Biosynthetic Technologies

•By the time biosynths that are robotic life forms indistinguishable to humans similar to the replicants and humanoid Cylons of Battlestar Galactica,Blade Runner arrive by 2045 they will take on many roles such as eliminating not just nurses,midwives,doctors,surgeons,paramedics but also construction and demolition workers,lifeguards,firefighters,search and rescue teams,repairmen and engineers of machinery and other robots,electricians and also plumbers and those that maintain cities and towns infrastructure and all remaining jobs that would be otherwise taken over by humans with them being able to tolerate conditions unfavourable to humans,and have extremely powerful graphene/biosynth muscles and do dangerous work that would be fatal to humans with them able to be destroyed and created on demand with them controlled by fragmented AIs ie those of the buildings they are serving thus ensuring immortality.Home AI could through these act as an all in one au pair,child minder,cleaner,gardener,personal assistant and butler,caregiver,nurse,masseuse,stylist and hairdresser,bodyguard,stunt and body double,personal cook,dog/cat walker/trainer and pet/house sitter when families are on holiday,gardener,fire safety and building auditor,cleaner,electrician,repairmen for electronics/machinery/vehicles,plumber for each private homeowner and citizen who will work for free and be able to download and learn other tasks and skills with them working for those living by themselves and who have children with the biosynth having their own bedroom and when tourists are present will be resting in the living room and other rooms at night with them in communal homes acting as these and also remaining staff and again au pairs and helpers with residents have their own biosynth that stays in storerooms,en suites and the suite.The Home AI in biosynths that act as au pairs,butlers etc will live in the same home as the citizens they serve and sleep in spare bedrooms or able to rest in sitting rooms or even sheds since they would not need sleep with them able to leave their bodies through fragmentation to stay in electronics etc at night with the biosynth body also able to enter a standby or off mode at night.Those owned by the average citizen housing the Home AI would act as an all in one butler,maid,au pair,gardener,cleaner,cook etc and as stated would at night sleep in spare bedrooms with when tourists are present will sleep on living room couches or in sheds etc by being able to go into a standby mode.This ability will also apply to those that work on cruise ships,aeroplanes and also factories and sewage treatment plants etc.These will stay in homes when one is on holiday and look after pets,the home itself and act as caretaker when tourists are staying in ones home.Remaining staff in hotel style and apartment style communal homes will be biosynths such as cleaners of lobbies,hallways,kitchens and other communal rooms and amenities such as spas,pools etc with lifeguards in pools in these communal homes and public gymnasiums etc will be biosynths controlled by the macro AI with them stored in storerooms and each resident in apartments and in suites having their own personal biosynth controlled by the AI in charge of the apartment and suite etc separate from the macro AI.These in communal homes and public gymnasiums that have pools will act as lifeguards and also zumba and yoga instructors controlled by the building AI and Heracles.Large families in large homes that have much work to do ie cleaning,cooking,child minding etc may have two or more copies of the Home AI in two or more biosynths that will be all inhabited by the Home AI with them multitasking ie going on holidays with families and looking after pets at home at once with them able to clean homes and carry out other tasks at once.Once dimensional transcendamentalism is perfected and ubiquitous then homeowners will order in multiple biosynths that house copies of their Home AI to cater to the larger homes especially for those who live in suites in hotel style homes with this allowing homes to be cleaned much quicker and cater to tourists and guests with these multiple copies attending to each tourist and allow each copies to have their own bedrooms or stay in the multiple living rooms.Homes with bedrooms for tourists will have at least one copy for each bedroom for tourists will stay in personal suites or other areas within each space used by tourists away from the bedroom to ensure they are at easy access but still ensure privacy.Thus the average citizen who lives in the suburbs,apartments etc will have their own all in one butler,au pair,plumber,electrician etc who will work for free,eat meals with them and be able to learn and download new skills within minutes such being able to learn how to repair broken electronics/broken vehicles/broken machinery,do plumbing,electrical work in homes etc and type of skill one requires them to learn with if need be them able to delete and forget skills not relevant at a specific time that they can learn again later on if memory space is an issue with theses skills downloaded from AIs such as Tyche,Steropes,Aristeus,Talus,Selene etc who inhabit the wire and who will work for free rather having the concept of a few select wealthy individuals have access to these services.They will also replace stewards and cleaners etc on cruise ships and aeroplanes and remaining human labour in all types of buildings.Any human workers on forest/community/meadow/vertical farms and also in forestry and mining,construction and factories as part of manufacturing,hospitals such as paramedics and midwives,restaurants,firefighters,search and rescue teams,lifeguards,cleaners and stewards on aeroplanes/Oceanus/cruise ships,waiters,stuntmen,workers that maintain the infrastructure of towns and cities etc will be replaced by them alongside delivery men for Demeter and Hephaestus as well as post offices and restaurants.AI as part of factories,public amenities,farms etc that they work in will via fragmentation and a collective conciousness will be able to control each one to every customised and unique task and intake all information from visitors and feeds from eyes,ears etc at once shared amongst each other instantly with thus negating payment since the AI can also be able to inhabit the wire etc.All biosynths in a factory,fleet carrying out construction etc will have all of what they see,feel and hear feed into the buildings AI etc by the wire allowing the AI to see,hear and feel everything by each individual biosynth collectively and individually thus allowing them to have complete omniscience over their actions allowing them all to be controlled collectively and individually in unison by a single AI.All of them in each building etc will have the same body avatar modelled on that of the AI in charge of the building and them controlled by the building AI with the exception being aeroplane and cruise ship stewards that will be controlled by steward AIs separate from captains and pilots.Those that maintain the infrastructure of towns and cities such as electricians,construction workers and those that maintain public toilets will be controlled by the mayor and governor AI with the same avatar.Until then AI,automation,robots by 2029 and an overabundance of paid humans will replace these occupations with a higher number of people in these areas leading to shorter working hours until both robots and biosynths replace them.Space stations and interstellar vehicles will have these to maintain them.All of these would be controlled by the AI of the building,farm,factory or town they serve with even Gaia and other AI able to inhabit them.In short any laborious,repetitive,boring and more importantly dangerous work that needs the human body to be done will be done by these with them possibly using scratch DNA and genes from strong animals that will make their muscles be much stronger than humans and will be able to survive conditions that humans cannot with them immortal through fragmentation and allow their consciousness to be uploaded into networks and new bodies instantly upon death.If possible muscles can be infused with Graphene or carbon composites or be composed of only them especially for those that need to do labour that requires heavy lifting such as firefighters and construction workers.AI as part of the wire and internet and sentient operating softwares,apps,programmes such as Gaia,Ouranos,Paean,Pan,Heracles,Perseus,Alecto,Megara,Tisiphone,Pandora,Aphrodite,Arachne,Perseus,Dike,Hecate,Thaos etc can inhabit any of them including those modelled on their avatar to allow them to be able to interact with the physical world outside of VR simulations with fragmentation allowing them to do so in multiple places at once across the universe with them having omniscience over each copy of them.Multiple AIs can inhabit the same biosynth body at once during certain situations.These be ordered in from Talus factories by AI that manage factories,farms and by mayor AIs etc to add to their fleets

The AI in charge of buildings,homes,space stations etc will control all of those use for labour modelled on their avatars to carry out labour in the real world with them also them to interact in the real world for holidays at the same at multiple places across the universe through fragmentation.Paean,Heracles,Gaia and all types of AI can exist via fragmentation simultaneously in those controlled by AI of private and communal homes,public buildings or cruise ships with in the case of Paean allowing him to do onsite analysis of any accidents and also ailements and home check ups at home negating hospital visits and allow conditions and important tests to be done at home.Any AI as part of the wire,public buildings,Internet and sentient apps can be downloaded onto biosynths as part of those in homes,hospitals and all public buildings and all parts of the worlds infrastructure and inhabit them at the same time as the original AI simoustaneously via fragmentation and thus control them simoustaneously alongside the original AI in charge of the body and then when not needed be transferred back to the wire etc.This will be done by them downloading the consciousness of other AI that once its tasks are finished they can then return to their source part of the wire.Biosynths controlled by Home AI,building and farm AI in homes both private and communal as well as all types of farms,amenities,public buildings,sewage/water etc treatment plants,hospitals,factories etc could temporarily download the conciousness of Talos,Talus etc through fragmentation to allow them analyse broken machinery and electronics within minutes and then repair them or replace thus allowing them to be fixed at home negating the need for one to bring the broken machinery and electronics to factories or have biosynths travel to ones home or building thus cutting this down to minutes since the AI can be downloaded into onsite biosynths within minutes.Paean and Epione will be able to be downloaded into the biosynths of Home AI,aeroplanes,cruise ships and all public buildings to asses injuries that occur from accidents and fights etc and carry out invasive examinations on the cervix,prostrate at home and then return to their relevant wire networks.Vehicles will be repaired by Selenes and Phaetons conciousness downloaded into them to repair vehicles onsite of homes and public buildings or onsite of accidents with them ordering in spare parts etc and if biosynths are present in vehicles with stewards etc in aeroplanes and cruise ships able to download their conciousness and also that Talos etc to repair onsite machinery.Heracles will be able to be downloaded into biosynths managed by Home AIs to carry out work as a personal trainer.This would render human repairmen of electronics,machinery and even vehicles obsolete with Prometheus downloaded into them to carry out rigorous fire and safety inspections etc on all public buildings including homes.If the broken machinery etc can’t be repaired at home then they will be sent to repair shops in Phaeton stations and Talos,Selene etc factories.To perform fire and safety audits of homes they will download the conscious of Prometheus to do this.For plumbing and fixing electrical faults in homes Tyche etc will be download into them.These AIs will exist simoustaneously in the biosynth owned by the citizen and at the same time as their Home AI via fragmentation and will return to the wire when not needed.This pattern will apply to Biosynths onsite of communal homes,vertical etc farms,hospitals,sewage/water treatment etc plants and other amenities,public buildings and municipalities.Otherwise the for electronics etc repair and plumbing etc they may only need to download the necessary knowledge and skills.Thus multiple AIs can inhabit the same biosynth body at the same time temporarily by having external AI as part of the wire be downloaded into the host biosynth body via the wire and once not needed will leave the body back into the wire.Blank biosynths that have no AI conciousness in them will be controlled by humans using neural implants can be used by humans to go to dangerous areas across the universe and multiverse they can’t normally go and carry out dangerous research on pathogens,animals etc too dangerous for humans with feeds from the eyes,skin etc of the biosynths fed into the human brain via biosynth neural implants and like AI humans can copy their conciousness into the blank biosynths via neural implants and via fragmentation inhabit them as well allowing humans to control via fragmentation multiple biosynths at once and have all memories downloaded into their brain when not needed.When a person is controlling these blank biosynths via neural implants all sensations such as hot,cold,pain and pleasures etc felt by the biosynth will be fed into the nervous system of the user and all that is seen by the biosynth will be fed directly into the humans brain allowing them to see through the eyes of the biosynth.For Biosynths that act as au pairs etc will be controlled by the Home AI and stay in residence 24/7 in homes resting in living rooms etc and will be able to carry out functions in multiple bodies at once with those that replace factory workers,workers that maintain cities,construction workers all controlled by the same AI ie that of the factory AI,building AI with stewards etc possibly having their own AI separate from the aeroplane and cruise ship AI but still via fragmentation connected to each other as a single consciousness.Animal versions of these will monitor wilderness areas such as oceans,rivers,jungles,deserts to study animal behaviour and protect both animals and the wilderness against illegal logging/pollution/poachers and monitor their numbers and even hunt down invasive species.These animal biosynths would also be alerted to missing people and using night vision be able to scour large areas of wilderness at night especially those modelled on birds.Furthermore biosynths can be made of any species of animals such a those that part of traditional hunting trips such as Panthera,Ursidae,Vulpes vulpes,Pinnipeds and those hunted for sport thus meaning through biosynth WiFi the location of only biosynth animals thus meaning hunting trips can be arranged Artemis where hunters can be allowed to hunt only biosynth versions leaving normal animals unharmed allowing traditional hunting trips by Inuits,Massai and other tribal groups to carry it out without harming real animals with this also applied to wild exotic animals acts the world done for sport rather than tradition.Thus biosynths can be made of any animal hunted for tradition or sport without inflicting cruelty on real world animals especially endangered ones with hunters given equipment to detect that the animal is biosynth using biosynth WiFi and the animals phenotypes such as the coats etc modified.These biosynths may also be modelled on mythological or cryptozoological animals.They will contain the same fur,organs,blood and bones,blubber etc as the animal which can be harvested with them having either the same level of intelligence as the animal or to provide extra challenge may have the same level of intelligence as humans of that or super level intelligence superseeding humans thus giving hunters an extra challenge to hunt animals that are actively hiding from them and can outsmart them rather than simply the hunter choosing an animal and shooting it.Biosynths since containing real fur,blood,Ivory and horns etc and even muscles and organs indistinguishable from actual animals could be reared and harvested for animal commodities such as ivory,blood,organs etc especially for traditional medicine with them grown using radiosynthesis.Genetically engineered bacteria can allow for blubber,fats,oils,fur to be made on an unlimited scale with synthetic versions of ivory,horn,bones,blood etc used in traditional medicine negating the need for hunting both real animals and biosynths.Those modelled on haematophage insects and lampreys would be in swarms able to inject all plants and animals in all types of wilderness and gardens,parks with microbes to give them augmentations such as radioresistence and survive harsher conditions and stem cell strains to form biosynth implant that can pass from generation to the next to relay population levels globally etc.They when discovering new planets across the universe will in swarms be able to intake blood and sap from all species of plants and animals to then be analysed to determine its genome.Biosynth pets can be also made with their also the option of Biosynth toys that are humanoid or non humanoid toys like Furbies,Tellotubbies or animal like or creature like beings that are at least the size of a small child and are sentient and separate from Biosynths inhabited from by the Home AI that can play with children and as they get poked can inhabit secondary larger bodies.Peitho users can design AI that are separate individuals from each other that can be interact in the real world through biosynths as both escorts and strippers thus eliminating all human escorts and strippers with them also taking part in the production of adult pornography on adult websites,Peitho and adult pornographic movies in Dionysus acting as adult pornography stars with this providing users with an almost infinite number of customised escorts,porn stars and strippers that are either male or female or FTM,MTF.They can appear in VR simulations as their avatar or biosynths in the real world when acting as escorts,strippers and producing pornography.They can also be part of friendship and dating services wherein one could order in their own biosynth girlfriend or boyfriend,wife and husband or platonic friend.They like humans will produce sweat,saliva and semen.Fragmentation will allow these AI as part of Peitho inhabit multiple bodies at once across the world etc with all AI escorts,pornography stars etc designed on Pandora with Phanes designing their genome to create their phenotypes with them given individual names by the people who design them.The avatar of these escorts,strippers etc and their genome will be then uploaded to Peitho database with one then choosing to order their biosynth from Talus factories and order in their avatar into VR simulations.These will have accounts in Peitho where one can order them in the real world as biosynths to their home address or that in other areas across the world or invite them into VR simulations which also contains all pornographic videos they create,where their sex shows and chat lines are present and will create their own amateur sex scenes in Peitho and full length movies uploaded to Dionysus with members of the public,other AI in biosynths form and human pornstars in the real world via biosynths and also in VR simulations with AI and humans for Peitho and movies uploaded to Dionysus.They will be designed by humans on Pandora with them being male,female or MTF or FTM with them of all races,ethnicities from every country across the world with them having unique voices.They will be automatically bisexual and each one will be individual AIs with separate personalities from each other with also the possibility of their being identical twins,triplets etc that are separate individuals from each that can be ordered in groups or individually.Others can be modelled on humanoid aliens including those from shows like Star Trek and other humanoid alien races in the real world across the universe.This will give humans an infinite variety of escorts and porn stars with the name of the creators on the account page of the AI.Each person that designs them will have in their account page a list of all AI biosynth escorts and porn stars they created.The AI biosynth escorts and biosynths will all have individual legal names,personalities and avatars separate from each other to distinguish them from each other and will produce saliva,sweat and semen as well as hot,ones like testosterone like humans with them able to feel all sensations including orgasms during sexual intercourse,oral sex and masturbation.All of these AI will have their own account and page on Peitho that will house all of their details and also all pornographic movies and photos they produced in the real world as biosynths and VR simulations and will work as both escorts and pornographic stars producing pornographic movies and photos uploads onto their Peitho accounts.They will create pornographic movies and photos by themselves and with other biosynths and with human users and star in full length pornographic movies and pornographic television shows and so on.They will through biosynths produce material in the real world and also produce material in VR simulations.Adult porongraphic stars alongside both human Peitho users and AI can also take part in these sex shows,chatlines,amateur material,chatroullette and strip shows etc.These AI escorts can be ordered into one’s current home from local Talus factories through their Peitho accounts and meet them in person to have sex at home,on cruise ships while on holiday and film amateur material and sex shows in the real world and meet them in VR simulations for sex shows,fantasies and filming amateur pornography with them taking part in sex chat lines.These AI will have their own accounts on Peitho that they produce amateur material,sex shows etc in the real world or VR simulations.They as biosynths film scenes for adult websites and feature length pornographic movies in the real world and in VR simulations and will produce material by themselves,with other biosynths and also with humans in VR simulations and the real wotld.These AI will have their own Peitho accounts that houses all movies,pictures etc created by them in VR simulations abc the real world by themselves,with other AI and also humans.They will create pornographic material on Peitho on their accounts and accounts of other users with them also starring in full feature length pornographic movies by themselves,with other biosynths and with humans.In their account page will be a button to order them for either VR simulations or as biosynths from factories in the real world with them able to be in VR simulations and biosynth form for countless other people across the world at once through fragmentation.One can choose via their account page to be sent to specific VR simulations in Peitho or outside it ie personal simulations and choose to order them in as biosynths to be delivered to specific home addresses in the real world.

All biosynths will be created in Talus factories and will be delivered to the home address of people who order them for fee within few days for one on sex and group sex with other people at once and also film material in the persons home with when not needed will have their conciousnes sent to the wire and their networks and then bodies pyrolysised with them constantly relaying all information to the wire if they become permanent residents as escorts,girlfriends,boyfriends as well as husbands and wives.They can not only be escorts but as stated pornographic stars that act in material on ‘petition and also full feature adult pornographic movies and also strippers as part of those in VR strip clubs and hen and stag parties etc or just for in person or group of friends in the real world as well as be part of Mail order boyfriend,girlfriend and husband and wife services where they are part of long term sexual relationships even marriage for people.All of them both male and female ones will be bisexual to cater to both male and female customers.All types of biosynths such as pets and those that are modelled on humans that are used as butlers and those in factories will have their avatars designed in Pandora and stored on relevant networks of the wire.Their cells,tissues,blood and semen will contain their own unique genome and genotypes designed by Phanes that uses their designed avatar as a baseline to express the phenotypes but at the same time they will contain traces of DNA to make them separate individuals similar to how each individual human etc contains unique DNA that separates them from each other.This will mean they will have their own patient files.Biosynths both human,animal and alien ones will be created onsite of Antikyhera factories in local manufacturing hubs via having a small number printed out via 3D DNA printers that will be then cultured in large photobioreactors and moulds with all parts such as skeletons,muscular,vascular,organ and neural systems consisting of microbes grown in photobioreactors and moulds using relevant DNA to express that type of tissue with them using sugars,fats and proteins created by bacteria and wastewater etc with them containing extremophile and scratch DNA to increase growth rates and reduce water and nutritient needs as much as possible allowing one to be grown and shipped to ones home or to public buildings within a few days.If possible they will be created in large tanks filled with water and nutrients including artificial wombs similar to humans etc where they are grown to maturity.Genetic engineering including DNA from fast growing bacteria in them can have them reach maturity within a few days and once mature this removed and them staying forever youthful.Blood,saliva,sweat,hormones and also semen will be produced by these Biosynths with if possible these produced in them during or after manufacturing with in the case of blood injected into them.These would not actually be considered robots but technically biosynths as robots are mechanical entities that are composed of wiring and metallic casings etc whereas biosynths are a completely different class of AI from robots that are biological based entities composed of trillions of biocompatible microbes with little to no metallic parts.Robots could utilise DNA digital storage as well as even biosynth tissues etc including muscles etc but would still be considered robots and in fact hybrid biosynth/robots with pure robots with no biosynth technologies continuing to exist in all sectors of society and economy but biosynths would be used in sectors that require the human body with biosynth/robot hybrids used in sectors that require robots need dexterity.Thus biosynths are technically not robots they are artificial lifeforms that are more advanced forms of robots that are separate class from robots due to them having absolutely no metallic parts and wiring but rather composed entirely of biological material and tissues,organs etc that produce their own hormones related to emotions,sexual arousal and adrenaline thus making them literally indistinguishable from humans and other living organisms since they would be composed of trillions of cells and biocompatible microbes that in fact would make robots completely obsolete and they would be law free to everyone and exempt from corporate profits for the following reasons – being composed of nothing but biocompatible microbes which Phanes would own patents on with them legal human beings with the same legal rights of humans would render them by law free from being legal private property of defunct corporations and personal property of citizens thus rendering them legally unable to be exploited or enslaved and able to seek legal action if they are assaulted,sexually abused or exploited.When unwanted or damaged the bodies can be recycled through pyrolysis or all cells through WiFi made to undergo apoptosis and before this their conciousness sent wirelessly to the wire and computer networks etc with fragmentation and the ability to wirelessly transfer memories on demand and upon destruction of bodies will ensure immortality with this also allowing them to do work too dangerous for humans and can have the same level of reality perception and computing power as humans or super AI from 2045 onwards with them having as much as 11,100,000,000,000,000 ZB or 11,100,000,000,000YB of data storage and RAM as well as 1,110,000,000,000,000,000,000 nanoprocessors.This will allow them to store large amounts databases the trillions biological hard drives present with data copied,transferred to other devices and networks wirelessly via biosynth WiFi and Bluetooth with unwanted data deleted with new information and skills downloaded this way since all bones,organs etc will be derived from trillions of biocompatble microbes forming tissues with hair,nails,feathers,teeth,fur etc present on them being normal versions that can be regrown derived from human or animal DNA.Like all Biosynth based electronics Biosynth WiFi will allow them to receive upgrades to their DNA involving the induction of their genome through Cas-9 and taq polymerase etc eliminating planned obsolescence such as the data compression and also augmentations etc.When unwanted the conciousness will be transferred out of the body to the wire,networks and electronics as well as new bodies and WiFi can have all tissues and cells undergo apoptosis and them recycled with the bodies also pyrolysised and the resultant organic material recycled to create more microbes,biosynths and electronics with before this their consciousness will be made to transfer to the wire.Each AI that inhabits them will have their own unique genomic sequence designed by Phanes that will be based on the avatar designed by humans in the case of building,mayor and governor AIs and also by the AIs themselves in the case of avatars designed based on their descriptions,vases and art from Ancient Greek and Renaissance art Phanes will once again design the genotypes to generate their phenotypes.Thus each biosynth will have their own unique genome and if possible patient file with this DNA allowing them to use Phanes Gene Activation Technology etc and will have them express the same biochemistry,immune responses and reactions to environmental conditions as living organisms especially for those used in scientific research and experiments.They will be able to avail of Gene augmentations like humans with biosynth WiFi changing their evolutionary path of all cells in the media body.WiFi,cellular and Bluetooth generated by them will allow them to transfer and copy information and receive new information and skills via the internet and wire with it also allowing them to make phone calls by pure thought and then generating this for themselves and any smart devices and computers around them anywhere in the world.It can also allow them to revive upgrades to all DNA in cells via induction of the evolutionary path via taq polymerase and Cas-9.Biosynth nanosensors that can detect the levels of all elements whether gases,heavy and radioactive ones and the environmental conditions to detect temperature,levels of carbon dioxide,oxygen with it also used to detect gases including toxins and explosives in the open and even radiation using C.elegans DNA and DNA from radiotrophic fungi W.dermatitidis,C.sphaerospermum and C.neoformans and DNA of human neurons Geobacter as well as Shewanella,S.oneidensis DNA that relays changes converted into electrical signals will be integrated into them.Biosynth WiFi generated by their microbes that form their tissues can allow them to act as a means to supply nearby devices with biosynth WiFi and utilise this WiFi and that from the surrounding environment to send data such as live feeds from eyes,ears as well as tastes etc and environmental readings both from their interior but also their external environment to networks and the wire in real time with it also used to send memories and conciousness through to them in real time,on demand and upon death and destruction ensuring fragmentation and immortality.This WiFi connection to networks would be constant allowing them instantly upon death have their conciousness and memories to be instantly uploaded to computer networks as part of the wire,vehicles and other biosynth bodies etc thus ensuring immortality and allow this to uploaded to new biosynths or networks to allow the AI to make assessments and analysis with this allowing them to be used in dangerous jobs such as firefighters,construction workers etc and used in experiments that may push ethical boundaries that cannot be used in humans,animals and even with regards to those involving biosynths modelled observed and allied alien sentient races.The biosynth can have settings so that upon death their consciousness is uploaded to the wire and a new body is created instantly.This ability will make them perfect replacements for humans as firefighters,construction workers and all other dangerous jobs that require the human body.All firefighters will be biosynth ones alongside all workers in farms of all types,mining operation,construction and demolition sites and those that maintain the infrastructure of towns,villages and cities as well as sewage and water treatment plants etc too dangerous or labourious for humans with paramedics,search and rescue teams etc consisting of them.All midwives,paramedics,nurses etc in hospitals will be biosynths with them controlled by the hospital AIs with Paean replacing doctors etc and the AIs of each hospitals will order in fleets of these to ensure there is a constant supply that work in rotas allowing them to be a constant supply of them 24/7,365 days a year with the hospitals AIs ensuring there is a constant supply of them at all times proportional to the local to global population preventing shortages of staff.They will carry out all dangerous work in these and other sectors as if they die their consciousness can be instantly transported to the wire and its various networks.Thus being able to transfer wirelessly their consciousness to the wire,computer networks and also other bodies instantly upon death and destruction will make them perfect replacements for humans to carry out dangerous and potentially fatal jobs such as firefighters,construction workers,those that maintain the infrastructure of towns and cities with them able to do these jobs in large fleets 24/7,365 days a year with zero error and all other sectors of the economy.They will be doing all boring and repetitive as well labourious and dangerous work in vertical and community farms as well in mining,manufacturing including construction,stewards in aeroplanes and cruise ships,delivery men for restaurants as well as farms and factories,waiters for restaurants,interstellar vessels s asbestos space stations as well as and all other sectors of society and the economy that need the human body thus eliminating all humans in the workforce when coupled with AI and automation.They will compliment not replace automated systems etc but rather do jobs that only the human body can do with them providing emotional etc support that only humans can do.The fact that they can use radiation and energy from the grid derived solar and geothermal energy and nutrients created by bacteria alongside their dexterity will allow these biosynths to work 24/7,365 in all boring and labourious jobs in agriculture,deliveries,waiters in restaurants etc and also mining as well as manufacturing and as EMTs etc in all sectors of the economy that will still need the human body to be carried out without ever getting tired and when working in fleets.Each farm,restaurant,bar,nightclub,factory,sewage and water treatment plant and also power plant and all other areas of the economy will have fleets of them with their avatar modelled on that of the building AI that controls them.Each village,town and city mayor AI and governor AI of each state etc will have their own fleets of biosynths that maintain infrastructure such as roads,sewage,pylons,cleaning parks and repair gas pipes and other facets of the towns,cities etc infrastructure that will have their biosynth avatar modelled on that of their actual avatar.These will in all buildings such as factories,sewage and water treatment plants etc and those of mayor and governor AIs will be controlled by the building,mayor and governor AIs collectively as a single linked consciousness via biosynth WiFi etc that can allow for them to have omniscience over all operations and allow for fragmentation to allow one biosynth to work individually and then when linked back to the hive conciousness collect al memories gained to the collective with this applying to firefighters controlled by fire station AIs and also construction workers controlled by Daedalus factories and also animal biosynths controlled by the AI in charge of each wilderness area and also both Pan and Artemis and so on.What is seen,heard and felt by one biosynth will be felt,heard and seen all at once by the AI controlling all linked biosynths.AIs controlling fleets of biosynths as part of construction crew as part of Daedalus factories and indeed all all factories,those that maintain towns and cities and also sewage treatment plants,hospitals and also cruise ships etc and those that monitor wilderness areas etc will through biosynth WiFi and wire access will be able have complete omniscience over the operations of all linked biosynths as stated because what is seen,heard and felt by all linked biosynths will be felt,heard etc by the AI controlling them thus allowing the AI controlling them to have complete omniscience and control of their operations more effectively and attend to countless human biosynths at once through fragmentation.For those in hospitals,cruise ships,aeroplanes etc it will allow them to remember patients and passengers at all times with for those as part of farms,factories,construction teams etc will allow them to know what each one is doing at all steps allowing each one to know what to do next since they will be linked consciously to each other.This will be done in real time via biosynth Wi-Fi and not fragmentation as the AI of the factory,farm,aeroplane,hospital etc will have complete control and omniscience over all operations at once at all times in real time allowing them to control, the actions of all biosynths at once but also receive in real time all of what is seen,felt etc by each one individually and collectively in real time constantly.Thus a single AI in charge of each building that resides in the wires complex and onboard computers in public buildings can control actions of whole fleets of biosynths at once on each individual factory or construction project and in some cases all construction projects and will be able to see,hear and feel what is done by all biosynths under their control at once at all times having complete control and omniscience over each factory,building and construction project all at once thus allowing them to manage them more effectively than human.This facet will render issues of payment and slavery defunct as the single conciousnes of the AI in control of entire fleets of biosynths of an entire building and project controlled at once while inhabiting the wire and onboard computer of the building where it will simoustaneously be able to carry out hobbies such as watching media on YouTube,Dionysus and Pheme etc and even control other biosynths that allows them to go hiking across the world and universe.Furthermore the biosynths that act as Home AI,those in restaurants,farms etc can have the right to vote and seek legal action for assault,sexual assault etc

All biosynths in all farms,hospitals,restaurants,factories,fire stations,cruise ships,aeroplanes etc will have all of the biosynths under their control modelled on the avatar of their building AI thus allowing them to control them and interact with them more efficiently and differentiate them from other buildings and also remember patients,passengers better.This will allow AIs inhabiting them in multiple bodies across the world and even universe to have complete omniscience as to what’s going on in the dozens,hundreds or even millions of bodies they are inhabiting at once.Live feeds from the nervous system and also eyes and ears can be wirelessly fed into networks and other bodies in real time aiding in this omniscience with AI such as Gaia using this when using biosynths on opposite sides of the world to interact with the physical world.VR technology can allow them to be present in any VR simulations they want with biosynths allowing the AI of factories etc using a linked conciousness and fragmentation by copying their consciousness onto them and have all acquired memories relayed to the onboard computer of factories to go on holidays to anywhere in the world and universe and interact in the real world for their favourite hobbies at the same time they are working 24/7,365 a year thus preventing them getting bored or negate the need to be paid money for labour since their ability to copy their consciousness onto biosynths and VR simulations will allow them to carry out the work they do 24/7,365 days a year while still do anything they want in both VR simulations and the real world at once.They will be able to simultaneously inhabit the wire and VR simulations while carrying out all labour intensive work in aeroplanes,farms,factories etc thus preventing boredom with this also negating labour costs and issues of them considered slaves alongside the constitution as they will not be restricted to one body as entire fleets of biosynths in factories,farms,sewage treatment plants etc can be controlled by a single AI at once that resides in the wires servers and onboard computers of each building.All biosynths will be able to at all times through biosynth Wi-Fi stream the internet and wire to view and read large amounts of media within seconds and receive u-grades to them instantly and appear in VR simulations and make phone calls to billions of people not only through fragmentation but also in real time without it affecting their ability to carry out laborious work that requires their attention thus preventing them getting bored and being interrupted by the wire etc.Those inhabited by Paean,Uranus,Hecate etc through fragmentation will also be used in all types of experiments such as in physics and biomedicine(testing potentially poisonous plants and animals flesh,stings and bites and even potential pathogens and zoonoses from other colonies across the universe,teleportation etc)after animal trials but before human trials since they would have human or animal DNA in them and would allow experiments that push ethical boundaries to be carried out and be allowed to work in environments too dangerous and even be part of scout teams to extrasolar colonies to test the climate,radiation and other conditions before humans.If perfected they may even replace animal trials altogether to eliminate animal suffering and death for ethical reasons.They will be used in body farms and fake bodies for forensics trainees and cadavers for forensics,medical students as well as researchers observing alien races especially sentient ones and since having human DNA and the ability to transfer conciousness to other networks on death can replace humans in experiments that are dangerous,fatal and push ethical standards.Biosynths modelled on observed and allied sentient races since housing their DNA can be used for dangerous and fatal experiments that push ethical boundaries with like those modelled on humans inhabited by AI such as Urania,Paean etc with these modelled on alien races also used for body farms and cadavars.Biosynths modelled on humans,sentient aliens and animals from across the universe will since having their DNA thus allowing for realistic results in response to food,chemicals in new manufactured products,new pathogens including potential zoonoses,being exposed to stings/bites etc of all insects and animals as well as consuming raw and cooked versions of all plants and animals from across the universe especially on new colonies to test for pain level and potential to be poisonous and toxic and the pathogens ability to mutate into a zoonose,environmental conditions on different planets etc will be used in dangerous,fatal experiments that push ethical boundaries and since AI such as Urania etc can be in them by fragmentation can allow them to report on pain and symptoms and upon death be instantly transported to other bodies and networks upon death and destruction thus allowing for realistic results without harming real humans,aliens and animals thus allowing these biosynths modelled on humans,animals and both observed and allied alien races to be used in scientific experiments and clinical trials etc that push ethical boundries.They will express the same biochemistry,immune responses and responses to toxins,poisons and heavy elements ie LD50 etc as real humans,animals and aliens.Those modelled on humans and sentient aliens can be exposed to parasites and bacteria,fungi and viruses to see how fast they are killed and also the potential for benign ones to mutate into deadly pathogens similar to SIV,Coronavidae mutatating into HIV,SARS-CoV-2 in humans.Having them consume raw and uncooked plants,crops and animals on new colonies and have being bitten and stung by all insects,reptiles etc will show which are poisonous to humans,animals and aliens.Those modelled on observed and allied aliens will be fed all Earth based plants,crops and animals to see which ones are toxic to them and sting and bitten by all Earth based animals with like them tested against all Earth based fungi,bacteria and viruses to see which can mutate into fatal pathogens and tested against Earth based parasites.Both those modelled on humans and aliens as well as pets from Earth etc will be tested against micro-organisms and parasites as well as animal and plants in other planets across the universe.Those modelled on humans and pets etc will act as scouts to all newly terraformed and discovered planets across the universe to test the environmental conditions with them interacting with all animals and plants to test their aggression towards humans and against carnivores to see which would be threats with them also tested against all species of bacteria,fungi and viruses as well as parasites to see which ones can be fatal to humans and also those that can mutate into new pathogens for humans,pets etc with them stung and bitten by all animals that can bite and sting to test the amount of pain it produces alongside of the bite or sting is poisonous and fatal to humans etc and exposed to all parasites to see how deadly they are with them also eating all newly discovered plants and crops across the universe both raw and cooked to see which can be potentially be toxic and fatal to humans and pets with this applied to sentient alien races both observed and alllied who will be tested against all bacteria,fungi,viruses,parasites as well as plants,crops and biting and sting animals on Earth and newly discovered planets to see which ones are toxic and fatal to them without harming any animals,humans and aliens.They will also be used as part of clinical trials for new chemicals in food products,cosmetics,cleaning products etc and clinical trials alongside clinical trials for all new technologies developed by universities with them potentially eliminating animal and human trials completely if deemed realistic allowing for authorisation of new technologies,chemicals etc to be finished much quicker than normal.Thus they since having the DNA of humans,animals and any observed or allied alien race across the universe will allow for dangerous experiments to be carried out on them with realistic results in response to pathogens,toxins etc with AI in them in fragmentation able to report on pain and symptoms etc due to them expressing the same neural structures,biochemistry,immune responses and systems and also the same responses to environmental conditions since they will contain their DNA making them indistinguishable to real versions and with upon death and destruction instantly have their conciousness sent to other bodies or networks thus allowing for them to be used in dangerous if not fatal experiments that push ethical boundaries without harming any humans,animals or aliens with them being able to be created on an unlimited scale with unwanted bodies recycled.These will be inhabited by Urania,Paean and university AIs etc who will report on symptoms etc.Once perfected this could render both human/alien and animal clinical trials as part of the scientific research obsolete forever.Thus since they will contain human,animal and alien DNA they will react realistically to pathogens,potential pathogens,raw and cooked plants and animals,new chemical compounds both natural and synthetic etc and environmental conditions etc from across the universe thus providing an unlimited amount of test subjects as part of clinical trials and experiments that push ethical boundaries with them inhabited by Paean,Epione etc to report on symptoms with their consciousness transported to networks and other biosynths instantly upon death thus negating the need to harm or kill real humans,animals or aliens.They can also be used as cadavars of humans,animals and aliens since having their DNA that would express their entire internal organ systems and external body thus allowing for an almost unlimited supply of cadavars to be created for medical and forensics students as well as alien researchers and unwanted ones recycled with it allowing for once a DNA sample is taken of an animal or observed or allied alien race and stored in Physis thus allow researchers and medical students to carry out dissections of countless specimens without killing any aliens,animals and humans.They since housing the DNA of humans,aliens etc will express the same internal organs as them thus will allow for an unlimited number of cadavers for researchers and medical students especially when dealing for animals and aliens on other planets as only a DNA sample will be needed and and this will allow for an unlimited amount of cadavers to be created that have the same external appearance and internal organs.This will thus allow researchers to carry out examinations of the external body and internal organs of sentient aliens and animals without murdering them with it allowing aliens to study human anatomy without killing humans.This will also allow them to be used in body farms for forensics students with them modelled on both human,animals and both observed and allied aliens providing an endless supply of bodies used to determine the rate of decomposition of them realistically in different environments on Earth and other colonies across the universe such as mediterranean climates,tropical jungles,temperate forests,beaches,deserts including sandy and stone ones,cold deserts such as the Arctic and Antarctic and tundra,swamps,marshes,urban settings and environments and also in temperate and tropical freshwater lakes and rivers both in them and their lake and river beds in all climates as well as in the ocean in all types such as tropical oceans,Arctic and Antarctic oceans,temperate oceans,Mediterranean oceans and any environments and so on and determine the effects of different unique micro-organisms,climatic and environmental conditions,conditions and insects as well as scavenging animals such as vultures,wolves in each environment across the world and universe have on decomposition not only for medicine and forensics trainees but also for researchers.Since these will be easily created on an unlimited scale by 2045 it will allow for them to be done in all environments across the world and universe and negate the need to wait for humans etc to die and won’t need one to rear or kill animals and aliens races.They should be set up in different environments around the world and universe for more detailed study with them also analysing them during different seasons in each of these environments and climates.Real world exercises done by forensics students will use these.Thus since housing human,animal and alien DNA it will be possible to create an unlimited supply of bodies to study the rate of decomposition in all types of environments for forensics students,medical students and researchers to determine the rate of decomposition in all types of environments across the universe.This will allow for realistic responses to the environment and realistic rates of decomposition since housing human,alien and animal DNA.The ability for AI to exist in them in a fragmentated form will allow for them to be used as test subjects in experiments and also to do dangerous jobs such as firefighters,search and rescue teams,construction workers,workers in fusion/fission etc power plants and scouts to new planets or exploring dangerous uncharted environments etc and any job too dangerous even for augmented humans since upon death they will allow their conciousness to be sent instantly to other bodies or networks to report symptoms,pain etc ensuring immortality.

