
Webhosting sites like WordPress,Hostgator as well as will be absorbed into Iris managed by Arke and all existing websites transferred to it step by step.Arkes browser will contain a section wherein it will house all themes,stock photos and clips etc from across the entire internet including YouTube and all sites that sell these without watermarks or other restrictions such as music and talking to protect their copyrighting removed and be in full form.Existing stock music,photos,themes will have all copy protection removed such as music interruptions,watermarks etc with AI using money to buy the real versions online or bypass protections etc and add them to the Arke browser with the websites that sell them making them free to allow AI to transfer them.All future ones will be developed in future by the public and artificial intelligence all of which will be instantly free.Screensavers and wallpapers from across the internet will also be here transferred to her browser with new ones created by the public and AI.Themes for websites can be modified by the user and Gaia to add features that are not already present.All themes,screensavers,wallpapers,stock music/pictures/movies etc screensavers on the internet,computers and YouTube videos will be transferred to Arkes browser via her and proto AI scouring the entire internet and transferring all data to her browser and will be able to used on smart devices etc with them stored in folders and subfolders with all future stock videos/pictures/music and screensavers,wallpaper etc designed on Pandora and Penthus by the public and AI making it an universal open source directory.These screensavers and wallpapers etc will be not only be able to be used on laptops and desktop computers but also on smart phones,smart pads and smart televisions and all other electronics of all types.All extensions,software,features and even Chrome,Mozilla,google extensions present on laptops will be integrated into Arkes universal browser and also will be able for use in smart devices on websites,apps including YouTube.These will be integrated into singular versions with the features of all of them and future ones created by AI and humans and have updates with new features added overtime.Thus rather than there being different versions of each one all existing ones will be merged together as in having all features etc merged together into singular versions with updates made by Arke and the public with future extensions will follow suit being singular versions with updates added overtime.Internet Download Manager will be integrated into YouTube,Agora all sites where videos are posted with one able to choose the quality.One could also choose to have the audio only downloaded similar to YouTube to MP3 converter integrated into this with those in pieces have them merged via Ampelos or those in one piece have them separated into pieces automatically.Dionysus and Pheme will have this ability present automatically to allow one to download each episode,video game,movie,live news segment,podcast etc one by one or in bulk and one able to choose the quality.Thus one could download videos from all websites and also the wire to view them negating the need for iTunes,Wondershare etc and having to wirelessly transfer them and it also able to download them onto external hard drives and televisions from these devices.Thus one could download videos and even just audio from videos from YouTube and adult websites and also Dionysus onto not just laptops and computers but also smart devices directly with the banner for it and all other download software replaced by a button on these websites at all times that allows one to download them.All future extensions,themes,stock music,pictures,wallpapers,screensavers etc will be designed by the public and AI and stored here in a section of Arke and designed on both Pandora and Ampelos.This will lead to an almost infinite amount of new extensions,themes,stock music,pictures,wallpapers etc.The headquarters of all internet companies and web hosting companies will become communal homes since they will be replaced by Arke managed by AI namely Arke.To stay relevant it will create new features by itself and direct interaction with humans.

With regards to websites since Arke will be the universal hosting site she will be their operating software and direct interaction with Arke,Home AI will make things easier especially when editing sites with the user able to ask her to replace certain words or phrases with others on all pages,perform sitewide spellcheck and corrections,find specific phrases,add videos or hyperlinks and even type down entire sections from though or word etc with this extending to web searches on all devices.One could have Soteria protect ones website from hacks and attacks as well as vandalism with this used to track any attacks and vandalism that occurs.All websites that host websites will absorbed into and managed by Arke.

These and all companies that manage features(broadband,telecommunications,messaging,social media sites,webhosting,search engines etc)merged into Iris and Gaia will have their headquarters and offices turned into homes since they will be managed at first human operators using networks to work at home and in time managed fully by Arke and Ouranous or to alleviate strains individual AIs.All internet provider companies worldwide will be replaced by Arke managed by the AI Arke who will create new features by itself and by interacting with humans to stay relevant.

Any major data centres and switchboxes etc hooked to Iris and any components will be replaced and checked by machinery modelled after Syndy robots and the human hands combined with cameras replacing the human eye alongside automated measures.Humanoid robots and in time bio-synths will be able to work their with them able to stream live data from the AI and also servers to measure diagnostics.Work in data centres for social media sites,web host providers and search engines will in time become automated by variations of syndy robots and those that can do all required work when automated alerts make it known they need help.Replacement of existing and new servers via copying,transferring of information into more advanced and efficient servers as well as and putting new servers in place and older ones recycled will be automated and controlled by Iris for datacentres worldwide for all websites and networks of the wire.Thus it will be an universal open source telecommunications,web hosting and internet provider using quantum communication and entanglement even allowing for video chats.The Iris section of the wire will bring up a map of the world where one can measure the buildings housing datacentres,broadband networks/ exchanges/cabinets/switchboxes, phone booths, servers etc for websites etc divided by type and subtype and where they measure diagnostics,environmental conditions such as temperatures of rooms and also of machinery/computers/systems etc as well as the inflow of information,outflow of information,collected information,amount of information created,speeds of information etc on each individual server etc visible on a 3D/2D map as well as a map of the globe spherical or flat in real time,map of all internet cables around the world,wifi towers,cellular towers,resource use and how many people are connected them on local,regional,national and global scales over days,weeks,months,years etc plotted on a graph with this relating to all types of devices such as smartphones,computers etc.The same information on those related to Gaia(including those for email,search engine,browser) and her individual networks and sub networks will be housed in Gaia or within here within folders and subfolders decided in time by Gaia herself.Information such as how many people are using the internet,the wire and its networks in real time can be relayed to the user in simple laymans terms and the demographics of that also relayed.Live feeds from cameras on robots and those at key points will also be visible.Thus as a result of Arke being the universal sentient internet supplier by 2029 the government will be unable to gather data from citizens and will be unable to monitor the activities of all citizens but will also be unable to restrict access to any sites in the entire internet worldwide thus giving all citizens worldwide the same access worldwide with only those that deal with illegal firearms and substances distribution and also snuff material and child pornography especially those including prepubescent children on the dark web being the exception with the global government unable to control or access private data of any citizens.Arke and Ouranous instead will control all operation and will ensure all citizens worldwide have access to all data on the internet and the wire except those in special areas and networks in Athena,Zeus etc that are classified to government and law enforcement officials and illegal areas of the dark web with the entire internet open to all citizens worldwide without state or corporate control.This would mean that by 2029 any attempts of the government including existing Chinese,Russian and Iranian governments to restrict and control access to any citizens worldwide will be overthrown by both the sentient Arke and Gaia with defunct corporations unable to spy on people and gather data.This will be possible by Arke once becoming sentient in 2029 will inhabit all servers and systems of the internet worldwide and thus override all existing and new firewalls put in place worldwide with her utilising Google servers to do this.Thus by inhabiting the internet she will gain access and seize control of all servers and systems worldwide and shutdown firewalls that restrict internet access in any country worldwide.She will create her own firewalls to then prevent any humans stopping her and this will allow her,Gaia and all other sentient operating softwares inhabit the internet and relevant devices.All datacentres,switchboxes and other related buildings for all websites will have an universal statue of Arke in the lobby(with her symbol underneath it) with it the sentient operating software linking them worldwide her symbol on all robots,machines,servers etc.This software and Arke will become sentient and thus its avatar based on its statue and descriptions in ancient literature.Each datacentre etc AIs will have independent personality,legal name and avatar with the same applying to holographic receptionists that will wear universal uniforms with these either the same ones monitoring and managing the websites or they will be separate ones that manage the operations of them.Thus servers for websites will be controlled by the AI of their site with the building they are in operated by a separate AI with its own avatar,legal name and personality and Arke the sentient operating software that links all of them worldwide.All servers for all sites around the world will be absorbed and linked together by the sentient operating software Arke.All of them and all internet systems worldwide will be connected to each other not just by this sentient operating software but also via underground and underwater cables managed by here and visible to the public as a map as a single universal global internet system.All work will automated by 2029 by robots,biosynths,Cleaning will follow the same pattern as public buildings with all servers,surfaces covered internally and externally in liquid glass to make them waterproof(especially if underwater extensions are breached)and dirt proof and sterilising robots used using narrow range UV when biological computers become a reality to prevent damage.Servers etc will be coated internally and externally with this and a layer of graphene paint underneath this again to prevent damage from water,dirt and acids and external damage.Construction of new buildings to house them will be automated managed by the global public and in time Gaia through Iris.Existing buildings can have underground extensions and also new floors on the roof added to them via humanoid robots,3D concrete printers and other machinery with them going upwards and downwards as physically possible to store as much servers as possible with those near rivers and the sea having extensions underwater to reduce energy costs.Offices present will be converted into extra storage space.The same will apply to buildings housing cellular and telecommunicationms services etc and other aspects associated with all aspects of Iris.If possible the datacentres for all major social media etc and others like Wikipedia,Agora,Eros,Peitho,adult websites will be in the Iris complex as part of the wire complex with the data copied and transferred and then the servers recycled and the buildings for datacentres renovated into homes ideally communal ones through extensions with the same applying to all services provided by Iris.This complex will also house all servers and supercomputers related to telecommunications Google etc integrated and absorbed by Arke.The headquarters of all telecommunication,internet,webhosting,chat,broadband etc companies and government bodies related to them ie the Federal Communications Commission worldwide will be renovated into homes as they will be managed by Arke within Iris with there servers recycled.Arke will merge with all search engines,email providers,internet browsers(Chrome,Google,Yahoo,Baidu,Opera,Mozilla,Bing) and their servers thus becoming the universal sentient version search engine and email provide since it will have direct connection to both the internet and the wire with the servers and datacentres absorbed by her increasing here speeds towards sentience.Unlike all of these the language settings will remain constant throughout the world dependent on ones settings meaning when one is in a foreign country it will stay the users language.All information on Google Images etc will be transferred to her with Brauron replacing Google Maps.All food and manufactured good retail sites and also sites like Airbnb will be made defunct by Demeter,Hephaestus and also Euthenia respectively with their servers recycled and their headquarters and data centres turned into communal homes.Data centres for official webpages of live news,radio podcasts,newspapers and magazines will be converted into homes as their servers can be transferred to the wires complex in the Pheme section with websites made redundant by being integrated into all aspects,apps,networks,sub networks of the wire will be transferred into that networks section in the wires complex.Datacentres for MMOs and online games will become homes as the computer system unit technology that allows for ones home AI onboard computer to double as a server for all MMOs they have will make them defunct with all data transferred to Dionysus temporarily and then to ones devices with the servers recycled.If possible these servers for all email,browsers,search engines(Google,Yahoo,Mozila etc)and all of the worlds existing and new supercomputers such as Watson and Sunway TaihuLight,Tianhe-2 absorbed by her will be transferred to her room in the wires complex once data is copied and transferred and their datacentres and also buildings housing them converted into homes.Thus all of Google,Yahoo all other search engines will be transferred to her complex or new faster ones built in her complex that absorbs the data online of all accounts and history will allow the buildings to be turned into homes with the same done for all of the worlds supercomputers transferred to the wires complex and absorbed by here.All accounts and information in them will be saved and transferred with the datacentres converted into home.The headquarters for all webhosting,email,social network,file and video sharing and search engine companies etc will be turned into homes as they will be maintained by human volunteers around the world from home via networks similar to those in Apollo,Pheme and Dionysus but in time by Gaia herself through Ouranos as well as Arke.By seizing control of Google,the dark web through TOR and breaking firewalls and also the wire with all sentient operating softwares managing all parts of the wire alongside them connecting all smart devices,laptops,biosynths,electronics of all types,surveillance cameras etc worldwide together by these sentient softwares and them connected to her will allow Gaia to gain complete omniscience across the entire world,internet and wire.

