Milk & Eggs

Conventional milk production:
Most of the world’s milk and thus dairy products should be gained from either algae.bacteria or yeast with cows being reared for personal use if desired for cultural reasons with automated systems being able to milk cows on large fully automated farms or miniature versions of these GEA systems adopted into community permaculture farms allowing all livestock to be milked automatically in a small area incorporated into livestock pens.Even smaller versions can be developed for use on home farms or in a corner of the pens with robotic sheepdog guiding them there or the milking machine moves up and down the pen itself serving each animal with these being able to twist around with them suited to milk all mammals of all sizes.The amount of milk taken by each cow every day,week,month and year can be logged and used in studies with the machines interacting with internal implants to identify each animal.This will allow large dairy milking systems and rotolacters to be used as homes and also allow communities especially urban ones to be self sufficient and ideally should be onsite in underground extensions in the case of urban farms.Those onsite of rural farms can be converted into slaughterhouses and egg packing areas.Milking parlours on farms can be torn down and recycled with the land reforested.It will also allow the yields of individual cow to be quantified using readings from their microchips under their skin to identify them and logged in the farm AI and also if need be their patient file.To break down antibodies and pathogens present in milk etc irradiation and super blasts of super high intensity UV can be used with other techniques such as graphene sheets all of which can be integrated into these miniaturised GEA milking systems with the same nanosensors used to ensure 100% of the contaminants are gone which can also be integrated into each step of these milking machines present in community farms which can reroute them through the machines to remove all of these contaminants.The internal structures of these will coated in a permanent layer of liquid glass to negate cleaning,ensure all milk is collected and also to prevent the spread of bacteria to new batches and contamination of samples that need to be analysed.Cows can be engineered to produce the the same peptides and antimicrobial compounds as secreted by the skin of Russian Brown Frogs within their udder and also have biocompatible microbes in their system including udder to kill off all bacteria or through immunisation removing the need for pasteurisation saving energy and increase its shelf life similar to the ancient practice of leaving frogs in milk canteens which could be reared in vats that hold and store milk to kill off pathogens.Pastuerisation would be done onsite of farms.Thermal cameras underneath their pens or one robots that go under each one would detect inflamed udder a sign of mastitis though antimicrobial compounds from brown frogs and immortal biocompatible microbes that are in the body constantly as a living vaccine would negate these with this being a measure to catch any resistant strains that require biocompatible microbes and actual vaccines created by Epione.Cows could also be engineered not to produce lactose and other allergens as well as galactose,with substitutes in their place but also to produce beneficial gut flora that may in fact strengthen ones immune system such as probiotics including Lactobacillus delbrueckii particularly Lactobacillus bulgaricus GLB44 that would be resistant to the aforementioned antimicrobial compounds with this done after all pathogens are eliminated from a genepool line.They may also be engineered to produce omega-3 or indeed any desried nutrient by adding relevant recombinant DNA from plants,crops or other livestock without having to add it later via fortification.Specific crops can be fed to different breeds to produce different types of flavoured milk or if possible bacteria can be engineered to produce the specific carbohydrates,proteins etc to save on resources.Immunising all human or animal patients against all strains of pathogens present in milk will allow for milk to be consumed raw without any danger with livestock immunised against pathogens and also spoilage organisms as well to negate the need for pasteurisation as well as the the animals immune system will fight them off naturally.These microbes would carry out the same functions as those in humans such as fighting off pathogens,zoonooses,parasites and immunising the animals against all pathogens and parasites especially zoonoses to negate the need for antibiotics in the food chain,eliminate genetic diseases,increase lifespan,augmentations,kill off spoilage and zoonose bacteria etc in the animal and them through upgrades giving them upgrades such as increasing milk yields,growth rates.This immunisation will also kill off pathogens to the animals but also zoonoses such as MRSA and E.Coli and others that can affect humans thus eliminating food poisoning pathogens meaning all meat including fish and shellfish and even milk and eggs could be eaten raw without safety concerns with the consumer also immunised against all food borne pathogens as well themselves as a back up.By passing from one generation to the next like those in humans they would immunise an animal shortly after birth and thus would offer lifelong protection against all strains of all possible viral,bacterial and fungal pathogens via the common proteins method including those to whom no vaccine exist and also against those to whom there have been epidemics in the past in certain countries just to ensure no future outbreaks occur such as Aphthae epizooticae.All livestock and even pets should be immunised against all species of pathogens and even non pathogen bacteria to ensure they dont mutate into new pathogens that affect them and humans with them particularly immunised against zoonoses including E.coli,MRSA with even those in the udder of Bovidae etc killed off by these.Non-pathogenic bacteria in the stomach that affect the taste of milk and are beneficial to the animal will be given DNA that makes them express protein coats of the animal that will protect them from antibodies with spoilage ones given DNA from cryophiles to ensure thy can only grow at low temperatures meaning that lower temperatures would be required to kill them through pasteurisation.Probiotic bacteria added to the animals that would pass from one generation to the next as detailed later would also be given the same protein coats to protect them from antibodies.Animals can also be made immune to radiation via T.gammatolerans DNA which will allow the animals to be exposed to high doses of radiation for enough time to kill off pathogens and spoilage bacteria but prevent the microorganism gaining a resistance to radiation thus allowing large amounts if not all pathogens to be killed off and this done routinely during their lifetime during feeding and even before and after milking.

