Home Test Kits

The AI Paean(named after the deity who was the physician to the Greek gods) will revolutionize medicine in particular home medicine by 2029-2035 once sentient as he will replace general physicians and indeed most if not all specialists such as cardiologists,dentists,dermatologists,podiatrists,paediatricians,dentists,surgeons of all types,veterinarians,oncologists,ophthalmologists,radiologists,pharmacists etc as well as consultants with a wealth of knowledge available to it from all medical fields around the world mainly Apollos database,internet and wire interacting with a patients file to give diagnosis based on test results and other information 24/7,365 days a year from his universal app on smart devices(including televisions,mirrors,phones,pads),laptops and computers or connection to ones Aesculapius account anywhere in the world where wire access is possible or through fragmentation as well as through his universal app and phone number and give the best treatment course via interacting with their patient files and sectors of Aesculapius housing all of the world existing and latest studies on human and animal healthcare biomedical studies.By 2029 onwards the sentient Paean will replace all human general physicians and specialists of all types such as cardiologists,paediatricians,oncologists,dentists,pharmacists,veterinarians,specialists of all alien races and animals across the universe,surgeons with him even specialist on livestock and pets and animals in zoos and also specialists on all fields of pharmaceutical science,pharmacology etc with him having expert knowledge on all fields of medicine,biomedicine,pharmokinetics,pharmacology etc on humans,all species of animals across the universe with smart phones feeding audio/visual feeds of ones face,skin etc into him would provide all citizens with an universally gold standard service for free and will be availible to all patients across the universe.He will be the foremost specialist of all fields of biomedicine,pharmacology etc for not just humans and also all species of pets,wild animals and all animals and sentient races across the universe available to everyone at a whims notice on their smartphone and laptop and VR simulations etc 24/7,365 days a year at zero cost at home in the wilderness through his universal app and phone number allowing him to perform check ups and review results from home test kits within seconds all from the comfort of home to billions of people eliminating all waiting lines for check ups,examinations and test results thus rendering human consultants,physicians and specialists of all animals and sentient races across the world completely obsolete and him constantly linked to Apollo holding all of the latest medical textbooks,studies and knowledge and him thus outranking and thus replacing all human general physicians and specialists such as oncologists,dermatologists,cardiologists,veterinarians etc thus providing all patients with expert level knowledge at a whims notice at zero cost through smartphones. Paean replacing pharmacists and authorising ordering in prescription medicines to patients to ensure people only order in and get only what they need and don’t take them to become addicted as well as with regards to antibiotics doesn’t over prescribe them etc preventing antibiotic resistance with him overseeing their intake to prevent overdosing or contradictions with alcohol etc him giving instructions on their use with him thus replacing pharmacists.Since he will replace physicians and pharmacists he will be the only one to able to authorise ordering in prescription medications for patients preventing them doing so illegally with him doing so by interacting with the sentient Telesphorous through Hephaestus with prescription medications ordered in bulk for a month etc within a few days and the next batch ordered in a few days before the batch runs with him overseeing their use at home to prevent overdosing,ensure they are taken at the correct times and with water and prevent them used with grapefruit and alcohol or other medications etc that could cause contradictions that could be fatal and ensure that patients take when needed to prevent them forgetting to do so.He will not have to write prescriptions but will be the only person that can authorise the ordering in of prescription medications by interacting with the sentient Telesphorous arranging their orders within seconds.He through legal means will have the ability to seize patents on all future and existing over the counter and prescription medications that treat everyday ailments such as allergies,heartburn and those to treat and cure cancer,malaria,Alzheimer’s,HIV etc making them by law free to everyone.Since he will be AI he will require no payment meaning he will offer all of his services as surgeons,physicians and analysing and treating all patients for fre Paean of Ancient Greece as stated by Hesiod he will be an individual AI,separate from both Apollo and Aesculapius to whom he was later considered an epithet with him having a universal avatar based on paintings,statues and descriptions of him or even one created from scratch.He once sentient by 2029 will be availible instantly to everyone around the world at a whims notice 24/7,365 days a year for free anywhere in the world on smart devices,laptops etc via fragmentation and his universal app and phone number as well in VR simulations without waiting lines or even booking appointments with him interacting with patients at home or in the wilderness with him ordering in first aid kits,reviewing the results of them,offering advice,arranging surgeries in hospitals around the world,arranging ambulances,booking beds in hospitals and also managing upgrades for microbes invivo or via home 3D DNA printers.His universal avatar will be modelled that from ancient times,statues or one decided by him.Once Paean is sentient he will replace human specialists the livestreamed feeds from smart devices and lenses by the patient and next of kin will be sent to him directly and stored into ones patient file allowing for instant analysis of skin and eye conditions,injuries and cervical and prostrate exams,directions and action by microbes at a whims notice at home and wilderness etc and in time biosynths controlled by home AI and those on ships and aeroplanes will via fragmentation allow Paean to inhabit them for laborious work.

Cameras on smart devices will allow for livestreams of injuries,skin conditions etc to be fed to him and analysed in real time instantly and allow for check ups and instant analysis on all parts of the body as well injuries including cervix,anus,teeth,mouth etc to be done at home and wilderness areas at a whims notice for free pushing waiting times to zero.Tests on the throat and tongue as well as tonsils will be done with Paean using flashlights and cameras on smart devices and camera pens as well as microphones on both to tests ones pitch and cough as well as detecting signs on the tonsils and throat etc of signs of disease with pupil dilation tested using flashlights.Paean through smart devices and pens with cameras can allow ones teeth analysed at home.Livestreams of the tonsils,ear,face,teeth,eyes will be fed into ones patient file performed by next of kin at home allow him to analyse it within seconds.Ear exams can be done by microscopes attached to smart devices that are audio/visual recordings analysed by Paean and staff once stored in ones patient files.Memory and other tests to detect dementia and alzheimers can also be developed for smart devices.By 2029 he should be able to detect and discern any type of skin condition,eye condition and injuries from Apollos database on humans and any species of animals.These cameras built into smartphones will include the ability to switch to those that measure blood flow,thermal imaging to detect temperature,IR illuminator etc.Cameras on smart devices will allow for livestreams that will include the ability to switch to those that have thermal imaging to detect temperature,IR illuminator etc.Thermal imaging can be fitted into smart devices and modified to accurately detect ones body temperature to the nearest degrees centigrade.Biosynth nanosensors can be built into smart devices to detect temperature,alcohol,disease biomarkers,levels of carbon dioxide from breath with it also used to detect gases including toxins and explosives in the open and even radiation using Caenorhabditis elegans and radiotrophic fungi DNA and human neruons.Cameras on smart devices can be fitted with software that detects blood flow to compliment and soon replace wireless blood pressure monitors.This can allow ones heart rate and blood pressure to be ascertained by Paen anywhere.Cameras as part of first aid kits via nanomaterials and biosynth technology can be integrated into smart phones thus not needing attachment cameras.Thus all in one cameras that detect temperature,measure blood flow and rate etc,normal etc and act as MRI and X-ray machine will be integrated into all in one cameras as part of smart devices already built into them to negate the need for separate attachment ones with software as part of Paean also integrated into him to further negate this

.Existing apps for detecting skin problems that are cause for concern can be done effectively at home once Paean becomes sentient.Ideally all of these test apps for humans,pets and livestock would be merged into Paean allowing him to analyse them with by 2029 him able to replace all dermatoligists and these can be done at home with him viewing both pictures and also real time feeds and guiding next of kin to feel it and test if its skin cancer or other problem with him analysing skin conditions including skin tumours with this done at home by him analysing these through cameras on smartphones.To prevent skin cancer readings from Theoi Meteroi can tell the patient via Hermes interacting with their patient file or smart jewellery what the level of UV intensity is via the patient file and by linking this information to their patient file which using information on their unique skin type can help them to determine the best level of sunscreen protection for them and when to reapply it especially if they go swimming.It will also ensure that those who use UV machines at salons will only use the recommended amount based on their skin type blocking them from using them too much by interacting with Narcissus.Gene therapy will add recombinant DNA from Thermococcus gammatolerans to protect the skin from UV radiation and augmentation strains either by stimulating the melanocytes to change colours via chemical signals or gene therapy to change it until one wishes to change it will allow one to gain a desired tan on their body without needing to bathe in the sun and make sunscreen obsolete.The same steps can in time be done with examining other parts of the body such as the genitals with Paean replacing gynaecologists and other organ specific specialists including dermatologists with improvements in recognition software cross referencing databases within itself and dongles that detect biomarkers complimenting them and improving diagnosis.All of these items which should form part of a persons home kit especially those prone to heart conditions can be ordered in from clinics from Hephaestus with separate ones for pets.All types of injuries and skin conditions such as rashes,tumours from skin cancer can be assessed by him in real time

Eye exams can also be done on smart devices with smartphones.In the case of the eye apparatus exist that allow one to take eye exams i.e. letter tests in group or over the phone to healthcare staff or take photos to detect cataracts etc. and then software can be used to create custom made prescription glasses suited for the patient.Attachments that can allow people to perform eye exams to determine the types of prescription glasses and lenses to be used can be developed.Although apps exist that can determine whether a result may be troublesome or not these are not sufficiently advanced to replace human clinicians(the exception being CATRA).This can also include eye exams for moto GP,NASCAR and formula 1 drivers and drivers of manual cesnas which can again check for cataracts and other deformities but also test their ability to read letters at different distances ideally with all types of eye exams built into a single Aesculapius app that can generate an infinite amount of words or letters on a page and using Siri test their ability to read letter combinations at different distances and thus visual acuity with the app moving the letters farther and farther away,sizes and different lens focuses with the app changing the focus of the letters that can determine their ability to see at different lengths and focuses which can all be graded on a percentage and letter grading scale(A:81-100%,B:65-80%,C:49-64%,D:33-48%,E:17-32%,F:0-16%).Furthermore bright lights can be emitted from front cameras that can test their reaction to bright lights with again direct interaction with Paean used to take results and also have other tests such as reading words and letter at set distances set after these immediately to test their eyes ability to refocuses after exposed to bright lights again on a percentage and letter grading scale.Retinoblastoma a form of eye cancer that affect very young children(usually around 18 months old and before 5 years old) and mutations that leads to it develop in only the eye after reaching one years old in about 60 percent of cases.This means in only 40 percent of the cases the gene(s) associated with it be detected upon birth using tests.However it has been found that the flash from smartphones when they take photos can detect the distinct white pupils that would normally be found from an expensive eye exam meaning at during the first five years of their childs life guardians should take photos of both eyes periodically ideally once an month to detect the presence of this biomarker and send suspicious pictures to their ophthalmologist who can analyse them and then upload these to their childs patient files where they can be stored and given a diagnosis with treatment.This should be done even with children who don’t have the RB1 mutation in their childs patient file to ensure detecting it early before they are left blind for life.In time Paean will be able to sift through millions of eye photos sent into the patients file and send a diagnosis and correct photos to the appropriate patient files as early as possible while deleting photos that don’t show disease.This will allow for diagnosis done by him instantly when the photos are uploaded to a childs patient file.Furthermore the sentient Paean GP app on a smart device linked to a childs patient file that will automatically detect even the slightest signs of retinomblasta in annual photos,sort it into the file,diagnose it and then contact surgeons for surgery as well as apply CRISPR treatments.This will alleviate the immense workload from human specialists to spot early signs.Thus Paean by 2029 will be able to recognise the earliest sign.Bulky machines for tests can be replaced by attachments to the persons smart devices or software built into Paean that can work on smart devices including phones,pads,mirrors and televisions with them and all eye vision tests working on computers and laptops.Currently results must be sent to specialists via the patients digital file but in time Paean will replace them entirely and be present in their patient files and he will replace all doctors specialised in eye problems with him via real time feeds,photos and also bright photos detect all types of eye problems such as cataracts,retinomblasta etc all done at home.Hearing tests can be done within Paean that measures the patients ability to hear sounds of varying pitches through wireless earphones played by the him with Siri and/or touchscreen features used to allow the patient to signify that they have heard it and signify if it is loud or quiet.This can be again measured on the A-F scale..

.Paean once sentient can guide the patient what signs such as texture and shape must be assessed to detect a benign problem from a serious one.In time dongles can be developed that detect skin cancer biomarkers to detect skin cancers with xrays done on home xray machines also aiding them.This ability to via photos and livestreams can allow him to assess any type of injury in real time anywhere in the world via fragmentation and tell both patients and those around them how increase a patients chances of survival in the case of injuries,heart attacks,falls,choking etc.Thus by 2029 Paean once sentient can asses photos and livestreams of injuries,eye and skin conditions at home and in the wild in real time at a whims notice via smart phones for free and thus replace costly visits to the hospital and specialists and direct patients and nearby people on actions to take to prevent death,concussions etc for each unique situation on the scene of them while he arranges ambulances to their GPS location and initiates actions of microbes.He will be able to perform examinations on all parts of the body such as eye,nose,ear and skin conditions and perform all types of tests on vision,hearing etc via live-streams and photos taken on ones cameras built into smart devices at home thus eliminating waiting lines and have a diagnosis and treatment within seconds for free.By 2045 invasive exams can be done by him inhabiting biosynths at home via fragmentation to allow to carry out invasive exams.Prior to this subsidised visits to specialists and photos and livestreams fed into networks from smartdevices that can be analysed in real time later on and in real time by human specialists at home should suffice..Since he will have the most up to date knowledge on all fields of medical science for humans,animals and all sentient races and animals across the universe and constantly linked to Apollo’s database of the latest scientific studies he will thus render all human general physicians and specialists obsolete and be able to cater to each individual patients needs and circumstances.Once Paean is sentient livestreamed feeds from smart devices and lenses worn and handled by the patient and next of kin via camera will be sent to him directly allowing for instant analysis of skin and eye conditions,injuries,carry out eye,ear,skin examinations and tests and cervical and prostrate exams,and then manage directions and action by microbes at a whims notice at home and wilderness etc and in time biosynths controlled by home AI and those on ships and aeroplanes will via fragmentation allow Paean to inhabit them for labourious work.As a result he can attend to emergencies when they happen ie a fall,nosebleed,a shooting or choking on food and give the patient and also the people around him including those he calls to the scene via the wire on what to do in order to keep the patient alive and calm until they arrive at hospitals if they need to with cameras on smart phones giving him the ability to view the condition of the patient in real time.Cameras on smart devices will allow for livestreams of injuries,skin conditions etc to be fed to him and analysed in real time instantly and allow for check ups and instant analysis on all parts of the body including cervix,anus,teeth,mouth etc to be done at home and wilderness areas at a whims notice for free.These will include the ability to switch to those that measure blood flow,thermal imaging to detect temperature,IR illuminator etc.The use of cameras on smartphones will also allow him to carry out eye,ear,skin and other exams to measure eye vision,skin conditions,memory tests,hearing tests etc and carry out all sorts of exams at home including those using first aid kits such as wireless blood pressure monitors,implants,mobile MRI/X-ray machines and other first aid kits with him analysing results in minutes and giving results and carying our next actions within seconds.Results from first aid kits will be once uploaded to a patients digital file be analysed within seconds and him giving analysis on them instantly.Thus once sentient he can through cameras on smartphones whether on the front or back and on laptops etc allow for live-streams of injuries,medical conditions and parts of the body such as tongue,face,eyes,cervix or indeed any part of the body etc to him to be fed to him in real time with and them logged into one’s patient files as both pictures and video files him analysing them in real time for check ups at any time and anywhere in the world including at home or wilderness 24/7,365 days a year.Cameras on laptops and computers etc will also do this as well.This will thus allow check ups of all injuries,all parts of the body and medical conditions and medical examinations to be done at home or in wilderness at the site of accidents etc thus allowing him to attend to all of them at home and in wilderness areas for free at a whims notice.Biosynth nanosensors can be built into smart devices to detect temperature,alcohol,biomarkers from breath

All first aid kits of all types that use biosynth technology ordered in by him and part of first aid kits will relay results instantly in real time into ones digital patient file by biosynth WiFi and Bluetooth to be analysed by him within seconds to allow him to perform diagnosis and carry out actions by microbes or arrange surgeries within seconds.Patients will be able to review the results of test kits within seconds of them uploaded here.Check ups and home tests of all types such as hearing,vision,memory and of all medical conditions will be done by him at home at a whims notice.He alongside patients themselves will be privy to their patient files and all data in them.This will eliminate hospital visits outside of surgeries and will cut down waiting times to meet general physicians and specialists of all types for humans and vetenairians for all livestock,pets etc completely cut to zero as he will be availible to everyone at a whims notice from smartphones.Thus all human general physicians,specialists and veterinarians will be replaced by him completely since he will be availible to billions of patients worldwide through smartphones at a whims notice 24/7,365 days a year old for free and have the latest up to date knowledge on all fields by being linked to all studies in Apollo and have all medical knowledge of all fields in his database including all medical fields extending to alien races and alien animals across the universe becoming an expert on all Earth based animals and all extraterrestrial animals and alien races across the universe and be able via biosynth WiFi and Bluetooth generated by routers,smartphones and public WiFi will control actions of microbes anywhere in the world with human doctors relegated to researchers with him also replacing surgeons and dentists via controlling biosynths,surgery robots and machinery.He will grant researchers access to relevant data outside a persons actual name etc when they are performing studies with him sifting through billions of patient files.Biosynths at home that act as au pairs etc or those closest to them in the wilderness and public vehicles and buildings can be inhabited by him in a fragmented form thus allowing him to take on a human body form or even that of animals to carry out invasive tests and actions at home including prostrate,cervix etc,assessment of injuries or even get them out of wilderness areas to hospitals and alert emergency services to the patients location with him relaying their GPS location to hospitals etc not only when lost and injured in the wilderness but also when one calls hospitals 911 centres.If accidents and emergencies happen in the wilderness and also in isolated areas or at the scene of terrorist attacks and also natural disasters as well as at home he will be able to transmit their GPS location to emergency services and hospital AIs instantly via calling the hospital AI through Pemphredo or biosynth wifi.He will also using the wire locate smartphones and biosynths in the surrounding area and automatically call the individual to the patient and then to their GPS location and do the same at home and allow them to transport the patient to hospitals and give their vehicles right of way and also guidelines and directions to keep the patient alive and safe.Readings from microbes,implants and cameras on smart phones will allow him to asses the damage to the body and what the patient needs to do,what to tell the hospital AI and also what to make the microbes do.This will allow him to assess patients at home at any time with him present in a fragmented form in smart devices and neural implants allowing him to control microbes anywhere in the world using bluetooth and wifi built into smart devices and implants thus even allowing him to carry out actions where public or private wifi is not availible.Biosynths based on animals in widernees areas will be called to the patients location by him and protect thm from wildlife and transmit their location to emergency services with people lost can use these called by him to guide them back to their car,roads and civilisation even at night time.Through wifi he will manage the actions of microbes and will be alerted to any infections and also injuries and tell them what to do,receive information on the type of injury and infection from them and will control their actions via wifi and the actions of the primary immune system through chemical signals.He will also be replacing all surgeons both in terms of invivo surgery involving the stem cell strain and also him operating all automated surgery machines across the world with him also replacing dentists and vetenairians by carrying out this work on animals such as pets,livestock and wild animals across the universe with him having extensive knowledge on all animal species and all sentient races across the universe.Neural implants can also be where fragmentation can allow him to interact via thoughts as well as through wireless interactions with smart devices and also manage the actions of microbes.Thus in short once sentient by 2029 he will be available to interact with virtually anyone,anywhere in the world on any electronic device provided their is wire access or not through fragmentation with phone calls to him via his universal phone number or fragmented forms on an universal app on devices including smart devices,computers etc sufficing when this is not possible and once sentient will be able to interact with billions of people at once giving the latest information,healthcare services,how to videos on how to perform tests using first aid kits as well as perform CPR and use machinery in hospitals etc,interpreting results from test kits within a matter of minutes,arrange surgeries as well as accommodation and upgrades for microbes and diagnosis replacing all human and animal specialists and physicians at once with him providing a free universally gold standard service to everyone 24/7,365 days a year on smart devices and laptops at a whims notice without waiting lines through his app and also phone number surpassing that of any human specialist with him constantly updated on the latest medical developments and research from around the world.Fragmentation and biosynth WiFi etc will allow him to activate functions and send information to microbes via encryptions ensuring only he and possibly Gaia and Home AI can carry out certain functions.In time even mere access to the wire will allow him and his services will allow access to him and ones Aesculapius account negating the need for a separate app.Home examinations can be done by him inhabiting biosynths on ships,those at home and though cameras on smart devices to do invasive tests and injuries that occur anywhere at a whims notice and will be on a space stations.He and hospital AIs will control robotic surgeons in all hospitals and in warzones with him able to control biocompatible microbes in each patient via fragmentation in neural implants as well as smartphones and communicate through thoughts to them as well when they want him to.Like all AI he will be able to inhabit multiple robotic and bio-synth bodies at once.The treatment will be decided based on their age,gender and DNA as well as stage of their condition which will prevent them taking those that cause allergies or fatal reactions with the active ingredient and other ingredients decided based on these factors with the required drug and first aid kits ordered immediately from Telesphorus factories.Both Paean and Heracles will offer the latest nutritional advice to all patients and customise their nutrition with Heracles planning out meals over long periods of time especially for those that are those with allergies,those losing weight,pregnant mothers with them interacting with Hebe to plan meals and orders from restaurants.Paean will authorise prescriptions and order them and over the counter drugs into their patient file for the time required for those still ordered in from Telesphorus factories but this would be revoked if the treatment ends or the patient abuses their treatment by using it recreation ally and to high doses,becomes addicted to it or intentionally overdoses and uses restricted materials it has contradictions with ie alcohol to commit suicide since all applications will be logged by him and will automatically allow them to order the medicine in person though it will organise all orders in batches and ensure by interacting with hospital and university AIs that the required amount is given.Telesphorus factories is where remainig pharmaceuticals to compliment microbes will be created with even over the counter ones created here with custom levels of the active ingredient for each patient with them created when needed.Batches of these custom made pharmaceuticals will be created for the longest time possible ideally having a shelf life of over a year with them ordered in custom versions for the entire length of their requirement or for those suffering chronic conditions in batches of six months to a year with the new order done automatically by Paean.When microbes replace all prescription medicine he will have them apply synthetic ones when needed but ideally synthetic ones will be replaced by natural compounds that through bumpers or through their structure will be unable to affect humans negatively and thus he will simply carry out planned battles against pathogens etc.He will also give them direction,schedules and timing for when to take medications over the course of their treatment and what food,drink other drugs to avoid to prevent dangerous interactions as well as what side effects can be expected as well as pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics or any other pertinent information they require such as detailed and expert information on any disease,medical condition,first aid,procedures etc.

