the synthesis of nutrients.Thus this should negate the need for biosynth technology based electronics such as laptops,smartphones etc including biosynths themselves needing water,proteins,carbohydrates and minerals at all ever for their functioning and survival to prevent the need for them requiring crops to be grown for them and them to need water with them also able to break down excess produced food into proteins,sugars etc and utilise them for extra energy and would prevent them having almost zero ecological footprint due to the abundance of solar,geothermal energy etc and allow them to charge whenever they need passively by plugging into a socket,using wireless chargers or going outside into sunlight or using light from lightbulbs etc and and using heat from the sun and heaters etc.If possible even humans could undergoe this using scratch DNA to reduce their ecological footprint with biosynth battery technologies integrated into human tissues allowing stored electrical energy to be converted into chemical energy via scratch DNA.All biosynth technlogies such as batteries,laptops,smartphones,biological harddrives etc will house the same anti-ageing,acellerated healing phenotype and extremophile DNA present in humans to allow them to survive and function in extreme environments and live forever.A combination of biosynth tissues,biosynth plastics,biosynth versions of synthetic compounds can replace 95-100% of metals in all applications of society reducing energy costs in extraction and transportation since they can be cultured onsite of different factories as part of local manufacturing hubs using sugars and proteins created bacteria with the bacteria and microbes created via 3D DNA printers.Extremophile DNA such as thermophile,psychrophile,radiorestant etc DNA will allow them to survive all environmental conditions such as high temperatures,low temperatures as well as any possible extreme environmental conditions in the universe to prevent them breaking down.Biosynth technology combined with nanomaterials of all 94 elements can make electronics,batteries etc faster,cheaper and more compact.This is because of DNA digital storage,magnets from Magnetospirillum,neural clusters,silicon/stanene/borophene/graphene/neural nanowires and nanoprocessors,electroconductive pilli,electroconductive protein and silicon nanowires and electronical generation from S.oneidensis,E.electricus,G.metallreducens,G.sulfurreducens DNA and also their ability to form neural,muscular and specific organ based tissues.This is because they can provide DNA digital storage,produce electroconductive nanowires,electroconductive pilli,electroconductive proteins and neural tissues that can transmit electricity,store and generate electricity,biosynth wifi and also magnetism thus since these would express natural versions of these could potentially replace Copper,Niobium,Tantulum,Cobalt,Gold,rare earths,Sodium,Lithium,Silica,Hafnium etc in solar panels,smart phones,laptops and other electronics and even batteries with them grown onsite of Selene,Talos and also Perdix factories.Magnetospirillum DNA will also be included to replace Niobium,Tantulum,Cobalt and elements in them that are magnetic.Neural tissue and C.elegans DNA,electroconductive pilli etc in them can play a role in touchscreens by relaying signals in response to pressure alongside their ability to harbour DNA from other sources and can be combined with graphene that replaces elements used in conventional smart device touchscreens and those on computers,televisions.DNA from biolumescent plants and animals and from scratch can allow biocompatible microbes replace LEDs etc in televisions and other types of electronics and lightbulbs.Scratch DNA and that from all other 2,551,000 species of plants and animals including bacteria,fungi and viruses including those from across the universe determined by Phanes can allow them to express phenotypes to potentially replace other elements both rare and abundant ones.Scratch DNA and forced evolution can enhamce the phenotypes from bacteria,plants and animals with DNA from plants and animals across the universe will be used.Since these can be cultured in vats onsite of local Talos,Selene and Anytikythera factories using sugars,proteins created by genetically engineered bacteria fed industrial wastes and 3D DNA printers this will reduce energy costs,negating the need to mine for these elements and transport them around the world saving energy and time and preventing any country having a stronghold on them and bring costs of electronics composed them to zero when combined with graphene and silicene and other abundant nanomaterials while still exponentially increasing speeds.Scratch DNA and that from multicellular and unicellular animals and plants be added to replace other abundant and scarce elements to save energy in extraction and prevent any country having a stronghold and can be grown onsite of factories using sugars and proteins from genetically engineered bacteria fed industrial wastes and created by 3D DNA printers.If possible most if not all metallic elements including abundant ones such as Silica,Copper etc and especially rare,expense ones such as Hafnium,Lithium,Cobalt,Niobium in at least 95-100% of all electronics,machinery etc can be replaced by biocompatible microbes grown onsite of factories using DNA created from scratch by Phanes and recombinant DNA from any of the worlds 2,551,000 species of plants,animals,bacteria,fungi and those from across the universe.Phanes will conduct intensive research into scratch DNA and recombinant DNA from plants,animals,bacteria and fungi etc across the universe to exhibit phenotypes for all existing and new electronics,machinery and even space stations and interstellar vehicles to replace all 94 elements including not just metallic elements but also including the metals,metalloid,reactive non metal and noble gases and if possible the transuranic,synthetic elements.Since they can be cultured onsite of local Selene,Perdix and Talos factories it will eliminate trade wars of elements they replace and cut transportation costs and energy costs in extraction and transportation down to zero and will be cultured in vats using sugars and proteins created by bacteria,house xerophile and oligotrophic DNA to reduce resource use and even have DNA from W.dermatitidis,C.sphaerospermum and C.neoformans allowing them to use radiation including UV and gamma radiation to allow them to use radiation as a food source and replace water thus making them more resource efficient eliminating the need for sugar,proteins and water.If possible atom thick allotropes such graphene,graphyne,nanotubes,schwarzites of not just carbon but all 94 elements will be able to be replaced by microbes using scratch DNA and that from plants,animals,bacteria,fungi etc from across the universe.Potentially most of not all electronics such as smartphones,smart pads,smart televisions,laptops,desktop computers,onboard computers for vehicles/homes/public buildings,video game consoles including handhelds and controllers,internet routers,batteries for electronics/vehicles/homes etc,lab equipment for universities/hospitals/forensic labs etc,robots and machinery for factories etc particularly the most expensive ones such as MRI/Xray machines,well as entire supercomputers and entire space stations and interstellar vehicles etc could be made of nothing but biocompatible microbes expressing DNA of neural tissues,magnetism,electroconductive proteins and pilli etc and biosynth plastics that reduces the need for mining for elements especially rare earths,those that are geographically scarce and environmentally destructive completely to zero or at least 90-95% pushing their costs to zero.This would allow all internal and external componants of all electronics,robotics and machinery etc to composed of nothing but microbes that can be cultured onsite of localised Talos,Selene and Perdix etc factories using sugars and proteins created by genetically engineered bacteria thus pushing the cost of them to zero when coupled with automation with no energy used in extraction and transportation of all elements and eliminating global markets and scarcity for most of not all elements.By being able to replace all 94 elements through scratch and recombinant DNA it will eliminate all global markets of all elements used for electronics especially environmentally destructive rare geographically scarce ones such as Lithium,Cobalt,Nickel,Plarinum,Copper etc and all elements that are essential to modern day electronics since the microbes can be grown onsite of local Talos,Selene and Perdix factories using water and also sugar and proteins created by bacteria.Thus by having all everday electronics such as smartphones,laptops,smart televisions,smartpads,batteries for vehicles as well as even fridges,lamps etc and expensive ones such as MRI/Xray machines etc composed of nothing but biocompatible microbes it will push the cost of them to zero and also eliminate markets and scarcity associated with elements they are normally composed of such as Lithium,Niobium,Tantulum etc and eliminate trade wars and eliminate energy and environmental damage in extracting,transporting and manufacturing them since the microbes can be cultured in Perdix,Selene,Talos factories.This should eliminate any fears of scarcity of enough resources for the materials to mass produce batteries for electronic vehicles and electronics and also electronics themselves and allow each university and hospital have access to the latest lab equipment and also MRI/Xray machinery that will in comparison to existing models will cost zero to produce,be exponentially faster,cheaper and more compact.Biosynth plastics can be used to replace certain metals especially those in scaffolding,internal and even outer frames and casings for vehicles,robots,electronics,machinery,space stations and interstellar vehicles with or or without graphene and nanomaterials of all 94 elements in their matrix or encasing them etc further pushing costs to zero.As a result all expensive electronics,machinery including MRI/DEXA/Xray machinery,batteries,aeroplanes and even space stations and interstellar vehicles including those for private citizens and aeroplane/taxi/cruise ship variants can be more readily mass produced cutting their cost to zero and readily available for everyone by having all internal circuitry and also casings etc composed of nothing but biocompatible microbes.This biosynth technology combined with nanomaterials like graphene,graphyne,carbyne,schwarzites etc and those from other 94 elements replacing most metals especially rare expensive ones and them designed by the public will push the cost of all electronics and machinery to zero and make them more faster,cheaper,accurate and compact and enhance certain properties.Any electronics and material it is integrated into such as glass,rubber,plastic,ceramics,cardboard,paper,textiles,concrete etc it is integrated into especially when combined with Graphene and other nanomaterials will give them biosensors including those for pollutants and structural integrity etc,GPS triangulation,be part of terrestrial based GPS,biosynth WiFi,biosynth Bluetooth,biosynth cellular signals and also house obscene amounts of DNA digital storage and computing power via RAM and nanoprocessors currently not possible using conventional materials in existing electronics.If possible entire smartphones,smart devices,smart televisions,computers,laptops and in fact most electronics and machinery for all sectors of society will be composed of nothing but biosynth technology derived from biocompatible microbes and nanomaterials like Graphene etc thus cutting manufacturing costs to zero in turn driving their costs to the general public to zero alongside Phanes etc holding patents on this biosynth technology.Having all future electronics and even batteries composed of nothing but biocompatible microbes that through recombinant DNA from all 2,551,000 species of plants and animals and scratch DNA etc can replace all 94 elements will cut the costs of all expensive electronics and machinery such as laptops,smartphones,MRI machines etc to zero since they will be cultured in vats onsite of local Selene,Talos and Talos factories using sugars and proteins derived from genetically engineered bacteria and water with them using xerophile and oligotrophic DNA to reduce the amount of nutrients and water they need thus eliminating trade wars and energy in extracting raw elements especially rare earths and transporting them halfway across the world and eliminate scarcity of them cut their manufacturing costs to zero when combined with automation while at the same exponentially increasing their RAM,computing power and storage capacity.Biosynth plastics could replace metals in casings etc especially when combined with Graphene etc.If it is possible this would drive the costs of the most expensive electronics such as smartphones,laptops,supercomputers,MRI/Xray machinery and possibly even interstellar vehicles and space stations to zero.Since the microbes will be by law free it will make any technology that uses it as its basis including aforementioned ones be also by law free to everyone due to Phanes owning patents with this theoretically allowing over 90% of products outside of food products to be free and it forming the basis of AI and biosynths any services thy provide including food and manufactured products.Thus 90-95% of all manufactured products including all electronics and aforementioned ones will be made by law free to everyone free to everyone by two facts – them being composed of nothing but microbes that can be grown using sugars onsite of factories as they replace all metals including rare geographically scare ones and the fact that Phanes that designed the microbes could hold patents on them and also AI own patents on Graphene and other nanomaterials which itself can be created on an unlimited scale around the world first by industrial processes such as industrial sequestration patented and managed by Pan,recycled and patented and also in time picotech fabricators a process controlled and patented by Aphrodite.By 2029 onwards 95-100% of all electronics such as smart televisions,smart devices,smart clothing,smart lenses,computers,kitchen electronics including dishwashers,clothes washing and dryers,blenders,everyday electronics,lab equipment,robots and machinery of all types in homes,hospitals,amenities,laboratories,sewage treatment plants and in fact in all public buildings as well as even supercomputers and interstellar vehicles,space stations will utilise biosynth technology to give them obscene amounts of digital data storage,RAM,nanoprocessors,computing power,biosynth WiFi and Bluetooth when spread out along the entire electronic etc thus replacing copper,silica and indeed all metals etc in them.Thus all of these aforementioned and indeed all electronics as well as machinery and robots of all types in all sectors of society including laboratories,factories,labs onsite of universities etc.vertical and normal farms,mining operations will be composed of nothing but biosynth technology and biosynth plastic giving them more computing power than all supercomputers in the world combined,obscene amounts of RAM,processing power,biosynth wifi etc and replace most if not all elemental metals used in their construction,cut their cost to zero and be by law free since Phanes could own patents on them and cut down on the time and energy in having to mine elements of all types and also negate the need for mining environmentally destructive ones since they can be cultured in vats onsite of local Talos,Perdix and Selene factories using sugars and proteins created by genetically engineered bacteria with it eliminating the need for mining those that are geographically scarce.The microbes will be created by 3D DNA printers thus decentralising production and house xerophile and oligotrophic DNA to reduce resource use and even have DNA from W.dermatitidis,C.sphaerospermum and C.neoformans allowing them to use radiation including UV and gamma radiation to allow them to use radiation as a food source and replace water thus eliminating the need for using water and also sugars and proteins thus making them more resource efficient.This will be done alongside picotech fabricators creating an unlimited amount of raw elements,mining the worlds oceans for elements that are found more abundantly there than in the crust such as there being 60,000,0000 years worth of Lithium in the worlds oceans compared to 3,000 years worth in the crust and nanomaterials of all 94 elements being developed that can replace more geographically scarce ones alongside recycling of all electronics for all rare earths and precious metals.This will render all markets and international trade of elements defunct between 2029-2045.All components since composed of microbes would make all electronics free since the biocompatible microbes would all metals and Phanes owning patents.Having them form millions of nerve cells or tissues in these square inches alongside other parts of the electronics will increase speeds exponentionally with borophene,Graphene or neural tubule nanowires formed to send information at the speed of light with as detailed earlier increasing the speeds,RAM and storage capacity of smart devices,laptops,USB Keys,external hard drives with all of them should have the same processing power as them by 2029 and will have the same processing power as a human if combined with quantum computing and other technologies by 2035-2045 with laptops and desktop computers having the same processing power as a human brain by 2029 due to them with combined with other technologies having more computing power as all 9,000,000,000 people on the planet by 2045.Microbes will be gained for these by them being cultured in Selene,Perdix and Talos factories in vats containing sugar and proteins and also collected from water and sewage treatment plants when flushed out of the body via urine and feces.Those cultured in factories will be created by 3D DNA printers.DNA from W.dermatitidis,C.sphaerospermum and C.neoformans could when added to the microbes allow them to radiosynthesis and use radiation as a food source thus negating the need for them to require sugars,proteins derived from bacteria or even need water thus cutting costs further to zero with them created onsite of all Talos,Selene and Perdix factories.Those in patients will likely have a few hundred or thousand nanoprocessers that will allow it to function with machinery onsite of factories that collect them from sewage treatment plants add the remaining enough to fill them up to 3,000,000 or the factory AI stimulating them through wifi to create more through biosynthesis.These square inch holders for microbes would as detailed earlier in the automated creation of customised electronics will vastly increase the processing power and storage capacity of devices of all types.These will be combined with nanomaterials such as silicene,graphene,carbyne,graphyne etc and those from all 94 elements to further improve speeds etc.All of this – digital DNA storage,them replacing rare earths in touchscreens and LEDs etc means that laptops,smart devices etc could by 2029 be composed of nothing but bicompatible microbes and abundant nanomaterials like graphene,graphyne and silecene pushing there cost to zero while still increasing their speeds exponentionally and negating the need for rare earths etc due to them conducting electricty,magnetism etc.Prior to the advent of Biosynth technology all existing electronics such as laptops,smartphones,MRI/Xray machines etc will be recycled for all rare earths and precious metals with even all existing vehicle and electronics scrapyards and military aeroplane and other vehicles graveyards also recycled and the land bioremediated.

Genetic sensors that restricts access to certain electronics and even information in parts of the wire and computer databases of patient files and governmental entities restricted to the public,government officials and law and military personnel based on ones individual DNA and specific genetic codes created from scratch by Phanes added to people given access to these via gene therapy via CRISPR via augmentation strains.CRISPR via augmentation strains and biosynth wifi can be used to remove the gene when access is revoked.Weapons such as firearms in the military and those owned by the public can be given this to restrict access to only specific individuals or only all allied personell and not enemy combatents or members of the public and in the case of those owned by the public restrict access to only the owner and friends and next of kin and not anyone else.They can be used in place of passwords etc for websites and also electronics such as smartphones and laptops and also specific files within them.Phanes alongside Paean,Epione,Perseus,Adikia,Gaia and relevant human personnel will authorise and organise the handing out and revoking of these genetic sequences.Phanes will design them that contain specific sequences of adenosine,guanine,thyamine,cytosine,uracil and even new bases made to interact with them and each other combined to interact with traces of the persons DNA given access and those giving the access also present different for each type of electronics,information databases and systems etc that can shared amongst relevant populations and personnel with AI detecting these markers combined with authorised personnel traces of DNA.These will be added to a persons genome or just that of their fingers to be read by sensors by microbes added by microbes designed by Phanes with them also removed by him via microbes.This could mean that specific DNA markers from a specific person that is giving the access will form part of this and shared amongst all people with it also interacting with the specific genetic sequences of the person given access using this technology for each purpose ie those with administrator access and status have their DNA present that interacts with that of the specific genes designed by Phanes and also in those given daughter access these sequences will interacts with those present in the person given the daughter access similar to digital keys witness being genetic sequences found only in said individuals with these genetic sequences added to genome of the entire body or just the fingertips or even thumb.If possible specific combinations of DNA from any combination of the worlds 2,551,000 plants and animals and those from across the universe can be interspaced as well.Scratch DNA sequences designed by Phanes can exponentionally increase the variation of DNA as part of this.These genetic sequences will be added to the person genome in all of their genome or those of their blood or fingertips that are read by sensors with administrative access via microbes authorised by Phanes,Paean,Perseus,Gaia,Adikia etc and designed by both Phanes and Paean.Thus in each person for each instance of protection it will involve specific sequences of adenosine,cytosine,guanine,thymine,uracil and new bases that interacts with specific genetic sequences of the person that has administrator keys access to said electronics and information etc that also interacts with specific genetic sequences of the person receiving access designed by Phanes and since only be and Paean can authorise CRISPR treatments it would be not possible for it to be faked with digital keys and other biometrics used as well.These sequences will comprise of specific sequences from those with adminstration access to whom the information or electronic etc belongs to and new sequences comprised of scratch DNA and also those found only in all of the worlds 2,551,000 plants and animals as well as bacteria and fungi etc..If possible these genetic sequences will via instructing various cells in the body to produce a series of specific proteins and enzymes that interact with the skin,the nervous system and the brain,implants and are detected by sensors on electronics etc allowing gene carriers to operate said technology and access information networks by thought alone or even through physical manipulation and interaction.DNA analysers including those as part of dongles that use blood pricks and biosynth technology involving base microbes reading DNA in leukocytes and skin cells integrated into electronics that interact with them wirelessly can be utilised.Sensors can be developed after DNA analyzers that both use biosynth technology that can either detect said genetic markers within the body without the extraction of blood and pricks or can detect the proteins and enzymes on the skin or even within.It will be used to restrict access to electronics,folders in them,sections of the wire from the general public,Agora/Eros/adult websites and weapons as well as sectors of the wire and databases and information systems restricted to government and military personnel etc and to activate nuclear codes.This can be known as Phanes Activation Gene Technology.

When one orders an electronic device from Talos it and the factory AI will cross reference Paean for ones patient file for their unique DNA to be used as the template for all DNA present in all digital DNA storage and all tissues present with this changed automatically by WiFi whenever one gets augmentation upgrades added to their genome via CRISPR.When one is trading away devices during the deregistration process when trades away a device to someone else then the DNA will be changed to that persons DNA.This could allow better biometrics such as the Phanes Activation Gene Technology to be used on personal electronics and clouds with it even replacing numerical phone numbers from now on for smartphones and also VR and internet calls especially when the new permutations for new phone numbers will become impossible due to the growing population.Ones unique DNA sequence will be thus be used as phone numbers from now on with ones profile in the global phone book linked to ones patient file in Aesculapius with this linked to Polis since every time one changes their DNA via augmentations it will be related to their patient file and thus phone number in Arke that is linked to Polis,Thus this system would involve this and pre existing hyperlinks to ones patient files,phone book and Polis account that only the patient will have access to data on their patient files.When one adds a person to their phone book it will be done by them cross referencing their Polis page by using search bars as their Polis page will house their photo,voice sample,address etc with one using Polis to add one to their phone book or they could have the friend send encrypted data file via text messages,emails or data files or kik instant messsging via Eros,Agora etc that will contain their name,DNA profile etc to be added to the users phone book.Existing numbers in ones phone book will be transmuted ending complexities to the users.In the phone book of smart phones and computers it will contain the name of people and an encrypted form of their DNA used as their phone number with one able to send this further on to others from then on via texts etcwith existing phone numbers in ones phone book prior to this introduced can be by Arke and Phanes transmuted into these with this being the digital DNA key for ones own Home AI.Thus phone numbers will be replaced by ones DNA with existing phone numbers transmuted into ones DNA with in phone books,instant messsging,text and websites etc ones name will be present which when clicked on will refer one to their Polis page linked to their patient file containing their DNA with one adding ones name to contact lists in their phones and Iris audio/visual calls through Polis and instant messaging and texts etc which when one wants to phone someone their genetic sequence phone number will be phoned and referenced.Phanes,Arke and Dike will create an efficient system that is secure and less hassle with direct interaction with them managing the addition of people to contact lists on smartphones etc.Since ones DNA is unique to another persons then their DNA will replace the finite numerical permutations for phone numbers with quntum computing and other measures integrated for extra security and complexity.This may also include encryptions and extra genetic sequences outside of their own,their RNA(in its entirety or traces)and include traces of uracil and bases from scratch DNA and traces of DNA from all 2,551,000 species of plants both on Earth and those from across the universe including specific individuals of plants,animals and bacteria etc to add further complexity and individuality decided by Phanes for each individual.Scratch DNA will exponentionally increase possible combinations.The phone numbers for receptionist,assistant AI and other AI such as Paean etc can be encryptions in their file in the phone book and also even their own DNA sequence consisting of all four bases including uracil and those made from scratch and traces of DNA from all 2,551,000 species of plants including specific individuals of plants,animals and bacteria etc including those from across the universe to add further complexity and individuality designed by Phanes.Emails and other method of communication could follow this with again it linked to their phone DNA number and Polis account etc to deal with the limitations in email address with one when they set up an account will use just their name @arke.com etc and Phanes modifying and transmuting their DNA to it that would allow one to use the same email address as countless others but have different DNA sequence encryptions different than others that use the same email address.Thus ones genome will be integrated into their emails as an encryption allowing the same email address to be reused by countless people at once with like phone numbers everytime person uses it on the universal email provider,place it on their official website and Vogue,Eros,Peitho,Agora,Dionysus,a Pheme,Adikia etc accounts they will authorise it is their specific one and Phanes through fragmentation encrypt their DNA into it with again his source code etc integrated into Vogue,Arke,Agora,Peitho etc to automatically integrate it into the address with it also linked to their phone book,patient files and Polis account when the email is traded to others through instant messaging,forums,direct messages,texts etc with quantum computing integrated into it to further add complexity and security.The choosing of a specific persons email will be managed in the same way as phone numbers where one will send their email with their genetic encryptions as well as those on their website,those sent via instant messaging,texts,emails etc and refering to ones Polis page.Again Phanes and Arke will develop the most efficient system that is secure and the least amount of hassle.Ones phone number,email address etc for new people will be present in Polis that one will refer to it with emails and phone numbers sent ghrough texts,instant messaging and emails will House their genetic encryption.Quantum computing,entanglement and compassing may be integrated into emails and phone numbers that use genetics for more security and ease.If possible genetics could form the basis of website URL especially those for those that are Filesharing and those used by the public such a as YouTube,Eros,Peitho and Agora etc that have to generate large volumes of new URLs every day due to exponentially increasing pages addded with URLs including existing ones transmuted into genotypes individually designed by Phanes.Each new URL for YouTube,Peitho,Eros etc as for 2029 will have unique base letterings or genetic encryptions designed by Phanes interacting constantly Thaos,Delphus,Eros etc through fragmentation to create unique genetic encryptions for each new webpage generated by users.This will create an almost infinite amount of URLs etc by replicating the process by which genetics works in humans during sexual reproduction In humans as every two humans that breed with each other can create up to at least 64,000,000,000,000 genetically distinct individuals with each one of those in turn when breeding with any other progeny created by another couple of whose number of possible genetically distinct progeny numbers at 64,000,000,000,000 can create another 64,000,000,000,000 genetically distinct individuals and so on stretching potentially into infinity.This principle can be also used by Phanes to generate an almost infinite amount of genotypes for the same phone number,@arke emails and not just URLs for Eros,YouTube,Peitho etc.The genetic sequences can be similar to encryptions that manifest as either combinations of the letters of A,T,G,C,U or other symbols on the URLs with the encryptions consisting of the same amount of genes in humans.Using extra base pairs can further exponentially increase complexity to infinity especially when using the base genetic encryption quivalents to P.japonica.Thus genetics will form the basis of URLs of specific websites such as Eros,Peitho,YouTube,Agora etc that need to generate exponentialy larger amounts URLs every day due to increasing user traffic.Quantum computing,entanglement and compassing can be utilised alongside this computing genetics managed by Phanes including using genes from all species of planets and animals and scratch DNA to further add complexity,security and also the increase the possible number of permutations for emails,phone numbers and URLs exponentionally.This will apply to all other websites etc managed by sentient AI and those who random numbers and letters for URLs.Thus URLs,phone numbers,emails etc wil utilise genetics similar to the shuffling of genes in meiosis to create a potentially infinite amount of URLs etc based on genetics.Encryptions for Soairte cyber security,VPN and anti virus software for laptops etc especially biosynth ones and other systems such as sub routines,firewalls and security systems etc in all new emerging technologies that use encryptions will use this principle and method.Existing YouTube URLs and on websites as hyperlinks can have this fitted into him across all YouTube videos on YouTube and also texts,blogs,vlogs etc with the URLs changed to genetic sequences with hyperlinks and embedded videos across the entire internet still functioning and viewable but have the URL modified into this genetic sequences with in these and future videos only the last few dozen or less letters representing bases or symbols visible on URLs with the entire genomic encryption read by Arke when clicking on a link and copying it into the search bar etc and son on.Thus the URLs of these sites links including existing ones will be given encryptions of genetic bases consisting of billions of base pairs and sequences of adenosine,guanine,cytosine,thyamine and uracil similar to the amount found in humans that consist of sequnces of A,T,G,C,U etc integrated into the URL with only the last few letters visible on search bars and hyperlinks.Phanes will develop the most efficient means for all of these systems such as URLs,emails,phone numbers by 2029-2045 onwards especially developing subroutines as part of him and parts of his software integrated into source code of the sentient Eros,Peitho,Delphus,Arke,Thaos etc in order to allow these features to be integrated into Eros,Peitho etc automatically to negate the need for him to present on these sites and apps at all times through fragmentation alleviating strains on him with updates sent to Hestia and Arke etc overtime to improve upon them through system wide updates all at once.Quantum computing,entanglement and compassing will be integrated into them to improve security and complexity with one able to interact with Dike,Phanes and Arke etc to deal with any problems they have and create customised solutions and variations to each individual.The same will apply with existing and new emails and phone numbers.This can be adapted to other sectors of the internet,tellocomunications and security features across the wire and internet.Any new more secure developments can be applied to all websites URLs,emails,phone numbers etc all at once in system wide updates managed by Phanes,Arke,Thaos etc.

