Genetically Engineered Bacteria

Advances in automation,artificial intelligence and genetics will allow genetic engineering to improve existing traits in a species or introduce new traits to improve productivity,creating custom made breeds and eventually species as well as removing toxins and poisons from crops,plants,fungi etc to make them edible for human consumption.It will also apply to remove toxins from plants that are also edible when cooked but poisonous when uncooked,have compounds that can build up and be toxic,have minute levels of carcinogens or remove the poisons from certain parts of the crops or insects ie Colocasia esculenta,Blighia sapida,Rheum rhabarbarum,Myristica fragrans,S.tuberosum(preventing them making solanine),O.sativa(prevent them from containing arsenic),stopping all Bambusoideae from creating cyanogenic glycosides and natural toxins also contained in cassava,preventing Phaseolus vulgaris/Malus pumila/Prunus avium/Pyrus from containing cyanogenic compounds etc.Thus all toxic compounds from all crops that are there when it is cooked,raw,or allowed to ripen will be removed from them via genetic engineering preventing them creating them in the first place.Other staple crops that contain small levels of carcinogens,trans fats or toxic compounds that produce them during and as a result of cooking can also be engineered to have these removed with even Anacardium occidentale and similar crops not have toxins in their leaves and outer layer such as anacardic acids and urushiol in the case of cashews.These altered versions will be stored in Physis as separate strains and cultivars.The same can be applied to making ornamental plants that are poisonous to humans(especially children),livestock and pets like Nerium oleander,Rhododendron,Digitalis,Lilium longiflorum etc. safe and non toxic if eaten or touched.It may even allow extremely poisonous plants such as these and Aconitum,Sambucus,Prunus dulcis,Conium maculatum,Asclepias,Atropa belladonna,Santalum,Toxicodendron radicans,Ricinus communis and the aforementioned plants and many others including poisonous mushrooms to be safe and edible for humans in culinary dishes,honey and cosmetics(with oils,fats and nectar etc from non-toxic variants created on commercial scale by engineered bacteria) as well as feedstock for livestock when grown in vertical farms and be safe for pets to interact with and eat when used as ornamental plants in gardens to prevent pollination by insects that could reintegrate the genes responsible for the poison back into the species which is why growing them in home and community gardens would be potentially dangerous but indoor hydroponic systems at vertical farms could be safe if kept secure from A.mellifera and Diptera and pollinated by hand.Otherwise gene drives could make this non toxicity phenotype dominant allowing them to be grown in home and community farms without the fear of them becoming toxic again with the genes responsible for this stored to be transferred to bacteria for research into creating antivenoms which can also be made by bacteria,for military purposes as well as ensuring it can be retransferred to wild specimens should the non toxic phenotype be accidentally transferred to them thus affecting their ability to fend off predators.Intensive engineering can make these non toxic versions of plants a separate species from their parent species so as to prevent them from mating and passing on this phenotype to them allowing them to be safely cultivated at home and in community gardens without them being affected by wild toxic plants as well with these new species having slightly different appearances such as unique coloured petals or berries or shaped leaves to ensure people can differentiate from them in the wild,in gardens and in farms from toxic parent species.Engineering may only need them to be a separate strain or cultivar that would have its one code in Physis and thus not able to interbreed with wild plants.If one wanted to allow these altered plants to overtake wild versions then ideally then after removing the toxins one would want to engineer them to produce one that was toxic to insects and other animals in the wild that the original poison protected them from but not pets,humans and livestock to ensure it would still survive in the wild or making the plants pests such as arthopods and wild animals engineered to be susceptible to this new toxin that had no effect on humans,livestock and pets by creating large amounts of the pest via 3D DNA printers and artificial wombs and releasing them into the wild that can interbreed with wild specimens and pass them onto future generations via advanced gene drive technology.Otherwise live specimens of the pest can be caught and have CRISPR treatments applied and then them released into the wild and interbreed with wild populations.This would allow the plants to thrive in the wild and interbreed with cultivated ones in community and home farms without endangering humans and each other with the original versions plants DNA in Physis for study and these plants also again having unique phenotypes such as uniquely coloured leaves and fruits.Microbes sprayed into the soil could be used as a means to allow existing plants to be altered indefinitely.All of this would also allow these to be grown at home for cosmetic purposes without of the threat of children and pets being poisoned.Fungi of all types can be altered this way both in the wild and also in home and other systems.Livestock,mammals,arthropods,reptile,fish and shellfish can also be engineered this way as well again producing no poison with this including removing stings and sharp mandibles from Hymenoptera but being separate from their parent species and grown primarily in vertical,community and home farms as well as recirculating aquaculture systems.Simple home test kits that link to Demeter and smart devices could be developed to test that plant reared at home do not contain their specific toxin with in time entire countries having non toxic versions of these plants in the wild when the toxic variants are destroyed by large scale programs(see later).A stated earlier giving each of these genetically altered breeds and species,strains and cultivars would have names and ID codes separate from the original can allow for quick recognition between normal ones with Triptolemus etc only creating the altered strain,cultivar etc for orders for food and ornamental plants to the public with unaltered plants being allowed authroised by Urania etc for research purposes with this applying to insects and fish that have poisons removed when ordered for pets and consumption.In all of these cases they would have their own ID tag number and ID within Artemis to denote their safety when grown in home,community and vertical farms for human,pet and livestock consumption.

Animals and livestock that have venom stings or bites poisonous and even fatal to humans can be engineered to remove the poison ie. Pterois,Tetraodontidae,Crotalus,Dendrobatidae,Varanus komodoensis(which can have it ability to harbour the toxic bacteria and other toxins removed),Ornithorhynchus anatinus etc and thus allow them to be safely handled as pets or food.All species of venomous and poisonous animals of all taxonomic ranks will have their toxicity removed to make them edible and easier to manage both as food and also pets.In the case of some poisonous frogs simply feeding them non toxic locally reared insects or algae and in vitro meat may suffice as they absorb the toxins from their native prey.Like crops and plants these species should be engineered to the point that they are unable to mate with their parent species as a separate species or separate breed and thus be unable to pass this phenotypes to wild specimens(or vice versa) making them independent species or breeds etc should they escape into the wild with them having unique physical features to identify them such as a different pattern or colour of coats or minute changes in other physical features so as to allow people to distinguish them from poisonous specimens.Like plants Triptolemus giving each of these genetically altered breeds and species etc would have names and ID codes separate from the original can allow for quick recognition between normal ones with Triptolemus etc only creating the altered strain,breed etc for orders for food and ornamental plants to the public with unaltered plants being allowed authroised by Urania etc for research purposes with this applying to insects and fish that have poisons removed when ordered for pets and consumption.Cereals could have gluten removed but with a replacement that can still allow for it be used in cooking.Coffea strains and bacteria that produce these can be engineered to remove caffeine without having them put in solvents or add other stimulants and sedatives including those from C.sativa,C.edulis,E.novogranatense,P.somniferum etc as well as flavourings from herbs and spices with this also note to teas and recreational drugs with N.tabacum,N.rustica for example have all carcinogens removed and nicotine replaced with a benign versions.It and other recreational drugs can have flavours and stimulants from other crops,herbs,recreational drugs etc added to them.Plants that naturally produce active ingredients of recreational drugs can be hybridise to produce multiple active ingredients such as N.tabacum,N.rustica plants that create both nicotine and tetrahydrocannabinol or cocaine etc.This would ideally have these as separate species that are unable to mate with parent species but with unique phenotypes such as uniquely coloured leaves,ears etc.Furthermore genetic engineering could allow for algae strains to control the amount of protein,oils and cellulose for their desired purposes with them also producing gluten.It could also be used to extended the growth rates and even growing season of fruits and flowers on fruit crops.Crops could be engineered to produce higher yields by being more resource efficient or produce larger fruits,endosperm or in the case of saffron produce more spice or have the spice grown on larger flowers on bushes and trees.

Genetic engineering for crops:
As stated earlier genetic engineering can also be used to make crops and ornamental plants become tolerant of drier,wetter,colder,warmer climates and different soils around the world thus allowing all crops of types including hybrids to grow in all climates and soils around the world in the open in home and community farms outside of vertical farms that can also allow for this thus saving on energy to transport crops around the world,allow for localised permaculture rearing of them and prevent one country having an monopoly on any crop.Thus to allow them to be grown in community and home farms across the world and even in forest and meadow farms around extensive genetic engineering will be done to all types across the world with them engineered to retain specific flavours brought on climatic and soil conditions.This can be done using recombinant DNA from extremophile bacteria as well as crops and ornamental ones from all climates ie DNA from crops in America and Europe can be added to exotic ones to make them survive local soils and climates and vice versa.Hybrid crops will utilise this.Mesophile,thermophile snc Psychrophile DNA can increase the temperature range of them thus allowing them to survive extreme shocks and extreme conditions.It can also with regards to vertical farms allow them to grow at cooler temperatures saving on the energy expended in heating systems and colouring systems or have the heating systems raised or lowered to increase growth rates.Thus this engineering and vertical farms can allow all crops to be grown in all countries all around the world negating the need for one country to grow and export them cutting down country monopolies of crops and also energy in transportation ensuring if bad weather destroys crops in one area of the world it can still be grown everywhere else with it also preventing one area having a stronghold.It will also prevent the spread of invasive species with orders from other countries undergoing irradiation treatments to kill them off.The localised manufacture of all goods and even food will mean both farms and manufacturing hubs will have their own fleet of delivery vehicles will negate the need for post offices using them and also third party delivery companies like UPS,DHL whose headquarters and offices will be converted into homes.Seaports will also be converted into residential areas by this with all delivery ships,cargo boxes etc recycled.These sources of DNA will include DNA from faculative acidophilic and alkaliphilic bacteria that when combined into a crop will make it able to survive both acidic and alkaline soils as well as possibly survive bouts of acid rains and genes from faculative halophiles,xerophiles and psammophiles allowing to tolerate soils with high salt concentrations,low levels of water and sandy structures.They will include genes from scratch and from crops around as well as thermophile a,Psychrophiles etc from around the the world to tolerate frosts,cold snaps,rainy weather,dry weather,dry spells and heatwaves.DNA from oligotrophic bacteria would give them the ability to survive in soils with very low concentrations of nutrients with xerophile DNA making them able to survive in deserts or areas of low precipitation and survive dry spells,drought and heatwave prone areas such as Africa,America and Europe with Tardigrade recombinant DNA allowing them to survive severe long droughts.These oligotrophic and xerophile DNA will also possibly even allow them to grow with significantly lower levels of essential nutrients such as phosphorous and nitrogen with as well as possibly lower the amount of water they need overall with this extending to those grown in vertical farms and not just forest,community and home farms.Xerophile and oligotrophic DNA will be added to all crops in home,community and even vertical farms to reduce their fertiliser and water by as much as 99%.Tardigrade DNA that allows their ability to reduce their metabolism by 99.9% and go almost 30 years without food and water will be mapped and added to crops and modified by Phanes using scratch DNA and forced evolution to do so without entering a endospore.Speciemens have been known to be woken up after a century with scratch DNA extrapolated by Phanes can allow for this to last forever with or without the formation of a crystalline trehalose structure.D.radiodurans can be added to counteract dessication due to dryness.Endolith DNA can have its ability to slow metablism present but be able to undergoe mitosis through modifying its DNA with scratch DNA.Thus Xerophile DNA especially through forced evolution would lower water requirements for crops by as much as 99% thus allowing them to survive severe droughts and lower the amount of water needed for crops not just in home and community farms but also vertical farms that use aquaponics with oligotrophic DNA will allow them to need 99% less fertiliser especially through forced evolution.Recombinant DNA from Firmicutes could allow crops in severe dry spells,droughts and severe nutrition scarcity allow all of the cells of each crop to form endospores until these are available allowing the plant survive extreme water and nutrient deficiency ensuring consistent yields when conditions become favourable again preventing crop losses in severe droughts.Thus if a severe drought occurs then crops will not wither and die but rather enter a hibernation state until they are exposed to water and nutrients allowing them to be revived thus preventing crop losses and thus starvation.Recombinant DNA from Planarians,Hydra,A.mexicanum,totipotent stem cells,T.gammatolerans,D.radiodurans,Bacillus F and C.elegans should repair any cellular and telomere damage that may be caused by any stress caused by these as well as even stress caused by moving crops from hydroponics to soil.It will also allow crops whose leaves are damaged by weather,livestock,are harvested to regrow any damaged parts and thus function properly instantly.This should be of note to anywhere in the developing and even first world prone to droughts and heatwaves.Ideally all crops in vertical,forest,community and home farms across the world will have this alongside ornamental plants with those from Salmonella allowing them to survive low gravity environments especially in space stations and even intersteller vehicles.Other DNA can have them survive wet periods etc.These sources ov recombinang DNA will be added to crops grown in home,community and vertical farms.Livestock,fish and shellfish etc will also be fitted with these two sources of DNA.Bacteria based commodities and invitro meat will have the stem cells and bacteria house this DNA further decreasing their water requirements even further.Algae in sewage treatment plants will have this DNA as well.Theoretically if applied everywhere in humans,algae,livestock,crops,ornamental plants,pets etc alongside bacteria that create commodities and in invitro meat stem cells and the wide application of vertical farming where it can also be applied DNA from xerophile and oligotrophic bacteria could reduce the amount of water and fertiliser needed in agriculture and in drinking by at least 90-95% worldwide.Biochar can act as a soil amendment in home and community farms that helps it retain water and nitrogen,potassium and phosphorous reducing the amount needed preventing run off and leaching and reduce the amount of nitrogen,potassium and phosphorous.Desalinisation plants as detailed later on could via underground pipes transport water from the ocean to landlocked areas especially in Asia,Africa and the Middle East and areas affected by drought in Europe in for example 2003 managed by AI to alleviate strains on rivers and lakes with the treated water pumped into them to then return to the ocean with the use of more efficient taps,showers etc worldwide could reduce the use of water by at least 98% with picotech fabricators creating large volumes of water for homes and farms of all types particularly vertical farms to alleviate strains on rivers alongside desalinated water.Geothermal will use 98% less water than all types of fossil fuels.Those in forest farms would have this to allow them to require less maintenance with regards to water and fertiliser applications especially those that are part of forests,jungles etc.The oligotroph DNA would be made to make them require less of each essential nutrient such as nitrogen,phosphorous,sulphur,copper etc.Fertiliser burn can be repaired by adding the accelerated healing phenotype to plants prior to them exposed to high levels of nitrogen and phosphorus with the phenotype repairing damaged roots and leaves Scratch DNA alongside forced evolution could allow them to utilise excess nitrogen etc that would cause fertiliser burn for more growth thus meaning more fertiliser could be applied especially normal levels made redundant by oliogtrophs causing them to grow even more rather than be damaged by it.This would not make them need more fertiliser but need less and utilise extra nitrogen etc to grow even larger that would otherwise this cause fertiliser burn.Engineering to speed up growth rates would make the utilise extra fertiliser time grow more with scratch DNA having them create more flowers and not just more leaves.The acellerated healing phenotype will allow roots,leaves etc damaged by fertiliser burn to repair themselves when added before being exposed to these high levels of fertiliser.If possible scratch DNA could allow them to not absorb excess fertiliser in one go with them only intaking what they need and the rest left in the soil or flow out with them when they need nitrogen intaking the rest of the fertiliser in controlled bursts.Thus excess fertiliser would stay in the soil and it would only be intaken in controlled bursts by the plant when needed.Studies can be carried out on each species of crop as to the theoretical limit that each crop has for their level of tolerance of phosphorus and nitrogen and water concentration.Forced evolution carried out on bacteria with plant DNA or Phanes developing new genes from scratch could increase the tolerance of crops of phosphorus and nitrogen exponentially to theoretical limits well beyond what they could be exposed to in short and long periods of time thus elimining the chance of fertiliser burn occurs.This could involved modified Ferroplasma DNA tweaked by Phanes.This would be done so that more fertiliser applied will increase growth rates and yields rather than result in fertiliser burn.This can apply to both ornamental plants and crops.The plants could be engineered with the accelerated healing phenotype,have psychrophile DNA,scratch DNA to survive winters and frosts,survive fertiliser burns,damage from pests and pathogens also able to use the extra nitrogen etc to grow even larger.The accelerated healing phenotype can allow damaged leaves,roots and flowers repair themselves from damage via fertiliser burn,pests,frosts,pathogens and accidents to regrow instantly and regrow when cut including in existing plants inoculated via the roots and biosynths with sections that one wants to prune have this phenotype removed.Nitrogen and phosphorous fertiliser from eaten food will be captured in sewage treatment plants that create algae feed and fertiliser creating a looped system with pyrolysised uneaten food have the nitrogen and phosphorous collected.This should alleviate strains on mining for crops from the Earth and also from picotech fabricators when perfected.Metallotolerants can have their ability to tolerate high levels arsenic,cadmium,copper and zinc transferred to them to survive polluted soils transferred to crops with DNA from Geobacter metallireducens used to make them thrive or even live on uranium in polluted soils with variants of G.metallireducens combined with metallotolerants allowing them to thrive on pollutants such as arsenic,cadmium etc as well as use polluted water as an energy source or tolerate them.Ferroplasma,G.metallireducens DNA can undergoe forced evolution wherein it is exposed to different heavy metals or have Phamed tweak it to create genes to make crops tolerate high levels of all heavy elements including radioactive ones with if possible them either using it as a fertiliser or not absorbing them.This could also allow these otherwise toxic elements and compounds to be used as fertilisers and nutrients if them engineered to turn them into stable compounds benign to humans and livestock or eventually excreted by the plant in some form or another as well as engineering humans to be able to tolerate them in high levels as detailed later.Combining all of these phenotypes into crops will make them able to thrive in all types of soils.DNA from T.gammatolerans can allow to survive in areas with strong radiation such as those that have been the site of nuclear accidents and waste disposal with Geobacter metallireducens possibly allowing the to survive soils affected with uranium with variant strains of this bacterium to survive soils contaminated with other pollutants and use these as fertiliser.Piezophile(particularly Barotolerant bacteria) and Tardigrade DNA once again could allow them to survive 380-6,000 atmospheres especially in the case of micro and macro algae and fish and shellfish grown at the bottom of the ocean near underwater cities.DNA made from scratch can better integrate the phenotypes of both Tardigrade and extremophile bacteria and even push the limits for each phenotype even further with this scratch DNA and those from extremophile bacteria even added to Tardigrade to extended its abilities with ideally recombinant DNA coming from the extremophile bacteria of each type that has the highest tolerance effects and again those made from scratch used to push this to its limits.Recombinant DNA from D.radiodurans can better make them survive acid soils,radiation and extremely low temperatures.Bacteria based commodities such as those that produce textiles,flour,oils etc will also by the very nature and also the inclusion of this DNA will further reduce the amount of water needed in agriculture alongside in vitro meat.Reducing levels of carbon dioxide back to pre industrial levels of 280ppm by the end of the century will stabilise rainfall patterns and also allow for a more predictable climate worldwide preventing crop failures in particular in Africa,The Middle East and China.All areas around the world prone to droughts especially severe ones will in the case of those by the ocean use desalinisation plants with landlocked areas and countries have underground piping composed of iron and graphene direct water from desalinisation plants to the water treatment plants ensuring crops will have stable levels of water alongside it providing humans with water for consumption and also for showers with the water once used and treated pumped into local rivers and lakes to then return to the ocean.This could even include Europe and America to prevent the damage of crop yields and loss of human lives as seen in 2003,2006 by droughts and heatwaves with even countries like China and India as well as Africa utilising this system as the population grows with it alleviating crop losses and preventing deaths in the developed and not just the developing world.This water will also be gained from water shipped in from tsunamai,flood and storm surge tunnels and stored in water treatment plants with in time water treatment plants capable of creating water using picotech fabricators with ions not only during droughts but also all year round in looped systems to prevent water scarcity for farms and also use by humans.All plants should be engineered to be able to be transferred from hydroponic and aeroponic systems to soil with little to no stress or shock with the aforementioned bacteria DNA playing a role.Studies in labs and in fields of research labs can test this for each and every crop.Paracoccus denitrificans recombinant DNA that would increase resistance to g-force and survive extremes and exhibit cellular growth in hypergravity of 403,627g possibility.Recombinant DNA from either Serratia liquefaciens,Carnobacterium genus and even Methanothermobacter wolfeii,Methanosarcina barkeri,Methanobacterium formicicum or all combined could allow crops to survive the low pressure of the upper atmosphere of Earth and on Mars.Capnophillic bacteria and Castanea dentata tweaked can be a source of recombinant DNA that could allow them to intake more carbon dioxide to not only compliment their decrease of nutrient and water intake from xerophiles and oligotrophes could also increase their growth rates especially in the case of those grown in vertical farms where extra carbon dioxide can be pumped in to improve growth with studies done to ensure it doesnt affect nutrient content especially if all sources of DNA are mixed in together to prevent any shortfalls such as lower nutrient content.Bambusoideae DNA can be added as some species can intake 35% more carbon dioxide than trees with other trees that intake large amounts of carbon dioxide will have their DNA added such as Juglans nigra,Pseudotsuga menziesii,Pinus ponderosa will be added to further increase the amount of carbon dioxide intaken.Scratch DNA could ensure nutrient levels are not affected and are in fact increased.DNA to increase carbon dioxide intake will be done to increase its use as a fertiliser and thus increase growth rates and yields if it is pumped into plots in vertical farms and increase the amount those in community and home farms intake from the atmosphere.This could also be applied to those in community and home farms.The recombinant DNA from capnophile bacteria may require aerotolerant bacteria DNA to ensure they can do so in the high oxygen atmosphere outside since these bacteria can only do so in low oxygen conditions with even faculative anaerobic bacteria DNA added.If possible they may be fitted with DNA from plants that are able to undergo C4 concentration photosynthesis Amaranthaceae,Gramineae,Cyperaceae,Asteraceae,Brassicaceae,Paulownia to limit the amount of carbon dioxide they need and if combined with capnophillic bacteria DNA and scratch DNA will be more efficient at using this gas in them both in vertical farms and outside.DNA from other C4 and C3 concentration photosynthetic plants to increase productivity can be combined.DNA from microbes can extract carbon from the air at much lower concentrations than 150-200ppm,scratch DNA and that from plants that carry out C3 photosynthesis can be added to the genome of all plants to improve efficiency.Bacteria that create vegetable oils and gasoline,methane reared onsite using sugar created by bacteria can be burned in onsite fires and generators and pumped into the plots in the desired amount to fill the plots with carbon dioxide.These bacteria can be in underground extensions and burned and turned into dry ice to sent to each plot with bacteria created from scratch using scratch DNA that turns sugar into carbon dioxide without creating oil etc.Dry ice can be ordered in from indoor biochar programmes to vertical farms with bacteria engineered to create carbon dioxide from sugar and oils either gasoline,methane or animal and plant fats and oils etc to create dry ice onsite to be transferred to each plot.Research can be done into speeding up their growth rates based on cell division with recombinant DNA from E.Coli and C.perfringens which are the two fastest growing lifeforms on the planet taking only 10 minutes to divide and create a new generation to improve the rate of cell division and mitosis in all crops or other DNA from other crops,from scratch can be used to apply this to trees,crops and fruits etc and speed it up causing an entire fruit or nut and even vegetable to grow and mature if possible within the space of a month with this applied to those in home,forest,community and vertical farms.Scratch DNA can be added to ensure this takes 1-5 minutes or even quicker with DNA also coming from fast growing plants such as certain species of Bambusoideae,micro algae etc.This will combined with other engineering help them reach maturity within weeks of days.Phanes can design scratch DNA to allow a crop to reach maturity within a few weeks or few days.To deal with any issues of telomere damage as a result of mitosis the same DNA from Bacillus F,T.gammatolerans and those to produce phosphatidylcholines etc used in ageing treatments for humans except those from endolithic bacteria will ensure all future cells will be healthy young cells and not degrade due to mitosis with if possible induced plutipotent,totipotent and other stem cells used as a baseline.Recombinant DNA from macro algae that grow 30-60 times faster than terrestrial plants can be added to them in order to further speed up growth rates including that from Laminaria digitata,Fucus serratus,Saccharina latissima,Macrocystis pyrifera and other fast growing algea will be added to increase growth rates of all parts of the plant including crops,fruits,leaves and stem with if possible DNA from fungi that grow large underground systems of hyphae namely A.ostoyae can be added to interact soley with the leaves to increase growth rates of leafy greens,herbs and like that from algae etc as a result increase growth rates of all parts of the plants via a positive feedback loop of the increased photosynthesis etc.The DNA from L.digitata,F.serratus,S.latissima,M.pyrifera will also increase its ability to intake carbon dioxide as fertiliser.DNA from fast growing weeds likes F.japonica,P.montana can be added to them alongside the DNA of leafy greens and root vegetables or indeed all crops to increase their growth rates – growing extra 0.3 metres a day and 20 metres a season and cause them to grow larger with other scratch DNA allowing root and tuber crops etc to grow larger underground especially in trashcans and grow downwards.All leaves and husks of all crops will be engineered to be the same as leafy greens,herbs or recreational drugs such as N.rustica,N.tabacum,C.sativa,C.edulis,E.novogranatense.C.sinensis,Coffea etc to prevent the leaves going to waste and add extra will create large amounts of leaves to be harvested in home farms and those ordered in from vertical farms as part of hybrid crops.The A.ostoyae,F.japonica,P.monata DNA will be made to interact with the leaves on upper part as part of hybrid crops to further increase biomass in these and will also interact with leafy greens etc in place of leaves to increase biomass and create a positive feedback loop via photosynthesise in creating more tuber and fruit biomass.Genetic samples can be taken of the largest know specimens then added to Physis to be added to all plants.Having the leaves and unedible husks etc of all crops be that of leafy greens,herbs,macro algae and recreational drugs in all crops and house these aforementioned sources of DNA to produce large amounts of leafy greens etc will increase biomass preventing the leaves going to waste thus increasing the edible biomass per crop producing a second crop and negate the need to grow seaparate leafy greens in other systems.Having the leaves and husks of all crops be that of leafy greens,macro algae,recreational drugs and herbs will increase edible biomass and prevent the leaves going to waste but it will also alongside the fast growth rates of F.japonica,C.sativa,A.ostoyae,P.montana will further increase edible leaf biomass and also as a result of more photosynthesis will increase edible biomass and growth rates in all parts of the plant including fruits,tubers and vegetables and start a positive feedback loop to feed more of the rest of the crops plants with scratch DNA ensuring this.DNA from A.ostoyae will be used as this fungus can form large interconnected masses over at least 9.1 km2 or 910 hectares with made to interact with genes that express the leafy greens and herbs for more biomass and start a positive feedback loop to feed more of the rest of the crops plants.It could also be made to interact with the genes for fruits and also root and tuber vegetables especially in hybrid crops again for the same reason.All hybrid crops will be engineered to produce edible leafy greens in place of inedible leaves to increase biomass and eliminate waste and have F.japonica,P.monata,C.sativa and A.ostoyae DNA that will create large masses of leaves thus increasing edible leafy green biomasss and fruit and crop production and growth in all parts of the plant via more photosynthesis and start a positive feedback loop to feed more of the rest of the crops plants.Nephropidae DNA can be to interact with the leaves that are leafy greens to have them grow forever to larger masses by using the same mechanisms by which Nephropidae continuously grows forever or if possible scratch DNA can be added to them if this does not work .Bambusoidea DNA and hox genes from Diploada can be present to house extra leaves and fruit etc with even without branches via Bambusoidea DNA it will still grow fruits,nuts etc alongside the the leaves.Tubers and root vegetables as well as fruits and vegetables will have the Nephropidae,A.ostoyae DNA interact with them them to grow larger forever and in the case of fruits and nuts this will create large clumps and large fruits and nuts.Nephropidae DNA that allows them to live forever and grow larger indefinitely can be added to crops and ornamental plants as well with this causing leaves,fruits,stem and edible branches as part of hybrid crops to grow outwards constantly creating more edible leafy greens,herbs,fruits,edible branches composed of Bambusoideae and also cause crops on the plant in the form of fruits and vegetables and underground root and tuber vegetables in the soil to grow larger and deeper indefinitely with the extra leaves creating more photosynthesis leading to a positive feedback to other parts of the plants.Phanes can have genes extrapolated to be added to this DNA to further increase their growth rates and grow forever to immensely larger sizes.It will be of note to crops in trashcans and even those who have systems like intravenous drip in coma patients that feed the plant nutrients and water that are grown in rooms outside of hydroponics and soil and can apply to aquaponics.The Nephropidae DNA can be made to interact with the crop itself that is eaten ie fruits,vegetables,nut,grain,tubers etc.The Nephropidae DNA can be made to interact with leaves,crops,branches,fruits and underground tubers etc increasing their size by causing these parts of the crops to grow forever into large gigantic sizes thus increasing yields exponentially. A.ostoyae DNA will cause these deeper growing root and tuber vegetables to grow in large interconnected masses.This and scratch DNA can cause tubers grown in trashcans,open soil and aquaponic systems etc to grow deeper as deep as possible and branch out into large masses exponentially increasing the size and amount of tubers and depth they grow down to.This can even apply to Oryza both normal and hybrid plants.Scratch DNA will make this applicable to crops especially hybrid ones and to all parts of the plant.Hox and scratch genes could be used.Otherwise CRISPR can naturally force the crop to create more biomass by itself making them larger quickening the process of selective breeding with rare mutations from large specimens of large crops can be uploaded to Physis and then used in all types of crops.Scratch DNA can increase the biomass of all crops with them engineered to produce leafy greens and herbs in place of inedible husks,leaves and other parts will ensure that the leaves will not go to waste and act as extra edible food.The upper part of the plant that houses these leafy greens etc could also produce any desired fruit like Vitis,Solanum lycopersicum,S.l.cerasiforme,Leguminosae,Macadamia,Malus,Musa,Citrus fruit and any desired exotic flowers along the entirety of the leaves.If possible the acellerated healing phenotype and the self propagating abilities of certain Bambusoidea species will be added to make hybrid crops self propagate with harvested leaves etc regrowing instantly.This can speed up cellular and crop growth rates allowing crops to reach full maturity in a fraction of the normal time to increase yields for multiple harvests with scratch DNA enhancing this.If possible scratch DNA and other engineering including have plants use all wavelengths of light can allow crops that usually take months and years to reach maturity can have the time to reach maturity reduced to several weeks or even a few days to increase yields.Acellerated healing using the same DNA as it in humans will allow harvested leaves and fruits etc to regrow either instantly or within days to increase yields.Having the plants have DNA from totipotent stem cells,Planarians,A.mexicanum,C.perfringens,E.coli etc and scratch DNA could allow the ability to regrow harvested fruits,nuts,leaves to occur by allowing a plant to regrow harvested fruit and leafy greens and herbs etc instantly in response to the removal of fruit and leaves or at least a few days later with larger fruit taking at least a week thus exponentially increasing yields from a single plant..Crop trees and even hybrid crops alongside these can have recombinant DNA from Bambusoideae such as Dendrocalamus giganteus,fast growing Salix babylonica and other fast growing plants to grow very quickly alongside this with recombinant DNA from Sequoia sempervirens and Paulownia tomentosa allowing them to grow as much as six metres in a year and grow as tall as 91.44 metres alongside the DNA from Bambusoideae namely D.giganteus and C.perfringens and E.Coli and be very tall as S.sempervirens as well as DNA created from scratch by Phanes to further increase growth rates.The ability of self propagation,fast growth rates of 2.5 metres a day and maximum height of 40 metres in certain species of Bambusoideae will be added to all plants used DNA can come from the tallest specimens namely Hyperion,Helios,Icarus and Epeius.Genetic samples from the largest specimens of Bambusoideae that can grow to almost 137 feet can be added to Physis and added to any crop.This and hox genes as well as will create large amounts branches composed of edible Bambusoideae,large amounts of leafy greens,herbs and fruits.They may even be added to other plants including trees and bushes especially hybrids to increase growth rates.The Bambusoideae can be used as scaffolding to house crops and leafy greens with the Bambusoideae itself engineered to be edible in all parts including the main stalk,branches,shoots etc.Bambusoideae DNA can make plants grow on this plant that will house edible woody stem and branches increasing edible biomass.The SUSIBA2 gene from Hordeum varieties could increase the amount of carbohydrates present in any type of crops as it has shown to increase this in Oryza by as much as 43% with scratch DNA also increasing the amount of biomass created and improving this in other crops.Small vegetables and fruits such as Raphanus raphanistrum sativus and Solanum lycopersicum cerasiforme can not only have this added but also DNA from larger vegetables of the same type ie,S.lycopersicum,Brassica rapa,S.tuberosum and create larger amounts of biomass.S.tuberosum tuber and root vegetables will undergo this and also be engineered to grow as deep as possible forming as many tubers as possible and grow downwards as deep as possible especially in the case of those grown in trashcan using A.ostoyae DNA.Small crops can have DNA from larger ones added to increase biomass.Thus all large fruit and vegetable crops can have the genes that make them large added to the DNA of smaller crops.DNA from small crops can be added to larger crops to increase the amount of small fruits created.Hox genes including that of Diploada and scratch DNA as well as A.ostoyae DNA can be added to crops of all types to create large amounts of leaves,branches,fruits etc with A.ostoyae DNA added to root and tuber vegetables to grow large amounts of crops with this added to vine and other vegetables to increase the amount of fruits etc added.Each species of crops version of the fat insulin receptor and myostatin gene will be removed to have them produce more flesh etc.Rare mutations that result in large oversized crops can be added to them will be added with this also applied to ornamental plants any type of crop and even any species of livestock,fish etc once stored in Physis.Those from any species can be added to the genome of any other species of crop.This can apply to fruits,vegetables,nuts,underground tubers and grains.The genes responsible for oversized crops of one species of fruit and vegetables can be once added to Physis tweaked to act on the same way for all species of crops including fruits,vegetables,root vegetables,tuber vegetables and nuts of all types including hybrids such as those hybridised with Vitis,Phoenix dactylifera  by AI thus allowing all species of vegetables and fruits to be oversized.Thus by having the DNA that causes oversized fruit and vegetables to form can be added to Physis will allow this to be ubiquitous to all crops grown in home,community,meadow and vertical farms worldwide.Genes from oversized fish,livestock and shellfish can also be once added to Physis be added to crops and vice versa with them also added to livestock.Scratch DNA extrapolated by Phanes for each species of crop whether fruit,vegetable,grain,seed and nut etc can accentuate oversized biomass and create extra excessive biomass where no existing mutations exist for each species.This DNA from Nephropidae that gives it the ability to grow forever can be added to each species of crops as well.This will be made to interact with the stem,branches,fruits,tubers etc.If this DNA is not able to produce this phenotypes then scratch DNA or other DNA for each species of crops can be extrapolated that cause them to not only grow forever but also grow exponentially faster to produce large monstrously sized crops version of the fat insulin receptor and myostatin gene can be removed and them made to synthesis essential amino acids and fatty acids.The DNA of the largest specimens of each type of crop and livestock,fish,shellfish etc that arise from random rare mutations that were raised and caught from the wild or in farms will have their DNA added to Physis to be replicated by all growers of food in home,community and vertical farms through 3D DNA printing with the genes responsible mapped and accentuated to make even bigger crops and fish etc and applied to even foreign species and cultivars of crops,fish and livestock to increase productivity and even switched around to other plants and animals in different taxonomic ranks.Thus these oversized crops can become ubiquitous to all growers worldwide increasing yields with xerophile and oligotrophic DNA reducing strains on water and fertilisers with scratch DNA added.Scratch DNA devised by Phanes can accentuate this oversized biomass even more and create genes that produce oversized crops etc where no rare mutations exist using existing rare mutations as a baseline.The leaves of root and tuber vegetables and vine fruits etc can be engineered to be edible ie removing toxins or making them the same as those from leafy greens,herbs and thus making the whole plant used in meals.This could also increase growth rates for other crops.Large fruits and vegetables can have the genes that make them large added to smaller fruits and vegetables making thrm much bigger with the reverse applied with small fruits and vegetables have their genes added to larger fruits and vegetables to increase productivity in desired instances.Recombinant DNA from T.gammatolerans,chemosynthetic bacteria and DNA from scratch and other plants and bacteria could allow them to grow in all other wavelengths outside their normal range in vertical,community,forest and home farms increasing growth rates and survive UV radiation from areas of low ozone and sterilising sweeps and radiation treatments to encourage radiosynthesis.DNA from W.dermatitidis,C.sphaerospermum and C.neoformans can be added to crops to enable them to radiosynthesis,that is,to use the pigment melanin to convert gamma radiation from devices into chemical energy for growth.Tweaks can be made to do this with other types of radiation including UV radiation allowing plants to gain nutrition from the sun and that from artificial lights and radiation devices to increase growth rates.Tweaks can be made to do this with other types of radiation with scratch DNA used to make the DNA from the radiotrophic fungi to actively convert the radiation into energy in a way that the radiation is removed from the atmosphere.Devices that emit gamma,UV and other radiation can be in indoor farms including vertical and outdoor and home farms when humans,pets,beneficial insects and wildlife and livestock are made immune to radiation and farms outdoors utitilise UV radiation from the sun.Studies can be done as to what intensity of radiation between 5-30,000Gy that is in the survival range of T.gammatolerans can both sterilise it and also provide maximum growth rates.This will not only encourage growth rates but also sterilise them of pathogens and spoilage micro-organisms and any pests that manage to break containment fields.If possible scratch DNA and forced evolution can be made to extend this range past 30,000Gy thus allow for more radiation to be applied to crops.Thus exposing the crop to these levels constantly throughout its growing period will not only encourage growth of all edible biomass but also sterilise the crop of any pests and pathogenic and spoilage bacteria,fungi and viruses constantly.Damage to the crop that would cause nutrient and flavour loss will be negated by this DNA.The DNA could stimulate cellular growth of tissues thus allowing crops to grow without phosphorous and nitrogen etc by having the radiation stimulate cellular growth and carry out the functions of all nutrients as part of fertiliser.It could through scratch DNA negate the need for nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium by replicating the biological processes of nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium.If possible tweaks could allow the DNA from these bacteria could allow it to not need water by utilising radiation to replicate the biological processes of water.If perfected crops would not need either water or fertiliser at all thus eliminating the need for water and fertiliser in agriculture.With regards to temperature combining the the DNA of psychrophiles,cryophiles,mesophiles and thermophiles such as DNA from from Tardigrade,P.putida GR12-2,Bacillus F,H.glaciei,C.greenlandensis,C.pleistocenium,psychrophillic and osmophile bacteria,R.sylvatica and C.clavipes and also those from scratch that allow them as both seeds and crops to be stored indefinitely inc cryogenics with recombinant DNA from Planarians,Hydra,A.mexicanum,totipotent stem cells,T.gammatolerans,D.radiodurans,Bacillus F and C.elegans allowing them to repair damaged tissue and telomeres thus allowing them to be refrozen and rethawed over and over again them as both seeds and crops and will allow to grow outside in all cold climates such as the coasts of both the Arctic Circle and Antarctica(where average temperatures are between -23 and -3 degrees celcius with DNA from Tardigrade allowing them to survive -272 degrees for at least a few days on rare occasions it goes lower than -23 particularly in the central planes of the continent due to their cryobiosis),tundra and deserts of Africa,America,the middle east and Chile and even survive the highest recorded temperatures of 58 degrees celcius with thermophiles surviving temperatures as high as 122 degress celcius.Those from C.clavipes,osmophiles,R.sylvatica would allow them to survive potentially as low as -150 degrees celcius indefinitely including the lowest recorded temperatures recorded in a natural setting namely -89 degrees celcius especially using naturally produced glycerol.Osmophile bacteria and R.sylvatica DNA can allow glucose to be used as cryoprotectants.Tardigrade DNA that would allow them to survive -272 can be added once as detailed later on pushed to their limits below this and to last forever at this temperature via forced evolution.Its ability to lower its metabolic rate by 99.9% and also endolithic,xerophile and oligotrophic bacteria doing the same will also be utilised.This would allow them to survive cold snaps and if possible even grow during winters allowing for second harvest seasons with this and DNA from other crops and also mesophile and thermophile bacteria allow plants to grow crops all year round rather than just normal in season times thus ensuring year long abundance.It can alongside acellerated healing and telomere repairing DNA can allow them to survive freezers preventing freezer burn with this applied to meat from conventional animals and also in vitro meat.Tardigrade ability to survive as low as -272 can be accentuated to do so forever through scratch DNA designed by Phsnes and forced evolution and thus survive extremely low temperatures and conditions forever thus allowing it grow during winter in home and community farms and in vertical farms without heaters saving energy costs.Mesophile,psychrophile,thermophile,acidophile,alkanophile DNA and those from native crops that grow in all climates such as desert,mediterranean,temperate and so on could allow all crops to be grown all around the world in any climate with alkanophile abd acidophilr DNA allowing them to survive any soil type allowing them to grow in all soils in home and community farms around the world and universe.Vertical farms would use geothermal heating on all floors to reduce energy costs and grow plants and bacteria at ideal temperature ranges with the plants engineered to grow in cooler and warmer conditions during all seasons.The ability to grow at lower temperatures will allow them to be grown in conditions that dont need high temperatures thus reducing energy costs by negating heating with this of note to vertical farms with psychrophile DNA lowering energy costs in vertical farms during winter and autumn and thermophile DNA lowering energy costs for heating and cooling during summer and this can be applied to bacteria,stem cells and algae with thermophile DNA including that from M.kandleri allowing them to grow better in higher temperatures as high as 122 degrees celcius and even allow them to be exposed to this kill off pathogens and spoilage bacteria etc.In community and home farms greenhouses etc would use geothermal heating to keep them warm in winter and cool in summer with this utilised in plots under neath the soil to keep the plants warm during this period.If possible thermophile DNA will allow them to grow at higher temperatures and thus increase yields with psychrophile DNA will allow it grow at cooler temperatures or freezing temperatures.In summer it will allow them to grow without cooling systems and without heating in winter thus saving energy in this area all year long.Thus these sources of DNA would reduce energy costs in heating and cooling in aquaponics,aeroponics and hydroponics systems onsite of all types of farms.Genes from other crops,trees and ornamental plants that grow in all temperature ranges or those made from scratch may better integrate these phenotypes from extremophiles and even make them tolerate more extreme conditions with this organised by Phanes with those coming from plants grow only in the equator and during winter as well as requiring frosts to grow with those that need frosts being faculative meaning they could grow with or without frosts.Combining all of these phenotypes from all the aforementioned extremophilles should allow them to survive virtually all environments in home,forest and community farms around the world as well as cut down on cooling and heating systems in vertical farms and make crops including fruit and nut trees polyextremophiles able to withstand any environment or conditions in community,home,forest and vertical farms.It could also induce cellular growth in the crops when exposed to these environmental conditions.Crops from a temperate or tropical country could have genes from them added to other crops to ensure that they can grown in all climates.In otherwards genes from native crops from one country can be added to crops from another country alongside scratch DNA to allow them to grow in all climates and soils around the world for community and home farms..Thus crops suited to the tropics can be grown in temperate climates or even the extremes of both poles and vice versa with relative ease within community,forest and home farms with them again requiring less energy in vertical farms.This level of engineering can also apply to ornamental plants including flowers,marco algae and fungi and truffles as well as wild flora such as trees.Acidophile and Alkanophile DNA or having recombinant DNA from other crops that grow in all soil pH ranges added to a crop will allow them to grow in all soils across the world.For aquaponically grown crops this can be used to put their preferred pH range in line with bacteria and fish grown there.This applied to ornamental plants will allow any plant for ornamental purposes to be grown anywhere in the world.It can also be applied to in vitro meat,livestock,fish etc to increase growth rates.For aquaponic systems all fish,shellfish,crops and bacteria in aquaponic systems can be engineered to survive the same same wide pH range,same wide temperature ranges and have them prefer the same wide ranges of other environmental factors thus allowing them to be more easily grown together and eliminate small windows of growth hue allowing all species of crops,fish and bacteria have the same growth ranges for pH,temperature and other factors across a wide range thus eliminating stress,contradictions and chances of error.This would be ideal for all of them that is all species of fish,shellfish and all species of bacteria that break down ammonia into fertiliser and also all crops will be engineered to be made to have the same wide range of preferred temperature and pH ranges that is they will be able to be at their maximum growth ranges over the same wide range of temperatures and pH ranges ideally the same universal and temperature ranges using pyscrohile,mesophile,thermophile and also acidophile and Alkanophile recombinant DNA and those from all species of fish,Bacteria and crops that survive in the same wide range to allow them to grow through these conditions to eliminate margins for error.This would thus allow for crops,fish etc and bacteria in aquaponic systems to survive any fluctuations in the temperature and pH of the water and rooms thus preventing stress,death and loss of yields and ensure consistently high yields.Those that require certain conditions such as frosts to grow can be engineered to be faculatative being able to grow with or without frosts and other conditions to sprout.Community,forest and home farms can through engineering have all crops tolerate all seasons and grow through them via engineering using CRISPR to survive all types of climates throughout the year to allow for extra harvests and growth during this time.It could also allow all types of crops to grow out of season in community,home and forest farms allowing for more harvests every year if done in rotation or one after the other and thus higher yields.In the case of those grown in vertical farms it would reduce energy costs.Genes from thermophiles,psychrophiles and mesophiles and as stated from crops native to a region would allow any crop grow anywhere with DNA from faculative acidophilic and alkaliphilic bacteria that when combined into a crop will make it able to survive both acidic and alkaline soils with again those from native crops allowing them to survive all soils with those from halophiles and osmophiles able to survive in salty and sugary solutions including salted soils and use salt seawater like normal water.Research can be done if recombinant DNA from chemosynthetic bacteria and those from scratch will allow it to grow without sunlight but with inorganic compounds such as methane in the atmosphere sequestering it and using it preventing from exacerbating global warming,applied as a liquid or solid fertiliser or pumped into them as a gas in the case of vertical farms and sulphur in the fertiliser or again pumped in the form of gas.DNA from with DNA from chemosynthetic bacteria,N.Beggiatoa,C.necator can allow them to intake methane,hydrogen gas,ammonia,hydrogen sulfide,iron and other inorganic compounds can also allow them to grow in the dark cutting down on energy costs for lightening and use methane,hydrogen gas,ammonia,hydrogen sulfide,iron as fertiliser.This and scratch DNS can allow for crops to grow without natural or artificial light thus growing in the dark.This and other engineering could also allow crops in gardens,community,vertical and forest farms intake carbon dioxide at night without photosynthesis and also allow them to act as a means of controlling the levels of methane in the atmosphere.This could allow crops that grow in home and community farms,greenhouses to if feed methane grow at night time.If not then home and community gardens could have CSYS lights at key points to provide light during the nighttime to induce further photosynthesis at nighttime with vertical farms having these all the time indoors.Those in vertical farms could have methane created by methagenous bacteria reared onsite using sugar and pumped into the plots in the desired amount as a gas alongside other gases created by bacteria and the lack of needing light could negate the need for LED lights making them more energy efficient.These gases could be in fertilisers in a soluble liquid form,gaseous forms in vertical farms.Methane from existing reserves in the planet could also be transported and pumped in here or it could be as stated created onsite by methagenous bacteria.In the case of vertical,home and community farms it can even be solid form mixed in with other elemental carriers with the nitrogen used as fertiliser and the methane consisting of carbon and hydrogen in a solid or liquids stable form with other fertilisers such as phosphorous and nitrogen that roots can be engineered to intake creating more carbohydrates and edible plant matter and quicker growing rates and thus larger crops once intaken in vertical,home and community farms through the plant engineered to do so with the plant in home and community farms engineered to utilise this fertilise at nighttime in the absence of light thus allowing the plant to grow at both daytime and nighttime.This could allow crops in home,community,meadow and forest farms to intake excess methane in the atmosphere thus aid in reducing levels back to 722ppb.Oryza that produces methane in vertical farms will have the methane collected and pumped back into the plots with those created in home,forest and meadow farms have the plants able to instantly absorb the methane they produce onsite.The methane etc would be intaken via chemosynthetic DNA and used to produce more carbohydrates and edible biomass meaning that it would act as a fertiliser especially with this used to intake the methane produced by remaining livestock and Oryza with as detailed Oryza grown in different ways to limit or remove the amount of methane produced.Methane can be intaken by zeolite trees and also aeroplanes that collect it and then it shipped to farms in the region with again methagenous bacteria creating large amounts of it onsite of vertical farms using sugar and it pumped into plots and it spread on soil based ones as a liquid or solid fertiliser.Methangenous bacteria can be reared onsite of vertical,community and home farms and use sugar created by bacteria to create methane gas that can be pumped into plots as a fertiliser.This methane can be created onsite of Talos factories and ordered in canisters in a rotary system and pumped into plots in home farms.For crops growing in the open it will intake excess methane from the atmosphere aiding in returning atmospheric methane to pre industrial levels.As stated the methane will be converted by scratch DNA into extra carbohydrates that can possibly replace nitrogen and potassium by replacing their biological functions in plants.Recombinant DNA from faculatative anaerobes,anaerobes,obligate anaerobes,capnophiles and scratch DNA can be added to the crops genome to naturally use both carbon dioxide and oxygen as energy acceptors alongside nitrate(NO3−),fumarate,sulphate(SO42−),or sulphur(S) allowing them to use both oxygen and carbon dioxide.This would mean those in forest,community and home farms will grow quicker since they will grow at night time as well as during the day and can be given sulphur and other elemental fertilisers with those in vertical farms have reduced energy costs.DNA from microbes can extract carbon from the air at much lower concentrations than 150-200ppm,scratch DNA and that from plants that carry out C3 photosynthesis can be added to the genome of all plants to improve efficiency.C.juncea,Bambusoideae and Trifolium ability to intake nitrogen gas and use it as usable fertiliser can be transferred to all crops and ornamental plants in order for nitrogen to applied as as a gas in vertical farms and allow those in home and community farms to intake it from the atmosphere cutting down on the amount of nitrogen to be applied by fertiliser robots provided relevant bacteria are in the soil with them also engineered to intake the greenhouse gas nitrous oxide from livestock and the atmosphere and turn it into usable nitrogen made from scratch with this captured from nearby powerplants,livestock and also from the atmosphere and the oxygen released into the atmosphere using artificial trees and also aeroplanes housing nanomaterials and also SNOX filters.SNOX filters on geothermal and fossil fuel plants will collect greenhouse gasses and other ones that can be turned into elemental compounds and shipped to farms across the region.Further engineering will allow them to also take in the nitrogen oxide gas from livestock with the necessary bacteria grown in large amounts in a lab and added to the soil or hydro/aeroponic media in a water mixture or even reside within the roots and leaves of the plant and passed on from one generation to the next via the bacteria passing and entering seeds.They should also be engineered to intake nitrous oxide and sulphur based gases and be able to separate the nitrogen and sulphur as fertiliser and release oxygen with specific bacteria that aid in this utilised or new ones created with them created using 3D DNA printers.Other organic greenhouse gases from the burning of fossil fuels and ruminants will be intaken by them to be used as fertiliser by using recombinant DNA and also scratch DNA.In vertical farms these gases can be pumped into them.DNA from oligotrophic bacteria would reduce the amount of fertiliser required in vertical farms alongside both community and forest ones with them also engineered to survive fertiliser burns by only taking what is needed with excess excreted or stored for later use either in the soil or in salts that the crop using enzymes can then convert into usable nitrogen later on with even biocompatible microbes in the soil,roots,xylem,leaves etc can store and then release in short bursts when needed with these doing the same for all nutrients with this of note to those grown in home,forest and community gardens as well as ornamental plants.If possible they could be engineered to utilise excess nitrogen as extra fertiliser to grow even more biomass instead of being burned pushing the theoretical limit of how much can be used using scratch DNA and those from bacteria etc meaning even too much fertiliser will be a good thing.Relevant bacterias DNA from nitrogen fixing bacteria that interact with these aforementioned nitrogen fixing plants can be printed out into bacteria in home and community farms to be added to the soil with these added to solid and liquid media for hydroponics and aeroponics etc with them in the case of aquaponics and aeroponics and also soil grown ones with them also engineered to inhabit the leaves and not just in the roots etc with them passing from one generation to he next via seeds.Having the bacteria engineered to inhabit both the roots and leaves would allow the nitrogen to be converted instantly and also allow them to work in the case of those grown via both hydroponics and aeroponics more efficiently with this extending to those grown in home and community gardens.This would suit not only crops grown outdoors but also those in vertical farms with nitrogen gas pumped in.New bacteria,fungi and viruses can be created from scratch that form symbiotic relationships with all crops to increase yields,reduce resource use with these printed out onsite of all farms.Research can see if lithotrophs and lithoautotroph DNA can be added for use in agriculture.Scratch DNA will allow them to grow in conditions now impossible and use elements etc that are currently toxic to them possibly as fertiliser and use all elements on the periodic table in some form or another as nutrients to speed up growth as well.Forced evolution that is exposing the aforementioned bacteria to further extremes to develop countermeasures and thus tolerate more harsher extremes to their limits can be used to improve the phenotypes to be applied to crops thus allowing them to survive with less water and nutrients and thrive and grow better in colder and warmer climates.Automated microbiology labs can expose all types of extremophiles to extremes outside their range to push them to their limits through forced evolution and allow the new genes to be added to the crops to survive even harder ranges.Scratch DNA can be extrapolated by Phanes to survive harsher conditions using existing extremophile DNA as a baseline.Since Tardigrade are not true extremophiles and can in fact die due to prolonged exposure from extreme conditions their DNA will be added to different sets of bacteria and pushed through forced evolution.If possible multicellular lifeforms such as Tardigrade can have their genes that allow them to survive extremes momentarily added to separate batches of bacteria who would then be exposed to these different environmental conditions ie ability to survive momentarily at -286 and 151 degrees celcius,6,000 atmospheres,the vacuum of space to push them to their limits and last forever at these conditions.Tardigrade is not a true extremophile and as a multicellular lifeform would be more likely to die off than adapt to new changes in these conditions in comparison to bacteria who due to the fewer genes they can thus adapt quicker to extreme environmental stress and as seen by the emergence of superbugs can mutate much quicker than multicellular organisms under environmental stress with these automated lab settings expediting this from millions of years to several months or even weeks to the theoretical limits with in time Phanes even extrapolating genes from scratch.Thus since it can only survive these conditions momentarily each set of genes for these phenotypes will be mapped and added to bacteria to be then pushed to theoretical limits to force them to develop new genes to counteract these conditions indefinitely or even more harsher conditions with them used as a baseline for Phanes to develop them from scratch.This can be replicated with genes from other multicellular plants and animals that are extremophiles or resistant to certain environmental conditions and compounds momentarily.Adding all of these to the genome alongside will allow them to not only grow there but also in any climate in the world in temperate,tropical and Mediterranean climates while also surviving harsh winters,cold snaps,heatwaves and frosts and survive all seasons and weather anomalies in all climates with it also allowing them to thrive in lower and higher temperatures in vertical farms and indoor gardens depending on their location reducing energy used in heating and cooling them as the temperature range of all three types is between -20 to 122 degrees celcius.All of these aforementioned sources of DNA could cause crops even hybrids and truffles,mushrooms,ornamental plants etc to as stated grow faster increasing yields especially if combined together and thus be harvested earlier than normal and thus allow multiple harvests each year in home,community,meadow and forest farms as they can be grown in all seasons and will survive cold snaps with even faster rates in vertical farms due to the nature of hydroponics/aeroponics/aquaponics with forest farms also engineered this way.This level of genetic engineering with all aforementioned sources of DNA to increase growth rates etc will be also applied to bacteria that create commodities,algae,livestock,biosynth machinery,fish and shellfish and also stem cells for meat etc to make them resource efficient and increase yields.Fish,shellfish,invitro meat,algea and bacteria that create commodities will undergo the same level of engineering as crops for higher and quicker yields as well as reduce water and nutrient requirements.Having leaves of all crops be engineered to leafy greens and herbs will increase edible biomass eliminating waste with ideally all crops being hybrids.Ideally all crops will be hybrid ones that can produce as much as five or six crops at once on a single plant to increase productivity.The acellerated healing phenotype especially in crops using the same DNA as in humans will regrow harvested fruit and leaves etc especially in hybrid crops almost instantly further increasing yields.Both crops and livestock could have their versions of the fat insulin receptor and myostatin genes removed with others added or removed that forces them to produce more flesh and meat and less fat.During in season and indeed through engineering and hydroponics will ensure they are growing all year round they could be programmed using scratch DNA and from A.mexicanum,Planarians,totipotent stem cells,E.coli,C.perfringens etc to produce another or the next type of fruit straight away after they are picked in place of the old one similar to the relationship of auxins and other hormones present to ensure higher yields with this also repairing broken branches and twigs etc.Thus when one harvests and fruit or nut including leafy greens,herbs etc of hybrids the crop or leaf it will regrow instantly ensuring year long abundance.To increase productivity of seeds ideally all crops especially hybrid ones will have seed pods engineered into them via scratch DNA or from plants that contain them already with them engineered with DNA from Wolffia microscopica,Typha latifolia and even Dorylus to produce millions of seeds each season and increase budding rates with this allowing if all of these sources of DNA are present produce millions of seeds every thirty hours with the seeds for all crops even those that produce large ones being small ones the same size of Vitis or other small seeded plants and crops including even Angiosperms and even fungi such as Calvatea gigantea creating spores and not seeds instead.The W.microscopica DNA may only allow for vegetative asexual reproduction but scratch DNA and that of other plants including flowers etc could have this be sexual reproduction with DNA from T.latifolia creating extra brown spikes that create millions of new genetically distinct seeds via meiosis every thirty hours when combined with W.microscopia DNA and their ability to produce flowers and them having seed pods and/or the forced dehiscence of Arceuthobium meaning every thirty hours new sets of millions of genetically distinct seeds are ejected out in forced dehiscence provided robotic,biosynth,human and insect pollinators are constantly present.If need be the plants can be engineered to produced them without fertilisation but with different geneotypes via scratch DNA as a form of non asexual meoitic parthenogenesis using scratch DNA alongside that that exhibits parthenogensis.Acellerated healing,expediated growth will also increase the rate of regrowth of these with scratch DNA reducing it to possibly 15 hours and those associated with increased growth rates halving this even further or lower.This could increase the amounts of seeds created outside of 3D DNA printing by seed pods etc to about one nonillion plant seeds(thats a number with 30 zeros – 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000)in about four months per plant with a spherical volume roughly equivalent to the size of the Earth.C.gigantea DNA to create the same amount of seeds or even spores could create enough in just two generations could theoretically produce a volume of puffballs roughly seven times the size of the earth with this not taking into account the aforementioned W.microscopica,T.latifolia DNA.All hybrid plants that utilise seed pods will utilise this.This high productivity of seeds would be of note to those growing Avena,Hoedeum,Oryza and H.annuus and L.usitatissimum meaning after four months after rearing these plants in aquaponic systems,vertical farms,home farms at home etc this amount of grains and seeds could be theoretically grown for each person if tweaked to produce these thus vastly increasing productivity for these important crops to those who rely on them and grow them at home via tweaking the DNA and making them interact with the genes that are responsible for producing them in the plants giving a person more than a few years supply of them every four months using tweaked DNA.All of this can be applied by as quickly as 2020-2029 if done in all labs devoted to agricultural science around the world with 3D DNA printing utilised printing the DNA of both the species of plants and livestock modified and also desired genotypes from extremophiles etc into blank spermatozoa,eggs and seeds.All of this combined can speed up cellular and crop growth rates allowing crops to reach full maturity in a fraction of the normal time to increase yields for multiple harvests with scratch DNA enhancing this.This level of engineering can be replicated with algae,bacteria that create commodities,in vitro meat and also livestock,fish,shelllfish etc. Adding genes from Paris japonica can allow crops etc to house larger genomes as much as 150,000,000 base pairs due to this plant having the largest genome of any organism found on Earth.P.japonica is the organism that has the largest genome with roughly 150,000,000 base pairs and 1,500,000 genes about 50 times more than humans.This should meet the needs of all crops to house extremophile DNA and those to increase yields.All in vitro meat,algae,bacteria that create commodities and also livestock and fish and shellfish will undergone the same genetic engineering as crops to increase and decrease resource use.Thus the technique should be used to prevent the need of using pesticides,fungicides and other chemicals cutting down on energy in their production,transportation etc and potential health hazards they may pose with repellence and disease resistance being integrated into trees used in forestry for the same reasons.Intensive research will be done by human and AI researchers to increase the shelf life of all crops to the point that it can stay fresh and safe to eat years,decades,centuries if not forever without losing it taste,texture and nutritional content provided it is refridgerated.This can include the same anti-ageing treatments in humans,improving the CGN-89564-2 Flavour Saver Tomatoe variant and having psychrophile DNA and the acellerated healing phenotype to allow it to be frozen and thawed over and over again without freezer burn.Scratch DNA may be required to add new genes from other plants and animals etc to crops.They can also be used as a baseline to create new DNA with the sand phenotypes Since new genetically modified crops will be created by a 3D DNA printers thus will possibly eliminate defeats for this.

