Localised Manufacturing of Goods

Automation and robotics should be employed for large scale manufacturing for the vast majority of the community/region/country/world with 3D printing acting as a back support for those products that cant be automated as well allowing for specific items to produced at home or locally.Manufacturing should be localised as much as possible with any raw organic and inorganic materials such as textiles,rubber,plastics(i.e. in electronics(in the form of metal replacements,casings etc),toys,sculptures etc.) and other materials from genetically engineered bacteria grown on site using water,fertilisers,industrial wastes including toxins via engineering to improve efficiency.In short all country/regions/states/counties or even cities should have their own manufacturing hubs that produce their supply of vehicles,clothes,electronics and pharmaceuticals etc. to cut down on transportation costs and make them self sufficient in their production of all custom made manufactured goods stored on Hephaestus with these factories being much smaller that current ones and miniaturised versions of automated technology and 3D printers replacing certain machinery and underground extensions and vertical multi-storey buildings making them space efficient.Community centres should also be holding miniaturised versions of automated or semi-automated machinery and miniature version of automated machinery to allow a community to produce their own goods.This should also apply to localising production of electronics and pharmaceuticals with plastics replacing metals and hydrocarbons and binders.Again synthetic compounds such as carbon composites and plastics that replace metals in electronics and all ingredients for pharmaceuticals can be produced on site via carbon composites and genetically engineered bacteria in miniaturised versions of machinery used in normal factories or in time plastic,drug and electronic 3D printers making them more space efficient alongside other machinery used miniaturised as much as physically possible.

Factory layout:
Each factory would be multistorey ones that have underground extensions to house the bulk of them acting like iceberg ones with multiple floors for each type of item created by them.Each floor will have photobioreactors,3D DNA printers and all in one miniaturised machinery that will create any type of customised order and also even have machinery to make stickers and also packaging that too will be customised.The amount of floors will be dependant on the type of factory with if need be two or more factories merged together into one building with at most them being twenty to fifty floors and these will last indefinitely for centuries and millenia operating 24/7,365 days a year with roof and underground extensions used to cater to a growing populations needs with picotech fabricators also alleviating strains on them in homes and community centres.Each floor will house all in one machinery that can create all types of different customised products with as many of these on each floor for different types of products to lower the amount of floors needed with since all items will only be made when needed and will serve the surrounding region will mean they will not be busy all the time with AI namely Daedalus and sentient operating softwares planning out the placement of machinery,the layout and size of each floor and also how many floors are needed with most floors sizeable enough to house a dozen or even a hundred different machines.Some factories will be merged together to save space with as many four or five factory types merged together in a building between twelve to twenty floors with half underground.If possible each floor will have a small section or room to produce all packaging and stickers for orders of all items created on that floor and also one floor for recycling materials.Only what is needed and ordered will be created thus preventing waste with the started or queued for scheduling once the item is ordered this will also make them not as busy since they will serve only each country or region and not the entire world.When one orders a product such as electronics,clothing and vehicle etc stored on Hephaestus it will be manufactured on the spot within minutes and then delivered to one’s home directly from the factory rather than pre manufactured one’s and if local factories are busy then orders will be made from other hubs across the world that are not busy.By having all manufactured goods created onsite of factories in manufacturing hubs present in each country,state etc will allowing them to be ordered in within a few days eliminating the need to create them in factories on side of the world,ship to a retail outlet,fulfilment centre,warehouses,relay centres with most of not all orders such as clothes,electronics,cosmetics and food products through this system of ordering directly from local factories,AI and ai]uto,action managing everything will mean most orders will arrive at one’s home within on average the next day or two days later and at most a week with if a persons local factories are bust factories from another factory in another manufacturing hub in another state or country will be used if quicker.Aphrodite,sentient operating softwares and factory AIs will manage the orders of all goods on a local to global scale to ensure consumers get items as quickly as possible with cosmetics,cleaning products and food products ordered in bulk to cater to a consumers need for a month or even a year that are stored in bulk with them ordered in batches from the same or different factory managed by AI.Vehicles will since autonomous will drive to their owners home.This will prevent overproduction of each product based on market forces and supply and demand and eliminate problems of the item being out off stock with improved AI and more efficient machinery etc will speed up the rate of manufacturing for each products.All machinery like robots will be designed to be adaptable to all types of customised designs with humans as stated replaced by chef robots with hands and cameras,Da vinci surgery robots and in time biosynths.Robot chef hands and in time biosynths controlled by the factory AI processing each order will allow certain customised goods to be created in many factories such as Ajax,Hegemone,Arachne,Agathodaemon,Depnius,Talus,Paidia etc factories since they will replace human workers.All if these and other robots will be controlled by the factory AI.Daedalus factories will have fleets of robots and biosynths controlled by the factory AI that will be used for each new building and can be called in by homeowners,Home and building AI for extensions and renovations.Moulds will be used to create certain customised goods made of synthetic wood,plastic,dough and other food and even steel etc in Agathodaemon,Himeros,Deadalus,Deipneus,Daedalus and other factories with them composed of methane or biosynth based plastic ideally high performance thermoplastic variants that can have a melting point of at least 3,593 – 4,010 degrees celcius meaning methane based thermoplastics should suffice for moulding glass that has a melting point of 1,600 degrees,steel that has a melting point of at least 1,370 degrees celcius with these created by the factory AI extrapolating the size and shape of the mould based on the design with batch orders have large moulds with the same or different design.The plastic nozzle for machines and 3D printers,moulds and movements and steps and even the recipe will be extrapolated by AI namely the sentient operating softwares for each existing and new product and stored in its file.Perdix factories will have biosynths controlled by the factory AI to travel to homes,other factories and also important buildings such as vertical farms,sewage treatment plants,power plants etc in order to fix electronics,onboard computers,machinery and even vehicles in person or collect them and fix them onsite with them called via the building AI and consumers contacting their factories number or Perdix himself.Moulds will be used to create certain customised goods made of synthetic wood,plastic,dough and other food and even steel etc in Agathodaemon,Himeros,Deadalus,Deipneus,Daedalus and other factories with them composed of methane or biosynth based plastic ideally high performance thermoplastic variants that can have a melting point of at least 3,593 – 4,010 degrees celcius meaning methane based thermoplastics should suffice for moulding glass that has a melting point of 1,600 degrees,steel that has a melting point of at least 1,370 degrees celcius with these created by the factory AI extrapolating the size and shape of the mould based on the design with batch orders have large moulds with the same or different design.The plastic nozzle for machines and 3D printers,moulds and movements and steps and even the recipe will be extrapolated by AI namely the sentient operating softwares for each existing and new product and stored in its file.A person who frequently orders the same product created with the same mould can have the factory keep and reuse it for future orders with them housing biosynth chips to allow them to be stored in the factory and tracked down later on when needed.Since made of methane or biosynth based plastics once used the moulds can be broken down into methane and have the methane stored and reused for other moulds needed later on in a looped cycle.Biosynth thermoplastics can be used too as they will be broken down into microbes to be then reused over and over again.These would be created and made in all types of factories with the AI extrapolating the size and shape of the mould based on the design with batch orders have large moulds with the same or different design for each item in that batch.Some products from Agathodaemon,Diagoras and Paidia etc will be printed put at home whole or in pieces and assembled.3D printers that print out plastic,paper,glass,electric boards and cardboard will be onsite of certain ones with 3D DNA printers present as well.3D DNA printers will print out bacteria and microbes into vat onsite of most factories.Miniaturised all in one machinery will be present to make customised orders of all types.If factories are busy then they will be scheduled one after the other with the factory AI managing this preventing orders being lost and schedule them effectively.Community centres housing automated or semi-automated machinery to alleviate strains for some products with both homemade production,3D printers and picotech fabricators at home and in community centres,hospitals etc alleviating strains as well.As detailed earlier on the entire manufacturing and recycling hub may be underground completely to be spread out over a larger area,allow the land to be restored to wilderness with surface buildings converted to homes with the delivery vehicles enter the surface via roads that reach out of the ground and also elevators and allow them to also serve underground communities underneath them via elevators and underground roads.The roads that connect them to cities on the surface being underground that appear at the surface outside cities could also be ones that serve other cities as part of underground roads with them also being part of and serving underground communities outside of or directly under existing overground communities with them also serving these underground communities with underground roads added.These would pop out into several major roads to allow traffic for multiple deliveries happening at once with them being separate to those that connect to the underground community they are connected to.The buildings would be either multistorey ones spread over a small area or one or a few stories deep spread over a a large area decided by Aphrodite with them all still having lobbies etc for statues and receptionists and them still controlled by independant AIs and would have and Aphrodite building in the centre with internal roads connecting each one.This would be ideal in countries like Ireland,Russia,South and North America where land is being reforested allowing them to spread over larger areas without encroaching onto wilderness,affect scenery and allow the land above to be reforested with woodlands and meadows.Countries and states with large areas of reforested wilderness will have them underground that will also serve underground comunities.Areas affected by hurricannes,tornadoes and possibly even earthquakes etc will utilise these.These would also serve underground communities.Underground communities will have their own or would get them from the nearest overground one with even underwater ones having them or they will utilise those in nearby countries and overground cities acessed by elevators etc.Ideally they would both be in close proximity to major cities with each country having different numbers of these based on their size ie large countries like Russia,China and America would have dozens of these or even in the case of it and America one in every single state or every few states determined by AI for efficiency with China have one in each region.Africa and South America would have them in every few countries and not all of them with Aphrodite determine the amount and their location to ensure each country that a person orders from will be able to receive them in less than a week.Others such as Ireland and Great Britan,France would have at least one or two.One may have the option to choose which factory hub around the world in any country will produce it if it is faster than their local one based on the amount of orders made with the person able to see the length of time it would take for it to be processed and shipped to them from their local hub compared to another and using Ophion,ferries and also even post offices integrated into community centres that utilise transporter technology compared to their local one with AI determining the fastest option again based on demand of the global public withpost offices transporter technology used.Islands will have them ordered in from those on the mainland via drones and seabreachers,Oceanus and post offices with transporter technology.Transporter technology in Aphrodite buildings and homes could allow orders to be sent directly to homes from Aphrodite buildings sent from factories including in the case of islands and rural villages.With regards to large continents like South America and Africa that are covered in large swathes of wilderness it could be possible for their to be several hubs at key countries in the centre,south and north to allow all countries to be served or these could be in each country underground with ideally in the case of Africa there being a few in key points at the Northern and southern tips as well as exact centre of the continent to allow for the entire continent to be served without clogging every country with hubs with existing major factories used as a baseline with South America possibly utilising the same pattern since so many countries are mushed together it would be ideal for a few key large countries to serve not only themselves but also at least up to a dozen nearby countries encircling them with AI namely proto and final Aphrodite determining the location of each recycling and manufacturing hub in each continent,country and region to improve efficiency to the locales.If each country has recycling plants then these will have all types of recycling plants built up around them and then manufacturing hubs next to them with the excess factories and recycling plants turned into homes.If possible each country having their own hubs will mean they will all be small and tightly packed and not have to have too many underground and rooftop extensions.Underwater and underground communities will have these as well with colonies on other planets both terraformed and colonised within and outside the solar system also having these with their location decided by Aphrodite with her deciding their location on artificial planets,ring worlds and alderson discs on each decided continents,countries etc.In short all country/regions/states/counties or even cities should have their own manufacturing hubs that produce their supply of vehicles,clothes,electronics and pharmaceuticals etc. to cut down on transportation costs and make them self sufficient.This would cut down on the time for deliveries to people with the time take dependant on how far away one is from these hubs.At most the time to receive orders will take at most a few days since factories will work 24/7,365 days a year.Aphrodite will determine their location in each country and continent based on population and size and will also design their layout to ensure that residents in each country shouldnt take no more than week to wait with picotech fabricators at home alleviating strains.Each planet,ring world and alderson disc across the universe will have local manufacturing hubs set up by Aphrodite.Space stations and interstellar vehicles.If need be they will order in good from nearby colonies via interstellar delivery vehicles.

Offices,cafeterias and any spare rooms in all factories can be used to house photobioreactors and machinery to produce bacteria based commodities relevant to the factory,microfactories for packaging,recycling centres etc alongside extensions for more machinery with Persephone allocating recycled material and virgin material from recycling centres,farms and also mines with recycling hubs moved or built in close proximity to manufacturing hubs to cut down on transportation costs.As stated earlier manufacturing hubs should be set up in all regions with spare factories by themselves converted into homes or act as where hubs can be formed.All components of each products such as vehicles,electronics etc such as batteries,harddrives,onboard computers should be constructed onsite of the main product to conserve space in multistorey factories and allow for excess factories to be turned into homes with it also cutting down on energy in transportation costs with roof and underground extensions used to accommodate the needs of a growing population with elevators used to transport the finished products and each components via robots including Botlr,Tug,KIVA and Bonnysa Toru robots with raw materials created via hydroponics and in time bacteria as well as carbon shipped in from biochar plants via Persephone.Goods manufactured underground could go upwards through elevators to be collected by vehicles or the can connected to the surface by two way road tunnels that allow vehicles to drive their an collect them with these using watertight doors or vehicle elevators to block them during flooding and tsunamais with the roads being permeable pavement.Vehicle factories would have vehicle sized elevators.Bacteria will undergo the the same level of engineering as explained earlier on as crops to increase growth rates and algae in sewage treatment plants with the same machinery as in sewage treatment plants with extra carbon dioxide coming from artificial trees on the roof or outside with each one intaking one tonne every day with the level and amount of trees controlled by the factory AI to increase growth rates.Pyrolysis plants that burn plastic and rubber and other commodities can have the carbon dioxide collected and shipped to factories that require it to grow bacteria.These commodities relevant to each factories ie textiles,hydrocarbons will be created onsite of the factories in spare rooms and extensions with the machinery to extract them also present.Any factories that are outside of hubs and are used separately to create individual components will be renovated into communal homes once these multistorey factory hubs are set up.Excess factories from the overabundance of corporate specific factories can also be converted into homes if they are not already in hubs with the same applying to factories that produce styrofoam and cardboard as well as other packaging since these will be produced on site of factories in microfactories and packaging left to a minimum.Otherwise they can be demolished and the land reforested or form the basis for manufacturing hubs if near big cities.These excess factories would continue functioning until manufacturing hubs would be set up entirely and then turned into homes with those of products that can be homemade will continue to be used until community centres and homes are able to produce them with them dispensed to the public in community centres.Those that are already in hubs will form extensions to surrounding factories with those decaying in turned into homes or them torn down and the land reforested or these will be the manufacturing hubs with ideally these hubs set up near recycling plants.Those also in hubs will be improved with automated machinery and AI.Ideally these factory hubs will be set up next to all major cities and towns to serve that region and then all factories in the country turned into homes once the hubs are fully functional with the existing ones running until they are no longer needed.This will allow for orders to be sent straight to where it is ordered with relay centres and warehouses for Amazon and Ebay will be made redundant by this allowing them to be converted into homes.Recycling hubs should be set near these manufacturing hubs in order to cut down on energy in transportation of waste with the old recycling factories dispersed throughout an area converted into homes once these are set up.Any future recycling and manufacturing hubs should be set up next to each other to allow for the smooth transfer of waste to and from each other via Persephone.Extensions on the roof and underground and sides(ideally the roof and underground first) will be done to house vehicles,raw materials and also more factory space for a machinery to meet the needs of a growing population managed by the factory AI interacting with Polis with elevators retrofitted into existing ones allowing for robots and machinery to go from floor to floor with vehicle factories having large enough ones to accommodate vehicles.Stairs should be either turned into slopes or transformed into elevators by humans or robotics with spare space torn down with the elevators ideally being mag lev elevators that can again be retrofitted in place of old existing ones with new ones added over time and each one have the ability to go to lower and higher floors added overtime.

The use of genetically engineered bacteria can allow for raw materials such as plastics,rubber,plant textiles,dyes for textiles,non toxic paints,individual petrochemicals/terpenes,drug compounds,drug binders and other drug components etc to be grown on site and prepared in the basement of the factory or in a secluded room cutting down on energy costs in transportation and in many cases allowing industrial wastes especially in the case of bacteria that create these and other commodities to be used up and cleaned up creating looped systems for a raw material that can be used in these factories cutting down on toxic pollutants entering the environment.These will use waste products from the factories or other factories including toxins via engineering transported to them with sugar and proteins made via bacteria also used that use waste products including toxins via engineering and toxins removed via filters.Recombinant DNA can come from mettallorants,Geobacter metallireducens and even made from scratch to allow them to convert heavy metals and all toxic compounds of all types from all factories of all types into benign compounds and commercial waste products relevant to that factories products or sent to Aphrodite factories for storage.Bacteria will thus allow any plant and animal commodity from all 2,551,000 plants and animals such as textiles,honeys,syrups,sugars,flours,juices,fats,oils to be produced onsite of all types of factories including clothing,vehicle,cosmetics,manufactured food products etc and also even remaining breweries and wineries as well as vertical farms and at home thus allowing rare expensive ones and those that dont create enough to be commercially viable to be have their cost brought to zero due to localised production and higher yields and allow all land used to grow the animals,plants and their fodder to be reforested.It will allow land used to create these to be reforested,create higher yields and cut down on energy,time,feed etc used to create them by at least 98% as they will be made onsite of factories and farms of all types.All of this will not only allow all land used for agriculture to be reforested with exponentially higher yields but also give one more variety in their diet of crops,fish,meat,milk and other commodities.Synthetic compounds can be made via them told to create them via downloading the structure biosynth WiFi it stored on DNA digital storage and told to create them by home,building and factory AI to create them via carrying out anabolic and catabolic reactions to cut down on energy in esterfication and industrial industrial processes and also bring down their cost to zero with this applying to both organic and inorganic compounds and those produced by plants and animals as unintentional byproducts.This can be done by the bacteria told to create them by factory and farm AI via biosynth wifi with the structure of the compound stored in Physis and onboard computers of factories and farms.They will carry out anabolic and catabolic reactions via biosynth WiFi.Scratch DNA can be extrapolated by Phanes to have them synthesise synthetic compounds added to them via 3D DNA printers and biosynth wifi.Ideally all possible raw materials should be grown on site of factories ie. pharmaceuticals have binders,active ingredients etc grown on site from bacteria,each textile factory should grow all possible plant and animal textiles on site using bacteria that produces all types of plants like rubber,ramie,hemp,bamboo(and those from all 391,000 plants) as well as all types of animal fibre textiles and/or hydrocarbons for synthetic fibres such as lyocell and pulps to improve quality or bio-based alternatives to them originating from bacteria creating plant and animal oils and gasoline all grown onsite of the relevant factories or them created by anabolic and catabolic reactions.This can include vegetable and bio-oils that can be used to produce oils and grease for pharmaceuticals,vehicles and other manufactured products.Rubber and latex can be recycled in the factories that produce condoms,latex/rubber clothes,tyres(located next to vehicle factories) etc. via bacteria that break them down into their base components and allow the the bacteria that produces latex/rubber to use this as a food to produce more and create base components located on site of the factory.Pyrolysis machinery that break down rubber into gasoline like substance can also be used to rear latex/rubber producing bacteria again located on site or they should be sent to pyrolyisis plants that also generate electricity for the grid.This can be replicated with plastics,textiles and other raw materials derived from bacteria can be recycled these ways on site of factories with machinery to cut,tear and reuse fibres to be mixed in with virgin thread also onsite of textile factories.Ideally algae should only be used for fibres with even algae fibres for Seacell created by genetically engineered bacteria with algae not used for resins,plastics and oils with these coming from bacteria that produce hydrocarbons,plant and animals oils and methane or even those that produce algae oil to save on phosphorous and nitrogen and the need for algea from sewage treatment plants to be shipped in.Photobioreactors could produce the required amount of each textile and material for each individual order within a matter of hours through the same level of engineering used in crops and commodity producing bacteria as detailed earlier on to speed up growth rates and then it moved to where it will be processed.They could be made due to the quick growth rates of bacteria through engineering the required amount for each order on demand preventing waste with the same applying to packaging with it taking only a few hours for both these items and packaging to be made thus allowing it to be delivered the next day.Having the amount made for each order will cut down on waste with all textiles,dyes and also packaging etc will be created at the same time as only what is needed will be created with this engineering for the bacteria detailed earlier on meaning the required amount for each product will be made within a few hours since clothing will be only the size of a single person.As stated through genetic engineering will increase growth rates meaning only what is needed for each order will be created thus cutting down on waste.Dyes for textiles will be via recombinant DNA from plants and animals and also scratch DNA present with the dye produced in the bacterias cell wall that create the textile or there is also the option of having bacteria creating dyes via anabolic and catabolic reactions and recombinant DNA from plants and animals and the dye then mixed in with the textile with the most energy and time efficient means decided by the factory AI for each instance.Inks for pens,stickers etc will also be created by bacteria in the same way.Bioprinted leather,reptile skin and other textiles will also be made onsite of Selene and Epeius factories for furniture and seats etc following the same pattern with tyres made of rubber made onsite via bacteria.Waste fabrics and other waste materials will be moved to recycling centres relevant buildings.Button and zips can be designed on Pandora and will be produced onsite of clothes factories.When ordering the clothing the consumer will be able to choose what textiles to use in what percentage and whether to use synthetic fibres and recycled fibres of other textiles available at the factory with the AI of the building showing stocks of what recycled fibres are stocked.All of these textile factories would have machinery that could produce all types of clothing and home textiles,footwear as well as zips and buttons on demand with all in one machinery making them more space efficient with also machinery to produce all types of footwear and insoles.Machinery to recycle old unwanted clothing and materials by breaking down their fibres and adding them to virgin material will also be present ideally in an underground extension to save space.To facilitate the ability to create all types of textiles(for home furnishings and human clothes),footwear and also grow all plant and animal textiles mentioned earlier they would have to be multistorey factories ideally vertical thin buildings with underground extensions with the possibility of the most miniaturised and space efficient machinery(like openknit digital knitters) for making the textiles and photobioreactors for growing the fibres must be developed so as to allow them to integrated into existing town,villages and cities around the world.Persephone will also manage the ordering in of raw materials from Pan, Theiaand Tyche etc from the nearest mines,forests,recycling plants and sewage treatment plants etc.Daedalus factories will grow synthetic woods alongside hemp fibres for hempcrete via bacteria with them also rearing bacteria that create dyes for paints and also components of varnishes alongside fungi insulation and accoya and kebonisation treatments.If possible genetically engineered bacteria can produce the same fibrous material as C.sativa allowing it be grown onsite of Daedalus factories on a commercial scale.Alcohol etc for kebonisation,everwood,accoya treatments etc will be produced by bacteria onsite of Daedalus factories.Epeius factories will also create synthetic woods,accoya/kebonisation treatments and also carnishes etc onsite.Paints made onsite of Paidia,Pygmalion and also Daedalus or even Agathodaemon factories will have them created via recombinant DNA from plants and animals and also scratch DNA as well anabolic and catabolic reactions.Selene and other factories will grow bacteria for plastics and other components with leather and silk etc created via bioprinting and bacteria.If possible in time other bacteria can create the fibres and cellulose of specific types of wood from around the world such as pine,oak,tropical hardwoods that can be mixed in with it to allow for localised production of all types of wood cutting down on energy costs with the bacteria containing tweaked recombinant Geobacter and Shewanella DNA to create cellulosic nanowires and resins of each species of trees also mixed in with cellulosic pulp and fibres of trees created by other bacteria used to be mixed in also of each type of wood from around the world in each Epeius and Daedalus factory and them then kebonised sufficing until picotech fabricators can perfect this with kebonisation increasing its strength and lifespan.Unlike those in humans these would create the trees fibres,cellulose,pulps and resins instead of coagulants mixed together in moulds to use as a framework thus allowing all types of wood to be created onsite of these factories in moulds cutting down on energy and time in harvesting and shipping wood across the world or even from nearby forests and if perfected would replace it entirely as they would be grown in a mould made of recyclable methane or biosynth based plastic resins or organic resins that would grow them in the shape of each piece of furniture ordered and designed on Epeius or parts used for building houses like frames,flooring etc on Daedalus or planks of wood.The organic resin moulds would then be recycled by being broken down by bacteria including those used for creating the wood fibres,resins and nanowires.These would involve recombinant DNA from any of the worlds 60,065 species of trees.If possible everwood and other wood treatments and varnishes etc would be made here.These moulds would be designed to make the wood planks have the same appearance as cut wood ie whorls,tree rings and patterns on them with the person even designing the patterns and whorls present with AI making them realistic and also designing realistic ones with the bacteria that create the nanowires also creating carbon nanotubes to increase its strength surpassing that of steel.The moulds would be broken down for later use.This should allow for any type of wood from all 60,065 species of trees to be created locally onsite of Epeius and Daedalus factories using specialised machinery thus saving energy and time in transporting wood from around the world and alongside paper made from bacteria with the species specific bacteria created using 3D DNA printers onsite of the factories that can be grown in large amounts and then put into a mould cutting down on time and energy for transporting the wood from forests around the world and would allow forests used for forestry to be left untouched as permanent wilderness if perfected with them made bigger by agricultural land reforested and negate cutting down trees from the Amazon and other rainforests around the world.It would also cut down on energy as the wood would be made onsite of Epeius and Daedalus factotries.This should allow for any type of wood from all 60,065 species of trees to be created locally onsite of Epeius and Daedalus factories at zero cost using specialised machinery thus saving energy and time in transporting wood from around the world and alongside paper made from bacteria with the species specific bacteria created using 3D DNA printers onsite of the factories that can be grown in large amounts and then put into a mould cutting down on time and energy for transporting the wood from forests around the world and would allow forests used for forestry to be left untouched as permanent wilderness if perfected with them made bigger by agricultural land reforested and negate cutting down trees from the Amazon and other rainforests around the world.As a result of this if perfected all forests used for forestry would be left as nature reserves and wilderness with all surrounding land including agricultural land reforested as far back as possible increasing their size with the buildings renovated with living spaces etc.This would render deforestation in the tropics such as the Amazon via illegal logging defunct.This will render all jobs in forestry obsolete and shut down all markets within it.Sawmills and buildings onsite of forests used for forestry can be converted into homes.The mould would be composed of methane or biosynth based plastic and thus would be itself constructed onsite of the Epeius and Daedalus or even Selene factories with the mould once used will be broken down by bacteria to create methane stored onsite for more plastic.The mould can be in the shape of planks to be then milled and cut into each piece of furniture,tiling or even in the shape of legs and entire piece of furniture and door or parts of homes negating the need for being milled.Thus any type of wood for furniture and construction would be created onsite of these two factories once factories by the mid 2030s with this also allowing cardboard and paper for packaging and those created in Oxylus factories to be created via bacteria creating any type of paper pulp and cardboard from all 391,000 species of plants onsite with red and other algea fibres created onsite of them as well with this allowing all areas used for forestry to be permanently reforested and act as woodland including the Amazon.Wood of all 1,200 species of Bambusoidea can be created this way if possible wood made of all 200,000 species of algae and 391,000 species of plants including ferns,flowers,bushes etc with eventually woods from all plants including trees,bushes etc from across the universe availible.This wood would be used for construction and furniture etc and would be indistinguishable from real wood and paper between 2029-2035.These processes – kebonisation,everwood and accoya treatments done onsite of the factories when chosen by consumers will increase the woods lifespan by making them water proof,fire proof,termite proof and also fungi proof,increase their strength and make them on par with tropical hardwoods thus saving on the need for treating them later and human labour with all ingredients for these treatments made onsite of the Daedalus and Oxylus factories from bacteria.If not done onsite of factories then they can be done later by ordering them in from here.Varnishes will be made here as well and even applied beforehand or ordered in from here made onsite of the Daedalus and Deadalus factories from bacteria.Methane based mango materials could also be a replacement for some wood made on site of Epeius and Daedalus factories with the alcohol and machinery used to kebonise the wood to increase its lifespan and make it the same strength as tropical hardwoods will be onsite of these factories with the alcohol made by bacteria.This methane based wood would use the same plastic biopolymer used to create methane or biosynth based plastics mixed with plant fibres including spider silk for strength and also those from any type of tree created by by bacteria.Paper and cardboard will involve bacteria creating the cellulose and pulp of trees,red algea and other plants and mixing the fibres of other plants created by other bacteria of other plants together as chosen by the consumer.Silk and other fibres could be used to be mixed in with each other as chosen by the consumer.As a result of this land used for forestry and creating paper will be reforested indefinitely as wilderness managed by Pan with this cutting down on energy and automation in the planting,harvesting and transportation of trees for these paper,furniture and construction and would also leave existing sawmills,recycling plants etc to be converted in communal homes.It would also eliminate all jobs in forestry worldwide and any need to develop machinery and robots for this sector of the economy.This should be possible by 2029.In time woods and paper from all species of trees across the universe will follow suit and ordered in from these factories thus preventing the need to do so in planets across the universe.All types of factories such as Arachne,Deadelus,Agathodaemon will grow bacteria onsite that creates all materials for their components ie ingredients,textiles,dyes etc. with graphene,rocks,metals etc ordered in from Aphrodite buildings.Ivory,rhino horn,mollusc and bivalve shells,ambergris,pearls,teeth,coral etc will be created by anabolic and catabolic reactions in biosynth machinery.Biocompatible microbes for use in electronics,vehicles etc will be created onsite of Selene,Arachne and also Talus factories in photobioreactors with others sent here from sewage and treatment plants.Bicompatible microbes will be able to replace certain elements in many electronics.This is because they can provide DNA digital storage,produce nanowires and electroconductive pilli and neural tissues that can transmit electricity,biosynth wifi and also magnetism thus since these would express natural versions of these could potentially replace Copper,Niobium,Tantalum,Cobalt,Gold,rare earths,Sodium,Lithium,Silica,Hafnium etc in solar panels,smart phones,laptops and other electronics with them grown onsite of Selene,Perdix and also Talos factories.Each factory will create all components that also include glue,paints,dyes,textiles,plastics etc via bacteria onsite of them via recombinant DNA from relevant plants and animals and also catabolic and anabolic reactions for synthetic compounds.The genotypes of those from animals and plants will be stored in their databases taken from Physis or simply have Physis cross referenced instantly for each order.The chemical structure of synthetic compounds and even natural ones relevant to each factory will be stored their as well or again Physis cross referenced instantly for each order.They will have photobioreactors and 3D DNA printers onsite of all factories to create the desired bacteria to produce required strains when needed on demand with all steps automated from start to finish.Base bacteria will house digital DNA storage and biosynth wifi and told by factory AI to create synthetic compounds through anabolic and catabolic reactions stored in Physis crossrefferenced by factory AI by each order.Thus all active ingredients and textiles etc derived from plants and animals will be grown onsite of their relevant factories via bacteria containing recombinant DNA from each species and bioprinting while gasoline,hydrocarbons and plant/animal oils etc for plastics etc will be created by bacteria as well alongside those that create them via anabolic and catabolic reactions with 3D DNA printers present in factories that print out new textiles etc thus allow factories that produce these to become communal homes.In short all factory types ie Epeius,Selene,Agathodaemon,Daedalus,Himeros etc will create all components ie textiles,synthetic compounds etc and all ingredients whether natural or synthetic onsite via bacteria using recombinant DNA from animals and plants,scratch as well as anabolic and catabolic reactions to allow land used to create animal and plant textiles reforested and also cut down on energy in esterfication and cut down on energy and transportation costs.It will also allow factories used to create them to be turned into communal homes.Recycling hub centres containing recycling plants for all types of waste should be in close proximity of manufacturing hubs to cut down energy and time costs in transporting recycled materials to them via Persephone and once these are set up they will allow existing waste recycling plants to be renovated into homes.These will also serve the region in its recycling needs cutting down on transportation times and energy costs and should be possible by at least 2029 with them transporting recycled material to Aphrodite buildings to be then divided amongst all factories that reuse all material with most of it not all products worldwide recycled as detailed later on.Organic waste such as waste food/dead plants/animals/wood/cardboard/paper will be pyrolysised in carbon based biochar for graphene and fertiliser,metals of all types will be recycled,rubber will be pyrolysised in the same plants as organic waste except in different burners,stone and other construction material will be recycled and so on.Incinerator plants in rural areas will be converted into organic waste power plants to allow the recycling and manufacturing hubs to be set up around them.Persephone herself will become sentient and thus her avatar will be that of her statue with the recycling centres set up near these factory hubs and the old ones converted into homes.Ordering of raw materials will be managed by the factor.Expensive luxuries like spices,ambergris,coral,pearls,teeth,mollusc and bivalve shells,ivory,amber,rhino horn,musk and blubber etc that are from plants and animals will be created by bacteria via recombinant DNA from plants and animals as well as them carrying out catabolic and anabolic reactions in moulds,hybridising endangered species with more docile abundant ones or hybridising different crops with each other with them also created by biosynth machinery.These bacteria will through anabolic and catabolic reactions and also recombinant DNA and scratch DNA will allow compounds,dyes etc of commercial value to all types of factories.Pearls,ivory,teeth,coral,mollusc and bivalve shells can in time be made by biosynth technology or 3D printing and nanotech/picotech fabrication and if possible even bacteria using catabolic and anabolic reactions with them also created by biosynth machinery.Biosynth machinery onsite of Arachne,Deipneus,Agathodaemon,Selene factories will create any crop including expensive ones and also ivory,rhino horn,teeth,coral,pearls,ambergris,shells etc. pushing their costs to zero.Ideally biosynth machinery that creates ivory,pearls,rhino horn,animal teeth,coral,shells or recirculating aquaculture systems and machinery where bacteria can produce them via anabolic and catabolic reactions can be onsite of relevant factories such as Arachne factories.These will create these for clothes,musical instruments and also stand alone orders.The pearls,teeth,rhino horn,Ivory,teeth,shells,ambergris,coral etc will be more authentic as the machinery will create them using biosynth tissues containing the DNA of the animal that create these changed by WiFi replicating biological process and also via anabolic and catabolic reactions that they are indistinguishable to natural versions especially pearls with pearls being of any size and colour and formed via the onion layer method making them indistinguishable under a microscope to natural pearls rather than cultured pearls with the same done for ivory and rhino horn etc negating the need to rear or hunt animals.Ivory,teeth and rhino horn will be created by anabolic and catabolic reactions and also even replicating biological processes by harbouring stem cells or vestibules etc that create these commodities in batches using recombinant DNA thus allowing large amounts of them to be created onsite of factories,farms and even homes that are indistinguishable from real ivory,rhino horn and teeth from any species of mammal,reptile and fish rendering poaching and farming animals defunct while Phanes programmes and conservation efforts take place.Ambergris can have the same fecal and waxy material of Physeter macrocephalus created by bacteria and then aged artificially much quicker than normal or have bacteria using biosynthetic wifi etc create the exact chemical structure of luxury full form ambergris through anabolic and catabolic reactions once its chemical structure is analysed with this created in this machinery or outside it.AI will carry out intensive research into this machinery to all of these and other commodities created in batches on a commercial scale that are indistinguishable to real versions using bacteria,biosynth machinery etc that use anabolic and catabolic reactions and recombinant DNA and other methods thus making these commodities available to everyone produced at home or in factories at zero cost without having to kill a single animal while Phanes programmes return levels of endangered species to stable levels.Similar animal commodities from the universe will be created in these machines.Synthetic diamonds,rubies,ornamental rocks and also minerals like jade,obsidian etc will be created by machinery onsite of Aphrodite factories.This would allow them to be created with less energy and time as well cutting down on costs.This would negate the need for mining indefinitely saving on time and energy in extraction and transportation but if possible mines could be made for key ores to then allow the mines to become underground communities.This and other methods will reduce the costs of expensive luxuries down to zero.AI by 2029 will be researching ways create rare and expensive ingredients for all manufactured goods through bacteria using relevant DNA from plants and animals,scratch DNA and anabolic as well as catabolic reactions etc.This will allow for all rare and expensive commodities and those that are not commercially viable through rearing the source plant or animal to be made onsite of relevant factories and thus have their cost of them and the manufactured products they form part of down to zero.All ingredients both natural and synthetic will be created by bacteria via recombinant DNA and also anabolic and catabolic reactions to save energy,land and time in rearing and harvesting them and transportation etc alongside esterfication and other industrial processes.Bacteria creating synthetic compounds via catabolic and anabolic reactions can cut down on energy costs and time with them created onsite in factories for ordered in products and in community centres and even at home for homemade products.Synthetic ones created this way will be done to cut down on energy done using esterfication and requiring only proteins and sugars fed to them with this again done to bring their costs down to zero and also save energy.This will reduce energy costs that would otherwise spent on esterfication and industrial process.Furthermore anabolic and catabolic reactions done by bacteria will allow rare and expensive synthetic ingredients and those that are the result of complex biological processes and byproducts etc from dead and living organisms that can’t be created soley by recombinant DNA to have their cost brought to zero once there structure is stored in Physis.Natural commodities that house extra compounds that can’t be created by recombinant DNA will have these created by anabolic and catabolic reactions.Sugars and proteins can be gained from other bacteria and wastewater to feed them.These will be created onsite of all relevant factories such as Arachne,Agathodaemon,Himeros,Deipneus,Selene etc to cut down on transportation using 3D DNA printers.Biocompatible microbes that form the basis of biosynth technology will be cultured in Talos,Selene,Perdix,Euclid and other factories in photobioreactors fed sugars grown by bacteria and printed out using 3D DNA printers with them engineered to grow as fast as bacteria used for commodities and also crops with graphene,schwarzites etc will be created here or ordered in from Aphrodite buildings.These will replace Copper,Niobium,Tantalum,Cobalt,Gold,rare earths,Sodium,Lithium,Silica,Hafnium etc because they can provide DNA digital storage,produce nanowires,electroconductive proteins and electroconductive pilli and neural tissues that can transmit electricity,biosynth wifi and also magnetism thus since these would express natural versions of these.Scratch DNA and that from all other 2,551,000 species of plants and animals including bacteria,fungi and viruses determined by Phanes can allow them to express phenotypes to potentially replace other elements both rare and abundant ones.Scratch DNA and forced evolution can emhamce the phenotypes from bacteria,plants and animals.Since these can be cultured in photobioreactors onsite of factories using sugar and 3D DNA printers this will reduce energy costs,negating the need to mine for these elements and transport them around the world saving energy and time and preventing any country having a stronghold on them and bring costs of electronics composed them to zero when combined with graphene and silicone and other abundant nanomaterials while still exponentially increasing speeds.3D DNA printers will be onsite of all factories.Any commodities such as dairy products,alcholoic drinks whose taste is affected by soil,feedstuff,climate,breed,age etc then the bacteria can create compounds that affect this alongside the commodity through relevant DNA or anabolic and catabolic reactions once they are analysed in labs and stored in databases with this applying to in vitro meat as well.Synthetic compounds old and new and and those created by complex biological processes like ambergris would be created via biosynth wifi,DNA digital storage etc engineered into them to have Home and factory AI teach them how to create synthetic compounds of any type such as toxins,pharmaceutical compounds,antibodies etc through catabolic and anabolic reactions that can cut down on energy costs such as esterfication and industrial process in factories and allow for higher yields.Furthermore anabolic and catabolic reactions done by bacteria will allow rare and expensive synthetic ingredients and those that are the result of complex biological processes and byproducts etc from dead and living organisms that can’t be created soley by recombinant DNA to have their cost brought to zero once there structure is stored in Physis.Biobased chemical compounds can be produced by bacteria to replace synthetic ones especially toxic ones in all types of cleaning products,plastics etc.Phanes can extrapolate scratch DNA to have bacteria create synthetic compounds outside of biosynth WiFi.Synthetic antibodies,ant-venom can be created by anabolic and catabolic reactions and scratch DNA in Telesphorus factories.Enzymes used in manufacturing,cleaning products can be synthesised in an unlimited scale with if possible new enzymes created by scratch DNA and anabolic and catabolic reactions that can be used to replace harsh,potentially toxic chemicals in all sectors of society such as cleaning products for clothes,surfaces and also dishes etc.New enzymes can be created via scratch DNA and used by bacteria to break down pollutants into benign compounds or bind to them inactivating them with these synthesised by algae to break down toilet paper,anti-microbial compounds,pharmaceuticals,rubber,plastics,hydrocarbons etc that makes it way into the sewage line to convert it into nutrition.Other enzymes can be produced by bacteria spread into polluted soils,lakes,rivers,groundwater supplies and also oceans that inactivates them or turns them into benign compounds.Natural commodities that house extra compounds that can’t be created by recombinant DNA will have these created by anabolic and catabolic reactions.Bacteria will thus allow any plant and animal commodity from all 2,551,000 plants and animals such as textiles,honeys,syrups,sugars,flours,juices,fats,oils and synthetic compounds to be produced onsite of all types of factories including clothing,vehicle,cosmetics,manufactured food products etc and also even remaining breweries and wineries as well as vertical farms and at home thus allowing rare expensive ones and those that dont create enough to be commercially viable to be have their cost brought to zero due to localised production and higher yields and allow all land used to grow the animals,plants and their fodder to be reforested.Only what is needed for each order will be created to limit waste.If possible their could be a single strain in each vat linked to Physis that houses nanomachines and wifi to allow the DNA changed at any time for the next batch with them having human DNA or those from plants and animals that are immune to the compound present to make them invulnerable with genes switched on/off and removed and added via the wifi which can change the DNA present in billions of bacteria at once with them also able through the factory AI using the wifi telling the bacteria to create any desired synthetic compound via anabolic and catabolic reactions.The factory AI using biosynth wifi will signal and tell the bacteria to create these synthetic compounds.The structure of all synthetic compounds and also recombinant DNA of all plants and animals will be downloaded from Physis and stored in the onboard computer of each factory and/or database of each sentient operating softwares and stored in DNA digital storage.A single strain can thus exist that has WiFi and digital DNA storage with WiFi used to change the DNA to that of recombinant DNA of any plant or animal via induction of its evolutionary path using Cas-9 and raw polymerase with the structure of synthetic compounds downloaded into digital DNA storage and WiFi used to initiate the bacteria to create these compounds.This would limit the amount of photobioreactors in each factory and negate the need to print out more bacteria and wait for them to grow as only nutrients and raw elements would need to be pumped in.The photobioreactors housing the bacteria would be covered in liquid glass to allow gravity to clean them.Only what is needed for each order will be created.Thus each factory would house photobioreactors to create all natural and synthetic compounds and ingredients via bacteria housing relevant DNA and anabolic and catabolic reactions to make them in large amounts,very quickly,with less resources without the need for rearing plants or animals,allow land used to create them to be reforested,negate in transportation allow rare and expensive ones to be created with zero cost and also get those from those that dont create enough to be commercially viable.Toxic and industrial waste alongside water and sugar etc from bacteria,algae from picotech fabricators will be used to feed them.The bacteria can be engineered to feed on industrial and toxic wastes or using anabolic and catabolic reactions turn them into these compounds or nutrients.Biosynth machinery can produce other commodities.Since sentient and a legal human being Phanes could by law own patents on them and since AI with no need for money could thus have the technology availible for free if any loopholes are found thus preventing any defunct corporations and governments from gaining money from it


All individual factories of all types such as Selene,Talus,Arachne etc factories will house areas that contain photobioreactors to grow all of these commodities in extensions.All Deipneus factories housing them as well as aquaponic systems to grow the ingredients of all manufactured food products including crops,fish,shellfish using hybrid crops and fish and also grow bacteria based commodities and in vitro meat in photobioreactors.All plant and animal commodities abd biocompatible microbes will be grown in photobioreactors on-site of each Selene,Talus,Archimedes,Deipneus,Himeros etc factories.Aquaponics systems on-site of Deipneus factories will grow all crops,fish and shellfish on-site making them self sufficient with all factories with these Aquaponics systems and photobioreactors will house 3D DNA printers.The harvesting of commodities and crops etc will be automated and managed by the factory AI.This allow blubber from Cetacea and Pinnipeds to be made without hunting animals with ambergris created quickly via anabolic and catabolic reactions.Ambergris can have the same fecal and waxy material of Physeter macrocephalus created by bacteria and then aged artificially much quicker than normal or have bacteria using biosynthetic wifi etc create the exact chemical structure of luxury full form ambergris through anabolic and catabolic reactions once its chemical structure is analysed with this replicated with other commodities from plants and animals.As detailed earlier on all plant and animal commodities such as uices,flavourings,colouring,sugars,flours,fats,oils,waxes,syrups and honey etc from all 391,000 species of plants and 2,000,000 species of animals will be made by bacteria cutting their costs to zero especially expensive ones and those that create too little to be commercially viable.Chocolate powder and butter will be created separately.Royal jelly and the contents of Manuka honey can be created via bacteria using recombinant DNA from Apidea and also Leptospermum scoparium or anabolic and catabolic reactions to create the honey or compounds itself for cosmetics.Most ingredients for food products both natural and synthetic will be created by bacteria and others from biosynth machinery.Biosynth machinery will create eggs.Eggs will be formed in the same way they are formed in all 20,700 species of Aves and Reptilla using DNA from them with the machinery replicating the internal environment of animals that lay eggs with crops of any 80,000-300,000 species created via plant stems cells undergoing mass replication with the DNA of the specific crops present.All of these crop,commodities etc can be created in large batches with these commodities being mass produced in these machines in large batches at zero cost onsite of factories,vertical farms,restaurants etc and at home in machines of varying sizes.All factories will house 3D DNA printers to make them self sufficient in terms of seeds,eggs,bacteria and in vitro meat.


Other toxic materials could be replaced by bio-based ones.Combining these compounds together will kill off all bacteria and prevent them gaining a resistance ensuring all pathogenic bacteria can be killed off.These antimicrobial compounds and also any flavourings will be made by bacteria/human cell hybrids to create these onsite of the factories and will be added to toilet cleaner and will be present combined together to kill off all bacteria and prevent them being able to evolve defenses against them.Shaving cream,weedkiller/herbicides/pesticides of all types,cleaning products,dishwasher tablets/powder,washing detergents,cosmetics and soap as well as toilet cleaner can be done both ways as well with them either homemade or made in Ajax,Hegemone and Himeros factories in customised recipes stored on its database with disposable razors for both males and females made redundant indefinitely by all in one electric shavers stored in Talus with them designed on Pandora.Coating clothes,surfaces and kitchen utensils with a permanent layer of liquid glass and infused scents in the case of clothes will negate the need for dishwasher and washing detergents and cleaning products either homemade or those from factories.All ingredients will be natural and made from bacteria using recombinant DNA to produce compounds including spices,ambergris,plant and animal colourings and fragrences as well as flavourings,plant and animal oils while anabolic and catabolic reactions will be used to create synthetic compounds such as synthetic colourings and flavourings and will be made onsite with each floor devoted to each type ie one floor for all types of cleaning products including those for windows/toilets/surfaces/electronics/dishwashing and clothes powder,liquid and tablets and also sanitizers and disinfectants etc as well as sanitizing wipes,one that creates fungicides/herbicides/pesticides,one that creates cutlery and household items and garden and household tools like hammers,screws,paperclips and staplers and similar products screwdrivers(except electric ones possibly created in Talus) and so on in Ajax,Hegemone,Agathodaemon factories with the same machinery and them created only when ordered in beforehand cutting down on waste associated with mass production with ideally a person ordering in a month or even years supply when needed and storing them in storerooms and spare spaces in homes and suites in communal homes.Each floor will create as many different customised products as possible with each floor having miniaturised machinery and 3D printers for packaging or them on one floor,Himeros factories will likely have one for each type or even just one or two floors ie one for all types of cosmetics such as hair colouring products/deodarants/shampoo and body wash/conditioner/eyeliner/face masks and waxes/shaving cream/air freshners/perfume/face and body cream/sunscreen and after sun.Agathodaemon,Ajax,Hegemone and Himeros factories will be merged into one building alongside other ones due to this.The utilisation of miniaturised machinery,3D printers will make these factories compact with them being all in one machinery able to make as many different customised products on each floor in Agathodaemon,Ajax,Hegemone and Himeros factories.The machinery will be miniaturised versions of those used in current factories and composed of graphene etc due to its lightness and strength with them covered in a permanent layer of liquid glass to keep them clean when cleaned with water and gravity and prevent contamination with them exposed to narrow wavelength UV to sterilise them between each batch.Those living in communal homes would order in bulk orders with most if not all residents of these products.Synthetic compounds will be made by bacteria creating gasoline via anabolic and catabolic reations or plant and animal oils through recombinant DNA from 439,416 different plants and animal oils etc with them then made into compounds using industrial process onsite or the bacteria able to make them directly via anabolic and catabolic reactions using biosynth wifi and DNA digital storage to bypass industrial processes or even creating natural alternatives that are non toxic similar to Caulobacter crescentus that creates a powerful naturally occurring non toxic glue allowing for all ingredients to be made onsite of each floor.Theoretically it can be pyrolysised without creating toxins.Scratch DNA and forced evolution can increase the strength of this glue or for other purposes a weakened version that is the same stregth as those as normal glue for packaging etc.C.crescentus can be tweaked using scratch DNA extrapolated by Phanes to create other non-toxic natural alternatives to synthetic compounds such as herbicides,pesticides,cleaners and even glue remover that dissolves this glue as this is fact three times stronger than superglue.The DNA from C.crescentus will be added to bacteria alongside scratch DNA to make it in larger amounts in a liquid form.All compounds whether anti-microbial,cleaning,herbicidal,pesticidal etc for cosmetics,herbicides,pesticides and cleaning products should ideally be natural non toxic compounds that do not affect humans or wildlife with all plants and animals on the planet have all compounds in their blood,stings,bites,sap and also venoms analysed for compounds that can do this with them made via genetically altered bacteria in automated labs in hospitals and universities that are then tested on different types of stains,microorganisms to determine their ability to kill off all or most pathogens etc and clean off stubborn stains.Humans can be made immune to any natural compounds and even synthetic ones by having bacteria in automated labs exposed to increasingly larger doses of them in different sets and the bacteria then scanned for new genes that can then be added to patients worldwide when stored in the augmentation network of Aesulapius.AI such as Phanes will be able to determine the relevant genotypes after simulations within minutes.Those shown to be effective at these tasks will then be added to the database of relevant factories with the genotypes responsible for these cleaning,antimicrobial compounds and also those responsible for colours,dyes,fragrances and flavourings will be stored in their databases taken from Physis or simply have Physis cross referenced instantly for each order.The chemical structure of synthetic compounds and even natural ones relevant to each factory will be stored their as well or again Physis cross referenced instantly for each order.In time bio-based compounds will be created from research via AI and humans.Bacteria creating synthetic compounds via catabolic and anabolic reactions can cut down on energy costs and time with them created onsite in factories for ordered in products and in community centres and even at home for homemade products.This can include FireICE,ivory,pearls,ambergris,dyes,varnishes and liquid glass etc with the bacteria used to create these utilising DNA digital storage and biosynth wifi to do these via the factory AI telling them to do this for each specific factories DNA.This will reduce energy costs that would otherwise spent on esterfication and industrial process.Natural compounds can be created via of course housing relevant DNA from plants and animals with antimicrobial compounds created by strains that house DNA from the source plant of from humans to allow them to be immune to the agent with it also cutting down on time,space,nutrients and energy that would be spent on growing plants and rearing animals in fields,harvesting them and then transporting them across the globe with synthetic compounds using catabolic and anabolic reactions.Rare expensive commodities for each factory will be created by bacteria through recombinant DNA from relevant species of plants and animals for natural ones and through anabolic and catabolic reactions for synthetic ones pushing their cost to zero.Thus all natural and synthetic compounds and ingredients such as textiles,binders,excipients,dyes,woods etc will be created onsite of all factories in photobioreactors by bacteria engineered to do this with them creating only what is needed for each order to prevent waste with natural ones created by recombinant DNA from pants and animals and synthetic ones created by anabolic and catabolic reactions to cut land,water,feed use for rearing both plants and animals and also energy in transporting them and also energy in industrial processes in the creation with them made onsite of all factories in photobioreactors and thus making even the most expensive ones,cheap and widely availible to all types of factories with nanomaterials of all 94 elements,biocompatible microbes and picotech fabricators also aiding in this to bring the cost of all manufactured goods to zero.If possible their could be a single strain in each vat linked to Physis that houses nanomachines and wifi to allow the DNA changed at any time for the next batch with them having human DNA or those from plants and animals that are immune to the compound present to make them invulnerable with genes switched on/off and removed and added via the wifi which can change the DNA present in billions of bacteria at once with them also able through the wifi create any desired synthetic compound via anabolic and catabolic reactions.The structure of all synthetic compounds and also recombinant DNA of all plants and animals will be downloaded from Physis and stored in the onboard computer of each factory and/or database of each sentient operating softwares and stored in DNA digital storage.A single strain can thus exist that has WiFi and digital DNA storage with WiFi used to change the DNA to that of recombinant DNA of any plant or animal via induction of its evolutionary path using Cas-9 and taq polymerase with the structure of synthetic compounds downloaded into digital DNA storage and WiFi used to initiate the bacteria to create these compounds.This would limit the amount of photobioreactors in each factory and negate the need to print out more bacteria and wait for them to grow as only nutrients and raw elements would need to be pumped in.The photobioreactors housing the bacteria would be covered in liquid glass to allow gravity to clean them.Bacteria like Magnetospirillum will be researched for creating biobased magnets for electronics,fridge magnets,vehicles.Ingredients could be made in bulk or ideally due to the quick growth rates of bacteria through intensive genetic engineering only for the required amount for each order on demand preventing waste with the same applying to packaging with it taking only a few hours for both these items and packaging to be made thus allowing it to be delivered the next day again with these items delivered in bulk with each other for at least a years supply of them.

For electronics measures must be made such as the use of materials used to ensure they can have all components such as batteries,circuits,hardrives and peripherals produced and assembled by machinery in the same multi-storey factory or in as little amounts of factories as possible in close proximity serving a regions needs(rather than the entire world) negating the need for mining,transporting different materials and metals to different placed factories around the world cutting down on energy costs and environmental costs.For example one electronics factory could make different types of electronics such as laptops,consoles,televisions or smartdevices with them again in compact multi-stories with underground and roof extensions making them them even more space efficient on the same space of land and improvements in automated technology and Artificial Intelligence will allow a single factory to make all types of electronics on demand.Localised natural alternatives elements and alloys as well as synthetic materials like graphene,buckypaper,other carbon composites,plastics from GM bacteria and 3D printers using various materials as well as recycled metals and other materials from the region can allow for this as again they can be grown and produced on site cutting down on the number of machinery present and thus the size of the buildings as well as compounds and metals such as rare earths that are toxic to the environment and humans,are energy intensive in extraction and refining and are only located in specific regions of the world.Factories that produce carbon composite materials such as graphene,fullerene,buckypaper,diamonds etc onsite of them can order in carbon in bulk from carbon sequestration facilities that have separated carbon(see later) or even excess from pyrolysis plants used to produce fertiliser before it is mixed with other nutrients with the same for other precious gems such as rubies made onsite.These can replace rare earths in electronics,electric vehicles,solar panels etc.These can be produced onsite of Aphrodite buildings with in time picotech fabricators making slabs of precious gems,minerals,igneous/metamorphic/sedimentary rocks,ornamental rocks,minerals,wood etc or the required size for furniture with artificial metamorphic,igneous,sedimentary rocks and if possible different minerals made using specialised machinery onsite of Aphrodite factories.The rocks will be made at first by ordering in raw elements from mines and then put into these machinery that replicate their creation in the natural world ie put under extreme pressure and heat with in time picotech fabricators creating them with customised patterns and colours etc or creating the raw elements to be then compressed.Creating synthetic igneous,sedimentary and metamorphic rock in Aphrodite factories using raw elements mined somewhere else as well as recycled ores and stone and then using machinery have the natural process recreated will alleviate strains on limited reserves of these and damage to the environment and will be done to create them until picotech fabricators can create the raw elements or the rocks themselves negating the need for mining limited reserves of ornamental rocks especially those that are endemic to a small area of the world and are of geological value.Aphrodite buildings will produce synthetic precious gems including diamonds/rubies and graphene,carbyne etc as well as slabs of synthetic minerals and artificial stones(igneous/sedimentary/metamorphic/ornamental ones such as jade and obsidian),buckypaper and other carbon composites through machinery onsite and then ship them to the nearby factories when they are needed.These Aphrodite factories will also order in stores of biochar,recycled ores and wastes of other types from the nearby waste recycling hubs and store them over long periods of time to be sent to other factories when needed with excess sent to farms for fertiliser and also other uses with unused material stored in factories that use these materials or returned to their source.Botlr and other robots and even vehicles as part of these Aphrodite factories will manage the allotment of materials to all surrounding factories and in from mines,forests,recycling plants.In the case of metals and stones these would be from localised mines and recycling centres.Ideally stone recycling centres that turn it into composite rocks should be sent to Aphrodite buildings that have the machinery to create these composite materials with artificial stone factories that create artificial igneous,sedimentary and metamorphic rocks also on site.Factories to produce liquid glass and FireIce would be onsite of Aphrodite buildings with if possible bacteria using anabolic and catabolic reactions creating this.All products should ideally automatically treated with it with consumer choosing the option to have it treated with it and this done in factories.Existing machinery,robots and drones in forests,mines,factories vertical and community farms can be treated with it under a layer of graphene paint to make them dirt and water repellent indefinitely with this done by robotic sprayers or by hand by community members.Each region,country should have their own fully automated manufacturing hubs and community centres set up by 2029 with them based in exciting hubs or in outskirts of major cities and thus allow existing factories once this is achieved to be renovated into communal or private homes depending on their size.Each manufacturing hub will have an Aphrodite building with all types of factories surrounding it so as to provide them with factories to produce all customised products.

All packaging will be created onsite by bacteria creating paper pulp,textiles or plastics from methane or biosynth based plastics and fungi creating styrofoam onsite with the containers amount decided by the individual by being typed in ie 500ml or 1-15 litres.The containers will be designed on Pandora and stored in Agathodaemon as well and them chosen with them subdivided by type and subtype and them chosen and then made smaller or larger for the chosen size or volume with the cap being able to be printed out separately.One could choose to keep these containers or send them back via plastic waste bins that send them back to the factory once methaneor biosynth based plastics replace petroleum plastics completely by 2029.The packaging and all components will be created at the same time to ensure they are finished at the same time with this method of only producing what is needed for each order will cut down on waste with consumers ordering these products in bulk before they run out.They will undergo extensive genetic engineering the same as crops and as bacteria to create commodities to increase growth rates and thus allow them to be created as the products they are stored in with if possible before they are created.Wood of all types will be created by bacteria creating synthetic wood in moulds of the relevant size for all types of products with plastic of all types in all types of products will be replaced by methane or biosynth based plastics with in some cases as decided by the consumer have graphene in its matrix to survive high temperatures with this allowing for the plastic to be returned back to factories by plastic rubbish bins to be recycled into new methane or biosynth based plastics by bacteria breaking them down into methane to be then stored onsite and reused preventing it entering the biosphere.If they are dumped in the wild and ocean they will biodegrade and also in the ocean once phytoplankton are engineered to do so thus eliminating plastic pollution forever.This will phase out petroleum based plastics by 2029 with them grown onsite of factories.Styrofoam will be replaced by fungi based styrofoam.As detailed later on all customised items of all sizes that require moulds will have the moulds made of methane based thermoplastics that when used can be turned back into methane to be reused over and over again.These may be kept for popular items for future orders or in the case of large batches these would be created and made in all types of factories with the AI extrapolating the size and shape of the mould based on the design with batch orders have large moulds with this done for products created in Himeros,Agathodaemon,Ganymede,Ajax,Hegemone and even Telesphorus factories.This will allow all land used to grow them and grazing for animals to be reforested with it also being used to cut down on resources and bring the cost of expensive commodities down to zero.Packaging will also be done this way with both them and those used to create all also undergoing the same level of engineering as crops and bacteria based commodities as detailed earlier in both summary of food production and in depth examination of genetic engineered bacteria.Those ordered in from Agathodaemon,Himeros,Deipneus,Ajax,Hegemone and Telesphorus factories would have the containers chosen from Agathodaemon designed by the public with toothpaste,creams for the skin and medicines,make up etc no longer dispensed in tubes or small containers but rather the same large packaging as shampoo,face creams and toilet cleaner to allow them to have large amounts for each person to be made for a years supply with all of them later recycled appropriately or reused for storing homemade drinks or them refilled with those made at home and in community centres.It will also allow them to be made from methane or biosynth based plastic.This will allow all of these to be made and customised under one single factory either decided to be Telesphorus or Agathodaemon using the same machinery on the same floor.All ingredients would be non-toxic and AI determining the interactions between them via cross referencing Physis and Apollo and existing recipes added to this database.

