The main role of automation in this sector will be robots that produce meals,prepare meat(replacing butchers) as well as food products.
As stated earlier all food products normally bought in retail outlets including sweets will be prepared at home to cut down on waste and energy and alleviate diet related illness as well as allowing for customisation.It will also allow factories that produce all food products to be converted into communal homes.All companies from around the world will release the recipes of all types of manufactured food products such as sweets,candies,cereals,drinks both alcoholic and non alcoholic as well as fizzy and non fizzy etc and even defunct products from their database.The same can apply to cosmetic also homemade for similar reasons.Even defunct food products from as far back as the early 20th century will have their recipes released and tested and also pet and baby food of all types and brands will be added here.Secret recipes for all drinks and food products owned by corporations will be released by the corporations to the public in a single universal cookbook and also the Deipneus sub network to be recreated at home with this of note to different chocolate bars from around the world,beer,fizzy drinks and also those from restaurants with cookbooks past future uploaded onto Dionysus where the public including known YouTube chefs can produce how to videos for all existing cookbooks from around the world.Existing and new ones can be streamed from e-newspapers with old ones have these videos added to them to add to their quality with new ones comprising of these detailing each step.Old cookbooks at home will be scanned into relevant networks of Dionysus with the recipes added to Deipneus with all food products on YouTube by chefs also uploaded up here and in some cases those from here and also cookbooks will be added as either submenu versions of existing items or as their own item decided by Deipneus.Discontinued food and drinks will have recipes released with even existing sweets etc of all types have their recipes released.Similar versions of existing products within a brand ie different flavours of a drink and chocolate such as Coca Cola,Fanta,Hersheys,Cadburys Dairy Milk etc separate sub pages within a submenu etc.New products will be made from scratch and have new pages and sub pages with different versions of new and existing products created by the public and is logo etc will be present in submenus and sub pages.They can be used as the baseline for new products similar to other manufactured products.New flavours of Cadbury’s Dairy Milk,Coco Cola,Fanta,Hershey’s etc can be created and then uploaded into submenus .Corporations that sell smoothies and also independent muffin,coffee,chocolate,sweet stores and bakeries both corporate chains and even independent ones will also release their recipes with staff paid reserves to recreate them in YouTube videos with if possible well known YouTube cooking channels given them and paid money to recreate them.This will give consumers from around the world access to sweets,candies etc from around the world that they are not normally able to get.Beer,vodka and wine etc made at home and in community centres via nanowineries,nano distilleries and nanobreweries will allow for all wineries and breweries to be converted into homes with it made via bacteria creating the juices and flour of all cereals and fruits and vegetables giving a total of roughly 22,000 wines and 391,000 beers with existing recipes released to the public with this cutting down on energy etc in production,transportation etc and land used to grow the plants.If possible 391,000 types of wines can be made via the juices from all species of plants.Fizzy drinks and alcoholic drinks that are made at home as well as factories will be stored in bulk in kegs and also large reusable 3D printed plastic and glass containers cutting down on waste of resources and energy that is currently made when drinks are sold in brand new glasses,plastic bottles,aluminium cans.Communal homes will have kegs and nanobreweries etc in basements and storerooms to make them in bulk with community centres having them to serve all homes in the area they serve.Automated labs will analyse sample from each manufactured food good from around the world to get its exact recipe and each ingredients concentration with this added to Aphrodite,Deipneus and possible even Physis database.These will be stored in Deipneus for when picotech fabricators are possible with them also made at home using chef robots and also by humans with synthetic compounds created by bacteria creating synthetic compounds and also natural compounds via anabolic and catabolic reactions and also recombinant DNA from plants and animals.Community centres will create them in all in one machines in batches for the local communities with one ordering them via a network in Hephaestus named Deipneus.If need be Deipneus factories part of manufacturing hubs housing all in one factories for each type of product divided into different floors ie one that can produce all type of bread product including baguettes and pastries and croissants and even sliced bread and pasta etc,one that creates all type of prepared meals such as cakes/pies/tarts/pet and baby food etc,one that creates all types of diary products like butter/cheese/yogurts etc one that creates jellies as well as sauces and condiments like ketchup etc alongside powdered and liquid foods like coffee/tea/drinking chocolate/soup,one that creates all types of fizzy and non fizzy drinks,one that creates all types of branded or customised beer and wines as well as alcopops,saké and vodka etc from around the world,one that creates all types of breakfast cereals,one that create all types of chocolate bars and candies and also crisps etc and so on with each floor devoted to each of these products or two or more floors used in multistorey factories.These will use miniaturised machinery,chef robots,robots and also 3D printed food from food printers that can create each type with food moulds created using plastic or malleable machinery or alloys that can change into different shapes or even chef robots that create specific products with the machinery used not only being miniaturised versions present in current factories but also those that are all in one ones to create as many of the different existing and customised products as possible in each floor with multiple floors as much as two or three used for some items.Miniaturised machinery will be modified or be able to adapt via AI,robots,biosynths or shape memory alloys to be all in one ones that can create customised products in batches and will be miniaturised versions of those used in current factories and composed of graphene etc due to its lightness and strength with them covered in a permanent layer of liquid glass to keep them clean when cleaned with water and gravity and prevent contamination with them exposed to narrow wavelength UV to sterilise them between each batch.3D food printer technology will also be used.The utilisation of miniaturised machinery,3D printers will make these factories compact with them being all in one machinery with them able to make as many different customised products on each floor of these Deipneus factories.Some products will be created by biosynths and also chef robots onsite.Moulds for all types of food products will be made by methane or biosynth based plastic with them allowing for any shape to be used and once used for a batch order can be broken down into methane gas that will be collected and thus used to create other customised moulds over and over again with extra methane coming methagenous bacteria creating the gas using sugar onsite.The factory AI will extrapolate the shape of the mould to be used based on the food products design for each order and using genetic engineering will grow quickly with the it made once the order is made so that it can be used instantly when the production line needs it with each products design mould stored within its page file or even Deipneus and the factory AI itself for reference and the plastic printed out using advanced 3D printers using this plastic and mould also replacing cutters that cut out dough into biscuits again with the AI extrapolating its shape with them created beforehand through extrapolations from AI and then ready when the product is being produced especially if orders beforehand are being processed so it can be used instantly and then recycled or if other orders are scheduled that same day or week kept their and reused until finally being broken down into methane to be recycled.High performance thermoplastics composed of methane or biosynth based plastics will be created to withstand high temperatures that will also be broken down and reused with the AI extrapolating the size and shape of the mould based on the design with batch orders have large moulds with the same or different design.The plastic nozzle for machines and 3D printers,moulds and movements and steps and even the recipe will be extrapolated by AI namely the sentient operating softwares for each existing and new product and stored in its file.A person who frequently orders the same product created with the same mould can have the factory keep and reuse it for future orders with them housing biosynth chips to allow them to be stored in the factory and tracked down later on when needed.This could also be done for popular orders of the same size and shape etc with shaped cutters used to shape dough for biscuits following this with them created and then when used broken down and reused later on.Cutters for dough to create biscuits to prevent waste of dough could have moulds created that create a large number of biscuits with the dough pumped into each one individually one after another to set rather than making large amounts of dough and cutting it up using cookie cutters and dumping the rest into the bin thus preventing waste.Nozzles for 3D printers and machinery to produce customised food could also be created this way via 3D printers and put in place by AI etc and recycled or kept.3D food printers may be used with their nozzles customised for each order.The plastic nozzle for machines and 3D printers,moulds and movements and steps and even the recipe will be extrapolated by AI namely the sentient Deipneus for each existing and new product and stored in its file with biosynths and robot chef hands used to create some customised food products with all machinery being all in one versions that can create each customised order in decided batches by 2029-2045.AI will perfect this for biscuits and all types of food to eliminate waste.Containers for manufactured products such as food,cosmetics and other products will follow this pattern with them created via 3D printers beforehand so as to be availible when needed and then dispatched once filled.The same will apply to wrappers for individual products and macro packaging that they are part of created beforehand and then prepared for the order with AI extrapolating how much is needed.Stickers that have the product logo,safety information etc like as in conventional products sold in plastic containers will also be made of methane or biosynth based plastic to be recycled alongside the container itself with machinery to print out the logo and other information onsite where they are produced next to 3D printers used to create this plastic.The stickers will cross reference both logo of the product from its page and also important customised information such as how much is in it in mls or litres etc and the safety information from studies performed by AI and also ingredients.These will be made onsite of factories next to where packaging is made with the logo,ingredients etc and customised size etc done for each order.All writing will be in the consumers language organised by the factory AI and ones language setting in the wire.They can be made of methane or biosynth based plastic and paper and use non toxic glue made form methane or that from C.crescentus.These stickers will be made form methane of biosynth based plastic or paper and if possible methane based glue or those from C.crescentus.Dyes and inks for the packaging as part of it and also printed on it will be made by bacteria using recombinant DNA and anabolic and catabolic reactions.In time stickers will be replaced by this printed on them via lasers or traditional printers both of which can be modified for each order very quickly for plastic with cardboard done the same way it normally is with dyes made via bacteria using the single strain method.Plastic wrappers for chocolates,crisps and other food will be will created here as well with existing and new one present.The logo and design of existing and new products designed by the public will be present on the stickers and also packaging.All packaging will be made at the same time as the product and the packing and even their manufacture will be automated from start to finish with only the required amount being made to cut down on waste of both resources and time as all of them will be created by bacteria and fungi. All existing products will be present with their logo and packaging present on the file within Deipneus alongside pictures of the product and all ingredients and the design and logo will be printed on the plastic and cardboard or not with new ones also have new designs made for them.The original packaging that contains the logo etc on cereals,candies,sweets etc including boxes will be scanned into the network into Pyxis alongside all new and existing packaging containers with a hyperlink on the page to the original one for each product.Original box,plastic containers will be scanned into Pyxis and a hyperlink to them on their page with the containers modified to the decided amount rather than creating a new one with them made smaller or bigger to accommodate the chosen size and amount.When original containers are scanned in internally and externally the logo on these will be transferred to the items page in Hephaestus to be printed on future renditions with the packaging without the logo will be present in Pyxis.New products created from scratch and even variations will have new logos etc created by the consumer.The design and logo for both new and existing ones that fit onto customised packaging that holds their logo,design,ingredients and also seal of approval and quality by Aphrodite and Daphne etc will be present within the products page that will be printed on all plastic and cardboard containers with the packaging created also having the customised size and weight in mls/l and also g/kg also ingredients.The design and logo for both new and existing ones that fit onto customised packaging that holds their logo,design,ingredients and also seal of approval and quality by Aphrodite and Daphne etc will be present within the products page that will be printed on all plastic and cardboard containers with the packaging created also having the customised size and weight in mls/l and also g/kg also ingredients.One could for both existing and new products choose any of the packaging designed and stored in Pyxis and then have them made bigger or smaller for the desired amount in mls/l and also g/kg and have the products stickers modified that stick them onto these new ones shape.Thus a person will have unlimited customisation for packaging and no longer restricted to a singular set for each product with stickers,ink etc containing the logo and ingredients etc modified to fit on them.Ideally these methane or biosynth based plastic containers will be be made onsite of the factory producing the good using 3D printers.Miniturised machinery or 3D paper/cardboard printers will create the cardboard with plastic,styrofoam and cardboard created by bacteria.Packaging will be created onsite composed of only methane or biosynth based plastics,cardboard from algae and bacteria as well as fungi styrofoam and will have the logos etc of new and existing products.The packaging and logo of new ones will be created on Pandora with advertisements also created using Pentheus and VR technology.All food products will be packaged in containers of ones desired size with the logo,ingredients,nutritional data with all types of manufactured food products such as fizzy and non fizzy drinks,candies,sauces,soups,seasonings,preserves,yogurts packaged only in biosynth based plastics,fungi styrofoam with all parts of packaging including covers and tinfoil etc composed of this biosynth plastic with this eliminating metal,paper and aluminium etc completely.Cardboard packaging will be created by bacteria creating the pulp of trees.Only what packaging is needed for each order will be created and if need be them created beforehand once possible after other packaging for previous orders are made to be filed instantly with AI managing the efficient creation of each products packaging,stickers and the product itself.Each order to cut down on waste only the actual amount of produce what is ordered of each product in each batch machine will be created to prevent waste with liquid glass on the interior of the machinery and vats etc allowing all of the created product to be packaged.This will apply to all products such as food,cleaning products and cosmetics.One will choose the container they want via a sublink opening up to Pyxis and its subfolders for each product as all containers will be divided into folders and subfolders.Consumers ordering in these products in large batches for a year or more with packaging being methane or ideally biosynth based plastics and also cardboard with them in sizes ranging from 1-100kg with candies and bars in larger than normal packets with the size customised for each bar including the normal size and those that are several feet long and several kilogrammes in weight.The consumer will be able to choose or even design the size and packaging method of the product with these likely saved in a separate submenu.Foods like branded chocolate and peanut butter spreads such as Nutella,Panda,Jif,Whole Foods and also Terrys chocolate oranges,M&Ms and similar products including all types of chocolates and Easter eggs from around the world added to the database will be created here and stored in reusable glass or methane or biosynth based plastic tubs of any size or shape decided by the consumer.New Easter Eggs derived from new chocolate bars etc created will be here as well and will have the egg and also sweets present with Terrys chocolate orange and Easter Eggs being of any size with Easter eggs coming with extra side orders of the sweets they are based on and ordered in at any time of the year.Other seasonal based sweets and products can be ordered in at any time of the year such as those for Halloween,Christmas and other holidays around the world.Skittles,M&Ms,jelly sweets etc can be ordered in the usual plastic packets of usual size or even in large plastic boxes or tubs with their logo that are 5-100kg in weight.Branded products from supermarket chains will be present as their own product replicated as they distinctly from other branded products.If possible certain products that are created by different companies and even supermarket chains such as peanut butter,chocolate spread,cereals,jams,marmalade etc will be under one page with the different versions in submenus and subpages as part as variations.Biscuits,Pringles etc added to the database would be in cardboard cylinders of any size the consumer wants containing an amount decided by them.Boxes and tins of chocolate and biscuits such as Cadbury Milk Tray,Ferrero Rocher,Quality Street,Roses,Celebrations,Lindt Selection,Dairy box,Heroes,Cadburys Favourite Biscuits,Jacobs USA,Fabously Foxs etc from around the world will be added to the database can be created onsite in floors of the Deipneus factories with them ordered in bulk and the same type of packaging used for them with ideally algae and bacteria based cardboard replacing tin boxes which are expensive in comparison to make with chocolates not individually wrapped in cases of those who are as it would be difficult and time consuming for robots do to so.This will also apply to packets of miniature versions of chocolate.For variety packs of chocolates and biscuits such as Cadbury Milk Tray,Ferrero Rocher,Quality Street,Roses,Celebrations,Lindt Selection,Dairy box,Heroes,Cadburys Favourite Biscuits,Jacobs USA,Fabously Foxs etc one can choose to for each individual pack ordered in as part of bulk orders or all packs contain all of ones favourite chocolates and biscuits or control the ratio of each type of chocolates and biscuits to prevent waste and ensure that one doesn’t have to eat chocolates and biscuits they don’t like.New versions of compilations of chocolates and biscuits can be created and added to Deipneus with if possible new individual chocolates and biscuits added to these existing compilations in sub menus.Plastic in the form of trays could be replaced by cardboard or even fungi or methane or biosynth based plastic.The size and shape of these boxes for all of these biscuits and chocolates would be decided by the consumer and in tray boxes the amount of trays decided and the layout of chocolates,biscuits and number of each type on each tray decided with if possible there being trays for each type of chocolate and biscuit with the consumer deciding the layout of each tray,how many tray and even how many of each type of biscuit and chocolate there is.All chocolate products from across the world once their recipes are scanned in will have two versions created one that has the unique levels of cocoa solids,milk fat and solids,sugar and butyric acid of American chocolate and one that has the unique levels of cocoa solids,milk fat and solids,sugar and lack of butryic acid in European chocolate with these labelled with this done to preserve both types of chocolate and this done for all new chocolate products created by the public.
