Anti-Viral Strains

Coronavirus :
Proto versions of anti-viral strains to introduce suicide genes,those to remove pathogenicity,ability to infect cells and even use modified virophages and immunisations to treat Rhinovirus,Orthomyxoviridae,Ebolavirus etc and even Coronaviridae and any new fatal viruses that cannot by managed with medication unlike HIV by 2023/2024.Thus proto versions using CRISPR introduce suicide genes,those to remove the pathogenicity,ability to infect cells and thus replication and modified virophages can be used against Rhinovirus,Orthomyxoviridae,Ebolavirus etc and even Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 can be possible by 2023/2024 with proto AI and 3D DNA printers used if enough effort is made.Proto treatments to battle fatal strains of SARS-CoV-2 could use CRISPR treatments to make them into benign strains of it and Rhinovirus,Orthomyxoviridae etc by adding and removing DNA to allow the native immune system defeat it or in the case of elderly individuals possible having cyanovirian-N applied to it with the viruses ability to infect cells and thus undergoe replication also removed.Huge strands of DNA can be removed to cause it cease to function or change it into as stated by adding DNA from benign strains of it and Rhinovirus,Orthomyxoviridae and removing DNA that makes it deadly turning it into these benign strains to allow the native immune system fight it off.Mavirus,Sputnik virophage,Zamilon virophage can have their DNA modified via AI to fight SARS-CoV-2 without a helper virus and thus killing it or inactivating it with these steps and modified bacteriophages used for any other viral and bacterial pathogens that may arise prior to the development of microbes.These would be printed out via 3D DNA printers or cultured in the same as way bacteriophages in photobioreactors containing modified versions created by AI that is benign and then injected into hosts in trillions that will replicate exponentially each time they kill a virion to then infect more SARS-CoV-2 virions in the body and flushed out of the body once engineered to do so.Otherwise they can be modified to undergo via mitosis using sugars and nutrients not present in the human body.Bacteriophages can even be hybridised with these virophages to not need a helper virus and modified to be more effective in inserting the aforementioned CRISPR treatments into SARS-CoV-2.Ideally these hybrids of virophages/bacteriophages would include DNA from different virophages such as Mavirus,Sputnik virophage,Zamilon virophage and would be genetically modified by AI and manufactured via 3D DNA printers engineered to infect only the various strains of SARS-CoV-2 and then lysise the virus using the SARS-CoV-2 as a replication vector without a helper virus killing it in the process and doing so for all virions exponentially.Bacteriophages will be hybridised with it to allow the virophages and their DNA to infect and kill the viruses in the same manner as bacteriophages do easily with them designed to have the same structure as bactiophages(capsid head,collar,sheath,spikes,tail fibres etc) but have receptors and DNA to infect SARS-CoV-2 as a replication vector without a helper virus using tweaked viriphage DNA with the virophages and bacteriophage DNA and that of its normal prey viruses and bacteria analysed to allow them to be tweaked to fight the SARS-CoV-2 with scratch DNA extrapolated that allow it to infect and kill the SARS-CoV-2.The AI will compare the DNA of bacteriophages,virophages and the the DNA of the prey and make hybrids and alterations using scratch DNA to infect SARS-CoV-2 as a replication vector without a helper virus.This means it would be engineered that each time the hybrids of virophages/bacteriophages undergo replication in each virion the virions of SARS-CoV-2 will be killed and in turn producing millions more hybrids of virophages/bacteriophages that then go onto infect and kill more virions exponentially until the patient is cured and once all virions are killed they be flushed out of the body since mutation blocking genes would prevent them to utilise human cells as replication vectors with them having human or even patient specific protein coats using human DNA on them to avoid eliciting an immune response.If not they can at least inhibit the SARS-CoV-2 replication with scratch DNA created by AI and hybridising with bacteriophages should allow for the virophage/bacteriophage hybrid be able to use SARS-CoV-2 as a replication vector similar to bacteriophages and as stated have their exact shape but with DNA from virophages and scratch DNA extrapolated by AI to make receptors and DNA to allow it to infect SARS-CoV-2 without a helper virus and utilise it as a replication vector.Using a virophage/bacteriophage hybrid is ideal as bacteriophages dont need helper viruses for replication vectors unlike virophages and can create endolysine material to be created to kill it without a helper virus and can through endolysines destroy the pathogen thus allowing it to infect more pathogens but cant infect viruses unlike virophages rather only bacteria.Virophages can kill viruses but need a helper virus with the virophage and scratch DNA creating receptors suited to SARS-CoV-2 to inject DNA into the virus and the extrapolated scratch DNA allowing it to utilise specific or all strains of SARS-CoV-2 as a replication vector and use endolysine like material specific to it to kill it without a helper virus.Bacteriophages are able to kill bacteria by using them as a replication vector by producing endolysines which cause them to explode by themselves with any helper viruses etc but they cannot infect or kill viruses.Therefore the perfect cure for SARS-CoV-2 and its various strains is creating a hybrid between a virophage such as Mavirus,Sputnik virophage,Mimivirus Zamilon virophage,Cafeteria roenbergensis, that contains combinations of genes from these and scratch DNA that allows it it interact with and infect SARS-CoV-2 through receptors present created from scratch DNA with bacteriophage DNA that allows it to utilise SARS-CoV-2 as a replication vector and produce endolysines or endolysine like material that cause the viruses to explode thus killing it and then releases exponentially more bacteriophage/virophage hybrids that then infect and kill other SARS-CoV-2 visions in an exponential manner until the patient is fully cured.The hybrid may be similar in shape to a bacteriophage with a capsid head,collar,sheath,spikes,tail fibres etc that has receptors to infect the viruses and inject genetic material to induce the formation of new hybrids and endolysines or it can be modelled on a virophage that has its structure and use bacteriophage DNA to kill visions with endolysine like material and not need a helper virus.The virophages and bacteriophages DNA and that of its normal prey viruses and bacteria can be analysed by AI to allow them to be tweaked to fight the SARS-CoV-2 with scratch DNA extrapolated that allow it to infect and kill the SARS-CoV-2 without a helper virus.Any mutations of SARS-CoV-2 can be dealt with new strains of these hybrids created instantly by analysing the DNA of mutations of the virus and creating an all in one hybrid to attack all possible strains.Thus a hybrid of virophages/bacteriophages that is designed to specifically use SARS-CoV-2 as a replication vector and use endolysine like material specific to it to kill it without a helper virus created by AI will work as the perfect cure for SARS-CoV-2 by having each ones drawbacks countered by hybridising both and adding scratch DNA extrapolated to attack and kill SARS-CoV-2 without a helper virus.The virophage/bacteriophage hybrid would of be engineered to house receptors etc to utilise SARS-CoV-2 as a replication vector by infecting it in the same way as bacteriophages and virophages that uses endolysine like material to kill the SARS-CoV-2 virions that by utilising it by infecting it in the same way as bacteriophages that uses endolysine like material to kill the SARS-CoV-2 virions and during the process of utilising it as a replication vector create exponentially more virophage/bacteriophage hybrids that in turn them seek out and kill other SARS-CoV-2 virions killing each of them and creating more virophage/bacteriophage hybrids in an exponentional manner that in turn infect and kill other virions of SARS-CoV-2 in an exponential manner until the patient is fully cured and all virions are destroyed with it engineered to need not a helper virus.It will create endolysine like material that is designed to destroy the virions of the virus to kill the virus and allow replications of the virophage/bacteriophage hybrid be released with it as stated not needing a helper virus or other agent similar to C.roenbergensis.Existing medication and ventilators etc will be used to suppress the viruses replication and aid the patient in breathing while being cured.If need be the hybrids of virophages/bacteriophages can be engineered to make SARS-CoV-2 be susceptible to penicillin or over the counter medication and those to treat the flu to kill it if it becomes a problem by affecting the host with mutation blocking genes added and them covered with human proteins to negate it illicitating immune responses that may be fatal or render it ineffective.As stated to create the cure the DNA of bacteriophages,virophages,their prey and also that of the different strains SARS-CoV-2 in DNA databases will be compared by AI to allow it create a hybrid with scratch DNA extrapolated that allow it to infect and kill SARS-CoV-2.AI will carry out the manufacture of all virophage/bacteriophage hybrids etc as they can scan databases instantly and extrapolate new scratch DNA.Otherwise genetically altering Sputnik virophage to infect,inhibit and/or kill SARS-CoV-2 in the cells used by SARS-CoV-2 to replicate similar to how it does this on Mimivirus without killing the human cells can be used and if possible without the need for helper viruses for replication.AI can even create a new virophage that can inhibit and/or kill SARS-CoV-2 without killing the human cells without the need for helper viruses for replication that works on the same principle suited to SARS-CoV-2 without the need for helper viruses for replication.Mavirus can be genetically altered to infect SARS-CoV-2 in the same way it does C.roenbergensis virus which utilizes C.roenbergensis machinery to replicate.Mavirus integrates into the genome of cells of C.roenbergensis that is infected by C.roenbergensis virus and thereby confers immunity to the populations of C.roenbergensis against C.roenbergensis virus that can inhibit and/or kill SARS-CoV-2 without killing the human cells without the need for helper viruses for replication.AI can even create a new virophage that works on the same principle suited to SARS-CoV-2 without the need for helper viruses for replication that can inhibit and/or kill SARS-CoV-2 without killing the human cells without the need for helper viruses for replication.The virophage hybrid can also be modified to infect the cells in the human body that SARS-CoV-2 uses as a replication vector and confers immunity to the host against SARS-CoV-2 without actually killing the human cells similar to how Mavirus integrates into the genome of cells of C.roenbergensis that is infected by C.roenbergensis virus and thereby confers immunity to the populations of C.roenbergensis against C.roenbergensis virus.This can be investigated as a cure and if possible without the need for helper viruses for replication and possible a vaccine via AI making alterations to it that doesnt damage the host.Other strains can inhibit the virus similar to virophages and apply CRISPR treatments including suicide genes,those that make it as benign as the common cold and flu or even make it susceptible prescription and over the counter medicine using taq polymerase and Cas-9 to recreate CRISPR treatments over and over again.These genetically altered virophages,bacteriophage hybrids with human protein vectors can also be modified to inject into SARS-CoV-2 CRISPR treatments that include suicide genes,those that make SARS-CoV-2 into benign strains of Rhinovirus,Orthomyxoviridae by changing its DNA and thus allow it to be easily fought off by the immune system and those that remove its ability to infect human cells and thus replicate with AI determining the genes to be added or responsible for this.Thus the fatal SARS-CoV-2 could be made as benign as the seasonal common cold and flu or even more benign with an almost zero lethality factor making it completely benign unable to kill even the elderly and also immuncomprimised by removing native DNA and adding DNA from benign strains of Rhinovirus,Orthomyxoviridae as well as scratch filler DNA that has no real purpose and also remove DNA that allows it to infect cells in the lungs into it in infected patients especially high risk patients or even make it even more benign that the patients own immune system can naturally fight it off as normally as infections of benign viruses and bacteria the patient encounters everyday through cuts,grazes using recombinant DNA from these benign species even in high risk groups.If possible suicide genes can be added and those that express proteins that allow it to infect cells will be removed and even large strands that allow it function.The virus via CRISPR treatments can be made to express the same phospholipids and protein coats as benign virus and even bacteria that humans can naturally fight that dont mutate with mutation blocking genes added.A DNA database of benign bacteria and virus can be crossrefferenced by AI for recombinant DNA with the virus made to express the phospholipids and protein coats as benign virus and even bacteria unable to replicate that are killed by even penicillin and other anti-biotics and anti-viral medication that is used to treat benign pathogens that have no side effects by adding DNA from benign and treateable pathogens,bacteria and viruses that are affected by these.Scratch DNA can also be introduced into them to make the virus susceptible to and thus weakened and killed by compounds present in herbs as part of traditional local medicine ie herbs that are used in traditional medicine,tetrahydrocannabinol in each country and even conventional over the counter medicines to treat the symptoms of the cold and flu such as Lemsip and their variations worldwide.These compounds would be applied into the patient in gaseous form inhaled from inhalers and also smoking in cigarettes or fumes with them in boiled water to ensure they enter the lungs.Four options can be researched by AI at once to kill SARS-CoV-2 – genetically altering Sputnik virophage to infect/inhibit and/or kill SARS-CoV-2 in the cells used by to replicate similar to how it does this on Mimivirus without killing the human cells,genetically altering Mavirus to infect the virus inhibiting and also creating a virophage/bacteriophage hybrid designed by AI that doesnt need helper viruses for replication vectors and it using the SARS-CoV-2 as a replication vector killing the virus exponentially until the patient is cured and strains that apply CRISPR treatments to make it benign.All options can have them covered with human proteins to negate it illicitating immune responses that may be fatal or render it ineffective.Since AI can work 24/7 and scan genes in databases and extrapolate new ones and a hybrid within days if not minutes with it and 3D DNA printers should expedite its manufacture.Once they are printed out as virions via 3D DNA printers with just a head containing DNA and receptors like virophages but have engineering to ensure that after replication will form endolysines and also normal shaped bacteriophages to be stored in large test tubes once extracted with them having DNA from T.gammatolerans to allow radiation to be used to sterilise them of the benign cousin of SARS-CoV-2 or live virion of the SARS-CoV-2 virions printed out and/or engineered to undergo mitosis using sugar used as a growth medium with since hybrids of bacteriophages can be engineered to also use benign bacteria designed by AI,created by 3D DNA printers that grow in photobioreactors onsite of hospitals using sugar that can be fought off by humans and cant mutate and killed by penicillin as well as a growth medium.The radiation can allow the bacteria used as a growth medium and be killed with treatments of 500Gy used with the bacteriophage/virophage hybrid in storage continuing to kill of remaining benign bacteria or benign cousins as replication vectors in storage until all are dead with them having DNA from psychrophiles,mesophiles and thermophiles etc to grow in all temperature ranges and allow high temperatures to be applied to it to kill the bacteria.Other extremophile DNA can be present for the same reason.Dead bacteria can then be filtered out with all work automated.The bacteriophage/virophage hybrid may also be modified to undergo mitosis using sugars,proteins and nutrients not found in the human body or human diet fed to them in photobioreactors thus meaning that once the infection is cleared they cannot undergoe mitosis.Anti-viral medication can be used to suppress the virus ability to replicate while being killed off.Virophages and hybrids with bacteriophages that are engineered to deliver CRISPR treatments will be engineered to utilise taq polymerase and Cas-9 using DNA from Planarians,T.aquaticus,S.pyogenes,F.novicida in order to reapply treatments that change the virus into the common cold or introduce suicide genes over and over again with them having human or even patient specific protein coats on them to avoid eliciting an immune response.The DNA of virophages and bacteriophges should already be in genetic databases online allowing AI to scan them and create alterations.Proto microbes may apply suicide genes and those that inhibit its ability to replicate via removing the receptors it uses to attach and infect the lungs and make it susceptible to penicillian etc.All of this can be done by AI to expedite work and make it availible within months or weeks.Since no natural compounds have been found to kill SARS-CoV-2 these are the only options for treatment and curing SARS-CoV-2 for 2023/2024 if it doesnt subside before this or becomes a seasonal pandemic each year,any future smaller outbreaks occur and new strains arise with AI playing a key role in extrapolating genes,hybrids,modified virophages/bacteriophages etc. and 3D DNA printers expediting their manufacture on all hospitals worldwide.CRISPR,AI and 3D DNA printers could create different types of vaccines like live attenuated ones or create from scratch benign cousin strains that works on the same principle as the Cowpox virus that when it injected into a person in large amounts it would once fought off would confers resistance to the more fatal V.major,V.minor.The DNA of Cowpox virus,V.major,V.minor will be analysed by AI to allow it to create a benign cousin of SARS-CoV-2 with need be a hybrid of both SARS-CoV-2 and Cowpox virus can be made that can be fought off by the immune system and be benign like Cowpox virus and still confer resistance to SARS-CoV-2 that is unable to mutate with it even being possible to hybridise SARS-CoV-2 with benign bacteria that can be grown in large amounts in photobioreactors.If possible the original Coronavirus strain from Pholidota and Chiroptera can be analysed and modified by AI to work on humans on the same principle as Cowpox virus with it unable to damage the lungs and even hybridised with benign versions of Rhinovirus and Orthomyxoviridae as well as Cowpox virus.These would be created via by AI and 3D DNA printers and can be made to replicate in animal tissues etc printed out that can use sugar as a growth medium and the cousin virus use it to replicate and have the same DNA from extremophile and collected in the same way as bacteriophages.The cousin virus hybrid may also be modified to undergo mitosis using sugars,proteins and nutrients not found in the human body fed to them in photobioreactors thus meaning that once the infection of the cousin virus hybrid is cleared they cannot undergoe mitosis.As stated by making alterations to Mavirus can be researched as a vaccine as it integrates into the genome of cells of C.roenbergensis that is infected by C.roenbergensis virus and thereby confers immunity to the population of C.roenbergensis virus the organism C.roenbergensis virus infects thus making a vaccine by having it confer immunity to humans using a benign version of SARS-CoV-2.It could if perfected confer immunity to all possible strains and mutations preventing the virus rebounding and becoming a seasonal virus that gets deadlier each season with if not at least AI and 3D DNA printers onsite of hospitals creating new vaccines every season within weeks or less with little to no human labour until microbes and immunising strains that us common proteins can be perfected.Thus AI could create benign versions or cousins of the SARS-CoV-2 that would have its ability to mutate,be pathogenic edited out and thus when injected in large amounts would be be fought off by the immune system that would then confer resistance for life or even a few months or years to the more fatal SARS-CoV-2 for patients replacing a vaccine.Again its ability to scan databases and create hybrids and create scratch DNA in days and minutes will expedite the process.AI and 3D DNA printers will expedite the development via extrapolating CRISPR treatments,genome of cousin virophages virions and vaccines and the 3D DNA printers onsite of hospitals and universities worldwide for creating those to test on animals and humans etc and also allowing for instant creation onsite universities and hospitals around the world to distribute vaccinations and cures to the whole global populace instantly.3D DNA printers will be onsite of universities and hospitals around the world to allow for localised manufacture of the vaccine and cure uploaded to a single global cloud network for animal and human trials and also for manufacturing it on a scale to be released to the public including infected patients on demand in bulk batches allowing universities and hospitals to crossrefference it and via creating them via 3D DNA printers be able stockpile on it cutting down,labour,time,transport and manufacturing costs and distribute it to all patients allow it to be created on an unlimited scale in all cities,towns and villages universities and hospitals around the world for free with at first it created in labs that have these first and created on based on the population of the area and sent at first high risk patients both infected and uninfected in the country with the number produced for each known infected individuals while all hospitals and universities order in their own 3D DNA printers to stockpile on their own supply.This can mean once extrapolated it can be manufactured in on an unlimited scale in all cities,towns and villages universities and hospitals around the world as part of tests and wide use instantly at the same time once stored on proto Physis cutting down on time to manufacture it in factories and transport it around the world from years,months to days or even hours and meaning it can be quickly remade should smaller outbreaks reoccur and new patients test positive after it subsides and stockpiles deplete in areas with large populations and should patients be able to be reinfected.It can allow first trials to take place around the world at once.For infected patients the cure can be created on demand within hours of not minutes and in large batches to be stockpiled on.Thus by having the cure and vaccine stored in proto Physis or even a single global cloud network it can allow it to be manufactured using 3D DNA printers over and over again on demand onsite of hospitals,universities etc in towns,villages and cities around the world in large batches and not in factories by corporations or the state that would be slower and be needed to be transported around the world meaning it can be distributed globally in all hospitals and universities worldwide over and over again within days or even hours without patents since proto AI would be involved in its manufacturing and can be be stockpiled in large batches and restockpiled should any future outbreaks occur in towns,cities,villages and even made in enough for individual patients in small outbreaks and infections with it allowing any hospitall around the world to create it on demand for large and smaller outbreaks when needed decentralising production from corporations and the state and cutting down on time,labour and costs in manufacture an distribution from factories.Proto AI and also human researchers in hospitals could hold patents making it free to everyone.Having psycrophile,mesophile and thermophile DNA can also allow the cures and vaccines to stay stable in all temperature ranges inside and outside of refridgeration and with the acellerated healing and telomere repair phenotype can be frozen and thawed over and over again forever.This can allow them alongside scratch DNA have them stay stable and fresh when not refridgerated indefinitely negating damage or loss of viability of the vaccine or cure if not refridgerated and any transportation needed by them.It can also negate the need for conventional preservatives such as thiomerasal etc in these and other vaccines.Other extremophile DNA and those as part of anti-ageing treatments can be present for the same reason.The psycrophile,mesophile and thermophile DNA etc can be applied to current vaccines being developed to increase shelf life and viability in transportation and storage.If possible current conventional vaccines created by Johnson & Johnson,Moderna,Pfizer and Astrazenca for existing strains can be manufactured with this DNA onsite of hospitals and universities around the world using 3D DNA printers to cut down on transportation and development costs meaning once extrapolated current vaccines made by Johnson & Johnson,Moderna,Pfizer,AstraZenca etc for SARS-CoV-2 can be stored in a single global cloud