
Algae consist of either micro-algae such as cyanobacteria and macro-algae such as red algae and kelp.As stated earlier both can harvested in offshore sea farms using seawater and wastes from Dead zones or near coastal towns both as a means of bio-remediation of both ocean water and coastal waters and estuaries.They can also be grown next to deep sea ocean farms using fish excreta as a source of food or next to oil rigs used as research centres.With reygards to landlocked areas there are solutions to this.Macro algae can be grown on higher floors of vertical farms or in production facilities in deserts using nutrient rich water or grown in waste water treatment plants again as a form of bioremediation.This can be used to produce kelp for culinary purposes and can also be grown in recirculating aquaculture systems in home,community and vertical farms.It will be used to grow livestock,pet and human feed,vegetable oils etc with this allowing all land used to grow soy,flour and vegetable oils worldwide reforested

The amount of oil in litres produced by several plants per hectare per season including algae are aproxiamately as follows:

Zea mays mays 168.3709
Glycine max 448.989
Carthamus tinctorius 776.37
Helianthus 954.104
Brassica napus 1,187.94987
Elaeis guineensis 5,939.76
Micro Algae 46,769.7116 – 140,308.69

From we can see from this algae can grown locally in sewage treatment plants producing far more vegetable oil for use in cooking, food production and pharmaceuticals(bio-oil,plant/animal oils and hydrocarbons from bacteria may be a better alternative for drug manufacture,see later).This is especially of note for the instance of palm oil which is currently used for these purposes is unsustainable due to the fact that it can only grow in the tropics and requires large amounts of energy,time,water,fertilisers and labour in planting,growth,harvesting,processing and transportation.By switching from palm to algae oil we cut down on these resources significantly and can allow large swathes of land in the tropics currently used for palm oil production to be reforested indefinitely and have a source of oil that is higher in omega 3 fatty acids and lower in omega 6 acids while at the same time cutting on transportation costs as it is grown locally.Omega 3 fatty acids have been proven to lower cholesterol and improve mental acuity and higher IQs in unborn fetuses when consumed before and during pregnancy as well as aid in development of general good health and proper neural development and mental acquit in children and adults while omega 6 acids have shown to have the exact opposite health effects with algae providing a more sustainable source of it than oily fish since algae oil can be used as cooking oil,in the manufacture of food products and used in making pastries and possibly even butter and dressings or can replace supplement oils like Udos oil.Since it is grown in local sewage and waste water plants energy is cut down in its transportation and the land used for all other oil types ie.Sunflower,G.max etc can also be reforested.These other oils like sunflower,olive,G.max,coconut,Z.m.mays etc and even palm oil can be grown at home or in community farms and in time genetically engineered bacteria will be used to produce these on an unlimited scale with bacteria also developed to produce just omega-3 or just omega-6 or other individual fatty acids and even hydrocarbons on an unlimited scale.This will be of use in cosmetics wherein algae cannot be used.

Algea from sewage treatment plants can replace E.guineensis,Attalea maripa,Elaeis oleifera  oils for food and also G.max for flour and TVP for livestock and vegans as it has a higher level of essential amino acids and carbohydrates than G.max and can thus allow land in the tropics used to tear G.max to be reforested with it creating a looped cycle since once eaten it will be recycled and can also recycle phosphorous,potassium,nitrogen,copper etc to be used as fertiliser.This will be used as a highly nutritious feed in the form of slop,mince,TVP,flour etc for humans,remaining livestock,pets,shellfish and fish and humans due to it containing more essential amino acids,fats and carbohydrates than G.max,Graminae,Z.m.mays etc with genetic engineering increasing its number,level and types of nutrients and can add Bromoform and other compounds from other crops such as Allium sativum that in ruminants reduces methane levels by 99% by inhibiting it’s production with it allowing all land used to grow G.max,Graminae,E.guineensis,A.maripa,E.oleifer and Z.m.mays etc especially in the Amazon and tropics reforested indefinitely.It can create an oily flour for bread,pastries,livestock feed that is oily thus negating the need to use eggs that can make these products much healthier and can replace Hordeum,Trictium,Z.mays.mays for flour for pet and livestock feed,homemade bread and that from Deipneus factories with its oil rather than being used as biofuel can be instead as vegetable oil as an alternative to E.guineensis,A.maripa,E.oleifera that is high in omega-3 fatty acids allowing all land used for this in the tropics be reforested.Conventional sources of G.max,Graminae,E.guineensis,A.maripa,E.oleifera and  Z.m.mays etc flour and oil etc can be created by bacteria as well.The algae can be engineered to produce the same taste and texture as G.max,Hordeum,Trictium or any meat.It will for vegans be eaten as a TVP,mince etc with for remaining livestock and animals in zoos and pets be eaten as solid pellets,mince slop and flour with it for fish and shellfish in recirculating aquaculture systems and tanks fed to the them as a liquid pumped into tanks and systems with it also fed to them as pellets.Insects used to be reared for human,pet and livestock feed can eat the algae.Bacteria that create commodities and in vitro meat can use it as nutrients and growth medium.Any ruminant livestock that eat it will have a marked decrease of methane produced and released by as much as 90-99% with any livestock,fish and shellfish that consumes it will have its omega-3 fatty acid and protein content rise due to them able to absorb and store them in their fatty tissues and meat much better than conventional feed such as Graminae,G.max,Z.m.mays etc.Omnivores and carnivores reared as pets,livestock,fish,shellfish and animals in the zoo can use as a better and more sustainable source of protein than meat including in vitro meat and conventional feed.All sewage treatment plants across the world and eventually universe as a result will be fitted with algae to convert feces and urine into algae used as a high grade fertiliser and also highly nutritious feed for livestock,pets and humans that can replace TVP ,flour,oil from G.max,Z.mays,mays,Hordeum,Trictium and E.guineensis,A.maripa,E.oleifera allowing all land used for them to be reforested forever especially in the tropics The species Schiochytrium has the highest oil content with 70% per dry weight with most other species hovering around 50% with genetic engineering transferring this to other species and even the possibility of increasing it and also thickening the cell wall to extract more fibres.Alternatively some strain grown in one round could be engineered to produce thick cell walls and little to no oil with another strain to produce thin cell walls and large amounts of oil to gain the most of both for each use.Since it will be used for animal feed and fertiliser AI will choose species and create strains to produce the desired amount of oil,carbohydrates and protein for the desired use.Genetic engineering can increase the ratio of proteins,carbohydrates and oil produced and also increase the amount of essential nutrients it produces for its desired use.

Macro and micro algae can be used to recover nitrogen and phosphorous from dead zones created by the pumping of both fertilisers and sewage into the ocean thus making them habitable again while at the same time recycling these nutrients for fertilisers.This would be of benefit to the Gulf of Mexico.Native species of fish reared in recirculating aquaculture systems can be returned back to these habitats when they become favourable to marine life once again.Micro algae can be grown in floating micro pods made of plastic taking in the nutrients.Any existing algae blooms can be removed via automated boats as detailed later on.

Using this as a bio-diesel,plastics,cosmetics,resins for use in 3D printers and carbon sequestration would not be ideal as it would result in loss of phosphorous and nitrogen two finite resources needed to be recycled for agriculture and human and animal consumption which can allow for a looped systems to be started.Alternatively methane based plastics should be used.In the case of detergents homeowners must ensure that that the water used in washing machines re-enters the cycle via piping into water treatment plants rather than having it drained into gardens and also nearby waterways.Phosphates will be replaced with more sustainable alternatives such as zeolites,sodium carbonate and citric acid.In time liquid glass sprayed on clothing as detailed later on will negate the need for detergents.

Furthermore it can replace fossil fuels in the production of animal feed(both livestock and pets),as well as fertilisers creating a looped system as both and both human and animal waste can be used to produce algae while at the same time recycling nitrogen,potassium and phosphorous.Other food applications include it replacing Z.m.mays,G.max and Triticum aestivum entirely in the production of flour as due to the oily flour it produces it does not require the use of eggs and butter in thus leading to lower fat products such as breads,breakfast cereals, pastries,cakes,sauces,dressing,cookie dough,mayonnaise,textured vegetable protein,G.max sauce and other vegan products.The protein content of G.max is 36g per hundred gram compared to Spirulina algae which has 57g protein per 100g with Arthrospira maxima having 60-71g per 100g (beef has roughly 20-26g per 100g) with genetic engineering boosting the levels of specific amino acids such as methionine,cysteine and lysine as well as any other missing ones by using transgenics with recombinant DNA from G.max and other plants or algae species to increase the amount of each individual amino acid with ideally them engineered to create only essential amino acids,low levels of carbohydrates and omega-3 fatty acids.Spirulina has roughly 57g of protein per 100g with Arthrospira maxima having 60-71g per 100g compared to G.max which has 36g per 100g,beef/lamb/chicken that has roughly 25-27g, Z.m.mays roughly 9g per 100g thus allowing algae to replace conventional feedstock with genetic engineering allowing it have as much as 80-95g protein thus making it a more sustainable source of protein than TVP etc for vegans than G.max eaten as mince,TVP and steaks and also on par with meat for meat eaters.This will allow it to replace TVP for humans and can replace meat,grains etc in pet food for dogs,cats,horses etc.This will also allow it to replace conventional feedstock for fish,shellfish and remaining livestock replacing G.max,Graminae,Z.m.mays eaten as a mince,TVP,slop or liquid pumped into pens and tanks with it even suitable for carnivorous animals in zoos and pets replacing in vitro meat.This algae can through engineering produce the same taste and texture as meat of any kind and also Hordeum,G.max,Trictium etc thus making it more palatable to humans,pets and livestock with it eaten as a slop,mince,pellets,TVP etc.Having it engineered to taste the same as meat and Hordeum,G.max,Trictium etc will also allow it replace these in all of it uses such as flour for all cereal based products,TVP as well as hamburgers and steaks etc.In both cases it will produce a looped cycle since once eaten it will be converted into frced that onsite of sewage treatment plants will be converted again into algae thus eliminating famine should that could occur for any reason such as natural disasters and bad weather.The type of essential amino acids,carbohydrates and essential fatty acids and oils alongside their amount can be modified through genetic engineering creating different strains and species dependant for its purpose.It will be grown onsite of sewage treatment plants around the world and eventually universe to eliminate famine,ensure an abundant supply of fertiliser,cut down on energy costs and eliminate the use of harsh chemicals in three treatment of sewage with any biogas produced captured and burnt onsite to be fed into the grid and the carbon dioxide used to grow more algae creating a looped cycle.Farms and even cruise ships will grow it using photobioreactors to make them self sufficient.Septic tanks on the grounds of homes etc will be connected to the main sewage line or utilise this as well with them possibly having miniature radiation machines with septic tanks onsite of community farms also present using algae to convert the fertiliser into feed and fertiliser.It will also replace meat in the diets of bodybuilders and those losing weight and should be included alongside omega-3 oils to aid those with high cholesterol as well as pregnant women due to the high protein count for fetal development and also the fact that it will clear the bloodstream of cholesterol and also improve the IQs of unborn fetus.Transferring recombinant DNA from Spirulina and G.max to other species of algae can also help especially those grown in sewage treatment plants or further trans and cis genics to increase the omega-3 oil content and remove saturated and omega-6 fats.Alternatively Spirulina can be grown in vats or micro-farms in home or community farms.However it is gluten free which although may suit coeliacs must be genetically engineered to create strains that produce this protein to make it suitable for bread,pizza and other similar products making.Furthermore it can be used in the production of alcoholic beverages such as beer.As a result of this it should replace T.aestivum and other cereals entirely with T.aestivum for personal use grown locally in vertical,community and home farms to allow the worlds large T.aestivum,Hordeum vulgare,Avena sativa and Oryza sativa fields to be reforested.Other cereals can be replaced by both algae and genetically modified bacteria that produce the same flour or flour similar to them allowing for more land to be reforested.This could include bacteria that create G.max and Z.m.mays flour and other flours as well as their oils allowing G.max plantations to be reforested.It should be thus used as an animal and human feed replacing G.max and Z.m.mays flour.It would be used as a fertiliser in home,community and vertical farms and fungi substrate as it recycles elements like phosphorous,nitrogen,copper and calcium etc.creating a looped system.By directly converting feces and urine into phosphorus,nitrogen and potassium it recycled it and prevents it going to waste and allows to be used without spreading bacteria etc creating a looped system as everytime crops grown using algae fertiliser and algae feedstock are eaten by humans,pets and livestock it ends up back in the sewage treatment plant meaning the amount of fertiliser abd feedstock will always be proportional to the local,national and global population.As the population increases the amount of fertiliser availible will increase in proportion with this alleviating the need to mine the Earth for finite reserves of phosphorus,nitrogen and potassium eliminating fertiliser scarcity forever.Since the amount of fertiliser available accounts for 30-50% of food costs this means that an limitless and forever cheap and abundant source of fertiliser will keep food prices constantly low forever.Genetic engineering can control the amount of oil,protein and cellulose produced for their desired use with them producing even larger amounts of oil with genes even made from scratch or those from Physis.Genetic engineering can increase the protein content to as high as 80-95g with it also increasing oil content to as high as 80-95%. – Hansen Wang,Sean M.Tibbetts,Patrick J.McGinn