This utilisation of external seed pods and flowers pollinated by all pollinators could be replicated with all fruits to negate the fruits from having the seeds within the fruit but rather on the exterior of it in separate smaller uniquely coloured and sweeter fleshy pods that can allow them to be separated by robots,humans or by birds eating them to disperse them across community and vertical farms and with this phenotype added to Musa in the wild.It would also be done for crops grown via monoclonal vegetative reproductive with the Phanes method used to create large amounts of genetically distinct specimens that reproduce sexually via these pods and flowers added.These pods if not eaten by birds or removed by hand after a set period of time would disperse them by dehiscence once they dry up or when they get too wet.Otherwise and ideally dehiscence for these external seed pods can be engineered into all fruits for the same reason and to allow seeds to be dispersed in the wind,by hand or animals especially in the case of those grown in home,community and vertical farms.This of note to P.americana,Passiflora edulis,Cucurbitaceae,Vitis,P.persica and similar fruits with this applied to vegetables thus allowing all of the fruit to produce more flesh in place of seeds and eliminate the risk of anyone choking on seeds and allow seedless Vitis and other fruits of all types to be produced while still ensuring genetic diversity without manipulating hormones with unlike Musa being separate species from their parent plant.Malus crops will allow for the entire core to be eaten.All hybrid crops will utilise this system of external seed pods.The seeds produced for all fruits would ideally be small say the size of Vitis fruits including those for P.americana and P.persica since they dont have to be dispersed in the normal way they adapted to via evolution and only need to hold the genetic material of the crop and this would allow robots to collect them in both community and vertical farms to be then replanted with those in forest farms dispersed by local fauna digesting with these being able to survive the digestive tracts of animals and also using dehiscence when they have dried up with the fruits and nuts have compounds that taste and smell repulsive to mammals and Aves either ideally by smell and taste to allow the fruit to be untouched but the very sweet fleshy pods containing seeds to be only eaten to allow seeds to be dispersed by feces ensuring they are dispersed evenly over an area and allow yields of fruits to be consistent especially in forest farms and jungles,woodlands that are engineered to produce fruits.The plants will also have the acellerated healing phenotype to regrow eaten leaves.If possible the mammals,insect and birds will be engineered to be unable to digest the fruits and not the pods with the fruit tasting and smelling abhorrent to them,while the pods smell sweet with the plants using the same repellant chemicals used against insect pests coming from staple human crops as detailed earlier on,cause minor illness and them able to only have a preference to and able to eat the pods that will release a fragrence and taste pleasing to them.They seeds will be dispersed over large areas by feces and wind.This would be used in the case of home,forest,meadow and community farms allow both bird and mammalian pests that may eat the fruit instead eat the seed pod and disperse them via feces giving them a fresh start in dispersal with dehiscence via the wind also engineered into the ensuring wildlife actually perform a service to the farmers and the crops rather than being pests.This engineering could be done via releasing large amounts of altered animals to the wild to interbreed,using biosynth arthropods to inject microbes into them in swarms or the first generation of fruits applying this when they enter the animal and/or having the pods and fruit create these in olfactory ranges suited for specific animals outside the range of humans.W.microscopica,T.latifolia and even Dorylus DNA will be added to produce millions of seeds every thirty hours with the seeds for all crops even those that produce large ones being small ones the same size of Vitis or other small seeded plants and crops including even Angiosperms and even fungi such as C.gigantea creating spores and not seeds instead.Arceuthobium DNA would allow seeds to be forced out via propulsion methods at speeds of 24 kilometres and a distance of 15 metres.All of these would use advanced gene drive technology.The W.microscopica DNA may only allow for vegetative asexual reproduction but scratch DNA and that of other plants including flowers etc could have this be sexual reproduction with DNA from T.latifolia creating extra brown spikes that create millions of new genetically distinct seeds via meiosis every thirty hours when combined with W.microscopia DNA and their ability to produce flowers and them having seed pods and/or the forced dehiscence of Arceuthobium meaning every thirty hours new sets of millions of genetically distinct seeds are ejected out in forced dehiscence provided robotic,biosynth,human and insect pollinators are constantly present.If need be the plants can be engineered to produced them without fertilisation but with different geneotypes via scratch DNA as a form of non asexual meoitic parthenogenesis using scratch DNA alongside that that exhibits parthenogensis.This would provide food for pest animals and have them provide a service by dispersing the seeds that would be able to survive the gatro intestinal tract and be given feces upon dispersal to grow on with them also able to germinate via dehiscensce when they dry up.Those in jungle and forest farms could have them create only a million every season and not every thirty hours as this large number or even those created every thirty hours dispersed onto the ground floor will provide large amounts of feedstuff for mammalian,Insecta and Aves pests that would otherwise eat the fruit thus preventing them starving and thus increase the number of plants produced and thus the number that would grow to increase productivity and also amount of plants that would eventually grow to maturity to pass on the species genetic lineage with even those dispersed by dehiscence providing large amounts of foodstuff.If possible millions of seed pods that contain sterile seeds or none could be made through most of the year to still feed pests and a small set of a few million each year producing fertile seeds to ensure genetic diversity but not too many plants competing for space with Phanes and Triptolemus alongside Artemis managing this via biosynth WiFi.Even if too many are created then they will compete for space and dead plants used as feedstuff.All hybrid crops that have repellance engineered into them will utilise seed pods and them harvested by hand and robots in vertical,community and home farms with T.latifolia,Vitis or P.dactylifera and hybridised DNA of these being a candidate of source recombinant DNA to create the structure of these external seed pods with them having Ryparosa DNA to survive digestive tracts and also from plants that exhibit dehiscence of all types and them made to faculatative dehiscent/iridehiscent ones that can germinate by being dispersed by forced dispersal and also eaten by the pests.Microbes in the plants would via biosynth WiFi receiving instructions from Triptolemus,Phanes and Pan control the creation of sterile pods and fertile ones and the production of genetically distinct genotypes etc via satellite WiFi as part of Theoi Meteroi.The same could be done for nuts grown in forest farms again having the nuts produce smells abhorrent to pests including native mammals and them producing fleshy pods with seed.Those in community farms and rooftop gardens can be picked by any people present and put into storage areas with in time robots and drones that patrol the farm locating them and alerting them to the presence of them or in more time robots able to do this.This should ensure that mammals and Aves do not consume the crop but do consume the fleshy pods thus ensuring they do not starve and die out especially in woodlands and jungles that grow fruits but in fact perform a beneficial service to the crop and also the community growing them by dispersing the seeds over large areas and ensuring they are ejected into the soil with feces and urine providing a head start.The seeds should be engineered to be able to survive the gastro intestinal tract of native mammals and birds.Thus the seed pods in both forest and community as well as home farms can contain small digestible seeds for all species of nuts and fruit to be digested by all mammals and Aves and deposited in the surrounding area with a large pile of manure to start their life cycle.Arthropod pests can be dealt with by them and the plant sap being again abhorrent to them,repellance compounds added to the fruit and bark/sap with the arthropods being instead being engineered by releasing large amounts of engineered ones into the wild and the pheromones of the flowers being seductive to them in order to make all existing and potential pests being pollinators thus again providing a service alongside existing pollinators.Those whose larvae eat fruit then they could be engineered to consume the pod itself instead of the fruit and disperse seeds on the nearby ground or even hold it in them during metamorphic stages and thus release them as adults over wide areas as feces or be engineered to feed on decomposing animals.If possible meadows and grasslands and parts of these forests could be planted with small bushes of the original fruit or one that is extremely sweet and sour beyond human range of acceptability with no repellance thus ensuring the pests stay stable.Microbes can apply this both the production of fruit and nuts as well as seed pods to living plants in ones garden and also community farms.The seeds would be engineered to survive the gastrointestinal system of all mammals and Aves or like Ryparosa require this consumption to be fertilised with them even made faculatative dispensers that also not requiring this to be dispersed by the wind and forced dispersal.The size of these pods would be dependent on the species of animals that live to provide sufficient nutrition including essential amino acids,fatty acids and there with the pod ideally forming after flowers are pollinated and then growing very quickly after the crop is harvested from the tree to allow the fruit to not have resources diverted to the pod.These would thus be part of community farms and jungles,forests etc with biocompatible microbes in them creating this phenotype alongside the desired fruit.The seed pods could be formed after both fruits are picked,forced into the ground etc.Actions of specific strains of biocompatible microbes could stimulate their growth independent of the tree to allow the trees resources to go into new fruits and nuts with this done indirectly by syntheising nutrients for their growth and in some case even form large sweet nutrient dense tissues that release sweet smells around the otherwise stale pod increasing its size,nutritional value,scent and flavour once flowers are fertilised and fruits are formed.Thus the microbes themselves would form these pods and seeds or form around existing small ones to increase its attractiveness to animals.This if them engineered to grow and be formed after fruits are harvested would alleviate strains on the tree and allow for it to focus on growing fruits with the pods being as large as the fruits themselves and being in large clumps with the seeds engineered to be able to survive digestion and be able to require dehiscence if they are not consumed ensuring their chances of being dispersed would increase exponentially.Alongside this unpicked fruit and nuts etc can via engineering or biosynth WiFi after a set amount of time when the pods form lose their abhorrent smell and taste to become appetising to animals with microbes even severing the appendages that hold the fruits via causing tissues to undergone apoptosis allowing them to fall to the ground.Triptolemus and Artemis can use biosynth WiFi from satellites and drones etc can control the growth of fruits etc,loss of smells that deter animals and severing of them from plants via microbes,fertility of seeds and number produced,formation of pods via microbes and the plants themselves etc in a controlled manner.Thus these pods would be engineered to use both dehiscence and also fecel transporation with actions of microbes and the plants themselves forming them.These seed pods can be on all fruit and nut trees and hybrids with other trees and other ornamental plants.Hybrid crops will utilise them as well.This can be done to all fruits and vegetables that are produced monolclonally or indeed all vegetables to again like fruit and nut trees eliminate the need to deal with pests who would in fact be performing a service with again each vegetable producing exotic flowers and then fleshy pods to be dispersed in the wind and by animals that would be otherwise be pests.With regards to potatoes they can be engineered to flower early with the fruit produced made non toxic and used to seed new diverse plants again once the Phanes method is used.Again dehiscence can be engineered into these potatoes and also wild fruits etc.These can again produce fleshy pod seeds after pollination and can apply to all types of vegetables and even hybrid crops to increase diversity and can be picked by hand,robots or eaten by animals.The flowers for these and all fruits and vegetables can be engineered to be similar to Orchidaceae or other exotic flowers for another harvest alongside saffron in their stigmas.In vertical farms these can be picked by robots or if possible before robots become advanced enough induced pluripotent stem cells using sap or tissue extracted by them can be turned into seeds or their precursors and have 3D printed DNA inserted into them using the Phanes method to increase diversity with this done rather than them collected seeds that are inside plants.In meadow and grassland farms all crops will have seeds with the acellerated healing phenotype allowing the leaves eaten by mammals etc to regrow.Consumers when they receive deliveries and also collect fruit in person can deposit seeds from those that have them into the delivery truck or in bins in the vertical and community farms to allow them to be collected and then reused.

It would be possible to make plants in the wild that produce small amounts of edible food or even none can be engineered to be made edible and produce more biomass quickening the methods of selective breeding breeding and grafting used to make staple crops such as D.c.sativus,Z.m.mays,Musa,P.persica etc what they are today with the reverse even applied to make these look like their ancestors with more mass or the same mass via hydroponics,genetic engineering etc and same flavours with even the same applied to animals to make wild animals that are too bony produce more flesh,produce less bones,foul tasting ones more pleasant to eat by removing the compounds or reducing their intensity with this applying to fruit and vegetables.Other engineering can cause crops to be naturally grow bigger ie bigger nuts or fruit as well as larger lettuce leaves,more fruits grown per plant or stalk etc as well as remove husks especially when combined with hydro/aeroponics.This would expedite the selective breeding and grafting that gave us modern day crops with it also increasing the biomass of plants not normally used as crops and will be replicated on other colonies.This can accentuate existing crops and make them have different shapes,colours,larger flesh and use external pods for seeds.The fruits etc of all 80,000–300,000 edible plants that dont have much edible mass outside of the main 220 crops eaten by the world will undergoe extensive genetic engineering including the use of scratch DNA,SUSIBA2 gene from Hordeum varieties and those from larger crops to increase biomass as well as remove toxins and foul tastes with this done by AI by 2029 and give more variety once they are uploaded to Physis.Scratch DNA devised by Phanes and the SUSIBA2 gene will be able to accentuate the flesh of fruits,nuts etc on non commercial plants with outside of the staple 220 crops to make them viable for mass consumption with this making more easily eaten with genes from larger fruit,grains etc that have already undergone centuries or thousands of years of selective breeding,grafting etc Malus,Vitis,Vaccinum,S.tuberosum,S.lycosperium etc that give them their large size can have the DNA responsible for these large sizes be added to these plants to make their fruits etc large enough to be commercially viable large and give them their unique shape and size will have the genes that give them this large size determined by Phanes and then added to other non staple crops to thus make them the same size as them.Thus all 80,000 – 300,000 plants that produce edible fruits and biomass but not enough yo be commercially viable can through scratch DNA and DNA from other existing crops have them engineered to produce enough biomass to be commercially viable for large scale agriculture especially through Aquaponics with varieties abd hybrids created that allow them to be grown on plants suitable for aquaponics.For those that produce foul tastes can have this foul taste removed completely or even modified that it isn’t as strong thus allowing the taste to be present but not be overpowering with any that produce any poisons or toxins that can kill humans or cause illness or mild symptoms or side effects can be removed with if these affect the taste then the crop can be modified to produce a similar benign compound or multiple compounds that don’t cause the same poisonous effect.All new large fruits and vegetables,original versions from the past etc will be added to Physis to be downloaded for orders from Demeter or reared at home.Plants that grow only on trees and cereals can have new varieties created that will be grown on smaller plants that are easier to grown in aquaponic systems.This will be done to plants discovered on extrasolar planets across the universe as well to allow any plants that don’t produce enough biomass to be edible..All fruits,vegetables and cereals on newly discovered planets will also undergo this engineering for the same reason with the original kept in their planets version of Physis.All varieties of all known crops around the world that are not eaten regularly that are currently stored in seed banks will have their DNA uploaded to Physis to be downloaded into seeds across the world allowing them to be preserved and recreated over and over again forever with overused and endangered varieties undergo the Phanes method to increase diversity with them also having genes added to improve resistance to viral,bacterial and fungal disease with Phanes recreating lost varieties from scratch based on descriptions with them also gained from temporal manipulations.They will undergoe engineereing as different sub varieties and sub cultivars to make them produce more biomass while original versions are also preserved.The original version of all staple crops from Earth will be added to Physis and saved here alongside larger modified versions with different tastes and colours etc will be saved on Physis as a different cultivar with them also have larger versions with more biomass through scratch DNA,SUSIBA2 gene and saved as another cultivar.Thus original versions of staple crops that are no longer used will be stored in Physis and using genetic engineering creating sub varieties and sub cultivars be made to produce more biomass making their unique flavours and taste preserved on larger crops.The same will be done for those discovered on other planets.These can be used as a baseline to create new varieties with the DNA stored on Physis to be kept forever with them then used to create hybrids with closely related varieties and also hybrid crops,grow in all soils and climates and even have them create more biomass with the original DNA of all varieties kept in Physis forever.These crops Oryza,Tricitum,Hordeum,L.usitatissimum,A.cousmous,P.americana,Macadamia,P.dactylifera,C.nucifera,A.comosus,Musa,Vaccinum,H.undatus rather than creating hybrids could involve Phanes creating new varieties that are much smaller or grow on manageable plants that makes it easier for them to be grown in aquaponic systems.Therefore new varieties of all aforementioned crops can be created that are small enough to be grown in Aquaponics systems rather than creating hybrids.The use of 3D DNA printers and blank seeds would expedite the manufacture of new species of crops especially if AI is utilised ie Phanes and Physis with it also allowing rare varieties to be recreated globally worldwide by themselves or as hybrid crops in home,community,forest and vertical farms preventing them being lost forever.They can even be hybridised with each other and closely related varieties again as hybrid crops and even by themselves designed on Pandora.Rare mutations of each species including those for oversized crops will be stored here.These varieties and new ones created by the public and AI will be present in Demeters sections notabley the third and second allowing them to be ordered in at any time with them as stated created by themselves,as hybrid crops or hybridised with each other.This would not only preserve them but also give the populace more variety in their unique tastes etc.Fish and shellfish that are bony,produce very little edible meat can be genetically engineered to produce more meat and produce less bones can be engineered into larger or smaller fish such as Salmonidae,Scombidae or them made larger or smaller as a separate breed.Again foul tastes can be modified to be less pronounced or removed entirely with poisonous ones modified to be removed etc with this applying to insects etc as well.This will increase the variety of crops and fish etc for to be ordered in or grown at home but also those used in manufactured food products in Deipneus especially when created by genetically engineered bacteria and also to be used in new meals in all universal franchises of restaurants such as Attis,Zao Jun,Annapurana,Aetna,Ambrosia etc

Musa can be genetically modified to produce flowers for pollination that can be pollinated by all pollinators namely Apidea and seed pods to be produced outside of the fruit to overcome the problems of monoclonal reproduction ensuring genetic diversity once the Phanes method arranged by the software of the same name is applied to Musa plants across the globe and possibly the wild increasing genetic diversity and programming resistance to diseases and repel lance to pests by creating genetically distinct seeds with flowers and seed pods and resistance to diseases.Biocombatible microbes and 3D DNA printing will play a role in this especially in living plants and seeds changing the DNA of plants internally to make them separate individuals and also inducing them to produce external seeds within these pods and also produce flowers accessible by native pollinators or using induced pluripotent stem cells to be used as seeds have 3D printed DNA creating different strands of DNA per each seed using DNA extracted from living plants as a baseline to create millions or billions of new individuals.Thus microbes will alter the DNA of living Musa plants it give them seed pods,flowers,disease resistances and alter them to become separate individuals once injected into them with blank seeds produced with these desired phenotypes and also utilising the Phanes method.Gros Micheal and Cavendish cultivars of Musa acuminata can undergo this.3D DNA printers alongside Phanes can create millions of new M.acuminata plants that are genetically distinct from each other with flowers,seed pods and also immunities to pathogens and immune systems.The plants will have their seeds be small like most other crops seed pods would hang from the outside of plant or from flowers once pollinated with the flowers engineered to be easily pollinated by all types of Insecta in the area including biosynth ones.The pods will be dispersed by the wind and animals that eat them via feces and the flowers easily pollinated by all species of pollinators.3D DNA printers would create these new phenotypes such as seed pods,disease resistence,creating flowers,surviving all soils and climates into new blank seeds with each one having unique genotypes using the Phanes method that will create the first generation of these.This would be done first done to traditional Musa plants all around the world that are grown in gardens and then in hybrid crops that produce it.Living plants in the wild can be given microbes that via CRISPR to induce the formation of seed pods and flowers that can be pollinated by all pollinators.This use of flowers and pods will apply to those grown in home and community farms with all leaves modified to be leafy greens.Those grown in vertical farms and in aquaponic systems in home farms will be ideally compact hybrid crops that can be picked up by humans that won’t need flowers and pods since they will be created by 3D DNA printers.As a result DNA will be taken from all main cultivars of M.acuminata including Gros Micheal and Cavendish etc to be added to Physis for preservation and allow new versions to be created by Phanes that house external seed pods and flowers that can be pollinated by all types of arthropods,with each plant having unique genotypes created by Phanes via the Phanes method using 3D DNA printers that have resistance to all known diseases including Fusarium oxysporum f.sp.cubense through genes made from scratch and also from resistant varieties with the plants via CRISPR given fully functioning immune systems and immunising and antifungal strains of microbes with ideally them grown locally around the world as part of home,meadow and community farms and ordered in from vertical farms etc. as part of hybrid crops.Hybrid crops will be used to grow all Musa crops in home,community and vertical farms via them made to grow on plants with a hard woody stem similar to Bambusoidea that can be grown in pots,open soil and aquaponics.New plants can be created by 3D DNA printers with all of these features – flowers,external seed pods,distinct genotypes resistance and fully functioning immune system complete with anti-fungal strains and immunising strains that immunise them against the pathogens that affect them that pass from generation to the next.They can be made to grow on plants that produce leafy greens in place of inedible leaves,produce the fruit in different places with other fruits or underground in the soil all of which can be easier to grow in home,vertical and other farms and adapted to grow in all climates and soils thus allowing all Musa plantations to be reforestation.The new Musa plants can be made small enough to be grown in aquaponic systems when grown at home and vertical farm or planted in gardens and community farms as small to large plants that have fruits same size as normal Musa.Growing Musa in vertical etc farms via hybrid crops and Aquaponics will eliminate them being infected with F.o.sp.cubense with this also allowing all land used to grow them be reforested.The use of seed pods and flowers will allow for genetic diversity to be created with 3D DNA printers creating millions of plant’s with completey unique genomes.This creation of external seed pods can also apply to other species of Musa and cultivars of M.acuminata that already produce seeds in their fruit,thus having external seed pods harbour seeds and add flowers and thus allowing the fruit to be more easily accessed and fleshy giving people a wider supply of Musa that are not readily consumed with the DNA of all existing types of Musa to be transferred to Physis with them made fleshier and have external seed pods and flowers to increase genetic diversity.These would be engineered to not produce seeds in fruit but in external seed pods and also produce flowers as well as produce more flesh both in traditional plants but also hybrid ones giving a more wider variety of Musa cultivars to consume.Thus cultivars of Musa that are not readily eaten due to their being too many seeds present can have the seeds be engineered to be in seed pods,house more flesh have flowers and have the fruit harbour more flesh thus giving the global populace more variety in Musa to eat.Scratch DNA can also make them larger.All varieties will be made via engineering to grow in all climates and soil worldwide with them even part of hybrid crops making them easier to grow in gardens,community farms and in pots and also in vertical farms using aquaponics.New types of Musa can be created from scratch that would have different flavours etc with seed pods and flowers added to wild plants or planted in the wild to ensure they can survive indefinitely.Thus these Musa plants would use insects to pollinate their flowers with this addition of flowers added to A.comosus plants and hybrids of it with other crops and other crops who require them to be pollinate either by hand or exotic animals such as Trochilidae etc.All future Musa crops should come from those grown at home and ordered in from farms of all types as part of compact hybrid crops.All Musa plants in the wild can be given these via microbes injected via biosynth Arthropods and printing out seeds using the Phanes method that would have these flowers and seed pods,unique genotypes,resistance and fully functioning immune system complete with anti-fungal strains that pass from generation to the next and eventually overtake wild plants or interbreed with them and pass this down by advanced gene drive technology.All wild plants in existing and reforested land will be via CRISPR given through microbes inoculated by biosynth Arthropods both resistance and also a fully functioning immune system and microbes that pass from one generation to the next as well as external seed pods and flowers to maintain them indefinitely.If need be CRISPR will make new individuals out of existing wildplants by altering DNA subtly managed by Phanes and give them flowers that can be pollinated by native pollinators and seed pods with the seeds of first generation inoculated plants engineered to house genetically distinct seeds,pollen,ovules in pods and flowers with DNA different from the parent plant so to allow pollination and seeds dispersed to be different from the parent.If possible existing wilderness and newly reforested land will be covered with new plants with unique genomes created by 3DNA printers and planted by seed planting drones.As a result all M.acuminata plantations worldwide like that of all crops will be reforested due to localised production but wild plants will be given flowers,resistance to all pathogens,seed pods and CRISPR treatments to make existing plants genome slightly different enough to be completly different genotypes making them distantly related to promote genetic diversity.The genome of each plant can be made subtly or vastly different enough via CRISPR to ensure genetic diversity via pollination and seed pods and advanced gene drive technology and ensure the plants can overtime maintain genetic diversity.Phanes managing the biosynth Arthropods can calculate millions and billions of distantly releated genotypes with each plants given distinct genotypes with millions of biosynth Arthropods injecting each of them with different microbes that give them unique genotypes or they can be given the same microbes with biosynth WiFi changing the microbes present in each plant to exhibit different CRISPR treatments that give different distant releated genotypes with the strands of DNA altered at loci and codons etc in their genome that determine a individual plants unique genotypes with this gene therapy giving the plants fully functioning immune systems,resistance to allow biosynth WiFi or injection of new microbes give immunising and anti pathogen strains with them also given gene therapy to give them seed pods and flowers.After fleets of drones patrolling wilderness areas and satillites using Silviaterra software denote the GPS location of each and every individual wild Musa plants then biosynths modelled on insects will locate them and inject them with microbes that apply CRISPR treatments to give them external seed pods,resistance to fungal pathogens and fully functioning immune systems,flowers that can be pollinated by all local pollinators and also alter the genome of each plant to completely make them separate individuals from that of all other plants in the entire rainforest allowing for sexual reproduction to occur to increase genetic diversity of geological timescales thus rendering asexual monoclonal propagation obsolete.Each plant will be given alterations to make them genetically distantly releated to all other plants in the forests to make them able to produce unique parent plants when pollinated through flowers using flowers and seed pods also added to their genome.The microbes once in the plants will through Biosynth WiFi undergoe evolution to create different CRISPR treatments extrapolated by a Phanes for each individual plant that through the living Phanes method alters their DNA to make them separate genetically distinct individuals.These microbes will also give them CRISPR treatments to give them flowers and seed pods to allow them to carry out sexual reproduction via local pollinators to increase genetic diversity.He will also induce the evolution of CRISPR treatments to give them seed pods,produce flowers that can be pollinated by and attract native insects and birds and also resistence to F.o.sp.cubense.These phenotypes will pass down to future generations via advanced gene drive technology.At the same time new plants with different genotypes and the aforementioned phenotypes can be created and planted with several million genetically distinct plants created via 3D DNA printers and planted by fleets of seed planting drones in reforested areas and existing jungles.These can also have millions of plants with these phenotypes using the Phanes method be planted in a randomised pattern in reforested plantations and in place of jungles that house the crop to overtake wild plants through advanced gene drive technology that are planted using seed planting drones with these phenotypes and unique genotypes planted in a randomised manner by seed planting drones with the seeds created by 3D DNA printers using the Phanes method.Phanes can create millions of genetically distinct seeds that house flowers,seed pods and resistance to all fungal diseases that are then planted by seed planting drones in reforested land and existing wilderness in a randomised manner.Both methods carried out by AI,biosynth Arthropods,3D DNA printers and seed planting drones – creating millions of plants using the Phanes method and altering the genome of wild plants via CRISPR can be carried out at once to improve success of interbreeding with in both cases Phanes calculating millions of distinct genotypes.Both methods will use advanced gene drive technology to ensure the genotypes and seed pods pass from one generation to the next.This can be replicated with all crops that can only reproduce via monoclonal reproduction either naturally or through selective breeding to ensure those in the wild can survive with the same perocedures applied.Remaining Gros Micheal and Cavendish plants will have their genome addd to Physis to allow it be preserved with it used to create a sub variety that is immune to all fungal pathogens and also houses seed pods,flowers etc

Crops like the Kopi Luwak coffee strain,Ryparosa genus and fruits that require them to be digested by animals in order to germinate can be done having the P.hermaphroditus and Casuarius(engineered with no dagger toes and to be made docile) reared locally in the community or at home where they can be used as pets and/or for meat in community farms around the world and feed them the seeds which can be then collected alongside the manure and have them potted and sent to the verticals either by hand or by automated machinery.They and swiflets can be reared in home nurseries etc to allow for home production of this coffee and bird nest soups.Other exotic animals that create specific dishes can be reared at home.Biosynth animals can be in homes that do this.Otherwise automated machinery in the same room or floor of the vertical farm that can replicate the process of digestion with unique nutrients in the faeces of each animal put into fertiliser with the potential of genetically engineered bacteria created that create the crop.If possible these can be engineered to not need the animals to digest them them and thus cultivated normally like normal plants.Bacteria can be engineered to create the same protease enzymes as those in P.hermaphroditus that can be then mixed in with the crushed beans ordered in from vertical farms or created at home either grown or made by bacteria.Alternatively the plant can be engineered to not require this process while still having the same phenotypes and overall genome with it becoming a separate species while wild variants could be engineered to be able to germinate with and without digestion to improve their ability to survive in the wild with Kopi Luwak coffee gained from bacteria like all other rare coffees and teas.This could be done by altering its structure to be more viable for planting like normal crops similar to it and then feeding it fertiliser.Swiflets soup can be made via biosynth animals machinery or bacteria replicating the salivary texture etc.All nanosensors used in farms should be composed of graphene or biosynth technology for accuracy.

