Base Microbes

Base Microbes:
Base microbes will have numerous functions such as detecting the species of a pathogen and send this to Paean and relevant anti-microbial strains.They will also detect the name of toxins that enter the body and again relay this to Paean and crossrefferfncing Physis.To detect the species of a pathogen and parasite in an infection via copying and scanning its genome using taq polymerase,CRISPR Cas-9 and horizontal gene transfer the second they enter cuts,the mouth etc and thus enter the bloodstream by being directed to the site of infection via wifi by Paean directing them to the site of infection with them uploading the DNA to Paean and him crossrefferncing Physis to allow the specific species and strain of bacteria,virus and fungi and even parasite to be instantly ascertained and thus allow if genes present for resistance are present to be also ascertained.By copying and scanning the DNA of the pathogen and parasites using taq polymerase,Cas-9 and biosynth wifi the base microbes will be able to determine if it is a bacteria,virus,fungi or parasite,what species it is by crossreferencing Physis instantly and activate the relevant strains through wifi and also which compounds and CRISPR treatments to use with the specific species and strain determined also.Biosynth WiFi will crossreference Physis in the wire to determine the species and download any data such as surface proteins,CRISPR treatments,bumpers,antibodies etc into the DNA digital storage and genome of all strains used by Paean.The scanned genome will allow one to determine what resistence to antibiotics and anti-viral treatments etc they have and thus allow correct CRISPR treatments to be utilised.The correct CRISPR treatments will be ascertained and then applied with if new genes are present then Phanes can extrapolate CRISPR treatments to these that can then be downloaded through wifi.Once base microbes have determined the species and strain of a pathogen and parasite they will awaken the anti-viral,anti-bacterial and anti-helmetic strains whichever are needed through chemical,biosynth WiFi and Bluetooth signals and then alert them to their presence with base microbes at key points searching for their location and alerting each strain to the different locations and to undergo mass replications.They using biosynth wifi controlled by Paean and chemical signals will then activate anti-viral,anti-bacterial,anti-helminthic etc strains and thus allow them to apply the correct CRISPR treatments to remove resistence present with them at the start also apply CRISPR treatments to cause them to undergo apoptosis and even those that prevent them undergoing mitosis and even replication by preventing them able to do so directly by inhibiting their ability to undergo mitosis or in the case of HIV remove their GP120 glycoproteins that allow them to infect cells in the body.Thus by scanning the genome the correct CRISPR treatments to be utilised will be ascertained with in the case of new genes that are present then new CRIPSR treatments to be extrapolated by Phanes analysing the new strands at least 2045 these can be ascertained in minutes and will be downloaded in minutes via evolution.Once the base microbes ascertain the species of pathogen and whether it is a parasite,fungi,bacteria,virus it will call for the relevant strains via chemical signals and wifi under the control of Paean to gather in the area once awoken from endospores and they will be told via chemical signals and also wifi to apply CRISPR treatments and also download species and strain specific bumpers,endolysines,antibodies etc via biosynth wifi to be created by anabolic and catabolic reactions.AI will starting in 2023/2024 scan the outer structure and DNA of all species of parasites,pathogens whether viral/fungal/bacterial etc and all strains to extrapolate synthetic antibodies,bumpers,endolysines to be synthesised on demand and also counter CRISPR treatments to resistance genes with them stored in Physis in the pathogens and parasites file their to be downloaded instantly via wifi and stored in digital DNA storage in the relevant strains once the base microbes determine the genome of the invading pathogen and induce all of the microbes of these strain to awake from endospores and then create these genes via inducing evolution of the strains genome via wifi and taq polymerase and Cas-9.Wifi in public areas and home and also within neural implants and even on smart devices including cellular access by proxy as well as satellite wifi will allow this to be done in the wilderness.Paean in a fragmented form in neural implants and smart devices will be able to do calculations especially as the computing power of smart phones increases exponentionally of cellular or wifi access is not possible.Paean will take control of microbes via wifi and Bluetooth and the primary immune system via and chemical actions once the species and strains is determined.The resistance they have to any compounds would be removed via CRISPR treatments to allow them to be used by relevant strains with those that prevent them undergoing mitosis and replication and undergo apoptosis applied at the start to keep the the numbers of them stable and thus prevent them overrunning the body with these applied at the very start by relevant strains once they are detected by base microbes thus giving the microbes and primary immune system the upper hand at the start of infections within the first 24-48 hours especially in the case of dangerous pathogens and parasites such as MRSA,S.pneumoniae,S.agalactiae,Plasmodium,N.fowleri and also new pathogens and parasites before they can cause damage to the host.This will keep the levels of the pathogens in stable numbers by preventing them undergoing mitosis or in the case of viruses replication by removing glycoproteins etc making them unable to infect cells and in the case of parasites make them sterile and unable to infect cells.As a result the other strains will be able to download by biosynth wifi relevant bumpers,endolysines,antibodies,immunising genotypes or even DNA from plants and animals that express relevant anti-viral,anti-bacterial and anti-helmithic compounds and CRISPR treatments from Physis and then synthesise them via anabolic and catabolic reactions as well as undergo mass replication once called to the site of infection.It will also allow exact species to be ascertained for this and will also allow for new ones to have their genome scanned sent to Paean and analysed by him and Phanes for genotypes to create surface protein antigens that can be then sent back within at least a few hours or even minutes via wifi inducing the evolution of