All sewage treatment plants and if possible all water treatment and wastewater plants worldwide and across the universe will grow algae in them as the algae converts feces abd urine and phosphates directly into algae that can be harvested for livestock feed,human feed and also oil for cooking.This should eliminate famine worldwide as there will always be a source of high protein,high carbohydrate food at all times regardless of the weather etc.All Interactions with sewage and water treatment plants,factories,pyrolysis plants,community centres etc within the wire via interactions and Hermes,Demeter and Hephaestus on a global scale can allow for year round abundance in communities worldwide and automate the transfer of commodity back and forth completely.Biogas methane can be collected from both sewage,wastewater treatment plants to be harvested for local and regional energy sources.If possible methane and biogas produced by sewage treatment plants will be burned onsite to generate electricity using micro-gas turbines with carbon dioxide produced rerouted to feed the algae in a looped cycle.Microalgae can be grown in local sewage,desalinisation and water treatment plants where it can clean sewage waste, recycling nutrients such as phosphorous,sulphur and copper and magnesium creating looped systems leaving only water behind and cut down on transportation costs of traditional sources of its oil and cellulose for a wide range of commercial products using both solids and waste sewage water as a growing media.Pet and livestock manure will be added to the sewage line via collection areas connected to it in pens and pet feces added to toilets via toilet paper,kitty litter,piqapoo bags and toilet training.Miniaturised versions of algae farms can be integrated into home and community farms and septic tanks using livestock,human and pet waste as a source of nutrients which it then puts into a looped system.Septic tanks can be connected to these in homes with miniature radiation and heating systems to kill off pathogens by exposing them to levels of temperature and radiation past the threshold of pathogens.These strains can be engineered to produce the same taste and texture as cereals and any type of livestock meat allowing the residents to create a sustainable source of this at home cutting down on resources with these systems intaking a set amount from the main sewage line attached to homes including communal ones and this thus cutting down on resources for meat production with semi automated machinery at home or in community centres milling them for the flour,oils,protein etc.This algae will be grown on all sewage treatment plants worldwide and across the universe to convert sewage directly into feedstock and also fertiliser.It will be used to cut down in energy use by replacing certain existing steps and also cut down o harsh chemicals.It may be grown in water treatment plants to again cut down on energy use and recycle phosphates etc from detergents with it also grown on miniature sewage systems on cruise ships,space stations and interstellar vehicles for these uses grown on feces etc for feed and fertilisers the same reasons to provide human feed and fertiliser with them having miniature heaters and radiation man homes to kill off pathogens while the algae has DNA to be resistant to high temperatures and levels of radiation that are fatal to pathogens.This will also be used to cut down on energy in certain steps and prevent the use of harsh chemicals.This creation and mixing of algae will be fully automated from start to finish with AI developing ways to do this..Algae will be shipped to all local community and vertical farms and logged in its inventory where one can order the algae from vertical farms through Demeter.The algae will be stored in community and vertical farms to store it for fertiliser and livestock feed used there and one will order in algae from the vertical and community farms through Demeter.The AIs charge of the vertical and community farms will automatically order in the algae for storage to prevent it building up in sewage treatment plants with excess stored in sewage treatment plants.When one orders in algae for fertiliser and feedstock Cronus will order it from sewage treatment plants and vertical and community farm

3D DNA printers will be present onsite of all sewage treatment plants to print out algae to be added to effluent with all sewage treatment plants worldwide and across the universe using algae to clean feces and urine so as to eliminate famine and ensure an abundant supply of fertiliser.The 3D DNA printers will be present to keep the sewage treatment plants self sufficient and not have to order in algae or trade it across the world and allow specific strains of algae to be created on-site of sewage treatment plants with new genotypes to improve yields.Therefore all sewage treatment plants will house 3D DNA printers to make them self sufficient by printing out algae on demand

To make growing algae much easier in sewage treatment plants and water treatment plants photobioreactors will be used.These can also be on-site of home,community and vertical farms.In home farms in private and communal homes these will intake a set amount of the sewage from toilets.To grow algae on-site of vertical and community farms can have their building programmed to have a certain amount of their sewage in the form of feces and urine fed into photobioreactors at vertical and community farms that will grow algae in them and using interior radiation machines irradiate the desecration etc sterilising it with the algae engineered to be resistant to radiation thus allowing it to be sterilised.The vertical and community farms can also import a set amount of feces and urine in the form of sewage from other public buildings and homes etc that is by interacting with the AIs of sewage treatment plants the farms can import sewage from sewage treatment plants at set times when toilets are not used that will be deposited into photobioreactors in them.Since vertical farms will be empty of people most of the time their toilets will be idle thus meaning that sewage can be imported into the photobioreactors vis the sewage line with this done by adding a new series of pipes connected to the sewage treatment plants by robots etc or the existing pipes dug up,have a section removed and it connected to the photobioreactors.The algae will undergoe the same level of engineering as those grown in sewage treatment plants and will be engineered to break down toilet paper.This will make vertical and community farms self sufficient in algae for fertiliser for crops and for feedstock ordered in from them with it alleviating strains on sewage treatment plants if adopted by all home,community and vertical farms.


