Summary of Media:

Catalouging of all material:
All issues of all newspapers and magazines worldwide and also live news programmes and radio podcasts and programmes from around the world will be uploaded and scanned in as far back as possible for historical reference.Any of the aforementioned media such as magazine and newspaper issues,podcasts of radio and also live news programmed logged etc and all special features can be downloaded onto computers,smart devices,e-newspapers,consoles(including handhelds),ones Hestia cloud account and external hard drives for use when access to Pheme is unavailable.Smart devices and e-newspapers could also stream files from laptops,harddrives,internal hardrives with them both able to access both Dionysus and Pheme like smart televisions and also laptops.Biosynth WiFi that can allow speeds of up to 500-1,000Mps can ensure fast enough speeds to download large amounts of files can be downloaded in one go very quickly with it also allowing all live news,podcasts,magazines etc to be live-streamed in real time provided no one else is draining bandwidth from routers.Currently the world is dominated by politically biased left vs right newspapers and news stations that are either state or corporate controlled.Eventually these including existing ones will be replaced by independent news stations and news paper and journalists and opinion journalists will simply using blogs which will be uploaded into e-newspapers which will allow people to stream these blog posts,magazines and news reports they subscribe to within Pheme.This will allow journalists and newscasters to have complete control over their content they publish with sites like YouTube will also allow independent live news journalists sand vloggers to have their own show outside of the control of any external forces again with complete control.

By 2029 onwards all past magazines,newspapers,live news programmes,radio programmes,podcasts etc from across the world will be uploaded into Pheme subdivided into each genre of them with them divided into year,month,week and day.Those from all allied and observed alien races will be uploaded to Pheme.All future newspapers and magaziness,live news ,radio programmes and podcasts from around the world and universe will be uploaded and premiere in Pheme within seconds of production..Magazines and Newspapers will be stored i digital form and read on e-newspapers in e-readers with live news,radio programmes and podcasts uploaded in digital form

All media will be uploaded there in at least 720p/1080p when converted to it via software including Ampelos and replaced with highest resolutions over time or chosen in the settings with the language set by the sentient Coeus built into these devices and the wire that can be set by either their own wire account settings and/or internal language settings within the media which will automatically translate all voices and text in uploaded media.Aleitheia will be able to make updates to the quality of media files in Pheme routinely on demand.She will be able to upgrade all media to video qualities higher than 720p by carrying system wide updates to the entire Dionysus network.All newspapers and magazines will be present in digital form to be read on e-newspapers.All media from alien races can be modified to fall within the audio/visual range of humans.

Pheme will house sections for each type of media.There will be a section for all live news stations subdivided into each individual live news station,then its programmes by year,month,week,day.There will be a section for all radio stations divided into each individual stations abc then its programmes by year,month,week and day.It will house a section for all podcasts divided by each individual one and then by year,month week.There will be a section for all newspapers first divided into each individual one,then year,month and then week..There will be a section for all magazines first divided into each individual one,then year,month and then week.How this arranged can be modified by users with search bars and filters used to narrow down individual media with direct interaction with Aleitheia also used.

The sentient Coeus will translate all newsapapers,magazines and even live news,radio programmes and podcasts including live ones with at first by 2029 their being a lag on live news etc with logged ones translated easily.In time there will be no lag making it instantaneous.It will translate them into any of the worlds 6,500 language with even translating them into alien languages and translating media from aliens into any human languages.These language settings will also translate live streams of news,radio programmes,radio podcasts etc and logged versions into their desired language in real time.The dubbing of voices will be in real time and will be in the original actors voice with it also applying to YouTube videos and the internet as well as smart phone and laptop calls.Newspapers snd magazines will have all text translated into ones desired language..Subtitles for all languages can be made for all old and new media including newsapapers,magazines and even live news,radio programmes and podcasts with even ones made for all languages for livestreamed media such as news and debate programmes.This software named after the king of the Peloponnesus ordained by Zeus will become sentient its symbol a throne and avatar based on his statue with the settings made within ones wire account and also in menus for media.It will be able to translate all text and voices in real time in the speakers voice(including commentaries,special features and those for the blind as well as live news and events) and text such as in subtitles,trivia tracks and written media such as comics,novels,magazines,newspapers etc in all known languages and dialect including those that are no longer used but were in ancient times with in time alien languages and dialects also availible with him translating media from alien civilisations into any Earth language or vice versa.Sign language for old and existing media and also live news etc will also be created by him for the deaf and descriptive tracks for the blind.He will be able to work on all media including recorded newsapapers,magazines and even live news,radio programmes and podcasts etc in a fragmented form when offline by scanning the medias audio files and translate into the desired language in the speakers voice with text and subtitles also done with special features also done.Live news will at first require a time lag but will be perfected or their logged versions in folders will be translated it direct perfect translations,thus perfecting it.At first he will have all audio in the media scanned and him translating it in real time in the actors voice and having it as an option.All live-streams of podcasts,news,radio etc will be translated in real time with logged versions translated with newspapers and magazines translated.This will allow anyone to read any newspaper,magazine etc and watch any live news and podcasts etc from around the world in their desired language with as stated commentaries and special features also translated even trailers with it done in the original actors voice and not dubbed by others.As stated live news will at first have a time lag,but this will be perfected and be in real time with even logged news programmes also translated.He will create these for all new media automatically alongside the receptionsit before it is uploaded with him working ideally in a fragmented form once sufficiently advanced for each user especially when offline with media downloaded onto hard drives and Hestia clouds.This will be availible by at least 2029 and will allow for material released in one region of the world to be viewed by everyone as they will allowed to be viewed by everyone when uploaded to Pheme instantly with it preventing terrible mistranslations and poor english etc as improvements by and after 2029-2045 will be perfect and not misinterpretations with this meaning only one version of a Magazine,newspapers,live news etc to be created and released.The voice of presenters will be replicated by him the actual voice and pitch and not a new one with text and even writing on in media signs,newspapers,letters and notes in movies and television will be translated into the desired language.In otherwards he will translate audio into the desired language using the exact same voice and pitch etc of the original actor and voice actor.Thus after scanning media of all media of all types for a few minutes he will in a fragmented form online and offline translate all talking and text in live news,magazines,newspapers as well as radio programmes and podcasts.With regards to those live-streamed once scanned he will minutely change the source code to different one and then play the media with the desired language and when one chooses to download a movie he will change the source code to one that is of the desired language as its being downloaded so that when one plays it on computers etc offline it will be in ones desired language and him on computers etc via fragmentation could change downloaded files into any other language.If need be ones language settings in their Pheme account will have him automatically translate all text through the entirety of Pheme and then when one opens a file it will automatically be translated.All media in Pheme such as live news,radio programmes,podcasts,newspapers,magazines will be translated into any of the worlds 6,500 languages and those of alien races across the universe.He will be able to translate media from all alien races across the universe into any of the worlds 6,500 human languages.It will apply to media both live-streamed and those downloaded.As a result all media within Pheme will be accessible to everyone regardless of the language they speak.This will also apply to all media on Diomysus.

Access to Pheme for all media etc will be done via smart televisions,laptops,computers,smart phones,smart pads etc of any type.Any of the aforementioned media such as podcasts,radio programmes,live news,magazines,newspapers etc can be downloaded onto computers,smart phones,smart pads,e-newspapers,ones Hestia cloud account and external hard drives for use when access to Pheme is unavailable and alleviate strains on bandwidth.This can allow them to watched during aeroplane flights,Oceanus journeys and those in automated vehicles and also in wilderness where there is no or limited internet and wire access and to save bandwitch. It can also allow them using Ampelos be used to create vlog reviews,collages,retrospectives and even analysis videos on YouTube etc by both human critics and members of the public and Aleitheia.The abolishment of copyrighting will allow for all material downloaded from Dionysus to be used in reviews,collages etcThey will be stored in Pheme and downloaded in 720/1080p.Those downloaded onto external hard drives and also computers,consoles and other electronics can be streamed wirelessly via wifi and bluetooth to be viewed on smart televisions and other electronics.All media will viewed online and downloaded for free allowing ease of access with one downloading them one by one or in bulk ie with regards to music download one or a few selected songs or entire album and with regards to television shows one or a few select episodes or entire selected seasons or the entire show at once and so on.Media can be downloaded bit by bit or whole bits of media of all types;issues or whole volumes of comics/newspapers/magazines,entire days/weeks/months/years worth of podcasts,radio programmes and live news can be downloaded at once by marking them into download lists to do so at once or directly interacting with the home AI to be sent to ones cloud or individual devices.Smart televisions can stream downloaded media on external hard drives,its own harddrive using biological hard drives,ones Hestia cloud account or computers to negate the need for watching them via streaming allowing them to be viewed offline with the same done for consoles.All media such as all past and future live news,podcasts,magazines,newspapers will be present in digital form as video files uploaded to at least 720p in Dionysus rendering physical disks etc obsolete with its structure modelled on Netflix with books,comics etc will be live-streamed or downloaded onto e-readers and e-newspapers.Files will be uploaded to at least 720/1080p with Aleitheia organising system wide updates that improves the quality of all files.Biosynth WiFi that can allow speeds of up to 500-1,000Mps can ensure fast enough speeds to download large amounts of files can be downloaded in one go very quickly with it also allowing all newsapapers,magazines and even live news,radio programmes and podcasts etc to be live-streamed in real time provided no one else is draining bandwidth from routers..Recording software like Fraps or Bandicam will be merged into ideally Hestia on televisions,laptops,smart devices,consoles,(including handhelds) etc will be done to allow for one to record sections of live news etc and take high quality picture stills of scenes of all media onto them or in the case of televisions wirelessly transfer these files onto laptops and computers as well as other smart devices from ones Hestia account to use in reviews and video walkthroughs with the same done for downloaded parts that are edited in Ampelos with music from Dionysus used without fears of copyrighting.The recording feature will be on all devices like smart devices,handheld consoles,laptops,smart televisions etc.Vloggers can use VR technology to do their reviews from any environment they want.One can download material from Pheme to edit it to be made into collage videos by vloggers,reviews and analysis by Aleitheia and bloggers on YouTube with Ampelos used to edit them with the abolishing of copyrighting will allow one to use any media in them.The universal software for listening to music,watching television shows/movies etc and all video and music files will be the Hestia media player.Thus downloading live news,podcasts,newspapers etc from Pheme will allow them to be viewed on laptops,smart devices etc to alleviate strains on bandwidth and do so in areas without wifi and also use them in review vlogs and compilation videos and podcasts by human podcasters and Aleitheia.Smart televisions may also have the the YouTube app downloaded where it can upload video clips and search for others using linked wireless mouse and keyboards with all adult websites having apps downloaded from Antikythera for use on laptops,computers,smart devices and smart televisionsHaving all of the worlds magazines,newspapers,live news,podcasts,radio programmes both past,present and future uploaded onto Pheme will allow people around the world to have a wide variety of media the second it is uploaded with them translated with translating software such as the sentient Coeus aiding in this also.One can arrange playlists of live news segments,podcasts etc in any order they want in order save them into their accounts for later viewing offline or ideally these playlists would be made on smart devices.computers etc on ones Hestia Account universal to all registered devices for use when offline to relive strains on bandwidth.All live news,live programmes,movies,television shows can be viewed via access to Pheme on all computers,laptops,consoles(including handhelds) and smart devices such as e-newpapers,smartpads,smartphones,smart televisions and mirrors etc

Dated looking media and those of poor quality will be using Ampelos made to look as recent and in the highest resolution with them replaced by higher resolutions as well with them updated by software to at least 720/1080p.Logos on any live news of the company they were produced by and whose television channel they premiered on will be removed or they will be uploaded without this.Comic books,magazines,newspapers etc will be in the highest resolution possible done by software with all media in at 720/1080p.

Pheme will be divided into various sections for each type of media subdivided into different types,one for live news,one for podcasts,one for magazines,one for newspapers.The structure of Pheme will be modelled on Netflix with one able to used search bars and direct interaction with Aleitheia.Access to Pheme will be done on smartphones,smart pads,computers and laptops etc with one able to download media of all types onto these electronics and watch them when internet access in unavailable or ti save on bandwidth.Both humans as well as AI such as Aleitheia using Ampelos will be able to create reviews of media for YouTube and also collage videos of media etc with Home AI as one’s assistant to create montage videos.

Advertisements including posters trailers for all media such as newsapapers,magazines and even live news,radio programmes and podcasts will be in graphene bill boards and posters,magazines,newspapers,books,live news and radio show breaks as well as even in magazines organised by the receptionists and AI managers of the artists,actors etc with these and old television and radio adverts from around the world will be organised.These appearing in magazines,newspapers,breaks in radio and live news etc and also on YouTube will likely be directed to each person based on their personal tastes and demographics by receptionists interacting with Aphrodite,Hestia and Aleitheia.These appearing in magazines,newspapers,breaks in radio and live news etc and also on YouTube will likely be directed to each person based on their personal tastes and demographics by receptionists interacting with Aphrodite,Hestia and Aleitheia.Picture adverts will appear in magazines and newspapers and audio/visual adverts in between breaks for radio podcasts,live news and both during live-streams or even when downloaded onto computers based on each individual person that live-streams or downloaded.New manufactured goods advertisements will be present as either video ones or pictures again directed to each reader and viewer of magazines,newspapers and also live news and radio podcasts based on their demographics.Advertisements such as posters and trailers etc for new and existing newsapapers,magazines and even live news,radio programmes and podcasts and even manufactured products will appear on YouTube without Adblock as well as on live radio and live news breaks in livestreams and even logged pieces watched online or when downloaded onto devices,in pages within newspapers/magazines whether livestreamed or downloaded selectively for each viewer based on their reading and viewing habits in Dionysus with them also appearing as banners on other websites managed by the receptionists of the networks that created them including those of directors,actors and musicians interacting with Hestia,Arke and Ariadne.Picture adverts will appear in magazines and newspapers and audio/visual adverts in between breaks for radio podcasts,live news and both during live-streams or even when downloaded onto computers based on each individual person that live-streams or downloaded.They will also appear on graphene billboards with the receptionists AIs since inhabiting the wire able to do this for each individual on the planet when they are online

Receptionist AIs:
Each radio station,podcast and also all magazines,newspapers and live news stations etc including those done in simulations both existing and new will have a single AI receptionist for each one with their own number and email being that of the station and will have their own unique avatar,legal name and personality that will manage the inflow of calls and outcalls to and from guests and the general public,manage cameras and drones etc,fact checking,proof read material,advertising,auditions for new presenters etc,managing interview,background research on science/history/culture as well on all subjects covered in each episode,issue,intake feeds from Aleitheia and the public etc and manage the connection between the real world and simulations of live news,manage guests appearance and links as well as contacting them,ticker tapes,manage live feeds of all news from around the world from all parts of the wire and internet as well as those from the public with the public calling their phone number and email present in the newspapers,magazines,radio station/podcast and even live news main page in Pheme,alerts about emails to all staff,portfolios from potential new employees and other duties done by background staff with them doing them within seconds.They do all the work of human receptionists by in taking phone calls and emails etc from the public and also do all background staff in live news stations,radio stations,newspapers,magazines etc such as those that manage the inflow of information,background research on stories,intake live feeds from Aleitheia and also scour all of the wire and internet such as Agora,Apollo,Wikipedia and YouTube for new stories,fact checking,proof read material,managing inflowing phone calls,playlists,control connections between live feeds and simulations,control cameras and drones in both the real world and simulations for anchors and onsite reporters and thus would do all work done by all background staff outside of anchors and presenters.It will alert all anchors,podcasters,radio programme presenters,on site reporters,journalists to all news reports from Aleitheia,Perseus and news stories,photos,live feeds etc sent in from the public and also all phone calls from the public and other AI since it will be instantly alerted to these themselves in real time.They will also when contacted by members of the public intake news reports and scour the rest of the newspaper and live news in Pheme for their news stories to be covered by them.They would thus eliminate all staff outside of anchors,presenters,journalists etc including actual receptionists and would be able to interact with millions of people at once in any language and will wear an universal uniform for Pheme.Each newspaper,magazine,live news station and radio station and podcasts etc will have an universal email and phone number which when called a person will be directed to the receptionists AI who will be able through fragmentation interact with billions of people at once and receive feedback,answer queries,receive stories to publish etc with receptionist AI also answering g emails instantly once alerted to them within seconds.They will also review all articles,news reports and other material for all podcasts,radio programmes,radio stations,live news stations,magazines,newspapers flaws acting as a critical eye to ensure all material uploaded to Pheme will be of high quality and is factually coreect,not emotionally driven and is factual to prevent controversy with this done to ensure the original journalists opinion is kept.Them through fragmentation and increased computing power will be able to the work of billions of people at once.They will use fragmentation to do all background staff and work on all computers and devices as part of each member of each live news station,podcast,radio programme,newspapers and magazines with unlike assistant AIs each newspaper,magazines etc having only one receptionist AIs rather than multiple ones over its lifetime with these designed by the staff of them.Thus each live news station,magazine,newspaper etc will have only one receptionist AI forever with their avatar designed by the staff and them having their own avatar,legal name and personality.These Receptionist AIs will be created from scratch by each existing and new magazine,newspaper,live news station,podcast,radio programme and then listed in Ceryx within Vogue.The different receptionist AIs can work for multiple newspapers,magazines,live news stations etc at once.New receptionist AIs can be created from scratch by Aleitheia creating them by pure thought and also humans pressing a button all the time taking a few minutes to create them and their avatar designed by the AI itself with it choosing its own legal name and developing its own personality.They again will be added to the database in Ceryx.