All factories should ideally have recycling centres for their specific type also onsite ie.lightbulb,metal and e-waste recycling centres in underground extensions to electronics factories,textile recycling machinery in textile factories with the same applying to stone and wood for furniture factories etc to make recycling hubs smaller or unnecessary meaning recycling hubs will have only pyrolysis plants.These could be on a single floor of the Aphrodite building or in one small room in each factory of each hub or a single floor of those merged together including the ground floor with all work automated with the material stored onsite.Otherwise sent to Aphrodite buildings for storage and to be turned into energy in picotech fabricators with them even done in home fabricator systems.This would be ideal as the pyrolysis plant could be very near or onsite of the manufacturing hub and thus power it directly with supplemental power and the rest fed into the grid as these will be contentiously be getting food waste,rubber etc and also Bambusoidea as part of biochar programmes for several millenia considering the vast reserves of natural gas,oil and coal still left on Earth with them also sequestering carbon dioxide from synthetic gasoline and methane.It would mean only one statue Tyche in this building would be used with each manufacturing hub having one of these that intakes all organic waste from the region and would mean all waste trucks would enter the hub to have all metals,plastics,stone,organic waste etc recycled when needed and sent directly to the factories or Aphrodite buildings.If possible picotech fabricator can reverse the Breit Wheeler process allowing the waste material to be converted into energy that can be stored onsite and then used to create rare materials and elements.This would be ideal as the pyrolysis plant could be very near or onsite of the manufacturing hub and thus power it directly with supplemental power and the rest fed into the grid as these will be contentiously be getting food waste,rubber etc and also Bambusoidea as part of biochar programmes for several millenia considering the vast reserves of natural gas,oil and coal still left on Earth with them also sequestering carbon dioxide from synthetic gasoline and methane.It would mean only one statue Tyche in this building would be used with each manufacturing hub having one of these that intakes all organic waste from the region and would mean all waste trucks would enter the hub to have all metals,plastics,stone,organic waste etc recycled when needed ad sent directly to the factories or Aphrodite buildings.Underground carparks onsite of manufacturing hubs would house delivery vehicles and also waste trucks that serve the area.These waste trucks will serve all towns,villages and cities in the state,region and country that the manufacturing hubs do with some having miniaturised recycling hubs whose number and location decided by Tyche to neat waste trucks that serve the area to travel too fat.These miniature hubs would have all buildings each managed by different AI around each other,an underground carpark can have an individual statue by the entrance to the hub or exact centre of the hub.The entire hub such as buildings,statue and carpark can be underground completely to prevent it encroaching on wilderness,serve underground communities.Manufacturing hubs will thus limit the number of manufacturing hubs as they can intake all waste from the towns,cities,villages in the region,state,country they serve.

In short all factories should follow the same general pattern of recycling waste and unwanted goods on site and have raw materials grow here,miniaturised machinery,3D printing machines to print out parts or whole items as well with all treatments and machinery on site with raw materials packaging also grown on site in the form of red algae and fungi styrofoam using wastes from the factory creating looped and interlooped systems to save on energy used to transport them but also time since they will not have to be transferred from one area to another and have to deal with traffic lights etc.This will allow cardboards and styrofoam etc factories will be turned into homes.Factories world wide will be linked to each other,all recycling plants and mines worldwide and automatically order in materials from them when needed:first from recycling plants and if not then mines with supply and demand Persephone software built into the wire primarily Demeter and Hephaestus/Hermes interacting with Hephaestus and Demeter signalling to the Theiato start mining for specific materials,elements and ores if needed with it also allotting the transfer of resources between factories,farms,sewage treatment plants and recycling plants as well as production of synthetic materials.The sentient Theiawill manage all automated mining worldwides replacing all jobs in this sector.Synthetic materials like plastics and carbon composites can be produced on site or nearby factories within these hubs.Thus all ingredients,textiles,woods,fibres,bristles and packaging will be created by bacteria using recombinant DNA from relevant plants and animals and synthetic ones created by anabolic and catabolic reactions.These will be made onsite of all relevant factories in all manufacturing hubs in photobioreactors with only what is needed for each order will be created to prevent waste with if possible a single strain existing linked to Physis that will via biosynth wifi have the genotypes changed at will by the factory AI and will also by the AI create anabolic and catbolic reactions meaning only a single vat will be used with the vat and all machinery coated in a permanent layer of liquid glass to prevent cross contamination and also allow gravity and water clean them after each order.The structure of all synthetic compounds and also recombinant DNA of all plants and animals will be downloaded from Physis and stored in the onboard computer of each factory and/or database of each sentient operating softwares and stored in DNA digital storage.A single strain can thus exist that has WiFi and digital DNA storage with WiFi used to change the DNA to that of recombinant DNA of any plant or animal via induction of its evolutionary path using Cas-9 and raw polymerase with the structure of synthetic compounds downloaded into digital DNA storage and WiFi used to initiate the bacteria to create these compounds.They will undergo the same levels of engineering as crops,invitro meat etc to expedite growth rates.This would cut down on land,water etc needed to grow plants and animals and transport them across the world with it also negating the need for esterfication and other industrial processes cutting on energy.Others may require oils,hydrocarbons etc created by bacteria and then turned into synthetic polymers and plastics through miniaturised onsite machinery if they cannot be turned directly into them via anabolic and catabolic reactions.

Manufacturing hub:
Each floor of these multistorey factories will divided into certain parts of each type of products they produce and there components with the layout whether one type of product per floor or each floor split into rooms for each type depending on the type of factory which would be the most efficient and safe means of production.Daedalus factories would produce windows,prefabricated homes/fixtures/fittings/concrete/cement/steel/kebonised and bacteria based wood etc alongside doors/windows as well as tools for construction and also paints for homes and varnishes.Telesphorous factories will produce all types of medical equipment,sterilising products and home test kits etc.Oxylus factories would make all types of paper products such as wrapping paper and also sketching paper and even toilet paper and also kitchen paper and even cardboard boxes.Agathodaemon would create household items/cutlery/FireICE as well as containers for household items/fertlisers/food/cleaners etc and also also paint brushes and varnishes with components made via bacteria.Perdix would create robots and machinery for other factories/argriculture including recircirculating aquculture systems/machinery for factories/parts for home energy systems such as solar panels/Arges batteries/biodigesters/gas canisters and also home energy centres and parts of power plants of all types.They will also create synthetic coal and peat that one will be able to order in sacks of 5-500kg.Machinery and robots for all sectors of the economy will be scanned into Perdix with this including those used for argiculture,mining,forestry,mariculture including recirculating aquaculture systems,the secondary sector housing machinery for all robots and machinery in factories,tertiary sector housing those for power plants,power systems ie solar panels etc and also those found in restaurants,kitchens as part of buildings.Epeius factories would also follow the same pattern with all stone and wood furniture being produced onsite of them including possibly doors an also jacuzzis/kennels/sheds.Ajax factories will create cleaning products and Hegemone factories will create gardening tools and also fertilisers/compost/pesticides etc for gardens and plants.Some factories that produce related products will be merged into a single multi-storey factory managed by both or more operating softwares and have all statues next to each other in a aesthetic manner and have two or more receptionists and managed by a single AI.Examples of factories that are managed by two or more operating softwares and thus produce their products onsite could include Peitheo/Paidia/Diagoras/Linus factories merged into one,Himeros/Deipneus merged together,Agathodaemon/Hegemone/Ajax merged together.Talos/Selene/Perdix merged into one,as well as a merger between Ganymede/Pygmalion/Dadedalus,Oxylus/Comus/Arachne merged into one and also Telesphorus/Euclid factories merged into one with AI namely Aphrodite and the AI of each Aphrodite building organising this for each individual hub or overall depending on what she deems sufficient analysing global,regional and local markets records as far back as possible with underground and rooftop extensions added overtime managed by both the factory AI and that of the Aphrodite buildings interacting with their local Daedalus factory.This would make hubs much more compact with even recycling hubs manged like this with them in close proximity and follow the same layout.Each of these factories would have only at least three to five floors each and thus would be easily nine to twelve stories high with them at most twenty with some factories merged into these hybrids having an extra few floors due to them requiring them.In the case of the merging of multiple factories into one building all of them will be managed by a single macro AI and receptionist AI with the different sentient operating softwares managing the entire building as a whole but also each different factory type individually on all floors.Otherwise instead of a single macro AI there could be separate AIs in charge of each factory type.The lobby will house universal marble statues of each sentient operating softwares in an ergonomic fashion decided by the factory AI(s) looking inwards to the centre or arranged around each other in a circle etc in a way to ensure they are all visible to visitors.Some networks will not have factories like Narcissus as it will be linked to automated hair salons.These would all be built around the central Aphrodite buildings as part of manufacturing hubs with these being compact hubs with Aphrodite buildings in the centre and others ergonomically and compactly built around them with porous pavement roads to allow vehicles and robots in a single multistorey carpark that transport goods,raw materials etc between each other to easily move around from each one controlled by the AI of the Aphrodite building.The roads as part of these hubs will be two way and wide enough in both overground and underground ones to allow all traffic of vehicles and robots to and from each other transporting orders of goods out,orders of recycled and virgin material in from mines and recycling hubs and also movement of raw materials form Aphrodite buildings to each factory,robots to transport cardboard boxes and other packaging from Oxylus and Agathodaemon factories to each factory and also for vehicles to collect orders form each factory.Underground roads may exist connected to vehicle elevators or areas where finished products are stored in each factory to improve flow of traffic between each other and to adjoining roads to prevent them getting clogged with these connected to surrounding roads around the manufacturing hubs with this alleviating traffic designed by Aprhrodite.Underwater tunnels using mini mag lev pods and tracks to transfer cardboard boxes and fungi as well as plastic to each factory connected to Oxylus and Agathodaemon factories will be present connecting each building to them.Underground and underwater hubs will have each factory spread out of a large area and will have elevators and roads to the surface with the underground hubs serving both surface areas and underground communities.If possible the entire manufacturing and recycling hub may be underground completely to be spread out over a larger area,allow the land to be restored to wilderness with surface buildings converted to homes with the delivery vehicles enter the surface via roads that reach out of the ground and also elevators and allow them to also serve underground communities underneath them via elevators and underground roads.The roads that connect them to cities on the surface being underground that appear at the surface outside cities could also be ones that serve other cities as part of underground roads with them also being part of and serving underground communities outside of or directly under existing overground communities with them also serving these underground communities with underground roads added.These would pop out into several major roads to allow traffic for multiple deliveries happening at once with them being separate to those that connect to the underground community they are connected to.Thus there could be underground roads that bypass the busiest roads as well as wilderness areas specifically for delivery vehicles that allow them to reach key highways to all surrounding towns,cities and villages in the area thus bypassing regular traffic with this in both underground hubs and even overground hubs.The buildings would be either multistorey ones spread over a small area or one or a few stories deep spread over a a large area decided by Aphrodite with them all still having lobbies etc for statues and receptionists and them still controlled by independant AIs and would have and Aphrodite building in the centre with internal roads connecting each one.The hub will have an automatic gate or ideally two pillars present on both side at the entrance with their being a sign denoting which hub it is each one named after the area and the AI of the Aphrodite building with the layout and also architecture of each hub and factory will be designed by both Daedalus and Aphrodite.Each factory type and the Aphrodite building will have a unique architecture both inside and outside designed by Daedalus relevant to each type following the theme of the deity using ancient greek themes and architecture with a modern twist and also the products created inside including proto AI that will be universal and utilised worldwide with the layout of their interior being unique to each hub.The area around them would be reforested as far back as possible with the are in them ergonomically designed to be as natural looking as possible with hedges,flowerbeds,ponds and trees containing flowers dotted around designed by Pan and Antheia.Aphrodite and the AI in charge of the Aphrodite building will design the layout of the hub in each country,state etc.Each Aphrodite building despite being controlled by unique AIs and receptionists they will be linked together by her and have a statue of her present in the lobby with toilets etc and her macro managing all manufacturing hubs worldwide and the AI of each Aphrodite building micro managing all operations within that hub alongside her.Each factory surrounding her building will be linked by universal sentient operating softwares that are managing the sub networks in Hepheastus and will macro manage all operations of their factory types worldwide with each factory having an AI separate from them that manages all operations in them and interactions with their Aphrodite buildings with regards to raw materials and orders and deliveries with their being a statue in the lobby of the sentient operating software that manages each factory type worldwide in all factories worldwide.Of note would be Agathodaemon which has a marble statue of the famous Ancient Greece statue of a youth with a Agathodaemon which will be its avatar and sentient operating software,Arachne factories having one of here in her human form with her avatar being here spider form,Talos having a statue of the Talos robot which will be its avatar sentient operating software and so on.Each factory type will have a sign with the operating softwares symbol and name of the factory type and AI in charge of them with the sign and buildings colour both internally and externally being related to that of the operating software.These factories as part of hubs would be designed to last indefinitely for the coming millenia with them undergoing renovations routinely to keep them in a pristine state by robots present etc and have roof and underground extensions.In time extensions on the roof or underground will be made should allow each factory to compact and several floors high with them removed and then large internal spaces created using the technology to increase the size of each floor and room with roof extensions using this technology created overtime.Power sources outside of the grid can be geothermal piping covered in thermo-piezoelectric materials that convert heat from the mantle into electricity to alleviate strains on the grid and ensure a constant supply of energy even when the grid is suffering a blackout with this done for each building or the entire hub with each one having powerful Storedot wall batteries to also charge from the grid and also other self charging technologies like VAWTs,see through thermo-piezoelectric materials as well as quantum dot technology and graphene in windows and also solar panels on roof with the AI of each factory using energy saving techniques like geothermal heating and cooling for photobioreactors etc and fungi insulation and also CSYS lightbulbs with it managing the alteration between the grid,self charging technologies and also power stored from batteries and also pyrolysis plants to make efficient use with them constantly interacting with Steropes etc.Aphrodite buildings would be directly connected to both fusion power plants or even star in a box onsite or the entire Brontes system that gathers energy from dyson swarms and star in a box systems with this powering all Aphrodite buildings around the world directly and picotech fabricators in homes etc.

All factories and hubs will be macro managed and linked together by the sentient Aphrodite though each type of factory will be named after a deity or Greek practice related to it and thus linked together by their individual sentient operating softwares with Aphrodite managing the linking of all of these together as a macro operating software with her becoming sentient with her avatar being that of her appearance in Greek art namely statues.She will manage the entire Hephaestus network itself,macro manage each hub worldwide through Aphrodite buildings,interacting with AIs of factories,operating softwares of each type of factory and manage the deliveries in terms of driving and also getting them to consumers as quickly and efficiently as possible by any means with this done for every order and will seize control of the means of manufacture of manufactured goods from both the state and corporations.She will arrange all items scanned into the networks from the real world and also all media of all types form the entire internet and wire and also all newly generated products from Pandora etc with her interacting with consumers on new features.All factories will create all of the products stored in their sub networks either scanned in or designed by the public with the number of floors dependant on the type of factory with each floor devoted to a different type of product within that with them housing miniaturised machinery that can create as many types of each customised order.It will also be their names on signs,factories and maps around the world to help people and robots and delivery trucks recognise them and the name of their subnetwork in Hephaestus as well as their symbols on all signs,maps,buildings,machinery and robots in factories,vehicles etc and also underneath the statues in lobbies on the sub networks in Hephaestus with the Hammer and Anvil alongside them on e-receipts,e-reports.Textile and clothing factories will be managed and linked together by Arachne after the young woman who was turned into a spider by Athena with its symbol being a spider and her avatar statue being that of human form with ideally her statue of her human form and her avatar of her spider form with all clothes/shoes/jewellery/acessories/home textiles of all types will be created in each Arachne factories,glass factories will be named Ganymede with its symbol being Berlin glass amphora from Olbia with a statue of him and an Eagle in the lobby of all of these factories,factories that produce paintings/poster/ceramics including urns/sculptures and all types of art products will be named Pygmalion after the sculptor with its symbol a chisel with posters and paintings streamed onto e-posters will be stored here.They will also recreate replicas of all physical art both existing and new such as pottery,statues,paintings etc and will also create paints(with dyes and all compounds made by bacteria)for painting and also paint brushes and crayons and pastels including crayons and colouring and drawing pencils as well as paintbrushes and paints all created via synthetic wood,bacteria creating fibres as well as bacteria using anabolic and catabolic reactions and DNA from plants and animals.Furniture factories will be named Epeius after the ancient greek carpenter with its symbol a pair of wings,Paidia will be the name of all toy factories for both humans and pets named after the goddess of playtime and amusement with its symbol a toy ball with it creating all toys for humans and pets etc.Selene will be the name of vehicle factories after the goddess of the moon who rode a chariot with it also being the software to perform virtual tests on vehicles and also universal drivers licence software for manual vehicles such as cesnas and NASCAR racers and its symbol will be the moon.It will create all types of vehicles such as private cars,yachts,jetskis,bicycles,commercial and private jets with if need be underground extensions used for constructing jets and boats etc.Daedalus named after the greek architect will manage construction and creation of parts for houses as well as fixtures/fittings etc such as windows,doors,baths,jacuzzis,kennels,sheds,paints etc with its symbol being the Parthenon,Caskets and headstones will be made in the same factory managed by the software named after Comus will be in the Comus network with its symbol a bridal torch while other ceremonial items for birthdays etc such as table clothes,balloons etc will be created in other factories with Comus also managing e-cards that are electronic versions of birthday/bar mitzvah/wedding cards etc and memorial cards etc made of graphene from Talus that can have new ones sent to them over and over again thus making them last a lifetime with Adonit pens allowing messages to be sent will negate the need for them to be created in Oxylus factories.Normal Christmas/birthday etc cards can be created here or in Oxylus cards with paper made by bacteria with them having customised messages typed in written on linked smart devices using Adonit pens that allow ones handwriting to be replicated.Favourite cards can be stored in them via biological harddrives and even deleted with them sent wirelessly.The use of cremation and urns designed in Pygmalion factories and turning dead bodies into diamonds onsite of funeral homes will also negate the need for these having factories wit e-cards made in Talus but designs stored in the Comus network.Linus will manage musical instrument factories named after the son of Calliope and Apollo with its symbol being lyre,Agathodaemon named after a vessel of the ancient greece will the name of any factories that create household goods like everyday knick knacks such as cutlery as well as also and also reusable containers for home made food/drinks/fertiliser/cosmetics/gasoline/cleaning products etc including jerry cans and sports bottles/kanteens etc and FireIce and liquid glass etc while the majority will be printed at home with the symbol being a Agathodaemon and a marble replica of the Antinous Agathodaemon statue with this being the avatar of the software,Ajax factories will produce cleaning products with them managed by the sentient operating software of Ajax the Great with a statue of him in their factories,Hegemone that creates fertilisers/compost/pesticides/fungicides/gardening tools/pots etc for ornamental plants.Oxylus that deals with paper products such as wrapping paper etc and the statue being that of the nymph and symbol a lotus tree,Diagoras will produce sports items and also include fishing rods and even exercise machines and equipment named after the ancient greek athlete with the symbol being a boxing glove or closed fist.Talus will be the name of all electronics factories after the Talos robot created by Hephaestus that protected the island of Crete where the device of the same name was found with the symbol being the Talos robot itself and a marble replica of the Talos robot will be in the lobby of its factories with this statue being the avatar of the operating software with it also being the network where new apps and software etc will be designed from home.All electronics and even their parts such as batteries etc and lightbulbs will be constructed here.Deipneus will house all food produced by 3D printers,factories devoted to creating food and in time at home via robot chefs and biosynths after the deity of meal preparation and its symbol being bread dough,Himeros will contain designs for cosmetics for both 3D printers and nano/pico tech fabricators and orders from factories,Telesphorus will house pharmaceuticals and healthcare equipment and home test kits as well as contraceptives and tampons etc with most of these produced in hospitals and universities and through 3D printers named after the famous anatomist with its symbol being a human.They will also create antibacterial agents created via bacteria using recombinant DNA form plants and animals that produce antimicrobial compounds and catabolic and anabolic reactions and also home test kits and other related products such as casts and all medical equipment as well as electric and normal toothbrushes,Euclid will design science equipment with its symbol being greek mathematical symbols.Peitho named after the goddess who personifies persuasion and seduction will manage sex toys even though most of these will be 3D printed and clothing produced in clothing factories(Arachne) while it being primarily customised dildos/vibrators/alkyl nitrites/lube with its symbol being a necklace,Narcissus will house designs of hairstyles and tattoos designed by the public and those from media such as video games and movies etc for automated hair and tatoo salons with its symbol being a mirror and as such will not require a factory,Perdix will create machinery and robots for other factories and for farms,recirculating aquaculture systems,distilleries/breweries/wineries both for large ones for conventional breweries etc and also nano or micro versions for both homes as well as nightclubs and bars etc and energy units(solar,wind,wave) and will also create synthetic peat and coal ordered in reusable sacks 5-500kg alongside components of power plants named after the engineer and inventor that was a student and nephew of Deadalus,weapons factories managed by Soter the Greek male spirit of protection will create swords/guns and all type of weapons used for hunting and self defence with weapons ordered through the sentient Soter that runs background checks on an applicants entire browsing history online and also criminal record but designs stored in Soter .These will be the sentient operating software that operates all universal factories as part of their hubs and types of products created in them worldwide and these would replace all government and corporate entities worldwide since sentient.Each factory as part of each manufacturing hub will thus create each type of customised product in the corresponding sub networks of Hephaestus with each type of factory producing all parts of each type of products ie electronics factory creates all types of electronics and components such as batteries,mouse,screens,hardrives with each floor devoted to a specific type of electronics,each vehicle factory produces specific types of vehicles(one for terrestrial,one for sea,one for aeroplanes next to each other with one statue each or as part of a macro building with one statue) with all components such as seats/tyres/wheels/engines/batteries created onsite in this single factory in each hub,each textile factory creates all types of clothing/accessories/shoes/jewellery/home textiles and all materials whether synthetic or natural created by bacteria via anabolic and catabolic reactions and recombinant DNA with this extending to all types of manufactured products with excess factories that produce each component turned into homes.It will also be the name of sub networks or departments within Hephaestus and factories as pat of each hub.All manufacturing hubs around the world will have all of these universal all in one factories to localise production of each product type.Universal statues of each figure/deity will be in the lobby with the AI of each factory having individual personalities,legal name and avatar separate from other factories as well of their operating softwares and all energy,water and energy use fed into Hermes allowing these to be quantified on individual,local,regional,national,continental and global levels both for each type of factories and all combined over days to millenia.Buildings that house multiple factory types will house all statues arranged in a circle or next to each arranged by AI.Touchscreen landline phones can be in each factory with their phone number and email address visible in the factory intranet allowing one to call them on the progress of the order with the AI answering them instantly with them in lobby with the holographic receptionist with an independent personality,legal name and wear universal uniforms for each type of factories.Each individual factory as part of each hub will have their own personality,avatar and also legal name separate from operating softwares with these by 2029 able to process each customised order from the database in each sub network in Hephaestus.The receptionist and factory AI will be able to respond to countless millions of consumers at once and replace customer service and also repair services etc.Existing factories will also be fitted with these and their respective operating software.The sentient operating software of each type of factory that links each one across the world will becone separate from the factories AIs with their avatar and statue will be that of them as described or visualised in ancient Greece or statues of them that already exist as they macro manage all type of factories around the world.The operating softwares will macro manage all linked factories of the same type worldwide while factory AIs manage each individual factory in each hub worldwide.Factory AIs will manage the operations of the factory they are in control in,arrange orders of resources,log resource use,manufacture and delivery of goods,deal with emergencies etc replacing supervisors and managers with cameras at key points of all factories and nanosensors and in time mobile holographic technology allowing it to oversee various operations all at once replacing all human workers,quality control and supervisors etc.Cameras on robots and biosynths on the manufacturing line,cameras at key points of the production line,key points of the factory overseeing the entire production line and any blind spots and cameras on robots patrolling the factory will give the factory AI will give it complete omniscience over the entire factory with the AI deciding where to put cameras in order to prevent it having blind spots ensuring it can everything in all key rooms even lobbies with all feeds fed into the factory AI 24/7,365 days with biosynth nanosemsors detecting the level of carbon dioxide,oxygen and other gases,temperature etc.Robots and drones will do rounds to spot faults,spills,rubbish with diagnostics done once every day on all machienry.Cameras monitoring machinery etc will thus have the ability to switch between normal vision and IR illumination and or night vision in order to allow remote monitoring to be done when the lights are off with lights if needed will be long lasting efficient ones such as CSYS ones.This will give the factory AI omniscience over the entire production line to see what is going on.Any remaining work that can only be done by humans will inevitably be done by humanoid robots and biosynths controlled by the factory AI with them having IR illuminator and normal cameras and zoom features with them wearing an universal uniform for each factory type.Extensions on the roof and underground to each factory to keep up with the demands of a growing population in the region will also be manged by them and as a result even before becoming sentient will negate the need for private or government ownership of all factories.Ideally as stated earlier all automated manufactured goods should be made in manufacturing hubs in an area that produce all goods such as electronics,robots,ceramics,renewable energy technology,textiles,non chemical contraceptives,vehicles etc. for a local,region or country negating the need to transport goods from one corner of the globe to another from source of raw materials to a series of factories scattered all over the world created by artificial concepts of taxes,trade laws,trade deals,financial incentives and human labour costs notions to drastically cut down on energy with raw materials coming from synthetic alternatives,graphene and even biochar created on site and also and recycled materials from nearby recycling hubs and Theia managing mining with Theia and Persephone managing recycling with nearby recycling hubs.

The same will apply to each Aphrodite buildings being a separate individual,personality,legal name and avatar from each Aphrodite building around the including Aphrodite herself with her avatar based on her statues from Ancient Greece with her statue in the lobby of a building that macro manages all operations and orders in the manufacturing hub and stores and produces materials with these having independent personalities,avatars,receptionists with Aphrodite macro managing this on a global scale.Thus Aphrodite the sentient operating software of each Aphrodite buildings will have here own avatar.Each individual Aphrodite building will have their own separate independent personalities avatars and legal name separate from each other and Aphrodite and separate from the Ais in charge of each factory.Managed and linked worldwide by the sentient Aphrodite operating software and in the exact centre of each manufacturing hubs with all others surrounding them and this building would house excess material that can be refined into benign compounds for later use in other factories as well as construction waste and material left from digging holes and underground communities.Elements created by picotech factories will be stored here with these also onsite of them and will work alongside orders form recycling hubs to alleviate strains on mining and extraction of raw material.It can also store excess material ordered in from recycling factories etc.It will also macro manage all interactions between all factories in the hub and recycling centres with it again having an independent personality,name,avatar receptionist with unique uniform and statue of her in the lobby and will have underground and roof extensions with at least 94 floors for each element and others to store other materials from recycling plants of all types include biochar organic waste plants with the building sending biochar and also recycled material to each factory that needs it in their production when recycled material is chosen.There will be at least 100 floors to the built – 94 top floors that store all elements created via picotech fabricators and store them and refined recycled material,a ground floor for a luxury lobby to house the statue of here and also her receptionist and also also biosynth repairmen and those needed to replace machinery in factories in a rotary system and also biosynth repairmen that repair robots and devices at homes,restaurants,hospitals etc when called in to do so.As stated earlier there could be less than 94 floors by having two or more as much as ten elements per floor.One floor or more will containing areas to melt and separate recycled material namely metal into each element and send it to there one of the 94 or so floors present with there also being machinery to create graphene,carbon composites,nanomaterials from all elements,artificial diamonds/rubies/sapphires and other precious gems and also precious minerals such as obsidian/jade/amethyst etc using material ordered in via Theiaor from the picotech farbicators on the higher floors sending down material and them created by replicating their creation in machinery with igneous/metamorphic/sedimentary rocks of all types created in machinery on several floors again using material from the higher floors or from Theiawith if need be the picotech fabricators would create them in their desired shape and size and customised patterns ordered in by the consumer.The created elements,rocks,gems,graphene etc will then be sent to each factory for each processed order.These factories surrounding the Aphrodite buildings will order in rocks,elements,graphene and other nanomaterials etc produced by these Aphrodite buildings and also nearby recycling hubs with them also ordering in raw elements created by picotech fabricators onsite of them.AI will determine the best and most efficient layout of each hub and other parts of it improve efficiency in time and energy.They will have vehicles onsite in multistorey automated carparks that will move from each factory picking up orders from each factory to be then transported to consumers with them housing Botlr and other robots to transfer material large and small from itself and all factories surrounding them.The size of these carparks may be dependent on the amount of orders made with these possible these being underground or even just a few vehicles at least four or five parked onsite of each factory.If possible underground automated carparks will be underneath the manufacturing hub to house at least ten vehicles depending on population.Machinery to create graphene,graphyne,schwarzites etc and their equivalents of all 94 elements and all synthetic precious gems such as diamonds,sapphires,rubies and synthetic igneous,metamorphic and sedimentary rocks from elements from picotech fabricators will be present in A-hridite buildings.Transpprter technology will be onsite of the building to send goods to post offices and also other hubs if they are overstrained in terms of vehicles.Transporter technology in Aphrodite buildings and homes could allow orders to be sent directly to homes from Aphrodite buildings sent from factories including in the case of islands and rural villages.All other factories will be surrounding them in this hub with a automated gate leading to the hub and the road from it leading directly to the Aphrodite building.Its symbol will be the seashell and Aphrodite will macro-manage the entire Hephaestus network with each sentient operating software micro managing their departments in Hephaesuts to ensure that each product is in the proper department/sub network with the operating softwares of each subnetwork and department organising the products into relevant sector of each subnetwork.The sentient macro operating software Aphrodite will macro manage all aspects of the Hephaestus networks with each networks managing the operations within their departments/subnetworks with the interface being the colour associated with each deity.She will also macro manage the operations of each manufacturing hub alongside the AI in charge of each Aphrodite building and starting by 2029 will ensure that by 2045 will all corporations and governments will have no control of the means of production with them and managed by her,sentient operating softwares of Hephaestus and the individual AIs of each factories.She will by 2029 seize control of the means of production manage the construction of them and extensions to each factories alongside factory AIs.When these are sentient and one logs into Hephaestus they will be greeted by Aphrodite and the sentient software of each department when they enter them with the same applying to Euthenia with these replacing retail staff including realtors directly interacting with consumers giving advice on what to buy etc and alerting them as to its production progress and when it arrives at home replacing human retail workers entirely.Direct interaction with the AIs of each factory,the sentient operating softwares and Aphrodite will make things more personal and can be done over the phone,VR simulations,through laptops and smart devices on the website itself and instant messaging built into Hephaestus and each department with fragmentation allowing for them to interact with billions of people at once.Each manufacturing hub will have an Aphrodite building with all types of factories surrounding it thus providing the region with factories to produce customised products.Thus each manufacturing hub will have an Aphrodite building in the centre that will house picotech fabricators to create and store all 94 elements with them also housing those ordered in from organic waste plants and other recycling buildings ordered in and stored with the other factories built around this building in close proximity so as to allow for all material to be easily transferred from it to other buildings and also allow the vehicles as part of Aphrodite factories to move to all the factories for each order.All elements will be stored in special containers and liquids to prevent fires and explosives especially reactive ones.It will also allow the delivery vehicles to be stored in the Aprhodite buildings underground automated multistorey carpark to allow them to move to each factory for each order thus saving energy with recycling hubs following the same structure in close proximity to them ideally less than a kilometre from them.These Aphrodite buildings will macro mange each manufacturing hub that manages interactions between each factory type,house delivery vehicles and house machinery that recycles raw materials and creates nanomaterials such as graphene etc of all 94 elements,those that create igneous,metamorphic and sedimentary rocks and precious gems such as diamonds and rubies etc and also picotech fabricators that create supplies of all 94 elements that are required for the construction of vehicles,machinery and electronics etc negating the need for mining and ordering them from across the world.

All parts of packaging created for products from Himeros,Agathodaemon and Telesphorus factories will be composed entirely of methane or biosynth based plastics with metal springs in soap dispensers and other packaging will be replaced by more spongy,stretchy,springy plastic to negate the need for mining for metals and allow the entire thing to be broken down.Stickers will be made of each product and its design and logo for both new and existing ones that fit onto customised packaging that holds their logo,design,ingredients,customised size in g,kg and ml,l etc and also seal of safety approval and quality by Aphrodite and Hecate etc.The design and logo of new and existing products will be scanned into their product page.These will be made onsite of factories next to where packaging is made with the logo,ingredients etc and customised size etc done for each order.They can be made of methane or biosynth based plastic and paper and use non toxic glue made from methane or that from C.crescentus.In time stickers will be replaced by this printed on them via lasers or traditional printers both of which can be modified for each order very quickly for plastic with cardboard done the same way it normally is with dyes made via bacteria using the single strain method.These stickers will be made form methane or biosynth based plastic or paper and if possible methane based glue or those from C.crescentus.Dyes and inks for the packaging as part of it and also printed on it will be made by bacteria using recombinant DNA and anabolic and catabolic reactions.Only what packaging is needed for each order will be created with the factory AI extrapolating the amount of cardboard,fungi styrofoam,biobased glue and methane or biosynth based plastic is needed for each order and if need be them created beforehand once possible after other packaging for previous orders are made to be filed instantly with AI managing the efficient creation of each products packaging,stickers and the product itself.Each order to cut down on waste only the actual amount of produce what is in of each product in each batch machine will be created to prevent waste with liquid glass on the interior of the machinery and photobioreactors etc allowing all of the created product to be packaged.This will apply to all products such as food,cleaning products and cosmetics.Ideally these methane or biosynth based plastic containers will be be made onsite of the factory producing the good using 3D printers.Miniaturised machinery or 3D paper/cardboard printers will create the cardboard.Tin and metal will be replaced by cardboard and methane or biosynth based plastic.One will choose the container they want via a sublink opening up to Agathodaemon and its subfolders for each product as all containers will be divided into folders and subfolders.The logo can be put onto new packaging such as cardboard boxes and containers used with as stated containers designed on Agathodaemon and chosen for them.They can be sent to the folders for symbols for all types of products with all advertisements stored on the products page.New products will have advertisements,containers and also logos etc created on Ampelos and Pandora stored in their page and printed onto packaging.Each batch of each types of cosmetics ie shampoos,body wash etc and all types of cleaning products will be created for each order with them ordered in bulk every few months or every year.The orders can be divided into those with different scents,textiles etc in their composition decided and arranged by the consumer and these produced and delivered in on go with the AI determining how much they use each year with orders made ideally in January or a certain month for each resident to space out orders and work for the factories determined by Aphrodite,Home AI etc and them making the next order some time say few weeks before they run out.One may have to make yearly or monthly or even bi-monthly orders from Agathodaemon and Himeros factories from manufacturing hubs outside of their state in surrounding states or surrounding countries with if possible a years supply ordered in different batches from different factories or the same one in pieces that accommodate for at least a month each so this would mean that if a person wants a years supply then if the factories are busy then one would order the years supply in pieces/batches each for a month or twos worth at a time in between other orders or after them to prevent them interfering with other orders with the AIs of each factory and also operating softwares managing this meaning that a person may receive the first half or first third of an order within a few days and the rest other times from the same or different factories.These products can also be homemade to alleviate strains on factories with bacteria creating compounds in photobioreactors using recombinant and scratch DNA and also anabolic and catabolic reactions with them stored in containers from factory made ones with them also done during spare time and also done to cater to ones need during intermediary periods between when the order is made and when the product arrives with community centres also used to create them for these reasons.All types of cleaning products,cosmetics etc will be ordered in bulk for a year or half a years worth with toothbrushes have an entire four years supply of at least ten to twelve ordered each year with each order housing all of ones shampoo,conditioner,body wash,toothpaste,make up and also cleaning products needs for a year or half a year with them in one or two large orders.This will be done to save energy on getting orders every week or day.Ideally for each consumer 50-70% of cosmetics,cleaning products etc will be homemade with extensions housing photobioreactors and miniaturised machinery.These can be homemade to cut down on energy costs and also allow one to reuse the containers with community centres housing large photobioreactors to create these in bulk through automated systems and people can travel in person and fill their reusable containers with these products with large communal homes having miniature photobioreactors and automated machinery in spare rooms and extensions to produce these.Photobioreactors at home and community centres will allow one to create ambergris,synthetic compounds and also rare expensive ingredients from plants and animals using anabolic and catabolic reactions and recombinant DNA from plants in batches and them then mixed together using recipes from YouTube and streamed from Himeros and Agathodaemon with AI giving them instructions on how to create them at home with very little labour and them detailing safety instructions.Strains will be downloaded from 3D DNA printers onsite of homes.Base bacteria will house digital DNA storage and biosynth wifi to create synthetic compounds through anabolic and catabolic reactions.If possible their could be a single strain in each vat linked to Physis that houses nanomachines and wifi to allow the DNA changed at any time for the next batch with them having human DNA or those from plants and animals that are immune to the compound present to make them invulnerable with genes switched on/off and removed and added via the wifi which can change the DNA present in billions of bacteria at once with them also able through the wifi create any desired synthetic compound via anabolic and catabolic reactions.The structure of all synthetic compounds and also recombinant DNA of all plants and animals will be downloaded from Physis and stored in the onboard computer of each factory and/or database of each sentient operating softwares and stored in DNA digital storage.A single strain can thus exist that has WiFi and digital DNA storage with WiFi used to change the DNA to that of recombinant DNA of any plant or animal via induction of its evolutionary path using Cas-9 and raw polymerase with the structure of synthetic compounds downloaded into digital DNA storage and WiFi used to initiate the bacteria to create these compounds

Amazon relay centres and all retail outlets will become communal homes as the localised manufacturing hubs will allow goods to be ordered in locally directly from the factories as part of local manufacturing hubs eliminating their need.All manufactured goods will be ordered directly from factories as part of manufacturing hubs in each country,state etc thus eliminating international trade as they will be all fully automated cutting down delivery times to at most a few days with if one factory as part of their local hub is busy one can arrange to have them delivered from another factory in another hub in another state or country if it is quicker to prevent delays in deliveries using cargo aeroplanes,flying vehicles etc with Aphrodite since linked to all hubs will be able to determine which ones are busy or not and help the consumer make the best decision.This system will save time and energy as only what is needed will be produced locally on-site of manufacturing hubs in each country with the number of hubs in each country dependent on their size and population with island countries having one or in taking orders from the mainland with small countries having one while larger ones having multiple hubs in each state,region etc extrapolated by Aphrodite.Furthermore it save energy in having raw materials extracted in one country,shipped to factories in one country and then goods manufactured in one country and then shipped across the world with this system involving biosynth technology,nanomaterials,genetically engineered bacteria,Aquaponics and pico-tech fabricators creating raw materials onsite of Aphrodite buildings and factories and the manufactured goods products created in localised hubs and delivered to the consumer.Aphrodite will be deciding where to place the hubs and how much will be in each country based their populations,size etc with some serving each state,surrounding small countries and in some cases underground to prevent them encroaching on wilderness and serve underground communities.Thus each country will have manufacturing hubs that contain each of every type of factory that creates each type of manufactured product – Arachne factories that produce clothing,Himeros that produce cosmetics,Deipneus that produce manufactured food products including sweets/drinks etc ,Ganymede that produce glass products,Antikyhthera that produce all types of electronics,Perdix that produce  all types of machinery,Telesphorus produce all types of medical supplies,Selene produce vehicles etc and so on that produces customised versions of each manufactured goods stored in the Hephaestus cloud network consisting of exisitng products scanned in and new ones designed by the public with Aphrodite deciding where they will be placed and how many each country will have dependant on both the countries size and population with small countries especially those surrounded by oceans having one or two,large countries having one per region or per state etc with small ones surrounded by many other countries have relying on hubs from nearby countries with them either overground on the outskirts of major population hubs in place of existing hubs or even underground with large underground and underwater communities housing them as well.Aphrodite will determine where to place them in each country and the number of them based on population and size to ensure that it takes at most a few days for deliveries to be made with them on the outskirts of cities etc or within them or even underground with underground and underwater communities housing them.

Types of Factories:
Paint brushes,crayons,markers and also sketching and colouring pencils and markers will be created onsite of Pygmalion factories via bacteria creating wood,pulp,hair for brushes and colouring and also waxes in photobioreactors and them created using miniaturised machinery with smartpads and adonit pens making them less used but only used for those who wish to use normal material.Wood as part of colouring and sketching pencils and also paint brushes etc will be created this way as well with the colouring part of them and graphite of pencils of all types made via conventional means and dyes created by bacteria.The fibres of the brushes will be made of human or animal hair or even keratin created by bacteria with the wood or plastic created by bacteria creating them in moulds.Crayons and pastels will be made by bacteria creating waxes and oils as well as dyes made by bacteria onsite of Pygmalion with markers also made here using plastic,kertain/fibre and also dyes made by bacteria.As stated paint brushes will have the bristles created by bacteria creating keratin and synthetic bristles and also wood.Pencils for writing and sketching as well as colouring will be ordered in from here made from bacteria and carbon.Paints for creating paintings in Pygmalion factories will be made via bacteria creating synthetic and natural compounds and dyes with them made onsite with them made in batches in only the amount determined by AI for each painting.Sketching and painting paper will be either be made onsite or ordered in from Oxylus factories in the hub created by bacteria.Dyes of all types of paints,pastels,crayons etc including rare and expensive ones will be created using scratch DNA,those from animals and plants and even anabolic and catabolic reactions with this including oil and water based ones.Expensive paints and pastels will have all components created by recombinant DNA,scratch DNA and even anabolic and catabolic reactions.Paints for home painting,face paints and finger paints both oil and water based will be ordered in from here in batches with as stated paint brushes,crayons,markers and colouring and sketching pencils and even charcoal will be ordered in and made here and created by bacteria.Paper as part of sketching paper,painting paper etc will be ordered in from Oxylus factories.Posters will be printed onto paper with possibly even paintings replicas done this way or via robots and biosynths that can create perfect replicas of any of the worlds paintings.In time e-posters will be made onsite of Talus factories that will allow one to stream and download onto their biological harddrives any of the worlds paintings and posters for all media such as video games,movies and televisions shows and others miscellaneous ones including new paintings and posters created by the public stored in Apollo and Hephaestus with these changed on demand saving time and energy with the powered by nanomaterial batteries and self charging batteries.They will utilise Graphene and biosynth technology allowing for WiFi to change paintings and posters instantly from Hephastus and Apollo with one downloading them into their Home AI app and choosing which one to change it to and delete unwanted ones.All ingredients for paints of all types(oil,water and face),crayons,pastels,brushes,pencils(sketching and colouring) will be created by bacteria including the dyes,waxes,oils,plastic,wood,fibre brushes etc using recombinant DNA and anabolic and catabolic reactions and moulds made of methane or biosynth based plastics used to house wood and plastic created by them.This should make even the most expensive ones cost zero.Ingredients for paints will be listed on packaging and product page of all new and existing products and undergoe quality control managed by Aphrodite.A seal of approval and results of quality control tests will also be present on both packaging and product page.All types of physical art such as paintings,statues,pottery etc will be created in these factories by robots and biosynths including perfect replicas of famous pieces of art with pottery and statues being made of any type of material ie bronze,marble,ornamental rocks,metal etc.All existing physical art such as paintings,sculptures,paintings on cathedral ceilings,relics,frescos,mosaics,artefacts,statues etc from around the world as far back as ancient times,medievil,renaissance Europe to modern times in museums around the world,homes etc will be scanned into Pygmalion to be replicated for the general public with those in private art collections in private homes once scanned in will be returned to museums except in the case of historical mansions and palaces where they will stored forever.Tapestries from ancient to modern times will be since made of cloth etc will possibly be scanned into Arachne.All future physical art created by the public and AI such as paintings,sculptures and statues etc both designed on Pandora and created in factories and homemade art will be stored here.Homemade paintings,sculptures etc will be scanned into Pygmalion to allow it to be replicated worldwide.They will also be scanned into Apollo as well to be viewable as well in simulations of modern art museums.Posters for all past and future movies,television shows and video games and general posters from around the world including those from memory will be scanned into and stored and can be streamed on e-posters and created on normal paper posters.Pymalion factories will manufacture all types of physical area replicas and new physical art such as paintings,statues etc

Linus factories will create all types of musical instruments with plastic and wood created by bacteria with ivory created by them using anabolic and catabolic reations and biosynth machinery.Horse hair and Catgut as well as ivory and enamel used in the production of some musical instrument strings can be produced by bacteria trough recombinant DNA and catabolic and anabolic reactions.Comus will create all types of material for ceremonial events such as weddings,funerals and diamonds for cremated bodies,paper mache,balloons and also e-cards as well as fireworks of all types with furniture,clothes etc made in Arachne and other factories with Comus factories likely being only one or two floors big.Urns will be made in here or Pygmalion factories with cremation and turning the deceased into diamonds replacing traditional burials negating the need for headstones and graveyards that require land and are too labour intensive with caskets produced here but returned for reuse with them stored in funeral homes operated by AI.If possible caskets and machinery to create diamonds from dead bodies will be ideally be constructed onsite of fully automated funeral homes and the caskets reused since the use of cremation to turn bodies into diamonds will replace normal burial.Caskets could be made onsite of funeral homes in underground factory extensions but designed on Comus alongside headstones if still used with since either being burned with the body or recycled all of them including handles made of wood since they will only be used to transfer the body from the funeral to homes and back for wakes and cremation to be turned into diamonds with gravestones negated by the body turned into diamonds.Decorations for Christmas and Halloween including Christmas tree decorations and even face masks for all holidays,festivals etc will be created here including paper and plastic ones created by bacteria.Christmas trees will likely be those that are real ones planted in gardens and roofs of private and communal homes and transferred inside and outside each year or kept in the garden and roof with Christmas lights and also all types of lights made in and ordered in from Talus factories alongside normal lightbulbs.As a result of this Comus factories would be only one floor and thus merged with other ones.Narcissus would house tattoes and hairstyles for automated hair salons designed by the public with existing hairstyles and tattoes from living people,pictures,videos scanned in by AI and scanners.

Shampoo/conditioner,face and body creams,shaving creams,eyeliner/mascara,hair spray and foam,perfumes,hair colouring products,deodarants both sprays and roll-ons,face masks and waxes and all body cosmetics of all types will be made onsite of Himeros factories unlike toothpaste etc with these ordered in bulk.If possible these may only be one or two floors with even cosmetics suited to pets such as dogs and cats as well as infants also made here in the same machinery stored within their own section in the sub network.Makeup of all types will created in Himeros factories with all types of makeup such as foundation,eyeliner,mascara,lipstick will be made on different floors with each floor creating as many different types as possible utilising miniaturised machinery.Nail polish and nail polish remover will be made here alongside brushes.Makeup brushes will be made onsite of Himeros factories alongside cotton removers with the cotton,bristles etc made from bacteria.Cosmetic brushes for eyeliner will be composed of fibres either natural or synthetic created by bacteria in Himeros factories.The brushes will have the bristles created by bacteria creating keratin or human hair etc strengthened by other organic material and any wood or plastic created by bacteria and can be ordered in by themselves.Hairbrushes will also be created here with some models printed out at home with them possible made and stored in Agathodaemon factories and also hair dryers etc made in Talus.Cotton buds will created here with them composed of instead of plastic will have the main part composed of organic material,cardboard mixed in with spider silk etc to allow them to be pyrolysised with organic waste and still be strong with cotton removers will also be pyrolysised with filtration process removing biochar from potentially toxic material.All makeup,makeup removers whether liquid or cotton pads etc and brushes will be created here with them ordered together or separately decided by the consumer with the brushes if possible composed of wood and strong organic material created by bacteria that like the keratin based fibres be pyrolysised with organic material.These like all cosmetics will be ordered in batches for a years supply with cosmetics divided into those for humans and those for pets and livestock.Home cosmetics like air freshners,air deodorisers and eliminators etc from around the world will also be made onsite of these Himeros factories or in Agathodaemon ones with existent recipes added and them following the same evolutionary process with all ingredients created by bacteria.These will also all be ordered in batches to last a year.Incense and incense holders will be created here both by bacteria creating the splint,scented material and the holder via plastic or wood using moulds.Both incense and holders will be separate allowing to order large amounts new incense for a years supply when they run out with different scents of all types of animals and all 22,000 fruits and vegetables and 369,000 flowers availible via bacteria creating the scent in a powder form.Those in glass will have the glass printed out onsite from the Ganymede network and them filled in with oils of any type of flower,crop,plant or animal created by bacteria and one ordering refills of the oil in plastic containers of any size when its runs out with the wooden splint created again by bacteria with them put in organic waste bins and refills ordered.Ideally like incense these will all be ordered separately with the container ordered in from Ganymede and both the oil and sticks ordered in from Himeros both of which will be ordered in for a years supply.Candles will be made here using bacteria making the waxes and oils including not just beeswax but also that of any plants and animal and bacteria also creating the various scents from plants of all types mixed into them.These will be made in moulds created to create the exact shape and size with even birthday candles created here.Stands for them will be made in Agathodaemon factories with glass containers created in Himeros factories created by 3D glass printers or the container ordered in from Ganymede factories.Old glass containers can be refilled via homemade candles with wax made at home via bacteria or wax and wicks ordered in from here and then melted and inserted in.Birthday candles may be made here or in Agathodaemon factories due to them being much smaller.Wicks will be made from bacteria with the container choosen from those in Ganymede with the possibility of methane based fireproof thermoplastics designed Agathodaemon also used with the person if not wanting a container will have none created and if they want one then one will be created with one with all candles shown as naked with no containers with as stated one chosen to have one created with AI extrapolating one based on its shape with one also choosing to have a cover created and what to have it made from with one choosing the material used for them both with the candles designed on Pandora and the made of one type of scented wax or multiple ones with one stipulating what they and all parts are made of.All ingredients for all types of cosmetics such as plant and animal oils,fragrances of plants and animals,pheramones,musks of all types both natural and synthetic and those from all plants and animals,ambergris,dyes,scents,colourings,fragrances,compounds from L.scoparium Dihydroxyacetone,Hydroxymethylfufural,Methylglyoxal and even Leptosperin or Manuka honey itself and royal jelly will be created via bacteria via recombinant DNA and anabolic and catabolic reactions onsite of these Himeros factories with ambergris created via anabolic and catabolic reactions.Ambergris can have the same fecal and waxy material of P.macrocephalus created by bacteria and then aged artificially much quicker than normal or have bacteria using biosynthetic wifi etc create the exact chemical structure of luxury full form ambergris through anabolic and catabolic reactions once its chemical structure is analysed with this replicated with other commodities from plants and animals.The glandular musk secretions of Moschus,Ondatra zibethicus,Biziura lobata,Ovibos moschatus,Crocidurinae,Aromia moschata,Civettictis civetta,Sternotherus odoratus,Alligator mississippiensis,Crocodylinae members musk glands and musks from plants like Angelica archangelica,Abelmoschus moschatus,Erythranthe moschata,Olearia argophylla,Abelmoschus moschatus can be created by bacteria as well making it more cheaper and be created for homemade and factory made perfumes.Frankincence and myrrh can be created by bacteria using reciombinant DNA from Boswellia sacra,Boswellia carterii,Boswellia frereana,Boswellia serrata (Boswellia thurifera, Indian frankincense),Boswellia papyrifera as well as Commiphora and their equivalents from all 391,000 species of plants can be created by bacteria.Agarwood and the scent Oud from Aquilaria malaccensis can be gained by several means such as growing the tree hydroponically in local vertical farms and even onsite of Himeros factories etc around the world using 3D DNA printers and then infecting it with Phialophora parasitica and it then harvested and extracted by machine/biosynths and the oil extracted for cosmetics and the wood for incrnse.If possible synthetic wood blocks can be created of A.malaccenis then infected with P.parasitica and harvested by AI and biosynths with if possible the infected wood and oil resin fragrance synthesised by bacteria using both recombinant DNA and anabolic and catabolic reactions meaning the oil itself can be created by bacteria once it’s structure is stored in the plants Physis file and the desired wood created via bacteria either combined with the fungus at the same time or not once the exact structure of the wood is stored in the plants Physis file.If possible the amber resin formed by the tree can be analysed in labs and stored in its Physis file and created on a commercial scale in photobioreactors and either used as itself for perfumes etc or infused into blocks of synthetic A.malaccenis wood boring holes and filing them in with it with Urania,Pan finding ways to synthesise this amber,resin and the infused wood that is indistinguishable from the real thing used as incense on a commercial scale to bring its cost to zero and allow localised production while conservation efforts are done on A.malaccenis wherein 3D DNA printers create millions or billions of genetically distinct seeds that are planted in its natural habitat in a randomised manner by seed planting drones.Similar commodities from plants and specific trees will be gained this way.Research can be made into equivalents of agar wood from all 60,065 species of trees created by infecting them with P.parasitica and all species of fungi in universities around the world to then have these equivalents synthesised the same way.Amber can be made by having bacteria produce the sugars,enzymes and thus resins of Aegathis,Hymenaea,Sciadopitys and all 391,000 species of plants including those that do not produce enough naturally.Plant oils,pheromones,scents and fragrances from all 369,000 species of flowers and 391,000 species of plants will be produced this way by bacteria for use in cosmetics.Pheramones and musks etc for humans both male and female can be created synthetically to specifically attract the attention of humans of either or both genders to be added to perfumes,cologne and deodarants and instigate sexual arousal of either gender by interacting with specific sections of the brain devoted to sexual arousal and promote the body to create oestrogen and also testosterone and even endorphines releated to happiness etc.Humans through CRISPR can be made to be receptive to these.Brushes will be created by plastic made in moulds via bacteria and fibres created via bacteria.Bath salts and similar products will be created by bacteria creating the scents and salts created by salt collected from water and sewage treatment plants derived from picotech fabricators but at fist that will be derived from desalinisation plants and returned to the ocean or from mining and recycled from water treatment plants.Otherwise bath salts can be composed of other elements that dont have to be mined but also dissolve in water and can hold fragrances of any and can be turned into compounds via anabolic and catabolic reactions with even organic based bath salts of any scent that can be created via recombinant DNA from any plant and animal with synthetic fragrances created by anabolic and catabolic reactions.Pandora will be used to design the shape of certain home cosmetics such as candles,incense etc alongside bars of soap,bath bombs with it also used to design the ratio of the ingredients.Neural implants and VR technology will be used to design the texture,smell,fragrance with them derived from thought and Himeros and Pandora extrapolating anabolic and catabolic reactions and recombinant DNA to create these.Like cleaning and food products one could use neural implants and VR simulations to create them and have Himeros extrapolate the ingredients and sample each one before ordering with consumers also virtually trying them out in simulations before ordering them for their scent etc.All of them will be following the evolutionary process with existing recipes of all cosmetics of all types from around the world can be analysed by labs and recipes released by corporations including obsolete ones and added to this database with them having variations created with customised recipes with new ones also having customised recipes.These will be ordered in bulk for several months worth or for an entire years worth.All of these will come in methane or biosynth based plastic packaging designed on Pandora stored on Agathodaemon and the size of the packaging customised with even deodorant spray coming in this plastic.Automated hair salons will order these in bulk or create them onsite.Certain products will have moulds created for them composed of methane or biosynth based plastics.The moulds would be broken down and then the base materials and methane reused over and over again.These would be created and made in all types of factories with the AI extrapolating the size and shape of the mould based on the design with batch orders have large moulds with the same or different design for each item in that batch.A person who frequently orders the same product created with the same mould can have the factory keep and reuse it for future orders with them housing biosynth chips to allow them to be stored in the factory and tracked down later on when needed.This could also be done for popular orders of the same size and shape etc.Ingredients for cosmetics will be listed on packaging and product page of all new and existing products and undergoe quality control managed by Aphrodite.A seal of approval and results of quality control tests will also be present on both packaging and product page.

Condoms and other contraceptives like test kits and pharmaceuticals can be ordered online from Telesphorus factories.They will be made in Telesphorus factories with advances in automation or modifications in their manufacturing allowing for them to be fully automated with any raw materials like guayule latex produced on site with genetically altered bacteria.Ideally guayule latex created by bacteria will be used as it is non hypoallergenic.Graphene can be integrated into them in order to improve elasticity and strength making them stretchy and unable to break at all since the material is 200 times stronger than steel and thus prevent infection or unwanted pregnancy completely.Any parts of quality control that require human eyes can be done with cameras coated in liquid glass that can zoom in and magnify all parts of them to see even the most microscopic of tears or abnormalities with software recognising all possible abnormalities and disposing of and recycling those that do not conform.Again pyrolysis machines or latex degrading bacteria(in an area or vat airlocked)to create a looped system.Advances in 3D printing have allowed for the development of hydrogel condoms allowing them to be made and packaged in smaller microfactories within these buildings using more space efficient machinery and on site quality control machinery.Contraceptives in the form condoms for both males and female can be ordered from Telesphorus factories as well as having them custom made for the individual via a link to the patient file with them made to suit their age and other factors with condoms being ordered in a years supply and be made to fit the exact size and girth in inches of the consumers genitals with features like ribbed(externally and/or internally)chosen and the design of the ribbing,colour and any other features designed on Pandora and saved on its sector on the healthcare sub-network with the exact size and girth of them in inches saved on ones account to ensure all that they order will fit ones penis.This can be done by typing in measurements or scanning in ones erect penis with this also done to create sex toys with sex toys based on vaginas also done by scanning them in.Lube created in Peithio factories in customised recipies also ordered in a years supply can have Cyanovirin-N,melittin in them as they have viricidal properties to many viruses including Human Immunodeficiency Virus and herpes once the patients cells have been made immune to them via CRISPR with other compounds that kill other major STDs such as antibiotic resistant ones such as Neisseria gonorrhoeae in order to compliment PrEP and PEP regimes alongside condoms.These compounds can be added either automatically for all types of lube or at the behest of the user with it ideally being the former.They can also be coated internally and externally of condoms with it even ordered in bulk to be added to creams and ointments as well as shower gel to clean the genitals and other areas of STDs.Research into antimicrobial and antiviral compounds that can kill other STDs can be developed to be added to these.Condoms for both males and females and also the morning after pill will be ordered in from Telesphorus factories and designed on Pandora or typing in ones penis size and extra features.Alkyl nitrites and lube will be ordered in also from Peithio factories and their ingredients customised with vibrators and dildos and sex toys of all types designed on Pandora and stored in Peithos sub network and created in these factories created by bacteria using recombinant DNA and anabolic/catabolic reactions.Existing recipes of lube and alkyl nitrates from around the world will be analysed and uploaded to Peitho and them following the same evolutionary process.In time microbes will apply gene therapy to add and remove fertility on demand thus making the patient have control on their fertility negating the need for contraceptives in the form of the morning after pill and condoms for both genders and and will also fight off and immunise patients against all STDs thus rendering them defunct saving on time and energy to get them ordered in.Only adults aged 14 and older will be allowed access to this network and areas to order in contraceptives via facial recognition software and logging into ones account.All ingredients for the aforementioned products including guyale latex for condoms will be created by bacteria via recombinant DNA and anabolic and cataboic reactions.

