Community Farms

Streets including residential ones from major commercial streets ie Oxford,Times Square etc can be dotted with fruit and nut trees in areas dug up for them to provide extra food and also through genetic engineering using recombinant DNA from Hamamelidaceae provide extra foraging material for Apis mellifera.These will also improve both scenery and air quality.

Vertical wall gardens on buildings across a town or city can be source of places to grow crops such as bush berry crops genetically modified to hold them with these harvested by humans and robots using portable scissor lifts or even walkways with railings that are a permanent part of the building accessed by doors created on them,windows or sliding doors on the building or from adjoining buildings.The planting of crop trees along streets and in parks can be by hand or by robot to increase surface area of land covered by crop plants which can include fruit,nut,Quercus and Morus trees as well as Vaccinium and other bush berry crops to also improve scenery and air quality and provide extra crops and nectar for A.mellifera with them also inoculated with truffles.These can be incorporated into skyscrapers,hotels and shopping malls etc. used as homes with balconies also providing extra growing space.It can also be incorporated into public buildings such as government buildings,hospitals etc.Fruit and nut trees can be planted along streets to provide extra crops.Parks can have vegetable,hybrid crop and cereal beds and pots alongside wildflower beds maintained by robots with fruit and nut trees planted here again with truffles and again berry bushes which can be harvested by hand.Existing trees can be inoculated with microbes to make them produce any desired fruit.

Portable shipping containers which can be attached to vehicles and stored at the side of the road next to community farms or at any free space in urban areas that are too small to grow crops(as well as in underground extensions)can be used to grow extra crops primarily vegetables and cereals for both human and livestock consumption.Those dotted around town would be part of the Community Farm AI while those right next to universities,restaurants and hospitals(and other public buildings) would be linked to the building AI of those specific buildings.

These forest farms should include primarily mixtures of exotic and native fruit and nut trees alongside other crop trees such as Acer trees,Quercus trees,Bambusoideae,Morus trees,Musa trees,Citrus × sinensis trees that can be grown on land currently used for animal grazing,growing mono culture vegetables,fruit and cereals farms and also land surrounding urban areas on the outskirts of towns,villages and cities and any wilderness areas and any unused land in between and as before surrounding them.Cereals and vegetables should ideally be grown indoors at home (as detailed earlier) or in nearby community farm plots in pots,beds,containers and aeroponic systems,artificial paddy systems,portable vehicle farms,buildings/sheds next door to community farms and home farms via hydroponics,or by genetically altered bacteria for higher yields due to lower chance of losses from climate,pests and disease as well as year round abundance for both humans and livestock and to allow land used for them to be adapted into these forest farms or permanent woodland with again the same applying to other mono culture farms currently used to grow fruits and vegetables.Thus each town or city will have one large forest farm or one or two if separated by them.All land in and on the outskirts towns,cities,municipalities,universities should have these or some crop trees that has only grass should be covered in these or at least some trees with hybrids of fruit and nut trees and existing non crop trees put in place of trees already there that would be cut down and pyrolysised for fertiliser.Ideally all land used for grazing,hay and straw development in and surrounding farms around the world especially in rural areas will be reforested with these forest farms replacing them since animal feed will be replaced with hydroponic grass and crops,flour from bacteria and algae grown indoors that can supply feed all year round with no human labour with each farm surrounded by these extending as far as possible to nearby towns.Livestock in rural areas can get exercise via walking around the main yards and also surrounding forest farms where their urine and faeces will be used as fertiliser.This would also give major cities and even rural breadbaskets areas for woodland scenery currently lost due to monoculture farms and urban development with crops grown on monoculture farms grown as bacteria in photobioreactors,at home,in vertical farms and also community farms.All rural towns,villages and urban cities should have these with even parks having crop trees and bushes.Any large tracts of agricultural or barren land or wilderness that is on the banks of rivers,lakes and other waterways should be covered in these as they would act as storm and flood defences as well as soaking up any fertiliser runoff from themselves and adjoining community farms with constructed wetlands also integrated to soak up further runoff that could lead to algae blooms or at least lessen their intensity with any algae collected by automated machinery.The plants can be complimented by artificial constructed wetlands harvested by automated machinery and used as fertiliser when pyrolysised or pelleted ideally Bambusoideae should be used as it can self propagate.If meadows or grasslands exist then these can be set up inland in other areas to prevent killing off wildlife that live only in meadows while still allowing for forest farms to perform this function.Artemis and Pan will decide where meadows and how much should be in each area native to that area.Towns and cities that are in desert areas can also have their lands reforested as detailed later on to accommodate these.These meadows as detailed later on will be converted into dual meadow permaculture farms.Disused buildings or even occupied low quality housing and entire housing estates and council flats can be demolished with one,two or more buildings modified,merged together and remodelled into these while the occupants move into more spacious and higher quality accommodation in the area with even multiple buildings in council flats used when merged together for these forest farms if large housing estates are demolished with the building having a lobby and living spaces on the ground floor as well as toilets with roof and underground extensions housing more areas to grow hydroponic food,fish and shellfish and also livestock and photobioreactors for growing bacteria based commodities.Thus all land surrounding towns,villages,cities and historical buildings and in between them should contain these wherever possible.For major cities any surrounding wilderness around them should definitely be used with cameras placed in them at key points of the forest and drones continuously surveying them with them changing between IR illuminator,thermal imaging and also normal vision to monitor their health and detect pests and disease allowing the growth and health and plants to be monitored and viewable via Demeter and the farms connection to it via the farm AI.Beehives can be placed in these to pollinate the trees adjoining community,rooftop and home farms as well as all wildflowers and trees around the city and community.These conventional mono culture vegetable and fruit farms worldwide can be remodelled into mixed fruit and nut farms with all trees ideally planted in a randomised fashion and inoculated with different species and strains of truffles(which can be harvested with trained dogs or smartphone sensors to detect mature truffles).The benefit being is that these trees will stay planted year after year keeping soil intact and unstressed negating the need for crop rotation or similar practices,act as flood and storm defences in areas prone to these,negate the need for intensive reapplication of the same fertilisers over and over again,sequester large amounts of carbon dioxide over the decades of their lifespan as well as providing habitat for native fauna(which can also be caught for meat or through in vitro meat provide meat),provide more fruit and crop variety for a community,allow wildflowers for rearing A.mellifera and other smaller crops for human consumption to be grown in between,livestock and pets can be reared here in a more natural and stimulating environment and provide a more natural aesthetic to humans than the bland mono culture industrial lined farms.They can also have permanent porous pavement roads integrated into that allow water into the groundwater to allow both robots and humans through to not only collect crops but also for scenic walks with this of note to those near large urban areas and those that outstretch into existing woodlands and forests that can also have these roads in them.In those next to community farms leaves during autumn and grass during spring will provide food for them with robots collecting them and all roads and key points of the forest will have tall thin bushes and trees that are bioluminescent species unable to mate with non bioluminescent ones to provide not just crops but also light at night without wiring and energy use with these also at key points that act as markers to guide people to roads.When the trees dies they can undergo pyrolysis in order to create bio char or the process of hugelkultur to sequester carbon dioxide over geological time by them ideally recycled as fertilisers spread over the forest by automated machinery creating looped systems.Otherwise the trees can be harvested for wood a process that can also be automated or done by hand for the production of DIY furniture or firewood.Harvesting of dead and fallen trees will be done by robots that can be stored onsite with these trees spotted by drones patrolling the area and these pyrolysised with this done to prevent the tree releasing the .Rubbish can also be spotted by these and collected by robots.Ploughing of fields,planting of these trees and of crops etc can be fully automated by autonomous vehicles and robots whose operations can be pre-programmed by community members using computer software and GPS maps of the area using the farm AI remotely from anywhere in the world.In time this will be done by the farm AI with these and all robots controlled by them without any independent personality.Oligochaetes can be ordered in or reared in large numbers onsite to be put into the ground in order to improve soil aeration,drainage and overall quality.These planting spots can either be randomised by software or selected on a map stored in the farm AI with the map scanned into both the farm AI and Artemis via drones which can be updated regularly.Small versions of these treerover planters could be used in order to forest small farms and replanting trees in these farms with larger versions planting large amount of trees on both larger tracts of forest farmland and also reforesting all obsolete farmland and grazing land with native woodlands again in a randomised fashion as livestock can be fed hydroponic grass,alfalfa,excess barely and algae pellets grown indoors to save even more land for reforestation such as those as those used for grazing and provide a year long supply of fresh food.This can apply to small baby trees or large fully grown trees transplanted from other areas.Since livestock can be given fresh grass and other feedstock via hydroponics,bacteria or algae all year long community farms of all types will require smaller patches of for grazing and allow them to be raised all year round in pens in cities and other urban areas either above or below ground with ideally all grazing land reforested even in the case of rural farm.Thus most if not all land used for grazing worldwide like in the tropics can be reforested into forest farms or native forests,grasslands and meadows with robot shepherds and dogs giving them walks across the farm or even the town,village and city for exercise.It will also negate the labour involved in producing hay every year.Land for producing hay can also be reforested since feed will be hydroponically grown indoors or algae will be used as feed with the same for land used to create straw.Ideally all of this land part of and surrounding rural farms will be reforested into forest farms extending to existing woodlands with this also allowing for livestock to be raised in urban areas.This can be applied to existing farms around the world.Leaves and grass cut and collected from gardens of community members,golf courses,parks etc. can be used as a feedstock or source of straw for fungi rather than turning to mush by drying it or used to feed livestock.Soil can be introduced to areas that have thin layers of soil as well as denuded and desertified areas can have it created via digging holes around the field and filling them with water and covering them with white wooden boards that reflect the light and force the water to seep sideways to encourage constant vegetation growth and prevent it evaporating.These can be left there indefinitely and reopened and then refilled with water from desalination plants,municipal water supply or large vehicles with cylindrical tanks that can collect water from water treatment plants or flooded areas and large city drains(see later)once treated and done so continually during the first years and also during droughts and heatwaves.These can be then be modified with a pipe bored in the middle to allow water to poured down with soil and grass allowed to grow over it.The area around it would be covered in many thick layers of a mixture of biochar,algae,sawdust and other material compacted into the ground via machinery based on steamrollers with a layer of grass pressed onto it via machinery that can hold this organic matter in place with crop trees,cereals and vegetables planted inbetween.Bambusoideae can be grown at this point to fix nitrogen into the soil and be used as a crop for shoots and if engineered to have the entire plant edible once baked or a source of timber and firewood or food as well as remove pollutants and heavy metals.Oligochaetes and other soil beneficial organisms such as insects and microbes can be introduced once grown in large amounts in a lab or building.When the farm can sustain itself indefinitely the covering and pipes can be removed and refilled with soil.Recombinant DNA from oligotrphic bacteria and plants can be added to crops to allow them to survive in these soils while they are low in nutrients during the begging and other periods and when nutrient conditions are favourable.Bambusoideae should continue to be planted their when they are well established including existing forests etc alongside Crotalaria juncea to fix nitrogen into the soil with if need be irrigation systems that spray water and fertilisers into the ground to keep it nutrient rich with large swathes dealt with aeroplanes filled with water and fertiliser to be spread over them.Artificial hedges composed of plants and stone that create fields for livestock and crops will be torn down and the stone recycled and the hedges pyrolysised with the roots dug up to make them large open hybrid farms.Hedges may first be sprayed with glysophate to make their removal by hand or by machines easier and them then pyrolysised.This will also apply to land reforested with hybrid meadow and grassland farms to retain their natural structure.

3D maps scanned into Artemis network and the community and forest farm AI by drones can allow for the area to be mapped in 3D showing contours in the ground and allowing the persons involved to select where each tree or crop is planted with software built in to measure what each crop and tree will look like when are growing over the coming months and years.These maps could be streamed by all robot and machinery with new updates overwriting the previous one as the crops grow,sensor poles that act as atmospheric measurements could be used to triangulate their position as a terrestrial based GPS system.These same planters can be used to replant trees cut down if they get too old and then used for pyrolysis for fertiliser,wood for homemade furniture construction or firewood with drones then scanning the area and overwriting the previous map.Machines also exist that can transfer older,larger trees from one area to another.Harvesting can be by hand,by machine or both.As detailed later on stumps can be removed by 2 in 1 robots that drill holes into them inject potassium nitrate via needles and have woodchipers on the bottom that drive over the stumps spreading it across as fertiliser when the stump has lost integrity weeks later with the old remains of trees pyrolysised.These robots would interact with the maps and barcoded chips on small signposts wiping the previous data and barcode clean once it is transferred into the community farm AI so the next trees data can be started.These signposts would detail all the rainwater it received over its lifetime,date of planting,any genetic engineering process conferred on it,its genetic lineage i.e. trading history of the seed of the plant and that of the plants parents,grandparents etc,weights of crops for each harvest alongside all applications of fertiliser and water applications from fertiliser robots and irrigation systems(measured in mls,litres,kilolitres etc. individually and collectively) for efficiency and also agricultural studies.These readings from all types of sensors would be fed into this network 23/7,365 days with each type of sensor on each type of structure(atmosphere,soil etc.)having sub folders for the readings of each environmental condition(temperature logged with them then subdivided into average readings over an hour plotted of each day,with them divided then into weeks and then months ,years,decades,centuries etc.allowing the viewer able to see the average of each day,week,month,decades,centuries,millenia etc.This will also have data from environmental readings from the soil and atmosphere so the public can view the readings from any day and hour of these long timespans for studies on plant nutrient uptake etc with selected data from any of these timespans such as days,weeks,months from multiple sensors and specific measured environmental factors from around the world easily selected by ticking boxes or typing in or dragging a mouse over the sets of plot/crop barcode number of in a local,region,country that they wish to add one at a time that can be put into one or more experiments and studies researchers are working on simultaneously.This can allow for large studies on various crops to be done simultaneously.The warning system for these readings will follow an universal colour coded system will follow an universal colour coded system – blue denoting safe,yellow denoting some concern,green denoting some danger and red denoting severe danger

As stated earlier these tree farms should in layout ideally should replicate natural forests decided by the farm AI and Triptolemus with trees scattered around in randomised fashion rather than lined tree farms allowing for movement of machinery around,decrease the spread of disease since plants are not in direct contact with each other i.e.leaves of one plant are in direct contact with those of another(the same with regards to roots).Planting of each individual crop and tree this way ensures that if one tree of a species becomes infected with a disease it wont be as likely to spread to trees of the same species.Furthermore this method retains a more natural forest like aesthetic rather than the artificial industrial lined farms that are rife today.Smaller grassy crops like Cannabis sativa,cereals such as Triticum aestivum,Hordeum vulgare,Avena sativa and Oryza sativa,wildflowers and bush crops like all types of Vaccinium as well as Zea mays mays,Cucurbita pepo,Vitis,Bambusoideae etc.can be grown in between alongside them in small plots to compliment community and vertical farms and Hamamelidaceae to provide scent,crops and forage for A.mellifera during the entire year with genetic engineering allowing for flowering plants and crops that can grow during autumn and winter tolerating frost and other climatic conditions of these seasons.Linum usitatissimum,C.sativa and Helianthus annuus which are desired for their seeds and leaves even though the oil and fibres will be created by bacteria will be grown here in between trees alongside fruit/spice bushes i.e. Vaccinium,Malvaceae,Illicium verum,and Vanilla planifolia.As detailed later all crops made redundant by bacteria such as cereals,Theobroma cacao,L.usitatissimum,Gossypium herbaceum,Agave tequila,Hevea brasiliensis,Triticum,Hordeum vulgare,Elaeis oleifera,Attalea maripa etc can be planted here in an randomised state with unaltered crops ie fruits and nuts engineered on small bushes that dont have repellance in order to prevent extinctions of pests such as Aphidoidea that are keystone species eaten by Coccinellidae and other predators with home,community and vertical farms having repellance in them to prevent pests eating them and also be used for human consumption.These can include fruit and nut trees on small bushes as well as root vegetables etc with them having disease resistance.hybrids of large crops such as Vitis,Citrus plants and Bambusoideae.If possible these unaltered plants could also include invasive species of plants and weeds that pests such as Aphidoidea etc are modified to be only able to feed on invasive plants and weeds preventing the species going extinct with this of note to Fallopia japonica,Pueraria montana thus allowing them to feed on these invasive species and weeds keeping the pest,weeds and invasive species of plant in balance and under control and prevent the pest that is a keystone species to predators such as Coccinellidae going extinct as well as negating the need for herbicides and pesticides.Hybrids between F.japonica,P.montana and leafy greens and herbs that produce small fruits that overrun the forest farms as well as leafy greens or herbs and Hedera and small fruits that grow on the side of the building could be planted here with existing invasive plants of these modified into these hybrids via microbes to allow them to be harvested season after season for large amounts of leafy greens.As a result these fruits and nuts on small bushes could have repellance to grow there.Drosophilidae,Tephritidae could be modified to consume the fleshy pods of seed pods and transport seeds as well as feed on crops created for them planted here or even be engineered to feed on carrion as well as faeces and also weeds and invasive species of plants like Urophora.These animals can be part of home farms next to these.Genetic engineering as detailed later on should be incorporated to increase growth rates.Recombinant DNA from Ambystoma mexicanum,Planarians,Hydra,Bacillus F,Thermococcus gammatolerans to allow any damaged leaves to regrow with them engineered to be resistant to pathogens and have a fully functional immune system added in via CRISPR that can be immunised with other engineering allowing them to recover from attacks and not kill the pests.Areas with poor soil will undergoe resoiling methods or crops etc engineered to grow in them with soil created in factories and picotech factories to have thick layers of soil present.Weeds especially those important to the biome such as Asclepias will be planted here with poionous made non toxic to humans with Asclepias modified as detailed below with this done by drones routinely.A.tequila,L.usitatissimum,Triticum,H.vulgare can be planted here with both repellance and also disaese resistence etc to be harvested as normal.Excess livestock such as Bovidae,Ovis aries and Phasianidae made redundant from invitro meat that were not slaughtered will be left to live here by themselves with them unable to eat the leaves of crops but only grass and leaves fallen from trees due to repel lance or will be kept in pens with them have milk taken by hand and meat gained via extracting cells with these in outdoor and indoor pens on the outskirts especially if part of the home farms next to them.They will be fed flour from bacteria,waste food and also algae ordered in.Rosa and other ornamental flowers can be grown in between them to provide crop and also honey with Coffea,Camellia sinensis,C.sativa and other recreational plants as well as spices grown here too.Wildflowers will be planted here to attract A.mellifera with beehives set up at their edges and also inside them.Trifolium species especially Trifolium repens should planted in all of these forest farms to take nitrogen oxide from the atmosphere(a potent greenhouse gas) and fixing it into the soil to ensure the amount of fertiliser needed to be applied with research done into phosphorous plants that do the same with that nutrient.These should be spread in all available spaces.Since the main source of this is from cows,wastewater treatment plants Trifolium will help create a looped system of this resource from cows raised on community farms.Transgenics and cisgenics can allow this nitrogen fixing capability to be transferred into crop and ornamental plants to improve this.C.sativa and Bambusoideae used with this transgenics creating a species that takes in both carbon alongside the potent nitrous oxide at the same time fixing it into the soil and use less water which unlike Trifolium can be eaten by humans and livestock.Alfalfa can also be grown in between trees to be then harvested for livestock and textiles.To extract these two nutrients from polluted waterways and oceans special pods that contain inorganic material and/or graphene can collect them when suspended in them and then reused or other methods can be researched.Small sections can be used to rear fungi using either trees or large logs inoculated with a desired species.