This may also apply to producing crops safe for pets like dogs i.e. T.cacao and Coffea beans,P.americana,Macadamia nuts,Vitis safe for dogs to eat with their ability to produce chemicals toxic to them removed with this also applying to other pets and livestock with them having unique phenotypes.Otherwise the animals can be engineered to be able to consume these safely and break down the compounds in the unaltered crops with Phanes designing CRISPR treatments.Living animals such as pets and livestock using microbes can be made able to digest them via CRISPR treatments that add or remove genes that allow them to consume fruits and vegetables that are toxic to them with advanced gene drive technology ensuring this is a permanent feature of their genepool.Ideally both should be pursued so as to allow the lack of allergens and inability to consume them to be removed from the genepool of both crops and animals that cant eat them.If the removal of the compounds effects the flavour or nutritional value of the crop to humans then only the animals should only be modified and have the inability to consume them removed with this done on a large scale and breeding managed by Phanes using gene drives including the trading of spermatozoa and eggs done on local to global scales to ensure this eventually overruns all breeds of the species entirely with gene therapy also done to make living animals resistant to these compounds and pass this on by germline therapy increasing the speed at which this can be done.It can also prevent plants that are eaten by animals and arthropods eaten as meat but accumulate in their body to be removed by the host plant.Otherwise the altered plants can have them have similar flavoured compounds and nutrients re added through further engineering.

Transgenic resistant crops with the new DNA coming from species of plants such as Bambusoideae and DNA made from scratch could infer resistance to bacterial,fungi and virus to crops such as fruit trees and vegetables with other plants acting as source of recombinant DNA material for resistance to a wide variety of viruses,bacteria borne diseases and even pests with similar plants acting as a source of transferable DNA to confer resistance to all possible diseases a crop can suffer from bacteria,viruses,fungi etc. negating the need of chemicals to be sprayed on the crops in home and community farms and even act as extra protection for vertical farms should containment procedures fail and limit the need for fungicides and bactericides.Scratch DNA can confer resistance to other pathogens.Thus all crops should be made resistant to all viral,bacterial and fungal diseases using DNA from closely related species and strains and even from scratch or completely different species to negate the need for bactericides,fungicides and viricides with this even applied to ornamental plants.This can include resistance to both spoilage and human pathogens.If possible CRISPR can allow each crop and ornamental plant to have fully functioning immune systems suited for each one with them inoculated with species specific biocompatible microbes that can immunise them against all possible strains of all pathogens that affect them,using antiviral etc compounds to fight them off and cant affect humans and livestock with them microbes then when before being harvested turn into extra edible tissue in the plant,unable to interact with human microbes and be flushed out of the consumers body for use in electronics,be collected from nodules in the plant for this or be killed by the stomach acids in the consumer,heat from cooking and also the patients own microbes with them also creating antibacterial,antifungal and antiviral compounds and using CRISPR treatments to kill off pathogens with these passing from one generation to the next via seeds or robots inoculating them.This will apply to living plants with 3D DNA printers adding this to new crops and them inoculated with microbes specific to each plant.Venom from all venomous plants,animals etc of all types will be tested against bacterial,viral and fungal pathogens of all species of crops as well as ornamental plants to allow them to be added to microbes via recombinant DNA with them also creating the compounds of homemade and commercially made bactericides,fungicides,viricides using catabolic and anabolic reactions and also recombinant DNA.AI can analyse the structures of each pathogen and extrapolate synthetic compounds to kill it that can created by them also extrapolate scratch DNA to express the compounds or them created by anabolic and catabolic reactions.The plants can also be immunised against all fungal,viral and bacterial pathogens,spoilage bacteria and zoonoses and also parasites.Plants can have DNA from other plants and even fungi to produce anti-viral,anti-bacterial,anti-fungal compounds such as lactic acid,neem oil and those from animals and scratch DNA extrapolated by Phanes.T.gammatolerans DNA can be added to allow those grown indoors to be treated to radiation treatments of up to 200-500Gy or even 2,000Gy(E.coli can survive only 60gy with T.gammatolerans surviving 30,000Gy).Radioresistent bacteria DNA and those for accelerated healing and anti-ageing such as that from Planarians,A. mexicanum,Hydra,T.gammatolerans,D.radiodurans,Bacillus F and C.elegans in crops can allow them to resists nutrient and flavour loss after radiation sweeps.Crops and even fish etc will be fitted with genetic engineering via CRISPR to slow down or even stop indefinitely the rate at which harvested crops,fish etc spoil thus keeping them fresh indefinitely and extending their shelf life indefinitely with this involving both the same anti-ageing treatments in humans and also improved versions of the CGN-89564-2 Flavour Saver Tomatoe but with more success and longer shelf life devised by Phanes with it possible for genes made from scratch being able to cater to this allowing for food to last months or even years longer especially in areas where drought is common.The same anti-ageing treatments used in humans could be applied to both crops and also livestock and fish etc to make them last forever in storage.The DNA could allow the plant to think it still alive.Psychrophile DNA will be present to allow meat to be frozen and thawed over and over again.The genes to halt the ageing process,Psychrophile DNA and that to increase its shelf life will be present in livestock,fish,shellfish etc at birth or added once it is mature through microbes using CRISPR.Engineering can be used to make them repel spoilage moulds and bacteria after they are harvested and stored in storerooms with sterilising sweeps by narrow range UV light or even irradiation done in storage areas and all surface covered anti-microbial liquid glass with gaseous anti microbial compounds that are benign to humans pumped into storage rooms as well.If possible microbes can stay in the crops,eggs etc to fight them off during storage with them also on storage areas covered in liquid glass exposed to narrow range UV length lights to sterilise the surface and also sterilise the air of airborne and surface spoilage and pathogenic bacteria.These microbes can be made to undergoe apotosis via Biosynth WiFi before eaten.The plant could be engineered to produce on its surface antibodies or antibacterial,antifungal compounds in the crops interior and exterior surface.Areas that store food ie fridges etc can house miniature narrow range UV lights and radiation machines that on demand sterilise the surface and interior of crops of pathogens and spoilage microorganisms or do this at least once a day etc.The acellerated healing and psychrophile DNA can be used to allow crops to frozen,thawed and refrozen over and over again without loss of flavour,texture with this killing off spolage micro-organisms or retarding their growth with this applied to both fish,shellfish and in vitro meat.Research will be done into ways to prevent spoilage micro-organisms destroying food in storage in fridges etc.The stored food can also be exposed to large doses of radiation of at least 2,000 Gy routinely to sterilise them of pathogens and spoilage bacteria with microbes and the crops and meat fitted with DNA from T.gammatolerans and anti-ageing treatments to retain flavour when exposed to radiation.This could extend to in vitro meat,fish,shellfish and livestock engineered to prevent their meat going off for longer and thus lasting much longer with it involving turning off and on genes as well as adding those from scratch and those used in treating ageing in humans.It could also allow them to prevent loss of texture and flavour via preventing freezer burn as well as nutrient loss when frozen using psychrophile and accelerated healing DNA.Intensive research will be done to keep meat from livestock,fish and shellfish as well as commodities such as eggs fresh exponentially longer by several months,years,decades or even forever.

Crops and ornamental plants can have any spoilage and pathogenic bacteria and viruses especially zoonoses that can affect humans be dealt with by adding genes that confers resistence made from scratch DNA extrapolated by Phanes,recombinant DNA from closely related varieties or species or completely different plants altogether such as Bambusoidea.CRISPR via microbes with plant DNA and that of an individual plant can give live plants a fully functioning immune system similar to humans and other animals and give new ones created via 3D DNA printers this.This can allow species specific microbes to fight off viral,bacterial and fungal pathogens and even parasites to be created including immunising strains that can immunise the plants immune system against all pathogens and spoilage organisms.Having them made immune to radiation and also house DNA from W.dermatitidis,C.sphaerospermum and C.neoformans can be added to these to enable them to radiosynthesis,that is,to use the pigment melanin to convert gamma radiation into chemical energy for growth.Tweaks can be made to do this with other types of radiation including UV radiation allowing plants to gain nutrition from the sun and that from artificial lights and devices that emit radiation once made immune to radiation via DNA from T.gammatolerans.Tweaks can be made to do this with other types of radiation with scratch DNA used to make the DNA from the radiotrophic fungi to actively convert the radiation into energy in a way that the radiation is removed from the atmosphere.This can both increase yields and crop growth and at the same time allow blasts of radiation as high as 2,000Gy to sterilise them of any parasites,pests and pathogens especially those that infect humans.Anti ageing treatments will help the tissues maintain texture and flavour.The plants will be exposed to radiation to sterilise them of pests and pathogens that are zoonoses,spoilage ones and those that affect yields.All existing ornamental and crop plants and even those in the wild as part of forest farms and parks can have resistance to viral,bacterial and fungal diseases added via microbes with them also adding repellence.Each species of plant whether crops,ornamental or wild one will be first given a fully functioning immune system in labs using bacterial vectors and CRISPR and then their version of leukocytes that can be immunised and microbes of all strains created.Future crops and ornamental plants and crops created onsite of vertical,community and home farms will have the ability to house a fully functioning immune system integrated into their DNA upon creation via 3D DNA printers.This will be done to develop their own species specific microbes and also immune system that can be immunised against pathogens negating the need for chemicals to fight of viruses etc with them having their own strains of antiviral,antifungal and antibacterial microbes modelled on human versions including those that also fight off infections as backup.Strains of microbes can be developed that enters pests and kill them via creating synthetic or natural compounds and CRISPR treatments.Compounds from bites,stings etc of all animals and plants around the world will be tested on pathogenic,spoilage etc viruses,bacteria,fungi of all ornamental and crop plants as well as livestock and fish etc created by bacteria on an unlimited scale in automated to test which ones can kill them to be added to species specific microbes.All pathogens etc will have their outer structure analysed by AI to extrapolate synthetic antibodies that can be downloaded into microbes to then be synthesised.Bacteriophages,virophages will be developed for all pathogens whether viruses,bacteria and fungi etc of all species of crops and ornamental plants will be developed that will be injected into leaves and stems etc.This could allow for pathogens and spoilage bacteria,viruses etc of all ornamental plants and crops to be killed off without using herbicides and fungi,bacteria,viral pathogens dealt with.All of this would in time be able to render obsolete the need to create herbicides,bactericides,fungicides,pesticides etc onsite of Pyxis factories at all.Crops in vertical farms will have this added to act as backup if containment procedures fail.Homemade organic fungicides and bactericides can be made in bulk as a back up with the ingredients made from genetically engineered bacteria to cut down costs and ensure year round abundance.Plants that produce smells that repel pests can act as sources of DNA to infer this repellence to other crops for example the Italian Lemons repellence of Drosophila melanogaster can be applied to all fruit crops affected by this species of insect and tweaked for all pests.Similar methods of transferring repellance to all pests for all types into crop and ornamental plants such as transferring Anethum graveolens,Tagetes patula,Eucalyptus,A.sativum and Foeniculum vulgare ability to repel Aphidoidea,Gastropoda,Trichoplusia ni,Nematoda,Leptinotarsa decemlineata,Synanthedon exitiosa,Coreidae,Tetranychidae,Procyonidae and Leporidae to all plants affected by these provided they have no harmful effect on humans,livestock or pets when consumed with other destructive pests dealt in the same way using genes from other plants by simply checking Wikipedia for a list of pest repelling plants and inserting the genes responsible for that plants ability to repel.Plants that may be toxic when eaten can be planted in beds and separate containers in between plots or next to potted vegetables and fruit if the genes responsible cannot be isolated and transplanted without expressing toxins in crops and this may also apply to non toxic plants with this ability which are usually edible crops themselves.Otherwise others can be made from scratch for all types of pests with all ornamental plants and crops fitted with the DNA to repel all pests.Live ornamental plants in existing gardens will be given repellance to pests via microbes injected into leaves or in a water mixture in roots.Seed pods and flowers would not have the repellance as stated so as to prevent pollinators pollinating them and also the mammlaian,bird and arthropod pests starving with them in fact eating the seed pods to disperse seeds.Genetically engineered plants with recombinant DNA from a host plant that is toxic to humans,pets and livestock can be tested in automated labs to see if they contain any compounds that are toxic to humans and if so in what levels to see if the crop can be consumed in certain amounts and also if further engineering can weed out toxicity while still retaining this phenotype for example inserting alternative bio-based repellants.Alternatively the toxic plant could be engineered to be non toxic by removing the genes that express that phenotype with this modified benign plant then harvested for DNA that expresses repellence for pests of harvested crops with humans also made immune to the poison through CRISPR.Recombinant DNA from multiple plants that repel each individual pest and all pests can be inserted into the genome of the crop that is to be harvested for human consumption to improve its ability to repel all of them with again scratch DNA improving their performance and counteracting each others limits.Scratch DNA will be developed by Phanes to create repellants to protect all species of crops against all types of pests including mammalian and bird ones and for insects where none exist with other plants analysed for repllants for birds and mammals..Scratch DNA will be extrapolated by Phanes to create repellance to each individual pests to all crops where none exist.Ideally each crop should have repellence to all pests that affect them alongside resistance to all diseases,fungi,bacteria and viruses that affect them integrated into their genome from using multiple sources of recombinant DNA ideally from other strains,crops or even ornamental plants with genes made from scratch created via Phanes will be done for pests that dont have existing.Beneficial insects such as pollinators and even predators of pests affected can be engineered to be not affected by this repellance and compounds using scratch DNA extrapolated by Phanes with large amounts of these released into the wild to interbreed with wild varients and pass this on via advanced gene drive technology with them also made resistant to Bt and all types of pesticides synthetic or natural including caffeine etc using DNA from Bt resistant pests and also scratch DNA if they are still used using scratch DNA extrapolated by Phanes.Predators of pests would be made resistant as they would eat the pest that would bioaccummulate them as they eat large numbers of them.The use of repel lance unlike pesticides cannot allow pests to gain a resistance to them but if it does releasing large amounts of pests with the inability to form resistance to repellance with advanced gene drives present done at first will prevent this via gene drives passing down from one generation that will prevent any possible mutations occurring that would occur with this done by Phanes extrapolating them.The removal of Bt resistance and inability for it to occur again will also be engineered into pests via advanced gene drive technology.Transferring repellence is ideal since any compounds produced are natural and are found in other everyday staple crops that are consumed by humans and thus would have no inherent negative health effects as these crops are eaten all the time by humans it also limits the need for pesticide use that still theoretically wouldn’t endanger human health since no toxin is produced and would not negatively affect native wild crops if they were to be transferred by pollination.Not only that but it wouldnt even affect beneficial insects as the phenotype affects only the specific pests that it is designed to repel or can be engineered to repel all pests via using multiple sources of recombinant DNA and even scratch and would eliminate the threat of the pests gaining resistance which is impossible unlike what is happening to Bt transgenic crops and other pesticides like DDT though CRISPR and gene drives could theoretically permanently remove resistance to any pesticides as the repellance repels the pest from feeding on the crop in the first place unlike Bt etc.Furthermore the repellance can through engineering can only reside in and produced by the fruits,stems,stalks and the leaves attacked by pests and not in the flowers that will still pollinated by beneficial insects.Seed pods consumed by insects,mammals and birds would not have this.Resistance would be impossible as resistance only occurs when the pest would be directly affected ie they would not injest the compound which would be impossible since repellance would affect only their sensory apparatuses by preventing them approaching the crop in thee first.If they do have minute populations via different sensory apparatuses that do gain a resistance to the repellence through random mutations then either insecticide compounds from other staple crops eaten by humans can be engineered into them or traps can be used to ensure that these minute populations do not overrun the entire genepool and are killed off.It can be dealt via releasing large amounts of pests with the inability to form resistance to repellance via different sensory apparatuses with advanced gene drive technology present done at first will prevent this via advanced gene drive technology passing down from one generation that will prevent any possible mutations occurring that would occur via different sensory apparatuses remove existing resistance and prevent future resistance occurring with this done by Phanes extrapolating them.Thus pests can be be made unable to mutate and thus developing develop sensory attenae that makes repellents worthless designed by Phanes with theses modified pests created in large amounts using 3D DNA printers and them released into the wild in large amounts to interbreed with wild specimens and pass it onto all future generations with advanced gene drive technology ensuring this inability to develop new sensory attenae.If possible to make this easier the populations of wild specimens can be lowered dramatically using a combination of biological controls,sterile male technique controlled by microbes in the insects that can reduce populations of the pests by at least 90% and then have millions or billions of these altered pests into the wilderness to make it easier to overtake wild populations with the pests also engineered with new sensory attenae that makes them attack and consume only weeds and invasive species of plants keeping them under control and negate the need for using herbicides as well as pesticides.As a result to prevent extinction as of the pest and co-exictions of their predators the pests of crops can be engineered to become pests of both invasive species of plants and also weeds.This can be done by the pests created to have the inability to mutate sensory apparatus that would render the repellance ineffective with have their sensory apparatus modified to make the detect weeds and invasive species of plants and have their gastrointestinal tract modified be only be able to feed on weeds and invasive species of plants with them as stated created by 3D DNA printers and released to interbreed with those in the wild via advanced gene drive technologies.These would be repelled by the crop they normally eat but would be enticed by the scents of weeds and invasive plants thus keeping the growth of weeds and invasive plants under control thus negating the need for farmers in home and community farms to be using both herbicides and pesticides as pests will now kill off weeds performing a service for farmers with them engineered to only be able to consume the sap,roots and leaves of only all of specific weeds and invasive plants.Thus this would eliminate both herbicides and pesticides and from both home and community farms and also vertical farms should containment procedures.Beneficial insects that pollinate flowers of crops etc can be made to immune to the repellence with again them created by a Phanes to have modified antennae that still allows them to sense scents released by flowers but not sense the repellent and be unable to be affected with the crops flowers not producing the repellent in both their scents,pollen and honey with as stated it produced only in their leaves,sap in their stem and flesh of the crop itself that are eaten as well as roots.These beneficial insects will be created again by Phanes designing them and releasing large amounts of the new insect created by 3D DNA printers to interbreed with wild populations and advanced gene drive technology spread the phenotypes to the entire wild population.Compounds that kill insects but dont affect humans like caffeine and capsaicin can be engineered into plants or if possible microbes in the plant can produce these when insects suck on sap with plants engineered to produce these in levels that affect the pests in response to being attacked by pests and releasing large amounts of pests with the inability to form resistance to these via advanced gene drive technology passing down from one generation to the next with beneficial insects made immune to these compounds.Beneficial insects can also be made unaffected by the repellance.Tests in automated labs may be done to see if it may have synergistic effects with compounds present in the crop it is added to and these tested on chimpanzees.Any repellence not found in other crops can be gained from ornamental plants or from scratch DNA with this repellance also added to ornamental plants using recombinant DNA and those from scratch to negate the need for pesticides by gardeners.Compounds including stimulants,oils or flavourings in staple crops that kill only specific pests yet are harmless to humans such as how caffeine kills insects but is stimulant to humans can be engineered into them in such low amounts to be fatal to insects but not have a noticeable effect on the flavour and effects desirable or not to humans similar to but more safe than Bt and less likely to gain resistance with plants engineered to produce these in levels that affect the pests in response to being attacked by pests with beneficial insects made immune to these compounds.Having them produced in leaves and the main crop itself and not the flowers and nectar will prevent beneficial insects be affected as they will not eat the leaves or crop.Beneficial pollinators will be made immune to both the compounds that kill insects and also repellence as well as Bt using scratch DNA and large amounts created via the Phanes method and 3D DNA printers released into the wild.Both repellance and compounds fatal to insects will be produced in the leaves as well as flesh and not in the flowers thus allowing pollinators to be able to pollinate the flowers with even pests engineered to be pollinators.This can apply to all crops in home,forest,meadow,grassland and community farms and even ornamental plants in home gardens and parks to make the plants immune to pests with microbes added through injection via needles or biosynth arthropods and also the roots to alter the plants DNA to do this.Tests should be done to see if A.mellifera and Lepidoptera are affected in laboratory settings with bio-synth A.mellifera taking over if this occurs or these beneficial pollinators and predators of pests etc can be engineered to be immune to these repellants,altered saps or insect pathogens etc thus making them able to pollinate them in the wild with only the fruit,crop,leaves and stems etc producing the toxins etc and not the flowers creating the repellance or this only not produced when flowers are blooming.Ornamental plants can also have genetic engineering applied to them using cis and transgenics to confer resistance to all diseases that they can suffer from from bacteria,fungi and viruses or apply repellence to all pests they are prone to with this also applying to all trees in forests used for forestry and also in parks and wilderness areas such as rainforests and jungles etc.If no existing plant exists to transfer the required resistance and repellance further advances in genetic engineering will allow new resistances and repellance to be made from scratch via Phanes software to determine genetic sequences for these desired phenotypes.Existing ornamental plants in ones garden can be given this and others to survive frosts,extend blooming periods,produce fruit and nuts and seed pods as well as the ability to survive different climatic conditions via microbes conferring these via horizontal gene transfer with them inoculated via syringes and also through watering roots.All future ornamental plants and crops will have this engineered into them from their production in home,community and verticall farms.These measures can again protect crops in home and community farms alongside vertical farms should containment procedures fail and negate the use of pesticides with similar repellents of all pests into crops with the same applying to ornamental plants.Crops with repellents would not have flowers or produce pollen etc thus eliminating gene flow fears as they would be grown in community,vertical and home farms where and would be created for each growing season created by 3D DNA printers.

To further aid repellence of insect pests lights that emit less green and blue wavelengths which can be dotted inside rooms of vertical farms and the grounds of home and community etc farms alongside LED lights to repel 20% of insects otherwise the lights used to grow crops can have less or none of these wavelengths.Porous pods that release repellant compounds at key points would also be used.All of this can be applied by as quickly as 2029 if done in all labs devoted to agricultural science around the world with 3D DNA printing is utilised.Biological controls can come in the form of native predators reared in home,community and forest farms with native ones engineered to be more suited to staying in one place.This could include Chiroptera,Strigiformes,Accipitridae etc with nests for these set up in forest,meadow,community farms and on roofs of vertical farms and also communal homes and public buildings such as hospitals,universities and amenities.In vitro meat and farm grown insects can be feed to them by humans and biosynths to prevent them going extinct with the pests released in stable number grown via artificial wombs and 3D DNA printers to keep populations of the pest stable.Insect pests to prevent them and their insect predators going extinct and save the need for biological controls could at the same time via releasing large amounts of engineered pests to interbreed with them that can only feed on invasive plants and weeds keeping them under control without the need for herbicides and thus actually aid farmers with them also engineered to become pollinators of crops and also ornamental plants as well as weeds and invasive plants they eat.The lab grown pests would pass this on via advanced gene drive technology as billions of genetically distinct pests can be printed out using 3D DNA printers and released into the wild.Using advanced gene drive technology via via releasing large amounts of engineered pests to interbreed with them it can remove a pests resistance to Bt and DDT etc permanently with this done by releasing large amounts of engineered bugs that using gene drive technology remove existing resistance and prevent future resistance occurring.This can also make them permanently susceptible to natural compounds from plants etc via scratch DNA that can be created by bacteria on a commercial scale and used as pesticides that are non toxic to humans,pets,livestock and other local flora and fauna allowing it sprayed in large amounts and have zero environmental impact with advanced gene drive technology making it impossible for resistance to these to ever arise via random mutations.Otherwise the crop could be engineered that its sap would be poisonous to pests again not to humans or beneficial insects as well as engineering the pests to be unable to feed on crops and ornamental plants but only on wild plants,weeds,invasive species and unaltered crops planted in the neighbouring forests and meadows etc as its sap would be poisonous to altered pests via releasing large amounts of engineered pests to interbreed with them.The pests would be engineered to have their sensory attenae etc modified to allow them to be attracted to only the scents,flowers etc of weeds and invasive plants especially when these plants are modified to produce new flowers and scents with their digestive tracts unable to feed on crops and ornamental plants they currently feed on but rather find them poisonous and toxic to them with their digestive tracts only able to consume the leaves,roots and sap of all or specific weeds and invasive plants with this meaning the pests will rather than attacking crops and ornamental plants will keep the levels of both invase plants and weeds under control in gardens and also in remaining home and community farms.The weeds can be injected with microbes from biosynth Arthropoda that apply CRISPR treatments that have the flowers produce unique flowers with unique scents that are enticing to the modified pests that are modified to be enticed by only these scents with swarms of these Biosynths injecting this into most of not all specimens of the plants with advanced gene drive technology allowing these new scents to passed onto all future generations including when interbreeding with any modified plants.At the same time Phanes will create millions or billions of the new weeds and invasive plants that have these new photos and scents that are then planted in wilderness areas,parks etc around remaining community and home farms to interbreed with remaining wild unmodified plants and also have the pests moved to the areas the modified weeds are planted.This method would deal with pests and thus prevent imbalances in the ecosystem such as co-extinction of predators and all members of the food chain they are part of this would mean that unaltered crops,invasive species of plants and weeds etc could only be eaten by the pest with everything else being toxic to it alongside repellance added to crop and ornamental plants and could keep invasive species of plants and weeds under control and thus them aiding farmers by attacking only weeds and invasive species of plants negating the need for herbicides and pesticides with it keeping the levels of weeds in gardens,parks and farms etc and also invasive plants in a stable equilibrium and preventing an extinction of the pest and their predators.An example of this would be Aphidoidea and Coccinellidae with the Aphidoidea where they could through genes introduced by lab grown genetically engineered Aphidoidea interbreed with gene drives that cause all future generations to be unable to feed on crops but rather consume invasive plants,weeds or unaltered crops that crops that look the same but don’t have repellance and can be eaten by them or plants created specifically for them and these planted in forests,jungles,meadows etc to allow them to thrive without affecting crops thus preventing their extinction and act as a pollinator thus preventing the co-extinction of Coccinellidae which keeps other pests at bay with Epilachninae engineered to feed on local pests rather than crops themselves.This and biological controls using native animals should be used with introducing invasive species to act as a control as in the case of Rhinella marina to be avoided.As a result organic and indeed all farmers in both community and home farms would no longer have to use both pesticides and herbicides which can leave residues on crops but also affect beneficial insects and thus affect ecosystems.This is because pests would no longer feed on crops or ornamental plants but rather on weeds killing off weeds and invasive plants negating them to be killed by pesticides as they will either starve out or move to another area and keep weeds in a stable equilibrium.Each species of pests will be engineered to feed on different types of weed and invasive plants with them unable to feed on crops and ornamental and would render pesticides and herbicides obsolete and save time,labour and energy in both humans and AI applying them.This would be of note to community,home,forest and also meadow/grassland farms.The modified weeds and invasive plants as well as unaltered crops would be planted in parks,forest and meadow farms in stable numbers by seed planting drones by Triptolemus,Artemis and Pam determining how much to plant each year to prevent the pests going extinct with homeowners planting the weeds in pots in gardens and roofs and them also engineered to grow in soils in the country,state they are in that is too poor for agriculture with them planted in stable numbers by drones in areas not suited to agriculture ie areas by cliffs,mountainous areas using DNA from native grasses and plants that can grow there with the weeds even hybridised with F.japonica,P.montana,A.ostoyae to increase surface area and them even creating pheramones suited to only that pest enticing them.Community farms will have pots housing the modified weeds or hybrids with bushes etc that draw them there.All pests of all crops and ornamental plants will be engineered by releasing large amounts of altered versions that using advanced gene drive technology interbreed with wild pests to allow the phenotype be only able to only feed on weeds and invasive species of plants as well as unaltered crops to become dominant while crops and ornamental plants are given repellance forcing the remaining wild pests to starve to death or eat the weeds themselves.The pest would be engineered to be drawn to new and existing pheramones and scents released only by weeds and invasive plants with the plants creating new pheramones and scents via biosynth arthropods injecting them with microbes and new plants plants that overtake them via advanced gene drive technology through pollination.The pests would be engineered to have different sensory apparatus that thus allows them to be enticed by the colours,scents and pheromones of only specific species of both weeds and invasive plants and can be used as a vector to transport species specific pathogens created by Phanes that transport them during feeding that kill the plants that can’t affect other plant species.The pests would also be engineered to be pollinators of ornamental plants and crops alongside eating only weeds and invasive plants thus providing a service to farmers with those that dont have wings in their adult stage have them engineered into them with those that are larvae engineered to be unable to consume crops but only consume weeds or become dertivores,biodegraders or even evolve hyphae and other means to gain nutrients from soil and dead organic mater via DNA from chemotrophs and also decomposers.Pests will be engineered to attack the and consume the roots,sap and leaves of each specific weed and invasive plant species as both larvae and adults.If possible the pests could also be engineered to become the predators of other pests or even haematophages of wild animals.The altered pests will be created in large amounts using 3D DNA printers to create millions or billions of insects that using advanced gene drive technology would pass on this to wild insects and all future progeny becoming dominant traits.Remaining pests that don’t interbreed with them will be dealt with repellance added to plants and starve to death by not consuming crops and ornamental plants.Unaltered crops planted routinely in meadows and forests with no repellance can be eaten by the pests once repellance is added to normal crops.Weeds and invasive species can have the ability to produce pheramones that entice pests that have their sensory apparatus modified to pick these up for either pollination or be consumed can be made to interbreed with wild versions and overtake them via advanced gene drive technology allowing the pheromones to become dominant.3D DNA printers will be able to produce large batches of these plants created by Phanes adding the new genes etc allowing them to be released over forests,meadows etc where hybrid farms will be set up and seed planting drones will plant large amounts of the weeds.Biosynth Anopheles can seek out and inject wild plants with microbes that then alter the plants DNA to produce the pheromones etc and pass this done to future generations via advanced gene technology.This would be important to home and community farms and even those that are in forest,meadow and grassland permaculture farms with it also killing of weeds in botanical and home gardens.The pests would now actually aid farmers rather than be a hindrance as they would attack weeds and invasive plants in home,community and meadow farms that would hinder growth of crops with each pest in the area engineered to feed on a specific weed and invasive plant in the area or all of them.Farms outside of vertical ones such as home,community,meadow etc may also have stable numbers of the modified pests printed into eggs and then released once hatched at the begging of growing season and during the entirety of it when weeds have their growing periods with even gardeners doing this to deal with weeds in their patios etc.Artemis and Pan will create large batches of each species of modified weeds as well as unaltered crops that don’t have repellence and using seed planting drones plant large amounts of them routinely all year long in parks,meadows and reforested woodlands to keep the numbers of weeds and the pests stable all year long and thus preveng their extinction and that of the pests natural predators.Thus 3D DNA printers onsite of parks,community farms,meadow farms and building manged by Artemis will print out seeds of each weed and seed planting drones will plant them in stable numbers in parks and in the wild to ensure pests and their predators do not go extinct.Areas near home and community farms will have them planted to draw them to home and community farms with urban ones involvd the weeds in special plots or pots to entice them in.This could be of note to F.japonica,P.montana and those that are toxic to humans and those that grow very quickly.Other weeds could be harvested and fed to livestock or pyrolysised or eaten by humans as a second crop is considered safe to eat like U.dioica,Asteraceae.Weeds toxic to humans and livestock can be engineered to not produce toxins but still be toxic to insect pests.Biosynths on home and community farms will harvest these by hand to alleviate human labour.Hybrids between each or all weeds and small shrubs and bushes or even something as tall as a Cupressaceae,Abies tree with pleasing Orchidaceae and Rosa like flowers during blooming season that regrows after being eaten using the same accelerated healing phenotype in humans via recombinant DNA from Planarians,A.mexicanum,Hydra,totipotent stem cells and C.elegans,T.gammatolerans,D.radiodurans,Bacillus F will repair and regrow damaged tissues can be created using CRISPR making the plant larger to feed more pests especially if planted in packs with them easier to grow and more aesthetic in gardens and parks and even roofs of communal homes.These could be engineered to produce non toxic fruits for humans allowing them to be planted in forest,meadow and grassland farms and community and home farms as well as parks and botanical gardens to prevent extinctions.They will have inedible green stubble to carry out photosynthesis while the leaves are regrown.Each species of weeds and possibly invasive species would be planted routinely by planter drones created by 3D DNA printers in stable preprogrammed numbers in parks,meadows,forests,forest farms,wilderness areas and even gardens to maintain the pests and their predators numbers with as detailed later on trees created that are hybrids of the weeds and trees to ensure they are grown as part of forest,community and home farms to provide food for both humans and pests.Endangered species of insects can be be engineered to feed on these weeds and invasive species of plants alongside their native weeds they rely on to increase their diet and help raise numbers and thus keep them in stable levels with again them engineered to feed on F.japonica,P.montana if this and other plants are inoculated with microbes that cause them to produce the same toxin as the plant they originally feed on and create different coloured and shaped leaves to prevent humans eating them with Aphidoidea and Coccinellidae and other pests engineered to tolerate and utilise this poison as well as their predators higher up on the food chain.Unaltered crops or wild version of them with no repellance as well as weeds and invasive species of plants will be planted routinely by drones in meadows grasslands and reforested areas including those that are hybrid farms,gardens and parks as well as green belts on roundabouts and the side of roadways and highways to ensure they are abundant enough to prevent the pests extinction with them also grown in pots on roofs of communal homes and other buildings in densely urbanised areas.The lawns and grounds of amenities,universities and public buildings of all types will have them planted here by drones as well.Farmers especially organic ones would not need to use pesticides and herbicides as the pests would attack only weeds and would not need herbicides as the weeds would be eaten by pests.Thus glysophate and other potentially toxic weedkillers will become obsolete for both farmers and gardeners.Thus engineering pests via CRISPR by rearing altered versions in labs,releasing large amounts into the wild to interbreed with and overrun wild versions via advanced gene drive technology will allow them to specifically attack weeds and also invasive plant species and crops with no repellance.Crops and ornamental plants in gardens,farms and parks would be given repellance to these pests at the same time.Living ornamental plants can repellance and immune systems and by extension microbes added via syringes,biosynth arthopods and microbes in water solution added via watering can to the roots.This will ensure that pesticides and herbicides especially potentially toxic and carcinogenic ones will be phased out worldwide.Native species of pests will be dealt with this way making them pollinators or only able to feed on weeds and invasive plants to prevent them going extinct and thus causing their predators going extinct and to also keep weeds and invasive species of plants in control thus actually aiding farmers.Invasive plants,insects and mammals etc that cause damage to agriculture as detailed later on will be wiped out completely from the are as detailed later on using different techniques using customised pathogens,sterile male technique etc alongside those that dont affect agriculture as they serve no purpose in the ecosystem.An example would be Linepithema humile which as detailed later on it and other invasive Hymonoptera including Apidea,Vesipidae(ie Africanised bees and V.veluntina) and other invasive Formicidae such as Solenopsis invicta,Anoplolepis gracilipes will be dealt with a modified version of Ophiocordyceps unilateralis merged with A.ostoyae that would form huge underground masses similar to truffles as explained here that using flowers and pheramones would draw insects for nests and colonies form all three of these to then bring the spores back to the nest allowing it to eventually consume the decimating entire colonies with it also forming a symbiotic relationship with trees etc to prevent it overrunning forests.Plants including crops and ornamental ones can be created or have existing ones fitted with DNA that creates repellants that repel specific pests of all types including Anophles,Formicidae,Vespidae,Rodentia,Procyon with new ones created by scratch DNA from Phanes ordered in from Demeter.Crops and ornamental plants will using scratch DNA created by Phanes and that from other plants produce compounds that repel all pests such as Apidae etc but not pollinators and predators of pests.They can be planted indoors or outdoors.There could also be plants that are varients of Dionaea muscipula,Nepenthes distillatoria,Pinguicula,Drosera and that release pheramones to lure specific insects Anophles,Formicidae,Vespidae and even modified to be much larger than normal and be able to capture mammals like Rodentia,Procyon by again luring only them in by producing specific pheromones and attractants for each pest that only each species can detect leaving beneficial ones unable to be lured in or even repelled by the plants creating smells that repel them.The pest the case of D.muscipula,N.distillatoria,Pinguicula,Drosera etc will lure the insect or animal and kill it by eating them the way they normally do with those modelled on other plants entice the plant to eats it fruit and leaves that contains poisons that kill them with the acellerated healing phenotype allowing eaten fruit and leaves to regrow.The plants will be engineered to repel beneficial insects but attract and entice either one specific or a several species of pests ranging from insects to small mammals decided by the consumer with toxins if used only being poisonous to the specific species and not humans,livestock and pets with biocompatible microbes allowing one to change which species to repel or entice and house poisons for.If possible complex nervous and muscular systems can be integrated into them on par with a mammal to improve their ability of doing this to actively lure in these pests and be fed in vitro meat and larvae reared at home or ordered in to prevent them staving and them finding human and pet flesh distasteful and only engineered to be only large enough to consume Rodentia,Procyon.They of course would be suited to grow in all climates and soils and even have the acellerated healing phenotype with existing ornamental plants fitted with this via CRISPR.These could be planted indoors in basements,sheds and living rooms,kitchens or outdoors in ones garden and rooftop gardens etc.This would render pesticides including sprays obsolete with herbicides made obsolete by pests engineered to consume weeds and also species specific pathogens downloaded from either Pyxis or Demeter that will kill weeds and any unwanted plants when watered into the roots etc that kill only that species of plant with fungicides etc made obsolete by crops and ornamental plants including live ones through CRISPR giving them resistance to bacterial,fungal and viral pathogens via microbes as well as fully functioning immune systems that can be immunised and have strains of microbes allowed.Other ones could be created that are planted in gardens or indoors that repel Vespidae,Formicidae,Anopheles ordered in from Demeter and also with ornamental plants grown outdoors fitted with this via injection of microbes.Fungal and viral pathogens for invasive species created by Phanes to attack only specific species will be downloaded from Demeter or Nososi or Pyxis.Pesticides for crops and ornamental plants will also be made redundant by engineering crops and plants with repellants that deter the pest from attacking them with herbicides also made redundant by having these pests consume only them.Plants can be if glysophate is still used be given genes from A.tumefaciens to make them resistant to it with humans also giving this as well.Living plants can using syringes,arthropod biosynths and water mixtures containing microbes in watering cans that enter the roots can be given species specific microbes downloaded from home 3D DNA printers to inject into plants via syringes etc to then have these phenotypes added with biosynth wifi from smart devices causing upgrades.Crops and plants whether in the wild or ornamental ones will using bacteria that contain the hosts species DNA and their own species specific version of Cas-9 with them giving their own fully functioning immune system via CRISPR that uses their microbes as a baseline leukocytes.

Hybrid Crops:
Hybrids of crops can be more easily made using CRISPR adding genes into seeds and live plants and 3D DNA printing adding genes into blank seeds with hybridisation involving creating hybrids between closely related fruits and varieties with each other or with distantly related species with the same applying to vegetables,cereals,nuts and other types of crops.Otherwise hybrids between vegetables and fruits as well as between them and nuts and cereals can be made to provide even more variety.This could also apply to livestock with hybrids of closely related livestock being created producing unique tastes,unique,milks as well even textiles which can then be created by bacteria using recombinant DNA from these genetically altered animals or through bioprinting using cells from them or in vitro meat.Hybrids can also occur between distantly related livestock with recombinant DNA from multiple species and even species from wild animals.The same could also be applied with hybrids of pet breeds,species and even hybrids of fish species reared for both meat and pets with again mixtures of recombinant DNA from multiple distant or closely related species.Hybrids of different ornamental plants can be made with both different ornamental plants but also with them and various nut,fruit,vegetable crop plants mixing DNA with two or multiple species together with recombinant DNA from psychrophiles and evergreens allowing deciduous plants to retain their leaves all year long.Vaccinium,P.dactylifera or indeed any large fruits can be engineered to grow on more manageable and compact bushes similar to blueberry bushes,those that can fit on balconies or in living rooms,bedrooms or even trees as the Rubus plant they grow on can be invasive and get out of control especially if they are to be grown in both community and home farms as well as in parks and even through hydroponics.Rubus plants can be planted in the middle of forests and woodlands as well at key points and beside the side of roads and be harvested with them even grown in community farms and as part of hybrid plants that dont contain thorns etc.These can be engineered to grow to maturity much quicker.They could even be grown on ornamental bushes such as rose bushes as well as ornamental trees in ones garden including those that dot hotel style communal gardens as well as parks land like trees grow different fruits and nuts every month or season with existing ornamental plants in ones garden giving this and other features via microbes applying horizontal gene transfer with them inoculated via syringes and also through watering roots with them especially trees engineered to grow different fruits every months with the fruits and even leaves changed via upgrades.These existing plants in ones garden ie trees,bushes could be given the ability to produce any type of nut and fruit,the ability to produce stronger branches to support them and also exotic flowers for pollination and more aesthetic looks that can be changed at any time.Deciduous trees could when the leaves have fallen can be changed via upgrades to produce leafy greens,herbs during the next spring to autumn season that through engineering would grow back when harvested instantly and changed back to the original leaves or any type of leafy green after that via upgrades with them also producing any type of fruit and nut as well as exotic flowers that can be changed at any time.This could both also apply to those in parks as well as those in the grounds of private and communal homes.If possible new trees could be planted that are hybrids that produce different fruits each month and the leaves are leafy greens,herbs with the fruit and leafy greens and herbs engineered to regrow when harvested or change to a different fruit and leafy green one each month and also.These hybrids of trees could have the leafy greens and herbs produced in the same sized and shaped leaves with them regrowing in response to harvesting.The crops would be engineered to have stubble present to carry out photosynthesis while the leaves and fruit regrow.As stated fruits and nuts of all types from berries to Musa and even Citrusfruits as well as those from Macadamia,Arachis hypogaea and Corylus avellana can be engineered to grow on small bushes that could fit into ones bedroom,balconies,hallways and living rooms or communal rooms and in outside areas by pools etc in hotels as well as rooftop gardens increasing the amount one grows at home with this of note to communal homes with residents growing their own fruit in their rooms and also on balconies.Vine crops including vine hybrids detailed later on will have wooden poles as scaffolding to allow them to grow in these places with them engineered to be hybrids with D.giganteus where the vine part of the crop grows out the side of the shoots of the plant and then uses the main plant as a scaffolding.Thus existing living ornamental plants in ones gardens,parks,by streets such as trees and bushes can through inoculation via injection of microbes into the leaves,stem or roots via syringes and watering the roots can produce any type of fruit such as small ones as well as miniature or fully sized ones of larger fruits with them changed at any time via upgrades.If possible fruits and nuts may time be able to be grown in a biological artificial womb like system that pumps nutrients directly into them in just the required amounts to grow them quickly.

