Environmental Management

This can be done by monitoring electrical and water usage by measurements taken from energy and water meters in homes,skyscrapers and both community and vertical farms.Each individual building can measure the amount of water and electricity they use with this fed into local,regional,national,continental and global networks(with anonymity ensured) to gain a more accurate measurement of these two resources to improve efficiency and to chart their usage of decades even centuries all available to the public via apps on smart devices.This information will be visible to the public via Hermes.

The vast majority of environmental monitoring can be automated through robotics that collect samples and carry out quality tests as well as nanosensors that can detect pathogenic bacteria,gases,individual heavy metals and other contaminants done 24/7,365 days a year.These can be composed of stanene,graphene and other nanomaterials.

Atmosphere Quality and measurement:
Nanosenser on poles can measure humidity,air pressure,temperature,pollen count(for those with hayfever) as well as concentrations of gases such as nitrous oxide,water vapour,carbon dioxide,oxygen,nitrous oxide,methane,aerosols,chlorofluorocarbons(and holocarbons)bromide,nitric oxide (NO), nitrous oxide (N2O), hydroxy(OH) and other gases important to the health of citizens,the environment and climate science in all environments such as cities,forests/jungles,wilderness areas,mountains,valleys,deserts,inside caves,both south and north poles,oceans etc. as well as in farms both in as a whole.At the top of these poles containing nanosensors would be micro vertical axis wind turbines and wind vanes that would relay information regarding wind speed and direction which could also power it.Also included could be miniature barometers and other equipment to measure air pressure and other equipment that relays how much rain has fallen(or this could just be logged by merging with weather networks).Modified and more miniaturised versions of Acu-rite 5 in 1 weather centre that can relay accurate and more long term predictions to the entire global public via the Artemis will be ontop of these poles without the need for secondary LCD screens to save on resources as it will be fed directly into the wire.The HAWT that measures wind speed direction can be replaced with a VAWT to prevent fatigue and generate electricity alleviating strains on the grid as well as being more accurate.This will allow for air quality,temperature,individual gas concentrations and humidity etc.to be quantified on a local,regional,national,continental and global levels as well as wind speeds etc.Biosynth technology as detailed below will measure these alongside scanning the structure of gases it detects.Radiation can also be measured in particular all specific types such as gamma,UV and those associated from nuclear fallout with this of note to areas where nuclear accidents and explosions occurred as well as to determine UV radiation to be relayed to the public to allow them to decide whether to avoid the sun and what factor of sunscreen to use.

Also attached the same areas of the sensors at the very top of these poles can be UV index sensors that determine the levels of UV being expelled by the sun every day in each city,town,region allowing for citizens to decide what level of sunscreen to be applied using apps connected to Artemis and their patient file in Aesculapius to determine the best level of sunscreen protection in relation to their skin type as well as enabling meteorologists,climate scientists and solar astronomers to accurately measure and predict weather and climate and speed and strength of storms and hurricanes as well as the amount of UV light entering the earths atmosphere alongside satellite measurements of the ozone layer allowing them to make decisions on what strength of sunscreen to use with the readings interacting with their patient file to give suggestions to that individual.Those in areas prone to storms,hurricanes and even tornadoes will be on poles composed of strong carbon composites with graphene paint on them with all sensors held in place securely.These results will also interact with ocean,river,lake and soil readings in the locale,region,nation and globe alongside climate and weather networks to allow for more accurate predictions and analysis these could be viewed by the public again anytime in real time with them able to view simulations at any specified time past,present and future for any region of the world.There could also be land based buoys with poles that could also be knee high in the case of forests,jungles etc.to measure the atmospheric conditions below the canopy(with the aforementioned taller poles measuring conditions above the canopy)allowing for full analysis of the atmosphere and the effects of surrounding flora on it at different levels with the buoys also having sensors that dig into the soil.Alternatively the single pole could have sensors at the top above the canopy and sensors attached to it near the bottom.This can be replicated with towns,villages and cities measuring the effect of the urban heat island effect during the night and day as well as during different parts of the year 24/7,365 days a year and compare the effects in different towns,villages,cities globally with the surrounding wilderness areas.In urban areas the poles can be again on poles on building in particular skyscraper roofs and ontop of monuments(covered in metamaterials to render them invisible),or high poles at certain points in cities.These buoys could also have the central pole digging deep into the ground with sensors measuring the environmental conditions of the soil or tarmac etc at varying depths to get a more precise measurement there too.Existing cellular and wifi towers in urban and rural areas can be fitted with all of these sensors on the top of them and have both wifi and telecommunication emitters/receivers on each of them.Wilderness areas such as jungles,forests,deserts could also have large atmospheric poles with wifi and telecommunication capabilities built in to provide these capabilities and terrestrial based GPS and also access to the wire for vehicles in these areas.Metamaterials that bend light and make objects invisible could be utilised to prevent a loss of natural scenery with the foot of them left visible to prevent people banging into them with bird repellent technology inaudible to human beings also present at least half way up them to prevent them colliding into them.These invisible poles would also interact with low automated flying craft and hot air balloons to prevent accidents.Biosynth technology will be used to detect gases,termperature and radiation.Biosynth wifi will be part of them with them able to send and receive data  without internet cables and them use thermo-piezoelectric material covered pipes in the ground underneath them to power the wifi with them also having VAWTs built into them.

It can also allow for radioactivity in areas affected by nuclear fallout and pollution to be measured remotely with miniature sensors and Geiger counters attached to these sensor poles.


To measure environmental conditions constantly in the upper layers of the atmosphere for climate science all parts of troposphere(or even higher) can be measured via solar powered planes that continuously encircle an area with sensors for all factors such as air pressure,temperature and concentration of individual gases at different altitude to be added to other atmospheric readings for extra information for climate science.These sensors can be placed in solar powered planes that provide wifi to an area especially the wilderness and rural areas when flying around in circles,replacing conventional satellites for GPS and telecommunications and can stay in the air indefinitely with the altitude logged alongside the readings of each measurement.These would appear on the map within Artemis as a moving atmosphere sensor.It will also measure wind speed and direction as well.For safety reason these planes would interact with automated air traffic control in order to prevent collisions and accidents with aeroplanes.It would fly over oceans provide terrestrial based GPS for planes and cruise ships alongside telecommunications via interacting with ocean buoys.By being above the clouds they would be powered by the sun and store energy at night via batteries.

The software Aurai will link all atmospheric nanosensors around the world together on local,regional,national,continental,global levels and interact with ocean,river,lake,satellite sensor networks.

Soils:Robots can measure soil in two ways.Either in robots that collect samples in a way similar to NASA’s Curiosity Rover and return them for autonomous lab analysis(or on site analysis with onboard sensors) or robots modelled after snakes with sensors built into its interior and exterior that dig into soil like normal species and can constantly monitor conditions detailed below 24/7 as it travels over a wide area charged by wireless energy stations and quantum dot technology built into the scales.Sensors on the exterior would measure mineral composition,metals and other pollutants,moisture content,pH,temperature,gas concentration etc. interior sensors would work by measuring soil samples that it would digest and pass through its interior back out the backside. Both of these can be replicated with robotic sea snakes monitoring rivers,lake,oceans and other waterways. Both of these could also be used to monitor wild populations of animals for behavioural studies as well as protecting them from illegal hunting.Alternatively nanosensors can be built into the soil at key areas.All of these measures can be replicated for sand in beaches.These sensors could be composed of graphene.

Sensors can alternatively and ideally be bored into the ground and constantly measure temperature(of the soils surface and subsurface),pH,pathogenic or beneficial bacteria and fungi,levels of nutrients(to determine the health of soils),concentration of greenhouse gases and other gases,water concentration and level of pollutants such as oil,heavy metals,pharmaceuticals and radioactive materials over a local,regional,national,continental and global level to monitor soil health.The sensors can bore right down to the bedrock measuring the environmental conditions of the various layers of soil:O,A,E,B,C,R, to measure the complete health of the soil,measure variation and their effect on climate etc with it possibly going even farther down to the ground water and measuring the environmental conditions of the groundwater and thus measure the health of water there.Groundwater readings will fed into the river and lake network.It could consist of a series of poles each extending to each layer or a single sensor pole with readings taken at each depth with each layer subdivided into subfolders with the viewer able to have the option to view the readings plotted over time for each individual layer or all layers plotted on a single graph.Biosynth technology as detailed below will measure these alongside scanning the genome of micro-organisms it detects and measure the pH,radiation levels,heavy metals and temperature and scan the genome of pathogens etc.

Rivers,estuaries,lagoons,wetlands,swamps,marshes,waterways,lakes & canals:
Monitoring of water quality in rivers,estuaries,wetlands,lakes and canals can be done by three ways,allowing for water temperature,pH,salinity and contaminants such as pathogenic bacteria/viruses/fungi/algae(or beneficial ones),drugs,radioactive metals,salts,heavy metals to be quantified on a local,regional,national,continental and global level.Oxygen,carbon dioxide,methane and other gas content can also be quantified to ensured they fall within normal parameters as well as nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorous so as to predict fish kills caused by algae blooms and agricultural runoff.Robots that collect water samples from waterways and then carry them to the lab where a series of machines test it using agar plates that were also created by machine already exist with others tat can collect samples and test for levels of heavy metals also existing.All of the environmental factors for each sensor can either be viewed as all on one graph or in separate graph through settings within the network decided by the viewer.Biosynth technology as detailed below will measure these alongside scanning the genome of micro-organisms it detects.


Robotic solar powered buoys can be stationary in place by anchors and be powered by wave pistons,micro-turbines,wave pistons,quantum dot technology,graphene paint,VAWTs,thermo-piezoelectric materials,solar panels built into them and can monitor pH,temperature,levels of the various aforementioned contaminants and environmental factors and others such as radioactive materials,pharmaceuticals,nutrients like alluvial/phosphorous/nitrogen,heavy metals etc.as well as act as charging stations for any biosynth robots present in the river.These can be placed at numerous places in rivers,lakes and canals and detect changes in these factors at various points and allow both an average to be quantified and measure changes that could be created either natural features or indeed artificial attempts to clean them up.Also available are boats that contain sensors on their bottom that can travel downstream that can detect water quality as they travel downstream.Liquid glass can be sprayed onto them to prevent damage from the riverwater,dirt in both cases and acids.These sensors could be composed of graphene.