network and thus manufactured worldwide onsite of hospitals worldwide using 3D DNA printers cutting down transportation time from months to hours and allow it to be stockpiled onsite of hospitals around the world negating issues regarding the viability loss due to transportation and also limited supplies thus meaning rather than having it created in factories of pharmaceutical giants with AI including proto AI seizing patents making it free it can be mass produced onsite of hospitals around the world meaning they can stockpile on enough to cater to their local population over and over again allowing the entire population of all towns,villages and cities and even entire counties and states worldwide to be vaccinated with it allowing more to be created on demand not only for smaller outbreaks but also for any future strains that arise developed by AI within months,weeks,days or even hours uploaded to a single global network.To further make it free universities and even charity groups etc could seize patents.Thus the genomic structure of current vaccines such Moderna,Pfizer etc can be uploaded to a global cloud network and then manufactured over and over again onsite of hospitals worldwide especially in the developing world via 3D DNA printers.This can prevent shortages caused by richer nations seizing control of limited stockpiles,the use of a limited number of factories of corporations present in a few countries which can be slow to manufacture and ship them across the world,sanctions and blockades carried out by one government preventing citizens in another country or their own country access to them etc.Thus having all conventional vaccines,Cowpox variant versions and virophage/bacteriophage hybrid cures developed by humans and AI genetic sequences and structure to current and newly arising strains of SARS-CoV-2 being added to a global cloud network could allow it be manufactured onsite of hospitals worldwide including in developing countries and poor communities in developed countries within hours of extrapolation and uploading it to them negating notions of unequal distribution of it based on the limited batch method used by factories and richer countries hoarding supplies negating issues of supply and demand as currently seen in the developing world and certain countries of the developed world.It would also allow each hospital around the world to stock up on large batches of existing vaccines by Pfizer,Moderna etc and the new ones developed by proto Phanes themselves over and over again cutting down on time to have it created in a small finite number of factories and to be then shipped around the world and allow for quick herd immunity to the whole population thus preventing the rise of new mutations very quickly.It will allow all new extrapolated vaccines and cures to deployed instantly worldwide thus allowing all new strains including omicron to be dealt with instantly with it allowing hospitals to vaccinate every patient in their town,city and state etc by allowing to manufactured tires on demand in large batches to restockpile on it with the cures manufactured in large batches and stockpile on them as well as create them on demand for each new infected patient that arrives into the hospital thus increasing survival rates and preventing the virus spreading and also preventing it mutating into new strains.To confer immunity S.pyogenes immune response can be added to the cells in humans that SARS-CoV-2 infects in order to prevent it replicating and allow the human cells to fight back with AI determining the sequence needed with bacteriophages used and done in both infected uninfected patients as a proto vaccine/immunisation.The DNA of asymptomatic carriers can be analysed to determine the genes that give them this immunity and thus added to all patients including high risk ones.AI can also extrapolate DNA to be added to the cells it infects that would confer resistance to it similar to how the CCR5Delta 32 mutation prevents HIV infecting CD4+ T lymphocytes using bacteriophages thus keeping the levels of the virus stable and the virus also altered to be benign to prevent it spreading again as a proto vaccine/immunisation.Bacteriophages and poto micobes consisting of human leukocytes can be used to do this.Proto microbes to deliver CRISPR treatments could be bacteria covered in human or patient protein coats or in the case of Coronaviridae can be hybrids of the same cell types in the human body that it uses for replication to again avoid eliciting an immune response and act as mouse trap.Human leukocytes can also be a vector to deliver CRISPR treatments.This cure,vaccine and treatment for Coronaviridae could be available as early as mid to late 2023 if enough work and research is made with AI controlled networks connecting all universities and hospitals worldwide and assigning tasks allowing them to share progress with AI namely proto Phanes designing them and 3D DNA printers manufacturing them speeding up the process.Both AI and 3D DNA printers will be used to speed up the process as AI can scan DNA databases to make hybrids and new cousin strains and scratch DNA in minutes and do at a speed and accuracy that humans cant with 3D DNA printers will be used to speed up manufacture around the world.All of the worlds most powerful supercomputers including Watson,Sunway TaihuLight,Summit,Tianhe-2,ChatGPT etc can be linked to each other and work together alongside the most advanced AI such as Alpha Go.These computer networks that connect all laboratories in universities and hospitals and corporate labs worldwide will contain areas to control automated laboratories,share data,view results from experiments and dump results and forums etc to share ideas allowing researchers to work together from home,universities,hospitals and corporate labs around the world.These will be open to the public to view this information and named Epione managed by the AI of the same name.The use of computer networks will cater to global cooperation that will exponentially increase the rate of development of all strains and anti-ageing treatments.This early availability is because they can skip conventional trials processes as previous bacteriophage cures have skipped trialling processes already in the past meaning by as early as mid to late 2023/2024 the use of modified virophages/bacteriophage hybrids can be tested on infected patents and cousin virus vaccine can be tested on uninfected patients at this point with AI and 3D DNA printers expediting their manufacture.Furthermore it would not need tests to determine dosage such as LD50 limits and would work on advanced stages of the infection have a 100% success rate with since designed by AI could override patenting laws with AI doing all the work and 3D DNA printers used expediting progress and should be able to counter any mutations.Having it express human or patient specific proteins could prevent side effects such as immune responses that could be fatal and render it ineffective with as stated it can be engineered to be killed off by medicine that treat,the flu etc.Vaccines as described may need animal trials but they if enough work is done be availible by the end of the year.Those whose lungs damaged by it can have chimera lungs from animals created or bioprinted ones with in the case of chimera ones can have CRISPR treatments to remove animal DNA.Proto AI and the WHO will take control of all containment measures and subsidising and providing tests,medicine and check ups in all countries worldwide replacing haphazard attempts of different methods and providing tests and medical supplies to where noone is getting them and managing the control of its spread effectively worldwide and carry out simulations and projections of different methods and its spread.Tests and medicine specifically for it especially in America and research into the vaccines and cures will be funded and subsidised by it.It will organise the distribution of food and other essentials including medical supplies worldwide and also the management of hospitals worldwide.All confirmed cases will be tracked by it.It will also organise loans and government programmes globally to help those affected pay for food,rent etc.Areas such as Iran,Cuba,Afghanisthan and Gaza should have economic sanctions and blockades lifted to ensure medical supplies can be allowed.This will be replicated for future outbreaks.Once it becomes available immunisations for all strains of SARS-CoV-2 using the common proteins should be applied in China and other parts of Asia and even the Middle East to contain any future outbreaks that may occur with other strains that may jump from animals to humans.Vaccines and virophages/bacteriophage hybrids to all possible fatal strains of Coronaviridae including SARS-CoV-2 that work on the same principle as the Cowpox virus and existing vaccines for current strain as detailed earlier on will be developed by AI starting as of 2023/2024 to ensure it can be deployed instantly onsite of all hospitals worldwide using 3D DNA printers should another outbreak or pandemic occur with other strains with AI analysing all possible mutations in all strains of Coronaviridae including SARS-CoV-2 that affect other animals needed to jump to humans and then extrapolate the vaccines and virophages to treat it.All hospitals worldwide will stockpile on them as soon as possible before future pandemics occur.Both benign and fatal strains will be extrapolated to then have these vaccines and bacteriophage/virophage hybrids created with hundreds or thousands of different strains,bacteriophage/virophage hybrids and vaccines etc extrapolated.This is because SARS-CoV-2 is the third fatal strain of Coronaviridae to jump to humans after SARSr-CoV and MERS-CoV.Thus all possible fatal strains of Coronaviridae including SARS-CoV-2 will be extrapolated by AI to then extrapolate the vaccines and bacteriophage/virophage hybrids to treat it by 2023 that can be deployed instantly in hospitals around the world via 3D DNA printers should a similar fatal strain arise.It should also be done to create variant vaccines and bacteriophage/virophage hybrids to all possible mutations of SARS-CoV-2 to be able to counter any mutations to the current strain of SARS-CoV-2 that may occur if it becomes a seasonal pandemic that mutates every year past the current five strains alpha,beta,delta,gamma,omicron into more strains and becomes a seasonal pandemic that lasts every year.Thus AI will not only create a vaccine and bacteriophage/virophage hybrid cure to all current strains of SARS-CoV-2 around the world by analysing their genome but it will at the same time by analysing their genome extrapolate vaccines and bacteriophage/virophage hybrids to all possible strains of SARS-CoV-2 within weeks if not days that could occur with once the current strains have vaccines and bacteriophage/virophage hybrids extrapolated it could extrapolate these for dozens,hundreds of not thousands of all possible strains especially the likeliest ones to arise from mutations of all existing strains with by it analysing the genome of all current strains whose genome will be added to a global cloud network it will be able to determine the likeliest strains to arise from them through mutations with it thus creating dozens if not hundreds of bacteriophage/virophage hybrids for all strains that would evolve from these existing ones in the same likeliest evolutionary path meaning that once they arise the vaccines and cures could be created and deployed in hospitals around the world using 3D DNA printers over and over again and thus allow hospitals stockpile on them to be deployed instantly around the world wiping out the new strains of the virus instantly if these new strains from mutations arise anywhere in the world.This will be done should SARS-CoV-2 mutated every year and becomes a endemic pandemic that lasts for several years,decades or forever. By analysing the genome of all existing strains of SARS-CoV-2 including the original strain,beta,delta,gamma and omicron variants and their evolutionary path from one to the next then AI can extrapolate all possible mutations and thus all possible future strains from one to the next following the same evolutionary path of these existing strains with it then extrapolating both vaccines and cures of hundreds if not thousands of these strains of SARS-CoV-2 that can be deployed instantly in hospitals around the world when they arise.By analysing existing strains of the virus genome proto Phanes can determine the mutations made to get to the different strains ie the necessary mutations to get from the first strain to the delta and omicron variant with it then using this change in genes from the first strain to the delta and omicron variant to determine hundreds,thousands,millions or billions of the likeliest mutations to lead to the next likeliest possible hundred,thousand,million or billions of strains with it then extrapolatIng vaccines and virophage/bacteriophage hybrids for each newly extrapolated billions of strains at the same time with each one uploaded to a single global cloud network that can be manufactured and deployed instantly through 3D DNA printers onsite of hospitals and universities worldwide allowing for instant delivery worldwide allowing millions or billions of people to vaccinated and treated at once to each newly identified strain when combined with social distancing preventing these new strains gaining a stronghold and preventing them mutating any further into any new strains thus wiping out all possible strains of Coronavirus worldwide from all human vectors instantly with all animal vectors in captivity etc treated with these as well.Ideally it will extrapolate bacteriophage/virophage cures and vaccines of all possible strains or at least hundreds or thousands in all possible evolutionary paths from the original,delta and omicron strains to all possible evolutionary paths in all directions that will be stored on a single global cloud network that can be manufactured onsite of hospitals around the world the second each strain develops and arises.As a result AI will extrapolate at once bacteriophage/virophage hybrid cures and vaccines for millions or billions of all of the likeliest possible future strains of the virus in one go and store their DNA structure in a single cloud network allowing them to be created onsite of hospitals,factories etc worldwide in batches or on demand once they are detected anywhere in the world using 3D DNA printers.The use of 3D DNA printers that are onsite of hospitals etc worldwide will allow them to be manufactured for each individual patient that comes into hospitals or manufactured in hospitals in large batches stored in vials etc and sent to pharmacies and universities to allow patients to be vaccine or cured there with the virophage/bacteriophage cure like the vaccine will be injected into patients in a liquid housing millions or billions of virophage/bacteriophage hybrids that that use the vrua as a replication vector to create exponentially more hybrids until the patient is cured fully with the bacteriophage/virophage hybrid having traces of human DNA to prevent them illicitating an immune response.As a result AI will extrapolate at once bacteriophage/virophage hybrid cures and vaccines for millions or billions of all of the likeliest possible future strains of the virus in one go.These will be stored in a single global cloud network so as to allow any new infections of existing strains to be cured instantly and new infections of new strains that arise cured instantly since they can be manufactured on demand and in bulk onsite of hospitals worldwide thus halting the spread of existing stains and preventing new strains arising and gaining a stronghold as once identified they can be cured and vaccinated instantly.Even if not possible the AI can easily extrapolate bacteriophage/virophage cures and vaccines for each new strain that arises within at least 24-168 hours all stored in a single global cloud network that can be deployed instantly in hospitals across the world.Thus vaccines and cures to all possible future variants of SARS-CoV-2 that can be stored on a single global cloud network allowing them to be deployed and manufactured in hospitals worldwide using 3D DNA printers thus eliminating issues of natural or artificial scarcity.This means that all existing strains could be cured and vaccinated against and any new strains that arise will be able to be cured and vaccinated against instantly worldwide both when patients check into hospitals with these cures and vaccines deployed instantly by being manufactured onsite of hospitals around the world.The use of 3D DNA printers,a single cloud network etc will allow all hospitals worldwide to mass produce these cures/vaccines onsite of themselves on demand for new patients that arrive and also mass produce large batches of them in bulk to stockpile on them thus making themselves self sufficient from factories and cutting down on transport,time and energy costs.All future vaccines produced for each extrapolated strains will be based on the Cowpox variant and also be variants based on vaccines made by Astrazenca,Pfizer,Moderna etc to ensure 100% success rate with all extrapolations carried out by AI namely proto Phanes.If possible an all in one bacteriophage/virophage hybrids and vaccine that can kill off and vaccinate against all possible strains of SARS-CoV-2 can be extrapolated by AI that should be able to fight off any and all possible mutations that may render existing and new bacteriophage/virophage hybrids and vaccines ineffective negating the need for creating multiple versions and yearly versions that can be deployed onsite of hospitals.It will also extrapolate all possible strains of Coronaviridae potentially millions of new strains that could mutate into other new fatal strains should it mutate into a new pathogen outside of SARS-CoV-2,MERs,SARSr-CoV to create bacteriophage/virophage hybrids and vacccines that can be created onsite of hospitals worldwide deployed instantly worldwide once they arise.Proto Phanes will be the AI in charge of this.If possible various compounds from plants and animals can be tested on cultures of the virus with if possible AI extrapolating synthetic compounds that can kill it that can be synthesised and delivered by genetically engineered bacteriophage/virophage hybrids etc and even extrapolate CRISPR treatments applied by this to remove its a mobility to infect cells and remove key genes key to its functioning.Proto and final microbes that can kill the virus through CRISPR etc will be developed by 2025-2029 alongside immunisations that use the common proteins method.If possible AI can analyse the outer structure of all existing strains and all potential strains and then extrapolate synthetics antibodies to neutralise the virus and its different strains that are stored in a global network with these synthesised artificially in photobioreactors using industrial processes but also by bacteria and proto microbes through anabolic and catabolic reactions using proto Biosynth WiFi or just through engineering in photobioreactors with both options done onsite of hospitals decentralising production with them stored in vials and injected into infected patients in large amounts with them working alongside bacteriophage/virophage hybrids to neutralise large amounts of the virus leaving them able to be destroyed by the primary immune system while the bacteriophage/virophage hybrids kill other virions the virus in large amounts.These antibodies can be also inhaled via a gaseous mixture similar to inhalers with there also the option of using an intravenous drip where patients in hospitals have an intravenous solution containing large amounts of antibodies present are slowly injected similar to existing medicines added by intravenous drip to ensure a steady flow of antibodies enter the bloodstream at a rate that is enough to incapacitate most of not all of the virions and not overwhelm the body.Antibodies can also be introduced into the lungs via ventilators that pump large numbers of the antibodies in a gaseous form to incapacitate most of the virions in the lungs before,during and after they attempt to replicate at the same time they pump in oxygen into the lungs.Also AI can analyse the outer structure of the virus especially the receptors that it used to infect cells in the lungs and extrapolate CRISPR treatments that can be applied to the tissues in the lungs that it infects that would prevent the virus from being able to attach to it and infect them and thus replicate and spreading with these CRISPR treatments applied by either viral vectors,proto microbes and also bacteriophages all that use taq polymerase to revere are DNA over and over again.These CRISPR treatments can be applied to unifected patients to prevent them affecting them.Like the bacteriophage/virophage hybrids AI will extrapolate synthetic antibodies and CRISPR treatments for all existing strains and also thousands of all possible new strains that could develop to be stored on a single cloud database to allow them to be manufactured and deployed onsite of all hospitals worldwide instantly when each new strain arises.By 2025-2029 proto and final biocompatible microbes should arrive that are able to immunise one against all possible strains as well as use the same CRISPR treatments as antiviral strains that can cause the virus undergo apoptosis,express protein costs that make it susceptible to everyday medical compounds and even compounds used in antiviral compounds and so on with automated labs testing the virus against venoms etc from all plants and animals and AI extrapolate synthetic compounds that can be synthesised by it.Other potential zoonotic diseases and pathogens worldwide will have this done for the same reason by AI at the same time by analysing all pathogens of animals genome that can mutate into zoonoses by proto Phanes analysing the genome of them and determining their level of potential to mutate into zoonoses and them extrapolate thousands and millions of potential strains that could be fatal potential fatal strains and thus extrapolate bacteriophage/virophage hybrid cures and cousin hybrid vaccines of all of these extrapolated strains of viruses,bacteria and fungi pathogens of all mammals,birds etc that have the potential to jump to humans by analysing existing DNA databases.This creation of bacteriophage/virophage hybrids could even be replicated for yearly season variations of Rhinovirus,Orthomyxoviridae with all possible normal and fatal strains of Rhinovirus,Orthomyxoviridae will be extrapolated by AI namely proto Phanes to then extrapolate the vaccines and bacteriophage/virophage hybrids to treat it by 2023 that can be deployed instantly around the world via 3D DNA printers for normal strains that are only fatal to only the immunocomprimised and elderly and also should fatal strains arise and even any other surprise fatal viral outbreaks across the world and remaining small outbreaks of any fatal pathogens such as Ebolavirus,N.meningitidis,N.fowleri,B.mandrillaris,Plasmodium,MRSA as early as 2023 prior to biocompatible microbes being perfected.Thousands of potential strains of Rhinovirus,Orthomyxoviridae can be extrapolated by AI for the years 2023-2029 and beyond similar to extrapolating the potential future strains of SARS-CoV-2 by analysing existing strains from the past few years globally and then extrapolating the likeliest few thousand or more strains to develop worldwide to them to extrapolate thousands virophage/bacteriophage hybrid cures and vaccines for each strains of Rhinovirus,Orthomyxoviridae every year between 2023-2029 in one go beforehand in 2023 including an all in one bacteriophage/virophage hybrid and vaccine to attack all posible strains until biocompatible microbes are perfected to be extrapolated and then uploaded to a global cloud that can allow them to be manufactured onsite of hospitals worldwide and deployed instantly thus allowing allowing for herd immunity to be achieved quickly and possibly even cure elderly and immunocomprimised patients at risk of dying of infections.Virophage and bacteriophage hybrids that don’t need a helper virus can be extrapolated by AI to kill HIV,N.meningitidis,Rhinovirus,Orthomyxoviridae,Ebolavirus etc prior to anti-viral microbes are availible by using them as a replication vector.If possible the same system of extrapolating thousands of bacteriophage/virophage hybrid cures and variant vaccines that are manufactured onsite of hospitals using cloud networks and 3D DNA printers will be pursued for treating the Monkeypox virus and other new emerging viral threats especially from zoonoses.Traditional vaccines for yearly strains of Rhinovirus,Orthomyxoviridae can be created this way by AI extrapolating the current yearly strains and then manufacturing them onsite of hospitals via 3D DNA printers cutting research and development as well as manufacturing costs to zero and cutting time to develop them to 24-168 hours.Superbugs and parasite infections such as MRSA and N.fowleri,B.mandrillaris,Plasmodium will be by 2023 treated by modified bacteriophages as detailed earlier and later on prior to the development of microbes to improve survival rates.This can be replicated with animal pathogens especially zoonoses.As stated allowing AI such as Alpha Go merger with all of the worlds supercomputers and use of networks and 3D DNA printers will expediate research and development into these cures and vaccines for SARS-CoV-2 etc since AI can scan databases and extrapolate hybrids and scratch DNA that humans can’t with 3D DNA printers allowing them to be deployed instantly onsite of hospitals around the world instantly with them stored in proto versions of Physis.This hypothesis of a cure and variant vaccine to SARS-CoV-2 is purely hypothetical but the plausible baseline extrapolations present here show that it should allow it to act as a baseline for future research starting in 2023 onwards with enough intensive research using this hypothesis as a baseline could become a reality.

