Genetic Engineering & Augmentations:
Excess nutrients such as fat,carbs,proteins and sugar including stored deposits of these could be dealt with by the biocompatible microbes also signalled to consume them as food sources or work on the same principle as lipase inhibitors and carbohydrate blockers such as orlistat by having excess covered in biofilm or compounds that allow them to be flushed out of the body in urine and feces in controlled bursts but also negating issues associated with Streptomyces toxytricini recombinant DNA added to them to produce lipstatin but also the patient can have scratch DNA added to them or the lip statin can be be synthesised in a way that negatesthe effects of orlistat such as oily fecal deposits and even the promotion colon carcinogensis by altering fats into carbohydrates or even water,oxygen and other benign compounds that the body can use in other uses and those that can be expelled in urine and feces without promoting cancers in the bowl,bladder etc.Any tumours formed will be fought off instantly by anti-cancer strains or the removal of cancer from the human genepool will aid in this.Scratch DNA can be added that prevents complications of orlistst with the amount of the compound produced decided by the patient with one choosing to have anywhere between 5-99% of all fat injested for each meal and snack prevented from being absorbed by the body and flushed out by having microbes produce a specific amount of orlistat.Fats can also be sent into deposits in desired areas such as to for insulation and protection of vital organs as well as to be used in the formation of new tissue to repair organs and rejuvenate dying tissue into new ones to combat the effects of ageing with this of note of the microbes role in speeding up the normal development of new neural tissue in pre-teens and adolescents.If possible to alleviate this chemical signals can be sent to allow all microbes in endospores to be awoken and undergo mass replication to allow them to use up excess fats,amino acids and fats in the bloodstream,underneath the skin as well as those covering organs and the return to their endospore state with in times of excess fat build up those covering organs first used by bacteria then them going back into an endospore state and others flushed out these layers of fat surrounding organs replenished by these bacteria signalling the body to do so or by them taking in fats and then building up layers of fat on these organs to use up excess fats.The fat surrounding organs could be consumed by microbes and them signal to the brain to then send excess intaken into these areas to have it sent to vital areas and not build up in other areas of the body such as buttocks,thighs etc.They would also readily consume excess stores of adipose tissue stored under the skin in all parts of the body such as thighs,buttocks,chest etc directly by breaking down and consuming the adipose tissue.If possible the microbes signalling the breakdown of muscle tissue or cause tissue to undergo apoptosis to force the bodies natural repair systems and themselves to use up this excess fat before it builds up with the microbes creating new tissues and the replication of bacteria to take their place using up more fat.They can at the same time release capsaicin into the body raising the bodies metabolism to increase fat use and stimulate brown fat to burn white adipose tissue while still using up stores of fat in white adipose tissue themselves or even using CRISPR allow for the bodies own native metabolism and inability to absorb fats to be enhanced.Forming new tissues to treat ageing,accelerate neural tissue in adolescents and increase intelligence,repair ruptures in organs and also repair trauma to the skull,brain and other organs will also use up fat stores.As stated if a patient consumes large amounts of fats and sugars and has excess stores build up in the body then microbes from all strains could via Paean and biosynth WiFi awake from endospores,undergo mass replication and consume excess nutrients consumed and excess fat before or after it is stored in the body and once this is done be flushed out of the body via urine and faeces by stimulating one to urinate or defecate to prevent binge eating especially during seasonal periods such as birthdays like Christmas,Easter,Halloween that makes one to put on weight and would ensure one would stay at a desired body fat percentage all year round without having to undergo exercising to lose the weight.Thus when one consumes fatty and sugary foods and thus consumes too much food and also during Christmas and Halloween etc Paean would signal to all strains to awaken from endspores and undergoe mass replication to then consume excess fats and sugars etc and then be made to undergo apoptosis,put back into endospores or exit the body via feces and urine with even defecation and urination during this and outside this controlled via Paean via chemical signals to the brain released by microbes.They can be made to consume a set amount of these nutirents via detecting levels via their sensors or biosynth implants that ensures that a desired level of fats,sugars and proteins etc is left in the body to be used by the body as nutrition and yet still maintain ones desired percentage body fat.The microbes can be chosen by the patient to consume all excess nutrients or a set amount of each one between 5-95% of what is consumed.Biosynth implants in the body will also intake a set amount of nutrients as well as well constantly measure the level of fats,sugars and proteins in the bloodstream with when excess of any nutrients are present they will via biosynth WiFi alert other strains of microbes to undergo mass replication and consume a set amount of each nutrients then undergo apoptosis and be flushed out of the body via feces or ideally urine when the level of nutrients is at ideal levels with this ensuring their being only enough to keep all tissues in the body alive and then excess disposed of properly to prevent excess being turned into adipose tissue etc or prevent them building up in feces and urine etc with these implants via being connected to the peripheral nervous system control the nervous system alongside producing hormones etc controlling the liver,kidneys etc to ensure only a certain amount of fats are converted into adipose tissue and the rest excreted in urine to be recycled in the form of algae In sewage treatment plants with it controlling all aspects of the gastrointestinal tract and excretory system etc.They will be separate implants from neural implants and will be controlled by Paean at all times that thus control all aspects of digestion,absorption and excretion of nutrients.Furthermore the microbes can convert large amounts of sugars into cellulosic fibre to allow people to get the sweet taste of sugar in foods and fizzy drinks and then not gain weight by having it converted into cellulosic fibre in the stomach and bloodstream through anabolic and catabolic reactions or synthesis of compounds released into the bloodstream etc that gives a person a feeling of fullness and prevent constipation.High density lipids,plant sterols and omega-3 fatty acids will be synthesised by microbes via recombinant DNA from plants and animals.These will be synthesised in the bloodstream in large amounts when home test kits and implants detect dangerous levels until they are at normal levels.Existing clogged arteries can have the cholesterol be consumed by the microbes as nutrition and them released as base elements or converted into both omega-3 fatty acids and high density lipids as a waste product or them converted into these via anabolic and catabolic reactions that in turn would be able to remove other cholesterol in the bloodstream alongside them creating high density lipids,plant sterols and omega-3 fatty acids that clear them of the bad cholesterol using DNA from relevant plants and animals or via catabolic and anbolic reaction with DNA from B.subtilis SFF34.Implants and home test kits will detect the level of cholesterol in the veins and arteries and if present or in high amounts then the microbes will under direction from Paean synthesis plant sterols,omega-3 fatty acids and high density lipids using recombinant DNA from plants and animals that produce them to clear the body of cholesterol with this stopped when home test kits and implants detect levels are within healthy ranges and have disappeared with microbes instructed to consume any cholesterol built up in the bloodstream thus keeping levels of cholesterol at healthy levels constantly.Microbes could also synthesis statins and synthetic drugs and natural compounds that lower cholesterol and could also be engineered to feed on cholesterol in the bloodstream feeding on that already present in ones arteries and consume any excess in the bloodstream primarily low density lipid cholesterol with high density lipids left alone thus aiding in preventing heart attacks and strokes.Thus the second cholesterol levels rise to high unhealthy levels Paean will signal to the microbes to carry out these measures thus keeping the arteries consistently at healthy or low levels of cholesterol.This will render cholesterol medicine obsolete forever.Death or damage to the brain from strokes and heart attacks would be negated by the carbon dioxide energy acceptor phenotype and also acellerated healing phenotype meaning even if a person has a heart attack or stroke they will not be affected but cholesterol will be removed to ensuring a healthy heart rate while exercising,walking as well at rest and prevent discomfort.Scratch DNA can be designed by Phanes added to patients to preventing cholesterol from building up in the bloodstream and arteries in the first place meaning once cholesterol is used by the body for its functions all excess cholesterol will be flushed out of the body preventing it building up in the body.VR simulations can allow one to eat as much unhealthy food that is rich in sugars,complex carbohydrates and fats that they want without gaining weight with this also catering to expensive,time consuming foods including manufactured food products that take time to order in from Deipneus factories allowing one to eat them at a whims notice when carrying out ones favourite pastime.This would allow one to eat a diet high in sugar,fats including cholesterol etc and still maintain a healthy body shape and even low body percentage fats ie similar to bodybuilders and athletes without having to exercise at all as excess fats and sugars would be consumed by microbes and them building up muscle by causing tissues to undergo apoptosis and also stimulating the burning of brown fat.This could as stated perform the same functions as orlistat and even carbohydrate blockers without side effects including the oily stool as the nutrients would be turned into oxygen and carbon dioxide released in short bursts or benign compounds released into the urine or feces.This would be done microbes consume the unabsorbed nutrients or scratch DNA added to the patient that causes the body to convert this excess fat and carbohydrates and indeed all excess fat and carbohydrates etc into benign compounds or disposed of from the body from urine and feces..If possible bacteria that produce electrical charges could have their DNA and others from scratch added to stimulate muscle development directly on the surface by charging hydrogen and other ions alongside nanobots stimulating them through direct stimulation and exercising of muscles and also electrical charges.Otherwise electrical impulses from the bacterias neural clusters or from the mechanotransduction phenotypes of C.elegans using electroconductive pilli or those from scratch to convert chemical reactions into electrical ones could accommodate this with CRISPR treatments applied to muscle cells and tissues to make them more able to become exercised,strengthened and use up less protein,amino acids and use more or less fat in their production and when strengthened.If deemed safe in simulations and also in animal trials have the muscles broken down by the microbes by them attacking them or inserting genes into muscle cells to make them undergo apoptosis or breaking down the cell walls and consuming the cells or applying compounds that break down the cell walls when they are attached to them in a controlled manner as well in any desired area such as the face,waist,thighs,buttocks so as to allow them to be repaired by the body similar in normal exercise thus using up stores of fat with the amount of cells and the intensity they are broken down controlled to increase the amount of fat used up controlled by Paean with hormones created by the body and microbes increasing the size and strength of the muscles when repaired via CRISPR treatments into the hosts genome thus allowing one to lose weight in terms of body fat and gain muscle without exercising alongside them consuming stores of fat and even excess nutrients allowing one to get their desired body fat percentage.The accelerated healing phenotype would be removed to allow the tissue regrow naturally or the phenotype would remain to aid in the regrowth if it removed would damage a person with trials involving animals and biosynths carrying this out. This would replicate the measures in weightlifting and bodybuilding as large numbers of muscle cells would be caused to undergo apoptosis and thus force the body to create new ones in their place using up stores of fat and build up muscle alongside microbes creating new tissue ontop and create hormones using up more stores of fat with the acellerated healing phenotype ensuring that it is rebuilt and stores of fat are used up with this allowing the healing to be instant without pain with pain treated via microbes creating natural painkillers onsite of the areas affected.Natural pain killers can be applied by other strains to counteract the pain or the accelerated healing phenotype added to them can cause this to be repaired much quicker with essential amino acids synthesised by the host or intaken in by the diet can expedite this also.Scratch DNA applied via CRISPR can be applied to ensure these new cells are more stronger naturally etc and also increase the rate of repair negating the issue of pain.Electroconductive pilli on microbes could be used to apply electrical impulses in large numbers on each set of muscles to further aid this.They could also initiate the burning of brown fat through producing chemical signals that initate chemical reactions to burn brown adipose tissue that then initiated the burning of white adipose tissue and also prevent white adipose tissue forming with this done by the bacteria synthesising relevant hormones,signals at the stores of brown adipose tissue through microbes creating these hormones and capsaicin inside the bloodstream in controlled waves on demand or when the body has too much fat,has consumed large amounts of fat and this done when the body is hot to keep thermoregulation while at the same time consuming stores of white adipose tissue themselves.Capsaicin can be created by microbes via recombinant DNA from Capsicum in the blood stream thus avoiding the effect of consuming may have on the gastro intestinal tract and tongue in desired amounts to initiate the burning of fat in the body and raise metabolism with anabolic–androgenic steroids both natural and synthetic created via recombinant DNA from humans etc and anabolic and catabolic reactions with the heart and liver etc made immune to their effects,plant sterols created to counter the rise of LDL cholesterol and also them produced onsite of skeletal muscles to prevent them effecting the rest of the body.Other side effects will be prevented in the same with Paean determining new ways to do this.AI can scan databases of fruits and vegetables,fish and shellfish including the entire internet,Physis etc that contain compounds that increase base metabolism,initiate the burning of brown and white adipose tissue,inhibit the bodies ability to store adipose tissue and cholesterol,regulate and reduce cholesterol and blood sugar levels etc and have relevant recombinant DNA added to a sub strain of microbes that releases these in controlled levels together that the levels of all of the compounds are constant in the body at all times 24/7,365 days a year.They could be engineered using recombinant DNA from from relevant plants,animals and crops release compounds like capsaicin that increase the bodies natural rate of metabolism and thus rate of fat burning,those that regulate blood sugar levels,inhibit fat absorption from plants and animals but also produce hormones that aid in the formation of new muscle or directly synthesising them directly or both.These phenotypes and compounds such as capsaicin and those that regulate blood sugar could be produced by the patients body through horizontal gene transfer via adding the genes that create these compunds added to the patients genome negating the need for a separate sub strain.These microbes could also use up and consume existing stores of adipose tissue and fat stores in desired areas such as the thighs,buttocks,waist,chest and even those surrounding vital organs especially the heart in desired amounts to keep levels of fat in these and all areas of the body in desired amounts with as stated cholesterol in the bloodstream consumed as well.All of these functions will need and involve constant interactions between Paean and microbes and biosynth implants measuring levels of excess nutrients in the body thus ensuring that the body itself will not become starved especially considering oligotrophic,xerophile,Firmicutes will affect metabolism with if need be these sources of DNA have scratch DNA that will only take effect only when nutirent levels are low preventing one gaining weight from eating normal levels of nutrients.Both Paean and Heracles would control all actions of microbes with regards to the loss of body fat and building up of muscle and their maintanence.Turning off or removing the fat insulin receptor gene as well as myostatin gene and have humans naturally synthesise essential amino acids,fats and other nutrients required for muscle growth via horizontal gene transfer and CRISPR can be used to further play a role in this and prevent heart disease,obesity and diabetes with them wiped out of the human genepool indefinitely if applied to all living patients via advanced gene drive technology and as well as stated allow one to eat as much as one wants and not gain weight and stay muscular or toned with engineering from populations of humans and scratch also improving ones metabolism with its increased nutritional requirements negated by oligotrophic DNA.The fat insulin receptor gene is responsible for ensuring all excess calories from food are used and stored as adipose tissue thus removing this gene will ensure the body only uses calories it needs roughly 2,000 calories for females and 2,500 calories for males with excess flushed out of the body via feces and urine thus one could eat beyond 2,000 – 2,500 calories in the range of 5,000 – 10,000 calories and still not gain weight thus making it easier for those who are overweight and obese to lose weight much more quickly as all exercise will use up stores of adipose tissue in the body and not those consumed and prevent those who are of normal weight become overweight or obese.The myostatin gene is responsible for preventing muscles growing too large so removing this would make it easier for people to grow muscle with less exercise with removing both means one could eat as much as they want and grow large muscles with less weight training and exercise with them also possibly requiring less nutrition through adding oligotrophic DNA.The populations of humans with high metabolism and ability to clear ones arteries to be cleared of cholesterol will once added to Physis can be added to all patients worldwide making it easier to become and stay muscular and increase fat burning power with scratch DNA devised by Phanes to enhance this.Genes from other animals especially mammals that make them muscular and also lean such as those from the Belgian Blue breed of cattle can be added to human patients to create large muscles.These genes can be modified by Phanes to create different desired levels of muscles in humans in between normal levels in humans and that of the animals they are derived from and even beyond that of animals.Scratch DNA can enhance metabolism to its theoretical limits.Patients can have recombinant DNA come from plants and animals to have patients synthesise all essential amino acids,fatty acids thus negating the needs to consume meat,eggs and whey protein in order to build muscle.This could be applied to patients currently obese etc thus making it easier to lose fat and gain muscle.Patients could eat and drink as much high protein and high fat,high carbohydrate food,snacks and fizzy drinks as they wanted and still maintain a low and idealised body fat percentage,slim and athletic body and high muscle mass with minimal or even no bodybuilding or exercise if perfected.A person would still have to do some exercise such as cardio to maintain a healthy heart rate as well as some weightlifting to increase more fat burning and muscle building though it would not be as intensive as normal to build muscle as this would compliment and enhance a persons normal workout regime.Exercise in the form of cardio,endurance training and weightlifting would be still done to have a healthy heart rate and blood pressure and even increase metabolism and compliment actions by CRISPR and even ensure that one does not become tired by doing everyday actions and keep levels of cholesterol in the body are low.The accelerated healing phenotype can cause muscles to be repaired much quicker during normal weightlifting and bodybuilding meaning rest periods between exercise can be shorter meaning exercises can be done every day and one would lose body fat,gain muscle and get stronger much faster due to the healing being fast,synthesis of essential amino acids,removal the fat insulin receptor and myostatin genes and exercises being done every day.Thus exercise in the form of walking,running,hiking,endurance training and weightlifting and bodybuilding would still be done by patients including and bodybuilders to maintain a healthy heart rate,healthy blood pressure to prevent heart conditions as well as discomfort as well as for maintaining a desired body fat percentage and furthermore alleviate strains on both Paean and Heracles and for its used as a hobby and also competitions.Heracles the universal sentient personal trainer app will plan out exercises and meals for people around the world availible 24/7,365 and work alongside Paean at creating muscle etc via microbes and will teach them how to carry them out using VR technology,biosynths smart devices and arranging and planing meals ordered in from restaurants and when in them in person and also have chef robots at home prepare healthy customised meals using crops etc that he will order in Demeter with him planing all exercises,microbe treatments and also even exercises for each person across the world for free replacing human trainers.Thus a person could gain a desired body percentage fat and also muscle mass sent to Paean controlled by him without exercising at all or doing very little than normal while preventing loose skin forming and also allowing one to still eat high carb,high fat and protein diets.The reverse could be applied with the patient choosing to have themselves obese, or overweight of a desired percentage body fat with this of not to those who have a sexual fetish for it as well as actors allowing it to be done within a short time and then gradually lose the weight to a desired level safely without damaging the liver and heart with the microbes switching on the fat insulin receptor gene,synthesisng and depositing adipose tissues in desired areas and also preventing fats from being used up or even deposited in the arteries without the need for unhealthy fats with even have the body synthesise fats itself and collect in desired areas preventing damage to the heart an also liver.Applying all of these methods in a controlled manner together will ensure that excess nutrients will be used up and prevent the chance of any side effects that over the long term could lead to discomfort or even cancer.To further enhance weight loss and prevent one gaining weight and maintain a muscular body gene therapy can remove the myostatin and fat insulin receptor gene and also remove other genes and add others from certain populations of humans,those from animals and also from scratch to limit the amount of fat the body stores,keep ones metabolism high and body lean and muscular without any extra weightlifting and cardio and synthesise all essential amino acids and fats etc.Enhanced metabolism to use up more fat etc that would be in direct competition of slowed metabolism to halt and reverse the ageing process by this switching on and off in relation to chemical signals from the brain with relation to food with any damage caused repaired by recombinant DNA from other extremophiles including aerotolerant DNA and DNA that repair telomere and mitochondrial DNA with scratch DNA developed by Phanes that counteracts enhanced metabolism effects that ensures that enhanced basal metabolic rate has on the ageing process.Scratch DNA extrapolated by Phanes can be added to patients allow for enhanced metabolism that allows for increased fat burning rate.Aerotolerant bacteria and scratch bacteria can negate the effect of oxygen etc has on DNA during enhanced metabolism.To prevent oligotrophic and xerophile DNA having the effect of one gaining more weight from eating a normal amount of food if possible scratch DNA could have the oligotrophic,xerophile and Firmicutes etc DNA only exhibit these phenotypes of forming endospores primarily in times of extremely low levels of nutrients and in normal times not intake excess nutrients outside reduced caloric intake requirements with enhanced metabolised added that would be able to occur.Thus scratch DNA can be added that makes them exhibit the formation of endospores only in extreme starvation and dehydration with it also added to prevent the person gaining weight when consuming normal amounts of food and water with it added to interact that of enhanced metabolism DNA.Scratch DNA can allow the cells of the body only use what is needed especially reduced levels of nutrient intake due to the oligotrophic DNA with excess nutrients inhibited from being converted into and stored as adipose tissue or cause complications associated with excess nutrients with it the body engineered to break down excess nutrients into benign compounds and/or flushed out of the body with microbes and biosynth implants in the body using up excess nutrients not consumed due to oligotrophic DNA reducing the bodies nutritional requirements with the same applied to vitamins,essential fats and proteins synthesised by the body.The cells and tissues in a patients body can be engineered using scratch DNA to only require and use the base amount of fats,proteins and complex and simple carbohydrates that it needs especially lower amounts from oligotrophic DNA added to them with it all excess nutrients not needed flushed out of the body through urine and feces without being converted into adipose tissues without side effects such as oily feces etc with microbes also consuming extra nutrients.Thus all cells will be engineered only intake what is needed and all excess fats,sugars and proteins etc inhibited from being used in the body and also prevrnted from being converted into adipose thus meaning instead of being used by the body and being converted into adipose tissues will be flushed out in the form of urine and feces preventing one gaining weight from eating too much fatty or sugary food.The level of inhibition can be customised for each patient by Phanes creating different genes suited to one’s lifestyle etc for each individual patient.Phanes will arrange scratch DNA to create metabolic countermeasures to ensure a person can consume normal amounts of nutrients and not gain weight.The rate of microbes consumption of all of each of these individual nutrients could be controlled by the signals sent to them by nanomachines controlled by neural implants,Paean as well as Heracles to allow them to consume excess fat and glycogen stores in the body and what is consumed,excess sugar and carbohydrates to prevent or treat diabetes with them also taking account ones diet similar to carbohydrate and lipid blockers like orilstat without the side effects.To prevent over eating microbes can synthesise neurotransmitters that make one feel full and no longer hungry that are including new ones created by Phanes and Paean through anabolic and catabolic reactions and scratch DNA applied to ones neurons thus negating stomach stapling and other invasive permenant surgeriesthe brain that make one feel full and no longer hungry that are applied to ones neurons thus negating stomach stapling and other invasive permenant surgeries.Natural compounds including fibre and other natural compounds and also synthetic compounds can be synthesised by microbes in the stomach that make one feel full.Existing patients that have had their stomach stapled will be able to have a bioprinted stomach created and added back to the body through surgery or have in vivo stem cell surgery create stomachs normal sized stomachs inside the body.Microbes in the stomach and gastrointestinal tract can synthesis compounds that make one feel full.If a person eats too much and ones gastrointestinal tract is overwhelmed then microbes can undergoe mass replication and consume large amounts of biomass to break it down to prevent damage to the gastrointestinal tract.Scratch DNA added to a patient’s genome can allow all cells,tissues and organs in the body to be only able to absorb a certain amount of fats,carbohydrates and proteins to maintain a healthy body fat percentage and body weight as base survival for each individual based on their age,gender,genetics,exercise regimes that can be changed any time through CRISPR and any excess not needed or used by the body flushed out of the body via feces and urine with the liver and other organs that process nutrients etc prevented from processing them or converting them into glycogen or adipose tissue with these excess nutrients being simply flushed out of the body with the scratch DNA also preventing complications devised by Phanes.To prevent oily feces and other complications the excess nutrients can be consumed by microbes undergoing mass replication with them signalled to undergoe mass replication when they build up by Heracles,Paean and even the body signalling them to consume them.All implants in the body and the microbes will be able detect the levels of them via receptors on their surface that detects excess levels of each nutrients and once the excess nutrients are consumed the microbes will be flushed out of the body via feces and urines or enter endospore or undergoe apoptosis with Phanes developing scratch DNA to prevent oily feces,liver damage and tumourgenises etc and other serious side side effects occurring.The acellerated healing phenotype will repair any damage to the liver etc with anti cancer strains killing off any tumours that arise.Thus if perfected the body will only consume what is needed without converting excess into adipose tissue and glycogen and it either flushed out of the body in urine and feces with microbes also consuming them.Genetic engineering can increase human metabolism to the point that excess food is burned with zero weight gain and side effects via scratch DNA and that from populations with high metabolisms added to the host’s genome with recombinant DNA from plants and animals added to patients to have them produce compounds that inhibit the absorption of fats etc and regulates blood sugar and also prevents excess being converted into adipose.This can be done to aid in weight loss and will be done once patients reach a desired body fat percentage with to prevent malnutrition the microbes synthesising extra proteins,fats etc and forming layers of adipose tissue on organs.These augmentations will be made to not affect the anti-ageing effects and these augmentations can be removed at any point.To allow bodybuilders,those losing weight and those who want to maintain an ideal body fat percentage all crops,fish,shellfish,in vitro meat,bacteria based commoditie grown at home or ordered in from Demeter will through genetic engineering will be engineered to produce less fats especially unhealthy ones and have healthy essential fats produced by them.The level and types of fats,carbohydrates and proteins present can be modified via genetic engineering with them engineered to produce compounds that inhibit the absorption of all or specific fats,proteins,carbohydrates found in food especially sugars and unhealthy fats or aid in their breakdown into benign nutrients and compounds and slow release into the bloodstream with scratch DNA and recombinant DNA from other crops,plants and animals.This can apply to crops etc not just ordered in from vertical and community farms via Demeter and crops created at home arranged by Phanes but also with regards to those used in the creation of meals ordered in directly onsite of universal franchises restaurants and also delivered to homes etc from restaurants,but also made within cafeterias onsite of universities,hospitals etc that grow crops onsite and can even apply to manufactured food products ordered from Deipneus factories again arranged by Phanes.Thus all crops,fish,in vitro meat and bacteria based commodites used in the production of meals in public building cafeterias and meals created in all universal franchises of restaurants both for orders and deliveries as well as all manufactured food products can have for each consumer have the levels and type of carbohydrates,proteins and fats especially unhealthy fats and carbohydrates modified through genetic engineering to be made into healthy ones or have customised levels for each patient/consumer based on their age,gender,metabolism,genetics to maintain their ideal body fat percentage and lose weight,lose fat and gain muscle mass etc thus allowing all patients access to all types of manufactured products,meals from restaurants and crops,fish etc community and vertical farms etc without gaining weight and fat and getting bored of having to eat only the same set of meals,food products and crops etc.Consumers will be able to design healthier versions of each manufactured products with lower levels of fat,sugar etc and have unhealthy fats replaced by healthier ones or removed altogether with sugar replaced by complex carbohydrates or artificial sweeteners with complex carbohydrates replaced by sugar.Articial sweeteners,natural and synthetic flavourings can be created by bacteria added to the product or produced by the crop and in vitro meat etc can be present replacing complex carbohydrates,sugars and unhealthy fats that produce the same taste,texture and flavour as sugar,complex carbohydrates and even unhealthy fats allowing them to be low fat,low carbohydrate etc versions that still have the same taste as their unhealthier versions.Any materials that are detected by their sensors that could cause embolism such as venous thrombus can be countered by them creating acetylsalicylic acid to thin the blood or them breaking the thrombosis and blood clots down into nutrients with them breaking down other contradictions into nutrients or benign compounds and it broken down in fetuses where it might cause damage with ideally this produced on site of thrombosis and blood clots to reduce its levels in the body(this may be produced automatically by those in aeroplanes and in sedentary positions) with air bubbles including oxygen and nitrous oxide would be taken in by them and turned into useable oxygen and amino acids.Gases that cause embolisms could be soaked up them and then released in controlled bursts or sent to the lungs to be released or them turned into nutrients.Damage caused by embolisms to any part of the body will be repaired instantly by the accelerated healing phenotype with the carbon energy acceptor phenotype will allow the patient to run on oxygen should this be a problem.Diabetes could be treated by removing the fat insulin receptor gene and also genes associated with it in living patients with those that are caused with obesity in living patients treated by microbes creating insulin when needed while gene therapy and weight loss can correct including genes added to allow the body to create the required levels of insulin to counteract the amount of sugar intaken.They would be engineered to not overuse fat and amino acids etc thus maintain ones desired body fat and muscle percentage with them also not consuming muscles in the human body with oligothophic and xerophile DNA,other extremophiles and from those that form endospores allowing to survive low levels of nutrients,water,pH and also enter endospore hibernation to survive levels of low nutrition and re-emerge when nutrition is more bountiful.Like nanomachines that control them oxygen could be stored in them and then released in bursts when needed to prevent death or neural damage from strokes and perform better in burning of fat during exercise,improve the rate of fat burning while breaking down lactic acid and lactate or they could convert carbon dioxide,carbohydrates and other compounds including toxic ones that contain oxygen atoms into usable oxygen without light or through biolumescence activated by themselves and other microbes without releasing reactive oxygen if it would damage the host patient.This would be activated by them detecting low levels of oxygen,high levels of carbon dioxide and also other signs of a stroke and heart attacks as well as through interactions between nanomachines,Paean,implants and smart clothing measuring vital signs with this also done during swimming,exercising to improve fat burning as well as dealing in low oxygen environments such as high up in mountains,in areas where toxic gases are present etc to improve efficacy and prevent problems associated with the throat and airways tightening when rising quickly from deep dives as well as even soaking up excess nitrogen and other gases used in diving mixtures by soaking them up and converting them into useful products such as nutrients ie carbohydrates,protein etc for energy using other waste products and blood components or stored fat etc with the amount soaked up determined by sensors on them that measure their levels to keep levels stable.This would prevent problems associated with “the bends” and also theoretically it could be possible for them to intake carbon dioxide and other toxic gases in the atmosphere and separate them into their base components and create beneficial compounds such as nutrients for energy using again other elements in stores of fat,glycogen,muscle,bloodstream and in the case of those that contain oxygen molecules such as carbon dioxide,carbon monoxide,sulphur dioxide,phosogene,sarin etc have the oxygen atoms separated and turned into usable oxygen while the other elements are turned into nutrients for the host or microbes or even benign compounds that can be flushed out of the body through the lungs,urine and feces etc thus making humans survive any environment.The brain and other organs would be kept alive.All microbes could convert carbon dioxide in the bloodstream into useable oxygen through scratch DNA and anabolic and catabolic reactions ensuring a person whose heart has stopped or in low oxygen environments could survive without oxygen.This would be done by those in the bloodstream and lungs and if possible the same applied to particulates of asbestos or even other toxic materials that can build up in the lungs and other parts of the body as well with the microbes breaking them down into elemental components by producing enzymes or other compounds that break down the bonds or using phagocytosis to engulf them and break them down inside them or if possible transport them to the urinary tract and gastro-intestinal tract where they can be flushed out of the body through urine,feces or compounds and even biofilms formed by them binding to the compounds that remove them without damaging the urethra,intestine in controlled bursts.Any damaged tissue will be repaired.Nicotine could also be broken down or binded with compounds that force them out of the body with the tumours caused by these instantly destroyed.Gases and chemical compounds that damage the lungs can turned into benign compounds with oxygen separated into useable oxygen by the microbes and the lungs constantly repaired with the new tissue and thus the microbes that create them being engineered to be resistant to burns,acids and damage via CRISPR treatments with this applying to chlorine gas,mustard gas,sulphur dioxide with damaged tissue repaired by microbes and recombinant DNA from Hydra,Planarians,A.mexicanum.The hosts cells could be via horizontal gene transfer be resistant to these and other toxic gases.Further engineering could allow them to cool the hosts body in extreme heat,heat them during cold periods by synthesising peptides,antifreeze proteins,cryoprotectants if gene therapy can allow for the host to survive them from psyscrophilles,non toxic coolant or heating fluids or other compounds such as capsaicin,initiating the formation of sweat or even burning of brown adipose tissue as well as synthesise water if possible to prevent dehydration and maintain homoestasis.Water could be synthesised using oxygen from the air and stored fats and glycogen with the hydrogen coming from hydrogen ions during exercise as well as stored glycogen,fats and lactate etc and the air.It can also be created by breaking down toxins and other compounds and rearranging the atoms into water once they are bound into each other with the other atoms converted into benign compounds.If the host is made immune to toxins then this will be easier as the toxin can be stored in an area or the host can be kept alive.Extra taken in by the lungs or created by them could be stored within them and then released in certain situations such as during exercise to improve metabolism and performance,during strokes,heart attacks and in smokey situations to flood the bloodstream and in particular the lungs,brain,muscles and other organs with oxygen to prevent coma,death and brain damage.