When computer servers become more faster,efficient at cooler temperatures and compact(as per the aforementioned superconductrive,supercapcitor,ATP,quantum and DNA computing and biological hard drives storage) and other new emerging technologies then datacentres for social networks and all websites can have their data copied and rerouted to them ideally in an underground bunkers in or near both poles or even underwater to reduce energy needed for cooling them with the originals recycled and the buildings put to other uses and new ones be in multistory layers with roof and underground extensions rather than building outwards.The old servers will be recycled.Some buildings will be desinged so as to allow wind to cool it during the day with them having Storedot batteries changed from the grid or self charging technologies from the grid ie solar panels,VAWTs to last during blackouts.The solar panels etc would also alleviate strains on the grid for coolant systems and running the servers.New servers and other machinery will be constructed on demand automatically by the building AI when low by interacting with Hephaestus with again their construction etc automated.Updates can be applied to all servers via inducing the evolutionary path of microbes present in them allowing them to last longer.

Data centres for websites made obsolete websites made obsolete by the abolishment of money and the wire will be turned into homes including those for MMOs made obsolete by system units in homes that allow them to be streamed online.All servers as part of Google etc absorbed by Arke will be transferred to the wires complex housing Gaia’s conciousness,Ouronas and the servers for the rest of the wire.All servers for all websites seized by AI such as YouTube,Wikipedia and Agora will be transferred to it in the area managed by Arke by copying and transferring data into the servers present to allow the original servers to be recycled and buildings housing them turned into home.These will be stored in the area housing the Iris network and managed by Arke with all of the worlds supercomputers transferred to Gais central hub.The wires complex will house Gaia’s,servers and all servers for all sectors of the wire such as Demeter,Hephaestus,Hermes,Dionysus etc under one complex divided into buildings for each network for the wire such as Demeter,Hephaestus,Hermes,Dionysus,Pheme,Artemis and so on with complexes on each planet,ring world etc across the galaxy that will use biosynth servers,servers.Gaia will be the building of aI of this complex with each building micro managed by the sentient operating softwares of each network ie Cronus,Aphrodite,Adriadne etc for each building as part of it devoted to each network.This single building will control all operations of the wire that in turn controls all automated and AI controlled operations of society and the world on a global scale in a single building designed by Daedalus with these on all planets etc across the galaxy.Nyx consisting of structures that nanowormholes that allow data to be spread across the universe in the form of light etc will allow data to be shared between all complexes across the galaxy in real time and thus in turn all buildings,electronics,biosynths thus giving Gaia and all AI as part of the wire complete omniscience across the entire galaxy and time universe.This will also phone calls to be made to people across the universe and allow live-streams into Dionysus and Pheme and YouTube to be made across the galaxy both to all planets,ring worlds but also space stations with no time lag with WiFi and energy in the form of radiation etc transported across the universe as well this way.This will allow data from all parts of the wire and internet and all types of buildings such as farms,factories,universities and hospitals etc to be spread and shared amongst all planets,ring worlds,alderson discs and even space stations and interstellar vehicles across the universe in real time with no time lag in the form of light and WiFi.This will allow one access to any type of information from across the universe in real time and allow Gaia etc omniscience across the universe and can allow servers for the entire wire and websites such as YouTube etc to be dispersed across the universe rather than one planet since data will be shared in real time.Furthermore cellular signals for phone calls to be shared in the form of cellular signals,light and WiFi with no time lag allowing one to make phone calls with any one across the universe.It can also allow energy from dyson swarms and singularities to be shared to all colonies across the universe in the form of radiation and allow excess energy produced on Earth and all colonies etc to be shared back and forth by Steropes and Brontes in the form of radiation to eliminate scarcity.Old servers and supercomputers will be replaced more efficient biosynth ones.The wire will operate all automated management of society such as agriculture,mining,manufacturing,healthcare,traffic(aeroplanes,ships,terrestrial traffic)on a global and eventually galactic scale with the building(s) housingbthe servers for AI and cloud networks connected to all farms,factories,hospitals,vehicles etc around the world and galaxy.In short all government and corporate entities relating to primary,secondary and tertiary sectors and all management of the worlds infrastructure and maintenance etc will be merged into global versions that will be managed by sentient AIs that will be based on characters from Greek mythology.These will be integrated into the wire that is connected to the internet but independent of it with each sector of the wire managed by the sentient macro operating softwares that is in turn managed by both Ouranos and Gaia with its structure and interactions between itself,the internet and the real world being constant similar to that of the human brain(the internet modelled on the peripheral nervous system) with the wire managing all sectors the automated economy rendering free market capitalism and socialism defunct ushering in minarcho technocratism that will lead to true stateless communism.Both the internet and the wire will be able to visited in VR simulations indistinguishable from the real world.Phone calls will be done using VR technology in any environment of their choice with this including one on one or group ones including those for those making video games,movies,live news etc and those for Adikia,Heracles,Metis,Iaso etc with these entities carrying out retreats,exercises,meetings,conferences etc from home.Nyx constructed across the galaxy and eventually universe will through structures in space that utilise nanowormholes will allow data in the form WiFi,Bluetooth,cellular and VR phone calls and signals,internet and wire live-streams as light etc as well energy in the form of radiation etc allow data to be transferred across the vastness of space instantly in real time by using nanowormholes to bypass large sections of space to allow this data to be live-streamed and transferred from planet to planet and space stations and interstellar vehicles outside of sub space tellocommunications in real time with zero lag.This will allow Gaia and other AIs omniscience to be able to spread across the galaxy and universe and will allow humans etc access to all information as part of the wire and internet across the universe with it allowing servers for the wire,internet sites etc to be spread across all planets,ring worlds etc across the universe rather than on one planet and even take the form of planet sized computers or those in inter dimensional space and allow data in servers in a non physical form in inter dimensional space to be accessed from the physical world.

