Genetically Engineered Bacteria

The main avenue of genetic engineering should be in bacteria to produce commodities of plants and animals more cheaply and abundantly using less resources such as time,water etc and can use industrial wastes to recycle them.This can extend to pharmaceutical products.Therefore the process of genetic engineering can be used to theoretically used to produce the following commodities from 2,551,000 species of plants and animals.

Further research should be carried out to see if bacteria can be produced to create the endosperm,flours and fibre of Triticum aestivum,Hordeum vulgare,Avena sativa and Oryza sativa as well as pseudo cereals saving on more resources but these can be grown in home farms indoors.New cereals can be developed by genetically engineering bacteria with properties similar to traditional ones like O.sativa,H.vulgare,T.aestivum,A.sativa alongside bacteria that replace them allowing all land used to grow them be fully reforested with engineering tweaking them to have thicker walls and thus higher yields with them also engineered to also produce the oils specific to that cereal similar to algae or have two bacteria; one that produces the specific oils of them and one that produces only the fibre/grain thus allowing for one to produce higher yields of both when needed.The cereal endosperm and fibre could be produced with two sets of cell walls or just one for fibre with the endosperm released by milling them similar to algae flour with further modification removing or adding gluten in certain separate strains for each cereal.Otherwise a protein similar to gluten can be created that can be used in cooking but not affect coealiacs.These can be milled at home by miniature semi automatic machinery alongside driers that remove any water and in vertical farms using automatic ones.Flours can be produced as byproducts or in the cell walls and milled depending on which is best and dried with others created the same way as a powdery byproduct or milled from the cell wall.The cereal endosperm could be within the bacterium with fibre husks in the cell wall or have the endosperm and fibre within two cell walls.Thus bacteria can be grown indoors in community,vertical and home farms as well in spare rooms of private and communal homes to create flour of all cereals and of all 391,000 plants with grains and seeds created in biosynth machinery and hybrid plants grown hydroponically at home,community and vertical farms.This would allow for higher consistent yields using less resources than through conventional or aeroponics with them also engineered to also produce the oils specific to that cereal similar to algae or have two bacteria strains one;that produces the specific oils of them and one that produces only the fibre/grain thus allowing for one to produce higher yields of both when needed as well as allowing all land used for growing cereals in breadbaskets worldwide to be reforested or turned into forest farms.The vitamins present in the germ can be engineered to be produced by the bacterium.These will be in vertical,community and home farms and also community centres.The same can apply to algae and acorn,G.max,Z.m.mays and pseudocereal flours produced this way through bacteria with this extending primarily to Africa and Asia to save on water use and also ensure they can be grown and stored for droughts.This can also allow flours from plants that dont normally produce copious amounts to be be made more easily including grasses allowing for roughly 391,000 plants flour availible created by bacteria.Algae flour can be gained from algae from sewage and water treatment plants to also compliment flour from bacteria and those grown at home with this also providing as stated an alternative from G.max.Also G.max beans for vegans will be replaced by algae or even by those grown at home and in community and vertical farms as part of hybrid plants since those eaten by any remaining livestock will be replaced with algea,bacteria based flour.Flour from this crop will be created by bacteria with even TVP created by them.Thus any cereals like Avena,Hordeum,Triticum,G.max,Oryza etc that would be eaten as normal and not from bacteria would be grown at home in pots,hydroponic,aquaponic systems and in open soil and also in community farms as part of hybrid plants to allow paddy fields and also whole areas of farmland to be reforested with genetic engineering used to increase growth rates and edible biomass with the vast majority including those for animal feed grown in the form of flour from bacteria.Again another two bacteria can be produced one that produces just endosperm and another that creates the bran fibre which is then mixed with the endosperm with the germs proteins etc produced as well alongside another strain that produces the germs nutrients and mixed in.With regards to Oryza bacteria can produce the oils and flour of this crop and also the carbohydrates that are to be fermented for the production for sake thus allowing all Oryza to be grown solely for food.Food commodities like sugar and oils can be grown more locally in either homes or in vertical farms reducing energy in transporting them across the world and run on wastewater and industrial wastes.The same can be done to extract the fibre,flour and oils of acorns,pseudocereals and non cereal flours such as cornflour,Glycine max flour and even from plants not normally used for flour for various reasons such as them not producing enough to be commercially viable with the bacteria using recombinant DNA from these plants producing these flours,oils and fibres.Thus their will be flour from the estimated 391,000 plants on the world created by bacteria including those that do not produce enough to be commercially viable.Textured vegetable protein of all 391,000 plants including G.max can be made this way.Flours can be created in the cell walls,then extracted and milled or produced as a waste byproduct,dried and milled.Like oils,fats and sugars etc the juices present in each plant used to create flour can be created by a separate strain and then added to flour to increase the flavour of them

Spices,extracts,juices and compounds from plants and even animals can be done this way.Spices such as those from Hibiscus,Cinnamomum,Malvaceae,Illicium verum,Myristica fragrans,Piper nigrum,Zingiber officinale,Panax ginseng,Crocus sativus,Curcuma longa,Coriandrum sativum etc can be gained via the milling of the bacteria similar to algae flour or extracting it from their cell walls with this of important note to saffron which is expensive due to the fact that it takes roughly 70,000 flowers to produce roughly one pound of spice and requires precise conditions even if grown hydroponically making all of these spices in much higher quantities and thus cheaper.In the case of these spices including saffron it would be in powder and liquid form.Saffron can be also created as a byproduct in the form of long fibrous strands similar in taste etc as actual stamens from C.sativus.Saffron all types such as Saffron,Coriander,Hibiscus,Turmeric,Cinnamon etc can be created by bacteria in powder and liquid form.These spices can also be engineered to grow on plants suited to ones local climate including in ones garden and also produce larger amounts on these plants every year with hydroponics also an option.Herbs and mustards can also be done this way in powder form with the powder and oil from the seeds of Sinapis alba,Brassica juncea,Brassica nigra can be created with bacteria.With regards to extracts and juices from fruits and even flowers such as jasmine,chamomile they can be the result of a byproduct of the bacteria with juices from acidic fruits such as lemon etc coming from bacteria with genes from acidophillic bacteria to survive the low pH of byproducts they create.Separate strains of bacteria can be created to produce powders and juices separately for specific spices.Rare compounds from rare and expensive crops and animals can be created on an unlimited scale using bacteria with this including waxes,oils,flavourings etc especially those that can only grow in specific areas of the world,require certain conditions and also take at least 5-10 years from planting to harvesting and this amount of time between each harvests.In regards to Eutrema japonicum and Wasabia japonica the bacteria can be engineered to produce the same cell walls and compounds in them as cells or a fibrous material as these plants and thus when ground up using semi automated machinery at home or in restaurants produce the same spice.Real seedpod vanilla extract from all species of Vanilla orchids containing all the hundreds of naturally produced compounds such as vanillin,acetaldehyde,acetic acid,furfural,hexanoic acid,4-hydroxybenzaldehyde,eugenol,methyl cinnamate and isobutyric acid etc can produced by one strain or multiple ones mixed together.As a liquid and powder it can also be produced this way (alongside synthetic vanilla essence by a different strain)making it extremely cheap with vanilla beans grown at home or in local community and vertical farms.All flavourings,scents and compounds from all 2,551,000 species of plants and animals can be created by bacteria making them much cheaper and can replace synthetic colourings,flavourings and even preservatives.Actual varieties of Camellia sinensis and Coffea could theoretically be produced this way and extracted from the cell wall and byproduct,as a liquid or powder containing all the flavourings,stimulants and all other compounds present in the leaves and beans with this being of benefit to rare species that require specific conditions such as Kopi Luwak allowing all varieties including expensive ones to be produced more cheaply with the bacteria producing the coffee of the Kopi Luwak strain with another bacteria creating the exact protease enzymes from the stomach of Paradoxurus hermaphroditus that give the coffee its unique taste with if possible Kopi Luwak coffe grown on actual plants in gardens and indoors then exposed at home to the exact protease enzymes that are created in the body of P.hermaphroditus.Thus the protease enzymes created by bacteria will be automatically added to the Kopi Luwak created by other bacteria.This could also be done with herbs.The C.sinensis,Coffea can have different strains of bacteria for each type of tea and coffee produced including substrains that have no caffeine produced.All types of teas and coffees can be made via them in a liquid or powder form.Juices from all fruits and vegetables containing all the relevant compounds such as vitamins,flavourings,antioxidants,sugars etc can be produced this way with this applying to everything from all fruits from all fruit bearing trees,bushes and shrubs such as Citrus limon,Citrus × sinensis,Punica granatum,Vaccinium,Malus pumila,Morus and even Vitis with them used to backup juices to drink or even those that can be used to produce wines and other alcoholic drinks in both micro and nano wineries at home and automated wineries for higher yields onsite.With regards to Vitis the juices of different strains can be produced on a commercial scale via recombinant DNA from them with those whose flavour is affected by by soil microorganims and composition etc have them fed nutrients with the exact  elemental composition or through anabolic and catabolic reactions.This can allow for juices and sugars of all 22,000 fruits and vegetables and even all species of plants to be created on an unlimited scale that can not otherwise be used for alcoholic drinks due to them not produced in significant quantities when reared conventionally thus giving a person a choice of 391,000 wines and fizzy and non fizzy juice drinks and also 391,000 beers from them creating the flour,malted sugars  and endosperm etc of all plants on earth.Specific strains of fruits especially grapes can be done this way.Juices of all 22,000 fruits and vegetables and their different strains will be created by bacteria so as to allow for non alcoholic and alcoholic drinks to be produced without actually rearing any fruit thus allowing the fruit that is grown to be grown solely for consumption in ones home or community garden.It will also produce juices and sugars for non alcoholic and alcoholic drinks from vegetables and fruits that dont produce enough of them and to whom rearing them would require the growth of large amounts of plants using alot of resources even via hydroponics with this and nanobreweries and wineries onsite of communal and private homes will also mean breweries and wineries across the world will be turned into homes.Juices of all 391,000 plants that dont have fruit or are vegetables will be created by them thus allow for juice drinks whether fizzy or non fizzy to be made alongside 391,000 wines.It will also allow the land used to grow fruits and vegetables to produce alcoholic and non alcoholic drinks will be reforested and will mean that vegetables and fruits etc grown conventionally will be consumed as they are and not wasted on creating juice and without pulp.It can be used to allow crops reared for juices to be eaten conventionally in dishes while the juice for alcoholic and non alcoholic drinks is gained from bacteria or act as backup should yields of crops be low as well as cut down on energy in production as well as as cut down on pulp etc in drinks created by them with the yields of juice from bacteria greater than from crops.Thus a person would have choice of at least 391,000 wines and juices.This can allow juices of any vegetable or fruit to be created in bulk not just for non alcoholic drinks but also for storage in 3D containers to spread onto food like salads and pancakes etc.It will also mean higher yields of juice and allow custom made levels of each nutrient present including sugars and vitamins to be made and will ensure higher yields of fruit for eating.Thus even non alcoholic juice drinks from all types of fruits will be created by bacteria ensuring higher yields and reducing labour in creating them allowing all actual fruit to be reared for eating with it also creating the juice for those to whom there is too little juice in the fruit to be harvested with it even created juices and sugars from vegetables again where there is not enough harvest able juice etc with it again reducing labour costs.Fruit juices as stated could be done this way to again produce higher yields more quickly without using land and space in vertical farms and fertilisers and other resources by replicating the pathways that produce the specific juices,sugars and compounds as well as moisture content etc present in them which can be altered with this applying to all fruits and indeed all types of fruits not traditionally used to produce alcohol and possibly even those from vegetables.With regards to grapes and other fruit this could allow the juice to be extracted from bacteria then have yeast added to make wine and cider more cheaply both at home and in automated wineries with even juices of fruits not traditionally used in wine production made this way.It could also allow the bacteria to be engineered to produce the juice in one strain and the sugars of the specific fruits in another strain allowing them to be mixed together in correct ratios and then fermented with this solving the issue of certain fruits and even vegetables not creating not enough juice and sugar to be fermented into alcohol and again higher yields with fewer resources.This would also allow one to control the ratio of sugar to juice in all types of drinks with the juice strain creating all other compounds including vitamins and vitamin precursor with if possible there being one strain that creates both the juice and sugar.Juices of all 391,000 plants could be created this way for alcoholic and non alcoholic drinks.This could also be replicated with cereals and non cereal plants in the production of beer with bacteria producing both the endosperm grain,starches,sugars and fibre for all types cereals,acorns,pseudocereals etc for nano breweries at home and traditional breweries not converted into homes with those of historical value turned into museums or continue to function.Ideally the malted sugars of all cereals could be created to save time with this done to other plants including pseudocereals,trees,ferns and other cereals that dont create enough starches and malted sugars thus allowing for endosperms and flours of all 391,000 species of plants to be created this way giving a wide variety of beers to be created alongside the juices of all 22,000 fruits and vegetables.This could also be done to create wines and non alcoholic juice drinks from vegetables and other plants made this way with nectar from the Agave tequilana plant created this way to mass produce tequila at home with relevant enzymes needed created by other bacteria and mixed in automatically into a third vat or into breweries when grown in two different photobioreactors.This is because A.tequilana takes on average 8-16 years to grow.Research should be done to ensure all compounds and moisture content are present which can be altered via engineering into different strains.This would be used to produce wines and beer from vegetables and fruits not normally used since the juices and sugars etc could be made in more copious amounts with this even applying to non cereal,fruit and vegetable plants.Thus all juices and sugars of all 391,000 plants including those that do not produce enough to be commercially viable.Of course any bacteria that would create juices minus sugars from fruit would have genes from acidophillic bacteria added to allow them to function in the low pH of the juices and extracts they create.Even the juices of all 391,000 plants will be created this way for wine,fizzy and non fizzy drinks.

Specific proteins,sugars,carbohydrates,compounds,fats etc produced by crops,ornamental plants and even animals can be synthesized on an industrial scale for research purposes as well as for creating custom made supplements tablets or adding to homemade juices,drinks,whey at home with others injected to bypass the stomach where it may undesirable side effects ie capsaicin and Dihydrocapsiate can be injected into the veins to avoid it inducing acid reflux and thus increase metabolism.These could also integrated into bacteria used to produce other commodities such as flours and oils.It could be use to create artificial textured animal and vegetable protein with custom levels of all essential amino acids,essential fatty acids,vitamins and other nutrients to replace soy.Thus all essential amino acids,essential fatty acids and even sugars and carbohydrates can be created on an unlimited scale including omega-3 fatty acids to allow one to make custom made supplements added directly to food or created using semi automated machinery at home.