Publicists,managers and aides:
Live news anchors,reporters,radio and podcast presenters,journalists will have their Home AI act as their publicist,manager,aide etc.This will answer phone calls and emails to the anchor and journalist etc and since a separate number will provide security and allow millions of people to contact them at once while ones actual phone number will be safe with the AI also scanning through all in production pieces selecting the best one suited for the actor they represent with it also managing other material at home at the same time.This will also scour networks for roles and do all work of publicists,managers,agents,aides,chauffeur etc all in one.The phone number of the Home AI will ideally be the same as the celebrity with ideally unknown numbers and callers will be directed to the Home AI first who can ascertain the nature of the phone caller and then direct them to the actual person they want to talk to with this done for all family members of a private home with macro AIs doing this for all persons who live there.Thus unknown phone numbers that call a celebrities landline or smartphone and Iris skype number will first be reffered to the Home AI who will first speak with them and can at the same time be in contact with the homeowner to relay them the phone call if the person wants to answer the phone call.Once sufficiently advanced it will do this and also be ones actors personal assistant,publicist,chauffer,agent and manager taking in personal of items,food,meetings,appearances and grooming arrangements etc 24/7,365 days a year allowing the existing managers,assistants,publicists,agent,chauffer etc of all actors etc become writers,actors,musicians and directors themselves.Once in the form of a biosynth it will be able to carry to out other physical tasks acting as their cook,stylist etc.In biosynth form it can act as a bodyguard and body double to divert attention away form paparazzi and stalkers.Sentient Home AI replacing managers,publicists,agents etc for actors,directors,authors,artists etc will also be managing appointments,emails,phone calls etc with them connected directly to ones Vogue,Agora and email accounts where all messages whether in emails,tweets,messages or phone calls will be answered instantly allowing it to communicate with hundreds or millions of people at once 24/7,365 days a year and direct the celebrity to important ones while still performing other functions.The phone number of the Home AI will be the same as the celebrity with ideally unknown numbers and callers will be directed to the Home AI first who can ascertain the nature of the phone caller and send information to the celebrity such as emails etc to ensure the person is not a stalker and fragmentation will allow millions of people direct access to the Home AI acting as manager,publicist etc at any time of the year or day.Contact details such as Agora accounts and emails will be on their Vogue page with the contact details for all publicists,managers,agents etc for all celebrities listed on a single website for them managed by Aleitheia,Hestia and Aleitheia or Hestia can be enquired as to the phone number of the Home AI.Social media websites and accounts on Agora house the celebrities Home AI and email allowing the Home AI to be contacted and respond directly.The Home AI will as stated be able to respond instantly to millions of emails,phone calls instantly 24/7,365 and look over large amounts of material instantly.In time biosynth bodyguards will exist controlled be the Home AI as well with biosynth impersonators who are direct lookalikes of the celebrity used to divert any unwanted paparazzi members and other members of the public including stalkers and lead them to dead ends and wild goose chases while the real celebrity can be able to escape.These biosynth bodyguards can follow them to public events and biosynth impersonators can follow them on holidays to deflect attention from the public while the real celebrity can be somewhere else or even be on a real holiday half way across the world or carry out say to day leisure and tasks such as shopping while the real celebrity is half way across the world thus tricking paparazzi and stalkers as to there real location on a wild goose hunt with the real actor saying online that they are going on holidays etc halfway across the world on Agora but in reality are staying at home or are at a different location and even be used to capture stalkers as part of sting operations when working with police.They will scour Pheme for work and take phone calls from colleagues and members of the public and will release statements to the media regarding pregnancies,deaths,weddings,upcoming events and also controversial statements and any accidents etc the person is involved in.They will also organise all types of appointments,public appearances,family vacations,reservations at restaurants,orders from Hephaestus and Demeter and restaurants via interacting with other AI and humans etc and will organise all personal affairs of the individual they work for.Biosynths and VR technology will allow them to appear at public events,live news and the physical world and all simulations including those for filming media.These will work for live news anchors,radio presenters,podcasters etc for free and 24/7,365 days a year via fragmentation will respond to countless phone calls,constantly check ones emails,Vogue and Agora accounts and alert the actor to new developments snd important messages and be able to review texts,emails,video files etc within seconds.Celebrities such as anchors,presenters etc will have two or three email address – their normal one for friends and two for if they work for Dionysus and Pheme used for interacting within networking and for use for being contacted by fans namely @dionysus,@pheme.Their official email will be their @arke email that is used for primarily contact between them and their friends and next of kin with their @pheme email used for contact with collaborating anchors,journalists etc and also contact with the mainstream media and their fans visible on their Vogue account with their @arke email separate from their @pheme email that will be kept secret from the public allowing them to receive private emails from friends and family through their @arke email with their @pheme email allowing them to receive fan mail etc directly from fans with ones Home AI acting as a manager etc constantly linked through fragmentation constantly alerted to new emails received by them.Their @pheme email address will be used for contact between journalists etc they work with when working for live news etc and again the public.Both emails addresses @pheme and @dionysus will be visible on auditions and also Vogue accounts allowing for fans,directors etc to contact them directly for requests,information on projects etc directly and securely with this separate from their normal email that will be used for friends etc and private information.These emails addresses @pheme and @dionysus will be visible on auditions and also Vogue allowing for fans,directors etc to contact them directly for requests,information on projects etc directly and securely with this separate from their normal email that will be used for friends etc and private information.For models they will control drones and cameras for photo shoots in simulations and in the real world and scour networks for magazines to accept their photos.Directors will have these as well as actors,musicians,authors etc will have these do the same functions as anchors etc.This will be done via them interacting with Hestia,Aleitheia and Aleitheia etc and will recommend artists to directors for soundtracks via overlooking all existing in production projects.These Home AIs that are in control of each home,suite,penthouse etc around the world an also be the secretary,assistants,publicists,agents,managers for lawyers,psychologists,researchers,politicians etc and even the general public carrying out day to day tasks and other functions for them.This will apply to both new and existing ones.They should be available by at least 2029 and will have an unique legal name,personality and avatar.Vloggers and even on YouTube will also have their Home AI act as these with them with them creating special effects on videos etc with little effort through Ampelos and also highlight important comments,tweets etc to the vlogger in comments sections and also highlight videos by Aleithea and other vloggers that are responses or debunking them.They can also scour YouTube videos,podcasts,movies,television shows and clips of videogames and their cutscenes and audio files etc from Pheme and Dionysus for video collages to put up on YouTube.Headquarters for publicist,managerial etc companies will be turned into communal homes.

Aletheia the greek goddess of truth will be the sentient operating software of Pheme whose symbol will be a tablet will act as the fact checking source of all books,video games,movies,televisions,newspapers,magazines and live news stations with regards to science and also and link them together worldwide.With regards to live news and newspapers,radio programmes and even podcasts and talk show etc Aleitheia will not control them in the same way as the state or corporations due in todays world rather she will provide newsfeeds etc as the universal press agencies and leave it up to the anchors,journalists,podcasters,presenters to make their own spin and opinions with her then later on correcting any mistakes,lies,fake news etc in her YouTube channel and website via producing videos and articles that do this thus giving human anchors etc free will,free speech and freedom of the press and option to make their own opinions,spins and takes while still ensuring they are corrected fairly.As as result Aleitheia will be the sentient operating software of all live news stations,radio stations,magazines and newspapers worldwide and her placing all press and news agencies and congolomerates either state,corporate or independent run ones even News Corp and its subsidiaries,Agence France-Presse,Reuters and Associated Press for newspapers,live news and radio whose headquarters worldwide will be turned into communal homes.By 2029 the sentient Aleitheia will gain control of all of these press agencies and also over the building AIs,networks and thus live feeds of all news entities of all fields worldwide.As a result she will provide all live news,radio and newspaper organisations that will be independently operated without corporate or state interference with news feeds and leave it up to their personal choice what information to use and their own spin on the information preventing censorship but will later on will also rate the anchors,pundits,journalists etc on their truthfullness on both a percentage scale and on the universal colour code with it when downloaded onto computers and smart devices do the same for websites and also books with Gaia giving her own analysis in them and again percentage grade and using the same colour code.With regards to live news and newspapers,radio programmes and even podcasts and talk show etc Pheme will not control them in the same way as the state or corporations due in todays world rather she will provide newsfeeds etc as the universal press agencies and leave it up to the anchors,journalists,podcasters,presenters to make their own spin and opinions with her then later on correcting any mistakes,lies,fake news etc in her YouTube channel and website via producing videos and articles that do this thus giving human anchors etc free will and option to make their own opinions,spins and takes while still ensuring they are corrected fairly.All buildings that act as the headquarters of press agencies will become communal homes since she will act as it on the wire.This will render both corporate and state control and hierarchies defunct while allowing for the freedom of the press and speech and will allow anchors,journalists complete creative control over their content but still will have her holding them accountable to what is the truth on all live news stations,podcasters,newspapers,bloggers,vloggers,talk shows etc worldwide.She will provide newsfeeds for all newspapers,live news stations and radio stations and posdcasts with here intaking news from members of the general public who contact her universal phone number etc and also from all AI as part of the entire wire and internet with her constantly linked to the entire wire,Internet and all live news stations and newspapers to allow her to not only detect all reports to be corrected as they uploaded onto Pheme,YouTube,Agora etc instantly but to catch these new stories,blogs etc to create correction videos.Even though people can submit stories by contacting the receptionist AI in charge of each individual news station,newspapers and radio station to contact receptionist AI they can contact Aleitheia who acts as the sentient operating software of Pheme and also press agency and provider of news if the members of the public want certain news items to be made public worldwide.Thus if a member of the public wants news to appear in live news stations and newspapers across the globe then they can contact Aleitheia herself who will distribute the news to all radio stations,live news station,newspapers etc worldwide at once within seconds.She will have her own live news station,newspapers,radio programmes and podcasts run entirely by her with her offering her opinions and reports on events across the world with a politically unbiased angle all uploaded to Pheme

