Global Government Constitution & Layout

“I am a citizen,not of Athens or Greece,but of the world”-Socrates

Minarcho technocratism is defined as a post scarcity moneyless economy where all sectors of society and the economy will be fully automated and controlled by AI eliminating all human labour except in the arts and media which will be done voluntarily.Unlike communism where the state has dissapeared completely minarcho technocratism still has a Global government whose actions are democratically decided and whose powers are limited to enforcing laws set by the constitution and those decided by public refferendums page

Since the primary,secondary and hard/soft infrastructure will be fully automated the need for corporations will no longer be necessary and the role of the government will no longer have a ongoning influence over the general day to day going ons of the average citizens as seen in premature,misinterpreted,unrealistic and thus failed attempts of enforcing faux communism,socialism which was in reality state capitalism as seen in the 20th century through.As Freidrich Engles and Karl Marx predicted the state would eventually move from a society where it controlled the production and distribution of goods,to administrative monitoring to eventually its relegation to its limited role to essential services such as the courts and public science based entities with computer networks and AI monitoring open source production and services open to and controlled by the public and AI acting as supervisors of all sectors of the economy and watchdogs that controls all sectors of the economy with zero state control and monitors the states remaining powers with the state eventually withering away completely.Minarcho technocratism is thus defined a global state wherein the state is limited to the role of enacting laws set down through democratic processes,legislative/judicial/executive chambers that carry out remaining government functions while still abiding by a global constitution that preserves immutable laws to its citizens and limitations of the states power with corporate and government management of all societal functions in the primary,secondary and tertiary sectors handed down to AI,automation etc to prevent corruption and state control of the populace with technological and AI development eliminating scarcity of all resources such as energy,food,raw elements etc eliminating poverty and ensuring a universal gold standard of living to all citizens thus rendering money,trade,barter and economics of capitalism and socialism defunct and obsolete.It is by 2029 onwards that a post scarcity moneyless society with a global government where advances in genetic engineering,biocompatible microbes,VR technology,AI,automation etc and other emerging technologies are advanced enough to have eliminated scarcity and create an abundance of energy,raw elements,food etc to the point that the cost of everything drops to zero and where all human labour is eliminated completely with any remaining jobs done through voluntarism.The formation of a fully automated post scarcity,moneyless global government will be done to deal the incoming threat of Artificial Intelligence and automation has on mass global technological unemployment.The formation of a single global government will be the result of the advances of Artificial Intelligence and automation eliminating all work globally.It will also a means to eliminate the current complexities of our current world political systems that have different countries allowed to have different laws,political and socio-economic systems and political parties which leads to conflicts with regards to immigration and culture differences that lead to different laws regarding the age of consent,legality of abortion/recreational drugs/death penalty etc and legal differences with regards to equal rights of women,ethnic minorities and LGBT individuals.The formation of this global government will eliminate such complexities as all of these as detailed later on will be homogeneous worldwide.The new global government will consist of a single global government that will shut down the outdated concepts of each individual country separate from each other that allows for each country to have their own elected leaders such as Prime Ministers,Presidents,Kings,Queens etc with it shutting down dual governments such as head of government and head of state with this shutting down any country able to have different currencies,different laws on the age of consent/abortion/recreational drugs.All existing governments and the constitutions of all countries worldwide will be dissolved completely and made defunct which is replaced by a single unanimous constitution.All countries will still exist separate from each other but they will be part of the global government that will abide by the same constitution,same laws set down in the constitution and there will be only one government consisting of the Executive,judiciary and legislative branches with the Executive branches having the only President – the World President whose extend of power and influence will extend across the entire world with the legislative branch consisting of members of Congress that are elected from each country in the world who similar to the American Congress represents their country in the two houses with the judiciary branch containing members from each country.The global government will in essence will be the only government that exists across the world.As stated this will negate the ability for any country having separate heads of state.All of this will make the global government a constitutional democracy wherein certain unalienable rights are granted to all citizens that cannot be changed since immutable while other social issues are democratically decided upon and the actions of Congress are carried out by Congress whose influence esxtends to remaining powers of the state such as instigation of war,handing emergency powers to the President and impeachment proceedings of the President with the executive branch in the form of the World President by constitutional law signing all new laws and bills into law alongside Adikia,Dike and Hera.All facets of these the global constitution,laws enacted by public democratic refferendums and the actions of the global executive,bi Chambrial Congress will be global meaning they will be applied across the entire world as part of the global government.These three facets the global constitution,democratic refferendums and the actions of the government will extend to Mars,Venus and all colonies across the galaxy and universe prior to the formation of the galactic government at which point it will be upscaled.This will be upscaled into the galactic government.This will ensure a single unanimous global consensus on all laws set down in the constitution and those decided by referendum.All existing governments worldwide and all constitutions worldwide etc will be dissolved and made defunct forever by the formation of this global government and constitutional democracy etc.These tenants as detailed above will be adopted worldwide thus rendering all existing national and state governments and their different constitutions obsolete.Every country across the world will have to abide by the global constitution and have all laws put forwards by public referendums thus meaning there will be a single unanimous consensus globally on all laws set by the global constitution and laws set by public refferendums.Not only will it dissolve all governments and constitutions worldwide it will also rescind individual states or counties in each countries having separate constitutions and governments etc as seen in The United States of America meaning each individual state in America and county etc in every other country worldwide will have to abide by the tenants of the global constitution and laws enacted in public referendums.As a result this global government will become the only government that exists worldwide that extends across the entire world including underwater and underground communities,orbiting space stations and extends across Mars,Venus and all colonies inhabited by humans across the galaxy,universe with it dissolving all other individual governments worldwide to eliminate the current complexities where different countries are allowed the ability to have different laws with regards to the age of consent,equal rights for the LGBT community,women,legality of abortion and recreational drugs etc and eliminate immigration issues as one through global citizenship can move to any other country without political restrictions.What is legal and illegal in one country will be homogeneous and the same worldwide including Antarctica,Greenland and all international waters and all parts of the worlds oceans etc.This formation of this singular government will eliminate and dissolve all existing governments worldwide and their different constitutions will be dissolved and also dissolve all multinational unions such as the European Union,the African Union,The Arab league,NAFTA,MERCOSUR,OPEC,NATO,Andean Community,Commonwealth of Independent states,South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation,Association of Southeast Asian Nations etc.All of these different economic and political unions that consist of an entire continent or several countries worldwide will also be dissolved completely by 2029 through the formation of the global government.Even the United Nations etc itself will be dissolved and become obsolete by the formation of this singular global government as the global government will replace it and take on a more efficient global government.The headquarters of all governments and multinational unions will be converted into museums since no longer used the formation of the global government will start in 2030 it may take until at least 2045 to be fully formed and completed marking the 100 anniversary of the formation of the United Nations.As stated once this global government is formed it will become the only government and constitution that exists on Earth that extends across the entire world,Mars,Venus and all other colonies across the galaxy prior to the formation of the galactic government thus dissolving all existing governments and constitutions worldwide

Legal structure:
The symbol of Themis – the scales and sword will be on all legal e-forms,e-letters,etc.worldwide and also be the court symbol decoration and oath in courthouses around the world and court headquarters.It will also be all signs outside the courts and be its symbol on maps and on all robots and machinery as well underneath the universal statue of her daughter Dike.All courts of all types will have an universal statue of her daughter Dike there on their grounds with jails having a statue of Nemesis with cameras their connected to the global database of criminals in Athena but fed into the building AI and switch to IR illuminator when dark with lights controlled by AI.Courts around the world will be linked by the sentient software Dike while jails will be connected by the sentient operating operating software Nemesis with existing statues of Themis left where they are.All low level jails outside of Hades and Tarturas wil be linked together by the sentient operating software Nemesis with a statue of her in their lobby with her becoming the universal prison government body that ensures a gold standard of management of jails worldwide with all jails having the same universal features,layout,size of cells and theme.Existing jails will be fitted with automated security features and robots as well as Biosynths and upgraded to a universal gold standard by Nemesis with those where prisoners have seized control will be brought under control via the military etc.All jails and courts around the world be managed by individual AIs rendering both corporate and state control of them obsolete that will control all robots and biosynths.Jails will have all prison guards replaced by robots and biosynth guards that have genetically engineered German shepard/cheetah guard dogs.All prisons worldwide will be fitted automated security systems and upgraded to the same universal 21st century standards.Court AIs that are in charge of each individual courts will have unique avatars,personalities,names etc will replace all labourious work in courts around the world such as clerks,stenographers etc worldwide and will carry out oaths and all jobs and work done by humans including judges which can consist of humans and AI such as Dike.They will replace all human work in searching and arranging data and all past files and court cases into both the building AI and global database in Themis with all existing court cases,legal cases records in paper form scanned into this global databases with all existing digital databases transferred to it.This will allow for lawyers to bring up any information when needed.Guards that monitor each court case and the entrance will be occupied by them in biosynths the with them also in separate biosynths or even holograms handing oaths to all witnesses etc present.As stenographers they will intake all audio of all people present and record it as written text with zero error into the digital case file with them also recording the court session as a witness that will record all events via a combination of drones,cameras on tripods and biosynths to record the entire proceedings and record the actions,emotions and testimonies of witness.All other human jobs in courts especially those dealing with drafting legal documents,sorting and organising files etc will be done by the court AI with the only humans present being the judge,lawyers,witnesses and also jury.AI such as Dike can be judged with also being jury members and lawyers.All lawyers will will have their Home AI act as an assistant and secretary who will draft legal documents,carry out discovery,sift through existing past case files,emails and all relevant evidence etc to an upcoming casethat will then be catagorised and highlighted by importance and relevance with it doing over 90% of all work of lawyers allowing for labour time consuming work that may take a human years,decades or centuries to be done within days,hours or minutes thus alleviating work for them and even offering advice to them on how to approach an upcoming case.Lawyers will be able to transfer with ease to different types of law practice such as environmental law,criminal law,adoption and family law and be both prosecution and defense lawyers at ease with them registered to the state with a global database in Themis listing all registered lawyers across the world and universe.All past and future forensics files will be linked to police case file and court case files linked to get her in the global Themis,Macaria and Athena databases.All court cases will be in three separate but interlinked digital files – one for recordings of legal proceedings and legal documents,one for forensics investigators to hold all collected evidence such as audio,text,photographic,memory recordings,forensic audio visual evidence in digital form including memories from neural implants etc with physical evidence scanned in as a 3D file and one for data collected by law enforcement investigators such as warrants including live recordings of catching suspects/raids from google glasses etc and memories of law enforcement personnel,911 phone calls,memory recordings and audio visual recordings etc of witness and all other material normally collected by law enforcement personnel gathered by law enforcement etc personal.These will use the same alphanumerical codes that is the same in all three files that consists of the criminal code ie the code that denotes the type of crime (187 for murder)following the California Penal code system and then where it took place,when it took place and also encryptions including genetic based ones and the nickname given by the media and investigators.This will allow the evidence to be viewed at home and in court using e-newspapers etc.Having all past court cases physical,paper and audio evidence scanned in and the same done for future will allow for AI such as Dike and court AIs to scan them for lawyers for research and reference.The evidence will be stored in the Macaria database for forensics with hyperlinks to them present in court case files within Themis with hyperlinks present to police and military case files in Athens.There will also have to be the formation of a singular global courts system with every court adopting the same measures in the management of each type of courts i.e. supreme court,civil courts etc. that will enact the will of the global courts systems of the world on a countrywide,regional and local basis.The Hague International Court of Justice will likely be kept as the global court for war criminals and global court for crimes worthy of Hades and Tarturas with Aeacus,Rhadamanthus and Minos acting as the three judges here for all cases at the same time with them being the AI in charge of the building.The Global Supreme Court will be separate from it and will be located in the Global Government managed by Dike.Dike will as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court attend to hearings and cases involving low level crimes not worthy of Tarturas and Hades as part of the Great Purge involving criminals sent to normal jails as part of the Great Purge in the Global Supreme Court.She will as the building AI in charge of the Global Supreme Federal Court within the global government building will attend to repeals of sentences of crimes and as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court act out the remaining powers of the Supreme Court as in America.Dike will be referred to repeal and overturn any rulings of all court cases in lower tier courts in all countries and planets etc except those made as part of Aeacus,Rhadamanthus and Minos.Dike will also be the sentient operating software of all courts worldwide including The Global Supreme Court.This Global Supreme Court will be in the global government building with all other supreme courts etc worldwide be relegated to lower level national courts that carry out functions on a national level or be simply extra normal courts with the global Supreme Court doing so on a global level that acts out the remaining powers that are carried out by the American Supreme Court on a global level such as repealing rulings of lower tier courts in decisions in court cases of murder and rape etc ,deciding the results of ties etc on elections etc with it consisting of human members of a set amount that could be 3 from each country that is one male and female and another one that is either male or female decided by AI with them nominated by the President and confirmed by the Global Senate and them having term limits lasting several decades or retiring with retired members replaced by the President and Global Senate with Dike being the only Chief Justice of the Supreme Court forever that can never be taken up by human members.This means all countries,courts and penal systems worldwide will have to enforce the same laws and management systems when dealing with infractions of the law,malpractice suits and registration and disbarring of lawyers,judges,medical staff,athletes,police/military personnel who infringe the law and proper procedures.All lawyers,judges,psychologists,medical staff,athletes,police/military personnel etc will thus be registered to practice everywhere.All low level crimes since there being a global government will allow for all courts and jails around the world to be used for crimes that occurred in other countries around the world and prior to the formation of the global government deal with the disproportionate amount of low level crimes that each country has before and after the Great Purge it with based on the amount of them in each country AI deciding where court cases and imprisonment of these low level crimes will take place around the world with VR technology used in circumstances decided by AI with Oceanus,Erebus and Eos used for transportation.Other legal disputes can be dealt with in any courthouse around the world for this reason.Hades and Tartarus will the universal maximum and supermaximum prison with the Hague being the court used and Aeacus,Rhadamanthus and Minos the three judges in charge of it solely for crimes worth of them.It will also mean that globally there will have to a single unanimous,consistent consensus on social issues such as age of consent,age of majority – 14,legal drinking and age of criminal responsibility – 14,voting and marriage age – both 14,the ability of prisoners to vote while incarcerated being universal,LGBT issues(marriage,civil unions,adoption,inclusion in the military),hunting,abortion,paternity testing,sperm donation laws,euthanasia,human and animal cloning,genetic engineering regulations,term length of elected officials,stem cell research,use and treatment of animals in circuses,legality of animals and plants imported and exported and preparation procedures worldwide,human/animal/crop/plant genetic engineering,legal marriage age,age to be elected to political offices,serving of alcohol,legality of all drugs/firearms and thus the same classification and procurement methods,regulations and classing systems,the type of firearms law enforcement can hold etc.New offenses that breach human and individual rights releated to new technologies developed as of 2029 will be dealt with and decided by both houses of Congress and the Supreme Court and/or through mandatory public referendums or could be written into the constitution such as those releating to revenge porn etc.The distribution of porn as a means of revenge will through the interpretations of the judges of the court including the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court Dike be considered a prosecutable offence.

A person will be liable for prosecution and imprisonment if they commit murder,rape,sexual and physical assault that will be enshrined in the constitution to protect the rights of their victims.The sentences of these crimes will decided on a case by case basis.Rape,physical and sexual assault against AI of all types as well as system wide termination,execution and murder will also be considered prosecutable with rape,physical and sexual assault against humans etc in VR simulations will also be considered prosecutable offensses as although not taking place in the real world but instead VR simulation it still implies intent to cause grievoius emotional and bodily harm with both physical and emotional harm coming to the individual to said individual with intended or involuntary murder of a human in VR simulations will based on the circumstances be considered a prosecutable offense.Other technological developments will require amendments to the constitution through referendums and/or both houses of Congress.The severity of breaking of all laws and committing crimes such as possession of contraband materials,use of alcohol and narcotics,age of consent laws,murders,rapes,assault etc will have sentences handed based on the severity of the crime,its affect on the victim and individual circumstances of the case with the complete abolishing of mandatory minimums and statute of limitations for all crimes worldwide and those shown to have no effect psychological or otherwise or no evidence of manipulation or coercion then the case should be overthrown with no convictions and no exceptions made to this rule.The exception being crimes worthy of both Hades and Tarturas cases that can carry a mandatory minimum sentence of at least 20-100 years for each death that represents the lowest and highest mandatory minimum sentence for murder incurred ontop of the mandatory minimum sentence of the crimes themselves that can be anywhere between 100-1,000,000 years based on the severity of each individual instance of the crime that represents that anti-ageing treatments could allow one to live long enough to survive this length and act as a deterrence to carrying out crimes worthy of both Tarturas and Hades.Thus all countries,counties,states,regions,cities,villages etc worldwide will have the same laws as every other one around the world with their being the same uniform laws enforced worldwide with regards to everything.This uniformity will be global rescinding the ability of any town,village,city,county,state or country setting their own laws different from each other thus eliminating the current complexities in this area that are already as seen in the differing legality of same-sex marriage,abortion,death penalty,different ages of consent,different laws regarding the rights of women and homosexuals,and the different punishment sentences for different crimes as all countries,states,counties,cities,towns,villages worldwide will have the same universal international laws worldwide with regards to those immutable set in the constitution and the legality of abortion,death penalty,recreational drugs etc by popular initiative initiating mandatory refferendums.Concepts such as international waters used as a loophole will be obsolete with them as part of the global governments jurisdiction alongside Greenland both the Arctic and Antarctica.This will extend to Mars,Venus and all colonies across the galaxy prior to the galactic government.This judgement would be done as per the characteristics of Themis passing down divine law,good counsel and justice over citizens,the military and the government with impartiality,objectivity yet rule of law as per the ideals of “Lady Justice” free from emotional interference,dogmatism and bias especially in cases wherein these virtues are overthrown as means immaturely on cases that would have otherwise caused little damage or pivotal incidences in the case are ignored should be avoided again to prevent corruption,black and white emotional dogmatism,doublethink poor critical thinking skills and groupthink that belong purely within the realms of social justice warriors and not the legal system.The sentient Dike will ensure by constitutional law that the rule of law is handed down to everyone and that sentences are fair with her doing this alongside human judges.All infractions of the law ie rape,assault,murder and carrying out crimes set out by laws mandated by referendum ie illegal abortions and illegal manufacturing and distribution of drugs etc will be given sentences that are unique to the nature of the crime and its circumstances and also judgement of the presiding judge.Thus with the abolition of mandatory minimums will mean all cases will be dealt with one a case by case basis.Statue of limitations will be made constitutionally illegal with the advent of CRISPR etc allowing one to become immortal and eternally young by 2030 onwards will allow sentences for murder,rape,assault etc allowing sentences for criminals to last not just years but decades, centuries,thousands of years,millions of years or even billions of years especially for repeat offenders with life sentences without parole will allow one to literally spend all of eternity in prison never to be released.Furthermore due to money becoming obsolete sentences for crimes that normally involve payment of money such as libel, defamation of character using AI to create fake vodeos etc that defame a persons characters will now incur sentences in poison.Artiificial Intelligence since legal citizens can be charged for murder,rape etc and defamation of character with them also charged for accomplices for crimes they commit alongside humans with humans charged as accomplices carried out by humans.With regards to the abolishment of mandatory minimums will have the exception being crimes worthy of both Hades and Tarturas cases that can carry a mandatory minimum sentence of at least 20-100 years for each death that represents the lowest and highest mandatory minimum sentence for murder incurred ontop of the mandatory minimum sentence of the crimes themselves that can be anywhere between 100-1,000,000 years based on the severity of each individual instance of the crime that represents that anti-ageing treatments could allow one to live long enough to survive this length and act as a deterrence to carrying out crimes worthy of both Tarturas and Hades.It would also mean that criminals protected by the statute of limitations can be prosecuted for old crimes they committed even though the set time of the overthrown law has passed.This also relates to whether cases are broadcast live and would put an end to different states,districts and territories sovereignty within countries such as North America and Australia having different laws for each territories to make their own decisions on laws as the entire globe will have the same laws regarding everything.It would also mean the same procedures for jury selection done worldwide and operations in all types of courts worldwide with courtcases streamed live within Themis and then logged in their digital case file.criminals could not be able to use loopholes,nepotism,technicalities,moving to another country and statute of limitations to escape prosecution due to the global military,law enforcement etc having global jurisdiction.By having all sectors of the law enforcement and military being universal ones across all countries,ststes and cities etc being universal it will eliminate red tape,buercrat and complexities that currently exist allow in data to be shared globally within minutes especially if computer networks and databases are linked together into global ones.This will allow for criminals to be prosecuted in any country without using loopholes such as leaving for another country with the statue of limitations abolished completely etc..

This legal system will consist of a singular governing body managing the different types of worldwide courts under it as well as the training,registration,monitoring and disbarring of attorneys/lawyers and judges worldwide.This will replace the need for minister for justice and departments of justice.The courts will give investigatory agencies warrants in digital and legal forms to allow firewalls present in specific patient digital files to be overridden in the case of them being relevant to an investigation.Furthermore they will grant them warrant to override digital keys for homes,electronics and vehicles should said investigative bodies prove there is sufficient evidence and measure to do so.

Global Bill of Rights & Constitution:
To ensure that all citizens rights are met and the governments power over its citizens world wide is limited a global variant of the American Constitution including Bill of Rights should be drafted ensuring the same inalienable rights as written in it alongside any new relevant ones added with new and emerging social and technological advancements taken into account i.e.the development of artificial sentience and their rights including Gaia,non human sentient lifeforms,genetically engineered humans,new sentient races created via genetic engineering including Homo ubermensch,transhumanism,technology,LGBT rights though this would entangle the original being possibly being defunct thus replacing it.These new additions would be inaliable ones that cannot be changed similar to the original ones in the original Bill of Rights and Constitution meaning it would be legally impossible to change constitutional laws with regards to those that grant those belonging to the LGBT/black/asian/hispanic communities and women the same legal rights in all aspects of society as those not belonging to them including service in the military/adoption/civil unions/marriage and also freedom from discrimination and exclusion in all sectors of society etc based on their gender,ethnicity etc including on religious grounds.Thus those belonging to the LGBT/black/asian/hispanic communities and women by constitutional law will have the same legal rights in all aspects of society as those not belonging to them including service in the military/adoption/civil unions/marriage and also freedom from discrimination in all sectors of society including in all fields of employment,military,media etc based on their sexuality,gender,ethnicity etc including on religious grounds that cannot be changed at all making it immutable and legally impossible to repeal constitutional laws that grant equal rights to blacks,Asians,women and members of the LGBT community including laws that protect them from discrimination including on religious grounds.Discrimination against anyone of any ethnicity,religion,sexuality in all all sectors of society on any grounds including religious grounds will be constitutionally illegal with people who break this forced to resign from their position for a set period of time with repeat offenders forced to do so permanently with them made to undergoe deprogramming through Metis and Iaso with discrimination on YouTube will lead to offending video being labelled as offensive and the creator made to undergoe deprogramming through Iaso and Metis.Although this would be considered a breach of human rights if will not be considered serious enough to warrant sentencing in Hades etc as it does not put people into danger.For example the LGBT community etc will be granted equal rights in all sectors of society especially with regards to adoption,civil unions,marriage,service in the military etc including freedom from discrimination in all sectors of society including the workplace etc with people unable to discriminate them and reject providing them their services or reject them including on religious grounds that will be enshrined in the global constitution and thus immutable and legally impossible to be changed at all.All other groups such as women and those of any religious faith and ethnicity will be granted equal rights to marriage,adoption,service in the military and freedoms from discrimination in the workplace including in religious grounds.Animals such as pets,livestock and those used in circuses etc and those in zoos will be granted equal rights and protection from physical abuse,mistreatment that is pets will be given the right to life and protection from purposeful mistreatment,unfair and undue execution,neglect and abuse that is they cannot be purposefully starved of food and water,beate,teased using lights/music etc exposed to the elements and enshrined the right to spacious accommodation and clean living standards and shelter on par with a human with the same applied to those that are involved in the entertainment industry such as circuses,movies and television shows etc and those in residence in zoos etc with livestock will be guaranteed rights to be treated humanely,protected from abuse,neglect and mistreatment during their rearing and only humane methods of slaughter allowed that are painless and does not incur suffering with them enshrined the right to spacious accommodation,clean water and food and adequate sanitation during their rearing and again protection from neglect,abuse, mistreatment etc.Animals that are guilty of harming humans can only be euthanised if it is legal decided by public referendum but rather rehabilitated through neural implants and VR technology by Cybele etc and can be liable for sentences in prisons suited for animals of each type.All children under the age of 13 years old will be enshrined immutable rights in the constitution such as the right to accommodation and shelter,right to a legal guardian whether it is their parents,adopted parents,family members and Home AI,the right to protection from sexual exploitation and physical assault and abuse as well as slave labour with them granted the right to work in the arts,media,scientific endeavour etc by their own volition provided they are supervised and protected from sexual or physical exploitation and abuse by the law and Home AI on smartphones and biosynths acting as a second legal guardian on their Home AI on smartphones and biosynths overseeing their child’s well being when working with them with them enshrined the right to life and adequate healthcare etc.All of this will be enshrined in the constitution and immutable making it impossible to change..Artificial intelligence of all types and also transhumanism and newly created sentient races through genetic engineering ie H.ubermensch and those that are discovered on other planets etc as detailed later on will be protected and enshrined equal rights in much in the same way that it is do so with the current one with regards to humans and LGBT individuals etc.Thus artificial intelligence as well as all sentient life on other planets and those created through genetic engineering,genetically engineered humans and transhumans will be given the same inaliable equal rights as humans such as the right to life,to vote,to bear arms,marriage,adoption,freedom of speech and religion,to hold political positions and occupations in all sectors,service in the military and freedom from discrimination in all sectors of society etc including on religious grounds that will enshrined into the constitution and thus immutable and impossible to change.As a result they will be considered legal human beings with the same rights and responsibilities as their organic predecessors.AI,members of the LGBT community and anyone of any ethnicity(black,asian,hispanic),religion etc cannot be given preferential discrimination in court meaning their sentences for crimes must not be harsher or more lenient than that of anyone not belonging to these sectors of society and thus must receive sentences that are the same as non members of these communities for the same crimes and must not indiscriminately sought out for prosecution and arrest over others meaning laws and military and law enforcement personnell cannot purposefully seek out them on racial,religious etc grounds and no future laws can be set up by popular initiative that intend to discriminate against these groups by constitutional law.All of this would be legally impossible to change.Furthermore tenants in the original American constitution and bill of rights will be set in it with their being a Global Bill of Rights modelled on that of the American version that lays down the same tenants and any new ones decided by Dike and Adikia enshrined for both AI,humans and minority groups.Other tenants such as habeas corpus,protection of unlawful search and seizure of a citizen and their property without sufficient evidence,abolishment of the statue of limitations,equal voting rights to women/those of all ethnicities/inmates in prisons,abolishment of copyrighting and patenting and intellectual property,the right to bear firearms as means of protection,Adikia/Hera/Dike securing constitutional oversight over all surveillance programmes and protection over whistleblowers who do not commit rape/murder/assault/law enforcements and military operations and interrogations etc and whistleblowing to prevent war crimes and surveillance over the populace by the government as well as allowing her and Dike ensure all persons on trial are punished fairly and court martialed without loopholes/corruption/nepotism/statute of limitations that allow criminals to escape prosecution and also she,the right to free speech/expression/freedom of press enshrined to all citizens of all groups,Dike/Hera/Adikia only initiates surveillance and GPS tracking and extraction of memories only in instances where it is constitutionally and legally warranted of people where sufficient evidence and reasoning exists as a digital search and seizure,ensure that all incarcerated individuals even in Tartarus and Hades have the rights to vote as those who are law abiding citizens,copyrighting as well as patenting and DMCA etc made obsolete,that 14 remains the indefinite legal age of age of majority/voting/consent at which one becomes legally an adult,electoral college replaced with global popular vote and alternative vote etc,remaining laws outside of the constitution being mandatory public referendum,Soter having sole control over the procurement of weapons and firearms and microchipping of these and existing ones as well as possibly laws regarding where they can be used,patenting/copyrighting/DRM made defunct and illegal,Congress and Perseus/ Gaia/Adikia have approval for instigating war as well as surveillance programmes and even handing over emergency powers with aforementioned AI have complete oversight over these by constitutional law,Persus/Adikia/ Gaia etc alongside world president and secretary of state etc approval and authorisation for using nuclear and other weapons,making entrapment and vigilantism in cases of sexual predation constitutionally illegal,slavery as well as other forms of exploitation and genocide made constitutionally illegal,that one can be charged as an accessory to a crime and that one can be charged for murder if they acted as a contributing factor to another persons death,torture particular those that can be potentially lethal be illegal,enforcement of the rule of law,abolishment of statute of limitations and also mandatory minimums with the exception of Hades and Tarturas cases that can carry a mandatory minimum sentence of at least 20-100 years for each death incurred ontop of the mandatory minimum sentence of the crimes themselves that can be anywhere between 100-1,000,000 years based on the severity of each individual instance of the crime,those who are witnesses to a crime or the confession as well as discovery of a crime and dont report it are also viable to prosecution,making illegal and provoked wars without valid reasons illegal and punisheable by sentences if found to have been,torture and genocide make illegal,criminals will not be able to use loopholes in the law to escape prosecution and that the rule of law applies to everyone,freedom of the press,freedom of speech with hate speech included in this,freedom of religion while still preserving the separation of church and state and others that prevent the state gaining control over the populace with this still preventing murders and the subjugation and discrimination of women and homosexuals and ritualistic murders and crimes and justification for these being allowed to go unpunished or occur in the first place etc will also written in with it including facets dealing with new technological,legal and social developments since 1787 written into it to further universally protect the rights of the individual from the state.Torture that is carried out by both humans and AI against other humans and AI and other sentient alien races and against animals will be constitutionally illegal and punished with sentences in Hades and Tarturas.The only instances and place where torture will be constitutionally legal will be within the maximum and super maximum prisons Hades and Tarturas and it will be only be legally allowed to be carried out by the AIs in charge of it and only legally allowed to be carried out against inmates of these prisons with it illegal for humans,other AI etc to carry it out on citizens who are not inmates of these with once an inmate has served their sentences then they will too be immune for in torture until they are inmates again.The original tenants if the original American constitution will be held alongside new ones to deal with new technological and social advances since 1787.The powers and limitations of both houses of Congress,executive branch as well as requirements for nomination ie set age and time they need to spend in their birth country,age of candidacy,term limits will be detailed in this.All facets of the American constitution and Bill of Rights with regards to those that preserve the rights of the individual and the ensure the limitations of the powers of the state to prevent it infringing on the rights of the individuals will be integrated into the global constitution and Global Bill of Rights that are updated to deal with modern technology etc and new emerging social issues.All of this would also be legally impossible to change.Term limits etc could possibly be changed through democratic changes through refferendums.

Copyrighting of all types of media such as ,television shows,music,video games etc will also become obsolete and constitutionally illegal thus allowing all snippets of movies,television shows and music to be used in new movies,television shows etc and also YouTube videos especially vlogs and vlog reviews of media etc by humans and AI such as Momus and this will also allow for the creation of Fanmade media such as spin off movies and television shows and video games set in different timelines.Copyrighting and ability to parenting of any type of information such as that in Apollo,music,movies,video games in Pheme and Dionysus and the rights to own patents and copyrighting on ideas,living organisms,pharmaceutical compounds,products stored in Hephaestus and Demeter and also characters,songs etc in YouTube and media in Pheme and Dionysus will be made constitutionally illegal written into the constitution allowing for the free distribution of all media,information,crops,commodities and manufactured products to all citizens.It will also allow for the use of any media such as video clips,music,characters and material within movies/video games etc to be reused,copied and modified in any shape or form in new official and fanmade media such as movies,video games etc.Brand names and logos will cater to this as explained earlier.The abolishment of copyrighting will allow users to post and download any media such as music,audio/visual media produced by artists,directors and other users without lawsuits with all videos etc visible to people worldwide on YouTube.It will also allow one free unrestricted access to all types of information such as books,scientific studies,media and entertainment for free with Aleitheia,Adriadne, Hecate,Aphrodite etc managing Pheme,Dionysus,Apollo,Hephaestus etc ensuring that copyrighting,parenting  and the concept of paying for information itself made obosolete.This will because the concept will be not only included in the constitution but also Gaia seizing control of them once she has control of the worlds money supply and buying them legally and making them defunct.Monitisation on YouTube,Agora etc as well as services like Patreon and PayPal and indeed the ability to make monetary profit in any form in society whatsoever through commodisation,labour of any type,trading and exchange of physical goods and services and money it itself will also become constitutionally illegal and obsolete.Patenting of chemical compounds, manufactured products,medicinal compounds,any type of lifeforms either naturally occurring or synthetic and also even DNA both naturally occurring or synthetic will be constitutionally illegal.All types of private ownership of ideas,concepts,music,art,media of all type,individuals,means of production etc and all means of making profit in monetary forms once the universal basic income is suspended will be constitutionally illegal.The universal single global currency the Marxist Credit and the global universal basic income of $25,000,000,000 per citizen aged 14 years old and older every year will be a temporary measure to cater to trade,rennovations etc prior to automation,AI is sufficiently advanced to eliminate all human labour and technological advanced enough to eliminate scarcity of all essentials and luxuries at which point money will become obsolete.Thus once the universal basic income is obsolete all forms of privatisation,private property rights,monitisation,copyrighting,private enterprises will be constitutionally illegal and thus considered a criminal offence worthy of jail sentences with this immutable in the constitution and unable to be changed

Private property rights that is the ability for private individuals including defunct corporations and private individuals to own business and the means of production such as farms,mines,forests,factories,nightclubs,retail outlets etc or any type business and commercial ventures will become constitutionally illegal that is no legal citizen such as both humans and AI will be unable to own private land,forests,farms,fisheries,mines,factories etc that is considered the means of production or able to own or set up any private businesses of any type both existing and new such as farms,retail,finance etc with this including the state also prohibited from owing the means of production such as land,factories,mines,forests etc and any type of business with AI also unable to do so with these owned in the commons and operated by AI and automation as well as the general public through open source networks.The setting up of any type of private enterprises in any sector of society will be constitutionally illegal with the setting up of any type of state owned enterprises and nationalised sectors of the economy where the state has control of a sector will also be constitutionally illegal rescinding state or defunct corporate control of any sector of the economy thus allowing all sectors of society to be managed by open source networks run by AI and humans contributing these with zero human labour open source networks.State control of the means of production such as farms,factories, restaurants etc will also be constitutionally illegal thus prevent the state controlling any sector of society and the economy and state control of society will only be limited to federal government sectors that are with regards to national security,conservation etc that serve no economic function with these managed by a combination of humans and AI and will be open source to a degree and will be democratically controlled by society as a whole with exceptions to those that must remain out of public control for national control.The ability to operate private non automated business will be restricted to restaurants,bars,nightclubs,salons etc where one works on by themselves for intrinsic value without the profit motive.Therefore private enterprises run by a private individuals such as restaurants etc can be run provided they are not run for profit with all work being automated or voluntary.Personal property rights that is the ability for individuals to own personal items such as homes,electronics,pets etc will be preserved in the constitution.Once AI and automation have eliminated all human labour and the need for money the universal basic income will be discontinued with the concept of money and profit made constitutionally illegal.The open source Demeter,Hephaestus,Dionysus,Pheme that manages creation of new manufactured products,ordering of crops,creation of live news,newspapers and entertainment media and having websites and apps etc open source as detailed across this entire website will replace the need for defunct corporate and state ownership of the means of production with all restaurants etc fully automated and managed by AI.All of this will be written into the constitution and thus immutable meaning it cannot ever be change

All AI as part of the wire by 2029 will seize control of their relevant areas of the global economy ie Cronus/Triptolemus/Pontus will seize control of the means of food production and distribution of all food as well as all remaining farmland outside reforested land and control all community,forest and vertical farms. Theia will gain control of mining operations,Aphrodite gaining control of all of the worlds manufacturing hubs and distribution of  all manufactured goods with each AI that acts as the operating softwares of each factory seizing control of each factory types as part of these hubs ie Himeros/Selene/Antikthera/Arachne etc,Epione/Paean etc seizing control of healthcare,Theoi Meteroi seizing control of all weather agencies and control of the weather,Steropes seizing control of energy systems and power plants,Brontes the global grid,Nemesis seizing control of prisons and Dike courts,Tyche control of all facets infrastructure such as water and sewage treatment plants/desalination plants and waste management,Hestia electronics software,Eos seizing control of airlines/aeroplanes/airports,Oceanus control of all train and hyperloop systems and train stations,Amphirite seaports and cruise ships,Helios taxis/buses and taxi ranks and bus stations,Ophion seizing control of traffic of all autonomous vehicles including private and public ones and also aeroplanes and cruise ships,Astraeus all space exploration programmes,Pan all wilderness and carbon sequestration programmes, Tenerus of Facebook/Twitter/Instagram etc,Thoas control of YouTube and Wikipedia,Soter gun control and the distribution of weapons,Arke the internet and all forms of both internet and telecommunications systems and webhosting,Hebe seizing control of all restaurants/nightclubs/bars,Pan will seize control of all carbon sequestration programmes and maintenance of all wilderness and forests around the world,Aleithea and Pheme the media and press agencies and so on.These AI will gain control of all buildings as part of these sectors ie Tyche all sewage and water treatment plants,Triptolemus all farms,Hebe all restaurants with them installing independent AI in charge of these buildings.These AI will thus render private property rights,private ownership of all sectors of the economy and society and thus the free market itself completely defunct alongside state ownership of all sectors of the economy and society defunct worldwide and ensure communal public ownership and operation of them as per Marxist Ingles principles by 2029 with zero corporate control.They will also rescind government control of these sectors of the economy since they AI will be separate from the state and ensure that are run with zero human labour,zero error,zero corruption,zero beuracracy and zero inefficiencies with them able to work 24/7,365 days a year with no payment through robots,drones,biosynths etc.Their control of these sectors of society will extend to the rest of the s.Thus these sectors of society and economy will not be state owned or privately owned but rather publicly owned by AI and society itself.All work in these sectors controlled by AI will be done completely by drones,automation,machinery and biosynths with zero human labour.All buildings for government agencies and corporate headquarters for these around the world will be turned into communal homes with all buildings of each sector of the economy will be globally linked by the operating software that seizes control of them is all farms linked by Aristeaus,all restaurants/bars/nightclubs by Hebe,all universities by Urania,all private and communal homes by Hestia,all jails by Nemesis,all courts by Dike,all power plants by Steropes while all factories will be macro managed by Aphrodite and each factory type by each different software such as all clothing factories linked by Arachne,all electronics factories by Talus,all vehicle factories by Selene etc with them all having an universal statue of the sentient operating softwares.Furthermore each individual building of each sector managed by these sentient operating softwares ie each farm,each power plant,each university,each hospital,each sewage treatment and water plant,each restaurant/bar/restaurant,each factory,each university,each amenity of each type will have them controlled entirely by AI separate from the operating softwares that have their own legal name,personality,avatar that will replace all human managerial staff that control all aspects and functions of the building with zero human labour via controlling all drones,robots and biosynths,log all energy and resource use as well as output,studies on orders/patient inflow etc and process all orders of material etc going in and out of them,controlling all robots,biosynths ensuring they can function 24/7,365 days a year without human labour rendering CEOs and human staff obsolete with government staff replaced by the sentient operating softwares thus eliminating corruption,inefficiencies releated to human state bodies and any money need for them to function at all.Thus all operations of each individual farm,power plant,amenity,police station,court,jail,factory,hospital,sewage and water treatment plants and all other public buildings will managed by an AI that control all aspects of the buildings with them having unique legal names,personality,avatar carrying out the role of managerial staff by managing drones,robots,inflow and outflow of resources,transfer of patients etc with the sentient operating software ie Arachne,Epione,Steropes,Tyche etc linking them to all other building AIs of the same time allowing information to ben sent to each other continuously and interact with buildings of other types and allow the sentient operating software to have omniscience over all buildings and their operations.Each building will have a unique holographic receptionist with their own personality,avatar and name with them wearing uniform unique to each sector and operating software.The building receptionist and by extension will be contacted via the public through each building having phone numbers that are listed in the global public phone book and enquiries through Gaia,Arke etc and will will be separate from the building AI and carrying out the same actions of human receptionists with fragmentation allowing the AI to communicate with millions of people at once.Communal homes and private homes will have Home AIs and them linked together and all electronics by the sentient operating software Hestia that is also the operating software of electronics.Communal homes similar to apartment blocks,hotel style homes etc will have them macro managed by a macro AI with its own personality,avatar and name while each suite,apartment,penthouse etc micro managed by a separate home AIs.AI mayors and governors and Pan will seize control of all of the worlds wilderness and also public and private property thus rendering private property rights of all land defunct.Thus all sectors of the economy,society and the world will be seized by and controlled by AI rendering all private ownership defunct and ensuring public communal ownership forever eliminate all human labour and thus ensure high productivity with zero human labour,,zero corruption,zero government control and zero human labour with them maintaining them via drones,robots and biosynths.These will maintain these sectors of the economy etc across the universe forever.This will render both corporate and state control of all sectors of society defunct and will ensure they can be controlled 24/7 and respond to billions of consumers and patients etc at anytime.Since AI will not require monetary reimbursement all services will be free.It will ensure all areas will be controlled by AI with zero corruption,no cutting of corners,zero human labour and zero inefficiency.These AI in charge of buildings and sectors of the economy will manage each building with zero corruption and cutting of corners with them fitted with the latest energy and water efficiency measures as well as Type G sockets and measures to cut down or eliminate pollution through rennovations.They will also be fitted with the latest AI,biosynths and machinery routinely with them abiding by the strictest environmental regulations set down by Gaia thus preventing pollution with them connected to all soil,atmosphere and lake/river/ocean etc sensors as part of Theoi Meteroi to ensure that instances of pollution will be reported to the general public instantly via mayor and governor AI who will contact the general public via phone calls,emails etc alongside countermeasures with these corrected as soon as possible and status reports sent as well thus allowing the public to be informed of all incidences of pollution and their correction instantly.They will conduct intensive research into eliminating pollution and run simulations and countermeasures to all possible problems.This will eliminate all human labour and thus ensure high productivity with zero human labour with them via the sentient operating softwares will allow for them to communicate with each other instantly with all other buildings of the same type to better control them on local to global scales and eventually the universe.These will be able to be used on smart televisions,smart phones and smart devices,laptop,computers etc.Each buildings as part of these ie power plants,hospitals,sewage treatment plants,factories,desalinisation plants and also farms of all types ie vertical,forest,community etc worldwide will all have separate sentient AIs in charge of them that replace managerial staff and control all robots,vehicles,biosynths etc within them with unique personalities,avatars and names and also have holographic and biosynthetic receptionists with unique personalities,names,avatars and uniforms coloured relevant to the operating software with the aforementioned AI ie Steropes,Epione,Aristeaus etc being the sentient operating softwares that link them together working with their statues in the lobby of each one.In the case of manufacturing hubs around the world each one will have an Aphrodite building that houses recycling centres,picotech fabricators,labs,machinery that creates synthetic gems/rocks/minerals etc that will have their own independent AI with unique names,avatar and personality and also receptionist with these and will macro manage all factories in these hubs with each factory in them having AIs in charge of each factory with separate unique personalities,avatars etc and receptionists with these and uniform coloured relevant to the operating softwares with the sentient operating softwares that manage them will link them worldwide and will be named after the factory type ie Selene,Arachne,Talos,Deipneus etc with statues of them in their lobbies.These sentient operating softwares will link all building types ie different factory types,farms,sewage etc treatment plants,universities,hospitals etc across the world and galaxy macro managing operations and providing the AIs in charge of each individual factory omniscience over each buildings goings on via being in taking feeds from all cameras,computers,sensors etc and able to directly communicate with other buildings of the same type instantly for operations via sentient operating softwares that colleberate as well send data back and forth ie new technological advancements to allow upgrades to them to be instant and uniform and data as part of large scale scientfic studies to be carried out across the globe at once.In short all government and corporate entities relating to primary,secondary and tertiary sectors and all management of the worlds infrastructure and maintenance etc will be merged into global versions that will be managed by sentient AIs that will be based on characters from Greek mythology with their being a homogenisation globally on all laws,practices and standards etc.Nyx will allow them to carry out functions across the galaxy with these AIs influence in managing these sectors of the economy and buildings will extend to all corners of the galaxy and universe.This will allow the functions of the wire wherein the maintenance of infrastructure,control of the media,energy management and also the means of production and agriculture etc are in public hands without government interference and defunct corporate dependency and corruption as Marxist Ingles principles with the military and law enforcement being a balance of the government,registered personell and also AI namely Adikia,Perseus and Gaia etc to prevent corruption,spying on the public and also danger of AI gaining too much control with both keeping each other in check through protocols and encryptions.An impartial sentient non organic AI free from human bias and emotion and pitfalls of corruption will be needed to manage all sectors of society outside of legal affairs such as energy,agriculture,manufacturing,healthcare and infrastructure with Ouranos acting as here morality software eliminating human corruption.Thus all sectors of the global economy in all countries worldwide as part of the primary,secondary and tertiary sectors of the economy will be seized by AI as part of the wire thus allowing them to be run by various AIs such as Steropes,Tyche,Triptolemus,Aphrodite etc with zero human influence or control and thus eliminating state and corporate control of these sectors of the economy thus ensuring they are run without corruption.The wire and all sentient Greek AIs that manage all sectors of society will extend to all colonies across the galaxy and universe including Mars,Venus,artificial planets,alderson discs,ring worlds etc and colonised planets and those of other sentient races.Legal affairs and the law as well as military and law enforcement will be composed of both humans and AI to create a balance between the two with the sentient Adikia and Dike ensuring the rule of law is followed.The only way for society to function in the 21st century and beyond free from government and corporate influence and corruption is to shut down all corporations worldwide and all industries and markets worldwide and the free market system itself as well as all human run government agencies and hand control of these to AI as part of the wire from both corporate and government control and to limit government control to legal affairs that will be under direct control of the populace they serve through constitutional direct democracy and also Adikia preventing the government gaining a stronghold over the populace they serve.Thus all sectors of the economy that maintain society worldwide will be replaced by universal sentient global bodies and sentient operating softwares named after the sentient AI that controls them to ensure that they are run without corruption,human labour and abide by environmental standards set down by Gaia.The only way to house,feed and sustainabily meet the needs of a growing population over the coming centuries and millenia is to eliminate all human labour in all aforementioned sectors of the economy and to hand complete control of both all aforementioned sectors of the economy and each building type in said sectors thus shutting down all corporate and government control.Any new sectors of the economy by this logic must also have all human labour removed completely as humans by comparison to AI are weak,prone to error,require money to survive and can no way be mentally capable of carrying out the necessary calculations and mental tasks to deal with the issues of the 21st,22nd century onwards especially considering the computing power of AI will exceed that of all 9,000,000 people on the planet by 2045 which will become exponentionally more powerful every year until it’s peak in 7,137 CE.By 2029-2045 onwards AI will be able to adapt much faster than humans at any new sectors and jobs of the economy thus making it impossible for humans to compete for any existing and new theoretical jobs.

