Carbon Dioxide & Methane Sequestration

Spreading of calcium carbonate into the atmosphere and marine cloud brightening should begin between 2025-2029 in order to reflect excess heat masking the worst effects of global warming while these carbon and methane sequestration projects occur and stopped when they are finished with all carbon and methane sequestration and geoengineering projects automated from start to finish managed by the sentient Pan.The spraying of the upper atmosphere with Calcium carbonate aerosols via fleets of automated aeroplanes and marine cloud brightening in cycles repeated every few months or years to reflect excess heat from the sun can begin as early as 2021-2025 to create a cooling effect and thus mask the worst effects of global warming giving the world at least an extra decade or two more making the world experience temperatures similar to a 250-350ppm world(compared to the current 420ppm)while carbon sequestration programmes worldwide begin.This could give us rather until 2050 to reverse the problem and switch to geothermal etc but even as far long as even 2129 an extra 20-100 years provided it begins between 2021-2029.If possible it could be done every few years in cycles to maintain the level of reflection thus giving us an extra 1,000 years as far long as 3129 CE.Calcium carbonate and possibly Sodium aerosols will be used as they are more efficient than sulphur based aerosols at scattering the suns rays and can also build up ozone in the atmosphere(it will be also used to rebuild remaining holes in the ozone)with sulphur based aerosols also having side effects such as heating up the lower stratosphere that can cause unpredictable effects on the climate,destroys ozone and promoting acid rain which can damage forests,buildings etc.Calcium carbonate aerosols can be spread over the globe by fleets of automated aeroplanes powered by electric batteries or carbon neutral synthetic oil and gasoline.This could be done using large fleets of automated electric powered aeroplanes charged by solar power on the ground and in the air and eventually geothermal power releasing large amounts of aerosols and particulates stored within the cabin body(with no humans onboard)and extra compartments above clouds at once higher than commercial flights while large scale sequestration of carbon are put in place and sources of carbon dioxide such as coal plants,petroleum cars and aeroplanes are replaced with greener alternatives and carbon sequestration takes place.These can be powered by electric batteries so they do not deposit water vapour which can destroy the ozone layer with them deposited just below or even above the ozone layer with them modelled on the SR-7,McDonnell Douglas KC-10 Extender,Boeing KC-135 Stratotanker which can be composed of pyrex/graphene/carbyne composites to survive the environment of such heights and be lighter to fly higher and hold all the aerosols with multiple fleets of these spreading aerosols over the entire Earth at once as part of fleets in cycles one after the other managed by Ophion with sensors ontop of solar powered planes detailed earlier on to measure the levels of aerosols to initiate the next cycle of aerosol release years later when levels decrease with this used to then make future application more effective with this fully automated controlled by Theoi Meteroi and Pan.These solar powered planes will be continuously flying over the globe in cycles in fleets with all levels of calcium aerosols and also temperature and other environmental factors measured and relayed to Theoi Meteroi visible to the public that will automatically initiate the next cycle.These will be above the clouds to not be affected by clouds and batteries would allow them to function at night.All work will be automated on a global scale to prevent inefficiency and corruption.Like marine cloud brightening this will be done in cycles to allow the effect to be continuous over decades,centuries or thousands of years meaning once the effect begins to dissipate then another cycle of carbon calcium aerosols will be started automatically.Pan will carry out simulations as how effective the efffect will be and then plan ahead years and decades how much more to apply and when to apply the next cycle of calcium carbonates.Satillites will be able to measure the levels of calcium carbonate in the atmosphere alongside biosynth sensors attached to ballons to automatically signal to Pan to apply the next treatments..Combining both marine cloud brightening and calcium carbonate aerosols should be investigated through simulations and exponentionally increase the amount of heat from the sun reflected back into space.AI will determine if a combination of marine cloud brightening and calcium aerosols will be effective or by themselves and to what intensity in both cases to reflect excess heat from the sun thus cooling the planet masking the worst effects of global warming while carbon sequestration and reforestation programmes are carried out.Calcium carbonate aerosols that encourage the formation of ozone and even other measures such as the creation of artificial ozone and spreading it in the atmosphere will be carried out to repair remaining holes in the ozone layer with AI,automation cutting costs to zero.AI will run simulations to see if sodium based aerosols and those of other elemental compounds from all 94 elements that are compounds of two or more elements can be used to enhance this effect if they too have no side effects.If any negative effects occur through simulations on soils,lakes and oceans of extra calcium carbonate aerosols then measures using bioremediating plants and nanomaterials can remove this from soils,oceans and rivers etc to reharvest it for commercial purposes.The calcium carbonate aerosols Thus calcium carbonate aerosols will be used as they are better at scattering the suns rays and thus heat and can also be used to heal any remaining holes in the ozone with zero side effects.The aeroplanes that spread these in fleets across the entire planet will used carbon neutral synthetic gasoline and electric vehicles charged by solar or geothermal.

Marine cloud brightening will also be carried out at the same time to reflect more heat from the sun thus cooling the Earth.Marine cloud brightening would be more effective at lowering temperatures and would be ideally applied in the Atlantic and also the Pacific to deflect heat from the sun that powers hurricanes,tropical storms and also droughts also be done around the worlds coral reefs.The main benefit is that it replicates natural processes wherein saltwater clouds reflect excess heat from the sun and thus has very few drawbacks and would be very effective and cheap roughly $100,000,000 a year with it routinely repeated.Power for the marine brigtening programmes could come from the machinery powered by electric batteries and since they would be in the middle of the ocean they could have wave pistons attached to them to keep them charged 24/7 alongside VAWTs and solar panels on the machinery with the batteries used in a rotary system.They could also be connected to tidal power plants,geothermal power plants and also synthetic oil,coal and gas power plants at the coast and even have thermo-piezoelectric covered geothermal pipes underneath them that dig into the oceans crust to the mantle.This would allow them to function 24/7 in any weather especially negating the need for them being powered by fossil fuels.Versions of these could be by the coast that are connected via graphene infused wiring tidal,wave piston and VAWT power plants and also grids powered by geothermal and solar power.As stated the entire world will be treated to one or both of these but some areas will have extra treatments due to them being the most negatively affected areas of the world by climate change and global warming.Marine cloud brightening will also be carried out at the same time to reflect more heat from the sun thus cooling the Earth.Marine cloud brightening would be more effective at lowering temperatures and would be ideally applied in the Atlantic and also the Pacific to deflect heat from the sun that powers hurricanes,tropical storms and also droughts also be done around the worlds coral reefs.The process will also be done around Africa,Amazon,Australian Outback and areas affected by heatwaves,forest fires and also droughts and also other effects of climate change to not only cool them down but also promote rainfall through the rain clouds created.As stated the entire world will be treated to one or both of these but some areas will have extra treatments due to them being the most negatively affected areas of the world by climate change and global warming.They can start between 2025-2029.This may even be used by Theoi Meteroi once levels are back to 280ppm to control the intensity of monsoons,hurricanes,heatwaves by deflecting heat that powers them and also create rain or snow rich systems that will be pushed to specific parts of the world such as deserts etc via the ocean currents and atmosphere and control the world weather with the process modified to ensure no salt is pushed up into the atmosphere with the salt removed from the water as it is pushed upwards to form clouds.The salt will be released into the water instantly once separated to ensure only pure water is in the clouds formed with the clouds falling down as rainfall an then the water returning to the hydrological cycle as rainwater.If having salt in the atmosphere would reflect more heat then it will be released with measures made to prevent it falling down as rain inland to prevent it damaging soils.Areas of the worlds oceans that power storms,hurricanes and monsoons as well as flash floods will have extra layers of marine cloud brightening and calcium carbonate aerosols to cool them more to lessen the intensity of hurricanes,monsoons by deflecting heat away from the oceans that power them with it also done in and around coral reefs to cool oceans thus preventing bleaching periods allowing them to thrive much better and be less intensive and existing areas destroyed recover.Stores of methyl hydrates underwater and in permafrost can have this applied to prevent them melting preventing their release to prevent further warming.Both the Arctic and Antarctic will have this applied to prevent the ice melting and in fact encourage the formation of thick layers of ice in summertime and indeed all year long that would reflect even more heat from the sun all year long in a positive feedback loop increasing its albedo effect exponentially.Areas that house glaciers that are pivotal to tourism and also providing water supplies in the Alps,Andes and all mountain ranges worldwide will have this applied as well.These areas Africa,Middle East,coral reefs,Arctic,Antarctic,Pacific,Atlantic and mountains etc will be given extra treatments of marine cloud brightening and calcium carbonate aerosols with simulations determining how much of the world and these areas will be needed to cool them enough to be effective.They can start between 2025-2029.This may even be used by Theoi Meteroi once levels are back to 280ppm to control the intensity of monsoons,hurricanes,heatwaves by deflecting heat that powers them and also create rain or snow rich systems that will be pushed to specific parts of the world such as deserts etc via the ocean currents and atmosphere and control the world weather with the process modified to ensure no salt is pushed up into the atmosphere with the salt removed from the water as it is pushed upwards to form clouds.In these instances the salt will be released into the water instantly once separated to ensure only pure water is in the clouds formed with the clouds falling down as rainfall an then the water returning to the hydrological cycle as rainwater.As stated marine cloud brightening can be used to prevent droughts and heatwaves that can lead to crop and wildplant failure,human deaths and also forest fires in America,the Amazon,Europe,Africa and Middle East to lessen their intensity by creating rainclouds in oceans near them that will be then pushed to these areas via the atmospheric currents that will burst either directly from mountains or via separate aeroplanes that add non toxic chemicals via cloud-seeding and rain-enhancement that induce the rainclouds to release large amounts of rainwater thus providing deserts and areas experiencing droughts and heatwaves to have showers to provide jungles,farmland and deserts with much needed rainfall and keep levels of water in lakes,rivers and groundwater at stable levels.Thus jungles,deserts and areas populated by humans that need rain clouds for groundwater,vegetation,lakes and rivers that feed humans,livestock,crops and humans for survival can during droughts and heatwaves especially before them have rainclouds created by marine cloud brightening that are pushed to them atmospheric currents to burst via natural or artificial means to ensure enough water to lessen the intensity of droughts with calcium carbonate aerosols spread across the area to deflect heat away further lessening their intensity.Areas prone to forest fires can before the fires have rainclouds pushed to them to allow the trees be filled with water to prevent them drying out and through transpiration create a blanket of water in the air that covers forests thus preventing fires and put out any that forms.During forest fires rainclouds can be created and directed towards them to aid firefighters in putting them out.Areas experiencing drought and heatwaves can have rainclouds directed to them to keep levels of water in groundwater,lakes and rivers stable and prevent crop and plant failure.The rain clouds ability to reflect heat would cool the areas suffering heatwaves even further in a positive feedback loop further preventing drought and forest fires alongside the cooling effect of rainfall.It will be used to both prevent and eliminate forest fires,droughts,heatwaves all around the world by being applied before they occur and during them thus saving human and animal lives,crops,ornamental plants and wilderness.Thus this technology will allow areas worldwide prone to droughts,heatwaves,forest fires etc have stable rainfall patterns all year long especially during drier summer and spring months to ensure water levels in lakes,rivers and groundwater supplies stay at healthy levels all year long with already arid areas such as deserts in the Middle East and Africa have enough water to sustain human,animal and plant life with it also reflecting excess heat cooling the area in a positive feedback loop preventing heatstroke and skin cancer etc with the water eventually returning to the ocean via transpiration and also via lakes and rivers until carbon dioxide levels are returned to 280ppm.The technology creates a positive feedback loop via the rain clouds providing cool water that cools plants,the atmosphere and soil and them reflecting excess heat.Even if the clouds don’t produce rain the clouds themselves will cool down areas experiencing and about to experience heatwaves,droughts,forest fires by reflecting heat from the sun back into space thus lessening their intensity,cooling the area down which may induce rain via replicating how a warm front colliding with a cold front causes rain clouds to form and the build up of precipitation.The fact that the rainclouds would be artificially produced by marine cloud brightening that are transported by the atmospheric currents managed by AI and thus hold large amounts of water that can be modified into those that are more conducive to rain than normal clouds may improve success in cloud seeding especially when liquid carbon dioxide and liquid propane gas is used and the clouds produced are made into those that contain enough precipitation to be conducive to both liquid carbon dioxide and liquid propane gas that can be created by bacteria through recombinant DNA and both anabolic and catabolic reactions bringing their costs to zero with other non toxic compounds researched with the planes driven by AI.This could bring costs down substantially and limit pollution caused by silver iodide that is a toxic cloud seeding chemical with research done into effective non toxic chemicals and non chemical mechanical methods that can induce snow and rain formation.As stated rain can be induced by replicating the convergence of warm and cold fronts as it does naturally if planned out correctly due to a build up of precipitation thus negating the need for chemicals such as carbon dioxide,liquid propane gas and silver iodide.In the case of heatwaves,droughts etc the water sprayed into the atmosphere can by the machinery cooled to temperatures just above freezing to ensure that the rain clouds are cold enough that they induce rainfall when they collide with the warm front that is causing the heatwave etc.This will be note to the fact that the oceans temperature are getting warmer due to global warming with in other cases where a cold front is in the desired turn the water can be as it is sprayed upwards be heated to just below boiling point.Similar machinery inland of the area being affected as well as where one wants to control the weather can depending on the front inland pump large volumes of air that is either heated or cooled into the atmosphere to induce incoming artificial rainclouds to burst into showers.Artificial cold and warm fronts can be created by this machinery placed both inland and in the ocean with them placed strategically along all of the world oceans and landmass and continents that by pumping up either hot or cold air into the atmosphere to control the temperature of the atmosphere and thus the nature of fronts coming into collision with each other on a global scale to induce rainclouds and precipitation by themselves or induce precipitation from artificial rainclouds created by marine brightening.This and orbital mirrors that disperse heat and light from the sun can not only control the nature of fronts but also wind patterns,atmospheric currents etc in a global scale.Like spraying the atmosphere with calcium carbonate aerosols this will be done in cycles to allow the effect to be continuous over decades,centuries or thousands of years meaning once the effect begins to dissipate then another cycle of marine cloud brightening will be started automatically.Pan will carry out simulations as how effective the efffect will be and then plan ahead years and decades how much more to apply and when to apply the next cycle of marine cloud brightenings. Satillites will be able to measure the levels of clouds and calcium carbonate aerosols in the atmosphere alongside biosynth sensors attached to ballons to automatically signal to Pan to apply the next treatments.Combining both marine cloud brightening and calcium carbonate aerosols should be investigated through simulations and exponentionally increase the amount of heat from the sun reflected back into space.AI will plan out these treatments and their effect on the global climate and localised weather on a global scale to prevent any negative consequences with them automated from start to finish and also linked to carbon sequestration projects that will be too automated from start to finish so that once carbon dioxide return to 280ppm or near it then these programmes can stop with pinpoint precision with both the sentient Pan and Theoi Meteroi managing these programmes.Having all carbon sequestration and calcium carbonate and marine cloud brightening projects worldwide carried out by Pan even proto AI and automated from start to finish will cut costs to zero,eliminate cutting of corners,corruption and inefficiencies that exist in government and corporate run programmes.They can start between 2025-2029.As a result until carbon dioxide levels are reduced back to 280ppm the worst effects of antropogenic climate change can be reversed and countered ie droughts,heatwaves etc can be countered by creating rainclouds that can be induced to release the rain present with coral bleaching countered by cooling tropical oceans and hurricanes and storms intensity countered by reflecting back heat the from the sun that powers them,melting ice caps countered by reflecting heat from the sun away from them managed by AI until carbon dioxide levels are reduced back to 280ppm.AI will plan out these treatments and their effect on the global climate and localised weather on a global scale to prevent any negative consequences with them automated from start to finish and also linked to carbon sequestration projects that will be too automated from start to finish so that once carbon dioxide return to 280ppm or near it then these programmes can stop with pinpoint precision with both the sentient Pan and Theoi Meteroi managing these programmes.All of this will be done until carbon dioxide levels are reduced to pre industrial levels of 280ppm and methane levels returned to 722ppb and may continue from 2045 onwards wherein Theoi Meteroi can control the worlds weather on a global scale.Due to the complex nature of the worlds climate systems the most advanced AIs and supercomputers by 2029 will be merged together in order plan out programmes that cool the entire world and those that cool certain areas such as coral reefs and those to make hurricanes etc weaker.

Theoretically combined these two processes to reflect heat back into outer space would cost combined worldwide at least $200,000,000 a year – roughly 0.00377% of what is spent globally annually to subsidise fossil fuels and would also be controlled by Pan and Theoi Meteroi with Pan initiating them instantly by 2029 if they are not done already by 2025.Satillites will be able to measure the levels of clouds and calcium carbonate in the atmosphere alongside biosynth sensors attached to ballons to automatically signal to Pan to apply the next treatments.Combining both marine cloud brightening and calcium carbonate aerosols should be investigated through simulations and exponentionally increase the amount of heat from the sun reflected back into space.These two will be controlled by Pan to ensure the correct level of aerosols and brightening is done to reflect as much heat as possible theoretically reducing heat intaken by the Earth to what it would be if was the desired 350ppm or even 280ppm while carbon sequestration programmes begin to remove excess carbon dioxide from the atmosphere with interaction between Theoi Meteroi and also Pan ensuring the Earth doesnt become too cold and that it stops at time that its reflective powers dissipate by the time carbon dioxide levels are back to 280ppm.Having all work automated and controlled by AI could half the costs or even pushed near to zero since AI will be needed to carry out all calculations and operations.This would mask and counteract the worst effects of global warming giving us at least another decade or two slowing the effects of climate change temporarily making the world experience temperatures similar to a 300-350ppm world(compared to the current 415ppm) while carbon sequestration programmes take place and carbon dioxide levels are returned to 280ppm with it also applied while methane levels are returned from 1,866ppb to 722ppb using programmes using zeolite trees etc.It will as stated also counter the worst effects of climate change by making hurricannes weaker,providing rainwater to areas suffering drought,heatwaves and forest fires,increase thickness of Arctic and Antarctic ice all year round and prevent coral bleaching.This could give us rather until 2050 to reverse the problem and switch to geothermal etc but even as far long as to 3129 an extra 1,000 years provided it begins between 2029-2035 with it routinely repeated every few years.Solar planes and satellites will measure the levels of calcium carbonate aerosols and clouds across the globe and then initiate the cycle with all work automated and controlled by Pan.Both the application of calcium carbonate aerosols and marine cloud brightening will be managed by Pan etc with zero human labour and them repeated annually in cycles every few years or decades with satillites both existing and new ones will measure the levels of aerosols and marine clouds and also global temperatures of the atmosphere and oceans etc in real time thus allowing it to initiate the next cycle of aerosols and marine cloud brightening.They should be combined with each other to increase the amount of solar radiation and heat reflected into space.By 2045 Theoi Meteroi as detailed earlier on in environmental management will be able to control the worlds weather and climate on a global scale using this and other systems to eliminate tornadoes,make hurricanes weaker or like monsoons replaced by less intensive weather systems spaced out over the year that deliver the same amount of rainwater to a region that does not cause flooding as wind free weather systems that deliver the same amount of rainwater in monsoons and hurricannes would be spaced out over the year preventing them becoming starved of water.Theoi Meteroi and Pan even proto versions by 2021-2029 will be able to determine the best locations and intensities of both spraying Calcium carbonate aerosols into the atmosphere and using marine cloud brightening and what altitude to do it to be as effective at not just reflecting excess heat and increasing the lifespan of each cycle but also reducing the intensities of hurricanes,tropical storms,floods,droughts on a global scale without affecting the global climate too much and also local climate in all countries worldwide ensuring stable weather and also prevent crop losses or creating in themselves hurricanes,tropical storms,floods,droughts.This proto AI will be able to determine this if done by a collaboration between all universities and weather agencies around the world for them to be initiated by 2021-2025 while carbon sequestration techniques take place with these simulations also taking into account the current and expected ppm and level of carbon dioxide and the 146.15-556.2Gt or decided amount of carbon dioxide removed by 2029.The marine cloud brightening will start by 2025.

By 2029 synthetic shale gas,methane gas,oil,gasoline,peat,coal will be possible as an alternative to all fossil fuels that will render all existing reserves of fossil fuels worthless to both corporations and governments as they can be created over and over again onsite of homes,Talos factories and power plants for millions of years with little to no labour and will be carbon neutral.These will be used as a transitional fuel used by the entire world by 2029-2035 that releases no extra carbon dioxide into the atmosphere by being carbon neutral prior to when the world converts to electric vehicles and geothermal power and while carbon sequestration programmes are employed to remove all excess carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and while marine cloud brightening and Calcium aerosols mask the worst effects of global warming.It will also be used to cater to a countries shale gas,methane gas,oil,gasoline,peat,coal needs until AI,automation and biosynths are advanced enough to extract shale gas,methane gas,oil,gasoline,peat,coal with zero human labour as well as advanced enough to have a 100% success rate in preventing leaks and accidents with for all projects.Methane,shale gas,oil,gasoline,coal,peat in the crust especially in the oceans will kept in the ground until carbon dioxide levels are reduced back to 280ppm and methane is reduced to 722ppb as to make the carbon and methane sequestration programmes for these easier and until AI,automation and biosynths are advanced enough to extract oil, and gasoline with zero human labour as well as advanced enough to have a 100% success rate in preventing leaks and accidents with for all projects.
This possibly could be repeated with ozone created artificially in factories or oxygen collected from greenhouses used for biochar to be spread over the south pole and other areas where it is low involving again battery powered automated planes similar to the SR-7 which can be composed of pyrex/graphen/carbyne composites to survive the heights of 20,116 – 39,928 metres coated with liquid glass that would not release water vapour collected on the planes hull on the journey up that would destroy ozone(that would also occur due to burning fuel) with research in how to produce large amounts of stable ozone in either the atmosphere or in factories.Also as stated already calcium carbonate and sodium based aerosols can be spread into the atmosphere to encourage ozone growth in areas where it is thin and also reflect large amounts of the suns heat at the same time.These would compliment not replace planes used to spread these compounds in areas of special consideration or even globally with them slowly releasing them in response to readings from atmospheric poles and also solar powered planes above the clouds.As a result of this and the complete blocking of chlorofluorocarbons by automated factories controlled by AI will repair any holes in the atmosphere with ideally calcium carbonate spread over all remaining ozone holes in the atmosphere as it can stimulate its production quickly.Biosynth arthropods will be by 2045 be able to inoculate all plants and animals with DNA from T.gammatolerans to make them immune to gamma ray bursts with any instances blocked by specialised machinery and also the recreation of the ozone layer by spreading calcium aerosols.All remaining holes in the ozone layer will be repaired through research.

Carbon Dioxide Sequestration
The process of carbon capture and sequestration removes carbon dioxide 24/7 from fossil fuel plants but the main problem is storing the carbon underground where it could escape over time as the rocks used to store it can release it and could be expensive over time with it using up energy to sequester the carbon and furthermore fossil fuels a finite fuel source will become defunct thanks renewables such as geothermal with there also only a finite amount of places around the world it can be utilised and their is a finite amount of carbon that can be stored this way with it impossible to store existing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere this way.Furthermore this carbon is not put to any use and its stored in hard to reach areas which could require more labour and energy to extract it for useful purposes such as fertilisers,diamonds and graphene in the distant future.This is more effective than simply planting trees and storing it underground as the carbon dioxide is permanently removed from the atmosphere,can remove larger amounts of carbon dioxide,stores it forever in useful commercial products,can be done anywhere in the world over and over again on the same amount of land,can be fully automated with no human labour with existing programmes that sequester it in the ground ceasing and those already stored in saline aquifers and also limestone removed via boring underground and also oil wells that can remove the carbon dioxide and return it there again.Rather than planting trees once the plants used intake carbon dioxide and once mature they are harvested,cut down and pyrolysised by heating it to high temperatures in a way that release no extra carbon dioxide but locks in a solid biochar material where it can be stored forever in diamonds,Graphene etc and then the land can be replanted and the process repeated over and over again using the same amount and area of land rather than once through reforesting land.Furthermore it can be done anywhere in the world with this exponentionally increasing the amount of carbon dioxide removed and all plants used undergoing genetic engineering to not only grow faster and increase the amount of carbon dioxide removed but also be able to grow in all climates,soils and seasons.In desert areas and those with poor soils etc the plants can be grown in greenhouses and underground tunnels.Reforesting agricultural land and restoration of peat bogs will also play a role with synthetic and natural fossil fuels burned without being sequestered at a ratio of 1:1 to prevent carbon dioxide levels dropping below 280ppm once reduced to this pre-industrial levels.Thus if carbon dioxide levels drop below 280ppm then synthetic and natural fossil fuels can be burned as fuel with no carbon sequestration programmes to stabilise them back to 280ppm as anything below this may cause the Earth to become too cold for life to occur as in the past when levels were 180ppm the Earth was covered in nothing but ice.At current atmospheric pressures photosynthesis shuts down when atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations fall below 150ppm and 200ppm although some microbes can extract carbon from the air at much lower concentrations.Their DNA,scratch DNA and that from plants that carry out C3 photosynthesis can be added to the genome of all plants via biosynth arthropods to survive this if it occurs.Carbon sequestration programmes then returning to the 1:1 ratio while natural reserves are burned as energy.By 2029 all agricultural land worldwide should be reforested due to invitro meat,vertical farms,bacteria based commodities etc to act as carbon sinks with some used for biochar programmes with outdoor programmes that grow Bambusoideae in the open done in temperate and tropical countries around the world and indoor programmes involving artificial trees in deserts around the world that direct carbon dioxide to underground tunnels that house Bambusoideae.Existing projects that store carbon under ground should cease as a result with in time the carbon currently stored underground this way should be extracted via automated machinery once they become sufficiently advanced and the holes bored out used as underground communities or in the case of disused oil wells used for this purpose extracted by the same pumps to put the gas in there thus in order to put it to good use in greenhouses,vertical farms and biochar projects.Saline aquifers including existing ones and those that have been used to store carbon can be used to extract water for use once treated in desalinization plants with the carbon dioxide and salt extracted for various purposes and the water as well used for other purposes such as for agriculture or returned to the aquifer with empty ones filled in with water from desalinisation plants.The best solution to sequestering carbon dioxide is the creation of biochar a process which is not as energy intensive,can be done anywhere in the world and can allow the carbon to be used and stored indefinitely in the production of fertilisers,diamonds,graphene,carbyne,hempcrete etc and other useful products made from carbon ensuring an almost unlimited supply of these products rather than storing the carbon underground via carbon capture and storage where it will not be put to good use.When this biochar is produced Persephone and Aristaeus interacting with community,home and vertical farms as well as factories will manage the distribution of this carbon as well as even Bambusoideae and C.sativa to where supplies are need based on demand with it stored in community centres or buildings within manufacturing hubs.All carbon sequestration and capture technologies should allow the carbon to be extracted and turned into graphene,carbyne,fertiliser etc for there many uses rather than stored underground or in inert forms.