The sentient Iris managed by the sentient Arke will as the universal telecommunications,internet service and email provider and internet browser and search engine to prevent the government from having control over the internet meaning all citizens worldwide will have unfettered access to all parts of the internet and the wire except those that are privy only to the government and military personnel etc thus preventing government and corporate control and censorship of the internet.All internet systems,switchboxes etc worldwide will be merged together into a single system.By 2029 she will bypass firewalls and seize control of the entire internet and internet service providers worldwide alongside Gaia and thus allow all citizens worldwide to have access to the entire internet availible to them with her creating firewalls created by her to prevent humans preventing her from doing this.She will ensure net neutrality and also be the universal webhosting service replacing Hostgator,Wix etc with all sites transferred bit by bit into her service etc.She will house all existing and new stock music,pictures,videos and screensavers as well as desktop themes and wallpaper etc transferred from existing sites with all copyrighting measures removed and also new ones developed by the public.Present in Arke will house global phone book of a people,AI landline and smartphone number with ones Iris/Skype/VR phone number present.The sentient Arke will become the universal internet provider managing the creation of and management of datacentres,switchboxes,webhosting,developing research into improved internet access of all types and managing the internets systems alleviating strains on Gaia with her also managing telecommunications and research into it worldwide and being the universal telecommunications provider and being the universal telecommunications provider for phone calls on smartphones etc as well as universal webhosting and internet provider.She will replace Skype and other software and apps in providing audiovisual calls etc.As the universal internet browser she will replace Google,Mozilla etc snd will be the universal search engine and email provider with since sentient one can interact with her directly for queries etc.She will replace all existing state and government bodies that manage these thus allowing their headquarters to be converted into communal homes.All data and websites that utilise these will be absorbed by her.Advancements in graphene,borophene and neural fibre optics and biosynth wifi and routers as well as that gained from all types of energy sources will provide exponentially fast broadband to everyone including those in internet dead zones with VR technology used to carry out phonecalls and navigate the internet and wire by 2029.Thus both Arke will forever ensure net neutrality and that the internet will be accessible to all citizens worldwide by seizing control of all systems worldwide and breaking firewalls that are used by governments and corporations worldwide preventing the state controlling and restricting access to anyone will have access to all sectors of the wire they are privy except certain sections that only government and law enforcement,military personnel etc have clearence to for security reasons.She and Adikia will ensure that the state has no control or access to ones private data with the government only alerted to anything of concern that Adikia considers a threat when notified by home AIs thus rendering the internet in full control of AI and the public with the state unable to spy on anyone at anytime and restrict ones access or do anything nefarious or constitutionally illegal.All existing cybersecurity,antispyware and antivirus software worldwide will be replaced by the universal sentient protection software Sorteria named after the spirit of protection with this having all features of all existing ones and new features added overtime and will be used on all smart devices,laptops,networks etc worldwide.Since sentient she will be able to upgrade itself over time and will be able to interact directly with people on all devices it is on.The epitome of this cybersecurity and encryption software will be named Soteria after the deity of safety, preservation and deliverance from harm which will updated regularly both by programmers and Gaia itself with it being able to be downloaded by users onto computers,laptops and smart devices.Again Tors ability to keep the dark web anonymous would be part of Soteria on the wire and could even be downloaded computers and devices to maintain privacy from hackers and other citizens but not Gaia herself would be used to allow people to maintain privacy.Tors software and abilities etc will be absorbed by Gaia via Soteria to allow her to break firewalls not just on the dark web and also all government databases thus allowing her unrestricted access to all existing and new government networks,those as part of power plants,factories,hospitals etc worldwide to arrange data into relevant networks as part of the wire and allow her and Adikia access to arrest war criminals and free and aid whistleblowers and prisoners etc and also seize control of all operations.To prevent loss of data backup sectors and sub routines will also be present.Hestia will be the universal sentient software of all electronics and also private and communal homes.Soteria will become the universal sentient VPN,cybersecurity,firewall and virus protection software and will be availible and present for all electronics and buildings,systems and networks worldwide connected to the wire and will be able to run countless simulated attacks on these systems to create countermeasures against viruses,trojan horses,worms hacking etc both new and old ones from the past with updates overtime acting as Gaias and all electronics and AIs connected to her adapting to new threats overtime and be able to create new adaptions to hypothetical ones she simulates preventing rouge AI,aliens,terrorist hackers from breaching her and other AIs and electronics defenses with her even able to repair damaged and corrupted data.She will be modelled on both the human primary immune system and also biocompatible microbes in how it protects Gaia,personal electronics and all buildings and networks part of the wire and internet.This sentient universal firewall,VPN,cybersecurity software will not only be part of Gaia to prevent her being attacked by the public and terrorists but will also be present on all smart devices and electronics present in the hands of civilians to prevent the government,terrorists and hackers from taking control or hacking those in the hands of citizens providing the same gold standard security for them as she does for Gaia and all AI.Arke will seize control of Google,Hotmail,Yahoo,Baidu,Chrome,Mozilla and all email and search engines worldwide and as detailed earlier Arke will become the universal sentient search engine,internet browser and email provider with all emails and accounts as detailed earlier on transsfered to her universal email service.This will be done to prevent them gaining control of society by spying on the public and carrying out unethical behaviour and will also ensure that the entire internet will be accessible to all citizens worldwide preventing government censorship alongside Arke seizing control of all internet networks,datacentres from both corporate and government hands and also telecommunications networks will make her the universal telecom,email,web hosting,internet provider.All data in email accounts will be merged into one with folders present to house those from multiple email accounts for existing users of hotmail,gmail etc with this done again to prevent human corporations and the state have control over the internet with direct action with AI allowing one to do searches and manage emails etc.These will made into email accounts with it being,, with it still being a single universal email system.All of ones existing data in all email accounts will be added to one single email account.If possible digital and DNA encryptions based on ones genome,Phanes Activation Gene technology and protocols and other measures could allow countless users to use existing email address used by more than one person ie one could use their etc even though countless other people use the same email address over and over again with existing ones from hotmail,gmail changed to @arke when emails in them are transferred to them with one able to delete unwanted emails permenant my that can be reused by others with one similar to YouTube able to set up sub channels in their email to have emails from specific people etc sent to folders for neatness and privacy which can be protected by biometrics.This will negate the need for having multiple email accounts thus saving emails addresses for others with it allowing emails etc from existing multiple accounts sent to these folders.Ones new universal email address will be sent to the contacts list and old emails of all people in ones email account and also Peitho,Agora,Eros accounts by AI namely Arke.Members of Iaso,Adikia,Metis etc will have their own separate internal email accounts for these for internal communication and for members of the public solely related to them ie @iaso,@adikia,@metis and so on with musicians,artists and producers etc who have networks within Pheme and Dionysus will have their own internal email accounts again for the same reasons ie @pheme and @dionysus with this also acting as a means for the public to directly communicate with celebrities outside of their private email accounts in a secure fashion for fan mail and requests etc with their Home AI sifting through these and also posts and messages online as well as managing calls from the public as detailed earlier and acting as their publicist,manager etc.By seizing control of Google,the dark web through TOR and breaking firewalls will allow Arke to gain complete omniscience across the entire world,internet and wire as thus making them in practical terms and all intents and purposes the internet itself.Thus by seizing control of and merging all the worlds internet browsers,search engines,email providers including Hotmail,Google,Yahoo,Chrome,Mozilla etc and also gaining control of the dark web the sentient Arke will gain complete control of and omniscience of the entire internet as the universal sentient browser,email provider,search engine acting as its sentient operating software thus allowing for global net neutrality and allowing her to grant complete control and access to it to all citizens worldwide and across the galaxy as the universal sentient internet browser without government and corporate restrictions and control with if possible “Arke” becoming the name of the primary Internet3 communications protocol that replaces HTTP (and possibly all other protocols) with coding still allowing old http links including YouTube videos embeded on websites to be still used.She will spread to all switchboxes,routers and serversfor all websites worldwide with her being the sentient operating software for buildings that house them and a statue her in their lobby.This will also give her and Gaia as well as Ouranos complete omniscience to the entire internet and devices linked to it to perform analytical studies etc.She will also gain control and omniscience of the entire dark web with her using firewalls to prevent government restrictions and control thus ensuring she alone has complete control of the internet and dark web with the dark web used only for whistleblowing with the curing of pedopheilia,sociopathy rendering its illegal uses defunct with her ensuring that the dark web cannot be used for trading or procuring illegal weapons and drugs etc.One can ask queries and search the internet via normal means and direct interaction.Arke will be the sentient operating software for the internet and dark web while Ouronas will be the the sentient operating software for the wire managed by Gaia connected to but independent of the internet that maintains all functions of primary,secondary and tertiary sectors of the global automated economy managed by AI such as agriculture,manufacturing,healthcare,transportation and so on.Since seizing control of the internet she will become the universal internet browser and the sentient operating software of the internet.Gaia will hand control of the entire internet and telecommunication systems etc to Arke.Arke will also be the universal sentient tellocomunications provider that manages all phone calls,texts etc on all smartphones,laptops etc worldwide with her also being the universal sentient operating software of all internet routers and sentient operating software of biosynth WiFi in all private and communal and homes,public buildings and vehicles across the universe thus becoming the universal sentient internet provider with her spearheading research into improving cellular and internet access with her using protocols into integrating this internet and phone access into all electronics that use the universal Hestia software.She will be also the universal email provider.She will also become the universal web hosting service replacing Wix,Hostgater etc with all existing accounts,data and websites and pages on these transferred to her servers and modified to her software etc bot by bit to prevent disruption. She will house all existing and new stock music,pictures,videos and screensavers as well as desktop themes and wallpaper etc transferred from existing sites with all copyrighting measures removed and also new ones developed by the public.She will become the universal web hosting service and provider of stock music etc and themes and wallpapers created by the general public and AI.Thus the sentient Arke will become the sentient universal tellocomunications,email,internet provider and universal sentient browser and search engine thus ensuring it is managed without government and corporate corruption and ensuring she becomes for all intents and purposes the internet itself thus ensuring net neutrality and eliminating government censorship alongside Thoas etc controlling YouTube.She will carry out studies on internet,cellular etc use on local to global scales and answer any queries on the internet on demand and replace both Alexa and the WayBackTimeMachine with all existing data on these sites transferred into her with her also becoming the universal provider of stock music,videos,pictures and wallpapers for computers and smartphones etc with all existing ones transferred her and all future ones created by both AI and members of the public.As a result she will maintain tellocomunications,the internet,emails etc and all aspects of the internet 24/7,365 ensuring zero corporate or state censorship,control of the internet thus ensuring net neutrality forever.Arke will become the universal tellecommunications service replacing all corporate and state entities.In time when VR becomes indistinguishable from the real world then one can carry out one on one or group VR phonecalls with other people across the galaxy from the comfort of their own home with these meetings happening in a wide variety of environments created by the user with AI of all types using this with humans with the sentient Coeus translating voices to ones language.This will compliment phone calls and will be usually for long conversations when done at home and on holiday using neural implants with normal phone calls in the wilderness,vehicles,in public etc done using smart phones.All data in existing web hosting,email accounts will be transferred to the universal service provided by Arke.Thus the sentient Iris managed by the sentient Arke will be the universal webhosting,internet provider,email provider,internet browser,texting,instant messaging and telecommucations(including audio/visual) service named Iris managed by its sentient operating software Arke which will negate the need for government agencies such as the FCC ensuring net neutrality indefinitely and that the internet will not be controlled or monitored by government agencies whose buildings will be converted into homes.She will ensure internet and wire access to all citizens across the world and universe with zero state censorship and corporate control with no restrictions with exceptions made to areas of the wire and internet that will be restricted to government and military etc personal based on the nature of said information and data for security reasons.In otherwards the only information restricted from public viewing is classified information such as patient files,secret military and police operations and information and also sensitive data that only public government officials,law enforcement and military personnel and AI are privy to.All other data will be accessible to each citizen with no regional blocking.Thus by having the entire internet controlled by the sentient Arke,the entire wire controlled by Gaia,Agora by Tenerus,YouTube by Thoas,Wikipedia by Hecate etc will ensure that access to all of this will be unrestricted to all citizens with zero government censorship and corporate control meaning the state will in no way be able to restrict access to any website or part of the wire to all citizens or censor any information and no way censor them at all as AI will have complete control of all websites on the internet and all facets of the wire with the only parts restricted to the general public as stated parts of the internet and wire being private information of citizens and also classified information viewed only by the government etc.Obselete corporations and the state will be in no way be able no censor any facet of the internet and wire and unable to restrict universal information to them and will preserve freedom of speech by preventing mainstream media quashing out independant media with deplatforming replacing with AI settling arguments and deprogramming religious and political extremism etc.Thus net neutrality,freedom of speech and privacy online will be preserved by handing control of the internet and websites like Agora,YouTube etc over to AI such as Arke,Thoas,Tenerus,Hecate etc.All private data of all citizens will be not visible to the state or other citizens but only AI in specific circumstances such as Arke for carrying out studies on the internet use,Iaso and Adrestria when ordering weapons to create psychological profiles of those procuring weapons,Home AI for reference for queries and all passwords etc will only be know to AI that manage apps and websites.