All viral infections could be cured using hybrids of both virophage/bacteriophages like Coronavirus with Phanes analysing the genome of all species of viral infections both fatal ones and those that cause minor illnesses such as Orythromoxiridae,Rhinovirus with him also analysing the genome of bacteriophages to create a virophage that have receptors to infect these viruses and at the same time use the viruses as a replication vector that kills them by creating endolysine like material that creates thousands of of extra curious that infect thousands of other viruses with this processes continuing until the patient is cured.For HIV patients will continue to take protease inhibitors until they are cured with there also the option of having the CCR5 Delta mutation added to the patients genome before this is done to negate the need for them taking protease inhibitors.The patient wil take routine blood tests every month to chart the progress as a drop of HIV visions will eventually see it dissapear and the patient fully cured forced.This will be done for all species of viruses that have no cure and no vaccine.

The anti-viral strains will be engineered to only interact with only viruses ideally those of pathogenic viruses via surface proteins on them that only interact with only fungi to prevent them applying these to the patients cells that would kill them with them via induced evolution.They can cure all species of pathogenic viruses outside of HIV.Virophage DNA including tweaked DNA from DNA from Mavirus,Sputnik virophage,Zamilon virophage DNA hybridised with each other and bacteriophage DNA to not need a helper virus present in anti-viral strains will allow schematics of endolysine like material of all pathogenic and non pathogenic viruses outside of HIV to be made and then applied.All species of viruses and their strains in Physis will be analysed by AI to extrapolate their species and strain specific endolysines and receptors that will be stored in their Physis file to be downloaded when needed once the species and strain of virus is identified by base microbes.

A virophage /bacteriophage hybrid DNA will be present in these anti-viral strains to allow them to analyse DNA from viruses and extrapolate schematics to create endolysine like material that will be used to kill them using receptors unique to viruses that work on the same principle as those in anti-bacterial strains without a helper virus.The antiviral strains will attack viruses using endolysine like material using them as replication vector to kill them and would be hybridised with bacteriophages that would work on the same principle of anti-bacterial strains by scanning the genome of viruses and then extrapolating receptors and endolysine material allowing them to attack any species of viruses including HIV,Ebolavirus,Hantaviridae,Lysasavirus,Rhinovirus,HPV,Orthomyxoviridae.Phanes will create and extrapolate virophage/bacteriophage hybrids that can kill all species of viruses that utilise them as a replication vector without a helper virus killing them by producing endolysine like material.This can be started as early as 2025 in animal trials and then allow for human trials to start as early as 2025-2029 to eradicate these disease by at least 2039 with animals treated using their own anti-viral strains microbes.AI will also analyse them to have bacteriophage/virophage hybrids to be created by 3D DNA printers prior to microbes being perfected.Having patients made resistant to radiation using T.gammatolerans DNA can allow for radiation therapy to be used with the patient once made immune to radiation will be exposed to levels of radiation of between 2,000-20,000Gy to wipe out large amounts of all viral pathogens.All patients will be immunised to all species and strains of all viruses including oncoviruses,those that cause food poisoning,benign species and fatal ones such as Ebolavirus,Hantaviridae,Lysasavirus,Rhinovirus,HPV,Orthomyxoviridae,HIV.The genotypes that express these compounds will be added to Physis file of the viruses they kill and a hyperlink to the source animal it comes from.Paean will analyse the outer surface protein wall of all species and strains of viral pathogens that can extrapolate synthetic anti-viral compounds suited for each individual species and strain that can be stored in their Physis file to be downloaded into the anti-viral strains DNA digital storage to be synthesised by anabolic and catabolic reactions with Phanes extrapolating genotypes you create these synthetic compounds to be downloaded via induced evolution.When a viruses species is detected induction of the evolutionary path can allow for the required genotypes needed to be downloaded.At the same this is done Phanes will analyse the genome of all viruses to extrapolate those for surface proteins especially common proteins so as to allow for immunisations to be given to all patients worldwide.The outer structure of all species of viruses that affect humans,pets,livestock,plants etc and the cells in humans,pets,livestock,plants etc will be analysed by Paean and Phanes to allow Phanes to extrapolate genotypes to express mutations that prevent them infecting the cells but at the same time prevent the cells carrying out normal functions thus creating versions of the CCR5 Delta 32 mutation for every single virus that affects humans,pets etc that will be added to the species Physis file to be downloaded into the genomes of microbes when needed once a patient is inflected.Genes will be extrapolated that prevent Ebolavirus,N.meningitis etc from being able to use the liver and dendritic cells etc as replication vectors etc that can be added to high risk patients and removed later as well as added during infections.Thus once a patient is infected the microbes their microbes will induce the evolutionary path of their genome to get the genotypes of their version of the CCR5 Delta 32 mutation that will be applied to relevant tissues and cells as soon as infections are detected specifically to the cells and tissues that each virus infects thus preventing the virus from replicating anymore keeping it in place with the acellereated healing phenotype repairing any damage they do to the patients organs or any cytokines storms that the primary immune system causes in order to fight them.Once the virus is unable to replicate the patient will be immunised and the primary immune system activated with the microbes downloading the genotypes for the anti-viral compounds that kill them with them also using CRISPR via horizontal gene transfer to made the viruses express the same outer proteins of those that are killed by cyanovirin-N with them also applying CRISPR treatments that make them undergo apoptosis,remove their glycoproteins and receptors that allow them infect cells etc and also like HIV rewrite their genome beyond recognition to the point that they can be killed by the primary immune system,penicillin and even everyday over the counter medicine.Phanes will extrapolate genes that for all pathogenic viruses can be added to the cells etc they infect that removes receptors that allow the viruses to infect them thus meaning once a patient is infected the virus will be unable to replicate thus leaving their viral load stay at stable levels

Human Immunodeficiency Virus:
In the case of HIV these biocompatible microbes anti-viral strain could be used to transfer not just genes but also apply cyanovirin-N,lemon juice,Di-dehydro-Cortistatin A,N6 and other tri-specific synthetic antibody,melittin as nanoparticles that has viricidal properties especially with HIV with other viricides also inserted into the capsid with again resistance removal genes,suicide genes or those that remove its ability to attach to leukocytes or infect other cells and gain resistance to these viricidal compounds as a backup plan with in the case of viruses either directly interacting with viroids and virions by locking onto their receptors to transfer the genes or infecting cells that they attach to first and adding genes to them which will then be transferred to the next generation of virus particles that use it for replication or prevent those cells from being infected.The microbes will be able to fight off all viral pathogens would involve recombinant DNA from Nostoc ellipsosporum,Apis mellifera,Citrus limon,Corticium simplex.The melittin,cyanovirin-N,Di-dehydro-Cortistatin A and other anti-viral compounds that have shown in laboratory settings to have viricidal properties and thus kill the virus could be applied to HPV,HIV,Ebolavirus etc by anti-antiviral strains when the microbe interacts with their GP120 glycoproteins etc and envelopes them through phagocytosis similar to macrophages and applies the compounds,released as nanoparticles or even flood the bloodstream in protein bumper depending on their toxicity or effects on the body with these used instead of antibodies and enzymes with CRISPR treatments preventing the viruses gaining resistance to these applied compounds,make them weaker and easier to attack,thus more susceptible to them applied at the same time as both viricidal compounds used at once for effectiveness with this replicated with tumours with all relevant anti-cancer compounds and CRISPR treatments.Research has shown that the blood and immune system of species of Crocodylus in Australia produce anti-viral compounds namely proteins that kill some strains of the virus with recombinant DNA coming from them also with research done to extract the exact DNA for this by 2029.This DNA can be modified by Phanes to kill all strains.This recombinant DNA can be added to microbes to allow them to produce these compounds via bumpers and phagocytosis and even the host DNA via CRISPR to allow the host in infected and newly infected patients to fight off the virus with it also fighting off bacteria and boosting the immune system by making human immune systems react instantly to infections of pathogens preventing and skipping seroconversion similar to Crocodylus that exhibit innate immune reactions at birth rather than adaptive ones in humans with the rest of the human cells altered using scratch DNA and that from Crocodylus to be able to be resistant to any negative reactions as these animals have primary innate immune systems allowing them to react instanly to most if not all pathogens instantly even on the first infections.Thus Crocodylus DNA can be added to human patients to give them this innate immune response and DNA from them and scratch DNA to prevent the immune responses causing cytotoxicity and serious allergic reactions.This Crocodylus DNA added to both microbes and the patients DNA can be tweaked by Phanes to attack and destroy all strains of HIV for future patients as well as tweaks can be made for each individual strain for each individual patient and even tweaks made to make it once added to the hosts genome and microbes instantly attack and be able to destroy all strains of all pathogenic bacteria,viruses and fungi etc during infections by producing compounds that can attack all types viral,bacterial and fungal pathogens with the microbes aiding them into determining what type pathogen it is and what type of compounds it is with this aiding in fighting off new pathogens.This would be done all at once to ensure maximum damage to the virus and CRISPR treatments applied at the same time.These and other CRISPR strains will be housed as ribosomes and in particular plasmids in the anti-viral strains and will be applied as bumpers and also by horizontal gene transfer with with them recreated over and over again via taq polymerase and Cas-9 to be reused over and over again.If possible with HIV the microbes could flood the bloodstream with cyanovirin-N,N6 and other tri-specific synthetic antibodies and Di-dehydro-Cortistatin A binding to and preventing HIV from effectively replicating or even binding to CD4+ T lymphocytes ideally at the moment one becomes infected prior to seroconversion or even in already infected patients to prevent them infecting any cells especially if taken with PreP and PEP measures to improve this existing measures efficacy and they would devour them via phagocytosis and apply melittin as well as lemon juice to the virus killing it with it also applying both compounds during phagocytosis with this replicated with other viruses.Di-dehydro-Cortistatin A could be synthesised by anti-viral strains in already infected patients to replace protease inhibitors once the CCR5Delta 32 mutation is added to them as a backup with it also done in those without this mutation provided animal trials show it is safe.All three compounds melittin,Di-dehydro-Cortistatin A and cyanovirin-N can form the basis of lube to applied to the anal cavity and cervix prior to sexual intercourse as well as in the inside of condoms.With regards to HIV,Rhinovirus and other viruses such as HPV they could synthesise cyanovirin-N a protein,Di-dehydro-Cortistatin A,melittin,lemon juice or other compounds that have viricidal properties especially with HIV into the capsid with this synthesised on the spot when needed effectively killing virions that are kept under control by protease inhibitors theoretically allowing it to be cleared from the body.PEP,PrEP and all types of anti-viral compounds including protease inhibitors can be synthesised by the microbes using anabolic and catabolic reactions.Ideally this cyanovirin-N,Di-dehydro-Cortistatin A,lemon juice and melittin should be used and synthesised on the surface of the microbes when the microbes have surround the virus similar to macrophages using macrophage DNA or ameobas or using them in place of enzymes to break down the virions capsid and kill them or these could be released into the bloodstream in nanoparticles coated in bumpers depending by what is decided by nanomachines and when they interact specifically with the GP120 glycoproteins and those of other viruses.Phagocytosis should be the best option as it leaves little chance of toxicity to the host,applies the viricidal compounds directly onto the surface and also reduces or even eliminates the chance of the viruses from mutating and developing resistance with the same applied to pathogenic bacteria with the microbes applying both and other compounds alongside CRISPR treatments to prevent or remove mutations to thus improve efficacy even consuming all aspects of the pathogens as food and also allows for CRISPR treatments.The compound would be broken down by the microbes back into elemental compounds or benign compounds to prevent them released if they are not used up.However protein bumpers can allow millions of nanoparticles of the compound covered in bumpers to be released into the bloodstream that interact only with HIV and not healthy cells.These nanoparticles can include proteins or oligosaccharide bumpers that bounce off the healthy cells of the patient but interact with virus acting as a delivery vector to improve its ability to destroy the viruses in infected person thus clearing the body of the pathogen with this released in these bumpers in large amounts in order to flood the bloodstream and lymphatic system with millions of microbes releasing millions of these melittin and lemon juice(and the other aforementioned anti-viral compounds that kill or deactivate HIV) laden nanoparticles at once clearing the virus out of the body while at the same time an immunised primary immune system releases large amounts of antibodies both using the lymphatic system and bloodstream to reach hard to reach places signalled to produce these by the microbes.These nanoparticles consisting of protein bumpers that are able to transport the viricidal compounds to the virus to kill it while bouncing off the hosts healthy cells preventing cytotoxicity.Research starting as early as 2023/2024 for the best natural oligosaccharide or protein bumper that would be effective at transporting melittin and lemon juice to the site of the virus without affecting the host with this done in animal trials using proto microbes from their leukocytes.The bumpers used in studies by Washington University of Medicine to apply melittin should be investigated as a possible vector to be synthesised by microbes as they virus is small enough to be attracted and destroyed by them with any synthetic bumpers produced by anabolic and catabolic reactions.AI will extrapolate the best bumper to be stored on digital DNA storage.These synthetic bumpers will be synthesised by anabolic and catabolic reactions and the anti-viral compounds coated in these bumpers synthesised by the microbes can mass produce and synthesise on demand by Paean by biosynth wifi and large amounts of these bumper laden anti-viral compounds to travel the bloodstream and kill off all virions it comes in contact with,bounce off healthy cells while excess are flushed out of the body via urine snd feces.The compounds could also be applied during phagocytosis with it applying all compounds at its disposal ie melittin,lemon juice etc in both bumpers and also phagocytosis with if possible tri-specific antibodies produced by them through anabolic and catabolic reactions.Scratch genes extrapolated by Phanes can be added to all cells in the hosts body making them immune to all anti-viral compounds such as meditation etc.Phagocytosois will be the best option as it applies the anti-viral compounds on the surface of the virus when the virus has been trapped by the microbes.Patients can be made resistant to the anti-viral compounds using genes from bacteria that undergoes forced evolution to allow the compounds not require bumper.The hosts native cells using scratch DNA could be made immune to the compounds allowing them to be applied in large amounts without bumpers.These anti-viral compounds can be applied during phagocytosis as wells.Ideally genes to prevent the viruses gaining resistance to these compounds or remove their resistance would be inserted into them to prevent them gaining resistance to these and other compounds.It could also directly insert genes that cause viruses to undergo apoptosis,remove resistance or lose their ability to infect cells and replicate etc with this of note of Ebolavirus,HIV,HPV,N.meningitidis.They could also transfer suicide,resistance removing and faulty DNA into viruses and bacteria.The same can be applied with pathogenic bacteria;CRISPR attacks applied at the same time to prevent them becoming resistant to all antibodies,anti-microbial agents applied at once to increase effectiveness.Suicide genes could be added to them in order to have the pathogen undergo apoptosis with “carpet bombing” and removing or many or most of the important genes that allow a virus to function such as its ability to infect cells,become susceptible and thus be destroyed by compounds at its disposal,introducing suicidal genes,remove its resistance to drugs and even previous CRISPR treatments,remove its ability to become resistant or mutate and add faults all at once at multiple sites in its genome either killing it or making it benign with research into combining the microbes with tweaked recombinant DNA from scratch,leukocytes,viruses namely virophages and other microorganisms that parasites or actively attack viruses to act as vector that can allow genes to transferred and apply viricides and anti-microbial compounds via them engineered to actively seek out and interact with the viruses and in the case of HIV envelope GP120 glycoproteins combined with targeting cells infected by it and where it might hide,before nanomachines can become sufficiently advanced with gene drives increasing stability of changes.Either that or microbes containing DNA from these predatory microbes could have DNA from leukocytes and other cells infected by all types of viruses to contain the necessary receptors to actively seek out HIV and other viruses and transfer these faults despite the effects of protease inhibitors or destroy the virus with custom built in antibodies and viricidal compounds.Paean through biosynth wifi and nanomachines can control each individual microbes and in groups to actively seek out virions of HIV and then attack them by applying lemon juice and melittin as well as initiate the production of tri-specific antibodies and N6 antibodies and application CRISPR treatment.The microbes can be engineered to actively seek out,interact with and do the same with all types of major viruses such as Ebolavirus,N.meningitidis,Rhinovirus,onconviruses,HIV such as HPV by switching genes on/off to change receptors through interactions with the surface proteins of pathogens or have receptors that interact with all or a large variety of viruses similar to those on the human cells that are infected by them.This can be done with them having tweaked DNA from Bdellovibrio,M.aeruginosavorus,Paramecium,C.elegans,C.roenbergensis,virophages,bacteriophages and others from scratch to detect and actively seek out all bacterial,fungal and viral pathogens such as MRSA,HIV and major pathogens that the primary immune systems normally ignores until seroconversion or when the body and immune system is normally comprimised and overwhelmed and be able to interact with their surface proteins to detect which one they are and apply the correct CRISPR,anti-viral and anti-microbial treatments.Otherwise Paean by biosynth WiFi and bluetooth can control their movements to make them actively seek out the virus.DNA that would cause the bacteria to be pathogens will be removed and only the DNA that causes them to seek out pathogens with them tweaked to seek out HIV and other viruses.The virophage DNA can work on the same principle of bacteriophages and bacteriophage DNA in anti-bacterial strains with DNA collected by base microbes to determine the strain of HIV or DNA that allows all strains of HIV be in the microbes thus allowing them to create endolysine like material that can be applied by protein bumpers as well as horizontal gene transfer or receptors that interact with the virus that cause the viruses to be killed from the inside out.Paean can induce the microbes genomic evolution to create receptors on their surface unique to each pathogen to allow them to inject countless endolysines synthesised by the microbes or they can be applied by horizontal gene transfer or bumpers.These ideally will be universal virophage DNA that intake schematics from base microbes and allow them to adapt to all strains of HIV and other viruses.If possible as stated earlier tweaked DNA from Sputnik virophage,Mavirus,Zamilon virophage hybridised with each other and bacteriophage DNA merged together to not need a helper virus can be used to detect,infect and destroy HIV and other viruses present in the DNA of anti-viral strains.These can be hybridised with bacteriophage DNA.This would work by scanning the genome of the virus including the strain of HIV and creating endolysine like material to be released by the pathogens.They would work on the same principle as those in anti-bacterial strains and be in anti-viral strains.The CRISPR treatments applied to HIV would as stated involve remove it GP120 glycoproteins and those that prevent them mutating and those that cause it undergo apoptosis as well as remove other key parts of its envelope,make it susceptible to all compounds at the disposal of anti-viral strains and the antibodies of the immunised primary immune system with this applied to all forms of viruses.Modified virophage and bacteriophage DNA merged together to not need a helper virus will be in the anti-viral strain to accept DNA from base microbes and then produce endolysine like materials that will be able to kill the virus,break it down and die off with them also being able to adapt and create schematics and thus endolysine type material for all viruses outside of HIV.These biocompatible microbes would become a permanent part of the hosts system that live indefinitely in the human bloodstream via injection with even them engineered to undergo mitosis or live indefinitely via biological immortality using recombinant DNA from endolith bacteria and the genes from bacteria that allow to undergo mitosis but do so in controlled manner using chemical signals from each other to prevent them overrunning the body.Using gene therapy via CRISPR using the microbes horizontal gene transfer can allow native leukocytes namely the CD4+ T lymphocytes to become resistant and thus unable to allow the virus to infect them permanently with recombinant DNA coming from populations of humans resistant to it,chimpanzees,SIV or from scratch can be researched to compliment this to alleviate or remove the amount of anti-viral treatments such as protease inhibitors and other aspects of anti-viral combination therapy needed and aid biocompatible