.Crisps would come in mega packs that house smaller bags of them in customised amounts ie a large plastic pack with smaller pack that contain a set amount of one or more flavours with the size of the small and even larger holding bags chosen with the number of smaller bags made based on the size of the larger one or they could order in smaller bags in bulk.The size of both mega packs and even normal packets will be decided by the consumer with them composed of only plastic.One could choose what flavour of the crisps are presents and how many etc.They could even be in one or more large mega packs.Juice and fizzy drinks will be sent in 3D printed containers or methane or biosynth based plastic containers that are 500ml to 10 litres big with even beer and wine in these with them also using glass bottles,methane or biosynth based plastic and kegs designed on Pyxis and Ganymede sent back and forth in a rotary system at the behest of the consumer rather than aluminium cans.Wine boxes using methane or biosynth based plastic and cardboard will also be used with them like kegs and barrels coming in customised sizes.Breakfast cereals may just have the cereal stored in the cardboard box or have methane or biosynth based plastic present with them in boxes that hold 375g-10kg with the consumer choosing wide and/or tall boxes.The size of packaging for all goods will be chosen by the consumer and them still holding the same information on them with the logo,ingredients,customised size.All types of sweets,chocolates and lollipops will be made in all in one machines that can create different versions of these from around the world including new ones on one floor with crisps and other ones from around the world will be created on this or another floor.Chewing and bubble gum as well as mouth freshner strips etc will also be made with tinfoil etc replaced with paper or plastic or them in plastic tubs etc of various sizes.The moulds for these will likely be those created using methane or biosynth based plastic that when used for a batch order of existing or customised and new products will be broken down by bacteria that breaks them down into methane to be reused over and over again with methagenous bacteria also creating methene onsite from sugar creating a looped cycle negating the need fro metal mould that have to smelted down.Deserts even ice pops and Cornettos and similar frozen ice cream products will be packaged in paper and cardboard as well as methane or biosynth based plastic and in customised sizes with them first frozen onsite and then delivered in bulk and stored in large freezers in ones basement etc much in the same way as they are to shops.Yogurts will be have all tinfoil replaced with methane or biosynth based plastics with them in plastic or cardboard tubs of customised sizes and shapes stored in Pyxis.Ice cream products and desserts produced on the same floor as all dairy products and ice pops,yogurts,cheese etc.Like all dairy products variations can be made that are made from all 396,416 types of milk and new flavours etc in submenus.The flavourings of all species of plants and animals can be added to the genome of the yeasts or bacteria etc that create milk of all types further increasing customisation of all dairy products.Ice cream machines in shops and restaurants can be traded on Euthenia,scanned into Talus to be recreated and ordered in from there by anyone and be present at home with them customised to produce the same type of ice cream cones in shops around the world with syrup and ice cream ordered in bulk from Deipneus or made at home with flakes for 99 cones and customised sprinkles ordered in bulk from Deipneus with syrups from any species of plant or any flavour type also created either at home or in Deipneus factories ordered in bulk alongside cones.These would be present in basements and storerooms of private and communal homes or in community centres and would be refilled over and over again with milk from yeast or bacteria created at home or ordered in from farms of all types and would be made by hand with them covered internally and externally in liquid glass to negate cleaning thus meaning a person and family could make cones all year round.Candycane,slushee,smoothie and popcorn machines from cinemas and amusement parks made redundant from Dionysus and also VR technology will also be taken in by the public once scanned into Antikyhera to be used in private and communal homes and both sugar kernals ordered in from farms.Branded and new yogurt and ice-cream products can be modified to have any type of flavour,sprinkle,fruit or other items and be made from any of the 396,416 type of animal and plant milks in the world.Other dairy products made on the same floor will also be made from the same number of chosen 396,416 milks with existing and new products tweaked to use different types of milk with the milk grown in batches onsite of the factory floor.Branded beer,vodka,tequila and wine etc from around the world including defunct ones would have the exact recipe recreated or have their chemical composition analysed and recreated via bacteria through anabolic and catabolic reactions and also malted sugars,grain endosperm and juices created from bacteria recombinant DNA onsite of Deipneus factories and breweries.All Deipneus factories will house nano breweries and wineries etc to create all brands and types of alcoholic drinks from around the world ordered in batches.Both branded beer and also wine,tequila and vodka will in this database including customised ones and new ones created using cereals and juices from all 391,000 species of fruits and plants created by bacteria.Nanobreweries and nano wineries at home,in community centres and in Deipneus factories will render all breweries and wineries defunct allowing them to be converted into communal homes with only historical ones remaining and them being fully automated with them serving all restaurants and bars in the area and also allowing for orders to be made via the Deipneus sub network with them linked together by the sentient operating software Ceraon as detailed later on.These will create beer and wine etc for the surround bars,restaurants and nightclubs alongside them creating their own in nanobreweries etc.Fizzy drinks and even non fizzy drinks of all brands from around the world such as juice drinks,root beer,squash,sodas ie Fruice,Tropicana,Ocean Spray,Minute Maid,Capri Sun that are branded alongside branded sodas and soft drinks like Kia-Ora concentrated soft drink,Sunny D,Coca-Cola,Fanta,Sprite,Lucozade and also root beers from around the world and different brands of drinks like Kombucha from around the world will be analysed for their chemical composition and recipes released to be created in nano breweries and miniaturised machinery that will be ordered in batches with aluminium cans not used rather methane or biosynth based plastic containers of 500ml to 10 litres used with them created by bacteria creating the sugars,flavouring and juices etc of each the drinks exactly via recombiant DNA and also anabolic and catabolic reactions and also any artificial sweeteners etc with miniature carbonating systems present to make them fizzy.All drinks whether alcoholic ones,fruit drinks or fizzy and soda ones will have all ingredients including the actual juices created by bacteria.Juice drinks both fizzy and non fizzy can be made of all 22,000 fruit and vegetables and even all 391,000 plants including different varieties and strains with the juices made by bacteria.This will allow juices to come from those that dont create enough to be commercially viable,cut costs of existing ones to zero and even allow them to be prepared onsite of Deipneus factories and also breweries and at home in higher yields,with less labour and much quicker than having to rear whole crops themselves thus saving on time.Bottled water will become obsolete and replaced with reusable kanteens that can be refilled with tap water as it wastes energy in the production of the water and also plastic.Seltzer and tonic water may also be made here.Flavoured bottled water like Deep Riverrock may still be availible and uploaded to Deipneus with them created onsite of Deipneus factories using natural or artificial flavourings from bacteria with them ideally ordered in large bottles and refilled into kanteens at home.All drinks of all type such as alcoholic ones,juices,sodas and teas etc will be created for orders in bulk in Deipneus factories with one floor for each using bacteria housing relevant DNA and anabolic and catabolic reactions when their chemical compositions is analysed with them also created at home in vats using bacteria using again recombinant DNA and anabolic and catabolic reactions to alleviate strains on Deioneus factories.Aluminium cans for small amounts of the sodas and even beer will be replaced by methane or biosynth based plastic versions and also one refilling reusable kanteens from large methane based or biosynth plastic containers.Glass to hold fizzy,non fizzy and even alcoholic drinks will be used in a rotary system sent back and forth in a rotary system with them prepared in Ganymede factories and sent to the Deipneus factory.Nutritional supplements may be created in customised recipes with one choosing what ratio of each essential nutrient will present and flavourings both created by bacteria including branded supplements of vitamins and also protein whey.Componants of these such as vitamins,proteins and carbohydrates will be created by bacteria using recombinant DNA and anabolic and catabolic reactions.Existing supplement products from around the world will be added to the database.Branded teas,Cafe lates,coffees,drinking chocolate and soups and other food products in liquid and powder form from around the world can be analysed for their chemical structure and them also recreated by bacteria using recombinant DNA and anabolic and catabolic reactions to be then delivered in powdered and liquid form.Pods of milkshakes,drinking chocolate and coffee etc for coffee making machines including both existing and new ones will be created here with the pods made to fit customised coffee making machines with again them created by bacteria.Baby and pet food and snacks both of all types including biscuit type ones and gel like mixtures and from around the world from all brands will be made on the same floor as most other products with them ordered in bulk in large plastic jars and resealable packets with them modified into new recipes with baby formula and similar products made redundant by the fact that mothers will be able to create their own milk on an unlimited scale using yeast or bacteria in vats in home or they can order in large batches from community and vertical farms like other milk with the mothers patients file cross referenced in both cases.A mother alongside DNA scans in patient files can use handheld nanosensors or test kits using biosynth technology ordered in or have a sample of their milk even before or after birth and even pregnancy to sent to labs in hospitals to have its exact chemical composition analysed including antibodies etc and added to their patient file thus meaning that their patient file can be cross referenced for both their DNA and chemical composition to have the yeast or bacteria create large amounts of their own milk created in large batches that has antibodies and other components recreated exactly not just from their DNA but also anabolic and catabolic reactions and have different flavourings and desired levels of all nutrients with this milk aiding mothers especially those with multiple births ie twins,triplets and not rely on baby formula which is easy to contamination etc and would require extra machinery.Baby and pet food,powered tea and coffee and also supplements will made using the same machinery on the same floor with ordered in batches.Branded coffee and tea and also supplements and even baby food may become obsolete due to homemade versions,growing tea and coffee hybrid plants at home and also humans engineered using CRISPR to produce their own vitamins and essential amino acids and fats.Cakes,pies,tarts,croissants,baguettes,pastries,doughnuts,slice pans of bread,pasta of all types and all types of bread products will be made on a single piece of machinery on one floor or will be made homemade in bulk at home rendering bakeries of all types defunct with them designed on Pandora and stored in Deipneus.Biscuits of all types and even Fig Rolls,Pop Tarts and also breakfast bars and savoury ones that have fruit fillings and those that are breakfast cereals in bar form will be made on this machine as well with all of these ordered in bulk and in the case of sliced bread whether wholemeal,brown or white one will store excess in freezers and fridges to prevent them becoming contaminated with mould with them even irradiated and treated with microbes that fight off moulds to extend shelf life.Pringles and crisps of all types will be created on this or another single machine that has flavourings created by bacteria with even the potato crisps themselves created by the bacteria creating starchy fibrous material similar to potatoes with this even applying to chips created here.Boxes and tins of chocolate and biscuits such as Cadbury Milk Tray,Ferrero Rocher,Quality Street,Roses,Celebrations,Lindt Selection,Dairy box,Heroes,Cadburys Favourite Biscuits,Jacobs USA,Fabously Foxs etc from around the world will be added to the database can be created onsite in floors of the Deipneus factories with them ordered in bulk.Chocolate bars,candies,chewing/bubble gum and air freshner strips as well as sweets from around the world will be made on one floor using the same machinery with spices and vinegar made by bacteria with breakfast cereal bars also created onsite.Jellies,terrines,pâté,ketchup,mustard,vinegar,jams,preserves,custard,sauces,soups of all types in both liquid and powder form,stock cubes and pasta primarily branded ones may be created in Deipneus factories in a single set of machinery on one floor ordered in bulk though the vast majority will be created at home with the ingredients made using bacteria etc with them created at home using chef robots,picotech fabricators and also recipes streamed from smart devices.Pot Noodle,Shin Ramyun,Cup Noodles and other instant noodles from around the world can be created here as well with the pasta composed of durum wheat,sauces,powder created by bacteria.Stock cubes and liquid stock etc can be of any species of crop and animal with them being composed of powder material,liquids,flavours from each crop and animal etc created by bacteria with soups also both liquid and powder created by bacteria and vegetables.Pot Noodle,Shin Ramyun,Cup Noodles and other instant noodles from around the world can be created here as well with the pasta composed of durum wheat,sauces,powder created by bacteria.Branded instant soups such as those in cans and satchets in liquid,paste and powder form will be created via bacteria.Branded sauces and condiments like mustard,ketchup,custard and those for meals ie mint,pepper,soy,horseraddish,barbecue,hot,garlic,dorito dip etc as well as preserves and jams will be created by bacteria with this applying to branded ones via recombinant DNA and anabolic and catabolic reactions with jams and preserves likely being homemade or using microbes,bacteria