Automated commercial Phasianidae farms could be designed the same way as the open house Megha farm in Myso with enough room for them with manure collection,feeding and the slaughter,preparation packaging of them fully automated the same as other Phasianidae with defeathering,deboning,cutting robots and packaging machinery them located within close proximity to these community farms or used in fully automated restaurants.These should be in both urban and rural farms with those in ubran areas either in the open roofs of the buildings or underground extensions.For individual customers meat could ordered in whole or deboned upon request or deboned at home.Alternatively animals could be slaughtered and deboned and cut up in bulk and then stored in community food storage centres inside large freezers used by butchers with deboner machines etc will be onsite of farms next to pens.Genetic engineering can be utilised to create featherless Phasianidae cutting down on the energy needed to cool them down during the summer months.Manure collected would be used in nearby miniature algae farms in close proximity to produce feed creating a looped system and connected to the automated feeder.These would collected by piping coated by a permanent layer of liquid glass to make the waste slide down due to gravity much easier and prevent this piping to be cleaned and the build up of dirt and bacteria.All surfaces would be coated in a permanent layer of liquid glass to prevent dirt building up and also prevent microbial growth limiting the need for it to be cleaned and limiting the spread of bacteria that would be dangerous to both humans and livestock preventing the need for antibiotics.Dongles can be created that detect the antibodies associated with specific animal pathogenic bacteria and viruses so outbreaks can be dealt with very quickly with and the results wirelessly sent to the animals patient file via interacting with the RFID chips present.In time robots on a rail system that have phlebotomy robots attached to them can intake minute levels of blood and detect all pathogens,levels of all antibiotics and measure all blood components again sent to the patient file interacting with RFID with these coated internally in liquid glass with these phlebotomy robots administering antibiotics,biocompatible microbes,RFID implants,nanomachines and vaccines to specific animals which can also be administered by feed and water similar to banana vaccines with for example Z.m.mays flour from plants and bacteria as well as algae used to feed the animals also produce virus particles and antibiotics within their cells to be intaken via feed.These would contain sensors or direct them to onsite or hospital automated labs that analyse the samples.Ideally all farms should have miniature labs connected to Apollo and Aesculapius that can allow for animals to have their blood,urine and other bodily fluids and faeces collected by piqapoo bags that can be collected by robots,rail systems and even by hand and quickly sent to the nearby labs limiting human labour with the labs having the same automated conveyor belt system as in hospitals and universities with any human labour required done by those there using instructions from Paean.This will allow results to uploaded to the animals patient files with milk analysed done by minute samples of milk collected from GEA milking systems.This should be done routinely and logged into their patient file and ideally before slaughter with these robots ideally on a rail system on the roof in the case of large mammals such as Bovidae,Suidae,O.aries etc with miniature versions that can move between cages.This will also extract cells for creating in vitro meat onsite and those used to create synthetic blood as well as induced pluriopotent cells and even sources of DNA for the Phanes method.This will alleviate work on farms with numerous animals tightly packed with in time biosynths and robots modelled on humans aiding in this with livestock on home farms also having these chips and also neck tags with chips for smaller livestock.Narrow wavelength UV sweeps done by autonomous robots or ideally by lights on the ceiling and in each pen can be done with chickens and animals vaccinated against all diseases or ideally engineered to be resistant to all diseases with biocompatible microbes that spread from each generation to the next also used with all surfaces covered in liquid glass.These automated chicken,rabbit etc farms should be located onsite of of all community farms making the communities self sufficient and cut down on transportation costs with large cities that have multiple community farms having one on the grounds of each one.All livestock will have RFID chips that will be coated externally in liquid glass that will be injected in time by robots under the skin to relay vital signs to their patient file and farm AI as well as their GPS location.They will measure the levels of antibiotics,hormones,pathogenic bacteria,components such as erythrocytes and nutrients in the blood uploaded to the patient files over set period of time 24,48,168 hours within a few data eliminating phlebotomy robots.These will be injected at birth have an unique ID code the same as their patient ID and in time bio-synth versions will be developed that could undergo mitosis to create new ones for fetuses to create a new ID code with even microbes creating new ones in the unborn fetus with them exiting dead animals through either surgery bots or through the skin,urine.These would be onsite of community farms and managed by its AI and would be miniaturised versions since each farm would have one with existing large factory style one including those on farms will be turned into homes.They could be miniaturised versions in private and communal homes in underground extensions or roofs.By 2029-2035 in vitro meat should account for 95-99% of the worlds meat supply with the rest on home and community farms.
As stated earlier slaughter houses and deboning rooms and egg packing factories should be relocated to onsite of existing rural and urban farms with existing ones converted into homes with each farm in urban ones that could be able to debone and remove organs and cuts of meat from all types of meats with for example all species and breeds of duck and chick,lamb and beef with home farms on roofs and gardens alleviating this.Large animals like Bovidae can be miniaturised to the same size of O.aries etc to be more easier to handle.In vitro meat in community farms and in homes will allow for cells extracted to be cultured of different types of meat over and over again thus saving on resources and time.This will cut down on energy and time on transportation,make communities self sufficient on their slaughtering of livestock and allow them to be managed by the farm AI with them in underground extensions.Each building housing livestock in particular pens will house cameras and also weighing scales that weigh the weight and muscle mass of each animals regularly with the animal guided to them by robot sheepdogs with the scales and camera interacting with the RFID chip of the animal and its patient file and farm AI logging the weights by date and organising when it will be slaughtered by onsite slaughterhouses.Slaughtering,harvesting of meat and offal as well as removal of brainstems and spines of animals in community farms can be automated modelled on a factory line structure using robots with cameras with object recognition software to detect organs and different parts of the body attached to them modelled on the Da Vinci systems and other automated surgery robots with all surfaces of them including the flooring,lights,walls,robots and machinery covered in a permanent layer of liquid glass to prevent bacterial growth and build up of dirt and transmission of disease allowing dirt with UV lights on the ceiling and robots used to sterilise all surfaces routinely and any blood etc to be collected via gravity into pools or sucked up by robots.All types of offal and cuts of meat will be separated into different bins covered in liquid glass that would be exposed to narrow wavelength UV to be sent to distribution centres to be frozen or put on display and inedible meats sent to pyrolysis plants onsite of them or to organic waste plants.Spinal cords,brains and any unused organs as well as bones etc will be sent into specialised self moving bins to be sent to pyrolysis plants to be used as fertiliser for plants.The possibility of these transferring prions and causing Bovine spongiform encephalopathy as the organs will be reduced to elemental carbon etc with Bovidae and all livestock fed algea and flour from bacteria and hydroponic Gramineae that wont use this pyrolysised carbon.The bones and organs should be ground up onsite of the plants or farms and then pyrolysised or the bones can be separated and turned into bone fertiliser.Phasianidae and other animals will have there organs removed with the slaughterhouses being all in one one that deal with all types on animals with by 2029 these robots being able to deal with any type of animal since they would have AI on par with and superseeding human intelligence and would have robotic chef hands next to them that could turn the animal over and move it around as well as transport the cuts of meat and organs into each bins as well as the inedible material into their areas.These can be dumped onto crates or emptied by robots and then cleaned by robots that turn them upside to collect blood and them being exposed to UV light and also high heat with them composed of graphene due to its strength,lightness and also high heat resistance.Narrow wavelength UV that doesn’t damage human skin can be used to prevent the spread of pathogens across the globe with these ideally on ceiling and the underside of machinery with them sterilising not just surfaces and robots but also the skin of slaughtered animals to make them edible if made into burgers or mince if not cooked properly with them also irradiated on the line to kill all pathogens especially for restaurants.Animal will be immunised against all pathogens including zoonoses via their microbes to negate the need for antibiotics especially against subeperbugs with them also having antiviral strains and those that destroy prions with these microbes not made resistant to radiation and also be able to be digested and kill off by human stomach acids thus having no acidophile DNA with them unable to interbreed with human ones.Newer machines will be put in place of old ones by robots controlled by the AI.Since they will have no humans the entire room can be exposed to actual radiation of at least 200Gy to kill all pathogens and parasites with the room locked during this period and cameras at key points and also sensors showing that no humans are present to prevent fatalities thorough humans can be fitted with radioresistence to counteract this.To prevent the spread of these also animals can have recombinant DNA from Thermococcus gammatolerans and treated before slaughter and and even after to huge blasts of radiation of at least 200-500Gy that would kill all pathogens and parasites and not affect the animal or taste with this blasting done prior to slaughter and any time parasites and pathogens are detected with microbes and beneficial bacterial including those that affect milk taste can be also be treated with recombinant DNA from T.gammatolerans.The floors would ideally be slanted to allow the blood from animals to be collected into pools as the gravity and liquid glass would allow this to occur or be a graphene grating(again covered in liquid glass)and once collected using flies that lay eggs on it whose larvae once feeding on it would produce ArgiProtein which can be used to feed fish in recirculating aquaculture systems and omnivorous livestock with all steps in this of this meals production being automated with locals who maintain farms doing any work that cant be automated until it is allowing all work to be done 24/7,365 days a year except for a few hours to allow for cleaning by hoverboots and cleaner robots and sterilising sweeps each night.Ideally the animals once killed automatically will have all of their blood extracted via phlebotomy robots sprayed internally with liquid glass that extract all the animals blood into a reservoir or large vat covered with liquid glass where it is mixed in with bran,flour and proteins created by genetically engineered bacteria and algae to create Agriprotein in a solid mush for the larvae to consume with this transported to where the larvae are with all of this done onsite with any other remaining blood on the floor collected again by gravity and liquid glass.It can also be used to collect induced pluripotent stem cells to create blank sperm and eggs and those for in vitro meat.The microbes that collect in the blood prior to slaughter will be separated and used in electronics.The unused remains such as brain,spinal cords,skeletons can be pyrolysised onsite or in pyrolysis plants to produce biochar alongside other organic waste from the farm and homes with any other products derived from livestock such as rennet enzymes,gelatin etc being produced by genetically engineered bacteria.Cows reared for milk will also harvested for meat and offal and pyrolysised with any livestock of any species that die of illness,old age or having to be put down will be pyrolysised to contain them and reused the biochar for fertiliser.This blood and tissues collected could also be transported to onsite in vitro meat labs and also to produce artificial blood also onsite and to farms and automated labs to produce induced pluripotent stem cells for trading of genetic material by Phanes.Advances in AI will speed up the process with these all in one slaughterhouses onsite of all rural and sepecially urban community farms with them in underground extensions and being compact as they would serve only that farm with each farm having these and the fact that in vitro meat and entomorphagy will account for the majority of meat consumed by people.This would make communities self sufficient allowing existing ones to be converted into to homes and allow animals to transported more easily by sheepdog robots onto vehicles or even into these extensions.Transportation of animals and meat to and from these as well as packaging will be automated with them controlled by Aristaeus and the farm AI(s) with robotic sheepdogs used.In time neural implants in the body of livestock particularly large ones will allow them to controlled indirectly by the farm AI issuing basic commands on where each individual animal is to go.Vehicles transporting the meat would be coated internally and externally with liquid glass and have UV lights in the storage area and front to sterlise them when the truck is empty with this applying to those that transport all food etc to prevent the spread of pathogens of both humans and livestock around the world.Artificial blood of all types of livestock can be used that is created using stem cells to produce Agriprotein and bloomeal fertiliser since it can be made on a more unlimited scale using stem cells on site of vertical farms,community farms etc where the Agriprotein is made and has a better meal to protein ratio than organic waste especially if it forms a blood pudding like structure when mixed with bran,flour and proteins with this artificial blood and natural ordered in by consumers for creating blood pudding or homemade blood meal fertiliser.Bran,flour and proteins used would be created by genetically altered bacteria.Blood used from animals should be complimented with this artificial blood and ideally the blood should be checked by having animals tested before slaughtered using apparatus on the conveyor belt before slaughter that intakes blood and tests it for diseases within minutes with diseased ones not have the blood used for agriprotein but bloodmeal fertiliser.Those that also have high levels of antibiotics and hormones tested by these robots will be sent back to the farm or reared outside until time passes for the the antibodies and hormones to disappear.The GPS tags that allow them to be tracked and measure vital signs,hormones,pathogens,antibiotics etc under their skin will be removed by the surgery machines to be sent back to farms and then reused on other animals with them also relaying the animals health and disease status and can be modified to detect and measure levels of antibodies and hormones constantly preventing those that have them in high levels from entering the slaughterhouse in the first place.In time antibiotics and hormones will be negated by genetic engineering making them naturally produce more milk and make them resistant to pathogens with biocompatible microbes fighting off pathogens more effictively.Since these would be covered in liquid glass they don’t need to be cleaned and the details and animal patient number can be deleted and then a new one for the next animal it will be planted in will be created as they will be sent back to the farm they came from the status of an animal slaughtered,it date of death and also the slaughterhouse it was killed in will be denoted in its patient files.These should ideally injected into live animals in part of the body by hand or robots not used as meat to allow robots namely the Da vinci ones to remove with interactions between them allowing them to be located and them dispensed into mobile trash bins that collect them and send them back to their original farm with in time bio-synth versions that can move around the body and exit to be collected with them even modelled on members of the class Chilopoda.These would be collected and injected by robots with a new patient file number generated.Antibodies can also be detected by dongles to ensure levels are low before slaughter or milking to prevent them entering the human digestion tract thus contributing to antibiotic resistance with in time these microchips underneath the skin that determine GPS location could also be used to measure levels of antibiotics and pathogens in the blood stream 24/7 can be developed.Ideally livestock should be engineered to be resistant to all types of pathogenic viral and bacterial infections.Bio printed organs and in vitro meat can also be used with them ideally used as a source of protein from the construction of agriprotein and also meat and offal for humans from home reared animals which would mainly provide extra commodities such as eggs and milk.Stock rather than being produced by boiling bones can in time be made be created by bacteria creating the specific proteins,flavorings and other compounds allowing the whole skeleton alongside any remaining meat to be pyrolysised for fertiliser with edible organs such as livers etc either harvested by machinery and robotics or in time perfected with bioprinting technology allowing organs to be printed on a commercial scale.These slaughterhouses and other parts of farms can be run 24/7,365 days a year and slaughterhouses for all types of livestock such as all type of Phasianidae,Bovidaelambs etc should be onsite of all community farms with them as stated earlier being minaturised ones that serve a city or part of city if multiple farms are in a city or town and be managed by the farm AI.Ideally one should cater to deboneing and cutting up all types of Phasianidae with others dealing with all types of mammals such as Bovidae,lamb.Rare breeds and species of livestock of all types should be reared locally with breeding program and the Phanes method increasing their availibilty.By having the correct genome of each breed in Physis farms across the world can allow for the genome of them and unique strands of DNA created onsite to be inserted into live animals.These would all ideally use bacteria that produce the sugars,endosperm,juices and relevant enzymes of all fruits,vegetables and cereals.These would be onsite of community farms and managed by its AI with in time them able to debone and cut up all types of meat ie lamb,Bovidae,Phasianidae etc that pass through them with advances in AI and their cuts of meat and offal put into bins for delivery for each type of animal.Each community farm in ruaral and urban areas will have one that are miniaturised versions that serve that farm,managed by its AI and are able to deal with any type of animal with robotic chef hands used.Invitro meat systems onsite would compliment them with livestock at home dealt with using semi automated machinery and killing and cutting up the animal by oneself.All unedible waste like feathers,organs etc will be sent to organic pyrolysis plants.Exisitng large factory style ones including those on farms will be turned into homes.