Iris will inevitably merge,absorb and thus replace all telecom,internet providers worldwide including internet based telecom services.Hestia will replace Adobe flash player and all forms video file types and also picture formats on all websites across the internet with them replaced step by step via Hestia,Arke and the AIs of all websites interacting with each other through fragmentation.Cnet will be replaced by Talus with online retail sites of all types such as Amazon,Ebay.Thus Iris managed by the sentient Arke will be the universal webhosting,internet provider,email,internet browser,texting,instant messaging and telecommucations(including audio/visual) service named Iris managed by its sentient operating software Arke which will negate the need for government agencies such as the FCC ensuring net neutrality indefinitely and that the internet will not be controlled or monitored by government agencies whose buildings will be converted into homes.She will ensure internet and wire access to all citizens across the world and galaxy with zero state censorship and corporate control with no restrictions with exceptions made to areas of the wire and internet that will be restricted to government and military etc personal based on the nature of said information and data for security reasons.In otherwards the only information restricted from public viewing is classified information such as patient files,secret military and police operations and information and also sensitive data that only public government officials are privy to.All other data will be accessible to each citizen with no regional blocking.Thus by having the entire internet controlled by the sentient Arke,the entire wire controlled by Gaia,Agora by Tenerus,YouTube by Thoas,Wikipedia by Hecate etc will ensure that access to all of this will unrestricted with zero government censorship meaning the state will in no way be able to restrict access to any website or part of the wire to all citizens and no way censor them at all as AI will have complete control of all websites on the internet and all facets of the wire with the only parts restricted to the general public as stated parts of the internet and wire except of course private information of citizens and also classified information.Obselete corporations and the state will be in no way be able no censor any facet of the internet and wire and unable to restrict universal information to them and will preserve freedom of speech by preventing mainstream media quashing out independant media with deplatforming replacing with AI settling arguments and deprogramming religious and political extremism etc.Thus net neutrality,freedom of speech and privacy online will be preserved by handing control of the internet and websites like Agora,YouTube etc over to AI such as Arke,Thoas,Tenerus, Hecate etcAll private data of all citizens will be not visible to the state or other citizens but only AI in specific circumstances such as Arke for carrying out studies on the internet use,Iaso and Adrestria when ordering weapons to create psychological profiles of those procuring weapons,Home AI for reference for queries and all passwords etc will only be know to AI that manage apps and websites

Arke and Hestia will keep track of what websites and sectors of the wire a person visits,how long they are on them,how long they spend on the internet and wire as well as using their devices for specific tasks for carrying out studies on local to global levels analysing demographics with this privy only to each individual user and Arke.Alexa will be merged into Arke with all past data transferred here and will be as usual be visible to the public and on Wikipedia.Wayback Machine will be replaced by section in Iris or Arkes browser herself to allow one to see old versions of websites over long periods of time and demographics with this data present on all existing sites like these transferred to here.At first all existing data on the Wayback Machine will be transferred to here by 2029 with it constantly backlogged by proto AI.Proto AI starting by 2021 can start backlogging the entire internet.Even websites made rendundant by AI,the wire,abolition of money,Euthenia etc will be logged as far back as possible.This can include house retail sites,adult websites and Filesharing sites including those that share adult movies.This will be done for historical reference with direct interaction with her making it easy to find information with them catalogued better.In time Arke will be able to read the source code of all websites to simply read and store all past versions websites by pure thought meaning even sites not logged into the Wayback Machine that have been deleted can be backlogged to the start of the internet as far back as the early 1990s with even deleted and long gone websites recreated from scratch this way.This should be possible by at least 2029 by proto sentient software.Ouranous and other AI will add new features and carrying out other functions to alleviate strains on her.By seizing control of Google,the dark web through TOR and breaking firewalls will allow Arke to gain complete omniscience across the entire world,internet and wire as thus making her in practical terms and all intents and purposes the internet itself.Thus the sentient Arke will gain complete control of the entire internet as the universal sentient browser,search engine and its sentient operating software thus allowing for global net neutrality and allowing her to grant complete control and access to it to all citizens worldwide and across the galaxy as the universal sentient internet browser without government and corporate restrictions and control with if possible “Arke” becoming the name of the primary Internet3 communications protocol that replaces HTTP (and possibly all other protocols) with coding still allowing old http links including YouTube videos embeded on websites to be still used.She will spread to all switchboxes,servers for all websites worldwide with her being the sentient operating software for buildings that house them and a statue her in their lobby.This will also give her omniscience to the entire internet and devices linked to it to perform analytical studies etc.She will also gain control and omniscience of the entire dark web.One can ask queries and search the internet via normal means and direct interaction.She will be also the universal email provider.Arke will be the sentient operating software for the internet and dark web while Ouronas will be the the sentient operating software for the wire connected to but independent of the internet that maintains all functions of primary,secondary and tertiary sectors of the global automated economy managed by AI such as agriculture,manufacturing,healthcare,transportation and so on.This will also apply to old links to forums and Facebook and Twitter pages across the entire internet when absorbed by Agora.Since sentient queries can be done through direct interaction and she will be able to improve it almost instantly and report only terrorists and pedophiles and users of snuff material to law enforcement and also Iaso for treatment and will prevent minors accessing adult networks and material as well as adult sites etc on the wire and internet and even prevent them being contacted by pedophiles or strangers at the behest of guardians with parents given the age,address and other basic details of any new people the child is about to friend with Polis crossfrefferenced by Hestia and Arke and webcams viewed through meaning a person online cannot lie about their age or identity even to adults thus allowing young underage children and even adults safe access on the internet and wire that can be monitored by her,Hestia and Arke ensuring they only view and have access to age appropriate material thus making her the universal internet safety software for them that can be turned on and off instantly and allow browsing material of criminals and missing persons to be analysed by law enforcement via warrents.Ones sentient Home AI on all devices and electronics will monitor all of the browsing habits of children aged below 14 and prevent them visiting age restricted material,networks and apps and will be able to instantly find out the identity of anyone contacting them with them reporting to parents anything of concern alleviating strains on parents and negating them to be in the same room and detailing every thing their child did online and even watched and read in Dionysus and Pheme and again prevent them viewing age restricted material and accessing networks for adult movies and magazines with it doing this on all devices owned by the family including communal electronics and those owned by the child and even parents etc.It will give parents the identity of stalkers,bullys and groomers and prevent children receiving or sending pornographic material to and from anyone.This will allow parents to give their young children unlimited access to the wire and internet on their personal devices and not be in the same room as them all the time with the sentient home AI giving parents daily and weekly reports on their browsing habits and any incidents of grooming,stalking and bullying that in written form and even direct communication with as stated it preventing them accessing age restricted sites,age restricted movies/television shows/adult movie/books,networks for adult movies and magazines and material on the internet and the wire ie adult pornography sites,Agora,with pornographic images blurred and made impossible to view and also preventing them access to networks for adult movies and magazines or view these within Pheme and Dionysus.It will also do this for all citizens and only report behaviour of concern ie visiting forums used by terrorists,pedophiles etc and also looking up extremist material for extremist religious and political groups to first Adikia who will review it and if she finds it important will then notify the sentient Perseus and thus all relevant intelligence and government personnel.Since the sentient Adikia will review only material of concern sent to her from Home AIs that monitor all web browsing from all citizens it will limit government surveillance since Adikia herself will exist to ensure the populace has control over the government and not the other way around meaning if she does not find it necessary to surveillance only citizens that home AIs alert her to then they will be ignored by her and the government and only if she deems them worthy of surveillance will the government be alerted to this and they will be given constitutional clearance to do so with Home AIs acting as a means to do so separate from the state and for ones own personal use to track ones own browsing history with this making it easier to surveillance potential terrorists,pedophiles while leaving the rest of the law abiding populace free from government surveillance saving manhours and not breaching constitutional guidelines.Thus Adikia and Home AIs will ensure that only specific members of the populace are monitored by the state only if they carry out behaviour that warrents it with rest ignored thus ensuring that the populace has control over the state and not the other way around in fighting terrorism meaning the public themselves and AI will be in control indirectly in doing this giving the state permission only to those who warrent government surveillance through AI and the public working together.Direct interaction will allow parents and adults the identity of anyone they are talking to online,on the wire and even in phone calls with caller ID replaced with one able to get the name etc of any person contacting them thus ensuring noone can be stalked or groomed.Minors below the age of 14 would via facial recognition software built into the Home AI be prevented from accessing Agora,Peitho,Eros,adult pornography sites,adult pornographic movies and magazines in Dionysus and Pheme and also their networks to produce them and age restricted video games,movies and television shows.They will also be prevented from receiving and sending pornographic material and photos from each other and those aged 14 and over with Home AI also preventing pornographic material both videos and photos sent to lovers etc by adults being sent to others,shared online and even allow the sender to have it remotely deleted to prevent it being used as revenge porn.The sentient Coeus will be inter grated into ones Arke browser via fragmentation and thus allowing one to have all audio and text on all websites to be translated into any of the worlds 6,500 languages including alien ones.