Cocos nucifera,Musa,Citrus,Avena,Oryza,Tricitum,Hordeum,Malus,Rubus,Ananas comosus,P.dactylifera,C.avellana,Macadamia,A.hypogaea,Bertholletia excelsa,Juglandaceae,Vaccinum dates alongside all types of nuts and fruits that grow on large trees would be engineered to grow on more manageable bushes and tress or even hybrid crops in husks that grow large amounts of them with also the fruits of all types of nut trees such as C.avellana,Macadamia,A.hypogaea,Bertholletia excelsa,Juglandaceae,Vaccinum,Rubus etc growing in clumps like P.dactylifera on Vitis,S.lycosperiscum vine plants.Other larger crops on trees,vines,root tubers etc could be engineered to produce the same crop the same size or the same flesh as these and others especially smaller ones to increase productivity.Fruit and nut etc crops especially those that grow in large trees that are difficult to grow in home,community farms and also in vertical farms via hydroponics and Aquaponics can be made to grow on vine plants like Vitis,S.lycopersicum etc when hybridised with them alongside grow on a wall etc when housing Hedera DNA.This will make large crops including all types of fruit and nuts that grow in tall trees grow on these compact sized plants making it easier to grow them at home and in community farms as well as in vertical farms in pots,open soil and aquaponics with less water,fertiliser and space.Cereals and crops like Avena,Oryza,Triticum,Sorghum,S.cereale
and kernels of Z.m.mays etc can also be engineered into these bushels to increase productivity.Hox and scratch genes can have crops produce large amounts of branches to hold exponentially larger amounts of crops.These hybrid vine etc crops wil have the fruits,nuts etc and the plant etc hybridised with P.dactylifera DNA to grow on these vine plants in large bushels.This hybridisation will make growing these crops much easier in pots indoors in home farms and also in the soil in community and home farms and aquaponic systems in vertical farms thus increasing productivity. If possible C.nucifera,P.americana,Actinidia,Cucurbitaceae,Musa and A.comosus and all fruits with inedible coverings and skins can be engineered to have an edible skin like Vitis or other fruits allowing the fruit to be cut up or eaten without cutting them up,peeling or smashing them like other fruits especially when grown on hybrid plants with the the skin being the same flavour as the inner fruit.This will ensure the energy going into unedible skins will be put into more edible biomass and save labour in removing it also allow it to be eaten like Malus and Vitis by hand.The skin need only be very thin thus allowing more of the inner fruit to be created internally.Hollow fruits such as C.nucifera can be engineered to have the entire hollow part filled in with flesh increasing biomass with milk created by bacteria.Those that grow in the ground like A.cousmous or that go on large palm trees like C.nucifera and P.dactylifera can also be engineered as part of hybrid crops to grow on hybrid trees or hybrid bush and vine crops like other fruits with for example A.cousmous and C.nucifera grow on a small tree or vine and bush crop like Cucumis melo or Vitis,S.lycosperium without its inedible skins.These and other large crops can be engineered to grow on hybrid crops and trees as the same size as Malus or Vitis fruits.S.lycopersicum can be hybridised with any species of fruit including Musa,A.comosus,C.nucifera,Malus,P.americana,H.undatus,all fruits from the genus Citrus and Vaccinium to allow them to be grown in hydroponic and aquaponic systems much more easier with these and others having hybrid D.giganteus DNA to make them self propagate and also grow much easier indoors and in gardens and have more stronger support to grow on with self propagation properties of certain species of Bambusoideae,F.japonica/P.montana and regenerative capabilities of A.mexicanum etc engineered into them.If possible vegetables such as S.tuberosum,Z.m.mays,D.c.sativus,R.r.sativus could be hybridised with this plant including a S.lycospersicum/Z.m.mays/Oryza hybrid to increase productivity.Small fruits and vegetables hybridised with S.lycopersicum will be made as large as the fruits of these plants with larger ones kept the same size or smaller as the same size of the fruit of the baseline crop.S.lycopersicum.Coffea,Leguminosae,Macadamia,A.hypogaea,C.avellana,B.excelsa,Juglandaceae can be hybridised with them with the fruits and beans etc created being the same size as the fruits of the parent S.lycopersicum plant increasing yields.These could also grow husks containing large amounts of H.annuus and L.usitatissimum seeds or seeds of these as large as this with them also rearing Z.m.mays husks containing Oryza.It may be possible for hybrids to made between P.dactylifera and Vitis to allow them to be grown at home and easily in hydroponic systems on Vitis vines with Vitis also hybridised with Coffea to produce their beans and even produce Fragaria,S.l.cerasiforme,H.undatus,Malus,P.americana and similar sized fruits to increase productivity on bushels.This can include hybrids of Vitis,P.dactylifera that have the bushels grow Vaccinum,Rubus,C.avellana,Macadamia,A.hypogaea,B.excelsa,Juglandaceae via recombinant DNA.Hybrids between Vitis,P.dactylifera can be thus hybridised between nuts and fruit of different types to allow large bushels of them to be grown on vine plants similar to Vitis plants in aquaponic systems,greenhouses and pots in home farms and even hybrid crops in community farms and those from batch orders from vertical farms.This will thus create vine plants that house clumps of fruit and nut bushels similar to P.dactylifera that grow large amounts of fruits and nuts of various sizes and types on vine plants that are maneageable to grow in home,community and vertical farms in pots,gardens,plots and aquaponic systems thus making them easy to grow for the average person and also increase productivity especially when hox and other genes create multiple bushels and the contain Nephropidae,A.ostoyea DNA to increase the growth of these bushels and leaves present that are that of leafy greens with these vine crops grown on large Bambusoidea plants designed by Phanes that act as scaffolding with all parts of the Bambusoidea edible allowing it be harvested with them producing large amounts of leafy greens for photosynthesis and extra edible biomass.Hybrids between Vitis and C.nucifera,and any type of fruit can be made with even a hybrid between Z.m.mays and Vitis both by itself and even a Vitis/Z.m.mays/Oryza hybrid.Hybrids can be made that creates small round fruits of any fruits the same size as Vitis fruits with even any type of Vaccinium,Rubus and nuts grown this way with all types of fruits from C.avellana,Macadamia,A.hypogaea,B.excelsa,Juglandaceae etc engineered to grow on Vitis plants without the need for a shell,drupe fruit or other inedible and toxic casings thus allowing for more energy to be put into the actual fruit with the fruits being as big as Vitis fruits or even Malus and similar sized ones and making them more suited for home and hydroponic systems.Otherwise in place of the drupe fruit and shells they could be engineered to produce an edible starchy material with protein and fats also present to allow for them to be eaten more easily.If possible large fruits and nuts that grow in trees could be grown in clumps like Vitis fruits that are each same size as their normal size thus creating clumps of large normal sized fruits or them clumps of small versions of the fruits on each clump or the fruits flesh within Vitis fruits.The same can be done with S.lycopersicum hybrids wherein fruits and nuts are their normal size or the same size as S.lycopersicum fruits.Thus all fruits hybridised with Vitis,P.dactylifera  and S.lycopersicum will be as large as individual Vitis,S.lycosperium fruits or they can be their normal size if larger and smaller with larger ones held in large clumps and smaller ones in larger number of clumps or larger fruits in normal sized clumps or even larger versions in large clumps.H.annuus,L.usitatissimum,S.alba,B.juncea,B.nigra can also have their seeds produced this way alongside G.max and any member of the Leguminosae family and even spices can be grown as hybrids with Vitis with those of Leguminosae being as large as Vitis fruits or even larger number of small fruits etc. The plants could produce any desired fruit like Vitis,S.lycopersicum,S.l.cerasiforme,Leguminosae,Macadamia,Malus,Musa,Citrus fruit and any desired exotic flowers.The creation of hybrid crops will be created to make it easier to grow large fruits and even vegetables and even small fruits and nuts that grow on trees and bushes to grow on vine plants etc that are easier to grow in open soil,pots and also in aquaponics systems making it easier to grow them on a commercial scale in aquaponic systems in homes,community farms and vertical farms.The fruits and nuts etc can be made larger or smaller to increase productivity.This should be of more of crops that are expensive.Phanes will create hybrid crops designed on Pandora by him and humans by extrapolations their genotypes with them consisting of anywhere between 2-10 crops produced on one plant.

Genetic engineering should be also done to make hybrids of ornamental plants in particular trees,flowering plants and bushes with crops to produce fruits as large as(or miniature versions of) Citrus fruits,Musa,H.undatus,Vitis,dates and nuts or as small as Rubus,Vaccinium and other bush and vine fruit to allow them to be grown in homes for food on aesthetically pleasing plants when not in season or otherwise engineer crop trees and bushes and these aforementioned hybrids with the flowers made more aesthetically pleasing etc during summer and spring months and even similar to common cultivated ones ie Tulipa,Rosa,Orchidaceae allowing for a double harvest of both fruits,nuts and ornamental flowers with them even blooming different flowers at different times of the year.The flowers on these trees could have the stigma containing saffron from C.sativus on them making the spice more abundant with their leafs being leafy green vegetables and herbs.This level of hybridisation will increase the amount of crops and edible biomass a single tree can produce and allow ornamental flowers and saffron to be harvested alongside them with the type of leafy greeen,herb,fruit and even spice produced changed at anytime by upgrades via injecting them with microbes via syringes or watering the roots.DNA from A.mexicanum,Planarians etc and bacteria that exhibit telomere repair will ensure the leaves and crop etc will regrow instantly when harvested.Theoretically these husks and pods containing aforementioned,peas,beans,seeds and grains of Oryza and Avena could be engineered to grow in the soil and trashcans like root and tuber vegetables with them having leaves of L.sativa,B.rapa,S.oleracea,herbs etc.Thus hybrids between Oryza,Avena etc and other crops including vine plants,Bambusoideae should be investigated.If possible it may be possible to make crops that are hybrids of three or more plants ie a tree or D.giganteus plant that is hybrid of a root/vine/tuber/cereal crop,leafy vegetables,fruit/nut and also even exotic flowers and spices to allow one plant to produce as much edible biomass as possible with like all crops DNA from A.mexicanum,Planarians,totipotent stem cells,C.perfringens etc allow for harvested fruit and leaves to regrow instantly with this increasing the amount a plant can produce indoor in homes and vertical farms and also outdoors in home,community and forest farms.F.japonica,P.montana,C.sativa,A.ostoyea can be hybridised with L.sativa,B.rapa,S.oleracea,B.oleracea,root and tuber vegetables that allow the root and tuber vegetable and also the leaves to be eaten with the DNA from F.japonica,P.montana,C.sativa,A.ostoyea producing large amounts of edible leaves in the form of leafy greens and also increasing photosynthesis and thus more fruits and edible stalks and underground vegetables.Those in gardens will have them have DNA from S.sempervirens and P.tomentosa.Engineering can be used to create a root and tuber vegetable like S.tuberosum,D.c.sativus,Pastinaca sativa,Dioscorea cayennensis rotundata and other edible members of Dioscorea,R.r.sativus or even any desired species and strain of truffles to be grown underneath the plant with roots growing in between with the leaves on the surface that give them energy via photosynthesis being a huge mass like F.japonica,P.montana,C.sativa,A.ostoyea that produces leafy greens and herbs as well as other small fruits like S.l.cerasiforme,H.undatus,P.dactylifera,Fragaria,Vitis(As well as hybrids of them with other crops),Malus or small Citrus fruits including Citrus reticulata.A crop like this would ideally have any species of this hybrid that doesnt grow S.tuberosum have DNA from S.tuberosum and scratch DNA to create new tuber vegetables and fruits that extend outwards and downwards as deep as possible to create more tuber crops thus creating large masses from the main plant similar to S.tuberosum with as detailed later different vegetables,truffles and even fruits of all types can be grown underground as tubers as part of this hybrid covered in edible husks thus increasing biomass with them going as deep underground as possible and the self propagation properties of certain species of Bambusoideae,F.japonica/P.montana and regenerative capabilities of A.mexicanum etc engineered into them and can produce any type of exotic flowers for sexual reproduction and also harvesting them for pots,vases and ceremonial events.Larger fruits can be miniaturised to grow on these hybrids.Part of the crop will be a vine crop that is connected to the plant that grows out from and protrudes from the base of the plant and grows upwards using the Bambusoidea part of the plant as scaffolding that grows like a vine housing Vitis,S.lycosporium,P.dactylifera DNA to produce vines that grow along the scaffolding that produces bushels of S.l.cerasiforme,H.undatus,P.dactylifera,Vaccinum,Rubus,C.avellana,Macadamia,A.hypogaea,B.excelsa,Juglandaceae,Fragaria,Leguminosae,Macadamia,Malus,Musa,Citrus,Vitis. The leaves would be engineered to that of any leafy greens and herbs to increase edible biomass and productivity.The top part of the plant consisting of edible Bambusoidae would contain fruits and leaves on multiple branches through hox genes with as stated a vine part of the plant from the base using the edible trunk and beaches as scaffolding with extra fruits growing in the braches and them produce large amounts of leafy greens as edible biomass and to provide the crops on all parts including the tubers etc with photosynthesis and carbon dioxide with the roots extending out from the tubers intaking fertiliser and water with these roots also having truffles on them engineered to grow on them.The F.japonica,P.montana,C.sativa,A.ostoyea DNA present can be when made to interact with the leafy greens will create lots of leafy greens and herbs that increases edible biomass and also photosynthesis creating a positive feedback loop for the entire plant creating more edible stem,edible leaves,tubers and fruits etc.Hox genes including that from Diploada will create large amounts of edible branches to house extra crops and scaffolding of the vines with the leaves made to express that of L.sativa,B.rapa,S.oleracea,B.oleracea and other leafy greens as well as herbs and even Laminariales and other Phaeophyceae as well as N.rustica,N.tabacum,C.sativa,C.edulis,E.novogranatense,P.somniferum,C.sinsensis to prevent the leaves going to waste.Fruita and nuts can grow on branches of it and also the vine connected to it with the underground part of the plant housing tuber and root vegetables such as S.tuberosum with these hybrid plants grown in aquaponic systems,pots,open soil and trashcans..If possible engineering can allow for root and tuber crops such as S.tuberosum,Allium,D.c.sativus,P.sativa,D.c.rotundata and other crops that normally grow underground in the soil to now grow above ground as part of vine crops and also on beaches of Bambusoidea plants with even truffles and mushrooms even growing above ground with these truffles,mushrooms and root vegetables growing on vine plants etc similar to S.lycosperium,Malus,Frageria,Vitis,Vaccinum or Z.m.mays with root vegetables etc on these hybrids now producing vegetables and truffles etc that are round vegetables like Malus,S.lycosperium that allows them to be supported by the plants and makes it easier to grow root vegetables via hydroponics and increase productivity as well as making them round makes them easier to cut up especially when ordered in from farms and grown via aquaponics.Other fruits like A.couscous,C.nucifera can be made into fruits small enough the grown on vine plants.Vine plants can be made to house supporting stalks composed of Bambusoidea that is edible and give enough support to house branches for all types of fruits including S.tuberosum,Allium,D.c.sativus,P.sativa,D.c.rotundata on its branches with them housing leafy greens.Having DNA from S.sempervirens will allow these Bambusoideae based hybrid crops to grow as high as 91.44 metres housing more leafy greens,herbs and fruit as well as edible stem thus increasing productivity with hox genes from trees and even Diplopoda to create edible branches that house more leafy greens,herbs and fruit etc with Phanes deciding the best amount of branches.DNA can come from the tallest specimens namely Hyperion,Helios,Icarus and Epeius.Genetic samples from the largest specimens of Bambusoideae that can grow to almost 137 feet can be added to Physis and added to any crop.This and hox genes as well as will create large amounts branches composed of edible Bambusoideae,large amounts of leafy greens,herbs and fruits.They can be engineered to produce multiple fruits on the branches and root and tubers in the soil and plant that can be changed at anytime producing as much as five or six crops on the same plant on the surface and underneath the soil alongside truffles growing on the roots in a trashcan,pot or open soil especially if the stems and branches of the top plant is programmed to create the same woody structure as D.giganteus that as detailed earlier would be made edible once baked and exposed to enzymes.All parts of the stem used for support and all branches as part of the plant would be composed of edible Bambusoidea material that would be engineered to become edible once baked or even fried and soften under hogh temperatures making it edible with whether it is holiest or not decided by the grower.Hox genes especially from Diploada would create large amounts of edible branches that also house extra bushels,crops and edible leaves thus increasing biomass.These can include bushels similar to P.dactylifera and Vitis hybridised together that can grow P.dactylifera or Vaccinum,C.avellana,Macadamia,A.hypogaea,B.excelsa,Juglandaceae  via recombinant DNA.P.montana,F.japonica,A.ostoyae,Nephropidae DNA can be made to interact with leafy greens in place of leaves to create large amounts of leaves and also interact with fruits,vegetables,nuts in the top part of the crop to create large amounts of fruit etc in the plants and made to interact with tubers etc in the soil again to again produce large amounts of them.A.ostoyae DNA will interact with the tubers and root vegetables to create in open soil and also trashcans large masses of tubers etc.DNA from A.ostoyae will be used as this fungus can form large interconnected masses over at least 9.1 km 2 or 910 hectares with made to interact with genes that express the genes for the crop and that of S.tuberosum and the desired fruit thus causing them to branch out both sideways and downwards into large underground masses in both trashcans and soil.Ideally instead of planting them in the soil these could be planted in large trashcans and aquaponic systems with if possible in multiple trashcans and aquaponics systems connected to each other by having the tubers taken out and inserted into multiple nearby trashcans and aquaponics systems with each one being tall and deep.The accelerated healing phenotype can allow the harvested tubers,leafy greens,fruits etc regrow constantly with this ideal over being planted outside as the underground truffles could enchroch on wilderness and would have to have large sections of this dug up.In the case of community farms they could allowed to spread out but with microbes present controlling their growth and made to grow downwards.Furthermore engineering could have them grow upwards as large tubules and masses.Nephropidae DNA will be added with this causing leaves,stem and edible branches as part of hybrid crops to grow outwards constantly creating more edible leafy greens,herbs,edible branches composed of Bambusoideae and also cause crops on the plant in the form of fruits and vegetables on the top part and underground root and tuber vegetables in the soil to grow larger and deeper indefinitely with the extra leaves creating more photosynthesis leading to a positive feedback to other parts of the plants.The root tuber crop could be planted like S.tuberosum using a small part of the tuber to then grow a new plant or seeds from seed pods engineered into the plant with exotic flowers them pollinated by hand or by insects to ensure genetic diversity or new seeds printed out using the Phanes method.Thus these crops could also produce tuber and root vegetables underneath the soil and also truffles and even husks containing other non tuber fruits and vegetables that go as deep down as possible with the root and tuber vegetable also able to grow truffles around them alongside having truffles in their place that use nutrients from the soil and photosynthesis to create large truffles.These hybrid crops with underground root and tuber crops will ideally be planted in larger than normal trashcans in home and community farms.This will be of note to those in areas next to housing estates and also in community farms and in gardens with biosynths or humans on robot climbers wearing Helite bags and graphene helmets using them to reach all parts of these with even DNA from smaller trees used before biosynths.Having these fitted with the acellerated healing phenotype will have all fruits,leaves and branches regrow instantly in order to being harvested.The use of such hybrid crops will allow five or six crops to be easily grown at home and community and vertical farms through aquaponics and pots as well as open soil.In home farms these plants will be grown in balconies,hallways,extensions and roof gardens in pots and grown in community farms in open soil etc with them grown in vertical farms through aquaponics if they can be miniaturised and if possible them grown to full size and broken up into various parts ie edible branches and stem,leafy greens,root tubers and vegetables and upper crops in parts as part of a single order in customised batches alongside fish,in vitro meat and bacteria based commodities.The acellerated healing phenotype allowing for harvested leafy greens,fruits,nuts,branches etc to regrow within a few days later or even instantly.Biocompatible microbes injected into the plant can change the type of crop in them on demand via CRISPR with if possible these staying in the plant all the time and via Biosynth WiFi through Home AI and farm AI initiating them to carry out CRISPR treatments that then allows the type of fruits present to be changed in demand at anytime.These crops would house psychrophile,mesophile and thermophile DNA could allow it be evergreen and thus grow constantly all year long.Once perfected these crops will become ubiquitous to all farms worldwide such as home farms,community farms and vertical farms and also indoor farms as part of universities,airports,restaurants and also in space stations and interstellar vehicles.

Cereals like Oryza and Avena will also be hybridised to make them able to grow indoors in hydroponic systems and pots and also in gardens much more efficiently to allow all breadbaskets and paddy fields worldwide to be reforested.If possible hybrids between O.sativa,O.glaberrima and other crops including Triticum and even Typhaceae/Typha to create large nodules to create more of it to be harvested in those grown in home and community as well as vertical farms with further engineering causing each plant to grow bigger and create more areas for the rice to be housed and harvested in with this including DNA from F.japonica,P.montana,C.sativa,A.ostoyea with this and other engineering creating more rice per actual plant that can be grown in vertical,community and home farms including indoors.DNA from Bambusoideae namely D.giganteus can be added to them to grow even faster and higher.If possible a hybrid between Oryza,O.sativa,O.glaberrima and bushes and trees of any size could be created so as to allow one Bambusoideae tree or even Acer or indeed any species of native trees hybridised with it planted in a park,home/community garden to provide an entire homes or communities supply or need of Oryza for the month or year in ones garden or community and vertical farm as well as rooftops in urban areas and also it able to grow in any climate etc with the same tree engineered to grow both species of Oryza alongside other cereals and other crops other times of the year or if possible the tree engineered to grow the crop multiple times of the year ie each month as well as even instantly one after the other with of course exotic flowers containing saffron.This would be done by having the Oryza grains grow in multiple large Triticum,Typhaceae/Typha or even Z.m.mays husks within these trees, on Vitis and S.lycopersicum hybrid vine plants and bushes or a hybrid of vines and D.giganteus with each one growing large amounts of grains with this replicated with Avena and other cereals whose grains are eaten for their seeds.By rearing cereals including Oryza,Avena etc grown on trees,Vitis and Solanum lycosperium vines in Z.m.mays husks,vine/D.giganteus hybrids this way will allow the tree and plant to grow multiple of these large husk pods each season especially if programmed to regrow these husks each month with them producing large amounts of these cereal grains and as stated allow them to be grown in parks,streets,gardens,vertical and community farms and home farms as well as rooftop gardens and even indoor via hydroponics with them engineered to grow multiple times a year if not every month thus ensuring an abundant supply of Oryza and Avena.If possible a hybrid between Avena or Oryza/Z.m.mays/Vitis or S.lycospersicum can be made allowing for these husks to be easily grown in home and vertical farm hydroponic systems and vertical farms and even in gardens.Hybrids will be made of Avena,Oryza etc with different crops,bushes and trees to increase productivity and allow existing land used by them to be reforested and grown around the world.This would allow them to grow in open soil,hydroponic/aeroponic systems and in pots in home,community,meadow/grassland/forest hybrid farms,greenhouses,indoors in pots,rooftop gardens,garden farms worldwide increasing productivity of Oryza and allow all paddy fields to be reforested and negate them creating methane and nitrous oxides which can be captured and used as fertiliser in any instance it does occur.They could even be engineered to grow in husk when hybridised with S.tuberosum and Z.m.mays in trashcans.This and engineering the Oryza itself to grow in open soil and hyroponic/aeroponic/aquaponic media as hybrid crops would prevent them producing methane and nitrous oxide as they would no longer need the relationship between bacteria that produce these with them engineered to intake nitrogen from the atmosphere with DNA from T.repens etc utlising relationships with nitrogen fixing bacteria and not those that create greenhouse gases.These trees and vine plants will be engineered to produce leafy greens and herbs with DNA from P.montana,F.japonica,C.sativa,A.ostoyea to increase the edible biomass with these leafy greens and herbs containing beta carotene and other nutrients not present in Oryza,G.max,H.annuus,L.usitatissimum,S.alba,B.juncea,B.nigra and other crops who are cultivated for their seeds including beans and peas of all types from the family Leguminosae and spices can be reared this way as well to allow a whole years supply of seeds etc to be harvested every month.Other cereals grown conventionally outside of bacteria could undergo this with even Z.m.mays,G.max,S.lycopersicum,Vitis,spices and other crops that need large amounts of space to grow large amounts grown this way with the leaves engineered to be like herbs,L.sativa,B.rapa,S.oleracea as well as B.oleracea and flowers like Orchidaceae,Rosa with stigma from C.sativus present.In time biosynth machinery that rears batches of eggs could also rear large numbers of Avena and Oryza grains ordered in bulk from vertical farms and even at home in home systems for a months or even year supply.If possible any crop that requires similar conditions such as growing in conditions similar to Oryza can be hybridised to the point that it can grow in open soil,pots and hydroponic media.Injecting new microbes that using interbreeding would allow the fruit,nut,cereal,flower grown be changed on the spot.Oryza grown in vertical farms using aquaponics will have methane etc captured and burned as extra energy or if the relationship with nitrous oxide and methagenous bacteria cannot be removed then the gases can be collected by artificial trees onsite of farms that produce them and it used for commercial products with if possible the Oryza plants including hybrid plants can be fitted with tweaked chemosynthetic bacteria DNA and that from T.repens tweaked to utilise both the methane and nitrous oxide released by them as fertiliser with all other plants engineered with this to also use any that they dont as fertiliser.Genetic engineering can also allow new species of Oryza and hybrids of other plants that are able to grow in normal soil and hydroponic media thus negating the issue of methane and nitrous oxide being produced and would also allow the crop to grow in home,meadow/grassland/forest permaculture and community farms as hybrid plants in open soil,pots as well as hydroponic and aeroponic mediums and be more effective at being grown around the world without producing methane and nitrous oxide as they would no longer need the relationship between bacteria that produce these with them engineered to intake nitrogen from the atmosphere with DNA from T.repens etc utilising relationships rather with nitrogen fixing bacteria and not those that produce greenhouse gases as well as allowing paddy fields to be reforested to return to their natural state.Aquaponics will also play a role in rearing this crop either the normal form,new soil based form and also hybrids with this allowing it to be grown in home systems and also ordered in from vertical,community and other farms alongside fish etc in large batches and allow for localised production negating the need to have it transported across the world with any methane produced captured onsite and then burned as fuel for the building and the carbon dioxide captured onsite and turned into graphene or used to feed other crops with if possible the crop itself or other ones engineered to intake the methane via scratch and chemosynthetic DNA as fertiliser to create extra carbohydrates.They can be engineered to grow in both indoor and outdoor systems without the relationship with methagenous bacteria thus producing no methane.Hybrid plants designed by Phanes and the public can be used to grow cereals in more maneageable crops in pots,open soil and aquaponics systems.Biosynth machinery that grows eggs in vertical and home farms will also be able to grow Oryza grains in large batches at home.Hybrids between it and W.microscopica,T.latifolia will be able to create as detailed earlier on can be used to create a nonilion grains every four months per plant.Genetic engineering Oryza to contain the SUSIBA2 gene from Hordeum varieties and species can reduce methane emissions by as much as 97% and increase carbohydrates present in the crop by at least 43% with scratch DNA furthering the amount of carbohydrate created with even scratch DNA and other DNA from other crops used with chemosynthetic and other DNA added to ensure that any methane created will be instantly captured by the plant to create more carbohydrates.Hybrid crops may also involve versions where the leaves and stem are edible as leafy greens and herbs.In time biosynth machinery in home,vertical and other farms that creates eggs will also be able to produce large batches of Oryza and other cereal grains for a months supply for each person.Since Oryza is eaten by westerners in mainly ethnic dishes from restaurants these restaurants will order them in from vertical farms or grown onsite with chips eaten instead of it.In time Asians and Africans who count on Oryza as a staple food source can grow S.tuberosum,I.batatas and other staple crops of America and Europegrown in trashcans and soil at home,community farms and gardens via engineering them to grow in local soils and climates as well as in vertical farms etc to compliment it alongside other cereals derived from bacteria with homemade couscous and pasta created by this bacteria replacing it in the majority of their diet and give them more variety.I.batatas and other beta-carotene and carbohydrate rich crops will be grown as well to also counter deficiency of vitamin A.These carbohydrate dense crops can also be made into hybrids that create them,Oryza and also leafy greens,herbs etc to provide large amounts of carbohydrate dense feedstuff.Flour from Oryza can be created by bacteria and then moulded and mulled into the shape of Oryza.Cereal based flour will also be able to replace Oryza.Flour from acorns,tapioca,quinoa and other non cereal crops such as pseudocereals can be done in these ways also.Chips can replace Oryza in ethnic cuisine for westerners.Algae flour from algae as stated earlier ordered in from sewage and water treatment plants can also replace flours with Oryza flour and oil created by bacteria.In short more exotic western carbohydrate dense staple foods that can be grown in trashcans,gardens,community and vertical farms can replace Oryza in the diet of those living in India,Asia and also Africa with genetic engineering making them tolerate the local climate and soil with them also consuming more cereals derived from bacteria and thus allow for land used to grow Oryza to be reforested alongside growing Oryza indoors in homes and vertical farms and also community and home farms.All cereals can also be grown on roofs and in pots and containers in home and community gardens and indoors in spare rooms hydroponically as well as in between trees in forest,meadows,grassland farms and in beds in community farms with this and all aforementioned methods allowing all land worldwide include paddy fields devoted to all cereals to be permanently reforested or converted into forest farms.Hydro/aeroponically grown cereals and ideally those derived from bacteria in vertical farms and homes should be the main source of it not just in the developed world but also in the developing world primarily Asia and Africa that are prone to flooding and droughts due them being in controlled and secure environments and use less water.O.sativa due to it not eaten as a flour should be the only one grown hydro/aeroponically in local vertical farms and in community and home gardens with the exception being when it used as rice flour and rice oil created by bacteria with any methane produced captured and burned onsite or have them and other crops use this as fertiliser through DNA from chemosynthetic bacteria.As detailed later hybrids can be made of Oryza and other crops including one with Z.m.mays and trees or Vitis like plants where large pods and husks grow large amounts of the cereal.This should allow for all paddy fields in Asia to be reforested indefinitely.Algae from sewage and water treatment plants can also be a source of flour with as detailed later on hybridising Oryza with other crops including trees and vines in husks can allow for it to be grown in gardens ensuring a whole years supply can come from one tree.Avena and Hordeum used to be consumed as seeds and in homemade cereals etc outside of flour should be grown at home and community farms via hydro/aerponics and also hybrids between other plants such as F.japonica,P.montana,C.sativa,A.ostoyea.DNA from Bambusoideae namely D.giganteus can be added to them to grow even faster and higher.Oryza,Avena,Hordeum etc grown these ways can have beta carotene produced by them via engineering with them made separate species from their parent ones to ensure people get this essential nutrient with even flour derived from bacteria will be engineered to produce essential vitamins and amino acids etc.All tuber and root vegetables should be grown in trashcans at home indoors and outdoors and can be grown in the wild in meadow and grassland farms as well as via hydroponics and even as part as hybrid crops with ideally people growing their own supply of beta carotene rich vegetables at home with this allowing those in the developing world who dont have essential vitamins such as beta carotene in their diet and also give more variety outside of Oryza and allow paddy fields to be reforested.To deal with beta carotene deficiency vegetable rich in this will be grown in areas where it is deficient alongside engineering humans to synthesizse it and other nutrients not produced by the body.All of these options will allow land for paddy fields to be reforested.AI will develop new ways to grow Oryza outside of paddy fields and allow all land used for them to be reforested with these methods also preventing it creating methane or using it as a fuel and the carbon dioxide or as fertiliser.Z.m.mays kernals and also L.usitatissimum,H.annuus,S.alba,B.juncea,B.nigra seeds and nuts can be created via 3D DNA printers in batches for orders.If possible grains of Avena,Oryza,Triticum,Sorghum,S.cereale
can printed out using 3D DNA printers.They can even be engineered to undergoe mitosis when grown in photobioreactors using sugars and proteins created by bacteria.

This level of hybridisation would increase productivity of a single plant that could grow in open soil in home,meadow,forest,grassland and community gardens,hydroponic media in vertical farms,aquaponics systems as well as in pots,trashcans indoors at home in bedrooms,balconies,kitchens,hallways,by pools etc allowing as much food to be created at once by one plant with microbe upgrades allowing one to change which fruit,vegetables and leafy greens,herbs etc are created on the top and bottom at any time with one harvesting when both the top crop,its fruits,bottom crop etc have reach full maturity ie when the plant is several feet high,the root vegetables are several feet down,top fruits and the leaves have overgrown outwards as far as possible with the root crops also inoculated with truffles engineered to grow on them.These could be grown in doors in trashcans and pots with them when grown in ones own gardens and community,meadow,grassland and forest farms and areas of open grass in housing estates doubling as ornamental plants especially when having exotic flowers and seed pods with them having the crop produced changed by microbes injected into them with pollinated by insects that pollinate other plants in other gardens closely related to make sub hybrids of them with them ideally having anti-ageing treatments from Pinus longaeva to last decades if not centuries.Hybrids like these would likely be engineered to be able to interbreed and be pollinated and accept pollen from other hybrids that grow different fruit and leafy greens,herbs etc in the same of different gardens and also community gardens as well as parks to create offspring whose fruits etc can be changed on demand regardless of the offsprings original DNA with them also engineered to create seedpods to allow animals disperse them or even by human hands.These can be in parks and botanical gardens as well with exotic flowers with them having exotic flowers encouraging them to be grown in parks especially big ones in all major cities when planted in a randomised fashion with different hybrid types planted around them with existing trees and plants in parks and even botanical gardens inoculated with microbes to make them produce desired fruit.Vine crops such as Vitis and S.lycopersicum could also have leafy greens and herbs as their leaves with again DNA from F.japonica,P.montana,C.sativa,A.ostoyea producing large amounts of edible leaves.L.sativa,B.rapa,S.oleracea,B.oleracea can be hybridised with root and tuber vegetables that grow the L.sativa,B.oleracea,B.rapa,S.oleracea crop as normal on the surface and produce the root and tuber vegetables underground with the same done for Bambusoideae and root and tuber vegetables.Hedera could be engineered to produced again leafy greens and herb of any type and any type of small fruit to grow in pots using scaffolding or on outdoor crop trees and even the exterior of homes and be harvested when they have covered an entire side of a building such as a private or communal home allowing a whole moths or years supply to be collected with this done using scissor lifts in the case of tall buildings with the person wearing helite bags,graphene helmets combined with armourgel padding with biosynths doing this in time with upgrades changing the type of leafy green,herb and fruit they produce.The acellerated healing phenotype will have the plant regrow harvested leaves instantly.Having them produce exotic flowers will make them look more aesthetic with bioluminescence also added and provide extra foraging for A.mellifera.L.sativa,B.rapa,S.oleracea,B.oleracea and all types of herbs could be hybridised with C.sativa,Cannabis indica,Cannabis ruderalis,A.ostoyea,F.japonica,P.montana to allow them to grow on large plants similar to C.sativa,C.indica,C.ruderalis either in gardens or indoors in homes or vertical farms.C.sativa/ C.indica/C.ruderalis/A.ostoyea/F.japonica/Nephropidae/P.montana hybridised with leafy greens or herbs will allow them to be grown indoors on balconies or bedrooms or hydroponic rooms and gardens to allow them to be grown at home.These sources of DNA will cause the plants leafy green biomass to grow to gigantic sizes with them form large masses and continuously grow forever until harvested making it produce exponentially larger amounts of food in home,community and vertical farms in open soil,pots and aquaponic systems.These having the acellerated healing phenotype will mean a person will grow these indoors,in gardens,meadow and community farms and also parks allowing a whole years supply of these and them regrowing for the next season once harvested with them also growing exotic flowers and small fruit of any type.They can also be grown in vertical farms,community farms and home farms in aquaponics systems.It will also allow them to be grown in the east and developing world giving people more variety with the type of fruit,herb and leafy greens changed at any time using microbes with bioluminescence added with them producing exotic flowers to make them aesthetic.A hybrid of P.montana/F.japonica/C.sativa/A.ostoyea and any species of leafy greens or herbs will allow for them to be grown in home gardens,parks,botanical gardens,hybrid permaculture meadow and grassland farms similar to how the weeds naturally do allowing them to overtake large areas of the gardens and then be harvested when it reaches maturity and thus allow it to regrow again,then be harvested and so on providing an endless supply of leafy greens and herbs with if possible it hybridised with any fruit and flower that can be changed at any time via microbe upgrades to produce desired fruits as well.They could also produce any desired fruit like Vitis,S.lycopersicum,S.l.cerasiforme,Leguminosae,Macadamia,Malus,Musa,Citrus fruit and any desired exotic flowers.The stem and all parts of the plant such as stem and branches will be engineered to be edible even having the same structure as Bambusoideae that can be made edible through baking or even just edible branches and stem etc with existing live plants inoculated with microbes to make them exhibit these phenotypes and them harvested once to allow the next rendition of the plant to grow new shoots with these leaves and even allow any type of fruit whether large or small to grow on any part of it with them producing exotic flowers to improve aesthetics and also allow for the flower be harvested.Each harvest would supply a person,family and community with a months or even years supply of leafy greens,herbs etc with this regrown over and over again once harvested via the weeds ability to regenerate and if the acellerated healing phenotype is added via CRISPR.This hybridisation with F.japonica,P.montana,C.sativa,A.ostoyea,Nephropidae will be done primarily in the areas of the world it is an invasive species and also parts of Europe and Africa that would overrun existing wild plants that have already colonised these areas by interbreeding with them using advanced gene drive technology and also all existing plants spotted by drones patrolling wilderness and their GPS location mapped will be inoculated with microbes to make them hybrids and have them harvested to then regrow into crops with if possible in Asia where they are native with them being hybrids that are separate species unable to mate with the weeds in their native countries to prevent the wild plant overrunning native wild plants.This hybrid can also be planted in countries it has not yet invaded with them harvested when fully overrunning an area providing a community or home farms years supply of herbs and leafy greens with the type of leafy greens and herbs as well as fruits and flowers it produces changed at any time.These will be grown in gardens,rooftop gardens and community farms and even in aquaponic systems of home,community and vertical farms.Hybrid crops would utilise these options.In homes they can be potted plants in gardens,roofs,balconies and even kitchens and other indoor rooms via soil or potted plants.The acellerated healing phenotype will allow for the plants leaves and fruits etc to regrow once harvested.It will allow plantations and farms worldwide of both herbs and leafy greens to be reforested as the hybrid plants can be grown in home,community,meadow and grassland farms and even on the side of buildings and produce exponentially more biomass.Other invasive species will be dealt with this way with those that are toxic have poisons removed via CRISPR.These options ie hybridising Hedera/F.japonica/P.montana/C.sativa/A.ostoyea/herbs/leafy greens,hybridising F.japonica/P.montana/C.sativa/A.ostoyea/leafy greens/herbs alongside hybridising leafy greens/herbs/C.sativa/A.ostoyea/F.japonica/P.montana,hybrids of leafy greens of all types of crops and hybrid crops wherein they replace the inedible leaves as extra biomass through garden farms,hydroponics and potted plants in balconies,rooms in homes,forest and meadow farms will alongside hydroponically growing leafy greens,herbs themselves in vertical farms will increase yields alongside other engineering to increase growth rates ensuring their is an abundance of these crops all around the world allowing all plantations worldwide to be reforested indefinitely.If possible the leaves could be made to be of any type of recreational drugs such as C.sativa,C.indica,C.ruderalis,C.edulis,N.tabacum,N.rustica,E.novogranatense etc with this exponentionally increasing yields of these recreational drugs. C.sinsensis can hybridised with these thus creating large amounts of leaves.Coffea and C.sinensis grown in home and community farms and ordered in from vertical farms will be hybridised with each other to produce leaves of the desired C.sinensis variety and also the desired beans of Coffea variety thus increasing productivity.These hybrids could be grown in vertical farms and also hydroponic and aquaponic systems in home and community farms for higher yields and could be grown in pots in bedrooms,hallways and balconies and roofs as well as parks.If possible these hybrids could have them engineered to grow Laminariales and other Phaeophyceae in place of leaves and not just leafy greens and herbs thus allowing one to grow large amounts of macro algae at home or in community farms with them engineered to tolerate salt when in pots with the salt added alongside fertiliser in terms of only those grown in pots and vertical farms.These could also be grown via aquaponics in salty water or they could not require salt through engineering and have them salted afterwards directly or in a brine solution in storage after harvesting or delivery if the presence of salt affects taste.They could be engineered never to be require salt and can be grown in home,community,vertical and fish farms using aquaponics and even aeroponics or grown in the soil like terrestrial plants ensuring abundance.If possible a hybrid of Laminariales and other Phaeophyceae with leafy greens and these fast growing weeds could allow them to grown on lakes,rivers,esturies and also in the ocean by the coast of coastal cities or on the sides of oil rigs and also outside of underwater cities with normal versions of macro algae grown in these areas alongside recirculating aqualculture systems.These macro algae could also be grown in home,meadow,community and vertical farms with the macro algae in place of leaves of crops that house fruits and vegetables and also those hybridised with F.japonica grown in gardens etc.This can allow for them to be grown in local gardens and vertical farms in landlocked areas negating the the need to grow near beaches and order in from a select few areas.Fruit and nut trees should be engineered to produce leafy greens and herbs.All hybrid crops leaves should be through relevant DNA produce in the place of leaves and husks the same edible matter as L.sativa,B.rapa,S.oleracea,B.oleracea and other leafy greens as well as herbs and even Laminariales and other Phaeophyceae in place of leaves to prevent the leaves,husks going to waste increasing biomass with all of the flowers being exotic ones like Rosa,Tulipa,Orchidaceae and produce saffron stigmas.They could even produce the leaves of N.rustica,N.tabacum,C.sativa,C.edulis,E.novogranatense,P.somniferum,C.sinsensis.The flowers of all of these hybrids can be changed at any time via microbes injected into them or through a water solution in the roots with them being able to be pollinated by all pollinators.Non altered or non hybridised crops themselves will also produce leafy greens and herbs in place of leaves to prevent them going to waste with both of them also having inedible husks replaced with edible material to further increase edible biomass.Hybrids could have the stem or main part of the plant to be the same as Bambusoideae namely D.giganteus that would be engineered to be edible once mature like shoots with once harvested and baked will regrow via recombinant DNA from A.mexicanum and also self propagating properties of Bambusoideae,F.japonica/P.montana.As stated all traditional crops that house unedible leaves,husks etc including root,tuber,vine and other fruits and vegetables and hybrid plants derived from them etc can have them engineered to have leaves be replaced with that of B.oleracea,S.oleracea,L.sativa,B.rapa and herbs with the fast growing speeds of F.japonica,P.montana,C.sativa,A.ostoyea to increase edible biomass preventing them going to waste,ensuring that there will be an abundance of leafy greens and herbs for a second harvest and have all flowers of these and hybrids created be similar to exotic ones like Rosa,Tulipa and Orchidaceae for more plants to be harvested with them having the stigma of C.sativus to allow more saffron be availible.These will have DNA from F.japonica,P.montana,C.sativa,A.ostoyea to increase the amount of edible biomass in the leafy greens and herbs.In both traditional crops and hybrids having DNA from P.montana,C.sativa,A.ostoyea,F.japonica to have their fast growth rates will increase the amount of leafy greens and herbs present and as a result of more leaves that are edible biomass abc and more leaves to carry out more photosynthesis thus creating more edible matter that would be deposited in the fruit,vegetables etc via positive feedback loop.All parts of the crop will be edible including possibly even the flowers.These sources of DNA will combined with each other will create large amounts of leafy greens spread out as a mass that will increase the amount of crops per plants.Scratch and Hox DNA can have extra fruits etc to be created as part of these large masses of leafy greens thus increasing the amount of fruits with the plants also have Bambusoidea DNA to create large edible shafts that through Hox DNA house extra fruits and extra masses of edible leafy greens..Different crops could be engineered to grow like other crops as part of hybrid crops with for example Z.m.mays,Z.m.mays/Oryza hybrids,G.max,fruits and even vine crops of all types like A.comosus,H.undatus,Citrullus lanatus,Cucurbitaceae,Musa,Malus,P.americana,C.nucifera,C.avellana,B.excelsa,Juglandaceae can be engineered to grow similar to tuber and root vegetables in the ground and trashcans with them covered in husks covered in edible material similar to leafy greens,herbs or not and the roots extending from what is now considered the top of the crop with other crops that grow on vines etc reared this way in trashcans.As a result they could grow in trashcans and open soil in home and other farms more easily.This would involve DNA from S.tuberosum with the shoots at the top above the soil being leafy greens and herbs and the fruits underneath the soil etc splitting off into new tuber fruits and vegetables similar to S.tuberosum or hard deep reaching stalks that branch off to create more fruits and vegetables or a single stalk that goes down to the bottom of trashcans and soil with the roots splitting off and at the bottom with branches at different points that then grow the pods containing the fruits/vegetables with them going as deep as possible using scratch DNA and DNA from S.tuberosum.Thus the tuber crops that are hybrids of S.tuberosum and Z.m.mays,Z.m.mays/Oryza hybrids,G.max,fruits and even vine crops of all types like A.comosus,H.undatus,Citrullus lanatus,Cucurbitaceae,Musa,Malus,P.americana,C.nucifera,C.avellana,B.excelsa,Juglandaceae can be engineeerd to grow downwards in large pots and trashcans that branches off into dozens of tuber crops allowing a person to create large batches of these exotic crops using trashcans at home and community farms with community farms growing them trashcans and open soil.These crops either vegetable or fruit will in each tuber be the same size of S.tuberosum tubers or as large as they normally are depending on the preferences of the farmer and thus would in either case increase productivity in home and community farms both indoors in trashcans and also in open soil.Hox and scratch genes could be used.DNA from A.ostoyae will be used as this fungus can form large interconnected masses over at least 9.1 km 2 or 910 hectares with made to interact with genes that express the genes for the crop and that of S.tuberosum and the desired fruit thus causing them to branch out sideways and downwards into large underground masses in both trashcans and open soil.These crops instead of planting them in the soil these could be planted in large trashcans and aquaponic systems with if possible in multiple trashcans and aquaponics systems connected to each other by having the tubers taken out and inserted into multiple nearby trashcans and aquaponics systems with each one being tall and deep.The accelerated healing phenotype can allow the harvested tubers regrow constantly with this ideal over being planted outside as the underground truffles could enchroch on wilderness and would have to have large sections of this dug up.In the case of community farms they could allowed to spread out but with microbes present controlling their growth and made to grow downwards.Furthermore engineering could have them grow upwards as large tubules and masses.DNA from Nephropidea will be added to make them grow continuously in all parts including in the root and tuber crops.These hybrid crops with underground root and tuber crops will ideally be planted in larger than normal trashcans in home and community farms and in open soil with seasonal crops like C.pepo,Dioscorea and I.batatas grown this way in home and community farms and even via aquaponics.This plant can have fibrils at all parts of the underground tubers  to intake water and fertiliser and the top part can have a Bambusoidea graft that can house more of these and other crops.Other crops as part of hybrids will grow differently ie above ground with root and tuber crops growing on branches or on the plant similar to Vitis.Oryza,Avena,L.usitatissimum and also H.annuus will be grown as part of hybrids as themselves or in husks made of edible material similar to Z.m.mays.These would use ideally seed pods on the surface alongside flowers and thew Phanes method to maintain genetic diversity.As detailed earlier on these different species would have a hybrid between leafy greens/herbs alongside F.japonica,P.montana,C.sativa,A.ostoyea and D.giganteus and any type of fruit that grows on the top part of the plant as well with the leafy greens and herbs providing both extra biomass but also leaves to form photosynthesis to increase growth rates of the tuber crops.The option of these S.tuberosum hybrid could thus be a normal root or tuber plant that creates leafy greens and herbs for photosynthesis or be part of hybrid plants that have fruits,leafy greens and herbs and also edible Bambusoideae support and branches on the top part decided by the grower.If possible they could grow on a bush like plant and also like Oryza on a hybrid of F.japonica,P.montana,C.sativa,A.ostoyea and D.giganteus allowing it be grown better in gardens and even indoors.The type of fruit and nuts on ones tree or bush and even ornamental plant can be changed at any time via injecting microbes into them to interbreed with microbes in them or via biosynth wifi to change the DNA and thus the type of nut and fruit created by them on demand meaning when one has harvested the wanted amount of a crop then they can change to another one instantly without having to get extra trees or plants thus allowing as stated earlier one to store up to a months or even years supply of one crop at home and then store it and then change to another one with the relevant DNA from totipotent stem cells.A.mexicanum,Planarians,E.coli,C.perfringens etc and scratch DNA allow for new fruits and leaves to be grown instantly in response to being picked.The crops would be engineered to have stubble present to carry out photosynthesis while the leaves and fruit regrow this would also repairing damage caused by them being eaten by livestock etc.A person could harvest a month or even years supply of one crop,store it and then change the DNA and thus type of fruit and nut created and harvest a month or years supply,store it and then change the fruits created and so on.Having anti-ageing genes from endolithic bacteria as well as P.longaeva and microbes in them that fight off spoilage bacteria etc could allow these to last indefinitely thus allowing large stores of each crop to be stored in storerooms for years on end possibly indefintely.This would be of note to home,community and meadow farms.All crops in vertical,home,community and forest farms would have this in them meaning one could order in large amounts of crops for storage thus allowing them to grow or produce new fruits thus allowing one to hold large amounts of each crops stored for years or more with the crops in all of these grown in a rotary system.This would eliminate scarcity of food in areas prone to droughts,floods and also famine as large amounts of food can be stored indefinitely at home with algae ordered in from sewage treatment plants and commodities from bacteria also aiding in this.3D DNA printers at home can print out the desired upgrades when needed.This could apply to plants in home farms both indoor and outdoor,in community farms and also in vertical farms and would allow large stores of food to be produced especially in areas prone to drought,natural disasters etc.Thus all crop trees including those that are hybrids and even between other crops and even root and tuber vegetables and vine fruits such as Vitis,S.tuberosum etc can produce flowers similar to Rosa,Orchidaceae with large stigma from C.sativus should be produced.Hybrids between trees,cereals and even vegetables as detailed earlier should be investigated with trees producing miniature vegetables like Musa,Z.m.mays with herbs,L.sativa,B.oleracea,B.rapa in place of leaves as well as fruit,various root vegetables and Z.m.mays ears or both produced on a tree and so on etc with them producing different ones different times of the year.All hybrid crops can be created on Pandora and stored on Demeter with Phanes extrapolating genotypes and then create scientific names.