immunising strains to then have the primary immune system immunised and awoken to fight off the infection.In the case of pathogens the patient is already immunised against once the species is ascertained the primary immune system will be activated by chemical signals to produce the correct antibodies.Those that cause the pathogens and parasites undergo apoptosis will also be applied with any damage the pathogens and parasites cause especially new ones will be repaired instantly by the accelerated healing phenotype.This includes damage caused to the brain and liver by Ancylostoma,Plasmodium,N.meningitidis,N.fowleri and cytokine storms caused by Ebolavirus and fatal influenza strains of Orthomyxoviridae and also.The base microbes would also activate the anti-viral and anti-bacterial strains to signal to the primary immune system if it is also immunised to speed up the battle with the rest of the primary immune systems leukocytes brought to the site of infection and controlled by the microbes via chemical signals.The primary immune system mainly the memory B and T helper,plasma and killer T cells will be told the exact species and strain and thus what antibodies to use via chemical signals to remember and produce with Paean sending instructions to microbes.If not immunised then Physis can be cross referenced and the genotypes downloaded and the primary immune system immunised and activated if it is a new species or strain the genome can be sent to Paean and Phanes and will be analysed by both of the them to determine genotypes to create immunisations with once done the genotypes can be sent back via biosynth wifi within a week or in time 24 hours or less and the primary immune system immunised and then activated instantly.Other leukocytes will be called via chemical signals and their actions will be controlled using these sent by him from microbes ie inflammation,phagocytosis but them controlled to the point that fevers and other symptoms will be milder than normal and that they will spaced over long periods or short bursts whose timing can be relayed to the patient via Paean telling them what to expect and when to expect them.In otherwards Paean will control how the microbes and leukocytes react in battles against all pathogens including pre infected patients of HIV and new infections via sending wifi signals to microbes and signalling to them to produce certain chemical signals to initiate certain action in the primary immune response with certain actions carried out with certain symptoms of diarrhoea,night sweats,fever,inflammation etc avoided or if possible less intensive than normal and spaced out over longer periods of time with Paean relaying to the patient when to expect them and what intensity they will be thus allowing the patient to plan out the infection and also thus take fluids etc in required amounts.This will prevent or lessen the intensity cytokine storms,inflammation and other immune responses that can damage the host by controlling their actions and damage done to the host healed instantly via the accelerated healing phenotype.The primary immune system will be called to the site of infections to prevent it becoming lazy and speed up battles.They would also use Physis to determine the correct antibodies stored on its database to synthesise in the body via anabolic and catabolic reactions themselves once they are downloaded.By having all species and strains of bacteria,viruses,fungi and parasites have their surface protein antigens and antigens analysed by AI the antibodies to kill them can be extrapolated by Phanes and Paean and thus stored in Paeans database alongside Physis or just Physis will allow for the base microbes to be sent via wifi to digital DNA storage the exact synthetic antibodies to be be synthesised on demand the second an infection occurs and the exact species and strain is determined.Bumpers,endolysines etc would be received as well from Physis and thus allowing them to be used via the microbes creating anabolic and catabolic reactions.They would in the case of new pathogens and parasites once this DNA is sent would analysed by Paean and Phanes to be analysed for genotypes that express surface protein antigens to be sent by wifi for immunising strains to be upgraded wirelessly via wifi and then the primary immune system immunised and then activated.The surface protein antigens would be determined and there genotypes for creating immunisation sent back to microbes within as little as a day or less thus allow the primary immune system to be activated in this time period.Endolysines,synthetic antibodies etc can be extrapolated and sent to relevant microbe strains.The surface proteins of the pathogen would be determined from DNA and the anti-viral and anti-bacterial strains undergoing induced evolution via wifi to create receptors adapt to the specific species of bacteria,fungi,virus to apply speciez specific endolysines,genes via bacteriophage/virophage receptors and horizontal gene transfer.Bumpers,endolysines and antibodies will also be extrapolated.Bumpers,endolysines,antibodies extrapolated by AI stored in the files of pathogens and parasites will be downloaded into the DNA digital storage of relevant strains and then will be synthesised by anabolic and catabolic reactions during this period with the acellerated healing phenotype repairing any damage.This would also apply to parasites and would pivotal in fighting new parasites and pathogens.A new file will be created in Physis with the DNA analysed by base microbes with the file having genotypes for immunising strains and structure of endolysines,synthetic antibodies etc sent to this file Physis allowing for study and also for newly infected patients infected later on to be able to download these onto their DNA digital storage.The pathogen would be recreated in labs using 3D DNA printers to be then tested against the sap,stings etc from all plants and animals on Earth and other colonies.It would also be analysed in labs.This would be done alongside the application of CRISPR treatments that prevent them undergoing mitosis etc and undergo apoptosis and those that make them susceptible to the compounds of their disposal.This would be done in the case of viruses express the same exterior protein structures as HIV without the GP120 glycoproteins and thus have melittin applied or those of the benign strains of Rhinovirus,Orthomyxoviridae,HPV with cyanovirin-N applied with bacteria have the same phospholipids as benign ones affected by penicillin,peptides from Russian brown frogs,TsAP-1,Polybia MP-1 etc and have these applied to their surface.New pathogens and parasites would be given these and also be given CRISPR