In the case of those those that are placed at the very bottom of the river/canal/lake beds similar to land based buyos, research can be done into deriving energy from chemicals in the sea( similar to how animals there derive nutrition from chemicals in the water.These can run on energy from thermo-piezoelectric materials or from salts and sugars similar to the animals that reside there.These on the bed of rivers,lakes etc can be fitted with thermo-piezoelectric material covered geothermal pipes.The cameras would be covered by liquid glass(alongside the buoys) to prevent dirt build up and erosion by acid.The cameras may also be covered in a layer of pyrex coated in liquid glass to monitor wildlife there.These would be composed of graphene with graphene of the matrix of the pyrex to increase its strength and survive the deep pressures there.Like land based buoys the central pole can dig deep into the river/lake/canal bed and fitted with sensors along it to measure environmental conditions and rock/soil composition in the lake/river/canal bed soils.These readings from soils/beds will be fed into soil networks.All of the environmental factors for each sensor can either be viewed as all on one graph or in separate graph through settings within the network decided by the viewer

Robotic fish that contain nanosensors that can detect individual pollutants.These could travel up and downstream in schools allowing for a wide array of pollutants 24/7,365 days a year and be powered by solar power via quantum dot technology and graphene in their scales,internal microturbines or by docking at charging stations located at key points along a river on the bank or in the form of solar and micro turbine powered buoys transmitting energy wirelessly.These could be fitted with miniature HD cameras and swim along native species of fish to study their behaviour in a natural habitat or be inside fish farms to monitor fish being reared for human consumption remotely and the environmental factors of farms and in the wild i.e. pH,temperature,pollution(i.e. levels of manure)with sensors built on the outside or in the internal structure of the robots as the water flows through them similar to snake robots in the soil etc.GPS can be used to detect them if they get lost as well as track the movement of native species in the wild.Liquid glass can be sprayed onto them internally and externally to prevent damage from dirt clogging up in them and damage to the circuits from the water.In time biosynth versions will replace these.These results from all types of buyos(both floating and bed based),drones etc.will interact with ocean,soil and atmosphere readings in the locale,region,nation and globe alongside climate and weather networks to allow for more accurate predictions and analysis.They will be managed by the software Naiads for rivers,marshes,fountains,lakes as well as all terrestrial water bodies including groundwater and interact with soil,atmospheric,ocean and satellite sensors and readings.

Like rivers and other waterways the following is available for the monitoring of both oceans and the atmosphere environmental conditions allowing for water and air temperature,pH,water vapour,phytoplankton,oxygen,methane(and other greenhouse gases)salinity and contaminants such as pathogenic and beneficial bacteria/viruses/fungi/algae, pollutants,heavy metals to be quantified on a local,regional,national,continental and global level.Qxygen,methane and carbon dioxide as well as other important gases in the water and atmosphere can be quantified to see that they fall within normal parameters as well as nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorous and be measured on local to global levels.Automated collection and testing of samples of water in laboratories by robots is possible.All of the environmental factors for each sensor can either be viewed as all on one graph or in separate graph through settings within the network decided by the viewer.These sensors could be composed of graphene.Biosynth technology as detailed below will measure these alongside scanning the genome of micro-organisms it detects.

Buoys and boats can collect data from sensors and transmit them to the mainland 24/7 powered by solar power,wave power and micro-turbines like those in lake and rivers to collect data from the sea.This data would include concentrations of gases in the air and water, pH, salinity, radioactivity,temperature of the water and air,wind speed and direction,UV intensity in the area,air pressure,ocean water pressure,wave direction/height/strength,nutrients such as phosphorous and nitrogen to monitor plankton growth,plankton levels,heavy metals,drugs as well as the presence of pathogenic bacteria.Like in the case of atmospheric poles based inland modified and more miniaturised VAWT versions of Acu-rite 5 in 1 weather centre that can relay accurate and more long term predictions to the entire global public via the Artemis will be ontop of these floating buoys without the need for secondary LCD screens to save on resources as it will be fed directly into the wire.This would also be fed into meteorological and disaster networks for measuring the strength and speed of hurricanes and storms with pressure plates to measure the strength and direction of nearby earthquakes and any resultant tsunamis heading towards nearby coastal areas as they would be put ontop of any new and existing tsunami alert buoys.Existing tsunami alert systems can be fitted with these sensors and weather measurement devices.They could also act as wireless chargers for robotic sea animals attached to wave power systems feeding electricity to local areas,charging stations,offshore farms.Permanent layers of liquid glass can be sprayed onto them to prevent damage from the seawaters salt,dirt and acids.Atmospheric readings on these ocean buoys will be labelled atmospheric sensors ontop of the ocean sensors on a map with a separate folder.The can also have wifi and cellular transmitters and be incorporated into terrestrial based GPS systems and traffic network systems for both automated ships and aeroplanes.They can be anchored to the sea floor in shallower waters via rocks treated with a permanent layer of liquid glass,connected to deep ocean buyos as detailed later on or have miniature motors that keep them going around in circles in a small area.These can interact with solar powered planes in the upper atmosphere to provide GPS for both planes and cruise ships by interacting with these buoys.They can be anchored to the ground in shallow or deep areas using a steel block covered in both graphene paint and a permanent layer of liquid glass to prevent rust and give strength to the pressures of the ocean deep wrapped in carbyne or graphene wiring(or steel chain covered in graphene paint and then liquid glass or have miniature motors powered by the solar panel to ensure they are constantly at a set GPS location or general area going in circles(say after a storm) or certain ones can be designed to follow looped ocean currents and cycles in all of the great oceans with their data plotted over time on GPS locations of the current etc.They can be powered by a combination of both solar power,VAWTs as well as thermo-piezoelectric materials and from slats and sugars.Thermo-piezoelectric material covered gerothermal pipes on the ocean floor can be connected wiring present with the wiring covered in graphene to make it impossible to tear.Existing buoys in the ocean can be retrofitted with these nanosensors etc to collect this data and lined to Nereides.

Other buoys composed of pyrex,graphene and other pressure resistant materials can be created that dig into the ground to lock them in place in the seabed and deep sea floor to measure the oceans environmental conditions and seabed and deep sea crust rock composition(and the environmental conditions of these crust fed in to soil networks) near hydrothermal vents,cold seep and benthic zone and also have cameras attached to monitor the environment switching between long range IR illuminator,flashlight,night vision thus allowing researchers to monitor little observed areas of the ocean as well as their affect and the difference between their environmental conditions and the higher levels of the ocean on the climate and each other can be ascertained.The cameras would be inside a pyrex/graphene capsule which would be covered internally and externally with a permanent layer of liquid glass to prevent dirt building up and causing damage or visual interference.They can be connected to surface buoys that measure environmental conditions higher up via pyrex/carbyne chains tethering both to the floor and each other all of which would be coated in a permanent layer of liquid glass and graphene paint to prevent corrosion over centuries.If accidents occur to ones at the seabed it will be able via wireless transmission lock out of the floor and float to the surface using apparatus similar to swimming armfloats used by children when they are learning to swim alongside charged up motors to rise to the surface.Buoys used to detect and warn the coast of tsunamis can also have these sensors and those in the path of storms and hurricanes can measure all aforementioned conditions and relay these to both disaster and environmental networks.Seabed based buoys and those floating up hooked to graphene ropes can also measure environmental conditions under ice sheets in both poles.Power for these could be from wind power,wave power from panels,graphene paint,quantum dot technology,converting salts into power and even thermo-piezoelectric materials.These can be connected to thermo-piezoelectric covered geothermal pipes that dig into the mantle giving constant energy.All of the environmental factors for each sensor can either be viewed as all on one graph or in separate graph through settings within the network decided by the viewer.Like land based buoys the central pole can dig deep into the seabed and deep sea crust and fitted with sensors along it to measure environmental conditions and rock composition in the sea crust.These will measure the temperature at these depths alongside pressure and also pH and salinity etc that will be fed into Theoi Meteroi to give a more accurate reading for climate scientists.

Robotic animals such as jellyfish,sharks and fish could monitor plastic pollution,pH,temperature,salinity,presence of drugs,toxins,pathogenic bacteria and heavy metals,pressure 24/7,365 days a year with sensors on the exterior or interior as the water passes through it.Again they can be used to monitor ocean fish farms and schools of native animals such as jellyfish,sharks etc.remotely via cameras with schools of these robots monitoring a wide array of environmental factors.They could also be used to monitor fragile ecosystems such as coral reefs and the wildlife that reside there or even monitor areas of the ocean not able to be monitored by bulky drones either visually or environmentally such as the benthic zone,cold seeps,hydrothermal vents and other parts of the deep ocean with the ability to use night vision,small flashlights and thermal vision(all of which they could switch between) for there recordings.GPS can also be used to detect them if they get lost as well as track the movement of native species in the wild.They could be powered by internal micro-turbines that produce energy as they move or are stationary,solar power from quantum dot technology,thermo-piezoelectric materials that convert heat into energy and from salts and chemicals from the mantle via chemosynthesis(particularly near hydrothermal vents) and graphene and also charge wirelessly at sea based or underwater city charging stations powered by sea wind farms,solar and wave power that also charge cruise ships as well as at sea airports and buoys.Liquid glass can be sprayed onto them to prevent damage from the seawaters salt and acids as well as dirt clogging up in their parts.In time these will be replaced with biosynth versions.In the case of buyos that are placed and entrenched at the very bottom of the sea, research can be done into them deriving energy from chemicals in the sea similar to how animals there derive nutrition from chemicals in the sea as well as the hydrothermal vents.These can run on energy from thermo-piezoelectric materials or from salts and other chemicals via chemosynthesis similar to the animals that reside there.The cameras would be covered by liquid glass(alongside the bouys) to prevent dirt build up and erosion by acid.The cameras may also be covered in a layer of pyrex coated in liquid glass with the structures would be composed of graphene to survive the pressures of the ocean floor.Both seabed buoys and robotic animals can measure conditions under the ice sheets of both poles hard to reach isolated areas.