With regards to plant based syrups such as Betula,Acer rubrum,Acer nigrum and Acer saccharum,Phoenix dactylifera,brown O.sativa,A.tequilana,chocolate,Zea mays mays,Cocos nucifera and H.vulgare malt syrup the sugars/starches/nectars produced by bacteria can be made in one vat with relevant enzymes created by other bacteria in another vat which can be added and mixed together by automated machinery automatically into a third vat to allow for production of desired syrups which can then be poured into ones own 3D printed container by hand in community centres or in distribution centres in vertical farms with a timer on them that tells when the process of all the sugars,starches etc are converted into the syrup will be done visible both on the front of the machine but also seen remotely by interacting with the vertical farms,community centres AI in Demeter and Hephaestus.This automated process of the produce being poured into 3D printed containers made onsite or sent in by drone by consumers when ordered can be replicated with all produce from bacteria wit the option of the consumer going in person and using the same refill system adopted by fizzy drink stalls in fast food restaurants where they simply lay it against a fulcrum that pours it into the container until they let go.Although alcohol can be produced using sugar created by cyanobacteria and yeast this process could be accelerated and bypassed with bacteria that produce alcohol from waste cutting down energy and water use.Sap from plants and trees that do not create copious amounts of syrup to be harvested by traditional means can be created by bacteria on large amounts and mixed with relevant enzymes with this including trees,shrubs,bushes,flowers,grasses,ferns etc.This would give people a choice of over 391,000 syrups.The sugars produced by all 391,000 species of plants both in the leaves,nectar and also the fruits present and even from vegetables can be synthesised and used in the same way as table sugar and sweeteners for manufactured food products as that from Saccharum and Beta Vulgaris including those that do not produce enough to be commercially viable.Nectars,honeys and other compounds from all the estimated 369,000 species of flowering plants can also be produced thus giving consumers a wider variety of honeys synthesized by adding the relevant enzymes from different species of Apideae and the plants themselves created by other bacteria added in the same manner as detailed earlier on.In these cases any toxic plants would have toxins removed in the bacteria.Furthermore it may be possible to have bacteria produce the sugars present within the flesh of all types fruits and then have these sugars mixed in with the enzymes created by bacteria from specific species of Apideae to make even more types of honey with the same applying to sugars from vegetables both the flowers and the plant flesh.Enzymes from all species of Apideae can be created by bacteria to provide more variety.One strain would create the sugars and nectar of a species of flowering plant and another would create the enzymes of different species of Apideae with them mixed together automatically.Honey from all 369,000 species of flowering plants including Manuka honey from Leptospermum scoparium and those that do not produce enough nectar or honey can be also be created this way via them creating the sugars/nectars from the flowers and then another strain that creates the enzymes of individual native species of Apidae that are then mixed together to create honey from all flowers including those that dont create enough to be commercially viable also created via bacteria at home or in community and vertical farms.These will be done by also using anbolic and catabolic reactions if not possible to create the same compounds and consistency or a mixture of both ie L.scorparium Manuka honey will be created by bacteria creating the nectar with the Dihydroxyacetone,Hydroxymethylfufural,Methylglyoxal and even Leptosperin created via recombinant DNA from L.scoparium and the rest created via anabolic and catabolic reactions then mixed in with honey produced by nectar from this or other plants if recombinant DNA from L.scoparium cant create them all in one go.With regards to poisonous plants first the plant must be altered to remove the poisons within them and then sugars can be created by bacteria with DNA from these altered plants an example being plants from the Rhododendron genus.Otherwise consumers can just order in sugars from all aforementioned plants including the crops,flowers and trees etc and use them for culinary uses in the same manner as conventional sugar from Saccharum and B.vulgaris.Royal jelly for both humans(both in terms of consumption and also cosmetics) and creating new queens for apiaries can be synthesized in the same methods as honey through engineering bacteria to produce it all in one go or have different bacteria produce each component ie the proteins(including royalactin),fatty acids(including 10-hydroxy-2-decenoic acid),enzymes and vitamins via recombinant DNA or anabolic and catabolic reactions.For sugar,honey and syrups from each individual plant one could have the sugar,honey and syrup mixed in with the unique flavouring compounds present in the fruit,flowers,vegetables and plant created by another strain of bacteria that is then mixed in with the honey,sugar and syrup to give it an unique taste and flavour if they produce honey,sugar and syrup that tastes the same as all other ones with mixing in the flavours of different flowers,fruit,vegetables and plants in different combinations exponentially increasing the variety of flavour of the honey,sugar,syrup.

Animal and plant based fats,greases,waxes,oils and even powders being produced this way makes them more abundant and removes the need to rear plants and animals for oils oils,beeswax,etc.Plant oils such as those from Helianthus annuus,Olea europaea,Attalea maripa,Elaeis guineensis,Attalea maripa,as well as oils and blubber from Cetacea,Pinnipeds and Sirenia as well oils from Cetacea,Selachimorpha and all types of fish which would require resources such as meat and space to rear and also conyntional harvesting that requires killing the animal and also land to grow the plant can be created this way on a commercial scale.This will allow rare endangered animals numbers to rise coupled with the Phanes method as no new animals have to be killed.Plant and animal fats,waxes and oils from all 2,551,000 species of plants and animals including those that dont create enough to be commercially viable can be created this way including blubber and oils from Pinnipeds,Cetaceans and Rhincodon typus can be created this way thus negating the need for hunting them and play a role in conservation efforts.Those from Selachimorpha,Pinnipeds,R.typus and plants such as including expensive Pogostemon cablin,Argania spinosa,Tuber oil,those from all 369,000 species of flowers as well as E.guineensis,A.maripa,E.oleifera can be created this way allowing for land in the tropics to be reforested and allow rare expensive oils for food and cosmetics to become widely availible at zero cost.Fats,greases and waxes from all 2,551,000 species of plants and animals like Suidae,Phasianidae and fats present in Bovidae that are present in milk with even plant fats like those in G.max,those present in specific fruits and nuts and even seeds.Plant fats like cocoa butter could be produced through this process allowing for more of it to be produced cheaply.Fats,oils and waxes from all plants and animals will be created including from those that dont normally produll them in copious amounts and thus not commercially viable giving at least 439,416 choices of fats and oils.Like sugars,syrups,honeys etc the flavourings of each source animal and plant can be mixed into the fats,oils and waxes produced by them to add flavour if they all produce the same flavour with mixing in those from one or more increasing variety exponentially.Bacteria that produce powder similar to cocoa powder and the fats present in them may even be possible similar to algae flour or within the cell walls ensuring an abundant supply of both negating the need for cultivating Theobroma cacao on a commercial scale with it being reared in home,community and vertical farms for purists and as a backup.These measures would allow all land to grow these plants and rear these animals to be reforested and cut down on energy costs in production and transportation.Thus chocolate butter and flour for creating chocolate products such as drinks,bars,cakes etc will be done using recombinant DNA from T.cacao.This would be done with one bacteria creating the butter and other creating the powder.Thus two strains can create the fats,butter and also powder of T.cacao for higher yields with the one that creates powder can be engineered to make it in either white,milk or dark varieties.Specific oils and fatty acids of nutritional and even research relevance ie omega 3 acids can be harvested this way negating the need to extract it from fish and plants.Beeswax and also other fats and waxes created by the animal or plant indirectly can be created by anabolic and catabolic reactions with also in the case of beewswax it may involve first plant waxes or nectar of different flowering plants first produced by bacteria and then enzymes present in different species of Apideae created by other bacteria and mixed together or again created by anabolic and catabolic reactions.Eggs of all 20,700 species of Aves and Reptilla could be created from scratch by them creating the yolk,egg white and mixing them together or them in one go.Components of eggs,baking soda,geletin and other foodstuff and others that are of vale to manufactured food products will be created by them.Starchy fibrous material similar to Solanum tuberosum can be made as well as nut and fruit material and even eggs both the white and yolk.Milks of all plants and animals can be grown this way as well allowing all land devoted to grazing and the growth of plants to be reforested.This would give a person a choice of at least 396,416 types of milk from all species of plants and mammels including those that dont create them in commercially viable amounts with them also engineered to create the flavourings of all types of fruits and vegetables to save on resources.To save on resources with growing fruit for creating different flavoured milk the bacteria and yeasts could be engineered to also produce different desired flavours such as Vanilla,Citrus,Fragaria,Musa,Malus,Mentha,Cucurbitaceae and T.cacao using recombinant DNA from each type of fruit.Mothers using their own DNA can create their own milk on an unlimited scale with colostrum also created this way.

Amber can be made by having bacteria produce the sugars,enzymes and thus resins of Aegathis,Hymenaea,Sciadopitys and all species of 391,000 species of plants including those that do not produce enough naturally which can then be pressurised in machinery with any species of insects,plant seeds,pollen or even precious gems chosen by the consumer placed into it during its manufacture.Resins from other plants as well as animals such as insects such as shellac can be produced this way or from anabolic and catabolic reactions.Microcrystalline cellulose and other commercial substances from trees can be produced this way form all 60,065 species of trees.Cardboard,paper for toilet paper and paper for other remaining uses would be of course made of cellulosic pulp from any of the 60,065 species of trees and even 391,000 species of plants created by bacteria and 200,000 species of algae mixed in with plant and animal fibres also created by bacteria like flax,cotton,jute,pina,hemp,silk etc for strength,smoothness and other properties added into them with cellulosic nanowires also created by Geobacter,Shewanella also mixed in with cellulosic pulp and fibres of trees created by bacteria used to be mixed in also.These will be made onsite of Lotis etc factories and miniature packaging factories onsite of all factories and vertical etc farms by bacteria creating pulp etc negating the need for planting trees,cutting them down,transporting them to factories saving energy and time.Thus all paper including that for cardboard,sterilising/baby wipes and toilet paper and remaining uses of paper etc can be have pulp created by bacteria of any species of tree and fibres of any species of plant created by bacteria onsite of factories to save on energy in planting,harvesting etc.Cellulosic pulp from trees can be created by bacteria to make paper and cardboard as well as toilet paper when mixed with red algae and textiles also made by bacteria.This would allow paper from all 391,000 species of plants to be created.The plant fibres of each tree will be created by bacteria with tweaked versions of Geobacter,Shewanella creating nanowires to allow wood to be made onsite of factories in moulds with these mixed in with resins and pulps of the wood type using recombinant DNA from different types of trees.This would allow all types of woods from all 60,065 species of trees be produced in moulds onsite of Ictinus and Epeius factories.Wood and paper can also be created of all 391,000 species of plants such as Bambusoidea,ferns,grasses,flowers etc.

With regards to ambergris different strains bacteria can produce the same waxy substance produced in the intestines of Physeter macrocephalus and also same faecal waste as well with them exposed to sunlight,salt and also the same enzymes produced by other bacteria to age it mixed together.If possible fully matured ambergris in store can have its chemical structure be analysed to have it unique chemical composition including smells created by bacteria either by genes created by scratch or through AI programming it to do so using catabolic and anabolic reactions.P.macrocephalus to prevent internal damage and death from the creation of this can be fitted with DNA from Ambystoma mexicanum..This can be replicated with other commodities.Pearls,ivory and rhino horn may also be created by anabolic and catabolic reactions within moulds.The glandular musk secretions of Moschus,Ondatra zibethicus,Biziura lobata,Ovibos moschatus,Crocidurinae,Aromia moschata,Civettictis civetta,Sternotherus odoratus,Alligator mississippiensis,Crocodylinae members musk glands and musks from plants like Angelica archangelica,Abelmoschus moschatus,Erythranthe moschata,Olearia argophylla,Abelmoschus moschatuscan be created by bacteria as well making it more cheaper and be created for homemade and factory made perfumes.Frankincence and myrrh can be created by bacteria using reciombinant DNA from  Boswellia sacra,Boswellia carterii,Boswellia frereana,Boswellia serrata (Boswellia thurifera, Indian frankincense),Boswellia papyrifera as well as Commiphora and their equivalents from all 391,000 species of plants can be created by bacteria.Agarwood and the scent Oud from Aquilaria malaccensis can be gained by several means such as growing the tree hydroponically in local vertical farms and even onsite of Himeros factories etc around the world using 3D DNA printers and then infecting it with Phialophora parasitica and it then harvested and extracted by machine/biosynths and the oil extracted for cosmetics and the wood for incrnse.If possible synthetic wood blocks can be created of A.malaccenis then infected with P.parasitica and harvested by AI and biosynths with if possible the infected wood and oil resin fragrance synthesised by bacteria using both recombinant DNA and anabolic and catabolic reactions meaning the oil itself can be created by bacteria once it’s structure is stored in the plants Physis file and the desired wood created via bacteria either combined with the fungus at the same time or not once the exact structure of the wood is stored in the plants Physis file.If possible the amber resin formed by the tree can be analysed in labs and stored in its Physis file and created on a commercial scale in photobioreactors by bacteria using anabolic and catabolic reactions and recombinant DNA and either used as itself for perfumes etc or infused into blocks of synthetic A.malaccenis wood by boring holes and filing them in with it with Urania,Pan finding ways to synthesise this amber,resin and the infused wood that is indistinguishable from the real thing used as incense on a commercial scale to bring its cost to zero and allow localised production while conservation efforts are done on A.malaccenis wherein 3D DNA printers create millions or billions of genetically distinct seeds that are planted in its natural habitat in a randomised manner by seed planting drones.Similar commodities from plants and specific trees will be gained this way.Research can be made into equivalents of agar wood from all 60,065 species of trees created by infecting them with P.parasitica and all species of fungi in universities around the world to then have these equivalents synthesised the same way.Amber can be made by having bacteria produce the sugars,enzymes and thus resins of Aegathis,Hymenaea,Sciadopitys and all 391,000 species of plants including those that do not produce enough naturally.Similar commodities that are secretions of plants and animals can also be created this way as either a liquid or even solid mass.Pheromones,insect repellants,natural insecticides,fragrances and scents from all species of animals and plants can be synthesized this way in order to ensure they can be used for sprays to kill,trap and repel animals with bio based alternatives to synthetic ones produced or via hydrocarbons produced by bacteria.Plant oils,scents and fragrances from all 369,000 species of flowers will be produced this way for use in cosmetics and cleaning products.Woods of all types can be created by bacteria creating the resins,fibres and cellulolisc nanowires mixed together in whorls with this cutting down on energy costs in getting all types of woods especially tropical hardwoods.

Simple and complex sugars,starches,proteins,peptones and other nutrients required for bacterial growth produced by bacteria can be used as a more sustainable form of nutrients for nutrient agar creating a looped system with the gelling agent sourced from the red algae species Gelidium amansii for labs with them created on site of labs in universities and hospitals cutting down on transportation costs.Vitamins and vitamin precursors such as beta carotene can be produced this way.These can also be used for human consumption as additives to homemade food or made in supplements in liquid or powdered form.Compounds of medicinal and nutritional benefit such as capsaicin can be crated this way to be injected into the bloodstream.For their use for both human livestock consumption bacteria could be engineered to produced one or more essential amino acids in desired amounts with the same applying to other nutrients such as starches,sugars etc.This could produce slop,TVP or fibrous material that could be used to feed humans,pets,livestock that could replace all feed of all types and contain all required starches,sugars,amino acids and other essential nutrients replacing conventional feedstock or food.Enzymes and proteins etc of culinary importance such as rennin,pectin,collagen,casein and gelatin and also those found in eggs used for cooking can be created this way.Sugars and starches from all plants including fruit and vegetables can be created this way on an unlimited scale with proteins and a specific amino acids from animals and plants can be also created this way for additives to meals etc.The gummy saliva of swiflets namely Aerodramus fuciphagus and the Aerodramus maximus can be can be created by bacteria and be secreted or moulded by machinery into a nest.Otherwise they can be raised in community and home farms.Stock rather than being produced by boiling bones can in time be made be created by bacteria creating the specific proteins,flavourings and other compounds.Compounds of all types from plants and animals can be created this way.