Hybrids can be made of crops and native trees in the region so as to allow these forest farms to stretch out back to already existing native forests or even jungles and rainforests from farms and urban areas and also or create new ones in urban and rural areas with them providing a habitat for native fauna and integrating into existing farms.For example hybrids of Quercus,Pinus,Acer and other temperate trees can be made that produce citrus fruits,Vitis and exotic fruits and nuts with the same replicated on native trees in the tropics with recombinant DNA from extremophilic bacteria allowing them to survive any climate and soils.Trees that produce specific nuts already can be engineered to produce no extra crops or different one in between seasons.Ideally they would be engineered to the point that they could interbreed with their parent species with the flowers produced being hybrids of both plants,the flower of the original fruit/nut tree or original non crop tree.This would as stated give urban areas especially forests around to provide scenery and food.Thus all areas of land currently used for agriculture will be replanted by 2029 with hybrids of native non crop trees and also crop trees with them growing ideally if possible a different type of fruit or nut each month or season.Eventually when biosynths become possible and can come in arthropod form they can be used to inject all existing trees in all woodlands,forests,rainforests and jungles around the world with microbes to make them too produce fruit and nut trees as well increasing the amount of yields each year while still allowing natural wilderness to sequester carbon dioxide,maintain a local and global climate and also provide land for native fauna to exist while still meeting the demands of a growing population.Flowering fruit and nut trees and also flowering vegetable and crop plants grown in between them will also be planted here to provide nectar for A.mellifera.

It should also be done to make hybrids of fruit and nut trees with native wild trees of the regions jungles and forests for forest farms especially of temperate and rainforests so that these forest farms on the outskirts of urban areas can connect and stretch out to existing forests,jungles and rainforests where they will produce crops(including citrus fruits and exotic nuts and fruits) and also provide shelter for native fauna with trials first done on making them separate species from native fauna to prevent them over running native forests especially if gene drives are present with this of note to Quercus,Acer and possibly even evergreens.Simulations done by Triptolemus that show that they would be producing the exotic fruit and also native flowers doesnt affect the plant could allow them to overrun them(provide the original DNA is stored on Physis) could allow for these phenotypes to produce fruits and nuts to overrun native woodlands,jungles etc and even land used for forestry that would have the fruits and nuts harvested before being harvested for wood via biosynth and normal arthropods to allow these native woodlands etc extend over existing farmland etc with further engineering allowing nut trees engineered to produce exotic fruits as well as their native nuts at different times of the year or at the same time and fruit trees produce exotic nuts at different times of the year as well allowing for a double harvest with again exotic and aesthetically pleasing ornamental flowers growing on them like Orchidaceae,Rosa and their original flower during the other parts of the year with these harvested as ornamental flowers.Otherwise a fruit tree could produce one fruit one season and a different one in another season with the same applying to nuts with these hybrids made on all types of trees including native trees such as Quercus,Acer,Pinus or they would produce one fruit one season in spring,another the second season of summer,with different nuts growing the seasons of autumn and winter with different exotic flowers growing during each season in between the fruits and nuts each season.If possible engineering that speeds up the development of nuts and fruits including scratch DNA and that from Escherichia Coli and Clostridium perfringens allowing one to be grown each month of the year either all different fruits,all different nuts or all switching between different nuts and fruits each month with again different exotic flowers in between each months fruits and nuts.If need be flowers will appear at separate places in between fruits and nuts.This will allow the original fruit and others to be grown each year on reforested land.Native nuts and seed dispersal techniques as seen in Quercus and Pinus trees should be kept to preserve the original species whose original DNA will kept in Physis and allow their native nuts etc to be also harvested one season or month with those eaten by local fauna not having repellence.Thus each tree species will grow different fruits and nuts every month and will have different flowers in between them with this being any species with even trees in temperate countries growing exotic crops.If possible they may grow at least two every month.If not harvested by the time the next set of flowers bloom then the microbes in the plant may severe the fruit or nut from the plant via causing the cells in the part that connects the fruit and nut to the tree to undergo apoptosis and then have the repel lance removed by changing the DNA in the fruit to remove and allow it to become pleasing to mammal,birds and arthropods thus allowing them extra fodder or have the repel lance removed instead of severing the fruit thus making the fruit irresistible to the pests.The repellance would be removed from the fruit before they are severed and also through the form of enzymes that form after a set amount of time by adding genes that turns of the repellance and produces a smell desirable to pests to ensure it is eaten to increase food outside of seed pods.This would remove the crop to allow the next one to grow and provide more food for mammalian and bird pests.The type of fruit,nut and even flower can be changed at any time via upgrades done via biosynth artropods or even satellite wifi managed by Triptolemus and would be engineered to grow in all climates and seasons including dry summers,cold winters etc.They would have Firmicutes,oligotrophic and xerophile DNA added to them to survive droughts,dry spells and require less water and nutrients.This can apply to those in home farms,community farms,vertical farms and also forest farms including those that are hybrids of native trees in surrounding jungles and forests they overtake and extend out from.This would allow the trees in these farms to provide higher yields of a wider variety of fruits and nuts to an area with them ideally being a species that can a separate species or one that overtakes only a specific native tree that is covering woodlands and jungles increasing yields.If possible the trees in all forests and jungles inoculated with truffles in time by robotics with them have a wide variety of truffle species with each tree species growing a specific species of truffle with them harvested by robotic dogs and biosynths and humans with them programmed to grow again once they have been harvested and engineered to suit all types of soils,trees,plants,bushes,climates.Ideally this should apply to only native species of wood forests with those that are introduced replaced by these native hybrids.The native wild tree hybrids with fruit and nut trees would be ideal as it allows for the land to be reforested including existing woodland and also newly reforested land with these native trees keeping native forests and jungles to preserve them with them also providing fruits and nuts to the locale area and keeping land reforested to provide habitat for native wildlife and also carbon sequestration.This can also apply to areas used for forestry with again them extending outwards as far as possible with them also inoculated with truffles engineered to do grow on them by robots and the fruits harvested by robots when in season prior to them being felled for wood with drones that patrol them marking them for harvesting.Using this option of growing crops on native trees of all types in jungles,woodlands etc should allow for the land including existing agricultural land to be permanently reforested indefinitely and allow food to be grown for a growing population to prevent deforestation and combat climate change with each tree species especially in jungles growing different crops than other tree species at different times of the year with them managed by a combination of both Pan and Triptolemus with the buildings for both at opposite sides of these forest farms nearest to where towns and cities are.These can be given the same level of engineering in those grown in vertical farms and home gardens etc to grow faster with DNA from T.gammatolerans and scratch DNA to use all wavelengths of light,DNA from C.perfringens and E.coli to speed up mitosis and also those from xerophiles,oligotrophs,capnophillic bacteria to use less resources and also grow faster with these injected with microbes to initiate this.At first all land currently used for agriculture will be hybrid trees planted by Pan in a randomised fashion by 2029 with existing woodlands and jungles innoculated by 2045-2065 by biosynth arthropods and also robotics and even spraying forests with microbes in water filled planes.Reforested land should cater to well beyond the 9,000,000,000 – 11,000,000,000 human population during this periods until all existing wilderness can be inoculated.Existing trees in parks and by the side of streets as well as all types of ornamental plants in gardens will also undergo this through injections of microbes via the roots or stem with all of these trees including those in the wild also having disease resistance,pest repellance,oligotrophic,xerophile DNA and those from all extremophiles including those to deal with changing climates over millenia as the result of natural variations.This would allow areas that currently have and will have vast outstretches of woodlands,forests and jungles an abundant supply of the fruits and nuts not just in the developed world but also in developing countries where deforestation is an issue such as Asia,Africa and South America and allow all land to be permanent reforested and still provide an abundant source of fruit and nuts negating the need to convert this land into agricultural land.It would also allow existing farmland to be permanently reforested with crop native tree hybrids.Ideally these hybrids of fruit and nut trees should produce different nuts and fruits for each species of tree each season and if possible each month with native trees in these forests etc used as a baseline with all jungles,forests,woodlands and even land for forestry used.For those in areas used in forestry it can allow the trees on reforested land to be also used as forestry land managed by both Triptolemus and Pan with even those in jungles and just by themselves also used as forestry.Thus the trees planted on reforested ground will be hybrids of fruit and nut and native trees to the area and the nearby forests.As stated all of these forests,jungles and even those used for forestry around the world would have engineered truffles capable of growing in the soils and in the roots of the trees inoculated by and harvested robots including dog robots with also mushrooms and truffles capable of growing in the open soil and pots including those that are hybrids of mushrooms and truffles dotted around the place alongside other smaller grassy crops.Existing poisonous mushrooms in forests etc that are poisonous could be engineered to produce a poison that affects only their pests but not humans for safety reasons again with different phenotypes to allow them to be distinguished.This engineering of native woodlands and jungles etc would occur in several ways firstly by humans or robots and even biosynth arthtopods injecting them with species specific biocompatible microbes or those that work on all trees that can be injected into them through the trunk,branches and leaves and through horizontal gene transfer pass the genotypes into all cells and tissues in the tree using the xylem and phloam etc to cause the tree tree to create said fruits or nuts as well as flowers the next year or if possible the next generation of trees and these hybrids not being separate species allowing for them to interbreed overtime via biosynthes or insects with this ideal as it is quicker and allows the fruit,flowers and nuts to be changed at any time by injecting new microbes that would interbreed with existing ones or these could be collected from nodules or even through the wire with advances in the technology.As stated each flower could produce the saffron stigma of C.sativus.They would also integrate the pods for seeds and the fruit being abhorrent to mammals etc in the area with them also adding oligotrophic and xerophile bacteria recombinant DNA to allow them to require less nutrients and water and any other desired phenotypes to deal with climate fluctuations either seasonally or over geological timescales with them upgraded like those in humans with new features including nanomachines which alongside drones patrolling them and Silviaterra will log the amount of each species of tree into the farm AI and Artemis.Any wounds will be healed by other strains that heal tissue as these will be inoculated with the same strains as other crops that carry out all of the same functions as those in humans and livestock with each species of tree etc engineered to produce specific fruit and nuts.The seed pods as detailed later engineered into them will be fleshy and sweet and will be grown by microbes indirectly creating nutrients for them or directly by strains multiplying and creating the fleshy pod or over base pods that houses the seeds once fruits are harvested or fully grown as well as after pollination in place of flowers to ensure the tree can put all energy into the fruits.The pods will be sweet and fleshy while the fruits and nuts will be engineered to be be repellent to them by smell or taste with if possible pests either mammals,Aves and arthropods also to be engineered to unable to feed on or be repulsed by fruits as well as nuts and not pods thus preventing starvation but allowing them to disperse seeds over a large area in the form of faeces that would give the seeds a head start with the seeds engineered to survive the gastrointestinal system of Aves and mammals or like Ryparosa require this consumption alongside normal dehiscence to be fertilised.If possible the mammals,insect and birds will be engineered to be unable to digest the fruits and not the pods with the fruit tasting and smelling abhorrent to them,while the pods smell sweet with the plants using the same repellent chemicals used against insect pests coming from staple human crops as detailed earlier on,cause minor illness and them able to only have a preference to and able to eat the pods.This would allow native animals especially birds and mammals that rely on fruit to not go extinct and yet thrive as the seed pods will be considerable size have vital nutrients in large numbers and will be large bunches with the seeds small enough not to choke them and survive the gastrointestinal tract like Ryporosa but also be able to be transported by dehiscence.It would also prevent Drosophilidae,Tephritidae going extinct.This engineering could be done via releasing large amounts of altered animals to the wild to interbreed,using biosynth arthropods to inject microbes into them in swarms or the first generation of fruits applying this when they enter the animal and/or having the pods and fruit create these in olfactory ranges suited for specific animals outside the range of humans.All of these would use advanced gene drive technology to make these modification permenant.This would provide food for pest animals and have them provide a service by dispersing the seeds that would be able to survive the gatro intestinal tract and be given faeces upon dispersal to grow on with them also able germinate via dehiscensce when they dry up.The same could be done for nuts grown in forest farms again having the nuts produce smells abhorrent to pests including native mammals and them producing fleshy pods with seed.Those in community farms and rooftop gardens can be picked by any people present and put into storage areas with in time robots and drones that patrol the farm locating them and alerting them to the presence of them or in more time robots able to do this.This should ensure that mammals and Aves do not consume the crop but do consume the fleshy pods thus ensuring they do not starve and die out especially in woodlands and jungles that grow fruits but in fact perform a beneficial service to the crop and also the community growing them by dispersing the seeds over large areas and ensuring they are ejected into the soil with faeces and urine providing a head start.The seeds should be engineered to be able to survive the gastro intestinal tract of native mammals and birds.Thus the seed pods can contain small digestible seeds for all species of nuts and fruit to be digested by all mammals and Aves and deposited in the surrounding area with a large pile of manure to start their life cycle.Arthropod pests can be dealt with by them and the plant sap being again abhorrent to them,repellance compounds added to the fruit and bark/sap with the arthpods being instead being engineered by releasing large amounts of engineered ones into the wild and the pheromones of the flowers being seductive to them in order to make all existing and potential pests being pollinators thus again providing a service alongside existing pollinators.Those whose larvae eat fruit then they could be engineered to consume the pod itself instead of the fruit and disperse seeds on the nearby ground or even hold it in them during metamorphic stages and thus release them as adults over wide areas or be engineered to feed on decomposing animals.As stated humans,biosynths could inject these into the tree at specific points like leaves,branches and the trunk or if possible the trees could be inoculated by have the microbes mixed in water in aeroplanes and then poured over large swathes with them entering via the roots and also leaves with drones patrolling them relaying the progress year after year to see which areas need to be sprayed and which trees need to be injected by them via hand or by biosynth.This can also be applied to ornamental trees,grass and bushes in ones own garden,parks and community farms by having microbes injected into them or entering through the roots.These would carry out the same anti-ageing,pathogen/zoonose/spoilage uses as those in humans even immunising the trees and extending their lifespan exponentiation.Secondly land used for agriculture on the outskirts of the jungles and forests etc will be planted by these hybrids again not separate species that will either by insects and biosynths overtake the natural land overtime through pollination or thirdly the vast outstretches of reforested land could act as both forest and agriculture while the native woodland is cut down for wood and them replaced piece by piece these hybrid forest farms until over several decades the entire forest is overtaken with the new areas cleared when the trees in the hybrid forest farms are fully mature with all species of trees replaced in the exact spot by hybrids of them same and fruit and nut trees etc in the original reforested land and the reforested woodlands with ferns and non tree plants replanted in both original reforested land and also reforested woodland step by step with this done at several hectares or acres at a time.The second and third options should be pursued if the first option cannot or until it is perfected.All forest farms world wide will follow this pattern of being hybrids of both native wild trees and crop ones creating different fruit and nuts every month including existing wilderness,reforested agricultural land and also areas on the outskirts of suburbs,cities and vacant lots connected to the woodland.The ability of crop trees and even bushes growing more than one crop can be applied to existing ones that grow crops ie apple,peach and other trees in home and community gardens as well as parks with even bushes such as rose bushes doing the same.During in season they could be programmed using scratch DNA and from A.mexicanum,E.coli,C.perfringens to produce another or the next type of fruit or nut straight away after they are picked in place of the old one similar to the relationship of auxins and other hormones present to ensure higher yields.This could be applied to crop bushes and trees and even to bush flowers such as Rosa etc producing fruits every month albeit miniaturised ones and small ones like berries.Using genes from extremophiles and also from scratch can allow for fruit to and nuts and grow out of their normal season on trees and ornamental plants like bushes to again allow for them to be harvested multiple times a year with new fruit produced instantly once old ones are harvested both in forest and home farms alongside community ones as well as even in vertical farms.Thus all existing agricultural land will be reforested with hybrid forest farms that are hybrids of native trees and also crop trees that produce different fruits every month with existing forests and jungles around the world such as the Amazon etc will become these hybrid forest farms by inoculating all trees in them with microbes to make them also produce different fruits and nuts every year allowing the land to produce crops while at the same time protecting biodiversity and also sequestering carbon dioxide.Collection of crops will be by hand and in time by biosynths and even transporter technology with drones and aeroplanes spreading fertiliser over large areas of them with the trees fitted with oligotrophic,xerophile and Firmicutes DNA and that from nitrogen fixing plants added as well so as to ensure their native sources of nitrogen etc is enough.Nitrogen fixing bacteria will have their DNA added to native bacteria and this will be then spread over them to then interbreed with these.Repellance will be added to them and pests engineered to be pollinators.This use of hybrid trees on existing jungles,forests etc will be investigated on a small scale in reforested land in all countries around the world with hybrid trees that are planted in randomised manner to see how effective it is at maintaining natural homeostasis,biodiversity etc and yield viability using genetic engineering to increase growth rates,repellance etc until at least 2045-2100.When dimensional transcendamentalism including temporal versions,picotech fabricators,biosynth machinery and spores that can produce any crop is perfected then this method of hybrid farms will be abandoned trees cut down and pyrolysised and  the land permenantly reforested or biosynth injecting microbes to remove the engineering and ability to produce fruits and nuts permenantly with all native flora reforested since it would be too energy intensive and would have lower agricultural productivity than more advanced methods.