These results from all buoys(sea bed,deep sea,floating) and robots/drones will be managed by the software Nereides and interact with soil,river,lake and atmosphere readings in the locale,region,nation and globe alongside climate and weather networks to allow for more accurate predictions and analysis.

Underwater drones can travel in packs of several hundred and swim to the depths of the ocean floor and scan each ocean floor in its entirety into Artemis from the shoreline from one side to another for research and future planning of underwater cities.This will give researchers and the general public especially places that are unknown with underwater cave systems and coral reefs as well as even hydrothermal vents and trenches(down to there depths)including the Marina trench scanned into Artemis.These drones can have the same armfloats buyoncy features seen that allow them to resurface in an accident with sonar and other technologies that will allow them to repel wildlife such as sperm whales,giant squids and other animal threats there.This can be visible as photogrammetric maps as well as both a 3D map similar to Scanlabs and bathymetry scans which the viewer in Artemis can switch between in settings menu.

All of these will in time be carried out by advances in robotics once contamination has been detected by Theoi Meteroi but at first by conservationists and researchers.All bioremediation projects worldwide will be charted in Pans YouTube channel.

Satellite readings will be fed into the Nephelai sub network which will be from all weather satellites and those that measure concentrations of gases in the atmosphere existing and new linked by the sentient software Nephelai.All existing and new satellites used for weather,measuring gas concentration etc will be linked by this with if possible by 2045 a single satellite will exist for these and other functions with multiple

Roads,bridges and buildings:
Smart concrete developed in Japan using carbon fibres in it manufacture could allow for buildings,bridges and roads to be monitored 24/7 remotely.Existing steel bridges,buildings and concrete structures can be fitted with sensors to monitor them again 24/7 with results fed into Artemis.These will be linked together and interact together on local,regional,national,continental and global levels by Tyche within Artemis.