and fruit grown onsite using hybrid crops and biosynth machinery.Stuffing would also be made using flour or bread like material etc created by bacteria alongside all other ingredients.Jellies and similar products will have all ingredients be created by bacteria.Vinegar will be created by bacteria first creating juices,cereals from grains,sap,sugar etc of all types chosen by the consumer created by bacteria and then another strain of acetic acid bacteria then turning it into vinegar.Salad dressings will also have all ingredients made by bacteria.Pâté,terrines as well as similar including branded and customised and new ones will be made with all ingredients made from in vitro meat and bacteria with any type of fat,vegetable,alcoholic drink,spice and meat type used.Branded versions of these will be analysed and added to the network for replication by chef robots and also picotech fabricators and factories with them made in on the same machine in bulk.Seasonings such as pepper,lemon shavings,spices including branded ones scanned in will be created by bacteria.Dairy products such as youghurts,ice cream,margarine and creme and butter etc will be made in one machine on one floor with milk created by bacteria with branded ones added and modified and used as baseline for new products with them made from all 396,416 species of plant and mammal milks with flavourings,colours and smells of any 391,000 species plant ie Vanilla planifolia,Vanilla tahitensis,Citrus,Fragaria,Musa,Malus,Mentha,Cucurbitaceae and Theobroma cacao either white or dark also created by the bacteria or yeast at the same time to save time and resources.Ben and Jerries,HB,Häagen-Dazs and all ice cream companies from around the world will have their products made here in the same machine and floor with this including Cornettos,ice pops,Mr.Freeze and similar items with them coming in various sized packaging decided by the consumer.All types of branded cheese,ice cream and cremes will be made here alongside being homemade with again it delivered in batches with them containing beneficial bacteria that are engineered to prey on both spoilage and pathogenic bacteria to allow them to last forever in fridges with the moulds,enzymes created by bacteria and starter cultures etc printed out for each order of each type with if possible temporal dimensional transcendatlism used to age them in a short amount of time thus alongside the specific milk and bacteria cultures required making even the most rarest and expensive cheeses abundant for everyone.If not they can be sent home and aged at home with if possible the bacteria and yeast or bacteria even causing the cheese to age prematurely to a desired age or just naturally speeding up the process.If possible the bacteria and yeast can even create compounds associated with cheese of a set age and create compounds associated with specific feed fed to the animal created by anabolic and catabolic reactions.These compounds structure can be added to Deipneus once analysed in labs and one can pick and mix which factors to have for the cheese and this applied to all dairy products such as ice-creams,yogurts,butter,cheeses creme etc from around the world.Compounds that affect taste and texture due to age and also feedstuff,breed etc will be have their structure analysed and stored in the Deipneus database to be replicated in each product with the relevant starter cultures and moulds species name stored here and referenced from Physis.The specific milk of a specific species or breed of mammal or strain and cultivar of plant can be made by them.Moulds and starter cultures of any type relevant to a specific cheese can be printed out as well.Flavourings,colours and smells of any 391,000 species plant ie V.planifolia,V.tahitensis,Citrus,Fragaria,Musa,Malus,Mentha,Cucurbitaceae and T.cacao either white or dark also created by the bacteria or yeast at the same time to save time and resources with nuts and flakes of chocolate created via bacteria or biosynth machinery.Thus yeasts or bacteria can create the specific milk of a specific species or breed of mammal or strain and cultivar of plant that can have the compounds created by anabolic and catabolic reactions associated with age and those that affected the milks taste as a result of specific feed fed to the animal,while moulds and starter cultures of any type relevant to a specific cheese can be printed out as well with this allowing even the most expensive types of cheeses to be ordered in from local Deipneus factories or created at home.This can bring the costs of the most expensive and rarest branded dairy products such as ice-creams,yogurts,butter,cheeses creme etc from around the world to zero making them widely availible to everyone at zero cost with the milk of all species,breeds and varieties of all 396,416 plants and mammals created by bacteria and yeast which can be ordered in from local Deipneus factories or made at home with in both cases specific starter cultures and moulds printed out via 3D DNA printers including new ones designed by AI and those that are not normally.Branded cheeses,butter,margarine,creme,yogurts,ice cream etc from around the world will be added to this database alongside different types that are not branded but general ones especially different types with these all having variations made in submenus.Milk of any type,bacteria and moulds etc printed out from Demeter and other ingredients ordered in from farms etc will allow them to be homemade anywhere in the world thus making luxury dairy products cost literally zero for everyone.Ideally most dairy products will in fact be homemade especially butter,margarine,cream,cheese etc made in bulk with milk itself being ordered in bulk from farms or made at home via bacteria meaning most branded cheese,butter,margarine etc products not made in or ordered in from Deipneus with their recipies stored in Deipneus with only branded ice creams and yogurt including those that are drunk being made and ordered in from Deipneus factories.Thus branded products like drinks,beer,vodka,breakfast cereals,snacks and sweets of all types around the world will be created in Deipneus factories and other essentials that are condiments ie jellies,sauces,jams,preserves can be homemade but their branded versions will be in Deipneus for replication at home and also picotech fabricators and possibly created in miniaturised machinery in community centres and factories.Picotech fabricators and robot chefs can create them exactly as they are.Community centres may create certain products to alleviate strains on Deipneus factories that produce these same products.Advertisements both audio/visual and those from magazines will be present.All manufactured food products of all types will be listed in Deipneus as part of Hephaestus and will follow the same evolutionary pattern as other products with all existing brands of sweets,candies,bread products,breakfast cereals from around the world added to this database with Pandora used to design new ones and packaging etc.Existing products scanned in and those made from scratch added to the database can be used as a baseline for new products with them having submenus and pages for similarly flavoured products.Ingredients would be created via onsite hydroponics using hybrid crops,bacteria that create animal and plant commodities/essential nutrients/colourings/flavourings etc using relevant DNA and even scratch DNA and synthetic compounds via anabolic and catabolic reactions,in vitro meat and algea and mayonnaise based eggs,egg based compounds created by bacteria using recombinant DNA or anabolic and catabolic reactions or those created in biosynth machinery reared onsite.Bacteria will as stated produce commodities like chocolate powder and butter,essential nutrients,flour,oils,waxes,spices,juices,honey,sugars,milk of any type from any animal or plant and also the yolk and white of eggs and any important compound present in them and other commodities relevant to cooking and the product being produced with even starchy material similar to Solanum tuberosum etc for crisps,chips etc created by them and microbes alongside other vegetable,nut and fruit based material with flavourings,colourings,sweetners from all plants and animals and all compounds relevant to cooking and manufactured goods created via relevant recombinant DNA with synthetic compounds like flavourings,sweetners etc will be created by bacteria using anabolic and catabolic reactions.Synthetic compounds like flavourings,colourings,sweetners etc will be created by bacteria using anabolic and catabolic reactions or recombinant DNA from plants and animals will create natural compounds like flavourings,colourings,sweetners etc.If possible their could be a single strain of bacteria in each vat linked to Physis that houses nanomachines and wifi to allow the DNA changed at any time for the next batch with them having human DNA or those from plants and animals that are immune to the compound present to make them invulnerable with genes switched on/off and removed and added via the wifi which can change the DNA present in billions of bacteria at once with them also able through the wifi create any desired synthetic compound via anabolic and catabolic reactions for each batch.A single strain can thus exist that has WiFi and digital DNA storage with WiFi used to change the DNA to that of recombinant DNA of any plant or animal via induction of its evolutionary path using Cas-9 and raw polymerase with the structure of synthetic compounds downloaded into digital DNA storage and WiFi used to initiate the bacteria to create these compounds.Algea for flour,oil,TVP etc may be created as well with 3D DNA printers present on these factories.Moulds,starter cultures,enzymes/starter cultures/moulds relevant to manufactured goods along with bacteria that produce all commodities will be printed out using 3D DNA printers.Compounds relevant to cooking like emulsifiers,humectants,acidulents,antioxidants,thickeners,bulking agents,anti-caking agents,preservatives,colourings,flavourings etc including microcrystalline cellulose,gelatin,egg yolk and whites and compounds in them and also present in other commodities can be created using relevant recombinant DNA in the case of natural ones with synthetic ones created using anabolic and catabolic reactions.Synthetic colourings,flavourings etc that are found to be carcinogenic and cause health problems will be not synthesised at all and removed from the recipes of sweets,candies,sauces etc with them replaced by natural and synthetic colourings,flavourings etc that are safe to consume.Those from all 2,391,000 plants and animals can be created using recombinant DNA with any type of nutrient ie specific essential fatty acids,fats,proteins,amino acids and also even carbohydrates,any type of sugars,vitamins etc essential to its nutritional value created by bacteria using these means as well through recombinant DNA and also anabolic and catabolic reactions.Salt will be collected from sewage treatment plants and shipped to Deipneus factories and reused when gained from mining and also picotech fabricators.Grains,seeds,eggs,spices,truffles,kernals and even whole nuts,fruits and vegetables in batches will be created by biosynth machinery onsite of the factory in batches for each order.Hybrid crops will be grown using hydro/aquaponics etc and will undergoe engineering to increase growth rates.Some will be ordered from local vertical,forest and community farms or created by picotech fabricators onsite with them grown for each batch.All crops and bacteria etc will undergo extensive genetic engineering to increase yields and growth rate with the AI of the factory only creating what is needed for each order to prevent waste by extrapolating from the desired amount etc what amount of each product is needed with them created while other orders are processed and straight away after the ingredients for these orders were harvested to prevent the waste of time.These can be irradiated to prevent spoilage and pathogenic bacteria contaminating them.If possible spores and stem cells that can be created by 3D DNA printers that contain genes from Thermus aquaticus,Streptococcus pyogenes,Francisnovicida with biosynth WiFi,Cas-9,taq polymerase used to initiate the genotypes of any species of 80,000-300,000 crops and their hybrids into full crops by cross referencing Physis via expediated growth on demand into the full crop.The spores and stem cells would undergo mass replication via DNA from embryonic,induced pluripotent stem cells as well as from Planarians,Ambyostoma mexicanum,Clostridium perfringens,Escherichia coli etc and scratch DNA present until a full version of the crop is produced.These would contain bacterial DNA allowing them to undergo mitosis.As stated all of these would be ordered in bulk and stored at home in storerooms,cubpoards and also closets etc.The orders can be divided into those with different flavours,ingredients etc in their composition decided and arranged by the consumer and these produced and delivered in on go.The existing products will be labelled as such and they will have a picture of the logo and the product in original packaging,advertisements both audio/visual and those found in magazines etc and list of ingredients with new ones created by consumers having their own logos and even advertisements and the ingredients listed.A years or at least a few months worth of products will be ordered in and stored in fridges,storerooms,basements,cupboard.Communal home residents will order them in bulk with them stored in suites in closets,cupboards and also in storerooms used by other residents and basements as all residents will use this space communally with them stored in large freezers,fridges and also cupboards with them collecting them when wanted with even the residents communal homes ordering in them into their suite and them logged in the AI for meals etc.The AI of also private and communal homes will also order them in with public buildings creating homemade versions.Homemade versions and those made in community centres will be used to alleviate strains from factories and will allow one to retain skills using food grown at home or ordered in from Demeter with chef robots in communal homes managed by the home AI creating the vast majority of meals and condiments ass part of them at home.This will be done to alleviate strains on orders from Deipneus factories and for in between periods between orders as most people will have alot of spare time due to automation rendering the vast majority of jobs defunct and also because networks in the wire and VR technology allowing one to carry out remaining ones from home.Ideally for each consumer 50-70% of food products will be homemade with those ordered in consisting of deserts like ice cream and also breakfast cereals,candies,fizzy drinks,branded beer and bread with 30-50% of food products being ordered in as YouTube has many videos on how to make different types of products such as candies etc with nanobreweries and nanowineries creating non branded customised beer and wine etc.Robot chefs and biosynths controlled by the Home AI in both private and communal homes will alleviate labour on humans with the recipes of all manufactured food products stored in the Deipneus sub network can allow the exact recipes and steps of production be