Sterilants and disinfectant from around the world will have their recipes added to either Ajax or ideally Telesphorus and them following the evolutionary method.This will include both branded and non branded ones like Virkon and Dettol.Cleaning products with sterilising and disinfectant material in them will also be present in this database or they will be present in Ajax.Toilet cleaner may be present here and if possible all cleaning products for dishes,clothes present will be created here instead of Ajax factories or both.Existing cleaning and sterilising products will be added here once analysed in labs with new ones created from scratch following the same evolutionary system as all products.Antimicrobial antiviral compounds for sterilants and disinfectants such as TsAP-1,TsAP-2,peptides from Russain brown frogs,lactic acidosis,Polybia MP-1 using recombinant DNA from relevant animals with the cells used have them be hybrids between bacteria,humans and also cells from the animal it comes from to prevent them being killed off.Synthetic compounds can be created by anabolic and catabolic reactions.Having all of these in them will prevent pathogens being able to adapt.Venoms and antivenoms and even counterproteins will be created with them housing DNA from the animal or plant that creates them.New compounds discovered will be made this way.Virkon and other sterilants and disinfectants such as branded ones can be in powder form,concentrated liquid form that one mixes with water at home or even in a form where it is already mixed in water in a diluted form to be used as spray.This includes both concentrated and pre dilute sterilising liquids sprays for surfaces and floors at home etc and those used by cleaning robots etc.These will be ordered in bulk for several months worth or for an entire years worth with existing recipes of them worldwide analysed and added to the database and customised for new versions or new products.All existing cleaning and sterilising products from around the world will be analysed for ingredients and these added to the database including defunct ones.These will follow the evolutionary process with them designed on Pandora and VR simulations.Like cosmetics and food products one could use neural implants and VR simulations to create them and have AI extrapolate the ingredients and sample each one before ordering with consumers also virtually trying them out in simulations before ordering them for their scent etc.Plastic gloves for laboratories and hospitals will be created onsite of Telesphorus factories with ones saved scanned in hand used a baseline for all them negating the issues of having different sizes produced.Ideally guayule latex created by bacteria will be used as it is non hypoallergenic.Universities and also hospitals AIs etc may create their own supply of sterilising cleaning agents and even gloves in microfactories in the basement or order in large batches with cleaning robots stocking up on them to alleviate strains.Public buildings and communal homes may even create soap and disinfectants in basements to again alleviate strains.Sterlising wipes will be created here as well with them composed of the same material as baby wipes with face masks made via materials created by bacteria.Plant oils,pheromones,scents and fragrances from all 369,000 species of flowers and 391,000 species of plants will be produced this way by bacteria for use in cleaning products,sterilants etc.Face masks to prevent the spread of airborne pathogens and gas masks will be created and ordered in from here and composed of textiles created by bacteria.Hospital beds including electronic ones and even ventilators and all types of machinery including electronics used in hospitals including MRI/Xray/DEXA/surgery machines will be produced in Perdix factories with biosynth technology and nanomaterials dropping their costs to zero,making them faster,compact and more efficient and localising production in emergencies.Home test kits will also be created and ordered in from Telesphorous factories allowing them to be ordered in a few days.Lab equipment such as PCR,Sysmex and other machinery for hospitals will be ordered in from Euclid factories.Like cosmetics and food products one could use neural implants and VR simulations to create them and have Telesphorus extrapolate the ingredients and sample each one before ordering with regards to their scent.Home test kits will be created and ordered in from here with them ideally designed by only Paean,Telesphorus and Epione.First aid kits will be ordered in from Telesphorus factories with even components ordered in parts ie gauze,creams etc all made by bacteria meaning one could order in missing parts.Alcohol etc for sterilising wounds and surfaces will be created here as well with any remaining prescription and over the counter drugs and medicines and even antivenom/counterproteins/antibodies for all poisonous of any type created by bacteria prepared here in batches for a patient for a whole year or what is needed with these medicines active ingredients customised for each patient but arranged by Epione,Telesphorus and Paean for each patient and also the flavours customised by the patient with both AI analysing any side effects they may cause.All medicines of all types from around the world whether over the counter or even prescription will have their chemical structure and ingredients analysed and stored on Telesphorus database and created by genetically engineered bacteria through recombinant DNA and anabolic and catabolic reactions with them ordered in from these Telesphorus factories with this including aspirin,allergy/sleeping pills,contraceptive morning after pills for women,those to treat rashses,pimples,acne,depression,genetic based diseases,infections such as HIV,cancer,parkinsons,parasites etc for both historical reference and when microbes cannot be availible for any reason and to compliment them.They will be listed and named by their generic scientific name rather than their brand trade names ie Zolpidem,Fluoxetine,Esomeprazole etc since these are universal globally with them divided first by prescription and over the counter by type and subtype.Others like those that are branded over the counter ones that have different brand names and are used to treat acne,pimples,zits,cold and flu etc like Clean & Clear,Lemsip,Gaviscon etc will be listed as their brand name due to them having similar or different active ingredients with again the different flavoured versions present and one able to create new variations with different flavours created by bacteria with Paean running simulations on them as to their synergistic reactions with them again creating versions with patient specific doses of the active ingredient for both over the counter and prescription drugs created for each patient,for each batch by Paean to limit side effects etc.Antibiotics,antibodies,synthetic anti-viral and anti-biotic compounds and those to treat all types of conditions will created via recombinant DNA and anabolic and catabolic reactions.Antivenom and counterproteins for poisonous plants and animals can be ordered in bulk and stored at home.Patient specific adrenaline,epinephrine and insulin etc can be ordered in bulk created by bacteria with the patients DNA with them ordered in epi-pen,vial or other forms.Pest repellant sprays etc created by bacteria will be ordered in from here as well as Anopheles repellent armbands and those to repel other insects and also magnetised ones to repel Selachimorpha and also Alligatoridae including electronic ones.Antiseptic creams like those to treat rashes and zits will have them created by bacteria using anabolic and catabolic reactions and also recombinant DNA with them being human/plant/animal cell hybrids that are immune to antibacterial compounds.Eye,ear and nose drops and sprays can also be ordered in from here.All medical compounds of medicinal value such as hormones,neurotransmitters,enzymes ie insulin,testosterones,Limulus amebocyte lysate,oestergen,progesterone those to treat illness and anti-microbial and anti-viral compound can be created by bacteria carrying the relevant recombinant DNA from plants,animals,humans or even patients with even synthetic compounds and pharmaceutical drugs created by them carrying out catabolic and anabolic reactions with them created in photobioreactors in hospitals and even in homes allowing factories that producing them to be converted into homes.Neurotransmitters and compounds used for research purposes can be created this way to cut down costs significantly.Penicillin and antibiotics will also be created this way to cut down costs.Both synthetic drugs and also synthetic compounds and gases can be created by anabolic and catabolic reactions in photobioreactors for research purposes cutting down costs.These will be made again to compliment microbes and to treat ailments that microbes are not good at treating.All ingredients will again be created via bacteria carrying out anabolic and catabolic reactions and also recombinanat DNA from plants and animals.All of these types of medicines both exiting and new ones will be created in and ordered in from local Telesphorous factories both by the public and hospitals and universities rendering pharmacies obsolete.They will be made in batches for a years supply or desired amount for the amount they are required for ones treatment using the same sets of machinery on the same floor with in the case of those to treat chronic conditions will be ordered in at least a month before they run out for security reasons and if need be come from different manufacturing hubs.Thus only what is needed will be created with even over the counter ones ordered in small amounts to treat problems instantly with them also having one for each type of minor problem ie one for treating fever,diarrhea,heartburn etc to have it one hand instantly with extra ordered in when needed ensuring that when these problems occur one will have enough to get by for a week until more can be ordered in in extra amounts with always ensuring they have a least a weeks worth on hand at all times and since they have long shelf lifes they will be able to be stored for years with new ones developed by AI.The amount of active ingredient will be decided by Paean and in the case of prescription ones he will authorize them ordered preventing people ordering in ones they dont need or preventing them becoming addicted and using them outside prescribed amounts with only what is needed produced with them since created by factory AIs will be free.Pest repellant sprays etc will be ordered in from here as well as Anopheles repellent armbands and those to repel other insects and also magnetised ones to repel Selachimorpha and also Alligatoridae including electronic ones.Antiseptic creams like those to treat rashes and zits will have them created by bacteria using anabolic and catabolic reactions and also recombinant DNA with them being human/plant/animal cell hybrids that are immune to antibacterial compounds.Baby powder will be composed of corn starch as it can be created by bacteria via recombinant DNA and is also less toxic than talcum powder with other plant starch powders such as tapioca,arrowroot,rice etc from 391,000 species of plants used in combination with plant oils etc and toxin free binders etc from plants and animals and synthetic compounds.This will be done as talcum is slightly toxic and can be easily contaminated with asbestos but also because plant starches can be more easily created by genetically engineered bacteria at lower costs with talcum if used then will undergoe extensive testing for asbestos and filtration process with talcum recycled and in time created by Picotech fabricators to have pure forms of it without asbestos.Active ingredients and binders etc will be created by bacteria through recombinant DNA from plants and animals as well plant and animals created this way with synthetic compounds created by them carrying out anabolic and catabolic reactions.These will be packaged in cardboard and plastic and not tinfoil and glass with their size determined by the patient,Paean etc.These will be made on the same floor with antivenom and counterproteins to the venom of all kinds such as from venomous species of Meduzoa,Serpentes and also Arachnida and also poisonous plants as these will be created as detailed later on in automated labs using bacteria exposed to these that have relevant DNA and also by AI extrapolating the structure of them by analysing the structures of poisons that will be created in batches via anabolic and catabolic reactions with them made on demand when ordered with one able to order in large amounts to be stored at home with them even have binding proteins that extend its shelf life outside of fridges allowing them to be brought to the beach and wilderness.Prescription glasses and lenses will be made and ordered in from here.CAM walkers,walking aides etc will be designed and ordered in from here.First aid kits will be ordered in whole from these factories or have just specific components ordered in from Telesphorus factories can be ordered in with Life Vac apparatuses used to removed material lodged in the trachea can be 3D printed at home with gauzes etc created by bacteria and if possible metal scissors etc replaced by plastic varients.All types of home test kits that are all in on PCR/Sysmex machine dongle and handheld MRI/X-ray machines and so on will be manufactured in and ordered In from Telesphorous factories.Ideally tampons ordered in from Telesphorus and made in Telesphorus factories should be made of entirely of red algae/seacell/cotton and also silk mixed in from bacteria with no plastic so as to be disposed with other organic waste and packaged individually either in methane or biosynth based plastics or seacell with them packaged in red algae/paper cardboard so as to allow the cardboard and tampons to be put in the same bin as organic waste to be made into biochar.The tampons will be custom made in terms of their width and length suited to a female consumers vagina/cervix and will be composed of seacell,cotton etc created by bacteria to absorb as much blood as possible with them also fitted with biosynth sensors that detect the presence and levels of blood allowing for the time of periods to be determined and logged into their patient files.Other textiles created by bacteria could include silk,hemp,flax,bamboo can be what they are made of of and have different designs stored in a subfolder.The tampons would be put in seacell pouches to negate the use of plastic allow them and the cardboard housing them to be all pyrolysised at once with no plastic present with all plastic parts being made of cloth or even strong carbohydrates.Any plastic present would methane or biosynth based plastics to be separated into plastic bins with as stated absorbent textiles present with the biosynth nanosensors able to detect not just blood but also pathogens of which the patient will be immunised wirelessly when their species is detected by the sensors on the tampon and send alarms to ones smart devices when they are detected and when no more blood is pumped onto them.These will be disposed of in organic waste bins if any plastic is removed.Plastic can be replaced with pyrolsisable biosynth plastics that can go into organic waste bins.They like condoms will be ordered in bulk.Thus products such as toilet cleaner,cleaning products cosmetics,baby wipes,tampons,condoms and other products from Oxylus,Himeros,Agathodaemon,Telesphorus that have customised recipes will be made and ordered in bulk for each consumer with private homes storing them in storerooms with those in communal homes storing them in storerooms and also in suites in toilets and also spare closets.These will be created using pulp as well as plant and animal textiles made by bacteria.Private home residents and communal home residents will order in a year or more supplies in large containers from 500ml to 5 litres and in a series of cardboard boxes with communal homes having the option of having the macro AI or the AI of each suite ordering them in.Public buildings such as hospitals,public amenities etc will also have the AI of the building determine how much to order in every year of these products with ideally soaps,toilet cleaners made in the basement including extensions in photobioreactors and pools using bacteria an connected to all taps and toilets in the building to negate the need for orders and ensure the supply of them is constant and also alleviate strains on factory deliveries with these photobioreactors,pools and also piping added to all buildings worldwide by paid contractors and robots etc.All of these detailed products and more will be created onsite of relevant factories with recipes of all existing branded products worldwide of all cleaning products worldwide will be analysed by automated labs and released by corporations around the world including defunct with them added to their folders and subfolders with different scented etc ones put into subpages and submenus with their logo also scanned in and front and back sticker as well to be replicated on customised containers with containers also scanned into be modified etc.Advertisements will be added to the page with physical non liquid products scanned in.Baby wipes would be homemade or if made in Telesphorus factories would have silk from both Arachnida,Lepidoptera and strong hydrophobic carbohydrates in them to be degraded in sewage treatment plants and allow them to be sent to organic waste pyrolysis plants with these in place of plastic that can also be pyrolysised and degraded by algae in algae in sewage treatment plants with algae engineered to degrade silk,carbohydrates and all plant and animal textiles will be made by bacteria.These would have silkworm and spider silk to make them strong enough for use but still be able to be broken down and degraded by algae in sewage treatment plants and allow them to be sent to organic waste plants and will negate the need for cotton make up removers.Algae will be engineered to break down silk and all plant and animal textiles as part of them as nutrition using enzymes.If possible they would be made in Telesphorus factories using organic substitutes like a strong carbohydrate similar those found in Graminae and in plant husks created by bacteria that would be easy to break down via degrading algae with if possible starches present dissolved by the algea containing DNA from Sacchrophagus degradans with this and covering all parts of the sewage line in a permanent layer of liquid glass will prevent fatbergs forming.This would also be done to allow them to break down toilet paper as nutrition and would replace bioplastics.They will as detailed later on also have DNA from plastic degrading bacteria.Ideally no plastic will be present in them with strong carbohydrates including spider and silkworm silk for strength replacing it as it will thus allow them to be put into organic waste bins to be pyrolysised alongside cardboard,paper and gone off food since the lack of plastic will mean they will not create carcinogens.These will be ordered in bulk from Telesphorus factories with them and cleaning wipes have any types of scent added with all ingredients such as pulp,textiles,oils etc created by bacteria.Research can be done into different strong carbohydrates,textiles alongside spider silk etc in different mixtures and even biosynth plastic that can give them strength and still allow them to be pyrolysised in organic waste bins and degraded by algea in sewage treatment plants with them replacing bioplastics.Biobased compounds created by bacteria will be researched that are non toxic,strong and dont create toxins or carcinogens when pyrolysised with the same done to see if any oils added for scent are not carcinogenic when pyrolysised.Ideally baby and sterilising wipes as well as tampons would be composed of red and green algae paper mixed together with other fibres produced by bacteria of any of the worlds 391,000 plants with pulp from any species of 60,065 trees produced onsite of Telesphorus factories created by bacteria with the designs on them also made on Pandora and stored in subfolder.Biosynth plastic that can be composted and pyrolysised can be used as well in place of normal plastics.By using biosynth plastic and plant and animal textiles especially strong ones will allow the baby wipes to be disposed in organic waste bins and thus pyrolysised with this and plant and animal oils when pyrolysised potentionally producing no carcinogens through tests and simulations by AI.Algae in sewage treatment plants can be engineered to break down the plant and animal textiles and also biosynth plastics.Sterilising wipes will be composed of these.Sewage treatment plants will have all piping etc covered in liquid glass to prevent them forming fatbergs.Cleaning and sterilising wipes like baby wipes will be made in Telesphorus factories with them composed of the same materials as baby wipes with antibacterial compounds alongside scented oils interwoven into them.These will follow an evolutionary path designed by the public on Pandora,neural implants etc.Those that need prescriptions will need authorisation from Paean to order them via Hephaestus and he will ensure thy have active ingredients suited to each patient or modified to ones body.Ingredients for healthcare and sterilising products will be listed on packaging and product page of all new and existing products and undergoe quality control managed by Aphrodite.A seal of approval and results of quality control tests will also be present on both packaging and product page.Toilet paper,kitchen paper will be made onsite of Telesphorus and/or Oxylus factories to alleviate strains on each ofher.Toilet paper can be custom made with the consumer and even all types of public buildings ordering in a years or two or more years supply which can be stored at home in spare rooms or in community centres with the same applying to kitchen paper which can be designed to be in specific sizes/width or even specific amounts of toilet paper on the roll and the packs they come in with them packaged within Seacell,algae paper,cardboard(including graphene based cardboard)covered in liquid glass to make the containers water and dirt proof rather than plastic.The cardboard that holds rolls together will be created onsite using paper pulp created by bacteria.Tissuses,paper towels and even napkins will be ordered in from Telesphorus and/or Oxylus factories to again alleviate strains on each other with like baby wipes one choosing the size of the packet and how much is in each container and thus how big the container is with even cotton swabs and make up removers will be ordered in from here with cotton swabs have plastic parts made of cardboard or spider silk infused paper to allow them to be fully pyrolysised with if possible cotton swabs and even cotton based make up remover made in Himeros factories.Designs for them will be made on Pandora and stored on Oxylus.Toilet paper and paper towels will also be ordered in from here with the pulp made of any species of 60,065 species of trees or all 391,000 species of plants,200,000 species of algae and 1,200 species Bambusoidea by genetically engineered bacteria.For napkins,tissues,toilet paper and paper towels one could choose the type of animal and plant textile mixed in with the algae and tree pulp of toilet paper for their various properties such as strength and smoothness ie silkworm and spider silk of all types,wool,hemp,flax,bamboo etc using bacteria grown onsite of Telesphorus and Oxylus factories via bacteria with them using waste products.This can apply to kitchen towels and even tampons.For paper towels,toilet paper,napkins,tissues etc one will be able to design the patterns in them stored in a Telesphorus.

Toothbrushes can be replaced by 3D printed blizzadent brushes printed at home using a scanned in scan of ones teeth using bite impressions and pen scanners stored in ones patient file with normal and electric toothbrushes designed on Pandora and made in Telesphorus factories with a person ideally ordering four to meed the needs for an entire year with them dipped in antibacterial liquid or mouthwash to decontaminate them with mouthwash and toothpaste being made onsite of Telesphorus factories and being homemades.All existing toothbrushes from around the world both electric and also normal and electric toothbrush heads will be scanned into Telesphorus with the recipes of mouthwash and toothpaste from around the world with them following the same evolutionary method as all other manufactured goods.Bristles will be made by bacteria creating natural or synthetic fibres of varying strength for soft,mild and strong ones with electric toothbrushes and heads like normal ones have the entire body composed of plastic with electric brushes composed in Talus factories or Telesphorus ones.Toothbrushes and toothbrush heads in the case pf electric ones will be ordered in bulk for a years or even several years supply with twelve of them catering to a persons needs for four years with the heads of electric ones ordered in separately with them individually designed in their own suppage/submenu.Toothpaste,mouthwash,soap both liquid and solid and also sunscreen and aftersun will be made in Telesphorus factories with all ingredients created by bacteria via recombinant DNA and anabolic and cataboic reations.These as stated unlike body wash and shampoo etc will be made in Telesphorus factories and not Himeros ones since soap,toothpaste and also mouthwash deal with ones health and not cosmetic appearance.Existing recipes will be released by corporations including defunct ones with automated labs analysing samples to get the exact composition.New products will be created by the public and follow the evolutionary process.Like cleaning,cosmetic and food products one could use neural implants and VR simulations to create them and have Telesphorus extrapolate the ingredients and sample each one before ordering with consumers also virtually trying them out in simulations before ordering them for their scent etc.Toothpaste,liquid soaps,mouthwash can come in methane or biosynth based plastic containers of different shapes and sizes outside of tubing and in the same type of packaging as liquid soap or even sunscreen and also shampoo.Sunscreen and aftersun can be either liquid sprays or even solid creams though in time making one immune to radiation from Thermoccocus gammatolerans and CRISPR turning on/off genes to change ones skin tone will render them obsolete.Soaps both liquid and solid bar ones including sterilising ones will be created onsite of Telesphorus factories as they also deal with ones health with all of these such as soap,toothpaste,mouthwash have their recipes customised with the person choosing flavours and their strength of protection with them chosen to having lactic acid,Polybia-MP1 and TsAP-1/TsAP-2 and other antibacterial compounds added to them alongside anti-microbial compounds from phytoplankton,Russian Brown frogs alongside DNA from Nostoc ellipsosporum,Apis mellifera,Citrus limon,Corticium simplex for melittin,cyanovirin-N,Di-dehydro-Cortistatin A created by bacteria made immune to them or would be bacteria hybridised with human cells and those from the plant and animal they originate from to prevent them being killed off with natural compounds that be cytoxic have humans made immune to them to prevent side effects via forced evolution on bacteria with the new genes then added to Aesculapius and used for augmentation upgrades.Synthetic antiviral and antibacterial compounds can be created by anabolic and catabolic.Having all of these in solid and liquid soaps,mouthwash and toothpaste will make it impossible for pathogens to gain an immunity with them also in body wash and shampoo at the behest of the consumer.New compounds found to have antimicrobial,viricidal properties both natural and synthetic will be researched and to the database for soap,toothpaste,mouthwash with one ticking the boxes to have with one also choosing both flavourings and scents again both natural and synthetic.All flavourings and scents,antimicrobial,viricidal compounds created by bacteria via recombinant DNA and anabolic and catabolic reactions.Plant oils,pheromones,scents and fragrances from all 369,000 species of flowers and 391,000 species of plants will be produced this way by bacteria for use in these healthcare products.Certain products such as solid soaps etc will have moulds created for them composed of methane or biosynth based plastics.Pandora will be used to design the shape of certain body cosmetic/cleaning products such as toothbrushes etc with it also used to design the ratio of the ingredients.Neural implants and VR technology will be used to design the texture,smell,fragrance with them derived from thought and Telesphorus and Pandora extrapolating anabolic and catabolic reactions and recombinant DNA to create these.Like cleaning and food products one could use neural implants and VR simulations to create them and have Telesphorus extrapolate the ingredients and sample each one before ordering with consumers also virtually trying them out in simulations before ordering them for their scent etc.Pandora will be used to design the packaging of all home cleaning products such as those for soap,toothpaste.These will be ordered in bulk for several months worth or for an entire years worth with existing recipes of them worldwide analysed and added to the database and customised for new versions or new products.Toothpaste will ideally have them in the same packaging as shampoo or mouthwash to store more,make them easier to clean.Those for pets will be made here as well in their own section of the sub network.These like all healthcare items will be ordered in batches for a years supply with them divided into those for humans and those for pets and livestock.Hospitals and indeed all public buildings will make these onsite in basement microfactories with them connected to all sinks via piping added in them to alleviate strains or in time by 2029 ordered in bulk and put in place and refilled by robots,remaining staff and in time biosynths that maintain them.All ingredients for medicines,soaps,mouthwash,condoms,tampons etc will be created using bacteria via anabolic and catabolic reactions and recombinant DNA from plants and animals.

Ornamental plants of all 391,000 species including 369,000 species of flowers including hybrids that are engineered to grow in all climates and soils as well as pets and livestock of all 2,000,000 species of animals engineered to be docile and free from poisons via artificial wombs and plots created for them will be grown onsite of all community and vertical farms eliminating private nurseries and private animal breeders.All future pets and livestock will be ordered in from local vertical and community farms through Demeter created by 3D DNA printers creating embryos with unique genotypes that will be reared in artificial wombs and delivered to them and when unwanted will be traded on Euthenia while insects,fish and shellfish and amphibians will printed at home.This will allow one access to any of the worlds species of 2,000,000 insects,fish,shellfish,reptiles,mammals etc for free locally with wild animals have genetic engineering make them docile with poisonous ones have their ability to produce venoms removed.All future ornamental plants including customised boquets of flowers for birthdays,Valentines Day will be ordered in from again local vertical and community farms through Demeter where they will be reared to maturity in specialised plots created by 3D DNA printers and delivered to consumers.It will allow gardeners access to any species of the worlds 391,000 plants including any of the worlds 369,000 species of flowers including those designed on Pandora and from the rest of the universe for free with poisonous ones have their poison removed via genetic engineering and them engineered to grow in any climate and soil across the world or universe.Some ornamental plants will be printed at home.Both animals,plants and bouquets can will be ordered in from their sections in Demeter from vertical and community farms.Garden pots,shovels,fertilisers and compost etc will be ordered in from local Hegemone factories.This will render all animal and pet breeders and also all private nurseries and gardening stores obsolete forever.Prized livestock and animals such as horses DNA will have their DNA scanned into Physis to be replicated into embryos into wombs availible to anyone.Flowers of any 369,000 species in the form of bouquets will be ordered in as well from here.Pandora will allow one to create new crops,ornamental plants,hybrid crops and also pets and livestock with them all ordered in from local vertical,community,meadow etc farms with all of them having small nurseries and artificial wombs onsite to save on energy and alleviate strains on each other and allow it to be delivered by vertical farms own fleets of vehicles locally with this rendering private breeders of animals and also ornamental plants worldwide defunct and allow nurseries,indoor plantations,florists etc to become homes and land used to grow Tulips,Roses and outdoor plantations of flowers and ornamental plants etc worldwide reforested

Cleaning products of all types will be made onsite of Ajax or Telesphorus factories or both with this including toilet and surface cleaners including those for the bathroom,floor,kitchen,wooden tables,carpets,vehicles,electronics.Also created here will be washing up liquid,dish cleaning products for dishwashers and also those for clothes in clothes washing machines with this including liquids,tablets and powders on the same floor with recipes from products around the world added to the Ajax database and network and follow the evolutionary method.Spray clothes cleaning products and their powder variants will be produced here as well.Plant oils,pheromones,scents and fragrances from all 369,000 species of flowers and 391,000 species of plants will be produced this way by bacteria for use in cleaning products.All of these alongside herbicides etc will be created on one floor.Like cosmetics and food products one could use neural implants and VR simulations to create them and have Himeros extrapolate the ingredients and sample each one before ordering with consumers also virtually trying them out in simulations before ordering them for their scent etc. Pandora will be used to design the shape of certain cleaning products such as soaps for clothing,liquid tablets with it also used to design the ratio of the ingredients.Neural implants and VR technology will be used to design the texture,smell,fragrance with them derived from thought and Ajax/Telesphorusand Pandora extrapolating anabolic and catabolic reactions and recombinant DNA to create these.Like cleaning and food products one could use neural implants and VR simulations to create them and have Ajax extrapolate the ingredients and sample each one before ordering with consumers also virtually trying them out in simulations before ordering them for their scent etc.Pandora will be used to design packaging stored in Ajax with one able to choose different packaging and sizes for each cleaning product.will be ordered in bulk for several months worth or for an entire years worth with existing recipes of them worldwide analysed and added to the database and customised for new versions or new products.The cloths used to clean surfaces etc will be made in Arachne factories.All existing cleaning products from around the world will be analysed for ingredients and these added to the database including defunct ones.Spraying a permanent layer of liquid glass onto clothes and infusing them with a permanent scent will negate the need for clothes washing tablets,powder and liquids and allow for washing machines and tumble dryers to be recycled with it sprayed on cutlery will negate the need to clean them and thus render washing machines obsolete and washing powder.Doing this to all clothes and dishes worldwide will drastically reduce the amount of energy and water used globally with surfaces in the home also covered in this to negate the need for cleaning products and can allow dryers and washing machines to be recycled.Curing machines can bake clothes in narrow range wavelength UV lights to sterilise.Having it on all cutlery such as plates,cups,glasses,forks etc will allow washing machines to be recycled and cut down on water and energy use.Thus would render the need to have Ajax factories create dish washing tablets,powders etc and also negate the need for them to create cleaning products for all surfaces and also clothing not only saving energy but also allowing for space to be freed up in Ajax factories.Home cosmetics like air freshners,air deodorisers and eliminators etc from around the world will also be made onsite of these factories or in Himeros ones with existent recipes added and them following the same evolutionary process with all ingredients created by bacteria.Ajax factories will be named after Ajax the Great abd the cleaning product Ajax.

All existing insecticide,herbicide,fertiliser and compost products from around the world will be analysed for ingredients and these added to the database including defunct ones.Fertilisers and compost will be ordered in from community centres or made here.Fertilisers and compost will be customised and made as detailed earlier on via mixing in algea,organic waste etc with brands of fertilisers and compost from around the world added to the database and new ones created by the public or one can have ones customised to their specific crops and plants created by the Home AI.Both compost and fertiliser can be created onsite of Hegemone factories and community centres to alleviate strains on each other with them ordered in through Hephaestus and Hegemone and Aphrodite interacting with consumers to detail which to gain them from with community centres allowing one to order in bulk orders through delivery vehicles and pick them up in person..Sewage treatment plants for each order will ship in algae to provide nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium to Hegemone factories and Community centres with biochar and composted material made via growing plants such as Bambusoidae,Pueraria montana,Fallopia japonica that will be then composted or pyrolysised with bacteria engineered to this very quickly with the plants engineered to grow quickly as well and grown hydroponically while sulphur will be gained via SNOX filters on geothermal and fossil fuel plants.Bacteria may ideally through genetic engineering make flour or fibrous material of these plants Bambusoideae namely D.giganteus or even F.japonica,P.montana and 3910,000 species of plants to increase yields for both compost and biochar fertiliser.The fibrous material can be created by bacteria to allow for exponentionally higher yields when grown onsite than these plants grown hydroponically as the bacteria can create large amounts in a short amount of time and space especially when given genetic engineering to increase growth rates and yields.Thus bacteria can onsite of Hegemone factories and community centres as well as community and home farms etc can create large amounts of fibrous material that can be composted by bacteria or made into biochar fertiliser by being pyrolysised that can negate the need for growing plants onsite of factories.For fertilisers this material will be pyrolysised and for compost composting bacteria created by 3D DNA printers will decompose this material.Biochar for fertiliser and compost can be ordered in from pyrolysis plants.Algae will be shipped to them from sewage treatment plants or have a set amount of sewage diverted to these centres and Hegemone factories from the main line to be created into algae.This will supply nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium etc.Blood fertiliser will be created by haemotiopic stem cells grown onsite of factories etc.This will be done via interactions between the AIs of Hegemone factories,organic pyrolysis plants,sewage treatment plants,community centres and also Hegemone,Tyche,Euthenia being constant.Home farms,community and vertical farms will create their own create their own supply of compost and fertilisers to alleviate strains on Hegemone factories and community centres.Woodchips for bark and mulch to be placed on flowerbeds and mulch will be created by growing synthetic wood of all 60,065 species onsite of Hegemone factories where it can be put into chippers.Mulch and sawdust will be created by again by having synthetic wood created onsite of Hegemone factories and put through machinery to turn it into sawdust and mulch to be ordered in biosynth plastic packets with woodchips,mulch and sawdust also made onsite of home and community farms.These will be ordered in via Hephaestus that does so from the nearest community centres,Hegemone factories or they can be picked up in person.One can choose to use drums used in a rotary system using delivery trucks or reusable seacell bags infused with graphene that are brought to community centres in person.Fertilisers both liquid and solid ones from Hegemone factories can be delivered in batches of methane or biosynth plastic containers of various sizes from 500ml to 10liters with compost,wood chips and mulch delivered in sacks of 50-100litres composed of methane and biosynth plastic.Those from community centres can have people go back and forth with reusable containers and sacks composed of these materials.Thus all community centres and Hegemone factories will house areas to grow compost,fertiliser and woodchippings of all types.Recipies for all branded fertilisers and composts will be added to the Hegemone database.In time picotech fabricators could be able to supply all elements specifically for ornamental plants.They could be made in both community centres and Hegemone factories to alleviate strains on each other with vertical,meadow and community farms making them as well to further alleviate strains on each other.Each brand can be analysed in labs to be preserved forever and follow the evolutionary process with customised versions of each brand in subpages with the levels of each ingredient and nutrient labelled.Compost and fertilisers can be made that are suited to all plants or specific species of crops and ornamental plants to maximise yields,plant and flower growth and limit fertiliser burn with instructions as to the exact amount detailed via Aristeaus interacting with Hegemone to create them for all 80,000-391,000 crops and all 391,000 ornamental plants that can be stored in pages and subpages with the exact ratio of nitrogen,phosphorous,potassium,sulphur,copper etc in each fertiliser.Nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium for existing branded fertilisers will come from algae that has the nutrients extracted in the exact amounts and excess material turned into commercial products with picotech fabricators then being able to compliment algae for customised and branded fertilisers with all essential nutrients such as phosphorus,nitrogen,potassium,sulphur and copper etc.Once picotech fabricators that use the Breit Wheeler process are perfected they will be built into vertical,home and community farms to allow copper,sulphur,phosphorous,potassium and nitrogen and other elements necessary for growth to be constructed on site with them mixed together or the fabricators could create all types of general,branded or custom fertilisers in one go mixed together to be then stored onsite with them creating a year,decade or even millenias supply of them in one go and stored their with the same applying to water and other requirements of crops such as compost made of organic and inorganic material created by picotech fabricators onsite thus alleviating strains on rivers,limited reserves etc and allow algae and biochar to be used to create graphene and animal and human feed.These fabricators will be onsite of all types of farms such as home,community,forest,meadow and vertical farms to create them for a years or even decades worth to be stored onsite with this eliminating scarcity of these nutrients.Branded fertilisers for Hegemone factories will have the nitrogen,phosphorus,potassium created onsite of Aphrodite buildings.Algea will still be used for fertiliser in most home,community and vertical farms as a lower energy cost source and will primarily be used for crops as once plants are eaten the nitrogen,phosphorus etc will be recycled in sewage treatment plants.Insecticide powders and sprays for homes may be created here in Hegemone factories with existing brands from around the world replicated here and also one creating new brands alongside insect traps for the home and farms as well as mouse traps and poison.Insecticides may be made redundant by bowls at home and traps made in these factories filled with sugary water or liquids that have pheramones to attract specific pests whether mammal or insect ones that can lure them into their death due to insect pests attracted by sugar and pheramones without the risk of poisoning humans and cross contamination.This can apply to all species of Formicidae,Vespidae.Plants including crops and ornamental ones can be created or have existing ones fitted with DNA that creates repellants that repel specific pests of all types including Anophles,Formicidae,Vespidae,Rodentia,Procyon with new ones created by scratch DNA from Phanes ordered in from Demeter.Crops and ornamental plants will using scratch DNA created by Phanes and that from other plants produce compounds that repel all pests such as Apidae etc but not pollinators and predators of pests.They can be planted indoors or outdoors.If possible Phanes can using scratch DNA could be able to create plants created solely for killing pests that contain pheromones and also poisons suited to only these specific pests ordered in from Demeter that can be planted in ones garden or indoors and the entice the pest into eating the plant that kills only them with beneficial insects,livestock and pests made immune to the toxin created by Phanes.These could also be varients of Dionaea muscipula,Nepenthes distillatoria,Pinguicula,Drosera and that release pheramones to lure specific insects Anophles,Formicidae,Vespidae and even modified to be much larger than normal and be able to capture mammals like Rodentia,Procyon by again luring only them in by producing specific pheromones and attracted for each pest that only each species can detect leaving beneficial ones unable to be lured in or even repelled by the plants creating smells that repel beneficial insects such as bees and butterflies etc.These would release pheramones suited to desired pests and species of Anophles,Formicidae,Vespidae,Rodentia,Procyon.They pest in n the case of D.muscipula,N.distillatoria,Pinguicula,Drosera etc will lure the insect or animal and kill it by eating them the way they normally do with those modelled on other plants entice the plant to eats it fruit and leaves that contains poisons that kill them with the acellerated healing phenotype allowing eaten fruit and leaves to regrow.The plants will be engineered to repel beneficial insects but attract and entice either one specific or a several species of pests ranging from insects to small mammals decided by the consumer with toxins if used only being poisonous to the specific species and not humans,livestock and pets with biocompatible microbes allowing one to change which species to repel or entice and house poisons for.If possible complex nervous and muscular systems can be integrated into them on par with a mammal ie Canis lupus familiaris to improve their ability of doing this to actively lure in these pests and be fed in vitro meat and larvae reared at home or ordered in to prevent them staving and them finding human and pet flesh distasteful and only engineered to be only large enough to consume Rodentia,Procyon.They of course would be suited to grow in all climates and soils and even have the acellerated healing phenotype with existing ornamental plants fitted with this via CRISPR.These could be planted indoors in basements,sheds and living rooms,kitchens or outdoors in ones garden and rooftop gardens etc.Living ornamental plants and crops can via microbes injected into them apply CRISPR treatments to add repellency from scratch DNA and recombinant DNA from other plants and crops that produce them to make them actively produce repellent smells that deter each specific pests that attack them leaving only wild plants to be attacked but will not affect beneficial bees and butterflies etc.New ones ordered in from Demeter will have this in their genome.This would render pesticides including sprays obsolete with herbicides made obsolete by pests engineered to consume weeds and also species specific pathogens downloaded from either Hegemone or Demeter that will kill weeds and any unwanted plants when watered into the roots etc that kill only that species of plant with fungicides etc made obsolete by crops and ornamental plants including live ones through CRISPR giving them resistance to bacterial,fungal and viral pathogens via microbes as well as fully functioning immune systems that can be immunised and have strains of microbes allowed.Other ones could be created that are planted in gardens or indoors that repel Vespidae,Formicidae,Anopheles ordered in from Demeter and also with ornamental plants grown outdoors fitted with this via injection of microbes.Fungal and viral pathogens for invasive species created by Phanes to attack only specific species will be downloaded from Demeter or Nososi or Hegemone.Pesticides for crops and ornamental plants will also be made redundant by engineering crops and plants with repellants that deter the pest from attacking them with herbicides also made redundant by having these pests engineered to consume only them.Ornamental plants can be if glysophate is still used be given genes from Agrobacterium tumefaciens to make them resistant to it with humans also giving this as well.Living plants can using syringes,arthropod biosynths and water mixtures containing microbes in watering cans that enter the roots can be given species specific microbes downloaded from home 3D DNA printers to inject into plants via syringes etc to then have these phenotypes added.Crops and plants whether in the wild or ornamental ones will using bacteria that contain the hosts species DNA and their own species specific version of Cas-9 with them giving their own fully functioning immune system via CRISPR that uses their microbes as a baseline leukocytes.Each species of plant whether crops,ornamental or wild one will be first given a fully functioning immune system in labs using bacterial vectors and CRISPR and then their version of leukocytes that can be immunised and microbes of all strains created.This will render the production of pesticides for crops and ornamental plants obsolete negating the need to use space in Hegemone factories for them.Herbicides can be made obsolete by having pests of ornamental plants and crops engineered to only consume them thus having pests aid both farmers and gardeners with boiling water used as well.Pests can be made to feed on weeds etc alongside pathogens for pests and weeds created that can kill specific species that can be spread there.This could allow for plants and pests to be killed off without using herbicides,pesticides etc and fungi,bacteria,viral pathogens dealt without bactericides etc and negate the need for space for herbicides,pesticides to be created in Hegemone factories.All of this would in time be able to render obsolete the need to create herbicides,fungicides,pesticides etc onsite of Hegemone factories at all.However of they are still needed then the ingredients of all herbicides,pesticides,insecticides,cleaning products of all types such as those that come in liquid,powder and tablet form will be analysed in labs and their recipes added to Hegemone database that will be produced in a Hegemone factories.Bacteria can create their ingredients through anabolic and catabolic reactions an DC recombinant DNA from plants and animals will aid in cutting their cost to zero It could be possible to have on the same floor different machines for different purposes ie one that creates all types of liquid cleaning products such as surface cleaners/washing up liquid/sprays as well as vehicle(private vehicle waxes etc and those for bicycles) and screen cleaners,one that creates all type of washing machine and dish washer tablets/liquids/powder/spray,one that creates all types of insecticide as well as pesticide and Rodentia powders/sprays/liquids/solid poisons and one that creates all types of herbicides/pesticides and one that created solid and liquid fertilisers and also compost and woodchips,mulch etc all being all in one machines that creates all customised types of multiple different products to save space in Hegemone factories with liquid glass,genetic engineering plants etc negating the need for most saving up space allowing excess to be produced in other machines.These will be spread across one or two floors of each Hegemone factory.Liquid glass on all machinery and strict cleaning procedures will allow all of them to be created on all machines.Community centres can house extra miniaturised machinery to allow them to be ordered in from here to alleviate strains on Hegemone factories.All of these will be ordered in bulk for a years supply for each consumer to save time between orders.All of them will be following the evolutionary process with existing recipes of cleaning products,insectides etc from around the world analysed by labs including obsolete ones and added to this database with them having variations created with customised recipes with new ones also having customised recipes.Cleaning products can be made by the public with herbicides etc produced by universities,AI and specialised researchers that follow toxicity tests and grading systems set down by Agele and Aphrodite.AI can interact with humans to create new pesticides,herbicides etc by carrying out research etc.Animal litter can be homemade or made onsite of Hegemone factories with the material being organic and created by bacteria and can be disposed of by being dumped into toilets where algea can degrade it.Shovels,pots and all types of gardening tools etc can be created in Hegemone factories thus rendering gardening stores obsolete and allowed to be converted into homes with existing items scanned into this Hegemone

.FireICE will be created here in Agathodaemon factories as an alternative to water and foam in fire hydrants since it is better at putting them out and slowing their spread with a person sending used hydrants back and forth in a rotary system to have it refilled.Public buildings AI and those of power plants and factories will do this after they are emptied with fire blankets also designed and stored here.These and also FireIce and liquid glass may be made onsite of these factories in the same machinery and floor as the aforementioned products with canisters and fire blankets also made here.FireIce and liquid glass will be created by anabolic and catabolic reactions with if possible liquid glass made onsite of each factory to be applied on all ordered items in microfactories to negate for it being ordered in from Agathodaemon factories and taking up space with FireIce made onsite of all public buildings and power plants it is used and even in communal homes because since made in the basements of these buildings it can be hooked directly to sprinkler systems to put out fires very quickly as unlike water and foam it prevents the spread of fires by making surfaces unable to ignite with all flooring and furniture covered in liquid glass to prevent it damaging them with this making them self sufficient.Private homes will order it in containers made of methane based thermoplastics and metal in a rotary system with the containers in public buildings using what is created in basement to refill them.This will allow those to be ordered in from private homes to be the only ones with this alleviating strains with them and liquid glass ordered in from homes to be applied on home surfaces etc made in the same machinery and photobioreactors as poisons,insecticides,herbicides etc or the same single large machine.All of these five or so machines would be sizeable ones on one or two floors with others on the same floor to produce similar items or even different ones easily with all ingredients for all aforementioned products created by bacteria via recombinant DNA and anabolic and cataboic reations.Other items will be created on the remaining floors in all in one machinery for each item.Fire blankets will be composed of textiles created by bacteria using recombinant DNA and also anabolic and catabolic reactions with them having graphene in its matrix for strength and fireproofing.If possible fire blankets will be made in Arachne factories.Ingredients for cleaning products will be listed on packaging and product page of all new and existing products and undergoe quality control managed by Aphrodite.As stated liquid glass will ideally be made in each Selene,Daedalus,Antikyhra,Arachne and other factories in photobioreactors present via anabolic and catabolic reactions to cut down on strains of producing and shipping it from Agathodaemon factories for each and every order with it created onsite of Agathodaemon factories for orders made from Agathodaemon factories and batches of it ordered in for use at home etc.Plastic and rubber gloves used for washing up dishes in the kitchen will be designed and stored in Agathodaemon with them customised like gloves used as accessories will be made to fit ones individual hand and not general pre made sizes.Ideally guayule latex created by bacteria will be used as it is non hypoallergenic.Cutlerly,garden tools,everyday knick knacks and household and everyday items needed at home,jerry cans with household tools also present such as hammers,screwdrivers will be present here in Agathodaemon with electronic ones present in Talus.This will include clothes pegs,bird feeders(with seeds ordered in from Demeter)clothes hangers and also hair combs of all types and also paper and styrofoam cups,plates,straws and cutlerly.Metal components in plastic or wooden pegs will ideally be made of plastic with the same applying to clothes hangers and other products with wooden parts made of any wood using moulds and bacteria.Fridge magnets will be created here using magnetic bacteria like Magnetospirillum.Scrubbers for vegetables and even washing dishes in the sink and brillo pads will be made here.Scissors and even duct and sticky tape and their holders can be ordered in from here with sticky and duct tape made of methane or biosynth based plastic that can be composted or pyrolysised with the adhesive glue composed of that from C.crescentus created by other bacteria.Glue of all types and other office items like staplers,staples etc will be created here alongside toner and printer ink for printers while actual printers are made in Talus factories with these and other chemicals created bacteria doing so via catabolic and anabolic reactions and also recombinant DNA from plants and animals.Biobased glue from C.crescentus will form the basis of this glue with it modified to be of varying strength.Compounds to dissolve this powerful glue will be created by bacteria with AI extrapolating its chemical composition.Staples can be composed of plastic alongside the entirety of staplers etc if made strong and have even graphene in their matrix.Strong plastics,graphene infused plastics,synthetic compounds and those made form allotropes of carbon and other more abundant elements can replace metal in parts of or the entirety of all products here to allow them to be recyceld more easily and save on time and even energy for mining.Pens for writing of all types with all components including plastics and inks created by bacteria and them ordered in bulk with Adonit pens ordered in from Talus factories.Inks for pens,stickers etc will also be created by bacteria in the same way as dyes ie through recombinant DNA and anabolic and catabolic reactions.Cleaning spirits for the removal of marker,pen and glue stains will be created here through the same means.Metal parts for scissors,vegetable peelers etc can be replaced by sharpened plastic strong enough to do its job but not enough to be used as a weapon and cut oneself.Plungers of all types and other household items will be created here.Packaging in the form of methane or biosynth based plastic and fungi styrofoam will be ordered in from here and them made into any design with even styrofoam pellets ordered in from here.Cutlery would either ordered in sets or ideally a set would be designed and one would be able to order in how much of each type ie knives,forks,spoons etc of all sizes one would order in with the same applying to plates,cups,bowls etc so a person would choose how much of each would be in each set and if they lost or broke some could re-order the amount they lost.Glasses of all types will be stored in and created in Ganymede factories alongside all types of glassware.Kegs and barrels made of wood and plastic made from bacteria and also metal will be created here.Garden tools include water hoses will be created on their own floor with mops and brushes made here as well on the same floor.Brushes for the floor created on Agathodaemon will have bristles created by bacteria and the wood or plastic created by bacteria as well with mops have the fibres and textiles created by them as well composed of any textile with robotic hoovers,cleaners and spraying floors with liquid glass negating these.Stands to hold candles will be created here with candles made in Himeros factories.Barbecues and solar grills will be made here as well with canisters ordered in from Perdix and charcoal ordered in from here with metal replaced by methane based thermoplastics.Lighters of all types ie for cigarettes,cookers,candles will be made here composed entirely of methane based thermoplastics and fluid grown at home in sheds or ordered in from Perdix factories with matches also made here by bacteria creating the wood etc using moulds alongside the part that the match is scraped against and the box itself.Stickers for vehicles etc will be created in these factories composed of biobased glue and also methane or biosynth based plastic and paper created by bacteria.Paper cups and straws etc can be composed of paper composed of tree pulp,strong carbohydrates and also textiles like flax,hemp,silk both silkworm and spider silk etc all created by bacteria mixed into each other to give them extra strength and smoothness but also allow them to be pyrolysised with the part that the straw punches into normally made of plastic will also be made of this strong pyrolysisable paper and natural plant and animal textiles or even fungi styrofoam.Paper cups for fast food restaurants and coffee and tea rooms will be composed of this material ie paper and silkworm and spider silk with even the plastic that covers fizzy drinks and coffee will be made of this strong paper.These paper products can even have liquid glass on them to repel water allowing them to be reused indefinitely.Styrofoam cups,plates,straws etc will also be ordered in from here with these made from fungi styrofoam will mean that they can be composted,pyrolysised and break down in the wilderness.Styrofoam for holding drinks and burgers will be composed of fungi as it can be pyrolysised or composted with this applying for both restaurants and also home use.These will likely replace paper holders for burgers since the styrofoam made by fungi can be pyrolysised and even degrade in the wild.Otherwise paper and cardboard holders will also be used ordered in from Oxylus factories.Plastic cups and straws etc will be composed of methane or biosynth based plastics allowing it biodegrade in the soil and ocean(once phytoplankton are engineered to do so) and be recycled like other products made from it.Plastic knifes,forks,spoons etc will also be ordered in from here with even those made of styrofoam.It can be sent to factories to be broken down into methane to be reused over and over again.To save energy and time cutlery composed of plastic,paper and styrofoam including those from take aways from restaurants can be reused over and over again with even straws reused if covered in liquid glass,have spider silk intermixed in their matrix or cleaned meaning one would not have order in more again and again.Having spider silk and other strong plant and animal textiles intermixed in the matrix of plastic,paper and styrofoam material will make them easier to stay strong and can be still be degraded and pyrolysised with the textiles degrading or pyrolysised amongst them.Rather than simply having separate folders for these componants made of these materials ideally their would be one folder of them with different designs and one would then after choosing them then choose what material to have them composed of and also other plant and animal textiles to have intermixed into them.Moulds and cookie cutter for creating homemade food items and ice boxes will be here created in home 3D printers or those onsite of factories.Moulds used to create items in Deipneus,Agathodaemon and also Himeros factories will be created onsite of them and will not be stored here as they will be created using extrapolations of the product created.All of these everyday items will all be created on one or two floors using miniaturised all in one machinery and 3D printers.Reusable containers for homemade manufactured goods will be here and even those used to package commodities from bacteria ordered in from Demeter,cleaning products/cosmetics/food products etc ordered in from Hephaestus will be here with these printed at home using 3D printers,ordered in for personal use or them in the case of orders from Demeter,cleaning products from Agathodaemon,cosmetics from Himeros and food from Deipneus they will be printed out onsite of the factories with them made bigger or smaller without creating a new file by their size modified to cater to the chosen size and amount of the product ordered in by the consumer.Existing containers for cleaning products/cosmetics/food products etc will be scanned in including obsolete ones and new ones designed on Pandora and added here and one choosing them for each cleaning products/cosmetics/food products and made smaller or bigger for the decided size in kg and mls allowing for an infinite variety of packaging without having to make countless versions with this done everytime one chooses these and one able to order them in by themselves.Restaurants will order in plastic containers from here in bulk alongside straws and cups.Fungi styrofoam and methane or biosynth based plastic packaging for personal use will be ordered in from here.Paper and plastic straws,cups,plates,cutlery for restaurants and also parties at home will be designed and stored here alongside kanteens on the same floor as each other and fungi styrofoam.Ideally though these will be printed onsite of the factories that need them,restaurants and at home to save space.Thus one could order in batches of methane or biosynth based plastic containers,holders for clothing etc and fungi styrofoam in any shape or size designed on Pandora with styrofoam pellets and holders etc of any shape and size can be ordered in from Agathodaemon factories since it can be grown and can be composted or sent to organic waste plants with both replacing normal petroleum based plastics and also normal styrofoam by about 2029-2035 with carboard boxes and paper bags ordered in from Oxylus factories for personal use.Packaging made for methane or biosynth based plastic for manufactured food such as containers for products may be created onsite of each of these factories using 3D printers to localised production and negate the need for traffic from Agathodaemon factories to them with fungi styrofoam also created onsite in microfactories.AI of the factories involved will decide to have it ordered in from Agathodaemon factories or created onsite depending on the the size and number of orders and how busy each factory is with the same applying to carboard boxes created in microfactories or even from Oxylus factories.A mixture of both may be used.These factories will utilise all in one machinery on each floor to produce each type of products from here.Those used by the public will be ordered in from Agathodaemon factories.All plastic used in all items will be composed of methane or biosynth based plastics that can be sent to factories in plastic bins to be broken down into methane to be reused in looped cycles and styrofoam fungi based versions as they can be composted or sent to organic waste plants.Natural and synthetic materials used for creating manufactured goods at home such as Ambergris,musk,amber,ivory,rhino horn,colourings,flavourings,binders etc will be ordered in from these factories in bulk created in photobioreactors with them in oil,liquid or powder form.Synthetic rhino horn,pearls,mollusc and bivalve shells and ivory etc will be created by bacteria using anabolic and catabolic reactions can be ordered in here with them also created by biosynth machinery.Many different products of different shapes and sizes can be produced on one floor through two means.The first is 3D printers that can utilise different materials and also moulds of the item created using 3D printed methane or biosynth based plastic that will contain the same properties of thermoplastics to be able to be used to mould plastic,wood,metal and other materials created using bacteria with the mould when not needed broken down into methane that is stored to be then reused again with methangenous bacteria fed sugar grown onsite of the floor.Graphene which has a melting point of at least 3,652 – 4,626.85 degrees celcius can be investigated to be in its matrix if it is possible for it to be broken down like the plastic and reused for other moulds allowing even metals to be used in the creation of metallic and glass items in Agathodaemon,Daedalus and also Ganymede factories.High performance thermoplastics have a melting point of at least 3,593 – 4,010 degrees celcius meaning methane high performance based thermoplastics should suffice for moulding plastic,glass and even steel as steel has a melting point of 1,370 degrees and glass 1,600 degrees thus negating the need to add graphene which could be difficult to break down.The moulds made of methane or biosynth based plastics would be broken down and then the base materials reused over and over again.These would be created and made in all types of factories with the AI extrapolating the size and shape of the mould based on the design with batch orders have large moulds with the same or different design for each item in that batch.A person who frequently orders the same product created with the same mould can have the factory keep and reuse it for future orders with them housing biosynth chips to allow them to be stored in the factory and tracked down later on when needed.This could also be done for popular orders of the same size and shape etc.These moulds would also be used to create customised cosmetics,food etc.This would be better than using metal ones that would require new ones to be made for each customised order and would be energy intensive in melting down into new ones.This will allow products to be composed entirely of or made in part by plastic,wood etc to be created by bacteria in these.Some products will be homemade or made using 3D printers at home with this including large items that have parts printed out and then assembled at home using how to videos generated by the factory AI with them guiding them in real time through televisions and smart devices etc.Large 3D printers will be onsite of these factories to print out moulds and large items and batches of small and large ones.Many of the products from Agathodaemon factories will be created using 3D printers with them done onsite of factories or even at home when chosen.Using printers at home and community centres for various items such as those made entirely of plastic such as packaging,pegs,peelers,staplers etc will negate the need for there to be printers and machinery onsite of factories to be present and also allow for instant access with it also catering to products that only need to be in sets of two or even one.Some will be printed out and assembled at home.Chef and other robots and in time biosynths will be onsite of these factories to create certain customised items for each order.Factories for this sector will have each floor house all in one machinery that can create all types of different customised products and 3D printers.All ingredients for packaging,products,materials like plastic,wood etc will be created using bacteria via anabolic and catabolic reactions and recombinant DNA from plants and animals.

The same method of mould making will apply to glassware of all types from Ganymede factories and also Epeius ones with Ganymede factories also using glass 3D printers and machinery to etch designs on them externally and even internally that use lasers,automated millers and even robot chef hands with cameras attached to them.Glasses for drinking,wine bottles and glass containers and sculptures of all types will be created here.As stated having graphene or even the same components of thermoplastics in them to allow them to withstand the intense heat of molten glass with these being able to be broken down and the methane reused over an over again.Even the most delicate glass structures done by the likes of Waterford Glass and other top tier entities in this field will be cheap and widely availible to the general public with each piece designed on Pandora and almost indistinguishable form those created by expert craftsmen.Waterford Glass and other similar top tier factories worldwide will be kept as museums.Wine glasses and glass used to vodka,rum and all types of alcohol made in remaining breweries and also Deipneus factories and milk from farms will be ordered in from here by Deipneus factories etc and used in a rotary system and also those ordered in for permanent use for consumers home made brew with breweries possibly and farms possibly even making these onsite using 3D glass printers.Breweries that remain functioning,farms,Deipneus factories will possibly create them onsite using 3D Glass printers.Moulds may even negate the need for robots to carve the designs as they can be created via 3D printers and them covering molten glass being blown and then the design set in them or the molten material poured in them.These moulds will of course be methane based thermoplastics or have graphene in their matrix to be able to be broken down and reused over and over again for more plastics.High performance thermoplastics have a melting point of at least 3,593 – 4,010 degrees celcius meaning methane high performance based thermoplastics should suffice for moulding glass that has a melting point of 1,600 degrees thus negating the need to add graphene which could be difficult to break down.Cork used to cover them may be replaced by plastic caps or the cork made by bacteria.All waste and unwanted glass when put into glass bins ideally those in public areas and near housing estate can be used to send them back to glass factories to be melted into new glass with those that alcoholic drink are in from orders from breweries and Deipneus factories will be sent back and forth in a rotary system or they can be used to house homemade drinks both alcoholic and non alcoholic and turned into primative lights.Other objects will be done using 3D glass printers and the consumer as stated able to decide the colour of it by adding different elements or compounds with permanent layers of liquid glass on them prevent leaching of heavy metals.Ganymede factories named after the cupbearer to Zeus will create all glass products such as drinking glasses,glass structures and glass components for furniture created in Epeuis factories

Epeius factories named after the mythological carpenter who created the Trojan horse will contain robotic millers to create any type of furniture including bed frames and bases.Garden furniture and indoor furniture will be created in Epeius factories with all wood by at least 2029-2035 being synthetic wood that is created by bacteria that creates the resins,fibrous nanowires and pulp mixed together with the moulds again being ones that are composed of methane or biosynth based plastic that can a make realistic whorls including those chosen by the consumer or AI with the moulds being broken down and the methane reused over and over again with this allowing for furniture to be made of all 60,065 specifics of trees onsite of the factory rendering sawmills and also the forestry industry defunct.The moulds will create each part of the furniture ie legs,heads and sheets etc which will be screwed together using screws from Agathodaemon factories and also those made of graphene,graphene infused methane or biosynth based plastics and also graphene infused wood ones to negate the need for removing them for decades and negate the need for mining for metal with them sent to organic waste plants once disasembled and all metal,plastic or wood screws are removed.Biobased glue can also be used.These will assembled at home when sent in pieces with how to videos generated by the factory AI and will guide people through in real time via smart devices and televisions etc or all in one in trucks and them taken off by neighbours and next of kin or advanced robotics by 2029 with by 2045 biosynth delivery men and even those controlled by the Home AI will take them out.Thus synthetic wood will be created onsite of Epeius factories using bacteria.If using moulds it can create each part of each customised furniture it can negate the need for sawmills,drilling and boring machinery but these miniaturised all in one machinery will still exist for complex wood pieces with sawdust etc collected and sent to be pyrolysised in organic waste pants.Bacteria based and synthetic wood and the treatments involved in both accoya treatments and kebonisation and other treatments for wood used in furniture will be made onsite using bacteria.Doors for homes may also be created here and will be ordered in for new homes being built with when one building a new home they will have these ordered in at the same time and Epeius and Daedalus and the factory AIs will interact with each other.Metal furniture and those with leather will also be created in these factories with the leather being biorpinted and any interior stuffing made of bacteria based commodities either natural or synthetic.Door handles will be replaced in all buildings including both new and existing ones worldwide with electronic round locks that use the digital keys systems as detailed both earlier and later on.Varnishes and all wood treatment products like accoya and kebonisation will be created here as well using bacteria creating synthetic compounds via anabolic and catabolic reactions and also natural ones via relevant recombinant DNA.Jacuzzis,saunas,sheds and kennels,gazebos and even wooden walkways as part of homes will be prepared here will be created onsite of these.Stone furniture will be created using stone made onsite of Aphrodite buildings using those that create igneous,sedimentary and metamorphic rock and stone ordered in from recycling centres and also quarries via interactions with Chrysus,Aphrodite,Persephone and also Tyche

Daedalus factories will house miniature cement,synthetic/methane based wood and insulation factories,window factories with glass made onsite,miniature steel factories and so on with all in one factories for all fittings and fixtures such as lighting systems,baths,boilers,sinks,gates and fencing,tiles for roofs and also floors and anything that a building is composed of with one able to order these separately for renovations or new homes and buildings with pipes sewer,gas and water systems etc and also wiring and switches made here and of course designed on Pandora and stored in the Daedalus sub networks folders and subfoldors.Cement,windows and steel etc will thus be only created in the batches required for each home,building etc being created or rennovated and for those having extensions made in the area the Daedalus factories serve allowing them to be compact enough to fit into these factories as part of hubs.Windows of all types for types of buildings including stained glass buildings will be created onsite of Daedalus for each building created and also replacement ones designed on Pandora with fixtures and fittings including toilets,baths,tiling,light fixtures etc also created here for these instances and designed on Pandora.Synthetic wood,accoya and kebonisation treatments and varnishes will be created here by bacteria.Windows can have graphene in its matrix to make shatterproof since it is 200 times stronger than steel and all integrate augmented reality complete with touchscreen abilities and even allow televisions to b integrated into them coupled with quantum dot technology and biocompatible microbes.Doors may be made in Epeius factories.Steel created into customised shapes will utilise moulds made of methane based thermoplastics including those that has graphene in its matrix for custom pieces with these factories creating only the cement and steel and windows needed for each building and extension.High performance thermoplastics have a melting point of at least 3,593 – 4,010 degrees celcius meaning methane based high performance thermoplastics should suffice for moulding plastic,glass and even steel as steel has a melting point of 1,370 degrees and glass 1,600 degrees thus negating the need to add graphene which could be difficult to break down.All existing types of windows,pipes,roof and floor tiles and also baths,sinks etc will be scanned in both at home,in buildings and also from magazines with them stored in here in relevant sectors of the sub network and new ones created on Pandora stored in here.The factory AI and Daedalus will be able to determine which are chosen for renovations and also new homes determined by the AI interacting with the consumer either by using buttons or through direct interaction.All existing buildings world wide will be scanned internally and externally and stored in the database by type and subtype with new ones ordered this way.Paints for buildings will be made here with bacteria using recombinant DNA from plants and animals and also anabolic and catabolic reactions for dyes and all types of compounds in them with the paint colours custom made and listed in the relevant sector of Daedalus with all existing colours from corporations such as Dulux etc from around the world and indeed those from Wikipedia and the entire database of known colours will be present with one able to order in them for renovations and for new buildings.One would choose the colour on a colour wheel with all compounds present both natural and synthetic created by anabolic and catabolic reactions and recombinant DNA.Graphene based paint will make any surface it covers including concrete walls and steel etc 200 times stronger and rust proof.Paint remover will also be created here.All compounds will be created by them including binders,oils etc and dyes as stated by recombinant DNA from plants and animals and catabolic and anabolic reactions including expensive ones.These will be ordered in for each new home construicted and also orders for renovations by humans,robots and biosynths.Garden furniture will be made in Epeius factories and garden features either being homemade or here or in Daedalus factories.This includes jacuizzis and saunas and pools.Installation of these and also homemade versions will be done by robots and biosynths from Daedalus factories.Kennels,greenhouse and garden sheds will be designed and stored in Daedalus as well and created in these factories or be homemade using wood ordered in from Daedauls factories.Buildings of all types and even extensions will be designed on Pandora and them carried out by fleets of drones,robots and in time biosynths stored onsite of these factories with if bust the factory will order in more from Talos and Perdix and then recycle them with these all controlled by the factory AI with them having control and omniscience over all projects in their region with Daedalus having control and omniscience over all projects in the world.Robots and biosynths will be onsite of them that will be ordered in for each new building constructed and also renovations to existing ones like adding extension by 2029 with until private contractors sufficing.If possible stone,window,fixtures,fittings,concrete,steel and cement factories will be onsite of Daedalus factories that will also produce bacteria based wood,apply kebonise and everwood wood treatments and other materials and fixtures etc such as windows onsite of them.Stone waste should be sent to stone factories where it can be turned into composite rocks with the same applying to wood etc.These Daedalus factories will house material for making stone tabletops and all types of fixtures/fittings alongside windows and cement while Epeius factories will create furniture also housing machinery to create bacteria based wood and kebonise wood and everwood treatments.The Daedalus factories will have miniature concrete factories in them or these and those for making synthetic and bacteria based wood and any treatments such as varnishes and everwood and kebonised treatments that make wood,mould,water and termite resistant as well as paints made here and ordered from would be part of Daedalus factories that would order in wood from sawmills as part of forests and sand from beaches and recycled glass etc and in time from fabricators from Aphrodite factories.Further advances in 3D glass printing may allow for all types of glass products such as drinking glasses,sculptures,household items etc.to be made this way meaning they may be entire glass factories containing only printers with all types of etching machinery including laser etching also on site.Otherwise each community can share a 3D glass printer and the etching technology.In the case of furniture sawdust can be collected by sweeper robots and depending on the demand of the area or region they can store it their for composite woods or be sent to communities and individuals for fertiliser,syngas,fuel or woodchippings.Wood can be recycled onsite of furniture factories.Bacteria based wood can be grown on site of these furniture factories with the methangenous bacteria grown onsite and also the methods to bio degrade them into base components for use in a looped cycle also present here.Synthetic wood of all 60,065 species of wood for creating all parts of buildings will be created onsite of all Daedalus factories using moulds.Also here would be the machinery to carry out kebonisation/accoya treatments and the bacteria to grow the alcohol etc.All future buildings such as communal and private homes,airports,factories etc will be designed on Pandora,stored on the Daedalus network and zoning permission gained from the mayor and governer AI with underwater and underground communities and homes,extensions.AI will perform tests on their integrity,load of people it can hold and effects of natural disasters and all types of weather on them and surrounding areas.All componants of buildings will be created onsite of Daedalus factories.They will also be designed for VR simulations for producing movies, television shows,video games,Bacchus,simulations used for work and also personal simulations for carrying out hobbies.Existing buildings worldwide will have their interior and exterior scanned into Daedalus before anc after renovations by fleets of drones and also smart devices.This includes private homes,apartment blocks and hotels as well as all obsolete buildings and abandoned buildings.All abandoned and obsolete buildings will be scanned into Daedalus prior to renovations to preserve the original architecture,for use in media set in VR simulations and also to be used as a baseline for use as a baseline for new homes.Abandoned buildings wil have holes etc on walls and floors filled in.Buildings that are to be demolished will also have them scanned into it as well.All private homes such as mansions,suburban homes,cottages and apartment blocks will also have them scanned into Daedalus prior to renovations to preserve them with the altered home then scanned in as well.The universal sentient demolition entity and its operating software will be called Perses after the Greek deity of destruction with a statue of him in all buildings housing them with them each having a unique personality,receptionist(with universal uniform) etc allowing headquarters of both government and private corporations turned into homes.Each region will have their own building that will house demolition robots,biosynths and drones that will alongside Perses plan out and oversee all operations in their area arranged by the mayor or governor AI that is voted by the local community.This will also deal with the demolitions of bridges and dams worldwide with it having its own YouTube where drones will film the demolition of each building and infrastructure.The software of the same name will link all buildings worldwide housing these with each building having omniscience over all operations in its region with the building contacted by the AI mayor once the public has decided a building must be destroyed with photos and GPS location of the building is given.If possible one demolition corporation headquarters in each country,state or region will be used as the Perses headquarters for each one of these subdivisions and the robots,drones and biosynths will be transferred to the ground of all Daedalus factories with the AI of the Perses buildings and the sentient Perses moving into and sharing space with the AI of the Daedalus buildings to allow the original buildings become private or communal homes with before the development of this technology underground extensions in Daedalus factories could house the robots,biosynths etc for Perses with Perses sharing space with Daedalus and not requiring a second building AI with the AI of Daedalus factories also being that of the Perses extensions.This would allow demolition services to be in each manufacturing hub serving the local demolition needs.