Cloud networking would allow sensors of all kinds (air,soil,oceans and waterways) that form a network around the world to be gathered into local,regional,national,continental and global networks that could provide a clearer picture of the planets health as a whole by interacting with each other via software that would perform algorithms to save human labour in collecting samples,inputting data and getting outputs.These readings from all types of sensors(composed ideally of graphene,stanene,silicene,silicon photonics and other nanomaterials including those used to measure structural integrity on bridges) would be viewable to the public at all times and fed into this network 23/7,365 days with each type of sensor on each type of structure(atmosphere,river,ocean, lake,soil etc.)having sub folders for the readings of each environmental condition:temperature,pH.moisture content,wind speeds,UV index,humidity,gas concentrations,heavy metals and nutrients logged with them then subdivided into average readings over an hour plotted of each day,with them divided then into weeks and then months, years,decades,centuries etc.allowing the viewer able to see the average of each day,week,month, decades,centuries,millenia etc over local,regional,nationwide,continental and global scales.Having these sensors for Aurai in particular will allow for the total global concentration of gases like methane,carbon dioxide and other gases alongside temperature will be averaged out on local to global scales being more accurate than relying on those from just Mauna Loa used to determine the global concentration of carbon dioxide.The other types of sensors will also be averaged out on local to global levels.These would send data wirelessly via satellites,solar planes or direct connection to the wire to relay this data to the wire and thus the public instantly.Biosynth sensors for all areas,soil,atmosphere,lakes,oceans etc can be developed using tweaked recombinant DNA from C.elegans biocompatible microbes and those from human neurons as well as from scratch to develop sensors that are highly sensitive to the lowest levels of gases,nutrients and pollutants in the ppm,ppb,ppt to use its mechanotransduction and reverse mechanotransduction to send levels to the wire alongside biosynth wifi transmitters that will be picked up by satellites as part of Nephalai that will then relay results from all other sensors worldwide to the network visible to the public in real time with any changes detected and relayed instantly with the Nephali satellite system acting as a relay for all other sensors and show their GPS location on the global map alongside what type they are.Aurai sensors will also use this as they intake gases in the atmosphere,measure temperature alongside UV radiation and other types ie gamma rays with Naiads and Nereides sensors intaking water and measuring temperature and pH as well as reading the DNA of pathogens it encounters while Leimakids will intake chemicals from the soil constantly and also measure temperature and pH and also read the DNA of pathogens it encounters.The levels of pollutants will be measured via the abilities of microbes and DNA from C.elegans,Hydra,human neural
tissue etc with the species of and levels of pathogens in soils,lakes,rivers and even groundwater ones using the ability of base microbes built into them that reads the genome of them they come into contact with via taq polymeras and also CRISPR Cas-9.They can also be programmed with human neurons and scratch DNA to detect temperature and have DNA from C.elegans,human neurons and DNA from W.dermatitidis,C.sphaerospermum,C.neoformans,Paracoccus denitrificans,Shewanella oneidensis,Electrophorus electricus,Geobacter metallreducens,Geobacter sulfurreducens and piezophile DNA can be added to them to detect radiation and air and water pressure without barometers and geigar counters as responses to changes in radiation and air and water pressure would create an electrical charge that using scratch DNA can relay different levels.Biosynth wifi and WiFi will negate the need for internet cables to be present as the sensors will be able to send and receive data using energy generated by self charging technologies connected to them thus allowing for all of them in the wilderness to be able to have access to the relevant sub networks of the wire.Satilites as part of Theoi Meteroi will be able to pick up the signals and data.The more energy generated from energy dense means of production the stronger the signal with thermo-piezoelectric material covered geothermal pipes utilised in all cases that dig deep into the crust and mantle to generate large amounts of electricity and also stronger signals.Soil and atmospheric sensors since part of the same pole or next to each will have VAWTs and solar panels as part of the pole with thermo-piezoelectric material covered geothermal pipes also connected to them,ocean/lake/river sensors will have VAWTs and also wave pistons and/or microhydroturbines built into them and also be covered in thermo-piezoelectric materials to generate their own electricity.Those on the beds of lakes,rivers and oceans will use thermo-piezoelectric material covered geothermal pipes as well as biosynth technology that uses chemosynthesis to use sugars,salts and minerals as an energy source to generate electricity possibly using tweaked recombinant DNA from Geobactor and Shewanella oneidensis.Those on the ocean surface can be either connected to the ocean floor or float on the surface and generate it from VAWTs and the aforementioned piping underwater.Atmosphere poles,buyos for lakes,rivers and oceans in the wilderness would send not only data to Theoi Meteroi but also provide wifi to devices in their area.They would do this via biosynth wifi created as poles etc would be connected to the ground via thermo-piezoelectric material covered geothermal pipes that provide electricity that in turn creates biosynth wifi not only to send data to the wire but also create wifi hotspots in these areas.These readings will be picked by Nephalai satellites that will relay them to the wire in real time especially in the case of those in wilderness areas.In time biosynth plants and phytoplankton that generate WiFi for wilderness areas can be fitted with biosensors in their tissues,cells,readings and leaves to pick up readings from the atmosphere,soil and oceans.In both normal nanosensors and those modelled on plants biosynth WiFi can induce the evolutionary path of Cas-9 and raw polymerase to update their sensitivity,signal strength etc.Pan will decide where in the world and where on other colonies across the universe these will be placed for each type ie where each river,lake,ocean,soil and atmosphere nanosensors will be placed and how many.These nanosensors can also be built into smart devices like smartphones as attachments or within them to measure all types of environmental factors such as temperature,radiation,air pressure etc acting as a tricorder.Thus researchers,AI and the general public can view the readings from any nanosensor around the world at any day and hour of these long timespans for analysis of natural disasters,climate,environmental pollution incidents,animal and plant toxicology,efficacy of cleanup operations after ore extraction and similar studies and operations within the Artemis network etc.with selected data from any of these timespans such as days,weeks,months from multiple sensors and specific measured environmental factors from around the world easily selected by ticking boxes or typing in or dragging a mouse over the sets of serial numbers of in a local,region,country that they wish to add one at a time that can be put into single graphs and also one or more experiments and studies researchers are working on simultaneously with results and readings fed into Apollo networks for all the aforementioned types of scientific studies.The different types of environmental factors can be viewed singularly on the map by ticking boxes and ticking on will bring up it serial number and data in subfolders.This information can be brought up on a graph and through simple ticking of boxes more or all factors can be included in the graph with readings from different types of sensors:atmospheric,lake/river,ocean and soil merged together in a single or multiple graphs for all levels:local to global and timespans;days to millennia.Creating a circle or drawing a shape with the mouse or adonit pen can allow all sensors within an area to be included on graphs with one also choosing which towns/cities/states and countries and types of sensors in each area to include in this using search bars and transferring them to a list by pressing enter after filling the place and sensor types and environmental factors in separate bars with direct interaction with Theoi Meteroi and Pan making this easier.All past data can be fed in networks for scientific research as well as all new data in real time.For example atmospheric sensors would measure levels of greenhouse gases such as water vapour,methane,carbon dioxide on a global scale as well as temperature and interact with sensors in rivers,lakes,oceans and soils to take measurements of temperature,pH,carbon dioxide/methane(in ocean and soil sinks) as well as temperatures in these environments and use this data to be feed into and merged with weather,climate and Silviaterra networks(readings of forest cover locally,regionally,nationally,continental and globally and the tree species of each forest,jungle and wilderness etc since each species releases and intakes carbon dioxide at different rates during the year.Silviaterra will merged into satillites as part of Nephali with biosynths controlled by Pan also logging the species and number of each tree,fern etc in each jungle,forests etc.This is why forests,swamps and other wilderness would have their own atmosphere and soil sensors alongside those in waterways) to allow for a more accurate prediction for weather and climate conditions and environmental effects on a local,regional,continental and global scale to be ascertained.Soil and groundwater nanosensors can be bored into the soil by robots with atmosphere poles with sensors etc also set up using robotics or automated helicopters and lake,river and ocean ones deployed and anchored to the bed by researchers and in time robots.Data such as individual or all types of environmental conditions from all soil,ocean(both floating and deep sea buoys) and waterway sensors in all types of wilderness such as jungles,forests,deserts,tundra etc would also be fed into these networks since the environmental conditions of these areas would also play a role in the global climate that has not been fully understood due to them being sinks for carbon dioxide and other environmental factors yet with this emerging network can be ascertained when all readings from all types of sensors(including pH,wind speed etc)around the world are merged together by software into global climate and weather networks visible to the public.Data from buoys residing at the benthic zone and the very bottom of the sea floor that can also be fed into Theoi Meteroi and alongside soils give a more clearer view of the current climate and projections when added to the rest of the data from the in all other areas such as soil,waterways,atmosphere etc.This data will also take information from and in fact merge with existing satellite networks measuring rainfall,cloud cover,temperature,weather,ozone concentration,all important gas concentrations(ie bromide,nitric oxide (NO), nitrous oxide (N2O), hydroxy(OH) and those measured by atmospheric sensors with atmospheric sensors being developed to detect these also ontop of atmospheric poles and ocean buyos) etc used by Theoi Meteroi in short forming a global weather network that is visible to all members of the public allowing them to view data as well as weather and climatic predictions for areas on a local,regional,national,continental and global scale with data from all sensors in the air,waterways,oceans and soils around the world interacting with each other and as stated Silviaterra,and other related networks for more accurate predictions on weather and climate over short and longer periods of time.Asteria the new global version of NASA and its equivalents worldwide will eventually merge with this sub network with satellites orbiting Earth and other planets including new and existing climate and atmospheric ones will be managed by Theoi Meteroi constantly interacting with Asteria and interact with each other with regards to atmospheric readings but with the software Nephelai linking them together and managing interactions between Theoi Meteroi and Asteria and its operating software Astraeus.This will form the Nephelai network.The viewer can switch between each different type of networks;ozone,cloud cover,aerosols,ice sheets covers,temperature,solar luminosity etc and then merge these together as on with the data brought up as graphs and allow predictions in weather and climate to made over long periods of time accurately by the general public and scientists especially when Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing (BOINC) is integrated into here allowing them to alter theoretical changes in one or more of the environmental factors present in soils,oceans,lakes,rivers,the atmosphere,cloud cover,ozone etc and relationship one would have on another including those from existing satellite systems to carry out projections based on available measurements,projected measurements and theoretical measurements.All of this data from this network and individual sub-networks would be freely available to the public and scientific community allowing anyone to view the quality of oceans,rivers,soils,atmosphere quality at any point of the planet from anywhere in the world remotely for analysis,use in scientific studies on agriculture/mariculture/forestry/ pollution/environmental toxicology,or to check the quality of the environment and weather in their locale or in areas they wish to visit for holidays or trips,carry out climatological studies,projections on the weather and projections on local,regional,national,continental and global as well climate(as well as carry out peer reviews of these studies) on these levels over long periods of time from years to millions of years(it could even be used to predict the change of the Earth due to continental drift),sea level rise and will allow state bodies to carry environmental assessments of areas much easier for competitions to be more accurately determined like the Tidy Towns(and global variants) and also accreditation such as Blue Flag awards to beaches and similar places to be quantified with readings constantly plotted on Artemis with abnormal readings over extended periods of time alerting officials to strip areas of the award and will chart the cleaning of oceans,rivers,soils etc worldwide on local,national and global levels as well as chart efforts to reduce concentrations of carbon dioxide and other pollutants worldwide to acceptable levels.With regards to weather it can also allow them to carry out projections and simulations on all types of weather systems such as cold and warm fronts,tornadoes,storms,hurricanes etc both theoretical and actual ones occurring using all of the above data measuring and predicting their intensity,strength and path with maps from Artemis simulating their effects on cities and wilderness areas onshore and onland with the information alongside the geology of the area measuring their loss of strength overtime.This can all be done from the comfort of their own home or anywhere else with atmospheric,river,soil,ocean and other data such as ice core data and previous temperatures and gas(greenhouse and non greenhouse ones including ozone concentrations,aerosols concentrations,readings from all satellites(existing and new),solar luminosity readings,natural cycles such as solar and climatic as well as ocean cycles and rhythms,ocean current directions and temperatures(as well as salinity etc)El Nino,La Nina,tilts and rotations of the Earth over geological time(milankovitch cycles,)ice levels in glaciers and from both the Arctic and Antarctic,tree ring data and all other important factors and readings from all environments past,present and future that affect global temperature and climate can be stored in a subsystem or subfolder within the sub networks sectors(Nephelai,Aurai,Naiads,Nereides,Leimakids)and transferred easily from old studies from Apollo and government agencies for use by the public to carry out accurate weather and climate simulations and projections over long periods of time from days,years to millions of years using BOINC and in time more advanced software with Gaia through Artemis carrying out more accurate projections and theoretical simulations.These simulations can use VR indistinguishable from real life allowing one to view them in first or third person.Readings from Artemis,Pan and Pan that have stocks of all trees and tree species across the world from local to global levels in forests,rainforests,jungles,conservation areas etc to study the effect have on these projections by taking into account the levels of carbon dioxide and oxygen each tree species intakes and release during the year using Silviaterra.It may even allow for hypothetical situations such as the effects of volcanic eruptions and asteroid impacts of varying intensities on the global atmospheric,climate,ocean conditions and can even allow the one to ascertain the rate and direction of how pollutants travel over oceans,rivers,soils,atmosphere as result of currents,weather patterns and systems,climate on local to global levels over time based on readings in real time and projected readings.This subsystem within Theoi Meteoroi can include all data past and present collected by NOAA and similar government entities and universities worldwide(Met Office,Met Eireann,National Weather Service etc.)transferred here and the servers recycled with data from IPCC,NASA and all climate,space,atmospheric, ocean,river and wilderness entities worldwide sent here with the servers recycled as it would replace all existing global,national,continental ,regional,local entities including all meteorological government and corporations agencies absorbed into Theoi Meteroi.This will give weather and climate reports from around the world in real time and also in the coming days,weeks or even months and years based on all of the above data.All weather from local to global levels will be logged here as far back as possible with Theoi Meteroi replacing all of these entities worldwide.These feeds would also contain all the readings and information such as the average cumulative readings of all above sensors(water,air,soil and the individual environmental factor readings from each particularly temperature,humidity,individual gas contents) will be visible along the bottom of the screen for the country,region and locale they are viewing.All of the environmental factors for each sensor can either be viewed as all on one graph or in separate graph through settings within the network decided by the viewer.Named Theoi Meteoroi after the greek gods of weather this would replace traditional internet and television based weather forecasts and will be used by television weather reports as they could be viewed at any time from anywhere from devices linked to Artemis with Automated Insights Wordsmith giving text based reports based on the information.One could view any town,village,city,region and country with weather systems as satellite images in real time,pictograms etc and their progression over the coming days and weeks.The user will be able to see the current weather in real time of any location as well as projected temperatures,percentage cloud cover,rainfall,humidity etc over long periods of time such as hours to weeks or longer if possible on a graph with one or more of these visible on a graph with this updated with new information with existing sites and apps that project forecasts made defunct and the servers recycled making Theoi Meteroi the universal meteorological entity with all corporate and government meteorological entities also made defunct by it(ie Met Office,National Weather Service,Met Eireann).Dionysus will allow them to design their own weather forecasters appearance with an app allow alerts to be sent for the next day and direct interaction or they could use those of any member of Theoi Meteroi.News channels will in time design the appearance of their own forecasters with these forecasts on local,regional,national,continental and global levels over the coming hours,days,weeks,months with Theoi Meteoroi interacting with Alethia in Pheme or again will use that of the individual personalities of Theoi Meteroi.All of the environmental factors for each sensor can either be viewed as all on one graph or in separate graph through settings within the network decided by the viewer.This network could allow one to switch between any of the worlds satellites and space stations old an new orbiting the Earth and gain live feeds from them of the Earth for smart devices,computers and wallpaper.Buildings and headquarters used by these entities will be renovated into homes since all readings will be logged into Theoi Meteroi accessible at home via the wire with reports written up by software including any charts.Any new more sensitive technological advancements will require sensors to be replaced either by hand or in time robotics with records from older sensors still recorded and stored in Artemis.As stated earlier this would be plotted over long periods of time in averages :days,weeks,months, years,decades and centuries on all sections of areas :local,regional,national,continental and global allow for people to view them on a basis of each above mentioned period and thus the progress in cleaning up the environment etc..Volcanoes and other areas that are seismically or geologically active can also have nanosensors be permanently bored into nearby soil and by the crater alongside atmospheric sensors and those in nearby lakes and water bodies to be used in volconology studies and monitor approaching eruptions with aerial and land based drones made of materials such as graphene that can survive the intense heat of getting close to craters and magma and pyroclastic flows when flying through them with liquid glass offering protection in acidic lakes.Graphene since able to survive temperatures of 4,726.85 degrees celcius well beyond the 1,000 degree temperatures of pyroclastic flows and 704-1,204 degrees celcius of lava should be used with this used for poles,sensors and robots in the area with liquid glass protecting them from the acidity of them which can also survive temperatures of 1,600 degrees celcius.The land/sea/ocean bed/river/lake/river and lake bed buoys and poles that hold these sensors can double as holders for 540 degree cameras used to stream live feeds for digital windows,televisions and graphene wallpaper.To find the location of a sensor the Artemis network is taking readings from the citizen can log into the network and then choose a continent from a world map with the total number of registered sensors in that continent in a counter (both total and total type of all sensors),then this information repeated with a country in that continent selected,then the same information when a region/state/county is selected.Then they can selected the regions in that state/county/region and the same aforementioned information given and in this region map it will show all the different sensors in the region as dots the citizen can click on with the number of each one on each level local to global.Each type will have a unique letter code denoting the type of sensor and then its individual serial number for following this letter which can allow from them to input this in a search bar to quickly locate it and denote it from the others or they can search the lake,river,environment,town.city,ocean to bring these areas on the map and all sensors in a list to the side which they can click on.Soil sensors(S) will be yellow,atmospheric sensors(A) red with dual atmospheric and soil ones orange.Ocean,river,lake and atmospheric(W) sensors will be dark blue with sensors at the bottom of the sea,rivers and lakes embedded in the soil or crust being green and labelled(SW) with groundwater ones being light blue(G).All of the environmental factors for each sensor can either be viewed as all on one graph or in separate graph through settings within the network decided by the viewer.This will allow a person to easily locate them on a map(see later)and view their readings of them in time ie days,weeks,months,years,decades,centuries and so on and then specific days of each aforementioned time periods to view there averaged out readings on each environmental condition plotted on a graph with these levels of each pollutant,gases,air/water pressure,air/water temperature,UV intensity and index,types of radioactive elements and radioactive rays,virus/bacteria,heavy metals,pollutants,moisture content and pH etc. in oceans,rives,lakes,the atmosphere, etc.If any sensor is malfunctioning or has been removed by vandals or a natural disaster then it will appear as black on the world map and distinctive alerts will sound out to it on the sub network allowing for the problem to be rectified with AI giving its GPS location and nature of the problem which can be done by robotics and biosynths in time.Ideally the nanosensors will be attached to their buoys via graphene bolts with atmospheric towers will be composed of graphene and possibly buckypaper due to the fact they would repel lightening bolts and would be held in the ground by graphene bolts.They can view information on each individual sensor as well as averages of all of each type of environmental type such as all soils,rivers/waterways,oceans etc on local,regional,national, continental,global scales during each of the aforementioned timespans and also combine two or more or even all sensor types/locations and environmental condition onto the same graph/chart for studies again on the same location and time levels(local to global and days to millennia and so on) and choose which environmental factors and pollutants are plotted for each type of sensor.All pollutants and readings of environmental factors will be measured in a universal colour coded system – blue denoting safe,yellow denoting some concern,green denoting some danger and red denoting severe danger for each local,region,country and as the world as a whole as the colour of the line and dots representing these readings.The acceptable levels of each pollutant will be in brackets and when past the acceptable thresholds will alert the public on each incident that occurs,its location etc and levels will be sent to the main network and thus in turn all smart devices and homes in the area through interacting with Hestia.The setting up of all types of sensors worldwide will be automated by 2029-2045 with these allowing levels of pollutants and pathogens in soil,waterways,air,oceans to be relayed to the public,Mayor AI and governor AI in in ppm,ppb,ppt etc in real time with little to no human labour in collecting samples and then running them through machinery in state and corporate labs thus allowing dangerous levels of pollutants to be alerted to the public instantly with coverups and have AI such as mayor AI etc relay to the public what to do in order to avoid contamination and sickness.Thus all sensors worldwide will be marked as different coloured blips for each type ie blue for ocean/lake/river ones,yellow for soil ones,green for those in the beds of lakes/rivers/oceans and red for atmospheric ones etc with one able to view these on local to global scales and then which type of sensor to view on these scales and when one clicks on them they will be able to view the readings of them in real time and also view all past readings and also the levels of quality of temperature,pH,levels of pollutants and micro-organisms including pathogens from blue to red with them viewed as graphs of all types chosen by the viewer with this data open to the public and one able to view all data singularly,in groups of selected sensors of the same or different types or all of them the same or different types on local to global levels for use in quality studies or to predict future climate and weather over longer timescales more accurately and carry out simulations of where one can change the conditions of each sensors readings.All data will be logged by year,month,week,day etc with AI taking in results and recording them every day of the week,month,year etc over years,decades,centuries etc to allow for the levels of all pollutants,pH,temperature to be logged over geological timescales visible to the public from home with one able to have data both past and future data fed into networks for scientific studies releated to climate,agricultural,botany science etc managed by AI with this eliminating all human labour in the collection of soil and water samples and allow for data from anywhere in the world to be collected 24/7,365 days a year on demand by researchers,AI and members of the public.AI as part of Theoi Meteroi will decide where in the world these nanosensors such as soil,ocean,lake,river and atmosphere sensors will be placed around the world with them placed in all rivers and lakes around the world and in many soils in wilderness and urban areas across the world and dotted around all of the worlds oceans.Biosynth WiFi will relay results to the wire and if possible satillites.Each river and lake will have them at set points with all wilderness areas will have then at set points in fields and all oceans have them at set points with them visible on a map of the world that one opens up and can see each one and click on them to get all past information and all possible information.Warning alert systems to the public via apps and the wire for these can follow the same colour coded system allowing them to take action with suggestions given by the app on how to deal with the problem and when conditions are back to normal.These alerts can also be sent to Home AI app warning citizens if their nearby oceans,waterways and in particular the source of their water in their home is polluted or have dangerous readings of other environmental conditions alongside water entering their municipality from the water treatment plants.Wordsmith and automated insights will give recommended actions and like how to clean the affected area and also in the case of polluted water supply tell homeowners to either boil the water or abstain from drinking it and informing them of when the environmental conditions in all cases have returned to normal.This can also apply to structural integrity of buildings and infrastructure projects such as buildings and bridges and all can be present in underwater and underground communities.They can be sent directly to a persons smart devices instantly via apps connected to the wire.This information and open source system open to everyone will keep the public constantly in real time updated as to the current state of their local,regional,national,continental and global environments state and any dangers without government or corporate cover ups as seen in the cases of the Flint River Crisis and Hinkley Groundwater contamination scandals,manipulation of data in fracking controversies and also human labour involved reducing costs dramatically and allow any severe incidents to be reported to the public instantly and dealt with quickly via links to Artemis sent to their Home AI as well as alerts to their smart devices via links to the wire and Artemis since the readings are uploaded to Artemis in real time constantly 24/7,365 days a year with the sentient Theoi Meteroi reporting to the public and initiating any abnormal readings instantly and carrying out automated cleaning measures instantly.It will also allow for the public using all sensors of all types interacting with with each other determine the global concentrations of gases(such as greenhouse ones like carbon dioxide,methane,nitrous oxide etc) through Nephelai and Aurai in real time and the components of environmental factors of soils,waterways and oceans in real time.All labs that collect and test soil and water samples from all environments will be turned into homes due to them relayed into Theoi Meteroi or at least relegated to automated labs in universities.A global form of the EPA named Gaia managed by Gaia herself will set down universal guidelines for the safe levels of all chemicals,elements and toxins etc in water,soil,the atmosphere etc.Pan linking with Gaia will with advances in automation automatically carry out automated cleanup operations of all contaminated environments worldwide instantly once alerts are raised without cutting corners,corruption etc since progress can be monitored by the public in real time.Gaia itself will become sentient like Pan carrying out tests in automated labs around the world.It will also help in efficient application of fertilizers,water etc in home and community farms as well as fish farms as well as allowing people to denote if water is soft or hard and take appropriate measures.Furthermore the public will be able to determine the efficacy of their sewage and water treatment plants and will be fed into networks for scientific studies on toxicology and its effect on wildlife both flora and fauna,agricultural science,climate science etc.Each ocean,wilderness and urban area will be divided themselves into macro and micro regions in the same way with the same aforementioned information at each step and same colour and letter systems.Both simple and complex charts and statistics can be used to view all aforementioned information for both researchers and the general public.