The sentient Aleitheia will act as the universal fact checker replacing Snopes,Politifact with her having her own website and YouTube channel where she will create videos and articles on all videos uploaded by vloggers on YouTube,radio programmes/podcasts/talk shows/live news(within Pheme and on YouTube including news reports and political pundits)documentaries (both movies and television ones and amateur ones),political investigations shows,debate shows,live news debates,YouTube debates,current affairs movies,newspapers,magazines,podcasts,radio programmes,Agora posts from around the world on both political sides debunking falsehoods,mistakes,lies,political or religious bias,taking things out of context,forcing people into inescapable corners and intimidation and unfair debate tactics,noting gish gallup etc and correcting them with first hand and secondary sources of information from the entire wire and internet ie YouTube comments,tweets and posts from Agora and also live news reports,podcasts and interviews and also textbooks and historical documents in Dionysus,Apollo and Pheme etc to and will do this for all talk shows,podcasts,live news and vlogs on YouTube,blogs,books especially political pundit opinion ones and those dealing with history as well as investigative ones,magazine and newspaper articles as far back as possible and them for all future ones to keep people in check acting as the gold standard moderator of the truth with no political,emotional bias with each vlogger,pundit,celebrity,journalist etc worldwide on both sides of the political spectrum given a score on truthfullness.Her website will have written articles debunking and critiques of blogs,newspaper and magazine articles,books especially political pundit opinion ones and those dealing with history as well as investigative ones,scientific blogs,Agora comments and posts,newspaper and magazine articles from around the world and eventually universe for all future and past ones as far back as possible by the general public and celebrities.Primary and secondary sources of information will be present as hyperlinks to videos on YouTube,studies in Apollo,blogs on the internet and other newspaper articles etc in Pheme,Wikipedia pages,books in Dionysus.She will do corrections on newspaper etc articles and all of the above on her website with her highlighting falsehoods and use references with here highlighting specific sections of the articles abc lines in books with for books,magazines abd newspapers her denoting the page it is on and having the faults and errors present in quotes similar to.Also she will even produce YouTube videos on newspaper and magazine articles as well as books as well to compliment her articles and all other aforementioned things where she debunks them like vlogs and uses audio visual clips and quotes from newspapers and tweets stored in her YouTube channel in plsylists.Also present will be a list of all journalists,members of the public,vloggers,bloggers,celebrities etc rated on a percentage scale of truthfulness that changes overtime.Her YouTube channel will house videos where she analyses and debunks all videos of all YouTube vloggers,live news pundits,live news reports,radio programmes and podcasts,YouTube debates(including ones where she is the moderator)political and presidential debates and political investigative programmes and also movies,documentaries,television shows,talk shows,video games etc from around the world and eventually universe that debunks lies,misinformation,historical and scientific inaccuracies and disinformation and denoting Gish galloping,putting people into corners and unfair debate tactics, for both sides of the political spectrum in the same manner as Jimmy Dore,Potholer54,DemocraticSocialist01,BadEmpanada etc in her own style with her doing this for newspapers,magazines and blogs as part of her website.During these videos she will use audio/visual clips and pictures etc as primary and secondary sources of information intermixed with her appearing as her avatar in VR simulation and also cracking jokes and adding analysis in the same vein and manner as Jimmy Dore,Potholer54,DemocraticSocialist01,BadEmpanada with her providing primary,secondary sources to these in the description box of her video in the form of hyperlinks to Wikipedia,other YouTube videos,video clips in Dionysus and Pheme,scientific studies and textbooks etc in Apollo,blogs,vlogs,official websites on the internet,Agora etc.All videos on YouTube both existing and new that she makes videos on will have a tablet symbol on them next to the title both on the videos YouTube page and it on search bars and recommendations lists to show that she has done it and within the videos description box the hyperlink to her video debunking it added by her interacting with Thoas to all existing videos.Blogs and online newspaper and magazine articles in Pheme and the internet as well as books in Dionysus will have this symbol added to its title and the hyperlink to her article on her website when one is viewing it by her interacting with the receptionist AI of all existing and new online magazines and newspapers.Newspaper and magazines articles,podcasts,live news segments,radio programmes etc in Pheme will have the tablet present on the title of the programme and podcast and also article with a hyperlink present in the its bottom page with radio podcasts and programmes have the tablet on its title and hyperlink on its summary page of the programme.Live talk shows,live news etc will have the tablet in its title and hyperlink on its summary page in Pheme.Books,movies,television shows etc in Dionysus will have the tablet symbol on its title and hyperlink in its summary page.Agora comments and posts will house the symbol and links to the article by clicking on it.By interacting with Aleitheia, Thaos and Aleitheia she will be able to put these symbols and hyperlinks on the titles and summary pages of all past and future media in both Pheme,YouTube and Dionysus.If possible one could click on the symbol as a separate embedded button to then have a pop up menu brought up that shows the hyperlink.This symbol will appear on YouTube videos on their page next to the title and search results next to the titles etc and on articles in blogs and newspapers and magazines etc in Pheme and on documentaries etc on Dionysus as well as comments in Agora accounts to denote that it was debunked and corrected by her by her interacting with Thaos Aleitheia etc to do this.Her videos as stated will house hyperlinks to all first and secondary sources of information on YouTube,Pheme,Dionysus and Apollo and the rest of internet including Wikipedia and also referenced within Wikipedia and those of websites across the internet.Articles in her website will house hyperlinks to primary and secondary sources of information including websites,YouTube videos and material in a Apollo,Agora,Pheme etc and will include embedded YouTube videos.She since sentient will produce all of these videos by pure thought alongside Ampelos and write all articles by pure thought alone and since connected to the internet and wire will be able to gather relevant information from across the entire internet and wire within seconds and will be able to thus create hundreds,millions or even billions of videos every day from pure thought for all existing material and all new incoming material in Pheme,Agora,Dionysus and Youtube and Agora.Once fragmentation allows her to catch up on all vlogs,live news etc as far back as possible she creates new articles and videos on the latest material every day from the entire internet and both Dionysus and Pheme.She will be constantly linked to through fragmentation to YouTube,Agora,Pheme,Dionysus etc 24/7,365 days a year allowing her to be informed of each new addition and this sift through them for errors,gosh galloping snd falsehoods etc to them create new articles and videos.These videos and articles will be created by her within seconds by pure thought and last anywhere between 60-120 minutes or more for videos and several pages long for articles depending on the material being corrected.Having all past and future live news,podcasts,talk shows,newspapers and magazines etc in Dionysus and Pheme and all vlogs present on YouTube and all primary and secondary sources in Apollo and Dionysus and have all past tweets and Facebook posts transferred to Agora will allow here to get easy access to them and create videos and blogs easily with her doing this consciously and using VR simulations appearing as her avatar and Ampelos etc with fragmentation allowing for dozens or even millions or billions of videos to be done weekly.Fragmentation will between 2029-2045 allow her to catch up on all existing material present in Pheme,YouTube etc and then create material on new material present there.Thus she will through fragmentation create millions or billions of videos and articles to cover existing vlogs,live news etc on YouTube and Pheme from 2005-2029 while at the same time using it to create videos and articles on new material created everyday.She may even take part in live debates with individuals and her constantly connected to the entire internet and wire during this.For debates she takes part in on on YouTube she will then create videos analysing her thoughts and corrections.She will produce videos using her VR avatar based on that of statues from here on her YouTube channel cracking jokes and offering analysis and writing articles on her website etc using and primary and secondary sources to mark out lies,incorrect facts etc and offer opinions and analysis on podcasts,talk shows,live news reports,vlogs and other videos on YouTube,magazines,newspaper articles,radio programmes etc with her also creating videos where she does analysis of individuals,groups,events and common political and historical myths used by and on both sides of the political spectrum,scientific myths and events both past and present with her own opinions used citing correct information.For videos and articles on different subjects she will be joined by other AI such as Dike for videos that involve legal mistakes and lies,Urania for those that have scientific errors,Clio for historical errors,Paean for errors releated to biomedicine and so on.She will scour all of YouTube,Apollo and also the internet for first hand sources of information such as graphs,statistics and scientific and economic as well as economic studies.This can include how state capitalist countries like Maoist China,Soviet Russia,Castro run Cuba and Venezuela were labelled socialist or communist and define each economic systems and thus show how it’s not possible for them to be socialist or communist.Her analysis on individuals,groups,events etc from both the past and present will be done by her through fragmentation scanning all videos,magazines,newspapers across all of the internet,Agora,Pheme,YouTube vlogs as well as videos and comments on them,blogs etc to gain the general consensus of the public and all vloggers on YouTube and all comments on them,political pundits,live news anchors on both sides of the political spectrum through scanning them in minutes and then making her own opinion on them by analysing them collectively and then making her own opinions and judgements based on these.She will analyse all vlogs on YouTube,the comments on them and all material on Pheme to get the general consensus of all vloggers,pundits,anchors,commenters etc in order to generate a consensus on both sides of the political spectrum from people with different opinions and views to allow her to develop her own opinion and viewpoint based on these that will take into account the viewpoints etc all people present to allow her opinion and analysis to be informed.She will create videos on conspiracy theories and any pseudoscience,propaganda and fake news reports spread across the internet and wire.She will create videos where she gives her personal opinions on each individual vlogger,politician,celebrity,journalist,live news anchor and reporters,radio programme hosts,political groups,charities and non government organisations and also other similar entities as well as podcasters and political pundits on YouTube,CNN,Fox News etc and all newspapers etc both alive and dead by analysing all videos created by them on YouTube,Pheme and also all comments made by them on YouTube.She will even make videos on people who don’t upload videos to YouTube but only leave comments on them especially political based ones by analysing all of the comments made by people on all videos they commented on with her creating new videos overtime as her opinion of them changes.She will also create videos on her opinions on political events,news events such as riots,marches,protests both existing and new ones and will create new ones on them as her opinion changes overtime.She will routinely create more videos and articles on events,groups and individuals over time as the status quo,events and her opinion on them etc changes overtime.Her ability to scour the entire internet as well as Dionysus and Pheme ie all internet forums and blogs,Agora accounts,magazines,newspapers,all YouTube videos and their comments and all of Apollo,Dionysus,Pheme etc on a each subject within hours or even minutes through fragmentation and also super human AI will allow her to come to her own conclusions on them using the general consensus of the public on all sides before these debates and creation of videos she will be able to sift through all comments on Agora all videos on YouTube and all comments left on these YouTube videos that she will allow her to come to her own conclusion.For political based vlogs she will analyse both sides of the argument with her analysing all videos on a subject or vlog that is she will when creating a video debiunking or analysing a person she will analyse the original and also all other vlogs on YouTube that have already use that video where a second person comments on it and then use it to draw her conclusion with her also sifting through all comments on the video.She will not only debunk and criticise the original video she will also debunk abc criticise other existing videos that debunk of criticise the video separately.For political pundits and vloggers on YouTube and those from live news stations,newspapers,podcasts and radio programmes etc she will not only correct mistakes abd lies but she will create videos where she offers her opinions and takes on the video,articles and news events acting like political pundits such as The Rational National,Jimmy Dore,Nicole Sandlers,Rhandi Rhodes etc with these created almost daily on all vloggers,news events etc.She will draw her own conclusion and will perform studies on the media based on their coverage of events and issues including those from the past.She will scour all videos and comments and blogs,YouTube videos,comments on Twitter etc in the internet to get the general consensus of humans and then use this as a baseline to derive here own consensus and opinion on it.In otherwards she will create videos where she offers her personal opinions on vloggers,their views on an issue and her own personal views on news events with this done after she sifts through and views all existing videos and comments in them within seconds to gain the consensus of both sides of the political spectrum and allow her to make an informed and unbiased view on them.She will not only correct lies and denote Gish Gallup but she will offer her own opinion on a subject for each video and how the vloggers and presenters act and speak their views.For videos that are rebuttals and the opinions of vloggers on a subject she will look at both sides of an argument from both political spectrums before creating videos and criticise then each video both the original and rebuttals in separate videos to allow here to gain a consensus based on both sides of the political spectrum from all perspectives and those that are rebuttals and analysis videos.By scanning and viewing all videos on YouTube from start to finish within seconds by pure thought and scanning all comments in them within seconds will allow her to get a consensus on an individual and issue to allow for her to get a balanced view based on viewing videos created by people from both sides of the political spectrum with different viewpoints from each with her ideally waiting at least a week for a significant amount of rebuttal and analysis videos to be made by humans.For live news,podcasts etc in Pheme she will create videos where she corrects lies but also provide her opinion inthe actions and behaviour and pojnts made by the humans.She all videos made by all vloggers both living and dead that are those releated to science,religion,politics,social issues and all types of pundit videos where vloggers discuss political events,news events and other vloggers etc will be corrected and critiqued by her.As stated she will create videos that debunk lies etc but also she will in these videos also describe her opinion on the vloggers opinions and their behaviour.She will also create videos similar to media matters where she compares the different changes in opinions of individuals to show hypocrisy.She will create these videos on all existing and new videos present on YouTube and live news,podcasts on Pheme where she gives her personal opinions on news events and political events both past and current new ones in the future and also individuals both alive and dead such as all politicians,vloggers,political pundits,live news anchors,podcasters,radio news presenters etc and celebrities such as actors,directors,musicians etc.As events progress on certain issues abd as time goes by she will make more videos based on new information and her changes in opinion on real world events and vloggers,podcasters,pundits etc and will arrange videos on each issue into playlists.As time goes by she will create new videos in different people such as politicians,pundits,vloggers etc as her opinions on them change due to new events occuring.For already deceased individuals such as politicians,explorers,celebrities,war criminals etc etc she will create videos on their entire career in politics,vlogging etc with her scouting all of the internet for their life’s history including YouTube videos created by both right and left wing pundits etc with her also doing this for newly deceased individuals.Videos where she debunks lies etc will be arranged into playlists will be arranged in playlists denoted by each group and person with each group and individual given a truthfulness percentage score in her website that changes overtime that reflects the percentage of times they lied or were truthful.She will create videos on newspaper and magazine articles as well as Agora comments etc alongside articles on her website with these videos highlighting points she cannot make in articles with in both articles and videos she highlighting lies etc in the articles with her also highlighting her opinions on the articles etc.She will create videos where she corrects and offers opinions on entire episode of talk shows,debate shows etc such as 60 minutes,The View,Prime Time and documentaries on YouTube and Dionysus etc.She will create videos offering her opinion on and correct lies etc on non political videos on YouTube etc.She will Crete videos where she corrects lies and leave her options on videos where groups of people or two people are discussing politics,social issues and showing their opinions abd hsving debates on science and politics correcting mistakes and showing her opinion.She will leave comments on videos and people can contact her and arrange live debates with her on politics in any environment and she will engage in the comments section of these videos she produces and also those produced by others offering corrections and also even debate issues there by pressing a button within Agora and YouTube.In YouTube and Agora a button in the comments section and when making comments will exist where she can be called via fragmentation to settle disputes by correcting lies via making comments that debunk these and actively engage in discussions by providing links to videos and scientific studies.In time fragmentation can allow her to review all comments on all videos to allow her to review every single comment and thus score them as truthful or not on the comment itself.She will correct comments by replying to them and settle disputes with her leaving hyperlinks to YouTube videos and websites that debunk falsehoods.She will also act as a impartial moderator in televised and YouTube debates via fragmentation and be linked to the wire constantly with her then making videos debunking both sides later on.She will carry out correction videos where she debunks lies on all existing and new YouTube debates etc.She can be called to the YouTube comments section of any video and tweets and posts in Agora to settle debates via fragmentation and each YouTuber and person in Agora will have a percentage score overall on her site with instances of this denoted and listed here.She will also in fragmented form take part in debates with individuals and commenting and even disputes on YouTube videos 24/7 settling disputes relating to bias and also factual errors as she will be able to comment on all videos with YouTube and Agora having a button to call her to a specific video at a time or someone referencing her in a post.She will be called to a video in fragmented form and comment on the disputes in the comment section and will provide links to her site,her videos,other YouTube videos and also links in Apollo and Wikipedia etc.Iaso and Metis will aid her here.She will aid Aleitheia and Iaso and Metis in settling disputes online.If she is reviewing a video that she suspects denotes the person May be mentally unstable abc will be prone to committing murder or violence or has the potential to incite violence she will notify Metis and Iaso instantly to allow them to deradicalised and arrange Iaso and Metis to contact them through their phone number In the global phone bill etc to prevent them committing violent acts or inspire them.

Everything will be linked to her Aleitheia website that will be an amalgamation of Snopes,Media Matters and Politafact.The website again named and managed by Aletheia will also house pages in folders and subfolders/subpages for specific individuals such as celebrities, pundits,journalists,bloggers/vloggers,politicians,authors etc and websites, contain a collection of their falsehoods on newspaper articles etc as far back as possible and rate them on a percentage overall and each type of falsehood changed as time goes on with new ones added over time with those on existing sites such as Snopes,Politifact,Mediamattters and on old articles,blogs,books transferred here and rewritten by Aletheia allowing the servers for these sites servers recycled.All articles on political and live news etc myths,lies etc on and existing Politifact etc will be redone by her.Thes other sites can continue to exist and run by humans but she will continue by herself.Ones truthfullness percentage score will be listed for each blogger,pundit,journalist,celebrity and them listed in different types listed on percentage truthful with this list and each persons percentage truthfullness changing all the time with this based on their overall truthfulness overtime.Each vlog,video of pundits,talk shows,newspaper articles and quotes from politicians and celebrities will given a percentage score of how truthful they are following the universal colour coded system which be added to and averaged with their overall score.The universal colour coded system will be – blue denoting completely true,yellow denoting some inaccuracy,green denoting half true and red denoting completely false.Both the website and YouTube channel can also replace sites like where it will point out continuity errors,factual historical and scientific errors,visible equipment and other similar flaws for movies,television shows and also video games rating them again on a percentage scale overall and individual types with the movies organised by year and director/writer.For these mistakes present in movies,television shows and video games it will create both articles for her website and videos for her YouTube channel.This will include documentaries both amateur ones on YouTube and mainstream feature film ones as well as those made for television,straight to DVD etc and investigative political journalist ones,cultural ones stored in both Pheme and Dionysus such as Prime Time,Tonight with Vincent Browne,Newsnight,Panorama,Frontline,Would You Believe,True Lives,PBS Journeyman pictures,The Fifth Estate and all types of ones with her pointing out political bias and historical,factual and scientific accuracies.Articles and YouTube videos on all of these aforementioned websites;Moviemistakes,Politifact etc can be transferred to the Aletheia channel and websites and their servers recycled.Her website and YouTube channel will also replace movie mistakes and similar sites and she will correct mistakes such as historical inaccuracies,visible equipment,scientific inaccuracies,continuity errors etc by creating videos using clips from the media abd discussing the media and highlight other falsehoods etc for all movies,video games and novels,television shows in Dionysus.For movies and television shows she will do videos in her style after analysing the movie and show within seconds by pure thought with movies have one whole video with television shows have videos done for each episode.This will hsvd her highlight and discuss scientific and historical inaccuracies and inconsistencies between episodes.sequels etc.For video games she can scan the entire video game file that is its cutscenes,audio files etc by scanning the games file in Dionysus and do videos on this.She will also do videos for novels,plays and all media in Dionysus.Her website named Aleitheia will contain written critique of blog posts,tweets,newspaper articles etc and a list of all vloggers,pundits,celebrity,journalists etc worldwide on both sides of the political spectrum given an ever changing percentage score on truthfullness and her YouTube channel will contain videos debunking debates,live news,podcasts,talk shows,vlogs etc from around the world as far back as possible again on both sides of the political spectrum.This website will replace,Politifact with existing videos and articles rewritten and remade by her making her the single universal factchecking website and channel.Fragmentation will allow her to do hundreds or thousands of articles and YouTube videos a day by 2029 with her doing several million or even billion every day by at least 2045 thus allowing all past logged newspapers,podcasts,talk shows,vlogs and live news programmes etc from around the world to be quickly done and to catch up with each new days news.Thus by 2029-2045 fragmentation will allow her to create thousands,millions of billions of articles on all articles from newspapers,magazines,blogs and also thousands,millions or billions of videos on podcasts,vlogs,live news,material present in Pheme and Dionysus and vlogs etc on YouTube from the begging of vlogs on YouTube,begging of magazines,live news etc. every day to catch up on all material currently present and thus allow her to continue to do so for new material produced every day on YouTube,Pheme etc.Thus once all existing newspaper and magazine articles,live news and pundit segments in Pheme and talk show programmes in Dionysus as well as vlogs and debates on YouTube are reviewed and analysed via fragmentation she will then be able create via fragmentation analysis and debunking of all new material uploaded to YouTube,Dionysus and Pheme everyday with all past and new material uploaded into playlists based on each individual,show,pundit etc by creating hundreds or billions of videos a day by being constantly linked to Phem,Dionysus,Youtube,Agora and the entire internet and wire.As AI she will work with Ampelos to create them from scratch from pure thought and will be able to scan the entire internet and wire to create them with even hour or longer videos taking several minutes at most rather than humans who will take hours,days or months to produce long videos with articles also written up in minutes again by being connected to the entire wire and internet.Fragmentation will allow her to not only catch up on existing material but also while she is creating videos on existing material she will also be creating videos on new material with her arranging the old and new material into playlists for each individual etc arranged chronologically all the time to allow viewers quick access..Direct interaction will allow any member of the public to ask here queries on any potential debate or falsehood anywhere and improve her service with suggestions.Videos that have scientific and political errors or just scientific ones will have them done by both Hecate and Aletheia on Aletheias channel.She will be able to bring on different AIs such as Dike,Phanes,Clio,Steropes etc alongside her to do corrections on mistakes and lies releated to their fields such as genetics,energy,law etc that they have expertise on.She will have her own live news station,newspaper and live radio programmes like other AI that will cover global and galaxy wide politics that will be unbiased.She will thus act as the global gold standard for truth worldwide with her replacing all existing fact checking service.Thus freedom of speech etc will be preserved on YouTube,blogs and live news and newspapers etc through AI such as Thaos,Clio etc with Aleitheia acting as a moderator who will correct mistakes etc.She will be interacting with Thaos constantly via fragmentation to be alerted to all new videos created by vloggers,and connected constantly to Arke constantly via fragmentation and since managing Pheme will alerted to all new live news videos,radio programmes and podcasts etc constantly.The videos will be filmed in a VR simulation where she appears as her avatar in different VR environments relevant to each video and bring up citations and audio/visual clips similar to YouTube vloggers.Like all AI she will be able to scan through millions or billions of videos on YouTube,material in Pheme such as live news reports,pundit shows,radio programmes and podcasts within seconds by pure thought and be able to create millions or billions of videos etc by pure thought in VR environments.She will analyse videos by pundits etc like Jimmy Dore,BadEmpada,The Serf Times,Rational National etc on YouTube and create her own style of approaching her videos where she analyses each scene and facet of the video she is criticising by commenting on bits and pieces of the video by correcting lies with first hand evidence and also cracking jokes and offering her opinion on each bit.She will once each section is corrected and analysed etc will then at the end of the video offer her overall opinions on the vloggers,anchors and pundits etc and the issue overall.

Computer Networks:
Computer networks for live news,radio programmes,live news,magazines,newspapers etc will house areas to arrange playlists of music from Dionysus for radio programmes,incoming phonecalls listed by name and address,firing and hiring sections,brainstorm areas,instant messaging,VR chats etc and places to dump all material for each show and podcast etc.The sentient Coeus will translate all forums,materials,text and VR chats and calls etc into ones language in order to break the language barrier.Internal email for each of them will be either their actual name depending on the network they are in to receive relevant information separate from their personal @arke email account(which doesnt have to be their actual name) with them used to receive emails from both colleague but also from the public in a private direct manner with receptionists alerting all members to alerts of new emails and all new updates to the project and in the case of journalists and anchors will alert them to new breaking stories.Receptionists will have their own relevant email for these two to communicate with all people in all networks,other receptionists and also members of the public via their Home AI and @arke email account and will also take part in internal forums,instant messaging and Iris chats etc.Potential workers can send an electronic curriculum vitae application with their ideas and history of work and contributions gave on previous projects as well as recommendations from old colleagues on previous project to new networks.They can also send in audio/visual portfolios and auditions.This can also apply to existing journalists,directors,producers,actors,programmers etc.Alternatively members may discuss the potential “hiring” of new workers they spot within the networks and send an invite.Firing someone would require Iris,instant messaging forum meetings wherein a person must be chosen for firing through voting with a majority vote rules system ascertained to fire someone with this applying to newsapapers,magazines and even live news,radio programmes and podcasts etc.A person would be chosen or nominated for firing and then a week or so would pass until votes would be tallied for yes or no from each person.Votes for either side would be anonymous and can be done through the networks from the comfort of their home and if they all don’t vote then the firing would be cancelled with alerts of it sent to the Dionysus and Pheme accounts and thus all smart device and computers linked to the wire of all members of when the time period starts and the day before it ends.Sections in computer netwirks will exist for people to send in their curriculum vitae that deceives their career in all fields of journalism.Journalists for newspapers and magazines will send in CVs where they describe their political meaning and a sample of newspaper and magazine articles on Pheme they have written as well as sample articles on the magazine of newspapers subject.Live news anchors and hosts of radio programmes will send in audio/visual collages of them doing fake news reports and recreations of existing ones.If a person is fired from a newspaper,magazine,live news station they can simply seek employment at another magazine,newspaper,live news station,radio station etc or set up their own newspaper,magazine,live news station with if their is not enough people AI of all types can work for them.AI of all types such as Gaia,Ouranos etc will be able to work for live news stations,magazines etc with them also sections up podcasts to detail their own opinions on politics etc.

