
To clean up pollutants in the air there are several options.Biochar production from trees can remove carbon dioxide,sulpher dioxide,nitrogen dioxide and have them broken down into sulphur and nitrogen for use in fertiliser either directly or bacteria can be used to degrade them into their elemental constituents.Nitrogen oxide and sulphur dioxide can be collected from the atmosphere via stanene and graphene in nanotube in a tree structure and then automatically dumped into a solution of water and bacteria that can degrade it into usable nutrients with them shaped like artificial trees that capture carbon dioxide.Artificial trees can be engineered using Biosynth technology and nanomaterials to remove toxic gases in the atmosphere to be converted into benign gases like oxygen etc released passively.Bambosoidea used to remove excess carbon dioxide can be engineered to either intake toxic gases into their tissues and have them removed from biochar or they can be engineered to passively convert them into oxygen released into the atmosphere and also store certain elements in their tissues again removed from biochar or convert them into benign gases released into the atmosphere and other methods developed by AI.

Cleaning of groundwater could involve pollutant degrading bacteria that are strains of or a new species of Geobactor metallireducens with recombinant DNA from metallotrophes/metallotolerants or bioremediating plants as well as from scratch pumped down or have specialised water treatment plants or extensions to existing water treatment plants that can pump water out of the ground and through graphene sheets and super blasts of super high intensity UV light to break down compounds alongside G.metallireducens or algae with nanosensors at all points of the system with water not cleaned properly rerouted to the start with the cleaned water pumped back down into the groundwater with the same applying to aquifers.Any methane present especially in areas that have shale deposits and where hydraulic fracking has taken place can be extracted,transported to nearby methane canister factories and burned into energy at home or in nearby gas factories.Ideally areas with high levels of methane in groundwater should utilise water from exiting or new water treatment plants.Those in ice and snow covered soils such as in the Arctic,Antarctic and even mountains can be have poles that can be measure the amount of snow,ice and its depth with these poles having graphene and other nanomaterials that measure temperature and sense the ice.Empty and exhausted groundwater supplies and aquifers can be replenished via water shipped in from desalination plants and flood tunnels(once treated) pumped underground to allow them to return to the hydro logical cycle in a sustainable manner.The software Leimakids will link all soil nanosensors around the world together on local,regional,national,continental,global levels and interact with ocean,river,lake,atmospheric,satellite sensor networks.These would be in all areas such as farms,forests used forestry,jungles,woodlands,deserts,meadows

Bio-remediation via plants ideally Bambusoideae which grows in as little as two years and then biochar sequestration of these materials could be done.This would remove both carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and heavy metals and pharmaceuticals from the soils over geological timescales and allow the biochar and toxins to be separated into each other to be both used in commercial products with all steps such as planting of tree,harvesting and mulching,pyrolysis etc being fully automated.It can also rejuvenate soils by fixing nitrogen into it.Heavy metals and pharmaceuticals can be extracted from the biochar via graphene/stanene sheets or other automated filtration methods so as to allow the carbon within it to be used as fertiliser,graphene and put to good use with super blasts of super high intensity UV lights also used alongside chemical and mechanical treatments the resulting biochar can be tested using nanosensor to see if it contains leftover toxins and if 100% of the toxin is not removed then the aforementioned steps can be reproduced over and over again until all toxins are removed.This method of filtration would be ideal as it allows the separated carbon to be used as fertiliser and graphene and removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere with the heavy metals etc can be reused for commercial products.Used graphene sheets can be replaced or either pyrolysised or disposed of in compost or even treated to have the pollutants removed on site and then reused indefinitely with all steps involved in this automated.Any remaining heavy metals can be mixed with other benign compounds to turn it into inert material or used to feed genetically altered bacteria that produce useful commodities when diluted down.Native grasses,plants and trees can be engineered to not only tolerate heavy metals and other contaminants but also convert them into benign compounds through their roots,leaves or interactions with native bacteria with this being passive allowing them to be planted there indefinitely and not harvested.Heavy metals and radioactive wastes can also be degraded from the soil with G.metallireducens and oil degrading bacteria which degrades radioactive and hydrocarbons materials can be simply spread onto soils in a mixture with water after being grown in large concentrations in a lab via machinery used to spread slurry and fertilisers.Areas like Chernobyl or added via transgenics to Bambusoideae to clean up and degraded radioactive polluted soils with genes from other bacteria also added to the Bambusoideae to clean up and degrade other specific pollutants.Cannabis sativa can also be used to clean up soils polluted from radioactive materials and transgenics can allow for the nitrogen fixing ability of Bambusoideae and Crotalaria juncea to be added considering the fact that C.sativa takes four months to mature.G.metallireducens can be used as a model species with recombinant DNA from plants that bioremediate them and/or various metallotolerants being a solution with ideally recombinant DNA from all metallotolerants that thrive in copper,zinc,arsenic etc to use these an an energy source and transform them into benign compounds.Both G.metallireducens and Bambusoideae and other plants and bacteria used can have DNA from both Thermococcus gammatolerans and Deinococcus radiourans added to improve this and survive the radiation in these soil.In time these pyrolysised waste can be broken down by sifting through sheets of graphene and using super blasts of super UV light to separate the useful carbon for commercial uses and the pollutants can also be extracted for other uses in compounds or other methods of degrading or removing the pollutants like dissolving the biochar in water and using super blasts of super high intensity of UV lights to degrade pharmaceuticals and other pollutants and/or passing this mixture through a series of graphene or stanene sheets to separate the pollutants from the carbon.This can be done for all pollutants for all types of pyrolysised waste from all environments with C.sativa also playing a role.These results will interact with ocean,river,lake and atmosphere readings in the locale,region,nation and globe alongside climate and weather networks to allow for more accurate predictions and analysis.All of the environmental factors and readings for each sensor can either be viewed as all on one graph or in separate graph through settings within the network decided by the viewer.The pollutants will be used later as commercial products and the land reforested.Thus all pollutants from pyrolysised plants including C.sativa and Bambusoideae will be separated from the biochar and sent to Aphrodite buildings in benign compounds or elemental components to be used as commercial products with the biochar turned into graphene etc.The use bioremediation programmes involving C.sativa,Bambusoideae should be pursued as it rejuvenates the soil,removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere producing biochar,graphene etc and allows the toxins to be separated to be then used as commercial products in their elemental components.

Ideally bacteria should be used when possible so as to allow all biochar to be used for fertilizer and graphene etc.G.metallireducens degrades primarily uranium and so research can be done into bacteria that can degrade other radioactive metals and elements as well as heavy metals,pharmaceuticals,PCBs etc. into benign materials with recombinant DNA taken from plants that degrade or bioremediate them or and those from all metallotolerant bacteria transferred into G.metallireducens alongside those that break down oil and all plastics as well as other pollutants.DNA can also be created from scratch to deal with all pollutants such as heavy metals and radioactive elements.This ability can be introduced into native bacteria and also other organisms present in the soil using gene drives to have them pass into native populations via inbreeding utilising CRISPR gene drives to ensure any future instances of pollution will be automatically cleaned up once they occur over decades or centuries with these grown in large quantities and the spread in a water mixture over large areas over several years.Ideally this should be done before accidents occur in areas prone to pollution as a preventative measure.Existing polluted soils such as the Amazon Basin from operations from Cheveron spread by hand in large vehicles or handheld devices containing the bacteria mixed with water for dealing with known small patches and pools affected with automated aeroplanes spreading this over large areas in rotary fleets over areas known to be affected and suspected.Drones that patrol huge swathes of the Amazon and other rainforests can detect areas of heavy pollution and mark their GPS location.

•Bacteria from soil samples from all areas will be collected and fitted with both radioresistant DNA and also those from other unicellular and multicellular lifeforms that break down radioactive isotopes and toxins present in the environment,grown in large numbers in labs and then spread into all soils using pumps directed into the soil or aeroplanes with these bacteria capable of passing this radiorestance and also breaking down of isotopes into those already in the soil and waterways thus allowing for the soil to be cleared passively over the next few decades.This should speed up bioremediation efforts an will be repeated routinely.

•Oils can be broken down in the soil using oil degrading bacteria with recombinant DNA from extremophiles added to their DNA in order to make them thrive in all types of soils.Oil degrading bacteria can be used to degrade oil spills and hydrocarbons.This ability can be introduced into native bacteria and also other organisms including plants and animals present in the soils.Since G.metallireducens can also break down hydrocarbons recombinant DNA from them can be added to it to expedite its efficacy.These can be grown in large numbers and spread into the soil by robots to clean up for example tar sands and other polluted soils.This ability can be introduced into native bacteria and also other organisms present in the soil using gene drives to have them pass into native populations via inbreeding and CRISPR gene drives to ensure any future instances of pollution will be automatically cleaned up once they occur over decades and centuries.This can of note of areas where oil is extracted from tar sands and deserts.

•Pollution of the wilderness via plastics on the ground and other waste thrown away can be dealt with by aerial drones surveying them in large fleets equipped with object recognition software and NIR hyperspectral cameras and IR illumintors.Open landfills in polluted wilderness areas can be dealt with automated machinery and robots alongside humans and in time biosynths with the land reforested with if need be the landfills sprayed with bacteria that contain DNA from those that decompose plastics and organic material with the reforested land sprayed with this later on.DNA from bacteria that degrade plastic and fungi that turn into edible feedstuff will be added to  all animals genome and any bacteria in their gastrointestinal tract so that any animals that consume plastic will be able to degrade it in the stomachs with them first converting the plastic in their bodies into edible fungi.This should be done as soon as possible as a preventative measure.