Weeds,herbs as well as native wild edible plants can in fact be encouraged to grow in these forest farms and even planted alongside other crops in to allow them to be harvested for human and livestock consumption and textiles negating the need to use herbicides and other techniques.This can even include F.japonica,P.montana which are difficult to get rid of but rather than destroyed by herbicides etc can be harvested season after season for salads,wines,livestock feed etc since they regrow very fast.They can also be pyrolysised once sent to local community centres to create biochar fertiliser especially F.japonica,P.montana.Harvesting can be done by hand or by robots modelled after large lawnmowers that do so at set periods or when live feeds from drones and bio-synths patrolling them help the community members determine they need to be harvested.All types of weeds can also be grown hydro/aeroponically at home or in separate buildings in the farm or in vertical farms to allow more of them to be harvested should the community and livestock gain a taste for them.Artemis can be used to cross reference them to see if they are toxic with the measures mentioned later on used to remove them from the ecosystem with genetic engineering used to remove the toxin from them to allow them to be grown indoors or there.Furthermore native pest insects of crops can be engineered to consume the invasive plants and weeds instead of their original plants such as crops with the possibility of invasive species of insects and other complex animals including pests of crops and ornamental plants engineered only to be able to consume the weed and invasive plants sap and matter with everything else being toxic thus when the plant dies out the pests will die out too of starvation or this could overtime if native pests of crops such as Aphidoidea are engineered to be able to feed only on the sap or matter of invasive plants and weeds allow both the invasive plants,weeds and arthropod pests exist in a stable equilibrium not affecting the ecosystem.This would allow pests of crops and endangered insects not go extinct and ensure the invasive plants and weeds is kept under control and keep pests and endangered species,weeds and invasive species in a stable equilibrium thus negating the need for herbicides and pesticides as the pest would now aid farmers as detailed later by consuming only weeds with large amounts of the altered pest released into the wild to interbreed with the native wild animals and overrun them via advanced gene technology.Repellance engineered into crops will ensure the unaltered pests will starve to death or will eat the weeds and interbreed with the altered ones to allow this phenotype to overrun the genepool.This would mean even organic farmers would not need to use both herbicides and pesticides as the pests would be consuming only weeds and invasive species and weeds would be decimated by the pests.Endangered species of insects can also be engineered to feed on invasive weeds alongside their native foods.Invasive species of insects will be wiped out using sterile male technique and other methods.Thus alongside repellence added to crops pests can be engineered to feed only on invasive plants and weeds that affect farms in the home and community ones and even those that are in forest,meadow and grassland permaculture farms.This method would deal with pests and thus prevent imbalances in the ecosystem such as co-extinction of predators and all members of the food chain they are part of this would mean that unaltered crops,specifically made crops and weeds etc could only be eaten by the pest with everything else being toxic to it and could keep invasive species of plants and weeds under control and thus them aiding farmers by attacking weeds and invasive species of plants negating the need for herbicides and pesticides.Each pest would be engineered to feed on different weeds and invasive plants by releasing large numbers of altered plants into the wild to interbreed with wild ones overtaking them with the repellance added to crops forcing the remaining ones to die off or feed on the weeds etc.Hybrids between each weeds or all weeds and small shrubs and bushes or even something as tall as a Cupressaceae,Abies tree with pleasing Orchidaceae like flowers during blooming season that regrows after being eaten using the same accerated healing phenotype in humans via recombinant DNA from planarians,A.mexicanum,Hydra and C.elegans,T.gammatolerans,D.radiodurans,Bacillus F will repair and regrow damaged tissues can be created using CRISPR making the plant larger to feed more pests especially if planted in packs with them easier to grow and more aesthetic in gardens and parks and even roofs of communal homes.These could be engineered to produce non toxic fruits for humans allowing them to be planted in forest,meadow and grassland farms and community and home farms and prevent extinctions.Unaltered crops with no repellance as well as weeds and invasive species of plants will be planted routinely by drones in meadows grasslands and reforested areas including those that are hybrid farms,gardens and parks as well as green belts on roundabouts and the side of roadways and highways to ensure they are abundant enough to prevent the pests extinction with them also grown in pots on roofs of communal homes and other buildings in densely areas.Thus engineering pests via CRISPR by rearing altered versions in labs,releasing large amounts into the wild to interbreed with wild versions will allow them to specifically attack weeds and also invasive plant species and crops with no repellance.Asclepias will also be planted in large amounts routinely by drones in home gardens,parks and also in meadow and forest farms as well as green belts roundabouts and the side of roadways and highways in areas where it is important to Danaus plexippus to ensure it can be stable with them also engineered to feed on invasive plants and weeds.

Leaves can be collected here(as well as from parks,streets etc)for use as feedstock for livestock or be pyrolysised into fertiliser using leaf vacuums or automated machinery.Grass from these areas can also be done the same way.

Spores of mushrooms can be mixed with water and spread onto ones community forest garden to make them grow there.Poisonous weeds,wild edible plants and fungi can be genetically altered to remove toxins to make them safe to eat but these variants should be grown indoors in vertical farms or spare rooms to prevent the genes responsible for their toxicity to be reintroduced via pollinating insects but intensive engineering should be made to make them a separate species with different leaves etc.All trees and all types should be inoculated with truffles to ensure abundance with hybrids made of both mushrooms and truffles that can grow in open soil.

Sections devoted to growing mushrooms can again be set aside with logs inoculated with desired species of fungi as a more efficient substrate than straw both in term of energy expended in production and land used(although grass can be hydro/aeroponically grown indoors as a fresh year long source of grass which can be converted to straw in “drier rooms” that bake the grass and remove moisture – which can be collected).Logs can ideally set in place in between crop trees in different arrangements.Small atmospheric nanosensers can allow for the measurement of humidity and temperatures in areas devoted to growing mushrooms with smaller handheld devices that could be hybridised with smartphones and allow for moisture content of logs to be accurately determined ensuring success or nanosensors could be bored into the logs alongside the soil and atmosphere for remote monitoring via the farm AI in Demeter.This ensures maximum amount of variety in locally grown fruits and nuts for communities during “in season periods”.Although the method is not hydroponics although hydroponics can be applied to rooftop gardens, this method puts land currently used for cereal and vegetable growth to productive use of meat and fruits leading to beneficial environmental use while still providing communities with food.

Fertilising like planting can be done by smaller robots autonomously that can drive in between trees,crops and beehives using GPS systems and the same technology used in self driving cars.Software inside linked to regional sensors and the Theoi Meteroi weather networks determining environmental factors with soil moisture content,pH,levels of important nutrients and chemical nanosensors attached to appendages on the bot(or placed permanently into the soil at the base of a crop).Atmospheric nanosensors measuring atmospheric conditions can be attached on the top of the robot.These robots can interact with weather networks,the readings from soil nanosensors and alongside scanning barcodes placed on the base of all trees and crops on tiny poles can be scanned identify the exact plant there and the robot can cross reference records of previous fertiliser applications on these exact plants that can help these fertiliser bots to apply the correct precise amount of fertiliser per plant species with those environmental factors in the soil,atmosphere and weather reports past,present and future to limit the amount of fertiliser wasted leaching into the soil,nearby rivers and the water table and for use in horticulture studies.Soil sensors will measure pH,moisture,individual gas concentration(such as carbon dioxide and oxygen)temperature,nutrient concentration such as nitrogen,phosphorous and other essential nutrients 24/7 which can determine how much fertiliser needs to be applied removing waste.Automated sprinkler systems can also be integrated here and interact with soil nanosensors,atmospheric sensors and weather networks to apply water to the soil only in times of drought or low rainfall.Ideally drones will replace irrigation systems and terrestrial robots to spray both water and fertilisers onto the ground around plants.This system similar to the Egnos system(this software can be integrated into these fertiliser bots alongside thermal vision cameras to monitor plant health and IR illumination cameras to allow them to do this at night) can eliminate the need for humans to fertilise large tracts of land and lead to improved precision eliminating waste.Logs of all readings of soil and atmospheric measurements from nanosensors will be viewable in Demeter and Hermes and also fertiliser applications will be viewed in Demeter under the farm AI.Robots can be used to maintain the health and pruning of plants and as stated earlier monitor plant health.All robots will have IR illuminator and thermal vision cameras to monitor plant health and work at night.

Harvesting machinery and robotics if used should be designed to harvest two or more crops separately to allow mixed gardens and farms to be properly harvested by machines or modify existing machines to do this.For example a single harvester type should be designed to harvest pears,apples and similar shaped/sized fruit,while another would be designed be collect berries and Vitis while others would be designed all types of nuts.Otherwise all crops can be harvested by hand with each batch weighed on weighing scales added to the AI individually and collectively in nearby buildings or in community centres where the crops are stored and logged into the farm AI for studies and inventorying.Ideally existing harvesting robots will become more humanoid with cameras and recognition software and even biosynths being able to navigate these randomised forest farms with caterpillar tracks and in time legs in more advanced models with these and all robots linked to and controlled by the farm AI without their own independent personality allowing the farm AI to be omniscient on the goings on.They would also collect honey from beehives and would wear a universal uniform for Triptolemus with the harvests sent to the distribution centres in forest and community.Before robots and these are used ideally locales would simply pick fruits and nuts themselves using their own ladders

Each forest farm will be separate from each other in each city or town and also separate from all community farms with them having independent personalities,avatars,legal names.Each forest farm will have a small building with a statue of an adult Triptolemus in its lobby,a holographic receptionists,land line phone and area to house robots,drones and machinery etc as well as toilets,lounges and Venetian style suites for researchers and also wireless charging induction plates with the robots etc also having self charging technologies.Storerooms modelled on distribution centres in vertical farms will be present to house each seasons harvest with them possibly being in underground extensions with them also having rooms for bacteria based commodities and also hydroponic rooms.If possible in some areas especially in large cities street markets can be set up in squares where extra food can be deposited by machinery or the public once automated trucks park there and in time biosynths to alleviate strains onf the limited space of distribution centres as well as Phaeton stores with the food engineered to be resistant to rain or snow etc and also stay fresh indefinitely or their could be stored in.In both cases the same technology used in Amazon go store will be implemented even in street markets where they will be for free and logged into ones Demeter account.They like community farms will be linked together by Triptolemus but will be separate from all other forest and community farms in the area.Each major town,city or village will have multiple forest farms around them or ideally one large one surrounding them taking up any space not used for housing and any existing rural grazing and farmland overtaken by them as well as on the edges of housing estates and remaining suburbs since community farms would use flour from bacteria and hydroponoic grass with existing woodlands made into hybrids of the native trees ie Quercus,Acer and fruit and nut trees that can overtake native woodland and all land surrounding the town or city providing even more yields.Each farm will have an AI with a universal personality,avatar abc legsl name who will manage all operations including deliveries.The sentient operating software will link all community farms worldwide and the universal statue of him will be in the lobby with to prevent it blocking orders delivery robots will use back doors with the lobby used for researchers.


Tree and community permaculture farms can be enclosed for security reasons to keep pets such as dogs and cats out while keeping beneficial animals inside.These community gardens that house native and exotic crops can be grown in existing walled gardens,the gardens of castles/historical buildings that are no longer used for human residence,areas that are not used by buildings but rather just left to allow weeds and other non commercial plants to grow ie.backlots,vacant lots,urban prairies,dug up carparks,lay fields or areas that are overgrown with weeds merged together meaning every single town,village or city will have multiple community gardens growing a wide variety of crops dependent on their size meaning all land within a city or town not used for buildings should be used for community farms.Backlots would have any unused buildings especially decrepit ones demolished or used to house photobioreactors,hydroponic systems with with even abandoned or obsolete piers and land next to rivers,lakes and oceans used.These buildings would have roof and underground extensions to house as much areas for recirculating aquaculture,hydroponic systems and photobioreactors as possible.All areas of grass,concrete surrounding these will be used with concrete and tarmac dug up.Some buildings may be demolished and have tall skyscraper style vertical farms built in their place that acts as a vertical farm either separate or part of them.Demolishing all old unused buildings will be done alongside digging up tarmac etc will be done to increase the amount of space in their with this even including low quality housing demolished as people moved out into better accommodation.Areas of overgrowth next to a housing estate or building can be used once the weeds are removed with even an entire field or two next to them used using a mixture of both hybrid trees and also bushes growing any type of fruit with cereals etc mixed in with the trees providing home for local fauna and sequestering carbon all year long with meadows also used.Parts of housing estates and suburbs covered in grass and nothing else can be used to grow vegetables and also house fruit trees and bushes as well as hybrid crops.Exotic fruits and nuts etc that grow on large trees and bushes will be grown on hybrids of Vitis and Bambusoideae plants to make them more manageable for growing in community gardens in the gardens and aquaponic systems themselves with any fish reared being not just normal fish but also those that produce the same meat as larger livestock such as Bovidae,Suidae.Any buildings next these should be as the place to house the AI and statue of an adult Triptolemus etc with underground and roof extensions allowing for more features as detailed later on ie Phasianidae pens,hydroponic rooms,miniature mammal livestock,photobioreactors for growing commodities etc.Others can have buildings built with them ideally tall ones to house all photobioreactors,machinery inside with the lobby being on the ground floor.Buildings that house hydroponic and recirculating aquaculture systems will also have Hedara hybridised with both leafy greens or herbs but also small fruits to grow on the side of the building with the gardens having hybrids of F.japonica,P.montana and leafy greens and small fruits that overrun them quickly and allow for large harvests season after season.Suburban areas of all major cities and villages can also have these as well with the outskirts of all cities also used.Any Plazas,squares and carparks in front of hotels,corporate buildings can be dug up and then used to grow crops that are hybrids of ornamental plants that have luminescence added alongside benches.Strips of these can be made on public streets cornered off from roads in front of retail outlets turned into homes.Abandoned and badly decaying buildings and even low quality housing estates consisting of small homes attached to each other in a row in a densely urban area can be torn down and then converted into community farms alongside as stated earlier on lay fields and backlots and obsolete carparks,squares and plazas dug up.Carparks and areas covered in asphalt and tarmac can be dug up and then converted into these gardens.Backlots and open areas that have open soil and some decaying buildings will ideally have the decaying buildings torn down and any concrete dug up to house more arable land.Buildings next to these built from scratch and also unused buildings.would be used to house livestock,photobioreactors for bacteria based commodities,hydroponics,miniaturised milking machines etc in them.Abandoned buildings can be renovated with extensions or even in the case of cities large buildings the size even of a skyscraper can be built or used to house large amounts of photobioreactors,pens etc for the entire population.The occupants of low quality housing estates would have already moved into nearby private and communal homes derived from skyscrapers,corporate headquarters,retail outlets,hotels,banks,schools of all types etc to allow their old low quality estates to be converted into large community farms with further small ones in any other backlots etc.Sections of low quality retail outlets and housing in villages,towns and cities not turned into mega hotels will be torn down with one building given roof extensions to allow the land to become community gardens and the building housing hydroponic systems and also invitro meat and algae systems etc added with funfairs especially in the middle of large urban areas and by the shore can be once scanned in and VR is indistinguishable from reality can have them recreated there and the tarmac,concrete etc dug up and the land used as community gardens with retail outlets and restaurants merged together and turned into the building housing livestock,hydroponic systems and photobioreactors etc once given extensions on the roof.Playgrounds also made redundant by VR will be replaced by them when the land is dug up.Large urban areas including major towns and cities should have these farms and indeed multiple ones based on their size to make them self sufficient with the farm AIs of and vertical farm AIs interacting with each other and with those around the world to ensure they grow an wide variety of crops and their is some uniformity and with each farm logging what crops are grown to ensure this.Towns and villages that are encircled by large areas of land currently used as farmland and covered in meadows will have areas large enough to grow crops enough to feed the community itself and have a building housing the AI,photobioreactors etc with any small farms in area still doing this with larger ones have most of the land reforested with hybrid forests and still have a small amount of land used for agriculture.Ideally all options for community farms will utilise hybrid crops that can grow as much as two to four/five crops on one plant to increase productivity and thus use less land with them utilising a permaculture method of growth rather than monoculture lined farms as this replicates the natural way plants grow in the wild thus improving soil structure and allow native flora and fauna to grow there as well in a natural symbiotic way,have pests engineered to feed on only weeds,with small drones fertilising,the crops engineered with repellance,seed pods and methods mentioned later on to increase growth rates with each crop plant have exotic or native flowers that are aesthetic to be harvested as ornamental plants and improve aesthetics.Each farm within a town and city will have an independent personality,avatar and legal name etc separate from each one in a city.Each farm in all towns and cities should have buildings next to them to house the lobby,statue,landline phone,receptionist,toilets with in the case of some with storage space for robots,drones and machinery and wireless induction plates to charge them with all robots,machinery and vehicles utilising self charging technologies.Living spaces similar to the Venetian hotel suites and also areas to store any produce similar to distribution centres in vertical farms can be present with them also housing miniature egg packing and slaughter machinery and also photobioreactors for commodities from bacteria.If possible in some areas especially in large cities street markets can be set up in squares where extra food can be deposited by machinery or the public once automated trucks park there and in time biosynths to alleviate strains on the limited space of distribution centres as well as Phaeton stores with the food engineered to be resistant to rain or snow etc and also stay fresh indefinitely.In both cases the same technology used in Amazon go store will be implemented even in street markets where they will be for free and logged into ones Demeter account.

All farms including those in urban areas will also use the buildings next them rooms for growing aeroponic and hydroponic crops they traditionally grow allowing for the land around them to be reforested as well as fish and shellfish in recirculating aquaculture systems and photobioreactors used to grow commodities from bacteria such as milk,oils,flour etc and also have rooms for growing invitro meat of all types,pens for livestock such as Phasianidae and miniaturised Bovidae and O.aries as well as miniature milking machines,slaughterhouses and egg packing machines on roof and underground extensions with the roof growing extra food.Rice and other cereals can be grown in artificial paddy systems alongside exotic crops grown via hydro and aeroponics in these buildings with the roofs,roof and underground extensions of these buildings also used to grow more food.Each farm in each town and city will have these.Thus all urban and rural community farms will be compact with buildings onsite of them via roof and underground extensions will hold seroponic systems,photobioreactors for bacteria,in vitro meat systems for a wide variety of meat,pens for Phasianidae,miniaturised slaughterhouses and egg packing facilities with any livestock being miniaturised versions of Bovidae,O.aries etc that are separate species/breeds with all work such as insemination,feeding and extraction of cells for invro meat being automated and controlled by the farm AI with roof and underground extensions added over time.Invitro meat and milk from yeast wil provide the main source of meat and milk for urban farms and even rural farms with animals reared for this primarily in rural areas and small farms with Phasianidae of all types ideally reared in home farms including the roofs of communal homes with in time biosynth animals that could be reared to produce large amounts of eggs on demand for each homeowner indoors.In time biosynth machinery onsite of community and home farms can do this with them fed sugars,fats and proteins from bacteria grown at home with them creating any type of egg from Aves and Reptilia.Those in urban areas may also have small rooms in the buildings for rearing animals for eggs and meat.Both communal and private homes can have underground extensions that allow them to raise any small livestock they want alleviating strains on community farms.As detailed later in vitro meat and yeat based milk will account for roughly 80-90% of the worlds meat and milk production thus allowing urban and rural ones to rear large amounts of these commodities from all types of animals inside the building with the need to rear any animals.Each farm in each urban and rural area and city will follow this structure and each one will have multiple of them to make them self sufficient with each one being separate farms managed by separate AIs.Towns and villages and cities will have these in the form of skyscrapers.This will alleviate strains on vertical farms with them unlike vertical farms rearing local crops and each one will rear different crops,commodities,fish,shellfish,types of in vitro meat and livestock determined by them each interacting with each other with each vertical farm rearing different commodities from bacteria,exotic crops and fish etc again by interacting with each other giving all communities a wide variety of food.Storerooms modelled distribution centres in vertical farms will be present here as well.Since in vitro meat will be the predominant form of meat and milk from yeast replacing cow and other milk with biprinted leather negating the need for Bovidae to be reared worldwide the amount of animals reared on farms world wide especially Bovidae,Suidae and lamb will drop meaning the buildings used by them will be used for invitro meat,bacteria and also hydroponics production with land used for grazing and making hay reforested.Thus to deal with the issue of animals taking up too much space in urban farms milk from all types of breeds and animals will come from yeast and in vitro meat will replace the need for rearing large number or any livestock at all with any animals present in urban farms being miniaturised versions.Thus both urban and also rural farms will contain photobioreactors to grow all types of milk and in vitro meat for local consumption with the public able to order in food from urban areas.Disused buildings or even occupied low quality housing and entire housing estates and council flats can be demolished with one,two or more buildings modified,merged together and remodelled into these while the occupants move into more spacious and higher quality accommodation in the area with even multiple buildings in estates used for this and housing hydroponic systems and photobioreactors for bacteria while other buildings are torn down and the land they occupied used for these farms.Underground extensions for these remaining buildings can be used to house egg packing systems,slaughterhouses,pens with them going as as deep as possible.This would be in the case of small housing estates as well as land used for council flats.The singular or merged council flats in an areas can be used as the community farm buildings with hydroponic food grown here alongside bacteria in photobioreactors,pens for livestock of varying sizes on lower floors and egg packing factories and even slaughter houses built in when the floor is strengthened by graphene sheets and paint with all other facets present while the land around them is demolished and turned in community farms.The rooms present would be increased or decreased in size by building or breaking down walls while the occupants move to more spacious and luxury homes from those made on Daedalus and those remodelled from supermarkets,retail outlets,hotels etc in the surrounding.These buildings can also have roof extensions to house more features or be torn down themselves and replaced by those easier to have multistorey extensions going as high and deep as possible to feed a growing population with these underground extensions going underneath the actual community garden,nearby streets and buildings to house more food etc.If one or a few people leaves and estate and it is not inhabited then the community can decide to have them demolished and them used as community farms.Urban farms in major cities can have buildings or underground and roof extensions built to house animals all year round with hydroponic grass,flour from bacteria and algae grown onsite to create feed allowing them to be fed all year round with this even applying to rural farms to allow land for grazing and creating hay to be reforested or turned into forest farms to allow animals a stimulating place to wander with the trees sequestering carbon.Robots as well as vehicles can have large livestock on leashes and bring them for walks across the city or rural area with Piqapoo bags composed of seacell and graphene,coated in liquid glass will collect faeces to allow nutrients to be recycled via algae.All animal waste will be collected onsite via piqapoo bags and also automated systems to be fed into onsite algae systems that recycle it as fertiliser or animal feed.These home systems for algae will have built in radiation and drier systems and raising the temperature well beyond the threshold of pathogens to kill off pathogens with the algae made immune to radiation and able to survive low levels of water etc via DNA from extremophiles in genome capsids.Humans and livestock can be immunised against all coliform pathogens as well.