Animal feeders for all types of livestock in free range farms can be automated like Phasianidae feeders,defeathering machines for homes and permaculture gardens.All steps of Phasianidae and larger animals rearing can be automated,monitored and controlled using smart devices and computers linked to the farm AI with cameras inside incubators and other machinery with other automated hi tech apparatus cutting down on human labour connected to Demeter.Movement of eggs to and from them could be done by robots.The temperature of eggs for reptiles,birds and other oviparous animals can their eggs set in autoclaves that keep them at set temperatures or temperatures that change at certain times,months and seasons alongside other environmental conditions dependent on the species and also controlled and monitored via the farm AI.Species of amniotes that exhibit temperature-dependent sex determination can have the eggs divided into different incubators that are of varying temperatures to ensure that they produce a desired amount of males and females as determined by the Phanes software that plans the amount of males and females to be produced for the next generation of breeding.The same can be said for C.a.hircus and larger livestock.Sensors can detect when levels of feed and water are low and alert owners and communities that they need to be refilled via email or smart devices.These automated feeders can take care of animals at homes when people away from home for several weeks at a time especially in the case of feeders used to fatten duck and geese for foie gras with these animals held in place of in pens.Cameras can be placed in the pens of all livestock to allow for remote monitoring 24/7,365 days again fed into Demeter and the farm AI with them monitoring behaviour for signs of stress,diseases,psychological programs as well as for use for behavioural studies and thermal cameras monitoring their health with the farm AI cross referencing Apollo and Aesculapius with them locking onto the RFID chip of each animals and them able to turn 360 degrees.Free range livestock farms should ideally be integrated into home gardening and rooftop and community gardens such as permaculture and forest farms allow for all of a communities food needs to be met with automation and smart devices cutting down of the most labour intensive work.Dongles can be created that detect the antibodies associated with specific animal pathogenic bacteria and viruses so outbreaks can be dealt with very quickly.
More exotic animals can also be reared here such as reindeer,Alligatoridae and Crocodylians,Serpentes,turtles reared in indoor pens fed algae and insects with their eggs and young providing extra food.Endangered species can also be reared here once their numbers have stabilised.Recirculating aquaculture systems will be used to rear exotic fish and shellfish especially those for expensive caviar and as pets with frogs and salamanders and some turtles during their early stages and then in pens in their adult years.All of these can be traded as pets via Demeter if any excess exist.In the case of exotic poisonous frogs genetic engineering can remove toxins or in the case of some species feeding them locally reared non toxic insects(as in the wild the wild they absorb the poisons from their prey)or in vitro meat and algae pellets.Any exotic species can be traded from other farms via Demeter or from conservationists and be reared as part of conservation programs with excess not used as pets or meat sent back to their native habitat and/or zoos via the Ophion System.Rare breeds and species of livestock should be grown locally with the Phanes method used to make these more abundant with endangered species of animals reared as part of breeding programmes and eating managed by Phanes with again the Phanes method used.This free range method will be adopted by all remaining home and community farms.
To cut down on resources all animals will be fitted with xerophile and oligotrophic DNA and will have their insulin fat receptor gene removed and myostatin inhibitor gene also removed.If possible Phasianidae can be engineered to produce the same meat as Bovidae,Equidae,Suidae,O.aries as well as other non Phasianidae birds such as Psittacines,Strigopoidea,Ramphastidae,Columbidae,Cacatuidae,Ratite endangered species such as Grus americana,Strigops habroptilus and even any species of Reptilla,Amphibia as well as their eggs and even endangered species of mammals that are hunted for meat including Hippopotamus amphibius,Ursus maritimus,Pinnipeds,Pongo pygmaeus to save on space and for them to be more docile and mane gable especially on home farms.This would also allow for more meat to be produced than is normally produced on non Phasianidae birds and also Reptilla on these modified animals with them also creating the eggs of these Aves and Reptilla and would cut down resources of creating meat from Bovidae and other livestock.In terms of eggs it would have the same texture and taste with these modified Phasinanidae produced or they could be engineered to produce the same eggs of these animals but them being sterile ie no young produced with the use of home 3D printers allowing one to implant 3D printed embryos into them.If possible these modified Phasinanidae will be engineered to produce the meat of any species of fish and shellfish and even their eggs especially Selachimorpha and Acipenseridae.They could even be engineered to produce the same meat as any species of Arthropoda especially Insecta and Arachnida.One would have at home various animals that are separate hybrid species that produce these different meats and eggs unable to mate with each other with embryos printed out to keep the number of animals of each breed stable.Bovidae could also create the same meat as all of these aforementioned species.With regards to fish these could be engineered to reach sexual maturity much quicker in as little as a few months especially Acipenseridae species with other species engineered to produce the same caviar as Acipenseridae.Any type of fish especially Scombridae can be engineered to produce the same meat as Bovidae,Suidae any species of Reptilla,Aves etc to cut down on resources such as land and feed as they can be reared in recirculating aquaculture systems within home,community and vertical farms and allow steaks and cuts of meat with the same texture and taste as conventional livestock to be created with fewer resources such as animal feed and land with them producing no methane and increase productivity.Physis will locate the genotypes that express the different types of meat,blood and flavourings.These will be made into separate species to prevent gene flow fears.
Once again in vitro meat will provide a source of meat alongside algae based pellets for these but the animals themselves can provide a source of meat through any excess killed or in vitro meat extracted from them.Cameras that interact with the ID tags will be able to detect them onscreen them and highlight where each individual animal is and their distance can allow for them to be monitored remotely from smart devices such as e-newspaper maps.
Strigiformes and Accipitriformes especially endangered species can be bred as a form of biological pest control for rats as well as pets for the community and can be integrated into biological control programs for invasive species and pests in rural and urban areas deal with Starlings,rats and Columbiformes in New York and other cities while at the same time aiding in conservation methods to increase their numbers.Otherwise these pests can be caught in large numbers using traps and farmed for human pets,textiles and meats with the option of using biological controls in the surrounding area or not or even have all of the wild populations of a pest species farmed or even have barriers set around the farm.Others like invasive species can be hunted or again caught and then farmed.Locations of nests will be decided by Nosoi.These controls should ideally be engineered to be resistant to genetic,viral,bacterial and fungal disease.Any dead animals found will be pyrolysised.
Pets and livestock should be tagged with a ID barcode that gives information such as farm location and other relevant information that can be be scanned by smart devices if they become lost scanned in using smart devices.This can be in the form of a tag around their neck or RFID chip that is underneath the skin at a set point that can also relay their GPS location and vital signs to to the farm AI and patient file with them engineered to produce luciferens that make them glow in the dark making it easier to find if they are lost or if they are on roads visible to vehicles which can be replicated with pets.The chips will also interact with traffic networks in Hermes and vehicle sonar to prevent vehicle collisions.In time biosynth implants that also relay vital signs etc will be used instead.Pets can be advertised on a platform within Demeter giving the public a choice of a wide variety of animals from around the world with breeding farms then subdivided into those found in the locale,region,country and globe allowing them to choose from ordering from the nearest location.Breeders can localise their rearing of more exotic animals with any excess eaten.Carcasses of dead animals can pyrolysised into fertiliser or buried in the ground or left to decompose in an area away from farms in wilderness.All livestock can be reared inside,outside or in underground rooms or farms to improve space efficiency.With regards to indoor and underground farms these can have air filters and waste disposal connected to the homes waste disposal systems via a pumps.Rare and endangered animals such as bushmeat,Equidae etc can be reared in these farms allowing wild populations to thrive will at the same time implementing measures to ensure conservation as seen later that can allow animals to be farmed with the aim of returning excess animals to the wild and some animals used for meat.Cameras at key points in pens,cages etc will be fed into the farm AI visible to the public also with readings from nanosensors with automated feeders and robotics ensuring that all steps in taking care of them will be automated within the next 5-10 years.
Livestock should be grown as locally as possible in either fully automated or free range on permaculture farms.Scientific studies done on livestock can be the same as those done on fish and crops.Ideally they should be fed micro and macro algae based textured vegetable protein,pellets and Gramineae or artificial or genetically engineered variants of these algae and TVP with a higher protein conversion ratio rather than Glycine max or Zea mays mays based food.Not only is this more sustainable as land used to grow G.max and Z.m.mays can be reforested but healthier as it can increase the omega 3 fat content of the meat.This should be the main food for large and small mammals bred for pets and meat.
Feeding Bovidae and other mammalian livestock such as Camelus,Capra aegagrus hircus,Suidae,Ovis aries,Leporidae etc. either algae pellets and/or hydroponic or aeroponic Gramineae and fodder grown in community farm barns and sheds by them will reduce the amount of land required for grazing or growing hay worldwide(which can be reforested) allowing animals to be reared inside all year and reside in ones gardens or in community gardens and increase the amount of land for reforestation or permaculture forests.This means they can be reared in smaller community farms in towns,villages and even in major cities such as Las Vegas,New York etc. with high quality Gramineae being reared all year round in indoor hydroponic/aeroponic farms next to the pens negating labour involved in producing hay for them during winter months and ensuring the farmer being able to tweak the Gramineae to the needs of the livestock with a wide variety of Gramineae from around the world being available with it also cutting down on transport costs with genetic alterations made to change the protein,carbohydrate and omega 3 content etc using cis/tran genics.Hydroponic/aeroponic Medicago sativa and Cannabis sativa and cereals or flour of all types from bacteria can be reared all year long negating human labour and land in both grazing and hay with building used to produce and house these put to other uses,store these hydroponic systems and also photobioreactors for bacteria commodities once made whole.Bacteria can create flour,sugars and polysccharaides,proteins and oils of any type of cereal and crops such as including G.max,M.sativa,C.sativa,Z.m.mays and then mixed together with water and served as a slop directed to feeders by automated systems in customised ratios for each species and breeds of livestock.If hay needs to be made then the Gramineae can be sent to drier rooms in extensions that dries it completely with this Gramineae being grown hydroponic or aeroponically onsite with this allowing any type of Gramineae and also crops like M.sativa to be grown quickly all year round.This and algae,bacteria based flour and also Gramineae grown onsite via animal sewage collected in underground pools,photobioreactors and also hydro/aeroponics can allow for all land used to graze Bovidae and grow hay to be reforested indefinitely including in rural and urban farms making them more compact and ensure an abundance of nutritious feed for them all year round with manure collected by robots or underground tunnels leading to algae farms creating looped system used to grow algae and aeroponic fodder with transportation of the feed to automated feeders and pens into troughs being automated negating human labour.Fallopia japonica can be grown in nearby areas and harvested automatically routinely and then fed to them.In urban areas it can allow for Gramineae to be grown all year long next to pens.They can also be fed excess hydroponic/aeroponic crops such as Hordeum vulgare,Triticum aestivum,M.sativa,Avena sativa,Oryza,vegetables,fruits and other crops grown for alcohol and human food production.Genetically altered versions of toxic wild plants and weeds (see later) can be fed to them once the process has removed the toxins with them also grown via hydroponics.By utilising hydro/aeroponics for the production of Bovidae feed alongside algae TVP farms especially rural ones can be smaller decreasing the amount of forests to be cut down(and increase reforestation rates) and again provide variety of high quality feed all year long minimising human labour with them grown onsite in vehicles and rooms of the farms with the planting,growing,harvesting and transportation of them to livestock being easily automated.This can be applied to existing farms around the world with grazing land alongside that used to grow hay and straw converted to forest farms.It can also mean a wide multitude of Gramineae from around the world can be grown locally with transgenics and cisgenics from other Gramineae,algae and even other crops traditionally used as fodder can increase their protein and omega 3 and cellulose content with other nutrients also added.Ideally any crops used should be excess used for human consumption not eaten with even uneaten food fed to livestock in home farms or each homeowner sending in uneaten food to local community farms in specilised bins in person or even collected weekly by trucks controlled by the farm AI with also genetically engineered bacteria being produced to create the same grains,sugars,cellulose and/or proteins of them to ensure they will be grown onsite of farms and then fed allowing all land for growing fodder crops to be reforested completely.Gramineae can also be collected from cut Gramineae via robotic lawnmowers from homes across the community as well as from parks,golf courses and local public gardens for this purpose.Leaves from these areas can also be collected and used as feed stock in the autumn and winter months.Thus any fodder crops will not be reared in plantations but will be reared onsite of farms using hydroponics or even have them created as flours via bacteria with this including G.max,M.sativa,C.sativa,Z.m.mays,H.vulgare,T.aestivum,A.sativa,Oryza flour with the flour,oil and carbohydrates of all 400,000 species of plants created by bacteria on an unlimited scale of both rural and urban farms worldwide during all seasons to allow all land used for grazing and growing fodder to be reforested indefinitely with it providing feedstuff for livestock in home farms and also those in urbanised areas like cities such as Las Vegas and New York.Feedkind originating from bacteria can be used to feed all types of livestock such as fish,Bovidae,Phasianidae with this grown onsite using those created by bacteria.All of this can also ensure that livestock such as Bovidae,Phasianidae etc can be reared indoors in pens in urban areas in cities around the world ans land used for grazing and hay production will be reforested.All feed for all livestock would be grown onsite of home and community farms with algae imported in from sewage and water treatment plants.