Artificial trees that absorb more carbon dioxide than trees can be set up in deserts where the dry conditions allow for optimal efficiency as water removes the carbon dioxide from them the trees and also to make them invisible to the public.Each tree would take in one tonne every day and 365 tonnes each year thus about 60,000,000 trees could could over a year absorb 21.9 gigatonnes of carbon dioxide with 120,000,000 trees in-taking roughly 43.8 gigatonnes.When more advanced models are developed that can sequester more carbon dioxide then these will through robotics replace existing artificial trees with this if possible allow each tree to sequester at least ten tonnes of carbon dioxide a day by using different nanomaterials mixed together more tightly packed together alongside biosynth technology and amine reactions as well as making them both taller and wider as tall as the tallest species of trees reaching 91.44 metres high combined with them packing nanomaterials more tightly together,amine reactions and also biosynth technology that contains DNA from capnophillic and anaerobic bacteria.Biosynth technology could form lung tissues or plant tissues that alongside these nanomaterials convert carbon dioxide into oxygen and carbon and the carbon stored and passively transferred to where it can form dry ice or pure carbon with the oxygen released into the atmosphere.Otherwise it could passively move the carbon dioxide into piping that then leads it to areas where it can be turned into dry ice.Trees that remove methane and artificial greenhouse gases can work on this principle with chemosynthetic and scratch DNA.These nanomaterials could include graphene and other atom thick allotropes of other elements and may include schwarzites.This could allow for 6,000,000-u2,000,000 trees to sequester 21.9-43.8Gt on less land or if 60,000,000-120,000,000 trees are used it could sequester as much as 219-438Gt every year when the older trees are replaced through automated and the old ones recycled.These trees that sequester ten tonnes a day could be availible as soon as 2029 with those that possibly sequester 20-100 tonnes each day could be availible as soon as 2045 meaning as much as 438-876 Gt or even 2,190-4,380 Gt each year can be sequestered.In time by 2045 trees that sequester 1,000 tonnes a day could be developed with Bambusoidaea that intake 12,350 tonnes every year for each hectare would be developed as well.Once all carbon dioxide is out of the atmosphere all trees will be recycled with exponential research and growth in this technology pursued by Hecate and Pan to utilise this for sequestering carbon dioxide for terraforming projects on Mars and Venus and other offworld colonies with the carbon dioxide from these projects used to create more diamonds,graphene etc on Earth and these colonies.Research can be done into artificial trees that automatically separate the carbon from the carbon dioxide with them releasing oxygen at the rate of one or more tonne per day.The carbon can be stored as pellets etc that travel down into the piping.Energy can come from the main grid or on site solar power and eventually geothermal making sure the process is entirely carbon negative.Ideally deserts should have the artificial trees tightly packed like normal trees in forests and jungles to capture as much carbon dioxide as possible and also have as many of the required 6,000,000 – 120,000,000 trees required as possible in each desert across the world largely due to the fact they are not known for their scenery with mountainous areas and urbanised areas both have trees spaced out to prevent them effecting the scenery with if possible the artificial trees made to contain chlorophyll in order to look exactly like normal trees.Normal trees can have at least 1,000-2,500 per hectare meaning theoretically it should take at least 6,000 to 48,000 hectares or 0.00004-0.00032% of the Earths surface.Deserts compose of at least a third of the earths surface accounting for roughly 4,991,122,920 hectares about a third of the earths total surface meaning only 0.00012 – 0.00096% of the worlds deserts need be covered in these trees to make it work with ideally these programmes spread across all of the the worlds deserts to allow them to be compacted as possible and not affect any wildlife and also the fact that carbon dioxide will be removed from all corners of the globe at once and at the same time as outdoor plantations spread around the world with underground communities underneath them housing more plants grown via hydroponics.This equates as stated to roughly 0.00004 – 0.00032% of the worlds total surface area of the planet with on average it requiring less of than 1% of each of the worlds deserts to be covered in these trees.If 1% of the Earths surface and thus 1% of the worlds deserts were used as much as then even anywhere between 547,500 – 109,500,000Gt(109.6Pt) could be removed annually via artificial trees intaking ten to a thousand tonnes every day individually showing just how effective they are in comparison to normal trees and how little of the Earths surface needs to be used.This is significantly smaller than the 37% of the land surface used for agriculture and could be possible by 2045-2060.If enough effort is made this can be done by 2029-2045.This is roughly 7,670 times more carbon dioxide in all remaining naturally formed reserves of fossil fuels such as oil,gas and coal worldwide roughly 14,275Gt which if we burned it all would bring the total concentration amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to 15,148.3Gt wherein the concentration of carbon dioxide will be 7,111ppm wherein we could remove all excess from the atmosphere in as little as half a day showing how efficient existing carbon sequestration technology is.This is also 11,060,606 times more than the 10.6Gt that will be released annually by 2045 and 2,951,482 times more than what we currently emit.This shows the exponential growth of carbon squestration with it likely being used on carbon sequestration projects on offworld terraforming colonies that have carbon dioxide rich atmospheres such as Mars and Venus etcIt thus shows that we have until at least 2050 – at least thirty years to start carbon sequestration,calcium carbonate aerosol programmes and also begin to switch to 90% renewables including geothermal though ideally this should begin as early as 2029 and highlights that we could continue to burn all remaining natural reserves of fossil fuels and still remove the carbon dioxide from them and existing excess carbon dioxide in as much as half a day.Furthermore it highlights that we could continue to burn all remaining natural reserves of fossil fuels and still remove the carbon dioxide from them and existing excess carbon dioxide in less than a day.Indoor plantations involving artificial trees will in deserts ideally at the outskirts of towns and cities as they can use energy from the grid that also powers these,limit travel time to pyrolysis units that also serve cities,allow the buildings to be will not affect scenery unlike temperate areas and also mountains and because as stated deserts are large by having them spread out over all deserts around the world will lower the amount of space taken up in each one and allow them to intake the gas from all parts of globe as outdoor plantations intake large numbers of the gas from large areas spread out over temperate areas thus equalising the amount taken in from around the world.Thus by 2045 or even 2029 it should be possible to burn all remaining reserves of fossil fuels and ensure that what carbon dioxide is released is sequestered instantly and keep concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide at 280ppm forever forever with it reduced from 445ppm to 280ppm by at least 2035-2040.This 1% of land would be in deserts worldwide with since this remaining carbon dioxide in the remaining reserves would be released at a rate of at least 9Gt every year meaning it would take 1,586 years for the remaining 14,275Gt of carbon dioxide to be released fully at this rate.This 1% of land would be in deserts worldwide with since this remaining carbon dioxide in the remaining reserves would be released at a rate of at least 9Gt every year meaning it would take 1,586 years for the remaining 14,275Gt of carbon dioxide to be released fully at this rate with ideally Bambusoideae outdoor plantations used.Proto Pan by 2020-2025 as part of universities and weather networks involving humans will decide where to set up these indoor plantations and thus how high the buildings will be,design their layout and also research into the trees ability to absorb as much carbon dioxide as possible and make them able to compact as possible etc.They will also decide exactly where the trees will be placed and where underground extensions will be underneath the building and underneath the trees to house more plants fed this directly with them ideally on the outskirts of major cities and towns again to limit time to transport the material to biochar plants and also to allow them to be converted into homes for locales once done.At first onsite pyrolysis machines and those in community centres will pyrolysis the plant material all powered by solar power with them eventually done in organic waste pyrolysis plants.Outdoor plantations will work in temperate and tropical regions while indoor ones will work in desert regions with Pan deciding where for them to be set in the world.The carbon from these artificial trees can store the carbon in the form of dry ice to be released into the pools containing macro algae,plants or the rooms containing them.

Carbon capture plants that suck in carbon dioxide will be modified to convert the intaken carbon dioxide into dry ice to be then fed to plants that are then pyrolysised.Like artificial trees nanomaterials,amines and Biosynthetic technology will be used to exponentially increase the amount of carbon dioxide they intake.These to be carbon neutral will be powered by renewables like geothermal,thermo-piezoelectric material covered geothermal pipes etc.Saline aquifers will not be used as there is only finite amount of them on Earth and it prevents the carbon dioxide being converted into useful products.

All carbon dioxide captured by these artificial trees and carbon capture plants will have the carbon dioxide turned into dry ice and feed to living Bambusoideae and C.sativa plants in greenhouses,skyscraper buildings and underground tunnels which will then be pyrolysised.These greenhouses could be located underground or overground here in place of the dry ice factories with these being large facilities housing large amounts of plants with LED lights increasing growth and carbon dioxide use rates.These greenhouses can be fitted with LED lights allowing the intake of carbon dioxide to take place 24/7,365 days a year with these plants grown via hydro and aeroponics,using less water,speeding up growth and intake of carbon dioxide even further with them harvested multiple times a year by machines to be transported to organic pyrolysis plants.This system involving artificial trees,greenhouses should be ideally done in deserts or isolated areas away from the public that are unable to naturally grow trees or other plants with the greenhouses being built as large as possible to accommodate as much plants as ideally if possible with even large,wide and tall multistory greenhouse/skyscraper buildings also built specifically for this near the outskirts of towns and cities especially near deserts and mountainous areas with them have rooms devoted entirely to the manufacture of dry ice,storing it,releasing it into the greenhouse in controlled bursts when automatically sending it there and have large numbers of artificial trees surrounding them with entire town or city sized hubs of these buildings built and powered by a combination of solar panels,VAWTs and the grid since CSYS and LED lighting and other energy efficient appliances used in them with the biomass transported to nearby organic waste biochar facilities or even buildings where it can be stored until these are developed.The artificial trees would be around the building and stretch out as far as possible into the wilderness with each tree connected to the building via underground pipes with the gas fed into an area where it is converted into dry ice,be stored in sizeable storerooms on the ground floor and them transported to each floor when levels of carbon dioxide denoted by nanosensors are low to allow them to sublime.Excess dry ice can be shipped to small greenhouses on the grounds and roofs of private and communal homes as well as universities and other public buildings in the area or even around the country that grow the same plants with the Home AIs etc interacting with Pan to order in excess dry ice.This should prevent too much dry ice accumulating in the factories.The vehicles transporting this dry ice and also the plants themselves will be electric ones charged by solar panels and eventually geothermal.Each skyscraper indoor plantation will be at least 50-100 stories high and have underground areas stretching outwards in all directions to allow as much of the dry ice to be used in one go and them having areas to store excess dry ice.The buildings will have a ground lobby floor that holds dry ice,has elevators to each floor with these consisting of ceilings enough to hold plants that grow from 5-100 metres tall.The ground floors and basements can rear macro algae that intake carbon dioxide directly from trees or use extra dry ice.The underground areas will go underneath the area surrounding them in all directions and will hold both more plants and also macro algae with ideally to cut down on transport the artificial trees surrounding the building and being compacted next to each other forming forests.These factories will be compact and part of the skyscraper buidings.Their construction will be automated from start to finish.These can also be within the outskirts of major cities especially polluted ones and even small towns and villages as they will eventually become communal homes with the macro AI changing its operating software to Hestia and then having individual room AIs added when converted to hotel style suites.In the case of these buildings extensions can be added over time on roofs,underground with the artificial trees in close proximity with them ideally being large tall buildings with multiple floors to grow hydroponic and aeroponic plants.These should have multiple floors and be tightly packed together with them each having their own independent personality,avatar,receptionist with universal uniform managed by the sentient operating software Pan with the control of temperature etc managed by the AI to increase yields with engineering making them grow ideally at all temperature ranges to grow faster in all temperatures but also lower energy costs in all regions(require less heating in colder areas and less cooling tropical areas) and greenhouses should ideally be in urban areas including towns and cities near these hubs to intake excess carbon dioxide with dry ice shipped to them from dry ice factories or they have artificial trees on nearby roofs etc and they can be managed by conservationists,researchers and automated machinery with the environmental readings in greenhouses and buildings(oxygen,carbon dioxide concentration,temperature,humidity etc),amount of dry ice produced and carbon dioxide intaken by plants,camera readings of plants including thermal cameras,yields of plants grown and pyrolysised etc fed into Pan visible to the public on local to global levels from days to decades.All buildings will be powered by geothermal and renewables including solar and thermo-piezoelectric material covered pipes..In mountainous and desert areas and even in urban areas they may even consist of underground communities that would be a series of tunnels housing the plants allowing piping to extend underground to be fed directly into plots of these plants grown hydrponically or with excess dry ice produced in factories transferred to them via elevators with this of note to areas where the scenery may be affected and could allow them to be done underneath urban areas with the surface have the trees dotted on roofs and streets.It could even be underneath skyscrapers in urban and wilderness areas such as deserts used to grow the plants and underneath the artificial trees that feed them to intake excess dry ice and even increase the amount of crops grown as well as artificial trees present and can go as deep as possible.These will be eventually turned into underground communities with them even underneath outdoor plantations that have artificial trees in between them.This will increase the amount of areas on the planet to grow the plants,space out factories and store rooms for dry ice and allow for many more trees in deserts etc to be tightly packed and allow them to increase the amount of trees to be squashed into each and every desert around the world and can allow more trees to spread out in scenic areas like mountains,tropical areas with seaweed plantations on both the coast and deep sea oil rigs also increasing this.It will also allow excess dry ice to be directed to them in order to sublime and thus feed the plants underground or the carbon dioxide will be directly fed into these underground areas.The desert plantations using artificial trees can also house underground tunnels that house Bambusoidea and other plants grown hydroponically negating the need for skyscrapers built that will intake the gas with these once used turned into underground communities.The gas intaken can be stored in large amounts in specialised areas for months or years in these tunnels as dry ice and then fed into the plants in rotation with them engineered to intake as much carbon dioxide as possible and them fed the gas either directly or in bursts over the year.Excess gas can be sent to plantations in greenhouses on the grounds and roofs of estates and private and communal homes to ensure it is intaken by plantations that will inevitably be pyrolsysised and not go to waste and prevent it building up in tunnel systems with Pan allotting them around the world.These tunnels can go deep as a few stories and floors but will go over a larger surface area over kilometres of wilderness and will thus become underground communities once finished with this ideal over skyscrapers with greenhouses still growing the plants onsite of the roofs of communal homes derived from skyscrapers and housing estates to intake and use excess dry ice shipped to them.Artificial lights can provide light 24/7 and heating applied to all rooms with all work automated.They will be powered thermo-piezoelectric covered geothermal pipes,solar panels and geothermal power plants on the surface.The plants since having the ability to form large masses from engineering can be engineered to grow outwards and not upward for these tunnels with the plants in outdoor plantations growing upwards.Other wise the they will grow as tall as 91.44 metres in tall rooms and the rooms then filled in with extra floors when turned into underground communities.Macro algae will also be grown in recirculating aquaculture systems thus allowing more carbon dioxide to be removed from excess carbon dioxide.The algae will be like plants pyrolysised by onsite pyrolysis plants.All operations will be controlled by Pan with pyrolysis can be done onsite and the graphene shipped to factories.The piping would be directed underground and allowed to fill the entire underground systems that then allow the plants to collect the carbon dioxide and excess using machinery turned into dry ice to be transported to greenhouses on the grounds and roofs housing estates,homes and public buildings.Large structures that can suck out large amounts of carbon dioxide as much as 40,000,000 trees can be mostly underground and spread out over a large underground area with pipes directed to areas where the plants are grown and where dry ice can be created and then fed to plants.This can be replicated on Mars and Venus and other carbon dioxide rich planets undergoing terraforming with by these on other planets utilising.Thermo-piezoelectric material covered geothermal pipes will also be used to power entire packs of these in deserts with them also powering the underground tunnels that store the carbon dioxide and Bambusoidea with the energy used to heat the tunnels specifically the plots and also power CSYS lighting that will be on 24/7.If need be bacteria based flour can be grown alongside the plants using the dry ice and then pyrolysised.Ideally the tunnels should be used for all desert systems as they will be much easier to convert into underground communities and dont require a skyscraper to be built with the tunnels housing recirculating aquaculture systems for growing macro algae,plots housing plants,storerooms to house dry ice,pyrolysis machines and elevators to the surface and the surface housing artificial trees and other machinery used to extract carbon dioxide from the atmosphere connected to the tunnels via pipes.The tunnels will also be able to store extra carbon dioxide in spare rooms and other areas that will then be fed to all plants present over the year and even shipped to greenhouses onsite of housing estates and roofs of communal homes and even other tunnel systems managed by Pan.All carbon dioxide captured by the artificial trees will be fed to plants to then be pyrolysised into biochar.Thus ideally deserts should house tunnel systems that contain large amounts of plants engineered to intake as much carbon dioxide as possible and grow as fast as possible and also grow upwards and outwards in all directions to ensure that they can intake extra carbon dioxide with excess intaken carbon dioxide stored onsite as dry ice to be fed to them later with all systems powered by geothermal and thermo-piezoelectric material covered geothermal pipes.It will allow for thousands of artificial trees to be stacked tightly together.Some greenhouses will present on the surface with all operations automated from start to finish with pyrolysis units onsite of them.They can also grow macro algae also engineered to grow as fast as possible and store extra carbon dioxide grown in recirculating aquaculture systems using excess carbon dioxide in that will also be pyrolysised once sent to local or even onsite pyrolsysis units with the biochar stored onsite and then sent to vertical farms and Aphrodite buildings when set up.Biochar pyrolysis units can as stated be onsite of these tunnels to turn the plants fed the large amounts of stored carbon dioxide in the form of dry ice into and them storing the biochar and sending them to Aphrodite buildings when set up with all operations powered by thermo-piezoelectric material covered geothermal pipes.Ideally all of the worlds deserts will be used to space them out as much as possible with ideally multiple large skyscraper buildings and underground communities used thus allowing them to be as near as possible to major towns and cites and thus close to miniature mobile pyrolysis units and also organic waste pyrolysis plants with Pan deciding which deserts to use,the size of buildings and underground communities,how many trees to use in each project,how far they are spaced from each other,which towns and cities they will be near.Once not needed the trees will be recycled and the buildings and underground communities converted into homes.All work in them will be automated from start to finish.These skyscrapers and also underground communities will grow all plants via hydroponics and even aeroponics with seaweed grown in recirculating aquaculture systems.The levels of carbon dioxide taken in by each artificial tree visible as blips on a map will be read in in real time via internal sensors by clicking on them with one able to determine their intake on individual,local to global levels.Cameras at key points will allow anyone to view the growth and health of plants with the number of facilities,greenhouses,plantations,artificial trees on local to global levels with each facilities,trees,greenhouses and plantation visible as different coloured blips with the intranet for facilities and greenhouses accessible through this map.The levels of carbon dioxide present in the trees will also be visible with the levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere visible through Theoi Meteroi in real time through all atmosphere.Pyrolysis plants should be in close proximity to these to cut down on transportation costs with all vehicles using electric power charged first from solar panels and then geothermal.Construction of these buildings,greenhouses and artificial trees can be automated with them designed on Hephaestus and managed also by Pan depending on demand.All oxygen produced by these plants should be filtered out for storage for use in the colonisation and terraforming of Demon class planets.

To do this the bottom of the tree would be covered metal plating with the holes to the pipe while the top could be have a cover top slightly over the top to limit the amount of rain getting in that would release the gas prematurely that comes down when it is full(activated automatically when it is full) creating an airtight cover which ensures the carbon dioxide is only pumped into these dry ice factories when internal sprinklers wet it(or through releasing a mist around the inside) and cause the gas to be released and then be taken into the pump system above the factory.This water can be collected and then reused indefinitely thus limiting the amount used.Sensors inside will measure the levels of gas in this airtight tree and cause the roof to open and let it dry in the heat and thus be able to absorb more carbon dioxide repeating the process over again.By interacting with and external sensors weather networks these roofs will also close during periods of heavy rain to prevent premature release of the gas as stated earlier.In time these can be developed so that the carbon dioxide that is absorbed by them passes through them passively and then the piping into the dry ice factory or where the plants used to sequester it is stored automatically when they are filled up to their limit with this either requiring low levels of energy from solar and VAWT powered Storedot batteries or from the grid or passively through advances in enzymes,amine,nanomaterials or catalytic reactions and even biosynth technology replicating the tissues in plants like trees will be utilised allowing them to be refilled automatically.If possible the trees can be powered by solar panels,geothermal power using larger amounts of energy to intake the greenhouse gas 24/7,365 days a year and automatically direct it into the factory negating them from requiring water and human labour and be able to intake larger amounts of carbon dioxide.Thermo-piezoelectric material covered geothermal pipes will also be used to power entire packs of these in deserts with them also powering the underground tunnels that store the carbon dioxide and Bambusoidea.This would make them carbon negative with electric vehicles and renewables powering all other steps including pyrolysis.By 2029-2040 these will be powered by geothermal power both in the form of power plants and undergrpound pipes covered in thermo-pizoelctric materials.In time these reactions could act like real trees where the carbon is separated from the carbon dioxide passively and transported to areas in the building using amine,biosynth technology and catalytic reactions and the oxygen released into the atmosphere at one tonne or more a day.This would likely involve biosynth technology wherein it forms tissues interspaced with nanomaterials created by them and those that they are suspended in that uses amine and photosynthetic reactions during the day and electrical ones during the night and day with chemosynthetic reactions involving methane in the atmosphere that create a waste product composed of carbon and other materials produced by them that is pushed down the piping to where it can be collected and the oxygen realeased.They would be hybrids between normal trees and biosynth technology that them charged via photosynthesis that uses sunlight to do this and use stored energy at night to  and intake the gas also built in thermo-piezoelectric material covered geothermal pipes themselves using biosynth technology that even as roots of the tree can extend deep into the crust and mantle and turn the heat of the mantle into electricity as well further increasing their intake of carbon dioxide and into oxygen with the carbon stored as dry ice or graphite like material extruded into the surrounding area,in the tree or even into tunnels below them.The biosynth technology will also cause the trees to grow leaves and stems etc similar to the real plants as part of outdoor plantations using photosynthesis and sugars etc fed to them with these,amine reactions and tightly packing nanomaterials increasing the amount of carbon dioxide they absorb and release.This can allow the functioning of these trees to be uninterrupted 24/7,365 days a year and require little or no human labour in operation and maintenance and ensuring all carbon scrubbed from the atmosphere will be used as fertiliser or graphene/carbyne and other carbon based products or even hempcrete and textiles ensuring an unlimited supply ensuring it is sequestered indefinitely into useful products rather than underground where it is put to no use.The carbon can be directed straight into the building housing the plants used to sequester them via piping or can be turned into dry ice in factories inbetween the greenhouses that is stored in storage areas and when levels of carbon dioxide are low in the room it automatically pumps it in or is transported into them to sublime by automated machinery or each one has miniature dry ice factories with the carbon dioxide pumped into these by pipes and then the dry ice is created and then then it transported by a conveyor belt to where it can sublime.All steps in these greenhouse biochar projects like those in the wild can be done entirely by autonomous machines 24/7 from start to finish by the Pan software with each cycle of planting and harvesting automatically repeated growing season after season.The artificial trees can have them closely packed together in isolated and uninhabited areas like deserts around the world such as the Australian Outback,Atacama,Sahel,Nevada,Mojave,Arabian deserts with these even set up in any wilderness areas including the Arctic,Antarctic and all types of tundra as well as mountain tops and foothills by human settlements.Thus all deserts,tundra,mountains around the world can have the required amount spread out over them with deserts having them tightly packed similar to trees in a forest while in urban and mountainous areas etc have them spaced outward to prevent them disrupting the scenic areas.Both the Arctic and Antartic can also be used as it is mostly uninhabeted in comparison to the rest of the world and is where the carbon dioxide has the worst effects.Extra dry ice can also be shipped to greenhouses as part of home farms and also community farms in the locale that grow these plants in tents and greenhouses with the home and farm AI ordering them in and them ordering in large amounts if excess is produced to store in spare rooms in containers.

The carbon dioxide intaken by the artificial trees and will be extracted and sent to where they will be converted into dry ice to be fed to plants in underground tunnels,greenhouses onsite of private homes and rooftops of communal homes and also those in large skyscraper buildings.The artificial trees can be connected to these tunnels or buildings etc directly via pipes that transport the carbon dioxide into plots containing the plants or dry ice factories.The carbon dioxide can be fed directly into plots of the plants or converted into dry ice to be then sent there to sublime into carbon dioxide.The plants will be in underground tunnels etc and also in greenhouses on the grounds of private homes and rooftops of communal homes etc.They can also be in large skyscraper vertical farm type buildings with msny floors where the dry ice is sent to sublime or pumped into as a gas.All steps will be automated from start to finish and powered by geothermal.These plants grown in greenhouses in the grounds of private and communal homes will have the harvested plants sent to organic waste pyrolysis plants to be pyrolysised alongside uneaten food etc.

Since carbon dioxide is spread over the entire atmosphere this can be done anywhere in the world in all rural and urban areas and wilderness including temperate climates and even islands allowing for the trees to be dispersed over the entire globe with even those ontop of factories,municipalities,vertical farms etc.with there total number logged in Pan on local to global levels ensuring they are tightly packed in one area.Those ontop of factories,vertical farms and sewage treatment plants would feed bacteria,micro and macro algae.Persephone will manage the flow of this biochar to factories and vertical farms or vertical farms could have these artificial trees on their roofs providing free carbon dioxide via pumping it directly into plots or creating dry ice onsite.They can also be placed in urban areas like small towns and even cities,in lay fields and backlots not used for agriculture,on streets on roofs of buildings and also along streets with them feeding the carbon dioxide into dry ice factories connected to greenhouses that release the gas into them in controlled bursts with them then taking in more carbon dioxide when the dry ice has been fed to the local dry ice factories which can have multiple trees on their roof as well.Urban areas can have multiple greenhouses around them at strategic points and on roofs and gardens of public amenities,airports,seaports and buildings not used as communal homes as well as municipalities constructed by Tyche through Daedalus with them fed dry ice from numerous dry ice factories or as stated artificial trees on the roof of the building or surrounding roof and area and strategic points of the cut with these harvested by robots and then pyrolysised in local organic waste factories.Buildings that are like skyscrapers can be built in cities and towns that intake the carbon dioxide via artificial trees on its roof and the roof of other buildings connected to them via piping underground and overground and then have it fed directly into the greenhouse.Smaller greenhouses containing any of the plants used can be ontop of vertical farms,hospitals,universities and also communal homes with one or two artificial trees feeding them carbon dioxide into them with the people there harvesting the plants and then sending them into organic waste bins.Otherwise dry ice can be shipped to greenhouses onsite of hospitals,universities.Skyscrapers can be built that grown the plants hydroponically in plot similar to vertical farms with if possible these being originally corporate headquarters etc that are then once carbon dioxide levels are reduced to 280ppm be converted into communal homes.These buildings and greenhouses etc once levels are returned to 280ppm can be converted into homes or greenhouses that grow hydroponic food.Skyscrapers once converted into communal homes or vertical farms that grow Bambusoideae on their roofs will be managed by Pan and then Hestia or Aristeaus  will have these artificial trees on their roofs pumping carbon dioxide into them with these trees on the sides of buildings,roofs of adjoining buildings and along the street and nearby areas deally they should be new buildings on the outskirts of towns,villages,cities etc and in deserts or by deserts that once the levels of carbon dioxide return to 280ppm can be renovated into communal hotel homes with the aforementioned buildings renovated into homes instantly for the poor.This may also apply to greenhouses which can have extra floors added and in all cases including relay centres etc these floors would be composed of carbon composites due to their strength and also lightness allowing them to house as much plants as possible.Other projects done around the world including C.sativa and Bambusoideae can be used in rotary systems on a piece of land either formerly used for agriculture or barren soil that is full of heavy metals for bio-remediation that can then be used as agricultural land in the form of forest farms as well as more importantly reforestation projects in the tropics and temperate climates to prepare the soil for permanent reforestation or community and forest farms.Thus artificial trees pumping carbon into greenhouses or creating dry ice for use in greenhouses should be done in tandem with biochar projects in the wild and other carbon sequestration methods detailed later to increase the amounts of carbon dioxide sequestered as biochar at once.Nanosensors in the greenhouses and buildings located in the same area as the artificial trees can control the amount of dry ice shipped into them with any excess stored in storage areas of the buildings and tunnels with the automated construction of new ,extensions and buildings in the area managed by Pan should too much dry ice be projected with the C.sativa or Bambusoideae harvested and shipped to nearby organic pyrolysis plants that also generate electricity when cameras inside the greenhouses detect that they have reached their maximum height.Once harvested the plants will as stated will be sent to organic waste plants to be pyrolysised with the biochar produced used as fertiliser sent to vertical,home,forest and community farms etc or sent to Aphrodite factories to be turned into graphene,buckypaper and other carbon composites managed by Persephone.Some of the biochar will be allocated to community centres around the country based on demand for biochar.Then new plants will be planted instantly and then the process will start all over again.Prior to the development and setting up of these mobile pyrolysis units can be onsite of the farms,community centres and by wilderness areas to pyrolysise the material with it sent to community centres and also Aphrodite factories.Ideally though to alleviate strains on organic waste plants these mobile units will continue to intake extra excess material to alleviate strains on the organic waste plants.In skyscrapers,tunnels etc all operations will managed by both Pan and the AI in charge of the facility.Temperature and other conditions can be controlled and investigated to see which improves the rate of growth with seeding of new plants initiated by machinery once harvested with these warehouses,greenhouses and buildings allowing for projects to be set up at both poles and deserts because of this.Cameras at key points will monitor plant health being able to change from normal vision to IR illuminator and thermal cameras.C.sativa and Bambusoideae grown here should be grown hydroponically with recombinant DNA from oligotrophs,xerophiles,capnophile bacteria to improve their retention of carbon dioxide,quicken growth rates and use less resources with them ideally having disease resistance and pest repellance engineered into them.Other DNA to increase growth rates such as those from T.gammatolerans to grow in all wavelengths,other extremophiles as well as chemosynthetic bacteria,other plants and scratch DNA will increase growth rates and intake of carbon dioxide at night time for both indoor and outdoor systems.Advancements in AI will improve the efficiency of these automated system managed by Pan interacting with Artemis and once finished the greenhouses can be dismantled or used to grow crops for the community with buildings,warehouses etc renovated into communal homes with foamcrete/brick exteriors,windows and rooftop gardens added or dismantled as decided by the public and the area permanently reforested or turned into forest and community farms.Both those grown in the wild and in greenhouses can use the recombinant DNA from the above mentioned extremophiles to increase their rate of carbon dioxide intake with them also their ability to survive this without being poisoned.Research can be done into these artificial trees can be modified to intake as much as 2-10 tonnes of carbon dioxide a day or even more using nanomaterials compacted into improving the amount of carbon dioxide they take in in as little land as possible and thus requiring less trees or even have the same amount present worldwide to intake ten times the amount with more primative trees replaced by more advanced ones.Since carbon dioxide is spread out along all of the atmosphere these artificial trees and the greenhouses they feed this into can be anywhere in the world with Pan deciding this with them ideally in desert areas around the world next to cities and towns like Las Vegas etc with him deciding where in the worlds deserts will be used with ideally all of the worlds deserts used to allow them to be spread evenly.This will be done alongside outdoor plantations.Thus there is the use of artificial trees packed together in deserts that feed or transport carbon dioxide converted into dry ice two options to grow the plants used in indoor plantations in tall buildings on the outskirts and underground tunnels.Both will house rooms to store excess carbon dioxide In the form of dry ice and can be converted into communal homes and underground communities.