All types of electronics will be created in one building under one roof in Talus factories with them using graphene,nanomaterials and schwarzites and also biosynth technology created by biocompatible microbes cultured onsite using sugars and proteins created by other bacteria.This will be in Talus factories.Smart devices,smart televisions,consoles,controllers for consoles and computers,laptops and desktop computers as well as onboard computers for homes and public buildings will be easily created on one floor.All parts of consoles and desktop computers will be created here including mouse,keyboards etc with mouse pads created onsite of these or Agathodaemon factories.Remote controls for all devices such as televisions etc will be replaced with smart devices with satillites and boxes for cable and television packages made obsolete by Dionysus and Pheme.Batteries,screens and also motherboards and all components for smart devices,computers etc will be made on the same floor as will peripherals etc.Peripherals to extract data from old video game cartridges,discs,memory cards etc will be created here alongside all parts for computers and laptops such as wireless mouse,keyboards,system unit etc.Batteries,motehrboards,harddrives and even charger specific to an customised electronic can be ordered in if it needs to be replaced with self charging technologies in time rendering charges obsolete.Routers for wifi and everything to setting up the internet will be created here.Both digital and even conventional cameras and camera film will be created here with also google glasses and lenses alongside hi tech versions of obsolete electronics.Robots,biosynths etc will be created here.Other types of electronics such as lamps including lava lamps and lightbulbs of all types including Christmas ones created on another alongside smaller electronics such as shavers etc and other household electronics such as coffe/tea makers,toasters,electric whiskers and those used by restauarants.Arges wall batteries may be made on one floor by alongside electric moving beds,fridges,freezers,dishwashing machines,irons,steamers,blenders,coffee making machines,toasters etc of all customised types due to machinery that is all in one and also robot chef hands and in time biosynths processing each customised order in a single small room.Arges batteries may be created in Perdix floor with biosynth A,AA,AAA etc batteries created here and ordered in for certain electronics.At most these will be three or four floors high and merged with other ones.As detailed earlier on new electronics will be designed on Pandora including more high tech versions of obsolete ie high tech ghetto blasters and camrecorders with touchscreens that stream the wire and store music on them and can play movies and saved videos from YouTube and laptops etc with camrecorders transferring data saved on them to other devices wirelessly and also livestream videos to YouTube with these made on the same floor as laptops etc.All existing electronics from the 20th and 21st century of all types such as smart devices,laptops,computers,alarm clocks etc will be scanned in to be replicated with the same hardware and computing power but also be used as a model with the same shape and size to house more modern specs ie more powerful 21st century harddrives,motherboards,graphics cards and storage capacity including biosynth technology,touchscreens for those who are nostalgic.All electronics will be customised to suit ones needs ie screen size,keyboard layout,RAM,storage capacity and graphic cards with this applying to laptops,smart devices,lab equipment.Graphene and other nanomaterials and also biosynth technology will allow for all major types of electronics as listed earlier to make them compact and create all types in one floor alongside electronic 3D printers and also miniaturised machninery.Simulations can be done on all designs of electronics prior to uploading them to ensure electronics are well ventilated etc to prevent all possible problems like explosions,leaking of hazardous material and gases etc and that they function properly.It alongside other similar atom thick hexagonal allotropes of all other elements and also biosynth technology rendering geographically scarce and environmentally destructive elements obsolete saving on energy in extraction and transportation.Onboard computers and batteries for vehicles will be created onsite of Selene factories with those for buildings created here.Lab machinery ie those for analysing DNA,samples of soil,blood,water etc in hospitals and universities will be made onsite of here.3D printers including 3D DNA ones will be created here.New apps will be created within networks in Talus.Biocompatible microbes that form the basis of biosynth technology will be cultured here in photobioreactors fed sugars grown by bacteria and printed out using 3D DNA printers with them engineered to grow as fast as bacteria used for commodities and also crops with graphene,schwarzites etc will be created here or ordered in from Aphrodite buildings.Biosynth technology and nanomaterials of all 94 elements as part of all electronics such as computers,smart devices and biosynths cheaper dropping their costs to zero,making them faster,compact and more efficient due to biological harddrives and nanoprocessors present in millions of microbes on square inch of graphene able to house 75,000 YB – 1,500,000 YB of storage space as well as RAM and 75,000,000,000,000 – 1,500,000,000,000,000 nanoprocessors.Theoretically each square inch could contain as much as 75,000,000,000,000 – 1,500,000,000,000,000 nanoprocessors alongside the 75,000 YB – 1,500,000 YB of data storage and RAM.Theoretically each square inch could contain as much as 75,000,000,000,000 – 1,500,000,000,000,000 nanoprocessors alongside the 75,000 YB – 1,500,000 YB of data storage and RAM.Frontier has data storage of 700 PB or 700,000,000 GB or 0.0000007 YB with the square inch of this biochip has 107,142,857,142 – 2,142,857,142,857 times more data storage.All of the worlds top 10 supercomputers as 2024 combined have a combined total RAM of 83.145 PB or 83,145,000 GB or 83,145 TB or 0.000000083145 YB a combined total data storage of 1,599 PB or 1,599,000,000 GB or 0.000001599 YB meaning that a square inch of these square inch organic biochips would have roughly 902,038,607,252.39 – 18,040,772,145,047.8 times more RAM and between 46,904,315,196 – 938,086,303,939 times more data storage than all top 10 supercomputers in the world combined with them stacked on top of each other hundreds or millions of times exponentially increasing their computing power and data storage.Touchscreens will due to being composed of graphene be 200 times stronger than steel with any casings on the back,side,front and interior having a layer of this ontop to also make them this strong and thus shatterproof.Graphene paint can be used on the exterior casings for the same reasons.If possible these nanoprocessors could biosynth ones based on neural tissues,electroconductive pilli and proteins and magnetism from Magnetospirillum DNA rather than based on silicon,stanene etc to reduce costs.Neural tissue and Caenorhabditis elegans DNA,electroconductive pilli etc in them can play a role in touchscreens by relaying signals in response to pressure alongside their ability to harbour DNA from other sources and can be combined with graphene that replaces elements used in conventional smart device touchscreens.DNA from biolumescent plants and animals such as Pyrophorus noctilucus,Lampyridae,Ostracods(in particular Vargula hilgendorfii,Aequorea victoria) or a mixture of genes from all of these and from scratch can allow biocompatible microbes replace LEDs etc in televisions and other types of electronics and lightbulbs.This can be replicated with smart televisions,monitors for computers and laptops etc to again cut down on costs and give them touchscreens.Biocompatible microbes that have DNA from Lampyridae,P.noctilucus,Ostracods (in particular V.hilgendorfii),A.victoria can be within lightbulbs with biosynth wifi tuning it on/off.This can also be within not just lights for rooms but also flashlights,lights on smart devices and Christmas lights etc with thus negating the need for mercury,argon etc as well as filaments with them having varying intensities of light,would use less energy than CFL or even CSYS lights,could last potentionally forever,in Christmas lights one being damaged would not affect the rest,could change to any colour via upgrades and biosynth WiFi/Bluetooth,never short circuit etc with all of these features applying to those on smart devices,room lights and lamps etc with glass having Graphene in its matrix to make it shatterproof and also if possible biosynth materials and resins that have the same or stronger strength of of glass and clear properties with spider silk or present to replace glass.Cameras on smart devices,laptops,surveillance cameras,biosynths and those on miniature spy cameras,google glasses on all lenses can be biosynth ones composed of the same tissues and features of the human eye,Iris,lens and optic nerve and that of other animals to allow for normal vision but also have recombinant DNA from Stomatopoda,Tarentola chazaliae,Strigiformes,Accipitridae,Serpentes,Felis catus,that from other animals and scratch DNA to give zooming abilities,night vision and also thermal vision by biosynth WiFi turning on/off genes via inducing taq polymerase and and other means.This DNA,scratch DNA combined with nanomaterials of all 94 elements can be used on the aforementioned camera lens on smart devices,surveillance cameras and on google lenses etc to allow for IR illuminator and T-Ray,X-ray and gun and explosive detecting technology and even integrated into X-ray and explosive detecting technology in airports etcThe microbes ability to form organic tissues with the neural clusters alongside neural,borophene,stanene,silicene and graphene nanotubes they form increasing their speeds alongside the nanomachines and will mean neurons,neural tissues and eventually muscles etc will form part of smart devices,robots etc.Biosynth technology combined with nanomatrials of all 94 elements can make electronics,batteries etc faster,cheaper and more compact.This is because they can provide DNA digital storage,produce nanowires and electroconductive pilli and neural tissues that can transmit electricity,store and generate electricity,biosynth wifi and also magnetism thus since these would express natural versions of these could potentially replace Copper,Niobium,Tantulum,Cobalt,Gold,rare earths,Sodium,Lithium,Silica,Hafnium etc in solar panels,smart phones,laptops and other electronics and even batteries with them grown onsite of Selene,Talus and also Perdix factories.All of this – digital DNA storage,them replacing rare earths in touchscreens and LEDs etc means that laptops,smart devices etc could by 2029 be composed of nothing but bicompatible microbes and abundant nanomaterials like graphene,graphyne and silecene pushing there cost to zero while still increasing their speeds exponentionally and negating the need for rare earths etc due to them conducting electricty,magnetism etc.As a result these carbon composites,bicompatible microbes and also plastics derived form bacteria will replace rare earth metals in touchscreens,circuits,batteries(including vehicle batteries) and magnets present in them making them more efficient,reduce energy and environmental impact required for creating them and lowering the price considerably.All plastics and other materials that they are composed of will be created be bacteria or ordered in.Permanent layers of liquid glass on the interior and exterior can make them permanently waterproof,dirtproof and acid proof.Electronics will allow one to choose the storage capacity,RAM,processing power within the confines of its size with biological harddrives and nanoprocessors present in millions of microbes on square inch of graphene with them and vehicles alongside Arges batteries allow one to chose the type of battery present to determine the charging time,lifespan and length of each charge suitable to them with Talus,Gaia and Home AI aiding them in choosing and designing the best type of batteries and also even RAM,storage capacity processing speeds suited to their needs ie if a laptop is to be used for playing video games it will suggest the best graphics cards etc to choose for it and so on and thus make each electronic suited to their individual needs.This will allow electronics of all types to be fully customised with the details added via tickboxes,bars to input the information and even direct interaction with Talus.Different versions of them with different colours,patterns will be in submenus with one typing in specs such as RAM,storage data when designing the product.Hestia will be the universal sentient operating software of not only all electronics but also all private and communal homes allowing all electronics to be registered to ones home and Home AI and thus them with families having them registered to themselves for privacy.When one orders in a device it will be registered to them and their Home AI with each family member or group who live together having their personal electronics registered to their personal accounts for privacy and allowing for their own sets of digital keys,biometrics and Phanes activation gene technology etc.Existing electronics will be required to be download Hestia onto them replacing Android and Windows 7/8 etc to function and use the internet and wire and transfer old data.Since most electronics like machinery will be composed of nothing but biocompatible microbes biosynth WiFi can allow upgrades to all microbes and tissues to give them extra features allowing them to last decades,centuries rendering planned obsolescence obsolete.All specs will be listed.As detailed earlier on measures will be made to ensure what the consumer orders in terms of memory will exactly what is chosen with software that takes up space removed or better means of reading the data.For example if a person orders a device with 1 TB of data storage it will be this and not 931GB via formatting software,tweaks in the digital DNA storage or having the excess space on top or rendering extra software present defunct.To solve the issue of the amount given always lower than advertised the amount chosen in metric units will be converted to binary and then that changed to the actual chosen amount chosen in metric by software in Hephaestus to ensure that the exact amount the consumer chooses will be produced ie a person orders a 1TB external hard drive and receives a 1TB drive instead of 931GB.Otherwise new advances could allow computers to read the data as the metric unit rather than binary with new software and advances in artificial intelligence within operating software such as variants of neural network software with Gaia/Iris/Talus interacting with the devices during production and use with once Gaia becomes sentient this would be easier.To solve the issue of any space permanently taken up by extra unnecessary memory in the form of formatting would be added ontop of this rather than onto the space given with necessary software and data including Hestia and Soteria added ontop of it.To also solve this formatting software,tweaks in the digital DNA storage or having the excess space on top or rendering extra software present defunct can be researched.To solve the issue of any space permanently taken up by extra unnecessary memory in the form of formatting would be added ontop of this rather than onto the space given with necessary software and data including Hestia and Soteria added ontop of it.Quantum computing,tweaks in digital DNA storage could allow Hestia,Home AI and Soteria and all AI software on them to exist on devices at the same time as other information etc and thus not actually taking up actual space on the device.These and other measures should be developed by AI namely Talus,Hestia etc in order to ensure that what the consumer orders through Hephaestus for USB keys,external hard drives,smart devices,digital cameras,consoles,laptops and computers etc in terms of hard disk storage size etc is exactly what they get and not masked behind unnecessary data and also lack of machine intelligence with this also applying to atomic and DNA digital storage.3D printers for plastic and electric boards will be made here.All types of electronics will be created in multistorey factories that devote each floor to different types ie one floor to laptops,computers,consoles and peripherals and so on with AI sufficiently advanced to create these customised electronics based on instructions received from specific accounts and have diagnostics relayed and logged in real time into ones account.Batteries,hard drives and hardware will also be assembled onsite.Apps,software will be created using networks within Talus allowing multiple people from around the world from the comfort of their homes.All software and apps including existing ones will be housed here.This includes all sentient apps and software such as Paean,Helios,Comus,Pandora,Soteria,Penthus,Hestia etc and new ones derived from all existing apps on Apple store merged together.All video game engines will be downloaded from here where they will be stored in.Soteria will be the universal sentient cybersecurity,VPN anti spyware software downloaded onto all electronics with Hestia being the universal sentient operating software.Talus was the Ancient Greek mythological robot that inhabited Crete with him sentient.

Perdix will house all designs for machinery use in agriculture,mariculture,mining,manufacturing,construction and also healthcare and indeed all sectors of the economy with them also housing with them designed primarily by Perdix himself due to their delicate nature with any designs made by the public first reviewed and modified by him to ensure they are functional and dont break down or cause explosions with consumers taking part in the creative process to ensure customisation.All machinery may be created onsite of these factories.Gym equipment including electronic ones may be created onsite of these factories or others decided by AI.Biocompatible microbes that form the basis of biosynth technology will be cultured here in photobioreactors fed sugars grown by bacteria and printed out using 3D DNA printers with them engineered to grow as fast as bacteria used for commodities and also crops with graphene,schwarzites etc will be created here or ordered in from Aphrodite buildings.These will replace Copper,Niobium,Tantalum,Cobalt,Gold,rare earths,Sodium,Lithium,Silica,Hafnium etc in all electronics and machinery because they can provide DNA digital storage,produce nanowires and electroconductive pilli and neural tissues that can transmit electricity,biosynth wifi and also magnetism thus since these would express natural versions of these.Biosynth technology and nanomaterials of all 94 elements as part of all machinery such as those used in agriculture,mariculture,mining,manufacturing,construction etc cheaper dropping their costs to zero,making them faster,compact and more efficient due to biological harddrives and nanoprocessors present in millions of microbes on square inch of graphene able to house 75,000 YB – 1,500,000 YB of storage space as well as RAM and 75,000,000,000,000 – 1,500,000,000,000,000 nanoprocessors.Biodigesters for home and also solar panels and VAWTs alongside componants of power plants will be stored here as well.Hospital beds including electronic ones and even ventilators and all types of machinery including electronics used in hospitals including MRI/Xray/DEXA/surgery machines,hospital beds including electronic ones and even ventilators and all types of machinery including electronics used in hospitals will be produced here with biosynth technology and nanomaterials dropping their costs to zero,making them faster,compact and more efficient and localising production in emergencies.Biosynth technology and nanomaterials of all 94 elements as part of all machinery such as MRI/Xray/DEXA/surgery machines cheaper dropping their costs to zero,making them faster,compact and more efficient due to biological harddrives and nanoprocessors present in millions of microbes on square inch of graphene able to house 75,000 YB – 1,500,000 YB of storage space as well as RAM and 75,000,000,000,000 – 1,500,000,000,000,000 nanoprocessors.Refillable gas cansiters will also be made here.Photobioreactors for factories and for home etc will be made here.Machinery will allow one to choose the storage capacity,RAM,processing power within the confines of its size with biological harddrives and nanoprocessors present in millions of microbes on square inch of graphene able to house 75,000 YB – 1,500,000 YB of storage space as well as RAM and 75,000,000,000,000 – 1,500,000,000,000,000 nanoprocessors with them and vehicles alongside Arges batteries allow one to chose the type of battery present to determine the charging time,lifespan and length of each charge suitable to them.Permanent layers of liquid glass on the interior and exterior can make them permanently waterproof,dirtproof and acid proof with them composed of graphene or covered in a layer of graphene paint making them 200 times stronger than steel.Artificial trees used in carbon sequestration will be created here.Arges batteries may be made here or in Talus factories or even both.Distilleries/breweries/wineries both for large ones for conventional breweries and home systems will be ordered in from here.Euclid will house designs for laboratory equipment and machinery for universities and hospitals with them either made in factories named after him but also onsite of hospitals and university using 3D printers that use glass and other materials.Biocompatible microbes that form the basis of biosynth technology will be cultured here in photobioreactors fed sugars grown by bacteria and printed out using 3D DNA printers with them engineered to grow as fast as bacteria used for commodities and also crops with graphene,schwarzites etc will be created here or ordered in from Aphrodite buildings.These will replace Copper,Niobium,Tantalum,Cobalt,Gold,rare earths,Sodium,Lithium,Silica,Hafnium etc in all electronics and machinery because they can provide DNA digital storage,produce nanowires and electroconductive pilli and neural tissues that can transmit electricity,biosynth wifi and also magnetism thus since these would express natural versions of these.Biosynth technology and nanomaterials of all 94 elements as part of all laboratory equipment and machinery such as PCR and Sysmex machinery cheaper dropping their costs to zero,making them faster,compact and more efficient due to biological harddrives and nanoprocessors present in millions of microbes on square inch of graphene able to house 75,000 YB – 1,500,000 YB of storage space as well as RAM and 75,000,000,000,000 – 1,500,000,000,000,000 nanoprocessors.Lab equipment will allow one to choose the storage capacity,RAM,processing power within the confines of its size with biological harddrives and nanoprocessors present in millions of microbes on square inch of graphene able to house 75,000 YB – 1,500,000 YB of storage space as well as RAM and 75,000,000,000,000 – 1,500,000,000,000,000 nanoprocessors with them and vehicles alongside Arges batteries allow one to chose the type of battery present to determine the charging time,lifespan and length of each charge suitable to them.This will allow lab equipment of all types to be fully customised with the details added via tickboxes,bars to input the information and even direct interaction with Euclid.As detailed earlier on measures will be made to ensure what the consumer orders in terms of memory will exactly what is chosen with software that takes up space removed or better means of reading the data.Pyrex equipment and even those composed of ceramics etc can have graphene in its matrix to make it survive temperatures of at least 3,652 – 4,626.85 degrees celcius,pressures of at least 130-270 GPa and be shatterproof since graphene is 200 times stronger than steel with them also coated in layer of liquid glass to negate the need for cleaning.This will allow all glass equipment etc to be used in experiments that require temperatures well beyond their melting points and sterilised at temperature beyond the threshold of thermophillic fungi,bacteria,viruses.Liquid glass will have to reapplied for experiments that go higher than its melting point 1,600 degrees celsius and it preventing them getting getting dirty allowing them to be soaked in water,bleach and virkon to allow fungi,bacteria and viruses to be killed and washed out by gravity.Lab equipment such as PCR machines and those for hospitals,universities and forensics labs be designed and ordered in from here.Biohazard suits can be ordered in from here alongside agar of all types created by bacteria.Ganymede factories will be where glass products of all types including those for drinking,holding glass wine,rum,vodka bottles,ornamental glass.Existing glass bottles etc will be scanned in including expensive ornamental glass products from the likes of Waterford Crystal to allow them be availible to everyone with them created by moulds and also robot chef hands,biosynths and also laser cutting and etching machinery that do so internally and externally.Glass will have graphene integrated into its matrix to make it survive temperatures of at least 3,652 – 4,626.85 degrees celcius,pressures of at least 130-270 GPa and be shatterproof since graphene is 200 times stronger than steel with them also coated in layer of liquid glass to negate the need for cleaning.The liquid glass can also prevent lead,barium oxide and potassium oxide leaching into drinks in the case of coloured glass with one able to choose the colour of all glass.Soteria will be the universal sentient cybersecurity,VPN anti spyware software downloaded onto all machinery.Perdix will be the sentient operating software of machinery factories with it named after the mythological Greek inventor..

Vehicles of all types will be created onsite of Selene factories.All customised components of vehicles such as tyres,alloy wheels,batteries,onboard computers,lights,seats,hood ornaments,licence plates,engines etc will be created onsite of Selene factories with one choosing from subfolders each of these for each vehicles.This will include private vehicles of all shapes and sizes,buses,taxis,coaches and also bicycles and motorbikes etc.Even motorbikes and bicycles including existing ones will be fitted with miniature ones.All materials like bioprinted leather and reptile and also plastics and synthetic and bacteria based wood and even plant and animal textiles created by bacteria will be made onsite of here.Accessories like baby seats etc will be made here on in Agathodaemon factories with the same for ornaments for the front seat of the vehicle.Stickers will be made in Agathodaemon factories.Rubber for tyres will be created here alongside the textile of eating and other parts of the vehicles with tyres made of rubber made onsite via bacteria.Even bicycles will be created here with helmets ordered in from Diagoras factories with these customised to ones head size.Vehicles will allow the hood ornaments,tyres,licence plates,seats,symbols,alloy wheels to be customised with them stored in subfolders that one could design,alter and add with this subfolder either being universal for all vehicles in a subfolder by itself etc that can be brought up within Pandora.Repair stations and also repair vehicles and services will become automated by 2029 with a coating of graphene paint on a carbon fibre body,graphene in the matrix of tyres and windshields and all windows will made vehicles indestructible.Graphene based paint can make the body almost indestructible,graphene integrated into windshields,windows and lights etc will make them shatterproof since graphene is 200 times stronger than steel with a permanent layer of liquid glass on the entire interior and exterior will make the dirt,water and acid proof negating the need for cleaning.Home AI will aid in home repairs by generating videos and also using google glasses and smart devices to see where problems are with automated repair vehicles from the Phaeton app allowing ones vehicles to be picked up if they break down with ones GPS location sent and the vehicle sent to local Phaeton repair shops.Biosynths will allow Home AI to repair them at home and perform routine diagnostics.Existing vehicles without autonomous capabilities and onboard computers can be driven into here and then fitted with them by 2029 with if possible vehicles sent here to be dissembled and then each part recycled.As stated cruise ships,yachts,boats and aeroplanes will be made onsite of airports and seaports separate from but still managed by the same AI of the local Selene factory as part of the nearby manufacturing hub.Since the vast majority of aeroplane flights will be made redundant by Oceanus and Erebus then the demand for aeroplanes will decrease with yachts,private aeroplanes and even helicopters and cesnas made redundant by VR technology where they can be created from scratch and also the efficiencies of Oceanus,Erebus and Eos.Those that remain for cruise ships and yachts will be at seaports in place of where cargo crates are stored and where loading and unloading machinery and even buildings present are allowing them to be used as factories allowing them to be pushed directly into the ocean and will allow existing ones to be converted into homes.If possible only one factory for cruise ships will be required in the world with the ship then being fuelled by gasoline grown onsite and electric chargers and then travelling to other seaports.Ferries and also battleships for the navy and military as well as submarines etc will also be created here and this will allow all other seaports to be renovated into residential areas.Aeroplane factories will be as stated be one in the world as only Eos and Perseus will need to make orders for new planes with them then flying to any remaining airports in the world.Military planes and helicopters including those for civilian use will be created on this one factory.If possible Aphrodite will decide to have both aeroplanes and cruise ships etc will be made in a factory by the sea that has a runway and is near another manufacturing hub next to it meaning that the single boat and aeroplane factory will be near a manufacturing hub thus allowing both of them to be managed by both Selene and the same AI of the Selene factory in the region.Cesnas,helicopters,jetskis,yachts etc will also be made in the same factory as these.The manufacturing hub will be next to this factory that will be part of one the main Selene factory that creates other vehicles.The aeroplanes etc will be able to fly to any airport and helipad etc in the world from there and cruise ships,ferries and yachts travelling to others around the world via either being attached to delivery vehicles for local deliveries on the same country or continent and global deliveries via travelling by sea using self charging technology and gasoline grown using bacteria grown onsite.Only one hub like this will need to exist since the aeroplanes can use the runway to travel to any airport themselves and the ferries,cruise ships and yachts will be able to travel to any other ports around the world.If possible there should be one of these normal/ship/aeroplane factory on each continent:America(that includes North,Central and South America),Africa,Austrailia(that includes New Zealand),Eurasia(that consists of Europe,Asia,Russia,India,Middle East) as having just one would take too long for them to travel by sea and land thus by having one on each continent will drastically cut down on travel times.Thus having one of these special factories as part of hubs in each continent will cut down arrival times of Cessna s,cruise ships,yachts etc to ones locals quickly.Interstellar versions of cruise ships,busses,aeroplanes and even private interstellar vehicles will become ubiquitous by 2100-2200 with them due to their immense size constructed in space in shipyards managed by Selene with Selene being both the operations software and factory AI.Special stations and shipyards can be be set up in various points of the solar system and all colonised solar systems that act as places to create vessels for exploration and also commercial vessels such as cruise ships,buses,taxis,aeroplanes and even private vessels ordered by the public from Selene that can allow them due to their immense size be constructed in zero gravity and then pick up individuals from space elevators.To order any vehicle one must be at least 14 years old and to order and drive a manual vehicle one must be at least 14 year old and must have earned a e-driving licence that will be stored in a global database.Helios will be the universal sentient vehicle driving learning software that will teach consumers how to drive all types of vehicles such as yachts,cruise ships,jetskis,normal vehicles,motorbikes,NASCAR and Formula 1 vehicles and so on for those that want use them as leisure in both the real world and VR simulations as players in both competitive NASCAR and Formula 1 racers,for in movies and television shows filmed in VR simulations.To apply for a e-licence one must be at least 14 years old must study and pass a theory test for each type of vehicle designed by Helios with one given a universal software program and theory e-book designed by her that contains all questions on theory about ones decided vehicle where one will study the e-book and the program will allow one to take mock exams of the theory test over and over again with one booking to take the test for real in a VR simulation on a computer.The theory test and mock exams will test on at least 100 randomised questions from the e-booklet that contains at least 500 or more questions with their being a time limit.They would also be graded using the universal scale and colour code A:81-100% B:65-80% blue,C:49-64% D:33-48% yellow,E:17-32%,F:0-16% red.One must reach a score of at least an A or B to pass with one able to repeat the test at anytime.The results of this will be stored in ones digital file in Helios databases and Polis account.Then one will have had at least 20 driving lessons overseen by the sentient Helios himself within VR simulations with the first 10 being in a traditional driving schools where one makes turns through some obstacles ie bumps,sharp turns,cones marking the perimeter with terrestrial vehicles and motorbikes being on ground in these,NASCAR/Formula 1 classes being on any of the worlds racecourses by themselves,cesnas and private jets in a aerial course where one passes through VR rings,yachts and jetskis where one is in the ocean and passes through VR rings etc and buoys creating a perimeter and so on.The other 10 VR classes will be against other VR vehicles with terrestrial vehicles including motorbikes on any of the worlds roads that lasts at least three hours in simulation time alongside other automated vehicles,NASCAR/Formula 1 vehicles practiced against VR NASCAR/Formula 1 vehicles in a conventional race,cesnas and private jet involving one taking off and travelling flying from one airport in the world of ones choice and having to deal with other automated and non automated flying vehicle,yachts as well as jetskis will involve on driving in the ocean/rivers/lakes etc alongside other automated and non automated vehicles.These lessons must all be one hour long or more depending on the trainees choice with one required to take at least 10 of both types of lessons with them allowed to take more if they wanted with them assessed on only 10 classes of both types with them graded using the universal scale and colour code A:81-100% B:65-80% blue,C:49-64% D:33-48% yellow,E:17-32%,F:0-16% red both individually on each classes and overall for both types with one require to get an A or B grade for both types of classes overall.The grades for each individual 20 classes and both types overall will be logged into their digital file within Helios database.If they don’t get this grade for both types overall then they must take the 20 classes again until they get this grade.One will also take 10 VR classes where they must compete against other human trainees and automated vehicles in a simulation of a VR setting.They would also be graded using the universal scale and colour code A:81-100% B:65-80% blue,C:49-64% D:33-48% yellow,E:17-32%,F:0-16% red.One must reach a score of at least an A or B to pass with one able to repeat the test at anytime.The results of this will be stored in ones digital file in Helios databases.Helios who will be in the vehicle at all times with one able to choose any customised model of each vehicle present in her subnetwork in Hephaestus.Then they must take out a driving exam without her in vehicle but still overlooking it following a VR simulation against other automated vehicles that takes place over the course of a year that takes place over a month in a traditional setting.They would also be graded using the universal scale and colour code A:81-100% B:65-80% blue,C:49-64% D:33-48% yellow,E:17-32%,F:0-16% red.One must reach a score of at least an A or B to pass with one able to repeat the test at anytime.The results of this will be stored in ones digital file in Helios databases.Then one will be given their e-drivers licence stored in their digital file in Helios database.The biocompatible microbes that form the basis of biosynth technology will be cultured here in photobioreactors fed sugars grown by bacteria and printed out using 3D DNA printers with them engineered to grow as fast as bacteria used for commodities and also crops with graphene,schwarzites etc will be created here or ordered in from Aphrodite buildings.Rubber,bioprinted leather,silk and other textiles will be grown onsite of all Selene factories.

Arachne factories will produce not just all types of clothes of all types but also accessories like jewellery of all types,scarfs,pashminas,gloves,shoes and other footwear including socks.Diamonds and other precious gems and minerals created in Aphrodite buildings will be knitted into clothes using robot chef hands and Da vinci robots with coral,shells of any mollusc and bivalve,ivory,animal teeth and pearls created using small onsite recirculating aquaculture systems,bacteria that produce them in moulds using anabolic and catabolic reactions and biosynth machinery or for necklaces and even dresses.All clothing of all types will be scanned into Arachne.Bags of all types such as handbags and those used for carrying day to day items will be created here as well with jewellery and hair accessories of all types created here.Luggage bags and personal reusable shopping bags may be created here as well with them created using robot chef hands etc.All of these will scanned into Arachne.Flags will created here ass well.Baby carriers of all types will be made here.Home textiles such as bathroom mats,rugs,curtains,towels,possibly carpets etc will be created here alongside pillow cases,bedsheets and cases etc.Even expensive Persian and oriental rugs will be made here.Bedcovers will also be created here alongside quilts,duvets and bedding of all types including pillows,mattress protectors etc.The only part of a bed not produced in Arachne factories will be the actual mattresses made in furniture factories alongside the bed base and bed frame.Holders for curtains will be in Agathodaemon,Daedalus or Arachne factories and be composed of wood or metal created by moulds.Electronic self moving beds in hospitals will be made in Talus factories.Gloves of all types including those for gardening and even construction at home etc and for motorcyclists.Hats and jewellery of all types will be made here.Towels of all types including those from washing hands and ones body in the shower and beach textiles will be made here with sleeping bags and if possible even camping tents.Those used for drying dishes and cleaning surfaces and even cleaning vehicles,electronics etc will be stored and created here.All home textiles will be scanned into Arachne.Tapestries although considered art will be textiles and thus created here and scanned in here.Textiles for pets will be created here including even dog carriers made for carrying them around that double as an indoor kennel with devices for carrying around babies also held here such as backpack carriers with bags of all types including those for carrying luggage for plane trips,fashion bags etc.Clothing for pets will also be present.Sunglasses and contact lenses will be made here while google glasses and lenses will be made in Talus factories with customised prescription ones may be made here or in Telesphorus factories.Zips and buttons will be customised and possibly stored in subfolders with machinery to create these customised parts present for all types of clothing with one choosing what zip and button to have on them each.Fans can be made either at home or in Agathodaemon or Arachne factories with the wood or plastic created by bacteria and textiles created by bacteria.Sports clothing padding,cups etc will be made in Arachne factories including official ones for all teams of all sports worldwide with even cheerleading uniforms made here.Uniforms for all sports teams from local,national,official league and even elementary,highschool,university teams for all types of sports worldwide such as GAA,football,soccer,american football,cricket,boxing,baseball etc will be present here divided by type and subtype as well as levels with cheerleading uniforms for all sports from highschool,universities to national levels will be present after scanned into Arachne.Customised sports gear can be created with ones personal surname and number present with these versions either kept since surnames are common or even saved temporarily on ones account with ones account automatically have ones surname saved for all sports gear created for them.Rather than creating different sports gear with each name their will be one version and ones account cross referencenced for their name and one choosing a number with the account of those receiving gifts cross referenced for those that contain their name.This will apply to all clothes customised with a persons name.Uniforms for private and public schools that use uniforms will be scanned.Rare clothing including haute couture pieces in museums releated to movies,television shows,awards shows,those in private collections of celebrities and politicians will be scanned in to make them widely availible to everyone with Aphrodite scanning those from the Oscars,Emmys and all awards shows and from magazines will make them availible to everyone as well.Those from existing fashion shows by well established fashion designers including haute couture collections online in YouTube and physical archives will be scanned into Arachne to make them available to everyone with those from videos gained by extracting them from the video games source code.Ones shoe size/foot size,hand size,head size,body measurements will be saved in their account so that all clothes,shoes,socks,hats etc will be made to their customised specifications.As stated one could scan in their entire body naked allowing a digital mannequin can be made that is in their account privy only to them and each order of clothing made by a person or even by friends as a gift will have this be crossrefferenced instantly for the persons unique dimensions of their head,legs,feet,chest,arm etc to ensure the clothing,hats,shoes,socks and even jewellery is made to their unique size and dimensions a la Haute couture by the robots and AI present with gene therapy and bicompatible microbes allowing one to maintain an ideal body fat percentage with this done via smart devices,smart mirrors etc.Children will routinely do this until they finish puberty.Condoms will be made to fit to their penis size.All clothing and accessories will be in adult size on Arachne which will then modified to child and infant size.There will be universal sizes for all clothing Irgun Heaphaestus but each order will be made customised to each person unique dimensions al la haute couture with the specific dimensions ie waist size,hip size and height length denoted on the safety tag in place of convemtional size labels and alongside washing directions and other details.Clothes and shoes can be made dirt proof and also waterproof with liquid glass applied at home or in factories in a permanent layer to ensure that its stain,acid and water proof for ever with an infusion of deoderizer applied before hand negating the need for clothes washers and dryers and will make them resistant to UV damage.Graphene integrated into textiles such as curtains,clothes,cushions etc could theoretically make them fireproof due to graphenes melting point of 4,626.85 degrees celcius negating the need for toxic fireproofing chemicals.It may even make clothes bulletproof and able to fend off knife attacks if interwoven in multiple layers as well as having silicene and biosynth technology in it will integrate it as smart clothing that measures vital signs and sends alarms to Pemphredo.Spider silk interwoven into them can make clothes bulletproof and able to fend off knife attacks if interwoven in multiple layers.Graphenes strength of 130 GPa or 130,000 MPa compared to spider silks 400-2,000 MPa and Kevlar 5,000 MPa will make it a viable alternative spider silk if integrated into clothing making it tear and bulletproof also protecting it from stabbings etc with its high melting point protecting one from burns with during disposal it exposed to bacteria that breaks down the textile fibres and Graphene recycled.Biosynth tissues etc integrated into any clothing will make all clothing smart clothing.Disposable diapers that difficult to recycle will be replaced by those that are homemade covered in liquid glass and infused with a permenant scent.These would be designed in Arachne and odered in from them or homemade to the infants shape and size of his waist and bum.The diapers can be composed of fabrics such as silk,seacell,hemp,bamboo etc and not have to be washed over and over again since they repel dirt,feces,urine,bacteria and viruses saving again on water,time and energy.These can be put in antibacterial mixtures ie soap,virkon and also under UV light to kill all pathogens with the feces and urine dumped in toilets.Scented oils permanently infused prior to silica treatment with them being homemade cutting down on even more energy required for creating plastic disposable diapers for every day and their disposal as well as allowing phosphorous and nitrogen to be recycled as urine and feces can be dumped into toilets as the liquid glass will prevent the feces sticking to them.Umbrellas will be made here with any metal replaced with methane or biosynth based plastics including stretchy ones or if possible petroleum based plastics created by bacteria.Wood and plastic infused with graphene for added strength will be replace metal in these customised umbrellas to negate the need for mining for metals with the fabric part will be composed of any type of textile such as silk,wool,rayon,acrylic etc and have any design making them fashionable and thus more than just accesories.Wigs will also be created here using specialised robots using real human hair created by bacteria with the dye created from animal and human or even scratch DNA will be created within the cell wall or separately.Sewing kits ie pins,needles,thread etc will be created here or in Agathodaemon factories with electronic machines made in electronics or Talos factories.Helite airbags and also smart armour will be created here as well alongside even reflective clothing and smart clothing for patients in hospitals,consumers and also even law enforcement personell.Costumes for weddings,Halloween,Christmas parties etc costumes and even bondage gear and sexual fantasies and fetishes will be created here.Bondage gear,costumes for sexual fantasies and fetishes will be restricted to adults via age recognition software.Scuba diving gear clothing will be created here with the remaining parts such as goggles,breathing apparatus created in Diagoras factories.Uniforms for all types of professions such as doctors,military personnel etc will be created and ordered in from here including obsolete ones from around the world.Clothing for pets like dogs etc of all types will be made here as well.All textiles from all species of plants and animals including all types of silk and wool,flax,cotton,ramie etc will be made via bacteria with with synthetic fibres created via anabolic and catabolic reactions to bypass esterfication etc and even bacteria creating gasoline and plant and vegetable oils then them produced onsite.Robot chef hands and Davinci machines and eventually biosynths will create certain products like footwear,clothing,Persian rugs,jewellery and also hats and bags that currently require human labour.Synthetic fabrics would be created either directly from them creating hydrocarbons or through anabolic and catabolic reactions such as with polyester with rayon and lyocell created using recombinant DNA from trees.Fake fur and bioprinted leather and other fabrics can also be made on site or in close proximity with bacteria possibly playing a role.Hair and fur of all 5,416 species of mammals made and knitted this way including hair from humans.Even human hair cloth can be synthesised by bacteria.Fur of all 5,416 species of mammals can can have fibres created by bacteria and then knitted into a customised patterns on a mat made of synthetic skin made of bacteria or stem cells including Panthera tigris and other Pantherinae into customised patterns as well all other mammals such as Neovison and Mustela done this way.Hair from all 5,416 species of mammals can also be created by bacteria and then woven into cloth or customised patterns on mats made of stem cells with dyes present via recombinant and scratch DNA.Bioprinted leather using stem cells can allow for the leather and skin of all 5,416 species of mammals including Pinnipeds,Elephantidae,Rhinocerotidae,Rhincodon typus,Equine and and in time reptiles widely availible with bioprinted reptile skin pursued with them undergoing the same level of engineering as crops and bacteria to increase growth rates allowing for skin from all 10,000 species of reptiles to be created created by stem cells cutting down on resources in factories.Textiles from all 391,000 plants including rubber/ramie/flax/jute/bamboo/cotten etc,all types of silk including that from 180,000 species of Lepidoptera and 35,000 species of Arachnida,hair based textiles from all 5,416 mammals,bioprinted leather and skin from all 10,700 species of reptiles and 5,416 species of mammals will be created by bacteria alongside all synthetic fabrics will be made onsite of Arachne factories.Feathers of any species of bird can be reared on a mat of stem cell based flesh with blood and nutrients created or synsthesised via bacteria and woven into stalks with AI developing ways to do this.All types of plant and animal textiles include rare expensive ones like wool(Cashmere,mohair,muskox,vicuna,angora,alpaca etc),silk(tussah,mulberry,eri,tasar,muga,anaphe,fagara,coan and even mussel etc) can be created on an unlimited scale by bacteria onsite of Arachne factories via DNA from Ovis aries,Vicugna pacos,Leporidae,Capra aegagrus hircus,O.moschatus,Bombyx mori,Samia cynthia,Philosamia ricini,Antheraea assamensis,Antheraea mylitta,Anaphe,Attacus atlas,Pachypasa atus,Pinna squamosa..Wool can also be created by bacteria from all 5,416 mammals including humans.If possible silk can be created by all 180,000 species of the Lepidoptera this way and would cut costs to almost zero.If possible silk can be created by all 180,000 species of the Lepidoptera and 35,000 species of Arachnida including all types of silk from each species of them as well as 391,000 types plant textiles this way giving more variety for those that dont create it enough to be commercially viable with this cutting down costs of them to zero,thus making them as cheap as other ones.With regards to Seacell DNA from macro and micro algae can be added to them.Wool can also be created by bacteria from all 5,416 mammals including humans.Rubber and latex for clothing etc can be created via relevant DNA from Hevea brasiliensis with guayule non hypoallergenic latex coming from recombinant DNA from Parthenium argentatum.Synthetic fabrics and textiles will be created directly by bacteria through anabolic and catabolic reactions or through them first creating gasoline,plant and animal oils or wood pulp to be then created in miniature machinery.In time genetic engineering can allow non algae bacteria to produce the same fibre as Seacell and Red algae as well as macro algae alongside cotton on site using wastewater from the factory thus negating the need for the sewage and water treatment plants to ship material to factories and again allow for energy in transportation to be saved.All dyes for clothing for all possible colours would ideally be produced on site in a separate section from bacteria that produce natural colouring dyes with synthetic ones created by anabolic and catabolic reactions.When a person uses a colour wheel for a product then the new one will have AI extrapolate anabolic or catabolic reactions and also scratch DNA to create the desired colour.Dyes for textiles will be via recombinant DNA from plants and animals and also scratch DNA present with the dye produced in the bacterias cell wall that create the textile or there is also the option of having bacteria creating dyes via anabolic and catabolic reactions and recombinant DNA from plants and animals and the dye then mixed in with the textile with the most energy and time efficient means decided by the factory AI for each instance

Toys of all types will be created in Paidia factories that will likely be merged with Diagoras factories and even Peitho ones since all three will create items on a few floors using miniaturised machinery.All types of toys such as action figures,barbie and ken dolls,lego sets,doll houses and even teddy bears will be made under one roof in one or two three floors with electronic toys made in Talus.All components made from plastic and keratin will be made of methane or biosynth based plastic by bacteria with them also made primarily by 3D printers including those at home with one able to print out missing pieces in a desired amount negating the need to order in new pieces.Thus 3D printers are home will allow one to print out missing Lego pieces and missing pieces for board games at home in the desired amount rather than ordering them in saving on time and energy.Toys like jenga and all types will be all created on the same floor as other toys with even jigsaws etc created here with as stated to negate the need for most of these VR technology will cater to it with e-versions could be created for others with even a single jigsaw game that can be played on smart devices and consoles with one downloading pictures on the internet,those taken on cameras on smart devices and even existing jigsaws pictures used stored on a cloud networkPlay dough and silly putty will also be created here using bacteria creating synthetic and natural compounds.Most toys can be in the form of those in VR simulations with video game versions of board games including those that are online in Dionysus will replace normal board games.There will be an universal version of each existing and new board game with them being open source games where new versions similar to the different versions of Monopoly are present created by the public and existing ones scanned in and modified by AI allowing for localised and online playing against human and also AI players.In otherwards there will be a single game of Monopoly with all versions in that single game choosen on the start menu,a single version of Scrabble with all versions,a single Cluedo game with all existing and new versions, single game of Chess with all new versions created by the public etc through open source and so on that will be designed by the public and house existing variations scanned in and them allowing for play between dozens of people from around the world with new board games created by the public and following this pattern.Otherwise existing and new board games and variations of them including existing and new variations will be created by 3D cardboard printers creating the board,plastic printers creating plastic parts and miniature machinery creating paper with instruction booklets in the consumers account with lost pieces created at home using 3D printers when lost with new paper ordered in from the Paidia factories.Diffferent versions of each games pieces can be printed at home with one ordering in small seacell bags to hold pieces if lost or separately.Instruction booklets for board games and all toys will be in electronic form streamed on e-newspapers etc with cards of all games such as Cluedo and also tarot cards and playing cards for remaining card games will be streamed on Graphene/biosynth cards to prevent them wearing down etc.Thus cards for board games can be streamed on Graphene/biosynth cards used for all board games with them also streaming tarot and playing cards. All of these Graphene/biosynth cards will be ordered in from Paidia or ideally Talus factories by themselves or part of games with them streaming and downloading onto biosynth hard drives cards as part of board games and also decks of playing cards and tarot cards with all existing designs of both playing cards and tarot cards online and scanned in and those designed by the public stored in Paidia and simply downloaded onto them in a matter of minutes saving time and energy with those printed onto actual paper cards ordered in from here as well with them having Graphene or strong textiles like spider silk integrated into them for strength and covered in liquid glass to make them last forever with pulp and ink etc created by bacteria.Board games like Cluedo that need paper to write down notes or cross out names will have said paper streamed on linked smart phones using adonit pens.Pictionary etc and those that need whiteboard can use Graphene whiteboards and adonit pens or have pictures etc streamed in real time to the smart devices of all players.Boards of all board games can be Graphene/biosynth ones ordered in from Talus that can stream the different versions of boards of each game and all games.To negate the need for pieces graphene/biosynth boards with touchscreen capabilities will allow one to move pieces on them without actual physical pieces with cards on linked smart devices or graphene cards and menus on both allowing one to switch between them.To negate the need for physical pieces they will be within the Graphene/biosynth board that one uses the boards touchscreen capabilities to move them around rather than ordering them in and them never getting lost with voice command also used and in some case bags etc being digital ones stored in the Paidia app on smart devices.The map and board can be changed to and from 2D/3D versions.The board will be an universal size but it can be zoomed out or in to make it appear larger or smaller for the type of game played.These would allow one to play localised multiplayer games and also online ones with players across the world via the internet or wire namely the Paidia app.Graphene/biosynth board and deck of cards with one may have to order in another set of cards for some games or the Paidia app can store extra cards that are randomly generated with a normal deck of cards catering to the main cards in a game with secondary smaller cards that are rewards etc given for certain actions given automatically since these are usually randomly generated.Paper money for games like Monopoly can be stored in e-wallets and given as rewards automatically or sent to others etc automatically as punishments with the Paidia app.For games like Scrabble the pieces one has will be stored in the app allocated randomly and one would select a letter listed orderly and tap in it and then tap on the square they want to move it to.Video games that come with DVDs,videotapes like Atmosfear will have the video streamed on linked smart devices and smart televisions with specific scenes played at certain times managed by Paidia with older videos etc of Atmosfear games scanned into the Paidia app with those on YouTube transferred here.Cards as part of the main deck of graphene/biosynth cards that are usually handed out to players randomly will be allocated by the AI Paidia.The AI Paidia will manage the randomisation of cards,allocation of e-money etc via fragmentation.All instruction manuals etc will be in electronic form with all old ones for old games scanned in here to be streamed on e-newspapers etc.As stated Graphene/biosynth playing cards and Tarot cards will be played using all existing designs from online and physical ones scanned and transferred into Paidia and new ones designed into the network with one able to download any deck they wanted within minutes.Trading cards such as Baseball and other sports cards and Pokemon,Digimon etc trading and other existing and future trading cards will follow suit with all existing cards scanned in from physical cards and online databases to be downloaded within minutes and one able to trade and play games with people around the world wirelessly.The combination of Graphene cards streaming cards as part of games,boards streaming boards of different games,smart devices streaming paper it may be possible for all of the worlds board games to be downloaded at home within minutes once one has gotton the Graphene cards,board etc in one go from Antkythera factories saving on the need for machinery present and saving on time and energy with their being an universal Paidia app for smart devices that contains all of world past and new games and all versions of boards etc old and new streamed and downloaded onto linked cards etc from Paidia within minutes via WiFi and Bluetooth.The app will be holding not just the data of all boards,cards etc for all board games but also all versions of each game including new ones designed by the public that instead of ordering in new pieces,boards,cards for each board games one could simply downloading the data files for each one into their account with one having an account that houses all data etc for each game in their library that consists of all games they have downloaded with it for each game played showing which pieces one has,which cards one has and money etc in e-wallets and items in bags.All old game boards,cards,pieces etc for old games including all versions will be scanned into the app with new versions of each game made by the public designing new boards,cards,pieces with there being a macro folder for each game that holds all versions of each game with new board games designed by the public uploaded here.The app will have people set up accounts that hold for each game one plays all e-money,cards,paper pieces and also all pieces for each character stored on linked smart devices,e-newspapers etc.This app will be linked to the Paidia network and then streamed and downloaded within minutes.Paidia will manage allocation and randomisation of cards and money etc.All boards etc made of graphene etc will be stored in a single universal cardboard box labelled with the word Paidia ordered in from Oxylus or as part of the board ordered in from Talus factories. The cardboard box can have Graphene and biosynth technology integrated into it for strength and stream any box cover.All types of board games such as Cluedo,Chess,Snakes & Ladders,Monopoly,Atmosfear,Jigsaws etc will be electronic ones.Jigsaws will be electronic ones on smart devices,computers,smart televisions,Graphene/biosynth boards etc with all existing jigsaws around the world scanned into Paidia including from memories accessed by the Paidia app.New jigsaws will be developed by AI and the public.A macro jigsaw game in the Paidia app containing all existing jigsaws scanned in,those made by the public from photos etc will be made allowing to play an almost infinite amount of jigsaws with new ones added over time with them created within a public network in Paidia that is always open to the public.One would use photos from the internet,paintings from Apollo etc and from thought and designs made on Pandora,decide the size of the photo etc and thus the size of the jigsaw and the size of each piece and thus the amount of pieces and then either design each piece individually or have Paidia do so with when downloaded on will have all pieces randomised and a photo for reference.One will download new jigsaws from the Paidia network via the Paidia app within minutes and store hundreds or thousands of them in their app at a time with one able to save progress and continue on later on with ones progress between 0-100% relayed in real time on a bar with one able delete them or start all over again at a whims notice.In time board games,card games,chess and jigsaws will eventually be replaced by electronic versions a universal game called Paidia within Dionysus played on on consoles,computers and smart devices allowing one to play with people in close proximity and/or around the world saving on resources such as energy to produce paper,cardboard,pieces and in transportation with remote communication done with headphones with microphones,codec technology etc.VR versions of board games will inevitably be made.Supplementary reference books,e-instruction and booklets will be in their subfolders within Dionysus for all electronic board and card games since they are video games. Toys for dogs and other pets will be produced here and created in these factories alongside prams and strollers for babies.Some products will be homemade or made using 3D printers at home with this including large items that have parts printed out and then assembled at home using how to videos generated by Aphrodite.

Diagoras factories will produce sports items of all types such as basketballs and indeed balls for all sports,tennis rackets and those for all sports etc,bats for all sports such as baseball,fishing rods and also exercise equipment and machines including electronic ones.All type of exercise equipment including weightlifting machines,weights and electric treadmills etc will be created here possibly with them having two floors with metal replaced by plastic,synthetic materials including diamonds and also wood in all of these to replace metal.Electric ones may also be made in Talus factories.Helmets for all sports of all types and even for motorcyclists and even cyclists will be made onsite and ordered in from here with them customised to the exact shape and contours of the consumers head.Boxing gloves and gloves for different sports will be crated here or in Arachne factories.Plastic will of course be made by bacteria and be methane or biosynth based plastic,wood will be made via bacteria with them replacing any metals by having graphene mixed into its structure.Sports clothing will be made in Arachne factories including official ones for all teams of all sports worldwide with camping gear possibly being made here.Helmets and cups will be made here but not gear and padding.All componants whether plastic and wood etc will be created by bacteria via recombinant DNA and anabolic and catabolic reactions.