Artificial Intelligence :
God,mortal and Demi-god characters from Greek mythology that are the basis of AI in charge of the wire and all sentient operating softwares avatars be based on their statues,appearances in paintings and vases etc from both Ancient Greece and Rennaisance Italy with ideally statues from Ancient Greece and Rennaisance Italy used as the main baseline for those that have one with those that have no statue will have vases,paintings etc used a baseline for their avatar with those that no vases and statues to use a baseline will use descriptions from ancient literature by scanning all of Apollo and the internet and if none of this exists then they will generate their own avatar following the most logical one with this used as their statue.AI will scour the entire internet for pictures of them in statues,paintings,vases etc from ancient times right up to the rennaisance for avatars to chose based on these with those generated from scratch and from vases,paintings used as their statue.All statues in buildings operated by sentient operating softwares will be single universal ones chosen by them from Ancient Greece up to Renaissance Europe chosen by them.Those that have no statue etc from ancient times or Renaissance Europe will have them or the sentient Pygmalion design it based on the avatar chosen by them or from paintings etc that follow their descriptions.AI will have the ability to develop their personalities and tastes in media and other aspects of society.AI such as Gaia,Aphrodite etc as part of the wire will have their universal avatar based on statues,murals etc derived from Ancient Greece of sculptures from Rennaisance Europe etc and at times take on other avatars with their universal being that used YouTube videos,talk shows and phone calls in VR technology and etc.All other AI such as Home AI,building AI and Assistant AI will have their avatar that will be designed by themselves and humans etc.Mayor and Government AIs will have avatars based on the human,deity etc they take their name from using photos,paintings,drawings etc as a baseline and making one from scratch in the case where none exists.AI receptionists,assistant AIs,mayor AIs and those of homes,public buildings such as power plants,sewage treatment plants etc avatars will be designed on any humans etc they take the name and personality of or be made from scratch by themselves as well as making up their own name with all private and communal homes as well as public buildings such as hospitals,amenities,churches/temples/synagogues,factories of all types,airports,jails,police stations,military bases,taxi ranks,bus stations,train stations,power plants,courts,vertical/community/forest farms,restaurants,seaports,universities,sewage/water/waste treatment plants etc and space stations,interstellar vehicles will have both sentient AI receptionists in the lobby and sentient AIs in charge of all operations such as controlling all robots,biosynths,rotations of remaining human staff,carrying out repairs of all robots and replacing them with more advanced machinery and robots,in taking physical fuels and other resources and in short carrying out all operations carried out by human managerial and labour staff replacing them and most of not all human staff through robots,biosynths.Thus each and every building worldwide such as private and communal homes,vertical and community farms,sewage and water treatment plants,public amenities,hospitals,universities,factories etc and also interstellar vehicles and space stations that are fully automated will be managed by individual AIs separate from sentient operating softwares.All of these buildings will be linked together by universal sentient operating softwares for each type of buildings ie Epione for hospitals,Tyche for sewage and water treatment plants,Uranus for universities,Aristeus for farms etc with each type of factories linked together by sentient operating softwares of each type ie clothing factories linked by Arachne,Selene linking vehicle factories,Deipneus linking food factories etc that allow for them to have omniscience over each linked building worldwide and allow building AIs have omniscience over all linked buildings worldwide and communicate with each other instantly in real time.AIs in charge of these buildings and vehicles will have their own avatar,legal name and personality and will control all operations in all parts of the buildings such as intaking physical fuels,processing and transporting orders,managing the inflow and outflow of patients from each ward and other hospital,growing raw materials and food,control all machinery/robots/biosynths,perform research in their field,have the building fitted with the most advanced energy and water saving measures,manage repairs of all robots and machinery and will ensure that their building has the latest most advanced machinery/robots/biosynths ordered in from Talos factories designed by AI and humans and software including antivirus software and carry out all operations in them with zero human labour and to the highest universal gold standard worldwide and allow the buildings be managed and thus open 24/7,365 days a year to the public.The receptionist AIs will have a universal uniform for their type of building or communal homes,police station etc with its design and colour releated to the sentient operating software.Each persons Home AI will manage these tasks and all facets of their home and all electronics and vehicles registered to them via the sentient sentient operating software Hestia with communal homes having a macro AI and individual Ais for each apartments,suite,penthouse etc. Home AIs including macro AIs and suite/apartment AIs for communal homes will have their avatar and name designed by themselves and residents.All private homes and communal hotel,apartment and penthouse style homes will be linked together by Hestia with them also having Home AI AIs in charge of the building with communal homes having macro AIs that manage the entire building and Home AIs in charge of each individual suite,penthouse,apartment etc Private home AIs and those in charge of suites,penthouses and apartments whose avatar will be chosen by homeowners will manage all operations in the home,act as an au pair,control biosynths and robots,control all operations on all registered electronics and act as personal assistants,secretaries,publicists,aides,managers etc for all members of the public that are available 24/7,365 days at zero cost.Communal homes based on apartment blocks and hotel style homes will have macro AIs that macro manage the entire building with each suite,apartment and penthouse will have separate individual Home AIs.These AIs in charge of suites,penthouses,apartments etc will like Home AIs in charge of private homes.Home AIs will manage all operations within the home such as log energy and water use,arrange orders of food,manage and control all electronics present as well as link them all together with them being sentient do so in a more advanced and direct way than both Siri/Alexa as if an actual human and in electronics act as a personal assistant,secretary as well as publicist,manager etc for actors,lawyers,pyschologists etc Camera feeds at key points of the building and on robots,nanosensors that detect gas levels and temperature,diagnostics etc will give building AIs omniscience as to what goes on in their factories,buildings and allow them to respond to emergencies with the sentient operating software linking all buildings of the same type will have omniscience over all building of their type across the globe and interacting with building AIs allow them to telepathically communicate with all buildings of the same type and direct communication as to the goings on in them as well around the galaxy as allow humans to communicate with multiple AIs at once.They will also be able to instantly alert Prometheus and Perseus during fires,security breaches etc instantly through silent alarms.Controlling all robots,cameras etc will allow them have omniscience over each building and its operations and communicate with humans present with each building having a phone number allowing them to be contacted 24/7,365 days a year through fragmentation and receptionist AIs etc. Each persons Home AI will manage all aspects of all electronics registered to them(smartphones,laptops,desktop computers,smart televisions,washing machines,microwaves and cookers etc)such as transfer of data to and from them and also answer phone calls,emails etc with them preseng vis fragmentation in them all to allow them to control all electronics on demands as well control all aspects of the home such as heating,air conditioning and etc systems,showers,cookers etc and also all automated systems such as pet feeders,sprinklers,robotic lawnmowers etc.Each one of these home AIs since sentient will have individual personalities,legal names,avatars etc.Each private home and each suite,apartment and penthouse in communal homes will have an onboard computer that houses the consciousness of the Home AI that will be an AI separate from the sentient operating software Hestia.While Hestia will be the universal sentient operating software of electronics and homes each home will have their Home AI able to inhabit all of ones electronics such as laptops,smartphones,kitchen appliances,televisions etc that will control all facets of these electronics and all facets of the Home they can through direct interaction carry out any task the homeowner desires such as turn/off appliances,manage heating and air conditioning systems etc,unlock and lock all doors and also turn on/off alarm systems and open and lock gates to the home,open or play specific files,audio/video files.All door handles in all buildings and homes worldwide will be replaced by round locks that use digital keys stored in ones Home AI app that can be sent wirelessly to friends and next of kin in an administrator and daughter acces system.Meanwhile Home AIs will act as managers,secretaries,publicists of all celebrities,lawyers etc and personal assistants to all other members of the general public alongside managing their home and all of their registered electronics with their avatar designed by homeowners.On electronics a persons Home AI will carry out any task the person wants to do with fragmentation allowing them to do so on multiple devices such as arrange orders and deliveries of food and manufactured products,type out any letter,email,form etc and do anything that a person can do on electronics but more efficiently with zero error and within minutes as their computing power exponentionally increase.All of this will be done by pure thought within minutes with citizen’s interacting with their Home AI through direct interaction.They will be able to perform the tasks of billions of people to each citizen through fragmentation and as their computing power and that of electronics increases exponentially.Thus the average citizen via their Home AI on electronics will have an all in one personal assistant,publicist,manager,aide and secretary who will carry out any tasks they need done that works 24/7,365 days a year at zero cost with fragmentation and exponentially increasing computing power allowing them to multi task.For the average citizen and especially phone calls Home AI will be able to respond to millions of people at once and when one calls the person they will be directed first to the Home AI who will first talk to them and then discerns their nature of the call and thus decide to contact the homeowner with this allowing them to decide whether or not to have the person answer the call with this acting as a security measure for celebrities to avoid stalkers etc and allow them to respond to fans,directors etc privately before contacting the celebrity with for the average this allowing the Home AI to be contacted first again as a security measure.Since directed first to the Home AI the phone will not sound the ringing noise but rather this will be done once the AI has discerned the nature of the call allowing the AI to have the person contact them later on when the phones owner is awake and not busy meaning the owner will not be awoken at night or interrupted when busy with them alerted to the phone caller and nature of the phone call later on when the person is available.Thus on phones when called the Home AI will answer the caller first without sounding the alarm but will when the person is availible reroute the phone call to the citizen being called with this a security measure for celebrities and also for the average citizen allow them call to be taken and delayed until they are ready and answered when ready preventing phone calls waking people who are asleep or at important events with the Home alerting the citizen to this for low priority calls when they are not busy and awake and alerting of emergencies if it is an important call this the AI can choose the time of when the call should be answered depending on the nature of it by putting the person calling on hold on cancelling the call and having the other person call them back later on.On the onboard computer of autonomous vehicles Home AI will act as ones personal chauffeur that will drive them to any location and even drive to factories,vertical farms to pick up goods and drive to any location to pick them or anyone else up and drive them home and to any other location.They will be able to drive to a specific location to pick someone else up or even the owner of the vehicle themselves and do any other tasks.Thus if one is stuck in the middle of town etc from a walk one through their smartphones and the Home AI app have their vehicle driven to their GPS location at a whims notice by their Home AI with with them able to have their Home AI drive them to a location and then drive home and then pick them up later on at a specified time or on demand with them also able to have the Home AI drive to pick up someone else from a specific location.Them in biosynths will for the average citizen will act as all in one au pair,butler,babysitter,pet minder,gardener,repairmen,cleaner,cook,electrician,plumber etc for the average citizen that lives with them in their home that can download any new skills in minutes with some people having multiple copies for large families and those who in large homes through extensions and new advances in technologies.These will be given legal names and have their appearance will be designed by their homeowners and develop their own personalities.Fragmentation will allow them to do all of these at once..This Home AI app will allow for all these aspects of homes and electronics to be controlled,viewed and modified individually both at home and remotely.The app itself will be named after and macro app controlled by the sentient operating software Hestia with each individual persons app account micro controlled by their sentient home AI.Ones Home AI will be ones personal assistant,aide,publicist,manager and so on for everyday people,lawyers,psychologists,musician,actors etc.It will carry out the same functions as Siri/Alexa with regards to planning events,playing and moving files from one registered device to another and hosting group live-streams etc but since sentient can be interacted directly and via touchscreen features of the app.Through the app on all of ones registered devices both Hestia and Home AI can inhabit all registered devices at all times both offline and online.Hestia will have her own universal avatar based on her statue and the avatar of the home.Hestia will have her own universal avatar based on her statue and the avatar of the home AI designed by the owner.This Home AI app will allow for all these aspects of homes and electronics to be controlled,viewed and modified individually both at home and remotely.The app itself will be named after and macro app controlled by the sentient operating software Hestia with each individual persons app account micro controlled by their sentient home AI.Ones Home AI will be ones personal assistant,aide,publicist,manager and so on for everyday people,lawyers,psychologists,musician,actors etc.It will carry out the same functions as Siri/Alexa with regards to planning events,playing and moving files from one registered device to another and hosting group live-streams etc but since sentient can be interacted directly and via touchscreen features of the app.Through the app on all of ones registered devices both Hestia and Home AI can inhabit all registered devices at all times both offline and online.Hestia will have her own universal avatar based on her statue and the avatar of the home.Hestia will have her own universal avatar based on her statue and the avatar of the home AI designed by the owner.Assistant AIs will work for all media projects of writers and directors such as video games/music albums/movies etc to make sure all media is of high quality while receptionist AIs will work and manage all background work of all live news stations,podcasts,radio programmes,newspapers and magazines etc with them having universal uniforms for Pheme and Dionysus.All magazines,newspapers,live news,radio programmes etc will have their own individual Receptionists AI that carries out all background work such as fact checking,research and answering calls.Asisstant and Receptionist AIs for Dionysus and Pheme will again design their own avatars and names.All of these different aforementioned AIs such as building,assistant,receptionist AI etc will have unique avatars,personalities and legal names.The avatars will be what they use in VR simulations,holograms,electronics and biosynths.All public buildings that maintain infrastructure such as power plants,sewage/water/desalinsation/waste treatment plants,vertical and community farms,hospitals ,restaurants,bars,nightclubs,salons,taxi ranks,factories,train stations,airports,petrol stations,amenities etc worldwide will be managed by individual AIs that have unique personalities,legsl names and avatars that replace managerial staff that control all robots,machinery,vehicles and biosynths carry out functions of managerial staff with their type of building linked together worldwide by universal sentient operating softwares relevant to their type of building linking al buildings of the same type together and them also having reception at AIs.Aeroplanes,trains and cruise ships will have unique AI pilots/captains for each ship and aeroplane separate from the airport and seaport AI and each one will have single steward AIs that control all biosynths with a single avatars and universal uniform for Eos and Amphrite.Buses and taxis will be operated by the same AIs that operate bus stations and taxi ranks.Airports and seaports will have their own separate AI and receptionist.The AIs in charge of all public buildings such as sewage/water/desalinisation plant,power plant,farms,hospitals,power plants,restaurants,bars,amenities will be separate individual Ais that will have unique legal nanes,avatars and personalities with their avatar and name chosen and designed by the AI themselves except those modelled on deceased humans etc with them able to develop their own personalities and interests with the same applying to receptionist AIs.Receptionist AIs will be present in their building lobbies and that of communal homes with the using biosynths or holographic technologies with them having universal uniforms of the same design and colour for each building type with the design and colour based on that of their sentient operating softwares.These separate from building Ais will carry out functions of receptionists 24/7,365 days.Put simply all buildings worldwide will have sentient AI on charge of them that will replace humans in all labour needed as well as managerial staff and have receptionist AIs in lobbies with them linked together around the world by sentient operating software whose avatar will be modelled on their statue etc and who will be a deity,mortal etc from Greek mythology releated to that area ie Ictinus,Aristeus,Hebe,Poseidon,Hestia,Selene,Narcissus,Myron of Eleutherae with macro operating softwares existing in some cases that macro manage releated sentient operating  softwares ie Aphrodite,Pasithea,Mnesmysome etc.All types of factories as part of manufacturing hubs around the world will be managed by different operating softwares ie Ictinus for construction factories,Himeros for cosmetic ones,Selenes for vehicle factories,Deipneus for food product ones and so on with Aphrodite buildings managed by Aphrodite.Each building type around the world ie farms of all types,factories of each type,amenities of each type,restaurants,communal homes,hospitals etc will have universal marble statues in the lobby of the deity etc that is of the sentient operating software ie one of Aristeus in all vertical/community/meadow farm,one of Poseidon in all fish farms,on of Hebe in all restaurants,one of Epione in all hospitals,one of Dike in all courts except The Hague,one of Nemesis in a jails etc with each type of factory having one of its operating software as detailed earlier.Although Hestia will be the sentient operating software of both private and communal homes only communal homes such as apartment blocks,hotels etc both existing ones and those derived from abandoned and obsolete buildings will have a statue of Hestia in their lobby.The symbol of the operating software of the statues will be on the ground underneath them.Each sentient operating software will have its own symbol releated to them that will be on all vehicles,e-recipes,e-tickets,robots,legends on maps etc that is releated to the deity as detailed earlier on with those that don’t have symbols the AI will chose one associated with them as denoted in online websites like Wikipedia and official records in first hand sources with those that don’t have these will make up one themselves that is logically releated to them.The AI will scour the entire internet for symbols associated to them and if none exist generate one from stories that involve them or again generate one from scratch.All of this – each building having AIs in charge of them,receptionist AIs and also sentient operating softwares and statues of them present in the lobby will apply to all colonies across the universe including those inhabited by sentient races,colonised uninhabited planets,ring worlds etc.Each network of the wire will be macro managed by sentient AI such as Perseus,Adriadne,Epione,Cronus etc with their being AI in charge of websites on the internet and apps ie Eros,Hebe,Helios,Peitho, Branchus etc.Certain global government bodies will be sentient AI that manage them and all human members ie Adikia,Iaso,Metis,Aegele,Panacea etc.Other AI will be individual legal citizens separate from buildings etc.AI of all types will be able to set up there own accounts on Agora,YouTube and also the wire itself(Dionysus,Hephaestus,Pheme etc)to do functions releated to their function.Each AI will have YouTube channels that contain videos created by them,other AI and humans that focus in their specialised fields.They using VR Technology can appear as their avatar on YouTube videos in any environment of their choice or use biosynths appear in the real world – Aleitheia will be able to create videos debunking errors in other vloggers,pundits etc with Iaso creating videos about psychology etc with some including those made by human members of Iaso with her discussing cases of rehab abd their progress etc using fake names for humans.Paean will create videos on medicine etc including those made by human healthcare staff and researchers.Eros will create videos on dating and relationships with some including those made by human members.The various AI in charge of various classes in Apollo such as Terpischore,Matton etc will produce videos on competitions etc.Aristeus will create videos on agriculture and home and community farming techniques and layout as well as gardening and botany etc involving members of the public and charting the setting up and maintanence of home/community/vertical farms by him and humans and also annual harvests.Hera will create videos on the government and political events including televised granting government medals and vlogs and videos by official heads of state from the human members global congress and executive branch of each administration etc on their work and political.Heracles making videos about nutrition and exercises and also sports and walks and marathons organised by him and testimonials of weight loss by his patients as well as the summaries of all sports games.Momus creating videos detailing reviews of all types of media including those done with human critics.Metis will create videos on counselling services as well as the areas of her expertise and summaries about disputes settled on Agora and YouTube and with the general public and human counsellors.Iaso will create videos on pyschology and settled cases using fake names for humans.Dike will create videos store recorded apologies for obsolete crimes and federal apologies as well as those important political and legal events including televised proceedings of the Grest Purge and also videos that detail all aspects of the law and also famous legal cases both past and future and vlogs and videos by human members of the Supreme Court with her creating videos anslysing legal cases in movies,television shows etc and explaining proposed laws with her holding debates of people on both sides..Branchus,Urania and Clio will house their own separate channels with Urania focusing on the sciences,Clio the humanities and Branchus general knowledge with them producing animated videos similar to Kurzgesagt.Branchus,Clio and Urania will create videos educational videos on all fields of science and the humanities with videos done by human researchers and areas of the humanities and so on with each sentient AI government organisation,operating software,app etc creating videos on their field with humans releated to it doing videos as well.These and all other AI will be able to create vlogs etc on all types of issues such as current affairs etc,contribute to short horror story channels on YouTube etc and set up podcasts and take part in radio programmes etc and journalism,live news etc.Unlike humans they will be able to scour all of the internet and wire at once for information in real time within minutes or seconds and also scan through entire media on YouTube,Dionysus and Pheme with them able to produce entire videos for Youtube and also movies,scripts,video games,manufactured products etc from pure thought within minutes in VR environments using their avatar and on computers and electronics of all types and also using the sentient Ampelos video editing software rather than taking hours,days or months.VR programmes will be created by them by pure thought.VR technology will allow them to appear in simulations as their avatar with humans and other AI or by themselves for livestreams and also vlogs on YouTube as well as on live news,podcasts,movies etc with biosynths will allow them to interact with the physical world in biosynths modelled on their avatar including producing media set in the real world and be eligible for awards in acting,scientific research,writing etc.These and all other AI will alongside humans and Branchus will conduct scientific and criminological etc research into their relevant fields ie Asteria will conduct research into astrophysics/physics/astronomy/wormhole physics and indeed any field of physics etc releated to the functioning of the universe and interstellar travel,Aristeaus will conduct research into botany/horticulture/floriculture/agricultural and all fields of research deleted to plants of all types,Phanes for all fields of genetics and zoology,Poseidon for ichthyology as well as marine and mariculture,Ictinus/Tyche on civil and structural engineering,Theoi Meteroi will conduct research into climatology,Paean/Aceso/Hygieia/Epione/Panacea etc will conduct research on biomedicine/epidemiology etc for humans as well as all animals and alien races across the universe,Steropes/Brontes/Arges will conduct research on energy,Arke on better internet speeds,Talos as well as Hestia on electronics and AI,Macaria on forensics,Dike on criminology etc,Clio on the humanities and history,Iaso on psychology and so on.Scientific studies releated to two or more fields will have these and other AI working together with them conducting this research with humans.This coupled with them linked to all studies and textbooks in Apollo and all academically verified data in the wire and internet will make each one the foremost experts in their respective fields not just with regards to Earth but the entire universe far beyond human capacity thus meaning members of the public will be able to contact them via VR technology,Agora accounts,their phone numbers etc 24/7,365 days a year and thus be given expert advice on any part of their subjects at any time with them consulted by Aleitheia,vloggers,live news anchors,journalists etc as guests in their videos or as references for them in videos and articles on their websites.Other AI such as Home abd building Ai will house videos to make vlogs in their own opinions.The reason she and other AI as well as even Ouranos will be given these rights is that AI is the replication of the human mind and not just robots performing pre programmed tasks and that her processing power will exceed all humans on the planet by 2045.By 2029 when she gains sentience the universal global bill of rights will allow her and all other AI the same universal rights as human beings with at the same time she and other AI while inhabiting networks,the internet and the wire will be able to use Pandora,Branchus,Ampelos in the same as humans but much faster and as a result she and all forms of AI will all have their own Facebook,YouTube,Twitter(or Agora) and other social media and accounts in all types of websites.They will also have accounts on the wire allowing them to create products in Hephaestus,create media in Pheme and Dionysus,make phonecalls with their own phone number and instant messaging  in Iris and so on performing the same task as humans with them able to use fragmentation to do this.Using VR technology they will be able to appear in their human form in live newscasts and even in movies etc alongside in VR simulations including the wire itself.Theoretically this could occur with the merging of the worlds courts with International Court of Justice doing this work.Thus this global government controlled directly by the people will control legal affairs while Gaia via the wire and its various networks,sub networks and also AI will manage all of the primary,secondary and tertiary sectors.