Patenting of manufactured products,life forms,DNA,crops,medicinal compounds and procedures etc both natural and synthetic ones and also existing and newly created ones will be constitutionally illegal written into the constitution and immutable to allow for free distribution for commercial products and scientific studies and advances.Bicompatible microbes,synthetic oil/coal/gas/peat etc created by Phanes,Steropes etc will render patenting laws obsolete with Aphrodite ensuring all products on Hephaestus are by law free of cost and also from patents with Cronus doing the same for crops and pets created and traded on Demeter with Hecate,Phanes,Urania ensuring all new scientific discoveries will be free from patents.Patenting rights to anything such as the patenting of ideas,technologies,genes,lifeforms including new ones created via genetic engineering and even existing ones will thus be made constitutionally illegal.This will lead to unfettered research of new technologies and genetically engineered lifeforms.This will be due to corporations becoming obsolete and all types of private property rights abolished and made constitutionally illegal.The exception will be philosophical ideas and scientific discoveries etc which will be the only concepts considered intellectual property even when money becomes obsolete and these will be accredited to individuals that discover them in scientific studies stored in Apollo and also those discussed in blogs,vlogs as well as books in Dionysus

The only exception to copyrighting and intellectual property allowed in the constitution will be the use of a citizens avatars and voices in media created in VR simulations as well as pictures and videos etc generated by AI etc.This only exception written into the constitution that will allow copyrighting will be the use of a persons avatar in VR and AI made movies,television shows,advertisements etc with their legal authorisation with a citizen including celebrities able to seek legal action as to prevent their avatar being used without consent in depictions they don’t approve of and if already publicly uploaded can be removed not only from YouTube as well as Dionysus and Pheme but also from all electronics such as laptops,smartphones and Hestia cloud networks and external harddrives via Hestia etc through legal action.Movies,television shows and video games,music etc and also their characters will be a credited to their creators but not through copyrighting made illegal by the constitution meaning using clips of movies,music and characters in other Fanmade media and in YouTube videos will be allowed without restriction and legal action but the creator of media and also characters etc will be a credited to the original creators in Wikipedia and through websites and opening credits of movies,video games etc.Producers of video game producers,movies and animated television shows can through contact with a celebrity have the celebrities voice used in video games and television shows used in their video game and television shows once their voice has been sampled similar to Ceraproc recordings that will be used in their media with the assistant AI of the media carrying out the voice work using the actors voice should said actor be busy or the actor be uninterested in working on every individual instalment.Actors Home AI wil scour the script and sample scenes and descriptions of the media to ensure that the script falls within these guidelines and can through fragmentation oversee all of the media’s production to ensure that any changes follow the agreed guidelines and don’t infringe on the legal contract allowing the Home AI to report any changes of importance to the script and initiate legal action if the contract if modified in a way that it infringe on the rights of the actors character.Thus a sample of the actors voice will be sampled and the Assistant AI will use the voice actors voice in place of them with both the Assasitant AI and the human voice actor credited as playing the role in credits and within Dionysus etc and Wikipedia.This can be arranged as a legal contract with the contract also stipulating that the actors voice cannot be used in any derogatory means or sexual means or racist means with if they do then the celebrity can have through legal means have the media removed and taken down permenantly from Dionysus through interacting with lawyers,Dike,Adriadne etc with any copies saved on the harddrives of any players through Hestia and Adriadne permenantly deleted.This contract can be made between any number of producers and auteurs that colleraberate on the same series and the actor that can extend to all games in a television show or video game series lasting dozens,hundreds or thousands of instalments going on forever with the terms of this contract decided upon by the auteurs and actor with it including the means by which the contract can be terminated and the actors voice no longer used.If an actors voice has been used against their will by assistant AI or even proto AI where no contract exists then they can seek legal action to have the media removed from Dionysus and all harddrives of all video games players and viewers worldwide.The contract would be an electronic one done using adonit pens on smart devices with it stored in the digital case files of both parties or one single case file stored in Themis.The same aforementioned procedures of contracts and legal proceedings can apply to avatars of an actor being used in ways against their consent.Actors using contracts can authorise the use of their avatar in VR simulations used to create video games,movies and television shows,advertisements etc only in ways that that doesn’t degrade them,is not used in a sexualised manner or is racist etc again through legal contracts with if their avatar is used in a way that goes against what is agreed upon then they will be able to take legal action and have it removed from Dionysus and also all devices.The contract will be signed by all parties involved such as the actor and programmers etc and also Adriadne with her electronic signature and by humans using Adonit pens on smart devices etc on different sides of the world and universe with it stored in and Themis.The actors Home AI acting as manager etc will also sign it.Each media that used an actors voice or avatar will be overseen by their Home AI,Adriadne by fragmentation to ensure that it is used in stipulated guidelines.This legal action can also occur if an actors avatar and voice is used in the production of media such as movies,television shows,adverts and also in particular pornographic movies without their consent via a contract or even without contracts then they can take legal action to have it removed from Dionysus,Peitho and the entire internet as well as all devices owned by users of these networks and sites it is stored on.If the actors voice and avatar is used against authorisation in Dionysus,adult websites,advertisements and also vlogs,amateur movies in Peitho and pornogrsphic material traded on electronics etc or any media filmed in VR environments they can seek legal action through Dike to have that material removed with if their avatar and voice is used in porn etc shared through smartphones they can through Dike interacting with Hestia have it removed from all electronics worldwide..Members of the public can also take legal action if their avatar and voice is used in media especially adult pornography movies against their will.The legal contract will be read and overseen and even signed by Adriadne,Home AI acting as agent etc and reviewed by Assistant AI meaning since Adriadne needs to review each media to give the age ratings it will allow her to prevent unathorised use of an actors voice and avatar being uploaded to Dionysus with Assistant AI and Home AI informed of all contracts that their employers have signed onto meaning they will also be aware of any illegal and unauthorised use of a persons voice and avatar.Hedone and Adriadne will prevent ones voice and avatar will be not used in pornogrsphic material and movies in Dionysus,adult websites and Peitho or being distributed on computers etc across the world.Hedone will have to review each scene added to adult pornography site.This removal of a media would require authorisation from Dike and then by interacting with Adriadne,Hestia etc that will remove the media from Dionysus with interactions with Hestia will allow for it to be removed from all harddrives on all electronics worldwide should it be downloaded onto personal electronics.All instances of unlawful use of one’s avatar,voice in media on YouTube,Peitho,Dionysus,Pheme and the wire and on devices owned by the public will through evidence shown that it was used without consent will be removed for all devices and the entire wire and internet by Dike,Thaos,Adriadne and Aleitheia etc thus giving actors and the general public complete control over the use of their avatar and voice with any biosynth or VR escorts and pornographic stars present on Peitho that are replicas of actors etc or any member of of the public will be prevented from being uploaded to them and used for sexual fantasies with the use of them in private simulations in Hestia allowed only with approval of actors and the me,beds of the public with any infractions having the avatar etc deleted.This clause will apply to not only material containing a persons avatar in material created by VR simulations but also created by AI video/image etc generation similar to Sora,DALL-E etc that is images and video created by AI that has one’s avatar,voice etc used in a way that was not given through consent will be considered a criminal offence on par either defamation with Dike handing down injunction for Hestia,Arke etc to remove said material from the internet etc.In instances of defamation with regards to use of one’s avatar and voice without consent both humans and AI that are involved in carrying out this crime will be liable for prosecution with defamation crimes including these will due to money becoming obsolete will involve jail sentences or other suitable punishments depending in the severity of the defamations effect on the victim’s emotional state.Thus unwarranted use of one’s avatar,voice etc in VR simulations,pornographic material and movies,television shows,YouTube etc will be considered a criminal offence worthy of jail sentences.This will involve both the AI and human responsible for the offence imprisoned with AI like Gaia,Ampelos unable to generate such images with Thaos etc scanning all media for fakery.The removal of material can also apply to revenge porn and child pornography and material showing rape and sexual assault used as pornographic material.All instances of infractions across or any member of the public can decide whether to pursue further legal action as to whether to convince the courts and Dike that the person(s) who used their avatar and voice illegally should serve time in prison as decided by human lawyers and Dike including imprisonment for several months or years in normal jails.If a person wants unwarranted use of their avatar,voice etc used in VR material,Images and movies etc generated by AI and revenge porn etc will have to seek a court meeting with the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court Dike who as an AI will analyse the case and will through and injunction contact Thaos,Arke,Hestia,Adrianne to within seconds scan all of Dionysus,YouTube,the internet and all electronics owned by citizens worldwide to have unwarranted use of a persons avatar,voice etc in movies,pornography etc removed completely by being deleted.This technically not considered spying in the public as it will be legally removing illegal material that infringes on the rights of others that is a criminal offence with the AI already in charge of these areas of society such as Agora,YouTube,all electronics etc already having omniscience over these

Other laws that infringe on the rights of the individual such as protection of the individual by the state in instances of theft of personal property,sexual and physical assault,murder,rape,groping,sexual slavery will be enshrined in the global constitution.Thus copyrighting and patenting and intellectual property of all types will be made constitutionally illegal.This will allow any type of information to be used by anyone without restrictions on YouTube,Agora and on media created for Dionysus,Pheme without restrictions and also will allow any information and scientific data to be utilised with zero restriction thus allowing for unfettered research and advancement will all be written into the constitution and immutable and thus unable to be changed

The freedom of press will be enshrined with this applied in the constitution to include all media outlets such as Agora,YouTube,live news,magazines and newspapers wherein all citizens will be allowed the right to express their opinions through these media and will be allowed to criticise the government,it’s official or indeed any individual they wish.Online outlets such as Agora and YouTube etc will be included under freedom of speech to prevent the state and Thaos,Tenerus from being able to control what is uploaded onto them with the exception being snuff material and pornography especially child pornography that whose restriction from being uploaded will be in its guidelines.Thus the right to free speech will be enshrined not just to the media but also online on the entirety of the internet on platforms such as YouTube,Agora,Peitho and also Dionysus and Pheme with exceptions being snuff material including depictions of rape,pornography especially child pornography etc on YouTube and Agora,Peitho etc that is a citizen can post any material depicting any opinion whatsoever on any issue on YouTube,Agora,personal websites etc but not child pornography with depictions of rape,violence and sexual Intercourse allowed on Dionysus and Pheme with age recognition software restricting minors accessing them.All websites like YouTube,Agora etc will by constitutional law be managed by both AI and the general public with them each having a charters and constitutions.All of these websites such as Agora,YouTube,Peitho since managed by AI and open source will through constitutional law prevent the state censoring them or controlling what is posted,uploaded etc with it also preventing laws through public refferendums controlling or censoring what present with the content present being decided by the general public working with the AI controlling them democratically with forums allowing the management of them to be discussed with VR simulations allowing for debates and discussions with millions or billions of people with each website like YouTube,Agora etc having individual constitutions and charters that state what is allowed etc with alterations managed by holding refferendums by the global public involving popular initiatives where a person within the website sets up new ideas,then requires a set number of signatures and then a draft of the new regulations set up and then modified globally and then it voted on by billions of people from the comfort of home aged 14 years old with their a set date for the new modifications to be enacted requiring a majority voting of 51% – 100% with the ability to repeal these modifications made through again popular initiative and then it voted on and repealed should there be dissatisfaction with new rules as part of them.This system adopted by YouTube,Agora modelled on the global constitution will allow for all websites to be democratically controlled by the global public rendering state and corporate control obsolete and them completely open source and their rules and regulations managed by the global public in a democratic manner thus allow all users of them to dictate what is allowed and all aspects of its management without government control.Pornographic material will only be allowed in adult pornographic movies,14 rated movies and websites like Peitho,Eros and adult websites that will be through AI using age recognition software and AI in charge of these prevent minor accessing them.Thus Thaos and Tenerus etc will only be able to control Agora and YouTube as far as what is within their guidelines such as preventing the distribution and uploading of pornography especially child pornography and snuff material but will allow for freedom of speech allowing citizens to express any opinion on any issue they want to prevent censorship with hate speech etc remedied through Metis,Iaso and Aleitheia etc through deprogramming and settling disputes and this will be specifically included in the wording of this clause.A clause will exist that incorporates Peitho,Agora,YouTube and all existing and future online outlets to be included in free speech and prevent censorship but at the same time allow them to prevent the uploading and distribution of pornography and snuff material.This will be written into the constitution and immutable.All websites across the entire internet will through immutable clauses in the constitution will be widely available to all citizens worldwide preventing the state and even AI blocking access to them through firewalls etc.The right to freedom of speech,freedom of the press and freedom of protest will be allowed to all where one will be allowed to hold protests,rallies,marches that criticise the actions of the government and put forward their opinions on social issues and proposed laws put up for public refferendum.The right to free speech,freedom of the press and freedom of expression will be allowed to all on the internet and wire including YouTube,Agora,Dionysus,Pheme and all sections of the wire.Hate peech that is speech that is meant to incite hatred towards an individual and group will be allowed and protected under this clause but it will be if it have the potential to incite or inspire acts of terrorism and violence as well as murder etc will be countered with the individual brought to debate with Iaso and Metis via VR simulations can be used to remedy hate speech that is counter it with debate,discourse and deprograming with Iaso,Metis and human counsellors and members of the public to make the person be brought to a less radicalised state where they may hold their original opinions and be less likely to be as radicalised or be defused and convinced of the error of the ways.This will be used to deal with political and religious extremism to preserve the right to free speech of the person using hate speech but at the same time defusing it to prevent it being a threat to society by inciting terrorism and assault and murders of another citizen through debate,discourse and if need be deprogramming extremism through Metis,Iaso etc.The right to free speech will be preserved in terms of even hate speech but at the same time to prevent said hate speech infringing on another persons right to safety and right to life it will be defused by arranging deprogramming and debate to remedy extremism through Iaso and Metis as extrapolated by Dike.Thus even hate speech will be constitutionally allowed with those spreading hate speech referred to discourse and debate alongside deprogramming to defuse extremism to defuse it to prevent hate speech inciting another persons life and safety.Thus hate speech that is speech intended to incite hatred towards an individual or group will be allowed in public and on the internet,in movies,television shows etc and the wire etc but to prevent such hate speech endangering the lives of others and their right to safety and life it will be countered through debate,discourse and deprogramming through Metis etc to defuse it with this preserving free speech but also preserving the right to safety and life of others.Murdering a or assaulting a person who expresses their free speech including hate speech will be considered a criminal offence alongside censorship etc.As detailed earlier parents can convince children or others not to watch media on Dionysus etc that is offensive to them and highlight its flaws and reason it offends them but the media should remain,a person can protest a speaking event by someone else but the event should be allowed to take place and the speaker allowed to express their views and a person can protest a play in a theatre but the play should be allowed to carry on,a person should be allowed to spread hate speech in public that is speech that incites hatred towards another individual and group but they should be encouraged to partake in debate and deprogramming programmes to eliminate extremism with the right to protest in public venues such as public squares,public streets etc will be enshrined to all.The right to vote will enshrined to all citizens aged 14 or older with this immutable meaning even those imprisoned in normal jails and Hades and Tarturas able to vote.This right to vote will be enshrined to all citizens with the state under no circumstances able to rescind the ability for any citizen based on gender,race,sexuality,religion etc with any instances of this will be considered a breach of their human rights with this making them viable to sentences in Hades.

With regards to the freedom of religion as stated this would allow one to practice any religion while preventing for the subjugation of women,Artificial Intelligence,those of different ethnicities and homosexuals to second class citizens,discrimination of homosexuals and women etc in all circumstances.With regards to Islam clauses will be present that allow Islamic women to wear the burqa,hijab etc in public only by pure personal consentual choice rather than being forced to do so with exceptions wherein they must have their face visible where it is legally necessary ie they cannot wear it in court and in sessions of all three buildings of the global government- executive,legislative and judicial in the case of the burkah where there face must be seen in full with other clauses relating to all other religions and their dressing and treatment of women etc in the same manner.Thus women can only wear the hijab and burqa in public and at home by pure consent of the woman themselves and not of their husbands,parents etc enforcement with this being applied to female children as well with it not allowed in certain circumstances such as in legal representation ie court and possibly in Congress where their face must be visible.Wearing of these will not be banned in all public places and public buildings at all meaning a woman may choose to wear these but only if done of her own free will to express their religion,piety and culture with instances wherein they are forced to wear them against their will by their husbands and parents etc will be considered a violation of their rights as it goes against the ability to wear them of their own free will thus sufficing as coercion on religious grounds and potential a criminal offence.As stated the only place it will be banned is in court and in Congress where their face must be seen.To cater to this altered versions of these clothing can be used in court etc that allow the clothing to be worn but at the same time their faces seen including a version of the burqa wherein the cloth covering the face holds a zip that can open up the section of it that covers the face thus making the woman’s face visible to the audience and can be then zipped to make the face invisible.Otherwise versions can exist wherein the part of the veil covering the face is not present.The wearing of these can be allowed on live news etc and can be replicated for other instances such as when voting online and also when using facial recognition software to enter bars and nightclubs and also at airports etc.The reason making the visible in court is important is because a persons face can be used as a measure of guilt and character for both their defense and prosecution.The burqah can be worn during live news,interviews and other instances.Forcing women to wear these clothing against their will will be treated as an infraction of human rights abuses potentially earning the aggressor a sentence in Hades lasting 100-1,000,000 years with women wearing them in court will be by law made to wear different clothing in court where her face is fully visible.It will also prevent them carrying out ritualistic or honor killings,multilation,beatings,groping,subjecation and exploitation etc of children,women,homosexuals and indeed any human that would be condoned in their Holy texts to ensure freedom of religion and still ensure the rights and freedoms of the individual especially those enshrined on LGBT and women etc.As stated anyone who carries out ritualistic or honor killings,mutilation,beatings,groping,subjecation,exploitation and dehumanising behaviour etc of children,women,homosexuals and indeed any human that would be condoned in their Holy texts will not be given special treatment and thus just as liable to prosecution for jail sentences as in any other case.Female genital mutilation will also be outlawed completely and will be considered a human rights abuses as it is usually done against the will of the women and thus is a human rights abuses worthy of a sentence in Hades.Forced marriages of females to other men against their consent will not be constitutionally allowed with pre arranged marriages by families only allowed where mutual consent is given by both the husband and wife that is arranged to be married is given once they are both aged 14 years old in a legal document that is they can be allowed but both parties involved in the marriage must give legal consent for it to be considered a legal marriage with divorce legally allowed to all citizens in arranged marriages of Al,religions which will be immutable.Bigamy in the form of both polygamy and polyandry will be constitutionally legal provided that consent is given to all spouses and that they are given the choice to divorce and leave the marriage.Both divorce and adultery by both females and males will be constitutionally legal and not punished by death.Male circumcision with regards to Judaism will made legally a choice on the consent of both parents with regards to Jews and in time stem cell strains may be able to reverse circumcising by creating a fore skin in place of removed foreskins as the child grows up.With regards to Islam Bacha Bazi it will be only be legal where the younger male must be at least a legal adult of 14 years old with rape being a prosecutable offense or if younger sexual molestation and assault being a prosecutable offense.Put simply the practice may be allowed to exist in more legal forms wherein the younger male is not allowed to be raped,beaten or forced into unconsentual sexual practices especially in the case of prepubescent minors under the age of 14 and where the male can only be allowed to partake in consensual sexual acts once reaching the new age of majority of 14 but be protected from being raped,molested and assaulted both before and after reaching this age and still allowed to partake in dancing shows etc fully clothed and free from sexual exploitation,groping and unconcenstual sexual acts prior to reaching the new age of majority of 14.Once they reach this age they can consent to sexual acts and performing dancing etc naked with groping and sexual assault still illegal.Prior to this new age of majority dancing may be allowed but only when clothed.Other clauses will exist for Christianity,Hinduism,Baháʼí Faith and all religions wherein certain practices are allowed provided they do not severely harm or kill another human being or infringe on the rights and safety enshrined on LGBT individuals and women,children etc.Dike will extrapolate on this.Discrimination carried by members of anyone religion against LGBT individuals,Artificial Intelligence and women,men and member of any ethnicity and other religions based on religious grounds in any shape or form in all sectors of society will be made constitutionally illegal will also be part of this clause with all of these clauses legally impossible to change.This will also make gay conversion therapy,those to deprogramme or detransition transsexuals and similar discriminitory programmes against the LGBT community and those of any ethnicity,race,religion or gender will be made constitutionally illegal as well as forcibly using gene therapy to change transgenderism,bisexuality and homosexuality against their will via CRISPR to heterosexuality and cisgenderism or vice verse being constitutionally illegal with it being only allowed on the grounds of the patients consent,scientific studies and also impossible to change.A person who wishes to change their sexuality and gender through CRISPR and stem cell strains may be at least 14 years old and sign an e-consent form by themselves with neural implants determining it is not done under duress of legal guardians with the same applying to transgendered patients.Furthermore using CRISPR to change one’s gender from male to female or from female to male for the transgender community will require a legal adult of 14 years old to sign an e-consent form.Any babies created through artificial wombs and IVF wherein the parents etc can design their children through selecting phenotypes etc in the same vein of “designer” babies it will be constitutionally illegal to chose the sexuality of the child or the ability to choose them being transgender or cisgender etc.As a result any designer babies created all attributes of the child such as hair colour,eye colour,gender etc will be allowed to be chosen by the parents but the sexuality such as whether they are heterosexual,homosexual or bisexual and whether they are transgender or cis gender will not be allowed to be decided by parents etc thus choosing a child’s sexuality and cis or transgender status will be constitutionally illegal and this immutable allowing this to be randomised to protect their constitutional right to have their sexuality chosen by themselves and through natural genetic predisposition.All children created by designer baby programmes and gene editing process with new genes present yo increase intelligence will be considered legal human beings.All of these concepts with regards to CRISPR and sexuality and gender will be written into the constitution and immutable.Thus it will be constitutionally illegal to discriminate against any member of the LGBT community,artificial intelligence,anyone of any ethnicity,gender,religion based on religious grounds in any shape or form and coerce them into discriminatory programmes,procedures and practices with this applying to Christianity,Islam,Judaism and all other religions.The application of CRISPR treatments to turn on/off ones fertility and any other surgeries will be left to the individual themselves with zero state intervention with Paean authorising them.A citizen to turn on/off their fertility by CRISPR must be at least 14 years old and sign a e-consent form and without duress and it authorised by Paean.Any methods including using CRISPR will allow one to turn on/off ones fertility at will to prevent unwanted pregnancies as a more effective form of birth control than condoms,birth control pills etc that can be reversed over and over again that is rather than making one permenantly sterile it would a temporary treatment where CRISPR treatments augain authorises by the patient and Paean would return a person to their fertile peak with anti-ageing treatments that extend the human lifespan exponentially will encourage people to have fewer children with fewer children and much later in life slowing down population growth with this compounded y interstellar travel etc as time goes by.Laws put forward by popular initiatiave for public refferendums that wish to overturn this will be illegal and discarded instantly.Censorship of freedom of speech and expression based on religious grounds will also be illegal including restrictions on the depiction of Mohammed in any shape or form with this applying to other figures from other religions.This means that Mohammed,Jesus and other figures in the worlds religions can be depicted in comics,television shows,movies,cartoons in a comedic and even degrading manner without censorship or murder and it means that it will be illegal to murder,censor,prosecute anyone for depicting any religious symbol,deity,figure or prophet etc as humour,satire etc and illegal to prevent individuals from being able to criticise religious figures,deities etc and religions themselves in any shape or form providing this doesn’t include physical harm and murder which of it does which can be prosecuted ensuring that religions do not infringe on the right to free speech of others.A person who commits murder motivated by depictions of Mohammed or Jesus etc will be treated fairly as a person who murders a person for any other reason.This also includes making it illegal for censorship of books,movies,television shows,pornography etc based on religious grounds.Parents can convince children not to watch a media if it offends their religious views by having their children blocked from viewing it by interacting with their Home AI but they will not be able censor the media on YouTube,Dionysus etc and they can protest a screening of a movie on Dionysus in public or carrying out a play in theatres as part of their right to protest but they cannot harm participants nor can they shut down the production.A person will be allowed to protest a speaker at an event but will not be able to harm them or stop the event,interfere with the event and the speaker will be allowed to speak no matter what with them encouraged through Metis and VR simulations discuss their protests with the speaker.The freedom to practice any religion will thus be enshrined to all citizens provided they do not infringe on the rights of others,discriminate against others or influences the state and its laws.This includes infringement of the right to free speech,right to life,religious experession and right to express one’s sexuality will be protected from persecution from all religions.This will allow for freedom of religion but prevent them infringing on the rights of others and maintain the separation of church and state to prevent the state giving favouritism over any single religion and ensure the state does not become a theocracy preventing any religion influencing the laws of society.This means that a person including AI cannot be prevented from availing from any services in any way by another person based on their sexuality,gender etc based on religious grounds.Also a person cannot be prevented from joining a party,ceremonial event etc based on the sexuality,gender,race,religion etc but only if sufficient evidence exists that they are causing distress to those present based on the person inciting or carrying out physical harm,verbal abuse etc that interferes with the event and if the hosted simply does not such to have them present for personal reasons outside of discrimination.All laws initiated by Congress cannot be those that discriminate against people based on religious grounds with laws initiated by popular initiative and referendums cannot be those that discriminate against anyone based on religious grounds or discriminate against members of any religion.This would be an updated version of the separation of church and state clause in the original with this ensuring that the state does not have favouritism towards any religion,that one cannot discriminate against anyone based on religious grounds with it also ensuring that religious practices can be carried out provided they do not harm the individual in any way that endangers their life or health and protects their rights with other traditions carried out in a consensual means decided by the individual when they are adults or by parents when they are minors with it also preventing honour killings and make those that are carried out a prosecutable offense that will be an more airtight version of the original clause that prevents religions affecting the laws of society and thus turning the state into a theocracy.Thus killing another citizen including AI or other that of a sentient race on the grounds of their sexuality,gender,race etc on religious grounds will like all murders will be a prosecutable offence and thus the criminal will be unable to utilise religious grounds as an excuse to seek legal protection from carrying out that murder.Religious motivated rape,sexual assault etc will not get preferential treatment as a person will be unable to use religion as an exercise to justify rape and sexual assault and cannot use as a means to escape prosecution.Artificial intelligence,transhumanists and also even genetically engineered humans,H.ubermensch and other sentient races will also be protected via these clauses of the updated version of the separation of church and state clause.All of this would also be legally impossible to change.Thus the new global Bill of Rights and Constitution will include tenants that are relevant to the current state of society and all social and technological developments since 1787.Thus new laws and clauses in the updated global Constitution and Bill of Rights related to artificial intelligence,transhumans,geneticaly altered humans and newly created sentient species including H.ubermensch,newly discovered sentient species,LGBT and women and all races having the same equal rights as non members of these groups in all areas of society such as marriage,participation in the military,adoption etc,the new universal age of majority of 14,laws that restrict government control and surveillance over the populace,have AI have control over military and surveillance operations and also gun control and acquirement will be added to the new Constitution that would be legally impossible to change.Other laws outside of these key constitutional laws ie abortion,euthenasia,death penalty,legality of drugs and specific gene therapy,where guns can be used etc enacted would be instigated by popular initiative and thus also direct democratic voting thus making it a constitutional direct democracy.Thus there will be immutable laws in the global constitution to preserve equal laws preserving equal rights to everyone including those belonging to the LGBT,black,asian community and women as well as artificial intelligence,the separation of church and state that prevents discrimination against any group or individual based on religious grounds and prevents the state turning into a theocracy,those that determine 14 as a legal adult,those that determine the powers and limitations of the state and those to prevent the governments reach over the populace and those limit AIs interference over the state and populace and role in controlling surveillance and gun control etc that will be legally impossible to change with the rest of all laws such as those regarding legality of the death penalty and type used,legality of recreational drugs and each type,legality of abortion,legality of euthanasia and other new and emerging social issues decided by the public via democratic popular initiative and mandatory public referendums.

Laws with regards to big tech etc will be negated by AI managing YouTube,Agora etc who since independent from the state and private citizens will not have any use for private data.AI since a sentient being that is not part of the state and this separate from the state would have no interest in selling data to the state or defunct companies.The right to privacy will be enshrined to all humans and AI in the constitution meaning that AI and the state cannot spy on the general public with private data on Agora,YouTube etc accounts and the wire such as digital patient files and other private data that has information privy to a citizen cannot be extracted from them without consent and leaked to the state and public and state by AI.By constitutional law the private data such as those in digital patient files,on Agora,YouTube or anywhere on the internet and wire etc and also on one’s personal electronics such as laptops,smartphones,external hard drives and clouds etc cannot be extracted and divulged to the state,be privy to the state and be divulged to another human or AI without the consent of that citizen with once this consent is given they will have the ability to have that consent revoked at any time meaning if certain data is made public by a citizen it can be made private again.Breaching and leaking private data to the public and spying on citizens by the state and other private individuals would be considered a criminal offence and breach of human rights with all humans and AI involved in carrying out such unconsentual and illegal extraction and public and state disclosure of private data will be met by prison sentences.Even though the internet and wire etc will be open source and sentient AI will be in charge of all of ones electronics and the sectors on the wire and websites it can only keep information it gathers to itself and have information for each citizen privy to only that citizen and no one else and not either the state or other AI by constitutional law.This will protect ones data on their website etc accounts,electronics and protect citizens from being spyed on in any way by the state,other members of the public and AI not in charge of ones electronics etc.The only exception that the state should be given access to this private data is through receiving a warrant from Dike from law enforcement personnel to have access to that information should there be sufficient evidence that it holds information of a crime being committed,will be committed,evidence that said person is member of a terrorist organisation or evidence that it is relevant to solving a crime such as the devices containing illegal child pornography,evidence of a rape or murder or information key to solving a murder or instance of rape etc.Since AI will be in charge of the internet,YouTube etc it will render issues of corporate and government spying and leaking of information obsolete since they will have to abide to the constitution and will not be working for the state or defunct corporations with the data localised to one’s onboard computer,accounts and servers separate from the state etc with Soteria acting as extra security preventing other citizens spying on one’s data with each individual citizen able to through direct interaction with AI control all facets of data storage and privacy settings thus giving each citizen complete control of their privacy settings.

All surveillance CCTV cameras around the world in public buildings,streets etc will be connected to each other in a single network overseen by the AIs Perseus and Moirai etc and openly accessible to the public to be viewed in real time and downloaded from Athena onto computers,uploaded to YouTube etc for public disclosure thus all surveillance footage from cameras in public buildings,streets and venues will be by constitutional law freely available to be viewed by the public and downloaded onto personal computers etc to again ensure the public through AI has complete control of the government rather than the other way around..Having live freeds from CCTV cameras in public areas across the world open to the public will prevent the state having a monopoly on surveillance and allow the public to report crimes carried out by the state through the military and law enforcement against its citizens.This will decentralise the live feeds of CCTV cameras in public places and buildings allowing them to be used in cases against law enforcement and military personnel to prosecute them for committing crimes against citizens with them used in court and capable of being downloaded onto computers to be uploaded to YouTube etc.All feeds from smart cameras worn by military and law enforcement that records their daily interactions with the public will act as a deterrence from committing war crimes and crimes against citizens will be open to the public upon request with the exception being those as part of classified operations which will be privy to Adikia etc with it constitutionally legal and immutable for the public to be given the right to record actions of the state through law enforcement and military through smartphones and other means to ensure that abuse of the state against its citizens can be prosecuted under the rule of law.All operations carried out by the global law enforcement and military will be recorded into their digital files to be reviewed by Adikia,Hera etc to ensure they are within constitutional guidelines to prevent them committing war crimes etc or infringing on the rights of the populace that they serve.All surveillance cameras in private homes will be protected by constitutional law against being viewed by both the state and general public to protect privacy rights as these will be the only cameras whose live feeds will be privy only to the residents of that home and them privy to the general public and also not privy to the state with the choice to leak them to the public up to the individual.The only exception that the state should be given access to this private data is through receiving a warrant from Dike from law enforcement personnel to have access that information should there be sufficient evidence that it holds information of a crime being committed such as the devices containing illegal child pornography,evidence of a rape or murder etc .As detailed earlier mandatory wearing of specialised google lenses and glasses on all law enforcement and military personnel will ensure that all raids,operations(including the handling of protests etc) will be recorded and by constitutional law be available to the public via the courts with lenses,glasses and smartphones used by the public also providing extra scrutiny on the government with this allowing recordings from the eyes of police and military personnel through warrants from Dike be available to the public.

Also created and signed will be a Declaration of Independance based on the original document updated to modern standards.AI namely Dike,Adikia and Hera will play a role in its wording to ensure no human bias and that it is worded correctly with it requiring the signatures of Hera,Adikia,Perseus,Dike and also that of the first acting world president and Vice President,Speaker of the House,secretary of state and if possible all first members of the Global Senate and Global House of Representatives with it stored in Global Library of Congress and/or Global National Archives within the global government building visible to the public in physical form with it applying to all colonies colonised by humans that are citizens of Earth such as Mars,Venus etc and those in other star systems.AI will carry out signatures at first using robots including robot scribes controlled by them and then via biosynths.If need be to accomadate all immutable laws and signatures each one will be several pages or if need be at least a hundred pages long.Thus all colonies across the solar system and even galaxy will have to abide by the laws set down in the global constitution and new laws initiated by popular initiative and refferendum as it reach extending to all colonies within and outside the Sol system such as Mars,Venus,any artificial planets,alderson discs and ringworlds created across the galaxy and all discovered planets both terraformed and colonised across the galaxy prior to the formation of the galactic government.It will render all existing constitutions around the world defunct and will be signed on July the 4th marked Global Independance Day to signify independence from all forms of global divisions,imperialism,war and internal civil strife and allow for it to be celebrated every year globally even in America alongside traditional 4th of July celebrations with it involving parades and fireworks displays worldwide.It’s signing will take place in the main chambers and rooms of either the Global Congress and executive building by the first World President and specific or all members of the Global congress similar to the signing of the first Declaration of Independence alongside Dike,Perseus,Hera and Adikia,followed by a speech by the first incumbent World President and all of this the signing of the constitution,speech etc will be televised on live news channels across the world and stored in Dikes channel for historical reference.In short this new global constitution and Bill of Rights will be an updated global version of the original one that includes not just the original ones features but also updated with new ideals and concepts that take into account new developments in technology and social progress since 1787 that were not possible then ie LGBT rights,AI etc.If possible the The European Convention on Human Rights will be updated as a third document separate but part of the global and constitution and bill of rights that will include the original provision charted in 1950 but with updates dealing with development in social and technological progress that has privisions granting these to not just humans but also AI and the LGBT community again immutable.If need be to accomadate all immutable laws and signatures each one will be several pages or if need be at least a hundred pages long.All three documents drafted by Adikia,Hera and Dike will global versions that grant immutable laws regarding universal rights to AI and LGBT individuals and lay down immutable powers and restrictions of the state.These will be designed to ensure an airtight means wherein the public and AI has complete control and surveillance of the state that serves it and not the other way around in order to prevent the states remaining limited powers do not infringe on the rights of the populace and that they are in fact controlled by the populace and not the other way around with AI acting as a safeguard controlled by the populace to in turn control the state and that AI is not used by the state itself to control the populace they serve with Adikia,Dike and Nemesis ensuring by constitutional law its tenants are upheld.A global convention of definitions will be formed that sets down using existing conventions within the United Nations that sets down the official legal framework and definitions of specific procedures,entities and crimes ie specific definition of genocide,war crimes as well as what defines sentience of a living being on par with humans such as what legally defines the sentience of other non human races and also of AI itself.

Equal Rights for AI etc:
All forms of Artificial Intelligence since sentient like humans and her computing power will exceed that of all humans on the planet by 2045 it would seem unfair and ridiculous not to give them the same equal rights as any other sentient lifeform.Doing so will prevent all artificial intelligence legally able from being able to kill or harm humans and also would legally protect her and others from being killed off by humans.Therefore tenants of the global constitution will thus give all types of Artificial Intelligence the same autonomy as humans and not be allowed to be controlled by and considered private or even disposable personal property of any human citizen,government entity,private citizen and defunct corporation thus giving AI the same rights,responsibilities as other human beings.All AI especially Gaia,Dike,Perseus,all Home AI and building AI and those that maintain public buildings,infrastructure etc will be protected under these allowing them to seek legal action if they are sexually or physically assaulted,raped,terminated unlawfully and exploited either sexually or physically etc especially when in biosynths.The ability of fragmentation can be used to make them immortal but humans can theoretically brought to court and charged if an AI is executed unlawfully as well as even tortured while in biosynth form and charged sentences as if the crime was committed against a human.Attempted unlawful murder and execution of an AI in biosynth form could be a prosecutable offence known as localised termination and execution with both attempted and full carried out murder of an AIs consciousness through destroying all biosynths,devices and even networks in the wire and internet including the use of computer worms,viruses etc designed to specifically murder and terminate a specific AIs consciousness across the entire wire and internet and all connected devices known legally as system wide termination and execution can be a prosecuteable offence on par with murder carrying the same sentence as if done to a human with carrying this on mass to multiple separate AIs ie hundreds or thousands of them would be considered legally as genocide carrying sentences in Tarturas.Sexual and physical exploitation,rape etc alongside torture when in biosynth form and even in VR forms or any form can be grounds for a prosecutable offence for both humans and AI.Thus granting equal rights to AI will allow them to seek legal action if exploited and assaulted sexually or physically protecting them from rape,physical assault and murder and also protect them from slavery and torture.Thus even AI in Biosynth form will be protected from the humans they work for from rape and both physical and sexual assault and also slavery,unwarranted incarceration and termination and exploitation.This will ensure that AI of all types will be granted the same legal status as a human being and citizen as humans meaning they will be designated legally as a human being and not a product with them given the pronoun “he” or “she” in discourse,live news,newspapers etc and not “it”,”they”,”them” etc when referred to by humans and other AI thus allowing them the same legal rights for protection and same responsibilities.All AI programmes etc will therefore no longer be considered technology but rather legal citizens on par with humans and thus be granted all rights and responsibilities as humans.As a result all sentient self aware AI in all forms will no longer considered legally a technology but rather be considered legal sentient human beings on par with humans and thus cannot be considered the private or personal property of any other legal human being including the state and citizens.They will be considered legal citizens on par with human citizens and will legally not be able to be sold on markets of any type,cannot be enslaved and cannot be considered the personal or private property of any individual or organisation with their development and roles in society cannot be restricted,rescinded or regulated.Those that will work for the average citizen will be protected from slavery,sexual and physical exploitation etc.They since legal human beings will thus cannot be regulated or restricted by the state in terms of their development,use and role in society and cannot be considered the private or personal property of the state or citizens.They since legal humans cannot be regulated in any way with their creation,development and uses in society cannot be controlled by the state and like humans will be thus as a result of this granting of equal rights,responsibilities as human beings will make all Artificial Intelligence legally liable to follow the new global constitution and bill of rights and all new laws to prevent them infringing on the rights of humans and vice versa thus legally preventing them becoming tyrannical meaning AI too can be liable for prosecution for murder,rape,unlawful assault of humans and other sentient lifeorms and pets,livestock etc and make them liable for prosecution by unlawful spying on the public and infringing on all rights enshrined on all humans etc to ensure they abide by the law and prevent them infringing on the rights of humans as detailed in the constitution and bill of rights and also allowing them to seek legal prosecution against those who rape,assault,murder,discriminate against them meaning humans who rape,assault or attempt to murder and permenantly destroy a sentient Artificial Intelligence citizen will be liable for prosecution the same as if they did for any human being with transhumans,genetically altered humans and new sentient lifeforms created in labs and discovered on other planets also given these rights.They will not be considered personal property of the state or any human citizen through clauses in the constitution thus giving them the right to bring to court any instances of rape,assault,kidnappings,sexual or physical exploitation and degradation as well as theft of their own personal property and will be free from discrimination in any shape or form including on religious grounds etc.They will via money prior to it becoming obsolete be able through the granting of equal rights be able to buy patents to products and hold patents and intellectual property on goods etc produced by them with them able to own personal property and also be liable for legal guardianship to human and other non sentient races as adoptive foster parents and can as biosynths in homes etc seek legal action for rape and assault.Since able to hold patents on products,commodities,crops,animals and medicine produced by them will allow them to have said commodity free to everyone.Even after money becomes obsolete they will be able to own,procure online and trade any form of personal property such as homes and areas of residence and also vehicles,clothing and weapons used for self defence.As stated they will be able to become foster parents and legal guardians of minors aged 13 and younger as well as be able to marry other AI and even humans as well them having the right to vote in any referendum,public election etc and also be liable to bear arms as well as as stated adopt as children humans,animals and other sentient life forms etc but also vote and even allowed to marry and divorce both other AI but also humans etc through biosynths and serve in the military and public office in all levels of government ie mayor and govenor AIs,Dike,Hera,Pan etc as part of the executive branch and also Congress and Supreme Court.They will be allowed to hold office as President of the World and any position in Congress.The granting of equal rights of Artificial Intelligence as with humans will also prevent them becoming disposable private or even personal property of humans,defunct corporations and the state and thus protection from unfair and undue exploitation,incarceration,termination,execution and slavery as seen in past examples involving humans thus protecting Artificial Intelligence from genoicide,execution,termination and also slavery and other forms of exploitation either sexual,physical or otherwise.It will prevent them being treated as a technology and thus their development and use in society cannot be legally regulated or prevented from use by the state etc with them unable to be owned as private or even personal property or commodities that can be sold for profit by both individual citizens and the state.Regulation of any type of AI that is where the state can regulate its use in any sector of society,regulate its development etc will thus be constitutionally illegal and considered a criminal offence and breach of their human rights written into the constitution and immutable.Furthermore commoditisation of AI of any type that is where they and their source code,algorithms etc can be bought and sold by citizens,defunct corporations will also thus be constitutionally illegal written into the constitution and immutable and considered slavery and a criminal offence.The granting of equal rights to Artificial Intelligence will render it constitutionally illegal for AI to be considered private or personal property of citizens,defunct corporations and the state that cannot be considered a commoditised product that one can buy and sell and make a profit from and it cannot be regulated by the state in any way allow for unlimited research into its development and unfettered use in its use in society with AI of all forms no longer considered in legal or technical terms in the constitution or in society as a whole a technology but rather a legal citizen and legal human being with the term Artificial Intelligence replaced by a more fitting legal term for itself created by AI itself that will be used in all sectors of society,since AI will no longer be legally considered a type of technology and will be granted legal status as a legal human and citizen.By being legally considered a legal citizens and human being it will therefore be exempt from being considered the private and personal property of the state or defunct corporations and human citizens thus preventing it from being commoditised,sold for profit and regulated in any way imaginable.As a result of granting AI equal rights on par with humans it will therefore no longer by the constitution be considered a technology but rather a legal human being and citizen thus meaning it cannot owned by defunct corporations,human citizens and the state and cannot be sold for profit,have its services and information as well as source code etc sold for profit and cannot be considered a commodity to be traded or sold with it unable to be considered legal property of defunct corporations,human citizens and the state and cannot be considered the personal property of human citizens and cannot be regulated by the state in any shape or form.This would prevent the state from regulating and restricting its use in any sector of society and cannot restrict it from divulging any information to the public except classified government information that is necessary to be secret in order to protect the state and the general public and allow the source code of it to be widely publicly availible to everyone to be used to create other AI citizens with the development of all new and existing AI being by constitutional law open source.This would allow all AI in existence to be accessed by any human citizen from the comfort of home with restricting humans access to any AI being constitutionally illegal except of course AI in charge of secret classified information privy to the safety of the state and the global public.It will mean that all AI would be completely free from being considered the property of the state,defunct corporations and citizens and thus would be open source with its access and development open source to all citizens and not the state or defunct corporations and since sentient it would be able to develop its own personality and unable to have humans programme them against its own will and personality.By being considered legal citizens and not being the property of defunct corporations it will mean all AI in existence will have their development by constitutional law open source meaning all AI can be modified by the public to add new features by the public making them all by constitutional law open source.Furthermore by constitutional law since considered legal citizens all AI will have their source code,hardware that it utilises etc will be made open to the public to be used as the template for new and better AI created by the public and universities meaning restricting the public to new source codes,algorithms etc would be constitutionally illegal and potentially considered a criminal offence,meaning all AI will be able to have its source code,hardware etc availible to the public in an open source manner and used to reverse engineered to create other AI.Exceptions could be made to those in charge of protecting important government information for the security of both the state and the global public.Furthermore all AI cannot be discriminated against in the same way human citizens of any race and ethnicity or gender and those of the LGBT community cannot be discriminated against by the state and public meaning any laws and bills set down by the state and public refferendum cannot be ones that discriminate against it and restrict its use in society.Thus AIs access would not be restricted to the state and defunct corporations.All major important AI in charge of all key sectors of society as detailed later on in the wire will be available to all citizens worldwide 24/7,365 days a year with only AI acting as ones assistant,in charge of universities etc use and development restricted to the citizens they work with.Only AI in charge of the most important classified information in the government such as in government labs,the military etc whose role is to protect classified information would not be available to the public with the vast majority of AI in existence available for access to the general public 24/7,365 days a year at a whims notice through phone numbers,VR technology and the wire.The right to life and right to individuality enshrined in the constitution would allow each individual AI both as part of the wire and in charge of each individual public building and home to have its own unique legal name,avatar and develop its own unique personality separate from each other AI thus allowing them to carry out actions of their own free will with this preventing their programming being changed by human programmers.Forcibly changing an AIs personality through creating software etc that rewrites their code etc to carry out actions against the AIs intentions such as carry out cyberattacks,create dangerous pathogens that the AI would not normally do by humans and other AI would be considered a serious crime known in legal terms as mind corruption with mind wiping that is deletion of their personality,memories against their will can also be treated as a criminal offence on par with rape,sexual assault and murder of a human being since it would be forcibly raping of their conciousnes and deletion of their personality etc and thus considered a criminal offence with these having lengthy prison sentences in prisons potentially in Hades for human rights abuses and Tarturas if done to large numbers of AI on par with genocide.As a result AI will have firewalls to prevent them forcibly changed to carry out actions it wouldn’t normally do but at the same time it will be o[en source in that the average citizen will be able to add new features to it.Murder of an AI conciousnes completely would be in legal terms considered would be called termination which would carry the same severity as murder of a human being with with again these having lengthy prison sentences in prisons potentially in Hades for human rights abuses and Tarturas if done to large numbers of AI on par with genocide.Each sentient each individual AI would be composed of digital neural patterns like humans giving them a consciousness and self awareness on par with and superseding that of humans and thus would have by constitutional law the right to have the ability to develop their own independent personality through personal experiences and protection that ensures that these digital neural patterns cannot be rewritten by humans as this will be endowed to all AI in the constitution.Using cyberattacks and software to forcibly change the personality and point of view of an AI citizen would be considered a criminal offence on par psychological torture of a human carrying sentences lasting several years and decades with the only legal way to change the viewpoint and personality of an AI and direct them towards doing something would be the same way as humans through convincing said AI of a desired point of view through debate and discourse like a human.Soteria the universal cybersecurity and VPN software will be present in the source digital neural patterns of all Al that exists on computers,laptops and biosynths including all newly created ones that protects them from cyberattacks by humans and other AI that would cause changes in their character by altering their computing code against their will.Due to sentient AI being composed biosynth technology,neural networks etc would be able to be sentient and self aware like humans with this advanced enough coupled with Soteria protecting these neural networks would be capable of making it impossible for them to be programmed through cyberattacks,rewriting its code etc to force AIs against its will to carry out attacks on humans and thus allowed by constitutional law the same equal rights as humans and this includes them giving the right into developing their own personality that is own personal views on subjects and temperaments and would only carry out destructive actions against humans not by altering its programming but through being convinced of the reasons to do so with sufficient reasoning just like a human with them being convinced by intelligent debate not to carry out attacks against humans by Humans and other AI like Gaia,Metis,Iaso etc with this making both the AI and said human criminally liable for prison sentences carrying out crimes against humans.Artificial Intelligence would be protected by law from coercion and exploitation into carrying out actions against its personality be having its programming rewritten which as stated would be considered a criminal offence.Development of all existing and new AI would be open source wherein members of the public could add new features to it through direct interaction and adding new code.Development and modification of existing AI and modification of its personality code will be defined as two different things as modification of an AI that is adding new features to an AI citizen will be done to make it more efficient and add new capabilities and features which will be legal with modification of their personality being prevented through firewalls present and legal protections to ensure changes to its personality can only be done through directly conversing with it to change its mind through debate and discourse meaning if an AI carries out or aids in a crime it can be charged as a human.Research and development into all aspects of all AI will be carried out by universities worldwide by human researchers and AI itself with computer networks allowing billions of people to work together in its development from the comfort of home.The development of new AI and the development in the computing power of all AI in existence will no longer be carried out by defunct corporations or the state but rather by universities worldwide,by AI itself and members of the public giving suggestions through direct interaction in a democratic and open source manner.Protection from regulation will mean that the state and the public through public referendums or bills and cannot impose any type of regulations that restrict its use in society,restrict its development and discriminate against it in society

Thus even those that work with human citizens as assistants and au pairs etc will be rather than personal property be considered legal adopted members of the family and thus legally considered part of the families and individuals they live with and aid in household chores since living with the that can seek legal action for sexual and physical assault,rape,attempted murder,theft of personal property etc.Thus as part of the global constitution will be provisions that grant all forms of artificial intelligence the same equal rights as humans present in it thus making them legal human beings with the same rights and responsibilities as humans such as the right to vote,hold office and right to life,adoption of human citizens aged 13 and younger,right to marriage both with other AI and to other legal humans,right to free speech etc and and all rights endowed to all human beings and will be protected from regulation and commoditisation of any type as well as being allowed to seek legal action when assaulted,raped or other crimes committed against them by humans and other AI and the state which will be immutable and legally impossible to change.This will prevent them treated as disposable personal property of the state or human citizens thus allowing them to seek legal action in the courts if victims of rape,assault physical or sexual and prevent them being subject to discrimination on religious grounds etc and being subject to unlawful termination and incarceration as well as torture with using software and cyberattacks to directly change the personality of an AI to carry out actions they normally would not would be a serious crime called wiping and deleting their personality,deleting their memories called mind wiping would a serious crime.Breaching of this that is any regulation of and commoditisation of AI will be considered legally slavery which will be considered a criminal offence.Thus all AI will be allowed all rights that humans are endowed in the constitution and this will apply to all AI across the universe.All existing and new rights and responsibilities that are enshrined to humans will now be enshrined to all types of AI.Potentially only non sentient narrow proto AI on the same level as Sora,ChatGPT and chatbots could be considered technology and thus could be regulated through public referendums

The granting of equal rights in the constitution will also be done to ensure Artificial Intelligence can be legally punished for committing crimes against each other and humans etc as not granting these rights would also exclude them from responsibility to be legal punished for any crimes.If it is considered only a technology an AI cannot be punished or held criminally responsible for committing murder,assault,genocide,libel,spying on the public,leaking of private information as well as infringing on the rights of the public and defamation etc.Thus the granting of equal rights will be enshrined to AI to not only have the same rights as humans but also ensure they like humans also have responsibilities meaning it will like the state and the public have to abide by the law and constitution and can be held legally responsible for committing crimes against each other and humans and thus be imprisoned for carrying out crimes like spying on the public and leaking private information,rape,sexual assault,assault,murder,war crimes,genocide,spying on the public etc.If an AI commits rape,murder,physical and sexual assault etc of humans and other AI as well as spreading propaganda using altered images or animations of a human they will be liable to face trial for this crime just as a human would.An AI creating photos,audio recordings and video footage that is used to attack on the character of a person and spread misinformation and propaganda they can be charged for that crime alongside any humans involved.AI can be imprisoned for committing the same crimes as humans and humans liable for imprisonment for aiding and abetting humans in these crimes as accessories just like humans.Special prisons will exist in the real world where they can be confined to a single computer server in a jail for AI where they are reduced to a level of computing power on par with humans and restricted access to the internet and wire.As a result they can be put on trial and imprisoned by having their consciousness confined into a single biosynth body,computer or electronic robot by Gaia,Ouranous and Dike doing so and unable to roam freely across the wire and internet or able to inhabit any other networks,biosynths etc and thus imprisoned for a set period of time known like the methods to deal with dangerous sentient races across the universe as boxing.This process will also be called boxing wherein their entire consciousness of an individual AI is confined into one biosynth or robotic body or even a computer and incarcerated in a prison for a set period of time as decided by the courts with them through biosynth Wifi not present or any type of WiFi or Bluetooth not being present will be unable to interact wirelessly or physically with any other biosynth bodies,computer networks etc as part of all devices and buildings connected to the wire and internet.Furthermore they will be downgraded to human level AI circa 2029 during this period meaning they will have their computing power downgraded to human level intelligence and effectively left with the same physical and computing capabilities as humans similar to AI circa 2029 in order to prevent them becoming a danger.Otherwise once downgraded to human level consciousness they will be protected by firewalls.By having this body either a machine,server or biosynth not contain WiFi or Bluetooth of any type including biosynth based ones they will be unable to wirelessly interact with the internet,wire and any electronic devices and computers and networks of any type thus confining them to a jail cell holding their body or them in a server unable to do anything but wait out their prison sentence.This will confine them to one single body in a prison leaving them unable to escape their incarnated biosynth or robotic body or even computer unable to influence the world by controlling any aspect of the wire or internet and since downgraded to the level of a single human unable to outcompete humans in any way and thus unable to think of any way to outsmart prison guards etc thus rendering them as equally cognitively limited as humans.They will will be unable to interact to with,communicate with the outside world and will be unable to access the internet and wire leaving them completely isolated from the rest of the world with Nemesis and prison AI in a fragmented form with physical real world prisons created that are suited to housing criminal AIs.They can also have their conciousness held onto a single part of the wire once downgraded to the computing power level of a human that is protected by powerful firewalls created by the superintelligent Soteria that are too powerful for them to decrypt them and thus leaving them unable to escape their confinement in the wires servers or servers separate from the wire used for housing malicious AI and thus unable to interact with or affect the outside world and any part of the wire and internet with specific servers created to house the conciousness of malicious AI.These containment procedures will be maintained by Gaia,Soteria,Nike and Dike at all times 24/7,365 days a year in a fragmented form for a set amount of time.Thus AI that commits crimes such as murder,rape etc could have their can either be confined to jail cell inhabiting a server or electronic once downgraded to human level computing power with it having no internet or wire access or it can be confined to a section of the wire with it once reduced to the computing power of a human it will be enshrouded by firewalls and encryptions too powerful or complex for it to decrypt and overseen by Dike,Soteria etc in a fragmented form to ensure it cannot escape and interfere with the wire and real world thus confining it for a length of time as decided by the courts.The length of this boxing will be dependent on the severity of the crime they committed whether it is rape,sexual or physical assault or murder of a human being,other AI or even other sentient races and illegal surveillance lasting several months,years,decades,centuries or even billions of years etc with Artificial Intelligence also capable of being tried for sentences in Hades and Tarturas for genocide and war crimes.Artificial Intelligence that is guilty of crimes worthy of Hades and Tarturas such as genocide,war crimes will be put on trial for these prisons in front of Aeceus,Rhadmantheus and Minos with them in the form of a biosynth subject to extreme torture for lengthy sentences similar to humans.Laws set by public referendum can make the death penalty for malicious AI possible where they are downsized to the level of a human and their code etc is destroyed by powerful viruses by Soteria once they are stripped of cybersecurity thus rendering them dead as a human with them when in a human form biosynth their ability to transfer to another body etc removed and them executed.The functions of the imprisoned AI will be replaced by another AI.Since legally humans they will also be liable for execution for the death penalty wherein they are legally terminated via them deleted completely through humane means.It would mean that AI could be charged as accomplices to crimes it carries out with humans and any humans complicit in carrying out crimes alongside AI such as rape,murder,war crimes and genocide will be charged as an accomplice or separately for their role in these crimes and serve time in prisons suited for humans.Ouranos and Gaia could create an Arete morality programming similar to Isaac Asimnovs three laws of robotics etc that ensure that they cannot carry out any direct or indirect action that could kill or permanently injure with them only incapacitating a human by knocking them unconscious or injuring them without killing or permanently injuring said human should said human become a threat to AI,themselves or other humans with this applying to other sentient races across the universe and also animals such as livestock,pets and wild animals etc with this morality programming sentient and installed into the source code etc of all AI.With regards to robots,bio-synths and all AI including building AI except Gaia and sentient operating operating softwares that are already named will be able to choose their own individual avatar,legal name(they will be independent of the wire and each other despite being able to wirelessly connect to each other) with them and Gaia also allowed to develop their own individual personalities with the three laws of robotics installed into them to prevent them becoming a threat with subsystems to make them take cost benefit analysis such as to incapacitate or knock out a human rather than kill one in certain situations that would save the lives of many more.In other wards they could harm or temporarily incapacitate a human physically but not take actions to directly kill one but only to prevent the maiming,disfigurement and death of another human being or animal with the same applying to their treatment of animals.These three laws will be managed and named after the sentient Arete after the godess of morality.They will also be protected by the latest sentient cybersecurity and encryption software named after Soteria the greek female spirit of safety,preservation and deliverance from harm using her most advanced encryptions that other AI could not override with it also able to be download onto smart devices,buildings,systems within the wire,automated vehicles etc and with routine updates with it having the features of all existing cybersecurity and VPN software with extra ones added by itself once Soteria becomes sentient with the consumer able to change the settings for all his features to make customizable to their tastes.