microbes ability to attach to virions with them also producing custom made antibodies and viricidal(or bacteriocidal)compounds.These and other key leukocytes other relevant cells containing the hosts DNA can be engineered by horizontal gene therapy to ensure all future CD4+ T lymphocytes are made resistant and unable to be infected with this also done not just to those that are already infected with HIV but also to all uninfected patients and to the human genepool via germline therapy to prevent the spread of HIV and have them engineered to produce all or either N6 and other tri-specific synthetic antibodies and Di-dehydro-Cortistatin A with all microbes in all patients also fitted with microbes that produce melittin,lemon juice,cyanovirion-N and other anti-viral compounds that affect HIV to make this work and thus eradicate the disease effectively curing infected patients both existing and new with the microbes using CRISPR at the same time to weaken the virus,make it susceptible to the applied viricides more,preventing the virus from mutating,removing resistance to these and other viricidal compounds at the same time that the virus applies these compounds.Once cured the CCR5 receptors can be returned to the patient via CRISPR eliminating any side effects over the long term with the patient getting routine tests to detect the levels of the virus during this treatment using dongles or automated labs using phlebotomy robots in hospitals with their levels of leukocytes especially CD4+ T lymphocyte tested over time and logged in ones patient file once the virus is eradicated as well as during the treatment and then the CCR5 receptors has been returned once the virus is undetectable in order to show that the virus is completely eradicated and the native immune system has recovered with microbes fighting off pathogens and cancers if not and then fighting off any remaining virus particles present.Ideally it should remain to prevent reinfection or if possible the virus rebounding if minute numbers are not destroyed with the gene tweaked to allow the original functions to be carried out with every last virion killed off by the microbes and immune system.Levels of antibodies and the anti-viral compounds will also be detected this way routinely until officially cured as the immunised immune system will continually produce antibodies until the virus is wiped out with the levels of virus also tested routinely using phlebotomy robots in booths measured via PCR analysis with all three tested at the same time and results sent to ones patient file instantly.In short during ones treatment the levels of the virus,ones CD4+ T lymphocytes and antibodies created by the native immune system should be routinely measured every few months or once a month to chart their progress until the virus and antibodies are undetectable and lymphocytes are at normal levels.During this time until there is no evidence of the virus present one should still use condoms and their potential sex partners should continue to use PrEP or at least have themselves immunised and have modified to have the CCR5 receptors removed and CD4+ T lymphocytes modified to utilise the Cas-9 immune response to prevent the virus gaining a stronghold and allowing their microbes and immunised immune system to fight them off and eradicate whatever small amounts of virions enter the body instantly halting the spread of the pathogen.The CCR5 receptors can be removed indefinitely with the leukocytes tweaked in order to continue carry out their original functions while still preventing infections and then the microbes and immunised immune system should be able to instantly attack any reinfections and not be able to be infected again indefinitely with the immunised immune system and also microbes continuing to detect and wipe out new virions found or that infect cured patients with as stated all patients worldwide both immunised against and made resistant to infection using advanced gene drive technology to halt the spread of the virus.This should be replicated for all major pathogens the patient is infected especially chronic infections.The microbes will still act as a backup to the immune system fighting off cancers and pathogens if the virus is hidden,during treatment or rebounds with the same steps repeated.Patients should during their treatment wil be ideally be immunised against all strains of HIV and the immune system activated to not only speed up the battle but also havie the immune system continue to fight off everytime last single virion especially when the CCR5 delta mutation and also cure the patient instantl during anty instances of re infection.All at risk patients such as homosexuals,drug users etc should be immunised against all strains of HIV and have the CCR5 delta mutation added to them to cure them instantly and halt the spread of the virus.If possible the microbes and immunised system could still function through phagocytosis and flooding the bloodstream and lymphatic system with antibodies and anti-viral compounds while protease inhibitors are taken if the patient cannot be made resistant to the virus.Ideally the patient would be immunised against all viruses including all strains of HIV that attack the immune system using strains that interact with dendritic,plasma and killer T cells thus improving successes in infected patients and uninfected by the primary immune system fighting off any remaining viruses particles and preventing the primary immune system becoming lazy with it also speeding up eradication before seroconversion.Any cells that harbour the virus and its DNA can be detected and edited by the microbes CRISPR editing techniques removing the DNA or applying suicide genes to kill these cells and then have new unaffected cells regrown via the stem cell microbes with this applying to any virus that hides itself or its DNA/RNA in them can also have this done including oncoviruses.Once this shown to be effective in curing patients it can be debated as to whether those imprisoned for knowingly spreading HIV can be released early.Ideally all uninfected patients should be modified to make them resistant to all pathogens ability to infect organs and also leukocytes with germline therapy then used to make CD4+ T lymphocyte resistance to HIV a permanent feature to the human race via advanced gene drive technology and the same applied to the dendritic cells and other leukocytes and all organs with regards to Ebolavirus and other pathogens that infect the immune system and organs in the body eventually eliminating the chances of them infecting patients and gaining a stronghold with all the microbes then fighting off the infection eliminating it from the body and eventually H.sapiens as a whole through germline therapy with this also applied to all pets and even wild animals to completely wipe them out and prevent suffering and eliminate zoonotic diseases.They would also be immunised against them to allow the native immune system to be able to fight them off instantly.Organs that are infected by Ebolavirus etc can have the CRISPR Cas-9 immune response added to them via CRISPR itself.Problems that may arise by resistance such as removal of receptors can be counteracted by microbes carrying out their functions and in time the receptors also modified to carry out the original functions but not be able to allow the leukocytes to be infected through other CRISPR treatments with new receptors created from scratch or that are hybrids.If possible all uninfected patients should be immunised using the specific strains that interact with the dendritic cells to prevent the primary immune system becoming lazy and allow them to rid the body of any viruses the second the patient is infected.If problems arise with the horizontal gene therapy negating themselves from being able to interact with the HIV virus then ideally a separate strain of the microbes should be created solely for making CD4+ T lymphocytes resistant alongside enhancing them and other leukocytes.Thus the microbes modifying CD4+ T lymphocytes into being unable to be infected by HIV and them utilising cyanovirin-N,N6 and other tri-specific synthetic antibodies and Di-dehydro-Cortistatin A will prevent viral replication without protease inhibitors alleviating strains on the the patient and allowing the microbes to apply melittin and lemon juice during phagocytosis by connecting to the viruses GP120 glycoproteins alongside CRISPR treatments to weaken the virus making them easier to attack and prevent mutations via gene drives that would make it resistant with this replicated with all other viruses including those from the Picornavirales,Orthomyxoviridae order including Rhinovirus and Hepatovirus as well as all viruses that cannot be cured by conventional means using their own specific anti-viral compounds added through interbreeding using new compounds made from scratch using scratch DNA and also them using CRISPR to modify them into being susceptible to compounds also present.If the microbes encounter a virus it cannot fight or even immobilise then it may need new ones added to them or if possible it will use CRISPR to alter its genome to make it susceptible to its existing anti-viral compounds or simply cause to undergo apoptosis.This ability to make new viruses or strains of virus susceptible to new viruses and strains via CRISPR modifying it as well as them giving the dendritic cells samples of a virus would eliminate the need for vaccines and boosters for all viruses including yearly strains of the Rhinovirus and Orthomyxoviridae,new viruses,those that exist but no vaccine exists such as HIV,Ebolavirus with those of note to the elderly and newborns since the microbes will pass from mother to newborns via the placenta breastfeeding making all patients immune to all pathogens throughout ones life starting from when they are in the womb.Ideally these microbes would be able to carry out their functions while the patient still takes protease inhibitors to prevent the HIV from affecting leukocytes while native leukocytes namely CD4+ T lymphocytes are made permanently resistant using DNA from humans resistant to HIV and scratch to exhibit the CCR5Delta 32 mutation ideally homozygous mutations removing relevant sections of the C-C chemokine receptor type 5 gene and other receptors for all strains and thus make the patients leukocytes unable to be infected thus negating the need for protease inhibitors and other anti-viral treatment via microbes utilising horizontal gene transfer on the actual lymphocytes or the patients genome in every cell in the body including the bone marrow where lymphocytes are created.The global database of patient files will be scanned for this mutation to locate patients to extract the gene from their cells which can be using 3D DNA printing inserting it and tweaked versions that give resistance to all strains and new strains into the base and augmentation microbes of infected and at risk patients once the gene is mapped onsite of hospitals around the world negating the need for transport saving time and money.The genetic sequence of this mutation should already be known and thus stored in the Physis database alongside all genes from H.sapiens for reference.Other mutations can be determined by DNA scans from patient files can be synthesised via 3D DNA printers for use alongside or in place of it with these tweaked by AI for all strains of HIV.Those already known to harbour can be contacted and their DNA scanned and compared to close relatives or other infected patients in the same area without it for proto microbes to start animal trials as soon as 2023/2024.The global patient files will allow for patients with different versions of the mutation to be n and detected by proto AI with this also creating tweaked versions of the pathogen.Known patients around the world such as Paul Michael Glaser,Jake Glaser and those in Africa with the mutation will have their patient files with DNA scan done by at least 2023/2024 and compared to those without it to determine its sequence to allow for different versions to be ascertained with then AI using this to create versions to all possible strains by analysing the different versions of the mutation and analysing the different strains of the HIV virus to create genotypes for all strains and decide which mutations of the gene apply and protect against each strain of the virus with the AI namely proto Phanes doing this simultaneously.Proto Phanes and Paean would analyse all known strains of the HIV virus and extrapolate tweaked versions of the CCR5Delta mutation for each strain to be added to each patient that has different strains with if possible an all in one version of the mutation being extrapolated to protect from each strain in existence and added to each at risk group and also each patient infected with each strain of the virus.Although each patient would get versions of the mutation related to their strain it should be advised that they get upgrades that give them an all in one genotype of all versions of the mutation that protects them from all existing and possible strains of the pathogen should it mutate in any off chance of this happening with uninfected at risk patients ideally given genotypes that express all versions of the mutation.That from the Berlin patient Timothy Ray Brown and the source of the graft that led to his immunity will be used with this mutation tweaked by AI possibly using scratch DNA to make all strains of HIV unable to infect leukocytes in all patients both infected and uninfected.If possible to prevent reinfection the mutation can be tweaked in order to retain its original functions and still make relevant leukocytes unable to be infected.This will stored in Physis and an augmentation sub network and this and 3D DNA printers will allow the CCR5Delta mutations for HIV etc and different versions of it to inserted into base and augmentation microbes for upgrades to living patients and be mass produced to be added to the patients genome via augmentation strains.If need be an infected person will have their strain(s) of the virus identified by dongles and phlebotomy blood tests that identify it via PCR analysis and then them given versions of the gene mutation that suits only there specific strain(s) with the same given to potential sex partners with if possible all versions of this gene added to infected patients,their potential sex partners and those who are in high risk groups if a single version cannot be created with AI creating tweaked versions of this gene by at least 2025-2029 that will prevent all strains affecting the patient.The gene will be applied to all cells of the body and not just the bone marrow to ensure success and routine blood tests and base microbes scanning DNA in all tissues especially the bone marrow will show that both normal cells and lymphocytes contain the mutation.This application of the CCR5Delta 32 mutation and tweaked versions to infected patients via gene therapy via CRISPR and as detailed later the CRISPR defence mechanism from S.pyogenes added to the affected CD4+ T lymphocytes via CRISPR itself with traces of these viruses DNA interspaced in their genome to allow for the Cas-9 to be deployed instantly as extra protection would allow infected patients to live healthy lives indefinitely without the need for taking protease inhibitors and other anti-viral combinations and allow the native immune system to recuperate and fight off cancers and infections as its original functions while the microbes and immunised primary immune cells work on the HIV infection.Thus by having the the CCR5Delta 32 mutation and variants for each strain devised by AI added to all cells in the body through gene therapy via CRISPR and advanced gene drive technology will allow existing and future infected patients to live healthy lives forever without the need for taking any type of anti-viral therapy allow microbes and immunised primary immune system to fight off the virus until the patient is cured with it preventing the virus gaining a stronghold and damaging the immune system of newly infected patients allowing microbes and immunisations to cure them quickly if applied to all at risk patients worldwide.Thus this should single handily render all anti-viral therapy used to deal with HIV obsolete forever and since patents owned by a Phanes would be by law free with in passed down from mother to child via advanced gene drive technology preventing transmission from one generation to the next.Although not a cure it will as stated allow infected patients live healthy lives forever without protease inhibitors and other antiretroviral therapy thus rendering them obsolete with it free since it can be patented by Phanes and allow anti-viral strains and immunised primary system to fight off the virus until the patient is cured.If this is applied to all unifected patients worldwide especially at risk groups such as intravenous drug users,homosexual men etc it will prevent the spread of the disease by preventing it gaining a stronghold within the body and if all patients are immunised against all strains of the virus will allow one to be cured instantly.It applied to both parents of children before birth and conception would through advanced gene drive technology prevent the virus gaining a stronghold in unborn foetuses.Although not a cure for uninfected individuals as they will be positive once infected and they can spread the virus to others it will however prevent the virus gaining a stronghold in the patient thus preventing them developing AIDS and also prevent the need or protease inhibitors and would allow the microbes,radiation treatments and activated immunised primary immune system to be more easily cure the newly infected patients.Intensive research by AI even proto AI into this will begin as soon as possible to allow it to be applied to all infected patients worldwide and unifected at risk groups worldwide including homosexuals,intravenous drug users and the poor especially in Africa and Asia where it is rampant thus cutting mortality rates to zero with augmentation strains that apply it to patients created by 3D DNA printers onsite of all hospitals across the world including in Africa allowing patients to survive existing infections and new infections while research is done into microbes that apply CRISPR treatments and anti-viral compounds as well as before the availability of immunisations.The application of the mutation will allow the microbes and immunised primary immune system to fight off the virus much quicker and easily in both existing and newly infected patients until they are cured.It will also keep the immune system fighting of the infection to one is finally cured once the CCR5 delta mutation is removed and cure them of the virus should be reinfected.All unifected patients worldwide especially at risk groups such as homosexual and bisexual men and women and intravenous drug users and those living in hotspots such as Africa and Asia where the virus is rampant will be immunised against all strains of the virus to ensure that the second they are infected then they can be cured instantly.Once the CCR5Delta mutation is added to the entire genome of the patient via gene CRISPR and gene therapy and advanced gene drive technology the native immune system will be able to rebound and fight off normal secondary infections of pathogens and tumours it normally can alongside the microbes various strains with the primary immune system as stated immunised against all pathogens that can kill the patient including both those that can act as opportunistic infections and also those that can kill healthy patients to act as a safety net.Patients will continue to take anti-retroviral medication until routine tests show healthy levels of leukocytes especially T Lymphocytes that are normally decimated by the virus that rebound to healthy levels and then they can be taken off medications.Having the primary immune system of infected patients immunised against all strains of HIV and activated by microbes will allow them to produce antibodies will improve success by fighting off any viruses that the microbes cannot attack,speed up the fight with them signalled by the native immune system and microbes to attack in certain areas or flood the bloodstream and lymph system with antibodies to allow them to reach all areas of the body with them signalled by the microbes and the presence of infections.Patients will also be immunised using the common proteins method immunised against all major viral,fungal and bacterial pathogens and parasites that act as opportunistic infections using the common proteins method with anti-viral,anti,bacterial,anti-fungal and anti-helminthic strains fighting then off too with anti-cancer strains fighting off tumours.At the same time the anti-viral strains will apply melittin,lemon juice to the viruse in nanoparticles and through phagocytosis as well as other anti-viral compounds and synthesising tri-specific and N6 antibodies that kill the virus with it also using CRISPR treatments to alter the viruses genome to allow it be fought off by the immune system and also undergo apoptosis and be unable to replicate via removing the GP120 glycoproteins and other key strands of its genome.The microbes will ideally start producing anti-viral compounds and antibodies when the patient is off medications or before being taken off them and then will begin to fight off the virus through CRISPR,synthesising antibodies,anti-viral compounds etc.Furthermore tri-specific and N6 antibodies will be synthesised by the microbes via anabolic and catabolic reactions when stored in its DNA digital storage.The patient as stated will be immunised against their strain and all strains of HIV and the primary immune system activated to speed up the battle and wipe out large amounts of the virus with this also acting as a safety measure that will wipe out every last virion once the patient chooses to remove the CCR5 delta mutation and cure them of the virus should they become reinfected almost instantly including if they become infected with other strains.Paean through biosynth WiFi will control all actions of the microbes in fighting the disease as well as the primary immune system through chemical signals.Paean through biosynth wifi and nanomachines can control each individual microbes and in groups to actively seek out virions of HIV and then attack them by applying lemon juice and melittin through nanoparticle bumpers or phagocytosis to prevent cytoxicity as well as initiate the production of tri-specific antibodies and N6 antibodies and applications of CRISPR treatments.If possible patients can be made immune to radiation via recombinant DNA from T.gammatolerans allowing the to survive blasts of radiation up to 30,000Gy and then be exposed to large doses of radiation of at least 200-20,000Gy to aid in wiping the virus from hard to reach places and to wipe out large numbers of the virus to aid in the battle alongside an immunised primary system,microbes etc if done at these levels at the start and also for and hour or more while the patient is under anaesthesia.This should be available by at least 2025-2029.Radiorestance can also be dealt with CRISPR treatements that remove this ability or even prevent them being able to develop this in the first place.Ideally the patient will be blasted with this levels instantly and for at least 30 minutes to an hour or more to prevent them gaining radioresistence via mutations with with patient put under anaesthesia.Doing it for more that an hour and starting at these levels as well as applying it to all parts of the body at once will ensure all or most of the pathogen will be wiped out without developing radioresitance and will be done alongside the primary immune system,gut flora and microbes both made immune to radiation to aid in fight in eliminating the pathogen.Both the primary immune system and microbes would be immune to radiation via gene therapy and genome capsids with beneficial bacteria also given genome capsids with this DNA.This can be repeated annually from the begging of treatments several times a year to kill off large numbers of the virus each time in between tests to determine the level of virions and also antibodies etc.These could start at least 200-500Gy several times,then 1,000Gy several times,then 2,000Gy and so on to prevent radiorestance and wipe out even larger numbers of the virus from the body with CRISPR treatments used by anti-viral strains can remove any resistance the pathogen gains to radiation.The level at which the virus can survive can first be determined in lab settings and also in animal trials so as to allow it to be determined