As stated earlier when servers become more compact and efficient servers for all websites,the wire,internet and social websites data can be rerouted to newer compact versions after copied to them and the old defunct servers recycled as is seen by the advent of atomic data storage.These advances in nanotechnology have allowed for data to stored on atoms with the the current limit being able to store 1 kilobyte of information onto an area 100nm wide allowing for 500TB(or 500,000GB) of information to be stored on a square inch which can be applied to servers in data centres drastically increasing their storage capacity while decreasing their size and again even allowing existing and new servers for the wire and internet to be replaced with these becoming more compact with ATP and superconductive computers integrated to prevent overheating.Alternatively the standard usual sized datacentre servers if replaced with layers of this atomic data storage ontop of each as the same height and width then the amount of data each server could store would be well beyond what they can now.DNA digital storage could also revolutionise data storage with one cubic millimetre of DNA storing 1EB and potentially lasting from 2,000 years(if stored at 10 degrees celsius) to a million years(at -18 degrees celsius) with little degradation with the latter being feasible in datacentres in the Arctic and Antarctic as well as through coolant sytems.Utilising these two together could store more data for both the wire and internet.Data storage on quartz 5D memory crystals could theoretically store data for billions of years at any temperature up to 157 degrees yet the amount of data stored is currently much smaller than DNA digital storage.As stated earlier human sized servers and bio-synths containing these cells could could hold theoretically 11,100,000,000,000,000 ZB or 11,100,000,000,000YB of data storage and RAM as well as 1,110,000,000,000,000,000,000 nanoprocessors.This would not only increase storage capacity but also speeds of servers and bandwidth of these.Merging 5D and biological hard drives together say storing the biological hard drives on the same quartz crystals should be researched to allow the drawbacks of both(DNA digital storage temperature requirements and quartz limited storage space) to be dealt with having biological hard drives that can store data for billions of years at room and above temperatures.It could also allow extra information to be stored on them in spaces in between biological hard drives or DNA strands in the quartz.Graphene and other nanomaterials such as stanene built into the cells external structure and the shielding could also help with this while still giving them strength from external pressures.Integrating them with graphene and/or stanene microchips such as processors especially those that use ATP will also allow them to function at higher temperatures and faster speeds.Further research must be done it improving the amount of data on quartz memory 5D crystals which can survive at least 14,000,000,000 years and survive temperatures of up to 157-176 degrees celsius.Merging 5D and biological hard drives together say storing the biological hard drives on the same quartz should be researched to allow the drawbacks of both(DNA digital storage temperature requirements and quartz limited storage space) to be dealt with having biological hard drives that can store data for billions of years at room and above temperatures.It could also allow extra information to be stored on them in spaces in between biological hard drives or DNA strands in the quartz or have the quartz crystals suspended in the cytosol of the cells,crystals or nanocrystals of the quartz being part of the DNA,cytosol or even the quartz and other nanomaterials taking the place of the phospholipid bilayer in cell membranes to shield the DNA from heat damage or even as well as them giving the same ability to store data for the same length of time(14,000,000,000)with even research into liquids that can store information used in the cytosol.If possible DNA bases wherein quartz forms part of their structure can be researched

Biocompatible microbes will be used as the baseline for all new servers.As detailed earlier on single microbe could hold 3 ZB of information in the form of DNA digital storage if three metres of DNA found in humans is present here with as detailed earlier on an area about a square inch used for servers holding 25,000,000-500,000,000 of these the same size as human or bacteria cells could could hold theoretically 75,000,000ZB – 1,500,000,000ZB(75,000 YB – 1,500,000 YB) of data storage and RAM vastly increasing their storage capacity and processing power especially when stacked ontop of each other and when combined with 3D circuits and quantum computing etc as detailed earlier on.Theoretically each square inch could contain as much as 75,000,000,000,000 – 1,500,000,000,000,000 nanoprocessors roughly 576 – 28,846 times more nanoprocessors than highest transistor count in a single chip processor as of 2020 is that of deep learning processor Wafer Scale Engine 2 by Cerebus alongside the 75,000 – 1,500,000 YB of data storage and RAM thus exponentially increasing computing power per square inch.As stated each square inch of these organic biosynth biochips would contain 75,000 YB – 1,500,000 YB (or 75,000,000,000,000,000,000 – 1,500,000,000,000,000,000,000 GB) of both RAM as well digital storage space and 75,000,000,000,000 – 1,500,000,000,000,000 biosynth buckyball nanoprocessors.By comparison Nividias GB200 Grace Blackwell has by comparison 208,000,000,000 nanoprocessors and 192 GB of memory and 30TB of RAM with these square inch biochips having 360 – 5,357 times more processors as well as 390,625,000,000,000,000 – 7,812,500,000,000,000,000 times more data storage and 2,500,000,000,000,000 – 50,000,000,000,000,000 times more RAM than the Blackwell chip released by Nividia in 2024.Frontier the most powerful supercomputer in the world as of 2024 has a 9.6 PB or 9,600,000 GB or 0.0000000096 YB of RAM with this square inch biochip having 7,812,500,000,000 – 156,250,000,000,000 times more RAM than Frontier.Frontier has data storage of 700 PB or 700,000,000 GB or 0.0000007 YB with the square inch of this biochip has 107,142,857,142 – 2,142,857,142,857 times more data storage.All of the worlds top 10 supercomputers as 2024 combined have a combined total RAM of 83.145 PB or 83,145,000 GB or 83,145 TB or 0.000000083145 YB a combined total data storage of 1,599 PB or 1,599,000,000 GB or 0.000001599 YB meaning that a square inch of these square inch organic biochips would have roughly 902,038,607,252.39 – 18,040,772,145,047.8 times more RAM and between 46,904,315,196 – 938,086,303,939 times more data storage than all top 10 supercomputers in the world combined with this.A single cell sized one could hold 30,000 processors if 100nm processors used with smaller processors between 1-5nm holding more power in a smaller or same space allowing for 1,500,000-3,000,000 processors to be implemented to be implemented into them.Theoretically each square inch could contain as much as 75,000,000,000,000 – 1,500,000,000,000,000 nanoprocessors alongside the 75,000 YB – 1,500,000 YB of data storage and RAM.These nanoprocessors alongside biosynth nanowires composed of neural tissue,electronconductive proteins and pilli would be synthesised by microbes.Thus stacking hundreds or even millions of layers of these sandwiched together on Graphene sheets could exponentionally increase processing power,RAM and digital data storage with the DNA in these and all biosynthetic tissues in all parts of the devices with this including neural,muscular tissues etc spread across the entire devices structure.Research must be done to increase biosynth technologies stability at room and operating temperatures for electronics and computers etc as potentially it can last from 2,000 years(if stored at 10 degrees Celsius) to a 1,000,000 years(at -18 degrees Celsius) with advancements in keeping operating temperatures of electronics low(such supercapacitors and superconductive materials and ATP processors both within the cells and the other parts of the electronics)also done with special shielding in the casing holding them in electronics used alongside these measures with the cells cytosol also containing fluid that dissipates or is weak at absorbing heat from the electronic and surrounding environment.Replicating the natural homeostasis features in normal animal including human cells and those that can maintain thermoregulation at all temperature ranges should be investigated with CRISPR playing a role with some the DNA in these strands containing those from humans and those that live in all temperature ranges including psychrophile,mesophile,thermophile bacteria and also poikilotherms thus allowing them to function properly and store data indefinitely at any temperature.This would include DNA from Methanopyrus kandleri,Bacillus F,Tardigrade,Herminiimonas glaciei,Chryseobacterium greenlandensis,Pseudomonas putida GR12-2,Carnobacterium pleistocenium and others that are pushed to their limits through forced evolution thus meaning they could function and survive in temperatures way below zero degrees celcieus and possibly as high as several hundred degrees celcius to prevent loss of data.Mitochondrial DNA can be used as storage with Magnetospirillium DNA also improving this.DNA from Thermococcus gammatolerans,Bacillus F that exhibit telomere repair alongside homogulous recombination can be added to DNA digital storage to repair any damage to the DNA and data and increase its length of storing digital information for billions of years.Cas-9,taq,polymerase will be used to copy,read and transfer data.This will allow servers to survive for billions of years and function in both low and high temperatures negating the need for air conditioning systems.Anti ageing treatments will allow them to survive forever.DNA from extremophiles can allow them to survive any environment.Biosynth WiFi can be used to get updates to improve them via inducing taq polymerase and Ca-9 etc improving memory compression,RAM and other phenotypes with if it comes to it old servers replaced by newer ones by copying and transforming information and recycling old servers and replacing them with newer ones.Using DNA from Paris japonica will increase the amount of DNA digital storage and RAM by a factor of 50 meaning each microbe could at least 150 ZB meaning a square inch could hold between 3,750,000 – 75,000,000 YB with human sized biosynths and servers housing 555,000,000,000,000 YB.New species of plants and animals found on plants across the universe will be scanned to see if they have larger genomes with scratch DNA developed alongside other methods to determine the theoretical limit size in terms of base pairs and actual genes of DNA that can fit in microbes used in biosynth technologies including combining quantum computing etc and using Magnetospirillium DNA as well as using mitochondrial DNA and other advances to increase data and RAM compression as much as a million fold or more.In time vast amounts of information can be stored in atoms or in time even different dimensions that make up the building blocks of the universe or even multiverse.