Ones cravings for certain foods such as sugars and fat could be overcome by them creating compounds that counteract them and also adding genes with all of this negated during pregnancy and also returned after a pregnant woman has given birth with this also done to counteract “the munchies” caused by the use of marijuana.This could also prevent cravings for foods such as sugar that cause positive feedback loops halting these feedback loops in their place.The microbes if possible microbes could merge or form permanent feature could also convert into new muscle in place of broken down ones or ontop of them using up fat stores or extra taken in by diet to again build up muscle using up fat stores without exercise.They could augment the formation of these new muscles from either methods with them applying CRISPR treatments to the new tissue of the host to increase the rate of muscle built up,their strength,amount of fat used and using oligotrophic bacteria recombinant DNA could reduce the amount of protein used to build it up and maintain it.Furthermore they will play a role in synthesising nutrients like essential amino acids,carbohydrates like starches/sugar/fibre,essential fats including omega-3 fatty acids,vitamins and vitamin pre-cursors,compounds in plants and animals of nutritional and medicinal value that the body doesnt produce naturally from compounds in the bloodstream,waste products such as urea and carbon dioxide,hormones,stored fat and glycogen,lactate as well as lactic acid and hydrogen ions during exercise,cholesterol and any unused nutrients in the bloodstream that would otherwise be converted in stored in special areas of the body within or on the sides of organs as their pure form to be released when needed or even intaking and utilising gases such as nitrogen and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere when breathing that are not normally used in the body converting elements in them into these new compounds when needed using signals from the body to prevent starvation or at least allow the body to survive periods of low nutritional intake without caloric intake for longer than is physically possible and even decrease the amount of calories and even nutrients the body needs to survive thus lowering the levels of food a person needs to consume.Allergens such as gluten and those from shellfish,nuts,eggs,lactose etc can be turned by them into again nutrients the host can digest or compounds that negate these allergic reactions can be synthesised.This could be done by them using recombinant DNA from scratch as well as animals and crops that produce these by intaking the elements these nutrients are made of from aforementioned methods and synthesing them to be be stored in a pure form to be stored in special areas of the body where they can be released into the bloodstream on demand using chemical signals between the brain,body,microbes and nanomachines or released on demand then and there.By at least 2029 allergic reactions can be negated by CRISPR treatments that remove allergies of all types from affected populations as well as remove the immune systems ability to overreact to them.
Hormones created by the microbes such as insulin,testosterone,Human chorionic gonadtropin,testosterone,oestrogen,progesterone that as well as the them applying anti-ageing effects,switching on/off of genes and creation of new tissues done to the testes and ovaries and have them through signals within and outside them initiate their production when desired could allow one to be in ones fertile adolescent of 14-15 years of age indefinitely allowing females to give birth to healthy children at any age with males having the sexual testosterone peak they have either in the twenties or even mid to late adolescent years(14-15 indefinitely via CRISPR) or when decided by controlling nanomachines.If possible to negate the need for condoms and birth control pills as well as surgery to tie ones tubes,snipping the vas deferens(both of which could be reversed by both surgery and microbes ability to create new tissues etc) it could be possible for them to on demand produce organic and synthetic compounds similar to those in male and female contraceptive pills per switch on or off specific genes that leave one temporarily sterile for one night or extended periods of time say even month or indefinitely by killing off spermatozoa,eggs,preventing them from being formed or leaving them unable to travel and merge together to negate the need for surgery that would permanently alter the host or save on energy to produce and transport condoms and birth control pill with this being done to alter them on demand and last again for one day or even months at a time or indefinitely decided by the host with these done by microbes residing in the tissues of the testes or ovaries improving effectiveness.It could also be done by them applying CRISPR treatments to turn off genes responsible for fertility preventing the testes and ovaries creating spermatozoa and eggs and then applying genes to turn this sterility off again by readding them thus allowing them to become fertile again on demand of the patient with this allowing for the patient complete control over fertility and prevent unwanted pregnancies and preventing governmental interference in fertility since it would be up to the patient to become sterile or fertile again with Paean authorizing it.It would also render condoms and birth control pills obsolete saving on time and energy from ordering them in from Hipppocrates factories.In females since eggs would not be created it would also negate the need for having to use tampons as the menstruation process would be stopped and when the female wants children this can be reversed by adding and readding genes with in males it wouldnt affect testosterone levels as the testes would not create spermatazoa with the body but still creating seminal fluid and creating testosterone with males have CRISPR treatments to keep them indefinitely at their testosterone peak as they were during the ages of 14-15 negating the need for the patient to take drugs like Sildenafil to treat impotency with the microbes able to prevent priapism by restricting blood flow and drawing blood away from the penis via creating compounds that do so,repairing blockages and this will be prevented by treating all underlying genetic diseases ie sickle-cell disease,sickle-cell trait,leukemia,thalassemia,Fabry’s disease, and neurological disorders via CRISPR treatments and them creating natural compounds that are alternatives to synthetic drugs that treat the conditions that these synthetic drugs can lead to it or ideally they will treat the underlying genetic cause of these that require these drugs via CRISPR ie eplipsey,depression,hypertensions,psychosis and scizophrenia,erectile dysfunction(countered by having CRISPR keeping the persons testosterone levels at their adolescent peak) with any damage caused to the penis countered by the accelerated healing and microbes forming new tissues repairing blood vessels and also erectile tissues with the levels of testosterone controlled.Damage to the penis caused by priapism,trauma etc can be repaired by stem cell strains repairing them by forming new tissues including erectile tissues and blood vessels and also the accelerated healing phenotypes with males who have damaged penises have them repaired.Phanes will extrapolate genes from scratch for males to keep one in their early adolescent testosterone peak of 14-15 forever with if need be microbes creating this and other precursor hormones via recombinant DNA constantly in levels as seen in adolescents aged 14-15.This scratch DNA may have to involve them only producing testosterone once the patient has reached puberty and continue to do so after the age of 18 onwards forever in newly born male patients and not before the age males normally produce testosterone during puberty which could cause complications such as premature puberty.The DNA would also be made only to interact on the Y chromosome meaning it will not pass onto and affect females.This scratch DNA may have to involve them only producing testosterone once the patient has reached puberty and continue to do so after the age of 18 onwards forever in newly born male patients and not before the age males normally produce testosterone during puberty which could cause complications such as premature puberty.The DNA would also be made only to interact on the Y chromosome meaning it will not affect females with the gene modified to once one reaches 18 years old after the levels of testosterone it produces testosterone in the blood stream in levels synonymous with the ages of 14/15 forever.Females will possibly have genes that keep their levels of oestrogen at levels synonymous with the ages of 14-15 after the age of 18 years old with again only made to produce these at constant levels not before they normally are produced but after 18 to prevent complications such as premature puberty.If scratch DNA cannot be extrapolated or their is not enough room for this DNA then a strain of biocompatible microbes will be constantly present in the testes that using DNA from humans especially males that synthesise testosterone in the bloodstream equivalent to the ages of 14-15.Females will possibly have genes that keep their levels of oestrogen at levels synonymous with the ages of 14-15 with if no genes can be extrapolated and their is not enough space then like males a strain of microbes can constantly reside in the ovaries that creates oestrogen in levels synonymous with the ages of 14-15.In both females and males both genes and microbes will be engineered only made to produce these hormones at constant levels not before they normally are produced but after 18 to prevent complications such as premature puberty.Thus only when the patients enters the age at which these hormones are stopped from being produced will they then be continued to be produced in levels synonymous with the age of 14-15.In both females and males biosynth implants and home test kits and lab equipment using Biosynth technology will test the levels of testosterone in males and oestrogen in females in their pre teen years,teenage years aged 14-15 and also those aged 18-40 to determine the levels of these hormones in the body during ones pre teen years,adolescent years and also middle aged and later years to determine the level of these hormones to be produced by scratch DNA and microbes to be equal to that during the ages of 14-15.In women in cases where menstruation can cause tender breasts,bloating,feeling tired,irritability and mood changes CRISPR can be used to counter this by detecting genes present found only in small populations of women who experience this compared to others and also the microbes creating compounds to negate them or breaking down the hormones that cause these thus negating the issue of menstrual cramps,mood changes etc.This could negate the need for vasectomies and tube tying in humans as well neutering in animals.CRISPR and microbes using hormones and other means can cure sterility in sterile parent and even genetically engineer sperm to be more motile or even in the case of individual eggs modify them to accept only one or even two or more spermatozoa,modify the X and Y chromosomes in the spermatozoa prodiuced ie have the testes produce only spermatazo with X or Y chromosomes to allow parent control of the gender of fetus present and the number of those that are male and female and whether they are fraternal or identical with the production of hormones also playing a role.This can be done to the actual individual eggs and sperm in the body,modifying the testes and ovaries.
If possible there would be a sub augmentation strain that could allow ones skin and eyes to glow if they gather in these areas in biofilms to make them visible in the dark when needed with them also releasing dyes of a desired into the hair follicle,shaft,root,bulb via them being released into capillaries and nodules close to them to alter ones hair colour with this being more pronounced than applying dyes to them externally and even control the rate of hair growth on the head or any part of the body by producing relevant hormones in higher amounts to increase hair growth rates or restricting the bodies natural production of this to slow or even stop hair growth in specified and selected areas.CRISPR treatments can be used to change ones hair colour by turning genes on/off and removing them and replacing them with another genotype for a different colour including scratch DNA with it also allowing one to change their hair type ie straight,frizzy,wavy,curly etc once the top part of the hair is cut in both males and females.Dyes not naturally possible could be produced via scratch DNA to suit ones preferences on a colour wheel with all of this applying to pubic,chest,facial and leg hair as well as eyelashes and eyebrows.CRISPR turning genes on/off could also speed up or slow down hair growth rates and also change hair colour and type to any desired type.This would make artificial hair dyes obsolete alongside the need to get perms and straigteners every few months.Alopecia areata and other hair conditions such as male pattern baldness will be treated by both CRISPR treatments as well as them creating relevant compounds to ensure growth of human hair with if possible this reversed and them allowing individuals to be bald with no stubble in any part of the body and return to normal when chosen through Paean.Sweat glands and any bacteria that produce odorants on the body can be engineered by them and genes in the body to produce no odorants or those that smell nice including plant oils including rose oil and aloe vera negating the need for homemade deodarants with the squamous tissue of the mouth also engineered to produce these.The patients body once after having a shower can be baked in narrow range UV range wavelength lights that sterilise the body of bacteria including those that create odours and the body engineered to produce on its surface anti-bacterial compounds with if possible the skin innoculated with bacteria that produce desired scents with ones DNA modified that sweat glands produce desired scents from any flower or scented plant.The skin and hair can be made to become biolumeniscent by switching genes on and off by adding genes from bioluminescent animals such as Pyrophorus noctilucus,Lampyridae,Ostracods(in particular Vargula hilgendorfii,Aequorea victoria) or a mixture of genes from all of these with the colour decided by the user.One can augment their height if they are born to be below the average height by switching on or applying genes via CRISPR and them producing relevant growth hormones to the average height with this affecting all organs including the heart.Eye colour could be changed with DNA from all populations responsible for eye colour can be added to the augmentations network with new eye colours created by a colour wheel and Phanes extrapolating genotypes for these that can be turned on/off with hair colour also changed the same way with all populations have their DNA scanned from patient files and them added when needed with these and scratch DNA extrapolated from colour wheels will be added to the augmentations network.Heterochromia of two desired colours can be chosen.Eye colours that occur in animals can be added to a patient with those not possible in nature created by using scratch DNA on a colour wheel.This will make homemade hair dyes and contact lenses obsolete.The patients original genes for eye and hair colour and type will be present in their patient file.With regards to sun tans it could to avoid the damage associated with it and potential for skin tumours these microbes could collect underneath the skin and secrete melanin dyes into the skin or have the cells through horizontal gene transfer change to a pigment desired by the user either indefinitely or for short periods of time.Otherwise they could through chemical signals and CRISPR initiate the melanocytes production of melinin without the need for exposure to UV light especially when recombinant DNA from T.gammatolerans and D.radiodurans is added to the genome of future humans or living ones to protect against UV radiation from the sun and the dangers of skin tumours from overtanning.Again one could have them through signals or CRISPR initiate a desired levels of melinin for a desired skin tone chosen on a colour wheel and also smart mirrors,phones,pads and laptops to last for short periods of time or indefinitely at will at any time of the year instantly and also thus be able to return to ones original skin tone as well even make one switch from African,European etc or back and vice versa.Using CRISPR would require DNA from different populations of patients using the patient files database added by Phanes with scratch DNA used to create certain skin tones only possible from suntanning with it extrapolating genpotypes from colour wheels with this removed by turning off genes allowing one to change back to their original skin tone with these added to the augmentation network.The DNA from T.gammatolerans would protect one from UV light from the sun and also anti-cancer strains will fight off any cancers that in any small chance would occur.This would negate the need to use tanning booths and go out in the sun and putting their life at risk and also render sunscreen obsolete with tanning booths and those that spray fake tan over their body also obsolete.It would also allow one to get a desired skin tone at any time of the year within minutes or hours that can last for as long as one wants that one can change back to their original skin tone via augmentation strains.To compensate for lack of vitamin D synthesis the microbes themselves synthesis itself in adequate this themselves or it can be gained from fortified food through engineering or have the host synthesis.Skin tones not possible in humans of any colour could be created through them using Scratch DNA via CRISPR to make the melanocytes create specific hormones to create said skin tone again able to revert to the original.All skin tones in existing humans including that of Middle Eastern,Latino,European,African descent and mixed populations can be added to ones genome via having genes from them present in Aesculapius with ones original skin tone present in ones patient.Those with pale skin prone to sunburn can have radioresistant DNA protect them from it.Ideally CRISPR adding or removing genes could do this allowing to stay at a set tone for extended periods of time and revert back to their original tone by removing genes negating the need to use tanning booths or go out in the sun allowing one to have desired tones at anytime of the year without requiring suntanning or even putting ones life at risk of skin cancer and would also make sunscreen obsolete.This would allow one to get a desired tan without risking ones health and using time or have to be in a sunny climate especially if recombinant DNA from T.gammatolerans and D.radiodurans is added to their genome using gene therapy and engineering future humans eliminates any chance of getting skin tumours by protecting against UV lights.This would mean a person could never get a sunburn,skin cancers and tan from the sun but could get it on demand with again vitamin D synthesised by the microbes and fortified food and also gene therapy making one synthesise this naturally with these measures also protecting humans from large doses of radiation say from nuclear fallout,cosmic radiation or even gamma ray bursts and the resultant radiation from the sun.To get rid of tattoes they break down the ink by creating compounds or doing this by entering the upper layer of the skin or repair skin damage from automated tattoo laser removal machines with DNA from T.gammatolerans and D.radiodurans and their ability to form new tissue preventing or limiting the damage done to the skin with this allowing for tattoos to be removed effectively and allow new ones to be placed over them.They could also peel off the skin via Serpentes DNA.If possible on demand the layers of skin holding the ink could moult off using DNA added to the patients genome from Serpentes,have some cells and tissues undergo apoptosis covered by the ink and repaired by DNA from Planarians,Hydra,A.mexicanum and new tissues from stem cells formed in their place.The same could be applied to eye colour,lip colour and nails whose rate of growth could be controlled.CRISPR adding genes and the turning on/off of genes could augment these abilities alongside hormones.The ability of microbes to apply CRISPR treatments to turn ones fertility on/off permanently via turning on/off as well as adding and removing genes would give people control over there fertility via Paean providing better birth control than condoms and birth control pills and thus make them defunct allowing to have unsafe sex and not get pregnant.
Gastro-intestinal problems caused by imbalances in the body that are related to beneficial will have them given genome capsids to house T.gammatolerans DNA to make them immune to radiation,anti-bacterial compounds and endolysines at the disposal of microbes and bumpers used to treat pathogens and all types of extremophiles that the host has.Human DNA will be given to them allowing them to be be made immune to antibodies produced by the primary immune system and also trick the immune system and microbes to be though of as humans.They will also be given genome capsids to house this preventing them being traded by pathogens in the body.This would allow the patient to be flooded with antibodies,anti-microbial treatments and large doses of radiation to sterilise the body of all pathogens in the body including the gut leaving them unscathed.Certain species could be attacked and left augmented with radiorestance to allow them to be killed off if they create cravings for fatty and sugary foods or cause bowel problems.One would have the bacteria present in their bowel charted by sending feces samples to automated labs where PCR machines etc scan their genome and log the species and strains of a persons biome into their a patient files into a specific folder.Stool samples will be sent to automated labs to allow for ones entire microbiome to be analysed via PCR analysis as detailed earlier on that puts feces into a liquid solution with sugars etc,dilutes it till only bacteria are remaining and all feces are removed in automated process to allow ones microbiome to be analysed showing the entire catalogue of species and strains in ones body to be logged in ones patient files with this repeated after injecting new bacteria to check the presence of desired ones.One would have ones microbes immunise their primary immune system to fight off undesirable bacteria and then have desired bacteria ones given human protein coats to trick the primary system to not fight them as they would express coats from the patients DNA given them via microbes giving them this DNA via horizontal gene transfer.These deisreable ones can also be given DNA from T.gammatolerans and along the patient immunised against radiation from the extremophile will be exposed to large doses of radiation so as to allow the undesireable ones be killed off.Desired bacteria can be cultured in a lab and them given the patients DNA to trick the primary immune system and also radiorestance,immunity to anti-microbial agents and also genome capsids in labs with them also given acidophile,alkanophile DNA and that of all extremophile DNA and drunk in a yogurht or water solution when they are mailed to the patient and drunk allowing them to survive the acidic nature of the stomach with Lactobacillus also among these especially if cows are inoculated with these an other beneficial bacteria containing acidophile DNA etc in their genome capsids.Otherwise one could print out desired ones in home 3D DNA printers and then grow them at home and then injected into yogurht and consume or into water and drunk with them have DNA to give them human protein coats and also those that protect them from radiation.The protein coats will protect them form the primary immunised system with them also made immune to anti-bacterial compounds used by anti-bacterial strains via using DNA printed out into them alongside all extremophile DNA.Genome capsids housing this DNA prevent them trading it with pathogens with them given the same augmentations as the host so that th will survive extreme conditions the host is exposed to.Once the host is made immune to radiation desired bacteria would be given by microbes or when printed out and cultured immunities to radiation,anti-microbial compounds used by microbes,endolysines and also antibodies from the primary immune system in genome capsids to allow undesired bacteria to be killed off by radiation or antibodies and also anti-microbial compounds as well as endolysines created by anti-bacterial strains in large amounts in the gastro-intestinal tract and thus allow undesirable bacteria including pathogens and parasites to be killed.This would allow desired bacteria to overrun the gastro-istentential tract before or after the body is exposed to radiation,antibiotics and sterilising agents that target the gastro-intestinal tract.As stated home 3D DNA printers would be allow them to be grown at home and drunk in a yogurt housing acidophile and alkalonphile DNA or in a capsule that would would be designed to break down in the small and large intestines to survive the stomachs acidity and take up the spaces here of where undesirable bacteria once housed with them and all bacteria int the gut fitted with the same extremophile and super extremophile DNA as the host.The capsule would be designed to break apart upon signals from Paean or due to the unique environmental conditions of the small and large intestines.All hospitals would have labs or areas next to growing rooms for upgrades places to have them grown with these genotypes and capsids.If possible when one orders them 3D DNA printers in hospitals or at home will print out their genomes into out into blank bacterial cells from Physis with the individual bacteria species genome,the phenotype,scratch DNA for capsids,and also the patients DNA to create coats in these capsids and then grown in large numbers in a vat in the lab and then mailed home in a plastic test tube in a edible tasty sweet liquid solution that can be added to yogurt,solid sweet cube or as stated an ordered in capsule.They can be ordered from Telesphorus factories or from home 3D DNA printers.If possible only the host and not the beneficial bacteria could be made immune to radiation and have the patient blasted with the huge blasts of radiation and thus sterilise the large colon of all bacteria both pathogens and beneficial ones and then have the new desired bacteria species grown in hospitals or home vats once their DNA alongside those from extremophiles and the patients DNA using 3D DNA printers in hospitals and at home with those at home having the bacteria grown in home vat systems that can be then added to yogurht.Otherwise the patients could be immunised against the beneficial bacteria and all pathogenic bacteria in the large intestine wiping them out of the system.The new bacteria grown in home vats from home 3D DNA printing systems will be given genome capsids that house DNA from all extremophiles like T.gammatolerans,acidophiles,alkanophiles to survive the stomachs acids,gastro-intestinal tract and those to extremophiles to protect them against all possible environments like hypergravity and even pressure with them also giving them human DNA to give them protein coats that trick the immune system into thinking they are human cells and not produce antibodies as they will be human and bacteria hybrids with existing desireable ones in the gut given these via horizontal gene transfer.All gut flora will be made immune the same environmental conditions and the host.The patient would then send a stool sample to the nearest hospital to have all species and strains mapped via automated labs and logged into their patient file to see what has been added to the biome and what has been removed.Based on genetic factors both Paean and Phanes will extrapolate the best micro-organisms suited for each individual patient will be extrapolated with them then created at home using Home 3D DNA printers and then consumed.Research can be done on all strains and species of bacteria that exist in all humans worldwide and what role they play in the homeostasis of the gastrointestinal tract and even central and peripheral systems both individually and collectively with Phanes conducting research into new strains species of bacteria as well as fungi and viruses developed by him that can enhance ones digestion and other aspects of the human bodies homeostasis.These bacteria will be created in hospitals using 3D DNA printers with all extremophile DNA and also those to give them genome capsids to house the patients DNA to house human patient protein coats to protect them from immunisations.All bacteria can be given Biosynth WiFi to be given augmention upgrades and also those to change them into new strains and species of bacteria via WiFi as well as relay via Biosynth WiFi their levels allowing Paean via stimulating apoptosis etc keep them at desired levels for each patients by controlling their mitosis with if need be give the same anti-ageing trestments as humans to keep the alive forever.Pathogenic species can be made benign strains through CRISPR treatment or be replaced by new species that carry out the same functions with them wiped out during sterilisation of the gastrointestinal tract via radiation or immunisation.One beforehand can have their entire gastrointestinal tract sterilised by being exposed to huge blasts of radiation between 500-30,000Gy once made immune to radiation or using immunisations that wipe the gastrointestinal tract clean of all existing pathogenic and beneficial gut flora.Then cultures of desired bacteria can be created using 3D DNA printers in hospitals and mailed to patients to be mixed in yogurt also ordered created in hospitals or ordered in from Deipneus factories and eaten at home or this can be printed at home and mixed with yogurt at home.These bacteria will house genome capsids to prevent them trading this with pathogens and be given the same augmentations as the patient including acidophile and Alkanophile DNA to survive the gastrointestinal tract with them having biosynth WiFi integrated into them to gain new augmentations and also allow them to have their levels controlled via undergoing apoptosis and also be changed into new species of bacteria.They will also contain human proteins specifically that of the patient on their surface to prevent immune responses and also be attacked by the immunised primary immune system.Otherwise microbes could detect desired species of bacteria via horizontal gene transfer and Cas-9 and give them both radioresitence and human protein costs via horizontal gene transfer and then be sterilised.If possible variations of desired gut flora can be printed out via 3D DNA printers that contain human protein coats to trick the immune system into not attacking them,all augmentations the patient is treated with and biosynth wifi to change DNA during upgrades and even genome capsids to house these to prevent them traded with pathogens.Pathogenic gut flora can be replaced with benign cousins or new species that carry out the same functions as pathogenic species and strains.Wiping out pathogenic via radiation sterilisation will sterilise the entire gastrointestinal tract leaving all feces etc released completely sterile thus cutting down on strains on sewage treatment plants to sterilise feces.This could replace current intensive and dangerous methods using antibiotics and fecal transplants.Human protein coats will be present to prevent the immunised primary immune system attacking them.As stated biosynth WiFi could be integrated into them to allow them to get upgrades to get new augmentations the same as those in the patient thus allowing them to survive all conditions they are exposed to with this also allowing Paean to control their actions in the gut and have some evolve into other gut flora or undergo apoptosis for an ideal balance.Narrow UV treatments and radiation therapy could allow the skin to be cleared of all bacteria including pathogens for mysophobes and also as part of sterilising sweeps.All patients worldwide can have stool samples sent to their local hospital for analysis of what they have and thus allow for them to have measures taken to remove undesireable ones and add desireable ones with studies done on what effect different combinations of each species has on the gastro-intestinal tract and also the brain.This would be done even with newborns with tests done starting in 2024-2029 as to see when does the microbiome fully develop with tests done starting at infancy and up to the age of 18 and also do children carry on the same microbiome of their mother.This will be replicated with remaining livestock,pets and animals in zoos etc.