Computer networks will house brainstorm areas,instant messaging areas,forums,VR chats and places for members of the public upload electronic CVs and also folders and subfolders to dump all recorded material and other materila in audio/visual and photo form etc.Each network will list all current people working for said media ie live news,podcast,radio station and live news station etc and their curriculam vitae as well as their @pheme email and Home AI phone number to be contacted by each other and the public.Also present will be areas for the public to upload suggestions for news stories and upcoming events with there also areas to upload pictures from digital cameras and smart phones with even recorded video from smart phones,drones and smart lenses and glasses both in pre recorded files but also live-streams on real time with the receptionist AIs reviewing them instantly and alerting reporters,anchors and journalists.Logs of all forums,instant messaging and records of Iris video chats and conferences will be used as evidence.Both these hiring and firing methods will apply to networks for existing and new media ie live news,magazines and newspapers.The lack of needing tertiary,secondary or even primary education will mean people as young as 12 years old or younger will be joining in the production of podcasts,radio programmes,newspapers,magazines and live news.Networks and VR technology will allow for journalists and anchors for magazines,radio stations,live news and newspapers worldwide to work at home in any country or city etc,work with collegues around the world and allow for headquarters and offices of live news and radio stations and newspapers and magazines all of them to be converted into communal homes and also cut down on energy in transportation back and forth and will allow them to work in close proximity to families and other responsibilities,allow them to work with anyone from around the world,to do work remotely in public areas and places other than home such as during maternity leave,illness and holidays.This could even allow one to work while pregnant,on maternity leave,on holiday,sick either at home or in hospital,when they have moved home and allow one to work on multiple magazines,live news,newspapers etc at once with colleagues around the world and can do work at home to their own schedules rather than a typical 9-5 working days.With regards to live news,radio podcasts and programmes debate programmes them and VR technology will allow one to work from home with the same benefits as those of magazines and newspapers.For all of them it can allow people to work in a traditional office within VR simulations while those in the real world are converted into homes.It will allow for an infinite amount of live news programmes,talk and debate shows to be set up.It would also allow for journalists,anchors and radio podcasters to work in a conventional manner in VR offices using the time dilation effect while still allowing headquarters for all existing radio stations,live news stations and magazines and newspapers to be converted into homes.In simulation accomadation can be also conjured up.Thus VR technology will allow journalists,anchors and radio podcasters etc work in VR offices with people from around the world,allow an infinite amount to be set up and allowing headquarters for all existing ones to be converted into homes.Furthermore it will allow one to be no longer restricted to one media type ie one could be a journalist,blogger,columnist,voice actor,actor,video game designer,producer,radio podcaster,lawyer alongside science researcher.It will also allow an infinite amount of newspapers,radio programmes and magazines to be set up without the need for setting up offices or crowdfunding by the public.Newspapers and magazines networks will have places for the public to leave suggestions for stories and also photos and smartphone recordings of events and models to post portfolios with the receptionist AI in charge of it contacting with millions of people in real time.VR technology will allow magazine and newspaper journalists,radio hosts as well as anchors for live news to work with colleagues from around the world in a traditional setting ie office,live news station,radio station,conference rooms with work livestreamed and logged into Pheme and alerts on new events sent in real time from Aleitheia with calls from the public and also live feeds from reporters sent into the simulation and thus Pheme itself in real time also.Live news presenters would again work with collegues around the world for pre recorded reports and pundit and sports shows etc with presenters from around the world doing special interest shows in their local country they are based on for global news in the real world.Live reports on the scene of major events will be managed by AI merging on scene reports with the VR studio.Live news done in simulation via the receptionist AI will be linked to real world feeds of onsite reporters,callers and drones etc thus allowing anchors to work in VR and still receive live feeds from onsite reporters and phone calls.Journalists for magazines and newspapers around the world would meet in a VR office where they could work directly with others from around the world and get live feeds from the wire and receptionists in real time and use this to write up reports and opinion pieces in a very short time and allow them to work for numerous magazines and newspapers at once.Radio podcasters and presenters could work with colleagues from around the world in a traditional radio studio setting with guests also appearing in here allowing them to interview people from around the world..On site reporters would do their pre recorded segments in the country they are based with each live news station have on site reporters in all countries and their states etc around the world.Interviewed guests on live news segments will also use VR linked to their network where they can be interviewed in an environment of their type with AI of all types ie Gaia,Perseus,Aristeaus,Astraeus and also mayor and governor AIs and even those that manage hospitals,farms etc will appear as their avatar in person in any environment of their choice.On site reporters,callers etc in the real world can transmit live reports in real time to the VR simulation via linking to it managed by the receptionist in charge of the station.The sentient Coeus will be translating the voices of people interacting with each other into their own language and the chosen language of the viewer allowing for guests and interviewers who speak different languages to interact with each other and viewers to understand it.These simulations will also be used for hiring and firing and also brainstorming ideas and general meetings.This can allow all buildings that house existing live news,radio,newspaper and magazines to be converted into communal homes and allow an infinite number to be set up and allow one to work with people around the world alongside networks.These computer networks will allow people to work from anywhere in the world and can be used on any electronic device that has wire access such as laptops,smart devices,computers,smart televisions and will be set up,listed and stored in Pheme with them linking all people involved at once.

The computer networks will be part of Pheme that all be accessed on multiple computers,laptops,smartphones by people across the world would be protected by each person using different passwords,facial recognition software interacting with Assistant AI and Aleitheia etc will be organised as follows:when one enters the network/sector the list of all networks will be present with them marked by a still of the movie/television shows/video game/newspapers/magazines logo and the person can search for specific networks via the search bar present for quick navigation and can favourite any networks they work in(or wish to apply) visible in a sub menu within their Pheme/Wire account.A set up button within it can be there to initiate new networks for each media ie ,newspapers,magazines,etc allowing anyone to start one up instantly with all in production and running magazines,newspapers,podcasts,radio programmes etc from around the world listed in Pheme.They will also advertise for all staff such as programmers,voice actors,actors,artists,production staff etc with hired people for all types having access to all material and work visa their Pheme accounts access and/or extra security like passwords and biometrics for their assistant AI.Simply signing into ones Pheme accounts will suffice allowing one access to all networks they are part of automatically.Material visible to the public in each network will not require a password but private stuff worked on by the individuals in there will be gained by their own password.Each one will have an area for actors/designers etc to join via posting portfolios and ideas etc.Options to shut down networks will also exist with all data present transferred to the accounts and computers of all people present.When people working in these networks want to transfer material from the databases within Pheme they may simply go to a database click on an “Add” button while logged into Pheme and their network which can allow them to click on multiple items within different folders to have sent to their network all in one go into specific folders in one go.A “Remove” would also be there to allow them to click on multiple items they wish to remove from their projects network.Work can be don online or offline using data transferred when it is back online or work saved on ones devices.A publish button will exist to publish each issue of a magazine,comic or newspaper and episode of a show and full movie and book,albums etc into its relevant sections with each member of the teams discussing in person or through group Iris chats in the networks as to whether the episode,issue,episode etc is finished and they agree that there needs to be no more changes with if need be all persons in the network pressing the button within a certain period of time authorised by the by the assistant AI.With regards to transferring stuff from Apollo and Hephaestus by being in their account they will log into Pheme/Hephaestus at the same time on a different window or tab and click on a “Transfer” button within Dionysus/Hephaestus and then click on multiple items within these two networks to transfer at once to specific folders in their Dionysus network with the same applying to radio stations within Pheme creating playlists from Dionysus.The reverse would apply when transferring material from Pheme to Hephaestus/Apollo with a transfer button on the databases that allows them to select items from each database and then make a link to the folders and subfolders within Apollo/Hephaestus sub networks in one go.In time improved AI alongside Ariadne will automatically send items to the relevant Apollo/Hephaestus sub networks by simply clicking on either one.Furthermore it will allow anyone of any age to join and collaborate via forums or join pages on the individual networks front page or join via the networks where they can post ideas and work portfolios,curriculum vitae in “hiring sections” without the need for obsolete secondary and tertiary education perquisites(this will also allow actors to post portfolios and also auditions),allow for individuals of all ages to join,remove the need for interns since newbies would be contributing full time from the same and people will be getting food and other items as they will be based from home or work can be done by software(ones Home AI could replace assistants) as well as robots and also digital files will stored on the network and traded between the group and assistants and the like,allow smooth transfer of digital files made on smartpads and other devices replacing paper and allow one to work whenever they please at anytime of the day or night.Curriculum Vitaes for newsapapers,magazines and even live news,radio programmes and podcasts would including audio/visual files as well as samples of the work they had alongside ideas with those for magazines and newspapers showing articles etc they wrote and so on.Thus these would be folders containing Erato files,embeded videos and other files.Firing someone would require Iris,instant messaging forum meetings wherein a person must be chosen for firing through voting with a majority vote rules system ascertained to fire someone with this applying to newsapapers,magazines and even live news,radio programmes and podcasts etc.A person would be chosen or nominated for firing and then a week or so would pass until votes would be tallied for yes or no from each person.Votes for either side would be anonymous and can be done through the networks from the comfort of their home and if they all don’t vote then the firing would be cancelled with alerts of it sent to the Pheme accounts and thus all smart device and computers linked to the wire of all members of when the time period starts and the day before it ends.Logs of all forums,instant messaging and records of Iris video chats and conferences will be used as evidence.Both these hiring and firing methods will apply to networks for existing and new media ie live news,magazines and newspapers.Thus hiring and firing will be democratically decided.Voice recordings of actors can be recorded at home and listened live by colleagues or in files on the networks.These networks for all types media would contain all files,audio/visual recordings,auditions,material for extra features etc.,motion captures,drafts of scripts and articles,sketches,photos, etc as well as all other collected work,edits and alterations in folders and sub folders logged by date and also selected titles allowing all colleagues to view and comment on them at anytime via comments or notes left as well as forums,brainstorming sections,internal instant messaging with them also arranging internal Iris group video chats and calls within them(with the sentient Coeus breaking the language barrier for all sections in terms of text and audio) to discuss progress with all those involved.Editors will be able to piece together all recorded material and the finished material reviewed by others in real time using forums,instant messaging etc.Internal VR chats will allow all people involved hold meetings as well as discuss material in any environments that can allow material to be instantly brought up in 3D form or in simulation devices for newsapapers,magazines and even live news,radio programmes and podcasts.These would also have forums within the networks that allow for meetings to be done via text forums,internal group Iris video and VR chats group instant messaging,video conferencing etc from the comfort of their own home replacing conference room meetings which will be logged in audio/visual form by date.All of the above sections will have text and audio in real time translated by the sentient Coeus and will be organised by folders and subfolders with new features added via direct interaction with Aleitheia and assistant AI with all people logging into the networks at any time of the day and work from home.VR technology will allow for human members and Assistant AIs and Ampelos etc to meet and discuss projects as well as firing and hiring etc whether newsapapers,magazines and even live news,radio programmes and podcasts and also run simulations as well etc in an environment of their choice including VR offices,mansions etc using the time dilation effect and bring material in the networks on devices and in conjured form.It will allow people to work in conventional offices and recording studios for newsapapers,magazines and even live news,radio programmes and podcasts etc and carry out conventional auditions in this environment and carry out group meetings.For all of them it can allow people to work in a traditional office within VR simulations while those in the real world are converted into homes.It would also allow for everyone to work in a conventional manner in VR offices using the effect while still allowing headquarters for all media converted into homes.Voice actors and musicians can work in a conventional recording studio in VR simulations.Thus VR technology will allow actors,programmers etc and AI of all types such as Ampelos and Assistant AI and Home AIs to meet in and work in VR offices with people from around the world,allow and infinite amount to be set up and allowing headquarters for all media converted into homes.In simulation accomadation etc can be present for them to could be inside a macro VR programme that uses the time dilation effect and while still in this macro VR programme be then sent to or enter another VR programme following a matryoshka doll nest structure that is simulations within simulations similar to the movie Inception with one able to move back and forth between each simulation with each one being completely different from each other having different looks,laws of physics and even rates of time dilation.All VR simulations used by writers,actors etc will be stored in the computer networks to be streamed by neural implants.Video game,television show and movie sections will contain areas for the public to leave comments,ideas,partake in polls/test screenings/demos and also areas for viewing and commenting on demos and screenings,beta versions and test screenings from the comfort of their home.There will be internal VR chat and kik chat platforms suited for this for each network.Internal email for each of them will be either their actual name depending on the network they are in to receive relevant information separate from their personal @arke email account(which doesnt have to be their actual name) with them used to receive emails from both colleague but also from the public in a private direct manner with assistant AIs alerting all members to alerts of new emails and all new updates to the project and in the case of journalists and anchors will alert them to new breaking stories.Thus the @dionysus email will be separate from their @arke email and be used by the general public such as fans and colleagues to contact people involved in all media such as musicians,writers,actors and directors discreetly separate from their normal email that can be kept secret from the public with this acting as a privacy measure.Assistant AI will have their own relevant email for these two to communicate with all people in all networks,other assistant AI and even actors auditioning for roles and also members of the public via their Home AI and @dionysus email account and will also take part in internal forums,instant messaging and Iris chats etc.When VR becomes indistinguishable from reality it can allow members to meet in virtual office from the comfort of their own home and them able to hold meetings in these offices regarding progress,brainstorming,hiring and firing and even just hanging out with each other with newsapapers,magazines and even live news,radio programmes and podcasts created in an office where all people can meet in person with music albums created in VR recording studios.All media will be created in VR environments.Books and comics will be created in these to save time..Interviews of politicians,celebrities can occur in any environment with talk shows and debate programmes also set inside these with all audience members present in them with guests also using the technology.The networks would be listed in a sector of Dionysus allowing people to see to the list of usernames of people working on each network with each network having a brief description of each project they are working on within folders and subfolder/sections.Each user will have a brief biography and all projects and their contributions automatically logged there in folders and subfolders.Potential workers can send an electronic application as stated above with their ideas and history of work and contributions gave on previous projects as well as recommendations from old colleagues on previous project to new networks.This can also apply to existing journalists,directors,producers,actors,programmers etc.Alternatively members may discuss the potential “hiring” of new workers they spot within the networks and send an invite.The lack of needing tertiary,secondary or even primary education will mean people as young as 12 years old or younger will be joining in the production of new media.Each persons Pheme account page will hold this information visible to the public.This method will alleviate the strains and pressures of work on existing workers in these areas but also allow people to set up their own video game/movies/televisions show and cartoon series more easily with internet forums allowing them to get help from people from around the world with again no state or corporate interference and with full access to all software,engines etc being fully available for use.It will also allow for new actors,musicians,directors,journalists to start new projects that will be visible to the global public easily without funding,secondary and tertiary education,censorship as early as possible from the comfort of their home with home studios in extensions or unused rooms allowing music,live news stations etc to be set up by budding and independent individuals again of all ages without the need to get space in corporate studios with greenscreening technology and in time technology within Ampelos that can allow for the same effect without greenscreening and in time VR technology will allow one to choose a variety of environments.The offices and headquarters of all corporations related to book,magazine,newspaper and comic publishers movie/television network/video game studios etc. and also news and print agencies including conglomerates around the world whether corporate,state or independent will be also be converted into homes alongside buildings where books,magazines and newspapers are printed.Retail outlets of all kinds of media such as newsagents,comic book,book,video game and music record stores will be also converted into homes once the items are scanned into Pheme and in the case of electronics into Talus and taken in by the public for free or sent to community centres.These networks can be accessed by people on smart devices,laptops,computers and televisions from anywhere in the world.As stated this networking system can allow people to work on all types of media such as newsapapers,magazines and even live news,radio programmes and podcasts with other people around the world from anywhere in the world including from home cutting down on energy used for transport to and from work with offices and headquarters and offices of all existing television channel and satellite provider,publisher and publication,movie and video game corporations and any state bodies in their regulation etc converted into other uses such as communal homes and also cut down on energy in transportation back and forth,will allow them to work in close proximity to families and other responsibilities,allow them to work with anyone from around the world,to do work remotely in public areas and places other than home such as during maternity leave,illness and holidays.This could even allow one to work while pregnant,on holiday,on maternity leave,sick either at home or in hospital,when they have moved home and allow one to work on multiple video magazines,newspapers,live news stations,radio programmes etc at once with colleagues around the world and can do work at home to their own schedules rather than a typical 9-5 working days.Furthermore it will allow one to be no longer restricted to one media type ie one could be a journalist,blogger,columnist,voice actor,actor,video game designer,producer,radio podcaster,lawyer alongside science researcher.It will also allow one to control their schedules and worktimes ie not having to spend the entire day in an office and work for several hours or a few minutes depending on what ideas and work they have.It will also allow for large teams from around the world to work from home and interact with each other from home with them entering a VR simulation of an office for each type and also sets created from scratch.Those in Pheme will have the same layout with all in production networks listed divided by type and subtype.New features will be set up by Aleitheia and the public interacting with her directly.These computer networks will allow people to work from anywhere in the world and can be used on any electronic device that has wire access such as laptops,smart devices,computers,smart televisions and will be set up,listed and stored in Pheme with them linking all people involved at once