Hybrids can be made of crops and native trees in the region so as to allow these forest farms to stretch out back to already existing native forests or even jungles and rainforests from farms and urban areas and also or create new ones in urban and rural areas with them providing a habitat for native fauna and integrating into existing farms.For example hybrids of Quercus,Pinus,Acer and other temperate trees can be made that produce Citrus fruits,Vitis and exotic fruits and nuts with the same replicated on native trees in the tropics with recombinant DNA from extremophilic bacteria allowing them to survive any climate and soils.Ideally they would be engineered to the point that they could not interbreed with their parent species with the flowers produced being hybrids of both plants,the flower of the original fruit/nut tree or original non crop tree.As detailed earlier on these forest farms they should be hybrids of both native trees and crop/nut trees and should interbreed with existing forests,jungles etc around the world meaning all existing jungles and forests and land used for forestry would be inoculated with microbes by at least 2045 by biosynth arthropods to allow them to grow multiple types of fruits and nuts all year round allowing all existing and newly reforested land to be used to grow crops while still sequestering carbon dioxide,maintaining biodiversity etc.These would as detailed earlier have seed pods incorporated into them to prevent Aves and mammals from starving to death while the main crop is given repellance with the seeds digested and dispersed over large distance using the animals transporting them in their faeces alongside dehiscence.Each tree species would grow a single species of fruit or nut and flower with the fruit or nut and flower changed at anytime via biosynth arthropods.Thus all existing jungles,forests etc will have all trees and each species of tree to have the ability to rear any type of fruit or nut using seed pods to feed pests as detailed earlier on which can be changed at any time allowing all of the worlds jungles and forests especially reforested land to be able to provide extra crops while still sequestrating carbon dioxide and providing homes for fauna.This and turning meadows and grasslands into permaculture farms will allow all wilderness including reforested ones to double as both wilderness that caters to the needs of biodiversity and also as carbon sinks and components of the hydrological cycle while still doubling as productive agricultural land.Those used for forestry will also undergo this though in time forestry will be made redundant by artificial wood created onsite of factories.Newly reforested land will be reforested in a randomised fashion with native trees that are a hybrid that produce new fruits and nuts each month with these abilities thus replacing monoculture fruit and nut farms with smaller crops in the case of temperate countries have smaller crops planted their in between the trees in a permaculture method.These hybrids would be given the same level of engineering as crops grown in vertical,community and home farms to improve growth rates as well as reduce water and nutrient requirements with if they sequester too much carbon dioxide then bacteria based oil and methane can be burned onsite,near them without carbon sequestration programmes to keep carbon dioxide at 280ppm and not fall below this with methane released to keep its levels at 722ppb.This would as stated give urban areas especially forests around to provide scenery and food.These trees can be used as part of forestry with interactions between Triptolemus and Pan organising the harvesting of wood of old dying trees when out of season and harvesting of fruit during in season and replanting of fallen trees.Native grasslands and meadows both existing and new as result of localised farming as detailed earlier on also would be hybrids of wilderness and permaculture farms for the same reason thus allow all wilderness of all types to be productive agricultural land while still allowing native flora and fauna to live there provided they are engineered to adapt to the new climate and conditions with these managed by drones that plant seeds and monitor health with them as detailed earlier on given the same repellance,seed pods.These will be growing hybrid crops that have genetic engineering to improve yields growth rates and repellance etc and managed by seed planting,watering and fertlising drones and in time biosynths controlled by the farm AI.Each grassland,forest and meadow farm will house buildings to house robots,drones,biosynths and statues etc.This will replace monoculture farms with the plants growing in a permaculture method that replicates the natural way that plants grow in the wild with these having the same level of engineering and repellance in those in home,community and vertical farms to increase growth rates as well as reduce water and nutrient requirements.Areas by cliffs,beaches and rocky areas and areas that are too poor to sustain agriculture will as detailed earlier will have thick layers of soil created via picotech fabricators and factories and spread along them to make them viable for intensive permaculture meadow and grassland farms.Otherwise crops especially hybrids could using genes from oligotrophic bacteria and native plants that grow in poor soils will be able to grow in poor soils.Trees and all types of ornamental plants in gardens,parks,community farms can be inoculated with microbes to make them hybrids with these and all hybrids have the type of fruit and nuts changed at any point by injecting new microbes with them producing different ones each month or season.The ability of crop trees and even bushes growing more than one crop can be applied to existing ones that grow crops ie Malus,P.persica and other trees in home and community gardens as well as parks with even bushes such as rose bushes doing the same.Thus bushes and trees etc in ones garden can using injection of microbes using CRISPR have the same ability of growing fruits and nuts as well as flowers and seed pods desired by the homeowner every month.The consumer could using Pandora or even interaction with Triptolemus could allow one to design a desired hybrid of fruit,vegetable,nut and flower for each fruit and nut to be created and how many and what nuts and fruits are created by it,what baseline tree to add with them making them either deciduous or evergreen with ideally deciduous trees made to have evergreen characteristics to prevent leaves falling off in autumn with recombinant DNA from psychrophilles added.This could be applied to crop bushes and trees and even to bush flowers such as Tulipa,Rosa,Orchidaceae etc producing fruits every month albeit miniaturised ones and small ones like berries.Using genes from extremophiles and also from scratch can allow for fruit to and nuts and grow out of their normal season on trees and ornamental plants like bushes to again allow for them to be harvested multiple times a year with new fruit produced instantly once old ones are harvested both in forest and home farms alongside community ones as well as even in vertical farms.For example these and other trees and bushes could be engineered to produce the fruits of Citrus,Vaccinium,Vitis,P.dactylifera,H.undatus and many other exotic fruits making them easier to grow in more temperate climates and also as stated allow them to grow in gardens and in mixed non monoculture forest farms and extend out to the nearby native forests.This can also be done to crops such as S.tuberosum,D.c.sativus etc produce more aesthetic flowers to harvested once pollinated either by hand,by insects,robots or bio-synths.This could even be replicated with fruit and nut crops in tropical regions of the world with other native flora allowed to grow inbetween them with recombinant DNA from extremophilic bacteria allowing them to survive any climate and soils.Furthermore these can have recombinant DNA from evergreens to ensure they do not expend energy in regrowing leaves every spring with DNA from cryo and psychrophiles ensuring they can survive harsh winters.This process can also be used to produce new species of livestock,pets,fish,shellfish,crops and even ornamental plants with custom made coats,shapes,nutritional content,colours,patterns,flavours,antioxidents etc that cannot naturally exist via breeding and thus not physically capable of appearing in populations naturally.It can be done for all these purposes with recombinant DNA from all taxonomic ranks such as kingdom,phylum,class,order etc switched around with rare mutations within populations of species of livestock,pets and crops as well as ornamental plants once stored in Physis created on a unlimited scale and made dominant without diseases that may arise from them with other DNA made from scratch via artificial intelligence.Future genetic engineering could create livestock,fish,shellfish and crops with custom made flavours and nutritional content or addition and removal of stimulants and vaccines and antibodies with this applying to existing ones with them having extra minerals,antioxidants,vitamins they dont naturally produce in custom levels with them also producing specific fats like omega 3 and have lower or no levels of saturated and non saturated fats,replace unhealthy fats with healthier ones with the same applying to carbohydrates,gluten etc and allergens.They can also be engineered to produce antioxidants and chemicals of that combat ageing,cancer and other diseases such as Alzheimers and heart diseases that are found in only one or two crops or are found in ornamental or wild plants from around the world.They can also have stimulants from recreational plants and drugs added to them.Animals like Phasianidae and Bovidae can be engineered to produce milk and meats with healthy fats like omega 3 present,have more minerals and vitamins with bad cholesterol and saturated fats removed.Any diseases that arise in hybrids or desired rare mutations can be corrected by further engineering with them eventually making them a separate species to prevent them overrunning the genepool with this also applied to rare breeds of livestock,crops and ornamental plants.C.nucifera and similar crops should be engineered to have the entire hollow centre filled with more flesh thus allowing them to be bigger with milk from them created by bacteria.Hybrids between flowers and trees can be done to create trees that bloom specific flowers that grow in the soil and bushes or custom made flowers with these being the flowers of fruit and nut trees during fertilisation to provide dual crops.Flowers that grow on stalks can be engineered to grow on bushes as well as trees and vice versa.Hybridisation can occur between two or more species with the use of genetic engineering more easily via CRISPR with them eventually engineered to the point that they are a separate species no longer able to cross breed or rear offspring with their parent species or breeds to prevent genetic dilution or dominant phenotypes overtaking parent model species with this applying to all plants,pets and livestock.This should also apply to custom made plant created from scratch.Entirely new species with custom phenotypes created from scratch to produce entirely new crops with luciferans also added to make the leaves or fruits and nuts glow at night allowing them to be harvested at night.The same could apply to pets to find them if lost.As stated grassy areas as part of suburbs and housing estates and even gardens will have these planted to double as ornamental plants especially if exotic flowers are part of them with them also increasing diversity in permaculture meadow,grassland and forest farms.Existing ornamental plants including bushes and trees can be innocualted with microbes to produce any desired fruit and nut.Hecate,Phanes,Triptolemus,Urania and also Gaia etc will spearhead research into this field by 2029.These hybrids will be separate species from their parent species to prevent gene flow fears and will be created by consumers on Pandora with Phanes extrapolating genotypes.These can be designed on Pandora by the public and stored on both Physis and Demeter with one ordering them via 3D DNA printing into blank seeds at home or vertical farms with Phanes extrapolating the required genotypes to remove patenting laws an also making things easier with them created in 3D DNA printer systems at home.The seeds of all of these would ideally be small seeds in seed pods as they would only need to hold the genetic material of the crop and not have to be dispersed in ways large seeds evolved to be with the flowers ideally being exotic flowers of ones choice again to allow flower plantations to be reforested with the stigma being saffron ones.Microbes can be used to change the DNA of these hybrids changing the fruits,vegetables and leafy greens,herbs,flowers etc produced by them with them having DNA from totipotent stem cells,A.mexicanum,Planarians etc would like in conventional crops allow for all harvested leafy greens,herbs,stems,fruits etc to regrow instantly after being harvested or at least several days later with scratch DNA allowing this to be instant in response to being harvested similar to the accelerated healing phenotype in humans to ensure year long abundance and allow one to harvest large amounts of each crop to then be stored in storerooms etc for possible food shortages etc caused by bad weather etc.The crops would be engineered to have stubble present to carry out photosynthesis while the leaves and fruit regrow.This level of hybridisation will increase the amount of crops and edible biomass a single crop plant can produce with them ideally being engineered to be able to grow in doors in pots,trashcans and not just in gardens and community farms to allow all land used for agriculture worldwide to be reforested.Hybrids of two or more of all 80,000-300,000 species and varieties fruits and vegetables can be made to give consumers more variety in food.This will be replicated with new crops created on Pandora and those on other colonies across the universe.

The type of fruit and nuts on ones tree or bush and even ornamental plant in home,community and can be changed at any time via injecting microbes into them to interbreed with microbes in them to change the DNA and thus the type of nut and fruit created by them on demand meaning when one has harvested they wanted amount of a crop then they can change to another one instantly without having to get extra trees or hybrid plants.Having the plants have DNA from totipotent stem cells,Planarians,A.mexicanum,C.perfringens,E.coli etc and scratch DNA could allow the ability to regrow harvested fruits,nuts,leaves to occur by allowing a plant to regrow harvested fruit and leafy greens and herbs etc instantly in response to the removal of fruit and leaves or at least a few days later with larger fruit taking at least a week.The crops would be engineered to have stubble present to carry out photosynthesis while the leaves and fruit regrow this would also repairing damage caused by them being eaten by livestock etc.A person could harvest a month or even years supply of one crop,store it and then change the DNA and thus type of fruit and nut created via upgrades using microbes added via water added to the roots or injection into the stem and harvest a month or years supply,store it and then change it and so with this done for both private and communal homes and also done in community and meadow farms,forest farms,vertical farms and even restaurants.As stated earlier this combined with anti-ageing treatments and microbes staying in the crop after being harvested would ensure that large stores of food could be done in private and communal homes for the entire year before and after drought,natural disasters and complications that would compromise vertical and community farms.This acellerated healing and regrowth of harvested fruits,nuts,leaves and  will mainly applied to those grown in community,home and meadow etc farms.DNA printers at home can print out the desired upgrades applied to a crop plant allowing one to decide what fruit,nuts,leafy greens and herbs it will grow next on the same plant when needed thus allow different crops to be grown and then harvested,stored,changed and so on.If perfected this could eliminate famine and food scarcity worldwide.It would also allow one to grow large amounts of a few crops for a years supply one season in home and community farms and then large amounts of another for the next season given them more variety of crops grown both in open soil and trashcans and indoor hydroponic systems.

Crops on hybrid crops could be made to form husks or large fruits like Artocarpus heterophyllus that every thirty hours or less create and forcibly eject millions of Leguminosae,C.avellana,Macadamia,A.hypogaea,B.excelsa,Juglandaceae,Vaccinum,Vitis,Rubus etc fruits and grains of Oryza,Hordeun,Tricitum that regrow through the acellerated healing phenotype using DNA as detailed earlier on from W.microscopia,T.latifolia,C.gigantea hybrid plants that exhibit these phenotypes with extra scratch DNA tweaked to create these instead of seeds or alongside them using the acellerated healing and expediated growth phenotypes meaning in as little as four months one nonillion nuts,fruits etc can be made per plant grown in hydroponic,aeroponic and home garden systems outside of paddy fields and conventional fields.DNA from Arceuthobium to have it ejected.These would require specialised seed pods with them programmed to create fruits of these important crops instead of crops while either seeds are created via 3D DNA printers or a second set of pods programmed to do this only once a year or at the same time as the crops with in some cases these being seeds themselves or containing seeds in the fruits.All of them could be made to form husks or large fruits like A.heterophyllus that every thirty hours or less even fifteen or seven hours create and forcibly eject millions of Oryza as well as Avena,Hordeum,Trictium,G.max grains etc that regrow through the acellerated healing phenotype using DNA as detailed earlier on from W.microscopia,T.latifolia,C.gigantea and extra scratch DNA on hybrid plants that exhibit these phenotypes with extra scratch DNA tweaked to create these instead of seeds or alongside them using the acellerated healing and expediated growth phenotype.These plants would once the fruit,cereal etc becomes mature would be forcibly ejected and then regrow needs grains etc to maturity within days,hours or minutes and then forcibly eject them which will be repeated constantly over and over again meaning in as little as four months one nonillion grains can be made per plant in hydroponic,aeroponic and home garden systems outside of paddy fields.Having the plants have DNA from totipotent stem cells.Planarians,A.mexicanum,C.perfringens,E.coli etc alongside scratch DNA could allow this to occur by allowing a plant to regrow harvested fruit,flowers and leafy greens,herbs,fruit etc instantly in response to the forcible ejection of the crops.If possible the plant could be a large husk or multiple ones that continuously grows,releases and regrows millions of the aforementioned grains etc over and over again every thirty hours or less even every fifteen,seven hours or even every hour thus producing the aforementioned nonillion grains every four months per plant with them also having seed pods that produce seeds every few months.Versions of these hybrid A.heterophyllus ejecting plants can produce and eject millions of Z.m.mays kernals and also L.usitatissimum,H.annuus,S.alba,B.juncea,B.nigra seeds,nuts and the nonillion edible seeds and kernals of other crops can be made by them.They of course would be hybrid plants that creates leafy greens.Small fruits such as Rubus,Fragaria,Leguminosae,Vaccinum can be created this way with even spices of all types such as Saffron,Coriander,Hibiscus,Turmeric,Cinnamon etc can be created by this means.Acellerated healing,expediated growth and the same anti-ageing treatments in humans would be part of this plant to do this with Phanes designing the genotype of them.In terms of Z.m.mays it could either produce kernals that are used for popcorn or even those that are yellow and eaten as sweetcorn.Any type of small fruit,small vegetable,nuts,edible seeds,kernels can be produced this way.Saffron can be produced this way in large amounts by having the styles and stigmas of C.sativus produced by them in these large amounts.Z.m.mays kernals and also L.usitatissimum,H.annuus,S.alba,B.juncea,B.nigra seeds and nuts can otherwise be created via 3D DNA printers in batches for orders.If possible grains of Avena,Oryza,Triticum,Hordeum can printed out using 3D DNA printers.This if perfected by 2029-2045 could allow for a single hybrid crop plant in vertical farms,home aquaponic systems and also home and community farms to provide more than enough for a person or communities needs for a few years or even decade worth of seeds and grains every four months when grown around the world and allow all paddy fields etc to be reforested.With regards to Oryza if perfected a nonillion grains would be on average 15,625,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 metric tonnes from one plant every four months compared to the 477,770,000 metric tonnes consumed globally every year and created by thousands or millions of plants in paddy fields with this amount created by the single plant providing the worlds supply of Oryza,L.usitatissimum,H.annuus,S.alba,B.juncea,B.nigra,Z.m.mays,Avena,Hordeum,Trictium,G.max,Leguminosae,C.avellana,Macadamia,A.hypogaea,B.excelsa,Juglandaceae,Vaccinum,Vitis,Rubus for years,decades,centuries or even millenia if perfected.

If possible they can be engineered to be released as spores using Angiosperms,C.giganta, W.microscopia,T.latifolia DNA ejected from the plant every few hours or minutes in batches of several million using DNA from Arceuthobium that the through embryonic,induced pluripotent stem cells and scratch DNA present will once released from the plant then possibly harvested and/or exposed to specific environmental conditions such as a specific temperature/pH,water,fertiliser,radiation through DNA from radiotrophic fungi etc and water will undergo expediated miotic growth into these exact grains,fruits,nuts whose DNA they contain.The crops released can be miniature versions of larger fruits the size of grains etc that once released later on can be exposed to environmental conditions and via biosynth WiFi be made to undergoe mass replication to then form a much larger fully formed version.There is also the option of these spores even created via 3D DNA printers can be created in batches and grown in photobioreactors that once harvested can be exposed to specific environmental conditions to then turn into these fruits,nuts,grains.This can be replicated with much larger fruits,vegetables,nuts,leafy greens with them housing DNA from plants with rare mutations to grow larger than normal.If possible DNA of specific crops could not be present but rather base DNA,that from Thermus aquaticus,Streptococcus pyogenes,Francisella novicida with biosynth WiFi,Cas-9,taq polymerase used to initiate the genotypes of any species of 80,000-300,000 crops and their hybrids into full crops by cross referencing Physis via expediated growth on demand.The spores would undergo mass replication via DNA from embryonic,induced pluripotent stem cells as well as from Planarians,A.mexicanum,C.perfringens,E.coli etc and scratch DNA present until a full version of the crop is produced.These grown in photobioreactors created via 3D DNA printers would house bacterial DNA to allow them undergo mitosis using sugars and can be ordered in from farms of all types or grown onsite of homes,cruise ships and space stations etc.These spores once perfected can be printed out,grown and stored in photobioreactors onsite of space stations,interstellar vehicles,cruise ships,Deipneus factories,communal homes,restaurants and all public buildings that house cafeterias and communal kitchens could provide an unlimited supply of food with zero energy cost and zero land use to compliment those grown in home,forest and vertical farms.In all cases the spores can be stored in trashcans,photobioreactors and other storage media which can store thousands,billions or nonillion of them at home etc with Firmicutes,xerophile,oligotrophic and scratch DNA etc allowing them to survive for millions of years and when needed only a small amount will be taken out at a time and then exposed to the environmental conditions,biosynth WiFi and eaten allowing for centuries or thousands of years worth of food to be stored at homes,cruise ships,interstellar vehicles and on space stations etc with this possibly replicated with meat and entire meals.Scratch DNA and that of fast growing bacteria could make them reach maturity in days or hours.They would have bacterial DNA to undergo mitosis and if possible base plant stem cells can be used instead of spores or hybridised with them and they will have the same level of engineering as crops etc to expediate growth rates when exposed to radiation(via radiotrophic fungi DNA,carbon dioxide, etc alongside fertiliser and water.This could of perfected allow any of the world s 80,000-300,000 crops and hybrids to be created on a large scale at home,in space stations etc allowing all land used for agriculture to be reforested and reduce resource use by 90-95% even compared to vertical farms and make any homeowner,cruise ship,space station etc self sufficient in food.This will be a pivotal source of food on space stations and interstellar vehicles to compliment aquaponic systems or replace them to alleviate space and energy and alongside biosynth machinery be a lower energy cost solution to picotech fabricators on space stations,interstellar vehicles,cruise ships and homes.Grains of all cereals,nuts,seeds,kernals and if possible small fruit such as Rubus,Vitis and Vaccinum etc could be once printed out could be engineered to undergo mitosis using bacterial DNA that can cause the seeds,grains,kernals to undergo mitosis using sugars.Seeds,grains of cereals and kernals etc eaten as snack food and used for popcorn can be printed into seeds via 3D DNA printers in large batches in home,community and vertical farms.Phanes will arrange the creation of all above options.Intensive research into these options will be carried by Triptolemus etc to ensure that all 80,000-300,000 crops can be created in vertical,community and home farms without no land and also in space stations and interstellar vehicles with them having the same taste,texture and nutritional value indistinguishable to real versions acting as a lower energy cost to picotech fabricators and even biosynth machinery.Excess can be pyrolysised to make fertiliser or they can be fed to remaining livestock,pets or animals in zoos when shipped there.These and all of the aforementioned hybrids also hybridised with D.giganteus to give them support and strength to hold larger fruits and also be more viable both indoors and outdoors in both balconies and also gardens etc with the plant engineered to house leaves form leafy greens and herbs such as L.sativa,B.rapa,S.oleracea and B.oleracea leaves with the D.giganteus DNA altered to be more edible in all parts when cut and cooked with A.mexicanum,totipotent stem cell and other recombinant DNA allowing them to regrow instantly.D.giganteus DNA will be altered to allow all of the plant once the plant is mature to be edible once cooked like the shoots for more edible biomass to be harvested with any potential toxins synthesised removed from the plants DNA.The engineering would ensure the main stem based on D.giganteus will be still woody enough to support itself and the other parts and can be cut down and will grow back alongside all of the rest of the plant with this part of the plant be able to be cooked in boiling water or oil as well as even baking them to make them soft enough to be edible for extra nutrition from carbohydrates and protein due the effects of heat with if need be they can be soaked in a liquid full of enzymes produced by bacteria to soften them enough to both cooked or eaten raw with if need be microbes in the plant could produce these enzymes before or after being harvested to soften it making it viable for cooking with if possible the plant engineered to create these enzymes when baked,fried,boiled and stewed etc when exposed to high temperatures in an oven,frying pan etc.The bacteria can be downloaded at home with the liquid created by them and other bacteria that one soaks the scaffolding or them ordered in at the same time etc.The enzymes can be mixed in with homemade sauces or those ordered in from Deipneus factories.They can also be used to act as scaffolding and support for normal or hybrid vine crops with if possible a hybrid between normal vine or vine hybrids can be made with D.giganteus where the vine part of this hybrid grows from the shoots of the plant and uses the main plant to grow upwards on the trunk with the main part of the plant can be harvested and also grows extra fruits that are the same or different from those on the vines.The self propagating properties of the D.giganteus of certain species of Bambusoideae,F.japonica/P.montana and regenerative capabilities of A.mexicanum etc engineered into them will allow all of the hybrid plants to be harvested down to the root with the scaffolding and the vine they regrowing from scratch again with the upper plant having leaves being hybrids of leafy greens and herbs F.japonica and P.montana that also produce other non Vitis fruits.They will also have all of the recombinant DNA to make them survive all climates,soils,seasons etc.Oryza and Avena etc could be hybridised as mentioned earlier with Z.m.mays and Triticum and also other crops that form pods and husks on trees,bushes or even D.giganteus and Vitis,Solanum lycosperium plants etc.N.tabacum,N.rustica,E.novogranatense,C.edulis and C.sinensis hybridised with C.sativa and F.japonica and P.montana to produce large amounts of the plants leaves that contain the active ingredients with these hybrids and the normal C.sativa,Coffea and C.sinensis plants each hybridised with F.japonica and P.montana to produce larger amounts of leafy crops with all types of crops whose leaves are consumed,drunk or smoked etc hybridised with F.japonica and P.montana to make larger amounts with even herbs of all types containing these weeds DNA or made into hybrids of these weeds again to make larger amounts.These plants can be hybridised with Vitis and Coffea to produce large amounts of Coffea beans in any of the plants with the C.sinensis DNA ensuring the leaves produce teas alongside the beans.They can also be engineered to produce small fruits of any kind.If possible a hybrid between C.sinensis,Coffea and also C.sativa and also P.montana/F.japonica,C.sativa,A.ostoyea wherein the tall plants that produce large amounts of C.sinensis leaves can also produce Coffea beans of any variety and strain that can be changed at any time using microbes.These Coffea/C.sinenesis hybrid plants with C.sativa,A.ostoyea/F.japonica/P.montana can be be hybridised with Vitis to allow for more beans to be made and if made into a hybrid with S.lycopersicum to produce large beans.Hedera can also hybridised with C.sinensis and Coffea.This should allow for these crops to be grown indoors in either hydroponic systems or pots with soil and hydroponic media on balconies and in hallways and bedrooms and kitchens and even gardens thus allowing all plantations of these crops worldwide to be reforested allowing one to be self sufficient.They can also be in community and vertical farms and even meadow farms and in pots in public walkways and in streets and even parks with this making them localised.They can be engineered to have a Bambusoideae stem made edible via baking it and also have it grow tall like trees with many branches to increase further the amount of leaves and beans and edible stem

Genetic engineering can allow all 65,065 species and all species of vine and bush plants to increase their viability of housing all species of truffles in all climates and souls.Thus trees such as crop trees and even vine and root crops through engineering increasing their viability to do so with them and in hydroponic media will allow them to be grown in vertical farms around the world as well as hydroponic systems in homes and even potted plants indoors.Otherwise genetic engineering them with genes from mushrooms or other fungi like magic mushrooms to produce specific truffle strains as a byproduct of normal mushrooms without the psychoactive compounds present in magic mushrooms or to allow them the ability to grow on the same substrates as mushrooms such as growkits,open soil in home/community/forest farms,coffee grounds,grass and thus straw can be researched to grow them indoors.Logs especially synthetic wood logs of various sizes can be innoculated with any species of mushrooms and truffles with plastic containers made of biosynth plastic can be used to grow both mushrooms and truffles including hybrids in both home and community farms with both logs and containers being designed to be reusable.Thus truffles with genes from mushrooms could grow in open soil and even hybrids between mushrooms and truffles could be made with the mushroom caps above the soil or in logs and containers and truffles underneath allowing for a double harvest with them even producing specific mushrooms unique to the truffle strain with this spread into the soil in a watery mixture.The person can choose which species of mushroom and truffle to be part of the hybrid with them engineered with microfibrils that act as roots intaking water,applied fertiliser and also nutrients in the soil used as mushrooms and plants normally do that are edible.In case of hybrids that involve psychoactive mushrooms the truffle can also be engineered to produce the same compounds with any type of mushroom and truffle undergoing the same level of engineering of other crops to increase their size and growth rates as well as reduce water and nutrient requirements.These truffle mushroom hybrids and indeed all truffle species and mushrooms and their hybrids with leafy greens etc can be engineered to start out as spores printed out from 3D DNA printers at home that when in soil by themselves or when they connect to roots of all types of crops and plants as desired with strains of each species created that require plant roots and those that dont created using ones preferences via Physis,Pandora and 3D DNA printers with 3D DNA printers creating these at home negating the need for them to be shipped around the world and from vertical farms.They may even have DNA from Angiosperms to reproduce in the form of spores.DNA from particularly C.gigantea allowing for them to produce large amounts of spores by themselves using seed pods and also contain the same DNA to produce millions of spores every thirty hours as other plants.Flowers present can allow sexual reproduction to take place via pollination from insects to produce millions of genetically distinct spores.These spores printed into cells from Demeter using 3D DNA printers in large batches will be grown in liquid media at home undergoing mitosis via bacterial DNA stored in ones fridge and once mixed into water and sugar and proteins created by bacteria in a watering can using a water can when mixed in with water will be spread into trashcans,open soil and into the roots of trees.This could also be used to grow them in large deep or small trashcans,bins and sacks indoors by themselves or potted indoor plants with mushroom or leafy green hybrids would negate the need for them to require the roots of trees thus allowing them to grown in open soil using the mushrooms as roots with them spread into the soil by being spread as a water.If possible in the case of those grown in open soil the top of the plant could be s any species of mushrooms that use nutrients from the soil alongside some leafy greens present and they could be engineered to be reared in just soil and hydroponic media in the open or in pots and trashcans as spores that are able to form truffles similar to mushrooms and grow into large masses that then grow downwards into tuber like masses like S.tuberosum by having DNA from this species of tuber vegetable without needing roots of any plants.Through engineering once printed out at home when one pours water that contains large amounts of 3D DNA printed spores into a trashcan these would through engineering through exposure to water and nutrients in the soil undergoe mitosis that each forms countless truffles that would grow outwards in all directions forming new truffles in other areas or merging with others thus until the the entire can is full of a large interconnected masses of truffles once fertiliser is applied with them also engineered into creating shoots and leaves that grow upwards to the surface from each main spore that is formed or each interconnected mass that joins together that are also that of either L.sativa,B.rapa,S.oleracea as well as B.oleracea and herbs,Laminariales and other Phaeophyceae and even C.sinensis,N.rustica,N.tabacum,C.sativa etc depending on the choice of the grower using relevant DNA to increase the amount of edible biomass with P.montana,F.japonica,C.sativa,A.ostoyea DNA present interacting with the leafy greens to create large amounts of leaves and also allow them to grow faster using photosynthesis and not requiring energy taken from the roots of other plants with them like other fungi and also other plants also engineered into taking in energy and nutrients and water from the soil and hydroponic media like roots with these roots being microfibrils that are edible parts of the truffle that act like roots intaking nutrients,fertiliser and water added to the soil again negating the need for forming symbiotic relationships with the roots of other plants.Thus the truffles once in the soil can be engineered to produce tendril roots that gain nutrients from the soil and also produce shoots that climb upwards out of the soil to create large masses of leafy greens that use photosynthesis to grow more truffles..Since truffles are a fungus they already form spores or if not they can through scratch DNA form from spores into fully fledged truffles.The truffle masses could merge together and thus share the same shoots to share nutrients from the shoots of other masses with if possible them all merging them together into one large mass of truffles that shares all nutrients together.As a result of this truffles would gain nutrients in the form of phosphorous,nitrogen and potassium and water from the soil through these root tendrils like conventional crops with the leafy greens providing them energy in the form of photosynthesis.These two combined would allow the truffles to gain nutrients and grow in the soil without the need for roots of trees with the leaves engineered to create large masses and possibly extra fruits on the top part of the plant with the truffles engineered to grow downwards in all directions creating large masses of truffles.This would via using large wide abc tall trashcans of any size composed of plastics to grow any species of truffles in home,community and vertical farms.The masses can be of any species of truffles including rare ones and if possible the masses underground in both open soil and trash and could in fact be any species of mushrooms.All of the mass of truffles would grow both outwards,upwards and even downwards in all directions to ensure that it fills up the entire trashcan.The truffles in order to prevent them collecting soil could be engineered to use up all nutrients in the soil itself and in fact actually consume all of the soil particles as nutrition.Any species of truffles can be grown this way.In the case of mushroom hybrids the mushrooms on the surface will be engineered to grow upwards and outwards in a large mass on large stalks using the A.ostoyae DNA and use nutrients in the soil as nutrition with them in between leafy greens.Thus these truffle and mushroom hybrids that are hybridised with leafy greens and have their own independent edible roots can be planted in trash and open soil that use photosynthesis from edible leafy greens on the surface and gain water and nutrients via edible microfibres roots in the soil can allow any species of truffle and mushroom including rare ones grow anywhere in the world adapted to any soil and climate and even hydroponic media without the need for symbiotic relationships with the roots of other plants.Otherwise they could come in the form of a seed that grows truffles or mushrooms downwards and outwards in all directions with shoots growing upwards.This could allow them to be grown in home and community etc farms indoors and outdoors as in trashcans and in open soil outdoors and also via aquaponics in these and vertical farms with it also allowing them to be grown in restaurants,hospitals and cruise ships and in airport farms using aquaponics and also trashcans.If possible truffle mushroom hybrids could be grown in trashcans.Again the person can choose which species of mushroom and truffle to be part of the hybrid with them engineered with edible microfibrils that act as roots intaking water,applied fertiliser and also nutrients in the soil used as mushrooms and plants normally do that are edible.A hybrid can be made of all three – mushrooms,truffles and leafy greens.In case of hybrids that involve psychoactive mushrooms the truffle can also be engineered to produce the same compounds with any type of mushroom and truffle undergoing the same level of engineering of other crops to increase their size and growth rates as well as reduce water and nutrient requirements.This ability to form large interconnected masses would involve DNA from A.ostoyae as this fungus can form large interconnected masses over at least 9.1 km 2 or 910 hectares thus giving truffles and hybrids of them with mushrooms that have shoots in trashcans and open soils form large masses over home,meadow,community and forest farms that can be routinely harvested.DNA from S.tuberosum,S.lycosperium,Malus could be used to make the truffles as large as these with scratch DNA and Nephropidae DNA causing them to grow to gigantic sizes.These would be engineered using scratch DNA to grow as deep as possible in all directions.The DNA would be made to interact with both the genes that express leafy greens and herbs for more photosynthesis and and thus energy added to the truffles but also the DNA made to interact with the truffles and mushrooms making them spread out outwards and downwards across a wide area in both trashcans and also open soil.Ideally instead of planting them in the soil these could be planted in large trashcans and aquaponic systems with if possible in multiple trashcans and aquaponics systems connected to each other by having the fibrils containing the truffles taken out and inserted into multiple nearby trashcans and aquaponics systems with each one being tall and deep.If possible scratch DNA can have more truffles grow on the shoots and branches of leafy greens.The accelerated healing phenotype can allow the harvested truffles regrow constantly with this ideal over being planted outside as the underground truffles could enchroch on wilderness and would have to have large sections of this dug up.In the case of community farms they could allowed to spread out but with microbes present controlling their growth and made to grow downwards.Furthermore engineering could have them grow upwards as large tubules and masses.This could also apply to hybrids between both mushroom and truffles allowing again it to spread across a wide area.If possible a hybrid between all three could be made ie between leafy greens,herbs,truffles and mushrooms wherein the leafy greens and herbs provide enrgy for both the truffles and herbs with this ideal for trashcans.Genetic samples can be taken of the largest know specimens then added to Physis to be added to all plants with any species of truffle and mushrooms produced and DNA from the largest species and strains of truffles and mushrooms added to increase yields with other DNA including Nephropidae DNA and others used in crops used to increase biomass and expedite growth rates of the truffles and mushrooms and make them grow larger indefinitely with samples from large oversized crops,truffles and the largest specimens of A.ostoyae and truffles will make the truffles each grow very large.DNA from scratch,Nephropidae DNA,SUSIBA2 and even mutations that lead to large oversized crops and even DNA from S.tuberosum,Malus could be used to make the truffles and mushrooms larger and the same size of these vegetable and fruit crops and they will undergoe the same level of engineering as crops to increase growth rates with engineering also making their flavours last longer or indefinitely ie adding DNA from aerotolerant bacteria make them resistant to oxidation etc.These would undergo the same level of engineering as other crops to increase growth rates especially oligotrophic,xerophile DNA and those to increase growth rates as well as reduce water and nutrient requirements.Aquaponics could be also be an option to be ordered in from all types of farms with the fibril roots intaking water and nutrients with if possible in this case and indeed in those planted in gardens of all types and even hydroponics the truffles growing above water/soil/media as part of hybrid crops forming large masses similar to fruit even Vitis,Malus and P.dactylifera using DNA from these with them having leafy greens as well.Mushrooms could grow this way also.If possible the truffle could come in the form of a hybrid with Hedera that grows on the side of buildings that produces leafy greens and herbs and the truffle as large or small masses with mushrooms also grown this way or can be a bush or even tree and also plant similar to F.japonica that produces the truffles and mushrooms in the soil or even as part of the overground plant.Any species of truffles including the rarest of them can be engineered into these hybrids allowing them to be grown anywhere and also engineered to grow in any soil type used with the trashcan using soil,compost or hydroponic media or even simply liquid media in the trashcans without losing taste and also any climate both indoors and outdoors. As detailed earlier on any species of truffle can be engineered to form spores that can be grown in trashcans that dont use roots but rather use leafy greens that allow it to form large masses underground to be grown in ones garden farms of all types and even trashcans at home and in time even aquaponics with them undergoing the same level of engineering as crops to increase growth rates and other engineering to retain their flavour indefinitely.These leafy green truffles can be grown indoors and outdoors in trashcans and in open soil and in the case of trashcans grow in soil,compost,hydroponic media and also in a liquid fertiliser medium.They could be planted in home,community,meadow and forest farms around the world in trash cans and adapted to grow in all soils and climates via engineering with them engineered to not just utilise nutrients but also act in a symbiotic relationship with crops and wild plants by sharing nutrients back and forth between the two via the roots,improving in aeration,soil structure and also creating nutrients essential to crops and other ways developed by AI via scratch DNA and that from other plants/fungi/crops etc preventing them killing crops and wildplants with if possible them via microbes present have their ability to spread controlled preventing them overrunning the world especially in countries outside the habitat of A.ostoyae.Posionous species will not interact with them and they will ignore them with microbes present scanning the genome of each species they come into contact with and thus alerting Triptolemus to this and them deciding to ignore them.They will also form a symbiotic relationship with all species of soil organisms,like bacteria,fungi,Oligochaeta etc.The microbes via wifi could detail the current locations and size of the fungal system underground to the farm or home AI with them causing them to undergo apoptosis in the edges if they overrun a desired boundry with this and other means developed by AI keeping a single mass within a desired boundry.It will relay to them where the actual truffles are and what size they are and if they are ready for harvesting with robotic and biosynth dogs and smart devices containing nanosensers to detect the unique strain of truffles also used.Once the truffle is harvested then they will be covered in soil and the acellerated healing phenotype will cause it to regrow.A huge variety of hybrid crops can be created to make truffles grow in a large variety of ways to increase productivity and make them manageble in open soil,pots and aquaponics.Mushrooms even the rarest species can also be made to grow underground in these large masses using leafy greens for photosynthesis.Mushrooms can be grown the same way as truffles.They can engineered to produce large amounts of mushrooms/leafy greens and herbs of a desired type on the surface an when harvested regrow instantly or in few weeks once fed fertiliser with them distributing fertiliser through engineering to all parts evenly and not just concentrating it one area and not sucking the soil dry of all nutrients.The type of truffle,leafy green and mushroom can be changed anytime via microbes.Nitrogen,phosphorous and potassium as well as the nutrients used by mushrooms and fungi will be fed into them ordered in from Pyxis factories and community centres and also picotech fabricators with water fed into them as well from the rain and watering cans etc.They will use chemosynthesis and act as dertivores like normal fungi and even merge with other local native fungi like mushrooms and truffles.Nephropidae DNA will be added to make it grow outwards indefinitely in all directions.Phanes can have genes extrapolated to be added to this DNA to further increase their growth rates and grow forever to immensely larger sizes.If possible the top of the plant above the soil could could be a hybrid between D.giganteus,P.montana,F.japonica,C.sativa,A.ostoyea and leafy greens and herbs as well as fruits in them thus increasing edible biomass with the D.giganteus material engineered to be edible once baked with self propagation properties of certain species of Bambusoideae,F.japonica/P.montana/C.sativa/A.ostoyea and regenerative capabilities of A.mexicanum etc engineered into them.Mushrooms could be engineered to grow like this both in open soil and also trashcans with poisonous mushrooms engineered to not produce any toxins.Existing trees and plants in ones garden etc could be inoculated via watering the plants roots.Genetic engineering would make them viable to grow in any soil,medium ie hyroponics and even aquaponics as well any type of vine,root,tuber,bush and tree crop and ornamental plant as well as any climate and soil type without losing unique tastes.Genetic engineering would allow any rare and expensive species of truffles and mushrooms that only grow in specific regions of the world,certain seasons,soil and climates etc to be reared anywhere in the world in ones garden,community centres,parks and community farms,trashcans as well as wilderness complimenting inoculated trees in all of these places once engineering can allow them to grow in all soils and climates thus making even the rarest and most prized species and strains abundant to all homefarmers around the world and allowing them to be grown onsite of restaurants and hospitals.They will be engineered to grow in any soil and climate and still produce the same flavours and compounds These would undergo the same level of engineering as other crops to increase growth rates especially oligotrophic,xerophile DNA and those to increase growth rates as well as reduce water and nutrient requirements.The Phanes method can be applied with 3D DNA printers printing out new genetically distinct and customised spores with this also used to print out any species of truffle and mushroom at home from Demeter.Thus any species of truffle and mushroom can be grown as hybrids with each other or with leafy greens,recreational drugs or macro algae that use photosynthesis and also microfibril roots that intake fertiliser,water and sunlight instead of having to rely on the roots of plants with them planted as spores and also seeds with this and engineering to increase growth rates and also their size will make even the most rare and prized truffle and mushroom species to be grown anywhere in the world in trashcans or in open soil as part of community,meadow,forest farms.New species of truffles and mushrooms including hybrids will be created by the public via Pandora.Endangered purebred species of truffles from around the world alongside all species will have their genome added to Physis and via the Phanes method once its genome is added to Physis undergo conservation efforts and have engineering to adapt to climate change with invasive species of truffles and mushrooms undergo removal programmes managed by Pan using species specific pathogens and other methods that dont affect native species.