The green micro algae as part of sewage treatment plants that turns human waste into usable nitrogen and phosphorous fertiliser can have enzymes in them that degrade the cellulose in the toilet paper and wipes etc made from them and turn it into carbohydrate nutrition.Most species take a mere 3 to 6 weeks to grow before harvesting but genetic engineering could theoretically shorten this to a week,several,days maybe even hours and make them grow and reproduce faster using genes from other bacteria such as Escherichia coli,Clostridium perfringens and Bdellovibrio with others made from scratch.Ideally C.perfringens as it grows the fastest taking only 10 minutes to divide and create a new generation.Scratch DNA can be added to ensure this takes 1-5 minutes with DNA also coming from fast growing plants such as certain species of Bambusoideae,micro algae etc.To deal with any issues of telomere damage as a result of mitosis the same DNA from Bacillus F,Thermococcus gammatolerans and those to produce phosphatidylcholines etc used in ageing treatments for humans except those from endolithic bacteria will ensure all future cells will be healthy young cells and not degrade due to mitosis with if possible induced plutipotent,totipotent and other stem cells used as a baseline.Recombinant DNA from macro algae that grow 30-60 times faster than terrestrial plants can be added to them in order to further speed up growth rates including that from Laminaria digitata,Fucus serratus,Saccharina latissima,Macrocystis pyrifera and other fast growing algea will be added to increase growth rates.To ensure the yields are consistent and sewage plants don’t overflow existing sewage and water treatment plants could have extensions built into them that allow the algae to grow in one area or bioreacters while other ponds and/or bioreacters collects fresh waste and when the first few area or pond is harvested for algae and emptied then the next few ones are used in a rotary system.The same apparatus to grow algae in defunct sequestrian plants and power plants should be utilised alongside these with in indoor extensions on the the roof or underground to allow LED lights to grow them all day long.To improve yields a biostimulation system used by AglaStar.Inc that integrates two types of electromagnetic energy — a millitesla generator and a millimetre microwave generator — which radiate spontaneous growth energy into large volumes of algae biomass to be economically viable(increasing yields by as much as 300%) can be utilised alongside LED and CSYS LED lights that can allow for continuous growth 24/7,365 days a year with open sewage pens covered by steel housing.Capnophile DNA will allow them to intake more carbon dioxide as a food source possibly increasing growth rates.Ideally the cyanobacteria should be be faculative anaerobic using recombinant DNA from faculatative anaerobes,anaerobes,obligate anaerobes,capnophiles and scratch DNA can be added to the algae genome to naturally use both carbon dioxide and oxygen as energy acceptors alongside nitrate(NO3−),fumarate,sulphate(SO42−),or sulphur(S).Oligotrophic and xerophile recombinant DNA will also allow them to use less water and nutrients with this alongside capnophile DNA will increase growth rates and increase yields.Forced evolution can increase this efficiency.Capnophillic bacteria and Castanea dentata tweaked can be a source of recombinant DNA that could allow them to intake more carbon dioxide to not only compliment their decrease of nutrient and water intake from xerophiles and oligotrophic bacteria could also increase their growth rates especially in the case of those grown in sewage treatment plants where extra carbon dioxide can be pumped in to improve growth with studies done to ensure it doesnt affect nutrient content especially if all sources of DNA are mixed in together to prevent any shortfalls such as lower nutrient content.Bambusoideae DNA can be added as some species can intake 35% more carbon dioxide than trees with other trees that intake large amounts of carbon dioxide will have their DNA added such as Juglans nigra,Pseudotsuga menziesii,Pinus ponderosa will be added to further increase the amount of carbon dioxide intaken.Scratch DNA could ensure nutrient levels are not affected and are in fact increased.This could also be applied to those in community and home farms.The recombinant DNA from capnophile bacteria may require aerotolerant bacteria DNA to ensure they can do so in the high oxygen atmosphere outside since these bacteria can only do so in low oxygen conditions with even faculative anaerobic bacteria DNA added.If possible they may be fitted with DNA from plants that are able to undergo C4 concentration Amaranthaceae,Gramineae,Cyperaceae,Asteraceae,Brassicaceae,Paulownia to limit the amount of carbon dioxide they need and if combined with capnophillic bacteria DNA and scratch DNA will be more efficient at using this gas in them.DNA from microbes can extract carbon from the air at much lower concentrations than 150-200ppm,scratch DNA and that from plants that carry out C3 photosynthesis can be added to the genome of all plants to improve efficiency with them engineered to utilise carbon dioxide more efficiently.DNA from microbes can extract carbon from the air at much lower concentrations than 150-200ppm,scratch DNA and that from plants that carry out C3 photosynthesis can be added to the genome of all algae to improve efficiency.This use of DNA to increase carbon dioxide intake will be done to increase its ability to use it as a fertiliser and thus increase growth rates.DNA from with DNA from chemosynthetic bacteria,Nitrosomas Beggiatoa,Cupriavidus necator can allow them to intake methane,hydrogen gas,ammonia,hydrogen sulfide,iron and other inorganic compounds can also allow them to grow in the dark cutting down on energy costs for lightening and use methane,hydrogen gas,ammonia,hydrogen sulfide,iron as fertiliser.DNA from chemosynthetic bacteria can allow them to intake methane and other inorganic compounds as fertiliser and can also allow them to grow in the dark cutting down on energy costs for lightening and use methane as fertiliser pumped into bioreactors and also sewage treatment plants.That from Firmicutes will allow them to form endospores when conditions are not favourable.DNA from with DNA from chemosynthetic bacteria,Nitrosomas Beggiatoa,Cupriavidus necator can allow them to intake methane,hydrogen gas,ammonia,hydrogen sulfide,iron and other inorganic compounds can also allow them to grow in the dark cutting down on energy costs for lightening and use methane,hydrogen gas,ammonia,hydrogen sulfide,iron as fertiliser.Halophile DNA will allow them to use sea and freshwater with those from metalltolarants,Geobacter mettalireducens and scratch allow them to use pollutants such as heavy metals and pharmaceuticals that happen to enter sewage treatment plants as an energy source breaking them down into benign compounds.Recombinant DNA from T.gammatolerans,chemosynthetic bacteria and those from scratch will allow them to grow in all wavelengths outside their normal range and survive UV radiation and radiation treatments used to kill pathogens while DNA from Wangiella dermatitidis,Cladosporium sphaerospermum and Cryptococcus neoformans can be added to these algae to enable them to radiosynthesis,that is,to use the pigment melanin to convert gamma radiation into chemical energy for growth.Tweaks can made to do this with other types of radiation including UV radiation allowing algae to gain nutrition from the sun and that from artificial lights.This can allow the radiation to not only kill pathogens but also encourage algae growth with the feces and urine exposed to the radiation before adding algae to sterilise it and then after adding algae to sterilise it again and encourage algae growth and the radiation applied throughout the growth of the algea to increase growth rates thus speeding up the amount of time it takes for each batch of sewage is converted into algae and sterilise it constantly of pathogens.Studies can be done as to what intensity of radiation between 5-30,000Gy that is in the survival range of T.gammatolerans can both sterilise it and also provide maximum growth rates.Oligotrophic and xerophile DNA can allow for them to use less water and nutrients to increase yields.That from thermophiles,psychrphiles,mesophiles will allow them to survive a wide range of temperature ranges cutting down energy costs.Genes from psychrophillic bacteria that can grow at between -20 and 10 degrees Celsius or mesophilles that can grow 20-45 degrees Celsius can be added to the algeas genome to lower energy costs significantly with DNA from thermophilles including Methanopyrus kandleri also added to allow them to grow inbetween 80-122 degrees celcius.Forced evolution could push the limits of these extremophiles thus allow new genes to be added to the algae that could allow them to thrive in harsher conditions including lower temperatures and also higher ones that would kill pathogens and improve growth rates.Forced evolution could push the limits of these extremophiles thus allow new genes to be added to the algae that could allow them to thrive in harsher conditions including lower temperatures and also higher ones that would kill pathogens.The application of radiation can allow the radiation to not only kill pathogens but also encourage algae growth with the feces and urine exposed to the radiation before adding algae to sterilise it and then after adding algae to sterilise it again but to constantly encourage algae growth and the radiation applied throughout the growth of the algea to increase growth rates thus speeding up the amount of time it takes for each batch of sewage is converted into algae and sterilise it constantly of pathogens with studies done as to which range between 500-30,000Gy can increase growth rates and it routinely heated above 100 degree Celsius to not only encourage growth but kill off pathogens at the start,mid point and end to sterilise it as well due to thermophile DNA.The application of these temperatures and radiation can be applied even before the algae is added to the feces and urine mixture with existing methods to sterilise sewage also applied.Thus radiotrophic and radioresistant bacteria and fungi DNA can allow radiation to be applied to the algae constantly to encourage growth rates but also sterilise it constantly as well with thermophile DNA also doing the same when it is heated at 100-200 degrees celcius.Having all threes DNA added to algae will increase growth speeds in all climates and weather conditions allowing them to lower cooling costs in warm conditions and heating costs in cold climates and conditions with the temperature controlled by the building AI.It would also allow them to be exposed to temperatures above 100 degrees to kill off pathogens with this done alongside drying them and exposing them to radiation with the xerophile,thermophile and T.gammatolerans DNA will protect the algea from radiation,high temperatures and low water levels.DNA made from scratch will better integrate this recombinant DNA and better increase their effects and limits further increasing growth rates.This will also make them resistant to radiation applied to kill off pathogens with all of these sources of recombinant DNA used to make the algae survive radiation low levels of nutrients and water and increase growth rates will be housed in genome capsids that prevent them passed onto pathogens with the resultant algae exposed to high blasts of radiation of at least 1,000Gy and drying to kill of pathogens and not the algae thus making the algae produce safe for animal and human consumption and use as fertiliser.Radiation can be applied at each step using both super blasts of super high intensity UV light but also normal radiation at rates between 500Gy-1,000Gy using machinery that creates this to kill pathogens in the slurry and even effluent.The mixture and effluent will also be dried and even heated to temperatures of at least 100 degrees celcius or higher once forced evolution makes this possible with this eliminating all pathogens from the mixture and also effluent allowing it to be used as fertiliser as well as human,pet and human feed.The genetic engineering will increase the rate at which algae can turn the sewage in the form of feces,urine and also toilet paper etc into algae used for livestock,pet and human feedstock and also fertiliser.The radiation treatments alongside drying and warming the algae well beyond the threshold of pathogens will allow all algae to continue to recycle the algae with this done at various steps before the algae are introduced or after and even during their breakdown of the feces and urine.Adding genes from Paris japonica can allow algae to house larger genomes as much as 150,000,000 base pairs due to this plant having the largest genome of any organism found on Earth.P.japonica is the organism that has the largest genome with roughly 150,000,000 base pairs and 1,500,000 genes about 50 times more than humans.This should meet the needs of algae to house extremophile DNA and those to increase yields. Humans can also be immunised against all faecal coliforms with the algae also dried and even exposed to high temperatures beyond the threshold of most pathogens alongside radiation all at once to prevent the pathogens adapting.The Firmicutes DNA can allow the algae to enter endospores while pathogens are killed.As detailed later on biogas produced by the algae can be collected and used to power the plants with the carbon dioxide created by burning the fuel can be used to feed the algae in a looped system speeding up growth further.Extra carbon could also come from artificial trees residing outside that collect extra carbon dioxide(roughly one tonne per day) and using a system detailed later on can supply this automatically to increase the levels of carbon dioxide present with this controlled by the municipality AI.This system should be integrated into existing and new sewage and water treatment plants.All surfaces used to grow algae and house liquid and solid waste should be covered in liquid glass to prevent them sticking on the surfaces and ensure all of them is collected.

DNA from thermophilles including M.kandleri also added to allow them to grow inbetween 80-122 degrees celcius.Forced evolution could push the limits of these extremophiles thus allow new genes to be added to the algae that could allow them to thrive in harsher conditions including higher temperatures as high as 200-300 degrees Celsius that would kill pathogens.Radiation can be applied at each step using both super blasts of super high intensity UV light but also normal radiation at rates between 500Gy-1,000Gy using machinery that creates this to kill pathogens and parasites in the slurry and even effluent.The mixture and effluent will also be dried and even heated to temperatures of at least 100 degrees Celsius or higher once forced evolution makes this possible for algae to survive as high as 200 degrees Celsius with this eliminating all parasites and pathogens from the mixture and also effluent allowing it to be used as fertiliser as well as human,pet and human feed.The genetic engineering will increase the rate at which algae can turn the sewage in the form of feces,urine and also toilet paper etc into algae used for livestock,pet and human feedstock and also fertiliser.It can also be fitted with scratch DNA and recombinant DNA from unicellular and multicellular plants and animals that break down all types of pollutants.Oligotrophic and xerophile DNA can allow them to survive being dried and starved of nutrients to kill pathogens and parasites.T.gammatolerans DNA can protect from doses of radiation up to 30,000Gy.Firmicutes DNA can allow them to enter endospores when in unfavourable conditions such as too cold,hot,dry,resource scarce that can kill pathogens.DNA from T.gammatolerans,Bacillus F,A.mexicanum and Planarians etc can be present to repair cellular and telomere damage.All of these sources of recombinant DNA used to make the algae survive radiation,enter endospores,low levels of nutrients and water,high temperatures used to kill pathogens and increase growth rates will be housed in genome capsids that prevent them passed onto pathogens with the resultant algae exposed to high blasts of radiation of at least 1,000Gy and drying to kill off pathogens and not the algae thus making the algae produce safe for animal and human consumption and use as fertiliser.Humans can also be immunised against all faecal coliforms and parasites with the algae also dried and even exposed to high temperatures beyond the threshold of most pathogens and parasites alongside radiation all at once to prevent the pathogens and parasites adapting.The radiation treatments alongside drying and warming the algae well beyond the threshold of pathogens will allow all algae to continue to recycle the algae with this done at various steps before the algae are introduced or after and even during their breakdown of the feces and urine.Humans can also be immunised against all coliforms and parasites.These pathogens and parasites that will be killed off include Naegleria fowleri,Acanthamoeba,Cestoda,E.coli,Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus.Pathogens and parasites will be dealt with the algae fitted with recombinant DNA from thermophile and radiorestant bacteria and also other extremophiles in genome capsids that prevent them trading this DNA with the algae exposed to these conditions ie high temperatures and high levels of radiation etc well beyond the threshold of pathogenic bacteria and parasites to allow the pathogens be killed and the algae to thrive with bacteriophages also added that kill off the pathogens with humans also immunised against all pathogens.Bacteriophages can be added to the effluent and algae at any point best determined by studies where they will kill off pathogens exponentionally with the bacteriophages either filtered out or killed off by radiation.The green micro algae as part of sewage treatment plants that turns human waste into usable nitrogen and phosphorous fertiliser can have enzymes in them that degrade the cellulose in the toilet paper and wipes etc made from them and turn it into carbohydrate nutrition.They can also do this with silk and other animal and plant textiles as part of baby wipes and toilet paper added for strength.They will be engineered to degrade all plant and animal textiles used in baby wipes and toilet paper and also any organic matter in the form of oils,kitty litters with if possible even plastics and kitty litter degraded into nutrition by them with scratch DNA increasing the rate of degradation alongside forced evolution.The algae would be engineered to degrade kitty litter and all plant and animal textiles in toilet paper and baby wipes into carbohydrates for use as energy and nutrition for the algae.Baby wipes could have strong carbohydrates,silk in place of plastics or bio plastics also degraded by the algae as well.Algae used to clean sewage will have recombinant DNA from from rubber,hydrocarbon and phytalate degrading bacteria,Ideonella sakaiensis 201-F6,Pestalatiopsis microsporio which can live on polyurethene(but again removing its ability to cause plant rot in case it escapes into the wild),Aspergillus tubingensis,oil degrading bacteria including those from the genus Geobacter,fungi that breakdown plastics and bacteria present in mealworms and waxworms which can also degrade plastic all combined into them will allow them to be able to degrade baby wipes,fatbergs and also any plastics present with them also engineered to degrade all plant textiles and paper pulp with scratch DNA speeding up the rate of this degradation with them using the plastic as nutrition.Scratch DNA and DNA from unicellular and multicellular plants and animals that can degrade pollutants and even pharmaceuticals will be added to degrade all types of plastics,plant and animal textiles,oils(including plant and animal ones and gasoline etc) and also all pollutants,pharmaceuticals and use them as nutrition and increase the rate at which it degrades.