and then have patients exposed to levels much higher at least 1,000-2,000Gy higher.All countermeasures against HIV should be used in combination with each other to improve success including the microbes using all anti-viral and CRISPR treatments to remove and prevent resistance,make them susceptible to the compounds at its disposal all done at once either by flooding the bloodstream with nanoparticles of lemon juice,melittin etc covered in bumpers and/or on the surface of the virus during phagocytosis and at the same time immunising the primary immune system of infected and uninfected patients against all strains of the virus using common proteins present in all strains with this applied to all viral,fungal and bacterial infections to improve success.This would allow the hosts immune system to fight off any remaining virions in hard to reach places and improve success in eradicating it from the host by flooding the bloodstream and lymphatic system with antibodies this replicated with all other viral and bacterial infections.A combination of applying the CCR5Delta 32 mutation and CRISPR immune response to infected patients,immunising infected patients,microbes applying melittin,application of N6 and tri-specific by microbes and the primary immune system alongside radiation treatments done routinely should allow already infected patients that have had the disease for at least 10-30 years to be cured in as little as 5-10 years starting as early as 2029 with immunisations and have CCR5Delta 32 and CRISPR Cas-9 immune response added to their lymphocytes to at risk patients in the developing world and drug users and homosexuals should halt the spread of the disease starting by 2029 by preventing it gaining a stronghold in their body with them fitted with anti-viral microbes and DNA from populations that create N6 and tri-specific antibodies.Those who started medication at the start of infection after being infected in the last 10 years with lower levels of the virus could be cured in as little as 5 years with those who are uninfected and have versions of the CCR5 Delta 32 mutation,CRISPR immune response and also immunised against all possible strains and have anti-viral microbes fitted with all CRISPR treatments and also anti-viral compounds can be cured in as little as a month or few weeks.This would be possible if all measures such as radiation treatment,immunisation,anti-viral compounds and CRISPR treatments are applied at once with these all available by at least 2025-2029.To prevent the virus gaining a resistance to all of the treatments by “carpet bombing” the pathogen with one treatment one after another at once allowing it to be cured as stated over the course of a decade at most depending on how many virions are in the body and how early treatment started and how long the patient has been infected.Thus all anti-viral compounds such as cyanovirin-N, Di-dehydrocortistatin A,melittin alongside N6 and tri-specific antibodies synthesised by anabolic and catabolic reactions etc will be applied at once to prevent the virus from first infecting new leukocytes and then kill them off with CRISPR treatments that introduce faults,susceptibility,etc and antibodies from the immunised primary immune system applied all at the same time in already infected patients and new ones will allow the microbes to catch it off guard and unable to adapt.Radiation treatment will also be applied as well.Applying all of the different treatments at once will increase effectiveness of them,speed up up the rate the patient is cured to at most 5 years with most being passive process controlled entirely by Paean that work 24/7,365 without the need to intake any medication with patients taking test every one or few months.All measures carried at once in waves can be done to allow the microbes and primary immune system time to rest via carrying out battles one after the other in waves taking out large numbers of the virus in each one allowing them recharge and not cause overreactions that could be fatal and cause the immune system to become fatigued with the microbes controlling the primary immune system via chemical signals from orders sent by Paean with the patient eating large amounts of fats and sugars to allow the microbes to get breaks and feed on these with the microbes and the primary immune system by extension via the microbes using chemical signals will be controlled by Paean with him relaying to ones patient file the start and end time of these and also how many virions were destroyed.Routine tests will be done to determine the levels of virions,lymphocytes,antibodies etc to see how much progress is made with these logged in the patient file.The CRISPR immune response in microbes and also lymphocytes will be used to kill off whatever little amount of virions are left to preventing it rebounding thus meaning the patient should have this measure and the CCR5Delta 32 mutation left in their genome indefinitely once cured and also protect against reinfections with these fought off instantly and prevent the virus rebounding with every last virion killed off.Patients should have it kept for at least a decade after being officially cured to allow the activated immunised primary immune system and microbes kill of every last virion.Both the immunised and activated primary immune system and microbes will continue to kill off very last remenants of the virus once the CCR5Delta 32 mutation is removed.As the patient could live forever without anti-viral therapy then they could live normal lives with the battle lasting as long as it needs and all uninfected patients will be protected by them fitted with anti-viral strains,immunisations and also with them having the CRISPR immune response and CCR5Delta 32 mutation added to their genome meaning if they are infected then whatever little virions will be quickly killed off.The addition of the CCR5Delta 32 and also the addition of the CRISPR Cas-9 immune response to lymphocytes would prevent the virus able to replicate thus preventing it mutating in infected patients thus preventing it gaining resistance leaving the virus in a vulnerable position as it is the viruses high turnover rate and haphazard method of creating random copies every time it replicates with each replication process creating billions of copies that are different each time it replicates that creates new strains thus leaving the virus unable to mutate.Ideally both measure of protection via the CCR5Delta 32 mutation and also the CRISPR immune response added to all leukocytes affected by HIV would prevent the virus infecting them and allowing the host patient to survive indefinitely without the need for anti-retroviral therapy indefinitely with them as stated these two measures will be engineered to be resistant to all existing and all possible strains of the virus that exists.Thus by preventing the replication of the virus completely without the use of anti-viral therapy through these protection measures it would prevent any mutation keeping the number of new strains to a minimum and also prevent the virus gaining resistance to the anti-viral compounds and also antibodies produced by the microbes and also primary immune system.These protection measures would also cause the microbes and lymphocytes that use them to signal to the immunised immune system and microbes to gather in the area and utilise all anti-viral compounds and antibodies at there disposal acting as a mousetrap.Ideally patients would continue to have these once cured so as to prevent reinfection and also any remaining hidden virions infecting leukocytes and thus causing the virus rebounding with them updated with upgrades to make them effective any new strains that may arise with any cells where the virus and its DNA hides in will be be edited by CRISPR applied by this strain and made to undergo apoptosis with new tissues grown in its place.Uninfected patients especially at risk groups by having these protective measures,being immunised and also have anti-viral microbes would prevent the virus gaining a stronghold and allow them to be cured instantly when they have the CCR5Delta 32 mutation with the same applying to infants via the genes responsible for this passing to it via advanced gene drive technology if both parents have it to prevent the child being infected and its microbes and immunisations protecting it and wiping the pathogen instantly from their body.This would halt the spread of the virus and allow newly infected individuals to be cured instantly.If the virus does gain a resistance to any of the treatments ie N6 and tri-specific antibodies,antibodies from the immunised primary immune system,radiation,anti-viral compounds and even the protection measures added to lymphocytes then CRISPR will be used by the anti-viral strains to remove this resistance by altering the internal RNA and thus surface proteins and glycoproteins etc to make the treatments at the disposal of the body and microbes effective once again with the patient put back on anti-viral therapy for at least one or two years with the anti-viral and anti-bacterial strains fighting off any opportunistic infections and anti-cancer strains fighting off tumours.Once the viruses has been cured worldwide and has been wiped out from the face of the Earth this will render the need for the CCR5Delta 32 mutation to be removed from all patients but it kept stored in Physis.As the microbes can scan their genome and then send it to be analysed by Phanes and Paean to prepare CRISPR treatments.Ideally CRISPR treatments for this will be prepared by the time first generation of anti-viral microbes will be created.Ideally all of these treatments will be available by 2029 in the first generation of microbes with automated labs testing the virus and bacteria to become susceptible to them all will be done to see what genes to add and remove.Thus anti-viral strains through these measures will be able to cure all patients worldwide infected with HIV.The treatments used by them will also be used to make the virus susceptible to all of the compounds present in the microbes and this will be applied to all of the viruses outside HIV ie viruses will be made susceptible to these compounds via CRISPR or upgrades done via lab tests as detailed earlier.The CRISPR defence mechanism from S.pyogenes added to the affected CD4+ T lymphocytes modified to attack HIV will do the same.It may be possible for the microbes DNA to house suicide or other genes that destroy the virus or limit its ability to undergo replication that are transferred into the virus as a reaction once the virus uses it to undergo replication but through genes like how the CRISPR method is used by S.pyogenes to attack bacteriophages that do this transferred through reaction to prevent the virus from doing so and destroying the microbes thus allowing the virus to be destroyed by inhibiting its replication and other CRISPR treatments attacking the virus to remove its glycoproteins,apply suicide genes and also the compounds at its disposal once it is made susceptible to it.These genes would be replicated via taq polymerase and Cas-9 and this can also protect them from other viral pathogens that use leukocytes as replication factories and would be in areas that that the virus uses and be designed to only affect HIV etc and not the microbes.The immune response method CRISPR Cas-9 that S.pyogenes uses to attack bacteriophages can be employed to protect the microbes itself and apply disabling or suicide genes to the HIV virus as well as Ebolavirus and N.meningitidis to prevent them from replicating in the microbes and also cause it to signal to other microbes to flood the bloodstream and lympahtic system with first DNA in bumpers to modify them and then the anti-viral compounds with them also signalling the immunised primary system to gather in the area of them also fight at once with antibodies and signal the attacked microbes to apply melittin and other compounds via phagocytosis and bumpers.To do this genes from S.pyogenes that allow for this to happen will be employed.This would also have key genetic sequences of HIV,Ebolavirus and N.meningitidis interspaced in the microbes genome to allow for the Cas-9 to be deployed.The virus when it attempts to replicate inside the microbe would be attacked by the CRISPR Cas-9 response used by the microbes that would then through programming or signals sent back forth between Paean via wifi cause it to signal to the rest of the microbes and the immunised primary immune system namely the memory plasma cells to gather in the place and apply all anti-viral compounds and antibodies at their disposal with the attacked microbe also applying these compounds as well.The microbes attacked would apply anti-viral compounds through phagocytosis and also bumpers with them via chemical signals and wifi to Paean to call all other microbes and the immunised primary immune system to gather in place and apply anti-viral compounds via bumpers,seek out virions and engulf them to apply these compounds through phagocytosis,synthesise tri-specific and N6 antibodies and initiate the immunised primary system.They would also be programmed to upon being attacked utilise the anti-viral compounds through phagocytosis via this response stored in DNA digital storage present and nanomachines,nanopocessors present that receive instructions from Paean to do so as well as actively seek out and destroy virions alongside virophage DNA and that from predatory bacteria.Thus the microbes would act as a mousetrap to the virus.The native immune system namely those affected by HIV,N.meningitidis,Ebolavirus etc can also through gene therapy to the patients genome and also the bone marrow not only have resistance but also have the CRISPR defence mechanism from S.pyogenes added to them via CRISPR itself with traces of these viruses DNA already interspaced in their genome to allow for the human and patient version of Cas-9 to be deployed instantly as extra protection alongside or in place of the addition of the CCR5Delta 32 gene thus allowing the relevant leukocytes affected by these pathogens to defend themselves from their attacks and replication methods using the human and patient version of Cas-9 disabling the viruses from decimating the native immune system with this applied to the hosts genome or those in their bone marrow.This would allow for gene therapy to be applied to live infected and uninfected patients genome or the DNA in bone marrow to engineer the lymphocytes to harbour not just the CRISPR Cas-9 immune response but if possible also house the specific RNA markers from all strains of the virus in the exact spaces in the tested leukocytes genome with this done by AI by at least 2023-2025 with microbes having them printed out using 3D DNA printers by this point.CRISPR Cas-9’s precision at applying genes to living cells could easily apply the correct genome sequence to the hosts genome to have the affected CD4+ T Lymphocytes house the CRISPR Cas-9 system and have the relevant RNA of the virus in key parts of the system as determined by the aforementioned experiments with this allowing the lymphocyets to effectively utilise the CRISPR Cas-9 immune response against all strains.The native immune system would use this to apply genes that remove their GP120 gycoproteins and also call microbes and plasma cells to gather in the place and apply both anti-viral compounds and also antibodies.Thus the native leukocytes affected by the aforementioned viruses can be fitted with the defense mechanism of S.pyogenes with organs such as the liver,brain etc also fitted with these mechanism via CRISPR adding the DNA from S.pyogenes and also the relevant genes from the viruses interspaced in their to allow them to be able to fight off infections similar to microbes.This defence mechanism can be added alongside immunisation to uninfected patients to prevent the virus gaining a stronghold with it applied to all cells in the hosts body and bone marrow.If possible both microbes and leukocytes in infected and uninfected animal patient subjects can be tested in test tubes or in the patient itself with in the case of test tubes actual real unaltered forms of the viruses to teach them how to utilise the Cas-9 immune response and in the actual patients dead versions of the viruses modified by CRISPR that only share or insert certain key genes and not actually damage the microbes or leukocytes to test and teach them how to use the immune response of Cas-9 which could be then tested with real versions of the test tubes.This CRISPR Cas-9 immune response can be added to tissues and cells that the N.meningitidis,Ebolavirus viruses infect for replication.To determine the genes that need to be interspaced experiments can be made via creating leukocyte bacterial hybrids of human leukocytes namely CD4+ T Lymphocytes containing CRISPR Cas-9 from S.pyogenes that can be purposefully infected with these pathogens and a means to determine the first set of genes to be injected can be determined via using multiple bacteria that are hybrids of human leukocytes with different sets of genes from them each pathogens or have none to test the bacteria hybrid response to infection and then after replication attempts the hybrids can be analysed for DNA from HIV,N.meningitidis,Ebolavirus etc is present in them when they fight back.These will be tested in leukocyte samples in artificial blood containing the human CD4+ T Lymphocytes and also SUP-T1 and 293T cells as well as chimpanzees and mice engineered with human recombinant DNA and those from S.pyogenes that create human CD4+ T Lymphocytes with the CRISPR Cas-9 system with the animals injected with large levels of the virus to allow large amounts of the hybrid leukocytes to be attacked and fought off with then after a while the blood extracted and then the CD4+ T Lymphocytes DNA analysed to see which ones contain RNA from HIV with this done on multiple animals and also test tubes containing infected blood that test all strains of the virus and the sequences of RNA from the virus kept in the modified lymphocytes with this done in separate leukocytes for each strain or one set or both one at the same time to see what RNA markers each strain is kept by the modified lymphocytes with AI using this information to determine what all possible strains would leave what markers behind.One set of microbes and modified lymphocytes will have all strains of the virus in both animals and test tubes to see where the RNA markers from all strains are kept after they are infected.After a while the lymphocytes will be extracted and thus run through DNA analysers with AI analysing all strands of DNA to see what are human DNA,bacterial S.pyogenes DNA and those that are RNA from the virus with the RNA and DNA from each strain analysed in each set including the one that had all strains attempting to infect the leukocytes to see where the RNA strands of each strain are interspaced to be mass produced using 3D DNA printers.Thus each set of test tubes containing the modified lymphocytes and chimpanzees or ideally mice with human recombinant DNA to produce the modified human CD4+ T Lymphocytes can be used to test each strain of the virus with one set of both test tubes and animals testing all strains of HIV at once to see which RNA markers are left in place of the CRISPR immune system for each strain with the one infected with all known strains will determine what RNA markers will be there and where in the CRISPR system they will be placed exactly using 3D DNA printers.This will stored in Physis and an augmentation sub network and this and 3D DNA printers will allow the CRISPR immune response for HIV etc and different versions of it to inserted into base and augmentation microbes for upgrades to living patients and be mass produced to be added to the patients genome via augmentation strains and anti-viral strains of microbes.This can be done for versions for each strain and a version for all strains.AI can also extrapolate the genes for versions for each strain and a version for all strains.These sets will use mice and test tubes with multiple animals and test tubes as mice and test tubes will allow for quick results.This will also involve both pre and post infected animals both mice and chimpanzees with human recombinant DNA to produce human lymphocytes.Ideally the mice and chimpanzees hybrids will be engineered to produce human leukocytes with these tests replicated for the anti-viral strains of microbes in test tubes with their DNA housing the CRISPR system and the RNA of all strains in all key spaces through 3D DNA printers.Animal test subjects such as chimpanzees with human DNA to produce human leukocytes can have microbes and the human leukocytes in them have the CRISPR Cas-9 defense system engineered into the that after infection can have them after a while have their blood extracted and then the CD4+ T Lymphocytes DNA analysed in DNA analysers to see which ones contain RNA from HIV with AI analysing all strands of DNA to see what are human DNA,bacterial S.pyogenes DNA and those that are RNA from the virus are present with the RNA and DNA from each strain analysed in each set including the one that had all strains attempting to infect the leukocytes to see where the RNA strands of each strain are interspaced to allow microbes to mass produced using 3D DNA printers and for humans to through gene therapy have S.pyogenes DNA and RNA from HIV interspaced into their DNA in the bone marrow for humans and also in cellular DNA in microbes.If possible microbes can be used to determine the exact RNA markers and their location for both themselves and lymphocytes in test tubes with all strains of the virus.AI such as Phanes can by itself determine where strands of HIV DNA/RNA needs to be interspaced by analysing the genome of the HIV.3D DNA Printers will create microbes that house these exact sequences of DNA from the virus and S.pyogenes DNA for anti-viral strains and augmentation strains for humans to havd this applied to the patients bone marrow to have native leukocytes to harbour it.When new strains arises these tests can be done again using it by itself or all strains at once and then the patient upgraded with gene therapy that adds this new RNA marker to their leukocytes.If need be other tests and thus gene therapy this time involving the dendritic cells and macrophages in order to deal with Ebolavirus and N.meningitidis that can be applied to all uninfected patients with tests done using these leukocytes in test tubes or in animals engineered to create human versions infected with the pathogen.This can also involve human tissue cultures of various organs fitted with the CRISPR Cas-9 system that would again be tested against Ebolavirus and N.meningitis in both human/animal hybrids that have human organs or tissue cultures to prevent from infecting them alongside the dendritic cells in uninfected patients with gene therapy added to the cells of these organs to allow them to utilise this mechanism with the genes that these two pathogens use in dendritic cells and organ cells determine via these tests.This determination of the first set of genes inserted into the hybrids by each pathogen and thus which ones can be interspaced into microbes and native leukocytes to have the CRISPR Cas-9 immune response can be done labs around the world starting by 2023/2024 and be determined by at least 2025.This will allow the microbes and leukocytes that have this protective mechanism be able to instantly be able to fight off any strain of the virus instantly in both infected and uninfected patients as another method of attacking the virus and killing it in response to attacks by the microbes and native immune system alongside them using chemical and wifi signals to have other microbes and native immune system gather in place and fight virions and apply anti-viral compounds and antibodies via bumpers,anabolic and catabolic actions etc.Thus both anti-viral microbes and lymphocytes affected by Ebolavirus,HIV and N.meningitidis will be fitted with the CRISPR Cas-9 system to the viruses infecting them.This method may even play a role in disabling or destroying the viruses that attack leukocytes by the native immune system and offer extra protection to both uninfected and infected patients and via gene drive technology to unborn fetuses alongside the application of the CCR5Delta 32 mutation negating the need for patients to take protease inhibitors and also other anti-viral combination therapy with this as stated tested on chimpanzees and mice that have human recombinant DNA to produce leukocytes that are hybrids or are solely human ones starting as early as 2023/2024 involving these