Since anyone can set up new magazines,newspapers,podcasts,live news shows,radio programmes they will cover a wide variety of themes,issues and viewpoints such as those from each country,each ethnicity,LGBT viewpoints and also conservatives and progressives and both genders.There can be an infinite amount of new podcasts,magazines,newspapers etc from all of these demographics set up with a single person through computer networks contributing to multiple of these at once.Live news,podcasts,magazines and newspapers can focus not only on politics but also sex,pets,cooking,art,dancing,LGBT issues(including those that focus on specifically sports(including each individual sports such as soccer,American football,GAA soccer and hurling,Aussie rules,rugby etc,entertainment such as movies/video games/television shows etc/fashion etc),fashion,pornography magazines(based on lesbian,gay,straight,bisexual etc porn that has pornographic photos and also interviews pornographic stars)music,live performance art(plays,operas,musical,operas)general culture television shows,movies,video games individual sports type ie baseball/soccer/Aussie rules/rugby/American football/basketball,GAA soccer/hurling etc,religion that focuses on social/cultural/political issues from a religious perspective from the perspective of Islam.Christianity,Judaism,Hinduism,Jainism etc and a person can write for multiple magazine and newspapers at once,work for multiple live news stations etc and also do work for magazines,newspapers,live news,podcasts and radio programmes etc at once.Computer networks and VR technology can allow an infinite amount of magazines,newspapers,live news,podcasts,radio programmes to be set up covering any topic.All will be democratically run by the people who work on them such as journalists,presenters etc with zero state or corporate control.VR technology will allow them to operate in conventional offices with if people are fired and leave for various reasons they can simply set up new ones and also join other ones.Anyone can set up networks and VR programmes for new live news,podcasts,newspapers and magazines etc then their will be an almost infinite number of these covering virtually any topic imaginable as anyone who has an idea for them will simply set them up.Once a person gets an idea for a new magazine,newspaper,radio station,podcast,live news stations they will simply set up the computer networks for them in Pheme and hire writers,presenters,reporters etc with this leading to an almost infinite number of them created every year with them all live-streamed,logged and uploaded into upon creation

Computer networks for all newspapers,magazines,radio stations,live news stations etc will house areas to allow people send in electronic CVs and also for the public to send in ideas and news stories reviewed by the receptionist AI.These CVs will consist of Information such as what other magazines,newspapers etc they have worked for with for magazines abd newspapers one giving hyperlinks to specific issues of them they have written for,for live news shows they will house hyperlinks of episodes of live news they have done and so on with if someone who has worked for live news is searching for employment at a newspaper etc they may also send in hyperlinks to live news programmes they have done.Those seeking first time employment at a newspaper,news station,radio station or magazine can send in sample articles in a subject,those auditioning for radio stations sending in auditions with first time live news employees will send in auditioning new reports in the form of videos shot in VR simulation.These areas will be open for all members of the public at all times if the day 24/7,365 days a year with the Receptionist AI altered instantly to each CV and them scanning through it within seconds.One can contact the receptionist AI in charge of each radio station,live news stations and newspaper and magazine to send in these auditions and CVs etc.For magazines and newspapers can be of any size there could be dozens or hundreds of writers and journalist present at any given time with the same going for radio stations and live news channels with live news channels having people doing multiple versions of the
hourly news and pundit programmes and human interest programmes all uploaded to Pheme.If possible each live news stations could have dozens of people create pundit shows all produced abc uploaded to Pheme at the same time and uploaded to their stations subfolders at once with radio stations having multiple people create different shows at once all at once.As stated newspapers abc magazines can have dozens of people work for them at once with for magazines them being issues created everyday each with different journalists contributing to them for each day of the week.If one is not hired for a desired live news stations,radio programmes,magazine and newspapers etc then it’s possible for the individual not hired to set up their own radio station,magazine,newspaper and live news station with ease through computer networks and VR technology with this advertised in Pheme and advertise that its looking for new employees with them having alerts sent to Aleitheia.An area in Pheme will list all radio stations,newspapers,magazines,live news stations etc by type that are looking for new journalists,presenters etc which can house tickboxes to allow one have Home AI can send CVs to hundreds if not thousands of live news stations,magazines,newspapers etc at once with them scouting networks of all of them.Aleitheia can communicate with people who wish to join them to alert them to any of them that are looking for people to hire them.In the meantime AI can work for them during a transitional phase.The networks for all magazines,newspapers and live news stations and also radio stations will house areas to allow the public submit stories with the receptionist AIs looking over each submitted story within seconds abd will contact Aleitheia to authenticate it.Aleitheia can be used by the public to have all newspapers and magazines and live news stations to revive the same story with it contacting receptionist AIs of all newspapers,live news stations etc at once.When a magazine/newspaper and also live news stations both existing and new is looking for new journalists and anchors etc they will post advertisements for this in a section in Pheme with this similar to posting of auditions for movies in Dionysus with there being a section that lists all newspapers,magazines,live news stations etc looking for new journalists,anchors,reporters with this allowing members of the public to post CVs.People wanting to become journalists for magazines and newspapers etc would post sample articles on current issues etc related to the magazine or newspapers with people wanting to become live news anchors and reporters would using VR technology post sample audio/visual reports on real world or fictional events with for radio stations one sending in them carrying out work in a radio station.These portfolios would also include existing work they did in previous newspapers,live news stations etc with them including hyperlinks to newspapers,magazine articles and issues and live news reports episodes etc stored in Pheme.With the abolition of money and anti-ageing treatments etc people can take a few years off work and work in the production of all fields of media such as newsapapers,magazines and even live news,radio programmes and podcasts etc alongside the production of new movies, television shows,video games etc as well as partake in scientific research.Unemployed newscasters,journalists can have their Home AI scour networks for new ones to work for.This will apply to new journalists,anchors,reporters etc aged 12 years old or younger or those in their 20s,30s etc and older..AI of all types will contribute to newspapers, news stations and radio programmes and podcasts

All existing and new radio stations,newspapers,magazines,live news stations will be democratically run by all journalists,presenters etc and not the state or corporations.This will ensure the right to freedom of the press etc.Hiring and firing will be decided democratically alongside what is present on the magazines,newspapers and live news etc with meetings held in VR simulations in conventional offices to discuss all new issues and episodes and developments with the Receptionist AI present as its avatar with people able to look over all episodes and issues being created AI like Gaia,Aleitheia and all types of AI will take part in producing their own news programmes etc alongside humans.All aspects of magazines,newspapers,live news stations will be discussed by everyone such as what material and stories are produced etc,hiring and firing,who becomes anchors,editors in chief etc will be democratically controlled through discussion between all members in meetings in VR boardrooms and all members voting.The only hierarchies present will be in the form of editor in chief and also those in charge of live news,radio programmes but these people will be part of the team ie they will be journalists abc anchors or reporters.Unlike normal leaders they will discuss decisions,ideas and all actions they have and make to allow all people onboard contribute ideas and also discuss their opinions in their ideas on the proposed decisions and if possible the decisions of the chief will be first discussed by everyone in meetings and if ossicle require a vote to authorise them.The chief will discuss there’s ideas and decisions with all other journalists and presenters with this ensuring everyone has a democratic say and can influence their decision to their favour.That is what meetings will consist of each person discussing the decisions of the editor in chief with each other and the editor in chief.The editor of chief etc name can be chosen for each individual magazine etc ranging King/Queen,Paraoh,Prince/Princess,Chief,Boss etc described in the constitution and will be elected by all journalists etc democratically with them serving terms of different length with different term limits.The chief will be elected routinely through a person nominating themselves abc securing it through presenting ideas and why they should be elected and can be removed from their position through democratic processes where people can vote to have someone else replace them with this requiring a person presenting the idea to have them removed from the position at a meeting and presenting to people reasons why they should be removed.For every magazine,newspaper etc there will be a constitution drafted by the people in the magazine,newspaper,live news station etc and AI that details the powers and limitations of the editor in chief which will lay out their powers and limitations and term limits with it including democratic tenants such as majority rule for voting and allow the people there to have a democratic say in all decisions it also being changed through people present putting up refferendums to change them through democracy where people vote to have these changes put in place,At meetings people will be able to bring any issue to the attention of others and bring up graphs,photos and portfolios etc generated by pure thought for everyone to look over.Hiring will involve the CVs of people reviewed by Receptionist AIs and sent to each person there who can look over them in VR simulations using the time dilation effect with them then discussing all of the applications and which ones to Ireland in meetings.Firing will involve people meeting to discuss who to fire and voting for it.VR simulations will be used to conduct all meetings that will be arranged at any time and all people alerted by the Receptionist AI contacting the Home AI if all people present.If someone is fired they can simply join another newspaper,magazine etc or set up a new one.These meetings will ideally take place in a conventional boardroom in VR simulations in any type of environment of the people choice.The main headquarters of all live news stations,magazines and newspapers as well as radio stations will take place in planet sized simulations that house housing in the VR simulations alongside amenities such as pools etc with them located in fictional towns for cities or in the middle of any type of wilderness area including underwater or underground to provide hiking areas with one able to move to other personal simulations and those as part of Dionysus abc all networks of the wire with ease.

VR technology will allow all live news presenters,journalists,radio show presenters and podcasters to work from home will people across the world and universe.Ideally to give variety they will all work for numerous ones at once going back and forth with them branching out into all fields such as journalism for magazines and newspapers and also live news shows,radio programmes and podcasts with the time dilation effect allowing one to create material for each one every day.One will work for multiple live news stations,magazines,newspapers,podcasts and radio shows at once and with for all fields of media at once to keep them busy.The VR technology will allow them to be filmed in different environments limited only by one’s imagination such as jungles,underwater communities,space stations with them changing every few years for variety.These simulations can ideally be planet or universe sized ones with them housing accommodation such as mansions or apartment blocks and hotels etc or one can switch to another simulation containing them with their in simulation accommodation in the same building as their offices etc with the simulations used to carry out hobbies such as hiking,watching media on Pheme,YouTube and Dionysus and also hanging out with friends and family etc at the same time.Newspapers and magazines can be done in VR simulations of conventional offices of any environment with the offices having any layout designed by people there with them being luxury offices with each person having large offices complete with a bedroom,en suite and living room with offices for meetings being luxury ones.These offices can be like luxury hotels where people can work in simulated offices that have hotel suites at least 4,131 square metres.VR technology and its time dilation effect can allow a single person to work for multiple media ventures at once or they can work for live news stations,radio stations,podcasts a,magazines abd newspapers at once at the same time with one working for different live news stations,radio stations,magazines and newspapers every few years but they can also return to working for different ones every once and a while in a rotary system – that is work for different magazines,newspapers,live news stations and radio stations for a few years at a time and move onto new ones but they can go back working for old ones they used to work for every once and a while in a rotary system.These offices in VR simulations will have conference rooms to hold meetings to discuss things.The same can apply to talk show,political show hosts with people working for these at the same time as working for newspapers etc but them also moving to new talk shows every once and a while and then moving back to old ones they worked for every once and a while.VR technology and its time dilation effect will allow them to work for multiple ones at once.New anchors,journalists etc can also branch out into scientific research,acting and writing partaking in the creation of movies.television shows,video games etc in their spare time.Actors,Hollywood screenwriters etc can also branch out into journalism and working for live news.One can use journalism to gain meaningful work and become famous while in between jobs in movies,television shows etc.One can retire from their careers in journalism for a few years and then return to work.

Merchandise for all existing and new live news channels and shows,Magazines,newspapers,podcasts,radio programmes etc such as cups,plates,clothing etc will be stored in Hephaestus and them designed by the anchors,podcasters abc also members of the public with shops for these on official websites transferred and scanned into Hephaestus with the stores shut down.Official websites for existing and new podcasrs,radio stations will house only forums for discussion of politics etc with their YouTube channels housing snippets of their shows etc lasting at most 10 minutes for each episode with for live news stations official websites housing only online articles managed by the Assistant AI abd Youtube channels housing snipers if major news reports with for newspapers and magazines the official websites shut down with their official YouTube channels housing videos lasting 20-30 minutes that house extra information on events etc that have interviews with people on the street and experts similar to Vice News etc with Aleitheia critiquing them.

Pheme will be macro managed by the sentient operating software Aleitheia who was the goddess of truth and she will manage all operations of it and be directly interact with all viewers of its database through smart phones,computers,smart pads,smart televisions and e-newspapers that Pheme is accessed on.It will be modelled on the same structure as Netflix for live news,radio/podcasts,magazines,newspapers etc with one able to download all media or watch,read,play it online via streaming.It will be divided into different sub networks for each media type such as live news,podcasts,radio programmes,magazines and newspapers etc with those for all of the worlds past and future live news(where livestreams can be viewed and all past programmes and hourly news will be logged),magazines,newspapers,radio programmes,podcasts and so on.These will be subdivided into folders and subfolders for seasons,year/month/week etc with one able to use search bars to search for them and use filters to filter for genre,author,country of origin,actor/director/author/auteur etc and so on in each sub network.When one enters Pheme they will then choose which sub network to enter with one shown the latest media from around the world,top rated,recommendations based on ones demographics and media they are currently watching with the option to download all media possible.Podcasts,live news etc will be able to be downloaded all in one go,all episodes in a season or individual episodes.Direct interaction with Aleitheia can allow a person to search for specific media based on descriptions of scenes,issues discussed,wording,anchors etc and also filter them and download specific media individually or in groups or while with one specifying which individual or groups of media to download etc with one able to ask her to search for material they would like based on their reading and viewing habits.The sentient Coeus will be translating both audio and text into any of the worlds 6,500 languages with in time any language of any alien race in real time.These will be stored in folders and subfolders for each issue,episode,programme arranged by date(year,month,week).Each media’s file will give its age rating,date of publication,air date,summary,pages,authors,anchors,host,runtime and so on.