Trees can be gradually introduced into areas allocated for livestock feeding on farms with netting protecting the leaves and branches during their early years and the plant adult,middle and later years they could provide extra foraging material and at the same time sequester carbon and hold soil together over time.As stated algae should replace the unnatural Z.m.mays and G.max feed stock which require too much resources even when done by hydroponics though excess amounts of these used for human consumption can be fed in small amounts and not be grown solely for animal consumption to save resources.This is because these crops cause cows to emit more methane.Research can be done to develop more efficient methods of capturing methane from flatulence to be converted into natural gas or methane based plastics and biogas for energy production or plastics this can include zeolites and nano materials forming an artificial tree like structure.This may be from zeolite based artificial trees onsite of farms.Reptilla and predatory carnivorous fish can be fed home reared insects and others like Alligatoridae and Crocodylians and Serpentes to save resources can be fed in vitro meat from their preferred prey i.e. rats,beef etc. to cut down on resources to feed their prey with rats and other animals reared at home on algae and flour from bacteria which is resource inefficient.If rats need to be reared then they can have nails and teth removed via engineering and fed bacteria based flour and algea to allow their predators fed them without fear of being harmed.Their eggs can provide an alternative to chicken eggs.Phasianidae can be fed algae pellets as well insects to increase nutritional content and flavour with even Z.m.mays flour from bacteria as well as invitro meat.This can be replicated with other non Phasianidae birds with in vitro meat fed to birds of prey which can also feed on pests.Insects should be fed waste food,algae pellets,algae TVP,Gramineae,leaves and in vitro meat for carnivorous ones with the same applying for fish with them fed feedkind,algea and also in vitro meat in the case of predatory ones.Pets like Felis catus,Canis lupus familiaris etc can be fed meal composed of a mixture of insects,algae and in vitro meat with plant crops like H.vulgare and rice mixed in and any other excess waste crops that is safe for them to eat.Pellets of all feed such as algae,Gramineae,C.sativa,H.vulgare etc can be made with this machinery.Birds such as Columbidae,Psittacines,Strigopoidea,Ramphastidae,Cacatuidae,Ratite and other birds can be fed algae,insects and seeds.G.max and Z.m.mays feed for all livestock should be consigned to history with Gramineae,algae and excess crops instead fed to them since algae in particular Spirulina has roughly 57g of protein per 100g compared to G.max which has 36g per 100g and Z.m.mays roughly 9g per 100g ensuring a better feed to protein ratio with livestock being engineered to further improve their bodies ability to convert feed to protein and muscle and store less fat in their body.This algae can be engineered to produce as much as 80-90g of protein with bacteria being engineered to produce essential amino acids and carbohydrates as well.The main reason is that algae and Gramineae produce less methane than the unnatural G.max and Z.m.mays flour with it also meaning all land used to grow these crops will be reforested.Bacteria can be engineered to produce G.max,grain or Z.m.mays flour,proteins and saccharides and even those from specific Gramineae to be fed to them if algae has not been been shown to produce lower methane levels with custom levels of these nutrients or the structure of algae can altered through engineering to produce less methane when consumed by ruminants with bacteria even engineered to produce just essential proteins in large amounts with these measures pursued to prevent the need for growing fodder crops on land or through hydroponics.Bacteria can as stated also be engineered to produce the same starches etc of any species of Gramineae on a commercial scale all year round with ideally Spirulina engineered to produce more protein and carbohydrates in the most efficient ratio. As stated earlier aeroponic Gramineae can be reared onsite to provide a large variety of Gramineae genetically altered to reduce methane emissions all year round even during Autumn and Winter when hay is usually fed to them negating labour required to create hay.Macro algae has been shown to reduce methane emissions by as much as 99% if it consists of a mere 2% of an animals feed with this also ordered in from water and sewage treatment plants or grown onsite of farms due to Bromoform which can be engineered in bacteria that produce flour and also into hydroponic plants grown onsite with this seaweed grown onsite using sewage or ordered in from sewage treatment plants etc.Allium in particular Allium sativum which also reduce methane emissions can be grown onsite or to prevent flavours seeping into milk or the compounds that inhibit methane emissions can be engineered into plants and bacteria based flour used to feed them.This effectiveness can be replicated in other breeds via engineering them with the same bacteria in their stomachs.There is the possibility of genetically engineering ruminants to produce less or even no methane and even nitrous oxide at all by altering their stomachs and digestive tract and also how they digest food and/or the bacteria present.This could be done by altering the bacteria present not to produce methane but produce the enzymes of Saccharophagus degradans that degrade the cellulose and ligin with this first done by altering them unable to harbour them and then harbour the new bacteria or inoculating them with these desirable bacteria or biocmpatible microbes that use CRISPR to alter bacteria present with research into creating cows that contain only these desirable bacteria.The same can be done with nitrous oxide.If possible CRISPR via microbes can alter existing bacteria in ruminants make them unable to produce methane or other greenhouse gases at all thus lowering their impact on climate change with the DNA from S.degradans tweaked to not produce alcohol but rather essential sugars.All feeding troughs and in fact all surfaces and machinery should be covered in a permanent layer of liquid glass to negate the need for cleaning and prevent the spread of micro-organisms that can be pathogenic to both livestock and humans.AgriProtein made from fly larvae feeding on blood from livestock can be used to feed fish and carnivorous/omnivorous livestock and pets with this,algae,in vitro meat and Gramineae replacing fish meal as well as cornmeal and soy meal reducing energy costs as it can be grown on site and allow for land to reforested and cut down on use of fertilisers and water with AgriProtein creating soil conditioner for farms as a byproduct if organic waste is used.With regards to AgriProtein genetic engineering can increase the feed to protein ration in the larvae with their effectiveness at doing this also transferred to other species with a new separate species also created for this purpose especially species that are native to each country to prevent them becoming invasive species.Ideally animal blood collected from slaughterhouses or even created on an unlimited scale using stem cells made into a gelatinous substance using bran,flour and other protein(from algae and bacteria) and carbohydrate material similar in texture to blood pudding should be used as it is better than other organic waste producing more protein.Using artificial versions of blood from all types of livestock can determine which is the best for taste and protein conversion with this produced on site of where AgriProtein is produced in farms.Bio printed organs and in vitro meat can also be used.Ideally all steps in its production would be automated with them transported in graphene sacks that can be reused and sent back to the factory with the able to hold larger weights.Ideally though these automated Agriprotein factories should be onsite of all community farms and recirculating aquaculture pool farms to cut down on energy costs and make each one self sufficient and negate the need for building factories which could otherwise be used as homes.Synthetic blood and bran and flour from genetically engineered bacteria can be prepared onsite of these farms to allow for the Agriprotein to be made more quickly.Preparation of algae TVP,Gramineae pellets and all types of feed including in vitro meat and transportation to feeders should be easily automated from start to finish within the next five years with them all ideally produced onsite of community farms in buildings cutting down on transportation costs.Existing factories that prepare feed should be converted into homes.
Algae will become the predominant feedstock for remaining livestock. Spirulina has roughly 57g of protein per 100g compared to G.max which has 36g per 100g,beef/lamb/chicken that has roughly 25-27g,Z.m.mays roughly 9g per 100g thus allowing algae to replace conventional feedstock with genetic engineering allowing it have as much as 80-95g protein thus making it a more sustainable source of protein than TVP etc for vegans than G.max eaten as mince,TVP and steaks and also on par with meat for meat eaters.This will also allow it to replace conventional feedstock for fish,shellfish and remaining livestock replacing G.max,Graminae,Z.m.mays eaten as a mince,TVP,slip or liquid pumped into pens and tanks with it even suitable for carnivorous animals in zoos and pets replacing in vitro meat.The type of essential amino acids,carbohydrates and essential fatty acids and oils alongside their amount can be modified through genetic engineering creating different strains and species dependant for its purpose.This algae can through engineering produce the same taste and texture as meat of any kind and also Hordeum,G.max,Trictium etc thus making it more palatable livestock with it eaten as a slop,mince,pellets,TVP etc.Having it engineered to taste the same as Hordeum,G.max,Trictium etc will also allow it replace these in all of it uses such as flour for all cereal based products,TVP as well as hamburgers and steaks etc.It can also produce oil for goods that can Attalea maripa,Elaeis oleifera,Elaeis guineensis.Since grown in sewage treatment plants it will negate the need for using land to grow these with conventional soy etc allowing all existing land to be reforested.It will also cut down on energy and chemical use in sewage treatment plants with soy coming from genetically engineered bacteria.This creates a looped cycle as once it is eaten it will be converted into feces and urine that ends up in a sewage treatment plant to be then converted into more algae.It will also negate the need to rear fodder crops for remaining livestock since it cannot only be fed to humans but also fed to remaining livestock of all types and pets of all types.Remaining livestock such as cattle etc will be feed it as slop,mince,TVP etc..Remaining livestock pens through grated pens and automated systems should be connected to the main sewage line to allow feces and urine to be collected in the main sewage line to be converted into algae in a looped systems producing more feedstock and also fertiliser with biosynths collecting forces in fields etc.Miniature photobioreactors on site of community and home farms worldwide can be present to collect feces and urine to be grown and stored on-site.This can allow for remaining livestock to be reared indoors in sheds.Manure and urine from pets can be collected and placed into toilets or the pets potty trained to have the phosphorus and nitrogen recycled.This will prevent the phosphorus and nitrogen going to waste or ending up in rivers and lakes etc with excess algae stored over years and decades etc as feedstock and fertiliser that is traded across the world when a country is experiencing shortages.This will replace both chemical and fossil fuel based fertilisers but also conventional manure based fertilisers thus eliminating pollution in lakes etc and the release of greenhouse gases and scarcity of fertilisers forever as since both humans and livestock consume the algae directly or the crops that use them as fertilisers the nitrogen and phosphorus etc will end up back in sewage treatment plants creating a looped system.
Animal waste can be collected as a fertiliser for plants in permaculture systems and in larger automated systems for use to create algae on site in close proximity via micro algae farms thus creating a looped system with ammonia/methane collected as a fuel source.To make the collection of waste from pens easier the flooring could consist of grating to allow urea and solid waste to be collected in septic tank routinely collected by robots with the levels of it detected by sensors or it being part of a underground system of slanted pipes connecting the septic tanks of all livestock and pet pens in the farm leading to the micro algae farms hole dug into the ground at least 1-3 metres surrounded by a average human sized wall allowing the waste to collect there.Automated systems could collect waste from each pen or numerous pens at once to allow for a set amount of algae to be produced at once.The grating,piping and tank below them leading to this systems would be at angles and coated with liquid glass to prevent waste sticking there stagnant and spreading disease and allow gravity to transport it to the algae dump via slanted underground pipes alleviating reliance or the need for pumps within the system.The algae dump would also be covered by an anti-dirt and hydrophobic coating that doesn’t have the same anti-microbial properties of liquid glass to prevent the need for cleaning and would have a door at where the waste is pumped in to prevent excess waste enters until the current crop of algae is finished with the level present measured by sensors.This algae can be collected by robots/on site pumping machinery putting it in a storeroom that dispenses it into automatic animal feeders creating a looped system with nanosensors and cameras that detect that the algae has used up all waste and relay live feeds to the public via Demeter.Alternatively the underground tank that collects waste from all livestock where the waste collects under the grating would slanted in a v-shape with it coated in liquid glass would have a pipe at the bottom of this in the exact centre also coated internally and externally in liquid glass to negate cleaning would suck up the waste at various points when sensors and pressure plates detect it is full and send it to the algae farms.These can be integrated into existing pens or existing pens can have the flooring be coated in liquid glass and robots or machinery similar to snow ploughs move it to a central hole or grating at the top and/or bottom of the pen where it can be collected into a pool or trough covered in liquid glass to be sucked up into these algae farms or vehicles coated internally with liquid glass to be transported automatically to either onsite farms or the local sewage treatment plant where Persephone will allocate algae feed by interacting with the AI of farms in the region and town,city etc.These pools or troughs integrated into existing and new ones in both rural and urban ones can be directly connected to the local sewage plant via piping.A clear see through sliding cover can cover the onsite algae farms when the algae is growing and allow any biogas to be collected by a separate series of pumps for use as energy for the farm via microturbines with this covering being composed of see through thermo-piezoelectric and quantum dot technology sprayed with liquid glass) powering the pumps ensuring the gas collected would provide energy for the farm to heat pens during the night and winter months.Nanomaterials or carbon scrubbers can be used to collect carbon dioxide to be converted into oxygen and carbon for graphene production or be used to grow bacteria and algae onsite to create looped systems.Ideally the same systems to grow algae in sewage treatment plants and those used by defunct algae power plants should be onsite of all community farms to grow them.These include biostimulation systems used by AglaStar.Inc that integrates two types of electromagnetic energy — a millitesla generator and a millimetre microwave generator — which radiate spontaneous growth energy into large volumes of algae biomass to be economically viable(increasing yields by as much as 300%) can be utilised alongside LED and CSYS LED lights that can allow for continuous growth 24/7,365 days a year.Clostridium perfringens which takes 10 minutes to divide can have recombinant DNA from it added to the DNA of algae to make them grow faster as C.perfringens divides in only 10 minutes.The same level of engineering using recombinant DNA from oligotrophes,xerophiles,psychrophilles,mesophilles and thermophiles as used in sewage treatment plants could be utilised to allow them to thrive and grow better in all temperature ranges reducing energy costs during the year and make them better at utilising water,nitrogen and phosphorous.The same machinery used in defunct algae sequestration plants and sewage treatment plants should be used to grow them in compact rooms in the farm either underground or as part of the main building.This algae can be treated with UV lights,large doses of radiation and heating it past 100 degrees Celsius,past the threshold of most pathogens in a closed vat with the water present collected and returned with it also irradiated to ensure the algae and any pathogens are killed.The algae could have DNA from extremophiles in genome capsids to allow these measurements kill off pathogens and not the algae with humans and livestock immunised against coliforms.These algae plants would be in the adjoining buildings in underground extensions or underneath the pens to make them space efficient.Manure of all livestock in fields should be collected ideally by robotics and automated machinery to recycle the nitrogen and phosphorous.Ideally the faeces and urine would be collected on site of farms and sent to the local sewage treatment plants with Persephone interacting with the farm and sewage treatment plant AIs to transfer algae feed by automated vehicles using kegs used in a rotary system when low and stored in large cylinders onsite.Any manure in pens not using grating would also be collected by robots with the robots and the flooring and walls coated in liquid glass to make it easier to collect to allow it to be transported to algae farms onsite of them.Skeletons and carcasses of dead livestock,fish and pets alongside shells of shellfish can be pyrolysised on site in local pyrolysis machines or in pyrolysis waste treatment plants for food and organic matter like cardboard in order to reuse the biochar produced as fertiliser and recover carbon,calcium and other nutrients present.Otherwise carcass and skeletons can be turned to fertiliser using the urban death project.Both of these processes will create looped and interlooped systems.Robots have been developed that can clear faeces off floors with in time piqapoo bags composed of graphene and seacell coated internally and externally in liquid glass that can be removed by robots on rail systems and sent to onsite algae farms or the main municipal line via adding them to toilets onsite.Algae for livestock and fish feed for homes and community farms will be ordered in from local sewage and water treatment plants or small ones onsite of the farm that use faeces from all animals present alongside wastewater or sugars from bacteria.If possible those in home and community farms could intake a certain level of programmed waste containing urine and faeces from the home next to it or the surrounding buildings in a controlled manner managed by Tyche and the farm AI with the algae engineered to degrade toilet paper to turn them into feed for the algae.As detailed alter on systems onsite of community centres can be used to get some as they would intake some faeces and urine rich water from the community.This algae will be used to create fertiliser and also feed for all types of livestock.Semi automated machinery can be onsite or even automated ones that separate them for their different purposes ie fertiliser and feed and for feed sepaarate them for those that are needed for fish,fowl and mammals to be turned into TVP,flour or flakes and stored in automated feeder.
To prevent or at least lessen the intensity of algae blooms areas around rivers and lakes etc can be reforested with native woodland or forest farms with constructed wetlands also there to absorb any runoff and leached animal waste.This would also deal with any fertiliser runoff.The plants can be pyrolysised or pelleted once harvested by machinery with bamboo ideally being used as it self propagates.