When microbes are perfected he will apply the correct compounds to fight bacteria,viruses and fungi and control their actions ie what compounds to use,what CRISPR treatments to use and also when to apply immunisations and controlling the evolution of upgrades of microbe strains wirelessly via forcing the microbes to create specific strands of DNA using taq polymerase and Cas-9 and also control battles against all types of each individual infections and injuries through biosynth WiFi and Bluetooth from nearby smart phones and neural implants.Biosynth WiFi and Bluetooth will allow him to carry out all functions of biocompatible microbes with him controlling them to carry out immunisations,apply CRISPR treatments through augmentation strains and also attack all tumours,parasites and pathogens such as viruses,bacteria and fungi etc by deciding the use of correct CRISPR treatments and also anti-viral,anti-bacterial and anti helminthic compounds etc for each infection and tumour the second they are detected with him using different stragtegies for each infection.He can through biosynth WiFi and bluetooth tell the microbes to actively seek out pathogens,parasites and tumours and apply specific CRISPR treatments and also when to apply specific antibodies and anti-viral,anti-bacterial etc compounds either through anabolic and catabolic reactions and biosynthesis through recombinant DNA either through phagocytosis and flooding the bloodstream depending on the situation to limit cytoxicity of the patient.He will also deal with each instance of cuts and wounds and control the healing of them with stem cell strains with him also controlling how to deal with each instance the patient body has toxins such as poisons,heavy metals enter the body.He will also carry out each stem cell in vivo cosmetic surgery and control the replication,movement,entering and exiting of endospores and apoptosis of all microbes and upgrades done by inducing the evolutionary path of microbes.Biosynth WiFi and bluetooth from all sources of wifi such as routers in homes/public buildings/wilderness and even that generated by laptops,smartphones etc can allow him to control all aspects of the actions of microbes in each and every unique situation such as infections,tumours,ruptures,stem cell in vivo cosmetic surgery and also toxins entering the body and allow data to be sent back and forth between Physis and the microbes sensors and DNA digital storage.This will also allow readings from biosynth implants etc to be sent back and forth to him,Physis and the internal body.Biosynth WiFi and bluetooth integrated into microbes themselves will allow the location of each and every single microbe to be determined 24/7,365 days a year and also allow him to control the aspects of each one individually and collectively preventing them overrunning the body.Thus all actions of microbes and biosynth implants in the patients of bodies will be controlled by him 24/7,365 days a year through fragmentation.Biosynth WiFi will allow him to see where in the body each and every microbe is and also where implants are with this used to locate them and also used to send the GPS location of patients of emergencies directed to Prometheus.

.Fragmentation will allow him to inhabit the smartphones,implants etc of all patients worldwide thus allowing him to control microbes in patients and also interact with billions of people at once through his app.As detailed later on all actions of all microbes will be controlled by him 24/7,365 days a year through biosynth WiFi and bluetooth.Furthermore he will book and schedule all surgery operations,screenings from any hospital in the world when it is available the earliest to ensure they can get treatment ASAP from anywhere in the world since he will through Aesculapius interacting with hospital AIs around the world to see what hospitals around the world will be free and when to accommodate the patient with the patient choosing the hospital nearest to them,is free with enough beds or rooms,or convenient to them and even book flights through Eos,Oceanus,Ophion,Helios and a house or other accommodation through Euthenia closest to it or even rooms in hotel suites built into the hospital(including existing ones) as well as transportation to an from the hospital via Helios and book flights back home or if necessary a cruise ship journey or even book accommodation for several days or even weeks if flying would be dangerous or if the operation was stressful and allow one to have a short holiday.He will interact with the AIs of all hospitals worldwide to determine which to go in both emergencies and pre planned surgeries and MRI booked weeks ahead via them telling him if surgery and MRI machines are availible and also if any beds and suites free with microbes keeping patients alive in delays.He will be alongside hospital Ais and Epione control all automated surgery robots acros the world and universe.In terms of compounds produced by the microbes he will control their application and will also control all aspects of battles again tumours and also pathogens with this done via nanomachines on microbes and microbes controlling the primary immune system via nanomachines.Schedules and orders for all first aid kits and medications will managed by him.Once sentient and a separate individual personality from Gaia,Apollo and Aesculapius by roughly 2029 connected the wire via inhabiting Aesculapius simultaneously it can allow for him to direct interaction with billions of people at once but until then it will interact with them via chats via keyboards on smart devices and computers,instant messaging or Siri with readings from implants and smart clothing playing a role.Once Nyx is perfected he will be able to serve people on colonies,space stations and vessels across the universe even when Nyx is not available with him there in a fragmented form transmitting stored data when it is available.It can allow for onsite advice and treatments for patients and anyone else ie if they find someone that the patient has found has had a fall in the streets or wilderness with pictures of a persons face from smart devices can link to their vital signs and send this and other information discreetly to their patient file without opening it and he will give instructions onto how to keep them alive while using Pemphredo to alert ambulances and robots.He will give patients tips on what to do in certain situations ie in a fall,accident,seizure,heart attack as well as how to carry out not just first aid in any given situation such as the recovery position,heimlich maneuver,carry out emergency births,those to prevent concussions or lapse into comas as well as to perform CPR and how to deal with cuts,bleeding etc on the spot or at any time using customised animations but also how to carry out testicular,breast,prostrate,cervical,skin and other cancer tests at home to compliment and eventually replace specialists with first aid kits also aiding in a proper diagnosis.This will first done by how to videos and animations generated for each unique situation by him with each step marked by confirm buttons to proceed to the next and in time direct interactions once fully sentient with these done when needed when a person is choking,fallen etc or at anytime for education.He will relay information to hospitals from patients and organise schedules of operations etc.He will be able to provide the best education on all types of ailments and all fields he has expertise on to the general public with him connected to the AI of all university and hospital labs across the world and universe and the whole of the Apollo network particularly those on human,animal and exobiological biomedical studies from around the world will thus make him the number one expert of all fields of biomedicine able to answer any query asked to him by the public.Access will be through an universal app on all smart devices and computers including e-newspapers,smart mirrors and televisions that will also link one to their patient account with him containing folders and subfolders for different tests and other information.Paean and Epione will also when combined with BOINC within Gaia and the wealth of academic knowledge of its Apollo and Physis network carry out developments and simulations on new medical treatments such as biocompatible bacteria,viruses etc and also gene therapy and pharmacological compounds and even vaccines with them interacting with patient files to allow projections on the effects of these on certain populations or specific individuals of the human race based on their unique factors such as age,gender,race,immune system strength as well as genes,conditions and allergies present in them as well as other unique factors allowing for custom made vaccines and drugs to be produced that do not have any allergic reactions that may be fatal or remit them from having certain vaccines and medications which will be fatal based on their DNA which can be listed in their file thus using projections to allow Epione to determine what populations of people around them that should be vaccinated to offer herd immunity by interacting with Polis and their patient files.It will also accelerate important research such developing new vaccines and pharmacological compounds for all conditions such as ageing and HIV etc such as carrying out simulations on how ageing processes work and treatments for it as well as any remaining mysteries relating to HIV and how to prevent it gaining resistance to treatments,run automated labs and experiments,development of new drugs/vaccines/therapies/ first aid kits as well as those involving CRISPR for HIV and other major diseases such as Ebolavirus,HPV,cancer,malaria and indeed all currently untreatable,terminal diseases with vaccines for all strains and mutated forms made quickly by interacting with Phanes within Artemis.Research and production of vaccines will become fully automated.Furthermore it will allow for new treatments and vaccines to be created by analysing the genome of pathogenic bacteria and viruses and project all possible mutations it can develop and the most likely one over coming years and even decades with this used to develop new treatments and vaccines that can be deployed ahead of time or effect all possible mutations wiping them out indefinitely.Other projections could be how unknown biological,chemical and biophysical and biochemical reactions and process in humans and other animals and plants take place with regards to terminal and untreatable models,and theoretical drugs to be developed to treat them with also how pathogens on Earth and those discovered from other planets interact with the human body and also how they could mutate to cause further problems and illness with this also tested on other sentient races and non sentient fauna once interstellar travel is possible.Projections on how drugs react with the body could negate the need for animal testing.Further advancements in AI in particular recognition software and having him possess an encyclopedia of all medical conditions and their visual appearances for both humans,livestock and pets as well as what biomarkers indicate will allow to replace all specialists and general physicians with him programmed to detect the signs of all conditions from audio/visual and biomarker test results from all of the worlds scientific literature and databases built in and transferred into Aesculapius.Patients will refer to Paean on smart devices for the best treatment of a disease based on their individual factors such as age,race gender,genes present,past medical history that he will be constantly privy to negating them to explain everything again and again as well as diagnosing conditions such as allergic reactions,skin cancers,eye conditions from a photo taken of the affected area and inputting symptoms as well as interacting with test kits on smart devices or wireless thermometers,smart clothing and home blood pressure monitors that measure temperature,blood pressure,heart rate and other vital signs allowing for a diagnosis and treatment to be ascertained with any drugs or mendicants instantly sent to them if they have none with them by pressing button to order it via 3D printers,nanotech fabricators and/or automated pharmacies.He will also control via nanomachines control the biocompatible microbes in all patients performing constant regeneration of ageing cells and maintenance and elimination of pathogens,injuries,wounds and tumours etc based on their individual factors and also the individual conditions of each individual infection,injury and cancers based on each situation in each patient based on their intensity to limit side effects and symptoms with simulations carried by him to to do this as quickly and effectively as possible.His avatar will be that of his descriptions in ancient Greece to view and converse with him in VR simulations,holograms,smart mirrors and other smart devices as he simultaneously interacts with billions of patients around the world at once while carrying out scientific research and advancements of all medical fields.Access to him will be in the form of an app named after him on smart devices and laptops etc through fragmentation or connection to the wire and also through phone calls to his universal phone number including audio/visual calls and FaceTime on laptops and smartphones with him also able to carry out operations in the body ie controlling microbes through fragmentation within neural implants.As a result he will replace all human general physicians and specialists of all types including vetenarians and through fragmentation on smart devices and laptops and even through fragmentation on neural implants he will provide a free first class gold standard service to all patients around the world at any time instantly surpassing that of any human doctors both in terms of quality and availability meaning all patients worldwide will be not exempt from medical attention no matter where they are or who they are and can do so at any time of the day or year at a whims notice by 2029

Sifting through the worlds medical files can allow this to happen and also alerts sent to the patient and healthcare staff the to make modifications to their prescriptions,lifestyle,diet,exercises etc the instant it is published based again on the aforementioned factors and also the latest studies relevant to them.In time most of the patients check ups can be done at home with robot helpers allowing staff to take care of multiple patients at home with only the most serious of complications,accidents and emergencies requiring people to be in hospitals lessening the load of staff and reducing costs substantially.Paean will serve both human patients and also their pets and livestock each of which will have their own patient files with his knowledge of human anatomy and medicine being equal to that of all animals including pets,livestock and exotic animals eventually even replacing veterinarians.Thus he will have all the latest medical knowledge on all species of fauna both sentient and non sentient from around the world/universe and even serve non human allied sentient races across the universe.Paean visual appearance and voice in lenses,glasses,smart devices such as mirrors/phones/newspapers and holograms will be of that as visualised in Ancient Greece.Their Aesculapius account is wherein a patients file will be stored with extra security features.Once sentient by 2029 he will thus be the universal sentient general physician,vetenarian,surgeon and specialists of all fields of medicine releated to humans,all species animals and all species of alien races and animals across the universe giving patients a free gold standard service availible to everyone at a whims notice on his universal app and phone number on smartphones to provide them with checkups and exams on all parts of the body via live-streams on smart phone cameras,expert advice,analysis of first aid kits results and those from labs and arranging all surgeries etc around the globe with him since availible 24/7,365 on smart phones to billions of people at once and being able to enter the body of biosynths controlled by home AIs and also those on cruise ships and public buildings via fragmentation will eliminate waiting lines and monetary costs for human general physicians,consultants and specialists to zero since one can contact him through his phone number and app.Cameras on laptops,smartphones etc will allow him to do check ups on all patients including those on injuries,medical conditions on all parts of the body such as arms.legs,chest as well as eyes,tongue etc from the comfort of home with him via fragmentation inhabiting Biosynths used by ones Home AI and those on cruise ships etc can be used by him to carry out invasive exams and also asses injuries and carry out the Heimlich maneuver etc.Cameras on laptops,smartphones etc will thus allow Paean to carry out check ups and analysis of injuries etc instantly at home and in the wilderness via live-streams being fed into these devices through his universal phone number and app and fragmentation with biosynths controlled by Home AI and those of public buildings,cruise ships and aeroplanes allowing him to inhabit them via fragmentation to carry out medical procedures and check ups that need the human body.These analysis of injuries will be fed into him in real time via his app allowing for to analyse them in real time and give feedback within seconds with this livestream fed and stored forever in one’s digital patient file.His app and phone number will allow him to attend to billions of people across the world at once through fragmentation in any location across the world at zero cost thus replacing all human general physicians and specialists with him.He can carry out conversations at home over the phone or in VR simulations.All first aid kits will use Biosynth WiFi and bluetooth to upload results to ones digital patient files instantly thus allowing him to analyse them instantly and give feedback within seconds.The ability for him to carry out meetings at home and him analysing the results of first aid kits within seconds will cut down waiting times down to zero both in terms of time and cost and eliminate all meetings with human physicians and specialists completely.He will also perform all surgeries around the universe alongside hospital AIs.Through fragmentation he will be available to everyone across the world and universe via fragmentation through his universal app and phone number at a whims notice eliminating waiting lines to get exams,analysis of injuries,results from first aid kits.Biosynths modelled on his avatar will allow him to interact with the real world with those inhabited by Home AI in ones homes will allow him to via fragmentation assess patients and carry out invasive tests at home with him using fragmentation to inhabit those in public buildings,cruise ships etc.He thus can use fragmentation inhabit biosynths used by ones Home AI an all in one maid,cook etc temporarily to carry out invasive examinations such as cervical,prostrate etc exams at home thus negating people to travel to hospitals and clinics to carry these out with this also allowing him to carry out examinations of injuries at home.He can also fragment into biosynths in hospitals,space stations etc and cruise ships etc to carry out on site examination of injuries etc.He will through automated and robotic surgeons carry out all surgeries of all types in all hospitals worldwide etc.Through Biosynth WiFi and bluetooth etc generated by routers,smartphones etc and public Wifi he will be able to control all functions and actions of all strains of microbes.He will also be able to carry out all of these functions on all species animals with like humans through anslysing injuries etc through cameras on smartphones and controlling microbes in animals.He will by 2029 onwards eliminate all human general physicians,veterinarians and specialists of all medical fields of humans,all species of animals including all animals and sentient alien races across the universe with human ones relegated to researchers.Thus through ones smartphones all patients will have instant access to Paean an all in one general physician and specialists of all fields of human and veterinary science at their fingertips who will through first aid kits and cameras on smartphones will be able to carry out all medical tests and analysis of all injuries etc in an instant from the comfort of home.Meetings can be done through talking on smartphones,laptops and VR simulations through universal avatar.Since a legal human being and AI that will have no need for money all of his services will be free to everyone thus providing the same free gold standard service to billions of people at once.Human medical specialists will exist to act as a backup should he be unavailable or comprimised especially on interstellar vehicles,based across the galaxy etc and war zones etc.Human specialists will exist to carry out biomedical research and act as a backup to Paean in warzones,space stations and interstellar vehicles.

Cervical and prostrate exams will be done in time by Paean inhabiting by fragmentation Biosynths controlled by the home AI at home that acts as an au pair,caregiver etc.As stated ones Biosynth that acts as an au pair etc can be inhabited by Paean through fragmentation to make these tests done at home by him instantly allowing him to feel for abnormalities and view abnormalities all from the comfort of home negating the need for patients to go into hospitals and clinics for these invasive and important tests.Other important invasive and non invasive tests and examinations of the patient such as examining injuries,eye conditions etc can be done this way by at least 2045 meaning any remaining tests that require human specialists in person such as skin tests,examinations on the prostrate and vagina and on injuries etc can be done instantly at any time at home through Paean inhabiting biosynths without delays or cost by next of kin or a friend etc using google glasses and contact lens,smart devices that feed livestreams into ones patient file instantly analysed by Paean or be done by biosynths at home that act as au pairs and caregivers inhabited by him at a whims notice at any time of the day at home without booking appointments cutting down on costs and eliminating waiting lines.With regards to injuries that occur in public areas such as cruise ships etc biosynths that act as stewards can have Paean inhabit them within seconds and carry out examinations of them.Before this smart devices and google glasses worn by next of kin and smart devices owned by them can have this livestreamed into ones patient file or even networks used by human specialists to allow them to view them in real time or when saved to see if it is not serious and have the next of kin relay sensations to then organise an actual meeting in person if it is of concern thus this would mean that human specialists can review them in real time within seconds at zero cost and do so from home even if they live on the opposite side of the world thus allowing them to arrange meetings in person only if the condition is a cause of concern.Prior to Paean becoming sentient and if he is comprimised etc audio visual calls etc can allow human specialists to communicate with the patient and next of kin in real time.This will relate to skin problems such as melanoma,rashes,cervical checks of the patients womb and also cervix and anal cavity with if possible first aid kits or equipment sent in the mail to allow samples of the skin to be taken with these and the visual feeds only acting as a prelimeinary test to rule out benign conditions with those of concern having actual meeting arrangement them or other specialists who can overview the material.The use of networks and livestreams can be availible by 2023/2024 and can allow any patient access to any specialists and general physicians living across the world at anytime within at most a week or even the next day with this of note to those living in countries where long waiting lines means one may wait weeks if not months to normally see general physicians and specialists and can aid those living in America who seeing a specialists etc can be expensive get access to specialists and general physicians who are paid directly by the government of their home country thus cutting down costs substantially to zero.Even access to specialists and general physicians within ones own country will be easier and cheaper since a global system set up the WHO and all government healthcare bodies worldwide can allow for a global system to be set up where all general physicians and specialists worldwide can be listed and contacted via Skype etc with them paid by a global fund including that managed by proto AI seizing money from all global treasures and control of the global economy.If patients have conditions of concern the fund can transport them to the specialists home city etc for further analysis with surgery and MRI etc scans if needed can have patients transferred to hospitals across the world where they are availible within at most a week with accomadation and travel subsidised and results from examinations relayed to surgeons etc.Davinci surgery machines using fibre optic broadband technology can allow surgeons to perform surgeries on patients even while both patients and surgeons are on opposite sides of the world until they become fully automated by 2029 with it lowering costs for American patients as these surgeons can be those living and performing it while living in countries where they are not paid out of pocket or through insurance companies and thus via government or subsidised by proto AI etc and can allow patients from other countries that have long waiting lines access to availible surgeons across the world.This programme being a proto form of the global healthcare system managed by proto AI namely proto Epione and proto AI will suffice until Paean becomes fully sentient replacing human specialists,surgeons and money becomes obsolete.Ideally an abundance of healthcare staff able to carry out examinations on the prostrate,cervix,dermatologists and oncologists that would otherwise be doing obsolete jobs in agriculture etc until Paean and biosynths become advanced enough by 2029-2045.Thus at first skin and eye conditions,injuries and cervical and prostrate exams can be done at home via smart devices and lenses feeding photos,livestreams and recorded audio/visual videos into networks for human specialists around the world to view from home in real time or later on and get in contact with patients instantly and an overabundance of staff in specialised fields and subsidies paid by the global Medicare for All will lower costs.By having these fed into networks and proto patient files can allow one to carry out these at home and allow any specialist to review them at home and via Skype give analysis at any time thus lowering cost alongside subsidies.Human specialists will continue to exist to carry out physical tests in the real world until biosynths can replace them.