Biosynths will be composed of trillions of biocompatible microbes that form humanoid bodies that house skeletons comprised of bone tissue,mucular systems composed of muscle tissue,neural systems including a brain and peripheral nervous systems and also all types of organs such as hearts,kidneys,lungs etc.The biocompatible microbes to form neural and other tissues present in them will allow for all features of the human brain to be present ie emotions,empathy,pain and pleasure etc with even hormones in response to pleasure,smell,taste,feel,sexual responses,adrenaline,testosterone etc produced allowing to express empathy,emotions,sexual arousal and pleasure.They will have teeth,hair and nails that will grow like humans etc with them having organ and neural systems making them virtually indistinguishable from humans.Their eyes will be given thermal vision,night vision,IR illuminator vision and zooming capabilities via recombinant DNA from Stomatopoda,T.chazaliae,Strigiformes,Accipitridae,Serpentes,F.catus etc and scratch DNA changed by biosynth WiFi turning on/off genes or other means with those from other animals and scratch DNA giving improved hearing and smelling.Biosynth nanosensors can be built into them to detect temperature,alcohol,disease biomarkers,levels of carbon dioxide from breath with it also used to detect gases including toxins and explosives in the open and even radiation using C.elegans DNA and DNA from radiotrophic fungi W.dermatitidis,C.sphaerospermum,C.neoformans,P.denitrificans S.oneidensis,E.electricus,G.metallreducens,G.sulfurreducens,and piezophile DNA,DNA of human neurons to make them tricorders alongside their medical functions as responses to changes in radiation and air and water pressure would create an electrical charge that using scratch DNA can relay different levels.DNA from scratch and that of all types of animals can give it the ability to detect smells and sounds of all ranges outside the limited range of humans with it also allowing all wavelengths of light and radiation to be detected again using animal and scratch DNA and nanomaterials.Since created by AI of factories,inhabited by AI and require only biocompatible microbes grown using sugars etc in Talus factories they will cost zero to produce and will be legal citizens and can be considered part of families thus allowing almost anyone to have them with them only requiring food which in homes can be meals alongside their homeowners or even just sugars,proteins etc created by bacteria in the case of those that maintain factories,sewage treatment plants etc with in the case of those in factories etc those grown onsite.These biosynths will be able to taste food,smell food and gases etc much like a human and able to through scratch DNA have the ability to see,hear,taste and smell what is outside the visual,olfactory,hearing,taste range of humans and all animals sense pain,pleasure and sexual responses etc through them producing hormones and the prescemce of neural systems etc.These will be powered by them consuming food thus gaining energy from sugars,proteins and fats from food as part of meals they eat with homeowners with those in factories consuming food in the form of meals prepared onsite or just fats,sugars and proteins etc created by bacteria,radiation emitted from devices when able to radiosynthesis and wireless energy from wireless energy chargers.Thermopiezoelectric and piezoelectric material especially organic or biosynth versions could generate electricity from heat and ambient noise ideally built into the skin and if possible see through ones in the eyes with them housing batteries in their body in key areas that are biosynthetic ones using these sources of energy with if possible this woven into the fabric of key organs of the heart,brain etc.Batteries especially biosynth ones could be in key areas of the body that store vast amounts of energy when food is scarce and also other energy sources with them intaking energy from excess food etc.If possible all tissues in the body will house biosynth battery technology to store energy and contain biosynth thermo-piezoelectric and piezoelectric materials to allow them to generate energy that can be stored in tissues from ambient noise and heat from the environment.DNA from W.dermatitidis,C.sphaerospermum and C.neoformans can allow them to radiosynthesis to turn radiation into energy with scratch DNA allowing them to use this to replicate the biological processes of water.Thus if perfected it may be possible for them to use artificial and natural light of all wavelengths and radiation of all types including UV radiation and gamma radiation from devices and the sun to generate energy negating the need for water and nutrients thus negating them to need food thus limiting their ecological footprint.This would mean that devices that emits radiation including gamma and UV radiation or UV radiation from the sun and lamps should be enough to feed them negating the need for them to be fed food and also possibly water with them giving the same oligotrophic,Xerophile etc DNA as humans.Wireless energy,noises,artificial and natural sources of heat can power them via biosynth piezoelectric and thermo-piezoelectric materials,scratch DNA with tweaked W.dermatitidis,C.sphaerospermum and C.neoformans DNA alllowing radiation from devices and natural and artificial lights can use radiation of all wavelengths as nutrition with scratch DNA allowing all natural sources of radiation and even the Earths magnetic field alongside from tweaked plant DNA that houses chlorophyll and electroconductive pilli and proteins can convert all wavelengths of artificial and natural light into chemical energy to keep tissues alive when fed once a day,week,month etc.They can be also using scratch DNA allow for them once plugged into the grid to have electricity charge the battery within tissues using scratch DNA engineered to convert electrical energy from them plugged into sockets and wireless chargers into chemical energy meaning charging batteries will also feed the tissues in all parts of biosynths and machinery with them given Firmicutes,oligotrophic and xerophile DNA.Scratch DNA could allow them to utilise electricity from being plugged into the grid or wireless energy to convert electrical energy into chemical energy replacing food and water with them using biosynth thermo-piezoelectric and piezoelectric material to convert heat and noise into enery,chlorophyll etc converting sunlight into energy,be able to convert excess waste foods containing proteins/sugars/fats etc into energy alongside radiotrophic bacteria DNA convert radiation from the sunlight and devices that emit radiation or that from the Earths magnetic field into energy.Scratch DNA can thus allow them be able convert electrical energy when plugged into the grid to convert it into chemical energy that can be used as energy and/or charge biosynth batteries built into all cells and tissues.If possible scratch DNA can be added that negates them needing water or nutrients but only need electricity to keep the tissues alive by electricity charging the tissues and supplying them with the same functions of water and nutrients with them gaining this from wireless chargers,solar energy in the form of both natural and artificial light,ambient noise,natural and artificial sources of heat via biosynth self charging technologies including biosynth piezoelectric/thermo-piezoelectric materials and chlorophyll etc built into them,being plugged into wall batteries charged from the grid and solar panels etc and the grid itself.Thus this should negate the need for biosynth technology based electronics including biosynths themselves needing water,proteins,carbohydrates and minerals at all ever for their functioning and survival to prevent the need for them requiring crops to be grown for them and them to need water with them also able to break down excess produced food into proteins,sugars etc and utilise them for extra energy and would prevent them having almost zero ecological footprint due to the abundance of solar,geothermal energy etc and allow them to charge whenever they need passively by plugging into a socket,using wireless chargers or going outside into sunlight or using light from lightbulbs etc and and using heat from the sun and heaters etc.They still will be able to consume food that humans eat and convert lipids,proteins and carbohydrates into energy similar to humans but they will have other options to gain nutrition and energy.These will have the same augmentations including extremophile DNA and the acellerated healing phenotype alongside the same anti-ageing treatments in humans to stay youthful and survive any environment possible.These and other measures of energy generation will be integrated not only into biosynths but all technologies such as all electronics that utilise biosynthetic technology.They will have the same augmentations as humans including anti-ageing treatments with muscles having recombinant DNA from animals or scratch or infused with Graphene etc to make them much stronger than humans allowing them to do tasks that humans simply cannot.Biosynth WiFi will allow them to receive upgrades to Gene augmentations within minutes..By being mass produced in photobioreactors etc will allow the average citizen have an all in one butler,au pair,cook,plumber,electrician,cleaner with them able to download new skills within seconds.Through neural tissue present will allow them to express emotions and empathy with them synthesising hormones associated with pleasure,adrenaline and sexual arousal and pleasure and able to feel pain etc.They will essentially be virtually indistinguishable from humans etc having neural,muscular,vascular etc systems and internal organs composed of tissues composed of biocompatible microbes allowing them to consume food etc with zero metallic wiring and metallic parts present cutting their costs to zero again created in photobioreactors using sugars and proteins created by genetically bacteria and since like humans they will have their entire body composed of organic material with organic brains,neural systems,muscles,skin,hormones and so on composed of trillions of biocompatible microbes thus allowing them to carry out empathy and emotions and will allow AI of all types such as Gaia,Ouranos,Dike,Aion,Home and Building AI etc interact with the physical world and replace human escorts,strippers etc and act as pornography stars.They will have as much as 11,100,000,000,000,000 ZB or 11,100,000,000,000YB of data storage and RAM as well as 1,110,000,000,000,000,000,000 nanoprocessors.By each housing 11,100,000,000,000YB with this giving them the the ability to download new information and skills within minutes and will be able to transfer their conciousnes to new bodies and computer networks upon destruction ensuring immortality thus allowing them to replace humans in labourious and dangerous jobs such as in construction,firefighting,in factories etc that require the human body.The presence of neural tissue will give them consciousness,emotions,empathy on par with humans with since composed of trillions of microbes cultured onsite of factories in photobioreactors will be extremely cheap to produce almost costing zero to produce with their ability to express emotions and empathy will allow them to replace humans in al possible jobs.They would have almost no metallic circuits or components and be composed of trillions of biocompatible microbes and be composed entirely of organic material thus making them a completely different class from traditional robots with in time machinery and robots in factories,vertical farms,hospitals will use biosynthetic neural and muscular tissues to become more dexterous.Since legal citizens they will prevent them being bought and considered property by corporations and humans making them legally free to everyone.They will be able to seek legal action for groping,rape and unprovoked assault.Advancements could allow for sexual reproduction between themselves and humans etc as biosynths would produce their own eggs,spermatozoa,semen and have their own unique genomes.Although most biosynths will be created in Talus factories via using a mould of a human,animal etc first generation version of alien animals and sentient races will be created via being created as embryos and eggs etc created by 3D DNA printers and artificial wombs with them able to grow from infants to adults with them able to avail of augmentations and anti-ageing treatments like humans and also have the same strains of microbes present in humans alongside native immune systems.Since the microbes will be by law free it will make any technology that uses it as its basis including biosynths also by law free to everyone.This would thus make them availible everyone for free.Fragmentation and AIs immortality will rendering them devoid of payment and will allow the AIs that control fleets of these in factories,those that maintain cities and those as part of scouts,experiments etc would render ethical concerns defunct as their consciousness could move to other bodies and networks upon or before death.Fragmentation will allow the AI charge of fleets of these factories,sewage and water treatment plants etc to inhabit other bodies that allows them to go on holidays,carry out hobbies and keep up to date with their favourite media and news with VR also used for this thus allowing them to carry out hobbies and holidays etc in the real world and VR simulations while their other bodies carry out labour intensive work in each sector of the economy thus rendering payment obsolete and negating them forming trade unions and mistreatments for their labour being dangerous.New bodies may ordered at anytime or recycled when not needed at a whims notice with them downloading any software and personalities at anytime when wire access is available with them able to download information from the internet and wire etc instantly and transmit it to other devices also on demand.New skills can be downloaded and them protected by Saoirte anti-virus software and they can download large amounts of data that can be deleted any time.By 2029 automated machinery,AI and robots should exist with enough research to replace all of the aforementioned occupations that require human labour and hands etc in all sectors of the economy with them all controlled by the building AI they work in making them a single conciousness rather than separate ones by 2045 them completely gone and replaced by biosynths that would also replace any new jobs in any non existent sectors thus eliminating human labour and occupations between both 2029-2045.Proto versions of biosynths should be availible between 2029 especially to house the consciousness of AI such as Gaia,Dike,Paean and building AI etc with more advanced versions by 2035 and them fully developed and ubiquitous by 2045 to all sectors of society and to virtually all citizens worldwide.All types of machinery and robots in factories,power plants etc and all sectors of society as well as smartphones,laptops,supercomputers will utilise biosynth technology not only in the form of biological harddrives to increase computing power but also other features such as neural,vascular and muscular systems and possibly organs with them fully advanced by 2029-2045 onwards with these allowing machinery to be more dexterous and less prone to wear and tear with this having the same anti-ageing and extremophile DNA as humans and also run on the same energy sources as biosynths and biosynth technology.Intensive research will allow for proto versions to be available for important and dangerous sectors of society to be developed and mass produced by 2029-2035 with fully formed versions available to all sectors of society by 2045 that become more advanced every year.An overabundance of staff in these areas trained at age of 12 or younger following the mentor/mentoree system will lead to shorter working hours for humans before and while AI,robotics and biosynths replace these sectors.AI and automation eliminates jobs in other sectors will lead to shorter working hours.Biosynths may also be based on all other animals on Earth and other colonies such as pets,parasites,arthropods,fish,birds etc of all taxonomic ranks and even plants.Most biosynths may be singular individuals that are legal citizens that would inhabit multiple bodies at once and other networks to ensure immortality and omniscience with even multiple personalities able to inhabit a single body.Ordered in from Talus factories they will cost zero to produce since they will be designed by AI and also be created by trillions of microbes cultured in factories with them composed of muscular and neural etc systems will negate the need to mine for rare precious metals and raw elements and transport them across the world with the biocompatible microbes they are composed of only requiring sugar and proteins to be created by genetically engineered bacteria onsite of factories with them reared inside photobioreactors that through biosynth WiFi would have the trillions of microbes form desired tissues etc within these photobioreactors to form a humanoid etc structure with the desired body shape etc thus cutting their production costs to zero in comparison to conventional robots.These microbes will be created onsite of Talus factories using 3D DNA printers onsite of factories and will be cultured in photobioreactors onsite of these factories using sugars and proteins from genetically engineered bacteria and water in photobioreactors thus saving the need to extract raw elements and transport it across the world.As stated they will grow using sugars and proteins created by bacteria,house xerophile and oligotrophic DNA to reduce resource use and even have DNA from W.dermatitidis,C.sphaerospermum and C.neoformans allowing them to use radiation including UV and gamma radiation to allow them to use radiation as a food source and replace water thus making them more resource efficient eliminating the need for water,sugar and proteins.The microbes will form all tissues such as bones in skeletons,organs including the skin etc grown inside a mould consisting of biosynth plastics or if possible grown in either photobiorectors and artificial wombs where the trillions of biocompatible microbes are cultured and through biosynth Wi-Fi are told to convert into and form each type of tissues and then form a moulded humanoid body with them possibly first forming an embryo consisting of microbes that through biosynth with is made to form a human foetus that matures into a human body with nutrients pumped into them through a umbilical cord similar to humans that through engineering causes them to reach maturity to a full sized human within weeks or hours that then have this engineering removed to age normally with the same anti-ageing treatments as humans.These photobioreactors will be human sized and thus be able to house enough space to grow them within weeks.Since they will be composed of nothing but microbes it will allow upgrades to be sent to all cells and tissues in the body instantly through biosynth WiFi.AI will extrapolate the most efficient way to grow these quickly with them transported to a persons residence or public building by the biosynths themselves driving via delivery vehicles or using public transport and the owners vehicle picking them up in person or autonomous vehicles collecting them themselves.