Outdoor programmes will consist of the same plants used in indoor programmes.All of these processes from planting,harvesting,replanting,transportation and pyrolysis can be automated in both indoor and outdoor plantations.Seed planting drones and seed planting robots that are used for reforestation can plant them in large numbers quickly in fleets and their harvesting can be done via automated harvesters similar to those used in agriculture with transportation and pyrolysis etc also automated.This will eliminate human labour and sloppiness.3D DNA printers will be able to print of large numbers of seeds with unique genotypes of all plants used such as Bambusoidea,C.sativa,S.babylonica and even macro algae with seed planting drones used in outdoor programmes and robots used in indoor programmes.3D DNA printers will be able to expediate the creation of these geneticallyengineered plants used in carbon sequestration that have the required genotypes and phenotypes to increase growth rates and carbon sequestration intake from several years to mere days by AI cross referencing Physis for these genes and printing it into blank seeds.This should make them possible by 2029.The seeds of these plants will be designed to be small ones to allow them to be planted easily by seed planting drones.When levels of carbon dioxide return to 280ppm current reserves of fossil fuels such as oil,gas and coal or artificial versions from genetically altered bacteria can be used to grow Bambusoideae and C.sativa in greenhouses as since they use more carbon dioxide than trees and they will be in high demand over the coming decades and centuries it would be dangerous to continue to use them for these uses in the open without providing extra carbon dioxide and they could theoretically lower levels lower than the normal 280ppm which could have just as equally disastrous effects on the climate.It can also store the carbon dioxide into C.sativa textiles,hempcrete for buildings and C.sativa composites for vehicles and buildings.If possible genetically engineered bacteria can produce the same fibrous material as C.sativa allowing it be grown onsite of Daedalus,Selene and Arachne factories on a commercial scale.When levels reach 280ppm fossil fuels from bacteria can be burned in the open to keep it that level with other automated measures via interaction between Steropes,Pan,Theoi Meteroi to keep these levels constant to grow these crops or they can be grown indoors.Theoi Meteroi and Pan interacting with each other to keep automated carbon sequestration projects running to maintain a constant carbon dioxide concentration of 280ppm due to carbon dioxide coming from geothermal and remaining naturally formed fossil fuel reserves(on a much smaller scale than today for energy within the region of 10% of the worlds energy rather than the current 80%),any underground fires such as in Centrailia keeping track off global average carbon dioxide levels to keep them within safe limits and keeping the rate of carbon released equal to the amount turned globally into biochar and C.sativa,Bambusoideae or carbon based products by interactions with mining and drilling projects,power plants and machinery involved in it.Also when the levels return to this level then these programmes will cease with if it drops below 280ppm then bacteria based fossil fuels and those from remaining reserves will be burned without smokestacks diverting them until it is stabilised at this with this managed by Steropes,Pan and Theoi Meteroi.The biochar can be stored and logged in community buildings wherein Aristaeus and Persephone will allocate them to factories and also vertical,forest,home and community farms based on supply and demand.Projections can allow Pan to determine when they will reach this level and when to scale back both indoor and outdoor plantations.Ideally C.sativa should be used as it can be harvested at least four times a year and transgenics can potentially increase its ability to absorb carbon dioxide from Bambusoideae(or vice versa) with transgenics using genes from C.sativa added to Bambusoideae allowing for Bambusoideae to grow faster potentially within as much as one year or within the same time as C.sativa with those made from scratch aiding this thus increasing the growth rates of Bambusoideae.All plants whether C.sativa,Bambusoideae,Gramineae,S.babylonica etc in both indoor and outdoor plantations will undergo the same level of engineering to increase growth rates and also amount of carbon dioxide they intake.This includes DNA from Escherichia Coli,Clostridium perfringens the fastest growing organism to speed Bambusoideae growth miotic rates that then increases growth rates and thus increase the amount of carbon dioxide it intakes every day and year.Scratch DNA can be added to ensure this takes 1-5 minutes with DNA also coming from fast growing plants such as certain species of Bambusoideae,micro algae etc.To deal with any issues of telomere damage as a result of mitosis the same DNA from Bacillus F,T.gammatolerans and those to produce phosphatidylcholines etc used in ageing treatments for humans except those from endolithic bacteria will ensure all future cells will be healthy young cells and not degrade due to mitosis with if possible induced plutipotent,totipotent and other stem cells used as a baseline.T.gammatolerans recombinant DNA will allow it to grow in different wavelengths possibly all when scratch DNA is added or those from different plants mixed to further speed up growth rates using those outside its normal wavelengths to speed up growth rates.Recombinant DNA from psychrophillic,mesophillic and thermophillic bacteria and also native plants will allow them to grow in all climates,seasons and even in cold snaps,rainy periods with xerophile,Firmicutes and oligotrophic DNA allowing them to grow in dry periods and with other engineering allowing them to survive wet periods.This engineering wil allow them to survive all seasons – spring,summer,autumn and of course winter with them housing DNA from native plants and also importantly psychrophiles to not be damaged by frosts,cold snaps and rainh periods and even droughts,Xerophile DNA will reduce water needs thus allowing them to adapt to temperate climates with this and Firmicutes DNA will be at the same time help them survive droughts and heatwaves that will be a problem with regards to current climatic conditions.Oligotrophic DNA will be added to have them require less nitrogen and phosphorus.Fetriliser drones and robots will apply water and fertiliser to all plantations manage by Pan.Marine cloud brightening will lead rain rich systems to plantations worldwide to not only cool them in droughts and heatwaves with it also providing them with adequate levels of rain.DNA will also come from native plants and scratch DNA to survive all soils and climates with scratch DNA allowing them to grow in land not suited for agriculture.Chemosynthetic DNA will allow it in the case of outdoor plantations to grow at night time further increasing growth rates and the rate at which carbon dioxide is intaken and also intake excess methane from the atmosphere to be used as extra plant matter with this also in indoor plantations if the artificial trees have zeolites in their structure to allow for methane to intaken and transported into the buildings with this also aiding in returning methane levels in the atmosphere back to 722ppb.It can allow for excess methane in the atmosphere to be intaken as fertiliser by plants creating more carbohydrates etc and reducing needs for phosphorus and nitrogen.Once methane levels return to normal methane created by bacteria can be pumped into plantations to replace nitrogen and phosphorus etc.The recombinant DNA from capnophille bacteria may require aerotolerant bacteria DNA to ensure they can do so in the high oxygen atmosphere outside since these bacteria can only do so in low oxygen conditions with even faculatative anaerobes,anaerobes,obligate anaerobes,capnophiles and scratch DNA can be added to the plants genome to naturally use both carbon dioxide and oxygen as energy acceptors alongside nitrate(NO3−),fumarate,sulphate(SO42−),or sulphur(S).Scratch DNA will also increase the intake of carbon dioxide.It is is a scientific fact that increased levels of carbon dioxide creates plants with lower levels of nutrients but since these plants will be pyrolysised such concerns are not of any importance with as much carbon dioxide pumped into them to increase their rate of growth as much as physically possible.Recombinant DNA from oligotrophic bacteria can be integrated to lower the strain on them needing more nutrients to grow as a result of this increased carbon dioxide with xerophile DNA lowering their water needs also as result of this as well with recombinant DNA from capnophillic and anaerobic and aerotolerant bacteria and those from scratch possibly allowing them to increase the amount of carbon dioxide they can intake without any negative effects and also store more carbon dioxide before pyrolysis with this level of engineering also applying to those growing in the wild.Capnophille bacteria DNA and DNA from Castanea dentata(American Chestnut Tree) and other trees that intake larger amounts of carbon dioxide ie Juglans nigra,Pseudotsuga menziesii,Pinus ponderosa can be a source of recombinant DNA to increase the amount of carbon dioxide they intake with DNA from oligotropes and xerophiles used to reduce strains on nutrients and water that would result from increased carbon dioxide intake with other DNA made from scratch to better integrate these and push these limits.The DNA of both C.sativa and Bambusoideae to intake large amounts of carbon dioxide can be added to each other and other plants.If possible they may be fitted with DNA from plants that are able to undergo C4 concentration Amaranthaceae,Gramineae,Cyperaceae,Asteraceae,Brassicaceae,Paulownia to limit the amount of carbon dioxide they need and if combined with caohnophile DNA and scratch DNA will be more efficient at using this gas in them both in vertical farms and outside.DNA from other C4 and C3 concentration photosynthetic plants to increase productivity.Further engineering from DNA scratch would allow them to intake more carbon dioxide at night without photosynthetic reactions and allow those grown indoors to grow without lights decreasing energy costs with this DNA likely coming from chemosynthetic bacteria and would also ensure the level they intake year long will be constant regardless of seasonal changes in the amount of carbon dioxide intaken all year.DNA from microbes can extract carbon from the air at much lower concentrations than 150-200ppm,scratch DNA and that from plants that carry out C3 photosynthesis can be added to the genome of all plants to improve efficiency with them engineered to utilise carbon dioxide more efficiently.This chemosynthetic bacteria DNA will also be used to intake excess methane from the atmosphere.Recombinant DNA from oligotrophs and xerophiles will also allow them to grow with lower levels of water an fertlisers when grown with the possibility of them absorbing anywhere from 50-70% more carbon dioxide than trees.DNA from with DNA from chemosynthetic bacteria,Nitrosomas Beggiatoa,Cupriavidus necator can allow them to intake methane,hydrogen gas,ammonia,hydrogen sulfide,iron and other inorganic compounds can also allow them to grow in the dark cutting down on energy costs for lightening and use methane,hydrogen gas,ammonia,hydrogen sulfide,iron as fertiliser.The chemosynthetic bacteria DNA and scratch DNA can allow them to grow and intake carbon dioxide at night without sunlight but also intake excess methane in the atmosphere thus not only removing and sequestering excess methane in the atmosphere but also using it as a fertiliser replacing nitrogen and phosphorus.This could aid in efforts to lower methane levels from 1,800ppb to 722ppb.Recombinant DNA from T.gammatolerans will allow them to grow in areas that have high levels of radiation with DNA from super strains of Geobacter will allow them to grow in areas of contaminated soils.It may be possible to engineer them to grow to much higher heights and thus take in more carbon dioxide with the fastest growing species of Bambusoideae added to all plants used ie those those that grow as much as 2.5 metres a day and growing as high as the tallest trees such as Sequoia sempervirens using DNA from this and have DNA from Paulownia tomentosa to increase growth rates.DNA from Fallopia japonica,Pueraria montana which as are fast growing ie P.montana that can grow one foot every day with if possible those in outdoor farms growing on average to as much as 91.44 metres using S.sempervirens,P.tomentosa DNA added to all plants used with the DNA from F.japonica,P.monatana added to all plants not only causing the main bark of the plants to grow faster at a rate of about an extra 0.3 metres a day and 20 metres a season also but also create large amounts of leafy material that stores extra carbon on all plants used and also larger amounts of leaves to increase photosynthesis thus creating more woody stem thus increasing growth rates and leaves etc and thus store more carbon dioxide as part of a positive feedback loop.This can include DNA from Laminaria digitata,Fucus serratus,Saccharina latissima,Macrocystis pyrifera  that are fast growing macro algae capable of growing 30-60 times faster than land plants and even that from Armillaria ostoyae that forms large underground networks of hyphae to increase growth rates and also leafy biomass.The DNA from L.digitata,F.serratus,S.latissima,M.pyrifera will also increase carbon dioxide rates due to them being able to intake more carbon dioxide than most species of seaweed.DNA from A.ostoyae will be used as this fungus can form large interconnected masses over at least 9.1 km2 or 910 hectares with this made to interact with genes that interact with the leaves further increase carbon dioxide intake and make them form large masses when made to interact with the leaves with the DNA from F.japonica,P.monatata,L.digitata,F.serratus,S.latissima,M.pyrifera engineered to interact with all parts of the plant and not just the leaves.If possible this and the self propagating abilities of certain Bambusoidea species will be added to make the plants self propagate.The A.ostoyae DNA will also be used as to create large underground masses or carbohydrate dense material composed mostly or entirely of carbon engineered to intake and store large amounts of carbon dioxide storing more of it to be harvested.If possible parts of the plant above ground can also grow large carbohydrate dense vegetable or fruit material on strong branches composed mostly or entirely of carbon engineered to intake and store large amounts of carbon dioxide storing more of it to be harvested.This can involve genes from Solanum tuberosum to create large amounts of tuber material composed of carbohydrates similar to them in large masses that can also intake and store extra carbon dioxide that can be removed from the soil to be then pyrolyised.Thus the roots will be engineered to create large systems of underground masses that contain large carbohydrate dense material similar to S.tuberosum to store more carbon dioxide that can be then pyrolysised once dug up.Genetic samples can be taken of the largest known specimens of A.ostoyae and rare mutations of crops that create oversized crops then added to Physis to be added to all plants.Nephropidae DNA that allows them live forever and grow larger indefinitely can be added to these plants as well as the plants will grow upwards indefinitely and produce more leaves that intakes more carbon dioxide and creates more woody stem creating a positive feedback and this also applying to the underground and overground material.Scratch DNA will make this applicable to the Bambusoideae plant and have it interact with all parts of the plant.Adding DNA from normal trees,hox genes  and scratch DNA could have each Bambusoideae plant could have them form tree like structures ie branches and large bushels of leaves like them that have the same composition of the Bambusoideae plant in branches thus ensuring the same amount of carbon dioxide is intaken thus allowing them to grow as tall as and even taller than S.sempervirens with them forming long leave and even carbohydrate vegetable material laden branches at all points of the plant with each branch creating smaller branches with each one also creating large amounts of leaves via engineering from F.japonica,P.monatana thus increasing biomass and thus the amount of carbon dioxide they store through a positive feedback loop with again DNA from trees and also scratch DNA added to the plant.Both the F.japonica,P.monata and A.ostoyae DNA will create large masses of leaves that spread outwards in the upper parts of the plants thus increasing intake of carbon dioxide and growth in all parts of the plant.The A.ostoyae DNA can be made to create large amounts of root systems that spread outwards forming large forests of the plants used especially Bambusoideae,C.sativa.Extra DNA may include hox genes from both trees and also arthropods including Diplopoda and scratch DNA extrapolated by AI to create large amounts of branches to produce more leaves,stem to store exponentially more carbon dioxide.The leaves can be made be those from any species of tree in existence and include large new leaves and also those from C.sativa with scratch DNA creating large bushels of leaves and large sized leaves to store extra carbon dioxide.These bushels and branches would grow as high as possible well beyond the 91 metres of the tallest trees even as much as a kilometre or two.Recombinant DNA from the tallest specimens of S.sempervirens namely Hyperion,Helios,Icarus and Daedalus will be added with scratch DNA allowing them to keep growing even several kilometres high.Just as they can be engineered to produce large masses of carbohydrates underground then it is possible for the branches on the top part of the plants to produce large fleshy carbohydrate dense fruits and vegetables etc that in turn then store extra carbon dioxideto be then pyrolysised.This can involve them producing fruit etc similar to Musa,Cocos nucifera,Solanum lycosperium,Malus etc using recombinat DNA from them which not be edible etc but be using scratch DNA or that from S.tuberosum to create large carbohydrate dense material that although inedible will store extra carbon dioxide when pyrolysised with the branches using scratch DNA etc to be strong enough to support them.These false fruits and vegetables will be harvested and then pyrolysised alongside both the stem and leaves.These plants would be engineered to never stop growing either outwards or upwards to the point that they would then be harvested at the highest theoretical point that the plants could sustain themselves.This could be even as high as a kilometre or two or even more to increase their heights and thus amount of carbon dioxide they intake by a factor of a 1,000 from their original cababilities.Recombinant DNA from either Serratia liquefaciens,Carnobacterium genus and even Methanothermobacter wolfeii,Methanosarcina barkeri,Methanobacterium formicicum combined will allow them to survive the high heights and thus be able to grow high as the death zone of 8,000 metres.The DNA from F.japonica,P.monatana may create plants that form large messy masses that will be easily harvested and then shipped to pyrolysis units and plants with the tall heights of 91.44 metres allowing for even more carbon dioxide to be stored in a taller plant.DNA can come from the tallest specimens namely Hyperion,Helios,Icarus and Daedalus that are at least 115.7 metres tall.Acer and Querces DNA will be added to make the form thick wood that stores more carbon dioxide.S.babylonica,Graminae,C.sativa can use this S.sempervirens,P.tomentosa DNA to grow as tall as 91.44 metres with them housing Bambusoidea,Quercus DNA to form thick stems to grow this tall without collapsing on themselves.The fast growth rates of C.sativa that takes only four months to mature can be added to Bambusoideae and other plants with the self propagation of Bambusoideae added to C.sativa and other plants with all plants have the ability to fix nitrogen.The self propagation phenotype will save energy in replanting new plants.The ability of self propagation,fast growth rates of 2.5 metres a day and maximum height of 40 metres in certain species of Bambusoideae will be added to all plants used to cut down on labour costs and increase the amount of carbon dioxide intaken.Those in greenhouses and underground tunnels can be exposed to gamma radiation once fitted with DNA from W.dermatitidis,C.sphaerospermum and C.neoformans can be added to them to induce extra growth from radiosynthesis,that is,to use the pigment melanin to convert gamma radiation into chemical energy for growth.Tweaks can be made to do this with other types of radiation including UV radiation allowing them to gain nutrition from the sun and that from artificial lights and radiation devices to increase growth rates.Devices and lights that emit gamma,UV and other radiation can be in greenhouses and underground tunnels with outdoor plantations getting UV radiation from the sun and devices that emit gamma radiation in the plantations with any human workers and all native flora and fauna made immune to radiation or wearing radiation suits.Tweaks can be made to do this with other types of radiation with scratch DNA used to make the DNA from the radiotrophic fungi to actively convert the radiation into energy in a way that the radiation is removed from the atmosphere.The DNA can be tweaked to allow it to use radiation as a fertiliser instead of nitrogen,phosphorus and water.Recombinant DNA from T.gammatolerans,chemosynthetic bacteria and DNA from scratch and other plants and bacteria could allow them to grow in all other wavelengths outside their normal range increasing growth rates and survive UV radiation from areas of low ozone.Studies can be done as to what intensity of radiation between 5-30,000Gy that is in the survival range of T.gammatolerans can both sterilise it and also provide maximum growth rates.This should be applied only when all humans and all other specimens of plants and animals are made immune to radiation.The faster the plants grow the more carbon dioxide they intake and also faster they reach the maximum height to be then harvested and then replanted thus increasing the amount of harvests each year and thus the amount of carbon dioxide that is intaken and removed from the atmosphere and tunnels each year.All plants will be engineered to grow in all climates,seasons including autumn and winter and any sudden extremes and soils around the world using extremophile DNA and also that from local plants including psychrophile,mesophile,thermophile bacteria DNA and other DNA with scratch DNA created by Phanes also aiding this and its ability to intake carbon dioxide and also increase growth rates and the height that they can grow to.Oligotrophic,xerophile and other types of DNA will allow them to grow in cold snaps,harsh winters,rainy periods.Xerophile and Firmicutes DNA will be able to grow in dry spells and droughts.This should apply to all plants grown for this such as trees,Gramineae,S.babylonica and C.sativa.Dendrocalamus giganteus which is the tallest growing Bambusoideae should be used as a baseline alongside these other ones and scratch to increase the heights it can grown with recombinant DNA from solid Bambusoideae to prevent the issue of hollow species not holding enough fibrous material with if possible as stated DNA from Acer and Quercus allowing them to hold more fibrous material.Thus the plants will be engineered to house large stores of fibrous material without hollow spaces and also air pockets that cause it to pop in biochar systems and store more carbon dioxide as well as give support to grow this tall.The stem will be engineered to not hold air similar to conventional Bambusoideae preventing them popping etc in biochar systems with them also not being hollow to give it support for the leaves etc with it storing more fibrous material to store more carbon dioxide.This level of engineering should apply to both indoor and outdoor projects with the Bambusoideae ability to self propagate added to the C.sativa and all types of plants with seed planting drones replanting them if self propagation is not present.Thus all plants used such as Gramineae,Bambusoideae,S.babylonica,C.sativa will have all of these types of recombinant DNA to increase growth rates,grow as tall as possible,grow in all climates and soils,increase the amount of carbon dioxide they intake.This will improve the amount of carbon dioxide intake and stored as biochar for several reasons – firstly the fast growth rates require larger amounts of carbon dioxide to do so,secondly they will create larger amounts of leaves to store more carbon dioxide in the leaves and stem,thirdly it allows them to grow as high as at least 91.44 metres which will hold more carbon dioxide with the the fast growing rates allowing them to also be able to reach maturity much quicker if possible in as little as 1-2 months to allow them to be harvested quickly and thus replanted instantly to intake even more carbon dioxide as there would be at least 6-12 planting and harvesting seasons each year in each plantation.The faster the plants grow the more carbon dioxide they intake and also faster they reach the maximum height to be then harvested and then replanted.More tall massive plants harvested each year means more carbon dioxide intaken.The self propagation phenotype of some species Bambusoideae will be applied to all plants used to ensure that once harvested they will grow new plants with them engineered using recombinant DNA from totipotent stem cells and A.mexicanum,Hydra,Planarians etc to ensure they regrow and self propagate instantly when harvested to save time with them have glysophate applied or then dug up at the roots when no longer needed for this. If possible microbes in the roots and other parts of the plant can be via biosynth Wifi be made to remove the accelerated healing phenotype from the plant and produce natural and synthetic herbicides when the land is to be reforested.The ability to fix nitrogen will be fitted into all species also to save the need for applying nitrogen with this and other fertilisers also applied via drones applying these controlled by Pan alongside all operations such as planting,harvesting and transportation and even deciding where they take place with them all engineered to be resistant to all viral,fungal and bacterial pathogens etc with repellance to all pests engineered into them.Fast growing S.babylonica and trees with the same level of engineering including those to increase growth rates to the same speed as C.sativa or Bambusoideae and have equal carbon dioxide intake can also be used with them used in tandem with each other in rotation in outdoor plantations and in different floors of greenhouses.All of the aforementioned sources of DNA will be mixed into each species of plant used in outdoor and indoor plantations to increase growth rates and biomass that will store more carbon dioxide and mean they will reach very tall heights and maturity very quickly allowing for the rate of harvesting and replanting to be speed up much quicker increasing the amount of carbon dioxide removed from the atmosphere with this allowing for multiple harvests each year.All species will have DNA from nitrogen fixing plants to help them fix nitrogen into the soil and also prevent soil erosion and in fact enrich the soil with fertilisers applied to plants in outdoor plantations via fertiliser robots and drones managed by Pan.Hybrids between all plants Gramineae,S.babylonica,C.sativa and D.giganteus can be made that are are hybrids of two or all of these to increase their size etc and thus carbon dioxide intaken.By 2025-2029 these hybrid plants of all species used such as Bambusoidea,S.babylonica,C.sativa,Graminae will be created with all the necessary aforementioned DNA from all types of bacteria and plants to allow for primary and then final fully fledged plantations to begin as early as 2029.Ideally all outdoor plantations should use cycles of rotation of C.sativa,Bambusoideae,S.babylonica and native trees with the same engineering to prevent the land being overused though since Bambusoideae can enrich soils then recombinant DNA from it and C.juncea can be added to both C.sativa and S.babylonica to negate this with nanosensors in the soil signalling what nutrients to add overtime with them also grown in between each other and other fast growing trees with the same level of engineering to negate this.Trifolium,Bambusoideae and C.juncea and other native nitrogen fixing plants can be planted in between the plants or their DNA can be added to the plants used in carbon sequestration planted and relevant bacteria added to the soil to ensure that levels of nitrogen in the soil is constant.Once levels fall back to pre industrial levels all land used for this will be permanently reforested with forest farms.Thus this engineering can allow even native trees of all species undergoing the same engineering including the fast growth rates of Bambusoideae,capnophilic bacteria,C.dentata,E.coli,C.perfringens and heights of S.sempervirens,P.tomentosa,D.giganteus to be used in carbon sequestrian techniques allowing native trees in all countries to be used with them ideally a separate species with these trees,C.sativa,Bambusoideae,S.babylonica etc can be grown in the same area and then harvested at once and then pyrolysised to prevent soil erosion due to monocropping with the C.sativa and Bambusoideae rejuvinating soil.These would after several years even decades would have sequestered large amounts of carbon dioxide thus increasing the amount of carbon dioxide removed from the atmosphere and amount of graphene etc to be created since al plants even C.sativa,Bambusoideae and any trees used would be engineered to grow as tall as 91 metres.Otherwise they will be grown in rotation with entire fields and whole areas of open fields in rural areas and the outskirts of cities in sub tropical and temperate parts of the world will have large plantations that stretch outwards in all directions as far as possible with artificial hedges and stone walls in meadows torn down and recycled or pyrolysised.These will form entire forests of the chosen plants that will outstretch to where existing forests exist and will be inbetween all rural areas taking up agricultural land and also meadows,grassland etc to allow for as many of the chosen plants to be planted and then harvested.In some cases native species of Gramineae will be grown in between these plants in rotation or in between the plants when they are in their cycle and would have the same engineering to increase growth rates and carbon dioxide intake including that from S.sempervirens,P.tomentosa and also F.japonica,P.monatana to make them grow just as fast and even just as high to be then harvested alongside them and then pyrolysised to not interrupt local flora and fauna in both of them.In home farms especially those as part of large estates this will grown alongside clusters of the other plants.Each season will utilise different plants in rotation or different plants mixed together using the same level of engineering to increase growth rates and also carbon dioxide intake rates to prevent soil degradation.Once plants reach maturity they will be harvested and sent to organic waste plants to be pyrolysised and the land they occupied have the plants replanted to allow them to sequester more carbon dioxide with this process repeated over and again in both indoor and outdoor plantations with the biochar sent to both Aphrodite buildings and farms etc.All work in these programmes worldwide will be automated from start to finish controlled by Pan to eliminate human corruption,cutting of corners and improve efficiency with him deciding where in the world they will take place.When the levels of carbon dioxide returns to pre-industrial levels then this land will be reforested and turned into forest,meadow and grassland hybrid farms with glysophate etc used to kill off overgrown plants.If possible all plants can store biocompatible microbes present that show on Brauron and Pan etc the location of all plants and their root systems with them allowing their location and spread to be viewed through biosynth WiFi with this used to control their growth with if the plants become invasive and spread across and area outside where they are supposed to grown the Biosynth WiFi through satellites can used to apply suicide genes to leaves and the root systems killing them and even applying genes to make them unable to grow in the soil and climate thus allowing them to die off in winter etc with out effecting the native ecosystem with other measures to deal with invasive plants used.