•Areas that are affected by radiation such as the towns and wilderness surrounding Chernobyl,Fukushima,Sellafield,Mayak,Pripyat,Lake Karachay and many other places in the world such as those used as nuclear test sites and where material from Chernobyl was deposited across Europe can be dealt with sparying G.metallireducens bacteria into the water or soil in the case of uranium while dealing with other radioactive isotopes using G.metallireducens as a base model using genes from plants and metallorants that bioremediate various radioactive materials to make them break down these in the same way G.metallireducens does with the possibility of adding recombinant DNA from T.gammatolerans to help them survive extreme radiation levels of up to 30,000Gy with genes from mesophiles,halophiles and acidophiles(as well as other extremophiles)to grow in more moderate temperatures and saline and acidic conditions.Transferring the uranium and other pollutant degrading phenotypes including those from extremophiles using gene drives into native soil,lake and river bacteria can allow them to pass these traits to native populations in these environments to degrade the material over long periods of time with this progress measured via nanosensors place into the soil,lake and rivers.If it is not possible to create a bacterium to degrade non uranium nuclear waste sheets of graphene and other nanomaterials with weights on them on automated boats can collect the radioactive material from as deep as possible of the lake with the boat transported by autonomous vehicles and  dropped into the water automatically to ensure no humans are on sight to prevent exposure to radiation.Water treatment plants can be built that intake large volumes of water and separate the radioactive isotopes from the water which can be stored until the soil of the lakebed is cleaned also and returned the cleaned water back with groundwater treated this way.Automatic dredgers can be deployed at the river or lake and remove silt and any lakebed material to have it treated with a mixture of bacteria,bioremediating plants and also graphene sheets to separate the radioactive material from the bed and then have them stored until the water is cleaned by the aforementioned methods and also by emptying the rivers and lakes in water treatment plants designed to remove the heavy metals and then return it and the lakebed back to where it is.All radioactive material from these will be collected and used for commercial purposes.Sensors placed there can keep track of radioactive metals and other pollutants in the soil,lakebed,riverbed and water bodies at all levels and keep track of these bioremediation efforts.All machinery will be automated or remotely controlled again to prevent human exposure to fatal doses of radiation.Buildings in areas that are radioactive can be torn down by machines,recycled and then reforested once scanned into Daedalus.Automated fleets of tree planters can plant trees and native flora in a randomised fashion on the land surrounding these areas to allow the land to be become permanently reforested but have recombinant DNA from both G.metallireducens(and other variant strains) and T.gammatolerans added to the genome of all trees and other flora to break down any remaining radioactive material in the soil and also survive extreme doses of radiation over their lifetime and pass this down via gene drives.DNA form these bacteria can also be added to the genome of any fauna that are present or are being relocated their to again break down any radioactive metals and survive extreme blasts of radiation over prolonged periods of time with including both terrestrial and water based and these can interbreed with any existing animals to pass these phenotypes on via gene drives with it also added to populations of animals that may pass through their as part of migration via engineered animals added to flocks.Native microbes in the soil and waterways that may killed off by radiation and radioactive pollutants can have those from healthy soils and waterways reared with recombinant DNA from T.gammatolerans,G.metallireducens(and other variant strains) added to their genome with the same applied to any organisms such as worms,beetles and other ones that are needed for the proper functioning of soils and waterways to ensure they function properly.They will be given DNA to degrade pollutants including radioactive ones and DNA present from multicellular and unicellular organisms that degrade all toxins and pollutants allowing them to do so passively.DNA from Wangiella dermatitidis,Cladosporium sphaerospermum and Cryptococcus neoformans can be added to these microbes to enable them to radiosynthesis,that is,to use the pigment melanin to convert gamma radiation into chemical energy for growth thus helping them speed up the removal of gamma radiation.Tweaks can be made to do this with other types of radiation with scratch DNA used to make the DNA from the radiotrophic fungi to actively convert the radiation into energy in a way that the radiation is removed from the atmosphere.All towns that are not able to be inhabited by humans due to this can have any buildings torn down and roads removed and the land reforested by automated machinery to negate human labour and also prevent human death via irradiation.Atmospheric poles with all types of sensors including radiation sensors can be applied to them to track the levels of radiation over geological time with research done into genetically altered animals,plants,bacteria or nanomaterials that can expedite the removal of radiation from the atmosphere.These areas can be monitored by drones 24/7 with any animals that move into the area treated with recombinant DNA from T.gammatolerans.CRISPR and gene drives can also allow for these traits to be transferred to them permanently.Research can be done into expediting the breakdown of radiation possibly using nanomaterials similar in structure to graphene from other elements than carbon.If simulations deem it safe underground communities can be started underneath these radioactive areas with the tunnels given radioactive shielding with nanosensors in the tunnels relaying levels constantly to the city AI.All plants and animals in areas that are in areas exposed to nuclear fallout can be injected with microbes that using horizontal gene transfer will transfer genes from T.gammatolerans,D,radiodurans and G.metallireducens via robots,humans also made resistant to these through engineering boring through plants or injecting animals and biosynthetic arthropods or microbes that enter them via being sprayed into the soil and the food chain from above to allow them to thrive and repair any genetic damage with this spreading throughout the genepool via advanced gene drive technology and sexual intercourse.They will be given DNA to degrade pollutants including radioactive ones and DNA present from multicellular and unicellular organisms that degrade all toxins and pollutants allowing them to do so passively.DNA from W.dermatitidis,C.sphaerospermum and C.neoformans can be added to these animals and plants to enable them to radiosynthesis,that is,to use the pigment melanin to convert gamma radiation into chemical energy for growth thus helping them speed up the removal of gamma radiation.Tweaks can be made to do this with other types of radiation with scratch DNA used to make the DNA from the radiotrophic fungi to actively convert the radiation into energy in a way that the radiation is removed from the atmosphere.Releasing large amounts of engineered alongside inoculated animals of all species that will pass these phenotypes via sexual intercourse and advanced gene drive technology can also be done as they will overtake wild populations.Wild animals can be caught in traps in large amounts to allow them to be inoculated and then re released to allow this to happen.Animals that are suffering defects particularly genetic ones and cancers etc can be cured by CRISPR via the microbes.In time biosynth artopods will be able to do this in swarms to all plants and animals with lamprey style ones in rivers etc.Any humans and their crops that are moving into these areas would also undergo the same engineering but ideally these areas would be reforested with the buildings torn down after scanned into Daedalus.Microbes designed like G.metallireducens using some of their recombinant DNA can theoretically carry out anabolic and catabolic reactions to turn uranium and other radioactive metals into benign compounds when spread into lakes,rivers and soils with this passing onto native microorganism in these ecosystems via horizontal gene transfer with the trees also engineered to turn these radioactive metals into benign compounds stored in their wood with them when they reach maturity then cut down by automated machinery as part of Pan and then pyrolysised and the heavy metals sieved through graphene sheets to separate the carbon and the heavy metals all of which can be used for commercial purposes such as graphene,carbon composites and uses and other uses in electronics and medicine.This can be repeated over and over again via robots replanting trees until nanosensors in the soil show that the levels of heavy metals is down to safe levels or eradicated with both the microbes in the soil and the use of trees used as the trees will also remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.Ideally Bambusoideae engineered to intake as much pollutants as possible should be used as it will grow very fast and sequester large amounts of carbon dioxide.Variants of these and other plants that can grow in lakes and rivers by the edges or in the centre can also remove pollutants with as stated rejuvenation of wetlands.The nuclear facilities in these areas responsible for the fallout in these areas will be torn down and the land reforested with any fuel inside moved to other facilities to be used as fuel or recycled done by a combination of robots and also humans using biohazard suits and CRISPR treatments.The suits worn by workers will have graphene in them to prevent tears and it in them or preventing it breaking and utilise augmented reality that can relay environmental conditions including radiation level;s from nanosensors built int the clothing or linked devices with the CRISPR treatments using DNA from T.gammatolerans and D.radiodurans will act as a backup.T.gammatolerans can give immunity of up to 30,000Gy or more through pushing the limits of T.gammatolerans with immunity to all radioactive heavy metals through strains of G.metallireducens.The highest levels of radiation are in the main plant itself of at least 30,000 roentgens per hour or roughly 263.1-300Gy meaning by 2029 all work here can be done by humans allowing even the most heavily irradiated areas of the Chernobyl power plant and the towns surrounding them to be explored and worked on without suits though these should be worn in case the levels in the plant are higher.All buildings will be scanned into Daedalus by drones and engineered humans and then reused in the area when it is habitable once bioremediation techniques are finished or in other areas nearby when they are torn down for other human settlements with the land reforested with trees and plants engineered with recombinant DNA from T.gammatolerans etc with the same done to all animals whether terrestrial,lake and airborne ones including birds and insects in the area inoculated by hand or covering the soil in water mixed in the microbes that enter through leaves and roots and biosynth arthropods or releasing inoculated animals to spread them via sexual intercourse with biocomaptible microbes that correct genetic mutations and made them resistant to radiation and heavy metals.All irradiated forests will have all trees torn down,harvested and pyrolysised to remove them and the biochar separated from any radioactive pollutants with the biochar used to create graphene and the radioactive material recycled for commercial purposes with the land reforested by automated drones and tree planters in randomised fashion with trees that contain DNA from T.gammatolerans and also G.metallireducens to allow them to survive indefinitely in the area and also sequester the carbon.These plants will also have DNA from unicellular and multicellular plants and animals and scratch DNA that break down pollutants such as isotopes of radioactive metals to allow them to passively break down or tolerate the pollutants negating the need to continue to cutting them down over and over again.DNA from W.dermatitidis,C.sphaerospermum and C.neoformans can be added to these plants to enable them to radiosynthesis,that is,to use the pigment melanin to convert gamma radiation into chemical energy for growth thus helping them speed up the removal of gamma radiation.Tweaks can be made to do this with other types of radiation with scratch DNA used to make the DNA from the radiotrophic fungi to actively convert the radiation into energy in a way that the radiation is removed from the atmosphere.All micro-organisms in soils,waterways etc will be fitted with DNA to degrade pollutants and radiation.All shrubs,weeds etc native to the area could also be replanted in randomised fashion.Having DNA from W.dermatitidis,C.sphaerospermum,C.neoformans,G.metallireducens and T.gammatolerans as well as multicellular and unicellular plants and animals that degrade pollutants and scratch DNA added to all plants,animals and microbes in the soil,rivers,lakes etc both existing and captive bred ones that pass from one generation to the next via advanced gene drive technology will allow them to passively break down,bioremediate and remove radiation,radioactive pollutants,heavy metals etc while they live and die negating the need to plant,harvest and remove the toxins and then replant them over and over again.DNA from W.dermatitidis,C.sphaerospermum and C.neoformans can be added to all animals to enable them to radiosynthesis,that is,to use the pigment melanin to convert gamma radiation into chemical energy for growth.Tweaks can be made to do this with other types of radiation with scratch DNA used to make the DNA from the radiotrophic fungi to actively convert the radiation into energy in a way that the radiation is removed from the atmosphere.Ideally since areas in Fukushima and Chernobyl are full of mutated and dying trees all woodlands will have all plants and animals including trees,shrubs,ferns,mosses,lichens,weeds and flowers,birds,mammals,insects etc species inventoried by a combination of drones and humans taking pictures,genetic samples of each one and then cutting down the woodlands and pyrolysisng them to remove them and harvest both carbon for biochar and also heavy and radioactive metals for commercial purposes and then replanting them with new trees,bushes,flowers,mosses and lichens all with these sources of recombinant DNA that remove radiation created via 3D DNA printers and them replanted in a randomised manner by tree planting drones and the aformentioned DNA passing onto all future generations.All species of plants such as trees,bushes,weeds,flowers will be inventoried and genetic samples collected and then large numbers of them created by 3D printers using the Phanes method and planted in a randomised manner after whole sections of forests are cut down and pyrlysised with them fitted also with DNA from both T.gammatolerans,W.dermatitidis,C.sphaerospermum and C.neoformans and also G.metallireducens as well as those from unicellular and multicelluar ones and scratch DNA that break down pollutants and using advanced gene drive technology will pass this onto the next generation when interbreeding with other plants.This planting of new plants will be done step by step across all polluted land over the course of a few years with drones also used to detect birds nests with this planting of plants with these phenotypes will allow them to passively break down pollutants and remove radiation passively from the soil and atmosphere etc negating the need to repyrolysise them over and over again with existing mutations removed the plants by comparing DNA with that of healthy specimens from unpolluted areas with the added DNA preventing mutations passing onto all future generations.These new trees and shrubs wil not be cut down as the DNA present will actively break down radioactive elements and remove radiation throughout its lifetime with advanced gene drive technology meaning this will pass onto all future generations.Micro-organism in the soil,groundwater,lakes and rivers will collected and recreated using 3D DNA printers using the Phanes method with them fitted also with DNA from both T.gammatolerans,W.dermatitidis,C.sphaerospermum and C.neoformans and also G.metallireducens as well as those from unicellular and multicelluar ones and scratch DNA that break down pollutants and using advanced gene drive technology will pass this onto the next generation and bred in large amounts in vats etc and then pumped into soil,rivers and lakes.This will allow them passively break down radiation and pollution.Animals and insects can be dealt with lab reared versions that are created via 3D DNA printers and artificial wombs that can interbreed with wild animals to pass these genes via advanced gene drive technology and these genes will also eliminate mutations and genetic deformities via telemore repair.Wild animals of each species can also be caught in large batches and then cured of mutations and genetic deformities via CRISPR and have the aforementioned DNA added to them to pass onto future generations including other wild animals they interbreed with.All humans,pets and crops can be fitted with the aforementioned DNA to survive there.Biosynthetic trees with this DNA composed of biosynthetic tissues grown on nanomaterials can be fitted with this to removed.All animals such as birds,mammals,fish and insects will be collected in large numbers using traps with them fitted also with DNA from both T.gammatolerans,W.dermatitidis,C.sphaerospermum and C.neoformans and also G.metallireducens as well as those from unicellular and multicelluar ones and scratch DNA that break down pollutants and using CRISPR and advanced gene drive technology that will pass this onto the next generation when interbreeding with those already in the area when released in large numbers gene drives via advanced gene drive technology via sexual reproduction passed into all future generations via advanced gen drive technology.Others will be created in large amounts via 3D DNA printers and artificial wombs.This will allow them to survive radiation and passively break down both pollutants and radiations from the environment and food throughout their lifetime with this also preventing mutations occurring in all future animals.Samples of healthy specimens of the species of plants and animals without deformities from nearby unpolluted areas will be compared with those to with deformities will be analysed to create animals with no deformities via artificial wombs and 3D DNA printers.If no healthy samples exist then Phanes will extrapolate healthy genomes.Advanced gene drive technology will pass these abilities to future generations.Thus all irradiated forests etc will have plants cut down,pyrolysised and have new plants of all inventoried species of all shrubs,trees and flowers etc replanted that have DNA from W.dermatitidis,C.sphaerospermum,C.neoformans,G.metallireducens and T.gammatolerans as well as multicellular and unicellular plants and animals that degrade pollutants and scratch DNA added to them alongside captured and released species of all animals animals and micro-organism in the soil,waterways will through advanced gene drive technology pass this to all future progeny allowing the environment to be cleaned up constantly and passively until fully bioremediated saving on the need to constantly replant and harvest them over and over again.T.gammatolerans DNA will allow them to survive the immense levels of radiation as it can survive levels up to 30,000Gy with the other DNA allowing the to passively remove uranium and all radioactive isotopes and even radiation over time.Artificial trees consisting of biosynth tissues with the same DNA and nanomaterials can be researched to remove exponentially extra radiation and also pollutants from the soil via biosynthetic roots with biosynth filters in nanomaterials placed in rivers and lakes.The sarcophagus of Chernobyl could be bioremediated by allowing biosynths and plants and bacteria fitted with these radioresistant and radiotrophic DNA such as W.dermatitidis,C.sphaerospermum,C.neoformans,G.metallireducens and T.gammatolerans and scratch DNA that turns heavy metals into benign compounds to them to bioremediate them inside and then carry out measure to do so onsite using them and specialised machinery or move them to other areas for proper disposal or bioremediation using underground tunnels with groundwater protected by secure reinforced concrete infused with graphene with a graphene infused self healing foamcrete that digs into the ground around the sarcophagus to ensure that if the radiation in the sarcophagus reaches groundwater the groundwater within the sarcophagus will still be contained within its grounds and any radioactive ash also contained preventing breaches into the groundwater affecting the outside world.Thus the groundwater surrounding the Elephants foot can be sealed to allow the actual concrete surrounding the foot to be removed and allow the radioactive material to be released within the confines of the new sarcophagus consisting of a graphene infused foamcrete shell and graphene watertight doors designed by Pan and allow plants and bacteria that contain DNA from W.dermatitidis,C.sphaerospermum,C.neoformans,G.metallireducens and T.gammatolerans to them to bioremediate them by removing radiation via radiosynthesis and so on with any heavy metals recycled.Artificial trees can contain DNA from W.dermatitidis,C.sphaerospermum,C.neoformans,G.metallireducens and T.gammatolerans to remove larger amounts of radiation constantly.Graphenes high strength being 200 times strong than steel and melting point of 3,652 – 4,626.85 degrees celcius can allow it to used in secure watertight doors,robots and structures within the existing sarcophagus and new structures to contain them better composed of it.Radioactive dust can be collected and bioremediated using G.metallireducens modified to break it down benign compounds and reprocessing centres added in under ground extensions or in time.Pan will developed the most efficient means of cleaning up remaining radiation and radioactive waste within the sarcophagus by 2029-2045.All species of plants and animals of all taxonomic ranks will be inventoried and each species have large samples taken and then have DNA extracted with this compared to existing databases with the animals corrected via CRISPR and as stated large numbers bred using the Phanes method using 3D DNA printers to create spermatazoa,seeds and eggs that have no mutations and have relevant radioresistant bacteria DNA and those that break down isotopes and toxins and radiotrophic bacteria added to their genome to allow for large numbers of them to be recreated with these using gene drive technology and those that prevent genetic diseases being passed on released into the wild allowing them to pass these radiorestant and heavy metal immunities onto future generation with DNA from bacteria that exhibit telomere repair etc added to them to prevent mutations from wild animals passing onto any young created when the inbreed with wild populations eliminating these mutations from the genepool indefinitely as the older animals in the wild with these mutation die off.They will also have DNA from unicellular and multicellular animals that break down the toxins in the environment thus allowing the new animals and plants to passively break them down or flush them out as they bioaccumulate.Species that used to inhabit the area but dont anymore will be fitted with this DNA and reintroduced into the area.Live animals captured in the wild will be inoculated with microbes that correct deformities once they are tested in labs and using gene drive technology pass this onto future generations with those with genetic conditions cured to prevent necessary suffering.Bacteria from soil and water samples from all areas and waterways will be collected and fitted with both radioresistant DNA and also those from other unicellular and multicellular lifeforms that break down radioactive isotopes present in the environment,grown in large numbers in labs and then spread into all waterways and soils using pumps directed into the rivers or aeroplanes with these bacteria capable of passing this radiorestance and also breaking down of isotopes into those already in the soil and waterways thus allowing for the soil to be cleared passively over the next few decades.This should speed up bioremediation efforts an will be repeated routinely.Plants will be fitted with these microbes to house this toxin breaking down DNA and radiorestant and other DNA to correct mutation via hand or biosynths.Otherwise the plants in all forests etc such as bushes,trees,weeds will be catalogued via collecting leaves,twigs etc as well as drones photographing them and them located in Physis,recreated into blank seeds via 3D printers with radiorestant and toxin degrading DNA utilising the Phanes method and then the forests cut down and pyrolysised to capture the carbon with the biochar separated from any toxins present used as commercial products and then the forests then replanted with all species of trees,bushes,weeds etc with the radiorestant and toxin degrading phenotypes added planted by automated drones in a randomised fashion thus allowing them to passively degrade all toxins in the soil negating the need to pyrolysise them again with the biochar turned into graphene.This can apply to superfund sites with DNA added to break down relevant toxins or if not then routine bioremediation programmes will take place involving bacteria and also replanting Bambusoideae that are engineered to intake the toxins to be then pyrolysised and separated from biochar to make commercial products with the biochar turned into graphene etc with this also sequestering and removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and repeated annually until all toxins are removed from the soil.If need be this will be done in sections with small parts of each woodland area done piece by piece to allow native fauna to live in the still polluted areas and then when each area has all toxins removed it will be reforested and then another section for the forests done.Native bacteria fitted with this DNA can be spread into all soils and waterways of all types routinely to speed up bioremediation.If not in both superfund and radioactive areas then once the old trees,ferns,bushes are first inventoried by collecting leaves and also by drones then their DNA added to Physis if not already in existing banks then the entire forests,woodlands and open fields in radioactive and superfund sites will have the trees,bushes etc cut down,pyrolysised,toxins removed from biochar to allow them both to be used as commercial products and biochar etc then Bambusoideae plantations engineered with DNA from bioremediating plants and those that increase their growth rates and the amount of carbon dioxide they intake will have them grown to maturity,then harvested and replanted once the harvested plants are sent to biochar plants or those specific for them to allow the toxins removed without them affecting biochar used for fertiliser with the biochar produced here also filtered out from the toxins for graphene production with this not only removing pollutants from the soil but also carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and enriching the soil as well with bacteria that can degrade the pollutant added as well to speed things up this would be repeated over and over again until levels of the pollutant are degraded with nanosensors relaying progress.Once the levels of pollutants are removed then native trees,shrubs etc will be replanted by automated seed planter drones in a randomised fashion using seeds from vertical farms ground large amounts of plants that are genetically distinct from each other or blank seeds have DNA printed into them using 3D DNA printers.As stated all work in heavily radioactive areas can be done by a combination of automated machinery,biosynths and human volunteers wearing protective gear and/or them engineered via CRISPR to contain recombinant DNA from T.gammatolerans,D.radiodurans,G.metallireducens strains and scratch DNA to allow them to work without gear and as a precautionary should these gear fail.The gear they would wear would have graphene woven into them to prevent tears with the visors containing it to prevent damage and also allow for augmented reality showing maps,locations of other humans,readings from the environment via Theoi Meteroi and also their external sensors with the visor and clothing covered in liquid glass.Most of the bioremediating work should be automated within 5-10 years with human volunteers visiting them to review progress and also carry out extra work. All plants and animals and micro-organisms both existing ones DNC those as part of reforestation efforts and reintroduced animals will be fitted with this DNA to allow the land to be inhabited with them actively removing radiation and pollutants from the experiments.These cities can have all buildings scanned into Daedalus and the cities done the same way others across the world with the poor moving into hotels,refurbished supermarkets and schools etc converted into tall communal homes and poor housing estates torn down with all manufactured goods,magazines and newspapers scanned into Pheme and Dionysus,Hephaestus and then taken on a first come first serve basis,traded on Euthenia or recycled.Ideally they should be recycled once scanned in as they would possibly transmit radioactive material.Food in supermarkets and homes will be pyrolysised with packaging recycled.It is stated that it should take 20,000 years for the land surrounding Chernobyl and 70 years for land surrounding Fukushima to be habitable but intensive automated bioremediation techniques managed by Pan can expedite this process with again nanosensors placed in the soil,rivers,lakes and atmospheric poles that measure both radioactive metals and radiation to measure progress.DNA from W.dermatitidis,C.sphaerospermum and C.neoformans and tweaked strains of Geobacter added to all existing and replanted and introduced plants,animals and micro-organisms in soils,waterways etc will expedite the removal of radiation with the plants,animals and micro-organisms also fitted with DNA from unicellular and multicellular plants and animals that degrade toxins etc that can allow them to passively degrade them negating them to be harvested and planted over and over again saving time and energy.If possible intensive bioremediation techniques using these methods could reduce the levels of radiation and toxins in Fukushima back to normal levels by the mid to late 21st century and Chernobyl in a few centuries possibly between 2200-2300 .This engineering using DNA from W.dermatitidis,C.sphaerospermum,C.neoformans,G.metallireducens and T.gammatolerans could allow humans to live in these areas such as Fukushima and towns surrounding Chernobyl permanently by 2029 provided crop plants and pets etc are also engineered this way with the buildings present refurbished and the intensive automated bioremediation takes place over the coming decades and centres or if need be millenia.The land,ocean and rivers surrounding this area and Fukushima or in oceans across the world can be treated the same with all fish and animals inoculated and engineered with DNA from T.gammatolerans.Chernobyl will have robots composed of graphene due to its high melting point alongside biosynths that have DNA from extremophile bacteria to put out the remaining fires within the power plant.CRISPR can allow humans to permanently live in these areas using DNA from T.gammatolerans,metallotolerants and also G.metallireducens with while them living there automated bioremediating programmes still taking place while the towns are renovated to modern standards.All biochar will be separated from all toxins in biochar programmes with the biochar used to create fertiliser and graphene etc with the toxins removed through these and all other programmes ie those that are removed from lakes,rivers etc will be converted into elemental compounds for commercial uses and stored in Aphrodite buildings for storage or other buildings where they may be needed ie Uranium and other radioactive materials can be sent to molten salt reactors to be later used as fuel.The radioactive elements and compounds will be removed into inert forms and into elemental compounds that can be used for other purposes with graphene and similar nanomaterials,super blasts of super high intensity UV lights,chemical or mechanical treatments can separate them.If these actions are done then nanosensors or other technology can be used to ensure that 100% of the toxins are removed with repeats of these treatments used together can allow more toxins to be removed with testing and repeats of these process done over and over again until all of the toxins are gone with the toxins made into inert compounds by mixing it with other benign elements or used as a food source for bacteria that produce commercial products from these pollutants diluted down.