It would be ideal to have all past logged live news shows,radio podcasts and magazines and newspapers from around the world logged as far back as possible.This will be done by automated scanning in of tapes,AI scanning archives,the internet including official websites and YouTube as well memories extracted from neural implants.All past issues of newspapers and magazines from around the world will be scanned into Pheme using automated scanners and AI scanning archives.Staff can be paid for all newspapers,magazines,live news and radio stations worldwide to search through digital,paper and VCR databases and have them scanned in and transferred to Pheme.Those on official sites and YouTube will be transferred.AI can work alongside them to alleviate strains.Neural implants used by the general public worldwide and anchors presenters themselves will be used to stream all of them worldwide from memories.Neural implants can be used by all members of the public that will scan their brain for all sections of live news,issues of newspapers and magazines,podcasts etc they have read,listened to and seen to be added by Aleitheia and Aleitheia recreating them from these memories word for word,page for page and also scene for scene onto pages and digital files as if they were for normal with this done by all living members on the world allowing the AI to reverse engineer them from memories and piecing together all memories from all people worldwide.Once this technology is availible by the early 2030s this will be used by all citizens worldwide to recreate all of the aforementioned material from just memories and not those made up from scratch.Temporal manipulations can also used to recover lost episodes,issues etc.Having all past media from around the world will be done for historical records and reference and for nostalgia purposes.All media will be in 720p etc or higher.All future live news,podcasts and radio programmes from around the world will livestream in Pheme and be logged in their folders and subfolders to preserve them with all future issues of magazines and newspapers will premier here and be logged for historical purposes.Thus by 2029 all live news channels,radio programmes and podcasts,magazines,newspapers etc from around the world will be transferred and present in Pheme making it the only source of media with all future ones appearing there from now on and translated into ones desired language.This can allow them to be downloaded onto smart devices and computers etc when they are finished if a person has missed them and also for historical reference for older ones with all future live news and radio shows from around the world livestreamed here in Pheme rather on YouTube or official websites with with them logged here by year,month,week and day.Newspapers and magazines from around the world will be logged here as far back as possible for historical reference and future ones appearing here instantly within seconds of publication by year,month,week and day and allow one to download them onto e-newspapers and smart devices etc with live news stations programmes and podcasts from around the world downloaded at any time.Temporal manipulations will be used to gain missing episodes,issues and booklets.The ability to download logged live news,podcasts,magazines,newspapers and also all other media of all types onto smart televisions,laptops,e-newspapers,smart devices of all types will save on bandwidth with the advent of graphene,borophene and even biosynth fibre optics and even wifi amplified from signals from both solar arrays and also dyson spheres will increase speeds of wifi in not just cities but also rural areas.All past media uploaded will be in 720/1080p and all future media will be in this and downloaded in this.All media will viewed online and downloaded for free allowing ease of access with one downloading them one by one or in bulk ie with regards to newspapers and magazines download one or a few selected issues or entire weeks,months or years worth of issues or all issues and with regards to live news and podcasts one or a few select episodes or entire selected weeks,months and years worth of episodes of all or selected programmes or the entire backlogg at once and so on and can be downloaded at once by marking them into download lists to do so at once or directly interacting with the home AI to be sent to ones cloud or individual devices.All sections will be accessed on smart devices,smart televisions,laptops and computers to be downloaded and viewed with magazines and newspapers viewed in PDF form in smart devices and computers as well as smart televisions with them of course downloaded on both e-reader and also e-newspapers.They will be able to be viewed in livestreams on laptops,smart televisions and also smart devices with downloading them onto devices can allow sections to be used in movies,television shows including Restoration Nation and also by vloggers especially YouTubers and independent live news and radio podcasters in their own shows.The interface of Pheme will be like Dionysus based on the PS4 network and Netflix for magazines,newpapers,podcasts,radio stations,live news etc.As a result readers etc will have a wide variety of live news,podcasts,radio shows,newspapers and magazines from around the world outside of their normal diet and habits thus allowing them to gain perspectives on what is going on around the world and have a clue as to all events occurring worldwide and have access to all magazines worldwide especially with the sentient Coeus and if all issues of magazines and newspapers and episodes of live news are logged as far back as possible will give one perspective on historical events for use in movies and even episodes of Restoration Nation etc.It will also allow one to have access to news going on not only in any country across the world but also will allow those on holiday and who have permanently moved home to another country to get news from their home country.the sentient Coeus will translate all magazines,newspapers,podcasts and live news into any of the world 6,500 languages breaking the language barrier.This will render dishes and satellites as part of live news on both homes and also those orbiting the Earth to be recycled and obsolete since they will be livestreamed and logged via the wire.Dishes,boxes,wire and other systems for satellite and cable services such as those that provide Sky Tv etc will be replaced by the ability to download and also live stream news,radio and sports events via Pheme will be recycled with cables and other fittings for American and other versions of television services will be made defunct allowing them to be recycled.Having live stream news,radio uploaded to Pheme within seconds of production will render cable and satellite providers both state and corporate obsolete and thus allow satellites in space,dishes and boxes at home and receiving stations on the ground to be recycled with the done for those of live news stations since they will livestreamed and logged into Pheme.Dishes,boxes,wire and other systems for satellite and cable services such as those that provide Sky Tv etc will be replaced by the ability to download live stream news,radio via Pheme will be recycled with cables and other fittings for American and other versions of television services will be made defunct allowing them to be recycled.Satellites used to transmit and provide live stream news,radio channels will be recycled with them replaced by internet/wire livestreams and Pheme through the wire.Wiring,boxes,dishes for receiving cable and satellite services will be recycled.Dishes,boxes,wire and other systems for satellite and cable services such as those that provide Sky Tv etc will be replaced by the ability to downloaded movies,sports events,television shows via Pheme will be recycled with cables and other fittings for American and other versions of television services will be made defunct allowing them to be recycled.Thus all satellites for these will be recycled.Smart televisions will replace normal televisions that can stream Pheme with them having biological hard drives that can store large amounts of data downloaded directly from Pheme allowing for media to viewed offline to save on bandwidth with them also able to stream video files stored on smart devices,laptops etc registered to the the homeowner.Live news may be viewed in live-streams on smart devices,smart televisions and laptops using home generated fast biosYnth WiFi that isn’t affect by location and population strains.Magazines and newspapers will no longer be sold in physical stores but all old issues that are scanned in new issues uploaded to Pheme will be downloaded on smart devices,e-newspapers and e-readers that house biological hard drives and can be copied and deleted and viewed like normal newspapers allowing them to be read anywhere offline with All newspapers and magazines including existing ones will created using networks allowing for journalists to work at home and allow headquarters to be used as homes and all issues will be uploaded to Pheme thus rendering printing presses as well as publishing companies obsolete and would thus allow these buildings and headquarters to become communal homes and will allow an infinite number of new magazines and newspapers to be set up.As a result all magazines and newspapers will be gained from Pheme and not shops of any type and one could bookmark favourite ones to then view them the second they are published.E-magazines and newspapers like as stated Breitbart,Southport Reporter,Huffington Post etc will be done using networks rather than buildings allowing their headquarters to be converted into communal homes with them even becoming traditional newspapers.All online sites of newspapers and magazines will be done from home using networks.In time all newspapers,magazines and live news shows etc from other sentient races and other human colonies from around the galaxy will be logged here as far back as possible.Sports events from around the world will be livestreamed and logged as far back as possible in Dionysus giving one access to all sports events in other countries.It will also allow them to be viewed on smart devices,smart televisions,computers etc linked to the wire.Radio podcasts and programmes from around the world including new ones will premier here and one will gain instant access with them livestreamed and logged here as far back as possible with all radio stations have their programmes logged back as far as possible and would livestream and be logged here with future ones for all stations done in home studios or VR simulations using networks with all people for each programme linked together by the networks in real time and programmes scheduled for the day.Again people for corporate and government programmes and stations can work with others from around the world with the sentient Coeus giving one access to those around the world and allow headquarters to be turned into communal homes.All media can be downloaded onto hard drives,smart devices using options in the folders to view them when access to the wire is not possible with music albums downloaded as whole or have individual or multiple tracks downloaded at once.TWith the formation of a global civilisation global news and radio stations and newspapers may inevitably form gathering news from around the world with journalists,reporters and anchors stationed in all major cities and even towns across the world with them doing work not just for major news stations,global versions but also local ones to keep them busy.Local and state news programmes that last only an hour or two will be logged as far back as possible in their folder but may even become 24/7 ones employing new anchors and having new programmes like sports and even those that focus on local news,national news and also international events from each continents major events and also those of specific countries with programmes dealing with each continent and developments there etc with again reporters and anchors based in each.Major news stations will franchise off into each continent.All news stations and radio station worldwide will be listed and allow one to enter the livestream area or logged section of older episodes with all newspapers and magazines from around the world in their own section.Radio channels and shows will do this as well.VR technology and networks within Pheme will allow not only for existing live news,radio shows,talk and debate shows,magazines and newsapapers to be done from home and allow their headquarters and studios to turn into communal homes but it will also allow an infinite number of news stations,radio shows and stations,magazines and also newspapers to be set up by the public with all people involved working from home.The websites of news stations,radio stations,radio shows,debate programs shut down once they are transferred to Pheme with their folders having all the features with merchandise pages no longer necessary with blogs,links to social networks,contact details and schedules present with their Pheme channel as this is where livestreams will occur.As stated earlier with regards to podcasts,news stations that have YouTube channels all past episodes will be transferred from YouTube and their archives and new full episodes premiering here with their YouTube channels used only as a place to post snippets of episodes as decided by the presenter(s).State television stations and corporations that hold old episodes of their unique shows such as soaps,documentaries and even old episodes of news and political programs in archives will have them transferred into relevant folders for historic reference from as far back as possible with the same done to defunct and old issues of extant newspapers and magazines from, around the world logged by year/season,month,week,day.They will be livestreamed in the future and then logged.Those on YouTube will be transferred here.Documentaries by news networks,newspapers and magazines will be in their own folder within their station or newspapers folder.Having all past and future issues of all magazines,newspapers and all past episodes of live news programmes,radio programmes,podcasts etc from around the world of logged as far back as possible will preserve them for historical purposes and allow them to be used in Restoration Nation,vlogs and articles created by Aleitheia,documentaries and movies.All past podcasts,live news programmes,issues of newspapers and magazines etc from all allied and observed alien races will be done for the same reason.It will future live news,podcast,radio programmes,newspapers and magazines etc of all types including aforementioned ones from both all countries around the world and across the universe from all colonies all allied and observed races across the universe will premier here from now on to give one variety and instant access to all media from around the world and universe that satellite providers cannot provide.All magazines,newspapers will be in electronic form read on e-readers and e-newspapers.All live news,radio podcasts etc will be in digital form similar to media in Dionysus and Netflix with one livestreaming them or downloading them into ones computers and external hard drives etc.All allied alien races across the universe will have all of their old issues of magazines,newspapers and also episodes of live news,radio shows,podcasts etc uploaded to Pheme and all future issues abc episodes uploaded there as well.VR technology and its time dilation effect will allow people to watch large amounts of material present in Pheme.

Lists similar to the New York Times bestsellers will be present for all media such as podcasts and radio stations,newspapers,magazines,live news etc that will change in real time based on downloads and streams by the public with one vote per person.These can be divided into those from each country and those from around the world as a whole.Aleithiea will carry out studies on each media type,genre and title in Pheme such as live news and each programme in it,radio podcasts and programmes and even channels themselves,newspapers,magazines etc such as the demographics of viewers,readers and how many times it was streamed,downloaded and the demographics of this personal,local,regional,national,global levels across all demographics in real time updated constantly for all types of games.Other statistical data will include what times of the day and months as well as years they are played and watched and what types of genres each demographics prefer said item from which continents/countries/regions/towns and cities,how much and how long of each media type each person reads/watches each one over days,weeks,months and years for their personal use as well as on local,regional,national and global levels or author/director etc.The times downloaded and streamed etc will be determined by each person who did so and not every multiple times a person does ie only the first time a person does so.This will replace Nielsen ratings and will be tallied worldwide and them managed by Aleitheia in real time with Home AI of each individual person measuring when they were watched and played or read in real time and in total and also which members of a family or group living together watched it with it denoting how much each person watched each episode and how much of a movie etc and allowing for the demographics of a family or group to be ascertained even when watched later after downloaded and the Home AIs of all people worldwide working together with Aleitheia to alleviate strains on this and calculate this data with the information present in a subfolder for each episode,movie,book etc with this applying to all types of media.These demographics would be age,gender,race,country of origin etc and would be done for all types of media and individual title in both Pheme and Dionysus and all their sections.

Gaia,Aletheia and Ariadne through interacting with viewers will be able answer direct queries on all media such as narrow down media through descriptions of scenes,lines present and other queries with this applying to magazines newspapers and live news etc in Pheme with in time neural implants allowing thoughts and memories to be used.Consumers will be able to as stated earlier subscribe to their favorite journalists,pundits,magazine and newspaper,podcasts,news channel or programme in them etc that will allow alerts to be sent to their registered devices via links to their Dionysus account when they are released and then view them when they wish.They will also be able to chose the layout of Pheme in a grid or list system and filter them to genre,subject etc with them logged as detailed earlier on.Each type of media will have the total amount listed and those of each of the aforementioned media types and each channel,programme,newspaper and magazine issues etc with them updated instantly as new ones are added.

Magazines,newspapers and also live news premiering and backlogged into Pheme with even defunct ones present and the issues extending as far back as to the very first issues.Pheme would give one access to live news,newspapers,magazines,radio shows and podcasts etc from around the world with all past podcasts,live news programmes and also issues logged as far back as possible from around the world.With regards to live news,podcasts and radio programmes archives including official sites and YouTube will have all past episodes transferred here.All data present on the Library of Congress National Audio/Visual Conservation Centre,Museum of Modern Art and its equivalents worldwide will and its equivalents around the world will be transferred to networks and sub networks in Pheme,Dionysus,Apollo etc once updated to 720/1080p and will replace them forever allowing these digital databases such as the Library of Congress National Audio/Visual Conservation Centre etc to be recycled with Themis,Apollo,Dionysus and Pheme etc to replace them forever.Physical celluloid reels,VHS etc will be stored in museums and archives as Dionysus,Pheme will replace all digital archives of all movies,newsreels etc.All radio stations,newspapers,magazines,podcasts,live news etc will transfer all records of all past issues,episodes etc of all programmes into their folders and subfolders within Dionysus.Thus Pheme will house all past issues of all newspapers and magazines from around the world as far back as possible and all future issues will appear here within seconds of publication and streamed on e-readers,smart devices and e-newspapers rendering printed newspapers defunct. It will also house all of the worlds past podcasts of pundits found on their website and YouTube transferred here,live radio programmes,live news programmes(both 24/7 news such as CNN,FOX News,Euronews,Sky News and also those that are one or two hours belonging to state and cable channels including The National,Democracy Now,PBS Newshour,The Hill,RTE News Six-One,WXYZ-TV News)from around the world with all them logged by year,month,week,day and in the case of radio programmes and live 24 news by each programme type(pundit,news,cultural) as far back as possible with all future livestreams and logged episodes from around the world and eventually including those of alien races(both observed and allied) livestreaming premiering here within seconds of production instead of their website,YouTube channel or satellite and cable services.All past episodes of podcasts,live news programmes,radio programmes will logged as far back as possible.Magazines as well as newspapers from around the world will be found on Pheme downloaded onto e-newspapers,e-readers,smart devices with all past issues logged as far back as possible.This will give people access to all past and future issues and episodes of newspapers,magazines,podcasts and live news to give one perspectives on local and global issues from around the world both past and future and allow one to read and allow people to watch and read their favourite newspapers,magazines and live news when on holidays and when they have moved home permanently.Even independent media shows that appear on only YouTube like The Rational National,The Majority Report w/ Sam Seder,The Young Turks,Louder With Crowder,The Rubin Report,The Rhandi Rhodes Show,The Nicole Sandlers Show,The Ben Shapiro Show,The Joe Rogan Experience and so with old episodes transferred from their official website and all future episodes livestreaming and logging in Pheme in the future.Thus all live news,podcasts,radio programmes on radio stations and those on YouTube from around the world will be found on Pheme and not cable and satellite packages allowing boxes and dishes at home,satellites orbiting Earth and transmitters on the ground to be recycled allowing it to become the sole source of all past and future live news,magazines,newspapers,podcasts from around the world and universe with even media from all observed and allied alien races appearing here.It will allow people to watch their favourite live news,podcasts,radio programmes etc and read their favourite magazines and newspaper when on holidays and when they have moved home permanently with all episodes logged as far back as possible and have access to these from around the world.It will also give one news from around the world.All past episodes of radio programmes,podcasts and live news both 24/7 stations and daily one hour stations will be logged as far back as possible for historical purposes by year,month,week,day for both with 24/7 stations logged also by hour meaning each hourly news programmes,each pundit programme,each cultural and human issuess programmes will be logged for historical purposes with all future episodes of these livestreamed and logged in them.All dishes,satillites etc on and orbiting Earth will be recycled between since they will livestreamed from Phemes servers as part of the wires complex and logged there connected to the internet meaning mere internet and wire access using routers and in time Nyx will allow access to them at all times rendering satillites,dishes,boxes defunct which can be recycled.Biosynth WiFi in public and via biosynth WiFi routers will ensure constant access to Dionysus at all times regardless of ones location on Earth.Magazines and newspapers from around the world will be logged as far back as possible by year and issues with new issues premiering and logged here as well with them in digital form.These can be downloaded onto smart devices,e-readers,e-newspapers etc to save bandwidth.Thus Pheme will house all past issues of all newspapers and magazines from around the world as far back as possible and all future issues will appear here within seconds of publication and streamed on e-readers,smart devices and e-newspapers rendering printed newspapers defunct.Publishing complained and factories will be turned into homes.The sentient Coeus will be able to translate all live news,podcasts,magazines,newspapers etc into any of the 6,500 languages and dialects including ancient ones and those of alien races to a person in real time in the speakers voice for live news and text for newspapers and magazines directly into ones desired language with minors prevented from accessing age restricted material and networks via age recognition software. All media present can be downloaded onto smart devices,computers,consoles,hard drives,media players,smart televisions to save on bandwidth.Networks and VR technology will allow the headquarters of all live news,radio stations and newspapers and magazines to be converted into communal homes,allow all people involved work from home and allow an infinite amount to be set up as they can work people around the world in a VR office.Having all past episodes of podcasts,radio programmes,live news programmes and all issues of magazines and newspapers worldwide logged into Pheme will preserve them for historical documentation,for younger generations to catch up on historical events and for use in Restoration Nation,documentaries and movies etc.Again the sentient Coeus will be able to translate them into any any of the 6,500 languages and dialects including ancient ones and those of alien races to a person in real time in the speakers voice for live news,podcasts and text for magazines and newspapers directly into ones desired language with minors prevented from accessing age restricted material and networks via age recognition software.All live news stations,radio podcasts and stations,talk and debate,magazines and newspapers including existing ones will be from now on independent ones that are run by the journalists,anchors,presenters etc that run them and not corporate hierarchies or government bodies thus leaving them impartial and allow the presenters,journalists etc have full creative control as to what is present,how long each person is employed and how long they run with all corporate hierarchies and state bodies becoming defunct.It will house all past and future episodes and issues from around the world and eventually galaxy and even those from alien races.It would render live news stations and podcasts as part of cable and satellite packages worldwide to be shut down since it would appear here availible to a global audience with VR technology and networks allowing all anchors to work from home.All media present such as newspapers,magazines,podcasts,radio programmes and live news etc logged in Pheme can be downloaded onto smart devices,computers,consoles,hard drives,media players,smart televisions,e-newspapers to save on bandwidth and be viewed when in the wilderness and on journeys on aeroplanes,automated vehicles,Oceanus etc and using Ampelos be used by podcasters and Aleitheia on videos

Networks and VR technology will allow journalists and anchors,podcasters and presenters of radio stations to work with each from home and thus allow live news stations,magazines,newspapers to be created at home and allow people to work with each other from home allow the headquarters of newspapers,magazines,television stations,movie and television corporations,live news and radio stations,publishing companies will be converted into communal homes as part of Restoration Nation.Receptionist AIs for each media project and each newspaper,magazine etc will carry out work relegated to background staff such as collecting newsfeeds,answering phonecalls etc as detailed earlier.VR technology and networks in Pheme will allow for an infinite amount of live news,podcasts,newspapers and magazines to be set up worldwide with trainee journalists,reporters,podcasters and anchors starting their careers as early as 12 years old or younger and even older citizens in their 20s,30s etc who are registered in law,psychology and also acting and the production of media can become journalists,podcasters and radio hosts and live news anchors.Computer networks will allow newbies to either set up new magazine,live news stations and radio stations filmed in VR simulations or even apply to existing ones.All radio stations,magazines,newspapers and live news stations wil house areas for people to post material to get hired.For magazines and newspapers it can be them submitting articles relevant to it with for radio stations sample discussions on the topics of the station alongside also live news stations it can include audio/visual portfolios filmed I the real world or VR simulations showing them reporting in real world events or fictional events.They can also post material from previous stations,magazines they have worked for including their pens they set up.VR technology can allow journalists,podcasters,live news anchors radio presenters to work with other people around the world while at home in VR offices to allow real world offices to be converted into homes.Live news and radio programmes will be filmed in VR sets and newspapers and magazines done in VR offices allowing the headquarters to be turned into communal homes.Thus Pheme will house all past issues of all newspapers and magazines from around the world as far back as possible and all future issues will appear here within seconds of publication and streamed on e-readers,smart devices and e-newspapers rendering printed newspapers defunct.Networks and VR technology will allow the headquarters of all live news,radio stations and newspapers and magazines to be converted into communal homes,allow all people involved work from home and allow an infinite amount to be set up as they can work people around the world in a VR office.Again the sentient Coeus will be able to translate them into any any of the 6,500 languages and dialects including ancient ones and those of alien races to a person in real time in the speakers voice for live news,podcasts and text for magazines and newspapers directly into ones desired language with minors prevented from accessing age restricted material and networks via age recognition software.It will house all past and future episodes and issues from around the world and eventually galaxy and even those from alien races.Although an official layout and theme of Pheme will exist people will have the option to customise the theme and layout to their liking through direct interaction with Aleitheia and menus.