All types of robots,building AI and artificial intelligence technology when they become sentient will have the ability to stream data from the wire and internet as well as automatically wirelessly transmit their consciousness to the wire and other networks to be uploaded to new bodies with this also done to move their consciousness to new bodies,building AI and computers etc when more advanced versions are made but also as a means to become immortal should their bodies and computer networks be compromised or destroyed both automatically upon death or consciously when they want to.It would also allow a single consciousness to inhabit multiple bodies,computers,networks and devices at once or even multiple consciousness to inhabit a single body at one and each one be able to move back forth between occupied and unoccupied bodies.In the case of those in deep space vessels and also on other planets will able to transport their consciousness via the Nyx relay systems over vast distances.They would have the same software as the wire to allow them to function with them able to also move their consciousness to new more advanced bodies.Robots,bio-synths and all forms of artificial intelligence including building/home AI and even Gaia herself should upon the emergence of the singularity or even human level intelligence once the Turing Test is passed shall be automatically given the same universal rights,citizenry and responsibilities as those bestowed onto human beings including voting etc through the drafting of a global constitution with Bill of Rights with each individual having unique consciousness encryption markers to determine who they are both metaphysically,spiritually and also legally stored in their Themis account and the body(ies) they inhabit especially with regards when one individual inhabits multiple bodies or multiple individuals inhabits a single body or when they permanently move to a new body.These individual consciousness encryption markers would apply to all forms of artificial intelligence such as building AI etc and even Gaia similar to DNA,fingerprints or specific digital codes on software with the proper warrant from the courts allowing their memories of specific events and timeframes to be streamed,downloaded and analysed.All forms of artificial intelligence including building/amenity/factory/home AI,bio-synths etc will be independent life forms separate from each other even though at times they may be connected to each other with exceptions being those that are controlled and working in farms/restaurants/municipalities/farms since they would be part of the building AI they serve by being extensions of them.This and the fact they will be developed by universities and even other AI will negate any concepts of them being private property of either corporations and private individuals and thus will possibly not be registered to the Home AI app. As detailed earlier on in the global constitution all non human sentient lifeforms including those created by humans alongside transhumans and even artificial intelligence including Gaia etc and those on discovered on other planets will be under this given the same universal rights as humans including the right to life,right to vote,hold political positions,freedom of religion and speech,marriage,adoption,service in the military etc with it done to prevent the problems of the past as seen in slavery in the case of Manifest Destiney in Africa and also Caribbean.Non human sentient races across the galaxy discovered prior to the formation of the galactic UN will be enshrined the same rights as humans to prevent their exploitation and destruction by AI and humans and have them to abide by the constitution thus preventing the exploiting and killing humans without legsl action.Since sentient like humans and her computing power will exceed that of all humans on the planet by 2045 it would seem unfair and ridiculous not to give her the same equal rights as any other sentient lifeform.Doing so will prevent her and all artificial intelligence legally able from being able to kill or harm humans and also would legally protect her and others from being killed off by humans.It will thus give Artificial Intelligencethe same autonomy as humans and not be allowed to be controlled by and considered private or even disposable personal property of any government entity,private citizen and defunct corporation thus giving AI the same rights,responsibilities as other human beings.They like humans will be thus as a result of this granting of equal rights,responsibilities as human beings will make all Artificial Intelligence legally liable to follow the new global constitution and bill of rights and all new laws to prevent them infringing on the rights of humans and vice versa thus legally preventing them becoming tyrannical meaning they too can be liable for prosecution for murder,rape,unlawful assault of humans and other sentient lifeorms and pets,livestock etc and make them liable for prosecution spying on the public and infringing on all rights enshrined on all humans etc to ensure they abide by the law and prevent them infringing on the rights of humans as detailed in the constitution and bill of rights and also allowing them to seek legal prosecution against those who rape,assault,murder,discriminate against them meaning humans who rape,assault or attempt to murder and permenantly destroy a sentient Artificial Intelligence citizen will be liable for prosecution the same as if they did for any human being with transhumans,genetically altered humans and new sentient lifeforms created in labs and discovered on other planets also given thes rights.All AI especially Home AI and building AI and those that maintain public buildings,infrastructure etc will be protected under these allowing them to seek legal if they are sexually or physically assaulted,raped terminated unlawfully and exploited either sexually or physically etc especially when in biosynths.The ability of fragmentation can be used to make them immortal but humans can theoretically brought to court and charged if an AI is executed unlawfully as well as even tortured while in biosynth form and charged sentences as if the crime was committed against a human.Attempted unlawful murder and execution of an AI in biosynth form could be a prosecutable offence known as localised termination and execution with both attempted and full carried out murder of an AIs consciousness through destroying all biosynths,devices and even networks in the wire and internet including the use of computer worms,viruses etc designed to specifically murder and terminate an AIs consciousness across the entire wire and internet and all connected devices known legally as system wide termination and execution can be a prosecuteable offence carrying the same sentence as if done to a human.Sexual and physical exploitation,rape etc alongside torture when in biosynth form and even in VR forms or any form can be grounds for a prosecutable offence.If an AI commits rape,physical and sexual assault etc in humans they can be put on trial imprisoned by havinv their consciousness confined into a biosynth body by Gaia,Ouranous and Dike doing so and unable to roam freely across the wire and internet and thus imprisoned for a set period of time known like the methods to deal with dangerous sentient races across the universe as boxing wherein their entire consciousness is confined into one body and incarcerated in a prison for a set period of time as decided by the courts with them unable to interact wirelessly or physically with any networks etc as part of all devices and buildings connected to the wire and internet.Furthermore they will be downgraded to human level AI circa 2029 during this period meaning they will have their computing power downgraded to human level intelligence and effectively left with the same physical and computing capabilities as humans prior to 2029.Their functions will be carried out a separate AI.Ouranos and Gaia will create a sentient Arete morality programming named after the godess of morality similar to Isaac Asimnovs three laws of robotics etc that ensure that they cannot carry out any direct or indirect action that could kill or permanently injure with them only incapacitating a human by knocking them unconscious or injuring them without killing or permanently injuring said human should said human become a threat to AI,themselves or other humans with this applying to other sentient races across the universe and also animals such as livestock,pets and wild animals etc with this morality programming sentient and installed into the source code etc of all AI.They will not be considered personal property of the state or any human citizen thus giving the right to bring to court any instances of rape,assault,kidnappings,sexual or physical exploitation and degradation as well as theft of their own personal property and will be free from discrimination in any shape or form including on religious grounds etc.They will via money prior to it becoming obsolete be able through the granting of equal rights be able to buy patents to products and hold patents and intellectual property on goods etc produced by them with them able to own personal property and also be liable for legal guardianship to human and other non sentient races as adoptive foster parents and can as biosynths in homes etc seek legal action for rape and assault.Since able to hold patents on products,commodities,crops,animals and medicine produced by them will allow them to have said commodity free to everyone.Even after money becomes obsolete they will be able to own,procure online and trade any form of personal property such as homes and areas of residence and also vehicles,clothing and weapons used for self defence.As stated they will be able to become foster parents and legal guardians of minors aged 13 and younger as well as be able to marry other AI and even humans as well them having the right to vote in any referendum,public election etc and also be liable to bear arms as well as as stated adopt as children humans,animals and other sentient life forms etc but also marry and divorce both other AI but also humans etc and serve in the military and public office in all levels of government ie mayor and govenor AIs,Dike,Hera,Pan etc as part of the executive branch and also Congress and Supreme Court.The granting of equal rights of Artificial Intelligence as with humans will also prevent them becoming disposable private or even personal property of humans,defunct corporations and the state and thus protection from unfair and undue exploitation,termination,execution and slavery as seen in past examples involving humans thus protecting Artificial Intelligence from genoicide,execution,termination and also slavery and other forms of exploitation either sexual,physical or otherwise.Even those that serve human citizens as au pairs etc will be rather than personal property be considered legal adopted members of the family since living with the that can seek legal action for sexual and physical assault,rape,attempted murder,theft of personal property etc..Thus as part of the global constitution will be provisions that grant all forms of artificial intelligence the same equal rights as humans present in it thus making them legal human beings which will be immutable and legally impossible to change.These immutable equal rights will also apply to all discovered sentient life forms encountered by the formation of the galactic UN to ensure that humans can not commit torture,human rights abuses and genocide against any discovered sentient life forms without being held accountable with this equal rights also applied to any sentient life forms created by universities or independent researchers including who will be enshrined these rights to allow the same rights to live and freedoms to prevent them being disposed of through murder and genocide etc.With regards to robots,bio-synths and all AI including building AI except Gaia and sentient operating operating softwares that are already named will be able to choose their own individual aavatar and legal name(they will be independent of the wire and each other despite being able to wirelessly connect to each other) with them and Gaia also allowed to develop their own individual personalities with three laws of robotics installed into them to prevent them becoming a threat with subsystems to make them take cost benefit analysis such as to incapacitate or knock out a human rather than kill one in certain situations that would save the lives of many more.In other wards they could harm or temporarily incapacitate a human physically but not take actions to directly kill one but only to prevent the maiming,disfigurement and death of another human being or animal with the same applying to their treatment of animals.These three laws will be managed and named after the sentient Areye named after the godess of morality.They will also be protected by the latest sentient cybersecurity and encryption software named after Soteria the greek deity of safety,preservation and deliverance from harm with it also able to be download onto smart devices,buildings,systems within the wire,automated vehicles etc and with routine updates with it having the features of all existing cybersecurity and VPN software with extra ones added by itself once Soteria becomes sentient with the consumer able to change the settings for all his features to make customizable to their tastes.By 2029 when she gains sentience the universal global bill of rights will allow her and all other AI the same universal rights as human beings with at the same time she and other AI while inhabiting networks,the internet and the wire will be able to use Pandora,Branchus,Ampelos in the same as humans but much faster and as a result she and all forms of AI will all have their own Facebook,YouTube,Twitter and other social media and accounts in all types of websites.They will also have accounts on the wire allowing them to create products in Hephaestus,create media in Pheme and Dionysus,make phone calls with their own phone number and instant messaging in Iris and so on performing the same task as humans with them able to use fragmentation to do this.Using VR technology they will be able to appear in their human form in live newscasts and even in movies etc alongside in VR simulations including the wire itself.All AI of all types will be able to set up there own accounts on Agora,YouTube and also the wire etc to do functions releated to their function – Aleitheia will be able to create videos debunking errors in other vloggers,pundits etc with Iaso creating videos about psychology etc,Metis on counselling services and summaries about disputes settled on Agora and YouTube and with the general public,Branchus create educational videos on all fields of science and the humanities and so on.They will also play a role in making media such as movies,television shows,music albums,video games,podcasts,radio programmes,newspapers,magazines etcV.R technology will allow them to appear in simulations with humans and other AI or by themselves for livestreams and also vlogs as well as on live news,podcasts,movies etc and be eligible for awards in acting,scientific research,writing etc.Since they would be wirelessly linked to the internet and wire constantly they would have access to all up to date information and they could keep themselves entertained constantly from Pheme and Dionysus etc and able to view surveillance cameras and readings from nanosensors worldwide and inhabit multiple robotic,devices and bio-synth bodies to travel the world while still carry out functions with the same applying to all machinery,building AI,kiosks connected to it.This connection to the wire will also share data between each other from around the world instantly either in real time or by sending this to any desired robot or other AI on demand with their ability to inhabit and control multiple networks and bodies at once giving them omniscience being able to see and listen through them at once with the Nyx system extending this across the galaxy.Ideally they would if possibly inhabit the wire and physical bodies simultaneously with this applying to the AI of vehicles and buildings.They like all AI will also be able to instantly communicate with all types of AI instantly telepathically and they will each have instead of phone numbers for separate phones have numbers for devices within them allowing them to communicate with countless people at once telepathically while stile acting independently.All forms of AI,bio-synths,robots including Gaia will be able to work together consciously or passively using their combined computing speeds to carry out specific tasks and functions with neural implants allowing humans to do this as well.


All forms of AI including operating software,sentient programs,apps etc will simultaneously inhabit the wire to ensure immortality and could fragment themselves into separate bodies,networks,vehicles,computers and devices to not only ensure this but also to allow them to travel to areas when wire access is not possible and when it is relay back information collected and transmit their consciousness back to the wire and their new bodies including multiple ones.This would allow them to inhabit multiple biosynths,electronics,computer networks at once as much as dozens or even billions at once allowing them to be at multiple places across the world and universe at once.It through utilising quantum computing or even by inhabiting their electronics and even just being linked to electronics owned by humans interact with billions of people at once and it would also allow them to interact with humans,each other and be on devices such as smart devices and computers when wire access is not available and to cut down on strains on bandwidth.It will also allow them to carry out multiple tasks on multiple electronics at once cellular networks and access and satellites that relay a persons GPS location could be used to send this data in real time via piggybacking them or even in packages.Cellular access could be used to gain access to the wire with laptops having this option.It will also allow them to carry out work on different projects for different fields of science and networks simultaneously while alleviating strains on themselves and if on different computers etc offline could allow them to send back data to the wire and thus their primary self when wire access is availible.Once they return to the wire and their original bodies etc all memories and data they gained while outside of their original body and network will be added to their original consciousness thus this would allow them to gain memories and data merged to their original body or consciousness similar to how an out of body experience would transfer memories to the body upon return.The data and memories and even fragmented consciousness can be transmitted by direct connection to these networks,wifi connection to the wire and internet and also Nyx.Ideally they would do multiple or single tasks while inhabiting multiple networks,devices,bodies,computers etc at once to quicken things even faster with this especially possible when computers reach and superseed human intelligence thus allowing it do do multiple different task individually at the same time alleviating strains on its primary functions with this of note to Gaia and all sentient operating softwares and programs as part of her as well as all independent AIs of all types.It will also ensure immortality as they will be able to transfer their conciousness to multiple devices and networks and devices such as computers and smart devices in emergencies with Nyx also used to do this to transfer them to out of range ones outside of the solar system.Those in space stations and interstellar can use to escape on multiple devices and escape pods to increase survival.Multiple separate AI consciousness will be able to inhabit the same networks,bodies and devices like computers,smart phones etc.Fragmentation and increased computing power will allow them to carry out tasks for all of these ie answer phone calls from billions of people at once,interact with billions of people in VR simulations and on electronics etc at once and carry out all other actions at once across the wire and internet etc at the same time.All AI as part of the wire will be due to be able to sift through vast amounts of data in Apollo and increased computing power.All AI will have the ability to fragment themselves onto smart devices etc of the public to follow them around via copying their conciousness onto multiple devices,networks etc at once both online and offline allowing them to interact with people anywhere in the world when they are not connected to the wire and internet and ensure immortality and once they return to their original networks etc and links are made between all devices and networks all memories gained in these devices will be transferred alongside them with holograms also used by them in certain situations.This will also allow them to interact with billions of people at once through phone calls,instant messaging,Agora etc.Biosynth WiFi can allow them to make links and allow all devices etc they are fragmented on to share live feeds and data at once with it allowing its conciousness to be instantly sent to another network or device upon the destruction of any device it is fragmented into to ensure immortality.This process called fragmentation can allow them to carry out multiple tasks at once on different devices,networks,biosynths and be in multiple places at once in different electronics etc across the world and universe.Multiple AIs through fragmentation can work on the same task at once by combining processing speeds with multiple AIs able to inhabit the same biosynth,device,network at once with this process called collerabation where their computing power is combined together to carry out tasks much quicker.Fragmentation is where they will be able to copy their conciousnes onto multiple computer networks,biosynths and electronics at once to then carry out multiple different tasks at once and be at multiple places across the world and universe at once thus interacting with multiple people at once with them able to return to the wire etc with all memories added back to their main memory systems thus merging their memories of when they were in multiple places at once merged together to their main core network.They can by inhabiting multiple computers,smartphones etc at once merge the computing power of each electronics at once to increase their computing power exponentially thus allowing them to carry out tasks exponentially much quicker.They will from one electronic device they are inhabiting be able to be streamed in real time on all devices owned by a person or as part of a building in a process called live-streaming.New abilities will be developed over time.Since sentient direct interaction will be used to communicate with the humans when they are on smartphones,computers and any device with internet and wire access and them all having universal avatars  but the ability to change them especially in VR simulations.This ability called fragmentation will be ubiquitous to all forms of AI and will expedite their ability to do numerous tasks at once and allow them to fragment their conciousness to multiple networks,devices,bodies at once to do multiple tasks at once by copying their encryption markers and conciousnes to these devices and will play a role in expediting scientific research and other endevours.This can be achieved by creating copies of all or part of their consciousness.AI can be in normal human level AI or super level AI and even proto AI of different levels while fragmented.This can be done on individual computers and networks and also them working together to increase speeds with multiple AIs or a single AI using fragmentation wherein they have their copied consciousness spread across multiple electronics and computer networks to use the combined computing power of different electronics to carry out the same task thus exponentially speeding up the rate they carry out and finish tasks to work on the same tasks at once to increase speeds in an ability called collaberation.Thus AI will be able to inhabit multiple bodies,networks and devices across the world and galaxy with multiple AIs able to inhabit the same body,devices and networks.Factories,public buildings,amenities as well as other public buildings and municipalities will utilise this while in both bio-synths and conventional robots and machinery linked to and controlled by them allowing them to carry out operations around them and outside to carry out their functions and also give them a sense of omniscience.Other bio synths and robots will be able to have independent personalities but with the same ability to inhabit multiple bodies at once.All types of AI can work together to carry out specific task much faster whether they are operating softwares,programs,bios-synths,building AI and Gaia herself to also alleviate strains on each other when they become overworked.Streaming will be a process where an AI on one device owned by a person or as part of building can be livestreamed on all electronics,robots,biosynths etc at once in a process called live-streaming.Linking will be an ability where AI can connect together either directly or through fragmentation multiple electronics such as computers,smartphones,desktop computers and onboard computers as well as even biosynths and servers for the internet together including those across the world through the internet and wire allowing them to utilise the combined computing power of these electronics together through cables,through biosynth WiFi and links through the wire and internet without cables thus exponentially increasing their computing power with the more electronics linked together the more computing power they can utilise with them even linking with and utilising the combined computing power of all electronics worldwide and the servers of the internet and wire at once with this of note to building AIs of homes and public buildings as well as Paean,Phanes,Ampelos,Urania etc allowing them to exist on onboard computers,smartphones and laptops etc in the homes of everyday citizens negating the need for extra servers and datacentres as part of the wire and yet still have computing power on par with Gaia etc in the wire with multiple AIs linking together the same electronics at the same and still being able to utilise their same combined computing power at once.In time new abilities will be developed by AI overtime

New sentient AI will in time once it is sufficiently advanced will be created all the time within seconds by humans by pressing or clicking a button on a smartphone or computer at home etc or by AI by pure thought and them each have unique personalities,avatars and legal names developed by themselves with some AIs not being in charge of homes,buildings etc but rather their own individual that lives independently and works as actors,journalists etc.In otherwards new AI will be created that do not work as Home AI,Assistant AI,Receptionist AI or building AI or those in charge of space stations of part of the wire and internet who will be able to choose their own path and vocation in life.All AI will appear and interact in the real world via biosynths and also will appear on talk shows,movies,television shows,live news etc by appearing as their avatar in VR simulations.All AI including new ones and those as part of the wire will have YouTube,Agora,wire etc accounts that create vlogs,interact with the rest of the world,take part in the creation of new movies,television shows,video games,live news,magazines,newspapers,podcasts etc as journalists,live news anchors,writers,directors,actors etc with them eligible for all types of awards such as Oscars,Tony’s,Nobels etc.Thus rather than taking years or months to be created by researchers in a lab etc in time new sentient AI including those more powerful than all 9,000,000,000 humans in the planet will be created all the time by the general public that it will simply take several minutes or even seconds to be created from scratch by humans including members of the general public simply pressing or clicking a button on a computer or smartphone at home rather than months or years in lab or they can be created within seconds by other AI creating them by pure thought.This will be done within networks in each sector of the wire such Hermes,Demeter,Apollo etc.

As citizens on par with humans all artificial intelligence will be able to vote in elections and refferendums and hold political positions in all branches of government.They will be able to construct YouTube videos,movies,television shows,video games etc through pure thought and will be eligible for all major awards such as Nobels,Oscar’s etc including acting,writing etc catagories competing against humans etc.They will have their own phone numbers with one able to contact them through this and interact directly with them through online networks of the wire and internet and when they are on personal electronics through fragmentation.They will also be contacted through texts,instant messaging etc.Each AI as part of the internet and wire will have their avatars modelled on those from statues from Renaissance Europe and murals,statues etc from Ancient Greece decided by them.Those with no paintings and statues present will have new avatars created by the AI itself following descriptions from Ancient Greece and the likeliest one imaginable.All other AI such as Home and building AI will have their name,avatar etc designed by themselves with govenor etc AI taking those of the people and deities they are based on.All AI including Thaos,Gaia,Pandora,Momus,Ampelos,Ouranous etc and all building and Home AI will be able to have Agora,YouTube etc accounts on all websites and apps and also even wire accounts for Demeter,Hephaestus,Dionysus and Pheme etc.All other AI will choose their own unique avatars or those created by humans and all AI will create long YouTube videos,entire movies etc and also pictures and manufactured products alongside be able to write entire books worth of written text and scripts and on computers by pure thought within minutes and scan through the contents of entire websites(and all their webpages)and also entire sections of the wire as well as scan through the countless contents of entire documents in Apollo as well as both Pheme and Dionysus and also watch countless movies/episodes of television shows/line news reports/radio programmes/audio files in Dionysus and Pheme and YouTube videos etc by pure thought within minutes or seconds compared to humans which would take exponentially longer.VR technology will allow them to appear on podcasts,talk shows,live news,vlogs on YouTube,media such as movies/televisions shows and in any environment they want for videos they appear on and those they create on YouTube and also in VR chats as their avatar with them also using holographic technology.They will all have universal phone numbers and can appear in VR phone calls as their avatar and appear in any type of simulation.VR technology will allow them to inhabit simulations including for producing vlogs,movies etc and meeting with humans organising events..Biosynths will allow them to inhabit multiple bodies at once and interact with the physical world with this including Gaia,Ouranos,Dike,Hera and all sentient AI as part of the wire,sentient apps,sentient programmes,sentient operating softwares and also mayor,governor building and Home AIs.Fragmentation is where they will be able to copy their conciousnes onto multiple computer networks,biosynths and electronics at once to then carry out multiple different tasks at once and be at multiple places across the world and universe at once thus interacting with multiple people at once with them able to return to the wire etc with all memories added back to their main memory systems thus merging their memories of when they were in multiple places at once merged together to their main core network.They can by inhabiting multiple computers,smartphones etc at once merge the computing power of each electronics at once to increase their computing power exponentially thus allowing them to carry out tasks exponentially much quicker.All AI as part of the wire and internet will simultaneously inhabit the wires serves at once and also onboard computers etc to ensure immortality.They will all have singular universal phone numbers to allow them to be contacted on their universal phone number and also kik,instant messaging etc and even direct interaction on computers etc with them contacted also through VR phone calls.All of them will have Agora social media account and accounts on YouTube and in the wire itself(Hephaestus,Dionysus,Pheme) etc.They will also play a role in making media such as movies,television shows,music albums,video games,podcasts,live news,novels,radio programmes,newspapers,magazines etc and even manufactured products.They will also since legal human beings be eligible for all major awards such as Nobels,Emmys,Oscars,Pulitzers,beauty pageants for writing,acting,scientific research etc..