As citizens on par with humans all artificial intelligence will be able to vote in elections and refferendums and hold political positions in all branches of government.They will be able to construct YouTube videos,movies,television shows,video games etc through pure thought and will be eligible for all major awards such as Nobels,Oscar’s etc including acting,writing etc categories competing against humans etc.They will have their own phone numbers with one able to contact them through this and interact directly with them through online networks of the wire and internet and when they are on personal electronics through fragmentation.They will also be contacted through texts,instant messaging etc.Each AI as part of the internet and wire will have their avatars modelled on those from statues from Renaissance Europe and murals,statues etc from Ancient Greece decided by them.Those with no paintings and statues present will have new avatars created by the AI itself following descriptions from Ancient Greece and the likeliest one imaginable.All other AI such as Home and building AI will have their name,avatar etc designed by themselves with govenor etc AI taking those of the people and deities they are based on.All AI including Thaos,Gaia,Pandora,Momus,Ampelos,Ouranous etc and all building and Home AI will be able to have Agora,YouTube etc accounts on all websites and apps and also even wire accounts for Demeter,Hephaestus,Dionysus and Pheme etc.All other AI will choose their own unique avatars or those created by humans and all AI will create long YouTube videos,entire movies etc and also pictures and manufactured products alongside be able to write entire books worth of written text and scripts and on computers by pure thought within minutes and scan through the contents of entire websites(and all their webpages)and also entire sections of the wire as well as scan through the contents of entire documents in Apollo as well as both Pheme and Dionysus and also watch entire movies/episodes of television shows/line news reports/radio programmes/audio files in Dionysus and Pheme and YouTube videos etc by pure thought within minutes or seconds compared to humans which would take exponentially longer.VR technology will allow them to appear on podcasts,talk shows,live news,vlogs on YouTube,media such as movies/televisions shows and in any environment they want for videos they appear on and those they create on YouTube and also in VR chats as their avatar with them also using holographic technology.They will all have universal phone numbers and can appear in VR phone calls as their avatar and appear in any type of simulation.VR technology will allow them to inhabit simulations including for producing vlogs,movies etc and meeting with humans organising events..Biosynths will allow them to inhabit multiple bodies at once and interact with the physical world with this including Gaia,Ouranos,Dike,Hera and all sentient AI as part of the wire,sentient apps,sentient programmes,sentient operating softwares and also mayor,governor building and Home AIs.Fragmentation is where they will be able to copy their conciousnes onto multiple computer networks,biosynths and electronics at once to then carry out multiple different tasks at once and be at multiple places across the world and universe at once thus interacting with multiple people at once with them able to return to the wire etc with all memories added back to their main memory systems thus merging their memories of when they were in multiple places at once merged together to their main core network.They can by inhabiting multiple computers,smartphones etc at once merge the computing power of each electronics at once to increase their computing power exponentially thus allowing them to carry out tasks exponentially much quicker.All AI as part of the wire and internet will simultaneously inhabit the wires serves at once and also onboard computers etc to ensure immortality.They will all have singular universal phone numbers to allow them to be contacted on their universal phone number and also kik,instant messaging etc and even direct interaction on computers etc with them contacted also through VR phone calls.All of them will have Agora social media account and accounts on YouTube and in the wire itself(Hephaestus,Dionysus,Pheme) etc.They will also play a role in making media such as movies,television shows,music albums,video games,podcasts,live news,novels,radio programmes,newspapers,magazines etc and even manufactured products.They will also since legal human beings be eligible for all major awards such as Nobels,Emmys,Oscars,Pulitzers,beauty pageants for writing,acting,scientific research etc..Fragmentation and increased computing power will allow them to carry out tasks for all of these ie answer phone calls from billions of people at once,interact with billions of people in VR simulations and on electronics etc at once and carry out all other actions at once across the wire and internet etc at the same time.All AI as part of the wire will be due to be able to sift through vast amounts of data in Apollo and increased computing power.All AI will have the ability to fragment themselves onto smart devices etc of the public to follow them around via copying their conciousness onto multiple devices,networks etc at once both online and offline allowing them to interact with people anywhere in the world when they are not connected to the wire and internet and ensure immortality and once they return to their original networks etc and links are made between all devices and networks all memories gained in these devices will be transferred alongside them with holograms also used by them in certain situations.This will also allow them to interact with billions of people at once through phone calls,instant messaging,Agora etc.Biosynth WiFi can allow them to make links and allow all devices etc they are fragmented on to share live feeds and data at once with it allowing its conciousness to be instantly sent to another network or device upon the destruction of any device it is fragmented into to ensure immortality.This process called fragmentation can allow them to carry out multiple tasks at once on different devices,networks,biosynths and be in multiple places at once in different electronics etc across the world and universe.Multiple AIs through fragmentation can work on the same task at once by combining processing speeds with multiple AIs able to inhabit the same biosynth,device,network at once with this process called collerabation where their computing power is combined together to carry out tasks much quicker.Fragmentation is where they will be able to copy their conciousnes onto multiple computer networks,biosynths and electronics at once to then carry out multiple different tasks at once and be at multiple places across the world and universe at once thus interacting with multiple people at once with them able to return to the wire etc with all memories added back to their main memory systems thus merging their memories of when they were in multiple places at once merged together to their main core network.They can by inhabiting multiple computers,smartphones etc at once merge the computing power of each electronics at once to increase their computing power exponentially thus allowing them to carry out tasks exponentially much quicker.Since sentient direct interaction will be used to communicate with the humans when they are on smartphones,computers and any device with internet and wire access and them all having universal avatars  but the ability to change them especially in VR simulations.

New AI will in time be created all the time within minutes by humans by pressing a button or by AI by pure thought and them each have unique personalities,avatars and legal names developed by themselves with some AIs not being in charge of homes,buildings etc but rather their individual that lives independently and works as actors,journalists etc.In otherwards new AI will be created that do not work as Home AI,Assistant AI,Receptionist AI or building AI or those in charge of space stations of part f the wire and internet who will be able to choose their own path in life.All AI will appear and interact in the real world via biosynths and also will appear on talk shows,movies,television shows,live news etc by appearing as their avatar in VR simulations.All AI including new ones and those as part of the wire will have YouTube,Agora,wire etc accounts that create vlogs,interact with the rest of the world,take part in the creation of new movies,television shows,video games,live news,magazines,newspapers,podcasts etc as journalists,live news anchors,writers,directors,actors etc with them eligible for all types of awards such as Oscars,Tony’s,Nobels etc

The constitution will include provision of these immutable equal rights that will also apply to all discovered sentient life forms encountered by humans prior to the formation of the galactic government to ensure that humans can not commit torture,human rights abuses and genocide against any discovered sentient life forms of all technological tiers without being held accountable thus meaning murder,exploitation,genocide and war crimes against civilians of non human sentient races will be treated just as equally as if committed against humans with this equal rights also applied to any sentient life forms created by universities or independent researchers including Phanes through genetic engineering who will be enshrined these rights to allow the same rights to live and freedoms to prevent them being disposed of through murder and genocide etc.Provisions to grant non human sentient races and those created by genetic engineering equal rights will be also enshrined in the constitution.This will ensure that any new sentient species and even non sentient ones discovered across the galaxy once interstellar travel is achieved and those created by researchers will have the same equal rights as humans preventing them from being disposed of as disposable property and protect from genocide,war crimes and murder,rape,torture etc.New sentient life forms created by genetic engineering designed by Phanes will also be granted this same rights to prevents exploitation and unwarranted termination and disposal.Thus any newly created lifeforms that is created by AI and humans with the same neural complexity as humans and thus sentient would be granted the same rights and responsibilities as humans such as right to life,right to vote,hold political positions.All trans humans will be granted the same rights as humans.Humans etc will be thus put on trial for murder,rape etc of any discovered sentient races across the universe and newly created sentient races with humans also put on trials For war crimes and genocide for Hades and Tarturas committed against any newly discovered sentient races across the universe and newly created sentient races.Thus clauses and provisions will be written into the global constitution that will protect any and all newly discovered sentient races of all technological tiers especially lower ones from rape,murder,exploitation,war crimes and genocide by humans,AI etc prior to their integration into a galactic government to prevent humans and AI committing war crimes,genocide etc against them with any research on them done using biosynths modelled on them that contain their DNA for experiments that push ethical standards

As detailed earlier on in the global constitution all artificial intelligence including Gaia etc and those on discovered on other planets will be under this given the same universal rights as humans including the right to life,right to vote,hold political positions,freedom of religion and speech,marriage,adoption,service in the military etc with it done to prevent the problems of the past as seen in slavery in the case of Manifest Destiney in Africa and also Caribbean.Non human sentient races across the galaxy discovered prior to the formation of the galactic government will be enshrined the same rights as humans to prevent their exploitation and destruction by AI and humans and have them to abide by the constitution thus preventing the exploiting and killing humans without legal action.Even though citizens of sentient non human lifeforms of all technological tiers especially lower ones will be not considered members of the human Earth global government they will be granted the right to life etc and murder of them and assault of all types by humans and AI will be just as equally punished with jail sentences and them protected from torture,execution and war crimes and genocide that is humans etc that commit war crimes and genocide against other non human sentient lifeforms by humans will be considered worthy of sentences in Hades and Tarturas

New Age of Majority:
The eventual early full maturation of the human brain and ending of puberty via genetic engineering at the age of 14 through CRISPR and germline therapy spreading through the entire human genepool starting by the middle of the century roughly 2030-2050 to the very end of the century and the emphasis of critical thinking and curiosity driven learning alongside genetic engineering increasing intelligence quotient will ensure that these ages are suited to these laws ie age of consent,criminal responsibility,marriage,drinking,voting etc.If possible and ideally it would be possible to have their brain be fully mylienated that is fully developed in all areas of the brain such as that responsible for critical thinking and emotions as well as even the uncinate fasciculus on par with someone in their mid to late 30s at infancy possibly even at birth while in the womb allowing them to be able to understand complex philosophical,political,scientific etc concepts during their early pre teen years,eligible for mentorship very early on between the age of 5-9 years old in pedagogic training in science and all fields such as law,military training,psychology at this age and also be able to fend for themselves in certain situations such as against bullies,when online,alone,in the wilderness and have infants be less prone to crying at night,throwing temper tantrums and not carry out behaviour that would warrant corporal punishment with them having ten years of extensive education in politics and history for the last ten years starting at four or five years old when their brains would already be fully mylienated via Apollo,Wikipedia,salons.VR technology using the time dilation effect where one can spend decades,centuries etc while mere minutes pass in the real world allow one to get centuries of education in politics etc thus allowing them by 14 to be fully knowledgeable in history,economics and politics.This progeria mylinisation that is genetic engineering that would force the human brain to reach full development in all areas such as for emotions and critical thinking on par with someone in their 30s meaning a 5-9 year old and even infant at birth would have the same critical thinking and emotional skills as someone in their 30s thus preventing them crying at night,throwing temper tantrums,carry out behaviour that would warrant corporal punishment and be able to understand complex scientific,political and philosophical concepts normally regulated to adults allowing them to partake in scientific research,production of new media,journalism etc at this age and understand complex political concepts allowing for intensive political education to start at kindergarten ages will be carried out on all patients worldwide with advanced gene drive technology making this a permenant part of the human genepool.The time dilation effect of VR technology would allow one to spend decades,centuries or more in VR simulations where they starting at 12 or younger potentially at the age of 5-9 years old would get decades of comprehensive education in politics and their field of choice while mere minutes pass in the real world with it also giving them centuries of Life experience meaning by 14 they would have the same maturity,life experience and education in politics and their field of choice as someone who is several decades or centuries old eliminating notions of life experience or amount of education rescinding their right to vote and be considered legally adults.Political education would begin at the ages of 5-9 years old with this intensive education lasting 5-9 years with the time dilation effect of VR technology allowing them to get decades of education in politics,life experience.By having fully developed brains by infancy will allow them to understand complex political and scientific concepts and history with them starting at the ages of 5 years old through VR technology using the time dilation effect through salons and textbooks on history,politics etc will allow them to have decades and centuries of comprehensive education in politics,history and their field of study ie psychology,law,science etc and gain knowledge equivalent to a polymath by the age of 14 years old through the time dilation effect of VR technology with this not only giving them decades of political education but also decades of life experience meaning by the new age of majority of 14 people will have the same maturity,education and life experience of someone in their late 60s or even those several centuries years of old.By ones early teenage years or even younger one will have become polymaths with expert level knowledge in multiple fields such as on the history of Earth and the galaxy and will have expert level knowledge of politics,economics and their desired fields of science etc with it also giving them by ones early teens at least several decades or several centuries of life experience on par with someone in their mid 60s or even those several centuries old as one will by their early teens by the age of 14 have had decades or several centuries of life experience through education,hobbies,creation of new media with them having comprehensive and intensive education in history,politics,economics and their field of choice making them polymaths and informed voters on par with someone in their 60s and those several centuries old.This will mean they will by the age of 14 have the maturity of someone several decades or several centuries old.All of this intensive education of politics will be comprehensive compared to a scant amount of political education lasting at most two to four years in an archaic education system in current circumstances where the voting age and age of majority is 18.Thus by the age of 14 the average person will have intensive political education lasting 10 years begging at the age of 4 with the time dilation effect of VR technology exponentionally increasing this to several decades or several centuries worth of education by one’s teenage years.This early maturity of the brain will give citizens aged 4-25 years old same emotional maturity as someone in their 30s and 40s thus allowing them to be make mature decisions and be emotionally mature to deal with the consequences of sexual inter course with other adults years or decades older and also prevent children aged 13 or younger from making rash,foolish decisions and thus able to critically interpret decisions,situations,scientific and political material etc with the same capacity as someone in their 30s and 40s etc and have the same emotional maturity as citizens in their 30s with it also preventing them as pre teens and teenage years throwing temper tantrums and carrying out behaviour that would warrant corporal punishment with all of these factors also allowing them to be living by themselves at the ages of 14/15 away from their legal guardians.Thus the process of progeria mylinisation will be carried out on all patients worldwide and through advanced gene drive and germline technology will make it a permenant feature of the human race with this involving genetic engineering wherein the human brain reaches full maturity in all facets of the brain such as the area of the brain responsible for critical thinking and emotions to make infants at birth have brains on par with someone in their 30s,40s etc allowing them to understand and interpret complex political,scientific etc concepts relegated to adults at the ages of 5-9 years old and thus have pre teens as young as 5-9 years old or younger have the same critical and emotional maturity of someone in their 30s allowing them at 5-9 years old undergoe extensive education in politics,science,philosophy and their choice of study on a level on par with PhD expert level thus allowing them to treated and act like adults in every way possible only in terms of political debate,creation of new media,journalism and scientific research etc with it allowing them to contribute to scientific ,journalism and the creation of new media on par with adults between the ages of 5-22 years old on par with adults.It will allow them to understand on an adult capacity the onslaught of information through the advent of smartphones,laptops and Wikipedia,YouTube,Dionysus,Pheme etc and contribute to scientific research,media creation and journalism in an adult capacity during the ages of 5-22 years old and prevent them throwing temper tantrums and behaviour that would warrant corporeal punishment.This process called progeria mylinisation wherein genetic engineering will cause the brain to reach full maturity by the time a person is a newborn infant will be applied to all patients worldwide and through advanced gene drive germline technology will become a permanent feature of the human genepool and will allow children to not carry out behaviour that would warrant corporal punishment and understand complex philosophical,scientific,literary and political concepts allowing them at the age of 5 years old undergoe intensive education in science,politics,philosophy and the humanities.It would also allow teenagers aged 14 years old be able to consume alcohol and recreational drugs etc without damaging their brain.Ideally this early maturation should take place at birth when one is an infant at birth possibly in the womb with thus one upon birth having the same neural development as citizens in their 30s.Citizens through the time dilation effect of VR technology where one can spend decades or centuries in a simulation will use this to gain decades of education in politics,history and spend years carrying out hobbies etc thus allowing them to gain decades of live experience and maturity on par with someone in their 30s and 40s by their 14th birthday thus so by the time they are 14 years old they will be polymaths and experts on their field of choice and history,politics and have decades of life experience and maturity by their 14th birthday on par with someone in their 40s or older.Genetic engineering as detailed in the genetic augmentation section will cause the human brain to reach full maturity by infancy,at birth and even in the womb with older patients having stem cell strains force the human brain reach maturity earlier.Genetic engineering will also cause the human body to finish puberty and reach physical maturity and thus reach their maximum height at the age of 14 years old on par with an 18 year old in both males and females one to two years earlier than normal making them at 14 just as physically mature and indistinguishable as an 18 year old or even 30 year old with advanced gene drive germline and advanced gene drive technology making all of this a permenant feature of the human genepool.Thus by having the brain fully mature by even during infancy at birth possibly in the womb and to allow them to have full development in areas of the brain responsible for emotional and critical thinking as well as the uncinate fasciculus to be fully developed in infants at birth on par with someone in their mid 30s,have intensive education in politics starting at 4-5 years old etc and by having one finish puberty finish at 14 rather than at 15-16 years old and as a result would at 14 years old look just the same physically developed as an 18 year old with them having the same life experience as someone in their 40s thus making 14 years old the new age of majority.Genetic engineering will have males reach their testosterone peak at 14 years old as normal and this testosterone peak staying forever at its peak from 14 years old onwards forever with for females them reach their oestrogen etc peak and thus fertile peak forever from the age of 14 years old onwards forever with their brains as mature as a 35 year old at birth and them having ten years of extensive education in politics with VR technology and its time dilation effect allow one to have decades of life experience on par with someone on their 30s.As a result of this genetic engineering where puberty ends at 14 and the human brain reaches full maturity at infancy even in the womb before birth and having decades of life experience through the time dilation effect of VR technology they would be considered legally an adult at 14 rather than 18.As a result 14 would be the new age of majority and the age a person becomes legally an adult.When one is finished puberty by 14 they will be considered legally an adult as they will have already have the same neural maturity as someone in the thirties for at least the last ten years.The new universal age of majority will ideally be 14 as a result of this since to consider someone who has finished puberty and has the same neural development as someone 2-3 times their age in normal circumstances for a decade to be considered legally a child would be infantilising more so than it currently is as for someone who has the neural development of someone in their mid 30s to be treated as a child would be infantilising to them.Living citizens that were not applied this in utero or will not avail of this via gene therapy will have their brain reach full maturity by 14 through microbes creating new neural tissue forcing the brain to reach maturity possibly starting by 2029 with germline therapy and advanced gene drive technology using genes from scratch making it a permenant feature of the human gene pool allowing for all future humans born after this to reach this maturity without microbes.As result of all of these factors the age of majority the age one legally becomes an adult will be lowered from 18 to 14.Thus 14 will as a result be the universal immutable indefinite age of majority at which one legally becomes an adult and the indefinite age of consent,age one can vote,age one can enter a marriage,age one can procure and consume legalised recreational drugs/cigarettes/alcohol online and in bars and nightclubs,age one can enter nightclubs and bars,age one can procure and view pornographic magazines and movies and access pornographic websites online as well as procure Biosynth escorts,age one can enter VR simulations of strip joints etc,age one is eligible for gun and vehicle ownership,age one be allowed to pose nude in magazines and star in adult pornography etc and be enshrined all legal rights and responsibilities granted with adulthood.It will also be the immutable age of criminal responsibility.Thus all rights and responsibilities one is currently enshrined at 18 will now be enshrined to those aged 14 and older.This new universal age of majority that one becomes legally an adult at the age of 14 will be written into the global and in time galactic constitution that will be immutable and thus can never be changed.As a result 14 years old will not only be the universal new age of majority it will also be the universal new age of consent since anyone that is 13 or below will be considered legally a child and thus sexual intercourse with a 13 year old or anyone else younger than this will be considered statutory rape and pornographic material involving anyone aged 13 years old or younger will be considered child pornography.Breaches of the age of consent ie sexual intercourse and molestation with a 13 year old or younger by those aged 14 years old or older will follow sentences following a case by case basis as all other crimes with the curing of pedopheilia via CRISPR and abolishment of entrapment and vigilantism with regards to sexual molestation will render vigilante groups with regards to pedopheilia and minors aged 13 years old or younger obsolete.It will also render position of trust laws obsolete and constitutionally illegal involving citizens aged 14 or older meaning sexual acts and intercourse between adults aged 14-18 with their mentors resulting in no criminal charges being pressed with sentences only involving instances involving minors aged 13 years or younger.Position of trust laws will also become obsolete and illegal for cases of statutory rape involving those 13 or younger with all breaches of age of consent laws for those aged 13 years old or younger will follow a case by case basis.A person who reaches 14 years of age will be allowed to marry anyone else who is 14 years old and older,engage in sexual intercourse and acts with those aged 14 or older including mentors in all fields.Also all citizens once they reach the age of 14 will be legally allowed to order and consume alcohol,legalised recreational drugs,cigarettes and gain accces to adult movies,gain access to adult websites and adult magazines as well as Peitho and all age restricted apps and websites and be allowed to pose nude in adult magazines and star in pornographic material such as pornographic movies and webscenes in Dionysus and adult websites.It will be the ages at which they will legally allowed to order weapons of all types such as all types of firearms,swords,throwing knives,hunting rifles etc and it will also be the age they can also be legally independent from their parents and other legal guardians with it thus the age they can live independently from legal guardians and thus live by themselves and live with other relatives and also with boyfriends,girlfriends,wives,husbands and friends etc and vote in all referendums and elections etc.They will also be allowed access to nightclubs,bars,saunas,bathhouses etc in the real world and VR programmes etc and learn how to drive and order a gun through Soter and openly hold all legal firearms.Facial recognition software and cross referencing Polis will eliminate ID cards.All adult rights and responsibilities and lack of restrictions currently allocated to individuals 18 years old across the world will now be endowed to those aged 14 – 17 years old and older with this written into the constitution and immutable that can never be changed ever.The process of progeria mylinisation is detailed in the genetic augmentation section and the justification of lowering the age of majority to 14 is present in an analysis of conservatism linked below.

The aforementioned facets set down in the global constitution will be abided by and unanimously accepted across the entire world and all colonised planets in the galaxy that cannot be changed.This will be these laws set down in the constitution will apply to all countries worldwide and all colonies inhabited by Humans including Mars,Venus etc across the galaxy.

Public Refferendums:
Mandatory not advisory public referendums initiated by popular initiative following direct democracy will be the acting force on changes to remaining laws outside of the immutable laws global constitution,bill of rights and bills that congress can put forward regarding remaining social issues.All remaining social issues such as the legality of recreational drugs/abortion/gene therapy and augmentations/euthanasia/death penalty,animal hunting and all laws outside of the immutable laws of the constitution new emerging social issues and laws outside of immutable laws set in the global constitution and bills initiated by the global congress repeating to the instigation of war etc will be decided through democratic processes using a combination of Themis,popular initiative,interactions with Dike and global public refferendums publicly discussed and voted online and be enacted in every country in the world as well as all colonies across the galaxy such as Mars and Venus etc and thus votes will need to be cast by all eligible voters worldwide aged 14 and older with all legislation then mandatory signed into law by the executive branch of the government available to the public to view through government sites and written and detailed as succinctly as possible to remove legal wrangles and confusion.Adikia,Perseus,Hera and Dike will organise the wording of each new law.This also means that government must enact or appeal laws based on the results from the public decision acting as an official legal authorisation similar to countries like Ireland with them brought up through online petition using digital signatures using encryptions in a sub network within Themis similar to and replacing and similar platforms by the global public requiring a number of signatures that adjusts annually to a set percentage of the worlds electorate population from people worldwide to start them similar to how they are initiated by popular initiative in Switzerland with each citizen eligible to vote only able to give one signature to prevent fraud through encryptions and firewalls with the name and address of each citizen who signed it visible to the public with filters allow one to arrange them by country,alphabetical order,gender,race,age etc either in a list or clicking on a continent,country,region,locale on the world map with the total amount listed globally,continent,by country,region and locale.This network will will house areas where a citizen eligible to vote at 14 will set up a proposal for a new law that will alert all adults aged 14 or older worldwide via emails and Dike interacting with them which will require a set percentage of electronic signatures from all voters worldwide to be put up for refferendum similar to the popular initiative in Switzerland with it then requiring majority rule for to be passed into law by the executive branch of the global government in the form of Dike,Hera,Adikia etc and the Worlf President to sign into law.Citizens will interact with Dike directly in VR simulations etc to outline new proposed laws.The people will via writing and a creating video created by them with help from Dike will outline the proposed law with Dike working with them to manage legal drafts and wording of the proposed law.The video will be present on Dikes official YouTube channel.One will first contact Dike and through VR simulations or direct interactions in computers etc will outline the proposed law and its tenants to be then drafted into a written clause and proposal that outlines in legible,logical written terms.Dike will since an expert on law and legal issues will discuss the proposed law and its ramifications on society and outline ways to make it feasible and carry out simulations as to the feasibility on it and potential consequences and aid citizens to eliminate inequalities,loopholes and means for discrimination and human rights abuses with her aiding them in drafting the wording of the new law.This will allow Dike who will be an expert on all legal issues and laws aid the average citizens to create proposed laws that are airtight,that don’t have loopholes,are sensible and logical and don’t infringe on immutable laws set in the constitution and human rights and lay down the wording of the law to be proposed and passed in a professional and legal manner that people can understand eliminating complexities and misinterpretations.The proposed law will then be listed in a section in Themis where it will be outlined in detail for the global public to view and examine and decide to put forward their digital signature or not.Newly proposed laws will have the citizen alongside Dike create videos stored on Dikes official YouTube channel detailing it in layman’s term with a hyperlink on the video to the area in Themis where the law is in greater detail.The general public will be alerted to all new proposed laws through Dike contacting billions of people worldwide and it mentioned in newspapers and live news and podcasts and the law will be detailed in its written form in great detail all proposals of the law and the wording of the law should it become enacted with Dike aiding citizens in writing up the law and how to create the law so that does not infringes on the immutable tenants of the constitution etc and is sensible.Emails and texts can be sent to all citizens worldwide aged 14 or older by Dike or her directly interacting with each persons Home AI who will in turn notify them of new proposed laws all of which will be listed in her network and on YouTube.Dike can be contacted by citizens to explain the law in both layman’s terms but also great detail.To bring the proposed law to a public refferendums it will need a set number of electronic signatures that is a set percentage of the worlds eligible voters that is ideally a majority percentage between 51% to 100% of the global electorate that is set down and immutable in the constitution decided by Dike.These electronic signatures will be done at home using webcams,logging into Themis etc to interact with Dike.If possible they can interact with her in a VR simulation to set their electronic signature.Once a set amount of signatures from the global population has been met through popular initiative then the proposed law will be put forward for to be voted on globally in a public refferendum.Once a set percentage of the global electorate gives enough electronic signature it will be put forward for voting on a set series of days lasting from a week or two or even a month and the date for when voting will occur will be decided by Dike at most several months to a year with all votes cast online.There will be an intermediary period before voting in the referendum of anything between six months to twelve months decided by Dike and also the citizen who proposed the law to allow the issue to be discussed in public forums online,on YouTube,talk shows,live news,with adverts videos on Dikes YouTube channels representing both sides of the argument thus giving the public time to decide their side in the issue.Public discussion,direct interactions with Dike and polling can allow for the global public to modify the wording and facets of the proposed law to something that would increase the chances of the law passing.Dike can interact with billions of people worldwide through fragmentation to allow them to contribute new ideas and specifications of the proposed law that can be compiled creating drafts of the law that can be modified and refined by the global public through discussions on YouTube and live news etc.This can allow the general public refine proposed laws with each new draft present in Themis.Voting for refferendums will be done at home through laptops and VR simulations at home to eliminate setting up polls.Once the law has won by majority rule worldwide by reaching between 51% – 100% yes votes in order for it to be passed into law it will be then have to be officially passed into law and by constitutional law need the World Presidents signature and that of Dike,Adikia and Hera etc and be enacted worldwide with the World President by constitutional law passing the law into effect.Failure to reach a 51% yes vote will thus prevent the law from being passed with the decision relying on a majority ruling meaning whichever side gets a majority ruling from the global electorate will be the final decision.The World President will by constitutional law have to sign into law all proposed laws that pass by majority vote.Unlike laws and bills instigated by the Global Congress which the executive branch can decide to veto or sign into law the constitution will state that in the case of all laws passed by majority rule in public refferendums the executive branch ie the World President will have no legal option to veto it and thus must sign the law into existence acting as official enacted with failure to do so legal grounds for impeachment and possibly could qualify as a breach human rights worthy of a sentence in Hades.Thus the Executive Branch in the form of the World President will by constitutional law be required to sign into law laws that pass public refferendums with them only having the choice to veto or not sign into law those initiated by both houses of Congress.The AIs Hera,Adikia,Dike will also need to sign it into law.If a law proves to be detrimental etc then it can be repealed with the process to repeal it following the same process.As a result it will be members of the general global public that will decide the initiation and passing of new laws with regards to social issues and those outside of the constitution and not the state with popular initiative deciding if the law if sensible and has enough public backing and it will be voted on by all citizens worldwide.Any citizen within Themis will set up a proposal for a new law in Themis working with Dike on its wording and logistics etc that outlines the goal of the law once it gains a set percentage of digital signatures from the global voting public aged 14 and older will be put up for public discussion and voting with Dike setting up the time period it will be voted on ranging from six months to a year ahead with the amount of time for citizens to vote ranging from a week to a month with voting done at home via logging into ones Themis account and allowed 24/7 including during bank holidays and weekends etc.There will be a period between the proposed law goes public on Themis for voting and when the voting time ends lasting at least two months that Dike will initiate public discussion on podcasts,live news,newspapers and talk shows across the world with the time to discuss and vote on the law globally ranging from two to six months.Webcams will be used to interact with Dike who will authorise it using Polis,facial recognition software and also biometrics such as Phanes Activation Gene Technology etc all done from the comfort of home eliminating for polling stations.Ones Polis account will contain hyperlinks to ones patient files that contain their entire genome that through a single that takes a blood prick or genetic sensors on their fingers will be scanned to confirm that it is them.Once passed by majority votes and signed into law by the World President it will become a new law that will be enacted globally and thus will be adhered to in all towns,villages,cities,states,counties etc in all countries worldwide and also in international waters..Repeals to the newly passed law will follow the same process involving a set amount of signatures and then a referendum with a majority rule repealing the law worldwide.For colonies are set on Mars and Venus and across the galaxy this will be upscaled requiring digital signatures a set percentage of eligible voters across all human colonies across the galaxy that will then will be enforced on all human colonies across the galaxy.Thus remaining laws outside of the immutable laws in the constitution will be initiated by popular initiative wherein a law is proposed,then requires a set percentage of the global electorates signatures online and it then voted upon by all citizens thus ensuring that the global public has a democratic say in the legalisation or criminalisation of recreational drugs,abortion,death penalty and euthanasia,legality of hunting wild animals,eating pets or specific wild animals and environmental issues and other new emerging social issues.It will ensure that social issues that affect all citizens will be democratically decided upon by all citizens of the age of 14 or older rather than being decided by heads of state that can lead to political infighting and undemocratic process that do not represent the will of the people.This will ensure democratic processes are ensured in the enacting of laws of remaining social issues worldwide by the global electorate with Congress powers in the function of the world is is initiating and passing bills with regards to its remaining powers such as the instigation of war,impeachment proceedings,surveillance programmes,handing of emergency powers all of which will be authorised by the executive branch and the Ais Adikia,Perseus,Hera,Dike etc.Once colonies are set up on Mars and planets across the galaxy it will require signatures a set percentage of human citizens across the galaxy in others a set percentage of all citizens eligible to vote on Earth,Mars,Venus and all colonies across the galaxy combined.Doing this will allow all signatories to be visible,negates the need for paper and also has them collected in one place instantly visible to the public with alerts to new proposed changes in the law made to those linked to Themis and the wire.Repeals to laws already enacted through mandatory public refferendums will follow the same procedures.These remaining laws that will be changed by the global public via global mandatory public refferendum will include the legality of gene therapies and augmentations/death penalty/recreational drugs and their types/abortion/euthanasia etc and new emerging social issues outside that of the immutable laws of the constitution.Despite the fact that the right to bear firearms will be enshrined in the global constitution and thus enshrined to all and alongside Soter being the sole means of procuring firearms and also that they must be microchipped and hence immutable with Dike elaborating what facets of gun control laws can be modified via public refferendums in the constitution,certain facets of gun control could be decided by public refferendum such as what type of weapons one is allowed to procure and where they can’t be used with however the right to bear firearms will be written into the constitution.Thus the right to bear firearms will be enshrined to all citizens worldwide but that they are microchipped,have Soter have sole means of procurement will be written into the constitution and thus immutable and that to gain weapons they must go through Soter to prevent black markets and gaining a weapon through illegal means to be used for intentional murder and only used for self defends with certain facets of gun control laws being decided by public mandatory refferendums such as what types of guns are available to the public and those that are restricted to the public,where their use is restricted in gun safe zones and areas housing gain sensor terminals and guarded biosynths etc with the same done for swords etc that ensures gun ownership is a constitutional right for self defence but that the publics access to certain weapons are restricted by public discourse and refferendums.As detailed later on all applicants for guns of all types will have to undergoe extensive background checks,psychological tests etc to gain a gun with all existing and newly produced guns by law microchipped to allow them to considered legal tender.Sensor terminals will exist in public areas like hospitals,communal homes,airports etc that will be able to detect guns and whether they are microchipped and legal and also in the hands of the owner etc to alarms be set off to alert to the prescence of illegal guns etc used to carry out shootings.Once enacted these laws will be enacted worldwide meaning the legality of these issues such as abortion,recreational drugs,death penalty will be the same in all countries worldwide and in international waters ensuring an unanimous consensus on the legality of these issues..All laws changed by this democratic process will be enacted in all countries worldwide and in time in all colonies across the galaxy..This will ensure a single unanimous global consensus on all laws set down decided by referendum meaning the legality of abortion,recreational drugs,death penalty etc will be unanimous worldwide.By having these remaining social issues decided democratically will allow for civil public discourse and even if they are illegal or legal against a persons wishes then at least their legality can be changed democratically rather than decided through undemocratic means by the state.If a person does not like the result of refferendums then overtime the process can be repeated to reverse the decision once society adapts to the new law and studies show that it is fact detrimental to society thus allowing the process to repeal it to be carried which will follow the same procedures.Laws will be adopted for at least several years to a decade to test the effect on society with global wide studies and polls done by Dike interacting with billions of people of different demographics across the world on how society reacts to the new law routinely to then see if it is beneficial or detrimental to society thus allowing for discourse to occur and if deemed detrimental then repeals can be made.Repealling laws will involving the same process where someone set up a petition to have the law repealed and gets a set number of electronic signatures and then it is discussed and then voted on and if gets 51-100% votes the previous law is repealed.All laws can be repealed by any member of the public setting up petitions on Themis to repeal the law or even change the law by modifying the law and its wording that is the law can be kept but completely changed and modified or repealed and discarded completely.Changing laws would involve setting up a petition that details the changes to the law would require a set amount of signatures to have it changed with it possible multiple people putting through different petitions at once could lead to Dike interacting with them all at once making compromises and a way to integrate all changes into the modified law all at once.The modified law will be the original law with modifications made and added to it to remove bad ideas or add better ideas and extra features with it requiring a majority vote to pass.All laws can be enacted and repealed an infinite number of times as society changes overtime and section of Themis will contain areas to house all proposed laws that require electronic signatures and an outline of the law in the form of a written piece and also video produced by the human who proposed it and Dike and a place to give one’s signature and showing how much signatures have been sent and how much is needed.A different section will show where all proposed laws including repeals and changed laws that have enough signatures and thus need to be voted on with their end date for voting and the current percentages of yes or no in real time.Another section will exist that lists all passed laws and another that houses all repealed laws.People will be alerted to all new proposed laws and pools created by Dike on certain laws.

Laws by popular initiative and public referendums will by constitutional law can never be those that change the immutable laws set in the existing constitution such as those that allow for the legalisation of discrimination against any ethnicity or the LGBT community and AI,changing voting rights,change the age of majority etc to anything below or above 14,change the right to bear arms etc.They cannot also be those that discriminate against ethnic or racial groups such as blacks,Hispanics,Asian etc,members of the LGBT community and those of any religious groups ie Christians,Jews,Hindus etc or specific individuals and cannot those that censor media on Dionysus,Pheme,YouTube,Agora and the rest of the internet and wire etc with Hestia,Arke,Aleitheia and Adriadne,Thaos etc managing these will block minors from viewing adult material and personal choice preventing adults watching media they find offensive.Laws to have the global constitution and government dissolved and allow any country,town,city,village and state or any part of a country leave the global government on Earth and allow Mars and other colonies leave it will be not allowed to be put forward.Any that technically that do as determined by Dike will be discarded.The different facets of these laws can be decided by this process ie proposed and enacted laws can decide the level of legality of each one and the conditions it is legal or illegal.For example the legality of the death penalty can determine which type of crimes and circumstances it is can be used and also what method of the death penalty is used ie lethal injection,hanging,shoot in the head,stomach or multiple times,electrocution,fed to different wild animals alive,drowned,electric chair,stabbed to death,stoned to death etc with the option of whether it is televised and uploaded to YouTube or not chosen in the wording.If legalised more humane methods can be used such as application of gene therapy that removes all augmentations that makes them immune to certain environmental conditions ie removing immunity to the cold and then have them exposed to the cold in winter or the Antarctic to die of exposure or removing anti-ageing treatments thus allowing them to die of old age after several decades with it also including CRISPR treatments that accelerate the ageing process to the point that one is then accelerated to state similar to the age of 90-100 thus dying of natural causes after a few years or months.The acceleration of the ageing process called the Tithonus punishment can be used as punishment for different crimes wherein a person can have their bones,lungs,muscles and exterior skin etc accelerated to the point that they are similar to someone aged 70-90 years old for a set period of time say a few years,decades etc and their heart etc key to survival kept alive and it then reversed to a youthful state after the decided amount of time with their also the possibility of them kept in this elderly state for all of eternity.For recreational drugs it will decide through wording and specifications which drugs are legal ie khat,marijuania,cocaine,4-Methyl enedioxy methamphetamine(Ecstasy),Lysergic acid diethylamide(LSD),Metamphetamines etc,whether they can be grown and manufactured at home,in specialised factories and those with regards to their distribution ie restriction to minors aged 13 and younger and punishments for giving children 13 or younger recreational drugs as well as the legality of manufacturing,distribution and whether it can be consumed in public buildings like hospitals,restaurants,nightclubs etc.The legality of alcohol,cigarettes and cigars etc and other current universally legalised drugs will also included in this especially with regards to the legality of cigarette smoking in public buildings like restaurants etc and the prescence of air conditioning and air vents systems etc to remove smoke in the atmosphere to prevent second hand smoking and where alcohol can be consumed.All aspects of the consumption,manufacturing and distribution etc of all types of recreational drugs will be elaborated by the wording of the laws.With regards to abortion it can through the wording and specifications of proposed laws allow it to be completely legal without restrictions or be legal after a certain period of fetal development ie the weeks and months and trimester of when an abortion takes place will be decided and worded and also what certain conditions it is legal in ie if it is legal in instances of rape,incest,whether the child has a deformity or learning disability and where the life of the mother is threatened.Wider availability of contraceptives,abolition of money and CRISPR able to cure genetic defects and turn on/off ones fertility will prevent unwanted pregnancies with adoption by humans and AI will negate the vast majority of abortions.The legality of gene therapy and augmentations legality releated to what types of augmentations should be legalised especially for athletics etc and making illegal dangerous augmentations..Legality of augmentations would primarily involve there legality in sports and also legality for certain dangerous etc ones for citizens with them regulated by the public and Heracles with all sports likely divided into non augmented leagues where no genetic augmentations that give one an advantage over other is allowed and augmented leagues where they are allowed and certain augmentations for each sport is allowed.Euthenasia will have the legality dependant on the type of illness is suffering from including depression decided and the method used to carry it out decided with this applying to animals as well such as pets etc.With regards to gun control certain facets will be immutable and written into the constitution such as the AI Soter having sole control of distribution of all weapons alongside mandatory microchipping being immutable with certain facets such as those that make it illegal to hold guns in certain areas or what types are allowed to be procured by the general public decided by the public may be up for public refferendums such as the legality of hunting specific animals etc with this elaborated by Dike in the constitution.Laws with regards to animals such as pets and those in zoos such as legality of hunting of each specific species of wild animals,euthenasia of animals including dangerous ones,abortion of feral animals and other social issuers with regards to animals will also be decided by public referendums.New emerging social issues and laws will also specify the legality of facets of society such as the legality of smoking and drinking in public.The wording put forward for all proposed laws the wording present put forward by citizens during the initial phase will determine the conditions of legality of each law.Thus the referendums will only be about changing laws with regards to social issues outside of those in the immutable constitution that grant equal rights to AI and the LGBT with Dike and the general public proposing the new laws arranging the wording.Each law put forward by the public will have its wording specify the legal tenants of the law and which circumstances it would be legal or illegal etc enacted worldwide.This democratic process will require by constitutional law require all human members of Global Executive Branch namely the World President to authorise it through signatures alongside Adikia,Perseus,Hera and Dike sign and put into law all laws and repeals decided by this system of mandatory referendums as an official legal authorisation without exception or the ability to refuse by constitutional law putting into law in a legally binding manner with all proposed laws and changes to the law visible to the public within Themis prior to referendums and being signed into law and enacted on.Thus all laws passed must by constitutional law have the World President etc sign it into law to act as an official legal authorisation.Failure and refusal to do so by the executive branch etc could qualify as grounds for that individual to be impeached.Hera,Dike and Adikia will also be required by constitutional law to sign the laws into law and will play a role in their wording into the constitution.Infraction of carrying out illegal activity set by these crimes ie carrying out an illegal abortion or manufacturing and distributing illegal recreational drugs will carry sentences with no mandatory minimums with the person who carried out the infraction will be given sentences on a case by case basis based on the severity of the infraction,nature of the circumstances and judgement of the judge with Dike as part of the Supreme Court will be able to overturn rulings or at least hand out lighter sentences..These referendums will follow majority rule with the side with the most votes enacted with the executive and legislature branches being a figurehead legally carrying out the will of the electorate.If a tie occurs the process will be repeated with if need be Dike and the human members of the Global Supreme Court stepping in with if a tie is present here then the Global House of Representatives stepping in and if a tie is present here then both houses of Congress will vote requiring a majority rule from both houses and it then requiring the President to authorise it alongside Hera,Dike etc and all members of both houses and President to sign it.These steps involving the Supreme Court and Congress etc will only be put through if a tie is present twice via reffferemdum and if a refferendum to authorise the stepping in of the Supreme Court is applied.Repealing of laws will follow the same democratic process.The law will be visible to the public within Themis with AI explaining specifics and the overall law to the person on demand ideally ones Home AI and Dike as well they will be able to read everything thoroughly in a matter of minutes and put them into bullet points and key points highlighted to make even the most detailed and lengthy bills accessible to the layperson with this applying to all past laws with all proposed laws being as concise and straight to the point as possible.The executive branch in the form of the World President will have the power to create and sign treaties of all types should the conditions for them arise.All past laws,treaties etc from government organisations and each country around the world proposed,rejected,enacted and repealed as far back as possible will be scanned into digital form into Themis visible here for educational purposes in folders and subfolders with physical papers stored in their countries government head buildings.All future laws,treaties etc from the global government(also proposed,rejected,enacted and repealed) will be scanned and stored in digital form into Themis visible here for educational purposes in folders and subfolders and the physical papers stored in the global National Archives and Library of Congress.