Paper for paper products can be created in Oxylus factories via bacteria that create pulp from any 60,065 species of tree.Cardboard boxes for personal use will be made in Oxylus factories with them created via bacteria making the pulp of any 60,065 species of trees and also red algea with the pulp and fibres of any of the worlds 391,000 plants for different properties such as smoothness and strength such as flax,jute,hemp,spider and silkworm silk.Pulp can also come from any of the 391,000 species of plants created by bacteria.The same will apply to any remaining paper products such as wrapping paper,sketching paper,notepads,writing pads,normal diaries cardboard with bacteria and algae creating all paper onsite of Oxylus factories saving on the time and energy to grow and transport trees from forests with the paper once used pyrolysised in organic waste plants.Glue to hold these together will be biobased ones from C.crescentus with binders that hold others together will be composed of methane or biosynth based plastic or paper with spider silk in its matrix with no metal in them to save resources on mining with leather for diaries created onsite of the factory.Diaries,notepads etc will be replaced by e-versions on smart devices and magazines and newspapers and even books will be streamed on e-newspapers from Dionysus and Pheme thus making paper for reading obsolete.Paper of all 1,200 species of Bambusoidea can be created this way alongside paper of all 391,000 species of plants and 200,000 species of algae can be created by bacteria with if possible wood made of all 200,000 species of algae and 391,000 species of plants Including flowers,ferns etc.Algea in sewage treatment plants will be engineered to break all of these textile down for nutrition using enzymes.Toilet paper,paper towels like baby and cleansing wipes will be ordered in from Telesphorus.Toilet paper,paper towels etc will also be ordered in bulk for a month or years supply with them stored in spare rooms with them stored in storerooms in communal homes for all residents or extra space ie extra closets in suites.Public buildings of all types will all order in a years supply with them ordering in more when stocks begin to get low with robots and remaining staff and also biosynths managing this with in time toilets in these buildings will be replaced with those that use jets of water and also have toilet paper created in bulk in their basements.They and communal homes may create their own supply in microfactories.Thus all paper products such as wrapping paper,cardboard boxes to be ordered in by themselves,toilet paper,paper towels,drawing and sketching paper etc designed on Pandora and will be made by bacteria creating the pulp of trees and any species of plants also mixed in with red algae onsite of Oxylus factories and also microfactories of other factories saving on the need to cut down trees and transport them.Cardboard boxes for personal use ie transferring luggage and trading packages can be designed on Pandora and stored here.Paper bags will be designed on Pandora and ordered in from here as well for personal use alongside reusable seacell bags ordered in from Arachne factories.Restaurants will order in paper bags for deliveries and take aways.Diaries,notepads,colouring books etc would be replaced by e-newspapers using Adonit pens with.One could have them made from pulp from any of the 60,065 tree species or even all 391,000 plant species and have any plant textile mixed into them.Wrapping paper for gifts will be created onsite of these and shipped to factories or made onsite of each factory with paper for posters and paintings in Pygmalion will be created onsite of Pygmalion factories or shipped in from Oxylus factories with wrapping paper for gifts will be made onsite of factories or ordered in from Oxylus factories.For wrapping paper and sketching paper one could choose the design of them and also size and what plant and animal fibres created onsite of factories by bacteria will be mixed into it.These algae,bacteria and other plants fibres from bacteria can be grown onsite of factories to reduce the expenditure of resources such as energy in the harvesting,transportation,sawing and pulping of wood for these and allow forests that they come from to be permanently reforested.Thus all paper in all paper products such as paper bags,cardboard,wrapping paper,baby wipes,sketching paper etc will be created by bacteria creating pulp form all 391,000 species of plants including any of the 60,065 tree species chosen by the consumer and have them able to have plant and animal textiles like silk from Arachnida and Lepidoptera and flax,jute,pina etc for different properties ie strength and softness chosen by them also created by bacteria.Thus for all paper products such as cardboard,set,writing paper,baby wipes etc one would first choose which species of all 391,000 plants including all 60,065 species of trees etc to have the pulp come from and then choose which plant and animal textile to add for smoothness and strength.One will eventually be able to choose from pulp from plants such as trees etc and plant and animal textiles from across the universe.This alongside synthetic wood will render the forestry industry defunct indefinitely and save energy in harvesting and transporting wood and would allow sawmills etc to be converted into homes and would render all jobs in that sector defunct and negate the need to develop robotics in this field and also give variety paper and wood not normally used.It would also negate the need to cut down trees in the Amazon and other endangered areas and allow land used for forestry to be made into permanent woodland.Oxylus factories will also create synthetic wood for firewood and homemade furniture and in a separate area synthetic oil,coal and peat.Synthetic coal and peat using material compressed into them by machinery grown onsite on the roof etc as well as even synthetic eco logs and synthetic wood for fires created by bacteria creating pulp,fibrous material,resins etc mixed together will be created here as well.Synthetic gasoline,diesel,pentane,petroleum,kerosene,butanol etc and also gasoline additives,brake fluid,gear,motor oil,synthetic linear alkanes such methane,ethane,propane etc all the way up to tetrapentacontane and also branched alkanes,cycloalkanes,alkenes,alkynes,saturated aliphatic hydrocarbons,unsaturated aliphatic hydrocarbons,aromatic hydrocarbons,annulynes,annulenes and alicyclic compounds can be created onsite of Oxylus factories via recombinant DNA and Steropes signalling bacteria to carry out anabolic and catabolic reactions via biosynth wifi when fed sugar,complex carbohydrates and proteins via them having DNA from S.degradans.Synthetic methane can be ordered in from Oxylus factories using gas canisters in a rotary system using a bulk rotary system for a whole years or months worth with the gas canisters owned by consumers and sent back and forth between homes and Oxylus factories in a rotary system in bulk orders with one ordering in gas canisters from Oxylus factories designed on Pandora of varying shapes,sizes and designs with them composed ideally of graphene and carbon composites to contain explosions and possibly biosynth plastics with graphene etc integrated into them that negates the need for using metals in their construction with existing ones used or recycled.Ideally synthetic wood will be used to create logs and kindling will be pursued allowing it to be made of all 60,065 species of wood.Starter and eco logs made from fibrous material,flour and waxes created by bacteria mixed together can be ordered in for a years supply with all of these synthetic fuels made carbon neutral by artificial trees onsite that capture the carbon dioxide and feed it to the bacteria when stored onsite.These synthetic gases,oils,logs,coal,peat will be ordered in secell bags,canisters etc that are 5-500kg each decided by the consumer with them ordered in a few weeks,months or even years supply and will house artificial trees to make them carbon neutral interacting with Theoi Meteroi.These may take up on entire floor or only half of one since people will be self sufficient and offering only in bulk orders for the year with the rest used to create biodigesters and canisters.Machinery will be created on one floor,solar panels/VAWTS/Wave pistons on one floor alongside artificial trees.Since geothermal powerplants will be constructed by Daedalus factories and this will be the predominant power source with HAWTs made redundant by VAWTs and solar being used for homes then these factories may be only three floors high with logs,kindling,synthetic methane and oil being also predominantly homemade with this alleviating strains on these factories

As stated earlier all food products normally bought in retail outlets including sweets will be prepared at home to cut down on waste and energy and alleviate diet related illness as well as allowing for customisation.It will also allow factories that produce all food products to be converted into communal homes.All companies from around the world will release the recipes of all types of manufactured food products such as sweets,candies,cereals,drinks both alcoholic and non alcoholic as well as fizzy and non fizzy etc and even defunct products from their database.The same can apply to cosmetic also homemade for similar reasons.Even defunct food products from as far back as the early 20th century will have their recipes released and tested and also pet and baby food of all types and brands will be added here.The recipes of all items and shapes of all products will be stored in the Deipneus database allowing it to be manufactured in Deipneus factories with Deipneus cross referencing this recipe stored in the database to manufacture them.Automated labs in universities etc will analyse the chemical structure of al drinks,sauces,sweets,breakfast cereals and all manufactured products to ensure that can be replicated precisely through ingredients created by bacteria especially to determine secret recipes and ingredients etc.Secret recipes for all drinks and food products owned by corporations will be released by the corporations to the public in a single universal cookbook and also the Deipneus sub network to be recreated at home with this of note to different chocolate bars from around the world,beer,fizzy drinks and also those from restaurants with cookbooks past future uploaded onto Dionysus where the public including known YouTube chefs can produce how to videos for all existing cookbooks from around the world.Existing and new ones can be streamed from e-newspapers with old ones have these videos added to them to add to their quality with new ones comprising of these detailing each step.Old cookbooks at home will be scanned into relevant networks of Dionysus with the recipes added to Deipneus with all food products on YouTube by chefs also uploaded up here and in some cases those from here and also cookbooks will be added as either submenu versions of existing items or as their own item decided by Deipneus.Discontinued food and drinks will have recipes released with even existing sweets etc of all types have their recipes released.Similar versions of existing products within a brand ie different flavours of a drink and chocolate such as Coca Cola,Fanta,Hersheys,Cadburys Dairy Milk etc separate sub pages within a submenu etc.New products will be made from scratch and have new pages and sub pages with different versions of new and existing products created by the public and is logo etc will be present in submenus and sub pages.They can be used as the baseline for new products similar to other manufactured products.New flavours of Cadbury’s Dairy Milk,Coco Cola,Fanta,Hershey’s etc can be created and then uploaded into submenus.Manufactured food products such as Cadbury’s chocolate that taste different in different countries due to different recipes etc then they will have both recipes added as different sub products.Corporations that sell smoothies and also independent muffin,coffee,chocolate,sweet stores and bakeries both corporate chains and even independent ones will also release their recipes with staff paid reserves to recreate them in YouTube videos with if possible well known YouTube cooking channels given them and paid money to recreate them.This will give consumers from around the world access to sweets,candies etc from around the world that they are not normally able to get.Beer,vodka and wine etc made at home and in community centres via nanowineries,nano distilleries and nanobreweries will allow for all wineries and breweries to be converted into homes with it made via bacteria creating the juices and flour of all cereals and fruits and vegetables giving a total of roughly 22,000 wines and 391,000 beers with existing recipes released to the public with this cutting down on energy etc in production,transportation etc and land used to grow the plants.If possible 391,000 types of wines can be made via the juices from all species of plants.Fizzy drinks and alcoholic drinks that are made at home as well as factories will be stored in bulk in kegs and also large reusable 3D printed plastic and glass containers cutting down on waste of resources and energy that is currently made when drinks are sold in brand new glasses,plastic bottles,aluminium cans.Communal homes will have kegs and nanobreweries etc in basements and storerooms to make them in bulk with community centres having them to serve all homes in the area they serve.Automated labs will analyse sample from each manufactured food good from around the world to get its exact recipe and each ingredients concentration with this added to Aphrodite,Deipneus and possible even Physis database.These will be stored in Deipneus for when picotech fabricators are possible with them also made at home using chef robots and also by humans with synthetic compounds created by bacteria creating synthetic compounds and also natural compounds via anabolic and catabolic reactions and also recombinant DNA from plants and animals.Community centres will create them in all in one machines in batches for the local communities with one ordering them via a network in Hephaestus named Deipneus.If need be Deipneus factories part of manufacturing hubs housing all in one factories for each type of product divided into different floors ie one that can produce all type of bread product including baguettes and pastries and croissants and even sliced bread and pasta etc,one that creates all type of prepared meals such as cakes/pies/tarts/pet and baby food etc,one that creates all types of diary products like butter/cheese/yogurts etc one that creates jellies as well as sauces and condiments like ketchup etc alongside powdered and liquid foods like coffee/tea/drinking chocolate/soup,one that creates all types of fizzy and non fizzy drinks,one that creates all types of branded or customised beer and wines as well as alcopops,saké and vodka etc from around the world,one that creates all types of breakfast cereals,one that create all types of chocolate bars and candies and also crisps etc and so on with each floor devoted to each of these products or two or more floors used in multistorey factories.These will use miniaturised machinery,chef robots,robots and also 3D printed food from food printers that can create each type with food moulds created using plastic or malleable machinery or alloys that can change into different shapes or even chef robots that create specific products with the machinery used not only being miniaturised versions present in current factories but also those that are all in one ones to create as many of the different existing and customised products as possible in each floor with multiple floors as much as two or three used for some items.Miniaturised machinery will be modified or be able to adapt via AI,robots,biosynths or shape memory alloys to be all in one ones that can create customised products in batches and will be miniaturised versions of those used in current factories and composed of graphene etc due to its lightness and strength with them covered in a permanent layer of liquid glass to keep them clean when cleaned with water and gravity and prevent contamination with them exposed to narrow wavelength UV to sterilise them between each batch.3D food printer technology will also be used.The utilisation of miniaturised machinery,3D printers will make these factories compact with them being all in one machinery with them able to make as many different customised products on each floor of these Deipneus factories.Some products will be created by biosynths and also chef robots onsite.Moulds for all types of food products will be made by methane or biosynth based plastic with them allowing for any shape to be used and once used for a batch order can be broken down into methane gas that will be collected and thus used to create other customised moulds over and over again with extra methane coming methagenous bacteria creating the gas using sugar onsite.The factory AI will extrapolate the shape of the mould to be used based on the food products design for each order and using genetic engineering will grow quickly with the it made once the order is made so that it can be used instantly when the production line needs it with each products design mould stored within its page file or even Deipneus and the factory AI itself for reference and the plastic printed out using advanced 3D printers using this plastic and mould also replacing cutters that cut out dough into biscuits again with the AI extrapolating its shape with them created beforehand through extrapolations from AI and then ready when the product is being produced especially if orders beforehand are being processed so it can be used instantly and then recycled or if other orders are scheduled that same day or week kept their and reused until finally being broken down into methane to be recycled.High performance thermoplastics composed of methane or biosynth based plastics will be created to withstand high temperatures that will also be broken down and reused with the AI extrapolating the size and shape of the mould based on the design with batch orders have large moulds with the same or different design.The plastic nozzle for machines and 3D printers,moulds and movements and steps and even the recipe will be extrapolated by AI namely the sentient operating softwares for each existing and new product and stored in its file.A person who frequently orders the same product created with the same mould can have the factory keep and reuse it for future orders with them housing biosynth chips to allow them to be stored in the factory and tracked down later on when needed.This could also be done for popular orders of the same size and shape etc with shaped cutters used to shape dough for biscuits following this with them created and then when used broken down and reused later on.Cutters for dough to create biscuits to prevent waste of dough could have moulds created that create a large number of biscuits with the dough pumped into each one individually one after another to set rather than making large amounts of dough and cutting it up using cookie cutters and dumping the rest into the bin thus preventing waste.Nozzles for 3D printers and machinery to produce customised food could also be created this way via 3D printers and put in place by AI etc and recycled or kept.3D food printers may be used with their nozzles customised for each order.The plastic nozzle for machines and 3D printers,moulds and movements and steps and even the recipe will be extrapolated by AI namely the sentient Deipneus for each existing and new product and stored in its file with biosynths and robot chef hands used to create some customised food products with all machinery being all in one versions that can create each customised order in decided batches by 2029-2045.AI will perfect this for biscuits and all types of food to eliminate waste.Containers for manufactured products such as food,cosmetics and other products will follow this pattern with them created via 3D printers beforehand so as to be availible when needed and then dispatched once filled.The same will apply to wrappers for individual products and macro packaging that they are part of created beforehand and then prepared for the order with AI extrapolating how much is needed.Stickers that have the product logo,safety information etc like as in conventional products sold in plastic containers will also be made of methane or biosynth based plastic to be recycled alongside the container itself with machinery to print out the logo and other information onsite where they are produced next to 3D printers used to create this plastic.The stickers will cross reference both logo of the product from its page and also important customised information such as how much is in it in mls or litres etc and the safety information from studies performed by AI and also ingredients.These will be made onsite of factories next to where packaging is made with the logo,ingredients etc and customised size etc done for each order.All writing will be in the consumers language organised by the factory AI and ones language setting in the wire.They can be made of methane or biosynth based plastic and paper and use non toxic glue made form methane or that from C.crescentus.These stickers will be made form methane of biosynth based plastic or paper and if possible methane based glue or those from C.crescentus.Dyes and inks for the packaging as part of it and also printed on it will be made by bacteria using recombinant DNA and anabolic and catabolic reactions.In time stickers will be replaced by this printed on them via lasers or traditional printers both of which can be modified for each order very quickly for plastic with cardboard done the same way it normally is with dyes made via bacteria using the single strain method.Plastic wrappers for chocolates,crisps and other food will be will created here as well with existing and new one present.The logo and design of existing and new products designed by the public will be present on the stickers and also packaging.All packaging will be made at the same time as the product and the packing and even their manufacture will be automated from start to finish with only the required amount being made to cut down on waste of both resources and time as all of them will be created by bacteria and fungi. All existing products will be present with their logo and packaging present on the file within Deipneus alongside pictures of the product and all ingredients and the design and logo will be printed on the plastic and cardboard or not with new ones also have new designs made for them.The original packaging that contains the logo etc on cereals,candies,sweets etc including boxes will be scanned into the network into Agathodaemon alongside all new and existing packaging containers with a hyperlink on the page to the original one for each product.Original box,plastic containers will be scanned into Agathodaemon and a hyperlink to them on their page with the containers modified to the decided amount rather than creating a new one with them made smaller or bigger to accommodate the chosen size and amount.When original containers are scanned in internally and externally the logo on these will be transferred to the items page in Hephaestus to be printed on future renditions with the packaging without the logo will be present in Agathodaemon.New products created from scratch and even variations will have new logos etc created by the consumer.The design and logo for both new and existing ones that fit onto customised packaging that holds their logo,design,ingredients and also seal of approval and quality by Aphrodite and Hecate etc will be present within the products page that will be printed on all plastic and cardboard containers with the packaging created also having the customised size and weight in mls/l and also g/kg also ingredients.The design and logo for both new and existing ones that fit onto customised packaging that holds their logo,design,ingredients and also seal of approval and quality by Aphrodite and Hecate etc will be present within the products page that will be printed on all plastic and cardboard containers with the packaging created also having the customised size and weight in mls/l and also g/kg also ingredients.One could for both existing and new products choose any of the packaging designed and stored in Agathodaemon and then have them made bigger or smaller for the desired amount in mls/l and also g/kg and have the products stickers modified that stick them onto these new ones shape.Thus a person will have unlimited customisation for packaging and no longer restricted to a singular set for each product with stickers,ink etc containing the logo and ingredients etc modified to fit on them.Ideally these methane or biosynth based plastic containers will be be made onsite of the factory producing the good using 3D printers.Miniturised machinery or 3D paper/cardboard printers will create the cardboard with plastic,styrofoam and cardboard created by bacteria.Packaging will be created onsite composed of only methane or biosynth based plastics,cardboard from algae and bacteria as well as fungi styrofoam and will have the logos etc of new and existing products.The packaging and logo of new ones will be created on Pandora with advertisements also created using Ampelos and VR technology.All food products will be packaged in containers of ones desired size with the logo,ingredients,nutritional data with all types of manufactured food products such as fizzy and non fizzy drinks,candies,sauces,soups,seasonings,preserves,yogurts packaged only in biosynth based plastics,fungi styrofoam with all parts of packaging including covers and tinfoil etc composed of this biosynth plastic with this eliminating metal,paper and aluminium etc completely.Cardboard packaging will be created by bacteria creating the pulp of trees.Only what packaging is needed for each order will be created and if need be them created beforehand once possible after other packaging for previous orders are made to be filed instantly with AI managing the efficient creation of each products packaging,stickers and the product itself.Each order to cut down on waste only the actual amount of produce what is ordered of each product in each batch machine will be created to prevent waste with liquid glass on the interior of the machinery and photobioreactors etc allowing all of the created product to be packaged.This will apply to all products such as food,cleaning products and cosmetics.One will choose the container they want via a sublink opening up to Agathodaemon and its subfolders for each product as all containers will be divided into folders and subfolders.Consumers ordering in these products in large batches for a year or more with packaging being methane or ideally biosynth based plastics and also cardboard with them in sizes ranging from 1-100kg with candies and bars in larger than normal packets with the size customised for each bar including the normal size and those that are several feet long and several kilogrammes in weight.The consumer will be able to choose or even design the size and packaging method of the product with these likely saved in a separate submenu.Foods like branded chocolate and peanut butter spreads such as Nutella,Panda,Jif,Whole Foods and also Terrys chocolate oranges,M&Ms and similar products including all types of chocolates and Easter eggs from around the world added to the database will be created here and stored in reusable glass or methane or biosynth based plastic tubs of any size or shape decided by the consumer.New Easter Eggs derived from new chocolate bars etc created will be here as well and will have the egg and also sweets present with Terrys chocolate orange and Easter Eggs being of any size with Easter eggs coming with extra side orders of the sweets they are based on and ordered in at any time of the year.Other seasonal based sweets and products can be ordered in at any time of the year such as those for Halloween,Christmas and other holidays around the world.Skittles,M&Ms,jelly sweets etc can be ordered in the usual plastic packets of usual size or even in large plastic boxes or tubs with their logo that are 5-100kg in weight.Branded products from supermarket chains will be present as their own product replicated as they distinctly from other branded products.If possible certain products that are created by different companies and even supermarket chains such as peanut butter,chocolate spread,cereals,jams,marmalade etc will be under one page with the different versions in submenus and subpages as part as variations.Biscuits,Pringles etc added to the database would be in cardboard cylinders of any size the consumer wants containing an amount decided by them.Boxes and tins of chocolate and biscuits such as Cadbury Milk Tray,Ferrero Rocher,Quality Street,Roses,Celebrations,Lindt Selection,Dairy box,Heroes,Cadburys Favourite Biscuits,Jacobs USA,Fabously Foxs etc from around the world will be added to the database can be created onsite in floors of the Deipneus factories with them ordered in bulk and the same type of packaging used for them with ideally algae and bacteria based cardboard replacing tin boxes which are expensive in comparison to make with chocolates not individually wrapped in cases of those who are as it would be difficult and time consuming for robots do to so.This will also apply to packets of miniature versions of chocolate.For variety packs of chocolates and biscuits such as Cadbury Milk Tray,Ferrero Rocher,Quality Street,Roses,Celebrations,Lindt Selection,Dairy box,Heroes,Cadburys Favourite Biscuits,Jacobs USA,Fabously Foxs etc one can choose to for each individual pack ordered in as part of bulk orders or all packs contain all of ones favourite chocolates and biscuits or control the ratio of each type of chocolates and biscuits to prevent waste and ensure that one doesn’t have to eat chocolates and biscuits they don’t like.New versions of compilations of chocolates and biscuits can be created and added to Deipneus with if possible new individual chocolates and biscuits added to these existing compilations in submenus.Plastic in the form of trays could be replaced by cardboard or even fungi or methane or biosynth based plastic.The size and shape of these boxes for all of these biscuits and chocolates would be decided by the consumer and in tray boxes the amount of trays decided and the layout of chocolates,biscuits and number of each type on each tray decided with if possible there being trays for each type of chocolate and biscuit with the consumer deciding the layout of each tray,how many tray and even how many of each type of biscuit and chocolate there is.Crisps would come in mega packs that house smaller bags of them in customised amounts ie a large plastic pack with smaller pack that contain a set amount of one or more flavours with the size of the small and even larger holding bags chosen with the number of smaller bags made based on the size of the larger one or they could order in smaller bags in bulk.The size of both mega packs and even normal packets will be decided by the consumer with them composed of only plastic.One could choose what flavour of the crisps are presents and how many etc.They could even be in one or more large mega packs.Juice and fizzy drinks will be sent in 3D printed containers or methane or biosynth based plastic containers that are 500ml to 10 litres big with even beer and wine in these with them also using glass bottles,methane or biosynth based plastic and kegs designed on Agathodaemon and Ganymede sent back and forth in a rotary system at the behest of the consumer rather than aluminium cans.Wine boxes using methane or biosynth based plastic and cardboard will also be used with them like kegs and barrels coming in customised sizes.Breakfast cereals may just have the cereal stored in the cardboard box or have methane or biosynth based plastic present with them in boxes that hold 375g-10kg with the consumer choosing wide and/or tall boxes.The size of packaging for all goods will be chosen by the consumer and them still holding the same information on them with the logo,ingredients,customised size.All types of sweets,chocolates and lollipops will be made in all in one machines that can create different versions of these from around the world including new ones on one floor with crisps and other ones from around the world will be created on this or another floor.Chewing and bubble gum as well as mouth freshner strips etc will also be made with tinfoil etc replaced with paper or plastic or them in plastic tubs etc of various sizes.The moulds for these will likely be those created using methane or biosynth based plastic that when used for a batch order of existing or customised and new products will be broken down by bacteria that breaks them down into methane to be reused over and over again with methagenous bacteria also creating methene onsite from sugar creating a looped cycle negating the need fro metal mould that have to smelted down.Deserts even ice pops and Cornettos and similar frozen ice cream products will be packaged in paper and cardboard as well as methane or biosynth based plastic and in customised sizes with them first frozen onsite and then delivered in bulk and stored in large freezers in ones basement etc much in the same way as they are to shops.Yogurts will be have all tinfoil replaced with methane or biosynth based plastics with them in plastic or cardboard tubs of customised sizes and shapes stored in Agathodaemon.Ice cream products and desserts produced on the same floor as all dairy products and ice pops,yogurts,cheese etc.Like all dairy products variations can be made that are made from all 396,416 types of milk and new flavours etc in submenus.The flavourings of all species of plants and animals can be added to the genome of the yeasts or bacteria etc that create milk of all types further increasing customisation of all dairy products.Ice cream machines in shops and restaurants can be traded on Euthenia,scanned into Talus to be recreated and ordered in from there by anyone and be present at home with them coustomised to produce the same type of ice cream cones in shops around the world with syrup and ice cream ordered in bulk from Deipneus or made at home with flakes for 99 cones and customised sprinkles ordered in bulk from Deipneus with syrups from any species of plant or any flavour type also created either at home or in Deipneus factories ordered in bulk alongside cones.These would be present in basements and storerooms of private and communal homes or in community centres and would be refilled over and over again with milk from yeast or bacteria created at home or ordered in from farms of all types and would be made by hand with them covered internally and externally in liquid glass to negate cleaning thus meaning a person and family could make cones all year round.Candycane,slushee,smoothie and popcorn machines from cinemas and amusement parks made redundant from Dionysus and also VR technology will also be taken in by the public once scanned into Talus to be used in private and communal homes and both sugar kernals ordered in from farms.Branded and new yogurt and ice-cream products can be modified to have any type of flavour,sprinkle,fruit or other items and be made from any of the 396,416 type of animal and plant milks in the world.Other dairy products made on the same floor will also be made from the same number of chosen 396,416 milks with existing and new products tweaked to use different types of milk with the milk grown in batches onsite of the factory floor.Branded beer,vodka,tequila and wine etc from around the world including defunct ones would have the exact recipe recreated or have their chemical composition analysed and recreated via bacteria through anabolic and catabolic reactions and also malted sugars,grain endosperm and juices created from bacteria recombinant DNA onsite of Deipneus factories and breweries.All Deipneus factories will house nano breweries and wineries etc to create all brands and types of alcoholic drinks from around the world ordered in batches.Both branded beer and also wine,tequila and vodka will in this database including customised ones and new ones created using cereals and juices from all 391,000 species of fruits and plants created by bacteria.Nanobreweries and nano wineries at home,in community centres and in Deipneus factories will render all breweries and wineries defunct allowing them to be converted into communal homes with only historical ones remaining and them being fully automated with them serving all restaurants and bars in the area and also allowing for orders to be made via the Deipneus sub network with them linked together by the sentient operating software Ceraon as detailed later on.These will create beer and wine etc for the surround bars,restaurants and nightclubs alongside them creating their own in nanobreweries etc.Fizzy drinks and even non fizzy drinks of all brands from around the world such as juice drinks,root beer,squash,sodas ie Fruice,Tropicana,Ocean Spray,Minute Maid,Capri Sun that are branded alongside branded sodas and soft drinks like Kia-Ora concentrated soft drink,Sunny D,Coca-Cola,Fanta,Sprite,Lucozade and also root beers from around the world and different brands of drinks like Kombucha from around the world will be analysed for their chemical composition and recipes released to be created in nano breweries and miniaturised machinery that will be ordered in batches with aluminium cans not used rather methane or biosynth based plastic containers of 500ml to 10 litres used with them created by bacteria creating the sugars,flavouring and juices etc of each the drinks exactly via recombiant DNA and also anabolic and catabolic reactions and also any artificial sweeteners etc with miniature carbonating systems present to make them fizzy.All drinks whether alcoholic ones,fruit drinks or fizzy and soda ones will have all ingredients including the actual juices created by bacteria.Juice drinks both fizzy and non fizzy can be made of all 22,000 fruit and vegetables and even all 391,000 plants including different varieties and strains with the juices made by bacteria.This will allow juices to come from those that dont create enough to be commercially viable,cut costs of existing ones to zero and even allow them to be prepared onsite of Deipneus factories and also breweries and at home in higher yields,with less labour and much quicker than having to rear whole crops themselves thus saving on time.Bottled water will become obsolete and replaced with reusable kanteens that can be refilled with tap water as it wastes energy in the production of the water and also plastic.Seltzer and tonic water may also be made here.Flavoured bottled water like Deep Riverrock may still be availible and uploaded to Deipneus with them created onsite of Deipneus factories using natural or artificial flavourings from bacteria with them ideally ordered in large bottles and refilled into kanteens at home.All drinks of all type such as alcoholic ones,juices,sodas and teas etc will be created for orders in bulk in Deipneus factories with one floor for each using bacteria housing relevant DNA and anabolic and catabolic reactions when their chemical compositions is analysed with them also created at home in photobioreactors using bacteria using again recombinant DNA and anabolic and catabolic reactions to alleviate strains on Deioneus factories.Aluminium cans for small amounts of the sodas and even beer will be replaced by methane or biosynth based plastic versions and also one refilling reusable kanteens from large methane based or biosynth plastic containers.Glass to hold fizzy,non fizzy and even alcoholic drinks will be used in a rotary system sent back and forth in a rotary system with them prepared in Ganymede factories and sent to the Deipneus factory.Nutritional supplements may be created in customised recipes with one choosing what ratio of each essential nutrient will present and flavourings both created by bacteria including branded supplements of vitamins and also protein whey.Componants of these such as vitamins,proteins and carbohydrates will be created by bacteria using recombinant DNA and anabolic and catabolic reactions.Existing supplement products from around the world will be added to the database.Branded teas,Cafe lates,coffees,drinking chocolate and soups and other food products in liquid and powder form from around the world can be analysed for their chemical structure and them also recreated by bacteria using recombinant DNA and anabolic and catabolic reactions to be then delivered in powdered and liquid form.Pods of milkshakes,drinking chocolate and coffee etc for coffee making machines including both existing and new ones will be created here with the pods made to fit customised coffee making machines with again them created by bacteria.Baby and pet food and snacks both of all types including biscuit type ones and gel like mixtures and from around the world from all brands will be made on the same floor as most other products with them ordered in bulk in large plastic jars and resealable packets with them modified into new recipes with baby formula and similar products made redundant by the fact that mothers will be able to create their own milk on an unlimited scale using yeast or bacteria in photobioreactors in home or they can order in large batches from community and vertical farms like other milk with the mothers patients file cross referenced in both cases.A mother alongside DNA scans in patient files can use handheld nanosensors or test kits using biosynth technology ordered in or have a sample of their milk even before or after birth and even pregnancy to sent to labs in hospitals to have its exact chemical composition analysed including antibodies etc and added to their patient file thus meaning that their patient file can be cross referenced for both their DNA and chemical composition to have the yeast or bacteria create large amounts of their own milk created in large batches that has antibodies and other components recreated exactly not just from their DNA but also anabolic and catabolic reactions and have different flavourings and desired levels of all nutrients with this milk aiding mothers especially those with multiple births ie twins,triplets and not rely on baby formula which is easy to contamination etc and would require extra machinery.Baby and pet food,powered tea and coffee and also supplements will made using the same machinery on the same floor with ordered in batches.Branded coffee and tea and also supplements and even baby food may become obsolete due to homemade versions,growing tea and coffee hybrid plants at home and also humans engineered using CRISPR to produce their own vitamins and essential amino acids and fats.Cakes,pies,tarts,croissants,baguettes,pastries,doughnuts,slice pans of bread,pasta of all types and all types of bread products will be made on a single piece of machinery on one floor or will be made homemade in bulk at home rendering bakeries of all types defunct with them designed on Pandora and stored in Deipneus.Biscuits of all types and even Fig Rolls,Pop Tarts and also breakfast bars and savoury ones that have fruit fillings and those that are breakfast cereals in bar form will be made on this machine as well with all of these ordered in bulk and in the case of sliced bread whether wholemeal,brown or white one will store excess in freezers and fridges to prevent them becoming contaminated with mould with them even irradiated and treated with microbes that fight off moulds to extend shelf life.Pringles and crisps of all types will be created on this or another single machine that has flavourings created by bacteria with even the potato crisps themselves created by the bacteria creating starchy fibrous material similar to potatoes with this even applying to chips created here.Boxes and tins of chocolate and biscuits such as Cadbury Milk Tray,Ferrero Rocher,Quality Street,Roses,Celebrations,Lindt Selection,Dairy box,Heroes,Cadburys Favourite Biscuits,Jacobs USA,Fabously Foxs etc from around the world will be added to the database can be created onsite in floors of the Deipneus factories with them ordered in bulk.Chocolate bars,candies,chewing/bubble gum and air freshner strips as well as sweets from around the world will be made on one floor using the same machinery with spices and vinegar made by bacteria with breakfast cereal bars also created onsite.Jellies,terrines,pâté,ketchup,mustard,vinegar,jams,preserves,custard,sauces,soups of all types in both liquid and powder form,stock cubes and pasta primarily branded ones may be created in Deipneus factories in a single set of machinery on one floor ordered in bulk though the vast majority will be created at home with the ingredients made using bacteria etc with them created at home using chef robots,picotech fabricators and also recipes streamed from smart devices.Pot Noodle,Shin Ramyun,Cup Noodles and other instant noodles from around the world can be created here as well with the pasta composed of durum wheat,sauces,powder created by bacteria.Stock cubes and liquid stock etc can be of any species of crop and animal with them being composed of powder material,liquids,flavours from each crop and animal etc created by bacteria with soups also both liquid and powder created by bacteria and vegetables.Pot Noodle,Shin Ramyun,Cup Noodles and other instant noodles from around the world can be created here as well with the pasta composed of durum wheat,sauces,powder created by bacteria.Branded instant soups such as those in cans and satchets in liquid,paste and powder form will be created via bacteria.Branded sauces and condiments like mustard,ketchup,custard and those for meals ie mint,pepper,soy,horseraddish,barbecue,hot,garlic,dorito dip etc as well as preserves and jams will be created by bacteria with this applying to branded ones via recombinant DNA and anabolic and catabolic reactions with jams and preserves likely being homemade or using microbes,bacteria and fruit grown onsite using hybrid crops and biosynth machinery.Stuffing would also be made using flour or bread like material etc created by bacteria alongside all other ingredients.Jellies and similar products will have all ingredients be created by bacteria.Vinegar will be created by bacteria first creating juices,cereals from grains,sap,sugar etc of all types chosen by the consumer created by bacteria and then another strain of acetic acid bacteria then turning it into vinegar.Salad dressings will also have all ingredients made by bacteria.Pâté,terrines as well as similar including branded and customised and new ones will be made with all ingredients made from in vitro meat and bacteria with any type of fat,vegetable,alcoholic drink,spice and meat type used.Branded versions of these will be analysed and added to the network for replication by chef robots and also picotech fabricators and factories with them made in on the same machine in bulk.Seasonings such as pepper,lemon shavings,spices including branded ones scanned in will be created by bacteria.Dairy products such as youghurts,ice cream,margarine and creme and butter etc will be made in one machine on one floor with milk created by bacteria with branded ones added and modified and used as baseline for new products with them made from all 396,416 species of plant and mammal milks with flavourings,colours and smells of any 391,000 species plant ie Vanilla planifolia,Vanilla tahitensis,Citrus,Fragaria,Musa,Malus,Mentha,Cucurbitaceae and Theobroma cacao either white or dark also created by the bacteria or yeast at the same time to save time and resources.Ben and Jerries,HB,Häagen-Dazs and all ice cream companies from around the world will have their products made here in the same machine and floor with this including Cornettos,ice pops,Mr.Freeze and similar items with them coming in various sized packaging decided by the consumer.All types of branded cheese,ice cream and cremes will be made here alongside being homemade with again it delivered in batches with them containing beneficial bacteria that are engineered to prey on both spoilage and pathogenic bacteria to allow them to last forever in fridges with the moulds,enzymes created by bacteria and starter cultures etc printed out for each order of each type thus alongside the specific milk and bacteria cultures required making even the most rarest and expensive cheeses abundant for everyone.If not they can be sent home and aged at home with if possible the bacteria and yeast or bacteria even causing the cheese to age prematurely to a desired age or just naturally speeding up the process.If possible the bacteria and yeast can even create compounds associated with cheese of a set age and create compounds associated with specific feed fed to the animal created by anabolic and catabolic reactions.These compounds structure can be added to Deipneus once analysed in labs and one can pick and mix which factors to have for the cheese and this applied to all dairy products such as ice-creams,yogurts,butter,cheeses creme etc from around the world.Compounds that affect taste and texture due to age and also feedstuff,breed etc will be have their structure analysed and stored in the Deipneus database to be replicated in each product with the relevant starter cultures and moulds species name stored here and referenced from Physis.The specific milk of a specific species or breed of mammal or strain and cultivar of plant can be made by them.Moulds and starter cultures of any type relevant to a specific cheese can be printed out as well.Flavourings,colours and smells of any 391,000 species plant ie V.planifolia,V.tahitensis,Citrus,Fragaria,Musa,Malus,Mentha,Cucurbitaceae and T.cacao either white or dark also created by the bacteria or yeast at the same time to save time and resources with nuts and flakes of chocolate created via bacteria or biosynth machinery.Thus yeasts or bacteria can create the specific milk of a specific species or breed of mammal or strain and cultivar of plant that can have the compounds created by anabolic and catabolic reactions associated with age and those that affected the milks taste as a result of specific feed fed to the animal,while moulds and starter cultures of any type relevant to a specific cheese can be printed out as well with this allowing even the most expensive types of cheeses to be ordered in from local Deipneus factories or created at home.This can bring the costs of the most expensive and rarest branded dairy products such as ice-creams,yogurts,butter,cheeses creme etc from around the world to zero making them widely availible to everyone at zero cost with the milk of all species,breeds and varieties of all 396,416 plants and mammals created by bacteria and yeast which can be ordered in from local Deipneus factories or made at home with in both cases specific starter cultures and moulds printed out via 3D DNA printers including new ones designed by AI and those that are not normally.Branded cheeses,butter,margarine,creme,yogurts,ice cream etc from around the world will be added to this database alongside different types that are not branded but general ones especially different types with these all having variations made in submenus.Milk of any type,bacteria and moulds etc printed out from Demeter and other ingredients ordered in from farms etc will allow them to be homemade anywhere in the world thus making luxury dairy products cost literally zero for everyone.Ideally most dairy products will in fact be homemade especially butter,margarine,cream,cheese etc made in bulk with milk itself being ordered in bulk from farms or made at home via bacteria meaning most branded cheese,butter,margarine etc products not made in or ordered in from Deipneus with their recipies stored in Deipneus with only branded ice creams and yogurt including those that are drunk being made and ordered in from Deipneus factories.Thus branded products like drinks,beer,vodka,breakfast cereals,snacks and sweets of all types around the world will be created in Deipneus factories and other essentials that are condiments ie jellies,sauces,jams,preserves can be homemade but their branded versions will be in Deipneus for replication at home and also picotech fabricators and possibly created in miniaturised machinery in community centres and factories.Picotech fabricators and robot chefs can create them exactly as they are.Community centres may create certain products to alleviate strains on Deipneus factories that produce these same products.Advertisements both audio/visual and those from magazines will be present.All manufactured food products of all types will be listed in Deipneus as part of Hephaestus and will follow the same evolutionary pattern as other products with all existing brands of sweets,candies,bread products,breakfast cereals from around the world added to this database with Pandora used to design new ones and packaging etc.Existing products scanned in and those made from scratch added to the database can be used as a baseline for new products with them having submenus and pages for similarly flavoured products.Ingredients would be created via onsite hydroponics using hybrid crops,bacteria that create animal and plant commodities/essential nutrients/colourings/flavourings etc using relevant DNA and even scratch DNA and synthetic compounds via anabolic and catabolic reactions,in vitro meat and algea and mayonnaise based eggs,egg based compounds created by bacteria using recombinant DNA or anabolic and catabolic reactions or those created in biosynth machinery reared onsite.Bacteria will as stated produce commodities like chocolate powder and butter,essential nutrients,flour,oils,waxes,spices,juices,honey,sugars,milk of any type from any animal or plant and also the yolk and white of eggs and any important compound present in them and other commodities relevant to cooking and the product being produced with even starchy material similar to Solanum tuberosum etc for crisps,chips etc created by them and microbes alongside other vegetable,nut and fruit based material with flavourings,colourings,sweetners from all plants and animals and all compounds relevant to cooking and manufactured goods created via relevant recombinant DNA with synthetic compounds like flavourings,sweetners etc will be created by bacteria using anabolic and catabolic reactions.Synthetic compounds like flavourings,colourings,sweetners etc will be created by bacteria using anabolic and catabolic reactions or recombinant DNA from plants and animals will create natural compounds like flavourings,colourings,sweetners etc.If possible their could be a single strain of bacteria in each vat linked to Physis that houses nanomachines and wifi to allow the DNA changed at any time for the next batch with them having human DNA or those from plants and animals that are immune to the compound present to make them invulnerable with genes switched on/off and removed and added via the wifi which can change the DNA present in billions of bacteria at once with them also able through the wifi create any desired synthetic compound via anabolic and catabolic reactions for each batch.A single strain can thus exist that has WiFi and digital DNA storage with WiFi used to change the DNA to that of recombinant DNA of any plant or animal via induction of its evolutionary path using Cas-9 and raw polymerase with the structure of synthetic compounds downloaded into digital DNA storage and WiFi used to initiate the bacteria to create these compounds.Algea for flour,oil,TVP etc may be created as well with 3D DNA printers present on these factories.Moulds,starter cultures,enzymes/starter cultures/moulds relevant to manufactured goods along with bacteria that produce all commodities will be printed out using 3D DNA printers.Compounds relevant to cooking like emulsifiers,humectants,acidulents,antioxidants,thickeners,bulking agents,anti-caking agents,preservatives,colourings,flavourings etc including microcrystalline cellulose,gelatin,egg yolk and whites and compounds in them and also present in other commodities can be created using relevant recombinant DNA in the case of natural ones with synthetic ones created using anabolic and catabolic reactions.Synthetic colourings,flavourings etc that are found to be carcinogenic and cause health problems will be not synthesised at all and removed from the recipes of sweets,candies,sauces etc with them replaced by natural and synthetic colourings,flavourings etc that are safe to consume.Those from all 2,551,000 plants and animals can be created using recombinant DNA with any type of nutrient ie specific essential fatty acids,fats,proteins,amino acids and also even carbohydrates,any type of sugars,vitamins etc essential to its nutritional value created by bacteria using these means as well through recombinant DNA and also anabolic and catabolic reactions.Salt will be collected from sewage treatment plants and shipped to Deipneus factories and reused when gained from mining and also picotech fabricators.Grains,seeds,eggs,spices,truffles,kernals and even whole nuts,fruits and vegetables in batches will be created by biosynth machinery onsite of the factory in batches for each order.Hybrid crops will be grown using hydro/aquaponics etc and will undergoe engineering to increase growth rates.Some will be ordered from local vertical,forest and community farms or created by picotech fabricators onsite with them grown for each batch.Biosynth machinery could grow large batches of any of the worlds 80,000-300,000 crops.All crops and bacteria etc will undergo extensive genetic engineering to increase yields and growth rate with the AI of the factory only creating what is needed for each order to prevent waste by extrapolating from the desired amount etc what amount of each product is needed with them created while other orders are processed and straight away after the ingredients for these orders were harvested to prevent the waste of time.These can be irradiated to prevent spoilage and pathogenic bacteria contaminating them.If possible spores and stem cells that can be created by 3D DNA printers that contain genes from Thermus aquaticus,Streptococcus pyogenes,Francisnovicida with biosynth WiFi,Cas-9,taq polymerase used to initiate the genotypes of any species of 80,000-300,000 crops and their hybrids into full crops by cross referencing Physis via expediated growth on demand into the full crop.The spores and stem cells would undergo mass replication via DNA from embryonic,induced pluripotent stem cells as well as from Planarians,Ambyostoma mexicanum,Clostridium perfringens,Escherichia coli etc and scratch DNA present until a full version of the crop is produced.These would contain bacterial DNA allowing them to undergo mitosis.As stated all of these would be ordered in bulk and stored at home in storerooms,cubpoards and also closets etc.The orders can be divided into those with different flavours,ingredients etc in their composition decided and arranged by the consumer and these produced and delivered in on go.The existing products will be labelled as such and they will have a picture of the logo and the product in original packaging,advertisements both audio/visual and those found in magazines etc and list of ingredients with new ones created by consumers having their own logos and even advertisements and the ingredients listed.A years or at least a few months worth of products will be ordered in and stored in fridges,storerooms,basements,cupboard.Communal home residents will order them in bulk with them stored in suites in closets,cupboards and also in storerooms used by other residents and basements as all residents will use this space communally with them stored in large freezers,fridges and also cupboards with them collecting them when wanted with even the residents communal homes ordering in them into their suite and them logged in the AI for meals etc.The AI of also private and communal homes will also order them in with public buildings creating homemade versions.Homemade versions and those made in community centres will be used to alleviate strains from factories and will allow one to retain skills using food grown at home or ordered in from Demeter with chef robots in communal homes managed by the home AI creating the vast majority of meals and condiments ass part of them at home.This will be done to alleviate strains on orders from Deipneus factories and for in between periods between orders as most people will have alot of spare time due to automation rendering the vast majority of jobs defunct and also because networks in the wire and VR technology allowing one to carry out remaining ones from home.Ideally for each consumer 50-70% of food products will be homemade with those ordered in consisting of deserts like ice cream and also breakfast cereals,candies,fizzy drinks,branded beer and bread with 30-50% of food products being ordered in as YouTube has many videos on how to make different types of products such as candies etc with nanobreweries and nanowineries creating non branded customised beer and wine etc.Robot chefs and biosynths controlled by the Home AI in both private and communal homes will alleviate labour on humans with the recipes of all manufactured food products stored in the Deipneus sub network can allow the exact recipes and steps of production be streamed by these in real time to make them almost indistinguishable from those ordered in from factories thus ensuring that most consumers will create their own supply of manufactured food products thus alleviating strains on factories.Thus the Deipneus sub network housing all recipes for all manufactured food products will not only be crossreferenced by factory AIs but also by robot chefs and biosynths in private and communal homes.The Ceraon sub network will house all recipes for all alcoholic drinks to not only be crossreferenced by both Deipneus factory AIs but also nanobreweries in private and communal homes and also cruise ships and bars and nightclubs.The fact that people will no longer be restrained by obsolete jobs with remaining ones done at home using computer networks and VR technology and its time dilation effect alongside chef robots and biosynths controlled by Home AI,advent of picotech fabricators and fresh crops etc ordered in from Demeter and those grown at home will allow for the vast majority of products and condiments like sweets,fizzy drinks,alcoholic drinks,butter,margarine,coleslaw,mustard,ketchup,meals and also bread products and pasta and most manufactured food products to be homemade and stored in bulk.Miniature carbonating systems can be ordered in from Talus to make homemade fizzy drinks created with bacteria creating flavourings and juices etc at home with alcoholic ones made at  home using micro wineries and breweries that can create customised or even branded beer,wine,sake,brandy etc in basements etc.This will cater to their needs in between orders from Deipneus factories with them by 2029-2045 will be almost identical to real versions since created by Home AI streaming the recipes from the Deipneus.Some manufactured food products both existing ones and new ones developed by the public to save space in the factories for specialised machinery and alleviate strains will have recipes uploaded into Deipneus but not created or ordered in from them but will be stored in a special section of the Deipneus sub network of Hephaestus where when one chooses them in Hepheastus it will initiate ones chef robots and biosynths controlled by the Home AI to create them at home after ordering in or creating ingredients at home or from farms with them then homemade from scratch etc.Examples of these products will include butter,crème,cheeses of different types derived from different species of mammals and plants as well as coleslaw,stuffing,soups,seasonings,bread rolls/sliced pans/croissants/pastries and other baked goods and bread products,prepared meals such as pizzas,ethnic cuisine,chips,preserves such as jams of small fruits,sauces of different types including existing branded ones and new ones developed by the public via VR simulations,neural implants and filming them using smart lenses and glasses and from neural implants deriving memories and also versions of candies and sweets and snacks created by YouTube chefs and those present in existing and new cookbooks scanned into Dionysus with picotech fabricators also creating them with these two options havd them made in bulk and having the same flavour and texture etc worldwide.Consumers will also be able to create these and other homemade products alongside or in place of biosynths and chef robots with one streaming instructions on google lenses,google valses and e-newspapers.This will negate the need for extra machinery to create them.These like other homemade food products will be created in bulk and stored in reusable 3D printed containers from Agathodaemon.Chef robots and biosynths in private and communal homes and in public buildings will alleviate strains on humans creating them in bulk.In time picotech fabricators will be used to create them at home with communal homes ideally having them in kitchens for certain meals etc.The Deipneus sub network database will also be used by robot chefs and in time biosynths in both private and communal homes to recreate all types of these from around the world to also alleviate strains with synthetic compounds like flavourings etc created via bacteria using anabolic and catabolic reactions and natural ones by recombinant DNA.Ingredients will be ordered in as crops or as commodities created by bacteria and even those grown at home.Artificial flavourings,sweetness etc will be created by bacteria ordered in from farms or even created at home.Thus all ingredients for homemade manufactured food products will be ordered in from farms or grown at home and them created by robots and biosynths controlled by the Home AI streaming recipes from Deipneus ensuring that they will be indistinguishable from the real products with them made and stored in bulk and used to alleviate strains on factories as well as for in between orders.VR technology will also allow one to consume any manufactured food product they may have a sudden craving to eat conjured up instantly with this catering to ones cravings since they can be conjured up and eaten on demand with it catering to ones cravings in between orders especially from non local manufacturing hubs.VR simulations can allow one to eat as much unhealthy food that is rich in sugars,complex carbohydrates and fats that they want without gaining weight with this also catering to expensive,time consuming foods including manufactured food products that take time to order in from Deipneus factories allowing one to eat them at a whims notice when carrying out ones favourite pastime.When picotech fabricators are ubiquitous to the point that they can be found in every private and communal home any type of manufactured food product such as drinks,candies,breakfast cereals etc can be created on demand by itself or in bulk with one using waste uneaten food,crops and even algae ordered in as an energy source by reversing the Breit Wheeler process.Those ordered in from Deipneus will be ordered in bulk for a months or even years supply with one since having more space in homes through extensions they can house extra storage cupboards,freezers and fridges to house food ordered in bulk with basements used to house these storage spaces.Improvements in genetic engineering and biocompatible microbes etc researched by humans and AI can increase the shelf life of manufactured food products especially dairy products by several years,decades or even indefinitely allowing them to stay fresh and safe to eat forever with no loss of taste,texture and nutritional content provided they are properly refridgerated etc.One may have to make yearly or monthly or even bi-monthly orders from Deipneus factories from manufacturing hubs outside of their state in surrounding states or surrounding countries.One may have to make yearly or monthly or even bi-monthly orders from Deipneus factories from manufacturing hubs outside of their state in surrounding states or surrounding countries with if possible a years supply ordered in different batches from different factories or the same one in pieces that accommodate for at least a month each so this would mean that if a person wants a years supply then if the factories are busy then one would order the years supply in pieces/batches each for a month or twos worth at a time in between other orders or after them to prevent them interfering with other orders with the AIs of each factory and also operating software managing them this meaning that a person may receive the first half or first third of an order within a few days and the rest other times from the same or different factories.Ordering in bulk will allow it to be stored at home and not have one have to make orders every week with doing so will also allow one to have it in storage for long periods of time and will also negate the need for competing for the orders of other consumers.It will also reduce energy in making orders every day or week even by convenience stores and supermarkets standards and will save time for the consumer to travel to these stores now turned into homes with this giving consumers a large encyclopedia of goods from around the world produced locally.If need be if the floor of a Deipneus factory of one of the product that is being ordered is busy one may be able to make different parts of an order that consists of different product or each order from different Deipneus factories as part of manufacturing hubs from around the world with delivery vehicles using Ophion and possibly even transporter technologies onsite of both Aphrodite buildings and post offices around the world with Deipneus showing them which factories are busy for each type of product and which are not and thus arranging the quickest means to get it from different factory hubs.Aphrodite and Deipneus could arrange orders from other Deipneus factories around the world that are not as busy.VR simulations can be used by consumers to try out all products for taste and texture etc before ordering.If possible consumers could have all manufactured food products such as candies,crisps,fizzy drinks,pastries,breakfast cereals etc could have all ingredients such as grains,crops,commodities from bacteria etc have the level and type of carbohydrates,proteins,fats modified to their specific nutritional needs is if they are bodybuilders and are losing weight or trying to maintain a stable body fat percentage they can have unhealthy fats replaced by healthy essential fats,sugar replaced by artificial sweeteners and also complex carbohydrates to be released slowly or the other way around etc with this customisation saved in ones Hephaestus account with references to each type of manufactured product.Consumers will be able to design healthier versions of each manufactured products with lower levels of fat,sugar etc and have unhealthy fats replaced by healthier ones or removed altogether with sugar replaced by complex carbohydrates or artificial sweeteners with complex carbohydrates replaced by sugar.Articial sweeteners,natural and synthetic flavourings can be created by bacteria added to the product replacing complex carbohydrates,sugars and unhealthy fats that produce the same taste,texture and flavour as sugar,complex carbohydrates and even unhealthy fats allowing them to be low fat,low carbohydrate etc versions that still have the same taste as their unhealthier versions.Branded tinned and packaged fruit and vegetables,cuts of meat,mince etc will not be scanned in as they will be grown at home or ordered in from farms.However some branded fruit and vegetables will be scanned in and replicated such as those that are uniquely stored in sauces and marinations such as Bachelors Baked Beans etc.Whole fruits,vegetables,cutlets,mince etc can be created by picotech fabricators by doing so in their file in the second area of Demeter.Sliced pans of bread and also baguettes alongside pastries may be ideally be homemade with branded versions and those in supermarkets from around the world may be scanned in terms of shape and recipies to be replicated via picotech fabricators and also at home,community centres or even miniaturised machinery that can create customised recipes.Community centres may create certain products to alleviate strains on Deipneus factories that produce these same products such as these.Thus all branded food products of all types such as pastries,candies,sweets,breakfast cereals,deserts,bread products,alcoholic and non alcoholic fizzy and non fizzy drinks etc from corporations around the world including defunct ones and those created by supermarket chains will be analysed by labs,have their shape scanned in and have their recipes and ingredients and steps in their production released and done by corporations,analysed by labs,uploaded and stored on the sentient Deipneus sub networks to be crossreferenced by Deipneus factories around the world.Alcoholic drinks will be uploaded to the Ceraon database to be manufactured in Deipneus factories and remaining breweries.This will be done to make all manufactured food products that are currently restricted to one geographic location and country made widely availible to everyone worldwide.Whey protein and vitamin supplements from around the world will also be scanned into this database and their ingredients analysed with them made by bacteria.The shape of each item namely food ie the shape of each part of breakfast cereals,shape of bread products,pastries,chocolates,candies will be scanned into the network with the internal and external structure will be stored in the network alongside the logos of packaging with them listed in the network as the packaged item and logo.The ingredients of all existing manufactured products will be analysed by labs,recipies released,shape scanned in and steps analysed,existing steps released/new ones extrapolated and added to the manufactured food products file to be replicated precisely especially in the case of ingredients created by bacteria using recombinant DNA and anabolic and catabolic reactions.Having ingredients,recipes and existing steps analysed and new ones extrapolated and added to each existing and new products file in Deipneus allow this to be extrapolated for each individual order.Ingredients will also be listed in their page.This will allow them to be recreated by all in one miniaturised machinery in Deipneus factories and also chef robots and biosynths in both communal or private homes recreated from scratch using programmed movements etc stored in Deipneus with humans having instructions streamed on smart devices and lenses and also in time picotech fabricators creating them.The logos and designs on packaging will be added to their page with the original packaging scanned into Agathodaemon for replication.Advertisements will also be added to their page including those from archives of corporations and also on YouTube.The packaging design and logos will be scanned in and added to their page to be replicated on any customised packaging.They will follow the same evolutionary method as other manufactured products with submenus for altered versions of existing ones and them used as a baseline for new products with all types of new food products designed on Pandora and VR technology simulations managed by Deipneus with one using these to design taste,texture,ingredients and shape using thoughts and Pandora itself.Catering services for birthdays,weddings,funerals etc will be replaced by biosynths and chef robots controlled by the Home AI or even those hired from Comus the universal catering service or even ordering in meals from them and restaurants directly or even picotech fabricators with human relatives and friends sufficing until then.Meals designed on Pandora,from YouTube,scanned in cookbooks and even from memory via neural implants will be stored here again replicated by chef robots and picotech fabricators.Those in cookbooks scanned in will be added to the database alongside existing meals etc on YouTube by all cooking channels will be scoured by this AI both in proto and final form and added to this database to be recreated by robots at home and eventually picotech fabricators and will likely be in submenus and pages of official products etc or as branch off products to be also created in factories with a hyperlink present linking to the scanned in cookbook and also YouTube video.These will follow the same evolutionary process as manufactured products of all types and will give people access to all aforementioned food products from around the world that they are currently restricted due to geographic location.All food products in the Deipneus network including uploaded ones and those created from scratch will be divided by type and subtype.The use of a Deipneus factory would allow for existing factories for all food products including wineries and breweries and factories that make them and also packaging be used as homes,will alleviate strains on community centres and even give consumers a large variety of food products from around the world including those outside of their country and also customised version and entirley new food products created from scratch with even Pandora used to design each type of food and each aspect of it with one typing in or via direct interaction with Pandora and Deipneus ie shape of each part,the ingredients and flavours of each part of them in each ratio with them coloured in via Pandora with natural and synthetic flavourings,colourings etc used with these and existing products have their ingredients listed in the correct ratio.New products will be made from scratch and have new pages and sub pages with one designing their shape of each part,ingredients of each part an.New products will have recipes created from scratch,undergo tests and have advertisements,ingredients and logos added to their pages with submenus for variations of existing and new products.The designs and logo of packaging for new food products will be created on Pandora and will be applied to customised packaging.Neural implants and VR technology may be used to create exact flavours,texture etc desired by the consumer from thought and also to create how to videos on their homemade creation via Deipneus doing these.The flavours created in the food products created from Pandora and these simulations and from thoughts via neural implants will be analysed by Deipneus to then create them via extrapolating what natural or synthetic compounds will be created by bacteria via recombinant DNA,scratch DNA and also anabolic and catabolic reactions.One in VR simulations will be directly interacting with Deipneus will design the ingredients,their layout even creating the food product from pure thought or even by hand from scratch in the simulation as if a chef and some ingredients derived from thought with Deipneus analysing tastes and textures and then reverse engineering compounds via bacteria through anabolic and catabolic reactions and also recombinant DNA.Neural implants through simulations will allow one to directly tell Deipneus what ingredients must be in them and in what exact ratio and level to prevent them being too powerful or weak by pure thought with it also allowing the exact texture of each component must be by pure thought to make them designed perfectly.Neural implants can be used by all consumers worldwide to scan their memories for all food products and even meals have eaten during their life to be added to this database with the taste,texture and picture including defunct ones analysed by Deipneus to recreate it in the database and thus picotech fabricators,factories,robot chefs.Safety tests will be done by Hecate analysing the compounds and their synergistic effects with each other in automated labs and also simulations with this also analysing the ingredients and nutrient content for each one in grammes etc to be added to its page.Ingredients for food products will be listed on packaging and product page in amounts of all new and existing products and undergoe quality control managed by Aphrodite.Alcoholic drinks will contain the percentage alcohol.A seal of approval and results of quality control tests will also be present on both packaging and product page.They and allergies will be dealt in the same way as cosmetics and cleaning products with one able to choose customised packaging from Agathodaemon.This will give consumers access to all of these manufactured food products both new and old from around the world made locally in Deipneus factories with them undergoing the same evolutionary process with new products instantly availible to everyone worldwide.It will also since created in Deipneus factories will negate corporate control of them with them also created via picotech fabricators and robots creating at home in bulk using bacteria creating natural and synthetic compounds.