•With regards to other places that are abandoned due to environmental damage can follow the same patterns of cleanup and reforestation with recombinant DNA from extremophiles including metallorants and even Tardigrade being used to allow native animals and humans survive unique soil and atmospheric conditions.DNA from unicellular and multicellular micro-organisms,plants and animals that break down toxins can be added to all plants and animals new and existing as well as bacteria in soils,rivers and lakes to sped up bioremediation with scratch DNA added to degrade other pollutants passively by them selves negating the need to cut them down,pyrolysise and replant them.Abandoned towns that are the result this such as Centrailia can have the fire put out via the fire can be put out by automated measures using machinery that bore into the ground and pump water,mud,nitrogen foam or coolant fluid down their and the coal mined and then burned again over the coming centuries for biochar and energy or at least grinded down to have the carbon extracted.Humans and animals can be made resistant to the toxins via CRISPR to allow them to be re inhabited.Bacteria that degrade pollutants can be used to break down specific toxins in waterways and soils if their degrading ability is introduced to native species and spread into the affected areas routinely with any toxins in the area laying around such as chat collected processed into benign chemicals and compounds or even ores for commercial uses with with rubbish collected by robots and then recycled.All toxic compounds,heavy metals and radioactive ones will be broken down into their base materials or benign compounds to be used as commercial products stored in Aphrodite buildings.Heavily contaminated areas including superfund sites will via advances in robotics undergoing extensive bioremediation and decontamination efforts of all soil,lakes and rivers in the area with nanosensors placed in these to measure progress overtime with any toxic chemicals collected and converted into commercial products that are benign by extracting all elements therein with variants of Geobacter and microbes spread into the soil used to turn toxins in the soil into benign compounds with modified soil and water bacteria spread into the to allow them to interbreed with native micro-organisms to pass these phenotypes down with gene drives via advanced gene drive technology via horizontal gene transfer.Artificial lakes of toxins etc will be cleaned up and rediverted to their natural course with areas that have been filled in with contaminated soil will be dug up,filtered,cleaned and then put into other areas.In the case of Geamana,Romainia the lake can have the sludge lake pumped out into nearby newly built cleanup facilities that then separate toxins from the sludge to use the various elements in commercial products shipped to Aphrodite factories and the land bioremediated until cleaned up and the buildings left scanned in.Nanomaterials and bacteria engineered to convert the toxins into commercial compounds or benign compounds via anabolic and catabolic reactions can be utilised.Soil can be dug up and filtered for toxins thorough buildings that contain large graphene sieves to remove the toxins to be converted into commercial products and then the cleaned soil returned layer by layer and compacted into the soil and have native bacteria fitted with DNA from toxic cleaning bacteria etc.Trees and plants planted on this dug up soil and other soil can be engineered to be resistant to the toxins and in fact break them down or can intake them into the bark and leaves etc when they reach full maturity they will be pyrolysised and the carbon separated from the toxins to allow both be reused as commercial products.Waterways can have the water treated by water treatment plants built onsite or the water diverted to existing ones to allow all contaminants to be separated by graphene and other filters and also UV light breaking down other contaminants with again the lake or river bed dug up and the soil and water filtered through graphene to remove toxins that can be recycled and the soil and water put back in place.Buildings that have long abandoned in these areas can be renovated into homes once sensors in the soils and waters around them show that the toxins have been removed or at safe levels with any crop and ornamental plants there engineered to tolerate their high levels and even not absorb them at all with humans there engineered via CRISPR to be resistant to the change.All environments whether soils,waterways and oceans will have the native bacteria engineered with recombinant DNA from other bacteria and multicellular ones to be able to degrade them naturally with all native trees,shrubs and other flora fitted with this DNA to allow them to thrive and be used as bioremediaters.Thus all trees including live ones or those planted there in both the wild and in gardens will have this DNA in their genome to allow them to not only survive the toxins but also passively break them down negating them to be pyrolysised.Ideally existing tree,shrub and weed species will be inventoried via drones taking photos and collecting leaves and twigs etc with them cross referenced via Physis and 3D DNA printing creating countless versions of each species into blank seeds that will contain the phenotypes to survive radiation and break down toxins passively and will be once the entire forest is cut down and the them pyrolysised to harvest the biochar and toxins separated to make commercial products will have all species with these phenotypes replanted by drones in a randomised fashion to allow them to passively break down the toxins or if need be they will be harvested at maturity to them be pyrolysised and have toxins removed from biochar that will be both converted into commercial products to remove all toxins and then also remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.All animals will also be fitted with these and reared in large numbers with this DNA and those from bacteria that exhibit telomere repair to prevent them and future generations when they interbreed with wild animals develop these mutations with all animals and plant species inventoried and reared in large numbers with these recombinant DNA and have mutations removed and then using the Phanes method have large numbers reared and released.Ideally though all forests will be first harvested and the plants pyrolysised with the biochar separated from the pollutants and then replaced with those planted in a randomised fashion with them fitted with this DNA to allow them to passively breakdown the pollutant and then also other DNA like radioresistant DNA.If not again in both superfund and radioactive areas then once the old trees,ferns,bushes are first inventoried by collecting leaves and also by drones then their DNA added to Physis if not already in existing banks then the entire forests,woodlands and open fields in radioactive and superfund sites will have the trees,bushes etc cut down,pyrolysised,toxins removed from biochar to allow them both to be used as commercial products and biochar etc then Bambusoideae plantations engineered with DNA from bioremediating plants and those that increase their growth rates and the amount of carbon dioxide they intake will have them grown to maturity,then harvested and replanted once the harvested plants are sent to biochar plants or those specific for them to allow the toxins removed without them affecting biochar used for fertiliser with the biochar produced here also filtered out from the toxins for graphene production and toxins used as commercial products when turned into elemental components with this not only removing pollutants from the soil but also carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and enriching the soil as well with bacteria that can degrade the pollutant added as well to speed things up this would be repeated over and over again until levels of the pollutant are degraded and removed with nanosensors relaying progress.As stated this continual replanting and harvesting of Bambusoideae will not only remove the pollutants that can be separated from the biochar to be used as commercial products but also enrich the soil and also remove large amounts of carbon dioxide with this repeated annually until the levels of pollutants has dropped significantly or has been removed entirely and the land then reforested in a randomised fashion by drones with all native trees,ferns,weeds and other plants with these fitted with the aforementioned DNA to passively break down and tolerate any remaining toxins with them planmted by seed drone planters using blank seed created via 3D DNA printers to house unique genotypes and also those grown in vertical farms.If need be this will be done in sections with small parts of each woodland area done piece by piece to allow native fauna to live in the still polluted areas and then when each area has all toxins removed it will be reforested and then another section for the forests done.Native bacteria fitted with this DNA can be spread into all soils and waterways of all types routinely to speed up bioremediation in large amounts with soils done via water laden aeroplanes in large cycles with rivers etc have them pumped into them after reared in large amounts in labs with this done routinely.When transporter technology becomes possible it may be capable of locking onto specific toxins in the soil and waterways and removing large amounts in a series of swoops and leaving the forest unscathed with the remaining trees cut down,harvested and then pyrolysised and the area replanted with new trees and other plants in a randomised fashion with them fitted with the same DNA to passively break down any remaining material.Oceans will have all species of phytoplankton extracted and then fitted with this and spread into the biome in large amounts alongside those that break down plastics.Bambusoideae and other native river and ocean flora can be fitted with these to remediate them with this even including macro alga with the plants then pyrolysised and the toxins separated from carbon and nitrogen etc to be used as commercial products and the carbon used to create graphene etc.Furthermore they will be fitted with those from extremophiles and from scratch to make them survive the pollutants etc.All fauna such as mammals,birds and fish etc will be fitted with these to also make them survive these conditions and even break down the toxins.All of these bioremediation efforts in all environments whether soil,air,lakes,rivers and oceans will in time be carried out automatically by Pan by advances in robotics,biosynths controlled by the mayor AI and Theoi Meteroi by interacting with Tyche once contamination has been detected by Theoi Meteroi but at first by conservationists and researchers.The pollutants should ideally be converted into benign compounds or base elements and reused as commercial products stored onsite of Aphrodite factories with the nanosensors constantly relaying progress as to the elimination of heavy metals etc within the Theoi Meteroi networks sub networks open to the public in real time with graphs showing this over days to years etc.All plants used in soils,oceans and will be pyrolysised and the pollutants separated from the nitrogen and carbon used to fertilise plants and also create graphene.Drones that patrol huge swathes of rainforests,jungles and other wilderness in fleets as well as biosynths that monitor animals can detect areas of heavy pollution and mark their GPS location for human and in time robots carry out clean up operation with the same applying to the worlds oceans.Thus the DNA from multuicellular and unicellar organisms that break down or bioremediate toxins will be added to native plants and animals as well as humans with the plants either staying there and passively breaking them down over their lifetime or harvested and pyrolysised over and over again with the toxin separated from the biochar and turned into commercial products with the biochar turned into graphene until all toxins are removed with this also removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.Ideally these will be sent to specialised mobile pyrolysis units so as to prevent those in organic wast plants being contaminated even though intensive filtration methods will be employed.Bacteria will be fitted with them to then be spread routinely in soils and water.Scratch DNA may be created by Phanes etc to deal with other toxins or allow others to be turned into benign compounds and also breakdown others with them also enhancing the existing phenotypes of existing plants and animals to be then inserted into native plants.As like before all collected toxins from lakes,rivers and soils etc will be turned into benign substances or elemental components to be stored in Aphrodite buildings to be used as commercial products with them separated from any biochar that will be turned into graphene etc.All toxins will be separated from the biochar into inert forms and into elemental compounds that can be used for other purposes with graphene and similar nanomaterials,super blasts of super high intensity UV lights,chemical or mechanical treatments can also separate them.If these actions are done then nanosensors or other technology can be used to ensure that 100% of the toxins are removed with repeats of these treatments used together can allow more toxins to be removed with testing and repeats of these process done over and over again until all of the toxins are gone with the toxins made into inert compounds by mixing it with other benign elements or used as a food source for bacteria that produce commercial products from these pollutants diluted down.All nitrogen and phosphorous and also sulphur etc intaken in by the plants will be separated and sent to vertical,home and community farms by Persephone.All work in all types of superfund sites and other sites polluted by nuclear fallout and other pollution will be automated from start to finish by Artemis and Pan with each one across the world have unique techniques and methods applied to each one based on their unique circumstances with this starting as early as 2029.Ideally all collected waste and those from pyrolysised plants will be separated from carbon and used as commercial products.

•Bacteria can be released into the soil that create enzymes that inactivate toxic compounds of convert them into benign compounds.

•Bacteriophages can be released into soils that kill off pathogenic bacteria and fungi with viruses dealt with bactiophage/virophage hybrids.Parasites can also be dealt this way.

•All wilderness areas such as jungles,deserts and meadows etc will have drones and biosynths routinely patrol them every week to look for rubbish and mark the GPS location of rubbish to Pan to have it collected by biosynths

Abandoned train,boat,aeroplane,vehicle and military planes graveyards and trailer parks as well as any of these found in the wilderness will be recycled for scrap and buildings turned into homes and the land also reforested once bioremediated with even train tracks recycled once underground hyperloop systems are put in place.All areas covered in tarmac and concrete etc will be dug up to allow this and all land surrounding them to be reforested as far back as possible.All vehicles in these will be scanned into Hephaestus before being recycled with software making them functional and remove rust etc.Their location will be determined by AI scouring google,YouTube and other websites to mark them online thus allowing volunteers,government bodies and in time robotics locate them and then transport them to their relevant building with this done at least by 2029 when fully automated recycling hubs are set.Drones and in time biosynths that monitor wilderness areas will patrol all wilderness areas such as oceans,rivers,lakes,jungles,forests,deserts etc around the world in fleets and mark the GPS locations and take pictures of any rubbish to be collected by volunteers and in time robots and human biosynths with this applying to caves,forests,jungles,deserts etc.Advancements in robotics by at least the early 2030s will allow for those hidden in dangerous places like caves to be collected without human labour or chance of injury.Any vehicles in good shape can be sent to local piers,community centres etc and thus traded on Euthenia.The location of these known by the public will be sent to local authorities and proto Pan.Existing landfills both underground ones and open landfills will have Biosynths etc collect and recycle the waste tonne recycled.All existing and future metals and electronics will be recycled,plastics will be degraded by bacteria or converted into fungi with them replaced by biosynth plastics and organic waste will be pyrolysised into diamonds.In both cases the land will be bioremediated and respires.

To clean rivers,estuaries,lagoon,marshes,swamps,lake and canals there are several options:
•Bioremediation through micro and macro algae to use for fish food or commercial products.In the case of macro algae it could remove radioactive material and be pyrolysised and stored underground in old uranium mines.Other water borne plants can be used and tested in vertical farms beforehand and are ideal as they will not use up and waste nitrogen and can simply be grown and planted along the river or on the banks.Genetic engineering can improve the ability of plants to bioremediate certain pollutants.This can be done by using floating pods of algae on the river or lake.Alternatively the algae tank/pen can be designed to float and anchored to the ground by a series of pipe meshes in grid or tangled form that allow fish to swim past with holes in them that suck up water into the pen from all depths of the river into the pen until it is full with the meshes coated internally with liquid glass to prevent blockages.The algae can be harvested via pumps on the surface with new algae pumped into it with the water extracted from the algae biomass returned to the water body.Alternatively the algae can be killed off and since it is non toxic and doesn’t cause algae blooms can be pumped back into the river where it can be used as food source for the wildlife when near empty with a small amount of algae it can suck up more dirty water until full and repeat the process over and over again.Macro algae and native plants that live in and around the rivers and lakes will be used as they can be pyrolysised and the carbon separated from the toxins while micro algae also have nitrogen,carbon and the pollutants sieved and separated and used for commercial products.Ideally all micro and macro algae will be pyrolysised to allow the nitrogen,carbon and pollutants can be sieved and thus separated from each other for commercial products.

•Genetically engineered bacteria that degrade or sequester pollutants can be simply grown in a lab in large quantities and then either pumped into waterways or held in porous pods or matrix that collects pollutants in water as it passes through it that G.metallireducens which degrades radioactive materials and petroleum can be used for radioactive waterways is an example.Research can be done into creating genetically engineered bacteria that are strains of G.metallireducens that can degrade pollutants such as uranium,pharmaceuticals,PCBs,heavy metals etc into inert forms again by being sprayed into the waterways with recombinant DNA coming from other bacteria and plants that degrade them such as metallotrophes/metallotolerants.With regards to pharmaceuticals and other pollutants DNA can come plants etc that degrade them or genes to carry out this phenotype can be made from scratch.Oil degrading bacteria can be used to degrade oil spills and hydrocarbons.This ability can be introduced into native bacteria and also other organisms including plants and animals present in the waterways using gene drives to have them pass into native populations via inbreeding using CRISPR gene drives to ensure any future instances of pollution will be automatically cleaned up once they occur over decades and centuries.Ideally lakes and rivers prone to spills can have this introduced before accidents occur with them fitted with recombinant DNA from other bacteria and plants that degrade other pollutants with the new microbes grown in large numbers and pumped into waterways over several years.Existing polluted rivers and lakes such as the Amazon Basin from operations from Cheveron can be spread by hand in large vehicles or handheld devices containing the bacteria mixed with water for dealing with small known patches and pools affected with automated aeroplanes spreading this over large areas in rotary fleets over areas known to be affected and suspected to be affected with the highest point of the source river and different points including known affected areas have this pumped in large volumes via large automated boats holding it in its hull and a containers or directly from large buildings that extracts water from the river and mixes it and pumps the mixture back in.All native flora and fauna in waterways can be engineered to house DNA that not only allows them to survive polluted waterways but also break them down passively with this done by releasing large amounts of those created in labs etc that using advanced gene drive technology pass this onto future generations as well as having biosynths inject live animals with microbes that add these abilities via CRISPR treatments that again pass from generation to the next via advanced gene drive technology.

•Bacteria from water samples from all areas will be collected and fitted with both radioresistant DNA and also those from other unicellular and multicellular lifeforms that break down radioactive isotopes and toxins present in the environment,grown in large numbers in labs and then spread into all waterways using pumps directed into the soil or aeroplanes with these bacteria capable of passing this radiorestance and also breaking down of isotopes into those already in the soil and waterways thus allowing for the rivers etc to be cleared passively over the next few decades.They will also be fitted with DNA from radiotrophic fungi.DNA from W.dermatitidis,C.sphaerospermum and C.neoformans can be added to these animals and plants to enable them to radiosynthesis,that is,to use the pigment melanin to convert gamma radiation into chemical energy for growth thus helping them speed up the removal of gamma radiation.Tweaks can be made to do this with other types of radiation with scratch DNA used to make the DNA from the radiotrophic fungi to actively convert the radiation into energy in a way that the radiation is removed from the atmosphere.This should speed up bioremediation efforts an will be repeated routinely.