All community,home and vertical farms are set up worldwide by at least 2029 all land in temperate and non tropic areas like China,India,Europe and North America will have all agricultural land first used as plantations for biochar creation and sequestrian roughly 5,540,146,442.2656 hectares of agricultural land can be used for this thus allowing it be quickly finished and by the end of the century this can be permanently reforested into hybrid meadow,grassland and forest farms.Land not suited for agriculture such as by mountains and rocky areas will be used via creating soil to be compacted onto it but also by engineered the plants to be able to growing in these soils.Thus these areas would have Bambusoideae,C.sativa,S.babylonica and native trees that are hybrids of native and crop trees that are all engineered to grow faster and intake extra carbon dioxide using all the aforementioned DNA such as capnophiles,aerotolerant and faculatative anaerobic bacteria,E.Coli,C.dentata,S.sempervirens,P.tomentosa,D.giganteus,T.gammatolerans etc and then when they mature after a decade or so and have matured can be harvested and pyrolysised and then replanted with this done all over the world on all land in the developing and developed world used as agriculture with the tropics being the exception which will be fully reforested indefinitely as soon as possible by 2029.This is because the role they play in maintaining the homeostasis of the planet in terms of the hydrological cycle and also rainfall patterns in other areas of the planet and also because these areas are biodiversity dense areas

These outdoor plantations that involve simply growing these plants in the open will primarily be done in key temperate countries with large swathes of land to be used for plantation forests of the plants will be temperate areas of North America,Central and South America including Mexico and also Canada,all of Europe including Germany,France,Ireland and Scandanavia,Africa,China,India,Russia and other parts of the world with indoor programmes done in Brazil and other tropical areas as well as deserts across the world with programmes in home gardens and in cities done here as well.Bambusoideae and C.sativa etc will be engineered to survive and grow in these countries climate and soils via DNA from native plants and also extremophile bacteria.Other countries will of course be used but these are where the vast majority of the outdoor plantations will occur due to them having large areas of suitable land and stable predictable climates not as badly affected by climate change than the rest of the world with bountiful levels of rain and sun with islands as part of these countries used as well ie Dursey Island,Aran Islands,Isle of Man,Isle of Wight,Shetland and Faroe Islands,Corsica,Lanzarote etc.They will also be engineered with DNA from extremophiles and native plants to thrive in all soils and climates including those not suitable for agriculture and survive all seasons.droughts,cold snaps and rainy seasons alongside those to increase their carbon dioxide intake.These countries will also grow macro algae by the coast and in deep ocean farms to be turned into biochar.Pan including his proto forms will decide where each of these projects will be and how much land is used and what plants to use in rotation.Outdoor plantations will work in temperate and tropical regions while indoor ones will work in desert regions.These countries have large areas of meadows and suitable arable land not used for agricultural purposes with the plants grown on roofs of communal homes as well as hospitals,amenities,vertical farms,government buildings and universities and on their grounds,private home gardens and those of large estates and castles,on the grounds of large parks,in between crops in community farms and in parks will increase the amount of area outside of agricultural land for it to be grown.If need be only half of this area of land need be used to grow the plant with engineering increasing growth rates.Once agricultural land is not needed due to improvements in agriculture this agricultural land will be used. Once agricultural land is not needed due to improvements in agriculture this agricultural land will be used.Once these countries switch to Aquaponics,vertical farms,genetically engineered bacteria etc like the rest of the world they will have large areas of arable land available to grow these plants in large plantations encircling towns,villages and cities etc with once levels drop to 280ppm then most of this land will be reforested with native plants with these plantations continuing to be carried out in parks and some wilderness areas as remaining reserves of fossil fuels are used.All steps in carbon sequestration projects will not only be automated from start to finish managed by Pan but also powered by renewables such as geothermal,wave power and also carbon neutral synthetic oil and gas and also electric vehicles to make them carbon negative.Once the world returns to 280 ppm then these carbon sequestration programmes will still occur in these countries if not worlds to keep it at that when fossil fuels are burned at 10% rather than 87% with Pan interacting with sensors as part of Theoi Meteroi detecting levels of carbon dioxide and also power plants to ensure that the amount of carbon dioxide being released and sequestered is exactly 1:1 that is for every gigatone released every year then exactly one gigatonne is sequestered every year with this done worldwide.Geothermal the predominant energy source will release 97-98% less carbon dioxide than fossil fuels as a geothermal powered world will take 22-41 years to release the same amount of carbon dioxide a fossil fuel world dies in one year with SNOX filters and other measures reducing their carbon footprint possiblt to zero.Once levels are reduced to pre industrial levels of 280ppm and genetic engineering improves their carbon dioxide intake even more exponentially then only a smaller fraction of land worldwode will be needed and the vast majority of land formerly used in original carbon sequestration plantations in each country especially former agricultural land used for these plantations will be permenantly reforested into jungles,forests and meadows.These plants can be also using chemosynthetic bacteria and scratch DNA intake excess methane in the atmosphere bringing it from 1,800ppb to pre industrial levels of 722ppb and continue to remove that from remaining livestock.They also have large numbers of suburbs and private estates with large enough gardens and surrounding wilderness to grow the plants which can increase the amount of land to grow them outside of meadows etc.These would form forests on agricultural land,in between towns and cities and housing estates and all lay fields and land taken up by grass.Some wilderness areas will be used depending on the fertility of the soil with engineering allowing them to grow in poor soil with artificial soil made in factories and spread and compacted into the ground to create viable layers of soil.Having them grow higher,form large masses from F.japonica,P.montana and also fast growing bacteria and DNA from bacteria and plants that increase growth rates as detailed will increase growth rates.One hectare of Bambusoideae can intake 12.35 tonnes of carbon dioxide every year.If the plants are also engineered to intake 100 times more carbon dioxide every year(1,235 tonnes every year per hectare) through engineering,growing faster and taller and producing large amounts of leaves etc then every year then 123.5Gt can be sequstered  on 100,000,000 hectares about 0.67372% of the Earths surface.To sequester 138.4Gt roughly 110,909,091 hectares or 0.74722% of the Earths surface may be needed with 185.3Gt sequestered on 1% of the Earths surface with 10% removing 1,853Gt per year.If possible engineering could ensure 12,350 tonnes can be intaken every year on each hectare every year by increasing their ability by 1,000 times then 0.067372% of the Earths surface would be required to intake 123.5Gt,0.074722% of the Earths surface to intake 138.4Gt,0.74722% of the Earths surface intaking 1,384Gt with 1% intaking 1,853Gt per year every year using Bambusoidaea plantations.Carbon sequestration programmes as detailed in the energy environmental management section will involve Bambusoidea,Cannabis sativa.Salix Babylonica enginered to intake 10 – 1,000 times more carbon dioxide than normal and grow in all soils and climates worldwide which one it reaches maturity will be harvested and pyrolysised and converted into synthetic diamond,fertiliser and graphene to lock the carbon forever into commercial products.If the plants are also engineered to intake 100 times more carbon dioxide every year(1,235 tonnes every year per hectare) through engineering,growing faster and taller and producing large amounts of leaves etc then every year then 123.5Gt can be sequstered  on 100,000,000 hectares about 0.67372% of the Earths surface.To sequester 138.4Gt roughly 110,909,091 hectares or 0.74722% of the Earths surface may be needed with 185.3Gt sequestered on 1% of the Earths surface with 10% removing 1,853Gt per year.If possible engineering could ensure 12,350 tonnes can be intaken every year on each hectare every year by increasing their ability by 1,000 times then 0.067372% of the Earths surface would be required to intake 123.5Gt,0.074722% of the Earths surface to intake 138.4Gt,0.74722% of the Earths surface intaking 1,384Gt with 1% intaking 1,853Gt per year every year using Bambusoidaea plantations.By comparison the world emits 37.1Gt of carbon dioxide every year leaving a net removal of 1,815Gt of carbon dioxide every year if we burned fossil fuels at our current rate with a world powered by only geothermal would emit 0.6-1.66Gt every year leaving a net removal of 1,852.4Gt carbon dioxide while the ideal one powered by 10% fossil fuels and 70% geothermal would release 10.6Gt every year meaning every year would have a net removal of 1,842.4Gt of carbon dioxide every year using both geothermal and fossil fuels.These will occur in temperate and tropical countries with the plants enginered to survive the local climate and soils across the world and will include most of Europe including France,Germany,Ireland etc,China and India and North and Central America with it done in land previously used for agriculture once the world shifts to vertical farms etc with once finished the land will be permenantly reforested with since fossil fuels will be continued to be used at a much smaller rate of about 10% these programmes will continue in each countries.These countries have predictable climates and large tracts of rich arable soil with the plants engineered to survive the native soils and climates especially winters and droughts etc.Other programmes will involve macro algae which using 9% of the worlds oceans can remove 53Gt of carbon dioxide every year with genetic engineering increasing this by as much as 10-1,000 times and even allowing less of the ocean to be used as little as 0.009-0.9% of the worlds oceans to be used.By comparison the world emits 37.1Gt of carbon dioxide every year leadung to a net removal of 15.9Gt of carbon dioxide every year while still burning at our current rate with a world powered by only geothermal would emit 0.6-1.66Gt every year leaving a net removal of 52.4Gt carbon dioxide while the ideal one powered by 10% fossil fuels and 70% geothermal would release 10.6Gt every year meaning every year would have a net removal of 42.4Gt of carbon dioxide every year using both geothermal and fossil fuels.Macro algae can be grown in the worlds oceans and harvested and pyrolysised to remove at least 53Gt of carbon dioxide every year if only 9% of the world oceans is used with genetic engineering increasing this by anywhere between 10-1,000 times allowing even less of the worlds oceans to be used as little as 0.009-0.9% of the worlds oceans to be used.Like terrestrial based programmes the plants will be pyrolysised into biochar.These would undergoe genetic engineering to increase growth rates and carbon dioxide intake with if it can intake 10 times more carbon dioxide thus allowing even only 0.9% intake 53Gt or allow 9% to intake 530Gt with indoor systems used using recirculating aquaculture systems with them using carbon dioxide from artificial trees.If it can intake 100 times more carbon dioxide then 9% can intake 5,300Gt,0.9% intake 530Gt and 0.09% intake 53Gt.This extra 53-5,300Gt can be ontop of what is intaken by outdoor plantations with the algae also pyrolysised into biochar with it also removing carbon dioxide stored in the oceans reducing ocean acidity and preventing them acting as sinks.If possible genetic engineering similar to Bambusoidea etc could allow 1,000 times more carbon dioxide thus allowing 9% of the worlds oceans to remove 53,000Gt,0.9% intake 5,300Gt,0.09% intake 530Gt and 0.009% intake 53Gt anually.These will take place on the coasts of all coastal countries with it also done on deep ocean rigs.Phanes combined with Physis and 3D 3D DNA printers will expediate thr development of these genetically engineered plants that intake exponentially more carbon dioxide will take only a few years or even days with all steps in planting,harvesting and pyrolysis being automated from start to finish.It should be possible through all of these combined to revert carbon dioxide levels from 422ppm to 280ppm between 2045 – 2100 the latest with this certainly possible by 2100 if starting by 2030.The current level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is currently roughly 422ppm with 142ppm excess in the atmosphere and 165ppm by 2029 with each 1ppm by volume of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere thus represents approximately 7.82 Gt of carbon dioxide with this means that 1,110.44Gt needs to be removed from the atmosphere.In 2029 about with carbon dioxide concentrations of 445ppm about 1,290.3Gt needs to be removed.If we were remove 15.9Gt annually then carbon dioxide levels will drop by 2ppm every year meaning it will take 82 years to return to pre industrial levels with if 42.9Gt is removes every year it will drop by 5.41ppm every year taking 30 years to return to pre industrial levels,removing 100Gt every year will reduce it by 12.7ppm every year meaning it will take 13 years to return to pre industrial levels,removing 130Gt would reduce it by 16.5ppm every year meaning it would take 10 years to return to pre industrial levels,removing 258Gt would reduce it by 32ppm every year meaning it would take 5 years to return to pre industrial levels,removing 429Gt will have it drop by 54.1ppm every year taking 3 years to return to pre industrial levels with removing 1815Gt will cause it to drop by 232ppm every year and take less than a year to return to pre industrial levels and so on.AI and human researchers will carry out intensive research as deatailed in the environmental management section of this website to exponentially increase the rate of carbon dioxide intake of macro algae and Bambusoidea etc exponentially starting in 2023 with automated programmes starting between 2025-2029.Macro algae will only need to be engineered to intake 3 times as much carbon dioxide as it normally can and Bambusoidea etc would only need to intake about a 100 times more carbon dioxide as it normally can Proto AI and 3D DNA printers should expediate there development making it possible by 2030 for these to intake these required levels if not more every year by 2030 thus meaning it should be possible to revert carbon dioxide levels back to pre industrial levels of 280ppm by 2040 the earliest and 2060 the latest.In order to revert carbon dioxide back to pre industrial levels by 2040 over the course of a decade if this level of engineering can be achieved by 2030.By 2029-2035 it could be possible to remove up to 100Gt every year with by 2040 it could be possible for 130Gt to 200Gt to be removed every year with marine cloud brightening and calcium aerosol programmes started in 2030 to mask the worst effects of climate change.From 2029 onwards the rate at which it will drop and rate at which the plants through genetic engineering will increase this rate will increase exponentially every year.It can also involve artificial trees that intake one tonne of carbon dioxide every day can through advances in technology such as nanomaterials and Biosynthetic technology exponentially increasing this by 10-1,000 times by 2035-2045.Through this exponentional increase of these artificial trees ability to intake carbon dioxide.if possible as much as 109,500,000Gt(109.6Pt) could be removed annually every year by 2045-2060 using only 1% of the Earths surface via artificial trees that each intake a thousand tonnes of carbon dioxide a day composed of nanomaterials and biosynth technology.This is roughly 7,670 times more carbon dioxide in all remaining naturally formed reserves of fossil fuels such as oil,gas and coal worldwide roughly 14,275Gt.It is roughly 103,791 times more than what needs to be removed from the atmosphere. This use of artificial trees will be used in carbon sequestration programmes as part of terraforming planets rich in carbon dioxide such as Mars and Venus.These programmes will involve these artificial trees in taking carbon dioxide is then converted into dry ice that is shipped to greenhouses or underground tunnels etc that house the aforementioned plants that is then intaken by the plants which are then pyrolysised into biochar.Once agricultural land is not needed due to improvements in agriculture this agricultural land will be used.Once these countries switch to Aquaponics,vertical farms,genetically engineered bacteria etc like the rest of the world they will have large areas of arable land available to grow these plants in large plantations encircling towns,villages and cities etc with once levels drop to 280ppm then most of this land will be reforested with native plants with these plantations continuing to be carried out in parks and some wilderness areas as remaining reserves of fossil fuels are used.Once the world returns to 280 ppm then these carbon sequestration programmes will still occur in these countries if not worldwode to keep it at that when fossil fuels are burned at 10% rather than 87% with Pan interacting with sensors as part of Theoi Meteroi detecting levels of carbon dioxide and also power plants to ensure that the amount of carbon dioxide being released and sequestered is exactly 1:1 that is for every gigatone released every year then exactly one gigatonne is sequestered every year with this done worldwide.Pan will make sure that carbon dioxide levels will stay at 280ppm forever and if they rise above it then it will increase the amount of plants grown and if it falls below it will burn extra bacteria based fossil fuels or reduce the amount of land used for biochar sequestration etc to prevent it freezing the Earth.Geothermal the predominant energy source will release 97-98% less carbon dioxide than fossil fuels as a geothermal powered world will take 22-41 years to release the same amount of carbon dioxide a fossil fuel world dies in one year with SNOX filters and other measures reducing their carbon footprint possiblt to zero.Once levels are reduced to pre industrial levels of 280ppm and genetic engineering improves their carbon dioxide intake even more exponentially then only a smaller fraction of land worldwode will be needed and the vast majority of land formerly used in original carbon sequestration plantations in each country especially former agricultural land used for these plantations will be permenantly reforested into jungles,forests and meadows.This process of biochar carbon sequestration and artificial trees is more effective than simply planting trees and storing it underground as the carbon dioxide is permanently removed from the atmosphere,can remove larger amounts of carbon dioxide,stores it forever in useful commercial products,can be done anywhere in the world over and over again on the same amount of land,can be fully automated with no human labour with existing programmes that sequester it in the ground ceasing and those already stored in saline aquifers and also limestone removed via boring underground and also oil wells that can remove the carbon dioxide and return it there again.Rather than planting trees once the plants used intake carbon dioxide and once mature they are harvested,cut down and pyrolysised by heating it to high temperatures in a way that release no extra carbon dioxide but locks in a solid biochar material where it can be stored forever in synthetic diamonds,fertiliser,Graphene etc and then the land can be replanted and the process repeated over and over again using the same amount and area of land rather than once through reforesting land.Unlike planting trees which temporarily locks the carbon into plants that is then released in to the atmosphere once the plants dies and decays thus making them carbon neutral biochar locks the carbon dioxide permenantly into commercial products such as fertiliser,diamonds,Graphene and carbon composites thus making it a carbon negative process that lowers levels of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.Synthetic diamonds produced by these will shut down the blood dismond trade as they will become indistinguishable to real diamonds and become cheaper to manufacture every year from 2029 onwards and will be produced onsite of local manufacturing hubs.Graphene will be created to be used in electronics etc and biochar will be used as fertiliser to increase crop yields.The plants are harvested and pyrolysised wherein they are heated to a high temperature that causes them to form into a charcoal like structure that is then turned into fertiliser,diamonds etc that permenantly locks the carbon dioxide away forever with the process then repeated every year with new plants grown,harvested and then pyrolysised with this removing more carbon dioxide from the atmosphere over and over again thus exponentially decreasing the levels of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere every year.In the case of all plants such as macro algae and Bambusoidea,C.sativa.S.Babylonica used they will be planted then once they reach maturity harvested and pyrolysised that then converts it to biochar that can then be converted into commercial products that permenantly removes the carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and then allows more plants to be grown in its place to remove even more carbon dioxide exponentially by repeating the process over and over again.Furthermore it can be done anywhere in the world with this exponentionally increasing the amount of carbon dioxide removed and all plants used undergoing genetic engineering to not only grow faster and increase the amount of carbon dioxide removed but also be able to grow in all climates,soils and seasons.In desert areas and those with poor soils etc the plants can be grown in greenhouses and underground tunnels.Existing carbon sequestration that involves carbon dioxide pumped into saline aquifers and limestone can only deal with new carbon dioxide it cannot remove existing excess carbon dioxide in the atmosphere with it also only possible in a few finite places in Earth.All programmes both indoors and outdoor worldwide will be automated from start to finish and carried out by Pan to prevent corruption,sloppiness and cutting corners and done 24/7,365 days a year.Once carbon dioxide levels drop to pre industrial levels levels remaining reserves of oil,coal and gas will be burnt at a lower rate of 10-20% of the worlds energy supply with power plants connected to Theoi Meteroi and carbon sequestration programmes that ensure that each gigatonne of carbon dioxide released is sequestered at a rate of 1:1 meaning every gigatonne released will be sequestered keeping levels at 280ppm forever.Burning fossil fuels produced by bacteria can keep carbon dioxide levels stable at 280ppm if sequestration projects are too successful.Proven reserves should be used first with unproven reserves exploited with advances in technology especially theoretical transporter technology utilised to extract reserves under protected areas.This will be done to ensure and abundant supply of graphene,fullerenes,carbyne,artificial diamonds,biochar fertiliser for the next 2,600 years preventing it going to waste with all excess carbon dioxide in the atmosphere also converted into this.This includes the 10Tt of methane in the Arctic alone not taking into account the rest of the worlds stores of methane hydrates,oil,gas and coal of 4.274Tt and the 100Tt present in the form of molten carbon in the upper mantle to be exploited.This will thus prevent the carbon in the form of carbon dioxide going to waste since graphene,bukypapaer etc will be pivotal for the future.This will in total provide 115,565 Tt(115,565 Gt) of carbon for Graphene,diamonds,fertiliser putting it to good use and preventing it going to waste.Synthetic diamonds will replace real world ones shutting down the blood diamonds trade with Graphene etc pivotal in construction,electronics etc and biochar used as a high grade fertiliser when mixed with algae used to increase crop yields.These commodites will be in high demand over the coming centuries etc.Thus all carbon sequestration programmes to remove excess carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and those to sequester it from remaining reserves of fossil fuels and from geothermal power plants involving artificial trees and plants will turn the carbon dioxide into biochar fertiliser,graphene,buckypaper and artificial diamonds prior to the development of picotech fabricators and even after them to prevent the carbon going to waste with existing programmes that sequester it in the ground ceasing and those already stored in saline aquifers and also limestone removed via boring underground and also oil wells that can remove the carbon dioxide and return it there again.This method of biochar sequesteration is the most effective means compared to existing methods as it can be done anywhere in the world and removes existing excess carbon dioxide in the atmosphere compared to that involving limestone and saline sequestration that can be done in only a few places in the world and doesn’t remove existing carbon dioxide.By 2045 AI will develop way to extract the molten carbon in the upper mantle.Terraforming both Mars and Venus using artificial trees that remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere of both of them could provide an extra 2.42Pt of carbon for use as diamonds,Graphene etc with the vast reserves of methane on Titan when burnt in Earth,Mars,Venus etc could provide just as much.All colonies across the universe involving other Earth like planets will have fossil fuels burned at these parameters to gain access to carbon present,while planets and moons like Titan with large reserves of methane in their atmosphere will have the methane burned on Earth and other colonies to sequester it into carbon based commodites such as biochar,diamonds etc with other planets terraformed similar to Mars and Venus that have large concentrations of carbon dioxide in the their atmosphere will have them removed and oceans etc preventing it going to waste.By 2029 all of the world and especially these countries would be switched to community,home and vertical farms as well as invitro meat,bacteria based commodities as detailed earlier on to allow for all farmland and also meadows etc to be used as plantations to allow whole forests of the plants chosen to be planted on these countries with the plants engineered to survive and thrive in their specific climates,soils and seasons including autumn and winter to allow for increased intake of carbon dioxide.Other countries will of course be used but these are where the vast majority of the outdoor plantations will occur due to them having large areas of suitable land especially when the countries switch to community,home and vertical farms by 2029 with both former agricultural land and meadows,grasslands etc that can be used but also predictable weather patterns with bountiful levels of rain and sun with islands as part of these countries used as well ie Dursey Island,Aran Islands,Isle of Man,Isle of Wight,Corsica,Lanzarote etc.Areas that have depleted peat bogs especially in these areas will have them restored by growing large amounts of the native plants in the area in other fields and then compressed into peat like material and then deposited underground in areas that have natural peat bogs and these reforested.Pan even proto versions by 2020-2025 will use google maps and other satellites to zoom on large areas of these countries and plan where to put these plantations with hedges removed to make them large fields and thus whole forests that go around and in between towns,villages and cities and also even in between homes,housing estates and highways as far back as possible in all directions to existing forests with fields surrounded by roads also used.Drones controlled by him will sent into scour the areas in fleets and mark where the fields are,mark where hedges are to be removed and also entrances to these areas with if need be entrances connected to major highways and small roads added via construction machinery managed by him,Tyche and even humans paid by the local and national government with him using Google maps and also Silviaterra and eventually Brauron to scan whole areas of the chosen countries.The areas selected will ideally be right next to major cities and towns to be sent into nearby organic waste pyrolysis plants and also mobile ones in community centres to cut down on energy expenditure.All of this will be done before fully fledged programmes begin.Small patches of grass will be managed by human labourers paid reserves and also some automated machinery with large sizeable fields next to private homes have the owner paid money to plant and harvest them prior to money becoming obsolete with all land around them used as plantations.When levels fall back to 280ppm then the land used will be reforested.These can as stated be hybrid plantations and even those that are monocrops in rotation with the same level of engineering to survive all temperatures,seasons,climates and soils and will cover large areas of land that will inevitably be reforested into permanent hybrid forest/meadow and grassland farms with drones and cameras on poles overlooking them and monitoring their health through thermal imaging cameras and normal cameras fed into Pan alongside readings from Theoi Meteroi visible to the public.When Bambusoideae flowers and then spreads new pollen on the surrounding areas it usually dies off to allow new plants to grow with these dying plants harvested as soon as possible or even before dying to ensure all carbon dioxide will be sequestered in the form of biochar.The use of Bambusoideae would enrich soils for not only for the mixed plantations but also for when they are reforested indefinitely with this enriching the soil for reforestation plantations used to reforest the tropics and desertified areas but also areas eventually converted into permaculture meadow and grassland farms with all Bambusoideae pyrolysised in organic waste power plants to both enrich the soil and also remove carbon dioxide.Existing grasslands and even forests will have them planted in between trees with them harvested by robots and human volunteers with the GPS location of each plant denoted in Pan with even areas that will be eventually reforested and used as forest farms will be used as plantations.Thus all areas surrounding rural towns,cities etc in the aforementioned countries that will be eventually be reforested with forest farms including in meadows and grassland in rotations to enrich the soil and also remove carbon dioxide too.Areas that are superfund sites and also radioactive soils can have the Bambusoideae engineered to not only survive radiation and intake toxins in the soil via recombinant DNA from extremophile bacteria and all multicellular plants that intake and break down toxins to be then pyrolysised with the biochar and toxins separated to allow the biochar be used for graphene production and the toxins be used as commercial products with this not only cleaning the soil of pollutants and enriching it but also removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere with this done in forests and open fields affected with forests have all plant species inventoried before being cut down and then pyrolysised and toxins removed to allow Bambusoideae plantations to do so until all toxins are removed.Areas in these areas that have forests of trees that are contaminated will have them first cut down and pyrolysised and toxins removed but then again have plantations of biochar programmes set unharvested and pyrolysised and replanted until all toxins are broken down and removed with this done in a rotary system if need be to allow native flora and fauna to survive with a section of the forest first cut down and pyrolysised to allow for a significant section to be remediated using bamboo and when levels of toxins are gone then it will be reforested and this repeated until all of the forest is remediated with these then permanently reforested.If possible the outskirts of the area not covered in trees that is healthy will be reforested with all trees,ferns and bushes etc to allow animals to move there and then allow the contaminated areas to be cut down,pyrolysised and then remediated that also removes carbon dioxide and enriches the soil with these areas then reforested as well when bioremediation is done.All plants can be used in these and will be engineered to break down the toxins using DNA from plants that do this and also scratch DNA with the reforested trees also then engineered with this DNA.Areas as part of reforestation efforts both denuded land in the tropics,areas being converted to forests and grasslands in the Sahara,Middle East should have this done first at least for a decade to allow the soil be cleaned of pollutants and also have nitrogen fixed into the soil provided recombinant DNA from relevant species of Bambusoideae and C.juncea is added to improve fertility for permanent forests and grasslands soon put in its place provided nitrogen fixing bacteria are added to the soil with these first primary planted plants removing carbon dioxide.Trifolium,Bambusoideae and C.juncea and other native nitrogen fixing plants can be planted in between the plants or their DNA can be added to the plants planted and relevant bacteria added to the soil.This would not only improve soil structure for reforestation efforts but at the same time remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere with this done not only in temperate areas but also the tropics.The sheer size of the worlds deserts and agricultural land needed to be reforested will ensure over a 100Gt of carbon dioxide can be sequestered annually by outdoor plantations.All areas in temperate regions of the world outside of the tropics used for agriculture will be reforested indefinitely once levels of carbon dioxide returns to 280ppm with the plants enriching the soil for these permanent reforestations while still removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.Contaminated areas with radioactive and heavy metals will have this done to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and also remove pollutants from the soil with the pollutants sieved out from the biochar.Areas that are used for meadow,forest and community farms can have these plants planted inbetween crops during the year to improve soil fertility and then be harvested by humans or robots to be then pyrolysised with them planted by seed planter drones.When the engineering has even Bambusoidaea and C.sativa growing in as little time as a few months or even weeks can allow home and community and meadow farms to grow them in between each season of of crops to again capture carbon dioxide but also enrich the soil for the next growing season with extra planted in between crops for each season to further increase the amount that can be grown for sequestering and enrich the soil even further and save on the need for applying fertiliser during the year.Existing farms can have them grown in between crops and also in lay fields both during growing season or in rotation in between crops to cut down on fertiliser with them sent to pyrolysis plants.This would be of note to the continual burning of remaining reserves of fossil fuels at lower rates with the mixture of Bambusoideae,C.sativa,S.babylonica and trees can be engineered to grow as tall and as fast,intake the same amount of carbon dixoide etc with them providing shelter for wildlife,fruit and nut crops and hiking until harvested and reforested again and again until carbon dioxide levels fall to 280ppm and all remaining reserves of fossil fuels is burned.Since the DNA from C.juncea and the Bambusoideae itself in all of them will improve soil quality then all of these plants should ideally in outdoor plantations be grown together alongside fruit and crop native trees containing the same level of engineering to allow them all be harvested and pyrolysised together.Textile,vehicle and construction factories as well as community farms for livestock feed,textiles,hempcrete can order in unpyrolysised C.sativa in bulk and store it there for use when needed or store it in community centres in bulk where it can be taken in by the public or ordered in by Arachne,Selene,Lotis and Daedalus factories alongside farms if they are not able to store enough with the AIs of farms,factories and community centres managed by Persephone, Aristaeus,Arachne,Daedalus,Euthenia and Selene will control the transportation of it to and from each other on local to global levels.The same can be done for Bambusoideae for construction,textiles,vehicles and livestock feed as these will also sequester the carbon present for decades or even millenia.Bambusoideae can be grown for both human and animal feed when grown in community,home,roof and vertical or biochar farms to sequester it in the form of carbohydrates for nutrition and energy.A combination of both indoor and outdoor plantations alongside seaweed ones on the coasts should allow for all excess carbon dioxide to be removed from the atmosphere by the end of the century.