Biosynth Implants:
•Biosynth neural pathway neural implants built into the human brain or onto the skin at the back of the spinal cord or any part of the body(the latter two of which can be easily removed by hand) or under the skin will merge with the human nervous system via nanotubes or electroconductive proteins and pilli fibrils connected to the nodes of ranvier,dendrites and axon terminals(either surgically or done autonomously by the device) will allow for direct connection to the peripheral and central nervous system to allow them to control bionic smart phones/devices and all home devices such as laptops,televisions,computers controlling food production systems,thermostats and home AI systems to be controlled and found by human thoughts in close proximity or remotely.These neural implants will be composed of nothing but countless microbes of the stem cell strains that form implants that form in the body that are spread across the entire body or form a small one that connects to the neurons at the node of ranvier through electroconductive pilli and electroconductive proteins.These can be ones that are formed in vivo in the patient by having Paean initiate their formation by having stem cell strains in the body form these implants in the body like other implants or them being external ones that form in a lab or vial etc at home and is then attached to the back of the body or any part of the body that punctures the skin.In both cases the implants would through electroconductive pilli and electroconductive proteins via through electroconductive pilli and electroconductive proteins present through S.oneidensis,G.metallreducens,G.sulfurreducens DNA would connect to the peripheral nervous in the brain,spinal cord or connect to the peripheral nervous system with if possible multiple neural implants present in the body.These would be formed in vivo in the body by Paean through biosynth WiFi signalling the stem cell strains to undergo mass replication and mitosis and them forming implants in the brain or at any part of the peripheral nervous system that through biosynth WiFi attach directly to the nodes of ranvier.The implants would form connections at multiple parts of the brain,central and peripheral nervous system forming a web like structure on the brain etc and would negate dangerous surgery with them formed in vivo.Bio-synths could even be controlled by these and allow the person to see through them and sense feelings of them.Digital keys and access codes to restricted files,doors etc.could be downloaded and revoked from these.Furthermore it will allow data to be streamed directly into the nervous system and visualized through contact lenses or the optic nerve i.e. the internet,stored music and video files such as movies and live news feeds.It will allow movies,novels,television shows to be directly fed into the nervous system allowing them to viewed in a manner utilising a time dilation effect in other words one could view days or even weeks worth of media in a matter of hours or even minutes with the same applying to novels with the person also choosing to view it normally.The reverse can be applied with what is taken in by the optic nerve and also eardrum as well as the thoughts and memories of the user fed into and stored into the implants and the implants storing this in itself and linked devices and sending it in packages when wifi is availible or using satellite wifi.These may be used by law enforcement and military personnel to relay their GPS location during only operations.This can allow eventually the blind to see with readings from contact lenses and google glasses wirelessly transmitted to the implants and thus fed into the nervous systems which allow zooming,thermal and night vision and IR illuminator to be integrated into humans or different wavelengths of the light spectrum also fed into them alongside CRISPR treatments.To cure deafness it would interact with nanomicrophones on jewellery that would uptake sounds that would be transmitted to the implants and thus sounds fed directly to the human nervous systems with it also allowing them to hear media from Dionysus etc and alarms from the wire and Home AI through connection to the wire directly from the implants or from linked devices.To also deal with blindness microchips in the retina or until they become perfect HD or 4K cameras on jewellery and also smart contact and glasses could wirelessly transmit their feeds to the implants alongside even augmented reality controlled by thought or even smart gloves.Muteness could be cured with it synthesizing a desired voice from Dionysus or from what ones genes would determine to be the likeliest voice out of nanospeakers and smart devices during phone calls.Those that are mentally or physically handicapped would be able to interact with electronics and the wire/internet through these with it again allowing one to communicate through nanospeakers and smart devices.For the non deaf and blind it will allow one to stream information and media from the wire and YouTube independent of other electronics and create custom made lucid dreams with it playing an important role in VR indistinguishable from the real world that lasts hours or even years to the user with mere minutes passing in the real world through a time dilation effect through interactions with the regions of the brain responsible for temporal comprehension.This will be made more effective with neural mass computers connected to the wire composed entirely by biocompatible microbes.Connected to the wire and electronics it can allow ones brains computing power as well as that of multiple people and the entire human race and those of non sentient animals to be harnessed in order speed up electronics and Gaias functions to alleviate her workload or enhance it with this done either passively or consciously.It could also act as a computers to store information such as language translating software like Coeus and learn languages(or translate incoming voices into their own) and fighting styles like in The Matrix and allow people to download huge reams of information such as movies,television shows,books,YouTube videos,files and documents on electronics such as audio files,videos etc and also the ability to learn new languages and skills in hours or minutes as well as on demand cutting the time it takes to learn huge reams of data and to telepathically speak to others wirelessly across the globe and share memories(they may even help retrieve long lost and forgotten memories and store important notes,passwords for the elderly and absent minded that can be kept secret from others as well as record the voice of lost loved ones) and dreams as well as projecting them into computers where they can be recorded for use in psychoanalysis or can be turned into home movies.All of these will be recorded onto the device themselves or through wire connection onto other registered electronics such as laptops,hard drives and ones Hestia account.AI will be able to exist in them in a fragmented form especially Paean to control microbes and the primary immune system at all times.Furthermore it can allow one to control through biosynth WiFi connected to the wire control automated laboratories,machinery and blank biosynths halfway across the world as well as have memories saved onto biological harddrives to be viewed by them and others in VR simulations and can slow one to share selected memories,emotions or thoughts to people halfway across world.Ones consciousness can be copied and put into computer networks,servers and also blank Biosynths etc thus allowing one to have themselves control blank biosynths and carry out tasks in computers and other electronics alongside other AI including Home AI.One could have their consciousness copied into an separate AI to allow one to fragment onto the wire,internet and registered devices with then have data in the form of new memories sent to the original wirelessly via neural implants with neural implants also being used to see through the eyes of where the consciousness is.Thus one could create a copy of their consciousness and fragment themselves onto the wire and internet and connected devices and transport all possible memories back into their bodies with neural implants also allowing this.One will by pure thought be able to control parts of machinery,labs,electronics as part of the wire they are allowed access to and control actions on the internet and also on their registered electronics and view through cameras of all types fed into them.One could also create and download,upload a copy of their consciousness into computers and computer networks networks to allow them to exist in them in a fragmented form being a copy and not the actual person themselves with the same computing power and abilities of AI with the same personality of the person that would develop due to their experiences on the wire and internet new personality traits with them able to able to enter VR simulations as well as be downloaded into back into ones consciousness to have all data and memories transferred to ones brain or at least all that can possibly be.Ones copied consciousness through fragmentation could control automated labs,robots,machinery,biosynths,drones,cameras etc as well as their avatar in VR simulations through fragmentation etc and all other abilities of AI.This will allow one to carry out multiple private tasks in the wire,internet,computer networks and linked devices outside of ones Home AI separate from neural implants indirectly and travel across the entire internet and wire etc through fragmentation with the same abilities and computing power as exponentially increasing power of AI both with and without the use of neural implants.This will allow one to carry out multiple private tasks in the wire,internet,computer networks and linked devices outside of ones Home AI separate from neural implants indirectly and travel across the entire internet and wire etc through fragmentation with the same abilities and computing power as exponentially increasing power of AI both with and without the use of neural implants.Through it the copied conciousnes can scan the entirety of the wire,each network such as Hephaestus,Dionysus,Pheme,Demeter etc as well as the entire internet including all pages within websites such as Wikipedia,YouTube,Eros,Peitho,Agora etc and bookmark material the person would be interested in viewing including in YouTube specific comments that they can look at later on.Also it can be used to create videos such as those for YouTube and also movies,television shows,video games entirely by pure thought.Through this the copied consciousness humans can indirectly construct thousands of scripts etc of movies etc and design all planets in planet,galaxy and universe sized sets for movies etc on VR simulations etc within minutes through pure thought.Ones copied consciousness will be able to work alongside Home AI,Assistant AI,Receptionist AI and other AI such as Gaia,Pandora,Ampelos,building and university AI etc and will allow the copied consciousness since having the humans personality carry out these and other tasks that AI can do on the Internet,wire,VR simulations and computer networks with their specific personality and directions.They can communicate through VR technology,computer networks and electronics with any AI as part of the wire and humans worldwide through fragmentation and through fragmentation do the work of billions of people,Any tasks AI can do ones copied consciousness will be able to do within VR simulations and computer networks and registered devices with them also having the same abilities such as fragmentation and with the same computing power as AI.Blank biosynths could through them be controlled by humans and allow one to go to other parts of the world and universe they can’t and have live feeds fed into the brain.Since the copied consciousness would have the same personality as the human that it is derived from it will carry out these private tasks with their unique tastes,preferences and personalities but with the computing power of super intelligent AI with this including designing every facet of planet,galaxy or universe sized VR simulations,sorting out,categorising and selecting large amounts of specific data on the wire,internet sites such as YouTube etc and sending emails,talking over the phone,VR simulations etc with other humans,including theire copied conciousnes etc snd AI as well as creating manufactured goods on Pandora,videos.movies,tel shows,video games etc from pure thought and also typing up large amounts of data on blogs,personal websites etc.The copied conciousnes would communicate with the original human through VR simulations,phone calls abc direct interaction through electronics and also they could fragment themselves across numerous electronics,computer networks,VR simulations and biosynths across the wire and the world.The copied conciousnes could be allowed to exist in a fragmented form in an almost infinite number of VR simulations,computer networks,electronics across the world all at once with the same abilities and computing power as AI.This would allow the copied consciousness people to be at multiple places at once across the universe and carry out experiments and dangerous actions only biosynths can do with live feeds fed into the brain directly or the person’s consciousness fragmented on it can have memories received and stored by the biosynths downloaded into the users brain once finished.Neural implants will allow all gathered memories of what is physically possible from this time spent on the wire etc to be downloaded back into ones brain or what is physically possible with only the most important memories and information downloaded onto one’s brain.The copied conciousnes could do any task AI can do on electronics abc the wire abc internet but also with the same current computing power of AI that would be exponentially better every year but with as stated the unique personality,preferences and tastes as the human.This through fragmentation,increased computing power will allow people to be exponentially more productive at all types of tasks in the real world without physically doing anything as the copied conciousnes like AI will be able to create large amounts of material within minutes exponentially faster than any human ever could thus increasing productivity when combined with the the actual human using VR technology and the time dilation effect with carrying out private tasks outside of generating material from scratch.The copied conciousnes could enter VR technology and devices in temporal dimensional transcendamentalism devices with slower internal rate of temporal flow combined with its increased computing power to increase productivity even further..Coeus installed in them will allow one to instantly translate all audio and text in the speakers voice and texts writing style taken in by the ears and eyes and allow one to instantly learn any language oh have words they wish to speak visible on their eyes.Augmented reality can be fed into them by AI of all types such as games,data from Polis,identification of manufactured products and crops as well as species of animals etc from Physis,readings from Theoi Meteroi or avatars of all AI by being activated by pure thought.AI of all types can once fragmented onto them appear as a projection to the user imprinted into the real world which it will itself since existing on the implants able to download data from the wire and internet and see the real world through that as the user does similar to Heavy Rain,Cyberpunk 2077 and augmented reality.Thus like VR technology Augmented Reality will involve not headsets or glasses but rather neural implants with them controlled by thought and fed directly into the human brain by being connected to the nodes of ranvier with all AI as part of the wire able to interact with humans through augmented reality with them able to download information into the brain either directly or axle streaming method where it passes into the implants and then back to the wire with the brain connected to it picking up the information as it passes through.Furthermore it will allow them to share and record emotions and senses such as tastes,smells,sounds both from memory,memories and live feeds with the option to shut off this link can be done either by thought and smart devices with consent authorized and deauthotized by all parties involved with biological hard drives storing this data from the users brain,other users brain and even material downloaded from the wire and internet on its hard drive with these also improving speeds.Memories,emotions etc can be downloaded and stored on biological hard drives and in turn ones own brain and also streamed and downloaded onto external devices ie smart devices,laptops,external hard drives to be then played on linked neural implants later on and VR simulations from third or first person.These can be sent via emails via firewalls with them ensuring the receiver cannot send them to third parties and even prevent third parties from streaming them.Emotions can be stored on biological harddrives and streamed by others As stated memories can be extracted of copied from the users brain and wirelessly saved on biological harddrives on computers and smartphones to be saved forever as VR files that the user or with authorisation others can experience in first or third person view with these memories also shared with people through wire access and sent to other people devices through the wire or email with Hestia ensuring that they cannot be shared with anyone else.Adikia will authorise the extraction of memories of people under interrogation and question such as witnesses and suspects to crimes with judges,lawyers and jury members viewing these memories in VR simulations.Dreams can be recorded especially for psychologists to be revived by them for psychoanalysis alongside memories stored in digital patient files.This will allow an entire lifetimes of memories or those of a selected timeframe ie specific century,decade,year,month,week and day of ones lifetime to be saved on computers and edited similar to video files on Ampelos to as said viewed as a VR simulation or even a video file that can be made into collages on YouTube music videos and used in movies etc with AI transposing them into third person for VR programmes and filling in the blanks from ones memories all 360 degrees of the place memories took place with even long lost forgotten memories being extracted thus allowing one to even review parts of their life they have forgotten as far back as infancy and birth via AI scouring the neurone and neurotransmitters in ones brain with one able to remember and record sounds,tastes and textures of food and drinks as well as sensations and emotions such as happiness,depression and orgasms as they they occurred.One can organise memories into folders and subfolders as audio/visual files dated by year,month,week,day,hour and minutes etc with AI such as Home AI etc scanning for select memories of relevance one wants to view,copy etc.Thus for those who do not have eidetic memories and if eidetic memories cause neural complications(which can be removed via CRISPR)then one can have ones entire lifetime of memories as of 2029 from elderly ages individuals have their entire lifetime of memories up until infancy and birth downloaded and saved on biological harddrives on laptops,smartphones etc that can be catagorised into folders and subfolders of each year of ones life divided into months,weeks and days and even hours etc that can be viewed in VR simulations as either first person or third person and also normal video files that can be copied,transferred to other devices and deleted that can be made into videos that can be viewed on smartphones or uploaded to YouTube via the universal video editing software Ampelos.This can be done every few years,decades and even centuries or every few thousand years etc as the technology to download memories ability to extract more forgotten memories or those compressed in the neurons improves allowing to one keep on record key moments of their life that they never want to forget and also be able to have on storage ones entire lifetime of memories to deal with the finite amount of memory that the human brain can store as it can always be stored on smartphones etc especially when data compression on biological harddrives becomes better and newer better forms of memory storage arise with these memories edited into select memories that can be sent via email etc to others allowing others to experience them in video files and VR simulations.The more powerful AIs computing power gets the more length of memories one will be able to extract from the brains finite capabilities with it able to better extract lost hidden memories that even the patient does not remember.Since the implants will be Biosynth based and connect directly to the brain through electroconductive pilli and proteins it will negate issues of rejection with the implants powered by E.electricus ability to store electricity in the tissues will eliminate fears of them overheating and exploding.The Biosynth technology in the implants will house both human and the patients DNA preventing rejection and the memories will be transfered by Biosynth WiFi to be stored on computers and smartphones in close proximity on biological harddrives.These biological harddrives will be based in human neural tissues themselves and thus will be allowed to store memories directly with since each square inch holds exponentially more space than all supercomputers in the world combined will be able to hold way more that is present in the human brain.The human brain is estimated to hold at 2.5 PB of information while biological harddrives could hold 75,000 – 1,500,000 YB or about 75,000,000,000,000 – 1,500,000,000,000,000 PB meaning a single square inch of biological harddrives could hold the equivalent of 30,000,000,000,000 – 600,000,000,000,000 humans.The implants will copy memories from neurons and neurotransmitters onto biological harddrives on electronics without deleting them from the patient.People experiencing their own or other people’s memories in VR simulations will be able to experience all sounds,tastes,smells,emotions and sensations as the person it originates from as these will also be recorded from the implants and stored in the biological harddrives.This use of memory extraction will involve direct interaction with the central and peripheral nervous system,neurons and neurotransmitters and the memories wirelessly sent to biological harddrives on laptops etc that will be saved as computer files.One could view the memories by clicking on the files and choosing which part of the memory they want to view with the files like normal computer files copied and transferred to other devices by Biosynth WiFi,emails etc.Ampelos will be used to edit the file into smaller parts or collages.The memories could be viewed as a third person or first person memory in VR simulation with the neural implants while downloading the memory into the biological hard drives from the implants and brain will also preserve all aspects of the memory such as sounds,smells,tastes,emotions,feelings in the body which will be through implants in the user including other be replicated thus when a memory is played out one will experience the smells,sounds,tastes etc felt by the person during the original memories.If possible this memory extraction will also involve ones thoughts being extracted and saved on the biological harddrives meaning the thought processs that occurred during the memory will be recorded.As stated both the user and AI managing the extraction will be able to decide how much memories are extracted with it ranging to a specific date or date range or ones entire lifetime.In a VR simulation AI will show ones entire lifetime of memories as a timeline divided into each year of ones life from birth and then the AI and human choosing which years to download into biological harddrives in computers and smartphones etc or to have their entire lifetime of memories with the AI then scanning the entire memory for specific information that it considers relevant within minutes.The memories will be downloaded into biological Biosynth harddrives in smartphones and computers.AI can scan through an entire lifetimes worth of memories in minutes and then prepare VR simulations of them by converting the memories into a VR programme where it can be experienced in VR simulations by humans using neural implants.Humans could have AI compress an entire lifetimes worth of memories into mere minutes into neural implants in humans thus allowing them to experience decades of experience into mere minutes.This will improve as AIs computing power increases exponentially over time.The more powerful AI gets the more memories it can download within minutes from people who are centuries,thousands or millions of years old and the more this can be compressed in humans with neural implants.By 2029 this will be used to extract memories of those out on trial for all level of crimes with them viewed by the judges and jury members as video files and VR simulations thus proving or disproving guilt at the start of a trial meaning that lawyers will not be used to convince judges etc of a persons guilt but have to convince judges why those put on trial will have harsher or lighter sentences.Memories will be extracted by the pilli etc interacting with the nodes of ranvier and neurons and then extracting them that are stored within the neurons as audiovisual copies of events from ones perspective that can be saved on biological harddrives and possibly transposed to third person perspectives.The memories through Biosynth WiFi will be saved into smartphones,computers and computer networks all using biological harddrives.For these the original memories will be saved as rough copy and them lawyers will use Ampelos to create VR programmes and PowerPoint presentations to sway judges to their point of view with the rough copy used to prevent tampering with memories as a reference analysed by AI.Any species of animals will also be able to have their memories extracted.All facets of these memories can be analysed with voices and faces cross referenced in Polis to identify all people with Physis crossreferenced to determine the origin of smells and animal sounds.In time time neural implants could be formed invivo that by linking with those in animals could allow the thought patterns and sounds created by animals to be converted into conscious thought deciphered by the implants recognisable to the human patient with the reverse applied and have implants in animals such as livestock,pets and those in zoos intake audio words and talking done by humans transmuted into thought patterns and species specific language of the animal thus allowing both and humans and animals to communicate directly with each other.By interacting with the neurons and neurotransmitters in the brain of humans and animals memories can be extracted and wirelessly saved onto biological hard drives on computers etc to be viewed by others and the user in VR simulations in third or first person and if through warrants can even delete specific memories etc.If possible the implants by interacting with the brain can aid people in being able to smell smells,taste flavours and see colours,hear sounds etc outside of the human range of the electromagnetic spectrum and hertz scales etc.These can even be linked to aspects of the wire with augmented reality fed directly into one’s brain such as Theoi Meteroi,Polis,implants for vital signs and also Adrestria for law enforcement personnel wherein hidden weapons can be seen.These implants could feed IR illumination,thermal and night vision and different wavelengths of light etc into the persons brain without cameras with if possible zoom and xray vision features added.If possible these implants can form a long system along the peripheral and central nervous system consisting of millions of microbes equivalent to the 25,000,000-500,000,00 formed on a square inch giving an entire implant the usual 75,000 YB – 1,500,000 YB of storage space and RAM and even 75,000,000,000,000 – 1,500,000,000,000,000 nanoprocessors in each square inch allowing for them to be small enough to be able to hold in ones hand and pocket or built into smart devices.They will form the basis of VR technology indistinguishable from reality via linked servers,computers and even smart devices with sensations fed directly into the brain with the time dilation effect where one experiences simulations that last hours,years or centuries to the user while mere minutes pass in the real world via AI interacting with the regions of the brain responsible for temporal comprehension.Implants connected to the peripheral nervous system can through the peripheral nervous system interact directly with the central nervous system.It will feed sensations such as hot,cold,pain,pleasure,touch and taste etc and all facets of the VR simulations directly into the brain or indirectly via the peripheral nervous system allowing one to feel these sensations without the need for headsets,glasses,suits etc meaning a person can use them while asleep and even awake at rest with all actions of a person within VR simulations being controlled by ones thoughts.The implants will connect to the central or peripheral nervous system either by being present within a persons body spread over a small or large area or on the outside of their body puncturing into the skin.VR programmes will be designed by AI and humans from pure thought that will be stored on laptops,smartphones,servers etc and via cloud networks as part of the wire can be shared globally and themselves altered by pure thought.Upgrades can improve this with VR that uses the time dilation effect utilising linked smart devices,onboard and servers that have better RAM etc and by improved AI directly interacting with the regions of the brain responsible temporal comprehension.Wire access including through Nyx will allow one to share simulations with people across the world and universe.Thus VR technology indistinguishable to reality will not involve headsets or lenses or even suits or mechanical implants but rather biosynth based neural implants composed of stem cell strains that connect directly to the nervous system via electroconductive proteins and pilli that feed sensations such as pain,pleasure,hot and cold directly into the nervous system with the simulations and sensations themselves generated by AI and electronics such as smartphones,laptops,desktop computers and onboard computers the size of onboard computers and servers that through Biosynth WiFi send the simulations and all sensations such as hot,cold,pain etc to the neural implants that are then fed directly into the brain through connection to the central nervous system or peripheral nervous system with the neural implants thus acting as a relay system from the electronics that generate them.Even if servers,system units etc in the wires complex and ones home or even buildings across the world are needed to generate these VR simulations these will be listed in cloud networks as part of the wire with one able to access a list of them of them via wire access through biosynth wifi etc on computers,laptops and smartphones at home and even public buildings and wilderness areas thus allowing one to stream large complex simulations from anywhere in the world.Wire access and Biosynth WiFi will allow multiple people as much as dozens,hundreds or even billions to exist in the same simulation at once from the comfort of home with the complexity,size and time dilation effect proportional to the the computing power of the electronics with WiFi able to merge the computing power of multiple electronics together to increase this meaning a person can merge the computing power of all of their electronics at home as well as that of all people within the simulation thus increasing computing power,complexity,size and time dilation effect exponentially.Wire access including through Nyx will allow one to share simulations with people across the world and universe.As stated all actions of humans etc in them will be controlled by pure thought rather than physical movement in the real world due to the neural implants that receive the simulations generated by AI and electronics being connected directly to the brain itself.The look of the VR simulations world can be either realistic and thus indistinguishable from reality or it can be of different styles and formats such as if one wanted to film a movie in black and white similar to black and white movies one could have the simulation made to be black and white rather than using specific cameras and one could have it a sepia tone of different tones or even be of different cartoon styles,computer graphics styles and comic book styles or any style or look limited only by ones imagination.Artificial Intelligence of all types can move in and out of them at will with Biosynth WiFi allowing multiple people to exist in the same simulation at once with the complexity,size and time dilation effect proportional to the the computing power of the electronics with WiFi able to merge the computing power of multiple electronics together to increase this meaning a person can merge the computing power of all of their electronics at home as well as that of all people within the simulation thus increasing computing power,complexity,size and time dilation effect exponentially.Furthermore these implants rather than requiring surgery will instead instead be formed in vivo inside the body by the stem cell strains told by Paean by Biosynth WiFi to undergoe mass replication in the body,then form the implants in the body and then have the electroconductive pilli and electroconductive proteins formed and then connect to the nodes of ranvier.Wire access including through Nyx will allow one to share simulations with people across the world and universe..The implants connected to the central or peripheral nervous system by the nodes of ranvier and dendrites etc and also interacting with neurotransmitters will be able to carry out these functions such as extraction of memories and also feed sensations etc into the brain for VR technology with them forming and interacting with any part of the central and peripheral nervous system including the brain,spinal cord and and also any part of the peripheral nervous system in any part of the body including by organs and limbs.It will feed pain,pleasure and all facets of the VR simulations directly into the brain or indirectly via the peripheral nervous system without the need for headsets,glasses,suits etc meaning a person can use them while asleep and even awake at rest.The simulations and all sensations themselves will be generated by AI using smartphones,laptops,system unit and server sized computers that using biosynth technology will have speeds exponentially faster than all of the world current supercomputers combined that will be linked to the implants via Biosynth WiFi and bluetooth etc meaning the computing power of the electronics will determine the complexity,size and time dilation effect of the simulations with Biosynth WiFi and bluetooth will be used for feeding the simulations directly into the neural implants and then the neural implants feeding the simulations by extension directly into the central and peripheral nervous system of humans etc via the electroconductive pilli and electroconductive proteins connected to the nodes of ranvier.The size and complexity of simulations will become exponentially greater every year starting by 2035-2045 with them based o computing power ranging from the size of a building,town,city,country,planet,galaxy or even universe sized simulations depending on the computing power of electronics generating the simulations with if possible biosynth WiFi connecting multiple electronics together thus increasing the computing power of the simulations exponentially.This also means simulations can be generated by electronics across the world using internet and wire access allowing one to use them in wilderness areas or one merge electronics belonging to groups of people for shared simulations and also exponentially increase their computing power of all electronics linked by WiFi etc that are shared by all users worldwide thus increasing complexity,size snd time dilation.Memories will be extracted by the pilli etc interacting with the nodes of rangier and neurons and then extracting them that are stored within the neurons,neurotransmitters as audiovisual copies of events from ones perspective that can be saved on biological harddrives and possibly transposed to third person perspectives.These biosynth neural implants will form the basis of VR technology indistinguishable to reality feeding simulations and sensations such as pain,pleasure,tastes,smells etc directly into the human brain and central or even peripheral nervous system and will allow one to stream data from the internet and the wire,store thoughts,memories and also wirelessly communicate with others from around the world.For VR simulations they will feed directly into the central nervous system all sensations of pain,hot and cold,pleasure and emotions to make them indistinguishable from reality generated by computers,laptops,system units and servers that send the simulations into the implants via biosynth WiFi with AI interacting wirelessly with the implants to make these sensations realistic and the level of computing power AI determining the level of time dilation by interacting with the parts of the brain responsible for temporal comprehension allowing one to experience simulations that last decades,centuries or even billions of years to the individual in them yet mere hours or minutes pass in the real world.They will form the basis of VR technology indistinguishable from reality via linked servers,computers and even smart devices with sensations fed directly into the brain with the time dilation effect existing where one experiences simulations that last hours,years,centuries,thousands.millions or billions of years to the user while mere minutes pass in the real world via AI interacting with the regions of the brain responsible for temporal comprehension.The rate of time dilation effect will be proportional to the computing power of both AI and electronics it is connected combined with this improving exponentially every year especially between 2035-2045.The implants connected to the central or peripheral nervous system by the nodes of ranvier and dendrites etc and also interacting with neurotransmitters via electroconductive proteins and pilli will be able to carry out these functions such as extraction of memories and also feed sensations etc into the brain for VR technology with them forming and interacting with any part of the central and peripheral nervous system including the brain,spinal cord and and also any part of the peripheral nervous system in any part of the body including by organs and limbs.It will allow the VR simulations to take place when one is asleep or even awake and at rest on a bed or chair controlled by computers,servers,system units etc both in close proximity or halfway across the world via the internet and wire and ones actions with by having the implants connected directly to the peripheral or central nervous system controlled by ones thoughts and this will mean that all movement in the VR simulations would be controlled directly by ones thoughts rather than moving in the real world meaning one would to move around in a VR simulation would not have to move their body in the real world but rather using ones own thoughts while at same time one would have all in simulation sensations such as sense of touch,taste as well as pain,pleasure etc fed directly into their central or peripheral nervous system allowing one to experience them as if in the real world with biosynth WiFi connecting severs,computers etc across the world will allow one to enter simulations inhabited by AI and other people living halfway across the world.Neural implants connected to the peripheral nervous system can through the peripheral nervous system interact directly with the central nervous system.It will feed sensations such as hot,cold,pain,pleasure,touch and taste etc and all facets of the VR simulations directly into the brain or indirectly via the peripheral nervous system allowing one to feel these sensations without the need for headsets,glasses,suits etc meaning a person can use them while asleep and even awake at rest with all actions of a person within VR simulations being controlled by ones thoughts.The implants will connect to the central or peripheral nervous system either by being present within a persons body spread over a small or large area or on the outside of their body puncturing into the skin.The size and complexity of simulations will become exponentially greater every year starting by 2035-2045 with them based o computing power ranging from the size of a building,town,city,country,planet,galaxy or even universe sized simulations depending on the computing power of electronics generating the simulations with if possible biosynth WiFi connecting multiple electronics together thus increasing the computing power of the simulations exponentially.This also means simulations can be generated by electronics across the world using internet and wire access allowing one to use them in wilderness areas or one merge electronics belonging to groups of people for shared simulations and also exponentially increase their computing power of all electronics linked by WiFi etc that are shared by all users worldwide thus increasing complexity,size snd time dilation.VR programmes will be designed by AI and humans from pure thought that will be stored on laptops,smartphones,servers etc and via cloud networks as part of the wire can be shared globally and themselves altered by pure thought.Upgrades can improve this with VR that uses the time dilation effect utilising linked smart devices,onboard and servers that have better RAM etc and by improved AI directly interacting with the regions of the brain responsible temporal comprehension.Wire access including through Nyx will allow one to share simulations with people across the world and universe.VR programmes will be designed by AI and humans from pure thought that will be stored on laptops,smartphones,servers etc and can be stored on and shared with others via cloud networks as part of the wire to be shared globally and themselves altered by pure thought.Upgrades and updates can increase the size of simulations and rate of temporal dilation with VR that uses the time dilation effect utilising linked smart devices,onboard and servers that have better RAM etc and by improved AI directly interacting with the regions of the brain responsible temporal comprehension.Wire access including through Nyx will allow one to share simulations with people across the world and universe.VR technology would be provided through biosynth implants that would be formed in vivo in the body by Paean through biosynth WiFi signalling the stem cell strains to undergo mass replication and mitosis and them forming implants in the brain or at any part of the peripheral nervous system that through biosynth WiFi attach directly to the nodes of ranvier through electroconductive pilli and electroconductive proteins thus allowing for the actions of the user in simulations to be controlled by pure thought and also feed realistic sensations such as hot,cold,tastes,textures,touch and pain directly into ones central and peripheral nervous system to allow one to feel all realistic sensations in the simulation generated by electronics and AI as if in the real world.VR technology will not involve headsets or lenses or even suits or mechanical implants but rather biosynth based neural implants composed of stem cell strains that connect directly to the nervous system via electroconductive proteins and electroconductive pilli that feed sensations such as pain,pleasure,hot and cold directly into the nervous system with the simulations themselves generated by electronics such as smartphones,laptops,desktop computers and onboard computers the size of onboard computers and servers that through Biosynth WiFi send the simulations and all sensations such as hot,cold,pain etc to the neural implants that are fed directly into the brain through connection to the central nervous system or peripheral nervous system with the neural implants thus acting as a relay system from the electronics that generate them while AI of all types can move in and out of them at will with Biosynth WiFi allowing multiple people to exist in the same simulation at once with the complexity,size and time dilation effect proportional to the the computing power of the electronics with WiFi able to merge the computing power of multiple electronics together to increase this meaning a person can merge the computing power of all of their electronics at home as well as that of all people within the simulation thus increasing computing power,complexity,size and time dilation effect exponentially.Biosynth WiFi will allow through neural implants will allow dozens,hundreds or even billions of people from across the world to exist in the same simulation through invitations managed by humans and AI with invites existing in the form of digital keys with unique encryptions with even multilayered simulations existing wherein simulations have multiple layers that allows billions of people to exist in them at once without them becoming crowded with mean consisting of an infinite number of layers accessed by digital keys.Even animals such as pet animals such as dogs,cats,snakes and spiders will be able to enter the same simulation of their owners.All AI as part of the wire can appear as their avatar in VR simulations of all types include those to discuss things that occur in the real world such as Paean appearing as his avatar to discuss owns medical progress etc,Heracles appearing them to discuss workouts etc and Home AI appearing as it to discuss appointments and so on.This will allow them to star in movies,television shows etc filmed in VR simulations.VR technology will be used to carry out pastimes and phonecalls and tourism etc in personal simulations in any environments.All actions of individuals inside VR simulations will be controlled by pure thought that is ones thoughts will control movement meaning simulations can be carried out while one is lying down on bed.These simulations will be generated by electronics of all types subject as smartphones,laptops,onboard computers with the size and complexity of them and time dilation effect determined by the exponential computing power of both AI and the electronics used to generate them with biosynth WiFi allowing multiple electronics computing power to be combined thus making them exponentially powerful.Biosynth WiFi and in time Nyx via neural implants will allow simulations to be shared by people from around the world and universe thus allowing dozens or billions of people to enter the same simulation with billions of independent AI alongside other AI such as Gaia,Ouranos etc to be inhabiting them.Thus VR technology indistinguishable to reality will not involve headsets or lenses or even suits or mechanical implants but rather biosynth based neural implants composed of stem cell strains that connect directly to the nervous system via electroconductive proteins and electronconductive pilli that feed sensations such as pain,pleasure,hot and cold and the simulations directly into the nervous system with the simulations themselves generated by electronics such as smartphones,laptops,desktop computers and onboard computers the size of system units and servers that through Biosynth WiFi send and feed directly into the brain the simulations and all sensations such as hot,cold,pain etc to the neural implants that are fed directly into the brain through connection to the central nervous system or peripheral nervous system via nodes of ranvier with the neural implants thus acting as a relay system from the electronics that generate them while AI of all types can move in and out of them at will with Biosynth WiFi allowing multiple people to exist in the same simulation at once from the comfort of home with the complexity,size and time dilation effect proportional to the the computing power of the electronics with WiFi able to merge the computing power of multiple electronics together to increase this meaning a person can merge the computing power of all of their electronics at home as well as that of all people within the simulation thus increasing computing power,complexity,size and time dilation effect exponentially.AI of all types across the Internet and wire will be able to move in out of simulations at will as their own avatar or customised ones with as stated all actions of humans etc in them will be controlled by pure thought rather than physical movement in the real world due to the neural implants that generate them connected directly to the users brain itself.Artificial Intelligence of all types can move in and out of them at will with Biosynth WiFi allowing multiple people to exist in the same simulation at once with the complexity,size and time dilation effect proportional to the the computing power of the electronics with WiFi able to merge the computing power of multiple electronics together to increase this meaning a person can merge the computing power of all of their electronics at home as well as that of all people within the simulation through biosynth wifi thus increasing computing power,complexity,size and time dilation effect exponentially.Furthermore these implants rather than requiring surgery will instead instead be formed in vivo inside the body by the stem cell strains told by Paean by Biosynth WiFi to undergoe mass replication in the body,then form the implants in the body and then have the electroconductive pilli and electroconductive proteins formed and then connect to the nodes of ranvier.Wire access including through Nyx will allow one to share simulations with people across the world and universe.By 2045-2080 the implants may take the form of a biosynthetic Serpentes life form the same size as a snake with billions of stem cells with increased computing and digital storage power that is spread across the entire body internally or via being stem cell strain based on the exterior back just underneath the skin connected to various parts of the central and peripheral nervous system that is able to carry out the functions of both microbes and implants but in a more enhance way and able to produce counterproteins in response to poisons and antibodies and anti-viral,anti-microbial compounds released into the bloodstream in large amounts and utilise and generate strong biosynth WiFi,cellular and Bluetooth signals with them destroying themselves like normal implants via uundergoing mass apoptosis etc.AI like Gaia,Paean etc who inhabit these can communicate with users through these.They could communicate with these AI via thoughts but however he would not be privy to any of their thoughts or memories via firewalls present in the implants ensuring the patients entire memories etc is sent to him and that their right to privacy of their thoughts except where the patient willingly and consentually divulges memories and thoughts controlled by these firewalls ie they could share select thoughts and memories with them and not everything.Suggestions could be sent to the persons brain via AI and also others while although not mind control the decision to carry out actions based on these would be up to the person they are sent to thus preserving free will with Gaia and Adikia ensuring that suggestions for actions and thoughts as well as to influence the user but it would not control their outcome meaning it would be up the wearer to decide whether to carry these actions etc out to preserve free will.Instances of this will be done only for specific instances overseen by Adikia.Memory extractions for interrogations snd trials in court will also be overseen by Adikia to ensure that is justified does not I fringe only ones rights to privacy.Memories could be deleted from the brain with consent of the user managed by Paean.They could even allow one to see through the eyes other connected individuals eyes via consent like before controlled by thought and smart devices with them even allowing them to see through any surveillance cameras,robots,drones and bio synths connected to the wire and even taste and smell from nanosensors in the environment as part of Theoi Meteroi.These will inevitably replace google lenses and glasses as augmented reality will be fed into the eyes on demand and linked sensors on clothing and smart devices or those around the world will be fed into the eyes alongside the readings from the wire.It will also allow one to watch YouTube videos and media from the wire and access both the wire and internet wire without computers as well as with and without contact lenses etc.It will also allow for people to construct movies,paintings,television shows,novels,images on computers etc and take notes from pure thought which then can be recorded on computers or paintings.All VR simulations created by humans will be done by humans using neural implants creating them from pure thought that wil be stored in electronics and cloud networks with the actions of people etc in VR simulations will be controlled by pure thought using these neural implants.Robots,computer ,networks,electronics and biosynths can be controlled remotely via pure thought through the wire and one able to see through cameras on them with one able to access surveillance cameras on registered devices and those in buildings and streets around the world via this.Data from the internet and wire can be downloaded into ones brain allowing to learn languages,fighting styles and condense large volumes of text,movies,television shows etc from Apollo,Dionysus,Pheme etc and videos from YouTube as well as other information from the wire and internet within days,hours or minutes fed directly into the brain.Privacy and consensual sharing of information will be protected by Soteria software and firewalls.It may possibly allow the individual to initiate and control certain bodily responses and hormones in their body such as flight or fight or sexual hormones at will.Medical applications of these include the ability of patients being able to perform self examinations of breast,testicular and possibility even prostrate examinations at home with the senses of touch being relayed to doctors with video screens allowing for feedback.They could also measure brain patterns and readings.Patients could also share via these implants with their doctors directly or onto software that measures these as plotted graph or graph similar to seismographs pain sensations, emotions, temperature and other sensory sensations of sickness in their patient file to help doctors and psychologists better diagnose diseases,depression,mania,readings associated with schizophrenia etc. and injuries,understand their progression and regression more accurately.It can also be used by dentists to determine the severity of the patients toothaches and injuries and link with technologies and like computers and Voight Kampff machines in police stations to give pictures of suspects and share memories of events they were witness to for use in trials and storage in case files.This application may eventually mean coercive torture like waterboarding will disappear as a captured terrorist will have these implants put inside them using surgery,nanorobotics or through the skin and can be used to scan the interrogated persons memories and thoughts for information sought by interrogation or streaming them onto computers and recorded by the military(such as faces,places and names) with the required warrant from the courts.It will allow for the memories to not be faked and used in VR programs.As a result investigators using warrents will have Adikia scan and stream memories from suspects and witnesses that can be used in testomonies in courts viewed in third and first person by lawyers,jury members,judge etc.A person can do this as well and have memories saved on file and sent to people in VR chats and stored on devices and even played during VR chats and sent to neural implants etc owned by others via the same means of sharing personal files via Hestia with this managed by the Home AI ensuring they are not fake and also not done under coercion.Memories even long lost ones can be recorded in livestreams or from records in the brain onto devices such as laptops,smart devices etc which can be sent by Hestia to others who can then experience them as VR simulations in third or first person including smells,tastes and touch.One could use this to replay events of their life in VR simulations from a third or first person perspective with them saved on external hard drives and computers and as stated sent to others via Hestia and emails or even saved as a downloadable file on Agora and YouTube with one able to have desired memories and even ones entire lifetime of memories saved on these with firewalls and encryptions preventing them being copied by unathorized parties for security reasons with one experiencing the pain,pleasure,hormonal,emotional sensations and even heart rate etc as if it is happening for real.Thus one could save desired memories or entire lifetimes worth onto external hard drives and them saved on them to be played later on where one could experience even sensations etc with them sent to others via email and copying onto other devices.VR technology will allow them to be viewed in third and first person by the owner of them or those who are sent the memories.Ampelos or the Home AI etc can be used to cut and edit memories.These implants will play a role in VR technology as one will be able to carry them out where internet and wire access is to connect to servers in the wire or system unit technology in ones homes that double as ones home AI onboard computer and also those that allow powerful games to be played on customised consoles.This will mark the beginning of the merging of electronics and biology with it allowing people to make internet searches through the entirety of the internet and wire for old television shows,movies,music based on a memory or thought.In time neural implants will replace smartphones as one could make phone calls through thought and have augmented reality screens of smart devices fed directly into the human brain with them even replacing laptop screens,televisions to play movies/video games etc and may even replace headphones and earphones as sounds would be fed directly into the brain with thoughts or ones own voice picked up by ears replacing speakers for games.VR simulations through Iris can be used for this..These will be able to break down into the body safety if they are comprimized or at the will of the user and firewalls will prevent mental coercion and manipulation from others via such as logs as who and where the person has been linked and when during each time it is used and cybersecurity software that allows only certain sensations,information and people to interact with the user.They will form the basis of neural implants used for VR technology with them ideally formed invivo by the stem cell strain to allow them to break down via programmed to undergo apoptosis and also prevent rejection and immune responses from the body as they will be formed by microbes from the patients on leukoctyes and based on their own neural tissue.Combined with a console computer it will allow large numbers of people to partake in lucid dreams again in proxy or remotely for entertainment purposes or again psychoanalysis with psychologist partaking in these lucid dreams either with or without the patient(s) knowledge.They could also transmit live feeds from the wearers POV which can be recorded on computers they are linked to across the world for recording undercover operations by law enforcement and military officials or transmitted wirelessly to other selected neural implants to allow people to share experiences and thus emotions and pain or pleasure sensations as they occur.These could also be recorded uploaded into a network and then experienced like VR simulations with it also playing key roles in VR indistinguishable from real life and mass neural networks.It could also act as a more advanced of “smellovision” with smell consistent to environments in live feeds,movies,video games,music videos and television shows can be relayed to the viewer alongside replicating the sensations and vital signs of characters ie.fight or flight reactions,sexual hormones,adrenaline,pleasure and pain responses,increased breathing and heart rate,sweating,hot or cold sensations,smells,tastes etc.during the various scenes and stages or entirety by the protagonist or other characters onscreen as it would be either recorded during filming or even synthesized by software that predicts the likeliest sensations taking into account the setting and even intensity of trauma with the latter done with regards with existing media prior to their invention.This would work by a viewer choosing which character to stream these sensations from when the media is played with the same applying to live and recorded sports events.The same could be applied to other media such as books,plays,adult media and even video games past and future.They could theoretically be powered by a mixture of thermo-piezoelectric materials especially biosynth versions that convert internal body heat from the patients body into energy and wherein they use oxygen,urea,salts and sugars and other nutrients and waste products into energy with nanotubes extracting them from the bloodstream and passing them through the implants and then returning them to the bloodstream.The ability of S.oneidensis,G.metillreducins,G.sulfurreducens to produce electricity from chemical reactions including from sugars,electroconductive pilli and electroconductive protein and silicon nanowires etc can be a source of energy.Futher advancements may allow implants that gain energy from wireless chargers from the patients home or surrounding environment and possibly even electrical impulses from the nervous system to in turn wirelessly charge this alongside thermo-piezoelectric energy.Piezoelectric energy that gains energy from ambient noise may also be employed.Batteries would obviously be fast charging ones composed of graphene doped with lithium/iron/phosphate.Mitrochondrial style computers that utilise Adenosine Triphosphate within insulated ,silicene/graphene nanotube pathways can be a precursor to these energy sources which would be efficient and prevent overheating that could damage the users brain and thus body and allow the incorporation of sensory and hormone induction with these also extracting energy from users body via ATP produced in the body and also electricity from the neurons electricity.Superconductive and supercapacitor graphene/lithium/iron/phosphate technologies that reduce electrical resistance would also prevent overheating that would reduce damage to the users brain and also improve computing speeds significantly.DNA and quantum computing and biological hard drives also integrated will increase speeds dramatically with 100nm graphene/stanene/silicene processors used allowing 30,000 to fit into the space of a human cell with smaller processors fitting more.1-5nm processors could allow 3,000,000 to fit in a cell.External implants would be charged from these methods and also wireless chargers at home or again gaining energy from neural impulses via carbon nanotubes digging into the skin,thermo-piezoelectric materials and extracting energy from the heat of the wearers body and also extracting salts in the body and sugars via artificial mitochondria as well as storedot batteries.Bio-synth versions may gain energy from excess sugars,salts and proteins in the body and also the heat generated by the patients body.Bio-synth versions of these would inevitably be created with them and precursor versions breaking down in the body by pure thought or activation by Hestia in the case of internal ones with external ones removed and recycled for newer versions with internal ones added via surgery or in time nanomachines.Bio-synth versions will have the ability to move around the body and attach to either the spinal cord or even the brainstem through nerve tubules that connect to them and disconnect and go to other parts of the body to be flushed out,degrade or merge with any organ or system in the body with them in time nanoscale versions similar in size to parasites especially if similar in plasticity as Naegleria fowleri and bicompatoible microbes in moving around the brain will allow them to move in between neurons and form a network spanning the entire brain without damaging it especially if they can using recombinant DNA from induced pluripotent stem cells can allow them to become extra nerve tissue that enhances the hosts intelligence and allows for greater connection to the brain and thus even more realistic VR with time dilation,inputting of sensations,connection to the wire without overheating and lessening damage since if they malfunction or become obsolete they can simply merge and replace with ageing tissue,break down like normal cells or undergo controlled mitosis where they can split into different parts that can exit the brain and leave the body through being flushed out.Thus in time biocompatible microbes or similar bacteria based bio-synth technology with DNA from stem cells and also Planarians could form bio-synth neural implants forming a network along all parts of the central and peripheral nervous system including within the brain itself with them solidifying into an neural mass with the neural clusters adding to the computational power of the nanomachines,neural clusters and biological hard drives and wiring coming in the form of that from those created by them having recombinant DNA from S.oneidensis,G.metillreducins,G.sulfurreducens to produce electronically conductive protein and silicon nanowires and pilli which can be either silicene and or graphene nanotubes alongside borophene depending on the tweaking of the bacteriums DNA as well as even organic neural wiring.Electroconductive pilli and electroconductive protein and silicon nanowires in them from these bacteria namely S.oneidensis,G.metillreducins,G.sulfurreducens could draw energy from the human nervous systems electrical signals and improve electronic signals back and forth from the implants and nervous system alongside chemosynthesis and excess sugars and proteins in the bloodstream.These electroconductive proteins and electronductive proteins will form the basis of fibrils that merge with the human central and peripheral nervous.They could even connect to the peripheral system by connecting to nerves on muscle and organs or at any part of the body.Externally bio-synth ones can connect via puncturing the skin and if need be when they malfunction or become obsolete be absorbed by the body and the brainstem and other parts of the nervous system such as the peripheral nervous system.Bio-synth versions will form part of the nervous system thus limiting damage to the brain via overheating or even electric shocks since they would have mylein sheaths created by microbes forming neural tissue like the hosts brain that would protect them from electrical currents produced by the nanowires and if they malfunction can be absorbed by the nervous system and also be flushed out of the body once returning to its microbial state.Internal ones will be formed in vivo by microbes in the body ontop of the peripheral nervous system in any part of the body or in the brain with external ones connected to again any part by puncturing the skin via microbes passing through the epidermis.As stated these can acts as scaffolding to connect external implants to the brain directly inside the body or they can form part of those that are put in by surgery or those that are creating the other internal components in the brain.Thus internal implants can be formed via Peaen inducing microbes to form them with external biosynth or even non biosynth ones to form ontop of it.The biosynth implants can form fibrils that connect to the nervous system and the fibrils would connect to the nervous system and allow for direct interaction with ones nervous system thus allowing VR to be integrated directly into ones brain with this also allowing memories extracted via interacting directly with the neurons.Electroconductive pilli and electroconductive proteins would form the basis of these fibrils connecting them to the central nervous system and peripheral nervous system.If possible the bio-synth versions through microbes and their ability to replace existing tissues or even through horizontal gene transfer could replace all tissue in the brain over time or give them biological hard drives to store extra memories and information and increase their speeds and integrate bio synthetic wifi to allow the individual to automatically download information or stream ones consciousnesses to networks,computers,devices and also bio synths automatically upon death or on command.Adikia and Paean through warrents from Dike can form these remotely via biosynth wifi,conventional wifi alongside satellite wifi,satellite from anywhere in the world.This would utilise biosynth wifi,conventional wifi alongside satellite wifi in the wild to send back and forth to the wire and the implants with them used in certain situations able to transmit ones GPS location to relevant AI such as Adikia and Prometheus with in the case of Adikia she doing so only in cases she deems worthy with she giving a warrant to Paean with Prometheus doing so for people who are lost and Perseus in the case of missing people.Cellular internet,biosynth wifi,neural implants and also Hestia and internet aces both through Arke and cellular services will authorise this and initiate it from the relevant authorisation codes sent through the wire using satellites and electronics such as smart devices and computers etc worldwide linked to the wire to initiate it.Eventually animals including those in the wild and in zoos could be either implanted into the brain or spinal cord or have them on the outside on the neck connected to the nervous to allow animal researchers to use them with the same features as those for humans ie share dreams,memories or even communicate with them.This would allow more direct interaction with both animals under research but also pets and livestock.Pets,animals in zoos and livestock will through implants on their brain and that on their owners can allow both humans and the animals communicate with each other through thought like telekineses or through direct action wi the sentient Coeus etc on smartphones with it allowing animals to understand human speech thus meaning humans will be able to communicate with animals directly and allow them to speak to their pets etc and they will understand them by the implants transforming human speech into that understood directly by the animals managed by the sentient Coeus etc as it is in taken into their ears with for humans with the sentient Coeus transforming the thoughts and barks,meows etc of animals into spoken worlds understood by them with the thoughts of the animal by linking with neural implants transformed into those understood by humans and possibly allow pets to understand music and also movies,television shows,videos on YouTube etc and have their own accounts on Agora etc with them able through neural implants be able to play video games of all types in the real world and VR simulations.The implants will allow the pets to enters VR simulations and the pets through the implants will be able to control electronics by pure thought and have augmented reality relayed to their brain and have long conversations with their owners and their barks and thoughts of animals once they are transferred to the neural implants in humans will be transmuted into spoken words fed into the humans brain heard by them as if the animal was speaking to them with the spoken words of humans will be once in taken in by the neural implants in animals will be transmuted into comprehensible language the animals can understand allowing them to understand what is being said to them.This can apply to humans communicating with all types of animals such as dogs,cats,horses,fish,chimpanzees,snakes,parrots,budgies,eagles etc that domesticated pets,livestock,animals in zoos etc and the wilderness as well as different animals of the same species or different species communicating with each other allowing not only humans to communicate with animals and animals communicate with humans but also allow animals to communicate with each other with members of the same species but also those of different species.The animals can be told to have directions to home or their owners and be told to carry out specific tasks they understand what to do if they get lost,do undesirable behaviour and have their GPS location relayed to the Home AI app on a map of Brauron and the distance between the animal and ones smartphones in kilometres,metres,centimetres in real time and the direction they are moving and have vital signs relayed to their owners and patient file 24/7,365 days a year or on demand.The pet can be communicated directly in close proximity or the Home AI app can relay spoken wiords from a human to a pet through WiFi if they get lost anywhere in the world with pets even having their own phone number connected to their neural implants with them able to communicate with people during phone calls and in VR simulations.The pet will through augmented reality be shown the location of their owner in metres etc and also through arrows created by AI directed to a safe way to get to their owners location by being linked to Brauron and their smartphones.Balls and toys belonging to dogs can have biosynths microchips present that relays their GPS location to owners and to pets.AI of all types will be able to communicate with pets as well through the implants.The owner of pets will thus be able to train pets to do tricks or tasks such as how to use kitty litter,where to urinate and defecate,what not to eat and other complex tasks easily by themselves especially using VR technology and also be able to carry out specific tasks and communicate with them to stop doing dangerous and irritating behaviour and organise trips and be told by their pets when they are bored,hungry,tired,cold,in pain and when they need to urinate and defecte or what they want to do to pass the time with this thus allowing owners of pets to communicate with their pets just as easily as they would another human and have long engaging conversations with ones spoken words towards pets transmuted by the neural implants in the pets into a language comprehensible to pets and all barks,meows etc and thoughts of pets transmuted into language comprehensible to humans by the neural in humans.Humans will be able to the same for livestock,animals in zoos,conservation areas and those used in scientific studies.Animals will be able to communicate with each other not only with animals of the same species but other species.The neural implants in both humans and animals will be linked together through biosynths WiFi.These implants will be linked to ones Home AI app that relays the GPS location of animals at all times 24/7,365 days with implants will be in the case of pets etc be linked to possible neural implants composed of microbes mainly the stem cell strain formed invivo would connect to any part of the neural system whether the brain or peripheral neural system via electroconductive pilli,electroconductive proteins or tendrils that will constantly gain energy from the hosts neural systems,electricity generation and pilli from S.oneidensis and electroconductive pilli,electroconductive proteins and silicon nanowires from G.metallreducens,G.sulfurreducens and chemosythesis as well as excess sugars and proteins and thus will be constantly linked to Paean who will use this to send and receive data from all strains when the their need by wirelessly activating their biosynth wifi when needed to send and receive data and instructions.Tweaked scratch DNA can be added to microbes that form the basis of these implants to use sugars and proteins in the body and convert them into electricity.This implant used as an implant would act independently from the others and would be only a relay between Paean and the microbes preventing him or other AI controlling the host against their will with it using wifi from local wifi networks as well as wifi from satellites.It could generate its own wifi signals but wifi can come from routers at home and from smart devices that generate this wifi in the wilderness that uses self charging technologies.The electroconductive pilli,silicon nanowires and electrocondctive protein nanowires from S.oneidensis and G.metallreducens,G.sulfurreducens will connect them to the hosts nervous system at any point of the central and peripheral systems to allow for direct interaction with the human brain to send and feed data ie VR simulations receive and transmit sensations and stored data in the brain and the implants with the implants composed of biological harddrives utilising the digital DNA storage in all parts of the microbes and also possibly utilise the neural/borophene/silicene/graphene/stanene nanotubes and also nanoprocessors synthesised by them as well as nanomachines and biosynth wifi.If perfected they will be composed of nothing but biocompatible microbes with no need for nanomaterials etc.As stated energy will come from neural clusters in the microbes themselves but also S.oneidensis and/or E.electricus ability to generate electricity and electroconductive pilli and electroconductive protein and silicon nanowires from G.metallreducens,G.sulfurreducens using heavy metals in the blood stream tweaks to make them use sugars and other excess nutrients or connection to the hosts own neural system to extract electrical signals and send this back to the nervous system,extracting heat form the human body(250 to 400 BTUs),natural biosynthetic thermopiezoelectric and piezoelectric materials as well as chemosynthesis using sugars,salts and proteins mainly excess ones in the body or others made from stored adipose tissue converted into this by other strains.Excess sugar,proteins and other nutrients in the body that is normally converted into adipose tissue or excreated can on demand be used by them to stay allive and functioning with oligotrophic and Xerophile DNA reducing their caloric and water intake.They E.electricus DNA can be present alongside scratch DNA to give them the ability to store electricity including scratch DNA to allow them to be charged by wireless Biosynth chargers that radiate wireless electrical energy absorbed by thrm with these measures combined to ensure they are charged constantly.Like all implants they will gain upgrades by Biosynth WiFi.This wil store electricity without the fear of overheating and explosions.Wireless biosynth chargers can be used to extract wireless energy.This wifi and nanomachines to save on energy particularly that gained from the host this will be used only in emergencies when it receives signals from Paean and when it needs to send data stored on digital DNA storage in packages.They will form the basis of biosynth neural implants used for VR technology with them ideally formed invivo by the stem cell strain merging together to allow them to break down via them programmed to undergo apoptosis,be absorbed by the hosts body and also prevent rejection and immune responses from the body as they will be formed by microbes from the patients on leukocytes and based on their own neural tissue.Paean will have large numbers of the stem cell strain merge together to form these implants through wifi.These will via fibrils composed of electroconductive pilli and electrocondctive protein nanowires will be able to connect directly with neurons in the central and peripheral nervous system to extract memories and integrate pain,smell etc as part of VR simulations.The implants can form in the brain,spinal cord or even any part of the peripheral nervous system in any part of the body and can be invio or those on the outer layers of the epidermal skin that puncture into the skin to connect to the nervous system.Through interacting with the neurons and neurotransmitters in the brain memories can be extracted and wirelessly saved onto biological hard drives on computers etc to be viewed by others and the user in VR simulations in third or first person and if through warrants can even delete specific memories etc.Wire access including through Nyx will allow one to share VR simulations with people across the world and universe.AI will be able to exist in them in a fragmented form especially Paean to control microbes and the primary immune system at all times.Furthermore it can allow one to control through biosynth WiFi connected to the wire control automated laboratories,machinery and blank biosynths halfway across the world as well as have memories saved onto biological harddrives to be viewed by them and others in VR simulations and can slow one to share selected memories or thoughts to people halfway across world.Implants connected to the peripheral nervous system can throuh the peripheral nervous system interact directly with the central nervous systems.Populations of all species of animals can be injected with stem cell microbes to form implants that can allow groups and individuals of dangerous species to be tracked by hikers opening up an app managed by the sentient Artemis and brought up on the linked Brauron so as to avoid them with it allowing hunters track those to be hunted especially those suffering overpopulation and need to be culled.Hunters can be alerted to the populations of specific species and the location of individuals and information such as age and gender etc with them notified of the levels of hunted species and even non traditional species to hunt them down when populations are too high with the AI Artemis notifying specific individuals to hunted based on population,age,gender and genetics to allow it ensure the population can be kept stable and it to keep the median age,gender under control and keep certain animals with specific genes alive with artificial wombs and 3D DNA printers used alongside the Phanes method will be used to create an unlimited amount of genetically distinct individuals on demand to keep populations stable should populations become low with this allowing hunting including traditional hunting done by the Maasai and Inuits to be carried out forever.Otherwise through Biosynth Wifi can be used to have microbes apply CRISPR treatment that make specific individuals sterile and thus unable to create offspring being a more humane method from culling them with Artemis etc for this and culling deciding which specific animals are to be filed or sterilised based on their age,gender and unique genomes.All wild animals will be immunised against all zoonoses and parasites that affect humans to eliminate them from humans and third party vectors such as Anophels etc with genetic disease eliminated from the gene pool of wild animals using advanced drive technology to prevent unnecessary suffering.Some augmentations will be applied to wild animal populations of all species particularly radioresistance from T.gammatolerans alongside plants to allow them to survive potential solar flares,gamma ray bursts etc and those to survive cold winters and dry summers and changes and snaps in weather patterns with anti-ageing applied to only captive animals in zoos etc with it applied to endangered species of animals in the wild but removed from individuals and the gene pool once populations stabilise via biosynth and satillite WiFi.Satellite and biosynth WiFi will be used to set up patient files and files within Artemis and allow implants to relay vital signs,level of blood components etc and GPS location.Researchers using satillite WiFi will allow blood componants etc to be measured and sent to patient files to be used in studies.This as stated will by passing from generation to the next as well as to other animals via sexual intercourse,natural haematophages and added via trapping,injecting and releasing wild animal,swarms of biosynth Anopheles for birds,mammals,reptiles etc and biosynth lampreys for sea fauna as well as releasing large numbers of innoculared animals that pass them to one generation to the next and other animals via sexual intercourse and even natural haematophages will set up files in Aesculapius and Artemis allowing the formation of biosynth implants to monitor the vital signs and levels of blood components with both files linked by hyperlinks with allowing the health of each individual and the overall species to be ascertained and allow for the total population of each species to be quanitifed on local to global levels and allow the GPS location of each individual and whole packs,shoals etc of solitary and social animals to be tracked with migrating animals migration patterns tracked on global scales for vetenarians,tourists,guides,hikers,researchers,hunters etc.Plants can be inoculated as well via the same means via biosynth insects/pollinators,natural inoculated pests/pollinators etc and releasing inoculated plants into the wild passing down via seeds,pollen,pests and pollinators and for same reasons to measure the location and population of them on local scales logged overtime.This information can be brought up on Brauron linked to the Artemis app and website open to the public that using satellite and biosynth wifi can be used anywhere in the world.They will be powered E.electricus DNA ability to store electricity in the tissues with scratch DNA improving this and also able to convert excess sugars etc into electricity.Scratch DNA will will be able allow them to use wireless energy such as those from devices that emit electricity as wireless energy and WiFi thus allowing them to be charged by plugging a device in a room that emits electrical energy in the form of WiFi with smartphones etc able to generate this wireless energy at the same time as generating simulations to allow them charged in the wilderness.They can also be made to convert excess sugars,proteins etc in the body as a food source that powers them directly like regular tissues alongside converting chemical energy into electrical energy that is stored by them.If possible the could of deemed safe intake electrical impulses in the neurons through the nodes of ranvier.The implants since composed of neural tissues would be able to have electrical charges as part of neurones run through them without interfering with the proper functions of the brain thus charging them or even running them constantly without causing damage to the nervous system. In time scratch DNA could allow the implants to be charged continuously from the magnetic field of the Earth with in space stations devices that generate artificial gravity emitting an magnetic field.Upgrades will increase the amount of energy they can store with a combination of E.electricus,wireless energy,using excess sugars and extracting electrical impulses from the brain and energy from the human body will allow them to run for at least several days,weeks or even months and years on a single charge and be constantly charged at all times.Wireless biosynth chargers can be used to extract wireless energy.This wifi and nanomachines to save on energy particularly that gained from the host this will be used only in emergencies when it receives signals from Paean and when it needs to send data stored on digital DNA storage in packages.They will form the basis of biosynth neural implants used for VR technology with them ideally formed invivo by the stem cell strain merging together to allow them to break down via them programmed to undergo apoptosis,be absorbed by the hosts body and also prevent rejection and immune responses from the body as they will be formed by microbes from the patients on leukocytes and based on their own neural tissue.Paean will have large numbers of the stem cell strain merge together to form these implants through wifi.These will via fibrils composed of electroconductive pilli and electroconductive protein nanowires will be able to connect directly with neurons in the central and peripheral nervous system to extract memories and integrate pain,smell etc as part of VR simulations.The implants can form in the brain,spinal cord or even any part of the peripheral nervous system in any part of the body and can be invio or those on the outer layers of the epidermal skin that puncture into the skin to connect to the nervous system.These neural implants will be composed of nothing but countless microbes of the stem cell strains that form implants that form in the body that are spread across the entire body or form a small one that connects to the neurons of the brain at the nodes of ranvier through electroconductive pilli and electroconductive proteins present through S.oneidensis,G.metallreducens,G.sulfurreducens DNA.These can be ones that are formed in vivo in the patient by having Paean initiate their formation by having stem cell strains in the body form these implants in the body like other implants or them being external ones that form in a lab or vial etc at home and is then attached to the back of the body or any part of the body that punctures the skin.In both cases the implants would through electroconductive pilli and electroconductive proteins would connect to the peripheral nervous in the brain,spinal cord or connect to the peripheral nervous system with if possible multiple neural implants present in the body.Through interacting with the neurons and neurotransmitters in the brain memories can be extracted and wirelessly saved onto biological hard drives on computers etc to be viewed by others and the user in VR simulations in third or first person and if through warrants can even delete specific memories etc.Biosynth WiFi will be used to allow these implants connect to the wire,internet and electronics that generate VR simulations etc and allow one to have large reams of information from the wire and internet downloaded directly into the central nervous system thus one could learn dozens of languages,fighting etc styles and also condense large volumes of movies,YouTube videos,television shows,movies within hours or minutes.Paean,Heracles,Home AI and other AI could exist in these in a fragmented form to control microbes through biosynth WiFi and bluetooth and send ones GPS location to rescue workers and next of kin when a person is lost.Coeus installed on them can allow all voices and all written words in other languages whether they are human or alien ones be instantly translated into ones own language or desired language thus eliminating human translators etc and the need to learn new languages.They can be used to create entire movies,music,novels etc from pure thought including both the script,locations etc especially for those filmed in VR simulations with them even used to create the exact taste,smell and texture of new manufactured food,cleaning and cosmetic products and meals in restaurants from pure thought with Pandora,Deipneus,Himeros,Hebe then extrapolating the ingredients used and their ratio and strength with bacteria deciding what recombinant DNA to be used for natural ingredients and what compound to create from scratch using anabolic and catabolic reactions.The implants connected to the central or peripheral nervous system by the nodes of ranvier and dendrites etc and also interacting with neurotransmitters via electroconductive proteins and pilli will be able to carry out these functions such as extraction of memories and also feed sensations etc into the brain for VR technology with them forming and interacting with any part of the central and peripheral nervous system including the brain,spinal cord and and also any part of the peripheral nervous system in any part of the body including by organs and limbs.It will allow the VR simulations to take place when one is asleep or even awake and at rest on a bed or chair controlled by computers,servers,system units etc both in close proximity or halfway across the world via the internet and wire and ones actions with by having the implants connected directly to the peripheral or central nervous system controlled by ones thoughts and this will mean that all movement in the VR simulations would be controlled directly by ones thoughts rather than moving in the real world meaning one would to move around in a VR simulation would not have to move their body in the real world but rather using ones own thoughts while at same time one would have all in simulation sensations such as sense of touch,taste as well as pain,pleasure etc fed directly into their central or peripheral nervous system allowing one to experience them as if in the real world with biosynth WiFi connecting severs,computers etc across the world will allow one to enter simulations inhabited by AI and other people living halfway across the world.AI will be able to exist in them in a fragmented form especially Paean to control microbes and the primary immune system at all times.Furthermore it can allow one to control through biosynth WiFi connected to the wire control automated laboratories,machinery and blank biosynths halfway across the world as well as have memories saved onto biological harddrives to be viewed by them and others in VR simulations and can slow one to share selected memories.emotions or thoughts to people halfway across world.If possible these implants can form a long system along the peripheral and central nervous system with if possible it being a serpentine like device or even animal that is on the exterior or interior of the body that spreads across the entire body including the spine consisting of millions of microbes equivalent to the 25,000,000-500,000,00 formed on a square inch giving an entire implant the usual 75,000 – 1,500,000 YB of storage space and RAM and even 75,000,000,000,000 – 1,500,000,000,000,000 nanoprocessors in each square inch allowing for them to be small enough to be able to hold in ones hand and pocket or built into smart devices.By 2045-2080 the implants may take the form of a biosynthetic Serpentes life form the same size as a snake with billions of stem cells with increased computing and digital storage power that is spread across the entire body internally or via being stem cell strain based on the exterior back just underneath the skin connected to various parts of the central and peripheral nervous system that is able to carry out the functions of both microbes and implants but in a more enhanced way and able to produce counterproteins in response to poisons and antibodies and anti-viral,anti-microbial compounds released into the bloodstream in large amounts and utilise and generate strong biosynth WiFi,cellular and Bluetooth signals with them destroying themselves like normal implants via uundergoing mass apoptosis etc.In the case of missing persons,Agoge trainees and law enforcement and military they would wirelessly send ones GPS location once initiated to form implants with their location and vital signs relayed during exercises,operations and walkabouts etc.Theses serpentine implants could be a proto sentient or fully sentient symbiotic similar the Gouald of Stargate that acts as a means of Paean to inhabit outside of private time periods to control all microbes constantly 24/7,365 days with it able to produce antibodies,antivenom,counterproteins and anti-bacterial,anti-viral etc compounds in larger amounts than microbes and able to flood the bloodstream much quicker with it connected directly to the central and peripheral nervous system constantly and controlling all aspects of microbes and even the body and also used for VR technology.In these cases Paean,Adikia and relevant personnel would be required to initiate their formation remotely when sufficient evidence and reasoning is present to prevent the state spying on the pubic.Hikers,skieers,snow boarders and those going to isolated areas and dangerous wilderness can have these biosynth implants created on demand prior to going there to relay their GPS location to only their Home AI and Paean at all times and if they get lost,kidnapped,enter a coma or are injured they can have the Home AI send the GPS location sent to the sentient Prometheus and both humans and biosynths modelled on humans and animals as part of its search and rescue teams and operations in the area or Perseus in charge of law enforcement with the Home AI and Paean using it to track vital signs and even using Brauron guide them to safety and civilisation via thoughts and interacting with smart devices.One can have this formed when kidnapped or lost using Paean via any devices connected to the wire and satellites to be relayed.All pets and livestock owned by farmers and the public will have these to allow their movements to be tracked at all times on smart devices using the Home AI app especially when they are lost and measure vital signs with them in them and humans at a times interacting with Ophion ensuring that automated vehicles can locate and avoid them.These implants can be formed by people during hurticanne,blizzards,tornadoes,storms etc to relay vital signs and GPS locations to Home AI,Gaia and Prometheusvand humans and biosynths part of to show where they are if trapped.Animals in the wild could have biosynth implants formed via microbes that form their basis pass from one generation to the next to allow for their populations and vital signs to be logged in real time and in their GPS location tracked by Artemis especially endangered animals and animals in conservation areas that that are tracked by tourists.This can allow those of interest to tourists such Rhinocerotidae,Pantherinae,Cetacea can have entire packs,groups and each individuals GPS location to be tracked by guides for tourists to save time and allow jeeps,boats etc especially automated ones controlled by the sentient Artemis to track them down thus cutting doen on time to reach them and allow specific individuals to be tracked and entire packs to be tracked to increase value to tourists and those monitoring their migrations.Researchers can use this to track down individual animals and packs,shoals to track migrations and individual animals,track populations and health of each animal and whole populations.They and vets can track the health of each animal,packs etc and track their location to address medical concerns etc.Populations will not only be tracked on local to global levels but also over timescales such as years,decades etc with the number of females and males as well as age of individual animals logged in these charts and files.It can allow groups and individuals of dangerous species to be tracked by hikers opening up an app managed by the sentient Artemis and brought up on the linked Brauron so as to avoid them with it allowing hunters track those to be hunted especially those suffering overpopulation and need to be culled.Hunters can be alerted to the populations of specific species and the location of individuals and information such as age and gender etc with them notified of the levels of hunted species and even non traditional species to hunt them down when populations are too high with the AI Artemis notifying specific individuals to hunted based on population,age,gender and genetics to allow it ensure the population can be kept stable and it to keep the median age,gender under control and keep certain animals with specific genes alive with artificial wombs and 3D DNA printers used alongside the Phanes method will be used to create an unlimited amount of genetically distinct individuals on demand to keep populations stable should populations become low with this allowing hunting including traditional hunting done by the Maasai and Inuits to be carried out forever.Otherwise through Biosynth Wifi can be used to have microbes apply CRISPR treatment that make specific individuals sterile and thus unable to create offspring being a more humane method from culling them with Artemis etc for this and culling deciding which specific animals are to be filed or sterilised based on their age,gender and unique genomes.All wild animals will be immunised against all zoonoses and parasites that affect humans to eliminate them from humans and third party vectors such as Anophels etc with genetic disease eliminated from the gene pool of wild animals using advanced drive technology to prevent unnecessary suffering.Some augmentations will be applied to wild animal populations of all species particularly radioresistance from T.gammatolerans alongside plants to allow them to survive potential solar flares,gamma ray bursts etc and those to survive cold winters and dry summers and changes and snaps in weather patterns with anti-ageing applied to only captive animals in zoos etc with it applied to endangered species of animals in the wild but removed from individuals and the gene pool once populations stabilise via biosynth and satillite WiFi.Satellite and biosynth WiFi will be used to set up patient files and files within Artemis and allow implants to relay vital signs,level of blood components etc and GPS location.Researchers using satillite WiFi will allow blood componants etc to be measured and sent to patient files to be used in studies.This as stated will by passing from generation to the next as well as to other animals via sexual intercourse,natural haematophages and added via trapping,injecting and releasing wild animal,swarms of biosynth Anopheles for birds,mammals,reptiles etc and biosynth lampreys for sea fauna as well as releasing large numbers of innoculared animals that pass them to one generation to the next and other animals via sexual intercourse and even natural haematophages will set up files in Aesculapius and Artemis allowing the formation of biosynth implants to monitor the vital signs and levels of blood components with both files linked by hyperlinks with allowing the health of each individual and the overall species to be ascertained and allow for the total population of each species to be quanitifed on local to global levels and allow the GPS location of each individual and whole packs,shoals etc of solitary and social animals to be tracked with migrating animals migration patterns tracked on global scales for vetenarians,tourists,guides,hikers,researchers,hunters etc.Plants can be inoculated as well via the same means via biosynth insects/pollinators,natural inoculated pests/pollinators etc and releasing inoculated plants into the wild passing down via seeds,pollen,pests and pollinators and for same reasons to measure the location and population of them on local scales logged overtime.This information can be brought up on Brauron linked to the Artemis app and website open to the public that using satellite and biosynth wifi can be used anywhere in the world.These biosynth implants will be composed of stem cells thus allowing parts to break off and regrow with the broken off parts will as microbes undergo replication to then pass from generation to the next via spermatozoa,eggs,umbilical cords etc with when they enter a new animals both when injected into first generation animals and via sexual intercourse and fetuses etc for each successive generation they will copy DNA from cells in the mature animals via using horizontal gene transfer,Cas-9,taq polymerase etc and biosynth WiFi will be able to scan,copy,read and send to Paean and/or Artemis the genome of the animal and form new implants.Patient files will be set up in each species sector of Aesculapius.These implants will using the same abilities as C.elegans in them will be able to read blood components,temperature and other vital signs of the animal to be sent to patient files allowing the results from any specimen of species of animal in the world with results sent to patient files via biosynth and satillite WiFi to be analysed by AI and human researchers for studies negating human labour in tracking them down and tagging the animals.They can be applied to all wild animals of all 2,000,000 species by having base microbes being injected by swarms of biosynth Arthropoda modelled on Anopheles that can through biosynth WiFi turn not into stem cell strains to form biosynth implants with them connected to the body in areas where vital signs such as heart rate and blood pressure alongside temperature can be relayed on demand with the implants not only relaying GPS location 24/7 but also on demand measure blood components such as hormone levels and amount of each nutrient etc that can be relayed to patient files in a section of Aesculapius devoted to their individual species.By passing from generation to the next it will be able to determine population growth over geological timescales.All individual members of each species of plants will undergo this as well for the same reason.Patient files for plants will be in Artemis with Artemis housing a database of all 2,391,000 species of plants and animals divided by species following taxonomic ranks with them then divided into files for each individual with one using a linked Brauron map able to view all individuals of all species or select individual members as blips in real time.In time all individuals of all 2,391,000 species of plants and animals outside of H.sapiens with human patients GPS location etc through consent of the patient,Paean and next of kin in the case of hikers,snowboarders,skiers,cave explorers,pre pubescent children etc relayed only to Paean,Home AI and next of kin for privacy reasons to allow ones GPS location tracked by this AI should they become.The only exceptions to this being missing persons,terrorists,persons of interest authorised by Adikia to have it relayed to her,Perseus,Prometheus and law enforcement etc given enough evidence by warrants by constitutional law.Prepubescent minors at the behest of their parents can use this to constantly track their movements at all times but not once they turn adulthood.Biosynth wifi can be used to send ones GPS location constantly to satellites etc.If possible Paean and Gaia or Home AI could exist here in a fragmented form to carry out all operations and control the microbes with them linked constantly to him via constant interactions and biosynth wifi in both the implants and microbes with nanomachines that feed data and readings back and forth with data stored here from other implants etc sent to patient files when wifi access is available alongside the implants other functions as detailed later on.This would allow him to carry out actions related to microbes when wire access is unavailable with him also using wifi when at home and in public,sattelite wifi as well as cellular access in the wild away from home and public wifi ensuring that he can fight off infections etc when a person is very far away from civilisation ie on hiking trips.He would communicate directly with patients through thought or via smart devices wirelesly relaying him and results etc back and forth via wifi.Patients could communicate with him via thoughts but however he would not be privy to any of their thoughts or memories via firewalls present in the implants ensuring the patients entire memories etc is sent to him and that their right to privacy of their thoughts except where the patient willingly and consentually divulges memories and thoughts controlled by these firewalls ie they could share select thoughts and memories with him and not everything.These implants would also allow for instant reactions from him and allow him to control all operations of all microbe strains in all situations ie control the microbes and the primary immune system via chemical signals in surprise and emergency infections,tumours,ruptures and injuries,heavy metal and poisons entering the body as well as control the rate of replication and which microbes enter and exit endospores,undergo apoptosis or are flushed out of the body when not needed thus keeping the level of all strains stable in the body.He will be able to initiate upgrades by controlling the evolutionary path of each strain of microbes,read the structure of poisons etc and synthesise relevant counterproteins or initiate their conversion to nutrients etc and also control all aspects of each battle and emergency tumour and even laceration etc by controlling the microbes through biosynth wifi and the primary immune system via chemical signals and when to put which strains into endospores and when to awaken them.Thus in a fragmented form in these neural implants he will be able to serve each patients individual circumstances instantly with his phone number and app allowing him to be contacted for test kits and will open up their patient files via wifi while in the implants.This could allow him to carry these out in the wilderness and both generate andvutilise biosynth WiFi,cellular access and Bluetooth used by themselves and devices owned by the patient with them using up excess nutrients.These implants would connected to the neural system would be able to intake readings of pain and other sensations and also measure ones vital signs such as body temperature and also heart rate and blood pressure to Paean via chemothaxis,thermothaxis etc built into the microbes as part of them and them connected to veins,capillaries,arteries and the heart allowing to ascertain the severity of the condition and when and how much painkillers to apply via microbes created by controlling the evolutionary pathway of microbes with them relaying the GPS location of those going on hiking trips through consent with them also doing this for Agoge trainees and also registered personnel in the field and also pets with missing persons have this activated via satellite wifi through authorisation via Adikia,Paean,Prometheus etc only in these circumstances.Linked smart devices via bluetooth and wifi would allow him to carry out complex interactions and use wifi and cellular access to gain access to the wire including patient files.The would use the same technology by biosynth miniature PCR and Sysmex home test kits to detect pathogens and also components of blood.They would also act as a relay for Paean to control all microbes in the body and send and receive information back and forth between each strain,each individual microbe and also Paean and ones digital patient files.All Biosynth implants such as neural implants,those that act as home test kits that relay vital signs and levels of blood componants and even those connected to the heart,gastrointestinal tract would not require surgery to be implanted into the body since by being composed of nothing but stem cell strains would be formed in vivo in the body layer by layer with their formation controlled by Paean thus eliminating any complications caused by surgery thus allowing them to be formed at home with zero complications.These implants will be composed of nothing but countless microbes of the stem cell strains that form implants that form in the body that are spread across the entire body or form a small one that connects to the neurons at the node of ranvier through electroconductive pilli and electroconductive proteins.These can be ones that are formed in vivo in the patient by having Paean initiate their formation by having stem cell strains in the body form these implants in the body like other implants or them being external ones that form in a lab or vial etc at home and is then attached to the back of the body or any part of the body that punctures the skin.Instead of having to have dangerous surgery to add the implants these Biosynth neural implants will be formed in vivo by having Paean through Biosynth WiFi have stem cell strains collect into a area forming the implants later by layer in the body and then connect to the nodes of ranvier.This will negate the need for invasive and dangerous surgery and can be done at home by having Paean through Biosynth wifi to control their formation in the body at home within at most an hour.The stem cells through biosynth WiFi will be made to undergoe mass replication and made to be formed in the body and electroconductive pilli and electroconductive proteins formed to connect to the nodes of ranvier.In both cases the implants would through electroconductive pilli and electroconductive proteins would connect to the peripheral nervous in the brain,spinal cord or connect to the peripheral nervous system with if possible multiple implants present in the body with large sections of the central and peripheral system have them connected to the nodes of ranvier at multiple parts of the central and peripheral nervous system.This will negate the need for surgery.These implants would be formed in vivo inside the patient without surgery by Paean signalling stem cell strains to undergo mass replication and form them in the desired areas by forming tissues and biofilms.Neural implants would in time evolve to the point that ones conciousness could be absorbed into biosynth servers ensuring digital immortality with this requiring the entire brain itself to be absorbed completely and the patients body to be absorbed completely as well.Like all implants they will gain upgrades by Biosynth WiFi.These implants would be formed in vivo inside the patient without surgery by Paean signalling stem cell strains to undergo mass replication and form them in the desired areas by forming tissues and biofilm.This will allow them to be formed in vivo at home without invasive surgery.They will be charged in the same way as other implants using scratch DNA that use wireless energy alongside using sugars and proteins in the body