treatments to prevent them undergoing mitosis and replication and also undergo apoptosis.Parasites would also undergo this with the accelerated healing phenotype repairing any damage they do to the body instantly.This would apply to both new and existing pathogens and parasites of all types.All new pathogens and parasites discovered in patients will have their DNA added to Physis to be recreated in labs for analysis by automated labs to ascertained what natural or synthetic compounds extracted from bites,stings and sap etc from all native and extrasolar plants and animals can kill them with Paean creating through simulations synthetic compounds that kill them and also genotypes for immunising strains of all other patients.New pathogens and parasites will have suicide,mitosis stunting genes added with them also those that make them susceptible to the compounds at their disposal with the genome scanned to be analysed by Phanes via wifi and then have surface protein genotypes,bumpers,endolysines,antibodies etc extrapolated and saved to their file in Physis to be sent back within 24 hours or less and stored on DNA digital storage on relevant strains.The genome of new pathogens and parasites will also be analysed to determine antibodies and bumpers as well as endolysines to be used to extrapolated by the AI to then have them downloaded and synthesised by catabolic and anabolic reactions with their genome added to their file in their planets version of Physis.Phanes and Paean will analyse the genome of new pathogens and parasites for genotypes for surface protein antigens to be sent wirelessly to immunising strains to be shared with the primary immune system instantly and them activated with it also extrapolating the structure of antigens to create synthetic antibodies to be created instantly.These AI will extrapolate genotypes for immunisations and also synthetic compounds and antibodies to kill them that will be downloaded with non at most 24-168 hours of not a few minutes or hours.The antigen would also be analysed to have synthetic bumpers,endolysines and antibodies extrapolated with by 2029-2045 with advances in AI would take only a few minutes to an hour be extrapolated and sent to all strains digital DNA storage provided one has access to the wire or even satellite wifi and cellular access sufficing alongside Paean in a fragmented form in neural implants.Ideally all new viral,fungal and bacterial micro-organisms and also parasite that enters the body will be once their genome is scanned and sent to Paean and Physis will have CRISPR treatments applied to them to make them susceptible to the compounds at their disposal and also even undergo apoptosis etc to kill them of in all patients so as to eliminate the potential threat they have of mutating into a pathogen similar how to SIV became HIV to allow it to have its genome scanned and tested to see if compounds can be created alongside immunisations with this of note to new colonies outside of Earth.The pathogen or parasite will be recreated in labs using 3D DNA printers to be tested against compounds in bites,stings,sap etc.This could allow for the microbes to attack any pathogen or parasite within 24 hours or less before they cause any damage with the accelerating healing phenotype also aiding in this meaning a person would be cured of an infection without knowing it.Infections will be detected in the case of cuts,abrasions etc due to pain sensations and labs readings from the eyes or pricks etc associated by Anopheles etc detected by neural implants and the host with those from the gastro-intestinal tract detected by early symptoms and knowledge of having eaten or drunk tainted food or random and pre programmed interactions with cuts etc healed instantly via the accelerated healing phenotype.It may even be detected by base microbes inhabiting all parts of the body with them programmed to be awoken from endospores when pathogens interact with them or even the primary immune system communicates with them as well as from test results from both implants and home test kits for pathogens via wifi.Ideally base microbes will reside in the stomach and gastro-intestinal tract with alkanophile and acidophile DNA protecting them from the environment there.By 2029 it may take a few hours or even 24-48 hours or less for the detection,application of CRISPR treatments,downloading of bumpers/antibodies/genotypes for immunisations etc and then application of them to finally kill of pathogens thus giving the microbes and primary immune system the upper hand.By 2045 onwards it may take only a few minutes for all of this to be carried out allowing infections to be dealt with instantly.All interaction between Paean,base microbes and all strains will be managed by biosynth WiFi,Bluetooth with chemical signals used to control the primary immune system.These base microbes will also using universal receptors using tweaked C.elegans DNA that through mechanotransduction or reverse mechanotransduction,chemical reactions seen in more complex or similarly simple organisms and simple and complex neural clusters and systems in them for example Hydra etc analyse the structure of poisons,toxins etc in the body that enter it and send its structure to be cross referenced and analysed by crossrefferfncing Physis within minutes to determine the name of the compound and its level in ppm,ppb,ppt to then download and create counterproteins and awaken the chelation strain with the first set of compounds broken down into benign compounds via anabolic and catabolic reactions.New poisons will have Paean extrapolate counterproteins to them in minutes.Ideally the microbes would be tweaked to break down or bind to and flush out all compounds that it does not see as part of the normal human biochemistry with receptors that the drug interacts with covered in proteins that prevent the compound including date rape drugs interact with them withe compound also bound with proteins to allow them to be flushed put of the body.The structure and genome of the most deadly pathogens,parasites and toxins etc can be stored on DNA digital storage of neural implants and base microbes to have them instantly create counterproteins and anti-microbial compounds.For known pathogens,parasites,toxins etc their counterproteins,bumpers,antibodies,endolysines will already be analysed and stored in the augmentation sub network of Aesculapius and once the species of pathogen and parasite and compound has been detected then the microbes will be downloaded from here and then synthesised.All steps in these ie time of detection of a pathogen,its species and strains and also the type and time of CRISPR and anti-viral and