streamed by these in real time to make them almost indistinguishable from those ordered in from factories thus ensuring that most consumers will create their own supply of manufactured food products thus alleviating strains on factories especially prior to when both normal and temporal dimensional transcendamentalism are perfected and ubiquitous but even after they are perfected to save time and energy.Thus the Deipneus sub network housing all recipes for all manufactured food products will not only be crossreferenced by factory AIs but also by robot chefs and biosynths in private and communal homes.The Ceraon sub network will house all recipes for all alcoholic drinks to not only be crossreferenced by both Deipneus factory AIs but also nanobreweries in private and communal homes and also cruise ships and bars and nightclubs.The fact that people will no longer be restrained by obsolete jobs with remaining ones done at home using computer networks and VR technology and its time dilation effect alongside chef robots and biosynths controlled by Home AI,advent of picotech fabricators and fresh crops etc ordered in from Demeter and those grown at home will allow for the vast majority of products and condiments like sweets,fizzy drinks,alcoholic drinks,butter,margarine,coleslaw,mustard,ketchup,meals and also bread products and pasta and most manufactured food products to be homemade and stored in bulk.Miniature carbonating systems can be ordered in from Talus to make homemade fizzy drinks created with bacteria creating flavourings and juices etc at home with alcoholic ones made at home using micro wineries and breweries that can create customised or even branded beer,wine,sake,brandy etc in basements etc.This will cater to their needs in between orders from Deipneus factories with them by 2029-2045 will be almost identical to real versions since created by Home AI streaming the recipes from the Deipneus.Some manufactured food products both existing ones and new ones developed by the public to save space in the factories for specialised machinery and alleviate strains will have recipes uploaded into Deipneus but not created or ordered in from them but will be stored in a special section of the Deipneus sub network of Hephaestus where when one chooses them in Hepheastus it will initiate ones chef robots and biosynths controlled by the Home AI to create them at home after ordering in or creating ingredients at home or from farms with them then homemade from scratch etc.Examples of these products will include butter,crème,cheeses of different types derived from different species of mammals and plants as well as coleslaw,stuffing,soups,seasonings,bread rolls/sliced pans/croissants/pastries and other baked goods and bread products,prepared meals such as pizzas,ethnic cuisine,chips,preserves such as jams of small fruits,sauces of different types including existing branded ones and new ones developed by the public via VR simulations,neural implants and filming them using smart lenses and glasses and from neural implants deriving memories and also versions of candies and sweets and snacks created by YouTube chefs and those present in existing and new cookbooks scanned into Dionysus with picotech fabricators also creating them with these two options havd them made in bulk and having the same flavour and texture etc worldwide.Consumers will also be able to create these and other homemade products alongside or in place of biosynths and chef robots with one streaming instructions on google lenses,google valses and e-newspapers.This will negate the need for extra machinery to create them.When both normal and temporal dimensional transcendamentalism become available then they may be made in Deipneus factories.These like other homemade food products will be created in bulk and stored in reusable 3D printed containers from Pyxis.Chef robots and biosynths in private and communal homes and in public buildings will alleviate strains on humans creating them in bulk.In time picotech fabricators will be used to create them at home with communal homes ideally having them in kitchens for certain meals etc.The Deipneus sub network database will also be used by robot chefs and in time biosynths in both private and communal homes to recreate all types of these from around the world to also alleviate strains with synthetic compounds like flavourings etc created via bacteria using anabolic and catabolic reactions and natural ones by recombinant DNA.Ingredients will be ordered in as crops or as commodities created by bacteria and even those grown at home.Artificial flavourings,sweetness etc will be created by bacteria ordered in from farms or even created at home.Thus all ingredients for homemade manufactured food products will be ordered in from farms or grown at home and them created by robots and biosynths controlled by the Home AI streaming recipes from Deipneus ensuring that they will be indistinguishable from the real products with them made and stored in bulk and used to alleviate strains on factories as well as for in between orders.VR technology will also allow one to consume any manufactured food product they may have a sudden craving to eat conjured up instantly.When picotech fabricators are ubiquitous to the point that they can be found in every private and communal home any type of manufactured food product such as drinks,candies,breakfast cereals etc can be created on demand by itself or in bulk with one using waste uneaten food etc as an energy source by reversing the Breit Wheeler process.Those ordered in from Deipneus will be ordered in bulk for a months or even years supply with one since having more space in homes through extensions,dimensional transcendentalism they can house extra storage cupboards,freezers and fridges to house food ordered in bulk with basements used to house these storage spaces.Temporal dimensional transcendentalism will allow for Deipneus factories to create large orders for consumers who can store in extensions in their home thanks to normal dimensional transcendentalism housing large storerooms with large cupboards and a large number of fridge/freezers and also also temporal dimensional transcendentalism integrated into storerooms at home that slower time flow rate extending shelf life allowing for yearly or even two years worth supplies of food to be ordered in and stored for years or decades.Improvements in genetic engineering and biocompatible microbes etc researched by humans and AI can increase the shelf life of manufactured food products especially dairy products by several years,decades or even indefinitely allowing them to stay fresh and safe to eat forever with no loss of taste,texture and nutritional content provided they are properly refridgerated etc with temporal dimensional transcendamentalism integrated into private and communal homes can allow time inside flow faster than on the outside again extending shelf life forever.One may have to make yearly or monthly or even bi-monthly orders from Deipneus factories from manufacturing hubs outside of their state in surrounding states or surrounding countries.One may have to make yearly or monthly or even bi-monthly orders from Deipneus factories from manufacturing hubs outside of their state in surrounding states or surrounding countries with if possible a years supply ordered in different batches from different factories or the same one in pieces that accommodate for at least a month each so this would mean that if a person wants a years supply then if the factories are busy then one would order the years supply in pieces/batches each for a month or twos worth at a time in between other orders or after them to prevent them interfering with other orders with the AIs of each factory and also operating software managing them this meaning that a person may receive the first half or first third of an order within a few days and the rest other times from the same or different factories.Ordering in bulk will allow it to be stored at home and not have one have to make orders every week with doing so will also allow one to have it in storage for long periods of time and will also negate the need for competing for the orders of other consumers.It will also reduce energy in making orders every day or week even by convenience stores and supermarkets standards and will save time for the consumer to travel to these stores now turned into homes with this giving consumers a large encyclopedia of goods from around the world produced locally.If need be if the floor of a Deipneus factory of one of the product that is being ordered is busy one may be able to make different parts of an order that consists of different product or each order from different Deipneus factories as part of manufacturing hubs from around the world with delivery vehicles using Ophion and possibly even transporter technologies onsite of both Aphrodite buildings and post offices around the world with Deipneus showing them which factories are busy for each type of product and which are not and thus arranging the quickest means to get it from different factory hubs.Aphrodite and Deipneus could arrange orders from other Deipneus factories around the world that are not as busy.VR simulations can be used by consumers to try out all products for taste and texture etc before ordering.If possible consumers could have all manufactured food products such as candies,crisps,fizzy drinks,pastries,breakfast cereals etc could have all ingredients such as grains,crops,commodities from bacteria etc have the level and type of carbohydrates,proteins,fats modified to their specific nutritional needs is if they are bodybuilders and are losing weight or trying to maintain a stable body fat percentage they can have unhealthy fats replaced by healthy essential fats,sugar replaced by artificial sweeteners and also complex carbohydrates to be released slowly or the other way around etc with this customisation saved in ones Hephaestus account with references to each type of manufactured product.Consumers will be able to design healthier versions of each manufactured products with lower levels of fat,sugar etc and have unhealthy fats replaced by healthier ones or removed altogether with sugar replaced by complex carbohydrates or artificial sweeteners with complex carbohydrates replaced by sugar.Articial sweeteners,natural and synthetic flavourings can be created by bacteria added to the product replacing complex carbohydrates,sugars and unhealthy fats that produce the same taste,texture and flavour as sugar,complex carbohydrates and even unhealthy fats allowing them to be low fat,low carbohydrate etc versions that still have the same taste as their unhealthier versions.Branded tinned and packaged fruit and vegetables,cuts of meat,mince etc will not be scanned in as they will be grown at home or ordered in from farms.However some branded fruit and vegetables will be scanned in and replicated such as those that are uniquely stored in sauces and marinations such as Bachelors Baked Beans etc.Whole fruits,vegetables,cutlets,mince etc can be created by picotech fabricators by doing so in their file in the second area of Demeter.Sliced pans of bread and also baguettes alongside pastries may be ideally be homemade with branded versions and those in supermarkets from around the world may be scanned in terms of shape and recipies to be replicated via picotech fabricators and also at home,community centres or even miniaturised machinery that can create customised recipes.Community centres may create certain products to alleviate strains on Deipneus factories that produce these same products such as these.Thus all branded food products of all types such as pastries,candies,sweets,breakfast cereals,deserts,bread products,alcoholic and non alcoholic fizzy and non fizzy drinks etc from corporations around the world including defunct ones and those created by supermarket chains will be analysed by labs,have their shape scanned in and have their recipes and ingredients and steps in their production released and done by corporations,analysed by labs,uploaded and stored on the sentient Deipneus sub networks to be crossreferenced by Deipneus factories around the world.Alcoholic drinks will be uploaded to the Ceraon database to be manufactured in Deipneus factories and remaining breweries.This will be done to make all manufactured food products that are currently restricted to one geographic location and country made widely availible to everyone worldwide.Whey protein and vitamin supplements from around the world will also be scanned into this database and their ingredients analysed with them made by bacteria.The shape of each item namely food ie the shape of each part of breakfast cereals,shape of bread products,pastries,chocolates,candies will be scanned into the network with the internal and external structure will be stored in the network alongside the logos of packaging with them listed in the network as the packaged item and logo.The ingredients of all existing manufactured products will be analysed by labs,recipies released,shape scanned in and steps analysed,existing steps released/new ones extrapolated and added to the manufactured food products file to be replicated precisely especially in the case of ingredients created by bacteria using recombinant DNA and anabolic and catabolic reactions.Having ingredients,recipes and existing steps analysed and new ones extrapolated and added to each existing and new products file in Deipneus allow this to be extrapolated for each individual order.Ingredients will also be listed in their page.This will allow them to be recreated by all in one miniaturised machinery in Deipneus factories and also chef robots and biosynths in both communal or private homes recreated from scratch using programmed movements etc stored in Deipneus with humans having instructions streamed on smart devices and lenses and also in time picotech fabricators creating them.The logos and designs on packaging will be added to their page with the original packaging scanned into Pyxis for replication.Advertisements will also be added to their page including those from archives of corporations and also on YouTube.The packaging design and logos will be scanned in and added to their page to be replicated on any customised packaging.They will follow the same evolutionary method as other manufactured products with submenus for altered versions of existing ones and them used as a baseline for new products with all types of new food products designed on Pandora and VR technology simulations managed by Deipneus with one using these to design taste,texture,ingredients and shape using thoughts and Pandora itself.Catering services for birthdays,weddings,funerals etc will be replaced by biosynths and chef robots controlled by the Home AI or even those hired from Comus the universal catering service or even ordering in meals from them and restaurants directly or even picotech fabricators with human relatives and friends sufficing until then.Meals designed on Pandora,from YouTube,scanned in cookbooks and even from memory via neural implants will be stored here again replicated by chef robots and picotech fabricators.Those in cookbooks scanned in will be added to the database alongside existing meals etc on YouTube by all cooking channels will be scoured by this AI both in proto and final form and added to this