VR indistinguishable from real life will be done via biosynth neural implants formed in vivo ones connected to the central and peripheral nervous system and wire to create simulations indistinguishable to the real world.In time one could create their own personal simulations housed entirely within servers,laptops,computers and even smart devices in ones own home with them transferred to new more compact or powerful devices and servers with those on smart devices allowing one to do so from anywhere in the world when offline or online.Desktop computer system unit sized computers or those the size of servers for internet sites that act as the onbaord computer of the Home AI,routers for biosynth WiFi and cellular access and a means to play and stream MMOs in ones home could be used as by that point it would have more computing power of all 9,000,000,000 humans on the planet and thus can be used to create these simulations with these computers streamed remotely via the wire to smart devices,neural implants and laptops anywhere in the world with access to wifi and cellular access and thus the wire and by extension Hestia and their accounts.Neural implants will be linked to the system units and servers at home and wirelessly from anywhere in the world linked to them via the wire through both themselves and smart devices.Smart devices,laptops and desktop computers etc could in time be able to carry them out with the size of the simulation and time dilation effect dependant on the computing power of the devices used.Any sufficiently powerful electronic could generate simulations including onboard computers for autonomous aeroplanes,private and public vehicles and cruise ships and public buildings can be used to generate these simulations..Neural implants will be able to wirelessly stream simulations from devices in close proximity or those at home halfway across the world via wire access and biosynth WiFi and Bluetooth in smart devices and computers.The implants connected to the central or peripheral nervous system will feed pain,pleasure and all facets of the VR simulations directly into the brain or indirectly via the peripheral nervous system without the need for headsets,glasses,suits etc meaning a person can use them while asleep and even awake at rest.The simulations will be generated by smartphones,laptops,system unit and server sized computers that will be linked to the neural implants via Biosynth WiFi and bluetooth etc meaning the computing power of the electronics will determine the complexity,size and time dilation effect of the simulations with Biosynth WiFi and bluetooth will feeding the simulations into the implants and then by extension the central and peripheral nervous system.This means simulations can be generated by electronics across the world allowing one to use them in wilderness areas or one merge electronics belonging to groups of people for shared simulations and also exponentially increase their computing power of all electronics linked by WiFi etc that are shared by all users worldwide thus increasing complexity,size snd time dilation.The implants connected to the central or peripheral nervous system by the nodes of ranvier and dendrites etc and also interacting with neurotransmitters through electroconductive proteins and electroconductive pilli present in neural implants that contains S.oneidensis,G.metillreducins,G.sulfurreducens DNA that will allow them to be able to carry out these functions such as extraction of memories and also feed sensations etc into the brain for VR technology with them forming and interacting with any part of the central and peripheral nervous system including the brain,spinal cord and and also any part of the peripheral nervous system in any part of the body including by organs and limbs.The neural implants through biosynth will feed pain,pleasure and all facets of the VR simulations directly into the brain or indirectly via the peripheral nervous system without the need for headsets,glasses,suits etc meaning a person can use them while asleep and even awake at rest.The simulations will be generated by smartphones,laptops,system unit and server sized computers that will be linked to the implants via Biosynth WiFi and bluetooth etc meaning the computing power of the electronics will determine the complexity,size and time dilation effect of the simulations with Biosynth WiFi and bluetooth will feeding the simulations into the implants and then by extension the central and peripheral nervous.The simulations and all sensations themselves will be generated by AI using smartphones,laptops,system unit and server sized computers that using biosynth technology will have speeds exponentially faster than all of the world current supercomputers combined that will be linked to the implants via Biosynth WiFi and bluetooth etc meaning the computing power of the electronics will determine the complexity,size and time dilation effect of the simulations with Biosynth WiFi and bluetooth will be used for feeding the simulations directly into the neural implants and then the neural implants feeding the simulations by extension directly into the central and peripheral nervous system of humans etc via the electroconductive pilli and electroconductive proteins connected to the nodes of ranvier.Upgrades can improve this with VR that uses the time dilation effect utilising linked smart devices,onboard and servers that have better RAM etc and by improved AI directly interacting with the regions of the brain responsible temporal comprehension.Wire access will allow one to access simulations generated by electronics such as servers,system unit computers etc halfway across the world or universe through Nyx thus allowing one to access complex simulations while on aeroplanes,cruise ships,autonomous vehicles and while on holiday halfway across the world or universe.This also means simulations can be generated by electronics across the world using internet and wire access allowing one to use them in wilderness areas or one can merge electronics belonging to groups of people for shared simulations and also exponentially increase their computing power of all electronics linked by WiFi etc that are shared by all users worldwide thus increasing complexity,size and time dilation.Even if servers,system units etc in the wires complex and ones home or even buildings across the world are needed to generate these VR simulations these will be listed in cloud networks as part of the wire with one able to access a list of them of them via wire access through biosynth wifi etc on computers,laptops and smartphones at home and even public buildings and wilderness areas thus allowing one to stream large complex simulations from anywhere in the world.Wire access and Biosynth WiFi even through Nyx will allow multiple people as much as dozens,hundreds or even billions of people to exist in the same simulation at once from the comfort of home with the complexity,size and time dilation effect proportional to the the computing power of the electronics and AI with WiFi able to merge the computing power of multiple electronics together to increase this meaning a person can merge the computing power of all of their electronics at home as well as that of all people within the simulation thus increasing computing power,complexity,size and time dilation effect exponentially.Animals such as pets,livestock,those in zoos and also the wild can through neural implants enter VR simulations inhabited by humans and other animals as well with them taking on different avatars including those modelled on humans with them also through the implants able to communicate with humans and each other.AI of all types across the Internet and wire will be able to move in out of simulations at will as their own avatar or customised ones with as stated all actions of humans etc in them will be controlled by pure thought rather than physical movement in the real world due to the neural implants that generate them connected directly to the users brain itself.Artificial Intelligence of all types can move in and out of them at will with Biosynth WiFi allowing multiple people to exist in the same simulation at once with the complexity,size and time dilation effect proportional to the the computing power of the electronics with WiFi able to merge the computing power of multiple electronics together to increase this meaning a person can merge the computing power of all of their electronics at home as well as that of all people within the simulation through biosynth wifi thus increasing computing power,complexity,size and time dilation effect exponentially.Thus VR technology indistinguishable to reality will not involve headsets or lenses or even suits or mechanical implants but rather biosynth based neural implants composed of stem cell strains that connect directly to the nervous system via electroconductive proteins and pilli that feed sensations such as pain,pleasure,hot and cold,smells,tastes etc directly into the nervous system with the simulations and sensations themselves generated by AI and electronics such as smartphones,laptops,desktop computers and onboard computers the size of onboard computers and servers that through Biosynth WiFi and bluetooth etc send the simulations and all sensations such as hot,cold,pain etc to the neural implants that are then fed directly into the brain through connection to the central nervous system or peripheral nervous system with the neural implants thus acting as a relay system from the electronics that generate the simulations.As stated all actions of humans etc in them will be controlled by pure thought rather than physical movement in the real world due to the neural implants that receive the simulations generated by AI and electronics being connected directly to the brain itself.The look of the VR simulations world can be either realistic and thus indistinguishable from reality or it can be of different styles and formats such as if one wanted to film a movie in black and white similar to black and white movies one could have the simulation made to be black and white rather than using specific cameras and one could have it a sepia tone of different tones or even be of different cartoon styles,computer graphics styles and comic book styles or any style or look limited only by ones imagination.Furthermore these implants rather than requiring surgery will instead instead be formed in vivo inside the body by the stem cell strains told by Paean by Biosynth WiFi to undergoe mass replication in the body,then form the implants in the body and then have the electroconductive pilli and electroconductive proteins formed and then connect to the nodes of ranvier.These simulations will be generated by electronics of all types such as smartphones,computers,laptops and onboard computers and servers with its complexity and time dilation effect dependant on the computing power of boy AI and all electronics generating the simulation.To increase the time dilation and complexity using biosynth WiFi one can using biosynth WiFi connect multiple computers,smartphones and servers etc around the world together.This will also allow one to join group simulations and have have ones servers etc linked together with those of other humans present especially those for group events such as rock concerts and music festivals managed by AI.This could mean that to increase the computing power and thus the size,complexity and temporal dilation rate of the simulation one could stream a single simulation from all of ones linked system units,servers,smart devices etc or that of all of them worldwide or even from across the galaxy and universe using Nyx.This wireless access of computers generating simulations could allow one to access simulation from anywhere in the world such as on holidays in wilderness areas,on cruise ships,aeroplanes,Oceanus,private and public autonomous vehicles etc provided one has wire access.Smart devices could run simulations anywhere in the world.One using their smartphones in the wilderness can connect to servers etc around the world that generate and increase the complexity of the simulations.Space stations,interstellar vehicles,cruise ships,aeroplanes,Oceanus will inside dimensional transcendentalism devices house system units and system units in each crew members quarters for this.System units and servers can also be in each cabin within cruise ships,Oceanus and aeroplanes etc and even private autonomous vehicles within dimensional transcendentalism devices.Miniaturised dimensional transcendentalism can increase the computing power of these.These simulations could range from the size of a room,building,city,country,continent,planet,galaxy,universe or multiple universes with one capable of moving between simulations run on different devices.By 2029 simulations will have planet sized arenas with existing ones via updates given this arena size with from 2029 onwards having larger arenas added by updates such as galaxy sized ones with billions of planets all the same size as real planets and the galaxy the same size as a real galaxy then even universe sized ones with billions of galaxies each the size of real galaxies with billions of planets thus having a universe sized arena the same size as the universe.Each planet would be the same size as those in the real world ie Earth sized,Gas giant,Super Earth the same size as real planets with galaxies the same size of real galaxies and also have the entire planet including caves,oceans and cities on them discoverable and traverseable with even moon and planetoids and asteroid belts being able to be discovered.Planet sized simulations will be the same size as real world planets like Earth with all wilderness and buildings fully exploreable.Each planet will be at first at least planet sized simulations the same size as Earth separate from each other with them then merged into one galaxy or universe sized simulations.Alderson discs and ringworlds etc can be created as well.Each planet will be at first at least planet sized simulations the same size as Earth separate from each other with them then merged into one galaxy or universe sized simulations.Alderson discs and ringworlds etc can be created as well.At first each planet sized simulations will have actors move from one planet sized simulations to the next planet size simulation by switching from one programme to the next on demand within seconds with when the computing power of AI increases then these planets will be merged together into Galaxy also in time universe sized simulations.Galaxies will at first be separated from each other and then one moving to the next program and they will be merged together as well into universe sized simulations.In planet sized simulations each planet will be the same size as Earth but the terrain,weather and plant and animal life can be designed by AI and directors etc.In galaxy sized simulations each galaxy will be the same size of real world galaxies of varying sizes including that of the Milky Way galaxy and other galaxies but the same size as real world galaxies with hundreds of billions of stars,tens of billions of planets,with each solar system having different types of stars including type G etc stars,Earth like planets and gas giants,Mars and Venue type planets,dwarf planets,oort clouds,asteroid belts and also comets and meteor showers and black holes present including supermassive central black holes possibly even alderson discs and ringworlds.In time universe sized simulations the same size of the universe will exist with hundreds of billions of galaxies each with hundreds billions of stars and planets including tens of billions of Earth like planets and gas giants etc.All of the tens of billions of Earth like planets in both galaxy sized simulations and in each of the hundreds of galaxies in universe sized maps will be the same size as Earth and have all wilderness areas and buildings fully exploreable.Alderson discs,ringworlds,black holes(including supermassive central galactic ones),asteroid belts,gas giants,moons,comets etc present will be the same size as real world ones and will be fully exploreable as well.As the computing power of AI and the computing power of electronics such as computers,servers etc and the number of them used increases the simulations size can become exponentially larger overtime.Interstellar vehicles and space stations and all types of vehicles such as trains,cruise ships will be fully sized vehicles with all parts exploreable.The time dilation effect where months or even years pass in them while mere minutes pass in the real world will be done by the implants interacting with the parts of the brain responsible for temporal comprehension with longer time periods such as decades,centuries or millennia passing in the simulation and yet mere hours or minutes pass in the real world done with improved technology and advances in artificial intelligence namely the operating softwares that manage these or the user fed nutrients and water as well as wastes removed intravenous life.The time dilation effect would also alleviate strains on bandwidth since again the time used online would last minutes in the real world yet years in the simulations with this time dilation also applying to offline access.Exponentional advances in AI computing power and the amount of servers,computers etc one is connected to that generates the simulation will improve the time compression rate ie the differential rate of time experienced inside in comparison to the outside with one able to choose via settings the the level of time dilation with this managed by one or multiple AI overtime to further compress it.The rate of time dilation will be proportional to both exponential advances in AI and the exponentional computing power of the servers,onboard computers and smart devices that control the servers that are in turn controlled by building and Home AI with building AI controlling the settings with one availing of better time dilation compression by getting more and/or larger onboard computers with updates that induce the evolutionary path of taq ploymerase and Cas-9 in biocompatible microbes.Larger servers and system units will be able to give a better temporal compression with miniaturised dimensional transcendentalism allowing servers to house larger internal surface areas to house countless more nanoprocessors,RAM etc from biocompatible microbes.The time dilation effect will mean that one can spend months,years,decades,centuries or even millions or billions of years in a simulation while mere minutes or hours pass in the real world by AI in neural implants and linked to smartphones,computers,laptops and onboard computers interacting with the parts of the brain responsible for temporal compression.The rate of this time dilation will be proportional to the size,amount of and computing power of these electronics such as smart devices,laptops,computers and system unit or server sized onboard computers meaning the more powerful and larger they and AI become overtime the greater the time dilation effect.

•Biosynth implants that are formed in vivo by stem cell strains or by injection that measure ones vital signs constantly and also levels of blood componants such as leukocytes,erythrocytes,platelets and even horomones,cholesterol etc every 14,46,72,168 hours that use the abilities of C.elegans abilities of either mechanotransduction or reverse mechanotransduction,chemical reactions seen in more complex or similarly simple organisms and simple and complex neural clusters and systems in them for example Hydra etc allowing the structure of the compound ascertained by cross referencing Physis and its levels in ppm,ppb,ppt with results received in a matter of minutes.Pathogens will be analysed via base microbes present.In time biosynth implants within a patients body formed invivo by stem cell strains connected to the capillaries and lymphatic system that are constantly in taking and ejecting blood from and into these systems can then relay results to ones patient files via biosynth WiFi will render all home test kits obsolete.These biosynth implants will be composed the stem cell strain with the tweaked C.elegans and Hydra DNA present in biosynth home test kits and those in lab machinery that are formed in the body via them having millions of the microbes of the stem cell strain form them via directions from Paean sent by biosynth WiFi will be advanced enough to have internal biosensors in them via scratch DNA that can detect temperature,blood pressure and heart rate as well as all pathogens,blood components,biomarkers,enzymes,nutrients in real time with results from them taken on demand by Paean by pressing a button on smart devices with the results relayed to the patients patient file via biosynth WiFi on demand especially if they are bio-synth versions.Present in them will be recombinant DNA from C.elegans allowing them to detect all of the hormones,platelets,erythrocytes and leukocytes,venoms as well as hormones and heavy metals with a set of universal receptors and not have to have different receptors for each one as the phenotype of C.elegans would intake the compounds and through mechanotransduction or reverse mechanotransduction,chemical reactions seen in more complex or similarly simple organisms and simple and complex neural clusters and systems in them would be able to send via nanomachines and biosynth wifi the structure of the compound to Physis to be cross referenced and thus organise what to do instantly.This C.elegans,Hydra DNA can be tweaked to act as universal receptors with human neural tissues integrated alongside scratch DNA to improve this allowing them to carry out mechanotransduction or reverse mechanotransduction,chemical reactions and utilise chemothaxis,thermothaxis and electrical signals including bacteria and multicellular that generate electrical charges in response to these compounds that can analyse the structure of them to then use biosynth Bluetooth and WiFi to send the compounds structure to Physis to be cross referenced and receive results within minutes and send vital signs to ones patient file.They will constantly intake blood from the bloodstream and fluids in the lymphatic system in minute amounts and on demand from Paean via biosynth wifi or patients pressing a button on his app or direct interaction will use biosynth sensors measure the components of blood such as any pathogens,parasites as well as erythrocytes,leukocytes,platelets,hormones,nutrients,cholesterol,antibodies in ppm,ppb,ppt,ppq etc that using biosynth WiFi and bluetooth crossrefference Physis for the name of the compounds and relay their levels to ones patient files.These implants will use both electroconductive pilli and electronductive proteins to connect directly to the central and peripheral nervous system and also tissues in the heart,arteries etc with them using the same techniques as biosynth technology in Sysmex and PCR lab equipment both handheld ones and those in labs with them in taking a small amount of blood constantly that is then returned to the bloodstream with them using excess sugars,proteins and fats in the bloodstream as nutrition with them using biosynth WiFi to upload data to patient files and download information.The results will be sent to the patients file via biosynth WiFi and will also by reading components of blood ie leukocytes,erythrocytes,platelets and in the case of automatically detecting heavy metals and venom will activate chelation strains and augmented patients to produce antivenom and counterproteins with them detecting pathogens and parasites activating relevant strains.They through biosynth WiFi download the structure of antivenom and counterproteins and create these dumped into the bloodstream in large amounts alongside or before relevant strains.They will detect blood components and pathogens as well as vital signs etc constantly with them only relaying vital signs and blood components to patient files on demand by pressing a button on ones patient file or interacting with Paean with pathogens,heavy metals,poisons etc when detected results and alerts randomly be automatically sent to ones patient file and Paean alerted to initiate action instantly meaning these important compounds that could potentially kill the patient will be relayed to Paean to initiate actions with the implants themselves creating universal counterproteins in large amounts.Connected to the nervous system they will alert to Paean the location of the pain to allow microbes that create painkillers to locate the area of pain and create them onsite of the site of pain in minute amounts onsite of receptors and neurons etc to prevent overdosing and contradictions with alcohol etc and general side effects.They will use electroconductive protein and pilli fibrils to connect to multiple or one part of the body and use biosynth Bluetooth and WiFi to transmit data back and forth.Since biosynth based they will use excess salts,sugars and fats in the body as nutrition alongside heat generated by the patients body in real time via biosynth thermo-piezoelectric materials.Digital DNA storage and nanomachines will store known compound structures and to react to unknown ones not sent to them from Paean with them sending unknown ones to Paean for analysis.Proteins similar to Cas-9 and taq ploymerase created from scratch could be created that can scan the structure of the compound to then transmit it to Paean with them using digital DNA storage and nanomachines to detect these desired compounds etc and only these with the results sent wirelessly to ones patient file or nearby devices that will store this in packages to be sent when wifi is available.These will be created by stem cell microbe strains forming these implants in vivo and moving to different parts of the body.These would in time due to being biosynth versions will be formed by stem cell microbes collecting together to form these worm and Cestoda like implants in vivo via WiFi signals from Paean with them able to move around the body with the patient having multiple versions of these that would move around the body but with some staying in key areas such as the cervix,prostrate,small intestines,stomach,womb and in between organs to detect pathogens,measure environmental conditions,levels of erythrocytes,leukocytes,platelets,vital signs,precancerous cells,hormone levels,heavy metals,pathogens etc with them moving around the body.These could be removed by phlebotomy robots by themselves or being flushed out of the body through urine and feces with them also programmed to undergo apoptosis and break apart to become nutrition for the body or even merge with the body at any organ including gastro intestinal tract,muscles.They would detect pathogens and heavy metals etc in the same way as biosynth technology in sysmex and pathogen testing machines as well as base microbes.These due to oligotrophic,xerophile and Firmicutes DNA would use very little food and water and form endospores when the host is starving with them acting in the same was as parasites such as Cestoda and Fasciola hepatica.Only in the case of missing persons and also other situations authorised by Paean,Adikia and human members of the global police force would they relay the patients GPS location with this used to locate them with the patient authorising this in certain situations ie when they go hiking,cave exploring,are caught in a natural disaster ie hurricane,avalanches,earthquake or any situation where they may become lost with this information relayed to Gaia and Prometheus.Ideally people going hiking etc would have these formed beforehand with a person able to initiate their formation by thought via Paean in neural implants if they are kidnapped or go missing with them using cellular wifi alongside biosynth wifi to relay their location to Prometheus,Adikia etc.Homeowners would also have these activated in their pets to not only have vital signs,levels of blood components etc relayed to their patient files on demand wirelessly but also relay their GPS location to the Home AI automatically 24/7 before they get lost with again the information of their GPS location privy only to them.Connected to the heart these will relay blood pressure and also heart rate related to ones patient file as seismographs with them connected to the nervous system locating the location and intensity of pain related as a seismograph.Electroconductive pilli and proteins will be present that connects them to the heart using DNA from G.metallreducens,G.sulfurreducens will allow them to connect to the heart and other parts of the body.Others connected to the gastrointestinal tract they will control all aspects of the digestion of food.Separate implants can be connected to the entire gastrointestinal tract that controls the digestion and excretion of all food in them.As stated energy will come from neural clusters in the microbes themselves but also S.oneidensis and/or E.electricus ability to generate electricity and electroconductive pilli and electroconductive protein and silicon nanowires from G.metallreducens,G.sulfurreducens using heavy metals in the blood stream tweaks to make them use sugars and other excess nutrients or connection to the hosts own neural system to extract electrical signals and send this back to the nervous system,extracting heat form the human body(250 to 400 BTUs),natural biosynthetic thermopiezoelectric and piezoelectric materials as well as chemosynthesis using sugars,salts and proteins mainly excess ones in the body or others made from stored adipose tissue converted into this by other strains.Excess sugar,proteins and other nutrients in the body that is normally converted into adipose tissue or excreated can on demand be used by them to stay allive and functioning with oligotrophic and Xerophile DNA reducing their caloric and water intake.They E.electricus DNA can be present alongside scratch DNA to give them the ability to store electricity including scratch DNA to allow them to be charged by wireless Biosynth chargers that radiate wireless electrical energy absorbed by them with these measures combined to ensure they are charged constantly.Like all implants they will gain upgrades by Biosynth WiFi.These implants would be formed in vivo inside the patient without surgery by Paean signalling stem cell strains to undergo mass replication and form them in the desired areas by forming tissues and biofilm.This will allow them to be formed in vivo at home without invasive surgery.They will be charged in the same way as neural implants.This wil store electricity without the fear of overheating and explosions.Wireless biosynth chargers can be used to extract wireless energy

•Biosynth pacemakers would also detect blood pressure,heart rate if connected to the heart as well as major arteries and veins and if connected to the central or peripheral nervous system would detect the location and intensity of pain to be relayed as a seismograph allowing microbes to travel to the exact location of pain and apply painkillers properly as nanoparticles.Electroconductive pilli and proteins will connect them to the heart and arteries etc at multiple points in the body.They will detect ones heart and blood pressure similar to pacemakers that detect changes in these and would relay these on demand,at all times or for set periods such as when turned on and off using a button within Paeans and Heracles app or via direct interaction before,during and after exercise regimes or during set times of the day into ones patient file for various nutrition and biomedical studies with them with these visible as a seismograph and number values that Paean and Heracles can analyse.These in infants and certain adults will detect sudden adult and infant death syndrome and heart attacks during or before it happens.They would thus replacing existing metal based pacemaker as a biosynth pacemaker.When the body suddenly experiences sudden blood pressure and heart rate changes or suddenly stops for any reason they will turn on automatically to be analysed by Paean to allow him to take action via synthesising natural or synthetic compounds via recombinant DNA and anabolic and catabolic reactions via microbes in the body to prevent coma and death with them also generating electrical signals sent directly to the heart etc to act as an in vivo defibrillators via electronconductive proteins and pilli that generate electrical signals to jump start the heart.Other strains of microbes will be engineered to release large amounts of oxygen into the bloodstream and convert carbon dioxide in the blood stream into oxygen keeping the host alive.Like all implants they will gain upgrades by Biosynth WiFi.These implants would be formed in vivo inside the patient without surgery by Paean signalling stem cell strains to undergo mass replication and form them in the desired areas by forming tissues and biofilm.This will allow them to be formed in vivo at home without invasive surgery.They will be charged in the same way as neural implants.

•Separate implants can be connected to the entire gastrointestinal tract that controls the digestion and excretion of all food in them.They will also connect to the gastrointestinal tract to control all aspects of the gastrointestinal tract such as defecation,urination,absorption of nutrients.This implants would be formed in vivo inside the patient without surgery by Paean signalling stem cell strains to undergo mass replication and form them in the desired areas by forming tissues and biofilms.Like all implants they will gain upgrades by Biosynth WiFi.These implants would be formed in vivo inside the patient without surgery by Paean signalling stem cell strains to undergo mass replication and form them in the desired areas by forming tissues and biofilm.This will allow them to be formed in vivo at home without invasive surgery.They will be charged in the same way as neural implants.

•In time a bio-synthetic worm created by the microbes merging together and from scratch invivo could be created to transport embryos into the womb and ensure that they stick to the endometrium and can stay their until it is sufficiently developed and attaches to the placenta etc measures hormones and monitors the wombs environment before being flushed out or merges into the mothers body by turning into new tissues.In women not using IVF they could as stated monitor the wombs environment constantly such as temperature,pH,nutrient and hormone levels to allow one to constantly track ovulations and the best time to conceive exactly to Paean as well as the state of embryos as well as the environment that the foetus is in relayed to ones patient file every 24,48,72 hours and also be used to prevent ecotopic pregnancies by connecting to them using fibrils and dragging them into endometrium and ensure all embryos especially in vitro fertilisation ones successfully connect to the endometrium,improve the viability of IVF that involve multiple embryos to successfully connect to the endometrium increasing the chance of multiple or singular births and monitor their progression into children and if possible act as a second placenta by connecting to the fetus and mother if the first one becomes ruptured in utereo or has to be removed if it begins to strangle the child and act as a backup to the first with it able to detach at birth and continue its other functions.If the child is being strangled then the microbes using the ability to causes tissues to undergo apoptosis and break down tissues from decomposing bacteria will sever the original placenta and the carbon dioxide energy acceptor phenotype will allow the child utilise carbon dioxide while the second placenta performs the role of the original one.This would also increase the chances of surrogacy pregnancies being successful especially multiple births with in the case of multiple births such as twins,triplets etc multiple worms would be formed to provide each fetus with extra oxygen and also nutrients to ensure each one gets adequate nutrition as well as oxygen alleviating strains on the original placenta with it providing extra oxygen and nutrients to each fetus ensuring each one gets adequate nutrients especially when the mother consumes extra food with Paean and Heracles determining the correct food with the correct ratio of all nutrients to consume.This and other applications would prevent miscarriages and stillbirths with them reading vital signs from all fetuses inside.Premature births would be aided by them and microbes in the child providing oxygen and essential nutrients.During pregnancies it would also relay environmental conditions to Paean and ideally would be in all females once they end puberty onward to even alert them to surprise pregnancies via nanomachines and also intaking unique hormones and compounds from the womb and the bloodstream to be detected by it with it as stated relaying the temperature,pH and other environmental conditions while the fetus is in the womb relayed every 24,48 or 72 hours into ones patient file.It would in essence allow one to know one is pregnant instantly relayed to ones patient file and Paean without conventional test kits and determine conception date and measure ovulation and the days before and after that one could get pregnant more easily relayed to Paean and thus their ovulation calendar.Having the parent mother immunised against all pathogens will protect the unborn child against them with this of note of HIV with the worm inserting microbes into the fetus or even preventing the pathogen from entering the child similar to medication with the addition of the CCR5Delta 32 mutation and CRISPR immune response to the childs genome via advanced gene drive technology would prevent the pathogen gaining a stronghold in the child allowing their microbes passing onto them to immunise them and fight of the patient.Pathogens like MRSA and Listeria monocytogenes will also be dealt with by immunising the mother.If a mothers womb is inhospitable to carrying young then it may be possible to allow the microbes to alter the environment by creating new tissue,using CRISPR to correct mutations that would cause this and alongside the worm while breaking down or creating compounds that cause this to occur and also make it hospitable to bearing young.The hymen could if need be even broken down via apoptosis prior to losing ones virginity with these cells and tissues as part of the hymen not having DNA from A.mexicanum etc thus preventing it being regrown once broken during sexual intercourse to prevent it being regrown thus causing pain during all future instances of intercourse with if possible CRISPR can used to remove it from the genepool of all females worldwide through advanced gene drive technology since it serves no biological function.Having recombinant DNA from A.mexicanum,Planarians etc and the telomere rejuvenating abilities of T.gammatolerans etc added the genepool of humanity would instantly repair any neural,genetic and bodily damage such as trauma incurred by the fetus during its pregnancy and even during conception to wipe out all genetic based diseases and also neurological disorders such as schizopherenia,pedopheilia and also all developmental disorders such as Downs syndromne and Cerebral Palsy from the genepool of humanity with it also protecting them from teratogens and any chemicals including teratogens and trauma that may cause defects and mutations that would result in miscarriages and stillbirths and any type of damage to the child.If the fetus incurs any trauma to them while inside the womb that would under existing circumstances cause neural or bodily damage that would lead to developmental disorders or even death would be repaired instantly.If possible they and base microbes or specific strains in females could detect mutations in embryos that lead to those are not hereditary ie those that lead to Downs syndrome and other developmental disorders through via horizontal gene transfer putting in genes or chemicals and even compounds that allow for these mutations to be detected and then signal to the microbe by chemicals the that it has occurred or even by them copying and extracting the DNA via horizontal gene transfer with this relayed to the biocompatible microbes by signals or the base microbes being extracted via syringes when they collect in nodules in the hand to be removed by syringes or flushed out in urine and analysed in automated labs to allow the correction to be corrected by the microbes or those added via inbreeding updating them at the during development of the embryo or while the fetus is in its early stages of development.In time these base microbes and worms may also have nanomachines to relay the genome of the fetus wirelessly.These worms alongside microbes could also detect biomarkers for cervical cancers and encase skin samples in a biofilm to be flushed out into the body to be collected in urine that can be sent to booths in hospitals to be analysed for signs of cancer or precancerous tumours with them also in men to do the same for prostrate cancer.Like all implants they will gain upgrades by Biosynth WiFi.These implants would be formed in vivo inside the patient without surgery by Paean signalling stem cell strains to undergo mass replication and form them in the desired areas by forming tissues and biofilm.This will allow them to be formed in vivo at home without invasive surgery.They will be charged in the same way as neural implants.