To control the intensity of storms,monsoons,floods,hurricanes etc in the future calcium carbonate aerosols that reflect heat can be spread into the atmosphere in layers over oceans that fuel them to cool them preventing the storms from gaining strength with this of note to El Nino periods.Non toxic chemicals that freeze or at least cool the ocean could also be spread over large areas of the ocean to prevent them heating and thus powering these weather systems with these and other geoengineering techniques applied before and during hurricane and monsoons will be utilised to lessen the intensity of storms or even prevent them with simulations and research on these done by Prometheus.Marine cloud brightening in the worlds major oceans powered by VAWTs and wave pistons would be able to create rain rich clouds that would be pushed by the winds to desired areas and also deflect heat from the sun to prevent hurricannes and also other weather systems with lasers,cloud seeding and also other geoengineering used to control weather.In time research done by Hecate,Gaia,Theoi Meteroi,Prometheus can be done into methods to control weather systems other than these and possibly even ocean currents that can be utilised to push destructive weather systems when they reach their peak or even before they form such as monsoons,hurricanes,storms, away from habitat-ed areas and into areas such as colder waters where they would dissipated with these relayed to Ophion.Mastery of this would allow all weather systems and climate across the globe to be controlled over years and decades allowing all areas to experience stable levels of sun,rainwater and snow preventing extremes such as floods,droughts etc with these again pushed away to uninhabited areas such as colder waters where they dissipate or even create miniature weaker versions over the year of these to keep the global climate system in equilibrium preventing extreme weather events.For example to keep an equilibrium hurricanes would be much weaker or reduced to tropical storms and with the same applied to floods which could like hurricanes and even tornadoes increase in numbers but lower in strength to keep the level of water and wind strength spread out over a longer period over the year with them even pushed into regions of the world that have heatwaves and droughts during these periods or during the year so as to allow the water to be collected in rainwater collection systems for other heatwaves and droughts that may occur.If possible some of these instead of pushing them into colder waters could be pushed towards Africa and The Middle ideally over all deserts to give it rainwater and thus put it through an artificial wet period.Heatwaves and droughts could also be spaced out to make them less intensive and also more bearable for crops,reforested wilderness and those living there reducing the amount of water to be stored in these areas rainwater collection systems.This would allow each area of the world to get a stable level of rainfall,snowfall,dry periods,sunny weather with winters having controlled but bountiful snow,summers have warm sunny days and rainy nights to prevent droughts and heatwaves and the level of cloud cover controlled to prevent rises in skin cancer etc,autumn and spring periods would have mild weather to prevent crop losses and produce ideal yields and control the level of water needed for irrigation systems to be controlled to prevent them straining the local water supply.Aristaeus and Pan will interact with it in order to ensure all wilderness especially rainforests,jungles and reforested deserts alongside hybrid meadow,forest,grassland and community farms and even home farms get adequate levels of sun and rain during the year for high harvests and also frosts during winter to initiate plants that need them to germinate.As stated earlier it will also make hurricane seasons longer but less intensive being if possible merely tropical storms with the same applying to areas affected by blizzards and also tornadoes with this applying to heatwaves and droughts.Monsoons and hurricane hit areas would ideally have the same amount of rainfall spread out over the year to prevent the area being starved and them eliminated and replaced by frequent nighttime showers to not interfere with sunny weather that would replace defunct hurricanes,tropical storms and also monsoons.Any rain applied to areas around the world would ideally be as said at night as most people would be indoors at this point and also it being cooler means the rainwater would stay in the ground longer for hours more than in the day where it would quickly dry up thus allowing vegetation like crops and wilderness plants to be able to intake larger amounts with this applying to the spring and summer months with autumn and winter having this applied on days that are cloudy alongside nighttime.The rain could also be spaced out during the day as small showers and drizzle during all seasons allowing for both rain and sun to prevent plants and lakes etc drying up.Thus the rainwater would be applied all year round to be the normal amount they usually receive alongside from seasonal hurricanes,monsoons but through the entire year spaced out ideally nighttime,daytime drizzle or small showers and usual rainy seasons of the year with Theoi Meteroi once it analyses typical rainfall patterns all year long in all areas including in areas affected by storms,hurricanes and monsoons once carbon dioxide levels return to 280ppm will spread this out again at nighttime through the entire year.This will increase agricultural output as countries could have bountiful sunshine and rainfall all year long with some snow at winter which crops can be engineered to survive thus allowing for multiple harvests in all types of outdoor farms.Weather systems such as tornadoes will be either eliminated or occur only in wilderness areas or pushed into lakes and the ocean to form waterspouts.If possible technology will be developed that actually sucks and extracts all of the energy present in a hurricane,storm and tornado causing it to not only dissipate but actually harvest all wind and other energy present in them to be directly harvested and stored with the same done for earthquakes and volcanic eruptions providing vast amounts of energy to be stored and alleviate strains on the grid for several years or a decade with the energy using Brontes being shared across the globe by Brontes and Steropes.Theoi Meteroi will once it gains control of the worlds weather can aid in this but also have affected areas still have the same amount of rain from these systems deposited but spread out over the year preventing them from starved of rain especially rainforests,India,Florida etc that rely on moonsoons and hurricanes for rain to maintain lush vegetation that act as carbon sinks will have the same rain spread out over the year including milder less intensive flooding with them ideally at night all year long to allow the water to stay in the ground longer to be soaked in by vegetation and ensure days can be sunny and warm or within normal ranges with this applied this way during the entire year winter,autumn,summer and spring to prevent heatwaves as well as droughts in these areas and that levels of water groundwater and in a mains at ideal levels at all times.This will ensure bountiful snow in winter,sunny springs and summers with particular days of the year having certain weather such as Christmas and Thanksgiving holidays having snow and 4th of July,St.Patricks etc having sunny days.All patterns will be within normal pre industrial level 280ppm parameters and on a global scale with flooding,storms,monsoons more frequent but less intensive in their strength with rains as stated at night to allow the water to stay in the ground longer without drying up and since done all year long will prevent heatwaves,droughts as water levels in groundwater,lakes and rivers will be constantly at ideal levels all year long and ensure rainforests,jungles etc that rely on heavy rains will get the much needed they need to survive spaced out over the year.Flooding will be only minor in autumn and winter and rainwater can be spread out during drier months such as summer and spring that they experience dry spells to prevent heatwaves and droughts to space rainwater in areas where hurricannes,monsoons,flash floods occur to ensure they are not starved of rains vital to the maintenance of rainforests,jungles,agriculture and water used as drinking water and groundwater and rivers etc but not too severe as to cause damage to property and loss of human life ie floods,monsoons,tropical and hurricanes in areas where they are common will still occur more frequently but will be in less intensive forms spread out over the year that are weak enough not to cause loss of life or damage to infrastructure and crops but still provide the same levels of rain in pre-industrial conditions of 280ppm with them controlled by AI allowing homeowners to be able to have adequate preventive measures put in place,seek shelter in underground bunkers,higher floors of hotel style homes or leave the area temporarily with this controlled like all weather on a global scale weeks,months,years,decades and even centuries ahead visible to the public by 2045 onwards.It will bee done through geoengineering,marine cloud brightening,orbital mirrors,adding and removing carbon dioxide,water vapour and new technologies controlled the various AIs that are part of Theoi Meteroi.Hecate,Theoi Meteroi,Steropes,Brontes,Arges and Prometheus will spearhead research into this and would be possible 2060-2100..It will interact with Pan,Aristeaus etc to ensure rainfall and sunshine are at ideal levels to allow jungles,grasslands,forests especially hybrid ones flourish with it also aiding in keeping groundwater supplies stable alongside providing rainfall to home and community farms.As a result of using geoengineering and also readings from all sensors and satellites as part of its system and also from pipes connected to desalinisation plants Theoi Meteroi will be able to plan and control the global climate over decades or centuries ahead.This planning of weather or quick alterations may allow for certain holidays around the whether to have specific weather patterns ie sunny July 4th in America,snowy Christmas day etc year in year out with the weather and climate forecasts on local to global levels visible to the public over days to millenia to plan ahead for specific holidays visible due to its control of the weather and increased understanding of weather systems and even readings from all nanosensors in the soil,waterways,atmosphere and oceans etc worldwide.Reducing carbon dioxide levels back to pre industrial levels of 280ppm will prevent severe droughts,heatwaves,storms and hurricanes from occurring more often in the future and allow for more stability for Theoi Meteroi’s engineering of these systems.to more accurately control the weather Theoi Meteroi will take into account the effects of greening the worlds deserts including the Sahara,Arabian Desert,Gobi Desert and also Austrailian Outback though the use of desalinated water pumped into them using underground pipes,adding extra carbon dioxide into the atmosphere to cater to the increased vegetation to keep levels of the greenhouse gas at 280ppm with the plants intaking extra amounts of it and then it released and intaken when plants die and new ones grow is equal as well as even the addition of water in the form of water vapour via picotech fabricators in required levels and its removal at specific times of the year and decades ad the same done with carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in order to effectively control the weather globally to eliminate hurricannes,moonsoons replaced by less intensive systems spaced out during the year to deliver the same amount of water to the Gulf of Mexico,India,remove tornadoes and ensure all areas of the world including new forests and jungles in place of deserts get enough rain during the year with this also ensuring each areas gets snow during the winter and ensuring the Amazon and Atlantic Ocean is still fertilised with phosphorous and rainfall from the Sahara.This would also take into account readings from sattilites orbiting the Earth and on Mercury that analyse the suns cycles of sunspots,solar wind from Nephalai and Hecate and the axial tilt and rotation of the Earth and milankovitch cycles that would require water vapour and carbon dioxide added and removed from the atmosphere via automated systems managed by Pan.By about 2045 the sentient Theoi Meteroi will be able to plan this more accurately over years,decades and centuries without negatively affecting the global climate.By 2029-2045 AI namely Pan,Theoi Meteroi,Artemis and Tyche will do simulations as to organise these efficiently with all work being automated from start to finish with their effects on the global climate analysed and countermeasures created.The use of desalinated water in place of groundwater would also benefit Jakarta and other cities sitting on the coast that are sinking due to overuse of groundwater,with water from picotech fabricators and also flood tunnels and also treated sea water pumped into the ground etc to rectify the situation with AI such as Pan etc extrapolating ways to correct existing problems caused by them thus making them habitable again.Picotech fabricators can create large amounts of water in large underground areas for communities that are reused in looped cycles or in storage systems within homes,factories,vertical farms will be developed where water is reused over and over again with miniature internal cleaning systems using graphene sheets and super blasts of super high intensity UV light systems.Simulations should be done to see what effect adding this extra water to the hydrological cycle and weather patterns would do with the excess water removed via collecting water and adding it to looped systems and even splitting it into hydrogen and oxygen for other uses should any of this water escape via leaks and also transpiration of crops etc with interactions between Tyche,Theoi Meteroi and Hecate being constant to ensure all excess water that escapes is collected and used for other purposes.Nephalai and Aurai will monitor the levels of water vapour globally to carry out automated measures to keep the level of water vapour in the hydrological cycle constant.By 2045 they can do simulations to control the weather over decades and centuries with water vapour,carbon dioxide etc added and removed from the global system over and over again to change the weather patterns globally with the effects of reforestation of the worlds deserts etc taken into account and it able to create measures and countermeasures to each addition and removal of gases and water vapour etc thus allowing newly reforested land in the worlds deserts and existing rainforests like the Amazon to continue to be reforested and receive the same amount of rainfall and fertiliser and the rest of the climate stabilised and controlled.Thus at this point the global weather will be controlled by these AI controlling the addition and removal of water vapour,greenhouse gases,marine cloud brightening and other geoengineering.