Furthermore the addition of E.coli and C.perfringens,totipotent and embryonic stem cells,Planarians,A.mexicanum and Hydra DNA especially in neural tissue would cause the brain to undergo rapid development of neural tissue very quickly due to them being the fastest growing bacteria in existence and the stem cells from Planarians etc increasing the rate of this with the and the fact that neural tissue unlike the those in the rest of the body does not die due to mitosis they normally due to tauopathy,viral and bacterial infections,Variant Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease,neruodegenrative diseases brought on by genetics such as alzheimers etc.The addition of this recombinant DNA could also play a role in speeding up the growth rates of the rest of the human body and thus cause puberty to end by 14 one year earlier than normal with to prevent premature puberty placing it in specific sections of the human genome that also regulates neural development thus causing these new genes from these fast growing bacteria and Planarians etc,scratch DNA and increased synthesis of essential amino acids and fatty acids DNA to interact solely with the genes responsible for human neural development in the central neural system with the their of course the ability of Planarians etc,scratch DNA and essential amino acid synthesis DNA in the same space or other areas of the genome to also to interact with the rest of the body to accommodate the accelerated healing phenotype of the rest the body.AI namely proto Phanes and Paean by 2024-2029 will be able to determine this and the ability to shut off the accelerated mitotic growth one the brain is fully formed at birth alongside scratch DNA required to further amplify both the accelerated neural development and also puberty ending one year earlier.If possible it may simply require the genes responsible for neural growth in the brain to be mapped and then accentuated and modified so that instead of taking 25 years to reach maturity it may reach maturity during neural development in the womb and at birth.AI namely Phanes will determine the best method to carry this out.Of course tests on chimpanzees and mice with human recombinant DNA primarily those responsible for neural development and neural tissue will be started as early as 2023/2024 with stem cell strains first applying this accelerated growth by 2025-2029 to all patients under the age of 25 ideally infants by forming neural tissue in the brain.This genetic engineering will be ideally done to have the brain reach full maturity by infancy possibly even at birth or even in the womb during the third,second or first trimester thus allowing for even infants at birth to have full development in areas of the brain responsible for emotional and critical thinking as well as the uncinate fasciculus to be fully developed in infants on par with someone in their mid 30s thus eliminating any problems that pre teens may have in being unable to fend for themselves in certain situations such as online or with bullies and exploring areas by themselves thus having the same emotional and critical thinking capability as an adult in their 30s.This can allow them to be able to understand complex philosophical,scientific etc concepts during their early pre teen years,eligible for mentorship very early on between the age of 5-9 years old in pedagogic training in science and all fields such as law,military training,psychology and science at this age and also be able to fend for themselves in certain situations such as against bullies,when online,alone,in the wilderness and be less prone to crying at night,throwing temper tantrums and not carry out behaviour that would warrant corporal punishment thus alleviating strains on parents and also play a role in them to able to start pedagogic training as detailed later on before the the age of 12 theoretically as young as four or five years old and be able to understand complex political,scientific and philosophical concepts that would normally be considered adult and also be engaged in and considered valid in political,scientific debates as young as four or five years old.It will furthermore put an end to the emotionally vulnerable and rebellious teen that will disappear completely by the early to mid 2030s.Both teens and pre teens especially infants in the womb since having fully developed brains would be not affected by alcohol and recreational drug consumption on their neural development especially infants in the womb being unaffected by alcohol etc consumed by pregnant mothers since it would have already reached full neural maturity by infancy at birth with this also preventing damage to the brain while in the womb from the mother using recreational drugs and alcohol.The accelerating healing phenotype will repair any damage to other organs in the the body instantly.Thus all parts of the brain will be fully mature by even during infancy at birth or in the womb including areas of the brain responsible for emotional and critical thinking as well as the uncinate fasciculus to be fully developed in infants on par with someone in their mid 30s.This process will be known as progeria mylinisation and will be tested on chimpanzees and mice with human DNA in them by 2024-2025 with AI namely proto Epione,Phanes and Paean working on this to make it available by 2029-2040 by developing scratch DNA etc.Genetic engineering will also ensure puberty is finished one year younger than normal at 14 with this and progeria myliensation through advanced gene drive technology becoming a permenant part of the human genepool when applied to all human patients worldwide.It even could end puberty at 13.This speed up body development can allow for animals as part of test subjects reach maturity in as little as a year or earlier.Until this is started in the mid 2030s to early 2040s and perfected by 2040s,stem cell strains forming neural tissue available by the late 2024s will allow for living patients under the age of 25 ideally infants to avail of this applied via stem cell strains prior to it is passed onto future generations through the placenta.Stem cell treatments will also be used if there is not enough space in the human genome to perform this.Also possible will be tests on chimpanzees can be used to test if genetic engineering can not only cause the brain to reach full development by infancy but also have puberty end by the time one is in their childhood ie the human equivalent of the age of eight just to see what can be done to have test animals like cattle,chimpanzees can be made to reach maturity very quickly in terms of a few months or year in the test animals life making it quicker for them to reach maturity for test trials to be done with this also allowing animals that produce human organs to reach maturity much quicker ie have chimpanzees and cattle reach maturity in one year to a few months compared to 14 years and 2 years respectively thus allowing for chimera organs to be more widely availible for organ banks as well with the same methods of expediting neural developments applied to the rest of the body.This would be done create chimpanzees very quickly for those used to treat human genetic conditions and developmental disorders and neurological disorders as test cases for curing them especially those like developmental disorders such as Downs syndromes and pedopheilia that will contain the DNA from specific patients themselves thus requiring the animals to be mature very quickly.If possible it can be ensured that both cattle and chimpanzees can reach adult level maturity between 1-2 years old with DNA coming fast growing bacteria,plants and animals and scratch DNA to ensure the somatic cells developed very quickly with this also reducing the length of pregnancy with artificial wombs also used.This may even in time apply to humans having them reach full body and neural maturity by the time one is eight years old with this done on test subjects that may or may not be passed on to future generations by adding and removing advanced gene drive technology.Biosynths may also be used alongside hybrids of both chimpanzees and also humans as well as even new species of humans such a H.ubermensch being able to reach the end of puberty by the time members of this species is eight years old.To make humans end puberty by 14 one year earlier than normal this can involve genes from scratch or fast growing bacteria that speed up the rate of cell development including somatic cell development.If possible it can involve genes that cause the premature and increased production of growth hormones and also testosterone in males and oestrogen in females at desired levels that they are enough to finish puberty at exactly 14 years of age.Genetic engineering especially modifying the androgen receptor gene where new genes can be added to make it more dominant and accentuate it’s ability to carry out its function can be used to speed up the development of puberty so that it on average or ideally always even without childhood obesity and high protein and high fat diets in pre teens it ends at 14 years old for both males and females by causing the bodies hormones responsible for puberty to be initiated at an age that it ends specifically at 14 rather than 15 years.Biocompatible microbes in the body can be present that contain human recombinant DNA that are responsible for the production of testosterone and oestrogen alongside growth hormones that stimulate the growth of cells that reside in the body with for females those housing DNA for producing oestrogen residing in the ovaries and for males those responsible for producing testosterone residing in the testes and those for producing growth hormones that through clinical trials involving humans and biosynths will begin producing these hormones in levels at a desired age that induce the premature formation and ending of puberty at 14.AI namely Phanes will determine the best method to carry this out
If possible both methods of stem cell strains and genetic engineerin could also be used to increase the rates of higher functioning autism such as Aspergers amongst populations across the world or have it become the predominant feature of the human genepool.Thus even all living patients of all ages worldwide will via CRISPR and stem cell strains be also modified to develop Aspergers using CRISPR and creation of neural tissue with this eventually eradicating emotionally driven bias etc from humanity with advanced gene drive technology making it a permanent feature of the human genepool.The DNA and MRI scans from different specimens of humans with Aspergers from around the world will be compared from patient files and from individuals that dont have it to determine genetic sequences and neural structure present responsible for this from MRI scans can be analysed thus allowing stem cell and CRISPR treatments to be applied to all living patients worldwide to develop Aspergers and it become a permanent part of the entire human genepool via advanced gene drive technology.As stated the genes of patients with Aspergers will be analysed alongside their MRI scans will be used to have CRISPR and stem cell strain treatments have Aspergers become the predominant neural conditions that is applied to all patients worldwide with advanced gene drive technology allowing this to pass onto all future generations.If possible any minute neural differences between males and females can be made features in both genders including in living patients making any possible differences in male and female brains part of both via CRISPR making both genders neural hybrids including those with regards to spatial awareness and memory.The DNA and MRI scans of homosexuals,heterosexuals bisexuals and transgendered and cis gendered patients can be analysed and compared to each other for use in studies to see if sexuality if either environmentally based or based on genetics or both and see if it has certain fetishitic antecendants with it used as baseline for trials to see if gene therapy and stem cell strains can be applied to change a persons sexuality with in the case of transgendered patients change them to cisgendered or change cisgendered individuals to transgendered individuals.A person who wishes to change their sexuality via CRISPR and stem cell strains may be at least 14 and sign an e-consent form by themselves with neural implants determining it is not done under duress of legal guardians.This will also apply to trans patients.Of course in the case of intelligence quotient and improvement in neural functions could be enhanced and amplified in living patients by them creating new neural tissue,neurotransmitters and applying CRISPR treatments with this also applied to those suffering from developmental disorders such as Downs syndrome and Cerebral Palsy.People with reported high IQs such as Christopher Hirata(225),Terence Tao(230),Ainan Celeste Cawley(263) and those of the Mega Society can have their brain analysed by MRI scans and genome scanned and them compared to those of average intelligence people for the genes responsible for high intelligence quotient to be added to Physis and available within the augmentations sub network of Aesculapius for all people to have access to it for free.Scratch DNA created by Phanes will possibly push the limits of intelligence quotient.This intelligence quotient upgrade that will be free to everyone will be added to all living patients worldwide and passed onto all future generations of children via advanced gene drive technology by 2029.All patients worldwide will have the genes responsible for high IQs of the range of 225-263 added to them through augmentation strains by 2029 with stem cell strains applying treatments to have the same neural structures of these individuals as determined by MRI scans and genetic scans.The neural structures of of these and other high IQ people will be analysed by MRI scans and compared with those the general population to allow Paean to design stem cell treatments to be applied to all patients worldwide.Advanced gene drive technology will ensure this passes from one generation to the next.This will be a mandatory process and using advanced gene drive technology will be passed into all future generations.These microbes action alongside CRISPR and genetic engineering prior to birth using germline therapy and even in adults will be used to drastically increase the average intelligence quotient of the global population overtime by the end of the decade essentially doubling the global average IQ from around 110 to at least 220 or higher with Gaia,Epione,Paean and hospital AIs ensuring that all of these parameters;doubling of intelligence quotient to as high as 225-263,early maturation of the brain by infancy and even birth,puberty ending at 14 and Aspergers becoming the predominant neural structure will become mandatory by 2029 via by CRISPR applying it to all living patients worldwide with advanced gene drive and germline technology passing it to all future born humans.Areas of note that can be amplified would be memory making eidetic memories a permanent features of all living patients and the areas responsible critical thinking and other faculties related to intelligence quotient.Those who are savants and have eidetic memories can have their genome scanned for the genes responsible for this to be applied to all patients worldwide with other abilities such as calendrical savantism and even abilities to perform complex mathematical calculations,prodigiousness and talents as well as aptitudes in all other areas such as art(of all types),acting,scientific research,mathematics,logic,literary talents,comedy,music(in all musical instruments),chess,singing(soprano,mezzo-soprano,contralto,tenor,baritone and bass),eidetic memories etc and speed reading from people around the world who exhibit these phenotypes and those derived from scratch can be once stored forever in Physis can be added to all citizens around the world.The genome of people with the highest IQ scores of 220-263 from across the world will have their genes scanned,stored in Physis and added to all citizens worldwide thus giving everyone the same access to high IQs to give them the same high intelligence with advanced gene drive technology and germline technology making this a permanent feature of the human gene pool.The average global IQ is currently roughly 100 with adding genes from those with the highest IQs on the planet to all citizens worldwide via CRISPR will increase the global average IQ to at least 220-260 essentially doubling it with intensive research into genetic engineering by developing genes from scratch that could push human IQ to theoretical limits to as high as 300 or higher as the global average.This addition of genes to improve the global IQ average to as high as 220 – 260 and those who have Asperger’s will be done by adding genes responsible for this to all living patients worldwide with gene drive and germline technology making it a permenant part of the human genepool with this not only free making free to everyone but also a mandatory process carried out by law to all patients worldwide with those for eidetic memories,speed reading and prodigiousness in chess,music,singing,art,mathematics etc can be optional where people can apply to have them applied through biocompatible microbes by interacting with Paean but not mandatory but still free to everyone with them removed by CRISPR at anytime.Thus through the abolishment of patents and AI like Phanes able to own patents genes added to patients via CRISPR that increase IQ and unique abilities will be law free to everyone.If eidetic memories cause neurological complications in existing patients and those it is added to via CRISPR then it can be removed with neural implants abilities to extract memories will replace this.Thus through CRISPR we can make everyone that one in a million or one in billion A-List Oscar worthy actor or writer as well as that one in a million or one in billion highly skilled mathematician,artist,athlete and one in a million or one in billion scientific researcher in all fields of scientific endeavour on par with Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci,Albert Einstein,Meryl Streep,Madonna,Lucianno Pavarotti,Micheal Jackson,Micheal Jordan,Mozart,James Joyce,Bob Hope,Mikhail Nikolayevich Baryshnikov etc considered a “bright spark” with one getting multiple genes to gain proficiency at multiple aptitudes
Ideally all organs including the brain and arteries alongside the muscles and skin and if possible all cells and tissue in the human body would have recombinant DNA from Planarians,Hydra,A.mexicanum,induced pluripotent stem cells and embryonic totipotent cells as well as Bacillus F,scratch DNA and other aforementioned extremophiles lifeforms that exhibit biological immortality added to the genome of all cells and tissues in the patient to allow them to heal themselves,form relevant tissues and never senescence,alongside the microbes ability to form any new youthful tissues acting as a back up should tears and ruptures occur alongside damage from trauma,blood,or overdosing,aneurysms,stabbings and bullet shots occur with this also speeding up the abilities healing abilities alongside the microbes.In the case of aneurysms and embolisms that occur in random times without the patient realising it or even able to anything about it this would allow the burst vessel from aneurysms and embolisms to repair itself instantly and the damage caused to the brain also instantly repaired with this also allowing the hosts body to repair wounds,perforations,damaged organs,severed arteries and neural damage of all types including those from tauopathy,neural damage caused by trauma to the brain and strokes etc and any injury in the body that are currently considered fatal including those from cryonics and spinal injuries that would confine one to a wheelchair.Any damage caused to the brain by drowning,choking and lack of oxygen etc for any reason would be healed instantly alongside the carbon energy acceptor phenotype providing energy to their brain and other vital organ.Damage to the nervous system that would lead to one confined to wheelchairs would be healed instantly.Damage to the body and neural system from parasites and also viral and bacterial pathogens would be repaired instantly in the case of Ancylostoma,Plasmodium,N.meningitidis,N.fowleri and new ones while microbes would be given the chance fight them off.All major organs and blood vessels affected by cytokine storms and sepsis from pathogens like Ebolavirus and fatal influenza strains of Orthomyxoviridae and also chronic drug and alcohol use as well as pathogens that damage them will be repaired instantly.Damage to patients caused by cytokine storms,internal bleeding and damage caused by parasites,pathogens etc and damage caused by acute and chronic recreational drug use,cigarette and alcohol use to the brain,liver,lungs and other organs will be repaired instantly with this of note especially to new pathogens and parasites on other colonies across the universe allowing the acellerated healing phenotype to heal the body while base microbes can scan their genome to have immunisations prepared and them killed off by blasts of radiation with it allowing one to use alcohol,recreational drugs as much as they want without damaging their body.Damage to the body caused by cytokine storms,parasites,pathogens,anaphalactic shock etc will be negated by the phenotype repairing it instantly.Aortic dissection would repair itself almost instantly with Marfan syndrome,Turner syndrome,bicuspid aortic valve cured via CRISPR alongside any other internal rupturing including intracerebral hemorrhaging also repaired instantly while CRISPR and microbes would repair any vessels etc that are enlarged.Bones that are fractured and broken etc would also heal them selves alongside stem cell strains.Frostbite and other conditions like gangrene would be repaired by this with damaged tissue repairing itself with first,second and third degree burns and damage by lasers to remove tatooes as well as acid attacks would also be repaired this way with any damaged blood vessels and nerve as part of the nervous system repaired as well.Combined with psychrophile DNA and telomere repair DNA this would allow cryonics to be a valid science.This phenotype alongside microbes repairing perforations would allow for conditions that normally require surgery especially delicate and skilled surgery to be done invivo automatically the second it occurs with bullets,shrapnel and debris removed by surgery later on in less needed surgeries as all internal damage would have been repaired instantly meaning these can be removed weeks later and disposed of or the microbes or worms formed invivo can form coagulants around them and by connecting to them via fibrils and using flagellum move them out of the body into the large intestines to be flushed out alongside feaces or to areas in the body where surgery can cause less complications.It may have to pass through the walls of any organs and vessels that will be repaired instantly to reach the large intestines with any damage they cause to the large intestine also repaired.Blood loss will be negated by the stem cell strain through totipotent and hematopoietic stem cell DNA present being able to create large amounts of blood cells namely erythrocytes by undergoing mass replication to then provide blood to key organs namely the brain with all tissues and cells in the body having the carbon energy acceptor phenotype to allow them survive without oxygen while the acellerated healing phenotype repairs wounds.This would be important to gunshot victims and law enforcement personnel allowing them to survive otherwise fatal multiple gunshot wounds with the the meninges and skull have graphene nanotubes possibly covering them to make them bulletproof.Minor surgery and even stitches as well as bone fractures etc can be dealt by the accelerated healing phenotype and microbes healing them with Paean deciding the avenue for each situation with even major emergencies like stabbings,head traumas and shootings repaired by this with only major surgeries requiring visits to hospitals.Removal of tumours will be negated by anti-cancer strains with the tissue regrown.Existing damage caused by surgery that left one with complications such as damaged vocal cords,minor brain damage as well as other that have left the patient with life lasting complications will be repaired by the microbes repairing and replacing tissues.Any removed jaws to treat tumours can be regrown in a lab as synthetic bones with cartilage and then have microbes form tissues to be reinserted via surgery or the jaw can be formed invivo.This will also serve Rett syndrome patients.Any complications from any surgery done by robots or humans will be corrected instantly from the accelerated healing phenotype and also microbes as well as the ability to use carbon dioxide as any energy acceptor thus eliminating complications like neural damage or even death etc from any surgeries required with areas that need to be cut etc have this ability removed and stem cells preventing complications and the phenotype readded once surgery is complete.Tumours will have this removed before destroyed but after stunted and the new tissue in its place have this.This phenotype can be momentarily removed from cells in certain situations ie for the destruction of tumours when they are stunted by TsaP-1,melittin etc with them once killed by Polybia-MP1 replaced by new cells created by stem cell strains having this phenotype readded with people undergoing surgery have all blood vessels,tissues etc in the interior and exterior have the phenotype removed before and during surgery and added back once surgery is done and wounds are sealed with stem cells sealing in wounds to ensure they leave no scars.In surgeries only tissues,blood vessels that are needed to cut etc will have this removed meaning any blood vessels that do not need to be cut and who doing so would be fatal would have the phenotype remaining meaning if cut by accident they would heal instantly preventing accidental death with the desired tissues that need to be cut will be once sealed will have the phenotype readed.Tumours that need to destroyed by anti-cancer strains can have the phenotype removed to prevent them regrowing when killed by anti-cancer compounds and also CRISPR treatments.This will allow patients to survive wounds and injuries unscathed that would otherwise lead to permenant neural etc damage including that which would leave one confined to wheelchairs and also allow one to survive unscathed from fatal injuries and would cut hospital visits by at least 50-90% worldwide.Extra scratch DNA designed by Phanes can be added that speeds this process much faster than in these animals ie A.mexicanum,Hydra,Planarians etc that use stem cells to grow and both human totipotent and embryonic totipotent stem cells DNA etc from humans combined together and made to interact with each other in the human genome will potentially allow the repairing of wounds,aneurysms and even regrowing of limbs and digits etc to be almost instantaneous with having them all combined will possibly aid each other in speeding it up.C.perfringens,E.coli the fastest growing life forms and DNA from embronic and totipotent stem cells can be used alongside scratch DNA with these sources of DNA made to interact with each other and thus speed up the phenotype to the point that it will heal any damage to the body such as cuts,lascerations,loss of limbs,broken bones,burns,impacts,tauopathy,neural and cranial damage caused by frequent trauma to the brain,damage caused by parasites and pathogens and severed arteries,veins etc and any damage to any part of the body by trauma,lascerations,impacts,pathogens,parasites,alcohol,recreational drugs and any natural and synthetic chemicals including poisons,toxins,heavy metals almost instantly with severed limbs and digits and removed organs also regrown instantly.Scratch DNA will ensure that the C.perfringens,E.coli ability to undergo fast mitosis will only occur when the body needs to heal in response to injuries or controlled by Paean with scratch DNA increasing the rate that cells undergo mitosis and heal the injuries.This phenotype will be needed for patients to survive cryonics and extreme low temperatures alongside those that exhibit telomere repair,psycrophiles to repair damage to cells and tissues allowing one to be frozen and thawed over and over again without damage.Any damage experienced by the human body such as the damage to central and peripheral nervous system caused by trauma,alcohol etc alongside cuts,grazes and burns caused by fire,electricity,acids etc and also all damage caused by alcohol,parasites,prions,pathogens etc to both fully born patients such as adults alongside even unborn fetuses in the womb would be repaired almost instantly and would prevent injuries that would leave one paralysed and confined to wheelchairs etc permenantly damaging the patient as these will be healed instantly.Any damage to fetuses by teratogens,cigarettes,recreational drugs,alcohol etc that could lead to neurological conditions and developmental disorders etc will be repaired instantly with damage caused by alcohol,cigarettes,cigars,parasites,pathogens to the brain,lungs,liver etc will also be repaired instantly.Damage to unborn fetuses such as those caused by trauma,teratogens,alcohol,trauma,drugs etc will be instantly repaired also with this and telomere repair mechanisms from extremophile bacteria eliminating pedopheilia,deformities and other ailements caused by chemicals etc from the human genepool with this also increasing survival rates of trauma to unborn fetuses.Damage to the body including nervous system by trauma,accidents and attacks involving knives etc that would normally leave one confined to wheelchairs will be repaired instantly by the accelerated healing phenotype thus preventing one from being confined to a wheelchair.Even broken ribs and bones including twisted ones and torn ligaments and other minor and major damage would be healed instantly.Patients will be able to heal from injuries caused by falls,car accidents and also cuts,grazes,stabbings and shootings etc almost instantly.The hymen could have this phenotype removed from it or have it removed via gene therapy.Patients with existing cuts,scars and injuries to the central and peripheral nervous system etc caused caused by trauma,parasites,pathogens and prions that have one confined to wheelchairs can be repaired by stem cell strains.Any limbs and digits such as toes,fingers,arms and legs as well as organs removed in accidents,surgery and dismemberment will be regrown instantly with existing patients without specific limbs and limbs can have these grown using biocompatible microbes stem cell strains created in bulk on scaffolding allowing them to be reattached.Thus a patient would be able regrow limbs or organs removed via accidents etc.Forced evolution may be applied where cells containing the DNA will be pushed to their limits to increase the speed at which this occurs.DNA from C.elegans may be needed to exhibit memory of damaged or lost tissues,cells,organs.With regards to regrowing teeth that are knocked out etc DNA from different species of polyphyodonts will be used including Crocodilla as well as Selachimorpha,Macropodidae,Trichechidae,Rodentia particularly Arvicolinae,Castor,Cavia and possibly Elephantidae can be investigated with the DNA from A.mexicanum etc also able to do this.The phenotype could allow one to survive otherwise fatal injuries with theoretical limit of which the phenotype can heal ie lacerations,shootings,trauma,twisted necks and injuries that would lead to paraplegia,burns from electricity/acids/fire including internal burns to major organs,stabbings,aneurysms,embolisms etc and even loss of limbs and so on will be tested on animals and biosynths before humans with the animals tested having human recombinant DNA in them.DNA from B.subtilis strains that are able to form endospores that make them able to experience extreme shock and high impacts can be modified by Phanes to do so with or without entering endospores and survive any limit using scratch DNA and forced evolution.The ability of Tardigrade to enter a tun state wherein trehalose forms a vitrified state to do so with or without entering endospores can be added to compliment this again using scratch DNA.These sources of DNA such as piezophiles,B.subtilis,P.denitrificans,Tardigrade can be modified by Phanes to interact together alongside the accelerated healing phenotype using scratch DNA to allow one to survive extreme impacts such as from a fall from a great height and impacts with and within vehicles such as scramjets,Oceanus and autonomous vehicles and shockwaves up to those experienced during supernovas roughly 403,627g compared to the human limit of 46.2g possibly even survive extreme sudden decompression,depressurisation etc that would otherwise lead to instant death.It may be possible for this phenotype to allow one to regrow limbs such as arms/legs/hands,organs,digits such as toes/fingers etc that been removed or lost meaning if ones toes,fingers or limbs and even organs are removed from the body via accidents,animal attacks etc then they will be regrown instantly with tests on chimpanzees and biosynths showing the effects of decapitation.Extra proteins,fats etc may have to intaken to compensate for those used up in the body in storage by the healing process and the need to create new cells and tissues etc and to even cater to it in certain situations with this first tested on animal trials with excess destroyed or consumed by microbes.If need be muscles may consumed and converted to fats etc for the microbes and also newly prepared cells to replaced perforated or dying ones with stored fat in the body etc used up in order to cater to this before new fats,proteins etc are intaken as part of the diet with used up stores of fats and muscles will also replaced.If possible intaken oxygen,hydrogen and carbon dioxide can be converted into fats and starch etc with the body through chemical signals to synthesise these with the body and microbes prioritising the repair mechanism until new nutrients are intaken with excess adipose tissue,proteins and sugars stored over organs and all areas of the body to be instantly used up with microbes undergoing replication and picking up the slack in sever injuries that the body cant repair due to lack of availible stored nutrients.The microbes stem cell strain will aid in injuries where there is insufficient nutrients.Microbe stem cell strains would also accelerate healing by forming desired tissues and sealing wounds.DNA from W.dermatitidis,C.sphaerospermum and C.neoformans once one is also made immune to radiation via DNA from T.gammatolerans,D.radiodurans can alongside chemosynthesis and scratch DNA can use all wavelengths of radiation and light from the sun,artificial lights and devices repair the body quickly with devices at home and smart devices fitted with radiation and UV light emitters that can provide radiation and light at night or in situations where the sun and artificial sources are not availible to speed this up.Thus gamma and UV radiation from the sun,lights,devices and smartphones will be able to speed up the accelerated healing phenotype to mere minutes by stimulating cells and tissues to create ATP and in turn promote the healing effect within minutes.Scratch DNA and recombinant DNA from animals with one made immune to radiation can have one store uranium in body fat or implants permenantly that can be turned on and off to initiate this ability to emit radiation once made immune to it and radiation.If possible DNA from bacteria that can house and transport radioactive material can be added to the patients genome including that from L.monocytogenes that can carry rhenium-188 etc with scratch DNA added that can house uranium etc.This DNA could be added to microbes to allow them to harbour rhenium-188 and uranium with research done into DNA that blocks them producing radiation at normal times with this whe injuries occur Biosynth WiFi instantly turning this blocking ability off and then the microbes producing The theoretical limits for this for all types of injuries will be tested by chimpanzees and if need be biosynths.This phenotype would increase survival rates of what is now considered fatal injuries and trauma that would be fatal either instantly or several hours later and instantly heal people from injuries that would be severe enough that they would be left in wheelchairs injuries that would normally confine them to them as well as alleviate strains on hospitals as patients will heal themselves at home from stabbings,shootings,accidents,falls,broken and fractured bones and other injuries that would put strains on limited resources on hospitals cutting down costs.As a result the time a person stays in hospitals will be significantly cut down or even negated completely as the ability to heal instantly coupled with anti-viral and anti-bacterial strains and immunisations fighting against pathogens would instantly fight off infections and would allow one to recuperate at home form minor to mild injuries with only serious injuries requiring hospitals.At first it may need the stem cell strain to deal with major injuries and some minor injuries by 2029-2035 and may need one to rest in bed either at home or in hospitals depending on the severity of the injury within a few hours but by 2035-2045 onwards it being advanced enough through extra scratch DNA and other recombinant DNA that healing of any injuries could be instaneous within a few minutes or seconds.This could reduce hospital visits for minor to mild or if perfected serious conditions that require visits to accident and emergency services etc by at least 50-90% thus alleviating strains on hospital staff.Blood loss may be countered by stem cell strains of microbes forming erythrocytes and the phenotype initiating the natural regrowth of this with the stem cell strains also repairing severe wounds and also arteries in cases where the phenotype cannot due to lack of fats and proteins in the body with them working together in a mutually constructive relationship.Other strains will enter endospores and travel into key areas of the body to hide.This may even aid in halting and reversing the ageing process and even regrow limbs,toes,fingers,organs etc that are removed by accidents with this possibly removed from parts of the body that are undergoing surgery except blood vessels to prevent it affecting surgeries.It will be removed from cells undergoing apoptosis as part of invivo cosmetic surgery and normal surgery and also removed from tumours before anti-cancer strains kill them off with it readded to them with stem cell strains repairing damage caused during them.It could allow a person to survive extreme physical torture such as electrocution,burning them and lacerations etc that would normally be fatal.If possible each of these will have the recombinant DNA added to them ie A.mexicanum have DNA from Planarians and Hydra added to it,Planarians have that from A.mexicanum and Hydra and so on with them put into injury to test this with in other sets human DNA,bacterial DNA responsible for enhanced evolution and one set with one of these and still put into injury to test the effect they have with if possible bacteria that are hybrids of them and human cells have all of these animals DNA to see if they can have this phenotype evolved into more quicker accelerated healing starting by 2023/2024 and then finished by 2029 with animal trials involving mice and chimpanzees starting also in 2024.If possible human tissues containing the DNA from all of these and also bacterial DNA to undergo mitosis and forced to undergo different levels of damage and trauma alongside tests on chimpanzees.First generation augmentations can have the DNA from all of these regrowing multicellular animals be added to live patients with the aforementioned and other tests used to determine what genes to add to improve this with microbes aiding in healing by creating new tissues and healing perforations alongside this phenotype until it can be instantaneously done by the host itself with scratch DNA extrapolated by proto and sentient Phanes,Paean and Epione.Thus combing DNA from A.mexicanum,Planarians,Hydra,human totipotent and embryonic stem cell recombinant DNA and scratch DNA and have them interact with each other will allow for the accellerated healing phenotype to be almost instantaneous.Tests will be done to see which of these should be present for the best results on all types of injuries on biosynths and animal test subjects with them used together or by themselves individually.These tests will be done to see which of these sources of DNA will be needed to limit the amount of new DNA needed to be added.This will be done for all augmentations.For this reason these phenotypes will be added to all the cells and tissues of all living patients worldwide and becoming a permanent part of the human genepool via advanced gene drive technology with the ability of the host to use carbon dioxide as an energy acceptor keeping the brain and other vital organs alive in these instances.Recombinant DNA from C.elegans will be added to improve their ability to exhibit some form of memory to previous instances etc.The same could be done in the case of embolisms repaired in the same way with fat broken down,gases stored and released in bursts in the lungs or turned into nutrients by microbes with thrombosis and blood clots treated with thinning agents created.To compliment this new bioprinted organs that have be treated with the same DNA from extremophile bacteria will be regularly added to the body to retain new youthful organs such as hearts,kidneys,livers and even key arteries.A.mexicanum,Hydra,Planarians etc should be reared in large numbers in recirculating aquaculture systems in zoos,hospitals and also universities due in particular to A.mexicanum endangered status and to allow for large numbers of them to be breed onsite negating the need to import too much from their limited habitat with them also in the wild with the genome of all of these scanned,mapped and also stored in Physis to ensure it can be preserved for both use in humans as well as in even Lazarus and Phanes programmes as detailed later once the species habitat undergoes extensive reconstruction to allow them to return to them and them even engineered to survive in other habitats in the area or around the world including newly formed coral reefs.The Phanes method will be applied as quickly as possible to ensure they can be created onsite of these places using 3D DNA printers that can create an unlimited supply of them for research purposes and isolate the genes that give them their unique ability.Lake Xochimilco and Lake Chalco can undergo major restructuring programmes with the lakes refilled again to their pristine state once better programmes for dealing with floods and flood defences can be created for the nearby Mexico City by AI with methods to prevent pollutants from entering them and removing existing pollination with efforts managed by Pan to remove invasive species of fish such as African tilapia and Asian carp that eat A.mexicanum young and their prey.