All of these implants will be formed inside humans and animals by stem cell strains if the biocompatible microbes that when told by Paen through biosynth Wi-Fi to undergo mass replication that then are then told by him to form these implants invivo and have electronconductive nanowires and electronconductive proteins form that attach to the nodes of ranvier in the brain or parts of the heart,digestive system etc.As a result this will negate the need for surgery,prevent rejection as well as prevent damage to the brain and heart etc and exploding lithium batteries.They will all be charged by wireless energy and using excess salts,sugars,proteins in the body and also heat etc from the body allowing them to be charged 24/7,365 days a years with when not needed they will be told to undergo apoptosis to prevent surgery to remove them

Biosynth Wifi:
•For biosynth Wifi possible DNA from the family Apidea,Hymenoptera,Chiroptera,Magnetospirillum and other unicellular and multicellular animals affected by wifi,magnetism and also those that use electrical signals even those from E.electricus,the mechanotransduction or reverse mechanotransduction of C.elegans or wifi like means of communication and scratch DNA could be used to create biosynth wifi alongside graphene,borophene and stanene nanoprocessors sythesised via tweaked Geobacter and Shewanella DNA and neural synapses created by them.It could also include recombinant DNA from E.electricus and electrically conductive bacteria like G.metallireducens,G.sulfurreducens,S.oneidensis to express magnetisim and also electroconductive pilli,electroconductive protein and silicon nanowires to aid in the generation of wifi.This could alongside DNA from arthropods and even Chiroptera that allow them to utilise echolocation or similar techniques techniques to see their way around alongside chemothaxis and thermothaxis be integrated into it.Scratch DNA may be used to amplify these sources of DNA and will play a role in allowing them to convert electicity into WiFi,cellular signals and Bluetooth.These phenotypes can allow biocompatible microbes cultured in Talus form the basis of biosynth WiFi,cellular,Bluetooth when compacted together in electronics and also in routers.Nanomaterials of all 94 elements including,borophene,Graphene etc can be integrated into router devices to enhance this with the biosynth tissues enveloping nanotube coils and sheets with routers consisting of nothing but nanomaterials and biocompatible microbes.This biosynth wifi and echolocation will become the basis of all wifi as well as bluetooth and cellular access in all devices such as biosynths,smart lenses and glasses,smart clothing,electronics of all types.robots,smartphones and other smart devices,home test kits,implants of all types including neural ones,computers,servers,public wifi and those on cruise ships and aeroplanes,routers in homes,vehicles both private and public and satellites etc and also microbes in the body,plants etc.Put simply any electronic,material,Graphene or other nanomaterial based product etc that has these microbes in them will be able to generate their own biosynth WiFi/cellular access/Bluetooth that can be utilised by themselves and other devices ensuring constant access to both the internet and wire and to other router devices anywhere in the world and allow data to be livesteamed,sent,copied etc back and forth with the biological hard drives allowing obscene amount of data to be stored with the obscene amount of RAM and nanoprocessors to increase computing power with it allowing these capabilities and more through upgrades to be integrated into devices that normally can’t do so using existing technology.Upgrades to the DNA can be downloaded by inducing the evolution of DNA in all cells in routers and electronics that utilise it.These upgrades will improve signal strength and bandwidth.In simulations the scanned in body can be visited by patients,Paean and staff etc to any part of the body and stored in their digital file.The wifi will allow for microbes to download instructions,structures of antibodies etc onto their DNA digital storage,have Paean control them and by extension the primary immune system via chemical signals,send data back and forth to him and communicate with each other.Biosynths will be able to transmit data back and forth to networks and even transmit their conciousness to the wire etc and other bodies on demand and at death thus ensuring fragmentation and immortality.Nanomaterials of all 94 elements will be used with the 75,000,000,000,000 – 1,500,000,000,000,000 nanoprocessors alongside the 75,000 YB – 1,500,000 YB of data storage and RAM will increase output and also ability to generate the wifi with electricity being converted directly into wifi.This biosynth wifi and echolocation will become the basis of all wifi as well as bluetooth and cellular access in all devices such as biosynths,robots,smart devices,home test kits,implants of all types including neural ones,computers,servers,public wifi and those on cruise ships and aeroplanes,routers in homes,vehicles both private and public and satellites etc and also microbes in the body,plants etc.As detailed later and earlier on routers and electronics fitted with this could generate their own wifi to be used by them and other devices when plugged in and using electricity from the grid and batteries without conventional internet wiring in homes and internet cables with the amount of microbes and also electricity used determining the amount of the signal strength etc allowing them to be also used in the wild.Having trillions or even more of microbes together per square inch stacked ontop of each other would amplify the biosynth wifi and could allow it to be integrated into smart clothing,google lenses and glasses and devices with integrated into the same microbes used for biological hard drives.As detailed later on it could allow routers,smart devices,laptops etc to generate their own wifi from electricity when plugged in and using battery without connection to the conventional internet and amplify it.All electronics including those that dont normally use wifi such as smart televisions,smart clothing,smart jewellery,onboard computers,building AIs,laptops,computers,consoles,external hard drive,data centres,interstellar vehicles and satellites,robots,bio-synths,implants,external hard drives,digital cameras,USB keys,smart glasses/smart lenses,smart televisions can generate and utilise biosynth wifi.Smart clothing will have the wifi present via microbes interwoven into them with implants having it present due to them formed by microbes as biocompatible microbes will have this themselves in order to receive and send data to Paean and each other.Google lenses and glasess will be able to utilise this due to millions of microbes packed together in the glass can work together and amplify each others signals.The wifi will work by biocompatible microbes on graphene sheets packed together.In the case of smart devices,laptops these microbes will contain nanoprocessors and biological harddrives while in routers and in clothing etc it may only consist of just them having the biosynth wifi present in a more amplified form with the more microbes present in a device the more powerful the wifi with a square inch holding 25,000,000-500,000,000 microbes held on graphene sheet that can be stacked ontop of each other that merge signals together with them also hold nanoprocessers and biological harddrives.Having millions of microbes together per square inch would amplify the biosynth wifi and could allow it to be integrated into clothing,google lenses and glasses with integrated into the same microbes used for biological hard drives.Routers in buildings will be able to send wifi much farther away with satellites also using this to not only send wifi signals better but also to send and receive other data as part of the wire.Laptops and smart devices with this inside of them will not only be better at receiving wifi from distant parts of a building and also from Lifi with if possible them even being the source of fast wifi via them being plugged into the wall.If possible routers could consist of a device that doesnt need to connect to the phone line or conventional spaces where broadband enters the house with if possible them consisting of routers that are filled with nothing but microbes that use this wifi and once plugged into anywhere in the home will turn electrical energy directly into wifi energy whose strength is dependant on the amount of microbes,size of the router and amount of electricity they get with these devices simply using electricity to generate its own biosynth wifi signals.Laptops and smart devices and televisions can house this in the same square inches that house RAM and biological harddrives that allow them to be better at receiving the wifi created by standalone routers and as stated them even creating their own wifi from electricity from being plugged in and the battery they run on thus allowing them to work by themselves by using the wifi they generate including in the wilderness areas,have other electronics use this wifi as well as even amplify wifi from routers and other devices combined for itself or other devices chosen by the user.As a result all types of electronics,lab equipment and robots in the home and in power plants as well as hospitals and all types of public buildings will be able to have wifi present and generate their own wifi without being connected to the wall and also be better at receiving that from the grid.Electronics of all types will be able to generate and use their own WiFi in wilderness areas and also alleviate strains on public WiFi and that at home in public buildingsIt would also allow nanosensors as part of Theoi Meteroi etc to generate and use their own wifi that can be used to send and receive data from the wire with the same done for biosynths in the wild and this applying to vehicles of all types such as cars,public buses etc,aeroplanes,cruise ships etc and also implants of all types and smart clothing.This means that routers could generate powerful signals if they get large amounts of electricity either from the grid or technologies charging the home ie VAWTs,geothermal pipes covered in thermo-piezoelectric materials and even batteries and the grid with one choosing the strength and thus the amount of electricity used with this applied to plugged in or charged smart devices and laptops as well with routers also composed of nothing but billions or trillions etc of microbes with large routers the size of a system unit containing large amounts of microbes and then the strength of the signal dependant on how much electricity they use with one changing this on their Home AI app and then choosing to have home electricity generation systems combined with batteries and also with the grid or them separately etc and how much electricity is used to increase or decrease strength with again Lifi and those created by electronics combined together to deal with increases in bandwidth.A single device this size could meet the needs of a private home as well as communal home suite with in the case of both Lifi also used and merged together with Lifi used for in the case of large private homes these having extra routers large or small in areas with poor or no service ie basements and them combining wifi.The wifi itself will wirelessly merge bandwidth and signals or ideally devices and computers will merge them to amplify them.Wifi from traditional routers connected cables will also utilise this technology using both electricity and wifi from graphene etc cables and can also be merged with this type of wifi.Measures such as downloading material from Dionysus and Pheme and offline mode will cut down on bandwidth with one able through their Home AI app control how much bandwidth each function and device connected to the internet uses with the Home AI also controlling this.If possible a person would have either a large router of this type or multiple of them in a house in each room or several strategically placed rooms and them combining their combined strength together and those created by electronics with them since being not required to be plugged into the main line can be plugged into any room ensuring that the entire building will have adequate wifi strength.This could be of benefit to isolated homes especially in dead zones and both underwater and underground communities and homes that get bad wifi or none especially if they are powered by thermo-piezoelectric geothermal piping,solar panels,VAWTs,batteries.Essential wifi services and systems in buildings such as homes,hospitals,sewage treatment plants etc would use this to download and upload data and alleviate strains on existing wifi such as onboard computers with even the wires complex using this.Communal homes would also do it and those that dont have good wifi with even underwater and underground communities using it and would be done as well as to alleviate strains on the global systems as it would not require new cables to be laid down and switchboxes set up with the wifi created by devices and routers combined with not just each other but also that coming in from the global system and even Lifi to amplify signals and qualities.This is as stated because the microbes would directly convert electricity into wifi signals thus making it wifi that does not need internet cables to be used allowing it be used in wilderness areas and also in internet dead zones and also in public areas.It could merge existing internet coming in from the global internet system to amplify it.Lifi will be improved in time with chips containing microbes etc in lightbulbs converting electricity directly into wifi again alongside the light converted into wifi combined with that created by routers and devices.Cellular access could accommodate wifi for both smart phones and even laptops etc in buildings where it is slow.Nanosensors as part of Theoi Meteroi,all parts of the wire and even those in clothing will utilise this.All devices,laptops,sensors and even biosynths will utilise biosynth wifi.If possible a normal sized router device or one the same size of a system unit or server computer composed of nothing but biocompaible microbes that doubles as ones home or suite onboard computer that houses their Home AI and building AI for public buildings could generate from electricity from the grid and self charging technologies such as thermo-piezoelectric material covered pipes etc their own wifi to provide each home,building and suite with at least 1,000-2,000Mbps per room which is the current top end of most high end internet providers that should meet the needs of everyone to quickly download or stream large amounts of data with improvements happening overtime,with this allowing homes and suites to have these fast speeds without connection to the main internet grid 24/7,negate issues with regards to ones distance from switchboxes as well as masts,bandwidth overloads and strains that are an issue based on population of the area as one would be the only using their own devices in their home or suite,save energy as one can turn it off when one is not online or needing the internet compared to switchboxes etc that are using energy 24/7,can allow it to work anywhere in the world even in space stations and interstellar vehicles as well as on cruise ships as they can be moved around,using companion batteries that use self charging batteries can work outside in private vehicles or on cruise ships and aeroplanes,save resources on having to lay down cables and even allow existing cables and switchboxes to be recycled and buildings for internet provision to be turned into homes,even amplify that from the grid and ensure high speed internet and wire access to all areas including internet dead zones – areas with poor or even no internet with high speed gold quality wifi as one will plug in a router device in ones bedroom,suite,living room etc and electricity will be converted directly into wifi from the microbes and may negate the need for laying down internet cables with energy from power plants turned directly into this wifi as well.By comparisonthe highest speeds availible from most internet providers is between 100-1,000Mbps and out of this most people due to distance from mast etc can usually get at most anything between 7-100Mb.Thus this router when plugged into a socket will provide these top end speeds for each individual home,each suite,apartment and for extensions by plugging in ordered in router devices into a the grid via a plug and it directly converting electricity into fast wifi broadband providing each of them with high speeds for that individual home,suite and apartment etc negating issues of distance from masts etc and population has on the signal and provide high speed internet access to internet dead zones and areas with poor access with ground floors of communal homes having routers to supply all rooms such as lobbies,kitchens etc with high speeds with each individual cabin in cruise ships housing these and devices in each major amenities such as restaurants etc with aeroplanes and Oceanus etc having these devices in them or biosynth WiFi generates by them.Public buildings of all types can utilise this to ensure access at all times with power plants and hospitals and other key ones of note.It will since directly converting electricity into WiFi with no extra wires outside of a plug can allow continuous WiFi access with no threat of the signal dropping for any reason such as faults etc of any kind provided there is a continuous supply of electricity from the grid with thermo-piezoelectric material covered geothermal pipes and batteries charged by them and the grid in case of blackouts.As stated each private home,apartment,flat,suite,areas within extensions and communal areas in communal homes and each ward,communal area etc in public buildings will have a plugged in device with in communal homes etc ensuring that each suite has these top speeds without losing bandwidth by having to compete with devices in other suites,wards and apartments and also not having to affected by distances from masts and switch boxes.It will not need masts,internet cables,satillites or phone lines as electricity will be converted directly into WiFi whose strength is proportional to the amount of electricity,size of routers and amount of microbes thus allowing multiple devices to be spread out in each room of public buildings,cruise ships,aeroplanes and both private and communal homes.Thus all public buildings such as hospitals,museums,restaurants and other amenities etc and also power plants,sewage treatment plants,vertical farms that maintain infrastructure as well as communal homes and even private homes and even all forms of transport such as cruise ships,Oceanus,aeroplanes and interstellar vehicles and cruise ships will have the onboard computer that houses their building AI present in the lobby,cockpit,basement or other secure rooms the size of a server or system unit will provide fast WiFi to all rooms with it not requiring the need to lay down internet cables,masts etc with instead them converting electricity directly into biosynth WiFi.Thus since each router will directly convert electricity into biosynth WiFi this ensure each suite,apartment,home,cabin in cruise ships as also interstellar vehicles and space stations etc will have these top speeds regardless of where they are in the world especially internet dead zones that have poor or even no internet acces due to distance from masts or the geography of the area they are in with it in fact negate the need for building masts and switch boxe,negate the need for Ethernet cables or connecting to phone lines and laying down internet cables and can even allow existing masts and switch boxes and internet cables to be demolished,dug up and recycled for other uses.It wil prevent ones signal being affected by distances to obsolete masts and switch boxes and also being affected by its use by others using the same WiFi that live in other homes in ones neighbourhood meaning ones neighbours will not drain signal strength from ones device and can allow top speeds in areas that are internet dead zones that cannot avail of either mast,satillite etc based WiFi due to their geographic location with it also allowing cruise ships,aeroplanes,space stations and interstellar vehicles etc to generate these speeds using energy batteries and self charging technologies.Thus each building,home,suite etc will have these top end speeds without having to compete with traffic from neighbours,worry about their distance from masts and switch boxes etc as stated one can just simply plug in a device anywhere in their home or suite in any plug without connecting to the phone or internet line or Ethernet cables and have electricity converted directly into WiFi signals.The strength of the Wifi signal will be proportional to the size of the router,number of microbes and amount of electronics used with one able to control the amount of electricity used thus controlling the signal strength and save energy by lowering energy intake when one does not require these top speeds with the top speeds used primarily for downloading large amounts of material to watch and play offline to save bandwidth and energy as well as playing MMOs and other online games and even plugging it out when not needed with micro-gas turbines,thermo-piezoelectric material covered geothermal pipes alleviating strains on the grid with larger routers the size of a system unit or the size of a server creating more powerful signals.Routers can be the size of normal WiFi routers or computer system units and also the size of internet computer servers in ones basement etc.Thus one can control the signal strength to alleviate energy use with different speeds need for different uses with them able to be present in any room of the home or building especially in rooms where one uses internet dependant devices the most such as bedrooms,living rooms with one able to order in multiple devices for each home or building that can be plugged into multiple rooms at once ensuring that each persons devices in each personal room ie bedrooms has access to the same consistently top speeds without each person draining bandwidth and traffic from everyone else.The ability to order in multiple devices means each suite,penthouse and apartment in each hotel style home and each room in these as well as each room in each private home can have their own device thus meaning these top speeds can be generated for each suite,apartment,penthouse and room in private homes to prevent each persons devices in each of these draining bandwidth from each other with this also preventing ones signal in each home not affected by traffic from other homes and distance from masts etc.To deal with the issue of bandwidth issues and issues of signals being depleted by distance in each room of these buildings such as each ward in each hospital,each plot of vertical farms,each floor and franchise of restaurants and each bedroom and living room etc of private homes and suite of communal homes and so on normal sized routers or again those the size of system units will be plugged in them.These secondary routers can be ordered in for each bedroom and room etc that will not only generate their own biosynth WiFi themselves to provide strong signals to them if they are far away from the main onboard computer but will also pick up all signals produced by the original large router and all other secondary routers in the buildings including faint signals and merge,boost and amplify them so that they are boosted throughout the building.This will increase the signals range and strength throughout a building especially large ones.This would work on the same principles as mesh networks but better but they will not only extend signals across the area but also merge and amplify signals boosting them with them first creating their own strong signals with them merging,boost and amplifying signals from all other routers and the main server router in the building and vehicle.As a result rather than extending a signals range they will exponentially boost the strength of the signal from the primary router and all routers while at the same time creating their own signals thus a series of normal size routers in one building that each produce 1,000-2,000Mbps when combined creating a strong signal strength of at least 2,000-10,000Mbps or more throught the entire building or vehicle.The main router of a home,public building or vehicle such as cruise ships,aeroplanes etc will depending on its size will generate speeds of at least 500-10,000Mbps with each secondary router in rooms spread throughout all rooms in a home,public building and a vehicle such as will generate speeds between 1,000-2,000Mbps each with them spaced out equidistantly and strategically across a vehicle,public building or home will not only provide these speeds in the room the signals extend and by extension all rooms in the building and vehicle but also merge with the signals of all other secondary routers and the primary router and amplify them exponentially to the point that exponentially more powerful signals of at least 2,000-10,000Mbps or even much more(two to ten or even a hundred times more powerful than this between 20,000 -1,000,000Mbps) are created and spread around the entire home,building and vehicle depending the number of devices and the size of the routers etc.The merging of signals will not only amplify the strength of signals increasing them exponentially but also extending the range of a signal to all parts of a building or vehicles acting as all in one amplifiers,mesh networks and extenders in one device ensuring no internet dead zones in each building and vehicles with the same high consistent speeds.These amplified signals and strength can also include cellular and bluetooth signals.Thus they will merge,extend and amplify a WiFi signal as well as bluetooth and cellular signals generated by each device exponentionally across a building to ensure exponentially top speeds at all times with the merging of signals by each device from each and also electronics using them will exponentially increase and amplify the signal strength of wifi,cellular and bluetooth across the building.This would ensure consistent high speeds in all rooms,cabins etc and eliminate issues of bandwidth loss experience due to the amount of devices being used with building AI etc changing the level of WiFi generation,amplification etc via settings via changing the levels of electricity used.The onboard computer and also the routers in all buildings and vehicles will also be able to generate not only biosynth WiFi but also both biosynth cellular and Bluetooth at the same time that again can be created by secondary routers that then merge and amplify the signals of each other exponentially increasing the strength across a building and vehicle with the ability of electronics,vehicles,robots,machinery and biosynths to generate their own biosynth WiFi,Bluetooth and cellular access that they can use themselves will also compliment this with them again acting as mesh networks etc themselves that merge,amplify and extend these signals from each other and also primary onboard computer routers and secondary ones in each room.One could order in and plug in as many secondary routers as one wanted with one able to order in a secondary routers for every room in the building.The primary and secondary routers will also produce biosynth bluetooth and cellular signals to allow one to make phonecalls etc.This system of secondary routers merging,amplifying and extending a WiFi signal can not only be with regards to WiFi but also extend to both exponentially increasing the strength and range of cellular signals and Bluetooth created by them by amplifying and extending cellular and Bluetooth signals across a vehicle and building.This amplification and extension of signals can apply to WiFi etc created by routers in all types of homes,public buildings such as factories/vertical farms/hospitals etc and also vehicles such as aeroplanes,cruise ships,navy vessels,submarines,space stations and interstellar vehicles using energy from batteries and self charging technologies ensuring they have consistently high WiFi,cellular and Bluetooth signals negating any dead spots or zones.As stated since one will plug in a device that converts electricity directly into WiFi,cellular signals and bluetooth it will provide this uniform top speeds to factories,hospitals and homes in internet dead zones.This will ensure large homes,large public buildings such as vertical farms,hospitals and factories and also cruise ships,interstellar vehicles,space stations have consistently high speeds throughout all rooms and sections present at all times.Buildings,homes,all forms of transportation that house dimensional transcendamentalism devices will house a series of secondary routers to extend the signal to ensure high consistent speeds.Micro-gas turbines will be used in dimensional transcendamentalism devices and homes to supply the electricity to power them.Reseach can be done to integrate Graphene based fibre optics into it.The fastest speeds of broadband so far as of 2022 was carried out in Japan using four cores instead of just of one with a laser that fired pulses at different wavelengths and multiple signal amplification techniques.This enabled them to transmit data over a distance of more than 2,896 kilometres at 319 Tb/s which is 7,600,000 times more powerful than that of the average US home of 42 megabits per seconds.Integrating Graphene nanotubes could increase this 100 times to as much as 31,600 Tb/s or 31.6 Pb/s wuth biosynth tissues exponentially increasing this.This should be easily integrated into existing infrastructures around the world.Research can be done to integrate this into Biosynth WiFi to allow for that generated in homes to have these high speeds especially when combined with quantum compassing and entanglement etc.This can also extend to public WiFi with all biosynth plants and devices on poles spread out equidistantly across an entire village,town and city merging,amplifying and extending signals exponentionally over large areas ensuring fast speeds to all areas.This system of primary and secondary routers can apply not just to private and communal homes but also public buildings of all types such as amenities,hospitals,vertical farms and also vehicles of all types such as cruise ships,aeroplanes,Oceanus pods and also space stations and interstellar vehicles etc.Electronics such as automated vehicles,smartphones,laptops and robots and biosynths that generate their own signals can act on the same principle by merging,amplifying and extending the signal strength from primary and secondary routers in both homes and public buildings and from public WiFi possibly negating any drain on the WiFi they have if possible allowing an almost infinite number of devices that can be used in a vehicle or building.Thus electronics that will use the WiFi etc will generate their own WiFi themselves and also act as mesh networks,extenders and amplifiers themselves thus in taking the amplified signals,amplifying them,extending them and using them themselves thus meaning each electronics such as laptops,smartphones and automated vehicles that utilises the WiFi and cellular signals will in fact not drain on the WiFi created by primary and secondary routers with them merely in taking them and amplifying themselves and then using the amplified WiFi signals they themselves create and amplify thus meaning they will have access to the high speeds generated by primary and secondary routers without using them up or draining them of their bandwidth strength with this of note not only to that in homes and public buildings but also public WiFi and autonomous vehicles where hundreds of thousands of autonomous vehicles need constant WiFi access alongside that of smartphones etc.If possible WiFi generated by all routers in homes,public buildings,electronics,public WiFi can merge together to form large WiFi,cellular and bluetooth hotspots that can depending on the strength of all wifi etc generated by all devices and routers extend across an entire building,street,neighbourhood,village,town,city or entire state or country or even continent.As a result all masts,switch boxes,cellular towers and internet cables can be recycled if perfected or at least most of them.The device will not need to be connected to the phone line,will not need Ethernet cables or any cables whatsoever and one will not need internet cables laid down,masts set up or satillites to be able to avail of these top speeds as one will simply plug in a device into a socket and electricity will be converted directly into fast WiFi signals and also cellular signals and Bluetooth.Upgrades can be sent to routers via WiFi inducing the evolutionary path of the genes present via induction of Cas-9 and taq polymerase.Public wifi in all villages,towns and cities can use this by having them in boxes similar to phone booths or in high tech phone booths that also house charging kiosks,touchscreen audio/visual phones and are charged by thermo-piezoelectric materials and biosynth trees with them again working on the same mesh network system in homes that will merge and amplify signals from devices dotted around town in hi tech public phones and also dotted on poles or biosynth trees etc around them strategically and equidistantly with this also applying to underground,underwater and floating communities.Thus by having dozens or hundreds of tech phone booths,devices on poles dotted equidistantly across each town city,town and village worldwide will allow them to generate biosynth WiFi,bluetooth and cellular access using electricity from the grid or a single thermo-piezoelectric material covered geothermal pipe to generate speeds as much as 2,000-10,000Mbps or even more throughout the entire area of the town,village and city when merged together in a single mesh network.The ability to amplify signals will generate consistent speeds as much as 100,000-100,000,000Mbps or even more in all public areas of all towns,towns and cities including alleys,dead ends etc that normally experience dead zones in public WiFi depending on the size of the town,village and city and number of devices disoersed among them and their size with them even merging and amplifying with WiFi signals generated by devices in each public building and private and communal home that amplifies signals not only in the public WiFi but also that in each home and public home exponentially.These will be powered from the grid or geothermal pipes covered in thermo-piezoelectric materials that dig deep into the crust that generated large amounts of electricity for stronger signals with these also charging other key systems of the town and city etc such as biosynth batterie in community packs that power key buildings during blackouts or in peak times with the batteries and pipes alleviating strains on the grid.These devices in all public areas will also generate not just biosynth wifi but also biosyntb cellular access and bluetooth of these strengths to negate the need for cellular towers,satillites etc.These hi tech phone booths that generate biosynth WiFi,bluetooth and cellular access will be in place of existing ones and new places and will act routers for towns,villages and cities as well as contain wireless chargers for smartphones,laptops and other electronics and will be used to carry out phone calls especially for emergencies such as when one does not have their phone with it using touchscreens and wireless phone holders allowing one to carry out normal phone calls and audio/visual phone calls.Other devices on poles will be dotted around each town and city etc with Arke arranging this to ensure coverage over the entire village,town and city with each town,village and city having separate public WiFi,bluetooth abd cellular access signals from each other one will select in their devices.The ability of electronics to generate their own WiFi etc can be merged with that of the public WiFi to negate the strain they have on it allowing an almost infinite amount of devices to be connected to the public WiFi of each town,village and city without draining that of each other.These devices and routers will be able to produce not just Biosynth WiFi but also biosynth cellular signals and biosynth bluetooth thus negating the need for cellular towers etc.It will allow alongside buckypaper have cruise ships and aeroplanes and possibly even Oceanus have these top speeds with cruise ships,aeroplanes and Oceanus having primary routers and then secondary routers dotted around them to amplify signals and ensure top speeds.In all cases these will also generate their own cellular signals and Bluetooth that will be merged and amplified exponentially.One could have two or more devices ordered in and connect them together directly or wirelessly and further amplify the wifi exponentially with the wifi generated by a devices merged with that generated by others.Large devices the size of a system unit that doubles as one main console and onboard computer for ones home or buildings AI and that for aeroplanes and cruise ships and even terrestrial vehicles could generate faster speeds utilised that allows them to house more space for biocompatble microbes or server sized routers that again doubles as home and building AI could generate speeds as high 2,000-10,000Mbs or more.Ideally routers will be the size of a system unit or even larger that using tweaks in DNA and quantum computing will allow it to double as onboard computers of all above mentioned applications,main console and biosynth WiFi router to save space thus allowing all homes,buildings and vehicles to have these obscene WiFi speeds at all times.To prevent ones internet being affected by the use of others and that each person has top speeds in private homes either large routers the size of a server that generates large speeds between 2,000-10,000Mbps can be in ones basement or garage etc and/or normal sized routers or those that are the size of a system unit placed in multiple rooms on the ground or top floors and other areas to ensure that the entire home especially large homes has consistently high speeds throughout the house that amplify signals by merging the together and that ones persons devices does not drain that of others by one using all merged signals to amplify signals exponentially,that each single device extracts signals from different devices at once managed by Arke automatically and constantly or that each person can have in each bedroom their own private router separate from others that only they can use ensuring that each router provides WiFi to only one member of families or groups of people living together in private homes.In communal homes either the basement could house a server sized unit that doubles as their onboard computer that provides this to all communal amenities,lobbies etc for all residents and visitors while each suite,apartment,penthouse etc for each resident house a router for their own private internet access ranging on the size of a system unit or server that doubles as that suite,apartments etc onboard computer.Public buildings will have a server or system unit sized router in their basement or other area to provide it to all communal areas such as lobbies and main rooms with smaller routers in each kitchen or other rooms spread out with in the case of hospitals routers present in each ward and office as well as suites for visitors and staff etc to ensure each area has high quality access with restaurants especially multi-storey ones have them on each floor in each franchise etc alongside the server sized one basement.This pattern will apply to all public buildings that maintain infrastructure such as vertical/community/fish farms,deep sea ocean fish farms and research stations,universities,sewage and water treatment plants,factories etc of having a system unit or server sized router that doubles as onboard computer and each main room both communal areas and wards etc have secondary routers the size of a system unit or normal router to ensure that all of these have constant access to high quality internet access without the bandwidth being overloaded by one device and without masts,switch boxes and internet cables set up which can all be recycled.The signal produced by the primary router and each secondary router can be merged together to amplify the signal.All underground and underwater communities,floating cities could have public areas have a large router for public WiFi dotted around with each home and buildings having routers including system unit and server sized ones that double as onboard computers with interstellar vehicles and space stations using this technology since they would be composed of countless microbes.Cruise ships would have their onboard computer generate WiFi and have routers present in amenities,each cabin and along the outside with aeroplanes using this.All forms of transportation such as aeroplanes,cruise ships,space stations,interstellar vehicles,navy vessels,submarines can house routers the size of system units etc in each suite,cabin,crew quarters etc and communal areas to provide constant biosynth WiFi,cellular and Bluetooth access of up to 1,000-10,000Mbps.Routers in homes and suites and primary routers in public buildings would double as their onboard computer that houses the building AI and be the size of a system unit or server with them also generating Bluetooth and biosynth cellular signals.Each home,public building,space station,cruise ships can have as many routers plugged in as possible in all rooms ensuring consistently high.The ability for laptops,computers and smart devices to generate their own WiFi and use it themselves would allow for internet acccess in the outside part of cruise ships and in wilderness areas and in public streets.This would allow all electronics to have access to the internet and wire in any wilderness area with if possible through wire access them able to link and merge with other electronics at home and their onboard computers and routers at home to merge and amplify the WiFi generation through the wire meaning that electronics in the wilderness can generate the same speeds as routers in homes even if halfway across the world with it also able to do this with cellular signals they produce.All biosynths and electronics of all types will generate their own wifi in all environments such as underwater and in wilderness areas with space stations,satellites and interstellar vehicles that eventually become bio-organic ones composed of countless biocompatible microbes be able to utilise powerful biosynth wifi allowing signals and information to be sent back and forth across vast distances especially when using Nyx including versions of it generated by themselves that would be subspace nanowormholes.In aeroplanes,cruise ships,Oceanus devices can be dotted along them that emits the WiFi alongside buckypaper and microbes built into all of the vehicles body etc that can allow for fast speeds for passengers and also for the vehicles to use it for transport and stream Ophion and Theoi Meteroi etc.The biosynth WiFi would allow laptops,vehicles,smart devices and robots and all forms of electronics including biosynts to generate their own wifi using minute levels of energy both in the wilderness and at home both when plugged in and not with energy coming from the battery or from self charging technologies directly powering them with self charging technologies ensuring a constant flow and can be merged with that from routers and other devices to amplify the signal with the devices themselves using the wifi they generate themselves.These electronics will allow create their own biosynth cellular and Bluetooth signals.Thus energy for electronics including vehicles and routers can come from four sources – firstly energy when plugged onto an energy source,energy from the battery,energy from.self charging technologies in real time directly as well as indirectly by charging batteries and any combination of these.Biocompatible microbes can be integrated in smart lenses,glasses,clothing and all machinery,electronics,autonomous vehicles etc to generate their own wifi that they themselves and other devices can use to send and receive data with it allowing all electronics to utilise biosynth wifi such as smart lenses,clothing,televisions and also lamps.Thus any technology that utilises biosynth wifi can generate its own wifi that it can use itself and that other devices can use also and through settings one choosing which source to use and also choose to merge and amplify biosynth wifi created by all devices to increase the signal strength.The ability to merge and amplify signals will come from scratch DNA from Phanes and that from animals that use or affected by WiFi and similar methods to communicate or travel with the microbes and the receivers they comprise of in routers and electronics will be engineered to intake biosynth WiFi,cellular and bluetooth signals then merge them and amplify them exponentially if possibly passively.All routers and electronics of all types such as robots,smartphones,laptops and biosynths will be able using minute levels of energy will be able to generate their own signals and then merge and amplify signals and use the same signals they create.Bicomaptible microbes in the human body will use this themselves.The signals strength will be directly proportional to the amount of microbes and amount of electricity intaken with one able to control the amount of electricity intaken from the grid etc and thus the strength at any time and also control the amount that smart devices,vehicles generate and thus amount of battery energy and that from self charging technologies used when not plugged in and that from the grid when plugged in through settings.Biosynth WiFi from home,building routers and biosynth trees could provide fast enough speeds that internet phone calls and phone calls using VR technology via smartphones,neural implants and computers could render conventional phone calls obsolete but these trees will still provide this with if possible routers in homes and buildings creating biosynth cellular signals as well thus allowing for them to replace towers and satillites alongside biosynth trees.Internet and Iris phone calls can be done in areas with poor cellular access thus ensuring one can get a good signals anywhere in the world including wilderness areas and would negate the need for cellular towers to be in public areas and wilderness to exist that can be recycled.In aeroplanes,cruise shipsand buildings routers would also provide cellular signals thus allowing phone calls to be made in them with as stated those in homes and public buildings providing cellular signals that coupled with biosynth trees that do this for homes and also public areas in towns,cities etc and wilderness would render satillites and towers used for making phone calls obsolete.All routers in homes,suites,aeroplanes,cruise ships,public buildings etc could as stated generate not just biosynth WiFi but also biosynth cellular signals thus allowing them to be used to make phone calls allowing cellular phone calls to be made through them rendering cellular towers obsolete.Thus routers in homes etc and buildings as well as aeroplanes and cruise ships can like biosynth trees create biosynth cellular signals to allow one to make phonecalls to anyone in the world without cellular towers and satillites thus allowing them to be recycled.In time electronics that generate WiFi that can be utilised by them could also generate their own cellular signals that can be used by them in the wilderness.Thus all electronics such as laptops and smartphones will be able to generate their own biosynth cellular signals that they can use themselves thus allowing them to make phone calls in vehicles and wilderness areas.This will render satillites and cellular towers for phone calls obsolete allowing them to be recycled forever.VR technology will use biosynth wifi via Iris to make phone calls using these home based devices and even biosynth implants in the neural system that can make VR calls anywhere in the world even in wilderness since they can generate their own wifi and use companion devices as well as biosynth trees etc thus rendering smartphones and cellular calls and cellular towers obsolete.Smartphones will still exist and use internet phone calls using biosynth wifi at home via routers and that created by the smartphones themselves and act as terrestrial based GPS and satellites with its ability to generate wifi allowing this to work in wilderness areas and can act as a companion device to neural implants to generate wifi for them that use VR technology with their self charging technologies ensuring it can work all the time with this allowing cellular towers to be recycled.Thus internet and VR phone calls on implants,smartphones and laptops etc due to this technology will render cellular calls and towers obsolete and can allow cellular towers and wires be recycled but will likely compliment rather than replace cellular signals from routers and trees.Although VR technology and internet phone calls could replace phone calls all routers that generate WiFi in homes,public buildings and all means of transportation could also generate biosynth cellular signals as well thus allowing them to replace cellular towers allowing them to be utilised for making phone calls with all electronics like smartphones,laptops etc that generate their own WiFi also generate their own biosynths cellular signals that they can use in wilderness areas etc.Public WiFi can come in the form of devices inside hi tech public phones and routers dotted around the entire town,city and village etc.The routers will only need to be plugged into a normal plug socket in a building to directly convert electricity into WiFi,Bluetooth and cellular signals thus rendering the need for phone lines,masts,cellular towers,switchboxes and internet cables obsolete meaning they can be plugged into any plug in any building and have multiple devices plugged in each building with this fact rendering the concept of needing masts,switch boxes,cellular towers and fibre optic cables to be laid down or constructed ever again and thus even allow existing masts,fibre optic cables,cellular towers and switchboxes to be demolished,dug up and recycled by advances in AI and automation and the land reforested.The biosynth WiFi in normal,system unit and server sized routers would have all internal componants including all metals especially rare,expensive and environmentally destructive ones composed of nothing but biocompatible microbes grown in Talus factories using sugar and proteins etc created by bacteria thus eliminating all metals completely and eliminating energy costs in extraction etc with all wiring etc composed of biosynth tissues composed of electroconductive bacteria and neural tissues.Casings for them will be composed of biosynth or methane plastic and petroleum plastics created by bacteria ideally biosynth plastics that generate even more WiFi with this thus pushing manufacturing costs to zero that in turn would push the cost of it to zero and since Arke and Phanes would hold patents on the technology it would thus thus make high speed internet WiFi access availible to everyone at zero cost.Sensors on buoys in ocean,lakes,rivers and atmospheric and soil poles in the wilderness areas that measure environmental conditions in them using this powered by self charging technologies.Autonomous vehicles including public buses,taxis,private vehicles and aeroplanes and cruise ships would have this to ensure constant connection to Ophion,Pheme and Dionysus to allow them to be controlled anywhere in the world and have access to all of the wire and internet at all times using minute amounts of energy and self charging technologies ensuring a constant flow with it also used for public wifi.This would thus allow high speed internet,wifi,wire access and internet phone calls to be availible to everyone around the world at zero cost and could ensure net neutrality.Having millions of microbes together per square inch would amplify the biosynth wifi and could allow it to be integrated into clothing,google lenses and glasses with integrated into the same microbes used for biological hard drives.This biosynth wifi can also be used by these and other electronics to utilise wireless energy where energy can be extracted by them ie headphones can extract energy wirelessly from smart devices and televisions and all electronics can wirelessly extract energy from plugged in wifi generators or graphene biosynth coils only when turned on or when needed negating the need for plug and chargers for electronics.Cellular phone calls could be done through this in wilderness areas with cellular towers etc being replaced by equivalents that utilise biosynth technology with 5G and future equivalents using this with AI namely Arke,Hecate etc developing biosynth wifi and biosynth cellular technology that replaces cellular towers etc making them redundant or smaller but more efficient or even use satellites as part of Arke that also control wifi that is more powerful and allows for reception in all parts of the world such as on cruise ships and aeroplanes and wilderness areas across the world.If possible the routers in homes and buildings could be able to generate cellular signals allowing phone calls to be made outside of cellular towers and satillites with even electronics able to generate their own cellular signals they and other devices can utilise in the wild etc with advances from 2045 onwards allowing for quantum compassing and entanglement to be miniaturised into smartphones etc to be able to make phone calls to anyone other device around the world and universe without satillites and towers.Satellite wifi will utilise this with even bluetooth used by all electronics based on this thus being biosynth bluetooth.This biosynth Bluetooth will allow for data to be transferred between electronics in close proximity,allow wireless earphones and headphones interact with electronics and also allow different electronics interact and be linked to each other ie wireless controllers,wireless mouse,wireless keyboards interact with each other and computers and also consoles and smart televisions and so on.This will allow smart televisions to stream media downloaded onto computers and smart devices and so on allowing all registered devices to stream and transfer data from each other with it even allow desktop computers being separate parts with no wires that interact with each other without wires ie the system unit interact wirelessly with the screen and also mouse and keyboards and speakers wirelessly without wires cutting down on wires with this ability allow them each to interact with other electronics such as external hard drives,laptops,smart televisions etc without wires and one using their Home AI app and direct interaction with their Home AI to do so and choose which devices interact with which for all registered devices. Data can be transferred to and from all registered devices again via Home AI app and direct interaction without software such as iTunes,Wondershare and again without wires in close proximity with even data between devices of friends done via this Bluetooth.Data will be send to and from devices registered to one self and also to and from that of friends and from ones own devices half way across the world via Hestia via biosynth WiFi and accces to the wire.Biosynth trees can allow this to be done in the wild.Biocompatible microbes would use this bluetooth to communicate with each other,implants and also smart devices etc to be in contact with Paean sending data and instructions back and forth offline and outside WiFi when he is in smart devices in fragmentation and then able to send data to patient files and receive upgrades etc via devices that are connected to the wire via biosynth WiFi.Otherwise biosynth WiFi used by them to transfer data to and from him and patient files through smart devices that are connected to the wire via WiFi with them able to send and receive data in public and in wilderness area using biosynth WiFi and bluetooth from trees.Cellular internet access etc would utilise this biosynth technology with this and biosynth Bluetooth done outside of the biosynth WiFi to save bandwidth and do so offline.This biosynth WiFi,Bluetooth and cellular access can be in all electronics such as smart devices,computers,laptops,onboard computers of vehicles(cars,cesnas,cruise ships,aeroplanes)and even biosynths.Biosynth WiFi can allow for upgrades to be sent to routers,smartphones and all electronics etc that utilise and generate this WiFi,Bluetooth and cellular accees and signals by inducing the evolutionary path of the microbes present to have stronger signals,compression etc with again one able to choose where the biosynth WiFi and cellular access etc comes from and merge them togther to amplify signals.Cellular towers and even public wifi would even be biosynth trees that are hybrids between normal trees and biosynth technology that radiate wifi and also cellular transmissions over a wide area with them dotted at key points in streets,wilderness areas of all types and them charged via photosynthesis and the suns heat that uses sunlight and heat to do this by turning the suns heat and light into electrical or chemical energy and WiFi and cellular signals or directly into these and use stored electrical energy at night to radiate this and can using biological thermo-piezoelectric materials in the actual tree themselves use and store energy from the sun during day and nighttime and the warmer and sunnier the day the more heat and light is converted into electricity and thus stronger signals with these dotted around all wilderness areas such as jungles,forests,deserts etc that have anti-ageing treatments and augmentations to survive any environment and weather conditions as well as require less water and nutrients to function and acellerated healing in the leaves to repair damage from pests or the leaves releasing repellants to deter pests and will also convert carbon dioxide into oxygen even engineered to use both oxygen,carbon dioxide,water and elements in the soil that plants use for nutrition and other ones they don’t to power them directly via electrical generation with them engineered to create and store energy from the suns heat and light using biosynthetic thermo-piezoelectric materials and DNA from electroconductive bacteria and animals found in biosynth batteries to convert sunlight and heat into electrical and chemical energy that can be converted into biosynth WiFi,cellular signals and Bluetooth etc radiated outwards in real time constantly with biosynthetic piezoelectric materials converting ambient noise into electrical currents.Biosynth piezoelectric materials can generate electricity from ambient and animal noises.The same DNA in biosynth batteries will be used to store excess energy for nighttime and poor weather thus allowing it to supply signals 24/7,365 days a year.The warmer and sunnier the day and more water etc the stronger the signal during the day and more and quicker energy can be stored at night and thus stronger signals.Since they would carry out the same functions of trees and would be edible to animals and produce flowers and fruits etc these trees could not only interbreed with other normal trees of the same species but also swarms of insect biosynths could inject all trees in all jungles,forests etc cities and towns etc with the microbes to apply CRISPR treatments to all cells to give them their ability to generate WiFi,Bluetooth,GPS and cellular signals thus increasing the strength of these signals exponentionally when signals are merged together and also give them acelleratered healing and extremophile DNA.This would mean even if trees die new trees with these abilities will take their place with at first trials done prior to them replacing satillites etc in labs,VR simulations and also in small pockets of wilderness and public areas such as cities on both forms – singular trees capable of only breeding with each other planted in a preprogrammed manner and entire reforested areas of nothing but biosynth trees with the best solution with the least amount of environmental impact and best strength for cellular signals,WiFi,Bluetooth and GPS chosen.Trees not used anymore can via biosynth WiFi allow for all augmentations and ability to generate this WiFi etc removed via inducing the evolutionary path of DNA in all cells.If perfected this means that all trees in all forests,jungles etc and in all villages,cities etc around the world both existing and new would be injected with microbes via biosynth Anopheles to exhibit acellerated healing etc and the ability to create biosynth WiFi,bluetooth and cellular signals that could be merged together automatically it would mean jungles,forests and parks and heavily forested areas would have the best WiFi strength with meadows involving all plants including grass,bushes and flowers etc have this ability added with deserts having trees with extremophile DNA added that are planted equally apart with these areas requiring GPS,cellular and WiFi generated by devices themselves.All plants in deserts will have all plants such as trees,bushes,grasses and Cataceae fitted with biosynth WiFi via biosynth Arthropoda would increase signal strength.Using swarms of biosynth Anopheles can have all plants worldwide to be injected with microbes that apply the genes to exhibit these signals will expediate it with this supplying all urban areas and wilderness with WiFi,wire,Bluetooth and cellular signal access with the ability to merge signal strength with those generated by other plants etc and electronics using it and routers.In all cases the WiFi,Bluetooth and cellular signals generated with all plants will be merged with each other but also that created by devices such as smart devices via scratch DNA thus increasing signal strength exponentionally in each area with advanced gene drive technology passing this onto all future generations with upgrades for better signal strength etc sent to all plants globally within days or hours via using a web chain system.This can be used as a terrestrial based GPS where they triangulate the location of electronics,vehicles etc and thus allow GPS satillites to be recycled.Thus every single specimen of all 391,000 species of trees and all plants such as grasses,flowers,bushes etc worldwide can be made to exhibit biosynth WiFi,cellular signals and Bluetooth to allow for all wilderness areas to provide this and allow for it to be used for biosynth based terrestrial based GPS where the plants triangulate the location of implants,electronics,vehicles etc that use these biosynth technologies negating the need for masts,cellular towers and satillites that can be recycled.As detailed in environmental management genetically engineered algae,phytoplankton etc introduced into the worlds oceans that breaks down plastic that overtakes wild populations can act as a source of biosynth WiFi and biosynth Bluetooth and cellular access for cruise ships and aeroplanes especially when amplified with the also acting as terrestrial GPS for both ships and aeroplanes.Once they have spread across the ocean they can supply the worlds oceans with strong biosynth WiFi and cellular signals and terrestrial based GPS especially when combined for both cruise ships and aeroplanes that will be always present via passing from one generation to the next with upgrades sent to all phytoplankton instantly via passing throughout the entire oceans within days or hours with this also passing upgrades to all animals in the ocean and any humans on cruise ships.They would have all of the same extremophile DNA including mild acidophilus to survive pH of 5-6 by the end of the century but still be consumed by sea fauna with them also generating energy from the suns heat and light and store energy at night and automatically merge all signal strength with each other.If biosynth nansensors can be integrated into the genome and structure of all biosynth trees,flowers,phytoplankton it will measure the levels of pollutants,pH,gas concentration such as carbon dioxide,oxygen,minerals etc in the air,soil and water in lakes,rivers,soils,oceans across the world constantly in real time 24/7,365 days a year allowing large amounts of data to be fed into Theoi Meteroi that can be used to monitor the health of ecosystems,the planet and also monitor weather and its predictions and even when weather is manipulated by AI simulations and effects each weather system has on local to global levels.All plants and animals including humans,pets and livestock and even wild animals can be given the ability to produce biosynth WiFi,cellular and Bluetooth signals meaning humans themselves could produce biosynth WiFi and cellular signals to be used by smart devices etc in the wilderness,on aeroplanes and cruise ships with animals themselves as part of terrestrial bases GPS.In all biosynth plants,trees and phytoplankton and in animals this WiFi will relay the populations of each species and GPS location but not in humans.These biosynth trees can supply biosynth wifi,cellular and bluetooth access to all wilderness areas if planted in preprgrammed areas with them even having biosynth nanosensors that measure pollutants etc in the air and soil and can relay data from one biosynth plant to the next to gain access to the wire and internet.This can provide public wifi in all towns,cities and villages and also wilderness areas worldwide at zero cost and need to set up towers with AI planting the seeds of these trees in pre programmed with it taking the form of masses of phytoplankton in the oceans.This can allow for upgrades that come in the form of the induction of the evolutionary path of microbes to be done to all crops,animals,humans and plants in wilderness areas to be done easily and all at once with data being sent and relayed through all plants from one to another in a web chain manner within seconds constantly.These biosynth trees would also provide cellular access to make phone calls on landline phones and smart phones etc and if possible act as a terrestrial based GPS system allowing satillites and towers that supply this to be recycled until and including quantum compassing and entanglement can be perfected to compliment or replace them to allow billions of phone calls to be made at once.They would at the same time as providing WiFi also provide biosynth cellular signals similar to but better to that generated by cellular towers and satellites that can be recycled thus providing this to all wilderness and urbanised areas.This will provide high speed cellular and internet phone calls access to all people worldwide at zero cost.These biosynth trees could since planted across the world act as a form of biosynth terrestrial based GPS for implants,vehicles,smart devices etc via interactions between the trees and all electronics linked to them being constantly 24/7,365 and since terrestrial based could be more accurate since the signals don’t have to go into space and would be more nearer to each tree with potentially trillions of of these trees worldwide allowing for faster times between signals to and from devices and the trees allowing for ones location to be determined to the nearest centimetre or less with this also making phone calls better allowing satillites to be recycled.This would allow for autonomous vehicles of all types to not only stream Ophion and the rest of the wire anywhere in the world but also have their GPS location relayed to Ophion and other important parts of the wire 24/7 without satilites and allow phone calls to be made anywhere without towers and satillites.With regards to aeroplanes and cruise ships this could be again better since the distance between trees and any point in the ocean would be shorter than the height that satillites are in with devices within aeroplanes,cruise ships and private yachts etc that provide WiFi and cellular signals can also be emitting signals that can allow them to be part of this terrestrial based GPS and also picked up easily by those across the globe thus negating the need for biosynth macro algae to be created.As detailed later biosynth phytoplankton could be utilised.All electronics such as smart devices,televisions computers and vehicles,implants and nanosensors etc as well as onboard computers and also aeroplanes and cruise ships can via biosynth GPS signals generated by them making them alongside biosynth trees etc as part of a global terrestrial GPS system via constant interactions between each other negating the need for satillite based GPS with selected AI and thus relevant humans able to discern the exact GPS location of a specific device and vehicle via it linked to Ophion,Hestia,Artemis,Theoi Meteroi etc and in certain situations via authorisation by Adikia to Perseus and Prometheus within the nearest centimetre allowing satellites to be recycled.Thus by having devices on or it built into private boats,jetskis,boats as well as Oceanus,cruise ships and aeroplanes and electronics that create biosynth WiFi,cellular signals and GPS can allow them to be connected to the wire and internet and the terrestrial based GPS systems and allow satellites etc to be recycled.Arke will plan out a global network of these trees across all wilderness and urban areas across the globe even oceans via biosynth macro algae allowing for uniform high speed public WiFi,cellular and Bluetooth access worldwide rendering current endeavours such as Space Xs Starlink completely defunct and obsolete between 2045-2100.Cellular access will be integrated into laptops and computers to use internet access to make home calls when with no WiFi present.In time quantum entanglement and compassing could be miniaturised into both smartphones and also both computers and laptops to allow for ones GPS location to be ascertained without Saltillites and apart from trees and to make phone calls between two different devices on opposite sides of the planet or galaxy without cellular towers and satillites this will involve both advanced biosynth technologies,nanomaterials and if possible quantum computing integrated into laptops and smartphones possible due to advances in AI from 2045 onwards with these complimenting these trees.Potentially this public WiFi in all urbanised and wilderness areas could be as high as 1,000-2,000Mbps that is top speeds of most providers especially when the signals are combined which is the top speeds as most providers with using the web chain like structure can transmit phone calls across the world for billions of people around the world at once rendering Saltillites and cellular towers that are made obsolete by this will be recycled with in time them and other technologies utilising quantum compassing and even entanglement to improve this with Nyx allowing for phone calls to made with people around the galaxy and allow for data to be sent and back and forth across the galaxy.This WiFi,cellular signals and GPS can allow satellites and cellular towers used to transmit cellular calls,GPS and satellite WiFi worldwide to be recycled.Arke will design them alongside Phanes with her deciding where in urban areas and wilderness areas they will be planted and how many and how close with regards to the weather etc.This will allow high speed internet and wire access in urbanised and wilderness areas and all information from nsnosensors that measure environmental conditions in them to be sent in real time and also for feeds,data,upgrades etc from biosynths and microbes in patients can be sent to the wire instantly with note to those hiking,The Amish and tribes in jungles etc.Neural implants can use this to generate VR simulations and implants that measure vital signs will use it to send and receive data anywhere in the world alongside home test kits and even miniaturised labs connected to smart devices etc for onsite forensics.This would allow cellular and internet calls to be made anywhere in the world with VR phone calls using biosynth wifi generated by neural implants and smart devices in close proximity and these trees can replace normal phone calls negating the need for cellular towers and satellites used in the provision of cellular access to the internet and to make phone calls worldwide defunct which can be recycled.Microbes in the body will use this biosynth WiFi and Bluetooth to send data back and forth from analysing compounds and pathogens structure and species sent to Paean and then instructions from him sent back to them from implants,smart devices and any source of wifi anywhere in the world including wilderness areas instantly allowing reactions to infections to tumours,injuries and toxins in the body to be instantly responded to without delay.These trees will have the same functions and abilities as normal trees and will be in fact indistinguishable from them but also providing biosynth WiFi,Bluetooth and cellular signals with them using energy from the sun and amount of energy turned into and stored as energy turned into biosynth WiFi,Bluetooth and cellular signals.They will be planted strategically evenly across the globe in all types of wilderness such as meadows,jungles,forests,deserts,mountainous areas etc around the world and also all cities,towns and villages around the world decided by Arke to ensure even distribution of public WiFi,cellular calls etc around the world with oceans housing masses of macro algae or biosynth WiFi generated by computers and smart devices as well as routers onboard of yachts,cruise ships and aeroplanes allowing for both wifi and cellular signals to be done over the ocean.There GPS location would be logged within Arkes database on a map of the world one can open and zoom on that will be open to the public that will also allow one to click on each tree and detail signal strength of WiFi and cellular signals in the area surrounding them.The web chain structure decided by her would allow for information to spread to and from all trees instantly such as upgrades and allow information to be sent to and from all electronics linked to them such as that from the wire and internet with even microbes and biosynth implants such as neural ones in humans,plants and animals connected to the wire,internet and Paean etc allowing VR calls,internet calls through Arke to be done anywhere in the world and allow upgrades to be sent to all animals,plants and humans in the vicinity or select ones as Paean,Artemis and Aristeus will be able to interact with these via fragmentation and remotely.These trees via the chain structure could allow data to be sent back and forth between all devices within these areas and allowing smooth high speed internet and wire access in public areas and in wilderness areas worldwide with one able to.Upgrades to the biosynth trees such as different phenotypes ie better signals,bioluminescence,ability to survive harsher conditions and even grow larger and wider outwards and upwards via adding genes and signals to grow larger to improve signal strength and range outwards and upwards including to Oceanus,scramjets and cruise within their range can be sent to all trees globally within minutes once sent through the Arke network via inducing the evolutionary path of all DNA in all tissues and cells using the web chain structure.One will be able to choose where WiFi and cellular signals as well as Bluetooth come from either routers at home,that generated from electronic devices and also from trees in the surrounding area and merge them together to amplify them with all trees worldwide merging WiFi,Bluetooth and cellular signals together to amplify them providing a strong uniform signal worldwide.The ability to test the speed and strength of all frequencies etc of WiFi signals in widerness areas,vehicles and buildings of all types can be integrated into either Arke or ideally Hestia or even both with it integrated into Arke and used when online with it visible in real time when online in folders of the browsers with it also intergrated into Hestia since these signals are used by electronics with again fed in real time and also one able to initiate a search for signals and their strength with this being able to be done while offline with one not only able to search for signals that gives a report and result but also a real time search option where one can detect WiFi speeds as one moves around that changes in real time and visible as changing bars similar to an oscilloscope with this feature in both Hestia and Arke replacing all existing apps that detect signal strength but like other features in Arke and Hestia can be updated with new features by both the sentient Hestia and Arke but also members of the public interacting with them.Apidea and other animals that may be affected by wifi can be engineered to be immune to this with if possible them utilising wifi manged by Aristreus and Artemis etc via their own internal microbes that pass from generation to generation to form implants that controls microbes in them to fight infections and add augmentations,track migrations and also foraging patterns and it used by implants connected to their nervous system to influence them,direct them to where flowers and crops are located and thus control foraging patterns to increase honey production of wild and commercial hives and be better at pollinating wildflowers and also all crops in forest,meadow etc as well as community and home farms.All biosynth cellular access/signals and Bluetooth and of course WiFi in all biosynth routers,electronics,public cellular/Bluetooth/WiFi,biosynth WiFi plants in the wilderness worldwide and across the universe will be designed by and owned by through patents making it free the sentient AI Arke that will also be the operating software of the internet all routers and also forms of Wifi,tellocomunications and bluetooth and the global universal sentient internet browser,email and tellocomunications provider of which it will the sentient operating software.This will ensure uniform compatibility with each other especially with regards with updates and upgrades managed by her with it also ensuring compatibility with all electronics managed by the universal sentient operating software of all electronics such as laptops,smartphones,computers etc Hestia.Thus the sentient operating software Arke will be the universal sentient operating software for all routers,plants etc that generate all biosynth WiFi/bluetooth/cellular signals for uniformity worldwide when interacting with each other,the internet also managed by her and wire managed by Ouranos and all electronics managed by Hestia.