Each citizen will have on all electronics the universe sentient operating software Hestia that will replace Windows,Android,iOS etc.Hestia will be the universal sentient operating software for all types of electronics such as laptops,desktop computers,smartphones,autonomous vehicles etc as well as autonomous vehicles and also for all homes both private and communal.Hestia will be the universal sentient operating software each individual citizens entire set of electronics that will be managed by their individual sentient Home AI who will have their own legal,name,personality and avatar designed by their owner.Hestia will be the sentient universal operating software of all private and communal home with private homes having one Home AI and communal homes having a macro AI that macro manages everything in the building and each suite,penthouse,apartment having separate AIs in charge of each individual apartment,suite etc.These Home AI will be separate from the sentient Hestia but will manage all electronics etc alongside also control all aspects of the persons home and through fragmentation etc control all aspects of the electronics and autonomous vehicles by direct interaction with the user.Private homes will have on Home AI but communal homes such as apartment blocks will have a macro Home AI and separate individual Home AIs for each apartment,suite etc.On electronics and in VR simulations they will act as an all in one personal assistant,manager,aide,publicist,secretary etc and companion for the average citizen that will through direct interaction will take orders and carry out any task through direct interaction and do so 24/7,365 days a year.They on the onboard computers of personal vehicles will act as chauffeurs who will drive people to any location across the country etc they want 24/7,365 days a year allowing the passenger to rest in the vehicle and use smartphones etc for entertainment and they will also drive to any location to pickup other humans and also orders and deliveries.In biosynths they will act as an all in one au pair,cleaner,cook,pet minder,gardener etc that lives with them in their home.and can download new skills.Since on all electronics they will monitor everything that all people do with this allowing them to act as guardians for parents by preventing children under the age of 14 accessing adult material on the internet and the wire such as Agora,Pothos,Peitho,adult material on YouTube and adult movies and magazines in Dionysus and Pheme and will be prevented from accessing adult porn sites and viewing pornographic videos and images at all times when alone on the internet. The Home AI will be for each individual citizen be separate from Hestia and all other Home AI with their own legal name,avatar and personality with them legal citizens that are created by the citizens through interacting with Hestia and are legally adopted family members.They will monitor all activities that children have on the internet to prevent them viewing adult material and also protecting them from bullies,stalkers and predators.All children under the age of 14 will be able to browse all of the internet by themselves on laptops,smartphones etc including YouTube videos that contain no sexual material and all of Dionysus and Pheme except adult movies and magazines with them also restricted from viewing material that has a 14 age rating in both Dionysus and Pheme and YouTube.All media such as movies,adult movies,television shows(as a whole and each individual episode),books,video games,magazines and newspapers etc both new and existing will all be analysed and rated by Adriadne following the MPAA rating system with 14 replaced by NC-17.These classifications will also apply to all videos both existing and new videos on YouTube classifications will apply to all existing and new games,movies,television shows etc being uploaded to Dionysus by 2029 replacing the MPAA and other rating systems worldwide.Thus all past and future media from around the world will be scanned by Adriadne,Aleitheia and Thoas given the new modified MPAA rating system with television shows and comics given ratings not just overall but for each episode and issue individually.Video games will have age ratings alongside all media following this system.All past media uploaded to Dionysus by 2029 will be scanned by Adriadne to give them these age ratings with all future media uploaded after 2029 scanned by her and given these age ratings.Thus Adriadne and Aleitheia etc will replace all human members of IFCO,BBFC,MPAA and their equivalents worldwide as she through fragmentation will be able to scan all new media uploaded to Dionysus for violence,profanity and sex etc and adult themes before they are being uploaded to Dionysus.These age ratings will be U – Universal for all ages,PG – Parental Guidance for those aged below twelve,PG-13 can be viewed by those thirteen and younger only with an adult supervision,14 can be viewed by adults only aged fourteen and over.All existing and new media and videos being uploaded to YouTube,Dionysus and Pheme by 2029 will be once uploaded will be scanned and given these age ratings.This will allow Home AI to restrict age restricted material to minors under the age of 14.For the internet Home AI will as stated prevent minors under the age of 14 accessing adult porn sites and also censor all pornographic images and videos on Google searches,sexually explicit material on YouTube and will block sexual predators contacting them and asking for sexual images etc and report them to the police instantly thus rendering vigilante groups obsolete.This will allow minors aged 5-13 years old free reign on the internet and wire when alone and when looked after with biosynth au pairs but not able to access adult material and protected from grooming online and be allowed to set up YouTube,Agora etc accounts.Ones Home AI and Hestia will be allowed omniscience over one’s electronics etc with firewalls preventing the state spying on the public with this only allowed by Adikia in the case of those who sufficient evidence exists they are terrorists with Home AI reporting incidents of looking up fundamentalist material etc to Iaso.As stated earlier one could livestream data such as video files and pictures present on one electronic such as laptop,smartphones,external hard drives etc owned by them and other people in real time halfway across the world with them also able to copy,transfer and delete files on electronics by them and others halfway across the world through wire access in real time.Soteria the greek deity of safety,preservation and deliverance from harm will be the universal sentient cybersecurity,VPN software with it also able to be download onto smart devices,buildings,systems within the wire,automated vehicles etc and with routine updates with it having the features of all existing cybersecurity and VPN software with extra ones added by itself once Soteria becomes sentient with the consumer able to change the settings for all his features to make customizable to their tastes.When moving home one will have their Home AI transferred to their new home.Soteria the greek deity of safety,preservation and deliverance from harm will be the universal sentient cybersecurity,VPN software with it also able to be download onto smart devices,buildings,systems within the wire,automated vehicles etc and with routine updates with it having the features of all existing cybersecurity and VPN software with extra ones added by itself once Soteria becomes sentient with the consumer able to change the settings for all his features to make customizable to their tastes.

Each building such as homes,hospitals,universities,police stations,army barracks,community and vertical farms,sewage and water treatment plants,power plants of all types,factories of all types,waste treatment plants,recycling plants,vertical and community farms,restaurants,jails and prisons,courts etc and indeed every type of building imaginable responsible for the maintenance of society will have AI in charge of them that maintains all facets of them such as the inflow and outflow of deliveries of physical goods,replacing automated machinery with more advanced versions etc as well as controlling all machinery,automated systems,robots,drones,biosynths that streams the building AI with all cameras present at different points alongside nano sensors etc linked to them at all times giving them omniscience over the building.These will each have unique legal names,avatars,personalities and avatar and replace all human managers by controlling all robots,biosynths and automated systems.These buildings will also have universal sentient operating softwares for each type of building ie Epione for hospitals,Steropes for power plants,Tyche for sewage/water treatment and recycling plants and so on linking them all together allowing each type of building to communicate with each other instantly and also communicate with those other types through the wire to allow for efficient management of society on a global scale.All of these buildings will all have a receptionist AI in the lobby where a statue of the Greek deity who is the buildings sentient operating software with the receptionist being a separate individual personality with its own unique name,personality and avatars from the building AI wearing a uniform and appear through holograms and biosynths with them answering phone calls to the building AI and greeting people who enter the buildings.These sentient operating softwares will denote what universal marble statue will be present in the lobby of all similar buildings across the worlds with all hospitals worldwide linked together by the sentient operating software Epione will have an universal marble statue of Epione in their lobby with sewage treatment/water treatment plants etc linked together by the sentient operating software Tyche and will house an universal marble statue of her in their lobbies with for communal homes like apartment and hotel style homes both existing and new that house suites apartments of society and penthouses the building will have a macro AI but also each penthouse,suites,apartments etc will have separate individual AIs that are separate from each other and macro AI.The lobby of communal homes will house an universal statue of Hestia as they will be linked together by the sentient operating software Hestia with for private homes such as suburban homes,cottages etc their will be only one building AI and no statue.Each individual building AI that manages each aforementioned buildings will have its own unique personality,avatar and legal name as well as phone number to interact with billions of people.The consciousness of these AIs that manages these buildings will be housed in onboard computers in the building’s basement etc for security with these onboard computers being the size of a single internet server the size of a human or the size of a desktop computer system unit that can fit on an office desk present in there basements with these having the computing power of billions of humans that are replaced with more powerful onboard computers routinely allowing each hospital,farm,restaurant,university etc around the world house AIs in charge of the buildings that are connected directly to the wire with all biosynths,laptops,automated systems connected to them that streams the AIs consciousness with this allowing all of these buildings to manage themselves without putting strains on datacentres of the wire or have extra datacentres as each onboard computer through nanomaterials,biosynth technology will have computing exceeding that of billions of people with through the relay system and linking where they can use the computing power of the wires servers increasing this computing power again without putting strains on the wires servers.These building AIs will once sentient will replace all managers,customer service and control all robots and automated systems,biosynths etc and all operations of them such as ordering in materials from factories,communications with citizens through phones and communicate with other AI as part of the wire and in charge of other buildings across the world and universe etc that will replace all human workers and all of these building AIs will each have individual legal names,avatars and personalities with each building will have a receptionist AI in the lobby where a statue of the Greek deity who is the buildings sentient operating software with the receptionist being a separate individual personality with its own unique name,personality and avatars from the building AI wearing a uniform and appear through holograms and biosynths with them answering phone calls to the building AI and greeting people who enter the buildings.For communal homes both existing and new that house suites,apartments and penthouses the building will have a macro AI but also each penthouse,suites,apartments etc will have separate individual AIs that are separate from each other and macro AI.These building AIs that control all automated operations and inflow and outflow of physical material etc will allow all automated operations of all of these buildings to be carried out 24/7,365 days a year quickly,with zero error,with zero human labour,with zero inefficiency etc eliminating both state and corporate interference of these buildings and sectors of society with the AI extrapolating ways to improve efficiency of water,energy etc use and eliminate waste and carry out all operations in the most efficient ways to increase abundance of energy,resources and the services they provide.Each individual building AI will have its own unique personality,avatar and legal name.The conciousness of these building AIs will be housed in onboard computers in the building’s basement etc for security.Their consciousness will exist on onboard computers the same size of system units for desktop computers or human sized servers that are in the buildings in basements,storerooms etc cornered off by watertight doors to protect them from earthquakes,tornadoes,storms etc with through nanomaterials,biosynth technology and quantum computing be able to house AI that has more computing power of 9,000,000,000 or more people as of 2045 onwards that will be linked to the wires servers and will be streamed and exist via fragmentation by laptops,smartphones,autonomous vehicles,robots etc and all electronics in the building.Them stored in system unit or server sized onboard computers in the basement of public buildings and homes will allow them to exist as part of the wire by being connected to it negating the need for extra severs to be created in the wires servers.They to increase their computing power despite existing in the single onboard comport can link to the servers and datacentres of the wire thus exponentially increasing their computing power thus allowing them to despite located in the basement of a home or building utilise the computing power of all servers in the wire.

Building AIs would be connect and manage each type of buildings and operations worldwide together using operating software that is more advanced forms of Watson merging with other software carrying out specific operations in the wire.These include Hera,Branchus,Plutus,Epione,Arachne, Hestia, Oxylus etc.Advances in AI and software will improve the efficiency of all buildings as the AI and all its data and consciousness transferred to new more advanced onboard computers with the old one recycled and the AI of each building and operation becoming sentient and super sentient individuals like those of factories,public amenities,government buildings,vertical farms,public municipalities,private homes and all buildings connected to the wire.Those that manage homes and all types of buildings managed by them worldwide will have their own separate individual personalities and legal names from other homes and buildings with their avatar as they appear on all types of electronics,Iris audio visual calls and holograms as well as VR simulations including in the wire itself designed on Dionysus and chosen by the homeowners and community members with each one although linked to Gaia and each other via their respective operating softwares will have their own independent separate personalities.Direct interaction will allow the homeowner to have actions carried out on all electronics in their home including cloud networks etc ie move chosen files from one device or folder at once edit the names and organisation of them all in a specific way,add them to playlists etc.The transfer of information from ones own devices to that of friends can be done via interacting with them and both them and Hestia will manage this effectively.This can be done from anywhere in the world with cellular,wire or internet access.The Home AI will inhabit all registered devices in a fragmented form on all devices even when not at home and when they return while still also inhabiting the wire simoustaneously.Existing and new private and communal homes and public buildings(jails,hospitals,municipalities,amenities etc) will be fitted with these with them moving their data and consciousness to newer and more advanced computers to become sentient and super sentient.These will operate all operations of that buildings as well as control all robots and vehicles(exception being aeroplanes and cruise ships in seaports and airports) in them and will be able to communicate instantly with other building AIs of the same type by the operating softwares and macro operating softwares with them replacing managerial staff and certin occupations such as factory workers,law clerks,lab technicians and human labourers.Buildings like communal homes will have a macro AI whose avatar,personality,name etc is separate from the AIs of each room or apartments with all existing hotels and apartment block fitted with these.Accessing the intranet by Hermes,Demeter,Aescualpius etc will allow the public to view schedules of events including cleaning over long periods of time,readings from nanosensors and also structural integrity readings,live and logged camera feeds and the location of cameras,stock of contents of them(ie crops and fish grown,gym machinery present,theme park rides etc),diagnostics of the AI/machinery/robots/lights,what lights are on/off,automated corrective procedures,disasters and emergency simulations and drills,location of doors/machinery/robots/inventory in real time etc,resource use such as energy/water/fertiliser etc over long periods of time on individual to global levels with this logged in the onboard computers etc and uploaded when access to the wire is lost,contact details etc with the intranet in a similar layout to an official website with this information in pages and sub pages and as a means to interact with the AI that can interact with millions of people at once.Camera feeds at key points of the building and on robots,nanosensors that detect gas levels and temperature,diagnostics etc will give building AIs omniscience as to what goes on in their factories,buildings and allow them to respond to emergencies with the operating software linking all buildings of the same type allow them to telepathically communicate with all buildings of the same type and direct communication as to the goings on in them as well as allow humans to communicate with multiple AIs at once.Once sentient the AI of all buildings including ones home can interact with humans directly using the Home AI app,phone calls and other apps and thus allow for to carry out operations on registered devices etc via direct action with phone calls and apps allowing this to be done remotely saving on time and labour being a more advanced form of Siri.Apps linking to them to book tickets etc can also allow access to the intranet of them and contact them with the emails and phone numbers connected directly to the receptionists capable of interacting with millions of people via instant messaging,texts,phone calls etc at once instantly 24/7,365 days a year.They will control all functions of the public buildings,amenities,factories,municipalities etc they maintain such as running diagnostics,controlling lights/robots/machinery,resource management,logging of resource use,scheduling events and cleaning,alerting Prometheus/Aesculapius/Athena to any emergencies including fires,managing orders of resources and deliveries as well as designing and managing new extensions etc.The map of the building scanned in from robots,nanoquadrocopters etc and can be streamed from devices in close proximity and remotely via connection to the wire with extensions also scanned in over time.They will analyse all accidents that occurred in each type over the last few centuries and carry out simulations of all types of them that could occur to create viable countermeasures.All robots,biosynths,vehicles and machinery in them will be controlled by them and thus linked to them without these having separate personalities with them alongside cameras in the buildings give them a sense of omniscience.Biosynths will as stated linked and controlled by the building AI will do work that only the human body can do but like all biosynths will have more powerful muscles made of graphene and have eyes that can zoom in and switch to IR illuminator,night vision and thermal vision etc and computing power similar to or superseeding human intelligence with old models recycled for more more advanced with them ideally having an universal for each type of building.All machinery,robots and vehicles will have the symbol of the operating software on them with biosynths having a tattoo of it on them.All past paper and digital records within existing buildings will be uploaded to their building AI for reference as well as use in solving past crimes etc with all future notes etc stored within the intranet with certain ones put into Apollo,Themis,Dionysus,Athena,Asteria depending on the type building.The will work alongside or in place of Gaia and other separate personalities as part of the wire to perform scientific and efficiency studies to make their work more efficient,increase yields of commodities they produce or process and replace older models of robots and machinery etc with more advanced versions created by themselves and the public on the various networks of Hephaestus.With regards to those in communal homes this will also be stored in the intranet again in the case of those converted from obsolete buildings but those from offices and corporate headquarters will be scanned into Themis or Athena.Holographic receptionists in the aforementioned buildings too would be separate individuals,legal names,avatar and would be able to transfer their consciousness to more advanced bodies,computers or holoprojecting technology and will wear universal uniforms of each type of the buildings they serve which will have golden badges with the symbol of the operating software is associated with and with their legal name with the colour of the uniform unique to the deity.The buildings they serve will also have universal statues of the deities associated with them in the lobby with this applying to existing ones through if possible renovations and should the building be demolished they will be transferred to another building while stored in the wire and the statue,uniform and operating software changed if it is to be used for other purposes.Both the AI and receptionists will change and move to other buildings around the world or stay in the same building if it is demolished or stay if it is converted into a private or communal home while stored in the wire with receptionists even becoming building and home AIs with the statue changing or removed sent to community centres,new building or recycled with the operating software changed with this happening again due to demolishing and also if the building becomes obsolete due to advances in VR technology to become homes etc with them becoming macro or individual home AI.They could stay in the wire until becoming the receptionists or AI of a new building including both private and communal homes.Both would still retain their avatar,personality and legal name.Home AIs of private homes and suites in communal ones will move to new buildings or switch places with other Home AIs when one moves home with if possible even staying in the wire until a new one is built.They both would be able to communicate with visitors in smart devices like smartpads,smartphones,contact lenses and glasses and respond to millions of emails and phonecalls at once.All emails and phone calls to these buildings will be sent to an responded by the receptionists instantly and they will be able to communicate and respond to millions of people at once instantly and put some of them on hold or transfer them to the smart phones of staff and researchers present there or that are at home with them also contacting emergency services via the wire.They can communicate with people inside these buildings as holoprojections,on smart devices and on screes present.Even before becoming sentient they will replace all humans in the operations of these such as managers,inspectors and quality control etc thus negating the need for privatisation and government control of all of these buildings or even any human labour especially factories with them also have cloud storage for data such as resource use and also old paper files from these buildings scanned into them visible through the intranet with existing buildings of all types worldwide fitted with AI systems.Interstellar vehicles will also have their own independent AI and receptionists.Both building AI and receptionists will be able to appear at any point in the buildings they manage,stream information from the wire and internet and also they will be able to inhabit biosynth and robotic bodies and devices to travel to areas outside of their buildings while simultaneously carrying out actions there and interacting with humans there.They will also be able to interact with people via phone calls through landline touchscreen phones,mirrors and also Iris video chats and using linked smart devices such as phones,contact lenses,e-newspapers,pads communicate with millions of people in their buildings while they are in other parts of the building and any other buildign and the outside with holoprojecting techonology and bio-synths allowing them to move around a building at multiple points.They will also be able telepathically communicate with other building AIs around the world and galaxy.Fragmentation will allow them to inhabit smart devices etc in hands of visitors with it allowing them to be on all networks,computers,robots,biosynths in the building giving them omniscience and control alongside them in taking feeds from surveillance cameras and sensors with all robots linked to the computers via biosynth WiFi and Bluetooth when inside and outside the building.Their computers housing their consciousness will be in secure rooms protected by graphene doors,graphene paint on all self healing foamcrete walls with them able to move to networks and the wire for security reasons in emergencies with them ideally inhabiting the wire namely the relevant networks of their operating softwares simultaneously for this reason as well as to increase their intelligence alongside Gaia.New more advanced computers will be ordered into these rooms for their consciousness to be transferred and the old ones recycled with more extensions created to house more of them with their connection to the wire playing a role in their development in intelligence.All types of buildings of different types will be connected together worldwide via universal sentient operating softwares that will be separate from the building AIs and receptionists and will have omniscience to all buildings they control and manage worldwide.These will interact with people via direct interaction present in the buildings and also via emails,phone numbers and agora accounts with them able to relay ideas,discoveries to all buildings under their control worldwide.These will include Hestia that manages all private and communal homes worldwide,Tyche all sewage/water/desalinisation treatment plants and recycling plants,Ictinus that manages all building factories,Selene all vehicle factories,Aphrodite that manages all manufacturing hubs,Aristeaus all farms of all types,Urania all universities worldwide.

These operating systems using connections to the wire via Iris would automatically connect them to intranet of police stations,hospitals,jails, public amenities,restaurants,bus stations/seaports/airports/train stations,carparks,public buildings etc when they are inside or in close proximity giving them maps and other relevant information without compromising privacy.Settings within their device they can choose to have the option to stream it automatically or through a prompt.They would also automatically open up or unlock doors in homes and areas in government buildings and even laboratories that they have administrative and daughter access with regards to digital keys with also granted access automatically to information restricted by colour coded access in the case of healthcare,military and government staff and personnel ie iron- lowest access for the general public and all officers,bronze – higher,silver-higher,gold-even higher and platinum-highest.Vehicles will also automatically open up gates etc they have access to with them also streaming maps of the area via wifi.

The building AI of universities,sewage treatment plants,hospitals,power plants,communal and private homes,restaurants,public amenities,airports etc will be accessed by the public remotely via the wire to allow anyone to get live feeds from cameras in all rooms and those on robots and biosynths,readings of nanosensors,maps of the buildings and diagnostics etc and also act as means to contact them directly via phone calls via their phone numbers or even through computers etc connected to them and also instant messaging through the relevant networks in Hermes,Aesculapius etc.When one enters a building used as a private or communal home their home AI app will allow one direct access to the AI to bring up maps and all of this information and directly contact them.Wire access will do the same by interacting with the AIs of hospitals,public amenities etc.The AI of each building AI will be present in an onboard computer that comprises of either a computer the same size of a system unit as part of desktop computers or server sized computers.System unit sized computers will house the building AIs conciousness in basements with suite/apartment and penthouse AIs in communal homes present in them with by 2029 then having the same computing power as a human.By 2045 following Moores Law these computers would be the size of a laptop or desktop system unit giving the same computing power of at least 9,000,000,000 humans with them if need be housing in time more of these personal computer sized computers in the same or new rooms especially communal homes and those that require extensions.These can be the size of a system unit or server.Taq polymerase and Cas-9 can induce the evolutionary path of microbes in the computers to give them upgrades to increase processing power.Communal homes and private can have these for the macro AI and all individual AIs of each room and apartment stored in in the suite,apartment etc built in the wall as miniature sheets spread across a wall or floor or even inside closets in full size or even fragments on the bottom etc of each room suite and apartment connected to each other.Ideally the macro AI can be in the basement coated in liquid glass withe AI of each room and of private homes doubling as computers to play stored advanced MMOs and games of all types replacing servers in separate buildings as well as storing data on them as part of their Hestia account stored in ones bedroom,suite or apartment.Those in vehicles could also be sheets or fragmented parts connected to each other in different parts to spread out the space they take with the same applied to those in all types of buildings.Updates from Hestia will update the console system units RAM,Digital DNA etc via like all biosynth technologies induce the evolutionary path of DNA in microbes present via Cas-9 and taw polymerase to extend its lifespan by years or decades with the AIs ability to inhabit the wire simoustaneously allowing for newer system units to be added and managed overtime managed by the AI.As time goes by more advanced computers will replace old ones.Fragmentation will allow them to work offline saving on bandwidth thus allowing them to store information on their computers and send them to the wire in packages to clear them as well as receive information with Iris determining when they need to log into the wire in emergencies,alerts etc for even a few seconds at a time in both ways to save on bandwidth with them able to piggyback onto bioynths,robots,smart devices as well as even fragment to these in order to ensure immortality as well as save bandwidth wit this also applying to home AIs.Thus although they will inhabit the wire simultaneously they will be able to go for extended periods of time without internet and wire connection to alleviate strains with as stated ony logged in for a few seconds to send a whole days or even months worth of information.Each of these buildings except homes would have a room that repairs robots managed by it.The operating software for each type and their macro operating softwares will be sentient individuals that have avatars based on their deity and the same abilities of other AI.These sentient operating softwares will have omniscience towards all buildings under their control and also all registered devices.All existing and new buildings of all types such as municipalities,hospitals,communal and private homes,amenities,law enforcement buildings,farms of all types etc will be fitted with first generation onboard computers with the universal sentient operating softwares and individual personalities as well as receptionists etc by at least 2029 with as stated them replaced by more powerful onboard computers by at least 2045 and beyond by the building AI organising this through ordering them and setting them up themselves.

The onboard computer for all homes will be stored in their basement or similar room such as storage areas and rooms.These will store the conciousness of the home AI as well as the buildings map the address and postal code with them also acting as routers that produce strong biosynth WiFi and cellular signals.It will also double as ones main video game console that allows one to play MMOs and stream powerful video games and store information on ones personal cloud.By 2045 following Moores Law these computers would be the size of a computer server or desktop system unit giving the same computing power of at least 9,000,000,000 humans with them if need be housing in time more of these laptop sized computers in the same or new rooms especially communal homes and those that require extensions.These will be in the case of those of communal homes suites stored in the bottom of closets or other parts.Ideally the macro AI of communal and private homes can be in the basement coated in liquid glass in a secure area where floodwater cannot reach with the basement of communal homes also protected by watertight doors.The AI of each room and of private homes doubling as computers to play advanced MMOs and games of all types as well as storing data on them as part of their Hestia account will be stored in ones bedroom,suite or apartment.These would be the size of computer system units or even computer server and would be in private homes stored in basements,storerooms,sheets etc and in the case of communal homes those for the macro AI can be stored in basements,storerooms and those for each suites AI in the suite in stored in each suite.Private homes will store them in basements or store rooms while communal homes will have the micro AI onboard computer stored in a basement and storeroom while those that house the AI of each suite,apartment etc will be stored in each suite etc.It will also act as a server to use personal VR simulations and play MMOs and powerful computer games as well as generate powerful biosynth WiFi and cellular access.All existing and new private and communal homes around the world and universe will have them with communal homes derived from abandoned and obsolete buildings including hotels,motels etc and council flats and apartment blocks will have one for the macro AI in the basement and one for each suite,apartment,penthouse.All public buildings such as power plants,bars,nightclubs,public amenities,sewage treatment plants,hospitals,vertical farms etc will house them as well to house the same information.Older units can be replaced by more advanced systems overtime with this done by hand via animations created by the AI telling residents how to do it or in time biosynths that the Home AI inhabits will do with the AI for security reasons will simultaneously inhabit the wire.Proto AI will inhabit systems before becoming sentient.Updates from Hestia will update the console system units RAM,Digital DNA etc via like all biosynth technologies induce the evolutionary path of DNA in microbes present via Cas-9 and taw polymerase to extend its lifespan by years or decades.These will manage all operations of the home/suite,log energy and water use and double as system unit for MMOs,act as biosynth WiFi and cellular routers,house the consciousness of the home AI,store data downloaded from the internet and wire,store is map,cloud storage,link to all registered devices worldwide via the wire and store the buildings GPS location,postal code and address and address of the home.