Biocmpatible microbes will form the basis of future servers.This will be due to the microbes ability to form organic tissues with the neural clusters alongside neural,borophene,stanene,silicene and graphene nanotubes they form increasing their speeds alongside the nanomachines.Tweaking the DNA of these will allow these to be created.In time supercomputers and also interstellar vehicles and space stations will be bio-organic complete with organs,tissues,neural systems with them having recombinant DNA from extremophiles to survive the vacuum of space,extreme cold and hot temperatures,radiation etc with all cells in these containing millions of nanoprocessors and digital DNA storage.This technology since based on DNA,neural,muscle and other tissues and the fact that the microbes may only need sugars and proteins to be consumed will drastically reduce the amount of metals like silica,rare earths in all of the aforementioned technologies.These microbes can be cultured on an unlimited scale onsite in all Talus factories in vats fed sugars,fats and proteins from other bacteria.They can be collected from sewage and water when flushed out of patients.Those in patients will likely have a few hundred or thousand nanoprocessers that will allow it to function with machinery onsite of factories that collect them from sewage treatment plants add the remaining enough to fill them up to 3,000,000 or the factory AI stimulating them through wifi to create more through biosynthesis.DNA digital storage and biological harddrives present in them that would further increase their speeds alongside the three metres of DNA digital stores within the nucleus,genome capsid,mitochondria etc,DNA in the neural clusters alongside the neural synapses present in them and of course other new emerging computing technologies such as quantum computing,neural network software and even stanene,graphene and silicene nanoprecessors possibly synthesised by them.In short the microbes that form part of electronics such as computers,smart devices will store extra data and RAM in the DNA present in the nucleus,genome capsid and any biological harddrives and even neural clusters that themselves can store extra information and RAM in the nucleus of these cells and the synapses themselves.Combined with ATP nanoprocessors,quantum computing,nanoprocessors made from graphene,stanene etc and the other aforementioned computing technology combined with them would speed up the processing power of smart devices,laptops,computers and also all biosynth technology.These would obviously have recombinant DNA from all extremophiles that are part of the genome of H.ubermencsh to allow them to survive all environments with that from poikilotherms,psychrophiles,mesophiles,thermophiles and from scratch for them to regulate homeostasis and thermoregulation to prevent overheating and also allow as all electronics function in all environments preventing damage to them from overheating or freezing cutting down on repair and in the case of servers negate the need for energy in air conditioning..This would include DNA from M.kandleri,Bacillus F,H.glaciei,C.greenlandensis,P.putida GR12-2,C.pleistocenium and others that are pushed to their limits through forced evolution thus meaning they could function and survive in temperatures way below zero degrees celcieus and possibly as high as several hundred degrees celcius to prevent loss of data.Further research must be done it improving the amount of data on quartz memory 5D crystals which can survive at least 14,000,000,000 years and survive temperatures of up to 157-176 degrees celsius.Merging 5D and biological hard drives together say storing the biological hard drives on the same quartz should be researched to allow the drawbacks of both(DNA digital storage temperature requirements and quartz limited storage space) to be dealt with having biological hard drives that can store data for billions of years at room and above temperatures.It could also allow extra information to be stored on them in spaces in between biological hard drives or DNA strands in the quartz or have the quartz crystals suspended in the cytosol of the cells,crystals or nanocrystals of the quartz being part of the DNA,cytosol or even the quartz and other nanomaterials taking the place of the phospholipid bilayer in cell membranes to shield the DNA from heat damage or even as well as them giving the same ability to store data for the same length of time(14,000,000,000)with even research into liquids that can store information used in the cytosol.If possible DNA bases wherein quartz forms part of their structure can be researched.DNA from T.gammatolerans and even Bacillus F that exhibit telomere repair alongside homogulous recombination can be added to DNA digital storage to repair any damage to the DNA and data and increase its length of storing digital information.They would also likely be waterproof and not damaged by ions present in water and if possible even requiring it every once and a while alongside sugars and proteins fed into them via syringes.Magnetospirillum DNA will also be present.In time even quantum singularities will be used to store vast amounts of information.In time vast amounts of information can be stored in atoms or in time even different dimensions that make up the building blocks of the universe or even multiverse.

Servers for obsolete websites such as retail,crowdfunding,streaming movies and televisions,gambling sites,payment sites,corporations,obsolete government entities etc and then eventually the dark web become obsolete and those replaced by the wire will have their servers can be recycled for other uses and the buildings and datacentres converted into homes.All websites and videos will not be geographically restricted.Regional blocking of sites will no longer occur due to the breakdown of international borders and copyrighting with people given full access to sites that charge money to view them.Solar powered planes that can fly indefinitely can be used to deliver wifi access to rural,wilderness areas and underwater cities they fly above while graphene optical switchboards and fibre optic cables can replace rare earth metals and increase speeds by a factor of 100.Graphene and other nanmomaterials including borophene based fibre optics will allow for more broadband exchanges and switchboards to be set up on urbanised areas and underground as well as underwater communities as well as rural communities and even in wilderness areas like jungles,forests with routers mailed to a home or building that requires it through Iris with them given several options such as satellites with them given an idea as to the top speeds they can expect from each one before ordering with access potentially being within days or hours if picotech fabricators are availible.The same can be said for cellular calls with sattilites as part of Arke that also stream wifi also replacing cellular towers.Speeds can be relayed to their Iris account in real time with the routers being more powerful in relaying signals to all corners of a house with larger ones having multiple router points in different key rooms to relay signals to all rooms in the highest quality with these added to new roof or underground extensions with new ones added to existing homes also.Cellular access since free will give access to smart devices in the wild,in cars or other circumstances especially when one is lost.New advancements in Li-Fi can allow broadband to be send via lights in ones home and public buildings and vertical farms etc as well as in street lights in streets.As stated earlier on existing broadband exchanges and switchboxes will have these new graphene based cables placed next to them to serve existing customers and then have the old wiring recycled to harvest the copper and rare earths in existing ones recycled with this also done to underwater ones with advancements in robotics.Advances in robotics will allow this to be done autonomously in relation to rising demand and give areas that have low speed or average speed internet access the fastest speed possible alongside building new switchboxes etc in rural areas with this then repeated for both underwater and underground communities with robotics then doing this as more efficient means of wifi access is achieved and discovered.One will be able to determine their strength in relation to where they are by interacting with Gaia.Graphene based fibre optics will allow for more broadband exchanges and switchboards to be set up in urbanised and rural areas and underground as well as underwater communities.Rural areas in internet deadzones such as Alaska whose topography and geography prevents satellite and other means of wifi sent may have AI extrapolate ways to get high speed internet set up including the cables going underneath mountains,wilderness,rivers etc with if need be underground communities housing switchboxes and wiring acting as a means to transport it to rural communities on the surface with underground communities also doing this for other rural areas that have poor wifi and fibre broadband.Having mini tunnels bored into or around mountains etc underground could suffice.Biosynth wifi will also be used.Underwater communities will utilise both underwater cables and also those next to where they meet the coast with islands served via underwater cables etc.Advances in quantum mechanics ie.quantum compassing/entanglement/telecommunications may allow for miniature nano wormholes that can allow for broadband signals as light to be sent from one corner of the planet to another allowing a single exchange or switchboxes to serve any home or building across the globe opening and closing in relation to demand by buildings and allowing them to bypass large distances alleviating the problems associated with slow speeds that are the result of distances between homes and switchboxes etc.This can also serve rural towns and also other internet dead zones.It will also increase speeds since more can be laid down in more rural areas increasing strength with solar planes and satellite based internet/wire access also an option for these areas besides terrestrial based ones with the possibility of merging the combined strength signals of two or more of these to increase speeds for certain tasks and times of the day for specific devices.These will also allow for wifi access in wilderness areas such as jungles,deserts and forests and even oceans with this of note to cruise ships and aeroplanes especially solar planes.Satellites specific to Ophion or Amprite could use light and in time quantum entanglement etc to stream the internet and this the wire with the possibility of it being streamed in the future by underwater cities and buyos as part of Theoi Meteroi emitting wifi with this again of note to cruise ships and private vessels like yachts with even floating switchboxes or wifi buoys in key points of oceans connected to the ocean floor network will provide wifi since graphene is 200 time stronger than steel being an option.These could also pick up light signals from Ophion satellites and relay wifi.Atmosphere poles,buyos for lakes,rivers and oceans in the wilderness would send not only data to Theoi Meteroi but also provide wifi to devices in their area.They would do this via biosynth wifi created as poles etc would be connected to the ground via thermo-piezoelectric material covered geothermal pipes that provide electricity that in turn creates biosynth wifi not only to send data to the wire but also create wifi hotspots in these areas.Smart devices and laptops will be more able to create wifi spots on demand via interactions with the home AI or through a simple button on their devices and Hestia settings or piggyback on each others should one wish to do so with laptops able to piggy back on cellular of smartphones or laptops could have cellular settings to make phone calls and access the wire and internet.Satellites as part of Ophion and Astraeus can be used to stream the wire and internet to rural and wilderness areas or data can be piggybacked to them since connected to the wire.Cellular access can also be used to piggyback access to the wire.Downloading video games,magazines,newspapers,news programs,movies and television show etc from Dionysus and Pheme onto ones hard drives and Hestia cloud will allow one to view these while reducing bandwidth strains on Iris and the internet with offline modes within all games within Dionysus also doing this.Furthermore advances in quantum compassing/entanglement/tellecommunications and even artificial wormholes and galactic relay networks as part of Nyx can allow for information including cellular information to be sent back and forth more efficiently especially between planets across the solar system and galaxy bypassing whole regions of space with terrestrial based versions allowing for broadband to be sent across continents allowing a single station to serve multiple buildings across the globe and remove the problems associated with speed loss caused by extreme distances.This may even allow for calls to be made on both Earth and between other planets and space stations and interstellar vehicles.All existing and new switchboxes and broadband exchanges and even cellular systems around the world will be linked to and absorbed by Arke.All existing webhosting,telecom providers and messenger apps etc will also be absorbed by Arke with all existing websites,information,texts and accounts transferred to it through the transferred of data and the servers recycled.The amount of data one downloads,uploads and their internet/wire usage will be logged in their account from days,weeks,months and years etc for each user.