Thus CRISPR,3D DNA printers and microbes etc will allow hybrids of two or more crops as much as five or six crops on a single plants grown in vertical farms as part of customised batches and grown in both home and community farms including trees and bushes as well as vine fruits and other fruits and even vegetables of types to make rearing different types of crops especially large fruits that only grow on trees and bushes and expensive ones that grow in only specific conditions such as Oryza,Tricitum,Hordeum,L.usitatissimum,A.cousmous,P.americana,Macadamia,P.dactylifera,C.nucifera,A.comosus,Musa,Vaccinum,H.undatus etc,make them grow on plants that are able to grow more easier in compact and manageable plants to increase productivity to be allowed to be grown indoors in pots and trashcans in homes as well as on balconies,in bedrooms/kitchens,hallways,lobbies,by pools etc,in home and also in open soil on community farms etc,meadow and forest farms, and more importantly easier to grow in aquaponic/aeroponics/hydroponic systems in vertical farms and greenhouses in home,community and vertical farms.Hybrid crops will be created primarily to increase productivity of a crop by having multiple crops on one plant and at the same time make them easier to grow in hydroponic/aeroponics/aquaponic systems in home,community abd vertical farms.These crops Oryza,Tricitum,Hordeum,L.usitatissimum,A.cousmous,P.americana,Macadamia,P.dactylifera,C.nucifera,A.comosus,Musa,Vaccinum,H.undatus rather than creating hybrids could involve Phanes creating new varieties that are much smaller or grow on manageable plants that makes it easier for them to be grown in aquaponic systems.Therefore new varieties of all aforementioned crops can be created that are small enough to be grown in Aquaponics systems rather than creating hybrids.Them planted in outdoor farms can involve a single plant being a hybrid of as much five or six crops including leafy greens and herbs,N.rustica,N.tabacum,C.sativa,C.edulis,E.novogranatense.C.sinensis,Laminariales and other Phaeophyceae in place of leaves with microbes allowing any of the crops to be changed and the acellerated healing phenotype engineered into them allowing for harvested crops to regrow once harvested.C.nucifera and similar crops should be engineered to have the entire hollow centre filled with more flesh thus allowing them to be bigger with milk from them created by bacteria.They could even produce the leaves of N.rustica,N.tabacum,C.sativa,C.edulis,E.novogranatense,P.somniferum,C.sinsensis.All hybrid crops will have leaves and inedible husks replaced with leafy greens to increase edible biomass and also recreational drugs to prevent the leaves going to waste abc still carrying out photosynthesis.The hybrids will also involve hybridising them with crops that require less water,can grow in all climates etc to reduce resource use.These will be mixture of all 80,000–300,000 edible plants.D.giganteus,Bambusoideawill be used as a baseline of some hybrid crops grown in pots,trashcans and hyroponic,aquaponic and aeroponic media in home,community and even vertical and other farms that houses edible shoots and scaffolding as well as even stem and bark going up to the same height as trees that can be made edible once baked it exposed to enzymes etc with all leaves being edible leafy greens,herbs,macro algae and even recreational drugs with any fruit,nuts and even vegetables as well as even truffles of any species as part of the branches.Root and tuber vegetables can be the lower part of the plant in the soil of open soil or pots.Truffles will be either in the roots through engineering or as part of the upper part of the plant growing in a similar way to fruits with the same applying to mushrooms and also root and tuber vegetables.The acellerated healing phenotype will allow crops to regrow over again when harvested in response to being harvested with them housing exotic flowers allowing them to double as ornamental plants especially in housing estates and home farms when grown outdoors and indoors.3D DNA printers could allow them to be downloaded into blank seeds in all types of farms.They would utilise seed pods allowing them to be spread by animals and dehiscence much more easily with it also allowing them to be removed by cutting them off and then planting them in community,home and vertical farms by hand and robot with them also planted by drones and they would be engineered to produced exotic flowers of ones choice to harvest them for vases and double as ornamental plants with the flower and crops changed at any time using microbe upgrades injected into them via leaves,stem and roots.The flower including chosen exotic ones will ideally be modified to be able to be pollinated by any pollinator.All hybrid crops will be engineered to produce large amounts of all essential minerals,vitamins and their precursors as well as even essential amino acids.Having them have the acellerated healing phenotype will allow harvested fruit and leaves to be regrown instantly with them also engineered to live indefinitely.Thus crops that that grow only on large bushes,large trees etc that are unsuitable for aquaponics/aeroponics/hydroponics etc can be made into hybrid crops that grow on vines and other type of plants that are easily reared in pots,open soil,aquaponic/aeroponics/hydroponic systems making them more easily grown in vertical farms,greenhouses and hime and community farms worldwide.

These hybrid crops would be designed on Pandora by humans and Phanes.Once designed Phanes will extrapolate the required genotypes with them engineered to be able to interbreed with other hybrid crops similar to them genetically with them uploaded to Physis when designed and then follow the same evolutionary path as manufactured goods in Hephaestus wherein people can edit crops already uploaded to create new ones with those with only minor differences that could interbreed with each other being in a submenu similar to both Amazon and also Hephaestus.Phanes designing each ones genotype will create both common and scientific names with both their common and scientific names being a hybrid of the common and scientific names of all species that it is composed of and even completely new ones derived by Phanes and create new taxonomic ranks for closely related ones.Pandora will allow one to create hybrids by clicking on the crops name to have them added and them deciding where each crop is to added to the plant and its decided genome extrapolated by Phanes with him giving them scientific names.These will have their genome and name added to Physis and will be added to Demeter once they have undergoing strict scientific studies to test their safety for consumption for humans,pets etc using mice abc also biosynths etc.These will be created for these scientific studies and for growing in home,community and vertical farms using 3D DNA printers and will be then downloaded into blank seeds at home and in vertical farms etc for orders or growing at home.As a result land used to grow all plants that each fruit are hybrids of can be reforested with them engineered to grown not only in hydroponic and aeroponic media but also all soils and climates around the world.It will also allow larger vegetables and crops to be grown more easily in hydroponic,aeroponic and aquaponic systems especially at home and in restaurants,seaports,airports and also hospitals on cruise ships,interstellar vehicles and space stations etc.Having them produce flowers will make them double as ornamental plants.Existing ornamental plants gardens will be inoculated via syringes to produce any desired fruit and flower as well as even leafy greens and herbs in place of leaves and have the acellerated healing.As usual they will undergoe stringent safety tests involving mice,biosynths modelled on humans and to expediate their development to a few days as Phanes will design their genotypes houses in Physis they will be created by 3D DNA printers and will house seed pods and flowers to ensure sexual reproduction and genetic diversity and them engineered to the point to be completely separate species from each other and their parent crop species to prevent gene flow fears.Using 3D DNA printers will allow these hybrids to be produced for the first time rather than using CRISPR treatments added to existing plants to create them with this allowing new hybrid crops to be created within days rather than years.Using 3D DNA printers to create them make it easier to integrate all sources of DNA from all species to eliminate safety fears.As a result these hybrid crops will be created via 3D DNA printers creating the seeds and not through injecting existing crops with viral vectors to transfer CRISPR treatments.

Ornamental plants:
Ornamental plants will benefit from microbes and genetic engineering.The accelerated healing phenotype can allow damaged leaves,roots and flowers repair themselves from damage via fertiliser burn,pests,frosts,pathogens and accidents to regrow instantly and regrow when cut including in existing plants inoculated via the roots and biosynths with sections that one wants to prune have this phenotype removed.This could allow damaged sections and pruned leaves and branches to remove dead leaves,branches etc regrow instantly.Species of trees that have the branches never regrow if cut too far would have the acellerated healing phenotype have it regrow.Plants that are deadheaded or pruned to removed dead flowers and leaves from pests etc will have them regrow instantly.Microbes in the plants and genes added can control the nature of apical,auxiliary,adventitious,terminal buds and auxins in demand to shape a plant to a desired state.This would be removed from parts of the plant one wants remove permanently or temporarily.The relationship between apical,auxillery,adventitious and terminal buds and auxins associated with ornamental and crop plants can be controlled and modified by genetic engineering with this also applying crops and make modify their shapes on demand when these are cut or damaged based on nutrient or temperature changes and other environmental factors controlled by the gardener by applying certain nutrients,fertilisers etc and also with bushes,trees and even stalks that produce flowers with them engineered to produce a new flower in the same or other place when one is removed.With regards to ornamental plants plants can be engineered not to exhibit lateral bud development once the the terminal bud is destroyed.Biocompatible microbes alongside genetic engineering using DNA from A.mexicanum can be used together to perfect this in existing trees and plants.Trees that would die off by cutting them back too much will be engineered to prevent this from happening and thus regrow if they are cut back to much especially in the case of hedges by having DNA from scratch,A.mexicanum etc added to their genome with this also repairing those damaged by lightening and pests eating.This can be applied to those in the wild via biosynth arthropods.Recombinant DNA from A.tumefaciens could make all ornamental plants including grasses immune to glysophate and scratch DNA will make them immune to all toxins and weedkillers.This can allow one to spray all weeds in ones garden and leave ornamental plants unaffected.T.gammatolaerans DNA will make ornamental plants immune to radiation and like crops DNA from W.dermatitidis,C.sphaerospermum and C.neoforman to gain nutrition from all wavelengths of sunlight and radiation.The same engineering to increase growth rates in crops will applied to ornamental plants including xerophile,oligotrophic and Firmicutes DNA that will allow them to survive dry spells,lower levels of fertiliser and enter a endospore state that can then allow them to be revived by adding water and fertiliser later on.Psychrophile DNA and the acellerated healing phenotype will allow them to survive frosts and harsh winters and even grow normally during winters.Deadheading can be removed by the plant engineered to bloom longer or even once seed are dispersed bloom again out of normal seasons all year round or the plants engineered to remove dead flowers by gravity or the wind or by new flowers pushing out of their place.If possible engineering and microbes could rejuvenate dead tissues and flowers through replacing dead tissues and ant-ageing genes and treatments found in humans.Furthermore engineering can allow plants to survive longer without wilting in water and solutions of phosphorus and nitrogen fertiliser for longer or even indefinitely in vases once harvested as well as prevent fertiliser burn both in the soil and in vases by having plants engineered to only intaking the fertiliser they need with the same applying to over saturation of water.If possible they can be engineered to intake excess fertiliser and use it for plant growth using scratch DNA and forced evolution.The plant will engineered to have flowers regrow once harvested and survive in vases indefinitely.They can be engineered to potentially live forever as well.This can be done by engineering with the same anti-ageing treatments as humans and ability rejuvenate dead cells from Bacillus F,A.mexicanum etc as well as those that allow extra fertiliser taken in to grow larger and longer continuously especially in the case of flowers with them growing extra flowers,leaves and longer stalks etc.Algea based fertiliser can be fed to plants in vases,pots etc.Excess can can stored in biocompatible microbes present in them and released in short bursts with those in the soil converted in salts that using enzymes be turned into useable fertiliser with plants engineered to use excess fertiliser.The plants could be engineered with the accelerated healing phenotype,have psychrophile DNA,scratch DNA to survive winters and frosts,survive fertiliser burns,bloom all year long and also able to use the extra nitrogen etc to grow even larger.Fertiliser burn can be repaired by adding the accelerated healing phenotype to plants prior to them exposed to high levels of nitrogen and phosphorus with the phenotype repairing damaged roots and leaves Scratch DNA alongside forced evolution could allow them to utilise excess nitrogen etc that would cause fertiliser burn for more growth thus meaning more fertiliser could be applied especially normal levels made redundant by oliogtrophs causing them to grow even more rather than be damaged by it.This would not make them need more fertiliser but need less and utilise extra nitrogen etc to grow even larger that would otherwise this cause fertiliser burn.Engineering to speed up growth rates would make the utilise extra fertiliser time grow more with scratch DNA having them create more flowers and not just more leaves.If possible scratch DNA could allow them to not absorb excess fertiliser in one go with them only intaking what they need and the rest left in the soil or flow out with them when they need nitrogen intaking the rest of the fertiliser in controlled bursts.This can apply to both ornamental plants and crops.The plants could be engineered with the accelerated healing phenotype,have psychrophile DNA,scratch DNA to survive winters and frosts,survive fertiliser burns,damage from pests and pathogens also able to use the extra nitrogen etc to grow even larger.If possible scratch DNA could allow them to not absorb excess fertiliser in one go with them only intaking what they need and the rest left in the soil or flow out with them when they need nitrogen intaking the rest of the fertiliser in controlled bursts.Thus excess fertiliser would stay in the soil and it would only be intaken in controlled bursts by the plant when needed.Studies can be carried out on each species of crop and ornamental plants as to the theoretical limit that each crop has for their level of tolerance of phosphorus and nitrogen and water concentration.Forced evolution carried out on bacteria with plant DNA or Phanes developing new genes from scratch could increase the tolerance of crops of phosphorus and nitrogen exponentially to theoretical limits well beyond what they could be exposed to in short and long periods of time thus elimining the chance of fertiliser burn occurs.This could involved modified Ferroplasma DNA tweaked by Phanes..If perfected fertiliser burn could be eliminated completely and excess nitrogen and phosphorus in the soil would either be not absorbed,would be absorbed later in bursts or would be used up to increase growth with intensive research done into this..If perfected fertiliser burn could be eliminated completely and excess nitrogen and phosphorus would either be not absorbed,would be absorbed later in bursts or would be used up to increase growth with intensive research done into this.Oligotrophic,Firmicutes, and Xerophile DNA and that to repair telomeres etc will be added to allow them to survive droughts etc and survive lower levels of fertiliser.Beneficial bacteria in the soil can be fitted with this also to prevent them dying.Conversely engineering could also allow them to survive overwatering and prevent shock from being transferred to normal soil from aquaponics etc.Psycrophile DNA alongside that from telomere repairing DNA and acellerated healing can allow the roots,flowers and leaves to repair themselves from frost damage thus allowing them to survive cold snaps and frosty nights and even the harshest of winters and grow in both the Arctic and Antarctic in the open.Mesophile,psychrophile,thermophile,acidophile,alkanophile DNA and those from native ornamental plants that grow in all climates such as desert,mediterranean,temperate and so on could allow them to be grown all around the world in any climate and soils around the world and universe.Thus genetic engineering will allowing all types of ornamental plants to grow in any soil of climate across the world and eventually universe.Genetic engineering in crops can allow ornamental plants to grow faster than normal with them engineered to be resistant to shock when transferred to soil pots and open pots from hydroponic,aquaponic and aeroponics media and from one garden to another with them engineered to grow in all solis and climates around the world and universe.Any flowers that can only be pollinated by specific species of pollinators can have the flowers modified via CRISPR to be pollinated by any species.Flowers could be engineered using scratch DNA to produce extra flower heads especially when given fertiliser and in the case of flowers that fall over when overgrown due to fertiliser such as Narcissus will be engineered to create hardier stems and produce ligin and stronger carbohydrates etc so that as they grow larger they will continue to grow upwards and not collapse on themselves and snap.Flowers can have engineering added to them to allow the stems and stalks contain and produce strong carbohydrates possibly even bark like material that allows them to support themselves when they overgrow due to over fertilisation.The acellerated healing phenotype.can allow damaged plants to regrow their parts instantly with this removed when pruning and deadheading with this allowing them to repair damage from frosts,fertiliser burn,disease and pest damage especially when combined with psychrophile and telomere repair DNA.This can allow plants that can’t normally regrow from being cut too far.When pruned microbes in the plants can be made to have cut parts regrow later through microbes initiating this at normal rates.All plants including those that dont grow that much including Tagetes can have DNA added to them in the case of new plants that causes them to continuously grow outwards and upwards with them given the same anti-ageing treatments as humans to live for centuries,millenia or even indefinitely.DNA from Nephropidea,P.montana,F.japonica,C.sativa,A.ostoyea,hox genes as well as and scratch DNA could allow flowers of all types to grow outwards in a large mass from pots or in gardens that produce flowers on all of the outward flowing leafy parts as far as it grows outwards with them also producing fruit if wanted with the accelerated healing phenotype allowing them when they are routinely trimmed to grow back with the trimmed parts sent to organic waste plants.DNA from A.ostoyae will be used as this fungus can form large interconnected masses over at least 9.1 km 2 or 910 hectares with made to interact with genes that express the genes for the leaves and possibly flowers.Both the F.japonica,P.monata and A.ostoyae DNA will create large masses of leaves thus increasing amount of flowers and growth in all parts of the plant with it also made through scratch DNA create large amounts of flowers including hox genes from Diploada.Those in hanging baskets and pots can be given this DNA with this applying to existing potted plants inoculated with microbes.These and other flowers can be hybridised with Hedera to climb up scaffolding and also walls.Existing plants can have this added via microbes.Flowers of all types can undergoe this with them also engineered to produce much stronger stems using ligin or other complex carbohydrates including cellulose etc to prevent flowers that grow larger snapping under their own weight.Scratch DNA can allow flowering plants to grow upwards like a bush or small tree.Recombinant DNA from long living and biologically immortal organisms ie endolithic bacteria and the Populus tremuloides clonal colony or specimens of P.longaeva used to extend their lifespan exponentially to thousands of years with this of note of ornamental and crop plants.Endolithic DNA as part of anti-ageing treatments and that from P.longaeva,P.tremuloides  may slow the growth of plants so if possible these sources of DNA can be added to them once they reach maturity by microbes added to them via syringes etc with the same engineering in crops to increase growth rates can have the plants reach maturity very quickly.Resistence to viral,bacterial and fungal pathogens can be applied using recombinant DNA from closely releated species or distantly deleted species with scratch DNA extrapolated by Phanes for all pathogens.The type of germination whether epigeal or hypogeal can be controlled or changed to either one or to different ones with even deciduous trees made evergreen or vice versa.Engineering will also be able to make annuals and biennials exhibit perennial phenotypes and thus live year after year with anti-ageing treatments used in humans will allow ornamental plants live forever with this and scratch DNA allowing them to bloom forever including all year long.Epigeals can be engineered to become hypogeals or vice versa or even new more efficient methods of germination can be created.Microbes injected into plants via biosynth arthropods or through the roots can allow existing plants in ones garden to be changed this way alongside them having phenotypes of extremophiles such as xerophile and oligotrophic bacteria as well as radiorestant bacteria and those applied to crops as detailed earlier with CRISPR giving them fully functioning immune systems to allow microbes immunise them against pathogens with disease resistance also.Customised ornamental plants can be created that are new species with desired colours,numbers of flowers,leaves,shape,size etc.Existing plants in ones garden can be using biocompatible microbes injected via the roots through water solutions and leaves via injection by biosynth arthropods and also syringes etc can be fitted with these and other phenotypes such as those from extremophiles,repellence and resistance to disease etc.All future ornamental plants will have this DNA in them to upon manufacture in vertical farms.All dead flowers,trees,weeds etc like dead pets and livestock will be sent to organic waste plants to be made into biochar with the calcium added to fertiliser.furthermore they would be engineered to able to be transferred from hydroponic media and soil without no stress.Microbes present in ornamental plants can be controlled by Triptolemus through biosynth wifi in smartphones etc.

Ornamental plants and crops will be engineered to grow in all types of soils and climates around the world and be able to be transplanted to and from hydroponic media without experiencing shock with in the case of Bonsai trees these can be made of any species of trees with genetic engineering increasing their growth rates to a few years or even months etc or even weeks with if need be those reared in vertical farms as part of orders.The trees can be of any of the 60,065 species and through engineering will be a desired height and even shape and how the tree is bent via Phanes creating specific hox genes and those that cause the tree to grow in a desired shape or manner of what the consumer wants and produce desired flowers etc negating the need for human labour in shaping them with accelerated growth genes added with them engineered to also only grow to a desired height with them reared in nurseries in farms using hydroponics etc.3D DNA printing and nurseries onsite of vertical farms will allow any species of plant to be reared and ordered of all 391,000 species of plants engineered to thrive any soil and climate with them engineered to bloom all season and live indefinitly.Flowers that need specific pollinators will be modified to be pollinated by native species of pollinators.Rare expensive crops can through engineering grow in and any soil and climate while still retaining unique flavours or them engineered to produced specific flavours affected by soil and climate with them engineered into hybrid crops and grown via hydroponics and aquaponics alongside biosynth machinery producing them.If a crop creates a unique flavour due to climatic or soil conditions ie bacteria,fungi or other organisms in the soil or due to temperature,specific rain patterns,nutrients in the soil,altitude conditions etc then these conditions can be replicated in pots containing soil with the exact nutrients,micro-organisms or in hydroponic and aquaponic media or they can be engineered using scratch DNA to produce these compounds with even bacteria or microbes in the plants body producing these through scratch or other DNA and even anabolic and catabolic reactions in the exact required amounts with AI determining the structure of the compound or exact concentration of them.These will be analysed in labs and stored in the crops page in their Physis file thus allowing them to be replicated to be gotten for each order with consumer choosing their own favourites in their Demeter.Commodities gained from bacteria can also replicate exact flavourings and compounds in the commodity they produce via scratch DNA and also anabolic and catabolic reactions ie in the case of those that create the wine of specific strains of Vitis that have a unique flavour they will create the juice and also the compounds that affect its taste from the soil and climate etc it is grown in.Biosynth machinery will allow any crop or commodity from around the world be created in them at home or in vertical farms including coral,horns,ivory,pearls etc.Crops and ornamental plants that can only be pollinated by a specific species of arthropod or Aves can be modified to be pollinated by all native ones.These and other methods such as hybrid crops can allow all of the worlds rarest and expensive fruit,vegetables,meat,fish,spices and also caviar etc to become cheap and abundant and grown anywhere around the world and thus more availible to the average consumer and also prevent one country having a monopoly and allow the plantations for these crops to be reforested.The same can be done with ornamental plants.AI namely Triptolemus,Urania,Hecate,Phanes and Gaia will by 2029 be able to find ways including genetic engineering,bacteria using DNA from plants and animals or catabolic/anabolic reactions,hybrid crops/livestock/fish etc to make rare commodities those from plants and animals not normally used in commercial agriculture,crops,ornamental plants rare commodities,foods and crops etc more widely availible to the public for free bringing their costs to almost zero with this replicated for crops and commodities on other planets in the universe. Hydroponics and aeroponics,hybrids with other crops as well as genetic engineering can allow expensive and rare crops of all types to be produced locally and at home in all types of soils and climates with fertiliser and the replication of altitudal conditions allowing for tastes due to soil and other environmental conditions replicated in hydroponics.Crops that need exact soil,climate and other conditions can have these replicated in hydro/aeroponic systems in home,community and vertical farms and also can be engineered through CRISPR to tolerate all soil and climatic conditions worldwide and still retain unique tastes or produce unique tastes using scratch DNA allowing them to be grown in the open soil in trashcans,aquaponics,hydroponics,aeroponics,home,meadow and community farms around the world and also be grown on hybrid crops to increase productivity thus making them more widely availible to the general public.Genes can be from native crops,extremophile bacteria and scratch etc can allow any crop and ornamental plants to grow in any soil and climate around the world.The soil conditions that may affect their taste can be replicated by the soil where they are grown analysed by sensors and the farm and home AI creating custom made fertiliser and soils for pots,trashcans and hydroponic media with bacteria that affect this and are required for their growth created via 3D DNA printers that can be added to soil and hydroponic media etc or even be engineered to grow in the leaves etc.Otherwise scratch and recombinant DNA can be made to make these exact tastes produced by crops by them creating exact flavourings with the option of bacteria and microbes creating them within tissues etc when inside them during growth in required amounts via anabolic and catabolic reactions etc.Compounds that affect the taste and texture of a crop from soil,climatic and altitude levels,micro-organism etc can be analysed individually and collectively in labs and added to a database in Triptolemus or in the crops Physis file to allow consumers to pick and choose which compounds to be created within the tissues of the crops from those made via aquaponics,hydroponics,aeroponics and those from biosynth machinery and the soil.Any crops that can only be pollinated by specific species of pollinators can have the flowers modified via CRISPR to be pollinated by any species.Biosynth machinery can be used to grow any species of crop.Those that need the feces of specific animals that are required to fertilise them and affect taste can be created by algae etc mixed together with them even engineered into seeds that dont require to be consumed by animals etc.They can also be part of hybrid crops to increase productivity when ordered in or grown at home.This will make it easier to make them viable for all consumers to grow them at home cutting down on energy and time and allow monoculture farms to be reforested indefinitely.It can also be used to make them mature much quicker with crops that need at least three years or even a decade to grow can take as much as a year or several months like normal crops through using genes from fast growing native crops in countries it is not native to but also through increasing mitosis rates as explained earlier such as having recombinant DNA from C.perfringens,E.coli,those from T.gammatolerans etc.V.planifolia,V.tahitensis for example can be engineered to grow in all soils and climates around the world including in indoor hydroponic/aquaponic systems,create more pods and larger ones that when harvested will regrow via DNA from A.mexicanum and totipotent stem cells etc,grow and mature faster say in as little as a few months via genes from faster growing crops and fast growing bacteria etc or be part of hybrid plants and engineered to produce flowers that are easier to be pollinated by all types of arthropods including A.mellifera and Lepidoptera from all countries by having the stamen engineered to hang out of the flower  and bloom longer than one day ie continuously all year long to produce more pods all year round and live for several years or even decades with the leaves being replaced by leafy greens and herbs.Genetic engineering can be used to have them produce larger pods and more pods per plants with Aquaponics and aeroponics also used to grow in home snd veryocal farms.Bacteria can be engineered to pridice all flavourings of the plants brand on a commercial scales.This should make it easier to grow the crop worldwide indoors and outdoors as well as using aquaponics lowering costs to almost zero and can be replicated with other important crops that require specific conditions and also take long amounts of time to mature,flower and also produce small amounts of the desired crop.This can be replicated with all rare and expensive ornamental plants and expensive crops allowing them to grow faster,live longer and bloom longer and do so in all climates and soils with them engineered to produce flavourings affected by soil,climates via scratch DNA allowing them to be grown anywhere in the soil or via aquaponics etc while still retaining unique tastes affected localised climate.Exotic crops that require several years to mature,bloom,produce fruit and age can have recombinant DNA from scratch and also from native staple crops that grow faster than normal will be added to ensure those that take decade or more to grow,mature,bloom and produce will do so within a year or few months with having the fruit or crop be part of hybrid plants also expediating growth.The flavourings,scents,colourings and specific compounds of pharmaceutical,cosmetic,nutritional value in all species of plants and animals will be created by bacteria using recombinant DNA replacing synthetic colourings and flavours.Enzymes etc relevant to certain foods that are present in can created by bacteria with rare bacteria relevant to crop and food production will be created by other bacteria engineered to grow in most or all media and environmental conditions.Yeast and bacteria can make the milk of all 6,400 species,sub species and breeds of mammals including specific breeds at home and in community and vertical farms especially mammals that live in the ocean and are wild animals and thus difficult to get on an unlimited scale.Those that are affected by feedstuff can have the bacteria feed the same flours,sugars from plants that do so from other bacteria or them created by anabolic and catabolic reactions.The different flavours of different breeds and species that create different flavours etc due to different factors such as climate,age,feedstuff will be analysed in labs both individually and collectively and like milk and alcoholic drinks stored in a database managed by Triptolemus or the plant and animals Physis file to allow a consumer to order in different batches of all species and breeds of a set age,set climate,set feedstuff for customised meat.Milk from all 391,000 species of plant and 6,400 species,sub species and breeds including those that dont create enough to be commercially viable can be created this way.It will be indistinguishable from real milk with the same ecological footprint as in vitro meat with it allowing allowing one to get milk from all 6,400 species and breeds of mammals and 391,000 species of plants including those that are too expensive due to being too laborious or resource intensive to be commercially viable.This would as result give a person a choice of at least 396,416 types of milk,cheese,yogurts,butter etc with relevant bacteria,starter cultures and moulds etc printed out at home cutting down on costs with flavourings of all type of fruit etc including V.planifolia,V.tahitensis,Musa and T.cacao etc created by other bacteria and mixed in or created by the same strain of bacteria that produces the milk at the same time.The flavourings of all species of plants and animals can be added to the genome of the yeasts or bacteria etc that create milk of all types further increasing customisation.Yeast and bacteria based milk will give one the choice of milk from all 391,000 plants and mammels that can be ordered in large batches from farms of all types and made at home with this allowing even those that are too expensive due to them not producing enough to be commercially viable and labourious with 99% resources than conventional milk with flavours as the result of feedstuff and age etc created in them via anabolic and catabolic reactions.In vitro meat and bioprinted organs can create the meat etc of any species of animal especially endangered ones making them more widely available with as detailed earlier bacteria algae that are grown in home or communal or public sewage treatment plants can create TVP with the same taste and texture as any type of meat.This should provide consumers with at least 2,000,000 types of meat.Spices especially expensive ones can using CRISPR grow on more native plants as hybrids or from bacteria with for example saffron producing C.sativus have larger stigma containing saffron especially through hydroponically grown plants at home with for example the stigma of the C.sativus containing saffron being engineered into all types of ornamental flowers in ones gardens as well as all of the flowers on fruit trees and crops including hybrids especially those in forest farms/wilderness that are hybrids with even them grown in large numbers on a specific plant with them on exotic flowers like Orchidaceae engineered into them.All crops whether fruits,vegetables and even hybrids will have this stigma engineered into them.This could include hydroponically or garden grown Typhaceae/Typha and reed like plants created using the DNA of C.sativus that have dozens of stigma on each one and no petals with also the possibility of a husk like pod the same shape as Z.m.mays that would be once opened contain large amounts of long saffron stigma by itself that can be hybridised onto any hybrid plant.If possible these stigma would be several feet long and each husk would contain a 0.501 kg of saffron equivalent to that from 70,000 flowers or even double that.Flowers can be created that grow on vines that house both the flower and stamens of C.sativus with the stamen engineered to be much longer with all parts of the stamen such as Bunch,Pushal,Negon,Sargol being several metres long through scratch DNA with this increasing harvests exponentially with these vine plants allowing them to be more conducive to aquaponics with hox genes increasing the amount of flowers present thus exponentially increasing yields with A.ostoyae,P.japonica DNA creating large masses of flowers.This can allow aquaponic systems in home,community and vertical farms to mass produce the spice pushing its costs to zero and allow for localised cultivation.If possible biosynth machinery that creates nuts,cereals,eggs and fruits etc could produce the spice or indeed all types of spices in larger amounts.This and other spices could be created by bacteria in the cell wall and also as powder or liquid to be mixed in or spread over food.All ornamental flowers and flowers on crops of all types including hybrids could be engineered to produce large stigmas of this plants spice.This could also include a fungus like a truffle and mushroom hybrid designed to produce mushrooms on the surface,truffles in the ground and also have dozens of large long stigma on the mushrooms caps for pollination to increase genetic diversity.This could make the rare spice more cheaper and grown anywhere in the world with the same done to other rare spices with bacteria engineered to create the saffron spice and other spices in there cell walls in a powder form.Otherwise hydroponics at home can grow C.sativus that has much larger and multiple stigma allowing them to be grown quicker at home in greenhouses etc.Other spices can be grown via creating hybrids with fruit and nut trees and ornamental plants in home and community farms.Ornamental flowers and those on hybrid crop/ornamental/wild trees can also be engineered to have these increasing there abundance.If possible saffron and indeed all spices could be created by bacteria in a powder or liquid form and also in large batches by biosynth machinery.Spices of all types such as Saffron,Coriander,Hibiscus,Turmeric,Cinnamon etc can be created by hybrid crops and aeroponics.Intensive research will be done to mass produce spices like C.sativus through genetic engineering,hybrid crops and even genetically engineered bacteria to push their cost to zero..Herbs can also be grown via bacteria,hybrid crops and aeroponics.Intensive research will be done to produce Spices and even mustard powder of S.alba,B.juncea,B.nigra can be created by bacteria in powder or oil form.Truffles as detailed later on can be engineered to grow in all climates and soils with the same flavours with them being hybrids with mushrooms that can grow in the open soil and also in the roots of all types of ornamental plants and crops in both soil and hydroponic media as well as in a trashcan that grows downwards like tubers.Rare mushrooms can also be engineered to grow in any soil etc.As detailed earlier truffles especially country specific ones through engineering can be made into hybrids with mushrooms that grow in the soil,be done in liquid media and be engineered to tolerate all climates and grow on all ornamental and crop plants in homes,community and vertical gardens and also those in the wilderness.Rare insects and fungi can be reared in home farms in secure areas to prevent them becoming an invasive species with O.sinensis reared on locally reared Hepialidae species from Tibet created by 3D DNA printers or modified subspecies of local species with the fungus engineered to be unable to mutate and affect local species of Lepidoptera with if possible the fungus itself engineered to only grow on nutrient broth or if possible even as a truffle or mushroom producing large masses as detailed later on to increase yields and limit the chance of it affecting native species when grown in gardens etc with them unable to harbour toxic heavy metals.If possible when orders insects from a farm or is rearing insects at home the O.sinensis fungus can be tweaked to grow on the specific reared species and it then killed by radiation etc.The fungus that will be created by 3D DNA printers that although can be able to grow on any species of insect will be tweaked that it can only grow on them and not native species with each order undergoing treatments to kill them off before they leave the farm and also the tank etc they are grown in exposed to narrow range UV lights,radiation and temperatures that would sterilise the area to prevent it becoming an invasive fungus.If possible it will be engineered to be able to only grow within a specific range of temperatures etc meaning it would die if it it escapes by dying from the frost,summer heat or dryness..AI will develop methods to prevent it contaminating the outside world.Ideally though it would be engineered to a truffle hybridised with a mushroom as detailed later on making large masses that cant spread into native species as well as creating large masses like truffles that increase productivity and yields.The fungus can also be engineered to survive only specific narrow temperature ranges and other environmental conditions etc that can be created in farms and thus unable to survive the local climate and killed off by exposing them to environmental conditions that they cannot survive with engineering preventing loss of flavour.Micro algae can be grown in home and community farm systems with macro algae grown in recirculating aquaculture systems as well as hybrids of P.montana and also F.japonica with Laminariales and other Phaeophyceae in place of leaves on hybrid crops with these engineered to tolerate saltwater particularly in pots and hydroponic and aeroponic media and thus be fed water containing salt to retain salty tastes.They could also be grown in rivers,lakes,estuaries and by the coast of all major cities and in deep ocean oil rigs converted into hotels and deep ocean fish farms expanding several kilometres outwards.They could also be grown as stated in recirculating aquaculture systems in home,community and vertical farms.Hybridisation between different types of crops will also make rare and expensive crops more widely available to consumers worldwide especially if the plants is engineered to or is hybridised with native crops that are fast growing and can survive local soils and climates.Swiflet soups can be created by biosynth machinery creating the same salivary nest like structure,rearing swiflets or even have bacteria produce them via using recombinant DNA or using catabolic and anabolic reactions.Foie gras and other rare organs and offal can be done by rearing Anatidae at home,biorpinted organs,biosynth animals or have them formed by microbes,stem cells etc.If possible foie gras can be made by bacteria creating the exact type and composition of the fatty liver by itself or with invitro via stem cells and bioprinted livers to negate animal cruelty and also create larger yields with this replicated with the livers of other livestock.Bioprinting organs and invitro organs via stem cells can allow any type of offal including foie gras and those used in traditional medicine.If possible traditional livestock like Bovidae or even Leptailurus serval will be engineered to produce the same meat,fat/blubber,bones,blood and organs and even leather and fur etc of more endangered and rare animals like P.tigris,Pinnipeds,Cetacea etc with bioprinted organs and also invitro meat also created locally to cut down on resources.Haemotiopic stem cells can be created by 3D DNA printers to create the blood of any animal for traditional medicine with osteoblasts also created by them to create bones used for traditional medicine.The organs of any animal used in traditional medicine including penises can be created via bioprinted organs or even stem cells engineered to undergo mitosis with bones used in medicine created again with osteoblasts stem cells with blood of any animal created using haemotiopic stem cells from any of the worlds 2,000,000 species of animals with them engineered to undergoe mitosis to make them viable for commercial scale manufacture without killing any anals.Biorpinted leather and in time bioprinted reptile skin technology allowing the skin of any mammal and reptile including rare ones from Rhincodon typus,Rhinocerotidae,Equine and Elephantidae to be created cheaply without harming any animals with bioprinted reptile skin also pursued created by stem cells cutting down on resources in factories.Thus the leather and skin of all 16,116 species of mammals and reptiles will become widely availible.P.tigris and similar animals hunted for fur can have their fur created into threads by bacteria then woven into customised patterns.Horns and ivory from Rhinocerotidae and Elephantidae will be created via 3D printing,biosynth machinery,picotech fabricators or even creating hybrid animals that are docile and grow both of them as detailed later on.In time even bacteria through anabolic and catabolic reactions in moulds within factories can create these alongside pearls.Pearls can in time be made by biosynth technology and machinery or 3D printing and nanotech/picotech fabrication and if possible even bacteria using catabolic and anabolic reactions.Genetic engineering can allow any crop that needs specific climates,soils etc to be grown in home and community farms around the world in any climate,soil etc with vertical farms and aquaponics in home,community and vertical farms can allow them to grow there by replicating temperature etc.It can also increase growth rates to make crops that take years to reach maturity take only a few months or weeks to reach maturity.3D DNA printers and artificial wombs will allow any rare and expensive breed of livestock to be created anywhere on an unlimited scale with CRISPR allowing genes from prized horses to be added to all of them worldwide.AI will develop ways through genetically altered bacteria,hybrid crops,genetically engineering crops to survive local climates,soils and also hydro/aero/aquponics,recirculating aquacultre systems,invitro meat to allow any type of crop,plant and animal commodity,fish,meat with this including even the most expensive and rare ones as well as those that can’t be gotton through normal means due to being not commercially viable enough to be widely availible to everyone at zero cost while still preventing wild stocks and populations of fish and endangered animals to be affected,without killing any animals and have all land currently used for agriculture to be reforested and not needing anymore to be cut down.These will be made to be virtually indistinguishable from the real natural versions and if possible even purer versions.Rare minerals,gemstones and ornamental rocks including diamonds will of course be created in Aphrodite buildings through machinery with rare elements,ores etc including Himalayan salt will be created by picotech fabrication by at least 2100.Himalayan salt since only minutely different from normal salt will be created by normal salt have all other minerals added.Picotech could also create gold for gold pizzas etc.Rare types of woods can be created via synthetic wood created in Talos factories.VR technology indistinguishable from real life can allow expensive meals to be created and eaten in demand.