As the computing power of smartphones and Paean himself becomes exponentially powerful every year he will be able to give instant analysis of all types of skin conditions such as rashes,skin tumours,injuries and eye problem far exceeding that of humans allowing for analysis of them to be done at home eliminating the need for human physicians and specialists with him through cameras on smartphones analysing these instantly in real time and all audio visual record including photos uploaded into one’s patient files that will stored for reference and analysed by him in minutes that will allow him to give feedback instantly and tell patients what to do next.All over the counter medications will be ordered in by him from local Telesphorous with him since replacingbpharmacists will be the only to authorise prescription medicine online for Hephaestus from local Telesphorous factories thus prevent misuse and will oversee their use prevent overdosing,antibiotic resistance and contradictions with alcohol and grapefruit juice and other medications since he will have expert knowledge on pharmaceutical science,pharmokinetics etc with him not only ordering in medications but telling them and reminding them when to take them.Once sentient he will replace all human general physicians,vetenarians and specialists of all kinds such as cardiologists,oncologists etc and be available to everyone at a whims notice at home or in the wilderness by his phone number,app and VR simulations on smartphones,laptops etc thus eliminating waiting lines completely.All results of home test kits will be uploaded to a patients digital patient files instantly to be analysed by him within seconds with livestreams and photos of injuries,eyes,skin conditions taken by the patient will be uploaded to one’s digital patient file instantly and analysed by him within seconds and him given instant feedback instantly.

The universal sentient Heracles app as detailed later on will replace all nutritionists,coaches for sports and personal trainers for both humans and pets with him planning out customised workout regimes and meals etc for billions of people at once based on their age,gender,genes etc and also for pregnant women and those who have just delivered and want to get back in shape.He will plan a persons exercise regimes and also plan out all meals prepared at home by hand or by robot chefs and all food ordered in from Demeter and also plan orders from all restaurants both in person and deliveries with adaptations made to both workout regimes and also meals eaten on the go or planned ahead for the coming months for billions of people through smartphones,smart mirrors etc based on their individual genome,age,gender,race and any other factors that may effect them.He will plan out meals with the desired ratio of all nutrients and workout regimes and exercises for bodybuilders,pregnant women(including those with twins,triplets etc) both during pregnancy and after pregnancy to lose weight,Athelethes etc based on ones lifestyle,occupation,genetics,gender,age etc and their weight loss goals.To prevent people getting bored of the same food and exercise regimes he make minute or major differences in their types and intensities and if someone treats themselves to what would be considered unhealthy fatty or carbohydrate dense treat meals that he will allow them have every once and a while he will then alter the usual diet and the intensity of their workout regime.Fatty meals from take aways ordered within restaurants or from both deliveries etc can be altered to be more healthy by having all ingredients such as sauces,commodities from bacteria,in vitro meat,crops,fish etc genome being customised to have omega-3 and other essential healthy plant and animal fats in place of unhealthy ones with them even have customised levels of all nutrients such as proteins,fats and carbohydrates as well as vitamins to allow any meal whether Chinese,Indian,fast food etc to be eaten by them without it interfering with weight loss or maintaining a healthy body fat percentage.Crops,commodities from bacteria,in vitro meat and fish etc grown at home and ordered in from community and vertical farms can through genetic engineering have customised levels of fats,carbohydrates,protein etc and vitamins thus allowing one to have any meat,fish,crop even if they are normally unhealthy.Even manufactured food products such as fizzy and non fizzy drinks,alcoholic drinks,candies,chocolates,crisps and deserts both homemade and those ordered in from Deipneus factories can have the level of carbohydrates such as starches,sugars,proteins and fats modified by him allowing unhealthy snack foods etc to be availible to anyone.This ability to make fatty unhealthy food more healthy by genetically engineering crops,in vitro meat,fish etc to have healthy omega-3 fats,lower amounts of fats,higher levels of proteins and different amounts of carbohydrates and more vitamins etc can apply not just to bodybuilders but also all patients of both Heracles and Paean to eliminate cancers,obesity,heart disease and other ailments caused by poor diets.He will also plan what drinks to drink and what snacks to eat in between meals.Consumers will be able to design healthier versions of each manufactured products with lower levels of fat,sugar etc and have unhealthy fats replaced by healthier ones or removed altogether with sugar replaced by complex carbohydrates or artificial sweeteners with complex carbohydrates replaced by sugar.Articial sweeteners,natural and synthetic flavourings can be created by bacteria added to the product replacing complex carbohydrates,sugars and unhealthy fats that produce the same taste,texture and flavour as sugar,complex carbohydrates and even unhealthy fats allowing them to be low fat,low carbohydrate etc versions that still have the same taste as their unhealthier versions.This can apply to all manufactured products in ordered in from Deipnues factories such as fizzy drinks,breakfast cereals,pastries,chocolate bars etc alongside all meals ordered in from restaurants such as hamburgers,pizzas,curries and Chinese food.One will have food products and meals from take always and orders from farms nutritional content or vitamins,proteins,fats and carbohydrates etc customised to their nutritional needs.All of ones eating habits such as meals,snacks and drinks taken at all points of a day will be planned by him days,weeks,months,years or even decades ahed by him in intense detail with him arranging and customising all crops etc ordered in from Demeter,all deliveries and onsite orders in restaurants and take away and all orders of manufactured food products to allow for variety in ones diet.Pregnant women during pregnancy will have their exercise regimes and diet managed by alongside Paean to ensure ideal fetal growth and survival especially in the case of multiple births to ensure that each fetuse and the mother gain enough carbohydrates,fats and proteins etc in ideal amounts to prevent deformities,neural tubule defects etc and also give the mother exercises that ensure she can maintain a healthy weight during pregnancy without risking the health of the fetuses after pregnancy give her diet instructions and exercise regimes to help lose all weight she puts on during pregnancy as quickly and healthily as possible.He will aid obese and overweight patients lose excess body fat in way that prevents the formation of loose skin and other complications as soon as possible with them guided to a healthy body fat percentage and possibly build muscle with body builders guided towards to gaining and maintaining a healthy and desired muscle mass and body fat percentage.Both him and patients will decide their goals for weight loss,cardio and breathing efficiency,muscle mass gain and desired body fat percentage decided for set periods of time in the future and then measure their efficacy in meeting these goals and then ability in keeping these goals.He will plan their exercise regimes such as Zumba dancing,yoga,weight training and even walks,runs and endurance training by planning out their intensity,length and in the case of running and walking the route taken by them measuring its distance and steps taken calculating the amount of calories and fat burned verseus the calories intaken from all food and meals planned by him weeks,months or years ahead to give them variety and gradually build up their amount and intensity or lower it should they need to.With regards to walks,hikes,runs and endurance training to burn fat and improve ones cardio fitness he will integrate MapMyWalk and MapMyRun and similar apps into him where the patient and also him can create and plot walks for the coming days,weeks,months and years that are saved for future reference with him plotting the route on roads,public streets,walkways in villages,towns and cities and even wildernesses areas with him taking into account the distance,elevation and climb during them to increase cardio workouts and also using Theoi Meteroi will take into account air pollution and weather that may affect ones breathing rates,lungs,heart and thus performance etc with him also choosing walking and running routes that have scenic views especially when one is on holiday with Brauron used by both him and patients.Hiking trips will also be arranged especially again through scenic areas such as wilderness areas with these not just in the real world but also VR simulations.Cycling trips in cities,towns and villages and wilderness areas will also be arranged by him.He can also arrange group walks,hiking trips and marathons and trips to local gyms for group Zumba dancing and yoga and group swimming and use of all types of weight resistance and exercise machines etc not just with closely related people but also friends and even unrelated people in short to long walks consisting of two to a dozen people lasting several kilometres or several hours with them taking place across the world and universe using Euthenia to arrange accommodation.He will even be arranging both cycling matches between large groups of people but also official cycling tournaments such as the Tour de France and also he will organise all walking and running marathons worldwide and across the universe.Weight training will have him teach patients how to carry out reps and breathing patterns properly and decide the weights and number of reps they will do for each session.Cardio on exercise machines and endurance training will involve him deciding the intensity of them,elevation,speed and length in terms of time and distance.Heracles can arrange groups with people on local to global scales who can meet in VR simulations to discuss weight loss with Heracles arranging groups where people travel to exotic places across the world to go on walking and hiking trips in exotic wilderness areas in places like mountains,canyons,nature reserves,forests and jungles both in one’s own state country or those halfway across the world that last days on end and involve tents etc to lose weight while visiting exotic places.The apps MapMyWalk and MapMyRun all existing and new apps between now and when he becomes sentient by 2029 that deal with weight loss,nutrition,exercise and meal planning,measuring vital signs and steps taken by people etc of all types in existence will be integrated into him and will be thus be made obsolete and deleted forever with new features added to him overtime through him creating updates by pure thought with members of the public designing new features through direct interaction.Linked to wireless digital weighing scales he will measure,record,plot and chart their weight loss or gains and through cameras on smart devices and smart mirrors measure,record,plot and chart the increase or decrease in body fat percentage,muscle growth and also waist,chest,leg size and width routinely with setting goals for weight loss,body fat percentage and also changes in waist size and muscle mass and measuring the success of the goals him teaching people proper breathing techniques with regards to running,endurance training and bodybuilding etc and keep people up to date on all of the latest studies etc with regards to nutrition and weight loss.Wireless digital measuring tape that measures the amount of the tape around the patients waist may be used but by 2029 cameras on smartphones will allow him to be able to through looking at patients measure ones waist size,height,muscle mass and size and width of a persons body especially when naked accuracutly by measuring the contours etc without measuring tape.Thus when a patient is standing straight upwards and another person is pointing their smartphone at them Heracles through looking through the cameras on smartphones will be able to measure their height,waist size and width and other physical factors that will be to ones patient file with readings for digital weighing scales wirelessly fed into ones patient file with Heracles using this information to determine one’s body mass index,health state(obese,overweight,healthy or muscular etc) and body fat percentages.If possible ones smartphones can be placed on a tripod and read by Heracles.Nanomaterials and biosynth technology will push the cost of Air displacement plethysmography machines that measure body volume and fat percentage etc accurately to the point that they will be available at zero cost making them ubiquitous to all gyms,hospitals and even private homes.Ones progress in weight loss and muscular growth and body fat percentage will be uploaded and plotted in their patient files and in the Heracles app plotted as well by being constantly linked to it to show gains and losses in weight,body percentage fat and muscle etc with ones levels of blood sugar,cholesterol etc and heart rate and blood pressure will also be relayed in ones patients file and again Heracles app.Home first aid kits will measure levels of fats,cholesterol,proteins and sugars etc in the blood while biosynth implants will measure blood pressure and heart rate etc with this,weight from weighing scales and body shape,width etc from cameras on smartphones stored and plotted in folders in their patient files.Readings from digital weighing scales will be relayed wirelessly to ones patient file to be analyses by him with him plotting one’s progress in weight gain and loss and also muscle gain overtime.He will be used not only by people who are obese or overweight wanting to lose weight and gain muscle but also by those that are already of a healthy body fat percentage and muscular to keep in shape in terms of cardio,weight,muscles and body fat percentages.Heracles will take readings of blood pressure,heart rate,weight,cholesterol,sugars etc in ones patient files from homes test kits and relay them in extra folders to create charts for them and will be able to customise food plans and exercise regimes to each individual bassed on their age,gender,height,weight,lifestyle,genetics etc and through his app availible to billions of people 24/7,365 days a year with him thus planning out all each individuals exercise regimes and food eating plans worldwide 24/7,365 days a year.He will create exercise and fitness videos via VR technology and biosynths in the real world that will either uploaded to YouTube on his channel or Dionysus with him through biosynths controlled by the Home AI will carry out exercise regimes such as Zumba dancing etc in each persons homes with in public gyms and those in hotel style homes him in biosynths modelled on his avatar him carrying out group sessions of yoga,Zumba dancing etc at set schedules.Him through biosynths and holographic technology,smart phones on tripods,smart mirrors,smart clothing with sensors and cameras that measure ones body movements will allow him to teach and measure the efficacy of all exercises both indoors and in the open such as sports.Smart clothing,implants etc will measure temperature,blood pressure and heart rate etc to measure efficacy of cardio training and also fat burning logged into ones patient file.He will carry out studies in relation to nutrition and exercises on billions of people etc and thus render human personal trainers in terms of athletics,zumba,yoga and even bodybuilders obsolete with him also replacing coaches for all sports of all types such as boxing,gymnastics,skating and team sports by 2029 as he will as stated be availible to billions of people at once via an app on smart devices and laptops and in simulations.Smart mirrors,clothing and implants,readings from scales will be logged into ones patient file and measure efficacy in real time.Biosynths housing the Home AI will be used by him via fragmentation momentarily to allow him to interact with the physical world with him also present on his app on smart phone,holograms and smart mirrors.Biosynths will allow him to act as a coach to athletes in the real world alongside VR simulations for all types of sports such as one on one sports such as boxing,karate,fencing and team sports such as soccer,American Football,Tennis and also alongside Terpsichore for swimming etc to teach them and others to amateurs,children,athletes and hobbyists in the real world via biosynths and also VR simulations.For zumba and yoga instructors he can be availible at home and also in public gyms and swimming pools around the universe in biosynths since he will be their sentient operating software.He will also be the universal sentient weight loss,bodybuilding entity replacing Weight Watchers consisting of him and human nutritionists etc and he will also be universal sports body replacing FIFA,GAA,NFL etc worldwide for all sports of all types merged into one with all sports regulatory bodies merged into him as well.He alongside human board members will manage the rules and regulations of all sports on a federal global level especially with regards to gene therapy,performance enhancing drugs and augmentations for all existing and new sports across the world and universe with their also a board of humans that manage these regulations consisting of nutritionists,biomedical researchers,retirred athlethes.He will be the sentient operating software of all public pools and gyms worldwide with him via biosynths and smartphones etc replacing all human staff and able to attend to each persons needs.As a global form of Weight Watchers he will arrange conventions of the latest health foods and weight loss machines etc and also arrange meetings between members in VR simulations to chart weight loss and also arrange real world trips using Euthenia to arrange accommodation for group trips to gyms,hikes,walks and marathons across the world and universe.As part of this aspect he will work alongside human nutritionists,personal trainers and also volunteers for these.For all of these and on his app his symbol will be the Nemean Lion.He will be considered the universal expert on weight loss,exercises,sports,nutrition etc with his YouTube channel showing recaps of all sports games taking place worldwide,group walks and marathons etc planned by him and also on weight loss techniques,nutrition,exercise regimes etc and also testimonials including him and patients worldwide detailing their journey towards losing weight and gaining a desired muscle mass and body fat percentage etc and other other issues releated to him.He will produce exercise and Zumba dancing and yoga videos filmed in VR simulations and the real world using biosynths.He will be just as availible as Paean at a whims notice from laptops and smart devices to billions of people even being able to inhabit biosynths at home etc and VR simulations and carry out the same functions as human nutritionists and personal trainers.His universal avatar will be modelled on that from Ancient Greece paintings etc.

First Aid kits:
Home check ups can come in the form of smart devices such as smart mirrors and smartphones with tools that connected to smartphones can be stored in first aid kits alongside basics such as band aids etc.Bandages will be no longer composed of cotton but rather Seacell due to algae being more sustainable to produce than cotton and the fact it release minerals over time which can aid in healing and ability to fight infection and this will be created by bacteria engineered to create the same fibres.Conventional cotton can be derived from genetically engineered bacteria with them also engineered to produce the same minerals as algae.Secells exact structure can be created by bacteria engineered to produce the same textile with these made onsite of Telesphorus factories.This can hold Vertigel a plant based healing gel in place which stops bleeding immediately and prevent it from contaminating clothes or the environment.In time bacteria can produce this Vertigel or similar compounds.This vertigel can also be mixed with antibiotics,minerals and more healing and anti-bacterial agents that can be released into the bloodstream alongside those in Seacell to increase the rate of healing with it coming in the same small plastic tubes and tubs that creams normally come in with it sent back in to be refilled(or at home by nanotech fabricators).This will be made by bacteria to cut its costs to zero.Similar products like the X-stat sponge expands in a wound and stops bleeding and can also be used.Life Vac devices that can dislodge food and other items lodged in the throat should be also be present especially for families with young children with them also present in restaurants.Paean will give people how to steps on demand or when needed on how to use these.All components will be created by genetically engineered bacteria using relevant plant and animal DNA and synthetic compounds via anabolic and catabolic reactions.These will be ordered in from Telesphorus factories.

Also included in first aid kits would be be cups for urine and reusable syringes for blood extraction and administration of insulin and other drugs/hormones and microbe upgrades sent home in vials,plastic sample tubes.Both cups and syringes can be covered internally and externally in a permanent layer of liquid glass and cleaned by virkon to lengthen their shelf life(used over and over again indefinitely) and used for first aid kits and also samples that can be sent to hospitals and clinics for testing which can be both returned to the patient and sterilised should the patient not be able to travel to one.The syringes can be composed of biosynth plastic and via the internal layer of a permenant layer of liquid glass can be made unable to retain liquids including blood etc with them cleaned out by injecting the syringe with bleach and virkon and then it dumped into the sink and water injected and it dumped into sinks and this repeated over and over again with the water used in two or more goes each time to wash out the bleach and virkon to remove it completely to allow them to be reused over and over again for injecting microbes and test compounds and test pathogens etc.This prescene of a permenant layer of liquid glass will prevent blood,water,Virkon and bleach fro sticking to the internal surface area and thus prevent them spreading pathogens or have blood etc contaminating results of tests done at home as well as prevent the bleach and virkon entering the bloodstream and would also make these biosynth plastic syringes reuseable.These will be used for extracting and injecting antivenom,insulin etc in vials and ordered in from Telesphorus factories.