Exercise can be enhanced through a combination of both microbes and also gene therapy involving CRISPR.Microbes could synthesise pyruvate,carbohydrates etc through catabolic and anabolic reactions and recombinant DNA from humans and animals as well as break convert through anabolic and catabolic reactions both lactic acid and lactate on demand into carbohydrates and also oxygen with carbon dioxide turned into oxygen and carbohydrates allowing one to enhance both anaerobic and aerobic respiration and glycolysis and also the krebs cycle with the body through gene therapy also enhance to improve this thus allowing one to recover from fatigue much quicker and also even prevent it from happening and also allow one to run indefinitely with if possible without tiring while still burning calories with gene therapy using scratch DNA improving this and also alleviating strains on them.Scratch DNA can be added to a patients genome to make them more efficient at exercise and enhance aerobic and anaerobic respiration making one to be more effective at going exponentionally longer without felling cramped etc.The microbes can also synthesise nutrients such as fats,sugars etc on demand through biosynthesis or anabolic and catabolic reactions and stimulate the production of adrenaline and also steroids that increase performance either directly through anabolic and catabolic reactions and also biosynthesis themselves or stimulating the body to do indirectly.The carbon dioxide energy acceptor phenotype should enhance performance by allowing carbon dioxide created by aerobic respiration and electrolysis to be reused on the spot alongside aerobic respiration and electrolysis thus if possible doubling efficiency and speed with gene therapy also preventing lactic acid and lactate from being produced but rather benign compounds and nutrients.Recombinant DNA from other animals such as Acinonyx jubatus can improve the efficiency or size of ones lungs and hearts and them and gene therapy from other Mammalia and other animals from all taxonomic ranks and scratch DNA improving the size and efficiency of muscles around the body including the heart and lungs,legs as well as the joints of the body to allow one to run at speeds not currently possible in H.sapiens.Bioprinted and chimera lungs and hearts the same size and structure as A.jubatus containing their DNA can be applied to athletes or other patients with trials first done on human and cattle as well as chimpanzee hybrids.Gene therapy can allow muscles to be more efficient alongside them creating steroids to improve strength,resistance,oxygen utilisation etc.Genes from A.jubatus and other animals or even those created from scratch by Phanes can be added to the genome of the entire patient or just the lungs,muscles and heart to increase their strength and effectiveness beyond what is possible in humans thus exponentially increase ones running speed,distance one can run in one go and other features.Genes from scratch and those from animals and even plants can enhance the performance of ones lungs,muscles,eyes,heart and other abilities to be applied to all sports such as bodybuilding,soccer,football,karate etc to enhance ones performance for both casual players and also professional players.Scratch DNA and that from other animals will be added to hearts,lungs and muscles to increase ones running speed,distance one can run on one go,ones ability to hold heavy objects and length of time both for bodybuilding/weight training and general strength and strength of their hearts ability to pump blood and ability to breathe to theoretical limits.
Through horizontal gene therapy they could make humans synthesise essential amino acids,carbohydrates,fats such as omega-3,plant sterols and vitamins or vitamin precursors that they dont normally produce using recombinant DNA from animals and plants or from scratch negating the need for humans to consume protein rich food such as meat,eggs,fruits and vegetables etc thus reducing the amount of food a person may need to consume and also limiting environmental effects on the environment and even create supplements.This would also make weight loss and muscle building much easier since they wont need to create supplements that have specified amounts.It will also allow one to synthesise vitamin C allowing ones primary immune system to be consistently strong with the body signalled to produce more when sick with antioxidants and other nutrients specific to different crops and livestock transferred to the host.Omega-3 fatty acids can be produced alongside plant sterols to both prevent blockages of cholesterol in the arteries preventing heart attacks and strokes as well as keep ones brain healthy and in good working order.All of these would be produced in the levels required by the patient for recommended daily allowance to negate the need for supplements and also consuming actual food reducing the ecological footprint of humanity as meat will not need to be consumed with excess taken in by diet especially fat soluble vitamins removed by them flushed out of the body by microbes breaking them down into other compounds or through the body engineered only to be able to be absorbed in the recommended amounts with the same applied to essential amino acids and fatty acids by the main organs engineered to detect and reject excess amounts to prevent overdosing.Fat soluble vitamins can be prevented from being absorbed into fat deposits and have excess flushed out of the body with if possible to prevent overdosing from diet the body producing these in only a base required amount to prevent deficiency and ensure the body has enough to function properly with the body getting the rest through diet.If possible these could be engineered to be water soluble or be created in the recommended daily allowance and have adipose tissue in the body engineered via CRISPR to be unable to absorb and store them making excess taken in by diet flushed out of the body.The same would be done with excess essential amino acids,essential fatty acids except omega-3 etc consumed in the diet.All essential nutrients would be created in their recommended daily requirements with this allowing excess intaken by the diet to be either flushed out or used to create synthetic compounds to fight off parasites,pathogens etc.If possible chemosynthetic bacteria DNA and those from Plantae and even other types of bacteria could allow a person to synthesise essential carbohydrates and if possible other essential nutrients using artificial and natural light similarly to how plants photosynthesise or have the body creates vitamin D from sunlight.If possible the hosts body would be able to function without the need for minerals such as iron etc or require less of them and tolerate high levels that would be toxic.This would make supplements of all essential amino acids and vitamins etc obsolete,prevent deficiencies and will through advanced gene drive technology will make this a permanent part of the human genepool.This would not only negate their need for supplements but also prevent deficiencies and make gaining muscle and loss of body much easier alongside removal of the myostatin and fat insulin receptor gene.Anti-ageing,anti-oxidant and anti-cancer compounds can be engineered to be synthesised by the host to slow down or halt their progress within the cell or within the body.Phosphatidylcholines can be synthesised by the body in each cells engineered to use them using DNA from G.max,humans etc to negate the effects of senescence with any possible atherosclerosis negate by omega-3,resveratrol,plant sterols etc produced by the body and also microbes ad the microbes clearing out the arteries with further engineering preventing atherosclerosis as well as removing the fat insulin receptor gene.All vitamins and compounds that are taken in supplement form can be synthesised by the body to negate their manufacture allowing the factories that create them to be converted into homes.DNA from T.gammatolerans,D.radiodurans can be added to make the host immune to radiation from nuclear radiation,gamma ray bursts,cosmic radiation,xray radiation,UV radiation from the sun and the effects of radiation therapy(once this has been removed from tumours) as well as survive blasts of radiation on colonies such as Mars,when containment measures in interstellar vehicles are fallen,doses of radiation from nuclear fallout as well as xrays and even in heavily irradiated areas,with those from mesophiles,thermophiles,psychrophiles,Tardigrade and poikilotherm and from scratch to allow the host to survive and maintain homeostasis and a wide range of temperatures.Potentially having this added to the genome of humans alongside strains of G.metallireducens and from scratch created in microbiology labs to make one immune to all radioactive metals could allow the abandoned towns and cities surrounding Chernobyl and Fukushima to be re inhabited provided all plants,crops,livestock and pets are fitted with this and those from G.metallireducens to protect them from radiation,radioactive metals in the soil,water and rivers etc while intensive automated bioremediation techniques are carried out with ideally all patients worldwide fitted with this.All plants and animals worldwide including those in the oceans and soils of the world including Anthozoa,Phytoplankton and micro-organisms except pathogens and parasites will eventually be fitted with this DNA via biosynth artropods modelled in Anopheles using microbes aplying them via CRISPR and advanced gene drive technology to pass onto all future generations to protect them from potential gamma ray bursts,weakened magnetic pole and solar flares by 2045-2100 by swarms of arthropod and lamprey biosynths and releasing animals created via 3D DNA printers and artificial wombs with ideally forced evolution done to increase the amount of radiation it releases with advanced gene drive technology ensuring the phenotype passes from one generation to the next in all species.This would mean that even if a gamma ray burst,solar flare or weakened magnetic pole were to occur it would protect all the worlds lifeforms including all trees,plants and animals as well as humans from the deadly doses of radiation while automated measures rebuilt the ozone layer via creating it in factories and released by Balloons and aeroplanes.Pathogens and parasites will not have this DNA present to allow them to be killed off by radiation treatments with if they are necessary to the ecosystem recreated via 3D DNA printers with the DNA and altered to be unable to affect humans.Recombinant DNA from T.gammaolerans and D.radiodurans would be used to protect the body from any daily doses of radiation that one experiences from sunlight UV radiation,radon,xrays and even nuclear fallout,gamma ray bursts and cosmic radiation preventing DNA damage if applied to telomeres in both the nucleus/chromosomes and mitochondria and will be applied to all humans in the world to protect them from this with melonacytes augmented by microbes allowing one to change their skin tone at will be used to allow for safe sun tans without getting skin cancer.Having all plants and animals having this radiation resistance via inoculated animals and also biosynth arthropods ans lampreys etc will also protect them from these.This is because T.gammatolerans can survive levels of radiation of at least 30,000Gy compared to the 5Gy that is fatal to humans.Thus humans once DNA of T.gammatolerans is added to them will allow them to survive blasts of radiation of up to 30,000Gy compared to 5Gy with it added alongside Bacillus F DNA to halt the ageing process due to its telomere repairing mechanisms.By comparison the Elephants foot sarcophagus in Chernobyl the most dangerous and radioactive place on Earth is a mere 80-100Gy.Mars on the other hand has exposures of radiation of at least 0.00003 – 0.011Gy while astronauts in the International Space Station are annually exposed to levels of 0.150Gy.This means that if artificial magnetic fields and ozone layers fail it can still allow all humans,animals etc to be out in the open.It can also allow astronauts to be protected from cosmic radiation.This DNA added to all plants and animals on Mars etc and humans could allow the planet to be terraformed and colonised with plants and animals without the need for measures to divert cosmic radiation from the planet such as creating magnetic fields thus allowing humans,plants and animals to roam freely on Mars without protective gear provided other genes are added to survive the low pressure etc.This or other genes from forced evolution could allow one to survive cosmic radiation in space.This can allow radioactive waste and radioactive elements to be used in commercial products such as electronics and vehicles etc rather than be disposed of and buried underground.To get rid of pathogens such as HIV,MRSA,N.meningitidis,Ebolavirus,Pseudomonas aeruginosa and also parasites such as Ancylostoma,Plasmodium,N.fowleri having one made immune to radiation via recombinant DNA from T.gammatolerans,D.radiourans will allow one to when in an MRI like machine that covers their entire body will apply blast of radiation of at least 200-500Gy or even between 2,000-20,000Gy to kill them off.New pathogens and parasites will undergo this.Tumours could have this DNA removed allowing the entire body to be hit with huge blasts killing the tumour but not affecting healthy cells.This could aid in the success of wiping out all pathogens whether viral,bacterial and fungal including HIV,Ebolavirus,MRSA,P.aeruginosa etc as well as parasites especially hard to get ones and their eggs such as Ancylostoma,Plasmodium,N.fowleri that hide in the body with it done in a room where the patient is exposed to this or in a device similar to an MRI machine to ensure all parts of the body are blasted at once preventing pathogens and parasites being able to move around and hide as well as prevent radio resistance.This can be used to eliminate any new parasites and pathogens on Earth or new colonies across the universe with these devices on space stations,interstellar vehicles and hospitals the second they are detected by microbes and no immunisation and treatment is availible in time and allow the patient be cured while it’s DNA is analysed for immunisations and replicated in labs to be studied against compounds from all plants and animals on Earth and other colonies.Any damage to the body including vital organs such as the liver and brain and caused by them would be repaired by microbes as well as accelerated healing instantly allowing time for these treatments to be applied and still be effective.The level at which the virus,bacteria,fungi and parasite can survive can first be determined in lab settings and also in animal trials so as to allow it to be determined and then have patients exposed to levels much higher at least 1,000-2,000Gy higher.Having these treatments last anything from an hour or two will improve success and prevent the pathogens and parasites gaining radioresistence and the patient can have VR simulations played in them to keep them busy while they are put under sleep via anaesthesia.As a result by having patients made immune to radiation can allow them to be exposed to large doses of radiation for an hour or two in MRI like machines etc to wipe out large amounts of pathogens and parasites such as HIV,Ebolavirus,MRSA,P.aeruginosa,Ancylostoma,Plasmodium,N.fowleri and any spores and eggs they form or lay thus aiding microbes in wiping out large amounts of them in new and existing infections.This application of radiation treatments to kill off parasites and pathogens will apply to cases of humans being infected with new parasites,viruses,fungi and bacterial pathogens or those that develop into pathogens on planets across the universe and on space stations etc and will apply not only to humans but also pets and even remaining livestock onsite of home and community farms which alongside species specific microbes will eliminate antibiotics from the food chain forever.Radiorestance can also be dealt with CRISPR treatements added by microbes and also bacteriophages that remove this ability or even prevent them being able to develop this in the first place.It
can be done to sterilise biohazard labs where dangerous pathogens,plants and animals are present during containment breaches.Thus biohazard labs in space stations,interstellar vehicles,university and hospitals labs can have decontamination procedures involve researchers and patients once made immune to radiation can be exposed to levels of 1,000-30,000Gy to sterilise the biohazard suits both internally and externally as well as the exterior skin and clothing of patients and their interior of all pathogens and parasites in decontamination rooms connecting them to main hallways.All rooms in hospitals and universities or space stations etc can house radiation devices that further sterilise them should there be any breaches.Tests on chimpanzees and mice with the relevant DNA from T.gammatolerans and human recombiant DNA will be done to test the effectiveness of this type of treatment to deal with all species of pathogens and parasites,superbugs,HIV and parasites,what levels will wipe out the various pathogens at various levels starting from 200-500Gy,building up to 1,000Gy and onwards,ideal length of treatments and how many treatments at each level would remove the largest amounts and determine the ability for them to develop resistance to radiation and remove this,proto microbes to remove radio resistance.Radiorestance can also be dealt with CRISPR treatments that remove this ability or even prevent them being able to develop this in the first place.This can be available to humans by at least 2025-2029.Like how superbugs develop immunity to antibiotics due to overuse,improper use and evolution overusing this method of sterilisation thus could lead to pathogens and parasites gaining a resistence to radiation between 100Gy – 30,000 Gy and thus them gaining a resistence to radiation thus inevitability leading to the treatment becoming useless.This should only be used sparingly for only the most severe pathogens and parasites and newly discovered ones to whom immunisations and compounds have not been developed for microbes.The studies done on biosynths and animals will be used to determine not only the levels each one should be exposed to in order to kill but also their susceptibility and ability to gain immunities to radiation.Immunisations and CRISPR treatments to remove radiorestence of pathogens etc will be developed to act as a fail safe should species of pathogens and parasites gain an immunity to radiation.Ideally the patient will be blasted with this levels instantly and for at least 30 minutes to an hour or more to prevent them gaining radioresistence via mutations with with patient put under anaesthesia.Doing it for more that an hour and starting at these levels as well as applying it to all parts of the body at once will ensure all or most of the pathogen will be wiped out without developing radioresitance and will be done alongside the primary immune system and microbes both made immune to radiation to aid in fight in eliminating the pathogen as stated it will kill off those in hard to reach areas and will alleviate strains on them by killing off large numbers of them via breaking down their DNA and causing them to die or unable to inflict damage on the host with it also used to kill off parasites especially those that propagate quickly and hide in parts of the body and can move around quickly.The dead pathogen and parasites will be flushed out of the body or broken down by the body and microbes.It should be able to kill of a large amounts of the pathogen and parasites in hard to reach places that the immune system and microbes will not be able to be able to reach,alleviate strains on them by killing billions of pathogens at once and can be repeated alongside other treatments carried out by the immunised primary system and also microbes with them repeated for some pathogens routinely.The hosts native leukocytes would be resistant radiation via the hosts genome in all cells including the bone marrow and all existing leukocytes will be fitted with DNA from T.gammatolerans in their own genome capsids and the microbes also having this in their genome capsids preventing them both being affected by these treatments.Ideally beneficial bacteria in the gasto intestinal tract should be immunised against radiation from T.gammatolerans in their own genome capsids as well allowing to survive these treatments with this also sterilising the body of pathogens mainly coliforms that reside in the gastro-intestinal tract alongside an immunised primary immune system.The various microbes strains will house this DNA in them to make them immune to it.Tests should be carried out on animals infected with pathogens of all types to test its effectiveness with the correct amount of radiation levels applied for the correct time for each one.This can also be done for all new pathogens and parasites with those that develop radiorestance have it removed via CRISPR applied by bumpers to millions of pathogens and exposed to even higher levels as much as 1,000Gy.Those that have a high radiorestance in comparison to humans such as E.coli will have this removed beforehand removing their radioresistance to at least that comparable to humans ie 5Gy to reduce energy use and also their chance of developing radiorestance.The remaining pathogens would be killed off by the secondary and primary immune systems with the use of this treatment first having the pathogens visa flooded CRISPR treatments will apply genes that prevent the pathogens and parasites from developing radioresistance by blocking their ability to mutate alongside those that prevent them from undergoing replication and mitosis.These could start at least 200-500Gy several times,then 1,000Gy several times,then 2,000Gy and so on to prevent radiorestance and wipe out even larger numbers of the virus from the body with CRISPR treatments used by anti-viral strains can remove any resistance the pathogen gains to radiation.DNA from W.dermatitidis,C.sphaerospermum and C.neoformans once one is also made immune to radiation via DNA from T.gammatolerans,D.radiodurans can be added to the patients cells to enable them to radiosynthesis,that is,to use the pigment melanin to convert gamma radiation into chemical energy for growth thus helping the body use radiation as a food source should food be scare in space or on Earth.Tweaks can made to do this with other types of radiation including UV radiation and create both ATP and using gases from breathing and engineering allowing one to synthesise all essential amino acids/fats/vitamins(especially once the recombinant DNA from plants and animals to synthesise these is present) allowing one to gain nutrition from the sun and that from artificial lights when food stores are low etc and to alleviate strains on the Earths resources as well as eliminate malnutrition and famine and if perfected could allow one to live forever without consuming food ever provided on has gamma and UV radiation exposure devices that emit large doses of radiation between 5-30,000Gy and UV radiation from the sun and UV lamps and those on ceilings especially when made immune to radiation via T.gammatolerans.This if perfected will allow one to survive forever in wilderness areas,interstellar vehicles and space stations etc without consuming water and food thus eliminating famine and alleviate strains on the Earths resources with regards to food production as well.Lights in buildings and emitters built into smartphones etc can act as sources of natural and synthetic radiation and UV light to do this anytime using nanomaterials and scratch DNA and recombinant DNA from animals with one made immune to radiation can have one store uranium in body fat or implants permenantly that can be turned on and off once made immune to them and radiation.Studies will determine how long one could survive without food and water when exposed to radiation between 5-30,000Gy and UV radiation and for what length.Chrolophyll can be added to humans or varients of it that allow one to photosynthesis using sunlight as a source of nutrition for the same reasons.Even infants and pre terms could utilise this to cater to their growing need for nutrients for growth.This can be applied to ornamental plants,crops,fish,shellfish,in vitro meat stem cells,bacteria that create commodities and also remaining livestock to eliminate water and feedstock and fertiliser from agriculture completely.Thus crops,in vitro meat cells and remaining livestock,shellfish and bacteria that produce commodities in community,home and vertical farms could utilise UV and gamma radiation as a food source and eliminate both water,fertiliser,feed from agriculture completely lowering their ecological impact to zero thus negating the concept of their being a finite amount of land to grow fodder crops,fertiliser and water to feed a growing population and would be of note to areas in desert areas,droughts affecting yields and also space stations and interstellar vehicles.Devices in homes can be made that convert electricity into UV radiation and gamma and other radiation with these even built into smartphones.Lights in buildings and emitters built into smartphones etc can act as sources of natural and synthetic radiation and UV light to do this anytime using nanomaterials and scratch DNA and recombinant DNA from animals with one made immune to radiation can have one store uranium in body fat or implants permenantly that can be turned on and off once made immune to them and radiation.If possible the body could thus be exposed to UV radiation from the sun as well as UV lights at home and on smartphones and gamma and other radiation from devices at home etc from devices and even on smartphones that allows one to use the radiation as a food source by converting the radiation directly into energy when food is scarce.Thus one could utilise radiation as an energy source thus negating the need for consuming food forever as one could live forever only on gamma and UV radiation from sunlight and also devices at home and built into smartphones.As a result one could utilise natural sunlight and UV lights and gamma radiation from smartdevices and devices plugged in at home as a food source thus negating the need to consume food for nutrition forever using scratch DNA.This could render the need to rear crops and livestock etc for food obsolete forever as one could utilise gamma and UV radiation emmited by devices,smart devices and even the sun as a food source with scratch DNA possibly extending this to negate the need for water.As a result it would negate concerns of enough arable land to rear crops for a growing population over the coming decades,centuries or even thousands of years on Earth and other colonies and also interstellar vehicles and space stations as a person could gain enough nutrition from UV radiation from the sun and devices at home as well as gamma radiation from devices at home to last years or centuries etc and could allow one to utilise gamma and even UV radiation as a food source when in the wilderness away from civilisation and in times of food scarcity such as famines caused by terrorism,political embargoes and natural disasters thus allowing one to live forever provided one is exposed to UV radiation from sun and devices plugged into electronics with the ability to generate both UV and gamma radiation built into smartphones,devices built into homes.If perfected one could use gamma and even UV radiation from smartphones,lamps and even the sun to generate nutrition anf thus live forever without having to consume food or even water.Chrolophyll can be added to humans or varients of it that allow one to photosynthesis using sunlight as a source of nutrition for the same reasons.Scratch DNA will be used to accentuate these genotypes in the human genome.Furthermore since genetic engineering will allow one to go exponentially longer without both water and food well beyond the current limit of 30-40 days into the time length of months,years,decades or even centuries and millenia would mean that VR technologies could allow one to eat any crop,fish,crop or manufactured products and those from universal franchises in VR simulations at zero energy costs and without the need to grow crops and rear sny stem cells etc.All of this would drastically and exponentially reduce the amount of food needed to be grown to deal with a growing population as well as amount of water needed for humans to survive thus drastically lowering the ecological footprint of a growing population as one could go decades,centuries or thousands of years without food and water and use gamma and UV radiation from the sun and devices as a food source and would eliminate deficiency diseases forever and possibly even famine and mass starvation and death by both dehydration and starvation forever due to unforeseen events such as blackouts etc especially in interstellar vehicles,space space stations and other planets across the universe.It would also eliminate death through famine and could allow humans to survive conditions where food is scare such as in deserts,wilderness areas,in space stations or interstellar vessels where famines could occur and where one does not ready access to food for extended periods of time.If applied to crops,bacteria that produce commodities,in vitro meat stem cells and also remaining livestock and fish etc it will cut down on the ecological footprint of agriculture.Should a famine occur due to political reasons etc or a patient be unable to gain access to food or water one can do so for extended periods of time such as several decades,centuries or even thousands of years and then enter an endospore state to be revived later on with this allowing patients to go decades,centuries or thousands of years without water and nutrients and if they reach the new limit they will either enter an endospore state and be revived later on by having nutrients and water intravenously injected into the patient with it thus giving extra decades,centuries or thousands of years to rectify the underlying causes of the famine or scarcity of water and food.This will be key in alleviating strains on the need to grow crops etc and harvest water both for crops,meat and humans themselves both individually and collectively thus drastically reducing the ecological footprint of humans both directly and for agriculture thus exponentionally increasing the carrying capacity of Earth in terms of agriculture.A person could decide to go years,decades or centuries without the need to consume any food or drink with one only doing so in VR simulations as hobbies thus alleviating the need for rearing crops and need to consume water.VR simulations can allow one to eat as much unhealthy food that is rich in sugars,complex carbohydrates and fats that they want without gaining weight with this also catering to expensive,time consuming foods including manufactured food products that take time to order in from Deipneus factories allowing one to eat them at a whims notice when carrying out ones favourite pastime.These measures to lower the need for nutrient and water intake will be added to all pets,crops,algae,stem cells for in vitro meat,remaining livestock,bacteria that produce commodities to lower the amount of water,feedstock and fertiliser in agriculture by as much as 95-99% and can allow them to enter an endospore state when they reach their limits thus allow crops etc during a drought to enter an endospore state and then be revived later on by adding water and nutrients into them intravenously when needed.If possible recombinant DNA from faculatative anaerobes,anaerobes,obligate anaerobes,capnophiles and scratch DNA can be added to the patients genome to naturally use both carbon dioxide and oxygen as energy acceptors alongside nitrate(NO3−),fumarate,sulphate(SO42−),or sulphur(S) should these microbes be overwhelmed and compromised and allow for it to be more efficient with this replicated for all phenotypes of the bacteria and also H.ubermensch.DNA from microbes can extract carbon from the air at much lower concentrations than 150-200ppm,scratch DNA and that from plants that carry out C3 and C4 photosynthesis can be added to the genome of all cells to improve efficiency.DNA from scratch and those from plants and animals can allow patients to survive significantly lower levels of oxygen.This could make the host survive indefinitely without oxygen using carbon dioxide as an energy acceptor both from the atmosphere and that which builds up in the bloodstream such as after a heart attack/stroke/sudden adult and infant death syndrome,complications in surgery,embolisms and aneurysms(wherein the faulty heart and blood vessels can be repaired by surgery,bioprinted orphans etc and pacemakers formed invivo by the microbes or the microbes forming new tissue and added ability to repair damaged tissues added to the host)while swimming,choking,severe blood loss,thrombosis and blood clots,during and after embolisms,aneurysms and also while drowning,living in low oxygen environments such as high in mountains,burning buildings,strangulation,choking and other situations where the lack of oxygen may cause neural damage and even death etc other permanent affects including gangrene as well as preventing neural damage with further engineering allowing the hosts own cells to separate oxygen from carbon dioxide when it reaches toxic levels,at any time or the elements in acetate produced in looped cycles as the carbon can be stored in the body or cells as well as then use this carbon as carbon dioxide when aerobic respiration to be used in looped cycles with the recombinant DNA from Planarians,Hydra,A.mexicanum repairing damage to the brain and other key organs with the heart and other organs replaced by bio-printed versions.This carbon dioxide created by the hosts own cells would then be converted into oxygen with the carbon used to create carbohydrates etc or flushed out into the urine and feces with AI developing means to ensure the carbon,hydrogen,oxygen is recycled in looped systems.One could literally hold their breath forever while swimming etc and the resultant carbon dioxide that builds up in the bloodstream will used as a energy acceptor in place of and alongside oxygen with if possible the cells in the human body engineered to convert the carbon dioxide into oxygen thus creating a looped cycle where both gases can be reused over and over again with if not then at least the microbes in the body converting the carbon dioxide into oxygen etc with scratch DNA and possibly plant and even chemosynthetic bacteria DNA in both the microbes and human tissues allowing for this to occur without sunlight.If possible the alveoli of the lungs and certain parts of the skin mainly epithelial and squamous tissue in the mouth,oesophagus etc or even certain parts of the body such as behind the ear,neck,armpit and other parts of the body can be modified to intake and diffuse oxygen from water through microgills using DNA from fish thus preventing drowning thus making one able to survive both inside and outside water with and without gills and with and without ones normal gills with if possible the use of carbon dioxide as an energy acceptor should suffice if one keeps one mouth closed.Damage to the brain caused by a lack of oxygen through suffocation,strangulation and just a general lack of availble oxygen would be repaired instantly or even prevented thus increasing chanace of survival.As a result patients could survive forever and normally in low oxygen environments