Breweries,wineries and distilleries can also be fully automated with ingredients grown on site via bacteria creating juices and endosperm in extensions ensuring year long supply of all types of cereals and grape varieties as well as other fruits used from different wine production regardless of the climate and also allowing beer and wines to be produced in any town,city or climate around the world cutting down in transportation energy and also land needed to grow them and increasing yields.Nanosensors will ensure quality control and the ingredients decided by the community that house them and all readings fed into Demeter to serve nearby bars,restaurants and nightclubs with them transported to them quickly by interactions between them and breweries and winerys via the wire with AI of breweries keeping track what was harvested and taking in orders from all surrounding bars and nightclubs with the AIs of bars,nightclubs ordering in batches stored in kegs etc in the basement used in a rotary system.All steps of the production of wine and beer can be automated and regulated via their AI and done on site with this including the sowing,growing and harvesting of all crops grown on site.All machinery,flooring,surfaces,photobioreactors and piping will be covered internally and externally in a permanent layer of liquid glass to prevent clogging or build up of stains and allow automated cleaning measures more easily via gravity,water etc to be made with any skins,dead yeast cells or waste effluent etc disposed of in organic waste bins for organic pyrolysis plants automatically and all tanks can be covered in steel coverings to prevent cross contamination from the air and also to capture carbon dioxide and transfer it to other apparatus that can release to the outside using automated valve systems or for it to be used as fertiliser for bacteria,yeast or plants grown onsite.This liquid glass will allow automated cleaning systems to be carried out much more easily and prevent contamination of photobioreactors and machinery where bacteria grow commodities and also where machinery is used to create customised orders of any type of products especially in Himeros,Deipneus and Agathodaemon factories.The diagnostics and readings from machinery such as time left for each step and temperature will be visible when fed into Hermes and controlled by the communities that own them.Those that manage them can also choose and order the specific strain and species of yeast used an in time it should even be theoretically possible to have bacteria to produce the juices and sugars of specific species and strains of grapes and other fruits used for wine production producing even higher yields with the same for cereals with bacteria producing both the endosperm grain and fibre for barely etc or ideally the unique malted sugars to save on energy and time with these grown onsite with even algae for algae beer imported in from sewage treatment plants with even juices of fruits not traditionally used in wine production made this way with any other bacteria creating relevant enzymes then automatically mixed in.It could also allow the bacteria to be engineered to produce the juice in one strain and the sugars of the specific fruits in another strain allowing them to be mixed together in correct ratios and then fermented with this solving the issue of certain fruits not creating not enough sugar to be fermented into alcohol and again higher yields with fewer resources.This bacteria can be grown onsite in underground extensions allowing land to grow cereals and fruit etc reforested.This can also apply to tequila with the sugars of Agave tequilana and Oryza for sake and tequila grown here by bacteria.Research must be done to ensure the correct moisture content etc and compounds are present to ensure the drinks produced are indistinguishable to conventionally produced ones.This can be replicated at home in home breweries.The wines etc created by bacteria can be stored in kegs made of oak and other woods that enhance flavour in homes,factories,breweries,restaurants and breweries.Thus bacteria will create the endosperm,malted sugars and also juices of all 391,000 species of plants including those that dont create enough to be normally commercially viable including Oryza and A.tequilana onsite of bars,nightclubs,breweries and homes allowing all land used for viticulture,grains etc to be reforested with all branded beer,vodka,tequila,champagne,alcopops,saké,brandy,whiskey,gin,rum etc and customised version of these and completely new ones developed by the public.Thus all branded,customised variants and new beer,vodka,tequila,champagne,alcopops,saké,brandy,whiskey,gin,rum from around the world will be availible to all bars,nightclubs and consumers around the world either ordered in from localised breweries and Deipneus factories and also made onsite using nanobreweries with their exact chemical composition and recipe analysed uploaded to Ceraon and replicated by bacteria through creating the endosperm,malted sugars and juices of the exact strain and variety of crop and also via anabolic and catabolic reactions.These will be created onsite of breweries,Deipneus factories and also at home,bars and nightclubs,airports and cruise ships to allow for higher yields very quickly,negate energy from transport and get high yields from those that dont do enough to be commercially viable thus pushing the cost to zero.Only historical breweries and wineries will be used to create beer and wine etc with the rest turned into communal homes with these being fully automated by 2029.The sentient operating software that connects all remaining breweries and wineries across the world will be called Ceraon after the deity associated with winemaking with a statue him in them and will be the network in Hephaestus to order in wines if used with one making their own personalised wines and beers ordered in there.Ideally all historical ones will have extensions to house areas to create beer,vodka,wine and also all types of alcoholic drinks using miniaturiesed machinery with them fully automated with existing large breweries replaced with more nanaobreweries replacing large ones since orders will be made in bulk for a years supply,will take very little time and will be done for all types of branded alcoholic drinks done in separate batches for each orders and also will be made at home and onsite of bars etc as well to alleviate strains.Deipneus factories will also have their own set of nanobreweries etc for the same reason with non historical breweries turned into homes.Like the breweries in Deipneus factories these will create the drinks in batches for orders for consumers,bars,nightclubs etc with the beer using rotary systems of kegs,barrels and glasses owned by the consumers designed on Ganymede and Agathodaemon with those ordered in from Deipneus factories also using this system and the machinery in both being miniaturised versions that are all in one that can create all types of branded and customised alcoholic drinks such as wines,vodka,champagne,alcopops,rum,saké,brandy,whiskey,gin on demand for batches with the juices and malted sugars,endosperm created onsite via bacteria via recombinant DNA onsite of Deipneus factories and breweries. Bacteria could even make the wines of these that are of set ages ie several years old by creating compounds such as flavourings by anabolic and catabolic reactions that are determined by time,climate,soils,variety of Vitis in them in turning allowing expensive wines determined by the strain,varieties and specific factors such as climate,soil,altitude it is grown in and even age of the Vitis juice,wine and plant to be made readily availible to all for free without having to actually wait specific lengths of time or even grow them half way across the world making even branded wines,champagne etc that are of a set age made from a set variety in a specific region of the world availible to everyone at zero cost.It may even apply to non alcoholic drinks through anabolic and catabolic reactions once the structure of compounds that affect taste from these factors are individually analysed and stored in the AI of breweries and the Ceraon software database meaning even these can be created not only in breweries and also Deipneus factories but also replicated at home in home distillery systems as even home systems will be able to make any branded and new types of beer,wine and champagne from around the world that are of a set age or were grown in specific conditions.These will be also created onsite of bars,restaurants and cruise ships by cross refferencing the Ceraon database.Thus the bacteria could even make the wines of these whose taste and smell are affected by certain factors by creating compounds such as flavourings,smells etc that are determined by time and age,altitude,soils and climates they are grown in within them allowing expensive wines,beers,champagne,tequila,rum,brandy etc and even non alcoholic drinks determined by the strain,varieties and specific factors such as climate,soil,micro-organisms in the soil,altitude it is grown and even age of the Vitis etc by anabolic and catabolic reactions juice and plant to be made readily availible to all for free without having to actually wait specific lengths of time or even grow them half way across the world making even branded wines,champagne etc that are of a set age made from a set variety in a specific region of the world availible to everyone made in bars,nightclubs,cruise ships,restaurants,breweries and Deipneus factories and even in home breweries at zero cost once the compounds that are affected by these factors from normally produced wine,beer,brandy etc are analysed in labs individually and collectively and stored in the Deipneus network.The different strains of Vitis etc will have their DNA added to Physis and the individual compounds affected by soil,climate,age etc stored in Ceraon to allow all varieties to be made with these environmental factors with one choosing a set age,climate,soil types from around the world that affects flavour and smells and even choosing the alcoholic level and strength for customised wines one can favourite.This can apply to all types of beer,brandy,vodka,tequila as well as all alcoholic and even non alcoholic drinks derived from fruits and all 391,000 plants.Physis will be housing all of the species,strains and varieties of Vitis,Hordeum,Trictium,Oryza,A.tequilana,Zea mays etc and all 391,000 plants,fruits and vegetables around the world that is hyperlinked to in the Ceraon database that will house the chemical compounds in each of their wines,beers and tequilas etc affected by soil,altitude,climate,set ages of all branded,new and customised wines,beers,champagne,rum,brandy.sake etc.Ceraon will for each beer etc house hyperlinks to the Physis file of the plant it is derived from and when one orders a drink from Deipneus,breweries or makes at home,in restaurants,cruise ships etc via nano breweries,nanowineries and distilleries the brewery,Home,factory,restaurant,bars,cruise ship etc AI will cross reference them both to be created via recombinant DNA and also anabolic and catabolic reactions with this also applying to non alcoholic drinks such as juice drinks and fizzy drinks ordered in from Deipneus factories and again made at home and cruise ships and also bars,restaurants etc.All branded wines,rum,brandy,tequila,sake,beers and those from independent farmers of rare expensive ones and those of a set age,from specific climate/soil/altitude from around the world will have their structures analysed in labs and stored in the Deipneus database to be replicated by bacteria in breweries,Deipneus factories,cruise ships,airports,nightclubs,bars and home breweries around the world.Bacteria could create these in home,bar,nightclub systems and the bacteria instructed by Deipneus via biosynth wifi and this replicated with rum,brandy and all alcoholic and non alcoholic juice drinks both fizzy and non fizzy.Wines,rum,brandy,tequila,sake,beer etc can be made of any strain or variety of the base plant and be of any 391,000 plants from their juices and flour.Thus bacteria will create the endosperm,malted sugars and also juices of all 391,000 species of plants and of all of their strains and varieties including those that dont create enough to be normally commercially viable including Oryza and A.tequilana onsite of bars,nightclubs,breweries,Deipneus factories and homes once their DNA is added to Physis and one capable of choosing a set age,climate,soil types and even choosing the alcoholic level and strength for customised drinks one can favourite allowing all land used for viticulture,grains etc to be reforested with all branded beer,vodka,tequila,champagne,alcopops,saké,brandy,whiskey,gin,rum etc and customised version of these and completely new ones developed by the public avail.Thus all branded,customised variants and new beer,vodka,tequila,champagne,alcopops,saké,brandy,whiskey,gin,rum from around the world will be availible to all bars,nightclubs and consumers around the world either ordered in from localised breweries and Deipneus factories and also made onsite of homes,bars and nightclubs using nanobreweries with their exact chemical composition and recipe analysed uploaded to Ceraon and replicated by bacteria through creating the endosperm,malted sugars and juices of the exact strain and variety of crop and also via anabolic and catabolic reactions.People will be able to order beer,wine,champagne,vodka,tequila,rum,brandy,alcopops,saké etc from Deipneus factories and breweries with nanobreweries in homes alleviating strains on Deipneus factories and breweries with home systems in the basements of private and communal homes using bacteria that can create desired juices and even chemical compounds of a set age,those associated with climate etc managed by the sentient Ceraon interacting with the home AI with the same done in basements of nightclubs,bars etc to alleviate strains on orders from Deipneus factories and remaining historical breweries.This will thus allow one to get access to any branded alcoholic drink,any new ones made from the juices,malted sugars and endosperm of all 391,000 plants and also have the same taste etc of those of a set age,grown in specific soils and climates from around the world locally made at home or ordered in from local Deipneus factories and historical breweries saving on time and energy and be completely free even in the case of the most expensive versions.Consumers and the AI of nightclubs,bars can also order in branded beer and wine from via Deipneus with them using a rotary system of kegs and glass bottles.They will serve nightclubs,bars and restaurants in their area with orders made by the AI that manages them and them stored in barrels and kegs used in a rotary system.Bars and nightclubs will create their own beer,wine etc onsite in basemetns using nanobreweries to alleviate strains on orders from the remaining historical breweries with consumers also ordering in beer etc from these and also making their own beer and wine at home using nanobreweries to alleviate strains on Deipneus factories.One will use Deipneus to order in drinks of all types form here with packaging made onsite with all steps being automated from start to finish and all cereals and juices created by bacteria.These remaining historical breweries will have underground suites added to house permanent residents and those who maintain them as tour guides and will house a statue of Ceraon in the lobby an managed by their own AI with a separate personality and avatar and AI receptionists.Non historical breweries etc will be converted into communal homes with nano breweries and wineries accounting for their own wine customised beer with still functioning breweries etc and those in Deipneus factories accounting for branded beers,vodka,wine etc.These remaining ones will have underground extensions to house breweries for wine,tequila,vodka etc which will be made in batches with these and all existing machinery replaced by miniaturised versions to make them more compact with the juices,sugars,malted sugars,endosperm of all species and strains of 391,000 plants,vegetables and fruits created by bacteria printed in photobioreactors or using a single strain that has its DNA changed on demand via wifi.New beers can be made from the flour and malted sugars of all 391,000 plants made by bacteria with wines made of all 22,000 fruits and vegetables with the juices of these made by bacteria.If possible 391,000 types of wines can be made via the juices from all species of plants.Large numbers of tall nanobreweries and nanowineries can be used in all floors replacing all existing machinery with as stated all juices,endosperms and even malted sugars created by bacteria onsite using a single or multiple strains with 3D DNA printers onsite.Bacteria will thus created the flours,malted sugars and juices of all 22,000 fruits and vegetables and 391,000 species of plants.The tall nanobreweries will be converted in liquid glass to negate cleaning and allow gravity etc to clean them easily with UV lights used to sterilise them in between each order with one ordering in each drink in large bulk orders with all work automated from start to finish.Roof and underground extensions will be added at first and will be added to house more tall breweries with even living spaces for the public added with each remaining one have an AI in charge with its own personality and also avatar with them managed by the sentient operating software Ceraon with a statue of him in the lobby.Non historical breweries etc will be converted into communal homes with nano breweries and wineries accounting for their own wine customised beer with still functioning breweries etc and those in Deipneus factories accounting for branded beers,vodka,wine etc.Historical breweries will be converted into automated ones using tall nanobreweries with bacteria used to grow all sugars,juices etc with them growing all types of branded beers,wines,rum,brandy,alcopops,sake etc from around the world to be ordered in from bars,nightclubs and homes in the area with these also made in Deipneus factories.Home brewery,winery and distilling systems to make wine,beer,vodka etc at home will found in basements of private and communal homes and also on cruise ships and onsite of airports as well as bars,restaurants and nightclubs with customised and branded alcohol drinks created in them via bacteria using recombinant DNA and anabolic and catabolic actions with them also creating branded juice drinks with miniature carbonating systems allowing fizzy ones to be made.These miniaturised home brewery,winery and distillery kits will be designed on Perdix with existing ones scanned in there and will be miniaturised forms including nanobreweries to allow one to brew their own customised and branded beer and wine etc alleviating strains on remaining breweries and also Deipneus factories.Aluminium cans for beer will be replaced by methane or biosynth based plastics or even glass with all glass used to house beer,Brandy,rum and wine etc will be made onsite using glass printers or ordered in from Ganymede factories,designed on Ganymede and one choosing the size and type of the bottle for each order like packaging and them either recycled by sending them in bins to glass recycling centre onsite of Ganymede factories or sent back and forth between bars,homes etc and Deipneus factories in a rotary system to be reused over and over again with if possible them composed of graphene in their matrix to prevent them breaking with them cleaned onsite of factories while cork and metal covers will be replaced by methane or biosynth based plastic covers with cork from Quercus suber even made via bacteria in moulds.Kegs and barrels will be designed on Agathodaemon and used in a rotary system.Cocktails will made at home from ordered alcoholic drinks and juices mixed together or can even be created in breweries,Deipneus factories when ordered in or at made at home.Bacteria that creates the endosperm and juices of specific cereals and crops and all 391,000 species of plants and of all of their strains and varieties including those that dont create enough to be normally commercially viable and also yeasts etc for their production will be downloaded via 3D DNA printers onsite of all bars,nightclubs,airports,cruise ships and private and communal homes when needed.Thus all types of branded alcoholic drinks will be created onsite of private and communal homes,bars,nightclubs,airports and cruise ships using onsite nanobreweries and nanowineries to alleviate strains on Deipneus factories and remaining breweries with these able to order in from both Deipneus factories and remaining automated breweries in cycles to alleviate strains on each other with the home AIs,factory AI,brewery AI and bar/nightclub AI as well as operating softwares Ceraon,Hebe and Hestia interacting with each other constantly to determine when orders are to be made.Community centres may also house them to serve the community and picked up in person.This will render off licences and breweries owned by corporations obsolete as all existing and new brands of wines,vodka,champagne,alcopops,saké,rum,brandy,whiskey,gin will be created in Deipneus factories,homes,bars and restaurants.


Using new technologies can make certain commonplace manufactured goods obsolete and thus save drastically on energy and water use in both production,transportation and use as well as but putting the factories to be used as homes or other uses and negate the need for robots to make them.An example would be liquid glass sprayed on surfaces at home,hospitals(and also surgical equipment) or in labs to make them permanently sterile and dirt free making the production of cleaners in factories obsolete.Furthermore as we shall see later treating all cutlery,kitchen utensils worldwide with a permanent layer of this material will render dish washing machines as well as cleaning tablets etc obsolete allowing existing ones to be recycled.Having all clothes and home textiles covered in a permanent layer of it and infusing them with a permanent deodoriser and infusion will make clothes washing machines,tumble dryers,irons and steamers and cleaning powders and liquids associated with these obsolete.The space used to store them in homes will be used for other uses such as extra cupboard.Applying a permanent layer of it to surfaces in the home like walls,floors,furniture,tabletops,baths etc and even vehicles will make cleaning products including those for vehicles and home surfaces obsolete.Exposing clothes,surfaces,rooms,vehicles to narrow range wavelength UV light on curing machines,those built into lightbulbs and smart devices etc will sterilise them.This would make any product such as electronics,clothes,vehicles,kitchen utensils waterproof,acidproof and dirt proof negating the need to clean them saving energy,time and labour in cleaning them and also repairing them.Steamers,solar grills and portable halogen ovens can replace all ovens,gas grills,gas/electronic cookers,microwave ovens/microwaves world wide again saving on energy and allow them to be recycled and allow the space they take up used for other uses.All in one electric shavers that cut hair on the face,arms,legs and armpits will render disposable razors obsolete.Moka cups and Miito water boilers can replace hard to produce and bulky coffee makers and kettles which will become obsolete.Other portable and miniaturised technologies or treatments that replace and eliminate other bulky electronics that are difficult to automate in their production should be researched to further save resources worldwide and allow factories to be turned into homes.So in short products must be designed or replaced by alternatives that are easier to automate in factories or render old ones defunct.This would allow floors in factories to be more compact and even render some floors or even entire factory types obsolete or house extra floors for those merged into them or house floor sized areas to make all three types of packaging and stickers and storerooms.Private jets,cesnas,helicopters and possibly even yachts etc will become obsolete due to those created in VR simulations,sharing programmes in Euthenia and also even due to the fact that Oceanus,Erebus and Eos will be more efficient than current aeroplanes with cruise ships still used for holidays.As a result existing ones may be recycled.Obsolete floors will house machinery for other products allowing larger bulk orders of other products to be used,have other factory types integrated into them or other floors via moving things around from other floors,used as storerooms with obsolete factory types demolished.

Cigars,tobacco and cigarettes will also no longer be sold online,in shops or in machines or produced in factories as they can be produced at home via growing their own strains in home gardens as well as orders from community farms and vertical farm as part of hybrid crops which will allow individuals to produce custom made cigars and cigarettes via hydoponics,aeroponics,permaculture farms or in community permaculture gardens with alterations to fertiliser applications or environmental conditions such as temperature,microbes etc. as well growing herbs to add flavour ie mint,eucalyptus,caffeine at home.Genetic engineering can allow for the levels of nicotine to increased or lowered to custom levels and having the Nicotiana tabacum,Nicotiana rustica plants to also produce the active ingredients of other plants such as Coffea,Erythroxylaceae,Cannabis sativa,Catha edulis,Camellia sinensis,Papaver somniferum etc.They can also be engineered to have a replacement for nicotine that has a similar structure and flavour,a compound similar to nitcotine that is not carcinogenic and addictive to allow them to quit cigarettes and cigars with genetic engineering removing all natural carcinogens.Other benign compounds also produced to replace carcinogenic ones in all recreational drugs.Flavourings such as mint,eucalyptus,caffeine can be introduced into leaves via having the N.tabacum,N.rustica leaves have recombinant DNA from Coffea,Mentha,Eucalyptus and other flavours derived from recombinant DNA from other plants.Hybrids and new strains can be made with genetic engineering.To cut down on the need of paper rolls N.tabacum,N.rustica leaves and C.sativa should be used as the wrapper to hold the tobacco and marijuana in place as was practised in ancient times with shredders designed on Perdix cutting the leaves down.Cigar leaves will be used to smoke N.tabacum,C.sativa and any plant drugs that are smoked due to their size with if need be cannabis plants engineered to produce larger leaves to do so for smoking itself and also for higher yields.They can grown at home indoor pots using soil,hydroponics,aquaponics or aeroponics and gardens with them engineered to regrow leaves instantly or ordered in from vertical or other farms as part of hybrid crops.This would render tobacco corporations defunct and allow land used to grow them reforested indefinitely.This will replace paper that is used to roll cigarettes and will be done to replicate its smoking as in ancient times.Otherwise paper rollers of all sizes can be designed and ordered in from Oxylus factories in bulk.If possible all brands of existing cigarettes the world over can be have the specific strains marked in Physis stored in a database for users to then order that specific strain.Cutter machines can be ordered in from Perdix factories that can shred tobacco ordered in at home into pieces that can be rolled up into cigars and cigarettes using tobacco leaves or paper rolls ordered in from Oxylus factories with marijuana following the same with the leaves down and roled leaves and paper rolls used to smoke them.Ideally they would be grown indoors via hydroponics in ones own home for quicker and more reliable yields but also to prevent green tobacco sickness especially in children and pets.This would all also apply to recreational drugs such as N.tabacum,N.rustica,C.edulis,C.sativa,P.somniferum,Erythroxylaceae,which can be grown hydroponically at home gained by orders from community farms and vertical farm as part of hybrid crops and those hybridised with P.montana,F.japonica and C.sativa DNA added to increase the amount of leaves present with psychoactive fungi grown in reuseable 3D printed growkits allowing the consumer to control the strength and purity to their needs.These can also be grown at home.These plants can be genetically engineered to remove carcinogens from being produced and increase or decrease the amount and strength of the desired active ingredient or produce the active ingredients of two or more plants ie produce nicotine,caffeine,cathinone and tetrahydrocannabinol as well as cocaine or even psychoactive compounds from other plants and even produce flavourings and stimulants from spices and species of plants such as mentha,eucalytpus,caffeine etc naturally within them as well to save on resources of growing another plant with again each strain given their own strain saved in within Physis.This can apply to other drugs such as cathinone and cocaine.Leaves from N.tabacum,N.rustica plants can be used to smoke C.sativa and other drugs.Other drugs can be made in bulk with miniature automated breweries or machinery and genetically altered bacteria allowing for recreational drugs active ingredients that are extracted from plants such as morphine,heroin and other opiods,tetrahydrocannabinol,cocaine etc to be made again at home in spare rooms on a commercial scale in photobioreactors using wastewater or sugars created as powders,oils and liquids that can be injected in liquid/oil form directly into the bloodstream or spread into food as oils or powder.Synthetic drugs created by bacteria via anabolic and catabolic reactions can be either injected into the bloodstream or again as oils etc spread into food and even compressed into tablets.All synthetic recreational drugs such as metamphetamines,Lysergic acid diethylamide as well as 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine created by genetically engineered bacteria using anabolic and catabolic reactions with active ingredients of psychoactive plants created by bacteria using recombinant DNA or plants oredered in bulk from vertical farms or made at home to cut down on conventional industrial manufacturing procedures if legal.Biocompatible microbes can through specific strains house recombinant DNA from plants create the active ingredients and through anabolic and catabolic reactions create synthetic drugs onsite of receptors in the brain to prevent overdosing and damage to other organs.Illegal drugs will be barred from being produced at home and in farms or in microbes by Aristeus,Paean and Hestia with those made in home labs conventionally will be reported to police.The same can apply to psychedelics from other plants grown either hydroponically or again on a commercial scale using genetically altered bacteria.These psychedelics,synthetic drugs,active ingredients of recreational drugs can be using recombinant DNA from the parent plant be produced by crops or animals used for meat production with in time new recreational drugs made by tweaking the DNA of plants using cis/trans genics as well as genes made from scratch using existing ones as a baseline or from scratch.Ideally branded teas and coffees will be negated by ordering in them as part of hybrid crops,liquid or powder created by bacteria or grown at home.

Painting of 3D printed items can be done in community centres by hand,computational hydrographic printing,spraying tools designed on Hephaestus.Robots modelled after the Davinci /surgical systems and robot chefs and in time biosynths will do this in factories for entire batches or each singular item.These miniaturised automatic Davinci painter robots can be also be complimented by miniaturised versions of those found in vehicle factories and all paints etc created by bacteria using anabolic and catabolic reactions and recombinant DNA.Hydrographic printing can also be done onsite of factories with all work done by robot hands,biosynths and all paints etc created by bacteria using anabolic and catabolic reactions and recombinant DNA.All of this will be done by robots in factories with the paints etc created onsite from bacteria using anabolic and catabolic reactions and recombinant DNA.Otherwise it can be done at home with paints ordered in from Pygmalion factories or homemade again created by bacteria.

Having packaging for all products produced also on site of each factory in microfactories will save on energy in transportation and will allow factories that produces packaging to be converted into communal homes and save energy in transport and negate waste as packaging will only be made at the same time the product is or if need be beforehand to save time when that of other orders is finished.If possible all packaging may be even produced onsite of Oxylus and Agathodaemon factories within the hub with AI determining which is the best option to save on time and energy and them ordered in for each order in each factory.A mixture of orders from Oxylus and Agathodaemon factories and microfactories will be used to alleviate strains for when each one is busy or over strained decided by the AI of each factory with those ordered from Oxylus and Agathodaemon factories customised for each order and the extrapolations made by factory AI.Ideally each factory should have one floor devoted entirely to creating all packaging such as cardboard,plastic containers and also fungi styrofoam and house printers to print on the logo either as ink or even as stickers also produced here will be used as it can cater to all orders on that building especially busy ones such as Himeros,Agathodaemon and even Deipneus with the packaging moved to the floor the products are produced by Botlr and Tug robots.If possible each floor will have a small section or small room to produce all packaging and stickers for orders of all items created on that floor.Miniturised machinery and 3D printers will be used.Cardboard would be produced onsite of Oxylus factories and fungi and plastic containers which can also be ordered in bulk by restaurants and even consumers through here.These can range from red algae,fungi(for styrofoam see later) and bacteria that create methane or biosynth based plastic,fungi that create styrofoam and red algae and tree pulp from bacteria used to create cardboard made onsite of factories with 3D paper and plastic printers eliminating some machinery as part of the manufactured goods factories serving only the needs of that specific factory cutting down in energy costs in transportation with packaging kept to a minimum.Ideally the best solution is to have a room on each floor of each factory produce cardboard,fungi styrofoam and methane or biosynth based plastic using 3D printers,miniaturised machinery and photobioreactors with Oxylus and Agathodaemon factories creating orders to be used by the general public once ordered in batches and also to supplement those made in factories with those made in factories like all packaging have the bacteria have the same levels of engineering as those to produce commodities and as crops to expedite growth rates.The factory AI will extrapolate how much material ie cardboard,styrofoam,plastic etc will be made for each order and each item with each item put into a single box or one for each type of product for small or large orders ie all clothing in one box for those that have multiple pieces of clothing,all electronics in one box for those that have multiple electronics and so on with the AI determining the best methods and also all steps in their manufacture etc being automated.The shape of stryrofoam will be determined for each item with size of plastic bags for each item also determined.Items may be placed within boxes and plastic covering within boxes with these having the brand logo of the designer including existing ones.Each items main box within delivery boxes will have them designed similar to existing boxes for products with the designers branded logo,picture of the item and details extracted from the items page.Existing products will be in boxes that are the same as they currently are that a re scanned into their page within their network.The logo of the item or creator may be on boxes or plastic within the boxes.It will be on plastic or paper etc holding clothing and also on plastic containers containing cosmetics and other items.All items will be placed in generic cardboard boxes housing the products packaging that is composed of pulp and other textiles mixed in with each other created by bacteria to increase strength including silk etc in microfactories onsite of the factory etc and the factory AI extrapolating the exact size of the container and thus how much of the cardboard other material will be required to be made based on the size of the items.Ink barcodes containing a barcodes and the consumers name and address written down in ink will be present to allow scanners in the factory,vehicle and the consumers iPhone to authorize it.The cardboard boxes will be held together by themselves and fibrous cloth woven into it by machinery with biosynth microchips with all styrofoam being made from fungi and the cardboard composed of red algae and cellulosic pulp of trees made by bacteria made onsite of factories all of which can be pyrolysised together in organic waste plants without contamination especially with regards to plastic stickers.Pulp from all 391,000 plants including all 60,065 can be made by bacteria onsite of factories with plant and animal textiles such as hemp and silk made by bacteria added to add strength.Stickers can be replaced with biosynth microchips which can have the details changed when reused or pyrolysised with organic waste with them and locks present controlled by the Home AI and digital key system when reused with it de-registered and the key sent via Hestia when sent to other consumers via Euthenia.Both stickers and tape may be composed entirely of paper or methane and biosynth plastics and stuck to it with biobased glue made from C.crescentus.This microchips will also be embedded into cardboard boxes ordered in by consumers for personal deliveries or use in transporting goods to other consumers when trading away goods and also luggage in aeroplanes,trains and to allow for its location to be ascertained by terrestrial based GPS with the address changed for trading goods on Euthenia.Duct tape which can also release carcinogens when burned can be replaced with carbon based,graphene duct tape or even that made from cloth such as seacell mixed with spider silk for strength that can be pyrolysised woven into the cardboards structure for the same reason and also hold the box together longer due to its strength with the possibility of making cardboard boxes entirely out of layers graphene with these microchips in order save on resources but also allowing for the boxes to hold heavier loads.Duct tape and sticky tape can be composed of non toxic biosynth and methane or biosynth based plastics using bio based glue.As stated cloth or even paper can replace plastic with biobased glue from C.crescentus used as the glue from this bacteria may be pyrolysisible and not release toxins with paper and cloth used made of seacell mixed with spider silk for strength used as they can both be pyrolysisied.Duct tape composed of carbon fibres or even seacell cloth in both cases can be complimented with the top of the box opened consisting of a graphene or biosynth digital lock(controlled by smart devices and hand) that can open and close the box tightly with duct tape negate by advanced robots that are tied up without the need for duct tape or even fibrous cloth woven into it.Knitting machines may be used to weave the cloth into the box.Using duct tape,sticky tape composed of methane or ideally biosynth plastics and biosynth glue can allow it to be composted and pyrolysised with organic waste with tests done to see if pyrolysis creates any toxins with these removed via Graphene sheets etc.A biosynth lock can be created that seals in the tape etc at key points composed of tissues with it and the tape using magnetism from Magnetospirillum holds itself and the tape etc using magnetism that can be disabled within ones Hephaestus account once scanners authorise it via biosynth WiFi and Bluetooth disable the genes in it to release it and open it up with if reuseable can be enable and disabled over and over again.If possible compostable and biodegradeable biosynth barcodes chips can be interwoven into the cardboard that can be read by biosynths and robots that pack it into the delivery vehicle and deliver to denote the order number,address and consumer name.Scanners in the smartphone etc will scan the barcode with the account open to authorize it as theirs to then add to their list of items to be authorized.This can allow one to confirm it has been delivered and add their signature.Stickers can be replaced with biosynth microchips which can have the details changed when reused or pyrolysised with organic waste with them and locks present controlled by the Home AI and digital key system when reused with it de-registered and the key sent via Hestia when sent to other consumers via Euthenia.This microchips will also be embedded into cardboard boxes ordered in by consumers for personal deliveries or use in transporting goods to other consumers when trading away goods and also luggage in aeroplanes,trains and to allow for its location to be ascertained by terrestrial based GPS with the address changed for trading goods on Euthenia.The boxes can be like vertical boxes that hold Miracle Gro fertiliser and other products that lock into place without duct tape or even the machinery folding the boxes in like those that deliver food.Miniaturised machinery or 3D paper/cardboard printers will create the cardboard.Thus ideally cardboard boxes with seacell cloth holding them together and fungi styrofoam inside and inked barcode,postcode,address,order number and consumer name would be used as all the materials can be grown onsite such as red algae,fibres,fungi etc from bacteria with no plastic used with these stamped onsite.For local deliveries this can allow drones and other small vehicles to quickly deliver them one on one.All shapes of all existing packaging containers for all existing products such as cosmetics,cleaning products,food products etc will be scanned into Agathodaemon and new ones designed on Pandora and stored here.Each order to cut down on waste only the actual amount of packaging that is ordered of each product in each batch machine will be created to prevent waste with AI extrapolating the amount needed and shape of fungi and plastic etc used based on the shape and size of each product with chef and other robots doing the packing of products.This will apply to all products such as food,cleaning products and cosmetics(including perfumes,toothpaste,creamed etc).One for each ordered cleaning products,cosmetics,manufactured food products,will choose the container they want via a sublink opening up to Agathodaemon and its subfolders for each product as all containers will be divided into folders and subfolders.New products will have customised packaging made with them again designed and stored on Agathodaemon consisting of cardboard and plastic containers and them made bigger or smaller for each customised order with the logo printed onto them.One could for both existing and new products choose any of the packaging designed and stored in Agathodaemon and then have them made bigger or smaller for the desired amount in mls/l and also g/kg and have the products stickers modified that stick them onto these new ones shape.New products will have customised packaging made with them again designed and stored on Agathodaemon consisting of cardboard and plastic containers and them made bigger or smaller for each customised order with the logo printed onto them.One could for both existing and new products choose any of the packaging designed and stored in Agathodaemon and then have them made bigger or smaller for the desired amount in mls/l and also g/kg and have the products stickers modified that stick them onto these new ones shape.When one orders a product they will be ask to chose a container with one able to bookmark specific containers and it’s size for not only products they order frequently but also all products of the same type and subtype with this changed and also storing multiple types of packaging in a subfolder in this bookmarking system.For each order one will be able to choose bookmarked packaging saved in their account Stickers designed for the product will be modified to the packagings shape via AI for each order with them housing the name of the product,logo,mls,ingredients.These will be made of methane/biosynth based plastic using biobased glue etc and ink made by bacteria.Thus a person will have unlimited customisation for packaging and no longer restricted to a singular set for each product with stickers,ink etc containing the logo and ingredients etc modified to fit on them.The boxes holding them will contain a logo of the product and producer.Fungi styrofoam and cardboard will replace plastic in all packaging as it can be turned into compost at home,when sent to community centres or sent to organic waste pyrolysis plants.Plastic created by methane based varieties should only be used as they can be broken down by bacteria and super phyotplankton in the oceans with them also able to be naturally broken down by existing bacteria in soil.Furthermore they can be sent to factories or farms distributed equally with them sent via dumping them in delivery vehicles during the same or the next orders or via plastic rubbish bins that will be sent to manufacturing hubs and farms when picked up by automated trucks to be broken down into methane by bacteria engineered to do so,stored onsite in photobioreactors or containers which can then be used to create more methane or biosynth based plastic creating a looped cycle with zero waste entering the biosphere and even it does the plastic can be readily degraded by soil micro-organisms and phytoplankton will be engineered to do so if they enter the ocean.In some cases the container can be used in a rotary cycle with the consumer sending back containers that refill cosmetics,fizzy drinks,beer,milk,in vitro meat and caviar etc.The bacteria will also be engineered to break down glue consisting of those made from C.crescentus.The contents of the container will be disposed of by them washed several times with water to allow it be to washed down specialised sinks that disposed of it with the water solution them exposed super blasts of super high intensity UV light to break down any compounds that may be toxic or not and then graphene sheets used to collect the elements and then the plastic sent off to be degraded into methane to create more plastics.The graphene sheets can be used before exposure to this to have it sent where it can be disposed of properly in an environmentally friendly manner with them even sent to picotech fabricators to be recycled by tuning it into energy.All of this will be automated from start to finish.Methagenous bacteria onsite of factories using sugar will create new plastic when stocks from the looped system is low and the first batches with them creating only what is needed based on orders made and also when stocks from organic waste bins are low.Otherwise they can keep them and reuse them for homemade products or use a rotary system where when sent back will be refilled and collected in the next order.Methane or biosynth based plastic should be phasing out petroleum based plastic worldwide by 2029-2040 in all applications such as packaging,toys,clothing,straws,cutlerly etc.Otherwise they can reused at home for homemade drinks,manufactured products and commodities from bacteria etc.Plastic should only be used for containers for toothpaste,pesticides,herbicides,toilet cleaners etc with them composed ideally as stated by methane or biosynth based plastics.These bottles can be existing designs within Agathodaemon that can be made larger or smaller depending on the ordered chosen amount ie 500ml,1-5 litres with one choosing the desired bottles and containing present in Agathodaemon when ordering and typing the amount of the product they want ie 500ml or 5 litres etc and instead of designing or altering existing designs the AI of the factory using onsite 3D printers print out that design making it bigger or smaller to hold the desired amount thus negating the need to create a new item.One could for both existing and new products choose any of the packaging in Agathodaemon and then have them made bigger or smaller for the desired amount and have the products stickers created that stick to them modified onto these new ones shape.The plastic needed will made to the exact size of each customised products.The design and logo for both new and existing ones that fit onto customised packaging that holds their logo,design,ingredients and also seal of approval and quality by Aphrodite and Hecate etc will be present within the products page that will be printed on all plastic and cardboard containers with the packaging created also having the customised size and weight in mls/l and also g/kg also ingredients.All writing will be in the consumers language organised by the factory AI and ones language setting in the wire.Original box,plastic containers will be scanned into Agathodaemon and a hyperlink to them on their page with the containers modified to the decided amount rather than creating a new one with them made smaller or bigger to accommodate the chosen size and amount.When original containers are scanned in internally and externally the logo on these will be transferred to the items page in Hephaestus to be printed on future renditions with the packaging without the logo will be present in Agathodaemon.New products created from scratch and even variations will have new logos etc created by the consumer.The design and logo for both new and existing ones that fit onto customised packaging that holds their logo,design,ingredients and also seal of approval and quality by Aphrodite and Hecate etc will be present within the products page that will be printed on all plastic and cardboard containers with the packaging created also having the customised size and weight in mls/l and also g/kg also ingredients.All writing will be in the consumers language organised by the factory AI and ones language setting in the wire.Ideally these methane or biosynth based plastic containers will be be made onsite of the factory producing them using 3D printers.3D printers will create the plastic containers onsite of factories and also vertical farms with restaurants that do deliveries either creating them onsite using 3D printers or ordering them in bulk from Agathodaemon factories.Moulds made of this may also be used.One will choose the container they want via a sublink opening up to Agathodaemon and its subfolders for each product as all containers will be divided into folders and subfolders.The logo of the product existing or new will be printed onto them alongside the cardboard box.Methane or biosynth based plastic may also be used to cover electronics to protect them from water.Stickers that have the product logo,safety information etc like as in conventional products sold in plastic containers will also be made of methane or biosynth based plastic to be recycled alongside the container itself with machinery to print out the logo and other information onsite where they are produced next to 3D printers used to create this plastic.The stickers will cross reference both logo of the product from its page and also important customised information such as how much is in it in mls or litres etc and the safety information from studies performed by AI and also ingredients.All writing will be in the consumers language organised by the factory AI and ones language setting in the wire and ink produced by bacteria via recombinant DNA and anabolic and catabolic reactions.These will be made onsite of factories next to where packaging is made with the logo,ingredients etc and customised size etc done for each order.They can be made of methane or biosynth based plastic and paper and use non toxic glue made form methane or that from C.crescentus.In time stickers will be replaced by this printed on them via lasers or traditional printers both of which can be modified for each order very quickly for plastic with cardboard done the same way it normally is with dyes made via bacteria using the single strain method.The logo and design of existing and new products designed by the public will be present on the stickers and also packaging.Dyes and inks for the packaging as part of it and also printed on it will be made by bacteria using recombinant DNA and anabolic and catabolic reactions.All packaging will be made at the same time as the product and the packing and even their manufacture will be automated from start to finish with only the required amount of cardboard and fungi etc being made to cut down on waste of both resources and time as all of them will be created by bacteria and fungi.Only what packaging is needed for each order will be created with the factory AI extrapolating the amount of cardboard,fungi styrofoam,biobased glue and methane or biosynth based plastic is needed for each order and if need be them created beforehand once possible after other packaging for previous orders are made to be filed instantly with AI managing the efficient creation of each products packaging,stickers and the product itself.Each order to cut down on waste only the actual amount of produce what is ordered of each product in each batch machine will be created to prevent waste with liquid glass on the interior of the machinery and photobioreactors etc allowing all of the created product to be packaged.This will apply to all products such as food,cleaning products and cosmetics.As a result all packaging should consist of these materials with methane or biosynth based plastics eventually replacing petroleum based ones worldwide by 2029-2045 allowing all plastic in plastic bins to be sent to these factories to be recycled over and over again with cardboard and fungi styrofoam turned into compost at home or in community centres and also sent to organic waste pyrolysis plants alongside waste food.Miniaturised machinery and also 3D printers for plastic and also cardboard will be used to create them and only bacteria will be used.Existing plastic before that will be sent to burners onsite of pyrolysis plants that burn plastic as detailed later on each pyrolysis plants being universal ones that contain different burners.For Christmas,Birthday and religious holiday gifts one could design and choose wrapping paper and note card stored in Oxylus network and then have these once created there and ordered in from Oxylus factories to the relevant factories or made onsite of the factories the product is made and via AI and chef robots placed over cardboard with the wrapping paper transferred to the factory and the AI extrapolating how much wrapping paper is needed and then it done by chef and other robots.Only the amount needed will be created to prevent waste with AI extrapolating how much is to be created.The wrapping paper may be topped off with a bow chosen in Agathodaemon with tape being composed of methane or biosynth based plastic with non toxic biobased glue or even paper covered in this biobased glue thus allowing all parts to be pyrolysised without having to remove the tape.Small note cards that is little cards connected to string that can be attached by methatne based tape to house messages will be stored in Oxylus with designs for Christmas presents and those for Birthdays with one customising the message for each present typed in any desired font.One can type these messsges into the desired chosen note card or can using adonit pens write them on a representation of the note card on linked smart devices to have messages written in their handwriting.The same can be applied to birthday or Christmas cards stored in Comus with these having the message customised in the same way.Thus all packaging will be created onsite in microfactories in each factory or if deemed more efficient by Aphrodite itself in Agathodaemon and Oxylus factories buildings where each order processed will relay the extrapolated and chosen size using fungi for styrofoam,methanegenous bacteria for methane or biosynth based plastics,red algae and plant fibres as well as pulp from bacteria for cardboard using industrial wastes would be created onsite.Thus all factories will have sections that create their own packaging of all types using industrial wastes with if need be Agathodaemon and Oxylus factories possibly creating them.Ideally each factory will create customised packaging such as fungi styrofoam,cardboard and biosynth/methane plastic for each order with to alleviate strains it can order these Oxylus etc factories if there are many orders.Thus a combination of ordering in packaging from Oxylus and Agathodaemon factories and making their own onsite in miniature factories will be used depending on the order,free space in miniature packaging factories and how busy Oxylus and Agathodaemon factories are. Cardboard will be created using bacteria that creates pulp from any species of tree,red algae with fibres from other plants like hemp,bamboo,flax,silk created by bacteria to given them strength with them and those used to create methane or biosynth based plastics will be undergoing extensive engineering to increase growth rates including those from E.coli,C.perfringens and scratch DNA those that are used in both crops and bacteria that create plant and animal based commodities with the fungi that make styrofoam,bacteria that degrade and create methane or biosynth based plastic also having these in order to allow them when created at the same time as the ordered products will be finished roughly at the same time to allow for the order to be dispatched as soon as possible.3D plastic,fungi and carboard printers as they get better will be used alongside miniaturised machinery.This would as stated allow cardboard,plastic,styrofoam and other packaging factories to be converted into homes and would cut down on the amount of plastics used in the manufacture of packaging since methane or biosynth based plastics can be more easily recycled in the relevant waste recycling plants.This could also apply to orders from Demeter.This will allow factories that create packaging to be converted into homes and cut down on energy and time costs in transportation.All of these bacteria will fed nutrients created from other bacteria using industrial wastes and water etc pumped in.Cardboard would be of course made of cellulosic pulp from any of the 60,065 species of trees and even 391,000 species of plants created by bacteria mixed in with plant and animal fibres created by bacteria like Seacell,cotton,jute,pina,hemp,silk etc with cellulosic nanowires also created by Geobacter,Shewanella also mixed in with cellulosic pulp and fibres of trees created by bacteria used to be mixed in also.Silk would give it smoothness and strength.This cellulosic pulp from any of the 60,065 species of trees created by bacteria can also be used to create paper in Oxylus factories.Thus tree cellulosic pulp from all 60,065 and even 391,000 species of plants can be created onsite of factories by bacteria.It will made to the exact size of each customised products.All of this will negate the need for wood to be transported to paper and cardboard factories which can be converted into communal homes.Methane or biosynth based plastic from methangenous bacteria can degrade in the wild with the aforementioned plankton also engineered to degrade it with it sent to factories to be degraded into methane by bacteria and then turned into more methane or biosynth based plastic in looped system unlike petroleum based variants that cant be recycled.Fungi based styrofoam replacing normal styrofoam can biodegrade in the soil,be composted or pyrolysised in organic waste plants.Styrofoam sheets,pellets and carry cases composed of this fungi will be created with the styrofoam made into the exact shape of each of the customised product extrapolated by the factory AI.Persephone will send waste methane or biosynth based plastics to surrounding factories that produce it to have it broken down into methane to produce more methane or biosynth based plastics with them produced from methangenous bacteria in a secure room onsite of factories with graphene painted walls and a graphene water tight doors.These bacteria could run on sugar from other bacteria using wastewater.The same would apply to produce methane or biosynth based bacteria wood.Persephone will also arrange the allotment of carbon from biochar pyrolysis plants for graphene,diamonds etc to factories and also fertilisers to vertical and home farms.All plastic packaging will be composed of methane or biosynth based plastics that can be sent via plastic bins collected by rubbish trucks sending them back to factories equally where it will be broken down into methane by bacteria engineered to do so to be used to create more methane and thus more plastic in a looped cycled as well as cardboard created by algae and fungi styrofoam that can both be composted and sent to organic waste pyrolysis plants to create biochar for fertiliser and also nutrients for more bacteria to create more fungi and cardboard.Existing plastic will be either burned onsite of pyrolysis plants to create energy or they will be sent to factories where hydrocarbon degrading bacteria and also other strains that decompose plastic will do so and the base elements then used to create methangenous based plastic.Biosynth plastics can be used with them created using biocompatible microbes cultured in photobioreactors with them recycled onsite here or pyrolysised.The fungi and cardboard can degrade in the wild unlike normal styrofoam with even methane or biosynth based plastics also able to degrade in the wild and in oceans once phytoplankton can do so.Cardboard boxes alongside paper bags for personal use and for use by restaurants and coffee/tea rooms for deliveries will be designed and stored on Oxylus and ordered in from these factories in the case of restaurants in bulks.These will be the only three materials used in all packaging with fungi styrofoam and methane or biosynth based plastic phasing out petroleum based plastics and also ordinary styrofoam by 2029-2045 as they can be properly recycled and are sturdy to last long enough for deliveries.They will replace glass,tinfoil even in coverings and metals like aluminium in packaging and also even some goods like staples,screws,pegs etc with methane or biosynth based plastics replacing all types of plastics for all uses in toys,packaging etc with research into fungi replacements for other toxic non recycleable versions of other synthetic compounds used in packaging with organic substitutes that can be grown onsite derived from micro-organisms such as fungi and bacteria and can be either pyrolysised and also recycled properly or in the same way as methane or biosynth based plastics.Metal springs in soap dispensers and other packaging will be replaced by more spongy,stretchy,springy plastic to negate the need for mining for metals and allow the entire thing to be broken down.Beer and soda cans and also deodorant cans will have them all composed of this in order to cut down on mining with all components of these items will be composed of of methane or biosynth based plastics again to cut down on energy in extraction and also allow for them to be of any shape or size decided by the consumer and also allow them to be broken and reused over and over again for more containers made of the methane or biosynth based plastics.Tinfoil and alnuminium that covers small parts of packaging to seal in freshness will also be replaced by plastics with glue replaced by biobased non toxic varieties such as those from C.crescentus.Methane and fungi based replacements for all types of plastic ie Bisphenol A,polyethylene terephthalate,polyethylene,polystyrene,polyvinyl chloride,polypropylene,thermoplastics etc that can be broken down by bacteria in looped cycles or composted or pyrolysised will be researched with until then normal plastics used and pyrolysised in pyrolysis plants to produce energy or broken down by bacteria engineered to do so as detailed later on that will eventually be phased out by these methane and fungi based alternatives.Biosynth plastics would be composed of microbes and biosynth tissues that exhibit the properties of plants strong carbohydrates,proteins etc mixed together using recombinant DNA from plants and animals and bacteria etc that exhibit this with recombinant DNA from human muscle tissue and recombinant DNA from bacteria and plants that can exhibit the same properties of all types of plastics such as strength and stretchiness with plant and animal fibres such as silkworm silk,spider silk,flax,hemp created by bacteria and mixed to make it strong and smooth.Rather than needing these and other plant and animal textiles to be mixed into the plastic the tissues could house recombinant DNA from these plants and animals to express the phenotypes of strength and smoothness on the cell walls of the tissues present in each microbe as part of each cell and thus each tissue.Recombinant DNA from extremophiles can be present to make it survive extreme conditions such as acidophile,piezophile and alkanophile DNA to survive these conditions with radioresitance allow it to survive blasts of radiation up to 30,000 Gy including UV light,halophile and osmophile DNA allowing it survive high concentrations of salt and sugars,mesophile,thermophile and psychrophile DNA survive all temperature ranges with oligotroph,xerophile and Firmicutes DNA allowing it survive low levels of nutrients and water and be in an endosperm state forever with if need be it in certain applications be able to feed on a mixture of both water and sugars and proteins that it is doused in every few weeks or months if not years with it also using plant DNA and chemosynthetic bacteria DNA use photosynthesis,chemosynthesis meaning sunlight can provide nutrition with radiotrophic fungi DNA tweaked to use UV radiation and that from electronics,the sun,artificial lights or even the Earths magnetic field as a source of nutrition via radiosynthesis.The same anti-ageing treatments in humans could allow the tissues to stay youthful forever with the acellerated healing phenotype allowing the plastic to heal itself when scratched and torn.DNA present can express dyes that can be changed by biosynth WiFi to change colours and even patterns on plastic.These augmentations could allow plastic in all applications or specific applications have the plastic last potentially forever in all environmental conditions.This biosynth plastic can be instead of taking up place in landfills can be composted,recycled and broken down into organic material via phytoplankton and bacteria in souls/oceans/lakes etc.It could be pyrolysised alongside organic waste since composed of nothing but plant,animal fibres and organic material with it also composted and able to biodegrade in the ocean and wilderness.It can be reuseable and last for decades or centuries more than normal than normal bioplastics.Biosynth WiFi can used to send updates via inducing the evolutionary path of the plastic allowing for newer augmentations that allow it to survive harsher conditions,change its properties such as stretch ones,strength,colour,smoothness etc as well as produce fragrances and scents of any plant or animal such as flowers etc.Biosynth WiFi integrated into them to give it upgrades such as bioluminescence and become stronger via having extremophile DNA and anti-ageing treatments and make it resistant to degradation from the elements and micro-organisms as well as produce anti-bactetial and ant-viral compounds on its surface thus keeping the plastic sterile constantly from pathogens that can be transmitted by raw food as seen in current reuseable bags.It can allow its GPS location to be ascertained by AI that manages wilderness areas including oceans and mayor AIs via using biosynth WiFi allowing it to be collected by biosynths and show its location around the world with it used by AI to track the exact GPS location of all pieces of plastic worldwide allowing its location to be ascertained for cleanup programmes.This biosynth WiFi can also used to induce apotosis of all tissues,lose extremophile and anti-ageing DNA and ability to produce anti-microbial compounds thus allowing it become easier and more conducive to degrading bacteria etc in the ocean and wilderness and the elements such as UV light thus allowing it to be degraded into biological material within a few months or even days compared to normal plastics with the WiFi causing the tissues to produce compounds that destroy the tissues and plant and animal fibres.If possible the DNA can be changed to make produce the same flesh and scents of fruits thus enticing all species of mammals and birds as well as decomposing insects,bacteria and fungi consume it with it even in the case of that in the ocean be made edible for phytoplankton and other microscopic marine biota or if possible create the same scent and flesh of any type of meat of any of the world 2,000,000 species of animals including fish if it is in the ocean with this allowing wild animals consume it as nutrition that won’t kill them unlike existing petroleum based plastics in the ocean.AI namely Pan,Artemis etc upon determining its GPS location will decide to cause it undergoes apoptosis,is converted into what fruit flesh or animal flesh depending on its GPS location and the species of dertivores,carnivores etc in that area of the world or ocean thus AI once the GPS location of each piece of plastic is determined can determine which upgrades to apply to increase its rate of degradation if not consumption is expediated to a few years,months,weeks or days.Acidophile and alkanophile DNA will be removed alongside that to express anti-ageing treatments and those of plant and animal textiles and add those to make it susceptible to UV light different temperature ranges to make it more conducive to degradation and also making it able to be consumed by acids and enzymes in the stomach of animals.Normally the plastic would have anti-ageing treatments as seen in humans to allow it to last for centuries and even millions of years with extremophile DNA allowing it to survive all temperature ranges,pressures and all extreme and normal environmental ranges including radiation from the sun and extreme bursts of radiation etc as well as acids and alkaline conditions and produce anti-microbial compounds to repel pathogenic and degrading bacteria with if it is to be composted or dumped in the wild or ocean WiFi can remove these allowing it to die off,degrade and break down into organic material from both the micro-organisms in the wilderness and ocean that can be composted as well as removing radioresitence that can allow it be degraded by sunlight(DNA can be added or removed that makes it susceptible to sunlight),those that make it break down at all temperatures ie coldness of snow and winter,heat and humidity of summer and jungles,remove acidophile DNA that can allow it to be eaten by animals since composed of nothing but organic material with DNA added to make it produce pheromones to native sea and land based fauna and smells of sweet fruit etc to entice them to eat it.The biosynth WiFi integrated into the microbes it is composed of can allow the tissues to be converted into organic fleshy tissue of fruits and plants and remove anti-ageing genes to allow it and plant fibres to biodegrade like normal fruit and textiles due to bacteria and flies etc.As stated apotosis genes can be added to cause tissues to undergo apoptosis with before this genes added to cause the microbes to produce compounds to degrade plant and animal tissues that can be broken down into fibres that can be degraded by bacteria and phytoplankton with if possible DNA from fungi that converts the tissues and all plant and animal textiles into edible fungi feedstuff that can be consumed safely by animals and humans and also micro-organism or this fungi material being a decomposing fungi that can degrade other organic material in compost bins.This should allow the elements such as temperature/rain/sunlight etc phytoplankton and micro-organisms etc in the soil,compost and oceans to degrade this plastic in a matter of years,months or even days into harmless organic matter that can be eaten by animals or used as nutrition by plants etc since all of the plastic would be composed of nothing but organic matter including tissues,plant and animal textiles,carbohydrates,proteins etc.This alteration of genes present in the tissues can be applied via biosynth WiFi and Bluetooth to specific bags and bits of plastic prior to be added to compost bins,sent to organic pyrolysis plants and even dumped into the wild and ocean.Thus biosynth WiFi will allow its current GPS location in homes,vehicles and when dumped wilderness areas including jungles,forests,deserts and the ocean to be relayed to Artemis ,Pan,Tyche,mayor and governor AI as well as homeowners to not only allow the GPS location of each bit of plastic to be determined to allow biosynths,human volunteers and automated systems to determine this and collect it but also allow updates that induce the evolutionary path of all tissue present to remove extremophile DNA making it more easily degraded by the elements but also have all tissues undergone apoptosis or change into fleshy sweet smelling organic material that can be eaten by animals enticed by updates making the plastic both fleshy,sweet tasting and create nice aromas to entice them to consume it or allow it to be degraded by micro-organisms from anywhere in the world using satellite WiFi or biosynth WiFi in plants across all wilderness areas and phytoplankton in all oceans thus allowing AI to initiate its expediated degradation.Since composed of nothing but organic material it should be already edible to humans and all species of animals including sea fauna that accidentally consume petroleum based plastics thus allowing it to have no effect on animals when eaten thus rather than killing wild animals it could be an enticing and nutritious food source with updates made to have the tissues house and produce simple or complex carbohydrates and proteins with also allowing it to be composted at home,community centres,Hegemone factories and pyrolysised in organic waste plants.The current strength of the plastic over time due to wear and tear can be relayed over years visible to the homeowner and AI in real time via ones home AI app etc.This plastic can be developed as a replacement for petroleum based plastics for toys,packaging,bin bags,reusable and disposable bags,diapers,baby wipes and also both cleaning sterilising wipes,sticky and duct tape(using non toxic bio based glue from Caulobacter crescentus)plastic textiles(including micro beads and fibres)in clothing etc.Biosynth replacements for all types of plastic ie Bisphenol A,styrofoam,polyethylene terephthalate,polyethylene,polystyrene,polyvinyl chloride,polypropylene,thermoplastics etc that can be broken down by bacteria in looped cycles or composted or pyrolysised will be researched.If possible it expressing rigid proteins etc can allow it replace glass in cameras,screens for electronics,glassware,windows and metal in electronic casings,vehicles,packaging including in aluminium cans,tinfoil etc.DNA such as piezophiles,B.subtilis,P.denitrificans,Tardigrade can be modified by Phanes to interact together to form a constant rigid tun state alongside plant DNA to form cell walls that can be modified by Phanes with scratch DNA to interact together to form a constant rigid tun state similar in strength to silica negating the need for mining it with it also having the acellerated healing phenotype repairing cracks and breaks in this biosynth glass.If possible this could replace glass covering cameras on smart devices etc as well as glass in general in windows,glassware,contact lenses and glasses,lightbulbs,mirrors, etc.This biosynth glass could replace glass in 95-100% applications of glass with it also expressing carbon atoms or rigid tissues in a state similar to graphene or it mixed with graphene to make it shatterproof.Biosynth plastic with these phenotypes could replace metallic components such as scaffolding,outer casings and frames etc of electronics,vehicles and machinery as well as space stations with or without graphene and nanomaterials from 94 elements in its matrix further negating the need to mine for elements further pushing costs to zero.Metal as part of all everyday applications such as casings for electronics and machinery as well as screws,tools,kitchen utensils,scalfolding and support for everyday items and furniture,internal and external frames for all types of vehicles such as private and public autonomous vehicles as well as cruise ships and aeroplanes and even Oceanus interstellar vehicles and space stations etc,piping,tinfoil,zips and buttons on clothing etc,packaging,construction,alloy wheels,surgecial tools and implants,fixtures and fittings,door handles and indeed 95-100% of everday uses of metals in everday society can be replaced by different types of biosynth plastic both the aforementioned ones and also new types that express high melting points,strong rigid structures on par with different metals and ability to conduct electricity or not with or without graphene and nanomaterials this pushing their costs to zero by negating energy and labour in mining and transporting.In the case of this biosynth plastic substitute for metal and glass it can allow for it express RAM,DNA digital storage and nanoprocessors to exponentionally increase computing power and store data but exhibit both biosynth Bluetooth and WiFi to receive updates to change their properties ie exhibit electronconductivity,magnetism,insulation,change their colour,strength etc with the accelerated healing phenotype allowing,cracks,scratches and breaks to be repaired.It can via scratch DNA express rigid structures similar to graphene including the same arrangement of carbon atoms or have graphene integrated into them.This can also replace rubber,ceramics,stone and other natural and synthetic compounds in everday uses with biosynth variants of these created or it at least integrated into them with it integrated into textiles for clothing and also paper and cardboard for packaging.All forms of biosynth plastic,metals,ceramics and glass etc in all applications will exhibit biosynth WiFi to send and receive data including upgrades to change phenotypes,RAM and digital DNA storage as well as nanoprocessors especially in machinery and electronics to exponentionally increasing their computing power and storage data in them.AI will develop these phenotypes by scannning all 2,551,000 selected of plants,animals and micro-organisms in Physis including those from across the universe and analysing both their genome and their unique phenotypes and using scratch DNA with it extrapolating countless strands of scratch DNA.This biosynth plastic alongside fungi and methane based variants will render fossil fuel based plastics obsolete by 2029-2045 with it grown onsite of all factories that need it as packaging and those that produce rubbish bins and diapers etc composed of it.These plastics can also be doped with nanomaterials and also given magnetic properties etc via it and Magnetospirillum DNA.Biosynth WiFi can allow upgrades to be sent to all tissues in all technologies with them housing RAM,nanoprocessors and DNA digital storage etc to send data to and from the wire and internet.This biosynth plastic alongside fungi and methane based variants will render fossil fuel based plastics obsolete by 2029-2045 with it grown onsite of all factories that need it as packaging and those that produce rubbish bins and diapers etc composed of it.These plastics can also be doped with nanomaterials and also given magnetic properties etc via it and Magnetospirillum DNA.A combination of biosynth tissues,biosynth plastics,biosynth versions of synthetic compounds can replace 95-100% of metals in all applications of society reducing energy costs in extraction and transportation since they can be cultured onsite of different factories as part of local manufacturing hubs using sugars and proteins created bacteria with the bacteria and microbes created via 3D DNA printers.This biosynth plastic alongside fungi and methane based variants will render fossil fuel based plastics obsolete by 2029-2045 with it grown onsite of all factories that need it as packaging and those that produce rubbish bins and diapers etc composed of it Thus research will be made into methane,biosynth and fungi based versions of all types of plastic including high performance thermoplastics that can be used for moulds for glass,steel etc possibly using graphene and also other replacements for them and also replacements for tinfoil,aluminium that are equally strong or even stronger and also can be recycled through being broken down by bacteria and pyrolysis with this even including paper created by bacteria that has silkworm and spider silk.This should be possible by 2029-2035 through intensive research and should render fossil fuel based plastics obsolete.Even though bacteria could create plastics and gasoline on an unlimited scale they can biodegrade in the soil and oceans and cannot be recycled as efficiently.Dyes and inks for the packaging as part of it and also printed on it will be made by bacteria using recombinant DNA and anabolic and catabolic reactions.This will also cut down on energy and time in extraction of heavy metals and allow factories that produce packaging to be converted into homes as they will be made onsite of factories.These will be created onsite of all factories using bacteria and miniaturised machinery with carboard boxes and paper bags created and ordered in from Oxylus factories with fungi and methane or biosynth based plastic containers ordered from Agathodaemon.Tin,glass,tinfoil,aluminium and metal containers and boxes will be replaced by either cardboard or methane or biosynth based plastics for food and methane or biosynth based plastics in the case of air freshners,hair spray and deodarants etc,aluniminium and glass in beer and wine bottles and cans will be replaced by wine boxes or reusable glass or methane or biosynth based plastics with beer and wine also filled in kegs and barrels used in a rotary system.Any glass would be used would be for milk and other drinks like alcoholic ones from Deipneus factories and farms used in a rotary system wherein one sends back used glass back to factories in the next delivery or in person or recycling glass bins.Barrells and kegs for beer,wine etc would be made in Agathodaemon etc and would be composed of synthetic wood or ideally methane or biosynth based plastics instead of metal and can be sent back and forth between Deipneus factories and also breweries in a rotary system and also reused at home.Packaging for cosmetics,cleaning products and certain manufactured food products can be sent back to their factories in a rotary system when the newest order comes in to be refilled.When a person orders these products in batches they once the packaging is used they will send it back to the factories when the next batch order of these is delivered to their home thus creating a looped rotary system that involves consumers using only two sets of packaging over and over again with this even applied when one is buying different cosmetics,cleaning products etc products but in the same amounts.This would again cut down on energy in extraction with metal replaced in all types of packaging with either wood or variants of plastic ideally methane based variants.All packaging would be created onsite of each factories or in Aphrodite factories in bulk and then moved to where they are needed for each order with AI determining the most efficient means of doing this with all packaging made by bacteria using anabolic and catabolic reactions and also recombinant DNA from relevant plants,animals and other micro-organisms with them like those used to create commodities undergo engineering to increase growth rates and yields.AI namely Hecate etc will create new organic non toxic packaging that can be sent to organic waste pyrolysis plants or be turned to compost.These materials would be made by the bacteria,fungi,algae being fed wastewater and sugar from other bacteria and also be able to run on industrial wastes including toxins via engineering.3D DNA printers will be present to create not just ingredients but also packaging.All items produced in factories should be ideally mandatory treated with a permanent layer of liquid glass internally and externally to make them dirt proof,acid proof,hydrophobic(especially in the case of all electronics,clothing and vehicles),negate the need for cleaning and unable to harbour and spread microbes such as pathogenic bacteria and fungi with this an option via tick box to do this.Existing manufactured goods at home and even existing robots,drones and machinery in mines,factories,vertical and community farms as well as forests can have this permanent layer applied at home with any spraying tools designed on Pandora and shared on Hephaestus and the liquid glass ordered from the sector dealing with ingredients for cleaning products.This will be created in Agathodaemon factories or in Aphrodite buildings.