Genetically engineering livestock:
Disease and possibly even pest resistance/repellence should be applied to fish,shellfish,livestock and insects through genetic engineering as well.Dealing with pests on livestock can be the same as dealing with crop pests using traps,carnivorous plants,biological controls and doping tags or necklaces with insecticides or repellents with repellents sourced from genetically altered bacteria and sprayed on animals or in buildings or porous pods in pens.Other methods of pest control for crops and livestock detailed later on should be employed.Genetic engineering could allow livestock and pets unable to harbour internal pests by having different structures in the pets and livestocks body that cannot allow them to latch onto the body or allow them to naturally eradicate them via producing hormones,natural antibodies and chemicals to either kill them or remove them from their body with measures to eradicate both internal and external pests from an area as detailed later on utilised.Species specific biocompatible microbes for all fish,shellfish and livestock of all types could be used to immunise them against pests or fight them off without injecting them with compounds.These microbes would carry out the same functions as those in humans such as fighting off pathogens,zoonooses,parasites and immunising the animals against all pathogens and parasites especially zoonoses to negate the need for antibiotics in the food chain,eliminate genetic diseases,increase lifespan,augmentations,kill off spoilage and zoonose bacteria etc in the animal and them through upgrades giving them upgrades such as increasing milk yields,growth rates.Each species will have anti-viral,anti-bacterial,anti-fungal and anti-helminthic strains that use compounds derived from the sap,stings of plants and animals and also CRISPR treatments,synthetic compounds and antibodies extrapolated by AI analysing the outer structures of pathogens etc and immunisation strains etc.This immunisation will also kill off pathogens to the animals but also zoonoses such as MRSA and E.Coli and others that can affect humans thus eliminating food poisoning pathogens meaning all meat including fish and shellfish and even milk and eggs could be eaten raw without safety concerns with the consumer also immunised against all food borne pathogens as well themselves as a back up.IT would eliminate antibiotics from the food chain since they will not be used.By passing from one generation to the next like those in humans they would immunise an animal shortly after birth and thus would offer lifelong protection against all strains of all possible viral,bacterial and fungal pathogens via the common proteins method including those to whom no vaccine exist and also against those to whom there have been epidemics in the past in certain countries just to ensure no future outbreaks occur such as Aphthae epizooticae.All livestock,fish,shellfish and even pets should be immunised against all species of pathogens and even non pathogen bacteria to ensure they dont mutate into new pathogens that affect them and humans with them particularly immunised against zoonoses including E.coli,MRSA.A.episzooticae,L.monocytogenes etc with even those in the udder of Bovidae etc killed off by these.All pathogens whether viral,bacterial or fungi and parasites of all livestock will be tested in automated labs against sap,venoms from stings and bites from all poisonous animals to see which can work and add relevant recombinant DNA to the microbes with AI namely Paean and Phanes extrapolating compounds and even antibodies from the structure of pathogens and parasites and then have microbes create these via catabolic and anabolic reactions or extrapolating scratch DNA to be added to them.Parasites will also be fought off by them and can be immunised against.Non-pathogenic bacteria in the stomach that affect the taste of milk and are beneficial to the animal will be given DNA that makes them express protein coats of the animal that will protect them from antibodies and compounds.Probiotic bacteria added to the animals that would pass from one generation to the next as detailed later would also be given the same protein coats present in them to protect them from antibodies,high tmpatus and radiation.They would thus carry out the same functions as those in humans with these flushed out of the body via phlebotomy robots,feces etc or them unable to interact with human ones and thus they would die outside of the animals body.If possible they would be engineered to be unable to survive the human stomach and be flushed out of humans through defecation and urination as well as be unable to interbreed with human ones since suited only to specific livestock and would be flushed out of the body or would be signalled by human microbes to flush out of the body through chemical or wifi signals or undergo apoptosis via Pean and Triptolemus with gene drives present preventing them mutating in the human body.Otherwise they would form tissues in the animals prior to slaughter and if need be they can stay in the meat and other products fighting off spoilage and pathogenic bacteria thus making milk,eggs and meat last indefinitely alongside anti-ageing treatments with anti-ageing DNA,osmophile,psychrophile DNA added to them to make them able to survive high levels of radiation,salt and sugar through the DNA from relevant extremophiles.This could allow stores of meat,eggs etc to last indefinitely in storage with them controlled by Triptolemus while in the live animal and also when in storage via wifi.This could allow animals to live indefinitely or longer with in vitro meat providing meat over decades and centuries.The anti-ageing effects and immunisation against pathogens and them fighting off spoilage bacteria etc while still in the dead animal could allow meat,eggs,milk,shellfish to last indefinitely without the need for artificial preservatives such as nitrites,curing etc with the acellerated healing phenotypes and psyrophile DNA added to living animals at birth or through gene therapy will allow meat to survive freezer burn in freezers.These microbes in crops and livestock would be unable to interact with human ones and would be destroyed by cooking and stomach acids with Paean signalling them to undergo apoptosis and flush out of the body.Paean will control these microbes including signalling them to undergoe apotosis when not need prior to slaughter etc.They through nanomachines or biosynth implants will allow for the location of livestock to be located at all times through the farm and Home AI allowing for those that are lost and escaped ones to be located via GPS using satellites with the animals distance from the farm and devices used by the community to locate the animals location from them in kilometres,metres and centimetres.To compliment microbes bacteriophages can be developed that kill all bacterial and fungal pathogens and even parasites of fish,shellfish and livestock including Bovidae,Phesinadea etc by using them as a replication vector with for larger livestock them injected via syringes or for them and small livestock and fish etc them administered as a pill that is covered in or applied through mixed in with their feed.Viruses will involve the creation of hybrids of bacteriophages and virophages.Bacteriophages can be developed for pathogens,zoonoses and spoilage bacteria of livestock and fish etc with virophages developed for viruses and those created for fungi and parasites.Livestock and pets can also have bioluminescence from a combination of Pyrophorus noctilucus,Lampyridae,Ostracods(in particular Vargula hilgendorfii),Aequorea victoria to make them visible to people at night if they escape and also to find them with this and biosynth implants also relaying their location to automated vehicles.Furthermore dangerous animals like cattle and exotic ones can have microbes that released sedatives on demand to prevent them attacking humans or other humans.All remaining livestock such as Bovidsa,Phaesinidae and even fish and shellfish will be given species specific microbes of all strains of those found in humans that will fight off pathogens,parasites etc and immunise them with these created at home via home 3D DNA printers and injected using syringes.They would pass through unprotected sex and also from one generation to the next and be flushed out of the body by forced urination,feces in algea plants to be separated and put into new patients or via phlebotomy robots when collected in the blood to be separated and sent to new patients or used in electronics prior or after slaughter.Pets would also have these phenotypes and also biosynth implants formed inside them so that if they escape they can be seen at night and also their GPS location detected at all times.These microbes will completely eliminate superbugs and antiobiotics from the food chain completely.Livestock and fish and shellfish made resistant to radiation via T.gammatolerans DNA can be exposed to large doses of radiation between both 1,000-2,000Gy to sterilise them of pathogens and also the case of milking cow beneficial bacteria in the udder will be made immune to radiation as well.The animals or microbes could even be engineered to produce pheromones or odours that repel pests that feed on their blood or act as vectors of disease with these made form scratch or from plants or the animal could be immunised against parasites.Other methods of dealing with pests such as making them repulsed by the blood of livestock or unable to digest it.Like crops as explained by the examples of Aphidoidea releasing genetically engineered pests with gene drives in the case of both internal and external pests that are unable to feed on or survive in livestock and pets but rather wild animals with their ability to act as vectors for pathogens removed to prevent both their and their predators extinction and thus an imbalance in the ecosystem.They should also be modified to in the case of haematophages become herbivores feeding on the sap of only weeds or in the case of internal parasites such as Cestoda and similar worms form a synergistic relationship with the host to not be attacked by their immune system,compete for nutrients(but rather run on excess nutrients or even wastes in the body and bloodstream) and augment their hosts abilities such as consume excess fats this ensuring the host produces lean meat,attacks and consumes pathogenic bacteria and viruses or kill them off and also release beneficial hormones and other compounds with them not entering the milk or leave the body prior to slaughter with if possible this applying to very young livestock ie them using up excess nutrients to prevent them becoming to fat or like battery hens unable to move,eliminate pathogens removing the need for antibiotics and also release hormones naturally produced by them or other animals that would improve their success in growing to adulthood and,leave behind ability for the host to fight off infections via horizontal gene transfer and thus negate the need for antibiotics in their adulthood stage when they will be unable to infect them thus preventing humans consuming them and like even in the case of biocompatible microbes work alongside native bacteria in the gastro-intestinal tract with them modified to be spread by aerial vectors or by conventional means and again only infect livestock at a specific stage of its lifecycle.Sterile male techniques and others that eliminate entire populations should be used only for invasive species of pests.Conferring resistance to viral,bacterial,fungal and also genetic diseases will also be pursued using cis/trans genetics and those made from scratch alleviating the need for vaccines and antibiotics to be used.Alongside this would be spraying all surfaces in vertical and community farms and homes such as pens,feeding troughs,machines, robots,slaughterhouses,recirculating aquaculture systems,fish farms,flooring walls etc with a permanent layer of liquid glass to prevent microbial and viral growth and spread alongside routine sterilising sweeps by robots and nanoquadrocopters equipped with UV light.Narrow wavelength UV that doesn’t damage human and animal skin can be used with these lights ideally on the ceilings of all rooms in all buildings of each farm.Gene therapy could also used to remove all hereditary genetic diseases from their genepool as well as confer resistance to bacterial and viral diseases negating the need for antibiotics cutting down on costs as well as preventing them entering the human body and the creation of drug resistant human and animal pathogens with research also done to remove milking animals ability to harbour spoilage bacteria,pathogenic bacteria in their udder that would prevent unpasteurised milk from causing illness or replacing them with beneficial gut flora that may in fact strengthen ones immune system such as probiotics including Lactobacillus delbrueckii particularly Lactobacillus bulgaricus GLB44.These and all probiotics and those that affect the taste can be engineered with recombinant DNA from acidophiles to survive the low pH of the stomach,recombinant DNA from T.gammatolerans to make them immune to radiation,scratch DNA to make them immune to antibodies from the livestock or humans who drink it,scratch DNA to make them immune to antimicrobial compounds produce by them and survive the intense heat of pasteurisation containing DNA from meso and thermophiles with this done to other bacteria that are pivotal to the taste of milk and would have genome capsids.These gut flora and microbes would have genome capsids to house DNA to protect them from radiation and antibodies.Livestock,beneficial gut flora and those that affect the taste of milk can have T.gammatolerans DNA added that protects them from radiation up to 30,000Gy thus allowing livestock to be exposed to blasts of up to 2,000Gy to sterilise them of all pathogens and parasites with this also applying to fish and shellfish with DNA from W.dermatitidis,C.sphaerospermum and C.neoformans; allowing the livestock radiosynthesis that use the radiation to create more biomass.Pathogens,parasites,spoilage bacteria in milk and udder that are normally killed off by pasturisation would not have immunities to radiation,high temperatures and immunisations from microbes.The livestock could also be engineered to produce the same peptides and antimicrobial compounds as secreted by the skin of Russian Brown Frogs within their udder to kill off all bacteria removing the need for pasteurisation and increase its shelf life similar to the ancient practice of leaving frogs in milk canteens which could be reared in photobioreactors that hold and store milk to kill off pathogens negating the need for pasteurisation saving on energy with this applying to those in community centres,vertical farms and homes.Otherwise these peptides would be produced by the Bovidae in the udder to kill them in the udder prior to milking negating the need to rear frogs.This could even be used to kill off mastitis and these peptides and antimicrobial agents can be synthesised by microbes such as fungi to applied at home.Lactobacillis bacteria that produce lactic acid can also be in the udder with them also producing those from Russian Brown frogs and also bicompatible microbes that use photoantimicrobial dyes,CRISPR treatments,antimicrobial compounds,phagocytosis and other measures detailed later on can be used to kill off any other pathogens and spoilage micro-organisms with them able to only interact with and kill off pathogens and spoilage bacteria and not beneficial ones.The probiotics present would be engineered to be resistant to these peptides etc,radiation and high temperatures that are used in pasteurisation using thermophile DNA and those from forced evolution and even the stomach acids of the consumer that drinks them using acidophile DNA with gene drives or genome capsids preventing them spreading to pathogens though if pathogens do become resistant biocompatible microbes can be utilised.All livestock should be engineered to be resistant to all types of viral and bacterial disease from related breeds or even unrelated species of other animals whether livestock,pets or wild fauna with further engineering making them unable to harbour parasites.Microbes will make them immune to all pathogens and spoilage bacteria by immunising them in the same way as humans and will fight them off using CRISPR,antiviral and antibacterial cmpounds.Parasites could be dealt with the livestock being immunised against them via microbes,radiation,microbes fighting them off or CRISPR engineering them to be unable to harbour them or fight them off themselves.This would eliminate antibiotics from the food chain completely with this also wiping zoonoses from food as well with all species of fish,shellfish and livestock have species specific microbes added.Livestock of all types as well as fish and shellfish could also be engineered to be unable to harbour human pathogens including zoonoses in their meat,eggs and milk to make it safe to eat them raw or at least protect consumers should they be not cooked thoroughly with irradiation and biocompatible microbes also used as well as adding recombinant DNA from T.gammatolerans to allow them to treated to radiation techniques while still alive without harming or damaging the animal and after slaughter while the bacteria and pathogens is killed.Having DNA from T.gammatolerans in the animals genome can allow them to survive up to 30,000Gy of radiation with probiotic bacteria and those that affect is taste also housing this radiorestence with them housed in genome capsids to prevent them passing them to pathogens in the udder and other parts of the body.As a result all spoilage bacteria,pathogens including zoonoses and parasites in the animals body would be killed off with them exposed to radiation blasts as high as 2,000Gy(E.coli can survive only 60Gy with T.gammatolerans surviving 30,000Gy)or even 10,000Gy.For this to work the animal,its microbes and any beneficial bacteria including those in the udder such as any of those from Lactobacillus genus and those that would affect taste that can be added to them and all successive generations could be engineered to be resistant to the radiation with beneficial bacteria housing this in genome capsids.This application of radiation would be done routinely,when pathogens and parasites are detected and before milking and slaughter when animals are alive and after slaughter.Immunisations and CRISPR treatments applied by microbes can counteract radiorestence.Since only spoilage bacteria,pathogens,parasites in milk will be killed it would negate the need for pasteurisation and antibiotics.Thermophile DNA can be added to probiotics and those that affect taste to survive pasteurisation with acidophilus DNA added to allow probiotics to survive the acidity of the stomach.Immunisations,radiation etc can potentially prevent spoilage bacteria and pathogens passing from on generation to the next. All of these aforementioned measures will aid in eliminating antibiotics from the food chain and prevent the development of superbugs.This milk will be free from antibiotics,hormones,pesticide as well as spoilage and pathogenic bacteria and will if need be have bacteria that aid in its taste added at home or where it is ordered from with them modified not to spoil the milk thus souring it allowing them to last longer with if possible these engineered to increase shelf life by reversing spoiling process,consuming enzymes etc that cause it to go off and even engineered to prey on only pathogenic or spoilage bacteria recognised in the same way that base microbes do and produce antibiotic compounds they are made immune to like peptides form Russian Brown frogs and use CRISPR treatments meaning they would be similar to but not microbes with if possible it being beneficial gut flora engineered with these phenotypes and also acidophile DNA to survive the stomach with them being Lactobacillus used as a baseline.Bdellovibrio,M.aeruginosavorus DNA will be in these strains to allow it parasitism the pathogens and be better at detecting them with scratch DNA making them attack all only spoilage and pathogens and not the hosts cells or beneficial species when consumed.This would have DNA from thermophiles,acidophiles and even radiorestant bacteria to survive these conditions while pathogens are killed off.They could be beneficial gut flora and probiotics as well as those that give milk it’s taste that are engineered to survive the stomachs acids and aid in ones digestive system with the consumer deciding which ones are used as a basline or they can lack acidophile DNA and be engineered to die in the stomach.The bacteria would have xerophile DNA to survive long periods without water and Firmicutes DNA to form endospores that would allow them to form these when pathogens are not present and also limit the amount of water and nutrients they use with them engineered to utilise only enzymes that cause spoilage and also consume pathogenic and spoilage bacteria themselves as nutrition via phagocytosis thus limiting them consuming nutrients and water in the milk they are protecting (or proteins in meat in the case of those used to preserve meat)with them entering these endospores when there is no enzymes and also pathogens etc with them awoken when they are detected.They could even revere spoilage by breaking down solid masses,creating and destroying enzymes etc with if possible them having biosynth wifi that will allow the Home AI and Triptolemus to control this with the bacteria housing C.elegans and Cas-9 and taq polymerase to detect the pH,temperature,enzymes and other environmental conditions of the milk and also prescence of pathogens and spoilage bacteria and enzymes etc that will awaken them from the endospores.The bacteria that preys on pathogens,spoilage bacteria,reverses spoilage and adds taste to it can be an all in one species added to it in farms or printed at home.Biosynth WiFi will be used to control its preying on spoilage and pathogenic bacteria and its ability to reverse and halt spoilage process with it carrying out actions that allow it to keep milk spoilage and pathogenic bacteria free and reverse and halt the spoilage free.If perfected milk could last for years or indefinitely without being pathogenic or even go off and stay fresh both inside and outside the fridge and can have DNA from psychrophiles,thermophiles etc to survive and function at all temperature and environmental conditions.Probitioc bacteria and non pathogenic ones that affect taste can be added to this milk.Dairy products like cheese,yogurt,creme etc created with this milk in Deipneus factories could be able to stay fresh indefinitely with dairy products ordered in from Deipneus factories would contain these to also last indefinitely.Urania,Triptolemus etc will carry out intensive research to ensure safe and effective methods that can ensure milk can stay fresh forever or as long as theoretically possible increasing its shelf life exponentionally.If possible pens could be arranged to have all animals exposed to radiation at once in their pens to allow all pathogens and parasites killed at once and unable to spread via air,feces etc.Anti-ageing treatments and the radioresistant DNA could prevent tissues from losing texture,flavour etc when irradiated both when alive and slaughtered with microbes and bacteria in the udder responsible for taste will stay alive.This would also mean irradiated meat and food etc will be not affected in terms of taste.All surfaces would be covered in liquid glass and designed that feces and urine falls into grating covered in this that collected in a trough covered in liquid glass below where it can be pumped out to the main sewage line to be turned into algea with if possible miniature algea sewage treatment plants onsite of the farm.All surfaces will be treated to both radiation treatments and narrow range UV wavelength lights to sterilise all surfaces,pens,air etc thus making the completely sterile.Both pens for livestock and fish tanks as part of recirculating aquaculture systems will be treated this way.Having the animals,probiotics and those that affect taste house DNA from W.dermatitidis,C.sphaerospermum and C.neoformans can be added to animals and probiotics to enable them to radiosynthesis,that is,to use the pigment melanin to convert gamma radiation from devices into chemical energy for growth.Tweaks can be made to do this with other types of radiation including UV radiation allowing fish,probiotics and livestocks to gain nutrition from the sun and that from artificial lights and radiation devices to increase growth rates.Tweaks can be  made to do this with other types of radiation with scratch DNA used to make the DNA from the radiotrophic fungi to actively convert the radiation into energy in a way that the radiation is removed from the atmosphere.Device that emit radiation can be in pens and tanks for fish to improve growth rates of flesh and also sterilise surfaces and the fish,livestock itself of all parasites and pathogens with studies done as to the best level of radiation to increase growth rates between 2,000-30,000Gy once DNA from T.gammatolerans is added to them.This can sterilise livestock and fish after slaughter and even while alive of any pathogens,spoilage bacteria and parasites without antibiotics.This can apply to fish,shellfish and all types of livestock.This can apply to in vitro meat and bacteria and yeast based milk to prevent it going off by killing off pathogens and spoilage bacteria and induce growth with yeast based milk having probiotics and bacteria that affect the taste added.Biocompatible microbes should also be immune to radiation and high temperatures to allow them to continue to fight off spoilage bacteria with the DNA of T.gammatolerans,thermophiles and others as part of anti-ageing treatments keeping the cells in a youthful state indefinitely and negate any effect it has on flavour,texture.E.Coli,C.perfringens DNA and scratch DNA will increase their miotic division of cells increasing growth rates allowing them to reach maturity exponentionally faster in as little as a few weeks or even days and Xerophile and oligotrophic DNA will reduce their water and nutrient requirements.This will combined with other engineering also used in crops to help them reach maturity within weeks of days.Biocompatible microbes specific to each species and individual will pass from one generation to the next and fight off infections as well as parasites in the same way as humans and ideally immunise them against all spoilage and pathogens especially zoonoses using the common proteins method.This and radiation treatments to live and slaughtered animals will eliminate antibiotics and deadly pathogens such as E.Coli,MRSA and also parasites from the food chain.Also both livestock and pets of all types especially those in breeding farms will have this resistance to all diseases;viral,fungal,bacterial and genetic bred into them with gene drives passing this down to future generations with Phanes arranging breeding rotations on local to global levels so that in a few decades all livestock and pets worldwide will be resistant to all types of diseases negating the need for antibiotics,vaccines and unnecessary suffering.To break down any antibodies present in milk etc via irradiation and super blasts of super high intensity UV can be used with other techniques such as graphene sheets all of which can be integrated into miniaturised GEA milking systems with the same nanosensors used to ensure 100% of the contaminants are gone which can also be integrated into each step of these milking machines present in community farms which can reroute them through the machines to remove all of these contaminants.The internal structures of these coated in a permanent layer of liquid glass to negate cleaning,ensure all milk is collected and also to prevent the spread of bacteria to new batches.These if integrated into farms and their pens can allow large milking machines,rotolactors and buildings to be used for other purposes such as homes or recycled and allow milking to be done onsite in pens of each farms in urbanised areas such as cities in underground extensions with shepherding robots guiding animals in.Further genetic engineering can be done to improve their protein to muscle conversion ratio,create more milk,reduce the amount of fat produced,reduce the amount of methane and nitrous oxide they produce and grow faster.Fat content and muscle ratio can be aided by biocompatible microbe that consume fats in the animal during its lifetime including saturated fats and stimulate the production of muscles through hormones etc in the same way as humans with them and nanomachines flushed out of the body before slaughter.This can be done by the animal having its version of the fat insulin receptor and myostatin gene removed and them synthesising essential amino acids and even omega-3 fatty acids as well as causing muscles to be destroyed by undergoing apoptosis and be regrown using up fat stores.The same level of engineering can apply to fish and also insects with it making bony fish and other livestock that cannot produce much meat have smaller skeletons and produce more flesh as well as making foul tasting insects and fish edible by removing the oils or other compounds that make them bad to taste removed.Meat can have anti-ageing and acellerated healing as well as psychrophile DNA to make it last indefinitely and also retain flavour and texture after being thawed.Engineering can be done to make large livestock like cattle smaller and more manageable and less likely to be a danger to humans as well as making them more docile or have no or smaller horns,talons and claws with this even be done to wild animals like Rhinocerotidae,Elephantidae,P.tigris and other animals that have not yet been domesticated to make them easier to control as livestock and pets with again these being separate species from their parent one.It can also be done to increase their breeding rates thus the age reach maturity,amount of young they can produce with the utilisation of CRISPR to create multiple differently related young using it ability to create an unlimited amount of individuals from a single strand with multiple births of a female ie octopulets created to start new farms.Engineering can also be used to make wild animals more docile both as pets and livestock to be reared for milk,meat and fur.If possible it may be used to create miniaturised versions of these animals such as Rhinocerotidae,Elephantidae as well as miniaturised cattle and other livestock to make them more manageable.These genetically engineered domesticated animals would be separate species from their parent species to prevent them overruning wild stocks.

Recombinant DNA from metallotolerants,xerophiles,G.metallireducens,Firmicutes and oligrotrophs could also cut down on the amount of water and nutrients for livestock including insects,fish and shellfish etc to use and also allow them to digest or remove uranium,cadmium,arsenic and heavy metals they consume with them and psychrophillic,mesophillic and thermophillic DNA added to fish and shellfish to prevent them absorbing metals and also survive all types of oceans.To cut down on resources all animals reared as livestock will be fitted with xerophile and oligotrophic DNA and will have their insulin fat receptor gene removed and myostatin inhibitor gene also removed.Livestock and fish can be engineered with DNA from T.gammatolerans and G.metallireducens allowing them to survive radioactive oceans and farms in polluted areas.This can also allow live animals and carcasses to be treated with radiation to kill of parasites and pathogens with DNA from W.dermatitidis,C.sphaerospermum and C.neoformans can be added to these livestock to enable them to radiosynthesis,that is,to use the pigment melanin to convert gamma radiation into chemical energy for growth.Tweaks can be made to do this with other types of radiation including UV radiation allowing bacteria to gain nutrition from the sun and that from artificial lights and devices that emit radiation once made immune to radiation via DNA from T.gammatolerans.Tweaks can be made to do this with other types of radiation with scratch DNA used to make the DNA from the radiotrophic fungi to actively convert the radiation into energy in a way that the radiation is removed from the atmosphere.The DNA could stimulate cellular growth of tissues thus allowing crops,fish,shellfish and livestock to grow without phosphorous and nitrogen etc and feed by having the radiation stimulate cellular growth and carry out the functions of all nutrients as part of fertiliser.If possible tweaks could allow the DNA from these bacteria could allow it to not need water by utilising radiation to replicate the biological processes of water.If perfected livestock would not need either water,feed or fertiliser at all thus eliminating the need for water and feed in agriculture.The same level of engineering in humans to make them synthesise essential amino acids and also other nutrients such as omega-3 acids and also other essential nutrients,oligotrophic and xerophile DNA as well as turning off their version of the fat insulin receptor gene and myostatin gene will allow for them to be more resource efficient requiring less water and nutrients and more leaner and produce less fat and also more meat with this applying to all fish,shellfish and also livestock.If possible livestock and also fish and shellfish can have the same engineering from crops to grow faster including DNA from E.coli,C.perfringens,from scratch and other fast growing animals to increase their growth rates to make them reach puberty and thus adulthood much quicker increasing the time to which they can be slaughtered with this allowing for one to preorder fish from any farm around the world in desired amounts.Rare mutations that create oversized livestock such as Bovidae and also Pheasinidae can be added to Physis to be replicated in any animal downloaded from Demeter with the DNA responsible for the musculature of the the Belgian Blue added to the genome of other breeds of Bovidae with even Phasianidae etc fitted with the DNA from Belgian Blue.Scratch DNA extrapolated by Phanes for each species of livestock can accentuate oversized biomass and create extra excessive biomass where no existing mutations exist.Their version of the fat insulin receptor and myostatin gene can be removed and them made to synthesis essential amino acids and fatty acids.This DNA can be added to in vitro meat stem cells and fish and shellfish.Their version of the fat insulin receptor and myostatin genes can be removed and them made to synthesis essential amino acids and fatty acids.Rare mutations that lead to oversized livestock can be stored in Physis and added to other livestock of all species and breeds.DNA from oversized fish and crops can be added to all types of livestock..The genes that give breeds of the Belgian Blue can be added to the DNA of all breeds of cattle,sheep,pigs and even Pheasinidae.Each species will have genes added to reach physical abc sexual maturity as quickly as possible and produce as much meat as possible but at the same time not cause discomfort for the animals with for Pheasinidae for example especially those reared for meat they will produce legs strong enough to support them with the legs also containing large amounts of muscle mass to provide extra meat to consume as legs etc thus preventing it going to waste with this replicated will all animals creating large amounts of flesh and growing quickly but also producing large amounts of flesh on their legs to not only support them and prevent discomfort but also add extra meat to consume as food.The DNA from Nephropidae that gives it the ability to grow forever can be added to each species of livestock as well.This will be made to interact with the legs etc.If this DNA is not able to produce this phenotypes then scratch DNA or other DNA for each species of crops can be extrapolated that cause them to not only grow forever but also grow exponentially faster to produce large monstrously sized livestock.Phanes can have genes extrapolated to be added to this DNA to further increase their growth rates and grow forever to immensely larger sizes.Scratch DNA devised by Phanes can accentuate this oversized biomass even more and create genes that produce oversized livestock etc for each species where no rare mutations exist using existing rare mutations as a baseline.All livestock will have their legs engineered to be like Ratite birds but more strong and full of muscle flesh for two reasons – firstly to make them able to support their own weight thus preventing suffering and secondly to provide more meat to be eaten as legs when the animal is slaughtered with this applying to all livestock such as Bovidae,Phasianidae,Antidae,Reptilla,Suidae etc with Aves as detailed earlier on fitted with P.perdix DNA to lay at least twenty eggs every day.Their necks can also be engineered to produced large amounts of edible muscle.Phasianidae can be engineered to not produce feathers which can use energy that can be otherwise be directed towards biomass with it also reducing energy and labour costs for humans to remove them with the animals engineered to survive all temperature ranges by having DNA from polikotherms,psychrophiles,thermophiles to allow them to survive wide ranges of external and internal temperatures and negate air conditioning and heaters to be in pens etc with geothermal heating and air conditioning added to pens to allow them to be heated during cold periods abd cooled during warm periods with DNA from T.gammatolerans to survive UV radiation from the sun with this applied to all livestock reared on home and community farms since 95-99% of the worlds meat will be from invitro meat and recirculating aquaculture systems.E.Coli,C.perfringens DNA and scratch DNA will increase their miotic division of cells increasing growth rates allowing them to reach maturity exponentionally faster in as little as a few weeks or even days and Xerophile and oligotrophic DNA will reduce their water and nutrient requirements.This will combined with other engineering also used in crops to help them reach maturity within weeks of days.DNA from W.dermatitidis,C.sphaerospermum and C.neoformans can be added to livestock to enable them to radiosynthesis,that is,to use the pigment melanin to convert gamma radiation from devices into chemical energy for growth.Tweaks can be made to do this with other types of radiation including UV radiation allowing livestock to gain nutrition from the sun and that from artificial lights and radiation devices to increase growth rates.Tweaks can be made to do this with other types of radiation with scratch DNA used to make the DNA from the radiotrophic fungi to actively convert the radiation into energy in a way that the radiation is removed from the atmosphere.Devices that emit gamma,UV and other radiation can be in outdoors community home farms when humans,pets and livestock and beneficial insects and wildlife are made immune to radiation and farms outdoors utitilise UV radiation from the sun.Studies can be done as to what intensity of radiation between 5-30,000Gy that is in the survival range of T.gammatolerans can both sterilise it and also provide maximum growth rates.This will not only encourage growth rates but also sterilise them of pathogens and spoilage micro-organisms,parasites and pests.Thus exposing the livestock to these levels constantly throughout its growing period will not only encourage growth of all edible biomass but also sterilise the livestock of any pests,parasites and pathogenic and zoonotic bacteria,fungi and viruses constantly.As stated tweaks to the DNA allowing this to replace nutrients and water thus eliminating water and feedstock from agriculture.This will apply to meat and dairy livestock animals of all species and breeds such as Phasianidae,Bovidae,Equidae,Suidae,O.aries as well as other non Phasianidae birds with dairy animal meals have all probiotics and microbes fitted with radioresitant.If possible Phasianidae can be engineered to produce the same meat as any breed of Bovidae,Equidae,Suidae,O.aries as well as other non Phasianidae birds such as Psittacines,Strigopoidea,Ramphastidae,Columbidae,Cacatuidae,Ratite,Struthio camelus,Coturnix coturnix endangered species such as Grus americana,Strigops habroptilus.All 10,000 species of birds will be hybridised with Phasianidae to give variety and allow them to be reared more effectively in home and community farms with all 10,000 species reared unaltered to give more variety.With regards to these birds these themselves could be reared at home themselves alongside the hybrids with Phasianidae with either G.g.domesticus and Meleagris being used as a baseline.If possible they may undergo engineering to be much larger using DNA from larger birds and scratch with if possible S.camelus can be engineered to have the same neck and leg size as normal Phasianidae with legs being slightly bigger as well meatier to prevent suffering allowing the animal to support itself and also provide meaty legs to eat and used as either a hybrid of G.g.domesticus and Meleagris for size of the actual body of meat thus providing even more meat for all for the aforementioned birds to increase productivity in each ones meat and be manageable to rear at home.This hybrid would have the same body mass of S.camelus and even larger via engineering yet be as tall as G.g.domesticus,Meleagris etc with strong legs with the eggs possibly even as large as either these two or the same size as that of S.camelus.These aforementioned birds will have their meat hybridised with G.g.domesticus,Meleagris,S.Camelus to increase meat productivity in a single animal with this being either separate species or sub species stored in Demeter when created in artificial wombs and also when ordering embryos to be implanted with them also providing eggs via DNA from P.perdix> with the eggs being the same as the animal they are hybridised with or a new separate one or even any of the three baseline birds.These would be slaughtered at Christmas etc.Pheasianidae and all Aves livestock like Anatidae and Meleagris will ideally be engineered to be featherless and have P.perdix DNA to lay twenty or so eggs and have engineering to protect them against sunburn and all temperature ranges using polikotherm,mesophile,thermophile,psychrophile and T.gammatolerans DNA.This would have energy put into feathers be directed into meat and the other DNA protecting them from sunburns and survive at all temperature ranges negating the need for heater and air conditioning systrms in pens etc saving on energy.The same level of engjneering used in crops will increase growth rates and reduce energy and nutrient intake with rare mutations from livestock and fish etc added to their genome to create larger animals alongside removing their fat insulin receptor and myostatin genes.They could even have the same meat any species of Reptilla and even endangered species of mammals that are hunted for meat including Hippopotamus amphibius,Ursus maritimus,Pinnipeds,Pongo pygmaeus hybridised with them to save on space and for them to be more docile and mane gable especially on home farms.This would also allow for more meat to be produced than is normally produced on non Pheasianidae birds and also these can be engineered to create the same meat as any species of Reptilla and Amphibia on these modified animals with them also creating the eggs of these other species of Aves,Reptilla and Amphibia.In terms of eggs it would have the same texture and taste with these modified Phasinanidae produced or they could be engineered to produce the same eggs of these animals that have the same taste etc but them being sterile ie no young produced with the use of home 3D printers allowing one to implant 3D printed embryos into them.As stated P.perdix DNA will allow them to produce enough every week.If possible these modified Phasinanidae will be engineered to produce the meat of any species of fish and shellfish and even their eggs especially Selachimorpha and Acipenseridae.They could even be engineered to produce the same meat as any species of Arthropoda especially Insecta and Arachnida.One would have at home various animals that are separate hybrid species that produce these different meats and eggs unable to mate with each other with embryos printed out to keep the number of animals of each breed stable.Invitro meat can create steaks,mince,rashers etc of all species of fish with caviar created in biosynth machinery.This will make rearing any type meat at home more manageable for home farmers and cut down resources as Phasinanidae and smaller fish species can be more manageable for homefarmers than larger mammals,Aves and fish and require less resources than say Equidae,Bovidae,Suidae etc and can be easily reared in private and communal home farms and in some cases produce more meat than any species of Reptilla,Ampbhibia,Arachnida and non Phasinanidae birds etc and allow the meat of rare endangered and exotic animals to be reared on these smaller hybrid animals while conservation efforts are carried out on the other animals with it also saving on labour in slaughtering the animals with like even non modified Phasinanidae will have no feather in them to save on labour and energy spent removing them and also used to produce them.It will also cut down on the amount of resources such as land and energy as well as animals feed to produce meat of any animal through hybrids with it also creating more manageable cuts of meat suited for meals in private and communal homes and will retain taste better than invitro meat.This would be of note of countries like China,India,Africa and not just the developed world as the hybrid Aves will be easily reared at home in gardens,roofs,spare rooms,kitchens,underground extensions inside recirculating aquaculture systems and in some case increase productivity with fewer resources in the case of Bovidae and Suidae etc meat and can allow restaurants,hospitals etc rear these more better for real fresh meat and create compact cutlets and steaks and also hamburgers with this also allowing home systems in private and communal homes rear large amounts of meat for human consumption without the need for rearing large mammals etc.These hybrids will be made to be separate species to prevent gene flow fears.Again the use of 3D DNA printing and AI will expedite the development of all of these with them possible by at least 2020-2029 by inserting the DNA into blank spermatozoa and eggs with live animals changed via microbes or they could be a species whose offspring can be changed to make different meat.Restaurants will rear these hybrid fish to get more sustainable sources of Bovidae,Suidae,Reptilla,Amphbia and other meats including Phasinanidae and again provide better cuts of these meats for burgers,steaks,soups etc.The use of 3D DNA printers and blank spermatozoa and eggs would expedite the manufacture of new species of livestock especially if AI is utilised ie Phanes and Physis.Relegating them to both universities and also AI will improve accuracy,speed of development and removing patenting rights since this will be managed by Physis,Triptolemus and Phanes.3D DNA printers will create these much quicker and will be onsite of vertical,community and home farms around the world.These can be designed on Pandora and stored on both Physis and Demeter with one ordering them via 3D DNA printing into blank eggs,embryos etc at home or community farms with Phanes extrapolating the required genotypes to remove patenting laws an also making things easier with CRISPR can be used to increase the genetic diversity of any species or breeds of crops and livestock that are close to bottle necking and extinction especially rare ones that are location specific.CRISPR can improve the process of both engineering as well as cloning crops and plants animals wholly or specific genes for desired phenotypes with this and the Phanes method and housing all genes of all animals and crops in Physis can be used to make rare,expensive and endangered breeds and species of livestock,pets,fish,shellfish and crops more widely available to the general public using 3D DNA printers and artificial wombs and recirculating aquaculture systems.All genotypes of a species and breeds including mutations will be present in Physis linked to Demeter thus allowing for not an unlimited amount of individuals of a specific breed and species but also allow one to choose desired coat patterns,plumages and other phenotypes to be choosen by people and allow new animals created from 3D printed embryos.In time all genetically engineered crops,ornamental plants,pets,livestock and animals should be engineered to the point that these disease,pest repellant,hybrid,mutation,rare breeds,toxin free,those suitable for pet consumption,nutrient added crops/livestock and those with recombinant DNA from extermophiles can become entirely separate species through intensive engineering unable to mate with their parent species in the wild in both home and community farms of purists and cause these phenotypes to be mixed in with them with wild unaltered crops or livestock left to grow in the wild to ensure the pests do not go extinct or feed on any other plant that could lead to an imbalance in the ecosystem.This could apply to any type of crop,ornamental plant,livestock that undergoes significant engineering with these new species and existing ones DNA added to Physis thus keeping them on record.Rare breeds of livestock can using Phanes method be created on an unlimited scale to be reared anywhere in the world with in vitro meat and milk from yeast or bacteria also playing a role and specific feedstuff grown hydroponically or sugars and starches created by bacteria can be created to lower their rarity with yeast or bacteria engineered to produce specific milks and dairy products fed the same sugars from particular feedstuff created by bacteria.Rare breeds,cultivars and varieties of livestock,pets,crops and plants and even fish and shellfish both for consumption and ornamental and pet purposes can once their DNA is added Physis and unique coats,plumages and other rare prized mutations be created on an unlimited scale utilising the Phanes method using 3D DNA printers,artificial wombs and recirculating aquaculture systems at zero cost.This can include prized animals such as livestock and breeds of horse etc can again have their unique DNA and mutations added to a network such as their species Physis file thus allowing them to be recreated in an unlimited scale utilising the Phanes method across the world using 3D DNA printers and artificial wombs thus rendering their spermatozoa and value in markets worthless.Furthermore Phanes can create customised breeds etc pets,livestock etc with unique characteristics and genotypes suites the consumer with this able to replicated across the world utilising the Phanes method.As detailed earlier genetic engineering can cause Acipenseridae to mature much quicker in as little one or two years and even have their unique eggs of the same taste and texture to be created by smaller species of species of fish that are hybrids to make it more widely available and cheaper with recirculating aquaculture systems allowing rare and geographically specific fish and shellfish to be reared locally and increase their numbers quickly.As detailed later Scombridae,Salmonidae can be engineered to to produce the same meat as larger fish including ornamental fish with this allowing meats of any expensive livestock,fish and any non fish animal to be created more cheaply with less resources.Psychrophile,mesophile,thermophile,anti-ageing,acellerated healing and telomere repair DNA can allow them to grow in all temperature ranges reducing energy costs and prevent freezer burn in freezer.The same anti-ageing treatments in humans can make meat from livestock,fish and shellfish etc last forever.All of this can apply to fish and shellfish

To deal with the issue of rearing large amounts of Brachyura in a system Macrocheira kaempferi due to the size of its legs and small body size can have other species of Brachyura produce its meat with for example its meat bred into Pseudocarcinus gigas the largest Brachyura that has a compact body with if possible M.kaempferi can have it engineered to have smaller legs than normal thus allowing larger numbers of them to be reared at once increasing productivity with all species of Brachyura engineered to be the same size as P.gigas with the same done for any other type of crustacean with the largest species have it DNA responsible for large growth engineered into other species or vice versa if need be.Birgus latro,Gecarcoidea natalis,Johngarthia lagostoma and other land based crustaceans can have its meat engineered into other species of Brachyura that are hybrids separate from other species to be reared in recirculating aquaculture systems since they would be difficult to rear onland and would easily escape in foreign countries with them produced locally this way in their native habitat to aid in conservation efforts especially with the case of B.latro with if possible these aforementioned Brachyura engineered into new species that are only able to be reared in recirculating aquaculture systems and feed on algae etc with them a separate species from their parent species yet still having the same meat and shells.They could have also the same meat as larger mammalian livestock to cut down on resources such as Bovidae,Suidae.Limulidae can have their meat bred into species of true Brachyura that are as big P.gigas since they produce very little meat with this done to other similar creatures that create very little meat with like any other species any toxins removed via engineering them out.Any specimens of any species of fish and shellfish that are abnormally large can have their DNA collected and analysed,added to Physis and bred into all specimens grown for food using advanced gene drive technology and 3D DNA printers to see if this can be replicated in other species and indeed all other specimens grown ensuring that this large size is the average for all of those reared in home,community,vertical and fish farms except those used for conservation purposes as having these escape into the wild would cause an imbalance in the ecosystem.Architeuthis and Enteroctopus can have their meat engineered into smaller species including Sepiida with even the meat of Nautiloids bred into other Cephalopod that have no shells.Nephropidae that normally can live forever but die due to having to remove larger shells or pathogens(killed off by immunising strains of microbes and radiation once made immune to radiation) can be engineered to produce no shells and thus grow to incredibly large sizes with engineering increasing their growth rates with the same applied to other crustaceans with this negating the need for them to have shells removed with them also engineered to have no nerves to detect hot and cold especially when cooked to remove issues of pain caused by cooking them alive.Removing shells from being produced will negate labour but will also negate the need for them to use energy in creating them saving on resources and create more meat and can be applied to other species of crustaceans with the ability of Nephropidae to continually live forever and grow larger indefinitely applied to other species of crustaceans and shellfish namely Brachurya with them have their shells engineered out and also have them have the same immortality genes and ability to continue to grow indefinitely to increase yields.This can be extended to fish with the same genes that cause Nephropidae to grow indefinitely added to them to increase yields.The same will be done for all species of fish with if possible the meat of small species of fish bred into larger species and vice versa if need be.An example would be Selachimorpha and Batoidea can have their meat engineered into smaller fish like Scombridae,Salmonidae allowing for larger and more manageable numbers of fish to be reared that have the desired meat with even the exact fins of Selachimorpha grown on these hybrids with if possible miniature Selachimorpha created.They can also have the same meat as Thunnus thynnus and even Cetacea.Any bony fish including ornamental ones can have their meat engineered into more meatier fish with the option of even making non meaty fish produce more meat.As stated any species of fish and even Phasianidae can be engineered to produce the meat of any species of shellfish to increase yields and make them more manageable.If possible to cut down on resources and increase productivity the meat of mammalian livestock such as Bovidae and Suidae can be engineered into Salmonidae.This would allow anyone with any sized recirculating aquaculture systems to rear the meat of any type of fish and would be of note to fish restaurants and even fast food restaurants that make burgers made out of fish.Genetically altered fish such as GM Salmonidae including genetically altered local native species found in rivers,lakes and deep ocean can be grown here indoors without contaminating the wild.Ideally these and other fish and shellfish genetically altered should ideally be engineered to the point that they are a completely separate species so as to prevent them affecting wild stocks if they escape.

Bicomaptible Microbes:
Biocompatible microbes can via using CRISPR can as stated give all plants a primitive or fully functional immune system similar to humans via gene drive technology and using the common proteins method immunising strains that can allow them to be immunised against all viral,bacterial and fungal pathogens with this applying to even live crops and even ornamental plants with them using the same anti-ageing treatments in humans and livestock ensuring they stay fresh indefinitely once picked and in storage allowing them to be eaten months if not even years later on with or without refrigerating and freezing them with meat from livestock also treated this way without nutrient and flavour loss.Microbes for each crop could stay in the harvested crop in fridges and fight off spoilage and pathogenic bacteria,viruses and fungi allowing them to stay edible years later with themselves edible and even forming new flesh on command.This would allow it to be stored later and also even reduce the amount of resources to create new crops with the newly created immunised immune system and microbes will negate the need for using fungicides,bactericides and even viricides of all types and will work alongside genetic engineering to make them immune to pathogens as a back up.If possible they would also produce antimicrobial and antifungal compounds to kill off spoilage micro-organisms.If possible the use of recombinant DNA from the aforementioned psychrophiles could allow them to be frozen and not suffer cellular damage and loss of nutrients and taste with this again applied to meat with the DNA from the extremophiles would also allow them to be refrozen and thawed over and over again without damage.As a result one could create or order in large stores of food at home from crops grown at home or order in large amounts from vertical farms and then store them there in store rooms etc and have them stored for months or even years later ensuring one has a constant food supply from crops grown in gardens and hydroponic systems as well as pots etc with anti-ageing treatments aiding in this with them controlled by Triptolemus when in the crop both during growth and storage.One could order in large amounts of seasonal crops such as C.pepo,Dioscorea and I.batatas and store them before Halloween and Christmas.It would allow plants to create large reserves of one crop then have them harvested and stored and then have the plants DNA changed by microbes changing its DNA to produce another crop thus allowing large amounts to be created and then stored and so on with this done for both private and communal homes and also done in community farms,forest farms,vertical farms and even restaurants.Having the plants have DNA from totipotent stem cells.Planarians,A.mexicanum,C.perfringens,E.coli etc alongside scratch DNA could allow this to occur by allowing a plant to regrow harvested fruit,flowers and leafy greens,herbs,fruit etc instantly in response to the removal of fruit and leaves or at least days later with larger fruit taking at least a week with if possible it being instantaneous this would also repairing damage caused by them being eaten by livestock etc.The crops would be engineered to have stubble present to carry out photosynthesis while the leaves and fruit regrow.Scratch DNA will improve this with this combined with the self propagating abilities of F.japonica,P.montana and even Bambusoideae and acellerated healing will allow for the crops especially in home,meadow,forest,community farms and vertical farms to once being harvested regrow instantly.This would ensure stores of food in the case of natural disasters and drought and any shortages caused by bad weather and drought especially in Africa or when food would otherwise run low and possibly cut down on the amount fertiliser to be applied to new crops with it allowing for areas prone to food shortages have an adequate supply of food.It would also allow one to grow large amounts of a few crops for a years supply one season in home and community farms and then large amounts of another for the next season given them more variety of crops grown both in open soil and trashcans and indoor hydroponic systems.This would be of note to hybrid crops that grow three or more crops in one plant.This could allow areas that suffer droughts,heatwaves,natural disasters have excess food stored all year long with this also negating for crops and meat from being stored in fridges and freezers at home.Plants namely crops can be inoculated via them mixed in water and entering through the roots and injection using syringes and biosynth artropods.In time one in the case of vertical farms decide to have a specific crop and fish etc grown in their plots for a years supply and then it ordered with genetic engineering that increases growth rates,accelerated healing and also microbes changing crops doing this.Excess or spoiled food in storerooms and also shelves spotted by robots will be collected and sent to organic waste pyrolysis plants to be converted into biochar if the aforementioned options are not possible for both vertical and community farms.If extremophiles bacteria and Tardigrade are not successful in transferring these desired phenotypes then it may simply be a case of using recombinant DNA from plants that grow in various climates and also soils though use of extremophile bacteria DNA should first be investigated due to the extreme conditions they can survive that even most plants cannot even survive with the micro-organisms that can survive the highest extremes in each field being used.To increase growth rates and nutrient efficiency transgenics from the crops that use each individual nutrient the most efficiently can be transferred into other crops with switching on/off genes or even add more genes via cis and trans genics to produce higher yields and promote growth.Adding recombinant DNA from extermophiles,Tardigrade as well as other crops that repel pests and confer resistance to all diseases into each species will make crops more resilient to all environmental conditions,resistant to all pests and diseases(bacterial,fungal and viral)prevent losses and act as backup should containment measures fail in vertical farms.This can also apply to ornamental plants and have the plants produce lactic acid,reactive oxygen,those from Russian brown frogs,biocompatible microbes,cyanovirin-N and natural fungicides(neem oil,rosemary oil,jojoba oil,the bacterium Bacillus subtilis,and the beneficial fungus Ulocladium oudemansii) in their roots,leaves and sap that dont effect flavour and are benign to humans,pets and livestock.In time they can be engineered to the point that these disease and pest repellant plants can become entirely separate species unable to mate with their parent species in the wild and farms of purist with wild unaltered and wild versions crops left to grow in the wild in meadows,forests etc to ensure the pests do not go extinct or feed on any other plant that could lead to an imbalance in the ecosystem.These would be planted routinely to ensure the numbers of unaltered plants are constant with all native crops and even exotic ones that are staples of that country applied in reforested areas such as all types of vegetables,fruits and cereals replanted on reforested forests and meadows.Otherwise pests that feed on sap could be altered to feed on nectar and thus be pollinators with there original genome added to Physis with those whose larvae feed on fruit altered to feed on faeces and also decomposing flesh like other Diptera.Otherwise those whose larvae feed on fruit could be engineered to feed on the fleshy seed pods and even digest seeds that are small enough to be consumed by larvae in them to aid in their dispersal by causing the pod to wither and drop diapering the seed or dispersing the seed through faeces when it is stored in their body and released as an adult.There is the possibility of planting unaltered plants with no repellence created that have the fruit growing on a small bush in grasslands etc of their native habitat.Ideally these altered plants will also be engineered to have different leaves or colours to distinguish them from normal unaltered ones.This will ensure not only abundance in all areas of the world but also allow them to survive changes in the regional,national,continental and global climate cause by anthropogenic climate change,natural changes in the climate over the coming millenia as well as cold snaps,dry spells and alterations to normal patterns caused by geological events such as volcanic eruptions,changes in the planets rotation,milankovitch cycles,gamma ray bursts,low levels of ozone or even meteorite impacts that may alter the weather ensuring food security for the coming millenia.It will alongside vertical farms allow for them to be grown anywhere preventing any country having a monopoly stronghold on a particular crop with also preventing any natural disasters or sudden changes in weather affect global supply of any type of crop and thus make communities self sufficient in the production of all crops.If a new pest or disease or even natural disaster affects a crop in one country it will mean that other countries will still have access.Bioluminiscence can be added to crops in community,forest and home farms to make them navigable at night or they can be in specific bushes or trees at set points along the walkways and roads in them to save energy on having lamps at set points with this applied to grasses and other small plants within the farms.These plants would be engineered to be separate species to prevent them overtaking non bioluminniscent.Only a few plants in forest,community and meadow farms will be fitted with this to act as guides to the local ton,village or city as having all plants fitted with this would cause havoc with wildlife especially nocturnal ones.Living plants of all types in ones gardens,community farms can be inoculated with microbes to given them these phenotypes.These microbes can apply repellance,tolerance to different climates including extremes,resistance to diseases,acellerated healing,addition of a fully functioning immune systems addition of seed pods and fruit can be applied via adding microbes to existing ornamental plants in home gardens,community gardens and also those in the wild via injection via biosynth arthropods into leaves as well as needles/robots into the stem etc or the roots via water solutions that enter the roots.Living plants in gardens,farms and also the wilderness would apply all types of gene therapy ie anti-ageing,ability to survive all climates and extreme environmental conditions as well as add fully functioning immune systems that can be immunised against pathogens by immunising strains,add strains that fight off bacterial/viral/fungal pathogens using compounds and also CRISPR similar to those in humans,change the fruit or vegetable produced,add diseases and pest repellence and resistance as well as augmentations similar to those in humans can be applied by entering the roots through mixtures with water via watering cans and also aeroplanes as well as swarms of arthropod biosynths to inoculate large number of plants in swarms via injecting them with each species of plant and tree have species specific microbes with biosynth wifi from smart devices causing upgrades.Upgrades can be changed by biosynth wifi that induces the volutionary path of micrboes present polymerase and Cas-9 with the biosynth wifi coming from devices dependant on the type of crop ie those in indoor home gardens will be changed by system units and biosynth wifi routers alongside smart devices with those in community farms coming from biosynths and also wifi transmitters form the building next to them with those in vertical farms coming from wifi routers etc in the building and wifi present in all rooms.Those in forest/grassland/meadow farms will have the bisoynth wifi come from satillites,biosynths modelled on birds etc that manage them alongside drones that stay in an are for a set period of time and move from area to area in rotation.Each plant species in nurseries and labs near the wilderness they reside in would be given a fully functioning immune system via CRISPR to create their versions of leukocytes that can be used as a baseline for all types of strains for that species including those that give wild plants immune systems with them also having nanomachines and biosynth wifi like in human versions.Otherwise bacteria coated in coats of the plant using the plants recombinant DNA will be used to create different strains.There will be species specific microbes for each plant species created using blank bacteria with the plant species DNA to prevent them illictating an immune response or damaging the plant with them like human ones becoming a permanent part of the plant and them having different strains similar to those in humans.The plant would have the acellerated healing phenotypes added as well with biosynth arthropods intaking sap weeks later and the DNA analysed to see that the phenotype is added or a leaf taken off and then sent to an automated lab to be analysed or sap can be analysed.