such as high mountainous areas,holding ones breath underwater,in smokey environments such as places with fires and in time planets with low oxygen environments.This could improve survival rates to as much as 100% of conditions such as heart defects and sudden infant death syndrome and also sudden adult death syndrome and other conditions where ones heart suddenly stops for whatever biological reason with this also including heart attacks,strokes,brain aneurysms etc.SCUBA divers and those in space suits,biohazard suits etc could through this phenotype use carbon dioxide in depleted oxygen tanks in looped cycles over and over again with plant DNA in the patients cells allowing carbon dioxide to be converted into oxygen to be reused over and over again in looped cycles.Damage to the brain caused by a lack of oxygen could be averted forever.As a result a person could both oxygen and carbon dioxide as an energy acceptor thus making oxygen deprivation a non issue.This of course would be tested on mice and chimpanzees before human trials.Patients can via scratch DNA and that from bacteria be able to turn all toxic gases into oxygen and use them as energy acceptors.N.Beggiatoa,chemosynthetic bacteria,C.necator and scratch DNA will allow all toxic gases to be used as energy acceptors such as methane,ammonia,nitrogen etc in for example planets that have rich amounts of these in their environment.Microbes ability to form tissues could form versions of these in the body connected to both the circulatory system and also lungs.Recombinant DNA from photosynthetic plants and chemosynthetic bacteria,capnophillic bacteria and scratch DNA would perfect this allowing the hosts cells turn carbon dioxide into oxygen and use the oxygen,use the carbon dioxide alongside bacteria or convert it and acetate produced into sugars via the microbes or the hosts own cells.Debates as to whether these augmentations can be legal in sports for athletes etc with if not then miniature DNA analysers used at the start of each event.As detailed adding DNA from A.mexicanum,Planarians,C.elegans,Hydra to the host could allow them to accelerate healing against injuries that would otherwise be considered fatal such as tauopathy,neural damage caused by trauma,perforations to major arteries and organs,veins,internal bleeding,stabbings,shootings,burst vessels during aneurysms and embolisms and even strokes,organs as even spinal and all types of neural damage and allow the brain and all tissues in the body to repair and revive itself after what would normally be considered “death”.Burns and acid attacks would also be repaired this way with broken and sprained bones even fatal injuries like a twisted neck repaired instantly also.Microbes would also accelerate healing by forming desired tissues.This accelerated healing of minor injuries would negate a patient to visit the hospital and in the case of serious injuries would mean they would spend less time in hospitals thus alleviating strains on hospitals and allowing one to heal themselves at home in bed or rest at home or in the open and would play a role in making healthcare free as it would not require any medical visits with microbes fighting off infections directly or through immunisations.It alongside those from R.sylvatica,Tardigrade,H.glaciei,P.putida GR12-2,Bacillus F,Planarians,C.elegans,C.greenlandensis,C.pleistocenium,psychrophillic and osmophile bacteria and also those from scratch could allow one to survive cryonics with the aforementioned DNA from Hydra,A.mexicanum etc alongside T.gammatolerans and Bacillus F allow one to repair damaged cells and also telomeres as a result of this.This recombinant DNA from osmophiles,xerophiles and from scratch as well as from osmophiles,R.sylvatica,Tardigrade,Bacillus F,H.glaciei,P.putida GR12-2,C.greenlandensis,C.pleistocenium,psychrophillic bacteria,Tardigrade,poikilotherms combined with those from scratch could allow one when transferred to the host via horizontal gene therapy could allow the hosts to regulate homestasis in conditions that would otherwise lead to hypothermia,frostbite or other conditions as low as -272 degrees celcius.This could also allow cryonics including hypersleep to be a valid science for humans and allow one to survive freezing in the open and also in cryonic chambers with of course this tested on animals with recombinant DNA from embryonic totipotent and induced stem cells,Planarians,Hydra,A.mexicanum,C.elegans,T.gammatolerans and Bacillus F to repair damaged tissue and telomeres allowing to be rethawed over and over again.It could allow for ,cells,tissues,seeds,eggs,spermatazoa,embryos and organs that have anti-ageing treatments to be more effectively stored indefinitely forever and thawed over and over again without loss of viability especially when transported from one place to another with other extremophile DNA ensuring they could survive accidental thawing.Osmophile and R.sylvatica DNA can be used to allow sugar to be used as a cryoprotectants.Scratch DNA such as those from forced evolution could allow natural and synthetic toxic cryoprotectants to be used.Like more complex forms of cryonics these would be also be able to be withstand toxic cryoprotectants through genes made from scratch.Osmophile bacteria and R.sylvatica DNA can allow glucose to be used as cryoprotectants.Tardigrade DNA that would allow them to survive -272 degrees celcius can be added once as detailed later on pushed to their limits below this and to last forever via forced evolution.Its ability to lower its metabolic rate by 99.9% and also xerophile and oligotrophic bacteria doing the same will also be utilised.It could as stated allow living patients of H.sapiens to undergoe cryonics for various purposes.This could allow for hypothetical hypersleep to work in interstellar vehicles and also antifreeze proteins synthesised by them to be repaired by allow cryonics to work alongside surviving low temperatures for extended periods of time.Cryonics tested on animals as well as whole organs from chimera animals and human tissues could start by 2025 using these sources of recombinant DNA with different sets of animals having different combinations of the aforementioned psychrophiles and all having the recombinant DNA of A.mexicanum etc to test them for how long they can survive different periods of time under cryonic suspension using different methods and compounds of cryopreservation for each set with human trials starting by at least the mid to late 2030s with trials on human organs started as early as the 2025.Tests on animals frozen and then thawed utilising these methods could be developed and tested by 2029.Psycrophile as well as from osmophiles,R.sylvatica,Tardigrade,Bacillus F,H.glaciei,P.putida GR12-2,C.greenlandensis,C.pleistocenium,psychrophillic bacteria,Tardigrade,poikilotherms etc DNA can also through extension allow one to survive conditions that could lead to hypothermia,frostbite etc and stay alive at extremely low temperatures as low as -272 degrees celcius and prevent ice crystal formation that would damage cells with Planarians,Hydra,A.mexicanum,C.elegans,T.gammatolerans and Bacillus F DNA to repair damaged tissue and telomeres allow one to thaw and then be refrozen and rethaw over and over again.Since Tardigrade is the only one of these that can survive as low as -272 degrees Celsius research but only momentarily into this research should be pursued to see if it’s DNA combined with different combinations of the aforementioned sources.Forced evolution and genes extrapolated from scratch using it DNA as a baseline should be carried out to extend its ability to survive -272 degrees Celsius to rather than momentarily but rather forever and if possible tweaked to not require it to go into a tun state.The ability of Tardigrade to enter a tun state wherein trehalose forms a vitrified state to do so with or without entering endospores can be added to compliment this again using scratch DNA.Tweaking the Tardigrade DNA with scratch DNA and that from other aforementioned psychrophiles through research will be done to allow for this to produce antifreeze peptides to survive as low as or lower than -272 degrees celcius with as little recombinant DNA as possible with new scratch DNA and that from plants,animals and micro-organisms from around the universe replacing this DNA once discovered.The DNA from Tardigrade to express the ability to survive -272 degress celcius will be through either scratch DNA,forced evolution and a mixture of genes from the aforementioned psychrophiles to be able to survive this temperature forever without entering a tun state with as little recombinant DNA added to the patients genome thus meaning DNA from all aforementioned bacteria will not be needed with if needed it being DNA that allows to survive their temperatures indefinitely.Thus research should be done into enhancing the Tardigrade DNA to stay viable at -272 degrees Celsius forever and allow one to still move around between 21 and -272 degrees Celsius with this if perfected will eliminate the threat of hypothermia on Earth and make cryonics a valid science with it also allowing frozen spermatozoa,eggs and embryos survive cryonics and be allowed to be thawed and refrozen over and over again.Thus research should be done into enhancing the Tardigrade DNA to stay viable at -272 degrees Celsius forever and allow one to still move around between 21 and -272 degrees Celsius with this if perfected will eliminate the threat of hypothermia on Earth and make cryonics a valid science.Existing seeds,eggs,embryos and spermatozoa in cryonic banks worldwide can be fitted with DNA via microbes or other vectors to ensure indefinite viabilty.The acellerated healing phenotype and telomere repair DNA will alongside psychrophile DNA allow the seeds,embryos,spermatozoa to be frozen and thawed over and over again without losing viability with for humans it will allow whole bodies to be frozen and thawed over and over again.This will be done to use as little recombinant DNA as possible. This will also allowing frozen cells,tissues,organs,spermatozoa,eggs and embryos survive cryonics and be allowed to be thawed and refrozen over and over again without loss of viability especially when combined with the telomere repair and acellerated healing phenotype.Osmophile DNA will allow glucose to be used as a cryoprotectant alongside DNA from R.syvatica and survive large doses of sugar considered fatal.In comparison the lowest temperature recorded on Earth was -89 degrees Celsius with outer space having a temperature of -270 degrees Celsius with forced evolution and scratch DNA pushing this even lower.By comparison fatal hypothermia usually sets in at 21 degrees Celsius with engineering allowing one to survive at -272 degrees Celsius forever in a non tun state and also be still able to move around normally with this preventing not just hypothermia and the body freezing but also prevent frostbite with it even preventing the formation of ice crystals in cells and tissues and even preventing the body resorting to shivering or getting cold at lower than normal temperatures even freezing temperatures thus meaning one could live permanently at low or freezing temperatures without shivering not just outside but also indoors without lighting fires and using heaters to warm the building saving energy costs during winter.One could also be exposed to low temperatures below freezing as much as -200 degrees and thus all pathogens and parasites in ones body will be frozen and and the cells break open and die through them forming ice crystals when reheated.This would allow one to walk in extreme cold areas like the top of mountains such as Mount Everest,the Antarctic wilderness etc without any heavy clothing and not experience hypothermia,frostbite,death or even shivering.The acellerated healing phenotype and telomere repair mechanisms will compliment the psycrophile DNA to repair damage and allow spermatozoa,embryos etc to be frozen DNA thawed over and over again and still retain viability with for living humans it will allow the human body to be frozen,thawed and refrozen over and over again without damaging the tissues.Since Tardigrade can only survive this momentarily scratch DNA could allow one to survive this indefinitely and also not enter a tun trehalose state and even survive even lower temperatures below -272.Thermophile DNA including that from including Methanopyrus kandleri and scratch DNA would prevent the cells and tissues in ones body losing viability at high temperatures allowing one to survive high temperatures such as 122 degrees celcius without sweating and getting burns on their body alongside the accelerated healing phenotype and it also preventing heatstroke and dehydration from high temperatures with other engineering allowing one not to be affected by high humidity.Tardigrade DNA can be modified through forced evolution or scratch DNA to survive its upper limit of 151 degrees Celsius forever with Phanes developing scratch DNA to survive higher temperatures and whatever upper limit is theoretically possible to between several hundred or thousand degrees Celsius.This would allow patients to survive temperatures this high in both humid and dry conditions without sweating and losing water and suffering heatstroke and dehydration.Since one could survive these temperatures one could survive temperatures this high without sweating and thus losing water with this applying to during heat from external heat sources and also prevent sweating during exercising and also could survive burns up to these temperatures and also survive rises in body temperature caused by infections up this temperature thus allowing the patients body temperature to rise to anywhere between 37-100 degrees to kill off pathogens who cannot survive this temperatures range with the the body even purposefully heated up to at least 100 degrees Celsiuscius by external heaters or the microbes through Paean initiating the body itself or the primary immune system that will kill off pathogens in the body leaving the patients body unharmed.It could also negate the need for air conditioning at home indoors saving energy.By comparison the highest temperature the human body can only survive is a mere 40 degrees Celsius and the hottest temperature ever recorded on Earth is 58 degrees Celsius.In both cases Planarians,Hydra,A.mexicanum,C.elegans,T.gammatolerans and Bacillus F DNA can be present to repair damaged tissue and telomeres.Scratch DNA will extend the temperature ranges that one can survive and function properly and will allow patients to have a wide range of temperatures they can survive maintaining stable thermoregulation in all temperature ranges and even allow for cryonics and hypersleep to become a reality wherein patients can be frozen and thawed over and over again with the acellerated healing phenotype and DNA from bacteria that exhibit telomere repair preventing any damage.Scratch DNA and forced evolution could extend the habitable temperature range of patients to theoretical limits well below -272 and well beyond 151 degrees without entering a tun state.Celsius allowing one to survive the coldness of space and also any low and high temperatures across the universe.Osmophile can allow one to survive high levels of sugar.Halophile DNA will allow one to survive saline solutions including seawater that would be otherwise fatal allowing one to drink seawater thats not desalinated and would possibly prevent high levels of sodium causing high blood pressure,comas,strokes,seizures and combined with xerophile and Firmicutes DNA would prevent dehydration with the bodies cells capable of tolerating such high extremes.Recombinant DNA from either Serratia liquefaciens,Carnobacterium genus and even Methanothermobacter wolfeii,Methanosarcina barkeri,Methanobacterium formicicum or all combined could allow humans to survive the low pressure of the upper atmosphere of Earth with regards to those who fly in jet fighters or those living in very tall buildings,the “death zone” of Earth like in the Himalayas and also to survive indefinitely on Mars.This extremely low air pressure of 7 millibars is lower than the 303 millibars of the highest point on Earth – the summit of Mount Everest and even the pressure at sea level of 1,010 millibars.This alongside faculatative anaerobes,anaerobes,obligate anaerobes,capnophiles bacteria DNA and scratch DNA and that from psychrophiles could allow one to live indefinitely in and above the “death zone” with this lowering the amount of deaths of climbers up Mount Everest and even allow one to live their in private homes and make alongside DNA from T.gammatolerans colonies Mars feasible.Recombinant DNA from piezophiles in all cells even bone cells and tissues added to even live patients could theoretically allow humans to survive extreme pressures forced on them in space,underwater or alongside those that survive low pressure and P.denitrificans quick and sudden changes in pressure in the body.P.denitrificans recombinant DNA that would increase human resistance to g-force and survive extremes in hypergravity of up to 403,627g compared to the human limit of 46.2g with this allowing for one to survive the g-force of Oceanus hyperloop travelling at speeds of up to 6,500kmph and ram/scramjet trips going at speeds of up to 10,000-14,000kmph.By comparison 403,627g is equivalent to the shockwaves experienced during stellar supernovas in space.DNA from Bacillus subtilis strains that are able to form endospores that make them able to experience extreme shock and high impacts can be modified by Phanes to do so with or without entering endospores and survive any limit using scratch DNA and forced evolution.The ability of Tardigrade to enter a tun state wherein trehalose forms a vitrified state to do so with or without entering endospores can be added to compliment this again using scratch DNA.These sources of DNA such as piezophiles,B.subtilis,P.denitrificans,Tardigrade can be modified by Phanes to interact together alongside the accelerated healing phenotype using scratch DNA to allow one to survive extreme impacts such as from a fall from a great height and impacts with and within vehicles such as scramjets,Oceanus and autonomous vehicles and shockwaves up to those experienced during supernovas possibly even decompression,depressurisation that would otherwise lead to instant death.Those from Salmonella,Tardigrade that would allow them to survive the vacuum and low gravity of space,extreme cold and heat as well as 6,000 atmospheres can be added once as detailed later on pushed to their limits to last forever via forced evolution.Piezophile DNA and that from Tardigrade that allow it survive 6,000 atmospheres or 6,079 bars of pressure will allow one to survive extreme atmospheric,underground and underwater pressures and if combined with the acelleratex healing phenotype can allow one to possibly survive decompression and depressurisation especially sudden changes in pressure that could cause instant death.By comparison the Marina trench which is the lowest point on planet Earth and also the lowest part of the ocean is a mere 1,086 bars or 1,071 atmospheres.Xerophile,oligotrophic,Tardigrade and scratch DNA can be added to the all tissues in the body to ensure that the organs even the human brain require lower amounts of nutrients and water to survive allowing them to survive conditions that would normally cause dehydration and starvation,thus allowing one to survive longer without food and water alongside easing the strain on microbes to feed the host in extreme conditions and thus coma and death with it even used to lower the amount of nutrients and water a person may need to survive overall with this and having humans be able to synthesise all essential amino acids and other nutrients will thus aid in alleviating the pressures on the Earths resources as well as extending the human lifespan by stalling or reversing cellular ageing and allow one to go extended periods without food or water with the organisms with the lowest levels required will be used with scratch DNA pushing this even further.The use xerophile and oligotrophic DNA and Tardigrade recombinant DNA especially using scratch DNA and forced evolution can reduce the amount of food and nutrients ie carbohydrates,proteins,vitamins and fats as well as water a person needs to survive by as much as 50-99%.Scratch DNA can push the theoretical limits of how long one can go without water and all essential nutrients by as much 99%.This could reduce the amount of calories one needs to consume from 2,000 calories for women and 2,500 for men to as low as 20 – 250 calories a day with the removal of the fat insulin receptor gene causing one to flush out excess nutrients in feces and urine.Furthermore recombinant DNA coming from fruits,vegetables and also other animals as well as algae that produce all essential amino acids,fats and vitamins etc that produce each specific one can be added to humans to allow humans to synthesis each one thus negating the need to consume food containing them thus further alleviating strains on the planet.Tardigrade DNA that allows their ability to reduce their metabolism by 99.9% and go almost 30 years without food and water will be mapped and added to humans and modified by Phanes using scratch DNA and forced evolution to do so without entering a endospore for potentially centuries if not longer.Speciemens have been known to be woken up after a century can be mapped with scratch DNA extrapolated by Phanes can allow for this to last exponentially longer or even forever with or without the formation of a crystalline trehalose structure.D.radiodurans can be added to counteract dessication due to dryness.Thus Tardigrade DNA alongside both oligotrophic snd xerophile DNA can be used as a baseline to develop new genes via scratch DNA and forced evolution that could allow humans to survive decades,centuries,millenia if not longer or even forever with little to no food and water or even none at all with the their theoretical limit tested on animals and biosynths.Firmicutes DNA could allow all human tissues and cells to form endospores to survive long periods without nutrients and water when they reach the limit of what they can survive without water and nutrients.with this first tested on chimpanzees and mice with human DNA potentially allowing one to survive extended periods of time without nutrition and water longer than normal and enter such as state for centuries,millenia or millions of years later of forever for later revival by adding water and nutrients to the body – pumped or even injected into the body intravenously in large amounts created by bacteria.Theoretically this could allow the body to be revived after starvation or dehydration decades,centuries,millenia or millions of years later by having nutrients and water injected intravenously into the body provided the host has DNA from T.gammatolerans,Bacillus F,A.mexicanum and Planarians etc to repair cellular and telomere damage.Thus the amount of water and nutrients such as carbohydrates,sugars,proteins and fats especially essential ones and water that one need may be reduced by at much as 60-99%.Humans normally can live as much as 30-40 days without food and water before succumbing to death due to starvation and dehydration.The recombinant DNA from Firmicutes,Tardigrade,xerophiles and oligotrophic bacteria coupled with scratch DNA will be made to interact with each other allowing one to stay an extra few years,decades,centuries or millenia etc with either significantly less nutrients and water or none at all with if one reaches the new limits of this nutrient and water restrictions one could enter a husk state for years,decades or centuries or even millions of years and be revived later on through having water and nutrients pumped into the body intravenously.Tests on animals or biosynths with human DNA as well as human tissues and organs could be used to determine the theoretical limit as to how long humans could survive without nutrients and water and then be revived after endospores are formed.Scratch DNA developed by Phanes and that from Tardigrade could extend this to the point one could upon reaching low levels of water and nutrients enter an endospore state that one can be revived from after any indefinite period ie centuries,millenia or millions of years.Scratch DNA may be needed to prevent one from felling hungry for this extended period of time but the fact that the bodies cells and tissue may not need food for this length of time may automatically negate hunger in patients until the new theoretical threshold is reached with the same applying to both water and thirst.To prevent this having the effect of one gaining more weight from eating a normal amount of food if possible scratch DNA could have the oligotrophic,endoth,xerophile and Firmicutes etc DNA only exhibit these phenotypes of forming endospores primarily in times of extremely low levels of nutrients and in normal times not intake excess nutrients outside reduced caloric intake requirements with enhanced metabolised added that would be able to occur.Scratch DNA can allow the cells of the body only use what is needed due to the oligotrophic DNA with excess nutrients inhibited from being converted into and stored as adipose tissue or cause complications of excess nutrients with it the body engineered to break down excess nutrients into benign compounds and/or flushed out of the body with microbes and biosynth implants in the body using up excess nutrients not consumed due to oligotrophic DNA reducing the bodies nutritional requirements with the same applied to vitamins,essential fats and proteins synthesised by the body.Thus scratch DNA can be added that makes them exhibit the formation of endospores only in extreme starvation and dehydration with it also added to prevent the person gaining weight when consuming normal amounts of food and water with it added to interact with that of enhanced metabolism DNA with the enhanced metabolism also burning of extra fat etc with the body engineered to flush out excess nutrients by converting them into benign compounds.Scratch DNA can be used to allow one to survive years,decades,centuries or even thousands of years or as long as theoretically possible with zero food or water intake or at least 90-99% less water and nutrients intake without entering an endospore or tun state allowing the body and the patient to be awake and carry out normal functions such as walking,running,playing sport etc with scratch DNA eliminating water loss through sweating etc with thermophile,mesophile etc DNA and scratch DNA allowing the body to exhibit stable thermoregulation and reach high temperatures without sweating due to exercise and also during exposure to high temperatures up to as high as possible.Thermophile DNA could extend this to 121 degrees Celsius with Tardigrade DNA pushing to at least 151 degrees Celsius.Thus even when one exercises and is warm they will not sweat thus preventing the loss of water.Entering an endospore or tun state would only occur after what the new theoretical limit of water or nutrient deficiency would be is reached.This could be exponentially lenghthed by having the DNA of Tardigrade,scratch DNA and possibly Firmicutes DNA interact with other to compliment each other’s abilities.Patients can be engineered to synthesize all essential amino acids,fatty acids,vitamins etc using recombinant DNA from
vegetables,fruits,plants and animals that naturally produce them that are eaten in the diet for them thus negating the need to consume them.This would thus negate the need for humans to intake essential amino acids,fatty acids and vitamins thus preventing deficiency diseases with them only produced in their recommended daily allowance as detailed earlier on.Alkanophile and acidophile DNA would protect the skin and interior organs from bases and acids especially the stomach and also the eyes,oesophagus,skin etc with the accelerated healing phenotype healing any damage with recombinant DNA from all extremophiles present in H.ubermensch allowing to survive all extremes.Alkanophile and acidophile DNA will allow the body to carry normal homeostasis and biological functions even when the pH rises or drops below the ideal homeostatic ranges of 7.3-7.5 to a pH as low as 1 or high as 10.This will be applied into the entirety of the internal gastro-intestinal tract thus preventing acid reflux and GERD affecting the tract thus preventing the formation of Barrets disease and oesophageal cancer and in the stomach prevent the formation of stomach ulcers and tumours.Adding it to all cells in the body would allow one to consume powerful acids and bases or inhale them as gases without damaging the interior of their body and survive it unharmed.Acetate,methane or other waste products would be broken down by the hosts cells into oxygen,nutrients or flushed out of the system or even lungs once the hosts cells can be made immune to it through further CRISPR treatments.Other gases toxic to humans can be used as energy acceptors through further engineering using anaerobic bacteria and scratch with again any waste products dealt with in the same way.The same can be done for uranium and all radioactive elements using recombinant DNA from G.metallireducens tweaked alongside metallorants could allow the host to survive heavy metals with those from N.Beggiatoa,chemosynthetic bacteria,C.necator and scratch DNA allowing the host to survive ammonia,methane,sulfur,hydrogen and other gases toxic to humans both natural and synthetic entering the lungs with tissues repaired instantly by accelerated healing and stem cell strains with if possible this and scratch DNA allowing the host to use these and other toxic gases as energy acceptors alongside oxygen.Scratch DNA can allow the oxygen present in toxic gases to be separated by the lungs for aerobic respiration and toxic gases released into the atmosphere when combined with other benign gases etc when released in the atmosphere or even be able to use any gases as an energy acceptor like oxygen for aerobic respiration.Thus the host can be made immune to all toxic gases,radioactive and heavy metals and compounds alongside poisons by adding genes from the aforementioned bacteria,extremophiles that can tolerate high levels alongside those from scratch via CRISPR.DNA from all extremophile bacteria and animals as well as plants that are immune to various types of gases,toxins,high levels heavy metals etc will be added to humans to make them also survive these conditions.For example Agrobacterium tumefaciens recombinant DNA can be added to humans to make them immune to glysophate,strains of G.metallireducens and tweaked versions could make humans immune to uranium and all radioactive elements and heavy metals alongside DNA from T.gammatolerans,Cupriavidus metallidurans,Ferroplasma and other metallotolerants as well as scratch DNA to survive all heavy metals including radioactive ones in large amounts as well as those that are fatal in small amounts such as cadmium,zinc,lead,arsenic,mercury.Patients can be made to survive levels exponentially way past their current LD50 limit if possible way past what a person can consume or be exposed to in one go.This will be done by Phanes using G.metallireducens,G.metallidurans,Ferroplasma as a baseline through forced evolution and scratch DNA to produce new genotypes that protect one from each individually,in groups or an all in one genotype that protects one from all heavy elements should allow humans to survive overdosing of these elements and live in areas that are heavily polluted and undergoing bioremediation.DNA from scratch DNA and those from bacteria and also animals and plants could allow the host to produce antivenoms to any poisons that enter the body with as detailed earlier forcing bacteria to produce counterproteins to different poisons.This would also be applied with scratch DNA to make them immune to gases like sarin,mustard gas,sulphur,carbon monoxide,chlorine,those that burn tissue by making them immune to their effects ie burns and allow them to be used as energy acceptors like oxygen.Scratch DNA can allow humans to survive all other extreme conditions on Earth and space etc with as detailed later on forced evolution pushing the limits of exeteremophiles that can then be added to humans.All extremophiles on Earth and other planets will be analysed for genes to allow humans to survive them.All extremophile DNA since added to the genome would also be expressed by all leukocytes since they will be applied to bone marrow but extra DNA may need to be added to the hosts genome to have erythrocytes express these phenotypes determined by Phanes with if possible them housing nuclei with only this DNA and DNA to house these and if possible them modified to do so and still transport oxygen just as or even more efficiently or humans engineered to require less oxygen and use carbon dioxide as an energy acceptor as well with scratch DNA extrapolated by Phanes and that from other animals with all beneficial bacteria especially gut flora with microbes fitted with this extremophile DNA as well.Beneficial bacteria in the body will have these augmentations added.Biosynth WiFi can be added to gut flora in order to add augmentations instantly.If possible all cells in the human body can have biosynth wifi to have upgrades sent wirelessly instantly via Cas-9 and taq polymerase inducing evolution.Animal trials using animals that have human DNA to express human leukocytes and erythrocytes will be carried out on eavch augmentation to ensure both them and gut flora can survive these extreme conditions.This will be done to ensure that they can survive these conditions.Addition of this DNA from extremophiles,those from scratch and forced evolution will allow H.sapiens to survive any environment on Earth,in space,across the universe including planets not conducive to human life.As a result humans and other animals and plants from Earth can be engineered to survive conditions on planets vastly different to Earth.Plants,animals,livestock and even sentient alien races from planets that are drastically different to that of Earth that evolved to live only on their native planets that cannot tolerate or survive Earth like conditions can undergo these augmentations to survive conditions on Earth and planets and megastructures such as ringworlds etc other than their native home planet as well as survive conditions on space stations and interstellar vehicles.Biocompatible microbes in the body of patients and also beneficial gut flora will have these genes added to ensure they survive.Thus CRISPR can allow humans etc from Earth to survive conditions on all planets across the universe and allow all sentient alien races and all animals and plants that evolved to survive on planets completely different from Earth to be able to survive on Earth and planets similar to Earth.It will also allow them to consume crops,meat etc and foods from Earth if they toxic as determined by clinical trials involving Biosynths..All species of animals including all types of pets,livestock including ornamental plants as well as crops could avail of the same augmentations as humans.These extremophile DNA can also be added to pets,livestock,wild animals and even crops,ornamental plants,invtiro meat stem cells,bacteria that create commodities and algae to survive these conditions used to kill off pathogens and even increase agricultural productivity and growth rates by being exposed to these conditions will induce cellular growth and reduce the amount of nutrients and water etc needed for higher yields.Pets will be able to avail of augmentations alongside livestock etc.