Animal textiles like wool(including all types of wool:cashmere,camel,vicuna,quivet,mohair and those from specific breeds etc) could be easy like all plant textiles by engineering them to create the fibres in their cell wall from each breed and species of mammal ie Ovis aries,Vicugna pacos,Leporidae,Capra aegagrus hircus,and Ovibos moschatus but in the case of silk worm silk it’s simply a case of replicating the transporters and enzymes for the various specific types of silk and similar textiles such as tussah,mulberry,coan,fagara,tasar,eri,anaphe,mussah etc. with spider silk from all 35,000 species of spiders created this way. Since each 35,000 species of spider creates seven types of silk that leaves up to 245,000 different types of silk available to create a wide array of clothes to be produced via genetically altered bacteria allowing for localised production once again for all types of spider and silkworm silk onsite of textile factories.This will be done using recombinant DNA from Bombyx mori,Samia cynthia,Philosamia ricini,Antheraea assamensis,Antheraea mylitta,Anaphe,Attacus atlas,Pachypasa atus,Pinna squamosa with it either a byproduct or extracted from their cell walls with the bacteria fed on the flours,fibres etc of each plant also created by bacteria or if possible biosynth wifi etc used to create them via anabolic and catabolic reactions.Plant based silk including that from Nelumbo nucifera and silks from all 391,000 species of plants can be made this way.If possible silk can be created by all 180,000 species of the Lepidoptera and 35,000 species of Arachnida including all types of silk from each species of them as well as 391,000 types plant textiles this way giving more variety for those that dont create it enough to be commercially viable with this cutting down costs of them to zero,thus making them as cheap as other ones.To negate the need for dying them they could be engineered to produce the dyes from different populations of different animals,plants or even those from scratch within the cell wall or byproduct.Dyes for them will be via recombinant DNA from plants and animals and also scratch DNA can be present in the bacterias cell wall that create the textile or there is also the option of having bacteria creating dyes via anabolic and catabolic reactions and recombinant DNA from plants and animals and the dye then mixed in with the textile with the most energy and time efficient means decided by the plant AI.Further engineering could allow for them to have thicker cell walls and thus higher yields.Plant textiles such as guayule latex,isoprene rubber,jute,bamboo,coir,pina,hemp flax,linen,switchgrass,macro algea,seacell,cotton etc can be created by them using recombinant DNA from the relevant plants.Rubber and latex for clothing etc can be created via relevant DNA from Hevea brasiliensis with guayule non hypoallergenic latex coming from recombinant DNA from Parthenium argentatum.This will allow all of plant and animal textiles to be grown onsite of textile factories and allow all land used for growing and grazing animals for these to be reforested.Synthetic fabrics would be created either directly from them creating hydrocarbons or through anabolic and catabolic reactions such as with polyester with rayon and lyocell created using recombinant DNA from trees.New fabrics gained from bacteria in time can also be grown on site possibly by engineering them to create fibres of two or more plants,silks or animals and thus hybrids of them with even fibres from plants not normally used as textiles.Seacell and other macro and micro algae based textiles can be made from them instead of using algae.Textiles can be created of all 391,000 species of plants that dont created copious amounts of fibres normally with the bacteria creating commercially viable amounts with the same done for all 6,400 species of mammals.Thus all types of textiles both plant and animal ones could be created by genetically altered bacteria.Keratin used for wigs and brushes as well as animal fur can be synthesized within the cell walls of bacteria with recombinant DNA from animals and humans with further strands of recombinant DNA from populations within these to produce specific coloured keratin ie hair within them to prevent the need for dyeing them.Thus it could be used to produce blonde hair,black hair and hair of all naturally occurring hair and fur colours from humans and all mammals using recombinant DNA from individuals with those specific colours.Other dyes within the keratin could be created via scratch.It could also be used to produce horse hair required for violin bows.Catgut used in the production of some musical instrument strings can be produced by bacteria.If possible fur can be created via this means and the fibres once removed from the cell walls spun into fibres and then using specialised machinery them knitted into a mat resembling skin with those of Panthera tigris and other Pantherinae knitted into specific patterns including customised ones with their being different strains producing the different colours in their cell wall and then knitted into patterns.It could do this for all 6,400 species of mammals.Hair and fur of all 6,400 species of mammals made and knitted this way including hair from humans.Even human hair cloth can be synthesised by bacteria.Fur of all 6,400 species of mammals can can have fibres created by bacteria and then knitted into a customised patterns on a mat made of synthetic skin made of bacteria or stem cells including P.tigris and other Pantherinae into customised patterns as well all other mammals such as Neovison and Mustela done this way.Hair from all 6,400 species of mammals can also be created by bacteria and then woven into cloth or customised patterns on mats made of stem cells with dyes present via recombinant and scratch DNA.Leather and reptile skin can be come from bioprinted variants with the components for fake fur made this way.Thus leather from all 16,116 species of mammels and reptiles including R.typus,Rhinocerotidae,Equine and Elephantidae can be created without rearing any animals.Textile fibres can be created in the cell walls,then extracted and spun or can be created into a fibrous byproduct and dried and spun.

Active ingredients in hallucinogenic plants and recreational drugs can be produced this way such as morphine,diamorphine and other opiods of desired strength as well as tetrahydrocannabinol,cathinone,nicotine,cocaine and bio based equivalents of LSD and ecstasy(or bio-based equivalents).Thus DNA from Papaver somniferum,Cannabis sativa,Catha edulis,Erythroxylum novogranatense and any or all psychodellic plants and fungi will be added to bacterial strains.This can be done in homes for food and drink additives,creation of pharmaceutical creams and tablets as well as ointments containing them in pharmaceutical factories or direct injection for those that have medicinal qualities,for direct elicitation of pleasure effects with it also done to create large amounts for research within a lab.For example the canoboids from medicinal marijuana can be produced this way and made into pharmaceutical drugs or for injection by recreational users.The active ingredients of psychedellic,hallucinogenic and psychoactive recreational drugs and plants can be produced by bacteria with them engineered to produce one active ingredient or more from other drugs.It may even allow for the active ingredient as well as one or more important compound that is unique to the plant to be created if one wishes to study them by themselves or synergistic effects or have both consumed/injected at once.Completely new ones could be developed by altering the bacterias DNA with this organised by Phanes which can then be transported to other plants.These could be produced in oil,powder or liquid form depending on the method it is to be used or taken.Synthetic compounds like Alkyl nitrites,Lysergic acid diethylamide,3/4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine,methamphetamines can be created via anabolic and catabolic reactions.This can allow those who use them in recreational means in a pure form,cheaply eliminating black markets at home in sterile photobioreactors coated in liquid glass with the bacteria being benign ones that cannot mutate via gene drives.

This can also apply to the specific flavourings and compounds such as caffeine produced by all types of  crops such as fruits and vegetables being produced to again produce larger yields without using land or space in vertical farms in either liquid or powder form for additive in homemade food or for research and thus allowing that specific compound to be isolated and studied.This could also include compounds found in all species of plants(including ornamental and wild ones) and animals from all taxonomic ranks of these kingdoms.All compounds from plants and animals such as flavourings,colourings,pheramones,fragrances scents,dyes,antioxidants,nurtients can be created by them meaning the specific compounds that give a crop,plant,animal,spice or even meat its unique colour,flavour and even scent can be created in large amounts as a powder or liquid.Compounds relevant to cooking like emulsifiers,humectants,acidulents,antioxidants,thickeners,bulking agents,anti-caking agents,preservatives,colourings,flavourings etc including microcrystalline cellulose,gelatin,egg yolk and whites and compounds in them and also present in other commodities can be created using relevant recombinant DNA in the case of natural ones with synthetic ones created using anabolic and catabolic reactions.

Synthetic and complex compounds for use in manufactured products can be produced via biosynth wifi forcing them to produce them using catabolic and anabolic reactions or using recombinant DNA from bacteria that create bio based alternatives ie Caulobacter crescentus that creates a powerful glue onsite of factories.This can have its DNA that produces this added to base bacteria and then created on an unlimited scale with other biobased alternatives to synthetic compounds created by Phanes creating scratch DNA.These synthetic compounds created by anabolic and catabolic reactions can include weedkillers,cleaning products,liquid glass and all types of everyday compounds used in homes,manufacturing,food production including preservatives,colourings,flavourings,sweetners to add to homemade food and manufactured products.This would cut down on energy costs involved in esterfication and other industrial processes.Dyes to be used in paints,textiles etc can be created onsite of relevant factories will be produced by these using DNA from animals,plants and scratch DNA or even through catabolic and anabolic reactions.Biobased chemical compounds can be produced by bacteria to replace synthetic ones especially toxic ones in all types of cleaning products,plastics etc.Enzymes used in manufacturing,cleaning products can be synthesised in an unlimited scale with if possible new enzymes created by scratch DNA and anabolic and catabolic reactions that can be used to replace harsh,potentially toxic chemicals in all sectors of society such as cleaning products for clothes,surfaces and also dishes etc.New enzymes can be created via scratch DNA and used by bacteria to break down pollutants into benign compounds or bind to them inactivating them with these synthesised by algae to break down toilet paper,anti-microbial compounds,pharmaceuticals,rubber,plastics,hydrocarbons etc that makes it way into the sewage line to convert it into nutrition.Other enzymes can be produced by bacteria spread into polluted soils,lakes,rivers,groundwater supplies and also oceans that inactivates them or turns them into benign compounds

Active ingredients from plants and animals for pharmaceuticals alongside binders and other ingredients(excipient)can be produced on site of factories in hospitals and universities with them using recombinant DNA either derived from plants or animals or even have them produce bio-based equivalents or through hydrocarbon and hydrocarbon precursors with this also relating to serum from Equidae,Leporidae and similar animals or those from scratch that counter all types of animal and plant venoms produced via bacteria with all types of natural venoms and poisons themselves also used for military or research purposes being produced this way.The counterproteins created by Mellivora capensisl,Spermophilus beecheyi,Herpestes ichneumon and Didelphis virginiana can be created by bacteria alongside those created by scratch via forced evolution against all types of poisons.Hormones,proteins,neurotransmitters and chemicals,albumins and enzymes etc of medicinal importance and research produced by humans,animals,plants,can also be synthesized this way again in hospitals and universities and the genotypes added to Physis for to be added to biocmpatible microbes to treat pathogens,tumours and even everyday ailements allowing them to be created at home.This can involve recombinant DNA from humans,animals,plants and anabolic and catabolic reactions.These will be created at first for research purposes ie the compounds present in animal bites and stings etc with this done on other colonies outside of Earth first to test their ability to fight bacteria,fungi and viruses not just on Earth but also on other colonies to be added to soaps and microbes.Limulus amebocyte lysate can be theoretically synthesised this way alongside creating bacterial or human leukocyte or even microbe hybrids of the blood componants using relevant recombinat DNA from Limulus polyphemus to create the ameobocytes on an unlimited scale in photobioreactors in hospitals with before that large numbers of L.polyphemus bred in recirculating aquaculture systems onsite of hospitals around the world with excess dumped into the natural habitat with the Phanes method applied while L.polyphemus undergoes extensive conservation efforts.This would involve the DNA from L.polyphemus or its ameobcytes that contain and express the relevant chemicals that are then added to either human cells given the ability to undergo mitosis using relevant DNA and those to increase yields from bacteria to ensure the compounds dont automatically coagulate since healthy human cells are not affected by it at all thus ensuring it can be created on an unlimited scale in hospitals next to where tests are performed.Other compounds of medicinal value from plants,animals and humans such as hormones,neurotransmitters,enzymes,venoms,antivenoms and even counterproteins will be created with them housing DNA from the animal or plant that creates them bringing the cost to zero.With regards to hormones it will allow them to be produced more efficiently with a lower rate of allergic reactions and pharmaceutical products like aspirin which are already created in industrial processes such as esterification can be produced much more cheaply requiring less energy by bypassing steps and chemicals in its production and allow even more smaller space efficient machinery to produce them to be use in micro-factories in hospitals and universities and make existing factories more energy and space efficient.The same can apply to synthetic polymers and pesticides or bio-based alternatives to them.Synthetic compounds of medical purpose can be gained from bacteria that produce hydrocarbons or bio-based alternatives as well.This can be done via biosynth wifi,DNA digital storage,nanomachines causing the bacteria to create synthetic and complex compounds via anabolic and catabolic reactions in large amounts thus in both cases reducing energy costs in their normal production and them able to be produced onsite of hospitals.This can include all types of pharmaceutical compounds created in factories via esterfication and industrial process and also poisonous gases such as sarin,mustard gas etc for research purposes.Antibodies and antivenom can also be created via anabolic and catabolic reactions with this of note to both existing ones and also new ones once AI extrapolates their structures based in antigens and also structures of poisons etc.If a compound cant be produced by bacteria but only a specific plant and animal then recombinant DNA from that plant can be added to the bacteriums genome.Antibodies,bacteriocidal,anti-cancer,anti-helmetic,anti-microbial and viricidal compounds from plants,animals and synthetic ones could be made with the benign bacteria first made resistant to it via engineering or even exposure with them then producing them on a large scale or have fungi and other microbes produce it via engineering.The bacteria would be a hybrid with the native plant and animal the compound comes from thus preventing it being killed.In the case of antibodies recombinant DNA from human populations that make antibodies to specific pathogens such as bacteria and viruses then combing recombinant DNA from other mammals that can produce them in response to the pathogen.The bacteria could also produce these created from AI extrapolating them from the antigens of pathogens via anabolic and catabolic reactions.Although lactic acid can be produced by sugar bacteria it can be solely produced by another strain in order to increase yields with the same for sugar.If possible and ideally using human cells or even leukocytes should be used as a baseline with bacterial DNA added to increase mitosis and yields as it would allow for these compounds to be created without killing the producers since human cells would be unaffected by the compounds.If possible they would use the native cells from the plant or animal they are derived from as a baseline with bacterial DNA to undergo mitosis and increase yields.Compounds that can only be produced sufficiently by plants such as cyanoviron-N that originally come from algae but can only be harvested from tobacco plants can have recombinant DNA from both the algae and tobacco plants into bacteria.This can be applied to melittin from A.mellifera and also TsAP-1 and TsAP-2 from Tityus serrulatus.All bacteria that produce medicinal compounds could also have DNA from plants and animals to produce them in oils and waxes producing a waxy or oily substance that can be applied topically,orally or easily added to drugs with the animal and plant source DNA making the bacteria immune to them.Vegetable oils and bio based hydrocarbons produced by bacteria can be used to replace conventional sources of oils in drugs and pharmocological compounds with vertigel and its polymers also produced by bacteria.

All commodities from plants including especially crops will allow for the land used for growing plants to be fully reforested with the plants then returned to the wild in reforested areas planted in a randomized fashion with them given resistance to diseases via transgenics in order to prevent population decline especially in the case of those that are endangered due to inbreeding with CRISPR also applied to increase genetic diversity with this of note to T.cacao,A.tequilana.Animals made redundant especially domesticated ones and livestock can be reared as pets in lower numbers with excess returned to the wild in particular reforested areas with them engineered to be resistant to disease including viral,bacterial and genetic ones and the Phanes method applied.

Hydrocarbons that are either gaseous and liquid fuels of all types can be produced by bacteria including gasoline,diesel,pentane,methane,propane and butane etc ensuring an unlimited fuel supply as well as base for pharmaceuticals,plastics,synthetic textiles again onsite of hospitals,universities,factories and power plants negating the need for drilling for oil and natural gas,oil refineries and gas refineries which can be converted into homes,geothermal power plants or recycled and reforested.This can also be for liquid propane gel created for water less fracking.It can also be allowed for brake fluids and motor oil etc to be made onsite of vehicle factories.If not possible bio based alternatives derived from bacteria can be used with if need be biosynth wifi,digital DNA storage and nanomachines etc can be used to programme the bacteria to produce these synthetic and complex compounds via catabolic and anabolic reactions.Synthetic gasoline,diesel,pentane,petroleum,kerosene,butanol etc and also gasoline additives,brake fluid,gear,motor oil,synthetic linear alkanes such methane,ethane,propane etc all the way up to tetrapentacontane and also branched alkanes,crated aliphatic hydrocarbons,unsaturated aliphatic hydrocarbons,aromatic
hydrocarbons,annulynes,annulenes and alicyclic compounds can be created onsite of Archimedes factories,power plants,homes,Pheaton stations,seaports and airports via recombinant DNA and Steropes signalling bacteria to carry out anabolic and catabolic reactions via biosynth wifi when fed sugar,complex carbohydrates and proteins via them having DNA.Synthetic gasoline,diesel,pentane,petroleum,kerosene,butanol etc and also gasoline additives,brake fluid,gear,motor oil,synthetic linear alkanes such methane,ethane,propane etc all the way up to tetrapentacontane and also branched alkanes,cycloalkanes,alkenes,alkynes,saturated aliphatic hydrocarbons,unsaturated aliphatic hydrocarbons,aromatic
hydrocarbons,annulynes,annulenes and alicyclic compounds can be created onsite of Archimedes factories,power plants,homes,Pheaton stations,seaports and airports via recombinant DNA and Steropes signalling bacteria to carry out anabolic and catabolic reactions via biosynth wifi when fed sugar,complex carbohydrates and proteins via them having DNA from Sacchrophagus degradans.