Research must also be done to find ways of extracting carbon dioxide from the worlds oceans to reduce their ability to act as carbon sinks and prevent them pushing carbon dioxide back into atmosphere as atmospheric carbon dioxide is removed thus aiding in the processes of sequestering the atmospheric carbon dioxide and alleviating ocean acidity.This could come in the form of extracting water on coastlines via desalinisation plantsd and in large automated boats powered by electricity where large carbon scrubbers and graphene sheets trap carbon dioxide and return water to the sea or extracting carbonic acid and inactivating it for use in commercial products etc. or preparation of carbon negative synthetic fuels via carbon capture from it for use as an energy source in tandem with carbon sequestration such as biochar for fertiliser,diamonds,graphene or creation of these carbon based products.This would be done on modified oil rigs as well as desalinisation plants,underwater cities and even on farms by the ocean and all methods should be done in tandem with each other and aforementioned methods of extracting carbon dioxide from the atmosphere to again ensure that the worlds oceans dont act as sinks and raise its pH or that they release stored carbon back into the atmosphere when atmospheric carbon levels return to normal or through natural interactions and also warming of the ocean.The carbonic acid will be once extracted will be transformed into carbon dioxide and water with the water returned to the ocean and carbon dioxide turned into dry ice to be sent to vertical farms or greenhouses where Bambusoideae is grown as part of carbon sequestrian projects.Seaweed both macro and micro algae can be engineered and grown in pods and underwater pens using sunlight and even underwater LED lights at the ground and at key points to grow them in a way that they intake carbon dioxide from the ocean and not the atmosphere with this sent to be pyrolysised in organic waste pyrolysis plants or used as food for fish in recirculating aquaculture systems and fish farms when put through automated machinery with these going as deep as possible and as far outward as possible with them if needed engineered to only intake carbon dioxide dissolved in the ocean water.Ideally to save time and alleviate strains on organic waste plants each macro algae farm will have mobile pyrolysis plants near them to allow the carbon to be shipped to Aprhodite buildings and community centres in the locale.The nitrogen,phosphorous etc will be separated to be sent to farms or dumped into the ocean.Ideally they can be engineered to intake carbon dioxide from both the ocean and atmosphere to increase the rate of removal from both aiding in combating fighting ocean acidity and these should be engineered to be growing for at least several decades to intake and store more carbon dioxide and like Bambusoideae have the same level of engineering to increase growth rates,grow in all temperatures,at night etc including those that allow them to intake methane another potent greenhouse gas from the atmosphere and even intake carbon dioxide at night without sunlight and allow for it to grow underwater without sunlight with poles or structures that allow them to grow to the very bottom of the ocean floor especially in the case of deep sea oil rigs or deep sea fish farms out in the far reaches with these having cameras that overlook them and also robotic harvesters that harvest them when they have fully grown.They will be engineered to possibly separate carbonic acid into both carbon dioxide and water that they will store in them and also release the water into the ocean or use it to create more plant matter.If possible they can be engineered to intake all types of pollutants such as radioactive material etc and grow at night using chemosynthetic bacterial DNA.If need be biosynth technology may be part of their makeup to do this or they may have scratch DNA created.This chemosynthetic DNA will also allow them to intake methane from the atmosphere.These would have CSYS LED lights attached to them or on separate poles at every few metres below the euphotic zone to promote photosynthesis down to the bottom of the ocean floor power by wave piston buyos with all poles,wiring and ropes composed of graphene to prevent breaks with the macro algae engineered to intake carbon dioxide from both the atmosphere and also ocean to prevent the oceans absorbing or releasing carbon dioxide from and to the atmosphere as the levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide fall and combat ocean acidity.Ideally they should go as deep as the ocean floor with those by the coast going several kilometers outwards and those in oil rigs and deep sea fish farms going 100 km in all directions with the possibility of using micro algae pods as well.These will be harvested and pyrolysised in mobile biochar units in nearby community centres in nearby towns and cities with all towns and cities by the coast growing them by the shore with those from the deep sea harvested by automated machinery and transported to pyrolysis plants in cities onland with them replanted each and every season.Recombinant DNA capnophillic bacteria,C.dentata as well as other trees that intake large amounts of carbon dioxide those from scratch as well as from oligotrophic and xerophile bacteria will possibly allow them to increase the amount of carbon dioxide they can intake and reduce strains on water,nitrogen and also phosphorous needed to grow them with again them pyrolysised when sent to organic waste pyrolysis plants,sent to textile factories or them fed to fish farms with the nitrogen and phosphorous extracted;returned to the sea or used as fertiliser.They will have the same level of engineering from Bambusoideae etc to increase their growth rates,increase carbon dioxide intake and grown as deep and outwards as possible and also grow in all oceans and climates around the world.This can include recombinant DNA from E.Coli C.perfringens,S.sempervirens,P.tomentosa,D.giganteus,F.japonica,P.montana,Nephropidae,A.ostoyae,capnophile DNA and scratch DNA to increase growth rates and make them more mass like bodies.DNA to increase carbon dioxide intake will be also added.Recombinant DNA from psychrophiles,mesophiles and thermophiles etc will allow them to grow in all temperatures all year round around the world.A hybrid between L.digitata,F.serratus,S.latissima,M.pyrifera with them engineered to intake all wavelengths of the suns light.All of these macro algae farms would be managed by Pan and would have their own building,AI,personality,receptionist etc with them all managed by Pan as well.These algae farms would be massive and spread over large swathes of the ocean either in the deep ocean and shore and would go to the bottom of the ocean floor in all cases to increase the amount of macro algae to be grown and then harvested as well as then pyrolysised.These would be engineered to remove carbon dioxide from both the atmosphere and the ocean itself.The carbon dioxide/carbonic acid would be separated and then the carbon can be used to create dry ice or just carbon by itself and then eventually carbon based products such as graphene,carbyne,diamonds ensuring even more of these products and the oxygen used to create liquid glass with readings of pH and carbon dioxide levels in the ocean fed into Theoi Meteroi used to start and finish these operations.The macro algae would be shipped to pyrolysis plants and as stated be engineered to intake carbon dioxide from the atmosphere alongside that in the ocean to lower pH levels to normal levels and prevent them intaking the greenhouse gas as sinks and even intake carbon dioxide they do intake as sinks with these done at the same as indoor and outdoor terrestrial programmes.They would be done at deep ocean oil rigs and also by coast by major cities and towns with all work being fully automated from start to finish by 2029 with them removing 53Gt every years using 9% of the worlds oceans or even indoors in recirculating aquaculture systems with them also grown onsite of indoor plantations in deserts and vertical farms etc and underground tunnels when fed carbon dioxide from dry ice.Macro algae can be grown in the worlds oceans and harvested and pyrolysised to remove at least 53Gt of carbon dioxide every year if only 9% of the world oceans is used with genetic engineering increasing this by anywhere between 10-1,000 times allowing even less of the worlds oceans to be used as little as 0.009-0.9% of the worlds oceans to be used.This estimation was made by Ocean Foresters in 2012 in a study called Negative Carbon Via Ocean Afforestation“.By comparison the world emits 37.1Gt of carbon dioxide every year leadung to a net removal of 15.9Gt of carbon dioxide every year while still burning at our current rate with a world powered by only geothermal would emit 0.6-1.66Gt every year leaving a net removal of 52.4Gt carbon dioxide while the ideal one powered by 10% fossil fuels and 70% geothermal would release 10.6Gt every year meaning every year would have a net removal of 42.4Gt of carbon dioxide every year using both geothermal and fossil fuels.These would undergoe genetic engineering to increase growth rates and carbon dioxide intake with if it can intake 10 times more carbon dioxide thus allowing even only 0.9% intake 53Gt or allow 9% to intake 530Gt with indoor systems used using recirculating aquaculture systems with them using carbon dioxide from artificial trees.If it can intake 100 times more carbon dioxide then 9% can intake 5,300Gt,0.9% intake 530Gt and 0.09% intake 53Gt.This extra 53-5,300Gt can be ontop of what is intaken by outdoor plantations with the algae also pyrolysised into biochar with it also removing carbon dioxide stored in the oceans reducing ocean acidity and preventing them acting as sinks.If possible genetic engineering similar to Bambusoidea etc could allow 1,000 times more carbon dioxide thus allowing 9% of the worlds oceans to remove 53,000Gt,0.9% intake 5,300Gt,0.09% intake 530Gt and 0.009% intake 53Gt anually.Farms with buildings once ocean acidity is normal and the levels of carbon dioxide returns to 280ppm can be converted into homes with the operating software changed from Pan to Hestia.Water and salt would be then be returned to the oceans with all methods used ensuring the carbon is captured and converted into graphene and diamonds etc.These macro algae programmes will occur in oil rigs and coastlines of cities,towns,villages and islands around the world that has them stretch out for kilometres.It can also be grown recirculating aquaculture systems in underground tunnels.The macro algae will be transported inland to pyrolysis systems in buildings by the coast or in those that pyrolysis Bambusoidea with all vehicles being electric or using synthetic oil.All nitrogen and phosphorous etc present will be separated from the biochar to be sent to local farms as fertiliser etc.Research can also be done if adding calcium carbonate or similar compounds can act as a buffering agent to lower the pH of ocean water while this is done.At the same time all corals,phytoplankton and shell forming lifeforms in the ocean can be modified via CRISPR to produce stronger shells,coral or even survive acidic conditions expected by the end of the century via adding genes from acidophiles to ensure their survival during these periods of decarbonisation.They will also undergo conservation efforts in recirculating aquaculture systems.To help coral reefs transgenics/cisgenics can be used to help them adapt to lower pH conditions until conditions become more favourable using genes from Acidophiles with recombinant DNA from psychrophilles,mesophiles,thermophiles allow them to not only survive warming oceans but also allow reefs to be artificially set up at both the Arctic and Antarctic waters but also shallow waters around the globe with is done to all species as detailed later on.Recirculating aquaculture systems can rear them in favourable conditions and act as breeding grounds where they can also be transferred to aquariums in zoos and parks until ocean conditions become more favorable and thus allowing them to return to the wild.All fish and mammel species that are endemic to coral reefs will also undergoe conservation efforts using reciruclating aquaculture systems and both using the Phanes method.All nitrogen and phosphorus will be removed from the biochar and sent to local vertical and community farms as well as community centres. – Negative Carbon Via Ocean Afforestation – Antoine de Ramon N‘Yeurt a, David P. Chynoweth b, Mark E. Capron c, Jim R. Stewart d, Mohammed A. Hasan

This process of biochar carbon sequestration is more effective than simply planting trees and storing it underground as the carbon dioxide is permanently removed from the atmosphere,can remove larger amounts of carbon dioxide,stores it forever in useful commercial products,can be done anywhere in the world over and over again on the same amount of land,can be fully automated with no human labour with existing programmes that sequester it in the ground ceasing and those already stored in saline aquifers and also limestone removed via boring underground and also oil wells that can remove the carbon dioxide and return it there again.Rather than planting trees once the plants used intake carbon dioxide and once mature they are harvested,cut down and pyrolysised by heating it to high temperatures in a way that release no extra carbon dioxide but locks in a solid biochar material where it can be stored forever in diamonds,fertiliser,Graphene etc and then the land can be replanted and the process repeated over and over again using the same amount and area of land rather than once through reforesting land.Unlike planting trees which temporarily locks the carbon into plants that is then released in to the atmosphere once the plants dies and decays thus making them carbon neutral biochar locks the carbon dioxide permenantly into commercial products such as fertiliser,diamonds,Graphene and carbon composites thus making it a carbon negative process that lowers levels of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.The plants are harvested and pyrolysised wherein they are heated to a high temperature that causes them to form into a charcoal like structure that is then turned into fertiliser,diamonds etc that permenantly locks the carbon dioxide away forever with the process then repeated every year with new plants grown,harvested and then pyrolysised with this removing more carbon dioxide from the atmosphere over and over again thus exponentially decreasing the levels of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere every year.In the case of all plants such as macro algae and Bambusoidea,C.sativa.S.Babylonica used they will be planted then once they reach maturity harvested and pyrolysised that then converts it to biochar that can then be converted into commercial products that permenantly removes the carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and then allows more plants to be grown in its place to remove even more carbon dioxide exponentially by repeating the process over and over again.Furthermore it can be done anywhere in the world with this exponentionally increasing the amount of carbon dioxide removed and all plants used undergoing genetic engineering to not only grow faster and increase the amount of carbon dioxide removed but also be able to grow in all climates,soils and seasons.In desert areas and those with poor soils etc the plants can be grown in greenhouses and underground tunnels. All steps in outdoor biochar projects like indoor greenhouse and outdoor plantations biochar and the setting up of artificial tree projects from planting,harvesting,transportation,pyrolysis etc and even the construction of greenhouses etc can be automated from start to finish controlled by Pan with automated lettuce planters can be adapted to plant Bambusoideae,C.sativa seedlings instead or they can be planted with larger versions of the Treerover and also fleets of seed planting drones with cycles of planting and harvesting done one growing season after another automatically.The vehicles and robots used to plant and harvest the plants and those to create the biochar will be electric powered first by solar panels and then by geothermal and the mobile and then full scale pyrolysis plants will be first powered by solar power and then geothermal power to make them carbon negative.Having all work being automated and controlled by Pan should ensure no corners are cut and will drive costs down to zero and prevent them producing more carbon dioxide than is taken in.Progress will be fed into Pan that would also manage all biochar and carbon sequestrian projects around the world through Pan viewable to the public.This will be done with Pan managing planting/harvesting of plants,Theoi Meteoroi measuring readings from nanosensors,Asteria through satellite readings,Persephone,Aphrodite for the construction of new greenhouses and plants and allocation of biochar for graphene to factories and Aristaeus allocating orders of fertiliser to community and vertical farms interacting with each other will manage all biochar operations worldwide.Both Bambusoideae and C.sativa can can have recombinant DNA from extremophiles such as psychrophilles,mesophiles,thermophiles, acidophiles,alkanophiles,halophiles,psammophile added to their DNA alongside those from native plants and those made from scratch to allow them to thrive in all climates,seasons and soils with them used by themselves or together in plantations that can be done in any lay field,in between crops in home and community farms,in between trees in forests used for forestry or land used for reforestation projects around the world.Both indoor and outdoor sequestrian projects will take place in all countries around the world managed by Artemis and Pan and also local national governments.The plants will form large forests in temperate and tropical regions of the world to compliment indoor desert plantations.This includes key temperate and tropical countries like Ireland,Great Britain,Germany,France and Scandanavia,North and Central as well as South America including Canada,Russia,India,China,Japan,Austrailia with as stated them engineered to survive all climates and all seasons including cold snaps,winters,heavy rains,dry periods and all types of soils using DNA from native plants,extremophiles,oligotrophic,xerophile and Firmicutes DNA.Indoor plantations involving vertical farms and artificial trees on their roof and also next to them will take place in cities,towns and primarily deserts.If vertical farms,community farms and forest farms in urban areas and within smaller urban areas as well as invitro meat genetically altered bacteria creating plant and animal commodities are adopted worldwide then all of the land currently used for intensive agriculture and animal grazing worldwide can be used for these outdoor biochar projects which is roughly 5,540,146,442.2656 hectares of land until levels return to 280ppm wherein the land can be permanently reforested and the vast majority of the artificial trees recycled and greenhouses turned into homes both private or communal depending on their size.By 2029 as detailed earlier on the world should have switched to invitro meat,vertical/community/home farms,bacteria based commodities as detailed earlier to allow for all land used for agriculture worldwide to be reforested and still feed a population well beyond the 11,000,000,000 expected by the end of the century and sequeater carbon dioxide with the tropics like the Amazon first reforested as they play an important role in carbon sinks and homeostasis of the planet etc while all other land used for agriculture will be used for outdoor plantations of Bambusoideae etc which can then be reforested when carbon dioxide levels return to 280ppm.Land unsuitable for grazing and agriculture can be used via genetic engineering using recombinant DNA from grasses and other plants that grow on poor thin soil with even grasslands even used.Areas being reforested will require Bambusoideae to rejuvenate the soil with them pyrolysised and then used to sequester the carbon dioxide as the land is reforested.Thus at first once the world switches to vertical farms,bacteria based commodities,in vitro meat etc the Amazon and tropics will be rdforested with land used for agriculture in these countries used to grow these plants with them only needing anything between 1-10% of the Earths surface are through engineering while 37% of the worlds surface is used for agriculture.These outdoor projects can also be done in the gardens of private and communal homes as well as historical castles with the public using automated harvesters putting the C.sativa and Bambusoideae into extra organic waste bins alongside their own waste or in the case of Bambusoideae eating it or feeding it to livestocks as well as into miniaturised and/or mobile pyrolysis plants to be used as fertiliser onsite or shipped to manufacturing hubs Aprhrodite buildings and community centres.Private homes and areas with large gardens will grow them outdoors and even in greenhouses that order in dry ice from indoor plantations.This alongside parks,hospitals and government buildings used to grow them would increase the land area they can grow on around the world outside of meadows and also existing agricultural land within towns and cities with the local governments and in time 3D DNA printers providing seeds.Pan alongside governments will notify private homeowners with sizeable gardens to do this with him using Google maps to decide which homes and parks to use for this with people applying to the government to grow them and ideally whole neighbourhoods doing this.C.sativa will be made legal for this.Community farms can also grow these and again send them to organic waste pyrolysis plants in organic rubbish bins as well as to be fed to livestock and humans.Other wise communal and private homes can have artificial trees in their gardens fed into greenhouses that grow crops,recreational drugs or those that will be sent to organic waste pyrolysis plants.Both C.sativa and Bambusoideae can also grown on the grounds outside of organic waste pyrolysis plants,textile and hempcrete factories to cut down on transportation costs with greenhouses with artificial trees on their roof or at strategic points of a street right next to them can be onsite of these plants.Greenhouses can not only be in deserts but also on the roofs of communal homes,vertical farms,factories,municipalities and also in community and home farms intaking carbon dioxide from trees directly or on the roof of nearby buildings that pump it into them or ordering excess dry ice from dry ice factories from large scale artificial tree and Bambusoideae/C.sativa plantations.Deserts will have large multistorey skyscraper buildings with those in urban areas whether towns,cities and villages will be small ones in backlots,roofs of communal homes and public buildings which will order in excess dry ice from larger ones.Otherwise both community and home farms could grow the plants in the open and then harvest them when they reach maturity to be sent to organic waste plants and replanted.Those in community and home farms will have the plants sent to organic pyrolysis plants alongside other organic waste to be pyrolysised and turned into biochar with these home farms especially as part of large estates and even suburban homes growing it in their gardens as well as in greenhouses.Areas of lay unused grass in suburbs will be used as well.Home farms in estates,suburbs and rural areas will grow this Bambusoideae as a means to enrich soil with the same done to community farms and then have it cut down and replanted and shipped to organic waste plants in organic waste bins with even grass land,meadow and forest hybrid farms also having them interspaced to fertilise the crops there and when mature human,robots or biosynths will harvest it and send it to organic waste plants to be pyrolysised.Thus homes in the suburbs and also in rural areas and large estates including palaces,mansions etc around the world will grow these plants in their gardens and surrounding fields to be then sent to organic pyrolysis plants or miniature mobile units in their local community centres.These buildings will grow them either in the open soil around them,in pots,on roofs,outdoor greenhouses constructed by them or indoor hydroponic systems or all of them.Underground extensions in both private and communal homes can be used to house these plants grown hydroponically and them fed the carbon dioxide from artificial trees above them and dry ice ordered in.Excess dry ice produced by artificial trees etc will be ordered in by all homes both communal and private and also universities that are growing these plants in indoor and outdoor greenhouses and hydroponic systems.Homes in rural areas surrounded by open fields and small lay fields next to them will have these covered entirely in the chosen plants as far back as possible and have large greenhouses using dry ice ordered in from indoor plantations to grow these faster via hydroponics with once programmes end will be used to grow crops.These homes and farms may have more than one organic waste bin with all steps such as planting and harvesting automated using drones and automated harvesters to alleviate labour on residents and prevent injury and death with the home AI organising these programmes with them interacting with Pan.Communal homes would grow the plant in large several pots on them on the roof and balconies in the case of those in urbanised areas with this including both new ones from supermarkets,schools and even existing ones as well as in gardens of those that have gardens in rural areas and then dispose of them accordingly with even parks and botanical gardens and gardens by amenities and universities growing it in any spare grass harvested by human volunteers,robots and biosynths etc.Universities,hospitals,amenities of all types ie museums,gyms etc may also grow them on their grounds including their roof and send them into organic waste bins with the building AIs organising this interacting with Pan.These would be grown in greenhouses intaking excess dry ice shipped in from artificial trees and nearby artificial trees on the roof.These public buildings ie universities,hospitals etc and also community centres could have miniature mobile pyrolysis units onsite to alleviate strains on organic waste plants with those onsite of community centres catering to the needs of private and communal homes and also farms of all types and will be set up as early as 2020-2025 and will continue alleviating strains on organic waste plants until levels return to 280ppm with the biochar sent to community centres for fertiliser and compost making them looped systems.These mobile pyrolysis units especially those onsite of community centres will be kept and used to create biochar fertiliser using fast growing plants grown onsite.Community centres themselves will grow them on their grounds and also roofs with parks also growing them in large open spaces in large plots with the plants grown here planted and harvested by community members as well as drones etc with cameras on poles monitoring their growth.This will apply to all parks around the world especially large ones.Thus community centres will have miniature mobile pyrolysis units onsite of them that will intake Bambusoideae etc grown in home gardens,open spaces in suburbs,universities,hospitals,public amenities,roofs of communal homes to alleviate strains on those in organic waste plants and will also provide the area with fertiliser and compost created onsite of these centres and will allow people to send their harvested organic in person by driving there.Having all rural communities gardens and surrounding meadow and forest farms,roofs and gardens of communal homes,suburb gardens and community farms alongside universities,parks and amenities do this worldwide would greatly aid all other sequestration programmes and enrich the soil their improving its farming viability and improve air quality especially in cities with them having extra organic waste bins to get rid of the extra material.Those from parks,amenities,community gardens and meadow/forest farms and universities would use bins onsite or even those in the public streets or would be collected by volunteers and added to their second organic waste bin when the bamboo in their garden has been collected.Large parks in towns and cities will have large open spaces of open grass have these plants planted with these and then harvested by a combination of machine and humans with drones etc planting them.These plantations will be organised by local governments.The governments of each town,city,county,state and also country will alongside Pan provide private homeowners shipped from vertical farms and also those from indoor projects in rural areas and the suburbs and also universities with the seeds of these plants with robotic tree planters and drones planting them in parks etc.By 2030 3D DNA printers at home and in universities will also create whole batches of seeds to be printed out at once.Superfund and heavily contaminated areas of soil will use these plants primarily Bambusoideae/C.sativa to remove toxins and pollutants from the soil with when them pyrolysised the pollutants will be removed via graphene sheets from the biochar to allow the biochar to produce fertiliser and graphene but also allow the toxins to be broken down into elemental components and then used as commercial products with this also enriching the soil when it is reforested and also for use as agriculture.Existing trees in these areas will be harvested and then pyrolysised and then these carbon sequestration and bioremediation programmes carried out until all of the pollutants are removed at which point all land will be then reforested.Thus superfund and polluted areas both in terms of soil and air pollution will have these done using Bambusoideae/C.sativa to remove toxins and pollutants from the soil and air while still removing carbon dioxide and can be done using water plants or these ones to clean up waterways.Areas undergoing reforestation,improving areas with poor and thin topsoil with more layers and desert land turned into meadows,grasslands and forests will also have these plants planted inbetween plants as part of the primary reforestation programmes and harvested as they will too enrich the soil and allow remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.Areas with thin topsoil including mountainous areas will be given extra levels to improve its viability with the plants also engineered to grow in thin soils.Existing agricultural land and meadows will also be used to enrich the soil and increase the amount of carbon dioxide removed and prepare it for both hybrid farms and reforestation programmes.Thus these outdoor programmes will be done to alleviate strains on indoor desert programmes and also enrich soils for reforestation,improve air quality and also also bioremmediate polluted soils.The plants would also be able to sequester carbon dioxide before and when construction of desert programmes are started intaking enough to halt the effects of the 430ppm expected by 2029 and begin to reduce the amount of the greenhouse gas in the atmosphere.Countries around the world could still have largeish Bambusoideae and C.sativa outdoor plantations to form forests to form tourist attractions as well as forests used for daily walks for the public if walking routes are added and keep air quality clean with them interacting with the plant AIs of all power plants world wide alongside Steropes,Pan and Theoi Meteroi if both geothermal and fossil fuel power plants still emit carbon dioxide and make sure the amount released is equal to what is intaken via these plantations for biochar production.If possible native trees that have undergone same level of engineering to increase carbon dioxide intake and growth rates will be grown and harvested season after season with these being made separate species unable to mate with others to prevent all trees intaking too much carbon dioxide with again them being areas where one could have walks with this also ensuring native flora and fauna residing in them with biosynths and implants formed via microbes able to mark where birds nest are to prevent them being killed with them and other wildlife removed by biosynths.All of these programmes will automated from start to finish managed by the sentient Pan.Theoi Meteroi,Pan and Steropes and the AIs of all power plants worldwide will constantly interact with each other to ensure all carbon dioxide released will be sequestered in a ratio of 1:1.These outdoor programmes should continue to allow greenhouses used as indoor programmes to be converted into communal homes while artificial trees onsite and inside of powerplants where SNOX filters and rerouted smokestacks intake nitrogen,sulphur and mercury etc separately and then shipped to vertical and community farms,community centres and also Aphrodite buildings automatically with the carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere to be captured by Bambusoideae etc with if need be Bambusoideae engineered to intake nitrogen and sulphur oxide using the nitrogen and sulphur as fertiliser and releasing oxygen into the atmosphere with them also engineered to intake mercury with the three of these separated from biochar using sieving through graphene and other nanomaterial sheets,catalytic reactions etc.The SNOX filters can be composed of nanomaterials that separate only mercury,suplhur and nitrogen and allow the carbon dioxide to be intaken by the plants and then turned into biochar.Since carbon dioxide is spread out along all of the atmosphere these Pan will thus using Silviaterra and Google maps decide where in the world outside of deserts to grow Bambusoideae etc in outdoor plantations in temperate and tropical parts of the world such as all of the Americas,Europe,Africa and Asia used to allow them to be spread evenly across the world.This will be done alongside indoor plantations using artificial trees and plants.All nitrogen and phosphorus will be removed from the biochar and sent to local vertical and community farms as well as community centres as well as reused to fertilise future plantations.Thus all nitrogen and phosphorus removed from pyrolysised plants used in carbon dioxide sequestration will be removed and sent to farms and reused for future plantations to prevent it going to waste.

The pyrolysis process to produce biochar also produces syngas and bio-oil but modifications can be made to increase the ratio of biochar produced to greater than 50% possibly even 90-100% with any left over bio-oil used as an energy source alongside the syngas.Both the syngas and bio-oil can again be used to produce homemade cosmetics if toxins can be removed or methane for production of methane and petroleum based plastics with the biochar used as fertiliser and other carbon based products so it can be put to good use.Otherwise this bio-oil and syngas can be burned as energy and sequestered into biochar.Ideally biochar plants set inside existing incinerator plants can have the component wherein the pyrolysis is burned can be covered by a tubing or even vat containing water which when heated during the process will create steam that generates electricity fed into their local grid.Leftover bio-oil and syngas can be burned onsite to produce extra energy with the carbon dioxide collected by C.sativa and Bambusoideae to create more biochar.Ideally each pyrolysis plants around the world will be converted into universal pyrolysis ones that have different burners:one for burning up existing reserves of waste from landfills both open and underground also with the waste ash turned into graphene once bioremediated and metals etc removed,one that burns plastic and turns,one that burns rubber,one that burns petroleum based plastics,one that burns both organic waste from homes both private and communal etc and also Bambusoideae,C.sativa,S.babylonica from carbon sequestration plantations both indoors and outdoors managed and sent there by Pan and in each case them generating electricity and more secondary and tertiary rounds of electricity from the diesel,bio-oil and syngas produced in two burners onsite that collects these from the other burners automatically.The AI of the plant will interact with Persephone to dispense the biochar to local Aphrodite factories with them intaking all types of waste from bins in their local with the AI organising the extraction of all existing open and underground landfills with Artemis managing the resoiling of underground ones and reforestation of all open and underground landfills with Artemis interacting with the plants in all countries,states,counties etc to show them the location of all open and underground landfills and thus organise their extraction.With regards to landfill waste all metals and toxins will be removed after pyrolysisation with the biochar removed and any syngas etc burned for more electricity.This will be done via graphene sieves and robotic hands modelled on robotoic chefs and Da Vinci systems with by 2029 these combined with NIR hyperspectral and normal cameras be able to open up plastic bags and separate wastes individually sending organic wastes to organic waste burners,plastic to plastic ones and so on with metal sent to metal recycling plants.The biochar produced will be used to create graphene,fertiliser etc once the purity has been checked and filtered.Bambusoideae can be grown indoors hydroponically in the incinerator plant with piping via overturned smokestacks pumping the carbon dioxide from burnt bio-oil,syngas,diesel etc into the area with them having recombinant DNA from capnophilic bacteria to absorb more carbon dioxide and then moved into the same burner as organic waste or other ones devoted to them to produce more electricity and biochar.This Bambusoideae can be engineered to intake any pollutants including dioxins which will be separated form the finished products and will be pyrolysised onsite with any bio-oil etc produced burned for more energy and the carbon dioxide collected and the plants that absorb this burned again and so on until all of the original carbon dioxide is fully sequestered with more smaller burners present for each round or them traded back and forth between a few of them and these all producing more electricity.Otherwise artificial trees or SNOX filters can capture the carbon dioxide from the first round of burnt oil,syngas etc to be sent to vertical farms.The burners will also have thermo-piezoelectric materials in them that can convert the immense heat generated by reactions into extra energy with research into materials that can generate energy from the light produced.When landfills both open and underground ones have all waste burned and petroleum based plastics are phased out then the one used for them can be used for the Bambusoideae as well with their being already a second one to pyrolysise the Bambusoideae used to sequester carbon dioxide produced by the burning of diesel,bio-oil,syngas etc thus there will be three after landfill waste is collected.Ideally all waste should undergo pyrolysis to ensure the ratio of biochar to syngas and bio-oil is much higher ideally over 75% biochar or at least 90-100% to ensure the amount of rounds of Bambusoideae grown onsite to sequester each round of oil etc is small.If possible flour can be created by bacteria instead of Bambusoideae from carbon dioxide created by burnt syngas etc to grow larger amounts much quicker in a compact space and this still pyrolysised or burned onsite to create more biochar and energy.This will have a lower amount of bio-oil and syngas created than Bambusoideae with again any produced burned and the carbon dioxide produced sequestered in a series of rounds with them engineered to intake as much carbon dioxide as possible and grow as fast as possible with them having capnophillic,xerophile,oligotrophic bacteria and from E.coli etc.If possible the captured carbon dioxide will be stored onsite as dry ice and then shipped to indoor plantations,vertical farms and greenhouses at homes etc.Each round of bio-oil,syngas burnt can be rerouted to where it can be converted into dry ice powered by thermo-piezoelectric material covered geothermal pipes to be then fed to bacteria that produce flour or Bambusoideae grown onsite that can be pyrolysised to create more energy and biochar and the levels of bio-oil and syngas possibly exponentially lower each time and creating consistent rounds of electricity.These can be operated by the same AI with them managed by Steropes and Tyche with statues of both on the grounds.All incinerator plants that create electricity in densely populated areas will be converted into communal homes through roof,side and underground extensions while the new pyrolysis plants are set up in recycling hubs next to manufacturing hubs while the areas powered by the incinerators will be converted into communal homes while geothermal plants are set up in the area connected to the local grid.They may even be part of manufacturing hubs as recycling plants are moved onsite of each factory allowing them to power the  manufacturing hubs and send excess to the grid and it slowing down transport of biochar to Aphrodite and other factories.These would generate electricity from both carbon sequestration problems and also constant ingoing organic waste over the coming millenia and would power both manufacturing hubs and recycling hubs they are part of alleviating strains on the grid especially during blackouts but not replacing the grid.The AI of the power plants and Steropes will decide when to interchange between powering these with excess energy fed into nearby homes,hospitals etc on demand when needed.These can be powered from the main grid or ideally either solar panels and Storedot biosynth batteries or onsite miniature geothermal powerplants that power the heating enough for the the energy invested to energy returned is at least 3:1 thus making them power themselves to the point they are producing more energy than requires to start reactions to power both themselves and the grid and make them carbon neutral.They will have roof,underground and side extensions to house Bambusoideae hydroponic systems and also all of the burners.All actions required ie transferring Bambusoideae to burners from onsite hydroponic farms,intaking all types of waste and also Bambusoideae from biochar plantations,transferring bio-oil,syngas etc to their burners,adding extensions will managed by the plant AI.These incinerator power plants could be part of manufacturing hubs powering them and excess fed into local towns etc both alleviating strains on the grid with since miniature recycling plants will be built into factories will allow for this.Since there is at least 6,600-28,000 years of carbon dioxide to be sequestered from remaining reserves of fossil fuels and geothermal,the existing excess carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and also consistent amounts of organic waste ie waste food,dead plants and animals etc that will need to be pyrolysised will ensure that there will be an abundant supply of electricity.