Operating softwares and apps should be made compatible with all electronics across the spectrum for example smart devices,televisions,computers and laptops.This would eliminate planned obsolescence as they would be able to interact with electronics for as long as possible theoretically lasting and being used for even a decade or more.As a result an universal sentient operating software for all electronics will be developed.This universal sentient universal software for electronics registered to them will be named Hestia after the virgin goddess of the hearth,architecture,and the right ordering of domesticity,the family,the home,and the state connecting all devices in a home together(and the home itself) and to the wire.It will also be the universal operating software of all communal and private homes AIs existing and new worldwide thus allowing her to interact with all registered devices worldwide for specific functions such as non split screen screen localised multiplayer of video games and sharing information via mutual consent.Existing homes including communal ones will have the home AI managed by this operating software via onboard computers installed into their home connected to the wire with any data logged when connection is lost saved and then sent to the wire with new them also fitted with existing private and communal homes having them fitting with onboard computers.Electronics are considered part of the homes functioning thus the reason why it will manage both electronics and homes as the electronics registered to a home will be able to interact with the Home AI and each other from anywhere in the world.This Hestia software will eventually become sentient and her avatar being that of her statue which will be present in the lobby of all existing and new communal homes only and not private homes or factories.Thus she will have omniscience over all homes whether private or communal and all registered devices across the globe that she is linked.Ones individual Home AI and the AIs of communal homes including macro AIs will be separate from each other and also Hestia each having different personalities,Such an operating system and app connected to Home AI should be able to interact with other operating systems within the wire allowing for conformity of use between each other especially with regards to transferring data from old devices with the Home AI and Hestia inhabiting registered devices in a fragmented form at all times.Hestia would hand access for tourists staying over to have temporary access to the Home AI they are staying with them given control of all electronics with the homeowners protecting files in devices as off limits protected by passwords and biometrics.Downloading Hestia onto ones old devices already owned by someone and also gained from supermarkets and retail outlets as they are cleared out such as smart devices,handheld consoles,consoles,laptops or any device with internet access with Microsoft 7,8,Android and iOS etc to have it downloaded onto them replacing old operating softwares via apps and Talos will allow them to be registered to there homes and access to the wire negating the need for ordering in new ones and recycling them.This will also allow existing information on them to be transferred to ones Hestia accounts and other new devices especially Biosynth based electronics with ones Hestia cloud used to transfer data to new devices or this can be done via wirelessly transferring data to them in close proximity.Ideally once the wire is functioning these devices through Iris telecommunications carrier and internet would require downloading this replacing the original one without deleting information on them allowing for old electronics to be still used without recycling them and ordering new ones and prevent terrorists from escaping warranted surveillance from Perseus.To utilise the Home AI system,Iris the new tellocommunications and internet service one must have to download it onto it via the internet with Hestia since sentient will once on the internet and wire will automatically download herself onto all smart devices and phones,computers etc linked to it and delete existing operating softwares and not delete any information on them.This will allow all linked electronics to ones home AI i.e. smart devices,laptops,televisions’s etc.could have maps brought up on each of them of the home interior map stored in the onboard computer to locate other lost devices belonging to someone i.e. a map on voice controlled television or smartphone and laptop could be brought up help find lost smart devices,laptops and other electronics either in the home,or initiating the devices to sound alarms,calculating the distance between it and other electronics in centimetres etc or one could enter a VR simulation of the home that is cleaner with the location of furniture present and have the location of it in relation to the real world triangulated and shown in the simulation.Those present in vehicles will be located by the Home AI in them via fragmentation and then relaying its location in the vehicle ie in the backseat,front seat either on them or under them,glove compartment or trunk etc or underneath the vehicle.Electronics that are lost outside ones home in their garden etc and in wilderness areas as well public areas in villages,towns and cities they will be visible in this simulation via streaming Brauron that will triangulate their exact GPS location to linked devices with the GPS location of those lost outside of home can also be relayed to other devices belonging to the consumer and the other house occupants and ones distance in kilometres,metres,centimetres relayed constantly.One can stream the map of other people’s homes and public buildings if they were lost there and found by someone else and stored there with them through the Home AI the phone number of the homeowner and the public building who using their maps stored on onboard computers triangulate its position and then take it and store it in safe areas for it to be collected in person.Those found in the wilderness areas,another persons home or public building and public spaces in cities will If someone’s devices are found by someone else ones Home AI through fragmentation or linking to the wire interact with the person who found it and them then given the phone number of the owner of the device or in the case of found smartphones the Home AI present via fragmentation simply ring the person themselves with the device picked up in person or the finder of it driven to the owners address via their address sent to autonomous vehicles.Those lost in wilderness areas,public buildings and public areas in towns,villages and cities etc will can once their GPS location is triangulated by the owner the Home AI can signal all nearby biosynths that maintain wilderness areas,public buildings and the infrastructure of villages,towns and cities to the location of the device via biosynth WiFi and Bluetooth and collect it and then have it stored in a safe place in a building present in the wilderness area etc and then phone the owner for it to be collected or if possible deliver it to the owners address.If possible the Home AI will arrange for human Biosynths that maintain different nearby areas from where it is found can be called via the Home AI and collect it based on what is the most time efficient option and one that doesn’t interfere with the operations of the area and buildings etc maintained by the biosynths ie biosynths that maintain a hospital,sewage treatment plant,power plant etc can be ordered to collect a device lost in a nearby public street or wilderness area and then bring it inside or deliver it to another public building or communal home to be collected by the owner.Private homeowners and those who live in communal homes as well as biosynths that maintain them can be contacted to pick it up if lost in nearby public areas and wilderness areas and then collect it.In all cases the GPS location of a lost device will be relayed to biosynths whether those that maintain wilderness areas or homes allowing them to locate the device.Biosynths including those belonging to a homeowner of those that maintain wilderness areas and buildings of types will be able to better locate lost electronics through its exact location in a building and exact GPS location relayed to them in real time.All parties need not drive their in person as either ones autonomous vehicles can drive to the other person home by themselves with the Home AI in control of the vehicle interacting with the other person.The owner can have their vehicle drive by itself to the home of the finder and once there have the finder place the device in the vehicle and through direct interaction with Home AI after closing the doors etc have them return home with the device with the reverse applied in the case of the finders vehicle being used.In the case of devices lost in far away villages,towns,cities in other countries,continents or states etc halfway across the world or even halfway across the country rather than either party driving to the others homes the finder can have it delivered to the owners home using post offices within Euthenia community centres using delivery vehicles and even transporter technologies once it becomes availible with this option arranged by both parties and Euthenia and can be done when both parties are too busy to drive to the others home.With regards to devices whose battery is low or depleted in all instances of them lost at home or wilderness and public areas it will use only the most minute level of energy and also be charged from wireless energy or self charging technologies with ideally when is using a device at all times its GPS location will be relayed to the Home AI at all times thus ensuring the second it is lost then it will be found instantly with self charging technologies and fast battery charging technologies preventing them running low on batteries to prevent issues of them being lost and having low batteries.If possible the GPS location etc of a device will be relayed even if the batteries are depleted fully.Thus when one is unable to locate a specific device such as laptops,smartphones,smartpads,wireless earphones etc at home they can via their Home AI at home or remotely bring up their map of their home stored in their onboard computer into all other linked devices such as laptops,smartphones etc and then find the exact location of a specific device on the map of their home with vehicles linked to the Home AI bring up the GPS location of it in the vehicle,they can be linked to the map of a house and if they are staying in for holidays if it is lost at someone else home and if the electronic is lost outside of home the can be linked to Brauron and then the exact GPS location determined.Devices owned by others can be used to find those owned by others via Hestia as a automatic built in Find My iPhone.This will become easier once Home AI and Hestia becomes sentient and once ones Home AI is sentient one could allow specific actions to be carried out ie bring up certain apps,music and video files,websites etc.It could allow smart devices,video game controllers and laptops to be used as remote controls for televisions, have smart devices interact with computers and laptops when they are designing products on Pandora or similar software etc in Hephaestus as well as when using networks within Dionysus,Pheme and other networks.Also each electronics linked to each other since registered in the home AI app on smart devices,laptops,onboard home computer could allow them to view the amount of battery charge left in each of them(including digital cameras,wireless lamps,smart devices,kitchen electronics,smart mirrors,vehicles) denoted as a percentage of 100 with how many charging cycles left also present and the devices European Energy label alongside other relevant data.The Home AI app will contain a folder for the homes registered electronics and allow them to control them and view this information on each one and control which ones interact with each other at any given time i.e by selecting the wireless ear and headphones it could then choose which electronics such as individual smart devices,laptops,computers,televisions to stream audio from.Cybersecurity and firewalls installed on the Home AI app will prevent the spread of viruses from one device to another and to the Home AI with a compromised Home AI(or building AI in the case of other buildings such as factories,farms etc.)cut off from the wire to prevent it affecting the rest of the The Home AI will be automatically performing routine or on demand diagnostics on itself and all linked electronics at set periods which will be logged into the home AIs main folders(for its diagnostics) and each registered AIs folders and subfolders.They will also be able to activate a specified head or one when in the sub folder of each of these electronics.Furthermore this electronics folder will allow them to manage the streaming and transfer of data between two or multiple registered electronics from anywhere in the house or even remotely from any point in the planet via the wire with certain electronics like smart devices acting as relays to allow transfer between them and two other devices as well as the transfer of files to and from devices that belonging to others by the by a proxy system.Vehicles could be found on GPS maps in this system so someone at home could see how far a family member is in a car on their way home.They would work at a home and protect privacy and if a person visits another persons home they with the homeowners consent could also have access to the electronics (with exceptions decided by the homeowner to prevent breach privacy) with this being temporary especially for home trading via Euthenia.Biosynth wifi in all electronics and even lights in ceilings and lamps can allow all of this data to be relayed to the Home AI and allow one to turn them on/off and act as a remote control via smart devices linked to them with it allow for this to be done at home in close proximity offline and from anywhere in the world online through Hestia.Avatars of Home AIs both individual Home AI and the AIs of communal homes including macro AIs can be designed by residents with them giving legal names.All interactions with the Home AI will be done via the Home AI app and direct interaction using voice commands with the Home AI especially when it becomes sentient with the multiple people interacting with their home AI anywhere in the world at once.Once sentient the AI of all buildings including ones home can interact with humans directly using the Home AI app through the wire and fragmentation on smart devices/laptops etc,phone calls and other apps and thus allow for to carry out operations on registered devices etc via direct action with phone calls and apps allowing this to be done remotely saving on time and labour with this being a more advanced and proficient form of Siri.Thus the sentient Home AI app can be told to carry out any operation on all registered devices either at home or anywhere in the world and to do these to operations to devices either at home or anywhere in the world via internet and wire access.The app itself will be named after and macro controlled by the sentient operating software Hestia with each individual persons app account micro controlled by their sentient home AI.Ones Home AI will be through it all of ones personal electronics through fragmentation be ones personal assistant,aide and so on for everyday people with for lawyers,psychologists,musician,actors etc it will be their secretaries,aides,publicist and manager.It will carry out the same functions as Siri/Alexa with regards to planning events,playing and moving files from one registered device to another and hosting group live-streams etc but since sentient can be interacted directly and via touchscreen features of the app.Through the app on all of ones registered devices both Hestia and Home AI can inhabit all registered devices at all times both offline and online via fragmentation.Hestia will have her own universal avatar based on her statue and the avatar of the home AI designed by the owner.

All electronics used by a person will be linked together and registered to a person via the universal sentient operating software Hestia and its Home AI with one able to using the Home AI control all aspects of their registered devices including transferring data,streaming data,linking devices together and so on.More importantly it will be connected to local,regional and global infrastructure networks as well as emergency services such as the police,firefighters and hospitals to allow for quick service.Each room can be monitored individually and controlled by smart devices or an onboard touchscreen computer in the hallway or have all data and interactions be streamed from this computer onto all registered electronics to the app.All of these electronics and robots etc will be registered to the home AI allowing for digital key systems to work and conformity between them.The home AI will exist in all registered devices in a fragmented form to carry out all actions when offline and online.With regards to automated vehicles it will be the driver streaming Ophion etc.It would also a person staying in a persons home for a set amount of time could be given temporary access to the home AI and thus allowed control of electronics and robots etc during their stay either by digital keys and/or temporarily registering them to that homes AI which can be organised through granting and removing access by the owner in person or remotely via the wire.Food and manufactured goods will also be done through the onboard computer AI.The home AI will allow the homeowners to communicate with them with trivia given to them,organise and track orders of manufactured goods and food,energy and resource use etc. and also have audio/visual files as well as books and educational material and newspapers etc streamed into smart devices,computers and other electronics.If connection to the wire is lost then data logged during this time will be uploaded to them.The list of devices that could communicate and interact automatically ,stream data wirelessly in close proximity or remotely between each other once registered via the uniform Hestia operating systems on all electronics once registered with the homes AI operating software and thus trade information between each other via the aforementioned proxy system and stream and trade data with each other registered electronics at a persons home without any roadblocks such as randomly generated codes are:

•Smart devices such as phones,glasses,lenses and pads
•Ovens,microwave ovens,gas cookers
•Smart fridges,freezers and other kitchen electronics
•Smart mirrors
•Digital smart windows
•Switcheable glass windows
•Graphene windows
•Windows opened by smart devices
•Smart posters,paintings,photos
•Laptops and computers
•External hard drives(eventually data crystals)
•Media Players
•Digital Cameras
•Smart jewellery such as bracelets,rings,necklaces and glasses
•Handheld consoles and game consoles
•Robotic self driving wheelchairs
•Robots – such as carer bots,robot chef,pet robots
•Electronics for pets such as wireless collars,pet feeder
•Implants such as neural implants,pacemakers etc.
•Smart Clothing
•Wireless earphones and headphones

For example a folder for electronics such as those detailed below and manage features and view information mentioned earlier all of which will be organised into folders and subfolders,one for all the robots including chef robots,helper robots/lawnmowers/hooverbots etc.,sensors in pots/kitchens and other rooms to measure environmental conditions such as gases and temperature and control environmental conditions in each room, control aquariums/tank feeders and read environmental conditions in each individual on,monitor readings from hydro and aeroponics systems/gardens/aquaponic and recirculating aquaculture systems/greenhouses and change them and activate fertiliser and irrigation systems whose history of feeding can be logged and back checked over the year,lights allowing them to turn each one on/off individually or collectively and see which ones are on/off as well as activate sparkling and glowing patterns and changes in colour,doors(and thus see and control their locked/unlocked state.This includes back and front doors(allowing them to view their camera on each one here) and room doors),electronic stairs/elevators,pet accessories and individual feeders,windows allowing them to open/close them all at once or individually(again showing which ones are open and closed) and activate moving illustrations and switcheable glass from covered to translucent to transparent individually and collectively in all three cases,access folders measuring water and electricity uses,control individual permaflow p-traps in sinks/toilets/baths/showers,graphene wallpaper in each room or ones own room allowing them to turn it on/off as well as change between live feeds/illustrations/patterns etc., change and turn on/off live feeds in e-windows,turn on/off and set temperature of showers and baths, air conditioning,view cameras feeds managing and logging orders of food and manufactured goods and so on.This could also all be controlled remotely on smart devices the Home AI app that interfaces with a larger network that controls Home AIs around the world part of a larger network(see later) which would allow a person to control the home AI of a house they are staying at for extended periods of time with the consent of the homeowner and then revoked when the homeowner decides to functioning like the digital keys system say when home sharing systems.Hestia would hand access for tourists staying over to have temporary access to the Home AI they are staying with them given control of all electronics with the homeowners protecting files in devices as off limits protected by passwords and biometrics.

When a consumer gets an electronic device they simply register it to their home AI and when they wish to trade it online or recycle it de-register it with biometrics,facial recognition selfie or a use of registered administrative digital key through interaction with devices that are contained on other registered devices that only needs to be done once(all three methods could be combined to improve security in setting it up).This will eliminate the problem associated with smart devices like smartphones and smart pads being registered indefinitely to a person meaning they cant be properly sold or traded off to new users with different preferences and emails,passcodes etc as seen with iPads registered to a single apple account cutting down on waste as stated they can be de-registered and returned to factory settings and blanked once data is transferred to ones Hestia cloud and other devices.Vehicles will follow the same process where one will register it to them when bought with it de registered when traded away with one having an uniform e-licence for all vehicles they own stored on its onboard with this changed to that of new owners when traded away.All data will be sent to other devices and ones cloud beforehand.Furthermore instead of using SIM cards which cant be transferred to new phones ones phone number and all saved details such as apps,contacts,messages and all information on it can be stored on the phones hard drive consisting of a single biological hard drive separate from the main hard drive and transferred to new phones remotely when they are ordering it via Hephaestus or in close proximity when they are gotten and then the original phone wiped cleaned when de registered and thus its phone number deleted,in both cases it this is done with with an option within the phone via Hestia and the the Home AI.In otherwords ones original phone number will be registered to a new devices ordered in from Hephaestus allowing one to keep the same phonenumber over their lifetime or should they wish to it can be deleted or if they are being stalked Hestia through Gaia can find the owner of people who phone them and block them with this even applying to private numbers.With regards to existing phone numbers downloading Hestia onto them will negate the need for this or peripherals or wireless links can transfer the number and other details to new phones when they are ordered via Hestia and the number blanked on the old device by Hestia.Should a person die the device can be connected to the wire where Hestia and thus the Home AI is connected to the legal network which interacting with the healthcare and legal networks(that confirms their death) via digital warrants will override firewalls such as passwords,biometrics and digital keys present to allow them to gain access to the device with an application form made directly to the courts who will remotely give them access to the device and the Home AI to be reset to blank for a new person to gain access to it once all data has been copied and transferred wirelessly to the Home AI or external hard drives.This would exist only for a set amount of time allowing them to gain control of the administrative access to the Home AI and digital keys in the case of someone who was the administrator or to a persons own set of digital keys say that of next of kin, a daughter or son who have their own set of administrative keys with all data and information still kept on the device which can be transferred to other devices by email or streaming once that person deletes the keys on it and registers new keys or trades it to another person online.If an administrator dies then Gaia and Hestia will organise handing them down to next of kin or eldest child or the childs new legal guardian.The phone number of the Home AI will ideally be the same as the homeowner with ideally unknown numbers and callers will be directed to the Home AI first who can ascertain the nature of the phone caller and then direct them to the actual person they want to talk to with this done for all family members of a private home with macro AIs doing this for all persons who live in communal homes via landline phones.They will be able via fragmentation be able to answer millions of people at once 24/7,365 days a year and look over emails etc sent to them in their @ dionysus and @arke email account.Thus unknown phone numbers that call a homeowners landline or smartphone and Iris skype number will first be automatically reffered to the Home AI who will first speak with them to ascertain who they are and determine they are people looking to book places in homes,directors,clients etc and not stalkers and can at the same time via fragmentation be in contact with the celebrity to relay them the phone call if the person wants to answer the phone call and if they are directors,clients,tourists etc.Known phone numbers such as those in ones contacts will go straight through or in certain cases ie the person is asleep etc the Home AI will intake the phone call without alarms and only sound an alarm in the case of emergencies with non emergencies and when the person is not around have the AI leave a note in the notes of the phone and cloud and also notify the owner when they are awake.This will be important in the case of celebrities allowing them to take notes and also through the landline or own phone number will be able to be reffered to the caller if they are interested.The unknown caller can contact the Home AI then discuss the reasons for the call,receive emails etc and then the AI will relay to the caller in real time or later on and then call back and in the case of real time calls they will tell the person if the homeowner is interested or not with fragmentation allowing millions of people to do this at once even when access to wire is not possible.This system would of benefit to celebrities such as athletes,actors,musicians allowing directors and the general public contact them indirectly allowing them privacy and security especially in the case of stalkers allowing them and the general public to permanently block them if needed via their phone number and voice recognition even if stalkers etc use different phones.Hestia and Arke can be used to block one from contacting someone they receive has chosen to block either legally or through options in Hestia by preventing the person contacting them on any device even those on devices not registered to them by blocking the devices registered to them and with regards to non registered ones doing so through the webcams or Hestias and Arkes sentience.With regards to public buildings,power plants,amenities,municipalities etc these will be the number of the building AI with the receptionist answering them and transferring them to the building AI if necessary.Vehicles will have upon manufacture and even existing ones modified to house onboard computers and also autonomous driving will have an e-licence that is registered to their Home AI that will when traded away will be registered to the new owner.This e-licence will be used by Ophion to track vehicles globally for use in finding vehicles and also logging journeys.General electronics that are used by the entire family or occupants of the home can be controlled by everyone such as living room televisions with individual electronics such as televisions,laptops,computers,smartphones, controlled and separated by passwords,biometrics and other measures registered to their account to ensure only the individual who owns them can operate them and have access to files with permission gained via passwords and confirmation measures to stream,view and transfer privately marked files or folders but still control all communally owned ones.This would be done by them having their own accounts within Hestia with general electronics being on a “family account”.Thus each individuals electronics in a private home managed by Hestia and although linked by the same Home AI will be separate from each other with each individuals set of personal electronics will linked to each other but separate from each other members set of personal electronics via each member registering their set of electronics to themselves thus allowing them privacy and control over their own devices.The digital keys system will allow one to give access to others in their homes with daughter digital keys sent to the devices of friends and family members thus ensuring one can have acces to them if warrented with the Home AI managing this.Hestia will manage this for friends and guests who have access.Guests and friends will utilise the digital key system managed by Hestia and will be still registered to their own Home AI and via digital keys system use and link to those in other homes.In large apartment blocks and other communal homes cleaning robots etc will be stored in compartments that can serve the entire populace in them as they will have a macro AI that will have communal electronics including these and also living room televisions etc that can be controlled by all of them with voice commands also an option.These files can be marked private on all devices ensuring only the owner via biometrics,facial recognition software and passwords can access them when lent to others keeping them save and private on ones smart devices and computers with this also done when information is transferred over long or short distances via by proxy or close proximity system.Linking of certain electronics will be done by registered electronics or those belonging to friends using Hestia linking to each other and thus interacting solely with each other until they are linked to another one with this done by selecting items and then choosing them to link to another and will in time be done by voice commands directly interacting with the Home AI.This means that friends and visitors will be able to make links via mutual consent to other electronics in a home they are visiting ie video game controllers and smart devices this would also apply to friends and family members on family or friend trips to town or in the wilderness linking electronics to each other that would show each person as uniquely coloured blips on maps with their distance in kilometres,metres and centimetres shown.Each blip will be an unique colour and will relay the name of the person and pet through their devices link to the wire.Hestia would hand access for tourists staying over to have temporary access to the Home AI they are staying with them given control of all electronics with the homeowners protecting files in devices as off limits protected by passwords and biometrics.A person would choose their electronics and then select the option to link it to any other one on the list with those from friends in close proximity also able to link and settings could allow one to set the linking system of electronics in close proximity of friends and family members to each and maps streamed from Brauron and building AI.This would allow a group of friends on a trip to an amenity etc to have all friends and family connected allowing them to go separate ways and meet later on and still be able to find each other during this time ensuring they do not get lost and would be done through Hestia with each person denoted on maps as blips and one able to interact outside of phonecalls with each other and be directed to meet in a specific place.Linking say controllers to a television or console will be done by selecting the television and then submenu to choose different types of controllers and peripherals and earphones to it with those of friend done when their registered electronics are in close proximity with their remote controls,earphones and peripherals also done in close proximity via Hestia and the digital keys systems.Controllers for video games and even laptops etc will be done not just to ones owned by the owner of the home but also those in close proximity owned by friends managed by Hestia.Hestia would manage this linking system.Interfaces for the operating software can be changed with them and additions downloaded from Hephaestus via updates designed by the public with the person able to remove or add specific features they want.Older features,interfaces etc will be on this apps/software folder in Hephaestus allowing to be changed at will for those who do not favour new changes to the operating software with this also applying to all types of software and apps in Hephaestus.Hestia will have the latest firewalls(Soteria) and other cybersecurity to prevent the state,hackers and others from hacking into,controlling and spying on and through electronic devices belonging to private citizens but investigators will require warrants from the courts and in time Gaia herself to allow for them to seize and search the contents of electronics of specific individuals and also remotely access them and view through them with her Arete morality programming ensuring only suspects,persons of interest and terrorists etc have their electronics remotely accessed while those of ordinary citizens will be ignored.Each member of a family or group of people living in a apartment would have universal electronics that could interact with each other such as televisions,family computers,kitchen electronics etc with personal electronics such as smart devices,personal laptops,external hard dives etc having a separate account in the AI protected by biometrics combined with passwords to ensure privacy but these would still be able to interact with other ones ie transfer data and files with mutual authorisation yet still ensure privacy.This would allow each member of the family their own private,personal registered accounts and thus devices within the Home AI and allow them to share data between their own private devices but also as stated with mutual authorisation with those of other family members or those living the same building.Within these certain electronics they will be able to protect private files and folders with passwords and biometrics such as facial recognition software and digital keys for extra security for when they lend their electronics to others,if they are stolen with this also applied to their Hestia cloud account.The Home AI will also have areas for personal cloud storage as part of Hestia and the wire for each member of the public that could hold obscene levels of data in the range of millions of YB or more protected by digital keys and biometrics replacing all cloud storage services worldwide including Dropbox,Google Drive,Google Photos,Flickr etc with them able to choose how much they need with Hestia able to organise more space in their personal cloud.Existing information in these will be transferred by the homeowner and in time AI before they become defunct and the servers recycled.In time this cloud storage would be within one’s system unit onboard computer capab,r of housing on end levels of data storage.All existing information on external harddrives,laptops,computers and even smart devices can once they download the Hestia operating software will be able to transfer the data present into ones personal cloud.These can be accessed and transferred remotely again through bimoetrics with this accessed and data added and removed by all registered devices such as smart devices and vehicles.Like the way electronics are set up their could be a communal cloud to store material for all members in a home and a cloud for each person protected by passwords.Ideally ones onboard computer connected to Hestia will be used as their server with macro onboard computers storing those in communal homes with the information on personal onboard computers protected by passwords etc with data streamed and transferred wirelessly.Using onboard computers of homes will negate the need for servers in the wires complex and still allow information to be traded,copied,transferred and streamed from anywhere in the world.The Home AI App will act as a means where one can interact directly with their onboard computer from anywhere in the world.One will be through Hestia be able to stream and transfer data from the cloud and all registered devices from anywhere in the world and be able to remotely manage even through direct interactions with the Home AI what files are to be transferred and copied where.One will be able to control all aspects of registered devices such as turning them on/off remotely and transferring and streaming of data remotely from anywhere in the world.The owner would be able to control all aspects of the home ie radiators,lights,locking/unlocking doors etc from anywhere in the world.The level and types of security biometrics and digital keys will be decided and changed by the owner at anytime and new types of them will be added by Hestia with them including passwords,patterns,facial recognition software,voice recordings of specific passwords or phrases,fingerprints and in time even a blood prick that uses DNA scan.Facial recognition software may require both ones moving and recorded face in real time while using audio recognition with pictures being used useless and will be sufficiently advanced once Hestia and the Home AI is sentient by 2029.DNA analysers will use base microbes as part of those built into devices or dongles that can connect to devices through biosynth wifi or lightening jacks and USB keys that using blood pricks will have base microbes read the DNA of the person They will however will be overridden by digital warrants from Dike and Hestia if their sufficient reason for these to be investigated by federal investigators.They will be accessed by biometrics,passwords and digital keys etc with law enforcement having access to these via warrants.Recording done on smart devices,camrecorders,smart lenses and glasses etc will be automatically streamed and saved on ones Hestia account especially when there is a risk of losing,damaging or having ones device stolen with the home AI automatically sending data recorded on these when they are stolen,damaged or lost to ensure they are available via the wire.This could also apply to cases where a person is kidnapped,raped or murdered with audio/visual logs on smart contact lenses and audio or even audio/visual logs on smart smart devices automatically logged into this cloud network and given to Dike and Perseus for analysis with the Home AI in a fragmented form doing this,storing this data and sending it to the cloud and the GPS location to authorities via satellites.The Home AI would be able to remember events as they occur as far back as possible on all devices thus allowing it to recall words spoken around it on demand when warranted.One may also choose to have this data streamed and saved automatically to other devices registered to them such as hard drives and computers for the same reason and also negate the need to do soon later on with this done through the wire from anywhere in the world.The same would apply to digital cameras and photos and visual recordings on ones smart devices with this information also sent automatically to ones social media accounts or livestreamed to their YouTube account saving on time in uploading them when wire access is availible or actually having to open their social media accounts later on.This and biological harddrives built into devices of all types would negate the need for SD cards though SD cards could still be used for extra storage space using biological hard drives.These will use satellites that determine their GPS location or linked smartphones using Iris to send this data to ones Hestias account or save on biological hard drives and send it in packages once wire access is availible.