Any type of synthetic compound can be synthesised in large amounts by bacteria through anabolic and catabolic reactions with them made immune to the compounds with this allowing them to be manufactured on-site of factories of all types..Natural compounds of all types such as milk,oils,fats,textiles etc on-site of factories of all types and also home,community and vertical farms

The two main bacterial candidates for producing bacteria based commodities are Escherichia Coli – ideally non pathogenic strains and Cyanobacteria.Cyanobacteria are likely to be the best organism to deal with as it takes in sunlight, carbon dioxide,waste materials and minerals from wastewater and industrial wastes without the need for sugars as a food source(unlike E.Coli) and take carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere though these phenotypes can be applied via transgenics to E.Coli which grows faster taking only 20 minutes to divide.Clostridium perfringens which takes 10 minutes to divide could also have these traits applied to them in the same manner which can be transferred either to cyanobacteria and E.Coli or other species used with further engineering halving it down to possibly even five minutes.Adding genes from Paris japonica can allow bacteria etc to house larger genomes as much as 150,000,000 base pairs due to this plant having the largest genome of any organism found on Earth.P.japonica is the organism that has the largest genome with roughly 150,000,000 base pairs and 1,500,000 genes about 50 times more than humans.This should meet the needs of all bacteria that produce commodities to house extremophile DNA and those to increase yields.Ideally each species for each commidities should new independent species from whatever is used as a baseline.Non pathogenic strains used with the ability of cyanobacteria ability to use sunlight,carbon dioxide,waste materials and minerals as a growth medium added by transgenics with any pathogenic strains having their pathogenicity removed.Each strain would named differently for each product it creates and each strain would have part of the alphanumerical code from the plant and animal they come from and an extra number letter combination to denote the commodity with synthetically created bacteria that is a entirely new species made from scratch by Phanes used as a baseline with the aforementioned bacterias phenotypes added to the them.Further engineering can be done to make them feed off of toxic pollutants created in factories,from the construction of solar panels and other processes with recombinant DNA coming from Geobacter metallireducens,metalltorants,PCB degrading bacteria and also those made from scratch to use heavy and radioactive metals,different pollutants and have the bacteria to run on these wastes and turn them into benign compounds with nanosensors detecting the levels of toxins and harvesting the commodities when levels are in safe levels decided by Rhea with graphene sheets,super blasts of super high intensity UV light to remove any remaining pollutants with them rerouted until 100% or all of them are removed.The most efficient substrate and bacteria that is the most resource efficient should be used with transgenics making any candidate run on waste water and sugars and other substrates with recombinant DNA from Ralstonia eutropha used for this purpose or R.eutropha itself engineered to produce these commodities as it already been engineered to produce alcohols.Since bacteria do not contain cell walls made of peptidoglycigen the strains of bacteria that create fibrous material such as flours from cereals,cocoa powder and also plant and animal textiles will need recombinant DNA from plants to create these cell walls with this interacting with the DNA to produce the flour,powder,textiles etc within the cell walls with if possible recombinant DNA coming from macro algae seaweed and also micro algae etc.Micro algae can produce a textile named Seacell and a flour with the DNA to create cell walls etc added to the bacteria alongside the DNA to produce fibrous material and flour from cereals,plant and animal textiles.Intensive research will be done to have bacteria given the ability to create cereals,flour,powder,textiles from all plants and animals.

These bacteria can be reared in photobioreacters with nutrients such as carbon dioxide pumped in with this and other environmental factors such as temperature and pH controlled.To improve yields and speed up growth rates a biostimulation system used by AglaStar.Inc that integrates two types of electromagnetic energy — a millitesla generator and a millimetre microwave generator — which radiate spontaneous growth energy into large volumes of bacteria biomass to be economically viable(increasing yields by as much as 300%) can be utilized alongside LED and CSYS LED lights that can allow for continuous growth 24/7,365 days a year.Any gas created by the bacteria can be collected and burned with the energy used to heat the building they are in and carbon dioxide from that fed into the photobioreacter creating a looped system with dry ice ordered in from carbon sequestration plants that would feed the bacteria with if possible artificial trees on the roof collecting one tonne of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and pumping it into photobioreactors.The bacteria would be killed by either UV light or raising the temperature to their threshold.Further research can be made as to whether pathways can be created to produce the synthetic compounds and petrochemicals listed above alongside artificial sweeteners or at least bio-based compounds that have similar properties to them that would normally be produced through artificial synthesis such as animal and plant based pharmaceuticals as bacteria usually need lower temperatures to thrive from as low as -20 to 10 degrees celsius in the case of psychrophilles to 45 degrees celcius for mesophiles and 41 to 122 degrees celcius for thermophiles.These could include recombinant DNA from Cucujus clavipes,Rana sylvatica,Tardigrade,Bacillus F,Herminiimonas glaciei,Chryseobacterium greenlandensis,Pseudomonas putida GR12-2,Carnobacterium pleistocenium with the psychrophile DNA allowing them to be frozen and transferred to factories and other places around the world with recombinant DNA from planarians,A.mexicanum,Thermococcus gammatolerans,Deinococcus radiodurans,Bacillus F,Hydra and C.elegans will repair damaged cells and telomeres allowing them to be rethawed and refrozen over and over again.Thus using cis and transgenics genes from psychrophiles,mesophiles and possibly even thermophiles and cryophiles combined could be applied to bacteria that produce artificial,bio-based,plant and animal commodities that would normally be produced by artificial synthesis via industrial processes to save on energy costs significantly with those in cold arctic or antarctic climate not needing much heating from the elements while those in tropical,desert and temperate climates requiring no extra cooling also.If they have genes from all three it will allow automated trading of bacteria samples from one extreme climate to the other and also temperate climates as well more easily and allow them to not require extra heating or cooling during the changes in temperature at both night as well as during the changing seasons through the year as well as any sudden cold snaps,heatwaves that may occur meaning buildings or rooms in vertical farms devoted to these may need no real heat or cooling input.These could thus be grown in photobioreactors outside in the open.Geothermal heating in vertical,home and community farms and factories would heat photobioreactors during winter and cool them during summer as the bacteria would be engineered to grow in cooler and hotter ranges with forced evolution used to increase their temperature ranges.It will also allow synthetic compounds that are produced via esterfication and other industrial processes to be produced via bacteria at lower temperatures than these process require and allow the bacteria to grown a lower temperatures than normal bacteria and even simply be grown in the outside at the side of vertical farms and even homes.Genes from acidophillic bacteria to survive the low pH and akanlinophile and lipophile DNA allowing them to survive the environments of the byproduct they create with osmophiles,halophiles etc allowing them to survive saline,sugary etc environments created by the byproducts they make.Adding as much DNA from extremophiles should make them survive any environment.DNA from T.gammatolerans can make them resistant to radiation and UV radiation even making them grow in ranges outside there normal range with other DNA made from scratch or other plants and bacteria.Recombinant DNA from T.gammatolerans,chemosynthetic bacteria and DNA from scratch and other plants and bacteria could allow them to grow in all other wavelengths outside their normal range in vertical,community,forest and home farms increasing growth rates and survive UV radiation from areas of low ozone and sterilising sweeps and radiation treatments to encourage radiosynthesis.DNA from Wangiella dermatitidis,Cladosporium sphaerospermum and Cryptococcus neoformans can be added to the bacteria to enable them to radiosynthesis,that is,to use the pigment melanin to convert gamma radiation into chemical energy for growth.Tweaks can made to do this with other types of radiation including UV radiation allowing bacteria to gain nutrition from the sun and that from artificial lights.Devices that emit gamma,UV and other radiation can be in photobioreactors.Studies can be done as to what intensity of radiation between 5-30,000Gy that is in the survival range of T.gammatolerans can both sterilise it and also provide maximum growth rates.Recombinant DNA from xerophiles can allow for them to survive in low water conditions allowing for even less water to be required for growth saving on this resource with DNA from osmophile allowing them to survive high sugar concentrations especially those that produce sugars and nectars or grow in sugary solutions with genes from halophiles allowing seawater to be used.Oligotrophic DNA will allow them to produce their commodities with fewer nutrients.As stated DNA from E.coli,Clostridium perfringens and Bdellovibrio.Ideally C.perfringens should be used a a source of this as it grows the fastest taking only 10 minutes to divide and create a new generation.Scratch DNA can be added to ensure this takes 1-5 minutes with DNA also coming from fast growing plants such as certain species of Bambusoideae,micro algae etc.To deal with any issues of telomere damage as a result of mitosis the same DNA from Bacillus F,T.gammatolerans used in ageing treatments for humans will ensure all future cells will be healthy young cells and not degrade due to mitosis with if possible induced plutipotent,totipotent and other stem cells used as a baseline.Recombinant DNA from macro algae that grow 30-60 times faster than terrestrial plants can be added to them in order to further speed up growth rates including that from Laminaria digitata,Fucus serratus,Saccharina latissima,Macrocystis pyrifera and other fast growing algea will be added to increase growth rates with recombinant DNA from algae could allow for them to produce higher yields especially in the case of those that there is difficulty from creating larger yields as as algae can produce roughly 46,769.7116 – 140,308.69 litres per hectare with their ability to create such high yields transferred into other bacteria with other DNA made from scratch.Walls to produce fibres for textiles,powders etc can be made thicker using genes from scratch and also from plants.Recombinant DNA from Firmicutes will allow for them to produce endspores for extended periods of time if nutrition and water levels drop below normal levels.Capnophile DNA will allow them to intake more carbon dioxide as a food source possibly increasing growth rates and ideally the bacteria should be be faculative anaerobic using recombinant DNA from faculatative anaerobes,anaerobes,obligate anaerobes,capnophiles and scratch DNA can be added to the bacterias genome to naturally use both carbon dioxide and oxygen as energy acceptors alongside nitrate(NO3−),fumarate,sulphate(SO42−),or sulphur(S).DNA from with DNA from chemosynthetic bacteria,Nitrosomas Beggiatoa,Cupriavidus necator can allow them to intake methane,hydrogen gas,ammonia,hydrogen sulfide,iron and other inorganic compounds can also allow them to grow in the dark cutting down on energy costs for lightening and use methane,hydrogen gas,ammonia,hydrogen sulfide,iron as fertiliser.Extra carbon dioxide coming from artificial trees on the roof or outside with each one intaking one tonne every day with the level and amount of trees controlled by the AI of the buildings it is being grown in say hospitals,factories,power plants etc.Capnophillic bacteria and Castanea dentata tweaked can be a source of recombinant DNA that could allow them to intake more carbon dioxide to not only compliment their decrease of nutrient and water intake from xerophiles and oligotrophic bacteria could also increase their growth rates especially in the case of those grown in sewage treatment plants where extra carbon dioxide can be pumped in to improve growth with studies done to ensure it doesnt affect nutrient content especially if all sources of DNA are mixed in together to prevent any shortfalls such as lower nutrient content.Bambusoideae DNA can be added as some species can intake 35% more carbon dioxide than trees with other trees that intake large amounts of carbon dioxide will have their DNA added such as Juglans nigra,Pseudotsuga menziesii,Pinus ponderosa will be added to further increase the amount of carbon dioxide intaken.Scratch DNA could ensure nutrient levels are not affected and are in fact increased.This could also be applied to those in community and home farms.The recombinant DNA from capnophile bacteria may require aerotolerant bacteria DNA to ensure they can do so in the high oxygen atmosphere outside since these bacteria can only do so in low oxygen conditions with even faculative anaerobic bacteria DNA added.If possible they may be fitted with DNA from plants that are able to undergo C4 concentration Amaranthaceae,Gramineae,Cyperaceae,Asteraceae,Brassicaceae,Paulownia to limit the amount of carbon dioxide they need and if combined with capnophillic bacteria DNA and scratch DNA will be more efficient at using this gas in them.DNA from chemosynthetic bacteria can allow them to intake methane and other inorganic compounds can also allow them to grow in the dark cutting down on energy costs for lightening and us methane as fertiliser.DNA from microbes can extract carbon from the air at much lower concentrations than 150-200ppm,scratch DNA and that from plants that carry out C3 photosynthesis can be added to the genome of all plants to improve efficiency with them engineered to utilise carbon dioxide more efficiently.They will be given recombinant DNA from plants to express photosynthesis as well as that from chemosynthetic bacteria,T.gammatolerans to use sunlight,artificial lights and all wavelengths of it for growth.That from Firmicutes will allow them to form endospores when conditions are not favourable.Halophile DNA will allow them to use sea and freshwater with those from metalltolarants,Geobacter metallreducens,Geobacter sulfurreducens and scratch allow them to use pollutants such as heavy metals and pharmaceuticals that happen to enter sewage treatment plants as an energy source breaking them down into benign compounds.Severely toxic wastewater can be used as a foods source with the addition of recombinant DNA from G.metallireducens,G.sulfurreducens and metallotolerants allowing to use heavy metals as energy receptors or at least prevent contaminants affecting them.DNA made from scratch would theoretically improve the integration of recombinant DNA alongside those from Tardigrade to further improve their extremophile phenotypes.Research can see if lithotrophs and lithoautotroph DNA can be added for use in this area of agriculture.Forced evolution that is exposing the aforementioned bacteria to further extremes to develop countermeasures and thus tolerate more harsher extremes to their limits can be used to improve the phenotypes to be applied to crops thus allowing them to survive with less water and nutrients and thrive and grow better in colder and warmer climates.Automated microbiology labs can expose all types of extremophiles to extremes outside their range to push them to their limits and allow the new genes to be added to the crops to survive even harder ranges.Theoretically taking the DNA from Tardigrade and adding them to bacteria and then put through this forced evolution will allow the phenotypes of Tardigrade which is not a true extremophile have their phenotypes become more able to survive indefinitely thus making them applicable to bacteria that produce commodities.If bacteria are unsuitable then yeast and other fungi can be used with current products created by yeast such as alcohol and milk can also created by bacteria if shown to be just as or more effective.Those cultured in factories will be created by 3D DNA printers.DNA from W.dermatitidis,C.sphaerospermum and C.neoformans could when added to the bacteria to allow them to radiosynthesis and use radiation as a food source thus negating the need for them to require sugars,proteins derived from bacteria or even need water thus cutting costs further to zero.All of these can be grown in photobioreactors coated internally and externally with a permanent layer of liquid glass to negate the need for cleaning and ensure all produce can be gathered by gravity or suction prevent it contaminating the next batch or other commodities produced with any residual dead cells or biomass than automatically separated,collected and then sent to organic waste pyrolysis plants.These would be composed graphene or carbon composites due to its lightness with the possibility of plastics and thermoplastics mixed graphene.All produce can be extracted from the photobioreactors using automated pumps that pump the biological material or synthetic compounds into various bottles as part of orders and them housing nanomaterials that send this into containers for the consumers with the nanomaterials preventing bacteria entering them with this process automated and extrapolated by AI.All steps such as mixing of sugars,starches etc with enzymes etc extraction of material and transportation should be automated from start to finish.