In order to ensure maximum growth birds and other Phasianidae can be engineered to remove feathers reducing energy and labour costs in automated and free range farms as the farms do not require air conditioning in the summer and spring months.It also increases meat production as feathers which have no culinary use up too many resources such as protein and are labour intensive to remove.The feathers of Phasianidae that do not have this trait bred into them can be collected and used as fertiliser when pyrolysised or buried in soil.This can be applied to all Phasianidae and non Phasianidae birds reared for meat such as Anatidae,Columbiformes and snipe and other non Phasianidae species of birds.It could be possible to engineer Leporidae and other mammals with no fur for the same reason.The same could be applied to produce dog and cat breeds and other pets with no hair for aesthetic purposes i.e. hairless huskies,spaniels,Chihuahua,foxes.These and the Spyhnx cat breed can have recombinant DNA from T.gammatolerans added to them to protect them from sunbrun with the same applied to other hairless livestock or pets.Also recombinant DNA from poikilotherms,Tardigrade,Herminiimonas glaciei,Chryseobacterium greenlandensis,Pseudomonas putida GR12-2,Carnobacterium pleistocenium,Bacillus F,psychrophillic and osmophile bacteria,Cucujus clavipes,Rana sylvatica,psychrophiles and thermophiles as well as from scratch which will would theoretically allow them to survive at different temperature ranges and manage a more pronounced and stable thermo-regulation negating the need for them to be indoors all the time and be able to function at a wide range of temperatures unlike existing hairless animals allowing them to not require homemade coats and jumpers with this also applied to other hairless and featherless livestock and pets as well as even those that have fur to increase their survival in all envrionments.Recombinant DNA from Planarians,Ambystoma mexicanum,Hydra,T.gammatolerans,Deinococcus radiodurans,Bacillus F and Caenorhabditis elegans will reapair damaged tissues and telomeres allowing them to be rethawed and refrozen over and over again.This would also be done to feathered and featherless animals as well as livestock such as Bovidae to prevent them dying from cold weather and overheating and thus requiring less energy in maintenance.If possible microbes in them could on demand cause them grow hair and then lose it when desired.With regards to featherless Phasianidae it would negate the need for heating or coolant systems saving on energy costs.Genetic engineering can also be used to speed up breeding processes and input genes with desired phenotype i.e. the muscle mass of Belgian Blue into other breeds and species of livestock and creating large Leporidae,F.catus,C.l.familiaris and goldfish as well as making livestock and pets bio-luminescent so they can be visible in the dark.Pets like F.catus,C.l.familiaris could be engineered to also produce heterochromia iridium or homochromia iridium of any selection of colours as well as removing their ability to produce Fel d1,Fel d2,Fel d3,Fel d4 and IgA allergens responsible for certain people to be allergenic to them(with the same done in dogs and other animal livestock and pets).Thus this will be done with all F.catus,C.l.familiaris and other animals possibly even bees eventually weeding it out their entire genepool entirely with gene therapy removing the genes repsonsible for them in humans again removing it from the genepool entirely.The Phanes method will be used to increase diversity in domesticated pets like F.catus,C.l.familiaris with ideally each breed made a separate species from each other since CRISPR can make any hybrid possible very easily.Pets and livestock can be engineered via CRISPR or via printed out embryos to be able to process and consume food that they cant but humans cant ie chocolate,avacadoes,grapes passed on by or these crops can be engineered not to produce the compounds that are poisonous.Ideally both plants,crops and the animals both pets and livestock will be modified to remove these from the genepool entirely to ensure that none are affected and completely free from it.If the removal of the compounds effects the flavour or nutritional value of the crop then only the animals should only be modified and have the inability to consume them removed with this done on a large scale and breeding managed by Phanes including the trading of spermatozoa and eggs done on local to global scales to ensure this eventually overruns all breeds of the species entirely.It may be possible to even choose custom coat colours and patterns found within a species or from other mammals ie.F.catus with Equus quagga or Giraffa patterns and colours or making breeds that are mixtures of both domesticated and wild species and with other breeds much easier.Other breeds could be created with custom made coats and those from animals from other phyla.The same can be applied with other small mammals such as gerbils and mice reared as pets.This would eventually lead to the creation of entirely new custom made breeds of F.catus,C.l.familiaris,fish,shellfish Bovidae and other animals much quicker with recombinant DNA coming from all taxonomic ranks such as kingdoms,phylum,classes etc and those made from scratch.The same could be applied to Equidae and Phasianidae non Phasianidae birds such as Psittacines,Strigopoidea,Ramphastidae,Columbidae,Cacatuidae,Ratite producing custom made beaks and plumage(the same applying to birds of prey).Serpentes could have custom made patterns and colours,polycephaly and even remove the deadly venom from species such as rattlesnakes,coral snakes and cobras make them more easily reared for food and as pets the same used for other reptiles.The same can be applied to poisonous spiders,fish,shellfish,mammals and other types of animals that are poisonous to humans both for consumption and rearing as pets by removing the toxins from their body making species such as Pterois,Tetraodontidae,Crotalus,Dendrobatidae,Varanus komodoensis(which can have it ability to harbour the toxic bacteria and other toxins removed),Ornithorhynchus anatinusand to be reared as pets and thus unable to harm humans.In the case of certain species of frogs it could simply be a case as stated earlier on feeding them locally reared non toxic insects,in vitro meat and algae since they absorb the toxins present in their natural prey that feed on poisonous plants.Others may require genetic engineering.All animals non toxic will be engineered to the point of being a separate species unable to mate this to their parent species with unique coats,patterns and colours etc with bio luminescence added to any animal used as livestock or pets.Hybrids of all closely related or even distantly related animals from all taxonomic ranks can be produced much more quickly and accurately.Ideally hybrids and custom made animals with different coats,plumages,breeds,non toxic versions of animals,those that are mutations etc should be engineered to produce entirely new species independent of their parent species to prevent these phenotypes taking over normal phenotypes especially when gene drives are used including those that arise via mutations such as White Panthera tigris tigris,Strawberry Acinonyx jubatus,spotless A.jubatusthat can be made on an unlimited scale and made a separate species and sub species.Any diseases that may be brought on by these modification can be corrected with further engineering with non poisonous animals given unique phenotypes such as different coloured fur,scales etc to make them distinguishable from unaltered ones.Rather than disposing these GM animals down the sewers or into the wild which could negatively affect wild populations they can be returned to local community farms,taxidermied,eaten,pyrolysised alongside organic waste,used to produce textiles or traded on Demeter.Furthermore it can be used to remove from a lineage genetic borne diseases in livestock,pets and endangered species and help improve the domestication process by making wilder animals more docile and easier to raise on farms and at home as pets and maybe even make miniature versions of wild animals and mega fauna that could fit into homes i.e.Panthera tigris,Ursus maritimus,Giraffa,Hippopotamus amphibius,Rhinocerotidae,Elephantidae with this even applying to Bovidaewith engineering also used to remove horns and claws that could injure humans.Large conventional livestock like Bovidae,Suidaeand exotic ones can be engineered to be the size of dogs etc to allow them to fit in urban indoor pens.Recombinant DNA from endolithic bacteria as well as scratch that slows its metabolism could allow for larger versions of livestock to be large as possible by slowing the metabolism with the opposite taken to make smaller versions of megafuauna and large livestock.Existing domesticated animals can also be made more docile by removing undesirable traits ie Siberian Huskies that are known as escape artists and can be destructive when bored or not given proper care can be removed through engineering with this replicated with other breeds of pets that have similar undesirable traits.Again these would ideally be engineered to the point that they were separate species unable to pass these phenotypes to their parent species.When the process of engineering,implantation etc becomes fully automated from start to finish especially in advances in 3D DNA printing,nano/picotechnology and robotics consumers will be able to design pets and livestock with custom made attributes such as coats,plumages,beaks,patterns,sizes,skeletons,eye colours and shapes,spikes etc on Pandora linked to Demeter with this having a option of choosing what known breeds and species to hybridise DNA with each other through tick boxes etc with Phanes creating the genotypes to create the desired phenotypes.Ideally breeds of F.catus,C.l.familiaris and livestock could become separate species to make them pure breeds.
This and other genetic treatments can allow for the weeding out genetic diseases and deformities caused by inbreeding especially when artificial sperm and eggs can be created an example would be using these to remove syringomyelia,mitral valve disease,luxating patella,thrombocytopenia and macrothrombocytopenia, keratoconjunctivitis sicca,primary secretory otitis media from the breed known as Cavalier King Charles Spaniel increasing their lifespan exponentially alongside anti ageing treatments and biocompatible microbes with this replicated with all breeds of F.catus,C.l.familiaris,endangered animals and even livestock that have had deformities built into them due to breeding.Those that have deformities that are there for cosmetic purposes can have them modified or have the breeds body both internally and externally modified to make them live longer and prevent discomfort with all pets given ageing treatments to increase lifespans dramatically.Cosmetic surgery done invivo by microbes and CRISPR treatments will alter the size of the skull and brain etc making living animals less likely to suffer pain with advanced gene drive technology preventing these deformities passed on from one generation to the next.To negate bottlenecking in F.catus,C.l.familiaris the Phanes method can be utilised with inbreed mutations bred out with in time bio-synth versions of dogs that cannot feel pain or discomfort due to small heads,folded skin due to inbreeding.Live animals can be modified to be able to have these conditions removed or even if possible modified to survive them without damage to the body and cause discomfort with the therapy and stem cell stains of microbes even causing the body,specific parts of the body to increase in size and even have small skulls be made into larger ones by forming new skin and skull tissue ontop of the skull and have the bottom the skull undergo apotosis similar to curing microcephaly in humans to allow for more room for the brain and even build more neural tissue.Breeds and hybrids of pets can be engineered to become entirely separate species to prevent contamination and to keep desired phenotypes within a species.Pets like dogs could be engineered to be able to digest all foods including those that they are currently unable to such as T.cacao and Coffea beans,Persea americana,Macadamia nuts,Vitis etc.or these plants and crops could be engineered to remove the toxic compounds.Ideally both methods should be pursued.CRISPR combined with Phanes as detailed later on can allow for this to happen especially if gene drives make this phenotypes dominant.Live animals via horizontal gene transfer can also be modified to be able to digest these.Further advances will allow extinct species to brought back using reverse engineering over many generations as detailed later on especially with gene drives making these phenotypes dominant.New species would be done over several generations with distinct and desired phenotypes bred into a large population of the parent species and the DNA altered to the point that a new separate independent species is formed that can only produce offspring with themselves and not any other including its parent species.
Phanes could be utilised for this purpose of isolating specific gene(s) within all livestock and pets and mapping out entire strands of DNA with desired genes present.Existing methods of extracting and implanting recombinant DNA into animal cells could theoretically be automated for more accuracy with developments in machinery.This new Phanes software could also allow for subtle alterations to be made for new individuals to be made from an existing strand of DNA to allow for an almost unlimited amount of new individuals to be implanted into spermatzoa and eggs and even embryos to create an unlimited amount of species especially for endangered and lazarus species brought back via reverse engineering.Induced pluripotent stem cells can aid in this with sperm created from stem cells extracted from the blood or tissues with the Phanes method applied and modifications made.Information regarding feeding,administration of drugs and vaccines and collection and results of blood samples can be monitored and collected by a series of networks between zoos,farms and conservation parks and reserves for use in large scale scientific studies on a global scale.
For breeding of all live stock DNA samples can be taken from blood and then uploaded to a network of livestock DNA library within Aesculapius database of livestock patient files interacting with the farm AI,Demeter and Phanes.Algorithims can detect genes that produce ideal traits and use this to transport animals usually males into populations of females to pass on these genes.Multiple males with these traits gained naturally or through genetic engineering can be spread to communities of females in a rotational system fertilizing females in numerous farms and communities on a local, regional and global scale to ensure desired traits are passed on and genetic diversity is ensured.This can also be used in genetic and scientific studies as the spread of DNA lineage from each male can be tracked on a global scale using software and apps on smartphones.As stated earlier animals could be tagged with barcodes that can be scanned containing this data and more.This process of transportation and collection of them when finished can be fully automated and perform studies on a global scale more accurately and faster than humans ever could.Artificial insemination can also be by hand or fully automated in all steps depending on the nature of the farm with smart devices and computers connected to Demeter playing a large role in monitoring of this randomised and fully automated rotary system.Rather than having to collect sperm from a male skin cells or induced pluripotent or haematopoietic stem cells can be extracted from phlebotomy robots and also syringes that collect blood from males and can be transported to multiple farms around the world at once which can then be turned into sperm(or eggs from females) by 3D printed DNA added into a conveyor belt within labs on farms and automatically inserted by specialised robots into females in randomised or predetermined fashions decided by software with the Phanes method used to maintain genetic diversity and pass down desirable phenotypes.Phanes software will manage all trading on local,regional,national and global levels when interacting with Aristaeus in Demeter with patient files in Aesculapius also interacting with them here.In time 3D DNA printing using induced pluripotent stem cells with the DNA printed into blank spermatozoa,eggs and even embryos will be created onsite of community,home and even fish farms to save on energy costs as the patient files and logged crop DNA in the building AI and Physis will be used as a baseline for the Phanes method.This 3D DNA printing alongside trading of semen etc can cause desired phenotypes and new ones to spread to the entire global population of animals around the world quickly and easily create rare breeds using Physis to scan for phenotypes from all animals and plants in all taxonomic ranks and hybrids and apply the Phanes method.Rare breeds of livestock can be multiplied via Phanes method and also 3D DNA printers creating sperm and eggs with their diverse DNA and unique phenotypes inseminated into abundant breeds.This will also be used to create new breeds from scratch and hybridisation.These printers using the Phanes method will print out millions of eggs and spermatozoa of each livestock whether Phasianidae,Bovidae,fish of all breeds and then be stored onsite of each home and community farm in cryonics with DNA from poikilotherms,em>Tardigrade,H.glaciei,C.greenlandensis,P.putida GR12-2,C.pleistocenium,Bacillus F,psychrophillic and osmophile bacteria,C.clavipes,R.sylvatica,psychrophiles will preserve them for longer.Recombinant DNA from planarians,A.mexicanum,Hydra,T.gammatolerans,D.radiodurans,Bacillus F and C.elegans will repair damaged tissues and telomeres allowing them to be rethawed and refrozen over and over again in freezers onsite of home and community farms.This will be done to preserve genetic diversity and limit the amount eggs and spermatozoa to be traded on local to global levels.In time biosynth worm/millipede/mosquito hybrid like creatures that can fly to any animal and then using microbes grow extra legs using nutrition for the animals blood and then once entered into the cervix will take a worm form and inseminate any eggs inside with stored spermatozoa or even deposit fully printed out embryos within it.Home farms will print these out to negate the need to rear male animals or too many and allow homefarmers maintain genetic diversity.
Conferring resistance to viral,bacterial,fungal and also genetic diseases will also be pursued using cis/trans genetics and those made from scratch alleviating the need for vaccines and antibiotics to be used.It could also used to remove all hereditary genetic diseases from their genepool.Alongside this would be spraying all surfaces in vertical and community farms and homes such as pens,feeding troughs,machines, robots,slaughterhouses,recirculating aquaculture systems,fish farms,flooring walls etc with a permanent layer of liquid glass to prevent microbial and viral growth and spread alongside routine sterilising sweeps by UV ceiling lights.Narrow wavelength UV that doesn’t damage human and animal skin can be used with these lights ideally on the ceilings of all rooms in all buildings and pens of each farm with the liquid glass allowing faeces and urea to slide down into collection areas and prevent dirt and bacteria and make cleaning by gravity and robots easier.Further engineering can remove their ability to harbour pests by being altered to be have structures in their body that cannot allow them to latch onto the body or allow them to naturally eradicate them via producing hormones,natural antibodies and chemicals to either kill them or remove them from their body with measures to eradicate both internal and external pests from an area as detailed later on utilised.In time nanomachines,nanomedicine and also bio synth implants can be utilised to remove internal pests from the body with biocompatible microbes removing pathogens.Biocompatible microbes suited to each species of livestock will immunise the animal against all pathogens and fight them off using natural compounds in the their DNA with them also fighting off parasites thus removing antibiotics from the food chain.They could even be engineered to produce pheromones or odours that repel pests that feed on their blood or act as vectors of disease with these made form scratch or from plants or even have them make their blood abhorrent or un digestible to pests or engineer the pests to become unable to digest their blood and attack wild animals or become pollinators of plants.Dealing with pests on livestock can be the same as dealing with crop pests using traps,carnivorous plants,biological controls and doping tags or necklaces with insecticides or repellents with repellents sourced from genetically altered bacteria and sprayed on animals or in buildings or porous pods in pens or engineer plants grown in the farm and in pots in pens to release repellents.