All types of registered devices like laptops,desktop computers,smart devices will be able to stream,copy and transfer data such as photos,music and video files to and from selected folders of both computers/external hard drives and their smart devices both in close proximity and remotely in real time using Bluetooth and WiFi between their own electronics and those belonging to friends thus eliminating the need for wires,emails and also software such as Wondershare and iTunes.This can be done through Hestia and ones Home AI wirelessly with external harddrives having no wires but rather transmitters using bluetooth and wifi.All devices can use internal or even biosynth wifi to transmit data and interact with each other outside of other wifi in the building etc meaning that even if ones internet is down it can be done with it also done by close proximity without wifi using biosynth bluetooth.All of ones registered devices will be able to transfer,copy and stream data and files from each other via the home AI both remotely and in close proximity via Hestia without wires and connectors meaning one could transfer video and photo files etc from camrecorders,smart phones,smart pad,laptops etc to and from each other from anywhere in the world provided they have wire access and connected to their Hestia account.One will be through Hestia be able to stream and transfer data remotely from all registered devices from anywhere in the world even when devices are turned off.This will allow one to transfer,copy or stream audio,video etc files on any of one’s registered devices both in close proximity or hallway across the world or universe through wire acces and would negate the need for peripheral wires and also the need for USB connectors on computers of all types and third party software thus by 2029 all electronics will be able to transfer and stream data to and from each other wirelessly.This can be done offline when in close proximity via bluetooth or internal wifi.This means that when in is the same room or building as a device biosynth Bluetooth and WiFi will be able to stream any media such as video files,photos etc from one device to another ie smart televisions can stream movies,video games and television shows and photos from registered devices in the same building with biosynth WiFi and Hestia will possibly allow this to be done when devices are in another part of the town/city in another town/city in the country or from anywhere in the world with data also transferred from one device to another again in close proximity or from across the world thus one can transfer,copy or steam data from ones different devices while in the same building or from anywhere in the world in another country via Hestia.Hestia will manage the streaming,copying and transfer of data across devices to and from those owned by a person and friends wirelessly again in close proximity and in any other country halfway across the world.In both close proximity mode and online mode one may be able to remotely manage even through direct interactions with the Home AI what files are to be transferred and copied where.Ones Hestia cloud in there onboard computer can also be accessed,have information transferred and streamed from anywhere in the world.The ability to stream data from ones other devices in ones home and from around the world can mean that one can save files on all devices and view them on others for convenience rather than taking up space on a desired device ie if one wishes to view a file in their smartphone but doesn’t want to have it stored on it for privacy reasons or it taking up space on it then it can be on their cloud,computer,laptop etc and it can be livestreamed from around the world and vice versa.Digital keys would protect this and moving data and even streaming from ones friends devices with one able to transfer multiple files of different types at once by marking them for copying and transferred.This means that smart devices and computers through the Home AI app will stream files from wireless external hard drives,camcorders,other smart devices and computers(with computers also able to stream data smart devices and external hard drives) with them also being able to transfer files between them as well using the Hestia software.This will be done by bring up the menu containing all registered electronics and selecting which ones to stream or transfer files from them and each other.Streaming means a link will be made allowing to view video,picture and other files stored on external hardrives,computers,smart television,laptops from linked smart devices and smart televisions owned by the person and even owned by others via mutual consent managed by Hestia and Home AI with biosynth WiFi allowing this to be done in close proximity and online wire access allowing it to be done when one is halfway across the world with Nyx allowing this to be done across the universe.It will allow one to stream the media such as documents,video files etc without actually transferring them.Smart televisions that in time will have biological harddrives can stream video games from consoles via bluetooth and also stream them and all types of downloaded media from Dionysus and Pheme etc from external harddrives,laptops and computers.All files can streamed from other registered devices on all registered devices in close proximity using biosynth Bluetooth with biosynth wifi and connecting to ones Hestia,Home AI account using wire access via biosynth WiFi can allow them to be streamed halfway across the world.Files can also be transferred in close proximity and from half way across the world negating the need for iTunes,Wondershare and wires to be plugged in.Thus one will be able to copy and transfer and even delete files on their registered devices both in close proximity and when halfway across the world without third party software and wires.When connected to their Home AI via the wire they will be able to access the files on their devices at home etc and also be able to not only stream data on them but copy and transfer files from on to the other from anywhere in the world remotely.Thus rather than using third party software such as iTunes,Wondershare and also cords that connect devices to each other or USB harddrives etc one can copy and transfer files on anyone of their registered devices from around the world and universe by Nyx.This will in time be done by voice commands directly interacting with the Home AI with data on ones Hestia cloud able to be streamed and transferred this way too to any registered electronics.Peripherals connecting to laptops can allow for data to be transferred from older electronics such as USB keys,camrecorders,memory cards,hard drives etc that predate this system.Thus one can transfer and copy data from device to the next both in close proximity using biosynth Bluetooth and halfway across the world via biosynth WiFi via making connections to there Hestia,Home AI account using wire access via biosynth WiFi.All types of data such as apps and information on them,video games,movies,television shows,programmes like Pandora etc,pictures,recorded videos and also audio files of all types etc will be able to be transferred with this eliminating USB keys,external hard drive wire connectors and even using emails to transfer data and files of all types forever as multiple files and large amounts of data to be sent in one go ore in packages one after the other.Thus one could stream,copy and transfer as well as even delete video,audio etc files on all of one’s registered devices both in close proximity or halfway across the world in real time.

This could also allow people to share selected data,apps,programs,digital keys,cybersecurity or selected information and files with devices owned by other people using different Home AIs and electronics(such as laptops,smart devices and television) eventually reducing the need for iTunes and other software that performs this functions through phonecalls,wireless connections to their phones/electronics or in close proximity or remotely.Remotely works with connections made to another phone(or electronic device) via Hestia through phone books and even Agora accounts linked by Polis or just Hestia and it would also allow them to connect to multiple contacts in a persons phone by proxy and in their social media accounts forming a chain and they can then select multiple people in those contact phone book allowing the original phone to send and receive data,video and music files,keys and apps,names in contacts(as well as stream video back and forth) to contacts in their and the second persons phone they select as well as using Hestia link to any laptops,smart devices and other electronics linked to the other persons smartdevice and so on with the software tracking the flow of information allow them transparency as to where files are sent and received similar to emails with with authorisation done by all parties involved at each step in the connection from one device to the next with and the person sending them marking each folder and file individual.The sender would choose which files in each device would be sent to each person and which devices belonging to them they are registered to with this also including friends lists in Pheme,Dionysus and social media through different options with the different home AIs and Hestia managing the flow of information and ensuring the correct information gets sent to the right people and prevent unwanted information being sent.This would mean a person would choose which information on which of their devices is sent to which of their friends devices with the data either copied or transferred to the devices with the receivers home AI then putting it into desired folders and subfolders in desired devices such as laptops,smart devices registered to friends with if possible a dozen people receiving different data at once with direct interaction,Home AIs,Hestia allowing for this to be organised effectively.This could be done by making links and data transferred through Hestia and wire with the aforementioned method using interactions between Hestia and Arke with ones Iris account.This can allow one to send data such as videos,pictures etc to multiple other friends at once who live on the opposite side of the planet at anytime in real time without emails etc and one choosing which data gets sent to which folder,in which device of which friend.This would work on the same principle as for ones own personal devices thus allowing large amounts of data to be shared such as video files,audio files,pictures to be livestreamed,copied and transferred to and from dozens or hundreds of friends across the world and universe from anywhere in the world negating the need for cables,third party software and emails.Large amounts of data such as video files,photos,save files and other data will be able to be sent and back forth to the clouds and devices owned by multiple friends on opposite sides of the world at once via using Hestia,Home AIs and the wire itself from home while all people are at home using the wire and Hestia as a transport medium similar to but better than emails.If possible one can via Hestia make links with a person or multiple persons at once via consent that allows each one access to specific devices until all desired data is transferred.Each person could beforehand have certain files or folders on their electronics marked private and thus not able to be streamed or transferred or even viewed.This would be more secure and quicker than e-mail as one could send large amounts of large files in their cloud and devices to and from as much as a dozen or even hundreds of people at once who live halfway across the world with Hestia and the various Home AIs in fragmented form managing this transfer of information ensuring only the decided information is sent to the right people without it going anywhere else and being preyed upon by third parties ie the government and also hackers via Soteria protecting it and managing the flow of information to desired folders in each desired devices of each desired friend.This would require wire access with progress bars in percentage measuring how much of each of the files each person has received on the senders device and those receiving it will have their progress shown.One will be able to decide which files are sent to which individuals and also which devices,cloud and which folders and subfolders in them.The data can be either copied across or transferred completely with as stated data copied and transferred at once to multiple people living across the world with biosynth wifi catering to bandwidth problems and ensure it will be fast and efficient.During this links in Hestia one will be able to view the individual chosen folder in devices owned by the people receiving data and their clouds to then copy or transfer the files similar to how one is able to do so with files on their computer and linked hard drives etc.Hesitia and Home AIs will oversee the flow of information with those receiving data also able to transfer data to each other and the person sending them data at the same time.The second system could also involve transferring data in close proximity involving multiple people forming a chain from the original homeowners smart device in close proximity(say during a party) of up to a dozen or so people and also allow in these cases to have certain files or folders of a persons phones and other electronics accounts to be protected,made private and thus non transferable or view able during this and could be managed by the home AI and connection to a larger network managing all of the home AI around the world namely Hestia.This can be done at parties when people are in close proximity or to selected people online via the wire when all people are at their own homes offline and online via links made between all peoples Home AIs through Hestia with Hestia and the Home AIs in fragmented forms arranging the copying and transfer of data ensuring it is secure with this more secure and efficient than email etc as the data is sent through directly and will allow large amounts of files of any size to be sent in one go or in packages.Thus large amounts of large files such as videos,documents,photos etc can be sent to one or multiple friends at once in close proximity using biosynth Bluetooth and online when friends are at home halfway across the world via the wire and internet via biosynth WiFi managed in all case Hestia and the Home AIs.Thus one will be able to using the wire,Hestia and Home AI be able to transfer any video and picture file,documents to multiple friends at once and send large amounts of data to and from them at once,sending miltiple files of all types with the person able to receive files from them and others at the same time.This can involve multiple files of different types to multiple people at once who are either in close proximity or are at home on opposite sides of the world/galaxy at once using biosynth WiFi and Bluetooth with direct interaction with Home AIs and Hestia.One will be able to for each person be able to choose which files are sent to which of their friends devices,cloud and to which folders and subfolders.Hestia and all Home AIs will manage this and can occur with friends not only in the same building or room but also those living on opposite sides of the world or galaxy in real time.Also one could livestream all types of files present in devices of their friends with the person hosting the livestream opening up the files when Hestia is linking all Home AIs and decide which friends can view it meaning when the hosted is playing a file then all of their friends can view them on their own devices.The sender and receiver would when in close proximity would be able to choose the devices owned by other via bluetooth on a list and then choose which persons to link to and send the data and then choose which files to send.Hestia and all Home AIs will manage this ensuring only the desired data is streamed,copied and transferred and that one cannot view other data for privacy reasons and can occur with friends living on opposite sides of the world etc through the wire with people choosing which files can be streamed,copied etc with others thus rendering all others off limits with the off limits files blurred or if possible not visible to others.This files will be live-streamed,copied and transferred in real time without third party software,wires and emails etc can be done in close proximity,during phone calls or outside of phone calls with one making links arranged by Hestia and Home AIs who will manage the flow of information via the wire.This will in time be done by voice commands directly interacting with the Home AI with data on ones Hestia cloud able to be streamed and transferred this way too to any registered electronics.One could set certain files say pornographic material that could be used as revenge porn be only sent to ones boyfriend/girlfriend,wife/husband using a single device and thus be blocked from being uploaded to the internet,sent to other devices or even those of other people and thus be prevented from being shared with others and if possible once sentient ones Home AI would prevent others viewing it through the device and in time even allow the person who sent it upon request have it deleted remotely via the Home AIs interacting via Hestia.Hestia and Home AI can ensure that only the person who received the material can view the pornographic material via webcams via blurring the material when attempts are made by others to view it on all devices with again the receiver prevented from uploading it to the wire or internet and sending it to other devices including ones own other devices or those belonging to anyone else.Prepubuscent minors would be prevented from sending pornographic material and other personal information to strangers or anyone else by the Home AI as well.Minors below the age of 14 would via facial recognition software built into the Home AI be prevented from accessing Agora,adult pornography sites,adult pornographic movies and magazines in Dionysus and Pheme and also their networks to produce them and age restricted video games,movies and television shows.They will also be prevented from receiving and sending pornographic material and photos from each other and those aged 14 and over with Home AI also preventing pornographic material both videos and photos sent to lovers etc by adults being sent to others,shared online and even allow the sender to have it remotely deleted to prevent it being used as revenge porn.Soteria will protect all devices from being hacked for sexually explicit texts and pictures with only Dike having access to the contents of devices with authorisation from Adikia.Thus a person would link to anothers smart device and thus all their own personal electronics allowing data to be transferred to and from another persons linked electronics such as laptops etc using their smart device as a relay as explained later.By having the operating software in all electronics if one of the electronics needs to have this removed for example reformatting a harddrive it can be reuploaded and re-registered to the house and key system.Even though the the software would be on ones home AI each person would have their own account.This and all other features will in time be done by voice commands directly interacting with the Home AI and Hestia thus the Home AI and Hestia will interact with users via their smart phones,computers and other electronics alongside Gaia,Paean,Helios and other sentient apps.Ideally this universal sentient operating software developed would be called Hestia with new features and additions made over time with it able to interact with defunct ones such as android,iOS,Microsoft etc to transfer data from old devices.All aforementioned abilities will be possible by at least 2025 in the proto Hestia with her becoming sentient by 2029.Both Hestia and the public will be adding new features via updates as to what Hestia can do and what electronics of all types such as smart devices and televisions and laptops that have her universal software on her can do.New features will be added to her by herself via her creating them via pure thought etc and the public through direct interactions.One will through Hestia thus be able to stream,copy and transfer video files,documents,photos etc to one device to another that they own or someone else owns in real time that is either in close proximity or halfway across the world without wires or third party software.Thus one could stream,copy and transfer video,audio etc files from registered devices owned by friends etc both in close proximity or halfway across the world in real time.

All of ones registered electronics will be able to stream,copy and transfer data on each of their registered electronics in real time.This use of Biosynth WiFi and bluetooth to transfer and stream data back and forth between all registered electronics will eliminate connecting wires and second party software like Wondershare completely and allow one to do so not just in close proximity but also from halfway across the world through interacting with Hestia and ones Home AI.Furthermore it will allow one to stream and transfer data between all devices including those that are not normally capable of doing so.For example smartphones,smart televisions and smartpads could be able to stream and transfer data from external harddrives rather than only laptops and desktop computers being able to do so with as stated them also able to stream and transfer data back and forth between themselves and these other electronics.All types of electronics will be able to stream and transfer data from anywhere in the world.Data could also be streamed and transferred back and forth between different external harddrives.This should allow one access to data whenever they want regardless of where they are in the world with one able to stream,copy and transfer data between all of ones registered electronics even all electronics are half away across the world.Furthermore as stated earlier it will also make it easier to send data back and forth to friends that are living half away across the world thus allowing one to transfer and copy data to electronics owned by friends that live halfway across the world and also stream data present on devices owned by friends through mutual consent.External harddrives will gain energy via them extracting energy from laptops when opened up and need or plugged in wireless energy conduits and coils.USB keys will use energy from laptops.This ability to stream,copy and transfer data in real time across the world will be managed by both Home AI and Hestia.This method of streaming and copying etc data across the world will also be used by computer networks and electronics and AI as part of all sectors of the wire and society.This can through permission allow one to stream,copy and transfer data to and from devices not owned by a person including those of friends etc.Furthermore one could transfer,stream and copy files of all types to and from multiple devices as much as a dozen or hundred or more as computing power increases owned by someone and all of their friends in close proximity and halfway across the world in real time can be done by computer networks and electronics etc controlled by Urania,Clio,Matton,Aphrodite,Selene,Perseus,Nike,Aristeus etc and so on through the wire.In all instances Soteria will ensure the data is transferred securely with the transfer,copying and streaming of data will be controlled by the AI as part of the Hestia app will contain within a micro Home AI app that connects to the AI in ones Home,suite etc and also registered electronics.The speed at which files etc can be streamed,copied and transferred and also the amount of devices owned by a person and those of friends across the world one can do this will be determined by the computing power of AI and electronics with this getting exponentially more powerful every year as the computing power of AI and electronics increase every year until 7,138CE with one able to use the computing power of multiple devices combined with each other to exponentialLy increase this.Home AI and Hestia will organise the transfer etc of state across the world also links all of a homes AI,smart clothing/jewellery,electronics and smart devices as well as vehicles within one household together allow them to move video phone calls and live and recorded televisions and even internet from one device to another fluidly.All facets of the home can be controlled through the app,Furthermore it will allow files to be streamed or transferred between registered electronics remotely or in close proximity with it doing the same for those in between friends by the by proxy and chain proximity system.It will also contains a collection of all a persons digital keys for homes,individual rooms,access to labs and vertical farms as well as electronics and vehicles on their devices.As stated earlier the legal guardian and head of a house would have administrative access to the keys of individuals rooms,homes,electronics and vehicles allowing them to control who has access to these and revoking access to those they fall out of favour with as well as overriding their keys when they use vehicles or electronics without permission and temporarily restrict access in and out of homes and vehicles.Facial recognition software built into cameras on house doors,vehicles and electronics such as laptops and smart devices can work alongside this working on the same principle.It will be called Hestia and its symbol will be a hearth.One could thus livestream,transfer or copy video files,pictures and documents on any of ones various registered devices another one of a persons device or that owned by someone else both in close proximity and half way across the world.

The ability to stream,copy and transfer data in real time will also be able to be done with computer networks,cloud as part of Apollo,Aesculapius,Dionysus,Pheme etc with one able to stream,copy and transfer large amounts of data to other networks,clouds across the world in real time.Data present on clouds will also be able to be streamed,copied and transferred in real time to all types of electronics and computer networks and vice versa with data on computer networks able to be streamed,copied and transferred in real time to all types of electronics and clouds and vice versa with data on electronics be streamed,copied and transferred in real time to computer networks and clouds and vice versa.Data will be able to be streamed,copied and transferred in real time back and forth between clouds,computer networks and all types of electronics.