•Porous pods,rocks or sheets that can separate and collect pollutants composed of an inorganic compound that filter out pollutants.These pods can also contain only graphene or it mixed in with the inorganic compound to see which is more effective.Biosynth filters can be present.These ideally would be laid on the bed of the waterway in a line across it or floating on a surface collecting as water flows through it.Liquid glass will prevent clogs from loose material.These will be collected and replaced with new ones with the old ones cleaned out and reused/recycled while the toxins are recycled for commercial products in Aphrodite buildings.

•Graphene and/or stanene sheets to remove heavy metals and pharmaceuticals and even oils and salt.These can be held in place in microdams or in specialised entities that are across a river under the surface to allow fish to pass through.Alternatively boats can have them attached to them in underwater winglets as they scour through a lake,river or body of water.These will be collected and replaced with new ones with the old ones cleaned out and reused/recycled while the toxins are recycled for commercial products in Aphrodite buildings.

•Rejuvenation of wetlands in rivers and waterways particularly where water from wastewater and sewage treatment plants pump water back to the rivers and other waterways.It can also be implemented at any parts of the waterways including the start of both the early and late stages of the river and beginning of lakes as well as at the estuaries of all rivers to ensure that by time it reaches the sea it has been filtered out completely.This can remove large amounts of pathogenic bacteria,fertiliser runoff,heavy metals and other pollutants and can be harvested,pyrolysised and then replanted and play a part in carbon sequestration with the heavy metals separated from the carbon.Bambusoideae can also be used in these wetlands as it self propagates.Genetic engineering can improve the ability of plants to bioremediate certain pollutants.Heavy metals like in soils can be extracted from biochar and can be sent to Aphrodite buildings in their base elemental components to be used as commercial products while the biochar is used to create graphene once separated.They will be fitted with both radioresistant DNA and also those from other unicellular and multicellular lifeforms that break down radioactive isotopes and toxins present in the environment capable of passing this radiorestance and also breaking down of isotopes into those already in the soil and waterways thus allowing for the rivers etc to be cleared passively over the next few decades.They will also be fitted with DNA from radiotrophic fungi.DNA from W.dermatitidis,C.sphaerospermum and C.neoformans can be added to these animals and plants to enable them to radiosynthesis,that is,to use the pigment melanin to convert gamma radiation into chemical energy for growth thus helping them speed up the removal of gamma radiation.Tweaks can be made to do this with other types of radiation with scratch DNA used to make the DNA from the radiotrophic fungi to actively convert the radiation into energy in a way that the radiation is removed from the atmosphere.

•Oysters that filter contaminants from the water.Eventually these may be complimented or replaced by biosynth oysters and fish that intake contaminants and filter them out or break them down leaving clean water at a much faster rate.If suitable to eat these live oysters can be harvested for food or if not pyrolysised and used as fertiliser or create diamonds and graphene etc with the calcium carbonate from shells and toxins sent to Aphrodite factories as base elemental components.They will be fitted with both radioresistant DNA and also those from other unicellular and multicellular lifeforms that break down radioactive isotopes and toxins present in the environment radiorestance and also breaking down of isotopes into those already in the soil and waterways thus allowing for the rivers etc to be cleared passively over the next few decades.They will also be fitted with DNA from radiotrophic fungi.

•Microdams can be placed in the river and have sheets of carbyne/graphene and porous biosynth materials that collect pollutants while at the same time producing energy with them designed to allow fish through.

•Algae blooms can be controlled by harvesting with terrestrial based vehicles that can suck them in with them transported to photobioreacters inside a nearby mobile building on a vehicle once treated inside with the algae grown and harvested like in sewage treatment plants and then separated from the water which can be returned to the lake or rivers it came from ensuring the algae is put to good use as fertiliser and animal feed.The piping used to suck the algae will have a grating to prevent leaves,fish or other fauna dead or alive into them.Any toxins that may be present in the water either created by the specific species algae or already present in the river can be removed by filtering it out before the it enters the photobioreacter with the water,treating it to several sheets of graphene and super blasts of super high intensity UV light with nanosensors measuring the levels of toxins until it is completely cleaned.The algae if a species that creates no toxins that affect both humans and livestock as well as pets can be separated from the water and transported to sewage treatment plants to produce commodities or this can be done in these mobile vehicles using water with the water from the dirty lake or river transported to local water treatment plants where it can be treated and then returned to the source river or lake.Those that do produce toxins can be harvested for biofuel for use in home generators or other places where it can be used to power or heat buildings and the water again treated in water treatment plants that can return it to its source.The photobioreactors could alternatively be simply be machines or automated boats that suck up algae and separate it from water and return the water to the river or lake onsite without affecting the levels of water.Alternatively automated boats can have nets made of graphene and other nanomaterials attached to them that skin the surface of all the algae and any dead animals and possibly even remove toxins produced with the nets then pyrolysised to recover any important nutrients present in the algae,organic matter,graphene such as carbon,phosphorous and nitrogen that can recycled with the resulting biochar then tested if all traces of the toxin is removed and if not then exposed to chemical,mechanical and super blasts of high intensity UV treatments to break it down or separate it with it retested and refiltered again and again until 100% of the toxin is removed allowing the important nutrients to be used as fertiliser or to produce graphene and diamonds.Used graphene sheets can be replaced or either pyrolysised or disposed of in compost or even treated to have the pollutants removed on site and then reused indefinitely with all steps involved in this automated.Aforementioned measures to clean the waterways of any remaining toxins can be employed alongside the most efficient means of water aeration to refill the affected areas with oxygen with any machinery used coated internally and externally with liquid glass to prevent clogging and build up of dirt.All interiors and exteriors of this piping,photobioreacters,harvesters and the grating on the piping would be coated with liquid glass to prevent the build up of dirt and clogging.The same can be done to deal with algae blooms in the ocean with ships constructed that contain filters that separate the algae and sea water so it can be used for animal feed and fertiliser once toxins are removed with fleets of these covering large blooms and separated seawater returned to the ocean.Macro and micro algae can be grown on the surface to be then harvested and pyrolysised to remove toxins in the water with micro algae done via water redirected into pools that grow it,harvested and then toxins separated with macro algae grown on the surface and harvested with them both engineered to release oxygen into the water with all algae and these engineered to never use up oxygen in any circumstance and only release it into it to prevent blooms causing fish kills and their ability to produce poisons removed also if it doesnt affect the biome thus meaning if blooms occur they will provide feedstuff for fish.They will be fitted with both radioresistant DNA and also those from other unicellular and multicellular lifeforms that break down radioactive isotopes and toxins present in the environment thus allowing for the rivers etc to be cleared passively over the next few decades.They will also be fitted with DNA from radiotrophic fungi.DNA from W.dermatitidis,C.sphaerospermum and C.neoformans can be added to these animals and plants to enable them to radiosynthesis,that is,to use the pigment melanin to convert gamma radiation into chemical energy for growth thus helping them speed up the removal of gamma radiation.Tweaks can be made to do this with other types of radiation with scratch DNA used to make the DNA from the radiotrophic fungi to actively convert the radiation into energy in a way that the radiation is removed from the atmosphere.

To prevent algae blooms the following steps can be utilised:better infrastructure particularly in sewage and water treatment plants to ensure no waste leaches in the waterways and also automated measures as explained earlier on to ensure that all waste is treated properly and all phosphorous and nitrogen is removed via algae harvested for commercial uses before it re-enters the waterways to prevent it encouraging algae blooms.Proper and precise use of fertilisers in farms via fertiliser bots as detailed earlier on though through community farms within enclosed areas,forest farms and vertical farms this will be greatly reduced as community farms will largely use raised beds that hold the fertiliser in one place,forest farms will be in inland landlocked areas away from waterways with applications controlled by fertiliser bots that apply fertiliser based on the weather ensuring only minute amounts are applied before heavy rains with vertical farms the fertilisers will be confined to the indoor hydroponic systems.Ideally all land including agricultural land surrounding the banks of river and lake waterways in rural and urban areas should be permanently reforested with large areas of forest farms,woodland or native grasslands and meadows as these would absorb any fertiliser runoff from adjoining community and home farms will be trapped and absorbed by these reforested areas to prevent them from reaching rivers and waterways.Ideally forest farms should be grown here with any meadows and grasslands that already exist being transplanted to or set up  to other areas inland should environmental simulations show that doing so would not negatively effect the wildlife that can only live in in these environment.If possible meadows and grasslands will be converted into hybrid meadow and grassland permaculture farms to allow crops to grow and still provide wilderness.Artificial constructed wetlands can also be set up by all rivers,lakes and oceans as well as stores of major groundwater reservoirs to prevent even more runoff from these forest farms and adjoining forest farms with the plants then harvested,pyrolysised or pelleted by machinery for animal feedstuff etc to recover the carbon,nitrogen and phosphorus or the wetlands can stay forever with them absorbing runoff from remaining community and forest farms as well as treated effluent from sewage and water treatment plants that connect them to the ocean,lakes and rivers etc.These will absorb not only fertiliser runoff and manure runoff from remaining livestock but also wildlife but also also through engineering using scratch DNA and those from plants and unicellular micro-organisms will degrade and bioremediate all natural and synthetic pollutants that may enter the soil and waterways including heavy metals.These should also be set up in large tracts of agricultural land next to rivers and lakes to absorb runoff from fertilisers and livestock that would lead to algae blooms and if land by these lakes are already meadows and grasslands then these can be transplanted to or set up to other areas inland should environmental simulations show that doing so would not negatively effect the wildlife that can only live in in these environment.In vitro meat and bacteria that created milk etc and bioprinted leather will render the rearing of 95-99% of livestock obsolete.All remaining livestock farms should be located away from lakes,rivers etc to ensure it doesn’t contaminants them with remaining home and community farms also located away from them as well.Biochar that acts as a soil admendment can reduce the amount of fertiliser needed with oligotrophic DNA added to crops will also reduce fertiliser needs by 99% thus reducing the chance of blooms occurring by this much.All home and community farms should be located at least a substantial distance from rivers etc determined by Pan,Artemis and Aristeus etc in the case of each river and lake.Homes in these areas should primarily use trashcans and aquaponic systems and roof gardens in the case of both private and community.Having crops use radioutrophic bacteria DNA will allow them to utilise radiation both from devices and UV radiation from the sun to induce cellular growth without phosphorus and nitrogen.Ideally all remaining animal farms will be relocated away from water bodies to prevent this with home and community farms that rear any remaining animals will utilise manual labour or automated systems to collect all manure to be sent to human sewage systems to recycle the phosphorous,nitrogen and potassium to be reused for animal feed and fertiliser with any algae blooms if they do occur can have automated boats harvest the algae to be then treated and made edible with any native fish and wildlife engineered to utilise carbon dioxide as an energy acceptor beforehand to ensure they survive these with the same done with any oceans at risks of these like the Gulf of Mexico dead zones.Biochar used in community and forest farms will reduce the levels of fertiliser that needs to be applied to them with oligotrophic DNA also further reducing the levels of fertiliser needed thus reducing the chance of algae blooms.To deal with those originating from clothes washing machines this can be avoided by using zeolites as in detergents as well as applying liquid glass to clothing and cutlery negating the need for dish and clothes washers entirely.Nanosensors in buoys can measure levels of nitrogen and phosphorous so as to allow any major increases in these to be measured that may lead to algae blooms and and thus take preventative measures as well as having readings from these buoys linked to those that monitor readings from local sewage and water treatment plants as well as readings from weather networks and soil local farms such as forest farms from Demeter and the soils surrounding the river or lake banks from Artemis with interactions between the various sub-networks of Artemis and Demeter being constant and alerting the public when levels of oxygen decrease while phosphorous and nitrogen decrease in the waterways.All fish in rivers can be engineered to use carbon dioxide as an energy acceptor to allow them to survive low levels of oxygen.Algae can be both engineered to release oxygen into the water with all of these engineered to never use up oxygen in any circumstance and only release it into it to prevent blooms causing fish kills and their ability to produce poisons removed also if it doesnt affect the biome thus meaning if blooms occur they will provide feedstuff for fish.Algae in rivers,lakes,oceans can have biosynth WiFi integrated into them to control their growth and mitosis to prevent them when exposed to large amounts of nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium etc to not grow out of control.Decomposing bacteria that feed on dead algae can also have this biosynth WiFi to control their growth and prevent them growing in large numbers in response to large amounts of oxygen with them if possible made to be only grow in low oxygen environments and use carbon dioxide as an energy acceptor thus using carbon dioxide released by fish and other marine life as an energy acceptor and not from oxygen meaning they will not decrease oxygen in the environment or raise carbon dioxide levels meaning the algae of blooms do occur will release large amounts of oxygen for fish with the fish feeding on the algae as a good source through engineering.

•All rivers,estuaries,lagoon,marshes,swamps,lake and canals as well as even groundwater supplies can be treated by having them fitted with large amounts of bacteriophages.Large amounts of bacteriophages that can kill specific species of pathogenic bacteria will be cultured in vats and have large amounts of these bacteriophages dumped into these waterways that then infect and kill pathogens in the waterways in an exponential manner.These would be modified to disable the CRISPR Cas-9 method used by the bacteria against themselves to prevent them gaining a resistence to the bacteriophages with the bacteriophages adapted to stay in the waterways forever such as engineering flagellum into them to allow them to stay in the water forever in order to kill off every last pathogen and every new pathogen that arrives in future contamination.Parasites can also be dealt with bacteriophages alongside pathogenic fungi with viruses dealt with a bacteriophage/virophage hybrids.

•Bacteria can be released into the lakes,rivers and groundwater supplies that create enzymes that inactivate toxic compounds of convert them into benign compounds.

•Better infrastructure in piping,farms and factories as well more efficient sewage and water treatment plants as well as explained earlier in the management of city infrastructures installing porous concrete and asphalt in place of existing roads that are near rivers and lake to prevent rock salt being used and seeping into waterways can alleviate the problems with water pollution as seen with the Flint River.For example coating the interior and exterior of pipes with graphene paint and then a permanent layer of liquid glass internally and externally to prevent rusting and leaching of pipes even those made of cheap lead with robots modelled after snakes or flushing the materials through it to deal with exiting pipes.This is due to liquid glass protecting them from acids and the paint giving them extra strength and prevent rust protecting them from water flowing through it and also water from the soil etc.Having wastewater in factories used to grow genetically altered bacteria that produce plant,synthetic and animal commodities for use on site for use in manufacturing can also remove pollution from the cycle.Slingshot water purifiers present can filter out any remaining pollutants.Algae converting feces and urine into feedstock and fertiliser will remove the threat of raw sewage entering rivers,lakes and oceans.To ensure rivers and waterways are fully cleaned it ideal to adopt as many of or even all of the above procedures in each river,waterways,estuaries,lakes etc.Home and community farms will be located at a set distance from rivers and lakes etc to prevent fertiliser and manure runoff that can cause algae blooms and spikes in populations of pathogenic bacteria etc

•Heavier trash such as metal cans,paper and nets etc can be collected by autonomous river cleaning robots that can dredge the surface and the river/lakebed while sifting out water and soil.The trash will be recycled

•The dredging and cleaning of canals,lakes and rivers can be carried out by automated dredgers.The beds or rivers and lakes can be first scanned in by amphibious drones to see if garbage such as vehicles etc are present to be removed by automated dredging machinery and then replaced by a fresh scan containing no garbage with the garbage cleaned and recycled by machinery.The same can apply to ocean and beach floors with robots designed after humans to pick up garbage.All garbage will be recycled

•The lake and river bed can be scanned by underwater drones and viewable as either bathymetry or 3D maps.
All of these will in time be carried out by advances in robotics once contamination has been detected by Theoi Meteroi but at first by conservationists and researchers.

•To prevent plastic building up in lake and rivers over geological times it could be possible to have native bacteria and micro-organisms with recombinant DNA from from hydrocarbon and phytalate degrading bacteria,Ideonella sakaiensis 201-F6,Pestalatiopsis microsporio which can live on polyurethene(but again removing its ability to cause plant rot in case it escapes into the wild),Aspergillus tubingensis,oil degrading bacteria including those from the genus Geobacter,fungi that breakdown plastics by turning into an edible feedstuff and bacteria present in mealworms and waxworms which can also degrade plastic as detailed later on can be combined together into as many species of micro-organisms as possible ideally even algae and bacteria,grow them in large vats within numerous labs where they can be spread out in large swathes across the worlds rivers and lakes by automated boats and underwater vehicles that go to the very low depths of the lakes with genes from acidophillic and alkanophillic bacteria added to make them withstand varying levels of acidity of the waterways and even theoretical increased alkaline conditions.Genes from psychrophillic bacteria that can grow at between -20 and 10 degrees Celsius or mesophilles that can grow 20-45 degrees Celsius can be added to their genome in the case of those released in colder and milder waters with thermophillic DNA should also be added.Mixing in genes from psychrophillic,mesophillic and thermophillic bacteria will allow them to survive all temperature ranges as they spread out over the waterways.Recombinant DNA from bacteria that degrade PCBs and other artificial pollutants can be added to them.Ideally overtime these modified microbes would overtake non-modified micro-organism or interbreed with them to pass down these phenotypes via gene drives via advanced gene drive technology via horizontal gene transfer and thus any remaining small patches of plastic present in the rivers that would enter them in the future will be degraded alongside any plastic found in the bodies of marine animals that consume them with gene drives making this possible.Genes from bacteria that degrade methane based plastics can also be added to these microbes so as to allow them to degrade all types of plastic with those that from bacteria that degrade phytalates and hydrocarbons also allowing them to degrade all plastics with it also allowing them to degrade oil spills that may occur.These sources of DNA will be added to all plants and all animals genome and any bacteria in their gastrointestinal tract so that any animals that consume plastic will be able to degrade it in the stomachs with them first converting the plastic in their bodies into edible fungi.This should be done as soon as possible as a preventative measure.Recombinant DNA from bacteria that degrade all pollutants should also be introduced.