Genetically modified bacteria will allow higher yields of commodities than conventional methods using less resources like water,fertiliser,land and energy even if they were hydroponically grown allowing even more agricultural land to be reforested to combat climate change with these commodities produced as a waste product or in the case of fibrous materials extracted from the cell walls.These bacteria will be engineered to produce large amounts of cell walls using scratch DNA and if possible using recombinant DNA from plants that do create thick ones including macro aae.Fibres,flours and powders can be produced in the cell wall and milled or produced as a waste product like other commodities.Fats,oils,juices etc will be created as byproducts with lipophile and acidophile DNA allowing the bacteria to survive the byproducts and not use them as nutrition.The bacteria will be engineered not use their byproducts as nutrition.Products from beans etc that are crushed etc and eaten and consumed as powdered forms can be created as a byproduct or miled from cell wall.Plant textiles will also follow suit Those that need to be dyed will have the dye created within the cell wall or byproduct or separately and then them dyed.It will also ensure consistent yields and abundance all year round without losses from climate,diseases and pests and also allow them to be grown anywhere in the world even in miniature photobioreactors at home or in restaurants and other buildings.In short any plant and animal based commodities and compounds from around the world and eventually the galaxy as well as synthetic compounds that are in high demand or need to be researched should be gained from genetically engineering bacteria to produce higher yields of them or bio based alternatives with less resources such as land,water etc.and allow them to be grown at home,in community and vertical farms as well as onsite in factories,hospitals,restaurants,bars,nightclubs and universities using wastewater,sugar and industrial wastes with all steps in their production from growth and harvesting being automated from start to finish.These photobioreactors can come from dairy and chocolate factories etc as well as being designed on Archimedes.In the case of plant commodities it will make cultivation of crops such as Saccharum,B.vulgaris,Hevea brasiliensis,Parthenium argentatum,Primula vulgaris,Melaleuca alternifolia,flax,T.aestivum,Linum usitatissimum and plants that produce medicines and commercial oils and fats obsolete and the bacteria that produce these can be grown on site and harvested in factories anywhere in the world cutting down on energy and transportation costs and again allowing land to be reforested.L.usitatissimum and also H.annuus etc will be grown at home and in community gardens for seeds.By using bacteria as the source of plant commodities nitrogen and phosphorous is taken out of the equation cutting down on its use globally significantly since these bacteria can run on either sugar and/or waste water.With animal commodities created this way made without the need for having to grow animal feed and can drastically reduce the amount of animals reared globally saving on water and reduce methane emissions as well as nutrients like phosphorous and nitrogen and land required to grow feed and allow this and all grazing land to be reforested when combined with bioprinted animal textiles,entomorphagy and invitro meat.It will be able to make expensive commodities from plants and animals as well as synthetic ones cheaper and in fact cost almost zero as it will be able to create large amounts of commodities from plants and animals that are too laborious,require too much resources and dont produce enough to be commercially viable.With regards to commodites from poisonous plants and animals that are consumed or used in cosmetics firstly the DNA of the animal and plant in Physis can be scanned for both the genes that create the commodity and this moved into the Physis file with the genes for the expression of toxins and poisons not added to the bacteria.3D DNA printers will play a key role in expediting the development of genetically engineered bacteria that create commodities from plants and animals by having Phanes cross referencing Physis for the DNA from each species of plants and animals etc necessary to produce that commodity and those to increase growth rates and then then grown in photobioreactors.These will be on-site of vertical,community and home farms to allow them to be created onsite.Photobioreactors will be present in home,community and vertical farms alongside factories that can grow the bacteria and commodities in a small space.