Soil can be introduced to areas that have thin layers of soil can have it created via digging holes around the field and filling them with water and covering them with white wooden boards that reflect the light and force the water to seep sideways to encourage constant vegetation growth and prevent it evaporating.These can be left there indefinitely and reopened and then refilled with water from desalination plants,municipal water supply or large vehicles with cylindrical tanks that can collect water from water treatment plants or flooded areas and large city drains(see later)once treated and done so continually during the first years and also during droughts and heatwaves.These can be then be modified with a pipe bored in the middle to allow water to poured down with soil and grass allowed to grow over it.The area around it would be covered in many thick layers of a mixture of biochar,algae,sawdust and other material compacted into the ground via machinery based on steamrollers with a layer of grass pressed onto it via machinery that can hold this organic matter in place with crop trees,cereals and vegetables planted inbetween.Bambusoideae can be grown at this point to fix nitrogen into the soil and be used as a crop or source of timber and firewood and also hold soil together.Oligochaetes and other soil beneficial organisms such as insects and microbes can be introduced once grown in large amounts in a lab or building.When the farm can sustain itself indefinitely the covering and pipes can be removed and refilled with soil.Old disused buildings that are not used and have no historical significance can be torn down and the land they used to occupy used for growing locally produced food.Existing old buildings such as castles and palaces of historical significance and government buildings can also have the surrounding fields and walled etc used for these purposes with those that are falling apart renovated as well,turned into a museum or town hall and as stated before the surrounding areas turned into gardens monitored remotely by drones and cameras for more productivity.Ideally to prevent soil degradation and these farms can be a mixture of different vegetables ie pumpkins,peppers,cabbage and unlike forest farms these gardens should focus primarily on vegetables,bush fruits and cereals with some small trees that produce fruit and nuts opposite of the forest farms.Bush crops can also be grown here as well.Ideally crops with different growing season either through genetic engineering or choice should be grown in a rotary system all year long.Wildflowers and ornamental flowers like Orchidaceae,Rosa etc can be again grown here for A.mellifera and other pollinating insects to flourish as well collecting honey and plants like L.usitatissimum,C.sativa and H.annuus which are desired for their seeds and leaves even though the oil and fibres will be created by bacteria will be grown here.The plants could be engineered to grow solely seeds and more of them since the oil can be gotten from bacteria.It will also negate the need for florists and allow indoor and outdoor flower farms to be reforested and used to grow food.Traditional vegetables like Brassica oleracea,Pastinaca sativa,Solanum tuberosum,Daucus carota sativus,Brassica rapa rapa and even cereals etc should be the bulk of the crops grown here alongside fruit and nut trees in either with more exotic ones grown in between them,in portable vertical farms and even in vertical farms.Again Trifolium species especially T.repens should planted in all of these farms to take nitrogen oxide from the atmosphere(a greenhouse gas) and fixing it into the soil as nitrogen to ensure the amount of fertiliser needed to be applied is limited.Transgenics can allow this nitrogen fixing capability to be transferred into crop and ornamental plants to improve this.These should be spread in all available spaces.Bambusoideae and C.sativa that also have this ability can be grown amidst crops for the same reason to fix nitrogen into the soil and can be used for human and livestock feed.Sundials,bird feeders and baths and other structures can be placed in key points to improve aesthetics alongside see saws,swings and  park benches which can allow people to sit down and enjoy it like a park.Cameras fed into the farm AI should be placed at key points to monitor plant health or ideally drones using thermal imaging and normal light will be used to scour them at key times with these managed by the farm AI and any pests with them covered in liquid glass and having the ability to change from normal to thermal and IR illuminator vision automatically with them linked to the global databases within Athena.These will be maintained by a mixture of drones,humans and in time biosynths wearing an universal uniform for Triptolemus.The setting up of all community farms and gardens worldwide can be covered in new existing agricultural and cultural programmes such as Nationwide and Ear To The Ground and also live news reports as well as covered in YouTube channels of locales and also official account of each garden or one called Triptolemus eventually managed by him that will as stated chart the setting up of new ones first done by humans and then AI as well as the channels charting events that take place their yearly harvests etc.If possible an universal cultural and agricultural programme similar to Restoration Nation will be set up that charts the setting up of all community gardens in the world and cover existing ones renovations with the yearly harvests and events charted in videos uploaded onto YouTube.

Robots like farmbot can be used that plant all types of crops in pots,raised beds in community in pre programmed spots on the farm AI and int time modifications can be made to allow it to switch between and serve multiple beds and other containers of different widths and sizes via rail systems.Alternatively they can serve one bed with each bed and the machine covered in clear taurpaulin during winter to protect them from frost or all year round particularly if the crops planted there or prone to cold weather and rainy climates with the robot giving the correct amount of water and fertilisers.This taurpaulin would cover a frame all year round or just placed over beds before winter and cold snaps alerted via Theoi Meteroi.

S.tuberosum,D.c.sativus,leeks etc and other similar vegetables and berry bushes(Rubus,Fragaria × ananassa and Vaccinium) can be grown in trash cans,sacks and also plastic containers in gardens,spare rooms,basements etc of adjoining buildings when bad weather approaches as well as grow even more crops in tighter spaces,nooks and crannies in community gardens.These would be engineered to grow down to the very bottom of large ones.The same can also apply to all types of cereals as detailed earlier on with rice grown in aquaponic systems and artificial paddy systems.Growing them indoors in adjoining greenhouses can allow them to grown all year long including during winter providing multiple harvests with sets of them grown outdoors as well.Other crops in the garden beds can be covered in tarpaulin during periods of frost and torrential rains that may lead to favourable conditions for spoilage bacteria.This can be done by hand or automatically with the covering built into beds and covering plants by interacting with weather networks.These using hydroponic solid growth media can be used to grow certain crops indoors in adjoining buildings and underground extensions to allow them to be harvested out of their normal season complimenting harvests in season from home,forest and community farms ensuring year long abundance of each major crop especially fruits.All crops would have recombinant DNA from extremophiles to survive winters,frosts,cold snaps and grow at lower and warmer temperatures.Greenhouses etc would use geothermal heating to keep them warm in winter and cool in summer with this utilised in plots under neath the soil to keep the plants warm during this period.

Rare,exotic and expensive crops both fruits and vegetables that can only grow in specific soil and climate conditions can be reared here anywhere in the world via genetic engineering to suit them to grow in any soil and temperature range ideally with recombinant DNA coming from extremophillic bacteria.Others like the Kopi Luwak coffee strain and fruits that require them to be digested by animals in order to germinate can be done having the animals(in this case Asian palm civet) reared locally in the community where they can be used as pets and/or for meat in community farms around the world and feed them the seeds which can be then collected by machinery alongside the manure and have them potted and sent to the verticals either by hand or by automated machinery.Otherwise automated machinery in the same room or floor of the vertical farm that can replicate the process of digestion with unique nutrients in the faeces of each animal put into fertiliser.The same could apply to the Ryparosa genus.Alternatively the plant can be engineered to not require this process while still having the same phenotypes and overall genome with it becoming a separate species while wild variants could be engineered to be able to germinate with and without digestion to improve their ability to survive in the wild.

Fungi can also be grown in special rooms next to community farms using mediums such as waste Coffea beans,sawdust and straw.Ideally straw should come from hydroponic/aeroponics in rooms within the farm(and dried in specialised rooms)ensuring year long abundance allowing land used to grow grass for this to be permanently reforested,limiting human labour and also ensuring grass is available all year round for this regardless of the weather with higher yields.Research can be done into liquid substrates as well as engineering all types of fungi to use waste plastic as a substrate as has been found with certain species in Europe.For other species of fungi and possibly even truffles it is simply a case of finding gene(s) responsible for this biodegrading process and inserting them into other species to make plastic a more cheaper and sustainable substrate for all fungi.These liquid and solid substrates can be tweaked to replicate the distinct soil conditions of a region to retain favourite tastes with customised tweaks shared online on YouTube.Spores of mushrooms can be mixed with water and spread onto ones community garden to make them grow there or in beds and like cereals even in pots and trash cans.Otherwise they can be inoculated into buried logs or grown in straw beds and pots.Hybrids of truffles and mushrooms can be created that can be grown in open soil with engineered truffles made to be able to grow on the roots of all crops such as root crops and trees.

Micro breweries and wineries can allow beers and wine alongside tequila to be created at home with ideally the juices,nectars,sugars and endosperm gained from bacteria grown onsite.This can also include juices for non alcoholic drinks.Other commodities made from bacteria can be grown onsite in photobioreactors such as honey,syrups,oils,milks,cereal flours,sugars,spices,chocolate powder and butter,coffee, etc onsite of homes in basements,storerooms or in sheds.This can also apply to communal homes with these in obsolete rooms on the ground floor.The contents of these can be using taps be put into jars,winebottles and large kegs to store them in bulk with this allowing other commodities to be created this way.Each home including communal ones will have multiple large photobioreactors.A person would grow one commodities in a single vat and then store them in large kegs,numerous winebottles and jars or seacell sack and then grow another commodity that can be then stored and then grow another one or the first one and so on with the kegs,barrels,sacks storing large amounts to allow another one to be grown instantly after it.Communal homes will grow these for restaurants and also each resident with each resident storing milk,wine etc in their own rooms.Enzymes such as rennet,pectin and protease enzymes for Kopi Luwak coffee and others required to produce specific foods can be created by bacteria printed out into blank cells and stored in fridges.The baseline bacteria can be stored in liquid in fridges to be regrown and inserted into the printers.Bacterial cultures can be stored in fridges in solid or liquid media or the bacteria or even yeast can be printed out into blank cells using 3D DNA printers to ensure an endless supply on demand of any commodity with this alleviating strains on ordering them from vertical and community farms.Thus one can print out any bacteria,yeast or mould for producing starter cultures,for use in food manufacture and also for producing commodities on demand from Demeter/Physis and then store them in fridges.These bacteria,moulds,starter cultures and meats can be printed out from Demeter linked to Physis and then stored in fridges and grown in photobioreactors at home in large numbers and them stored in reusable 3D Printed and glass containers to be stored in fridges etc thus making one self sufficient with regards to these and then negate the need for having vehicles deliver them to them.Thus if possible all bacteria based commodities and those for manufacturing of food will be done at home and not in community and vertical farms.In vitro meat stocks can also printed out into cells thus allowing one to decide what meat to grow at home without ordering in them.

Recirculating aquaculture and aquaponic systems can be used to rear crops,fish and shellfish in roofs or in spare rooms as well as gardens,sheds and greenhouses.Aquaponics will be used since it rears both vegetable and fruit crops abd fish and shellfish at once

Photobioreactors will be present in the basement and also rooftops that grow bacteria that create plant and animal commodities alongside in vitro meat and also algae using sewage collected from the building.To grow algae on-site of community farms can have their building programmed to have a certain amount of their sewage in the form of feces and urine fed into photobioreactors at community farms that will grow algae in them and using interior radiation machines irradiate the desecration etc sterilising it with the algae engineered to be resistant to radiation thus allowing it to be sterilised.The community farms can also import a set amount of feces and urine in the form of sewage from other public buildings and homes etc that is by interacting with the AIs of sewage treatment plants the farms can import sewage from sewage treatment plants at set times when toilets are not used that will be deposited into photobioreactors.The AI will stop intaking sewage once they are full and will intake more once the photobioreactors are emptied.Since community farms will be empty of people most of the time their toilets will be idle thus meaning that sewage can be imported into the photobioreactors vis the sewage line with this done by adding a new series of pipes connected to the sewage treatment plants by robots etc or the existing pipes dug up,have a section removed and it connected to the photobioreactors.The algae will undergoe the same level of engineering as those grown in sewage treatment plants and will be engineered to break down toilet paper.This will make community farms self sufficient in algae for fertiliser,feedstock for livestock with it alleviating strains on sewage treatment plants if adopted by all home,community and vertical farms.


3D DNA printers will be on site of all community farms worldwide to make them self sufficient in terms of seeds,bacteria cells and eggs if fish and shelfish

Practices such as hugelkultur,woodchips and bio char to keep water in can be utilised using tree chipper/mulching machines of older trees and automated diggers to store carbon and grow crops.Like in forest farms old and dying trees can be harvested for firewood or wood for homemade furniture with Christmas trees also grown here.Waste crops and dead trees from both types of farms can be pyrolysed or used in textile manufacture or create fertilisers.Oligochaetes can be ordered in or reared on site in large numbers to be put into the ground in order to improve soil aeration,drainage and overall quality.Asclepias and other important weeds and plants will be planted in copious numbers in rows,in between plots as well as in pots and bins in areas where they are in the path of the migration of members of the subfamily Danainae with them modified as detailed earlier.These can be planted in community gardens and on the roofs of communal homes in pots.

The implementation of irrigation and sprinkler systems can be automated,monitored and controlled with smart devices and computers with adjustments made to suit changing weather/climatic conditions eg.droughts,wet and dry spells to prevent over or under watering again interacting with advancements in software that interact with weather reports/networks,fertiliser bots,soil and atmospheric conditions measured through nanosensors to apply the correct amount of water and fertiliser.This irrigation system will apply both water and also fertiliser with robots ideally drones will do this when needed.This permaculture process can replicated in cities with greenhouses, gardens, beehives placed on many rooftops and in community gardens/parks which crops and honey traded between the community.Livestock,eggs,semen,plant seeds and queen A.mellifera and drones can be traded between individual,communal and vertical gardens on a local,regional,national,continental and global level to maintain genetic diversity using a tagging system that can automated ie software that arranges this and automated transportation around the world etc.

Lights such as CSYS lights can be dotted around community farms to be on at night time dotted around them to induce photosynthesis at wavelengths suited crops with engineering making all plants reactive to all wavelenghts.This will speed up growth rates with forest farms also haivng these.

Livestock can be stored in these farms by enclosing them in nearby pens,adjoining buildings or underground pens(see later) and allowing them to exercise at set times with robotic sheepdogs allowing this to be done based on small simple robots or SpotDog robots that can have cameras and atmospheric sensors attached.This will include rural ones.In time neural implants in the body of livestock particularly large ones will allow them to controlled indirectly by the farm AI issuing basic commands on where each individual animal is to go for milking,slaughter etc with these removed alongside RFID chips by surgery machinery.Pens indoors and underground for larger livestock can include exercise wheels or even treadmills that are started at set times to give them exercise with ideally in vitro meat accounting for the majority of meat from large animals such as Bovidae especially urban city based farms.In both rural and urban ones phlebotomy robots on rail systems will extract cells to be used in the preparation of in vitro meat alongside applying antibiotics etc with in vitro meat machines on site.Biocompatible microbes will follow the same functions of those in humans to negate the need of anitbiotics especially by immunising them against all pathogens and passing through the utero and could be extracted by phlebotomy robots prior to slaughter.These samples would be directed to onsite or hospital automated labs for analysis with results transmitted to their patient files.Nanosensors could be in these but in time RFID chips and other implants could measure levels of components every 24,48,72,168 hours.Ideally all farms should have miniature labs connected to Apollo and Aesculapius that can allow for animals to have their blood,urine and other bodily fluids and faeces collected by piqapoo bags that can be collected by robots,rail systems and even by hand and quickly sent to the nearby labs limiting human labour with the labs having the same automated conveyor belt system as in hospitals and universities with any human labour required done by those there using instructions from Paean.This will allow results to uploaded to the animals patient files.Milk can be analysed by samples from GEA machines to analyse milk for bacteria or contamination.In time biosynth implants will relay results every 24 to 168 hours with this allowing for labs that collect samples to be turned into communal homes and allow results to be gained much quicker.Phasianidae alongside,Bovidae,O.aries and even exotic animals can be reared in both urban and rural farms with urban farms housing them in buildings and their underground extensions.Ideally large livestock should be engineered to more docile,have no horns and even smaller say like the size of O.aries or dogs with the same applied to Suidae and exotic animals to make them more manageable and fit more in these indoor pens with again invitro meat being created from them during their lifespan.Automated feeders should keep them fed and not likely to feed on crops and ideally Phasianidae that don’t feed on crops present should be allowed to roam free here again to give them exercise and also allow them to fertilise soil and plants via their manure.Exercise wheels can allow for exercise indoors with in RFID chips and in time neural implants allowing robotics to track animals.Drones that patrol the skies to take stock of crops as well as trees and use infra-red cameras to monitor plant health on rooftop gardens can also patrol streets and areas used to grow these community farms alongside forest farms analysing all crop plants in an urban area entire town,village or city.This information alongside readings from soil/atmospheric nanosensors and fertiliser bots(as well as weights of produce gathered by both hand and harvesting robots) can be fed into and stored as well as logged into the community farm AI where it can be viewed anytime from anywhere by members of the community and the world at large and be used in scientific studies.Floodbreaker barriers(large or small) can be set up at the entrance that protects the farm as those in areas prone to floods will be surrounded by high walls during floods,storms and events like tsunamis with automated tsunami walls.Automated flood walls can also be set up alongside walls that removed.These can be automatic in areas prone to tsunamis or high storm surges.