To deal with all types of material that will enter the sewage system the algae engineered to break downplastics,kitty and animal litter,toilet paper,baby wipes,rubber,plant and animal textiles etc into base elemental components for nutrition with measures introduced to remove pollutants such as pharmaceuticals etc via super high intensity blasts of of UV lights,filters including those based on nanomaterials and biosynth technology or having the algae either not absorb them or be able to convert them into benign compounds that are used as nutrition or can be removed via mechanical process etc developed by AI ensuring contaminants of all types added to toilets don’t contaminate the algae when used as a feed or fertiliser.It will also reduce energy costs by replacing certain steps in the treatment of sewage.Algae will recycle phosphorous,nitrogen and potassium from urine and feces from humans,pets and livestock in sewage treatment plants with pet feces and urine on the ground,piqapoo bags and pet litter put into toilets with animal pens have gratings that allow feces to be collected in septic tanks below connected to the sewage line or again piqapoo bags with feces etc from septic tanks sent to sewage treatment plants with the algae engineered to feed on and break down pulp and animal and plant textiles in toilet paper and also break down pet litter and also plastics etc as nutrition that may enter the sewage line.Drugs and toxic compounds will be dealt with the algae engineered to degrade them using scratch DNA and recombinant DNA from unicellular and multicellular plants and animals.Anti-microbial compounds in soaps and toilet cleaner etc that may find its way into the sewage system will be dealt with algae having scratch DNA and those from forced evolution that make them immune to them added to genome capsids that allows them to survive the anti-microbial compounds with them also engineered to break them down with the anti-bacterial compounds killing off pathogens.The algae can contain Biosynth WiFi that allows them to detect the level of toxins,plastics and anti-microbial compounds in ppm,ppb,ppt related to the sewage treatment plant AI with this WiFi allowing the AI of the water treatment plant to instigate them to carry out anabolic and catabolic reactions on toxic compounds preventing them enter the food chain.Scratch DNA and that from other plants and animals can be added to the algae to have them create enzymes to degrade these.Gamma radiation,super high intensity super blasts of UV lights can break down toxic compounds even if in between algae sludge alongside nanomaterials such as Graphene and also Biosynth and biological filters.Feces from recirculating aquaculture systems and fish tanks will be captured and used to grow algae.Thus the algae when used as feed for pets,livestock,fish,shellfish,insect and humans will create a looped system since the feces and urine of humans,livestock,pets as well as shellfish and fish can be collected and used to grow algae thus creating a looped cycle and negate the need to rear fodder crops such as G.max,Z.m.mays in the tropics or anywhere at or even would negate the need to rear Graminae turned into hay,rear cereals or even have fields used for grazing land as all livestock that eat cereals,Z.mays,mays,hay,Graminae or G.max can be kept indoors especially once are added and eat algae created by capturing their urine and feces and thus converting into algae meal in the form of slop,flour,TVP in sewage treatment plants,septic tanks and onsite miniature photobioreactors onsite of community,home,vertical and fish farms farms thus creating a looped system and cutting down on land needed to grow fodder crops and used as grazing land worldwide to zero.Thus it will replace all conventional feed for all livestock,fish,shellfish,animals in zoos such as meat,G.max,Graminae,hay and Z.m.mays etc and act as replacement and better source of protein for vegans and vegetarians since it recycles feces and urine of humans,livestock,pets etc and converts it into a highly nutritious carbohydrate and protein rich feedstuff for them that can eaten as slop,mince,TVP,flour that does not land used for grazing or rearing fodder crops availible all year round and reared locally onsite of sewage treatment plants,septic tanks,photobioreactors creating a looped cycle.Water water treatment plants will grow algae to recycle phosphates found in detergents and cleaning products to be reused by them over and again when sent to factories creating a looped cycle until phosphates can be replaced by them created by picotech fabricators,other elements or synthetic compounds or liquid glass sprayed on clothing,home textiles and cutlery negates the need for them altogether by coating them in a layer that repels dirt,water etc negating the need for them altogether.Genetic engineering can increase its nutritional value such as adding vitamins and have all essential amino acids in all levels with it already housing more essential amino acids and carbohydrates than G.max,Graminae,Z.m.mays etc making it an ideal alternative foodstuff for vegans,fish and shellfish reared in recirculating aquaculture systems animals in zoos and conservation areas,pets and all remaining remaining livestock etc than G.max,Graminae,Z.m.mays  with it containing large amounts of essential fatty acids such as omega-3 fatty acids for healthy neural development and also lowering LDL cholesterol with it directly converting human,pet,livestock and animal feces and urine directly into this nutritious feed.Livestock,shellfish and fish that consume it will store all proteins and omega-3 fatty acids in their meat and fat thus increasing their nutritional value and will allow all land used to rear foodstuff and used for grazing to be reforested forever and will reduce methane emissions in remaining livestock.As stated all sewage treatment plants across the universe will utilise this to not only eliminate famine but also cut down on energy use by eliminating conventional steps used in it and also eliminate the use of harsh chemicals that can be environmentally destructive with the algae having radiosynthetic and radio resistant and other extremophile bacteria DNA allowing it to be exposed to high levels of radiation and other extreme conditions to sterilise it of all pathogenic bacteria and increase yields and growth rates.Septic tanks on the grounds of homes etc will be connected to the main sewage line or utilise this as well with them possibly having miniature radiation machines with septic tanks onsite of community farms also present using algae to convert the fertiliser into feed and fertiliser.Space stations,interstellar vehicles and cruise ships will utilise miniature sewage systems to grow algae using feces and urine from passengers to convert it into feed and fertiliser in internal sewage systems with scramjets using areas to store large amounts of feces to be deposited into the sewage line at airports.AI will manage ways for collecting sewage from both cruise ships and scramjets to prevent it going to waste.Community,home,vertical and fish farms will collect all feces and urine from fish,shellfish and livestock onsite using passive and automated systems and the algae inside photobiorectors of varying sizes.All systems for collecting feces and urine for growing algae whether it is in sewage and water treatment plants,photobioreactors,septic tanks etc in home,community,vertical and fish farms will also collect any methane and biogas produced by the algae,feces and urine and burn it onsite in micro-gas turbines to generate electricity that can be fed into the grid or directly into the building itself alleviating strains on the grid with the carbon dioxide captured and stored to be fed to algae creating a looped system thus preventing the release of both carbon dioxide and methane two powerful greenhouse gases.Traditional sources of oil,TVP and flour from G.max,Tricitum,Hordeum and also E.guineensis,A.maripa,E.oleifera will come from genetically altered bacteria.It will be used as both a fertiliser and feed both before and after picotech fabricators are perfected eliminating scarcity of these important elements forever with the extra nitrogen,phosphorous and potassium created by these will be recycled through algae creating an exponentionally increasing looped cycle.

Thus algae can be stored in vertical farms and sewage treatment plants.It can also be used as fertiliser when mixed with biochar as it directly recycles nitrogen,phosphorus,potassium,copper etc from feces and urine alleviating strains on finite reserves of these nutrients in the crust saving energy in mining for them even when picotech fabricators are ubiquitous.It can also be used as fertiliser when mixed with biochar as it directly recycles nitrogen,phosphorus,potassium,copper etc from feces and urine.In both cases as feed and fertiliser it creates a looped cycle as when directly eaten it creates feces and urine that then is converted back into algae and crops that use it as fertiliser when eaten are then converted into feces and urine to be then converted back into algae with uneaten crops and meat pyrolysised and the phosphorus,nitrogen etc removed and sent to vertical farms etc.Thus algae will act as a high grade fertiliser as it can recycle phosphorus,nitrogen,potassium,copper,sulphur etc and other key nutrients important to crop growth from human,pet,livestock feces and urine from digested meat and crops converted back into these nutrients in a looped cycle with uneaten crops and meat pyrolysised and the nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium separated and sent to farms of all types and biochar created also used as fertiliser.Ornamental plants can use remaining reserves of these in the crust.This looped system will alleviate strains on mining finite reserves of them from the crust eliminating scarcity for crops with them also created by picotech fabricators to add exponentionally more of them to the looped system but also used for ornamental plants and fertilising the Amazon once reserves in the wind from the Sahara run out.This this looped system will account primarily for crops with remaining reserves in the crust used for ornamental plants until picotech fabricators can create them for this application forever and extra to the looped cycle in sewage treatment plants..Since fertiliser determines 30-40% of the cost of food with it being much better than manure and on par with chemical fertilisers through genetic engineering etc with the algae have the nitrogen etc extracted and converted into a direct chemical compound including converted into chemical fertiliser thus having them created into chemical fertiliser compounds with such cheap fertiliser being abundant at all times from local sewage treatment plants it will keep prices and ability of food constantly cheap enough to prevent famine.

If possible sewage can be treated normally but include new more efficient processes to clean the sewage and have it sterilised including exposing it to strong blasts of radiation that will be able to have the sewage collected into one area including in a extension where it is completely sterilised and if possible have nothing but the treated sewage left like as normal and it collected in an extension where in a treated and sterilised form that consists of nothing but nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium and the algae can be used to recycle and use up all of the nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium.This could eliminate the chances of consumers being infected from pathogens.AI in the form of Tyche will find out ways to recycle the nutrients in sewage without leading up humans being infected with coliforms.All sewage treatment and water plants will house 3D DNA printers to allow them to create their own supply of algae at all times.

Both micro and macro algae can be farmed at sea to conserve land,space in vertical farms and also “mine and harvest the oceans” for nitrogen,potassium and phosphorous needed for fertilisers by uptaking them from the ocean for an extra source of these nutrients further alleviating strains on land based supplies to be mined.They can also be grown next to oil rigs and also by the coast especially in cities next to the sea and even in ocean fish farms.Macro algae can be part of hybrid crops grown in home,community and vertical farms.