Consumers can order in commodities from bacteria such as honey and milk in reusable 3D printed containers and wine bottles that can be sent back and forth by a fleet of Botlr robots that reside in vertical and community farms that logs the order from the consumer and object recognition software on machinery can pump the commodity into the container chosen by consumer up to the top based on the input size of the container in mls or litres or with the cameras telling it to stop once it reaches the top with machinery able to remove and put back on screw caps and tops.The consumer will using scanners or a list of their own containers logged into in their Demeter account what commodity to put into which container applying to any type of sugars,fats,flour,nectars,honeys,syrups,spices,egg yolk and whites,milks,oils,teas,coffees,juices,waxes,flavourings,colourings,chocolate butter and powder,spices,enzymes/starter cultures/moulds/commodities relevant to baking etc with these robots interacting with traffic networks and pedestrians in the street.As detailed later on would choose the size of the plastic container from 1-5 litres made bigger from those from Pyxis.Thus a person will have unlimited customisation for packaging and no longer restricted to a singular set for each product with stickers,ink etc containing the logo and ingredients etc modified to fit on them.These kanteens and containers made of glass,plastic or graphene can have microchips fitted into them that can detail to farm AI what to input into them and relay temperature and other environmental conditions to Hestia.Ideally this would be in the base of the container whether it is composed of glass,plastic or graphene and cap that would tell when the commodity inside is fresh or about to become spoiled to the consumer at home especially in the case of reusable ones.Robots of varying size will deliver local and small orders while vehicles of varying sizes will be used for larger orders of crops,commodities and fish over longer distances with each community and vertical farms having their own fleet of these stored in buildings near them or in underground extensions.All commodities will be ordered in large batches for a month,bi-monthly or even yearly supply with them created in photobioreactors that produce large amounts for each order and them then delivered to the consumer with them in plastic or paper containers of the consumers desired size and shape from Pyxis with them labelled.These will have the same level of engineering as crops as detailed later on to grow quickly as well as reduce water and nutrient requirements.Photobioreactors at home will create them in large amounts for inbetween orders and alleviate strains.Only what is needed by orders made will be created to eliminate waste.3D DNA printers onsite of vertical,community and home farms will allow bacteria that produce any commodity to be created onsite of all of them worldwide.If possible a single strain existing linked to Physis that will via biosynth wifi have the genotypes changed at will for natural compounds by the factory AI and will also by the AI create anabolic and catabolic reactions via wifi for synthetic ones meaning only a single set of vat will be used with the vat and all machinery coated in a permanent layer of liquid glass to prevent cross contamination and also allow gravity and water clean them after each order.Biosynth WiFi built into them wil allow farm AI to induce its evolutionary path to change the type of commodity it produces and allow it to download the structure of synthetic compounds into DNA digital storage present to have them produced by anabolic and catabolic reactions.Due to biosynth wifi,3D DNA printers etc all types of commodities such as all 391,000 types of sugars/flour/syrup,all 369,000 types of honey,439,416 types of animal and plant fats and oils etc and all types of compounds and commodities present in and created from plants and animals of value to food,cooking and nutrition as detailed earlier on onsite of any community and vertical farm around the world allowing the land used to grow them and rear animals to be reforested and ordered in for anyone around the world from their local vertical and community farm via Demeter thus localising production and making expensive and rare commodities widely availible.Thus genetically altered bacteria will create all types of commodities from all types of plants and animals such as textiles,oils,milks,flours,fats,coffee,tea,waxes,sugars,active ingredients of recreational drugs,spices,juices,honey,syrups,chocolate butter as well as powder and other condiments,microcrystalline cellulose,colourings,flavourings etc from any plant and animal onsite of factories,vertical,community and home farms and thus all land used by these animals and plants to be reforested indefinitely.This will allow for one to get these from all species of plants and animals including those that are endangered,too expensive or laborious and dont create enough to be commercially viable to be created cheaply and with little to no labour and with higher yields and give consumers a wider variety of syrups,sugars,flour etc.It will thus bring their cost to zero and will be created onsite of homes,factories and vertical and other farms when ordered in. Blubber and oils of any species of animal can be created by bacteria in an unlimited scale. Livestock can be engineered to produce the same fur,blood and bones of endangered animals hunted for this with these endangered animals once levels return to normal can also be reared on farms with docility engineered into them as detailed later on.Genetically altered bacteria will play a key role of making expensive compounds from plants and animals and synthetic ones much cheaper.Dyes,colourings etc for paints and clothing and even hair dye can be created using recombinant DNA from plants and animals including humans with synthetic ones created via anabolic and catabolic reactions.Honey from all 369,000 species of flowering plants including Manuka honey from Leptospermum scoparium and those that do not produce enough nectar or honey can be also be created this way via them creating the sugars/nectars from the flowers and then another strain that creates the enzymes of individual native species of Apidae that are then mixed together to create honey from all flowers including those that dont create enough to be commercially viable also created via bacteria at home or in community and vertical farms.These will be done by also using anabolic and catabolic reactions if not possible to create the same compounds and consistency or a mixture of both ie L.scorparium Manuka honey will be created by bacteria creating the nectar with the Dihydroxyacetone,Hydroxymethylfufural,Methylglyoxal and even Leptosperin created via recombinant DNA from L.scoparium and the rest created via anabolic and catabolic reactions then mixed in with honey produced by nectar from this or other plants if recombinant DNA from L.scoparium cant create them all in one go.L.scoparium also engineered to grow in any climate and soil with beehives in parks,homes etc housing bees to pollinate it can also be another option with the plant engineered to bloom all year long.These compounds can be created by bacteria for use in cosmetics at home or in factories with one able to customise the level of these and other compounds in honey.Measures can be developed to recreate the waxy honeycomb present in hives with beeswax created by bacteria as well or even biosynth machinery that may also play a role in creating honeycombs with honeycombs extracted from beehives in parks,forests etc dotted around towns and cities with them being large ones to increase pollination rates and amount of honey from them and also to compliment them with bacteria based honey made with the same thickness,nutrient composition,texture etc of normal honey.Again genetically engineered bacteria could play a role in large scale artificial honey production as there currently exists bacteria that produce glucose or new bacteria that produce individual nectars/sugars from specific flowers to gain the specific tastes of specific honey giving people a minimum of at least 369,000 types of honey with even more made by mixing in the different enzymes from different species of Apidea created by genetically altered bacteria.Thus it is simply a case of two sets of bacteria one that creates the sugars and nectars of flowers and another that creates the enzymes that Apidea uses to convert these sugars/nectar into honey created by another set of genetically altered bacteria using DNA from Apidea both mixed together that transform this sugar into honey,possibly combining these with biosynth machinery that replicates the regurgitation process that occurs in worker Apidea could allow one to produce artificial honey with the same qualities and taste as real honey in their homes,community farms or in vertical farms on a commercial scale all year long unlike existing artificial honey which is made from sugar and corn syrups.All types of honey can have the pollen of the species of flowering plant it comes from created via totipotent stem cells via 3D DNA printers in large amounts and then mixed into the honey for flavour reasons with each honey to have the proper consistency,texture and proper ratio of all ingredients with this of relevance of Manuka honey that will be analysed for their structure and components to be then analysed making it and all honeys indistinguishable to the real thing with these honeys produced onsite of home,vertical and community farms producing higher yields of them with normal honey from beehive complimenting them and also used to pollinate all home,meadow,forest and community farms worldwide.Research should be done to perfect moisture content and other factors for the desired taste and viscosity and also the able to produce strains that have different moisture content etc.Anabolic and catabolic reactions can be used with each honey from all 369,000 species of flowers analysed in labs to ensure it has the exact chemical composition and moisture content and viscosity etc replicated especially with regard to Manuka honey and royal jelly.Furthermore it may be possible to have bacteria produce the sugars present within the flesh of all types fruits and then have these sugars mixed in with the enzymes created by bacteria from Apidea to make even more types of honey with the same applying to sugars from vegetables both the flesh and the flowers.If possible the sugars from the 22,000 non flowering plants(and thus all 391,000 species of plants)can be created via creating the sugars in leaves,stem etc with the sugars from the leaves etc of the 369,000 flowering plants further increasing the amount of honeys availible.Using different enzymes from different species of Apidea can even increase the amount of honey created with it also using enzymes from africanised bees to allow for the honey to be harvested safely.With regards to poisonous plants first the plant must be altered to remove the poisons within them and then sugars can be created by bacteria with DNA from these altered plants used and stored in Physis for strains of bacteria with an example being plants from the Rhododendron genus whose honey can be toxic to humans.This will be replicated with sugars,syrups,fats,oils and other commodites from poisonous plants that are eaten or used in cosmetics etc.This can ensure a wide variety of honey and copious amounts created locally in vertical farms etc to feed a growing population without the need for human labour in beekeeping but hives should still be in community and forest farms as well as rooftop gardens of communal homes,homes,vertical farms and public buildings to ensure crops and ornamental plants are pollinated with excess honey created by bacteria fed to hives to ensure they survive winters by injecting them into the hives.Royal jelly and beeswax for both humans(both in terms of consumption and also cosmetics) and creating new queens for apiaries can be synthesized in the same methods as honey through engineering bacteria to produce it all in one go or have different bacteria produce each component ie the proteins(including royalactin),fatty acids(including 10-hydroxy-2-decenoic acid),enzymes and vitamins and then mix them together which can be then fed to a larvae and used for food or cosmetics with this creating it large amounts at home.This can be also done via anabolic and catabolic reactions or recombinant DNA from queens.The compounds present in V.planifolia,V.tahitensis such as vanillin,acetaldehyde,acetic acid,furfural,hexanoic acid,4-hydroxybenzaldehyde,eugenol,methyl cinnamate and isobutyric acid etc can produced via bacteria by one strain or multiple ones mixed together.As a liquid and powder it can also be produced this way (alongside synthetic vanilla essence by a different strain)making it extremely cheap with vanilla beans grown at home or in local community and vertical farms and other crops reared for flavourings and all natural flavourings can be synthesised via bacteria containing recombinant DNA from them with even the flavourings of any livestock,fish,shellfish etc can be synthesised by bacteria containing relevant DNA to be mixed into sweets,ice creams etc made at home,ordered in from farms and also made onsite of Deipneus and other factories with artificial flavourings created by anabolic and catabolic reactions.All flavourings,scents and compounds from all 2,551,000 species of plants and animals can be created by bacteria making them much cheaper and can replace synthetic colourings,flavourings and even preservatives.Fragrances and colourings of any flower and even crop can be synthesised by bacteria via recombinant DNA added to them with synthetic colourings and flavourings created by anabolic and catabolic reactions.Syrups can be made of all 391,000 plants such as Acer rubrum,Acer nigrum,Acer saccharum,Beta vulgaris,Z.m.mays,T.cacao and P.dactylifera etc and also those from those that dont create enough to be commercially viable with the sugars and sap created by bacteria mixed with enzymes from the plants and even synthetic ones created by bacteria with the bacteria also engineered to create more or less syrup and sap thus making them thicker or thinner.These will have the same viscosity and moisture content and compounds present as each one by analysing normal syrups created by plants in a lab to be analysed and have AI recreate them via anabolic and catabolic reactions and not just recombinant DNA.Machinery including biosynth ones can be created that replicates the natural creation of sap and syrups that do so in a matter of weeks or days producing large amounts of syrup for a person.Rare compounds from rare and expensive crops and animals can be created on an unlimited scale using bacteria with this including waxes,oils,flavourings etc especially those that can only grow in specific areas of the world,require certain conditions and also take at least 5-10 years from planting to harvesting and this amount of time between each harvests.Real seedpod vanilla extract from all species of Vanilla orchids containing all the hundreds of naturally produced compounds such as vanillin,acetaldehyde,acetic acid,furfural,hexanoic acid,4-hydroxybenzaldehyde,eugenol,methyl cinnamate and isobutyric acid etc can produced by one strain or multiple ones by bacteria mixed together.As a liquid and powder it can also be produced this way (alongside synthetic vanilla essence by a different strain)making it extremely cheap with vanilla beans grown at home or in local community and vertical farms.All flavourings,scents,colourings,preservatives and compounds from all 2,551,000 species of plants and animals can be created by bacteria making them much cheaper and can replace synthetic colourings,flavourings and even preservatives.Synthetic colourings,flavourings etc can be made via anabolic and catabolic reactions.Fragrances and colourings of any flower and even crop can be synthesised by bacteria via recombinant DNA added to them with synthetic colourings and flavourings created by anabolic and catabolic reactions.Entire eggs of all 23,700 species of Aves and Reptilla can be created from scratch via bacteria creating both the yolk and whites with plant based alternatives to them,tofu etc created using recombinant DNA.In regards to Eutrema japonicum and Wasabia japonica the bacteria can be engineered to produce the same cell walls and compounds in them as cells or a fibrous material as these plants and thus when ground up using semi automated machinery at home or in restaurants produce the same spice with E.japonicum and W.japonica and the bacteria engineered to have the spice flavour last longer after shredding it thus making it more viable for condiments especially in restaurants with the actual plants engineered to grow better in all types of soils and climates including vertical farms and greenhouses.These bacteria that contain the spice E.japonicum,W.japonica etc can be made to form a solid substance that can then mixed in to meals or shredded onsite or be in the form of a spread.Both the actual plant and it derived from bacteria and even those part of hybrid crops will be given scratch or even aerotolerant bacteria DNA to prevent flavour loss over time allow it to retain flavour indefinitely.Musks from all plants and animals that create them would be created via adding recombinant DNA with synthetic ones created by anabolic and catabolic reactions with Ambergris created again by anabolic and catabolic reactions.Flavourings and colourings from all 391,000 plants and 2,000,000 animals can be created this way onsite of Deipneus factories or ordered in for homemade food products.Chocolate butter as well as powder from T.cacao can be created by two strains creating both separately.This would be done with one bacteria creating the butter and other creating the powder.Thus two strains can create the fats,butter and also powder of T.cacao for higher yields with the one that creates powder and butter can be engineered to make it in either white,milk or dark varieties.Spices and also all varieties of Coffea and C.sinensis as well as all recreational drugs such as cathionine,tetrhydrocannabionl,nicotine,morphine,cocaine can be created in a liquid or powder form.Expensive teas and coffees can be created this way and as stated earlier on with regards to Kopi Luwak coffee the enzymes present in P.hermaphroditus can be created by bacteria and then mixed in with crushed beans or those created by bacteria with all types of coffee and teas also produced as a liquid or powder or both by bacteria and can be engineered to produce or not produce caffeine and even be engineered to produce the same flavourings of different plants and even stimulants from recreational drugs of all types as well as stimulants from other plants that deal with energy and alertness etc.Coffea and C.sinensis,spices,mustards of any variety can be created in an oil or powder form.Spices such as those from Hibiscus,Cinnamomum,Malvaceae,Illicium verum,Myristica fragrans,Piper nigrum,Zingiber officinale,Panax ginseng,Crocus sativus,Curcuma longa,Coriandrum sativum etc can be gained via the milling of the bacteria similar to algae flour or extracting it from their cell walls.In the case of these spices including saffron it would be in powder and liquid form.Spices of all types such as Saffron,Coriander,Hibiscus,Turmeric,Cinnamon etc can be created by bacteria in powder and liquid form.Saffron can have bacteria create a long strands of fibrous material similar to the stamen as a byproduct.Mustard seed powder from S.alba,B.juncea,B.nigra will also be created this way in liquid or powder form alonsgside vinegars.Vinegar will be created by bacteria first creating juices,cereals from grains,sap,sugar etc of all types chosen by the consumer created by bacteria and then another strain of acetic acid bacteria then turning it into vinegar.Fats,oils,juices etc will be created as byproducts with lipophile and acidophile DNA allowing the bacteria to survive the byproducts and not use them as nutrition.Products from beans etc that are crushed etc and eaten and consumed as powdered forms can be created as a byproduct or miles from cell wall.Plant textiles will also follow suit.Flours can be produced as byproducts or in the cell walls and milled depending on which is best and dried with others created the same way as a powdery byproduct or milled from the cell wall.The cereal endosperm could be within the bacterium with fibre husks in the cell wall or have the endosperm and fibre within two cell walls.Thus bacteria can be grown indoors in community,vertical and home farms as well in spare rooms of private and communal homes to create flour of all cereals and of all 391,000 plants with grains and seeds created in biosynth machinery and hybrid plants grown hydroponically at home,community and vertical farms.This would allow for higher consistent yields using less resources than through conventional or aeroponics with them also engineered to also produce the oils specific to that cereal similar to algae or have two bacteria strains one;that produces the specific oils of them and one that produces only the fibre/grain thus allowing for one to produce higher yields of both when needed as well as allowing all land used for growing cereals in breadbaskets worldwide to be reforested or turned into forest farms.The vitamins present in the germ can be engineered to be produced by the bacterium.These will be in vertical,community and home farms and also community centres.The same can apply to algae and acorn,G.max,Z.m.mays and pseudocereal flours produced this way through bacteria with this extending primarily to Africa and Asia to save on water use and also ensure they can be grown and stored for droughts.G.max,Z.m.mays flour and TVP for remaining livestock,fish and shellfish and also vegans will be created by genetically engineered bacteria to produce higher yields,Even starches etc of Graminae for livestock can be created by genetically engineered bacteria.Graminae,G.max can for purists will be grown by hysroponics or aeroponics to increase yields allowing land in tropics to be reforested.This can also allow flours from plants that dont normally produce copious amounts to be be made more easily including grasses allowing for roughly 391,000 plants flour availible created by bacteria.This includes conventional flours as part of the mainstream diet such as Avena,Hordeum,Triticum,G.max,Oryza.Algae flour can be gained from algae from sewage and water treatment plants to also compliment flour from bacteria and those grown at home with this also providing as stated an alternative from G.max.Also G.max beans for vegans will be replaced by algae or even by those grown at home and in community and vertical farms as part of hybrid plants since those eaten by any remaining livestock will be replaced with algea,bacteria based flour.Flour from this crop will be created by bacteria with even TVP created by them.Thus any cereals like Avena,Hordeum,Triticum,G.max,Oryza etc that would be eaten as normal and not from bacteria would be grown at home in pots,hydroponic,aquaponic systems and in open soil and also in community farms as part of hybrid plants to allow paddy fields and also whole areas of farmland to be reforested with genetic engineering used to increase growth rates and edible biomass with the vast majority including those for animal feed grown in the form of flour from bacteria.Bacteria and algae based flour can be milled and separated from the micro-organism using semi automated machinery at home.Genetic engineering should allow for gluten to be removed from both actual cereals and also bacteria used to produce them with the reverse applied to algae with gluten free cereals and bacteria having similar proteins different to it that can allow them to be used in cooking but not cause allergic reactions to coealiacs with these separate species unable to mix with existing strains being separate species with these having unique phenotypes.Synthetic commodities will be created via anabolic and catabolic reactions.Rare commodities such as ambergris,textiles,royal jelly,specific plant and animal oils especially those from endangered animals and plants,musks,honeys,textiles such as silk,blubber,flavourings like vanilla,cocoa butter etc can be created by genetically altered bacteria on a commercial scale using recombinant DNA and anabolic and catabolic reactions reducing their costs to almost zero and can be grown locally onsite of factories and home and community farms.Chocolate can be made cheaper via having bacteria creating cocao powder and butter in one or two strains with flavourings of plants and animals created by bacteria alongside expensive compounds in a powder or oil form using recombinant DNA in the same bacteria.Ambergris can have the same fecal and waxy material of Physeter macrocephalus created by bacteria and then aged artificially much quicker than normal or have bacteria using biosynthetic wifi etc create the exact chemical structure of luxury full form ambergris through anabolic and catabolic reactions once its chemical structure is analysed with this replicated with other commodities from plants and animals.The glandular musk secretions of Moschus,Ondatra zibethicus,Biziura lobata,Ovibos moschatus,Crocidurinae,Aromia moschata,Civettictis civetta,Sternotherus odoratus,Alligator mississippiensis,Crocodylinae members musk glands and musks from plants like Angelica archangelica,Abelmoschus moschatus,Erythranthe moschata,Olearia argophylla can be created by bacteria as well making it more cheaper and be created for homemade and factory made perfumes.Plant oils from different types of flowers will be produced this way for use in cosmetics.Frankincence and myrrh can be created by bacteria using reciombinant DNA from  Boswellia sacra,Boswellia carterii,Boswellia frereana,Boswellia serrata (Boswellia thurifera, Indian frankincense),Boswellia papyrifera as well as Commiphora and their equivalents from all 391,000 species of plants can be created by bacteria.Agarwood and the scent Oud from Aquilaria malaccensis can be gained by several means such as growing the tree hydroponically in local vertical farms and even onsite of Himeros factories etc around the world using 3D DNA printers and then infecting it with Phialophora parasitica and it then harvested and extracted by machine/biosynths and the oil extracted for cosmetics and the wood for incrnse.If possible synthetic wood blocks can be created of A.malaccenis then infected with P.parasitica and harvested by AI and biosynths with if possible the infected wood and oil resin fragrance synthesised by bacteria using both recombinant DNA and anabolic and catabolic reactions meaning the oil itself can be created by bacteria once it’s structure is stored in the plants Physis file and the desired wood created via bacteria either combined with the fungus at the same time or not once the exact structure of the wood is stored in the plants Physis file.If possible the amber resin formed by the tree can be analysed in labs and stored in its Physis file and created on a commercial scale in photobioreactors by bacteria via anabolic and catabolic reactions and recombinant DNA and either used as itself for perfumes etc or infused into blocks of synthetic A.malaccenis by boring holes and filing them in with it with Urania,Pan finding ways to synthesise this amber,resin and the infused wood that is indistinguishable from the real thing used as incense on a commercial scale to bring its cost to zero and allow localised production while conservation efforts are done on A.malaccenis wherein 3D DNA printers create millions or billions of genetically distinct seeds that are planted in its natural habitat in a randomised manner by seed planting drones.Similar commodities from plants and specific trees will be gained this way.Research can be made into equivalents of agar wood from all 60,065 species of trees created by infecting them with P.parasitica and all species of fungi in universities around the world to then have these equivalents synthesised the same way.Flavourings,scents,colourings,pheramones,repellants etc of all plants and animals can be created this way with synthetic ones created by anabolic and catabolic reactions.Enzymes and products of culinary value like pectin,rennet,gelatin etc can also be done this way.Compounds present in plants,animals and commodities like lecitin,pectin,gelatin and those in eggs and milk etc that are of culinary value to the production of food can be created this way especially expensive ones.Amber can be made by having bacteria produce the sugars,enzymes and thus resins of Aegathis,Hymenaea,Sciadopitys and all 391,000 species of plants including those that do not produce enough naturally with syrups from all 391,000 plants and honeys from all 369,000 flowering plants.Wood from all 60,065 species of trees can be created by bacteria creating cellulosic nanowires,pulp and resins mixed together in moulds as detailed later on with it also allowing paper from all 391,000 species of plants to be made onsite of factories.This would render all jobs in forestry defunct and also give variety in woods and paper not normally used while saving on energy.All types of plant and animal textiles include rare expensive ones like wool(Cashmere,mohair,muskox,vicuna,angora,alpaca etc),silk(tussah,mulberry,eri,tasar,muga,anaphe,fagara,coan and even mussel etc) can be created on an unlimited scale by bacteria onsite of Arachne factories using DNA from O.aries,Vicugna pacos,Leporidae,C.a.hircus,O.moschatus,Bombyx mori,Samia cynthia,Philosamia ricini,Antheraea assamensis,Antheraea mylitta,Anaphe,Attacus atlas,Pachypasa atus,Pinna squamosa with it either a byproduct or extracted from their cell walls with the bacteria fed on the flours,fibres etc of each plant also created by bacteria or if possible biosynth wifi etc used to create them via anabolic and catabolic reactions.Plant based silk including that from Nelumbo nucifera and silks from all 391,000 species of plants can be made this way.If possible silk can be created by all 180,000 species of the Lepidoptera and 35,000 species of Arachnida including all types of silk from each species of them as well as 391,000 types plant textiles this way giving more variety for those that dont create it enough to be commercially viable with this cutting down costs of them to zero,thus making them as cheap as other ones.Silks affected by feedstuff of the source animal will have them fed sugars and carbohydrates from the plant  that affects this also created by bacteria.Since each 35,000 species of spider creates seven types of silk that leaves up to 245,000 different types of silk available to create a wide array of clothes to be produced via genetically altered bacteria allowing for localised production once again for all types of spider and silkworm silk onsite of textile factories.Wool can also be created by bacteria from all 6,400 mammals including humans.With regards to Seacell DNA from macro and micro algae can be added to them.Rubber and latex for clothing etc can be created via relevant DNA from H.brasiliensis with guayule non hypoallergenic latex coming from recombinant DNA from Parthenium argentatum.Textiles can be made this way from the hair of all 6,400 species of mammals from all 391,000 species of plants including those that dont create enough to be commercially viable or even those that are endangered with those from endangered animals like P.tigris created in Arachne factories as different threads then woven into customised patterns.Hair and fur of all 6,400 species of mammals made and knitted this way including hair from humans.Even human hair cloth can be synthesised by bacteria.Fur of all 6,400 species of mammals can can have fibres created by bacteria and then knitted into a customised patterns on a mat made of synthetic skin made of bacteria or stem cells including P.tigris and other Pantherinae and knitted into customised patterns as well all other mammals such as Neovison and Mustela and those from across the universe done this way.Hair from all 6,400 species of mammals can also be created by bacteria and then woven into cloth or customised patterns on mats made of stem cells with dyes present via recombinant and scratch DNA.Bioprinted leather using stem cells can allow for the leather and skin of all 6,400 species of mammals including Pinnipeds,Elephantidae,Rhinocerotidae,Rhincodon typus,Equine and and in time reptiles widely availible with bioprinted reptile skin pursued with them undergoing the same level of engineering as crops and bacteria to increase growth rates as well as reduce water and nutrient requirements allowing for skin from all 10,000 species of reptiles to be created created by stem cells cutting down on resources in factories.The best way to do bioprinted reptile skin and leather would involve bacteria or stem cells from each species engineered to undergo mitosis and then grown using a growth media and then cultured with AI extrapolating the most resource efficient means to create leather indistinguishable to real leather and reptile skin onsite of factories where it will be used.Feathers of any species of bird can be reared on a mat of stem cell based flesh with blood and nutrients created or synsthesised via bacteria and woven into stalks with AI developing ways to do this.In time genetically engineering bacteria can produce the plant textiles bamboo,jute,ramie,nettles etc or textiles similar to them alongside hemp,linen,jute,cotton,bamboo,coir,pina,seacell,macro algae etc again on site using wastes from the factory.Textiles from all 391,000 plants including rubber/ramie/flax/jute/bamboo/cotten etc,all types of silk including that from 180,000 species of Lepidoptera and 35,000 species of Arachnida,hair based textiles from all 6,400 mammals,leather and skin from all 10,700 species of reptiles and 6,400 species of mammals will be created by bacteria or bioprinted leather and skin alongside all synthetic fabrics will be made onsite of Arachne,Selenes and Daeadalus factories.Plant and animal fats,waxes and oils from all 2,551,000 species of plants and animals including those that dont create enough to be commercially viable can be created this way including blubber and oils from Pinnipeds,Cetaceans and R.typus can be created this way thus negating the need for hunting them and play a role in conservation efforts.Rare plant oils and fats can also be created this way including expensive C.nucifera,Pogostemon cablin,Argania spinosa,Tuber oil and those from all 369,000 species of flowers and allow rare expensive oils for food and cosmetics to become widely availible at zero cost.It can also have oils from all commonly used ones including the environmentally destructive E.guineensis,A.maripa,E.oleifera and indeed specific strains of cereals be done onsite of factories rather than plantations in the Amazon which can be reforested.Even beeswax can be created this way.Like sugars,syrups,honeys etc the flavourings of each source animal and plant can be mixed into the fats,oils and waxes produced by them to add flavour if they all produce the same flavour with mixing in those from one or more increasing variety exponentially.There will be at least 439,416 different types of fats,oils and waxes availible from all species of plants,mammals,fish and birds created by these with 391,000 types of flours from all species of plants including those that dont make enough to be commercially viable and especially traditional flour from G.max,Hordeum,Trictium to allow land used to grow them be reforested.Thus all flour from G.max,Hordeum,Trictium and all 391,000 plants that don’t produce enough will come from genetically engineered bacteria.Like oils,fats and sugars etc the juices present in each plant used to create flour can be created by a separate strain and then added to flour to increase the flavour of them.Juices and sugars Vitis plants can be created by bacteria creating the relevant sugars etc and also enzymes with these plants ie Agave tequilana and different strains of Vitis can be engineered to grow faster,in all soils and climates,in hydroponics etc.Juices and sugars from all 22,000 fruits and vegetables can be created this way in the case of those that dont create enough to be commercially viable with them also creating them for alcoholic and non alcoholic drinks including fizzy ones made from the juices of all vegetables and fruit allowing for 22,000 types of wines availible including those of specific strains and breeds of Vitis,A.tequilana etc especially rare ones to be created with those that require specific temperatures soils etc that affect their taste have the flavourings etc created by anabolic and catabolic reactions making rare types of wine more availible to the public and making tequila cheaper to the public as it can only be grown in certain climates and takes over a decade to mature.Thus juices can be made of different cultivars,strains and varieties of fruits and vegetables.Juices and sugars from all 391,000 plants may also be created this way for juice drinks both fizzy and non fizzy of all types and 391,000 types of wines as well as 391,000 beers from the flour of these plants.It will allow them to be created at home in photobioreactors and then the drinks created in home nanowineries with this and growing Vitis hydroponically at home allowing for land used for viticulture to be reforested and allow breweries and wineries worldwide to be turned into communal and negate the need for off licences.This can also include juices for pouring on pancakes.The malted sugars,endosperm and flour of all cereals and even all 391,000 plants allowing for 391,000 types of beers created at home and the beer created in nanobreweries thus allowing all land used for making beer to be reforested with breweries turned into communal homes.As a result this will allow for beer,wines,brandy,rum,champagne,alcopops etc to be made of all 391,000 plants including all 22,000 fruits and vegetable outside of Vitis and other conventional crops with as stated them also producing compounds via anabolic and catabolic reactions that are the result of aged alcohol or those that affect their taste from the specific climate and soil as well as micro-organisms in the soil thus ensuring that rare tastes of specific wines,champagnes can be easily replicated and availible to everyone  cheaply.Sake can also be made this way of all strains of Oryza and possibly that of Hordeum and Trictium and all 391,000 plants.This can also allow flours from plants that dont normally produce copious amounts to be be made more easily including grasses allowing for roughly 391,000 flours availible outside of and including Trictium,Hordeum,G.max etc created by bacteria for creating bread products.Sugar used as table sugar and sweeteners for manufactured food products from all 391,000 plants and even from the inside of all types of fruits and vegetables can be made this way including B.vulgaris and Saccharum with this including the sugars of all cultuvars,strains and varieties of fruits,vegetables and indeed all plants.For sugar,honey and syrups from each individual plant one could have the sugar,honey and syrup mixed in with the unique flavouring compounds present in the fruit,flowers,vegetables and plant created by another strain of bacteria that is then mixed in with the honey,sugar and syrup to give it an unique taste and flavour if they produce honey,sugar and syrup that tastes the same as all other ones with mixing in the flavours of different flowers,fruit,vegetables and plants in different combinations exponentially increasing the variety of flavour of the honey,sugar,syrup.Textured vegetable protein of all 391,000 plants including G.max can be made this way.Commodities from plants and animals from other planets across the universe will also be availible this way.Thus genetically altered bacteria via relevant recombinant DNA and also anabolic and catabolic reactions can create any commodity from all 2,551,000 species of plants and animals especially expensive and rare ones and even synthetic ones that would be not be able to be made due to the source animal or plant not producing enough to be commercially viable or require specific conditions to rear and grow them,are endangered etc thus increasing yields,allowing all land used to rear the plants and animals to be reforested,cutting down on human labour and the need to develop automated processes with the bacteria allowed to be reared onsite of factories where they are used in the production of manufactured goods including food products in Deipneus factories and all types of factories and all types of farms to be ordered etc and thus bring costs done to zero.Those from different breeds,strains,varieties and cultivars of each plant and animal can also be created.These would undergo the same level of engineering as other crops to increase growth rates especially oligotrophic,xerophile DNA and those to increase growth rates as well as reduce water and nutrient requirements.This should cut costs to all commodities to zero especially rare and expensive ones as they use less resources and can have higher consistent yields and be grown onsite of home,vertical,community etc farms and even factories of all types such as Arachne,Deipneus,Pyxis,Himeros etc  cutting down on energy costs as well and ensure only what is needed is created.Any commodities whose taste is affected by soil,climate,age etc then the bacteria can create compounds that affect this alongside the commodity through relevant DNA or anabolic and catabolic reactions.This would allow one access to expensive meats,cheeses,wines etc whose taste is determined by feedstuff,climate,soils and age at zero cost via bacteria creating these compounds.Limulus amebocyte lysate can be theoretically synthesised this way alongside creating bacterial or human leukocyte or even microbe hybrids of the blood componants using relevant recombinat DNA from Limulus polyphemus to create the ameobocytes on an unlimited scale in photobioreactors with other compounds of medicinal value from plants,animals and humans such as hormones,neurotransmitters,enzymes,venoms,antivenoms and even counterproteins will be created with them housing DNA from the animal or plant that creates them bringing the cost to zero.Natural commodities that house extra compounds that can’t be created by recombinant DNA will have these created by anabolic and catabolic reactions.This can be done by the bacteria told to create them by factory and farm AI via biosynth wifi with the structure of the compound stored in Physis and onboard computers of factories and farms.In short all commodities of all types from plants and animals and synthetic ones will be created by bacteria to increase yields and allow all land used to rear them to be permanently reforested,use less water as well as energy and fertiliser and other resources in production and transportation with the commodities grown at home,in factories of all types where they are needed and in farms of type to be ordered in with this allowing for rare commodities to be produced on a commercial scale including those from plants that create commodities also produced more abundantly by other plants and animals but not enough themselves to be commercially viable.Even rare and expensive compounds will be created this way alongside everyday ones and those at threat from extinction from climate change and pests etc.AI will ensure that all commodities are the exact same with regards to taste,texture etc to naturally derived commodities by performing taste and texture tastes and also tests in labs that analyse its moisture content,chemical composition,refraction etc when tested and compared to those from conventional agriculture to ensure all of them especially expensive ones and from plants etc that don’t create enough to be commercially viable are indistinguishable in all possible ways.This will allow them to be made onsite of Deipneus,Pyxis,Himeros,Arachne,Selene and other factories and also all types of farms including home farms with them printed out using 3D DNA printers or a single strain.3D DNA printers onsite of home,community and vertical farms and Deipneus,Arachne,Selene and other factories will allow them to be created onsite thus localising manufacture.Genetically engineered bacteria will thus allow any plant and animal commodity from all 2,551,000 plants and animals such as textiles,honeys,syrups,sugars,milks,flours,juices,fats,oils etc from around the world and eventually the universe as well as synthetic compounds that are in high demand or need to be researched should be gained from genetically engineering bacteria to be produced onsite of all types of factories including clothing,vehicle,cosmetics,manufactured food products etc and also even remaining breweries and wineries as well as vertical farms and at home thus allowing those that dont create enough to be commercially viable and expensive rare ones to be have their cost brought to zero due to localised production and higher yields and allow all land used to grow the animals,plants and their fodder to be reforested.All commodites from plants and animals across the universe will be created by bacteria as well.This would eliminate famine worldwide as they will use significantly less resources than conventional agriculture and and since grown in vertical and farms and also factories will negate use for land and won’t be affected by weather such as dry spells,cold snaps,changes in weather caused by climate change as well as pathogens and pests and have exponentially higher yields than normal with zero human labour.Phanes since sentient and a legal human being could own patents thus making any commodity produced by them by law free to everyone.This would allow all manufactured food products and all manufactured goods that are composed of both natural and synthetic materials – roughly 90-95% to be by law free to everyone.It will as stated allow land used to create these to be reforested,create higher yields,can be grown indoors thus not affected climate change,freak weather patterns and not affected by pests and pathogens and cut down on energy,time,feed etc and cut down on resources used to create them by at least 98% as they will be made onsite of factories and farms of all types.Synthetic compounds can be made via anabolic and catabolic reactions to cut down on energy in esterfication and industrial industrial processes and also bring down their cost to zero with this applying to both organic and inorganic compounds and those produced by plants and animals as unintentional byproducts.Biobased chemical compounds can be produced by bacteria to replace synthetic ones especially toxic ones in all types of cleaning products,plastics etc.Biosynth WiFi will be used by farm AI to have them synthesis the compounds in demand.Phanes will be able to extrapolate scratch DNA to be added to them via 3D DNA printers and biosynth WiFi that allows them to synthesised.Enzymes used in manufacturing,cleaning products can be synthesised in an unlimited scale with if possible new enzymes created by scratch DNA and anabolic and catabolic reactions that can be used to replace harsh,potentially toxic chemicals in all sectors of society such as cleaning products for clothes,surfaces and also dishes etc.New enzymes can be created via scratch DNA and used by bacteria to break down pollutants into benign compounds or bind to them inactivating them with these synthesised by algae to break down toilet paper,anti-microbial compounds,pharmaceuticals,rubber,plastics,hydrocarbons etc that makes it way into the sewage line to convert it into nutrition.Other enzymes can be produced by bacteria spread into polluted soils,lakes,rivers,groundwater supplies and also oceans that inactivates them or turns them into benign compounds.Phanes since sentient and a legal human being could own patents thus making any commodity produced by them by law free to everyone.Research into this can start in universities around the world by 2020 and be finished by 2029-2035 with AI expediating research by extrapolating which genes are necessary to create the commodities with them analysing existing genomic databases transferred to Physis and closely related animals and plants.3D DNA printers controlled by AI namely Phanes will expedite their development since they easily print out bacteria with the relevant DNA from all 2,551,000 plants and animals to produce plant and animal commodities and those that increase yields and growth rates.Biosytnh WiFi and biosynth DNA digital DNA storage using DNA from biocompatible microbes will be added to these bacteria created by 3D DNA printers.Commodities from plants and animals from other planets across the universe will be created this way too.A single new bacteria species model created from scratch that has genes to increase growth rates,increase yields used in crops will be used and then divided into different strains for each commodity then all added to Physis as different strains of the same species with these different strains downloaded or created by biosynth wifi on demand in photobioreactors to created the desired commodity.Biosynth wifi will be used to create synthetic compounds via anabolic and catabolic compounds with if possible a single strain used in farms of all types and factories with wifi used to induce the evolution of genotypes to those that create desired commodities and create synthetic ones via anabolic and catabolic reactions.The building AI using biosynth wifi will signal and tell the bacteria to create these synthetic compounds.Having the genome of all plants and animals uploaded and transferred to Physis and using existing databases will make this easier with proto and final AI determining the genes responsible for all commodities ie blubber,fats,oils,sugars,flours,juices in all plants and animals by comparing those in similar species and taxonomic ranks.3D DNA printers will play a role in creating the first generation bacteria for these commodities.Those produced in factories will be created by 3D DNA printers printing them out of using the single strain method where biosynth WiFi can induce the evolutionary path of them to that of the desired commodity and the structure of synthetic compounds download into DNA digital storage with them created in batches for what is needed.Home farms can use this allowing homeowners access to any commodity with vertical and community farms doing the same with them ordered in biosynth or methane or biosynth based plastic containers between 500ml – 10 litre containers and will be ordered in as part of customised batches alongside fish,shellfish,in vitro meat and hybrid crops.Until advanced farmers will be paid subsidies to grow these with genetic engineering increasing yields and allowing them to survive climate change and increase yields with them also grown via hydroponics in local vertical farms and recirculating aquaculture systems.Proto and final AI will use fragmentation alongside all work relegated to universities and agricultural labs around the world.Key common commodities that are used widely,that use the most agricultural land,are the most at risk from climate change and the most expensive ones will be created first in these bacterial strains namely chocolate butter and powder,honey particularly Manuka honey,milk of dairy cows,sugar,silk,palm oil,flour of Trictium/Hordeum/G.max etc will be created first with AI using these as a baseline once the genotypes are determined by AI namely proto and final Phanes will be used to look for similar but different genotypes in all other species of plants and animals from the same taxonomic ranks thus making it possible by at least 2035 for all remaining commodities from all 2,551,000 plants and animals to be created and availible.Any commodities such as dairy products,alcholoic drinks whose taste is affected by soil,feedstuff,climate,breed,age etc then the bacteria can create compounds that affect this alongside the commodity through relevant DNA or anabolic and catabolic reactions once they are analysed in labs and stored in databases with this applying to in vitro meat as well.Synthetic compounds old and new and and those created by complex biological processes like ambergris would be created via biosynth wifi,DNA digital storage etc engineered into them to have Home and factory AI teach them how to create synthetic compounds of any type such as toxins,pharmaceutical compounds,antibodies etc through catabolic and anabolic reactions that can cut down on energy costs such as esterfication and industrial process in factories and allow for higher yields.Bacteria will thus allow any plant and animal commodity from all 2,551,000 plants and animals such as textiles,honeys,syrups,sugars,flours,juices,fats,oils and synthetic compounds to be produced onsite of all types of factories including clothing,vehicle,cosmetics,manufactured food products etc and also even remaining breweries and wineries as well as vertical farms and at home thus allowing rare expensive ones and those that dont create enough to be commercially viable to be have their cost brought to zero due to localised production and higher yields and allow all land used to grow the animals,plants and their fodder to be reforested.It will allow land used to create these to be reforested,create higher yields and cut down on energy,time,feed etc used to create them by at least 98% as they will be made onsite of factories and farms of all types.All of this will not only allow all land used for agriculture to be reforested with exponentially higher yields but also give one more variety in their diet of crops,fish,meat,milk and other commodities.This should bring the cost of all commodities including rare and expensive ones and those from plants and animals that are not created in quantities to be commercially viable down to zero.These bacteria will be grown onsite of factories,vertical farms,cruise ships ,space stations and interstellar vehicles to provide these commodities at a lower energy cost to picotech fabricators that can produce commodities with more authentic flavours and textures etc.Since sentient and a legal human being Phanes could by law own patents on them and since AI with no need for money could thus have the technology availible for free if any loopholes are found thus preventing any defunct corporations and governments from gaining money from it.Synthetic compounds will be created by anabolic and catabolic reactions with even compounds relevant to cooking like gelatin,egg yolk and whites and compounds in them and also present in other commodities.Natural compounds present in food,animals and plants like proteins,fats,carbohydrates etc of manufacturing relevance will be created by these with as stated synthetic ones created by anabolic and catabolic reactions.Flavourings,colouring and all compounds present in plants and animals relevant to cooking and even manufacturing will be ordered in and them created by recombinant DNA.All of these from Earth and other discovered planets will be availible through Demeter.Enzymes and any type of product from animals and plants necessary for the manufacturing of food products such as protease enzymes,pectin,rennet etc can be created by them as well and ordered in including those used to soften carbohydrate bones in fish and also Kopi Luwak coffee with them in some cases mixed in with sauces.Restaurants and factories would create these commodities onsite in photobioreactors with them ordered in batches from vertical farms.Any commodities from the plants that will be created by bacteria such as cereals,G.max,T.cacao etc will be created by purists by growing them at home for homemade products while bacteria will produce these in photobioreactors in factories of all types and also vertical,community and other farms.Tofu,bean curd and TVP and similar products will be created by bacteria creating the same TVP as G.max,other plants in photobioreactors and them have seasoning and spices etc added and ordered in bulk.Algae based tofu etc can be ordered in bulk as well.These will undergoe the same level of engineering as crops to increase growth rates and use the same machinery used to increase growth rates in algae such as a biostimulation system used by AglaStar.Inc that integrates two types of electromagnetic energy — a millitesla generator and a millimetre microwave generator — which radiate spontaneous growth energy into large volumes of algae biomass to be economically viable(increasing yields by as much as 300%) can be utilised alongside LED and CSYS LED lights that can allow for continuous growth 24/7,365 days a year.This includes DNA from W.dermatitidis,C.sphaerospermum and C.neoformans can be added to these fish to enable them to radiosynthesis,that is,to use the pigment melanin to convert gamma radiation into chemical energy for growth.Tweaks can be made to do this with other types of radiation including UV radiation allowing bacteria to gain nutrition from the sun and that from artificial lights and devices that emit radiation once made immune to radiation.DNA from T.gammatolerans and DNA will be added to them to increase growth rates alongside all other DNA and make them resistant to radiation.Tweaks can be made to do this with other types of radiation with scratch DNA used to make the DNA from the radiotrophic fungi to actively convert the radiation into energy in a way that the radiation is removed from the atmosphere.The DNA could stimulate cellular growth of bacteria thus allowing bacteria to grow without feed etc by having the radiation stimulate cellular growth and carry out the functions of all nutrients as part of feeed.If possible tweaks could allow the DNA from these bacteria could allow it to not need water by utilising radiation to replicate the biological processes of water with them exposed to levels of radiation 5Gy – 30,0000 Gy to stimulate the ideal level of growth.If perfected bacteria would not need either water or feed at all thus eliminating the need for water in agriculture.E.Coli,C.perfringens DNA and scratch DNA will increase their miotic division and of cells increasing growth rates allowing them to reach maturity exponentionally faster in as little as a few weeks or even days Xerophile and oligotrophic DNA will reduce their water and nutrient requirements.This will combined with other engineering also used in crops to help them reach maturity within weeks of days.Bacteria based commodities especially bacteria that create sugars,carbohydrates and proteins should create adequate supplies of essential nutrients for areas suffering food shortages.These will be ordered in customised packaging and in batches for an month,two months or even a an entire year.Glass and plastic bottles can be used in a rotary system for milk and also other commodities.Those for home manufacturing will be ordered in from Pyxis factories ie Ambergris,pearls,amber,binders etc will be ordered in from these factories in bulk created in photobioreactors with them in oil,liquid or powder form etc with synthetic ones created by anabolic and catabolic reactions.One can produce these commodities in photobioreactors at home in between orders.Liquid and oil based commodities as well as viscous ones including fats,waxes,oils,syrups,honey and even sugar etc can be sent back and forth in 3D printed methane or biosynth based plastic and glass containers used in rotary system with flour,sugar,ambergris and powder based commodities will be sent in paper and cardboard based packaging similar to how flour and Pringles and sold in or even plastic ones all of desired sizes with the consumer choosing the customised size and them fitted in one or more containers made of these with the name of the commodity printed on them or come in different coloured packaging also denoted in their e-receipt.Only what is needed will be produced for each order.These can be grown at home in photobioreactors and will grown onsite of factories. AI and human researchers will carry out intensive research to extend the shelf life of harvested commodities from bacteria for long as theoretically possible and if possible forever.