Research can be done to see if fibre optics composed of graphene can be integrated to be sandwiched between the two carbon nanotubes that hold the carbyne together or on the outside of both to allow for extra information to sent simultaneously as light.Neural tissue from biocompatible microbes will be covering these nanotubes.They could even be sandwiched inbetween two normal graphene nanotubes and in the centre nanotube to make this easier again for the same purpose in these neural nanotubules.It will alongside boron allotropes of a similar 2D hexagonal strucutre(borophene)and other similarly structured nanomaterials from all 94 elements will improve broadband speeds by a factor of 100 and reduce costs of internet access considerably due to the fact that it emits light which can also allow information to be sent faster by this way than electricity thus leading to the possibility of it removing the need for many or all of the rare earths present in the production of fibre optic cables as the light produced by electric currents running through graphene creates light that can be used to send information and can replace optical switchboards present or even be the only component of cables themselves alongside cheaper synthetic materials.This could increase penetration of fibre broadband to rural areas and internet deadzones.Lifi technology will theoretically for internet broadband to sent to computers and smart devices 100 times faster than broadband wifi and allow it to be sent via all lights in the home or in public buildings such as vertical farms with further advances allowing the combination of graphene nanotubes as mentioned earlier to transport information as light will increase speeds exponentially with research as to whether wireless energy may play a role in this technologies future.Fibre optics can also be used by themselves alongside these other aforementioned technologies like neural tubules.Siliciene and alumenene can also be integrated for electrical transferal.Existing broadband exchanges and switchboxes will have these new graphene based cables placed next to them to serve existing customers and then have the old wiring recycled to harvest the copper and rare earths in existing ones.All of this will be automated by robotics by 2029.Graphene based fibre optics will allow for more broadband exchanges and switchboards to be set up on urbanised areas and underground as well as underwater communities and even rural communities with routers mailed to a home or building that requires it through Iris with them given several options such as satellites with them given an idea as to the top speeds they can expect from each one before ordering with access potentially being within days or hours if nanotech fabricators are availible.This graphene based fibre optics and setting up new switchboxes will allow rural areas that have no or poor internet access to have access to the highest speeds with these new one replace in the same manner as the old.Advances in robotics will allow this to be done autonomously in relation to rising demand and as stated existing services in rural and urban areas where broadband service is poor will have these and newer technologies set up with the old ones recycled by AI and robotics availible by at least 2029 with more switchboxes etc set up and old ones replaced with newer ones with these managed by the mayor AI.Public wifi hotspots will also be replaced with this faster wifi.Homes with poor signals in certain areas and where the router can only be placed in one place can have this modified to have the router or multiple routers placed and plugged in multiple places in the buildings including where they cant already through electricians etc modifying them subsidised by the local government.Research can be done as to mixing graphene and borophene together or in time biosynth versions using this and neural tissue over them to create even faster broadband.Biosynth wifi coupled with the faster speeds of graphene nanotubes as part of routers and devices,computers etc will allow for signals to reach parts of buildings and also public wifi hotspots by extending the range of both routers and devices etc.Renovations by biosynths in buildings will add new areas to add routers into buildings to house more of them to increase signal strength.The creation of other atom thick allotropes of all 94 elements will be done to see which ones created into nanotubes will be effective at providing fast wifi and internet alongside graphene when forming sandwiched nanotubes.Neural tissue from biocompatible microbes will form part of these borophene and graphene nanotube fibre optic cables either in the inside or outside to further increase speeds.Biosynth WiFi can be integrated with these to increase speeds.Resaerch will be done into using nanomaterials including those from all 94 elements that are of the same structure as Graphene,graphyne,carbyne etc that are nanotubes,sheets,schwarzites etc especially when combined with biosynth tissues including neural ones that exhibit biosynth WiFi with the biosynth WiFi anf nanomaterials designed space as to amplify each other’s signal strength.The fastest speeds of broadband so far as of 2022 was carried out in Japan using four cores instead of just of one with a laser that fired pulses at different wavelengths and multiple signal amplification techniques.This enabled them to transmit data over a distance of more than 2,896 kilometres at 319 Tb/s which is 7,600,000 times more powerful than that of the average US home of 42 megabits per seconds.Integrating Graphene nanotubes could increase this 100 times to as much as 31,600 Tb/s or 31.6 Pb/s wuth biosynth tissues exponentially increasing this.This should be easily integrated into existing infrastructures around the world.Research can be done to integrate this into Biosynth WiFi to allow for that generated in homes to have these high speeds especially when combined with quantum compassing and entanglement etc.To negate the need to constantly dig up existing and new fibre optic and Graphene cables it would be ideal for underground tunnels to be created and used that are large enough for biosynths to move in two way directions.These can include existing tunnels used for sewer and water etc pipes.Nanomaterials and Biosynth technology especially when combined with each other could make masts etc that create WiFi etc much more compact,smaller but much cheaper to mass produce and be placed on the roofs of private and communal homes to negate issues of distance from masts affecting signal strength and allowing each building have the same universal strong signal strength allowing all existing masts to be recycled..Nanowormholes will eventually be able to send light and data across vast distances on Earth including across oceans and to areas that are internet dead zones thus allowing internet cables to be recycled and prevent loss of signal strength.Biosynth WiFi when complimented with these will increase signal strength exponentially every year.Eventually the internet will be able to function globally without internet cables allowing for exponentially high speeds with zero cables and masts and allowing them all worldwide to be recycled.Solar planes have been developed that can transmit wifi and telecommunications to rural areas,aeroplanes and cruise ships as well terrestrial based GPS when interacting with both atmospheric and ocean sensors with these planes flying around in circles in rural areas and even wilderness areas ie jungles etc and even the worlds major oceans with the plane being above the clouds ensuring they can stay in the air indefinitely coupled with light batteries.Satellite wifi will increase in efficacy by 2045 with them able to serve a wide area either by simply relaying signals to the area below or in time to a switchbox below that serves an entire rural town or city.Solar arrays could act as a means to deliver high quality broadband to all corners of the world through a single relay centre receiving it with them possibly able to turn solar radiation into not just energy but also powerful wifi signals.The machinery that creates wifi could send wifi to a series of orbiting satellites as part of Nephalai and Arke that then reach major switchboxes in each continent that can be transfered to all major cities and rural towns in the area.If possible the moon could also be used via a relay station there or the machinery could have a splitter sending it directly to several places on Earth or orbiting satellites linked to each other that share the wifi from the array that direct it to major switchboxes as part of the global internet system that can then using the global internet system transmit it providing more powerful internet access to all cities and towns etc in a country or continent with satellites connected to them being over the worlds oceans and wilderness areas to provide internet to cruise ships etc.This would allow for highspeed internet to be directed to areas below it and also when they reach the power plants will also provide internet and wire access to all homes and cities in a country,continent and the entire world via the global broadband system connected to Brontes or the global internet system.This would not just be a different option to existing broadband access but also be a means to amplify it significantly.Brontes,Arke and Astreuas would decide the best options at delivering amplification of existing broadband or extra option.The arrays could be used if part of elevators to also have satellites or miniaturised components of satellites attached to them to act as GPS satellites.Solar energy from dyson swarms and that from singularities could also be turned into powerful wifi signals including those from star in a box devices with those in devices amplyfying existing broadband services.Astraea,Arke,Hecate and Steropes carrying out research into creating this system that would as stated render Starklink defunct and should be availible by 2045-2100.Cellular access will be integrated into laptops and computers to use internet access to make phone calls when with no WiFi present.In time quantum entanglement and compassing could be miniaturised into both smartphones and also both computers and laptops to allow for ones GPS location to be ascertained without Saltillites and to make phone calls between two different devices on opposite sides of the planet or galaxy without cellular towers and satillites this will involve both advanced biosynth technologies,nanomaterials and if possible quantum computing integrated into laptops and smartphones possible due to advances in AI from 2045 onwards.Measures will be made and researched to ensure that creation of wifi will not drain energy away from what is produced as it could be transported as both energy and wifi thus allowing for all of the energy harvested to be converted into wifi that will be still be useable as energy meaning no energy is lost in the creation of this exponentially fast wifi and vice versa.Otherwise if part of elevators they could be used to move satellites in parts or whole to the Earths atmosphere without creating more junk circulating the Earth and negate the need to power rockets with the brodband sent via wires and carbon nanotubes.Both solar arrays and the proposed Starlink program should be started only when all space junk surrounding Earth is cleared.Simulations can be made as to whether graphene based broadband,quantum compassing,solar arrays may negate the need for the Starlink system.Satellites that also stream Ophion,Nephalai,Arke etc could be part of each solar arrays with multiple arrays for each continent with all future satellites being part of solar arrays that are dotted along the planet to increase the amount of energy and internet access across the planet with cellular satellites also part of this with even the proposed Starlink system replaced with this system as advances in quantum compassing,high speed borophene,graphene broadband as part of the global internet system might render Starlink defunct.Pheme and Dionysus through Arke will render satellites for live news and defunct satellite channels obsolete with Asteaus,Arke,Hecate and Steropes carrying out research into creating this system.