Insects can be reared for human consumption and for pets such as reptile, frog and tarantulas and livestock such as Phasianidae,Columbidae,Psittacines,Strigopoidea,Ramphastidae,Cacatuidae,Ratite etc.They can be reared at home in fish tanks or in enclosed and sealed compartments with minute airholes in them in vertical farms similar to truffles and mushrooms away from other crops or in the case of pests like cockroaches and locusts harvested with nets and traps rather than killing them with pesticides for human,livestock and pet consumption and in the case of beekeepers excess grubs can be harvested for food.They should be fed either waste/excess crops as well as algae based pellets to increase nutritional value and even artificial livestock and human blood from stem cells mixed with flour from bacteria and protein such as TVP from algae ensuring a huge supply of meal for them with this produced on site by machinery and added to them by machinery.This can apply to haematophages and the larvae of most species.In vitro meat can also be fed to them.Ant and termite colonies can be reared in a series of connected aquariums to house a growing population with this of note to Myrmecocystus and them and all exotic species should be in rooms that have containment procedures in community,home and vertical farms to prevent them escaping.If they escape and become an invasive species then measures as detailed later on can be applied to wipe them out.All pens and tanks to hold them should be coated in a permanent layer of liquid glass to prevent the need for cleaning and spread of pathogens to both the insects and humans and the glass have graphene in its matrix to make them shatterproof with graphene netting used to cover them.Insects should be engineered to be resistant to disease.Like livestock eggs will have to trade between communities worldwide on a regular basis to maintain genetic diversity with the Phanes method soon applied to negate this.If possible the Phanes method and also the use of blank eggs having DNA printed into them using 3D DNA printers can not only increase diversity but ensure that all insects produced are of one gender meaning that if they escape they will be unable to mate with each other and thus die out after a few months.Like shellfish they can be engineered to not produce any exoskeletons etc to create more meat or make the exoskeletons edible.Benefits include a higher feed to protein ratio than traditional livestock like Phasianidae and Bovidae,higher amounts of important minerals such as iron and calcium,lower fat content being on average half of that found in traditional meats per 100g,higher protein content as Gryllidae have about four times as much than the same weight as Phasianidae and less energy and resource use in production and transportation as they can be reared locally at home and produce no carbon dioxide and methane.Oxygen can be added to pens and farms in order to create much larger insects and arthropods in controlled amounts with scientific studies done to determine the optimum amount per species with genetic engineering also playing a role in this and also decreasing their water and nutrient intake and requirements possibly using recombinant DNA from xerophiles and oligotrophs and increasing their meal to protein ratio alongside other engineering.These tanks could replicate the same levels of oxygen in the Earths atmosphere of the Carboniferous period.These since reared in tanks if they escape will be unable to produce viable young that could survive in the outside environment that has only normal levels of oxygen compared to the tanks and carboniferous replications thus they would die after one generation or would return to normal sizes via forced evolution.Exotic species should be kept in secure areas and methods to control invasive species would be applied if they escape.
There is a large number of arthropods roughly 1,000,000 with genetic engineering rendering poisonous ones edible and usable as pets such as the case of making hornets that cannot sting ,scorpions that can fatally sting a person have their venom removed, tarantulas that do not have hairs that can cause irritation and Brazilian wandering spiders that produce a different weaker venom that cannot affect humans(the same done with other species of spiders such as the black widow spider) and all types of poisonous arthropods altered not to produce toxins that make them toxic or even foul tasting.With the case of arthropods that derive their poison from their food such as Danaus plexippus it is simply a case of feeding them something else other than Asclepias viridis such as algae and other plants with engineering allowing for this or preventing them from absorbing the toxins if not possible or even engineering A.viridis engineered to be a separate species to be non toxic and feeding these variants to them.Caterpillars with barbs,bristles and hairs that make them inedible as well those that produce foul tasting compounds can have these removed through engineering.Special care should be done to prevent these GM insects and arachnids(and also non-native species) escaping into the wild to prevent damage to non-native ecosystems as well as negatively effecting non GM populations of their species through interbreeding in their ability to defend themselves and hunt prey, which could potentially lead to their extinction.Ideally these GM arthropods may be engineered to the point that they are a separate species unable to mate and pass on this phenotypes to them especially if gene drives are used with them given different colours or patterns to differentiate them from non altered poisonous ones.Raising insects for food for humans and pets can play a role in conservation as currently endangered species of insects such as Lepidoptera can be grown in large numbers and then released into its natural habitat with others eaten.All stages of each species can be consumed such as eggs,larvae,pupae and eggs.Those of Hymenoptera that can only be eaten in their larval stage can be made into separate species that stay only in their larval stage and reproduce like Oligochaeta and Hirudinea both sexually and asexually so as to not to rear whole nests that can be dangerous with both larvae and adults even engineered to have no stings,fangs,barbs,bristles and other parts that can cause injury with Arachnida also have stings and fangs removed with poisonous ones have them removed.These would be reared in tanks in areas cornered off by watertight doors in community,home and vertical farms with to prevent them becoming invasive species them engineered to be unable to survive the local climate and also unable to feed on local flora and fauna whose sap,plant matter and flesh would be toxic or inedible to them with if need be the use of downloading eggs from Demeter allowing one to simply download batches of sterile males and females unable to procreate over and over again.
Entomorphagy that is the rearing and consumption of animals from the class Insecta and Arachnida at home and community farms should overtime replace conventional meats due to them being more resource efficient.All 1,000,000 species of insects and all species of Arachnida etc can be grown with their DNA downloaded into eggs with foul tasting ones engineered not to produce the compounds that give them their taste with poisonous ones modified to be non poisonous.These will be fed algae,excess waste crops and flour from bacteria and can be ordered in containers of any desired size or reared at home.Even carnivores can be fed algae or invitro meat.Most species can provide between 13g to 77g of protein per 100g with genetic engineering increasing this to between 80-95g.Those of Hymenoptera that can only be eaten in their larval stage can be made into separate species that stay only in their larval stage and reproduce like Oligochaeta and Hirudinea both sexually and asexually so as to not to rear whole nests that can be dangerous with both larvae and adults even engineered to have no stings,fangs,bristles and other parts that can cause injury with Arachnida also have stings and fangs removed with poisonous ones have them removed.Other species of Hymenoptera like Formicidae and Isoptera that have kings and queens and various ranks such as workers and soldiers etc may have them again created as separate species that produces only each of these with if possible them also reared as normal and them all harvested.They will also be engineered to hatch earlier in as little as few hours using scratch DNA once exposed to ideal conditions.Dorylus DNA could also be added to increase egg production and make this done every few weeks rather than years.DNA from Dorylus can be added to them to make them produce millions of eggs each season to increase productivity with microbes using hormones inducing the production of large amounts of eggs at any time.Parthenogenesis can thus be added to these insects.If need be the insects can be engineered to produced them without fertilisation but with different genotypes via scratch DNA as a form of non asexual meoitic parthenogenesis using scratch DNA alongside that that exhibits parthenogensis.Thus microbes can turn/off sterility and fertility of insects via CRISPR and induce the laying of fertile eggs that are genetically distinct from each other to create more insects and also induce the creation of sterile eggs for caviar on demand at any times managed by Phanes and the farm AI.They may be killed off by microbes creating insecticides like caffeine etc that humans are made immune to or are already non toxic or the insects made susceptible to compounds that have no effect on humans with the microbes forming extra flesh or the compounds fumigated into tanks with gene drives preventing immunity to these compounds.They may also be exposed to radiation or or other environmental conditions.Poisons will be removed from poisonous ones via the genotypes for these removed.Winged insects could be engineered as separate species with no wings negating the need to remove them,prevent them able to escape and also put more biomass into the actual animals.Lepidoptera larvae can be engineered not to contain bristles,barbs etc that can make them difficult to eat.Larvae of these that produce poisons such as can be engineered to not be able to retain poisons or be able to feed on plants that contain no poisons with for example Danaus plexippus can be engineered to feed on plants other than Asclepias or be engineered to be unable to retain its poison or the Asclepias have its poison removed.Genetic engineering will be able to make them sterile with them only produced by 3D DNA printers in batches in home,community and vertical farms.Toxic insects etc will be engineered not to produce toxins with those that produce barbs have these removed via removing the genes responsible.Those that have exoskeltons can have these removed to put more energy into biomass.Having them separate species without bristles,stings etc will prevent them interbreeding with native species if they escape.All species will have oligotrophic and xerophile DNA added and remove their fat insulin receptor gene and use the same level of engineering as crops as detailed later on to reduce nutrient and water requirements by 99%,grow faster and larger with higher levels of protein etc with if possible DNA from Ephemeroptera and scratch DNA can be added to make them reach maturity in one day with other DNA added to make them live longer ie as long as possible to allow live insects to be ordered in and also for them to lay more eggs.Invitro meat can make burgers,steaks etc of any species of Insecta in large amounts not just of larvae but also of the adult that dont produce enough and may be dangerous.Microbes passing from generation to the next could remove the DNA from Ephemeroptera and add endolith and other live extension DNA or this already be present.These would be reared in graphene infused shatterproof glass tanks in areas cornered off by watertight doors in community,home and vertical farms and have Graphene infused plastic or netting on the top of the tanks to allow oxygen in or have the tanks fed Cygwin through piping and carbon scrubbers sealed of by netting abd small holes with to prevent them becoming invasive species with them engineered to be unable to survive the local climate ie cold winters,dry summers and thus be only be able to survive certain controlled climatic conditions and also unable to feed on local flora and fauna whose sap,plant matter and flesh would be toxic or inedible to them with if need be the use of downloading eggs from Demeter allowing one to simply download batches of sterile males and females unable to procreate over and over again.If they do escape then Artemis and Pan will carry out methods to eliminate them as invasive species as detailed later on.Microbes that pass from one generation to the next will allow their locations to be track and produce insecticides on demand or even cause organs to undergo apoptosis killing them if they escape the perimeter of farms including home ones.They can also cause them to be sterile through CRISPR.Exotic non native species can also be engineered to only thrive in conditions in tanks in home,community and vertical farms and not survive local weather conditions such as frosts,winters,dry or wet weather to prevent them becoming an invasive species as they would be engineered to die off in local climates.Furthermore since their egged would be created by 3D DNA printers they can be for large orders mass produced by 3D DNA printers and them made sterile meaning if they escape they will not be able to engage in sexual reproduction and if they do engage in sexual reproduction they will not produce semen etc or any eggs thus meaning they cannot become invasive species.For those used for consumption would create extra tissues.They through genetic engineering and fed large amounts of oxygen created by plants or biosynth metic scrubbers etc that intake the carbon dioxide in looped systems they release can be made larger with this larger need for oxygen made permanent and essential for survival meaning they would die outside of tanks due to lower levels of oxygen in the outside world.In the Carboniferous period Insecta and Arachnida were the same size as Accipitridae at 30% atmospheric oxygen compared to 20% with environments replicated to be between 20-30% or even if possible in large tanks them in environments of at 40-90% or even pure 100% to rear large insects that would provide large amounts of biomass with the oxygen created by plants and algea etc reared to feed them.These can be engineered to be unable to survive normal modern day 20% levels of oxygen and thus die if they escape preventing them becoming an invasive species or attacking humans.Other normal sized species can be engineered to be only able to grow in a specific temperature range meaning if they escape they would die from the heat in summer or frost in winter..All insects will be fed flour derived from bacteria or grains,algae fed in the form of TVP etc alongside in vitro meat in the case of carnivorous insects with these also able to fed on algae.E.Coli,C.perfringens DNA and scratch DNA will increase their miotic division of cells increasing growth rates allowing them to reach maturity exponentionally faster in as little as a few weeks or even days and Xerophile and oligotrophic DNA will reduce their water and nutrient requirements.This will combined with other engineering also used in crops to help them reach maturity within weeks of days.DNA from W.dermatitidis,C.sphaerospermum and C.neoformans can be added to these insects to enable them to radiosynthesis,that is,to use the pigment melanin to convert gamma radiation into chemical energy for growth.Tweaks can be made to do this with other types of radiation including UV radiation allowing algae to gain nutrition from the sun and that from artificial lights once made immune to radiation via DNA from T.gammatolerans.Tweaks can be made to do this with other types of radiation with scratch DNA used to make the DNA from the radiotrophic fungi to actively convert the radiation into energy in a way that the radiation is removed from the atmosphere.The DNA could stimulate cellular growth of tissues thus allowing insects to grow without feed etc by having the radiation stimulate cellular growth and carry out the functions of all nutrients as part of feed.If possible tweaks could allow the DNA from these bacteria could allow it to not need water by utilising radiation to replicate the biological processes of water.If perfected insects would not need either water or feed at all thus eliminating the need for water and feed in agriculture.Studies can be done as to what intensity of radiation between 5-30,000Gy that is in the survival range of T.gammatolerans can both sterilise the insects of pathogens and parasites and also provide maximum growth rates.Nephropidae DNA that allows them live forever and grow larger indefinitely can be added to insects as well.The Nephropidae DNA can be made to cause the insect to grow forever into large gigantic sizes thus increasing yields exponentially.Rare mutations that leads to oversized insects will be stored in Physis and added to them with even those from oversized crops and fish etc will be added to them to increase productivity.Phanes can have genes extrapolated to be added to this DNA to further increase their growth rates and grow forever to immensely larger sizes.Scratch DNA extrapolated by Phanes for each species of insect can accentuate oversized biomass and create extra excessive biomass where no existing mutations exist for each species of insects.Their version of the fat insulin receptor and myostatin gene can be removed and them made to synthesis essential amino acids and fatty acids.3D DNA printers will allowing them to created at home or eggs will be ordered in from farms with 3D DNA printers used to print out large numbers of their eggs in home,community and vertical farms.These can be harvested by specialised robots and delivered live or dead in large buckets or cardboard boxes of a selected size ie 5-100kg.One could order in any of the 1,000,000 species of Insecta in containers of 5-100kg or in set amounts either dead or alive and in some cases covered in carmel,honey of any type and even chocolate either white or dark created by bacteria especially Myrmecocystus and even Acrididae especially Schistocerca.Each species can have tweaked strains of Ophiocordyceps sinensis made to grow on them and them then killed off using radiation machines to prevent it escaping once the fungus consumes them.These will be reared in tanks fed flour and algea an invitro meat and can make any of the 1,000,000 species of Insecta availible to anyone at zero cost and alongside in vitro meat can replace normal meat and since grown locally to cut down on energy costs will allow wild populations to recover alongside Phanes programmes.One can download them into home tanks from the second section with even one making orders from farms where the consumer preorders a desired species in desired amount and them created by 3D DNA printers,reared and then delivered.They will be fed invitro meat,algea and flour from bacteria or even waste crops.All insects reared in home,community and vertical farms will be created via 3D DNA printers creating the eggs of each species.