All of Physis can be analysed for genes for different augmentations.To get new genes for these augmentations it could be possible to have bacteria that are extremophiles or already have high enough tolerance to compounds be exposed to larger amounts and harsher conditions in controlled experiments to force them to evolve countermeasures to high levels of both natural and synthetic compounds and elements and thus create new genes that can be applied to humans once the compound is ineffective at killing the bacteria at desired concentrations with the same done to poisons thus replicating the conditions that led to superbugs and extremophiles themselves with this sped up in laboratories.This could be done alongside Phanes developing them using simulations by at least 2029 with this method as stated creating bacteria that are resistant to high concentrations or low levels of all types of poisons,elements,heavy metals,inorganic and organic compounds and synthetic compounds whether solid,liquid or gas that can be toxic,fatal or carcinogenic to humans by replicating the process of evolution in automated microbiology labs thus allowing the new species and strains to have their DNA mapped for these new genes that can be added to humans to make humans immune to these compounds or use them as energy acceptors.This could theoretically create genes that would later stored in the Aesculapius augmentation sub network to then make humans resistant to all heavy metals including radioactive ones,poisons(ideally all in one geneotype),pesticides,teratogens,miotic inhibitors,carcinogens of all types,date rape drugs,chemotherapeutic compounds,toxic synthetic and natural gases and compounds including perchlorates and also sarin and mustard gas etc as well as all types of environmental conditions such as electric shocks,fire,all temperature ranges etc.It would also be used to make humans immune to any natural or synthetic compound that negatively affects humans ie is fatal or even bothersome and cause deformities etc in foetuses.If possible it or tissues exposed to this method could be used to accelerate and push the limits of the healing process of A.mexicanum for the acellerated healing phenotype.DNA from existing extremophiles or animals and bacteria that already show a better resistance to it than humans would be added to a model species of bacteria and bacteria will be used as they can evolve much quicker than multicellular animals in extreme stress due to fewer genes.All existing extremophiles will be exposed gradually to conditions much harsher than what they can already survive in lab conditions thus causing them to create better genes to survive harsher conditions in a process called forced evolution that allows the new genes created to be mapped and then added to Physis and augmentation networks etc to increase the limits that humans can survive on Earth,in space and across the universe.If possible multicellular lifeforms such as Tardigrade can have their genes that allow them to survive extremes momentarily added to separate batches of bacteria created by 3D DNA printers who would then be exposed to these different environmental conditions ie ability to survive momentarily at -272 and 151 degrees celcius,6,000 atmospheres,the vacuum of space to push them to their limits and last forever at these conditions without entering a run state.Tardigrade is not a true extremophile and as a multicellular lifeform would be more likely to die off than adapt to new changes in these conditions in comparison to bacteria who due to the fewer genes they can thus adapt quicker to extreme environmental stress and as seen by the emergence of superbugs can mutate much quicker than multicellular organisms under environmental stress with these automated lab settings expediting this from millions of years to several months or even weeks to the theoretical limits with in time Phanes even extrapolating genes from scratch.Thus since it can only survive these conditions momentarily each set of genes for these extreme phenotypes will be mapped and added to different sets of bacteria to be then pushed to theoretical limits to force them to develop new genes to counteract these conditions forever or even more harsher conditions.If possible they can be used as a baseline for Phanes to extrapolate them from scratch thus these genes can be used by Phanes to extrapolate scratch DNA to last at these conditions forever or survive even harsher conditions.This can be replicated with genes from other multicellular plants and animals that are extremophiles or resistant to certain environmental conditions and compounds momentarily.Thus this could be a means to create genes that make one to immune to all known poisons and carcinogens and environmental conditions by exposing them to increasing levels of them forcing them to evolve countermeassures to these with them pushed to the limits of concentrations of each poisons and carcinogens and the theoretical limits of environmental conditions with the new genes produced then added to Physis and augmentations networks and then by extension humans worldwide once they are scanned and compared to the existing DNA.If need be human recombinant DNA may be added to the bacteria especially those directly affected by each carcinogen and compound to make the genes more human and responsive and applicable to humans.This could even push the limits of existing extremophiles to theoretical limits and well beyond what humans would normally or could theoretically experience on Earth in space,on other planets etc by exposing them to more extreme environmental conditions to evolve countermeassures to these with them pushed to the theorectical limits and the genes added to Physis.If perfected any environmental pressures on Earth and even in space or other planets such as Hell class planets could be applied to existing extremophiles to make humans gain these via CRISPR using these new genes and thus survive any temperature,pressure etc in the universe such as Hell,Demon and Super Terran planets as well the vacuum,temperatures,pressures,gravities of space and and any celestial bodies such as comets,stars etc by as stated putting extremophiles under these condition gradually to force them into evolution into super extremophiles.This would push them to their furthest theoretical limits allowing them to survive all possible conditions on Earth,in the universe and even outer space.Bacteria will be used as they have fewer genes and are much quicker to evolve under environmental stress.The bacteria tested would ideally be non pathogenic extremophile ones ideally ones found in the gastro-intestinal tract that are benign to humans with them killed by removing the genes via CRISPR and exposing them to these environmental conditions in extreme levels with each set of the bacteria exposed to different compounds and environmental conditions to ensure they can be killed by other extremes of environmental conditions or high levels of antibiotics etc.Pathogenic extremophiles will be replaced by new species of bacteria created by Phanes and 3D DNA printers that contains the extremophile DNA but will have no pathogenicity.The new genes will be added Physis in file of each bacteria and also augmentation sub network of Aesculapius.Different sets of different bacteria benign to humans created by Phanes using 3D DNA printers that house the extremophiles DNA and can be liked off by penicillin etc will be utilised for testing each environmental condition and compound thus preventing them becoming deadly pathogens with them also able to be killed off by different compounds and environmental conditions when the new genes are scanned and added to Physis etc.Bacteriophages should be developed for the species used should they become pathogens and infect humans with resistance to penicillin edited out as well to allow and bacteriophages to be used.These would be killed off by exposing them to high levels of radiation,sugar,salt and other environmental conditions that they are not immune to with them also killed off by bacteriophages created to treat them.The bacteria could have human DNA present to make them more applicable to the tests.Bacteria will be used as they evolve much quicker especially under extreme stress due to having fewer genes.Thus this forced evolution will play a role in creating scratch DNA for this and also those to make accelerated healing almost instantaneously,accommodate progeria mylienisation,and prevent tumours forming in humans ever again.Phanes will also extrapolate scratch DNA using existing DNA within extremophiles from across the universe that can survive harsher conditions than on Earth they evolved to meaning Phanes can use existing extremophile DNA as a baseline to extrapolate from thought new genes that can allow one to survive these conditions forever in the case of Tardigrade and alongside and all other extremophiles push these phenotypes to their theoretical limits that once added to Physis can be availible to everyone as upgrades.Thus Phanes can use extremophile DNA as a baseline to create new genes from scratch to survive harsher conditions.Extremophiles discovered across the universe will undergoe this.Both the microbes and the host and thus the primary immune system and even beneficial bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract will have this DNA added to them.Thus all types of extremophiles such as xerophiles,oligotrophs,thermophiles,psychrophiles,halophiles,osmophiles,metallotolerants,piezophiles,Tardigrade,P.denitrificans,Salmonella,A.tumefaciens,T.gammatolerans,D.radiourans,M.kandleri,M.wolfeii,Bacillus F,H.glaciei,P.putida GR12-2,C.greenlandensis,C.pleistocenium, etc will undergo this to push there limits as well as in other areas of toxicity in their suited extreme conditions in each field to then be applied to humans,microbes and also beneficial bacteria.Scratch DNA can be extrapolated by Phanes to survive even harsher conditions in all extreme environments and also gain immunities to all teratogens,heavy metals etc in high doses using existing ones and those gained from forced evolution used a baseline to extrapolate them.Non pathogenic bacteria will be used for other compounds and environmental conditions.The new genes created by bacteria to survive these conditions will be added to humans,gut flora and microbes once they are scanned and compared to the existing DNA and added to the subnetwork of Aesculapius/Physis that holds all of the augmentations available to the public and Physis stored in the bacterias file.These new genes will also be applied for crops,pets and livestock and even wildlife both flora and fauna to increase agricultural productivity and kill of pathogens.The creation of super extremophiles will allow humans to survive way beyond any theoretical environmental conditions on Earth,on other planets and in outer space in the universe.With regards to toxins,carcinogens,teratogens,date rape drugs,heavy metals etc AI could analyse their structure and extrapolate the structures of counterproteins and have them stored on file on implants and also microbes DNA digital storage to be relayed to chelation strains and created by anabolic and catabolic reactions when needed on demand.These counterproteins would be used to neutralise the pollutant and allow it to be flushed out of the body with augmented humans have microbes teach them to create these counterproteins by creating low levels of them below the LD50 to illiicit an response.Other microorganisms and multicelluar organisms including plants such as crops and ornamental plants can be fitted with these with the use of extremophile and super extremophile DNA used to create custom made unicelluar and multicellular life forms across the universe suited to each planet seeded by humans with it also applied to crops on Earth etc to survive all seasons,climates,temperature ranges etc.Plants used for bioremediation and also carbon sequestration will also be fitted with this.Beneficial bacteria in the intestines of patients and also biocompatible microbes themselves will be fitted with this DNA to ensure they are able to also survive these conditions with advanced gene drive technology passing this onto each generation with the patients leukocytes having these by extension of the patient having them as well or via the bone marrow DNA fitted with this to also ensure they are unaffected by these conditions.Antibodies,anti-viral compounds and anti-microbial compounds that may be toxic to humans can be tested on the desired bacterial pathogens with some human DNA in secure labs forcing them to evolve countermeasures against them and thus gain a resistance to them with this added to the cells of all tissues in humans with this used especially for those like virkon,melittin,lemon juice and others that are used against HIV and others like colistin,romidepsin,peptides from Russian Brown Frogs and others to treat bacteria,viruses and tumours etc allowing them to be released without bumpers with those resistant to colistin and existing anti-microbial compounds have the genes present scanned and found and added to humans.This would allow them to be released into the bloodstream etc in large amounts without bumpers thus preventing side effects and more importantly cytotoxicity.Synthetic compounds that do cause mild to severe reactions in humans that treat parasites,fungi,bacteria and viruses as well as those to treat neurological disorders etc can be treated this way especially if the bacteria have human recombinant DNA in them thus allowing them to be again created by microbes in large amounts and prevent side effects and toxicity.The new genes from all experiments involving environmental conditions,poisons,anti-viral compounds etc will be added to the augmentation network under the folder for H.sapiens and also the bacteria tested and will be added to the genome of patients thus eliminating any side effects.By exposing benign bacteria to natural and synthetic compounds that cause side effects to humans including toxicity etc they will gain a resistence and the new genes will be charted and when added to the host these new genes would allow the host to be unaffected by these anti-viral,anti-microbial compounds without the need for bumpers with even the exact pathogen they are meant to kill tested in lab settings.Work on this can start as early as 2023/2024 in automated microbiology labs around the world and be finished by 2029 when most strains are widely available and can be applied to crops and also livestock and pets as well as bioremediation efforts.The new genes will be added to the Physis and augmentation sub network in Aesculapius.Other scratch DNA will be created by AI namely proto and sentient Epione,Paean,Phanes extrapolating the likeliest DNA and using simulations.These augmentations added to live patients via horizontal gene transfer such as ability to survive without oxygen and use carbon dioxide as an energy acceptor,be resistant to radiation,have the ability to survive cryonics,accelerated healing of organs as well as tissues and regrow tissues and limbs and other parts of the body etc from severe injuries such as spinal and brain injuries from Planarians,A.mexicanum and Hydra,synthesise essential amino acids and other nutrients,be immune to all toxins/gases,heavy metals,require less water and nutrients etc can using germline therapy and advanced gene drive technology etc can become a permanent feature of the human genepool.These augmentations will be applied by the microbes to all cells in first generation living patients with them relaying to ones patient file when they are finished by wifi,nanomachines and also by them producing compounds that cause uniquely coloured and smelling urine to alert someone when it is has been applied to all cells as well as the estimated time it will take be denoted by the patient file.In time base microbes will check the cells by copying DNA and using wifi to relay changes to see that all cells have these augmentations with as stated advanced gene drive technology will ensure all augmentations will pass form one generation of cells to the next during mitosis.The same will apply to those for correcting genetic defects that lead to genetic diseases,neurological and developmental diseases and also ageing treatments.When base microbes are finished reading all cells it will relay this data to ones patient file.These would consist of at least several million or even billions of these strains microbes applying the DNA to millions at once via them copying DNA via taq polymerase and Cas-9.DNA present in the body that leads to ageing,junk DNA and other series of DNA that has no use can be removed to make space with if need be cell nuclei made bigger and also have a second smaller nuclei to house them added via CRISPR.Specific strains will be made to deal with augmentations via CRISPR treatments with the DNA for the application to all the cells in the body will be housed in ribosomes and in particular plasmids that will be recreated over and over again via taq polymerase and Cas-9 to be reused over and over again with millions of microbes applying the DNA to all cells in the body at once until all cells are treated.The genes for these will be applied either by horizontal gene transfer and also bumpers acting as a mini vector.Advanced gene drive technology will be used to ensure the DNA passses from generation to the next.These can be all in one augmentations where two or more are applied at once or in multiple applications.Scracth DNA can create new augmentations created by Phanes.All augmentaitions would be tested on animals and also human tissues between 2024-2025 to be perfected by 2025-2029 to be availible for live patients.When not needed and when augmentations are applied then they will be flushed out of the body.All augmentations applied to a patient will be applied to all microbe strains in them via biosynth wifi and all beneficial bacteria in the gut etc via horizontal gene transfer to ensure they can survive these conditions.If possible biosynth wifi can be integrated into beneficial bacteria in the body to allow them to have new augmentations added instantly via Paean through smart devices.These augmentations can also be applied to pets,zoo animals and livestock as well as ornamental plants.These augmentations can be removed from patients via microbes applying CRISPR treatments to remove the genes from all cells in the body.These trials will begin by 2024-2029 on chimpanzees using the most commercially viable and desireable phenotypes in labs across the world with the animals having human recombinant DNA with by 2029-2045 simulations by Paean,Aegle and also Epione will be able to run simulations on thousands or billions of genotypes and their effects in humans at once.
Aesculapius will house a sub network that is linked to Physis will contain a list of all genes from all species of plants and animals(including H.sapiens and those created from scratch that are of commercial value divided into those for upgrades for microbes and each strain(anti-cancer,anti-bacterial,anti-viral,genetic disease and ageing strains,those to treat everyday maladies)both to express compounds to treat these conditions and CRISPR treatments and then also those for augmentations for humans and their counter CRISPR treatments.These augmentations would include those to increase IQ,proficiency in memory,music,mathematics,singing voice and also hair/eye/skin colour,penis and breast size,Aspergers,ADHD,resistence to HIV/Ebolavirus etc,change their sexuality to heterosexuality/biseuxality/homosexuality and those releated to cis and transgendenderism,extremophile and superextremophile DNA,those from plants and animals that can give humans their unique abilities and scratch DNA created by Phanes.The genes of all 2,391,000 plants and animals worldwide and eventually from across the universe of commercisl value for augmetations will be listed here as well.Scratch DNA created by Phanes to express phenotypes not found in nature can be listed here as well.Linked to Physis it will house those that have undergone trials.These will allow these to be downloaded in hospital,university and home 3D DNA printers and also by biosynth wifi via inducing the evolutionary path.Also stored in here would be the structure of antibodies,bumpers,counterproteins etc extrapolated by AI and those already known that can be downloaded on demand via biosynth wifi.Custom made upgrades listed as phenotypes using scratch DNA and those from animals including H.sapiens will be listed in a subnetwork of Aesculapius that can be combinations of genes for upgrades from different sources that can be printed out in one go arranged by the public for trading.Since these are the result of evolution and AI they will exempt patenting and thus free.These will have names but will through simulations and also animal,biosynth and human trials will be here managed Aegle organising these simulations and trials with these designed by the public with the simulations by at least 2029 to 2045 able to determine the effects the upgrades would have on the patients existing genome.Otherwise a person will chose all Aegle approved augmentations and have them printed into a single base microbe or one after the other depending on the ones they choose.The genome of each CRISPR treatment to counteract this will also be here ie those to remove resistance to antibiotics,undergo apoptosis,make pathogens susceptible to specific compounds at the disposal of microbes in their own area for microbes themselves.Paean will thus scan the sentient Physis database for desired genes for upgrades.Augmentations can also involve them inserting recombinant DNA from extremophiles or all types of different types of animals including those to increase the homeostasis range of humans,resistance to heavy metals,poisons,pollutants and venoms etc and give the qualities of H.ubermensch alongside producing compounds on demand with the DNA of all animals and even plants logged in Physis scanned for desired genes and thus phenotypes and even others created from scratch with the microbes applying the genes to all cells of the body or specific ones and then turning them on/off when wanted and also removing them completely and reapplying them when demanded.This could also include giving humans the same hearing,smelling and visual range(both distances and spectrum)as other animals that one desires including that of Stomatopoda,Tarentola chazaliae,Strigiformes,Accipitridae,Serpentes,Canidae,Felis catus,Felidae,Apidea with this if possible being reversible through removing the applied genes with biosynth implants connected to the brain,nervous system,eardrum,optical nerve and scratch DNA perfecting these treatments and controlling them on demand to prevent neural or aural damage to the host and even allowing one to switch between the normal ranges of humans and the animal without turning on/off or adding or removing genes.Scratch DNA and neural implants could extend auditory,visual and smelling ranges to those outside the range of what is possible in the animal kingdom.The ability to taste flavours that only some animals can and the ability to detect the same level of these will be added with again taste ranges not possible in the animal kingdom also added.Examples of phenotypes added to human patients could be the ability of both Cephalopoda and Chamaeleonidae to change skin colour to hide from predators can be applied to humans to blend into surroundings specifically for law enforcement and military personnel as well as the ability to choose different visual,smelling and hearing ranges and spectrums from all types of Aves and Mammalia,Reptillia,Insecta etc.Scratch DNA created by Phanes can extend the visual,hearing and smelling range of humans to well beyond that of what is found in the animal kingdom in all directions.Neural implants can be used to integrate these new smelling,heating and visual ranges much better into the human brain with if possible them doing so without CRISPR.Genes for tetrachromacy that is the ability for humans to see 100,000,000 colours rather than 1,000,000 colours will be made available to everyone with other visual conditions like synesthesia also made available to everyone through mapping the genes responsible for them and adding it to Physis.The ability of E.electricus to generate electricity alongside those from electricity producing bacteria could be added to humans to make them not only invulnerable to electric shocks but also to generate electricity to power batteries ie wall batteries at home to counter blackouts,charge electric vehicles and electronic devices such as smartphones to alleviate strains on the grid as well as restart the hearts of heart attack victims.In short the abilities of all members of the animal and even plant kingdom outside of H.sapiens including those on all planets across the universe can be applied to patients once they pass stringent regulations and clinical animal and human trials set down by Aegle carried out by hospitals and universites with scratch DNA created by Phanes etc and human and patient specific CRISPR Cas-9 and Cpf1 extra[plated by Phanes better integrating them into the genome of H.sapiens to prevent them harming or killing the patient and amplify them giving the patient more powerful abilities outside the original source of DNA and the patient able to conciously alter phenotypes by themselves or from neural implants ie be able to blend into any environment rather a few that are availible to Cephalopoda and Chamaeleonidae alongside neural implants with these abilities removed by augmentation strains removing genes when the patient decides.Bioprinted and chimera lungs and hearts the same size and structure as A.jubatus can be applied to athletes or other patients with trials first done on human and cattle as well as chimpanzee hybrids with gene therapy from this animal also applied to human patients to run fast.As detailed the accelerated healing phenotype of A.mexicanum etc will become part of all patients worldwide.Phenotypes from bacteria,fungi,viruses and even plants can be added to patients especially extremophiles but also chemosynthesis,photosynthesis and the ability to degrade toxins will be added to this database.Phenotypes such as hair,eye,skin colour and tone as well as penis size and girth and breast size can be changed using DNA from different populations of H.sapiens and even scratch DNA extrapolated by AI will be present alongside immunities to toxins,radiation including those from superextrmophiles and anti-venom and counterproteins genes from bacteria put through forced evolution will also be present here once the genes are scanned.Rare abilities of H.sapiens caused by mutations can be replicated in other patients with these and all other augmentations removed via removing the genes responsible.Conditions such as synesthesia can be engineered into living patients and it removed again on demand with living patients cured of it with the same done with similar benign neurological conditions.Those who are savants and have eidetic memories can have their genome scanned for the genes responsible for this to be applied to all patients worldwide with other abilities such as calendrical savantism and even the ability to perform complex mathematical calculations,prodigiousness in all other areas such as music,chess,singing(soprano,mezzo-soprano,contralto,tenor,baritone and bass) etc can be scanned for the genes responsible to make them available to all people worldwide for free with these genes stored in the augmentation sub networks of Aesculapius.Genes responsible for high IQ can be applied to all patients worldwide.Scratch DNA created by Phanes could also give humans other abilities and augmentation such as those relegated to science fiction and fantasy as well as comic books or what is physically possible with neural implants used to control them.All 2,391,000 species of plants and animals and also micro-organisms worldwide and eventually those from across the universe will have DNA samples taken and the DNA sent to Physis which will contain all possible genes within a species file including mutations and all types of genotypes and thus phenotypes.Existing databases will have their information sent to Physis.Phanes will scan all genes from each species across the world and universe for commercially viable phenotypes to add to the augmentation network within Aesculapius with it scanning the genome of all human patients in patient files to add all genes from H.sapiens to the network with one able to print out microbes at home that transfer these genotypes on the network into ones genome with the strains being disposed of and when the patient decides not to have the phenotyp anymore they can print out a sub strain that removes the genotypes from ones genome and return the original genpotype thus returning them to normal or adding other genotypes.Scratch genes will be created by him for new abilities.This database will be linked to Physis.Databases will exist that are linked to the different versions of Physis across the universe that will thus allow genes from all plants,animals and micro-organism from all planets across the universe.All commercial genes will undergoe animal,biosynth and human clinical trials managed by the sentient Aegle and them removed from living patients when not wanted anymore.All research it all types of upgrade research including those derived from animals via all genomes of all lifeforms will be carried out by humans and both Paean and Epione etc to ensure they abide by and guidelines set by the sentient Aegle that replaces the Food & Drug Administration with each new one tested on mice and chimpanzees before on humans.Each augmentation approved by Aegele will be stored in a sub network in Aesculapius eliminating black markets in gene augmentations.These augmentations can be removed from patients via microbes applying CRISPR treatments to remove the genes from all cells in the body to revert to a normal state.Since ones original genome will be present in their patient files it will allow for original genes to be readers..These trials will begin by 2024-2029 on chimpanzees using the most commercially viable and desireable phenotypes in labs across the world with the animals having human recombinant DNA with by 2029-2045 simulations by Paean,Aegle and also Epione will be able to run simulations on thousands or billions of genotypes and their effects in humans at once.
All genetic augmentations will be applied to all DNA in all cells in ones body such as telomeres,chromosomes and possibly mitochondrial DNA using advanced gene drive technology to be passed from generation of cells and generation of offspring to another.Microbes and bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract will house the DNA of these augment to survive these conditions with them added to bone marrow to be passed onto leukocytes.Universal debate as to the legality to these and other augmentations being allowed for all types of athletes for all sports including the Olympics must be made with DNA scans and test kits onsite of tournaments can be made alongside implants with Paean if need be preventing microbes carrying these out and also removing gene therapy.If allowed then it may need for sports and events especially Olympics to be divided into normal and augmented versions with genetic scans done prior to events and during the year using handheld DNA analyzers to test for them minutes or hours before events with since Paean would authorise them this would ensure athlethes in normal events would be unable to have them in training and during sports events.This would be coupled by the fact that Paean,Heracles and Aegle are only able to authorise,regulate and carry them out will render black markets impossible unless of course separate AI would carry out these black markets with this applying too if they this outlawed.Non augmented versions would also have athletes be unable to house all strains that give them an unfair advantage with them only allowed to deal with major infections such as HIV,MRSA etc.The only gene therapy allowed in all cases to all athletes even those in “normal” versions of sports would be those to correct genetic defects such as heart and lung problems,allergies and potentionally fatal genetic conditions and neurological disorders.All regulations will be set out by the global sports body Heracles.To prevent the issue of immune responses from CRISPR treatments using recombinant DNA from any species of plants and animals and scratch DNA human versions of Cas-9/Cpf1 or even patient specific versions of Cas-9/Cpf1 can be created by AI namely proto and final Phanes can analyse the genome of Streptococcus pyogenes,Francisella novicida also analysing both human DNA and patient specific DNA and modify it for humans and individual patients present in the their own leukocytes that contains their trace DNA.Thus AI like Phanes can be used to extrapolate versions of CRISPR Cas-9/CPf1 that can be applied to not only humans and other animals such as pet dogs,cats etc but even specific individuals of humans,cats.dogs etc to apply desired CRISPR treatments without illiciting immune responses that may be fatal thus allowing CRISPR treatments be developed and applied to humans,dogs and cats that effectively apply genetic augmentations
Medication Strains:
A strain of microbes could also produce morphine and other painkillers on demand or when severe pain is detected by them and the nanomachines.Natural painkillers like Salicin,acetylsalicylic acid,morphine using recombinant DNA from relevant plants,animals and anabolic and catabolic reactions would be synthesised in the affected areas only to prevent overdosing and also synergistic interactions with them travelling to the affected area quickly via interactions with the nervous system and thus apply minute amounts and would thus make all painkillers obsolete.Certain strains or implants could merge with the human nervous system or bio synthetic implants connected to the nervous system could transmit wirelessly to these strains to signal when and where pain is detected and its severity and when or if to apply painkillers in correct amounts at the exact site.This would prevent overdosing and possibly synergistic effects as the painkillers would be applied at the receptors on the nervous system on the exact site of pain with neural implants relaying the location of the pain.If possible strains that create painkillers would do this with if possible them on demand removing the relevant genes that create the neurotransmitter Substance P in certain situations and then turn it back on by readding the relevant genes when wanted thus making a person immune and unable to feel pain especially in cases where pain is unbearable,can cause a person to pass out or during surgery to counteract any times that a person may not be fully asleep and able to feel pain.This would be done to those who suffer chronic pain.Acetylsalicylic acid and morphine can be produced on demand to deal with blood thickening,headaches,pain in any part of the body including chronic pain.Thus natural and synthetic painkillers would be synthesised by recombinant DNA and anabolic and catabolic reactions onsite of neurotransmitters onsite of only where pain is felt to prevent overdoseing.Chronic pain can also countered by CRIPSR and other compounds that treat and remedy the nervous system or even replace them with new young nervous tissue once causing them to undergo apoptosis or removing genes in nervous cells that create substance P and other problems.This will also be a strain that creates natural and synthetic compounds to treat everday maladies such as constipation,depression,zits,rashes,edema etc.Tinnitus can be treated by a combination of gene therapy that repair genetic mutations,stem cell cell strains that repair any damaged nerves and also parts of the eardrum etc and also natural and synthetic compounds created by this strain.Natural compounds and even neurotransmiters and hormones present in humans,plants and animals that treat pain,fever,diabetes,stomach cramps,rheumatism,acid reflux,edema,depression,manic depression,post martem depression as well as mood swings and irritability associated with menstruation and stress,hemorrhoids,gout,poisons,bee/wasp/nettle and other plant and animals stings,insomnia,dry coughs,heartburn,acid reflux,chesty coughs,rashes,allergies,pimples,hives,zits,blemishes and moles acne and all dermatological problems,inflammation and also the symptoms of injury and infection or internal problems alongside them creating diuretics that can be created by them by adding the relevant genes from each plant,animal or even part of the human genome and them created in the required area underneath the skin or next to the organs tissues in vivo that are affected by the aforementioned problems in levels decided by Paean on demand.Constipation can be dealt with them creating natural laxatives for example from cellulose created by the microbes or natural laxatives such as castor oil,Senna occidentalis can also be prepared on demand.The colon can be coated in mucus via microbes or even through engineering through CRISPR using scratch DNA and that from both animals and plants etc added to the genome in cells in the small and large intestines of patients that create that is in such low amounts as to stay there and not be transferred to allow the entire colon walls to be unable to retain feces after defecation allowing all of it that normally stays in the small,large intestine and anal cavity to be flushed out during defecating and not stay behind eliminating coliforms from there preventing infections due to tears and also eliminate tumours forming their with it also eliminating the need for toilet paper,jets attached to toilets and could mean that patients who routinely suffer constipation and those that practice anal sex would never have to douche or clean the anal cavity to perform anal sex especially homosexuals in the bottom position and would also mean that feces could theoretically be sterile preventing the spread of the coliforms and cutting down on energy costs in sewage treatment plants with these alterations also removing existing waste present with this possibly done after it is cleared using the same laxative prescribed prior to colonoscopies taken orally through liquid solution or these laxatives can be created in the stomach and gastrointestinal tract by microbes gathering there and creating it in large numbers.If possible the mucus can be released after chemical signals from microbes that cause it to be released in the wall lining in manner that it is released out of the body alongside existing layers of feces on the colon wall.This mucus through scratch DNA created by Phanes could be produced all at once by the colon via chemical signals from microbes to remove existing feces and itself instantly similar to laxatives and also in response to peristalsis to clear out new feces entering it in a natural controlled manner without the same effects as laxatives with it would constantly line the large intestine after that.Since the colon/large intestine does not involve the exchange of nutrients this may be possible with it also allowing for standing gradient osmosis to continue to occur or have via engineering and microbes have this done in the small intestine and also changing the internal tissues of the large intestine to change to form fibrils unable to accumulate feces could also be done with gut flora still remain or be deposited into the small intestine with biotin and vitamin K synthesised by the body itself via engineering using recombinant DNA from bacteria.Any feces lodged in the small and large intestines would never get stuck or be lodged in them ever again as the mucus would force the feces along the gastrointestinal tract constantly preventing constipation.The large intestine and the colon including the entire anal cavity could be engineered to only have this occur or thus could extend to the entire small intestine with it still able to carry out other functions such as absorption of nutrients etc with microbes aiding in these functions.The mucus would thus be able via signals from microbes through signals initiated Paean it being produced naturally by the patient in the lower gastro-intestinal tract will be flushed out of the body and then carry excess waste feces into toilets and be produced all the time to prevent feces building up on the anus,anal cavity,colon,large intestine negating the need for douching,colon cleanses and possibly even toilet paper with Phanes and Paean researching genes to produce a mucus that can do this and not affect the host.Ideally this mucus would be produced 24/7,365 once the gastrointestinal tract is cleared to prevent the large intestine,anal cavity and possible small intestine retain feces and thus prevent feces sticking to it thus making it entirely clean and negate the need for laxatives,douching,colon cleanses and even negate the need for using toilet paper ever again to keep ones anal cavity etc clean with it produced via gene therapy using scratch DNA extrapolated by Phanes or that from relevant plant and animals applied after the patients gastro-intestinal tract has be fully cleared out by them consuming synthetic laxitives used to clear the gastric-intestinal tract of all feces including those used prior to colonoscopies and microbes breaking down exces feces in the gastrointestinal tract and anal cavity with these laxatives ordered in from Telesphorus factories and even synthesised by microbes in the stomach and gastrointestinal tract via anabolic and catabolic reactions.This mucus could act as a natural lubricant with it not affecting the small and large intestines ability in absorbing nutrients and other important functions and could only be produced only in the large intestine or even just the anal cavity and rectum and possibly sigmoid colon with any functions that the large intestine has in nutrient absorption transferred by gene therapy to the small intestine or even have the mucus enhance the functions of the large intestine with it produced by them after the patient has cleared their body of all residual feces by consuming or having microbes synthesise the same synthetic laxatives through anabolic and catabolic reactions used prior to colonoscopies to ensure the they are fully clean.This would eliminate constipation forever and thus any problems associated with it forever including the formation polyps that can develop into bowel cancer as the mucus would act as a lubricant that constantly encourages the feces to move along the gastro-intestinal tract smoothly constantly even if one is on a low fibre diet thus preventing constipation and similar gastro-intestinal problems forever if produced by the entire gastrointestinal tract including the anal cavity.It would also negate the need for women as well as both homosexual and bisexual men who perform in the bottom position in anal sex to ever have to douche,clean their anus,consume laxatives or even be restricted from eating several hours or days before performing anal sex ever again as any feces that exists the anal cavity would be flushed out along with the bulk and unable to stick to the anal cavity which would be unable to retain feces and thus the anal cavity would never have to be cleaned.This would also negate the need for toilet paper ever again as the anal cavity would be forever be cleaned since unable to retain feces.The entire gastrointestinal tract would thus be able to produce it thus preventing constipation and the need for toilet paper,laxatives snd douching ever again with it made to not only be unable to inhibit the