Algae from sewage and water treatment plants will eliminate famine worldwide as it is high in omega-3,essential amino acids using limited amounts of water and nutrients that can be used to be turned into a textured vegetable protein like product that contains all essential amino acids,carbohydrates and fats.These should ensure abundance and looped cycles of nutritious feed after natural disasters etc that would render vertical and community farms defunct or compromised and would single handily eliminate famines caused by freak changes in the weather,failure in crops in vertical and other farms etc completely worldwide by at least 2029-2035 since their will always be nutritious feed from ones faeces and urine converted into algae in sewage and water treatment plants including existing ones to be availible with livestock pens connected to the sewage main line as well in order to also provide feed as well.Algea from sewage treatment plants can replace Attalea maripa,Elaeis oleifera,Elaeis guineensis oils for food and also G.max for flour and TVP for livestock and vegans as it has a higher level of essential amino acids and carbohydrates than G.max and can thus allow land in the tropics used to tear G.max to be reforested with it creating a looped cycle since once eaten it will be recycled and can also recycle phosphorous,potassium,nitrogen,copper etc to be used as fertiliser.This will be used as a highly nutritious feed in the form of slop,mince,TVP,flour etc for humans,remaining livestock,pets,shellfish and fish and humans due to it containing more essential amino acids,fats and carbohydrates than G.max,Graminae,Z.m.mays etc with genetic engineering increasing its number,level and types of nutrients and can add Bromoform and other compounds from other crops such as A.sativum that in ruminants reduces methane levels by 99% by inhibiting it’s production with it allowing all land used to grow G.max,Graminae,E.guineensis,A.maripa,E.oleifer and Z.m.mays etc especially in the Amazon and tropics reforested indefinitely.It can create an oily flour for bread,pastries,livestock feed that is oily thus negating the need to use eggs that can make these products much healthier and can replace Hordeum,Trictium,Z.mays.mays for flour for pet and livestock feed,homemade bread and that from Deipneus factories with its oil rather than being used as biofuel can be instead as vegetable oil as an alternative to E.guineensis,A.maripa,E.oleifera that is high in omega-3 fatty acids allowing all land used for this in the tropics be reforested.Conventional sources of G.max,Graminae,E.guineensis,A.maripa,E.oleifera  and Z.m.mays etc flour and oil etc can be created by bacteria as well.The algae can be engineered to produce the same taste and texture as G.max,Hordeum,Trictium or any meat.It will for vegans be eaten as a TVP,mince etc with for remaining livestock and animals in zoos and pets be eaten as solid pellets,mince slop and flour with it for fish and shellfish in recirculating aquaculture systems and tanks fed to the them as a liquid pumped into tanks and systems with it also fed to them as pellets.Insects used to be reared for human,pet and livestock feed can eat the algae.Bacteria that create commodities and in vitro meat can use it as nutrients and growth medium.Any ruminant livestock that eat it will have a marked decrease of methane produced and released by as much as 90-99% with any livestock,fish and shellfish that consumes it will have its omega-3 fatty acid and protein content rise due to them able to absorb and store them in their fatty tissues and meat much better than conventional feed such as Graminae,G.max,Z.m.mays etc.Omnivores and carnivores reared as pets,livestock,fish,shellfish and animals in the zoo can use as a better and more sustainable source of protein than meat including in vitro meat and conventional feed. Spirulina has roughly 57g of protein per 100g compared to G.max which has 36g per 100g,beef/lamb/chicken that has roughly 25-27g,Z.m.mays roughly 9g per 100g thus allowing algae to replace conventional feedstock with genetic engineering allowing it have as much as 80-95g protein thus making it a more sustainable source of protein than TVP etc for vegans than G.max eaten as mince,TVP and steaks and also on par with meat for meat eaters.This will also allow it to replace conventional feedstock for fish,shellfish and remaining livestock replacing G.max,Graminae,Z.m.mays eaten as a mince,TVP,slip or liquid pumped into pens and tanks with it even suitable for carnivorous animals in zoos and pets replacing in vitro meat.The type of essential amino acids,carbohydrates and essential fatty acids and oils alongside their amount can be modified through genetic engineering creating different strains and species dependant for its purpose.This algae can through engineering produce the same taste and texture as meat of any kind and also Hordeum,G.max,Trictium etc thus making it more palatable to humans,pets and livestock with it eaten as a slop,mince,pellets,TVP etc.Having it engineered to taste the same as meat and Hordeum,G.max,Trictium etc will also allow it replace these in all of it uses such as flour for all cereal based products,TVP as well as hamburgers and steaks etc.It can also produce oil for goods that can Attalea maripa,Elaeis oleifera,Elaeis guineensis.Since grown in sewage treatment plants it will negate the need for using land to grow these with conventional soy etc allowing all existing land to be reforested.It will also cut down on energy and chemical use in sewage treatment plants with soy coming from genetically engineered bacteria.This creates a looped cycle as once it is eaten it will be converted into feces and urine that ends up in a sewage treatment plant to be then converted into more algae.It will also negate the need to rear fodder crops for remaining livestock since it cannot only be fed to humans but also fed to remaining livestock of all types and pets of all types.Remaining livestock such as cattle etc will be feed it as slop,mince,TVP etc..Remaining livestock pens through grated pens and automated systems should be connected to the main sewage line to allow feces and urine to be collected in the main sewage line to be converted into algae in a looped systems producing more feedstock and also fertiliser with biosynths collecting forces in fields etc.Miniature photobioreactors on site of community and home farms worldwide can be present to collect feces and urine to be grown and stored on-site.This can allow for remaining livestock to be reared indoors in sheds.Manure and urine from pets can be collected and placed into toilets or the pets potty trained to have the phosphorus and nitrogen recycled.This will prevent the phosphorus and nitrogen going to waste or ending up in rivers and lakes etc with excess algae stored over years and decades etc as feedstock and fertiliser that is traded across the world when a country is experiencing shortages.This will replace both chemical and fossil fuel based fertilisers but also conventional manure based fertilisers thus eliminating pollution in lakes etc and the release of greenhouse gases and scarcity of fertilisers forever as since both humans and livestock consume the algae directly or the crops that use them as fertilisers the nitrogen and phosphorus etc will end up back in sewage treatment plants creating a looped system.This coupled with mass adoption of community farms,home farms and vertical farms and in vitro meat and yeast based milk as well as commodities from bacteria will eliminate methane,nitrogen and carbon dioxide aid and water pollution from agriculture forever,allowing all land used for agriculture to be reforested forever with coupled with genetic engineering will meet the needs for a growing population for the coming millenia and have agriculture have zero environmental impact on the Earth and will be adopted in colonies across the universe including Mars,Venus,space ships and also other Earth like planets and theoretical megastructures and keep the cost of food consistently low forever and eliminating famine and food scarcity forever worldwide.Fish and shellfish in tanks and recirculating aquaculture systems will be fed it as TVP pellets,flakes and as a liquid by being pumped into them.Pets will be fed it as a mince,slop and TVP etc.Pets will have feces and urine added to toilets especially if algae is engineered to convert toilet paper and kitty litter.It produces flour that can replace wheat etc,TVP that can replace soy and also oil that can replace palm oil.The algae will be fitted with scratch DNA to degrade toilet paper and also kitty litter as well as pharmaceutical compounds released by the body alongside degrade rubber and plastics and other compounds etc that may find there way into sewage systems with nanomaterials and super high intensity UV light and radiation used to break down toxic natural and synthetic compounds and also be immune to radiation and use radiation as an energy source and house Xerophile and oligotrophic DNA and scratch DNA to not only reduce water and nutrient requirements but also allow them to be exposed to huge blasts of radiation and drying techniques to kill off and sterilise them of all pathogens thus ensuring it is safe to eat with remaining sludge either removed via nanomaterials etc to be sent an next round with measures done to ensure all waste is converted into algae with genetic engineering and new technologies exponentially increasing yields and growth rates to ensure a continuous supply and prevent fecal contamination of the food product and sterilise turn of all pathogens and people immunised against all coliforms.The amount of this produced will be proportional to the population meaning as the local population grows then the amount of this feedstuff available will grow proportionally thus meaning that unlike traditional crops which require more land only roof extensions and more efficient technology,genetic engineering and other technologies will be needed to increase yields with algae since smaller than crops require exponentially less resources,engineering etc to improve yields.As stated unlike crops that are dependent on climate algae will always have consistently high yields every year proportional to the local population and more through advancements in genetic engineering and new technologies regardless of climate or geopolitical situations and thus should therefore be adopted in all sewage treatment plants worldwide.It will also provide a constant supply of food in areas affected by droughts,heatwaves,cold snaps and also even Schistocerca.As a result to prevent famine worldwide all sewage treatment plants worldwide and across the universe will grow algae in them in order to ensure a consistent supply of nutrient dense food regardless of climate or geopolitical situations with this also done to cut down on energy and chemical uses in them.Furthermore the fact that it recycles phosphorus,nitrogen and potassium feces and urine it will negate the need for mining of finite reserves of these thus by being used as a fertiliser will create a looped system and eliminate fertiliser scarcity again proportional to the local population as once food is eaten it is converted into feces etc that ends up in a sewage treatment plant.The feces and urine is converted directly into phosphorus,nitrogen and potassium rich organic fertiliser that can be used as a high grade organic fertiliser that can alleviate strains on limited reserves in the crust and also provide a constant local supply of them at all times with the amount of fertiliser produces proportional to the current population.It will also render fossil fuels obsolete forever in fertiliser.Thus vertical,community and home farms are by having feces converted into algae rich in nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in local sewage treatment plants have constant reliable access to high grade organic fertiliser thus eliminating fears of scarcity with this eliminating phosphorus,nitrogen and potassium scarcity forever as their will always be a constant supply of phosphorus,nitrogen and potassium availible by recycling it from urine and feces through algae thus eliminating the need for mining finite reserves of them from the crust which are in dwindling supplies with only 80 years of phosphorus left and are only found in a few key areas of the world.Thus using algae fertiliser will eliminate scarcity of phosphorus,nitrogen and potassium forever as these will be recycled from feces and urine in each local sewage treatment plants eliminating the notion of any country having a stronghold on them with this catering to our needs until Picotech fabricators are available which will also eliminate their scarcity forever.It eliminates scarcity of these three key nutrients by creating a looped system wherein food fed fertiliser from algae is eaten and then converted into feces and urine which is then converted into algae again.This will keep costs of agricultural produce constantly low with crops using oligotrophic DNA and scratch DNA requiring 90-99% less fertiliser thus eliminating scarcity even further.Uneaten food will be pyrolysised and the nitrogen etc removed and recycled.