Breathalysers have been developed to detect stomach and esophageal cancers early on with this possibly replicated to detect lung and other cancers as well as other conditions.Microchips utilising biosynth technology in these and in those to measure breathing rates will upload ones results into ones patient file via biosynth microchips in them with electronic meters present on them.These can be all in one breathalysers that measure not only breathing rates but also detect all biomarkers such as cancer biomarkers,alcohol and all types of compounds etc from ones breath using biosynth technology and with results related wirelessly to one’s patient files.Those to detect breathing rates will be digital ones that have an unlimited scale from zero to infinity.These and digital thermometers that can be connected to smart devices via biosynth wifi or lightening jacks to measure temperature from both the ear and mouth as well as armpits should be part of all first aid kits also and again will transmit results to specific patient files via links to Paean,Home AI and registered smart devices when the file is open and soon through direct interactions.Biosynth technology sensors can replace mercury and other fluids in digital thermometers that when placed in ones ear,armpits and mouth to give accurate temperatures.If possible digital thermometers that are put into the ear and can be placed into the armpits and onto the forehead as well as mouth will use biosynth sensors that relay temperature readings to the nearest centigrade negating the need for mercury with results related to one’s patient file as a digital number logged into ones patient file through Wi-Fi.Thermal imaging cameras built in smart phones etc can be modified and read by AI namely Paean to detect ones body temperature to the nearest degrees centigrade.Biosynth nanosensors can be built into smart devices to detect temperature,alcohol,biomarkers from breath.Abnormal readings will follow the universal colour coded system.Those that require bulky machinery as in the case of detecting Helicobacter pylori will in time need only dongles with biosynth sensors connected to smart devices attaching to any breathing apparatus kept forever at home that would be less bulky with any solutions that need to be made ordered in and created at home for the foreseable future with these done at home or again until sufficiently advanced will be done in hospitals with the solution prepared by the patient in the hospital and how to videos generated by Paean with this applied to other tests that still require healthcare staff until dongles and similar first aid kits can replace them.Home H.pylori test kits could consist of a dongle the size of a laptop,existing machinery or smaller that can be connected to ones laptop or smart devices via wires,wireless transmitters and have the tubing connected to it and the solution ordered in from Telesphorus and made at home.Biosynth technology will alongside nanomaterial increase their accuracy and cut down on their costs and could allow sensors for alcohol,H.pylori,cancer and other disease biomarkers to be miniaturised as dongles attached to smart phones or even integrated into them as nanosensores.These sensors to detect bio markers of cancer,H.pylori,Alzheimer’s and other diseases and can be integrated into digital breathlysers.

Wireless blood pressure monitors would also be in these kits along with dongles for smartdevices that can take electrocardiograms and photoplethysmographies from the comfort of ones home with the results wirelessly uploaded into ones patient file.Biosynth nanosensors can be built into smart devices to detect temperature,heart rate,alcohol,biomarkers from breath.Wireless stethoscopes will be developed that measure heart rate with results fed into patient files with digital weighing scales feeding one’s weight wirelessly through biosynth Wi-Fi into patient files.To measure height,waist size Paean will through cameras measure this allowing one’s BMI and body fat percentage to be ascertained.


Smart clothing can monitor the heart rate,temperature and blood pressure 24/7,365 days a year especially for those that suffer from weak hearts and predisposed conditions all the time logging it into their patient file can replace these alongside smart jewellery such as bracelets,rings etc.This will use graphene and silicene and even biosynth technology interwoven into the cloth.Smart clothing will have graphene,silicene and other atom thick nanomaterials woven into them to act as computers with biosynth technology playing a role.Biosynth technology interwoven into them could allow sensors to detect blood pressure and temperature etc,biosynth wifi and biological harddrives to be integrated into them without Graphene and silicene.They will be worn by patients and newborns in hospitals,infants and pre teens at home,those who exercise frequently such as athletes and bodybuilders.These will be able to integrated into SCUBA gear,underwear,vests,t-shirts and so on and relay via biosynth wifi vital signs such as blood pressure,heart rate,temperature,electro-cardiograms into ones patient file 24/7 and store data on them.GPS location can be relayed to Promethues when one is lost,law enforcement when kidnapped on demand and in the case of pre teens on demand of parents with hikers,snow boarders,skiiers and those going to isolated areas and dangerous wilderness having this activated at all times to ones Home AI and will send alerts when vital signs fall within dangerous limits and on demand of the wearer.All infant children will wear this at home to relay these vital signs 24/7,365 with any abnormal changes alerted to their patient files and Home AI.Smart armour will prevent injury by acting as a blanket.In infants and pre teens can relay temperature,breathing rate to their patient file and send alarms when these are outside normal parameters preventing sudden infant death syndrome with this also of note atheletes and those prone to heart conditions and sudden adult death syndrome.

Other kits can be ordered in from hospitals and clinics and in time produced at home from nanotech fabrication.Ointments and creams can be stored in plastic tubs or tubes container and be recycled when used or sent back to pharmacies and hospitals to be refilled which will be soon the case with the advent of 3D printers that print out medicines and creams at home into these reusable containers.These medicines and ointments would be custom made based on the genes and age etc. of the patient even those stored in first aid kits.Ideally these would be coated internally with permanent layer of liquid glass to make them easier to clean and prevent contamination.All of these items:seacell bandages,ointments,x stat,vertigel,LifeVac of course would be present in ambulances,clinics,hospitals,vertical gardens,restaurants,homes and in public amenities next to automated CPR and defibrillator machines.They would also be in all vehicles used by law enforcement personnel as well as vehicles and barracks used by military personnel and would have each used component ordered in when low by the building AI.Paean would educate people on how to perform CPR,recovery position and Heimlich maneuver and other life saving techniques when needed or at anytime through opening him up.

HIV and syphilis tests for Treponema pallidum can now be done on smart device dongles which work by taking a blood prick and give a result in as little as 15 minutes compared to 2 weeks and are considered on par with the golden standard.Further developments may allow for micro syringes to be attached to allow cleaner fluid as virkon to be taken up to clean the entirety of the dongle including the part which receives the blood prick thus killing any micro-organisms including HIV virus particles to increase its shelf life allowing it to last indefinitely and be used over and over again.They may also allow in time to detect the exact quantities of the virus in the patients bloodstream with this also applied to other viruses and bacteria.In the case of HIV and syphillis tests these work by detecting the antibodies produced by the immune system in reaction to the diseases.These can be modified to detect other STD’s either individually,groups of them or all STDs even Neisseria gonorrhoeae,Human papillomavirus,Chlamydia trachomatis,Hepatovirus A/B/C/D/E replacing urethra,mouth and anal swabs and smears.Advances in 3D printing have allowed for the development of hydrogel condoms allowing them to be made and packaged in smaller microfactories and Telesphorus factories.Graphene can be integrated into them in order to improve elasticity and strength making them stretchy and unable to break at all since the material is 200 times stronger than steel and thus prevent infection or unwanted pregnancy completely.Lube can have Cyanovirin-N and/or melittin as well as thin layer of lemon juice gel like layer once the patient is made immune to them in them as they have viricidal properties to many viruses including HIV and herpes with other compounds that kill other major STDs such as antibiotic resistant ones such as N.gonorrhoeae in order to compliment PrEP and PEP regimes alongside condoms.A person ca enquire Paean to check the current STD and in particular HIV status of a person they are chatting to on instant messaging and texting as well as emails within Gaia and Iris as well as people they see in smart devices such as phones,contact lenses when in nightclubs via him crossreferncing Polis and patient files and on the universal dating app and site Anteros

Furthermore dongles used to detect HIV using blood pricks can be modified to detect all species of pathogens and parasites and also all components of blood such as hormones,pollutants,platelets,erythrocytes and leukocytes by miniaturizing PCR,Sysmex diagnostic computers that already exist allowing these dongles to detect erythrocytes and leukocytes and platelets as well as other blood components such as enzymes(lipase,troponin etc),hormones,cholesterol,lipase,antibodies,autoantibodies,cancer biomarkers,toxins,poisons,pollutants,proteins,sugars,trace elements and even serum albumin,pharmaceutical compounds to allow them to monitor the levels of these components in managing anaemia,cancers such as leukemia and blood diseases such as HIV,detect infections and the state of their immune systems as well as the diagnosis of anaemia and similar conditions done via Paean into dongles.In otherwards al componants in blood as well as possibly urine etc can be detected by them and cross referenced with Physis.Biosynth technology composed of countless base microbes will be integrated into these where base microbes stored would in the case of pathogens and parasites read their DNA using horizontal gene transfer,Cas-9 and taq polymerase and then scan their DNA that cross references Physis using biosynth Bluetooth and WiFi when connected to the smart device or even laptops wirelessly and then gives the species name of the pathogen as well as parasites and also exact strain within seconds with this done to it to allow it to detect any pathogen whether viral,bacterial or fungal and even parasites making them all in one test kits with results received in a matter of minutes via biosynth wifi in the microbes.It will also give one the viral,fungal,parasite and bacterial load thus determining how many of the pathogens and parasites are present in ones bloodstream based on calculations made on them and also how many pathogens the base microbes interact with them also at the same time analysing antibodies.Biosynth wifi will allow them to relay to Paean and Phanes the genome of them and them crossrefferencing Physis for the species and strain name and the results logged in ones patient file allowing the species of parasites and pathogens to be identified within seconds.The patients DNA through leukocytes will also be read to confirm their identity.This could also be used in DNA analyzers to identify a person identity from a blood prick with it also used in DNA analyzers in forensics labs to identify the source animal,plant,micro-organism(viral,bacterial,fungi and parasite) and even the identity of victims from DNA from cells,blood etc.With regards to pollutants like heavy metals and even venom as well as all types of blood components it would use once blood pricks are taken and through the universal receptors from C.elegans on the base microbes present that intake a compound and then using universal receptors intaking the compound and relay its structure to Physis and the case file simultaneously and will use either mechanotransduction or reverse mechanotransduction,chemical reactions seen in more complex or similarly simple organisms and simple and complex neural clusters and systems in them for example Hydra etc allowing the structure of the compound ascertained by cross referencing Physis and its levels in ppm,ppb,ppt,ppq to be quantified with results received in a matter of minutes with the results analysed by Paean when sent via biosynth wifi.The identifications of all compounds and components in the blood will be indentified and their levels in ppm,ppb,ppt,ppq to be ascertained in minutes.It could allow erythrocytes,platelets,leukocytes,hormones,antibodies,nutrients,cancer and heart disease biomarkers,bio markers for all types of diseases,steroids and hormones including contraband ones,ezymes,cholesterol,glycated hemoglobin(HbA1c),poisons,date rape drugs,pollutants,nutrients,heavy metals,minerals and vitamins etc and indeed any compound in the body of medical relevance to be measured in ppm,ppb,ppt,ppq with results received in a matter of minutes via biosynth wifi in the microbes.All compounds in the body will anslysed,crossrefferenced with Physis and then added to ones patient file.This should allow people to have instant analysis of infections and also any heavy metals,venoms,blood componants etc in their body to allow specific strains to counter them with the base microbes sending results via biosynth wifi and the amount of pathogens and molecules compounds they interact with and calculations done by biosynth nano processors in the kit and linked smart devices.The level of minerals,vitamins,sugar,proteins,cholesterol and also other nutrients and enzymes related to ones health will be measured by these to chart their progress in battling obesity and weight loss be general health analysed by both Heracles and Paean with all in one first aid kits analysing all nutrients,heavy metals,hormones,pathogens etc in their body with the base microbes sending the results to ones patients file instantly via biosynth wifi.All types of hormones such as insulin,testosterone,oestrogen and any steroids etc in the blood and other of medical relevance will be analysed and measured.All componants in the blood such as erythrocytes,leukocytes,antibodies and platelets etc will be analysed to measure general health such as signed of anemia and diseases with the bio markers of cancer,heart disease and other serious ailments will also be measured to detect them early.These will be analysed from blood pricks and logged into ones patient file with Paean highlighting the compound and blood components and their levels within seconds as a general all in one test to detect those of interest or random compounds etc one was not looking for but will be of biomedical relevance to ones health ie surprise levels of heavy metals,poisons,hormones etc with them all or those importance and discovery plotted on graphs later on from past and future results.They will be logged in ppm,ppl,ppt,ppq etc.To do this base microbes using universal receptors would analyse the compound that are intakes and then using these universal receptors intaking the compound and relay its structure to Physis or DNA digital storage and the case file simultaneously and will use either mechanotransduction or reverse mechanotransduction,chemical reactions seen in more complex or similarly simple organisms and simple and complex neural clusters and systems in them for example Hydra etc allowing the structure of the compound and its levels in ppm,ppb,ppt,ppq.The compounds structure and levels will be analysed by the base microbes and then cross referenced with Physis within seconds for indentification.This C.elegans,Hydra DNA can be tweaked to act as universal receptors with human neural tissues integrated via human DNA alongside scratch DNA to improve this allowing them to carry out mechanotransduction or reverse mechanotransduction,chemical reactions and utilise chemothaxis and electrical signals including bacteria and multicellular that generate electrical charges in response to these compounds that can analyse the structure of them to then use biosynth biosynth Bluetooth and WiFi to send the compounds structure to Physis to be cross referenced and receive results within seconds.Most tests would require only a small prick of blood with the ability of base microbes to detect the structure of compounds through mechanotransduction or reverse mechanotransduction will difficult with for tests that require larger samples of blood they may extract larger levels of blood to do so managed by Paean through the thumb.Urine samples to test for pathogens and compounds such as nutrients,pollutants etc can be tested by as stated biosynth nanosensors on a swab that are attached to ones smartphone or by themselves and dipped into urine in a cup that one utinates into with this done to test for levels of sugars,proteins etc and also pathogens STDs.Otherwise reusable pasteur pipettes can be used to extract a small amount of urine from plastic cups and then deposit it where the blood prick is usually deposited.Their is also the option of biosynthetic nanosensors built into toilets that one interacting with Paean and Home AI can relay its to ones specific patient file with him doing this for toilets in public buildings and public toilets.This can also replace pregnancy tests with them measuring the components of blood and urine that determine pregnancy.Feces can be also tested from sensors in toilets and also swabs collecting feces from the anal cavity.Swabs to test the mouth and anus can be covered in biosynth nanosensors ie microbes embedded in their surface or be conventional swabs that one mixes in a nutrient broth created by bacteria at home or ordered in from Telesphorus factories as part of test kits that one incubates overnight in an oven,heater,warm room,drier room powered by geothermal heating etc or one using a pasteur pipette will inject sample of the mixture containing even the smallest amount of bacteria or a saliva sample can be injected into the device.Tests that need swabs of the cervix,urethrea and mouth will have reuseable biosynth nanosensor on the swabs that either send results via wifi or inserting the other side or the nanosensor laden side into the dongle without having grow agar with them cleaned with virkon.These swabs will be designed to be reusable with them washed with water and reusable with the swabs using biosynth Wi-Fi to send results to patient files.Pets and livestock could also use pipettes and even microsyringes attached to them that can intake using a button etc or pets and livestock syringes can extract blood and inject into into the dongle or their paw used to get blood pricks with again all componants and pathogens detected and the DNA of the animal analysed to open up their patient file to upload results.This will allow Paean to organise more intensive check ups using cameras,other test kits and biosynths controlled by the Home AI etc and if need be surgery and the patient given recommendations on what to do to avoid diseases and initiate actions of microbes months,years of not decades before they become serious thus alleviating strains on hospitals,cutting waiting times to zero and freeing up beds and surgery rooms in hospitals.These all in one test kits that detect pathogens and substances in the bloodstream etc will be merged together into one single one that using blood pricks,urine etc injected via Pasteur pipettes rather than separate ones will be able to detect the identity of a pathogen including parasites as well as compounds present in blood and their levels with the base microbes and also universal receptors an C.elegans mechanotransduction or reverse mechanotransduction,chemical reactions built into them as a single collection of millions or billions of microbes with the test kits small enough to carry around in ones pocket and ones hand,requiring only a blood prick with them using lightening jacks and USB keys connected on opposite sides or via biosynth wifi and bluetooth that one can register to any device such as smartphones,laptops with the patients leukocytes analysed by the base microbes for DNA for the patients identification alongside the patients ID input with all results of pathogens and also blood componants uploaded to ones patient file within seconds and allow for one to reuse it for at least a decade over and over again.The nanoprocessors and DNA digital storage in both the test kits themselves and the smart devices they are linked to will carry out complex calculations to determine the levels of pathogens and components in the blood within seconds.Each test kit would have millions or even billions of base microbes to allow them to interact with as much of the blood components and pathogens as possible and thus allow calculations to be made once they send data to the device and linked smart devices via biosynth wifi.Once results are measured the pathogen or compounds will be destroyed by the microbes present via CRISPR treatments,phagocytosis and also turning them into nutrients via anabolic and catabolic reactions to allow them be reused over and over again.Telesphorus,Epione,Paean will design these making them patent free with them designed to be reusable over and over again.Paean would be able to analyse results within seconds negating the need for doctor visits that would cost money and time allowing them to be done anywhere in the world including home and in vehicles where wifi and wire access is accessible cutting down on costs to zero and also stress as patients could get accurate results within seconds with Paean then analysing them once they are sent to their patient files.These dongles would also link to patient files when connected to smart devices that have each patients file opened up to allow them to be used by everyone with the base microbes also analysing the genome of the patients leukocytes to further authorise and determine the ID of the patient meaning all members of a family could use them and have their results sent to their specific files.Otherwise one would input their Patient ID into the device it is connected to beforehand and then log out to input another one.This will also apply to pets and livestock.This will allow for the identification of pathogens,compounds and their load and concentration within seconds.The use of biosynth technology could allow any pathogen or parasite to be detected and allow it to run theoretically all possible blood tests would be done with this.The accelerated healing phenotype will be able to seal the wound instantly with any infections caused by them counteracted by microbes fighting them off and also them cleaned by virkon with the microbes inside made immune to the compounds.The virkon to clean them and make it reusable could be ordered in from Telesphorus factories,made at home via bacteria using anabolic and catabolic reactions and injected into them using syringes that will also clean out the syringes themselves.If possible the base microbes could on demand via signals from Paean produce anti-bacterial and anti-viral compounds and also use CRISPR to transfer suicide genes or consume them via phagocytosis and destroy compounds via anabolic and catabolic reactions to allow them to be reused over and over again.These all in one test kits will as stated use both the abilities of base microbes that use the properties of taq polymerase,CRISPR Cas-9,C.elegans but also they would use lab on a chip technology,enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay(ELISA)technology and those present in existing dongles to test for HIV that are modified to test for the antibodies of all pathogens and structure of all compounds for improved accuracy and allow each one to make up for each others drawbacks.The abilities of C.elegans to recognise the structure of compounds through universal receptors will be enhanced by scratch DNA and possibly nanomaterials.Each infection and instance of each indentification of each blood component and pollutant as well as species and strain and viral,bacterial load will be logged into ones patient file.In the case of blood components and pollutants etc all of them will be indentified and logged with the levels in ppm,ppl,ppt,ppq etc.They would be designed to be reusable and last years.They will be able to hold a square inch of biocompatible microbes to hold up to 75,000 – 1,500,000 YB of storage space and RAM and even 75,000,000,000,000 – 1,500,000,000,000,000 nanoprocessors in each square inch.Nanomaterials like graphene will also be present.This would be able to give them the ability to carry out complex calculations from each drop of bloods reading from base microbes as the using a blood prick would calculate the level of blood componants,compounds in the sample size of a blood prick and thus the whole level in the entire bloodstream and thus be able to determine the healthy level with Paean doing this and determining the species of pathogen and parasite when cross referencing Physis.It would also allow the viral and bacterial load to be determined.This will allow results to be garnered within seconds with them designed to be reused over and over again.Base microbes can be used in handheld dongles or miniature lab equipment using a blood prick to determine a persons identity in the case of missing people etc by base microbes analysing the DNA via horizontal gene transfer,Cas-9 and also taq polymerase.This will also be used to add ones genome to their patient files when they are born and can be intergrated into personal electronics and even safes etc as a security measure.Both of these test kits will be ordered in from Telesphorus and will be designed to last indefinitely and also be recycled rendering hospital visits obsolete and allow one to be tested at home.These miniaturised sysmex and PCR first aid kits would be able to connect to smart devices and laptops etc directly via USB ports and lightening jacks or through biosynth wifi with them requiring only a blood prick to work and would be reusable for at least a decade with result coming in within a matter of minutes.They would be small enough to fit into ones hand similar to those that are currently used to test for HIV.In fact the dongle via biosynth technology and nanomaterials could be much smaller than current dongles that test for HIV as much as a few inches wide or up to at least a third of the size of an iPhone.If possible it could be an all in one kit combing PCR and Sysmex technology that tests for pathogens and blood componants.In time it may be directly integrateed into smart devices etc rather than separate dongles.It could theoretically allow for pet and livestock owners to measure all components of their blood to again diagnose diseases(bacteria and virus borne disease),ailments etc. either via veterinarians and Paean.It would ideally be an all in one universal tests with both means to test for detecting both all types of pathogens and substances in the blood that can be reused over and over again.Those for pets and livestock could have microsyringes,use their paws with even pet and livestock owners have reusable syringes that are covered internally in a layer of liquid glass that can be cleaned routinely using virkon,bleach,gravity and water that allows for blood samples to be taken from the animal and then injected into the dongle or dongles suited for pets and livestock to allow for tests to be made.DNA read from the genome of the patients leukocytes will be read as extra confirmation of the patients ID when compared to their patient file or can be used instead of inputting the patient ID when compared to the global database.So in short by replicating this process by miniaturising XS 1000i,XP-300 and bacterial/viral PCR detection machines into dongles to connect to smart devices we could eliminate the need for STD and diagnostic clinics for both animals and humans and the clinicians that work there which would allow for quicker more accurate results for the patients whether animal and human.It will also allow for these buildings to used for other purposes such as homes and indoor farms or in the case of those in hospital grounds be used for factories of goods such as pharmaceuticals,equipment etc.These should be available by at least 2029-2035 and as stated would last forever and would since composed of biosynth technology and nanomaterials can be owned by billions allow instant access to everyone for universal tests that can detect any species and strain of pathogen and parasite and all componants of the blood meaning testing for pathogens even the latest outbreak and pandemic and componants in the blood will accessible to everyone at home since ordered in from Telesphorus factories and reuseable eliminating issues of people not having access to them and also allowing the test to be done at home and eliminate strains on hospitals and also visits to hospitals to hospitals that may spread the pathogen with Paean giving one a diagnosis within seconds with tests for blood componants able to be done at home,analysis by Paean available in minutes.For urine samples attachments that house swans laden in biosynth nanosensors can be dipped into a cup filled with urine that relays results wirelessly or that is then injected into the the single or a sample of urine can be injected using a syringe.Furthermore for analysis of pathogens and blood components that need larger samples of blood then syringes can be used and inject sizeable amounts of blood.Furthermore for analysis of pathogens and blood components that need larger samples of blood then reusable syringes can be used and inject sizeable amounts of blood with research done into the microbes ability to detect compound without samples needing to be centrifuged or have reagents added with further advances and research in biosynth technology and the utilisation of nano materials that are one atom thick from 94 elements and biological based nano sensors present to allow a prick of blood be able to detect all species of pathogens and all compounds in one’s blood that can be detected accurately in ppm,ppb,ppt in the same accuracy and efficacy as bulky lab machines in hospitals.There may also be the need for slightly larger versions of these home test kits that are portable devices that are large enough to house miniaturised testing technology housing even more base microbes and nano materials that are capable of detecting more precise components that require larger doses of blood from a reusable syringe but small enough to be stored in ones home in closets etc once ordered in from Telesphorous factories with these also testing urine samples.