absorption of nutrients and standing gradient osmosis but in fact aid in both the digestion and absorption of nutrients etc with it also producing enzymes etc that aid in the digestion and absorption of nutrients that also degrades inedible material in feces into more nutrients.Patients may need to use toliet paper to clean the outer rim of the anal cavity but If possible Phanes and Paean may be able to develop countermeasures.This could also act as a natural lubricant for the anal cavity negating the need for lube to be applied to the penis during anal sex for homosexual men.The small intestines or large intestines can be modified via turning genes on/off or chemical signals to be able contract at certain points just above the anal cavity or anywhere to hold the feces in place during the day such as when exercising,during sex etc with the primary immune system immunised against all coliforms and the fibrils responsible of nutrient absorption in the small intestine unable to absorb the feces or pathogens or this occurring in the upper half of the large intestine preventing sepsis.Measures will be made to ensure that feces can stay and be held in certain parts of the gastrointestinal tract for extended periods of time say a few days without being flushed out of the body due to gravity,anal sex or exercise etc without it resulting in sepsis etc and then have through strains of microbes or body produce extra mucus or laxatives that flushes out the excess built up feces in one go or multiple separate gos depending on how big it is to prevent it building up in the gastrointestinal tract.This can include biosynth implants along the entire gastrointestinal tract interacting with muscles and neurone as part of it.Paean can have the microbes interact with regions of the brain that control hunger that give a persons stomach a sense of fullness making them feel bloated similar to how one feels after eating a large or even small meal thus preventing them consuming too much extra food thus preventing feces building up in the gastrointestinal tract with if possible microbes in the stomach and the rest of the gastrointestinal tract with acidophile and alkanophile DNA to allow them to survive these areas break down undigested material that is converted into feces through directly consuming them or producing compounds that do break them that normally turns into waste pre feces material or even feces material in the small and large intestine into sugars and proteins that can be absorbed through capillaries in the stomach and gastrointestinal tract thus lowering exponentially the amount of feces one produces everytime one eats or eliminate it altogether.The material can be broken down in the stomach or small intestine by microbes breaking them down directly by consuming them or even the microbes creating enzymes and natural compounds both existing ones from plants and animals that are able to do this using recombinant DNA or new ones created by scratch DNA or via anabolic and catabolic reactions creating synthetic compounds that allow proteins,fibre etc to be turned into more base nutrients that can be fully absorbed by the small intestine and large intestine and even stomach via capillaries present meaning by the time it reaches the colon all of the waste will be absorbed into the bloodstream to feed the blood and also biosynth implants and biocompatible microbes.Thus the microbes can take an active role in breaking down inedible waste that comprises of feces by consuming it directly and creating enzymes and new and existing compounds that break down the material into base nutrients by undergoing mass replication and covering the waste as a large mass starting in the stomach with ideally it first breaking down the material to break it down into base nutrients that can be released into the bloodstream as sugars,proteins and fats that then can be absorbed by the body,implants and microbes and excess excreted by the body as urine.Mucus produced by the gastrointestinal tract can contain enzymes etc that aid in this digestion alongside those created by the microbes.The conversion of inedible material into sugars,proteins and fats and absorption into the bloodstream can be done in the stomach,small intestine and large intestine with the body engineered only to intake a set amount for survival and the rest excreted in urine.Excess nutrients in the blood can be dealt with the biocompatible microbes undergoing mass replication consuming them and then undergoing apoptosis or being flushed out of the body to prevent them being converted into adipose tissue or building up in the bloodstream and urine causing complications associated with overconsumption of them with biosynth implants measuring the correct level of them.The large intestine which is only used as storage of feces can be given large amounts of capillaries and pilli similar to those in the small intestine through genes added to them via CRISPR treatments that create these and via stem cells creating them layer by layer to allow for more nutrients to be absorbed into the bloodstream in it once it is cleared of all pathogenic bacteria through the patients primary immune system being immunised and fighting them off and biocompatible microbes fighting them off using CRISPR treatments and anti bacterial compounds and the large intestine exposed to large doses of radiation between 100-29,000Gy when the patient is made immune to radiation of these levels that will sterilise the small and especially large intestine of all coliforms that are pathogenic.This sterilising of the colon and large intestine of pathogens would render all remaining feces etc sterile and would prevent sepsis caused by any tears in the anal cavity and colon by fisting or anal sex as well as new capillaries and pilli present.Once sterilised the patient can have E.Coli present replaced by benign probiotic bacteria via them consuming a liquid solution including yogurt or pill composed of organic material containing large amounts of desired probiotic bacteria created by 3D DNA printers that are consumed by the patient that then take up all of the large intestine with these probiotic ones also engineered to be immune to antibodies from the immune system by containing human protein costs as well as those that can further aid in the digestion of unedible waste that becomes feces with them engineered to create vitamin K and other essential vitamins.If possible a pill could be consumed that contains these probiotics that thrn is broken down by microbes releasing the probiotics inside.Since feces is only dangerous because it contains pathogenic bacteria that it collects from those that reside in the large intestine particularly the colon such as E.coli etc once the large intestine is sterilised them any feces that does escape this extra digestion would be sterile.The probiotic bacteria that replaces all pathogenic E.Coli etc in the large intestine will be engineered to carry out the same functions as these such as synthesising Vitamin K etc and siding in the digestion of food.Thus the large intestine can be sterilised of all pathogenic bacteria and then have them replaced by new probiotics that aid in proper gastrointestinal tract health but also can also be engineered to produce essential vitamins and also break down inedible waste in the gastrointestinal tract alongside microbes thus eliminating forces from the gastrointestinal tract.This could break down this inedible material into sugars and proteins or even as base elements such as carbon,hydrogen,oxygen,phosphorus and nitrogen be rather than be turned into feces be converted into urine with as much as what is needed and what is normally absorbed in the small and large intestine via pilli in the bloodstream will be instead be absorbed into the bloodstream via capillaries in the stomach with them still allowing the same amount of nutrients be absorbed into the bloodstream but be done in the stomach and not the gastrointestinal tract with it also allowing the nitrogen and phosphorus to be recycled in sewage treatment plants as urine instead of feces.Both the small intestine and large intestine will be given new genes to allow them to create enzymes and natural compounds including new ones and those from other animals particularly ruminants to break down inedible carbohydrates,proteins into nutrients without producing methane or other greenhouse gases.The inedible material that is normally converted into feces could be broken down into extra fats,sugars,fats etc for both microbes and the body within the stomach,small intestine and large intestine to be be absorbed into the bloodstream with excess consumed microbes that once undergoing mass replication and also removed as urine.Thus the microbes through directly breaking material down alongside creating natural and synthetic compounds using recombinant DNA and anabolic and catabolic reactions will turn all inedible material that is normally converted into feces into either extra nutrients ie sugar,proteins and fats to be used by the body or by microbes and biosynth implants or to be disposed of in urine thus eliminating feces from the body altogether with phosphorus and nitrogen still recycled in sewage treatment plants via themen excreted in urine alongside a byproduct from the broken down feces.This would thus eliminate feces completely from the gastrointestinal tract as by the time it enters the lower parts of the large intestine it would be completely broken down into sugars,proteins and fats used up by the body or microbes and excess excreted through urine with this done in the stomach,small and large intestines with them absorbed via capillaries in the stomach and small intestines and new capillaries and pilli present in the large intestine added via gene therapy.The inedible material of feces would be converted into extra sugars,fats and proteins by the microbes using enzymes as well as breaking them down like bacteria break down food etc.To prevent excess proteins,fats and sugars being turned into adipose tissue and alleviate strains on the liver and kidney in dealing with the extra waste nutrients from the digested feces if possible microbes could undergo mass replication consume these excess nutrients then undergoe apoptosis and be flushed out of the body through urine and still allow the phosphorus and nitrogen in the dead microbes be recycled by algae in sewage treatment plants.The body woulds still excrete nitrogen and phosphorus in the form of urine but not feces with this recycled in sewage treatment plants with any proteins that contain these elemental nutrients consumed by microbes will be recycled by these microbes being flushed out of the body through urine with them prior to urination made to undergo apoptosis to allow digested amino acids and phosphorus present in them and in the phospholipid bilayer be recycled with any excess microbes in the body made to undergo apoptosis and flush out of the body excreted via urine.If need be the body can be engineered to increase the rate of digestion and even slow down the rate at which the waste material passes through the gastrointestinal tract exponentionally to allow microbes and mucus etc produced by the gastrointestinal tract time to carry this out with if possible the rate at which digestion increases and movement of waste material passes through increasing by several hours or days etc.By 2045 a combination of biocompatible microbes creating enzymes etc and actively breaking them down and creating both natural and synthetic compounds and the mucus creating enzymes etc as well as the gastrointestinal tract producing enzymes and compounds that break down inedible material can play a role in speeding up the digestion and removal of this waste with the waste moving through at a normal speed.All actions of this will be controlled by Paean and at first by 2029 it will take a few hours but by 2035-2045 onwards it will take an hour or few minutes.This would prevent wasting the inedible food being released as feces,turning it into extra nutrition in the form of extra sugars,fats and proteins and negate the need for toilet paper and douching ever again and will compliment the production of mucus in the gastrointestinal tract with the mucus likely enhancing the absorption of nutrients and even breakdown of inedible material into nutrients.This can be done either all the time or to alleviate strains on microbes etc can be be done on demand by interacting with Paean by those who want to have their complete colon cleansed by him for seasonal,monthly or weekly cleansing or when they intended in performing anal sex in the bottom position.This will compliment the creation of mucus in the gastrointestinal tract with the ability of the microbes to break down feces into sugars etc will also be done to clear the gastrointestinal tract and anal cavity of all residual feces before the mucus is being produced naturally by the body.Intensive research by Hecate,Phanes,Paean and human researchers will develop genes to be added by gene therapy that can allow the gastrointestinal tract produce its own mucus to lubricate it and negate the anal cavity from retaining feces and also allowing the microbes and body break down inedible waste normally disposed of as feces both of which will negate the need for toilet paper and douching ever again.It would eliminate all bowel problems such as constipation,diarrhoea and also bowel cancers forever.Otherwise this strain could produce natural or synthetic laxatives and other fluids onsite in the colon that flush feces out in controlled bursts acting as a lubricant until an implants based on Cestoda etc detect it is clean with this released in controlled amounts that allow the patient to control the timing and amount release of feces in large amounts thus negating the issue of uncertainty that they experience with conventional laxatives that can be time dependant occurring hours later and can last several hours or even days later thus occurring by surprise.This could allow the entire store of feces released in one or multiple go’s with the time it take place controlled and the feces deposited not being a mostly liquid stool but rather normal bulky stools by the laxative or compound modifying the walls of the colon by making it more easily lubricated to remove the feces.If possible the colon itself instead of or alongside the mucus could synthesise these natural or synthetic laxatives that drain the colon of all existing feces on demand via chemical signals produced by the microbes.These and other options would thus give patients more control over their bowel movements and cleanliness rather than current douching,laxatives and food restriction having uncertainty.Intensive research will be done by Phanes and human researchers into creating a mucus covering the entire small and large intestine and microbes creating synthetic or natural laxatives to clear the gastrointestinal tract of feces on demand controlled by Paean.This mucus containing biosynth nanoseners and implants along the entitre gastro-intestinal tract and other means can be developed to allow Paean to constantly track the location of feces in the gastro intestinal tract at all times thus alllowing one to know at all times in real time relayed to ones patient file accessed on Paeans universal app the location of all pieces of feces in one’s gastrointestinal tract at all times and be able to measure their exact location,consistency ie level of liquid or solid state of them and size.The same can be done for urine with ones kidneys,bladder etc where urine is processed and stored have these biosynth implants and nanosensors placed along them that detects the levels of urine in them relayed in real time to ones patient file that allows one to determine how much more urine it can hold and it relaying how much of a capacity percentage their kidneys are at ie are they 5-100% full of urine with if possible one able to initiate the kidneys into releasing existing stores of urine in one go or multiple gos allowing one control of the release of urine in the body through the implants controlled by Paean through chemical signals or the the implants interacting with neurons and muscles along them and in the brain.If possible excess nutrients that are normally converted into feces and urine including water can be consumed by microbes that undergo mass replication and then undergo apoptosis or be flushed out of the body.If possible excess water can also be consumed by them to prevent too much water building up in the kidneys preventing one urinating with if the kidneys have built up pressure from urine building up in the kidneys microbes can alleviate this by breaking down the urine into proteins and benign compounds.The water and proteins etc in urine can be consumed by microbes in the kidneys and then them undergoing apoptosis or being released in the next batch of urine thus eliminating large amounts of urine from the kidneys allowing them to store more urine later and negating the need for one to rush to the toilets.One could thus at all times control the level of urine the kidneys.Thus the microbes can consume all water and nutrients in urine or a set amount to alleviate the need to urinate then and there and thus allow for more urine to build up overtime later on with microbes and implants able to detect the level of urine in the kidneys to then through chemical signals etc initiate urination on demand giving the patient of when they can urinate meaning a person can decide to urinate when ther kidneys are between 5-95% full thus giving one control of when they urinate and being able to do so at any time of the day they choose.If deemed safe in animals liquid glass could be applied into the colon once cleaned as it is dirt,oil and water proof and allows oxygen and carbon dioxide to pass through with if deemed unsafe or cause complications can be broken down into other compounds via anabolic and catabolic reactions by microbes.First the patient would have to consume laxatives especially those used prior to colonscopies that clears their body of all feces with this ordered in from Telesphorus factories with the body then engineered via CRISPR to produce the mucus using scratch DNA.Otherwise laxatives of all types both over the counter ones,natural ones and those used before colonoscopies can be synthesised in the stomach or in the large and small intestines itself by the strain of microbes via recombinant DNA for natural ones and anabolic and catabolic reactions for synthetic ones.U.dioica could be counteracted by them producing the compounds by found in Rumex obtusifolius or the U.dioica engineered to produce a compound that affects other animals and not humans with the animals it protects itself against also engineered to be susceptible to this.Blisters and similar conditions could be rectified by them forming new tissue in the interior over where the skin was originally to allow it to be cut off from the blister and this allow the blister to be popped and removed safely without infections as well as pain with pain created by picking at them via them creating painkillers.Others to treat heartburn,acid reflux could be synthesised in the stomach or have the stomach and oesophagus have recombinant DNA from acidophiles added to to tolerate the high acidity of the stomachs acids,have proper flaps created in vivo,via CRISPR or the hosts genome altered to prevent them forming warts,pimples,rashes,fix GERD and other conditions that are genetic to negate the need for medications to be applied such as proton pump inhibitors and creams.Heartburn,acid reflux and other stomach problems be treated by this strain of microbes that produces natural or synthetic compounds that treat heartburn and acid reflux housing acidophile DNA including that from H.pylori that allows them to travel to the stomach and stay there permenantly and create natural and synthetic compounds to treat these conditions mainly heartburn,acid reflux and similar conditions onsite of the stomach.Thus synthetic and natural compounds to treat heartburn and acid reflux will be synthesised in the stomach by this strain that houses acidophile DNA including that from H.pylori that protects them from the acidic nature of the stomach.Those in other parts of the gastro-intestinal tract such as oesophagus,large and small intestine will be created onsite of the area and them housing either acidophile or alkanophile DNA to survive these conditions.Rashes,haemorrhoids,warts,zits,spots,acne and pimples could be dealt with microbes initiating moulting underneath the affected area and synthesising compounds underneath the skin of the affected areas.Acne could be dealt with them using CRISPR to turn off key genes or remove them,break down excess sebum oil or use CRISPR to slow down its production,fight off or immunise against Propionibacterium acnes and Demodex as well as use onsite microbes control the size of follicle glans and them creating compounds from plants that treat acne as well break down excess hormones in the area.Cold sores,athletes foot and warts etc especially those related to HPVwill be dealt with immunising them against the viruses,fungi,parasites that cause them.Allergies can be countered by them producing anti-histmines,breaking down the allergens and histamines into benign compounds and also adding and removing genes via CRISPR.Thus minor conditions that are treated with creams etc can be treated by them being synthesised in the affected areas by natural compounds from plants as detailed earlier in the body produced by specific strains with diarrhoea,acid reflux,heart burn,,vomiting etc dealt again by creating natural compounds in the stomach when the microbes have acidophile DNA to survive the stomachs environment,with chest infections dealt with fighting off or immunising the primary system against the pathogens that create.Inhalers to treat asthma etc can be dealt by them synthesising the compounds in them when they enter the lungs or at least the aveoli or can be synthesised in the bloodstream and transported to the lungs by it and aveoli.Ear and eye drops would be negated by them immunising the primary immune system against all type of bacteria,fungi that infect the eye and ears with anti-bacterial strains fighting against them with their being sub strains as part of this that could degrade earwax etc by consuming them and releasing water,oxygen and carbon dioxide and create natural and synthetic compounds to counteract and break them down them.Blocked noses and sinuses can also be done the same way with the wax etc broken down via them directly or them creating natural and synthetic compounds released into the nose.Insects or plastic earbuds stuck in ones ear will be dealt with them decomposing the plastic in them with insects killed off them entering them and then decomposing them from the inside out with the patient alerted to any blockages caused by earbuds,insects and also wax.Worms could be formed in the eardrum and them able to push them outwards by force.They could also prepare compounds that keep one alert or put one to sleep such as caffeine/ginsenosides/gingko biloba/guarana/taurine as well as bio-based pharmacological compounds including compounds,neurotransmitters and hormones in the human brain that deal with alertness and sleeping such as melatonin/valerian/lavendar/chamomile using relevant recombinant DNA form other plants and animals as well as even humans with them producing them on the site of receptors in the brain as well on demand to prevent dangerous side effects and even overdosing with those that are too energetic have the rest of the body relaxed via natural compounds produced by the body created by them.This would allow compounds to make one alert to deal with lethargy and also put one to sleep to deal with insomnia to be created on demand.Neurotransmitters relevant to alertness and also sleep as well as those alleviating depression etc can be created on demand with them created onsite of receptors with them created by recombinant DNA from humans thus replacing synthetic anti-depressants and those that put one to sleep or keep one alert thus having a more natural effect without any side effects or chance of overdosing and toxicity since Paean will apply them in only the required amount.Insomnia and poor sleeping patterns can be treated via them creating neurotransmitters that put the patient to sleep onsite of neurons in the brain with this including recombinant DNA from humans,animals and for existing ones with others extrapolated from Phanes and Paean created via anabolic and catabolic reactions and scratch DNA.New neurotransmitters to put one asleep can be created through Phanes extrapolating scratch DNA to create them and also Paean extrapolating them that are created by microbes through anabolic and catabolic reactions with these synthesised onsite neurons.Natural compounds can be synthesised onsite of neurons by using DNA from plants that produce chemicals that put one to sleep with this having no side effects such as grogginess and tiredness in the morning and no contradictions with alcohol and can put one to sleep within minutes to at least an hour.This would render sleeping pills that put one to sleep obsolete with one choosing to have Paean apply the neurotransmitters to the receptors in the brain on demand or at a set time of the day every day planned on a calender in their patient file allowing for instaneous and at times the patient desires to go to asleep with if need be synthetic compounds including existing sleeping pills active ingredients synthesised onsite of neurons through anabolic and catabolic reactions.Conversely neurotransmitters related to artlessness can be produced onsite of neurons onsite of neurons in the brain with this including recombinant DNA from humans,animals and for existing ones with others extrapolated from Phanes and Paean created via anabolic and catabolic reactions and scratch DNA and also DNA from plants that produce chemicals that give one a boost of energy and make one alert with this having no side effects such as grogginess,energy burn and tiredness afterwards,contradictions with alcohol and can make one alert within minutes to at least an hour.This could render alert pills,taurine etc in energy drinks and caffeine from coffee etc obsolete with if possible these compounds can be created by sub strains for those exercising or have a lot of work.If need be these strains can synthesise natural compounds onsite of neurons via recombinant DNA and synthetic alert compounds through anabolic and catabolic reactions.All of these new neurotransmitters,synthetic and natural compounds for sleeping and alertness will be synthesised onsite of neurons to prevent overdosing,ensure only what is needed to give the desired strength that is applied to the nervous system directly and prevent side effects including lingering effects of the neurotransmitters etc in the body especially the bloodstream such as tiredness,grogginess,burnout etc and contradictions with alcohol and grapefruit juice etc.Even anaesthesia for patients undergoing surgery can have anaesthetic compounds produced onsite of neurons to put them to sleep without overdosing.If possible a sub strain can put one to sleep at night at a desired time via creating neurotransmitters etc that put one to sleep and then via biosynth WiFi can via Paean apply other neurotransmitters that cause one to awaken at a set time in the morning and completely alert with the times one wants to fall asleep or awaken denoted by patients in their patient files on a calendar allowing to plan the time one wants to be put asleep or awaken thus allowing one to have complete control of their sleeping patterns especially those with insomnia and other problems that affect normal sleeping patterns.If possible they and gene therapy could allow humans to last weeks or months without sleep with even natural or synthetic sedatives and anaesthesia produced by them when needed as nanoparticles.New neurotransmitters can be extrapolated by AI and Phanes can create scratch DNA for new neurotransmitters to allow them to be created by microbes on demand onsite of receptors in the brain to put one to sleep,wake one up and control endorphins and other hormones and functions of the brain or they can be created by anabolic and catabolic reactions with the structure and genes for these and all neurotransmitters stored in Physis for humans.These neurotransmitters can be used to treat neurological conditions and genetic conditions.Endorphines,adrenaline and other hormones in the body can be produced in demand either by strains synthesising them directly in the bloodstream or inducing their synthesis in the body by synthesising existing and new neurotransmitters onsite of neurons through anabolic and catabolic reactions and scratch DNA.Maniac depression can be treated by sub strains that apply neurotransmitters and natural compounds using animal,plant and human DNA,scratch DNA and anabolic and catabolic reactions onsite of neurons to alleviate or eliminate manic episodes and also depressive states with it cured via CRISPR.The effect would also be instantaneous and side effect free as neurotransmitters with them since created on the site of receptors and the bloodstream would not interact with alcohol or could be applied via bumpers.Endorphines,seratonin,human chorionic gonadtropin/testosterone/adrenaline/oestrogen/progesterone
and other neurotransmitters and even hormones related to pleasure,happiness and other sensations can be released on demand by them creating these compounds using recombinant DNA from humans with this done to treat maniac depression,general depression and post martem depression with natural compounds from plants also created to treat these and in time gene therapy could wipe these out completely especially maniac depression with synthetic compounds and neurotransmitters created via anabolic and catabolic reactions.Natural neurotransmitters and hormones would be created in the bloodstream or onsite of the receptors in the brain when needed by Paean via WiFi with natural neurotransmitters and hormones created via relevant DNA from plants,animals and humans with synthetic neurotransmitters and hormones including new ones developed by Paean would involve scratch DNA and then created by anabolic and catabolic reactions.Those to alleviate symptoms of genetic based diseases,developmental disorders and neurological disorders such as schizophrenia,pedopheilia,Downs Syndrome can also be synthesised in place of synthetic drugs to at least alleviate or eliminate symptoms while CRISPR treatments are applied or even before them.Phanes could design new neurotransmitters from scratch using scratch DNA that creates neurotransmitters that carry out desired functions that don’t currently exist in humans and animals or them created by anabolic and catabolic reactions.Natural compounds will be created using recombinant DNA from plants and animals and humans in the strains genome and activated on demand by Paean onsite of receptors where they are needed and used to prevent side effects,synergistic effects and also be more effective in low doses including nanoparticles on the area they need to affect directly and will limit the chances of toxicity with it also done since their is a wide variety of compounds available and these genotypes can be scanned form the library of Physis with if possible two or more compounds with the same effect produced to alleviate symptoms in lower amounts.Any synergistic effects would dealt with by the microbes counteracting them or by them breaking down of the compounds or soaking them up and releasing them in short bursts.Synthetic compounds especially pharmocological ones can be created by microbes of this strain via anabolic and catabolic reactions once their structure is downloaded onto the DNA digital storage of this strain of microbes thus making all over the counter medications whether natural or synthetic obsolete.Synthetic compounds would be created when they are more effective than natural compounds onsite of the site of action including onsite of receptors in the brain covered in bumpers to prevent overdosing with them created on demand by Paean using anabolic and catabolic reactions.The chemical structure of all synthetic compounds that treat everyday conditions would be stored in Physis to allow their structure into the digital DNA storage thus allowing them to be synthesised by anabolic and catabolic reactions.Paracetamol,ibuprofen and other synthetic medications to treat fevers blocked nose as well as Looeramide to treat diarrhoea can be created by the strain in the bloodstream to be distributed across the body or they can be created onsite of the gastrointestinal tract onsite of action.Heartburn medication like gaviscon etc like this can have sodium alginate,calcium carbonate and sodium bicarbonate be created via anabolic and catabolic reactions or natural versions created through recombinant DNA within the stomach with the microbes housing acidophile DNA to survive the stomachs acidity.The strain would create these until implants determine that the pain or condition is subsided or until the person does not need it with again it created as nanoparticles in required amounts to prevent side effects with them coated in bumpers that interact with the required human tissue ie neural tissue to prevent them interacting with other compounds like alcohol or grapefruit juice that may amplify or nullify them and cause synergistic interactions that could be fatal.Alcohol and grapefruit juice will be broken down by other strains into benign substances while the compounds could be coated in protein etc bumpers that interact only with the site of actions and prevent the compounds interacting with them with the levels of alcohol and grapefruit measured in the body by implants.The compounds could also be applied to the surface of receptors of relevant parts of the brain and other parts of the body onsite as nanoparticles via te microbrd travelling to them and applying them directly onsite of the receptors as well as released in bumpers that prevent them interacting with alcohol and grapefruit with them designed to retain the bumpers even when used up with the fact that they will be produced directly on the site of action will negate this.This will also be done to prevent them causing synergistic effects.Certain ones will be created by bacteria through recombinant DNA and also anabolic and catabolic reactions in Telesphorus factories to be ordered in in batches.Those that could be potentially teratogens that would cause defects in unborn fetuses could be not produced during pregnancy with biosynth worms and implants relaying to the microbes not to produce them when pregnancy is detected with the embryos made immune to them via CRISPR with recombinant DNA from A.mexicanum and T.gammatolerans repairing damage to the fetus.All of these compounds would be created on demand by Paean when injected into the body and detecting signs of the condition with the compounds created onsite of the condition where it occurs as nanoparticles.If possible they would create natural plant and human compounds when needed directly or by directly interacting with the receptors in the body or creating precursors to be created by the body through biosynthesis thus allowing the hormones when needed when levels are detected to be low by them or on demand via Paean and the patient by a specific strain that creates these natural plant and human compounds with synthetic ones created by anabolic and catabolic reactions using molecules in the body and those from plant and animal oils produced by them and other strains or the body from CRISPR treatments as well as amino acids synthesised by the body and diet also by them measuring the levels of biomarkers and compounds in the bloodstream and specific organs and creating these compounds in safe amounts with contradictions counteracted by microbes breaking down synergistic compounds etc..Synthetic compounds will thus be created onsite of the problem via catabolic and anabolic reactions and will be done in the case where natural compounds would be ineffective and cause side effects with side effects countered by counter compounds with the patient and Paean deciding on the best and most efffective dosage with compounds that can interact synergestically will be broken down.The fact that synthetic compounds would be created onsite of the problem including receptors would preventing overdosing and side effects.Ideally natural compounds should be used by adding the relevant genes from plants and animals to prevent side effects such as contraindications with other compounds with this if ever happening dealt with by the microbes breaking down the compounds in has synergistic effects on.Physis can scan all known plants and even animals both on Earth and other planets for compounds that may relieve the aforementioned conditions and them tested for their effectiveness,synergistic effects,recommended dose and LD50 via simulations and on tests on animals an clinical trials on humans.Natural compounds to treat everyday ailments such as headaches,gout,diarrhoea etc will be printed out at home using 3D DNA printers in large amounts and then either injected into the bloodstream using a reusable syringe where they will travel to the site of action and apply the compounds as nanoparticles to neural and other receptors or if they have acidophile DNA printed into them can be drunk in a liquid such as water and yogurt to enter the stomach especially in the case of those that treat gastro intestinal problems with those that treat non gastrointestinal problems will enter the bloodstream via capillaries in the stomach and move to the site of action and release the compounds as nanoparticles.Synthetic compounds will be created by printing out specific versions of this strain or even base microbes that house DNA digital storage that are able via biosynth WiFi download the structure of synthetic compounds.All synthetic pharmacological compounds to treat everyday ailments will have their structure stored in Physis allowing for their structure to be download into the DNA digital storage of microbes within a mater of minutes so as to allow them to be produced via anabolic and catabolic reactions in precise amounts in the stomach and bloodstream and onsite of action.Both natural and synthetic compounds will have them produced onsite of actions in amounts suites to only treat it ie not to prevent overdosing and prevent side effects.Thus their would be a strain to produce synthetic and natural compounds that relieve pain from internal and external pain and discomfort such as fevers,acid reflux,heartburn,diarrhoea,acne,cramps,headaches etc.The genotypes of all plants and animals responsible for creating compounds that treat everyday non fatal ailments including the aforementioned ones and others will be stored int augmentation network linked to Physis.The compounds that are to be produced by them would be specific to an individual such as those that have certain allergies to pollen,dust mites,bee stings etc can have them produce specific anti-histamines the second allergic reaction occur or soak them up and then break them down into nutrients etc,haemophiliacs could have clotting agents Factor VII and Factor IX created on demand when needed,those suffering depression as well as bipolar disorder could have anti-depression medication/compounds/neurotransmitters/hormones produced when needed and soak up excess hormones related to both manic and depressive episodes turning them into nutrients,diabetics could have insulin produced when needed,those with heart conditions could have beta blockers produced alongside omega-3 and plant sterols with those with current donated organs that require anti-rejection drugs have these created,suffers of Adrenoleukodystrophy can have both Lorenzo’s oil and hematopoietic stem cell transplantation created for them as well as replacement nervous tissue and CRISPR treatments to repair the mutation,those suffering from arthritis and other diseases such as alzheimers,parkinsons and kidney stones could have biological based or synthetic and also relevant neurotransmitters and other compounds produced when needed or have them soak up or break down compounds and plaques that cause these and other chronic conditions when needed and convert them into benign compounds and nutrients for the host and bacteria with kidney stones broken down and the minerals broken down into other products useful for the host.Injecting new microbes that contain these phenotypes and interbreed will be done when one develops a chronic condition particular one that is life threatening and based on ones genetics possibly negating the need for gene therapy and can interact with specific strains that release these compounds.In short any compound that treats chronic and genetic diseases could be created by them when needed in order to alleviate strains on hospitals,Paean and Telesphorus in producing them in factories and having to transport them to the patient saving on time and other costs with them producing biological based pharmacological compounds,synthesise synthetic ones and also relevant hormones and neurotransmitters using recombinant DNA from humans,plants and other animals with synthetic compounds using DNA from scratch.Synthetic compounds would be created by the microbes downloading their structure from Physis into their digital DNA storage and them synthesised by anabolic and catabolic reactions.All of these parkinsons,Adrenoleukodystrophy,haemophilia and other genetic based diseases will likely be treated and cured using CRISPR.Ideally this strain would be not in all patients but could be created on demand for a patient in home 3D DNA printer systems or onsite of hospital and those in community centres allowing one to have patient specific microbes that produce the specific compound for each of the aforementioned condition created when needed or stored in ones fridge at home including in communal homes replacing visits to pharmacies made defunct by them with them flushed out of the body when no longer needed.One could have them printed at home on demand or beforehand using home 3D DNA printers and stored in fridges in large batches to be then injected using phlebotomy robots or reusable syringes with Paean sending them to where they are needed and activating them on the site of action when needed.If possible some strains in the body could via biosynth wifi be changed into these strains with genotypes from each plant and animal.This would in short make all pharmacies around the world including those in hospitals defunct indefinitely.All pharmacies worldwide that sell over the counter drugs etc will be converted into private or communal homes based on their size.Those onsite of hospitals will be converted into extra amenities or wards.If possible some over the counter medicines to treat rashes,heartburn can be ordered from Telesphorus factories with them created on demand and only for what is ordered in by consumers.Application of both natural and synthetic compounds as nanoparticles would allow single molecules of the compound to be applied to the site of action in controlled amounts to prevent toxicity and thus in levels lower than what is present in conventional methods of administration such as injection,tablets,liquids.The ability to apply natural and synthetic compounds as nanoparticles onsite of receptors will allow them to be applied to infant and pre adolescent patients without toxicity especially when they cannot be normally applied to them due to the smaller body size of infants and pre adolescences who would be unable to break them down or excrete them normally.