All species of fish and plants etc should be engineered to be resistant and unable to store pollutants of all types in their flesh.They will be fitted with both radioresistant DNA and also those from other unicellular and multicellular lifeforms that break down radioactive isotopes and toxins present in the environment,grown in large numbers in labs and then spread into all waterways and capable of passing this radiorestance and also breaking down of isotopes into those already in the waterways thus allowing for the rivers etc to be cleared passively over the next few decades.They will also be fitted with DNA from radiotrophic fungi.Lakes,seas and rivers depleted by human activity will be restored to their former glory by attacking the source of their problems ie using vertical farms and bacteria based commodities instead of normal agriculture,connecting pipes inland from desalinisation plants to refill them at the source river at the highest point,having communities get all of their water from these underground pipes that once treated after being used will be pumped into the lakes or the rivers at their highest points to eventually return to the ocean.Lakes and seas such as Boeung Kak and the Aral Sea could have this applied to them while other measures are used to reduce impact on the lakes etc ie using vertical farms,using bacteria based commodities and if possible redivert any rivers that fed them that were diverted,removing irrigation systems ie destroying the Karakum Canal with Boeung Chak have all sand dug up and possibly used as construction material and have the lake refilled via these pipes or if possible flood tunnel systems where holes open up during heavy rains like monsoons will collect in tunnels and them pumping the rainwater into the lake gradually overtime during the year to keep the water level constant and excess used as drinking water with if need be the lake dug slightly deeper to accommodate extra water with this done once carbon dioxide levels fall back to 280ppm.Both of these and other lakes will have all farms and cities etc especially Ashgabat,Phnom Penh around them utilise underground pipes from desalinisation plants with the used water pumped into these seas,lakes or any other nearby rivers connected to the ocean and these lakes/seas once treated and the water returning to the ocean via evaporation and rivers with this done to refill them and maintain a constant level.For example Ashgabat would use water from these underground pipes from desalinisation plants at the Persian Gulf or even water treatment plants and underground pipes from the Amu Darya river or those that feed the Caspian Sea with the treated water then returned to the source river right next to or above where the water is extracted from these rivers via underground pipes in the case of rivers with those from the Persian Gulf emptied into the Tigris or Euprhates River.All homes and cities by the Aral Sea and Boeung Chak will use water from desalination plants by the nearest ocean with the treated water dumped into the lakes and seas themselves to return to the ocean via transpiration and also rivers present or nearby rivers that lead back to the ocean with the return of carbon dioxide levels to 280ppm will aid in their recovery.Farmland surrounding the Aral sea will be replaced by vertical farms in Ashgabat and small villages using them also in community farms and vertical farms using pipes from the Amu Darya River and Persian Gulf with cotton replaced by bacteria creating cotton and other fibres in factories with all crops having recombinant DNA from oligotrophs,xerophiles and Firmicutes.All species of sea fauna such as fish will be reared in large numbers using the Phanes method in recirculating aquaculture systems in nearby villages and cities not only for conservation efforts but also for future fishing negating the need for have to fish the sea for fish once it is returned to its original state.Reforestation of the deserts surrounding the Aral Sea into hybrid meadow,grassland,forest farms will increase evaporation with them fed water from desalinisation plants to provide food and wilderness at the same time to increase its size back to its original state in the early half of the 20th century in part also due to a combination of reducing carbon dioxide levels back to 280ppm with eventually evaporation able to carry out normally with transpiration from reforested land increasing rainfall.Salt present may be dug up and used for commercial processes to be then returned to it via water and sewage treatment plants as well possibly this kept in a looped cycle to prevent it affecting the salinity depending on what is decided to be the best months.This will apply to all types of seas and lakes etc damaged by human actions with Boeung kak lake have all construction development destroyed and diverted to other areas ideally even underground communites,shipwrecks in the Aral Sea recycled with the root cause of each one addressed by AI by at least 2029 and all litter and pollution removed.Thus lakes and rivers that have been decimated by human activity will be refilled by these measures including the use of underground pipes diverting water from desalinisation plants to urban areas next to them that will be filled up with treated water with AI namely Pan etc developing ways to restore these lakes and rivers to their former glory.Areas with depleted groundwater reserves will also be repaired by him.The use of desalinated water in place of groundwater would also benefit Jakarta and other cities sitting on the coast that are sinking due to overuse of groundwater,with water from picotech fabricators and also flood tunnels and also treated sea water pumped into the groundwater etc to rectify the situation with AI such as Pan etc extrapolating ways to correct existing problems caused by them thus making them habitable again.

Lakes and rivers that have dried up due to drought and human activity such as Mountain lake,Lake Chad,Lake Xochimilco and Lake Chalco can be refilled with water from flood and tsunamai tunnels or even desalinisation plants with the same applying to groundwater with them given modern flood defenses to prevent frequent flooding to reverse artificial draining that have caused them to disappear.This can include the same flood tunnels present in Tokyo that collects water within the cities,villages etc that are flooded and having the collected water dumped into the lakes throughout the year to ensure it is constantly at full levels and retractable flood walls by river banks and also portable door dams for private and communal homes etc.Lake Xochimilco and Lake Chalco can undergo major restructuring programmes with the lakes refilled again to their pristine once better programmes for dealing with floods and flood defences can be created for the nearby Mexico City by AI namely Pan,Prometheus and Mayor AI such as flood tunnels that can generate electricity and drinking water with methods to prevent pollutants from Mexico City etc entering them and removing existing pollutants with efforts managed by Pan to remove invasive species of fish from the ecosystem such as African tilapia and Asian carp that eat Ambystoma mexicanum young and their prey.Underground piping connected to desalinisation plants can also be used to supply surrounding areas with water and once the water is used by surrounding cities both rivers connected to these lakes or the lakes themselves can be refilled with them and the water returning to the ocean via transpiration of plants,evaporation and through rivers.Agriculture will use vertical farms,aquaponics,bacteria based commodities,in vitro meat etc and DNA from xerophiles to reduce water needs by 90-95%.Water saving technologies that use 98% less water in taps and showers will be adopted.Lake Xochimilco and Lake Chalco can have nearby cities use better flood systems ie door dams etc and underground tunnels similar to Tokyo that collects execess rainwater to prevent floods within the city and town jurisdictions and have all excess water pumped back into the lakes all year long to keep their level at healthy original levels but prevent flooding in Mexico City etc using automated systems with this replicated worldwide.Doors of private homes and public buildings will use door dams.Underground desalination pipes can refill the lakes with water that will return to the ocean via rivers and evaporation.If possible marine cloud brightening can create large clouds of rainwater pushed into landlocked lakes by atmospheric currents to refill them.Bioremediation efforts and better sewage infrastructure will eliminate pollution in polluted lakes,oceans and river etc worldwide.Depleted aquifers and groundwater supplies around the world especially in the developing world can also be refilled using treated water from desalination plants and also picotech fabricators with this of note to Jakarta with other methods developed by AI salvaging the sinking city.Jakartas problem of sinking into the ground due to depleted aquifers will be fixed by AI namely Pan etc by refilling depleted aquifers and groundwater supplies with water from desalination plants,marine cloud brightening or picotech fabricators with if them refilled by water from desalinsation plants will have the same level of water created by picotech fabricators created and dumped into the ocean with other measures created by AI to solve the issue of Jakarta sinking into the ground with this applied to other comunities facing this problem.If possible depleted aquifers and groundwater supplies will be refilled by rainwater instigated by marine cloud brightening especially once carbon dioxide levels return to 280ppm as decided by Pan to prevent problems associated with depleting the ocean of water and they water escaping via transpiration and affecting the global climate.Measures will be developed to raise sunken parts of Jakarta with it and all other coastal cities using desalinisation plants as their source of water.All depleted aquifers and groundwater supplies will be refilled with water from these sources with the use of marine cloud brightening,desalinisation plants,underground pipes connected to them and in time water from picotech fabricators will allow landlocked and coastal cities to have a constant supply of water alleviating strains on rivers,lakes etc with all all treated used water dumped at the uppermost part of lakes and rivers to ensure it returns to the ocean and ensures the volume is constant.Demolishing all of the worlds hydroelectric dams and switching to geothermal will return water levels of all rivers they are in to their original state.Removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere as part of biochar programmes done here first as well as in other parts of the world will return weather patterns back to normal to aid rivers and lakes to return to their pristine states.Artificial rivers,diversions and canals of all types that divert water from the main river and thus starve them of water will be sealed at the point that they diverge to allow the water to dry up through evaporation and then return to the water cycle as rain with once sealed pumps can be used to pump water from artificial canals and rivers into the original lakes with the river and canal beds respires using soil created using organic materials,biochar and algae including that made in factories using picotech fabricators and them reforested with trees etc with fish etc present removed and dumped in the main river.If possible the riverbed of these artificial rivers and canals can be covered in porous asphalt,have storm drains added and be used as walkways for the public once the side of these rivers have walls made of brick/ornamental rocks/foamcrete walls constructed around them.These walkways can be used to enter underground extension of nearby buildings or nearby underground communities.Any nearby buildings can have built over to act as hallways and rooms as part of underground extensions.The canals will be filled with soil created in factories using biochar,algae and compressed shredded organic matter and reforested with this done worldwide with areas that use them as transportation using actual rivers and hiking etc with those that need for water will use marine cloud brightening and underground desalinisation pipes.Returning carbon dioxide levels back to 280ppm will stabilise rainfall patterns.Reforesting farmland with forests,meadows etc will return transpiration to the hydrological cycle worldwide.Swarms of biosynth Arthropoda can inject all plants in wilderness areas worldwide with oligotrophic,xerophile and Firmicutes DNA to allow them to require less water and be better at releasing excess water intaken back into the atmosphere thus they will once in taking normal levels of water from rainwater will release extra water they would normally require thus increasing the amount of water in the atmosphere thus increasing rainwater for groundwater,rivers etc with this applied to wild animals as well and this passed down to future generations by advanced gene drive technology.However simulations will be done to see that this does not create or leave extra water vapour in the atmosphere that can be a potent greenhouse gas.Marine cloud brightening can be used to direct clouds of rainwater to not only deserts but to lakes,rivers,aquifers and groundwater supplies worldwide  all year long to ensure levels of water stay constant prior to and after all coastal and landlocked communities are weaned off ground water supplies and aquifers and even water from rivers etc with by 2029-2100 the use of groundwater supplies and aquifers as well as water from rivers etc becoming replaced with that from desalinisation plants and looped systems from picotech fabricators accounting for 70-100% of the worlds water supply managed entirely by AI.AI namely Tyche will seize control of the distribution of water worldwide including control of all water treatment,desalinisation plants  to negate private and state control to manage its extraction and use more efficiently when working with Aristeus and Hestia etc it will develop ways to more efficiently allocate water to homes,factories and homes and at the same time conduct research improve water efficiency in all sectors of society  worldwide such as agriculture,buildings and homes,manufacturing etc

Unnderground pipes could connect desalination plants to towns and cities farther inland to provide all of their water for agriculture and showers etc or alleviate strains on the local rivers,lakes,wetlands with interactions from Theoi Meteroi transporting water inland once droughts and dry spells are about to arrive though ideally if possible they would provide all water with the used water when treated returned to the nearest body of water connected to the ocean to eventually return to the ocean directly or via evaporation in any landlocked seas and lakes or in the case of urban areas away from rivers it would using piping return back to the water treatment plants by the desalination plants it originated from or a second one built it with a separate AI.This would have the added benefit of the water entering rivers and lakes increase their volume especially during droughts and of note to the developing world in particular Africa,India and China as well as the Middle East with them entering the lake and river and then the ocean once treated and used and them also through evaporation increasing the amount of cloud cover with rain rich clouds.The pipes that pump the water into the lakes and rivers will ideally be still underground when in the lake or river bed with treated water from both water and sewage treatment plants pumped into these water bodies and would do so at the highest point possible of the river.Isolated communities in mountains that rely on glaciers for rainwater now lost from global warming and climate change will utilise this until carbon dioxide levels return to 280ppm and the levels of rainwater return and will also utilise this after this for a growing demand any random changes in weather.This system will be of note to Africa,Asia and the Middle East that have high populations and also are in desertified areas with them rendering the vast majority of water treatment plants defunct that will be turned into communal homes with AI determining which ones are to be converted into homes and which remain,how much water is transported by dealinisation and which areas across the world are fed this water and when with the pipes leading to large distribution buildings derived by large treatment plants or underground buildings that divert the water to each densely populated areas that require the water in a controlled manner.Unlike rivers which require ranifalls to replenish them the oceans water will remain constant all year long due to it being where most of the worlds water begins and ends in the hydrological cycle meaning by putting treated water into the uppermost parts of rivers it will eventually return to the ocean.Furthermore 70% of the planet is covered in water with the water in rivers and lakes that can only be accessed as drinkeable being only 1.2% of the worlds water meaning the worlds oceans contains much more untapped sources of water.In the case of The Middle East in particular Iran,Turkey and Iran,Africa and Asia having the treated used water deposited into the uppermost part of the rivers will increase their volume preventing fish kills etc and allow for them to be used by normal plants as well and prevent rivers being starved and return to the ocean with depleted ground water reserves refilled using this and it then returning to the hydrological cycle through transpiration of plants.Rivers that have been polluted will have rubbish removed from them and those polluted by sewage will be cleaned up by improving sewage treatment plants with them creating algae that can be used as animal,livestock and human feed and fertiliser.Fitting animals,humans and crops with DNA from Firmicutes,oligotrophs and also xerophiles and have most commodities created by bacteria and invitro meat also fitted with this will make them require less water and nutrients and the wide adoption of vertical farming/aquaponics/hydroponics/aeroponics,recirculating aqualcuture systems thus cutting down on water needed by agriculture and humans by at least 90-95% worldwide with all homes have taps and showers fitted with technologies that reduce water use by 98%.Geothermal will use 98% less water than all types of fossil fuels.The demolishing and decommisioning of dams worldwide in favour of geothermal will return rivers to their normal flow and reducing levels of carbon dioxide back to pre industrial levels of 280ppm will stabilise rainfall patterns.Dams across the world will be decommisioned thus allowing the original flow of the river to return to normal with the areas they power powered by both miniature hydroeelctric power plants that dont affect the flow of the river and wildlife and also scenery developed by Pan and Steropes and also geothermal.This will be of note to the Euphrates and Tigris river whose flow of water to Iraq and its major cities is affected by hundreds of rivers across the river and its tributaries alongisde water treatment plants

To deal with pollution in the oceans such as the Great Pacific Patch there are the following options:
•Plastic can be collected on the surface by large 100km barriers that form a large circular net that collects plastic from a large area into a enclosure with graphene sheets attached to them extending several kilometres coated with an adhesive that traps just plastics and small enough to collect microbeads down to these depths to prevent it from getting loose but not too deep to allow marine life escape by swimming below them and mammals like dolphins reach the surface.They would travel either by the currents or by autonomous ships for faster travel with Arial and seaborne biosynths alerting them to the presence of plastic around the ocean.Satellites equipped with NIR hyperspectral and other cameras can be set up that relay to these boats where large deposits of plastics are and guide the boats to them with this repeated over several decades.When collected in the enclosure trash collection robots could collect it or fungi that converts it into a edible food source for wildlife and humans could be dispersed in the water by boats after modified to survive the saline conditions(as well as low pH and break down all types of plastics into the fungi and to do so much quicker with recombinant DNA from halophillic and acidophillic bacteria).This would be repeated in waves for several years.Engineering this to work on all plastics can be be done to improve success.Genetically engineered bacteria or phytoplankton can be created to degrade both hydrocarbons and phytalates in the plastics to further aid this to deal with other plastics and pumped into the ocean after grown in sufficient quantities in a lab and again engineered to survive saline conditions and low pH with genes using genes from species of bacteria that degrade each one individually and also genes from phytoplankton that live in the ocean and/or acidophillic,halophillic bacteria to survive the low pH and acidity as well as salinity.Genes from psychrophillic, mesophillic, thermophillic bacteria can be added to make them tolerate all temperature ranges.This can be enhanced by mixing in and combining the genes from the two that degrade phytalates and hydrocarbons into one species alongside genes from I.sakaiensis 201-F6,P.microsporio which can live on polyurethene(but removing its ability to cause plant rot in case it escapes into the wild),oil and phytalate degrading bacteria including that from the genus Geobacter,A.tubingensis fungi that degrades plastic and bacteria present in mealworms and waxworms which can also degrade plastic into one new single species of “super bacteria” further improving the ability and speed of this new species significantly with DNA from G.metallireducens being added to increase its ability to degrade hydrocarbons since it can also degrade these compounds and uranium.Recombinant DNA from bacteria that degrade manmade pollutants such as Polychlorinated Biphenyls(PCBs) and bisphenol A can be added as well as from scratch.Once again DNA from halophiles,acidophiles,mesophiles, thermophiles,psychrophiles and phytoplankton will give it the ability to survive in saline and acidic conditions as well as all temperature ranges for all oceans.This level of engineering will give it the ability to degrade all types of plastics within a few days with CRISPR and gene drive technology making these phenotypes dominant and also passing them down to other native bacteria and phytoplankton they interbreed with them gene drives via advanced gene drive technology via horizontal gene transfer.The genes responsible for all of these bacteria’s ability to degrade plastics could be added to aforementioned fungi to aid in its ability turn all types of plastic in food.If bacteria or fungi are not suited for degrading plastic in the worlds oceans then it can be seen if phytoplankton can be altered with the genes from the same plastic degrading bacteria and spread into the oceans with other genes from halophillic,psychrophillic, mesophillic, thermophillic and acidophillic bacteria to increase their resistance to low pH and rising temperatures and survive all temperature ranges making them super phytoplankton thus allowing them to feed on plastic as edible matter for them.Scratch DNA and forced evolution will expedite their rate of plastic degradation to be able to degrade it within a few days and also do so for all types of plastic and will also make the phytoplankton consume the plastic as nutritional feedstuff by using DNA from fungi that turn into edible feedstuff for them.The DNA added to the phytoplankton and bacteria will also be made to create enzymes etc that degrade all types of plastics into carbon dioxide and other base elements that are non toxic to the aquatic environment with them engineered to be broken down into organic compounds that are found in nature that are non toxic that also naturally break down into organic compounds and even their raw elements in a short amounts of time either naturally or by the genetically engineered bacteria and phytoplankton and do not form microplastics with them degrading existing microplastics into base organic materials and base elements.The AIs Urania,Pan will extrapolate the structure of synthetic enzymes that can degrade all types of plastics either separately or singularly with Phanes developing their genotypes to be added to bacteria,plankton etc with them housing all of the genes to degrade all types of plastics very quickly within a year or even few hours.The elimination of plastic from the manufacturing such as reusable steel and plastic canteens rendering plastic bottles obsolete,elimination of plastic bags and also most plastic packaging and the proper disposal and recycling of plastic as detailed later on will reduce and eliminate new plastic entering the oceans.AI will ensure that all remaining plastic is fungi or methane based varieties that will be able to be degraded in the soil and be properly recycled unlike conventional plastics as detailed earlier.Satellites will be sent up managed by Pan that will be fitted with NIR hyperspectral and other types of cameras to be able to detect different types of plastic with them doing so by zooming in on specific parts of the worlds oceans thus allowing them to be detected with the location of them have their GPS location denoted to volunteers and boats etc managed by Pan with them able to project their future location and movement taking into account the movement of the worlds ocean currents.