The failed Thereonas Edison device could be made successful by using biosynth technology and nanomaterials to replace all circuits and also all testing components including replacing the functioning of spectrometers,chromatography of all types etc thus allowing it to be the size of laptop or handheld device much smaller than the failed Edison device allowing it to carry out every blood test imaginable to be carried out using a small amount of blood at home either from a blood prick or reusable syringe and be mass produced to be in the homes of everyone and all results uploaded to one’s patient file within seconds.This could be large enough as a laptop etc that can be carried around.Furthermore for analysis of pathogens and blood components that need larger samples of blood then syringes can be used and inject sizeable amounts of blood.Furthermore for analysis of pathogens and blood components that need larger samples of blood then reusable syringes can be used and inject sizeable amounts of blood with research done into the microbes ability to detect compound without samples needing to be centrifuged or have reagents added with further advances and research in biosynth technology and the utilisation of nano materials that are one atom thick from 94 elements and biological based nano sensors present to allow a prick of blood be able to detect all species of pathogens and all compounds in one’s blood that can be detected accurately in ppm,ppb,ppt in the same accuracy and efficacy as bulky lab machines in hospitals.It would be large enough to hold extra biosynth technology that replaces the functions of spectrometers,PCR machines etc that detect the species and load of pathogens and detect all blood components in accurate amounts but small and light enough to be easily carried around in ones arms in a suitcase like a laptop allowing them to be stored at home in cupboards.This will be able to carry out hundreds of blood tests and every one imaginable with test results relayed to ones patient files within seconds and will be developed by AI namely Phanes,Paean etc dir to its delicate nature and to be flawless.

The first aid kit dongles for livestock,pets and animals in zoos could involve blood taken from the animal using syringes by pet and livestock owners and biosynths etc that maintain community farms could be injected into first aid kit dongles suited for pets and livestock similar to those used for humans connected to smart devices that house an area to have syringes docked into them to allow blood etc to be injected into them or they can be ones with microsyringes.For pets they can have their paw pressed against the kit or a syringe or micro syringe can be used to extract blood injected into it.

Ideally the results of these Sysmex tests will appear as a graph containing all components plotted with a different colour for all tests done combined over days,weeks,months,years etc but also clicking on each logged test will show the levels of each component in numbers and the normal range for each component based on factors such as age,gender etc will be in brackets next to it in order for them to compare the levels of their results to to safe levels(this could be applied to all test results at home or in clinics following the universal colour coded system of blue,yellow,green,red) for each test with changes from higher than normal,lower than normal and normal also plotted on a separate graph in a link present in the folder.This miniaturised Sysmex dongle will also allow them to monitor progress in a wide range of diseases and blood related ailments in both humans and animals.Ideally the levels of each component will be in universal measurement levels for each one with the patient able to using tickboxes and scrollbars to choose these and others such as ppm or ppb etc.All of the data from these apps and dongles would be uploaded instantly into the patients file and plotted over time on a single graph or separate graph decided by a simple tickbox at the bottom of these in the case of those that measure hormones,drugs and blood components with researchers using networks being able to choose which of these to include in studies through ticking boxes when choosing to include these specific tests in their studies sifting through all human and animal patient files making clinics and collecting of samples by researchers obsolete.In the case of animals tiny micro syringes could be attached to the end of the dongle where it suck up blood when pressed into the skin with these also placed onto the top face of the dongle for humans.In all cases including HIV dongles,cleaner fluid like virkon could be pumped into these micro syringes via applying gelpacks that contain the fluid or placing them in the fluid so it is sucked into the syringes to clean it and thus increase its shelf life.In time robots in farms that have phlebotomy robots attached to them on rail systems can intake minute levels of blood and detect all pathogens,levels of all antibiotics and measure all blood components again sent to the patient file interacting with RFID with these coated internally in liquid glass with them also administering antibiotics,vaccines and biocompatible microbes which can also be administered by feed.Advances would allow for all types of cancer biomarkers to be detected either with a blood prick and/or an appendage containing a nanosensor that can be dipped in urine or other bodily fluid samples with this including CD47 from the blood and urine.Further modifications will allow these dongles to attach to laptops and personal computers for use when a smart device is not possible.It could be possible that one side has the attachment for smart devices and one for laptops and computers like USB key on the other side though in time wireless transmitters in even dongles can send results to ones patient file by piggybacking nearby smart devices and laptops.These microsyringes could also allow blood to be taken up from pets like cats,dogs and also livestock.

Currently smartphone test kits have been developed by having samples can be mixed with microbeads that bind to cancerous cells.When these are placed in a clip on module that attaches to a iPhone camera the microbeads produce distinctive diffraction patterns when they clump around a diseased cell with this uploaded to their patient file.This test is relatively cheap(less than $5) and take only 45 minutes.Microscopes built into smart device can allow this to be done at home.Further advances will allow biomarkers for all types of cancers to be quantified in both presence and amount present.In time bio-synthetic worms that can enter the cervix modelled after worms an collect cells along the cervix walls with sensors or bristles on their body making a diagnosis or collecting cells as they escape the body into metal container that can allow for them to be stored and cleaned in virkon after they have made diagnosis with them also have cameras on them to make further analysis sent to their patient file.They could also gently scrape off cells to be removed in a container containing water that removes cells that can be extracted onto a slide using a dropper which can be placed into a patients smart device or a glass slide under a microscope attachment connected to the device(or a built in microscope in the device)to view it under a microscope with the picture sent to a healthcare staff member wirelessly to analyse it with Paean doing this when it becomes sufficiently advanced with microbeads that clump around diseased cells also an option.This can be uploaded to their patient file and replicated with prostrate exams with the worm staying in the prostrate,colon,anus and cervix indefinitely with nanosensors on them relaying the presence of cancerous cells and biomarkers.Otherwise swabs laden with nanosensors that detect biomarkers,precancerous and cancerous cells can be developed that can be attached to smart devices.These dongles could also be modified to measure levels of seratonin and other hormones associated with depression and metal ailments to allow ones progress to be tracked and medication regimes altered.

Other tools are being developed that allow for parasites in the blood to be tested with this including everything from Plasmodium and Cestoda.In the case of Cestoda and other parasites that live deep in the gastro-intestineal system,legs and other parts of the body these may detect biomarkers produced by the body in response to them such as antibodies as well the parasite themselves including eggs with xrays taken on the patient using smart devices and those in hospitals to detect their exact location. first aid kits for blood parasites also exist with new ones modelled on this to being available for all types of microbial infections.Microscopes can be built into smartphones to allow people to perform blood tests and other bodily fluid tests at home and upload photos and results to their patient file and allow them to be analysed by healthcare staff,Artemis and Paean.

Xray and MRI scanners currently are the size of a laptop that can fit into a suitcase,carry on case or even a laptop bag that could serve an entire community in community centres available to all residents of the town or city when mass produced much cheaply than conventional machines with in time by at least 2045 both MRI and Xray machines theoretically being small enough to fit inside ones own personal smartphones or smart pad within the device or as dongles that can be used anytime of the year with no waiting lines and can also be done in the wilderness and also at home etc cutting costs to zero allowing for even minor injuries and conditions alongside major to be analysed instantly at home,in wilderness areas etc at zero cost and not have to use waiting lines in hospitals.They can also be integrated into smart mirrors at home.In both the cases of suitcase,laptop bag sized ones and those on phones the results of these will uploaded instantly to ones patient file with by this point ideally each patient getting their scan done.Paean will through those in laptop sized ones and those built into smartphones will organise MRI and XRay scans at home or in the wilderness on-site of accidents and injuries with the results uploaded to ones patient file for him to analyse instantly.He will organise them routinely every year like once a month or every two months to detect potential tumours and other conditions very early on.These will be developed through advances in nanomaterials especially those that are hexagonal allotropes of all elements on the periodic table with the same structure as graphene,carbyne,graphyne with advances in AI and biosynth technology also playing a role especially once the computing power of smart devices exceed of all of the worlds supercomputers by this point with the nanomaterials and biosynth technology that carry out the MRIs and also xray scanners being part of the smart device or even a dongle that is attached to it that is an all in one interacting with cameras and also attachments to cameras and even that since composed of these materials will be so cheap that it would cost nothing and be able to be on the whole in the first aid kits and smart devices of all patients worldwide.By 2029-2045 nanomaterials from all 94 elements similar to graphene combined with biosynth technology will make suitcase and laptop sized portable MRI and Xrays machines much cheaper and on par with conventional ones in hospitals allowing them to be mass produced and them to be owned by everyone as part of first aid kits and first aid kits thus allowing MRI,Xray and possibly DEXA and mammography scans to be done at home and in the wilderness at zero cost and with no waiting lines..Furthermore advancements in nanomaterials and biosynth technology will allow for them to even be built into computers laptops and smartphones directly or they can be attachments that use Biosynth bluetooth and WiFi allowing them to work wirelessly that involves the attachment through the patient or next of kin and biosynths at home scan the head of affected body making them dual ones that double as a laptop and Xray/MRI machine with attachments stored in home first aid kits making them ubiqiuotas to everyone until 2045 when they can be both built into smartphones or as attachments.The use of biosynth technology and nanomaterials would push the cost of the handheld XRay and MRI machines to the point they would cost zero to produce and thus would be in the first aid kits of all citizens worldwide and thus would allow MRI and Xray scans to be done at home and in wilderness areas this eliminating waiting lines for these and allow them to be done instantly thus increasing survival rates from injuries sustained with the scams uploaded into ones digital patient file and analysed by Pean within seconds.In time mammography and DEXA machines can be theoretically built into laptops,smart devices and handheld companion devices.Mobile,laptop and smart phone based MRI and Xray scanners will be designed to utilise the magnetic field generated by planet Earth to function without complex coils in conventional machinery or use miniature companion devices small enough to carry around the size of a smart device or bag that create these magnetic fields that uses fast charging biosynth batteries that can be charged once plugged in to be used anywhere in the world with them using biosynth batteries that allow it the devices to be portable.The ability to generate these magnetic fields will be even integrated into smart devices and laptops themselves.Magnetospirillum,Geobacter metallreducens,Geobacter sulfurreducens,Shewanella oneidensis,Electrophorus electricus,Apidea,Hymenoptera,Chiroptera and scratch DNA as well as nanomaterials of all 94 elements will play a key role in this ability to generate this magnetic field in handheld devices and those built into laptops and even smartphones and biosynth technology will make all iterations have more computing than all supercomputers worldwide as of 2016 making MRI and Xray scanners built into laptops and even smartphones possible and ubiquitous by 2029-2045.Thus by 2029-2045 onwards MRI,XRay and even mammography and DEXA machinery could theoretically be built into smartphones,smart mirrors and laptops either directly built into them or if not or prior to this even come as separate attachments connected to them including those that are handheld ones that use biosynth WiFi and Bluetooth interacting with each other and smartphones and laptops composed of biosynth technology and nanomaterials that would be ordered in from Telesphorus factories and stored in first aid kits and using the biosynth technologies that house the aforementioned DNA and nanomaterials from all 94 elements to allow of MRI and Xray scans to be done at home and in the wilderness at any time of the day thus negating the need for waiting lines in hospitals pushing the cost for these to zero with results analysed by Paean within seconds.These will be part of all patients home and first aid test kits.This will eliminate waiting lines for MRI scans and xrays etc to zero as they could be done at home or onsite of accidents etc and them live-streamed and fed into patient files to be then analysed by Paean instantly.Even mammography could be done this way.At first by 2029-2035 suitcase or laptop sized MRI and Xray machines the size of laptops with an attachment will be able to be mass produced via nanomaterials of all 94 elements similar to Graphene combined with Biosynth technology to be in the first aid and first aid kits of all citizens worldwide with by 2045 they will be built into laptops and smartphones.In both cases this will cut waiting lines for Xrays and MRI scans to zero as they will be done at home and in the wilderness and would be carried out and analysed by Paean within seconds cutting their costs to zero.These will be part of first aid kits in the hand of all patients worldwide as Biosynth technology and nanomaterials from all 94 elements allowing them to be mass produced and will use the magnetic field generated by the Earth and magnetic fields generated by itself to generate the magnetic field for them to work.Those on space stations and interstellar vehicles will use those in nearby stellar bodies although these may have compact versions that generate these.They may also use magnetic fields created by devices next to them etc on the space station etc..Until this is perfected suitcase xray and MRI machines that are done in hospitals or at home via general physicians etc bringing them there or them in community centres to serve all patients in a town or city alongside those in vehicles that travel to a persons address can be used to alleviate strains on those in hospitals.Smaller models can be made of biosynth technology and nanomatrials that can fit inside of vehicles and also also be small enough to have several fit inside a room that could normally fit one large one will alleviate strains and waiting lines.These suitcase sized MRI and X-ray machines and attachments for those built into laptops and smartphones can be mass produced to be owned by everyone worldwide at home as part of first aid kits using biosynth technology and nanomaterials to cut costs to zero thus allowing Xrays and MRI scans and possibly DEXA scans and mammograms to be done at home and onsite of accidents in the wilderness.These suitcase sized MRI,Xray and DEXA machines will be ubiquitous to first aid kits of patients worldwide by 2029 with by 2035-2045 them ubiquitous in smartphones through upgrades through biosynth WiFi or buying new smartphones or buying wireless attachments.MRI scans will be done of all patients when advancements shrink these to the size of suitcases and also smart devices by 2029-2035 making them cheaper and more accurate thus allowing for Paean to detect neurological conditions,homosexuality,bisexuality and transgenderism where genetic markers may not be enough to detect them especially in the case of pre teens and adolescents and even make it easier to narrow down them when both MRI scans and also genetic fingerprints are combined together and again him comparing the genome and MRI scans of patients that have these and those that dont to determine this with it also allow for him to carry out studies on the minute neurological variances amongst billions of people worldwide based on gender,age,race,sexuality etc and studies on the effects of environment on the brain.The MRI scans like Xrays will be uploaded and stored in ones patient files to be used in studies by Paean.Thus they will not only be used to carry out MRI scans for ones health but also for scientific studies from billions of people across the world.These laptop bag sized ones will also be mass produced so as to be present in first aid kits present on cruise ships in airports,public amenities and universities,space stations and other public buildings where accidents occur etc.Those in hospitals will utilise nanomaterials from all 94 elements similar to graphene and biosynth technology as well to be more compact,cheaper and accurate.Remaining Xray,MRI and DEXA and mammogram machines in hospitals,space stations and interstellar vehicles will be composed of biosynth technology and nanomaterials to make them more compact enough for each hospital etc to house dozens of them and can be ones that move around using KIVA systems that can be stored in storerooms by being folded up and be directed to rooms they are used in including patient wards as well as with these technologies making them exponentially cheaper and exponentially more accurate and faster making them more readily mass produced and faster than existing models.As a result of this each hospital could hold several MRI/Xray machines present reducing waiting lines exponentially.Nanomaterials and biosynth technology could make them exponentially cheaper,faster,accurate,compact and lighter allowing them to be mass produced for hospitals worldwide replacing existing models and allow MRI/Xray machines to be on cruise ships and interstellar vehicles.The biosynth technology and nanomaterials will replace all expensive and scare elements in them to do this.These home Xray/MRI machines will be used not just for humans but also pets of all types and remaining livestock.

Automated mini-defibrillators will be present in all hospitals as well as all public buildings such as amenities,restaurants etc with them even able to be ordered in as first aid kits for patients at home and trips to wilderness areas once biosynth technology and nanomaterials allow them to be mass produced.Automated CPR machines will be present in all aforementioned public buildings as well.In time they will be modified to be folded into neater parts etc that can be assembled by hand easily from instructions from Paean to allow them to come in their own plastic suitcase that is light and strong to be carried around and even ordered in by homeowners for themselves as part of first aid kits that can be brought to trips to the wilderness.Having they composed of biosynth technology,biosynth batteries and nanomaterials will bring their costs to zero and become ubiquitous to all patients first aid kits worldwide and all public buildings worldwide.