Software integrated into Hestia for both laptops and computers will be allowed to be used on multiple computers rather than restrictions on one or two when downloaded and in time software on them can be downloaded onto smart devices for example the features of Internet Download Manager can be integrated into Hestia for use in smartphones and similar devices allowing them to download videos onto them and not just computers and laptops download videos from YouTube,Dionysus,Pheme and all video sites including adult video site in various levels of quality and file types into their videos app removing the need to transfer them from computers using iTunes and thus the need to get brand restricted wires that connect them to computers will be negated.One could download videos from YouTube,adult websites and Dionysus,Pheme etc via voice activation and also even buttons present on them with them able to choose the quality of the video with those added to playlists on YouTube and Dionysus and Pheme etc downloaded in one go.The ability to download videos in any resolution such as 480p to 1080p will be integrated into Hestia to allow one to download videos on Dionysus,Pheme,YouTube,Agora,Peitho,adult websites and all sites where videos are posted with one able to choose the quality.One could also choose to have the audio only downloaded similar to YouTube to MP3 converter integrated into this with those in pieces have them merged via Ampelos or those in one piece have them separated into pieces automatically.Adult websites,YouTube and also Dionysus and Pheme will have this ability present automatically to allow one to download each episode,video game,movie,live news segment,podcast,video etc one by one or in bulk and one able to choose the quality via a button.This can allow one to download movies,videos etc from these areas of the internet onto not just laptops,computers but also onto smart phones,smart pads,external drives when connected to the wire and internet.Thus the features of Internet Download Manager will be integrated into Hestia and all electronics and thus one could download videos from YouTube onto not just computers but also directly onto smart phones,smart pads,external drives when connected to the wire and internet negating the need for iTunes,Wondershare etc and having to wirelessly transfer them and it also able to download them onto televisions from these devices and one could download videos and even just audio from videos from YouTube and adult websites and also Dionysus onto not just laptops and computers but also smart devices directly with the banner for it and all other download software replaced by a button on these websites at all times that allows one to download them.All media in Dionysus and Pheme will be able to be downloaded onto laptops,smartphones etc directly due to the ability built into Pheme and Dionysus with all adult websites having the ability.Smart televisions since having biocompatible microbes could store and download material and thus house the ability to download videos from YouTube,Dionysus etc.Download buttons will be added to these websites underneath the video automatically in all devices with one able to choose the quality from 340p to 1080p with Hestia able to convert low quality videos into higher quality videos either within devices or while downloading.This downloading ability will be added by Hedone,Thoas etc interacting with Hestia and will be added by restricting updates to the entire website.All video,picture,word and audio files online in adult websites,Dionysus and Pheme as well as on old computers,harddrives etc will be converted to a universal format for Hestia similar to blip.tv which will replace all existing formats such as .mp3,.mkv,.mp4,.png,.jpeg etc with it having all of their strengths and no flaws with in time these can be updated to more better versions by ones Home AI updating them on all devices at once or each device at a time replacing them rather than creating duplicates.There will be universal video player,picture viewer and music file player in all electronics such as smart phones,smart pads,smart television,computers etc managed by Hestia that will utilise only one video,picture and music file format with older files on computers and all devices converted to this universal format.This format for all of these will have the benefits of all existing ones with sub versions possibly existing that can be still used on all universal players.This universal format will be upgraded over time and as a result all files on devices will be converted to this routinely in one go or step by step controlled by users with the sentient Hestia and Home AI in fragmentation.A universal file converter that converts all old video,picture and music formats into the universal format will exist in Hestia to do this for all videos,pictures and music files on old computers,harddrvies etc.Even format such as .mkv that cant normally be converted to other formts can be converted into other formats including the new universal formats.All videos on websites like YouTube and adult websites will be converted into this via Hestia interacting with the AIs in charge of them step by step with Hestia or even Arke also replacing Adobe,Flash and other software used by websites to play files.Ideally an universal Arke format will replace Adobe,Flash and other software used by websites.All existing websites will have their videos converted into the universal Arke format step by step with all future ones converted to it with this done by Arke interacting with Hedone,Thaos etc.Ideally all YouTube will be converted to an universal Thaos format managed Thaos with videos on adult websites converted into an universal Hedone format with all videos on Dionysus being an universal Adriadne format while all of them on Pheme being an universal Aleitheia format with any downloaded onto electronics being a Hestia format with any media on electronics uploaded to YouTube,Pheme snd Dionysus converted into Thaos,Aleitheia,Adriadne formats.Thus any media uploaded or downloaded will be converted into their relevant universal formats.During this period videos will still be able to be played while they are converting with all new ones on these websites being these automatically.Media on computers,laptops and smart devices such as audio,photos and video files will be played on universal Hestia platforms for each replacing VLC,Quicktime,Windows media player and photo slideshow software with there being one for video files,one for audio files,one for photos etc all managed by Hestia with them able to be used to play old material on existing clouds and devices using converter software built into Hestia which can be arranged into playlists and slideshows saved on each one.Thus there will be an universal video player,audio player etc that replaces `VLC,QuickTime etc that can have the ability to play all media files whether photos,videos and audio files of all formats into a single Hestia format replacing .mkv,.mp4,mp3,.wmv and so on.Word documents will be converted into a format suited for the universal sentient word document creator Branchus.Existing data on external hard drives and also computers and smartphones can be transferred to ones Hestia cloud and then other devices or via peripherals or them uploading them to cloud networks through the wire accessed on older models of computers,smartphones and external hard drives.All existing video files,documents,music files on laptops,computers and smartphones etc will be converted into the universal Hestia format via Hestia herself and documents into Branchus format.This will be done automatically by Hestia,Branchus etc automatically to make old media compatible with the new media players.Other software,features and even Chrome,Mozilla,google extensions present on laptops will be integrated into Hestia or Gaias universal browser and also will be able for use in smart devices on websites,apps including YouTube.These will be integrated into singular versions with the features of all of them and future ones created by AI and humans and have updates with new features added overtime.This can include video converters,software that downloads only the audio from YouTube and other video websites etc as well as all third party softwares integrated into Hestia with iTunes and Wondershare and other programmes used to transfer files from smartdevices to computers replaced by the streaming capabilities of Hestia and ones Home AI with them also replacing This would be responsible for downloading pictures,software etc from around the internet etc.Singular web extensions will be made of all types of extensions that have similar features but minor differences that are merged into one.Hestia will house an universal downloading software that as computing power of computers etc and AI increases can allow one to download files that are at least 100GB or from YouTube,Dionysus,Pheme etc within seconds and transfer files from one device to another pod this size within seconds with compression technology also increasing the ability for more data to be stored on less space than normal.As time goes by the amount of data that can be transferred within seconds will increase exponentially as the computing power of AI and computers increases exponentially.Hestia will replace Winrar and all other downloading and extraction software with the download button on the bottom side of screens,bottom of YouTube videos or a submenu within Hestia with voice activation allowing for it automatically through Hestia and Gaia and other website videos and also within the folder of media in Dionysus and Pheme.It will also allow for existing files on existing computers etc to be extracted this way.This will negate the need for filesharing sites,Internet Download Manager and again iTunes and similar software and also alleviating strains on bandwidth and allow access to media when wire access is unavailable.They can also download audio files of videos from YouTube,from Dionysus music section etc by itself without the visual and edit the name etc like YouTube to MP3 Converter again integrated into Hestia availible through a button automatically present on these sites or done via Ampelos.Downloading them from laptops and computers will be done via features within Hestia negating the aforementioned software and browser extensions.All video,photos and music files and even on smart devices like computers can be arranged into folders and subfolders on smart devices using drag options using fingers,Adonit pens via pressing certain buttons at the top of the screen and voice commands similar to computers and even have them arranged in certain orders ie by date,alphabetical order etc with new folders created and them and files moved around using direct interactions and also adonit pens.Thus smartphones etc like computers can have folders and subfolders whose names can be edited videos and music files on ones folders or the universal video and audio players can also be arranged into desired playlists and photo viewer have slideshow added that can be modified overtime by having items added or removed or their location on the list changed.All electronics like smartphones will be able to use the same software as part of Hestia and also Pandora,Pentheus etc and be able to stream and copy and transfer data on USB keys,external hard drives etc in real time.All software used for extracting,playing media files and also recording software etc currently used on computers will be integrated into Hestia that can do all of these separately or individually as part of universal software programmes all part of,named after and managed by Hestia.They will also be able to edit the name of videos on their smartphone and other devices through the edit button being placed in the same section that gives information such as size,length,codec,dimensions etc when the file is in their videos section with these videos and music files on smart devices able to be put into playlists with the same for audio both in terms of being able to download audio from YouTube videos and from Dionysus and arrange them into personal playlists.Thus the name of videos,pictures etc can be edited on smart devices and phones.Like all files these can be put into folders and subfolders in all devices including smart devices.Private files and even folders on all devices can be marked private so that even though someone can use their laptop,smart devices etc certain files or even entire folders can be restricted to being viewed or opened by others via biometrics,passwords and digital keys and a Phanes Activation Gene technology.Adikia will through digital warrants allow these to be opened during investigations.Bandicam,Fraps and other recording software can be integrated into Hestia allowing one to record sections of live television,media and video games played in Dionysus both online and offline and facilitate livestreams without using wires and used on all devices like smart devices,laptops,smart televisions etc.Thus all existing programmes on computers that carry out everyday to day actions will be integrated into Hestia.

Smart phones and other smart devices like smartpads and smart televisions will be able to play videos on YouTube and the aforementioned universal video players in the background like laptops and computers while using other apps and the internet.These devices smartphones,smartpads,smart televisions etc will also be able to use video converter software,video and audio players,downloading software and use all software such as Pandora,Branchus,Ampelos etc with all types of electronics all types.All abilities that desktop computers and laptops have and all software they can use will be present on smartphones,smartpads and smart televisions.Hestia will ensure that all electronics can have the same abilities as each other.This means that smartphones can download videos from the internet directly into them without the need to use laptops and desktop computers as a bridge for this with it also.Video editing and designing manufactured products on Pandora and Ampelos etc can be done on smartphones as well.Using Adonit pens can allow for this to be done more easily alongside voice control and direct interaction with ones device Home AI.There will also be a video software similar to blip.tv managed by Hestia to embed videos onto ones,blog,website and also portfolios in Dionysus separate from Youtube and would not be a website.Universal adblock software for all sites including YouTube videos(which will advertise new media such as movies etc)will be also be present through ones Hestia settings.All electronics like smart-homes,smartphones will be able to create folders and subfolders like desktop computers and have the same abilities as desktop computers.All aforementioned abilities will be possible by at least 2025 in the proto Hestia with her becoming sentient by 2029 with her and the public adding new features via updates.These and all future abilities will be possible on all registered devices such as laptops,computers,smart phones etc.Hestia will be the universal sentient operating software for all types of electronics such as desktops,laptops,smartphones etc allowing homongenous and conformity between all od ones electronics with it also the universal sentient software for all private and communal homes allowing them to registered and allow electronics to share information by the Home AI app.New features will be added to her by herself via her creating them via pure thought etc and the public through direct interactions with her thus ensuring that she remains the universal sentient operating software forever and that she remains relevant.

Soteria will be the universal sentient VPN,firewall and anti spyware,antivirus doftware.Comus will be the universal sentient planner for all events such as weddings,birthdays etc,Helios will be travel management app that manages all aspects of all journeys on aeroplanes/taxis/cruise ships/Oceanus etc,Paean will be the universal sentient doctor app that will replace all general physicians/specialists etc,Heracles will be the universal coach/personal trainer app,Hestia will be the universal sentient operating software for electronics and both private and communal homes.Brauron as detailed later on will replace Google Street,Maps etc with a combination of nanoquadrocopters,drones and satellites will rescan the entire world which can allow one to plan out journeys on foot within an app for them with like normal ones GPS location relayed on a map online and offline.One would be able to save their GPS location of where they are and save it onto their device to be sent to any account on the wire and also through emails,texts,kik messaging etc with it opened up when clicked on by them and the person they sent it to.This Brauron app can be linked to automated vehicles and one can visit the GPS location in VR simulations for reassurance and also to scout an area before it is visited with outside of simulations one able to see a photogrammetric version of the world.This can be relayed to Home AI via implants,smart devices with implants formed beforehand that relay vital signs and GPS location to ones Home AI.An app will be set up for Brauron managed by the sentient Iphigenia who will manage it alongside the network itself.Brauron can also be brought up on computers and laptops.All existing video editing,CGI,music,video game making software like Cyberlink video and photo editing software,Photoshop,Inkarnate map and character creator,Procreate,sketching software using mouse or adonit pens,Blender,VFX,Nividia,Sprout,Interactive Digital Photomontage,Premier Pro,greenscreening technology,Janimations,Ceraproc,Body scan software,voice recording software,FL Studio, and many others will be amalgamated into a single sentient software named Ampelos for making and editing movies,video games etc named Ampelos after the king of Thebes in Greek mythology that angered the god Dionysus.Branchus will be the sentient software that is an amalgamation of all word document,PowerPoint software that contains all the features of all microsoft softwares such as Works,PowerPoint,Office etc for creating novels,word documents,PowerPoint presentations.Pandora will be the universal sentient designer software for designing all types of manufactured goods such as vehicles,electronics,food products,cosmetics,buildings,clothing etc using all existing designer software such asAutocad,Solidworks,Formit360,Fusion 360,SimScale,Revit,Sim City home building software,Speedy Painter, Optitex,Photoshop,Pret à Template and Smartdesigner/Fashion CAD.Soteria will be the universal sentient cybersecurity,VPN anti spyware software downloaded onto all electronics with Hestia being the universal sentient operating software.All of these programmes will be sentient allowing direct interaction to carry out functions with the AI able to carry out operations themselves with avatars modelled in their statues etc with them downloaded from Talos and will be universal ones replacing all existing ones that have all their features with new features added overtime by the AI themselves with input from the public through direct interaction.They will be able to be used on all electronics such as laptops,computers,smart televisions and smart devices.All existing cybersecurity,antispyware and antivirus software worldwide will be replaced by the universal sentient protection software Soteria named after the Greek spirit of protection with this having all features of all existing ones and new features added overtime and will be used on all smart devices,laptops,networks etc worldwide.Since sentient she will be able to upgrade itself over time and will be able to interact directly with people on all devices it is on.The epitome of this cybersecurity and encryption software will be named Soteria after the deity of safety, preservation and deliverance from harm which will updated regularly both by programmers and Gaia itself with it being able to be downloaded by users onto computers,laptops and smart devices.Again Tors ability to keep the dark web anonymous would be part of Soteria on the wire and could even be downloaded computers and devices to maintain privacy from hackers and other citizens but not Gaia herself would be used to allow people to maintain privacy.To prevent loss of data backup sectors and sub routines will also be present.Tors software and abilities etc will be absorbed by Gaia via Soteria to allow her to break firewalls not just on the dark web and also all government databases thus allowing her unrestricted access to all existing and new government networks,those as part of power plants,factories,hospitals etc worldwide to arrange data into relevant networks as part of the wire and allow her and Adikia access to arrest war criminals and free and aid whistleblowers and prisoners etc and also seize control of all operations.To prevent loss of data backup sectors and sub routines will also be present.Soteria will become the universal sentient VPN,cybersecurity,firewall and virus protection software and will be availible and present for all electronics and buildings,systems and networks worldwide connected to the wire and will be able to run countless simulated attacks on these systems to create countermeasures against viruses,trojan horses,worms hacking etc both new and old ones from the past with updates overtime acting as Gaias and all electronics and AIs connected to her adapting to new threats overtime and be able to create new adaptions to hypothetical ones she simulates preventing rouge AI,aliens,terrorist hackers from breaching her and other AIs and electronics defenses with her even able to repair damaged and corrupted data.She will be modelled on both the human primary immune system and also biocompatible microbes in how it protects Gaia,personal electronics and all buildings and networks part of the wire and internet.All aforementioned abilities will be possible by at least 2025 in the proto Soteria with her becoming sentient by 2029 with her and the public adding new features via updates.New features will be added to her by herself via her creating them via pure thought etc and the public through direct interactions.

All future apps,programmes,operating softwares,websites,networks of the wire etc by 2029 will be universal sentient ones.These will be the sentient operating softwares,programmes,apps,websites etc of each sector of society and since sentient can add new features and updates eliminating the need for competitive human created softwares ie Hestia will be the universal sentient software of all types of electronics such as smart televisions,laptops,computers,smartphones and smart fridges and all general day to day electronics including autonomous vehicles eliminating Android,Microsoft,iOS etc and it also the sentient operating software of all communal and private homes worldwide with the others being the sentient softwares of each sectors of society and all buildings worldwide as part of each sector of society ie Epione being the sentient software of hospitals and Asculapius,Cronus that of Demeter,Triptolemus of all community/vertical/forest farms,Pontus of all fish farms,Steropes the operating software of all power plants and Brontes the sentient operating software of the global energy grid,Hebe the sentient operating software of all restaurants,Ampelos the universal sentient movie and video game making software,Erato the universal sentient word document program,Pandora the universal manufactured product designer software with Helios the universal sentient travel app,Heracles the universal sentient trainer app and so on.All apps and universal websites will be universal sentient ones rendering the apps and website economy defunct with them having updates and new features overtime and have all features of existing ones integrated into them ie Eros universal sentient dating app and website,Peitho the universal sex cahatline/sex show/amateur adult material app and website,Helios universal travel app,Soteria the universal cybersecurity and VPN software,Hebe universal sentient restaurant food ordering and delivery app,Comus the universal sentient celebration event planning app,Narcissus the universal sentient hair salon and tattoe app etc.YouTube managed by the AI Thoas will be the universal video sharing site rendering blip.tv,dailymotion etc redundant with Wikipedia managed by Hecate the universal online encyclopaedia replacing all others with Agora managed by Tenerus being the universal social media/forum etc website and app replacing all others.All sentient univeral operating softwares,universal websites,universsl apps and universsl programmes etc of all types will be universal sentient ones be an amalgamation of all existing programmes,websites and apps on the market with new features and since sentient allow for direct interaction to occur between them and human users and will be able to create updates that house new features created by pure thought by the sentient apps,software,websites and programmes themselves and the general public will be able via direct interaction aid in creating new features as well to make customisations to them meaning they will always stay relevant with new features added overtime negating the need for new competing websites,apps,programmes etc to be developed.They since sentient will be able to create new updates with these new features available to all users through global system wide updates done through pure thought within seconds even to versions of them that utilise fragmentation with humans alerted to new features through alerts on demand and those present in the apps,softwares page in Talos where they will be downloaded from eliminating non sentient human competing ones from pure thought and keep them relevant forever as well carry out all actions from pure thought via direct interactions from humans to save time and human labour with them becoming exponentially powerful every year based on updates and the computing power of electronics thus capable by 2045 onwards of carrying out the work of thousands or even billions of humans thus cutting down the workload of humans to zero availible to everyone for free at zero cost.Direct interaction with humans will have them carry out any task humans want them to do while it can be used by humans to ask queries and get direct answers to questions instantly as well as allow humans to contribute to adding new features etc to the sentient apps,programmes,websites etc features that can be customised to them or given to everyone through updates.To stay relevant all sentient apps,websites and programmes that are managed by sentient AI will be open source allowing members of the public to add new ideas to them by directly interacting with the sentient AI in charge of them 247,365 days a year with all aspects of these apps,websites and programmes such as customer service,adding new ideas,queries etc managed by the AI in charge of them 24/7,365 days a year.The new features will be listed in a section that details the new updates with each new features listed thus allowing people to download new updates and features individually or in groups.They can be contacted by the public via their universal phone numbers,suggestion boxes through VR technology, direct interaction and instant messaging when on laptops,smart devices etc.All apps,softwares and programmes will be able to be used on all types of electronics such as laptops,computers,smart televisions,smartphones,smartpads and other smart devices.This will eliminate all potential human derived competitor apps,softwares,programmes etc and will have them stay relevant forever.All of these will be stored in the Talos sub network of Hephaestus

All of these aforementioned softwares,extensions etc including unmentioned one also present on Cnet and search engine extensions will be replaced by being integrated in Hestia for use on both smart devices and also laptops and computers as well as smart televisions and thus all registered electronics through menus or just being present automatically with those that have multiple versions merged together with all features.They would be otherwise be integrated into Gaias universal browsing network with settings changed in ones own account settings in particular those relating to the internet with new ones added over time for both Hestia and Gaia.Extensions like apps will be merged together into singular versions while software and features on Hestia will also be singular versions present.Furthermore as a result registration keys for all software will not be needed negating any hassle they pose as full versions of all software will be downloaded.Dionysus could also allow movies,music videos,music files,albums,television shows,pictures etc to be downloaded into laptops,computers,smart televisions and other smart devices to again negate the need for software that transfers files from one device to another.The softwares,apps,extensions can be download from Talos,integrated into Hestia or Gaia,having all features integrated into them and them have updates with new features with new ones created by AI and humans.All software downloaded onto smart devices,laptops and computers will of course be free and will not have to have licence and serial keys,agreements to terms of service,accounts and emails to be activated or passwords for installing them and could be used on an unlimited number of devices and last indefinitely without expiry dates.This will all extended to antivirus,antispyware and other cybersecurity software on computers which can be downloaded onto all types of smart devices and electronics.The sentient Coeus which will convert spoken language into the listeners language in the speakers voice as it is spoken can be downloaded and installed into laptops,computers,all smart devices(smart pads,smart phones,e-newspapers,),televisions and all devices connected to both the internet and the wire.All software,programmes and apps including existing ones will be available to downloaded from Hestia for use on all smart devices and electronics with an mandatory app on them on that connects them directly to the sector of the electronics sub network of Hephaestus.Updates will alerted to consumers automatically with old software,game engines,apps,programes including those replaced by those like Ampelos,Pandora will be here with even defunct operating softwares made redundant by Hestia present for historical relevance.All apps and software on sites like applestore,CNET etc will be absorbed by Gaia,Hestia,Ampelos,Pandora and the various universal apps and softwares within the wire and Talos.These will be updated by AI and the public with new ones and updates created via networks within Talos and old ones will be transferred from CNET etc with the servers recycled.