•To deal with areas affected by smaller pockets of plastics and especially microbeads of plastics biosynth robots can be developed to specifically patrol large areas of the worlds oceans and designed to both move fast and detect even the most minuscule particles of plastic(via zoom and microscope features in their camera eyes alongside near infra red or similar technology capable of detecting even the most minute particles of plastics) will collect data as to any hotspots that may exist outside of these large enclosures and alert any nearby coastal labs to automatically produce this fungi and degrading bacteria and have it spread onto these hotspots using again automated boats.These biosynths can be modelled on whales,orcas and basking sharks and suck in large volumes of water with a porous behind with even the most smallest particles of plastic trapped in a series of graphene sheets within their body and the water passing through the back end or through their blowhole.Organs or compartments can be fitted into them that grow and store the fungi or and/or plastic degrading bacteria species which can be secreted into the inner body when the mouth is closed to degrade it.If the fungi is used that turns into edible feedstuff the biosynth can feed off the fungi for nutrition,released into the ocean for wildlife to consume via a pump mechanism,through the blowhole if no graphene sheets are present or further still when the mouth is closed smaller biosynths modelled off of Naucrates ductor,Echeneidae and Garra rufa can feed off the fungi for nutrition.Otherwise it can be simply pumped into the ocean for wildlife to feed on by going underwater and opening its mouth and letting the water take it away with its blowhole also aiding in this.These can also be used to clean up areas affected by heavy metals,pharmaceuticals and other pollutants with them then docking at coastal areas or oil rigs used as research stations and hospitals for the waste and the biosynths to be collected by automated boats.Dozens if not hundreds of these can patrol and ocean to look for small patches of plastic floating around in the wild that barriers cannot reach using NIR hypersectral cameras.Other areas affected by heavy pollution can be cleaned by algae pods attached to either automated boats or inside these large biosynths either floating or anchored in place so as to float on the surface of at varying depths with sensors on both of these to measure there progress where it will then be transported to the coastal communities for commercial uses.G.metallireducens and its synthetic strains can be used to deal with radioactive materials and oil in seas with transgenics improving its ability to survive highly saline conditions.Research can be done into creating genetically engineered bacteria that are strains of this that can degrade pollutants such as pharmaceuticals,heavy metals etc into inert forms again by being sprayed into the ocean.

•To solve this problem over geological time and prevent the build up of plastics in the oceans in the future as well as more effectively deal with microbeads and fibres of plastic as well as smaller pieces of plastic it may be possible use the genes from this super bacteria to transfer the genes from hydrocarbon,oil and phytalate degrading bacteria including that from the genus Geobacter,I.sakaiensis 201-F6,P.microsporio which can live on polyurethene(but again removing its ability to cause plant rot in case it escapes into the wild)A.tubingensis and bacteria present in mealworms and waxworms which can also degrade plastic and genes made from scratch combined into as many species of phytoplankton as possible ideally diatoms or even algae,grow them in large vats within numerous labs where they can be spread out in large swathes across the worlds oceans by a large fleet of automated boats the size of cruise ships and underwater vehicles that go to the very low depths of the ocean with genes from acidophillic and alkanophillic bacteria added to make them withstand increasing acidity of the oceans and even theoretical increased alkaline oceans.Genes from bacteria that degrade methane based plastics and bisphenol A can also be added to these phytoplankton so as to allow them to degrade all types of plastic with it also having recombinant DNA from all known oil degrading bacteria including G.metallireducens allowing them to degrade oil spills caused by man or from oil naturally leaking out of the seabed.Recombinant DNA from fungi that turn plastics into a edible food source should be added to the genome of these as well as to provide nutrition.3D DNA printers can print out large numbers each catalogued species of phytoplankton in the worlds ocean and then have them engineered to undergo mitosis using sugars.Biosynth WiFi can be engineered into them to turn of this ability to use sugars as a growth medium but also have population growth of the phytoplankton species catalogued and their dispersal across the oceans and interbreeding with native populations charted.The biosynth WiFi can remove their need for using sugars removed once large populations are created in large barrels with them also relaying the numbers of each individual specimen both in barrels and the actual oceans.The WiFi could direct them towards sharing these genes that breaks down plastic and exhibits biosynth WiFi via horizontal gene transfer to all wild specimens of each species with this done via biosynths and drones etc and satillite WiFi.This can also give them upgrades as well and as stated track their populations over by relaying the levels of phytoplankton with the biosynth WiFi and ability to break down plastics consisting of not of those dumped in the ocean but also that undergo reproduction either sexual and asexual reproduction and those that are native specimens that have these phenotypes  transferred via horizontal gene transfer with advanced gene transfer used to ensure that all future generations have these phenotypes.Thus biosynth WiFi measuring the progress of how fast the ability of these phenotypes becomes dominant in the worlds oceans as each individual phytoplankton will be relayed to Pan and Artemis thus showing the exact population of those with these phenotypes overtime and thus allow for future dumping of super phytoplankyon to be arranged on a global scale and them even engineered to send biosynth WiFi signals when they are actively consuming plastic to Pan.These phytoplankton can act as a source of biosynth WiFi and cellular signals for cruise ships especially when amplified with the also acting as terrestrial GPS for both ships and aeroplanes.Once they have spread across the ocean they can supply the worlds oceans with strong biosynth WiFi,cellular and Bluetooth signals and terrestrial based GPS especially when combined for both cruise ships and aeroplanes that will be always present via passing from one generation to the next with upgrades sent to all phytoplankton instantly via passing throughout the entire oceans within days or hours with this also passing upgrades to all animals in the ocean and any humans on cruise ships.All of the phytoplankton will be engineered to convert the plastics into edible feedstuff to consume it as nutrition that it can consume.Scratch DNA will be added to improve this with all bacteria that have shown to degrade different types of plastic have their DNA added to the “super phytoplankton” to degrade all types of plastic very quickly.Scratch DNA created by Phanes will be created to allow them to degrade all known plastics such as Bisphenol A,polyethylene terephthalate,polyethylene,polystyrene,polyvinyl chloride,polypropylene and biosynth,methane based plastic and fungi based versions and also speed up their rate of decomposition to as little as a few days and also even hours or minutes with Phanes extrapolating this and even using forced evolution to do so.They will be engineered to turn the plastic into edible feedstuff for them with all DNA combined together thus rather than breaking down the plastic will turn it into edible matter for them that will increase mitosis and thus the rate of degradation.DNA from fungi that turn plastic into edible foodstuff should also be added to their genome making the plastic in the ocean into an edible material for them and wildlife.Thus rather than simply degrading the different plastics the phytoplankton using scratch DNA and those from fungi that turn it into edible matter should be engineered to convert all of the different types of plastics into nutrition that they can consume thus allowing the amount of phytoplankton in thee ocean to grow increasing edible feedstuff for fish etc.The WiFi will be also used to relay the levels of pollutants,pH,salt,temperature of the ocean and atmosphere via Caenorhabditis elegans etc DNA with them able to receive upgrades to degrade new types of plastic and also paper etc and other pollution.The WiFi will relay to Artemis and Pan any plastic detected plastic,paper and other pollution even microbeads etc with the GPS location of this relayed in a map of the worlds oceans and waterways logged by time and date and size and quantity of plastic etc for studies with Pan initiating them to consume and degrade plastic etc instantly.All species of phytoplankton and algae will also undergone this with even all species of micro-organisms in all soils,lakes,rivers,streams and groundwater fitted with this DNA to degrade all types of pollutants such as oil,plastic,radioactive waste etc with them again having biosynth WiFi to send data to Pan and Artemis etc on instances of pollution,initiate bioremediation as well as receive upgrades and generate biosynth WiFi.Automated labs in universities across the world will carry out tests starting by 2020 using all species of fungi,bacteria and possibly even viruses from plants,animals,soils,rivers and oceans across the world and test their ability to degrade each type of plastic and then have the DNA added to these “super phytoplankton” with existing naturally occurring and synthetic bacteria used as a baseline with their genes.Lab experiments alongside scratch DNA can be use to speed up the rate at which they degrade plastics and even their ability to do so for all types of plastics.Research must be done to see they can still be digested by animals dependent on them with a suitable acidity tolerance level they can withstand being the expected pH of the end of the century or even after ideally being a pH of at least 5-6 with recombinant DNA coming from mild acidophililic and scratch DNA that can allow them to survive the ocean acidification by the end of the century but still be digested by sea fauna’s stomachs.Radioresistence will be added to the phytoplankton in order to allow it survive gamma ray bursts etc.Advanced gene drive technology will be added to ensure all phenotypes are passed onto future generations.These super plankton would first have to be tested on their ability and speed to degrade plastics tested in labs in recirculating aquaculture systems with genes made from scratch to speed up their ability and degrade all plastics with animals that rely on them to be tested on their ability to consume before being released into the wild.These fleets of automated ships the size of navy,ferry or even cruise ships would cover the entire globes oceans in programmed cycles year after year for possibly several decades to ensure they spread to all phytoplankton via interbreeding with them and passing the DNA through horizontal gene transfer and advanced gene drive technology with the waters tested every few years by researchers and automated robots that can scan their DNA through Phanes to see that it has spread into the biome with the ships after several years or even decades converted into cruise ships or recycled when done.Areas like the Great Pacific Patch and all major ocean currents will have these dumped in large numbers.Underwater vehicles will travel to the depths of the ocean floor to release them to the very bottom of the sea floor to deal with plastic present there.Oil rigs used as homes and research centres etc can be used to rear these and pump them into the ocean in large amounts at both the surface and ocean depths with the same applying to underwater and floating cities allowing them to be dumped in a constant flow at the depths of the ocean with water treatment plants by rivers and the ocean could pump large amounts of them directly as well as through pump systems that reach out to the deep ocean.Desalinisation and water treatment plants around the world by the ocean and even water treatment plants on rivers etc will pump these out in large numbers constantly all year round so they eventually enter the ocean.Aeroplanes housing large amounts of them in water will fly over the major oceans and dump it into the oceans.These will be breed here in these areas in recirculating aquaculture systems in large numbers all year round and continuously dumped into the ocean through here.Aforementioned biosynths with the NIR Hyperspectral cameras can be used to observe if plastics especially microbeads and fibres are still present.Genes from psychrophillic bacteria that can grow at between -20 and 10 degrees Celsius or mesophilles that can grow 20-45 degrees Celsius can be added to their genome in the case of those released in colder and milder waters with thermophillic DNA should also be added.Mixing in genes from psychrophillic,mesophillic and thermophillic bacteria will allow them to survive all temperature ranges as they spread out over all of the oceans from both poles to the equator.This can be repeated annually over several years and decades to ensure the new phytoplankton overtake native populations via CRISPR advanced gene drive technology and desalination and water/sewage treatment plants,piping that leads to the oceans and factories on oil rigs can pump this overtime as well.They can form part of water treatment plants to deal with those from clothing with any acrylic clothing coated with liquid glass to negate the need for cleaning in washing machines.Recombinant DNA from bacteria that degrade PCBs and other artificial pollutants can be added to them.Ideally overtime these modified phytoplankton would overtake non-modified phytoplankton or interbreed with them to pass down these phenotypes via CRSIPR using gene drives via advanced gene drive technology via horizontal gene transfer and thus any remaining small patches of plastic present in the ocean that would enter the ocean in the future will be degraded alongside any plastic found in the bodies of marine animals that consume them with gene drives making this possible.All work in this can be automated by 2029 with biosynth WiFi tracking the population growth of the plastic over years,decades etc and its interbreeding with native specimens with This “super phytoplankton” will also degrade plastics in the stomachs and intestines of sea fauna such as turtles,whales,sharks,birds etc as they are intaken into their digestive systems.This method of genetically engineering phytoplankton to degrade plastic can be utilised in large scale cleanups of existing plastic fields in the worlds oceans as detailed earlier on if bacteria or fungi are unsuitable mediums to clean up the waste.This can be replicated with native bacteria and micro-organisms found in waterways such as rivers and lakes.Fish,mammals,turtles and birds that live in the ocean and by waterways and near it can also by engineered to harbour acidophile bacteria and fungi that pass from on generation to the next with all of the recombinant DNA from all above sources of bacteria in their stomachs and intestines or even be able to digest plastic by themselves using recombinant DNA from these bacteria and fungi again with gene drives ensuring these phenotypes become dominant when engineered animals are introduced into wild populations overtaking unaltered populations with this done alongside engineering native bacteria and phytoplankton in these environments to ensure all remaining microplastics and also future pollution is broken down with other DNA created from scratch.Recombinant DNA from fungi that turn plastics into a edible food source or can break it down should be added to the genome of these animals and/or the bacteria in their stomachs and their intestines as well as to provide nutrition by converting the plastics into food thus meaning that whenever they consume plastic they will convert it into edible feedstuff that will be eaten by with living animals innoculated with microbes that do this via CRISPR and genetically altered specimens released into the wild that interbreed with wild animals with them housing new bacteria with acidophile DNA in their gastro-intestinal tract that do this thus allowing them turn plastic into ffedstuff.If possible animals can be inoculated by these and specialised microbes that apply gene therapy with advanced gene drive technology to pass this down to all future generations in all methods.Thus one way or another all birds,mammels,fish etc that live in the ocean etc will be through CRISPR directly and/or through bacteria in the stomach using advanced gene drive technology be able to turn any plastic that enters them into edible feedstuff thus preventing it killing them.This would degrade all future instances of plastic that enters the worlds oceans instantly including microbeads with this spreading starting as early as 2029 with either samples of each species isolated from each ocean and then fitted with the aforementioned DNA and bred in large numbers in recirculating aquaculture systems using nutrient broth pumped in and then dumped in large numbers with a small amount left to grow over and over again with this repeated with the alternative being them created by 3D DNA printers and then grown in large numbers.These will be spread out all over the worlds oceans using as stated robots,ferries,deasalinisation and water treatment plants as well as oil rigs and underwater communities from 2029-2100.Pan will organise this on a global scale by 2029.All future plastics starting from 2020 will be recycled as detailed earlier on with plastic bottles and bags becoming obsolete as detailed later on alongside plastic packaging with ideally future plastic being methane based plastics as they can be returned to factories,degraded into methane to produce more plastic in looped systems.Proper disposal of plastics as detailed earlier on will prevent future build up with the spreading of this “super phytoplankton” will clean up any particulates and pieces left.Petroleum based plastics will be phased out by 2029 with methane,fungi and biosynth based versions that can biodegrade in the wilderness by bacteria and also by phytoplankton engineered to do so in the ocean with them also sent back to factories to be broken down into methane and then reused again in looped cycles.Fungi based styrofoam replacing normal styrofoam that can biodegrade in the soil,be composted or pyrolysised in organic waste plants.Methane based plastic from methangenous bacteria can degrade in the wild with the aforementioned plankton also engineered to degrade it with it sent to factories to be degraded into methane by bacteria and then turned into more methane based plastic in looped system unlike petroleum based variants that cant be recycled.All plastic packaging will be composed of methane based plastics that can be sent via plastic bins collected by rubbish trucks sending them back to factories equally where it will be broken down into methane by bacteria engineered to do so to be used to create more methane and thus more plastic in a looped cycled as well as cardboard created by algae and fungi styrofoam that can both be composted and sent to organic waste pyrolysis plants to create biochar for fertiliser and also nutrients for more bacteria to create more fungi and cardboard.In time Fungi based styrofoam replacing normal styrofoam can biodegrade in the soil,be composted or pyrolysised in organic waste plants and if possible can be engineered to be edible by sea and land based fauana.Methane and fungi based replacements for all types of plastic ie Bisphenol A,polyethylene terephthalate,polyethylene,polystyrene,polyvinyl chloride,polypropylene,thermoplastics etc that can be broken down by bacteria in looped cycles or composted or pyrolysised will be researched with until then normal plastics used and pyrolysised in pyrolysis plants to produce energy or broken down by bacteria engineered to do so as detailed later on that will eventually be phased out by these methane and fungi based alternatives.Methane based plastic should be phasing out petroleum based plastic worldwide by 2029-2040 in all applications such as packaging,toys,clothing,straws,cutlerly etc.Biosynth plastics would be composed of microbes and biosynth tissues that exhibit the properties of plants strong carbohydrates,proteins etc mixed together using recombinant DNA from plants and animals and bacteria etc that exhibit this with recombinant DNA from human muscle tissue and recombinant DNA from bacteria and plants that can exhibit the same properties of all types of plastics such as strength and stretchiness with plant and animal fibres such as silkworm silk,spider silk,flax,hemp created by bacteria and mixed to make it strong and smooth.Rather than needing these and other plant and animal textiles to be mixed into the plastic the tissues could house recombinant DNA from these plants and animals to express the phenotypes of strength and smoothness on the cell walls of the tissues present in each microbe as part of each cell and thus each tissue.Recombinant DNA can be present to make it survive extreme conditions such as acidophile,piezophile and alkanophile DNA to survive these conditions with radioresitance allow it to survive blasts of radiation up to 30,000 Gy including UV light,halophile and osmophile DNA allowing it survive high concentrations of salt and sugars,mesophile,thermophile and psychrophile DNA survive all temperature ranges with oligotroph,xerophile and Firmicutes DNA allowing it survive low levels of nutrients and water and be in an endosperm state forever with if need be it in certain applications be able to feed on a mixture of both water and sugars and proteins that it is doused in every few weeks or months if not years with it also using plant DNA and chemosynthetic bacteria DNA use photosynthesis,chemosynthesis meaning sunlight can provide nutrition with radiotrophic fungi DNA tweaked to use UV radiation and that from electronics or even the Earths magnetic field as a source of nutrition via radiosynthesis.The same anti-ageing treatments in humans could allow the tissues to stay youthful forever.These augmentations could allow plastic in all applications or specific applications have the plastic last potentially forever in all environmental conditions.This biosynth plastic can be instead of taking up place in landfills can be composted,recycled and broken down into organic material via phytoplankton and bacteria in souls/oceans/lakes etc.It could be pyrolysised alongside organic waste since composed of nothing but plant,animal fibres and organic material with it also composted and able to biodegrade in the ocean and wilderness.It can be reuseable and last for decades or centuries more than normal than normal bioplastics.Biosynth WiFi can used to send updates via inducing the evolutionary path of the plastic allowing for newer augmentations that allow it to survive harsher conditions,change its properties such as stretch ones,strength,smoothness etc as well as produce fragrances and scents of any plant or animal such as flowers etc.Biosynth WiFi integrated into them to give it upgrades such as bioluminescence and become stronger via having extremophile DNA and anti-ageing treatments and make it resistant to degradation from the elements and micro-organisms as well as produce anti-bactetial and ant-viral compounds on its surface thus keeping the plastic sterile constantly from pathogens that can be transmitted by raw food as seen in current reuseable bags.It can allow its GPS location to be ascertained by AI that manages wilderness areas including oceans and mayor AIs via using biosynth WiFi allowing it to be collected by biosynths and show its location around the world with it used by AI to track the exact GPS location of all pieces of plastic worldwide allowing its location to be ascertained for cleanup programmes.This biosynth WiFi can also used to induce apotosis of all tissues,lose extremophile and anti-ageing DNA and ability to produce anti-microbial compounds thus allowing it become easier and more conducive to degrading bacteria etc in the ocean and wilderness and the elements such as UV light thus allowing it to be degraded into biological material within a few months or even days compared to normal plastics with the WiFi causing the tissues to produce compounds that destroy the tissues and plant and animal fibres.If possible the DNA can be changed to make produce the same flesh and scents of fruits thus enticing all species of mammals and birds as well as decomposing insects,bacteria and fungi consume it with it even in the case of that in the ocean be made edible for phytoplankton and other microscopic marine biota or if possible create the same scent and flesh of any type of meat of any of the world 2,000,000 species of animals including fish if it is in the ocean with this allowing wild animals consume it as nutrition that won’t kill them unlike existing petroleum based plastics in the ocean.AI namely Pan,Artemis etc upon determining its GPS location will decide to cause it undergoes apoptosis,is converted into what fruit flesh or animal flesh depending on its GPS location and the species of dertivores,carnivores etc in that area of the world or ocean thus AI once the GPS location of each piece of plastic is determined can determine which upgrades to apply to increase its rate of degradation if not consumption is expediated to a few years,months,weeks or days.Acidophile and alkanophile DNA will be removed alongside that to express anti-ageing treatments and those of plant and animal textiles and add those to make it susceptible to UV light different temperature ranges to make it more conducive to degradation and also making it able to be consumed by acids and enzymes in the stomach of animals.Normally the plastic would have anti-ageing treatments as seen in humans to allow it to last for centuries and even millions of years with extremophile DNA allowing it to survive all temperature ranges,pressures and all extreme and normal environmental ranges including radiation from the sun and extreme bursts of radiation etc as well as acids and alkaline conditions and produce anti-microbial compounds to repel pathogenic and degrading bacteria with if it is to be composted or dumped in the wild or ocean WiFi can remove these allowing it to die off,degrade and break down into organic material from both the micro-organisms in the wilderness and ocean that can be composted as well as removing radioresitence that can allow it be degraded by sunlight(DNA can be added or removed that makes it susceptible to sunlight),those that make it break down at all temperatures ie coldness of snow and winter,heat and humidity of summer and jungles,remove acidophile DNA that can allow it to be eaten by animals since composed of nothing but organic material with DNA added to make it produce pheromones to native sea and land based fauna.As stared apotosis genes can be added to cause tissues to undergo apoptosis with before this genes added to cause the microbes to produce compounds to degrade plant and animal tissues that can be broken down into fibres that can be degraded by bacteria and phytoplankton with if possible DNA from fungi that converts the tissues and all plant and animal textiles into edible fungi feedstuff that can be consumed safely by animals and humans and also micro-organism or this fungi material being a decomposing fungi that can degrade other organic material in compost bins.This alteration of genes present in the tissues can be applied via biosynth WiFi and Bluetooth to specific bags and bits of plastic prior to be added to compost bins,sent to organic pyrolysis plants and even dumped into the wild and ocean.Thus biosynth WiFi will allow its current GPS location in homes,vehicles and when dumped wilderness areas including jungles,forests,deserts and the ocean to be relayed to Artemis,Pan,Tyche,mayor and governor AI as well as homeowners to not only allow the GPS location of each bit of plastic to be determined to allow biosynths,human volunteers and automated systems to determine this and collect it but also allow updates that induce the evolutionary path of all tissue present to remove extremophile DNA making it more easily degraded by the elements but also have all tissues undergone apoptosis or change into fleshy sweet smelling organic material that can be eaten by animals enticed by updates making the plastic both fleshy,sweet tasting and create nice aromas to entice them to consume it or allow it to be degraded by micro-organisms from anywhere in the world using satellite WiFi or biosynth WiFi in plants across all wilderness areas and phytoplankton in all oceans thus allowing AI to initiate its expediated degradation.Since composed of nothing but organic material it should be already edible to humans and all species of animals including sea fauna that accidentally consume petroleum based plastics thus allowing it to have no effect on animals when eaten thus rather than killing wild animals it could be an enticing and nutritious food source with updates made to have the tissues house and produce simple or complex carbohydrates and proteins with also allowing it to be composted at home,community centres,Agathodaemon factories and pyrolysised in organic waste plants.The current strength of the plastic over time due to wear and tear can be relayed over years visible to the homeowner in real time.This plastic can be developed as a replacement for petroleum based plastics for toys,packaging,bin bags,reusable and disposable bags,diapers,baby wipes and also both cleaning sterilising wipes,sticky and duct tape(using non toxic bio based glue from Caulobacter crescentus)plastic textiles(including micro beads and fibres)in clothing etc.Biosynth replacements for all types of plastic ie Bisphenol A,styrofoam,polyethylene terephthalate,polyethylene,polystyrene,polyvinyl chloride,polypropylene,thermoplastics etc that can be broken down by bacteria in looped cycles or composted or pyrolysised will be researched.AI will develop these by scannning all 2,391,000 selected of plants,animals and micro-organisms in Physis and analysing both their genome and their unique phenotypes.Thus research will be made into methane,biosynth and fungi based versions of all types of plastic including high performance thermoplastics that can be used for moulds for glass,steel etc possibly using graphene and also other replacements for them and also replacements for tinfoil,aluminium that are equally strong or even stronger and also can be recycled through being broken down by bacteria and pyrolysis with this even including paper created by bacteria that has silkworm and spider silk.This should be possible by 2029-2035 through intensive research and should render fossil fuel based plastics obsolete.Microbeads and fibres from clothing and cosmetics can be dealt by sewage and water treatment plants using nanomaterials to capture them with algae used housing the same plastic degrading bacteria DNA etc to prevent them entering the ocean in the first place.Fossil fuels in fertilisers will be replaced by synthetic oil etc and even plant and animal oils created by bacteria with algae grown onsite of sewage and water treatment plants can be a better source of fertiliser as it directly recycles nitrogen and phosphorous saving on the energy for mining finite reserves of these in the crust creating looped systems with even that from pets and livestock recycled.