anti-bacterial treatments are applied and also what countermeasures were taken including what antibodies were produced by both the primary and secondary immune system and all details about what measures were taken including Paean controlling both the microbes and primary immune system and the timing of them will be logged into ones patient file in folders and subfolders.This will be done Paean to run evaluations on fighting off infections,repair wounds and also fighting off tumours with this done on each patient and also all patients taking into the species and strain and nature of the injury and situation it occurred to make future instances done much more efficiently and faster and improve his service to all patients worldwide.It would also be done for studies done by him especially epidemiological studies ie how often each species infects a person and certain demographics and their occurrence in certain countries,states and towns and the time they occur.Measures to prevent stillbirths and miscarriages will also be catalogued for the same reasons.Since microbes different strains will be modelled on and made of hybrids of the various leukocytes of the primary immune system used as a baseline it will work on the same principles with Paean able to control their actions via wifi and by extension will be able to control all aspects of the primary immune system via chemical signals created by microbes allowing them to communicate and as stated control them with it spacing out the length and intensity of symptoms like inflammation and even fevers etc over short or long period of time and him indicating their intensity and length and also timing to the patient.Each strain will be hybrids of different leukocytes and as detailed earlier different micro-organisms to give them unique abilities.Thus Paean will directly control each strain of microbes via biosynth wifi and Bluetooth directly and via chemical signals created by microbes through him sending them WiFi signals he will be able to control the primary immune system to carry out specific actions such as stated attack pathogens in specific ways and even be called to the the location of infections and collect and share proteins from immunising strains and activate the rest of the strains of the immune system during immunisation and also in pre-existing chronic and new infections.Furthermore he can control how the primary immune system attacks pathogens and parasites by initiating their production of antibodies,inflammation,phagocytosis and other immune responses with them if possible through both chemical instruction and sharing both proteins and strands of DNA the microbes controlled by Paean can share both strands of DNA and proteins to induce all types of leukocytes of the adaptive immune system to be able to produce antibodies both as immunising them and arming them during a battle.He will also control the production of specific leukocytes,their replication,their actions in attacking pathogens etc and also choose which ones to undergo apoptosis when not needed.He can have the native immune system alerted to infections at the very start especially in the case of those that have long incubation periods and seroconversion rates such as Coronavirus,HIV with as a result the primary immune system alerted to and fighting off these infections at the start of infections once they occur rather waiting two weeks fir the immune system to begin fighting them meaning infections can be quickly dealt upon with him even have them fight off parasites such as Plasmodium,N.fowleri,B.mandrillaris,Cestoda,F.hepatica that the immune system normally ignores.They will also immunise the primary immune system both before and during battles.Thus through biosynth WiFi and bluetooth Paean will be able to control the microbes and by having them producing chemical signals will control all aspects of the primary immune system to prevent it becoming lazy and weak as well as speed up the battle against pathogens and also alleviate strains on microbes.All of these actions will be possible by 2029 and will be instaneous by 2035-2045 onwards.The accelerated healing phenotype will instantly repair damage to the patients blood vessels,organs etc by pathogens,parasites and even the primary immune system via cytokines storms and autoimmune disorders and reactions with measures like cytokine storms and autoimmune disorders stopped by Paean sending signals to the primary immune system using chemical signals.Anti-ageing treatments especially on the thymus will keep ones immune system in a youthful state similar to when in infants and thus strong forever especially the thymus keeping ones immune system forever strong with scratch DNA and that from other mammals and reptiles across the animal kingdom enhancing it especially the innate immune system.Crocodylus recombinant DNA can be added to microbes to allow them to produce anti-viral compounds via bumpers and phagocytosis and even can be added to the host patients DNA via CRISPR to allow the host in infected and newly infected patients to fight off viruses and bacteria and possibly parasites instantly upon infection with it also fighting off bacteria and boosting the immune system by making human immune systems react instantly to infections of pathogens preventing and skipping seroconversion similar to Crocodylus that exhibit innate immune reactions at birth rather than adaptive ones in humans with the rest of the human cells altered using scratch DNA and that from Crocodylus to be able to be resistant to any negative reactions as these animals primary innate immune systems and anti-viral,anti-bacterial compounds may have on the patient thus allowing them to react instanly to most if not all pathogens instantly even at the start of infections allowing infections to be fought off by both the primary and secondary immune system the second an infection occurs rather than days or weeks later preventing symptoms of seroconversion and preventing the pathogen especislly new ones gaining the upper hand or allowing it it to mutate from a harmless bacteria and virus into a deadly one especially in the case of zoonoses.Thus Crocodylus DNA can be added to human patients to give them this innate immune response and DNA from Crocodylus and scratch DNA added to prevent the immune responses causing cytotoxicity and serious allergic reactions.Scratch DNA will be added in order to not only prevent allergic reactions but also enhance this feature by making the primary immune systrm be able to adapt to infections of all types including new pathogens and parasites instantly with this done to compliment the microbes alleviating strains on them with Paean controlling