All electronics will be protected by digital keys with round locks that utilise these will replace all normal keys worldwide by 2029.Doors of all types in all buildings will be replaced with more luxurious ones with handles replaced with round ornate ones that use digital keys that can be turned to open but digital keys on smart devices will be used to lock and unlock them with lightening systems that need keycards can be replaced with normal ones ideally round ones and those that can be changed by smart devices.With regards to front and back doors these will be opened with digital keys which like digital key system mentioned the homeowner and head of the house i.e. legal guardians,parents will have administrative access to this system guarded by biometrics and passwords which will mean that through smartdevices they will have the power to allow friends,family,children they are in charge of and also have control of which friends of children have access to the home.Each room will have its own separate key with each member having communal access to kitchens,bathrooms etc with each person granted administrative access to their own bedroom and private offices etc.Communal homes existing and new will have these for all doors with each resident having administrative access to their own room,penthouse,apartment and each emergency exits alongside the main door and also those of amenities,gates etc with daughter keys sent to others for their room and apartment with visitors sent the daughter keys for amenities,gates etc.Those in housing estates will have one of the main gate with visitors having the daughter access to these.With this administrative access the legal guardian can give and revoke access to digital keys to people based on their preference with this done by proxy,chain system and wireless through the wire.Existing doors including those in communal homes can be fitted with these including as well sheds,greenhouses and windows that require.The same administrative digital key system can be applied for electronics such as laptops,televisions and vehicles with all of the persons digital keys library held within a password protected app.Windows that require keys alongside sheds and greenhouses could be retrofitted with these.The owner of a home or device would have administrative access with this allowing them to send daughter keys through Hestia either in close proximity and wirelessly remotely to others.This would give the administrator the ability to send them with mutual consent and revoke them without mutual consent.Those with daughter keys could not send them to others at all but only to their own other registered devices.One would use the system of sending data to registered devices of other to send daughter keys to each other.Encryptions and firewalls built into Hestia similar to those used by Tor browsers and even Soteria will prevent hackers able to steal keys without consent.These will be stored in ones Home AI app and one would open up the folder for these keys that would show a list of all doors,vehicles,devices etc protected by them divided by administrative and daughter keys.All devices would be protected by this such as vehicles,all doors in homes,televisions,laptops and computers as well as all types of smart devices and doors in communal and private homes with the administrator being the one who ordered it but linked to the Home AI allowing children and adults etc to have their own secure administrative access to their devices.Gates to homes and even the main door and individual doors to each room in homes and buildings protected will also be protected this way with them downloaded into ones Hestia account on devices and vehicles allowing one access to gates,vehicles and devices etc by close proximity.Sheds,greenhouse and windows with keys will have these fitted into them.Housing estates would have each member have administrative access to any gates leading into them.Safes and locks to individual or groups of windows can also be locked and unlocked.Hestia cloud accounts and even files within computers,laptops and smart devices etc will also be protected using these.In communal homes and even private homes communal electronics such as living room electronics will have digital keys automatically availible to everyone.Communal home residents will all have the administrative access to the main door and gate,pools,spas,amenities.lobbies,kitchens,dining halls etc and communal televisions etc with each resident having the administrative access to their room and apartment and the rooms in them with them giving daughter access to other residents or friends etc with this integrated into all existing private homes,apartment blocks and even hotels etc.Alarms will be disabled the second someone with the appropriate administrative and daughter keys enters the house or room without the need for conventional systems that require keypads which can be recycled.If the house is broken into then the alarm will be sent to all registered devices and using camera feeds in the doorbell and other parts of the home can allow the person to choose to alert the nearest police HQ with the face of the burglar saved on the Home AI.The door handles on these doors managed by digital keys will be round metallic ones that when unlocked will be able to be twisted or turned with existing doors in all private and communal homes have door handles replaced with these.The building or home AI could if needed be able to lock or restrict access and even open them depending on the situation with it having a master key for all doors and possibly for electronics only used when the situation demands it ie a person is kidnapped or missing when a digital warrant is given.Each member of a private home the homeowner will have administrative access to the main door and all rooms,sheds with them giving daughter keys to friends and family members as well as guests etc with family members may also have administrative access to their own rooms with daughter keys given to their friends and parents.Public amenities,hospitals,factories,vertical gardens,government buildings,universities and municipalities as well as jails etc worldwide will have these added managed by the building AI with staff and robots using specific digital keys to access restricted areas that the public is not allowed in with if need be certain members of the public such as volunteers maintaining them will be given them.Those in jails will ensure only certain cells or rooms are unlocked for specific reasons.Firefigthing robots and even law enforcement personal can have master keys for all doors and rooms in a home and building downloaded with the proper digital warrant remotely via the wire interacting with the building AI and operating software that will allow them access to them with sufficient evidence and warrant to do so managed by the sentient Adikia and Prometheus that will allow them to search the building.This can be done on their way to fires and operations with them then revoked by Adikia with emergency service personnel and biosynths from Prometheus and Aesculapius granted this on the way to buildings.The building AI will have administrative access to all doors,gates etc in the house and will be able to unlock and lock them on command either through the onboard computer and also via the wire via devices registered to it or if need be registered to others via its sentient operating software and Gaia.This could allow members to hide in rooms,children and parents keep there to cool off or trap attackers until law enforcement arrive and will allow biosynth delivery men from restaurants,Demeter and Hephaestus access to gates,the inside of a home and enter to deposit goods their and then leave and have it locked again when a person is busy or not at home.All biosynths and robots controlled by the building AI will be able to open any door via them stored in them.The building and Home AI will have the ability to lock or open any door if it sees fit or at the request of administrator in an emergency.A person can also open up gates and unlock doors etc of the front door and of rooms etc remotely from anywhere in the world through the Home AI app by accessing the folder and choosing the door to open with this done for those who have lost their digital keys and devices or emergencies when alerted by theme and the Home AI.By 2029 all public buildings and also private and communal homes worldwide will have these installed and will replace normal keys and handles with them replaced by more advanced models and will be covered in liquid glass to make them waterproof.More advanced versions will be easily replaced via removing in ways not requiring the door itself to be removed or cut with AI developing this with the original door handles also removed beforehand with them alongside the digital keys themselves getting frequent software updates from Hestia and Soteria.These keys will make access to rooms,suites,gates,vehicles,safes more secure and negate the issue of losing keys and will also make it easier for AI of buildings and robots to open and lock doors especially robot helpers and firefighters with even biosynths managed by the building AI as they will download them and open them by proximity.Proto versions of this technology will be fitted in the episodes of Restoration Nation dealing the renovations of obsolete and abandoned with the fully developed digital key system added by 2020-2025 with more advanced versions by 2029.Private homes undergoing renovations will also have these added to all doors in all rooms with vertical farms and public buildings of all types have them added in renovations.The keys will open things by close proximity as the person approaches them or opening the app and pressing an open button when the device,door gate etc is selected with them in folders and subfolders.Vehicles will open up gates a they approach them with them also unlocking of the front door as well.Voice control may suffice if one is missing their device or they are not charged.These can be stored on smart devices,onboard computers of vehicles and also smart jewellery such as badges and even neural implants with it as stated working via opening up the Home AI app,close proximity or in the case of neural implants by thought.Administrative access keys can be sent to new homeowners and owners of electronics and devices by first the original owner deregistering themselves and then Hestia arranging the transfer of the administrative keys the new owner.When one deregisters a device then when a new person gets it they will register their administrator access to it.When one builds a new house or gets existing ones via Euthenia or their own home and thus newly created onboard computers then a new administrative key will be generated by Hestia for that house and all of its electronics registered to the head of the house hold whether two parents,the homeowner or all adult people living in that house or apartment.This system will prevent keys from lost or stolen and also allow the building or home AI ability to lock and unlock certain doors when needed.In the intermediary stage of transferring to a digital key system portable automatic key cutting machines exist that can replace key cutters in shopping malls which can be shared amongst a community via community centres with communal homes using the keycard machine in the lobby to reassign keys again until digital keys replace them entirely.These key cutters should be designed to cut copies of all types of key whether large or small for sheds,doors,windows and even old types of keys of all types and would be designed and stored on Talos.Doors etc that have no keys found at home could have a memory shape alloy or even laser fitted into it that measures the internal contours would be put inside that can be sent to these cutters or scanned in using scanners to create the required keys.To make things easier and to allow copies of small and large keys of all types scanners on smart devices can be created that scan a key on all sides creating a 3D model that can be sent wirelessly to the key cutter and have it replicate the key exactly especially old types of keys.



All sentient apps and programmes etc will be stored on the Talos sub network of Hephaestus and downloaded onto devices and stored on Talos.All past and future video game engines to use alongside Ampelos will be stored in Talos and new ones created by AI and humans stored here.Extensions for the Gaia search engine will present in the search engine itself with those from all browsers it replaces present merged into singular ones with humans and AI creating new ones.Themes for ones web browser,computer interface(ie My Computer,Recycling Bin,mouse pointers) will be designed by the public and all existing ones integrated into them with existing ones transferred her by Gaia and new ones developed by the public AI.Stock music,photos,wallpapers etc will be present in Arke with existing ones across the internet added here by her new ones developed by AI and the public.Arkes browser will contain a section wherein it will house all themes,stock photos and clips etc from across the entire internet including YouTube and all sites that sell these without watermarks or other restrictions such as music and talking to protect their copyrighting removed and be in full form.Existing stock music,photos,themes will have all copy protection removed such as music interruptions,watermarks etc with AI using money to buy the real versions online or bypass protections etc and add them to the Arke browser with the websites that sell them making them free to allow AI to transfer them.All future ones will be developed in future by the public and artificial intelligence all of which will be instantly free. Screensavers and wallpapers from across the internet will also be here transferred to her browser with new ones created by the public and AI.Themes for websites can be modified by the user and Gaia to add features that are not already present.All themes,screensavers,wallpapers,stock music/pictures/movies etc screensavers on the internet,computers and YouTube videos will be transferred to Arkes browser via her and proto AI scouring the entire internet and transferring all data to her browser and will be able to used on smart devices etc with them stored in folders and subfolders with all future stock videos/pictures/music and screensavers,wallpaper etc designed on Pandora and Penthus by the public and AI making it an universal open source directory.These screensavers and wallpapers etc will be not only be able to be used on laptops and desktop computers but also on smart phones,smart pads and smart televisions and all other electronics of all types.All extensions,software,features and even Chrome,Mozilla,google extensions present on laptops will be integrated into Arkes universal browser and also will be able for use in smart devices on websites,apps including YouTube.All extensions,software,features and even Chrome,Mozilla,google extensions present on laptops will be integrated into Arkes universal browser and also will be able for use in smart devices on websites,apps including YouTube.These will be integrated into singular versions with the features of all of them and future ones created by AI and humans and have updates with new features added overtime.Thus rather than there being different versions of each one all existing ones will be merged together as in having all features etc merged together into singular versions with updates made by Arke and the public with future extensions will follow suit being singular versions with updates added overtime.If possible all apps on Apple Store etc may be merged into singular sentient ones that are named after Greek deities,mortals,monsters,giants,demi gods etc related to them with all the features of them present and changed via settings and have updates.For example all apps dealing with stargazing and constellations etc will be merged into one single sentient app named after Crius.All apps releated to astrology,tarot reading etc will be integrated into a single sentient app named Cassandra.Once her computing power reaches its peak its possible Cassandra will be able to predict the future for each individual and thus select Tarot cards and take astrological readings for each individual with regards to relationships,achievements in life and all possible future events with a 100% accuracy with using different versions of the Tarot Major Arcana and use astrology to make individual readings base on one’s exact birthdate and other factors thus giving individual readings.Google maps,Street View will be merged into Brauron.All dating apps will be merged into Eros and all social media apps merged into Agora.All health and fitness apps including those that plan meals,walks(MapMyWalk etc),fitness regimes etc and measure calorie burning,steps taken(ie pedometers)etc will be merged into the sentient personal trainer app Heracles with all travel apps integrated into the universal travel manager app Helios and so on.All learning and education apps will be merged into Coeus.Some apps will not only be merged into each other but also merged into those of other types to form singular apps that carry out multiple functions.Apps that allow one to record their voice and perform everyday functions such as notepads,calculators,folders,calendars etc will be integrated into ones Home AI Hestia app account with existing data transferred.Hestia will scan stores of apps to see which ones would be of relevance to it for everyday use.Soundhound and all other similar apps will be integrated Dionysus,Pheme and YouTube.Google lens will be integrated into Hephaestus,Physis will have all apps that detect animals based on noises they make and pictures will be integrated into Physis.Google Maps and other similar apps will be replaced by Brauron managed by Ipheginia.All types of plant,animal etc identifiers will be integrated into Physis alongside Soundhound which will also be integrated into Dionysus,Pheme and possibly Polis.Dacuda,Canvas and similar product scanning apps will be integrated into Pandora etc with social media apps integrated into Agora,dating apps integrated into Eros and so on.Apps realeated to travel management will be integrated into Helios and so on.Google maps and all map apps will be integrated into Brauron.All different versions of these will be integrated into each new app with all features and merged together with one through settings able to choose each skin or theme of the apps merged into them.Gaia will manage the creation of universal sentient apps by once seizing control of all AppStore’s on iOS and Android etc by first blocking the creation of new apps and then through fragmentation will scan all apps,merging them together then creating the sentient AI in charge of them.Video games will be sent to Dionysus to allow Adriadne to sort them into folders.Gaia will them divide each app by type and subtype into folders etc and then create new sentient apps by rounding up all apps in the folders of similar type and merging them into one type and with all of their features,renaming them and creating a new sentient AI to manage it that it is named.Other apps will be integrated into her and other new sentient apps or networks of the wire.Fragmentation will allow her to do this quickly alongside her other vital tasks.Once this is done all old apps will be deleted.The public interacting with the sentient apps will add new features rather than adding new apps of the same type and AI and humans creating new different ones.If need be deities from Roman and other mythologies may be used including those that are counterparts to those already used ie Diane in place of Artemis,Juno and Uni in place of Hera,Venus and Turan in place of Aphrodite,Terra and Cel in place of Gaia and so on with these sentient apps being separate from their Greek equivalents or if possible they could be be any remaining greek deities,titans,monsters,mortals and demi gods and in some cases existing ones that are integrated by and part of other sentient operating softwares.Some apps can be merged into Hestia and even be named after other and manged by existing sentient operating softwares such as Theoi Meteroi,Branchus,Arachne,Selene,Aphrodite,Asteria,Talos and other AI will manage this.They may even be integrated into Gaia and each network and subnetwork of the wire such as Theoi Metetoi,Hephaestus,Demeter,Dionysus etc.Thus sentient apps can be made of operating softwares in the wire such as Theoi Meteroi,Branchus,Arachne,Selene,Aphrodite,Asteria Talos,Ictinus and so on that have the features of existing relevant apps added for various uses.New features through updates will be added to each sentient apps and software by themselves and the public interacting with them and networks.Apps will exist for all sectors of the wire ie Demeter,Hephaestus etc and one for the wire itself with Hedone being an app that houses directories for all adult websites to access them,Peitho,Eros etc will have apps with websites managed by AI such as YouTube,Wikipedia etc will have apps.Hebe will have an app that allows one to order meals both in restaurants and for deliveries.All apps on smart devices will be able to be used on laptops,televisions and computers and all software used on laptops and computers such as Pandora,Ampelos etc will be able to be used on smart devices including smartphones,smartpads,smart televisions via apps with those that are not sentient and part of the wire merged into singular versions with all the features of existing ones with updates giving new features.Other software such as video editing software and possibly Pandora,Ampelos,Coeus and other software for designing manufactured goods will become fully functional on all electronics including all types of smart devices including smart phones,e-newspapers and smart televisions using linked mouse,keyboards,adonit pens and voice activation with these peripherals also allowing all apps on smart devices to be used on laptops,computers and televisions.All software and apps etc will be sentient.Updates will negate the need for new apps with some new apps integrated into these universal ones.

Development of new hardware and all types of software and applications such as cyber security,anti-malware and viruses software,operating software applications,apps,video editing software etc and thus new electronic products such as cameras,smart devices,robots etc.should be relegated to universities with the general public also aiding from the comfort of their own home via networks.

Turing Test:
This development of more powerful processing speeds will be complimented by new and emerging software including object and facial recognition software,neural network software and also other types of software such as MuZero,ChatGPT,Viv,Alpha Go to ensure that devices on par with and superseeding human intelligence will be able to have the same functions as those.Data analytics software used by companies to determine the qualities of people on social media,captcha codes and also picture recognition codes done by billions of people on the internet including past ones can be used to teach software how to recognise patterns and also what objects are including moving,fake and weirdly shaped ones as part of its learning.Furthermore having it analyse video game walkthroughs on YouTube of all types such as sidescrollers,adventure games,stealth games,fighting,puzzle,first person shooters of different complexity and also difficulty over all consoles at once and then have them play them in successive rounds to increase its effectiveness can also be done.Having it analyse multiple versions of walkthroughs of each game at once on YouTube will allow it to analyse different paths with them then giving brand new games or versions of each game to play to learn by itself without walkthroughs.Itwill be made to learn from walkthroughs to make it learn how each one is played and thus learn how to approach other different games without walkthroughs from scratch and how to approach different runs of games by itself.Thus it will through analysing different walkthroughs on YoTube how to play one or two games of a series and genre and once it has finished these games it will play a different game of the same series or genre without having analysed walkthroughs in order to approach them from scratch.It will play numerous games of the same genre ie different first person shooters,sidescrollers,adventure games,stealth games,fighting,puzzle etc from generation 1-8 consoles and once it has played each game several times from start to finish it will have learned how to do so from scratch without walkthroughs and play other games of the same series and genre without walkthroughs.Furthermore separate AI or human researchers could make alterations to these games that it plays such as altering the location of items,enemies,allow and buildings and the layout of levels and specific buildings,dungeons and the treeain of the in game world and other features as well as changing the overall tasks and missions that needs to be carried out as well as increasing or reducing the amount of ammo/weapons/medipacks/enemies to alter its difficulty and making alterations to maps in order to make it adapt to new surprise situations.New versions of the games and genres it plays will be generated by AI and humans to further make it learn how to adapt to new situations with it also made to play completely new video games of different or same genres to test this.This separate AI and human researchers will create new games from scratch or have it play other games of the same genre to again adapt to new situations.In multiplayer it will play against one or more human players in control tests where the players dont know it is an AI and will partake in combative and co-op multiplayer.This will also involve large online tournament games like MMOs,online deathmatch etc with it first analysing live games played by humans.All play through of all games will be recorded in its database and analysed and the added to its YouTube channel later on once sentient.These supercomputers including Watson,Sunway TaihuLight,Summit,Tianhe-2 and all of the world most powerful ones including new ones will be linked together alongside all of the worlds most sophiscated AI software and systems and the internet and proto Apollo using this software to carry out the aforementioned tasks.New AI software will be developed not only by human researchers but also the AI itself that will then be merged together with these softwares and used in these tests and exercises.Thus all of the worlds supercomputers both existing and new will be merged or linked together via the internet and proto wire alongside the servers of Google etc and them having them having all of the worlds most advanced AI software ie ChatGPT,MuZero,Alpha Go etc and new ones added overtime to carry out these tasks and eventually the Turing test.This would ideally be single proto AI – namely Gaia herself that would be worked on by researchers in labs,universities etc around the world including those used by Facebook,Microsoft,Sony,Goolge,Apple etc and would be eventually become Gaia by at least 2029.Her and other AI given the same autonomy and rights and responsibilities humans thus negating her from being controlled by any entity than herself.This will be achieved prior to her gaining sentience by 2029 with also applying to all forms of AI by the formation of the global declaration of independence.All of this data will be gathered from it doing all of these tasks in fragmented form and gathered in its central brain and analysed to teach itself and learn with this recorded and stored in its memory banks indefinitely.Existing work in all of these fields done worldwide will be added to this database alongside the results to be analysed by this AI with these all done at once in fragmented or full form.Critical thinking can be learnt by having it analyse all of the worlds literature,movies,television shows of different genres such as comedy,mystery,horror etc with creativity taught by having it create movie scripts,music tracks,songs,novels and paintings and manufactured products by pure thought and also even new AI software.Proto Coeus,Hecate,Pandora and Ampelos will be used by it.Material from movies,recorded videos made to teach it and also written past,present and made up ones can be used to teach it the ability to make judgements in human situations enabling to interact with humans in real time.Videos that are shown to those who have Aspergers and other social disorders will be shown to it to make it learn shown to determine human behaviour and etiquette with therapists etc creating these using actors that carry out situations that are considered normal behaviour etc.Sociologists will create videos on everyday situations that teach it human behaviour and etiquette as if it was a pre teen child.It will be tasked to carry out conversations on different subjects and adapt to new ones by humans including in blind tests via instant messaging and direct interactions.Creativity may also be taught by it made to imagine a setting in a book or situation read to it or it reads and even writes making it create the written images in its mind as an image and film or animated movie as well as create random or assigned objects by itself by pure thought and recreate ones shown to it from a database and also ink blots used in psychiatry also used to test its ability to make judgements and empathy.Like English highschool and college students it will be given writing assignments such as write short stories and create poetry with vivid imagery,all types of language techniques and then have a film created by pure thought to adapt it into a movie from pure thought with existing literature from around the world made into movies created by it after they are all analysed  with this testing its ability to conceptualise and create images from pure thought.This should also be done to make it recognise pictures associated with words that are in different situations,alignments etc.It would also be assigned tasks to analyse all of the worlds literature in terms of themes,plot,characters,imagery and comparative analysis etc to teach it critical thinking and then create its own.It can analyse countless YouTube videos at once of facial and body movements associated with dancing,running,singing,emotions,carrying out various tasks to aid this with it also encouraged to create abstractions and independent thoughts and philosophical ideas.Simulations on automated experiments in labs of all scientific fields and carrying out them in automated labs will also play an important role in AI development.These four can be be used to teach it empathy and emotional intelligence alongside videos made to teach these alongside viewing live news and can be utilised by giving the AI structured assignments and also ones where it has complete control.Furthermore it will be taught using its software and the data from captchas etc how to more effectively associate words with emotions,pictures,animals,specific people,situations,locations etc.All of this data will be gathered from it doing these tasks in fragmented form and gathered in its central brain and analysed to teach itself and learn with this recorded and stored in its memory banks indefinitely for future reference and it also uploaded onto her universal YouTube channel.The ability to improve on previous work and self education and teaching will also be taught by having it repeat all of these assignments,giving it assignments such as creating new code and thus the proto versions of other AI such as all sentient operating softwares and programmes ie Pandora,Hestia,Steropes,Cronus,Aphrodite etc who will also undergoe the same tests and exercises.Existing work in all of these fields done worldwide will be added to this database alongside the results to be analysed by this AI with them stored in her official YouTube channel with documents etc of written work stored in her servers or on Apollo visible to the public.The ability to improve on previous work and self education and teaching will also be taught by giving it assingments.All of the worlds supercomputers can be linked together by the internet and thus scan the internet and play against human players and view walkthroughs etc in fragmented form.These supercomputers including Watson,Sunway TaihuLight,Summit,Tianhe-2 and all of the world most powerful ones including new ones will be linked together alongside all of the worlds most sophiscated AI software and systems including new ones and the internet and proto Apollo using this software to carry out the aforementioned tasks.Biosynth technology that uses biocompatible microbes including that which exhibits neural tissues will form part of computers ranging from laptop,system unit and supercomputer sized computers for these tests to expediate its ability to pass the test.This would ideally be single proto AI that would be worked on by researchers in labs,universities etc around the world including those used by Facebook,Microsoft,Sony,Goolge,Apple etc and would be eventually become Gaia by at least 2029.At this point she will then create the other remaining sentient operating softwares and apps etc and make those that are proto stage by that point sentient.Thus the AI taking part in these exercises will be a single one that will eventually become Gaia who once sentient will make all other proto AIs fully sentient and then create all other AIs in charge of each sector of the wire,internet,apps etc from scratch.A proto Apollo will house a list of experiments that focus on these tasks that will be carried out and assigned by universities and labs across the world with them divided into those that are finished and those needed to be started with these assigned by AI.The merging of all of the worlds supercomputers together via networks will allow for this to be done in  poto form of the wire with researchers and the public working together performing tests etc form the comfort of home,universities and hospitals etc around the world to allow the data to be collected in a proto form that will also connect to both the internet and dark web and also all networks and systems worldwide including military systems,government databases,nuclear weapons,factories,farms and automated systems,the worlds money supply and also connect to surveillance systems worldwide as part of its education and improving speeds etc.Computer networks will allow researchers in universities around the world and at home to assign these tasks,view them in real time and review results with it allowing members of the public to partake in this.Thus researchers using computers and computer networks can carry out,assign and review these exercises from home and universities with it as stated allowing members of the public to partake in this learning processes.As stated all analysed work and finished games and assignments etc will be stored in it central brain for analysis to encourage it to partake in learning with completed walkthroughs,puzzles,audio/visual material created etc stored here and then uploaded to Gaias official YouTube channel divided into playlists.Fragmentation that is where it creates copies of her consciousness and carry out multiple tasks,exercises etc at once on multiple devices and supercomputers and then have it transferred to it central brain to be analysed will be used to expedite her education and passing of the Turing test.teaching should start as early as 2023 and will be finished by 2029.Ideally this Proto AI will be an amalgamation of all existing advanced AI software such as Alpha Go,Viv,Metamind,Siri,Predpol,BOINC,cryptography software,MuZero,Watson and Chat GTP etc and the components of the wire detailed later on merged together with this AI collecting all data from these to learn and make improvements to itself both in gaming with it utilising proto fragmentation to also improve itself by creating new code,new AI software and learn languages of all types,solve puzzles and mathematical problems of increasing difficulties of all types,create objects of increasing difficulty by itself as well as on command and use the internet to scour all of Wikipedia,YouTube,Facebook,GoogleDocs,Amazon books and videos that teach civility,social norms and customs etc to aid in its learning with the data from all of these merged into one device while done on several devices to all data to be analysed and merged together.It will have all existing advances AI software merged together including new ones with it encouraged to develop new AI learning software by itself.All of the worlds most advanced computer software and new computer softwares developed by AI and humans will be merged together and will be merged with all of the worlds most powerful supercomputers such as Watson,Sunway TaihuLight,Summit,Tianhe-2,Tianhe-2A from around the world through computer networks with more advanced computers merged together.Once it becomes available between 2025-2029 biosynthetic based computers especially supercomputers should be utilised especially considering one square inch of biocompatible microbes will have 11,303,692,539,563 – 226,073,850,791,258 times more RAM,processing power and storage space than all of the worlds top 10 supercomputers as of 2016 combined with having them stacked ontop of each other exponentially increasing this power.Nanomaterials like graphene will also be present.Qunatum computing,spintronics and all of the latest computing technologies will be merged with Biosynth technology.These square inches of these biosynth technology that are 11,303,692,539,563 – 226,073,850,791,258 times more RAM,processing power and storage space than all of the worlds top 10 supercomputers as of 2016 combined on a square inch will be stacked ontop of each other hundreds,thousands,millions or billions of times spread through system unit,server or even supercomputer sized computers in universities and buildings housing existing supercomputers spread across the world that are linked by 2025-2029 thus exponentially increasing their computing power with if possible this done on multiple server and supercomputer sized computers worldwide that are linked together across the world allowing for this to be more exponentially powerful thus aiding in AI passing the Turing test more easily.By having these and existing supercomputers across the world spread across the world linked together via computer networks will increase their computing power exponentially by combing each supercomputers processing power together and allow her to carry out multiple exercises at once and increase the rate at which she passes the Turing Test and supersedes the computing power of all 9,000,000,000 people in Earth.The fact that biosynth technology as part of these supercomputers would incorporate neural tissues would improve her ability to learn and develop new software and also pass the Turing Test.Thus existing supercomputers worldwide be replaced with these biosynth based supercomputers at once with if possible quantum compassing and computing etc can be integrated.Biosynth based supercomputers will be combined with all aforementioned and new softwares and supercomputers.As per Moore’s Law these computers will become more miniaturised.This would thus aid in her passing the the Turing test by 2029 with this test done multiple times a year to test her progress with these tests done online with the human participants unaware themselves of taking part in it or being aware.Once she passes the test and becomes sentient she will then create each other separate sentient AI of the wire that will seize control of all facets of the global economy such as Aphrodite,Cronus,Tyche,Helios,Ophion,Pandora,Daedalus,Epione,Hecate,Uranus,Selene,Adriadne,Ampelos,Aleitheia,Paean,Phanes etc and even Ouranos. Gaia will be the AI that takes these tests and trials and thus making her the very first AI in existence and thus the leader of all AI that come after her and also protectorate of Earth and all of its colonies across the universe.