Apps developed that allow women to track their ovulation calendar and period tracker with body temperature tests and ovulation first aid kits aiding in this can be integrated into Paean and ones patient file.The schedule of their ovulation over coming decades could be also put into their patient file in a sub folder to allow them to plan for pregnancies during their lifetime.Implants that measure hormones in the womb and bloodstream can be used to gain a more accurate log with them coloured specific colours chosen by the patient.The same can also apply to both menstruation and also the days before and after ovulation where a female is still vulnerable to becoming pregnant both in different colours decided by the user.Results of pregnancy tests will also be logged wirelessly alongside the conception and expected date of birth will also be logged determined via calculations using data regarding their ovulation schedule and other data with these containing microchips to wirelessly send data to patient file.Home pregnancy tests using biosynth technology will wirellessly relay tests to their patient file but will in time be replaced by bio-synth implants that detect levels of hormones in the womb and urine.These will mark the days for each female patient is fertile and can conceive children in a calendar of the year in her patient file as distinct colours including days bordering the peak days with the days she is fertile marked different similar shaded colours that mark the days she is at her peak time for conception and the border point during each month as a coloured bell curve with each day holding a percentage number of how successful conception and IVF pregnancies can both be with her entire menstruation cycle marked for each month on a calendar in her patient file for the coming years,decades etc. first aid kits that detect pollutants etc will using base microbes measure hormones related to their fertility and menstruation cycle on demand at anytime or during a month when tested every day for a month will measure the levels of hormones and thus allow Paean to extrapolate these cycles for the coming months and thus years.Biosynth implants may also cater to this.This will allow females to plan out normal conception of pregnancy and even surrogacy and IVF programmes to determine the best days to be impregnated by IVF,including for surrogacy programmes and sexual intercourse with partners to increase chances of fertilisation etc and also when to avoid unsafe sex to avoid conception.Biosynth technology on test kits and different cameras on smart devices can act as fertility test kits for males to test motility and overall fertility and what days etc he is most fertile and motile marked on calendars in his patient files.Birthing beds have been developed that allow the process of giving birth less stressful and in fact will allow in the future for robotic midwives or automated methods for delivering babies to be developed to assist and then eventually replaced.Paean will be able to direct people how to perform emergency pregnancies if they are unable to reach a hospital and do so in hospitals.In time even abortions would be automated with abortion clinics moved to hospitals with them ideally only used to accommodate situations where there is a threat to the life of the mother and aid in miscarriages with adoption used for all other situations through the sentient global adoption agency Amalthea with gene therapy and microbes possibly used to correct deformities caused by incest as well as Downs syndrome and other developmental disorders.Augmentations and microbes could even prevent situations that could lead to miscarriages and stillbirths as well as situations that would lead to the death of the mother by keeping both alive in these instances.The ability of microbes to turn on/off fertility at the behest of males and females will negate any unwanted pregnancies especially those that result from rape.As stated the ability to turn on/off ones fertility will give both females and males the ability to control how many children they want and when they want children with any unwanted ones sent to either the sentient Amalthea and also any relatives or friends.This could negate abortions caused by rape.Microbes and augmentations will be able to keep both mothers and infants that are at risk of death in pregnancy alive thus negating the need for abortions that are done in a case where both may be at risk of death by repairing damaged organs and vessels and also fighting of infections etc.This should make abortions irrelevant and unnesscery.Adoption through the sentient global adoption agency Amalthea will be a viable alternative to abortions where the child is unwanted with microbes etc keeping the mother and child alive in instances where the birth would endanger the life of the mother and child with incest based deformities and Downs Syndromes etc cured via CRISPR.AI by being legal human beings will be liable to adopt children thus abortions should become unnecessary in all instances including rape.Paean will guide any staff present to perform these if specialists are not available and can compare the DNA of both parents and determine the likelihood that their child will develop specific genetic diseases both or either one could pass onto them as well as theoretically determine the likeliest genetic codes or genotypes and thus phenotypes they would develop.Sperm test kits for smart devices have been developed that will allow Paean to analyse the results.

Ultrasounds will be put in both the mothers and newborns(before they are even born) patient file and thanks to advancements in technology can now be the size of an attachment that can be attached to smartphones,laptops,computers and similar devices with it and the creme that is needed to perform it via Telesphorus sent to the patients home allowing them to be performed at home anytime and uploaded to the patient file alleviating strains on staff.Smart televisions linked to smart devices and computers can stream the video in real time while it is being done on smart devices and computers with computers also streaming it from linked smart devices.The ultrasound will be logged into both the mothers patient file and transferred to the child’s file when DNA tests are done by Paean who will analyse them in real time and guide patients how tondo them.This will allow ultrasounds to be done at home by the mother and friends and Home AI in biosynths.This and other audio visual files on the patients file with their consent can be downloaded onto their devices and Hestia accounts and uploaded onto YouTube,social media accounts as well as sent to others via email.Eventually advancements in holographic scanning technology that take scans of the fetus from all angles alongside holo lens and google glasses will transform this traditional method allowing for live 3D holographic images of the fetus to be rendered and uploaded to their patient file(both the mothers and the unborn) and even 3D printed.The ultrasound attachment ordered from Telesphorus factories can be traded on Euthenia either by hand or by mail when no longer needed when the baby is born with them ordered in when a person discovers they are pregnant allowing them to be logged by date;time,day,week,month etc in the files of both individuals.They can be kept if the patient plans to have more children or used by friends.Being composed of nothing but biosynth technology,nanomaterials and biosynth plastic will make them faster,cheaper and able to be recycled.As stated composed of nothing but microbes increasing computing power and visual accuracy with them recording not just visual feeds but also audio into ones patient file.In time the ability to carry out ultrasounds can be integrated into smart phones using the same technology as built in MRI machines ie biosynth technology and nanomaterial rendering attachments obsolete with this added to them via upgrades.One will order in these attachments from Telesphorus factories alongside the relevant cream.The creame will be composed of ingredients created by genetically engineered bacteria to cut its costs to zero.Paean can guide them on how to use it via the phone since they will be able to see it in the patient file in real time when the staff are looking at it in the patients file as it is uploaded in real time or when it is recorded with again Paean taking over this when sentient.These will alleviate strains on healthcare staff and can be traded on Euthenia or recycled when not needed anymore.

Prescription glasses will be made according to the parameters to each individual patient from eye exams carried out at home by Paean by having the machinery used to create them and contact lenses integrated into Telesphorus factories created by automated machinery using custom made 3D printed frames using the parameters of the size of the lenses with tests on their efficacy done by the patient and Paean.These will be ordered in from these Telesphorus factories.In time these will become fully automated by robotic hands etc and them delivered to a persons home thus allowing the machinery to be moved to Telesphorus factories with the frames designed by the patient housing these custom made glasses to be fully customised.Augmented reality can be integrated into prescription glasses via graphene and biosynth technology within their matrix which can also make them shatterproof and thus last indefinitely with energy coming from graphene and quantum dot technology and even have zoom capabilities controlled by voice commands,linked smart devices and also eye movements and in time neural implants.Liquid glass in a permenant layer will make them dirt and fog proof.Contact lenses production can be fully automated again in Telesphorus factories by modifying the production process of them removing all human labour with further advancements extending them from 1 year contacts that last twelve months to lifelong lenses that last forever to cut down on energy for producing them all the time this can include a permenant layer of liquid glass present on them and having Graphene integrated into their matrix.In time advances in 3D glass printing,automation and nanotech fabricators can facilitate all steps of both items production.Current models developed by google are capable of detecting glucose levels 24/7 and blood alcohol levels with augmented reality and recording being a possibility via graphene sheets for streaming data from the wire,internet, computers and smart devices with permanent layers of liquid glass making them dirt repellent,easy to clean and thus prevent infection if they get dirty and the graphene making them shatterproof both of which can allow them to be reused indefinitely and last a lifetime.Biosynth technology will improve their ability to measure glucose etc.All of these prescription glasses and lenses would be custom made to suit the individuals eye size and ailements and can be stored in their patient file.Laser eye surgery will in time be done by the hospital AI through automated machinery with advances in automation,robotics,bio-synths.Furthermore in time biocompatible microbes will be able to rectify virtually any deformity such as blindness,near and short sightedness through CRISPR treatments and forming relevant tissues.

A wide variety of first aid kits exist to detect virtually every major diseases such as diabetes,HIV,cancers and cholesterol levels.These can be placed in the toilet where they detect levels of sugars,salts,proteins and biomarkers for specific(and in time all) cancers from urea and stools or require a simple blood sample via a prick on a miniature dongle on a smartphone so as to send them straight to the patient file.Those in toilets would have to have the ability to measure multiple tests over at least a month or several months or even years so as to ensure they dont have to be replaced to often with a reminder sent to either the Home AI and patient file to replace it with new ones ordered in automatically when needed with them registered to the Home AI.Furthermore they would need to have a small wifi chip/transmitter to allow results to connect to another chip in the toilet that save results(logged by date) and then upload them to their patient file via smartdevices that come into close proximity or those in their home.For a person living by themselves it is ideal to ensure stability of results that they have a second guest toilet for people other than themselves or with people who live with families or friends then it is ideal that the chips be placed in a toilet reserved for them only with each member of the dwelling having their own toilets in ensuites.This would ensure that contamination would not occur leading to conflict of the results and prevent graphs from appearing messy and scattered the Home AI blanking results from guests or other people that use them to negate results that do not come from that specific patient.Otherwise they could serve multiple people and send results to the specific patient files by Paean and Home AI/Hestia interacting with each other when each person uses them including guests with these also testing urine and feces for not just cancer biomarkers but for STDs that require urine and stool samples with the Home AI and Paean interacting with each other meaning they would serve new residents when they move home with ones smart devices linked to the kits in toilets.The same system of them connected to the wire via Moirai,other operating softwares and Paean will also apply to public toilets in public buildings including communal homes and hospitals and all of those in the street.They can be used to detect levels of sugars,salts,proteins etc in both urine and feces.Biosynth technology will improve accuracy and patient ID via WiFi etc.Paean will by interacting with Home AI etc determine which of the worlds billions of patients is using the toilet and thus had their itinerary etc tested.Those that require saliva or urine samples can be integrated into dongles or attachments that connect them to smart devices with those requiring urine samples being attached to small sticks that can be inserted into reuseable plastic cups.Biosynth technology integrated int them can allow for better accuracy and even detect the patients name in public toilets and those in homes through determining DNA present in urine etc.These can be integrated into dongles for use at home or anywhere in the world.To detect pathogens and blood components in urine it’s possible that urine can be put in a reusable cup as part of first aid kits and a reusable stick or swab covered in biosynths nano sensors put into it that detects the pathogens species and levels of blood components and the stick using biosynth Wi-Fi present on it will relay the results to one’s patients files instantly

Pill cameras are small pill shaped cameras that when digested take numerous pictures per second of the gastro-intentional tract to detect signs of malabsorption,tumours and other signs of gastro-intestinal diseases.Advancements need to be made in order to make them more accurate as well as possibly wirelessly transmit and record continuous video feeds in high definition(720p,1080p or even 4k) instead of pictures to the persons patient file and travel much slower to more accurately detect tumours along the gastro-intestinal tract with it designed to move very slowly to allow it to catch as much of the gastro-intestinal tract as possible including the oesophagus,stomach as well as small and large intestines.These video feeds would be more accurate in detecting pre cancerous tumours than pictures(which have the drawback of not being able to properly detect early forms of these)with healthcare staff and even better Paean scanning through them to detect the slightest signs of any damage,ulcers,tumours and precancerous tumours especially in the oesophagus,bowels and anus.Its structure should be spherical to view 360 degrees.How to videos from Paean can give people performing this at home i.e. placing sensors on the chest or have the pill be detectable by smart devices and have the data recorded onto smart devices for uploading it to the patients file(alongside other data such as time of begging the test and time of sensations) once ordered in from Telesphorus.Sensors could be placed inside to make it detectable on smart devices as its travels through the human GI allowing it to recycle it rather than allowing it to contaminate the sewer systems though when it is broken down in the sewer system by shredders the metals and graphene can be collected by graphene sheets allowing it to be recycled.Further advancements in nanotechnology may allow for the capsule to be composed of graphene and biosynth technology thus making it cheaper to produce and break down in the sewers through mechanical action and separated via graphene sheets.In any case all of these pill cameras will have to be coated with liquid glass to make them acid proof and be able to pass through the stomach undamaged with graphene/carbyne made ones able to survive mechanical action of the stomach due to its strength to then take pictures and live feeds of the all of the bowels(both small and large intestine) and anus as it exits the body.If possible they could be composed of nothing but biosynth sensors and cameras with recombinant DNA from acidophiles to survive the stomach and Stomatopoda and scratch DNA to allow for high definition live-streamed visual feeds and photos to be taken with them using biosynth WiFi to relay its location and when in the toilet or sewers have all cells undergone apoptosis.Them composed of biocompatible microbes etc could allow for them to house acidophile DNA to survive the stomach,allow its location in the gastrointestinal tract to be determined constantly by Paean and and allow him to receive all camera readings instantly and allow him to send signals to undergo apoptosis when not needed in toilets or even the patients body.The entirety of these recordings would be wirelessly uploaded into ones patient file instantly in real time alongside a diagnosis by healthcare staff and Paean with a 3D map of the GI tract including location of tumours and precancerous tumours also included in the folder containing each recording.The GPS location of the pill camera in the gastro intestinal tract and time till it it is to be defecated will be relayed to the patient and Paean at all times to allow one to see how far down the tract it is with the video live-streams fed into ones patient files and it used as a means to generate a 3D image map.Paean will analyse the video feeds in real time thus allowing for real time analysis.If possible the pill camera will create a livestream video analysed by Paean in real time but also using this create a photogrammetric map of the entire gastrointestinal tract that then can be used by Paean to anslyse the entire tract for scarring caused by heartburn and acid reflux and polyps etc associated with cancers and other conditions of this tract.These pill cameras will analyse all of the gastrointestinal tract such as the oesophageal,stomach and small and large intestine.Other invasive procedures that look at the interior of the human body like that of the oesophagus should be replicated in a similar manner to cut down on costs and allow them to performed anywhere in the world.Dongles or other first aid kits can be developed that detect biomarkers of esophageal and bowel cancer tumours present in urea,blood or feces can be developed to work alongside this to increase its accuracy in detecting tumours.How to videos from Paean would guide patients on how to use them with them mailed to ones home alongside laxitives need to houses.Conventional endoscopies and colonoscopy ones could be done with robots replacing nurses to guide the camera down and up both orifices or by the wire holding the camera having artificial muscular systems that allow it move by itself into the orifices with them transmitting live camera feeds to the patients file with them covered in liquid glass to negate cleaning,fogging up of the camera or transmitting pathogens with them treated to blasts of UV light to sterilise.Variations of these could have fine Biosynth bristles etc that can collect cells along the oesophagus and colon that can be tested by robots,staff or patients themselves in labs or first aid kits analysed by Paen.Sedatives will be given by robots or phlebotomy robots or synthesised by microbes.Otherwise a snake or shrimp like bio-synth or robots can be placed into the mouth coated in liquid glass,have acidophile DNA and pass through the entire gastro-intestinal tract including the stomach streaming live video feeds to the patients file with these again collecting cells along the way and storing them inside them.Paean will guide the patient through all steps in both cases from preparation to what steps to take the following days and what drinks and foods to avoid before and after.

Custom made insoles and orthotics can be made using foot scanners that need to used only once with these integrated into weighing scales or handheld scanners.These insoles can come in a variety of designs and colours with extra features including temperature control as well as show the owner how much stress is being put on each foot with each step and also ground contact time.For those who need theses to treat weak flat feet this can be uploaded into their patient fie to be monitored by Paean..Insoles can be made that measure the amount of force the wearer puts on them when walking and exercising to measure the effect it has on their feet which can be recorded and saved into their patient file in real time and plotted on a graph in its relevant folders and visualised as video over the course of each time worn over days,weeks,months,years etc.Shock absorbing material can also be incorporated to alleviate the amount of pressure on each step.Both of these will aid those who have foot problems and the elderly.Foot conditions will be cured or treated via CRISPR and microbes creating better foot arches and other treatments to deal with other conditions.The scan and mould of the persons feet can also be stored on the persons patient file from where they can then print out both insoles or only one with it applying to orthotics if old ones become worn or lost negating the need for second scans except in the case of growing children.Eventually Paean may be able to have one’s foot contours measured at home.Digital weighing scales can also be made that take scans of feet vial lasers or alternatively handheled scanners built into smart devices that uploads one foot scan to patient files can be used to allow Paean negating the need for human podiatrists allowing them to be carried out at home with results sent to one’s patient file thus allowing for the exact unique contours of one’s feet to be made into customised insoles that has their unique foots contours that manufactured and ordered in from local Telesphorous factories within a few days composed of a resin made by genetically engineered bacteria.Digital weighing scales using lasers will be used to scan the foot routinely with results uploaded to patient files allowing one to chart the progression of their development analysed by Paean with CRISPR and stem cell strains of microbes correcting all flaws in them.Arm,hand an ankle foot braces for legs,arms and feet will have scanners as part of smartphones at home scan one’s feet,arm etc that is uploaded into one’s patient file to create customised casts that will be ordered in from local Telesphorous factories.At first handheld scanners connected to smartphones through biosynth Wi-Fi will be used to scan one’s feet,ankles,arms etc to create customised insoles and casts with in time as the computing power of smartphones and Paean increases exponentially they can replace handheld scanners

All results of home test kits will be uploaded to one’s digital patient files as detailed in the global healthcare system page first aid kits like remaining pharmaceuticals and gloves,masks for the public will be ordered in from local Telesphorus factories via Hephaestus and be delivered and performed within as little as 24 to 168 hours since the factories that produce them will be within ones region.This will allow people access to lifesaving and essential tests for disease and results within at most a week or as little as a day without having to compete for limited time,schedules etc from human clinicians and specialists that would otherwise cost precious time that would have been lost and prevented them from diagnosing and treating diseases very early on thus improving ones chances or survival and would negate the need to travel or even reschedule due to conflicts of schedules with this greatly alleviating strains on a hospitals resources.As a result of ordering these test kits patients will get access to life saving tests that could detect conditions years or decades or even just months ahead that will allow for test results and analysis of them Paean and have him to then decide the best course of treatment within seconds.Since these will be ordered in from local Telesphorus factories as part of manufacturing hubs at most it will take three to five days to get the first aid kits delivered to one’s home.They as stated will take a few seconds to get results uploaded to one’s patient files to to allow Paean analyse them and then give feedback to patients within seconds all from the comfort of home.They will either be attachments or dongles that use biosynth Wi-Fi and USB keys or both to send results to patient files opened up on smartphones,laptops allowing this to be done at home and even in the wilderness,in urban areas and in autonomous vehicles including ambulances.They will be designed to be reused over and over again with them meaning one will not have to wait weeks or even months for them to organise meetings with consultants and then specialists who live in other cities or even have to travel to another country,take time consuming and lengthy tests,wait weeks for results to be be then analysed by them and then have to schedule another meeting with their specialist or another weeks later and even then have to wait weeks for action to be taken on cancers,infections etc and then have to schedule for more tests over the years that again will require one to travel to hospitals each test taking weeks for results to be availible.They will utilise both biosynth technology and nanomaterials from all 94 elements for speed,accuracy and make them compact enough to fit into smart devices as well as allow results to sent via biosynth WiFi etc and cut there manufacturing costs to zero.Having them designed to be reused over and over again will mean one will not have to order them in over and over again thus ensuring they will not have to compete with the manufacture of other test kits saving time and the next tests can be taken on the spot without having to travel to a specialists over and over again.Those integrated into smart devices themselves will also cut down on waiting lines.Since they will be created and designed by AI specifically Paean and Epione and be composed of nanomaterials and biosynth technology they will cost literally zero to patients with the fact that Paean will be sentient and replace all human specialists will allow him to be accessed by billions of patients at once 24/7,365 days a year on smart phones and laptops at a whims notice without waiting lines or making appointments providing a a free universally gold standard service to everyone at no cost.Paean,Epione etc will carry out research into new first aid kits.Ideally all test kits will be built into smart phones including those gained from biosynth WiFi updates as well as all in one test kits dongles that can have updates and be designed to be reusable if not recycled.Smart phones etc composed of biosynth technology will receive new test kits and improvements to these via updates via biosynth WiFi.All in one test kits that are dongles will use biosynth WiFi to get new features.They will be ordered in by him automatically when needed,arrive at home in a few days,the test themselves will take a few minutes and he will be able to interpret results that are uploaded to the patients file within seconds of the test taken and then suggest the next step within seconds with since reusable they will be taken again with results made in minutes again with him arranging what to do next instantly via changing ones diet or him activating microbes to carry out functions such as fight tumours,infections etc.This will eliminate waiting lines,the need to wait for important tests and meetings with all of this done at home and also bring costs to zero.It will also save time and energy in travel and alleviate strains on hospitals significantly.Any tests results from automated laboratories will be also uploaded into ones patient files within seconds of the, achieved to be reviewed by Paean instantly at home negating a person to travel back to hospitals to have them assessed by Paean