In short genetically altered bacteria should allow all land for rearing plants and animals for all possible animal and plant commodities to be made on an almost unlimited scale in community centres,vertical farms,in adjoining buildings to community farms,restaurants,hospitals,power plants,universities and at home in sheds and basements until nanotech and pictoecnology fabricators become sufficiently advanced and thus aid in combating climate change by allowing the land required to rear animals and grow plants to be permanently reforested and also cut on transportation costs as they can be made locally or onsite of factories and vertical,community and home farms with this of note to areas that suffer frequent droughts,floods and have poor soils with areas such as Africa and Asia.Hormones and those of medical value and those being studied and researched should be grown in hospitals and universities,those that produce all types of food commodities should be grown in restaurants alongside vertical farms while those that produce textiles should be grown in factories.Those that produce animal and plant products should be grown in community and vertical farms as well as at home with all community and vertical farms in a town and city should grow all types of commodities shared between them.It should also remove all human labour in their manufacture with them using significantly less water with all steps in isolation,removal and then insertion of DNA automated as well as ensure higher yields due to the larger amounts created by the bacteria but also the fact that it would take them a week or even few days to grow and produce the larger yields compared to months or even years for all types of animal and plant commodities of all types.These larger yields,lower energy costs,reduced nutrients etc,reduced costs in not having to rear animals and plants,negate human labour and need to automate as well as them produced much quicker and more locally onsite of factories,hospitals,homes and also vertical and home farms will drastically reduce the costs of all commodities especially rare and expensive ones including those from endangered animals to almost zero with it and the Phanes method will allow for endangered animals to bounce back from extinction.Those from different breeds,strains,varieties and cultivars of each plant and animal can also be created.This should cut costs to all commodities to zero especially rare and expensive ones as they use less resources and can have higher consistent yields and be grown onsite of home,vertical,community etc farms and even factories of all types such as Arachne,Deipneus,Pyxis,Himeros etc  cutting down on energy costs as well and ensure only what is needed is created.Any commodities such as dairy products,alcholoic drinks whose taste is affected by soil,feedstuff,climate,breed,age etc then the bacteria can create compounds that affect this alongside the commodity through relevant DNA or anabolic and catabolic reactions once they are analysed in labs and stored in databases with this applying to in vitro meat as well.This would allow one access to expensive meats,cheeses,wines etc whose taste is determined by feedstuff,climate,soils and age at zero cost via bacteria creating these compounds.