database to be recreated by robots at home and eventually picotech fabricators and will likely be in submenus and pages of official products etc or as branch off products to be also created in factories with a hyperlink present linking to the scanned in cookbook and also YouTube video.These will follow the same evolutionary process as manufactured products of all types and will give people access to all aforementioned food products from around the world that they are currently restricted due to geographic location.All food products in the Deipneus network including uploaded ones and those created from scratch will be divided by type and subtype.The use of a Deipneus factory would allow for existing factories for all food products including wineries and breweries and factories that make them and also packaging be used as homes,will alleviate strains on community centres and even give consumers a large variety of food products from around the world including those outside of their country and also customised version and entirley new food products created from scratch with even Pandora used to design each type of food and each aspect of it with one typing in or via direct interaction with Pandora and Deipneus ie shape of each part,the ingredients and flavours of each part of them in each ratio with them coloured in via Pandora with natural and synthetic flavourings,colourings etc used with these and existing products have their ingredients listed in the correct ratio.New products will be made from scratch and have new pages and sub pages with one designing their shape of each part,ingredients of each part an.New products will have recipes created from scratch,undergo tests and have advertisements,ingredients and logos added to their pages with submenus for variations of existing and new products.The designs and logo of packaging for new food products will be created on Pandora and will be applied to customised packaging.Neural implants and VR technology may be used to create exact flavours,texture etc desired by the consumer from thought and also to create how to videos on their homemade creation via Deipneus doing these.The flavours created in the food products created from Pandora and these simulations and from thoughts via neural implants will be analysed by Deipneus to then create them via extrapolating what natural or synthetic compounds will be created by bacteria via recombinant DNA,scratch DNA and also anabolic and catabolic reactions.One in VR simulations will be directly interacting with Deipneus will design the ingredients,their layout even creating the food product from pure thought or even by hand from scratch in the simulation as if a chef and some ingredients derived from thought with Deipneus analysing tastes and textures and then reverse engineering compounds via bacteria through anabolic and catabolic reactions and also recombinant DNA.Neural implants through simulations will allow one to directly tell Deipneus what ingredients must be in them and in what exact ratio and level to prevent them being too powerful or weak by pure thought with it also allowing the exact texture of each component must be by pure thought to make them designed perfectly.Neural implants can be used by all consumers worldwide to scan their memories for all food products and even meals have eaten during their life to be added to this database with the taste,texture and picture including defunct ones analysed by Deipneus to recreate it in the database and thus picotech fabricators,factories,robot chefs.Safety tests will be done by Daphne analysing the compounds and their synergistic effects with each other in automated labs and also simulations with this also analysing the ingredients and nutrient content for each one in grammes etc to be added to its page.Ingredients for food products will be listed on packaging and product page in amounts of all new and existing products and undergoe quality control managed by Aphrodite.Alcoholic drinks will contain the percentage alcohol.A seal of approval and results of quality control tests will also be present on both packaging and product page.They and allergies will be dealt in the same way as cosmetics and cleaning products with one able to choose customised packaging from Pyxis.This will give consumers access to all of these manufactured food products both new and old from around the world made locally in Deipneus factories with them undergoing the same evolutionary process with new products instantly availible to everyone worldwide.It will also since created in Deipneus factories will negate corporate control of them with them also created via picotech fabricators and robots creating at home in bulk using bacteria creating natural and synthetic compounds.
Breweries,wineries and distilleries can also be fully automated with ingredients grown on site via bacteria creating juices and endosperm in extensions ensuring year long supply of all types of cereals and grape varieties as well as other fruits used from different wine production regardless of the climate and also allowing beer and wines to be produced in any town,city or climate around the world cutting down in transportation energy and also land needed to grow them and increasing yields.Nanosensors will ensure quality control and the ingredients decided by the community that house them and all readings fed into Demeter to serve nearby bars,restaurants and nightclubs with them transported to them quickly by interactions between them and breweries and winerys via the wire with AI of breweries keeping track what was harvested and taking in orders from all surrounding bars and nightclubs with the AIs of bars,nightclubs ordering in batches stored in kegs etc in the basement used in a rotary system.All steps of the production of wine and beer can be automated and regulated via their AI and done on site with this including the sowing,growing and harvesting of all crops grown on site.All machinery,flooring,surfaces,vats and piping will be covered internally and externally in a permanent layer of liquid glass to prevent clogging or build up of stains and allow automated cleaning measures more easily via gravity,water etc to be made with any skins,dead yeast cells or waste effluent etc disposed of in organic waste bins for organic pyrolysis plants automatically and all tanks can be covered in steel coverings to prevent cross contamination from the air and also to capture carbon dioxide and transfer it to other apparatus that can release to the outside using automated valve systems or for it to be used as fertiliser for bacteria,yeast or plants grown onsite.This liquid glass will allow automated cleaning systems to be carried out much more easily and prevent contamination of vats and machinery where bacteria grow commodities and also where machinery is used to create customised orders of any type of products especially in Himeros,Deipneus and Pyxis factories.The diagnostics and readings from machinery such as time left for each step and temperature will be visible when fed into Hermes and controlled by the communities that own them.Those that manage them can also choose and order the specific strain and species of yeast used an in time it should even be theoretically possible to have bacteria to produce the juices and sugars of specific species and strains of grapes and other fruits used for wine production producing even higher yields with the same for cereals with bacteria producing both the endosperm grain and fibre for barely etc or ideally the unique malted sugars to save on energy and time with these grown onsite with even algae for algae beer imported in from sewage treatment plants with even juices of fruits not traditionally used in wine production made this way with any other bacteria creating relevant enzymes then automatically mixed in.It could also allow the bacteria to be engineered to produce the juice in one strain and the sugars of the specific fruits in another strain allowing them to be mixed together in correct ratios and then fermented with this solving the issue of certain fruits not creating not enough sugar to be fermented into alcohol and again higher yields with fewer resources.This bacteria can be grown onsite in underground extensions allowing land to grow cereals and fruit etc reforested.This can also apply to tequila with the sugars of Agave tequilana and Oryza for sake and tequila grown here by bacteria.Research must be done to ensure the correct moisture content etc and compounds are present to ensure the drinks produced are indistinguishable to conventionally produced ones.This can be replicated at home in home breweries.The wines etc created by bacteria can be stored in kegs made of oak and other woods that enhance flavour in homes,factories,breweries,restaurants and breweries.Thus bacteria will create the endosperm,malted sugars and also juices of all 391,000 species of plants including those that dont create enough to be normally commercially viable including Oryza and A.tequilana onsite of bars,nightclubs,breweries and homes allowing all land used for viticulture,grains etc to be reforested with all branded beer,vodka,tequila,champagne,alcopops,saké,brandy,whiskey,gin,rum etc and customised version of these and completely new ones developed by the public.Thus all branded,customised variants and new beer,vodka,tequila,champagne,alcopops,saké,brandy,whiskey,gin,rum from around the world will be availible to all bars,nightclubs and consumers around the world either ordered in from localised breweries and Deipneus factories and also made onsite using nanobreweries with their exact chemical composition and recipe analysed uploaded to Ceraon and replicated by bacteria through creating the endosperm,malted sugars and juices of the exact strain and variety of crop and also via anabolic and catabolic reactions.These will be created onsite of breweries,Deipneus factories and also at home,bars and nightclubs,airports and cruise ships to allow for higher yields very quickly,negate energy from transport and get high yields from those that dont do enough to be commercially viable thus pushing the cost to zero.Only historical breweries and wineries will be used to create beer and wine etc with the rest turned into communal homes with these being fully automated by 2029.The sentient operating software that connects all remaining breweries and wineries across the world will be called Ceraon after the deity associated with winemaking with a statue him in them and will be the network in Hephaestus to order in wines if used with one making their own personalised wines and beers ordered in there.Ideally all historical ones will have extensions to house areas to create beer,vodka,wine and also all types of alcoholic drinks using miniaturiesed machinery with them fully automated with existing large breweries replaced with more nanaobreweries replacing large ones since orders will be made in bulk for a years supply,will take very little time and will be done for all types of branded alcoholic drinks done in separate batches for each orders and also will be made at home and onsite of bars etc as well to alleviate strains.Deipneus factories will also have their own set of nanobreweries etc for the same reason with non historical breweries turned into homes.Like the breweries in Deipneus factories these will create the drinks in batches for orders for consumers,bars,nightclubs etc with the beer using rotary systems of kegs,barrels and glasses owned by the consumers designed on Ganymede and Pyxis with those ordered in from Deipneus factories also using this system and the machinery in both being miniaturised versions that are all in one that can create all types of branded and customised alcoholic drinks such as wines,vodka,champagne,alcopops,rum,saké,brandy,whiskey,gin on demand for batches with the juices and malted sugars,endosperm created onsite via bacteria via recombinant DNA onsite of Deipneus factories and breweries. Bacteria could even make the wines of these that are of set ages ie several years old by creating compounds such as flavourings by anabolic and catabolic reactions that are determined by time,climate,soils,variety of Vitis in them in turning allowing expensive wines determined by the strain,varieties and specific factors such as climate,soil,altitude it is grown in and even age of the Vitis juice,wine and plant to be made readily availible to all for free without having to actually wait specific lengths of time or even grow them half way across the world making even branded wines,champagne etc that are of a set age made from a set variety in a specific region of the world availible to everyone at zero cost.It may even apply to non alcoholic drinks through anabolic and catabolic reactions once the structure of compounds that affect taste from these factors are individually analysed and stored in the AI of breweries and the Ceraon software database meaning even these can be created not only in breweries and also Deipneus factories but also replicated at home in home distillery systems as even home systems will be able to make any branded and new types of beer,wine and champagne from around the world that are of a set age or were grown in specific conditions.These will be also created onsite of bars,restaurants and cruise ships by cross refferencing the Ceraon database.Thus the bacteria could even make the wines of these whose taste and smell are affected by certain factors by creating compounds such as flavourings,smells etc that are determined by time and age,altitude,soils and climates they are grown in within them allowing expensive wines,beers,champagne,tequila,rum,brandy etc and even non alcoholic drinks determined by the strain,varieties and specific factors such as climate,soil,micro-organisms in the soil,altitude it is grown and even age of the Vitis etc by anabolic and catabolic reactions juice and plant to be made readily availible to all for free without having to actually wait specific lengths of time or even grow them half way across the world making even branded wines,champagne etc that are of a set age made from a set variety in a specific region of the world availible to everyone made in bars,nightclubs,cruise ships,restaurants,breweries and Deipneus factories and even in home breweries at zero cost once the compounds that are affected by these factors from normally produced wine,beer,brandy etc are analysed in labs individually and collectively and stored in the Deipneus network.The different strains of Vitis etc will have their DNA added to Physis and the individual compounds affected by soil,climate,age etc stored in Ceraon to allow all varieties to be made with these environmental factors with one choosing a set age,climate,soil types from around the world that affects flavour and smells and even choosing the alcoholic level and strength for customised wines one can favourite.This can apply to all types of beer,brandy,vodka,tequila as well as all alcoholic and even non alcoholic drinks derived from fruits and all 391,000 plants.Physis will be housing all of the species,strains and varieties of Vitis,Hordeum,Trictium,Oryza,A.tequilana,Zea mays etc and all 391,000 plants,fruits and vegetables around the world that is hyperlinked to in the Ceraon database that will house the chemical compounds in each of their wines,beers and tequilas etc affected by