the primary immune system through him initiating the microbes to initiate chemical signals to control them.This Crocodylus DNA added to both microbes and the patients DNA can be tweaked by Phanes to attack and destroy all strains of HIV and other pathogens for future patients as well as tweaks can be made for each individual strain for each individual patient and even tweaks made to make it once added to the hosts genome and microbes instantly attack and be able to destroy all strains of all pathogenic bacteria,viruses and fungi etc during infections by producing compounds that can attack all types of viral,bacterial and fungal pathogens and even parasites with the microbes aiding them into determining what type pathogen it is and what type of compounds it is with this aiding in fighting off new pathogens.If perfected this recombinant DNA added to the genome of patients and microbes will allow the host patients primary immune system and microbes to recognise and attack any existing and new species of parasites,bacteria,virus and fungi almost instantly upon infections thus preventing seroconversion and the pathogens and parasites being able to gain a stronghold or damage the patient in any way.By 2029 the microbes will be able to clear new infections of pathogens,parasites and toxins with at most a week or even just 24 hours with by 2035-2045 onwards most of not all infections of pathogens,parasites and toxins will be cleared from the body within a few hours of not a few minutes before the patient even realised it occurred.

Base microbes will detect levels of poisons and the species of pathogens acting as the first line of defence to them via sending wifi signals to Paean then alert him to dangers in the body and then control the microbes and primary immune system via wifi and signals.It would also copy DNA from cells in the body to measure the levels of Phosphatidylcholinesand senescence in the cells and be able to scan the genome of cells in fetuses to set up patient files and this and the ability to measure the presence and levels of compounds and genome will make the basis of lab equipment and machinery in all types of labs.This strain would be tweaked to detect toxins,poisons,alcohol,date rape drugs and compounds that are synergistically interacting with each other and break them down in bursts and turn them into nutrients for the host and microbes as well as benign compounds through anabolic and catabolic compounds.This strain would be created to intake oxygen from the host or even created by breaking down compounds and carrying out anabolic and catabolic reactions.This could allow one to survive heart attacks,sudden arrhythmic and infant death syndrome and similar cardiac ailements,elliptic fits,strokes,trauma and even severe bleeding for several hours longer or in time even indefinitely if the microbes instantly move to key organs and undergo mitosis in these such as the heart and brain releasing oxygen and converting carbon dioxide in the blood into oxygen while they and the bodies natural repair mechanisms heal or at least remedy the underlying cause such as healing wounds or at least sealing ruptures and creating arteries or other blood vessels that allow the blood to bypass ruptures.This could give the patient at least several hours longer as much as four to be attended to and brought to hospitals to seek treatment thus allowing survival rates to increase dramatically with the nanomachines and smart devices alerting hospitals to their GPS location with if possible patients since the brain to be fed oxygen alongside the heart and muscles would allow the patient to be conscious during the event.If possible they could separate oxygen from carbon dioxide and turn it into useable oxygen and the carbon turned into benign products as well as used in energy for the microbes and the patient by synthesising proteins or carbohydrates thus allowing one to survive suffocation,smoke caused by fires,heart attacks,strokes,choking,oxygen free environments for extended periods of time or even indefinitely including while swimming to allow one extra time to seek medical attention for at least several hours or even a day when combined with nanomachines preventing hypoxia especially cerebral hypoxia.Oxygen can also be gained and stored in them by them breaking down harmful,synergistic compounds during catabolic reactions to be then released when emergencies require them to keep vital organs such as the brain alive signalled by them detecting sudden changes in oxygen and carbon dioxide or signals form Paean either while their is wire access or in a fragmented form.This could also be done by them turning carbon dioxide in the external environment and those that builds up in the bloodstream after cells respire or when carbon dioxide builds up into useable oxygen with excess nutrients flushed out of the body or used up to continue the metabolic processes of cells during aeorbic respiration with them and the carbon atoms forming primarily sugars or easily flushed out compounds.The strain that does this could do this by having vacuoles in them,have a biconcave shape like erythrocytes to store extra in its surface and interior and contain haemoglobin that release this in bursts and/or carry out anabolic and catabolic reactions from carbon dioxide into oxygen in the bloodstream in real time.The strain would gain oxygen from excess taken in when breathing and store it then and there or from other strains breaking down poisons,excess nutrients etc into oxygen with the strain and these strains that break these down signalling each other to determine how much oxygen atoms will be absorbed by these strains and excess removed via the lungs.It would do so with it detecting high levels of carbon dioxide and low levels of oxygen and would use carbon dioxide created by the hosts own cells to be then converted into oxygen with the carbon used to create carbohydrates etc or flushed out into the urine and feces with AI developing means to ensure the carbon,hydrogen,oxygen is recycled in looped systems.This looped system could theoretically allow humans to survive indefinitely without oxygen with oxygen also coming from using up stored fat deposits.Recombinant DNA form capnophiles namely Mannheimia succiniciproducens that with tweaks made to allow this to turn carbon dioxide into oxygen with bioluminiscence or without photosythetic reactions caused by bioluminescence,faculatative anaerobes,other bacteria that produce oxygen from carbon dioxide and from scratch will allow for this with ideally scratch DNA used to increase the amount of oxygen created by it.Recombinant DNA from chemosynthetic bacteria could allow for this.