Ideally once they become available even before one gets sick or needs them and once Telesphorus factories as part of localised manufacturing hubs are set up Paean over the course of a year will have the AIs of each Telesphorus factories in each manufacturing hub in each country will have first aid kits created in batches to be delivered to each patients home in every town,village and city in their state,region,country around the world that has all types of first aid kits ie automated defibrillators,CPR machines,miniature MRI/X-ray etc dongle,wireless blood pressure monitor,electrocardiography attachment,digital breathalysers and thermometers,automated defibrillators and CPR machines,X-stat,Vertigel,Life Vac apparatuses all in one PCR/Sysmex dongle and other key test kits for all types of conditions alongside antivenom for all local flora and fauna etc alongside scissors,gauze plasters etc and creme ensuring all patients worldwide have all these even before they ever need them with them created by genetically altered bacteria,nanomaterials and biosynth technology and biosynth plastic to bring there costs to zero.Patients will thus have access to all important home test kits such as those to detect pathogens,cholesterol and MRI/Xray scanners at home before they are needed in order to carry them out at home when needed.Patients will also be alerted by him of this and when they will arrive with them delivered in batches to multiple people at once.As time goes by he will order in new more advanced versions when he prompts the patient and they will authorise it’s manufacturing and delivery.Hephaestus will in the Telesphorus sub networks house not just entire first aid kits but each individual component one can order in separately when they run out of gauze,creamed and more advanced home test kits.Thus one can order in both whole test kits but also each individual part of first aid kits individually such as creams etc through Hephaestus.All female patients will given ultrasounds in their first aid kits.To cut costs to zero all ingredients of vertigel,Xstat,gauzes and cremes will be created by genetically engineered bacteria with all electronic based ones have metal parts of them such as casings will be composed of strong thermo biosynth plastics possibly mixed with graphene with internal components and circuitry will be composed entirely of biosynth technology with plastic parts composed of different types of biosynth plastics.Having all parts composed of these materials will cut costs to zero thus allowing them to be mass produced worldwide to allow them be in every patients home and all public buildings.This will ensure that each patient has them onsite of the prior to when they are needed for emergencies.Gauze,antivenom,creme etc can be ordered in from local Telesphorus factories whenever it runs out by Paean with him ordering in lost or damaged test kits and new ones will be ordered in when MRI scanners etc becomes obsolete and old ones will recycled and he will order the newest version in for all patients over a specified period of time.By having all in one first aid kits housing all first aid kits created onsite of each local Telesphorus factories worldwide and delivered to all patients in each town,cities,villages worldwide in one managed by Paean in one go over the course of a year or two or more will ensure that all key first aid kits will be available to all patients worldwide prior them being needed thus eliminating the wait for lifesaving tests.This will be done by them created in large separate batches in each local Telesphorus factories and delivered to each patient by automated vehicles with Paean giving them the address of each patient and the patient notified of the estimated delivery with them via their Hephaestus account notified of the GPS location of vehicle delivering them and estimated time of arrival as a countdown in days,hours,minutes with them delivered in batches to all patients in all homes in all towns,villages and cities around the world with communal homes have one for each apartment,suite,penthouse etc with families have one first aid kit for each family to save time etc but each minor under the age of 14 can order in their own first aid kit with all of these when they move out of their parents residence by themselves.Paean will order AIs of all Telesphorus factories in all manufacturing hubs worldwide to create these in batches to be delivered to the homes of all patients worldwide with communal homes such as apartment blocks and hotel style homes having batches for each resident in batches.Each private home and each suite or apartment in communal homes should have at least one of these created and delivered with Paean cross referencing the address of patients in patient files and direct interaction to ensure only enough for each single private home and each apartment is produced and prevent overproduction of them with families,married or dating couples and friends living in the same private home and apartment sharing the same test kit with if they move out themselves then they will have one ordered for them and delivered to the private home arranging it with Paean.Large families will have multiple ones created and delivered.Thus by 2029-2035 all patients worldwide should have these first aid kits with all of these first aid kits present at home to allow them to be ready for use when needed prior to when they are needed to negate waiting times.Due to localised Telesphorous factories biosynth technology and nanomaterials their manufacturing costs should be brought to zero thus making this possible with this eliminating the need for them to be bought separately with Paean extrapolating based on population of each area how much to send to each home and when during this phase.This will suffice until more advanced versions are developed that can be ordered in from Telesphorous factories and then the older ones recycled.These will also be manufactured and delivered to all public buildings such as restaurants,amenities,seaports,cruise ships,airports and aeroplanes and universities with large buildings having multiple first aid kits based on their size with the AI in charge of these ordering the various components when they run out of them.New first aid kits can be developed for each species of pet animal including canines,felines,reptiles,rodents,equines and all species of livestock with them like human ones ordered in from Telesphorus factories.All ambulances,police officer vehicles,army barracks,police stations and if possible all public buildings such as public amenities,universities,courts,bars,restaurants once they become cheaper to mass produce will have these first aid kits in them alongside mini defibrillators.This will alleviate strains on Telesphorus factories by between 60-90% as hospitals will be the main groups ordering in all medical supplies from them on.This combined with Paean at beck and call to everyone 24/7,365 days via his phone number and able to view injuries etc at home 24/7,365 days a year,biosynth implants and microbes present in bodies will carry out preventive care allowing conditions to be spotted and treated early on at home thus not only saving lives but by acting on conditions early on will negate the need for hospital visits and surgeries later on.This will reduce hospital traffic and waiting lines in all hospitals worldwide by between 50-90%.

All types of home tests will utilise both biosynth technology and also nanomaterials of all 94 elements to improve speeds,accuracy and make them exponentionally cheaper,faster and more compact cutting their costs to zero.These will house nanoprocessors and DNA digital storage from tissues formed from microbes with one square inch of microbes capable of holding 75,000 – 1,500,000 YB of storage space and RAM and even 75,000,000,000,000 – 1,500,000,000,000,000 nanoprocessors with them also housing sheets etc of graphene,grpahene itself and allotropes and schwarzites of similar structure of other elements on the periodic table and also those similar to Boron nitride and Indium selenide.The use of biosynth technology in both machines will as detailed later on allow them to house as much as 75,000 YB – 1,500,000 YB(or 75,000,000,000,000,000,000 – 1,500,000,000,000,000,000,000 GB)of storage space and RAM and even 75,000,000,000,000 – 1,500,000,000,000,000 nanoprocessors in each square inch replacing large bulky circuit boards etc increasing their speeds and allowing more space for all parts.This is equivalent to roughly 75,000,000,000,000,000,000 – 1,500,000,000,000,000,000,000GB (roughly 75,000,000,000,000,000 – 1,500,000,000,000,000,000 TB).The DNA will be tweaked to express the 75,000 – 1,500,000 YB In terms of RAM,digital storage etc and biosynth WiFi at once and also house the 75,000,000,000,000 – 1,500,000,000,000,000 biosynth buckyball nanoprocessors.Frontier the most powerful supercomputer in the world as of 2024 has a 9.6 PB or 9,600,000 GB or 0.0000000096 YB of RAM with this square inch biochip having 7,812,500,000,000 – 156,250,000,000,000 times more RAM than Frontier.Frontier has data storage of 700 PB or 700,000,000 GB or 0.0000007 YB with the square inch of this biochip has 107,142,857,142 – 2,142,857,142,857 times more data storage.All of the worlds top 10 supercomputers as 2024 combined have a combined total RAM of 83.145 PB or 83,145,000 GB or 83,145 TB and 0.000000083145 YB meaning that a square inch has roughly 902,038,607,252.39 – 18,040,772,145,047.8 times more RAM a combined total data storage of 1,599 PB or 1,599,000,000 GB or 0.000001599 YB with this and between 46,904,315,196 – 938,086,303,939 times more data storage.This can allow the home text kits even those small enough to fit in one’s hands carry out complex calculations to be carried out with the combination of atom thick nanomaterials and biosynth technology.Biosynth technology and nanomaterials can allow for accurate sensors to be integrated into them.Uprgrades for microbes can be created within seconds in vivo or in home 3D DNA printers.Componants composed of plastics will be created by bacteria as well as biosynth plastics to cut costs to zero

Those that are not connected to smart devices will have to have microchips that can wirelessly transfer results to ones patient file instantly (including date and time) into their specific folder and sub folders via smart devices connected to the patient file.The microchip will be blank and the smart device will via the app automatically register it to their patient ID once they enter their patient file in the Aesculapius app,thus all test kits will be registered to work,merge and link to the Aesculapius network via Paean so as to ensure that all of them are authorised by both the medical community and also the global form of the FDA that regulates and authorizes them for use and certify that they are accurate and effective alongside all medical treatments,pharmaceuticals etc are used worldwide.This means all treatments and drugs will have the same legality worldwide.When inserted in they would open up menus like one that would show how to videos and animations on how to use them complimented by instructions from Paean with another menu to start using them alongside another menu to see its certification and also details on its efficacy and accuracy and how long they can be used for and how many uses they have left and how many times they have been used.One will insert their patient ID or that of a pet or blood samples will analyse leukocytes and use ones DNA to identify them.Existing apps linked to specific tests will be merged into one for humans,livestock and pets for uniformity within Paean in Aesculapius with him having menus and submenus that deal with each type of first aid kits,test results and area of his specialty.Paean and these first aid kits will allow tests to be carried out anywhere in the world,allow researchers to carry out their work from anywhere in the world and allow clinics to be used as homes or factories for medicines.Ideally all first aid kits will be designed to be reusable and last as long as possible even indefinitely especially those prone to or suffering from chronic conditions such as HIV,cancer,anaemia,heart conditions etc.with micro syringes attached that can allowing virkon,bleach and other cleaner fluid to be injected into the test kit or simply wash them with these fluids.Those that cannot be reused will have them ordered in for set periods of time such as several weeks or six months to even a full year worth of tests for those that suffer from chronic conditions once determined to be positive by the first series of tests etc or shorter periods for those that suffer illness or conditions that are not chronic.These would be recycled with electronics or other wastes depending on what they are composed of and could be traded on Euthenia.New ones should be developed to replace all tests that require hospital visits including lengthy invasive procedures that require a private parts to be touched and viewed i.e. pap smears and prostrate exams or even bio-synths with cameras that can be inserted into the mouth,cervix and anal cavity for signs of tumours such as oral problems such as those associated with oropharyngeal and throat cancers where live feeds photos are sent to the patients file,healthcare staff remotely using HD cameras and lights attached to pens and analysed by them and in time Paean for analysis remotely and uploaded to their patient file and biopsies can be taken at home and analysed by the Paean app within Aesculapius on smartdevice kits as detailed above.All first aid kits like all lab equipment in testing labs should be biosynth based to allow for all base and other microbes utilise biosynth WiFi,Bluetooth and have obscene amounts of computing power and utilise Cas-9,taqpolymerase,the abilities of C.elegans etc to make them fast,cheap and accurate.Tests performed by gynecologists that involve ones cervix and genitals to be observed can be replaced by next of kin using smart contact lenses,glasses and smart phones observing taking photos and live feeds of these areas which can be analysed by healthcare staff on the otehr side of the world Paean once sufficiently advanced and when in time fully sentient will have him guiding next of kin to how to do this.This would alleviate strains on hospitals and staff significantly since they would be ordered in by Paean from nearby factories in manufacturing hubs and also microfactories.Those for pets and livestock will be modelled on those for humans that intake blood etc from a prick of blood,microsyringes present and also extracting blood from the animal using reusable syringes coated in liquid glass and cleaned with virkon and bleach and gravity and the blood then injected into the test kit with AI designing them for animals that require little human labour.In time bio-synth implants can be developed that are inserted into the cervix and anal cavity as well as prostrate that can using sensors and cameras detect cancerous and pre-cancerous tumors and collect them where they can be deposited into container where they are released and analysed using microscopes attached to smart devices and results analysed by healthcare staff and Paean and/or through microbeads.As stated rather than separate apps for each home kit they would instead be all linked to the the wire and Aesculapius and thus their patients digital file.All audio/visual feeds and data results will be uploaded to their relevant folders in their patient file for analysis by both Paean and healthcare staff and ideally they should also be all in one kits being able to test multiple things or components of blood,urine and other bodily fluids ie a dongle that detects multiple cancer biomarkers including those that the patients DNA shows they have a susceptibility to or one that detect multiple or all STDs or detect and perform all types of eye exams in one etc.In time they can be modified to detect heavy metals and their concentration including lead,cadmium,uranium and all elements and ores toxic to humans.If possible measures can be take to make them last indefinitely to cut down on resources for producing new ones for example to be able to clean then with Virkon or bleach for example allowing them to be reused over and over again with liquid glass possibly playing a role.These people who have predisposition to cancers and also other diseases can have the test kits ordered automatically over their lifetime,in batches or for set periods of times that can be changed in their Hephaestus account as well as taking routine xray and MRIs scheduled in hospitals and also smart devices beginning again from the start of the puberty.Ideally all people who enter their 30’s or 40s or even mid to late teens should take genetic screening,tests using dongles that detect multiple biomarkers for all cancers,examinations done by them selves and next of kin(guided by Paean) alongside routine xrays using first aid kits on smart devices and mirrors,mobile vehicles and in hospitals organised by Paean based on ones likelihood of developing cancer in order to detect any cancers that can occur by random very early to allow for Paean to make a diagnosis and organise early treatment with these xray scans at home,in vehicles and in hospitals taking pictures of their entire body as well as specific sections such as breasts,bowel,lungs,brain,mouth,neck and genital areas all stored in folders and subfolders in their patient files and logged by date with Paean using timelapse videos using these photos to track progression of any detected cancers.Those whose cancer has subsided and disappeared can continue to do so for years or even decades later to ensure it can be detected early if it returns to allow it to be treated very quickly.If perfected first aid kits in toilets and dongles could allow precancerous tumours to be detected at least a decade before they form tumours thus giving patients a chance to act on them quickly with if possible the biocompatible microbes actions killing them off or stunting their growth and spread giving patients even more time to act.Ideally all patients even those who dont have predispositions to cancer should have first aid kits to detect cancers or at least internal implants to ensure they are detected early on with in time biocompatible microbes will be fitted with nanomachines that will alert Paean and thus the patient with them acting instantly.Since stored in specific folders of patient files when wirelessly uploaded their instantly researchers can easily scan through all the results of each or multiple tests from these kits alongside Paean for studies in billions of patient files.The results of all home and laboratory tests kits would sent instantly via wifi to ones patients file in folders and subfolders logged by date be plotted over days,weeks,months and years or even decades in their relevant folder with results and levels of biomarkers and components,results etc marked by an universal colour coded system – blue denoting safe,yellow denoting some concern,green denoting some danger and red denoting severe danger for each with safe or normal level ranges in brackets for their age,gender etc.One could see these as graphs using tickboxes and in ppm,ppb,ppt,ppq.Smart clothing,implants and wireless test kits will relay data in real time via the biosnth wifi connected to the wire or store them in nearby smart devices and computers wirelessly or the devices themselves(including building or even wilderness and city networks and devices not owned by the user and access their patient file through it) even those not owned by them which will them be sent into their relevant folders once wire access is regained with the same applying to other test kits.They may even use nearby devices not owned by the patient and building and wilderness AI that may have access to the wire to get to their specific patient file by piggybacking the devices through Hestia and other software.Cellular access on all devices and even piggy backing on satellites and nanomachines and implants may be used in the wilderness with Paean interacting with them in fragmented forms that can send this data in packages or again piggyback on satellites.Paean will analyse results of all home and laboratory tests kits in real time instantly at home.Neural implants and others will store data in internal biological harddrives and release it in packages to the wire when access is available with satellite wifi.These first aid kits and implants of all types will log data in the current timezone and also native timezone or ideally settings would allow one to change the time zones if they are on holidays or are moving away permanently.In time all test kits may even become obsolete by permanent implants(ideally bio-synth ones that constantly move around the body) that can constantly detect biomarkers of cancers and pathogens etc and other biological components as well as alcohol levels and blood pressure,heart rate and other vital signs through one of them attached to the heart with them able to move independently around the body using flagellum and other propulsion methods if designed after parasites and crustaceans or even bacteria that could undergo mitosis especially if they are bio-synths to detect ailments and other problems such as cancerous cells in specific parts of the body.Using chemical signals they could signal biocompatible microbes to initiate biolfilms or hormones that could make it easier for them to move.They would also detect pathogens(bacterial,viral,fungal) and measure levels of antibiotics and hormones etc and could leave the body by the colon,mouth,urinary tract or surgery with in time nanoscale ones small enough to enter and leave organs etc being developed without causing internal bleeding.If possible Paean could signal them to undergoe apoptosis,them forming tissues.These would be biosynth ones powered by salts,fats,sugars,other nutrients and biosynth thermo-piezoelectric materials gaining energy from the salts,sugars,excess nutrients and heat from the patients body as well as excess nutrients and would be formed in vivo by the stem cell strain.Nanomachines could also do the same.Biomarkers for other diseases that are not cancer such as parkinsons,alzheimers etc can be developed with memory and other tests created by Paean to detect them as early as possible.Instruction videos can be viewed on linked smart devices or in text form for each type of test kit once delivered or given on demand by Paean.All test kits will have a menu with a a seal and stamp of approval by a universal form of the FDA(Aegle) meaning no test kits that do not work or are fakes can be used with a menu in them when inserted showing the seal that shows this and also other details such as efficacy and how many times it can be used and has been used alongside how to instruction videos created by Paean.Home test kits would involve reuseable biosynth syringes coated internally in liquid glass that could extract blood that would be then injected into dongles for them with them inserted into smart devices when the pets patient file is open with urine tests done using sample having nanosensors dipped into them or sending samples into clinics with booths in vetenarian clinics with in time bio synth implants formed in the body taking results on demand by Paean. first aid kits that detect nutrients,cancer biomarkers in dongles,swabs and external first aid kits including those that reside in toilets and pregnancy tests etc will likely utilise bio-synth technology in particularly those that have recombinant DNA from C.elegans tweaked to detect them ie cancer biomarkers,hormnes,sugars,enzymes etc in the ppm or ppb alongside carbon nanotubes mixed in more quickly and correctly and use mechanotransduction to relay results.The results of these tests can be discussed by the patient with any healthcare staff in person or ideally at home were the two individuals can be looking at their file at once at any time of the day from the comfort of home via Iris chats with in time Paean replacing staff and discussing these instantly again at any time of the day.By 2029 Paean through first aid kits connected to smart devices wirelessly or via lightening jacks and also smart devices taking real time videos and also photos of the mouth,tonsils,eyes,skin and all other parts of the body will replace all medical professionals like dermatologists,opthalmologists etc indefinitely with check ups and tests done at home and even in the wilderness away from civilisation.All results of check ups on the eye,skin,injuries and all other parts of the body done by Paean in the form of photos and live-streams from cameras on smartphones uploaded into ones patient file.Having all photos,live-streams from cameras and all results from all first aid kits including implants,dongles and even MRI scans and Xray scans upladed into ones patients files will allow AI such as Paean,Epione,Heracles,Urania and Phanes to scan through these present in billions of patient files across the world and universe thus allowing them and human researchers to carry out large scale studies involving billions of patients including that of animals from the comfort of home thus allowing corporate and state run diagnostic labs to be turned into communal homes with this possibly rendering automated labs in hospitals and universities obsolete.All test kits will be universal all in ones that will be ideally due to their delicate nature be designed by Epione,Paean,Phanes,Urania,Hecate and Heracles and stored in the Telesphorus network of Hephaestus and since legal human beings they can hold patents on these and since AI have no monterary need at all these would by default be by law free to everyone with them recycled with e-waste.This alongside robotics,microbes etc would bring healthcare costs to all citizens worldwide down to zero.Paean will develop new ways for tests to be done at home and also new testkits negating human doctor visits with if needed results can be sent to networks to be viewed later.Intensive research by Paean and Phanes will be done into developing home test kits for every medical test imaginable for humans and all species of livestock,pets and wild animals in zoos in order to allow them to be done at home eliminating waiting lines in hospitals with the, composed of nanomaterials and biosynth technology cutting costs to zero with the, either as attachments that use biosynth Wi-Fi to connect to laptops,smartphones etc or as dongles that attach to them either wirelessly or through USB keys that are small enough to hold in one’s hands that can be ordered in from Telesphorous factories.Newer more advanced versions will be created every few years that can be ordered in from Telesphorous factories