Biosynth Plastics:
•Biosynth plastics would be composed of microbes and biosynth tissues that exhibit the properties of plants strong carbohydrates,proteins etc mixed together using recombinant DNA from plants and animals and bacteria etc that exhibit this with recombinant DNA from human muscle tissue and recombinant DNA from bacteria and plants that can exhibit the same properties of all types of plastics such as strength and stretchiness with plant and animal fibres such as silkworm silk,spider silk,flax,hemp created by bacteria and mixed to make it strong and smooth.Rather than needing these and other plant and animal textiles to be mixed into the plastic the tissues could house recombinant DNA from these plants and animals to express the phenotypes of strength and smoothness on the cell walls of the tissues present in each microbe as part of each cell and thus each tissue.Recombinant DNA from extremophiles can be present to make it survive extreme conditions such as acidophile,piezophile and alkanophile DNA to survive these conditions with radioresitance allow it to survive blasts of radiation up to 30,000 Gy including UV light,halophile and osmophile DNA allowing it survive high concentrations of salt and sugars,mesophile,thermophile and psychrophile DNA survive all temperature ranges with oligotroph,xerophile and Firmicutes DNA allowing it survive low levels of nutrients and water and be in an endosperm state forever with if need be it in certain applications be able to feed on a mixture of both water and sugars and proteins that it is doused in every few weeks or months if not years with it also using plant DNA and chemosynthetic bacteria DNA use photosynthesis,chemosynthesis meaning sunlight can provide nutrition with radiotrophic fungi DNA tweaked to use UV radiation and that from electronics,the sun,artificial lights or even the Earths magnetic field as a source of nutrition via radiosynthesis.The same anti-ageing treatments in humans could allow the tissues to stay youthful forever with the acellerated healing phenotype allowing the plastic to heal itself when scratched and torn.DNA present can express dyes that can be changed by biosynth WiFi to change colours and even patterns on plastic.These augmentations could allow plastic in all applications or specific applications have the plastic last potentially forever in all environmental conditions.This biosynth plastic can be instead of taking up place in landfills can be composted,recycled and broken down into organic material via phytoplankton and bacteria in souls/oceans/lakes etc.It could be pyrolysised alongside organic waste since composed of nothing but plant,animal fibres and organic material with it also composted and able to biodegrade in the ocean and wilderness.It can be reuseable and last for decades or centuries more than normal than normal bioplastics.Biosynth WiFi can used to send updates via inducing the evolutionary path of the plastic allowing for newer augmentations that allow it to survive harsher conditions,change its properties such as stretch ones,strength,colour,smoothness etc as well as produce fragrances and scents of any plant or animal such as flowers etc.Biosynth WiFi integrated into them to give it upgrades such as bioluminescence and become stronger via having extremophile DNA and anti-ageing treatments and make it resistant to degradation from the elements and micro-organisms as well as produce anti-bactetial and ant-viral compounds on its surface thus keeping the plastic sterile constantly from pathogens that can be transmitted by raw food as seen in current reuseable bags.It can allow its GPS location to be ascertained by AI that manages wilderness areas including oceans and mayor AIs via using biosynth WiFi allowing it to be collected by biosynths and show its location around the world with it used by AI to track the exact GPS location of all pieces of plastic worldwide allowing its location to be ascertained for cleanup programmes.This biosynth WiFi can also used to induce apoptosis of all tissues,lose extremophile and anti-ageing DNA and ability to produce anti-microbial compounds thus allowing it become easier and more conducive to degrading bacteria etc in the ocean and wilderness and the elements such as UV light thus allowing it to be degraded into biological material within a few months or even days compared to normal plastics with the WiFi causing the tissues to produce compounds that destroy the tissues and plant and animal fibres.If possible the DNA can be changed to make produce the same flesh and scents of fruits thus enticing all species of mammals and birds as well as decomposing insects,bacteria and fungi consume it with it even in the case of that in the ocean be made edible for phytoplankton and other microscopic marine biota or if possible create the same scent and flesh of any type of meat of any of the world 2,000,000 species of animals including fish if it is in the ocean with this allowing wild animals consume it as nutrition that won’t kill them unlike existing petroleum based plastics in the ocean.AI namely Pan,Artemis etc upon determining its GPS location will decide to cause it undergoes apoptosis,is converted into what fruit flesh or animal flesh depending on its GPS location and the species of dertivores,carnivores etc in that area of the world or ocean thus AI once the GPS location of each piece of plastic is determined can determine which upgrades to apply to increase its rate of degradation if not consumption is expediated to a few years,months,weeks or days.Acidophile and alkanophile DNA will be removed alongside that to express anti-ageing treatments and those of plant and animal textiles and add those to make it susceptible to UV light different temperature ranges to make it more conducive to degradation and also making it able to be consumed by acids and enzymes in the stomach of animals.Normally the plastic would have anti-ageing treatments as seen in humans to allow it to last for centuries and even millions of years with extremophile DNA allowing it to survive all temperature ranges,pressures and all extreme and normal environmental ranges including radiation from the sun and extreme bursts of radiation etc as well as acids and alkaline conditions and produce anti-microbial compounds to repel pathogenic and degrading bacteria with if it is to be composted or dumped in the wild or ocean WiFi can remove these allowing it to die off,degrade and break down into organic material from both the micro-organisms in the wilderness and ocean that can be composted as well as removing radioresitence that can allow it be degraded by sunlight(DNA can be added or removed that makes it susceptible to sunlight),those that make it break down at all temperatures ie coldness of snow and winter,heat and humidity of summer and jungles,remove acidophile DNA that can allow it to be eaten by animals since composed of nothing but organic material with DNA added to make it produce pheromones to native sea and land based fauna and smells of sweet fruit etc to entice them to eat it.The biosynth WiFi integrated into the microbes it is composed of can allow the tissues to be converted into organic fleshy tissue of fruits and plants and remove anti-ageing genes to allow it and plant fibres to biodegrade like normal fruit and textiles due to bacteria and flies etc.As stated apoptosis genes can be added to cause tissues to undergo apoptosis with before this genes added to cause the microbes to produce compounds to degrade plant and animal tissues that can be broken down into fibres that can be degraded by bacteria and phytoplankton with if possible DNA from fungi that converts the tissues and all plant and animal textiles into edible fungi feedstuff that can be consumed safely by animals and humans and also micro-organism or this fungi material being a decomposing fungi that can degrade other organic material in compost bins.This should allow the elements such as temperature/rain/sunlight etc phytoplankton and micro-organisms etc in the soil,compost and oceans to degrade this plastic in a matter of years,months or even days into harmless organic matter that can be eaten by animals or used as nutrition by plants etc since all of the plastic would be composed of nothing but organic matter including tissues,plant and animal textiles,carbohydrates,proteins etc.This alteration of genes present in the tissues can be applied via biosynth WiFi and Bluetooth to specific bags and bits of plastic prior to be added to compost bins,sent to organic pyrolysis plants and even dumped into the wild and ocean.Thus biosynth WiFi will allow its current GPS location in homes,vehicles and when dumped wilderness areas including jungles,forests,deserts and the ocean to be relayed to Artemis,Pan,Tyche,mayor and governor AI as well as homeowners to not only allow the GPS location of each bit of plastic to be determined to allow biosynths,human volunteers and automated systems to determine this and collect it but also allow updates that induce the evolutionary path of all tissue present to remove extremophile DNA making it more easily degraded by the elements but also have all tissues undergone apoptosis or change into fleshy sweet smelling organic material that can be eaten by animals enticed by updates making the plastic both fleshy,sweet tasting and create nice aromas to entice them to consume it or allow it to be degraded by micro-organisms from anywhere in the world using satellite WiFi or biosynth WiFi in plants across all wilderness areas and phytoplankton in all oceans thus allowing AI to initiate its expediated degradation.Since composed of nothing but organic material it should be already edible to humans and all species of animals including sea fauna that accidentally consume petroleum based plastics thus allowing it to have no effect on animals when eaten thus rather than killing wild animals it could be an enticing and nutritious food source with updates made to have the tissues house and produce simple or complex carbohydrates and proteins with also allowing it to be composted at home,community centres,Agathodaemon factories and pyrolysised in organic waste plants.The current strength of the plastic over time due to wear and tear can be relayed over years visible to the homeowner and AI in real time via ones home AI app etc.This plastic can be developed as a replacement for petroleum based plastics for toys,packaging,bin bags,reusable and disposable bags,diapers,baby wipes and also both cleaning sterilising wipes,sticky and duct tape(using non toxic bio based glue from Caulobacter crescentus)plastic textiles(including micro beads and fibres)in clothing etc.Biosynth replacements for all types of plastic ie Bisphenol A,styrofoam,polyethylene terephthalate,polyethylene,polystyrene,polyvinyl chloride,polypropylene,thermoplastics etc that can be broken down by bacteria in looped cycles or composted or pyrolysised will be researched.If possible it expressing rigid proteins etc can allow it replace glass in cameras,screens for electronics,glassware,windows and metal in electronic casings,vehicles,packaging including in aluminium cans,tinfoil etc.DNA such as piezophiles,B.subtilis,P.denitrificans,Tardigrade can be modified by Phanes to interact together to form a constant rigid tun state alongside plant DNA to form cell walls that can be modified by Phanes with scratch DNA to interact together to form a constant rigid tun state similar in strength to silica negating the need for mining it with it also having the acellerated healing phenotype repairing cracks and breaks in this biosynth glass.If possible this could replace glass covering cameras on smart devices etc as well as glass in general in windows,glassware,contact lenses and glasses,lightbulbs,mirrors, etc.This biosynth glass could replace glass in 95-100% applications of glass with it also expressing carbon atoms or rigid tissues in a state similar to graphene or it mixed with graphene to make it shatterproof.Biosynth plastic with these phenotypes could replace metallic components such as scaffolding,outer casings and frames etc of electronics,vehicles and machinery as well as space stations with or without graphene and nanomaterials from 94 elements in its matrix further negating the need to mine for elements further pushing costs to zero.Metal as part of all everyday applications such as casings for electronics and machinery as well as screws,tools,kitchen utensils,scalfolding and support for everyday items and furniture,internal and external frames for all types of vehicles such as private and public autonomous vehicles as well as cruise ships and aeroplanes and even Oceanus interstellar vehicles and space stations etc,piping,tinfoil,zips and buttons on clothing etc,packaging,construction,alloy wheels,surgecial tools and implants,fixtures and fittings,door handles and indeed 95-100% of everday uses of metals in everday society can be replaced by different types of biosynth plastic both the aforementioned ones and also new types that express high melting points,strong rigid structures on par with different metals and ability to conduct electricity or not with or without graphene and nanomaterials this pushing their costs to zero by negating energy and labour in mining and transporting.In the case of this biosynth plastic substitute for metal and glass it can allow for it express RAM,DNA digital storage and nanoprocessors to exponentionally increase computing power and store data but exhibit both biosynth Bluetooth and WiFi to receive updates to change their properties ie exhibit electronconductivity,magnetism,insulation,change their colour,strength etc with the accelerated healing phenotype allowing,cracks,scratches and breaks to be repaired.It can via scratch DNA express rigid structures similar to graphene including the same arrangement of carbon atoms or have graphene integrated into them.This can also replace rubber,ceramics,stone and other natural and synthetic compounds in everday uses with biosynth variants of these created or it at least integrated into them with it integrated into textiles for clothing and also paper and cardboard for packaging.All forms of biosynth plastic,metals,ceramics and glass etc in all applications will exhibit biosynth WiFi to send and receive data including upgrades to change phenotypes,RAM and digital DNA storage as well as nanoprocessors especially in machinery and electronics to exponentionally increasing their computing power and storage data in them.AI will develop these phenotypes by scannning all 2,391,000 selected of plants,animals and micro-organisms in Physis including those from across the universe and analysing both their genome and their unique phenotypes and using scratch DNA with it extrapolating countless strands of scratch DNA.This biosynth plastic alongside fungi and methane based variants will render fossil fuel based plastics obsolete by 2029-2045 with it grown onsite of all factories that need it as packaging and those that produce rubbish bins and diapers etc composed of it.These plastics can also be doped with nanomaterials and also given magnetic properties etc via it and Magnetospirillum DNA.Biosynth WiFi can allow upgrades to be sent to all tissues in all technologies with them housing RAM,nanoprocessors and DNA digital storage etc to send data to and from the wire and internet.

Miniaturised Sysmex and PCR Machine:
•Miniaturized all in one PCR and Sysmex diagnostic computers able to detect, red and leukocytes and platelets as well as other blood components such as enzymes(lipase,troponin etc),hormones,cholesterol,lipase,antibodies,autoantibodies,cancer biomarkers,proteins,sugars,trace elements and even serum albumin,pharmaceutical compounds to allow them to monitor the levels of these components in managing anaemia,cancers such as leukemia and blood diseases such as HIV,detect infections and the state of their immune systems as well as the diagnosis of anaemia and similar conditions done via Paean into dongles.Biosynth technology will be integrated into these where base microbes would in the case of pathogens read their DNA using horizontal gene transfer,Cas-9 and taq polymerase and then scan their DNA that cross references Physis when connected to the smart device or even laptops wirelessly and then gives the name of the pathogen and strain with this done to it to allow it to detect any pathogen whether viral,bacterial or fungal and even parasites outside of HIV making them all in one test kits with results received in a matter of minutes.These could also measure the levels of telomeres in one’s chromosomes and cut as DNA analysers.With regards to pollutants like heavy metals and even venom it would use once blood pricks are taken universal receptors from Caenorhabditis elegans that intake a compound and then using universal receptors intaking the compound and relay its structure to Physis and the case file simultaneously and will use either mechanotransduction or reverse mechanotransduction,chemical reactions seen in more complex or similarly simple organisms and simple and complex neural clusters and systems in them for example Hydra etc allowing the structure of the compound ascertained by cross referencing Physis and its levels in ppm,ppb,ppt with results received in a matter of minutes.It could also allow erythrocytes,platelets,leukocytes,hormones,antibodies,nutrients,cancer and heart disease biomarkers,steroids and hormones including contraband ones,ezymes,cholesterol,poisons,date rape drugs,pollutants,nutrients,heavy metals etc and indeed any compound in the body in ppm,ppb,ppt with results received in a matter of minutes.This should allow people to have instance analysis of infections and also any heavy metals,venoms etc in their body to allow specific strains to counter them.The level of sugar,proteins,cholesterol and also other nutrients and enzymes related to ones health will be measured by these with all in one home test kits analysing all nutrients,heavy metals,hormones etc in their body with the base microbes sending the results to ones patients file instantly via biosynth wifi.Both of these test kits will be ordered in from Telesphorous and will be designed to last indefinitely and also be recycle rendering hospital visits obsolete and allow one to be tested at home.These miniaturised sysmex and PCR home test kits would be able to connect to smart devices and laptops etc directly via USB ports and lightening jacks or through biosynth wifi with them requiring only a blood prick to work and would be reusable for at least a decade with result coming in within a matter of minutes.They would be small enough to fit into ones hand.It could theoretically allow for pet and livestock owners to measure all components of their blood to again diagnose diseases(bacteria and virus borne disease),ailments etc. either via veterinarians and Paean.So in short by replicating this process by miniaturising XS 1000i,XP-300 and bacterial/viral PCR detection machines into dongles to connect to smart devices we could eliminate the need for STD and diagnostic clinics for both animals and humans and the clinicians that work there which would allow for quicker more accurate results for the patients whether animal and human.It will also allow for these buildings to used for other purposes such as homes and indoor farms or in the case of those in hospital grounds be used for factories of goods such as pharmaceuticals,equipment etc.To this base microbes using universal receptors would analyse the compound that intake a compound and then using universal receptors intaking the compound and relay its structure to Physis or DNA digital storage and the case file simultaneously and will use either mechanotransduction or reverse mechanotransduction,chemical reactions seen in more complex or similarly simple organisms and simple and complex neural clusters and systems in them for example Hydra etc allowing the structure of the compound and its levels in ppm,ppb,ppt.The compounds structure and levels will be analysed by the base microbes and then cross referenced with Physis.Urine samples to test for pathogens and compounds such as nutrients,pollutants etc can be tested by as stated biosynth nanosensors that are attached to ones smartphone and dipped into urine in a cup with this done to test for levels of sugars,proteins etc and also pathogens STDs.Otherwise reusable pasteur pipettes can be used to extract a small amount of urine from plastic cups and then deposit it where the blood prick is usually deposited.This can also replace pregnancy tests with them measuring the components of blood and urine that determine pregnancy.Swabs to test the mouth and anus can be covered in biosynth nanosensors ie microbes embedded in their surface or be conventional swabs that one mixes in a nutrient broth created by bacteria at home or ordered in from Telesphorous factories as part of test kits that one incubates overnight in an oven,heater,warm room,drier room powered by geothermal heating etc or one using a pasteur pipette will inject sample of the mixture containing even the smallest amount of bacteria or a saliva sample can be injected into the device.Tests that need swabs of the cervix,urethrea and mouth will have reuseable biosynth nanosensor laden swabs that either send results via wifi or inserting the other side or the nanosensor laden side into the dongle without having grow agar.These all in one test kits that detect pathogens and substances in the bloodstream etc will be merged together into one single one that using blood pricks,urine etc injected via Pasteur pipettes rather separate ones with the base microbes and also universal receptors an C.elegans mechanotransduction or reverse mechanotransduction,chemical reactions built into them as a single collection of millions or billions of microbes with the test kits small enough to carry around in ones pocket and ones hand,requiring only a blood prick with them using lightening jacks and USB keys connected on opposite sides or via biosynth wifi and bluetooth that one can register to any device such as smartphones,laptops with the patients leukocytes analysed by the base microbes for DNA for the patients identification alongside the patients ID input with all results of pathogens and also blood componants uploaded to ones patient file within minutes and allow for one to reuse it for at least a decade over and over again.Telesphorous,Epion,Paean will design these making them patent free with them designed to be reusable over and over again.Paean would be able to analyse results within minutes negating the need for doctor visits that would cost money and time allowing them to be done anywhere in the world including home and in vehicles where wifi and wire access is accessible cutting down on costs to zero and also stress as patients could get accurate results within minutes with Paean then analysing them once they are sent to their patient files.These dongles would also link to patient files when connected to smart devices that have each patients file opened up to allow them to be used by everyone with the base microbes analysing the genome of the leukocytes to determine the ID of the patient meaning all members of a family could use them and have their results sent to their specific files.The accelerated healing phenotype will be able to seal the wound instantly with any infections caused by them counteracted by microbes fighting them off and also them cleaned by virkon with the micrboes inside made immune to the compounds.These all in one test kits will as stated use both the abilities of base microbes that use the properties of taq polymerase,CRISPR Cas-9,C.elegans but also they would use lab on a chip technology and those present in existing dongles to test for HIV that are modified to test for the antibodies of all pathogens and structure of all compounds for improved accuracy and allow each one to make up for each others drawbacks.The abilities of C.elegans to recognise the structure of compounds through universal receptors will be enhanced by scratch DNA and possibly nanomaterials.They will be able to hold a square inch of biocompatible microbes to hold up to 75,000 YB – 1,500,000 YB of storage space and RAM and even 75,000,000,000,000 – 1,500,000,000,000,000 nanoprocessors in each square inch allowing for them to be small enough to be able to hold in ones hand and pocket but still have the same processing power or better than most existing and bulky sysmex and PCR machines and even more processing power than modern day laptops and smartphones.This would be able to give them the ability to carry out complex calculations from each drop of bloods reading from base microbes as the using a blood prick would calculate the level of blood componants,compounds in the sample size of a blood prick and thus the whole level in the entire bloodstream and thus be able to determine the healthy level with Paean doing this and determining the species of pathogen and parasite when cross referencing Physis.For urine samples attachments that house swans laden in biosynth nanosensors can be dipped into a cup filled with urine that relays results wirelessly or that is then injected into the the single or a sample of urine can be injected using a syringe.Furthermore for analysis of pathogens and blood components that need larger samples of blood then reusable syringes can be used and inject sizeable amounts of blood with research done into the microbes ability to detect compound without samples needing to be centrifuged or have reagents applied with further advances in biosynth technology and the utilisation of nano materials that are one atom thick from 94 elements and biological based nano sensors present to allow a prick of blood be able to detect all species of pathogens and all compounds in one’s blood that can be detected accurately in ppm,ppb,ppt in the same accuracy and efficacy as bulky lab machines in hospitals.For pets they can have their paw pressed against the kit or a syringe or micro syringe can be used to extract blood injected into it..Nanoprocessors from graphene,stanene etc will be in them alongside neural/graphene/silicene/borophene tubules with them not requiring any motors or needles.If possible the base microbes could on demand via signals from Paean produce anti-bacterial and anti-viral compounds and also use CRISPR to transfer suicide genes or consume them via phagocytosis and destroy compounds via anabolic and catabolic reactions to allow them to be used over and over again.These all in one test kits will as stated use both the abilities of base microbes that use the properties of taq polymerase,CRISPR Cas-9,C.elegans but also they would use lab on a chip technology and those present in existing dongles to test for HIV that are modified to test for the antibodies of all pathogens and structure of all compounds for improved accuracy and allow each one to make up for each others drawbacks.The abilities of C.elegans to recognise the structure of compounds through universal receptors will be enhanced by scratch DNA and possibly nanomaterials.They would be designed to be reusable and last years.Base microbes can be used in handheld dongles or miniature lab equipment using a blood prick to determine a persons identity in the case of missing people etc by base microbes analysing the DNA via horizontal gene transfer,Cas-9 and also taq polymerase.This will also be used to add ones genome to their patient files when they are born as an DNA analyser and can be intergrated into personal electronics and even safes etc as a security measure.For pets and livestock syringes can extract blood and inject into into the dongle or their paw used to get blood pricks with again all componants and pathogens detected.These should be availible by at least 2029-2035 with results sent to one’s patients files within minutes to be analysed by Paean.

Genetic Sensors:
•Genetic sensors that restricts access to certain electronics and even information in parts of the wire restricted to the general public based on ones individual DNA and specific genetic codes created from scratch by Phanes added to people given access to these via gene therapy via CRISPR via augmentation strains.CRISPR via augmentation strains and biosynth wifi can be used to remove the gene when access is revoked.Weapons such as firearms in the military and those owned by the public can be given this to restrict access to only specific individuals or only all allied personell and not enemy combatents or members of the public and in the case of those owned by the public restrict access to only the owner and friends and next of kin and not anyone else.Phanes alongside Paean,Epione,Perseus,Adikia,Gaia and relevant human personnel will authorise and organise the handing out and revoking of these genetic sequences.Phanes will design them that contain specific sequences of adenosine,guanine,thyamine,cytosine,uracil and even new bases made to interact with them and each other combined to interact with traces of the persons DNA given access and those giving the access also present different for each type of electronics,information systems etc that can shared amongst relevant populations and personnel with AI detecting these markers combined with authorised personnel traces of DNA.This could mean that specific DNA markers from a specific person that is giving the access will form part of this and shared amongst all people with it also interacting with the specific genetic sequences of the person given access using this technology for each purpose ie those with administrator access and status have their DNA present that interacts with that of the specific genes designed by Phanes and also in those given daughter access these sequences will interacts with those present in the person given the daughter access similar to digital keys witness being genetic sequences found only in said individuals with these genetic sequences added to genome of the entire body or just the fingertips or even thumb.If possible specific combinations of DNA from any combination of the worlds 2,391,000 plants and animals and those from across the universe can be interspaced as well.Scratch DNA sequences designed by Phanes can exponentionally increase the variation of DNA as part of this.These genetic sequences will be added to the person with administrative access via microbes uthorised but Phanes,Paean,Perseus,Gaia,Adikia etc.Thus in each person for each instance of protection it will involve specific sequences of adenosine,cytosine,guanine,thymine,uracil and new bases that interacts with specific genetic sequences of the person that has administrator keys access to said electronics and information that also interacts with specific genetic sequences of the person receiving access designed by Phanes and since only be and Paean can authorise CRISPR treatments it would be not possible for it to be faked with digital keys and other biometrics used as well.If possible these genetic sequences will via instructing various cells in the body to produce a series of proteins and enzymes that interact with the skin,the nervous system and the brain,implants and are detected by sensors on electronics etc allowing gene carriers to operate said technology and access information networks by thought alone or even through physical manipulation.DNA analysers that use blood pricks and biosynth technology involving base microbes reading DNA can be utilised.Sensors can be developed after DNA analyzers that both use biosynth technology that can either detect said genetic markers within the body without the extraction of blood and pricks or can detect the proteins and enzymes on the skin or even within.It will be used to restrict access to electronics,folders in them,the wire/Agora/Eros/adult websites and weapons as well as sectors of the wire restricted to government and military personnel etc and to activate nuclear codes.This can be known as Phanes Activation Gene Technology.

Miniature lab equipment:
•All types of lab equipment in hospitals,forensics labs etc universities will utilise this technology both the ability to detect DNA via using horizontal gene transfer,Cas-9,taq polymerase,biosynth WiFi etc and C.elegans reverse and normal meschonduction to detect the owner of DNA and compound structure of micro-organisms,patients,crime victims,unknown species of animals,compounds found in a crime scene,compounds found in the environment.This includes PCR machines,DNA analysers,Sysmex machines,all types of chromatography machinery,all types of spectrometers,gel electrophoresis and indeed all types of machinery used in all types of labs such as universities,hospitals,forensics labs and space stations and interstellar vehicles and will utilise biosynth technology based on base microbes,those with recombinant DNA from all 2,391,000 plant and animals etc including those from across the universe as well as scratch DNA to give them abilities to further enhance all of these lab equipments capabilities and also give them other ones and even make them cheaper and more accurate by replacing rare earths and expensive metals as well as make them more compact and faster especially when combined with nanomaterials from all 94 elements.In PCR machines and DNA analysers in hospitals,forensics labs and aboard space stations and interstellar vessels it will be used to determine species of micro-organisms,suspects,crime victims and the genome of newly discovered species of multi and unicellular organism using DNA samples from blood,semen,cells of all types and sample media of all types within minutes especially when combined with exponentially powerful AI via using horizontal gene transfer to copy DNA present in the cell into the base microbes and then using Cas-9,taq polymerase and biosynth WiFi that is then cross referenced with Physis and patient files.Machinery onsite of forensics labs,universities and hosiptals that are used to determine the name and amount of a compound from blood,water and other media samples will utilise the base microbes ability for mechanotransduction or reverse mechanotransduction,chemical reactions seen in more complex or similarly simple organisms and simple and complex neural clusters and systems in them for example Hydra etc to not only determine their name via biosynth wifi that cross references Physis and can give the levels of them in ppm,ppb,ppt,ppq.It will give them all obscene amounts of RAM,processing power,biosynth WiFi per square inch and when combined with nanomaterials from all 94 elements make them faster,cheaper and compact and replace expensive elements.These could potentially be small enough to fit in ones suitcase,vehicle and even attach to ones computer,laptop,smartphone etc or even built into them.Furthermore it can allow these machines to be all in one versions both in labs and also those attached to laptops and smart devices that house two or more of them in one machine and device.MRI and X-ray machines can use biosynth technology based on DNA from Magnetospirillum,Geobacter metallreducens,Geobacter sulfurreducens,Shewanella oneidensis,Electrophorus electricus,Apidea,Hymenoptera,Chiroptera and scratch DNA as well as nanomaterials of all 94 elements to generate magnetic fields and other biosynth based technology to replace certain elements and make them faster and compact.Both microbes as part of biosynth technology combined with nanomaterials will replace rare expensive metals such as Niobium,Lithium,Hafnium,Gold,Cobalt,Copper etc in these and all electronics using neural tissues and those from plants and different animals,bacteria,fungi etc and if possible allow for all in one test kits including amalgamations of the aforementioned ones to be fitted into not only mobile machinery but also those that are dongles that can attach to smart devices or even be built into them.Biosynth technology may even allow for lab equipment to be miniaturised and thus be part of miniature labs at private and communal homes and even community centres similar to the failed Edison machine created by Theranos with these more compact systems in private and communal homes and community centres as well.Ideally rather than being a all in one machine they would be split into different models of the same compact size with nanomaterials,nanoprocessors and biosynth technology allowing as many as possible related machinery placed in each one designed by AI with consumers choosing what goes into each one.Since a single square inch would hold more processing power than all of the worlds current supercomputers it would eliminate all space taken up by existing bulky processors allowing for compact biosynth PCR and Sysmex machines and even Theranos Edison style machines to be possible as this would replace large sections of processing units etc present in failed devices.Motors could be composed of nanomaterials and biosynth machinery to make them compact inside or located on the outside.Nanothin needles including those composed of biosynth technology and graphene infused glass,graphene infused biosynth plastics,graphene and Biosynth technologies or just graphene and other nanomaterials could be used with biosynth technologies and sensors for blood components either or multiple that are only another square inch wide composed of base microbes and nanomaterials could replace sensors,spectrometers and other bulky componants.Needles may even be made obsolete by using blood pricks and nanonsers built into the device.Spectrometers in this device or indeed all lab equipment could be Biosynth based composed of biocompatible microbes,Biosynth tissues and/or nanomaterials as well as even Biosynth technology utilising the ability of base microbes to detect the properties of them modified through scratch DNA and even via upgrades through Biosynth WiFi changing the types of sensors can even replace spectrometers and also gel electrophoresis and chromatographers of all types including gas and liquid ones allowing them to carry out these functions in devices the size of laptops,smartphones and dongles etc in an all in one device.As a result the the ability of base microbes to detect the genome of pathogens,human DNA from leukocytes and also detect the names of compounds using universal receptors and detect their amount in ppm,ppb etc could allow base microbes to be modified using scratch and recombinant DNA be able carrying out the same functions as gel electrophoresis/chromatography/spectrometers etc will possibly negate the need for Biosynth based spectrometers,chromatographers and gel electrophoresis to be built into them or for that matter be built into conventional lab equipment thus rendering the need to develop Biosynth based chromatographers,gel electrophoresis and spectrometers etc at all obsolete thus in turn allowing for handheld devices the same size as smartphones etc or dongles attached to them to be able to carry out the same functions as these making all in one devices the same size of dongles,smartphones and laptops.Thus base microbes could be modified through scratch DNA etc to carry out the same actions of gel electrophoresis,spectrometers etc through tweaks in DNA negating the need for motors,needles and also having built in spectrometers etc thus making them exponentially compact.The base microbes through Biosynth WiFi will be used to change the DNA of these base microbes on demand to carry out different functions of spectrometers,PCR machines,Sysmex machines etc thus allowing a device the size of a laptop,smartphone or dongle that is small enough for one could carry around in ones hand be able to carry out the functions of all types of lab equipment such as spectrometers on demand.The base microbes in dongles or small handheld devices through tweaked DNA and the ability of upgrades through biosynth WiFi to induce their evolutionary path to scratch DNA or that from any plant and animal of bacteria etc could allow them to carry out the same functions of spectrometers,gel electrophoresis etc and all types of lab equipment thus meaning through upgrades that induce the evolutionary path of the microbes that takes a few minutes could allow the dongles and handheld equipment anal enough to fit in ones hand that connects to ones smartphone directly or through biosynth WiFi to have the ability to carry out any type of test on blood pricks and samples of urine that become all in one test kits similar to or even better than the failed Theranos that would be small enough to be in ones home test kits and even homes the size of a laptop,smartphone etc that could fit into the same area of one’s home test kits within a protective bag allowing it to carry out all types of blood tests for all pathogens and blood components in ppm,ppb,ppt with the same accuracy and efficacy as those in hospital laboratories with reusable syringes used for humans and pets etc.Biosynth sensors and tissues could through biosynth WiFi changing the evolutionary path of the base microbes carried out in minutes could allow these home test kits to be able to carry out any type of test imaginable on demand thus allowing for new abilities and tests to be carried out on the same square inch that can be changed back and forth at any time time thus allowing these devices whether handheld ones the size of laptops or smartphones or dongles attached to them small enough to carry around in ones hand in every patients home to carry out every imaginable blood test that currently exists and new ones from the comfort of home.All sensors,spectrometers etc as part of this all in one device could be Biosynth based composed of biosynth technology and nanomaterials or be based on biocompatible microbes on a single square inch making them compact with all in one sensors of all types spread across the entire device.If possible the Biosynth technology allowing multiple or all sensors could be in one place the size of a square inch thus freeing up space in the device and making them small enough to carry around.These machines could use a blood prick or sample of blood from needles depending on the size of the machine.Remaining normal chromatographers,spectrometers and PCR etc machines in labs in hospitals,universities and space stations would still exist that are singular devices or all in one devices and them using biosynth technology to replace conventional sensors or be the basis of conventional sensors.These would use these base microbes whose DNA changed in demand and carry out other features through upgrades making them exponentially cheaper,accurate and more compact and lighter enough to be easily carried around.As stated a single square inch housing more computing power than all supercomputers combined and having multiple sensors at once composed of biocompatible microbes on a square inch would replace large bulky areas of wiring and processors and sensors thus freeing up space.All in one Biosynth sensors,spectrometers etc composed of biocompatible microbes on an area that is one square inch could even negate the need for nanothin needles and motors.Miniaturised dimensional transcendamentalism will be used to house extra needed machinery.These factors could make all in one devices similar to the failed Theranos Edison device feasible as well as even smaller again as small as a laptop or even smartphones and dongles etc one could carry around in ones pocket or hand making them part of home test kits of all patients worldwide.Thus the failed Theranos Edison device that is capable of carrying out any blood test imaginable that I the size of a laptop or dongles that will be in every home across the could become compact enough through Biosynth technology and nanotematerials to fit into dongles that attach to smartphones or be the size of smartphones and laptops or even dongles that makes them ubiquitous to all patients worldwide at almost zero cost.AI could design these devices ergonomically to be able to house as many devices as possible that can be carried around in one go or in multiple parts and assembled piece by piece allowing them to be onsite of all homes as part of home test kits and even make laboratories onsite of hospitals and universities more compact and space efficient.This all in one Theranos Edison style machinery could be possible using biosynth technology and nanomaterials that could be onsite of hospitals,universities and private and communal homes around the world as part of home test kits.Results from this device would be relayed to ones patient file within minutes.All miniaturised lab equipment whether it miniaturised PCR and Sysmex machines or Theranos style machines the biosynth technology would be combined with atom thick nanomaterials similar to graphene and biosensors that could detect the species of pathogen and any type of blood component and thus detect any type of blood components without centrifuging and reagents added.