New pathogens whether viral,fungal or bacterial and even new parasites could also be modified via CRISPR applied to the pathogen either viral,fungal and bacterial to become susceptible to the anti-viral and anti-microbial compounds at the microbes disposal,remove their pathogenicity and ability to undergo mitosis etc or cause them to commit apoptosis during phagocytosis or by flooding the DNA added with advanced gene drive technology in protein bumpers that act as a mini vector to place the DNA in correct areas of the pathogens genome allowing millions of pathogens to be affected at once with this also used for existing pathogens outside of MRSA,HIV to limit the genotypes in the microbes.These CRISPR treatments using advanced gene drive technology applied to existing superbugs and newly discovered pathogens can involve removing resistance to one or all antibiotics,undergo apoptosis,be susceptible to compounds at their disposal,prevent them able to undergo mitosis,make them undergo apoptosis,make them benign thus preventing them being pathogens and not able to damage the host,remove their ability to mutate permanently,introduce faults etc with these released at once to allow each pathogen to be affected by multiple treatments.New pathogens and parasites may also require upgrades alongside them using suicide genes etc and those that make them susceptible to the a compounds at their disposal.Patients immune to radiation can be exposed to levels of radiation of between 2,000-20,000Gy to wipe them out.They could have DNA extracted via base microbes or phlebotomy robots in hospitals to have the DNA wirelessly sent to Paean and other AI to be analysed for proteins to create upgrades to be immunisations for all patients around the world including the infected patient and also for anti-bacterial microbes to create endolysines specific to them via signals while the microbes use CRISPR to make them susceptible to all compounds at their disposal and keep the host also alive to allow them to be cleared of them within 24-168 hours.The DNA taken from them by base microbes will also be shared with immunising strains to then synthesise the proteins on their surface to then be shared with dendritic cells in all lymph nodes with the microbe that receives the DNA would undergo rapid replication to travel to all lymph nodes and active an immunised immune system to fight it off with it also sharing the DNA to anti-viral anti-bacterial strains to create schematics to create endolysines.If sufficiently advanced the base microbes could through horizontal gene transfer intake and then read its DNA and wirelesly send the genome of the pathogen to Paean and Phanes that could scan its genome adding it to Physis but have genotypes downloaded wirelessly to strains that synthesise proteins to immunise the host and those that create endolysines with them wirelessly sent the genes that produce the relevant proteins to be shared with the dendritic cells by Paean while other microbes cause other microbes to undergo apoptosis and keep the host alive while the primary immune system is immunised and activated.In time advanced base microbes would be able to scan the genome itself using taq polymerase,Cas-9 and CRISPR to copy its DNA and signal to the immunisation strains to prepare the relevant genes and thus proteins through chemical signals,nanomachines,protein bumpers or horizontal gene transfer to prepare the relevant genome with them also using this to make other anti-microbial and anti-viral strains create endolysines and unique protein bumpers.Thus base microbes could be advanced enough to scan the genome of new foreign pathogens and send it to Paean and other microbe strains while other strains cause pathogens to undergo apoptosis,keep the body alive and also use CRISPR and other methods at its disposal until base microbes can scan through genome to give strains that immunise the primary immune system relevant genes and arm others with bacterial strains given DNA to produce endolysines.The DNA of these new pathogens would be uploaded to Physis to allow for AI namely Phanes to extrapolate genes that are needed to express common proteins for immunising strains and the immunising strains in the body would then receive these by wifi,immunise the patient and activate the immunised primary immune system with by 2045 onwards this taking a few minutes from the second is infected.Existing pathogens in the body will have genes added that prevent it undergoing replication and mitosis and undergro apoptosis and in the case of viruses have large strands of DNA removed to allow for the immunising strains to recive genotypes you immunise the primary immune system.Thus one could be immunised within minutes to then have the immunised primary immune system activated within an hour of the microbes discovering the infection.The same procedures will apply to new parasites.This could also allow the pathogen to be analysed and created in labs using 3D DNA printers to allow them to be tested against all natural compounds from plants and animals both from Earth and colonies.Furthermore them once the genome is scanned or when the surface protein antigens are detected will prepare lysins specific to that species or strain to be then synthesised by all microbes.The genome of the new pathogen and parasites will be uploaded to Physis with its entire genome analysed in minutes and Phanes and Paen will determine genotypes for immunising strains and also synthetic antibodies and compounds to kill them within minutes as well that can be downloaded into immunising and other strains within minutes.New colonies will have the common genes and proteins of all taxonomic ranks of micro-organisms analysised and created to create immunisations of them for all civilians on Earth and interstellar vehicles etc so as to