With regards to Schistocerca especially Locusta migratoria,Chortoicetes terminifera,Schistocerca gregaria all of the crops can be given the accelerated healing phenotype similar to that in humans with crops given DNA from totipotent stem cells,A.mexicanum,Bacillus F,T.gammatolerans,Hydra,Planarians to repair telomeres and also tissues meaning plants would be able to repair tissues an thus leaves etc after swarms and plagues.The plants will also engineered to be able to grow without sunlight using chemosynthetic DNA and/or have chlorophyll laden stubble or tendrils etc on the surface that are inedible to the pests and thus be able to carry out photosynthesis until the leaves grow back with the leaves again being edible to humans.Humans,automated helicopters and in time biosynths will use nets to catch large amounts of them and spread Metarhizium acridum with all native and new predators of the pest and indeed all animals engineered to be immune to the fungis toxins etc.The fungus takes a while to kill the locusts and can affect other species such as Adroryphorus couloni,Coptotermes formosanus with it also only working in certain climatic conditions.To counteract those the fungus can be engineered to kill only specific species of the Schistocerca only and not kill other beneficial insects and also kill them much quicker on par with or even better than pesticides within at least 24 hours and at the same time add flavour to them and removing potential toxins making the edible and palatable enough to form a large part of the diet of natives.It can also be engineered to do this in all climatic conditions.Furthermore linseed oil L.usitatissimum and essential oils have been shown to kill the insects within 24 hours and can be created on an unlimited scale via bacteria and sprayed via normal sprayers or automated sprayers.Catching them via nets and not using M.acridum will allow for large amounts of edible biomass availible that has higher protein than beef and crops.Schistocerca yield about five times more edible protein per unit of fodder than cattle, and produce lower levels of greenhouse gases in the process.The feed conversion rate of Orthopterans is 1.7 kg/kg,while for beef it is typically about 10 kg/kg.The protein content in fresh weight is between 13–28 g/100g for adult locust, 14–18 g/100g for larvae,as compared to 19–26 g/100g for beef.The calculated protein efficiency ratio is low, with 1.69 for locust protein compared to 2.5 for standard casein.A serving of 100 g of desert locust provides 11.5 g of fat, 53.5% of which is unsaturated, and 286 mg of cholesterol.Among the fatty acids, palmitoleic,oleic and linolenic acids were found to be the most abundant.Varying amounts of potassium,sodium,phosphorus,calcium,magnesium,iron, and zinc were present.This should counteract any crop losses they cause alongside algae from sewage treatment plants.Areas in Africa,New Zealand,Austrailia,The Middle East etc that are affected by S.gregaria,L.migratoria,C.terminifera will ideally grow the vast majority of crops indoors vertical farms through Aquaponics and via bacteria with any as part of home,community and forest farms etc including newly reforested land in place of deserts as well as agricultural land and any ornamental plants will have all plants fitted with the aforementioned accelerated healing phenotype to allow them to regrow leaves in response to being eaten with again the chlorophyll laden stubble proving photosynthesis.Sewage treatment plants will grow algae providing a constant source of foodstuff in these areas preventing famines with it engineered to taste like cereals etc.Ornamental plants will be fitted with the acellerated healing phenotype.If need be these areas will also grow native plants in place of parks and former agricultural land in and around deserts that are desirable to the pest and thus be used to trap them for food.Like pests of other cases they can be made unable to eat crops or ornamental plants but only weeds and specific new plants with weeds that are hybridised with trees that grow non toxic fruits that they can eat planted that can be grown in parks and in and around deserts and savannahs etc in large numbers with them having the accelerated healing phenotype and them having the green stubble thus ensuring harvests every year.This would as stated lure the pest and keep their migration patterns to specific parts of the world namely parts of Austrailia,Northern Africa and India and the Middle East with this also done by the plants creating pheromones and via engineering the pest to be receptive to these that keep them in these areas and not spreading across the world or to nearby jungles etc.If possible biosynth Schistocerca could form part of swarms that using biocommunication and pheromones could control the migration patterns of the swarms thus preventing them becoming an invasive species and keeping there migrations stable and predictable and can lure them to areas to be harvested in large amounts.The Sahara and other deserts that are affected by Schistocerca if it is reforested through geoengineering will have all new species of plants have the accelerated healing phenotype with parts of the plants containing stubble to carry out photosynthesis.These reforested areas could act as lures to keep the insects in stable migrations flooding back and forth with the plants as part of jungles,Savannah etc in these reforested areas that act as large national parks will house the accelerated healing phenotype and stubble to carry out photosynthesis while they regrow.These measures would negate the need for pesticides and be a replacement for both conventional livestock meat like Bovidae with desert areas reforested with jungles have the pest kept under control in the same manner ie have all plants have the accelerated healing phenotype alongside chlorophyll laden stubble and have humans and biosynths catch them in nets to provide more nutritious feed.all Satellites as part of Astreaus,Triptolemus,Nephalai and Pan combined with biosynth insects presents will track the swarming and plagues paths of Schistocerca across the world to initiate automated procedures to capture them.Catching in seasons once every year manged by reading from these satellites will ensure that a certain percentage will be left to prevent overharvesting with the yields being large enough to feed locales for several years with those printed out in batches at home farms released into the wild will allow the wild specimens to recover and maintain genetic diversity via the Phanes method with large numbers using the Phanes method created onsite of universities using 3D printers and released into the wild will be released to keep populations stable and genetically diverse.The pest could be reared at home indoors or in vertical and community farms fed algae and bacteria based flour alongside crops as the human population grows in the area to prevent them becoming extinct or the their fertility rate could be increased via CRISPR to keep up with demand by adding genes from Dorylus to have each female produce millions of eggs each year or season meaning that those that would be caught would be those that would have already and otherwise starved out due to overeating of the crops and trees etc fitted with the stubble and accelerated healing phenotype.This addition of the relevant genes from Dorylus will be done by adding large numbers of males and females decided by Phanes into swarms or using 3D DNA printers create large numbers while native swarms are depleted to low levels allowing the released insects to overtake native swarms and using advanced gene drive technology which should be done very quickly either way.This can be reversed with methods to reverse it extrapolated prior to adding it to swarms.Genetic engineering can also modify their growth rate,lifespan and other features to ensures sustainable yields every year and prevent them affecting the ecosystems and not too out of control.Itwill also ensure that even if too many are caught then at least the populations will be rebound for more harvests in fact those that do die of starvation could be caught in large numbers.Both proto and final Phanes will plan this out by 2029 by which time they will have switched to recirculating aquaculture systems,vertical farms and invitro meat with all crops and all plants in all jungles etc will be fitted with the acellerated healing phenotype using microbes sprayed into the soil via aeroplanes and by 2045 by biosynths.Ideally though until biosynth arthtopods that innoculate jungles etc with these phenotypes by 2045 these can be reared in vertical farms with that alongside algae and invtro meat and vertical farms keeping local populations fed and hungry with them able to meet an increasing population in these areas by 2045.Use of pesticides should stop to allow those that have residues present die off.This should ensure a abundant supply of protein rich meal in both African and Asian countries abd the Middle East where these insects live alongside even Austrailia outside of both traditional livestock with it,algae from sewage treatment plants,vertical farms and invitro meat eliminating famine in these areas.To prevent the insects going extinct from over harvesting,3D DNA printers can produce large amounts of genetically distinct possibly millions of them to be created in batches and released into the wild to keep populations stable with this allowing batches of them to be produced onsite of farms worldwide.3D DNA printers will create millions of these new locusts should they be over harvested to population stable as an extinction of Schistocerca could cause an imbalance in the ecosystem through their natural predators losing a food source that could lead to growth in populations of other pests causing an imbalance in the ecosystem and food chain.If possible excess dead harvests of them could be exported to other countries via Oceanus,Erebus with them grown and reared on vertical and home farms in tanks in sealed rooms with them also shipped to recirculating aquaculture systems in fish farms,vertical and home farms across the country or continent to be used as fish meal for all types of fish with the excess sent there by the AI of these farms contacted and sending delivery vehicles to collect the animals.They can also be used to feed carnivorous and omnivorous livestock and pets in home and community farms like fish,Aves when shredded or mulched.Plants in jungles,forest,meadow and will have this accelerated healing phenotype,stubble built into them alongside barbs from Cactaceae in the case of meadow and grassland farms with those in areas with herbivores just have the accelerated healing phenotype and stubble coupled with seed pods and repellance to fruit etc to ensure the animals dont starve.Thus it is ideal that these pests will be caught and eaten for their protein rather than killed with biological controls,fungi and also pesticides.In case they migrate to other countries all crops and plants in forests,parks,gardens,jungles worldwide will have the acellerated healing phenotype and stubble added to them with this also done to protect them against wild animals in there native habitat with as stated AI combined with satellites tracking their migration paths.
Culinary dishes can be made from these that are not already readily available to the public due to taboos.
In vitro meat will allow any type of meat to be grown onsite of home,vertical and community farms thus allow all land used to rear all types of meat be reforested and allow one to get access to types of meat that are exotic with cells printed out from 3D DNA printers.This would give access to exotic meats that would be too troublesome to rear especially dangerous exotic ones and those that are resource and labour intensive and cut down on resources with this also reared for carnivorous livestock and pets.DNA samples of all 2,000,000 species of animals of all taxonomic ranks will be taken and added to Physis if not already present.The currently require labs to be grown but by 2029-2045 can be grown in home,community and vertical farm systems using 3D DNA printers in miniaturised systems and photobioreactors.3D DNA printers will allow for the stem cells of any species and breed of animal,their organs including foie gras and haemotiopic stem cells etc for nutrients and osteoblasts to be printed onsite of home,community and vertical farms and kitchens of restaurants etc to be printed out onsite by cross referencing Physis linked to Demeter thus decentralising access.Some animals on community and home farms will be slaughtered by hand or they will be done in automated slaughterhouses as part of community farms with large slaughterhouses turned into homes..Once the genome of all breeds and species of livestock is in Physis and in vitro meat becomes the predominant form of meat production it will allow all land used for grazing and growing feedstuff with Phanes allowing for a few thousand chickens,lamb,cattle etc to be released into the wild in primarily countries that each species and breed is endemic.Invitro meat will account for at least 95-99% of the worlds meat supply as it uses roughly 96-99% less water,land and feed and allow them to be grown onsite of home,community and vertical farms.It will be a cheap source of meat that uses 99% less resources,do so for those where it is not commercially viable from all 2,000,000 species of animals and all breeds and sub species including those that are too expensive and are to laborious and resource intensive to be commercially viable and produces very little with too many resources,would through engineering take a few days as opposed to several years to grow an entire animal and any type of offal including foie gras or even just batches of hamburgers/hotdogs/steaks/pudding etc thus increasing yields exponentionally,can be grown in vertical as well community and all types of farms including home systems allowing all land used to rear it and feed for it worldwide especially in the Amazon to be reforested and produces zero carbon dioxide and methane emissions that conventional meat does in transportation and also even production and will be indistinguishable from real meat. By 2029 in vitro meat grown in home,community and vertical farms will be indistinguishable from real meat and through using the same engineering as bacteria and crops take a few weeks or even days to prepare whole cutlets,organs etc and thus viable as an alternative for any type of meat with them grown into mince,cutlets,steaks,hamburgers once the order is made with regards to those grown in community and vertical farms and delivered days or weeks later in bulk with this allowing by 2029-2045 for breasts,mince,cubes,hamburgers,rashers,hotdogs,sausages of all types,pudding,salami,slices,steaks,cutlets,offal of all types including foie gras,sirloin,brisket and even ribs,wings and legs growing on synthetic bones or organic scaffolding alongside mince and hamburgers etc and whole animals of all 2,000,000 species,subspecies and breeds of animals to be grown onsite of these areas and ordered in via Demeter with one able to download stem cells of particular animals and grow them at home in miniature labs.Chef and other robots etc will debone them,remove heads,tails,cut them into the desired cuts.Vegan options include plant variations of meat,TVP,beancurd etc created by algae,Glycine max and bacteria can be ordered this way.Aves,Reptilla,Amphiba and fish could have an entire animal created using meat grown on bones with the bones for these and legs,ribs etc being organic scaffolding composed of edible carbohydrate or protein material strong enough to hold them in place that when heated be softened enough to be eaten or through exposure to enzymes created by bacteria ordered in as well acting as extra edible material preventing waste or choking as in normal animals with them created by stem cells and also microbes.Ribs,legs and wings ordered in separately could be composed of this.The enzymes can be mixed in with homemade sauces or those ordered in from Deipneus factories.The Aves,Reptilla,Amphiba and fish could be of any size of either their normal size or that of smaller or larger animals decided by the consumer with there even being an option to either choose the size of a chosen select animal or largest size ie small,medium,large,X large,XX large.The skeletons of these whole animals created by invitro meat and those as part of ordered in wings,ribs etc will be composed of organic carbohydrates and protein scaffolding that is strong enough for support but breaks down into edible material once heated or exposed to enzymes in created by bacteria broth used for flavouring etc and preservation etc.Bacteria will be designed by Phanes that creates enzymes to break down the organic scaffolding and adds flavour with the skeletons also since composed of organic proteins and carbohydrate scaffolding can be made to break down when exposed to heat when boiled,baked,fried etc.Stuffing and sauces etc would be homemade using ordered in or homemade bread,flour and also other condiments created at home or by bacteria with it even made in Depnius factories with it done so before the animal arrives and thus allowing one to fridge it.Engineering used in crops etc could allow a cattle sized animal and cuts to be created in a few weeks days or hours rather than a few years than in traditional agriculture and would use less resources with zero antiobitics and superbugs.One would choose when ordering the species and then what form ie brisket,ribs,legs,hamburger,steak,rasher,offal of any type,breast and other cuts or mince they want the meat to come in and also how many with as stated one able to get these of all 2,000,000 species,sub species and breeds of animals including endangered and rare expensive ones with their DNA including those from each organ and part of the animal will be uploaded to Physis linked to Demeter.Thus one would rather needing an entire animal to be created would only have what is needed ie the amount of hotdogs,mince,steaks,legs,hamburgers etc they want for each order.Once the DNA of all animals in Earth is uploaded to Physis the farm AI will cross reference their DNA and print them into stem cells using 3D DNA printers for each order where they will be cultured into each type of meat and offal.Those discovered on other planets in the universe and designed on Pandora will be added to this database.Insects,shellfish and fish can be made via invitro meat creating large amounts of the meaty flesh as the same cuts as livestock such as Bovidae ie hotdogs,burgers,steaks and even mince as well as a whole animal either the animal in its normal form or that of an Aves or different species decided by the consumer with this also allowing different breeds and subspecies meat to be made once their DNA is uploaded to Physis with this providing people with a large variety of meat including from animals that are normally to endangered or expensive to rear.Rare endangered animals and those that would be too laborious or impossible to rear will be created this way and since onsite of all farms the production will be localised with one choosing what species and breed and from a list or searchbar and then decide what type of cuts and how much is to be ordered.Different subspecies and breeds would have their meat created this way.It would allow for meat of all species of animals across the universe to be created this way including those that don’t produce enough to be commercially viable,rare breeds and those normally considered taboo such as cats,dogs,horses and even the meat of all discovered sentient races across the universe to be created without killing any live animals or sentient races.One would order these in bulk with the cells undergoing the same level of engineering as crops and bacteria used for commodities to increase growth rates as well as reduce water and nutrient requirements and ensure that an entire animal or even just the desired cuts can be created in as little as a few days with them grow onsite in batches for each order meaning one would have to wait a few days to be delivered.Home systems where stem cells are downloaded can alleviate strains and provide meat when they are being ordered.This will include those from Xerophiles,oligotrophs,fast growing bacteria such as E.Coli,C.perfringenes,T.gammatolerans, etc.These will be grown in an area or room of each vertical,community,meadow etc farm worldwide and will printed out using 3D DNA printers onsite with ribs,legs etc used to grow these cuts will have synthetic bones created using bone stem cells also printed out to hold them with organic scaffolding also used while offal will be bioprinted or grown like meat.They will as stated have the same level for engineering as bacteria that create commodities and also crops to grow very quickly.They could be sprayed with a bacteria as detailed on that is used in milk that would fight off pathogenic and spoilage bacteria with biosynth WiFi with meat ordered in have a liquid broth containing these bacteria that acts as a food source,marination and tenderiser for the meat of any flavour one could choose to have sent that one would store the meat in them in the fridge etc with the broth created by bacteria and the bacteria printed out with this being a choice to have sent alongside the meat in a 3D printed container.The bacteria would have xerophile DNA to survive long periods without water and Firmicutes DNA to form endospores.The bacteria would also produce these flavourings and also the tenderisers in both the broth and also meat it self with the broth order in in bulk or routinely or created at home in bulk via photobioreactors and 3D DNA printers.One will be able to choose from flavourings from the type of meat itself ie chicken,beef etc and others derived by all species of plants,crops etc to add variety.Urania etc will conduct research into ensuring in vitro meat can be kept fresh forever or at least as long as theoretical possible.One could have them downloaded at home using 3D DNA printers to allow the cells of any of the worlds 2,000,000 species of animals to be grown at home.By 2029 in vitro meat grown in home,community and vertical farms will be indistinguishable from real meat and through using the same engineering as bacteria and crops take a few weeks or even days to prepare whole cutlets,organs etc and thus viable as an alternative for any type of meat with them grown into mince,cutlets,steaks,hamburgers once the order is made with regards to those grown in community and vertical farms and delivered days or weeks later in bulk with this allowing by 2029-2045 for breasts,mince,cubes,hamburgers,rashers,hotdogs,sausages of all types,pudding,salami,slices,steaks,cutlets,offal of all types including foie gras,sirloin,brisket and even ribs,wings and legs growing on synthetic bones or organic scaffolding alongside mince and hamburgers etc and whole animals of all 2,000,000 species,subspecies and breeds of animals to be grown onsite of these areas and ordered in via Demeter with one able to download stem cells of particular animals and grow them at home in miniature labs.Chef and other robots etc will debone them,remove heads,tails,cut them into the desired cuts.Vegan options include plant variations of meat,TVP,beancurd etc created by algae,G.max and bacteria can be ordered this way.Aves,Reptilla,Amphiba and fish could have an entire animal created using meat grown on bones with the bones for these and legs,ribs etc being organic scaffolding composed of edible carbohydrate or protein material strong enough to hold them in place that when heated be softened enough to be eaten or through exposure to enzymes created by bacteria ordered in as well acting as extra edible material preventing waste or choking as in normal animals with them created by stem cells and also microbes.Ribs,legs and wings ordered in separately could be composed of this.The enzymes can be mixed in with homemade sauces or those ordered in from Deipneus factories.The Aves,Reptilla,Amphiba and fish could be of any size of either their normal size or that of smaller or larger animals decided by the consumer with there even being an option to either choose the size of a chosen select animal or largest size ie small,medium,large,X large,XX large.Stuffing and sauces etc would be homemade using ordered in or homemade bread,flour and also other condiments created at home or by bacteria with it even made in Depnius factories with it done so before the animal arrives and thus allowing one to fridge it.