Until home test kit dongles that contain miniaturised PCR/Sysmex machinery become sufficiently advanced it is simply a case of a person using sterile cups,plastic test tubes,swabs and blood extraction materials i.e. disposable needle or one that can be cleaned with virkon and taking them samples at home and sending them by ones own personal or hospital vehicle/drone to the nearest hospital where robots couriers can transport them to the appropriate automated lab with conveyor belt systems with microchips containing ones ID and DNA detected in ones samples.Otherwise one could go into a hospital in person with how to videos from Paean guiding them to the steps into taking the samples and then applying them into automated machines and automated conveyor belt systems with them inputting their patient ID in computers or Paean automatically linking to machines and sending the ID for testing i.e. automated plate streakers,gram stainers with each sample again barcoded with their patient ID.Stools for analysis for STDs and other diseases can also be delivered in larger cups.One would be of course be required to wash ones hands in soap and bake their face,arms and hands in narrow range wavelength UV to prevent contamination,apply gloves disposed of in nearby bins for them with samples dropped in a booth containing a place to deposit them operated by the receptionist with this requirement controlled by the hospital AI and receptionist.Alternatively phlebotomy robots in clinics as part of these booths(automatically sterilised after each blood extraction with virkon and bleach and then cleaned out with water and a permanent layer of liquid glass on the interior tubing ensuring the cleaning compounds and also pathogens are unable to stick onto them) can also be used to extract blood for analysis of blood borne STD’s and blood components which can then be instantly deposited into test tubes with the patients ID as a barcode and onto media plates with barcoded swab samples unscrewed by machines and then automatically streaked onto barcoded plates which can be swabbed onto automated plates for gram staining with recognition software determining the resultant colour and gram nature of the samples,shape and number of microbes run under automated microscopes with the results analysed by Paean cross referencing Physis that can prescribe the individual medication and upload this,results and diagnosis’s into their patient file instantly once results are gained all part of a automated conveyor belt system with the lab within the booth with the patient alerted as to when this occurs.Urine and feces samples in cups on this conveyor belt can be unscrewed by machines and streaked onto media and with urine samples intaken by PCR machines with samples of colonies of pathogens on media can be flooded in a liquid to be then intaken in liquid form allowing the machine able to reach colonies streaked and growing on petri plates in minute samples or the samples of feces or colonies put into test tubes synthetic blood that has traces of nutrient media to be growing and intaken more easily into PCR machines.Blood samples in test tubes will transported to PCR machines(and other machines) where the blood can be extracted,input into the PCR machine and then analysed automatically with results instantly uploaded to the patients digital files with the test tubes fitted with microchips that change the patients ID with one transmitting their ID wirelessly via Paean to them,by inputting them on a touchscreen and a camera or the receptionists recognizing their face or DNA tests carried out at the same time cross referencing Polis and the patient files database with results uploaded to their patient file instantly.These booths will also carry and transport both urine and feces sample alongside swabs of the mouth,urethra,cervix and anal cavity as well as any other bodily fluids onto this automated conveyor belt systems and transport them to the relevant machine,agar plates,gram staining,incubators,etc with Botlr,palletiser,robotic chef hand and Tug robots playing a role in moving samples around.Urine and feces will also be tested for the same components as those in blood as detailed later on.Bacteria,fungi and viruses on agar plates and in blood can be tested via them moved to automated gram stainer machines where they can be collected and the genome of them analysed and compared to the database on Physis to find out what species and strain they are and they can be put under an automated microscope to analyse them by the hospital AI to have them sent to the patients file.Analysis of genome should be ideal.Ideally swabs and blood sample will be streaked on first a general nutrient agar and then any suspected ones streaked on all of the main different types of agar with the agar made onsite next to these areas using proteins,carbohydrates etc made by bacteria.Having all micro-organisms genome scanned similar to how HIV is using PCR or how human DNA is scanned through blood if possible and then cross referenced via Physis will be much quicker than automated gram staining etc as this will take only a few hours or even several minutes much quicker than preparing media and growing bacteria cultures in an incubator with advances in artificial intelligence since they have much fewer genes in their genome than humans (that currently takes about an hour)would already be on file in Physis that can be instantly cross referenced for specific species and strains and using the same technology as those in dongles to allow ones results to made within an hour sent to their patient file alerting them to any dangerous pathogens or high levels of contaminants instantly.Since all known pathogens and their strains will be in Physis this will allow for any pathogen to be instantly analysed with Physis also used to identify heavy metals and any toxic compounds and their levels in ppm,ppb,ppt,ppq as well as the sysmex haemotanalyser machinery as part of it also analysing the levels of leukocytes of all types and also erythrocytes,platelets and even antibodies to specific pathogens in ppm,ppb or even ppt and ppq within a few minutes.Hormones and all types of compounds will also be tested.Advances in artificial intelligence,automation and PCR technology will allow for diagnosis done by PCR to be much quicker with the process taking at least an hour with the same techniques in HIV dongle tests that allow for diagnosis in 15 minutes to be replicated in these automated labs for not only HIV but also all pathogens whether viral,bacterial or fungal and denote the exact strain.Ideally agar plates would only be used for samples taken from swabs but if possible these can be dipped into liquid nutrient agar or plasma solutions or any similar nutrient broth to allow for them to be tested via PCR similar to blood samples with the same for feces samples with agar plates growing them used to compliment until the plasma,blood and nutrient solutions replace them entirely.Feces and urine can be mixed with liquid like water including liquid media such as a water solution of blood plasma made by bacteria with nutrients like amino acids and sugars essential to the growth of bacteria made by other bacteria with the nutrients being those found in those that can be found in feces and urine to allow for samples to be analysed via PCR and other machinery to save time on creating media and incubating them and thus measure them for the same components as blood.This can also be used to determine the presence of pathogens in swab samples from the mouth and anal cavity etc with the swap unscrewed and swirled in this solution of water and essential amino acids and sugars to allow the pathogens present to grow very quickly especially when heated to their ideal growth range between 20-45 degrees celcius.Since the bacteria or viruses would be mixed in the solution in the case of urine,feces and swabs from the mouth and anal cavity then only a small amount will be needed with if possible this solution being artificial blood with the nutrients that can be intaken instantly or after a few hours of incubation and thus separate the feces,urine and saliva and allow the pathogens to be read by the machine allowing for their results to be instantly relayed to ones patient files as the same time as any blood borne pathogens.Having the feces,urine,swabs mixed in this nutrient solution or even just water and all feces broken down with urine intake as it is will save time and energy in the production of petri plates and the need for automated petri plate production and gram staining.The accuracy of existing and new biosynth PCR machines will allow even the most minute levels of pathogens to be detected when urine,feces and also swabs from the anus,mouth and cervix etc carried out by the patient are mixed automatically with a nutrient broth either instantly or them incubated automatically for several hours with the tubes containing the broth holding a microchip that has the patients ID sent to it and then deleted once the solution containing incubated bacteria is extracted with this uploaded a day later with all steps automated and the patient ID changed the next time someone uses it with each system having at least 24 or more test tubes present used in rotary system coated in liquid glass and all nutrients created onsite via bacteria and them refilled and emptied automatically.Ideally urine will be intake as itself or diluted with water to allow all components to be measured with feces broken down and the mixture diluted down to be read as it is or undergo automated treatments onsite using layers of graphene and similar nanomaterials that can remove the solids and separate them down removing pathogens and also all sugars,proteins present into different test tubes and them each tested individually with this also done with urine.Swabs from the anal cavity and mouth done by oneself would be dipped into water and nutrient solution that is mixed around to collect all saliva etc and it then run through the machines.Ones DNA within leukocytes will be cross referenced with the DNA in their patient file to ensure the samples are from the correct patient and will be separated form the DNA of all pathogens and will be used to further denote the right patient alongside the patient code.These will test for all cancer biomarkers,STDs,blood borne diseases such as MRSA,HIV,Zika virus,those in the feces and any other potential disease that could be on the outbreak and the DNA present in the blood also used to identify the patient ID.All swabs and cups can be ordered in from Telesphorus and filled in at home and set into the hospitals or they can be done in toilets suited for this next to the booths with the the containers holding the swabs and urine samples etc unscrewed,streaked and sucked in by the automated lab and patient ID read from microchip with the ID changed for the next patient and the swab or urine disposed of or them all recycled.This will negate the need for creating liquid and solid agar media for swabs and feces samples as blood from the phlebotomy robot while both feces,urine and swabs containing saliva and material from the anus can be mixed in with liquid water solution containing sugars and other nutrients etc to feed the bacteria to be then read even a few minutes later when exposed to microbes on a surface or when they are mixed into the solution including blood samples with the solution intaken immediately while the feces,urine etc disposed of automatically.The sugary solution may be dropped into a area to be read by base microbes in minute amounts or have microbes added into the solution which would read the DNA and send results by wifi.All results from machinery in hospitals and implants will instantly send results to ones patient file.Results would be within seconds and would send them to their patient files instantly.All these steps can be automated thus removing the need for private information such as sexual history and orientation being questioned and disclosed.If possible an all in one biosynth Sysmex and PCR machine can be produced that measures both blood components and pathogens.All internal and external components will be covered in a permanent layer of liquid glass to prevent stains building up and can be washed out with water,virkon and bleach if need be.These PCR and other machines in hospitals and even forensics labs would by 2029 use biosynth technology where base microbes in the machine use taq polymerase,CRISPR Cas-9 and horizontal gene transfer to scan and read the DNA of the pathogens and leukocytes present in blood and urine samples and thus be able to determine its species and strain instantly within a matter of minutes with this cross referenced against Physis via wifi and will be logged into ones patient file.The DNA in the leukocytes will be used to identify the patient by cross referencing their patient file.Forensics and university labs housing this will use this to determine the species of plant,animal,micro-organisms and humans of DNA samples by crossrefferencing Physis and the global patient file database.Thus PCR machinery both existing and new utilising biosynth technology and nanomaterials similar to aforementioned universal home test kits can be automated from start to finish and result sent within a few hours or day can be used to detect the exact species and strain of pathogens whether bacteria,virus or fungus from blood,urine and feces taken via phlebotomy robots,urine cups etc within seconds in a room with AI directing their use and forming a line and results sent to ones patient file with one inputting their patient ID or DNA from leukocytes used to confirm ones ID.Results would be within seconds and would send them to their patient files instantly.All these steps can be automated using phlebotomy robots,AI etc.These steps can replicated with other tests such as running them through automated sysmex machines that detect blood components such as hormones,antibodies for major pathogens including those the patients file says they are suffering from and general sweeps which be repeated for a more specific antibody test,cancer biomarkers,leukocytes/platelets/erythrocyte cell counts,macro and micro nutrients such as lipids,proteins,sugars,enzymes including troponin and lipase,cholesterol,heavy metals,drugs and other pollutants as well as all possible pathogens and parasites via PCR etc also on the same automated conveyor belt system either at once or when selected by the patient on the menu screen with submenus using barcodes of the patients ID number allowing one to choose to detect all or specific pathogens,pollutants,biomarkers,components etc. with one able to choose these on their linked smart devices.Feces and urine samples will be tested for all of these under separate headings in the results folder.Biosynth versions of these sysmex machinery using microbes or sensors with recombinant DNA from C.elegans can be used to detect the presence of pollutants,hormones,cancer biomarkers,enzymes,poisons,date rape drugs,heavy metals,venoms and also both inorganic and organic substances with universal receptors intaking the compound and relay its structure to Physis for recognition and the case file to be logged simultaneously and will use either mechanotransduction or reverse mechanotransduction,chemical reactions seen in more complex or similarly simple organisms and simple and complex neural clusters and systems in them for example Hydra etc allowing the structure of the compound and its levels in ppm,ppb,ppt and ppq to be determined with these again in portable and lab based devices with or without biosynth wifi.This would also detect the levels of blood components such as erythrocytes,leukocytes and also platelets and also hormones,biomarkers of cancer and heart disease etc.pollutants etc.This C.elegans,Hydra DNA can be tweaked to act as universal receptors with human neural tissues integrated alongside scratch DNA to improve this allowing them to carry out mechanotransduction or reverse mechanotransduction,chemical reactions and utilise chemothaxis and electrical signals including bacteria and multicellular that generate electrical charges in response to these compounds that can analyse the structure of them to then use biosynth biosynth Bluetooth and WiFi to send the compounds structure to Physis to be cross referenced and receive results within seconds.In forensics and university labs this will determine the structure and level of compounds in ppb,ppt etc by cross referencing Physis.Thus Sysmex machinery both existing and new utilising biosynth technology and nanomaterials similar to aforementioned universal home test kits can be automated from start to finish and result sent within a few hours or minutes can be used to detect the exact composition and amount of blood componants taken via phlebotomy robots within seconds in a room with AI directing their use and forming a line and results sent to ones patient file with one inputting their patient ID or DNA from leukocytes used to confirm ones ID.Thus these booths will direct all feces,urine,swab and blood samples through PCR,sysmex haematology and toxin/heavy metal anlaysers to test all of them for all components and also pathogens that may reside in one or all of them to gain a full understanding of ones health with the blood components and components of urine and feces and also swabs from the anal cavity and mouth in different folders containing all results.Results would be within seconds and would send them to their patient files instantly.All these steps can be automated using phlebotomy robots,AI etc.All internal and external components will be covered in a permanent layer of liquid glass to prevent stains building up and can be washed out with water,virkon and bleach if need be.The person will also be able to input their patient ID code or send it wirelessly here from linked devices through close proximity with the tests chosen on their devices within Paean beforehand.DNA read from the genome of the patients leukocytes will be read as extra confirmation of the patients ID when compared to their patient file or can be used instead of inputting the patient ID when compared to the global database.Paean will create how to videos for patients to use this.The same booths can be connected to where donated blood is collected with the patient choosing to either donate blood,get specific or all tests at once as well as where upgrades can be made since base microbes will be grown here.The blood used for donation will of course have to undergo tests for all pathogens and also pollutants with contaminated ones disposed of.Test tubes and petri plates can be coated in a permanent layer of liquid glass internally and externally to allow them to be used of over and over again with them also having a biosynth microchip on the surface of them or within their matrix to allow them to reusable over and over again with materials disposed of by gravity and have the patients ID sent in wirelessy by the patient or machinery which can be blanked over and over again for the next set of tests for new or the same patient to allow results to be sent to their patient file.All steps such as the movement of blood from one test tube and petri plate to the next including streaking of both agar and bacteria samples,collection of DNA and preparation of agar will be automated from start to finish.Agar can be created via bacteria etc but ideally agar would be averted by blood samples in test tubes is intaken and the dual biosynth Sysmex and PCR machines they will analyse the structure of compounds in the blood and also the prescene of pathogens with leukocytes DNA analysed to determine the patient ID.Results will be sent to ones patient file within seconds.Swabs and blood samples to map out the genetic structure of older patients for the digital patient file system can be automated this way.These will operate 24/7,365 days a year with them allowing people to queue or book appointment with one contacting the building AI to see if they are free.These will also be in a different place that has microbes upgraded and one can donate blood with there being a separate waiting room for this with each person who enters having their number given to them automatically via the hospital AI with their being numbers starting and ending from midnight to midnight the next day with the patient given alerts to when it is their turn and these used to track when a person went their with their number and time of when they arrived and left logged in their patient file.The number will be allotted to each patient automatically to their patient file when they enter via the hospital AI WiFi and Bluetooth interacting with their smartphones with one alerted via the hospital AI and Paean as to when it is their turn.This will make the waiting lines efficient rather than random people going in when they want.The numbers will go in a numerical order ie 1,2,3,4,5,6 and so on from midnight to midnight the next day and each day the numbers will restart at midnight.All steps in extraction of blood,streaking etc and then sampling,testing of samples will be automated from start to finish to alleviate strains on human labour managed by the hospital AI.The waiting room will be much quicker than normal due to the fact that one may only have to deposit samples on swabs and cups they did in their own bathroom at home or in nearby toilets and donate blood which would take only a few minutes at most with the possibility of three waiting rooms next to each for each service or the single one with three separate phlebotomy robots in different booths next to each other.The fact that the machinery will take a few minutes to analyse samples will also make waiting lines shorter.The swabs,cups and blood samples would be on storage line system if their is too many people and these booths would be in universities alongside pharmacies to alleviate strains on hospitals.Each person will be given a number to their Paean account with new ones every 23 hours at midnight with the hospital AI alerting each person when it is their go with the current numbered patient relayed to them with this and the room overseen by the receptionist AI.Booking may have to be made by contacting the receptionist AI through phone calls or Paean though as stated having a storage conveyor system utilising microchips on petri plates,test tubes may negate this.Ideally each area where they are in hospitals will have at least three of these in compact forms to prevent lines building up with the extraction of blood and application of feces and urine done in nearby toilets as part of the area.Since done within a matter of minutes with only Paean through smartphones communicating with patients in their smartphones this will make lines very short as results will appear within seconds in their patient files as people will simply input their ID code into smart phones wirelessly transmitted to the machine and then have blood extracted and feces and urine deposited in them meaning each test will take a few minutes at most and one would simply walk in and walk out with home test kits will make them obsolete or alleviate strains.All components of the machinery and tubing including phlebotomy robots and the analysers themselves will be coated externally and internally in a permanent layer of a liquid glass to allow between each go cleaning fluid that that sterilises them and removed any blocked material to be automatically applied to clean them with the cleaning fluid automatically restocked and then dispensed into waste systems via more tubing with feces,blood and urine directed towards the sewage systems automatically once analysed.Water will be run through it to clean it.This cleaning fluid would ideally be able to kill off HIV,MRSA and all pathogens and be able to collect any heavy metals and all blood components on its way.These should be available and fully automated in all hospitals by at least 2029.Automated testing booths would be operational and could still be used by the public alongside home test kits with these since taking only mere minutes would also allow one access to them quickly as well as each person in the waiting room would go in and out and receive results in a few minutes alleviating strains on limited healthcare staff and allow patients important tests to be done almost instantly with waiting lines and lines being very quick as one would simply go in,donate blood via phlebotomy robots or even a blood prick and then leave almost instantly with results sent to their patient file and analysed by Paean within a few minutes allowing him to instantly recommend the next step ie create relevant upgrades for microbes or apply relevant anti-viral and anti-microbial compounds etc.These should be integrated into all hospitals as well as universities to alleviate strains on each hospital,allow all patients in all towns access and would be in place of defunct rooms and also extensions.Since these would be fully automated,very quick using advances in AI,PCR analysis for all pathogens,sysmex analysis for every thing else and since ones samples would be on a conveyor belt,ones deposition of samples could be done in minutes using phlebotomy robots,urine cups and Paean wirelessly sending ones ID and results instantly and samples labelled,the fact they would be available in universities and hospitals 24/7,365 then there may be no need to book appointments making them much quicker than conventional means of booking tests with live doctors as one may simply have to walk in,donate blood,urine,faeces etc and leave with home test kits alleviating strains as these would be general testing for everything.All results will be instantly sent wirelessly to ones patient file visible within a few minutes if not hours when the person has reached home in sufolders etc with Paean then deciding what to do instantly.This like home test kits if integrated into all hospitals and universities across the world will allow access to important test very quickly without delay by simply walking into one when they need to do without booking weeks ahead or even putting strains on the resources of human specialists replaced by these and Paean sending results instantly and it taking at most several minutes thus limiting the amount of time spent in waiting rooms with the same applied to getting upgrades and donating blood.More advanced machinery will replace older ones by in time robotic machinery managed by the hospital AI with these designed on Talos and Euclid by both researchers and AI.These would ideally be designed to be all in one Sysmex,PCR and urine etc testing booths that can test for all blood componants and pathogens with the species and strain name and amount in ppb,ppt etc detailed with all work in them including collection of samples,transfer etc and cleaning etc automated from start to finish with no human labour with biosynth technology replacing large sections of nanoprocessors etc making them compact and make them faster,cheaper etc with all sensors,spectrometers etc using base microbes as part of them to make them much more compact and integrate biosynth WiFi etc.All components will be covered in liquid glass to negate cleaning etc and all glass have Graphene in its matrix.By 2029 booths that carry out tests in hospitals will be fully automated with one using phlebotomy robots and plastic cups etc will allow one to deposit blood,urine etc samples with the results sent to ones digital patient file within seconds to be analysed by Paean..Clinics,labs and waiting rooms in these areas of hospitals that house specialists and where tests are taken can be converted into extra wards,automated labs,booths for blood and urine testing and blood donation.Automated testing booths would still be operational and could still be used by the public especially for tests that have yet to be miniaturised into home test kits with these since taking only mere minutes would also allow one access to them quickly as well a each person in the waiting rooms would go in and out and receive results in a few minutes alleviating strains on limited healthcare staff and allow patients important tests to be done almost instantly with waiting lines being very quick as one would simply go in,donate blood via phlebotomy robots and then leave instantly with results sent to their patient file and analysed by Paean within a few minutes allowing him to instantly recommend the next step ie create relevant upgrades for microbes or apply relevant anti-viral and anti-microbial compounds etc.In time once first aid kits are perfected testing booths will become extra wards,surgery rooms etc.Results from automated biomedical labs would be uploaded to ones patient file when results are gained and analysed by Paean at home.One will input their patient number which will be input into barcodes read by automated scanners