prevent them mutating into human pathogens as seen with SIV mutating into HIV.All livestock and animals will be immunised against their pathogens to prevent them becoming zoonotic diseases.Synthetic compounds to treat them can be created by them carrying out anabolic and catabolic reactions using excess nutrients in stores etc and also bio based compounds,plant and animal oils and hydrocarbons created by the same strain or the body from CRISPR treatments as well as amino acids synthesised by the body and diet.The microbes would also steal genes or be upgraded with them to produce specific proteins from new pathogens once their genome is scanned into Physis to share with the memory helper B and T cells as well as weakening some of the pathogens to be destroyed by the primary immune system to allow them to kill them in another infection similar to vaccines.It would also apply to pathogens such as viruses,bacteria and parasites that may become resistant to melittin and all anti-fungal/microbial/viral compounds at their disposal with it even as stated making pathogens such as MRSA,N.gonorrhoeae through this modification permanently susceptible to all of the antibiotics such as colistin,β-lactam antibiotics and penicillin etc that are currently ineffective via gene drives.It would also work with all viruses to limit the genotypes added to the anti-viral and anti-bacterial strain and could allow any virus or bacterial pathogen to be killed by the compounds at their disposal as CRISPR treatments during phagocytosis would change the pathogen whether bacterial or fungal pathogens genome making its exterior and interior structures be able to be destroyed by the compounds at their disposal with the same done to tumours with suicide genes also added.For this to work ideally first asymptomatic carriers including pets and livestock that carry them should be treated with the permanent resistance removing treatments so that those in vulnerable humans that can affected by them can not only use this resistance removing ability but have the microbes use these antibiotics colistin,β-lactam antibiotics and penicillin against them using recombinant DNA from yeasts etc alongside those from Russian Brown Frogs,phytoplankton,hypochlorite,lactic acid,alcohol and reactive oxygen for maximum effectiveness.New pathogens and parasites could also be modified to become susceptible to the anti-viral and anti-microbial at the microbes disposal,remove their pathogenicity or cause them to commit apoptosis.Genes would be applied to them to express the same external structure of both viruses,fungi,bacteria and even parasites they are designed to fight off ie express the same phospholipids as benign bacteria to allow anti-bacterial compounds to be used or in the case of viruses express the same external structure as HIV without the GP120 glycoproteins and apply melittin and lemon juice particles.If possible having them express the same structure of benign Rhinovirus,HPV,Orthomyxoviridae strains than them expressing that of HIV as it would be much safer in order to be destroyed by them using cyanovirian-N etc.Parasites can be made to express the same internal and external structure as other parasites susceptible to the compounds used or even those as bacteria and viruses to be destroyed with the same done to fungi.This would involve DNA from these benign bacteria and viruses etc added to the pathogens genome.By applying suicide genes and those that prevent them being able to replicate and undergo mitosis would keep their numbers low preventing them causing sickness and damage to the patient and this done via horizontal gene transfer and also bumpers with this allowing for base microbes to scan the DNA of the new pathogen and send it wirelessly to Paean and Phyisis who will determine the proteins on it that would be relevant to immunising strains with immunising strains receiving the geneotypes via Paean wirelessly inducing the evolution of genotypes in this strain to synthesise the proteins on the surface or them collecting samples and them sharing them with dendritic cells to whom they will initiate in large numbers to then initiate relevant memory B and T cells and plasma cells in large numbers and the primary immune system now immunised will be signalled by the microbes through Paean to then fight off the remaining pathogens thus allowing one to be protected for life the next time it is encountered with this protecting patients from new pathogens whether viral,bacterial or fungal or even benign ones that could mutate before they can become pathogens as seen with SIV mutating into HIV or Cowpox virus became V.major and V.minor and would protect them against those they are not immunised against on Earth or on other colonies.This and making them susceptible to the compounds at their disposal via CRISPR treatments would ensure that they can fight off new infections they have not immunised the primary immune system off or newly discovered ones.Their genome would also be used to determine antigens on their surface and allow AI namely Phanes and Paean to extrapolate antibodies that can then be synthesised by microbes through wifi.All new micro-organisms such as fungi,bacteria and viruses discovered on Earth and on new planets will be scanned by Physis,Phanes and Paean will be done by automated programs managed by Astreaus that will scan all micro-organism into their version of Physis which will then have Phanes scan all of them for their potential for pathogenicity and also genotypes for useful proteins allowing for them to have upgrades and anti-viral and anti-microbial compounds developed prior to humans arriving.The common proteins of whole families and orders of all bacteria,fungi and viruses will be analysed by space station AI to create superproteins that immunise one against all