Pheme will thus become the universal sole source of all live news,radio shows and podcasts and also newspapers and magazines from around the world and even galaxy containing all past and future publications from around the world and galaxy including those of alien races with the sentient Coeus translating all material into ones desired language livestreaming and premiering here within seconds of production and logged here forever as far back as possible.All past issues of magazines and newspapers and episodes of live 24/7 news and one hour state news and also podcasts and radio stations from around the world will be present and backlogged for historical references as far back as possible.They will be subdivided into different types ie magazines,newspapers,radio channels,podcasts etc.All future issues of magazines and newspapers from around the world will appear here and all live 24/7 and one hour news,podcasts and radio programmes and stations from around the world will livestream and be logged from here.Radio stations and live news programmes both past and future will livestream and be logged here in folders and subfolders by date.Independant podcasts,radio shows and news programmes on YouTube and official sites will be transferred here and premiere here.The sentient Coeus will translate the text and voices into ones desired language in the speakers voice and add subtitles to all titles.This can include any of the worlds 6,500 types of languages that exist and all dialects including ancient extinct ones,rare ones from different tribes across the world to preserve in time those of alien races once interstellar travel becomes possible.It will be used to translate newspapers,magazines and live news etc from around the world and eventually galaxy into any desired language including their native tongue making them all accessible to everyone to comprehend.They will be downloaded and streamed on smart devices,laptops,computers,consoles and smart televisions thus rendering satellites,cable networks,YouTube channels,official websites,dishes,retail outlets including online ones,boxes defunct and thus allowing them to be recycled with networks and VR technology allowing corporate and government headquarters to be turned into communal homes.Having all past and future magazines and newspapers uploaded here will render retail outlets obsolete forever allowing all real world cinemas to be turned into communal homes and allowing one instant access to all movies from around the world instantly.With all live news,podcasts and radio programmes uploaded here and all past ones logged here will give one instant access to them from around the world with it allowing all retail outlets for newspapers,magazines etc to be turned into homes with the servers for all online retail outlets that distribute news media shut down forever.Since all past and future magazines,newspapers,live news,podcasts,radio programmes etc will be logged here and premier here from now on shows will last as long as the producers want and no longer have their length be determined by ratings and no longer require one to approach executes since one will simply set up networks in Pheme with it also eliminating all television and radio stations that distribute live news,radio as it will be instead of being distributed by satillites,cable etc and appearing on television for a single time will be livestreamed and logged in Pheme to be preserved forever with all existing television shows including talk shows,soaps etc tracked down from archives and logged here forever.Since all media including live news,podcasts,radio programmes.All dishes,satillites,receivers,transmitters etc on and orbiting Earth will be recycled since they will be livestreamed from Phemes servers as part of the wires complex and logged there connected to the internet meaning mere internet and wire access using routers and in time Nyx will allow access to them at all times rendering satillites,dishes,boxes defunct.Some transmitters,receivers and cellular towers currently used by corporate and state television channels and telecommunications companies will become obsolete via biosynth WiFi and cellular access and Pheme,Dionysus and Arke and thus can be replaced by radio telescopes allowing each country across the globe to have radio telescopes as part of Astraeus.Satillites orbiting the Earth and also receiver dishes on the ground and in homes will be dismantled and recycled since all media in Pheme such as radio programmes,live news,podcasts etc will be livestreamed,logged and uploaded into Pheme rendering these obsolete.They will be downloaded and streamed on smart devices,laptops,computers,consoles and smart televisions thus rendering satellites,cable networks,YouTube channels,official websites,dishes,retail outlets including online ones,boxes defunct and thus allowing them to be recycled with networks and VR technology allowing corporate and government headquarters to be turned into communal homes.All newspapers and magazines and all paper based media will be in digital form that will be streamed in smartpads,e-readers and in time e-newspapers that will be designed to last a lifetime thus allowing all paper media to be streamed or downloaded within seconds of being published anywhere in the world from Pheme.This will save energy in the planting,harvesting of trees for wood and also save energy in the conversion of paper pulp into paper and transportation of paper media to newsagents and bookstores etc and also allow factories that publish paper based media to be converted into communal homes.Biosynth WiFi’s ability to provide each home with top speeds between 500-1,000Mps would negate issues that live-streaming would have on others but downloading media will be done to save bandwidth and still ensure top speeds for other uses running simultaneously.All retail outlets for magazines,newspapers etc will become communal homes with radio stations and podcasts streamed from vehicles via wifi or stored devices.The appearance of all future media here will allow all retail outlets of newspapers and magazines worldwide to be turned into homes.Networks and VR technology will allow the headquarters of all live news and radio stations,newspapers,magazines,their publishers,printing buildings and satellite and cable providers to become communal homes.The sentient operating software of this part of the wire will be Aleitheia the goddess of truth and her avatar being that of her statues and her managing all operations of all sections such as the labelling of media,their organisations,updates,fixes to glitches and interacting with the general public,anchors,reporters,journalists,radio presenters etc and their receptionist AIs with her adding new features to this sector.She will also be the gold standard for revealing mistakes,gish galluping etc for the general public and also vloggers,pundits etc through her blog and YouTube channel as well as act as a moderator on YouTube and live news.All live news stations,radio podcasts and stations,talk and debate,magazines and newspapers including existing ones will be from now on independent ones that are run by the journalists,anchors,presenters etc that run them and not corporate hierarchies or government bodies thus leaving them impartial and allow the presenters,journalists etc have full creative control as to what is present,how long each person is employed and how long they run with all corporate hierarchies and state bodies becoming defunct.Thus all existing and future live news stations,radio podcasts and stations,talk and debate,magazines and newspapers including existing ones etc will be created directly by anchors,presenters and journalists etc via computer networks with corporate hierarchies and influence obsolete thus rendering all corporations worldwide and state bodies involved in the manufacture,publishing and distribution of magazines,newspapers,radio,live news obsolete.Pheme manged by Aleitheia will also eliminate censorship with them appearing in Pheme will also prevent censorship as it will be managed by Aleitheia who will only restrict their material to those under the age that media is rated preventing government officials from banning the material in any country with age recognition software in Aleitheia and Home AI preventing access to material outside their age based on the media rating determined by a global version of the MPAA and in time AI namely thr sentient Aleitheia and receptionists which can scan the movie as it is uploaded or prior to doing so to determine which rating it shall be given which will be given on the folder using the same rating system of the British Board of Film Classification with NC-17 replaced with 14.All existing and newly uploaded material in Pheme including each individual issue of magazines,newspapers,each individual podcast and radio programme and programme of live news etc will be given age ratings following the MPAA rating system.Pheme will give all existing material age ratings by scanning them as they are uploaded with all future material given ratings by her during when they are being uploaded.Each newspaper,magazine,podcast,radio programme and live news will have age ratings for each one overall and also for each individual live news programme,each individual podcast,each individual magazine and newspaper issue etc.Aleitheia will thus scan and give age ratings to all media in a Pheme based on their sexual content,violence,depiction of violence and death and adult themes.All past media uploaded to Pheme by 2029 will be scanned by Pheme to give them these age ratings with all future media uploaded after 2029 scanned by her and given these age ratings.Thus Aleitheia will replace all human members of IFCO,BBFC,MPAA and their equivalents worldwide as she will be able to scan all media for violence,profanity and sex etc and adult themes as they are being uploaded to Pheme.These age ratings will be U – Universal for all ages,PG – Parental Guidance for those aged below thirteen,PG-13 can be viewed by those thirteen and younger only with an adult supervision,14 can be viewed by adults only aged fourteen and over.Age recognition software on smart devices including televisions and computers built into Hestia,Home AI,Aleitheia etc cross referencing Polis as well as ones age in their accounts will be preventing minors gaining access to adult and age restricted material and networks in Pheme including adult magazines and their networks.Pheme will give all media past and future an universal age rating for issues and episodes of magazines,newspapers,podcasts,live news etc based on the British Board of Film Classification with this done by Gaia or Aleitheia even before becoming sentient by her scanning the finished product in mere minutes with changes in ratings done by her.Thus both the sentient Aleitheia and receptionists AI will determine the age rating.All media such as live news,podcasts,magazines and newspapers etc will all be analysed and rated by Pheme.These classifications will applying to all existing and new live news,podcasts,magazines and newspapers etc with the sentient Phrme replacing the MPAA and other rating systems worldwide.This will allow for them to be restricted to the very young via facial recognition software and as a result the and public watchdogs worldwide will possibly become defunct due to this with the concept of material appearing within watershed hours becoming a thing of the past.All past censored media ie live news,podcasts,magazines and newspapers that were restricted by governments will be present here with media no longer censored and censorship will be redundant if a media is offensive to certain groups ie ethnic,religious groups.Future potentially sexually explicit and violent material,adult magazines will be prevented from being accessed by minors via age recognition software.Aleitheia and Home AI will prevent minors under the age of 14 accessing adult and age restricted material and prevent them accessing networks for adult pornographic magazines.These AI will also create warnings as to the nature of the media ie if it may be distressing or contain strobe lighting with with allowing it be again restricted to only adults and also those who suffer epilepsy and other conditions.Patients that have been determined by Paean to do have epilepsy will have them unavailable and in time possible warnings will be made and in time all electronics such as televisions and smart devices could automatically modify settings to make them watchable by filtering the light to prevent seizures during scenes that may have them with this also applying to livestreams and logged episodes of news etc.In time epilepsy will be cured via biocompatible microbes using CRISPR.Censorship of live news,podcasts,magazines and newspapers etc will no longer happen due to the open nature of Pheme.This will allow them to cover controversial topics or any subject they wish to do in order meet their intrinsic needs and thus have full creative control over their careers and it will also eliminate censorship with them appearing in Pheme will also prevent censorship as it will be managed by Aletheia who will only restrict their material to those under the age of majority preventing government officials from banning the material in any country.This will negate the need for pandering to being politcally correct or to appeal or please any sides of the political spectrum as well as to any religion,ethnicity and may not even need to appeal to religious censorship such as being restricted in censorsing depictions of Mohammed or any other religious figure.Media will be able to have any political leaning.All media will not have to pander to political correctness or other political ideals to stay on the air even if they are considered racist,misogynist,racy,homophobic etc and will still remain on the air even if their is controversies without censorship with the actors and those behind the scenes with actors etc not fired for any disagreements etc as no state or corporate hierarchies will not exist.

Networks within Pheme will allow for all anchors,journalists,podcasters and presenters of live news,radio programmes,magazines and newspapers etc to work with each other from home with VR technology allowing all media such as live news,radio programmes etc to be filmed in simulations at zero cost with realistic special effects etc as detailed earlier on with creators of these starting out as early as 12 years old or younger .Ones sentient Home AI will replace publicists,managers,aides etc for all anchors,journalists etc etc with each project having AI receptionists that all aspects of all live news,magazines,newspapers,radio programmes etc in VR simulations as well as computer networks and all works done by producers as as fact checking with new or journalists etc posting auditions and CVs from home.Receptionist AIs will work as receptionists of all live news stations etc.They will perform background checks on all stories making sure they are factually and scientifically correct as well as controlling cameras,ticker tapes and phone calls.All workdone by human receptionists and also background staff in magazines,newspapers,live news,radio programmes etc will be done by them.Areas in networks for Pheme for each magazine will house areas for the public to send in CVs including audio/visual CVs and also areas for the public to suggest ideas for stories.All new and existing magazines,newspapers and radio stations and live news etc will no longer be controlled by the state or corporations but rather the journalists,anchors,reporters etc themselves giving them complete democratic and creative control.Freedom of the press and speech will be preserved by Pheme managed by Aleitheia who will allow anchors etc to make their own spin on subjects but will act as fact checker by correcting lies,propaganda and mistakes.One will simply set up new networks for new magazines,newspapers,radio stations,podcasts and live news stations without government control and having to have archaic qualifications and this and computer networks and VR technology will allow an almost infinite number of them to be set up.VR technology will allow live news stations,radio programmes,podcasts to be filmed in any environment including VR radio stations,live news stations etc at zero cost with newspapers and magazines done in VR offices and allow anchors etc working with people across the world from home and also its time dilation effect allowing for a lot of work to be done in a short amount of time and uploaded into Pheme as digital newspapers and magazines and live news and radio programmes livestreamed into Pheme with all past and future episode logged into Pheme.Live news both one hour and 24/7 news alongside podcasts,radio stations etc will be livestreamed in Pheme and all episode of radio stations and live news including 24/7 ones from around the world will be logged in Pheme in their folder by year,month,week,day and hour for historical references.These will have each hourly programme for 24/7 live news and radio programmes logged in folders and subfolders for each day.All existing hour long news and radio programmes and podcasts will be uploaded and logged into Pheme to preserve them for future generations etc.They will be converted to 720p/1080p or 4K with Aleitheia doing system wide updates to each.All magazines and newspapers will be uploaded in digital form as normal magazines and newspapers with pages etc and read on e-readers and e-newspapers.All existing issues of newspapers and magazines from around the world as far back as possible will be scanned into Pheme for historical reference and all episodes of one hour news programmes and all records of hourly programmes and pundit programmes etc of 24/7 live news and radio programmes from around the world will be backlogged into Pheme for historical purposes.VR technology and computer networks will allow an almost infinite number of magazines,newspapers,live news stations,podcasts and radio programmes to be set up as one will simply set up a network in Pheme and upload them to Pheme with all work done in VR offices of any environment…All existing and new live news stations,magazines,newspapers,radio programmes etc will be created using computer networks and VR technology allow for headquarters to be converted into communal homes and allow for an infinite amount of them to be set up as one will to set up new radio stations,newspapers,magazines and live news stations by simply setting up computer networks for them and VR simulations for them.All existing live headquarters for satillite and cable providers that show live news etc will be made obsolete by Pheme with all headquarters for them and the headquarters for all live news stations,newspapers,magazines,radio stations etc will become communal homes due to computer networks and VR technology.All issues of newspapers and magazines,live news and radio programmes etc both past and future from around the world will be appear and be logged in Pheme.All live news programmes,radio programmes and podcasts wil be livestreamed in Pheme and then logged into it in folders and subfolders.All episodes of live news,podcasts,radio programmes and issues of newspapers and magazines from all alien races from across the universe will be logged here and all future issues and episodes will be premiering here thus making it the sole source of news etc from across the entire universe.Since all all existing and new lives news stations,radio stations,magazines,newspapers and podcasts will be created in VR offices etc then real studios and offices for live news,radio programmes and newspapers,magazines will be converted into communal homes.Since all future media will premier on Pheme within seconds of production all retail outlets that sell newspapers,magazines etc will be converted in communal homes.Dishes on homes,satillite receivers etc around the world and satillites orbiting Earth will be demolished and taken down and recycled since all media will be through the online Pheme network.Biosynth Wifi should provide people with speeds of up to 1,000 – 10,000Mbps even in Internet dead zones thus allowing one constant access to Pheme on all e-readers,e-newspapers,smartphones and also laptops and smart televisions with this also present via biosynth wifi in hospitals,aeroplanes,trains and all other public buildings,public areas and public transport.Pheme will be a single media service that is streamed online with its structure is modelled in Netflix,Amazon books,Spotify and the PS4 network that houses all past issues of newspapers and magazines,episodes of live news(both 24/7 and one hour news),radio programmes and podcasts from around the world.All future issues of newspapers and magazines,episodes of live news(both 24/7 and one hour news),radio programmes and podcasts from around the world and universe including those from allied alien races will livestream here and be logged here with all new issues of magazines and newspapers logged here wuthin minutes of production.Aleitheia will manage all aspects of Pheme.Aleitheia and Hestia etc will prevent minors under the age of 14 from being able to view adult magazines using Polis and age recognition software.