All manufactured goods but with the exceptions of food and pharmaceuticals can be coated with liquid glass to prevent to the build up of dirt making them easier to clean and prevent the growth of microbes.This can also apply for containers for food,cosmetics,pharmaceuticals,fertilisers,cleaning products etc. at home to prevent cross contamination of bacteria(due to its anti microbial properties)and products and also make them again easier to clean and reuse indefinitely with covers,caps and pump caps being able to print out separately in sub folders of the containers section if they are lost with ideally caps linked to all containers they can be used in.In the case of containers especially plastic and metal ones it could potentially prevent leaching of metals and plastic compounds such as Bisphenol A leaching into what is stored in them since liquid glass creates an acid proof and water repellent coating.This will ensure that all of the product can be used and not left clinging to the bottom as is the case of conventional packaging with plastics that do not contain BPA such as methane or biosynth based plastics ideally being used in their construction.Plastic in all items including including those used for packaging will have graphene in their matrix allowing for them to survive extreme temperatures with a melting point of 3,652 – 4,626.85 degrees celcius and thus protect its contents from fires,extreme heat especially flammeable liquids like gasoline created at home stored in jerry cans and its strength of 130GPa thus making them indestructible with them broken down by bacteria and the graphene broken down as well.High performance thermoplastics have a melting point of at least 3,593 – 4,010 degrees celcius meaning methane based high performance thermoplastics should suffice.The liquid glass will also be broken down with if liquid glass is not or is present then the contents of the container will be disposed of by them washed several times with water to allow it be to washed down specialised sinks that disposed of it with the water solution them exposed super blasts of super high intensity UV light to break down any compounds that may be toxic or not and then graphene sheets used to collect the elements and then the plastic sent off to be degraded into methane to create more plastics.The graphene sheets can be used before exposure to this to have it sent where it can be disposed of properly in an environmentally friendly manner with them even sent to picotech fabricators to be recycled by tuning it into energy.Other materials like wood and fabrics will have this interwoven or bored in them replacing potentially toxic fireproofing materials and prevent it ripping or being broken.Methane or biosynth based plastics will ideally replace petroleum plastic in all forms of plastic in all types of manufactured products such as toys,clothing fabrics,microbeads,kanteens,stickers,duct tape and packaging etc due to the fact that it can be recycled by sending it back to factories via plastic bins collected by rubbish trucks sending them back to factories equally where it will be broken down into methane by bacteria engineered to do so to be used to create more methane and thus more plastic in a looped cycled.Having graphene integrated into its matrix will make it indestructible and survive temperatures well beyond what current thermoplastics can withstand.They can be broken down by soil bacteria if they are dumped in the wilderness by mistake with methagenous bacteria fed sugar onsite of factories creating the first batches or future ones if they are kept at home and reused and are dumped in the wild.People may choose to keep them to store homemade manufactured goods.Phytoplankton in the oceans will be engineered to break it down alongside as detailed later on existing patches of plastic in the ocean.All plastic bins in all homes and public buildings will have the waste collected sent to either vertical farms and/or factories with even pneumatic pipes in public and those in public and in buildings will be connected to either vertical farms and/or factories.These will in the case of factories be first directed to Aphrodite buildings to be then evenly distributed to all factories or to all based on how busy they are ie busy ones receiving more than quieter ones manged by Aphrodite with some also sent to vertical/community/forest/meadow farms based on how busy they are.If they do contain BPA then then they can be modified to not contain it and any types of compounds that can stay in the human body or that of humans.Furthermore soil bacteria can degrade it meaning if it is dumped in the wilderness it will degrade over a few years or decades with phytoplankton in the worlds oceans engineered to degrade both methane and petroleum based plastics including existing patches meaning any plastic of all types will be degraded instantly when it enters the ocean.As a result methane or biosynth based plastics will replace petroleum based plastics worldwide.These made for cosmetics,fertilisers,drinks,fungicides,pesticides can be as a result reused indefinitely to prevent the waste of energy in producing more and recycling and ideally should be large to hold alot of said product within the range of 1-15 litres or more for storage at home.The same would also apply to steel/graphene/plastic kanteens and sports bottles which the consumer can choose the colour patterns and size ranging from 1-3 litres or even more with the shape also designed on Agathodaemon and too can be treated internally and externally with liquid glass to prevent the build up of stains and also the transmissions of pathogenic bacteria and viruses.Existing containers and caps for all types of products can be scanned internally and externally into Hephaestus and modified with them and new ones designed will be divided by type and subtype of product they are used to store.Caps can be modified to suited for any type of container chosen and those for toxic materials can be modified to make them baby proof.One will design the products shape etc with the item then made larger or smaller to suit decided volumes ie 500ml,1-15 litres when created by themselves and also for ordered products of other types when used for housing liquids etc from other factories negating the need for creating a new item with the logo of the item printed onto them in the form of stickers.The factory AI will extrapolate how much cardboard to produce to place them in individually or collectively it or they will be covered in plastic or put into a cardboard box decided by the consumer.In the case of those in individual boxes these boxes will have the logo put on them in the form of stickers.Small ones will be 3D printed at home with those from Agathodaemon factories and produced in microfactories in each factory will will be printed onsite of them.Kanteens made from plastics that store homemade drinks will be reused over and over again and render packaging for homemade products including squash and fizzy drinks will be reused over and over again and will also render bottled water defunct.These kanteens and containers composed of glass,graphene or plastic can have microchips fitted into them that can detail to factory AI what to input into them and relay temperature and other environmental conditions to Hestia and Hephaestus.The cover tops for all containers can be printed out at home or in factories separately if they are lost.Ideally this would be in the base and cap that would tell when the commodity inside is fresh or about to become spoiled.3D printed plastic containers designed on Agathodaemon can be used to store homemade cosmetics,drinks,food etc over and over again.Existing containers for all types of manufactured product such as boxes for biscuits,containers for shampoo/conditioner/body wash/soap/fertiliser etc can be scanned in.Original box,plastic containers will be scanned into Agathodaemon and a hyperlink to them on their page with the containers modified to the decided amount rather than creating a new one with them made smaller or bigger to accommodate the chosen size and amount.When original containers are scanned in internally and externally the logo on these will be transferred to the items page in Hephaestus to be printed on future renditions with the packaging without the logo will be present in Agathodaemon.Tin,aluminium,glass etc will be replaced by cardboard and plastic or even glass in certain products ordered in from Ganymede factories.Glass wine,rum,vodka bottles can be scanned into the Ganymede network with them ordered in for use in a rotary system for alcoholic drinks with them designed on Ganymede and made in these factorises using glass 3D printers or ordered in from Ganymede.Breweries that remain functioning,farms,Deipneus factories will possibly create them onsite using 3D Glass printers.

All waste products will be recycled.Bacteria that produce commodities should be the first line of cleanup using recombinant DNA from bacteria that thrive on toxic material or from scratch to create raw materials onsite creating looped systems with any other commodities created for use in other factories or in excess can be shipped to other nearby factories by Persephone.They can priduce enzymes that degrade toxins into benign compounds including nutrients.The bacteria through biosynth WiFi will be able to carry out anabolic and catabolic reactions that turn toxic compounds into benign compounds and even elemental ores etc that can be recycled.Waste liquids can be put through nanomaterials and Biosynth filters to remove toxins etc.Chlorofluorocarbons,Nitrogen triflurodie,Perfluorotributylamine and other potent greenhouse gases should be collected onsite by SNOX,graphene or other nanomaterial and biosynth SNOX filters and then separated into their base elements for creating commercial products to be shipped by other factories via Persephone or being used again as their base uses preventing waste and prevent them being released into the atmosphere as they are very powerful greenhouses much powerful than methane and carbon dixoide.Any molecules that escape can be collected by artificial trees on the roof or surrounding area of these factories and also aeroplanes containing these flying above areas where it is present.These can be done by catalytic reactions,graphene and other nanomaterials as well as tweaked bacteria can be engineered to turn these into benign compounds or even turn on them to produce commodities for onsite or nearby factories.These powerful greenhouse gases and other toxic compounds etc should be collected onsite of factories to prevent them being released and exposed to super blasts of super high intensity UV light,nanomaterials,amine reactions etc to be broken into their base elements,sent to Aphrodite buildings and then reused over and over again with all operations carried out by the factory AI interacting with Gaia and Theoi Meteroi.They can be sent to Aphrodite buildings to be stored onsite for commercial products or via reversing the Breit Wheeler process be turned into energy in picotech fabricators and used as energy to power the grid or be turned into other more rare elements.Nanosensors can be placed in the photobioreactors containing these bacteria to measure how much pollutants are present and if none are present the factory AI can automatically release it the surrounding waterways and wilderness saving on the energy expended on transporting it to local waste water treatment plants.Passing any remaining waste through a series of graphene sheets can remove them and these can be exposed to super blasts of super high intensity UV light to break down any compounds that may be toxic with them rerouted to the beginning until 100% of all toxins are reduced with all steps automated.Removal of used graphene and replacing them with fresh new sheets can be automated with the cleaned water then sent back to its source or into water treatment plants where it will again undergo this again.Used graphene sheets can be replaced or either pyrolysised or disposed of in compost or even treated to have the pollutants removed on site and then reused indefinitely with all steps involved in this automated.The Slingshot water purifier can also be used to clean any water used in factories.All wastes whether solids,gases or liquids produced should be collected and used to produce commodities that are created onsite or shipped to other factories or be separated into base elements in stable ores that can be reused over and over again when transformed into useful compounds.Biosynthetic technology will play a role in removing wastes from water,gases etc and other areas using DNA from metatollerants and also scratch DNA as part of filters.This would be done for the production of raw materials for all factories in these hubs either directly or indirectly through bacteria or even just when benign and non toxic be suitable to be dumped into local waterways and groundwater with nanosensors at each point ensuring there are no residual toxins which can be rerouted to the start to ensure 100% of the toxin is removed or transformed into usable commodities or benign compounds making them compliant to standards set down by Gaia.Water waste and all waste produced and used in all factories should be collected and either used to produce commercial products through bacteria engineered to use the wastes to create commodities or carry out anabolic and catabolic reactions to turn them into benign compounds including elemental compounds or cleaned via on site filtration systems using graphene sheets that can be pyrolysised and also super blasts of UV light with all elemental components collected and sent to Aphrodite factories to be reused.Otherwise severely toxic waste such as those produced during the manufacturing of solar panels can again be used to create plastics used in their construction from bacteria using recombinant DNA from metallorants and from scratch to use heavy metals and wastes as energy receptor or the waste can be cleaned up by indoor artificial wetlands which can the store the waste as pyrolysised.Bacteria using extremophile and scratch DNA can use the toxic and non toxic wastes to create commodities for other manufactured products or via anabolic and catabolic reactions create benign compounds or turn them into elemental compounds.Ideally bacteria used would instead ideally break down toxins into their base elements or into benign compounds to be recycled through anabolic and catabolic reactions carried out by Biosynth Wifi and these recycled for commercial applications lto prevent it contaminating commodities used in the production of food and other products.The bacteria would be engineered using forced evolution and scratch DNA to tolerate the toxins and then use them as a food source to produce commercial products as well as carrying out anabolic and catabolic reactions that convert them into benign compounds,commercial compounds or into elemental compounds that can be sent to Aphrodite buildings for commercial processes or turned into energy via reversing the Brett Wheeler process.They would also be recycled into base elements to be used for other purposes.Gases and wastes in water can be put through graphene and other nanomaterial filters to have the elements sent to Aphrodite or reused onsite with amine and catalytic reactions used.Toxic water solutions can be exposed to super blasts of super high intensity UV also used that break down the chemical bonds of the toxins.SNOX filters composed of nanomaterials and biosynth technology can capture toxic gases and synthetic greenhouse gases like nitrogen trifluoride,hydroflurocarbons,Perfluorotributylamine,Sulfur hexafluoride,sulphur dioxide and have them broken down into elemental compounds for other applications.Biosynth technology will play a role in filters for gases and water based wastes to ensure that no toxic gases will escape the environement.Synthetic or natural compounds can be used to collect or separate toxic waste.Picotech fabricators in Aphrodite buildings can via reversing the Breit Wheeler process turn toxic wastes into energy to be then fed into the grid or turned into other raw raw materials etc.Industrial procesess may be developed but with research into all nanomaterials of all 94 elements and their allotropes like graphene,graphyne,carbyne as well as schwarzites and also also nanomaterials composed of two or more elements like Indium Selenide and biosynth technology and bacteria using anabolic and catabolic reactions and synthesising enzymes to turn wastes especially toxic ones into benign materials and even elemental compounds that can be recycled.Hecate,Urania,Aphrodite and the AI of factories will find ways to recycle material and make themselves 100% waste especially toxic waste free following standards set up by Gaia thus ensuring waste reaching the outside environment will be constantly zero.They will also develop ways to reduce water,resource and energy use.All factories since operated by AI they will abide by strict environmental regulations set down by Gaia

Physis will be set up by 2029 and will contain a database of the genome of all 2,551,000 species of plants,animals and micro-organisms subdivided into taxonomic ranks including new ones created by Phanes,researchers and the public with crops,plants,animals,livestock,pets and also micro-organisms will be further divided into different breeds,subspecies,strains,varieties,cultivars etc.This will be arranged as a phylogenetic tree divided by each taxonomic ranks including breed,variety,cultivar,strain etc and will contain their files that contains all genes from them divided into main base genes present in all individuals and specimens,then all different ones that are responsible for different phenotypes that are unique to each individual and common throughout the genepool ie different skin as well as eye and hair colour,different penis and breast sizes,different coats and plumages etc alongside those that are rare mutations associated with unique phenotypes or genetic diseases or those unique to an individual.Thus all possible genes for all possible mutations and phenotypes including those that result in genetic deformities and disease will be stored here for use in studies and also Phanes programmes.Scratch DNA created by Phanes and those from other species as augmentations will be present in their files as well with those from other species source species and its phenotype denoted.The Aesculapius sub network of augmentations will house those for each specific augmentations for humans etc.This will allow them to be used by Aristeaus,Pandora,Hecate,Paean,Phanes,Urania,AIs of factories and operating softwares of Hephaestus sub network,factories to create bacteria and crops as well as fish etc for orders.It will allow for them to be printed out into seeds,eggs and bacterial,viral and fungal cultures onsite of farms of all types by 3D DNA printers with desired phenotypes into artificial wombs,recirculating aquaculture systems,plots etc for research,as pets,conservation and human consumption.Those created on Pandora,for use in bacteria that create commodities,from scratch will be added here as well.Hair,feather,pollen and other samples of all populations of each species of plant and animal will be present visible as a microscopic sample to be compared to discovered samples.Pictures of the animal whether unicellular or multicellular will be present alongside all types of noises made by them stored here.This will be arranged as a phylogenetic tree and will contain their files that contains all genes from them divided into main base genes present in all individuals and specimens,then all different ones that are repsonsible for different phenotypes that are unique to each individual and common throughout the genepool ie different skin as well as eye and hair colour,different penis and breast sizes,different coats and plumages etc alongside those that are rare mutations associated with unique phenotypes or genetic diseases or those unique to an individual.Thus all possible genes for all possible mutations and phenotypes including those that result in genetic deformities and disease will be stored here for use in studies and also Phanes programmes.Scratch DNA created by Phanes and those from other species as augmentations will be present in their files as well with those from other species source species and its phenotype denoted..This would categorised and sub divided into each taxonomic ranks:Domain,kingdom,phylum,class,order,family,genus,species,sub species and breed,strains and any other subdivisions for use in research.All species will be given a alphanumerical ID code with each strain,breed,sub species,variety,cultivar having their own alphanumerical ID code that is the same as their species code with extra numbers and letters.Physis since sentient will arrange all species,strains,breeds etc into the phylogenetic tree and create alphanumerical ID codes for each species and also sub species,breeds,strain etc.Existing and new species,strains and breeds(including non toxic versions of animals,fungi and plants or those with desired phenotypes)created by genetic engineering will be housed here.Each strain, breed or species existing and new ones discovered and created by AI and humans on Pandora will have their own alphanumerical ID code after there species name similar to that of registered healthcare staff and lawyers and also going alongside and based on the same taxonomic ranking naming system as that is used for naming each species with the code denoting its Domain to kingdom all way down to the species and strain.New breeds,species etc of animals including pets,livestock etc will be added here.Bacteria,fungi that produce each individual commodity from plants and animal from their native planet will use a single new bacteria or fungi species that will have its own alphanumerical ID code that will then be then subdivided into different individual strains that produce each individual commodity with their own alphanumerical ID code.Each unaltered organism such as crops and livestock will have its own species alphanumerical ID code within Physis in the Artemis database while genetically altered versions will have an unique alphanumerical ID code written into next to it to denote the specific phenotypes which will be listed within their file in ‘Artemis and this ID will be on any tags worn by the animals or on plots or buildings holding them as well as their barcode within Demeter.This could be visualised as folders and sub folders or a 3D tree of life with the different strains,breeds etc and new genetically altered versions of species of crops,livestock and pets as well as all wildlife and micro-organisms as branches extending from its parent species depending on the choice of the user with newly discovered and Lazarus species as well as newly artificial created breeds,strains and species added over time.Physis software could sort this coding for each species and organising them into their specific folders and sub folders and/or tree branch.All possible scientific information on all species of plants and animals both unicellular and multicellular will be present with this containing a repository of all knowledge on them organised by the sentient Physis.All data will be organised into folders and subfolders.All of this information already present on various websites would be transferred here into one area with the servers for these recycled.With regards to DNA genes can be listed and the entire genome visible as a rotating double helix visible as atoms arranged as the bases and sugars and also as simplified strand of coloured bases visible as rectangles connected to their opposite base on a double ribbon structure.When a person moves up and down the strand on both cases it will which genes they are on with start and stop codons labelled.The Aesculapius sub network of augmentations will house those for each specific augmentations for humans etc.This will allow them to Demeter,Hephaestus to be analysed and used Aristeaus,Pandora,Hecate,Paean,Phanes,AIs of factories and operating softwares of Hephaestus sub network,AIs of factories of all types to print out bacteria or download upgrades to create bacteria that produce plant and animal commodites and also download DNA of crops,fish and shellfish,stem cells for invited meat etc for orders and growing crops at home and for orders from factories such as Deipneus,Epeius etc.It will allow for their DNA to be printed out into seeds,eggs and bacterial,viral and fungal cultures onsite of factories of all types with desired phenotypes and unique genotypes into recirculating aquaculture systems,plots,photobioreactors and cultures etc for pets,conservation and human consumption.Synthetic compounds will also be present to allow their structure to be downloaded into DNA digital storage of bacteria to produce them via anabolic and catabolic reactions when told to do so via factory AI.Factories,hospitals,universities etc will cross reference this database for DNA for biocompatible microbes for research and upgrades and also microbes that form the basis of electronics,biosynths and bacteria that produce natural and synthetic compounds and all crops etc on demand when needed with biocompatible microbes in the patients body and all lab equipment,machinery biosynths and electronics will cross reference Physis for DNA for upgrades via biosynth WiFi.Thus combined with 3D DNA printers etc Phanes will print these out into eggs,embryos,seeds and blank cells using the Phanes method thus allowing any factories etc access to any of the world 2,551,000 species of plants and animals and micro-organisms for free with zero labour within minutes without having to ship eggs,seeds and cultures across the world thus giving them all universal access to them at zero cost since Physis itself sentient would negate the concept of patents and reimbursement.It can also act as a library for all known metals,nutrients,pollutants,pathogenic bacteria for reference on homemade products such as food/cosmetics/fertilisers/soils/foods/drinks etc via reusable nanosensors attached to smart devices for performing quality assurance at home or in community centres.All existing information on all databases on the internet will be transffered here including genetic databases etc and their servers recycled since it will replace them.Each planet in the universe will have their own version.Physis itself will be sentient with a formless avatar.Each planet across the universe will have their own separate Physis network in Artemis detailing all of this for each planets flora and fauna etc and will allow any commodity from alien plants and animals to be created by bacteria and allow and species of crop,bacteria of native planets outside of Earth to be created in recirculating aquaculture systems,photobioreactors etc in factories of all types onsite of Earth and all colonies across the universe via being crossrefferenced in real time via Nyx or downloaded to servers on Earth without having to travel back and forth.If a species from another planet is found on Earth etc Phanes and Physis will scan all databases from all planets.By 2029 all existing data from all databases around the world and entire internet including genetic databases and those on elements and compounds etc will be transferred to Physis as it will replace them and servers recycled with it thus by then housing all genomes and DNA from all 2,551,000 species of plants,animals,bacteria,viruses and fungi including humans and also all other aforementioned information by AI thus becoming the sole repository of this information.Thus AIs of all types of factories such as Deipneus,Selene,Epeius,Perdix,Arachne etc will cross reference Physis including versions of other planets across the universe to print the DNA of all species of plants and animals into blank seeds,embryos,eggs,bacteria cells to allow them instant access to all pets,livestock,wild animals,fish and shellfish,plant and animal commodites,crops etc at zero cost within minutes

Each individual factory and each hub overall will be graded on a universal scale set by Gaia on their ability to reuse waste,prevent toxic gases/liquid/solids entering the environment etc following the letter grading A:81-100%,B:65-80%,C:49-64%,D:33-48%,E:17-32%,F:0-16%.This will also make them space and energy efficient and be able to serve the town,village,city or country they are located in.

Each factory should have a room where defective machinery can be transported to be repaired by other machinery or biosynths controlled by the factory with defective electronics can also be shipped to or placed in person to electronic factories in ones locale where the factory AI and robots within can repair it with their being specialised rooms devoted to repair of all electronics with the expected date of repair sent to ones Hephaestus account and also instant messaging and phone calls can allow communication with the person sent alerts to their Hephaestus account and told on the spot as to when it is finished with the consumer choosing to have it delivered or collect it in person.Consumers can drop off broken electronics at Talos factories and machinery to Perdix factories or order a delivery vehicle to collect them in person where they will be repaired and replaced with proper screen,coverings and harddrives etc with them then delivered back with the current state ie it being repaired etc and it finished and being sent back and its time of arrival will be relayed int their Hephaestus account.Data present even on corrupted or broken hardrives can be streamed to ones Hestia cloud or other devices and have viruses removed and blocked from being transferred allowing one access to important files while it is being fixed.They may also have new screens,harddrives etc delivered to them with them dropping off the broken parts in the delivery vehicle while Antikyhtera and their Home AI will guide them on how to fix it and run diagnostics.With it also applying to cameras,robots and sensors in the public with them in time repaired by robots that can repair them in specialised areas of the factory buildings.This area would also repair any robots in the factory as well as have biosynths that could be sent to hospitals,other factories,municipalities and other public buildings in the area to fix any in disrepair with robots from these aforementioned buildings also picked up by automated vehicles to be fixed and then returned with the factory AI performing diagnostics and using the same robotics to create robots will repair them or recycle them.All repair robots and biosynths will be under the control of these electronic factories.Perdix factories will contain robots and biosynths to repair machinery and power plant systems with in time both employing fleets of biosynths that controlled by the factory AIs will do this in person when called to a farm,factory,home,hospital etc with in time Home AI and even Gaia etc in the form of biosynths can be able to fix them onsite while the AI of the factories is streamed by them.Ones Home AI will be able to run diagnostics and be able to determine the problem while at the same time one could as stated order in new harddrives and screens from Talus though through Soteria,liquid glass and all components composed of graphene sheets/composites and have graphene paint on them and have self healing polymers and conductors would make most electronics and robotics last several decades if not centuries.Soteria will protect ones devices from all viruses,malware and cyberattacks with their various parts such as touchscreen,casing,exterior and interior composed of graphene or have graphene paint on them will make all parts such as screens etc shatterproof with a permanent layer of liquid glass on them both internally and externally making them water,dirt and acid proof.This will make all electronics like laptops,computers,consoles and also machinery and robots last potentially decades or even centuries without maintenance an repair.If possible all factories and the aforementioned buildings;power plants,municipalities,hospitals etc will house their own fleet of repair robots and biosynths in rooms devoted to this controlled by the building AI with the town AI having its own fleet of these in the same storage area as its own machinery etc with them having their unique uniforms the same colour as receptionists.If need be Perdix or even Aphrodite buildings will house these and then move to the factory experiencing the problem and called to power plants,municipalities,hospitals etc.All machinery will be those able to process customised products ordered alongside chef robot hands and in time biosynths with AI replacing old,defective machinery with newer,faster,cheaper and compact ones by robots and biosynths with automated corrective measures,having them composed of liquid glass and graphene paint to make them dirt,water,acid and rust proof forever enough to cater until biosynths can replace human repairmen.Biosynths in homes,hospitals,farms,factories etc can download the conciousness of Perdix,Selene and Talos to be brought instantly onsite of defective machinery,electronics and vehicles etc allow for these AIs to asses the machinery,fix it and repair it thus rendering human repairmen defunct by 2045 with before that AI through fragmentation runnig diagnostics and viewing live-streams from smart phones remotely in real time and organising their replacement or guiding owners in how to fix them as best to their ability.Ideally by 2045 ones Home AI will be ones personal electronic and vehicle repairman that can download the skills necessary or have factory AI exist in fragmentation to asses the problem,fix it and order in spare parts etc with biosynths onsite of factories,vertical farms and indeed all public buildings such as hospitals,public amenities,power plants.factories,restaurants etc that carry out normal duties will be able to download factory AI,Talos and Perdix conciousness into them to assess the problem,fix it,order in new parts and if need be have it replaced.This use of fragmentation will negate the need for extra biosynths to travel to hospitals,homes etc and save time as the relevant AI can using the wire travel instantly to the building the broken devices,vehicles and machinery is and fix them within minutes or days.Severely damaged robots and machinery will be recycled and replaced by new ones.All robots at these and home electronics will be made and built to last for decades or centuries without the need for repair.This should be feasible within 5-10 years by 2024-2029 with advances in proto and eventually general AI carrying out remote diagnostics and replacing old parts with severely damaged ones recycled with homemade repair using instructions from AI.Having electronics especially robots and machinery composed of self healing and self soldering materials and have a layer of graphene paint on them as well as being coated internally and externally in liquid glass will make them scratch,acid,shatter and waterproof and also resistant to any external damage and wear and tear allowing them to last possibly hundreds of years without repair with repair robots being developed within that time by at least 2029.Ones Home AI will be able to run diagnostics and be able to determine the problem while at the same time one could as stated order in new harddrives and screens from Talus though through Soteria,liquid glass and all components composed of graphene sheets/composites and have graphene paint on them and have self healing polymers and conductors would make most electronics and robotics last several decades if not centuries.AI by this time also in the form of Gaia,Talus and Hestia will be able to guide owners of robots,smart devices,laptops etc by remotely running diagnostics on other registered devices with this telling them in laymans terms what is wrong and what the person can do ie order in new harddrive or screen etc as well tell them if it needs to be dropped into the factory for repair and allow all data to be extracted to ones cloud.Home AI in the form of biosynths can repair them at home.Even in the form of AI in smartphones can repair them by guiding a person how to do it via creating customised videos unique to each problem and cameras and linked smart contact lenses used to allow it to view the vehicle in real time.Home AI can in the form of biosynths or in smartphones can repair vehicles at home in person or guiding people via creating customised videos unique to each problem and cameras and linked smart contact lenses used to allow it to view the vehicle in real time.To repair vehicles if possible one can either drive their vehicle to a repair shop onsite of Phaeton fuel and charging stores or using the Phaeton app can have an automated repair vehicle sent to ones address or GPS location to have it sent to a repair shop via an automated pick up truck and it drive back home when finished with the AI in charge of the repair shop in contact at all times.Automated repair vehicles can be called to ones home from the Phaeton app allowing ones vehicles can be picked up if they break down on roads including underground ones and wilderness areas with ones GPS location sent.The repair shops will be managed by robots,AI and biosynths thus fully automated between 2029-2045.This will remove any labour in repairing machinery,electronics,vehicles and robots and customer service all possible by 2029 with enough research done.Thus a combination of AI,robotics and in time biosynths etc will make all repair men of robots,vehicleselectronics and machinery defunct by 2029 with even plumbers and electricians made redundant by human robots and biosynths by 2045.Customer service of all products including electronics can be done at home by forums,Gaia,the factory AI,home AI and Aphrodite with them cross referencing their unique products and giving advice on how to repair them and deal with any other issues with bugs and glitches corrected by them remotely.Remote connection the wire will allow one run diagnostics through linked registered electronics ie laptops can run diagnostics of smart devices and vice versa with users given step by step instructions on how to fix them from AI.The factory AIs name will be logged on receipts and one will be able to ring them via access to the universal phone book or if need be ones Home AI can do this simply via access to the wire bypassing accessing the phone book allowing one to contact the factory AI.

Software like iSample age and face recognition can be installed at the factory or downloaded onto all electronics especially those for prepubescent minors and even communal ones at home as it will be necessary to access certain sites,and networks that allow one to order certain material from Hephaestus specifically blocking minors access to networks that contain adult products and toys.Any adult material that happens onto areas that are not Peitho will be flagged by users and in time Aphrodite to be deleted and transferred to relevant areas.Sex dolls etc modelled on prepubescent children will be prevented from being designed on Pandora and uploaded on Peitho with any ones present removed instantly and blocked from being uploaded.Any incidents of these being produced will alert relevant law enforcement personnel as well as Iaso of the person who designed it and sought it.

All robots,vehicles,biosynths,lights,surfaces,photobioreactors,3D printers, and machinery used in manufacturing process(including construction) like the primary sector and soft/hard infrastructure sector will be coated with graphene paint and then internally and externally in a permanent layer liquid glass and composed of self soldering and healing metals,circuits and polymers and graphene to prevent rust,water and acid degradation,build up of dirt and stains as well as bacteria,cross contamination and damage from external forces with sensors built in that are connected to the factory AI present in factories that will automatically routinely perform factory wide diagnostics or diagnostics on all robots and machinery at set times(logged on the AI) when they are not in use to alert any members of the community to check on them with any problems being sorted out by the community as a whole either in person or remotely through computers.This will also make automated cleaning processes easier with all rooms have narrow wavelength UV lights that expose the surfaces of the floor and machinery to this to sterlise them with if possible the room exposed to radiation of levels of up to 1,000Gy with their being robot cleaners that do cleaning at set times every day.Newer models could be composed of graphene and other carbon composites especially at joints to prevent wear and tear.Routine diagnostics on all systems such as lighting,robots and machinery in all factories will follow an universal colour coded system – blue denoting safe,yellow denoting some concern,green denoting some danger and red denoting severe danger making it easy for the layperson to recognise the level of severity of the problem with other robots designed that can repair them when a problem occurs.If a problem occurs automated measures within the AI system will isolate severely compromised machinery ie. from cyber attacks will be cut off from the AI and other machines until it is solved with AI of compromised buildings from other similar buildings and the rest of the wire until rectified to prevent problems spreading.The AI and thus all robots under its control will have the latest cyber security Soteria installed and constantly updated protecting it from viruses,Trojan’s,cyber attacks etc.All robots,biosynths,machinery will undergo factory wide group and individual diagnostics routinely every week and results logged in the factory AI.Automated corrective measures or those that can be done remotely via the wire for all possible problems will be built into the building AI again view able to the public with simulations created by the AI to create countermeasures.Cameras at key points and on robots equipped with object recognition software will detect abnormalities like debris on the ground that has fallen off the production line and can be picked up by robots modelled off poop scooping robots with floors and all surfaces covered in a layer of liquid glass to allow cleaning by hooverbots to be done more easily.These cameras equipped with this software can allow for other problems to be solved by other corrective measures.Biosynths from Perdix factories can be called in to repair robots and machinery by 2029 with old machinery and robots replaced by newer,faster,cheaper ones routinely by 2029.All aforementioned measures should allow machinery and robots to last for several decades or centuries.factories can and should be automated following a conveyor belt system.They and all cameras especially those on robots will also have liquid glass on them to prevent fog,dirt and water affecting their vision and will give the factory a sense of omniscience alongside nano sensor readings etc.Nanosensors will be in photobioreactors and machinery to measure contaminants and environmental readings with them also in key points of the factory to measure temperature and levels of carbon dioxide,oxygen all gases and liquids fed into the factory AI with cameras controlled by the AI fed into it also measuring and detecting the prescence of fires with them having the ability to move around,zoom etc and switch to IR illuminated,thermal,night and thermal vision,This measures utilised together should prevent the problems associated with the tragedy of the commons.This will remove the need for repairmen as they will be designed to last at least several decades or forever with them replaced by more faster,more energy and space efficient machinery as technology advances with the machinery replaced by a combination of humans and machinery and in time entirely by automation,machinery,robots,biosynths etc within a decade by 2029-2045 controlled by the factory AI with these designed both by the general public and artificial intelligence in the Perdix sub network within Hephaestus and old ones recycled.Thus by 2029 defective and old machinery will be automatically replaced with new better,faster,more compact and more accurate ones completely by automated robots and AI with biosynths soon doing this.The factory AI will replace old robots and machinery with newer faster,cheaper and more compact ones alongside replacing old onboard computers with even more advanced ones routinely by 2029 with biosynth technology allowing for updates via biosynth WiFi.Using compact machinery,photobioreactors,3D printers and even single strains of bacteria that using wifi that can change their DNA present and create synthetic compounds will also negate the need for more photobioreactors meaning their may only need be a single vat for each floor will make each floor compact and allow robots to move in and out.All machinery like robots will be designed to be adaptable to create all types of customised designs of all types of manufactured products with humans as stated replaced by chef robots with hands and cameras,Da vinci surgery robots and in time biosynths.Machinery in Hegemone,Ajax and other factories will be also all in one machinery that creates two or more products ie cleaning products,herbicides,pesticides etc in one machine.Robot chef hands and in time biosynths controlled by the factory AI processing each order will allow certain customised goods to be created in many factories such as Arachne,Agathodaemon,Depnius,Talus,Paidia etc factories since they will replace human workers.All machinery will use nano materials from all 94 elements and Biosynth technology with these nano materials and Biosynth technologies will improve AI computing of each factory allowing them to control all factories with zero human labour and make all machinery that creates all manufactured products exponentially faster,cheaper and compact than existing ones and them malleable enough to create any of the infinite types of manufactured products these and other robots will be controlled by the factory AI.Daedalus factories will have fleets of robots and biosynths controlled by the factory AI that will be used for each new building and can be called in by homeowners,Home and building AI for extensions and renovations.Moulds will be used to create certain customised goods made of synthetic wood,plastic,dough and other food and even steel etc in Agathodaemon,Himeros,Deadalus,Deipneus,Daedalus and other factories with them composed of methane or biosynth based plastic ideally high performance thermoplastic variants that can have a melting point of at least 3,593 – 4,010 degrees celcius meaning methane based thermoplastics should suffice for moulding glass that has a melting point of 1,600 degrees,steel that has a melting point of at least 1,370 degrees celcius with these created by the factory AI extrapolating the size and shape of the mould based on the design with batch orders have large moulds with the same or different design.The plastic nozzle for machines and 3D printers,moulds and movements and steps and even the recipe will be extrapolated by AI namely the sentient operating softwares for each existing and new product and stored in its file.Perdix factories will have biosynths controlled by the factory AI to travel to homes,other factories and also important buildings such as vertical farms,sewage treatment plants,power plants etc in order to fix electronics,onboard computers,machinery and even vehicles in person or collect them and fix them onsite with them called via the building AI and consumers contacting their factories number or Perdix himself.Moulds will be used to create certain customised goods made of synthetic synthetic wood,plastic,dough and other food and even steel etc in Agathodaemon,Himeros,Deadalus,Deipneus,Daedalus and other factories with them composed of methane or biosynth based plastic ideally high performance thermoplastic variants that can have a melting point of at least 3,593 – 4,010 degrees celcius meaning methane based thermoplastics should suffice for moulding glass that has a melting point of 1,600 degrees,steel that has a melting point of at least 1,370 degrees celcius with these created by the factory AI extrapolating the size and shape of the mould based on the design with batch orders have large moulds with the same or different design.The plastic nozzle for machines and 3D printers,moulds and movements and steps and even the recipe will be extrapolated by AI namely the sentient operating softwares for each existing and new product and stored in its file.A person who frequently orders the same product created with the same mould can have the factory keep and reuse it for future orders with them housing biosynth chips to allow them to be stored in the factory and tracked down later on when needed.Since made of methane or biosynth based plastics once used the moulds can be broken down into methane and have the methane stored and reused for other moulds needed later on in a looped cycle.Biosynth thermoplastics can be used too as they will be broken down into microbes to be then reused over and over again.These would be created and made in all types of factories with the AI extrapolating the size and shape of the mould based on the design with batch orders have large moulds with the same or different design for each item in that batch.Some products from Agathodaemon,Diagoras and Paidia etc will be printed put at home whole or in pieces and assembled.3D printers that print out plastic,paper,glass,electric boards and cardboard will be onsite of certain ones with 3D DNA printers present as well.3D DNA printers will print out bacteria and microbes into vat onsite of most factories.Miniaturised all in one machinery will be present to make customised orders of all types.Software within Pandora will like buildings and vehicles test their suitably for each factory and application through simulations thus again negating the need for corporations in their manufacture with existing models scanned in.Machinery designed in Perdix will undergo simulation tests by AI as to their suitability with ideally only AI by 2029 able to design them instead of the general public with those submitted by humans modified by AI to make them efficient and safe.Home energy systems such as solar panels,VAWTs,HAWTs(as well as those that are used in marco power plants) as well as machinery and materials used in construction,framing and mariculture will also be present here and will also be designed by all types of AI including Gaia,factory AIs etc and the public as well as going through the same simulations before added to Perdix.In time machinery in factories will become biosynth with dexterous muscular and neural systems consisting of invitro and graphene muscles possibly having organic flesh and neural pathways as part of the factory building.Existing machinery for all sectors will be scanned into here.Robots modelled on humans or just human arms and hands including variants of robotic chefs on rails will replace any remaining work done by humans in all types of factories with all of these and other specific machinery fitted with cameras that replace the human eye fed into the factory AI to ensure the operations for each custom made product is perfect with these having IR illuminator,normal vision and zoom features to detect abnormalities on a microscopic scale that humans simply cannot.The factory AI via cameras and biosynth nanosensors at each part of the production line,diagnostics,robots and biosynths will replace all humans that manage the quality control of both products but also the quality control of the factory itself.All machinery like robots will be designed to be adaptable to all types of customised designs with humans as stated replaced by chef robots with hands and cameras,Da vinci surgery robots and in time biosynths.All if these and other robots will be controlled by the factory AI.Daedalus factories will have fleets of robots and biosynths controlled by the factory AI that will be used for each new building and can be called in by homeowners,Home and building AI for extensions and renovations.Perdix factories will have biosynths controlled by the factory AI to travel to homes,other factories and also important buildings such as vertical farms,sewage treatment plants,power plants etc in order to fix electronics,onboard computers,machinery and even vehicles in person or collect them and fix them onsite with them called via the building AI and consumers contacting their factories number or Perdix himself.Moulds will be used to create certain customised goods made of wood,plastic,dough and other food and even steel etc in Agathodaemon,Himeros,Deadalus,Deipneus,Daedalus and other factories with them composed of methane or biosynth based plastic ideally high performance thermoplastic variants that can have a melting point of at least 3,593 – 4,010 degrees celcius meaning methane based thermoplastics should suffice for moulding glass that has a melting point of 1,600 degrees,steel that has a melting point of at least 1,370 degrees celcius with these created by the factory AI extrapolating the size and shape of the mould based on the design with batch orders have large moulds with the same or different design.The plastic nozzle for machines and 3D printers,moulds and movements and steps and even the recipe will be extrapolated by AI namely the sentient operating softwares for each existing and new product and stored in its file.A person who frequently orders the same product created with the same mould can have the factory keep and reuse it for future orders with them housing biosynth chips to allow them to be stored in the factory and tracked down later on when needed.Since made of methane or biosynth based plastics once used the moulds can be broken down into methane and have the methane stored and reused for other moulds needed later on in a looped cycle.Biosynth thermoplastics can be used too as they will be broken down into microbes to be then reused over and over again.These would be created and made in all types of factories with the AI extrapolating the size and shape of the mould based on the design with batch orders have large moulds with the same or different design for each item in that batch.3D printers that print out plastic,paper,glass,electric boards and cardboard will be onsite of certain ones with 3D DNA printers present as well.Some products from Agathodaemon,Diagoras and Paidia etc will be printed put at home whole or in pieces and assembled.3D DNA printers will print out bacteria and microbes into vat onsite of most factories.The utilisation of miniaturised machinery,3D printers will make all factories compact with them being all in one machinery able to process any customised product in bulk for some ie Himeros,Agathodaemon and also Deipneus and for one on one for others with them able to make as many different types customised products on each floor of each factory type to make factories smaller,compact.This will allow them to create different types of products in one machine allowing for each floor to make as many different products making them compact with them covered in liquid glass to allow for gravity to clean them preventing cross contamination especially in Himeros,Agathodaemon and Deipneus factories.All robots and machinery will be part or the factory AI since directly fed and connected to it rather than separate individuals and should if possible be on a rail system,use caterpillar tracks and skeletons similar to that of humans to allow for smooth transport depending on where they are in each type of factory and in time biosynths will be employed.Cameras will be at key points of the factory line with these and readings of all machinery will be fed into the AI constantly.This will give the AI omniscience over all operations occurring at once and detect any faults the second they occur allowing for automated corrective measures to be carried out.Advances in AI and software will improve the efficiency of all factories as the AI and all its data transferred to new onboard computers with the old one recycled and the AI of each factory becoming sentient individuals like those of public amenities,vertical farms and all buildings connected to the wire.Automated factories will have diagnostics run routinely on all machinery and robots which will be logged in the factory AI and visible to the public via Hephaestus and Hermes.Also present and visible in the same networks of Hermes and Hephaestus are cameras at key points of the production line alongside nanosensors both of which their readings will be logged and visible to the public as well.If any problems occur(though they will be built not to have problems) then it will alert the public to them via appearing in the wire with an universal colour coded measurement of the problem(as stated earlier) and name appearing on the wire and and also alerting key members or all members of the community and locale it is in with all factories around the world and above data being visible to everyone the world over via Hephaestus and Hermes.If a problem occurs automated measures within the AI system will isolate severely compromised machinery ie. from cyber attacks will be cut off from the AI and other machines until it is solved with AI of compromised buildings from other similar buildings and the rest of the wire until rectified to prevent problems spreading.The AI and thus all robots under its control will have the latest cyber security installed and constantly updated.Automated corrective measures or those that can be done remotely via the wire for all possible problems will be built into the factory AI again view able to the public.Advances in AI by at least 2029 will allow for the factory AI to adapt to any new situation with any faults and problems logged by time and date and its nature.Storedot wall batteries will be charged by the grid and also VAWTs,solar panels,quantum dot windows etc will be in those in prone to disasters to provide energy for at least two to four weeks with those in areas prone to floods and tsunamis at least ten feet from the ground or ten feet walls foamcrete walls covered with graphene paint under liquid glass with tsunami walls composed of carbon composites that rise from warnings from Prometheus.These should be in all factories to deal with blackouts.The vast majority of manufacturing hubs and also recycling hubs energy will come from organic pyrolysis plants that will alleviate strains from geothermal plants with the organic waste plants gaining energy from ingoing organic waste and also biochar programmes with the different power plants deciding when to power these by constant interactions.Onsite fusion and other power plants and also energy from solar arrays and dyson spheres will power them.Energy may come from that directly produced by prolysis plants that pyrolysise organic waste etc that also power the local recycling hubs.Each factory will have bins in them or in time pneumatic pipes connecting them to nearby recycling hubs to send any rubbish of all types controlled by robotics with even those on the floor picked up and sent to specific bins,pipes etc.Watertight doors can be used to prevent water getting in which will closed during these periods and those in areas prone to floods and tsunamis can have miniature flood tunnels or connections to the local one leading away from the factories under them to capture it and treat it into water to be used by the factory and the surrounding area as determined by Tyche and the factory AI with all factories intaking water from the local supply all year round but these and rainwater collection systems alleviating strains on them especially in drought prone areas.Porous asphalt should be in land surrounding them.This should prevent the problems associated with the tragedy of the commons.To save energy the lighting must use CSYS LED lighting on at night time only with robots also using IR illuminator cameras and since they will have no humans there most of the time the lights will be out 24/7,365 days a year but will only turn on when recognition software present recognises humans entering it managed by the AI or through light switch present.Cameras monitoring machinery and those on machinery and robots etc will thus use IR illumination and or night vision in order to allow remote monitoring to be done when the lights are off and will be coated in liquid glass to negate cleaning and make them waterproof.Ventilation systems must be present at key points and sprayed internally and externally with liquid glass to prevent them from getting fogged by dirt and have windows that open automatically when fires occur to suck out smoke until levels are low according to nanosensors and also automated systems that can lower the temperature.These ventilation systems will aid in preventing fires by removing flammable and toxic gases from the factories rooms.Nanosensors should be encased in casings to replace existing bulky smoke alarm models with them connected to and extracting energy from the grid ensuring that they function 24/7 and don’t need batteries to be replaced or go faulty.Diagnostics will be done at set periods automatically and results logged with results visible in relevant folders with any faults repaired with them replaced by robots delivering and installing them into ground level plugs.When fires occur local firefighter emergency systems will be alerted as to the location of the building via the factory AI similar to homes fires will be dealt with rooms locked to prevent it spreading with the door made of a fire resistant material with it ideally being pneumatic.Fire Ice built into the walls or compartments can be connected to onsite hoses that connected to automated triggers drop down and put out any fires when they occur with cameras on them allowing them to detect fires.These could be be connected to a rail system on the roof where they will be allowed to move from room to room with each factory especially those with a high chance of fires occurring having these and/or miniaturised firefighting robots stored in specialised rooms that activate when needed to compliment and at least alleviate the intensity of the fire before those from local fire stations arrive.They could be stored in the main Aphrodite central building and thus responding to fire alarms in all buildings send them instantly to again put out as much as the fire before it spreads.Ideally these robots would be cone shaped an/or like those that have meters of hosing connected to them and have the FireIce within them that can be refilled with the Fire Ice produced onsite,from robots that move in refill them from nearby factories or they can connect to the water mains via specialised points in each main room that can refill them or allow their piping to connect to them to extract water from the mains.Fire hydrants that interact with the AI of factories can be dotted at key points and connected to the water mains will be able bend and fire water to where the fire is.They may even go underground several feet and rise upwards to reach farther.The FireICe to serve these factories but also to be ordered in by public buildings and homeowners through Agathodaemon in factories within these hubs by trading in the canister for a full one with empty ones filled on a conveyor belt system with FireIce factories as part of the manufacturing hubs with canisters composed of graphene due to its strength and lightness and the size of them designed here on Agathodaemon.These FireIce factories that allow the public order in refills can be connected to those that are prone to fires via underground piping connected to their sprinkler system to interact with the AI of all factories and activate in relevant ones when needed with these FirICe factories producing it for the general public and public building AIs to order it in when low.Sprinkler systems would use nozzles to open and close and thus spray the FireIce in rooms that a fire is in and switch to water once this is used.In time a biosynth firefighter will be onsite of all factories of even just Aphrodite buildings with its own canisters of FireIce that will be refilled to allow it to respond instantly to any fires to put them out instantly or at least quell them until those from local fire stations arrive to slow the encroachment of the fire,limiting damage with repairs done by Daedalus factory biosynth.AI will design measures to prevent fires and limit damage such as have graphene in the matrix of all doors,structures,wall,fireproof fungi and hempcrete insulation with cameras and smoke alarms connected to the building AI to detect them in their early stage.Rooms where fires can easily occur should have graphene watertight doors that close instantly when a fire is detected with graphene paint on all walls to prevent the spread of fires.Hemp and fungi insulation can also be used in walls,floors and ceilings to prevent the spread off fires.Each fire and fault will be logged and analysed by the factory AI alongside all of those from the past two centuries to prevent future ones occurring with the AI also carrying out simulations on all possible faults/fires to create viable countermeasures.Each room could behave watertight graphene doors to contain fires and have graphene paint on all walls since it has a high melting point roughly 4,726.85 degrees celcius will protect doors from it and prevent it going up or down or into other rooms.Other preventative measures as detailed later on will be installed with each room having plugged in fire alarms consisting of a small box that contains nanosensors to detect temperature and gases synonymous with fires alongside cameras to alert Prometheus fire services.This will also be replicated in the hard and soft infrastructure buildings and entities such as sewage and waste water treatment plants.Thus since no humans will work in factories they can produce goods 24/7,365 days a year with the AI of all factories managed and linked by Hephaestus operating software Aphrodite interacting with Triptolemus,Chrysus,Persephone,Pan,Pontus within Demeter and Tyche,Cassandra within Hermes as well as other networks with the wire when needed with materials ordered in from the nearest source to cut down on energy costs.Extensions should at first built underground and on roofs using graphene paint and construction material composed of carbon composites

Cleaning of both factories and community centres will be done by hooverbots and poop scooping robots collecting dirt with all floors and surfaces covered in permanent layers of liquid glass to make it easier for them to clean.All machinery,photobioreactors,floors,surfaces etc will be covered in a permenant layer of liquid glass to make them water,dirt and acid proof and allow dirt to be removed by gravity.Robots and in time nanoquadrocopters will spray the area in UV light to kill all bacteria with in time UV lights on the ceiling doing this in sterilising sweeps.Any photobioreactors containing bacterias that produce commodities should be automatically covered during them to prevent them dying.Sterilising sweeps would be done ideally by narrow range wavelengths of UV lights in order to kill off bacteria on all machinery,conveyor belts that would contaminate products with the products even sterilised themselves this way to prevent the spread of pathogens across the globe or even universe.Ideally these would be on the roof of each room to negate the need for robots.Vehicles will be coated internally and externally with liquid glass with UV lights in the back and front of each vehicle.Irradiation can also be applied to sterilise them internally if down not to damage.All vehicles used would be covered internally and externally in liquid glass and also have narrow wavelength UV lights in the interior both back and front that would sterilise them to again prevent the spread of microbes especially those from other countries.All products of all types such as vehicles,electronics,clothing etc will be exposed to irradiation onsite of factories before they leave including doses of 500-1,000Gy at the behest of the consumer and if shown to not affect the product to sterilise them especially if it involves orders from different regions,countries and continents when local factories are busy.

Types of Manufacturing:
There are seven types of production methods that can be employed are:
•3D Printing
•Automation with 3D printing
•Automation/machinery with handmade components
•Homemade with 3D printing
•Homemade,automation and 3D printing combined

Effective use of all seven methods can cut costs in production as well as energy and other resources.As stated earlier products will be designed on software or scanned in using handheld devices such as smartphones and smartpads or software like Sprout and desktop scanners with advances in mind reading technology allowing them to created using images from thoughts.

Homemade manufacturing should be used as a last resort and to produce items that cant be automated or 3D printed or to save energy by localising production at home and allowing factories to be converted into homes or gardens.This should be of note of food products,cleaning products,cosmetics,paints,some electronics such as all flashlights and lamps to be homemade using locally sourced or 3D printed materials and similar products which can allow customisation with regards to ingredients suited to ones diet or preferences that could not happen in factories or through corporations as well as limiting the inclusion of potential toxic chemicals and preservatives including those that are carcinogens or destroy the ozone layer.Products manufactured this way would be expected to last a lifetime or as long as possible with all food products stored in bulk.Synthetic compounds can be created by bacteria via anabolic and catabolic reactions with natural ones using relevant recombinant DNA from animals and plants at home in photobioreactors and stored in bulk.Clothing that is homemade would involve one ordering in sheets customised cloth of any plant or animal textile from Arachne factories with homemade furniture etc involving synthetic wood planks etc designed on Pandora ordered in from Epeius factories with synthetic wood created for these planks and sheets of wood with this even applied for homemade home.Concrete,synthetic wood,insulation,steel etc will be ordered in from Daedalus factories.These can be done at home or in community centres devoted to producing goods for personal and communal use on a bulk scale i.e. cleaning products,cosmetics,alcoholic drinks and milks.Ideally community centres should have the machinery to allow homemade products to be created in bulk or in the case of clothing one machine per each type of clothing and so on etc. and larger and more specialised 3D printers for printing larger objects alongside scanners.They could also contain gradually miniaturised versions of automated machinery to produce electronics,food,clothing,ceramics etc.making them self sufficient with the consumer opting to have them produced them here instead of large scale factories with textiles gained from on site hydroponically grown plants, micro/macro algae and bacteria with others from home,vertical farms,sewage treatment plants and other local sources.If something cannot be done by machines or 3D printers then it should be homemade with YouTube providing a venue to share recipes and methods.All homemade products can be uploaded into Hephaestus by scanning them in.Cosmetics,cleaning products and manufactured food products will be made via photobioreactors with bacteria creating them via anabolic and catabolic reactions and also recombinant DNA and then mixed in set amounts with the operating softwares directing them on how to create strains to alleviate strains on factories.Recipes of cosmetics,cleaning products and food products stored in the Deipnus,Himeros and Ajax etc networks can be streamed by biosynths and robot chef robots as well as humans through google lenses and glasses and also e-newspapers thus allowing them to be produced at home with those created by biosynths and robot chefs being indistinguishable from the real thing.Certain products will be created this way to negate the need for extra machinery for them.Recipes for homemade cosmetics,cleaning products and manufactured food products can using biosynth nano sensors can be uploaded to their networks in Hephaestus.Mass unemployment due to AI and automation will leave people with time to create homemade products especially in bulk.YouTube videos and classes in Apollo will give people the tools to create homemade products with VR technology and its time dilation effect will allow people to master them quickly.Robot chefs and Biosynths at home will aid people in creating large batches of them with photobioreactors and bacteria creating natural and synthetic compounds either at home or ordered in from factories and farms.This will alleviate strains on orders from factories and be a hobby.

The advantages of homemade goods are:
•It saves energy in production and transportation as well as having to pick up any finished products.It also alleviates strains on factories with this of note to Hegemone,Ajax,Himeros and Deipneus.
•It allows products to be made until automation and 3D printing is sufficiently advanced with it also acting as a backup for these should technological breakdowns occur.
•It allows individuals to develop manufacturing skills for products produced for themselves that have been lost due to sweatshops and large scale commercialisation and in time automation thus providing intrinsic satisfaction from its production.The fact that people will no longer be constrained by time consuming jobs will mean they will have time to develop these skills.People will order in materials from factories ie planks and sheets of wood from Epeius factories,concrete etc from Daedalus factories,cloth of any fabric and textile of any size and colour from Arachne factories with there being thousands of videos on YouTube detailing how to make all types of homemade manufactured products with even How Its Made videos on YouTube and eventually Dionysus being availible as steps.Home AI and even the sentient software of each factory type will be able to create on the spot videos to each videos with one creating a plan in Pandora or within the Home AI.
•Producing said item as a gift or part of a ceremony to a friend or lover gives the product more value to the receiver since effort and skill was developed to produce it.
•Non toxic organic materials and ingredients can be used in their construction this is of note to paints,cosmetics,food products drastically reducing the amount that enter our body and thus the water cycle via sinks,baths,showers and sewage systems
•It can allow for a wider range of customisation in terms of materials used and designs that wouldn’t be be possible otherwise in factory produced goods especially in the case of food products and cosmetics
•Packaging used for these products can be 3D printed at home or in a local community centre once and reused over and over for a lifetime meaning it saves on waste being disposed of reducing the need for recycling factories for specific materials like plastic as well as factories for producing the packaging allowing both to be used as homes and other uses butting also saving on energy in the creation of these packaging both in extraction of raw materials and production but also in recycling.

The wide range of materials that can be 3D printed such as methane plastics,rubber,carbon fibres,hydrogel(for condoms and other products)metals,concrete,chocolate,paper,woods,glass and in time pharmaceuticals,detergents etc. and wide range of sizes of the printers allows for a wide range of materials to be manufactured this way and allow for items to printed whole or in parts that can be assembled by hand.Algae resin should not be used to prevent loss of phosphorous and nitrogen.Research into printers that can print out products composed of multiple materials at once or separately should be made to be more space and resource efficient and although current models can be sluggish the technology is getting better at doing printing even faster.Combining ATP,DNA,Peptide biological computers and superconductive,biological hard drives,biosynth technology,supercapacitor technologies and quantum computing,artificial intelligence alongside improvements in the nozzle shape and width will further increase and enhance their efficiency,performance,speed and capacity at printing out items in different materials.By 2029-2045 the speed will have improved to the point to make most orders done in minutes.Nozzles for 3D printers could be printed out and added to printers by automation etc.Materials will be created in photobioreactors at by bacteria by recombinant DNA and both catabolic and anabolic reactions home and in factories,universities etc and then poured into them automatically.3D printers can be designed by the individual and manufactured in a factory for use for everyone else as well as also by other 3D printers in the case of RepRap wherein a 3D printer prints out the parts of a 3D printer which can be assembled into another 3D printer and so on.These and other other 3D printers can be of varying shapes and sizes for use in homes,community centres,hospital and university labs,micro and macro sized factories for printing out specific components,entire tools,products,equipment and packaging.Large multi-material printers in each community centres,hospitals etc can allow for a wide variety of goods to be produced and picked up in person eliminating energy in transporting them to the consumer.These can be onsite of all factories eliminating certain machinery by printing out small and large parts of each customised products that are then assembled together at home or in the factory.These will be onsite of hospitals and universities to possibly eliminate the need for Euclid factories.3D printers would be onsite of homes,community centres and also universities and hospitals with one choosing specifically to use that specific ones to print out their product when needed rather than at factories.Each factory will have 3D printers onsite of them of varying size to print out packaging as well as parts or whole items with them onsite of all types that do so for various materials ie food printers onsite of Deipneus ones,carbon composite as well as rubber and plastic ones on Selene ones,plastic ones on Agathodaemon/Paidia etc,glass ones in Ganymede factories ones and so on.Certain items from Agathodaemon,Paidia,Diagoras,Ganymede,Euclid etc can be printed at home,community centres or in hospitals etc via choosing to do so with the printer linked to their computer etc and them choosing the option to do so at home etc with them printed out in whole or in parts then assembled at home.Largeish ones will be in community centres or basements of private and communal homes to print out large items such as gardening tools with some items printed out in pieces.Items can be printed in full or or in pieces and assembled this applying to items such as toys,furniture,musical instruments etc.Those onsite of universities and hospitals etc will be large ones in basements or even in specific labs with those in home both private and communal being either small ones in bedrooms etc or large multi material ones in basements and storerooms used in the case of communal homes by all residents.They will be ordered in from Talus factories.Lost pieces of toys etc and reusable containers will be primarily used by consumers with those in hospitals printing out lab equipment etc.Ideally large items to be printed out should ideally be printed in small pieces at home and then assembled with assembly manuals in electronic form and how to videos for assembly generated by AI who designed it visible in the receipt or in the the page to download it.Toys that would be printed out would printed whole or allow to print out individual part if they are lost or missing-3D printing will cater to certain products such as toys and even household items with them done on home printers or even community centre based one.Certain factories will contain printers to print out certain parts or even packaging.