soil,altitude,climate,set ages of all branded,new and customised wines,beers,champagne,rum,brandy.sake etc.Ceraon will for each beer etc house hyperlinks to the Physis file of the plant it is derived from and when one orders a drink from Deipneus,breweries or makes at home,in restaurants,cruise ships etc via nano breweries,nanowineries and distilleries the brewery,Home,factory,restaurant,bars,cruise ship etc AI will cross reference them both to be created via recombinant DNA and also anabolic and catabolic reactions with this also applying to non alcoholic drinks such as juice drinks and fizzy drinks ordered in from Deipneus factories and again made at home and cruise ships and also bars,restaurants etc.All branded wines,rum,brandy,tequila,sake,beers and those from independent farmers of rare expensive ones and those of a set age,from specific climate/soil/altitude from around the world will have their structures analysed in labs and stored in the Deipneus database to be replicated by bacteria in breweries,Deipneus factories,cruise ships,airports,nightclubs,bars and home breweries around the world.Bacteria could create these in home,bar,nightclub systems and the bacteria instructed by Deipneus via biosynth wifi and this replicated with rum,brandy and all alcoholic and non alcoholic juice drinks both fizzy and non fizzy.Wines,rum,brandy,tequila,sake,beer etc can be made of any strain or variety of the base plant and be of any 391,000 plants from their juices and flour.Thus bacteria will create the endosperm,malted sugars and also juices of all 391,000 species of plants and of all of their strains and varieties including those that dont create enough to be normally commercially viable including Oryza and A.tequilana onsite of bars,nightclubs,breweries,Deipneus factories and homes once their DNA is added to Physis and one capable of choosing a set age,climate,soil types and even choosing the alcoholic level and strength for customised drinks one can favourite allowing all land used for viticulture,grains etc to be reforested with all branded beer,vodka,tequila,champagne,alcopops,saké,brandy,whiskey,gin,rum etc and customised version of these and completely new ones developed by the public avail.Thus all branded,customised variants and new beer,vodka,tequila,champagne,alcopops,saké,brandy,whiskey,gin,rum from around the world will be availible to all bars,nightclubs and consumers around the world either ordered in from localised breweries and Deipneus factories and also made onsite of homes,bars and nightclubs using nanobreweries with their exact chemical composition and recipe analysed uploaded to Ceraon and replicated by bacteria through creating the endosperm,malted sugars and juices of the exact strain and variety of crop and also via anabolic and catabolic reactions.People will be able to order beer,wine,champagne,vodka,tequila,rum,brandy,alcopops,saké etc from Deipneus factories and breweries with nanobreweries in homes alleviating strains on Deipneus factories and breweries with home systems in the basements of private and communal homes using bacteria that can create desired juices and even chemical compounds of a set age,those associated with climate etc managed by the sentient Ceraon interacting with the home AI with the same done in basements of nightclubs,bars etc to alleviate strains on orders from Deipneus factories and remaining historical breweries.This will thus allow one to get access to any branded alcoholic drink,any new ones made from the juices,malted sugars and endosperm of all 391,000 plants and also have the same taste etc of those of a set age,grown in specific soils and climates from around the world locally made at home or ordered in from local Deipneus factories and historical breweries saving on time and energy and be completely free even in the case of the most expensive versions.Consumers and the AI of nightclubs,bars can also order in branded beer and wine from via Deipneus with them using a rotary system of kegs and glass bottles.They will serve nightclubs,bars and restaurants in their area with orders made by the AI that manages them and them stored in barrels and kegs used in a rotary system.Bars and nightclubs will create their own beer,wine etc onsite in basemetns using nanobreweries to alleviate strains on orders from the remaining historical breweries with consumers also ordering in beer etc from these and also making their own beer and wine at home using nanobreweries to alleviate strains on Deipneus factories.One will use Deipneus to order in drinks of all types form here with packaging made onsite with all steps being automated from start to finish and all cereals and juices created by bacteria.These remaining historical breweries will have underground suites added to house permanent residents and those who maintain them as tour guides and will house a statue of Ceraon in the lobby an managed by their own AI with a separate personality and avatar and AI receptionists.Non historical breweries etc will be converted into communal homes with nano breweries and wineries accounting for their own wine customised beer with still functioning breweries etc and those in Deipneus factories accounting for branded beers,vodka,wine etc.These remaining ones will have underground extensions to house breweries for wine,tequila,vodka etc which will be made in batches with these and all existing machinery replaced by miniaturised versions to make them more compact with the juices,sugars,malted sugars,endosperm of all species and strains of 391,000 plants,vegetables and fruits created by bacteria printed in vats or using a single strain that has its DNA changed on demand via wifi.New beers can be made from the flour and malted sugars of all 391,000 plants made by bacteria with wines made of all 22,000 fruits and vegetables with the juices of these made by bacteria.If possible 391,000 types of wines can be made via the juices from all species of plants.Large numbers of tall nanobreweries and nanowineries can be used in all floors replacing all existing machinery with as stated all juices,endosperms and even malted sugars created by bacteria onsite using a single or multiple strains with 3D DNA printers onsite.Bacteria will thus created the flours,malted sugars and juices of all 22,000 fruits and vegetables and 391,000 species of plants.The tall nanobreweries will be converted in liquid glass to negate cleaning and allow gravity etc to clean them easily with UV lights used to sterilise them in between each order with one ordering in each drink in large bulk orders with all work automated from start to finish.Roof and underground extensions will be added at first will be added to house more tall breweries with even living spaces for the public added with each remaining one have an AI in charge with its own personality and also avatar with them managed by the sentient operating software Ceraon with a statue of him in the lobby.Non historical breweries etc will be converted into communal homes with nano breweries and wineries accounting for their own wine customised beer with still functioning breweries etc and those in Deipneus factories accounting for branded beers,vodka,wine etc.Historical breweries will be converted into automated ones using tall nanobreweries with bacteria used to grow all sugars,juices etc with them growing all types of branded beers,wines,rum,brandy,alcopops,sake etc from around the world to be ordered in from bars,nightclubs and homes in the area with these also made in Deipneus factories.Home brewery,winery and distilling systems to make wine,beer,vodka etc at home will found in basements of private and communal homes and also on cruise ships and onsite of airports as well as bars,restaurants and nightclubs with customised and branded alcohol drinks created in them via bacteria using recombinant DNA and anabolic and catabolic actions with them also creating branded juice drinks with miniature carbonating systems allowing fizzy ones to be made.These miniaturised home brewery,winery and distillery kits will be designed on Talos with existing ones scanned in there and will be miniaturised forms including nanobreweries to allow one to brew their own customised and branded beer and wine etc alleviating strains on remaining breweries and also Deipneus factories.Aluminium cans for beer will be replaced by methane or biosynth based plastics or even glass with all glass used to house beer,Brandy,rum and wine etc will be made onsite using glass printers or ordered in from Ganymede factories,designed on Ganymede and one choosing the size and type of the bottle for each order like packaging and them either recycled by sending them in bins to glass recycling centre onsite of Ganymede factories or sent back and forth between bars,homes etc and Deipneus factories in a rotary system to be reused over and over again with if possible them composed of graphene in their matrix to prevent them breaking with them cleaned onsite of factories while cork and metal covers will be replaced by methane or biosynth based plastic covers with cork from Quercus suber even made via bacteria in moulds.Kegs and barrels will be designed on Pyxis and used in a rotary system.Cocktails will made at home from ordered alcoholic drinks and juices mixed together or can even be created in breweries,Deipneus factories when ordered in or at made at home.Bacteria that creates the endosperm and juices of specific cereals and crops and all 391,000 species of plants and of all of their strains and varieties including those that dont create enough to be normally commercially viable and also yeasts etc for their production will be downloaded via 3D DNA printers onsite of all bars,nightclubs,airports,cruise ships and private and communal homes when needed.Thus all types of branded alcoholic drinks will be created onsite of private and communal homes,bars,nightclubs,airports and cruise ships using onsite nanobreweries and nanowineries to alleviate strains on Deipneus factories and remaining breweries with these able to order in from both Deipneus factories and remaining automated breweries in cycles to alleviate strains on each other with the home AIs,factory AI,brewery AI and bar/nightclub AI as well as operating softwares Ceraon,Hebe and Hestia interacting with each other constantly to determine when orders are to be made.Community centres may also house them to serve the community and picked up in person.This will render off licences and breweries owned by corporations obsolete as all existing and new brands of wines,vodka,champagne,alcopops,saké,rum,brandy,whiskey,gin will be created in Deipneus factories,homes,bars and restaurants.All types of alcoholic drinks such as sake,rum,brandy,beer,wine,champagne etc will be ordered in from Deipneus factories with them restricted only to adults aged 14 or older.
3D printed food allow for sweets cakes and pizzas to be made at home with little or no effort but with alot of customization.However each machine can only make one type of food so this would require two ore more to be kept at home. Ideally these would be community held in a local community centres for use in ceremonies such as birthday parties and weddings etc.and render businesses that deal with these and other specialized cakes obsolete.
Ideally most if not all the food we consume at home will be produced by hand made possible by the fact that clean,fresh and organic food will be widely available thanks to hydro and aeroponics,in vitro and locally produced meat as well as genetically modified bacteria.This is why home gardens and community gardens should consist of a mixture of native and exotic crops with vertical farms recirculating aquaculture systems rearing exotic species so as to allow people with a wide variety of meals and products to produce at home.It is also why all livestock,fish,shellfish and crops will be locally made to make the food readily availible and fresh.This includes ethnic cuisine,sauces,pastas,dairy products,fizzy drinks(i.e. coca cola,fanta),deserts,breakfast cereals,peanut and chocolate spreads as well as sweets and chocolates that are normally produced by corporations such as Kraft, Nestle,Cadburys etc.In other words all the products we buy in shops and supermarkets will be produced at home as YouTube provides people to share recipes and how to guides.Plant and animal oils ,enzymes and proteins like gelatin should be derived from pressing the seeds of said plant that is grown at home or by genetically altering bacteria to produce individual plant and vegetable fats and oils much more cheaply and efficiently with less human labour input with this including individual specific fatty acids such as omega 3 acids which can lower cholesterol and also increase mental acuity and IQ in unborn babies and also in adults.As stated earlier algae powder and algae oil can replace conventional flour and cooking oils and sources such as fat such as margarine and butter making them lower in fats and fortify them with omega 3 fatty acids that reduce cholesterol and increase mental acuity in adults and IQs in unborn babies(and thus should be consumed by pregnant women) when used to make the aforementioned products alongside salad dressings,butter or TVP.Macro algae can be used for creating homemade sushi alongside being in salads,soups,pastas and many other cooked or uncooked dishes.Once robot chefs,3D food printers,nano and picotech fabricators become advanced the sub network Deipneus in Hephaestus will store custom made drinks,meals,sweets and other food products that can be designed with custom levels of nutrients and flavourings with neural implants allowing one to pre taste anything prior to ordering it.This networks would include meals from YouTube videos,those designed by the public and also from restaurants.Once sufficiently advanced and ubiquitous chef and helper robots could be in the homes of the elderly or those that have busy lives or at least alleviate strains on them to produce these on when needed with the Home AI using selected videos streamed onto them from YouTube,chosen from YouTube,streamed from text on websites,from direct interaction or from Deipneus will allow them to have more complex and time consuming meals and produce cook for them with the Home AI alerting them when they are done alerting them to turn off any remaining cookers etc.Through their app they will be able to see the progress of the meal.Since the recipes of all manufactured food products will be stored in Driineus and created by robot chefs and biosynths controlled by Home AI they will be indistinguishable from the real products using ingredients such as commodities from bacteria including artificial sweeteners and crops ordered in from farms and grown at home.Community centres could contain miniaturised versions of automated machinery to produce these ie breakfast cereals,bread,pastries,fizzy drinks etc supplying a community with their own supply of these negating labour costs with ingredients whether from bacteria and hydroponic crops grown onsite.Deliveries from automated restaurants can alleviate strains on creating fast food and ethnic cuisine on people since each town,village and city would have one of each type with picotech fabricators also catering to this with meals designed and stored on Deipneus.All meals in universal brands of restaurants will be able to be recreated via robot chefs.