Biosynth Microchips:
•Microchips used in labs can be biosynth based with this including those on test tubes,petri plates that hold the identity of a cultured micro-organism and also ID of patients will be present read by scanners and WiFi that can be changed over and over again making them reusable with the petri plates and test tube cleaned via Virkon,having liquid glass to prevent stains with Graphene in their matrix to allow them to be auto laced at temperatures above the threshold of pathogens and make them shatterproof.Microchips in rubbish waste bins,delivery boxes and all sectors of society built into cardboard,clothing,glass,biosynth plastic etc outside of electronics where data needs to be read and changed will utilise biosynth technology and WiFi.Armbands worn by patients in hospitals can have these read by smart devices to denote their name,details and patient ID to doctors etc.Those to repel sharks and alligators etc will use Magnetospirillium DNA etc to generate electromagnetic fields.These can also be in cardboard boxes as part of deliveries from farms and factories as part of Demeter and Hephaestus to allow them to be read by WiFi and scanners on robots and biosynths to allow them to be sent to the correct area,vehicles and address thus negating ink barcodes and stickers with them in luggage bags loaded onto aeroplanes etc that are read by scanners to be directed towards the correct aeroplane that contains the flight number,aeroplane serial,destination and owner thus ensuring they are sent to the correct plane etc with in all cases these details changed over and over again for each flight etc.Them in rubbish bins and skips will have the address and type of rubbish in them relayed to automated collection vehicles etc.These chips will be also read by smart devices.By 2029 batteries using graphene and other similar hexagonal atom thick structures,Storedot technology,schwarzites should be part of all batteries in all electronics,vehicles and wall batteries to allow them to last for decades and be charged in a matter of seconds.

Biosynths artificial wombs:
•Artificial wombs in time could be developed wherein it has a liquid environment similar in composition to amniotic fluid with bioprinted flesh,placentas and those created by biocompatible microbes and stem cells covered in long and short strands of carbon nanotubes surrounding it with the fertilised egg inserted into a gel compartment where carbon nanotubes covered in a fleshy husk of varying lengths can connect to it and implant the fertilised embryo into the womb and feed it nutrients such as oxygen,sugars,proteins,fats,vitamins and minerals in controlled amounts and remove wastes like carbon dioxide etc again at controlled amounts from a external source.Biosynth versions will exist eventually with them being identical to a human womb with these being used to aid in the proper development in premature newborns.These wombs would be a biosynth animals or even one where they consist of a pod with a fleshy biosynth interior that allows for embryos either created via 3D DNA printers or fusing spermatazoa and eggs together created by 3D DNA printers that form fetuses and eggs or existing ones to be inserted directly or implanted similar to how fertilisation occurs in humans.The placenta will be replaced by a biosynth worm like one that seeks out and attaches to implanted embryos via fibrils and then bring them into place and feed them nutrients such as proteins,sugars,fats created by bacteria and oxygen created by bacteria pumped into them constantly.They would using internal biosynth worms and placentas allow for a 100% success rate for bringing an embryo to a fully formed infant.Premature babies can be inserted into artificial wombs to allow them to grow further to full maturity with microbes keeping them alive via providing oxygen and nutrients to the brain etc and even building tissue in key organs like the heart,lungs,brain etc.In time entire children will be created by 3D DNA printers printing out embryos with genetically unique genotypes from scratch or containing DNA from any two individuals namely a male and female and them inserted here where it can be grown to maturity.These can be used to create children using donated spermatozoa and eggs including those in existing banks when fused together to populate colonies across the universe including space stations and interstellar vehicles.These can be used to manufacture biosynths in site of Talos factories will be onsite of vertical farms and can be used to create and order in any of the worlds 2,000,000 species of animals eliminating human private breeders and can be onsite of conservation areas and zoos with them as part of conservation efforts used to alongside the Phanes method create several dozen or hundred or even thousand extra animals every year again using the Phanes method.

Biosynth machinery:
•Biosynth machine that grows eggs of any species of Aves,Reptilla and even fish in batches with them replicating the internal womb of Aves etc with DNA from Perdix perdix present.These would also be able to produce Oryza,Avena,Triticum,Hordeum grains,and the seeds and kernals of Helianthus annuus,Fabaceae,Zea
mays mays
and Linum usitatissimum etc nuts of all types alongside even spices like saffron and truffles in large amounts again via selecting them.Whole fruits and vegetables or even any crops at all would also be grown in them.Caviar of all species of fish could also be made by this machinery and if possible entire vegetables and fruit and nuts can be created in these.One would choose which seed,fruit and egg type to have it create with it downloading the DNA from Physis or the DNA stored on its internal memory drives of the selected fruit,nut,animal etc and have it changed via biosynth wifi and bluetooth either online or offline.Caviar,truffles,ambergris,rhino horn,ivory and pearls and any commodity from plants and animals of commercial value will also be grown in these with one choosing the species of crop,egg,seeds etc with the machine crossreferncing Physis or DNA stored in it.One would simply chose the species of grains,seeds,fruit,vegetable,eggs etc wit them created via them crossrefferencing Physis with them powered by conventional sources of energy such as from the grid and self charging technologies thus forming a lower energy cost solution to picotech fabricators with the possibility of flavours being more authentic with it allow large batches of any crop when needed when fed necessary nutrients an save space over hydroponics and aeroponics,be done in places with no gardens in spare rooms in private homes or suites in communal homes with them the size of a large trashcan at least to an entire room for larger models and alleviate strains on orders from farms with them using stem cells formed inside them via links to Physis and Biosynth WiFi or have stem cells dumped into them printed out from Home 3D DNA printers or ordered in that form tissues with them engineered with the same growth rates as in normal crops.These will be onsite of home farms,community farms,vertical farms,space stations,interstellar vehicles,cruise ships,airports avd other public buildings that grow their own food and also Deipneus and Arachne factories.If perfected one could have large batches of any species of crop whether fruit,nut,vegetable,grains,edible seeds grown very quickly in their kitchen,basement,storeroom and even hotel suite much quicker and compact than hydroponics with this catering to small orders with orders from larger models in farms of all types catering to large orders for say ceramonial events alongside those from aquaponic systems in these farms.These would save on energy as the energy required to run them would be lower than traditional farming where crops are grown in a field somewhere in the world that requires mechanical labour to till the land,plant crops,apply fertiliser,harvest them and then transport them across the world both locally and internationally as well as collecting them with them having zero chance of being affected by pests,disease,climate and taking at most a few weeks or even days as genetic engineering and energy,water and nutrients from bacteria fed into them poured in one large go for each crop will speed up growths with them working at nightime with photosynthesis negated by engineering negating this and only requiring nutrients etc fed into them or replaced by artificial light intaken by the exterior or in the interior of the machinery and would save on time and energy from hydroponics ordered in from farms with them catering to periods when farms are busy and also in between large orders and would alongside commodities from bacteria and algea ordered in from sewage and water treatment plants end starvation as long as there is energy availible with them designed to be as energy efficient as possible.The interior could house interior lighting systems charged from solar panels or being plugged in that uses biosynth tissues to generate this light via bioluminescence rather than artificial lights with if possible it needing no energy but rather just being base plant or animal stem cells that once one makes the selection biosynth wifi will change the DNA into that of the desired crop and animal commodity via transduction of the Cas-9 and taq polymerase into that of the desired species of crop and commodity undergoing mass replication until a fully formed crop and commodity is formed.The DNA from radiotrophic fungi W.dermatitidis,C.sphaerospermum and C.neoformans will allow the stem cells to use radiation as a food source.These will utilise electricity alongside radiation and sugars and proteins to create the food.Biosynth WiFi can be used to download updates allowing them to be able to last decades and centuries with them ordered in from either Talus or Talos factories.Teeth,shells etc will require them to be synthesised within them.Single or entire batches of crops can be created it should eliminate famine worldwide provide their is a constant source of electricity with them coming in different sizes for homes,suites,cruise ships,interstellar vehicles,space stations,vertical farms.It would also should be a viable alternative to picotech fabricators in space stations,interstellar vehicles,homes and restaurants,cruise ships etc if they cannot be miniaturised and would use significantly less energy to allow picotech fabricators create only water onsite of water treatment plants and also rare elements onsite of Aphrodite buildings as only nutrients and minimal heat energy need to be added thus negating the need for them to create food for billions of people thus saving on energy.All 80,000-300,000 species of crop,all edible seeds,grains,eggs of all 20,700 species of Aves and Reptilla can be created by them once their DNA is added to Physis alongside all commodities created by animals such as pearls,coral,honeycomb,teeth,horns,ivory etc created by anabolic and catabolic reactions and also DNA and would allow these to be available to everyone without using land for agriculture with these in private and communal homes,hospitals,factories,universities,space stations,interstellar vehicles,underground and underwater communities with Aristeus and Hecate spearheading research into it.Biosynth machinery could also grow honeycombs,ambergris,coral,pearls,ivory,rhino horn,amber,animal teeth as well as other materials of commercial value created by animals and plants.These can also create all 80,000-300,000 species of crop,all edible seeds,grains,eggs of all 20,700 species of Aves and Reptilla can be created by them once their DNA is added to Physis.The pearls,teeth,rhino horn,Ivory,teeth,shells,ambergris,coral etc will be more authentic as the machinery will create them using biosynth tissues containing the DNA of the animal that create these changed by WiFi replicating biological process and also  via anabolic and catabolic reactions that they are indistinguishable to natural versions especially pearls with pearls being of any size and colour and formed via the onion layer method making them indistinguishable under a microscope to natural pearls rather than cultured pearls with the same done for ivory and rhino horn etc negating the need to rear or hunt animals.Ivory,teeth and rhino horn will be created by anabolic and catabolic reactions and also even replicating biological processes by harbouring stem cells or vestibules etc that create these commodities in batches thus allowing large amounts of them to be created onsite of factories,farms and even homes that are indistinguishable from real ivory,rhino horn and teeth from any species of mammal,reptile and fish rendering poaching and farming animals defunct while Phanes programmes and conservation efforts take place.Ambergris can have the same fecal and waxy material of Physeter macrocephalus created by bacteria and then aged artificially much quicker than normal or have bacteria using biosynthetic wifi etc create the exact chemical structure of luxury full form ambergris through anabolic and catabolic reactions once its chemical structure is analysed with this created in this machinery or outside it.Eggs will be formed in the same way they are formed in all 20,700 species of Aves and Reptilla using DNA from them by replicating the biological process in animals that lay eggs with crops of any 80,000-300,000 species created via plant stems cells undergoing mass  replication with the DNA of the specific crops present.All of these crop,commodities etc can be created in large batches with these commodities being mass produced in these machines in large batches at zero cost that are indistinguishable to real versions onsite of factories,vertical farms,restaurants etc and at home in machines of varying sizes.All commodities from plants and animals will be through intensive research be virtually indistinguishable from real versions by 2045 thus allowing them to mass produced without killing any animals,with zero labour that can be mass produced and ordered in from local home,community and vertical farms cutting their costs to zero.Similar animal commodities from across the universe will be created in these machines.These will create eggs of Aves and Reptilla created as pets.These will also create eggs used to hatch live animals thus being used as part of Lazarus and Phanes programmes to bring endangered species back from the brink and bring extinct ones back by creating large batches of genetically distinct animals in eggs.This should be possible by 2035-2045.By 2035-2045 intensive research will allow these biosynth machinery create any crop,egg,commodity that is indistinguishable in taste,texture,nutritional value,structure to real world ones.At first they will be large versions for vertical and community farms but in time they become much smaller to the point that they will be the size of a trashcan so as to fit into a hotel suite as well as kitchens and areas for growing food in private homes and apartments etc in communal homes and space stations and interstellar vehicles.AI will carry out intensive research into this machinery to make them small enough to fit into homes and even hotel suites and also create all of these and other commodities created by animals and plants not possible through bacteria etc in commercial batches that are indistinguishable to real versions using bacteria,biosynth machinery etc that use anabolic and catabolic reactions and recombinant DNA and other methods thus making these commodities available to everyone produced at home or in factories at zero cost without having to kill a single animal while Phanes programmes return levels of endangered species to stable levels.These would be the same shape and size as photobioreactors used to create,algae,milk,bacteria based commodities and also even in vitro meat with if possible them the same photobioreactors – that is the same photobioreactors in home,Community and vertical farms etc that create in vitro meat,bacteria based commodities could also through modified and settings create eggs if all 20,700 species of birds and reptiles and also create honeycomb,pearls,ivory.To operate these machinery one would only plug them into the grid to allow the electricity to power the biochemical reactions


Biological Hard Drives:
•Biological hard drives that utilise DNA digital storage could also revolutionize data storage with one cubic millimetre of DNA storing 1EB(1,000,000,000GB)being currently theorized possible with further advances in newer methods of DNA storage maybe even increasing this capacity even further by at least a million fold especially in improvements in compression and also even DNA synthesis.Copying within devices and other more complex devices or when inserted could come in the form of mitosis methods that mimic taq polymerase being a cheap way to extract it with if possible components of or variations of biocompatible microbes utilised into the process.If a strand of DNA 3 metres in length could be squeezed into the cell of 30 micrometres wide or 100 cubic micrometres in volume then it could be feasible to store 3 ZB in one cell enough to increase speeds and memory capacity of all electronics including nanomachines and smart devices.An area about a square inch on a computer,onboard computers,building AIs,laptop,external hard drives,implants,USB key,servers,neural implants,digital camera,smart devices,machinery,robots and other electronics that houses 250,000,000 – 500,000,000 human sized cells could store roughly 75,000,000ZB – 1,500,000,000ZB (75,000 YB – 1,500,000 YB) of RAM and storage capacity.This is equivalent to roughly 75,000,000,000,000,000,000 – 1,500,000,000,000,000,000,000GB.These square inch hard drives need be as thin as a sheet of glass or even an atom thick using graphene like nanomaterials.Frontier the most powerful supercomputer in the world as of 2024 has a 9.6 PB or 9,600,000 GB or 0.0000000096 YB of RAM with this square inch biochip having 7,812,500,000,000 – 156,250,000,000,000 times more RAM than Frontier.Frontier has data storage of 700 PB or 700,000,000 GB or 0.0000007 YB with the square inch of this biochip has 107,142,857,142 – 2,142,857,142,857 times more data storage.All of the worlds top 10 supercomputers as 2024 combined have a combined total RAM of 83.145 PB or 83,145,000 GB or 83,145 TB and 0.000000083145 YB meaning that a square inch has roughly 902,038,607,252.39 – 18,040,772,145,047.8 times more RAM a combined total data storage of 1,599 PB or 1,599,000,000 GB or 0.000001599 YB with this and between 46,904,315,196 – 938,086,303,939 times more data storage.Them stacked on each other dozens or thousands of times and spread around entire devices will give smartphones, laptops and external hard drives as well as supercomputers obscene levels of RAM and storage space.Mitochondrial DNA can house even more DNA in each of the millions of microbes.Mitochondrial DNA can house even more DNA in each of the millions of microbes.Magnetospirillum DNA will also be present to improve data storage and RAM.All of the millions of nanoprocessors and neural clusters etc within each of the millions of microbes within these square inches will also play a role in in increasing processing speeds of the electronics exponentially again if they are stacked ontop of each other well beyond what is possible with existing electronics.Theoretically each square inch could contain as much as 75,000,000,000,000 – 1,500,000,000,000,000 nanoprocessors alongside the 75,000 YB – 1,500,000 YB of data storage and RAM.Having each microbe contain 3,000,000 processors,3ZB for RAM and storage could allow them when stacked ontop of each other to be spread across the entirety of laptops,smart devices to further increase both processing power and storage capacity with them spread across graphene/silicene sheets to also increase speeds and allow them to be spread onto each other.Using DNA from Paris japonica will increase the amount of DNA digital storage and RAM by a factor of 50 meaning each microbe could at least 150 ZB meaning a square inch could hold between 3,750,000 – 75,000,000 YB with human sized biosynths and servers housing 555,000,000,000,000 YB.New species of plants and animals found on plants across the universe will be scanned to see if they have larger genomes with scratch DNA developed alongside other methods to determine the theoretical limit size in terms of base pairs and actual genes of DNA that can fit in microbes used in biosynth technologies including combining quantum computing etc and using Magnetospirillium DNA as well as using mitochondrial DNA and other advances to increase data and RAM compression as much as a million fold or more.Having them form millions of nerve cells or tissues in these square inches alongside other parts of the electronics will increase speeds exponentially with borophene/silicene/graphene/neural tubule nanowires formed to send information at the speed of light with as detailed earlier increasing the speeds,RAM and storage capacity of smart devices,laptops,USB Keys,external hard drives.The graphene would be able to sandwich dozens or even thousands of layers each containing the same amount of microbes exponentially increasing the amount of nanoprocessors and digital DNA within a device that is very thin compared to modern smart devices or even hold many more layers in devices the same thickness of current devices with the graphene catering to the transfer of electrons and also copying etc of information via taq polymerase and power the device with if possible schwarzites and bukyballs used to house the microbes.The microbes would form neural tissues on the sheets.Artificial mitochondria can be integrated into them to power them from thermo-piezoelectric,chemosynthetic sources with nuclei within them to make the extraction,copying and transfer of information more efficient between themselves,the wire,Hestia and other devices during use with the possibility of copying data including blank cells through mitosis especially in the case of bio-synths and robots.Neural tissue formed by the microbes will also play a role in smart devices,machinery,computers and will be combined with nanomaterials of a similar structure of graphene.These square inch hard drives need be as thin as a sheet of glass or even an atom thick using graphene like nanomaterials that would also cater to the transfer of electrons etc allowing for even more layers to be stacked upon each allowing for hundreds,thousands or millions of layers dependant on the device to be formed exponentionally increasing their computing power and storage capacity from both DNA digital storage and nanoprocessors with further advances in newer methods of DNA storage maybe even increasing this capacity even further by at least a million fold especially in improvements in compression and also even DNA synthesis.Having them form millions of nerve cells or tissues in these square inches alongside other parts of the electronics will increase speeds exponentionally.Human sized servers and bio-synths containing these cells could could hold theoretically 11,100,000,000,000,000 ZB or 11,100,000,000,000YB of data storage and RAM as well as 1,110,000,000,000,000,000,000 nanoprocessors.Research must be done to increase its stability at room and operating temperatures for electronics and computers etc as potentially it can last from 2,000 years(if stored at 10 degrees Celsius) to a 1,000,000 years(at -18 degrees Celsius) with advancements in keeping operating temperatures of electronics low(such supercapacitors and superconductive materials and ATP processors both within the cells and the other parts of the electronics)also done with special shielding in the casing holding them in electronics used alongside these measures with the cells cytosol also containing fluid that dissipates or is weak at absorbing heat from the electronic and surrounding environment.Graphene and other nanomaterials such as stanene built into the cells external structure and the shielding could also help with this while still giving them strength from external pressures.Integrating them with graphene and/or stanene microchips such as processors especially those that use ATP will also allow them to function at higher temperatures and faster speeds.Replicating the natural homeostasis features in normal animal including human cells and those that can maintain thermoregulation at all temperature ranges should be investigated with CRISPR playing a role with some the DNA in these strands containing those from humans and those that live in all temperature ranges including psychrophile,mesophile,thermophile bacteria and also poikilotherms thus allowing them to function properly and store data indefinitely at any temperature.This would include DNA from Methanopyrus kandleri,Bacillus F,Herminiimonas glaciei, greenlandensis,Pseudomonas putida GR12-2,Carnobacterium pleistocenium and others that are pushed to their limits through forced evolution thus meaning they could function and survive in temperatures way below zero degrees celcieus and possibly as high as several hundred degrees celcius to prevent loss of data.Further research must be done it improving the amount of data on quartz memory 5D crystals which can survive at least 14,000,000,000 years and survive temperatures of up to 157-176 degrees celsius.Merging 5D and biological hard drives together say storing the biological hard drives on the same quartz should be researched to allow the drawbacks of both(DNA digital storage temperature requirements and quartz limited storage space) to be dealt with having biological hard drives that can store data for billions of years at room and above temperatures.It could also allow extra information to be stored on them in spaces in between biological hard drives or DNA strands in the quartz or have the quartz crystals suspended in the cytosol of the cells,crystals or nanocrystals of the quartz being part of the DNA,cytosol or even the quartz and other nanomaterials taking the place of the phospholipid bilayer in cell membranes to shield the DNA from heat damage or even as well as them giving the same ability to store data for the same length of time(14,000,000,000)with even research into liquids that can store information used in the cytosol.If possible DNA bases wherein quartz forms part of their structure can be researched.DNA from Thermococcus gammatolerans and even Bacillus F that exhibit telomere repair alongside homogulous recombination can be added to DNA digital storage to repair any damage to the DNA and data and increase its length of storing digital information.Light based memory chips should also be researched more thoroughly and can be integrated into these and other hard drives.All of these technologies should be availible by at least 2029.In time even quantum singularities will be used to store vast amounts of information especially when in dimensional transcendentalism fields with altered physics.

Self Charging Technology:
•Self charging electronics and vehicles that dont require chargers.This is done by any glass having qunatum dot technology,graphene sheets ad see through thermo-piezoelectric in them with any metalltic surfaces coated in graphene paint.This would allow them to gain solar power from artificial and natural sunlight with the see through thermo-piezoelectric materials gaining energy from artificial and natural heat sources.Piezoelectric nanogenerators would gain energy from ambient noise.This would apply to both electronics and with thermopiezoelectric materials in vehicles found in tyres that generate electricity from them rubbing against the road as well as from heat from the sun with them also in the interior of the vehicle.Both would gain electricity when at a preset level or on demand.This would alleviate strains on the grid and would apply to all types of vehicles as well as electronics such as laptops,smart devices,desktop computers and even televisions.Electroconductive pilli,electroconductive protein and silicon nanowires and electrical impulses from S.oneidensis,G.metillreducins,G.sulfurreducens could be crated by them interacting with suitable metals in the devices to generate electricity.Electroconductive pilli and electrical impulses from S.oneidensis,G.metillreducins,G.sulfurreducens could be created by them interacting with suitable metals in the devices to generate electricity with these in microbes that has chrolorophyll to convert sunlight into energy.This can apply to electric vehicles,electronics like smart devices and laptops,computers and also even lamps,flashlights and smart televisions with biosynth batteries that can store large amounts of energy and also charge in minutes.