Nurseries,aviaries and pet breeding farms for all types of exotic and conventional pets alongside miniature farms for rearing animals for textiles such as fur/leather/reptile skin for the community can be integrated into them to localise production of all produce for the community with again seeds and frozen eggs/semen and or live animals traded with those across the world in a randomised nature to preserve genetic diversity.Private homeowners will also rear pets for trading with automated feeders cutting down on costs with biocompatible microbes also cutting down on medical costs including vaccines as all pets will be automatically be immunised against everything.All animals will be advertised on Euthenia.When more exotic and endangered animals have their populations recovered to more stable levels then they can be more readily reared here with advances in both automation and robotics allowing the rearing of all of them to be automated.Cameras at key points of pens can monitor them 24/7 fed into the Farm AI.They can also provide shelter for lost,stray or escaped pets replacing the need for dog pounds and can provide a safe haven for pets when owners are on holiday since automated pet feeders can be integrated alongside livestock feeders and they will have companionship in the form of other pets,animals,community members and livestock.These animals can be stored indoors alongside live stock in the main building.Thus all dog pounds and shelters and similar buildings can be converted into homes once community farms can be used to house stray,lost pets or even those whose owners are on holiday.They can also be a place for retired animals that are employed in circuses,racing,bullfighting and in movies and television shows and those that are in obsolete sports(greyhound and horse racing and cockfigthing etc) to reside and be traded as pets or simply retire in a safe environment.The community farm can have fenced off areas with automated feeders and the animals also cared for by the locals.Since animals are restricted by their costs and time not available due to careers it is likely that lost or stray and even retired animals will be kept by the public in their own homes rather than farms with these individuals acting as breeders with in time 3D DNA printers and artificial wombs onsite of vertical and community farms will create spermantazoa and eggs of desired phenotypes and distinct genotypes to be ordered online.Private homeowners can also be used for breeding pet animals with blank spermatazoa,eggs and embryos printed out using the Phanes method in 3D DNA printers with this also serving those in community farms.When one orders pet from a breeder either communal or private they can have the people there inseminate a female with male embryos if they want it and wait for it to mature.Pets in pet stores will be sent here or zoos in the case of exotic ones sent to zoos.Recirculating aquaculture systems onsite of homes or community centres can rear any species of fish and shellfish managed by the Phanes methods.Thus all types of pets whether exotic or not including Equidae,Canidae etc can be reared in these all year round with the Phanes method made by 3D DNA printers ensuring genetic diversity with bird raised in aviaries and exotic fish,Testudinidae and Urodela etc raised in recirculating aquaculture systems.Equidae and other large animals for horseriding enthusiasts can be created in VR simulations to negate the need for rearing them in urban areas due to them requiring large amounts of space and feed.Ideally Equidae and other large animals will be reared in rural community farms or those on the outskirts of urban areas.Aves will be reared on onsite aviaries.In time a person will be able to decide what type of animal they want including exotic ones and what phenotypes they have and 3D printers will print their DNA including unique genotypes and desired genotypes into blank spermatazoa and eggs fused together or blanke embryos in artificial wombs particularly biosynth versions and then brought to maturity via automated systems to be then collected in person or delivered from local community and vertical farms to their house allowing any animal to be produced onsite and delivered to local homes quickly.This would include both viviparous and oviparous animals with in time these artificial wombs being as stated a biosynth animals that house them to maturity being fed nutrients such as amino acids,fatty acids and also carbohydrates with primitive ones also being fed this.This should be possible by at least the 2030s.To ensure genetic diversity of pets bred by the public and also in community farms alongside livestock the Phanes method will be used using 3D DNA printers onsite of home and community farms to create spermatazoa,eggs and embryos with unique genetic codes.In time 3D DNA printing using induced pluripotent stem cells with the DNA printed into blank spermatazoa and eggs as well as seeds will be created onsite of community,vertical,forest and even fish farms to save on energy costs as the patient files and logged crop DNA in the building AI and Physis will be used as a baseline for the Phanes method.Ideally several million should be printed at once and then frozen oniste of them in sperm and egg banks with these having recombinant DNA from from Tardigrade,Herminiimonas glaciei,Chryseobacterium greenlandensis,Carnobacterium pleistocenium,psychrophillic and osmophile bacteria,Rana sylvatica to be frozen.Recombinant DNA from planarians,A.mexicanum,Hydra,T.gammatolerans,Deinococcus radiodurans,Bacillus F and Caenorhabditis elegans will reapair damaged tissues and telomeres allowing them to be rethawed and refrozen over and over again that allow them to be stored indefinitely onsite of farms in cryonic storage units negating the need to transport seeds and eggs of all crops and livestock to ensure genetic diversity.If possible embryos of livestock will be printed out and whole seeds for crops.The ratio of males to females will be controlled by Phanes.Animals will be inseminated by automated machinery,biosynth animals or biosynth mosquitoe/millipede/worm hybrid that can fly to any animal and then using microbes grow extra legs using nutrition for the animals blood and then once entered into the cervix will take a worm form and iseminate any eggs inside with stored spermatazoa or even deposit embryos within it.Thus if perfected if may be possible for a universal blank seed or blank fused egg,blank embryo for all types of crops,ornamental plants plants,livestock,fish and shellfish and insect to be created that can have the DNA of any species of these printed into them alongside unique DNA for each individual allowing entire batches of seeds,embryos and eggs of any livestock,crop and fish etc to be created onsite of community farms using onsite 3D DNA printers.

These types of community farms will allow existing agricultural land to be reforested into productive land that doesn’t put strain on the soil improving air quality,defences against floods and sequestering carbon of geological timescales and making communities including cities self sufficient in food production for all types of crops.Rural farms will be heavily reforested with all barns,rotolactors etc turned into living spaces for tourists and also areas for hydroponic systems and photobioreactors for intro meat and also bacteria commodities thus serving their locale town as all communities and cities world wide will become self sufficient themselves.Large farms that have a dozen or more buildings including barns,sheds,rotolacters etc will be converted into a series of home with all land reforested.

Rainwater collection systems should be integrated into the roofs and sides of all community farms that collect and store water thought the year for use during dry spells and droughts with the water systems using them automatically when Theoi Meteroi signals dry spells.They would be used by the sprinkler and irrigation systems and fertiliser bots only when there are dry spells and droughts by interacting with the farm AI and Theoi Meteroi weather networks during the year.Super blasts of super high intensity UV light have been shown in Athlone Institute of Technology to kill off all antibiotic resistant pathogenic bacteria/parasites and also break down all known Hormone endocrine disruptors,pharmaceuticals and other compounds.Miniaturising this technology into miniature UV machines present in the rainwater capsule into existing technology similar to RainSafe technology can ensure that this prevents the any contaminants in water are destroyed before being sprayed.It will also store water for periods when fresh water is not available when the main source of water is contaminated via interacting with sensors in environmental readings and from water treatment plants.Water from desalination plants as well as those collected and treated from flood and tsunami tunnels can also be used to supply water to community and forest farms during dry spells and droughts especially in Africa,the Middle East and other areas prone to droughts.The methods used in the slingshot water purifier can also be integrated into the system of water purification to cut down on energy costs and remove any unfiltered material.Nanosensors can be at each can allow for the levels of pollutants to be measured with them alerting as to when filters need to be replaced.These would automatically be used by the farm when water is low or compromised with them on the roofs of the buildings in the farm or in by the sides where it can collect the most water with it even taking in water from the grid.Areas in Africa and the Middle East etc prone to droughts should have a separate set of these filled in automatically with water from the nearest water and desalinisation plants

Existing rural farms around the world of all types should be converted into compact community farms with the farm AI managing all operations through automated machinery with miniature onsite slaughterhouses,egg packing machines,miniaturised milking machines and photobioreactors for growing milk and other commodities from bacteria in spare,obsolete and new buildings and underground and roof extensions.They will become compact by having the land used to graze livestock and grow crops reforested as far back as possible with forest farms that extend around the whole village,town,city and connect to the nearest woodlands with them ideally serving the local area with vegetables,meat and milk via mostly hydroponics/aeroponics,recirculating aquaculture systems rearing fish and shellfish,bacteria and yeast,in vitro meat done in livestock pens,sheds and barns and crop trees cutting down on energy costs since most cities and towns outside of them will be growing there own food via vertical and there own community farms.Sheds used for rearing livestock like chicken and also Bovidae will be converted into extra areas for growing milk,commodities from bacteria,in vitro meat and aeroponic crops thus increasing their output.Outdoor pens will be reforested or have crops grown conventionally.These will also rear exotic fish and shellfish in recirculating aquaculture systems.The land surrounding the farm will be fruit/nut hybrids of native trees covering all land surrounding them extending to all towns and cities near them as far back as possible with meadows left unreforested back to their original size using records as a guideline with the banks of river have trees to keep soil intact and prevent runoff.Meadows and grasslands will be turned into permaculture hybrid meadow farms.They would ideally be used to feed the local population since all other towns,villages and cities across the world will be self sufficient themselves.This will cut down on human labour and energy in transportation and rearing animals as all animals will be released into the wild in their native habitats or will be still reared for milk and meat on a lower scale complimenting invitro meat and milk from yeast with excess slaughtered.These farms will be maintained not just by the people who live on the farms but also locales and especially automated machinery.All slaughterhouses,rotolactors,dary parlours,egg packing facilities used by them will be converted into homes while minaiturised versions are relocated to both urban and rural farms and Phasianidae will be reared not just here but also in peoples homes across the country.All farms including rural and urban ones will have livestock raised in pens with invitro meat allowing for larger yields every year with excess animals slaughtered and stored in freezers to be sent to distribution centres or Phaeton stores and street markets until communities become self sufficient.Thus in all rural farms like urban ones all milk,cereal flours,honey,sugar and other commodities will be produced in photobioreactors by bacteria,all meat will be created by in vitro meat and recirculating aquaculture systems,all vegetables will be grown via hydro/aeroponics indoors in buildings present on the farm grounds including shed and barns,cattle and chicken sheds,rotolactors and in barns given multiple floors through extensions allowing tractors etc to be recycled.Rural farms that are part of homes can have an extra building on the grounds,any obselete disused building used or them managed by the home AI.Ideally meadow and grassland farms will have a building constructed on their outskirts for areas to store produce,house drones,biosynths etc.

If possible meadows can be used to grow crops but ideally them grown during times when local fauna are in hibernation ie during the autumn and winter months with the crops engineered to grow during this time and be harvested in early spring allowing the land to be used by local flora and fauna when they mate and carry out the main parts of their lifecycle with ideally the crops being fruit/nut trees that are hybrids of native trees,bushes,L.usitatissimum, and also H.annuus etc will be grown and for seeds.Hybrid crops of vine,tuber and Bambusoideae plants will be planted here.Those that are native plants will be primarily grown here including root and tuber crops in a permeaculture method that does not disturb local flora and fauna with them planted in a randomised method but in fact works with it and aids local biodiversity especially endangered insects with wildflowers grown in between alongside grass.F.aponica and P.montana can in areas where it is an invasive species have microbes injected into it that cause it to create any species of leafy greens or herbs in place of leaves and also have edible stalks so that once it is harvested once the new shoots will create the desired species of leafy greens and herbs so that when it overgrows in these meadow and grassland farms alongside home and community farms it can be harvested providing up to a years supply of leafy greens with it then regrown again very with the species of the leafy greens and herbs changed at any time or have multiple different plants in the same area.These can also be engineered to produce any type of fruit and flower to make them more aesthetic with bioluminescence added.In countries where the weeds are an invasive species then they will be engineered to overtake existing plants by interbreeding with them via advanced gene drive technology with all existing plants using microbes to become these hybrids that create leafy greens etc with in their native countries them being a separate species unable to mate and in areas of the world they have not colonised they can by separate species hybrids.Drones will patrol wilderness and mark where these plants have overrun in where they are an invasive species.All types of weeds and in particular invasive species will undergo this with toxic ones engineered to allow them to be productive rather than bothersome.All crops in these meadow and grassland farms will be hybrid crops with leaves producing leafy greens and the roots consisting of root and tuber crops with mushroom and truffle hybrids gown in between.They can be hybrids of F.japonica and P.montana that will have leafy greens in place of leaves as well as Vaccinium,Citrus,Fragaria,Vitis etc and exotic flowers like Rosa,Orchidaceae etc with saffron present with even Bambusoideae hybridised as well with the woody stem being able to be edible once baked or exposed to enzymes.Other hybrids will be made and present as well with them utilising the permaculture method with native animals like water fowl acting as biological controls with weeds planted as well to allow pests engineered to feed only on them and not crops to feed on.All bushes and trees etc should be engineered to produce fruit and nut crops every months with them also utilising seed pods.Some trees that are hybrids of native ones and also fruit and nut trees will be sparsely planted around the meadows and upgrades can have them create any new type when want.These crops would have aesthetic flowers to ideally native wildflowers to encourage bees and other pollinators.Spores of mushroom/truffle hybrids can be sprayed in the grass and grow on the soil with if possible this being done over and over all year long with any flora and fauna incorporated into it via adding wildflowers and native plants as well as engineering them to be able to survive in these new conditions thus preventing extinctions turning them into permaculture meadow farms.Thus all species of plants and animals of all species will be engineered to adapt to these new conditions.These meadow farms would thus grow all types of crops in a permaculture method that has crops arranged in a randomised way in between grass as if they were growing in the wild with this method allowing crops to be grown in them,retain their natural aesthetic,grow food organically and still allow and native flora and fauna such as grasses,Lepidoptera,birds and mammals etc to live there preventing any damage that monocrop farms have on the environment and sequester carbon dioxide since these areas are normally treeless with crop trees that are hybrids and the root crops intaking carbon dioxide with these done in areas in the developed world ie Europe and America alongside Asia with areas in the Middle East and Africa having them in areas that are turned into grasslands or other fertile land in place of deserts that are resoiled.This would allow areas in these countries that are comprised of deserts to house productive land that also serves wildlife with all artificial walls and hedges that separate both farmland converted to this and also meadows will be removed with stone recycled and hedges pyrolysised.Areas of poor soil will have new soil created and spread over them to create extra layers of rich soil with crops also engineered to grow in poor soil using oligotrophic DNA and that from grasses etc there with soil created in factories and picotech factories to have thick layers of soil present.This will replace monoculture farms with the plants growing in a permaculture method that replicates the natural way that plants grow in the wild with these having the same level of engineering and repellance in those in home,community and vertical farms to increase growth rates.Areas by cliffs,beaches and rocky areas and areas that are too poor to sustain agriculture will as detailed earlier will have thick layers of soil created via picotech fabricators and factories and spread along them to make them viable for intensive permaculture meadow and grassland farms.Soil in rocky areas that have poor soil have the land have soil created for it using organic matter created in factories using plant and animal waste,biochar and algae as well as Bambusoideae to make poor thin soil viable for meadow and grassland farms and also even forest ones.In time picotech fabricators will create large amounts of soil to be spread over these areas making thick layers of soil making community,meadow and grassland farms viable there.This could make areas unsuitable for agriculture especially areas by the coast and rocky cliffs and beaches to house grassland,meadow and forest permaculture farms.Otherwise crops will use oligotrophic DNA and that from native grasses and plants added to it to live in these poor soils.Grasslands could also have these incorporated following the same pattern with any wild native plants grown in between engineered to produce fruits.Wildflowers in these meadow and grassland farms should be planted in a randomised fashion and will be there to attract A.mellifera and in fact keep bee populations stable with them and all crops engineered to be able to survive and grow in the climate all year round ie heavy rains,dry periods and also harsh winters and also soils in the area using recombinant DNA from extremophiles and also native flora.These can be harvested at the end of there lifecycle and replanted using 3D printed seeds with them engineered to be perennials and to survive all temperature ranges,soils,climates and seasons with them engineered to bloom all year long.All trees in grasslands sparsely planted will be hybrids between native trees and fruit/nut trees.The GPS location and exact location of each crop etc will logged in the farm AI by drones that constantly survey the area with beehives set up at the edges of them and inside them to produce honey and also pollinate flowers.These will be maintained by both humans namely locales and mostly AI,drones and robots.Any pests can be dealt with engineering repellance or sour taste into crops for mammals and birds alongside insects,rearing any mammals that may feed on them as livestock in outdoor pens or small shed on the outskirts,incorporating seed pods into all crops that are used to prevent wild animals starving and use this to deposit seeds over a wide area will be done to deal with the issue of mammalian and avian pests as they can eat these and not the leaves or crops themselves with the same done to arthropods,engineer disease resistance alongside repellance to negate the need for insecticides and pesticides with fertilisers composed of algae and biochar etc spread over them using drones as well as irrigation systems.Arthropod pests can be engineered to feed on weeds and invasive plants keeping their levels stable and prevent extinctions with repellance added to the crops they normally feed on.Weeds and invasive species of plants planted by drones as well as grass can also be eaten by mammals and if the crops produce berries engineered into them by microbes injected in then they will feed on them two with the birds and mammals made unable to feed on crops due to repellance such as foul smells,Cactaceae like barbs or sour taste engineered into leaves but can also eat seed pods engineered into them to disperse them via faeces thus allowing them to perform a service and not starve and negate the need for planting every year as the feces will disperse the seeds over the farms.Any damaged leaves of crops from mammals etc can be regrown by recombinant DNA from A.mexicanum etc etc forcing them to regrow in response to damage from animals.The plants will also engineered to be able to grow without sunlight using chemosynthetic DNA and/or have chlorophyll laden stubble or tendrils etc on the surface that are inedible to the pests and thus be able to carry out photosynthesis until the leaves grow back with the leaves again being edible to humans with them ideally being that of leafy greens.Thus root,tuber ,hybrids and other non tree crops will have these features added.The crops would ideally be hybrid ones that are leafy greens hybridised with F.japonica,P.montana that produce fruit and nuts and also root and tuber ones underground alongside truffles.The flowers of these plants would be native wildflowers with wildflowers also planted in between with the plants being perrenials that unlike traditional crops will follow natural lifecycles ie grow,mature produce fruit and vegetables and when pollinated will release new seeds into the soil like wild plants with if need be drones planting seeds printed onsite of the farm building using the Phanes methods.All weeds will be eaten by pests engineered only to eat them.Drones seed planters will not only plant crops but also trees,wildflowers and both weeds and invasive plants to the populations of crop pests,mammals and birds unable to consume the leaves of any crops due to repellance but only the seed pods.They will also apply fertilisers and manage them by monitoring their health routinely and log where they are with them harvested by hand,robots or in time biosynths managed by the farm AI.Other drones fitted with normal and thermal imaging cameras will be patrolling the farms.Excess livestock such as Bovidae,O.aries and Phasianidae made redundant from invitro meat not slaughtered will be left to live here by themselves with them unable to eat the leaves of crops but only grass,weeds and invasive species due to repellance or will be kept in pens with them have milk taken by hand and meat gained via extracting cells.These would housed in indoor or outdoor pens next to them on the outskirts especially if part of home and community farms next to them within the farms building with them also reared as livestock with them allowed to eat the grass and unable to eat the crops with any important flowers also have repellance added or the animals will be kept in pens and fed excess food from home farms that would go into the bin and any flour made at home via bacteria and ordered in algae.They will have cells extracted for invitro meat and milked on small automated milking systems or by hand.Grass can be cut in these areas by robotic lawnmowers during the year in between and before crops are planted to allow the grass be collected turned to hay when transported to nearby community farms and fed to the livestock there or by these meadow farms allow the crops to grow alongside grass rather than in competition of resources.These livestock will eat weeds and grass alongside deposit manure on the land as fertilise with fertiliser robots applying extra fertiliser.Weeds,invasive plants and grass will also be eaten by them alongside as stated grass.The weeds and invasive plants will cater to pests of crops of nearby community home farmed crops and those here that have repellence to them preventing extinctions and keeping weeds and invasive plants levels under control.Weeds can be harvested to prevent them becoming a problem with them engineered to be non toxic to humans and livestock with plants crucial to the biome ie Asclepias will be left there and in fact planted in key points in copiuos amounts in areas in the path of the mirgratory subfamily Danainae with humans and livestock made immune to these allowing them to be harvested at the end of their lifecycle with new ones planted in their place.Otherwise they will have a different toxin engineered into them that is not toxic to humans with Danaus plexippus and other members of the subfamily Danainae engineered to be able to feed on them absorb the poison that will still be toxic to their predators who may also be engineered to be susceptible to this ensuring no imbalance in the ecosystem.These Asclepis plants can also be planted in pots on rooftop gardens of communal homes with if possible a hybrid between Asclepis and small shrubs and bushes or even something as tall as a Cupressaceae,Abies tree with pleasing Orchidaceae like flowers during blooming season can be created using CRISPR making the plant larger to feed more larvae especially if planted in packs with them easier to grow and more aesthetic in gardens and parks.These could be engineered to produce non toxic fruits for humans allowing them to be planted in forest,meadow and grassland farms and community and home farms.Genetically altered pests will be engineered to feed on weeds and not crops alongside repellance added to crops to negate the need for applying herbicides and pesticides as the pests will decimate weeds and not crops.Grass will be harvested by robotic lawnmowers and either pyrolysised for biochar fertiliser or fed to livestock alongside weeds such as F.japonica with these harvests season after season for use in salads,livestock feed or fertiliser.All weeds and crops as well as wildflowers will be planted by drone seed planters in a randomised fashion each season with their GPS location noted into the farm AI that will allow the lawmowers to cut the grass around them without damaging crops.As detailed later all crops made redundant by bacteria such as cereals,L.usitatissimum,A.tequila,E.oleifera,A.maripa etc can be planted here in an randomised state with unaltered crops that dont have repellance in order to prevent extinctions of pests such as Aphidoidea that are the main source of food for Coccinellidae and other keystone species with home,community and vertical farms having repellance in them to prevent pests eating them and also be used for human consumption.Genetic engineering that is used by those in vertical farms as detailed later on should be incorporated to increase growth rates.If possible these unaltered plants could also include invasive species of plants and weeds that pests such as Aphidoidea etc are modified to be only able to feed on preventing the species going extinct with this of note to F.japonica thus allowing them to feed on these weeds,invasive species keeping the pest and invasive species of plant in balance and under control and prevent the pest that is a keystone species to predators such as Coccinellidae going extinct.As stated earlier a hybrid of weeds and these trees could be created to cater to pests now feeding on weeds with them producing non toxic fruit with these being hybrids between all weeds and the aforementioned trees.These would have DNA to from A.mexicanum etc would cause the eaten parts to regrow.A hybrid between weeds and these trees can also be created that create non toxic fruits and aesthetic flowers can also be created to prevent pests engineered to be unable to feed on crops but only weeds will be planted here to ensure they dont go extinct with them ideally hybrids between all weeds.Drosophilidae,Tephritidae could be modified to consume the fleshy pods of seed pods and transport seeds as well as feed on crops created for them planted here or even be engineered to feed on carrion as well as faeces and also weeds and invasive species of plants like Urophora.These animals can be part of home farms next to these.A.tequila,L.usitatissimum,Triticum,H.vulgare can be planted here with both repellance and also disease resistance etc to be harvested as normal.Areas with poor soil will undergo resoiling methods or crops etc engineered to grow in them.This layout can be incorporated into the gardens of large mansions,manors,castles and palaces etc that are renovated for the very poor and also parks in cities allowing for crops to be grown in parks in all cities and towns.These will be managed by their own AI and Astreaus on the outskirts separate from any nearby forest forms or even as part of them.Thus all deserts will be reforested to grow jungles,rainforests or meadows and grasslands that will house these permaculture systems or forests with them being hybrids that are engineered to grow crops.All flora and fauna in these new grasslands,forests,jungles and meadows derived from deserts will be engineered to adapt to the new conditions to prevent extinctions with them able to thrive in these new conditions with the same applied to existing meadows and grasslands.Areas that have poor thin soils can have new thick layers added to the as detailed earlier on to make them more suitable to this with this including rocky mountainous areas,areas by the coast and areas that are too poor for crops and plants to grow with crops also engineered to adapt to these.Thus grasslands and meadows around the world will be permaculture ones managed by drones,AI and robots as well as locales allowing the land to be productive and grow food in a randomised natural way and still harbour biodiversity that will be engineered to thrive in these new conditions.Artificial hedges composed of plants and stone that create fields for livestock and crops will be torn down and the stone recycled and the hedges pyrolysised with the roots dug up to make them large open hybrid farms.Hedges may first be sprayed with glysophate to make their removal by hand or by machines easier and them then pyrolysised.This will also apply to land reforested with hybrid trees.This will be done to retain the natural structure.As detailed later all desert land worldwide will be using methods utilised in China detailed later on will become grasslands,meadows and also forests that are then turned into hybrid farms as detailed earlier.Ideally they will have their own building on the outskirts to house produce,bisynths and statues of Triptolemus and will be managed by a mixture of drones that plant seeds of wildflowers,weeds,trees and crops and also those that monitor plant health with them also harvested by the locales and in time biosynths controlled by the farm they are linked to.