The two most efficient plants to use is in biochar process whether in these greenhouses,tunnels as part of indoor plantations or in the wild of outdoor plantations to soak up carbon dioxide in the atmosphere includes Bambusoideae.It can grow incredibly fast in any climate many species of Bambusoideae matures in about two years compared to 50-60 years for many species of temperate trees with transgenics/cisgenics from other plants and bacteria improving their ability to thrive in any climate and soil,self propagates cutting out on energy on replanting,can grow on land not suitable for agricultural purposes meaning it wont compete for community farms and forest farms,can rejuvenate poor soil meaning once the biochar project is finished it can be used for community  or forest farms or returned to native forestry,uses very little water meaning it can survive droughts and areas that have little rainwater.Bambusoideae stores roughly 35% more carbon dioxide than most trees with Bambusoideae fixing nitrogen oxide into the soil as nitrogen thus improving soil structure and fertility.The ability of self propagation in certain species of ability to intake the same amount of carbon dioxide,fast growth rates of 2.5 metres a day and maximum height of 40 metres in certain species of Bambusoideae including the decided hybrid of Bambusoideae will be added to all plants used to cut down on labour costs and increase the amount of carbon dioxide intaken.This would be ideal for growth in both hydroponic greenhouses using dry ice captured via artificial trees as well as planting Bambusoideae and C.sativa forests on reforested land and use of artificial lighting from renewable sources in both places could increase the rate of photosynthesis and thus growth each night.Transgencis/cisgenics from different Bambusoideae species can be applied to create a species with these qualities combined and improved as well,making viable to intake and store various types of heavy metals and pollutants as well making it adaptable for growing in climates around the world in other worlds a species that requires the least amount of water,takes in the most possible amount of carbon dioxide and fixes nitrogen oxide into nitrogen.These can then be harvested and then pyrolysized into just biochar which can then be stored safely while being used to produce graphene,fertilisers,diamonds or other useful products and applications.Ideally storing this underground should be avoided with each community storing the amount of biochar they have produced in community centres for fertilisers for crops and excess sorted in factories for diamonds,graphene and other carbon composites.Alternatively Bambusoideae can store the carbon for geological periods by being used as a construction material for furniture and housing especially treetop houses in forests or in the production of textiles or as food for humans,pets and livestock if not containing any harmful pollutants and later recycled in algae sewage treatment entering a looped system.

The second plant to be used is C.sativa which intakes four times more carbon dioxide per acre than trees and takes about four months to mature can be used as carbon sequestration with it stored indefinitely when used as fireproof hempcrete in buildings and as a replacement for fibreglass and metal in the construction of vehicles,feedstock for livestock and for the production of clothing.It too can remove toxins and with genetic engineering using genes from Bambusoideae,C.juncea or other nitrogen fixing plants used to make it able to fix nitrogen as well by also spread nitrogen fixing bacteria on the ground where it is.Transgenics can allow for Bambusoideae self propagating ability to be transferred to C.sativa.When carbon sequestration is not needed anymore these can be reforested with mixtures of native species and crop trees and even become forest farms.Gramineae,Salix babylonica can also be used as well.

Large scale outdoor biochar programmes in the wild using Bambusoidea/C.sativa can remove anywhere between 67.95-138.4 of carbon dioxide each year with 21.9-43.8 gigatonnes removed each year using carbon sequestration methods that use artificial trees,macro algae sequestrian which can remove 53 gigatonnes annually by pyrolysing the macro algae,feeding it into fish to feed to produce produce 200 kg per year of fish, per person, for 10,000,000,000 people as well as textiles.The biomethane produced could have the carbon dioxide released to feed bacteria used to produce commodities and crops in vertical gardens.These can be done in tandem with reforestation of all agricultural land worldwide through home gardening,permaculture forests,community farms,invitro meat,algae/GM bacteria and vertical hydro/aeroponic gardens which can store 3.3 gigatonnes of carbon dioxide annually and by combining all four methods of carbon sequestration which could sequester 146.15 – 170.15 gigatonnes annually compared to the 37.1Gt of carbon dioxide released annually.If artificial trees could sequester 219-438 Gt each year then it may be possible to sequester in total as much as 351.3-509 Gt a year with if 106Gt is sequestered via macro algae then it could be as much as 146.15-556.2Gt.If 152Gt is sequestered from Bambusoidae plantations then at least 436-632.2Gt of carbon dioxide can be removed from the atmosphere every year by 2029.It may even be possible to sequester all the carbon released into the atmosphere since the beginning of the industrial revolution if we kept burning fossil fuel at the same rate of 37.1Gt we are pumping into the atmosphere now or even double,triple as well as quadruple of this in by the end of the century using all four methods of sequestration combined.This means we could still burn fossil fuels at our current rates and still reduce carbon dioxide levels back to 280ppm provided 146.15 – 170.15Gt or more is sequestered every year.It may even be possible to once the world begins to convert to geothermal etc by 2025-2029 to start as late as 2050 and still sequester all carbon dioxide in the atmosphere back to pre industrial levels of 280ppm using the 146.15 – 170.15Gt levels sequestered annually with ideally all programmes starting between 2029 the latest and being fully operational by 2050.The current level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is currently roughly 422ppm with 142ppm excess in the atmosphere with each part per million by volume of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere thus represents approximately 7.82 Gt of carbon dioxide with this means that 1,110.44Gt needs to be removed from the atmosphere.In 2029 about with carbon dioxide concentrations of 445ppm about 1,290.3Gt needs to be removed.By 2050 if we still continued to burn fossil fuels at our current rate it would be 470ppm then we would need to remove 1,485.8Gt to reverse climate change.It may even be possible by 2029 to start sequestering as much as 146.15-556.2Gt(4-15 times more than what we emit annually).Thus by 2029 146.15-556.2Gt of carbon dioxide can be removed from the atmosphere annually using both outdoor Bambusoideae plantations and artificial trees using only 1% of the Earths surface.By 2029-2035 1% of the Earths surface compared to 37% used for agriculture could intake as much as 185.3Gt-1,853Gt every year using plantations of genetically engineered Bambusoideae engineered to intake 100-1,000 times more carbon dioxide.Macro algae can be grown by coastlines,beaches and islands around the world and on disused oil rigs with them also used to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and even the ocean to reduce acidity levels with them removing 53-106Gt every years using 9% of the worlds oceans or even indoors in recirculating aquaculture systems with them also grown onsite of indoor plantations in deserts and vertical farms etc.These would undergoe genetic engineering to increase growth rates and carbon dioxide intake and if it can intake 10 times more carbon dioxide thus allowing even only 0.9% intake 53Gt or allow 9% to intake 530Gt with indoor systems used using recirculating aquaculture systems with them using carbon dioxide from artificial trees.If it can intake 100 times more carbon dioxide then 9% can intake 5,300Gt,0.9% intake 530Gt and 0.09% – 0.009% intake 53Gt.This extra 53-5,300Gt can be ontop of what is intaken by outdoor plantations with the algae also pyrolysised into biochar with it also removing carbon dioxide stored in the oceans reducing ocean acidity and preventing them acting as sinks.If possible genetic engineering similar to Bambusoidea etc could allow 1,000 times more carbon dioxide thus allowing 9% of the worlds oceans to remove 53,000Gt,0.9% intake 5,300Gt,0.09% intake 530Gt and 0.009% intake 53Gt anually.They will be engineered to possibly separate carbonic acid into both carbon dioxide and water that they will store in them and also release the water into the ocean or use it to create more plant matter.Humans release at the moment 37.1 gigatonnes every year meaning we could continue to burn carbon dioxide at this rate or even double,triple,quadruple or even ten or a hundred times this rate this and still remove all excess carbon dioxide from the atmosphere in as little as decade and allow us to still do so for decades to come until we finally switch to the required parameters of 70% geothermal etc away from fossil fuels.Thus it may be possible for the entire world to go completely carbon neutral and negative by 2029-2035 by switching to synthetic fossil fuels that are carbon neutral and starting carbon sequestration programmes and reduce carbon dioxide back to 280ppm in as little as 5-10 years with marine cloud brightening and also Calcium carbonate aerosols masking the worst effects.If carbon dioxide stored in natural sinks such as soils and oceans releases their stored carbon dioxide to equalise the removal of this excess from the atmosphere then these sequestration projects will continue until this is finished.

Creation and restoration of peat bogs,wetlands,urban forestry,permaculture forest farms around the world especially Ireland,Finland,Russia etc will also play an important role in sequestering carbon over long periods of time and can be automated within ten years.This can involve plants of all types of material including reeds,native trees and plants as well as Bambusoideae grown in large amounts by hydroponics or in the open in nearby areas and then in factories shredded and compressed into peat like material and then dumped and compressed into areas under ground or on the surface to allow for the peat to be replaced and the carbon dioxide sequestered with the land have them reforested with all native plants.Native plants engineered to grow larger than normal or in large numbers in greenhouses and also the open in meadows will also be used with them again compressed and shredded and them put in place of exploited peat bogs and then native plants planted by hand,robots and also drones.The peat bogs that were exploited will be dug up and filled in with large amounts of this artificial peat like material and the dug up soil placed ontop of it and the land reforested with native trees and shrubs etc.This can apply to all over exploited or former peat bogs etc with the work fully automated from start to finish by 2029 and will be done worldwide.Pan will scour Wikipedia for a list of all peat bogs worldwide and have drones and human researchers analyse and survey them to see if they need restoration or not and if so how much.Using compressed material from Bambusoidea will allow large amounts of carbon dioxide.Areas that were originally flooded will be reflooded with those not will be drained. with all drained areas reforested with native plants of all types.Operations to spread ozone and aerosols will be managed by interactions between Theoi Meteroi,Pan and Asteria which will cease once levels of carbon dioxide fall back to 250 ppm and average global temperatures are back to normal and when ozone levels are back to normal levels.These can also include forest farms within and on the outskirts of towns,villages and cities.

Plastics can also be created using carbon dioxide using a new process from Newlight Technologies with the dry ice from artificial trees used to create it instead of using pumps to suck in air.Also artificial trees can be placed ontop of these plastic factories to again save energy and collect one tonne of carbon each day to create one tonne of plastics.The plastic can be sent to plastic recycling factories where it is burned onsite or degraded by bacteria with the carbon dioxide collected and used to create a looped system with these plants powered by solar power.This can sequester carbon into other usable products.Alternatively these can be in renovated incinerator plants where the plastic is burned the carbon dioxide is collected and used to feed bacteria that produce hydrocarbons for new plastics.All of these processes will be powered by geothermal,wave etc to make them carbon neutral

Methane Sequestration
Research can be done to have methane captured from the atmosphere via nanomaterials like porous zeolites or a mixture of these and graphene,stanene and also other nanomaterials in synthetic trees developed to capture it similar to artificial trees that collect carbon dioxide for use as an energy source in the same way biogas is extracted from landfills with the resulting carbon dioxide used in biochar production with aeroplanes containing zeolites and other nanomaterials flying high in the atmosphere in areas where it has collected detected by Theoi Meteroi in particular Nephelai can have these nanomaterials on their body and interior to collect it with them ideally being electric batteries.Other nanomaterials from all other 94 elements with the same structure like graphene including schwarzites and even biosynth technology will be researched as potential uses to trap as much methane as possible with if need be even research into biosynth technology that forms tissues.Research will be done into these nanomaterials with the same structure as graphene and biosynth technology that will be able to absorb even more than zeolites and are lighter and fit more of them more compactly into both artificial trees and aeroplanes.If possible zeolites can be made into nanomaterials with the same structure as Graphene or schwarzites to make them more compact to fit exponentially more layers and thus exponentially increase the amount of methane they intake.Biosynth tissues could be present compacted in between these nanomaterials etc containing chemosynthetic bacteria and scratch DNA that intake methane and store it in the artificial trees or transport it to piping to where it can be collected using chemosynthetic bacteria DNA.Artificial trees can house a combination of zeolites especially nanomaterials of these,nanomaterials of any of the 94 elements,biosynth tissues with chemosynthetic DNA.There will be artificial trees placed across the world in areas with high concentrations of methane in the atmosphere determined by satillites with at the same time aeroplanes powered by carbon neutral synthetic fossil fuels and electric batteries that fly in the air in areas with high concentrations of methane to collect in large amounts.Burnt coffee grounds can be part of their structure with the planes being both solar and electric powered with sensors detecting when they are full and then return to the ground when finished.They will do this in large fleets over areas where satellites as part of Nephelai have detected it in large amounts in the upper atmosphere with them interacting with Ophion to not be in contact with commercial airlines with commercial aeroplanes as part of Eos will also have these in their structure to remove some every time with the methane collected onsite of airports and stored to be then burned in power plants when shipped there.All methane captured will be transferred to methane power plants to be burned and the carbon dioxide released sequestered into diamonds and Graphene etc.These zeolite based trees should be ontop of gas power plants where it will be burned and the carbon dioxide sequestered into graphene etc via onsite carbon sequestration techniques.C.sativa,S.babylonica,macro algae and Bambusoideae used for biochar plantations can be researched to see if recombinant DNA from chemosynhtetic bacteria that thrive on methane can have it in them can use methane as an energy source for biochar then sequestered into graphene,carbyne or as food with them intaking the methane and separating the carbon and hydrogen atoms turning them into sugars.This could have the methane intaken by the plants be stored as carbohydrates within the plants as they convert the carbon and hydrogen present into carbohydrates using oxygen or store it in their body as carbon with the hydrogen released or converted into water used to feed the plant using DNA from scratch.Crops in community farms can have this DNA to increase yields.Thus the plants would intake both carbon dioxide and methane.Electric or solar powered aeroplanes can be developed that have open compartments that capture these from the upper atmosphere already released as denoted by Nephelai satellites that measure and locate pockets of methane in the atmosphere.These aeroplanes will fly over these areas that have methane deposits in the atmosphere in large fleets managed by Ophion with them linked to this part of Theoi Meteroi alongside Aurai.Artificial trees will be placed at key points of the globe especially areas where it is concentrated denoted by Nephelai and constantly suck in air to absorb the gas powered by solar or geothermal power and when full will have machinery replace them with new ones so more can be absorbed and the captured methane sent to gas power plants to be released and burned.Research will be made into nanomaterials from all elements that have the same atom thick structure as graphene that if combined together in nanotube,schwarzite and normal form can sequester methane more effectively alongside graphene itself with biosynth technology integrated.Thus zeolite based artificial trees and zeolite based aeroplanes will be created that can intake both existing excess methane in the atmosphere and future molecules released by agriculture and permafrost leaks with this transferred to gas power plants which when burned the carbon dioxide will be collected and fed to plants in greenhouses to be then pyrolyssied into biochar.Thus research will be done into methods of removing methane from the atmosphere using artificial trees composed of nanomaterials from all 94 elements with the same structure as graphene etc and zeolites and aeroplanes that us carbon neutral gasoline and electric batteries flying high over areas determined to have this will sequester methane from the atmosphere that will be burned in remaining gas power plants with the carbon dioxide sequestered to be turned into graphene,biochar etc until levels of it return to 722ppb to prevent it going to waste producing both energy and also graphene.Crops in home,community and forest farms can be engineered to also intake methane and use it as a fertiliser to grow larger and create more plant matter.It can also be taken in by bacteria alongside carbon dioxide by bacteria to create biopolymers on a large commercial scale and then used in artificial wood production,stored underground or turned back into methane hydrates artificially for underground storage.These should be produced to capture at least one to ten tonnes every day and can have piping connecting them to nearby energy plants or them on the roofs of power plants with these also on the roofs of factories that produce methane based plastics with their transfer of methane being automated within the next few years.The burnt methanes carbon dioxide will be captured using Bambusoideae and shipped to organic waste plants to be pyrolysised.Indoor or outdoor Bambusoideae plantations can be engineered with chemosynthetic bacteria DNA allow it to intake methane and store the carbon and hydrogen as carbohydrates with nitrogen oxides also intaken via genetic engineering and the nitrogen used as fertiliser.Crops grown in home,community,forest,meadow and grassland farms will also have this DNA to remove it from the atmosphere and use it as fertiliser.All of these methods will interact with Theoi Meteroi to see how much methane is in the atmosphere to ensure it remains in ideal limits of 722ppb that it was prior to the industrial revolution since the amount of methane produced by ruminants etc should be equal to what is intaken.In vitro meat and milk from yeast consisting of 95-99% of this supply of these commodities will drastically reduce the amount of ruminants in existence with the enzymes of Saccharophagus degradans that degrade the corn cellulose and ligin can be engineered into bacteria present in ruminants,be harboured by them and/or have the bacteria present in ruminants have their methane producing ability removed with the same for nitrous oxide thus preventing new methane being added to the atmosphere.In vitro meat and milk from bacteria will cut down methane emissions from cattle to zero with as stated Oryza engineered not to need methagenous bacteria and grown via aquaponics with this also cutting down nitrous oxide emissions to zero.Sewage treatment plants that use algae to degrade feces and urine into fertiliser will capture any nitrous oxide onsite with catalytic converters reducing emissions in vehicles and SNOX filters in fossil power plants also doing this with the nitrous oxide converted into nitrogen for fertiliser and oxygen released into the atmosphere.Sulphur dioxide and other pollutants from geothermal,fossil fuel power plants will be captured via SNOX filters and used as commercial products.Macro algae has been shown to reduce methane emissions by as much as 99% if it consists of a mere 2% of an animals feed with this also ordered in from water and sewage treatment plants or grown onsite of farms due to Bromoform which can be engineered in bacteria that produce flour and also into hydroponic plants grown onsite with this seaweed grown onsite using sewage or ordered in from sewage treatment plants etc.Allium in particular Allium sativum which also reduce methane emissions can be grown onsite or to prevent flavours seeping into milk or the compounds that inhibit methane emissions can be engineered into plants and bacteria based flour used to feed them.This effectiveness can be replicated in other breeds via engineering them to harbour different bacteria etc.Growing Oryza indoors as well as in open soil and not paddy fields via genetic engineering or as part of hybrid crops will prevent them growing with the relationship methangenous bacteria thus eliminating this source of methane from agriculture.They and other crops can be fitted with chemosynthetic DNA and that from Trifolium both tweaked to use methane and nitrous oxide as fertiliser.The crop and its hybrids can be grown indoors as part of hydroponic or aquaponic systems allowing the gases to be collected and burned or again used as fertiliser.Bambusoidea used to removed excess carbon dioxide will be fitted with scratch DNA and chemosynthetic DNA to intake excess methane at the same time that will be used as fertiliser.Crops grown in home and community farms will be fitted with both scratch and chemosynthetic DNA to allow it to intake excess methane in the atmosphere.The levels of methane through these measures should be easily returned from 1,866ppb to the ideal of 722pbb by engineering ruminants to be unable to release methane,capturing existing excess reserves in the atmosphere and then burning it as energy and the carbon dioxide captured and engineering both crops and also plants as part of biochar plantations to be able to intake the gas and use as fertiliser.As detailed earlier on rather than worrying about the threat of methane hydrates escaping due to rising sea temperatures it could be drilled for a fuel source using metallic structures to extract it with stop and switch systems with all known reserves extracted from the ocean as soon as possible in order to store them onland for the coming decades before they escape due to rising ocean temperatures.Otherwise metallic structures can be built over them and then extracted in controlled measures with also research done into bio-based non toxic chemicals that freeze the water around them while aerosols spread over the atmosphere over known reservoirs to induce global dimming.This non toxic chemical to freeze the water can be used on all parts of the ocean along the Arctic and Antarctic spread along by automated boats and even on glaciers by automated aeroplanes and other vehicles to reflect heat from the sun during summer with it also being used to cool coral reefs and oceans around methane hydrate deposits.Biochar programmes could be used to reintegrate carbon from this into a looped system via it being used as fertiliser which creates food for humans or stored in the form of textiles and building.They too like the global sensor system will be managed by Pan interacting with Asteria and Theoi Meteroi.There is more methane hydrates in the world than all fossil fuels combined with roughly 10Tt or 10,000Gt of methane in the Arctic alone ensuring an even more abundant supply of graphene,diamonds,carbyne etc if burned at a controlled rate.Ideally these areas should have extra layers of aerosols placed over theme in the upper atmosphere to cool them.It could also be used to produce methane based plastics sequestering it indefinitely.This gas can be burned to create carbon dioxide which has a lower greenhouse warming potential than methane which can be turned into graphene and diamonds etc ensuring even more of these materials since the Arctic alone has at least 10Tt of methane locked in it with like remaining fossil fuel power plants the smokestacks directing the carbon dioxide into hydroponic systems that are harvested and sent to organic waste power plants.

Sequestration of synthetic greenhouse gases:
The use of artificial trees and aeroplanes containing relevant nanomaterials to collect them in areas they are deposited through interactions with Nephelai and Asteria should be replicated to collect all known greenhouse gases especially powerful artificial ones such as Nitrogen trifluoride,Perfluorotributylamine,Sulfur hexafluoride,hydroflurocarbons,Nitrous Oxide can be captured by artificial trees that composed of nanomaterials of the same structure as graphene of all 94 elements as well as biosynth technology and sequester them into useful products either by themselves or breaking them down into their base elemental components again for other products and shipped to factories by Persephone.Any toxic wastes produced by them can be used as fertiliser etc using DNA.Existing methane,nitrogen trifluoride,hydroflurocarbons,Perfluorotributylamine,Sulfur hexafluoride will be captured by using artificial trees that are designed to capture them composed of different nanomaterials from all 94 elements and biosynth technology in the atmosphere and be separated into commercial usable elements or benign compounds through enzymes in the trees or when they are sent to Aphrodite buildings.Similar nanomaterials etc will be developed to capture nitrous oxide,Perfluorotributylamine,Nitrogen trifluoride,Sulfur hexafluoride etc in the atmosphere via artificial trees and also aeroplanes fitted with these with measures done to prevent their release using genetic engineering,catalytic converters and also capturing them onsite of power plants and factories using SNOX filters and the compound broken down into their base elements to be used in commercial products.Satellites as part of Nephalai will show where there is high concentrations of nitrous oxide,Perfluorotributylamine,Nitrogen trifluoride,Sulfur hexafluoride,methane,sulphur dioxide etc to allow them be then removed from the atmosphere via setting up artificial trees in these areas and aeroplanes with these nanomaterials.They can be sent to Aphrodite buildings to be stored onsite for commercial products,separated into base elements or via reversing the Breit Wheeler process be turned into energy in picotech fabricators and used as energy to power the grid or be turned into other more rare elements.Nitrogen trifluoride,hydroflurocarbons,Perfluorotributylamine,Sulfur hexafluoride and all synthetic greenhouse gases will be intaken by Bambusoideae with the Fluorine based synthetic gases extracted by the plant engineered to intake them use nitrogen as fertiliser and hydrogen and carbon used to create carbohydrates while the Fluorine will be intaken and stored and once the plant is pyrolysised the Fluorine will be separated and sent to Aphrodite factories.Other elements used by the plant to grow and store in it with others extracted once the plant is pyrolysised and sieved by graphene sheets and exposed to super blasts of high intensity UV lights to allow the carbon be used for graphene and fertiliser production with the Fluorine and other elements taken in and stored by the plants separated from biochar and used for commercial purposes sent to Aphrodite buildings.Scratch DNA extrapolated by Phanes will allow for this and them to also to intake nitrous oxide and other greenhouse gases and even toxic gases with the main elements used as fertiliser or stored in them and sieved from biochar while oxygen is released.Again any hydrogen produced would be converted into water or carbohydrates with this be used by the plant and oxygen released into the atmosphere.All elements would be used by the plants or stored in them with them engineered to store them without toxicity using DNA from metalltorants exposed to high doses of them to gain a resistance in high doses.Thus aeroplanes containing nanomaterials can fly over areas shown by Nephelai to have methane,nitrogen triflouride and other powerful greenhouses in the upper atmosphere and collect them to allow them to be burned in the case of methane and in others have them broken down into their elemental components stored in Aphrodite buildings.Ideally future instances of these should be captured onsite of factories to prevent them being released and then broken down into base components or reused with alternatives to these found that are not greenhouse gases.Excess water vapour can be collected from the atmosphere and reused in vertical farms,replenish aquifers if collected in large amounts using artificial trees and also aeroplanes that trap water in large amounts using nanomaterials and also cooled interiors and exposed parts with geothermal and fossil fuel plants collecting these and then pumping them into depleted reservoirs with closed looped systems employed by all plants preventing the release of this in the first place.Ideally these gases that originate from factories will be collected onsite by filters and reused or broken down into base elements and used in other factories via Persephone.To remove toxins like Fluorine it will be separated into both into inert forms and into elemental compounds that can be used for other purposes with graphene and similar nanomaterials,super blasts of super high intensity UV lights,chemical or mechanical treatments can also do this.If these actions are done then nanosensors or other technology can be used to ensure that 100% of the toxins are removed with repeats of these treatments used together can allow more toxins to be removed with testing and repeats of these process done over and over again until all of the toxins are gone with the toxins made into inert compounds by mixing it with other benign elements or used as a food source for bacteria that produce commercial products from these pollutants diluted down.This will allow the Fluorine to be used for other purposes.Thus nanomaterials from all 94 elements will be developed combined with biosynth technology to create artificial trees to capture nitrous oxide,nitrogen trifluoride,hydroflurocarbons,Perfluorotributylamine,Sulfur hexafluoride.Measures will be created to prevent these leaking into the atmosphere ie engineering ruminants not to produce nitrous oxide,SNOX filters in aeroplanes and power plants and also capturing them onsite of factories.Excess water vapour will be captured from the atmosphere by method developed by AI.

By 2025-2029 synthetic coal,oil,gas can be developed and used in instead of normal fossil fuels offering an equally energy dense source of energy for vehicles(public,private,cruise ships and aeroplanes) and power plants that is also carbon neutral ensuring no more carbon dioxide is added to the atmosphere while biosynth/schwarzite electric batteries are developed and the world switches to geothermal power and renewables etc and carbon sequestration programmes take place.These will provide energy and fuel for power plants and also private and public vehicles as well as aeroplanes and cruise ships as a transitional fuel  before the world converts to geothermal power and biosynth/schwarzite batteries between 2035-2050 as they will release no extra carbon dioxide into the atmosphere being carbon neutral while carbon sequestration programmes reduce carbon dioxide levels back to pre industrial levels of 280ppm.It will also allow those who wish to continue to use gasoline vehicles to do so indefinitely.