The same level of genetic engineering used in crops etc to increase growth rates such as fast growing bacteria etc could allow a cattle sized animal and cuts to be created in a few weeks days or hours rather than a few years than in traditional agriculture and would use less resources with zero antiobitics and superbugs.One would choose when ordering the species and then what form ie brisket,ribs,legs,hamburger,steak,rasher,offal of any type,breast and other cuts or mince they want the meat to come in and also how many with as stated one able to get these of all 2,000,000 species,sub species and breeds of animals including endangered and rare expensive ones with their DNA including those from each organ and part of the animal will be uploaded to Physis linked to Demeter.Thus one would rather needing an entire animal to be created would only have what is needed ie the amount of hotdogs,mince,steaks,legs,hamburgers etc they want for each order.Once the DNA of all animals in Earth is uploaded to Physis the farm AI will cross reference their DNA and print them into stem cells using 3D DNA printers for each order where they will be cultured into each type of meat and offal.Those discovered on other planets in the universe and designed on Pandora will be added to this database.Insects,shellfish and fish can be made via invitro meat creating large amounts of the meaty flesh as the same cuts as livestock such as Bovidae ie hotdogs,burgers,steaks and even mince as well as a whole animal either the animal in its normal form or that of an Aves or different species decided by the consumer with this also allowing different breeds and subspecies meat to be made once their DNA is uploaded to Physis with this providing people with a large variety of meat including from animals that are normally to endangered or expensive to rear.Rare endangered animals and those that would be too laborious or impossible to rear will be created this way and since onsite of all farms the production will be localised with one choosing what species and breed and from a list or searchbar and then decide what type of cuts and how much is to be ordered.Different subspecies and breeds would have their meat created this way.It would allow for meat of all species of animals across the universe to be created this way including those that don’t produce enough to be commercially viable,rare breeds and those normally considered taboo such as cats,dogs,horses and even the meat of all discovered sentient races across the universe to be created without killing any live animals or sentient races.One would order these in bulk with the cells undergoing the same level of engineering as crops and bacteria used for commodities to increase growth rates as well as reduce water and nutrient requirements and ensure that an entire animal or even just the desired cuts can be created in as little as a few days with them grow onsite in batches for each order meaning one would have to wait a few days to be delivered.Home systems where stem cells are downloaded can alleviate strains and provide meat when they are being ordered.These will be grown in an area or room of each vertical,community,meadow etc farm worldwide and will printed out using 3D DNA printers onsite with ribs,legs etc used to grow these cuts will have synthetic bones created using bone stem cells also printed out to hold them with organic scaffolding also used while offal will be bioprinted or grown like meat.They will as stated have the same level for engineering as bacteria that create commodities and also crops to grow very quickly.They could be sprayed with a bacteria as detailed on that is used in milk that would fight off pathogenic and spoilage bacteria with biosynth WiFi with meat ordered in have a liquid broth containing these bacteria that acts as a food source,marination and tenderiser for the meat of any flavour one could choose to have sent that one would store the meat in them in the fridge etc with the broth created by bacteria and the bacteria printed out with this being a choice to have sent alongside the meat in a 3D printed container.The bacteria would have xerophile DNA to survive long periods without water and Firmicutes DNA to form endospores.The bacteria would also produce these flavourings and also the tenderisers in both the broth and also meat it self with the broth order in in bulk or routinely or created at home in bulk via photobioreactors and 3D DNA printers.The microbes would be enginered to prey on pathogens and spoilage bacteria using CRISPR treatment and anti-microbial compounds etc.With them also producing the desired flavours by anabolic and catabolic reactions and via recombinant DNA from crops,livestock etc.Psychrophile DNA and also the same anti-ageing treatments in humans and also the acellerated healing phenotype added to stem cells used to create in vitro meat will allow it be frozen and then thawed over and over agin without nutrient and texture loss thus preventing freezer burn.Urania etc will conduct research into ensuring in vitro meat can be kept fresh forever or at least as long as theoretical possible.One could have them downloaded at home using 3D DNA printers to allow the cells of any of the worlds 2,000,000 species of animals to be grown at home.The DNA of all 2,000,000 animals and all breeds,sub species etc will be added to Physis to be crossreferenced and printed in stem cells thus giving consumers a large variety of meat from those to laborious,resource intensive to rear and those that dont create enough to be commercially viable.They will since not coming from any animals contain pathogens or even antibiotics but rather labs within farms undergoing strict hygiene ie surfaces covered in liquid glass and exposed to narrow range UV light,the food irradiation and also biocompatible microbes immunising and fighting off infection would eliminate the need for quality testing and also eliminate fears of zoonoses and superbugs being created and passing onto human consumers making the meat sterile.This would as stated allow for them to be grown onsite of these community and vertical farms cutting down on land and nutrient use by at most 99% thus replacing conventional meat farming of all animals and allow access to the meat of any species of animal and any breed of livestock including endangered and expensive ones thus allow all land used to rear livestock and their feedstuff to be permanently reforested especially in the Amazon and China.Stem cells from any animal from any part of them can be downloaded from Demeter and grown at home in miniaturised systems to make people self sufficient with this adopted by restaurants and public buildings such as hospitals etc with cafeterias.Thus research will be done into creating miniaturised systems that can allow in vitro meat to be created onsite of vertical,community and home farms and also restaurants,cruise ships etc.This should consist of at least 95-99% of all meat consumed globally with advances by 2029-2035 making it indistinguishable from normal meat with the remaining 1-5% being that which is reared at home or local community farms fed locally grow hydroponic grass,algae and flour from bacteria.The remaining livestock will be reared at home and community farms and not in the tropics or other wilderness with them engineered to produce little or no methane and be fed excess crops,algae and flour etc This should reduce the amount of animals reared for meat from 34,667,000,000 pigs,sheep,chickens and cattle worldwide to at most a few hundred of each types of livestock worldwide with remaining livestock being gfedfed algea as slop,TVP and the starches and flour from Gramineae,Z.m.mays,G.max produced by bacteria,Z.m.mays,G.max produced by bacteria.Currently they need labs to grow but between 2029 – 2045 photobioreactors in home,community and vertical farms will be developed allowing it be grown in any farm in compact systems.Picotech fabricators will also used to create meat as well with them currently grown in labs will by 2029 be grown onsite of community and vertical farms when ordered with as stated the same level of engineering used in increasing growth rates as well as reduce water and nutrient requirements in crops and bacteria will be allow an entire animal and offal of any type to be grown in a a week or few days with each order grown upon the second one orders it with by at least 2035 home systems will allow one to grow any cut of meat possible when one orders stem cells from the second section of Demeter via 3D DNA printers.3D DNA printers can allow stem cells of all 2,000,000 species of animals once their DNA is added to Physis to be grown in home,community and vertical farms.Scombridae,Salmonidae can be engineered to produce the same meats any species of animal including Bovidae and Suidae as it uses less resources and can be reared in recirculating aquaculture systems and can alleviate strains on invitro meat orders and suffice until the flavour of invitro meat is indistinguishable from real world.The DNA of all 2,000,000 animals and all breeds,sub species etc will be added to Physis to be crossreferenced and printed in stem cells thus giving consumers a large variety of meat from those to laborious,resource intensive to rear and those that dont create enough to be commercially viable.They will since not coming from any animals contain pathogens or even antibiotics but rather labs within farms undergoing strict hygiene ie surfaces covered in liquid glass and exposed to narrow range UV light,the food irradiation and also biocompatible microbes immunising and fighting off infection would eliminate the need for quality testing and also eliminate fears of zoonoses and superbugs being created and passing onto human consumers making the meat sterile.This would as stated allow for them to be grown onsite of these community and vertical farms cutting down on land and nutrient use by at most 99% thus replacing conventional meat farming of all animals and allow access to the meat of any species of animal and any breed of livestock including endangered and expensive ones thus allow all land used to rear livestock and their feedstuff to be permanently reforested especially in the Amazon and China.Stem cells from any animal from any part of them can be downloaded from Demeter and grown at home in miniaturised systems to make people self sufficient with this adopted by restaurants and public buildings such as hospitals etc with cafeterias.Thus research will be done into creating miniaturised systems that can allow in vitro meat to be created onsite of vertical,community and home farms and also restaurants,cruise ships etc.Scombridae,Salmonidae can be engineered to produce the same meats any species of animal including Bovidae and Suidae as it uses less resources and can be reared in recirculating aquaculture systems and can alleviate strains on invitro meat orders and suffice until the flavour of invitro meat is indistinguishable from real world.In vitro meat systems by 2029-2045 will be onsite of vertical and community farms and even miniaturised ones to be onsite of homes both private and communal as well as restaurants thus allowing for quick access to meat of any type.Although only introduced since 2013/2014 both invitro meat will be ubiquitous by 2029-2045 and be indistinguishable from real meat by then with them able to be grown onsite of home,community and vertical farms and will allow the meat of all 2,000,000 animals including all species,subspecies,breeds of Mammalia,Aves,Reptilla,Amphibia and fish etc to be created without harming animals with 99% less resources with zero carbon dioxide and methane emissions and will allow them to made locally.These will be created onsite of vertical,home and comunity farms worldwide.Offal of all types will also be created this way including foie gras with one able to get breasts,mince,cubes,hamburgers,rashers,hotdogs,sausages of all types,pudding,salami,slices,steaks,cutlets,legs,offal of all types,sirloin,brisket and even ribs,legs and wings growing on synthetic bones of all 2,000,000 animals including all species,subspecies,breeds of Mammalia,Aves,Reptilla,Amphibia and fish etc.Vegan options include plant variations of meat,TVP,beancurd etc created by algae,G.max and bacteria can be gained this way allowing land used to rear plants especially G.max to be reforested.These would undergo the same level of engineering as crops to increase growth rates especially oligotrophic,xerophile DNA and those to increase growth rates as well as reduce water and nutrient requirements even further.E.Coli,C.perfringens DNA and scratch DNA will increase their miotic division of cells increasing growth rates allowing them to reach maturity exponentionally faster in as little as a few weeks or even days and Xerophile and oligotrophic DNA will reduce their water and nutrient requirements.This will combined with other engineering also used in crops to help them reach maturity within weeks of days.DNA from W.dermatitidis,C.sphaerospermum and C.neoformans can be added to the stem cells to enable them to radiosynthesis,that is,to use the pigment melanin to convert gamma radiation into chemical energy for growth.Tweaks can be made to do this with other types of radiation including UV radiation allowing algae to gain nutrition from the sun and that from artificial lights once made immune to radiation via DNA from T.gammatolerans.Tweaks can be made to do this with other types of radiation with scratch DNA used to make the DNA from the radiotrophic fungi to actively convert the radiation into energy in a way that the radiation is removed from the atmosphere.The DNA could stimulate cellular growth of tissues thus allowing crops to grow without feed etc by having the radiation stimulate cellular growth and carry out the functions of all nutrients as part of feed.If possible tweaks could allow the DNA from these bacteria could allow it to not need water by utilising radiation to replicate the biological processes of water.If perfected in vitro meat stem cells would not need either water or feed at all thus eliminating the need for water and feed in agriculture.It could through scratch DNA negate the need for nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium by replicating the biological processes of nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium.Studies can be done as to what intensity of radiation between 5-30,000Gy that is in the survival range of T.gammatolerans can both sterilise them and also provide maximum growth rates with if possible tweaks allowing the stem cells being able to use the radiation as a source of nutrition and also carry out the same biological processes of water that would if perfected eliminate water and feed from its production.One could choose the level of grisle fat and even skin of Aves and mammals to be present with foie gras created by fat created in bioprinted Anatidae livers with foie gras created of all Aves species.Nutrients can be consist of carbohydrates,amino acids and also fats synthesised by bacteria and even blood from the animal stemming from the animals hematopoietic stem cells printed out via 3D DNA printers engineered to undergo mitosis pumped into vessels etc.One will be able to order in hamburgers,hotdogs and also steaks,fillets and also wings,ribs,legs of any species of animals meat ordered in with even while animals or just those the size of Phasinidae.Bones and skeletons for these can be composed of those made by osteoblasts created by 3D DNA Printers and cultured in photobioreactors and moulded into bones.ideally synthetic bones and skeletons wil be composed of strong carbohydrates and proteins that are strong enough to give supporte but when heated or exposed to tenderisers added will soften and become edible eliminating waste.As detailed earlier biocompatible microbes and stem cells can via biosynth wifi can form capilliaries,veins and arteries and neural system and both the muscle/organ and haemotiopic stem cells which can be engineered to undergo mitosis will be printed out and the haemotiopic stem cells of the animal turned into blood pumped into the arteries alongside nutrients such as sugars,proteins,flavourings etc created by bacteria and electroconductive pilli generate electric currents to strengthen the meat with the stem cells having the same amount of engineering as crops to increase growth rates and also use less resources.Biocompatible microbes could using nanotubes created from them of material soft enough to consume but strong enough to provide scaffolding to create both blood vessels of all types and also synthetic organic neural systems and electroconductive pilli to send through electrical impulses as well as improve the texture of tissues and fibres present with entire cuts of meat created by microbes alone with induced pluripotent and hematopoietic stem cells used as well possibly without nanomachines with if possible neural clusters responding to changes or the nanomachines containing both neural clusters and biosynth processors and wifi systems.DNA from Geobacter metallireducens,Geobacter sulfurreducens,Shewanella oneidensis and other bacteria that produce electricity and also electroconductive pilli and electroconductive proteins and silicon nanowires with scratch DNA added to increase the amount of electricity they produce.DNA from Electrophorus electricus can be added to increase the amount of electricity alongside scratch DNA with the electricity generated via them engineered to generate them by using sugar etc with the microbes interspered in the tissues or the tissues housing this DNA.Miniaturised machinery can exercise the tissues.Using tissues created with microbes will allow for the fat,protein,nutrient type and content to be engineered into them via the DNA present with these being modified microbes using stem cells especially totipotent ones rather than leukocytes as a baseline to allow them to create specifically organ specific tissues with them grown on an organic material scaffolding that is broken down by them.These nutrients could be a broth of minerals,proteins,sugars etc created by bacteria mixed in with artificial blood from the animal species from stem cells to retain the flavour of the blood.Blood for blood pudding and that pumped into invitro meat for flavouring etc would be created by printing out hematopoietic stem cells engineered to undergo mitosis.Hematopoietic stem cells of the same animal would be cultured at the same time by stem cells that undergo mitosis and pumped into the meat at the same time as nutrients to maintain the proper flavour with the stem cells engineered to produce the same flavours as the meat.The haemotiopic stem cells can be created for drinking the blood for culinary purposes and also traditional medicine.Bones for growing meat as part of wings,legs etc can consist of synthetic bones created by 3D DNA printed osteoblasts or those composed of edible carbohydrates and proteins etc that can be softened by either heat in an oven or by having a marinade spread on them that softens them through enzymes making them easier to consume preventing choking.The stem cells used in creation of all meat will be via biosynth WiFi turned into that of the muscular tissue of desired species,breed etc and if need be the specific part of the animal such as legs,brisket,rump etc.Any breeds of livestock and meats affected by feedstuff could have the stem cells feed on the specific feedstuff or have compounds associated with this created by anabolic and catabolic reactions with compounds that affect taste determined with age