animals injected with the virus born with this mutation and those already infected an given the mutation and other viruses that infect leukocytes with this possibly extending to organs infected by other viruses.Thus organs infected by viral pathogens and possibly even bacterial ones can have them given this ability as well preventing the pathogens infecting them when they cant do so to the leukocytes.Ideally these protection measures will contain the key genes of all strains or those common to all possible strains of HIV will be done so as to make it effective to all strains that may infect uninfected patients and those already in infected ones and those that arise from mutations with the aforementioned lab experiments also determining this by applying all strains to test lymphocytes and determine which ones are used by each strain with the mechanism developed for all types of viruses that infect leukocytes,organs etc.AI by 2023/2024 should easily determine the required genetic sequences present by scanning the genome of all strains of HIV and carrying out these tests in labs allowing them to be available to human patients in 2025.This alongside the CCR5Delta 32 mutation will be applied to the patient via advanced gene drive technology to be a permanent part and also pass onto the patients unborn fetus if both parents have this phenotype preventing the virus gaining a stronghold in the unborn child with uninfected patients having this protection measure to prevent the virus gaining a stronghold.This and the CCR5Delta 32 mutation added to infected patients will allow them to live healthy lives indefinitely without the need for taking antiretroviral therapy.Anti-bacterial and anti-cancer strains will be added to the patient to aid in the primary immune systems functions to again let the primary immune system bounce back to healthy levels with the genes applied to the genome in a cells in the body and not just the bone marrow.Applying this,immunisations and anti-viral strains to all non infected patients worldwide will prevent the virus spreading,gaining a stronghold and allow newly infected patients to be cured instantly thus stopping its spread globally with advanced gene drive technology making it a permanent part of the human genepool.Having the resistance to the virus and also defence mechnaism added to both heterosexual female and male partners using advanced gene drive technology would pass this to unborn foetuses thus preventing the virus gaining a stronghold and allowing the child to be cured instantly as microbes would be passed from mother to child immunising them and also fighting off the virus.Thus having the CCR5Delta 32 mutation and CRISPR immune response added to both parents prior to conception via advanced gene drive technology will ensure any conceived children will have these phenotypes to prevent the virus gaining a stronghold in the fetuses body ensuring it will not gain a stronghold despite it entering the childs body and allowing microbes passed onto it at birth to fight it off instantly alongside immunisations to wipe it out of the childs body instantly.This will negate the need to take anti-retroviral therapies to prevent it passing from parent to child.If not then women should continue to take medication to prevent the transmission of the virus to the unborn child though both taking medication and passing on the CCR5Delta 32 mutation should be carried out with this tested on animals with human DNA first by 2023/2024.This can be tested on chimpanzees first while infected women still take drugs that prevent the virus passing onto her child until it can be fully shown in animal subjects that it is possible and that the advanced gene drive technology passes this to their children and that this is successful in 100% of cases of infected women with the resistance added able to pass this on and not the virus.Testing the efficacy of the genes will begin on tests on chimpanzees and mice as early as 2024-2025 on pre and post infected animals with human recombinant DNA to produce human lymphocytes.Since the person will be protected the microbes can engage in long battles taking out large numbers of the virus alongside radiation treatments and immunised primary systems are wiping out large numbers of the virus and then rest for a while to feed on sugars and fats taken in by the patient in large amounts at the behest of Paean to recharge for another battle straight away over and over again.The lymphocytes can also be altered to upon any chance the virus attempts to infect them will signal to the immunised primary immune system and microbes to gather in their place and flood the area with anti-viral compounds and antibodies.Both measures will be modified to protect against all strains of the virus and all possible strains and will beginning testing on mice and chimpanzees and test tube using modified CD4+ T Lymphocytes in blood samples by 2023/2024 with these measures preventing the virus replicating and thus mutating since HIV mutates very quickly by creating billions of copies each time it replicates that are slightly different from the progenitor virion and also its siblings this would keep the number of strains of HIV down to a minimum and also it would prevent it gaining resistance to antibodies and anti-viral compounds at the microbes and primary immune systems disposal leaving the virus in a vulnerable position by preventing it mutating.If possible all patients worldwide would get immunised via the common proteins method,have the protective measures included into their genome such as the S.pyogenes CRISPR immune response and CCR5Delta 32 mutation and also have anti-viral strains added to them to halt the spread of the virus completely and allow newly infected individuals to be cured instantly with them applied to all already infected patients to allow them to survive indefinitely without taking anti-viral medications.This will be added to all cells in the body or the bone marrow with the CRISPR Cas-9 immune response again add extra protection for both infected and uninfected patients and work in cases where the CCR5Delta 32 mutation cannot be added to the host for any reason.Their effects can be tested on chimpanzees and mice already infected with the virus and on protease inhibitors with the mutation added via proto microbes and those born with the mutations and CRISPR Cas-9 aided leukocytes then infected to test its efficacy on keeping the patient resistant to infection with them having human recombinant DNA to produce human leukocytes or hybrids with the animals viral loads tested routinely after and while anti-viral treatments are given can start as early as 2023/2024 to allow to be applicable to human trials and full versions by 2025-2029.The CRISPR Cas-9 immune response added to leukocytes will also protect the patient against other strains of the virus that tweaked versions of the CCR5Delta 32 mutation cant.Both protective methods the CRISPR Cas-9 immune response and CCR5Delta 32 will be tested on chimpanzees and mice in sets ie one with the CCR5Delta 32,one with the CRISPR Cas-9 immune response and one with both with all of these tested on post and pre infected chimpanzees and mice that have human recombinant DNA to produce human leukocytes.The chimpanzees and mice will also include groups that have both methods added to them using proto microbes and those born with them.Test tubes of blood infected with the vatrious strains of the virus that have these altered lymphocytes from animals or the lymphocytes have the relevant DNA added to them individually to test if the virus can infect them with all versions of the mutation including universal versions tested in test tubes and on animals against all strains.If neither can be applied the patient will still be required to take protease inhibitors while the immunised primary immune system and microbes act on the virus.Both will be applied to all patients whether infected or not to act as backup where the other has drawbacks.The same can be replicated with Ebolavirus and N.meningitidis by analysing the DNA of populations resistant them and also AI creating genes from scratch that prevent the relevant leukocytes and organ tissues from being infected with genes also created and added to organs they infect to prevent them from infecting them with the CRISPR Cas-9 immune response added to these leukocytes and organs modified to attack the viruses.By having the host housing the CCRDelta 32 mutation added to them via gene therapy it will leave the virus unable to use CD4+ T Lymphocytes to replicate and allow the patients native immune system to rebound snd thus be able to normally fight off tumours snd infectioms.Havibg the microbes anto-viral strains housing the same receptors as the CD4+ T Lymphocytes that HIV uses to infect thrm will force the virus to interact only with the microbes if it wants to replicate.The microbes can be fitted with the CRISPR Cas-9 immune response of S.pyogenes by having the DNA of HIV interspersed in it will prevent the viruses destroying then but once attack the microbes through both genes present and instructions from Paean via Biosynth wifi be engineered to then apply the CRISPR Cas-9 immune response and then also anti-viral compounds at is disposal and also apply CRISPR treatments that change its genome beyond recognition.This would leave the viruses unable to replicate and thus easily wiped out by microbes and radiation treatments.microbes can attack the virus wither when the virus attempts to use it as a replication vector or do so actively through Paean encouraging them to actively seek out the virus with meditating etc applied through phagocytosis and nanoparticle laden bumpers while antibodies are synthesised in the bloodstream.The microbes can on demand by being told by Paean via Biosynth wifi synthesise large amounts of antibodies in the bloodstream that will flush out of the body via urine and feces while they can also on demand synthesis large of the antiviral compound in synthetic bumpers to prevent immune response or cytotoxity to kill large amounts of the virus that will flush out of the body through feces snd urine.This can be done alongside microbes potentially removing the viruses GP120 glycoproteins and thus since having the same receptors present on CD4+ T lymphocytes force the HIV viruses to attach an interact with only the microbes in order to replicate that have the relevant receptors to interact with the viruses GP120 glycoproteins present in HIV since the microbes would be hybrids of macrophages,CD4+ T lymphocytes,dendritic cells and even plasma cells and other leukocytes and will allow it to kill it through applying viricidal compounds such as lemon juice,melittin,N6 and tri-specific antibodies through phagocytosis instantly as a reaction to them attaching to them or flooding the bloodstream with the compounds.This will play key role in testing the efficacy of immunisations in already infected patients and allowing uninfected patients to quickly fight off infections.As detailed later on the microbes can flood the body through the bloodstream and lymphatic system with bumpers that house DNA to interact with the genome of the virus to cause them to loose their glycoproteins preventing them attaching to normal CD4+ T leukocytes both in the patient and any patients infected by the host and also the microbes themselves as well as become susceptible to the compounds at its disposal allowing for millions of virions at once to be affected disabling the virus and thus making them unable to mutate,make them susceptible to compounds at their disposal and also undergo apoptosis in bumpers added with advanced gene drive technology and then release all anti-viral compounds that inhibit and kill HIV such as melittin,cyanovirin-N,Di-dehydro-Cortistatin A,lemon juice,virkon etc in the form of nanoparticles covered in the same natural or synthetic bumpers that bounce off normal healthy cells but interact only with the surface of the virus to kill off all virus particles that are kept under control by protease inhibitors and the modified resistant leukocytes with excess flushed out through urination to limit side effects.Otherwise these would also be applied by phagocytosis when they entrap virions with this and bumpers making microbes the ideal vector for all anti-viral compounds that can inhibit and kill HIV.The microbes housing modified virophage and bacteriophage DNA merged together to not need a helper virus will be able to have base microbes scan the HIV viruses unique strain and create schematics of endolysine type material that will be used by anti-viral microbe strains using bumpers to kill the virus from the inside out.Thus the microbes would act as a bear or mousetrap to HIV and other and pathogens that use leukocytes to replicate with this replicated with Ebolavirus and N.meningitidis by them having the same receptors as the leukocytes they infect since the anti-viral strains would be hybrids of various types of leukocytes that the pathogens namely HIV,N.meningitidis and also Ebolavirus infects by having the unaltered receptors they interact with and the native immune system would be made resistant to the virus forcing the virus to interact with the microbes as once the virus attaches to the microbes they would apply melittin,lemon juice nanoparticles in bumpers or via phagocytosis alongside the CRISPR Cas-9 immune response.In both existing infected and newly infected individuals the microbes once a virus would attach to them would signal to other microbes and the immunised primary immune system to gather to the area and to release DNA housed in bumpers and then nanoparticles of the anti-viral compounds covered in bumpers and also antibodies in the case of the primary immune system with this replicated for bacterial pathogens in reaction to wipe them out of the patients body with them using the lymphatic system and bloodstream to spread them to all parts of the body the microbes sending relevant memory plasma and killer T cells and other microbes to various parts of the body including the testes to wipe out traces of the virus in semen and also in hard to reach places.This can be used to allow virophage features to apply endolysine like material to the pathogen with the microbes protected with their own version of the CRISPR Cas-9 immune response that prevents the virus using the microbe for replication and would signal the microbes to send for memory plasma cells and other microbes to gather in its place and release anti-viral compounds and antibodies when the virus attempts to replicate inside the microbe.If possible once the virophage DNA in them has received schematics from base microbes or the DNA present them of the strain of the virus in the patient they could release endolysine like materials in bumpers to be able to intercept all viruses or just HIV.The microbes guarded would be protected against the virus entering them and replicating or using its DNA to replicate by them have only the receptors present on and not the same surface and internal proteins,makeup and structure as CD4+ T lymphocytes since they would be hybrids of them and other leukocytes that prevents this,have the DNA inside them protected from the viruses replication abilities,ability to use the hosts DNA for this and even prevent them entering in the first place through intensive engineering and gene drives that prevent this by preventing the microbes DNA from being used in replication,the compounds created by the microbes doing this and also preventing the virus affecting other cells and also by applying CRISPR treatments applied instantly to prevent this alongside those that cause it to undergo apoptosis,remove its GP120 glycoproteins and make them susceptible to the compounds at its disposal that it may become resistant to kill it,releasing the cyanoviran-N,Didehydro-corstatin A and other compounds that inhibits it ability to infect them as nanoparticles in reaction to this and then the other compounds such as melittin and lemon juice and antibodies that kill it.Upgrades can be done at home or via wifi that changes the genetic sequences in microbes,CD4+ T lymphocytes and organs when new infections occur or when the newest infections occur.If the protective measure doesnt destroy the virus but only disables it then it would be used by the native leukocytes to alert the memory plasma cells and also other ones and even the microbes anti-viral strains to the virus attaching to it and thus gather in the area and produce antibodies from being immunised or those from populations that produce tri-specific and N6 antibodies whose genes are added to the bone marrow or entire genome of the host both during first treatments but also when residual virions are left in the body when the vast majority of the virus has been killed off leaving the virus undetectable and also during reinfection and also in initial infections in unifected individuals.The attacked CD4+ T lymphocytes will thus signal to microbes and the rest of the primary immune system mainly memory plasma cells to gather in the area and release antibodies and anti-viral compounds via gene therapy to recognise when they are being attacked.Thus infected patients would keep this ability and CCR5Delta 32 to allow any reinfections and any remaining virions to be killed off instantly thus preventing the virus rebounding ensuring every last virion is killed by both the native immune system and also microbes.The microbes like native CD4+ T lymphocytes that has the CRISPR Cas-9 immune response would also have this system of response to attempts of the virus to infect them and signal to other microbes and also the memory plasma cells and other leukocytes to gather in the area and attack the pathogen with this done to kill off every last virion preventing it rebounding,prevent reinfections and attack all virions in newly infected individuals that have these measure and also microbes prior to infection.Again infected individuals would be immunised against the virus to improve success with the microbes engineered using recombinant DNA from virophages and those from scratch tweaked could also allow them to purposefully hunt down the virus helping in cases where the resistance cannot be transferred and anti-viral medication should still be taken.If these compounds such as cyanoviran-N,Didehydro-corstatin A,melittin,lemon juice do not kill HIV then CRISPR treatments applied by the microbes through phagocytosis and horizontal gene transfer or applying theses treatments via bumpers flooded in the bloodstream can modify the virus into becoming susceptible to them and thus be killed by it applying CRISPR treatments either via again flooding the bloodstream with bumpers containing DNA or through phagocytosis that change the viruses internal and external structure during phagocytosis or by flooding the bloodstream with bumpers containing the DNA to be then made susceptible to them by having it express the same outer structure as benign strains of HPV,Rhinoviruses,Orthomyxoviridae etc as well as scratch DNA to express outer structures that can be destroyed by them with this also applied to any pathogens that gain resistance to the compounds at their disposal and new pathogens especially viruses and fungi.The virus can be then destroyed by all of these and other compounds applied during phagocytosis instantly once the CRISPR treatments are applied or the compounds can be released into the bloodstream as nanoparticles in bumpers that interact with the virus and not the patients cells to cytotoxicity.Scratch DNA can be extrapolated by AI to have it express outer structures that can be killed by them.This should ideally be the same protein capsid and exterior structure of benign HPV,Rhinoviruses,Orthomyxoviridae strains to have cyanovirian-N applied or scratch DNA can have it express protein coats that can be destroyed by lemon,juice and melittin,cyanoviran-N,Didehydro-corstatin A.Scratch DNA extrapolated by Phanes can allow the compounds kill it by destroying their protein coats etc.This will be also done to other known viral pathogens outside of HIV,MRSA including Rhinovirus and those from Orthomyxoviridae to limit the genotypes present in anti-microbial and anti-viral strains.If will also be done should the virus be able to mutate quickly with the fact the patient will be made resistant to the virus interacting with the CD4+ T Lymphocytes would prevent to replicating and thus able to mutate with this also done to ensure the antibodies produced by the primary immune system are still effective.These compounds will also be released via bumpers to bounce off healthy cells and once the CRISPR treatments make the virus susceptible to all compounds they can all be released at once alongside antibodies from the immunised primary immune system.Suicide genes could also be applied alongside those that remove its GP120 glycoproteins to prevent it infecting cells,remove genes essential to its survival as well as function and the microbes with them applying multiple genes to prevent mutations or allowing it to adapt via “carpet bombing” it with as many treatments as possible with removal of the GP120 glycoproteins preventing it infecting other lymphocytes or patients these specific virions infect with it through extensive CRISPR treatments even made into a benign strain of HPV,Rhinoviruses,Orthomyxoviridae strains that the immune system can fight off by rewriting the viruses RNA to the point that it is mostly HPV,Rhinoviruses,Orthomyxoviridae benign strains with only trace strands of the original virus that render it harmless and capable of being killed off by the primary immune system.This could allow the native immune system by itself and immunised against these benign viruses clear the body of it.Firstly the CRISPR treatments will remove the GP120 glycoproteins thus preventing it unable to infect leukocytes and unable to affect the patient leaving them benign.If possible the virus once it’s GP120 glycoproteins and outer protein coats are removed can be made to express phospholipid bilayers and protein coats of benign species of bacteria and viruses that the immune system can fight off and is immunised or vaccinated against and is susceptible to antibiotics by having bacterial phospholipids(that is not a superbugs)in place of its outer protein coats that are susceptible to everyday antibiotics such as penicillins which can be taken routinely for several months or synthesised by the anti-bacterial strains with suicide genes also added.The outer coats of the virus can be made to express the phospholipids of benign bacteria that can be killed by antibiotics like penicillin with its internal structures also modified to become similar to benign bacteria that can be killed by antibiotics such as penicillin with gene drives making this alteration permenant thus preventing it gaining a resistence to antiobiotics.Genes from bacteria that allow them to undergoe mitosis will not be added to the virus with since its GP120 glycoproteins are not present it will be unable to replicate or increase its numbers thus keeping levels of the virus at a constant levels and mutation blocking genes present to prevent it mutating.Without the GP120 glycoproteins it will be unable to infect leukocytes with it also despite having bacterial DNA it will not be given genes that allow it to undergoe mitosis thus ensuring the levels of this new virus/bacteria hybrid will stay in the body at stable levels as it will be unable to undergoe mitosis.As a result the virus will no longer be a virus but rather a bacteria that will be a benign species that cannot damage the patient,cannot replicate or undergoe mitosis thus leaving it susceptible to the primary immune system and antiobiotics.Biosynth WiFi can be added to the virus/bacteria hybrid to allow the location and number of them to be relayed to Paean.Once large amounts of the virus are converted to this bacteria/virus hybrid it will be able be killed off by the patients administered penicillin by pill form,injections and even the microbes anti-bacterial strains themselves within the body with this done in rounds of adminstration until the patient is cured of the virus.The microbes can apply CRISPR treatments that makes it outer protein costs susceptible and thus killed off by antibiotics such as penicillin etc and also even compounds found in over the counter medicine such as Lemsip and even vitamin C from eating fruits and also using vitamin supplements as well as medicinal marijuana.These CRISPR treatments applied by the anti-viral strains of microbes through both horizontal gene transfer and through bumpers that as transportation vectors will remove large