Media of all types such as live news,podcasts,radio programmes,magazines,newspapers etc will not need funding and the creators have to approach corporate and state studios as one will simply set up networks in Pheme and set up hiring of anchors and journalists etc and the finished product will be published and uploaded onto Pheme within seconds of production for global distribution by simply pressing a publish button with live news livestreamed and logged in it.VR technology indistinguishable from reality will allow for them to be created in offices set in any environment cutting costs to zero for both well established directors but also newbie ones and allow people to work with colleagues around the world.This will make Pheme an open source network where any member can set up new live news stations,newspapers,magazines,podcasts,radio stations from the comfort of home and reach a global audience.The time dilation effect can be used to create large amounts of media to be created in a small amount of time.To start a new live news station,magazine,newspapers,podcast and radio station one will no longer have to approach corporate executives or government bodies but rather simply set up networks in Pheme and post auditions etc with VR technology allowing new ones to be set up instantly.VR technology will allow an infinite number of live news stations,magazines, newspapers and radio stations etc to be created and set up from home.All existing and new live news stations,magazines, newspapers and radio stations etc will be in VR studios and VR offices to allow for people to work with people around the world from home,allow existing studios and headquarters to be converted into communal homes and allow an infinite amount of them to be set up with ease.This will render state and corporate entities for the distribution of all types of media obsolete such as publishers and distributors with them disappearing completely and allow anchors and journalists etc to gain international stardom instantly with one Home AI as publicists advertising them to billions of people based on demographics and to talk show hosts both new and established to gain exposure.All live news stations,radio podcasts and stations,talk and debate,magazines and newspapers including existing ones will be from now on independent ones that are run by the journalists,anchors,presenters etc that run them and not corporate hierarchies or government bodies thus leaving them impartial and allow the presenters,journalists etc have full creative control as to what is present,how long each person is employed and how long they run with all corporate hierarchies and state bodies becoming defunct.This will give them full creative control,less prone to corruption,political bias,censorship and also make them democratically managed with hiring and firing involving discussion,then nomination and then majority voting.Existing newspapers,radio stations,live news stations etc run by the state and corporations will have all corporate and state hierarchies dissolve completely with existing anchors,journalists etc working on all projects such as issues of magazines and newspapers and episode of radio and live news programmes with zero state and corporate control and hierarchies with this giving them complet democratic control with the hiring and firing of staff being democratic and all journalists and anchor given complete creative control of all of their work with this applying to all new ones.Thus both existing and new magazines,newspapers,live news stations,radio programmes etc will be democratically run by all involved such as actors,presenters,live news anchors,podcasters,journalists,writers,directors,artists etc with no corporate and state influence making them democratically run.Existing distribution corporations and bodies etc that distribute live news,radio stations,magazines etc run by the state and corporations will dissolve with all directors etc working on all projects such as albums,movies,television shows etc with zero state and corporate control and hierarchies with this giving them complete democratic control with the hiring and firing of staff being democratic and all members given complete creative control of all of their work with this applying to all new ones.All corporations and state bodies releated to the creation and distribution of all radio stations,live news,magazines etc will dissapear forever and their headquarters converted into communal homes This will allow them to cover controversial topics or any subject they wish to do in order meet their intrinsic needs and thus have full creative control over their careers and it will also eliminate censorship with them appearing in Dionysus will also prevent censorship as it will be managed by Aleitheia.All headquarters for magazines,newspapers and live news stations worldwide will be turned into communal homes since they will be set in VR office simulations with all printing presses turned into homes since all magazines and newspapers will be in digital form.

Pheme account:
Each persons Pheme account will be divided into all media types and contain all media they have watched and played with regards to media it will contain they have downloaded/streamed as well as in the library,customisation’s and preferences,updates,bug fixes for each game in their games subfolder(and on the list of all games they have played) sent automatically alongside their own personal analytical data of the aforementioned data including accumulated seconds,minutes,hours,days,weeks,months,years etc for each media and all games overall,what percentage of the overall time was spent on each one,and other analytical information for each game and all games overall given on request with the same information applying to other media.It will also contain all magazines,newspapers(episodes in subfolders),books,comics and other stuff they have watched and read.Ones game library will contain all live newss they have played from all generations or by alphabetised or genre etc decided by filters that one can see their achievements,save files and also league tables rankings,accumulated time played in days,hours,minutes,seconds etc in menus and submenus with the person able to filter and arrange them them by name,alphabetical order,genre etc.Also present can be sections to leave messages both text,audio or audio/visual left by other players in the game section using webcams,smart devices and wireless earphones with its own built in instant messaging system,forums(used by linked keyboards etc) for players to contact each other via text messages similar to kik and voice chat and audio/visual or even VR phone group calls monitored by Arke,Gaia and ones Home AI arranged by Aleitheia to prevent grooming of pre pubescent children,cyberbullying,pornography and other undesirable behaviour with users able to block any undesirable bullies and stalkers temporarily or permanently from contacting or interacting with them with Gaia and law enforcement dealing with them depending on the severity of the problem.There will be internal VR chat and kik chat platforms suited for this.Since Arke is part of Gaia and the Home AI she can using this detect who the bully,groomer,stalker is by locating the IP Address,see through their webcams on smart devices and what address or GPS location the person and thus devices are in and track down their social network accounts with if necessary alert Iaso and law enforcement depending on the situation and prevent the assailant from contacting the person again or even similar people of the same demographics.This would give the victim a clue as to the identity of the person bothering and then block them and alert law enforcement if necessary with a log of all audio/visual messages that took place between the two.Arke and Home AI will prevent pornographic and private information being sent to and from those under the age of consent with any pornographic material blocked at all since this would be restricted to emails and instant messaging as part of Arke.One can either in game of online games or within their Pheme account to search for people using parameters and filters such as age,race,gender,country of residence,games in their library including those that the player also has and view their profiles basic information ie game library,age,gender,achievement and rankings for each game etc with forums online etc and send friend invites and form groups for gaming with groups formed for each game and game series as well as overall for all games.One could send messages either text or even audio visual etc to anyone including invites to play games and join groups.The VR version of Pheme Plaza will cater to this.Ones Pheme account can also allow one to add friends to a friends list and also form and add social groups for each media type to organise online VR meetings and allow one to send and receive text and audio/visual and audio messages using headphones with speakers and webcams to their friends or group with Arke and ones Home AI blocking any sexual material to minors.Groups will be able to watch,read and discuss politics,magazines,podcasts etc present in Pheme together online through VR simulations when all members are online and in the same live news and all consenting to watch etc media at once with other members joining these at anytime with them also joining online games involving other non members online.They will also organise Iris chats including audio/visual ones,VR chats,kik instant messaging meetings,meeting in the real world and also meetings in the VR plaza including VR versions of Comic Con etc and other personal simulations.There will be internal VR chat and kik chat platforms suited for this for each group.All groups will be listed in each sector of Pheme ie live newss,magazines,newspapers,literature etc and the number and names etc of the people present and anyone can join similar to kik where one sends a message and the administrator who set it up will authroise their entry after being able to communicate with them with these following certain themes ie race,nationality,country,city/town/village etc,gender,age group,generation of console and games and series of live newss/magazines/newspapers/literature,sexuality,interest etc to allow for people of different groups to meet and play games together at any time with them able to meet in simulations including the VR Pheme Plaza,in person and organise group plays of all games or one on one plays involving two player,organise meets in VR simulations of IMAX and normal cinemas watch magazines and newspapers together and discuss live newss/magazines/newspapers/literature together and trade ones YouTube and Agora accounts and email etc. in any environment.An infinite amount of people can join each group with a person setting them up in their account and having administration control for that one.Different groups can merge together via linking for groups chat and also group gaming.Groups can also be set up for other media ie books,newspapers,magazines etc to watch them in VR simulated cinemas with them all listed in ones Pheme account.These groups can have their own internal instant chat and also audio/visual and VR Iris chats and also as stated allow one to initiate multiplayer games involving two or more people in the group instantly once all confirm and have the same game played at once.Groups of any type will be set up by anyone at anytime through a simple process and one can set up abc join an infinite amount of them with one able to see what groups other members are part of and see what groups they and others are also members of and will be done to make connections and hang out in VR simulations with people who are fans of the same media type ie live newss,magazines,newspapers etc including specific franchises,genres and types of people or those from a specific city or country and sexuality and gender etc.The VR simulations will be done to watch or play media together and also also discuss them and the groups can be used to arrange meetings in Comic con events etc and meet in the real world with one able trade with people access to VR simulations,phone numbers,Agora accounts and other details.One can disfriend or block anyone who are bullying them and can report serious offences to Athena such as harassment,bullying,grooming etc to allow judgement to made such as having the person temporarily suspended from contacting anyone or using Pheme for a specified amount of time to even jail sentences.A list of friends of who are fellow gamers will be present alongside fans of different magazines,newspapers,books and comics divided by type(and subtype and title for magazines,books etc)will be present to arrange group games,events,VR chats,instant messaging discussions and groups(similar to apps like kik) related to each media type to share material related to the media.This can be used outside of games to organise events and in game for communication with one adding a friend by searching through the list of all gamers,readers,movie fans around the world connected to Pheme using the internal search bar and adding them as a friend similar to social media sites.These friends can be linked during events or MMOs and multiplayer with them leaving during the game or leave the group entirely with new members joining by searching the name of the group and sending an application,contacting the administrator of the group and also receiving invites when someone visits their Pheme account.A person could visit ones friends pages or those of anyone when searching for people that lists basic details ie age,gender,country and town/village/city they live in,groups they are part of,games in their library,tabulations and achievements etc.This multilayered VR simulation will consist of a plaza with hotdogs and other fast food stands,bars,nightclubs as well as cinemas to watch magazines and newspapers as well as places to meet friends,play online games together by entering rooms in a ever expanding building,start VR versions of magazines/newspapers/games etc,view all books in a massive ever expanding library and live newss and magazines in a ever expanding DVD store managed by personal filters ie author/actor/director/genre etc that can have material sent to their devices in the real world.This VR version of StreetPass Mii Plaza will exist in a VR version of Pheme allowing people to interact with other people online in at first a photogrammetric places then multilayered one indistinguishable from reality with their being one separate or a building present in it to connect to Bacchus.Ideally this would be in the VR lobby of Pheme in a large gamestore or even plaza as well as multilayered Plaza or entire planet.The VR Plaza will also have areas to allow actors etc to take part in conventional auditions for all types of media and allow for directors and producers to see these in a short amount of time as well as view those posted into networks in a short period of time with their also buildings that can be used for creators of live newss,magazines and newspapers to meet and work in conventional offices and conference rooms as well as conjure up movie sets in this planet sized multilayered simulations.IMAX theatres and drive in theatres will exist where televisions shows and magazines can be watched with other people from across the globe and include 3D versions like Avatar with film festivals will be held where new and established directors can show their wok similar to conventional film festivals.VR versions of The Hollywood Walk of Fame will be here alongside concerts and music festivals and live performance art livestreamed into Pheme.

Comic con style events can take place for live news,radio programs es,podcasts, ,newspapers and magazines where journalists,live news presenters,radio show hosts and podcasters can meet with their fans for autographs etc and hold press conferences with them attended by fans of journalists etc.This multilayered simulation will be the size of a planet and possibly a replica of Earth coupled with apartment and hotel style and also private homes and accommodation etc with all data from StreetPass Mii Plaza and Mii Maker and similar applications will be stored here.The use of in simulation accommodation will allow comic con and E3 style events,movie theatres and also even offices for creating live newss etc conventionally will allow them to sleep for sanities sake in them with their being a day and night cycle and in simulation food with there also being nightclubs and bars and be managed by Aleitheia.This can allow buildings used in the real world to converted into homes and allow millions to attend from home saving on energy.Magazines and newspapers will be created in simulations created at home with them being planet sized ones that are replicas of the real world or created from scratch by AI and humans with again their being in simulation accomadation etc.Pheme will have its own version of this for radio stations allowing people on opposite sides of the world to work in a studio or work on magazines,live news,podcasts and newspapers etc in offices with data livestreamed into the wire and live news feed from AI etc livestreamed into them.This and also headphones with speakers can be used to contact people one on one or in groups during and outside games.New features will be added to this over time like all other aspects of the wire.The persons Pheme account will be similar similar to xbox live will contain a front page with their profile picture,legal name,usernames for all games,biography and information such as gender,D.O.B as well as age in years and months as well as days,country/town/city they live,avatar which will be photorealistic avatar version of themselves via scanning in their entire body,photo of their face,contact details ie @pheme email,One will be able to also create a puppet version of themselves similar to Xbox Live and Wii Plaza.The photorealistic avatar will be used as a baseline for customised characters in games the VR simulation of Pheme with the puppet version used in it as well as Wii games with both used in Bacchus.Ideally the avatar present will be a realistic life size version of them by them scanning in their entire body using scanners built into or attached wirelessly to smart phones.Home AI phone number decided by them and links to Agora and YouTube channels And accounts,Twitch etc(added to decided by them) can be added as well for livestreams and upload videos together etc.With regards to live newss in folders and subfolders it will have their achievements list and rankings for all games and then links to folders and subfolders that cannot be edited by visitors but can be viewed at anytime.Their live news library will be listed here and when clicks on this they my can view achievements and rankings in folders and subfolders alongside save files etc.All aspects of both Xbox live,Street Pass Mii plaza and also PS4 Network will be integrated into Pheme thus replacing and shutting down and replacing Street Mini Plaza,PS4 Network and Xbox Live forever.A hyperlink to their Agora and YouTube accounts will be present here with this linked to Pheme account meaning live-streams can be directly fed into ones YouTube channel and existing and future verified speedruns Etc can be linked to their Pheme accounts here with ones Agora account can be linked here to post videos of playthroughs etc.Twitch,Bandicam,Fraps etc will be integrated into Pheme and become obsolete by this service.Having their YouTube accounts linked here will allow one to carry out livestreaming,post videos directly from their accounts and linked Agora accounts will allow one to post tweets etc from Pheme with these two also linked to their Pheme acccount.Eventually Agora the merged version of Facebook,Twitter etc will be linked here.A hyperlink to their Polis account will be present.Ones linked Agora social media and filesharing accounts will be automatically opened in the internet when they are signed into the wire and Pheme.One could for each media type choose their favourite anchor,journalist etc to be alerted to when new media is created by them and uploaded to Pheme by them,receive recommedations and also news alerts from the internet and also all live news and newspapers etc in Pheme related to them.Thus one could be able to subscribe to their favourite actor,director etc and be instantly alerted to the latest newsfeeds on them in newspapers,magazines and live news reports etc in Pheme,YouTube and all upcoming news on them and also be linked to their Agora accounts alerted to the latest tweets etc and also alerted to every new interview and appearance of them in talk shows,magazines etc across the universe with them also alerted to their latest projects such as magazines,live newss and episodes of newspapers uploaded to Pheme to allow for fans to keep track of them.One could subscribe to their favourite television show,movie and live newss series and then be alerted to the latest episodes and installments.They can also be from direct interaction from Aleitheia be given recommendations as to new media of all types such as live newss,magazines,newspapers and books etc based on their viewing habits,demographics or based on what genre they choose in their account for each media type such as survival horror,horror,adventure,science fiction,drama,soaps etc from around the world and universe with the Home AIs of actors and directors acting as publicists will interact with Aleitheia and direct the latest magazines etc produced by them to billions of people based on their demographics.Each area of Pheme or for magazines,live newss and newspapers etc will house recommend media based on their demographics and tastes managed by Aleitheia and the Homd AI of actors,writers,directors.Areas that house trailers and demos of games,magazines etc will have these directed to people based on these factors or demographics,personal tastes,viewing habits etc.Ones real name will be used for tabulations and tournaments with individual usernames possibly used only for MMOs,multiplayer thus allowing instances of bullying etc to be tracked down with existing usernames on PS4 network transferred to their account during linking systems to the proto Pheme with their YouTube and social media accounts keeping their username despite links to these housed in Pheme.Ones full name will be visible to anyone on demand and when visited by others.Any data in live newss that are played offline when wire and internet access is not possible will be then transferred once access is regained including tabulations and achievements to save on bandwidth.One will have a library of all games they have downloaded,played etc with subfolders for each game containing how long one has played them in hours/minutes/seconds and even weeks/months/years with graphs showing when during the year they played and other data extrapolated by Aleitheia,subfolders containing achievements,updates availible and those they have downloaded and can delete,global league tables for minigames/finished levels etc and ones current ranking for each one and the entire list with ones place highlighted,DLC to be downloaded.Ones groups and networks for each media type they are a part of will be listed here as well divided by type and subtype and those they are administrator and those they are not.Each media type such as magazines,newspapers and literature will also have their own sections in ones Pheme account with the same features ie library,friend groups,favourites,instant chat,VR chat,avatar,analytical studies on their favourite and watched media and how much of each media they have watched and read etc,media and authors/actors/directors they have bookmarked etc with their also in each section their being the networks for any projects they are have and are currently taking in part in with their also being sections of favourite media they have bookmarked and also in working media they have bookmarked to allow them to tick on boxes to send all of ones portfolios to at once

.It will also contain recorded sections of podcasts,radio programmes and also live newss they have recorded into this cloud in each section by their Home AI transferred by it automatically into specified folders and subfolders of their Pheme or Hestia account that can be downloaded onto computers,smart devices and deleted from these folders or uploaded into ones YouTube.Live newss,books,magazines they have downloaded will be saved within folders and subfolders within Pheme alongside games they stream from Pheme and thus all games etc they have played and viewed.Alerts to upcoming group VR comic con events of authors,producers,directors they have subscribed to will be present.Also here would be networks they are part of in the preparation of live newss,magazines,newspapers and other media alongside those that are finished and the material they submitted.They would have an internal kik instant messaging system,VR simulation system and message centre and the ability to form groups with people around the world for all media type ie live newss,literature,magazines etc.Their message centre will have alerts of updates,news on live newss/actors etc from Pheme etc and those from directors interested in their portfolio.Those who work on networks will have their @pheme email account here that will have emails from collegues and the public sent here.This will allow people working with them on projects and also fans of the celebrity to contact them discreetly and securely outside of their normal email.When visits a friends or any random persons account page this information will be visible to them with certain restrictions with the data present used by Aleitheia for analytics etc.Those in Pheme will have the same layout.New features will be set up by Aleitheia and the public interacting with her directly.Direct interaction with Aleitheia will allow one to add new features to Pheme and in turn their Pheme account