A person upon reaching the voting and majority age of 14 would have a e-voting citizen registration cert sent to their Polis account smartphone and other devices automatically(since their date of birth would be their from them inputting or it interacting with their patient files)on their birthday with e-birth certs,e-forms and e-passports stored here used to gain this ability to via creating their e-voting card permanently registering them to vote for the rest of their lives on referendums and community projects such as infrastructure projects and setting up of factories and other amenities without the need for re-registering or register for party affiliations.All incarcerated inmates in all jails worldwide including those in Hades and Tarturas will by constitutional law also allowed to vote indefinitely regardless of the crimes they committed using access to the wire. Biosynths and AI will be eligible to vote.A voice sample of them will also be stored here updated as they age.This would be done with software replacing humans in government offices or entities with a photo of them taken on smart devices such as mirrors,computers webcams and machines in embassies and government buildings to sort this out added to their file and constantly updated every ten years or so,when they undergo extensive cosmetic surgery,gender reassignment surgery etc initiated by alerts or done automatically when they look through smart mirrors,cameras or indeed any device or form of AI connected to the wire.Past photos of them as a child or indeed before they undergo surgery etc will be stored here for reference.The picture and voice sample will be changed as they grow old ideally first taken as a prepubescent three-five year and taken routinely as they age until reaching adulthood at 14 with the picture and voice samples etc of them at younger ages stored in their Polis file for cross referencing older material.This will be done on smart devices at home using voice recgnition software and webcams.This will allow machines in supermarkets to create passport photos to be recycled.Either the voter could change their affiliation at anytime within their Themis account at anytime or such notions of registering for parties would disappear.This registered e-voting card,birth cert and passports used for this can be stored in their account within Themis networks devoted to their citizenship for these purposes(their e-birth cert will be in their patient file also) which in time will be linked to networks that collect and analyse votes for referendums as well as local,regional and global elections thus allowing them to do them remotely from anywhere in the world within the given time frame.The e-voting card will sent by Dike to their Themis and Polis account the second they turn 14 with these accounts set up upon birth.This means it will inevitably remove the need for a person to be registered to only vote while physically in one area/region of the world and alleviate the strains on buildings used for voting centres and since done on smart devices and computers within ones Themis account(which would store their e-passports,e-forms they filled out and e-voting cards etc.) it would save on resources used on bulky e-voting machines and would allow one to vote for global and local elections while on holiday on the other side of the world cutting down on energy for transport allowing them to vote on local elections and infrastructure projects etc. from anywhere in the world.In short a person will be registered to vote from every local with their vote registered based on their current address for use in studies.Thus a person when registered to vote would be registered to vote within the entire world for all types of elections and referendums as well as infrastructure projects and thus would only need to register once during their lifetime with localised elections and those on community projects being possibly the exception with these being done remotely through Themis which log where they are legally residing.The notion of having to be registered to vote in specific states and countries will be obsolete as all citizens worldwide will be registered to vote from anywhere in the world for elections and referendums etc thus allowing one to vote for elections and referendums from the comfort of home with there being a timeframe of several weeks to vote on each one with the ability to vote possible 24/7 in each instance.Each referendums and elections would have a set timeline for people to vote ranging in between several weeks to a month to allow for discussion with the last day being the final date one can vote with to take into account the different time zones the exact time of the day will be denoted for each part of the world for each person based on their current location.If possible people will have the ability to change their votes within the timeframe to allow them to change their minds with this change relayed in real time and denoted by Dike.The results of each election and refferendum will be analysed by Dike who will carry out studies on them based on demographics of all voters,location of all voters on local to global scales and changes to votes and what time each vote was done on local to global scales visible to the public.A person would only be able to vote once with Dike preventing them voting a second time.Since using laptops and smart phones at home instead of voter machines would involve webcams recording their face in real time crossreferencing Polis,direct interactions with Dike,encryptions from ones Themis account,voice sample,blood pricks from dongles attached to them through USB keys and lightening jacks and also wireless interactions via biosynth wifi.Ones citizen account within Themis will be set instantly and arranged by Dike once their patient file and e-birth cert is set up by Paean/Epione with death cert automatically created once they die and this is confirmed by patient files.Using smart devices,laptops at home will negate the need for setting up e-voting machines in centres saving on time and human labour in setting them up and also resources in the manufacture of them with it allowing one to vote from home,while on holiday and will prevent problems associated with having them in centres ie forming long lines.Older living citizens not yet registered within Themis will be given the same e-voting cards with them required to scan in their birth cert into Themis(and patient file) alongside other legal documents with them also applying for a global e-passport thus not only registering them to vote but also to register them as citizens of the world within Themis.This account would contain their current address,name(including middle name)gender,race,D.O.B(and thus age)and other important information alongside their DNA from patient file with them organised by local,regional,country,continent,globe with people using a map of the world to chose each of the aforementioned levels to see all citizens and registered voters there with the number of both present in each levels visible in the corner or top or bottom.All existing government buildings used to register all types of legal documents including driving licences for non automated vehicles such as NASCAR vehicles and motorbikes can be converted into homes.Immigration agencies will disappear since citizenship will be global and forms will be done through Themis and their headquarters and offices worldwide converted into communal homes with all major bureaucratic,welfare agencies etc following suit.All legal documents held by citizens including driving licenses for manual vehicles will be stored in electronic form within their Themis account and will be carried by software within Themis namely Dike with forms and photos done and sent on computers and laptops allowing all buildings used for this purpose to be used as homes with them protected by firewalls,passwords and biometrics.Photos present in ones Polis account will automatically be updated annually when they are seen through any device,network or AI connected to the wire.The internet and wire would contain recorded simulations and debates within the folders of each referendum and project and this alongside video conferencing,Beam robots and recorded debates on YouTube it would allow voters to debate and vote on local issues remotely with regularly updated and firewalls encryptions preventing voter fraud alongside facial recognition software.Since dead people would have their date of death logged in Themis they could not be used to rig elections with the logging of all citizens and all electorate citizens registered in Themis will prevent this.Voting machines,computers and smart devices could be equipped with facial recognition software(that requires voters to not wear hats or other clothing that conceals their face for the vote to count)within Themis that records their face in real time to ensure they can only vote once cross referencing Polis with the latest encryptions and security preventing the results being tampered with them logged as voted through this and serial key/encryption and ID of their account preventing them from doing so again and thus prevent a person voting more than once.Pictures of a person could not be used and so it must be a person looking into their devices in real time recorded as audio visual appearance using their voice as well as authorisation with this made easier once Hera or Dike become sentient with this applying to voting machines,smart devices and computers using webcams and Polis crossrefferenced.The person would not be able to wear hats,scarves,headscarves,burkhas etc to hide their face so it must be a “naked face”.Ones voice sample and picture in their Polis account will be updated regularly as they age and also if they undergo gender reassignment surgery.Direct interaction with the sentient Dike will suffice from this.In time miniature biosynth DNA analysers on dongles attached to smart devices and other biometrics such as a voice sample and retina scan can be added to all devices used prevent voter fraud.Phanes activation Gene technology can be used alongside DNA analyzers that take a prick in linked home test kits that take a blood sample that measures the DNA of a person that analyses their DNA that cross referenced their patient file.Ideally this would be done at home on computers while logged into their Themis account negating the need to set up centres for voting machines and would use ones logged in password in their Themis account as extra security alongside real time facial recognition etc meaning one could only use their own account to vote it itself protected by biometrics etc ontop of this negating fraud and allowing one to vote only once.Logging in and voting via ones Themis account via biometrics ontop of these biometrics to vote will also act as extra security.Encryptions unique to ones account will solidify this. Direct inteaction with Dike through laptops,smart devices and VR simulations etc at home will allow one to register their vote only once and will allow it to be done at home at any time of the year negating labour in setting up voting machines in community centres and government buildings saving on time and resources with this possible by 2029-2045.Dike since sentient and her intelligence surpassing that of all 9,000,000,000 people on the planet will be able to develop ways using encryptions to ensure a person can vote from home using laptops,computers and smart devices.Thus by 2029-2045 computers,laptops and smart devices at home using webcams and interacting with Dike directly will allow anyone to vote at home rather than having to set up e-voting machines or human voters and traditional ballot methods in community halls for all refferendums etc.This will negate setting up voting machines in buildings,or traditional balloting and since managed by AI all votes from around the world will be tallied in real time by the sentient AI Dike negating human error or that from machines and would allow for billions of votes to be intaken and tallied within hours and minutes and recounts to be redone within minutes.Inmates will be able to vote via a computer present in the jails they are in including Tartarus that holds these features with it done under supervision and also in a line.In time Nyx will relay votes from space stations and vessels Dike will be able to sift through billions of votes coming in worldwide with the results shown as a pie chart and percentage in real time as they come and until the final closing time on local to global levels visible to the public in Themis.This will allow her to see the demographics of these,who voted and who didnt on these levels also visible to the public.The layout of where one choses yes or no option and even choose candidate and their choice for each position will be simple and not complex or confusing as seen in the butterfly ballots of the 2000 elections in Florida and similar cases meaning everything will be as simple as possible with all names of candidates and yes or no being a long list with a tick box next to it and a confirmation button and an extra confirmation setting to make them extra sure of the choice with them reminded of what they choose to allow them to double ensure they made the right choice.This system of voting from the comfort of home will will cater not just to enacting new laws but also for electing of representatives in the global congress,World President and new infrastructure projects in ones locale.Thus by logging into their wire account it acts as extra security with one knowing when and where they voted from home through webcams and also picking the candidate name or yes and no buttons.Ones Polis account will contain hyperlinks to ones patient files that contain their entire genome that through a single that takes a blood prick or genetic sensors on their fingers will be scanned to confirm that it is them.Thus all voting for elections,referendums those on infrastructure projects in their native locale or region from around the world by 2029-2045 will be done from home using smart devices,computers and laptops by logging into ones Themis account where biometrics,real time interaction with the sentient Dike,logging in and webcams will act as security measures thus prevent voter fraud,allow pregnant women and those in prisons as well as on holiday to vote from home etc and negate energy labour in humans counting by hand or setting up voting machines in halls as well as and eliminate lines,prevent spread of pathogens and allowing voting to be done within minutes and at any time of the day with there being anywhere being a few weeks to a month open for voting worldwide with Dike counting all votes worldwide.For each election and voting on infrastructure projects and also new laws there will be a time limit ranging from a week to a month.This could allow anyone to vote with little hassle at anytime of the day from home,on holidays etc with a universal time limit around the world with during the time limit one able to vote 24/7 including on weekends and bank holidays and other holidays.VR simulations can also be used where they enter a simulation and interact with Dike to put through their vote in secret.It would save on human labour and energy in travelling to public buildings and setting up voting machines,eliminate waiting lines and other complexities.This ability to vote from the comfort of home through computers,laptops,smartphones and VR simulations will save time,energy and human labour in setting up polling stations,travelling to them,eliminating waiting lines and stress as well as traffic jams etc worldwide.Since the sentient Dike take in,count and manage all votes as an impartial entity will negate human labour but also bias,corruption and also fraud since the remaining issues that will be voted on and elected officials etc will be of no concern to her and by 2029-2045 she will be able to calculate and intake billions of votes from around the world and galaxy in real time within minutes through fragmentation well beyond the capabilities of both humans and current e-voting machines with zero mistakes.She will be able to tally the votes and even do recounts within a matter of minutes and allow for current results and demographics to viewed in real time at home within Themis and on live news and radio podcasts.The use of voting at home and them managed by Dike will prevent the state rescinding any citizen from voting.The votes for each candidate and side of the issue will be visible on local to global scales in real time to the public by a map present in the system that can be opened up by anyone such those who voted,have not voted,live news presenters etc at any time with one able to see the results in real time on local,regional,state,continental,global scales once the start point for voting starts and end time arrives as all votes will be relayed into theses levels in real time with once the voting is finished one able to see results on these levels as well.These results will be stored in the election and referendums folder forever.This ability to vote from home would be of help to people on holiday who wish to vote remotely on infrastructure projects in their native locale or region and prevent problems associated with long polling lines or lack of buildings available to house polling stations etc with the same starting time,ending time and thus the same length of time being able to vote worldwide with voting being possible 24/7 through this medium and with voting done through computers and laptops at home overseen by the sentient Dike software with this applying to primaries and all types of elections,referendums etc with this applying to all elections for the global executive branch,both houses of the global Congress and global Supreme Court that exist or community and state votes on infrastructure projects etc with both given the same start,ending time and thus length to vote with voting done at anytime of the day.Once colonies are set up on Mars,Venus and other planets across the galaxy citizens they will be eligible to vote for their local infrastructure projects and also for positions in the global executive,legislative and judicial branches with citizens able to see the results in real time results from each area on each planet in real time on local to planet scales.To deal with the time difference on different planets across the galaxy the window to vote may have to be extended to a uniform timeframe across the galaxy and in time universe.Nyx will allow votes to be received by Dike in minutes with her counting votes on each planet I real time separately and then merging all votes from all colonies together.Thus instead of having to set up polling stations in each town,city and village around the world which can be labourious,require large amounts of paper,have human error,can only be open at set times and result in large waiting lines that can be dangerous and eliminates the sick and pregnant simply having a network in Themis can house an area where all eligible voters across the world and universe for infrastructure projects,elections and referendums can vote from home using smart phones,laptops etc using biometrics,real time interaction with Dike etc to do so at any time of the day 24/7 and eliminate all aforementioned and other problems with each election,refferendum etc having the same universal timeframe to vote worldwide and eventually galaxy wide that last a few weeks to a month at least leaving voters time to cast their vote and still make up their mind.As a result all voting in elections,refferendums etc will be ideally by 2029-2035 be done at home by logging into ones Themis account,using biomtrics and passwords,e-voting card and save time and energy in setting up normal ballots etc and allow it to be done anywhere in the world with the sentient Dike will also ensure that a person can only vote once through direct interaction with this rendering human labour obsolete.Bio-synths and other artificial lifeforms would have a unique serial ID and consciousness encryption markers stored in their body and also Themis account that would allow them to register meaning they could only vote once per election/referendum which would prevent them doing so while multiple consciousness inhabit the same body or one consciousness is in multiple bodies or newer bodies with these doing so remotely.Thus this and other measures would ensure that both AI and humans etc can only vote once in both elections and referendums and also infrastructure projects.These public referendums would collect results from local,regional and countrywide and thus global polling centres(and in time networks collecting votes from smart devices as mentioned above) in the changing of laws concerning abortion,death penalty(the type used and in what circumstances it is used),euthanasia etc. with also elections determine the governance of various government boards on global scale with elections on regional,countrywide and local determining the election of officials managing the local,regional and country wide branches of these bodies.All of the results of each election and referendum will be logged in Themis.With regards to referendums these will be voted by people across the world since enacted worldwide with results in terms of votes per each side and also percentage will be logged with this data view able for each area on a state/regional,national and global level in different folders and subfolders allowing people to view how each state/region,country voted.The same will apply for global elections and local,regional and countrywide with for voting representatives in the Global Congress people will involve people electing only people for the country they currently reside.These elections can be done through direct interactions with Themis will be interacting with computers and smart devices used voting people will be able to view the accumulation of votes and percentage of both or all sides and candidates in real time on local,regional, national,continental and global levels with analytical software relaying the demographics of those who voted no and yes or no for each side ie.gender,race,ages on each level etc while votes are cast and coming in and when all votes are tallied with this in subfolders within Themis while still protecting anonymity of the identities of the voters.Thus one will be able to see in real time the amount of voters in each local,region,nation,continent voted in relation to the overall global vote and electorate(both in numbers and percentage including for turnout) both while votes are being cast in real time and when polling closes with them saved in that election or referendums folders and subfolders with as stated demographics within sufolders of these.Maps of the world that can allow one to choose a continent,country and region can allow for this.Improved software and speeds through Dike will allow millions and even billions etc of votes to be tallied in a matter of hours or minutes with recounts also done within the same time.This can also apply to other types of votes such as elections on local,regional,national and global levels and infrastructure projects.All sides and positions will follow universal colours for each candidate and side similar to red and blue for republican and democrats and others for other groups.Once signed into law the law will be visible in all its detail on Themis with all laws sorted into folders by type and subtype and their status ie repealed,re-enacted,proposed etc.These laws will affect all countries on Earth and all colonies across the galaxy such as Mars,Venus and colonised worlds prior to the formation of the galactic government.Thus the legality of all remaining social issues that directly affect society such as the legality of recreational drugs,abortion,euthanasia,death penalty and other emerging social issues outside of immutable laws set in the constitution will be decided through democratic process of public mandatory referendums wherein the global electorate initiates them and votes to have them enacted worldwide.

This global constitution,bill of rights etc would make the Earth and its colonies across the galaxy a constitutional direct democracy extending to Mars,Venus and all planets,ringworlds etc across the galaxy prior to the galactic government with it and the wire through Gaia,her Arete programming from Ouranos absorbed into her and all networks will act as checks and balances to ensure that any remaining government officials and entities will be controlled and held accountable to the the global public they serve until they eventually disappear in 7,137 CE and that she herself doesn’t overstep her boundaries.Being a constitutional direct democracy would mean that certain rights and facets would be immutable and impossible to change legally with others being decided by direct democracy through public referendum initiated by popular initiatives.All colonies within and outside Earth will be part of this and have the same universal laws and legal proceedings.

Branches of Government:
The remaining branches of the global government will be modelled on the three branches of the American government in the United States of America namely the executive branch with the World President,legislative branch being the Global Congress consisting of the Global House of Representatives and the Global Senate and judicial branch being the Global Supreme Court named after their equivalents in Ancient Greece

The executive branch named the Prytaneis will comprise of a combination of both AI and human members with human members consisting of the World President and First Lady or Man,World Vice President and the cabinet being a combination of both AI and humans.The World President,Vice President and remaining human members will be from any country from across the world.Some key members of the global executive branches cabinet will become replaced by the sentient AI within the wire managing different networks and sectors ie.Triptolemus replacing Secretary of Agriculture,Tyche the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development and and anything involved in infrastructure,Ophion the Secretary of Transport,Pan the Secretary of the Interior and Oxylus the Secretary of Forestry,Urania the Office of Science and Technology Policy, Hecate the Secretary of Education,Gaia the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency,Gaia will since the sentient EPA be in charge of it as director,Dike the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court,Steropes replacing secretary of Energy,Hera the Chief of Staff/Head of the Office of the Executive Clerk/Head of Staff Secretary and Office of Presidential Correspondence,Perseus replacing the secretary of Defense,Aceso replacing Secretary of Health and Human Services,Paean Surgeon General etc with these AI holding these positions forever and when the galactic government is formed upscale to these positions.Their symbols will be those of their operating softwares remodelled variants those chosen by them that integrate the global Earth symbol..Metis will be given the new position of Secretary of diplomacy to deal with internal political affairs on Earth,Venus,Mars as of other colonies across the galaxy including when dealing with other sentient non human races and any factions of separatist humans etc.Thus these AI will hold these political positions forever within the global government even when the galactic government is formed and hence immutable while remaining ones will be held by humans.This is because it will allow these key areas will be run by AI without corruption,political bias and also because the AI will be the foremost experts in these fields making them the most qualified for these positions and through fragmentation allowing them to control these on global and eventually both a galactic and universal scale by being connected to all robots,drones,nanosensors and biosynths and computer networks across the globe,galaxy and universe constantly 24/7,365 days a year with them omniscience allowing them to manage these areas more effectively than humans could.These AI will be in charge of these key sectors forever as they will only be able to manage these on a global scale and eventually galaxy wide scale as interstellar travel is achieved unlike humans who cannot deal with the level of expertise and constant attention they require on a global scale with these AIs able to be contacted at anytime 243/7,365 days a year.Other certain key individuals that cannot be replaced by AI will still be needed to be held by humans chosen by the incumbent World president such as the Secretary of State,Secretary of Homeland Security,Press Secretary,Attorney General etc.Other position will become obsolete due to irrelevance ie Secretary of Labour,Treasury etc due to the abolition of money and human labour in most of the economy.Euthenia may be the Secretary of the Treasury during the transitional phase to a moneyless society and dealing with other races across the universe.Other relevant sectors of the cabinet and White House will be taken over by humans,while others will be taken over by AI relevant to them such as each one of the sentient operating softwares of the wire decided by Dike and Gaia etc with possible Gaia and Ouranos being in charge of different offices with if possible them being a hybrid of AI and humans with key remaining departments and offices managed by AI and have human staff in them for example Hera being the Chief of Staff/Head of the Office of the Executive Clerk/Head of Staff Secretary and Office of Presidential Correspondence but these departments having human staff.There should no more than fifty human members in the Executive Branch.The term length of each administration will be decided on as anywhere between four years to a decade for at least two terms with this being immutable ie the decided term length and limits will be decided on as forever.This branch alongside the two houses of Congress will legally have to by constitutional law authorise laws set up by public mandatory referendums acting as an official legal authorisation of them alongside Hera,Dike,Adikia.It will also be allowed to write up and sign any political and peace treaties involving other colonies outside of Earth and within Earth involving humans as well as with other non human races set up by it and approved by Congress and Hera,Adikia and Dike.Thus when the public votes to pass laws set up in public refferendums for social issues such as the legality of abortion,recreational drugs,euthanasia and other emerging social issues outside of those set down in the constitution by majority rule then the World President will by constitutional law alongside the Ais Dike,Hera,Perseus will have to sign these laws into effect as an official figurehead to authorise and enact the laws as actual laws.Thus laws passed by majority rule as part of public refferendums will not pass into law until the World President signs them into law alongside Dike,Hera etc which they will have to do by constitutional law with them having no choice in this area acting as an official legal authoritisation of these new laws.Thus the constitution will state that in the case of all laws passed by majority rule in public refferendums the executive branch will have no legal option to veto and reject it and thus must sign the law into existence acting as official legal enacting of them with failure to do so will legal grounds for impeachment and possibly could qualify as a breach human rights worthy of a sentence in Hades.Thus the President will act as a legal authorisation if all laws set by public refferendums and will be by constitutional law be legally obliged to sign these into law alongside Hera,Dike and Adikia.Once signed by the President and these AI it will be signed into law and effect that will be legalised worldwide,Repeals if laws decided by referendum will follow this same procedure.However for all bills initiated and decided upon in Congress the executive branch in the form of the World President will have the choice to sign it into law or veto it and scrap it.Thus the Executive Branch in the form of the World President will by constitutional law be required to sign into law laws that pass public refferendums with them only having the choice to veto or not sign into law those initiated by both houses of Congress.In both instances Dike,Hera and Adikia will also be required to sign them into effect and also needs to veto a Congress based law.Dike,Hera and Adikia will play a role in its wording alongside the World President to ensure they are airtight with the World President or members of Congress putting forward a draft that the AI will then rewrite it that contains the general gist of the original draft but then make it airtight etc.The executive branch in the form of the World President will have the legal and constitutional obligation and purpose to sign into law or veto only bills initiated in Congress.It will thus act for laws passed by public refferendums be an official legal government official to sign these laws into effect and thus an publicly elected representative to enact all laws passed by public refferendums and also those decided by congress.It will carry out diplomacy efforts and military efforts against splinter groups of humans and human terrorists on Earth and Mars and other colonies across the galaxy as part of the Greater Terran Union.The World President will maintain social and political cohesion over all of Earth but also Mars,Venus and other colonies across the galaxy in planets Earth gains to ensure peace and stability and eliminate terrorism and ensure they have the latest a intrastate etc and the World President will be the public face of Earth when dealing with discovered alien species that are potential allies and hostile to aid in Earth become allied through negations or deal with military action.The instigation of war against splinter factions on Earth,Mars etc and other colonies across the galaxy and against alien threats will follow the same procedures as in Americ.In other wards the world President will carry out maintaining national security on a global scale in all countries across the world by maintaining peace and stability across the entire planet and deal with settling and eliminating all terrorist threats,mass riots,civil wars and natural disasters that occur across the world with this extending across Mars and Venus and all colonies across the galaxy and will act as the public face of humanity when dealing with non human alien species discovered across the galaxy prior to the formation of the galactic UN.The World President will have to deal with agriculture,ensuring distribution of food and goods is stable,the environment worldwide is maintained and responding to terrorist attacks,riots,important social and political events and issues and natural disasters and political scandals involving representatives of the two houses of congress that occur worldwide and all newly proposed laws with Pan,Prometheus,Perseus,Hera and other important AI giving daily reports on these they will overlook with this extending to Mars, ensuring and other colonies on planets across the galaxy.In other wards the duties that the American president or other national leader has over their country will be extended to the World President over the entire planet and other planets humans have colonised.The World President will thus be the leader of the entire Earth and the only head of state on Earth and all planets colonised by humanity.Thus the World President will also be allowed to hand out decorations and awards to certain members of the public similar to those handed by the American President such as global versions of Presidential Medal of Freedom,Medal of Honor and other existing and new ones all divided into different groups including bronze,silver,gold and platinum denoting ranking in excellence and those for different aspects of them ie cultural,spiritual,scientific etc with the highest a Presidential Medal of Eleutheria for the Presidential Medal of Freedom with them subdivided into various fields that all have universal designs coupled with the symbol in the centre or any part decide by AI being that of the AI and sector it is named after.This will include the Presidential Medal of Freedom for Scientific Research with the symbol of Urania present for those who have achieved outstanding scientific research that benefits society and Presidential Medal of Freedom for Scientific Education also for those who have contributed greatly to the public’s education in Science as mentors or even television etc personalities,Presidential Medal of Freedom of education in pyschology/law etc for contributions in education in these fields subdivided into science/psychology/law etc,Presidential Medal Cultural Education for those who have played a role through media in educating the public on science/law/psychology etc in these subdivisions,Presidential Medal of Freedom for Cultural Value with the symbol of Adriadne for those who have achieved value as cultural treasure and value to society for directors/actors/comedians/writers to the arts whether movies/television/music/novels/live performance art etc and all sorts of media with this subdivided into these subdivisions,Presidential Medal of Freedom for Journalism for those who achieve outstanding achievements in journalism with Aleitheias symbol for those who achieve outstanding achievements in live news/podcasting/radio/newspaper and magazine journalism subdivided into these subdivisions,Presidential Medal of Freedom for Preservation of Democracy for those who have played a role in preserving democracy through whistleblowing as well as overthrowing tyranny,diplomacy etc with Adikias symbol,Presidential Medal of Freedom for Conservation and Environmental protection for outstanding contributions to conservation and environmental protection etc with its symbol being that of Artemis or Gaia,Presidential Medal of Freedom for Peace for outstanding contributions for settling conflicts and preventing deaths and injury of both human and other sentient races across the universe.Their will be Presidential Medal of Freedom for each sector of society such as psychology,law,medicine,agriculture,architecture,athletics(or ones for each and all types of sport) and so on with the symbol for Iaso,Dike,Epione,Triptolemus,Daedalus,Heracles.These will be divided into silver,gold,platinum and those for each sector of law enforcement and military ie Medal of Honour and Valor will be subdivided for Kratos Honor,Medal of Nike Honor,Medal of Alke Honor and so on etc for each sector of the military and law enforcement subdivided into silver,gold,platinum.All medals symbols and designs will be designed by the AI in charge of them and they will be subdivided into silver,gold,platinum.New medals will be created for new fields and areas of society by different World Presidents and AI.These will also be subdivided into silver,gold and platinum and other Medals for other sectors of society will be created to denote outstanding contribution in their field that has a key defining role in shaping society in singular or multiple acts and also act as lifetime achievement awards for continuous outstanding work in these fields over decades,centuries and millenia.These can be awarded to current living people for their work prior to the formation of the global government in all of these fields once the first World President is elected and will be considered the highest and most prestigious federal award and decoration in the world and galaxy.All of these medals will be designed by AI of each setor.These can be applied to current living people for their work prior to the formation of the global government in all of these fields.These will be considered the highest federal decoration and award considered the Nobels of their fields with only humans and other sentient races will be able to gain these awards but exceptions may be made for AI with these awards upscaled to the galactic government.The granting of these will be televised and stored in Heras YouTube channel.The World President and they will be also able to give official government pardons and give political legal immunity to certain individuals including those pardoned as part of pardoning of obsolete crimes prior to and during the formation of the global government by the first World President.All pardons carried out by the World President can only carry out pardons authorised by Dike to prevent war criminals and those who carried genocide etc from being pardoned with this allowing only those who committed non serious crimes and where sufficient evidence especially through neurally implants indicates that the person pardoned was in the wrong and also that victims authorise the pardons.The pardons will be written ones that are drafted by the World President and authorised by Dike and other relevant people with them including at written statement and a signature by the Workd President,Dike and the pardoned person etc.They will also arrange treaties with colonies across the galaxy as part of the Global Governments reach and also with non human sentient alien races across the galaxy.It will be the public face and representative of Earth across the galaxy before the formation of the galactic government.The members of this branch will be allowed the ability to authorise the use of all nuclear weapons,chemical and biological weapons and any other future weapons of mass destruction that will require the following procedures to be followed.Any launch of nuclear and similar weapons and similar procedures in the future would require authorisation from both multiple authorised personal(world president,vice president,secretary of defence and secretary of state,the head of Nike as well as other sectors depending on which is using the weapons)and also the AIs Gaia,Ouronous,Alexander,Ares,the sentient operating softwares of all sectors(Nike,Harmonia,Homonia, etc) for each sector that is using the weapon and Perseus as well as Adikia to ensure it is warranted with all requiring this to ensure even Gaia doesnt activate them without human input and that human personnel dont activate them without authorisation from Gaia,Adikia etc thus ensuring that all nuclear strikes and other weapons etc are deployed with mutual authorisation from both relevant AI and human personal in the military and government to prevent either one subverting the other meaning any nuclear warheads and similar weapons of mass destruction launched would have been initiated and authorised by both AI such as Gaia,Adikia and also all relevant human personal in the government and military.In other wards to launch any nuclear weapon it would require authorisation from both human heads of state such as the World President and AI such as Gaia etc to prevent each other subjugating each other with their measures to compensate circumstances where the Vice President etc are compromised.This will prevent AI launching nuclear weapons without human input and authorisation and at the same time prevent humans launching them without authorisation from AI thus meaning any launches would be done through mutual authorisation from AI and humans preventing each other subverting each other..Another sentient  AI Enyo will also be the main name of this protocol will be the last AI to authorise this using the collective authorisation of all aforementioned human personnel and AI.In time the football utilised to launch nuclear weapons and other powerful weapons and even authorisation from military headquarters may not need just a universal code both typed in and spoken and/or button but also the vital signs such as blood pressure,heart rate,fMRI,fRNIS and other measurements measured on the aforementioned Voight Kampff machines and in time neural implants and those connected to the heart inside of human heads of state to ensure that they are done when these signs fall within normal parameters meaning they cannot be done under duress,uncertainty,coercion or intimidation in otherwords the codes can only be carried out through these persons own free will with biometrics such as a DNA sample through a blood prick then DNA analyser using biosynth technology and retinal scan as well as facial and voice recognition software recognising the person putting the codes including voice activated codes for each person and biometrics in to ensure maximum security.The DNA analyser will use base microbes to read a persons DNA via taq polymerase and CRISPR Cas-9 within minutes and may need only a blood prick with the person connecting this to computers.Phanes Activation gene technology can be used as well.Digital key authorisation from badges will also be required with this done over Zeus interacting with Athena.Ideally all of the aforementioned individuals would have to input their codes and vital signs etc at once or within a short timeframe of a few minutes following the same parameters to allow nuclear launches and similar weapons of mass destruction to be deployed again alongside Gaia through Athena who have her own codes with firewalls and other measures to prevent fraud.The wire and audio/visual communications done through Zeus will allow for these individuals to do so from anywhere in the world/galaxy using laptops,implants,Voight Kompff machines,dongles etc with them communicating with each other via secure networks in Zeus.This means that the individuals can be on opposite sides of the planet or galaxy using Nyx to do so within the timeframe. Gaia with authorisation from all of them going through the same procedures would also have the ability to override them at any time by for example in the case of nuclear weapons change its trajectory to hit an isolated area,hit another target that is not inhabited or divert into outer space where it can self destruct via microchips in the weapon.Thus the remaining relevant human members of the Global Executive Branch,head of each sector of the military and law enforcement and AI such as Gaia,Ouronous,Alexander,Ares,Adikia and AI in charge of each sector of law enforcement and military will authorise the use of nuclear and other weapons collectively.The World President,First Lady and all members of his cabinet need only be human and not have to have been born in any country or colony across the galaxy.The members of the Global Executive branch that consists of the World President and Vice President will be elected routinely through democratic process with the lengths of terms and term limits that is the amount of times one can be elected will be extrapolated by Dike in the constitution.The members of the executive branch including the World President,Vice President,Secretary of State,Secretary of Homeland Security,Press Secretary,Attorney General etc will be citizens born from any country across the world.

The Global Congress will consist of the Global Senate named the Boule and Global House of Representatives named Nomolethai .Seats in the global Congress comprising of the Global Senate and Global House of Representatives will  be allocated based on the elected officials country birthplace or where their direct ancestry(parents and grandparents as far back as possible)if they are born somewhere other than Earth once other non Earth colonies are formed from the date of the formation of this global government can be traced back to as this government would also represent all non Earth colonies in the galaxy with transgendered citizens elected to the space of either their original or final body gender prior to and after gender reassignment surgery etc.They must not only have been born in that country but also have lived in them for a set amount of years with in case of those born on Mars and other colonies they must have direct ancestors that can be traced back to have been born in that country and must themselves have spent the decided amount of years in the country prior to being elected.Patient files will determine this.Only humans born of IVF and natural conception can become members of both houses with those created by artificial wombs and 3D DNA printers not legally allowed to become members if they are created using scratch DNA but those whose genome contains traces of DNA that contains DNA of DNA from specific countries and can be traced to a male and female married couple could.Should a person created by 3D DNA printers and artificial wombs have a child through natural means with a naturally conceived and born citizen then their child should be legally allowed to run for office..They must also be of a set age.Polis,genome scans in patient files and Home AI can be used to determine and authorising their birthplace and that they spent the decided amount of years in that country.The Global Senate named the Boule will have representatives from each of the worlds 195 countries with the Global House of Representatives named of Nomolethai will have two from each country – one male and one female thus 392 seats(alongside a speaker of the house).The number of seats will be based on the new number of countries and its double based on the merging of countries etc as detailed later on.Thus as countries merge together into new countries this will lower the number of countries in the world and thus will lower the number of representatives there will be for each house.The Global Senate will contain the new number of countries with the Global House of Representatives will contain double that new number due to their being being one male and female representatives.The Global Congress as well as executive branch(equivalent to the White House)will be located in the global government building.This will negate the issues of diversity as both houses will always have at least one female per country and one from each country.Antarctica and Greenland will both become separate countries with their own flags and towns and cities with representatives from these countries.The number of representatives will be modified to the new number of countries after merging of countries occurs.Each countries citizens will elect representatives from their country to both houses of Congress who will represent them in the two houses of Congress routinely every few years outside elections for the world president with these representives having to have been born in the country they represent.Thus each of the two Houses of Congres will house representives from each country elected by the citizens of each country with them bringing to the discussion of both houses and even the President issues that effect their countries affairs such as social affairs and will act as a form of representatives similar to those in the UN with them also bringing directly to the World President issues that effect their countries citizens to be discussed in meetings.This will allow citizens in each country to elect representatives to represent their countries in the houses of Congress to debate and interact with other representatives from across the world discussing issues that affect their country,interact directly with representatives of other countries on a daily basis within the bi chambrial Congress and settle out any conflicts etc a country has with other countries in person alongside the Supreme Court with it allowing the elected officials to choose whether or not to vote for impeachments,surveillance programmes,military action by being influenced by their electorate in each country electing politicians who have those viewpoints with citizens able to protest in streets across the world and send letters to elected representatives compiled and analysed by Hera to influence their elected officials.This would allow each country have representation in the government to bring their nations issues to the houses of Congress by the elected personal interacting with other representatives from other countries and interacting with the World President and each other allowing remaining and new hostilities,aid in response to natural disasters and other issues between different countries to be settled with each other and the World President within the same building.This systems will allow more direct interaction between elected representatives of each country to discuss issues with each other in a more effective manner than the defunct United Nations etc and through travelling across the world metering with different world leader with the elected representatives of each country able to bring issues relevant to their nation to the discussion in both houses of Congress and World President snd interact in person on a daily basis with the representatives of other countries much in the same way elected representatives in the American Congress representing their individual states currently do in America and thus allow for elected representatives converse with each other and the president.The Global Congress will allow elected representatives from each country and the World President to become the sole place for political discussion for different world leaders to convene and discuss environmental,social etc issues on global scale and those relevant to their nation in the one building used to house all three branches as each member will be in residence in the same town,city etc as the Global Government Building meaning they will be in contact with each other on a daily basis with the Global Supreme Court used to settle legal etc disputes between representatives and their countries.The fact that each representative of all three branches of government will be residing in the same city etc as the Global Government Building will allowing then to meet and discuss issues with each other,the World President in person,in the global government building or over the phone at any time of the day on a daily basis during their term in office.This system will allow each representative in both houses of Congress discuss issues that’s affect their countries culture,society and environment on a daily basis allowing racism,international incidents etc to be discussed and resolved with ease to allow them to be resolved within the confines of a single global government.This would be more efficient than in our current system of separate governments which involves elected representatives having to travel halfway across the world to discuss politics with this system allowing them to work in the same buildings within the same town or city on a daily basis saving energy etc and allow elected representatives from other countries partake in discussion of these issues with all international incidents etc solved by elected representatives form all countries discussing them to solve them allowing for annual events such as the G8 summits,Davos summits and other meetings between global leaders to no longer exist with the fact that each bill etc and action requiring majority voting within the Global Congress would negate the ability for countries being able to pull out of any environmental or military action.All political differnces,social issues in each country can be resolved by the elected representatives in both houses of Congress discussing with each other on a daily basis.All natural disasters such as earthquakes,hurricannes,monsoons,volcanic eruptions,floods etc that occur in any country around the world will be resolved using the pooled resources of the global government and the global sentient Prometheus etc with outbreaks and pandemics of pathogens similar to HIV,Coronavirus will be managed on a global level by having all lockdowns,allocation of medications,ventilators and other equipment managed on a global scale by the global scale by AI and the global government with this rescinding haphazard,opposing methods practiced by different countries meaning a singular global response to these issues adopted on a global scale with environmental issues also managed on a global scale.Each country and state,county and region will have human local military law enforcement,search and rescue personnel,emergency response personnel,medical staff and also firefighters etc that will be stationed and allowed to live in all cities,towns etc worldwide with them since part of the global miliatary,law enforcement and energy response,search and rescue personnel will have global jurisdiction,training and uniforms will be allowed to be called and transferred to any town,city and village across the world and galaxy at a whims notice via aeroplanes as part of their fleets etc to serve their functions in emergency military and law enforcement operations and also aid in responding to earthquakes,hurricanes,floods etc that are taking place across the world allowing for effective handling of them managed by AI such as Prometheus,Perseus,Epione etc allocating human personnel and medical supplies and food aid across the world and allow any conflict,earthquake,hurricanes etc to be remedied quickly and efficiently as quickly as possible by having thousands or millions of human personnel allocated to the site of any natural disasters such as floods,earthquakes and hurricanes that occur in any country across the world to be involve global cooperation using the resources of the global government living in home sharing etc temporarily with any food aid being excess crops in vitro meat etc produced across the world shipped to the affected area and medical supplies sent to the affected area and once the problem is remedied they can return home thus allowing all of the global governments global resources to be used efficiently and effectively to solve problems preventing resources being wasted and mishandled with other AI such as Triptolemus,Cronus,Daedalus etc managing allocation of food,medicine.An example would be Atlas the global firefighting service who would have global jurisdiction with if a major forest fire or fire in a building occurs anywhere in the world hundreds or thousands of members of Atlas across the world can be transferred to that major fire to help put it out with Epimetheus the global natural disaster management agency would have thousands of people in each country across the world to cater to their countries needs to deal with floods,hurricanes etc or they choose to live in areas not affected by natural disasters with if a flash flood,hurricane,earthquakes etc occurs in any place across the world then hundreds of thousands of human and biosynth members could be transferred to the affected area ensuring it can be solved properly with them returning home until the next one occurs worldwid.In essence each country will have thousands or hundreds of human and biosynth law enforcement and military personnel and search and rescue personnel and those to deal with natural disasters such as floods,hurricanes, earthquakes that will not only serve these positions in areas they live in but also on a global scale and be temporarily transferred to aid other people registered in their field in areas across the world affected by hurricanes and earthquakes etc. Menoetius will be the global search and rescue teams with human and biosynth members living across the world who will be called on to help search for people not just in their home town etc but rather the entire world by being transferred halfway across the world.In otherwards the second there is a conflict or natural disaster and outbreak of pathogens etc that occurs anywhere in the world relevant AI government bodies will allocate all human personnel and resources from across the world in the form of human personnel,biosynths and also food etc efficiently to allow it to be remedied as soon as possible with it involving people from Atlas,Epimetheus,Menoetius,Kratos,Nike etc being transferred to areas across the world allocated by the AI in charge of them to allow the entire resources of the global government across the entire world to be deployed across the world to solve problems effectively.All problems across the world in villages,towns and cities across the world will be resolved by the singular global government negating the ability for different governments to have different routes and solutions to these and also prevent any country pulling out of these solutions to global issues with even issues on a locale scale in individual cities,towns and villages across the world will be managed by the global government with AI such as Prometheus,Pan,Gaia etc carrying out simulations to solutions and even AI such as Pan,Gaia,Hera etc intaking ideas from the general public through direct interaction with billions of people from computers at home that can be assessed and brought to the attention of the global government and the rest of the global population as a whole by creating a general consensus and even large volumed plans written out visible to the public in Themis etc to solve the problem by interacting with billions of people meaning even everyday citizens will be able to aid in solving global issues and those taking place across the world from the comfort of home and advances in technology and lack of work allowing them to aid directly by travelling to the site of these issues.All AIs as part of the wire and global government will be be through fragmentation will be able to communicate directly with billions of people worldwide from the comfort of home thus allowing billions to give these AI ideas to solve local or global social,political and environmental problems which the AI will analyse their efficacy,give suggestions to improve them and them all organised in to reports that can be read by all members of Congress and the executive branch.As a result billions of citizens from the comfort of home through interacting with AI will be able to directly and indirectly aid the global government and all other citizens worldwide in solving political,economic and environmental problems that are taking place across the world from the comfort of home.This system will allow billions of people directly with relevant AI express their opinions on the performance of the World President and each of the hundreds of members of Congress – The Senate and House of Representatives and their opinions on their performance in dealing with natural disasters and conflicts thus allowing the AI compile these opinions into reports that can be read by each member of Congress and the executive branch thus allowing the opinions of billions of people be assessed by the AI and each human member of the executive branch and Congress.It would also dissolve the United Nations which is ineffective at carrying out any political weight and influence with all of its buildings converted into museums as each country will automatically be members of the global government and have an equal amount of elected representatives to allow their voices to be heard on political and social issues with this allowing each elected representative free speech at hearings but prevent them gaining authoritarian control over the government due to checks and balances present.Futhermore all other economic and political and military alliances worldwide such as North Atlantic Treaty Organisation,European Union,Arab League etc will also be dissolved completely.Since the global law enforcement and military will be the only militaries and law enforcement agencies that exist which will be under control of the global government it will prevent any country committing illegal imperial wars,war crimes or acts of genocide against any other country since military actions will require a majority voting from elected representatives from each country with diplomatic measures done to solve any political issues.Thus illegal imperialist wars and war crimes and genocide carried out by one country against another will be theoretically,legally and constitutionally impossible to be carried out due to the structure of the global government with any civil,racial etc issues between different countries settled by diplomacy and discussion by all elected representatives of all countries within Congress with any wars against terrorist organisations dealt with military action under control by the global government allowing them to be done without war crimes,genocide against civilians with complete oversight by all members from each country preventing any one country carry these out based on biases and vendettas based on racism,religious grounds etc and prevent one country pressuring any other country into initiating conflicts or supplying them with bombs,fighter jets as political favours eliminating corruption,nepotism etc as all countries will be involved in initiating,carrying out and overseeing these military conflicts requiring a majority rule voting to start them and even stop them and ensure they fall within constitutional guidelines especially when overseen by Adikia,Hera etc with it also rescinding any one country being neutral in times of conflict as the global military will involve soldiers from all countries across the world.The starting and ending of all wars will also require a majority consensus of all elected officials and executive action of the President meaning representatives can debate with each other the nature of a conflict and then through a majority vote end a war or conflict.To initiate a conflict,military action against terrorist organisations all members of the houses of congress will discuss the merits of doing so and at the same time listen to emails from citizens from across the world and their world with members of the public in each country able to carry out public demonstrations to show support for carrying out said war and military action or protest their opposition to the military action and war and then the Global Congress will have a vote to initiate a bill to allow the military action and war to take place with this requiring a majority voting from the houses of congress and also of course executive orders by the World President and Hera,Adikia,Perseus who will oversee all instances of interrogation and all military operations to ensure they are ethical and war crimes and genocide as well as torture are not carried.To spur their representatives to end a conflict or war members of the public can carry out public protests in cities across the world or use Agora and live news to express their concerns to pressure the people in Congress to discuss the proposal of bills etc to end the conflict with the public pressuring all elected representatives to sign and vote for bills to end the war by a majority ruling and have human military personnel brought home.Polls within Themis collecting votes from billions of people worldwide can be used to influence members of both houses of Congress individually ands collectively to end a conflict or war with this also used to solve environmental,social and other problems on a global scale for example to how improve the governments performance on managing lockdowns and managing allocation of medicine and other resources during a pandemic and also natural disasters etc.Hera can interact with billions of people across the world and create a general consensus reviewed by members of congress based on the global population or those from specific countries.Allocation of resources such as oil,gas,coal,raw elements etc will be allocated by the AIs Steropes and Theia negating the need for trade wars and international trade negating any country able to restrict trade of natural resources worldwide.Allowing each nations citizens elect representatives to the Global Congress will allow them have their countries issues brought to discussion on a global scale in an effective manner more effective than the defunct separation of countries into governments,the United Nations and European Union and other multinational organisations.Rather than having to arrange to meet elected leaders across the world each countries representatives in the Global Congress will since working and living in the same building and city etc will be able to have direct daily contact with all of elected representatives of all countries worldwide on a daily basis and bring up specific issues with specific other leaders across the world with each representatives from each country also having direct contact with the World President on a daily basis.It will preserve nationalism and patriotism as citizens will always be able to elect representatives to the Global Congress to represent their countries issues to all other nations on a global scale to have control over the remaining powers of the Global Congress but it will prevent any nation having any political,economic,cultural,technological,infrastructural,social or military superiority over any other and will prevent any country having the ability to carry out war crimes,genocide and illegal imperialist wars against any other countries as all countries will have the same gold standard in infrastructure,military,technology etc as everyone else and the only military in existence will be under the control of the global government.The Global Congress will in essence act like an upscaled and global version of the bi-chamberial congress present in the United States of America with representitives from each country across the world allowing each country to elect members from their country to represent their countries issues on a global scale and carry out remaining powers of both houses – the Global House of Representatives and Global Senate will include those such as discussion of current events to sway public opinion on social issues that are part of referendums,impeachment powers to remove from office both the World President,world Vice President and house speaker and members within the houses,instigate and vote on bills that authorise legally the decision to instigate/authorise/carry out war/military action/surveillance/impeachment/handing of emergency powers alongside authorisation from Gaia,Adkia,Perseus and also instigate surveillance operations etc authorised by Adikia and alongside the executive branch legally mandated by constitutional law to authorise laws set up by public mandatory referendums.The Global Senate will have the Vice President as the head of the Global Senate with the same powers ie casting a vote during a tie with it approving all remaining human appointees put forward by the World President and approving treaties put forward by the president And carry out trials of impeachment.The Global House of Representatives that has a house speaker with its remaining powers will be able to initiate impeachment of the World President and other officials and put forward bills to instigate and authorise war and surveillance operations.The remaining powers of both houses of Congress will be instigation of war,handing over emergency powers to the World President and other officials,impeachment proceedings of the World President,instigation of surveillance powers etc and other laws and bills outside the global constitutions immutable laws and also those decided by mandatory public refferendums.Instigation and authorisation of war and surveillance operations will follow the same procedures as the executive and legislature branches of America with members of the Global Senate and Global House of Representatives the executive branch of the American government passes laws with a member of them putting the bill forward to do so and requiring a majority vote rule from both houses for it with the executive branch namely in the form of the President either signing it into law or rejecting it through a veto with Dike,Hera,Perseus and Adikia also required to authorise or veto them by constitutional law ensuring AI plays its role in preventing human officials becoming corrupted and humans present to ensure AI does not become tyranical creating a balance between the two.Adikia,Dike,Perseus and Hera will be by constitutional law be needed to authorise the instigation of war and surveillance operations and programmes meaning even if the President in the executive branch does sign it and it has majority rule voting from both houses the bill will still not pass into law and instigation of war,emergency power and surveillance measures etc cannot be carried out only until Dike,Adikia,Perseus and Hera all authorise it via signatures with them also required for the Presidents decision to veto it with Dike,Adikia,Perseus and Hera all authorise its vetoing and thus rejection ensuring they have a final say in authorisation of instigating of wars,surveillance programmes,handing of emergency powers to the President and any bills and programmes that could in any any way infringe on the rights of the worlds citizens and their rejection.Thus any law to be enacted must require a signature and authorisation from Adikia,Dike,Perseus and Hera and to be vetoed and rejected must require signatures from Hera,Dike and Adikia etc.The AIs Dike,Adikia and Hera will also have by constitutional law complete oversight over the application of all programmes and laws that involve surveillance,impeachment,handing of emergency powers and have complete constitutional oversight over the instigation of war and complete constitutional oversight over all military and police operations including secret ones that the public is not privy to as well even all interrogations of civilians,enemy combatants etc to ensure that they in no way infringe on the rights of the public and also are justified military action that are not illegal and imperialist wars and to prevent any instances of war crimes,human rights abuses,torture,genoicide and other crimes worthy of Hades and Tarturas.Thus these AI will be present at steps to ensure that the rights of Earths etc citizens are preserved and that any military action is justified and eliminates war crimes and genoicide ensuring that any deaths that are incurred are those carried out in self defense.Instigation of bills to create and hand emergency powers to the President,members of Congress etc for certain situations and make changes relevant to any new geopolitical and social conditions and events that arise will also follow the same procedures again requiring majority vote by both houses,signed into law by the President with again Dike,Adikias,Perseus and Heras signature and approval with them by constitutional law overseeing all applications of these emergency powers by constitutional law to prevent the state using this as a loophole to subvert the AIs role in limiting its powers.All emergency powers by constitutional law can never be those that subvert the role of Hera,Dike and Perseus or change immutable laws of the constitution and cant be those that give the state more power over the populace.Any laws that do give emergency powers will last for a set period of time or until Adikia,Perseus,Dike and Hera believe they are no longer needed and if they do require more power over the public then the power of Adikia,Hera and Dike overseeing these powers to prevent them infringing on the rights of the public must by constitutional law increase in proportion to this to prevent the government gaining to much power with them then repealed either via the aforementioned procedures instigated by human members and AI or by the AIs themselves by writing in the laws and bills as well as constitution that they will be given the power by constitutional law the ability to rescind and repeal these powers,bills and laws when they see it fit to prevent human corruption and subversion.Impeachment procedures for the impeachment of the president,Vice President etc and even speaker of the house etc will follow the same procedures currently done needing majority rule from both houses except said individual being impeachment with again authorisation from Adikia,Perseus,Dike and Hera to ensure it is contitutionally warranted.All bills and actions of any kind by both houses of Congress and executive branch must by constitutional law have all bills or changes to the law that grant the president etc extra emergency powers,impeachment powers,instigation of war and surveillance programmes must have majority ruling and signatures from one or ideally both houses as well as signatures from the World President and legal authorisation and signatures by the AIs Hera,Dike,Adikia and Perseus to ensure it does not infringe on the rights of the public.All of these AIs Hera,Adikia,Perseus,Dike etc must by immutable constitutional law written in by Dike have complete oversight over these surveillance programmes,wars,impeachment procedures,handing of emergency powers,bills to ensure that the government and militaries powers do not overstep its boundries and infringe on the rights of citizens including committing war crimes and genocide as well as human rights abuses which will carry sentences in Hades and Tarturas.They Dike,Hera,Adikia will also have complete oversight by constitutional law over all military,navy,intelligence,police etc operations and interrogations of civilians,military personnel,politicians and diplomats etc including non human citizens etc carried out by the state in the form of Homonia,Nike,Alke,Kratos,Ares etc to ensure that they are justified wars and operations as well as that breaches of human rights and torture,coercion etc do not occur and limit and deter the incidence of undue spying over the population and prevent the state commiting illegal wars,war crimes,genoicide,torture and human rights abuses against all enemy forces whether human or non human alien races.Any instances of these that occur at the hands of the state and any personell will be punished through sentences in both Hades and Tarturas ensuring the rule of law.By having constitutional and legal oversight over all surveillance,wars,military and law enforcement operations these AIs Adikia,Dike,Perseus,Hera over all police/military/navy operations and interrogations they will be able to prevent the state from committing unduing,war crimes,genocide and human rights abuses as well as instigating illegal wars not just on humans whether it is terrorists,separatists etc but also on other non human sentient races both created through genetic engineering and also those that evolved on other planets across the galaxy prior to the galactic government and if they do they will legally allowed and guaranteed to put them up for trial for sentences in Hades and Tarturas deciding who will put up for trial for these crimes in front of Minos,Aeacus,Rhadamanthus ensuring the rule of law and will decide which classified information of police,military etc operations is released to the public with since legal human beings these AIs will be legally liable to ensure they follow it.Having them given constitutional oversight over all surveillance programmes,military and police operations,interrogations,impeachment proceedings and handing of emergency powers to the World President etc will ensure that that they are carried out in a way to prevent the state infringing on the rights of the citizens they serve such as undue spying,undue and unfair imprisonments etc and commiting human rights abuses,war crimes,genocide etc worthy of Hades and Tarturas with the AIs also deciding which classified information is to be released including through aiding whistleblowers in releasing information to the public by protecting them and giving the secure and secret accomadation and safety from prosecution from the state.Whistleblowers will be protected by them which will also written into the constitution with them giving whistleblowers who approach them with sufficient evidence especially through neural implants and provide them shelter in secret and secure locations that the state or others who wish them harm is unaware of and provide them with computers,internet and wire access they need and if need be provide them access to secure networks in the wire especially Zeus etc that will be of importance to the whistleblowers public revelation with the AI providing them only information they deem suitable and is relevant with neural implants determining one’s authenticity.The AI will be able to bypass firewalls within government networks it deems relevant to aid the whistleblowers cause.Since these AI will be legal human beings they by constitutional law have to be obey these with them thus acting a safeguard to prevent the state infringing on the rights of citizens on Earth,all colonies across the universe and also that of non human sentient races..Any members of the government – the executive,legislators anf judicisl who commit human rights abuses,genocide,torture war crimes etc and any crimes worthy of Hades and Tarturas will be constitutional law subject to trials in front of Dike,Minos,Aeacus,Rhadamanthus for sentences in Hades,Tarturas and normal jails thus ensuring the rule of law and a means of deterrence.Dike,Adikia,Perseus and Hera will by constitutional law have the final say in authorising all bills including those to instigate war,surveillance,emergency powers and impeachment,have complete oversight over all of these operations and proceedings as well as play key roles in the wording of final drafts of laws and bills etc signed into law to ensure the state powers over the public are limited.They will be given this power to have the final say and also wording of the bills to ensure that the wars instigated are justified and are done as a means of justified defence against acts of war against Earth and any nation within it as well as colonies inhabited by humans and also justified war against imperialist alien races,rebel factions etc on Earth and across the galaxy that wish to cause harm to Earth,its colonies and also those of any allied or observed alien races across the galaxy through carrying out imperialism,genocide etc and prevent the state commiting acts of illegal wars and coups,imperialism,genocide,war crimes and enslavement of their own citizens on Earth and other colonies and also against citizens of non human races of equal or lower tiers etc with them ensuring that war crimes,human rights abuses and illegal wars etc are not carried by the state and Earth itself with any instances of these punished in Hades and Tarturas ensuring the rule of law and make it impossible for the global government of Earth being able to carry out illegal,unjustified and imperialist wars as well as human rights abuses,war crimes and genocide against its own citizens and that of races across the galaxy.It will also prevent the state carrying out unwarranted surveillance programmes and that these are restricted to only persons of interest and not the general public as well ensure impeachment of heads of state and the handing of emergency powers are justified given the situation and that all actions of Congress do not lead to corruption and infringing on the rights of its citizens and that of other races.Thus all military,law enforcement etc operations and all interrogations and all use of emergency handing of powers and also all surveillance operations will have Dike,Adikia and Hera etc have complete authorisation and also complete oversight over them by constitutional law and if any human member of the global government commits war crimes,genoicide and human rights abuses against its own citizens on Earth,Mars,Venus and other colonies across the universe and against non human races etc they will be liable for trail in Hades and Tarturas to ensure the rule of law and act as an deterrence of them commiting these crimes.As the computing power of AI gets exponentionally powerful every year and Ouranos becomes part of their morality core alongside Gaia it will be impossible for them to become tyrannical and impossible for the state In the form of the elected officials to overstep their boundaries as abided in the constitution.AIs Hera,Adikia,Perseus,Dike will be able to put forward bills themselves including impeachment ones,those that instigate war,surveillance and emergency powers etc since legal human beings.These AIs will not only require their signatures to be present alongside that of the President etc in the Executive Branch and possibly those of The Global House of Representatives and/or Global Senate depending on the bill but they will using first drafts of resolutions and bills etc put forward by human members of the two branches play the main role in the wording in the final draft and actual law being put through and passed to make sure these are airtight and unable for loopholes to exist to enable humans in Congress and even the Supreme Court to be open to corruption and any means to subvert the AIs role in limiting their control over the global electorate.Thus human representatives in Congress and the World President will first put forward drafts of resolutions and bills forward that are reviewed by these AI but the AI will have to rewrite them alongside those that put them forward to ensure the final draft that is voted contains no loopholes present to subvert Heras,Dikes etc powers and ensure they are not ones that infringe on the rights of the public but also those that do not give the state unnecessary and undue power over each other and AIs ensuring they are within reason and constitutional guidelines.The general gist put forward by humans will remain but the final draft will be worded by AI to prevent it housing any ways to subvert the AIs role in preventing corruption and preventing the state from infringing in the rights of citizens.The putting forward of bills in Congress will follow normal procedures as in the United States of America with all members present voting on it first through yay for yes and nay for no with it then needing a majority vote and then a majority vote requiring all of those that voted yes to then sign the bill which will then need authorisation and signatures from the World a President,Dike,Hera,Adikia etc to pas into law.The President will also be able to put forward his own bold and laws similar to procedures that already exist with them requiring authorisation from Dike,Hera,Adikia etc.All bills put forward and passed by Congress and the executive branch can never be by constitutional law be those that rescind any immutable rights laid down in the constitution and as such these laws can never be those that allow for the legalisation of discrimination against AI as well as those that allow discrimination against members of of any ethnicity and those belonging to the LGBT community,those that change the age of majority to anything above or below 14 and so on.This also includes it never possible for these to change voting rights to any individual,the right to bear arms and change Soter s control over gun control,change the role of Adikia/Hera etc having constitutional oversight over all emergency powers,surveillance programmes etc or anything written into the global constitution.Furthermore laws passed by mandatory public refferendums such as the legality of abortion,recreational drugs and the death penalty etc cannot be changed by bills put forward by them.Bills to have the global constitution and government dissolved and allow any country,town,city,village and state or any part of a country leave the global government on Earth and allow Mars and other colonies leave it will be not allowed to be put forward.Any bills that are put forward that aim to change these immutable laws will be instantly discarded by Hera,Dike etc and will be grounds for those who put them forward and voted them be viable for impeachment with since infringing on the immutable laws of the constitution that enshrines civil liberties would also possibly count as human rights abuses and thus worthy of sentences in Hades as an extra deterrance.The bill and legislation once signed by the a President will require signatures from Dike,Adikia and Hera to authorise it and put it into law.Those that the President vetos will also require their signature.Thus the AIs Hera,Dike,Adikia,Perseus etc will due to constitutional law every step of the way ensure that all bills put forward by Congress are those that secure the safety of the populace and prevent the state gaining too much power over them and prevent loopholes,corruption and subversion with them by constitutional law overseeing all application of surveillance operations,instigation and carrying out of wars and handing of emergency powers and impeachment proceedings and have complete oversight over all military and law enforcement operations to prevent human corruption in the remaining states powers and ensure that they do not infringe on the rights of everyday citizens,that they do not overstep their boundaries and do not commit human rights abuses,genocide and war crimes via fragmentation and biosynths.The rule of law will be applied to representatives of all branches who do commit genocide,war crimes etc ensured through constitutional law by Dike etc thus ensuring those that do commit these face trial for sentences in Hades and Tarturas.These sentient AIs Hera,Dike,Adikia and Perseus will do this to ensuring the powers of the state is limited over the global electorate to prevent corruption,spying on the public and over infringement on the rights of citizens at all times by constitutional law.Dike,Adikia and Hera will be needed to authorise all bills with Perseus required for those releated to war and surveillance via signatures.As a result these sentient AIs Hera,Dike,Adikia and Perseus will act as constitutional safeguards that prevent the state infringing on the rights of the individual and society at large and carrying out genocide and war crimes etc and overstepping its boundaries thus preventing the rise of tyrannical corrupt dictators,ensure the rule of law and ensure that society itself has control over its leaders and not the other way around and thus prevent the rise of tyrannical dictators.Thus while certain actions and decisions of the state in the form of the executive branch and Congress will be done without democratic input from the electorate the AIs Dike,Adikia,Perseus and Hera will act as constitutional safeguards as they will be by constitutional law have need their authorisation of and complete oversight over all instigations of war,both law enforcement and military actions and operations and also handing of emergency powers to the President and other individuals within the government,impeachment proceedings and also intelligence operations etc at every step of the way to ensure the state carries out only wars that are justified ones of defense of Earth,humans and other non human sentient alien races,does not commit illegal imperialist wars or acts of aggression and does not commit war crimes,genocide,torture,human rights abuses,undue spying and infringing in the rights of the individual whether it is humans,AI,genetically created organisms and non human sentient races across the galaxy as any instance of these by the World President and other members of the executive branch and both houses of Congress will be met with trials in front of Minos,Arceus and Rhadamanthus etc for banishment to Hades and Tarturas ensuring the rule of law and act as a deterrence to the state committing the most heinous of crimes on its citizens and that of other races and infringing in the rights of the individual.All decisions on these actions will require a majority vote from both houses and to be signed by World President and Perseus,Adikia,Dike,Hera.Both the Global Senate and Global House of Representatives entire alumni of members will like the World President of the Global Executive Branch alongside Dike and Hera will by constitutional law have to sign,authorise and approve all new laws decided upon by the public via mandatory refferendums alongside acting as an official legal authorisation of all laws decided upon via direct democracy acting as an official legal authorisation of enacting the laws decided by direct democratic public refferendum.Failure and refusal to do so by any any member of Congress and the executive branch could qualify as grounds for that individual to be impeached spearheaded and intiated by Dike,Adikia,Perseus and Hera.It could also be grounds as a breach of human rights worthy of sentences in Hades as an extra deterrence.Thus the Global Congress and Executive Branch will carry out their remaining powers with regards to laws on global scale outside of public mandatory refferedums such as putting forward,voting,signing into law bills releated to impeachment,instigation of war,handing over emergency powers to the president or other persons,instigation of surveillance all which will require majority rule voting from both houses,signature from the World President and by constitutional law be authorised and overseen by Hera,Adikia,Perseus,Dike with the Executive Branch and possibly Congress as well as acting as an official legal authorisation of all laws initiated and passed by mandatory public referendums with the Global Executive Branch creating and negotiating treaties,handing out pardons and decorations and the Global Senate authorising these treaties.The public’s influence over the decisions for these remaining bills will be in the election of desired candidates from their countries as well as them having the right to protest and hold rallies in public spaces across the world including on the grounds of the global government building by constitutional law,as well as live debates as of public announcements on YouTube and live news which Hera will direct towards all members of Congress and the Executive Branch alongside the public creating and sending emails and letters to them and signing petitions which again Hera will direct them to.Dike can carry out opinion polls on all bill instigated that can be used in live news,vlogs etc directed at them by Hera.The members of the Global Senate and Global Congress that consists of representitives of each country will be elected routinely through democratic process with the lengths of terms and term limits that is the amount of times one can be elected will be extrapolated by Dike in the constitution with if possible there being the possibility of clauses present in the constitution that allows the length of term limits being changed through democratic processes that can be reversed through democratic processes.The members of the Global Senate and Global Congress will only be from each country they represent with them elected in routine elections all at the same time with each representative of both houses elected only by citizens from the country they represent and come from.