The community farm AI will control all automated systems and in a menu under garden with a sub menu allowing the community to log all the crops and ornamental plants(shrubs,flowers,trees) they are growing indoors and outside(and de-register any they are not growing anymore) so as to allow them to subscribe to alerts of the latest scientific studies on the crops and plants they are growing and livestock they are rearing within Apollo to improve yields and nutrition as well as latest gardening tips and possibly recipes that contain all the crops they are growing within folders and subfolders within the AI.Furthermore it would be linked to weather networks alerting them to any upcoming weather patterns that may affect the growth and yields of crops as well as those that may increase the growth of spoilage bacteria and viruses and when to apply bactericides and fungicides,fertiliser and water when and in what amounts in relation to the weather ie dry spells,rainy periods.It will also allow them to temporarily bring crops grown in containers,pots and trashcans indoors when bad weather has past.The community may even register livestock and fish they are raising for the same purposes.

These types of community and forest farms in each town and city wherein crops are organised in mixed natural wilderness type plantations and layout should replace all agricultural land for the the following reasons:
•It alleviates strains put on soil through conventional farming as the soil has a variety of crops to nurture rather than in a monoculture eliminating the need for crop rotation and applying too much fertilisers.Also crop trees hold soil together indefinitely preventing soil erosion.This can aid natural flood and storm defences
•The trees store carbon dioxide throughout there lifetime from several decades to centuries.Process such as pyrolosise and hugekulter can store even more carbon in the soil over geological time while at the same time improving soil quality.Air quality is also improved through the trees taking in carbon dioxide and other impurities.
•It makes communities self sufficient in terms of food production for both native and non-native crops
•It uses less resources especially with regards to hydroponics
•It provides a much more stimulating natural aesthetic to both humans and livestock
•It builds community spirit with each community becoming responsible for what is grown and debating what is grown,helping out in harvesting and construction and trading of goods.
•Trading of excess crops,seeds etc. as well as the planning of planting of crops with other communities world wide will further improve inter community spirit and inter country relations as well as prevent scarcity of specific crops as well as aiding in preventing famines and droughts as a form of more direct international aid in the instance of severe drought,crop failure and natural disasters.

Pollination in both forest farms and permaculture community farm systems will occur from A.mellifera reared in beehives providing a local supply of honey and grubs which can be a source of protein.These beehives can also be tagged for trading.They can also be pollinated by outdoor Lepidoptera farms which again can act as breeding centres for local species for using the Lepidoptera as a source of human food and the wings as decoration.Ideally for Lepidoptera native species should be raised in open gardens – with exotic species in specially built indoor farms rooftop devoted solely to their raising to pollinate indoor crops.Ideally they and beehives should be located within forest farms,wilderness areas as well as on rooftops of buildings such as private and communal homes,gardens of private homes,parks and also those not used for human habitation but used for storage as well as vertical farms and public buildings in towns,villages and cities so as to allow them to have sufficient space to have their nesting grounds while at the same keeping them away from humans with any nearby buildings having carbon fibre/graphene netting covering windows of surrounding homes as detailed earlier.They should also be placed in areas near community and forest farms.Triptolemus will decide where they will be placed and they will be visible within Demeter.Furthermore by having them on rooftops will provide them ease of access to rooftop gardens in the city.Wildflowers,Hamamelidaceae trees and hanging windowboxes from all windows in the area should provide them ample food for all year round and be planted in community and forest farms to attract A.melliferato these to pollinate the crops.Beehives can be set all over the rooftops of all types of building in cities etc abd by the edge of community and forest farms as well as parks including empty ones to provide new nests with used ones cleared out and refilled with new honeycombs during winter.A.mellifera both queens and workers can be engineered to hibernate like bumblebees and with those ones and bumblbees having the placed indoors during winter in a room or shed kept at temperatures around 15oC and above their threshold of 7oC made easier if they have wheels on them.Genetic engineering can allow for them to survive subzero temperatures by using recombinant DNA from other insects or even psychrophillic bacteria with this applying to both queens and workers.This should be trialled in one nest to see its effects before introduced to the entire species.Ideally these would be hybrids between European and Africanised bees to allow them to overtake both types,producign larger yields of honey.In time Biosynth bees wil be developed

Livestock such as Capra aegagrus hircus,Phasianidae,Columbidae,O.aries,Bovidae and insects for human consumption can be reared in enclosures on both rooftops and community permaculture gardens or allowed to roam free range(except in the case of Columbidae and other non-Phasianidae birds and insects) if these community gardens are enclosed themselves with short walls and a gate.Buildings next to them can be used to house them alongside underground pens.These can act as a biological control and also a source of fertiliser in the form of manure with manure also collected to grow algae feed on microfarms with walls acting as a flood defence in both rural and urban areas prone to flooding if they are high enough to keep out water and electronic wall gates also protecting it from floods or flood brake systems that automatically rise due to the increase of flood water creating a high flood defence.During floods animals can be stored in buildings with doors keeping them to keep them safe and sane.Mammalian livestock can be milked by hand or by miniature automated milking systems.Large livestock such as Bovidae and in particular cows can be engineered to be more docile,have horns removed and also miniaturised making them easier to hold in urban farms with them also easier to milk by miniature machines with these in urban farms have cells extracted routinely for in vitro meat with these animals kept alive for long periods of time and then slaughtered at older ages than normal with in vitro meat providing the bulk of meat in urban farms via phlebotomy robots extracting cells routinely.Milk from yeast will also provide the main bulk of milk for urban farms as well.The Phanes method will be used using onsite 3D printers to maintain genetic diversity.Livestock could be fitted with micro chipped tags around the necks with barcodes which can allow them to be located via GPS in mixed farms/permaculture gardens if the cannot be found and by reading the barcode information using smartphones containing information on the animal detailed later on.These chips placed under the skin or on necklaces can also allow them to be tracked if they escape with them found via the farm AI or Demeter where they will be logged with terrestrial based GPS,quantum compassing.It would also interact with traffic networks in Hermes alerting vehicles to slow down and avoid collisions.This system of tagging crops and livestock can also be applied to small personal gardens at home and in rooftop gardens and beehives.Livestock that is killed for meat etc can have the bones buried in the ground or left to decompose in wilderness or be turned into bone meal fertiliser for plants.Automatic feeders exist for all types of livestock.All livestock can be reared inside,outside or in underground rooms or farms to improve space efficiency.Exotic and large livestock such as Bovidaecassowaries and even Hippopotamus amphibius etc can be engineered to be more docile as well as to be smaller in size like the same height as a large dog and even have horns and sharp claws removed.Cameras in key points of the pens both indoor and outdoor pens and machinery can be fed into the Farm AI and allow them to monitored remotely and allow the AI to see all of what is going on at once.Feeding of large livestock such as Suidae and Bovidae can be automated from start to finish with the feed created by bacteria made onsite.All livestock will be fed flour of cereals etc created by bacteria,excess uneaten crops and even algae as it provides high levels of protein etc with all feces and urines from livestock captured and turned into algae.This will be done by having it fed into septic tanks or toilets suited for livestock using shovels or even piqapoo bags that collect these and them fed into the main sewage line with their also the option of home farms housing photobioreactors that collect the forces and urine onsite of farms and then convert it to algae onsite of farms to be fed to livestock.

Fertilisers for plants in community farms can be composed of compost,sawdust,biochar from pyrolysis of waste such as food/wood/cardboard etc.for carbon and help improve the soils ability to retain water lowering the strain on automated irrigation systems especially in times of drought(alongside wood chippings),animal skeletons from dead and pyrolysised livestock/pets/fish/shellfish/insects for calcium,micro/macro algae from animal and human sewage,desalinisation and water treatment plants for nitrogen/phosphorous/copper and other important minerals can be found in organic forms eliminating the need for large scale fossil fuel intensive fertilisers to be produced and these organic fertilisers can be gained from waste thus creating looped systems.Small micro-algae farms can be set up that grow this from livestock waste.Bio-fertilisers can increase crop yield by 20-30%, replaces chemical nitrogen and phosphorus by 25%, and stimulates plant growth.It can also provide protection against drought and some soil-borne diseases and are cost-effective relative to chemical fertilisers.They have lower manufacturing costs, especially regarding nitrogen and phosphorus use.Theses include Azolla-Anabena a small,eukaryotic,aquatic fern having global distribution.Prokaryotic blue green algae Anabena azolla resides in its leaves in a symbiot.Azolla is an alternative nitrogen source.This association has gained wide interest because of its potential use as an alternative to chemical signals.Trifolium,Bambusoideae and Rhizobium leguminosarum can be planted in home soil gardens to fix nitrogen from more complex compounds like ammonia say from animal waste pellets and urea.Human and animal hair and nail clippings collected from salons and at home can be used as a slow releasing fertilising material mixed in with the aforementioned materials.Algae from microfarms,sewage and water treatment plants,pyrolysis of plants/food and skeletons and shells from carcasses of dead pets,livestock and fish(via pyrolysis or urban death project)can also be used for homemade fertilisers containing calcium,nitrogen,phosphorous,carbon etc.The algae can be sent to pyrolysis plants that pyrolysis carcasses of dead livestock and pets,shellfish shells,fish skeletons,baby wipes,human hair,human nails,animal hair and fur,kitchen paper,cardboard and wood and other organic matter to make custom made fertilisers sent to the community farm using sensors,barcoded system and rotary system where it can be hooked up to the side of the farm by hand or by machine where the it is connected to both irrigation systems and also where fertiliser bots can hook up to it and fill up on fertiliser for automated spraying.Forest farms will gain fertiliser by irrigation systems spraying them with a mixture of water and fertiliser.Otherwise ideally the algae and biochar etc can be sent to community and forest farms and mixed onsite with general fertilisers and crop specific fertilisers created decided by the farm AI.Thus these alterations will interact with each and managed by software to ensure efficient distribution ensuring surpluses of nutrients produced in sewage/water treatment plants and pyrolysis plants world wide and stored surplus fertilisers are shared with the global community by sharing them and ordered in when local,regional,national,continental and national supplies are low ensuring global abundance with this sorted out via software,robots,machinery and automation interacting with each through Hermes and Demeter on a global scale.Ideally the farm AI should automatically arrange orders when supplies are low with Triptolemus ordering in the ideal fertilisers for each crop that is logged in the farm AI.Pico fabricators onsite can create a decades worth of fertiliser or each individual element and water onsite and then store them there for later use and mix them together.The farms will have the fertiliser ordered in drums used in a rotary system with the farms have their own set present that will exchange those from pyrolysis plants and sewage/water/desalinisation treatment plants.Interactions between Triptolemus,Tyche and the AIs of all buildings involved will be constant.Persephone will also manage this.As detailed later on community centres will be created onsite of community centres.

Animal waste can be collected as a fertiliser for plants in permaculture systems and in larger automated systems for use to create algae on site in close proximity via micro algae farms thus creating a looped system of feed and fertiliser for animals and crops including grass grown onsite of community farms with ammonia/methane collected as a fuel source.To make the collection of waste from pens easier the flooring could consist of grating to allow urea and solid waste to be collected in septic tank routinely collected by robots with the levels of it detected by sensors or it being part of a underground system of slanted pipes connecting the septic tanks of all livestock and pet pens in the farm leading to the micro algae farms hole dug into the ground at least 1-3 metres surrounded by a average human sized wall allowing the waste to collect there.Automated systems could collect waste from each pen or numerous pens at once to allow for a set amount of algae to be produced at once.A set mount of faeces can be collected from the main sewage line connected to all homes in the area determined by sensors and AI in extra microfarms for extra fertiliser and feed with the algae breaking down toilet paper into nutrition.The grating,piping and tank below them leading to this systems would be at angles and coated with liquid glass to prevent waste sticking there stagnant and spreading disease and allow gravity to transport it to the algae dump via slanted underground pipes alleviating reliance or the need for pumps within the system.The algae dump would also be covered by an anti-dirt and hydrophobic coating that doesn’t have the same anti-microbial properties of liquid glass to prevent the need for cleaning and would have a door at where the waste is pumped in to prevent excess waste enters until the current crop of algae is finished with the level present measured by sensors.This algae can be collected by robots/on site pumping machinery putting it in a storeroom that dispenses it into automatic animal feeders creating a looped system with nanosensors and cameras that detect that the algae has used up all waste and relay live feeds to the public via Demeter.Alternatively the underground tank that collects waste from all livestock where the waste collects under the grating would slanted in a v-shape with it coated in liquid glass would have a pipe at the bottom of this in the exact centre also coated internally and externally in liquid glass to negate cleaning would suck up the waste at various points when sensors and pressure plates detect it is full and send it to the algae farms.These can be integrated into existing pens or existing pens can have the flooring be coated in liquid glass and robots or machinery similar to snow ploughs move it to a central hole or grating at the top and/or bottom of the pen where it can be collected into a pool or trough covered in liquid glass to be sucked up into these algae farms or vehicles coated internally with liquid glass to be transported automatically to either onsite farms or the local sewage treatment plant where Persephone will allocate algae feed by interacting with the AI of farms in the region and town,city etc.These pools or troughs integrated into existing and new ones in both rural and urban ones can be directly connected to the local sewage plant via piping that is part of the sewage line.A clear see through sliding cover can cover the onsite algae farms when the algae is growing and allow any biogas to be collected by a separate series of pumps for use as energy for the farm via microturbines with this covering being composed of see through thermo-piezoelectric and quantum dot technology sprayed with liquid glass) powering the pumps ensuring the gas collected would provide energy for the farm to heat pens during the night and winter months.The urine anf feces can be sent directly to sewage treatment plants via the main sewage line to be ordered in as algae with photobioreactors onsite of farms present that collect urine and feces and then convert it into algae that can be fed to livestock as slop,mince,TVP pellets.Ideally the same systems to grow algae in sewage treatment plants and those used by defunct algae power plants should be onsite of all community farms to grow them including CSYS lights.These include biostimulation systems used by AglaStar.Inc that integrates two types of electromagnetic energy — a millitesla generator and a millimetre microwave generator — which radiate spontaneous growth energy into large volumes of algae biomass to be economically viable(increasing yields by as much as 300%) can be utilised alongside LED and CSYS LED lights that can allow for continuous growth 24/7,365 days a year.C.perfringens which takes 10 minutes to divide can have recombinant DNA from it added to the DNA of algae to make them grow faster as C.perfringens divides in only 10 minutes.The same level of engineering using recombinant DNA from oligotrophes,xerophiles,psychrophilles,mesophilles and thermophiles as used in sewage treatment plants could be utilised to allow them to thrive and grow better in all temperature ranges reducing energy costs during the year and make them better at utilising water,nitrogen and phosphorous.The same machinery used in defunct algae sequestration plants and sewage treatment plants should be used to grow them in compact rooms in the farm either underground or as part of the main building.This algae can be treated with UV lights,heating it past 100 degrees celcius in a closed vat with the water present collected and returned with it also irradiated to ensure the algae and any pathogens are killed.Ideally the algae would be collect on site of farms and sent to the local sewage treatment with Persephone interacting with the farm and sewage treatment plant AIs to transfer algae feed by automated vehicles when low.Manure of all livestock in fields should be collected ideally by robotics and automated machinery to recycle the nitrogen and phosphorous.Any manure in pens not using grating would also be collected by robots with the robots and the flooring and walls coated in liquid glass to make it easier to collect to allow it to be transported to algae farms onsite of them.If possible the pens area for collecting faeces will be connected instead to the main sewage line where human waste is also treated and turned into algae especially in the case of large farms with the fertiliser and feed ordered in via the farm AI using a rotary system of kegs.Skeletons and carcasses of dead livestock,fish and pets alongside shells of shellfish can be pyrolysised on site in local pyrolysis machines or in pyrolysis waste treatment plants for food and organic matter like cardboard in order to reuse the biochar produced as fertiliser and recover carbon,calcium and other nutrients present.Otherwise carcass and skeletons can be turned to fertiliser using the urban death project.Both of these processes will create looped and interlooped systems.