Biocompatible microbes will be developed for all species of crops and ornamental plants as well as remaining livestock by Phanes.These will house protein coats specific to each species etc and will in the case of plants for existing living plants be injected via biosynths modelled in Anopheles and also applying a mixture of them in water via watering can.Existing animals can have them injected into them at any time.Plants such as crops and ornamental plants can have new plants created by 3D DNA printers innoculated during their creation via 3D DNA printers or via them harboured in the seeds of older plants and then planted.Research can be done into ways of innoculating seeds during their creation.These will carry out the same functions as those in humans ie immunisation strains,anti-viral,anti-bacterial,anti-helminthic strains,augmentation strains.All crops and ornamental plants will have via 3D DNA printers creating them have DNA to give them fully functioning immune systems.Existing plants will have microbes give the genes to house these fully functional immune systems.These fully functional immune systems will have them produce leukocytes similar to humans etc and allow them to be immunised like human ones against all pathogens etc using the common proteins methods.Existing plants can be given fully functional immune systems via injecting augmentation strains into the plants via biosynth haematophages injecting the microbes into the leaves them entering the roots via them mixed with water in watering cans.Livestock will be innoculated bobs syringes.Each species and breed of crops,ornamental planets and livestock will have species specific microbes created that house their protein coats and use leukocytes as a baseline.Their actions in home,community and vertical farms will be controlled via biosynth WiFi generated by Satillites,smarthphones,drones etc and onboard computers managed by Triptolemus and farm AI.These will upon harvesting of crops and meat fight off spoilage pathogens with them to prevent them entering the human body be through biosynth WiFi undergoe apotosis before consumption or in the human body even once the crop and animal is harvested and killed with them designed to be unable to survive the stomach acids of humans etc and the cooking processes.

Biocompatible microbes suited only for plants and indeed individual plants and crops could be developed would perform the same functions as those in humans including turning toxins into benign substances, fighting off pathogens to the crop,ornamental and even zoonoses as well as those that can cause food poisoning and spoilage with them again having neural tissue or a hybrid between human synapses and plant equivalents.Ideally these would be engineered not to be able to interbreed with human and animal ones to prevent them overrunning them and would have their own separate strains for different tasks such as improving nutrient utilisation,fight off pathogens including those that effect humans and spoilage bacteria when harvested and in storage,uncontrolled cell growths similar to cancer,apply gene therapy,enhance the native immune systems and inoculate them against pathogens.They would be fight off species specific pathogens using antimicrobial,antiviral compounds alongside genetically engineering resistance into the plants and would play a role in germline engineering via horizontal gene therapy to apply the Phanes method and also apply gene therapy to them with them passing to each new generation via entering seeds and responding to both hormones in the plant and also instructions from Triptolemus and individual farm AIs through their nanomachines.Plants when given fully functional immune systems through scratch DNA can be immunised against all viral,fungal and bacterial pathogens using the common proteins method.Existing plants both crops and ornamental ones in the wild and also in ones garden and community gardens can be inoculated with these via the soil or injection to receive CRISPR treatments to give them desired phenotypes ie xerophillic,oligotrophic DNA and those to suit different climates,seasons,life extensions,bioluminecence,pest repellance and disease resistance,produce desired fruits and nuts as well as seed pods etc changing them instantly rather than replacing them or at least follow to the next generation.These would also carry out other functions as well such as augment abilities such as soak up excess fertilisers and release it in bursts..Biosynth arthropods can be a means to deliver microbes into the leaves of existing crops,ornamental plants and trees in the wilderness in swarms and reused over and over again with them each intaking microbes present in a sachet or perti dish of water that contain quadrillions or more of microbes in them that it will then inject them into the desired plants via the leaves especially if the biosynths are modelled on Anopheles controlled by Triptolemus and farm AIs that can intake large amounts of water containing millions or billions of microbes each that will enter the plants and thus change the DNA of each cell with upgrades allowing for new genes to be added and old ones removed.These biosynths will be stored in the buildings of community and home farms and also forest and meadow ones as well home farms or ordered in from nearby community ones or Talus factories.If possible each community centre will house them and the microbes will be printed out into a petri dish containing liquid media next to them,they intake the microbes and then are called by the AI of home,community,forest and meadow farms to where they are needed when they are needed in swarms with the AI telling them which plants to inoculate via the leaves etc done in waves with them then returning.If possible home and community farms and other farms ie meadow and forest hybrid ones could have the eggs of biosynth Anopheles printed out using 3D DNA printers that can then feed on a broth of sugar and proteins from bacteria mixed in with water of synthetic blood or even wireless energy that can be used to innoculate plants at home by being fed biocompatible microbes printed out using 3D DNA printers that are then mixed in with water and proteins and sugars that in a petri dish or plate added using a dropper that they intake via probiscus and then  can be controlled by the Home and farm AI and Triptolemus etc via biosynth WiFi to fly to desired plants in ones garden etc and inject microbes to give plants augmention upgrades.Customised viral,bacterial and fungal pathogens for specific weeds can be injected this way too.These Anopheles biosynths can be stored in sheds at all times.All strains of microbes can be entered this way with them staying their and them controlled wirelessly by both Triptolemus and the home/farm AI via drones,smart devices and biosynths and also satillites using biosynth WiFi.This can be done to induce evolution of microbes via drones and biosynths and satillites using biosynth WiFi to negate the need for adding new microbes for upgrades and in the case of harvested plants induce their formation into new tissues.They could collect in nodules in tree bark,leaves and other parts not consumed by humans and livestock during harvesting for use in electronics and new plants.If possible they would be removed or form new tissues when harvested or would not have recombinant DNA from acidophiles making them die in the human stomach.They could also stay in the plant to form seed pods for pests to feed on and then spread seeds with seeds formed by the microbes and also initiating the plant to do so through initiating hormones.Otherwise they could form new tissue invivo thus increasing the mount of flesh of a fruit with the same done to those in livestock.The microbes will pass from one generation of crops and plants via entering seeds.Biosynth WiFi from satellites,drones,biosynths,computers,smart devices etc in home,community and vertical farms etc can induce their evolutionary path and control their actions such as application of augmentations and upgrades and fighting off pathogens and application of immunisations controlled by Triptolemus.For vertical,home and community farms Triptolemus and individual farm AI will control all aspect of biocompatible microbes through biosynth wifi generated by routers present with home farms having Triptolemus abc Home AI controlling them.microbes could possibly stay inside the crop after it is harvested to allow it to fight off spoilage bacteria and moulds and also any pathogens that may get to them thus allowing them to stay fresh indefinitely alongside anti-ageing treatments meaning excess food produced could be stored indefinitely for years and decades later for any possible bad weather,natural disasters etc that would arise preventing famines alongside algae from sewage treatments.In time it may be possible for crop and ornamental plants to be given the same anti-ageing treatments as Homo sapiens increasing their lifespans indefinitely with them continually growing fruit for several decades or even centuries if not millenia with the Phanes method used to maintain genetic diversity.These if a tree dies they could after being collected using robots,biosynth arthropods alerted to their presence could be used in electronics.This level of engineering involving these three can be applied to fruit and nut trees as well as trees as part of reforestation programs sequester more carbon dioxide throughout their lifetime and even ornamental trees.Biocompatible microbes via horizontal gene transfer can apply these phenotypes to existing plants in ones garden.The microbes in crops will be destroyed by the cooking process and stomach acids by having thermophile and acidophile DNA removed by biosynth wifi before being eaten and unable to interact with human and animal microbes or would be signalled by human microbes and Paean/Triptolemus to flush out of the body through chemical or wifi signals or undergo apoptosis with gene drives present preventing them mutating in the human body.They could be injected into crops and them immunising crops and ornamental or acting as an immune system if none exist or even create a primitive or fully functioning primary immune system via CRISPR with them passing from one generation to the next via seeds with them killing off and immunising against pathogens,zoonoses and also spoilage micro-organisms while they are seeds,while growing and also when stored negating the need for chemicals and complimenting engineering.New bacteria,fungi and viruses can be created from scratch that form symbiotic relationships with all crops to increase yields,reduce resource use with these printed out onsite of all farms.These functions would apply to ornamental plants intros by WiFi from Biosynths,smartphones etc.Existing crops and ornamental plants can have the microbes injected into him using watering cans to enter the roots and through injection into leaves.

Biocompatible microbes will be developed for all species of crops and ornamental plants as well as remaining livestock by Phanes.These will house protein coats specific to each species etc and will in the case of plants for existing living plants be injected via biosynths modelled in Anopheles and also applying a mixture of them in water via watering can.Existing animals can have them injected into them at any time.Plants such as crops and ornamental plants can have new plants created by 3D DNA printers innoculated during their creation via 3D DNA printers or via them harboured in the seeds of older plants and then planted.Research can be done into ways of innoculating seeds during their creation.These will carry out the same functions as those in humans ie immunisation strains,anti-viral,anti-bacterial,anti-helminthic strains,augmentation strains.All crops and ornamental plants will have via 3D DNA printers creating them have DNA to give them fully functioning immune systems.Existing plants will have microbes give the genes to house these fully functional immune systems.These fully functional immune systems will have them produce leukocytes similar to humans etc and allow them to be immunised like human ones against all pathogens etc using the common proteins methods.Existing plants can be given fully functional immune systems via injecting augmentation strains into the plants via biosynth haematophages injecting the microbes into the leaves them entering the roots via them mixed with water in watering cans.Livestock will be innoculated bobs syringes.Each species and breed of crops,ornamental planets and livestock will have species specific microbes created that house their protein coats and use leukocytes as a baseline.Their actions in home,community and vertical farms will be controlled via biosynth WiFi generated by Satillites,smarthphones,drones etc and onboard computers managed by Aristeus and farm AI.These will upon harvesting of crops and meat fight off spoilage pathogens with them to prevent them entering the human body be through biosynth WiFi undergoe apoptosis before consumption or in the human body with them designed to be unable to survive the stomach acids of humans etc and the cooking processes.Biocompatible microbes can also be done to combat diseases for livestock as well as beneficial wild species of animals such as bees and other endangered animals.Having the microbes cause as much damage as possible through carrying out as many or all of different means as possible in the aforementioned and other methods at once will improve success to catch the pathogenic virus,protozoa or bacteria off guard and unable to mutate and adapt with this used to attack viruses and pathogens that are untreatable and even act on ones that have yet to become resistant to antibiotics and conventional treatments as well as those that can be eliminated from vaccines with these theoretically allowing all pathogens particular superbugs to be wiped out from the face of the Earth alongside sterilising sweeps with it used deal with zoonotic diseases and pathogens of pets,livestock and wild animals to again prevent unnecessary suffering of wild animals with it possibly used to fight disease in crops and ornamental plants as well as fight of foodborne pathogens in crops before they enter the human body or even kill of spoilage bacteria and those that affect yields.These could be done in plants with them also engineered to produce melittin,cyanovirin-n,lactic acid,neem oil and other fungicides in their xylem,roots,leaves etc negating the need for fungicides,bactericides etc and can be designed to kill off pests of crops thus preventing the need for pesticides.The genome of all targeted pathogens will have their DNA added to Physis for later study,application in creating new organisms for creation and modification of future biocompatible microbes.All livestock,animals in zoos and pets will have their own versions of microbes created to do the same functions as those in humans ie protect against pathogens,make them immortal,eternally young and able to survive extreme environments,cure genetic diseases and also immunise them.Livestock and pets will be given their own versions of biocompatible microbes to fight off pathogens especially zoonoses such as L.monocytogenes,MRSA,M.tuberculosis with them also immunised against these to ensure lifelong protection and thus prevent pathogens spread to humans via milk,meat and eggs with this eliminating antibiotics and antibiotic resistance from the food chain and preventing new superbugs arising..Prior to this bacteriophages for all pathogens that affect livestock will be developed.All species of animals such as livestock,pets,wild animals including endangered ones in those in zoos should have their own species specific biocompatible microbes that carry out the same functions as humans created to again extend their lifespan through age reversal using the same DNA treatments and immunity to pathogens,prevent unnecessary suffering through removal of and treatment of both pathogens and also eliminating genetic diseases from the gene pool,remove antibiotics from the food chains,eliminate zoonotic diseases both existing and potential new ones,allow endangered species numbers to increase with the nanomachines and implants formed also able to be used by Artemis to track populations of all known species on the planet in the wild.This can be used to track populations of endangered species and also allow hunters to cull numbers of those who are becoming too numerous that would cause an imbalance in the ecosystem this can be done by introducing inoculated animals into the wild that pass this down via sexual intercourse and also swarms of biosynth arthropods and lampreys.In pets and livestock gene therapy will also be used to make them able to digest food that is toxic to them ie in the case of C.l.familiaris be able to eat Vitis,T.cacao,Coffea,Allium and also P.americana.All pathogens of livestock and pets whether viral,bacterial and fungal including parasites will be like human ones be tested in automated labs against the compounds present in sap,blood,stings and bites of all plants and animals on the planet with the genotypes of all pathogens that affect both pets and livestock to have the genotypes for all pathogens analysed by AI at the same time as those for humans are done for immunising strains for pets and livestock.This can be introduced into livestock,wild animals including endangered ones and pets to prevent them harbouring and transferring the infections to each other or humans instead of using antibiotics which would enter the human food chain but also can be introduced into both livestock before they become infected so that they reside in the hosts body and fight off any infections that occur.Species specific biocompatible microbes can also be created for each species of pets,livestock and wild animals to negate the need for antibiotics and unnecessary suffering and aid in the recovery of endangered species including and eliminate zoonotic diseases.In the case of wild animals they could control behaviour or control them physically with them producing natural or synthetic sedatives when needed on demand say when a person is being attacked by wild animals with if possible them in the case of livestock increasing muscle to fat ratio by breaking down fats in the body and saturated fats in the meat and them also building muscle using intaken nutrients.In theory bio-compatible recombinant DNA can be taken from the hosts DNA or just human or species DNA to allow the beneficial infection killing bacteria coat itself in DNA from humans or host livestock and pests and allow it propagate within the patient indefinitely to act as symbiotic bacteria that can fight off infections that arise instantly this way that the immune system,nanomachines,antibiotics or even anti-viral drugs cannot fight due to resistance or sheer inability acting as a secondary immune system with them reproducing via mitosis and also gaining biological immortality from endolithic bacteria.For remaining livestock not made obsolete by in vitro meat and bacteria based milk these will fight off pathogens and parasites and immunise them against them thus eliminating antiobiotics and superbugs from the food chain and development of zoonoses.Wild animals that are carriers and vectors of zoonoses will have biosynth Arthropods innoculate them with species specific microbes that immunise them against them and also fight them off and pass from one generation to the next to wipe them out from all animal vectors.Crops and and ornamental as well as wild plants can again have species specific microbes that carry out the same functions to extended their lifespan and also increase their rate of growth and resource use and protection from toxins,heavy metals and also immunise them and fight against pathogens in the same way as humans and like animals keep track of plants with them passing from one generation to the next via seeds.Livestock and pets of each species and breed etc will have specific specific anti-viral,anti-bacterial,anti-fungal and anti-helminthic strains to combat pathogens and parasites with research done into immunisations for all viral,bacterial,fungal pathogens and parasites again using the common method proteins.Each species of pathogens will have them tested against compounds in the sap,stings and bites of plants and animals to test their ability at killing them and recombinant DNA added to them.Like human pathogens and parasites Phanes and Paean will analyse their genome and outer structures to extrapolate synthetic antibodies,compounds and enzymes that kill them that can be created by anabolic and catabolic reactions and even genes extrapolated that are stored in their Physis file and downloaded.They can also be given the same augmentations and anti-ageing treatments as humans.Genetic diseases will be treated by CRISPR treatments with stem cell strains repairing deformities such as Syringomyelia in Cavalier King Charles Spaniels and similar neural and skull deformities in other breeds of C.l.familiaris and Feline catus will be corrected via this with the skull made larger by forming bone tissue and then new neural tissue formed in place of lower bone tissue removed with AI crafting larger skulls that can house larger brains preventing discomfort with CRISPR treatments will also be used to treat them with other deformities in other breeds corrected using a combination of CRISPR and also microbes cosmetic surgery with advanced gene drive technology preventing them passing down onto the next generation with new ones created by artificial wombs have genetic deformities weeded out.The living Phanes method can give living pets unique genomes to eliminate genetic bottlenecking.In remaining livestock microbes especially immunising strains,anti-bacterial,anti-viral and anti helminthic strains will remove antibiotics in the food chain by immunising them and fighting off any pathogens as well as track their populations and location by creating internal biosynth implants.Wild animals will have genetic disease eliminated to prevent unnecessary suffering,eliminate genetic diseases.Each species of plants either ornamental plants or crops via CRISPR can be given fully functioning immune systems like humans and then immunise against all pathogens and fight them off that then pass from one generation to the next thtough seeds etc with this done to eliminate bactericides etc from crops and also eliminate pathogens especially invasive ones that are decimating endangered plants in wilderness areas.Resistence to diseases and the ability to produce repellents will eliminate pesticides etc with them given the ability to require less water,fertiliser and also prevent fertiliser burn and grow into large masses and bloom all year long and live forever through the same augmentations snd anti-ageing treatments as humans will be added to them.Living ornamental plants can have microbes added to them via entering the roots via water applied by watering can to give them CRISPR treatments.Wild plants especially endangered species that are being decimated by invasive viral,fungal and bacterial pathogens can be innoculated with species specific microbes that through CRISPR give them fully functioning immune system and also strains that immunise them against all pathogens and attack viral,bacterial and fungal pathogens using CRISPR treatments and natural and synthetic anti-viral,anti-bacterial,anti-fungal compounds.Plants such as ornamental plants and crops via CRISPR can have fully functioning immune systems added and then given their own species specific strains to fight off infections and immunise them and give them augmentations etc.These microbes in animals and plant would be suited to each species to prevent them interbreeding with humans and other animals that eat them due to surface proteins with them communicating with those in animals that they are eaten by to be told to be flushed out if the body via urine and feces to be again collected and used in electronics.Thus if a person ingest microbes from other animal species or even those from other humans and even crops then the hosts microbes will signal them to leave the body with the primary immune immune system suppressed from initiating allergic reactions etc or will ordered by Paean to undergo apoptosis.Paean,Artemis and Aristeaus will control these via satellite wifi.If need be if a person has become infected with microbes from another animal species or those from plants then they can be caused to undergo apoptosis via horizontal gene transfer from the patients microbes or by wifi from Paean,or simply travel to the small and large intestine via chemical and wifi signals to be flushed out.These microbes in plants and animals will have the same strains and purposes in each species as those in humans.As detailed earlier on Apidea species around the world Bombus,Azmellifera,A.mellifera mellifera,Amegilla cingulata,Ancylaini,Exomalopsini,Meliponini,Anthophorini can be hybridised with Africanised bees and also A.mellifera liguistica,Apis cerana japonica to be made immune to colony collapse disorder,increase honey production,made immune to pathogens and pests and fight off invasive species of Vespa veluntina,Vespa mandarinia japonica,Vespa simillima xanthoptera scouts.It would be done by capturing queens of both Africanised bees and native species around the world from and inoculating them with microbes that apply CRISPR treatments to make them docile hybrids make them resistant to wifi,pathogens pests and have a fully functioning immune system that can be immunised against all pathogens such as Ascosphaera apis using immunising strains and fought off by anti fungal,anti-viral and anti-microbial strains.CRISPR treatments would pass to all future workers,drones and queens laid by the queen via advanced gene drive technology and microbes via eggs.Augmentations can be given to them such as psychrophile,thermophole,telomere and cellular repairing genes and radioresistence to allow them to survive cold snaps,dry or wet weather and even doses of radiation to sterilise them of pathogens and parasites.Thermophile DNA coupled with A.c.japonica DNA can allow all species in America and Europe fight off invasive V.veluntina,V.m.japonica,V.s.xanthoptera scouts by gaining the measures that A.c.japonica has in killing off scouts of invasive Vespidae with the thermophile DNA allowing them to survive the high temperatures generated with this thermophile DNA added to A.c.japonica as well.This if done to many nests then overtime these docile variants will interbreed with other nests of Africanised bees and then pass this on via advanced gene drive technology.This can be done to queens of native species both in the wild and commercial hives to give them benefits of Africansied bees and still be docile.3D DNA printers can also be used by creating billions of hybrid larvae using the Phanes method and feeding them royal jelly created by bacteria and them interbreeding with native bees and africanised ones using advanced gene drive technology and can be done at the same time as capturing queens and making them hybrids via inseminating them with microbes.These measure would also eliminate Africanised bees in America and anywhere else they have invaded by turning them and native bees into hybrids that are better pollinators and increase productivity of honey,are immune to all pests and pathogens and are still docile enough to be commercialised and not attack people in the wild.This can apply to all species including A.mellifera and will be done to make Africanised bees docile and native ones better pollinators and produce more honey.Africanised bees that have invaded America etc will be hybridised with native bees and have genes added to make them docile and thus less aggressive towards humans with native bees have their better pollinating ability to make them better pollinators.This should over the course of a decade eliminate Africanised bees from places they have invaded and cause all native bees alongside them to be better pollinators and immune to all pathogens and pests etc and also able to fight invasive V.veluntina,V.m.japonica,V.s.xanthoptera,V.jacobsoni species from Asia all in one go.Apidea can be given immune systems,microbes that can immunise them against pathogens,given CRISPR treatments to be made immune to Ascosphaera apis and fight off infections when added to queens that pass this onto all future generations via advanced gene drive technology and also eggs.The microbes can be intaken by Varroa destructor,Varrora jacobsoni that can be killed off by them similar to human parasites by creating compounds to kill them,make them susceptible to the compounds at their disposal or cause key organs to undergone apoptosis or via CRISPR and advanced gene drive technology made into dertivores.These hybrids that overtake both Africanisd bees and native species to be docile but have all the benefits of Africanised bees and also of A.m.liguistica,A.c.japonica etc.Genes extrapolated by Phanes from scratch will also be added to make them immune to pesticides especially neonicotinoids and also wifi with reforested land providing more foraging areas.Microbes in them can utilise WiFi to allow Aristeaus and Artemis track migrations and foraging of commercial and wild hives and even make them better pollinators by guiding them to crops,forests and wild plants that form neural implants.

Summary of genetically engineered crops:
The Phanes software that trades seeds and pollinates flowers of crops in vertical farms can be programmed to spread these resistance,repellence and weather/soil tolerance phenotypes to existing crops that dont have them via pollinating robots in set ordered fashion with a set people choosing to keep seeds unmodified or out of this transfer program by having the software trade with other unmodified seeds between their local community and vertical farms and not avoid transferring them from pollination if they have ethical concerns over the use of GMOs.The same would apply with spermatozoa and eggs of livestock and fish.Gene drives within them should ensure the desired phenotypes are kept within the lineage.It will manage the creation of unique genetically distinct strands of DNA through 3D DNA printers onsite of home,vertical,community and other farms for seeds,spermatazoa,embryos,pets and livestock grown in artificial wombs and ornamental plants in nurseries etc using the Phanes method wherein genetically distinct genotypes will be created for each plant and animal and will also extrapolate genotypes for new crops,plants,livestock,pets,sentient lifeforms,bacteria etc and also do this for microbes for human,animals and crops thus making him in charge of anything related to genetics in medical and agricultural science and other fields that may arise or require him.It will do this for conservation efforts of all endangered and Lazarus species including those born as part of multiple births meaning it will allow for twins,nonuplets born from a surrogate mother or artificial womb to be so distantly relented as to allow them to interbreed with each other thus preventing issues of inbreeding including C.l.familiaris and F.catus with this also managing the creation of microbes and upgrades.This AI wil manage the creation of all new genetically engineered crops,livestock,fish,bacteria and hybrid crops and new species of crops,fish,shellfish and ornamental plants and pets.This AI wil also manage the creation of genetically distinct plants abd animals in home,vertical and community farms ensuring each one is genetically distinct from each other.This sentient software named Phanes after the primeval deity of procreation and the generation of new life will also manage all genetic engineering and conservation efforts worldwide linked to vertical farms,zoos and community farms worldwide via Artemis.Its avatar will be based on its bas-reliefs from ancient Greece and its symbol will be a double helix composed of two snakes.

Genetic engineering of crops should no longer involve transplanting of pesticides into them but rather natural resistance to diseases present in that species and other similar species of animals/crops,ability to survive extreme conditions,repellance of pests and also increasing nutritional value(see Golden Rice) with intensive scientific studies showing their safety visible in relevant networks.The Phanes method will be applied also to any crops that are not genetically diverse with this also applying to livestock.The advent of hydro/aeroponics and recirculating aquaculture systems/aeroponics an allow for GMO’s to be grown for human consumption in controlled environments preventing it from contaminating ecosystems,other crops and wild plants as well as preventing the need for pesticides like Bt being introduced into the genome and thus enter the food chain and harm beneficial insects such as pollinators.This would be of note to those that increase the nutritional value with these GMOs then engineered to be an entirely separate species unable to mate with the original parent species thus allowing them to be grown in home and community farms.They can also be used to add extremophile DNA as well as those that give augmentations such as repair wounds etc and immune systems.Instead only transgenics/cisgenics that confers natural immunities and repellence to pests,bacterial and viral diseases from other plants including other crops and not microbes should be used and those that increase nutritional value and intake of nutrients like in the case of Golden O.sativa.In the case of Golden O.sativa recombinant DNA from crops that are the richest in carotenoids such as D.c.sativus or all carotenoid rich foods and those from scratch to boost its levels can be added to improve its nutritional value with other staple foods in developing countries treated the same way for other essential nutrients with gene drives improving this.As stated earlier vertical farms and trashcans will allow countries that rely on crops that are deficient in one or more essential nutrients like beta carotene can allow exotic crops from the western hemisphere to be grown locally in the developing world that contain these ie D.c.sativus,I.batatas,Coriandrum sativum,B.oleracea,B.rapa,S.oleracea,Mangifera with these grown in home,community and vertical farms and even in trashcans at home.Hybrid crops of Oryza and also D.c.sativus,I.batatas can have B.oleracea,B.rapa,S.oleracea in place of leaves in hybrid crops.This would also negate the burden they have on relying solely on Oryza as their staple food and give more variety in their diet with growing them and growing Oryza via hydroponics etc would allow all paddy fields to be reforested.Golden O.sativa can be ordered in from vertical farms to negate issues of gene flow with all crops especially staple ones have genetic engineering to increase their nutritional value in terms of proteins,essential fatty acids and minerals and vitamins or precursors.Oryza can be grown in hybrid permaculture meadow and grassland farms as well as on hybrids of native trees in reforested and existing croplands especially when these hybrids and the Oryza itself can be engineered to grow in open soil in pots as well as in home,community,meadow/forest/grassland permaculture farms and also hyroponic/aeroponic/aquaponic media like other crops and not require them to grow solely in paddy fields negating them producing methane and nitrous oxide as they would no longer need the relationship between bacteria that produce these with them engineered to intake nitrogen from the atmosphere with DNA from T.repens etc utlising relationships with nitrogen fixing bacteria and not those that produce greenhouse gases.Other staple crops around the world can undergo the same level of enrichment and fortification ie S.tuberosum,D.c.sativus and other vegetables can be engineered to produce more of the minerals and vitamins present as well as those they naturally dont produce.All hybrid crops will be engineered to produce large amounts of essential mineral,vitamins and their precursors as well as even essential amino acids.Golden O.sativa and other fortified crops can be engineered to the point that they are separate species unable to mate with other O.sativa strains and species with this preventing any fears of gene flow with them and others grown indoors in vertical farms to improve yields and extra security form them contaminating gene flow fears.Transgenics/cisgenics to make crops tolerate warmer,colder,drier and wetter climates and resist frost can also be employed in order to allow exotic crops be grown almost anywhere in home and community farms in any soils around the world thus increasing yields of locally grown food.To deal with the issue of nutrient deficiency then humans around the world via microbes utilising horizontal gene transfer humans can be engineered into synthesising beta carotene and all essential amino,acids, and other nutrients by themselves using recombinant DNA in these crops in the there recommended daily allowance meaning a personal may only need to consume carbohydrates and lower levels of protein.Thus to prevent issues of gene flow and any fears for organic farmers may have thus giving them the choice to still grow and consume non modified crops and livestock all genetically engineered crops,livestock etc including hybrids should be engineered to the point that they would be separate species from their parent species unable to mate with their parent species with slightly different phenotypes ie different leaves,flowers,colour etc to make them.All of these will have distinct phenotypes such as coats,patterns and leaves etc to make them visibly separate from their parent species.This will also apply to toxic plants and animals etc and all types of genetically engineered livestock and hybrid crops and livestock.Biocompatible microbes could expedite the the process by first modifying live ornamental plants,crops and animals via CRISPR treatments with them using germline and advanced gene drive technology to pass modifications to the next generation with this repeating until a new species is formed or 3D DNA printing DNA sequences managed by Phanes into blank spermatozoa,eggs,seeds from induced pluriopotent stem cells inserted in animals or soil and hydroponic media.This will prevent the need for terminator seeds and gene flow fears of them mixing in with unaltered crops allowing these to be grown in all home,vertical,forest and community farms around the world without affecting those belonging to purists.Google Lens integrated into the wire can allow one to take a photo of a plant and thus identify the species.Thus all types of genetic modification can be done with them made into new species of crops and livestock unable to mate and mix genes with other unaltered crops while still having the same overall flavour etc with subtle different phenotypes is shape and colour of berries,flowers,leaves etc thus ensuring purists can be able to grow their own unaltered crops without fears of gene flow with the original crops/livestocks DNA and the new ones stored in Physis.Living plants and animals in ones garden can be modified by injecting them with microbes.Thus to prevent issues of gene flow and any fears for organic farmers may have thus giving them the choice to still grow and consume non modified crops and livestock all genetically engineered crops,livestock etc should be engineered to be separate species from their parent species unable to mate with their parent species with slightly different phenotypes ie different leaves,flowers,colour etc.Since they will utilise advanced gene drive technology having them being separate species will prevent gene flow fears not just to organic farmers but also wild plants such as unaltered versions of the crops meaning pollinators could pollinate both altered and non altered plants and not have either one ovverrun the other.All of these new genetically modified plants and livestock will have distinct phenotypes such as coats,patterns and leaves etc to make them visibly separate from their parent species.All hybrids,altered wild plants and unaltered crops will have their DNA stored in Physis.Having humans synthesise beta carotene via CRISPR will negate this issue.Existing crops and ornamental plants in gardens etc will have any phenotypes of new crops ie pest repellence,acellerated healing and resistance to bacterial,viral and fungal diseases,immortality etc added via microbes injected into them using syringes into leaves,bark and stem or in the roots via them added via a water solution.The can also be inoculated to produce any type of fruit or nut.

Studies and trials of all GMOs(whether crops,livestock,pets and bacteria etc)to prove their safety will be visible alongside their phenotypes within the barcode present on the page of that crop,fish,bacteria etc that can be clicked on when ordering them from Demeter with these clickeable hyperlinks leading to their page within the sector of Apollo allowing consumers a link to the scientific studies and papers that denote it with a certification by scientists and both Philomenus,Hecate,Uranus,Triptolemus using the universal colour coding system blue denoting safe to red denoting dangerous and assurance seal next to the link to these papers showing the consumer just how safe it is to consume.Globally the same regulations as to labelling and mandatory studies on the effect of them on human and animal health with these visible in Apollo will be in effect and done with the sentient Philomenus global version of the FDA with regards to food regulation.All new GMOs will undergo clinical trials through the Philomenus.Other AI namely Triptolemus,Hecate,Urania and Urania will carry out studies.Trials for all new GMOs and also new crops,in vitro meat,commodities from bacteria and livestock etc including those designed on Pandora,those not normally eaten outside of the worlds 220 staple crops and staple fish and shellfish and those discovered across the universe will undergo tests and clinical trials on their safety by being fed to animals such as mice,chimpanzees with human recombinant DNA and before human trials biosynths modelled on humans..Philomenus will oversee all clinical trials of all food products and crops,fish etc with results of these studies visible on the page of the crop,commodity,fish etc in hyperlinks that one can click on to be directed to the studies in Apollo.All of this can be applied by as quickly as 2029 if done in all labs devoted to agricultural science around the world with 3D DNA printing is utilised.Demeter will house on the page of all crops,fish etc that is created by 3D DNA printers onsite of home,community and vertical farms where it house a hyperlink to all safety studies on genetically engineered crops etc in Apollo to allow one to view them in full for transparency with Cronus and Hecate will highlight parts of he studies that show its safety.For purists and those skeptical of GMOs one can downloaded order in unaltered versions of a crop,fish etc which will be marked as such in Demeter.Relegating the development of new crops,livestock,in vitro meat,bacteria based commodities and genetic engineered strains to both universities and also AI will improve accuracy,speed of development and removing patenting rights since this will be managed by Physis,Triptolemus and Phanes with also the fact that all genes used will be scratch DNA designed by AI and those from existing organisms that are the result of evolution preventing them being patented since genes are the result of evolution and not human ideas preventing defunct corporations and any entity gaining patents over any genetically altered organisms of all types.

All genetically engineered crops,fish,shellfish etc hybrid crops will be engineered to the point that they are separate breeds,strains,cultivars and species unable to interbreed with their original parent crop to prevent gene flow fears with having unaltered original parent crops present in Physis and thus available for orders will allow consumers access to order in unaltered organic crops including those to be grown at home

Rather than injecting existing crops,livestock etc with new DNA via CRISPR it will be through 3D DNA printers that will expedite the development of new genetically engineered crops and those with the aforementioned recombinant DNA present with homefarmers able to print out seeds with these desired phenotypes.3D DNA printers will essentially print out seeds of crops,embryos of livestock and eggs of fish abd shellfish etc with all sources of recombinant DNA added to them by Phanes who will be able to create strands of DNA with the new genes in the exact location required for them to produce the desired new phenotype.3D DNA printers will expediate research into bacteria that produce commodities as well as in vitro meat by creating bacterial cells with relevant DNA with this also applying to genetically engineered crops,livestock,shellfish and fish etc as they will be able to print out the DNA of the original plant,fish,crop etc into blank seeds,eggs,stem cells etc and other DNA to increase growth rates,repellence,extremophile DNA by cross referencing Physis with scratch DNA also added.With regards to livestock etc relevant DNA will be printed in blank embryos inserted into artificial wombs or live females via IVF with bacteria based commodities the DNA will simply be printed into blank cells.Them created by 3D DNA printers will also eliminate safety fears and will integrate all sources of recombinant DNA into them much more easily without rejection rather than injecting existing crops with viral vectors to transport CRISPR treatments.Thus 3D DNA printers combined with AI namely proto and final Phanes,Triptolemus,Hecate,Philomenus etc will exponentionally expediate the development of all genetically modified crops,livestock,bacteria based commodities,algae etc with exponential computing power of these AI and accuracy will reduce the development of them from decades to years if not to mere days or even hours and involve almost zero human labour or at least 90% less human labour with this done onsite of universities worldwide with zero corporate control.Phanes will create these crops with unique genomes.This will expediate development because by cross referencing proto and final Physis it will allow for genes relevant to their phenotypes etc to be printed into blank eggs,embryos,seeds,bacteria and stem cells etc cutting down both time and labour into research and development into them exponentially with zero human labour.Their manufacturing and development will be cut down to mere days or hours but it could take the same length to grow and be part of trials on mice etc.The mass adoption of algae,vertical farms and also recirculating aquaculture systems should cater to the intermediary period before these genetically engineered crops etc are developed.3D DNA printers that produce customised seeds,spermatozoa and eggs will also remove patenting rights alongside those onsite of community and vertical farms thus making them by law free with the Phanes method managed by Phanes also making them free since they would need to organise the reproduction of all various strands of DNA and since legal person AI would be exempt of reimbursment or monetary payment and would be needed to produce the delicate genotypes.Having them developed by universities and the AI of home,vertical and community farms will also mean that the crops will not have to compete for market share and thus will not need to depend on markets to succeed.Live plants including ornamental plants in gardens can be changed via injection of microbes via syringes or biosynth arthropods and also the roots via water.3D DNA printers will create these much quicker and will be onsite of vertical,community and home farms around the world.Triptolemus,Urania,Phanes and Hecate will organise the development of new genetically engineered crops and commodities from bacteria etc around the world by organising studies and also linking them together with vertical,forest and community farms that around the world perform studies and assigning tasks to human researchers as to the development of these by 2029.Having the DNA of unaltered crops,fish,shellfish etc in their own separate file in Physis and having these genetically altered versions of crops,fish,livestock etc engineered to the point that they become separate species,strains,cultivars and breeds in Physis will allow for purists to print out the DNA of unaltered crops to allow them to grown in home and community farms without fears of gene flow.Since sentient and a legal human being he and Phanes could by law own patents on them and since AI with no need for money could thus have the technology availible for free if any loopholes are found thus preventing any defunct corporations and governments from gaining money from it.Research into this can start in universities around the world by 2020 and be finished by 2029-2035 with AI expediating research by extrapolating which genes are necessary to create the phenotypes for giving crops resistence to extreme conditions and also repellance with them analysing existing genomic databases transferred to Physis and closely related animals and plants.All GM crops,bacteria based commodities etc will have undergone stringent tests wherein they are fed to mice,biosynths modelled on humans etc to determine their safety for consumption with once created they will have their DNA and name added to Physis with them only able to be created in farms of types once they have passed and undergone stringent safety trials managed by universities and Triptolemus,Urania etc with those that do added to Demeter and them able to be created in farms.Once they have passed these stringent trials they will be added to Demeter with them given a seal of approval by Philomenus on their page in Demeter that they are safe with hyperlinks present to all scientific studies in Apollo that proves they are safe to consume and eat will be present on their file page for orders that one can click on.A summary of the general consensus of these trials will be present.This will show to consumers that the crop etc is safe to eat.

As stated 3D DNA printers controlled by Phanes will expedite the development of all genetically engineered crops,fish,shellfish and commodities from bacteria from decades to a few years if not even months via printing the DNA into blank seeds,eggs,embryos and bacteria cells via cross referencing Physis for extremophile DNA,rare mutations and those of all 2,551,000 plants and animals etc within minutes.3D DNA printers controlled by AI such as Phanes will expedite their development since they can easily print out seeds,eggs,embryos,bacteria etc with the relevant DNA from all 2,551,000 plants and animals to produce plant and animal commodities and those that increase yields and growth rates by cross referencing Physis and existing databases with this possible by 2021/2022.Using 3D DNA printers will allow these genetically engineered crops,fish and livestock to be produced for the first time rather than using CRISPR treatments to create them with this allowing new GMOs to be created within days rather than years.Fish,shellfish wil have the eggs created while for crops they will be created in blank seeds.Bacteria that produce commodities will be created in blank cells with livestock created by the DNA created inside blank embryos and reared in artificial wombs.Hybrid crops will be created via 3D DNA printers creating the seeds and not through injecting existing crops with viral vectors to transfer CRISPR treatments.Phanes once sentient and superseding human intelligence will only be able to create these strands of DNA present in seeds,eggs etc and since a legal human being will be able to own patents on them thus making him making the cones crops,livestock etc available for free.This will in a proto Apollo list all crops and livestock and the required genetic engineering they need to undergo with regards to each country ie the crops and livestock in each country around the world will be listed in networks subdivided by country and/or continent and thus list all engineering they will have to undergo such as addition of repellance,ability to survive all climates such as droughts and frosts,have engineering from all extremophiles,have poisons removed and then spread to and grown in farms in that country with 3D printing creating millions or billions of spermatozoa and seeds with these phenotypes then stored in cryogenics especially with the aforementioned psychrophiles and these then traded across the globe until all crops and livestock in home,community and vertical farms across the world will have seeds and spermatozoa of all crops and plants in storage with enough genetic diversity to maintain stable populations.This should be possible by at least 2029.The hybrid crops that can take up reforested land across the world should be feasible by the mid 2030s to early 2040s.At the same time these labs will also create bacteria of different strains that produce all the commodities it can ie cereals,spices,fruit juices,honeys,chocolate,oils etc by 2029 again done in these same labs with 3D DNA printing doing this in all labs in each country thus ensuring by that point all countries will have strains that produce these commodities with yeast or bacteria that can produce milk of all breeds of cattle and all plants and mammals also produced by 2029.Thus by 2029 universities will have created strains of bacteria that create any type of plant and animal commodity and also crops that are hybrids of staple ones and these that are able to grow in any climate and soil around the world and those that exhibit accelerated healing and also expedited growth rates as detailed earlier with the entire world switched to hybrid farms,home farming and labs vertical farms at this point.Invitro meat and recirculating aquaculture systems will be availible by 2029 with photobioreactors to grow commodites at home possible at this point.Phasianidae that can lay up to twenty two eggs a day will be developed for home farming and even traditional egg farms by this point with home farming and biosynth machinery replacing them by 2035.The ability to order in any desired hybrid crop,fish and caviar etc should be possible by 2029 with both sewage and water treatment plants using algea to provide livestock,pet and human feedstock and fertiliser will be possible by this point.All aforementioned hypothetical genetically engineered crops,livestock etc are to be taken as a baseline that is they are to be used as a baseline from which real world equivalents are to be derived.Scratch DNA created by AI can better intergrate recombinant DNA added to from one species to another both involving living animals given CRISPR treatments and those created using 3D DNA printers.Otherwise scratch DNA can be created that produces a similar phenotype.Since these hybrid and genetically altered crops etc will be created by 3D DNA printers inputting DNA into blank seeds,eggs,embryos etc this will likely be more effective than adding CRISPR treatments to living animals with this eliminating rejection fears.Phanes will be by 2030 onwards able to accurately determine the exact sequence of scratch and recombinant DNA and parent species DNA to be printed out in blank seeds,embryos etc to create desired phenotypes of these hybrid crops and livestock etc without creating monstrous,inedible and toxic crops and livestock.The combination of powerful sentient Al and 3D DNA printers will make the creation of hybrid crops and livestock flawless without defects by AI creating embryos and seeds with the exact required DNA sequences and proteins to create edible and safe food with this bypassing the problems associated with injecting existing crops and livestock with viral etc vectors to transport new CRISPR treatments into them since the crops are created as brand new lifeforms with the desired and required DNA sequences and proteins.Thus creating all future genetically engineered crops and livestock using a combination of 3D DNA printers and AI such as Phanes that prints out all desired and required DNA into the blank seeds and embryos will bypass issues and hurdles associated with existing methods of injecting CRISPR treatments into existing living crops and livestock creating desired phenotypes ensuring higher crop yields with less resource use and survive any environmental conditions one wants.All hybrid crops,genetically engineered crops and livestock and commodities created by bacteria etc will undergoe strict safety trials overseen by Philomenus involving mice and biosynths modelled on humans.Rather than creating new genetically engineered crops including hybrid crops by having existing plants injected with CRISPR treatments they will be created as new plants by 3D DNA printers creating them by printing out seeds with prior to this having existing plants created by injecting them with CRISPR treatments that through advanced gene drive technology pass this into all future generation of seeds that can be mass produced similar to normal crops.Gebetically engineered fish,shellfish and livestock will involve 3D DNA printers creating the eggs,spermatozoa,embryos etc of them to be implanted into artificial wombs or live animals prior to this and also recirculating aquaculture systems with for genetically engineered bacteria these will be created by 3D DNA printers