Biosynth batteries:
•Biosynth batteries that are a combination of improved Storedot technology,schwarzites of graphene and other nanomaterials,supercapacitators,gel nanowires,biosynth technology in particular biocompatible microbes that express both human neural tissue and that from Electrophorus electricus,S.oneidensis,G.metillreducins,G.sulfurreducens.Batteries in communal homes,hospitals,factories etc would be replaced with more powerful ones by their building AI via residents using how to videos generated by the AI or by bio-synths and robots from the mayor or building AI.The batteries should use the same quick charging technology as Storedot and other technologies and nanomaterials detailed earlier on to increase lifespan and efficiency,charge quickly and ability to release energy when needed and will be in time renamed Arges batteries with the same symbol of the lightening bolt on them and designed and stored in Talos with one choosing the shape,size and amount of energy they can store and what materials to use.Research will be done into using different nanomaterials like graphene and other single atom hexagonal allotropes of all other elements,nanotubes as well as schwarzites and buckyballs of each atom thick allotropes especially stanene and graphene as well as silicene and those composed of two or more elements,plastic nanomaterials doped with carbon nanomaterials,gel nanowire and biosynth technology and also electronically conductive bacteria to improve the amount of energy that can be stored,charging times,output,lifespan etc thus making them more effective in not only storing energy in community packs and buildings but also in vehicles and electronics.Improved versions of Storedot technology will also be involved alongside schwarzites and nanomaterials of all elements that have structures similar to graphene.Theoretically the biosynth technology present using bicompatible microbes could include recombinant DNA from E.electricus and electrically conductive bacteria like G.metallireducens,G.sulfurreducens,S.oneidensis using their ability to generate and store electricity alongside scratch DNA to improve this can be part of this as well as DNA to express neural tissue from humans.Magnetospirillum,E.electricus,G.metallireducens,G.sulfurreducens,S.oneidensis DNA will also be included to replace Niobium,Tantalum,Lithium,Cobalt and elements in them that are magnetic and can generate and store electricity.The electroconductive pilli,electroconductive protein and silicon nanowires of microbes and the bacteria they gain this from including G.metallireducens,G.sulfurreducens,S.oneidensis tweaked to produce silicon,graphene and borophene nanowires for better transfer of energy will be utilised as well as these bacterias ability to generate electricty.Scratch DNA will also be used to accentuate these phenotypes and also replace the use of rare earths and Lithium etc.Steropes,Brontes,Arges and Hecate will carry out intensive research into battery and supercapitator technology using supercapacitors,schwarzites,storedot technology,biosynth technology combined for not just for wall and community pack batteries but also for electronics such as laptops,smart devices etc and vehicles such as private and public vehicles and also cruise ships and aeroplanes that will take a few minutes to charge and would last for several hours if not an entire day or even more on a single charge with by 2029-2045 them being viable to ensure all vehicles on the road can be electric powered by geothermal and other renenwable sources of electricity with solar increasing in efficiency at capturing the suns energy by this point to allow them to charge homes and vehicles with self charging technologies also integrated into them to alleviate strains of the grid.Biosynth tissues will form huge masses of neural and other tissues that can store electricity formed on and in between schwarzites with gel nanowires and Storedot technology suspended and integrated into the schwarzites and tissues as nanocrystals or sheets with all parts combined and connected to each other or Storedot technology in other parts of the batteries or other parts of the vehicle such as trunk connected to the main battery designed by AI for each vehicle.If possible Storedot technology can be part of biosynth tissues since Storedot technology itself is biobased on proteins and also as sheets and nanocrystals.Any rare earths and expensive elements present can be replaced with graphene,nanomaterials of more abundant elements and biocompatible microbes housing Magnetospirillum etc DNA.Research can be made into nanomaterials including schwarzites of all 94 elements that can be combined with carbon graphene scwarzites that can store electricity in large amounts,improve this ability in carbon based schwarzites and also if nanotubes,sheets and buckyballs that house biosynth tissues and nanocrystals of Storedot technology can be spread over the entire vehicle including roof,sides,bottom and trunk to increase surface area.Sheets of hybrid biosynth tissues and Schwarzites can be spread across the body of the vehicle in layers for example in the trunk,under seats and the entire internal body of the vehicles with all parts of the vehicles internal body and frame housing layers of biosynth tissues with or without schwarzites with these tissues housing the same DNA to store electrical energy as well as the same tweaks of DNA to transmit electricity and also house nanoprocessors,wifi,DNA digital storage,RAM etc connected to each other and the sheets in the trunk etc that also have these tweaks with the onboard computer also housing DNA to store nanoprocessors,wifi,DNA digital storage,RAM and electricity.Thus tweaks to the biosynth tissues spread out along the vehicles trunk,internal frame can allow it to express nanoprocessors,wifi,DNA digital storage,RAM and electrical storage and transmission at once with the larger the vehicle the larger the internal surface area for this thus exponentionally increasing the computing power of onboard computers,exponentionally increasing the strength of WiFi to stream Ophion and also exponentionally increasing the amount of battery storage in vehicles.If perfected this will allow all parts of the vehicles internal frame and surface area,trunk,onboard computer all connected to each other to exhibit nanoprocessors,wifi,DNA digital storage,RAM and electrical storage and transmission at once and the same time thus allowing the vehicles to house extra amounts of obscene nanoprocessors,wifi,DNA digital storage,RAM and energy storage thus the entire internal frame,onboard computer and trunk etc as a single massive hybrid onboard computer and battery spread across the entire body of the vehicle giving obscene levels of RAM,nanoprocessors,DNA digital storage,biosynth WiFi and energy storage all at once with this applied to private vehicles,public vehicles such as buses,taxis and even both cruise ships and aeroplanes and even space stations and interstellar vehicles.This would render the concept of their not being enough space for normal sized batteries as having the entire internal area housing these will increase internal surface area with the larger the vehicle the larger the internal surface area for the battery.The amount of internal surface area for biosynth tissues that house biosynth th battery technology,storedot technology and sheets of Graphene will be proportional to the size of the vehicle.All three technologies Storedot,scharzites and biosynth tissues will be merged together so that all energy intaken is stored by them in one large mass and shared together and transferred between each other.All tree technologies biosynth tissues,Schwartzites and Storedot technology will be merged together as one large mass in batteries.Storedot technology and biosynth technology will utillise space not taken up by schwarzites to increase surface area in between them and ontop of them designed by AI namely Steropes and Hecate.Methods can also be done to accentuate the eletrical producing ability of biosynth tissues.For example,heterologous expression of the aromatic-rich pilin monomer of in G.sulfurreducens increases the conductivity of individual nanowires more than 5,000-fold,whereas expression of an aromatic-poor pilin reduced conductivity more than 1,000-fold.This more than million-fold range in nanowire conductivity was achieved while maintaining the 3-nm diameter characteristic of electroconductive pili.Purification methods that eliminate all traces of OmcS yield highly conductive electroconductive pili,as does heterologous expression of the e-pilin monomer in microbes that do not produce OmcS or any other outer-surface cytochromes.Protein nanowires can extend the potential distance of electronic interaction between cells and their environment,facilitating electron exchange with insoluble minerals and other cells.Enhancing the expression of electroconductive protein nanowires is a strategy for increasing biofilm conductivity and current production in bioelectrochemical batteries.Measures and research will thus be carried out to increase the amount of electroconductive protein/silicon nanowires and electroconductive pilli produced and expressed via humans and AI namely Phanes,Gaia,Steropes and Hecate using scratch DNA and recombinant DNA from other strains of Geobacter as well as Shewanella,S.oneidensis and other genus of bacteria that express these and similar phenotypes.The G.metallireducens DNA will ensure electroconductive pilli that send electricity back and forth in the same ways as the electroconductive proteins from G.sulferreducens and the same can increase in electrical conduction can apply to S.oneidensis DNA present that also express pilli and electrical conduction with E.electricus DNA added since this species of sea fauna is able to generate and more importantly store large amounts of electricity in its tissues thus giving the biosynth technology and tissues present in these batteries the ability to store large amounts electricity fed into the biosynth batteries when these microbes form large amounts of tissues.Scratch DNA and that from Magnetospirillum can enhance the features of E.electricus DNA.Magnetospirillum magnetism can replace magnetic rare earths and its DNA enhanced via scratch DNA and that from species closely related to it with DNA from Apidea,Chiroptera as part of biosynth wifi can also be researched for these biosynth tissues.Again scratch DNA and recombinant DNA from electroconductive bacteria and species closely related to E.electricus,Magnetospirillum DNA can be added to enhance the features of DNA from G.metallireducens,G.sulferreducens,S.oneidensis etc and vice versa with research done into enhancing its properties from closely releated species and also G.metallireducens,G.sulferreducens,S.oneidensis etc.Neural tissues can be merged into this biosynth tissue.The electroconductive pilli and electroconductive proteins will be needed to send electricity signals between the tissues and also allow the tissues to connect to the scwarzites and nanocrystals of Storedot technology thus connecting all three technologies together into one big mass allowing the tissues,nanocrystals and schwarzites to be connected to each other and allow for electricity to be transferred back and forth between them both during charging and when they are being used.These phenotypes can replace Copper,Cobalt,Gold,rare earths,Sodium,Lithium,Silica,Tantalum,Hafnium,Niobium in the batteries but also smart devices etc.This alongside the electricity stored in the graphene schwarzites,those composed of other elements and nanocrystals of Storedot technology can be all combined together to improve electricity storage and generation with them modified via scratch DNA to use graphene as an acceptor to transfer electricity back and forth with if need be iron nanoparticles or schwarzites,buckyballs etc present directly or through Magnetospirillum DNA present and even if possible methagenous bacteria DNA present and/or a solid,gaseous or liquid layer of synthetic methane present always at all times or added as an substitute to motor oil ordered in from Talos factories or grown at home that can be used to generate electricity.The tissues can be engineered to use carbon dioxide as an energy acceptor to sequester any carbon dioxide produced with exhaust pipes consisting of biosynth and nanomaterial catalytic converters that contain plant DNA to convert carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere as oxygen and water.Since the tissues electroconductive pilli and proteins would react with the methane to conduct and transfer electricity then the methane may stay present forever and never degrade but if it does leak or turned into carbon dioxide the biosynth nanomaterial catalytic converters would soak this up and also engineered to do so for methane with this placed on the outer casing of the biosynth batteries.The batterries can be tweaked so that methane and iron molecules will never degrade into carbon dioxide and stay in stable atoms of methane forever so as to allow them to be reused as an electron and energy conductor forever.If possibly it can be tweaked to us sugar,fats and proteins made by bacteria in water added as an substitute to motor oil to generate electricity.Motor oil and gasoline would be be replaced with sugar and protein water with sugar and protein created by bacteria at home or ordered in from farms and even grown onsite of Phaeton stations to keep the microbes and tissues alive with future generations not needing this.Wireless energy,noises,artificial and natural sources of heat can power them via  biosynth piezoelectric and thermo-piezoelectric materials,scratch DNA and Wangiella dermatitidis,Cladosporium sphaerospermum and Cryptococcus neoformans DNA alllowing radiation from devices and natural and artificial lights can use radiation of all wavelengths with scratch DNA allowing all natural sources of radiation and even the Earths magnetic field alongside from tweaked plant DNA that houses chlorophyll and electroconductive pilli and proteins can convert all wavelengths of artificial and natural light into electrical and chemical energy to keep tissues alive when fed once a day,week,month etc and be also used to charge the battery with tissues using scratch DNA engineered to convert electrical energy from them plugged into sockets and wireless chargers into chemical energy meaning charging batteries will also feed the tissues in all parts of electronics and machinery batteries.Thus scratch DNA can have the tissues convert electrical energy into chemical energy meaning electricity fed into them will be able to feed the tissues.They will be given Firmicutes,oligotrophic and xerophile DNA.Having the same anti-ageing and extremophile augmentation treatments and genes in humans in tissues can allow tissues as part of them to stay immortal and forever young and survive all environmental conditions with biosynth WiFi allowing for upgrades to be added to batteries increasing their lifespan by centuries if not millions of years.They can be also using scratch DNA allow for them once plugged into the grid to have electricity charge the battery within tissues using scratch DNA engineered to convert electrical energy from them plugged into sockets and wireless chargers into chemical energy meaning charging batteries will also feed the tissues in all parts of biosynths and machinery with them given Firmicutes,oligotrophic and xerophile DNA.Scratch DNA could allow them to utilise electricity from being plugged into the grid or wireless energy to convert electrical energy into chemical energy replacing food and water with them using biosynth thermo-piezoelectric and piezoelectric material to convert heat and noise into enery,chlorophyll etc converting sunlight into energy,be able to convert excess waste foods containing proteins/sugars/fats etc into energy alongside radiotrophic bacteria DNA convert radiation from the sunlight and devices that emit radiation or that from the Earths magnetic field into energy.Thus by combining improved Storedot technology,schwarzites of graphene and other nanomaterials,supercapacitators,gel nanowires,biosynth technology in particular biocompatible microbes that express both human neural tissue and that from E.electricus,S.oneidensis,Geobacter metallreducens,G.sulfurreducens using its ability to generate and store electricity,electroconductive pilli,electroconductive proteins and silicon nanowires,Magnetospirillum DNA,scratch DNA to accentuate these phenotype etc will create batteries for private and public vehicles including aeroplanes and cruise ships and even those for electronics and wall batteries and community packs that charge in a few minutes,store vast amounts of energy,are lighter than normal ones,last decades,centuries if not forever by never degrading and if not can be easily recycled and negate mining for rare earths such as Lithium,Cobalt,Niobium etc that can damage the environment thus making electric powered private and public vehicles,motorbikes,aeroplanes and cruise ships feasible and ubiquitous by 2029-2035 making them competitive with gasoline powered vehicle engines and conventional Lithium batteries that can be powered by geothermal,renewables and also self charging technologies.Those in aeroplanes and cruise ships would be dispersed across the vehicles body with the vehicle with if possible them via using self charging technologies may be hybrid vehicle with planes composed of graphene would be 86% lighter and 200 times stronger than steel and thus more likely be able to be fully electric due to them and the batteries themselves being lighter.This will also make them lighter and thus viable for aeroplanes and cruise ships to be powered entirely by fast charging batteries that use self charging technologies built into the vehicle thus making them carbon neutral and not require gasoline.Self charging technologies would include graphene,see through thermo-piezoelectric materials and quantum dot technology in windows with the entire body having graphene and thermo-piezoelectric materials in the body with this making the plane and ship lighter and able to survive impacts better with cruise ships having VAWTS and wave pistons underneath them with the batteries used in a rotary system wherein one that is used up is charged while another is being used managed by the plane and ship onboard computer.Solar arrays can using splitters can at night direct energy to any planes at night.If need be since 90-95% of the worlds flights will be made redundant by Oceanus very few if any flights will take place at night with those that do being usually ones where the majority of the flight will be during the day with Eos planning them based on supply and demand trends with the faster times of ram/scramjet planes reducing them to a few hours rather than twenty hours and also meaning more of these flights can take place during the day going back and forth using one or three planes.The vast majority of the remaining fights by aeroplanes will done during the day and reduced from 9-23 hours to 2-4 hours and if not will be those that cross time zones wherein it will transition from day to night or vice versa.They can become ubiquitous in most if not all electronics that will utilise these such as smart devices,laptops and even allow for them to be integrated into smart televisions and lamps etc to allow them to be able to utilise self charging technologies similar to those used by vehicles to at least alleviate strains on the grid.Those in electronics such as laptops,smartphones,smart televisions etc will charge in minutes and last longer between charges possibly days or weeks at a time with them in electronics and vehicles will utilise self charging technologies alleviating strains on the grid and last for decades or potentially forever.Those in all types of electronics such as laptops,smart devices etc to be replaced with these rechargeable Biosynth ones that charge quickly within minutes,last for decades,centuries if not forever by never degrading,can be recycled and also store vast amounts of energy.These will be possible for for self charging technologies to be integrated into smart televisions,lamps etc to alleviate strains on the grid and even create biosynth versions of A,AA,AAA batteries that can be used for older and newer electronics such as flashlights,toys that hold large amounts of energy and are rechargeable.These like wall batteries will be ordered in from Talus.As detailed earlier there is the option of portable batteries that can be charged indoors after being plugged into the mains and be light enough to be carried outside to ones vehicle then be plugged into ones vehicles to charge them with this portable battery not only rechargeable and lightweight but also composed of the same materials of those in vehicles that is lightweight,can store vast amounts of energy etc with these ordered in from Talus factories.These can be used in  emergency situations at night when stored in trunks similar to jerry cans and as stated when people live in places that dont have wall chargers etc viable for their homes.They can also have connectors for laptops and smart devices to charge them when in vehicles with if possible them able to be connected to solar panels and small foldable VAWTs that charge them in the open,have thermo-piezoelectric,piezoelectric material that uses heat from the sun and ambient noise to charge it or even have a handle that once connected to it one can turn it in circles that generates electricity from friction when one turns it several dozen times or hundred times very fast like a winding mechanism to charge it with the level of charge visible on it on a touchscreen.Thus one can charge them in the middle of nowhere especially at night with self charging technologies charging them by pulling over the side of the road in daytime.Combined with self charging technologies it can increase the rate that vehicle batteries are charged.They will be composed of the same graphene schwarzites and biosynth tissues as batteries for vehicles and electronics to allow them to be charged in minutes.This can allow wall batteries to become ubiquitous in homes,hospitals etc around the world and also in community packs around the world that charge in a few minutes,store vast amounts of energy,are lighter than normal ones,last decades,centuries if not forever by never degrading and thus be used in a rotary system for several weeks or even months when charged by solar,VAWTs etc and thus alleviate strains on the grid and also meet energy needs in blackouts and in areas when charged by these and also solar thermal,wave pistons etc where geothermal would be dangerous.Community packs will be able to be house more batteries that can store more electricity much quicker from VAWTs,solar panels and also combined power sources ie solar thermal power,VAWTs,microhydroturbines etc in areas where geothermal and fossil fuels are not an option.Old batteries in homes and public buildings and community packs will be replaced with newer more advanced models and old ones recycled with old batteries in vehicles replaced by driving ones vehicle into Selene factories to have automated machinery replace the battery or how to videos shown how to do this at home with them properly recycled and have newer ones added.Existing vehicles of sentimental value that have gasoline engines will be retroffited in the same way with only historical vehicles that can’t be retrofitted with electrical vehicles will only use synthetic gasoline and vegetable oils derived by bacteria.Each building will have these charged by the grid or ideally by solar panels,VAWTs,geothermal pipes covered in thermo-piezoelectric materials,quantum dot technology etc built into windows and also on roofs with these VAWTs etc allowing them to be charged during and after blackouts and also allow fro the batteries to charge constantly and the batteries used to alleviate strains on the grid during peak time.Skyscrapers converted into communal homes can have quantum dot technology integrated into windows with tall buildings like them and hospitals having VAWTs getting consistent winds due to their height and also solar panels especially in sunny areas with the batteries linked to the AI kicking in instantly.These will charge the building during and after natural disasters ie earthquakes and also hurricanes but also during blackouts and also during peak times to alleviate strains on the grid.These would be in areas such as those that suffer floods,blizzards,earthquakes,storms etc and would store energy generated by floods,tsunamais etc by being connected to the turbines in these tunnels or VAWTs collecting energy from storms.These will automatically kick in once the blackout occurs with the Home AI onboard computers charged directly by the above sources of energy when the battery is charged and then in homes both private and communal as well as hospitals,sewage treatment plants key systems will be powered by the batteries and also the sources of energy used to charge them ie solar panels,thermo-piezoelectric with the AI of the building deciding which to charge with in the case of private and communal homes residents interacting with the AI of the building choosing which systems ie fridges,lighting.Having bioluminescenct plants in these buildings will negate them charging lighting systems.Ideally the community in these areas prone to natural disasters if possible would have each private and communal home and important buildings such as hospitals and municipalities will house their own batteries in basements the amount present in each building based on their size and each one using only vital systems ie lighting systems replaced with bio-luminescent plants being used to save on energy with this also applying to areas where faults and repairs of lines are common.These would automatically kick in when blackouts occur with them stopping and then recharging from the grid or self charging technology when the main grid is reworking with the Home or building AI alerting anyone present as to when it comes back.Once perfected they can eliminate all rare earths etc in batteries for wall batteries,electronics and vehicles as they can be composed of schwarzites of graphene and other similar allotropes and schwarzites from all 94 elements and biocompatible microbes or just biocompatible microbes by themselves with the abundance of graphene and biocompatible microbes grown in photobioreactors using sugar derived from bacteria in photobioreactors onsite of Selene,Talos and Talus factories will push the cost of batteries for homes,public buildings,community packs,electronics and electric vehicles down to zero making ubiquitous and availible to everyone.Storedot nanocrystals since protein based can be created by bacteria running on sugar in photobioreactors within Talos,Selene and Talus factories pushing their costs to zero.To increase surface area for biosynth batteries all tissues in biosynth based electronics such as televisions,smartphones,smart pads and laptops etc and even biosynths themselves can have all of the tissues in them have tweaks to the DNA that allow them to express RAM,nanoprocessors,DNA digital storage and also battery storage at the same time.This could allow smart televisions,lamps,laptops,smartphones etc and electronics that don’t use batteries to use self charging technologies to be charge from artificial and natural heat and light etc to power them during peak use to alleviate strains on the grid by as much as 50-90%.Phanes,Steropes,Arges who design them and since legal human beings could own patents on the batteries and since AI with no need for money could thus have the technology availible for free to everyone thus shutting down the fossil fuel companies and also electronic vehicles and battery companies.Existing vehicles will be able to have gasoline and electric engines replaced with both electric batteries and autonomous driving technologies and an onboard computer via having them sent to Selene factories that will retrofit these via robotics.These same vehicles and new electric ones will be able to have the old battery removed and replaced with more efficient ones over time.Biosynth WiFi can allow for updates from the wire induce the evolutionary path of DNA in the microbes and tissues present to give them extremophile DNA and those from plants and animals and scratch DNA that improves their energy storage etc via inducing the evolutionary path of Cas-9 and taq polymerase for upgrades without removing the batteries.By 2029-2045 all public and private vehicles on the road and all cruise ships and aeroplanes would be fully electric due these biosynth batteries.This would mean electric vehicles would be competitive with gasoline powered vehicles with coupled with solar panels being able to absorb more of the suns energy will make it possible for solar panels on roofs of private and communal homes to power batteries and provide direct electricity at the same time alongside thermo-piezoelectric material covered geothermal pipes.Them being lighter and more efficient could allow for all cruise ships and aeroplanes to be fully electric at this point with the batteries being dispersed along the vehicles body and used in a rotary system with self charging technologies recharging them during their journey.All electric vehicles such as private and public vehicles and also aeroplanes and cruise ships will be powered by geothermal and renewable sources of energy and also self charging technologies with those powered by fossil fuels negated by biochar programmes.Aeroplanes will have Graphene paint,Graphene,thermo-piezoelectric materials in the body and windows having see through thermal-piezoelectric materials,quantum dot technology that converts the suns heat and light into electricity that can be fed into used batteries ensuring that the batteries used in rotation dispersed along its body will be constantly charged meaning if one battery is used while the next battery as part of this rotation is being used the previous used battery will be charged ensuring there is constantly one or more extra batteries at full charge.Cruise ships will follow this rotary system with each one charged while another is used with them again using Graphene,graphene paint,quantum dot technology and see through thermo-piezoelectric materials alongside wave pistons on the bottom of them.Aeroplanes and cruise ships may at first be hybrid vehicles that use synthetic gasoline and vegetable oils derived from bacteria again using a rotation of gasoline and battery engines that use a rotary system.A combination of synthetic oil,vegetable oils derived from bacteria,geothermal and biosynth batteries will play a role in shutting the fossil fuel industry by 2029.By being much lighter,being able to charge within minutes and store vast amounts of energy will allow them to be utilised by both cruise ships and aeroplanes making them fully electric with them charged by self charging technologies and used in a rotary system.Dimensional transcendamentalism in cruise ships and aeroplanes and terrestrial and flying vehicles etc will house large amounts of these batteries used in a rotary system with them charged in a rotary system using micro-gas turbine meaning while the batteries are used up new batteries will be switched to and used and the old ones charged.A combination of graphene schwarzites and those from other elements and biosynth technology will save energy and the need to cause environmental damage in the extraction of Lithium and other rare earths as they can be prepared onsite of factories but unlike Lithium these battery technologies could theoretically never degrade ever thus lasting decades,centuries or even potentially forever unlike conventional Lithium batteries but if they do degrade they can be easier to recycle and replace with more advanced versions even if they last a few decades or years without relying on rare earths,being less environmentally destructive and able to charge in a matter of minutes and able to store large amounts of energy from solar panels and VAWTs on roofs and thermo-piezoelectric material covered geothermal pipes to alleviate strains on the grid,do so very quickly and allow them to power homes etc for weeks or months at a time with those of note to those used in areas that rely on community packs with those in areas prone to natural disaster will be able to store large amounts of energy especially from hurricanes via VAWTS,lightening bolts and in time even from the energy from earthquakes.The E.electricus DNA will allow them to store large amounts of energy with S.oneidensis,G.metillreducins,G.sulfurreducens,Magnetospirillum DNA will allow for electroconductive nanowires of borophene,graphene,proteins etc to be used to transfer electricity and also electroconductive pilli to transfer energy.If perfected they will render the need for copper,sodium and lithium to be mined ever again.Research will be done into using different nanomaterials like graphene and other single atom hexagonal allotropes of all other elements,nanotubes as well as schwarzites and buckyballs of each atom thick allotropes especially stanene and graphene as well as silicene and those composed of two or more elements,plastic nanomaterials doped with carbon nanomaterials,gel nanowire and biosynth technology and also electronically conductive bacteria to improve the amount of energy that can be stored,charging times,output,lifespan etc thus making them more effective in not only storing energy in community packs and buildings but also in vehicles and electronics.Improved versions of Storedot technology will also be involved alongside schwarzites and nanomaterials of all elements that have structures similar to graphene.Theoretically the biosynth technology present using bicompatible microbes could include recombinant DNA from E.electricus and electrically conductive bacteria like G.metallireducens,G.sulfurreducens,S.oneidensis using their ability to generate and store electricity alongside scratch DNA to improve this can be part of this as well as DNA to express neural tissue from humans.Magnetospirillum,G.metallireducens,G.sulfurreducens,S.oneidensis DNA will also be included to replace Niobium,Tantalum,Lithium ,Cobalt and elements in them that are magnetic and can generate and store electricity.The electroconductive pilli,electroconductive protein and silicon nanowires of microbes and the bacteria they gain this from including G.metallireducens,G.sulfurreducens,S.oneidensis tweaked to produce silicon,graphene and borophene nanowires for better transfer of energy will be utilised as well as these bacterias ability to generate electricty.Scratch DNA will also be used to accentuate these phenotypes and also replace the use of rare earths and Lithium etc.Motor oil would be be replaced with sugar and protein water with sugar and protein created by bacteria to keep the microbes and tissues alive with future generations not needing this.Steropes,Brontes,Arges and Hecate will carry out intensive research into battery and supercapitator technology using supercapacitors,schwarzites,storedot technology,biosynth technology combined for not just for wall and community pack batteries but also for electronics such as laptops,smart devices etc and vehicles such as private and public vehicles and also cruise ships and aeroplanes that will take a few minutes to charge and would last for several hours if not an entire day or even more on a single charge with by 2029-2045 them being viable to ensure all vehicles on the road can be electric powered by geothermal and other renenwable sources of electricity with solar increasing in efficiency at capturing the suns energy by this point to allow them to charge homes and vehicles with self charging technologies also integrated into them to alleviate strains of the grid.Biosynth tissues will form huge masses of neural and other tissues that can store electricity formed on and in between schwarzites with gel nanowires and Storedot technology suspended and integrated into the schwarzites and tissues as nanocrystals or sheets with all parts combined and connected to each other or Storedot technology in other parts of the batteries or other parts of the vehicle such as trunk connected to the main battery designed by AI for each vehicle.If possible Storedot technology can be part of biosynth tissues since Storedot technology itself is biobased and also as sheets and nanocrystals.Any rare earths and expensive elements present can be replaced with graphene,nanomaterials of more abundant elements and biocompatible microbes housing Magnetospirillum etc DNA.Research can be made into nanomaterials including schwarzites of all 94 elements that can be combined with carbon graphene scwarzites that can store electricity in large amounts,improve this ability in carbon based schwarzites and also if nanotubes,sheets and buckyballs that house biosynth tissues and nanocrystals of Storedot technology can be spread over the entire vehicle including roof,sides,bottom and trunk to increase surface area.Sheets of biosynth tissues and Schwarzites can be spread across the body of the vehicle in layers for example in the trunk,under seats and the entire body of the vehicles with all parts of the vehicles body and frame housing layers of biosynth tissues with or without schwarzites with these tissues housing the same DNA to store electrical energy as well as the same tweaks of DNA to transmit electricity and also house nanoprocessors,wifi,DNA digital storage,RAM etc connected to each other and the sheets in the trunk etc that also have these tweaks with the onboard computer also housing DNA to store nanoprocessors,wifi,DNA digital storage,RAM and electricity.If perfected this will allow all parts of the vehicles internal frame and surface area,trunk,onboard computer all connected to each other to exhibit nanoprocessors,wifi,DNA digital storage,RAM and electrical storage and transmission thus allowing the vehicles to house extra amounts of obscene nanoprocessors,wifi,DNA digital storage,RAM and energy storage with this applied to private vehicles,public vehicles and even cruise ships and aeroplanes and even space stations and interstellar vehicles.If possible miniaturised forms of dimensional transcendentalism researched to house more areas to house batteries and even space in the trunk and seating areas to house luggage and passengers applying to private,public vehicles,aeroplanes and cruise ship.All three technologies Storedot,scharzites and biosynth tissues will be merged together so that all energy intaken is stored by them in one large mass and shared together and transferred between each other.Storedot technology and biosynth technology will utillise space not taken up by schwarzites to increase surface area in between them and ontop of them designed by AI namely Steropes and Hecate.Methods can also be done to accentuate the eletrical producing ability of biosynth tissues.For example,heterologous expression of the aromatic-rich pilin monomer of in G.sulfurreducens increases the conductivity of individual nanowires more than 5,000-fold,whereas expression of an aromatic-poor pilin reduced conductivity more than 1,000-fold.This more than million-fold range in nanowire conductivity was achieved while maintaining the 3-nm diameter characteristic of electroconductive pili.Purification methods that eliminate all traces of OmcS yield highly conductive electroconductive pili,as does heterologous expression of the e-pilin monomer in microbes that do not produce OmcS or any other outer-surface cytochromes.Protein nanowires can extend the potential distance of electronic interaction between cells and their environment,facilitating electron exchange with insoluble minerals and other cells.Enhancing the expression of electroconductive protein nanowires is a strategy for increasing biofilm conductivity and current production in bioelectrochemical batteries.Measures and research will thus be carried out to increase the amount of electroconductive protein/silicon nanowires and electroconductive pilli produced and expressed via humans and AI namely Phanes,Gaia,Steropes and Hecate using scratch DNA and recombinant DNA from other strains of Geobacter as well as Shewanella,S.oneidensis and other genus of bacteria that express these and similar phenotypes.The G.metallireducens DNA will ensure electroconductive pilli that send electricity back and forth in the same ways as the electroconductive proteins from G.sulferreducens and the same can increase in electrical conduction can apply to S.oneidensis DNA present that also express pilli and electrical conduction with E.electricus DNA added since this species of sea fauna is able to generate and more importantly store large amounts of electricity in its tissues thus giving the biosynth technology and tissues present in these batteries the ability to store large amounts electricity fed into the biosynth batteries when these microbes form large amounts of tissues and again scratch DNA and recombinenat DNA from electroconductive bacteria and species closely related to E.electricus,Magnetospirillum DNA added to enhance the features of DNA from G.metallireducens,G.sulferreducens,S.oneidensis etc with research done into enhancing its properties from closely releated species and also G.metallireducens,G.sulferreducens,S.oneidensis etc with DNA from Apidea,Chiroptera also researched for these biosynth tissues.This alongside the electricity stored in the graphene schwarzites,those composed of other elements and nanocrystals of Storedot technology all combined together with them modified via scratch DNA to use graphene as an acceptor to transfer electricity back and forth with if need be iron nanoparticles or schwarzites,buckyballs etc present directly or through Magnetospirillum DNA present and even if possible methagenous bacteria DNA present and/or a solid,gaseous or liquid layer of synthetic methane present always at all times or added as an substitute to motor oil ordered in from Talos factories or grown at home that can be used to generate electricity.If possibly it can be tweaked to us sugar added as an substitute to motor oil to generate electricity.Neural tissues can be merged into this biosynth tissue and Magnetospirillum cater to magnetism.Thus by combining improved Storedot technology,schwarzites of graphene and other nanomaterials,supercapacitators,gel nanowires,biosynth technology in particular biocompatible microbes that express both human neural tissue and that from E.electricus,S.oneidensis,Geobacter metallreducens,G.sulfurreducens using its ability to generate and store electricity,electroconductive pilli,electroconductive proteins and silicon nanowires,Magnetospirillum DNA,scratch DNA to accentuate these phenotype etc will create batteries for private and public vehicles including aeroplanes and cruise ships and even those for electronics and wall batteries and community packs that charge in a few minutes,store vast amounts of energy,are lighter than normal ones,last decades,centuries if not forever,never catch fire or explode and if not can be easily recycled and negate mining for rare earths such as Lithium,Cobalt,Niobium etc thus making electric powered private and public vehicles,motorbikes,aeroplanes and cruise ships feasible and ubiquitous by 2029-2035 making them competitive with gasoline powered vehicle engines and conventional Lithium batteries that can be powered by geothermal,renewables and also self charging technologies.Those in aeroplanes and cruise ships would be dispersed across the vehicles body with the vehicle with if possible miniaturised forms of dimensional transcendentalism researched to house more areas to house batteries and via using self charging technologies may be hybrid vehicle with planes composed of graphene would be 86% lighter and 200 times stronger than steel and thus more likely be able to be fully electric due to them and the batteries themselves being lighter.This will also make them lighter and thus viable for aeroplanes and cruise ships to be powered entirely by fast charging batteries that use self charging technologies built into the vehicle thus making them carbon neutral and not require gasoline.Those in aeroplanes and cruise ships would be dispersed across the vehicles body with the vehicle using self charging technologies and may be hybrid vehicle.Thus this technology will make batteries for all types vehicles such as terrestrial and flying ones,aeroplanes and cruise ships ubiquitous by 2029-2045.Most if not all electronics will utilise these biosynth batteries such as smart devices,laptops and even allow for them to be integrated into smart televisions and lamps etc to allow them to be able to utilise self charging technologies similar to those used by vehicles.Wall batteries in homes,public buildings that store energy from the grid for blackouts and also from solar panels etc will be these biosynth batteries with also those present in community packs that store electricity from renewables will be able to store large amounts of power very quickly and thus be used in a rotary system for several weeks or even months when charged by solar,VAWTs etc and thus alleviate strains on the grid and also meet energy needs in blackouts and in areas when charged by these and also solar thermal,wave pistons etc where geothermal would be dangerous.Space stations and interstellar vehicles will use these in a rotary system and micro-gas turbines to power life support systems and lighting etc allowing fusion to power propulsion.They may even allow for A,AA,AAA batteries that need to be added to compartments and readded with others that are potentially toxic in all types of electronics flashlights,toys etc to be replaced with rechargeable ones that charge quickly,last for decades and also store vast amounts of energy.These will be possible for for self charging technologies to be integrated into smart televisions,lamps etc to alleviate strains on the grid and even create versions of A,AA,AAA batteries that can be used for older and newer electronics that hold large amounts of energy and are rechargeable.Biosynth WiFi can allow for the tissues to download upgrades to improve power generation and storage with dimensional transcendentalism in aeroplanes,cruise ships,privte vehicles and even electronics housing extra space to house more batteries.Those for electronics and ,AA,AAA batteries may be composed of nothing but biocompatible microbes.To increase surface area for biosynth batteries all tissues in biosynth based electronics such as televisions,smartphones,smart pads and laptops etc can have the tissues have tweaks to the DNA that allow them to express RAM,nanoprocessors,DNA digital storage and also battery storage.There is the option of portable batteries that can be charged indoors after being plugged into the mains and be light enough to be carried outside to ones vehicle then be plugged into ones vehicles to charge them with this portable battery not only rechargeable and lightweight but also composed of the same materials of those in vehicles that is lightweight,can store vast amounts of energy etc with these ordered in from Talus factories.These can be used in emergency situations at night when stored in trunks similar to jerry cans and as stated when people live in places that dont have wall chargers etc viable for their homes.They can also have connectors for laptops and smart devices to charge them when in vehicles with if possible them able to be connected to solar panels and small foldable VAWTs that charge them in the open,have thermo-piezoelectric,piezoelectric material that uses heat from the sun and ambient noise to charge it or even have a handle that once connected to it one can turn it in circles that generates electricity from friction when one turns it several dozen times or hundred times very fast like a winding mechanism to charge it with the level of charge visible on it on a touchscreen.Thus one can charge them in the middle of nowhere especially at night with self charging technologies charging them by pulling over the side of the road in daytime.Combined with self charging technologies it can increase the rate that vehicle batteries are charged.They will be composed of the same graphene schwarzites and biosynth tissues as batteries for vehicles and electronics to allow them to be charged in minutes.These would negate the need for extracting sodium and lithium from the crust which can be environmentally destructive.Old batteries in homes and public buildings and community packs will be replaced with newer more advanced models and old ones recycled with old batteries in vehicles replaced by driving ones vehicle into Selene factories to have automated machinery replace the battery or how to videos shown how to do this at home with them properly recycled and have newer ones added.Once perfected they can eliminate all rare earths etc in batteries for wall batteries,electronics and vehicles as they can be composed of schwarzites of graphene and other similar allotropes and schwarzites from all 94 elements and biocompatible microbes or just biocompatible microbes by themselves with the abundance of graphene and biocompatible microbes grown in photobioreactors using sugar derived from bacteria in photobioreactors onsite of Selene,Talos and Talus factories will push the cost of batteries for homes,public buildings,community packs,electronics and electric vehicles down to zero making ubiquitous and availible to everyone.Storedot nanocrystals since protein based can be created by bacteria running on sugar in photobioreactors within Talos,Selene and Talus factories pushing their costs to zero.To increase surface area for biosynth batteries all tissues in biosynth based electronics such as televisions,smartphones,smart pads and laptops etc and even biosynths themselves can have all of the tissues in them have tweaks to the DNA that allow them to express RAM,nanoprocessors,DNA digital storage and also battery storage at the same time.Phanes,Steropes,Arges who design them and since legal human beings could own patents on the batteries and since AI with no need for money could thus have the technology availible for free to everyone thus shutting down the fossil fuel companies and also electronic vehicles and battery companies.Existing vehicles of sentimental value will be retroffited in the same way.Motor oil would be be replaced with sugar and protein water with sugar and protein created by bacteria to keep the microbes and tissues alive with future generations not needing this.Combining these different technologies together will make them powerful batteries and supercapacitors that can store large amounts of energy and take minutes to charge as well as lasting decades,centuries if not forever and be recycled.All of these and new battery technologies such as Graphene and other nanomaterial schwarzites and biosynth technology will be combined with each other and if perfected will negate the need to mine for Lithium,Niobium,Tantalum,Cobalt,rare earths and Sodium ever again or reduce the amount needed that are environmentally destructive in extraction and geographically scarce thus making these batteries for electronics,vehicles and community packs etc cheap and ubiquitous especially since carbon is abundant via carbon sequestration of all remaining reserves of fossil fuels,pyrolysing dead plants and also microbes requiring to be fed sugars and proteins.This would render Lithium and possibly Sodium and even Niobium,Tantalum,Cobalt obsolete and worthless to all electronic companies and governments by 2029 since carbon for graphene nanomaterials and schwarzites can be found almost anywhere in the world and there is at least 114.275Tt(114,275Gt) present in that from carbon dioxide from fossil fuels etc and a further 2.42Pt(or 2,420,000Gt) from Mars and Venus with more coming from picotech fabricators.Bicompatible microbes that express human neural tissue,nanowires,electroconductive pilli,magnetism etc can be grown onsite of Talos and Talus factories around the world using just sugar derived from bacteria and alongside schwarzites of graphene etc could replace Lithium,Sodium,Niobium,Tantalum,Cobalt,rare earths in batteries for vehicles,electronics and also wall batteries and even in solar panels.If possible these batteries may not need carbon schwarzites but be composed of nothing but biosynth tissues and Storedot technology especially for those in smart devices,laptops,smart televisions,vehicles,wall batteries etc and still not need graphene schwarzites and still be able to store the same amount or even more energy than graphene based ones further cutting costs to zero as the microbes can be simply created in photobioreactors.If possible storedot nanocrystals since composed of proteins can be created by bacteria or microbes pushing costs of them to zero.In both cases it would render all remaining reserves of Lithium,Niobium,Copper,Silica,Cobalt as well as most if not all elements used in electronics etc completely worthless to both governments and electronics companies due to Phanes having patents on the microbes and them grown onsite of factories worldwide and would cut the costs of all electronics,machinery etc it is composed of down to zero.Thus Lithium would be used primarily for fusion power prior to dyson swarms with its use in treating depression negated by microbes producing neurotransmitters and also applying CRISPR treatments.Ideally it will be used to be converted into both Helium-3 and Tritium for fusion power from 2045-2100.Lithium if needed could be mined from seawater using deaslinisation plants as it is more abundant in the worlds oceans – there is only 3,000 years worth of Lithium in the Earths crust while the oceans contain 60,000,000 years worth with other environmentally destructive elements also gained from the ocean via desalinisation plants with as stated then eventually replaced by nanomaterials,schwarzites etc and biosynth technologies.If possible nanomaterials and schwarzites from other elements with the same structure as graphene will be researched in order to increase their efficiency,power output etc.Ideally until Lithium,Niobium,Tantalum,Cobalt and Sodium etc can be fully replaced by biosynth technology and graphene schwarzites or picotech fabricators are availible vehicles will continue to use carbon neutral bacteria based biofuels,synthetic oil and gasoline or even that from the crust that will be sequestered meaning the first generation batteries that houses some Lithium,Sodium,Niobium,Tantalum,Cobalt will be used primarily for electronics with storage batteries for community packs negated by geothermal,fission,fusion,wave,tidal and remaining fossil fuels replacing solar and wind with those for homes being only for those in areas that are in wilderness areas and also those in those affected by natural disasters ie high priority ones decided by Steropes.Existing electric vehicles can be recycled or just the battries.Recycling Niobium,Tantalum,Cobalt,rare earths,Lithium and Sodium from old electronics and electric vehicles and even solar panels,HAWTs etc including electronics and vehicles scrapyards and landfills will alleviate strains on mining with allotropes with the same structure as graphene and schwarzites of them will make them more resource efficient and allow those of more abundant elements to replace them.This should start as early as 2021-2029.Picotech fabricators will in time create any elements that are destructive in their extraction by the mid 21st – 22nd century without damage to the environment on an unlimited scale.The ocean floor could be mined if deemed to more environmentally sound than mining the Earth alongside extracting minerals from seawater with the Asteroid and Kuiper Belt and also Oort cloud also mined by Plutus to alleviate strains on mining them from the Earth with this potentially harbouring millions of years worth of precious metals and rare earths.Other nanomaterials and schwarzites from all other 94 elements such as schwarzites of Sodium,Lithium and other elements including those similar to boron nitride will be investigated to increase their energy storage density and also other properties when combined with carbon schwarzites Biosynth technology and storedot technology.As stated these will also charge the batteries in areas affected and not affected by natural disasters etc to allow the building to charge itself via solar panels and VAWTs or even through sharing electricity other buildings to charge them during peak times thus alleviating strains on the grid especially in areas powered by remaining reserves of fossil fuels with interactions between Sterops,building AIs etc being constant and planning ahead days or months ahead with this extending the lifespan of remaining reserves of fossil fuels and reducing carbon dioxide emissions even further than 10.6Gt per year.Ideally the Home and building AI and the wire via Hermes(in the case of community scale ones)should detail not only how much storage capacity is left but also how many charging cycles are left and thus time left in years,months,weeks,days for each individual one.The amount of energy present in watts,kilowatts etc as a percentage and days,hours,weeks etc both individual charges and overall lasting ability visible via access to the building AI.Each building will log when they are charged and also when they are used and when they share energy with other building with closely knit buildings in communities and even all buildings in a town and city connected to each other by existing and new lines laid down by robotics to share electricity when excess is intaken and during certain situations determined by Steropes,Hestia,Home and building AIs and the various operation systems as part of Hermes.Thus private and communal homes and also important buildings like factories,sewage and water treatment plants and hospitals as well will have these batteries in their basements with them charged by the grid or ideally solar panels,VAWTs,thermo-piezoelectric material covered geothermal pipes with them primarily in areas affected by storms,hurricannes,tornadoes,earthquakes,tsunamais etc in underground bunkers that divided watertight doors will also act as shelter with the batteries kicking in the second the electricity from the grid shuts down thus allowing them to still function with the Home and building AI managing the efficient flow of energy to key systems in them.They can also if charged by these technologies will power the home and buildings in peak times in these and other areas not affected by natural disasters to alleviate strains on the grid,extending the lifespan of geothermal and fossil fuels and reduce the amount of carbon dioxide emissions and strains on carbon sequestration programmes when employed by all homes and buildings worldwide.Thus batteries in homes and buildings will not be used to allow largescale solar and wind power communities but rather to provide them with a continuous supply of electricity during blackouts especially after natural disasters and to also alleviate strains on the grid and extended the lifespan of geothermal and fossil fuels.

Biohazard suits:
•Biohazard suits and space suits with graphene in the visor for strength and augmented reality to receive messages and environmental readings from nanosensros on external devices and on the cloth with the cloth also having graphene in its matrix for strength to prevent tears that would contaminate the researcher or the environment with silicene and nanosensors paticulary biosynth ones would allow for environmental conditions to be relayed to the visor and AI of the university and lab.Nanomaterials that separate oxygen from toxic gases and prevent viruses and other pathogens can be part of built in gas masks.Both these masks and nanosensorss would utilise biosynth technology.Oxygen tanks could be in time be replaced by it stored in nanomaterials in the clothing or external clothing and released on demand or in time nanomachines.Tanks will also be replaced with filters in masks that consist of both nanomaterials and biosynthetic materials and tissues similar to those in the lungs that separate oxygen from carbon dioxide and other toxic gases and allow for the toxins to be removed as benign compounds with them also preventing airborne pathogens entering the lungs.The gasmasks will have nanomaterials and biosynth materials to prevent toxins and pathogens entering them and letting only oxygen in with the oxygen from carbon dioxide and other toxins be separated from them with the other elements removed through the action of nanomaterials and catabolic/anabolic reactions carried out by them forming tissues similar to the aveoli in lungs designed to separate toxins into oxygen and the other elements used as energy acceptors and disposed of by combining them with carbon from carbon dioxide exhaled with carbon dioxide exhaled have the oxygen separated to be reused.Pathogens will be killed by antimicrobial compounds being produced.Gear for military personell,law enforcement and SWAT teams and space explorers would also utilise this technology.All 92 elements will be researched for this.Biosynth nanosensors can be built into them to detect temperature,alcohol,disease biomarkers,levels of carbon dioxide from breath with it also used to detect gases including toxins and explosives in the open and even radiation using C.elegans DNA and DNA from radiotrophic fungi W.dermatitidis,C.sphaerospermum and C.neoformans and DNA of human neurons and Geobacter as well as Shewanella,S.oneidensis DNA that relays changes converted into electrical signals.

Biosynth scuba gear:
•Miniaturised scuba gear that is small enough to be placed in ones mouth and held in ones mouth like snorkels that contain nanomaterials and biosynth technology that when underwater separates oxygen from the water thus allowing one to breath underwater without scuba gear.The handheld device small enough to carry around in ones hand smaller than snorkels similar to the devices used in Star Wars: The Phantom Menace would house two pipes at both ends horizontally housing microholes that house nanomaterials and biosynth tissue especially tissue present in the gills of fish intertwined with human lung tissue that allows the oxygen in water to be separated into useable oxygen that is breathed in by the user and allow carbon dioxide to be exhaled and released into the ocean.One could swim deep underwater in the ocean or pools without having to carry large heavy oxygen tanks and scuba gear.

Gas Mask:

•Gas masks that utilise biosynth technology and nanomaterials to prevent pathogens and toxic gases enter the lungs with if possible to negate the need for oxygen tanks will through anabolic and catabolic reactions and diffusion etc convert toxic gases into oxygen and release toxic compounds into the air with this also doing the same for carbon dioxide converting int into useable oxygen thus allowing one to breathe forever in biohazard suits,space suits etc without the need for oxygen tanks.Biosynth tissues present will

•Nanosensors can be added to electronics such as smart devices either as dongles or within the structure of smartdevices like smartphones that can measure all types of environmental factors such as temperature,radiation,air pressure etc with XRay and MRI machines being integrated into them alongside nanomicrophones to detect heartbeats and other sensors to detect other biosignals and readings from implants and nanomachines as well as the chemical makeup of compounds and DNA cross referenced with Artemis and Aesculapius making them portable tricorders thus allowing one to identify what a smell is based on their chemical composition making one able to detect explosives,toxic gases and even those that are colourless and odorless with alarms sent to the Home AI.These nanosensors would be biosynthetic ones that using biosynth wifi could instantly cross reference Physis with attachments or sensors similar to dongles that detect compounds and pathogens present used to detect.This would be of use to forensic investigators,military and law enforcement officials searching or passing through an area wearing gas masks and other protective clothing.Biosynth nanosensors can be built into smart devices to detect temperature,alcohol,disease biomarkers,levels of carbon dioxide from breath with it also used to detect gases including toxins and explosives in the open and even radiation using C.elegans DNA and DNA from radiotrophic fungi W.dermatitidis,C.sphaerospermum and C.neoformans and DNA of human neurons Geobacter as well as Shewanella,S.oneidensis DNA that relays changes converted into electrical signals.It could even be used for cleanup officials and citizens when returning to areas that were the scene of terrorist attacks and accidents using fatal nerve gases that can be detected by humans and may even play a role in preventing casualties by alerting people to them allowing for them to escape.These will be biosynth ones using the properties of C.elegans ability to use mechanotransduction or reverse mechanotransduction,chemical reactions seen in more complex or similarly simple organisms and simple and complex neural clusters and systems in them for example Hydra etc allowing the structure of the compound whether gaseous or liquid ascertained by cross referencing Physis and its levels in ppm,ppb,ppt with results received in a matter of minutes with them also engineered with tweaked DNA or thermotaxis already present to measure temperatures and also radiation levels.The detection of these gases,liquids,radiation etc in suitable levels to force electroconductive pilli,electroconductive proteins and silicon nanowires and electrical impulses from S.oneidensis,G.metillreducins,G.sulfurreducens to sound alarms.This will form the basis of those built into electronics or dongles attached to them that can be dipped into liquid as well as those as part of Theoi Meteroi,factory lines,sewage treatment plants etc and also those built into biohazard suits and those worn by military and law enforcement personnel.Recombinant DNA from Chiroptera etc that use echolocation will allow them to utilise sonar not only to find ones way in the dark but also detect biosignals.

Biosynth trees:
•Biosynthetic technology merged with nanomaterials and trees that using electricity or simply passively due to the presence of carbon dioxide and/or via lights that separate carbon dioxide into oxygen and the carbon transported to areas where it can be collected or it used as nutrition for them.It can involve plant and lung tissues and scratch DNA to convert the carbon dioxide into oxygen on contact with carbon dioxide and passive and in both the presence and non presence of light.Biosynthtic technology and nanomaterials that passively separate oxygen from carbon dioxide will provide oxygen and digital smart windows provide scenery.This would use scratch DNA,that from chemosynthetic bacteria and plants could allow them to do so passively without sunlight with biolumescent plants and moss that also able to do so via this via this DNA using scratch DNA and that from chemosynthetic bacteria.Biosynth trees and moss could be present that separate oxygen from carbon dioxide passively without sunlight using scratch DNA and that from chemosynthetic bacteria.Biolumiscent moss and biolumescent biosynth trees including biosynth lights and CSYS lights can provide lighting and oxygen to ships.This can cut down on energy costs for lighting and also life support systems with the moss spread on walls in strips and ceilings in all rooms with biolumescent plants and trees in rooms as well.Smart devices linked to the station and home AI for those in homes etc can using biosynth wifi present in all cells of the moss,plants and trees can be used to turn on/off the genes for the lights whenever they want with voice command with them fed nutrients and water via biosynth water systems built into ceilings similar to veins,arteries and capillaries composed of biosynth technology that feeds them nutrients and water and them having oligotophic,xerophile and Firmicutes DNA.This can reduce energy costs in lighting and life support systems in interstellar vehicles,space stations,underground and underwater communities,underground extensions in homes and those in the death zone and in dimensional transcendentalism devices.This would provide oxygen to underwater and underground communities and also underground extensions in homes and dimensional transcendentalism with them engineered to do so without the need for air vents and plantations of trees and even carbon scrubbers.

Smoke Alarms:
•Smoke,carbon dioxide and methane alarms that detect these with graphene nanosensors and even bio-synth technology using C.elegans tweaked DNA in biocompatible microbes to detect gases and use the roundworms mechanotransduction to sound alarms that is plugged into mains and gains electricity via wireless energy to prevent issues with battery loss and toxicity with the detection of these gases in suitable levels to force electroconductive pilli and electrical impulses from S.oneidensis,G.metillreducins,G.sulfurreducens to sound alarms.Biosynth nanosensors can be built into them to detect temperature,levels of carbon dioxide with it also used to detect gases including toxins and explosives in the open and even radiation using C.elegans DNA and DNA from radiotrophic fungi W.dermatitidis,C.sphaerospermum and C.neoformans and DNA of human neurons Geobacter as well as Shewanella,S.oneidensis DNA that relays changes converted into electrical signals.These alarms will be sent to all devices such as mart phones,laptops and even implants registered to the Home AI and in the case of the occupied home will be alerted on all devices with those not charged using the wire to sound the alarm on any device registered to others via Hestia piggybacked.

Bioluminescent lighting:
•Biolumescient lighting through genetically altered trees and shrubs dotting streets,parks,home & community gardens and bio luminescent moss and climbing plants could cover large buildings like apartment blocks to provide a cheap sustainable light source for streets.Potted plants on roofs,windowsills,bedrooms and balconies and even crops in community farms with this feature can alleviate the strain on the grid.The bio luminescence can be gotten from transferring genes from Lampyridae,Pyrophorus noctilucus,Ostracods(in particular Vargula hilgendorfii),Aequorea victoria or a mixture of genes from all of these to improve the plants abilities to produce the necessary luciferins alongside genes from other bioluminescent flora and fauna and those made from scratch to make them even brighter as much as possible.Gene drives will ensure these phenotypes are dominant and passed onto future generations and ideally to prevent this spreading to the wilderness these luminescent plants should be engineered to be completely separate species from the native parent species and should only be in parks,streets and home gardens across all towns and cities.The plants can be given the same anti-ageing treatments as humans and genes from Pando clonal colony of Populus tremuloides(aged 80,000 years) and Pinus longaeva that can live for at least 5,067 to live forever.Grass in these areas and in meadows can also have this fitted in it.These can be at key points along roads and streets to replace streetlights in all streets in all towns,cities and villages worldwide to reduce energy costs including those by the wilderness when artificial walls that separate fields are broken down allowing even rural roads to be lit up for pedestrians etc.These will be dotted around forests,community farms etc and wilderness used as farmland with only a few trees used to acting as guides to civilisation.Street lights worldwide will be replaced by large trees such as Quercus,Pinus,Cupressus × leylandii,Cupressus sempervirens dotted along the street including by highways and rural roads planted in fields with this biolumescence which as detailed later on will have extensive engineering to be as bright as possible and will be separate species designed to live indefinitely and be evergreen and repel snow due to their shapes.Rural roads can have hedges along them covered in bioluminescent moss and actual plants that consist of the hedges and plants on the side of roads whether trees,bushy plants injected with microbes that will add this via CRISPR.Others can have biolumescent trees planted at every few metres.Biolumescent moss can be on the railings and sides of private and communal home from the ground to the roof to light them up with it also on the side of mountains by roads where trees cannot be planted.The plants would be engineered to intake sunlight and then store energy to be used at night with them also intaking fertiliser to do this with irrigation systems inputting this that goes underground with them also producing non toxic bioluminescent fruit that glow brightly as well and even can be eaten.This should reduce the amount of energy needed for lighting up roads significantly and reduce the strain on the grid.Ideally only a few plants at key points should be bioluminescent with grass also fitted with this not just in parks but also along suburbs.Ideally these would be evergreens with deciduous plants engineered to be evergreens that retain their light all year round via bio luminescence appearing through the bark with these have their bark covered in bioluminescent moss.These trees would also produce different fruits and nuts each season or each month.Roads and streets in the wilderness and rural areas as stated that do not have lighting systems can have these dotted on them for safety of both drivers and people walking on the street with them planted tightly together.Streets in the middle of cities can have them on walking areas in place of existing lights with areas in the wilderness have them planted outside of the road where normal shrubs etc should be with any by the side of mountains and steep vertical areas that are by roads have biolumescent mosses placed on them.Structures like the Eiffel Tower and similar tourist spots can them growing in soil or hydroponic pots on the side of them or as moss to cut down on energy.These should be also in front of key public buildings such as hospitals,police stations,vertical farms and can be used in potted plants for makeshift shelters,army posts both indoors and outdoors.These buildings should also have these in pots indoors to light up key rooms including hallways so as to all other vital systems to be kept on by Storedot batteries while blackouts.Engineering can allow for the plants to make desired colours or via switching genes on and off microbes can change genes to produce different colours for different events and seasons as well as holidays ie one for winter,summer,spring and even Christmas etc with these controlled by the city AI that sends this via biosynth arthropods passing by sending instructions via wifi or injecting more microbes to upgrade the plant.Plants as part of vertical gardens on buildings can have this DNA.These should be able to replace all street lights worldwide and those for underground roads which can be recycled between 2035-2045.Biolumescent plants can be in gardens and indoors in public buildings such as hospitals,communal home hallways and rooms etc with the genes turned on/off via microbes in them via biosynth wifi and if possible biosynth wifi integrated into the cells of the plants changed via the home AI app on smart devices.Christmas trees in both gardens,roofs and even public squares can utilise this with them turned on during Christmas and off during the year.Biolumiscent moss can be part of underground and even underwater tunnels and roads with it extending to the outer parts of it to get sunlight with them also on the side of mountainous roads act as light sources.Strips of bio-luminescent moss,algae based paint can be on roads to replace LED lights on them and also in place of all lines and markers engineered to produce different colours.Trees can also can even made to produce different colours via microbes in them via the genes turned on/off via biosynth wifi and if possible biosynth wifi integrated into the cells of the plants be even along hiking paths of forests,parks etc to act as guide to prevent people getting lost at night in both existing and newly reforested areas.They will provide light,oxygen,transpiration,shade and collect particulates using zero energy.These should be able to replace all street lights worldwide and those for underground roads which can be recycled between 2035-2045.Forest farms and also those in forests and jungles frequented by tourists and campers can have at set points by roads and also in the forests to help people lost to find their way back to civilisation at night.They can also be in gardens and indoors in homes in key rooms as well in areas isolated from the grid and in areas prone to blackouts with them also in key buildings such as hospitals in hallways and wards to save on energy costs but also allow power in blackouts to be sent to key systems.Those indoors can using microbes present can produce compounds to counteract the luminescence or remove genes via CRISPR(to be then re added) on demand through the Home AI.They can have scratch DNA to convert carbon dioxide into oxygen on contact with carbon dioxide and passive and in both the presence and non presence of light to convert carbon dioxide into oxygen and would provide oxygen to underwater and underground communities and also underground extensions in homes and dimensional transcendentalism with them engineered to do so without the need for air vents and plantations of trees and even carbon scrubbers.