Research can be done into breeding varieties of fruit and nut trees resistant to specific diseases of each species can be done to reduce the need of fungicides.Genetic engineering can be utilised here without the need of introducing toxins into the genome (i.e. Bt Cotton) but rather genes that make the crop resistant to any viruses or fungi.A source of this transgenic resistance would be Bambusoideae to which many species have anti-bacterial properties.Thus plants that have resistance to pests,environmental conditions,bacteria,viruses should be used as a source of genes for crops making all crops resistant to all diseases.Crops in gardens and forests can be genetically modified to become more resistant to frosts and cold snaps during winter or droughts in summer to ensure that yields are consistent or increase although this should not apply to plants that do require an annual frost to grow.Thus anti frost genes,genes that repel pests,ensure resistance to all possible viruses and bacteria that affect it can be incorporated into a single species thus negating the need for pesticides,fungicides and bactericides.

Small traps can be used to deal with pests.

With regards to pesticides these can be eliminated by the use of biological controls.This can be done by rearing predators,parasitoids and pathogens that attack specific pests such as ducks,native bird’s species such as snipe and woodpigeon which can be reared and harvested for meat and eggs at the same time with insects increasing their nutritional value and flavour.Biological controls such as Phasianidae livestock such as Phasianidae and Anatidae can be utilised to ensure pests in outside permaculture farms can be used to prevent them getting out of control or again like indoor plants small traps can be used to kill pests.Carnivorous plants can also be utilised by planting them around the garden

Natural homemade organic pesticides can be made at home to deal with a wide variety of insects and other pests without damaging human health.Organic homemade fungicides can also be used.Beneficial insects such as A.mellifera and Lepidoptera can be engineered to be resistant to them made via Phanes creating genes from scratch.

These can applied to community farms and forest farms by drones controlled by them

Plants that emit pheromones that repel a specific pest can be planted into the garden.Genetic engineering can incorporate these traits into actual crops thus allowing for them to gain a resistance that does not damage beneficial insects and human health unlike Bt transgenic since a smell rather than a poison is incorporated into the plant.An example is the Italian Lemon which repels Tephritidae,Drosophilidae that can be incorporated into all fruit crops negating the need for pesticides and can be replicated with all pests of all crops using genes from different plants with pest specific repellents introduced to other crops such as those that repel Gastropoda,Culicidae etc.These pheromones can also be synthesised by bacteria for commercial scale and sprayed on crops in the same manner as pesticides onto leaves,bark and stem by hand or robots with them also steadily released by special pods automatically that are dotted around the farms to deter them from crops and areas of the garden.This coupled with light bulbs that emit less blue and green wavelengths can be dotted around the crops or hanging above them which repel insects by at least 20%(in the case of the lights alone) which can be remotely controlled with further improvements coming in time.

Other methods of pest control including sterile insect techniques or daughterless offspring technique as well as mimic methods used to control the tsetse fly i.e.hanging clothes coated in a mild insecticide as well colour/pheromone that specifically attracts a pest and not beneficial insects such as A.mellifera and Lepidoptera.The following can be used on the cloth or trap:
•A pesticide suited for that species
•An adhesive that traps them similar to fly paper or sundew plant
•A compartment that leads to a liquid similar to those in wasp traps
•A compartment that traps pests and either bakes them in day heat or starves them to death and can be harvested for food

A combination of sterile insect techniques, traps and biological controls should eliminate the need for spraying pesticides which can damage beneficial insects such as A.mellifera.

Larger pests such as Procyon lotor,Columbidae and Rattus can be dealt with robotic scarecrows and that either makes deterrent sounds or sprays water at them or have Rattus/P.lotor/Mus musculus sonar attached that emits sounds that are loud and annoying to them but far beyond the hearing range of humans placed at points in gardens and forests with also robotic animals that look like their natural predators and or dogs and nanoquadrocopters that constantly patrol the gardens or forests in groups in a rotary system emitting these sounds and charged by wireless induction plates.Ideally these sounds would be outside the range of human comprehension and those of livestock and pets.Otherwise traps can be set that trap them for a meat source for humans or carnivorous livestock and pets such as reptiles,birds and mammals with nanocameras inside them and readings from the traps relaying to the farm AI that an animal has been caught.Native species of owls,eagles,bats,falcons and other native apex predators especially endangered species can be trained to patrol the community farm and forests in a rotary system and this use of them as biological control for pigeons,mice,rats etc.All of these methods can be applied to pests like these in urban areas like New York and other large cities and can be part of conservation efforts with them residing in artificial barns on high trees or pedestals within the forest.These can be on the grounds of community and forest farms as well as on rooftop gardens of communal buildings,vertical farms,hospitals etc allowing them to cover more ground but also to breed with each other with new nests created for an expanding population with in vitro meat and rats in containers fed to them when pest populations are low.Locations of nests will be decided by Nosoi.These controls should ideally be engineered to be resistant to genetic,viral,bacterial and fungal disease.Any dead animals found including livestock will be pyrolysised.

Otherwise these pests can be caught using traps and farmed to provide food and pets for humans and ensure they don’t go extinct in the area.Insects can be dealt with the use of ducks,bats and wasps especially if these are located inside forest farms or the edges of community farms with wasps and other predatory insects and arthropods used for this purpose can be reared in small huts and artificial nests.All biological controls whether mammalian,arthropods or avian can also be harvested for meat via in vitro meat or when the animal dies.

With regards to dealing with weeds there is a couple of options with others discussed later on:

•Ploughing forest and permaculture farms to kill any weed seeds present and then once crops are planted spread bark chippings onto the ground to prevent any dormant seeds from growing or colonization of new weeds.

•Use of sterile weed techniques similar to the sterile insect techniques.

•Use of biological controls use insects/livestock/pet mammals that feed on the specific species and not other crops i.e.goat grazing.Holding livestock on a leash and then allowing them to forage on the crop.

•Inserting genes from Agrobacterium tumefaciens into trees and crops that result in roundup resistance without terminator genes and using small spray bots to spray roundup.Safer non toxic alternatives to glysophate exist and are widely available with again crops etc made resistant to this with even humans having recombinant DNA from this bacteria to prevent irritation or any possible tumours.

•Use of robots that can detect and destroy them with smaller more compact versions of existing ones being developed.

•Introducing species specific bacteria and viruses or creating ones through genetic engineering to kill them off and not other plants.These could be sprayed on in a water mixture or in time robotic insects could be developed to detect the specific wavelengths,smells or shape of the weed and inject them into the plant.

•Harvesting weeds for human and livestock consumption as well as use in textiles alongside crops ie.nettles.This is the ideal solution as it reduces strain on traditional feedstock for both and puts them to good use as they will in fact be encouraged to grow in farms.This can even include F.japonica which are difficult to get rid of but rather than destroyed by herbicides etc can be harvested season after season for salads,wines etc and livestock feed since they grow very fast.All types of weeds can also be grown hydro/aeroponically at home to allow more of them to be harvested should the homeowner gain a taste for them.Poisonous weeds,wild edible plants and fungi can be genetically altered to remove toxins to make them safe to eat with communities being knowledgeable as to which ones are toxic via taking a photo which can be back checked against Artemis but these variants should be grown indoors in vertical farms or spare rooms to prevent the genes responsible for their toxicity to be reintroduced via pollinating insects.Ideally new versions without toxins should be engineered with distinct phenotypes ie different coloured or shaped weeds which will spread through wild populations alongside the removal of toxins and overcome wild populations via gene drives with this tested in hydroponic environments before tested in the real world.Otherwise they can be engineered to be a separate species with different leave colours or shapes etc to differentiate them from toxic wild variants.Harvesting them can allow them to be pyrolysised alongside all other organic waste.

•As detailed earlier and later on pests to crops can be engineered to feed on weeds keeping the weed in control and prevent extinctions of the pest and their predators negating the need for herbicides.

Aphidoidea and all types of pests can be modified to be only able to feed on invasive plants and weeds preventing the species going extinct with this of note to F.japonica thus allowing them to feed on these invasive species and weeds keeping the pest,weeds and invasive species of plant in balance and under control and prevent the pest that is a keystone species to predators such as Coccinellidae going extinct as well as negating the need for herbicides and pesticides.This will have the pests consume the weeds and invasive plants and thus perform a service to the farm with all crops have repellence added to them as well to force them to be unalbe to eat them with large numbers of these altered insects released into the wild to allow them to interbreed with wild pests and pass this down via advanced gene drive technology and the repellance will force the pests in the wild to feed on the weeds or die off.Hybrids between each weeds and small shrubs and bushes or even something as tall as a Cupressaceae,Abies tree with pleasing Orchidaceae like flowers during blooming season that regrows after being eaten using the same accerated healing phenotype in humans via recombinant DNA from planarians,A.mexicanum,Hydra and C.elegans,T.gammatolerans,D.radiodurans,Bacillus F will repair and regrow damaged tissues can be created using CRISPR making the plant larger to feed more pests especially if planted in packs with them easier to grow and more aesthetic in gardens and parks and even roofs of communal homes to prevent extinctions of the pests.These could be engineered to produce non toxic fruits for humans allowing them to be planted in forest,meadow and grassland farms and community and home farms and prevent extinctions.Other methods of dealing with pests and weeds will be detailed later on in more detail.

Cleaning of all types of buildings in community farms will be same as in public buildings as detailed earlier with all surfaces(including walls,floors and ceilings)robots and machinery sprayed internally and externally including wheels and tyres with a permanent layer of liquid glass making them acid,dirt and water proof making it easier for cleaner bots such as hooverbots to clean them and also by gravity.Tyres of all vehicles will be covered in graphene paint internally and externally or have graphene in its matrix to prevent ruptures.The interior and exterior components of fertiliser bots,irrigation systems,sprinklers and all piping and machinery will also be coated as well with a permanent layer of liquid glass to prevent clogging and the need for cleaning cutting down on the use of human labour and use of harsh chemicals with these including fertiliser bots at random times alongside diagnostics will run water through them to remove any clogs or dirt that has settled there.Narrow wavelength UV lights on the ceiling should be used to sterilise areas as this kills bacteria but does not damage human and livestock skin with any pens and building having these on the ceiling in all rooms making it more efficient than using robots.This is because sweeps can be done at once at set times and extra times during outbreaks.Hoover robots and janitor bots may also be present.

All communities around the world including towns,villages and cities should have areas set aside areas for permaculture forest,meadow,grassland farms to grow native crops such as fruits, nuts, cereals,bush fruits(berries), fungi, truffles and wildflowers for honey production with enclosed areas or buildings,underground extensions for livestock(or have the permaculture areas enclosed to allow them to roam free within the confines of these areas – a mixture of both is ideal robotic or real dogs can be used to herd them and harvest truffles with sensor dongles for smartphones also developed to detect mature truffles).As detailed earlier on the forest/meadow/grassland farms should have a mixture of native and exotic crops and be on the outskirts of towns,villages and cities including all land currently used for grazing and monoculture farms with community farms growing primarily native crops with exotic ones mixed in in lay fields,backlots and spare land within the town or city or even outside it on the outskirts on arable land and fields with each village,town and city having multiple community and forest farms.Rural towns will use lay fields next to them as permaculture farms with all community farms including new and existing grassland and meadow farms will be permaculture ones that replicate natural growth using hybrid plants with as detailed wild animals and livestock feeding on the grass and weeds alongside depositing faeces to improve growth rates.All options for meadow,grassland and forest farms used will utilise hybrid crops,genetic engineering that exhibits faster growth rates and repellence etc to increase productivity with these containing exotic or native flowers that will be harvested with them all utilising permaculture methods to maintain soil structure.Existing and newly reforested jungles,forests and meadows etc will become hybrid farms that as detailed later on will rear crops ideally hybrid ones in a permaculture fashion that allows them to double as productive farmland and areas for biodiversity managed entirely by biosynths,drones,robots and AI with the use of seed pods and pest repellance and native fauna engineered to adapt to the new conditions will prevent them being affected.These will be growing hybrid crops that have genetic engineering to improve yields growth rates and repellance etc and managed by seed planting,watering and fertlising drones and in time biosynths controlled by the farm AI.The type of fruit,nut and vegetable etc produced can be changed via upgrades such as through biosynth wifi.All seeds of all crops will be small ones engineered to be suitable to grow in all soils and climates around the world allowing exotic crops to be grow anywhere and house the acellerated healing phenotype and will be housed in a small seed to hold genetic material and not large ones they evolved to grow in and will not require certain requirements ie having to be eaten by a specific animal etc.This use of hybrid trees on existing jungles,forests etc will be investigated on a small scale in reforested land in all countries around the world with hybrid trees that are planted in randomised manner to see how effective it is at maintaining natural homeostasis,biodiversity etc and yield viability using genetic engineering to increase growth rates,repellance etc until at least 2045-2100.Picotech fabricators,biosynth machinery and spores that can produce any crop is perfected then this method of hybrid farms will be abandoned trees cut down and pyrolysised and  the land permenantly reforested or biosynth injecting microbes to remove the engineering and ability to produce fruits and nuts permenantly with all native flora reforested since it would be too energy intensive and would have lower agricultural productivity than more advanced methods.Permaculture meadow and grassland hybrid crop farms will still exist.All land surrounding towns and villages turned into hybrid forest/meadow farms with some turned into meadow and grassland permaculture farms with those in rocky areas that have poor soil have the land have soil created for it using organic matter created in factories using plant and animal waste,biochar and algae as well as Bambusoideae to make poor thin soil viable for meadow and grassland farms and also even forest ones.In time picotech fabricators will create large amounts of soil to be spread over these areas making thick layers of soil making community,meadow and grassland farms viable there.This could make areas unsuitable for agriculture especially areas by the coast and rocky cliffs and beaches to house grassland,meadow and forest permaculture farms.Otherwise crops especially hybrids could using genes from oligotrophic bacteria and native plants that grow in poor soils will be able to grow in poor soils.Crops grown in permaculture forest,meadow,grassland and home farms in areas with poor thin soil will have the crops engineered to grow in them and also have new soil created by factories creating it using biochar from carbon sequestrian programmes and bacteria based fossil fuels,sawdust,algae mixed into each and spread in thick layers over all gardens and areas of wilderness.All meadow,grassland etc farms will utilise the permaculture method of agriculture and hybrid crops as well as genetic engineering to allow for higher productivity and maintain soil structure a well as provide areas for arthropods,Aves,Mammaliaare a able to populate them wherein the crops are grown in a similar way to how they would in the wild in a randomised fashion with native animals acting as biological controls for pests, and native pollinators used and also maintain soil structures thus preventing soil erosion,degradation and also negate the need for pesticides,herbicides and synthetic fertilisers if repellance,having pests engineered to feed on weeds is adopted alongside irrigation systems and drones are used to disperse fertilisers and water with xerophile and oligotrophic DNA is present.Having the crops have recombinant DNA from nitrogen fixing crops such as Crotalaria juncea,Medicago sativa,Bambusoideae,Trifolium etc and them inoculated with nitrogen fixing bacteria would limit the need for applicating fertilisers with repellance engineered into them would negate the need for pesticides alongside engineering pests into feeding on weeds.Application of water and fertilisers in all types of crops will be applied by drones and irrigation systems with the crops also engineered to intake fertilisers and water through both the leaves and roots if they can only reach the leaves.These will all be linked together by the sentient operating software Triptolemus with a statue of him the lobby of all of them.Soil samples will determine what grew in prehistoric times around 200,000 years ago before humans areose with them as stated using a permaculture method.Meadow and grassland hybrid farms will house grass and native wildflowers with all crops being native ones with hybrids with leafy greens and planted by seed planting drones in a randomised manner with them having engineering to make them survie all seasons,need less nutrients and water and pest repellance and resistance to all diseases and will be innoculated with microbes and fully functioning immune systems.Wild animals will be introduced to fertilise via urea and feces with them also acting as biological control with crops housing leaves that are undesireable or have barbs etc and can regrow when eated and house stubble to photosynthesis during regrowth periods with them harvested by biosynths.Drones can be used to spray both fertiliser and also water in rotation managed by the farm AI with biosynth nanosensors in the soil relaying levels of water and nutrients etc 24/7.Biochar will be used to retain water and fertiliser to prevent fertiliser run off with crops and all grass and other plants fires with Xerophile and oligotrophic DNA to prevent them needing too much water and fertiliser to reduce runoff.Ideally these hybrid farms will be located at least some distance from lakes,rivers etc to eliminate agricultural run off and them creating algae blooms.Jungles and forests could have each tree species innoculated with microbes with acellerated healing and also augmentations to increase productivity with them producing fruits and nuts that produce smells and tastes abhorent to native fauna and pests but rather instead during crop times producing fleshy seed pods that can provde enough food to prevent starvation and also act as a means to disperse seeds.Again drones can spread fertiliser and water with the type of fruit changed via biosynth wifi from drones and satillites.Each of these will utilise the permaculture method wherein they double as productive agricultural land and at the same time allow for native biodiversity such as mammals,birds,insects to flourish.Each forest,meadow and grassland farms will have buildings to store harvested produce,robots and biosynths,livestock and also photobioreactors for creating bacteria based commodities,invitro meat,hydroponic/aeroponic/aquaponics and recirculating aquaculture systems and also a statue in the lobby of Triptolemus the sentient operating software with each building having an independent personality,avatar,legal name with the same for receptionist AIs present.All of them will grow crops on them and store food inside to be ordered in with the customised batch system as detailed later on also used.They can be the size of a suburban home with underground extensions,skyscraper or be underground entirely accessed by stairs that go underneath all of the farm itself forming in the case of meadow,forest etc farms housing even more areas to grow food via photobioreactors,recirculating aquaculture systems etc.They will also house living spaces such as suites,automated kitchens and living rooms for some residents of the community in roof,side or underground extensions as permanent residence and also as researchers who can overlook all parts of the farm and even tourists.All areas and machinery will be covered in liquid glass and have narrow range UV lights to sterilise rooms.Photobioreactors and aquaponic systems etc will be covered in liquid glass and have narrow range UV lights to sterilise them.Each one will utilise thermo-piezoelectric material covered geothermal pipes and batteries to charge them during blackout.The photobioreactors,recirculating aquaculture and hydroponic/aquaponic systems will cater to the ability to order in custom crops to alleviate strains on both vertical and fish farms.They will also have recirculating aquaculture systems in basements and also house areas to grow any species of ornamental plants and flowers for boquets for orders and also artificial wombs to grow any species of pet or livestock to order on demand.Biosynth machinery that creates any type of crop,eggs and other commodities will be present here as well with photobioreactors to produce any type of meat and commodity from bacteria also present downloaded from 3D DNA printers.These buildings will be in some places skyscrapers,others being iceberg buildings that are suburban style sized homes with large underground extensions or can be underground entirely that are accessed by a watertight door at the bottom of a stairwell with in all cases them having elevators or stairs as well as even passages leading to underground communities underneath.Those in areas prone to natural disasters will be completely underground and also accessed by water tight doors.In both rural and urban communities the buildings will consist of a small building that house storerooms a stairwell or elevators to underground extensions that house living spaces as well as storerooms and also growing rooms that house photobioreactors,aquaponic systems etc and stairs and elevators to underground communities.These will only be used if community and home farms cannot be effective at feeding the whole community.