This will play a role in turning the Sahara,Sahel,Middle East and all other deserts worldwide into lush grasslands,jungles etc capable of holding hybrid forest,meadow and grassland farms and allow community and home farms to be set up here making the developing world such as Africa and the Middle East have arable land on par with the western world alongside reforestation efforts thus alongside picotech fabricators and vertical farms end hunger in these areas indefinitely.This technology once carbon dioxide levels are reduced back to 280ppm and can once back at this level it can be used to control the weather and increase agricultural productivity and also prevent future forest fires,droughts and heatwaves,tornadoes and also hurricanes,flash floods and monsoons etc from ever happening again across the world.Orbital mirrors can also control atmospheric currents,winds that push artificial clouds to desired areas via controlling the dispersion of the light and heat from the sun.If possible heavy rains and water rich systems from the Gulf,Indian Ocean could be if possible sent to the Sahara and Sahel with the last or first of them reaching the Middle East more frequently to push it through an artificial wet period thus increasing the amount of grassland and forest cover with this making these areas more liveable and increase the amount of people able to live there and this may need extra water and carbon dioxide decided by AI to be added to the worlds atmosphere and oceans etc via picotech fabricators to ensure it doesnt affect the global climate and that carbon dioxide levels remain at 280ppm with orbital mirrors in space to create the same solar activity experienced by previous,future and potential axial tilts of the Earth as part of milankovitch cycles.If need be synthetic greenhouse gases like Perfluorotributylamine,Nitrogen trifluoride,Sulfur hexafluoride created onsite,captured and inserted into the atmosphere and them kept in a way they stay for decades more than normal if not indefinitely.These have a global warming potential roughly 17,200-23,000 times more powerful than carbon dioxide and last roughly 740-3,200 years whose levels can be measured and released in levels every few thousand years with the desired levels required measured in simulations.Theoi Meteroi may also take into account water released by transpiration from forests.Underground pipes from desalinsation pipes can be used to transport water alongside rainclouds created by marine cloud brightening.Desalinisation water treatment plants could at first and at the same time transport water to these deserts.If possible carbon dioxide and water vapour can be removed and if to levels below 150ppm and 200ppm then DNA from microbes that can extract carbon from the air at much lower concentrations,scratch DNA,that from C3 plants can be added to all plants worldwide via biosynth arthropods could allow plants to photosynthesis at these concentrations with AI determining the best solution including and and readding them and taking into account the coming milankovitch cycles with pinpoint accuracy by 2045 to prevent disruption to the rest of the global climate and ecosystems.The same could apply to all deserts worldwide such as the Atacama desert,those in Asia and the Middle East and Austrailian outback with all existing species of native flora and fauna engineered to adapt to the new levels of precipitation,lush vegetation via arthropod biosynths inoculating them with microbes that use CRISPR,introducing animals and plants created in labs that both pass on phenotypes via advanced gene drive technology to all future generations and also have Phanes create hundreds or thousands of new species of flora and fauna created by Phanes added to them to increase biodiversity.The Sahara and Sahel will have 85% of it turned into this lush greenland and the remaining 15% sandy desert kept as it is to allow the sand to be via atmospheric winds sent to the Amazon to fertilise it with rainwater and fertiliser.Picotech fabricators able to create enough sand in 1,000 years time enriched with nitrogen and phosphorous to fertilise it again for another 55,000,000 years ensuring the Amazon can continue to thrive forever.Otherwise leached phosphorus etc in the oceans etc can be collected and spread over the Amazon again.The worlds deserts in Nevada,Atacama,Sahel,Middle East and Gobi deserts and Austrsilia can involve either rain rich systems from the Gulf of Mexico,India monsoons and cyclones,typhoons pushed towards them via orbital mirrors controlling winds and atmospheric currents or having artificial rainclouds created by marine cloud brightening that are made to create rainfall via creating artificial warm and cold fronts etc via machinery and orbital mirrors or both that allow all of the worlds deserts house jungles,rainforests or at least savannah and temperate forest type climates and biomes with existing species of plants and animals genetically engineered to adapt to the new conditions and have Phanes create dozens of not thousands of new species for each new forest etc.Thus in time by the end of the century all of the worlds deserts will be turned into jungles,grasslands or Savannah capable of housing human life as well as more species of plants and animals and agriculture.All plants can have Firmicutes,xerophile and oligotrophic DNA and algea and nitrogen/phosphorous etc from picotech fabricators with biochar and organic matter created to provide soil.This DNA will allow them to survive with significantly lower levels of fertiliser and water and survive droughts.All plants in the Amazon and other rainforests will have oligotrophic,Xerophile Firmicutes DNA to need less fertiliser and water to survive droughts and lower levels of fertiliser with this added to existing plants via swarms of biosynth insects injecting microbes into them that add this via CRISPR treatments with advanced gene drive technology passing this from one generation to the next.Orbital mirrors controlled by Theoi Meteroi can reflect excess heat intaken by the trees to ensure the deserts have the same albedo effect thus preventing them warming the planet and throwing the global climate into chaos.Damage to trees and other plants by Schistocerca especially Locusta migratoria,Chortoicetes terminifera,Schistocerca gregaria etc can be negated by them having the same acellerated healing phenotype as humans and crops and having stubble that allows them photosynthesise during healing and also S.gregaria,L.migratoria,C.terminifera etc caught by humans as a protein rich food source routinely to keep their numbers stable.Marine cloud brightening and possibly calcium carbonate aerosols will via deflecting the light and heat away from oceans that power monsoons,cyclones,tornadoes,typhoons,tropical storms and hurricanes be able to lessen their intensity and strength or eliminate them completely with orbital mirrors ability to control the dispersion of heat and light on the Earth will also aid this via controlling wind patterns,ocean and atmospheric currents.Thus Theoi Meteroi will be able to eliminate hurricanes,cyclones,typhoons,tropical storms,monsoons,tornadoes from the Earth forever.To prevent areas that rely on these rain rich systems for jungles to survive becoming starved of rain then the sentient Theoi Meteroi that controls this can ensure the same levels of rain are applied to areas like the Gulf of Mexico,India,South East Asia,Europe spaced out over the entire year to prevent flooding with if flooding does occur it will be less severe and allow people to prepare with flood tunnels preventing damage and loss of life in urban areas with the rains ideally at night time all year long to allow the rain to stay in the ground all night long to stay longer and feed jungles,crops and allow days to be sunny and warm in both summer and spring and mild during the winter and autumn with bountiful snow during winter with having AI in charge preventing surprise out of season cold snaps etc and have pinpoint certainty about the weather globally.Drier months that experience heatwaves and droughts will have large amounts of rain at night time to allow the rain to stay in the ground all night long to stay longer and feed jungles,crops,keep levels of water in lakes,rivers and groundwater stable and allow days to be sunny and warm that excess evaporates to improve agricultural and jungle plant productivity and improve thus peventing droughts,floods and ensure rains from monsoons,storms,tornadoes and hurricanes which will disappear can be spaced across the entire year to ensure jungles etc are not starved and no flooding occurs or if it does human loss of life and damage to infrastructure is prevented via it being minor and flood tunnels collecting any that occurs with this pattern followed all year long with winter having bountiful snow during Christmas and other holidays get ideal weather.The water in the ground as it evaporates and transpiration form plants will make the atmosphere humid and not dry and potentially lead to more rainclouds and rainfall keeping the days sunny,warm but not unbearable and thus making it safe to be outside and create a looped cycle of showers during the drier months until it becomes cooler.Theoi Meteroi will once it gains control of the worlds weather can aid in this but also have affected areas still have the same amount of rain from these systems deposited but spread out over the year preventing them from starved of rain especially rainforests,India,Florida etc that rely on monsoons and hurricanes for rain to maintain lush vegetation that act as carbon sinks will have the same rain spread out over the year including milder less intensive flooding with them ideally at night all year long to allow the water to stay in the ground longer to be soaked in by vegetation and ensure days can be sunny and warm or within normal ranges with this applied this way during the entire year winter,autumn,summer and spring to prevent heatwaves as well as droughts in these areas and that levels of water groundwater and in lakes and rivers kept at ideal levels at all times.Urban areas will have flood tunnels to prevent flooding occurring in human settlements that will generate electricity and provide drinking water.Rural areas and isolated homes can prepare with door dams and underground bunkers with only wilderness areas flooded with the level of rainfall planned out for each night over decades and centuries to ensure any flooding and rains don’t affect the migrations,mating,breeding and hibernation seasons of all species with the sentient AIs that comprimise of Theoi Meteroi,Pan and Artemis running environmental simulations and countermeasure to any negative effects on both flora and fauna in all areas that have these modifications.Drier months during the spring and summer that experience heatwaves and droughts can have extra rain applied to keep the levels of water in rivers,lakes and groundwater stable at all times.The rain rich systems that lead to flooding,tropical storms and hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico will be pushed to rainforests in the Sahel and Sahara and monsoons in India can be pushed towards the a Middle East such as Saudi Arabia,Yemen,Iran,Iraq etc and tropical storms in South Asia pushed into Australia and Atacama Desert in South America and the desert of Nevada and the Eastern coast of North America.As stated India and Gulf of Mexico will be required to have the same level of rain pushed towards them created by marine cloud brightening and orbital mirrors but rather spaced out during the year as detailed earlier on using marine cloud brightening and orbital mirrors to create new rain rich systems all year long.Other new water systems can be created in the Pacific and pushed towards Australia,Middle East and Atacama Desert in South America and the desert of Nevada and the Eastern coast of North America.This will ensure bountiful snow in winter,sunny springs and summers with particular days of the year having certain weather such as Christmas and Thanksgiving holidays having snow and 4th of July,St.Patricks etc having sunny days.All patterns will be within normal pre industrial level 280ppm parameters and on a global scale with flooding,storms,monsoons more frequent but less intensive in their strength with rains as stated at night to allow the water to stay in the ground longer without drying up and since done all year long will prevent heatwaves,droughts as water levels in groundwater,lakes and rivers will be constantly at ideal levels all year long and ensure rainforests,jungles etc that rely on heavy rains will get the much needed rain they need to survive spaced out over the year.Flooding will be only minor in autumn and winter and rainwater can be spread out during drier months such as summer and spring that normally experience dry spells to prevent heatwaves and droughts to space out rainwater in areas where hurricannes,monsoons,flash floods occur to ensure they are not starved of rains vital to the maintenance of rainforests,jungles,agriculture and water used as drinking water and groundwater and rivers etc but not too severe as to cause damage to property and loss of human life ie floods,monsoons,tropical and hurricanes in areas where they are common will still occur more frequently but will be in less intensive forms spread out over the year that are weak enough not to cause loss of life or damage to infrastructure and crops but still provide the same levels of rain in pre-industrial conditions of 280ppm with them controlled by AI allowing homeowners to be able to have adequate preventive measures put in place,seek shelter in underground bunkers,higher floors of hotel style homes or leave the area temporarily with this controlled like all weather on a global scale weeks,months,years,decades and even centuries ahead visible to the public by 2045 onwards.Thus if flooding does occur then at least it will be not as severe as normal and people will be given time to prepare and set up defences.This can allow deserts around the world to be turned into savannahs and jungles and areas of Africa,Asia,India,South America and the Middle East to have frequent snowfall like the rest of the world which then melts into water for crops,jungles and so on.Plants in these areas will be inoculated by bisoynth arthopods to house psychrophile DNA and the accelerated healing phenotype to survive snowfall.Thus monsoons,flash floods,tornadoes,tropical storms and hurricanes will be eliminated worldwide with the rain water they provide to an area to feed forests,jungles will spaced out during the year to ensure that they are not starved with them fed to the area at nighttime to allow the rainwater stays in the ground longer and allow days to be sunny and warm during spring and summer and mild in autumn and winter with snow appearing during every winter with thunderstorms and hail etc kept under control.This applied evenly or proportionally throughout the year especially during drier months such as spring and summer will ensure the level of water in groundwater,lakes,rivers etc stays stable all year long with it negating the effects of heatwaves and it preventing forest fires going out of control.The rainwater will be applied at night time.Thus this will ensure areas that rely on hurricanes,monsoons,flash floods etc can still have the same amount of rain spaced out across the year at night time to ensure that jungles etc can still flourish while still preventing human deaths and damage to homes associated with them.Wilderness areas that require flood waters to survive will have the water released into them in continuous short bursts during the year using irrigation systems,aeroplanes and also other methods that can have the areas fed continuously through the year with minor floods to prevent them starved.It can be done in a way that wilderness areas are flooded but human settlements including rural homes etc are not flooded.The water will be released continuously throughout the year in lakes,rivers and ideally wilderness areas to fill groundwater supplies and keep wilderness areas,lakes,rovers and groundwater supplies have stable levels of water all year long especially during especially drier months preventing droughts.Wilderness areas may be applied with the water to allow groundwater levels be replenished and lakes,rivers kept at stable levels all year long with AI namely Pan,Theoi Meteroi etc devising methods to do this and both managing and monitoring it all year every year through automated measures.All plants can be innoculated with microbes that pass on oligotrophic,Firmicutesand Xerophile DNA added by CRISPR that pass on through advanced gene drive technology by biosynth Arthropods injected into them.Newly reforested plants can have this DNA in them.Orbital mirrors around the Earth managed by AI will also be used to control the weather on a global scale to control the dispersion of the light and heat from the sun alongside adding or removing carbon dioxide,water and other gases important to the Earths atmosphere and climate and oceans calculated by AI with them kept at ideal levels to keep the entire world at ideal concentrations similar to 722ppb of methane and 280ppm of carbon dioxide.AI will be able to create countermeasures to any problems that may occur.It will be done through geoengineering,marine cloud brightening,orbital mirrors,adding and removing carbon dioxide,water vapour and new technologies controlled the various AIs that are part of Theoi Meteroi.Hecate,Theoi Meteroi,Steropes,Brontes,Arges and Prometheus will spearhead research into this and would be possible 2060-2100.Orbital mirrors controlled by Theoi Meteroi can control the dispersion of light and heat on the planet from the sun thus controlling winds and atmospheric currents and possibly ocean currents that control the creation and movement of weather systems including artificial ones created by marine cloud brightening and by the mirrors heating of the atmosphere and oceans themselves.Thus by controlling the dispersion of heat from the sun orbital mirrors can control the formation of desired wind patterns with desired directions and speeds and also control the formation of desired atmospheric currents and possibly ocean currents around the globe that can be used to push artificial clouds formed by marine cloud brightening into desired paths towards the mainland to then burst into rain as well as creating their own rainclouds of the desired intensity and.volume of water with this alongside large machinery could also control the nature of warm and cold fronts across the globe.They can by deflecting heat from the sun away from the Earth can prevent the formation of typhoons,hurricanes,monsoons and tornadoes with by controlling the dispersal of the suns heat towards the Earth can control the formation of rainclouds,rain rich systems like storms and also wind patterns,atmospheric and ocean currents.This will also give Theoi Meteroi complete control of wind patterns and speeds alongside controlling both atmospheric currents and in turn to a degree ocean currents.By turning the suns heat towards land masses and the ocean it can allow for the formation of rain rich systems,desired wind patterns and atmospheric and ocean currents to carry them to desired locations on Earth with them deflecting its heat from the Earth also playing a role in creating desired weather patterns.The orbital mirrors directing or reflecting heat and light from the sun onto land masses and also the worlds oceans can control the nature of fronts whether they are warm or cold with marine cloud brightening and other large machinery that pumps warm or cold air into the atmosphere also aiding this.Marine cloud brightening and orbital mirrors heating the ocean and land can create clouds full of rainwater with orbital mirrors and artificial clouds created by marine cloud brightening being cooled to above freezing point and can induce rainclouds when in contact with warm fronts with marine cloud brightening,orbital mirrors and large machinery strategically placed inland on all land masses and offshore floating on all oceans around the world that pump large amounts of cold and warm air into the atmosphere will be able to control the nature of fronts whether they are warm or cold to control rainfall patterns,snow,dry periods,sunshine and cloud formation.A combination of orbital mirrors deflecting the suns heat away from Earth or directing it towards Earth,marine cloud brightening creating clouds of rainwater and machinery on the worlds oceans and land masses that pumps hot or cold air into the atmosphere can control the nature of fronts whether they are hot or cold,nature of atmospheric and ocean currents etc and thus control the weather with pinpoint accuracy.By 2045 the sentient Theoi Meteroi an amalgamation of dozens of separate AIs.will have complete control of the worlds climate and weather and will plan out the weather and climate on local to global scales over years,decades,centuries etc with the weather for each day on local to global scales over these timescales visible to the public via weather reports on news channels and radio stations and online websites relayed by the dozens of AIs that of which Theoi Meteroi is an amalgamation of.Due to AIs computing power surpassing that of all 9,000,000,000 people on the planet it will be able to calculate and control all necessary calculations and procedures on a global scale with pinpoint precision and deal with countermeasures to any problem that arises.It will do this for Mars,Venus and all colonies across the universe including artificial planets,ringworlds,alderson discs etc.The sentient Theoi Meteroi will not only link and manage all environmental sensors worldwide and on all terra formed planets but also control the weather on them as well on global scales with pinpoint accuracy but also plan it out on geological timescales such as years,decades,centuries,thousands,millions and billions of years ahead that will be relayed to weather forecasters on in all live news and radio stations as well as on its network in the wire and by contacting the AIs it is an amalgamation of.Theoi Meteroi which will be an amalgamation of dozens if not hundred separate AIs will replace NOAA,Met Eireann,Met Office etc and similar weather agencies worldwide.