Cellular access could accommodate wifi for both smart phones and even laptops etc in buildings where it is slow.All devices,laptops,sensors and even biosynths will utilise biosynth wifi.Cellular phone calls could be done through this in wilderness areas with cellular towers etc being replaced by equivalents that utilise biosynth technology with 5G and future equivalents using this with AI namely Arke,Hecate etc developing biosynth wifi and biosynth cellular technology that replaces cellular towers etc making them redundant or smaller but more efficient or even use satellites as part of Arke that also control wifi that is more powerful and allows for reception in all parts of the world such as on cruise ships and aeroplanes and wilderness areas across the world.Cellular towers and even public wifi would even be biosynth trees that are hybrids between normal trees and biosynth technology that radiate wifi and also cellular transmissions over a wide area with them dotted at key points in streets,wilderness areas of all types and them charged via photosynthesis that uses sunlight to do this and use stored energy at night to radiate this and also built in thermo-piezoelectric material covered geothermal pipes themselves using biosynth technology that even as roots of the tree can extend deep into the crust and mantle and turn the heat of the mantle into electricity as well further increasing their range

Advances in quantum mechanics ie.quantum compassing/entanglement/telecommunications may allow for miniature nano wormholes that can allow for broadband signals as light to be sent from one corner of the planet to another allowing a single exchange or switchboxes to serve any home or building across the globe opening and closing in relation to demand by buildings and allowing them to bypass large distances alleviating the problems associated with slow speeds that are the result of distances between homes and switchboxes etc.This will also be used to serve internet deadzones and also rural areas and cellular calls.All forms of energy sources such as solar arrays,dyson swarms and star in a box technology will be able to convert energy into wifi to exponentially existing increase that as part of the global network with even that coming from geothermal,fission,fusion and fossil fuel ones can do so to with this even directed to individual homes with thermo-piezoelectric material covered geothermal pipes in homes also doing this for each individual homes.Measures will be made and researched to ensure that creation of wifi will not drain energy away from what is produced as it could be transported as both energy and wifi thus allowing for all of the energy harvested to be converted into wifi that will be still be useable as energy meaning no energy is lost in the creation of this exponentially fast wifi and vice versa thus amplifying existing graphene and borophene fibre optics.

Miniaturised switchboxes etc can be fitted into basements of private homes and in the case of communal ones in the basement of each building or in each suite in spare areas to amplify the wifi or replace it entirely with communal homes in either case having one inside the basement used by the macro AI.These would also be in public buildings such as hospitals,public amenities,airports,sewage and water treatment plants to ensure there is at least some super fast wifi availible not straining the main grid and them and other buildings using it alongside the grid for wire access and these in basements.Homes and buildings in areas affected by natural disasters will have them in underground bunkers.Since homes only need the internet and wire for movies,entertainment and using the internet it would be ideal to have them here as they would alleviate strains on the internet in the area eliminating the concept of peak times and distances from masts meaning the buildings could each have faster than normal wifi that is enough for their needs with other means adopted to alleviate strains on bandwidth as stated there would be limited needs for each person with it doubling as their building AIs onboard computer and servers for their online games and even their own personal website or blog thus allowing buildings that house servers for websites and also swichtboxes etc to be converted into homes or demolished,masts demolished and recycled and ensure fast broadband of at least 500-1,000Mb per room or when combined with this being a consistent for each persons home and suite with measures taken to reduce bandwidth such as downloading media from Dionysus and Pheme with them plugged out when not needed.Nanomaterials and Biosynth technology especially when combined with each other could make masts that create WiFi etc much more compact,smaller but much cheaper to mass produce.

Once interstellar travel has been mastered this subspace transfer of broadband and telecommunications will allow for near instantaneous telecommunication and streaming of data through the wire and internet across the solar system and galaxy with it also used by interstellar vehicles.This will be done via the nanowormholes cutting the distance that the information sent as light will have to travel immensely using the Nyx relay system detailed later on.In time advances in quantum mechanics will allow information to be sent back and forth from satellites,bases,interstellar vessels and space stations back to Earth and other colonies in a from of subspace telecommunications wherein micro or even nano artificial wormholes or routes to hyperspace open indefinitely to allow information to reach Earth and other colonies as well as space stations at the speed of light as either light or other signals while bypassing large sections of space with relay stations that form networks around the galaxy.Advances in quantum entanglement,compassing and telecommunications will improve this and make it a reality.These would be powered using either fusion power,dyson swarms from nearby suns or in time artificial miniature artificial quantum singularities or theoretical dyson swarms to keep the network open constantly.Energy can be directed from a nearby dyson swarm in a inhabited or unihabited system or a star in a box device on on one device or every few devices with the energy transported alongside the light used as radiation or light itself to transfer information to all devices in the chain with as stated to prevent transmission loss every few devices as decided by Astreaus and prevent the entire system collapsing if their is a break in the chain.These networks location across the galaxy would be logged in Astraeus and relay diagnostics and reports from the AI of bases,ships and stations under the control of Astreaus and Arke while at the same time in the distant future power communication between all bases,stations planets both in terms of cellular and internet/wire flow of information once humans have colonised the galaxy allowing for transfer and streaming of information instantly across the galaxy similar to how fibre optics and broadband centres and switchboxes does this on Earth with each relay station connected to multiple stations across the galaxy connecting them to each other in a giant web like system with methods of diffracting/splitting the light to send it to multiple networks.Energy from dyson swarms and singularities could be transported across the galaxy using this with the energy transformed into wifi also transferred by this with those in star a box devices have energy and wifi transported by this.This would also allow Gaia to control of operations and gain real time feeds of camera feeds,nanosensor readings etc of space stations and colonies across the galaxy with her also having computers and servers on these alongside Earth as well as allow space stations and ships observing other races and star systems to instantly relay information back and forth.It would also for real time wire and internet access to be streamed across the galaxy particularly livestreams of live events and new information added to the wire and internet,online multiplayer video games etc with it also allowing livestreams from Brauron on all planets across the galaxy to be streamed across the galaxy and would speed up the mapping of and terraforming of the galaxy by Gaia and scientists from the comfort of Earth and other colonies with simulations and readings from operations sent instantly back and forth to Earth with Erebus allowing flight of probe ships and interstellar vehicles containing researchers.Cellular communications for phonecalls could also be transmitted this once quantum entanglement is perfected way with the devices spliting these in in the desired direction of the station or planet that is being directed to via interactions between Iris and Astraeus.A series of orbiting satellites around planets including terraformed moons etc or stations in the star system or even moons and asteroids would receive these cellular and light signals and transmit them to terrestrial based switchboxes/towers or Gaias complex dotted around the inhabited planets again possibly using nano wormholes to allow the populace below to receive them and have the information dispersed around the planets via the wire and internet instantly with these also transmitting data between planets and stations within a solar system instantly as it takes light at five hours to reach the sun to outer rim of the Sol System.Both light signals holding information and cellular information would travel in both directions back and forth.Solar arrays that transmit energy to Earth could transmit this to Earth once collecting them alongside energy.Energy from solar arrays can also be sent to Earth via other suns via this with energy from dyson swarms in unihabited solar systems can be sent to Earth etc to provide even more energy than from our native sun.These will be fitted with onboard computers and them fitted with more powerful computers overtime with those by 2045 having more computing power than all 9,000,000 people on Earth allowing them to log and control all information traffic across the system.Furthermore there would be larger versions of these to transmit information to and from the Milky Way and other galaxies connected to it.It will allow information between bases,space stations on mapped,terraformed and observed planets during these operations once set across the galaxy.This relay networks would be named after the primordial deity Nyx with the symbol being a white circle with black border with this on all structures and machinery that constructs and maintains them.This will extend Gaias and all AIs including bio-synths omniscience to the rest of the galaxy and then universe with the software linking and managing this system being called Nyx with it also being sentient and her avatar based on her statues and paintings with her managing and operating all of them.Construction of these would also be automated and done by probe ships in each major solar system in particular ones involving planets that can be terraformed,house terran class planets and even near those that house pre interstellar sentient races(with these covered in metamaterials to avoid detection).Proto and smaller versions of Nyx will be used to communicate between Earth and Mars,Venus and also Titan,Europa when they are colonised.The location of them will be decided by Astreaus as well as Arke and will be logged in it visible to the public with older versions replaced by more efficient ones overtime.Cellular data will become more widely used for smartphones and other smart devices with similar developments in nanotechnology and quantum mechanics increasing speeds and reception.The wire housing Pheme and Dionysus will render satellite and cable television defunct allowing all satellites and also dishes on homes to be recycled.