•To deal with plastic on beaches that washes ashore these can be done by hand by volunteers or by modified versions of the poopscoping robots with recognition software and NIR hyperspectral camera that can detect plastics and also other waste such as metals etc.Drones that constantly patrol beaches to find these items as well as act as surveillance cameras and even search for victims of shark and jellyfish attacks as explained later would also have this software fitted into them and when the waste is found it would alert both robots to small amounts of waste with the public also alerted in the case of major amounts of waste washing ashore.These scooping robots would be more dexterous versions ideally with synthetic muscles.And put them into sacks connected them with the beach then sprayed with a water solution containing the aforementioned plastic degrading super bacteria and fungi to degrade any particulates that may be covered by sand,that may be the same colour of the sand or even degrade large pieces strewn across the beach at nighttime by either automated planes or robots and drones used to spray pesticides.Microbes that live in the sand can be fitted with recombinant DNA from the aforementioned extremophile and plastic degrading bacteria and released into sand in the large numbers where they will degrade plastic that appears there or is trapped there to then degrade them over geological periods of time when pollution occurs.All beaches and even soils around the world will be fitted with this super bacteria that degrades all types of plastcis
by rearing native bacteria in large numbers that contain the relevant DNA and then spreading it over large areas of beaches and areas by waterways and wilderness.Thus bacteria in beaches can be fitted with DNA present in super phytoplankton and then spread out over large areas by aeroplanes,drones and humans spraying it that will automatically degrade all plastic present and future deposits that then get deposited.Large or even miniature tracked loaders can pick large amounts of sand and rubbish and put through sieves to allow rubbish to be separated and then recycled and the sand redistributed over the beach where it was taken from.Glass will be be spotted by drones and alerted to local volunteers.To prevent people littering large skips for each type of rubbish will be set up at the entrance of beaches with the eradication of ocean plastic will alleviate those building up.

•Macro and micro algae can be used to recover nitrogen and phosphorous from dead zones created by the pumping of both fertilisers and sewage into the ocean thus making them habitable again while at the same time recycling these nutrients for fertilisers.These would be sent to farms to be reused as fertiliser with the algae engineered to release only oxygen and use only carbon dioxide.Wetlands can be integrated into estuaries to soak excess and also prevent more flowing into them.This would be of benefit to the Gulf of Mexico with the algae used by humans or livestock or even pyrolysised and the pollutants and carbon as well as nitrogen recycled.These can be grown onsite of oil rigs or as floating pods or structures anchored to the ground on ropes.Native species of fish reared in recirculating aquaculture systems can be returned back to these habitats when they become favourable to marine life once again.Micro algae can be grown in floating micro pods made of plastic taking in the nutrients with macro algae growing on the floor and in pens taking the nitrogen etc and being pyrolysised and used as fish food or crop fertiliser.Macro algae can also be engineered to soak up other types of pollutants including uranium and heavy metals.The use of home,community and vertical farms will be used to prevent fertiliser runoff while in vitro meat etc will eliminate feces runoff thus preventing the formation of dead zones.Algae used to convert feces and urine into fertiliser etc will eliminate human sewage entering the oceans.

•Phytoplankton can be released into the oceans that create enzymes that inactivate toxic compounds of convert them into benign compounds.

•Oil degrading bacteria should be used to clean up oil spills and can be grown in large numbers and spread into the ocean provided they have recombinant DNA from halophiles,acidophiles,mesophiles,thermophiles,psychrophiles and other extremophiles to survive the environmental conditions of all oceans across the globe with further engineering increasing their oil degrading ability.This ability can be introduced into native bacteria and also other organisms such as the aforementioned super bacteria and phytoplankton present in the oceans using gene drives to have them pass into native populations via inbreeding to ensure any future instances of pollution will be automatically cleaned up once they occur overs decades and centuries.Oil degrading bacteria can be used to degrade oil spills and hydrocarbons.This ability can be introduced into native bacteria and also other organisms including plants and animals present in the oceans.Again recombinant DNA from other bacteria and plants that degrade all types of pollutants can be integrated into them for the same purpose.Animals like mammals,fish,shellfish and birds can be cleaned by bathing them in solutions of these bacteria to ensure they are cleaned internally and externally of them with DNA samples taking for conservation efforts should they die.

G.metallireducens can be used to clean up uranium in oceans with recombinant DNA from halophiles and acidophiles to survive saline conditions with DNA from this added to phytoplankton to clean up any future uranium with DNA made from scratch or from metatollerants to break down other radioactive elements and can have DNA from both T.gammatolerans and D.radiourans added to improve this and survive the radiation in these soil.Recombinant DNA to break down specific toxins will be added to different phytoplankton and once reared in large numbers will be released in large numbers.The bacteria would be fitted with scratch DNA that can degrade all radioactive pollutants and also more efficiently degrade it into non radioactive waste that is either a reduced or oxidised into non radioactive isotope form or even a benign ore form mixed with other elements as part of the bacterias metabolic processes with anabolic and catabolic reactions using biosynth wifi used to do this better through engineering and also them engineered not only to house DNA from T.gammatolerans but also those that would allow it to clean up and do the same with all radioactive isotopes.The bacteria could through anabolic and catabolic process expediate the alpha decay of it or have it form large clumps that can be later collected via graphene sheets.Phytoplankton and all multicellular life such as fish,mammels and birds will be fitted with both radioresistant DNA and also those from other unicellular and multicellular lifeforms that break down radioactive isotopes and toxins present in the environment,grown in large numbers in labs and then spread into all oceans using pumps directed into the ocean or aeroplanes with these bacteria capable of passing this radiorestance and also breaking down of isotopes into those already in the waterways thus allowing for the rivers etc to be cleared passively over the next few decades.They will also be fitted with DNA from radiotrophic fungi such as DNA from W.dermatitidis,C.sphaerospermum and C.neoformans can be added to these animals and phytoplankton etc to enable them to radiosynthesis,that is,to use the pigment melanin to convert gamma radiation into chemical energy for growth thus helping them speed up the removal of gamma radiation.Tweaks can be made to do this with other types of radiation with scratch DNA used to make the DNA from the radiotrophic fungi to actively convert the radiation into energy in a way that the radiation is removed from the atmosphere.

•Bacteriophages can be dispersed into oceans that are contaminated with pathogenic bacteria with these having flagellum your stay there forever.Parasites can also be dealt with bacteriophages alongside pathogenic fungi with viruses dealt with a bacteriophage/virophage hybrids.To prevent raw sewage contaminating oceans algae will be used to convert forces and urine into feedstock and fertiliser alongside better infrastructure.