By 2029 the technology for artificial trees to absorb as much as ten to even hundred tonnes every day will be developed alongside the plants used ie Bambusoideae and C.sativa be engineered to survive all soils,climates and increase growth rates and carbon dioxide intake by a factor of at least a hundred times more than normal ie 1,235 tonnes every year per hectare will also be thus meaning by 2029 the earliest it should be possible to start removing 146.15-556.2Gt(4-15 times more that what we emit every year) annually from the atmosphere and Pan to plan out where they will take place meaning we could still burn fossil fuels at or current rate or even triple after this point and still reduce carbon dioxide levels back to 280ppm giving us until at least 2050 or later to convert to geothermal etc with the spreading of calcium carbonate aerosols into the air starting by 2020 and continuing until levels return to 280ppm.In total only about 1% of the Earths surface needs to be used for both indoor and outdoor plantations combined.Anyway you look at it we could start as early as 2029 and as late as 2050 and still remove all excess carbon dioxide in the atmosphere in as little as 10 years or as long as 50 years while still burning fossil fuels at our current rate.Proto programmes will start as early as 2020-2025 in these countries organised by local and national governments with full programmes started as early as 2029 by Pan.These proto programmes will utilise all existing agricultural land when grown in rotation to enrich the soil while at the same time vertical,community and forest farms as well as bacteria based commodities and invitro meat allow for all agricultural land to be used by 2029.Meadows,parks,roofs of skyscrapers,gardens of private homes,grounds of universities and public buildings in these key countries can be used for this using unaltered Bambusoideae that intakes only 12.35 tonnes per hectare every year before it can be engineered to intake 1,235-12,350 tonnes every year per hectare by 2029 with 4% of the Earths surface including existing agricultural land and these aforementioned areas capable of intaking roughly 10Gt with 20Gt intaken on 8% of the Earths surface with artificial trees that intake one tonne per day will be used to compliment them with them requiring at least 3,000 hectares or 0.00002% of the Earths surface to intake another 10Gt while marine cloud brightening masks the effects of global warming are started at the same time.These proto programmes could remove at least 30Gt each year by 2025 if enough effort is made with fully fledged programmes by 2029 intaking 146.15-556.2Gt on 1% of the Earths surface.By 2029-2035 1% of the Earths surface could intake as much 183.5Gt-1,853Gt every year.Combining genetically engineered Bambusoidea,C.sativa,Graminae and macro algae and artificial trees together can exponentially increase the amount of carbon dioxide intaken every year.At first by 2029-2035 this sequestration would be incremental but by 2045 onwards will become exponentially greater every year.Combing the processes of both marine cloud brightening and calcium carbonate aerosols together will mask the worst effects of global warming exponentially thus extending the timeframe to sequester excess carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.All carbon dioxide removed from the atmosphere including from artificial trees and carbon capture plants will be converted via pyrolysis into biochar fertiliser,graphene and diamonds putting it to good use rather than current systems that render it inert in the ground with existing stored carbon dioxide in saline aquifers etc extracted and turned into these.Saline aquifers will not be used because there is only a finite amount of them on Earth,they exist in only a small number of places and the carbon sequestered is not put to good use.These outdoor and indoor programmes will be managed by Pan who will decide where they will occur with temperate and tropical climates like Austrailia,India,China,Japan,Ireland,Great Britain,France,Germany,Spain,Russia and also North,Central and South America used for outdoor plantations involving plants like Bambusoideae,C.sativa,S.babylonica with all of the worlds deserts will be used for indoor or underground plantations where artificial trees that can be modified to intake one to a thousand tonnes of carbon dioxide a day will feed the greenhouse gas into greenhouses or underground tunnels where the aformentioned plants and macro algae are grown and also coastlines and oil rigs around the world growing macro algae with in all cases the plants pyrolysised.He will decide where in which world these will take place with reforestation of peatlands and agricultural land will also help as well as major carbon sinks.The outdoor plantations will continue while remaining reserves of fossil fuels are burned at a ratio of 1:1 through interactions with all remaining power plants and Theoi Meteroi.If too much is taken out of the atmosphere then extra carbon dioxide from burning of remaining reserves and also from bacteria based fossil fuels will be released into the atmosphere to ensure levels remain at 280ppm with if any is released by the ocean and soil carbon sinks worldwide that have release it in response to the current excess removed to equalise this removal it will also be sequestered over several more years.If too much is taken out of the atmosphere then extra carbon dioxide from burning of remaining reserves and also from bacteria will be released into the atmosphere to ensure levels remain at 280ppm with if any is released by the ocean and soil carbon sinks worldwide that have stored it and release it in response to the current excess removed to equalise this removal it will also be sequestered over several more years.Thus it should be possible to remove all excess carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and return levels back to 280ppm in as little as 5-20 years between 2034-2049 at these parameters with them starting between 2021 and fully fledged by 2029-2035 and we have at least until 2050 to start removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere,switch to an entirely renewable energy source and also apply Calcium carbonate aerosols to the atmosphere.Calcium carbonate aerosols and marine cloud brightening could mask the worst effects of global warming potentially giving an extra 20-100 until at least 2049-2129 to carry this out.If possible it could be done every few years in cycles to maintain the level of reflection thus giving us an extra 1,000 years as far long as 3129 CE.If need be they may continue to the end of the century by which time they would have certainly removed all excess carbon dioxide from the atmosphere especially if soil and ocean sinks release stored carbon dioxide to equalise what is removed from the atmosphere.All work in these will be automated from start to finish by 2029 reducing costs to almost zero..Thus carbon sequestration programmes will involve indoor and outdoor programmes taking place around the world alongside seaweed plantations taking place in coastal cities and towns around the world and also deep sea oil rigs with Pan and even his proto form deciding where they will occur around the world.By 2025-2029 synthetic coal,oil,gas can be developed and used in instead of normal fossil fuels offering an equally energy dense source of energy for vehicles(public,private,cruise ships and aeroplanes) and power plants that is also carbon neutral ensuring no more carbon dioxide is added to the atmosphere while biosynth/schwarzite electric batteries are developed and the world switches to geothermal power and renewables etc and carbon sequestration programmes take place.

This will all be possible provided the world has switched to 70% geothermal,all remaining fossil fuel plants have the carbon dioxide rerouted to internal vertical farms etc and also calcium carbonate has been spread over the atmosphere routinely all starting by 2025-2029.Ideally to mitigate global warming spreading calcium carbonates into the atmosphere by at least 2025-2029.This and switching to an entirely renewable energy grid such as geothermal,solar,wind,microturbines and wave etc. will mean it should be possible to revert the levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere back to or near to pre industrial levels of 280ppm by the end of the century if not later half.Alongside this is the fact gas can be collected onsite of all geothermal and fossil fuel plants and turned into dry ice to be use in vertical farms by being shipped to all vertical farms in the region and country and as detailed all carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere since the beginning of the industrial revolution using these in several decades.This can be done by rerouting smoke stacks in both remaining fossil fuel(oil,gas,coal) and geothermal power plants will be rerouted to internal vertical farms where Bambusoideae and C.sativa plants that would be grown onsite of the fossil fuel plants via hydro/aeroponics and then harvested to them be then shipped to pyrolysis organic waste plants where it will be used to create diamonds,graphene,fertiliser etc via biochar shipped to Aphrodite buildings and the plants replanted over and over again.All gases like nitrous oxides,sulphur dioxide and also mercury would be absorbed by the plants engineered to do so and the mercury separated from the biochar to be used in commercial products sent to Aphrodite buildings.The sulphur and nitrogen from these gases would be intaken and used as fertiliser with the mercury separated from the biochar with the oxygen released into the biome.Sulphur and nitrogen can be separated from the pyrolysised plants and then sent to home,community and vertical farms as fertiliser.Ideally though the nitrogen and sulphur should be filtered out using filters to ensure at least another 6,000 years of fertilisers for home,communal and vertical farms.Nitrogen and phosphorous from the plants stored in them from the soil and atmosphere will also be separate and sent to plants.Since it creates between 2.59 – 2.7% of the carbon dioxide than coal and the amount of carbon dioxide coming from any fossil fuels burned will be drop due to this fuel source dropping from 87-10% then we can calculate that since we emit 37.1 gigatonnes using 87% of our energy from fossil fuels then it is possible that their will be an decrease from 37.1Gt annually to roughly 10.6Gt (0.9Gt from geothermal at 70% of the Earths power source and 9.7Gt from fossil fuels consisting of 10%) which should be easily sequestered by planting tress in the surrounding areas as well as reforesting all land across the world with ongoing carbon sequestration techniques removing 146.15-556.2Gt of carbon dioxide annually each year.Bambusoideae plantations will be able to sequester 10.7Gt of carbon dioxide every year on on 77,818,181 hectares roughly 0.51971% of the Earths surface with this including meadows and gardens of private and communal homes with with artificial trees which could also intake this amount on 12,000-30,000 hectares or only 0.00008-0.0020% of the Earths surface.Artificial trees that can intake as much as one to ten or even a hundred tonnes of carbon dioxide a day inside could also collect it and transport it to green houses for biochar or vertical farms for fertiliser once turned into dry ice with them also engineered to intake nitrogen,mercury and sulphur etc to be shipped to Aphrodite buildings,community centres and vertical farms for fertiliser and commercial products all controlled by the plant AI.These would be inside the powerplants whether geothermal,fossil fuels or pyrolysis plants where the smokestacks are turned in and would be more efficient than actual live plants as they would intake large amounts of nitrogen,sulphur,mercury as much as a ten to hundred tonnes every day with the dry ice created onsite shipped to nearby vertical farms,home and community farms that have greenhouses and also those next door that grow plants as part of biochar programmes.The nitrogen and sulphur would be captured and shipped to Aphrodite factories to ensure at least another 6,600 years of fertilisers for home,communal and vertical farms with them sent to Aphrodite factories or even community centres with the AI of farms managing this.It would also ensure at least another 6,600 years of graphene,carbyne and fertilisers etc.Countries around the world could still have largeish Bambusoideae and C.sativa outdoor plantations to form forests to form tourist attractions and keep air quality clean with them interacting with the plant AIs of all power plants world wide alongside Steropes,Pan and Theoi Meteroi if both geothermal and fossil fuel power plants still emit carbon dioxide and make sure the amount released is equal to what is intaken via these plantations for biochar production.This should also be grown in gardens or parks etc to make oil and gas produced at home carbon neutral.If possible native trees that have undergone same level of engineering to increase carbon dioxide intake and growth rates will be grown and harvested season after season with these being made separate species unable to mate with others to prevent all trees intaking too much carbon dioxide with again them being areas where one could have walks with this also ensuring native flora and fauna residing in them with biosynths and implants formed via microbes able to mark where birds nest are to prevent them being killed with them and other wildlife removed by biosynths.These outdoor programmes should continue to allow greenhouses used as indoor programmes to be converted into communal homes while artificial trees onsite of and inside of powerplants where SNOX filters and rerouted smokestacks intake nitrogen,sulphur and mercury etc separately and then shipped to vertical and community farms,community centres and also Aphrodite buildings automatically with the carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere to be captured by Bambusoideae etc with if need be Bambusoideae engineered to intake nitrogen and sulphur oxide using the nitrogen and sulphur as fertiliser and releasing oxygen into the atmosphere with them also engineered to intake mercury with the three of these separated from biochar using sieving through graphene and other nanomaterial sheets,catalytic reactions etc.The SNOX filters can be composed of nanomaterials that separate only mercury,sulphur and nitrogen and allow the carbon dioxide to be intaken by the plants and then turned into biochar.The mercury,sulphur and nitrogen through automated processes be removed from the filters and sent to Aphrodite buildings,community centres and vertical farms for their uses in commercial products and fertiliser.Each country around the world would have these programmes to intake the amount released by all powerplants in their country or these would still be the same key countries with this decided by Pan with these also done to intake carbon dioxide released by bacteria based gasoline and methane burned by private homeowners and vehicle owners.When the amount land required reaches at least 5% then the plants ie a hundred times more carbon dioxide is being released then the plants can be grown on the roofs of communal homes as well as public buildings such as universities,hospitals etc and their grounds alongside the gardens of private and communal homes etc with artificial trees used when it reaches 10% for the vast majority of carbon dioxide intaken with the carbon dioxide with indoor programmes used alongside it used fertilise bacteria used for commodities,fertilise crops in vertical farms or miniature indoor plantations on the grounds of private and communal homes and even vertical and community farms with research into converting dry ice into pure carbon separated from oxygen using nanomaterials,amine and catalytic reactions to gain graphene etc.Otherwise further engineering may increase the amount of carbon dioxide the plants can intake to as much as 12,350 tonnes per hectare per year or have artificial trees that each intake 1,000 tonnes individually every day developed.If possible bacteria based flour can be used to intake the excess carbon dioxide grown indoors and then pyrolysised.At that rate 1% of the Earths surface covered in the plants with this level of engineering would intake 1,853Gt every year meaning they would be more than capable of intaking the required amount of carbon dioxide since a combination of geothermal and fossil fuels would emit at least 10.6Gt annually with this at least 19-191 times increase in energy use and thus Bambusoideae plantations would be more than capable of intaking any increase with nuclear fusion and fission as well as renewables like wave,tidal,microhydro being carbon dioxide free.This should possibly occur at least a few centuries from now with the utilisation of geothermal heating,solar panels,VAWTs and battery storage technology used by private and communal homes and energy intensive buildings worldwide alongside community battery packs charged by these cutting down on the amount of energy from the grid and thus carbon dioxide produced.By at least 2040-2050 most of the world will be converted to geothermal and other aforementioned energy parameters by AI,electric vehicles will replace all fossil fuel ones,conversion of old coal and oil power plants into geothermal with automated carbon sequestration projects taking place worldwide starting by at least 2025-2029 will have removed most of the excess carbon dioxide from the atmosphere bringing levels of it back to 280ppm or at least near 280-300ppm from the current 410ppm by the later quarter of the century at least alleviating the threat of global warming stabilising global temperatures and preventing the catastrophic 2-5 degree rise meaning the temperature rise should be at least less than 1-2 degrees Celsius provided calcium carbonate and sodium based aerosols are spread over the atmosphere continuously to cool the planet with the levels returning back to 280ppm by at least 2060-2080 and will definitely be reduced back to pre industrial levels by the end of the century by which time most of all the worst effects of climate change will be averted again provided calcium carbonate aerosols are spread into the atmosphere to initiate global cooling which can start as early as 2020-2029 to cool the existing warming trend especially prone to it.Between 2020-2025 marine brightening and calcium aerosols programmes will begin to cool the Earth to the point of the equivalent of the levels of carbon dioxide levels being at least 250-350ppm.This and also the conversion of the world to geothermal will ensure that all of these carbon sequestration programmes will be carbon negative and not add anymore new carbon dioxide to the atmosphere while they are sequestering existing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere with mobile units first used prior to them set by 2029 using solar panels and other technologies to make them carbon negative.By 2029-2040 the areas with these plants will have geothermal power plants set up to power them making them carbon negative with the pyrolysis plant even powering manufacturing and recycling hubs.Mobile units onsite of community centres etc will continue to be used to alleviate strains with them set up by 2020-2025 and powered by solar panels and VAWTs charging batteries and even geothermal pipes covered in thermo-piezoelectric materials to make them carbon negative.Capturing this from the atmosphere via biochar and artificial trees as well as controlled burning of remaining reserves and converting it into pure carbon can ensure an abundant supply of fertilisers,graphene,diamonds,other carbon composites,hempcrete and C.sativa composites.Seaports and airports whose vehicles grow their own fuel can have bacteria based oil grown onsite in obsolete areas or underground extensions and can make it carbon neutral by using artificial trees that intake one or more tonne of the gas every day to feed bacteria using artificial trees to take in one tonne of carbon dioxide every day that take in the amount that they produce determined by the airport and seaport AIs dependant on the amount of planes and ships that are in flight.This can start as early as 2025-2029 to make them carbon neutral and prevent them adding new carbon dioxide to the atmosphere.By 2025-2029 synthetic coal,oil,gas can be developed and used in instead of normal fossil fuels offering an equally energy dense source of energy for vehicles(public,private,cruise ships and aeroplanes) and power plants that is also carbon neutral ensuring no more carbon dioxide is added to the atmosphere while biosynth/schwarzite electric batteries are developed and the world switches to geothermal power and renewables etc and carbon sequestration programmes take place.Private and public vehicles and all oil,coal and gas power plants could also be using carbon neutral fossil fuels.Thus it may be possible to go completely carbon neutral and negative by 2029-2035 by switching to synthetic fossil fuels and starting carbon sequestration programmes and reduce carbon dioxide back to 280ppm in as little as 5-10 years with marine cloud brightening and also Calcium carbonate aerosols masking the worst effects.All programmes both indoors and outdoor worldwide and marine cloud brightening and spraying of Calcium carbonate into the atmosphere also automated from start to finish.If enough effort is made this can be done by 2029-2035.By 2020-2029 all species of plants,Anthozoa,insects,mammals,birds and other species of animals around the world that are at risk of extinction due to climate change will undergo conservation efforts in zoos,vertical farms and in the case of Anthozoa aka coral,amphibians and fish etc in recirculating aquaculture systems to rear large numbers alongside using the Phanes method utilising 3D DNA printers etc with large samples of DNA from all species collected for Lazarus and Phanes programmes to increase their numbers,thus bringing them back from the brink of extinction and thus ensure that by the time carbon dioxide levels are reversed to pre industrial levels and wilderness is reforested they can be returned to their habitats and returned to stable populations.Since coral is created by different species of micro-organisms these can printed in millions or billions of cells and with different genotypes once their genome is added to Physis thus allowing large numbers of them to reared in recirculating aquaculture systems in research centres until conditions become favourable when ocean pH,temperature and carbon dioxide levels return to normal levels with fish and other sea fauna also reared here in centres and zoos.As detailed earlier on coral reefs can be formed around all of the worlds beaches,estuaries,rivers,lakes etc that are new species of Anthozoa designed by Phanes unique to each one that can survive in these areas with new species of algae,phytoplankton and fish,shellfish and sea mammals designed by him and existing species engineered to adapt to these new reefs with them engineered with bioluminescence with as stated all beaches and esturies and even rivers and lakes around the world housing these new coral reefs adding to existing ones that are saved by conservation efforts.All of these beaches,rivers and lakes etc will undergoe bioremediation techniques to make them clean with the coral engineered to use both photosynthesis and chemosynthesis and feed on algae and also phytoplantkon and form symbiotic relationships with local fauna for nutrition with them engineered to survive the local climate.Island chains close to each other and the mainland will form reefs that connect to each other and the mainland as far as possible with piezophile DNA also allowing them to form around underwater communities especially when engineered with biolumenescence with Phanes,Pan and Artemis deciding the layout of them.If possible the entirety of all rivers and lakes worldwide will have them with those in esturies,coastlines with cliffs as well as by cities etc and beaches going out as far as possible possibly surrounding the entirety of all countries surrounded by oceans ie Ireland,Britain,North/South/Central America,France,Spain,Africa etc having these at all parts of the coastline as far out as possible with engineering allowing deepish parts to house them with the bioluminescence allowing for them to be seen at night in all rivers,lakes,esturies,beaches and coasts at night especially deep part.Even both the Arctic Circle and Antarctica will have these formed along their coastline and any rivers using DNA to thrive in all temperatures using thermophile,mesophile,psychrophile and even scratch DNA.As stated they will use photosynthesis,chemosynthesis and even consume algae and phytoplankyon with iron fertilisation used to increase the amount of algae present and them even consuming nutrients from runoff,animal and fish feces etc to not cause imbalances in the ecosystems with Pan and Phanes managing they have adequate sustenance.Simulations will be done by these AI as to their effect on the local and global ecosystems and climate.This will increase the amount of habitats for coral reefs them once carbon dioxide levels return to 280ppm with these increasing the biodiversity value of all beaches,rivers,seas,bays,gulfs,coastlines etc and their value to tourism of all towns,villages and cities by them and making coral reefs ubiquitous to all rivers,lakes,beaches,seas,bays,gulfs,coastlines,esturies worldwide including those by cliffs,islands and even towns and cities by the ocean thus ensuring that there will be an abundance of them worldwide,increasing there habitat range to ensure all countries with rivers,lakes and beaches will have these that are unique species for each one increasing their value to tourists as well as allow each town,city and village by the sea,lakes and rivers have their own coral reefs for themselves.The biolumescence will allow them to be seen at night and under deepish water with them even by the coasts of cliff faces and surrounding islands with as stated chains of islands having large ones that connect to each one and even to neighbouring mainland countries and beaches forming large reefs in between all islands and extend to the mainland beach of the mainland country next to them.This would include all of Japan,Ireland and Britain,The Phillepeans,Indonesia,Aran Isands,Faroe Islands,Galapgos Islands,Lucayan Archipelago,Cyprus,Taiwan,Sri Lanka,Lanzarote with them forming reefs connecting all islands and also connecting them to the mainland continents next to them.Rivers,lakes and esturies will have them adapted to freshwater and brackish water with any energy sources such as microhydroturbines etc built to float above them etc managed by Pan and Steropes.The entire coastline that includes cliffs and beaches surrounding all countries worldwide will house them extending as far back as possible even into deep water.Even all major rivers worldwide will have like the Amazon,Seine,Hudson,Tigris,Euphrates,Colorado and Mississippi Rivers and famous lakes like the Great Lakes of America(Michigan,Erie,Ontario,Superior,Huron),Loch Ness,Lough Derg etc along the span of the entire lake and river.This would apply to those by the coast of all towns and major cities across the world including Dublin,London,New York,Hong Kong with those by the coast,beaches,cliffs and all cities and towns by the ocean will go out a far as possible including into deeper waters.With regards to islands and coastal cities Oceanus will have the coral grown over and around them or it will be underneath the crust by the ocean and then pop up underwater after them.Underwater communities will have them surrounding them.All seas both inland and those connected to oceans,bays etc and huge sections of oceans that separate countries ie the Gulf of Mexico,Gulf of Aden,Gulf Of Bothnia,Persian Gulf,Gulf Of Oman,Gulf of Thailand,English Channel,Bay of Bengal,Hudson Bay,Bay of Biscay,Northwestern Passage,Caspian Sea,Aral Sea,Tyrrhenian Sea,Black Sea,Meditteranean Sea etc will have large reefs formed that span all or most of them.Existing sea mammals,fish and shellfish will be engineered to adapt to them and form symbiotic relationships and even new species of fish,shellfish and mammals will be created by them that do so to increase biodiversity with them brightly coloured.Species of animals that are endemic to a small area of the world like Munidopsis polymorpha,A.mexicanum and
Branchinella latzi can be added to these especially in reefs in the areas near where they reside and adapted to these new reefs with them undergoing conservation efforts in recirculating aquaculture systems in research centres first.These should be started to be set up worldwide by Phanes,Artemis and Pan by 2045-2060 all done at once thus meaning all coastlines,beaches,lakes,seas,rivers,esturies and islands worldwide will have newly set up coral reefs constructed by Pan and Phanes suited to the local climate,pH,salinity,depths with them being new species for these areas with new species of fish and shellfish also created with simulations done as to their effect on the global climate and ecosystems with algae created and dumped in them in large numbers alongside even fertiliser added to increase algae to ideal levels to sustain them.Algae in these and all oceans and rivers will be engineered via introducing new ones that do not produce toxins or even if algae blooms occur do not consume oxygen when they die and decompose and at nighttime with the local fauna and coral engineered to use both carbon dioxide and oxygen as energy acceptors.If possible recombinant DNA from faculatative anaerobes,anaerobes,obligate anaerobes,capnophiles and scratch DNA can be added to the local faunas and corals genome to naturally use both carbon dioxide and oxygen as energy acceptors alongside nitrate(NO3−),fumarate,sulphate(SO42−),or sulphur(S).The algae and coral will utilise photosynthesis,chemosynthesis to survive areas deeper underwater.The algae and coral will utilise photosynthesis,chemosynthesis to survive areas deeper underwater. The coral can be engineered to feed on and filter out pollution and dirt in the bodies of water at making them pristine and clear enough to see the coral and floor.This can include scratch DNA and those from multicellular and unicellular plants and animals that do this already with the other sea fauna including phytoplankton also engineered to tolerate and break them down with if need be these pollutants pumped in by AI in controlled amounts.Biolumescence will be added and new improved biolumescence will be added via microbes via those engineered to swim in the water and interact with all Anthozoa to allow them to glow especially in lakes,rivers,esturies but even in deeper reefs in the ocean during the day and night.Genetic databanks across the world may already have the entire genome of all species so only a sizeable number of genetic samples will be needed to be collected to allow the sentient Phanes to extrapolate genetically distinct strands of DNA to create millions or even billions of eggs,seeds,spermatazoa,embryos to be created in 3D DNA printers and then inserted into animals that create distantly related twins,triplets or even nonuplets thus exponentially increasing the number of genetically distinct individuals or artificial wombs as part of conservation efforts as detailed earlier on.Even Anthozoa will undergo this conservation efforts using the Phanes method as they are composed of unicellular organisms that form these reefs with all species of Anthozoa that create all types of coral will have their DNA added to Physis to be reared in recirculating aquaculture systems via 3D DNA printers that can print out millions or billions of genetically distinct organisms.Phytoplantkon will be reared in recirculating aquaculture systems via 3D DNA printers that print out millions or billions of genetically distinct organisms.Phytoplantkon and Anthozoa will be engineered to survive warmer and more acidic conditions.Thus by adding all species of animals and plants especially endangered ones into the Physis database and collecting sizeable sample of specimens of all endangered ones it will allow Phanes to extrapolate millions of genetically distinct DNA printed into embryos,spermatazoa etc to implanted into females as twins,triplets and even nonuplets that are distantly releated enough to be able to breed with their surrogate mother and also each other to exponentionally increase the population to stable with Phanes designing these strands of DNA and managing the ratio of males to females with artificial wombs also used with them released into the wild once their habitat is reforested with endangered Anthozoa,fish and shellfish reared in recirculating aquaculture system. Phytoplankton and Anthozoa will undergo this with 3D DNA printers creating billions of individuals to be released into the wild with them given radioresistence.To prevent coral bleaching Zooxanthelle can be genetically engineered by being released in large amounts into oceans and reefs to interbreed with native specimens that are engineered not to produc toxic oxygen species or only do so at extremely high temperatures using thermophile DNA.This and other measures can be done to combat coral bleaching.Phytoplankton and all micro algae species will be created using 3D DNA printers in large amounts and reared in recirculating aquaculture systems that will then be dumped into the oceans in large amounts sing ships.These will by being created by 3D DNA printers will have thermophile,Alkanophile and acidophile DNA to survive warmer temperatures and lower pH etc due to increased carbon dioxide concentrations and any future geological events.These conservation efforts will be carried around the world on all endangered species as detailed earlier on.