and other factors could have the stem cells or microbes etc produce them in specific amounts using anabolic and catabolic reactions once their structure is analysed and stored in Triptolemus database.The DNA of haemotiopic stem cells,stem cells from each part of the animal such as legs,wings,briskets,ribs etc and all edible organs will be stored in folders in the Physis file of each species of animal to be replicated correctly to allow them to be printed into stem cells 3D DNA printers onsite of all farms worldwide.All compounds that affect their taste associated with age,feedstuff etc will be analysed in labs individually and combined stored in their Physis file to be created via anabolic and catabolic reactions when chosen by consumers allowing consumers access to meat of a specific taste due to feed etc.One can chose the level of grisle,fat,protein,vitamins,minerals etc and compounds that affect taste present in each cut for each customised order saved in their Demeter account.Offal of all species can be created by either bioprinting organs using stem cells that are them fed nutrients and blood with if possible stem cells grown on media can be via biosynth wifi can cause them to change into those of specific organs such as livers,kidneys,brains etc with again producing compounds associated with age,feedstuff etc produce by them.Foie gras will be created by it forming both meat and large amounts of fatty tissue that is exactly the same as normal foie gras.If possible biocompatible microbes could replace stem cells that then form layers of all relevant muscle,liver,kidney etc tissues.The DNA of each organ and their haemotiopic stem cells and each type of muscle ie brisket,leg etc will be stored in their Physis file with as stated all types of stem cells printed out via 3D DNA printers.Stem cells of each of the worlds 2,000,000 species of animals of the desired organ type alongside haemotiopic stem cells will be printed out using 3D DNA printers and via biosynth wifi present in them can form any type of tissue and organ such as muscles,foie gras,eyes,brain and so on which will be edited out once it forms the relevant tissues.Them created by 3D DNA printers by cross referencing Physis will allow them to be created onsite of home,community and vertical farms worldwide thus making them self sufficient eliminating them need to transport them across the world.Cells can be grown and regrown over and over again from one sample of an animal meaning one extraction could meet the needs of the world for thousands of years with home systems collecting samples from home bred animals or even those ordered in from Demeter via 3D DNA printers.However tissue samples and stem cells including haemotiopic stem cells from all 2,000,000 species,subspecies and breeds of animals will only have to be extracted once and their DNA added to Physis to allow them to be recreated over and over again in farms around the world.The haemotiopic stem cells created by 3D DNA printers and also nutrients such as proteins and carbohydrates created by bacteria will be pumped into the tissues while it is grown to ensure its taste is indistinguishable to real meat.Each species and breeds blood will be analysed to determine the same compounds stored in their Physis file to ensure this with breeds whose taste is determined by compounds present from age and feedstuff fed to them will have them analysed in labs and then stored in their Physis file that can be created by bacteria via anabolic and catabolic reactions and pumped into the tissues.The same anti-ageing treatments in humans except endolith DNA can ensure each cell is as vibrantly young as before with genes from Belgium Blue breed of Bovidae added.The same anti-ageing treatments in humans to prevent them undergoing cellular degradation during mitosis but also alongside those from psychrophiles and the acellerated healing phenotype of A.mexicanum etc and psychrophile DNA can allow them to retain flavour and vigour after refridgeration and freezing extending their shelf life to potentially forever.Endolith DNA may be removed with them engineered to undergo mitosis.These will be created in bulk in farms across the world via 3D DNA printers as part of customised batch orders with public buildings like hospitals and also restaurants will grow them onsite for bulk.The meat will have no traces of antibiotics and contaminants or pathogens provided they are created in sterile conditions with them irradiated for safety with livestock reared will be immunised against pathogens including zoonoses thus rendering antiobiotics and food poisoning obsolete with the immunising and also antiviral,parasite and bacterial strains flushed out of the body to be used in electronics,form extra layers of flesh or killed by the acids of the stomach of consumer and also heat of cooking and also unable to interact with human microbes and flush out of consumers bodies to be used in electronics.They will have pscyrophile and acellerated healing phenotypes added to increase shelf life. Offal of all types from all types of livestock and animals will be created by bioprinting organs or culturing stem cells similar to invitro meat creating them in large amounts.3D DNA printers will allow the stem cells of each species to be printed into stem cells onsite of home,community and vertical farms worldwide cutting down on energy costs in transportation.By 2035-2045 it should be indistinguishable from real meat in terms of taste,texture and nutritional content with AI researching ways to do so through intensive research with humans taste testing that of each of the worlds 2,000,000 species and breeds created on nearby farms to universities and compared to real world conventionally reared specimens.To negate animal cruelty in killing so many animals a single specimen of each animal species especially mammals,reptiles and birds will be created as biosynths with them if real.If possible animals housing the acellerated healing phenotype with them not having Substance P and neural tissue to prevent them feeling pain where living biosynths can have their various cuts of meat and organs harvested and taste tested with if not sufficient then live animals of each species created with 3D DNA printers and artificial wombs with these animals housing the accelerated healing phenotype and removal of Substance P and neurons to prevent them feeling pain with harvested cuts of meat and organs able to regrow.Ideally biosynths should be used to be more human with since them housing the animals entire genome they will be likely indistinguishable in terms of taste and texture to the real animal by having their DNA with this first tested on cattle and chickens with of perfected on them will be perfected on all other species of all animals.Each species blood will be analysed for compounds that affect taste and also in response to various feedstuff feed to them.Each species will have their blood extracted from a living animal,analysed in a lab and the DNA for haemotiopic stem cells and compounds in blood analysed and stored in their Physis file.DNA in stem cells from muscles across the body and organs will be analysed and stored in Physis with the same for osteoblast stem cells.This will allow for stem cells to be created by 3D DZnZ printers and compounds in the blood synthesised by bacteria using anabolic and catabolic reaction etc..Vegan alternatives such as tofu,beancurd,G.max and TVP versions of these can be ordered in from vertical farms with bacteria creating them using DNA from all 391,000 species of plants and even algae.One could order in hamburgers,mince,hotdogs,steak,ribs,rashers,pudding,brisket,wings,breasts,rump,shank,brisket,legs etc of any animal or an entire animal alongside any offal such as foie gras,liver,kidney,brains,eyes with wings,ribs,legs or entire animal have bones present replaced organic scaffolding composed of edible proteins and carbohydrates used in place of bones that is edible once cooked or exposed to marinater and tenderiser that is ordered in as a liquid broth created by bacteria that can be spread onto the meat and synthetic bones to soften them.This broth can be of any flavour that contain microbes that fight of pathogenic and spoilage bacteria.This will prevent choking and the bones going to waste.Otherwise one could order the ribs,wings,legs and indeed entire animal to have the meat grown on synthetic bone created by cultured osteoblasts created by 3D DNA printed stem cells.For restaurants for deliveries and orders onsite one could order to have the organic edible scaffolding or even synthetic bones.Growing an entire animal will be done only when one wants an entire chicken or other fowl to cook for dinner with stuffing to cook in the oven with in all other instances ie hotdogs,mince,breasts,wings,hamburgers,steaks,legs etc these will be created as they are in batches of set numbers decided by the consumer with this of note to restaurants and public buildings that have cafeterias that will grow in vitro meat onsite.Thus public buildings with cafeterias and restaurants will grow in vitro meat onsite while all consumers will order it in from local vertical and community farms but in time they could grow these and a whole animal at home in home systems.This should constitute for 95-99% of the worlds meat supply with the remaining 1-5% being livestock reared at home and community farms fed flour of any plant from bacteria and algae.With regards to human meat consumers and the meat can be engineered to not induce the formation of prions with in the case of the invitro meat and milk from bacteria it will not contain zoonoses,spoilage bacteria and also antibiotics.Physis linked to Demeter will house the DNA of all species of not just traditional livestock and their various breeds but also all wild animals not traditionally eaten for their meat to give consumers a choice of roughly 2,000,000 types of meat that can be downloaded into stem cell cultures using 3D DNA printers with as stated miniaturised machinery detailed earlier will create steaks,burgers,cutlets,breasts etc in private and communal homes or at least community centres.Currently they are grown in labs with in time it being done in home,community and vertical farms with miniaturised machinery allowing for it be in restaurants,homes,community farms and centres to create steaks,burgers,cutlets etc by 2029 onwards.Currently they require a lab in universities to be grown in but further intensive research can make this process be fully automated and be made in small compact photobioreactors similar to the ones used to grow algae and bacteria that produce commodities within small rooms in vertical,home and community farms and in time miniaturised versions in homes,kitchens/extensions in restaurants and also onsite of public buildings and cruise ships etc that grow there own food created in bulk.3D DNA printers onsite of home,community and vertical farms will allow the stem cells for meat,offal,bones,haemotiopic stem cells of any species of animal to be printed onsite of home,community and vertical farms etc thus localising production.By 2029-2045 it should be indistinguishable from real meat in terms of taste,flavour and texture as well as nutrition content and capable of being grown in small systems in restaurants,cruise ships,homes,vertical farms etc thanks to advancements in AI etc and intensive research..Intensive research will be done by Aristreus,Hecate and Urania to ensure all meat and offal from all 2,000,000 species of animals will be indistinguishable from real versions between 2029-2045 in terms of taste,texture and nutritional content..This should render all existing meat private farms worldwide obsolete and allow the land that is used to rear them and creating feedstock especially in the tropics like the Amazon to be reforested and buildings such as pens and sheds etc converted into homes or recycled.Photobioreactors and machinery to produce all species of plants,mammals and animals milk and meat will create each order in bulk batches for each order made from Demeter in bulk with meat and milk grown onsite of all vertical,forest and meadow farms with AI choosing which is the most efficient one to have the orders made from with home systems alleviating strains especially if in communal homes and them also onsite of community centres.This should cut down on the amount of land and resources to create meat by as much as 95% with remaining animals reared at home and community farms using hydroponic grass,excess waste crops,algae and flour and other feed created by bacteria with bacteria creating the flour,proteins and carbohydrates of any type of cereal,grass and crop.Once interstellar travel is possible the meat from across the universe will become available to consumers thus increasing ones variety of meat.Intensive research will be done into making in vitro meat of all species of livestock and animals indistinguishable to real meat with taste tastes done to determine how close it is with Psychrophile DNA including that from Tardigrade and also DNA from telomere repairing bacteria and acellerated healing phenotype can allow in vitro meat be frozen and thawed and refrozen over and over again without freezer burn and losing flavour,texture and nutrients with the same anti-ageing treatments in humans allowing it to stay fresh for years,decades if not forever with them coated in a marinade containing enzymes,acids etc and even microbes that feed on and parasitise on pathogenic and spoilage bacteria similar to those that keep milk fresh forever thus keeping meat in the form of burgers,hotdogs,steaks,mince etc stay fresh and safe to eat forever with no loss in taste,texture and nutrients etc.Marinades that meat is stored in could contain these microbes that have acidiophile and other DNA to survive acidic environments of marinades with biosynth WiFi controlling them and making them undergo apotosis when not needed or when they enter the stomach with the acidic nature of the marinades killing off pathogens and spoilage bacteria with the microbes consuming spoilage and pathogenic bacteria with and producing anti-bacterial compounds etc.Urania,Triptolemus etc will conduct intensive research alongside human researchers will be done into keeping in vitro meat fresh for years,decades or forever without losing it taste,texture and nutritional content provided it is refridgerated.This can include the same anti-ageing treatments in humans,and having psychrophile DNA and the acelleratex healing phenotype to allow it to be frozen and thawed over and over again without freezer burn.
Any type of meat can be produced this way including specific breeds with specific nutrients fed into the meat in order to alter the taste or meet those of specific breeds fed specific feed.To make specific offal and organ meat such as livers,heart and kidneys bioprinting animal organs can play a role or invitro versions of these organs in preparing these without or rearing and killing animals with again biocompatible microbes creating edible and realistic tissues and also capilliaries to pump nutrients through with if possible entire organs for offal constructed entirely from microbes on a scaffolding that could be edible.It usually takes about nine weeks to create this meat compared to eighty eight weeks for actual Bovidae with in time advancements speeding this up possibly using the same technology or variants of the technology to grow algae.Intestines used to wrap sausages and blood pudding can be again bioprinted or gaining collagen and cellulose casings from genetically altered bacteria can be used.Organs could be altered to control the fat content such as the case of foie gras made from organs from any animals and negating the need to force feed ducks and blood used in blood pudding can be made on a commercial scale in vertical farms and community centres using haematopoietic stem cells from any animal.Casings for sausages and blood pudding can be gained by bioprinting a pigs intestines or gaining collagen and cellulose casings from genetically altered bacteria that can be wrapped around the meat(which can be in vitro meat while the animal is alive or TVP alternatives from soy/algae or both).These methods can prepare meat using 99% less land,96% less water and greenhouse gas emissions and 45% less energy with no hormones or antibiotics entering the food chain.Further improvements in the technology will make it more efficient.This alongside milk from yeast and also bioprinted leather and also and animal textiles extracted from bacteria can drastically reduce the number of livestock animals reared for meat etc. from billions worldwide to theoretical several thousand worldwide thus drastically reducing the amount of resources expended on them,land required for grazing and methane produced by them.Thus it should account for at least 95-99% of the worlds meat production since it can be created on site of vertical and community farms and even communal homes with this created in vertical,home,community farms and even onsite of restaurants.Invitro meat will account for at least 95-99% of the worlds meat supply as it uses roughly 96-99% less water,land and feed and allow them to be grown onsite of home,community and vertical farms.It will be a cheap source of meat that uses 99% less resources,do so for those where it is not commercially viable from all 2,000,000 species of animals and all breeds and sub species including those that are too expensive and are to laborious and resource intensive to be commercially viable and produces very little with too many resources,would through engineering take a few days as opposed to several years to grow an entire animal and any type of offal including foie gras or even just batches of hamburgers/hotdogs/steaks/pudding etc thus increasing yields exponentionally,can be grown in vertical as well community and all types of farms including home systems allowing all land used to rear it and feed for it worldwide especially in the Amazon to be reforested and produces zero carbon dioxide and methane emissions that conventional meat does in transportation and also even production and will be indistinguishable from real meatThis should be created onsite of both rural and urban farms allowing all land worldwide used to rear Bovidae and also Bovidae feed including in the Amazon to be reforested indefinitely.The remaining animals can be slaughtered for meat or returned to the wild in their natural habitats such as grasslands and forests with volunteers and robots modelled on them training them on how to survive in the wild with all land used for grazing them reforested with the animals engineered not to produce methane.Those that are left can be reared using the Phanes method creating millions of frozen strands in spermatozoa and eggs to maintain genetic diversity inside indoor pens in urban farms and allowed to travel into forest farms surrounding rural farms made more compact by reforestation of all land surrounding farms.Aristaeus will ensure these parameters are followed.This should provide consumers with at least 48,416 types of meat.By 2035 onwards in vitro near will become the predominantly firm of meat with it accounting for 90-95% of global meat production with this meaning traditional livestock production will account for 1-5% of the global meat production reducing the number of animals reared worldwide for livestock from 100,000,000,000 pigs,sheep,chickens and cattle to a few hundred worldwide.They will be grown in photobioreactors similar to the ones used to grow bacteria that produce commodites and also algae