strands of the viruses RNA and replace it with new strands of RNA and DNA that change it beyond recognition to the point it can be killed off by the primary immune system and also everyday medications to treat viral,bacterial and fungal pathogens such as penicillin,Lemsip and even medicinal marijuania,herbs as well as excess nutrients in the body such as vitamins injected into the bloodstream and consumed by the patient with this replicated with all viruses outside of HIV especially new ones alongside making them susceptible to compounds at the anti-viral strains disposal.It will also make it completely benign or die off in the bloodstream by making the virus unable to survive the internal homeostasis of the patients body making it unable to survive the temperature and pH ranges of the blood.Thus the virus will first have its GP120 glycoproteins removed completely by removing the strands of DNA/RNA to express this thus leaving it unable to replicate and then have the outer proteins of the protein capsid modified to express that of benign viruses and bacteria that the native immune system can kill by itself or be killed off by antibiotics such as penicillin and also even over the counter medicines that treat everyday ailments etc such as penicillin Lemsip,herbs and medicinal marijuania by removing large strands of the viruses DNA and RNA and then replacing with that of benign bacteria and viruses as well as scratch DNA that allows these everyday compounds that are inhaled,injected and injested into the bloodstream to kill the modified virus.The primary immune system due to the prescence of the CCR5 Delta 32 mutation would be able to rebound and fight off the virus especially when immunised against and also fight off against the modified forms of it.If need be once the CCR5 Delta 32 mutation is applied virions can be modified to have their GP120 glycoproteins removed to further prevent infections in other patients and extra proctection against decimating the immune system of patients with the patients immunised immune system activated to allow the body to fight it off with antibodies and the microbes synthesing tri-specific and N6 antibodies through anabolic and catabolic reactions and at the same time actively seeking out virions and applying the anti-viral compounds via phagocytosis..The virus through extensive rewriting can even be turned into microbes,benign virions and human cells that are flushed out and if need be even leukocytes all with the patients DNA.If possible all DNA/RNA needed for it function will be removed alongside all DNA/RNA leaving it an empty husk of surface proteins etc that will either be flushed out of the body,break down or even be killed off and consumed by the native primary immune system.Suicide genes can be added that cause the virus to undergo apoptosis.These and all CRISPR treatments utilised against HIV and other pathogens should use advanced gene drive technology to increase effectiveness and add genes using advanced gene drive technology that prevent the newly modified virus mutating.Upgrades can add new compounds that do kill the virus overtime that would be tested in automated labs worldwide with all known natural compounds from plants and animals worldwide on petri plates and test tubes of infected blood ,as well as using simulations.If possible synthetic viricidal compounds or at least the componants that have viricidal properties to HIV synthesised by them during phagocytosis in response to them being intercepted by HIV particles would be done to limit its release into the bloodstream or it can be created on the spot via anabolic and catabolic reactions then changed into benign compounds once used,applied with bumpers or the host can be be made immune to it via gene therapy using scratch DNA.As stated infected patients will be immunised by other strains to aid in the eradication of the virus from their body with this activated by the anti-viral strains signalling to them to attack with them if possible using recombinant DNA from all populations that produce the tri-specific and N6 antibodies.Otherwise they could on reaction to the virions attaching to the receptors or through detecting them in the surrounding area flood the bloodstream and lymphatic system with the bumper laden nanoparticles of the viricidal compounds,antibodies all at once to allow them to reach all parts of the body and kill off any HIV virions.This when the patient is made resistant to the virus would negate the need for protease inhibitors with if possible altering HIV virions via CRISPR to remove their GP120 glycoproteins alongside altering native leukocytes and using Di-dehydro-Cortistatin A to allow infected patients to use less or no anti-viral drugs if shown to be effective in combination.During phagocytosis the microbes can apply these and other compounds and CRISPR treatments to consume the virus using it as nutrition including its RNA as nutrition through catabolic and anabolic reactions.Flooding the body will allow the antibodies and bumper laden nanoparticles of each compounds from both microbes and immunised primary immune system through the bloodstream and even the lymphatic systems allowing it to reach all corners of the body especially hard to reach places and all places it hides.The use of Didehydro-corstatin A and the engineering of the leukocytes to be unable to be infected will allow the native CD4+ T Lymphocytes to return to normal levels alongside the other strains combating any infections that arise preventing the patient from dying from opportunistic infections and potentially negating the need for protease inhibitors and combined anti-viral therapy improving success in eradicating the virus from the body.Once the patient is cleared of the virus the C-C chemokine receptor type gene can be returned to the hosts genome and thus allow the patient to regain the functions of this genes functions.Cells both tissues and leukocytes that the virus hides its DNA in will be edited with CRISPR to remove the virus and its DNA if need be caused to undergo apoptosis and have new tissue grown in its place with uninfected patients have these tissues edited making them unable to be infected in the first place.Semen and other bodily fluids and all areas of body where HIV and other viruses is able to infilitrate and hide in will be inhabited and treated by the microbes and immunised immune system.Once the patient is cleared of the virus the C-C chemokine receptor type gene can be returned to the hosts genome and thus allow the patient to regain the functions of this genes functions.If possible to prevent reinfection the mutation can be tweaked in order to retain its original functions and still make relevant leukocytes unable to be reinfected.Cells both tissues and leukocytes that the virus hides its DNA in will be edited with CRISPR to remove the virus and its DNA if need be caused to undergo apoptosis and have new tissue grown in its place with uninfected patients have these tissues edited making them unable to be infected in the first place.Current functional cures that are being developed using vaccines from recombinant DNA from resistant populations can be applied alongside these methods to increase success with the romidepsin created by the microbes through recombinant DNA from C.violaceum or injected into the body to aid in the actions of the microbes by finding and attacking infected lymphoctes that may be a challenge with this allowing the patient to survive without protease inhibitors alongside the action of Di-dehydro-Cortistatin A and N6 and other tri-specific synthetic antibodies engineered into both the primary and secondary immune to allow the microbes to apply viricidal compounds such as melittin and lemon juice onto the virus that is unable to use CD4+ T lymphocytes to replicate.Again the microbes would apply CRISPR treatments that weaken the virus against the viricidal compounds present,prevent it from mutating,remove any resistance it has at the same to ensure effectiveness using the “carpet bombing” techniques.They could also could do this if the native immune system is decimated by the virus and them also fighting off cancers,pathogens and opportunistic infections,immunising the native system until the virus is eliminated allowing the native immune system to recuperate with them doing this while the patient is made resistant and they no longer take protease inhibitors to ensure that the patient is able to survive indefinitely should the lymphocytes be compromised in any other way.This should only be done if show safe on chimpanzees and mice.If possible their could be the option of the negating the need to add resistance if it cant be done or if doesnt work for all strains,keep taking protease inhibitors and allow the microbes flood the bodies with antibodies and nanoparticles of the various anti-viral compounds that kill HIV with the native immune system immunised also while other microbes fighting of any cancers and opportunistic pathogens with the microbes boosting the immune system through chemical signals or even immunising the primary immune system through interactions with the dendritic cell,plasma cells and killer T cells etc before the protease inhibitors are not removed to keep the virus in control as both microbes and native immune system attack it to allow the native immune system fight back once alerted to the viruses presence via chemical signals from the microbes.Of course this would be done on chimpanzees and mice to test its effectiveness but humans can use them at first with protease inhibitors taken and then when shown to be able to fight off the infection the resistance will be added to negate the need for inhibitors that cause side effects and save on resources.Thus human patients given the CCR5Delta 32 mutations and tweaked versions to give resistance to all strains will continue to take anti-viral medication until it has been shown through routine tests that the viral load and antibodies are decreasing and CD+4 T Lymphocytes levels are increasing.In this case the native immune system would be immunised to fight of the infection alongside the microbes.In cases where resistance cannot be transferred then the microbes and immunised primary immune system should be able to be utilised alongside immunisation while the patient takes protease inhibitors and other anti-viral treatments.To test the effectiveness of resistance samples of blood containing CD+4 T Lymphocytes can be taken while the patient still takes protease inhibitors and the sample and the lymphocytes exposed to the same strain of HIV in a test tube containing donated or infected artificial or donated blood as well as also SUP-T1 and 293T cells.T lymphoctes and macrophages or under a microscope to test the viruses ability to infect and samples of DNA from the lymphocytes and other cells in the body can be checked for the presence of the CCR5Delta 32 mutation with the immune response from the immunised primary system tested by detecting levels of antibodies produced in blood samples and also test tubes.This can be done with phlebotomy robots and automated labs and in time base microbes.Eventually the microbes will teach the immunised immune system to attack the viruse themselves in both chronic infections and also in any future infections with this of note in HIV infections as this will allow the immune system to fight off these with the antibodies tested in blood samples in home test kits to see if the level of them is decreasing or increasing denoting the stage at which they are from cured.The length of to being cured of HIV will depend on the level of virions in the body with the patient being immunised,microbes using their anti-viral compounds and CRISPR treatments and also the patient once made resistant to radiation undergoing multiple bouts of radiation therapy.Tests repeated annually using dongle home test kits and in hospital automated labs will test for the prescence of the CCR5Delta 32 mutation by analysing the DNA of CD+4 T lymphocytes present but will also measure antibodies produced by both the primary immune system and microbes,measure the levels of CD+4 lymphocytes and other leukocytes and more importantly the viral load all logged by date in ones patient file with graphs and Paean relaying progress.Patients will also be immunised using the common proteins method immunised against all major viral,fungal and bacterial pathogens that could kill the patient via being opportunistic infections.Patients already infected with HIV will also be immunised against their own strain and all strains of HIV and the primary immune system activated to produce its own antibodies and the anti-viral strains creating N6 and tri-specific antibodies via anabolic and catabolic reactions and anti-viral compounds such as lemon juice and mellittin delivered in bumpers.All types of anti-viral combination therapy can be created by the microbes daily via anabolic and catabolic reactions to prevent them being created and shipped to patients and bypass the stomach with less side effects.Di-dehydro-Cortistatin A,cyanovirin-N could be synthesised by anti-viral strains in already infected patients to replace protease inhibitors once the CCR5Delta 32 mutation is added to them as a backup with it also done in those without this mutation provided animal trials show it is safe due to their ability to inhibt the replication of the virus and inactivate it with these and melittin applied as bumpers or during phagocytsis to prevent it breaking down in the bloodstream and also causing damage to healthy cells in the case of melittin.Ideally patients should continue to take protease inhibitors and other anti-viral treatments for at least a year or two even with the CCR5DELTA 32 mutation is added to see that the immunisation,resistance and microbes are eliminating the virus through getting samples taken frequently every month using home test kits and phlebotomy robots in automated labs to measure the levels of CD+4 T lymphocytes,antibodies and also viral loads logged into ones digital patient file with this then allowing one to remove the need to take any anti-viral combinations indefinitely with these tests continuing until the levels of antibodies and viruses cannot be detected signalling that they are cured.These tests would test the levels of antibodies,the virus and CD+4 T lymphocytes with the lymphocytes tested for the CCR5 delta mutation to see it is present.These tests taken every month for a few years will show the levels of antibodies,the virus and CD+4 T lymphocytes plotted on graphs in ones digital patient file.When the graphs show the levels of CD+4 T lymphocytes rising to stable levels and detects the CCR5 delta mutation in the lymphocytes then it signifies that the levels of lymphocytes are rebounding to healthy levels meaning patients may no longer need to take protease inhibitors anymore.The tests may also detect levels of antibodies and anti-viral compounds created by the microbes determining the fact that the are being produced by the microbes and immunised primary immune system and are fighting the virus with the viral load of HIV also measured with this showing that the level of viral load is dropping showing that the patient is being cured.Once the tests show that no anti-viral compounds and antibodies are no longer being produced and the levels of HIV is down to zero then the patient can be cured.The anti-viral,anti-helmenthic,anti-bacterial and anti-cancer strains will fight off opportunistic infections and cancers before and after they stop taking protease inhibitors and will be used to measure the efficacy of the resistance when people stop taking medication decided by Paean as the strains will fight off pathogens and tumours and allow the native system to rebound so if it works the level of CD+4 T lymphocytes will rebound to normal levels and if it doesnt then at least the anti-viral,anti-bacterial and anti-cancer strains will keep the patient alive and then fight off the virus.These tests and also base microbes can show that the CCR5Delta 32 mutation and CRISPR immune response system is present in the lymphocytes and also the other cells of the body including bone marrow etc.Levels of CD4+ T lymphocytes,anti-viral compounds,antibodies and of the virus will all logged into their patient file via testing booths for STDs and blood components that measure all of these will be used to determine that the microbes and immunised primary immune system is fighting off the virus and that the lymphocytes levels are rising due to them not being infected any more and the virus disappearing.Thus this dectection of the CCR5Delta 32 mutation and measuring the levels of CD+4 lymphocytes and other leukocytes will show that the CCR5Delta 32 mutation is working as since the virus can no longer replicate normally even without protease inhibitors the levels of CD+4 lymphocytes and other leukocytes will be tested to show their levels to show that the CD+4 lymphocytes and other leukocytes rebound to healthy levels and can fight off the virus once immunised and activated thus also allowing it and anti-cancer,anti-bacterial,anti-viral strain to fight off infections and tumours like in normal unifected patients with the microbes and other treatments also fighting off the virus speeding up recovery.Tests of antibodies and viral load taken will show that if rising show that that the microbes and immunised primary immune system are fighting the virus with decreasing viral load showing that the patient is being cured.All results of these test done using home test kits and also in hospitals will be logged into ones patient file and plotted on graph and analysed by Paean.This routine testing taking place from anywhere from at the start every month to every few months will continue for several years to a full decade until it is shown that the patient is cured.In time implants will relay this information and will determine when a patient is fully cured.Once the levels of lymphocytes has risen and levels of the virus drops then the patient should no longer take protease inhibitors and other anti-viral treatment allowing them to live side effect free lives while the microbes and immunised immune system fight off the remainder of the virus with them taking routine tests logged into their patient file to determine when they are fully cured.When one has stopped taking anti-viral therapies then several times a month every month for a few months one should get tests done in both test labs in hospitals and also using dongles to test the viral load and antibodies to see that the resistance is working and that the virus cannot replicate and mutate and also further damage the immune system and the viral load is either dropping or staying stable to see that one can continue to not take protease inhibitors and anti-viral medication with if for any reason say the resistance does not work the viral load increases then they should back on the medication instantly and continue to do so until the virus is cleared from the patient with the immunised primary immune system and microbes are able to kill off the virus and any opportunistic infections and also cancers without the resistance if it fails with these tests shown to highlight the efficacy of the addition of the mutation to both infected and uninfected patients in preventing the virus replicating and decimating the primary immune system.If the resistance fails then anti-viral,anti-bacterial and anti cancer strains etc will fight off oppertunistic infections and tumours alongside the patient immunised against all major pathogens using the common proteins method.The protease inhibitors will be subsidised before becoming free.If they cannot have gene therapy applied then they should continue to take all anti-viral therapy until cured with if possible the microbes creating the protease inhibitors etc in the body via catabolic and anabolic reactions.The anti-viral,anti-fungal and anti-bacterial strains will fight off opportunistic infections especially fatal ones and anti-cancer strains fighting off opportunistic cancers in both those who are made resistant and those who cant and still take anti-viral therapy with them also immunised using the common proteins method immunised against all major viral,fungal and bacterial pathogens that could kill the patient via being opportunistic infections.This should be for the first wave of patients especially those taking part in clinical trials and if shown to effective then future patients will not need to take anti-viral treatments when infected since immunisation and microbes will protect them.Until it has been shown through these routine tests that antibodies are being produced,CD4+ T lymphocytes levels are increasing,and levels of the virus are dropping then they may stop taking medication with animal trials done with infected animals taking protease inhibitors and those not taking them highlight the role that they have on the microbes and immunised ability to fight the virus.While the patient has stopped taking anti-viral treatments they would be be protected by anti-microbial,anti-viral and immunised primary immune system fighting off infections and anti-cancer strains fighting tumours alongside the primary immune systems immunised to produce antibodies and the anti-viral strains fighting off the virus with the T lymphocytes unable to be affected by the virus.These strains will also fight against these once the patient is taking protease inhibitors with animal trials using infected chimpanzees with human DNA to create human leukocytes that have microbes based on these leukocytes showing how long the patient should continue to take medication to allow the microbes to get accustomed to fighting off the virus and the body adjusting to this.The microbes would edit cells that the virus hides in either removing its DNA in cells already infected by them or in fact editing these cells so they cant be used by the virus with this done in uninfected patients alongside immunisation and resistance.Any other conditions such as heart attacks and strokes caused by HIV infections could be alleviated and treated by them creating stronger tissue in these organs,repairing them as well as providing oxygen to the brain and other vital organs if they are compromised with organs weakened by the infection replaced with bioprinted ones that have been altered to be stronger.Blindness and other complications can be repaired by strains creating tissues to fix them alongside CRISPR.The patients who naturally produce N6 and tri-specific antibodies can be tracked down via patient files and their DNA added to Physis or if need be Paean and even his proto forms will be able to design scratch DNA to produce these.Paean could design genotypes for the remaining 1% of strains with the patient immunised against all strains of the virus to compansate for this.Those known to be able to produce these antibodies will be tracked down and their DNA fingerprint scanned from blood tests to have this analysed to determine the genotype that allows for this and thus have 3D DNA printers create them in base microbes and augmentation strains.Since being hybrids between plasma cells and macrophages and also CD4+ T Lymphocytes would allow them to produce these themselves alongside the primary immune system.Otherwise the strains could be instructed by Paean to produce these antibodies synthetically using catabolic and anabolic reactions using excess nutrients with these tri-specific and N6 antibodies chemical structures charted and stored in and downloaded from Physis onto the DNA digital storage of microbes with this repeated with other major pathogens whether bacterial,viral or fungal.Antibodies to kill off other strains will be extrapolated and then created by theses reactions.Those strains not affected by the tri-specific and N6 antibodies can also using CRISPR be modified into being affected by them with them also attacked by anti-viral compounds with the tri-specific and N6 antibodies can be aided by antibodies created by the immune system that attack all strains and all possible mutations using the common proteins method signalled to be produced by the microbes interacting with the primary immune system.Otherwise AI can extrapolate the structure of antibodies to kill the remaining 1% and them created by anabolic and catabolic reactions.Furthermore the structure of both N6 and tri-specific antibodies from human patients that produce them will have their structure analysed by Paean to be uploaded into Physis in a subfolder for the virus thus allowing its structure to be downloaded into DNA digital storage in microbes and synthesised in the bloodstream through anabolic and catabolic