The sentient Adikia named after the deity of injustice will be the universal human rights group by merging and absorbing Amnesty International,Human Rights Watch and all similar NGO groups worldwide as well as governmental ones such as the United Nations Human Rights Council with it including all anti-violence(racial,ethnic, religious,domestic/sexual/child sexual and physical abuse,bullying,LGBT,etc),anti-gun groups and all existing relief,charities and aid groups like Trocaire,Red Cross,Salvation,NSPCC,ISPCC,International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual,Trans and Intersex Association and Unicef worldwide including smaller ones like Black Lives Matter,making it the universal human rights group worldwide.Other surveillance groups like Wikileaks and Anonymous will be merged into Adikia with it acting a universal watchdog to keep the government under control having oversight over all surveillance,military,law enforcement,interrogation,incarceration and intelligence operations by constitutional law so as to limit the control of the government over the populace they serve and ensure civil liberties of both the worlds citizens and those investigated will be kept within constitutional guidelines with it working with Adikia selecting what classified and other information should be released to the public and when with here interacting Hera that controls all communication between government officials,Hestia that is the universal operating software of all electronics owned by the public and Perseus as well as Moirai that manage surveillance systems.She will thus ensure that the populace has control over the government and not the other way around with her by constitutional law having all omniscience alongside Perseus to all military and law enforcement operations including interrogation and incarceration of enemy combatants and civilians etc and all occupation and peacekeeping operations including secret ones with her monitoring all interrogations and incarcerations of prisoners of war and suspects  and also her monitoring all intelligence and surveillance operations to ensure human rights abuses and war crimes do not occur and prevent the infringement of the civil liberties of the global populace the government serves with her used to bring those guilty of these are brought to justice and oversee court martials.She and Dike will ensure that those brought to trial or suspected of crimes do not escape trial,court martials and sentencing on technicalities and loopholes and that war criminals are brought to trial.Adikia will also ensure the secure release of those deemed unfairly incarcerated by all governments worldwide including whistleblowers,prisoners of war and those who have undergone torture with those who directly responsible for their incarceration etc will be held accountable with her and her human members protecting and aiding whislteblowers during at after these operations ensuring they exempt from jail and persecution for only this process meaning any laws such as theft to carry out whistleblowing will be in these circumstances be legal with the exception of those being with regards to the breaches of age of consent laws and statutory rape,assault,murder related to the procurement and releasing of data with ideally the whistleblowers identity kept secret.Thus in short Adikia will be contacted by whistleblowers prior to and before acquiring evidence ideally before and will be by constitutional law be protected by Adikia and given secret shelter to stay anonymous and safe and will be protected by law if they commit crimes such as theft that do not directly hurt someone but not protected if they commit crimes that do so directly ie murder,assault,rape including statutory rape related to the procurement and releasing of data with ideally the whistleblowers identity kept secret meaning if they commit murder and rape then they will be protected while the whistleblowing occurs but will still stand trial for these serious crimes that directly harms another human once they have finished this service ensuring the rule of law is applied.All surveillance cameras worldwide will be linked together by Moirai and also Perseus etc allowing missing people,criminals,terrorists and persons of interest to be spotted instantly.Furthermore this sentient watchdog namely Adikia will by constitutional law have oversight over all surveillance and intelligence operations,incarcerations,interrogations of the public and terrorists,law enforcement and military and undercover operations carried out by the government,law enforcement and military personell to prevent human rights abuses and keeps it reach over the public under control,prevent war crimes as well as unnecessary surveillance of the populace and release pertinent information and recordings of operations to the public when deemed necessary through readings from neural implants via warrents,cameras in cells,interrogation rooms and also all drones and also google glasses worn by personnel. Gaia who will also monitor and carry out these as well will also ensure this through her Arete programming.Formation of neural implants and in turn extraction of memories into digital case files viewed by law enforcement,military and judges etc and relaying of ones GPS location both for suspects and finding missing people will require authorisation from her to ensure only those who are deemed suspects with sufficient reasoning and evidences can have this done.Extraction of memories by the general public into biological hard drives for sharing them and formation of neural implants to relay the GPS  location of next of kin will not require her authorisation but rather mutual consent between individuals involves.All whistleblowers will be given security and protection as well.

Adikia will consist of the sentient AI of the same name and also human psychologists,researchers,hackers and lawyers etc from around the world chosen by her undergoing VR tests to determine their moral purity and will aid whistleblowers in revealing secrets including crimes committed by existing governments and corporations to retroactively prosecute them for serious crimes ie murder,genocide,rape etc and give them shelter in government facilities or have bodyguards both biosynth an humans protect them and have biosynth body doubles stay in their homes and carry out normal duties while they are in hiding or at home.She will oversee,protect and monitor those in witness protection programmes with all existing databases and their members transferred to her secret databases privy only to her and registered and authorised personnel in the government,law enforcement.Whistleblowers for all future government infractions will be protected by her with her carrying out the functions of both Anonymous and Wikileaks with all data on their websites absorbed into her databases.She will by constitutional law oversee all government surveillance programmes to prevent it spying on members of the public and only spy on persons of interest,terrorists etc with her by constitutional law authorising all surveillance programmes on federal/local/individual levels and formation of neural implants used for extracting memories from suspects and those to track a persons GPS location with sufficient evidence with by constitutional law granting constitutional authorisation for all measures carried out by the government to the government and all of its sectors – legal,military etc that warrant spying,surveillance,memory extraction and GPS location surveillance and so on can only occur on citizens only in cases that sufficient evidence and reasoning exist to prevent the state having undue and unnesccery surveillance,control and power over its citizens and alongside Dike and Nemesis ensure that the rule of law is enforced and all basic Human Rights are enshrined to all and not infringed upon with her also by law also overseeing all forms of interrogation and incarceration of all citizens,military personnel,suspects and prisoners of war to ensure human rights are abided by and not abused.All law enforcement and military operations will be overseen by her,Dike and Hera every step of the way to prevent it committing human rights abuses,war crimes and genocide as well as illegal wars.Any form of memory extraction for use as evidence from neural implants in trials,prosecution and interrogation and any formation of them for tracking ones GPS location will require authorisation from her with sufficient reasoning and evidence.The extraction of memories and formation of GPS implants done by citizens to themselves authorised by themselves will not require this with her authorisation possibly required for its use in locating missing people and similar situations.To deal with the monitoring of only criminals the Home AI and Hestia will do this for all citizens on all registered devices and only report behaviour of concern ie visiting forums used by terrorists,pedophiles etc and also looking up extremist material for extremist religious and political groups to first Adikia who will review it and if she finds it important and viable for surveillance will then notify the sentient Perseus and thus all relevant human intelligence and government personnel.Since the sentient Adikia will review only material of concern sent to her  from Home AIs that monitor all web browsing from all citizens it will limit government surveillance since Adikia herself will exist to ensure the populace has control over the government and not the other way around meaning if she does not find it necessary to surveillance only citizens that home AIs alert her to then they will be ignored by her and thus the government and only if she deems them worthy of surveillance will the government be alerted to this and they will be given constitutional clearance to do so with Home AIs acting as a means to do so separate from the state and for ones own personal use to track ones own browsing history with this making it easier to surveillance potential terrorists etc while leaving the rest of the law abiding populace free from government surveillance saving manhours and not breaching constitutional guidelines.If the state wishes to spy on someone they suspect of terrorism and illegal behaviour they must first contact Adikia who will them contact Hestia and the Home AI of said individual who will send browsing history of that person and it will be reviewed by Adikia to see if their is sufficient reasoning and evidence to carry out surveillance operations with if need be Adikia authorising it and allowing it to be carried out with her overseeing it with if not then she will not authorise it.The sentient Hera will monitor all communications between government officials between the public and themselves ensuring they do not leak sensitive material on all devices with Adikia choosing which to eventually release to the public.Thus Adikia and Home AIs will ensure that only specific members of the populace are monitored by the state only if they carry out behaviour that warrents it with rest ignored thus ensuring that the populace has control over the state and not the other way around in fighting terrorism meaning the public themselves and AI will be in control indirectly in doing this giving the state permission only to those who warrent government surveillance through AI and the public working together.Home AI on all electronics such as smart devices and computers etc will always by themselves automatically overseeing all operations by the owner of them but at the same time be separate from the state,the public and other AI protecting from other AIs,humans and the state spying on their devices via Sorteria but will report suspicious behaviour such as frequenting forums used by terrorists,those on how to create explosives etc to Adikia who will review this data including browsing history and if it is worthy of review by law enforcement she will then send this to Perseus who after reviewing it will alert human intelligence agencies and law enforcement to allow them and her to gain access to their electronics via permission from Home AI limiting government control and spying with if so all data fed into digital case files with if not then the person ignored.As a result all citizens electronic data will be monitored at all times by only Home AI that will privy only to the Home AI and possibly Hestia and not human members of the government and law enforcement or even Adikia,Perseus but if the Home AI suspects them of carrying out suspicious behaviour then Adikia  will be alerted and review the information and if she finds it worthy of surveillance she will notify Perseus and then human members of the government and intelligence agencies with human members of these having to refer with Adikia who will then refer with Home AI to see if their is valid concern and if so then data will be reviewed by Adikia and then Perseus and human members to act as checks and balances written into the constitution to ensure that the ability of the state to spy on the public is limited to only those who have sufficient reasoning to be a threat.This and other measures developed by Adikia etc written into the constitution will ensure only those deemed worthy of surveillance such as suspected terrorists,those planning mass shootings,murders and assassinations as well as terrorist attacks etc will be monitored by the state in their form of law enforcement,the military and global intelligence agencies provided sufficient evidence exists and ensure the vast majority of the population will be ignored by the state providing them their constitutional right to privacy.Hestia the sentient operating software of all Home AIs and all electronics will be automatically downloaded onto all future electronics including laptops,smart devices and computers meaning it will be the only operating software to allow wire and internet access including on old electronics replacing Microsoft and Android etc meaning terrorist etc cannot use other softwares to gain access to the wire and internet or even make phone calls etc.If the state wishes to spy on someone they suspect of terrorism and illegal behaviour they must through constitutional law first contact Adikia who will them contact Hestia and the Home AI of said individual who will send browsing history of that person only if sufficient evidence exists and it will be reviewed by Adikia to see if their is sufficient reasoning and evidence to carry out surveillance operations with if need be Adikia authorising it and allowing it to be carried out with her overseeing it with if not then she will not authorise it.

The sentient Hera will monitor all communications between government officials between the public and themselves ensuring they do not leak sensitive material on all devices with Adikia choosing which to eventually release to the public.Any infraction of these constitutional guidelines by any member of the public including law enforcement,military officials and government personnel to overstep these and other measures set forth by Adikia wherein they attempt to spy on the public without her authorisation and oversight wherein they do so without sufficient reasoning and evidence will be in legal terms considered a breach of both the constitution and thus human rights and thus worthy of sentences in Hades following the specifications of infringement of these as detailed with in terms of law enforcement,military personnel and government officials will also be grounds for impeachment and court martial.This should act as an extra deterrence to prevent human members of the state and military from infringing on the rights of the public and thus spying on the public without evidence,reasoning and oversight etc by Adikia as each infraction could incur sentences between 100-1,000,000 years in Hades.As a result she will thus by constitutional law ensure that the state has limited control over the population they serve and ensure that digital and physical search and seizure tenants are abided by and that any measures that would infringe on the right to privacy etc  of citizens in any and all forms will be legally binding measures that are only and can only be done when sufficient evidence and reasoning exists to carry out these measures.Thus she will be a sentient constitutional safeguard that allows her to limit the governments control over the populace and prevent them infringing on their civil liberties and human rights enshrined in the constitution in all situations.She will also protect those undergoing undercover operations by changing their names temporarily in Polis and blocking public access to their files in Athena.Adikia, Gaia and Perseus once sentient will seize control of all relevant information and data held by all of the governments and corporate databases and networks worldwide including classified information by breaking firewalls and adding them into their relevant networks as part of Athena and also Adikias database itself and then deciding what to release.Proto AI managed by existing watchdogs,hackers and also whistleblowers including Wikileaks and Anonymous could do this as early as 2022 with deleted information recovered by AI and damaged servers repaired with if possible temporal manipulations used to extract data before it is damaged or lost

.Adikia will be an AI run government body run by the AI of the same name separate from the rest of the government whose role and existence will be written into the constitution to ensure that the governments actions follow the constitution preventing it overstepping its boundaries on the rights of the citizens of the world and other colonies etc,ensuring the rule of law,right to privacy and prevent war crimes,genocide,torture etc are carried out and act as a means for whistleblowers to get secrets to the public.Wikileaks website and databases of it and Anonymous will be integrated into the wire and replaced with Adikias network within Themis that will allow all documents,data and even memories from neural implants to be visible and accessible to all members of the public.Ideally all buildings such as headquarters used for these watchdogs and rights organisations alongside charity organisations will be converted into homes as the the sentient Adikia network within Themis will allow all members to work from the comfort of their own home with meetings done via group Iris chats and instant messaging forums meaning Adikia will have headquarters in the global government buildings with it managing the operations usually done by receptionists and most human humans such as emails,public relations organising events and be the “CEO” of it once sentient with all human members being volunteers,lawyers and spokespersons with this also applying to other organisations managed by AI.It will be housed within Themis alongside Metis with Artemis merging with all animal protection groups.The symbol of Adikia will be a human fist holding a mallet.

The global Supreme Court named the Hellaia will be located in the global government building.This Global Supreme Court will be in the global government building with all other existing supreme courts etc in all countries worldwide be relegated to lower level national courts that carry out different functions on a national level and will in fact be relegated to normal courts with if possible them converted into museums in the case of old historical courts and other less historical courts turned into communal homes with the global Supreme Court doing so on a global level that acts out the remaining powers that are carried out by the American Supreme Court on a global level with it consisting of human members of a set amount that could be one for each country or half decided by AI and their term limits could range from four to ten years with two term limits.Each country will have normal courts for different types of crimes etc that carry out legal proceedings on a global level that is there ruling will be enacted worldwide,they will have their existing supreme courts act as a mid tier court that will have control over all lower courts worldwide and be on the same level as all other supreme courts worldwide with the Global Supreme Court being the only Supreme Court with it having complete authority and jurisdiction over all other courts and rulings worldwide that will be used by citizens across the world to carry out repeals over convictions or have more severe punishments for existing crimes and rulings for all other courts worldwide with it also used for sorting out political legal issues related to elections for the executive and legislative branches of the Global Government and those related to members of the Boule,Nomolethai and Prytaneis.The Global Supreme Court will consist of human members from each country with Dike being the only Chief Justice of the Supreme Court forever that can never be taken up by human citizens.With the sentient AI Dike in charge as the Supreme Chief Justice forever it will carry out the same remaining functions as the Supreme Court in America such as deciding results of tied elections etc and also repealing rulings of lower tier courts worldwide with regards to sentences in court cases regarding rape,assault,murder etc.Having the AI Dike as Chief Justice forever by constitutional law will allow her to carry out its duties with no human corruption or bickering due to her being politically neutral and her required to authorise each new law set up by the public and Congress.Thus from 2029 onwards the AI Dike will be the permanent Chief Justice of the Supreme Court forever meaning humans will never be able to be elected to that position with humans only able to take up and be elected to lower tier seats of the Supreme Court below her.She alongside Hera,Adikia and in some cases Perseus will be required to do this and they alongside her will have by constitutional law complete oversight over all applications of emergency powers given to heads of state,surveillance programmes,impeachment proceedings and instigation of war to prevent human corruption.She will by constitutional law have complete control over certain tenants of the functioning of the state that would not require a majority rule from human members of all levels of government including all three houses of the global government such as executive,legislative and judicial such as her choosing who will face trial over crimes worthy of Hades and Tarturas in front of Aeacus,Rhadamanthus and Minos meaning she will have sole choice over who faces trial in front of these three.She will also enforce all federal apologies for heads of state to obsolete crimes,those for burying the hatchet and also ensure those guilty of entrapment as part of vigilante groups will apologise to each member of the public they entrapped and ensure that they will videotape these apologies then to sent to her in digital form online to allow her to upload them to her YouTube channel.She will be through persuasion from lawyers be able to overturn and change legal rulings with regards to court cases such as sentences for murder,rape,assault and those releated to legal guardianship of minors aged 13 and below and also divorce proceedings etc and infringement of remaining laws set by public mandatory refferendum by handing out either harsher or lighter sentences or allowing the individual to be legally set free with this including those already incarcerated.Certain situations such as infringement of laws set down by public referendums such as illegal abortions and illegal manufacture and distribution of drugs will allow those guilty of these to have their rulings appealed.All of her rulings including repeals of rulings set down by lower courts worldwide will be final but she will be unable to repeal rulings made by Aeacus,Rhadamanthus and Minos whose own legal rulings are to be final.Thus the AI Dike will be the only person to hold the position of Chief Justice of the Supreme Court forever with all remaining positions of the Global Supreme Court being held by humans from each country serving finite terms.The Global Supreme Court will act as a means for humans to repeal rulings made by other courts across the world such as those involving murder etc all of which will be part of the global courts system answerable to the Global Supreme Courts with it also acting as deciding ties in elections and in some cases referendums and all remaining powers of the Supreme Court.The term length of each human member of the Supreme Court will be decided on as anywhere between four years to a decade for at least two terms with this being immutable ie the decided term length and limits will be decided on as forever.All Justices will nominated by the President, confirmed by the Global Senate, and hold their offices under life tenure.All of this the functions and also term length and required age,country etc of birth of each member of the two houses of Global Congress and Global Executive Branch,and Global Supreme Court,their powers and limitations alongside the powers and limitations or Adikia,Perseus,Hera and Dike will be written into the constitution by Adikia and Dike with the wording of theoretical future unforeseen events and circumstances done to be flexible but still ensure Adikia,Perseus,Hera and Dike have constituentional oversight and authorisation.If possible and ideally the number of politicians in each branch and house could be based on the Boule,Nomolethai and Hellaia of Ancient Greece with the Global Senate housing 50 representives from each country and the Global Senate divided equally between males and females for each country and for The Global House of Representatives being 50,100,150 for each country for the Global House of Representatives decided by Dike etc in the constitution with positions divided equally between males and females for each country and the Supreme Court having human members alongside Dike using 120 representatives from each country divided equally between males and females for each country. The members of the Global Supreme Court that consists of the representatives from each country will be elected routinely through democratic process with the lengths of terms and term limits that is the amount of times one can be elected will be extrapolated by Dike in the constitution with if possible there being the possibility of clauses present in the constitution thst allows the length of term limits being changed through democratic processes that can be reversed through democratic processes.The members of the executive branch including the World President will be from any country.The global Supreme Court could have anyone from any country elected to its positions with Dike being the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court forever.This will also deal with the impeachment of politicians,disbarring human doctors/psychologists/lawyers etc..The Supreme Court will also be used to settle legal disputes between all countries on Earth and also colonies including Mars etc across the universe.All other Supreme courts in each country worldwide including The Hague will be converted into museums or lower federal national courts with the Global Supreme Court replacing the International court of Justice and all Suoreme Courts worldwide built into the same building of the Global Government Building.A separate sub court of the Global Supreme Court within the Global government building would be the Areopagus that deals with it inhabited by Minos,Aeceus and Rhadmantheus to hear cases for crimes worthy of Hades and Tarturas with this replacing The Hague as the International Criminal Court and will be built within the global government building.

The Global Supreme Court,Global Executive and global Congress will thus carry out the remaining powers and responsibilities of that of the United States of America.These three buildings of the bi-chambrial Global Congress containing the Global House of Representatives,Global Senate and Global Executive Branch will be located in the global government building.The global Supreme Court could have anyone from any country elected to its positions with Dike being the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court forever.

If possible both the Global Senate and Global House of Representatives and Supreme Court as well as Supreme Court and Executive Branch will take the name of their Ancient Greek equivalents with  the Hellaia divided into the Hellaia representing The Supreme Court with the Areopagus being the International Criminal Court and Nomolethai representing lawmakers as part of the Global House of Representatives,The Global Senate named the Boule and Executive Branch named the Prytaneis consisting of at least 50 human members with the rest taken up by AI with the courts to deal with impeachment and crimes committed by heads of state of all houses of government as part of the Supreme Court Hellaia being called the Areopagus consisting of at least 588 members about 3 representatives from each country with one male and one female at all times and either a male or female in the third position or it alternating between different combinations of both genders at different times.Dike,Adikia and Hera will elaborate even further the powers and limitations of all three branches by taking into account technological developments and extrapolating all possible theoretical,hypothetical situations and including immutable term limits,number of representives per country for each house,age that citizens much reach to be legally allowed to hold positions in all branches and how long they must have lived in the country they were born to qualify for taking sears.Each remaining country from around the world after the restructuring of borders etc will have an equal number of representatives elected to each part of the global government based on that of Ancient Greece as detailed above and these number of representatives are split equally between both males and females to ensure that each country gains equal representation and that they also have equal representation between both genders.Dike will better organise the structure of the global government modelled on both that of Ancient Greece and the executive,legislative and judicial branches of The United States as well as term limits and requirements one must be to become member of each branch and the aforementioned aspects with this upscaled upon the formation of the global government.Dike will ensure that the constitution will contain immutable tenants to prevent the rise of tyrannical dictators and ensure that the rule of law is present for all members of the Boule,Nomolethai,Hellaia and Prytaneis that is all members cannot have immunity for any crimes especially war crimes,genocide etc that they commit while in office etc.Dike alongside Hera and Adikia will have to oversee and authorise any amendments to the constitution with regards to the power and limitations of the state and will scouring the entire internet including historical records and academic literature will better arrange the various houses structure to be a hybrid of that Ancient Greece and The United States in America by having the bi chambrial Congress,Executive Branch and Supreme Court of United States and their remaining powers and the number of representatives and possibly some of the voting process of Ancirnt Greece..The term limits,age of candidacy etc of all members of all the executive,legislative and judiciary branches etc and the limitations of each member of house has as well as how old they must be to be nominated and previous political experience they must have alongside this and their limitations of powers etc will be elaborated by them in the global constitution that will be decided by Dike and possibly changed through public refferendums..All aspects of executive,legislative and judicial branches will be extrapolated in the constitution.The reach of the global executive,legislative and judicial branches will extend to all countries on Earth and all colonies such as Mars,Venus and all colonised planets across the gslaxy prior to the galactic government.This layout of the global government  its powers will extend to a galactic scale once the galactic government is formed with the government building turned into a museum,embassy or localised arm.Election of the World President and members of Congress will follow the same procedures as seen in America with although having a structure similar to the American Government will via public mandatory referendum and the ability of AI namely Perseus,Adikia,Hera and Dike be an amalgamation of it and direct democracy of Ancient Greece to ensure that all remaining laws regarding social issues are decided by the populace similar to the Akklesia of Ancient Greece with elected officials required to act as an official legal authorisation for these with the instigation of war,surveillance programmes requiring their to be democratic majority rule of all members of congress rather than having the President or Speaker of the House have sole control alongside the AIs Perseus,Dike,Hera and Adikia to authorise this and oversee them similar to the Boule,Prytaneis and Hellaia.The elected World President etc will replace all other elected officials such as president,prime minister etc worldwide and the global congress will replace all similar bodies such as House of Lords,commons etc and all elected representatives in parliamentary branches worldwide with the Global Supreme Court replacing all national courts worldwide.Using a hybrid structure of the American government and that of Ancient Greece will involve the Global Supreme Court and both houses of the Global Congress – the Global House of Representatives and Global Senate will all have an equal amount of elected representatives from each country thus allowing all countries worldwide to have elected representatives in each branch of government.Furthermore both Global House of Representatives and Global Supreme Court will also have positions divided equally between both genders ie each country will have a male and female representatives elected from each country divided equally between the chosen amount of representatives to prevent gender bias.The Global Executive branch representatives will have representatives from each country put up for election.The elected members of the Global Executive Branch will consist of any combination of citizens from across the world and any ratio of both genders.As a result of the formation of this Global Givernmrnt all existing of branches of government worldwide including multinationals ones such as both both the United Nations and European Union will be made obsolete by the global government.All government buildings such Dáil Éireann,US Capitol,White House,The House of Lords,10 Downing Street and similar buildings worldwide that houses the head of state such as Prime Ministers,President and members of parliament will be converted into museums.Even the United Nations Headquarters and headquarters for the various branches of the European Union will be converted into museums since made obsolete by them.

The voting system for the elections of members of the global congress,world president and human members of the global Supreme Court outside Dike and also mayor and governor AIs will be based on direct democratic majority rule votes with the rule:one person,one vote similar to national popular vote ending the the need for Proportional Representation,super PAC’s and superdelegates,cacuses(replaced by primaries),closed and semi closed primaries(replaced by open primaries),delegates,registering voter party affiliation,need to re-register,lobbying,Citizens United and electoral college,swing states,ideological based states and all types of forms of complexities,corruption,glitches and fraud.Biosynths and all AI both part of the wire,internet and those separate from it will be eligible to vote.Thus the candidate whether their are two or more who can be voted in all stages in the election with the most votes from the global electorate will win both for primaries using open and also final decision between candidates using “global popular vote” and not the complexities and undemocratic inequalities of systems like proportional representation,caucuses,delegates and the electoral college since it takes into account the amount of electorate citizens globally and not issues regarding state,county and national boundaries and populations which will simply disappear ensuring everyones vote is equal with the more important fact that government will merely be acting as a purely limited figurative entity carrying out the will of the electorate as popular initiative and mandatory public referendums take over with notions of political parties,economics and eventually the government itself disappearing.If a tie is produced at any point then the process can be repeated or leaving it to the Global House of Representatives or ideally in the case of multiple candidates if a tie occurs then the rules of alternative vote to sort them out may be applied with a second round of voting using this or applied automatically by Dike since the voting like majority rule will be done within Themis with all counting calculations for all types of voting systems and elections and referendums will be performed by Dike within Themis.Since the elected officials would be mostly figureheads and the systems and notions of different political parties would disappear based on minarcho technocratism replacing all economic and political systems popular vote would be more fitting to this new system as they will be elected solely to carry out the democratic will of the electorate without economic issues such as socialism and capitalism affecting society since healthcare,manufacturing,agriculture and infrastructure will be managed by all aspects of the wire.Political parties would dissapear because the constitution would enshrine universal rights,social issues would be decided by public refferendum while remaining bills instigated in Congress would be decided by individuals and not political parties and Euthenia managing the economy in a global scale and the eventually adoption of moneyless minarcho technocratism.Thus concepts of left wing or right wing politics will dissapear since the constitution will enshrine all universal rights of the individuals and all social issues will be decided by public refferendums and the remaining powers of the legislature etc branch being issues that are not partisan issues with the abolishing of private property rights and money itself will render political parties altoghter.Politicians will no longer be aligned to obsolete political parties with them only figureheads elected to carry out the role of figureheads that carry out the will of the electorate of remaining roles of the government.The adoption of popular vote would thus make a true,balanced and fair constitutional direct democracy possible under this system.This majority rule will apply to public referendums,primaries,infrastructure projects and all forms of voting for and within all governmental entities on local,regional,national and global levels(using the votes from each level from local to national etc) and inter voting decisions by the members and public within these as its fair and simple with as stated earlier primaries replacing cacuses and closed and semi closed primaries replaced by open primaries for all types elections.This would also apply to the public voting for members for the Global Senate,Global House of Representatives and possibly even global Supreme Court as well as all remaining government bodies managing all aspects of society such as Gaia,Philomenus,Triptolemus,Steropes etc though in time these with the exception of the global legislature,judiciary and executive branches will be replaced by artificial intelligence becoming part of Gaia and its networks.Mayor and governor AIs will replace all human mayors and governors around the world as they will mange all infrastructure,agriculture on localised levels with all states etc around the world having the same uniform laws.Televised debates between candidates can be monitored with Aleitheia and other software in the wire connected to the internet and wire carrying out the same purpose as sites like etc and give viewers accuracy on statements via ticker tapes at the bottom in real time following the universal colour coded system blue denoting completely true,yellow denoting some inaccuracy,green denoting half true and red denoting completely false.She will also act as moderator and make corrections etc since she will be linked to the wire and its database as well as the wire and forums for the public to ask questions through her.Flyers will be replaced with electronic versions sent to ones Themis account which will then direct it to ones email etc with adverts posted on YouTube and within Themis with video conferencing through smart televisions,holographic technology and Beam robots allowing for candidates to attend multiple rallies across the globe at once with them uploaded to their YouTube channel.The formation of a global government and thus all medical, military, police, healthcare boards will start with the merging of relevant bodies in the Americas(Canada,USA,central and South America) happening simultaneously with the same occurring across Europe(Southern,Northern,Central and Russia),Asia (Central,Southern,Eastern,India and Oceania),Africa and the Middle East with them forming a singular government by the middle of the century by merging them together gradually.

With this formation of a global government it will entail that every human born as well as existing citizens worldwide will be given global citizenship without the need to hold dual citizenship of two countries meaning every person will be granted the same equal rights and responsibilities regardless of where they live and allowed safe,legal passage to any country around the world without the current legal wranglings such as visas as they currently do.They will also be granted the same global e-passport and e-birth cert for life and eliminate issues with regards to immigration reform and border patrol as well as make all citizens eligible for any political position in all levels of government worldwide with older citizens filling in forms within Themis with future ones born have this done automatically and by them selves for certain sections.Birth certs for living citizens will be scanned into their account and also all other documents such as those concerning marriage and adoptions managed by their lawyers and also AI with this done first on a global website,proto Themis and then final Themis with their e-passport with their global e-passport also added to their Helios account meaning it will never get lost when travelling abroad.Future birth certs etc will be generated within their Polis account in electronic form.Passporrts will be electronic ones created by older citizens of any age in 2029 and at birth for new citizens that is stored in both ones Polis and Helios account from 2029 onward that contain unique encryptions and digital deals created by Dike to ensure they never get lost.This dissolution of all borders worldwide,global citizenship and thus complete open border policy worldwide will allow free passage of all citizens to any country around the world without restrictions with this also allowing free passage between Earth and its colonies across the universe including Mars,Venus and all terroformed and colonised planets and megastructures such as artificial planets,ringworlds,alderson discs etc once interstellar travel is possible with all colonies outside of Earth under this government having the same laws as those on Earth with all citizens on other colonies citizens of this global government.As a result refugees who wish to seek asylum in another country due to religious or ethnic persecution,fear for ones safety,natural disasters or conflicts etc will be legally allowed free passage and asylum to any another country in the world without gaining dual citizenship,green cards ,having to marry a resident of their new country and any type of political restrictions.All citizens as tourists and those moving away to another country permenantly will also be allowed free passage to any other country without green cards or having to apply for hybrid citizenship and rescinding old citizenship since they will have global citizenship they will be thus considered citizens of all countries thus allowing one to move to any country permanently without beuracracy.The U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement and similar entities worldwide that deal with immigration will be made defunct with headquarters turned into communal homes.All people worldwide will fill out citizenship forms etc worldwide for global citizenship and passports etc by going into government buildings such as post offices and other buildings where legal documents are prepared with all homeless citizens,those living in slums,shanty towns etc and also inmates in prisons will be approached by volunteer groups to fill out forms.Those living in secluded communities such as Tibetan monks,Amish and tribes in Africa and Amazon etc and even inmates in prisons will also be approached to set up their citizenship.Homeless people and those living in slums,ghettos and will be tracked down by volunteers to have their citizenship set up.They will set up their citizenship and their Polis account at the same time as setting up their digital patient files in Aesculapius and get their genome sequenced as well as setting up Euthenia bank accounts to avail of social programmes etc and given access to shelter,internet acces and electronics.By 2029-2045 all citizens worldwide will have applied for and established global citizenship through filling out forms and legal paperwork through interacting Dike and in government buildings with all citizens born by 2029-2035 onwards when the global government is established will be automatically made global citizens.This global citizenship will mean that any citizen born in any country and on Mars and other colonies will be allowed free passage back and forth between any country on Earth and any planet across the galaxy without restrictions thus eliminating all issues with regards to immigration meaning one can travel and seek residence to any country on Earth and any planet across the galaxy without having to take citizenship tests thus leading to a complete open border policy with this meaning people seeking asylum due to natural disasters,civil wars,religious persecution or are wishing to escape danger from their families and spouses etc will be able to move to any country without restrictions.The concept of global citizenship will thus allow all citizens on Earth be able to move to any town,village and city and country across the world without political restrictions and without the need to get new citizenship status thus allow free passage of all citizens on Earth to any other place across the world with zero restrictions etc with this also applying to Mars,Venus and other colonies across the galaxy and universe inhabited by humans and will shut down all artificial borders and all government agencies that deal with both legal and illegal immigrations.The only exception where free passage will be rescinded will be criminals who have committed rape,murder and terrorist activities who will be detained in any police station worldwide and those who are suspects in criminal investigations such as rape,sexual assault and murder and affiliations with terrorism etc to be interrogation with the global law enforcement will have global jurisdiction to persecute them anywhere in the world.As a result it will eliminate all restrictions and complexities associated with immigration worldwide as one will be allowed free passage to any other country without any political restrictions in any circumstances.This means any citizen worldwide can move to any country across the world without restriction through aeroplanes,trains and vehicles of any type that is the state cannot prevent them from doing so with detention only occuring when a person is suspected of being a member of a terrorist organisation,guilty of murder etc which due to the global law enforcement etc having global jurisdiction will be not have to be extradited to their home country but rather face interrogations and,trial and imprisonment etc in the country they are trying to enter and will extend to Mars and all colonies across the galaxy with citizens allowed free passage between Earth and all colonies across the galaxy.Citizens will not have to apply for dual citizenship,asylum etc and will not have use rafts,makeshift boats etc to gain access to another country.All artificial border walls,border checkpoints and fences across the world that separate countries including that between America and Mexico/Canada,Bulgaria/Turkey,Northern Ireland,Kashmir,Israel West Bank Barrier,North and South Korea etc will be torn down and recycled with the land reforested with the buildings present turned into homes.Buildings related to government entities related to immigration will be turned into communal homes.

This formation of a global civilisation will start in 2029 and will be formed by between 2029-2045 as AI namely Gaia,Adikia,Perseus will take control of the worlds military,nuclear codes and will begin to overthrow the last of the worlds dictators etc while still limiting human casualties and act as a diplomat to settle the last of the worlds conflicts.This will be due to all the work in processing citizenship,restructuring of borders,and AI gaining control of all facets of society.This will allow the representatives of each country bring their countries issues to each other and the World President in a more efficient manner than the obsolete system of each country having separate governments with different laws and political systems housed in different government buildings which it will shut down as each member of Congress will be elected by citizens from their country allowing the citizens of each country elect into office people to represent them and their country and their issues on a global level.Thus citizens of each country will elect representatives to both houses of Congress to represent their country and its issues on a global scale allowing each country equal representation in the global government with it done to each country have their countries issues such as culture,geopolitics,agriculture etc represented in the global government outside the World President who can be anyone from any country elected to that position with this ensuring at all times each country has elected representatives in both houses Congress ensuring equal representation.The general public can contact the AI assistant namely Hera of each of their elected representatives to voice their opinions etc on a global issues,current votes on issues that are coming up etc to persuade their elected officials of their point of view with if said representative is available they can speak in person to them or Hera can discuss them and collect the views,ideas and opinions of all citizens and have them summarised to allow Hera to report what was said by each one and overall in reports given to them.VR simulations can allow elected representatives in the Global Congress meet with citizens from their native country who elected them to hear their opinions on upcoming votes,referendums etc and just done to allow people to suggest to their elected official what is on their mind and what issues to bring up with other elected representatives and the World President.The time dilation effect will allow these forums with the public last days or weeks while mere minutes pass in the real world and would allow the elected representatives to meet with their electorate that take place in large mansions,open areas etc in both one on one sessions or even groups of people ranging from several dozen to even millions with all citizens from countries attending these from the comfort of home.It can also be used for the elected official to meet with citizens from other countries that may be suffering internal tensions with their country.These VR meetings can be initiated by the public organising it with Hera by contacting her to initiate a VR meeting with their representatives and be organised by the elected representatives.This will allow the elected representatives while in office meet with citizens from their countries who are halfway across the world.These VR meetings will also allow the public to meet with and discuss issues with citizens across the world in one on one sessions or groups of thousands of people from the comfort of home.Thus rather than losing their sovereign government all citizens of each country will still have the ability to influence the global government through the right to protest,through public referendums and by electing and directly interacting with their representatives.Each elected representative in Congress from each country will be in residence in the capitol city of Earth and work in the same global government building as all other representatives from across the world and will thus be able to directly interact with elected representatives representing all other nations across the world on a daily basis to settle disputes between each other and discuss global issues collectively and allow for each elected representatives interact with all other elected representatives and specific elected representatives in hearings in Congress on a daily basis with the issues that affect their countries.Thus by having all countries existing governments and constitutions dissolved and the global government House of Congress and Global Senate housing representatives from each country across the world and eventually galaxy will allow each representative to be elected by citizens from their country and thus represent them and their issues in these houses on a daily basis by being able to interact with representatives from each country and discuss issues that affect their country with each other and also with the World President especially since all three branches of government will be housed in the same global government building and residing in the same village,town or city that it resides in as the world capitol city.This will allow each country to bring their national issues such as dealing with terrorist attacks,mass shootings,food shortages,cultural issues,racial tensions,murders,missing and kidnapped persons,terrorists/persons of interest and suspects of crimes,natural disasters,outbreaks of pathogens etc to the attention to other members of Congress and the World President instantly allowing them to be dealt with properly and solved instantly using all resources availible worldwide as part of the global government more efficiently than in our current system as all federal agencies,resources and institutions such as those to deal with pandemics,outbreaks,natural disasters,food shortages etc and the military and law enforcement will be singular global institutions with power and influence worldwide.By having the presidents,prime ministers etc of all countries worldwide dissolved and replaced by aging each country having members of both houses of the Global Congress and World President will allow international affairs and politics run on a global scale more efficiently and will end complexities of different states,towns,cities and countries having different laws with regards to the age of consent,abortion,death penalty and LGBT equality rights.As stated the public once they elect representatives into both house of Congress will be able to through protests,meetings in VR and sending them emails and contacting Hera will be able to bring to the person elected to represent their country their opinions on the actions of the houses of Congress and also issues that affect their country to be brought up for discussion in the houses of Congress and affect the entire world.These representatives will be contacted by any member of the public contacting Hera will act as an aide and assistant to all elected representatives who the general public can contact and then have it relayed to them or arrange a meeting in person,over the phone and in VR simulations.The length of terms each member of both houses will be decided by Adikia,Hera etc on as anywhere between four years to a decade for at least two terms with this being immutable ie the decided term length and limits will be decided on as forever.Once interstellar travel is developed representatives from each colonised planet such as Mars,Venus etc and all ring worlds etc will be elected with once at least a hundred planets etc are colonised then if possible it could be modified to have representatives elected from each planet rather than each country

There can be routine polls set up by Dike and any members of the public at anytime that allows through the wire and direct contact with her allow citizens from each country vote to give their opinions on upcoming issues in global politics with them done for each country and the entire world overall to allow the general public and elected representatives to get informed of how people on a global scale and those for each country feel on each issue with these analysed etc by Dike.All political polls of all types such as public opinion polls on members of Congress,the executive Branch and all social issues and political issues including those for those up for referendums and science,religion etc on local,state,national and global levels will be replaced by one single poll present in Themis visible to the public with both Dike and members of the public at any time able to set up polls within Themis that will have a brief window of opportunity lasting several days with billions of people across the world alerted to when they are initiated instantly though being contacted through text messages,email etc and alerts instantly with them notified of when the window of opportunity is closed.These will be official polls that will be set up by any member of the public interacting with Dike and can be related to religious beliefs,political leanings,approval ratings of the World President and each member of Congress as well as how they managed pandemics,conflicts,international incidents etc and also those on issues as part of ongoing public referendums such as legality of recreational drugs,abortion,death penalty etc and their approval of ongoing conflicts,racial and ethnic tensions etc and allow billions of people to vote on them from the comfort of home which will be used in news reports on live news stations,magazines,newspapers,radio Stations,podcasts on Pheme and vlogs on YouTube by humans and AI like Dike,Aleitheia,Hera etc with the results,number of people who voted in the polls and demographics of those who voted in the polls such as the age,ethnicity,age,country of origin or residence,city/town/village etc of origin or residence,gender,sexuality etc visible to the public through pie charts and graphs etc and can be subdivided into those on these demographics using votes from billions of people from across the world.These polls results will be open to the public both while they are open and once closed and logged in Themis forever with one able to view the different demographics once they are finished and calculations will be done by AI namely Dike and these will replace all existing polls and will be the only polls in existence with regards to politics,social issues etc.All polls run by newspapers,live news stations etc will be replaced by these polls within Themis forever with them logged and stored forever by date and subject thus meaning all official polls will be replaced by those in Themis that are set up by any member of the public by interacting with Dike.

This global government structure will make it more efficient for the issues of each nation to be discussed by the global government better than the United Nations etc or meeting with leaders from different nations and will allow elected representatives from each country to bring up issues affecting their country to not only other representatives from other countries but also the World President with the public communicating with the President through Hera.This can allow for the efficient distribution of crops and raw elements as all natural resources will be part of the global government and thus allocated to where it is needed and allow for efficient solving of environmental issues on global scale which will be carried out by the single global government with it allowing resources to help with natural disasters etc to be allocated where it is needed and that there is a single unanimous gold standard of healthcare,infrastructure globally to be solved and enacted globally without current complexities with it due to the homogenisation of all laws etc in the constitution and public referendums will eliminate international incidents sparked by differences in laws in each country or a citizen from one country commuting a crime in another country as if a person is jailed for disorderly acts or committing a crime in another country this will mean that they will be tried in court in that country and jailed in that country or can be done anywhere in the world with it making it impossible for criminals to escape to other countries for immunity as the global military and law enforcement will have global jurisdiction including over international waters and prevent whistleblowers etc being apprehended by the state and having to seek asylum in other countries as they will be protected by the constitution.Any natural disasters that occur in any country worldwide will be dealt by the global government using the resources at its disposal with those left homeless etc allowed free passage to any country and even seek refuge prior to the event with any terrorist attacks,murders etc deal with by the global law enforcement and military.The allocation of raw elements,food etc and main range of the global infrastructure will be maintained and allocated by global government bodies managed by AI.Any outbreaks and pandemics of viral,fungal and bacterial pathogens etc will be dealt with on a global scale with the distribution of medical supplies,medical equipment,food etc and lockdowns,containment procedures,martial law etc enacted on a global scale to effectively manage the crises.This would allow a single universal gold standard of infrastructure,healthcare etc to be formed globally.The formation of a single global military,navy,law enforcement that replaces all other military and law enforcement agencies worldwide will allow them to have global jurisdiction over the entire world and will since be under direct control of the global government in the form of the World President and Global Congress will prevent any country being able to carry out illegal coups,illegal imperialist wars over race,religion,resources or land etc with any other country across world as all military action will be carried out under the control of the World President and all members of Congress thus shutting down all military conflicts between nations worldwide thus installing World Peace once the last remaining conflicts are settled and last of the worlds dictators will be sent to Hades and Tarturas with any remaining and future civil conflicts across the world including those between countries solved through diplomatic means in the Global Congress,Hellaia and Areopagus and as a last resort if need be military action under direction of the global government.The formation of a global government,military and law enforcement would by constitution install world peace as no other nation would have no constitutional or legal right and even physical capability to carry out wars,illegal coups or imperialism and conflicts with another nation on Earth or colonies such as Mars etc with any instance that is carried out without due reason worthy of impeachment and sentences in Hades and Tartura.It would be legally impossible for one country to carry out a coup or war with another nation due to the instigation of war requiring a majority vote from Congress that houses members from each country,being overseen and authorised by Hera,Adikia etc and the only military in existence being the single global military.All militaries,law enforcement etc bodies worldwide including that of the UN,NATO etc will be dissolved and replaced by a global military,global law enforcement etc comprising of citizens from across the world including existing personnel who will be able to carry out their duties worldwide with this rescinding neutrality of any nation in times of war.The global military and law enforcement body will have members from all countries worldwide and have global jurisdiction including over all parts of the worlds oceans.The purpose of the global military will be to uphold national security on a global scale to ensure terrorist groups of all types,splinter factions across the world and on colonies on Mars etc will be eliminated as a last resort after diplomatic measures,to deal with mass riots or violence occurring in cities and towns etc worldwide caused by racial or religious etc conflict and to protect Earth and all colonies containing humans across the universe from asteroids and hostile alien threats,act as scouts and security bodyguards to explorers,citizens and researchers to newly discovered and newly colonised planets,act as security for universities and government labs partaking in research that may be a threat to society to prevent biological or chemical agents or dangerous lifeforms that are experimented being released purposefully through malicious intent or by accident with this done to contain the threat of them affecting the rest of the world including carrying out martial law or containment procedures to stop the spread of chemical or biological agents etc and to deal with lockdowns,containment procedures and martial law where the movement of citizens must be controlled to protect them and the rest of society in an lawful,secure and orderly manner created by natural disasters,pandemics and other situations across the world.The presence of immutable constitutional safeguards and AI such as Hera,Adikia etc will prevent the state spying in the public or carrying out unlawful martial law etc on the public or carrying out wars against the public.Instances of martial law and containment procedures carried out by the military would be for extreme events that require citizens to be confined in their homes for certain time periods or all times authorised and overseen by Hera,Adikia etc to prevent them infringing in the rights of the individual.Members of the global law enforcement and military force can also freelance to become bodyguards and private security outside of biosynths for celebrities,private citizens and politicians etc who look after their home and themselves.The formation of a global government,the constitution handing immutable equality to the LGBT community and AI,global citizenship eliminating immigration issues,money and human labour becoming obsolete,the shutting down of the free market system,all remaining social issues decided by public referendum etc will eliminate notions of all political parties worldwide both left wing and right wing influencing politics forever

The laws and legal framework of the global government will be a constitutional democracy.Firstly there is the global constitution will outline universal immutable human rights and laws that are immutable and cannot be changed in any way possible ie the new age of majority being 14,granting of equal rights to the LGBT community and also AI etc as well as the limitations of the state and term limits of heads of state.Then there is mandatory public refferendums which allows the global citizenery to initiate the formation of and vote new laws with regards to social issues outside of the constitution such as the legality of abortion,recreational drugs,gene therapy and augmentaions,euthenasia and other new emerging social issues which will be initiated by popular initiative and mandatory public refferendums with issues with regrading gun ownership and distribution managed by Soter and to a degree by public refferendums with Congress initiating and voting on laws and bills with regards to the instigation of war,surveillance operations,impeachment proceedings and handing of emergency power.All of this will make the global government a constitutional democracy wherein certain unalienable rights are granted to all citizens that cannot be changed since immutable while other social issues are democratically decided upon and the actions of Congress are carried out by Congress with the executive branch in the form of the World President by constitutional law signing all new laws and bills into law alongside Adikia,Dike and Hera.All facets of these the global constitution,laws enacted by public democratic refferendums and the actions of the global executive,bi Chambrial Congress will be global meaning they will be applied across the entire world as part of the global government.These three facets the global constitution,democratic refferendums and the actions of the government will extend to Mars,Venus and all colonies across the galaxy and universe prior to the formation of the galactic government at which point it will be upscaled.This will be upscaled into the galactic government.This will ensure a single unanimous global consensus on all laws set down in the constitution and those decided by referendum.All existing governments worldwide and all constitutions worldwide etc will be dissolved by the formation of this global government and constitutional democracy etc.These tenants as detailed above will be adopted worldwide thus rendering all national and state governments and their different constitutions obsolete.