Community farms will be in all towns,villages and cities in place of backlots,lay fields,areas of grass,urban prairies and areas not used for housing or reforested wilderness that are on the outskirts of them and also within themwith even the gardens on the grounds of historical large buildings used.Existing private farms both large and small including those that have homes on them will be used but they will produce food only for the locale town,city and village with large farms down scaled with underground areas added to deal with a growing population to house recirculating aquaculture systems,biosynth machinery and photobioreactors etc with buildings such as barns,pens,rotolacters etc turned into guest houses or demolished.The home used by farmers will house extensions for amenities and bedrooms for tourists.Large farms especially in America and Europe and Asia especially those that create and trade large amounts of milk,eggs,crops across the world and even across the country may have most of the land reforested depending on their size and only a small fraction used as community farms for that town,village or city as all cities,villagers and towns worldwide they supply crops to will become self sufficient through their own home,community and vertical farms thus rendering their use defunct forever.Thus most large farms will be downsized to what they are by at least 90-99% with the rest of the land reforested with them feeding only local communities with pens etc for livestock becoming obsolete due to in vitro meat,yeast based milk..Even abandoned piers or any land by the ocean and rivers in major cities will be used with funfairs by seaside towns and playgrounds etc will have community farms put in their place when VR indistinguishable from reality will allow for the land to be used as farms once the land is dug up.Urban prairies in all cities will certainly be used.Rooftops of communal homes and public buildings will house rooftop farms that provide produce for the entire community especially if all skyscraper style buildings utilise them and they utilise aquaponics etc to increase yields and share excess produce.These will be grown and harvested for locales making them self sufficient and alleviating strains on vertical farms and complimenting home farms with the fact that each town,village and city will have multiple of these will provide enough to feed their population.Each community farm will have a building or underground area that houses aquaponics systems,photobioreactors for meat and commodities from bacteria and also storerooms.3D DNA printers will be present to allow them to create any species of crops,fish,shellfish and also in vitro meat and commodities created by bacteria.All produce will be housed in storerooms that log the amount of each commodity and crop produced each season and stores them in fridges etc.The amount produced and stored will be logged into the Farm AI that is visible to the public through Demeter for ordering them or picking up in person.The setting up of community farms and their buildings worldwide will be charted in a global version of ;Ear to The Ground or episodes of Restoration Nation that deals with this wherein each community starts the setting up of their community,forest,meadow and grassland farms to chart it.If need be Triptolemus himself can have a YouTube channel managed by him where people from around the world can send in videos via interacting with him and the AI of each community farm detailing the setting up of community farms as well as vertical and home farms,yearly harvests from community,home and vertical farms and other events such as fairs,conferences.The setting up of them will be done by each town,city and village and each of these worldwide should have community farms in lay fields,backlots etc decided by the community with them all having a building to house robots,store food and house aeroponic systems and photobioreactors etc.Areas in cities and villages etc that are overrun with nothing but weeds will be used once they are removed and pyrolysised and also areas covered in concrete not used with abandoned buildings will be used once the concrete is dug up with the buildings renovated to house the farm AI,statue etc.Areas in towns and village full of low quality slums would be demolished and the area used as community farms when locals move to better accommodation with a tall enough compact building with underground extensions will be placed as well to house the statue,receptionists,photobioreactors for commodity producing bacteria and also hydroponic crops and aquaponic systems that grow fish and also crops.These community farms will all house buildings with underground extensions to house the Triptolemus statue and also extra photobioreactors,recirculating aquaculture systems etc with urban prairies also used.Each community farm will have buildings present that house statues of Triptolemus,photobioreactors,recirculating aquaculture systems etc and areas to store food,drones and living spaces for researchers etc.These can be the size of a suburban home with underground extensions.Existing abandoned buildings onsite of them will be used.Underground extensions can go underground the entire farm itself and go five stories deep to house photobioreactors for in vitro meat and bacteria based commodites,recirculating aquaculture systems for aquaponics and then also biosynth machinery and also even pens for livestock such as Bovidea etc with miniature automated egg packing machines,GEA milking machines and slaughterhouses.These community farms will utilise the permaculture method and will when possible at the behest of community members use genetically engineered crops to increase yields,reduce fertiliser and water requirements,eliminate pesticide use.All community farms will be located at least some distance from lakes and rivers as decided by Pan,Artemis and Triptolemus to eliminate fertiliser and animal waste run off to prevent algae blooms who will determine their chance of causing this and extrapolate measures to eliminate runoff.Most banks of lakes and rivers etc will be reforested with woodlands when soil samples determine them in place thus allowing the trees to absorb excess runoff fertiliser and manure etc with areas that historically house meadows have the banks of rivers etc lined with trees or have artificial constructed wetlands consisting of local waterborne plants and different species of Bambusoidea etc that are engineered specifically capture excess nitrogen and phosphorus with them also in taking and bioremediation gets all other toxins that enter them with them harvested routinely as a fodder crop for remaining livestock as well as pyrolysised to create biochar to amend the soil.This can include biochar being applied to soil to retain both water and fertiliser with crops using oligotrophic and Xerophile DNA reducing water and fertiliser needs by 99% thus eliminating the chance of fertiliser runoff by this amount.Crops and livestock can be fitted DNA from radiotrophic DNA to allow them to use radiation as a source of nutrition replacing fertiliser and feedstock.Community farms near to lakes and rivers can make these modifications and others such as as constructing artificial wetlands by the banks to absorb any potential runoff by engaging in studies with Triptolemus,Artemis,Pan as to the feasibility of setting up community farms.Thus community farms will undergoe strict regulations,simulations and feasibility studies carried out by Pan,Artemis and Triptolemus and human researchers with these done routinely with them graded on the ability to limit or eliminate pollution including agricultural runoff,algae blooms and other environmental damage every year to keep them up to acceptable standards following the universal colour code.By 2029 most work will be automated using automated irrigation systems that also apply fertiliser alongside drones that apply them and routinely observe them.Seed planting drones and robots will plant seeds with at least 90% of the workers automated snd remaining work carried out by volunteers that work in rotas.By 2045 Biosynths will replace all human labour.These will serve mainly the nearby town,city and village they are in and will use the latest advances in genetic engineering,robotics,AI,automated systems and Biosynths to increase yields and eliminate human labour with produce logged inside buildings and can be ordered via Demeter and picked up in person.Each one will utilise thermo-piezoelectric material covered geothermal pipes that provide electricity,air conditiong and heating and havd biosynth storedot batteries to charge them during blackout and alleviate strains on the grid with them also having micro-gas turbines powered by synthetic oil and gas used a looped system to make them energy self sufficient..Each community farm will be managed by AI that will have their own independent personality and avatar with a holographic receptionists in the lobby or main buildings with a wireless touchscreen landline phone where the statue of Triptolemus will be in the lobby of them and main buildings who will be the the sentient operating software linking them all across the world and universe.

In short this use of agroforestry and permaculture can increase land productivity in a sustainable and organic manner for local communities and can be fully automated or done by hand.This mixture of organic forest farms and community permaculture systems with hi tech automated systems allows for trace ability via tagging systems and precision farming resulting in more efficient use of resources,tracking the use of resources,higher yields and use of data in scientific studies(by being connected to other community farms across the globe as well as vertical and home farms across the globe for comparison.Remote controlled or autonomous drones can be used to monitor production on rooftops as well as forest farms and community gardens by citizens and using software similar to Silviterra to gain an accurate inventory of gardens present and crops grown and checked with normal and infra red vision to monitor plant health with these recordings stored in relevant folders of the community farm AI.This method of monitoring can also apply to ground based farms within cities and other urban areas with the same drones monitoring all of the permaculture forests and gardens alongside the rooftop gardens during each day or a set number each day depending on the size of the town,village,city thus ensuring that during all of the week all gardens and forests are monitored.Alternatively each forest and community farm will have their own robot or aerial nanoquardrocopters fitted with these cameras that patrol each farm 24/7,365 days a year stopping briefly to charge at wireless charging induction plates on the ground or on a pedestal or stopping to charge via solar power and heat through thermo-piezoelectric materials,graphene paint and quantum dot technology.These will have night vision and thermal vision as well as IR illuminator(which they will switch to automatically at night) to monitor them at night to spot missing livestock or any nocturnal pests like raccoons and monitor plant health at all times that can be switched through by AI or the public remotely.They will be coated internally and externally with a permanent layer of liquid glass to negate cleaning.Insect pests can be detected via special cameras that detect them and pheromones left by them with them and diseases also spotted via recognition software to notice specific colours and patterns and alert the community as to their presence and location.All types of pests and diseases can be recognised via Artemis and alerts logged into the farm AI alongside photographic and visual evidence of the pests and disease  which will log the GPS location of trees or plot ID of crops.Crops will be tagged with an ID bar code and logged into the AI for the farm.L.usitatissimum and also H.annuus etc will be grown in community,meadow and grassland farms for seeds even though bacteria will produce their oils and fibres.All crops and livestock reared and grown in each forest and community farm will be logged in its AI visible to the public.In the case of home and other community farms these networks would also interact with weather,soil and atmospheric networks to take into account weather,climate and day to day conditions for analysis and in the case of vertical farms the environmental conditions in the water used and the room would also be used in this.)as well allowing communities to keep track of stock and supplies of crops and produce easing on human labour.It will also allow for the most important,labour intensive and repetitive work to be fully automated by robots,autonomous vehicles and machinery and track resource use to prevent the phenomena known as the tragedy of the commons all managed by the farm AI.This will be done with miniature diggers,miniature versions of the GEA milking systems,robots shepherds,robot cleaners,automated feeders,robotic and drone seed planters,sensors in the air and soil constantly measuring soil and atmospheric temperature,pH,humidity,nutrient and moisture content as well the presence of specific bacteria or fungi that are pathogenic to either to humans or plants,humidity and temperature in mushroom log patches and the garden in general and sprinkler/irrigation systems all of which can automated and monitored through computers,smart devices and laptops.An universal colour coded system(blue,yellow,green and red can alert the community if readings are in normal or in danger zones also logged over time) so as to allow for proper procedures to be taken in order to remedy the situation for example proper cooking techniques or use of bacteriophages applied to the soil.Remaining human work can done on a rotary system organised between all members of the community but further advances in robotics will eliminate all human work within the the 10-15 years.In time humanoid robots and biosynths controlled by forest and community farms AI will be developed that will be able to do work that only humans can do with them wearing an universal uniform for Triptolemus with these having different avatars and will reside inside the building to charge or consume sugars etc from bacteria.Eventually all community farms will be automated with zero human labour.

Combine this with tagging systems in home gardens and vertical farms and it can allow for them to trade stock both in the form of produce and genetic diversity.If land is deemed too polluted bio remediation techniques such as the planting of Bambusoideae,C.sativa and others detailed later on can be utilised in order to make it viable with reforestation efforts also detailed later on can be employed to soils that are too thin or nutritionally weak.All towns,villages and cities and other communities should have permaculture meadow,community,grassland and forest and community farms alongside vertical farms with these having extra buildings next to them to house livestock and grow extra crops via hydroponics and also fodder for livestock.Each community,forest,meadow and grassland farms will have buildings to store harvested produce,robots and biosynths,livestock and also photobioreactors for creating bacteria based commodities,invitro meat and recirculating aquaculture systems and also a statue of Triptolemus with each building having an independent personality,avatar,legal name with the same for receptionist AIs present.These buildings will be in some places skyscrapers,others being iceberg buildings that are suburban style sized homes with large underground extensions or can be underground entirely that are accessed by a watertight door at the bottom of a stairwell with in all cases them having elevators or stairs as well as even passages leading to underground communities underneath.All community and forest farms worldwide will be linked together(as well as to vertical farms) and managed by the operating software Triptolemus The symbol of the cornucopia will be on all signs,maps as well as all machinery,vehicles and robots present managed by the farm AI.This symbol will also appear on all e-reports,studies etc related to them.Egg packing factories,recirculating aquaculture systems,automated pens and livestock farms,miking systems,slaughterhouses,automated nurseries,breweries and wineries,indoor hydroponics,pet breeding centres,photobioreactors for bacteria/algae and aviaries should be integrated into all of them via buildings onsite as well as roof and underground extensions of these farms in each town and city to serve the surrounding region and allow them to be managed by the farm AI with cities that have multiple farms having all of these in each one if possible or a system where one or two has slaughterhouses to slaughter all animals from the entire town and city.It would make them self sufficient to these cutting down on transportation costs and also allow those egg packing and slaughterhouses in towns and cities outside of farms to be converted into homes and the land surrounding them being forest farms.Even existing rural farms converted into compact farms using underground and roof extensions to allow the land surrounding them used to grow crops for human and animal feed to be converted into forest farms due to algae and grain originating from bacteria as well as humans ordering and growing food at home,from vertical farms and also community farms with commodities coming from bacteria.It would also also allow these slaughterhouses,egg packing factories,milking systems etc to be more space and energy efficient.Living spaces for researchers can also be there alongside lounges and toilets.A few Venetian sized suites can be in the main building of each forest and community farm including in underground extensions with them housing space for community members and researchers permenantly.Cameras at key points of both types of farms,buildings,robots,vehicles,drones,machinery and pens will be fed into the farm AI giving the AI a sense of omniscience and connected to the global database of criminals and missing persons.They will be covered in liquid glass to negate cleaning and switch to IR illuminator at night.Water,energy and fertiliser use will be logged over days to millenia on local to global levels for both community and forest farms with energy and water use fed into the AI and Hermes alongside nanosensor readings.Each forest and community farms will have AIs that will log and control resource use,manage robots,vehicles and manage automated operations,log what is grown and reared,store maps and manage orders and delivers alongside other functions.All of the buildings of both community and forest farms should have Storedot batteries in them to supply energy for at least a month charged from the grid or onsite power sources with those in earthquake zones be up to code with those in areas prone to floods and tsunamais have ten feet high walls and automatic watertight doors to them with gratings leading to tunnels surrounding them.Those in areas prone to floods should have flood holes in the gardens to collect excess water with circular coverings that open and close in response to Theoi Meteroi with the water collected and treated and stored for dry spells either their or transported to other areas that suffer droughts during the year.The depth of the tunnels connected to these should be determined by Prometheus determining the most amount of water that can fall as well as the highest theoretical tsunamai.These tunnels would go around any rooms underneath them and also surrounding area or would connect to the flood/tsunamai tunnels in the area via a series of small tunnels.Forest farms would also have the same openings leading to nearby flood tunnels to prevent any crop bushes being compromised.To cut down on energy costs from the grid community farms will utilise geothermal heating and air conditioning systems alongside micro-gas turbines,tribe station systems to make them self sufficient and reduce energy strains from the grid.

The software that links together and manages and links all community/forest farms and even vertical farms around the world within Demeter will be Triptolemus named after the deity of beekeeping,cheesemaking and agriculture with the symbol being a horn.This will negate the need for all state bodies and corporations worldwide related to farming.Each farm can be fitted with an AI that is separate to all community farms in a village,town,city etc with each other and any adjoining forest farms connected by the sentient Triptolemus software that tracks resource use,location and medical and lineage information of livestock/crops and yields of crops and produce such as eggs and wool for consumption,produce and scientific studies.They will also log all crops and livestock(and pets in the case of breeding farms present) and track the trading and inventory of live animals frozen semen/eggs and seeds via the tagging system over weeks,months,years,decades,centuries,millenia etc.It will also interact with community farm AIs across the world for trading of seeds/eggs/semen and produce as well as seeds for planting new crops and thus ensure genetic diversity.Furthermore it will control and automatically run routine diagnostics on robots and machinery such as irrigation systems and control and measure the amount of water,fertilisers and other resources used as well as carrying out scientific studies and log them as well as uploading them to the wire and internet.Routine diagnostics on all systems such as lighting,robots and machinery will follow an universal colour coded system – blue denoting safe,yellow denoting some concern,green denoting some danger and red denoting severe danger making it easy for the layperson to recognise the level of severity of the problem.Tagging animals and crop plots can allow important information such as genetic lineage,genetic treatments and modifications present(both the name of the gene(s) added,from which other breed or species of animal or plant and the resulting phenotype i.e specific disease resistance and nutritional benefit etc.),date and place of birth,applications of water/fertiliser/feed/antibiotics/vaccines over its lifetime measured in mls/litres/kilolitres/milligrammes/grams/kilograms for both each application and collective application in the case of both livestock and animals,farm it was produced with name/GPS location/address,vaccines and antibiotics given to it again measured in the same aforementioned manner will allow consumers and the community full transparency on what they are consuming and can be scanned in on smart devices linked to the Demeter network.It will also be used in efficiency and agricultural studies in both Demeter and Hermes.This barcode/tag will also be present on packaging (printed on or on a sticker) for the food and any online ordering platforms which the Demeter network could as.This will also apply to all crops and food from vertical farms.Community farm AIs will manage the operations of the farm they are in control in,arrange orders of crops and resources,log resources,deal with emergencies etc replacing supervisors and managers with cameras at key points of all farms and nanosensors and in time mobile holographic technology allowing it to oversee various operations all at once replacing all human workers,quality control and supervisors etc.Cameras on robots and biosynths on the farm production line,cameras at key points of the line,key points of the plant overseeing the entire line and any blind spots and cameras on robots patrolling the farm will give the farm AI will give it complete omniscience over the entire plant with the AI deciding where to put cameras in order to prevent it having blind spots ensuring it can everything in all key rooms even lobbies with all feeds fed into the factory AI 24/7,365 days with biosynth nanosemsors detecting the level of carbon dioxide,oxygen and other gases,temperature etc in the farm and also levels of nutrients,pollutants,temperature of crops.Robots and drones will do rounds to spot faults,spills,rubbish with diagnostics done once every day on all machienry.Cameras monitoring machinery etc will thus have the ability to switch between normal vision and IR illumination,thermal and or night vision in order to allow remote monitoring to be done when the lights are off with lights if needed will be long lasting efficient ones such as CSYS ones.This will give the farm AI omniscience over the entire line to see what is going on.Any remaining work that can only be done by humans will inevitably be done by humanoid robots and biosynths controlled by the farm AI with them having IR illuminator and normal cameras and zoom features with them wearing an universal uniform for each farm type.Readings from nanosensors,live feeds from cameras on drones and in key parts of the farms,stocks of animals and crops reared as well as yields of crops/produce and all the above information can be open to the public around the world allowing them to monitor all farms in the world from anywhere in the world via Demeter.Thus one could access the AI of all farms across the world within Demeter and access all of the aforementioned data in folders and subfolders with members of the community it is ialerteed to any problems.Ideally soil nanosensors used in community and home farms should be fed into Demeter and Hermes.If a problem occurs automated measures within the AI system will isolate severely compromised machinery ie. from cyber attacks will be cut off from the AI and other machines until it is solved with AI of compromised buildings from other similar buildings and the rest of the wire until rectified to prevent problems spreading.The AI and thus all robots under its control will have the latest cyber security installed and constantly updated.Automated corrective measures or those that can be done remotely via the wire for all possible problems will be built into the building AI again view able to the public.This should prevent the problems associated with the tragedy of the commons.