In vitro meat and milk from yeast will consist of 90-95% of the worlds meats and milk supply not only to reduce methane emissions but also to allow land used to grow fodder crops and for grazing worldwide to be reforested indefinitely especially the Amazon to allow it to act as a major carbon dioxide sink.It will also allow for meat and milk from all species of mammals and animals that are labour and resource intensive and will be created onsite of home,community and vertical farms.By 2029 invitro meat will provide meat from all 2,000,000 species,breeds,subspecies of animals that uses 99% less resources,do so for those where it is not commercially viable ie too expensive and produces very little with too many resources,would through engineering take a few days as opposed to several years to grow an entire animal and any type of offal including foie gras or even just batches of hamburgers/hotdogs/steaks/pudding etc thus increasing yields exponentionally,can be grown in vertical as well community and all types of farms including home systems allowing all land used to rear it and feed for livestock worldwide especially in the Amazon to be reforested and produces zero carbon dioxide and methane emissions that conventional meat does in transportation and also even production and will be indistinguishable from real meat with milk from yeast and bacteria also availible at this point and also indistinguishable from real milk with the same ecological footprint as in vitro meat with it allowing allowing one to get milk from all 5,416 species of mammals and 391,000 species of plants especially those that are not commercially viable.Remaining livestock like Phasianidae and Bovidae will be as detailed earlier reared onsite of home and community farms with them fed flour from bacteria,algae and excess food.All traditional feed such as Glycine max,Zea mays mays and even Gramineae will not be reared on land but only in hydroponics and also in flour form created by bacteria.The remaining livestock will be reared at home and community farms and not in the tropics or other wilderness with them engineered to produce little or no methane and be fed excess crops and flour etc from bacteria including the starches and flour from Gramineae produced by bacteria.They will be engineered directly or the methangenous bacteria inside them not to produce methnae emissions with them fed flour and feed containing Bromoform and compounds in Allium that inhibits methane emissions by at least 99% thus making these livestock reared being methane free.Growing Oryza indoors via aquaponics as well as in open soil and not paddy fields via genetic engineering will prevent them growing with the relationship of methangenous bacteria thus eliminating this source of methane from agriculture with people who rely on this switching to more western carbohydrate dense crops.Remaining methane emissions will be caught by zeolite trees that will be transported to power plants,burned and the carbon dioxide sequestered.Recirculating aquaculture systems will allow any species of fish and shellfish to be grown inland in home,community and vertical farms replacing conventional mariculture obsolete allowing for any sized population to be fed fish and shellfish without affecting ocean based stocks,will cut down on energy costs and it can allow any species of fish and shellfish to be reared locally in any landlocked town,city and village in any country across the world and will play a role in bring endangered and over exploited species of fish,shellfish and even coral etc back from the brink of extinction.This using 3D DNA printers would give consumers a larger variety of fish and shellfish outside of their normal diet and would cut down on energy costs in transportation The customised batch ordered hybrid crops from localised vertical,community and other farms will allow one access to any species of all 80,000-300,000 edible crops outside of the 220 that comprise of 90% of the worlds diet using 3D DNA printers and allow land used for agriculture to be reforested.Bacteria through genetic engineering can by 2029 create any commodities from both plants and animals including cereals,textiles,honey,syrups,flour,chocolate,vegetable oils including onsite of vertical farms and factories thus allowing all land used to grow them including in the Amazon to be reforested indefinitely.Plant and animal commodities from genetically altered bacteria will also allow land used for agriculture to be reforested,higher yields and also more variety in textiles,honeys,syrups,sugars,flours,fats,oils from all plants and animals.It will be able to produce these commodities from plants and animals that are too expensive due to them being resource intensive and dont produce enough to be commercially viable pushing their costs to zero.Conventional  crops and commodities like flour from Trictium,Hordeum,chocolate butter and powder and even Coffea,Camellia sinensis will be created by these as well for the same reasons.Synthetic compounds and those created by complex biological processes like ambergris,ivory,pearls will be created by anabolic and catabolic processes by the bacteria with synthetic ones created this way to cut down on energy done using esterfication and requiring only proteins and sugars fed to them with this again done to bring their costs down to zero and also save energy.Both synthetic and natural compounds will be created onsite of factories for creating manufacturing products when needed and onsite of vertical and other farms when need to be ordered in by the public in large batches cutting down on energy in planting,harvesting and transportation around the world and allow rare and expensive commodities to be brought down to zero alongside biosynth machinery.By 2029 as detailed earlier on the world should have switched to invitro meat,localised vertical/community/home/meadow/forest farms,bacteria based commodities as detailed earlier to allow for all land used for agriculture including meat production worldwide to be reforested and still feed a population well beyond the 11,000,000,000 expected by the end of the century and sequester carbon dioxide with the tropics like the Amazon first reforested as they play an important role in carbon sinks and homeostasis of the planet etc while all other land used for agriculture will be used for outdoor plantations of Bambusoideae which can then be reforested when carbon dioxide levels return to 280ppm this should alongside other technologies eliminate famine worldwide by this point.As detailed earlier on by 2029-2045 advances in genetic engineering,biosynth machinery,picotech fabricators,bacteria based commodities,entomorphagy,in vitro meat,hybrid crops and hybrid farms of all types etc as detailed earlier on could allow agricultural productivity to climb as high as at least between 1,000,000,000:1 to 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000:1 while still allowing all land worldwide used for agriculture including the Amazon to be reforested forever and with little to no human labour thus bringing the price of all food including the most expensive ones to zero and feed a population well beyond the 11,000,000,000 people expected by the end of the century following the same exponential growth curve as both Moores  law and also that of clean energy.By comparison currently 37% of the worlds surface is used for agriculutre and the best we can do is a a ratio of at least between 30:1 to 40:1.Picotech fabricators or even at least the lower energy cost biosynth machinery will also be able to feed any sized population as meals can be created without growing crops and rearing meat.All of this will allow all land used for agriculture worldwide to be reforested and still feed a growing population for the coming centuries with zero methane and carbon dioxide emissions in this sector as methane will be engineered out or made obsolete with localisation of food production and also geothermal also play a role with this and automation and AI in this sector also rendering all 2,414,700,000 jobs in agriculture defunct indefinitely.The only way to feed a population of 11,000,000 people and beyond expected by the end of the century is for the entire agriculture industry worldwide to be shut down and leaving 2,414,7000,000 out of work with Aristeus,Poseidon and Cronus seizing control of the agricultural sector and Pan seizing control of all land used for agriculture especially in areas like the tropic ie the Amazon and not only reforesting them but also managing them and protecting them from arsonists,loggers and poachers via drones and biosynths thus maintaining them indefinitely.He will also do this for all types of wilderness worldwide like deserts,coral reefs and oceans etc.Christmas tree plantations will be made redundant by ordering and planting them in ones private homes gardens or on the roof of communal homes permanently and them moved back and forth between the garden and also living room in pots with them having the acellerated healing phenotype and also have biolumenscence added and removed via microbes to allow plantations to be returned to permanent woodland.All nurseries and outdoor plantations for ornamental plants including Tulipa plantations in Holland and Rosa plantations in India etc alongside those that grow trees and all types of ornamental plants etc will be permanently reforested since one could order them from vertical farms.Synthetic wood that can create any of the 60,065 species of wood including tropical hardwoods onsite of factories alongside kebonisation and accoya treatments and paper created by bacteria that can create any type of paper from all 391,000 species of plants by 2029 also onsite of factories will render illegal deforestation for wood and paper obsolete especially in the Amazon.The use of synthetic wood created onsite of factories and kebonised wood,paper made by bacteria will negate the need for cutting down the worlds rainforests for tropical hardwoods with this again allowing them to be used as carbon sinks with all forests used for forestry worldwide to be returned to permanent woodland to act as carbon sinks with most of the worlds countries having all land previously covered in forests,meadows etc to be fully reforested to their primeval state.This should allow for any type of wood from all 60,065 species of trees to be created locally onsite of Epeius and Daedalus factories using specialised machinery thus saving energy and time in transporting wood from around the world and alongside paper made from bacteria with the species specific bacteria created using 3D DNA printers onsite of the factories that can be grown in large amounts and then put into a mould cutting down on time and energy for transporting the wood from forests around the world and would allow forests used for forestry to be left untouched as permanent wilderness if perfected with them made bigger by agricultural land reforested and negate cutting down trees from the Amazon and other rainforests around the world.Paper and cardboard can be created by bacteria creating the pulp of any of the worlds 60,065 species of trees with pulp also coming from all 391,000 species of plants with fibres from all 391,000 species of plants also used to add strength,smoothness again created onsite of factories to cut down on energy in harvesting,transportation and manufacturing.Wood and paper of all 1,200 species of Bambusoidea can be created this way alongside paper of all 391,000 species of plants and 200,000 species of algae can be created by bacteria with if possible wood made of all 200,000 species of algae and 391,000 species of plants.As a result of this if perfected all forests used for forestry would be left as nature reserves and wilderness with all surrounding land including agricultural land reforested as far back as possible increasing their size with the buildings renovated with living spaces etc.This would render deforestation in the tropics such as the Amazon via illegal logging defunct.Sawmills and buildings onsite of forests used for forestry and paper and cardboard factories can be converted into homes.Paper for books,textbooks,comics and even newspapers and magazines will be replaced by graphene e-readers,e-newspapers etc that will stream or download all old and existing books,magazines and newspapers from Pheme and Dionysus with these able to stream all books,magazines and newspapers both old and new from around the world instantly saving on energy in the production of paper products and allow printing press buildings to be turned into communal homes alonside paper and cardboard factories and sawmills.These e-readers etc will last for decades and will allow one instant access to all paper based media from around the world.These e-readers etc will last for decades and will allow one instant access to all paper based media from around the world through streaming online and also downloading theme into biological harddrives present or streaming them in offline mode from nearby registered devices such as external hardrives and also laptops etc.This will also cut down on energy since they can be created onsite of factories and will render all jobs worldwide in forestry obsolete.All of this will all of the worlds farmland and forests used as forests to act as major carbon sinks with ideally some of them in areas outside of the Amazon will be first used for biochar Bambusoidea plantations to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere with the Amazon and tropics first reforested due to them them important carbon sinks and also ares of immense biodiversity value.

A combination of switching to geothermal,carbon sequestration programmes and covering the upper atmosphere with Calcium carbonate aerosols will reverse global warming,reduce levels to pre industrial levels of 280ppm and thus avert the worst effects of climate change by the end of the century.All of these will be fully automated and controlled by Steropes,Pan and Theoi Meteroi by 2025-2029 leading to more efficient planning by these AI,preventing corners from being cut and also ensure they are done worldwide.To prevent the coming ice ages in the coming millennia as part of the milankovitch cycles gas and other fossil fuels from bacteria can be burned without sequestration when coming ice ages are arriving to keep the earth in a suitable concentration of carbon dioxide to keep it warm enough to have temperatures at levels similar to pre industrial temperatures to keep the Earth warm from developing ice with again Theoi Meteroi and simulations keeping levels within ideal levels with sequestration projects initiated once the Earths rotation changes after the next ice age has ended with this repeated by interactions between Theoi Meteroi,Steropes,Asteria and Artemis with pinpoint precision to make life on Earth habitable for humans and other fauna and flora for the coming millions of years with it also adjusting to the increasing solar luminosity of the sun.If need be synthetic greenhouse gases like Perfluorotributylamine,Nitrogen trifluoride,Sulfur hexafluoride created onsite,captured and inserted into the atmosphere and them kept in a way they stay for decades more than normal if not indefinitely with AI deciding which gas to use and what concentration.These have a global warming potential roughly 17,200-23,000 times more powerful than carbon dioxide and last roughly 740-3,200 years whose levels can be measured and released in levels every few thousand years with the desired levels required measured in simulations.

Thus all remaining reserves of fossil fuels can be burned at a mere 10% of the worlds energy supply compared to the current 80% to provide even more graphene,carbyne,diamonds,fullerenes etc.Levels of carbon dioxide and other environmental factors can tracked both by satellites as well as the global network of soil,water,ocean and atmosphere nanosensors to get better and more accurate readings.If levels reach 280ppm then all automated biochar programs will cease immediately and if levels ever fall below 280ppm then fossil fuels either extracted from the ground or from genetically altered bacteria will be burned to ensure it stays within acceptable limits with methane from livestock negating any effect a lower than 280ppm concentration.The interaction between Pan,Steropes,Theoi Meteroi can ensure that all remaining reserves can be burned and sequestered into carbyne,graphene etc alongside existing excess carbon dioxide in the atmosphere if all aforementioned methods are applied again at a rate of 146.15 – 170.15Gt annually.Centrailia’s fire can be allowed to burn and the carbon dioxide sequestered or the fire can be put out and then burned at a controlled rate.Further research can be made into releasing the 100Tt or 100,000 Gt of molten carbon stored in the upper mantle in controlled bursts or through theoretical transporter technology to be sequestered as carbyne,buckypaper and diamonds for the same reason to sequester it as useful products and prevent it escaping with this theoretically taking at least 910 – 1,137 years with existing technology but further advances and better methods could quicken this with even sieving the carbon dioxide through nanomaterials like graphene to separate it and the oxygen used for liquid glass production.These sequestration projects could be done much quicker if these artificial trees could sequester up to ten tonnes of carbon dioxide a day if so it could take as little as ten years to sequester all carbon dioxide in the atmosphere with older trees replaced by more advanced models.When more advanced models are developed that can sequester more carbon dioxide then these will through robotics replace existing artificial trees.All biochar and carbon sequestration projects will be managed by interactions between Theoi Meteroi,Pan and Asteria which will cease once levels of carbon dioxide fall back to 250 ppm and average global temperatures are back to normal with the 5-10 Gt released by fossil fuels and geothermal sequestered by 15,000,000-30,000,000 artificial trees with advances with trees that sequester 10 tonnes per day requiring 1,500,000 – 3,000,000 artificial trees or some land still taken up by Bambusoideae farms to sequester the carbon.The oxygen from this sequestered carbon can be captured to create liquid glass ensuring an even more abundant supply of this with all sources of carbon dioxide in the oceans,reserves of fossil fuels,mantle and atmosphere etc sequestered into graphene,diamonds etc.Places like Venice can have walls strengthened done and its foundations strengthened by applying smart self healing concrete.By 2020-2029 all species of coral,insects,mammals,birds and other species of animals around the world that are at risk of extinction due to climate change will undergo conservation efforts in zoos,vertical farms and in the case of coral and fish etc in recirculating aquaculture systems to rear large numbers alongside using the Phanes method with large samples of DNA from all species collected for Lazarus and Phanes programmes to increase their numbers and thus ensure that by the time carbon dioxide levels are reversed to pre industrial levels and wilderness is reforested they can be returned to their habitats and returned to stable populations.

Remaining artificial trees,greenhouses and Bambusoideae/C.sativa plantations will be determined by Pan based on interactions with Theoi Meteroi and Steropes to ensure the carbon dioxide from geothermal and remaining oil,coal and gas power plants will be sequestered for the coming millenia to keep levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere at 280ppm.To prevent the coming ice ages in the coming millennia as part of the milankovitch cycles gas and other fossil fuels from bacteria can be burned by Steropes in large amounts without sequestrating them when coming ice ages are arriving to keep the earth in a suitable concentration of carbon dioxide and methane and even artificial greenhouse gases to keep it warm enough to have temperatures at levels similar to pre industrial temperatures to keep the Earth warm from developing ice with again Theoi Meteroi and simulations keeping levels within ideal levels.Sequestration projects for this will be initiated once the Earths rotation changes after the next ice age has ended with this repeated by interactions between Theoi Meteroi,Steropes,Asteria,Pan and Artemis with pinpoint precision to make life on Earth habitable for humans and other fauna and flora for the coming millions of years.Carbon sequestration programmes will be carried out once the Earths rotation returns back to its current condition to return it back to 280ppm.If a change it it’s orbit causes the Earth to warm then levels of carbon dioxide will be sequestered to suitable levels.Orbital mirrors will also used instead of or alongside the use of releasing extra carbon dioxide into the atmosphere to reflect heat away from the sun or have extra heat towards the Earth.These cycles of automated burning artificial fossil fuels and sequestration projects will also take into account the changing luminosity of the sun with when possible beaming large amounts of Hydrogen into the suns core will be done in order to extend its lifespan indefinitely and keep it at levels prior to what it was at the first geological periods of Earth with if this caused a decrease in luminosity that creates a colder global climate then the levels of carbon dioxide and synthetic greenhouse gases will be increase to ensure that the global climate is the same as that is pre industrial times with again orbital mirrors used.AI such as Theoi Meteroi etc will manage this on global levels over millions of years with pinpoint accuracy and plan ahead millions of years taking into account all possible factors and run countless simulations to create effective measures to ensure the Earths global climate is always similar to what it was in pre industrial times.

Using automated biochar production through artificial trees,Bambusoideae,C.sativa and macro algae as detailed can remove any carbon dioxide from the atmosphere produced by any of the aforementioned energy sources which can be used for diamond,fertilizer,textile,hempcrete,graphene and carbyne production or other products made from C.sativa,carbon and Bambusoideae and make them carbon negative.This will be done before and after the levels of carbon dioxide is returned back to 280ppm as again detailed earlier on in environmental managment.Genetic engineering will increase the rates of Bambusoideae,C.sativa and macro algae by as much as a 1,000 times and grow in all soils and climates etc with their development expediated by Phanes cross referencing Physis and using 3D DNA printers to create them within a few days.All plants for carbon sequestration programmes will be created in large batches in local universities using 3D DNA printers.Phanes will create them within mere days and they will be planted in either a randomised or planned manner via fleets of seed planting drones or seed planting machines.The self propagating abilities of Bambusoidea or even better the acceleratated healing pheanotype in humans via recombinant DNA from totipotent stem cells and A.mexicanum,Hydra,Planarians etc to ensure they regrow and self propagate instantly when harvested to save time.If possible microbes in the roots and other parts of the plant can be via biosynth Wifi be made to remove the accelerated healing phenotype from the plant and produce natural and synthetic herbicides when the land is to be reforested.Research will be done to increase the amount of carbon dioxide and methane intaken by artificial trees by having them composed of zeolites,nanomaterials with the same structure of graphene derived from all 94 elements and biosynth tissues again as much as 1,000 times.All work in the removal of carbon dioxide anf methane from the atmosphere using plants and artificial trees will be automated by Pan from start to finish with him and human researchers investigating the most efficient means to do this.This sequestration as detailed later on will involve outdoor C.sativa and Bambusoideae plantations that are harvested and pyrolysised and indoor ones where millions of artificial trees intake carbon dioxide at the rate of one or even ten or a thousand tonnes a day and feed it into indoor plantations of the same plants with the carbon dioxide turned into useful commercial products such as graphene/carbyne,buckypaper for construction material and also electronics,artificial diamonds and fertiliser.This will be done to prevent it going to waste and be put to good use as fertiliser,diamonds,graphene etc.Thus remaining reserves of fossil fuels once carbon dioxide levels have returned to 280ppm can be burned at even 100% but ideally 10%.Methane,shale gas,oil,gasoline,coal,peat in the crust especially in the oceans will kept in the ground until carbon dioxide levels are reduced back to 280ppm and methane is reduced to 722ppb as to make the carbon and methane sequestration programmes for these easier and until AI,automation and biosynths are advanced enough to extract oil and gasoline with zero human labour as well as advanced enough to have a 100% success rate in preventing leaks and accidents with for all projects with synthetic oil,gasoline,methane,coal,peat used as a transitional fuel since they would release no extra carbon dixode.All programmes both indoors and outdoor worldwide will be automated from start to finish.Burning fossil fuels produced by bacteria can keep carbon dioxide levels stable at 280ppm if sequestration projects are too successful.Proven reserves should be used first with unproven reserves exploited with advances in technology especially theoretical transporter technology utilised to extract reserves under protected areas.This will be done to ensure and abundant supply of graphene,fullerenes,carbyne,artificial diamonds,biochar fertiliser for the next 2,600 years preventing it going to waste with all excess carbon dioxide in the atmosphere also converted into this.This includes the 10Tt of methane in the Arctic alone not taking into account the rest of the worlds stores of methane hydrates,oil,gas and coal of 4.274Tt and the 100Tt present in the form of molten carbon in the upper mantle to be exploited.This will thus prevent the carbon in the form of carbon dioxide going to waste since graphene,bukypapaer etc will be pivotal for the future.This will in total provide 114.275Tt(114,275Gt) of carbon for graphene,diamonds,fertiliser putting it to good use and preventing it going to waste.Thus all carbon sequestration programmes to remove excess carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and those to sequester it from remaining reserves of fossil fuels and from geothermal power plants involving artificial trees and plants will turn the carbon dioxide into biochar fertiliser,graphene,buckypaper and artificial diamonds prior to the development of picotech fabricators with existing programmes that sequester it in the ground ceasing and those already stored in saline aquifers and also limestone removed via boring underground and also oil wells that can remove the carbon dioxide and return it there again.By 2045 AI will develop way to extract the molten carbon in the upper mantle.Unlike existing methods of carbon sequestration that pumps it into the ground into saline aquifers and limestone the carbon dioxide is turned into useful and important commercial products that can store the carbon forever into these products,is safe,is cheaper,can be automated and can be done anywhere in the world as limestone and aquifer deposits exist in a small finite part of the world with the programmes split in between the worlds temperate and tropic zones and deserts and require only 1% of the Earths surface.Existing carbon sequestered in limestone and aquifers will be harvested to prevent it going to waste.Graphene and other carbon composites such as buckypaper,fullerenes,carbyne etc will play a key role in electronics,batteries and construction for the next few millenia as in electronics it can replace rare earths,copper and can make concrete and windows stronger since it is 200 times stronger than steel.Biochar can be used to create also high grade fertiliser when mixed in with algae from sewage treatment plants that can improve crop yields and aid in reforestation efforts and act as a soil amendment that helps it retain water and nitrogen,potassium and phosphorous reducing the amount needed preventing run off and leaching and reduce the amount of nitrogen,potassium and phosphorous to be applied.It also aids in growth of micro-organisms that aid in crop yields in community,home and vertical farms and can store the carbon in soil over thousands of years when it can be resequestered much quicker.It can also be turned into synthetic diamonds thus rendering blood diamond mining and trading in Africa etc defunct as they can be created onsite of Aphrodite buildings around the world.The carbon dioxide and methane present on Saturn,Neptune and Jupiter etc can be harvested with if possible all of the diamonds produced in the atmosphere of Jupiter and Saturn both existing and future ones could be harvested via transporter and other technologies providing in the case of Saturn alone produce 1,200 tonnes of diamonds every year roughly 47 times more mined on Earth every year.Thus all remaining diamonds in the Earths crust will be worthless to diamond companies and countries that export them.Remaining reserves of diamonds,rubies etc will be extracted by AI and automation via Plutus by 2029 with the mines used as underground communities or refilled with soil and rocks created by picotech fabricators to prevent them going to waste.Other precious gems such as rubies,obsidian,amethyst,emeralds will be created and synthesised onsite of Aphrodite factories alongside synthetic versions of minerals such as jade and synthetic igneous,metamorphic and sedimentary rocks made via machinery that replicate the natural formation of these by 2029 to negate the need for mining finite reserves and in time picotech fabricators thus allowing finite reserves of ornamental rocks to stay in the crust as they are in areas where extraction can damage natural scenery with the AI Persephone determining the best method for each extraction until picotech fabricators are perfected.Advancements in AI between 2029-2045 will develop means bring down the cost to produce larger amounts of each synthetic gemstone and ornamental rocks in large batches in high quality slabs and gemstones etc to zero.By this point all synthetic rocks and gemstones such as metamorphic,igneous,sedimentary rocks,rubies,diamonds,jade,amhyerst etc will be indistinguisheable from natural ones with the same value as normal ones from the crust via replicating their formation in the Earths crust more accuratley using heat and pressure,bisoynth technology and nanomaterials and in time even temporal dimensionalism etc rendering current methods obsolete and primative making all remaining reserves in the crust completly worthless to corporations and governments worldwide thus shutting down markets releted to them forever.Thus machinery will be developed that not only creates large batches of diamonds,rubies and other gemstones but also minerals etc by using base elements and replicating their natural formation while any type of igneous,metamorphic and sendimentary rock for statues and furnishes can be created by adding base elements to machinery that replicated the heat,pressure etc of the crust to create slabs of them of varied sizes used to bring the time needed to create them from millions of years to a few months or days with this possible between 2029-2045 and can allow any gemstone,mineral,ornamental rock etc to be synthesised onsite of Aphrodite building in each manufacturing hub thus localising production.This would eliminate international trade and markets of gemstones,ornamental rocks as they can be produced around in the world.Picotech fabricators will be able to make them directly as slabs and gemstones of a desired size etc and also create their elementals componants on a commercial scale.Remaining reserves of gemstones especially diamonds will be mined using a combination of AI,automation and biosynths to prevent them going to waste with zero human labour thus rendering the blood diamond trade defunct by 2029 prior to synthetic diamonds being perfected with synthetic ornamental rocks especially marble for statues of deities,those for furnishes etc will be created by machinery that replicates their creation in the crust in a matter of years,months or weeks compared to millions of years by using base elements that can be found virtually everywhere across the globe and in time from asteroids prior to them being perfected.Existing reserves of ornamental rocks should be preserved with depleted mountaintops especially with regards to Italian Marble that are endemic to one spot of geological importance should be kept and have synthetic marble used instead with synthetic marble even created solely to refill areas of geological note it has been mined.Terraforming both Mars and Venus should provide another 2.424 Pt(or 2,420,000Gt)of carbon dioxide through sequestration programmes with the vast reserves of methane on Titan providing even more.All planets that have large concentrations of carbon dioxide in similar concentrations to Mars,Venus etc in their atmosphere and mantle similar to Earth will have it removed via carbon sequestration again to prevent it going to waste.All planets across the universe including Mars and Venus and similar ones that have high concentrations of carbon dioxide will during terraforming projects have all carbon dioxide removed via carbon sequestration programmes using plants and artificial trees to be then transported to Earth and other colonies where it can be converted into graphene,diamonds etc.Planets with large amounts of methane in their atmosphere similar to Titan will have it burmed on Earth and the carbon dioxide sequestered again for the same reason with methane based plants and animals including sentient ones discovered then the methane will left alone.Planets that are undergoing global warming due to large levels of carbon dioxide and methane due to natural climate change will have gas sequestered to ideal levels.This alongside carbon dioxide from geothermal plants will provide at least 6,600-28,600 years of carbon for use in the production of graphene,carbyne,fertiliser and artificial diamonds.Organic waste such as dead ornamental plants/grass cuttings/weeds/livestock/pets,hair clippings,cardboard,paper,waste uneaten food will be sent to organic waste pyrolysis plants that pyrolysis them to create a constant supply of biochar forever with calcium,phosphorous,nitrogen etc separated and sent to farms etc.Ideally dead organic material will be converted only into biochar creating a looped system with that from carbon sequestration turned into graphene and diamonds.Thus once carbon sequestration techniques remove excess carbon dioxide from the atmosphere lowering it to 280ppm then all remaining reserves of fossil fuels worldwide should be burned at 10-25% compared to 87% to allow it be turned into these products via carbon sequestration programmes where the ratio of the amount sequestered to that burned preventing it going to waste in conventional carbon sequestration is 1:1.For every gigatonne of carbon dioxide released every year one gigatonne will be sequestered to keep carbon dioxide levels constantly at 280ppm with if levels drop below 280ppm then synthetic fossil fuels will be burned in the open and left there.Interactions between power plants,Home AIs of all homes using fossil fuels and geothermal that measures electricity use,Steropes,Theoi Meteroi that measures carbon dioxide levels and carbon sequestration programmes worldwide will be constant with all work automated from start to finish.This sequestration can involve either artificial trees in deserts around the world or Bambusoidea etc plantations in temperate areas of the world and both or it can involve the smokestacks of all pyrolysis,geothermal,oil,coal and gas power plants rerouted into underground,roof and side extensions that house large areas of artificial trees or Bambusoidea etc that negates the need for using land.Once carbon dioxide sequestration programmes return carbon dioxide levels back to 280ppm them ideally the option of rerouting smokestacks in extensions housing that house large areas of artificial trees and Bambusoidea plants onsite of each power plant that burns the worlds remaining oil,coal and gas will be utilised as it will allow land that would be otherwise used for growing the plants to be permanently reforested and negate the need for using deserts and the utilisation of a matryoshka doll structure dealing with the growing demands overtimeAll excess carbon dioxide and methane in the atmosphere will be first removed and sequestered from the atmosphere turned into these products for the same reason.Excess methane captured from the atmosphere and the crust will be burned and the carbon dioxide sequestered reducing methane concentrations from 1,866ppb to 722ppb with the concentration of synthetic greenhouse gases such as Perfluorotributylamine,Nitrogen trifluoride,Sulfur hexafluoride reduced to zero via artificial trees.At the same time synthetic carbon neutral methane,coal and gas and biofuels used as a transitional fuel while excess carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is removed and the world moves to the desired parameters of 70% geothermal and 10% fossil fuels,renewables and nuclear fission with marine cloud brightening and calcium aerosols will mask the worst effect of global warming.In short all remaining available sources of methane and carbon dioxide in the Earths crust and atmosphere such as methane hydrates and permafrost as well as remaining reserves of oil,gas and coal etc should be burned at 10-25% of the global energy supply and then sequestered into commercial products to prevent global warming and it going to waste by being left in the crust with this coming to a total of 114.275Tt(114,275Gt) of carbon dioxide providing a huge amount of graphene,carbyne,diamonds etc but also oxygen for the production of liquid glass while prevent any runaway global warming.This could be burned as energy but would take just over a millennium.This could also apply to all reserves of methane,molten carbon and fossil fuels on all colonies within and outside the solar systems to provide more graphene,diamonds,carbyne etc.Also all carbon and methane sequestration programmes to remove excess carbon dioxide and methane from the atmosphere and those to sequester it from remaining reserves of fossil fuels and from geothermal power plants will turn the carbon dioxide into biochar fertiliser,graphene,buckypaper and artificial diamonds prior to and after the development of picotech fabricators with existing programmes that sequester it in the ground ceasing and those already stored in saline aquifers and also limestone removed via boring underground and also oil wells that can remove the carbon dioxide and return it there again.All excess methane in the atmosphere removed from the atmosphere will be burned to allow the carbon dioxide to be sequestered into diamonds,graphene etc with all molten carbon in the mantle extracted and sequestered into them with all carbon dioxide removed from the atmosphere of Mars,Venus and burning all methane reserves present in Titan on Earth converted into this as well.This burning of remaining reserves oil,coal,peat and gas at lower levels and their sequestration into biochar,graphene,diamonds and extraction of carbon dioxide from the mantle,Mars,Venus and Titan will be done to prevent it going to waste as these commodities will be in high demand in the coming millennia,provide an abundant supply for electronics,construction and jewellery even when picotech fabricators are perfected to act as lower energy cost source of carbon,diamonds and graphene etc and prevent the carbon dioxide on Mars,Venus,Titan,mantle and remaining reserves of oil,coal and gas etc going to waste.All remaining reserves of oil,coal,gas and peat on planets across the universe will be burned at each planets 10-25% energy ratio and the carbon dioxide sequestered again to prevent it going to waste with all planets that have large concentrations of carbon dioxide in similar concentrations to Mars,Venus etc in their atmosphere and mantle similar to Earth will have it removed via carbon sequestration again to prevent it going to waste.Planets with large amounts of methane in their atmosphere similar to Titan will have it burned on Earth and the carbon dioxide sequestered again for the same reason with methane based plants and animals including sentient ones discovered then the methane will left alone.Planets that are undergoing global warming due to large levels of carbon dioxide and methane due to natural climate change will have gas sequestered to ideal levels.All carbon sequestration projects worldwide will be charted in Pans YouTube channel.

3D DNA printers will be able to expediate the creation of plants used in bioremediation projects and carbon sequestration programmes from several years to mere days by Phanes cross referencing Physis for these genes and printing it into blank seeds.The seeds of these plants will be designed to be small ones to allow them to be planted easily by seed planting drones.Between 2045-2100 it should be possible for all environmental damage caused to the biosphere of Earth such as deforestation,pollution,anthropogenic climate change,invasive species,extinction of species etc to be reversed completely.Rather than injecting existing plants with vital vectors to inject CRISPR treatments new plants will be created from scratch via 3D DNA printers creating the seeds.Each area where carbon sequestration programmes are taking place will house a building that houses all robots and also living spaces for resale archers who keep track of all progress with them also housing 3D DNA printers