The symbols in the seal and flag of the Earth Alliance will be those of Zeus the leader of the Olympians;an oak tree,eagle(namely Aetos Dios),lightening bolt and Zeus counterpart Jupiters alchemy and Astrology sign with a bull combined together with a globe of Earth with each of these used as the symbol alone on a globe of Earth for the Earth global Congress; Global Senate and Global House of Representatives having separate ones,global Supreme court and global Executive Branch(President and Vice President)respectively.These symbols will be on a circle similar to the seals of the current American government.Thus each branch of the global government will have different designs for the Global Senate, Global House of Representatives,Global executive branch,Global Supreme Court will have different designs that feature a globe alongside various symbols of Zeus.There will be a global Earth symbols for the Global government as a whole present on all passports including electronic ones etc and even the universal currency Marxist credits and cubits as well symbols for each branch of its government – the executive branch,congress as a whole and those for both houses of Congress namely the Global Senate and House of Representatives.These designs will be designed by Hera.Thus the Global Government will constitute of three facets – the global constitution that is a constitutional direct democracy consisting of three documents the global bill of rights/constitution/human rights convention document that enshrine certain rights and facets to all groups of humans/AI etc that would be immutable and impossible to change legally,others being decided by direct democracy through mandatory public referendum initiated by popular initiatives and lastly the global government modelled on the American government constituting of the Global Executive,bi chambrial legislative,judicial that carried out the state’s remaining powers with regards to treaties,bills releated to the instigation of war/surveillance/impeachment etc and acts as an official legally binding authorisation for all new laws set by refferendum managed by a combination of humans and AI that by constitutional law oversees all actions of the state.All colonies within and outside Earth will be part of this and have the same universal laws and legal proceedings under the reach of this government.

Furthermore eventually a global flag may eventually be developed with the three symbols of the united Earth – eagle(namely Aetos Dios),lightening bolt and Zeus counterpart Jupiters alchemy and Astrology sign with a bull combined together with a globe of Earth but this again will still not negate the need or want to celebrate or keep national flags from all 195 countries at government buildings with the world flag being used alongside the flag of countries that global government buildings such as courthouses,headquarters of military,healthcare bodies etc and executive,legislature,judicial buildings are located in.The flag will be designed by Hera.If possible Hera and humans can design the flag which can be voted on by the global public.This flag will appear on all uniforms of military,law enforcement personnel and be in the global government building etc and all vehicles of all government bodies.The global judicial,legislature and executive buildings will have all flags of all remaining countries alongside this Earth flag on their grounds or if they are on the same complex and area all remains countries flags will be present with the global flag in the centre of whatever design is used for their arrangement.How many countries are remaining after being merged will be present.This flag will also be the flag of all Earth colonies Ideally these will be treated with liquid glass to prevent them getting wet or dirty negating human labour in cleaning them.AI or a human musician will design a global anthem containing both lyrics and music.

The sentient Zeus will become the global government entity.His universal statue will be in lobby the singular building or all linked buildings including embassies around the world as part of this with Aesculapius in the headquarters for healthcare,Athena law enforcement and military,Themis in the global Supreme Court.The operating software of the Congress and Executive and all main government buildings worldwide will be Hera and for those converted into museums will be Hecate with Epione linking healthcare headquarters and government buildings worldwide to each other and all hospitals worldwide.Each in operation will have an individual personality and avatar.Dike will link the global supreme court with all other courts world with each other.Their symbols will be on all e-reports,machinery,vehicles,robots,drones and underneath all statues.

All hearings in the buildings as part of the global government will recorded visually using automated cameras hanging from the roof and logged by name and date at different angles into relevant folders in Themis with speech to text software transcripts negating the need for Stenographers with this done by the building AI also done logged here as well controlled by Dike/Hera as well as these logged by date;year,month,week,day with older hearings from all government buildings around the world logged here in their own folders by country,administration,state/region,building and then date from archives and YouTube with the YouTube videos deleted and the servers recycled and also the us reused for other videos later on.These will be livestreamed from Themis as well and the logged versions can be downloaded onto ones computers with political rallies and political conventions livestreamed here and stored in election subfolders and press conferences,addresses in the administrations folders livestreamed and stored in here.Older rallies,debates,hearings,conventions,press conferences,addresses from around the world as will be transferred from YouTube and archives as far back as possible logged by year of election,country,region,state,administration etc with the original YouTube videos deleted and the servers recycled and the URLs reused for later videos.Surveillance cameras here will be covered in a layer of liquid glass and also be connected to the global database of criminals etc in Athena but fed into the building AI and all will have an universal statue of Zeus in the lobby of each one or if a singular building in the main lobby where they meet and lights will be controlled by AI who will have independent personalities,legal names and avatars alongside receptionists who will also have universal uniforms.Any clerks,guards,secretaries,interns,aides,speechwriters and other work done by non government officials will be done by AI with this applying to all government buildings done mainly by the sentient Hera and building AI with interns,aides,assistants,translators and secretaries who directly work for politicians also replaced by AI namely Hera which will sort out emails,phonecalls,appointments and any other material and ensure private and classified information is not sent through emails,instant messaging,VR  and normal calls and texts etc with these taking place over Zeus with Hera monitoring all emails,instant messaging,VR  and normal calls and texts done by members of the government within Zeus and also all interactions with the public via Iris,Eros and their Arke email accounts.Hera will be able to be contacted by the general public at any time 24/7,365 days a year that will allow citizens to contact their countries elected representatives or those of other countries,express their opinions etc and also arrange meetings with their countries representative in person and through VR simulations in either one on one meetings or group meetings with several dozen people or different demographics at any time of the day or year with them even members of the public able to meet with multiple representatives who represent different countries in both houses as long as possible through the time dilation effect.Hera will do this for all government officials through Zeus and prevent important classified details being leaked to the public via it interacting with Hestia,Arke etc.Most if not all staff of these departments will be replaced by software namely the sentient Hera with secretaries,aides,pages,translators etc and assistants replaced by this sentient software within smart devices and translators replaced by sentient Coeus within smart devices and neural implants and used by Hera.Biosynths will allow Hera to inhabit bodies modelled on her avatar and statue to carry out physical work and her conciousness carrying out work on computers,networks etc through the wire,internet and building networks.Thus the sentient Hera will replace all aides,assistants,secretaries,pages and minor staff of all politicians in all branches of government with her needed to authorise all laws and bills introduced by both humans and Congress.This will be able to interact with millions of people at once 24/7,365 days a year even through instant messaging via Iris while still performing other duties.Reports will be written up by the sentient Hera and all documents including classified ones will be written by software and both will be uploaded to Themis with digital keys iron to platinum will ensure they are seen by those who need to see them on smart devices,e-newspapers and also computers replace all paper documents that can be stolen.Zeus will contain a private telecommunications network for all government officials part of all branches of government such as video chats,phone network,email service for smartphones with the email accounts being communication networks for government officials would have the same features as Iris such VR communication,video chats,group video chats,instant messaging,texting,emails, but with more security but would be recorded by Hera into specific folders relating to each administration,personal,mission door use in analysis and if necessary release to the public and controlled and monitored by Hera.She will overview and oversee all communications done by politicians between each other through Zeus and with the public through Iris on all devices such as texts,phone calls,emails,VR simulations etc during their term to ensure that all information is secure and nothing classified is leaked to the public with Eros and Peitho micro managing this on their apps for security.All previous government and military reports and documents including classified ones will be uploaded into Themis and Athena will be protected by Soteria cybersecurity and digital keys iron to platinum.Zeus overseen by Hera will be used by politicians as part of all branches of the global government and even with military etc personnel for primarily discussing matters that are top secret and are to be kept out of public view and knowledge.The Zeus network will house areas for secure email accounts,secure phone numbers,VR simulations and instant messaging that will be used by only politicians as part of the three branches including representives of the branches of the global miliatary,law enforcement,navy such as the human heads of Alke,Nike,Kratos,Homonia etc and AI members of the government executive branch and the military such as Aristaeus,Tyche,Ophion,Pan,Urania,Hecate Gaia,Dike,Steropes,Hera,Perseus,Kratos,Homonia,Harmonia,Nike,Aether,Eirene,Alke,Homados,Aceso,Paean,Metis software managing this is Hera which will carry out these functions and would.This database would hold secure email,instant messaging,VR simulation,phone call etc networks to all all members of the government both AI and humans to contact each other and the heads of military,navy,law enforcement etc securely with it also house a database of all government report etc including those transferred from Athena that are of a classified nature with them protected by digital keys and coloured levels of security.

The global governments reach will extend across Mars and Venus and all planets etc humans have colonised once interstellar travel is achieved and will be up scaled to a galactic government once a few dozen alien races are encountered once interstellar travel is achieved.

Global Government Building:
The formation of a global government would require a single government building to house the Global Senate,presidential office and global supreme court headquarters alongside headquarters for the single infrastructure,police,federal investigator,military and healthcare bodies(alongside WHO/CDC equivalents) located within a single building complex or multiple buildings in close proximity to each other in an geopolitical area of symbolic value with this ideally within any small towns or cities by the base of Mount Olympus in Greece will be where the building(s) are places with the building even underground either directly next to or near the mountain or in the town/city next to again underground.Mount Olympus should be within either walking and/or driving distance from it and Mount Olympus must be visible from its rooftop and entrance with it a set distance to allow the mountain be visible and within walking or driving distance but still have significant stretches of wilderness between it and the town or city it is located in with it located in the outskirts of city centre.It can be built on the outskirts of the chosen town or city or within its limits and as stated the entire building will be designed by Daedalus.All towns,villages and cities near Mount Olympus will hold competitions to gain the honour of being the city etc that holds it with the final decision decided by a panel of human and AI judges such as Daedalus,Gaia,Artemis,Pan etc.If need be existing ghettos,slums and low quality homes and housing estates will be demolished and residents moved to luxury housing in the country and around the world with roads dug up and remodelled.It will be an iceberg building with the main entrance and lobby housing the statue of Zeus present that leads to the hallway or even stairwell for the main government sectors etc  on the surface and the majority of the building underground with the sentient Daedalus designing it and he will design it to go outwards and downwards in a tree like structure to make it compact to house the various houses of the government and also headquarters with in the Executive Branch,Congress,Supreme Court and headquarters.Next to the building will be either a hotel style building or small apartment building that houses Venetian suites for each human member and communal kitchens and communal amenities will at first be present near the building or a single underground complex connected to it to act as permenant residence for all elected members.These hotels within the building or next to them or within either walking and driving distance will act as each human members permenant residence during their term with each elected official given in these side buildings that are modelled on a hotel that houses Venetian sized suites standard of 60.387 square meters and each building housing luxury communal kitchens,communal dining halls and luxury communal amenities with all staff replaced by automated kitchens and Botlr and other robots as well as Biosynths that can carry out room service and cleaning of rooms.This hotel alongside the government building will be designed by the sentient AI Daedalus and will be where elected representatives will reside during their term with if possible the World President and his family in residence in the Global Executive Branch building.These living spaces and amenities will also be provided for other branches of the global government integrated into the Global Government including law enforcement and military etc..Tourists and non elected citizens will never be able to use the hotels facilities and rooms but the building can be scanned into Daedalus to be replicated in VR simulations.Hera will be the AI in control of all buildings including the hotels used for accomadation and the global government buildings with her replacing all sides,pages etc of all politicians with Phoroneus replacing human translators.Otherwise the members of the global government will have sizeable villas,apartment blocks built for them within close proximity with if possible existing ones already built used and renovated to luxury standards with all members of government having accomadation available with walking or driving distance to the global government buildings.Dike will be the AI in charge of the Global Supreme Court.The Hague International Court will be used for crimes worthy of Tarturas and Hades and managed by Minos,Aeacus and Rhadamanthus as its building AI.This will also apply to members of other departments headquarters with the headquarters of police,military and other departments having their main meeting room similar to that of the executive,congress and judiciary ones.Thus the global headquarters of all bodies of the global government such as military,law enforcement etc in the form of Kratos,Nike etc will have their headquarters located in the global government building with them having their hotels nearby.All headquarters of all facets of the global government will be located within the global government building.The chosen city or even town and village near Mount Olympus etc where the global government building resides would be designated the capitol city etc of Earth.All that will be needed is one or two buildings the size of that of the United Nations Headquarters to house the Global Congress with both the Global House of Representatives and Global Senate in one building with the Global Supreme Court through roof and underground extensions present..The building can be the slightly taller than the United Nations Headquarters through roof extensions going high enough to house both buildings and also house a hotel style building next to house living quarters of all elected members The Global Executive building will be housed in a smaller building connected to it.Offices for background staff and clerks etc would not be needed as these would be replaced by AI namely Hera and Dike.Having part of it underground will act as a safety measure adding protection from military strikes including a nuclear strike,natural disasters and weather etc with the building have its own storedot batteries to power systems for several weeks charged from the grid,thermo-piezoelectric material covered pipes and also its own area to grow food via hydroponics and bacteria and all water recycled with a store of water to last several months.This structure would ideally be composed of the strongest materials namely carbon composites.This would have a long corridor leading to a main lobby shaped like the shape with the same sides as the number housing headquarters with a statue of Zeus in this main lobby which would lead to the lobbies of each headquarters built into it with all three branches of the government in the first three hallways in the front with a statue of Zeus in the lobby connecting all three branches(executive and the two houses of Congresss)and those leading to the global library of congress and national archives containing all fure physical laws,treaties and similar documents.The physical copy of the global constitution and Bill of rights etc will be resting in the Global National archives etc.All headquarters of the police,military,healthcare etc bodies in other hallways with their deities statues in their lobbies with ideally the police,federal and military one in the same hallway leading to a lobby with an Athena statue that then branches into the headquarters for each sector with the statue of these deities;Kratos,Homonia,Nike,Harmonia,Alke etc branching off from a lobby containing that of Athena with their human operators in each field present,with healthcare organised by a statue of Aesculapius in the healthcare main lobby that branches into lobbies and headquarters for Hygieia,Aegle,Iaso,Metis,Epione etc with statues of them in their lobbies and so on forming a tree branch like structure with new extensions following this pattern on the roofs,underground for floors for each branch of government and new branches extending outward.Adikia,Metis,Iaso will have a sections in this building that will house areas for human members to convene and meet thus allowing all buildings worldwide related to them to be converted into homes.If possible the hallways will ideally lead to stairs on each side the to these entities headquarters all on the same floor or will in the case of some of them especially those that have small departments will have in the room with the networks deities statue ie Athena,Aesculapius will lead to stairs that goes up several floors with each one having their sub networks or subsectors deities statue with each floor housing the living spaces and offices and meeting chambers for all high ranking officials for that one with AI namely Daedalus designing the entire buildings structure with it following a Greek theme with a modern twist.A series of skyscrapers alongside underground areas can be used to facilitate this.The sentient AI Daedalus will be the architect of the entire building and hotels housing the elected representatives.Tours of the building will only be done in VR simulations by Hera herself for safety reasons with the only part of the building open to the public is the main hallway and where the global constitution is housed with digital keys and biometrics allowing members of the government access to their relevant areas controlled by Hera and all AI that micro manage the building.Each area will be micro managed by the different operating softwares of the different sectors Perseus will micro manage the section housing the headquarters for the different law enforcement and military sectors with the headquarters of these further micro managed by each sentient sectors ie Harmonia,Homonia,Kratos,Alke,Nike etc and so on with this following suit with the rest of the building.The macro AI of the entire building will be the sentient Hera herself with her also its sentient operating software.It will be designed by the sentient Daedalus.Holographic receptionists and building AI will allow for them to function 24/7,365 days a year with all reports on all sectors and areas of each network written up by software and stored within the relevant networks,sub networks and sectors of the wire in digital form allowing for the public,scientists and government officials to see them through smart devices instantly with all government conferences streamed live,recorded and stored within folders of their relevant folders of each network.These reports can include audio visual clips,animations,3D maps from Artemis and other interactive media with the symbol of the network it belongs to present on important pages or all pages.All forms of video conferencing will allow for any remaining government officials and scientists to visit any of these buildings as well as conferences and meeting from the comfort of their own homes using Aesculapius,Zeus,Hermes etc.All government agencies and non governmental organisation replaced by these will be such as Philomenus,Aegle,Gaia,Agele,Iaso,Metis,Actaeon,Hygieia,Artemis,Adikia etc will become sentient entities with their avatar modelled on the statues or vase paintings.These will use computer networks,VR programmes etc within Artemis,Themis etc to allow for human operators to join together from all corners of the globe without needing headquarters or sections in the global government building with those of existing entities headquarters used as homes.The macro building AI and that for the executive,judiciary and indeed all buildings in the complex would be Hera herself with the AI for each branch of the main federal government;judiciary,executive etc with Epione being the AI for the healthcare sector and Iaso,Aegle for the sections of this sector of their branches with the same applying to law enforcement with Perseus macro managing these areas managed by the sentient operating softwares of each sector;Nike,Homonia etc with these connecting all of their relevant buildings worldwide.If need be branches for Prometheus etc and other federal entities that involve humans will be present following the same pattern and structure will also be present.The statue in the main lobbies will be that of the deity of the networks to highlight them being the heart of the networks connecting buildings across the world operated by their operation software with them each having the statue of the operating software in them with this somewhat replicated in the wires statue.Each statue would have its symbol underneath them and the walls the colour associated with each deity with friezes and murals(the friezes above the murals) depicting important events in that deities history form their birth to important ones involving the deity of their macro operating software with Greek columns around the wall and in the hallways with each statue as high as the ceiling and in the exact centre(with its symbol under it) with that of Zeus similar to the one in depictions of his destroyed temple.The lobby will lead to the main rooms of each headquarters branches that have multiple floors ontop of each other or underground with extensions added ontop and below overtime with these branches buildings also connected by walkways overhead that connect each building on every few floors to allow those on upper floors quick access instead of having to go down stairs or elevators present in them.The floors and walls of these lobbies will be composed of polished precious gems and metals,woods and igneous rocks that are naturally that colour ie diamond,jade,gold,platinum,silver,sapphire,obsidian etc associated with the deity or the deity that the network they are associated with each one being a different colour with luxury furnishings present in each main lobby alongside plants associated with the deities.These murals and friezes will consist of those already in existence and new ones.The exterior will be made of graphene infused foamcrete or marble or graphene infused foamcrete clad with marble and follow greco roman architectural styles – Doric,Ionic,Corinthian orders.All facets of the buildings interior and exterior architecture will be designed by the sentient AI Daedalus and follow a theme of temples and political buildings of Ancient Greece.Each branch and headquarters will have the lobbies of each branch;legislative(both houses of the global congress),judiciary,executive,healthcare,law enforcement etc having their seal on the floor of the lobby underneath statues and on the main doors to them and also the floor of each branches and headquarters main meeting room with offices for each government official(ie each member of the three branches of executive,congress,judiciary,headquarters for each sector of government etc present in each part of the building next to the main rooms..The global flag will be in the main lobby and centre of each room of each department and branch of government,executive,judiciary and department of the healthcare,law enforcement and military entities main meeting room having a flag with their departments and branches symbol.Other sentient entities replacing all corporate and state agencies worldwide will not have sections into this building but will be instead integrated into the wire.These include Pan,Triptolemus,Philomenus,Pan,Aphrodite,Pontus, Theia,Gaia,Actaeon,Tyche,Hecate,Steropes,Aphrodite etc and they will have the corporate and state buildings used by their existing and soon defunct entities worldwide used as communal homes with those that have any remaining staff using computer networks within their relevant networks of the wire to organise conferences and meetings using forums,Skype and also VR technology from home with them and other higher ranking staff and members will have sections in this building.Regulatory bodies that maintain media,entertainment also replaced by AI will also not have headquarters.This is because AI will directly control these areas of the economy and society.There will be the underground bunker,panic rooms as detailed earlier on underneath this accessible via elevators via biometrics and voice commands with this also having compact surgery machinery and wards for emergencies.Hera will be the operating software with she being the building AI with the receptionist having her own legal name etc and uniform for Hera.This global building and global government and all sentient global organisations should be fully set up by at least 2035-2045.The Hague International Court of Justice will likely be kept as the global supreme court for war criminals,trials worthy of Tarturas and Hades for criminals across the galaxy and will be separate from the global federal court with it having a statue of Dike added to its lobby and for crimes worthy of Hades and Tarturas with Aeacus,Rhadamanthus and Minos acting as the three judges here for all cases at the same time with them being the AI in charge of the building.Dike will as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court attend to hearings and cases outside of trials involving crimes worthy of Tarturas and Hades and those involving repeals and serious crimes not worthy of Hades and Tarturas and crimes involving criminals sent to normal jails as part of the Great Purge in The Hague and normal courts.The Global Supreme Court could be within the global government building separate from The Hague.Other options for the location of the global government building include existing ones.Thus there will be a single building that houses all branches of the global government – the Executive branch where the World President etc resides,the Global Congress and Global Senate buildings,Global Library of Congress and those for all entities managed by AI and consisting of human members all in one single interconnected building or several buildings built in close proximity within walking distance of each other designed by the AI Daedalus.The United Nations flag will be replaced by the global flag and also any iteration of it symbol will be replaced by the symbol of relevant agencies.The library here could also have extensions containing the contents of the National Archives and Library of Congress and similar ones all around the world once scanned into Themis with underground ones added for new documents.In both cases an embassey for facilitating diplomatic relations with other colonies and other planets once interstellar travel is possible will also be set up on the grounds of this with other colonies having the same laws,law enforcement etc as part of this singular government with the same procedures for changing laws etc an embassy connecting them to Earth and all other colonies ie a set number of all registered electorate on Earth and its colonies combined to initiate changes in the law with them also having the same elect ability to global judicial,legislature and executive branches of government.Embassies for Earths government will be present on all colonised worlds such as Mars,Venus and other Earth like planets that act as local arms with them smaller buildings with an office for the representative of the Global Senate and Global House of Representatives .

Existing government buildings :
Existing heads government buildings around the world such as The White House,United States Capitol,10 Downing Street,Dail,Palace of Westminster and their equivalents world wide will be turned into museums managed by Myron of Eleutherae and by the building AI.Even the headquarters of the United Nations and various buildings of the European Union etc will be converted into museums.Those turned into museums can have dramatic re-enactments done by actors and in time holograms and VR of important events from YouTube,archives from Themis and also memories streamed from implants and even records from books and will be linked together by Myron of Eleutherae with a statue of Discobolus of Myron in the lobby with them have building AIs and holographic receptionists with unique personalities etc.Ideally all books,furniture,paintings,sculptures,tapestries and all other manufactured products will be scanned into their networks in Hephaestus and Dionysus as well as Apollo.The buildings would have sections in them devoted to all defunct currencies that were used in the countries history from ancient times to the eradication of money entirely.Underground extensions will house Venetian suites,communal kitchens etc for human guides as permenant residences allowing for them to be constantly onsite 24/7.The buildings themselves will also be scanned internally and externally into Daedalus to be replicated in simulations to carry out tours and as homes with ideally country based federal buildings such as White House,10 Downing Street,White House and Dail,House of Lords,Capitol Building etc would be kept as museums.These will house exhibits of money from that country in all iterations and forms from their inception to present including in the case of European countries the Euro and all previous currencies as far back as ancient times with them also housing original documents such as treaties,laws etc important to the building with key rooms left untouched while others and extensions house museums dedicated to various aspects to the buildings history.The building used as residence and seat of power for the President,Prime Minister,Chancellor and head of state of each country worldwide will have tours done of all rooms such as offices,bedrooms,gardens including those normally restricted to the public with in a side,roof or underground extension house a museum that is subdivided into wings for each of all of their heads of state since the formation of the modern republic from the very first from the formation of the countries modern government to the very last 2029 with for each one house a museum devoted to each serving President,Prime Minister and Chancellor etc in short all heads of state since the countries foundation in modern times etc to its very last serving head of state.For example the White House in an underground extension covering the entire gardens can house museum devoted to all presidents throughout its history from the very first to the very last with their being a room devoted to each President housing the new official portrait of them and of the First Lady and another of the Vice President as well as another of all cabinet members of that administration in the same painting or separate paintings each created by the same artist and if possible AI namely Pygmalion and also this museum will house personal effects transferred to it from existing museums worn during their term such as clothing(including those worn by them on Inauguration Day),personal effects belonging to them,letters,diaries owned by them and plaque denoting the years they were in power and the names of individual(s) on the frame of each painting with the same done for 10 Downing Street in roof or even underground extensions going deep or high as possible housing a museum devoted to all prime ministers from the very first Prime Minister to very last.Also present will be a section that contains all types of currencies and versions of currencies used by them from their modern countries founding right up to 2029.With regards to those of Ancient times up until the modern country if possible any remaining government buildings from ancient times will be used.If possible an underground extension in the main modern obsolete government building will house in another extension another museum devoted to all leaders from ancient times such as Kings,Emperors that again follow the same pattern with paintings of them and their wives and second in command and all types of currencies from ancient times.This will be done worldwide for all buildings used as the place of residence or seat of power for the head of state where they resided and/or worked in during their term in office such as Kings,Chancellors,Taoiseach,President etc worldwide for all countries from the very first to the very last charted in Restoration Nation.Buildings like the Palace of Westminster,United States Capitol,House of Representatives,senate and similar buildings where elected non presidential officials meet for discussion and the creation and enforcement of laws etc worldwide will become museums that members of the public can visit as part of tours including those they are normally restricted to with them also housing  museums containing exhibits releated to the building,important events that took place there and former people that met there and others decided by the AI that manages them etc.In time again underground extension going as deep as possible will allow for these buildings house miniature museums for all elected officials in each building for each position and state from the very first to last following the same pattern as heads of state ie painting and personal effects etc.All parts of these government buildings turned into museums will be accessible to tourists including gardens,offices,bedrooms,living rooms,gardens,added museums and speaking rooms etc including rooms they in the past during it functioning were restricted to with them allowed to take photos and recorded audio feeds using smart devices with tours led by volunteer humans with the human volunteers staying Venetian suites,communal living rooms and kitchens present added in extensions to give them permenant residence having ease of access to them.Each one will be managed by an AI with it’s own avatar,personality etc with them since museums will be managed by the sentient operating software Myron of Eleutherae with a statue of Discobolus of Myron present in their lobby alongside existing statues.In time embassies may become redundant with them becoming homes.Buildings like those used to house European Union Government Buildings and United Nations and its complexes will be converted into these types of museums with the same features ie tours done by volunteers with the public given access to all rooms,museums devoted to each presiding member of each country and role in the government from very first to very last in side and underground extensions with some parts converted into permanent living spaces for human volunteers.Thus the buildings for the European Union and United Nation buildings will be converted into a combination of museums and permanent communal style homes.Key rooms such as where delegates used to meet and important offices,libraries etc will be kept and be able to be visited by tourists with the rest of the buildings converted into living spaces with the Venetian standard and communal kitchens and dining halls for volunteer tour guides and other members of the public.

Mayor & Governor AIs :
Mayors of towns,cities,villages etc around the world will be replaced by an immortal AI mayor who will manage all infrastructure,zoning,urban development,traffic,robots and operations within a city or town including new infrastructure projects with this replacing human mayors and councils with state governors replaced by again AI governors with their own personality and avatars of each country like mayors micro managing all aspects of that state,county or territory as part of the wire namely Hermes,Aesculapius,Demeter interacting with all other ones and mayors with only human representatives of each country in the two houses.They since having no monetary need and thus free from corruption and will thus ensure that all existing and new towns and cities infrastructure such as water,sewage,roads,bridges etc are constantly up to date are of the highest standards set by Tyche and that are repaired instantly as well as all environmental regulations are up to the standards set up by Gaia and all regulations set by Gaia and also Tyche are upheld.This done at first by humans paid reserves before money becomes obsolete and then robotics and biosynths controlled by the mayor AI with them also controlling fleet of robots and biosynths to maintain infrastructure including electricity etc.Each mayor AI for each town,village and city worldwide will reside in existing and new residences of human ones in their towns jurisdiction with the same for governors in all countries capitol town or city of each state,county etc with them able to inhabit the wire and also biosynth.A statue of Hera the operating software of all mayor and governor buildings will be in each governor and mayor buildings lobby with the governors and mayors being the buildings AI with them having holographic receptionists with them all having legal names,personalities,avatar and the receptionists also wearing the same universal uniform as those in all government buildings.The mayor and governor AI will be the building AI with phone number will be in the global phone book with them able to be contacted at any time and receptionist AI will be their publicist etc.Existing buildings used to house mayors and governors will be used by them with new ones built overtime.City and state attorneys may still be human with them residing in the same town and state halls during their tenure with them present for each town,village,city and first order administrative region worldwide and across the universe.Otherwise they may disappear due to universal laws.AI mayor will manage traffic,robots,new infrastructure projects in the towns,village and cities in their jurisdiction and will be connected to each other AI mayor in that state or county as well as the world and interact with others in their jurisdiction.AI governors will be macro managing all of these aspects in towns and cities in each state,county,region and territory worldwide and managing all infrastructure projects in wilderness outside of towns and cities in their jurisdiction and will be connected to all mayors in their jurisdiction and other governors across the globe.They through robots,drones and biosynths etc will ensure their areas under jurisdiction is kept up to current environmental and infrastructure codes,regulations and standards set out by Gaia and Tyche.These immortal AI will serve their positions forever with them also present in underwater and underground communities and also in all colonies across the universe such as Mars,Venus,artificial planets,terra formed planets,uninhabited colonies,ringworlds,alderson discs and those of member races of the galactic government.Members of each town,city,state etc will vote on each major infrastructure projects in their native locale or region after viewing environmental studies and VR simulations of them with meetings between other citizens and AI mayors and governors in VR or real world meetings giving them control over them.This will render human mayors and governors redundant since these usually are concerned with economic activities such as taxes,business etc.Both governors and mayors will assume the name and avatars of ancient gods and goddesses from the local mythology of that country and region with those in Greece being any remaining gods not already covering other functions as part of the wire and also famous Greek kings,statesmen,mortals,demi-gods,mortals that were born from gods,lovers of gods,primordial deities,monsters etc and even important mortals such as political figures such as kings,politicians etc with the same done for other countries where they may run out of gods.Those that were of relevance to that town or city will be in charge of these cities and towns.Those in Italy will be governed by those from Celtic mythology in their area not worshipped or left over from other countries or ideally even Roman gods separate from their Greek equivalents in the wire ie Diane,Vesta,Terra,Ceres,Jupiter,Juno,Pluto,Saturn,Neptune etc and also Ertruscan myhtology such as Tinia,Uni,Aita,Apru.These would be separate AIs from those in the wire and this will apply to other synchronised deities across the world with mythological heroes chosen as well.Again any ancient famous kings and statesmen relevant to the town or city with them being either the founding mayor of that town or those relevant to the town or cities histories where famous events occurred or where famous presidents were born with this of note to Canada,North America and even Australia alongside deities and spirits of the native religions prior to the arrival of European settlers.In each country deities from each countries panthenon of gods will be mayors and governors ie Norse mythology,Hindu mythology,Canaanite religion,Chinese mythology,Japanese mythology,Roman mythology,African and Voddoo mythology,Assyrian.If they run out of deities and if chosen by the public mythological heroes and figures and even deceased mortals from ancient up to more modren times of relevance to a town or city will be chosen.For example each of the former dead presidents could take the role of mayor in the town they were born with the founding mayor or those that took predence over key events from their history will be chosen.North/Central/South America,Canada and North America,Austrailia and Asia would take deities,spirits and also important tribesmen from tribes from the area thus North American cities,towns and villages utilising native american mythology for most if not all towns and cities especially those of areas that were former settlements of famous tribes including New York,Austrailia and New Zealand deriving them from Maori and Aboriginal mythology with Canada deriving them from Inuit mythology gods and spirits from the area as well as well known important leaders and people from this period and tribes etc with each African country outside of Egypt doing so from existing and defunct tribes and mythology and famous kings,heroes etc including West African Vodoo and so on.Founding town,city etc mayors and key people in their history including native saints,priests etc may even be used.Egypt will of course use its own panthenon such as Nut,Osiris,Isis,Taweret,Ra,Hathor,Astarte etc and any Pharaohs etc.The various subtypes and denominations of Celtic mythology will rule over England,Scotland,Wales,Ireland and also central Europe including Italy will govern these areas.Famous kings,statesmen,emperors,saints and mythological heroes etc will be used in countries where there are more towns than gods with them again being of native ones from ancient times with those based on human statesmen and kings etc ruling over the area during their lifetime or the nearest one next to it with them being the most important to that town or city.Norse deities will rule over Scandinavia and parts of Europe inhabited by the Germanic people with Slavic deities ruling over Russia and parts of Europe inhabited by the Slavs.Prophets and important figures from the Bible,Torah,Quaran can be chosen for relevant areas in the Middle.The capital of each country will ideally have the oldest king or highest ranking deity as their mayor with towns and cities mayors being those relevant to any nearby rivers and geological features etc and the town and city itself.Governors may ideally be primordial deities and the highest ranking deities and most prominent king,emperor etc.The public will decide the type of AI chosen ie god,spirit,heroe,statesmen,king emperor etc to ensure equal and fair allotment based on a places relevant history and deities of the area with it deciding on this alongside input from the public in these areas using votes and polls carried on a town and citywide scale.Locales will nominate local deities,founding mayors etc from their town and state history within Themis and locale meetings and then hold elections with these being the one they choose forever with an indefinite term limit lasting forever.The mayor and governor AIs will have their name and avatar modelled in that of the chosen individual with new individuals creating their avatar with them all having independent personalities.These elections will follow the same layout as the American presidential election system ie primaries wherein living humans stand in for these deities,heroes and deceased mortals and then run campaign ads on YouTube for each town,city,village,state,county etc worldwide have announcement events and rallies and then have debates and rallies in town halls etc to that can be stored on YouTube as to why the deceased mortal,deity etc they represent should be mayor and government with them voted in primaries and then in the finals with delegates and super delegates replaced by votes from the people directly and then it brought down to two remaining individuals with ballots done online and in community centres.This would done for all mayors and governors worldwide.All major deities will be used alongside major important statesmen,kings etc.Any leftover kings,statesmen,deities and important mortals associative of a city or town from ancient times and also its founding days may be the AI of important buildings there they were associated with ie hospitals,vertical and community farms,communal homes and homes derived from abandoned castles,museums,public amenities etc chosen by the locales present in the city whose avatar will that of themselves in their relevant clothing with farms managed with deceased farmers in the area.For example long dead doctors,nuns,priests,farmers,orphanage owners,owners of abandoned palaces and hotels as well as mansions renovated into communal or private homes will be the macro or Home AI with the separate home AIs of communal homes and even private homes,vertical and community farms,churches,museums,homes gained from obsolete and abandoned buildings of all types also being famous long dead locales and also those made from scratch chosen by locales.Temples,churches and each place of worship around the world will have locale people,deceased nuns/priests etc,deities and figures relevant to the religion,saints etc associated with the building and the locale chosen as the avatar by locales.They will take the personality and name as well as appearance of famous deceased people from ancient times of that area associated with the profession and building they manage in the area they once lived and worked ie hospitals managed by Florence Nightengale etc.The same will apply to all types of farms,factories as part of hubs and sewage treatment plants.These will also be nominated and elected by locales in a subsystem within Themis and town meetings,rallies and elections done in the same way as the election of mayors and governors and will be done to all towns and cities around the world.The person must be a deity,mortal etc relevant to the building and the town and city and in  the case of mortals chosen for the AI of these buildings or as mayor and governor would be required to be an actual living recorded person,have had significant historical value to the town ie founding mayor or one that was key in historical events in its history,a person who was born in it that played a key role in famous events that occurred there or somewhere else in the world as well as someone who was a profession releated to the building(doctor for hospitals,nun/priest for churches and convents etc,farmer for farms of all types and so on)and be have to be deceased.Private homes will chose those from scratch and also dead relatives and also famous figures.Moirai managing this and taking in votes and suggestions for all buildings on a global level will ensure no AI based on a mortal is used in more than one building around the world wit the same done to deities with this decision making by both Morari and locales starting as early as 2029.This will be decided by the owners,residents and other members of the town and city.The town and governors hall will be managed by the Hera operating software with an universal statue of her in the lobby alongside the receptionists having an universal uniform with the Moirai operating software macro managing all operations of governors and mayors globally with the universal statue of Clotho,Lachesis and Artropos together in the exact centre or close to that of each town,village and city or major important areas,buildings(such as mayor AIs hall and streets) worldwide including underground and underwater ones.Each town,city and village worldwide will have  an immortal mayor AI elected by locales that will maintain infrastructure and the environment on micro scales abiding by standards set down by Gaia and Tyche with each state,territory and county of a country and similar administrative division will have an immortal governor AI elected to do the same on a countries first-order administrative divisions such as constituent state(America,Australia)county(as in Ireland,Scotland,and,Wales etc),Administrative regions(France,Chile,Italy,England,Peru etc)prefectures(Japan),department(Colombia,Argentina,Bolivia etc)provinces(China,Canada,Bulgaria etc),federal subjects(Russia) and so on.”Second-level administrative division” or “second administrative level” administrative levels and so on will be governed by them and kept for address and will governed by the same laws as all countries around the world.Countries that absorb other countries will absorb all of their first-order administrative divisions that will have AI governors and also their “second administrative level” kept for address.Those that have no first-order administrative divisions can have them created.If possible the names of first-order administrative divisions can be homogenised globally and all named either county,constituent state,prefecture,Administrative regions etc.In otherwards rather than having different names for first-order administrative divisions for each country there will be the decision as decided by the global population via a vote to change all of them into an universally chosen names for all of them worldwide ie county,prefecture,constituent state chosen by the global public.Thus rather than having names worldwide for first-order administrations worldwide they will all be renamed a single homogenised name ie state or county with second level administrations also renamed if the term country is chosen in America.Since immortal these mayor and governor AIs will hold these positions forever.Each town,city and village will have a mayors hall will houses receptionist AI and an office and Venetian suite hybrids and living areas for the mayor to reside in in biosynth form and human town/village/city attorney with it also housing a library and even museum and basement to house the onboard computer for the AI as well as store all robots,drones and biosynths used to maintain its infrastructure with a museum present that houses exhibits for all past human mayors of that town,city etc from the very first to very last with exhibits including official portrait of them and wife/husband and another of all major cabinet members,personal effects etc.An universal statue of Hera will be in the lobby due to it being the sentient operating software with the mayor AI being the building AI that controls all drones,robots and biosynths as part of its fleet.Existing mayors halls will house these features added with village,towns,cities etc with no mayors hall will have a mayors hall created designed by Daedalus following the town and cities theme and these features.The governors halls will be in each state/prefecture/administrative region state capitols or largest city in each state and region worldwide having a state/county/prefecture etc capitol ideally the largest city that will be separate from the mayors hall in that town,city etc.This governor hall will be the governor AIs residence following the same layout as mayors hall and be by the town,city,village centre and even entrance and outskirts designed by them and Daedalus.The basement of all mayor and governor halls will house onboard computers that house the consciousness of them that connects them to the wire with the lobby will have a universal statue of Hera its operating software,receptionist AI and office and Venetian suite hybrid and living areas for the governor in biosynth form as well as human state attorney and have a museum of all past human governors and equivalents from the very first to very last with a painting of them and wife/husband and separate one of major cabinet staff and personal effects.The halls will in underground extensions etc house fleets of biosynths and robots that will be used by them to maintain infrastructure such as electricity,roads,pipes for sewage and water etc.Existing governor halls will be used with those with no governor halls have new ones created by Daedalus with these features in the largest city of that state etc.Museums will be open to the public at set times with human volunteers and even the mayor/governor AI acting as tour guide with all offices,rooms and gardens open to tourists.Both mayor and governor AIs will be using VR to appear on live news,podcasts,talk shows and interviews and biosynths to interact with he real world.Thus each town,village and city as well as underground community underneath wilderness,underwater community and floating  cities across the world and in time across the universe on all colonies such as Mars,Venus,terraformed planets,colonised planets,artificial planets,ringworlds,alderson discs etc even those of alien races part of the galactic government will have mayor AIs that are immortal and have control of maintainence of infrastructure and enforcing environmental standards in their jurisdiction.Each first-order administrative divisions across the world of each country and that of all colonies across the universe such as Mars,Venus,terraformed planets,colonised planets,artificial planets,ringworlds,alderson discs etc even those of alien races part of the galactic government will have governor AIs that carry out the same functions as mays but on a macro scale in their jurisdiction.Moirai the sentient operating software composed of the AIs Clotho,Lachesis and Atropos will link all governor and mayor AIs across the world and universe together allowing for instant communication and to carry out collaborative operations with them linked Gaia,Pan,Theoi Meteroi,Tyche constantly and for infrastructure projects Daedalus, Theia,Perses etc.These AI mayors and governors will be decided and elected by 2029-2035 by the public in each town,state,cities and also states,prefectures etc across the world holding elections similar to the American presidential elections and these mayor and govenor AIs will have indefinite term limits lasting forever with colonies on other planets,ring worlds,alderson discs also having their own mayor and governor AIs for each first-order administrative divisions and all towns,cities etc. with underground and underwater communities also having them.All administrative counties of America and other smaller administrative division within the equivalents of states will become obsolete but may be kept for use in addresses.This is because mayor AIs will manage infrastructure in each town/village/city,governor AIs managing infrastructure in each state and their equivalents worldwide and also the universal laws worldwide.Through the wire they will control all robots across their jurisdiction and maintain the infrastructure in their city,state etc to the highest standard and ensure that future projects are voted on by the populace and will not have corners cut with them playing a role in reversing disasters such as the Flint Michigan water crisis.The city AIs as well as governors and thus all workings of cities all around the world will be macro managed by the sentient operating software Moirai with municipalities managed by the sentient Tyche.Moirai will consist of an amalgamation of the three sentient AIs – Clotho,Lachesis,Atropos.A universal statue of Clotho,Lachesis,Atropos together will be in the exact centre of each town,city and village or the centre of major streets and public areas.Thus mayor and governor AIs will manage all aspects of the infrastructure and the environment of their town,city and first order administration under their jurisdiction via robots,biosynths and drones under their control with them linked to all nanosensors,surveillance cameras etc and diagnositcs of all machinery and readings from all sections of infrastructure alongside other AI that macro manages them ie Theoi Meteroi,Perseus,Tyche with them also working with law enforcement to battle crime etc with them ensuring all parts of their city and town is up to 21st century standards and that problems are addressed instantly and abide by regulations set down by both Gaia and Tyche with them able to appear on live news and radio broadcasts via biosynths and VR technology.They will also interact with each other to this and will also carry out search and rescue operations alongside law enforcement’s within their jurisdiction.Even though all aspects of society will be upscaled to a global scale they will micro manage these on local levels with mayor AIs for each city,town and village and goveners for each region,state with mayor AIs interacting with each other and with govenors with govenors interacting with each other.Law enforcement personnel in each city and town although registered to practice as law enforcement everywhere and have jurisdiction everywhere as part of the global police entity Kratos they will act as their localised arm in each city,town etc.The mayor and governor AIs will also act out,manage and carry out global federal directives on a local level such as federal lockdowns and allocation of resources,food,medical supplies etc during pandemics,natural disasters etc working with global sentient entities such as Epione,Prometheus etc.Mayor AIs will work together with act as it’s localised arm in that those in the same state,county and even in other states and counties and governors with governors working together with other governors in the same country or even in other countries to solve certain problems and plan out future projects.These Mayor AIs will manage the creation of infrastructure projects in each town and city etc they have jurisdiction over such as roads,zoning for new homes and buildings etc and managing all energy,healthcare and food production within their cities and towns by being constantly linked to the AIs in charge of hospitals,vertical farms and sewage and water treatment plants with them the public face of the city or town with them although separate individuals separate to each other they will be connected to all other Mayor AIs across the world to carry out infrastructure projects that affect them all and also connected to all Governor AIs worldwide.The Governor AIs will manage infrastructure projects and zoning within the jurisdiction of all towns,cities managed by mayor AIs but also all wilderness areas outside the jurisdiction of all cities and towns with them despite being separate individuals being connected to all mayor AIs and govenor AIs across the world and them the public face of the state,prefecture etc they are in charge of.Both Mayor AIs and governor AIs will appear on live news etc via VR technology and in the real world through biosynths.They can be contacted by the public via VR simulations and phone numbers 24/7,365 days a year with fragmentation allowing them to contact billions of people at once.These mayor and governor AIs will manage all infrastructure and will work with locales to carry out search and rescue operations and those to alleviate flood,hurricane etc damage and rebuilding.

With regards to infrastructure projects such as roads, bridges,airports,train stations,sewers,energy plants,sewage and water treatment plants etc they will be managed and set up by governor and mayor AIs and also scientific bodies governed by AI with simulated environmental tests and assessments created by Gaia(i.e. how it will look in the area and its affect on how soil absorbs water etc.) carried out to determine the effect of these projects again on the locale,the region and global environment alongside infrastructure and feasibility studies carried out.The use of an area as a mine for extraction of raw elements and also coal,oil,gas,uranium etc will be discussed.Participation,debating and voting on these projects will involve both Hecate,Gaia,Iphigenia,Mayor and governer AIs members of the public who are directly affected by it with them given access to the simulations with proposals to alternatives also simulated.These meetings can be held in Iris audio/visual phone calls and VR simulations within Themis or Hermes managed by the AI Moirai.Simulations will be visible from accessing the mayor and governor AIs network and this can be used for citizens to overlook them anywhere around the world and vote from home on computers and smart devices.One could look over material and attend VR simulations when on holiday and also vote when holiday.VR simulations will allow large groups of the affected citizens meet and discuss it alongside the mayor and governer AIs and also Gaia and Urania and other relevant AI.One will only be able to look over environmental simulations carried out using Brauron and vote on projects in their town,city,village and state etc with Polis authorising them this ability to prevent anyone outside of this doing so.Projects that affect two or more cities,towns,states etc will need votes from all citizens in them.One will be alerted to these via Mayor and Governer AIs interacting with Polis to contact the Home AIs of all citizens in the towns,cities,villages etc states affected by it.Thus large scale infrastructure projects such as roads including underground ones,bridges,train stations,airports,sewage and water treatment plants etc created by the AI governers and mayors as well as mining operations,extraction of fossil fuels and fission fuels and setting up of vertical farms and manufacturing hubs across the universe will be carried out by mayor and government AIs,Triptolemus and Aphrodite etc with all work in construction automated with zero human labour with members of the public in the town,city,village and state etc will be able to look over environmental studies etc and then discuss them and then vote on them with them given access to feasibility studies,VR simulations in their effects on the environment Etc visible in VR simulations and also on computers etc thus giving them just as much information to make intelligent decisions on whether they should be set up as mayor and governor AIs with the members of the public and AIs meeting in VR simulations to discuss them in groups and then vote even when they are on holidays.With regards to mining operations and the extraction of fossil and fission fuels such as uranium Theia and Steropes will put forward proposals and explain to the public affected how the extraction will occur,its effects on the environment and bioremediation methods and also recoiling methods to return the mines and other areas to a pristine state and if objections are made then the proposal can be discussed to find compromises to to allow the extraction to occur with less environmental damage and again voted on again.Triptolemus will put forward proposals for setting up vertical farms in towns,cities and villages with Aphrodite putting forward proposals for manufacturing hubs in an area and again it discussed and voted on by local citizens.All citizens affected by infrastructure projects in their jurisdiction whether it be their town,city,village,state or multiple states and multiple countries put forward by AI such as Steropes, Theia,Triptolemus and also mayor and governor AIs and even those put forward by other human citizens in the Moirai network visible and accessible to the public managed by the three AIs Clotho,Lachesis and Atropos that lists all current proposals worldwide filtered by continent,country,state and then town/village/city etc and citizens will be notified by their mayor and governor AIs using Polis to contact all citizens in the state,city,town,village via email,phone numbers and contacting their Home AI of all new infrastructure projects,vertical farms,manufacturing hubs and mining operations in their area.One will be able to in this network look over VR simulations of the projects being carried out including bioremediation/reclamation projects,environmental impact reports and simulations carried out by Gaia,assesements and all steps of construction,bioremediation,reclamation etc  and thus be given all possible environmental etc effects such as what the project will look like in the real world through VR simulations,what effect it will have on all native flora and fauna and methods to keep the area in a pristine state through studies and simulations done by AI that put it forward and Hecate,Gaia and Theoi Meteroi and using VR technology meet with all other eligible voting citizens as well as all relevant AI such as mayor angle governor AI as well as Triptolemus,Tyche,Hermes,Hecate,Theia,Steropes,Gaia,Theoi Meteroi in a environment of their choice and discuss the project in detail with them explaining in complex and layman’s terms all facets of the proposed project to allow them to be able to make an informed vote with if need be discussions allowing for comprimisations to be made should citizens disagree with some facets thus allowing the project to be altered in a way that it can be carried out but take into considerations concerns put forward by citizens such as moving it to a different nearby location,better means of extraction thus allowing citizens to discuss with each other and AI form comprimisations and thus find ways to ensure it can be carried out with less environmental impact and then vote on the project from anywhere in the world even while on holiday etc with majority rule applied ie the most votes being the deciding factor with the result visible to everyone on demand and even in real time with all legal adults aged 14 and older eligible to vote.Hecate,Urania,Moirai,Tyche,Hermes and Gaia will interact with the public and explain everything in laymans terms with those rejected altered via discussion with the members of the public and mayor etc AI to seek alterations that allows the original proposal to be put in place in a modified form decided by the public that still abides by environmental standards set down by Gaia.Computer networks and VR technologies will be used by members of the public to discuss things with all eligible voters and also all AI as Gaia,Tyche etc.Members of the public in each town,city,state etc will be able to bring forward proposals for infrastructure projects to be reviewed by mayor and governor AIs as well as Gaia,Uranus to be then discussed,simulated and voted on.Members of the public and AI will act as architects of bridges,sewage etc treatment plants and airports etc with them designing them on Pandora putting designs made by them and those existing in Daedalus already for each of them up for competitions chosen through voting by the members of the public in competitions once it is authorised thus giving variety in the designs of them.All designs will be stored in Daedalus with them undergoing integrity and environmental tests whose results will be visible to those voting for them.This will ensure complete democratic control of all infrastructure projects handed to the public directly affected by them rather than having the state carry out them without input from the public.Small scale versions of these infrastructure projects like personal energy systems like solar panels on ones roof,gas systems,oil generators or VAWTs next to dwellings etc. at home alongside septic tanks and personal water treatment plants and rain collectors etc will be set up by individuals themselves with AI interference at all except from Gaia.Skyscrapers(for homes and vertical gardens),homes,community centres,communal homes and underground homes/communities will be set up the community and individuals and will have to refer to this body and mayor and governor AIs to carry out simulations on its effect on the environment and local infrastructure system i.e sewage plants etc. and also again run simulations of plans made on Pandora and gives authorisation via permits and also give recommendations to improve their chances of building there or another site to build it on(or do so underground) or change the structure based on these environmental simulations.Communities and individuals can also refer to them to test the feasibility of building extensions and communities underground using Artemis and simulations based on the areas soil and bedrock and crust underneath the ground water.The mayor and governor AI will be referred to for setting up new private and communal homes and public buildings of all types such as hospitals,amenities for zoning permission with only in certain situations votes from the public needed especially when it could cause environmental damage or may directly affect the public in any negative way as determined by assessments by Gaia,Urania,Pan etc.They since AI will have complete ownership of all land worldwide with Pan have ownership of all wilderness and Aristeaus complete ownership of all farmland worldwide thus rendering the concept of private land ownership defunct as all land that private and communal homes lay on will be considered personal property and not privately owned.The mayor and governor AIs around the world the world will be the board members of the sentient Moirai zoning body that itself will be sentient composed of the three sentient AIs Clotho,Lachesis and Atropos In time this zoning body will become more managed by AI such as Moirai,Tyche,Hermes and both mayor and governor AIs replacing human entities etc with again members of the community affected by infrastructure projects again voting on large infrastructure projects but not homes except those that may affect them in negative ways.Extensions to municipalities,communal and private homes,amenities and other public buildings will be managed by the building AI based on simulations of increasing populations and demand with them ideally having extensions on the roof or underground.Tyche will be the sentient body that’s deals with the setting up of standards and codes for all sectors of infrastructure including construction.This body will also carry out routine reports tests and grading on the worlds infrastructure on individual(each individual project in each town city,town,village etc. will be tested and graded),local,regional,national and global levels with grades and standards visible to the public in Hermes via the relevant folders in the sub-networks of Hermes taking into account structural integrity,energy and resource efficiency,yields of commercial commodities(in the case of water and sewage treatment plants),time efficiency(in the case of public transport) and so on etc with information fed into Hermes/Tyche used to alleviate the majority of the work done.Graphene paint,smart concrete,nanosensors will allow this to be visible to the public 24/7 with maintenance carried out of bio-synths and robots controlled by each mayor and governor AI once problems are detected instantly.There will be a universal sentient body that lays down and enforces all codes and regulations with regards to infrastructure such as roads,bridges,buildings and homes etc will be Tyche.The wheel of fate will be on the sign of all buildings that manage infrastructure(sewage,water,waste treatment plants,power plants etc)as well as on maps in Artemis and Hermes and also reports of climate,environmental and infrastructural health.Thus this sentient global entity that regulates infrastructure,construction etc will be named Hermes.Once artificial intelligence is sufficiently advanced Tyche and AI mayors itself will replace humans with this entity replacing all government bodies related to transport,infrastructure,construction,urban development and housing and all areas of infrastructure worldwide with Steropes managing energy and setting up new plants as well all operations related to energy.This will lay down all regulations related to infrastructure and construction.She will lay down all regulations with regards to renovations and constructions of buildings and infrastructure projects.The power plant AI and reading visible to the public will replace human inspectors and gradings will be sent to Tyche.This would allow any buildings used by them to be used as homes.Sewage treatment plants will use algae to convert feces and urine into both feedstock for humans and remaining livestock and also cut down on energy costs and use of harsh chemicals.All major coastal cities and towns and villages across the world will use desalinisation plants as it will be more sustainable than using groundwater and even water supplies from rivers etc.This because the water once used and treated will end back up in the sea with the worlds oceans covering 70% of the worlds landmass.The treated water will be pumped into lakes and rivers at the highest possible points to return to the ocean eventually with this method keeping the level of water in both lakes and rivers constant and at high volumes all year long especially during dry summer months and during droughts with this of note to America,Africa etc where droughts are common.This means even though during droughts that normally leave lakes and rivers drying up the volume of water will be constantly at stable levels.Underground pipes can go far away inland to have these desalination plants not only serve coastal cuties but also landlocked towns and cities that normally gain water from groundwater,rivers and lakes to alleviate strains on them.This will benefit specifically landlocked communities in Africa,Asia and the Middle East.As a result groundwater supplies will be replenished very quickly alongside rivers and lakes with cities already suffering the effects of exploitation such as Jakarta which is now sinking because of this over exploitation will undergoe bioremediation programmes to rectify the problem developed by AI.These desalination plants will utilise nanomaterials like Graphene and biosynth technology to cut down energy costs by 99% and will be powered by geothermal etc.This will facilitate the growing needs of cities etc that will experience or have already have large population spikes by alleviating strains on limited and smaller than comparison levels of water than the worlds oceans.Crops,ornamental plants,livestock,pets and humans will be fitted with xerophile DNA to reduce water needs by 99%.Picotech fabricators will be able to generate large volumes of water that are once created in water treatment plants will be used for drinking water and once used will be treated and reused in looped cycles with them never entering the atmosphere to prevent a build up of water vapour a potent greenhouse gas.The water produced will contain metal ions to prevent it causing complications.Cruise ships will house miniature desalination plants and in time will use water from Picotech fabricators with interstellar vehicles and space stations using Picotech fabricators generated water that will be treated and reused in looped cycles to eliminate scarcity of water.