All of these types of sensors whether atmospheric,ocean,rivers and lakes etc for environmental quality measurement will interact with each other by type and as a whole and also interact with smart devices such as e-newspapers,smartphones, and the onboard computers of aeroplanes,ships and vehicles to act as a sort of terrestrial based GPS triangulation system(acting as a backup should smart devices not have access to GPS or if only smart clothing are present)interacting with them via the wire to show people where they are on maps and in the case of emergencies such as fires,medical emergencies at home and in the streets relay alerts both to the relevant emergency services and to citizens in the surrounding area by interacting with home AI,smart clothing and devices.They will also aid in showing where a person is on a map by interactions between multiple sensors and the devices that the 2D/3D maps are streamed on via the wire based on their distance from them and will work in both urban areas such as cities,towns,villages and wilderness areas such as jungles,forests,oceans etc by possibly giving wifi to devices in all wilderness areas such as oceans.This may theoretically make GPS satellites obsolete alongside other measures such as quantum compassing/entanglement/telecommunications and can also provide wifi to rural areas and the wilderness ie jungles,swamps ,deserts,oceans, forests etc thus giving vehicles here access to Hermes and traffic networks in these areas.These and existing GPS systems will be part of Ophion as well being linked to Theoi Meteroi constantly thus and will also aid automated vehicles.Atmospheric poles in the wilderness can send data by being connected directly to switchboxes providing wifi and internet cables to the surrounding area and buildings ,towns etc through graphene/borophene cables set down by robots with them also having cellular towers covered in metamaterials to prevent them being an eyesore with solar power planes that fly above them indefinitely and provide wifi with those in the ocean sending it again by solar planes and also the buyos being directly connected to underwater fibre optic cables or underwater cities that contain switchboxes that anchor them in place and also provide wifi to any cruise ships and private yachts and aeroplanes in the area.Cellular terminals to link telecommunications to each other will also work with this system and the wire bypassing the need to launch more into an already overcrowded space and run the risk of damage from space debris with the remaining satellites being only weather satellites.Routine automatic diagnostics on all systems such as wiring,the functioning of each sensor type such as each type and each one for each environmental factor,robots and machinery will follow an universal colour coded system – blue denoting safe,yellow denoting some concern,green denoting some danger and red denoting severe danger making it easy for the layperson to recognise the level of severity of the problem.Automated Insights and similar software can inform the public through these alerts the nature of the problem and also recommended steps to rectify the problem.