Cruise ships,Interstellar vehicles and space stations etc will grow algae onsite as a feedstock and fertiliser.Uneaten food will be pyrolysised and the nitrogen etc removed and recycled.The type of essential amino acids,carbohydrates and essential fatty acids and oils alongside their amount can be modified through genetic engineering creating different strains and species dependant for its purpose.It will be grown onsite of sewage treatment plants around the world and eventually universe to eliminate famine,ensure an abundant supply of fertiliser,cut down on energy costs and eliminate the use of harsh chemicals in the treatment of sewage with any biogas produced captured and burnt onsite to be fed into the grid and the carbon dioxide used to grow more algae creating a looped cycle.Farms and even cruise ships will grow it using photobioreactors to make them self sufficient.Septic tanks on the grounds of homes etc will be connected to the main sewage line or utilise this as well with them possibly having miniature radiation machines with septic tanks onsite of community farms also present using algae to convert the fertiliser into feed and fertiliser.Thus all sewage treatment plants across the world and universe will rear algae as a fertiliser and livestock feedstock by converting feces and urine into a protein and carbohydrate dense feedstock and nitrogen and phosphorus rich fertiliser replacing conventional livestock feed and sources of fertiliser.This will also recycle phosphorous,nitrogen etc for fertiliser with excess stored onsite of them and farms of all type lessening the need to mine it with it also gained from picotech fabricators creating a looped system.Sewage treatment plants will have salt from urine etc captured and recycled with it stored onsite or in vertical farms and even Deipneus factories to reuse it over and over again to alleviate strains on mining it in the Earths crust.By the time picotech fabricators are perfected this will provide the main bulk of salt with this created at home or vertical farms for orders and then the salt collected from sewage treatment plants to then be then be recaptured to be reused or turned back into energy in picotech fabricators to prevent it entering the ocean and increasing salinity.Most algae have more protein and carbohydrate levels larger than G.maxwith further engineering also increasing their nutrient levels.These will undergoe the same level of engineering as crops as detailed later on to increase yields as well as reduce water and nutrient requirements with oligotroph DNA increasing yields.Specialised machinery such as a biostimulation system used by AglaStar.Inc that integrates two types of electromagnetic energy — a millitesla generator and a millimetre microwave generator — which radiate spontaneous growth energy into large volumes of algae biomass to be economically viable(increasing yields by as much as 300%) can be utilised alongside LED and CSYS LED lights that can allow for continuous growth 24/7,365 days a year with open sewage pens covered by steel housing.Thermophile DNA especially those from scratch and forced evolution will be added to allow it to grow at higher temperatures and kill off pathogens.E.Coli,C.perfringens DNA and scratch DNA will increase their miotic division of cells increasing growth rates allowing them to reach maturity exponentionally faster in as little as a few weeks or even days and Xerophile and oligotrophic DNA will reduce their water and nutrient requirements.This will combined with other engineering also used in crops to help them reach maturity within weeks of days.DNA from W.dermatitidis,C.sphaerospermum and C.neoformans can be added to the algae to enable them to radiosynthesis,that is,to use the pigment melanin to convert gamma radiation into chemical energy for growth.Tweaks can be made to do this with other types of radiation including UV radiation allowing algae to gain nutrition from the sun and that from artificial lights once made immune to radiation via DNA from T.gammatolerans.Tweaks can be made to do this with other types of radiation with scratch DNA used to make the DNA from the radiotrophic fungi to actively convert the radiation into energy in a way that the radiation is removed from the atmosphere.Studies can be done as to what intensity of radiation between 5-30,000Gy that is in the survival range of T.gammatolerans can both sterilise them and also provide maximum growth rates.This can allow the radiation to not only kill pathogens but also encourage algae growth with the feces and urine exposed to the radiation before adding algae to sterilise it and then after adding algae to sterilise it again but to constantly encourage algae growth and the radiation applied throughout the growth of the algea to increase growth rates thus speeding up the amount of time it takes for each batch of sewage is converted into algae and sterilise it constantly of pathogens with studies done as to which range between 500-30,000Gy can increase growth rates and it routinely heated above 100 degree Celsius via thermophile DNA to not only encourage growth but kill off pathogens at the start,mid point and end to sterilise it as well due to thermophile DNA.Thus exposing the algae to these levels constantly throughout its growing period will not only encourage growth of algae but also sterilise the algae of pathogenic bacteria,fungi and viruses constantly.Thus radiotrophic and radioresistant bacteria and fungi DNA can allow radiation to be applied to the algae constantly to encourage growth rates but also sterilise it constantly as well with thermophile DNA also doing the same when it is heated at 100-200 degrees celcius.This will undergo the same level the same level of engineering to increase growth rates and yields.Thus this alongside growing essentials via bacteria,growing crops like food in trashcans and via hydroponics indoors and on balconies etc should as stated provide nutritious feed for both humans and animals including livestock,fish,shellfish,insects and pets in times where natural disasters,sudden changes in weather would affect community,home and vertical farms threatening yields of crops as well as when picotech fabricators are not working.It can also produce a nutritious vegetable oil that can replace those from plants acting as a replacement providing sustainable and more abundant and local alternatives to all types of vegetable oils including those from environmentally destructive E.guineensis,A.maripa,E.oleifera and also G.max for textured vegetable protein with all types of vegetable oils also created by bacteria and G.max flour created using bacteria as well as those grown in home gardens all of this allowing all land used to grow these especially in the Amazon to be reforested indefinitely and allow for local production with higher yields.Algea also creates a flour in their cell walls that is oily thus negating the need for eggs and also too much butter making it pastries,bread etc created using it less fattening and have lower calories and can be used to feed livestock and humans in cooking with the flour and TVP used for feed for livestock,fish,shellfish and pets with it in either pellet,liquid,TVP,slop,mince,steak or powdered flour form.It will thus also be a more sustainable form of pet,livestock and human feedstuff than cereal based flour,vegetable oil and G.max based flour and TVP as it will not require land to grow allowing the land currently used by this in the Amazon and also worldwide in America,China etc to be reforested and can be ordered in bulk and stored in barrels or kegs with the algea using automated or semi automated machinery at home,community centres or sewage treatment plants when ordered will  separate it into all of these – the flour,oil,TVP etc.All of these will be used for their different purposes such as livestock as well as human and pet feed,fertiliser with excess can be sent to organic waste plants and even put down the toilet or sink.It will also use a looped cycle as both animals including livestock and humans that eat it will return feces and urine to the sewage line to recycle nutrients.These can be onsite of sewage and water treatment plants for each processed order or the barrel can be shipped to community centres or via transporter technology onsite of sewage and water treatment plants and community centres where a conveyor belt system will automatically separate these.It will be used as fertiliser either spread onto crops by itself or when mixed in with biochar etc when ordered from Demeter as the it will recycle the phosphorous and nitrogen as well as copper,sulphur etc from the human and animal feces and urine rather than it going to waste and will allow the aforementioned important nutrients to be recycled and used over and over again in looped cycles as fertilisers rather than just thrown away and will negate the need for mining the planet for phosphorous and nitrogen etc until picotech fabricators are perfected and to compliment them as well to save energy.Human waste will come from toilets with pet feces and urine from kitty litter,piqapoo bags,picked from the ground and put in toilets or even having pets potty trained with livestock waste coming from the same way by robots and biosynths and put into large toilets onsite of home,community and forest farms alongside pens housing gratings where it can be collected in underground areas covered in liquid glass with it pumped out using internal pumps connected to the sewage line alongside piqapoo bags applied and removed.All pets will be potty trained or even have feces picked up and urine wiped up by toilet paper.Algae grown in sewage and water treatment plants will as detailed earlier and later on treated to blasts of radiation,high temperatures,drying to kill of pathogens etc to ensure the consumer is not put at risk alongside immunisations against all pathogens and have the same level of engineering as crops as detailed later on to increase growth rates as well as reduce water and nutrient requirements.The DNA to make the algae immune to these will be in their genome capsids ensuring the algae survives and pathogens are killed off.The algae would be engineered to degrade kitty litter and all plant and animal textiles in toilet paper and baby wipes into carbohydrates for use as energy and nutrition for the algae.Baby wipes could have strong carbohydrates,silk in place of plastics or bio plastics also degraded by the algae as well.The algae will be engineered to degrade all types of plastic and rubber that may find its way into the sewage line.Scratch DNA and DNA from unicellular and multicellular plants and animals that can degrade pollutants and even pharmaceuticals will be added to degrade all types of plastics,plant and animal textiles,oils(including plant and animal ones and gasoline etc) and also all pollutants,pharmaceuticals and use them as nutrition and increase the rate at which it degrades.Drugs and toxic compounds will be dealt with the algae engineered to degrade them using scratch DNA and recombinant DNA from unicellular and multicellular plants and animals.Anti-microbial compounds in soaps and toilet cleaner etc that may find its way into the sewage system will be dealt with algae having scratch DNA and those from forced evolution that make them immune to them added to genome capsids that allows them to survive the anti-microbial compounds with them also engineered to break them down with the anti-bacterial compounds killing off pathogens.The algae can contain Biosynth WiFi that allows them to detect the level of toxins,plastics and anti-microbial compounds in ppm,ppb,ppt related to the sewage treatment plant AI with this WiFi allowing the AI of the water treatment plant to instigate them to carry out anabolic and catabolic reactions on toxic compounds preventing them enter the food chain.Scratch DNA and that from other plants and animals can be added to the algae to have them create enzymes to degrade these.Gamma radiation,super high intensity super blasts of UV lights can break down toxic compounds even if in between algae sludge alongside nanomaterials such as Graphene and also Biosynth and biological filters.Pathogens and parasites will be dealt with the algae fitted with recombinant DNA from thermophile radiorestant bacteria and also other extremophiles in genome capsids that prevent them trading this DNA with pathogens with the algae exposed to these conditions ie high temperatures and high levels of radiation etc well beyond the threshold of pathogenic bacteria and parasites to allow the pathogens be killed and the algae to thrive with bacteriophages also added that kill off the pathogens with humans also immunised against all pathogens.All sewage treatment plants worldwide will be fitted with algea and other systems as detailed later on to provide a local source and reduce energy costs in treating sewage.Both bacteria and algae can provide textured vegetable protein for vegans that is more nutritious and sustainable than G.max at any time of the year with this algae coming from sewage and water treatment plants and also home and community farm systems.It would thus offer a sustainable alternative to G.max and meat such as from Suidae,Bovidae for both vegans and those who consume meat in large quantities with meat eaters consuming this to lower the amount of meat they eat while still gaining high levels of protein with it even fed to infants as a healthy homemade baby food.In countries like India,China,Africa and other developing countries with large populations it will provide a sustainable source of protein that is an alternative to both meat and G.max with it also providing nutritious feed in instances such as drought,earthquakes,flood,monsoons that would otherwise compromise community,home and vertical farms until they are operational.To override the issues of taste it would be engineered to produce a more pleasing taste and even smell to make it more popular with it even used in place of or alongside protein whey for body builders.Vertical,community,home,meadow farms will order it in to create fertiliser when mixed in with biochar and also feed for recirculating aquaculture systems pumped in as liquid or TVP with home farms ordering it in for this and livestock and human feed with excess stored onsite of all of these,sent to zoos or when the algae is killed dumped into rivers with AI finding ways to utilise it in sustainable ways and if possible even converted into energy in picotech fabricators.Genetic engineering using CRISPR could make its taste on par with meat,G.max,Triticum,Hordeum,Z.m.mays and other similar tasty foodstuff and even any type of meat thus making it a viable alternative to consuming meat and G.max for those in both the developing and developed world thus lowering consumption of meat.This would be done by inserting DNA from various specific animals and cereals etc to be inserted into the algae could be used to do this with the algae even replaced by bacteria that produce flours and other commodities of other plants.Thus TVP created by algae could be engineered to produce the same taste and texture of any type of meat and even using automated and semi automated machinery onsite of homes,community centres and sewage treatment plants could be made into cutlets and steaks of these meat types complimenting in vitro meat with fish and shellfish grown in landlocked areas via recirculating aquaculture systems will also replace rearing meat conventionally in these countries with any species of fish particular Scombridae,Salomindae and also even Phasianidae can also engineered to produce the same meat as traditional livestock like Bovidae,Suidae that can be reared indoors in vertical,community and home farms using less resources.Since the algae will be milled to produce algae flour with the protein extracted to create TVP,flour and oil extracted to create vegetable oils using automated or semi automated machinery at home,community centres or sewage treatment plants when ordered may negate the issue of taste as the algae would not be eaten by itself but rather processed when ordered in to homes.Having it engineered to have the same texture,flavour etc as Bovidae and Suidae meat would allow it using semi automated machinery and home cooking create textured vegetable protein cutlets,steaks,burgers and mince similar to those of these meats and the flour and oils produced either kept the same as algae or be the same as the animals meat thus rendering rearing of livestock defunct.Despite having the same texture and taste of meat it will still be viable to be consumed for vegans and used as fertiliser as it would have both phosphorous and nitrogen.Mince,steaks and burgers etc themselves can be be made of algae itself.It can also be engineered to have the same texture and taste as any cereal including G.max and Tricitum,Hordeum Etc.The algea and versions of it engineered with the same texture and taste of meat and cereals will be converted into mince,flour,oil etc via machinery at home,community centres or even onsite of sewage treatment plants.Steaks etc will be created at home using machinery or the algea engineered to grow like in vitro meat and also biocompatible microbes.Algae engineered to produce the same taste and texture of cereals and different types of meat will be used to make it more palatable but also replace conventional sources of these making access to flour,mince that tastes like these more readily accessible.Fertiliser and animal feed can also be extracted here with the algae also used to grow both in vitro meat and also bacteria and yeast or bacteria that produce commodities.The algae can be ordered in at any time of the year directly via Demeter linked to the AI of local sewage and water treatment plants in large kegs and drums and can not only create flour,vegetable and textured vegetable protein for human consumption but also used as fertiliser and animal feed for both home and community farms with forest and vertical farms AI ordering it in for fertiliser and replace all types of vegetable oils with semi automated machinery in homes or community centres and community farms separating the components of it for its various uses.All sewage treatment plants worldwide will be fitted with algae to grow this with one through Demeter able to order in algae in its various forms such as slop,mince,flour and TVP etc and through Pyxis be able to order in fertiliser from them by itself or mixed with biochar  pyrolysis plants by Pyxis and Cronus interacting with ones local sewage treatment plants  with if they are busy then sewage treatment plants across the world will be contacted to prevent delays.Cronus via interacting with each consumers accounts will extrapolate their address and then arrange the kegs to be delivered to the nearest sewage treatment and interacting with the AI of the sewage treatment plant will return drums onsite owned by the consumer with if not availible then Cronus interacting with Tyche will arrange to have sewage treatment plants across the world used with one choosing which ones are free from around the world with transporter technology onsite of all sewage treatment plants allowing drums sent to busy ones to be sent to non busy ones across the world and them back via transporter technology with transporter technology onsite of post offices and vertical farms also used.Each sewage treatment plant will have their own fleet of delivery trucks or vehicles to transport drums back and forth between homes,vertical farms and sewage treatment plants.The automated machinery to turn the algea into flour,TVP,fertiliser and animal feed will be present onsite of sewage treatment plants or community centres.Pyxis factories,community centres could act as stop that it would be sent to for processing beforehand before being sent to the consumer with automated machinery to turn into these present here.Biochar for fertiliser will be gained from local organic pyrolysis plants.Ideally sewage treatment plants will These kegs/drums would be sent back to the sewage treatment plant and multiple drums in a rotary system would be owned by homeowners as they would be designed on Pyxis and would utilise a rotary system with ones own drums having microchips denoting its size,owner and their address for the AI to know this details meaning one would reuse their own set of drums indefinitely.This biosynth microchip would interact with laptops and smart devices that send these details and also AI of sewage treatment plants and detail the size to allow it to know how much material to add into them,what material chosen to add and also the address to send them to.One for each order would choose what component they wish to receive such as flour,liquid,oil,TVP,pellets,steaks,mince or slop etc with automated machinery present to create each selected order of each type.Vertical and community farms as well as fish farms will have their own fleet of drums managed by AI with them ordering them in automatically with them using other sewage treatment plants if their local one is not full etc.All work will be automated from start to finish with zero labour managed by Triptolemus,Cronus,Tyche,Hestia,Home AIs,farm AIs,sewage treatment plant AIs etc.Thus vertical,forest,community,fish farms AIs will order this in for fertiliser with even home farmers ordering it in for both animal feed and fertiliser with any excess spread over forest farms and wilderness used as forest farms especially jungles,alongside meadows and grassland farms by automated drones to increase productivity and also prevent it going to waste with people also alerted to excess so as to order it in using extra drums to store it with one ordering it through Demeter linked to the AIs of sewage and water treatment plants with one able to order it from any sewage treatment plant in the world to prevent ones local plant being strained by locales or others not having enough ordered in.Excess will be stored onsite of sewage treatment plants or at home and vertical and communal farms in basements.