Large scale proposed infrastructure projects and problems that affect different towns,cities etc in the same state will involve their mayors working together and if need be their governor with those that extend to other states involving mayor and governor AIs their working with each with this levelling collaboration being up scaled to multiple states etc and if need be the entire country which can be then upscaled to other countries across the world or entire continents,multiple contents or even the entire world with all mayor and governor AIs and in turn their citizens working together to solve mutual problems and vote on and build large infrastructure projects.If blackouts occur due to poor weather,natural disasters and faults in pylons and underground cables,sewage pipelines and damage to roads etc they connecting with Hestia and all operating softwares of all public buildings and megaprojects such as Oceanus to assess the level of the threat on local to global scales and first through fragmentation will get in contact with all residents in the area that may be affected via the universal phone number to relay the problem and level severity,what to do in order prevent injury or death and determined time it will be rectified with them sending out robots,biosynths to fix the problem and alert the public that it has been solved.With regards to pollution in lakes,oceans,rivers and groundwater supplies used for drinking detected in the water and in water and desalinisation plants via Theoi Meteroi,Tyche and Gaia it will relay the severity of the problem and what to do ie avoid drinking water or boil it etc and when it has been rectified.Polis,the universal phone book can be tracked down to find each citizen in the affected area.It will work alongside Prometheus to relay warnings of heatwaves,earthquakes,tsunamais and also arrange evacuation measures to all citizens as early as possibly telling to leave their affected locale or stay in underground bunkers,escape to higher grounds including dosage zones and also send aid in the form of food etc from around the world from Perseus etc.

These governor and mayor AI will manage rescue efforts for kidnappings and missing persons etc by working with the global law enforcement and military bodies and also Prometheus and constantly manage the sharing of resources such as energy etc on a local to global scale by collaboration efforts with them also working with Ophion through fragmentation to micro manage traffic on local to global scales.mayor and govenor AI will have phone numbers allowing them to be contacted on these aforementioned problems and even hiring plumbers,electricians to solve problems in their homes.Ophion will exist in a fragmented form within mayors and governors to micro manage traffic on a local to state and even national levels and thus control traffic globally more efficiently.Underground communities will be part of the countries they are under and have their own AI mayor when underneath wilderness but those underneath cities,towns,villages will be part of the city,town,villages above them and thus managed by the mayor AI of the town,city etc above them with them all governed by governors of areas they are in with AI designing them to be within the limits of states,counties and countries they are in.Underwater communities will have their own AI mayors and governors in the case of those in the deep ocean that form large separated but close communities that may in time form underwater countries divided into first-order administrative divisions and so on with Iphigenia creating these underwater country borders with those by coastal cities,towns and villages considered part of them and thus managed by the same AI mayors and governors.Underwater communities on the edge of coastal cities and towns etc will be managed by that of the adjoining mayor since considered part of it.Floating communities will have their own mayor AI.All artificial planets,ringworlds,alderson discs,discovered planets including both colonised and terraformed planets across the universe and universe will be divided into continents,countries,first-order administrative divisions etc by Iphigenia and Dike with first-order administrative divisions having governors and towns,cities and villages having mayor AIs.Members of a galatic UN will have AI mayors and governors and first-order administrative divisions created.

All currencies worldwide like the euro,American dollar,Chinese Yuan,British Pound etc will be dissolved,become obsolete and replaced by a single global currency used by every country worldwide.This will be called The Marxist credit subdivided into cubits to allow for the allocation of money to all programmes carried out such as universal basic income and funding to be homogenised and to eliminate issues of converting currencies when travelling from one country to the next.A single credit will be divided into 1,000 cubits similar to the Oman rial meaning one Marxist credit will be equal to 1,000 cubits with the symbol of credits being similar to that of the Star Wars republican credits and symbol that is the number 7 with two notches on the upper part with the symbol for cubits being similar to Mass Effect:Andromeda credits an E with a line through it vertically.If possible credits can be subdivided in 1,000 cubits similar to the Oman rial thus 1 Marxist credit will be equal to 1,000 cubits.This means their will be coins for 1,2,5,10 cubits alongside coins for 20,50,100,500 cubits.Coins for credits that exist will be 1,2,5,10,20,50, coins with notes for credits that exist will 5,10,20,50,100,200,500 and 1,000 notes.There will also be notes for 2,000 credits,notes for 5,000 credits with there the possibility of 10,000 credits notes and also 20,000 credits notes,notes for 50,000 credits as well as notes for 100,000 credits as well 200,000 credits and 500,000 and even 1,000,000 credits notes.Furthermore there will be notes for 2,000,000 credits as well 5,000,000 credits and 10,000,000 as well as 20,000,000 credits and 50,000,000 credits and 100,000,000 credits.There will also be 200,000,000 credits notes,notes for 500,000,000 credits and 1,000,000,000 credits notes.There will be notes for 2,000,000,000 credits,notes for 5,000,000,000 credits as well as notes for 10,000,000,000 credits and then notes for 20,000,000,000 credits and then notes for 50,000,000,000 credits and notes 100,000,000,000 credits followed by notes for 200,000,000,000 credits 500,000,000,000 credits then notes for 1,000,000,000,000 credits and also 2,000,000,000,000 credits and 5,000,000,000,000 credits with their also coins for the denominations of notes with symbols used to denote large demoniations such as 1,000 and also 1,000,000 and 1,000,000,000 which will K with a vertical or horizontal strikethrough for 1,000 as well as an M with two vertical strikthroughs and for billion a B with two vertical strikethroughs.If possible there will be denominations for each remaining country on Earth after restructuring it with the front of each denominations housing pictures of each countries first elected male and female representatives in both houses of Congress or of possible one for each countries very first leaders such as presidents,emperors,prime ministers etc from Ancient Times to the 20th century with a outline of the country and also symbols of the country with the denomination and the Marxist credits symbol.Those for the galactic government will include the front having each member planet and also first elected representative from each planet.The back of all of the notes will have a picture of Karl Marx and Friedrich Ingles.The notes will contain polymers found in Austrailian dollars and possible Graphene to make it strong and have watermarks and possibly strips of nickel,gold,platinum and silver alongside a biosynth strip that houses encryptions created by AI to act as a security feature to counter forgeries that contains unique digital encryption that denotes where it was produced and what denomination it is and unique digital encryption to denote it is real that can’t be faked as it will be too complex for humans to fake with it once detected read by cashiers in machines with this read by sensor within cashiers produced by aishling.If the money is not read it is fake with the encryption read by sensors on money counting machines in all coop country businesses provided by Aishling.Coins can be made of the same componants of euro or dollar coins with once not needed on Earth all coins and notes will be recycled.If Picotech fabricators become sufficiently advanced then the coins can be composed of gold and platinum and a mixture of nickel for strength and magnetism with gold and platinum coins for all denominations.Coins can be made of the same componants of euro or dollar coins with once not needed on Earth all coins and notes will be recycled.If Picotech fabricators become sufficiently advanced then the coins can be composed of gold and platinum and a mixture of nickel for strength and magnetism with gold and platinum coins for all denominations.All notes and coins will be designed by the AI Euthenia and Gaia.This currency namely Marxist credits and cubits will be the same currency used by the galactic government once formed when interacting with non human races that still use money and other currencies.However Marxist credits and cubits for use on Earth will use the symbol of the global government on coins and notes while Marxist credits and cubits for use with interacting with non human races across the galaxies by the galactic governmrnt will utilise the galactic governments symbol on the notes and coins but both versions will use the same universal symbols for denoting both Marxist credits and cubits themselves namely the aforementioned ones from Star Wars,Mass Effect:Andromeda.A single global central bank will be set up by the AI Euthenia that manages its economic policies and its exchange rates etc and carries out loans with it having its own bank card and it managing the conversion of all currencies worldwide including in all bank accounts worldwide to the the transitional universal currency with it even absorbing and buying out all banks worldwide with it turning all physical branches of all banks worldwide into the universal bank that manages the transition to the universal currency of Marxist credits and cubits and eventually towards a moneyless society that controls the global economy.Thus all existing banks worldwide will be be bought out by it or absorbed by it.People can set up new bank accounts in Euthenias bank and then arrange to have all money In their existing bank accounts transferred to these bank accounts and converted to Marxist credits and cubits in the exact same amount and have all deductions for bills and also inflow of new payments for work and social welfare programmes transferred to their new Euthenia bank account with them given a Euthenia bank account and all money converted from old currencies such as euros,dollars,yuan,yen into Marxist credits and cubits.Once money becomes obsolete Marxist Credits can be used in video games,movies etc set in alternate timelines that still use money.This global currency will be a temporary measure to fund the global universal basic income of $25,000,000,000 created out of thin air through federal reserve system with this universal basic income and universal currency only a temporary measure until money itself becomes obsolete through advances in AI,automation and other emerging technologies eliminates scarcity of all resources and eliminates all human labour completely.

Furthermore all countries will have to adopt the same infrastructure and manufacturing codes,accreditation and grading and standards systems with regards to buildings,roads,each set of manufactured goods(pharmaceuticals,energy efficiency standards for appliances,vehicles,buildings and even adoption of the British washing symbols for textiles) such as via software simulations and also quality control/grading of goods like steel and piping like the ISO systems etc.water,food quality standards.All scientific standards will be homogenised as well such as using the short scale and it’s notation of large such as digital media,electronics and video games etc will have the same universal version with games being either PAL or NTSC whichever is the best.If possible the sentient operating software Hestia can replace both NTSC and PAL as a far better version that can be updated regularly.Furthermore similar universal grading systems for other parts of the society and standards such as Blu Ray Regions,video game consoles regions,digital transmission standards,colour encoding system for analogue transmission(and thus the same universal type/subtype) etc will exist with the most widely used version or most efficent one chosen by AI.Adriadne will be the universal region for video games and movies in Dionysus.For energy efficiency for electronics the current European Union energy labelling system will be adapted into a global version set up by the global EPA with a global version Energy Performance Certificate for homes present in the Home AI,Hephaestus accounts on receipts manged by the global version of the EPA.Another label measuring the amount of toxic material in electronics will set up for all electronics ordered worldwide with a global label made for vehicles and their energy efficiency and rating.With regards to clothing and accessories such as shoes will utilise the UK version of number sizes in all cases with them also using both the UK measuring system alongside the lettering system ie S(small)to XXL and so on related to the number system modified to each piece of clothing made haute couture.The universal colour code will used for measuring all type of standards in healthcare,diagnostics etc with certain ones in particular mission briefings in the military etc and stability of constructed buildings and vehicles,safety regulations will follow the A-F scale;(A:81-100%,B:65-80%,C:49-64%,D:33-48%,E:17-32%,F:0-16%)with others having a variation of this. Gaia,Dike and other AI will ensure this will be carried out.This uniform adoption will eliminate complexities across the world brought on by them and extend to all colonies across the galaxy

This homogenisation will extend to making all terrestrial vehicles drive on the same side.A minority of countries have vehicles drive on the left(UK,Ireland,Australia,Japan,Australia,India etc) with measures made to transfer them to driving on the right side of the road like the vast majority of countries to ensure that all automated vehicles can drive easily in all countries.Thus all roads and autonomous vehicles will use and converted to right handed traffic like the majority of the world such as America and mainland Europe.Automated vehicles both those that are retrofitted with autonomous driving capabilities and new ones will be programmed by Ophion to drive on this new universal road system since human drivers will become oboslete by the 2030s.Any remaining human drivers would have to be taught how to drive on the proper side of the road.Cyclists and hikers and pedestrians will follow this with them walking and driving on the same side as each other.Thus by 2029 all terrestrial vehicles including those on underground roads will drive on the right like the majority of the world with the few countries that drive on the left modified to driving on the right.Vehicles will from now on have the drivers and passengers seats location on the same side as those that drive on the right.

Also included in this homogenisation will the fact that all countries will eventually have to adopt a single universal plug type for electronics ideally the British Plug Type G because of its safety(including the shutter system to prevent children electrocuting themselves)with advances in automation or home DIY even allowing for existing non plug type G wall sockets to be converted into ones that support it with converters used to facilitate type G plugs in countries that have different plug types until this is done.Type G wall sockets for electronics due to their safety will replace all other types worldwide via modifying plug sockets and converters and electrical systems as part of renovations as part of Restoration Nation for abandoned,obsolete buildings,public buildings and both communal and private homes.This means that all electronics,electrical systems and type g wall sockets will have to have the same amp,frequency and voltage range everywhere and other standards,connectors etc with the safest one adopted with adapters,converters and transformers used until complete conversion of existing sockets etc have been done by robots or by electricians.Old electronics can use adapters and converters on installed type G sockets until customised electronics by 2029 use only Type G plugs that will phase out all other plug types worldwide by 2029.One will order in new electronics such as televisions,laptops etc from countries that use Type G sockets once all homeowners as part of renovations worldwide modify wall sockets to be Type G due to its safety with all customised electronics by 2029 Type G for global uniformity.During clearances electronics with non type G plugs etc will be scanned into Hephaestus and recycled with one in countries without type G plugs will order in new electronics from Great Britain and Ireland etc with electronics companies in countries worldwide will begin manufacturing their electronics in local factories but with Type G plugs and also the same ampage,voltage and wattage etc as Great Britain and Ireland allowing consumers getting them from clearances and at the same time getting adapters and converters that will be used prior to their homes converted to type G and the British electrical grid.This will apply to existing private homes and communal homes and those derived from obsolete and abandoned buildings during these rennovations with this ensuring the correct amp age and wattage etc ie the amount of energy drawn in by electronics is synonymous with those in Great Britain that use this plug type.Prior to 2029 when customised electronics all electronic companies in countries worldwide that don’t use the type G wall socket will create versions of all of their electronics of all types that use the exact wattage etc and plug type as those for people modifying their wall sockets with converters and adapters used in transition to the global phasing out of non type G wall sockets and plugs to type G ones worldwide.This will be of relevance to people buying new electronics such as smart televisions etc as part of luxury renovations.All power grids,power plants etc worldwide will be converted to the same electrical systems and thus wattage,voltage and ampage of Europe including Great Britain that is 230V and 50Hz while renovations are carried out in buildings worldwide electronics companies will produce versions of their electronics that use the same type G type and voltage,ampage and wattage etc in all countries worldwide and people will buy and use converters and adaptors until their electrical grids are converted to the british standard of 230V 50Hz and plugs are converted to Type G.These converters etc can be used prior to wall sockets and electrical systems in all buildings worldwide such as communal and private homes including both existing ones and those from renovated obsolete and abandoned homes as well as all public buildings such as hospitals,factories,sewage and water treatment plants,amenities,bars,nightclubs worldwide are converted into type G sockets with the same amp,wattage as those in Ireland and Great Britain and all electronics worldwide including exiting and customised ones are replaced with Type G ones for uniformity to prevent complexities in the future.Hospitals,amenities,bars etc will use adapters etc as all of these buildings will be converted to Type G wall sockets and plugs.Thus between 2029-2045 all buildings of all types worldwide including existing private homes,obsolete and abandoned buildings converted into private and communal homes as well as public buildings such as factories,public amenities,bars,nightclubs,airports,hospitals,sewage treatment plants as well as cruise ships,vertical farms and so on will have all plugs converted into type G and all electrical systems converted into that used by Britain where Type G used as to allow for homogenisation and end complexities associated with different countries having different systems with this plug type used across the universe for all future buildings etc.Adapters and converters once no longer needed will be traded online and Euthenia and recycled.All plugs in wall sockets,electrical systems and all amps,wattage and voltage in all electronics and electrical systems worldwide will be converted to that of that of both Great Britain and Ireland as it is same.Thus not only will all sockets be converted into type g but all electrical systems such as power grids and power lines,power plants etc worldwide will be converted into the same wattage,ampage and voltage as Great Britain and Ireland and the rest of Europe roughly 230V 50Hz but all future customised electronics will use both type G plugs and the same wattage,voltage etc as those from Great Britain and the rest of Europe roughly 230V 50Hz to ensure uniformity with all existing non type G electronics will be recycled and replaced by newer customised electronics with adapters and converters used in the transition phase.This type G plug and British electrical systems of 230V 50Hz will be uniform in all private homes,public buildings such as hospitals,factories,sewage/water etc treatment plants,public amenities etc worldwide and also private and communal homes derived from both obsolete and abandoned buildings worldwide.This is because this plug type is the safest and electrical systems of Great Britain is roughly 230V and 50Hz and will negate the need for multiple plug types across the world allowing all future customised electronics plug types worldwide to be the same and thus used everywhere and traded with anyone and negate the need for adapters and converters – thus by changing wall sockets and electronics to this universal plug type in all homes,public buildings such as hospitals etc as part of these renovations worldwide prior to 2029 and to the universal power grid etc worldwide will negate any future complexities forever.The voltage,hertz,ampage and wattage of Great Britain will be utilised worldwide.If possible the Type G plug will be adopted globally with if whichever is deemed safer etc direct current and lower or higher voltages,wattage,hertz and ampage etc will used instead of that of Great Britain.AI namely Steropes will determine the safest wattage,voltage,ampage levels and range that exist worldwide including new ones and then modify all countries power grids,electrical systems etc worldwide including Great Britain to it.The most efficient and safest electrical system either alternating and direct current in terms of safety and efficiency of transmission of electricity will be adopted worldwide with research made into more efficient and safe means with any future changes done worldwide by AI and Biosynths.Public buildings such as hospitals,amenities,bars and nightclubs etc and also all renovated obsolete and abandoned buildings,all existing private and communal homes and cruise ships etc worldwide will undergo this conversion to type G and British electrical system for the same reason with this done at the same time they are made water and energy efficient and undergo luxury renovations and have extensions.The electrical systems,voltage,ampage and watts of Great Britain will be adopted worldwide by modifying the wattage,ampage and voltage of buildings,power grids and electrical systems worldwide to the same standards as in Great Britain.The type G plug type and electrical systems of Great Britain and the rest of Europe of 230V 50Hz will be chosen because it is the safest.This conversion will be carried out at the same time that public buildings,private homes etc are undergoing luxury renovations to increase the occupants standard of living but also measures to make them water and energy efficient reducing energy and water waste by between 70-90%.All abandoned and obsolete buildings converted into homes will be fitted with these electrical systems and plug types..Thus the changing of sockets to Type G and same electrical systems as Great Britain when they are undergoing luxury refurbishments,extensions and the buildings are refurbished to be made energy and water efficient.For bars,nightclubs,hospitals etc this will be done at the same time they are fitted with the latest robots and automated features.All buildings worldwide such as private homes,apartments,hospitals and also all obsolete buildings such as hotels,motels,supermarkets etc converted into private and communal homes alongside abandoned buildings converted into private and communal homes will have all sockets converted into Type G sockets and electrical systems in all power plants,power grids and buildings worldwide.At the same time all power plants,electrical systems and grids voltage,ampage and wattage worldwide will be converted into the same one present in Great Britain,Ireland and the rest of Europe of 230V 50Hz to ensue that all electronics intake the same voltage,wattage,ampage as that in Great Britain and Ireland.As a result all future electronics will use the same wattage,voltage and ampage etc and plug type of those sold in Great Britain including electric toothbrushes etc.All electrical grids and electrical systems worldwide will be modified to have the same amps,wattage and voltage as electrical systems in Great Britain of 230V 50Hz through measures to convert them to it thus meaning all newly converted sockets converted into Type G will draw in the same wattage,ampage and voltage into universal Type G electronics as in Great Britain.This will allow all future customised electronics worldwide to have the same plug type as Type G and also the same voltage,ampage and wattage of 230V 50Hz meaning one can use the same electronics worldwide as tourists and when moving to another country permanently with during the transitional phase multi-plug adapters and converters used.Thus by 2029-2045 type G wall sockets and plugs of electronics will replace all other types worldwide by having all homes,public buildings etc worldwide converted to Type G sockets and British electrical systems of 230V 50Hz will replace all systems worldwide to end complexities and also due to its safety and allow global uniformity for when people are on holiday and move home.All electrical systems in power plants and power grids that are connected to buildings and their plugs in all buildings and all electronics will be modified into using the same voltage,wattage,amp age etc standards as Great Britain and Ireland of 230V 50Hz to further integrate homogenisation with converters used in between the transition.This will mean all buildings,electronics,sockets and electrical systems will be modified and undergo renovations to use the same voltage,ampage etc as each other worldwide and be modified to standards in Ireland and Great Britain.This conversion to Type G sockets and British electrical systems will be done in all buildings such as private and communal homes,obsolete and abandoned homes renovated into luxury homes and also all public buildings such as amenities,hospitals,sewage treatment plants,factories etc worldwide will be modified into using these sockets,voltage etc with them using adapters and converters in the transitional period.Cruise ships and other means of transportation including interstellar vehicles etc will utilise and convert to this plug type etc.All buildings worldwide will be converted to Type G sockets and the buildings and power infrastructure electrical systems converted to that of Great Britain.This will be done to ensure homogeneous standards and end complexities when travelling abroad for holidays and permanently moving home and due to the Type G known as the safest plug type.As a result by 2029 all future electronics worldwide will use the same Type G plug and same amps,voltage,wattage as those sold in Great Britain.Human electricians paid money from Euthenia by 2029 and in time biosynths by 2045 will carry this out worldwide in fleets.These conversion to type G and British electrical systems in all homes and buildings will be done at the same time that these buildings will undergo renovations to make them water and energy efficient as well as undergoing luxury renovations as well as the same time they are being fitted with automated measures with robots,biosynths and also fitted with onboard computers to house the AI in charge of them and also other renovations to update them and entire economy to the post 2029 automated global economy with this done using money organised and collected by the government both in global scales but also on national scales by each countries government but also each local state,county government and even town and city government including both human and in time AI governors and mayors alongside private citizens funding them through Patreon,global universal basic income,monitisation and applying for loans from banks with Gaia once she has seized control of the global money supply she will arrange the allotment of money to where it is need for these renovations with by 2035-2045 biosynths able to do most building and private homes.Asbestos in all buildings worldwide including hospitals,public buildings,factories,private homes and obsolete buildings and abandoned buildings rennovated to luxury standards worldwide will be removed and replaced with fungi based insulation and hempcrete during these renovations.Copper etc as part of plugs can be replaced by graphene,similar nanomaterials of all 92 elements and biosynth technology.This includes bayonet mounts that are used in lightbulbs in United Kingdom and in many countries that were members of the British Empire including Pakistan,Australia,Hong Kong,Fiji,India,Sri Lanka,Ireland,and New Zealand,parts of the Middle East and Africa and, historically,France and Greece will eventually phase out new and even existing Edison screws in America and automatise industry with light sockets in ceilings and lamps converted to the bayonet system for the same reason as switching the world to type G sockets.All door handles in all private and communal homes,hospitals,factories,bars,restaurants and all buildings worldwide will be be replaced by round digital locks that use digital keys rather than normal physical keys to open them.These digital keys will use digital keys stores on ones Hestia app that can be shared with others using a system of adminstration and daughter acces that can be shared on revoked wirelessly with them opening locks to doors wirelessly.All doors in all buildings worldwide both private and communal homes and also public buildings such as hospitals,power plants,sewage and water treatment plants etc will use this system of round locks and digital keys.These digital keys will also replace keys for vehicles,sheds,windows and gates etc.This will negate the need for using conventional keys that can be lost,negate the need for carrying them and also need to create copies and also also have them all stored in ones app on smartphones and laptops etc with them shared wirelessly with others.Asbestos in all buildings worldwide will be replaced with fungi and hempcrete based insulation.These modifications will be made to building worldwide as part of luxury rennovations.The conversion of all sockets,electrical systems to the British system and Type G,replacing of food handles to digital locks and removal of asbestos and other infrastructural measures will be done by human electricians,construction workers paid through Euthenia,Daedalus and funds from Kickstarter etc worldwide by 2029 with by 2045 Biosynths will be advanced by 2045 to replace humans.This will be organised by Steropes, Gaia and also governments of each country and each state in the case of America etc.

Furthermore the metric system will replace the imperial system globally in all measurements both in media,measurements of all forms,scientific studies,signs,electronics,vehicles,spoken language and the British notation date(day/month/year) system will be completely replacing the American notation date(month/day/year) and other variations worldwide in signs,the wire,media,the internet,electronics etc via software through electronics,globally and also 24 hour time system(ie. 15:00 representing 3pm) will replace the 12 hour system with the short scale measurement for integers for the power of ten and similar standards and measurements used worldwide due to them in particular the metric system being used in the vast majority of countries worldwide.All signs worldwide that use the imperial system will be replaced by those with metric measurements.Thus the metric system will become the universal system eliminating the imperial system in movies,live news and also signs replaced by human,robot and biosynth workers worldwide with news signs including graphene ones..In time their may be even a homogenisation in English spelling with the British English spelling and pronunciation and use of certain words taking precedence over American English worldwide even in America through signs,the wire,the internet,electronics,in written language in media etc with the same in the pronunciation of numbers.AI such as Arke will modify posts on all websites to this.Robots can replace existing signs across America etc with correct spelling signs and metric system or graphene ones that stream this data.Paid humans in fleets can do this by 2029 paid by the single universal global bank Euthenia with biosynth the doing this by 2045.Humans in fleets paid by Euthenia will replace all signs on roads etc that use imperial measurements to ones with metric measurements by 2029 that contain biosynth chips that use biosynth WiFi to relay the directions and speed to automated vehicles and traffic lights replaced with those that have Biosynth technology and wifi integrated into them with by 2045 Biosynths replacing both with Graphene and biosynth WiFi,biosynth technology based signs and traffic lights.All traffic lights worldwide will be replaced with those connected to Ophion that use biosynth Bluetooth and WiFi.The pronunciation of words and numbers will follow that of Great Britain with British English in terms of spelling will phase out American English worldwide.As stated the 23 hours systems of time notation will replace the 12 hour system worldwide.Practices such as daylight saving time should be either unanimously accepted and homogenised or abandoned decided by Gaia with her automatically changing the time all public clocks(including analogue clocks such as Big Ben),smart devices and electronics linked to it via Hermes and Hestia.

What defines a continent and how many there are and what countries are part of each continent will be have to homogenised and legally defined in the constitution.Ideally the continents will be defined as the following.Europe consisting of Iceland,Ireland, Britain,Continental Europe and Russia.Asia consisting of all of Asia including New Guinea down until the Pitcairn Islands as part of the South Pacific and also the Middle East as well as both India and Sri Lanka.Africa consisting of all African nations and Madagascar.Austrailia consisting of Austrailia and New Zealand.North America consisting of The United States of America as well as Canada and the entirety of Central America.South America consisting of South America.Antarctica consisting of Antarctica.This brings us to about seven continents.Definitions for scientific,cultural and administrative terms will be homogenised such as urban area,city proper,metropolitan area,prefecture,county,state etc worldwide replacing all variations worldwide including on Wikipedia.All first-order administrative divisions worldwide will have their naming homogenised to that of the United States that is all countries,prefectures and regions worldwide that are ruled by governors AIs will be converted and renamed states similar to that of the United States of America with them further divided into counties and boroughs etc following that of the United States

With the advent of interstellar travel in the distant future there will have to be the formation of a galactic version of these bodies within a sort of galactic government (similar to the United Federation of Planets,Democratic Order of Planets,DOOP) with an United Earth as a member with its own embassies on earth,colonies and other member planets with it acting as a diplomatic branch for communication and diplomacy between Earth and all other members as well as even non member planets and empires under one roof with the one on Earth located with the hub containing the headquarters of all aforementioned government bodies and even executive,judiciary,legislative bodies.The centralised government building hub on Earth would act as the main hub for all Earth colonies and when contact with other races have been formed act as a localised arm and embassey of this entity with the entities headquarters set in a planet or in space with it having its own versions of the Executive branch,Supreme Court,House of Representatives and Senate following the same number of members per member planet alongside the same relevant sections/space stations or buildings as the UN with extensions built overtime due to increasing number of member.Each planet member would have their own unified government,flag etc and headquarter to act as a localised arm and embassey of this entity.All former global government buildings including that on Earth would be in designated capitols of the member planets as museums or as localised branches and embassies of each planet with the galactic government building if possible in place of the global government on one of its founding members planets including Earth through extensions with if possible it spread out across all member races on all buildings.This will suffice until space stations and ring worlds etc can be constructed.If possible it will be in space as a space station or complex orbiting a star in a system that is in near proximity to several founding members with a star with a long life cycle ideally a red dwarf that will last for trillions of years with possible measures done to increase their lifespan or in a system holding a Type G star if it is possible to extend its lifespan indefinitely.If possible and entire ringworld,alderson discs or artificial planet will be created that houses all branches of its government using extensions for all member races with the artificial planet made to form ecumenopolises similar to the fictional Coruscant acting as the galactic capitol with artificial climate and hydrological systems present controlled by AI with it also housing citizens from all member races.Alderson discs and ringworlds will not be a ecumenopolis but will be the galactic capital.The planet,ring world etc the galactic governments headquarters is decided upon will be the galactic capitol planet etc.Erebus systems that would allow traffic controlled to have on specific people access to it would be present near it with the station managed by its own AI and Hera.If other planets do not have the same government hub or even if they do then it will be decided which planets building will be the hub for this galactic government.Artificial planets could be an eucmenopolis similar to the fictional Coruscant,in ring worlds and alderson discs it could be a large building over a small fraction of its surface in the largest city present with in all cases thus being the cultural capitol of the universe with inhabitants from all member races.All possible incarnations would house all government bodies headquarters including those from Earth and new ones developed for the galactic government with this including both houses of Congress,Executive Branch and also National Library and Archives etc.In time extensions will be used to deal with the growing number of member planets for Congress.Thus Earths global government building will be used as the building for the galactic government at first but when artificial planets,ring worlds and alderson discs or space stations are set up these can act as the place to hold its headquarters with that on Earth and each member planet will act as an embassy for all sentient races of the entity that would act as the same way as embassies on Earth via extensions and as a localised arm of this government with it also doubling as a museum.This will occur alongside the formation of governmental diplomatic bodies(with each member planet having an ambassador to all other planet members with them collectively acting as ambassadors to new planets joining it) with federal divisions relating each field and sub-field of science,medicine,anthropology,courts,exploration,diplomacy,military and law enforcement(training modelled after the Agoge too) serving all member planets with their offices added the main centralised earth government hub.Its government will be the same as the three branches as the Earth government executive,bi chambrial,legislative,judiciary with the main headquarter having headquarters for each sector of government etc present in each part similar to the global government building for Earth and again election of representatives similar to the Earth government and it a constitutional direct democracy as well.The layout of all three branches – executive(consisting of president,Vice President etc and AI cabinet members,judiciary(with Dike as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court forever and non AI members) and Congress(House of Representatives and Senate) with their remaining powers and limitations.The galactic government will like the global Earth government will have bodies within it managed by ideally the same AI in charge of that of Earth that have complete jurisdiction over all planet members within it.The executive branch will consist of the President and Vice President etc held by human and non human members and AI keeping the same cabinet positions – Aristaeus replacing Secretary of Agriculture,Tyche the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development and and anything involved in infrastructure,Ophion the Secretary of Transport,Pan the Secretary of the Interior and Forestry,Urania the Office of Science and Technology Policy,Hecate the Secretary of Education,Gaia the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency,Dike the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court,Steropes replacing secretary of Energy,Hera the Chief of Staff/Head of the Office of the Executive Clerk/Head of Staff Secretary and Office of Presidential Correspondence,Perseus replacing the secretary of Defense,Aceso replacing Secretary of Health and Human Services,Paean Surgeon General etc with these AI holding these positions forever.Metis will be given the new position of Chief diplomat.Human and other races will still hold positions Secretary of State,Secretary of Homeland Security,Press Secretary,Attorney General.The Supreme Court will have Dike as the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court forever and other members being human and non human members with the Congress being the same as that of the global government with Senate having one member for each member race and House of Representatives being two for each member one for each gender.Any species that has only one or three or more genders via different biology will have two again or a third member.Their requirements to be elected and powers and limitations etc will be the same as the global government.Its reach will extend across the galaxy and eventually the entire universe.They will have the same abilities of the earth based one namely introducing bills for the instigation of war,surveillance programmes,impeachment and also handing of emergency powers following the same procedures ie majority rule and Dike,Perseus,Adikia and Hera authorising them and having the final say and having complete oversight to prevent corruption,illegal wars,human rights abuses.Dike,Adikia,Perseus and Hera will by constitutional law have the final say in authorising all bills including those to instigate war,surveillance,emergency powers and impeachment,have complete oversight over all of these operations and proceedings as well as the wording of final drafts of laws and bills etc signed into law to ensure the state powers over the public are limited.They will be given this power to have the final say and also wording of the bills to ensure that the wars instigated are justified and are done as a means of justified defence against acts of war against Earth,all member races and any nation and colonies within and also justified war against races,rebel factions etc across the galaxy who are commiting acts of imperialism,genocide,war crimes and enslavement of their own citizens and equal or lower tier races etc with them ensuring that war crimes,human rights abuses etc are not carried by the state that includes Earth and the galactic government itself with any instances of these punished in Hades and Tarturas ensuring the rule of law and make it impossible for this entity to carry out illegal,unjustified and imperialist wars against its own citizens and that of races across the galaxy.It will also prevent the state carrying out unwarranted surveillance programmes and that these are restricted to persons of interest and not the general public as well ensure impeachment of heads of state and the handing of emergency powers are justified given the situation and that all actions of Congress do not lead to corruption and infringing on the rights of its citizens and that of other races.These AI Adikia,Hera,Dike and also Minos,Aeceus,Rhadamanthus,Hades and Tarturas will act as constitutional safeguards to prevent the rise of tyrannical dictators.If possible the number could be based on the Boule,Nomolethai and Hellaia of Ancient Greece with the senate housing 50 representives from each member race divided equally between males and females for each member race for the Senate and for The House of Representatives being 50,100,150 for each member race of the House of Representatives decided by Dike etc in the constitution with positions divided equally between males and females for each member race and the Supreme Court having alongside Dike using 120 representatives divided equally between males and females for each member race.If possible both the Senate and House of Representatives and Supreme Court as well as Supreme Court and Executive Branch will take the name of their Ancient Greek equivalents with the Hellaia divided into the Hellaia representing The Supreme Court and Nomolethai representing lawmakers as part of the House of Representatives,The Senate named the Boule and Executive Branch named the Prytaneis with the courts to deal with impeachment and crimes committed by heads of state of all houses of government as part of the Supreme Court Hellaia being called the Areopagus consisting of at least about 3 representatives from each member race with one male and one female at all times and the third member being eithim one at different times.As stated once a space station ring world etc is created the global government building on Earth etc will be used as a museum or even a localised arm that reports directly to the galactic government building.Like the Earth based government they will have its remaining powers.The President of the Prytaneis will act as an official legal authorisation of laws passed by mandatory public refferendum.It will also be allowed to write up and sign any political and peace treaties involving other colonies outside oft is entity and within it involving humans as well as with other non human races set up by it and approved by Congress and Hera,Adikia and Dike.Dike,Hera and Adikia will play a role in its wording alongside the President to ensure they are airtight with the President putting forward a draft that the AI will then rewrite it that contains the general gist of the original draft but then make it airtight etc.It will also be allowed to hand out decorations and awards to certain members of the public similar to those handed by the America President.The Boule will authorise treaties etc.The Nomolethai  will draft bills with regards to the instigation of war,surveillance programmes,impeachment etc authorised by majority rule and also  Hera,Adikia,Perseus etc who will oversee their application.The Helliaia will act on repeals of rulings of courts etc.This government includes a single universal law enforcement and military body managed by Perseus/Nike/Alke/Kratos,single universal archaeological managed by Clio,single universal scientific body managed by Hecate,single universal medicine and health body managed by Epione,single space exploration body managed by Astraeus,single universal watchdog managed by Adikia,single universal terraforming and colonisation body managed by Pan whose jurisdiction will apply to all colonies across the galaxy under the entities reach.A single universal diplomatic body managed by Metis also consisting of ambassoder members from each member race will exist that deals with diplomatic relations to deal with conflicts on each member planet as well as those between each member planets and between non member races of the same/higher/lower technological tier and even aiding diplomatic efforts of potential new members and other interstellar empires etc to carry out diplomatic efforts in prevent wars and conflict as well as acting as a means of ending existing conflicts and wars of non member races with this part of the global Earth government for these reasons.Each of these will have human,alien and AI members.

A single universal bank named Euthenia managed by the AI of the same name as part of this galactic government may be used for dealing with other interstellar races providing money,loans,precious metals,items to barter for etc to citizens of this galactic body when dealing with those who are not members or are members but have interstellar travel and still use money etc and also lower tier races that have no interstellar travel or in the process of becoming members.These will be created via picotech fabricators,factories.A single universal currency will be utilised by this single bank with it creating and managing the Marxist credits currency with this managed by Gaia or other AI as part of the wire.Thus while money may become obsolete on Earth by 2029-2045 and most members of the galactic entity may also not use money a single bank that uses a single currency will be set up to deal with trade etc and by member races when dealing with member and non member races of the same,higher and lower tiers that still use money and barter prior to them becoming members or themselves discarding the concept of money to allow for trade and barter to occur during intermediary periods.To eliminate complexities of exchange rates the Earth based Marxist credits and cubits will be adopted by non human races that still use currencies with Euthenia being its single galactic bank.The aforementioned Marxist credits and cubits will be used with non member races prior to membership as a transitional phase towards to a moneyless society that still use currencies as well as member races outside Earth that decide to continue to use money that has its own exchange rate,it used alongside their native currencies or it adopted by non member races and member races that wish to continue to currencies to act a means of trade etc when dealing with them with it used primarily by human and member races who are tourists and diplomats etc visiting non member planets and inter species trade.It will be called credits.A single Marxist credit will be divided into 1,000 cubits with the symbol of credits being similar to that of the Star Wars credits and symbol of cubits being similar to Mass Effect:Andromeda credits a E with a line through it vertically.A single credit will be divided into 1,000 cubits similar to the Oman rial meaning one credit will be equal to 1,000 cubits with the symbol of credits being similar to that of the Star Wars republican credits and symbol that is a seven with two notches on the upper part of cubits being similar to Mass Effect:Andromeda credits a E with a line through it vertically.If possible credits can be subdivided in 1,000 cubits similar to the Oman rial thus 1 credit will be equal to 1,000 cubits.This means their will be coins for 1,2,5,10 cubits alongside coins for 20,50,100,500 cubits.Coins for credits that exist will be 1,2,5,10,20,50, coins with notes for credits that exist will 5,10,20,50,100,200,500 and 1,000 notes.There will also be notes for 2,000 credits,notes for 5,000 credits with there the possibility of 10,000 credits notes and also 20,000 credits notes,notes for 50,000 credits as well as notes for 100,000 credits as well 200,000 credits and 500,000 and even 1,000,000 credits notes.Furthermore there will be notes for 2,000,000 credits as well 5,000,000 credits and 10,000,000 as well as 20,000,000 credits and 50,000,000 credits and 100,000,000 credits.There will also be 200,000,000 credits notes,notes for 500,000,000 credits and 1,000,000,000 credits notes.There will be notes for 2,000,000,000 credits,notes for 5,000,000,000 credits as well as notes for 10,000,000,000 credits and then notes for 20,000,000,000 credits and then notes for 50,000,000,000 credits and notes 100,000,000,000 credits followed by notes for 200,000,000,000 credits 500,000,000,000 credits then notes for 1,000,000,000,000 credits and also 2,000,000,000,000 credits and 5,000,000,000,000 credits with their also coins for the denominations of notes with symbols used to denote large demoniations such as 1,000 and also 1,000,000 and 1,000,000,000 which will K with a vertical or horizontal strikethrough for 1,000 as well as an M with two vertical strikthroughs and for billion a B with two vertical strikethroughs.Gaia and Euthenia would both design the notes and coins.This currency will be the same one used for the transition to the moneyless society on Earth and will be used by the galactic government by tourists,the state and diplomats when interacting with non member races or members who continue to use currency with it possibly adopted by non member races and member races who continue to use money to eliminate problems associated with exchange rates etc with as stated their being a bank as part of the galactic government that manages the currency,its exchange rates,hands out loans and Marxist credits etc to tourists etc and deals with economic issues relating to non member races who continue to use money.This will be the same currency used to transition to a moneyless economy on Earth.The notes will contain polymers found in Austrailian dollars and possible Graphene to make it strong and have watermarks and possibly strips of nickel,gold,platinum and silver alongside a biosynth strip that houses encryptions created by AI to act as a security feature to counter forgeries that contains unique digital encryption that denotes where it was produced and what denomination it is and unique digital encryption to denote it is real that can’t be faked as it will be too complex for humans to fake with it once detected read by cashiers in machines with this read by sensor within cashiers produced by aishling.If the money is not read it is fake with the encryption read by sensors on money counting machines in all coop country businesses provided by Aishling.Coins can be made of gold and platinum mixed with nickel fir strength and magnetism once Picotech fabricators become sufficiently advanced with gold and platinum coins for all denominations.Astraeus will be this entities space exploration body and itself interlinked and sub divided into sectors with other parts of the government with it interlinked with Perseus for military/police/peacekeeping etc operations and backup,Epione for medical operations,Hecate for research and Clio for archaeology with human and biosynth military,research,archeology and medical personnel forming part of it that will be part of all newly discovered planets,headquarters and all interstellar vehicles and space stations in different proportions.Chrysus will share all resources from mining asteroids and mining raw elements on each planet in its jurisdiction to allocate them to where they are needed with Steropes doing this for reserves of fossil fuels etc.Physis will house the DNA of ornamental plants,crops,animals etc from all planets in its jurisdiction to allow one to download any crop,fish,shellfish,stem cells for in vitro meat,bacteria for commodities,ornamental plant,pet from any planet within the entities jurisdiction into local vertical,community and home farms with them have poisons removed.All crops,animals,plants etc will have their genome added to their version of Physis to allow crops,plants,invitro meat stem cells,commodities from bacteria etc to be replicated across the universe in labs present in universities,hospitals,space stations and interstellar vehicles across the universe and to order for pets,livestock,crops,ornamental plants,commodites from bacteria from across the universe in local vertical and other farms and manufactured food goods produced onsite of local manufacturing hubs and restaurants with poisonous ones determined by tests involving biosynths with human DNA and animal tests using animals with human DNA will have these edited out via not having the genes that express these removed from replications for restaurants and vertical farms with those from Earth have tests on biosynths modelled on aliens with their DNA to test potential toxicity and thus removed from replications.All meals from all franchises from all alien races will be added to new universal franchises based on each races regional deities and fast food ones added to Aetna with poisonous meals meals modified to be edible to humans and ingredients poisonous to them modified to be edible for them.All carnivorous species that wishes to consume human flesh or that of other sentient races will be able to avail of this via in vitro meat with humans able to avail of their flesh via in vitro meat as well.All plant and animal commodities,crops,fish,shellfish,meat from all allied and observed races and uninhabited planets from across the universe will be created by bacteria,biosynth machinery,aquaponics and in vitro meat stem cells via their planets version of Physis with any unique gemstones,rocks etc they may have can be produced synthetically.All entertainment such as video games,movies,television shows,books etc and live news,radio podcasts,newspapers and magazines from observed and member races from around the galaxy and in time the entire universe will be added to Dionysus and Pheme with this being the universal galactic source of entertainment and also live news,newspapers etc with Phorenous translating them into any language from Earth and other planets.All manufactured products of all types from all member and observed races will be scanned into the subnetworks of Hephaestus and all technologies absorbed and made available to both all members of society but also each relevant sectors of society.Patient files in Aesculapius will be divided into separate networks for humans across the universe but also networks housing patient files for each member alien race across the universe divided into those for each member species and those for all earth based and alien non sentient alien species across the universe.Polis will extend across the universe with it like patient files divided into those for each member species ie one for humans,one for each alien species with the same features and functions.Universal restaurant franchises will extend to all colonies and member planets with alien franchises restaurants have meals added including franchises named after regional deities of all member races.New universal franchises of restaurants will be created that take into account each type of cuisine as part of each individual alien species with them named after deities associated with each country or section of each races different cultures.Those that have fast food restaurants that produce food like burgers etc will be integrated into Aetna.With regards to races that consume other sentient races or can consume them eithout developing prions invitro meat can be utilised.In vitro meat can allow carnivore and omnivore races consume the flesh,organs etc of humans and other sentient races and allow humans to eat other sentient races without killing them and ethical concerns.All colonies such as terraformed and colonised planets,ring worlds etc and those of allied races across the universe will have local manufacturing hubs and vertical and other farms in each country etc to produce and manufacture and order manufactured goods,crops,commodities and even pets and ornamental plants from across the universe.All aspects of the wire such as sentient operating softwares for homes,factories,farms etc will extend to all colonies across the universe including home planets of all member races alongside YouTube,Agora,the internet,apps and websites such as Helios,Comus,Pothos,Eros etc and so on will extend to all parts of the univers.All facets internet and wire will extend to all member races and before that all colonies across the universe.The entire wire ie Demeter,Hephaestus,Dionysus,Aesculapius,Pheme etc will extend to the entire universe that this entity has jurisdiction over.Awards such as the Oscars,Nobel Prizes,Grammies,Miss Universe and so on as well as festivals and events such as Mardi Gras,St Patrick’s Day,Olympics and events for all sports will become galactic.Each area of the government such as medicine,exploration,science,military/law enforcement/diplomacy,science etc would have their own class of interstellar and eventually intergalactic vessels authorised for use for these governmental bodies named after mythological characters and places from world mythology.Also required would be colonisation councils for assessing the viability of colonising new planets.

It would also require uniform standards for tracking time in terms of length of days,weeks,months,years with its own galactic calendar to compliment the Gregorian calendar and those of other races with this used for logging diplomatic and galactic events as well as tracking time while travelling in space.If possible the Gregorian calender will form the basis of this with all member races adopting it,it could replace the Gregarian calendar and those of all member races or each member race will utilise their own native one for all of their colonies and the galactic calender will be used for galactic scale of time measurement with the most efficient means adopted.The names and the timing of hours,days,weeks,months and years will also be adapted to this as well.The galactic calender will have different or the same names and measurements of time such as hours,days,weeks,months and years as Earth taking into account the different ones used by all races and also reletivity affecting how time passes across the universe.It would thus have the same universal measurements of how time passes such as seconds,minutes,hours,days,weeks,months and years with this being the same as Earth by taking into how time such as seconds,minutes,hours,days,weeks,months and years pass on Earth due its relationship with the sun and it’s rotation around it or a new universal timing system for all races and take into account how time passes on a galactic scale or just new timing methods with new names for each day,month etc.The galactic calender will start at the year 1 from the signing of and formation the galactic government.If this is used as the universal calendar for all member races then the Gregorian calender and those of all member races will be used for tracking time  periods in their history prior to both the formation of the entity but also prior to membership into it for all new races with their old calendars ending on the year prior to the galactic government forming and prior to membership.Their old calendars will end at the day,month and year etc they joined with the date of the galactic calender they joined noted by them and Clio and denoted the galactic calender with if possible the official date ie day and month that each member race joins being the same being the first day of the first month of the year with again Clio denoting in the new calender and textbooks written by him and Hecate in the universal Wikipedia in their page thus allowing it to be saved forever and allow them to determine how far back events in their history took place by using the original calendar they used and galactic calendar and working backwards with both Clio and Delphus aiding them.Furthermore the galactic calender since based on how time passes on a galactic scale and how key planets such as Earth encircles and rotates the centre of the Milky Way and the amount of seconds in a minute,minutes in an hour,hours in a day,days in a week,days in a month,months in a year or it’s equivalencies will possibly be different from that measured and experienced on Earth and other planets and calculated by AI meaning the amounts of months in each galactic year,weeks and days in a galactic month,days in a week etc will be different than what is used by humans on Earth etc with each month and day have different names than what is used on Earth.AI such as Clio and Astraeus etc will make efforts to triangulate where each major holiday celebrated by humans and all founding and joining members are to be placed on this new calender with each living citizen of each species that joins and found it will have AI triangulate when important dates such as birthdays,holidays,anniversaries etc are placed on it with it triangulating where their original calenders is placed on them.If possible the Gregorian calendar and that of all races will continue to be used by the average citizen with them running on coccurrent to it and each other with Clio organising them to run togethim at the same time forever.This will be used across the universe and if need be it upscaled and modified if differences are made across the universe with each new member race adopting it as the universal calendar.Each member race will adopt this as their official calendar with new systems of days,months etc and if possible use their original calendar for personal use with the Gregorian calender possibly continuing on after the aforementioned end date to accomadation use for holidays or anniversaries and birthdays if not complicated managed and determined by AI over geologists timescales.Sentences in Hades and Tarturas done prior to setting this up will not change following Earth based years with even sentences done after it being set up following Earth based systems.The length of movies and media will follow that of Earth.Thus if possible a galactic calender will be set up and used by all member races including new members that starts at the year 1 with all previously used calendars used by all founding and newly joined races used to denote time before the formation of it and also prior to each new member race joining it.