Each network and the software that manages them will named after a specific type of nymph for each environment they measure:Nereides for oceans,Naiads for rivers and lakes as well as all terrestrial water bodies including groundwater,Leimakids for soils,Aurai for atmosphere sensors,Nephelai for readings from all satellites new and old that detects levels of gases and also weather satillites.Each one of these will be sentient and consist of all of the members of each group from Ancient Greek mythology that are separate AIs from each other with Theoi Meteroi being an amalgamation of all of them from each section.These will be separate individuals with the same names as in ancient literature with their avatars will be based on their descriptions,murals,paintings etc from Ancient Greece.Thus Gaia will create each individual member of the Nereides,Naiads,Leimakids,Aurai,Nephelai by first crosreffencing Apollo,Wikipedia and other databases to them create each individual member of these groups of nymphs etc of which there are dozens of hundreds and have them given separate personalities  and avatars each in charge collectively of each network of Theoi Meteroi they are part and in charge of and also Theoi Meteroi itself.They collectively control the weather and also interact with the public for weather forecasts online and in live news.The symbol of Theoi Meteroi will be a Sun surrounded by the twelve signs of the zodiac representing the seasons and its changes in weather as well as the four types of sensors.These networks will extend to all planets across the universe but will be separate from each one on each planet with each planet etc having their own version of Theoi Meteroi