
Making glasses for consumption especially those with intricate designs used to require much skill and craftsmanship that required years of training and this alongside branding would cause the price of products are exorbitant leaving such things out of reach of the general public and thus are luxuries.Glass production for use in bottles and wine glasses have been perfected with the exception of having to create a mould by hand.This can be averted through 3D printing moulds on a computer and allowing the glass to be cut into pre-programmed designs through Pandora using robots similar to those used in milling of stone and marble or those being developed by ABB robotics and chef robots with proper human like hands or lasers that etch the design.Putting them into kiln and other work can be done through advancements in robotics or redesigning the factory line to allow for this tom happen.In the case of internal etchings for glass slabs and sculptures or external etchings on windows the technology to do this can be on site in the factory or in community centres with in the case of the former chosen by the consumer.

Again these can be designed on computers and uploaded onto cloud networks alongside existing ones named Ganymede.Rare,limited edition,heirlooms and expensive pieces of glass in private collections,museums,palaces and castles can be uploaded to the same network as well as glass based physical art to be replicated by machine,3D printing and in time nanotech fabrication which can again be altered.This network will include glass structures,drinking glasses,wine bottles,containers for perfumes,jars(including those for candles and preserves)All glass products such as jars,wine glasses etc to save on silica can be composed of synthetic precious gems like diamonds,rubies etc

In this area wine glasses,vases,pyrex cookware and structures can be printed out using glass.Like all manufactured goods these can be designed on computers and uploaded onto a cloud network.Glass used in labs can also be produced entirely by 3D printers.Intensive research into perfecting this should be done to allow them to be done in community centres allowing automated glass factories to be turned into homes or other uses with these printers making all glass products.

In the case of glass made via 3D printers and automation the consumer can on Pandora chose the colour by using a colour wheel(or typing in the saturation percentage of red,green and blue with them cross referenced with all know colours stored in Artemis transferred from Wikipedia) to select the desired colour to have the different elements and minerals required for that to be mixed in the glass structure with a button that can “reset” it back to normal see through glass.Different parts can be different colours when this becomes sufficiently advanced.The consumer can also choose to have the glass contain zinc oxide to make non toxic crystal glass with this also applying to crystal drinking glasses.With regards to those made of lead,barium oxide and potassium oxide can cause poisoning due to them leaching from the glass through liquids or other interactions but this can be possibly avoided by coating crystal glass internally and externally with a permanent layer of liquid glass to prevent leaching due to its ability to make things acid proof preventing the glass from leaching any toxic lead,barium or potassium into liquids stored in them and also making them easier to clean via gravity.This can apply to existing glass.Research can be done into nanomaterials and even compounds created by bacteria either synthetic or natural that can create any dye with the same effect and yet still be non toxic.By 2029 humans will be made immune to all heavy metals.

Glass especially those used for drinking should ideally made to be shatter resistant in order to negate the need to replace it with more energy intensive replacements.Attempts to achieve this have come in the form of Govino shatterproof wine glasses which are made of a plastic polymer that doesnt contain BPA which can be gained from genetically altered bacteria and printed out or created in much smaller factories and can come in all shapes and sizes.This should certainly be used in automated restaurants,bars and nightclubs instead of normal glass as it doesnt break and thus limits the need to clean up broken normal glass and replace them as well as preventing from being used as a dangerous weapon if a brawl occurs.Ideally consumers should use this for all their drinking glasses at home and maybe even wine glasses made from it as again it doesnt break,is easier to clean and thus reuse requires less energy in production since the raw materials are grown on site.Using it in public amenities and in hospitals would also be a good idea for these same reasons.Custom made designs and seals can also be printed onto them on printers in community centres or in the factories when ordered with different designs put on them on each one or have the same design on all of them.The shapes and designs of these plastic glass can be stored in the same network as household items.Research can be done into glassware such as drinking glasses that are shatterproof for use at home to prevent them from breaking easily and thus being replaced by new ones saving on energy.This can be done having a matrix of graphene mixed into the silica matrix in a lattice to make it shatterproof thus at least 200 times stronger than steel at the request of the consumer upon manufacture.This can apply to glass sculptures,household items,drinking glasses and even windows for use in homes and vertical farms as well as glass used in the construction of aquariums and stained glass windows.The graphene may also allow moving images and video calls to be incorporated into it streamed from the internet and the wire with it also allowing augmented reality and touchscreens added to them with it also making it survive temperatures up to graphenes melting point.

This can done in home/community studios again making up for any current limitations that automation and 3D printing has and developing skills and having more intrinsic value.