fungi,viruses and bacteria allowing one to when they arrive on the planet will be immunised against all pathogenic and non pathogenic ones especially those that have the potential to mutate into deadly pathogens.All known compounds from plants and animals on Earth and other colonies and planets will tested on them in automated labs and also in simulations with all compounds present in Physis and the genotypes from the animals and plants they arise from here in the species file to then add them to microbes via upgrades.To make them susceptible to these compounds already present the microbes could add DNA from a virus or the bacteria that causes them to express the protein coats or phospholipids of known ones that are destroyed by the compounds ie new viruses and also ones outside of HIV could have CRISPR treatments containing DNA/RNA from known pathogens applied to them that cause them to express the same protein capsid and exterior structure of HIV without GP120 glycoproteins to allow allowing melittin and lemon juice to be applied or ideally the same protein capsid and exterior structure of benign Rhinovirus,HPV,Orthomyxoviridae strains to have cyanovirian-N applied with new bacteria and those outside of MRSA could have DNA from added to them that makes them express the same phospholipids and also internal structure benign bacteria affected by these compounds and then allow the microbes to apply its anti-bacterial and anti-viral compounds.This and also the ability to remove resistance to new and existing anti-viral and anti-bacterial compounds will allow the microbes fight off pathogens that the patient is not immunised against and also kill off any new pathogens discovered in new colonies off of Earth and also as stated fight off viruses,bacteria and fungi outside of those the compounds at its disposal are designed to fight off.This would involve DNA from these benign bacteria and viruses etc added to the pathogens genome.New parasites will undergo this as well.Base microbes could extract the genome from those kept busy by the microbes that surrounding them or this be done by all types of microbes via horizontal gene transfer and then upload their DNA to Paean via wifi to be analysed and then used for developing proteins for immunisations and also counter compounds to be added.The patient and uninfected ones could then be given upgrades either at home or via wifi as soon as possible against the pathogen and any new strain with AI determining the proteins needed to immunise against all possible strains with the pathogens also given CRISPR treatments to prevent them mutating,undergoing replication or mitosis and prevent the pathogen killing the host while key organs are repaired and kept alive.All of these CRISPR treatments will be housed in the microbes as ribosomes and in particular plasmids that can be replicated using taq polymerase and Cas-9.This would allow them to attack virtually anything not just new pathogens on both Earth and on other colonies that would adapt to become human pathogens like HIV evolved from SIV but also to attack viral and bacterial pathogens outside of the main ones the compounds are able to or are designed to destroy on Earth thus extending their range of efficacy without the need to add new genotypes with them able to fight off new infections and even chronic infections instantly thus speeding up the time it takes to cure the patient before it can cause fatal damage to them.This would also apply to both fungi and parasites both existing and new with it only applying to pathogens and not human cells via differentiating between the unique surface proteins of human cells and those of pathogens with ideally this done by the them having receptors that recognise pathogens as well as parasites and not human cells and also the genes to be used suited only to fit into the genome of only viruses and pathogens as well as parasites and not human cells with them doing this alongside resistance removing gene transferred and then use its anti-viral and anti-microbial compounds in unison to prevent pathogens become resistant and CRISPR treatments to remove and prevent resistance and also weaken them will also be applied at the same time to again improve success and even prevent resistance to existing and new treatments.If possible other anti-viral compounds such as lemon juice,vinegar(or similar compounds) can be synthesised and even virkon could be applied by them synthesisng it if shown not to be toxic to humans especially when applied by phagocytosis to HIV virions and other pathogens that it kills or compounds with similar structures and viricidal qualities that are benign to humans synthesised by them or using recombinant DNA from plants and animals via upgrades.The hosts native cells using scratch could be made immune to the compound or the microbes could synthesise the compound covered in protein bumpers that interact only with HIV thus not affecting the host when flooding the bloodstream as nanoparticles with the same applied to lemon juice and melittin.By 2029 the microbes will be able to clear new infections of new pathogens,parasites and toxins with at most a week or even just 24 hours with by 2035-2045 onwards most of not all infections of pathogens,parasites and toxins will be cleared from the body within a few hours of not a few minutes before the patient even realised it occurred.

Base microbes will be present to detect the species of pathogens by using Cas-9,taq polymerase etc and species of poisons,toxins etc in the body during infection etc and using biosynth WiFi cross reference Physis for their identity and then Paean will arrange actions to be carried out by chelation,anti-bacterial,anti-viral,anti-viral etc strains to counteract them.They will thus act as the first line of defence against pathogens,toxins etc