reactions by the microbes in large amounts to kill large amounts of the virus.Those that kill the remaining 1% of strains can be extrapolated by Phanes analysing the structure of these remaining 1% of strains and then extrapolate the structure of new antibodies that will be added to Physis to be downloaded into base microbes.Thus antibodies that neutralise and kill the virus will be extrapolated by Paean by anslysing the structure of the viruses receptors and those already produced by small populations of humans will have their structure uploaded to the viruses Physis file that then will allow their structure to be downloaded into the DNA digital storage of the microbes and be mass produced and synthesised by the microbes in the patients bloodstream through anabolic and catabolic reactions through instructions via biosynth wifi to kill snd neutralise all virions they come into contact..Scratch DNA can be extrapolated by Phanes to create antibodies that kill all strains with this added by biosynth wifi and synthesise them.In both cases Paean can on demand via Biosynth wifi tell them microbes to mass produce and synthesise these antibodies in the bloodstream to allow them to travel to all parts of the body and neutralising and killing large amounts of the virus with excess flushed out of the body by feces snd urine.Microbes will undergo mass replication and move to all parts of the body in all parts of both the bloodstream and lymphatic system where the viruses can reside and hide in and then mass produce the antibodies in large amounts by being instructed by Paean to synthesise them using anabolic snd catabolic reactions.They will travel to all parts of the body including lymphatic systems,testes and seminal vesicles where the virus hides to destroy them.This and antibodies from the immunised primary immune system even in already infected patients activated by the microbes will wipe out large amounts of the virus alongside microbial action and will allow the patient both infected and uninfected to produce their own antibodies signalled by microbes.This and immunising existing infected patients against all strains using the common proteins method should speed up the battle against the virus as already infected patients will produce their own antibodies with the immunised primary immune system initiated by the microbes through chemical signals via Paean through wifi to start creating their own antibodies.Should the patient experience side effects such as nausea or inflammation then Paean can instruct them to stop them producing these antibodies to alleviate symptoms with these antibodies produced in large batches lasting several hours that wipe out large amounts of the virus from the body until the patient is finally is cured of HIV.Patients will be immunised against not only all stains of HIV but also a major pathogens and parasites using the common proteins method with anti-viral,anti-bacterial strains fighting off opportunistic infections and anti-cancer strains fighting off tumours alongside the rebounding immune system.Once immunised against all strains of virus using the common proteins method infected patients will have their immunised primary immune system activated and using chemical signals from microbes and Paean be spread out along the entire bloodstream and lymphatic system to produce their own antibodies in large amounts thus alongside the microbes synthesising N6,tri-specific antibodies and also rewriting the viruses DNA and applying anti-viral compounds would effectively cure patients from anything between a year to a few months.The antiviral strains would have macrophage DNA to allow them to consume the viruses once incapacitated by antibodies with the patients native macrophages instructed by the anti-viral strains to also do this for virkon s destroyed by the native primary immune system and microbes.Tests on chimpanzees and mice with human recombinant DNA to create human leukocytes can be done by 2023 using those that have these sources of DNA added to produce the N6 and tri-specific antibodies and also immunised against all strains of the virus using the common proteins method in both post and pre infected animals with and without CCR5Delta 32 mutation and also CRISPR immune response added to lymphocytes to test the ability to have the infected animals to create their own antibodies against all strains initiated by proto microbes.Thus tests on chimpanzees and mice with human DNA to produce human lymphocytes can begin as early as 2023/2024 to test the efficacy of immunisations,applications of the CCR5Delta 32 gene and also applying the CRISPR Cas-9 immune response and even giving them the ability to produce N6 and tri-specific antibodies using recombinant DNA from populations that produce them with the proto microbes or benign versions of the viruse injected into them initiating their producing to allow for human trials to start as early as 2025.The animals will be tested on the ability of the CCR5 Delta 32 mutation preventing the virus being passed onto unborn children if both or only the mother or father have the mutation added via advanced gene drive technology.Animal subjects with human recombinant DNA can also have DNA from T.gammatolerans to test the effects of radiation has on wiping out large numbers of the virus at different levels of increasing intensity starting at 500Gy up to even 20,000Gy in these and other animals with only resistance and test the ability of how the pathogen could gain radioresistence and if proto microbes can remove resistence.This will be tested on pre and post infected animals

In the case of Ebolovirus and N.meningitidis etc liver,brain and other organ cells and tissues of other major organs could be altered to be unable to be attacked,infected and then destroyed by these and other pathogens through the second strain of microbes devoted to this and enhancing the primary immune system applying CRISPR treatments.This can be done by having the CRISPR Cas-9 immune response ability added to it by CRISPR itself with key genetic sequences interspaced in the DNA of the cells in these organs.Also in the case of these the strains based on dendritic cells,natural killer cells,monocytes in the case of Ebolavirus would also be a hybrid of them and macrophages to apply anti-viral compounds and CRISPR treatments to trick them into being killed or inactivated since the entire native immune system could not be infected by both with N.meningitidis dealt with native macrophages and virgin B and T cells altered to be unable be infected and thus trick them into interacting with the microbes that are hybrids of macrophages and these leukocytes which will then kill them off or inactivate them,modify the pathogens or at least allow the native immune system that would be immunised to them fight them off before they gain strong hold.Ideally all patients whether infected or uninfected will have their native immune system and all organs that can be infected by Ebolavirus,N.menigitidis,HIV and other viruses be engineered by CRISPR via the microbes to be unable to be infected using DNA from scratch and from resistant populations to allow the microbes and native immune system enhanced from the proteins sent to the dendritic cells to fight them off instantly since the pathogens cannot infect any cells.The different strains that are hybrids with macrophages could all be in low numbers and then udergo mitosis when the specific pathogens arise or there could be a single anti-viral and anti-bacterial strain that is a hybrid of all leukocytes such as macrophages,dendritic cells,monocytes,virgin B and T cells,plasma and killer T cells to contain all the receptors from all of them on them to allow the pathogens of all types inter act with them and apply the relevant anti-viral and anti-microbial compounds instead of enzymes through phagocytosis and flooding and also apply CRISPR treatments including those that modify the virus to become susceptible to compounds at its disposal and suicide genes via horizontal gene transfer with the correct anti-viral and CRISPR treatments applied once the relevant receptors are attached to relevant glycoproteins.This again like resistance to HIV will be added to the genepool of the entire human race via germline therapy including those that are uninfected using recombinant DNA from resistant populations as well as scratch eliminating these disease from the world with this applied to other and new pathogens that infect and decimate the immune system and also organ tissues leaving the viruses no chance but to interact with the biocompatible microbes which will kill them with the viricidal compounds they have or alter them using CRISPR to make them susceptible to these compounds or ideally enhancing the immune system by handing the dendritic proteins from pathogens to make them able to fight them off themselves.As stated the viruses themselves such as HIV,Ebolavirus,N.meningitidis could also be altered to remove the relevant glycoproteins making them unable to infect these and other cells and even hide in specific cells at the the same as this to further limit their spread.Any organs infected by viral or bacterial pathogens will be constantly regenerated via microbes or this ability passed onto them.This all would as stated be done for all types of pathogens to both infected and uninfected patients and at the same time the dendritic cells would be given synthesised key surface protein antigens of these and other pathogens to give the memory helper B and T,plasma and killer T cells to create relevant antibodies should a infection occur instantly again to prevent the immune system becoming lazy with them attacking pathogens that are unable to infect them and any organs in the body.The biocompatible microbes can also alter the virus removing its GP120 glycoproteins thus removing its ability to infect leukocytes with regards to HIV with the same applied to Ebolavirus,N.meningitidis etc alongside measures to make the immune system unable to be able to be infected by inserting genes into relevant leukocytes to make them unable to be infected by specific or all viruses including the aformentioned ones for extended periods of time via these leukocytes also given DNA from endolithic bacteria or this programmed into the host to ensured that all future leukocytes produced will have these phenotypes.New anti-viral compounds can be created by Phanes,Epione and Paean to attack all viruses including HIV and others that have no current cure or anti-viral compounds using DNA created from scratch and using recombinant DNA from new ones from those discovered from existing animals and microbes in all environment.Physis will allow the genome of all plants and animals be scanned for the genes that produce relevant anti-viral compounds that can then be tested in simulations and automated labs where the compounds are produced by microbes within a lab animal and bacteria engineered to produced it in a commercial scale to be injected.Synthetic compounds to treat them both existing and new including theoretically those used in anti-viral combination therapy as well as protease inhibitors,PreP and PEP can be created by them carrying out anabolic and catabolic reactions using excess nutrients in stores etc and also bio based compounds,plant and animal oils and hydrocarbons created by the same strain or the body from CRISPR treatments as well as amino acids synthesised by the body and diet.Antibodies from populations of humans that become resistant to a diseases can be gained by extracting their DNA from the leukocytes and also the hosts genome and inserting it into them.Synthetic compounds to treat all types of viral infections will have their structure added to Physis and this downloaded onto anti-viral strains DNA digital storage to be then created by anabolic and catabolic reactions onsite of receptors of the virus virions to prevent overdosing and side effects.Antibodies discovered from nature will done by adding recombinant DNA extracted from them by automated lab workers and automated machines once and then input into a base microbe that can grown in automated labs and sent to new patients to inserted into their microbes by automated machinery or synthesised from scratch Phanes,Epione etc.Closely related animals to humans or even all animals such as animals and avians that have complex immune systems could be infected with a virus and then the antibodies added to the microbes by adding the relevant DNA from that animal.

Thus to fight off viruses such as HIV,Orthomyxoviridae,Rhinovirus,N.meningitidis and Ebolavirus both infected and uninfected patients will be immunised against all possible strains using the common proteins methods,using CRISPR will be made to exhibit the CCR5Delta 32 mutation ideally homozygous mutations removing relevant sections of the C-C chemokine receptor type 5 gene and other receptors for all strains leaving their CD4+ T Lymphocytes unable to be infected and/or have these lymphocytes alongside the dendritic cells etc have the immune response measures of CRISPR Cas-9 added to them to allow for them to naturally fight off attempts of the viruses replicating in them with key genes interspaced into the genome of the leukocytes with tissues in organs infected by them added to their genome.The CRISPR Cas-9 immune response and CCR5Delta 32 mutation will be added to the genome of the host or only those of the bone marrow with this and immunisation done to uninfected patients in high risk groups to prevent the viruses gaining a stronghold and be in such low numbers as to allow the microbes and immunised primary immunised to fight off whatever little virus there is during an infection instantly thus wiping the virus from the patient immediately.Already infected patients will be immunised against all strains of the viruses particularly the ones they are infected with via PCR analysis from blood pricks and samples form phlebotomy robots and all possible strains activated by the microbes initiating the primary immune system to allow them to produce their own antibodies alongside N6 and tri-specific ones created by anabolic and catabolic conditions

Endolysines will be extrapolated by AI and applied to the virus specific strain with the patient of course have the CCR5Delta mutation added to the patient suited their strain of the virus to negate them to take anti-viral treatments with patients ideally taking them for at least a year or two.In infected patients the primary immune system will be immunised against all strains to allow it to use its own antibodies against the virus alongside microbial action with these activated by the microbes using chemical signals thus wiping the pathogen from the body much quicker and them given the CCR5Delta 32 mutation alongside the CRISPR immune response in leukocytes and microbes to prevent the viruses attacking the CD4+ T Lymphocytes thus allowing one to live healthy lives without talking protease inhbitors and other anti-viral combination therapy while the immunised primary immune system and microbes wipe out the pathogen with this also allow the native leukocytes numbers to rise and thus fight off infections and even tumours alongside the microbes.Ideally they should be given common protein immunisations that create antibodies for all strains and indeed all possible strains of the virus so that if it mutates the body can still create viable antibodies.Microbes will signal to the primary immune system to initiate the production of these.CRISPR treatments used by microbes can alter the viruses internal and external structure to become susceptible to the compounds at its disposal,have its GP120 glycoproteins removed preventing it infecting any leukocytes and also infecting any new patients and undergo apoptosis with all potential sex partners immunised and also have the aforementioned CRISPR treatments to the leukocytes.Once made immune to radiation via recombinant DNA from T.gammatolerans making the patient immune to radiation of up to 30,000Gy would allow the patient to routinely be exposed to levels of radiation of at least 5,000Gy – 10,000Gy several times a year to wipe out large numbers of the virus in all parts of the body.CRISPR used by microbes will also edit cells that the virus hides its DNA in and remove it from them and also cause them to undergo apoptosis and replace them with new ones.Thus anti-viral strains will be able to using these compounds and CRISPR treatments will be able to cure patients infected with HIV.

The engineering of CD4+ T lymphocytes to be unable to be infected by HIV in both infected and uninfected patients as well as through germline therapy and thus forcing them to interact with microbes or be left free flowing in the system unable to replicate can also be replicated with other viruses such as Ebolavirus,N.meningitidis preventing them and other pathogens from entering the leukocytes including dendritic cells,natural killer cells,monocytes,virgin B and T cells and macrophages etc by altering the relevant leukocytes in the immune system as well as organs that that they infect to replicate to prevent them from being infected with as much of the attacking virions also altered to be unable to infect both the immune cells and whole organs via horizontal gene transfer from microbes passing this on and thus allow the immune system to fight off the infection alongside the biocompatible microbes with if possible biocompatible microbes transferring these genes permanently to leukocytes in the same manner as CRISPR treatments with microbes including genes that increase their longevity and lifespan of dendritic and helper T Cells that are made immune to it as well as given DNA from other viruses that will be attacked by Helper T and B cells and the areas of the body responsible for creating all relevant types of leukocytes in this mutual relationship.This would include recombinant DNA from resistant populations and scratschs

The engineering of CD4+ T lymphocytes to be unable to be infected by HIV in both infected and uninfected patients as well as through germline therapy and thus forcing them to interact with microbes or be left free flowing in the system unable to replicate can also be replicated with other viruses such as Ebolavirus,N.meningitidis preventing them and other pathogens from entering the leukocytes including dendritic cells,natural killer cells,monocytes,virgin B and T cells and macrophages etc by altering the relevant leukocytes in the immune system as well as organs that that they infect to replicate to prevent them from being infected with as much of the attacking virions also altered to be unable to infect both the immune cells and whole organs via horizontal gene transfer from microbes passing this on and thus allow the immune system to fight off the infection alongside the biocompatible microbes with if possible biocompatible microbes transferring these genes permanently to leukocytes in the same manner as CRISPR treatments with microbes including genes that increase their longevity and lifespan of dendritic and helper T Cells that are made immune to it as well as given DNA from other viruses that will be attacked by Helper T and B cells and the areas of the body responsible for creating all relevant types of leukocytes in this mutual relationship.This would include recombinant DNA from resistant populations and scratschs

For viruses outside HIV will have them tested in labs against venom from all stings,secretions and bites etc from all species of plants and animals to see which ones destroy them.All species of pathogenic and non pathogenic viruses will be tested in automated labs sgainst sap,secretions from plants and animals worldwide with to gain the genes responsible that can be downloaded by anti viral strains.AI wil also extrapolate synthetic antibodies,synthetic enzymes and synthetic compounds that kill viruses to be stored in Physis and downloaded and then synthesised in the bloodstream.The structure of these synthetic compounds,enzymes and antibodies will be stored in their Physis file to be downloaded into the DNA digital storage of the anti-viral strains and then synthesised by anabolic and catabolic reactions.This will be done by AI namely Phanes and Paean analysing their outer surface proteins and genome of all species and strains of viruses particularly pathogenic species to allow these synthetic compounds and antibodies to be extrapolated that will be stored in the Physis file of each species that will be downloaded by anti-viral strains and created by anabolic and catabolic reactions.These enzymes,antibodies and synthetic compounds applied during phagocytosis if they cause side effects including cytoxicity or released into the bloodstream if benign.Phanes can also extrapolate the genotypes created from scratch to express these synthetic compounds and antibodies stored in their Physis files that can be downloaded into the genome of anti-viral strains.Synthetic and natural anti-helminthic compounds,enzymes,antibodies will be applied by being flooded into the blood stream or applied during phagocytosis by microbes to prevent cytoxicity through them having macrophage DNA.Dead viruses can be consumed by the microbes using enzymes suited to each one developed by Paean and Phanes once downloaded during phagocytosis.The accelerated healing phenotype will instantly heal any damage caused by the virus directly and indirectly by cytokines storms etc meaning a patient could survive indefinitely to avail of upgrades and application of genes that prevent the virus replicating and to avail of immunisations.Patients once made immune to radiation will be exposed to blasts of radiation between 1,000-2,000Gy to kill of large amounts of them.All patients will be immunised against all viral pathogens using the common proteins method.The steps detailed below to cure patients infected with HIV will be repeated with all forms of viral pathogens such as Orthomyxoviridae,Rhinovirus,N.meningitidis and Ebolavirus with all of these methods to fight the pathogen tested on mice and chimpanzees that have human recombinant DNA already infected with HIV and newly infected with it to best discern the best methods of treating infected humans and also newly.CRISPR can make all viruses outside of HIV to become susceptible to the compounds at its disposal with cyanovirin-N been shown to be effective against not just HIV but also Rhinoviruses,human parainfluenza virus,HPV,Orthomyxoviridae,Respiratory syncytial virus and enteric viruses as well as even Ebolavirus in either destroying them and killing them off or inhibiting their ability to infect cells or undergo mitosis thus at least allowing for the immunised primary immune system to be activated and also have CRISPR treatments applied that make them susceptible to the compounds at their disposal.Ideally new viruses and those outside of HIV including fatal ones such as Ebolavirus,Hantaviridae,Lysasavirus etc will be made susceptible to cyonovirin-N alongside melittin and lemon juice with them made to express the same external structure of benign Rhinovirus,HPV,Orthomyxoviridae strains and have cyanovirin-N applied rather than them expressing that of HIV as it would be much safer in order to be destroyed by them.If possible they can be made to express the same external proteins as HIV but without GP120 glycoproteins and then have melittin and lemon juice applied.Scratch DNA can be applied that makes them express unique protein coats that can be killed off by melittin,cyanovirin-N and lemon juice.Horizontal gene transfer will be used and them engineered to interact with only viruses and not that of the patients cells during phagocytosis with taq polymerase allowing CRISPR treatments present in ribosomes and in particular plasmids to be recreated over and again.

The anti-viral strains will work alongside the primary immune system by having Paean through biosynth WiFi have anti-viral strains synthesises chemical signals via inducing the evolutionary path of microbes through biosynth WiFi produce the genes in their genome that allows them to synthesise of the chemical signals for all leukocytes as part of the primary immune system to control them thus giving Paean the ability to indirectly control the primary immune system by using biosynth WiFi tell the anti-viral strains synthesise chemical signals to control all actions of the primary immune system thus allowing the primary immune system to participate in battles against bacterial pathogens with all actions of the primary immune system to be controlled by Paean to speed up the battles and alleviate strains on the anti-viral strains and prevent the primary immune system becoming lazy