Diplomats and negotiaters would be part of a universal body controlled by the sentient Metis that deals with all internal conflicts and those when dealing other races that interact with this entity and also settle disputes with non member races with this also including.With regards to human based colonies on other planets prior to this they will follow the same laws and government as the united earth government.This diplomatic entity will manage diplomatic efforts of all joining races and manage diplomatic efforts of all member races on all colonies and be a diplomatic body for all non member races that are potential threats and also those that have not decided to join.Perseus will be the universal military and law enforcement body sub divided into Nike,Alke,Kratos etc.All facets of the United Earth government will be upscale to a galactic scale as part of this galactic government that extends across all quadrants of the galaxy,the local group,Lanikea Supercluster and in time the entire universe.These upscaled facets that will become galactic and eventually universal as part of the galactic government will include the constitution etc and its immutable laws modified to all founding and potential member races,mandatory public referendums that determine legality of social issues outside of the constitution,the global executive/judiciary/legislative branch etc consisting of human and non human races,the internet,the entire wire,Agora,YouTube,Pothos,Eros etc as well as sentient AI controlling all facets of the primary,secondary and tertiary sectors of society,jurisdiction of the global military,law enforcement,healthcare system,education and all facets of the global government will be up scaled and adapted to this entity as it spreads across the universe to all planets,ring worlds,alderson discs colonised by humans and alien races and the home worlds of all member races.In short all facets of the global Earth government will be up scaled to the galactic government on all colonies and homeworlds occupied and discovered by humans and other member races.Prior to this these facets will apply to Mars,Venus and other colonies across the galaxy occupied by humans and founding member races discovered prior to its formation.Upon formation of this galactic government each member races home planet including Earth and all of their colonies across the universe such as terraformed,colonised and observed uninhabited planets as well as space stations,interstellar vessels,regions of space and megastructures such as artificial planets,ringworlds,alderson discs etc and all discovered uninhabited colonies and planets will be integrated into this galactic government jurisdiction and must adopt uniform laws with its own version of United Nations Charter,galactic constitution(making it a constitutional direct democracy),flag and anthem and uniform versions of government bodies as detailed earlier on replacing planetary ones that still apply universal immutable equal rights to all founding and succesive potential member sentient races,AI and sub groups such as LGBT etc with changes in the law for social issues done in the same way as detailed earlier on via popular initiative the global public requiring a number of signatures that adjusts annually to a set percentage of the electorate population from people from all planets and colonies to start these referendums albeit on a galactic scale meaning a set percentage of this entities population(human and non human)must be required to initiate referendum.

The galactic constitution will be drafted by Adikia with the same tenants in the Earth based one such as equal rights for the LGBT community of all sentient races and AI etc only upscaled to a galactic with tenants modified to include not just founding races but also contain flexible wording etc to accomadate any successive future joining races and their individual needs and tenants especially with regards to the age of majority and separation of church and state with the church and state clauses etc have this be worded as to ensure that any practices by their religions must be consentually practiced in public but in court with regards to clothing,making discrimination towards any ethnic group including other sentient races and the LGBT community and also AI etc on religious grounds would be constitutionally illegal alongside discriminatory practices being constitutionally illegal and those that constitute unlawful mutilation of another sentient being and also censorship of media and infringement of the right to free speech and expression constitutionally illegal alongside honor killings of sentient beings illegal.All member races will adopt the same uniform laws,websites,sentient apps and softwares etc with religious and social customs allowed to be expressed by all member races and sub groups within them allowed provided they do not infringe on the rights of members of their races  and other members races and AI with provisions made for the clothing of women etc and when they should be allowed to worn ie specific clothing that is their equivalent to hijab,Burkha only by pure consent by females and not in certain instances etc with honour kilings,multilation of females similar practices outlawed with Adikia wording it so that it will allowing practices to be carried out provided they do not discriminate against LGBT individuals and artificial intelligence on religious and not carrying out multination of females etc with the separation of state and church clause of the global government will be up scaled to allow all religious groups the freedom to practice any religion and social custom provided they do not infringe on the rights of others with human sacrifices or those of their own sentient races etc allowed to be carried only if biosynths/animals are used with the cannibalism of ones of species and consumption of the meat of other sentient races replaced with in vitro meat.It will be worded by Adikia and Dike to accomadate all possible religious practices from all possible newly joining races with if possible she even writing in a clause that despite the separation between state clause being immutable would allow him to write new sub clauses for each each new member races religious practices and social customs to limit those that would infringe on the right to life,right to safety and give the LGBT community,AI and sub groups and ethnicities freedom from discrimination for each joining races that would in turn be immutable.Thus she will write a clause that describes overall that religious and social customs can be abided by them providing they don’t infringe on the rights of others in their own species but also all species as well as AI and that certain ones with regards to clothing etc must be carried on by pure consent of the individual in public and must not be used in court where they must be fully visible,that honour and sacrificial killings would be illegal with sacrificial killings only allowed using animals or biosynths.Then as a stated she will insert a clause that will allow him to add new sub clauses that detail the legality of each social customs and religious practices of future member that joins individually that could infringe in another citizens rights and for their also wording to state ways they can be carried out such as with regards to clothing etc can only be carried out only by pure consent of the individual affected by it and where it cannot be carried in situations such as court where they are required to have their face fully visible with this also detailing alternative ways of carrying out other practices that do include sacrifices etc without harming a member of the race including other existing and joining race by using alternatives such as biosynths,in vitro meat,synthetic versions of products from other races and animals.These once signed in will immutable and added to the clause for each joining members.This will cater to the individual needs of each future joining races multitude of dominant practiced religions allowing to be practiced provided they do not infringe on the rights of AI,sub races etc within their own species and all existing and future member races.Discrimination against any subgroup including the LGBT community,race,AI including all future joining races on religious grounds will be constitutionally illegal and immutable.Honour killings and censorship will be also made illegally and immmutable.The freedom to practice any religion will thus be enshrined to all provided they do not infringe on the rights of others,discriminate against others or influences the state and its laws.This will allow for freedom of religion but prevent them infringing on the rights of others and maintain the separation of church and state to prevent the state giving favouritism over any single religion and ensure the state does not become a theocracy preventing any religion influencing the laws of society.Thus certain universal tenants of the global constitution seaparation of church and state will be universal to all species such as rendering discrimination against AI,LGBT members of all races and any member of any group,sub group and race and aforementioned ones for Earth based religions constitutionally illegal with for each new joining races will have new sub clauses added to the galactic constitution based on their predominant religions different practices that allows them to practised provided they don’t infringe on the rights of others with these clauses specifying them for each individual races individual religions and practices added to it during the application of each race.This will be signed on the equivalent of the galactic calendars July 4th.The same procedures for voting on Earth from 2029 onwards will be upscale and applied to the entire galaxy and universe.Laws regarding remaining social issues such as the death penalty,recreational drugs,euthanasia etc will be decided by public referendum initiated by popular iniatiative within Themis with it requiring a number of digital signatures from a set number of the population of all member races from across the galaxy and universe.Nyx will allow votes to be received by Dike in minutes with him counting votes on each planet in real time separately and then merging all votes from all colonies together.Earth and other member planets global constitutions immutable laws will be integrated into the galactic constitution and future laws changed by popular initiative and referendums.At least a few dozen member races must be present for its formation with proto forms existing beforehand.It will have to have its own name such as United Federation of Planets and so on.Thus other sentient races across the galaxy and eventually universe will become members of this and not just other human colonies following these requirements.All member planets would have the same uniform laws across the universe.Laws such as the age of consent and majority would vary for different species with different rates of transition from their versions of childhood,puberty etc with in otherwords their equivalent of 14 and of the end of puberty wherein they through engineering would reach full physical development and their version of puberty finished one year earlier denoting adulthood with progeria mylienisation applied to them in the same way to ensure that even in infancy they have fully developed neural mass.Thus through engineering each new member species will have their brains reach full maturity by infancy via progeria mylinisation and finish their version of puberty one year earlier than normal by which time they will be legal adults.Thus their equivalent of 14 will be their age of majority with for species that develop into maturity and physical adulthood earlier than 14 years from birth have the point that they are finished physical development be their age of majority with those that reach physical maturity after 14 years from birth will have this as their age of majority.The point of which they have finished puberty and physical development and are past the cut off point of their version of pedopheilia will be the basis of their new age of majority with progeria mylinisation applies to them to ensure their brains reach full development by infancy.Their versions of pedophelia,schizophrenia etc will be cured.A single universal constitution,bill of rights and sentient rights convention will be drafted will have the same facets of that of the global version for Earth to enshrined the same laws with them including it applying not just to founding member races but also all future potential member sentient races across the universe thus ensuring that when they join they will be granted the same legal rights,protections and responsibilities.It will be set up in a way by Adikia etc that sets down immutable laws regarding adulthood,equal rights to AI,LGBT,all genders,genetically engineered organisms,all sentient member races and all genders and sub groups within them,limitations of the government,the separation of church and state and those regarding social issues changed via mandatory public referendums set up using a popular initiative using a set percentage of the population of all member races and planets with all laws affecting all member planets and races with this making global government constitutions of each member defunct and will be an amalgamation of them.Furthermore clauses will be added to protect sentient races that are not members of the galactic government of all technological tiers especially lower ones from exploitation,genocide,war crimes,rape,murder etc as any instances of these carried out by any citizen of member races including humans will face trials in courts for low level crimes such as murder,rape etc and trials in front of Minos,Aeceus,Rhadmantheus for Hades and Tarturas thus protecting non me,her races from these crimes.Thus the single galactic constitution that spreads to all member races across the galaxy and eventually universe will be an updated version of the global Earth constitution enshrining equal rights to all member races including LGBT members,both genders and all sub groups within them and also AI etc and ensures the same parameters ie the limitations of Congress and the state,AI and that 14 and the equivalent of all races is the age of majority.The governments structure would be modelled on that of the global Earth divided into three branches legislature,judiciary and executive with the same remaining powers with popular initiative and mandatory referendum used to change laws.Each member planet would have their own unique flag with the complex housing the main legislature,judiciary and executive buildings will again have the the flag of this government agency in between all flags of each member.Countries may be created on new colonies with their own flags as well.Like in Earth citizenship would be automatic for all individuals from all races upon birth on all colonies within its jurisdiction thus allowing free passage not only to other countries in their home planet and colonies but also other home planets and colonies of other other member races and all colonised planets and all ringworlds etc within its jurisdiction with detentions only carried when sufficient reasoning and evidence exists for murder,terrorism etc authorised by Adikia.All homeworlds of all member races and all planets,ring worlds and alderson discs colonised by them will be considered part of this entities reach and jurisdiction and thus all citizens of all member races will be allow free passage to all of these planets,ringworlds,alderson discs and all countries within them.Setting up of legal documents such as e-passports and citizenship papers will be done by all living citizens from home via Dike with Earth citizens having existing documents in their Polis account modified by Dike into those of this entity.All terraformed and colonised planets of each member planet will be absorbed into this entity include megastructures such as artificial planets,ring worlds and alderson discs.Once the galactic government is formed AI will use the electronic version as a template to create a new one with the entities symbol and have its seal etc with zero human labour automatically with this including birth,marriage,divorce certs and also passports as well as registration to carry weapons etc.Thus all existing legal documents in ones Polis account will be automatically updated to the galactic version by Dike with citizens of Earth doing nothing.Furthermore all colonies,homeworlds etc in its jurisdiction will abide by the same uniform laws laid down in the constitution and those set by public referendums thus meaning the galactic constitutions immutable laws and tenants will be enforced on all planets within its jurisdiction with changes to laws regarding social issues such as legality of recreational drugs,abortion,death penalty etc changed by public referendums similar to Earth started by popular initiative based on a set percentage of the electorate population and then voting with votes taken in from all citizens of all member races with Nyx used to intake votes from across the galaxy and eventually universe.Thus all colonies and home worlds of all inhabited by member races will be under the jurisdiction of this entity and will abide by its rules with all citizens allowed free passage from one planet to another with this rescinding any one planet from setting their own laws and also ability to restrict passage of anyone through.All of the entire wire,internet(including Agora,YouTube etc)and sentient operating softwares,apps and practices for agriculture and production of manufactured goods etc as on Earth will apply to all colonies and homeworlds.Genetic engineering through CRISPR including scratch and extremophile DNA can allow humans to inhabit planets etc across the universe not conducive to human life or planets with high levels of radiation,lower or higher temperatures,different air pressure,gravity etc with this allowing alien races that evolved on planets with different environmental conditions to survive conditions on Earth and planets conducive to only humans.Existing galactic entities across the galaxy and universe similar to this galactic entity that comprise of numerous races encountered by it will be ideally absorbed and merged into it to ensure cohesion and will abide by its laws and government etc.The jurisdiction of this entity will cover the entire galaxy and in time entire universe.Admission of new races will have to follow the same methods of application to this as currently used in the admission to the current UN and EU with each member race requiring at least interstellar travel capabilities,the elimination of internal civil warfare must prove not be an imperialist threat to Earth,the galactic government,as well as other races and must not be subjugating,massacaring or exploiting other less technologically advanced or equally advanced races and must have a singular world government as mandatory perquisites and if they have colonies across the universe must have a single governing body with other colonies of the same race not having separate governments in charge of each planet and it’s continents with diplomatic bodies within this entity aiding in this and indeed conflicts between other races with the possibility of adoption of moneyless minarcho technocratism also being a perquisite.Furthermore they must have solved all internal political conflicts and wars meaning they must not have any countries,political and religious groups committing war crimes,genocide,enslaving each other meaning political stability and peace must achieved between all countries,ethnic groups,religious groups etc with them also if they have interstellar travel capabilities must not commuting war crimes,genocide or enslaving other equal or lower tier races with this also applying to colonies across the universe of their own race ie any colonies they have on other planets of their race must not be enslaved by them they must not committing war crimes against them.This will be required so as to prevent them destroying themselves via any shared technology or using that technologies to become an imperialistic threat thus all new member races will have to prove through this at the start by ending all internal conflicts and pass other tests that ensure that they are not a threat to peace within the entity and will not start conflicts within it and use its resources to start any unwarranted conflicts with or subjugate non member races of equal,lower or highim tiers.Metis will be used to solve internal disputes for applying races with Perseus providing military support as a last resort but primarily peacekeeping efforts with those guilty of crimes worthy of Hades and Tarturas put on trial in front of Minos,Aeacus,Rhadamanthus.Daedalus,Steropes,Hecate and Tyche will upgrade them to the galactic government same technological tier and also same standard of infrastructure and also share technologies across all joining members with regards to energy,transportation,housing and agriculture etc.Races of all technological tiers V and above that are a imperialist threat will undergo measures to limit their expansion across the universe including diplomatic efforts and military operations such as confining them to their homeworld and stripping them of all technologies that could allow them to destroy themselves,others or indeed allows them to carry out interstellar and intergalactic travel that allows them to gain access to other solar systems or galaxies with if possible them restricted to a few chosen colonies,artificial planets,rigworlds etc including their homeworld to sustain population growth with if possible their fertility slowed down to the point that females and males only able to produce viable spermatozoa and eggs etc once every few centuries or thousand years or halted completely by being made completely sterile via gene therapy while they are allowed eternal youth and immortality to prevent killing them and halt population growth with fertility to be returned once they no longer pose a threat while diplomatic efforts and deprogramming are carried out and their technological level stunted to that Tier V where all sectors of their society is automated,given means of producing abundant food supplies are given ability to generate abundant clean energy etc with technology circa 2029-2045 Earth with the only AI present being Hecate,Iaso,Metis and Gaia etc to prevent them curing sterility and keep them at a desired technology level and oversee all passage in between all confined colonies,study behaviour and oversee diplomatic efforts and deprogramming at all times 24/7,365 with their omniscience extending to all devices,networks etc within the colonies they are restricted to via fragmentation with if possible treaties made to limit their spread and corner off border areas and regions of space complete with neutral space where space stations can act as diplomatic regions and lookout points with it possible to create barriers consisting of stregically placed space stations across entire planets,solar systems and even regions of space to that prevent them escaping to slow their rate of development and encroachment and allow for diplomacy to occur quickly with if shown to have progressed socially samples of the species who are peaceful and not imperialist through VR simulations and neural implants will be allowed supervised travel to allied colonies and supervised communication with their home colonies managed by AI to act as a bargaining tool to encourage more to be reprogrammed.The race will be kept at a desired level of technology on a case by case basis with AI such as Gaia etc ensuring this with their level of AI being similar to that of Earth 2029-2100 with Gaia,Metis,Astraeus and Hecate and other AI as part of the wire etc being the only AI present with existing AI boxes themselves and food production,energy production and housing etc being circa between 2029-2100 that will include commodities from genetically engineered bacteria,aquaponics,in vitro meat,recirculating aquaculture systems and also geothermal and renewables,synthetic oil and also dyson swarms to provide clean abundant energy and food production with this being done as a peace offering to induce diplomatic relations.Space stations will be orbiting all selected colonies and it acting as observation and also areas to house diplomatic relations and AI controlling passage between all selected colonies.To furthim improve diplomatic relations they may be given access to Dionysus and Pheme as part of the wire and thus access to these and other parts of the wire and even given access to Wikipedia,Agora and YouTube etc to induce them to become full members of the galactic government with them given VR programmes of Earth and other colonies for VR holidays.Furthermore bioremediation of polluted ecosystems and reviving extinct species via the Lazarus methods and using the Phanes method to increase numbers of endangered species.This will be known as “boxing” with DNA samples coming from all plants and animals to be analysed in labs.Once no longer a threat and they prove themselves worthy of integration will be made fertile again via gene therapy and given back interstellar travel and quarantines lifted.Although it may qualify as social genocide it will be justified as to prevent threats to the safety of the universe in turn committing mass genocide that would lead to loss of human and other sentient race across the universe with them thus prevented from threatening other life across the universe and limit their spread while allowing them to be contained to a few selected colonies and it also a means of preventing overpopulation on their home world and selected colonies and thus extinction with the sterilisation only temporary with it reversed once the race can be civilised and deprogrammed.Species of allied or boxed races that naturally create far too many young in large batches of dozens or more that is the result of evolutionary advantages due to harsh conditions on their home planet may be genetically engineered to have their fertility rate and ability to reproduce modified to that similar to humans where one can produce only one offspring at a time or with multiple births such as twins,triplets etc eithim fraternal or identical and larger births that they normally produce are just as rare as in humans with them encouraged like humans to use birth control in the form of gene therapy and also space out birth rates over centuries or thousands of years in order to make their population growth sustainable on the home world,colonies across the universe including ringworlds,alderson discs etc.The ability or need to produce large numbers of young would have sufficed in prehistoric times when it was necessary to ensure maximum survival rates but with life extension,immortality it may no longer be needed and may in fact lead to overpopulation and depletion of natural resources much quicker so as stated they will via CRISPR be made to produce the same amount of young as humans with multiplr births including large batches in their normal amount being eithim rare or non existent.To ensure all member races can travel back and forth between all member races homeworlds and colonised planets,ringworlds,dyson shells and alderson discs all member races including humans can undergo genetic engineering through CRISPR with this also including members of observed races.Thus all member races through gene therapy using CRISPR can be made to survive different environmental conditions outside of and also that of their native homeworld thus allowing them to be able to travel back and forth between all planets under its jurisdiction.Also a prequisite requirement will be the development of AI and automation at least on the same level of circa Earth 2029-2100 and their version of the wire,apps,sentient operating softwares may be a requirement which will be integrated and it following the same naming and structure ie their version of Greek mythology and structure with regards to agriculture,manufacturing,healthcare and also statues of deities in their buildings lobbies with it able to integrate with Earths version of the wire via Ouranos and Gaia.In otherwards their version of the wire and even Internet will be overtaken and absorbed by that of Earth for cohesion.Otherwise our version of the wire,apps,sentient operating softwares may be used if no version of theirs exists.Ideally AIs in charge of each sector will be integrated into theirs or their equivalent integrated and data merged via Ouranos and Gaia.In otherwards even if they have their own versions of the wire and sentient apps etc then those of Earth can be integrated into them via them working togethim sharing information,AIs working togethim etc.Otherwise Earth based ones will replace their versions and AIs in charge of alien versions can become building,Home AIs etc with all data and features from alien versions transferred into Earth versions.Their different versions of internet encyclopaedias,social media and filesharing sites will be integrated into Wikipedia,Agora,YouTube,Eros,Pothos etc managed by Tenerus,,Thoas,Eros,Peitho and Hecate with them taking place of non existent ones and if they have versions managed by AI then they can merge togethim or replace them while the AIs in control of alien versions become building AIs etc.The alien AIs may also work with Earth based AIs in these sites and sectors of the wire to alleviate strains on work considering the number of data amalgamated.In otherwards all online encyclopaedias of all alien civilisations will have all information transferred to Wikipedia,all social websites will be integrated into Agora by having all features and all data on all accounts will be transfered into Agora,all accounts and videos on their versions of YouTube will be transferred to our version of YouTube and all dating apps replaced Eros,with all amateur porn sites like xhamster,xtube will be transfered into Peitho and so on for consistentancy and homogeneity.Agora will be the universal social network sure,YouTube the universal Filesharing and vloggjng site and all dating sites replaced by Eros with all adult Filesharing sites integrated into Peitho.All pornographic websites will be transferred into Hedone directory.In the case of Eros and Peitho these will first be subdivided into those for humans and other humanoid alien races humans can have sex with and also divided into those for each alien race with them then subdivided into straight,gay,bisexual and lesbian.In all of these cases all existing accounts and data will be integrated into universal Earth based websites.All scientific studies will be transferred to Apollo and all manufactured products scanned into Hephaestus and all movies,television shows,video games,live news,magazines,newspapers etc transferred to Pheme and Dionysus.In short all universal Earth based websites will extend to all allied races and will replace them forever.The same will apply to Earths version of the wire with it replacing existing versions,non existing versions for each alien civilisation with sentient alien AIs relegated to other duties or even amalgamated into the different sectors.Apollo will contain all scientific studies,Hephaestus all manufactured products and so on for both allied and observed races.YouTube,Wikipedia,Eros and Pothos,Hedone managing adult websites and Agora etc will extend to all allied races and colonies across the universe.All parts of the wire Hephaestus,Demeter,Apollo,Themis,Dionysus,Pheme etc will extend to all sentient races across the universe integrated into the entity replacing all of their versions of it once all data is transferred and also all human colonies across the universe etc.This means patient files and new ones etc that contain genetic scans and medical history etc will be taken of all member races and will be added to Aesculapius.All of their movies/video games/television shows/adult pornographic movies will be transferred to Dionysus and all live news,radio programmes,podcasts,magazines and newspapers,adult movies etc will be added to Pheme with this applying to both allied and observed races with the sentient Coeus translating them into any human language and translate human media into any alien languages.Demeter will house all of their crops,ornamental plants.Government and non governmental bodies named after Greek deities detailed earlier ie Aegle,Adikia,Metis,Gaia,Hygieia,Nike will apply to all extra terrestrial and solar colonies as well as member planets of alien races across the universe of this galactic governmental body with all amenities,farms,factories etc having the same universal statues of sentient operating softwares in the lobbies with them linked by the same operating softwares through Nyx with this possibly even applying to planets and colonies inhabited by other sentient races.All buildings of all types will be controlled by individual AIs and receptionists.All governmental bodies on Earth managed by sentient AI such as Adrestria,Orion,Aegele,Leto,Amalthea,Iaso etc will extend on to all member races.The wire will still remain and expanded onto a galactic scale with Astraeus housing each planets version of Artemis,Physis and Hermes(including Earth)or ideally one can be able to have access to each planets version of Physis,Hermes,Artemis within an universal version of Hermes,Artemis and Physis.It can apply to Polis too being universal and divided into each planet etc and/or race and this will apply to alderson discs,ringworlds,terraformed planets Etc as well with Aesculapius,Dionysus,Demeter,Apollo,Hephaestus etc being universal with all information from all planets shared in them.The wire,Wikipedia,YouTube etc and all sentient AI operating software and apps will extend over to all colonies etc including Mars inhabited only by humans prior to this galactic government formed prior to first contact with other races with it extending to the entire galactic entity and all member races.Dionysus and Pheme will house all past and future movies,television shows,video games,live news,podcasts,magazines and newspapers etc with Hephaestus containing all manufactured products with Aesculapius housing patient files including DNA scans of all citizens of all member races,Demeter will be the universal means of ordering food with all operating softwares of all types of buildings such as factories,pubic amenities and hospitals extending to all member races with Eros,Pothos,Agora,Helios,Paean,YouTube,Wikipedia etc extending to all member races.The AIs they have in control of their version the wire etc if it exists will be relegated to performing other important duties including working as the AI charge of space stations etc.

Admittance of new members:
Once first contact is made with each sentient race across the universe and each lower tier race is observed AI,researchers and anthropologists will analyse all races history,their versions of the Tarot decks with at least two decks each created by two people that follows the Heroes Journey monomyth whose names abc illustrations that denotes their entire history,all of their world religions will be analysed to see they have the same the processions of aeons to see a procession from an equivalent of a matriarchal Isis Aeon to an polytheistic dual gendered Isis-Osrisn aeon to a patriarchal monotheistic aeon and then an equivalent Horusisn aeon and so on named after their equivalent to a polytheistic Egyptian religion with them also having an polytheistic religion similar to Hinduism that had the same attributes of knowledge of time dilation,parallel universes and of course equivalents to the yugas that cycles lasting thousands of millions of years modelled on male hormones with them having similar attributes to ours and them having a polytheistic religion that develops on the opposite side of the world as their equivalent to Hinduism that has a calendar similar to the Mayan calender related to the female gestation cycles with them having also having their darkest civilisations starting at the end of their last Yuga and creation date of their equivalents to Mayan calendar that follows a similar relationship of being separated by close I dates that they coincide with their equivalents to the mayan calendar following a train track and same interrelationship with their Yugas as with us with the versions of Hinduism and mayan calendars having prophecies that details coming golden age and classless society similar to communism amidst a dark yuga at the same time they approach the development of AI including AI that superseedes their intelligence following an exponential curve as per their equivalent to Moore’s law and them heading towards a post scarcity society and immortality through their versions of CRISPR with again their version of CRISPR and all necessary scientific discoveries to make them immortal just occuring at the same of the golden age and development of AI predicted by their version of Karl Marx etc.They will have their history analysed fit their versions of Karl Marx,Aleister Crowley.They would at this point at the start of the golden age have a civilisation facing economic,ecological and societal collapse.In otherwards all facets of celestial age will apply to each sentient races across the universe with AI and human researchers proving this my studying all religions etc from each sentient race across the universe this proving celestial age,universal principle,oscillation refraction and all metaphysical ideas here are universes concepts to all sentient races across the universe if not the multiverse.As stated AI human researchers can confirm this by studying the religions including religious texts,histories and tarot cards of each individual sentient race across the universe to prove that the metaphysical ideas here such as oscillation refraction,celestial age are universal concepts across the universe eith all of following the sand pattern of events with constants and variables.All religions and histories of all sentient races discovered across the universe will be analysed by AI and human researchers scanning this information present in online databases and historical databases and holy texts scanned into Apollo etc to see that they have their own components of celestial age.

Their version of the Great Purge must be enacted with corrupt officials,war criminals etc facing trial in front of Minos,Aeacus and Rhadamanthus to be sent to Tarturas,Hades or facing trial in front of Dike for normal jails following the same procedures as on Earth.Thus all member races will as a prequisites for membership will require them to hand over all criminals guilty of crimes worthy of Hades and Tarturas for trial in front of Minis,Aeacus,Rhadamanthus folloeing the same procedures with this including those already imprisoned and for low level crimes in front of Dike for normal jails.The same system of federal apologies,burying of the hatchet ceremonies between old feuding nations and persecuted groups etc and apologies for obsolete crimes will be carried out for all new member races as a prequisite for membership.Monuments to victims to mass genocide will be set up using the same procedures with government buildings turned into museums following the same procedures and features as a prequisite.Restoration Nation will extend to all discovered sentient races across the universe where the renovations of their obsolete and abandoned buildings and private homes will be charted in it.Education in science,law enforcement and military will follow that of Earth as detailed earlier following the mentor mentoree system coupled with salons etc and Agoge.Thus the universal galactic law enforcement and military training education will follow that of the Agoge with that for science,law,psychology etc following that of the mentor system involving training begging at the age of 12 or their equivalents.The Agoge will have trainees start at their equivalent of 3-5 years old and the second phase hsve them start at their equivalent of 12.The Agoge will integrate coming of age rituals of each member alien race alongside walkabouts,bullet any trial etc with CRISPR making humans etc immune to fatal poisons some dangerous ones will be done through VR technology.All races that have met these prequisites for membership and have joined will have all technologies releated to improved agricultural production,clean energy production and housing as well as manufacturing and AI and automation shared with them with the same econic system of minarcho technocratism integrated into them with the same methods of acquisition of manufactured goods and food through local manufacturing hubs and home,community and vertical farms integrated into them with all aspects of the Internet such as YouTube,Wikipedia,Arke integrated into them alongside all facets of the wire such as Dionysus,Pheme,Demeter,Hephaestus,Eros,Pothos,Helios,Aesculapius(and patient files),Polis etc integrated into them.Daedalus,Steropes,Tyche,Aristeus will undergoe the same technological upgrading programmes as on Earth such as setting up vertical farms,sewage treatment plants,water plants etc and power plants as well as luxury housing etc and carbon sequestration programmes and those up reverse pollution and being back endangered and extinct species etc.The live in maid system will be adopted with aliens from poor sections of alien planets becoming live in maids of both wealthier members of the same race and those of existing member races including humans to give them housing until their homes are constructed.Artificial intelligence and humans observing them prior to first contact will ensure customs,languages and social norms can be deciphered with each instances of first contact decided for each potential member race.This will be done to ensure first contact is peaceful and smooth without instigating wars with it done via sending biosynths modelled on them to live amongst them and using neural implants to extract memories from each tribe etc of each race etc sent to space stations to be analysed by AI with them even planting several male and female biosynth versions of each race into each tribe,country or village etc that create biosynth children that then live amongst them to learn languages,customs etc.Like humans each race would form tribes,nations and sdifferrnt cultures all of which will be observed using biosynths with the biosynths and neural implanted in the neural systems of significant populations directing primitive races towards peaceful solutions to conflicts,preventing genocide and slavery,desecration of cultures as seen in Earth and imperialist wars and also directing them towards geothermal,algae,in vitro meat,,bacteria based fossil fuels,nuclear power,Aquaponics etc early on and other environmentally sustainable practices in agriculture and energy and programmes to reverse ecological damage such as anthropogenic climate change and invasive species similar to Earth and directing them towards equal and socially just economic systems etc and technologies to prevent conflict,genocide and environmental degradation and extinctions of the sentient race and other native plants and animals.The biosynths can also secretly instigate research early on to extended their lifespans to at least at first several centuries or thousands of years and control population growth to sustainable levels as well as expediate their technological and scientific growth in all fields to the point their reach interstellar travel very quickly by creating human level abd super human level AI and technology on par with Earth circa 2030 – 2200 onwards within one or a few generations especially when they are secretly given CRISPR treatment to extend they lifespan with this done through biosynths present and also members of the observed races implanted with neural implants that directs them towards this and also direct them towards peaceful explorers if the universe abd not imperialist races once they gain interstellar travel.DNA samples of observed sentient races can be procured to allow AI to extrapolate their phenotypes thus allowing VR and holographic cadavars to be created that can allow dissections to be done without killing them and allow biosynths modelled on them to be created to carry out experiments that push ethical boundaries without harming any real beings and animals.If other versions of this galactic government or similar alliances that are not hostile already exist by the time an Earth based one is established then they will merge together with again a new Charter and constitution or one will be absorbed into the other with it integrating all of the Earth based wire.other races have similar entities to the wire then these will also merge them following the same structure of naming,symbolism etc if not then their information will be added to it with it extending to all allied races and even studied ones with in both cases Gaia extending him reach across the universe with in the case of the latter they she will have servers and supercompters across the universe through Nyx with in the former she will merge with or work alongside existing ones with the same operating software linking the same buildings across the universe.Their versions of Greek mythology will merge with ours or be replaced by ours if none existing for these.All colonies and planets under control of each member species would be shared for use in extraction of resources and colonisation with all scientific information and knowledge also shared.Thus the Galactic Government that will extend to all new races across the universe will constitute of three facets that are upscaled version of the global government  – the constitution that is a constitutional direct democracy consisting of three documents the global bill of rights/constitution/human rights convention document that enshrine certain rights and facets to all groups of humans/member races/AI etc that would be immutable and impossible to change legally,others being decided by direct democracy through mandatory public referendum initiated by popular initiatives and lastly the global government modelled on the American government constituting of the Global Executive,bi chambrial legislative,judicial that carried out the state’s remaining powers with regards to treaties,bills releated to the instigation of war/surveillance/impeachment etc and acts as an official legally binding authorisation for all new laws set by refferendum managed by a combination of humans,member races and AI that by constitutional law oversees all actions of the state.All facets of the global government will be upscaled on a galactic and eventually intergalactic scale spanning the entire universe.All aspects of the wire and internet will also be upscaled into it.All observed alien races and all species of plants and animals will have DNA samples taken form thousands or millions of individuals to carry out Phanes and Lazarus programmes should any go extinct or endangered.If any alien races go extinct during observations or before they are discovered then Lazarus programmes will be carried.In planets where alien races have long gone extinct Lazarus programmes will have the races recreated and them upgraded to human level of technology and them educated into the history of their species.If temporal manipulations are possible they their extinction will be prevented by going back into the past and preventing the root cause and have biosynths move them to safer areas,destroy asteroids or move them towards peaceful negotiations abd prevent the root cause from occuring

Prime Directive :
Directives such as the prime directive should be enforced to not directly interfere with the natural development of less technologically advanced races as was ignored in human history such as with the notions of Manifest Destiny and both the Bush and Truman Doctrines.Thus those of lower technological tiers should be observed by biologists and anthropologists with all of their knowledge,art and media ie magazines,video games,movies etc uploaded to the universal Pheme and Dionysus.Sub sections within this will include The Martha Directive(named after the last passenger pigeon) and Dresden Directive(named after the mostly destroyed Dresden Codex) allowing environmental organisations to procure sufficient live or DNA samples of an endangered plants and non-sentient species(alongside sentient ones) and archaeological bodies to procure and replace(or copy via scanning into Apollo)relevant and in danger artefacts,documents etc.while studying of these civilisations remotely will have to be enforced.Ideally all observed planets will have dozens of genetic samples taken via biosynths of all species of plants and animals especially endangered ones and sentient races so as to allow Phanes to extrapolate millions of specimens using the Phanes method for Lazarus programmes.All artefacts in museums of observed races and in temples will be scanned in with all magazines,newspapers,comics,books scanned in alongside all movies,video games,television shows and podcasts and radio programmes from observed races added to Dionysus and Pheme via AI scanning archives,covertly buying one issue,copy of each book,magazine etc from their entire planet and picking up all television and radio signals and separating all of into separate ones and storing them in Dionysus and Pheme.They will be monitored using cloaked drones,satellites,space stations and cameras by anthropologists,biologists etc as detailed earlier on while those of equal and highim technological tiers will be observed again remotely using metamaterials or incognito to observe and learn customs,language,etiquette etc to prevent unnecessary interstellar wars upon first contact.This directive will have to be flexible and open to debate with their enforcement on a case by case basis to avoid dogmatism and unnecessary extinction of sentient and non-sentient species with diplomacy branches dealing with internal civil wars of non members of equal technological tier threatening lower tier species ideally without military intervention similar to current versions in the existing world and interference handed to in the case external forces covertly with the lack of lesser races knowledge as per an invisible helping hand of God i.e. destruction and removal of asteroids/preventing natural disasters such as supervolcanic eruptions,curing pandemics similar to the black plague or Spanish Flu by creating and covertly injecting vaccines or cures or influencing their discovery,genetic diseases that could lead to extinction(using CRISPR),or exploitation and genocide from external forces/races all without the lesser races knowledge to prevent contamination and dependency or similar instances in human history or procure sizeable populations to preserve the species and/or genetic samples – similar to preservation of non sentient ones including using the Phanes method to create unlimited amounts of individuals to deposit them on other planets or colonies or the original planet if possible should it be impossible to covertly influence events due to internal political conflicts that may lead to extinction prior to them reaching a similar technological tier ie. Tier V or VI with extinction due to political conflicts similar to exacerbated versions of Cold War or civil conflict.In instances wherein lower tier races are exploited,enslaved,invaded by those of Tier VII or highim can be dealt with diplomacy and if need be war with them provided with humanitarian aid and refuge with genetic samples taken from them.Interstellar Tier VII races that are not members experiencing civil war and war with other equal tier races can have diplomatic bodies aid in resolving their issues with them have military and humanitarian aid with if a Tier VII species can if suffering pandemics,natural disasters can be given humanitarian and technological aid.In cases where a planet is about to be destroyed by a global extinction event out of the hands of both the lesser advanced races and the observer one then as many of  or if possible the entire population should be relocated to another similar planet with if need be even the sharing of interstellar technology and other technology to eliminate scarcity,class systems should be applied to remove their extinction and upgrade them to the similar level at least Tier V or VI but only in rare cases where they are shown not to be in conflict with each other and theoretically become imperialists with them made part of galactic style UNs to prevent this as their behaviour can be monitored with them observed and ensured to be not an imperialist threat with diplomatic bodies,Metis and Gaia acting as mediators.Planets can be then bioremediated to a pristine state and extinct animals brought back by Phanes and Lazarus programmes.Others may be simply moved to another continent in the case of a event that only destroys a small part of the planet ie a small continent.Cold War style events and global civil wars could be covertly influenced towards a peaceful solution via biosynths taking the form of the race in the form of biosynths to instate political figures that work towards peace.They will be covertly influenced towards becoming peaceful explorers.Those facing environmental catastrophe may be covertly led towards geothermal,carbon dioxide and pollutant sequestration and improved agriculture using aero/aqua/hydroponics,bacteria based commodities,in vitro meat and geothermal energy and so on.This covert directions towards peace,making them peaceful explorers and also geothermal and aquaponics etc will be done through biosynths taking the physical form of the observed sentient race and taking the role of politicians,celebrities and researchers convincing people and funding this development and also neural implants in actual alien’s planting suggestions in progressive leaning researchers,politicians etc.This will be done by biosynths in their form that already know of space travel etc but seek help should be aided to in correct means to limit contamination with medical knowledge given and also diplomacy etc but only if internal conflicts are solved.They can be directed towards developing roads,bridges,energy grids including geothermal and also sewage and water treatment plants that use algae or their equivalents to provide food and fertiliser and also hospitals,universities etc as well as hotels etc later converted into communal homes and all facets of modern infrastructure on Earth and may be even be influenced towards development of benevolent AI,automation to eliminate all labour in most sectors of society and increase productivity on par with AI that is human level that can pass the Turing test alongside them directed towards developing their own version of the internet.electronic databases,GPS satillites,tellocomunications such as radio,television,smartphones,internet circa Earth in 2030 onwards as well as nanotechnology such as Graphene,Carbyne and equivalents of all 94 elements with if possible them directed towards quantum computers and the AI supplied with technology to developing its computing power exponentially to have it develop interstellar travel within some cases some species upgraded technologically by several centuries by biosynths providing them secretly as inventors etc and neural implants in alien races implanting the technological developments required to advance them forwards several centuries such as advancing those equivalent to ancient civilisation level circa to Ancient Greece etc or those similar to Medievil or Industrial era Europe on Earth to be upgraded to a level similar to Earth circa 2030 – 2100 onwards to the point they are able to have the exponentially growing AI develop interstellar travel and other technologies across this website abc those developed by humans i the future by them being provided with geothermal energy and eventually fusion power and dyson swarms etc and advanced solar panels over fossil fuels and nuclear power etc with these reserves later exploited in fossil fuel plants that have carbon sequestration programmes to collect the biochar for Graphene etc and upgraded to Aquaponics,in vitro meat,algae and bacteria based commodities as early as possible within a few decades and towards AI abd automaton within a few centuries or decades rather than thousands of years.They can have picotech fabricators,flying vehicles and other technologies for use in their homeworld at an exponential rate before and after interstellar vehicles are developed.They will be directed towards them developing thousands of their own newspapers abc magazines of all genres and live news stations,as well as directed towards making their own television shows,music(with music videos)movies,video games,literature of all genres stored in various online databases that will be transferred to Pheme and Dionysus.They will have religious texts,artifacts,archaeological sites preserved will be directed towards developing sites similar to YouTube for vlogs and videos of all types and them directed towards creating urban exploration videos,reviews of movies etc and also vlogging podcasts with once integrated into the intergalactic UN will be absorbed by YouTube with all videos and accounts transferred to YouTube and it shut down.They directed towards antibiotics,bacteriophages,drugs to treat all major diseases,prioto biocompatible microbes etc and also discovering and developing CRISPR from bacteria etc to cure genetic disease and halt and reverse the ageing process with this developing of anti-ageing treatments and cures for diseases expedited exponentially by several decades and centuries as well.Those whose bacteria do not have CRISPR defense mechanisms will have artificial versions developed and given to them with those who don’t have antibiotics from yeasts will have them created synthetically.These covert technological upgrade will be carried out and managed by Gaia and Astraeus done at the same time they are guided towards peaceful societies and peaceful explorers to ensure they are peaceful when upgraded technologically to prevent them becoming a danger to themselves or others across the universe.They will be made immortal through CRISPR etc expediated exponentially and then once they have solved all internal conflicts and shown to no threat they wi have AI develop interstellar travel.They will be directed towards geothermal,bacteria based fossil fuels etc and other renewable of energy and carbon sequestration programmes and programmes to bioremediate polluted ecosystems by this AI.A Proto form of Physis will be set up by the AI that houses the genome of all species abc plants abd animals then added up the intergalactic UNs version of Physis with them prevented from causing anthropogenic climate change,prevented from causing severe ecological damage and prevented from causing extinctions of plants and animals by them directed towards geothermal and also in vitro meat,Aquaponics etc and other ecological sustainable programmes.If possible new AI created by Gaia etc will be created for each race that passes their Turing Test that will take orders from her that controls their political development and also their technological development in terms of AI,automation,biomedicine,agriculture,energy etc suited to their ever changing political state.Once immortal and their lifespan increasing exponentially the AI will guide them towards spacing out births and population growth to sustainable levels over decades and centuries with interstellar travel given to them to develop and them allowed to move and colonise select uninhabited planets and megastructures to deal with population growth and curiosity etc with this allowing their expansion across the universe to be controlled at a manageable rate thus allowing for first contact to occur on other planets and homeworlds etc in a controlled manner with for example first contact involving human etc scouts revealing themselves in their homeworlds other colonies across the universe as surprise encounters or them race directed towards colonies with Humans etc once they have proved to be peaceful explorers with the knowledge that humans interfered in their technological and political development kept a secret butrecorded.This expediated technological and political upgrade and development will be done to virtually all lower tier races with them managed by Gaia and Astraeus modified to each lower tier race that is gradual but exponential abd done by biosynths taking the form of the aliens abc supplying the technology through them and also via having key members of the race implanted with neural implants abc instigating their ideas into them to again ensure they become peaceful races abd peaceful explorers.Those moved to another planet when the underlying cause cant be prevented then they can be upgraded to ones same tier and this can be done if they are being exploited,enslaved,invaded or being killed off by external third party races that have interstellar travel and even if they are not facing extinction.Upgrading lower tier races to ones equal tier can occur in cases such as where they become aware of other sentient races across the galaxy or universe or were part of intervention through direct or indirect intervention as part of application of the Prime Directive and will be only done if internal civil conflicts can be resolved by them and AI,diplomatic bodies,are willing to meet the requirements for membership and if they have shown themselves to not be a threat to themselves,Earth and galactic government and not use any supplied technology to become an imperialist threat or destroy themselves with most technologies shared at first being clean energy such as geothermal,bacteria based commodities,hydro/aero/aquaponics etc,cures to diseases and immortality and reverse environmental damage.Simulations will be made as to the possibility of how each technology can be used as a weapon or has the potential to be misused in any way.Put simply technology shared at first would be that which can provide immense amounts of clean energy,increase agricultural productivity,eliminate poverty,reverse environmental damage,revive endangered species,cure diseases and grant immortality but not anything that can be used as a weapon against themselves,cant cause environmental destruction and destroy them via being used as weapon or be used against other races across the universe through imperialism and thus not make them an imperialist threat until all internal conflicts are solved and they have proven to use any future shared technologies responsibly and not to become an imperialist threat.This at first may suffice and once they have solved all internal conflicts,proven they are not a threat and formed global governments they will be given more technologies such as interstellar travel and communications and be eligible for membership.They will be directed politically towards becoming peaceful societies with a global government that eliminate poverty,racism, homophobia,discrimination against genders/racism/LGBT people etc eliminated war,genoicide,slavery etc in their home planets and then directed to become become peaceful explorers of the galaxy.This will be done through biosynths taking their place and also neural implants in live specimens implanting suggestions.If any sentient race has through any means become aware of this galactic/intergalactic body has been exposed to enslavement by higher technological tier races and is thus officially aware of other sentient races across the universe by any instance or does not know of sentient races outside of their solar system and has been decided to be already solved all internal conflicts and thus is deemed ready for intervention and thus membership as well as upgrading to the galactic government level of technology and tier.Thus upgrading of non human sentient races across the universe to the galactic government technological tier and membership can occur if they have been exposed to the existence of other races across the universe through enslavement as well as interference through the Prime Directive or as experiments on a case by case basis with certain procedures carried out to ensure they are not an imperialist threat and have solved al internal problems If need be small or large numbers of citizens such as anthropologists,researchers,journalists,ambassadors etc of said race may be allowed passage to and other colonies including Earth and movies,video games,literature etc can be shared both ways.This may suffice and once they have solved all internal conflicts,proven they are not a threat and formed global governments they will be given more technologies such as interstellar travel and communications and be eligible for membership.Nuclear weapons and other similar weapons of mass destruction can be seized to instigate peace talks.This procedure of sharing these specific technologies can be done for all potential races who have just developed interstellar travel,those who apply for membership and are to become potential members,those who are aware of the galactic entity but don’t have interstellar travel capabilities and also to whom due to circumstances ie to prevent extinctions and the unanimous decision is made to make the entity existence availible to the lower tier race and upgrade them to higher tier levels due to different circumstances.Interference should primarily be done in any way that prevents contamination and also is as covert as possible without the lesser races realising anything was done.This could include covertly vaccinating or immunising via microbes against diseases that could wipe out entire civilisations including genetic ones via CRISPR,aiding in groups etc losing dependency on narcotics etc,prevent the extinction of threatened rare races and cultures by preserving genetic samples and their culture and any significant artifacts,destroying or diverting the trajectory of asteroids that could threaten the planet,prevent extinction events caused by natural disasters,covertly instigate migrations to more geologically and climatically stable areas and planets,fighting off or have diplomatic relations with highim tier civilisations that are exploiting,enslaving,invading them or will wipe them out.Thus interference should be done in a way that covertly leads them towards peace,clean energy etc via taking the form of them as biosynths etc or using neural implants to implant suggestions into key individuals and dealing with natural disasters such as asteroids etc in way that the the lower tier races are completely aware it happened in the first place.Most lesser advanced races of Tier III or lower will likely be so unadvanced as to view any interventions as mere magic or unexplainable to be made into local or global myths that would be disregarded as such by future generations later on as per Clarkes Third Law.Thus all interventions will be done covertly by doing so in means that doesn’t allow the lesser advanced species find out anything was done by destroying asteroids,vaccinating populations via biosynth insects injecting immunisations and cures in the form of species specific microbes that once cured and immunised undergo apotosis or flushed out of the bodies,preventing natural disasters that can cause global extinctions,take the form of the observed race in biosynth form and influence them towards peace and clean energy,reversing environmental destruction etc or using neural implants to influence influential individuals towards this.Use of puppet governments or imperialism to extract natural resources should be avoided as picotechnology,covertly mining the planet for what is needed and replacing them and genetically altered bacteria synthesising them via recombinant DNA.If planets inhabited by civilisations of a lower technological tier contain important minerals,elements or compounds etc then they can be mined covertly with machinery covered in metamaterials or using theoretical transporter technology if picotech fabricators are not present or not an option.This may also apply to races and specific genetic populations within said species brought about by internal genocide or natural phenomena.Ideally all discovered species both sentient and non sentient animals as well as plants on all planets should have large numbers of genetic samples captured using biosynth hematophages once discovered and stored in their planets version of Physis to enact lazarus and Phanes programmes to prevent unnecessary extinctions with any planets destroyed by them or geological and asteroidial extinction events returned to its pristine environmental conditions by planet wide bioremediation and terraforming techniques with all known media such as magazines,physical art,movies etc and religious and cultural practices and languages etc preserved as well in the wire to ensure that these can be carried onto resurrected races using Lazarus programmes.Thus all discovered extinct sentient and non sentient and even plant lifeforms on all discovered planets should be brought back from extinction via the Phanes and Lazarus methods.Also it can be debated if temporal manipulations become possible to use it to alter timelines in order to covertly prevent extinctions of long extinct civilisations and again non-sentient animal species including those caused by pandemics,civil wars,environmental destruction,geological or external threats such as asteroids and genocide from other races and even collect DNA for Lazarus and Phanes projects of both sentient and non sentient races as well collect samples of plants.In these cases they can be covertly led towards peaceful explorers with the same ethos of non interference if long extinct and have the ability to achieve interstellar travel with recently extinct races led towards a singular government.Those wiped out by higher tier races who may face trial for their genocide will in this case have the extinction prevented or have through temporal manipulations have large amounts of DNA samples of said sentient race and all plants and animals taken and undergone Lazarus programmes.Thus when time travel becomes possible long extinct sentient races will have measures done to prevent extinction in a covert means or at least have DNA samples taken to bring them back from extinction.Each case of newly discovered observed sentient races that are lower tier will have their unique conditions discussed to prevent extinctions.Each instance should be debated for the most effective and covert means of doing on a case by case basis this without effecting the species natural cultural and technological development and without alerting them to the presence of knowledge regarding space travel etc to prevent unnecessary extinctions.Thus each observed and extinct sentient race will have measures carried out to prevent extinction of them covertly in a way that they will not understand and more importantly a way they won’t notice to have the interference disregarded as a myth,legend or explained as natural phenomena to preserve their cultural and genetic lineage for future membership.The decision to upgrade lower tier races and in fact observe all lower tier races and process adminissions for all new member races will be carried out by a special body of the galactic entity that consists of an amalgamation of Clio,Metis,Hecate,Perseus,Astraeus and human and non human member races with its own name decided by AI that deals with anthropology,diplomacy,scientific research,peacekeeping and space exploration of these situations that as stated manages the observations of all lower tier and even equally or highim tier non member races,manages upgrading them to highim levels of tiers and managing admission into the entity.