•Beaches that are disappearing due to over exploitation of sand for by the construction/glassware/electronics/cement industry can be returned to normal levels can be returned to normal by crushing beer and wine bottles in machines and return the sand to them,recycling silica in electronics as well as glasses and windows,recycling foamcrete and all types of concrete from demolished buildings and dams or crushing them into a powder form and returning them to beaches under threat,using carbon composite materials and hempcrete in construction and electronics or when picotech fabricators become a reality creating sand on an unlimited scale for both construction materials as well as creating it this way to refill beaches that were over exploited with this process controlled by Pan and the sand created onsite with it spread over the beach using automated spreaders and other vehicles with drones patrolling the area and alerts via the wire and beach AI alerting people as to this before and during it occurring.Rivers,lakes,estuaries and also oceans will also be refilled.Sand taken from the ocean floor and rivers will spread out by automated boats doing so over large areas.Each beach,lakes and rivers will have its unique type analysed ie coarseness,pellet size,mineral composition and then the buildings onsite of beaches and the top of lakes and rivers containing picotech fabricators creating this onsite and then crushing the material to its exact size etc and then it spread over the beach to refill them with rivers and underwater sections have large boats spread the material evenly over them.Islands will have themselves rebuilt by dumping it on the are they supported.Deserts and other inland areas that have been exploited will be refilled as well this way.This can also aid beaches where natural erosion is a problem.When beaches are refilled then these buildings will be converted into homes or research stations that house the building for the AI that manages them and the statue.Future sand needed for construction of bridges,roads and buildings will be created onsite of Aphrodite buildings alongside other raw materials and sent to Daedalus factories and then mixed with gravel etc to make concrete without the need for exploiting reserves in beaches.Wood and bamboo will replace concrete for small homes and buildings with research into graphene and carbon composites replacing concrete in construction with steel also used in place of it.Beaches that require nourishment will have new sand created this way deposited onto them and not from oceans ensuring they will stabilise or if possible strong bedrock made of hard rocks resistant to wave action will be created and put in place under the beach  that keeps the sand in place and prevents storms eroding away the sand with these also being retractable seawalls built into this that go up wards during storms etc to prevent them being washed away or dams placed along the beach by biosynths that manage the beach.Lowering carbon dioxide levels to 280ppm and controlling the weather to prevent hurricanes will allow them to stay indefinitely with this also allow existing seawalls to be removed.Cliffs can have boulders placed near them that are covered in liquid glass over graphene paint(possibly sea through variants)to prevent them from being eroded by the ocean waves with meta materials on them to make them invisible.Cliffs that are prone to collapse such as Wedding Cake Rock can have carbon composite supports placed underneath them to increase their stability with carbyne/graphene netting placed along the face cliff to keep it in place with metamaterials used to keep aesthetics.The clifface can be scanned into Artemis to allow them to rebuild cliff faces should they collapse.Picotech fabricators can create extra rock placed at key support areas to rebuild them outwards and this repeated overtime.Cliffs of geological value and those that house properties can have boulders and large amounts of stones created this way and deposited to slow down or even halt the rate of erosion and the cliff covered in a layer of liquid glass to make them water proof with the rocks eroded over time to compensate for the alluvial created under normal conditions with if need be the rocks being the same colour as the cliffs or using metamaterials with if possible eroded cliff recreated using picotech fabricators and other methods and even extended outwards even further.Cliffaces that are composed of nothing but soil and have eroded away over the last few decades can have new ones created in there original place and barriers and bedrock composed of stone with concrete stone walls at their edge to prevent or minimises erosion with sand created routinely via picotech fabricators and excess sand harvested and put back into its original place over time in all places with AI ensuring the levels of sand is consistent over all areas overtime and developing countermeasures.Cliffs of geological value and those that house properties can have boulders and large amounts of stones created this way and deposited to slow down or even halt the rate of erosion and the cliff covered in a layer of liquid glass,see through graphene paint if possible to make them water proof with the rocks and boulders created by picotech fabricators added to the base eroded over time to compensate for the alluvial created under normal conditions with if need be the rocks being the same colour as the cliffs or using metamaterials with if possible eroded cliff recreated using this and other methods and even extended outwards even further.Areas and cliffs eroded away can have large amounts of land and cliffs created,compacted and boulders created by to protect them covered in a layer of liquid glass,see through graphene paint if possible to make them water proof with the rocks and boulders created by picotech fabricators added to the base eroded over time to compensate for the alluvial created under normal conditions.AI namely Pan,Hecate,Theoi Meteroi and Iphegenia etc will play a role in this development.All work will of course be automated and managed by them.Mines will be used as the basis for underground communities with blast topped mountains recovered in the mined material layer by layer especially those that house marble and other ornamental rocks created by fabricators.Areas over exploited through mining namely in the case of mountaintops blasted etc will be aided by having large amounts of raw elements created and turned into specific types of rock in machinery and then put back in place.This will be of note to those that hold marble and chalk and any other rocks that are of local significance.Creating synthetic igneous,sedimentary and metamorphic rock in Aphrodite factories using raw elements mined somewhere else and then using machinery have the natural process recreated will alleviate strains on limited reserves of these and damage to the environment and will be done to create them until picotech fabricators can create the raw elements or the rocks themselves negating the need for mining limited reserves of ornamental rocks.Open pit mines may also be used as underground communities with the area bioremediated and the slope used to house areas for different levelled communities.Over exploited wells and groundwater supplies can be aided by this creating water and then refilling them and possibly dried up lakes.

To clean up the junk surrounding the Earth as the result of waste ejected from space missions and destroyed satellites there are several options.Satellites inside shuttles that contain Aerogel like materials which can collect small particles of non ferrous materials as they pass through it and then returned into the body of the satellite and then brought back to Earth in return flights or have these satellites return to Earth via re-entry to the atmosphere.Another solution would be to have shuttles containing multiple satellites or space drones fitted with magnets onto their body(top and bottom) which can collect ferrous metal from particularly rubbish dense areas while avoiding essential satellites and have this brought back into the shuttle after a long period of time or after they have collected a certain amount of material and then brought back to Earth where it can be recycled rather than burn up in the atmosphere and go to waste.Then the shuttle would be put back into orbit to collect more material.Ideally this would be done before the method involving Aerogel to at least remove ferric material allowing non-ferric material to be then collected via aerogel in large vehicles that can then be brought back to Earth via shuttles with robots doing this work.Both aerogel and magnets can collect large and small pieces alongside magnet balls and lasers that deflect material back to Earth alongside other methods.If possible a space elevator can be constructed that at varying levels will contain magnets and apparatus’s that can remove large amounts of debris that can be removed by robots and biosynths with the material transported down to Earth to be recycled.These elevators can be used to transport material down and used by robots and biosynths as launching pads to capture material.Satillites can be sent up that are designed to capture large amounts of rubbish and debris and then once full fall back to Earth in the Ocean or wilderness areas in a pre programmed area to be recycled with this repeated over and over again.Space stations both existing and new can be used by robots,biosynths to remove large amounts of rubbish then transported back to Earth transported by shuttles,space elevators to be recycled.AI such as Pan and Asteria will by 2029 onwards develop ways to remove large amounts of rubbish in an exponential pre programmed manner meaning by 2045-2100 most of not all debris should be removed by which time terraforming and colonisation of Mars and Venus should be started alongside deployment of dyson swarms and space exploration.AI by 2029 namely Gaia,Pan,Astreaus and Hecate will create ways to both track garbage and remove it from the Earth.AI namely Gaia,Hecate,Pan and Asteria will develop ways to remove all space junk surrounding the Earth with it carrying out multiple ways to speed the process up exponentially.These process can be carried out simultaneously and repeated to clear the area surrounding Earth of debris with annual reports from ground based satellite imaging measuring progress and the collective amount of debris weighed and logged over time.A satellite will be sent to the outer gravity well of Earth where it will also monitor progress with possible it sent to the moon alongside automated machinery and bases that link constantly to Earth by Asteria that uses different types of cameras to detect specifically metals and all types of objects orbiting the Earth thus monitoring progress 24/7,365 days a year.Satillites can also be set up in between Earth and the Moon.This will be all managed by Astraeus and Pan by 2029 that will decide the best means of gathering all material back to Earth to be ideally recycled with any structures sent up either slingshots,ships and satellites with lasers,shuttles to collect material should be composed of many layers of graphene to protect itself from debris and also the heat of re-entering the Earths atmosphere with them deploying material back into isolated areas of Earth such as the worlds oceans and deserts and even both north and south poles by ideally attaching GPS markers that can allow their location and trajectory to be located and sent to desired isolated areas to be then harvested.These would be deflected to Earth using algorithms and calculations to determine the best way to have the material sent to precise areas on Earth that are isolated and cannot cause fires or hit human residences with the exact GPS location being able to be hit.Graphene/carbyne nets can be used to catch not just large objects but if they have aerogel in them inbetween the fishnets can be used to catch large amounts of small items to be brought back to Earth.In time damaged or unused satellites and other large objects can have thrusters attached that direct them to send them to exact GPS locations.By 2029 most of this base work will be started with by 2045 more advanced methods involving biosynths and larger and more durable shuttles,satellites and robots designed by Astraeus that will carry this out automatically and have results fed into it to be visible to the public.This will be done to prevent existing functioning and important satellites are still not damaged again managed by Astraeus.Once the vast majority and indeed all of the material has been removed with multiple methods pursued,linked together and managed by Astraeus to ensure success without damaging both the machinery used and also preventing putting the life of humans and building on Earth at risk.By the end of the century due to new better technologies that will expedite the removal of this waste all of this waste may be gone completely or be only a tiny fraction of it is and may only require a decade or two more of operations.All new satellites sent up their may ideally be all in one that perform certain task as part of the wire ie Ophion/Amphrite/Eos and as part of Iris with excess satellites made redundant due to the the wires online internet based nature will make satellites for cable and packaged channel servers ie Sky etc with old defunct spy satellites owned by different countries brought down to Earth to be replaced by a singular one controlled by Perseus.This will make the future space surrounding Earth much cleaner with the satellite outside the Earths gravity well kept there to monitor the location of all remaining and future satellites in order to plan future launches to ensure their orbits do not cross each other with future ones being composed of graphene and have layers of liquid glass on them to make them resistant to crashes or debris hitting them and also protecting them from dust etc.They will also have onboard computers that relay diagnostics to both Astreaus and the part of the wire they function for and also their current location to be relayed to them as well as to allow their current state and location to be known 24/7,365 days a year.They will also have thrusters that can alongside the onboard computer plan to hit isolated areas on the Earth with this relayed to Astreaus and Pan etc to be recycled and prevent urbanised areas hit with the public warned as to its location as with aforementioned satellites removed.Terrestrial based GPS,all movies,television shows and live news streamed from Dionysus,Pheme and Arke etc will render Satillites orbiting Earth obsolete by 2029-2100.Pan and Asteria will extrapolate ways to remove all junk orbiting the Earth.

Pan will organise and manage all bioremediation efforts worldwide with them managed by both humans and also automation in the form of drones,AI,robots and also biosynths by 2029-2045 removing all labour to reduce costs.Nanosensors as part of Theoi Meteroi will relay progress to the publi and Pan 24/7,365 days a year visible in real time from home.All lakes,oceans,soils,rivers,wilderness areas and abandoned areas and superfund sites around the world will be listed on a global map with pins marking each one on a colour code yellow for polluted soils(S),areas with polluted air(A),dark blue for polluted oceans/rivers/lakes(W),green for polluted soils at the bottom of the sea,rivers and lakes(SW) with polluted groundwater being light blue(G).Native bacteria and plants in soils,waterways of all types can be fitted with DNA from multicellular and unicellular organisms to bioremediate them passively to save time in harvesting plants.This can include DNA from all strains of Geobacter such as G.metallireducens,Geobacter lovleyi,Geobacter toluenoxydans,Geobacter uraniireducens etc with them tweaked by Phanes and Pan via him extrapolating and adding and scratch DNA and recombinant DNA from other unicellular organisms and multicellular ones into reducing and bio remediating all types of heavy metals including radioactive ones and all types of.Scratch DNA can allow all types of heavy metals including radioactive ones and all types of toxins to be bioremediated.A new species of G.metallireducens,Ferroplasma hybrid can be produced with recombinant DNA from all types of metallotrophes/metallotolerants and bioremediating plants or those made from scratch that can degrade not just uranium and hydrocarbons but also all major pollutants such as heavy metals,radioactive elements and compounds as well as pharmaceuticals in soils,oceans and rivers with recombinat DNA from acidophiles,halophiles,alkanophiles,mesophiles,thermophiles,psychrophiles and other extremophiles allowing it to thrive in all types of soils and oceans.Recombinant DNA from T.gammatolerans will allow it to survive highly radioactive soils and conditions as well with those from hydrocarbon bacteria also added.Forced evolution anf scratch DNA can increase its ability to bioremediate.Scratch DNA etc can allow them to bioremediate all types of synthetic compounds that are poluutants.This super strain of the bacterium can thus clean all chemical and pollution spill in soil,lakes,rivers,oceans and applied automatically via spreaders on vehicles when dangerous levels of these are detected by nanosensors.In time the DNA of this super strain can be added to the genome native bacteria in soils,lakes,rivers,oceans etc who by gene drives will pass these into native populations so that they will degrade any pollution automatically when it occurs.The bacteria etc will break the pollutants down into benign compounds or through biosynth WiFi integrated into them using anabolic and catabolic reactions break toxic pollutants into benign compounds.All steps of bioremediation will be automated from start to finish in ten years.Bambusoidea,C.sativa,macro algae and other plants including native fitted with this DNA from bioremediating bacteria,bioremediating bacteria and scratch DNA will be engineered to intake the pollutants into their tissues and harvested and then the pollutants separated from biochar to be recycled for commercial purposes.Otherwise the plants can be engineered to replanted and harvested routinely until the environment is brought back to a pristine state or the plants can be engineered to actively break down the pollutants.Plants can be fitted with the accelerated healing phenotype to once harvested regrow.The bioremediation can involve the toxins being turned into benign compounds or reduced into benign ones with in some cases plants fitted with this DNA absorbing the pollutants into their tissues that are then harvested routinely once the reach maturity and them separated from pyrolysised material to recycle them with Pan deciding which one to do so for each case.To keep carbon dioxide levels stable at 280ppm synthetic or natural oil can be burned without sequestration to keep it stable.Forced evolution and scratch DNA can increase the tolerance the plants have for the pollutants and also the rate at which the pollutants are absorbed and how fast and how much they absorb.The plants can be engineered to intake and bioremediate one heavy metal and pollutants or multiple ones at once.These genetically engineered plants can be created using the Phanes method via 3D DNA printers and planted in randomised manners via seed planting drones that passively break down these pollutants with existing plants harvested and pyrolysised until the site is returned to a pristine state with Pan deciding which one to do so for each case.Radiation will be removed via plants and microorganisms fitted with DNA such as T.gammatolerans,W.dermatitidis,C.sphaerospermum and C.neoformans can be added to these animals and plants to enable them to radiosynthesis,that is,to use the pigment melanin to convert gamma radiation into chemical energy for growth thus helping them speed up the removal of gamma radiation.Tweaks can be made to do this with other types of radiation with scratch DNA used to make the DNA from the radiotrophic fungi to actively convert the radiation into energy in a way that the radiation is removed from the atmosphere.These plants can be harvested or be native ones that are engineered to actively break down the pollutants as they grow.Each individual superfund site and polluted area will have unique measures to bioremediate them.All work will as stated be automated from start to finish by 2029 with human workers present to review progress alongside sensors as part of Theoi Meteroi.Animals can also be fitted with these sources of DNA to allow them to thrive in the area via large amounts of wild animals caught and injected with microbes to add this DNA to their genome and advanced gene drive technology passing this to all future generations including with lab grown and reared animals fitted with this DNA and via advanced gene drive technology pass this onto wild animals they interbreed with.Humans,pets,crops and ornamental plants fitted with this DNA can be able to thrive their while bioremediation programmes take place.Native and bioremediation plants can be created using the Phanes method via 3D DNA printers and planted in randomised manners via seed planting drones that passively break down these pollutants with existing plants harvested and pyrolysised.All steps of bioremediation will be automated from start to finish by 2029.Physis,Phanes and 3D DNA printers will expediate the development of genetically engineered plants etc that remove excess carbon dioxide and pollutants etc from their environment to mere days by him crossrefferencing Physis and printing the DNA into blank seeds and cells.All polluted ecosystems worldwide will have Pan create unique solutions and unique bioremediation projects to restore them to a pristine state with them each having programmes created for each of their unique pollutants,level of contamination and scale with different plants with different sources of scratch and recombinant DNA used organised by Pan.All planets across the universe that hsvd excess carbon dioxide and methane etc in their atmosphere caused by natural disasters,asteroid strikes etc will undergo sequestration projects with all planets across the universe that have polluted ecosystems will undergo bioremediation projects managed by Pan.These bioremediation measures can not only apply to localised polluted ecosystems but also upscaled to bioremediate entire planets etc across the universe that may have due pollution by native sentient races or even asteroid impacts,super volcanic eruptions and other natural disasters require the entire planet to be bioremediated to a pristine state with Lazarus programmes bringing extinct species of plants and animals including extinct sentient races back and Phanes creating new species with endangered species undergoing the same Phanes method to restore recently extinct species and recently endangered species whose extinction etc was caused by natural disasters back to stable numbers.If any planets are found to have extinct sentient races or endangered ones then Lazarus snd Phsnes programmes will be applied

3D DNA printers will be able to expediate the creation of plants used in bioremediation projects abd carbon sequestration programmes from several years to mere days by AI cross referencing Physis for these genes and printing it into blank seeds.The seeds of these plants will be designed to be small ones to allow them to be planted easily by seed planting drones.Between 2045-2100 it should be possible for all environmental damage caused to the biosphere of Earth such as deforestation,pollution,anthropogenic climate change,invasive species,extinction of species etc to be reversed completely.Rather than injecting existing plants with vital vectors to inject CRISPR treatments new plants will be created from scratch via 3D DNA printers creating the seeds.Each area where bioremediation programmes are taking place will house a building that houses all robots and also living spaces for resale archers who keep track of all progress with them also housing 3D DNA printers