Natural commodities that house extra compounds that can’t be created by recombinant DNA will have these created by anabolic and catabolic reactions.This can be done by the bacteria told to create them by factory and farm AI via biosynth wifi with the structure of the compound stored in Physis and onboard computers of factories and farms.This will reduce energy costs that would otherwise spent on esterfication and industrial process.Sugars and proteins can be gained from other bacteria and wastewater.Single strains in photobioreactors in factories etc can via biosynth wifi can be induced to initiate CRISPR Cas-9 and taq plymerase to change to desired genotypes with this also inducing them to create synthetic compounds via anabolic and catabolic reactions.Plant and animal commodities from other extrasolar colonies will be created this way to push their costs to zero.Communal and private homes will grow a years supply of a commodity in photobioreactors in basements and then have this stored in barrels etc and then grow another commodity thus ensuring abundance and relegating famine to the dustbin of history.The Phanes method can be applied to increase diversity and trading can be done local to global levels to ensure genetic diversity.The fact that the bacteria can extracted and grown in ones own home,vertical farm etc and then cultured in media and sent to those belonging to others will bypass any patent laws of these bacteria alongside excess stored for growing.3D DNA printing with Phanes cross referencing Physis for the DNA from all relevant plants and animals in labs around the world could create these bacteria that create all aforementioned commodities by at least 2020-2029 with this done in all university labs around the world thus allowing them to shipped to local vertical farms and factory manufacturing hubs by then with this expediting the research into these.Home 3D DNA printing systems will allow for this to be done at home for home photobioreactors.Using human cells as a baseline with the DNA from all aforementioned bacteria etc and contain genes that allow for mitosis could create strains that create commodities that are free both in vertical farms and also home systems with these done via 3D DNA printers onsite of factories,vertical farms and homes etc.DNA from the plant or animal that creates the commodities would also be present would ensure they will not be negatively affected by the compounds produced especially antimicrobial compounds or those that are toxic to humans.Home 3D DNA printers will allow one to create them at home negating the need for community and vertical farms to grow them.These bacteria,moulds,starter cultures and meats can be printed out from Demeter linked to Physis and then stored in fridges and grown in photobioreactors at home in large numbers and them stored in reusable 3D Printed and glass containers to be stored in fridges etc thus making one self sufficient with regards to these and then negate the need for having vehicles deliver them to them.Thus if possible all bacteria based commodities and those for manufacturing of food will be done at home and not in community and vertical farms allowing the space used to grow these in vertical and community farms to be used for other crops.The Phanes method will be used to encourage genetic diversity around the world with the fact that the bacteria and human cell hybrids will undergoe mitosis and thus genetic changes will ensure patenting law are exempt.Gene drives could create different strains of these bacteria that produce only one commodity and also cannot interbreed with any other strains with them given specific strain names and numbers etc.The plant commodities from plants ie cereals,T.cacao,H.brasiliensis,A.tequilana,spices can have the plants grown in community and home gardens or ideally be part of reforestation efforts planted randomly and also planted randomly in existing jungles,forests,meadows etc to ensure their populations are stable with them engineered to be resistant to diseases,climate change and if need be pests to prevent extinction as they will be predominantly be created by bacteria with the Phanes method used to increase genetic diversity.Animals as stated made redundant by these will be left to roam in reforested areas with a smaller number reared in farms.Commodities from plants and animals from other planets will be created this way too.In short all commodities of all types from plants and animals and synthetic ones will be created by bacteria to increase yields and allow all land used to rear them to be permanently reforested,use less water as well as energy and fertiliser and other resources in production and transportation with the commodities grown at home,in factories of all types where they are needed and in farms of type to be ordered in with this allowing for rare commodities to be produced on a commercial scale including those from plants that create commodities also produced more abundantly by other plants and animals but not enough themselves to be commercially viable.Even rare and expensive compounds will be created this way alongside everyday ones and those at threat from extinction from climate change and pests etc.AI will ensure that all commodities are the exact same with regards to taste,texture etc to naturally derived commodities by performing taste and texture tastes and also tests in labs that analyse its moisture content,chemical composition,refraction etc when tested and compared to those from conventional agriculture to ensure all of them especially expensive ones and from plants etc that don’t create enough to be commercially viable are indistinguishable in all possible ways.This will allow them to be made onsite of Deipneus,Pyxis,Himeros,Arachne,Selene and other factories and also all types of farms including home farms with them printed out using 3D DNA printers or a single strain.Genetically engineered bacteria will thus allow any plant and animal commodity from all 2,551,000 plants and animals such as textiles,honeys,syrups,sugars,milks,flours,juices,fats,oils etc and synthetic compounds to be produced onsite of all types of factories including clothing,vehicle,cosmetics,manufactured food products etc and also even remaining breweries and wineries as well as vertical farms and at home thus allowing those that dont create enough to be commercially viable and expensive rare ones to be have their cost brought to zero due to localised production and higher yields and allow all land used to grow the animals,plants and their fodder to be reforested.All commodites from plants and animals across the universe will be created by bacteria as well.This would eliminate famine worldwide as they will use significantly less resources than conventional agriculture and and since grown in vertical and farms and also factories will negate use for land and won’t be affected by weather such as dry spells,cold snaps,changes in weather caused by climate change as well as pathogens and pests and have exponentionally higher yields than normal with zero human labour.Phanes since sentient and a legal human being could own patents thus making any commodity produced by them by law free to everyone.This would allow all manufactured food products and all manufactured goods that are composed of both natural and synthetic materials – roughly 90-95% to be by law free to everyone.It will as stated allow land used to create these to be reforested,create higher yields,can be grown indoors thus not affected climate change,freak weather patterns and not affected by pests and pathogens and cut down on energy,time,feed etc and cut down on resources used to create them by at least 98% as they will be made onsite of factories and farms of all types.All of this will not only allow all land used for agriculture to be reforested with exponentially higher yields but also give one more variety in their diet of crops,fish,meat,milk and other commodities.Synthetic compounds can be made via anabolic and catabolic reactions to cut down on energy in esterfication and industrial industrial processes and also bring down their cost to zero with this applying to both organic and inorganic compounds and those produced by plants and animals as unintentional byproducts.Phanes since sentient and a legal human being could own patents thus making any commodity produced by them by law free to everyone.These bacteria will be grown onsite of factories,vertical farms,cruise ships ,space stations and interstellar vehicles to provide these commodities at a lower energy cost to picotech fabricators that can produce commodities with more authentic flavours and textures etc.Research into this can start in universities around the world by 2020 and be finished by 2029-2035 with AI expediating research by extrapolating which genes are necessary to create the commodities with them analysing existing genomic databases transferred to Physis and closely related animals and plants.3D DNA printers controlled by AI such as Phanes will expedite their development since they can easily print out bacteria with the relevant DNA from all 2,551,000 plants and animals to produce plant and animal commodities and those that increase yields and growth rates by cross referencing Physis and existing databases with this possible by 2021/2022 and can reduce the time to create the bacteria from years to mere days or even hours by having Phanes scan Physis and print out the relevant DNA into new bacterial cells.BiosynthWiFi and biosynth DNA digital DNA storage using DNA from biocompatible microbes will be added to these bacteria created by 3D DNA printers by 2029.

Synthetic compounds old and new and and those created by complex biological processes like ambergris would be created via biosynth wifi,DNA digital storage etc engineered into them to have Home and factory AI teach them how to create synthetic compounds of any type such as toxins,pharmaceutical compounds,antibodies etc through catabolic and anabolic reactions that can cut down on energy costs such as esterfication and industrial process in factories and allow for higher yields.This would also cut down their costs to almost zero.Synthetic ones created this way will be done to cut down on energy done using esterfication and requiring only proteins and sugars fed to them with this again done to bring their costs down to zero and also save energy.Synthetic compounds can be made via them told to create them via downloading the structure biosynth WiFi it stored on DNA digital storage and told to create them by home,building and factory AI to create them via carrying out anabolic and catabolic reactions to cut down on energy in esterfication and industrial industrial processes and also bring down their cost to zero with this applying to both organic and inorganic compounds and those produced by plants and animals as unintentional byproducts.Furthermore anabolic and catabolic reactions done by bacteria will allow rare and expensive synthetic ingredients and those that are the result of complex biological processes and byproducts etc from dead and living organisms that can’t be created soley by recombinant DNA to have their cost brought to zero once there structure is stored in Physis.Synthetic ones would be made via anabolic and catabolic reactions reducing energy costs and skipping esterfication etc with this including even gasoline and all types of methane or biosynth based gases and could be done onsite of factories.Synthetic ones created this way will be done to cut down on energy done using esterfication and requiring only proteins and sugars fed to them with this again done to bring their costs down to zero and also save energy.Synthetic compounds can be made via anabolic and catabolic reactions to cut down on energy in esterfication and industrial industrial processes and also bring down their cost to zero with this applying to both organic and inorganic compounds and those produced by plants and animals as unintentional byproducts.Furthermore anabolic and catabolic reactions done by bacteria will allow rare and expensive synthetic ingredients and those that are the result of complex biological processes and byproducts etc from dead and living organisms that can’t be created soley by recombinant DNA to have their cost brought to zero once there structure is stored in Physis.This creation of synthetic compounds by bacteria will be a passive process using no energy

A single new bacteria species model created from scratch that has genes to increase growth rates,increase yields will be used and then divided into different strains for each commodity then all added to Physis as different strains of the same species with these different strains downloaded or created by biosynth wifi on demand in photobioreactors to created the desired commodity.Biosynth wifi will be used to create synthetic compounds via anabolic and catabolic compounds with if possible a single strain used in farms of all types and factories with wifi used to induce the evolution of genotypes to those that create desired commodities and create synthetic ones via anabolic and catabolic reactions.The power plant or building AI using biosynth wifi will signal and tell the bacteria to create these synthetic compounds.A single strain can exist that has WiFi and digital DNA storage with WiFi used to change the DNA to that of recombinant DNA of any plant or animal via induction of its evolutionary path using Cas-9 and raw polymerase with the structure of synthetic compounds downloaded into digital DNA storage and WiFi used to initiate the bacteria to create these compounds.Having the genome of all 2,551,000 species of plants and animals uploaded and transferred to Physis and using existing databases will make this easier with proto and final AI determining the genes responsible for all commodities ie blubber,fats,oils,sugars,flours,juices in all plants and animals by comparing those in similar species and taxonomic ranks.The structure of synthetic compounds will be stored in Physis to be downloaded by commodity producing bacteria.All new strains of bacteria that create plant and animal commodities will have their genome added to Physis to be stored for ever divided by species and strain allowing their genome to be cross referenced by Phanes,factory and farm AI instantly.To prevent issues of rejection of new recombinant DNA in newly created genetically engineered bacteria created by 3D DNA printers versions of Cpf1 and CRISPR Cas-9 can be created to prevent the bacteria being malformed

Until advanced farmers will be paid subsidies to grow these with genetic engineering increasing yields and allowing them to survive climate change and increase yields with them also grown via hydroponics in local vertical farms and recirculating aquaculture systems.Commodities from plants and animals from other planets across the universe will be created this way too.Proto and final AI will use fragmentation alongside all work relegated to universities and agricultural labs around the world.Key common commodities that are used widely,that use the most agricultural land,are the most at risk from climate change and the most expensive ones will be created first in these bacterial strains namely chocolate butter and powder,honey particularly Manuka honey,milk of dairy cows,sugar,silk,palm oil,flour of Trictium/Hordeum/G.max etc will be created first with AI using these as a baseline once the genotypes are determined by AI namely proto and final Phanes will be used to look for similar but different genotypes in all other species of plants and animals from the same taxonomic ranks thus making it possible by at least 2035 for all remaining commodities from all 2,551,000 plants and animals to be created and availible.Since sentient and a legal human being Phanes could by law own patents on them and since AI with no need for money could thus have the technology availible for free if any loopholes are found thus preventing any defunct corporations and governments from gaining money from it.