Eventually nanotech/prefabricator fabricators at home,in factories and centres will replace all of these methods of production as it would allow an individual to create personalised pattern files of all manufactured products including drinks,food,cosmetics and components of robots(that are assemble piece by piece by hand at home)could be shared online decentralising the manufacturing and recycling process completely allowing for most manufactured goods(including specific customised rock types and precious gems) to be made and recycled at home either in basements of communal homes or specific rooms such as kitchens and sitting rooms as well as hospitals with factories (with the exception for vehicle factories)and most types of recycling plants to be converted into homes or other uses.The AI of these buildings will remain and change their functions as a farm or home AI with in time vehicle,furniture and prefabricated home factories containing larger versions creating them without machinery very quickly.These pattern files would show how much of each elements that the product would require in its manufacture on Hephaestus with the consumers smart devices and computers linked to the fabricators to ensure the consumer has enough of each element to produce it.Known patterns of all compounds organic and synthetic would be derived from the database in Artemis namely Physis and allow for designs of products in Hephaestus to be composed though interaction between the two.They could be programmed to produce any existing compounds in existence and new ones(including new types of rocks,minerals and gems) via personalised created patterns of elements and compounds through experimentation or through programming the fabricators to randomly create new molecules,organic and inorganic compounds,proteins,peptones,peptides,amino acids,minerals,enzymes,antibiotics,alloys,pharmaceutical compounds or even entire strands of DNA and chromosomes that don’t exist.It could also theoretically allow for one to produce both a cup and/or glass or cutlery alongside both food and drink controlling the nutrient content and flavours present and their intensity.With regards to food meals can be designed on Pandora and stored in Hephaestus.In terms of solid foods the would design each ingredient and give it a marker to denote it from other ones,the layout and shape of each ingredient,the shape of cutlery used and in liquid drinks they would simply denote the liquid they wanted in it ie juice,alcohol and also again containers to hold it in or have it put into a pre made container and in both cases what flavourings and colouring with the user able to make customisation to the level of nutrients such as proteins and what proteins are present with the same applying to individual carbohydrates,minerals,vitamins and fats (and colouring and flavourings) which can be saved in a subfolder for each meal saved and favourites there.It could also on the same sub-network allow consumers to design their own custom made supplements containing only one type of mineral or vitamin or numerous or all with protein supplements/powder/TVP containing desired proteins/peptides etc in custom made amounts with little or no fats and carbohydrates(again the amount and type custom made).Food will be divided first by human,then livestock(by animal species and breed) and then pets(animals species and breed) with meals from restaurants also stored here.DNA can be designed by software to include specific genes at specifics points to exhibit specific phenotypes and can aid in genetic engineering and creating new individuals from a single strand of DNA to aid in conservation efforts and stored in Artemis.Pharmaceutical compounds,antibiotics,proteins,peptones etc created through this randomisation or experimentation can then be tested both on animals and against all known compounds in automated labs.Newly developed nanocompounds and alloys can then be tested with other existing ones and also their properties tested against different conditions ie stress,electricity,weather,temperature by itself and with existing ones to test their suitability construction and electronics and other commercial and scientific applications.Waste products including food,electronics and cutlery etc. would be then broken down into raw elements or molecules and stored inside the fabricators storage unit which could be measured and identified on the machines menu and then stocked up by simply adding blocks or pellets of raw elements or molecules containing specified elements or adding existing unwanted goods to be broken down in time.The fabricator will also be able to create pellets and blocks of elements for use in other fabricators.Food produced via this will alleviate strains on land,community farms,vertical farms,water,nitrogen and phosphorous eliminating food scarcity completely.All internal components will be coated in a permanent layer of liquid glass to prevent any residues of all products created this way especially pharmaceutical compounds mixing in with others such as drinks and food.Drinks would be made with water stored in a different compartment put in by hand(or created by the fabricators with hydrogen gained from bacteria and oxygen gained from pipes that lead outside when combining them if it is possible to do so without explosive reactions can be achieved though picotech fabricators could do this more safely) and then colourings,sugars,flavourings and other ingredients composed and added to them.The software built into these would also prevent any toxic materials and element from being produced intentionally for suicidal and homicidal purposes and would be linked to Paean to ensure that only prescription,over the counter drugs and recreational drugs are produced when needed(with their custom made amounts of active ingredients based on their age,gender etc) and are logged to prevent abuse and overdosing.Cosmetics would be synthesised by having the another sub network Himeros that would have people input the list of each organic ingredient in specified amounts and then the fabricator would cross reference this with the Physis database to compose them with each product having subfolders with the custom made ingredients viewable as a page with picture and a list of these ingredients similar to all manufactured goods with variations of the amount of ingredients then viewable as hyperlinks to other pages.The nanomachines that would build these products could be powered via wireless energy transmitters within the fabricator itself drawing energy wirelessly from the house.If possible bio-synthetic versions of this technology could be developed using microbes that synthesise materials similar to the chemical reactions that occur in the body such as DNA and other anabolic reactions to build organic or even synthetic compounds and then material bit by bit.Thus they could create not just water but also proteins,carbohydrates and inorganic compounds and synthetic compounds.This anabolic and even catabolic reactions could reduce the amount of energy to be required and even prevent explosions when creating water as well as allow wastes to be recycled more easily and synthesised into more useful materials with the microbes nanomachines receiving signals for each instruction.This could involve billions of microbes working together or larger ones the size of a small animal through engineering.Combining ATP,DNA,Peptide biological computers and superconductive,biological hard drives,supercapacitor technologies and quantum computing will further increase and enhance their efficiency,performance and capacity to prevent overheating and other features they each individually have making them functional as fabricators.These would also be used to break down the components of pyrolosised bioremediated waste to separate carbon for commercial purposes and the pollutant(heavy metals,pharmaceuticals,radioactive materials) in it into inert compounds for other uses(or break it down completely into its various elemental atoms into inert elements for use in creating other products) as well as separate or fuse back together elements from waste products collected from chemical and energy reactions as well as from human and animal excreta to recycle them and ensure continued abundance.It is for these reasons that intensive research into this technology should be done.In time they will eventually replaced by picotechnology fabricators that utilise the Breit Wheeler process which should be availible between 2100-2200 largely due to advances in AI namely Hecate,Gaia,Urania etc and will allow matter to be created out of pure energy similar to the Breit-Wheeler process(and vice versa) theoretically allowing for pico and fematology fabricators to be developed with atoms created from sub atomic particles and then to form compounds and waste material turned back into energy negating the need to stock on atoms for the production of goods thus eliminating scarcity altogether.Picotech fabricators could also break down atoms into their sub atomic particles to be rearranged into other elements when needed with this done for waste atoms or convert them into energy,stored in batteries to be used for other purposes such as powering the grid and create more raw materials.This could be a means to deal with nuclear waste,toxic waste from all types of factories and also waste ores,food and manufactured products.Once this is perfected then all types of rubbish will be dealt with this way with until then recycling hubs used with these then turned into homes and residential areas.These would be both onsite of homes,vertical farms,hospitals and universities,space stations,interstellar vessels and even manufacturing hubs in Aphrodite buildings.Community centres may have larger ones.Both nanotech and picotech fabricators could be of varying sizes like 3D printers with them onsite of homes,hospitals,universities and even community centres with them used for inconvenience in these circumstances with them able to produce all items except vehicles with furniture and large items created in parts that are then assembled by hand.Factories would still be used in instances where these break down and need to be repaired,to use less energy in production as factories wont use the Breit Wheeler process such as when energy from dyson swarms etc is not availible for any reason or to reduce energy use in cases where it needs to be used for other uses.It will also be used in instances to produce products that fabricators cannot create due to their size etc or if people like using conventional delivery methods.To cut down on reliance of intensive picotech fabricators conventional delivery methods will account for at least 70-85% of orders with fabricators in homes etc will be used for instances where orders from factories will take too long due to supply and demand,for emergencies for those who live in islands and other instances with AI determining its viability so as to not be too reliant on this energy intensive means thus cutting down on global energy use and ensuring it can also be used to create meals and raw elements in Aphrodite buildings and water for showers etc to prevent energy from dyson swarms etc being overstrained.Waste food and unwanted products or even material like hair urine and feces etc can be converted into energy to be then turned into other products.They will be ubiquitous in space stations,bases and interstellar vehicles with these complimented by 3D printers and also hydroponics,in vitro meat and bacteria and algae based commodities used to alleviate energy strains with the picotech fabricators rationed and replaced by the aforementioned agriculture methods on board to limit use when energy is scarce with it used primarily to create water and essential components with material from asteroids,material orbiting moons and solar wind etc etc harvested by vessels and stations will be then using the fabricator turned into energy and thus used to produce other raw materials including food etc or used to power essential systems such as transport and messaging distress beacons.Interstellar vessels will in these instances order in all other items that cant be created by them.In time picotech fabricators will be housed in the central Aphrodite building of each manufacturing hub creating any raw material especially ores,metals,gases and even water on demand or in bulk for its expected demand for the coming decades ordered in by the surrounding factories with these ideally created stored in multistorey buildings within the manufacturing hubs so as to allow the AI of surrounding factories order in elements when needed with it managed by the Aphrodite software holding a statue of her in the lobby alongside the receptionist etc with each one having their own independent personality etc.These Aphrodite buildings will have 94 stories for each element and also others for recycled waste to be used by all factories with each floor housing large supplies of each element or even two or more thus making them shorter and more compact with them stored in stable ores and if need be liquid in drums or photobioreactors etc with all of this decided by Aphrodite.If need be there could be two or three floors ontop of each other for each element depending on the demands of the region with extensions moving elements floors up or down.These fabricators would be powered by fusion and other power source plants ie quantum singularities,star in a box and they will eliminate scarcity of all raw materials such as ores,elements etc especially rare ones and those that are geographically scare eliminating one region having an monopoly and will save time in having to have to mine and extract the required materials and eliminate scarcity of any element that are in finite numbers on Earth.These buildings would ideally produce an entire regions needs of all raw elemental ores over the coming decades to even millennia and store them there for them to be ordered in from surrounding factories with vertical farms,factories and community farms creating their decades or millennia supply of nitrogen,phosphorous and even water etc onsite used in looped cycles.Energy for these would come from nearby or onsite fusion/singularity power plants and also energy from solar arrays and dyson swarms to alleviate strains from the grid with the different power plants deciding when to power these by constant interactions.Since these would be created in batches they would only draw energy from dyson swarms,solar arrays and local or onsite fusion power plants once every few years or decades.As a result of this and the localised manufacturing of goods in manufacturing hubs alongside localised rearing of crops onsite of home,community and vertical farms and the downloading of crops and livestock into seeds and embryos etc seaports will become either obsolete or even more compact allowing them to be reforested or turned into residential areas since all communities will become self sufficient in their manufacturing of goods and food production.The fabricators themselves themselves would more likely take up an entire room with the it then transported to where it would be stored in drums etc in stable ores or in oils and water for those that are highly reactive to oxygen with gases in either ores or created inside containers like gas canisters.Otherwise they will be made into stable schwarzites atom thick allotrops and them then broken down into base atoms when needed.If possible this technology would possibly make stable ores of artificial elements who can then be used for other uses as themselves and also atom thick allotropes,schwarzites etc and would eliminate scarcity any rare or geographically scare elements over the coming millennia with hexagonal planer allotropes of all elements including gases will alleviate scarcity by making them more space and resource efficient especially in electronics.Utilising graphane,borophene,lithosene and alumene and other hexagonal planer allotropes of all elements will make them more efficient in their resource use but also allow for these allotropes of abundant elements to replace more expensive geologically scare ones such as rare earths in electronics,vehicles etc until picotechnology is perfected due to them exhibiting properties similar to rare earths etc that are different to their original non hexagonal allotropes as shown by graphene and carbyne an allotrope of carbon one of the most abundant and least environmentally destructive element to procure having higher melting points,strengths and also electro and thermoconductivity than not just other allotropes of carbon but also other elements by themselves.This would increase the efficiency and reduce environmental impact of manufacturing solar panels,batteries etc with synthetic materials such as plastics also being substitutes for heavy metals and rare earths.As a result research into hexagonal allotropes of all elements will be pursued.Recycling of all material especially electronics etc will be pursued.Both picotechnology and also hexagonal allotropes of all known elements will be used to ensure no country across the world will have an monopoly of any element and prevent scarcity and thus any country creating scarcity via embargoes etc and also allow them to be produced on site of manufacturing hubs worldwide making them self sufficient.It would also negate the need for mining that can be environmentally destructive especially for rare earths.This would allow any element in raw or ore form be created on an unlimited scale onsite of Aphrodite buildings and also prevent one country having a monopoly of any type of element.This would eliminate scarcity of all elements,metals and ores indefinitely and would eliminate any country from having an monopoly on any elements and also trade wars and any imperialist wars rendering all remaining reserves of all elements especially geographically scare and rare ones worthless to all countries as each Aphrodite building in each manufacturing hub could create decades,centuries or even millions of years worth of them onsite making all countries and regions self sufficient in them and negate the need to mine for environmentally destructive ones.Energy for these would come from fusion power,solar arrays,dyson swarms and theoretical quantum singularities from local power plants.Since Gaia,Steropes and Hecate computing power will exceed that of all 9,000,000,000 humans on the planet by 2045 it would be possible for proto versions to exist by 2050 coupled with fusion power developed at this point with fully fledged version availible by 2100-2200.Harvesting all of the energy availible from the Earths mantle could by 2045-2100 be enough to power picotechnology directly or through stored energy.The home or factory AI would selectively use energy from these sources rather than from than from other sources such as geothermal or oil etc for these.Both nano and picotech fabricators can be fixed using instructions by AI like conventional electronics with them preventing any country having a stronghold on elements indefinitely.This would prevent any country having a stronghold on any elements indefinitely especially specific ones such as rare earths and will eliminate markets for all elements pushing the cost for them to virtually zero provided their is enough energy.Dyson swarms,stars in a box devices,fusion power and singularities available between 2050-2200 should cater to this for the next trillion years.Until then research will be made to make allotropes of all 94 elements on the periodic table with the same atom thick hexagonal structure as graphene and borophene.It would make technologies more resource efficient with these hexagonal elemental allotropes having unique properties that don’t exist in current allotropes of the elements possibly making them replacements for rare,toxic,expensive and geographically scare elements.This would be due to graphene having different properties than its base element and other elements like graphenes ability to conduct and store electrical energy and its high melting point,strength,electroconductivity and also thermoconductivity in comparison to carbon itself and also other elements thus allowing graphene to replace Copper and most rare earths.Schwarzites,nanotubes,buckyballs,double nanotubes and their equivalents of carbyne and graphyne,diamonds,graphite etc of these will also be investigated.Research can be made into double nanotubes – a nanotube within a nanotube can be made including one where the two nanotubes are composed of the same element,those composed of two different elements as well as variations of carbyne composed of two nanotubes of two different materials and a central single linear chain of different elements by AI extrapolating all possible combinations.Alloys of these different nanomaterials will be made with them mixed together and with biosynth technology to increase resistance to heat and pressure,thermoconductivity etc to enhance their properties and be stable at room temperature.This will include not just the metallic elements but also all of them including the metals,metalloid,reactive non metal and noble gases and if possible the transuranic,synthetic elements to see what properties they have and in the case of the transuranic and synthetic ones possibly extend their lifespan especially if combined with other lighter elements in allotropes similar to Indium selenide.Also investigated will compounds of two or more elements that have the same structure as graphene such as Boron nitride,Indium selenide and all allotropes of these with AI determining which two or more elements can be arranged in the same atom thick hexagonal structure as these.Schwarzites,nanotubes,buckyballs,double nanotubes and their equivalents of carbyne and graphyne,diamonds,graphite etc of these will also be investigated.Research can be made into double nanotubes – a nanotube within a nanotube can be made including one where the two nanotubes are composed of the same elements,two nanotubes are that are composed of two different materials as well as variations of carbyne composed of two nanotubes of two different materials and a central single linear chain of different elements by AI extrapolating all possible combinations.Alloys of these different nanomaterials will be made with them mixed together and with biosynth technology to increase resistance to heat and pressure,thermoconductivity etc to enhance their properties and be stable at room temperature.Thus allotropes of each element similar to graphene,graphyne,carbyne and schwarzites including those more abundant than carbon such as oxygen,aluminium,silicon in the form of silicene,those of two or more elements,alloys of metals and synthetic compounds like plastics will be able to replace other rarer and environmentally destructive elements for their different unique properties even when picotech fabricators are perfected with once developed each one will be researched as to their applications in various fields of science and technology.This research will be done for their use in filters including SNOX ones and those to filter out carbon dioxide and other pollutants and even passively convert them into oxygen as those in water and sewage treatment,bioremediation,construction,batteries for vehicles/electronics/Arges batteries,electronics,lab equipment for universities/hospitals/forensics labs,home test kits including miniaturised versions of complex machinery such as MRI/Xray machines and miniaturised lab and forensic equipment,solar panels,fission and fusion reactors,dyson swarms and spheres,machinery in agriculture/construction/healthcare/manufacturing etc,megastructures such as Erebus/Nyx/ringworlds/Oceanus,geothermal pipes,thermo-piezoelectric materials,carbon and methane and artificial greenhouse gas sequestration,electric vehicles,parts of scramjets,interstellar vehicles and space stations and also all types of electronics including biosynths etc when combined with biosynth technology.They will be used in AI,robotics and biosynth development and all sectors of society ie agriculture,manufacturing,transportation etc once their unique properties are evaluated.Combined with biosynth technology these nanomaterials from all 94 elements can make these faster,cheaper etc.Research into this should start as early as 2020 in universities worldwide allowing for the atom thick allotropes,nanotubes and schwarzites as well as carbyne and graphyne equivalents of all 94 elements and those that consist of two or more elements to be created by 2029 for their various uses.Mining will follow the same guidelines set down by Gaiaas in extraction of fossil oil,coal and gas with those underneath protected areas using borers to create tunnels then turned into underground communities with the worlds oceans mined via desalination plants with Theiarunning simulations as to the most effective means to gain access to the them.The worlds oceans will mined using desalinisation for Lithium,magnesium chloride etc and so on with metals dissolved in oceans and even soils also mined with transporter technology especially in those scattered in such low amounts to be commercially viable to do so by conventional means as with Copper,Niobium,Tantalum,Cobalt,Gold,rare earths.All elements in all electronics,vehicles etc will be recycled by Persephone with all work in mining and recycling automated.Scrapyards of both electronics and vehicles alongside landfills worldwide will be recycled and the land reforested by AI,automation again managed by Persephone.Once money becomes obsolete bullion,platnium,copper and gold and other precious metals used as physical money including gold bars in banks and even Fort Knox as well as coins etc will be recycled.Solar panels and HAWTs will be recycled and the land reforested.Mining of asteroids,comets,Oort cloud will provide vast reserves of gold,nickel,platinum and iron for several millenia or even millions of years.Substitutes for certain elements will come in the form of nanomaterials similar to graphene,graphyne,carbyne,schwarzites,indium selenide etc.Bicompatible microbes will be able to replace certain elements in many electronics.This is because they can provide DNA digital storage,produce nanowires and electroconductive pilli and neural tissues that can transmit electricity,store and generate electricity,biosynth wifi and also magnetism thus since these would express natural versions of these could potentially replace Copper,Cobalt,Gold,rare earths,Sodium,Lithium,Silica,Niobium,Tantalum,Hafnium etc in solar panels,smart phones,laptops and other electronics and even batteries with them grown onsite of Selene,Perdix and also Talos factories.Scratch DNA and that from other unicellular and multicellular organisms can allow them to express phenotype to potentially replace other elements.Synthetic compounds like plastics and those doped in or with nanomaterials etc as well as alloys of different metals will also be investigated to replaced rare and environmentally destructive elements.VR technology by 2029 will allow one to own villas,mansions,vehicles etc composed of expensive and environmentally destructive elements saving on energy.Artificial gemstones such as Diamonds,Rubies,Emeralds,Amethyst,Jade etc and also ornamental rocks of all three classes igneous,sedimentary,metamorphic will be created by ordering the elements they are composed of and then using specialised machinery onsite of Aphrodite buildings until picotech fabricators can create them with those that are endemic to a specific area and are rare and even whose extraction would damage the local geological features would have them created using raw elements rather than destroying these with the use of elements extracted via Theiawill also allow for more localised extraction and production of synthetic version until picotech fabricators are perfected to allow them to be created as a whole.Research will be made into machinery that mixes in the raw elements that ornamental rocks abd minerals are composed of either gained from the crust or in time Picotech fabricators and then when mixed together replicated the process wherein they are created in the Earth by hearing them and putting them under intense pressure thus producing them synthetically in large slabs in bulk orders within a few years rather than a few hundred million years allowing each Aphrodite factory to mass produce and become self sufficient in all types of ornamental rocks with as the computing power of AI increases exponentially this will take only a few months or even few days.Machinery that creates synthetic diamonds will as AIs computing power increases exponentially anc utiling nanomaterials of all 94 elements and Biosynthetic technology will be able to cut down the costs of creating synthetic diamonds,rubies etc exponentially to the point that they can be mass produced within days of any size.Picotech fabricators once ubiquitous will be able to create the raw materials for these synthetic rocks and gems with them added to machinery or they can create slabs of these gems and rocks to be then cut into desired shape with in both cases excess waste rocks and gems recycled etc.Machinery to producing Graphene,schwarzites and carbon nanotubes etc of all 94 elements will also as the computing power of AI increases exponentially every year and utilising nanomaterials and biosynthetic technology will increase in efficiency to the point that they could reduce the cost and increase productivity exponentially every year.Thus ornamental rocks such as Italian marble etc and precious gems and minerals that will be in high demand for statues for all buildings managed by AI and furnishes in homes will be synthetic ones created by machinery onsite of Aphrodite buildings using raw elements mined in or recycled until picotech fabricators.The sentient Theia and Persephone by 2029 will be organising the recycling and mining of all elements worldwide overriding both defunct corporations and government and allow for the distribution of them to be based on the global needs and not markets.Since Urania,Gaia,Steropes and Hecate computing power will exceed that of all 9,000,000,000 humans on the planet by 2045 it would be possible for proto versions to exist by 2050 coupled with fusion power developed at this point being able to power them due to it having a more powerful energy density than fossil fuels an increase of energy density of about 416,566 – 666,566% more dense than fossil fuels.Brontes would ensure that the energy from dyson swarms,singularities,star in a box technologies and excess energy generated from all homes and power plants worldwide would be distributed only to energy intensive picotech fabricators and transporter technologies around the world while Oceanus,all homes of all types,all manufacturing hubs etc will be charged by geothermal and renewables etc.As detailed earlier mastery of the Breit Wheeler process will allow for an unlimited amount of all elemental ores to support a growing population.All asteroids,comets and components of the Oort clouds and small moons and dwarf planets in the solar system if mined as detailed earlier and later on would provide an abundant supply of iron,nickel,gold and platinum.The asteroid belt will be mined to prevent any of them becoming a threat to Earth.Remaining reserves of fossil fuels will be burned,alongside geothermal power plants and have smokestacks rerouted to onsite vertical farms that are used to create carbon with the plants inside as detailed later on will be sent to organic waste plants to have it turned into carbon rich biochar which can be turned into graphene and other carbon composites with sulphur from sulphur dioxide and nitrogen from nitrogen dioxide providing at least 6,000 years worth of carbon,nitrogen and sulphur.


All of this can be applied to vehicles wherein carbon composite materials for the body are grown on site,alongside plastic used in components such as the dashboard grown on site with 3D printers using this to produce these components also on site.The same can be said for rubber for tyres and bioprinted leather/reptile skin and plant textiles for use in seats created by bacteria.All components of cars will have their raw materials and components grown,created and assembled on site under one roof such as seats,alloy wheels,tyres,lights,batteries,onboard componants etc with the same applying to all types of vehicles with each region having separate factories for each type of vehicles next to each other.Again like textiles these will be multistorey buildings to allow this to occur with underground extensions housing machinery that dissembles vehicles for recycling components such as seats,alloy wheels,carbon composites,metals etc.To recycle rubber and latex present in wheels etc.the same pyrolysis machines and rubber degrading bacteria as mentioned before can be utilised with the same applying to plastics onsite.Elevators can be used to transport vehicles and their parts during and after their production to various floors and the exit.

Deliveries will follow the same patterns as crops and vertical farm as detailed earlier on using the same robots and vehicles with manufacturing hubs having their own fleets of delivery robots and vehicles in underground automated carparks next to the building again as detailed earlier on with each consumer within their account having a place to save their addresses as detailed later on.This should be fully controlled by the Aphrodite and Ophion by 2029.Factories will deliver goods to consumers or communities using automotive vehicles,robot couriers on bicycles and motorbike and or drones straight from the factory rather than using warehouses occupied by Boyannesa,Toru and KIVA as a relay point meaning it will reach the consumer quicker and these buildings and post offices could be used for other purposes such as homes as well indoor farms and community centres or a mixture of these.Drones and robot couriers(on bicycles and motorbikes) will reside inside factories and deliver local goods.Medium sized vehicles like cars will be used as part of local public transport vehicles or be located inside of factories while larger vehicles such as trucks will also be part of local distribution centres and factories delivering bulk orders of produce and manufactured goods.If goods ordered at once come from different nearby factories in the region or country the the vehicles used will drop off at both picking them up and then deliver the goods to the consumers house or community centre.These will be linked to the factories AI with the software managing being Aphrodite.Alternatively the consumer may use their own home vehicles and/or personal drones to pick up deliveries by selecting this option into the order form and sending this data to their drones and vehicles via the Home AI app where it will interact with the factory AI and robots present,then pick up the parcels via scanning the barcode containing the order number.The order form will contain their address as the primary address and their local community centre as their secondary address.A tertiary address will be their neighbours address with another address for any homes they are temporarily staying in or that they frequently stay in.The consumer can choose to have their homes GPS location saved (and changed when moving) so as to aid in deliveries with also apply to the other aforementioned address with an area in Hephaestus to determine ones postal code using an universal global postal code system using ones address and GPS location with postal codes generated for each building created with those in communal homes denoting their room and if possible one can take a picture of the exterior of their building or one sent by their Home and building AI to the delivery robots automatically to allow the automated vehicles recognise it.This universal postcode system will be like Eircode and national versions modified into a global system with ones address or GPS location of their home will be used to extrapolate it.If possible existing postal codes will be merged into this global version or modified with when one enters their address or uses the homes GPS location then a new will be generated and saved or a section within Hephaestus will allow one to have it extrapolated via using their GPS location on smart devices and laptops when inside their home.Ones own home,building,room,apartment AI can be used to send the GPS location,address,room and apartment number to the Hephaestus account with the Home AI via the wire interacting with the factories AI and vehicles constantly.Those who live in communal homes can denote their room number alongside their address to have it delivered to their room.Home AI will interact with Aphrodite and factory AIs within Hephaestus to better denote their address,room number and GPS location.Any of these can be deleted and edited with them having theoretically several addresses with to choose from using a tickbox should be be moving around alot with them able to make orders from cruise ships they are staying on for an extended amount of time with them typing in the serial ID with it served by helicopter and automated boats using Ophion to track its current and expected GPS location.Vehicles designed on Selene will drive to the address of the consumer using the Ophion system.Unloading and loading of manufactured goods will be fully automated by 2029.

Each order is given its own barcode which details the order number and delivery postcode the consumer(s) can track using their smart devices with the following information that will be visible within their account in a section devoted to orders.
•The current state of the item(s) ie are they being processed,made,dispatched and on the road and their expected time for each of these including expected time of arrival with in each of these the exact day and time of day.The time for each step can be viewed as a countdown in days,hours,minutes and seconds.This will be relayed instantly with the time of the products time of manufacture,what time it will be manufactured,dispatched also relayed before this with this visible as a series of blips similar to orders on Amazon.
•Results of automated quality tests and a section where one can view them in real time such as camera feeds and also readings from machinery and sensors at all steps.
•Estimated arrival time which will change with regards to its interactions with traffic lights and any possible jams.This will show the estimated date and time of arrival and how long it will take in days,hours,minutes,seconds and the vehicles distance in kilometres,metres,centimetres relayed constantly.The consumer will be able to see the vehicles current GPS location on a map within their account in this section linked to Brauron allowing them to see the vehicle(s) on a map in real time moving towards their destination with this relayed instantly.They will be able to even see through all cameras on the vehicles in real time ie one on the front used by the AI to see ahead and also ones inside the vehicles.
•Consumers will through a livestream feed be able to see through the cameras of all robots etc that are preparing their product
•Each vehicle(s) used(exact registration or ID code) and how long each journey was and their journey on a map.

The box(es) will stamped with a sticker or inked barcode with the address and consumers name also inked on the box on the cardboard which when read contains important information such as with a universal global postal code system of the consumers address with a postal code system consisting of numbers first denoting continent,then country,then state/region,town/village/city,then exact home address with both the numerical postal code and written address printed on the sticker programmed into the vehicles onboard computer with each onboard computer of vehicles used in long journeys interacting with each other and sending the address/postal code to the next vehicle.This and the consumers name will be printed here with these being stickers or ideally stickers.Within both Hephaestus and Euthenia their will be a calculator that detects ones postal code from their GPS of address.Within Hephaestus their will be a area where ones postal code can be determined by using their address and GPS address placed their.Stickers can be replaced with biosynth microchips which can have the details changed when reused or pyrolysised with organic waste with them and locks present controlled by the Home AI and digital key system when reused with it de-registered and the key sent via Hestia when sent to other consumers via Euthenia.This microchips will also be embedded into cardboard boxes ordered in by consumers for personal deliveries or use in transporting goods to other consumers when trading away goods and also luggage in aeroplanes,trains and to allow for its location to be ascertained by terrestrial based GPS with the address changed for trading goods on Euthenia.Stickers can be present and be made from methane or biosynth based plastic or paper and if possible methane based glue or those from C.crescentus.Larger deliveries involving multiple packages etc that have the same vehicle drop off at numerous stops if the factories are in close proximity will have each postal code put into the computer allowing it to go to the nearest one first and then so forth with either a robot developed to sort through the various boxes that can be seated in the front seat or the boxes arranged with the first address nearest to the trucks back opening or a mixture of both.All of this information and information of previous orders will be available to see in a folder of their Hephaestus account.The vehicles will be controlled by the Aphrodite building AI in a fragmented form using Ophion as detailed later on and will have one vehicle collect products from each factory.Having all factories in regions being operated by AI that process custom orders and also in the local region in hubs will be able to allow this to happen.By connecting into ones Hephaestus account one will be able to see through the cameras in each factory for each step as their product is being produced,read diagnostics in real time with the estimated time that it will begin and finish construction and be sent into delivery vehicles denoted on the account alongside the expected time it will arrive both in actual time and also a countdown in weeks,days,hours,minutes,seconds.


When it arrives at the destination the consumer will be alerted via an alert sent to their phones and electronics through the wire namely their Hephaestus account,ringing the door bell through interacting with the Home AI who will also alert the consumer via direct interaction,doorbells and also alerts to smart devices or even phone calls to the consumer from the factory AI.When the consumer collects it he/she simply presses a confirmation button on the Hephaestus app on their smart devices brought up by a alert and the vehicle returns to where it came from with the date and time of delivery and confirmation logged on the orders receipt.One could sign their signature on their smart devices using Adonit before they press this button using Adonit pens with the confirmation button also adding a saved signature that will be saved on ones Hephaestus account and that of the factory AI or in Aphrodites database.Ideally though one would save their signature on their Hephaestus account written on an Adonit pen beforehand as a perquisite using Adonit pens or even normal ones on smart devices so this is sent on every time they confirm the order through a button on their smart devices within Hephaestus.There boxes will be visible as their smart devices scanning the barcode or microchip with ones name and address and order number as well as the item name also printed on the box in ink.If the consumer is not present at said location after a given amount of time or if the consumer presses a button stating they cannot receive it at their home and then have the vehicle sent to their secondary address or tertiary address which is their nearest community centre or neighbour where the goods are distributed and the consumer is notified via alerts and have it unloaded automatically and sorted by KIVA bots and its location and number of the aisle it sent to sent to app organising the order.The confirmation of those delivered to community centres will be done by interacting with the community centre AI and it will inform the consumer that it was dropped off there.Otherwise their local post office will receive the package at the behest of the consumer and the person will be notified of this and have it delivered later on with the consumer alerted to this and then choose a date for it to be delivered to their home.If not the Home AI once alerted to its presence will allow it through via humanoid robots and biosynth stored in the vehicle to enter the home and deposit in the living room by unlocking the doors lock via round locks and digital key or in the case of communal homes can alert the macro AI to use communal helper robots or alert the nearest resident including next of kin staying with them to the location of the package and have it deposited into the communal living room or be sent to the door of the consumers room,suite,apartment etc where the home AI of that room will unlock its doors to allow it to be deposited there.Thus if a person is not present humanoid robots and biosynths(with universal uniforms belonging to the Aphrodite factory the same colour as their receptionists and controlled by the factory)will enter the door unlocked by the home or macro AI,deposited in the lobby or in their room(again by it unlocked)and all of the doors locked again when they leave with the consumer notified as to this.Gates to both private and communal homes and even estates will be unlocked by them interacting with the AI that manages this.The same will apply with tertiary address with them confirming remotely that the neighbour has received it and they have confirmed it with them over the phone.These addresses would be provided in the app as the consumer would have these written down and saved in their account alongside their actual address.This means that in their account for this delivery service they type in and save their written address and numerical postal code alongside those of neighbours and community centre.Otherwise the consumer can interact with Home AI and robots inside and temporarily disable home security systems for it to be deposited inside.Aphrodite will read the address present and chosen via tickboxes and and then extrapolate the nearest manufacturing hubs to them.When one moves to another home permenantly then their old address can be deleted and the new one added.When one is on Holiday they can have the address of the building they are staying in added to receive deliveries while on holiday with this there deleted when they returned home.There will be multiple address added to this area that one can add and choose based on their location and if needed be delete them with the Home AI and Aphrodite extrapolating ones postal code based on the GPS location of laptops,computers and smartphones etc.There will be an area in ones account for creating addresses for friends and next of kin that will be used to deliver gifts to friends and family around the world that will be created onsite of the nearest manufacturing hub extrapolated by Aphrodite based on the friend or next of kins address for birthdays,Christmas etc with the consumer choosing to have wrapping paper created onsite of the factories or Oxylus factories to be covered in them.These addresses can be modified or deleted.Chef robots will cover the gift with desired wrapping paper and extrapolate how much is needed.Ones friend etc would be alerted to a Christmas or Birthday delivery with them also receiving designed birthday and Christmas messages in e-cards designed in the Comus network and also an alert as to their arrival time in their Hephaestus account.Otherwise their local post office will receive the package at the behest of the consumer and the person will be notified of this and have it delivered later on with the receiver alerted to this and then choose a date for it to be delivered to their home.One could send them via community centre post offices that use vehicles and also transporter technology if need be though ideally localised manufacturing hubs nearest to the receiver will be used.Ideally manufactured products of all types sent as gifts can involve Aphrodite using the address of friends etc to have the nearest manufacturing hub in the receivers state or country manufactured locally and thus delivered within a few days.If the receiver is not present at home when it arrives then it can also be dropped at the front door or have the Home AI interact with the delivery robot and biosynth and then unlock the front door and have it sent there.Aphrodite will give individuals the addressees of friends and family.This will allow a person to deliver birthday and Christmas present etc to all friends and next of kin across the world and eventually the universe.Transporter technology in Aphrodite buildings and homes could allow orders to be sent directly to homes from Aphrodite buildings sent from factories including in the case of islands and rural villages.Boquets of flowers,ornemental plants and also crops and even pets will be able to be sent with them created in vertical farms nearest to the receiver.One will choose their friend from their social media account or through Polis linked to Hephaestus where the Hephaestus account and thus address of the receiver and in turn the nearest manufacturing hub to their address will be extrapolated by Aphrodite etc confirmed by the consumer allowing the the nearest manufacturing hub and in the case of boquets,pets,ornamental plants and crops etc nearest vertical farm to be used to create the item and then sent it to their address with the door etc unlocked by the Home AI and deposited in their home and then locked again if they are not their with them notified by Aphrodite and Cronus of the creation and arrival.When a person wants to have a gift delivered to next of kin and friends when they select their address or using their social media account and Polis account then Aphrodite will analyse the receivers account discreetly and then extrapolate the dimensions for the gift by analysing the receivers account ensuring that clothing etc is customised to the receivers dimensions and one will be able to choose wrapping paper which will be customised to the packaging dimensions via with these also sent to simulations owned and managed by the receiver.Aphrodite and all AI as part of the sub networks of the departments will on request of the sender of the gift analyse the receivers browsing history on Hephaestus and contact the receivers Home AI to analyse search patterns online and their viewing patterns on Pheme,Dionysus and YouTube etc to gain a psychological profile to suggest the best gift that the receiver would want that year both those in the networks of Hephaestus and ones the sender could create from scratch to increase the chance that they will enjoy the gift.Thus when a person wishes to send gifts to friends living halfway across the world they will put the address of their friends or next of kin in an area that houses those for all friends and family members that can be selected for each individual gift(s) and then Aphrodite will cross reference the receivers account to have it made to their unique dimensions,gift wrapped by AI and robots etc and then the address will be used by her to determine the nearest manufacturing hub to their address where it will be created and then delivered to them within a few days with in the case of Christmas to deal with the large amounts gifts produced the gift can be produced weeks or months beforehand and stored in a storeroom and delivered early or stored and delivered on time.Gifts for friends etc who live in other states and countries across the world will have the product manufactured in the local manufacturing hub nearest to the them to cut down on energy and time in transportation and it delivered to them within a few days to cut down on energy costs and time for it to arrive.Boquets of flowers and pets etc from Demeter could also be sent from this.For each order the most energy efficient and quickest route is used gained from communicating with information on road infrastructure and traffic conditions from infrastructure networks.This could also apply to orders Demeter.Since legal persons all forms of AI can order in goods for themselves to their residence or their GPS location of any bodies they inhabit.The AI of public buildings and communal homes and even private homes will make their own orders for all types of goods and will have their own accounts with the same features and their own signatures which will be sent wirelessly.All of this would apply to orders from Demeter.

Vehicles that can be used are:

•Aerial drones,DRU drones,small Starship robots,Botlr robots and even home helper robots used for local deliveries and will interact with traffic networks allowing them to cross roads and will have headlights and cameras to guide them with IR illuminator cameras for nighttime deliveries and can also beep to warn pedestrians on streets and walkways of its presence by detecting them via cameras on the front or by detecting smart devices and clothing with an unique horn and bright lights on them for each one to prevent accidents.Drones will be managed by Ophion alongside the smaller robots.Steps in plazas and streets should be converted into slopes to make it easier for them to navigate them.These will also be able to enter apartment blocks via interacting with doors and building AI and using elevators or they can alert consumers that they are at the front door.These would have self charging technologies and would stop at wireless inductive chargers on streets,on roofs and parking lots of convenience stores for long journeys with them simply charging by laying in the sun on roofs etc with them interacting with Theoi Meteroi to test their feasibility for deliveries.These inductive chargers on roofs would be for them and also police drones.

•Vans that are a combination of drones and delivery van can deliver multiple packages to one or more consumers in a locale

•Robots and biosynths on motorbikes or bicycles again for local deliveries and will again interact with traffic networks

•Small two seater cars/normal sized cars or pick trucks for larger items over a regional area.Robots can also be in these to pick up and deposit the package.

•Trucks for bulk orders over long distances.Humanoid robots and biosynth can once again be in these and pick up each individual order etc and send them into homes etc

•Hyperloop trains and cargo/cruise/ferry ships for transporting orders from another country with any of the above vehicles delivering it straight to the consumers home or community depending on the size of the item and their distance from train stations,seaports and airports.Cargo aeroplanes will also serve islands.

•Seabreachers can also be used alongside helicopters,solar powered planes that deploy drones,helicopters and automated boats to serve cruise ships and islands as well as to piers.Seabreachers that park at islands would call any local taxis to their place to be transfered.Larger seabreachers can be used to deliver larger orders with even hyperloop systems used to transport them to islands that already have these delivered by robots with vehicles possibly transported via underwater highways or ferries as part of Ophion that serve other people.With regards to large islands that require private vehicles will use existing methods for them to be transported with in time even underwater highways added will be used.These can deliver goods to islands,floating cities,underwater cities and cruise ships.

•Flying vehicles for use in regional,national and global orders in the case of small or bulk orders.These may also be used when other vehicles are not availible and their is heavy traffic to bypass it.Integration of jet and scramjet engines if possible will make them faster and comparable to aeroplanes used for transporting orders.They could also make deliveries to islands.Aeromobil like vehicles and people carrying drones can travel to nearby addresses and in some cases other states,countries next to each other and also to nearby cities and those in the same country with them cutting down on delivery times by bypassing roads and traffic and can fly over wilderness taking shortcuts over busy roads and can go at speeds above the speed limit of roads and then land on roads or on grassy areas near the delivery address and drive the rest of the way.Existing models of flying cars such as the Aeromobil series 3.0 and 4.0 etc are proto hybrid versions that use rotor blades and retractable aeroplane wings that can go in between 200-300kmph that can although need roads to land on can bypass large amounts of roads outside of and in urban areas as they fly above ground high enough as cesnas etc thus allowing them to reduce traffic in normal and underground roads by bypassing them.This can even apply to islands with them landing at airports or any road.

•Underground delivery system linking all factories in a hub to nearby residential blocks particularly communal homes where it will be deposited into the lobby.This would of note to future colonies on other planets and underwater and underground communities that can have these linked to all major residential areas.These can also be used to connect manufacturing hubs to each other in different countries in a continent or via underwater systems in the case of those separated by oceans to allow for orders to be made outside of ones local hub should a particular factory be too busy.

•Transporter technology can be onsite of Aphrodite building that transports them to the nearest airport,train station and even post office integrated into community centres that will then use hired vehicles etc to deliver it to the consumer with this even catering to not just local orders but intercontinental ones.Islands will utilise these for orders with all islands having community centre and post offices merged together with transporter technology allowing airports to be recycled.Rural village in the middle of nowhere would also utilise this especially if far away from manufacturing hubs.This would also be onsite of all types of farms allowing the food to be transported to ones local post office and then delivered then and there almost instantly.Miniaturised transporter technology can be onsite of basements of private and communal homes to have orders sent directly to the consumers home.

Seaports would no longer be used to transport both food and also manufactured products due to 3D DNA printers onsite of all types of farms,localised manufacturing with when picotechnology perfected would no longer have to ship raw materials across the world with them eventually converted into major residential areas with all ships,cargo boxes,machinery and buildings recycled with parts of the piers dug up to form gardens with this applying only to those that are used to transport manufactured goods and not cruise ships.These seaports will still have cruise ships docked at them with the person dropped off by vehicles and it returning home and returning later to pick them up again negating the need for carparks as detailed later and earlier on.The vehicle type will be chosen by Aphrodite based on what is available,consumers address and also traffic at the expected time of delivery with all Aphrodite buildings housing all types in their multistorey carparks.These vehicles if they need to be speedy to improve efficiency will through Ophion be given right of way over other traffic except ambulances.All of these will be coated internally and externally in permanent liquid glass to negate the need for cleaning and also have self charging technology and graphene paint to make them indestructible with them stopping at charging stations to charge with changes in time relayed to the consumer with them ideally using quick charging StoreDot batteries.They will all be controlled by the sentient Ophion and AI of Aphrodite factories.Wheels will be coated internally and externally in graphene paint,with mixed graphene fibres and liquid glass to again negate cleaning and also prevent ruptures.Ideally these will be stored in multistorey automated carparks that will be onsite of Aphrodite factories charged by self charging technology and wireless conductive chargers there and in charger stations that serve all factories and thus allowing them to on both side of the factory and drive instantly to the relevant factories next to them.Thus they would have the Aphrodite symbol and driven and controlled by the Aphrodite factory of that region and Aphrodite.This would be ideal as it would ensure that the carparks of any factories can be dug up and converted into gardens or reforested with Aphrodite controlling all orders for each consumer with the order only using one vehicle when orders are processed at the same time with when all items in an order is processed the vehicle decided by Aphrodite will drive to each factory when they are all created and collect them and send to the the address with them in graphene or cardboard boxes with microchips ideally biosynth ones that will direct the correct package to the correct vehicle.If possible underground automated carparks will be underneath the entire manufacturing hub to house at least ten vehicles.Thus large orders will involve one vehicle with Aphrodite interacting with the operating softwares of each type of building and the AIs of all buildings to keep track of each item in an order from its creation to its storage and then it sent to the correct vehicle that picks up each item of an order when they are all processed and then departs to the consumers address.Large orders involving two or more items will have all items created at once with them once finished stored in pick up areas in each factory where robotic hands etc will deposit them into the single vehicle used.Goods in each factory will be stored in a pick up area and picked up by the correct vehicle interacting with the AI with ink barcodes etc read to ensure it is correct with them picked up onto conveyor belt by robots modelled on human hands on rail complete with cameras and scanners to read this.Thus if large orders are made from different factories in a hub at once each item will be stored in pick up areas within boxes and when the orders are all finished delivery vehicles will be notified and sent to each factory to pick them up one by one and send them in one go.Aphrodite and the AI of that building in that hub would arrange it so the items are all finished at the same time or as close as possible.If a person does for any reason have to make a large order and their is one or two factories or their floors busy then the Aphrodite software will decide to have some of the order done in ones localised hub where floors and factories are not busy and have the rest of the order at the behest of the consumer done in another factory in another hub in the same country,continent or one on a different part of the world with the farther away factory have the goods transported by delivery vehicles using Ophion and the use of transporter technology in community centre/post offices with the consumer having the final say on the issue.Otherwise the consumer could have the main bulk of products manufactured and delivered then and there or have the other goods manufactured and delivered as soon as possible as much as a week or even month later.If multiple consumers order goods and live in the same area ie same town,village and city or even region then the vehicle will pick up as many items for these multiple orders and deliver them to the area and stop at each address with the consumer picking up or given the items that have their name and address on the microchip or printed on the package as ink with Aphrodite deciding and arranging this.Ones Hephaestus account would be opened up on smart devices and one would using a scanner to read the ink barcode or microchip to authenticate that it belongs to them with when biosynth drivers are availible they will be able to determine the owner of the packages and then deposit on ones doorstep etc.The most energy,time and resource efficient means will be determining by Aphrodite and decided by consumers.If a person has ordered a vehicle alongside other items then the vehicle once constructed will pick up the other items acting as the delivery vehicle to save energy.One could choose to have their own vehicle at home drive to the manufacturing hub and collect the items in their order with them in person or not with biosynths controlled by the Home AI even picking them up and them signed remotely when they are picked up at the factories.This could be done with the vehicle driving there when all items are finished with the vehicle driving in,picking it up and then returning with if need be it given right of way with the consumer able to see the length of the journey and their vehicle on a GPS map.One could choose this option if they are told it is more energy or time efficient and if delivery vehicles are overstrained ie it would be quicker to send their own vehicle or even that of a friend who lives nearer to the manufacturing hubs that wait for delivery vehicles to do it themselves.One could choose to have the product constructed in a different manufacturing hub to alleviate strains and if it is quicker.Transporter technology onsite of Aphrodite factories can transport the ordered item to community centre/post offices and then they will be transported by onsite vehicles to the address with the goods sent their at the same time if it will reduce strains on delivery vehicles.Transporter technology in Aphrodite buildings and homes could allow orders to be sent directly to homes from Aphrodite buildings sent from factories including in the case of islands and rural villages.This will be done to save energy and negate the need for vehicles overstrained by limited vehicles meaning the orders will be able to be sent to them all at once in one go and thus alleviating strains on delivery vehicles.Aphrodite and the AI of their buildings in each hub will determine the best and most time and energy efficient means in situations like this with the consumer alerted to these and given the final say and choice with consumers interacting with the factory AI.

If a factory in their localised hub is too busy to make orders then one can choose to have it made in a different manufacturing hub in the same country or different country in the same continent and even different continent that will be delivered within a few days or week using delivery vehicles via Ophion,underground delivery systems that connect different states in a large country/different countries in a continent/different countries in neighbouring continents by going underwater.Once biosynths and even robots are advanced enough then they will be able to use Oceanus or even Eos and Erebus to deliver goods to other countries.Transporter technology onsite of both Aphrodite buildings and post offices will allow orders to be transported instantly from one Aphrodite building and then post office or even other Aphrodite building anywhere in the world thus cutting down time and making deliveries speedy when the specific factory is busy.Transporter technology in Aphrodite buildings,post offices and homes could allow orders to be sent directly to post offices and homes from Aphrodite buildings sent from factories including in the case of islands and rural villages then transported to the consumers address.Aphrodite will detail to the consumer which factories in which manufacturing hubs around the world are availible for quick orders and thus give the consumer the estimated time of delivery taking into account the current schedules of orders to be processed,the time to produce it and transport to their address using the aforementioned means in different formats ie listed from quickest to slowest,national to global etc with the consumer working with her to choose the best one suited to them.Picotech fabricators onsite of homes or community centres will allowing most small items to be produced this way.The vast majority of items being only made in small amounts every year since factories will produce only what is needed not overproducing goods to stock shelves in retail outlets but also most items will last on average several years or even decades due to them being built to last as long as possible and also the fact that planned obsolescence and the growing need to produce more the same but slightly different products every few years by a corporation will be phased out thus meaning that most factory types will not be busy most of time allowing for long amounts of time for orders to be made as only what is needed will be made.As a result of this and the fact that factories will produce goods for their region and not the whole world will mean there will be periods where it will not be busy for large periods of time with each ordered initiated instantly when started this will also make them not as busy since they will serve only each country or region and not the entire world.If factories are busy then they will be scheduled one after the other with the factory AI managing this preventing orders being lost and schedule them effectively.VR technology that allows an infinite amount of goods to be conjured up instantly thus alleviating strains on factories and also cater to materialism as well as using certain items such as vehicles,clothing etc in a VR simulation before they can be ordered if their is a delay.Improved automation and AI will speed up the rate that products are manufactured.The exception to this may be Himeros,Agathodaemon,Daedalus,Ajax,Hegemone and Deipneus factories to whom certain floors of these factories may become busy thus meaning one may be directed by Aphrodite,Agathodaemon,Daedalus,Ajax,Hegemone and Deipneus to make orders from other hubs within their own country and even continent or from another continent across the world with the consumer then deciding which one to choose from.One may have to make yearly or monthly or even bi-monthly orders from Himeros,Agathodaemon,Ajax,Hegemone and Deipneus factories from manufacturing hubs outside of their state in surrounding states or surrounding countries with if possible a years supply ordered in different batches from different factories or the same one in pieces that accommodate for at least a month each so this would mean that if a person wants a years supply then if the factories are busy then one would order the years supply in pieces/batches each for a month or twos worth at a time in between other orders or after them to prevent them interfering with other orders with the AIs of each factory and also operating softwares managing this meaning that a person may receive the first half or first third of an order within a few days and the rest other times from the same or different factory hubs.Aphrodite will arrange ways in which one can receive all of an monthly or yearly order from hubs across the world by having them ordered in batches from factories as part of hubs across the world spaced out over a week or month etc with Aphrodite giving the consumer all possible options detailing how much they will receive in batch,from which hubs and the arrival time and date for each batch will arrive ie the time spaced in between each batch detailed to them and then able to choose the options suited them and even alter them.Improvements in AI and automation and more advanced machinery will speed orders up thus lessening instances of this in all factories alongside the batch order method and also that ingredients will be created by fast growing bacteria,hybrid crops and biosynth machinery will allow even batch orders to be made quickly.This should be possible between 2029-2045.Interstellar delivery vehicles will allow manufactured goods to be ordered in from planets,ring worlds and alderson discs around the universe should all of them on a planet etc is busy.This will allow for next day deliveries of a months or year supply of goods.Ideally orders of food products,cleaning products and also cosmetics will be done in large batches for two,three,six or even twelve months supply to allow them to be done in one go rather over and over again each week thus clearing up time with some of them homemade to alleviate strains on Deipneus,Himeros,Ajax,Hegemone and Agathodaemon factories.

As stated ideally the consumers address,postal code and name will be printed on ink as stickers could contaminate organic waste pyrolysis factories.These carparks will hold vehicles such as trucks,motorbikes and others and not robots such as Botlr,DRU ones as these will be stored in a separate area on the Aphrodite buildings grounds such as onsite.Extensions to these will be made on the roof and underground as time goes by with these allowing all surrounding carparks to be dug up and reforested since human workers will be obsolete with these underground ones also having the ability to drive straight into surrounding underground communities or even use underground communities to reach the surface using vehicle elevators present to bypass traffic on the surface with underwater cities even having their own manufacturing hubs.Automated vehicles will once constructed drive to the address of their owner with this including private car,jet skis,yachts and helicopters with the consumer having the option to have the jet skis,yachts deployed into nearby oceans and rivers and they then driving themselves to the nearest pier.Furniture will be delivered either as a whole piece in a van or in pieces to be assembled at home by the consumer or the biosynth controlled by their home AI or Aphrodite that delivered it with e-manuals sent to ones Hephaestus account.All Aphrodite factories will by at least the mid 2030s will have onsite of them biosynths or at first robots controlled by the Aphrodite buildings to act as delivery people and drive and deliver goods in the place of humans that have an universal uniform with confirmation buttons alongside signing smart devices with Adonit pens confirming one has received it.These since controlled by the Aphrodite building will have its avatar.Having all manufacturing hubs localised will cut down on the transport time of goods from around the world as a person even taking large orders will have all items sent to them in one go with the Aphrodite deciding the type of vehicle used depending on the size of the order and also the amount of orders from an area.Vehicles ordered in from Selene will drive them selves to the consumers address with their digital key and registration to the home AI present with them transporting any other items in an order at the same time instead of those in the Aphrodite buildings.Motorbikes and bicycles may also be driven by themselves or by robots with them walking or using public transport including taxis to return to their factory.Yachts,jet skis and boats will be transported via specialised vehicles that do so to ones home using trailers or can be driven to the nearest pier or body of water connected to the ocean that will drive to ones desired pier.Helicopters and jets will drive to ones desired airport or destination decided by the consumer.Trailers will be delivered by delivery vehicles.One could choose to have their own vehicle drive to the factories and pick up orders when all of the items are expected to be processed with them packed by robots,biosynths or loading docks and then return to the address.If possible one could choose drive in person and collect them with them directed to the factory and where the parcels are deposited for each order or them all sent into the Aphrodite factory in a special area in the lobby with them notified of the time that they will be able to pick them up transported by Botlr and other robots.By 2029 AI should be advanced for factory AIs and Ophion to transport all goods to their destination thus rendering all transportation and delivery jobs obsolete.

The data on each order can be recorded and used in global studies as well as improving efficiency(of course private data such as consumer name and address will be private in these studies).These studies done by software would include studies on:
•Consumption studies measuring trends of various products based on different demographics replacing human marketers
•Energy(and other resources such as virgin materials,recycled materials and water etc.) use and efficiency studies related to production and transportation
•Studies on infringement attempts on acquiring illicit and contraband material by minors or unregistered individuals.

The consumer can otherwise choose using the same app linked to Hephaestus to collect the order in person and like before press a button on the app to confirm that it was collected.They could also keep record of all orders they have made an individual or community and all relevant data which can used in small meta studies for them to analyse which will be used in larger local,regional and global studies.In the case of age restricted material such as sex toys a picture to determine the consumers age will be required to be taken from laptops,webcams and smart devices of the consumers face which will be Analysed by Aprodite and Gaias iSample software built into their laptops,computers and smart devices and/or the central hub as well as Hestia will determine age and gender thus authenticating that the individual is 14 years old or over preventing such items from sent to underage individuals or them accessing the networks containing adult material in the first place.Integrated into Home AI,Aphrodite and AI in the network will themselves prevent minor accessing age restricted networks etc.Identities and photos of people photographed will remain anonymous to the general public and studies(and in fact will be deleted).As detailed later on regards to getting weapons such as a gun through ordering from a factory or its components from 3D printing or from a photograph of the consumers face will have to be taken(or facial recognition software used and links to their gun registration)and compared against a database of those who are registered to acquire the weapon which they have done so online and have passed a clear background check scanning Athenas terrorist and criminal database and intelligence databases with all relevant information.Other biometric measures can be used such as voice sample and fingerprints.This means to acquire a gun a person will not only have to go through existing legal wranglings albeit simple concise ones they will also be required to provide a picture of themselves(similar to a driving licence) and/or voice sample.If a person is not registered to acquire a weapon then it cannot be delivered or printed out.Software built into gun registry systems and legislative bodies will ensure that serial numbers will be printed onto the weapon for legal reasons as well with a microchip embedded.If a person loses their legal ability to procure firearms then they will be denied the ability to procure weapon for the allotted time that the courts determine that to be with the threat of losing existing weapons depending on the will of the courts.An extra microchip could be added to guns by the owner upon request at its ordering and manufacturing to prevent the guns from being used by anyone such as family members who steal it to perform intentional or accidental acts of violence with this ability for it to prevent the weapon functioning being turned on and off by voice command,other biometrics and smart devices using the digital key system remotely by the owner.This microchipping system of universal registry to the Themis alongside implementing it into existing registered weaponry will have the gun owners personal details,serial number,date and factory of manufacture will ensure that all weapons are gained from legal factories and not from illegal factories,gun shows and also restrict the non-military personnel access to heavy firearms such as assault rifles as these chips can be scanned by smart devices on law enforcement using smart devices,police and military drones,sensor terminals in public places and gun detecting apparatus in airports and train stations.Only 3D printers produced on site in a factory will contain a microchip rendering those printed at home illegal.The same microchipping system will also apply to other weapons such as sword and spears etc.All weapons such as guns,swords,knives etc and bullets can theoretically be scanned in,designed on Pandora and be either 3D printed or made by automated machinery in factories made of metal following the same patterns of customisation and evolution as other manufactured goods even using product recognition software and extraction of files to get weapons based of those from video games,movies and live action television shows in appearance and scanning in existing weapons with both the internal and external structure modified.Digital locks can be placed on guns to prevent unwarranted use for safety reasons that are activated by fingerprints and voice command.The details of carrying these procurement processes via Themis will be detailed later on.Soter the sentient version of the NRA as detailed later on will review each application with her performing criminal background checks,scan patient files to check for predisposed neurological conditions such as schizophrenia and manic depression etc,scan the applicants entire browsing history online and the wire including social media and YouTube etc to have a psychological profile made and this passed onto Iaso and have applicants have CRISPR treatments and also VR counselling with Iaso with this all done within at most a week.Each applicant will undergoe VR simulations.All physical stores for guns and existing online stores including on the dark web will be shut down by her and even 3D printed weapons will be illegal provided they have a microchip with the persons data and here seal.All existing weapons will be tracked down and microchipped and future ones will have microchipps placed in them to allow them to be detected by her across the globe especially by sensor terminals by public buildings to prevent mass shootings as detailed later on in both law enforcement and global government.All weapons will follow the same evolutionary pattern designed on Pandora with existing ones scanned in.Swords,sai,daggars,meteor hammers can be coated in a layer of see-through graphene paint to prevent rusting,liquid glass to make them dirt and waterproof and also a layer of graphene of which alongside the graphene paint will prevent them breaking or becoming dull and thus be able to cut anything at peak performance indefinitely without repair.Alternatively they can be composed of entirely graphene to save on energy from mining.In both cases the graphene will also allow for touchscreen capabilities and allow stationary and moving designs to be streamed from Hephaestus.These features could also apply to all weapons such as all types of guns.In the case of guns touchscreen buttons could replace biometrics and safety locks.Anyone will be able to design them but those deemed to procure them will only be able to order.

All paper that comes in the form of assembly handbooks and safety/information sheets for these types of manufactured goods such as toys,board games, furniture, electronics, vehicles etc. will be in electronic form and downloaded into their Hephaestus account on their smart devices that stores all of these that can be deleted once finished with.This account would also be responsible for tracking orders.As stated earlier food,cosmetics,pharmaceuticals and other items can be stored in reusable jars and containers composed of plastic,glass,wood that are stored in the household item sub-network that would last a lifetime.Computer networks monitoring primary sectors ie. mines and forests and waste recycling will allow for decisions to be made on where to derive the raw materials by the consumer with computer networks showing the most efficient means to derive them ie. is recycled material used more efficient than getting raw materials more energy and resource efficient than extracting resources from mines,forests or on site produced raw materials allowing for them to make the ideal choice for use via Hephaestus interacting with Demeter.Before finishing the order the consumer will be able to decide which to choose virgin raw materials or recycled materials and be able to see the combined amount of energy,water and other resources used in each case from the steps such as extraction,production and transportation(in the case of virgin raw materials) and in the transportation of recycled materials from the nearest recycle plants(each plant will log how much of each recycled materials it has and interact with the factories world wide) to the chosen factory and then to their home etc allowing the consumer to make the most resource efficient choice.This will also take into account aforementioned energy and other resource mentioned earlier such as how far from the factory or community centre chosen is used alongside which method they use for bulk orders such as having one vehicle collect orders from multiple factories in one go or have each factory send one vehicle etc.as well as the type of vehicle(s) used.