To create customised fertilisers algae will be transferred to community centres and Pyxis to be mixed with biochar present there and from organic pyrolysis plants.Septic tanks for private homes off the grid will have algae grown in them that house miniature radiation and heating machines to sterilise them of pathogens,collected by vehicles operated by robots and biosynths that transport it to local sewage treatment plants or advancements in robotics and biosynths can build infrastructure to connect homes to their local sewage treatment plants including new ones set up.If possible sewage treatment plants can be moved underground to allow land to be reforested with them also serving underground communities.All underground and underwater communities will have these.Extensions and in time will cater to the needs of a growing population.Having all sewage treatment plants grow algae onsite will eliminate scarcity of this alternative to G.max and also fertiliser worldwide will allow one to order in drums and algae from sewage treatment plants worldwide should their local ones be busy using transporter technology onsite of each sewage treatment plant,Euthenia community centre/post office and vertical farms to ensure one can get an order anywhere between the next day to a week with the rotary system involving one making bulk orders with Cronus,Tyche,Triptolemus etc interacting with each other and by interacting with the AIs of all farms of all types and sewage treatment plants worldwide constantly.If possible large communal homes and private homes can have microalgea farms and septic tanks in gardens or in basements and underground extensions that converts a weeks or even days worth or set amount of faeces and urine to create large amounts of algae to be stored in kegs owned by the the residents with them having built in systems to raise the temperature above 100 degrees celcius to kill off pathogens alongside possible radiation systems to raise the radiation to at least 1,000Gy that the algae would be immune to.Densely populated areas could have this set up in underground extensions to community centres and also in vertical and community farms with underground and underwater communities have areas set aside for this.Extensions and basements making one self sufficient and alleviating strains on sewage treatment plants with even sewage treatment plants themselves having them as well alongside those used underneath farms of all types.These could also be underneath gardens and meadow farms under an entire field taking in sewage from several homes allowing one to harvest the algae for an entire community in rural areas with urban communities have them as stated underneath community and vertical farms.Those underneath meadow and forest farms would be part of underground communities and serve them as well taking sewage from them with this increasing the area they can occupy without encroaching in on wilderness with even underwater farms using these.This would allow residents to rear algae with the texture and flavour of their desired cereal and also meat with the specific strains downloaded from Demeter using 3D DNA printers thus allowing those from sewage treatment plants to be solely rearing normal algae with this cutting down on the resources to create cereals,meat and meat alternatives drastically and alongside in vitro meat,home reared livestock and fish engineered to produce the same meat as livestock would allow all land for rearing Bovidae,Suidae,G.max etc to be reforested indefinitely.Having the alga micro farms underneath meadow,forest,community and vertical farms eventually using extensions would intake a set amount of sewage from the surrounding homes both private and communal via pipes connected to existing ones also allow for the algea and TVP to be ordered in from these community,forest and vertical farms and alleviate strains on sewage treatment plants.Communal and private homes would also have miniaturised systems or larger ones in underground extensions including temporal ones to intake either a set amount each month or all sewage from all toilets and thus make one self sufficient with regards to algae or meat hybrids etc.Microfarms onsite of home and community farms can use human,pet and livestock waste with them and sewage treatment plants rearing both micro and macro algae with macro also grown in home farms.These could be linked to ones septic tank or even main sewage or in the case of community farms those of the main sewage line connected to all homes in the area and be programmed to intake a set amount of sewage as determined by sensors with the algae engineered to degrade kitty litter and toilet paper into carbohydrates for use as energy for the algae.These would have internal heaters,radiation machinery,driers that heat the mixture,expose it to large doses of radiation and dry it once the algae is fully grown to kill off pathogens.Livestock and pet manure can be sent to the main sewage line used by humans via robots picking up faeces in fields,pens having gratings that collect it with pets potty trained to use human toilets or kitty litter usedHomeowners and residents of communal homes can house micro algae farms that grow it in gardens to alleviate strains with them housing miniature heaters and radiation machines to sterilise them of pathogens with all systems in all sewage treatment plants and home farms etc will undergoe extensive genetic engineering and use the latest machinery etc through intensive research to increase growth rates and yields with 3D DNA printers onsite of all sewage treatment plants and home systems to print species specific algae.Sewage treatment plant AIs will routinely upgrade themselves with the latest machinery and newest strains of algae.This should be in an unlimited abundance since the crops that use it as fertiliser,animals that use it a animal feed and humans that consume its flour etc will recycle it in looped systems when they defecate in toilets with animal waste sent to home or community farm systems sewage lines.Pyrolysised waste crops and uneaten food will have nitrogen,phosphorus etc removed via sieves and sent to farms to prevent waste with it sent to sewage treatment plants for orders.Picotech fabricators will create nitrogen,phosphorous and potassium etc for ornamental plants in gardens ordered in from Pyxis factories with if used on crops will be used will exponentionally increase the amount of algae fertiliser and feed since this new nitrogen will be once eaten in the form of food will enter sewage treatment plants as feces and urine..This should mean that even in times of food scarcity brought on by sudden changes in weather,pest or disease or natural disasters there will be still nutritious food availible for the general public with sewage and water treatment plants like all vertical and community farms having Storedot batteries to enough energy for at least several weeks to a month to allow them to function.Excess will be shipped to forest,vertical,meadow and community farms for storage as fertiliser.Aforementioned measures such as having the algae immune to radiation and able to survive low levels of water and high temperatures alongside Firmicutes DNA will allow pathogens to be killed off by radiation,high temperatures and drying applied to them once all feces and urine has been used up as feed as well as having consumers immunised against all coliforms,faecal and food borne pathogens making the algae safe to eat.If possible biocompatible microbes from crops,humans and livestock could be extracted and made to form tissues of protein and carbohydrates etc.Traditional G.max will be created on home and community farms as well as vertical farms for human feed when grown on hybrid crops with the option of having the oil,flour and TVP created by bacteria allowing it to be consumed by vegans alongside algae without taking up land..Even bacteria can create mince,burgers etc of any meat.This would be of note to meat intensive countries such as China,India and the United States.This can also be applied to space stations and interstellar vehicles and even restaurants,hospitals,airports and cruise ships.The meat algae hybrid could be harvested and stored in drums in ones basement whether private or communal homes and other public buildings and then another type of meat could be grown in these microsystems allowing one to stock up on meat alternatives every month or few weeks thus giving a person,residents in communal home and also even community more variety and as stated providing an abundant source of meat without the need for rearing livestock and also requiring land and other resources to do so with it also alleviating strains on sewage treatment plants as one would mean if adopted by large numbers of the populace in the basements of private and communal homes especially in large cities will mean a large amount of human waste would not go into main line alleviating strains on the main sewage treatment plants.This hybrid algae would have the same engineering as those in sewage treatment plants and these systems would also have normal algae grown there.Macro algae namely Laminariales and other Phaeophyceae used for animal and human feed and fertiliser could be grown in these sewage treatment plants and also home systems and even recirculating aquaculture and aquaponic systems in vertical,community and home farms thus allowing landlocked areas to grow these in a sustainable manner with semi automated machinery turning it into TVP,pellets or separating its various components such as flour,oil etc for specific purposes and them dried in the sun with if possible these macro algae plants hybridised with terrestrial based plants and crops even modified weeds and hybrid crops to produce them in place of leaves to be grown in ones gardens,hydroponic systems and even vertical farms.Waste water,desalinisation and water treatment plants will use algae to harvest these nutrients and measures made to remove pollutants and keep the algae.All existing and new sewage and water treatment plants worldwide will thus have algae grown in sewage and water treatment plants will recycle nitrogen and phosphorous for fertiliser for crops and also fed for both animals such as pets,livestock and also humans as flour,textured vegetable protein and vegetable oil in place of flour and TVP flour from G.max,Tricitum,Hordeum and also E.guineensis,A.maripa,E.oleifera that is sustainable and cuts down on energy costs both in production and transportation and also costs in sewage and water treatment plants with them ordered in via Demeter interacting with Tyche.Thus algae from sewage,wastewater and desalinisation will be used as fertiliser and also human,pet and animal feed but not as biofuels to recycle nitrogen,phosphorous,potassium and copper etc.Excess algae can be stored in vertical farms and sewage treatment plants.It can also be used as fertiliser when mixed with biochar as it directly recycles nitrogen,phosphorus,potassium,copper etc from feces and urine alleviating strains on finite reserves of these nutrients in the crust saving energy in mining for them even when picotech fabricators are ubiquitous.It can also be used as fertiliser when mixed with biochar as it directly recycles nitrogen,phosphorus,potassium,copper etc from feces and urine.In both cases as feed and fertiliser it creates a looped cycle as