This can allow for the following advantages:
•Customization on an unlimited scale to suit ones tastes and dietary constraints and ethics i.e. diabetes,coeliac disease,lactose intolerance and allergies to certain foods or allowing entirely new products be produced by an individual.Also healthier versions of products can be made for example algae flour and algae oil in cooking can replace palm oil,eggs and margarine in cooking pastries as it is higher in omega 3 and lower in omega 6 and lower in all fats.Glucose in fizzy drinks,sweets etc can be replaced by artificial sweeteners from bacteria combating obesity while low saturated fat alternatives can be employed with omega 3 oils created by bacteria can replace conventional fats in cooking oil and in the recipe of food.Margarine and butter from yeast or bacteria that create milk can have omega 3 fatty acids by altering their genome to produce omega 3 instead of saturated fat.These can be shared online via cloud networking and YouTube with new meals,sweets and snacks etc created and shared this way with discontinued sweets etc no longer produced or only produced in certain countries made widely available this way.It is also much easier to have food custom made this way than having it custom made in the factory and then delivered each by a single delivery vehicle or having food products put in packaging that will be disposed of and designing robots that have to stack shelves continuously.
•Food is created in bulk at home or in community centres when it is needed at home to consume on spot or created in bulk and stored for later use by the individual or communities.This is especially true for sweets which will not be consumed that much leading to lower rates of obesity and diabetes.
•Energy is cut down from traditional methods.Food products grown at home or locally sourced farms which are made into products at home.Farms are reforested.This is better than food having to be harvested then transported to a factory,produce and transport packaging in a separate factory which then has to be transported then energy is done in preparing and packaging food,then sending it to retail outlets where it is then stacked by robots with the gone off food and packaging then sorted by another robot and transported to separate waste disposal facilities.
•Factories,corporate headquarters,convenience stores and supermarkets can be converted into communal homes.Factories for creating both the manufactured food products and also packaging will be converted into homes.Speciality shops such as sweet,muffin,bakery shops etc can also be turned into homes are be part of mega hotels.
•Since food is produced locally and nanosensors at home,community centre or in the farm can detect bacteria/heavy metals and treatments such as UV light and irradiation can eliminate the transmission of pathogenic bacteria with further procedures taken at home can stop this from happening.This means if contamination occurs at home or in a vertical farm then it can be limited to a more confined area such as a town or home rather than an entire region or country via large monoculture factories acting as cross contamination vectors preventing recalls of crops and food products,limiting waste and allowing the source of it to be more easily dealt with via alerts and tracing the source of the food.This will make people more responsible for their health allowing them to consume unpasteurized milk or milk products if they wish and be willing to prevent poisoning of the wider population as well as making them responsible for preventing cross contamination at home and handle food properly.
•Food is fresh and has higher nutrient content and is lower in preservatives such as sugars and salts which can be detrimental to human health in large amounts.Junk food normally reserved to restaurants can be made healthier and will consumed sparingly thus tackling the global obesity pandemic.
•It allows for people to develop culinary skills and food products they normally wouldnt produce due to conveinience and time i.e. cakes,sweets and drinks for parties thus giving more intrinsic value.This can be true say in the case chocolates made from scratch for a loved one at Valentines Day,birthdays or anniversaries or cakes made from scratch for a relatives wedding and birthday thus making them have more value than store bought ones and 3D printed versions
•Food can be stored in reusable 3D printed plastic,wooden or glass containers,small or large glass jars,resealable and reusable plastic bags or 3D printed plastic jars and bowls in the fridge,in the counter top or in shelves(this includes cereals,vegetables,fruits,condiments such as butter and vinegar) while drinks such as alcohol,milk,squash and soft drinks etc can be stored in wine bottles,litre glass bottles,barrels with taps,steel canteens or reusable 3D printed plastic bottles since they will be refilled from community breweries and made in bulk at home.This would eliminate alot of waste such as cardboard,plastic etc that would have to be disposed of and replaced with new packaging thus wasting energy in production and transportation as these printed containers would last a lifetime they would also cut down on waste this way as well.
All types of breakfast cereals can be made at home.Breakfast cereals will be possibly made in community centres using miniaturised machinery allowing all types to be made in bulk and taken home in bulk.
All types of bread products,pasta and sushi can be made at home.
All types of fast food products such as pizzas,onion rings and condiments can be made when needed and again customized.
Ethnic cusine and all its components can also be made this way
Jams,jellies and syrups can be made at home with sugars,oils and enzymes like pectin made from bacteria
All types of snacks and sweets can be made with customizations made to control both fat and sugar content with food moulds to be designed and stored on Hephaestus allowing for an infinite number of moulds for each types.All facets of them will be created from scratch with even sweets and other food associated with different holidays such as Thanksgiving,Halloween,Valentines Day,Christmas being homemade.
Deserts like ice cream,pies and cakes of all types including those for birthdays and weddings and Christmas etc will be be homemade
Ideally all base materials for meals will be made from scratch will be made from scratch ie.locally sourced cocoa beans or bacteria that produce the cocoa powder and butter to make chocolate for chocolate spreads,cakes,snickers bars and locally grown rice to rice crisps cereal and cereal bars,rice milk and Indian dishes as well as condiments such as vinegar,oils,creams,butters,jams, sauces,syrups and ketchup made from scratch.
All types of dairy products can be made with milk ordered in through Demeter using wine bottles with delivered back and forth between vertical farms,community farms with starter cultures and moulds ordered in from vertical farms,community centres etc with them stored at home in containers that can be grown on any used breads etc that can be put inside to produce more when it is running low to make them self sufficient indefinitely.Moulds used for cheese making can be stored in community centres where food is stored in bulk(the same going for yogurht culture).Otherwise the moulds can be printed out in home 3D DNA systems.Bacteria starter cultures,and also yeasts and moulds can also be printed out using home 3D DNA printers and stored in liquid cultures in ones fridges.Bacteria to produce commodities can also be produced this way.Enzymes such as rennet,pectin and protease enzymes for Kopi Luwak coffee and others required to produce specific foods can be created by bacteria printed out into blank cells and stored in fridges.The baseline bacteria can be stored in liquid in fridges to be regrown and inserted into the printers.Specific species of bacteria that affect the taste and quality of cheeses especially parmesan cheese can also be printed out and stored in fridges or ordered from cultures in community and vertical farms with all species of bacteria,moulds and yeasts used with pathogenic bacteria,moulds and yeasts have their pathogenicity removed.All milk can also be made at home using yeast or bacteria in vats in spare rooms to allow large amounts to be made and stored in bulk with the milk of specific breeds of cow created by the yeast or bacteria with them fed specific sugars etc created by bacteria with all of this making expensive dairy products like yogurt etc much cheaper and homemade with the milk of any breed of cow or any species of all 5,416 mammals allowing for cheeses,cremes,yogurht and butters of any mammal including those of humans to be made thus giving people a wider variety of dairy products.
Bacteria can also be used to produce animal and plant greases and oils more cheaply.Casings for sausages and blood pudding can be gained by bioprinting a pigs intestines or gaining collagen and cellulose casings from genetically altered bacteria that can be wrapped around the meat(which can be in vitro meat while the animal is alive or TVP alternatives from soy/algae or both)with blood drawn from the animals via syringes again while it is alive or synthetic animal blood created by haematopoietic stem cells from an animal grown on an industrial scale in vats and ordered from community centres and vertical farms are at grown at home.Offal to be put in them can also be gained by bioprinting them and rashers created by in vitro meat.Stock liquid can be made at home by boiling the bones of the specified livestock in water with in time bacteria being genetically engineered to produce the specific compounds such has flavourings proteins etc present in specific stock and mixed together with the ability to mix in flavourings and other compounds from different types of stock.
Sweet and acid whey leftover from the production of vinegar,yogurht and cheese making can be used to produce whey protein powder for bodybuilders(alongside caesin) or other products and garnishes for other meals and products instead of being wasted by disposal where it can damage the environment.Algae in particualr Spirulina which has roughly 57g of protein per 100g compared to soy that has 36g and whey which has only 0.9g per 100g can be added to this to increase its nutritional.In time genetically altered bacteria can produce specific essential and non essential amino acids in large amounts which can be mixed together in custom made amounts with or without sugars polysaccharides also from bacteria extracted from cell walls and fats such as omega 3 fatty acids and vitamins or vitamin precursors again from bacteria mixed together to the consumers choice by growing the bacteria at home or ordering the individual nutrients from vertical farms and mixing them together.Rennin for the production of cheese can be created by genetically engineered bacteria and grown in community centres,homes and vertical farms which can be traded between the three via Demeter.Ideally these enzymes would be grown at home and stored in fridges.These will be printed out in home 3D DNA printers.The same can go for starter cultures,moulds and other microbes use for food production grown at home and stored in fridges.Essential amino acids and carbohydrates etc can be also created at home via bacteria and then stored in fridges.Vitamins can be produced by bacteria by genetic engineering for example Enteroaggregative E.coli bacteria that produce vitamin K in the human colon can cause diarrhoea illness however the ability for it produce this vitamin can be transferred to other benign bacteria to produce this for newborns,those who are suffering from osteoporosis,Crohns disease and alcoholics.Lactic acid bacteria that create vitamin B can be used as a model for this and indeed other essential vitamins such as vitamin C using genes from citrus fruits to make them produce the nutrient or if not then at least precursors with the same applying to all vitamin and vitamin precursors such as beta carotene.Specific compounds from different fruits,vegetables and other crops of nutritional or medicinal value can also be synthesied this way.Omega 3 fatty acids that lower cholesterol and contribute to overall good health as well as contribute to improved IQs in unborn fetuses and better mental acuity in adults can be produced from algae or from genetically altered bacteria on a commercial scale at home or in community and vertical farms for to be used as it its or added to supplements as an additive.These essential nutrients can be created at home ie essential fatty acids,amino acids,vitamins and carbohydrates can be created at home by bacteria stored in fridges in plastic vials and then mixed together in desired ratios can be used to make supplements either solid or liquid form when mixed together at home using miniaturised semi automated machinery with nanosensors developed linked to Hephaestus that detect their levels to create custom made supplements.Otherwise they can be just sprinkled in liquid form ontop of food with the bacteria creating desireable tasting oils and solids that the nutrients are created in.They can be created to be added to drinks,protein shakes and food etc or using semi automated machinery turned into capsules and also powder or even solid form.Genetic engineering via microbes using horizontal gene transfer using recombinant DNA from animals and crops can allow humans to synthesise all essential amino,acids,vitamins,fatty acids etc negating the need for supplements.
This can also apply to dog,cat and bird food coming in the form of homemade meal produced in the kitchen and also in the form of pelleted algae,insects reared at home and in vitro meat(All of which should be created and stored in bulk for personal and communal use at home or in community centres).In the case of reptiles and other exotic pets mice,rats and insects can again be reared at home using excess food or by using in vitro meat with budgies and fish fed algae pellets,vegetables,insects and grains as well as flour from bacteria.Genetically engineering crops that can kill pets like dogs and cats can be done to make them edible with pets including live ones also engineered using CRISPR to be able to eat them.This can also be made in bulk with insects etc grown at home with miniature pelleting machines kept at home.
Baby food can also be done this way for each stage of the childs life from infancy to when the can digest full meals with with baby formula coming from milk from genetically altered yeast or bacteria containing custom made nutrients.Omega 3 rich oils or even algae flour and TVP can be introduced into these.A mother can create their own breastmilk on a commercial scale using bacteria or yeast or bacteria printed out at home and then grown in vats at home to allow for her baby to have her own milk at any time and alleviate strains on her breasts especially in the case of multiple births such as twins,triplets etc and replace baby formula with the nutrient content controlled ie it produce omega-3 fatty acids,all essential amino acids etc.
In time as stated earlier the sugars present in agave plants could in time be produced by genetically altered bacteria on a commercial scale meaning it could be produced all year long in a mater of weeks compared to conventional methods that takes as much as a decade but until then hydroponics will reduce the time for it to mature lower than 8-10 years.Sugars and juices of other fruits and plants used in the production of all types of alcoholic drinks from bacteria can also be used to create alcoholic drinks more cheaply with them grown at home or ordered in via Demeter.The sugars and juices of fruits not normally used in alcohol production can be done this way.These can be grown in vertical,community and home farms as well as onsite of remaining breweries and wineries.Linking them to the Home AI app will allow them to be controlled and monitored remotely.This can include mulberries,blackberries,grapes and other fruits and cereals.Recipes of existing brands of beer can be made publicly available and shared via YouTube with barely grown at home or in community and vertical farms.Algae beer can be perfected with these nano breweries and in time genetically altered bacteria can make entire alcoholic drinks such as unique types of beers,vodkas and wines with again bacteria then engineered to produce higher yields of cereal flours and fruits and vegetable juices and sugars at home in personalised vats or ordered in from community and vertical farms and on site of breweries.Otherwise fruit and also cereals can be grown at home in ones garden to supplement this and also ordered in from community and vertical farms with bacteria that create juices will also be used.These will also be created onsite of private and communal homes as well as bars and nightclubs in basements
Robotic bars will be in time be located in homes especially communal homes with existing ones onsite of hotels and in supermarkets automated.