Recreational drug users and for some patients it or another strains could synthesise morphine,nicotine, tetrahydrocannabinol,alcohol,cathinone,cocaine,natural hallucinogens from plants and animals using the relevant genotypes from the animal and plant they are derived from added to the strain with new ones added or removed overtime via upgrades and other recreational drugs in controlled amounts decided by the user at set times or on demand,break down excess to prevent overdosing with this for recreational use or to aid in those wanting to stop using them to wean themselves off eventually quit by producing in them in slightly lower amounts overtime arranged by Paean preventing withdrawl symptoms by going cold turkey and the microbes then flushed out to be used as the basis of electronics with new compounds added by upgrades.Thus DNA from Nicotiana,Papaver somniferum,Cannabis sativa,Catha edulis,Erythroxylum novogranatense and any or all psychodellic plants and fungi will be added to microbes printed out and stored in fridges for different sub strains.Compounds that counteract the effect of these and other drugs and these drugs taken conventionally can be produced by these and other strains such as cannabidiol to prevent the effects of tetrahydrocannabinol causing psychosis alongside psychosis brought about by other means with these and other strains can produce just cannabidiol and the therapeutic compounds of recreational drugs and indeed other plants.Alkyl nitrites,Lysergic acid diethylamide,3/4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine,methamphetamines and other synthetic drugs can be synthesised by these strains on demand using catabolic and anabolic reactions in levels that prevent overdosing with side effects reduced or eliminated via microbes repairing the body tissues and also accelerated healing from A.mexicanum etc would counteract physiological effects of both natural and synthetic drugs produced by them either on the spot or chronic use overtime and those taken normally with these again for recreational drug users and those wanting to quit.All synthetic and natural recreational drugs created by specific strains can be created onsite of receptors in the brain as nanoparticals to prevent overdosing and also prevent them affecting and damaging other organs with the acellerated healing phenotype healing damage to the brain,cerebrospinal fluid etc done by them if any excess escapes but also through conventionally derived drugs.Those with existing damage can avail of microbial strains that cause damaged tissue to undergo apoptosis and be replaced by more rejuvenated healthy ones alongside surgery and healthy bioprinted organs.The host body could also using CRISPR be made immune to the physiological effects of natural and synthetic drugs both produced in vivo and also conventional means caused by on the spot or chronic use with the brain and other organs made immune to its effects and for example have the body engineered to or microbes recreate cerebrospinal fluid lost or have the microbes break down excess that the liver and other organs cant process or engineer the liver etc to break them down and metabolise more efficiently with the microbes also storing and releasing in short bursts excess that can be more easily broken down by them and microbes breaking down excess produced by though as stated they would produce it only in levels that prevent overdosing.Otherwise like toxins and poisons the other strains of microbes can synthesise proteins that bind to them to prevent them binding to the receptors and also allow them to be flushed out of the body in its unaltered form preventing damage with them also creating proteins that bind to the drugs interaction receptors to prevent excess binding to them preventing overdosing at the same time.If possible engineering the hosts genome by adding or removing genes can prevent them becoming addicted to them and also prevent withdrawl symptoms that can be uncomfortable or damage the body with this lowering the risk of dependency death or permanent damage and alleviate strains on the accelerated healing of the body since one would not be forced to create larger amounts of a drug to get the original high as original safe levels would indefinitely produce the same desired high the user seeks.Side effects like withdrawal and “the munchies” and lightheadness and others that affect cognitive functions would be eliminated by accelerated healing and also genetic engineering as well as synthesising compounds that counter them.Damage to the body from these drugs produced by these and also those taken in conventional means such as damage to the brain,organs and lost cerebrospinal fluid can be counteracted by them by the microbes repairing or replacing these by specific strains synthesising it and also the hosts genome engineered to naturally repair itself,remake it in required amounts,be made immune to its effects,the acellerated healing phenotype and bioprinted organs as well as keeping the brain and other vital organs alive and breaking down and any excess amounts of the drugs down to prevent overdosing by conventional means with the microbes detecting them in excess levels.Those who have already have physiological effects from chronic use will have them repaired by the microbes replacing damaged tissues have some undergo apoptosis,moulting from Serpentes DNA added to the patients genome and CRISPR treatments controlled by Paean to repair damaged facial features to their original natural shape and the accelerated healing phenotype added and any teeth added.Damaged organs can be repaired via CRISPR alongside bioprinted organs or microbes repairing them by replacing damaged tissues with new ones.If possible the host can have their genome altered to prevent damage while still illicitaing desirable effects by having the receptors only interact with the amount that creates these effects and naturally counteract excess levels etc or made immune to the effects.This would as stated create pure versions of each drug in the body in levels safe to prevent overdosing with any damaged repaired by the microbes or even accelerated healing and immunity to damage added by CRISPR,would allow them to be created on demand at any time in desired levels and would save on the energy and time to create them at home or in labs and also more importantly would be a loophole allowing recreational drug users access to illegal drugs without the threat of being prosecuted for possession,manufacture or distribution of any illegal drugs either synthetic or natural and would eliminate any crime associated with it and also any issues such as HIV infections.This is because the microbes and AI would manufacture them and also they would not be distributing them to anyone.It would also save on land and fertilisers and would allow the purity to be directly controlled.Paean and Epione would also ensure that only legal adults would have access to this strain with if injected into minors would cause them to undergo apoptosis and die off.
Chelation Strains:
Microbes would use chemical signals produced by each other to guide them to certain sites and carry out certain functions controlled by the nanomachines and vice versa with if possible these will have recombinant DNA from metallotolerants,G.metallireducens strains,opossums,bioremmediating plants from scratch and bacteria to soak up excess heavy toxic metals as well as break down excess pharmaceutical compounds in the body using them as energy acceptors and produce antivenoms or break down poisons including pesticides or synthetic chemicals that enter the body into benign compounds,create compounds that bind to heavy metals or toxins such as biofilms or those that make them benign and able to be flushed out of the system and/or convert heavy metals and pharmacological compounds into benign compounds to be flushed out of the body via urine,feces,sweat and tears initiated through hormones or convert them into nutrients for the host and the microbes controlled by the nanomachines to prevent overdosing,poisoning turning them into benign compounds or nutrients for the microbes or host.This would be done by a strain that breaks down poisons etc by being tweaks to detect them and counteract them.If possible they may also create compounds like proteins that bind to the receptors that venoms,heavy metals and poisons also bind to and thus prevent the poison affecting the host via taking up the receptors place and thus blocking the poisons,drugs etc connecting to the receptors and thus affecting the host with any organs such as the brain kept alive by new tissue being replenished and then providing oxygen with the poisons etc flushed out of the body since they have no where to bind or even the microbes using catabolic and anabolic reactions would turn them into nutrients or benign compounds be used up or flushed out of the body with heavy metals bound to compounds such as proteins including bumpers created by them to be able to be flushed out with them collected in sewage treatment plants.If possible proteins can be created by the microbes that bind to the poison or heavy metal etc and then prevent it interacting with the receptors in the body allowing it to be flushed out in the form of urine and feces with the receptors changed via CRISPR to be unable to interact with specific toxins,heavy metals etc with any compounds in the body necessary for proper functioning can be changed to accommodate this change again via CRISPR.By creating neurotransmitters and proteins that take up space on receptors on key organs such as the lungs,brain,heart etc this will prevent the person being affected by them and allow the toxins to be flushed out of the body normally and also allow the base microbes and chelation strain time to act and either break them down into benign compounds and also download the compounds specific counterproteins and antivenom from Physis to be synthesised in the bloodstream in large amounts with the toxins when covered in proteins that neutralise them and prevent them interacting with more receptors and thus allow them to be flushed out of the body via feces and urine.To prevent the proteins that take up space negatively affect the host ie cause the same fatal symptoms of the toxin the proteins will encourage them to carry out beneficial effects such as initiate pleasure hormones,those that accentuate normal functions that are beneficial or neutral reactions leading to no effect preventing the proteins that bind to these receptors causing any negative if potentially serious side effects including those that may be fatal.These neutral reactions would be ones that initaite normal conditions in the biochemistry of the body that have no fatal or dangerous side effects or they could be no biochemical reaction at all that would prevent the toxin,heavy element etc interacting with the receptors that it normally does in the brain,peripheral nervous system etc thus preventing said poisons etc causingside effects,symptioms and death of the patient.When the poisons have been dealt with the microbes can imitate chemical signals to remove the proteins from the receptors or have these proteins be temporarily interact with the receptors meaning they will have to be applied routinely one after an other with them staying in place for a few hours or few days at a time with base microbes and chelation strains residing around the organ blocking the entrance of molecules of the toxin into where the receptors are and destroying and and neutraliding any molecules that approach them.Any damage caused by heavy metals,poisons etc that do manage to interact with the body that can cause damage to vital organs such as the liver,brain etc will be repaired by the accelerated healing phenotype instantly and also microbes replacing affected tissues.The brain would be the first area to have receptors taken up by benign compounds to prevent poisons etc affecting them with other key organs such as the lungs,liver,heart etc treated this way while other microbes create compounds even proteins to bind to
the other molecules of poison and heavy metal to prevent it interacting with the body and thus allow it to be flushed out.Date rape drugs can also be dealt this way alongside overtaken drugs whether recreational and medicinal as well as even synergistic compounds that may damage the host.Thus the toxins etc can have proteins that bind to them either universal or specific ones that prevent them interacting with receptors in the body to allow them to be flushed out with AI extrapolating these for each toxin,heavy metals that can be synthesised once the specific compound is determined by base microbes via biosynth WiFi.The brain,lungs etc will have receptors that the venom etc interacts with taken up by proteins created by microbes that initiate pleasure or neutral functions thus preventing the toxin interacting with it and being flushed out.Complex compounds not part of the normal biochemistry can be turned into benign compounds and nutrients via anabolic and catabolic reactions.Ideally all methods will be applied at once with Paean via nano-machines and biosynth WiFi applying them all at once to improve success before the hosts body is damaged with accelerated healing able to instantly repair the brain and other vital organ damaged by them including date rape drugs.This would negate the issues associated with chelating agents with the proteins and other measures applied almost instantly improving survival rates.AI will analyse the structure of all heavy metals,poisons etc and extrapolate antivenon and counterproteins stored in Physis that will be once a toxin etc is identified be downloaded into awoken chelation strains or base microbes digital DNA storage and transformed into chelation strains and undergo mass replication and carry out these functions with the AI also extrapolations neurotransmitters and proteins to be applied to the receptors in the brain etc that cause neutral reactions and also extrapolate universal counter proteins,proteins and neurotransmitters stored on its digital DNA storage to deal with all heavy metals and poisons etc to deal with the first detected molecules to give enough time for more specific counter proteins to be downloaded.All detected compounds not part of normal human biochemistry such as toxins etc will be also first turned into benign compounds and nutrients as well.Bisphenol A and other bioaccumalted compounds in the body will be dealt with the same way allowing them to flushed out of the body quickly with new instances dealt with accordingly although in time BPA will become obsolete.Excess metals and elements and toxic potentially carcinogenic compounds and those that can cause death through interactions with pharmacological compounds and other no pharmocological compounds as well as excess levels of stimulants from energy drinks that can be be fatal in high doses or certain people can also be used to synthesis nutrients for the host as well as the microbes,medicinal,hormonal or benign compounds once modified to be flushed out of the body with them also converting excess sugars,fats,proteins etc into other nutrients,biomedical compounds or flushed out of the body in the form of urine,feces or carbon dioxide and other gases.These and other compounds and even heavy metals if in excess levels can be soaked up and released in controlled bursts via the microbes measuring levels of these and synergistic compounds so as to prevent overdosing and reduce chances of death when vital signs read by implants,nanomachines and smart clothing indicate a coma or death.In the case of two or more synergistic compounds present different groups of them through bio communication will intake all or at least two of them together so when the levels of one compound breaks down in the body or flushed out by natural means they will release the next one in controlled bursts until it is broken down and flushed out as well as either break down the last remaining ones or then release it in controlled bursts to allow it to be flushed out of the system.Otherwise it will in the case of three compounds soak up the remaining two and break them down into benign compounds or nutrients and soak up any excess of the third and release in short bursts in concentrations below the compounds LD50 limits determined by the nervous systems present.The microbes will decide which ones to soak up,which to convert into benign substances,which to create compounds to bind to them so they can be flushed out of the system and which to turn into nutrients for the host and the microbes with if necessary those in endospores awoken,more created via replication and then sent to form an endospore state once this and other tasks are finished to improve the chances of success.Again the receptors in the body will have proteins created to take up their space in these cases with proteins also created that bind to the compounds to prevent them interacting with the body and thus flush out of the body.This can also be done to nutrients like salt and also taurine and nutrients that have synergistic effects that can lead to hypertension,coma and even death with them taken in by the host via energy drinks and also by themselves etc either intentionally or accidentally.Alcohol can also be treated this way.The brain and other vital organs will be kept alive and also repaired by any damage by chronic drug use or overdosing.The microbes ability to detect these compounds LD50 limit would come from them having tweaked C.elegans recombinant DNA.This can as stated be done to all compounds that have synergistic effects with each as well as any drugs such as any remaining medicinal ones used including recreational ones such as morphine that is administered intravenously and also produced by the microbes to prevent overdosing.Any organs effected will be repaired by them and the body using DNA from Planarians,Hydra and A.mexicanum to repair any damage with affected cells caused to undergo apoptosis to allow new ones to be regrown by the microbes and augmented hosts new healing abilities.The acellerated healing phenotypeIf possible these phenotypes of creating antivenoms and being immune to heavy metals,pesticides,synthetic and radioactive materials can be transferred to the host and the primary immune system as well as erythrocytes via horizontal gene transfer allowing the host to be immune from these alleviating strains on them by creating its own antivenom,compounds to counteract and bind to them or even alter the receptors the compound or genes and even whole key organs such as brain,liver and heart they interact with to be unable to be affected when a poison is detected with the brain and other vital organs kept alive until they can be treated by the microbes or even administration of antivenoms from hospitals.Poisons etc as stated can be dealt with the microbes breaking them down while they are bound to a compound such as protein bumpers that holds them in place preventing them binding to the receptors they affect and them broken down into nutrients,water and oxygen that can be stored in the body or the poison then flushed out of the body while these proteins bind to them preventing the poison being able to attach to relevant receptors and also them creating proteins that takes up space in the receptors.This should be tested on animals at first with their being a strain strain made to deal with this or this introduced into others like anti-bacterial strains though it could be one strain with all strains engineered to detect poisons,date rape drugs etc that can then signal to this strain that is awoken from endospore states to carry this out instantly via chemical signals or indeed in time nanomachines.Also since the receptors on the strains that deal with these to detect would only have to be universal receptors and not have to have different receptors for each one as the phenotype of C.elegans would intake the compounds and through mechanotransduction or reverse mechanotransduction,chemical reactions seen in more complex or similarly simple organisms and simple and complex neural clusters and systems in them would be able to send via nanomachines and biosynth wifi the structure of the compound to Paean as well as the microbes themselves and thus organise what to do instantly ie what proteins to synthesise and release onto the molecule and also receptors in the body and what catabolic and anabolic reactions to carry out as well as what to do with them using chemothaxis using their structure to cause them to locate the minute and large levels of the compounds in the the body with the strain undergoing mass replication and travelling to all parts of the body where the compound is and also to where the receptors it interacts with to create proteins that interact with them preventing the compound affecting the host.Paean will cross reference Physis and decide what are the best proteins to produce to bind to them and store the most likely compounds and proteins to the DNA digital storage on microbes with each microbe having as much data for as many as possible stored on them on each one as well as in the neural implants in the body.Base microbes will contain these universal receptors to then awaken the chelation strains or if possible both chelation and base strains of microbes will house these alongside implants.To deal with stings and bites form arthropods from the order Hymenoptera they could produce the chemicals that counteract them such as vinegar or milk of magnesia via anabolic and catabolic reactions or recombinant DNA from plants and animals that produce compounds that counteract this with the same done to stinging plants such as Urtica dioica with them at the same time producing natural painkillers to at least null the pain with the host engineered to make these compounds in response or even modifying the arthropods from creating venoms that affect their prey but not humans with their prey also engineered to be affected by these new poisons with the same applied to poisons from Serpentes and even Arachnids,sea fauna particularly Medusozoa etc and also stinging plants.Poisonous plants of all types such as N.oleander,Rhododendron,Digitalis,L.longiflorum etc can also undergo this with them and poisonous animals have different phenotypes implanted into them ie different coloured patterns.These would be created in large amounts in labs and released into the wild with them having unique phenotypes to distinguish them from originals with lampray and arthropod bio synths in live animals with microbes that would alter live animals.The exception would of course be P.clavata due to it being required fro Agoge trainees.This would require breeding large amounts of these engineered animals and releasing them into the wild and/or using CRISPR to inoculate wild animals via hand or using biosynth arthropods and lampreys in swarms.Toxic plants in the wild can also undergo this alongside their prey.Chelation and antivenom strains would have the structure of toxins from plants and all types of animals,heavy metals and also poisons present in their DNA digital storage and when a person is affected the universal receptors on the microbes will analyse the structure of the toxin and using the stored structure on its file will create counterproteins stored on it as well with one having them for all poisonous plants and animals including Hymenoptera in their country with this deleted and new ones added as they move to new countries for holidays etc with if no storage space exists then it can be relayed to Paean who will instruct them what counterproteins to produce from his database our carry out catabolic and anabolic reactions to turn them into benign compounds to be flushed out and also have receptors in all important organs the body to be taken up by proteins etc with all steps ensuring the poison will be flushed out of the body through sweat,urine and feces with any damage caused to the bodies important organs such as liver,heart,brain and lungs healed instantly by the accelerated healing phenotype.AI will analyse all venoms,poisons and heavy metals etc structure and then extrapolate counterproteins to then be stored in the animal and plants and heavy metal etc Physis file to be the downloaded and applied with if possible universal counterproteins that temporarily neutralise them created for whole orders of toxins,poisons etc to be stored on microbes digital DNA storage to be applied while toxin,poison,venom etc specific counterproteins are are downloaded.These can be created by anabolic and catabolic reactions alongside AI developing scratch DNA to be downloaded to synthesise them.If possible enzymes may be used with new enzymes will be extrapolated alongside scratch DNA to be downloaded to produce them or them created by anabolic and catabolic reactions.To improve success all measures – conversion of them into benign compounds via anabolic and catabolic reactions,applying counterproteins to them and proteins to receptors they interact with will be done at once while the acellerated healing phenotype heals all affected organs.In time biosynth implants will not only as detect the toxins but also download,have already stored and produce counterproteins and neurotransmitters etc and carry out anabolic and catabolic reactions on a larger scale with them awaking chelation strains etc to do this that will carry these out once undergoing mass replication also producing these and carrying out these on a large scale as well.Paean in each case via fragmentation on neural implants and implants that detect this etc will organise all actions to deal with the individual instances instantly allowing for survival rates to be anywhere near 90-100% by 2029-2045 due to advancements in AI and biosynth WiFi and Paean in implants in a fragmented form.By 2045 on wards this being almost instantaneous meaning that poisons may not be able to affect the host with by 2029 it being fast enough to allow the patient given an extra few hours,days or months than what is normally possible to survive long enough to seek medical treatments.All instances of toxin and venom infection all steps taken will be logged into ones patient files.As detailed earlier on forced evolution can allow bacteria create genes to create counterproteins to each type of poison and thus be added to humans via CRISPR with the body taught to produce counterproteins in response to bites and stings via microbes creating small amounts of the specific poisons with this applied to tourists and natives of an area and removed when not needed.The same will be done to poisonous gases both natural and synthetic.
Date rape drugs such as Flunitrazepam(Rohypnol),γ-Hydroxybutyric acid etc and other drugs used in high amounts that put a person unconscious could be detected by them in significant levels outside of those prescribed or even produced naturally as well as automatically by the person alerting Paean to do so when out in a nightclub and bar or persons home and break them down into benign compounds or again nutrients for the host and microbes or proteins created by them that bind to the drugs preventing them from interacting with the relevant receptors as well as proteins that bind to the receptors preventing the drugs interacting with the drugs.Otherwise the host can be made immune to date rape drugs as well as the brain kept alert via CRISPR by Phanes extrapolating from scratch genes that confer immunity to these with this removed for users of them that use them to treat insomnia.In time this may be done by receptors and sensors including neural,chemical ones as well as those on receptor sites in the body that interact with venoms,pharmaceutical compounds,undesirable drugs and compounds within the bacteria and/or its wall etc that can detect the venoms,excess levels of pharmaceuticals and specific heavy metals in specific levels.These will be treated in the same way as toxins.They would be able to carry out anabolic and catabolic reactions by using all available atoms in compounds and gases in the body either toxins,excess nutrients,stored nutrients and intaken compounds(alcohol,pharmacological compounds etc) and convert them into useful nutrients,benign compounds that can be flushed out or broken down by the body,pharmocological compounds and hormones etc using recombinant DNA from plants,animals and humans as well produce synthetic ones using scratch DNA with the possibility of soaking up and storing excess toxic elements and compounds including those that have synergistic effects or have exceed the LD50 limit or even recommended dosage and then release them in short bursts to ensure they are naturally flushed out of the body,broken down or used in controlled levels below the LD50 and recommended dose.Thus they will store excess of the compounds and toxic elements and break down some of it into benign compounds,others will be turned into nutrients for the host and microbes wile others will be stored in the microbes and released in short bursts managed by the neural clusters detecting acceptable levels.This will be controlled by the microbes and their nervous systems detecting levels of all compounds in the bloodstream.Ideally the microbes would be tweaked to break down or bind to and flush out all compounds that it does not see as part of the normal human biochemistry with receptors that the drug interacts with covered in proteins that prevent the compound including date rape drugs interact with them with he compound also bound with proteins to allow them to be flushed put of the body.Also nanomaterials and biosynth sensors can be built into the matrix of drinking glasses to detect even the slightest levels of date rape drugs including Rohypnol with alarms sent through the glass changing colour or the graphene highlighting via augmented reality and biosynth wifi this as well as the microchips present interacting with ones smart devices such as phones and lenses etc.This can be integrated into the matrix of all glasses at both home and in restaurants.Recombinant DNA from humans and C.elegans to create neural clusters and also sensors will allow for accurate sensations of the concentration of all chemicals they posses.To make one immune to poisons,heavy metals,toxins and also synthetic date rape drugs in levels enough to put one unconscious,microbiology labs can have bacteria with human DNA exposed to large levels of them and made to evolve countermeasures and resistance to them with the new genes added to patients via upgrades.Otherwise AI could analyse the structure of every poison,heavy metals,toxins whether gas/liquid/solid,date rape drug etc and extrapolate counterproteins that can be created by microbes in response to them via anabolic and catabolic reactions downloaded into the the chelation strains from Physis.These counterproteins will be downloaded onto the the DNA digital storage via wifi with new posions etc and those detected without wifi access to Phyis dealt with them being tuned into benign substances via anabolic and catabolic reactions.Again enzymes can be used.This would be all done by a sub augmentation strain known as the chelation strain that will deal with poisons,toxins,heavy metals in the same manner as chelation but it done instantly in the body invivo negating any side effects etc though gene therapy that makes the host immune to all toxins,synthetic compounds and poisons etc by testing this in automated microbiology labs by exposing the bacteria to large doses of them to develop countermeasures allowing for new genes to be prepared to be added to humans.Also since the receptors on the chelation strains would only have to be universal receptors and not have to have different receptors for each one as the phenotype of C.elegans would intake the compounds and through mechanotransduction or reverse mechanotransduction,chemical reactions seen in more complex or similarly simple organisms and simple and complex neural clusters and systems in them would be able to send via nanomachines and biosynth wifi the structure of the compound to him and thus organise what to do instantly or them programmed to so using memory stored in digital DNA storage and nanomachines in this strain what to do for each known and new foreign substances not sent to them by Paean with new ones sent to Paean for analysis as to whether it is benign or not.New foreign compounds such as those on other planets etc will be analysed by the receptors and sent to Physis and ideally even if it benign or not Paean will signal them to break them down,turn them into nutrients or benign compounds and also create proteins to bind to them and the receptors of key organs such as the brains.Advances in AI will allow Paean to decide and extrapolate proteins that may suit the compounds to allow them to be flushed out.Proteins similar to Cas-9 and taq ploymerase created from scratch could be created that can scan the structure of the compound to then transmit it to Paean with this also method to allow them to detect just poisons,date rape drugs and also heavy metals causing them to undergo replication when they are detected and locate them via chemothaxis.This strain will perform on demand by patients controlled by Paean detoxifying events where all synthetic substances and heavy metals etc detected by the strain will be cleared out of the system in the aforementioned ways alongside diets recommended by both Paean and Hereacles.As detailed earlier and later on recombinant DNA from animals that produce proteins to counteract poisons and bacteria used to create these for all poisonous animals and also bacteria that can survive large doses of heavy metals can be used to make humans immune to them by adding the existing and new recombinant DNA to the host allowing the patient to naturally produce proteins.Base microbes could at first turn compounds not part of the normal biochemistry into benign compounds via anabolic and catabolic reactions before activating chelation strains or having them injected at home and them undergoing mass replication and breaking down the foreign compound will allow large amounts of the poison etc to be destroyed while at the same time it using
mechanotransduction or reverse mechanotransduction etc to crossrefference the name of the compound in Physis and at the same time within minutes or seconds download the proper counterproteins that neutralise them making them unable to attach to relevant receptors in the body and also download and create relevant proteins and neutrotransmitters that connect to receptors in the body the compound interacts with thus preventing them affecting the body.The actions of based microbes and chelation strains by 2045 will be able to save the life of patients in at least 90-100% with if not then they can at least extend the timespan that it takes for poisons,heavy metals take to act on receptors in the body through slowing down their rate of their mechanisms of actions by several hours,days even weeks thus allowing one to survive long enough to seek medical attention in hospitals with as detailed earlier antivenom counterproteins to to all poisonous plants and animals can be made on an unlimited scale in hospitals and research centres by all wilderness areas and at home to allow them to be stockpiled.
They could also be engineered to intake excess alcohol to prevent a person from getting too drunk as well as preventing alcohol poisoning when levels of alcohol are reach certain levels with again the alcohol used as energy for the host or microbes,broken down in to oxygen,nutrients or benign compounds and this and the soaking up of pharmacological compounds done when a person inadvertently or intentionally consume alcohol with drugs that accentuate each others effects preventing coma,organ failure and death.Overdosing of recreational drugs could be prevented by them again breaking them down into benign compounds with also them even producing recreational drugs in controlled amounts negating the need for growing them and reduce the risk of overdosing either accidental or intentional.They could even soak up and break down alcohol quickly to prevent drunkedness and alleviate strains on the liver especially symptoms leading to lack of awareness,poor judgement to accidental deaths or injury,prevent rapes and non consensual sex while still allowing for the positive effects of alcohol such as elation to be experienced either by enhancing only these symptoms and preventing others ie poor judgement from being exhibited at all by interfering with the receptors in the brain responsible for this either momentarily or permanently by for example preventing the neurons in areas of the brain responsible for critical thinking,concentration,judgement being affected by the alcohol in these specific areas being made immune to alcohol via CRISPR treatments developed by Phanes applied to only this part of the brain or microbes producing proteins that bind and take up space in the receptors taken up by alcohol by the chelation strains.Thus the part of the brain responsible for judgement and critical thinking can be via CRISPR be made immune to the effects of alcohol via exposing bacteria to large amounts of it and then adding the genes to these parts of the brain.These areas of the brain and other key areas affected by it can also be engineered to be unable to be affected by not just alcohol but also all types of recreational drugs natural or synthetic ones including date rape drugs using forced evolution on bacteria with the accelerated healing phenotype allowing for it and all organs to be repaired instantly.Thus one could smoke and drink as much as one wanted but one would still be able to make rational critical decisions and in the case of date rape drugs they may even become ineffective thus allowing patients to have the same level of alertness that they would normally have.Excess alcohol could be broken down by microbes that do this on demand into nutrients to prevent poisoning and also prevent too much drunkedness with damage to the liver repaired by accelerated healing phenotype and also microbes with implants in the body constantly relaying ones blood alcohol level and warning one when it reaches dangerous levels and thus preventing them drinking more via alarms sent to smart devices with it alerting next of kin in the case of alcoholics.Hangovers could be dealt with them counteracting the effects by producing compounds or repairing tissue to reverse or alleviate the condition.
The chelation strains will carry out several actions once a poison etc has been detected.This includes breaking them down into benign compounds through anabolic and catabolic reactions,creating counterproteins proteins downloaded from Physis that bind to them neutralising them allowing them to be flushed out of the body through urine etc as well as creating proteins and neutronstmitters that bind to the receptors of the body affected by them preventing them interacting with it by taking up their place allowing the poison etc to be flushed out of the body with these carrying out neutral reactions that don’t affect the host negativily.By carrying out all of these at once will increase survival rates.Paean will analyse the structures of all poisons etc and extrapolate counterproteins to bind them that will be stored in their Physis file and then downloaded once a species of poison is identified.They will also extrapolate neurotransmitters etc to take the place of receptors that the compounds interact with stored in their Physis file.AI will put bacteria under increasing levels of each toxin and poison via forced evolution to have them develop genes that make one immune to its effects that can be stored in their Physis file with if possible an all in one gene created this way that can be applied to patients to make them immune to all poisons etc.AI namely Phanes through analysing the structure of these poisons and venoms will create the genes to grant immunity that created counterproteins and antivenom and allow chelation strains and even the body create counterproteins themselves once added to the DNA of microbes and the patient.M.capensisl,S.beecheyi,H.ichneumon,D.virginiana DNA can be used as a baseline for Phanes to extrapolate genes for counterproteins and antivenom as well as exposing to venoms from different plants and animals through forced evolution to create new genes that can be downloaded into microbes and added to the patient.For heavy metals G.metallireducens,G.metallidurans,Ferroplasma can be used as a baseline for Phanes to extrapolate genes to be added to microbes and the patients to ccreatr counterproteins or immunity as well as exposing them to increasing levels of all heavy metals to not only grant immunity but increase tolerance levels with new genes added to Physis.All toxic gases will have their structure analyses to extrapolate counterproteins and genes to confer immunty.For all heavy metals,gases and venoms etc AI will store genes to confer immunity,create counterproteins to be downloaded into microbes and added to the patients genome and also store the structure of anti-venom and counterproteins in their Physis file to be downloaded into the DNA digital storage of microbes to be synthesised by anabolic and catabolic reactions..