when directly eaten it creates feces and urine that then is converted back into algae and crops that use it as fertiliser when eaten are then converted into feces and urine to be then converted back into algae with uneaten crops and meat pyrolysised and the phosphorus,nitrogen etc removed and sent to vertical farms etc.Thus algae will act as a high grade fertiliser as it can recycle phosphorus,nitrogen,potassium,copper,sulphur etc and other key nutrients important to crop growth from human,pet,livestock feces and urine from digested meat and crops converted back into these nutrients in a looped cycle with uneaten crops and meat pyrolysised and the nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium separated and sent to farms of all types and biochar created also used as fertiliser.Ornamental plants can use remaining reserves of these in the crust.This looped system will alleviate strains on mining finite reserves of them from the crust eliminating scarcity for crops with them also created by picotech fabricators to add exponentionally more of them to the looped system but also used for ornamental plants and fertilising the Amazon once reserves in the wind from the Sahara run out.Thus this looped system will account primarily for crops with remaining reserves in the crust used for ornamental plants until picotech fabricators can create them for this application forever and extra to the looped cycle in sewage treatment plants.All sewage treatment plants across the world and eventually universe as a result will be fitted with algae to convert feces and urine into algae used as a high grade fertiliser and also highly nutritious feed for livestock,pets and humans that can replace TVP ,flour,oil from G.max,Z.mays,mays,Hordeum,Trictium and E.guineensis,A.maripa,E.oleifera allowing all land used for them to be reforested forever especially in the tropics with the algae engineered to break downplastics,kitty and animal litter,toilet paper,baby wipes,rubber,plant and animal textiles etc into base elemental components for nutrition with measures introduced to remove pollutants such as pharmaceuticals etc via super high intensity blasts of of UV lights,filters including those based on nanomaterials and biosynth technology or having the algae either not absorb them or be able to convert them into benign compounds that are used as nutrition or can be removed via mechanical process etc developed by AI ensuring contaminants of all types added to toilets don’t contaminate the algae when used as a feed or fertiliser.It will also reduce energy costs by replacing certain steps in the treatment of sewage.Algae will recycle phosphorous,nitrogen and potassium from urine and feces from humans,pets and livestock in sewage treatment plants with pet feces and urine on the ground,piqapoo bags and pet litter put into toilets with animal pens have gratings that allow feces to be collected in septic tanks below connected to the sewage line or again piqapoo bags with feces etc from septic tanks sent to sewage treatment plants with the algae engineered to feed on and break down pulp and animal and plant textiles in toilet paper and also break down pet litter and also plastics etc as nutrition that may enter the sewage line.Feces from recirculating aquaculture systems and fish tanks will be captured and used to grow algae.Genetic engineering can increase its nutritional value such as adding vitamins and have all essential amino acids in all levels with it already housing more essential amino acids and carbohydrates than G.max,Graminae,Z.m.mays etc making it an ideal alternative foodstuff for vegans,fish and shellfish reared in recirculating aquaculture systems animals in zoos and conservation areas,pets and all remaining remaining livestock etc than G.max,Graminae,Z.m.mays  with it containing large amounts of essential fatty acids such as omega-3 fatty acids for healthy neural development and also lowering LDL cholesterol with it directly converting human,pet,livestock and animal feces and urine directly into this nutritious feed.Livestock,shellfish and fish that consume it will store all proteins and omega-3 fatty acids in their meat and fat thus increasing their nutritional value and will allow all land used to rear foodstuff and used for grazing to be reforested forever and will reduce methane emissions in remaining livestock.Excess algae can be stored in vertical farms and sewage treatment plants.It can also be used as fertiliser when mixed with biochar as it directly recycles nitrogen,phosphorus,potassium,copper etc from feces and urine alleviating strains on finite reserves of these nutrients in the crust saving energy in mining for them even when picotech fabricators are ubiquitous.It can also be used as fertiliser when mixed with biochar as it directly recycles nitrogen,phosphorus,potassium,copper etc from feces and urine.In both cases as feed and fertiliser it creates a looped cycle as when directly eaten it creates feces and urine that then is converted back into algae and crops that use it as fertiliser when eaten are then converted into feces and urine to be then converted back into algae with uneaten crops and meat pyrolysised and the phosphorus,nitrogen etc removed and sent to vertical farms etc.As stated all sewage treatment plants across the world and eventually the universe will utilise this to not only eliminate famine but also cut down on energy use by eliminating conventional steps used in it and also eliminate the use of harsh chemicals that can be environmentally destructive with the algae having radiosynthetic and radio resistant and other extremophile bacteria DNA allowing it to be exposed to high levels of radiation and other extreme conditions to sterilise it of all pathogenic bacteria and increase yields and growth rates.Septic tanks on the grounds of homes etc will be connected to the main sewage line or utilise this as well with them possibly having miniature radiation machines with septic tanks onsite of community farms also present using algae to convert the fertiliser into feed and fertiliser.Space stations,interstellar vehicles and cruise ships will house areas to grow algae using feces and urine from passengers to convert it into feed and fertiliser in internal sewage systems with scramjets housjng areas to store large amounts of feces to be deposited into the sewage line at airports.Farms that rear remaining livestock such as Bovidae,Phasinidae etc will have all pens house gratings that allow forces and urine to be collected and these will be connected to the main sewage line and also even miniature photobioreactors onsite of farms that can convert feces and urine directly into algae that can be used onsite for feedstock.AI will manage ways for collecting sewage from both cruise ships and scramjets to prevent it going to waste.Community,home,vertical and fish farms will collect all feces and urine from fish,shellfish and livestock onsite using passive and automated systems and the algae inside photobiorectors of varying sizes.3D DNA printers will be onsite of all sewage treatment plants and also community farms to allow them to print out each species and new species and strains.All systems for collecting feces and urine for growing algae whether it is in sewage and water treatment plants,photobioreactors,septic tanks etc in home,community,vertical and fish farms will also collect any methane and biogas produced by the algae,feces and urine and burn it onsite in micro-gas turbines to generate electricity that can be fed into the grid or directly into the building itself alleviating strains on the grid with the carbon dioxide captured and stored to be fed to algae creating a looped system thus preventing the release of both carbon dioxide and methane two powerful greenhouse gases.3D DNA printers will be onsite of all sewage treatment plants and also farms that grow it such as home and community ones to print out desired species of algae.Traditional sources of oil,TVP and flour from G.max,Tricitum,Hordeum and also E.guineensis,A.maripa,E.oleifera will come from genetically altered bacteria.It will be used as both a fertiliser and feed both before and after picotech fabricators are perfected eliminating scarcity of these important elements forever with the extra nitrogen,phosphorous and potassium created by these will be recycled through algae creating an exponentionally increasing looped cycle.This algae will be grown on cruise ships,space stations and interstellar vehicles for these uses grown on feces etc for feed and fertilisers the same reasons to provide human feed and fertiliser with them having miniature heaters and radiation man homes to kill off pathogens while the algae has DNA to be resistant to high temperatures and levels of radiation that are fatal to pathogens.Algae will be shipped to all local community and vertical farms and logged in its inventory where one can order the algae from vertical farms through Demeter.The algae will be stored in community and vertical farms to store it for fertiliser and livestock feed used there and one will order in algae from the vertical and community farms through Demeter.The AIs charge of the vertical and community farms will automatically order in the algae for storage to prevent it building up in sewage treatment plants with excess stored in sewage treatment plants.When one orders in algae for fertiliser and feedstock Cronus will order it from sewage treatment plants and vertical and community farms.Photobioreactors will be present in the basement and also rooftops that grow bacteria that create plant and animal commodities alongside in vitro meat and also algae using sewage collected from the building.To grow algae on-site of farms can have their building programmed to have a certain amount of their sewage in the form of feces and urine fed into photobioreactors at farms that will grow algae in them and using interior radiation machines irradiate the desecration etc sterilising it with the algae engineered to be resistant to radiation thus allowing it to be sterilised.The farms can also import a set amount of feces and urine in the form of sewage from other public buildings and homes etc that is by interacting with the AIs of sewage treatment plants the farms can import sewage from sewage treatment plants at set times when toilets are not used that will be deposited into photobioreactors.The AI will stop intaking sewage once they are full and will intake more once the photobioreactors are emptied.Since most farms will be empty of people most of the time their toilets will be idle thus meaning that sewage can be imported into the photobioreactors vis the sewage line with this done by adding a new series of pipes connected to the sewage treatment plants by robots etc or the existing pipes dug up,have a section removed and it connected to the photobioreactors.The algae will undergoe the same level of engineering as those grown in sewage treatment plants and will be engineered to break down toilet paper.This can also be adopted by public buildings that rear their own food like universities,amenities and restaurants et anfwill make these buildings and farms self sufficient in algae for fertiliser,feedstock for livestock with it alleviating strains on sewage treatment plants if adopted by all home,community and vertical farms and public buildings like restaurants,universities etc