Wine and beer will be created onsite of restaurants and nightclubs with the juices etc created by bacteria.Wine bottles can be ideally replaced by wine boxes with an internal pouch hooked directly to the opening to ensure it can be refilled with the microchip on these having extra information such as the amount of space to be filled.Barrels can have miniature onboard computers that hooked to internal wireless nanosensers constantly relays temperature,pH,presence of impurities or contaminants etc with this hooked to the building AI of bars and restaurants to allow consumers to view it via the AI and Hermes and in the case of private barrels hooked to home AI.Homemade beer and wine etc can be made at home and in bars etc by using home brewery systems
Other homemade non-alcoholic drinks that can be produced in bulk using the same technology as mirobreweries similarly and shared locally will be squash,milkshakes,fizzy drinks like Coca-Cola,Sprite,Fanta,squash,soda should be made at home to save energy in manufacturing and transportation and allow the factories be used as homes.Carbonation devices can be used in their creation.These can be stored in bulk within kegs,barrels or vats with beertaps with nanosensors,onboard computers and coated internally and externally in liquid glass as well as reusable wine bottles with 3D printed bottles also used.Bacteria can produce the juices of all types of vegetable and fruits for non alcoholic drinks on an unlimited scale at home.
As shown earlier milk made from yeast,algae and plants such as oats,coconuts and rice can be made at home.These can be stored in bulk in 3D printed reuseable containers or wine glasses and can be from any plant and mammal including humans.Flavoured milks can also be made this way with yeast or bacteria producing not just the milk but also the flavours of chocolate and any type of fruit and nut etc using recombinant DNA from the animals and also plants.In the case of both plant and animal milks created this way the yeast or bacteria will also be engineered to produce the same flavourings,compounds,fats etc as any plant ie Vanilla,Citrus,Fragaria,Mentha,Cucurbitaceae and Theobroma cacao either white or dark at the same time alongside the plant or animal milk negating the need to rear these in order to add flavour saving on time and other resources.
Coffee and tea can be homemade and stored in bulk from local hydroponic or home farmed coffee and tea plants alongside acorns from oak trees with these ideally grown in home and community gardens alongside vertical farms.In time bacteria could produce the compounds and flavourings present in all types of strains of coffee and teas at home or ordered in from Demeter.
Juice drinks will also be homemade with in time bacteria producing the specific juices in bulk without pulp within ones own home in vats and in higher amounts and less resources than from fruits with it even able to produce the juices of vegetables.
Barrels used to house wine and beer etc can be home made or designed on Hephaestus and be coated with a permanent layer of liquid glass internally and externally with them also fitted with internal nanosensors and small touchscreen computers relaying its age in years,months,weeks and days,alongside temperature,pH and other environmental conditions with homemade ones fitted with these.Homeowners can also store alcoholic drinks in these at home with the onboard touchscreen computers have this information in labels alongside what is currently inside labelled changed each time via the home AI.Reusable wine bottles can also have miniature sensors that relay these environmental factors relayed to the Home AI.Glass bottles should ideally be shatterproof ones with graphene in its matrix with these used to store all drinks such as wine and other alcoholic drinks,milk and fruit juices with 3D printed caps.Wine can also be stored in cardboard/graphene boxes holding a resealable plastic pouch or refillable in a way that prevents it becoming contaminated by air and bacteria etc with seal able cap or similar method that can allow the same box and pouch to be used over and over again and thus last forever with the plastic pouch hooked to the opening.The advantages of storing wine this way over glass bottles is that the wine can stay fresh for roughly eleven times longer,is cheaper to produce the materials and does not suffer from oxidation,UV damage and cork taint as well as storing more liquid.The boxes can be composed of 3D printed plastic or graphene instead of cardboard making them sturdier and longer lasting and negating the resources needed for making cardboard as well as being made at home in various shapes and sizes and can be disposed of properly in the same way as other plastic when not needed or used indefinitely.These can also have nanosensors in them relaying data to the home AI.All of these aforementioned technologies will be used to grow and create drinks in restaurants and cafe rooms all around the world as well as in airports to ensure all building sized breweries and off licenses can be converted in homes.
Although most food products will be made at home machinery exists to make their production much easier, ideally food products should still be made at home in the kitchen with these machine being limited to pasta/noodle machines,coffee/tea makers that can utilize home/locally grown coffee beans and tea leaves as well as soda makers used for homemade fizzy drinks and sodas made from homemade fruit juices.Ideally these machines should require minimum maintenance as well as few refills per year and to make those refills easy to do at home with little danger and waste of resources as well as being shared between a community as most products requiring their use would be made for when a dish requiring it would be consumed or stored in bulk.Furthermore they must also to save on resources such as space,time and energy in their construction allow for multiple products at once being all in one machines for example Juicers that make juice drinks from all types of fruits and dual coffee/tea makers that make both coffee and tea drinks.All of these machines can be up scaled in size for making them in bulk on a community scale in community centres and in communal homes derived from and modelled on hotels.Electronic machinery will be stored in the electronics sub network of Hephaestus with non electronic ones stored in the household items sub network.Treating them to a permanent layer of liquid glass internally and externally will prevent them from being cleaned and ensure all food is collected.These machines and electronics will allow for products such as breakfast cereals,pasta,juices,sushi made more easily with little effort and should be miniaturised automated versions of machinery used in factories or automated restaurants stored in kitchens of private and communal homes with this allowing factories to be converted into homes with existing ones scanned into relevant sub networks of Hephaestus.This should be of note of it creating difficult to make and labour intensive food products such as breakfast cereals,fizzy drinks,pasta,ice cream etc that in case of these can be used and modified to create more than one type of sushi,pasta and cereals etc present in basements and spare rooms
Ovens can be be replaced by halogen ovens to cook all types of products with larger versions designed and stored on Hephaestus to accommodate cooking larger items such as whole pizzas and larger breads much quicker allowing conventional ovens to be recycled and the space they occupy used for other uses.Grills,microwaves and ovens can also be replaced by steamers and solar grills
Eventually nanotech and picotech fabricators will allow meals to be produced with little effort and the designs for these meals to be shared via Hepheastus on the Deipneussub network.
For the production of alcoholic drinks such as vodka,wine,cider,whiskey,champagne,tequila and beer etc these can also be homemade with microbreweries (or microwinerys and distilleries modelled on the same principles as microbreweries) for community use allowing the process to be automated,monitored and altered remotely for customization 24/7 and collected collectively by the community for storage in vertical farms,community centres,automated bars and nightclubs or by one person in their home and communal homes with ingredients grown again locally.Ideally all alcoholic drinks should be prepared in home systems inside both communal and private homes in ones basements,spare rooms,storerooms and in community farms and centres with these technologies to allow all building sized wineries and breweries and also off licences worldwide used for other purposes such as homes and those of historical importance turned into museums or continue to produce all types of drinks so using bacteria and aeroponic plants grown onsite with plants grown at home using ideally hydroponics,in community and vertical farms or using ideally bacteria to produce the juices,enzymes,endosperm,malted sugars and nectars of all fruits,cereals and vegetables used in the production of them and other plants not normally used in wine and beermaking again at home in spare rooms and basements in private and communal homes,sheds in gardens and community centres,community and vertical farms with relevant enzymes produced by other bacteria.The bacteria that produce sugars and enzymes can be in separate vats that then will be mixed together in a third brewery automatically with yeast also stored at home.Thus ideally bacteria grown at home will create the sugars,malted sugars,endosperm and juices etc of each fruit,cereal and vegetable in large amounts to be used in micro wineries and breweries with those derived from any actual crops will be from those grown at home in gardens and also hydro/aeroponic systems or ordered in from community and vertical farms.These can be made in bulk and stored in reuseable wine and beer bottles that use screw on caps,wine boxes,3D printed bottles,vats and barrels again with nanosensors and an onboard computers and alongside ordering alcoholic drink directly from breweries will allow for off licences in cities to be used as homes and those in airports to be used for other purposes and torn down.Kegs can also be coated internally and externally in liquid glass and fitted with internal nanosensors and onboard computer to measure environmental conditions with this registered to the Home AI.These three can be coated internally and externally in a permanent layer of liquid glass to prevent contamination or leaching.These can be homemade or made on Archimedies factories with both barrels and kegs having taps.Bars and nightclubs will also create their supply of alcohlic drinks using automated nanobrewery and nanowinery systems in basements.Vodka,champagne and all types of alcholic drinks will be made at home and in community centres and also bars and restaurants using all in on nano breweries,wineries and also distilleries.These home brewery,winery and distillery kits will be designed on Talos with existing ones scanned in there.
Most if not all manufactured food products will be homemade to alleviate strains on Deipneus factories with people due to VR technology with its time dilation effect and computer networks allowing one to work from home and have almost limitless leisure time will allow them to have more time than normal to make most manufactured food products at home such as cereals,candies,chocolates and fizzy,non fizzy and alcoholic drinks using materials at home made in bulk with this done using nanobreweries and vats and crops to allow crops and commodities from bacteria,stem cell in vitro meat and fish and shellfish grown at home or ordered in from community and vertical farms.By 2029-2045 extensions and in time dimensional transcendamentalism allowing to house large areas to grow crops etc and house miniature semi automated or automated machinery to manufacture the vast majority of food products with also during this time robot chefs and biosynths controlled by the Home AI will alleviate strains on consumers who will be able do most of not all of the work for homemade food products.This system of Deipneus factories in local manufacturing hubs and homemade manufacturing will render all companies that produce manufactured food products obsolete including those that create breakfast cereals,bread,pre preapared meals and snacks such as peanut butter,dairy products,sweets,fizzy drinks etc.Bottled water will become obsolete since reusable kanteens will allow one to refill it with tap water or those gone through filters thus saving energy in production,transportation and also recycling etc and cut down on waste.Thus bottled water will be made obsolete by kanteens storing water from taps with fizzy drinks made at home stored this way and also large reusable 3D printed glass or plastic bottles.Having all food products homemade will cut down on waste,plastic and packaging and thus energy to produce these,energy used in the manufacture of all products and their transportation of raw ingredients to the factories and the finished product to shops and also to homes.Furthermore these products can be customised and the factories turned into homes.Community centres will house semi automated or fully automated miniature versions of machines that create fizzy drinks,bread products,cereals etc that are all in one that create multiple of these to make communities self sufficient and thus cut down on labour for all community members.Thus community centres would contain miniaturised automated all in one machinery that would create different types of food products such as bread and bread products like baguettes and also pastries etc in one machine and also breakfast cereals of all types in another for the entire community with the this ideally being cereal based products with the cereal and other material used like fat,oil and components essential to their manufacture present in eggs etc used grown onsite via bacteria with hybrid crops grown onsite or brought in by locales who ordered them from Demeter or grew them at home will be used for others.Primarily breakfast cereals and bread products will be created here with also fizzy,non fizzy and also alcoholic drinks made using nanobreweries,nanowineries and also similar technology for all community members to bring home using reusable glass or 3D printed plastic bottles with the juices etc created onsite of them.Fertiliser and compost would also be made here alongside bacteria based gasoline and gas dispensed into jerry cans via petrol pumps and also reusable gas canisters with the buildings having roof and underground extensions as well as in time dimensional transcendamentalism and use all adjoining buildings also housing extensions with them composed of ideally wood covered in fireproofing coatings and have fireproof fungi etc present.Each town,city and village worldwide would have their own community centres with large ones having large or multiple ones based on their population.This and the use of 3D DNA printed seeds and the AI of farms and the public deciding what to grow will eliminate the concept of markets based around each crop and will mean that people will grow what is wanted and needed rather than wastefully overproducing food and will all allow all food retail outlets worldwide ie convenience stores,supermarkets etc to become communal homes with it also eliminating all plastic and styrofoam waste.Thus the use of sentient AI to manage and operate all home,community,forest and vertical farms worldwide instead of human farmers,the lack of patenting rights on new and exiting genetically altered crops and animals via AI extrapolating the DNA of crops/seeds/eggs etc and farms itself would be managed by sentient AIs that are legal individuals exempt from the need for profit with home farms of both private and communal homes being legal tender of the owners would make all food created worldwide by law free.