Yeast based Milk
Milk from all types of mammals and plants will be created by yeast or even bacteria engineered with the relevant pathways to create this allow all land devoted to dairy production to be reforested with it giving people access to milk from all types of mammals including exotic ones and can be done in photobioreactors at home or in community and vertical farms with them producing higher yields than from animals.This will give people access to 6,400 types of milk from mammals including those of humans and all breeds of Bovidae etc with at least 391,000 different types of plant milk allowing for more variety in milk and dairy products such as cheese,ice cream that one normally wouldnt due to it being difficult to do so or them not producing enough to be commercially viable with as stated earlier the milk of mothers being created using their own DNA to alleviate strains on breastfeeding with colostrum made this way for livestock and pets especially newborns.A mother can create their own breastmilk on a commercial scale using bacteria or yeast printed out at home and then grown in photobioreactors at home to allow for her baby to have her own milk at any time and alleviate strains on her breasts especially in the case of multiple births such as twins,triplets etc and replace baby formula with the nutrient content controlled ie it produce omega-3 fatty acids,all essential amino acids etc.This can be created at home or ordered in from vertical farms when her DNA is cross referenced with whole batches ordered.Colostrum for livestock and pets will also be created this way in zoos and farms as well at home.The genetic pathways from each species of mammal including humans and the structure of the milk from each species will be mapped to create the exact levels of fat,vitamins and carbohydrates and even the milks of specific breeds of livestock and sub species of mammels will be created this way as well with milks affected by specific feedstock will be done by feeding the bacteria or yeast specific sugars and carbohydrates from specific plants created also by bacteria.Samples of milk will be taken from females of each species of mammal in zoos,conservation and those captured in the wild and later released.The genes responsible from DNA samples responsible for the creation of each species milk type will be cross refferenced from Physis with samples from live animals analysed to ensure that the exact texture,taste and nutrient content is the same with if need be the milk also created by bacteria that using biosynth wifi to create this via anabolic and catabolic reactions with the structure stored on Physis in their file or in Triptolemus database.Physis containing the animals DNA and in fact the DNA of all 6,400 as well as all species of 391,000 animals will be analysed by Phanes for the specific genes that express these in each species and thus their unique milk with sample female animals reared and created from artificial wombs to have their milk analysed.Both reared and caught females can be given hormones or even impregnated to induce lactation for samples to be taken however minute and analysed with them and any young released back into their native habitat once they are old enough with if possible them added to extensions in zoos with the Phanes method used to create sizeable populations with this of note to endangered species with existing females of all species in zoos and conservation areas impregnated and or given hormones to induce lactation with them analysed onsite of labs onsite of universites with samples labelled.3D DNA printers can using the Phanes method and artificial wombs can create females of all 6,400 species,sub species and breeds of mammals and the animal reared in pens etc in zoos and conservation areas near the jungles and deserts etc they live by and with regards to sea mammals in tanks and aquariums as well as deep sea research stations in contained pens with them then inseminated with spermatazoa or implanted with embryos using 3D DNA printers to impregnate them with them sedated once the animals child is born and begins drinking milk with the mother milked with modified automated GEA machines and milk pumps that extract milk from the animal.The milk and colostrum will be analysed in labs to determine the structure of the milk and colostrum ie composition of all nutrients etc in percentages added to the species and breeds etc file in Physis within two folder devoted to its milk and colostrum type with all discovered bacteria in its biome will be charted and them located in Physis or added if a new species with the folder of the mammals file containing the milks and colostrum having hyperlinks to the species of bacteria present.Phanes will analyse the genes of all 6,400 species of mammals to determine genes they share that gives them the ability to produce milk and then find them in all species and then find genes that they interact with that creates their unique milk and colostrum that will be copied and added to the folders housing the structure of milk and colostrum.Bacteria etc will use these genes and structures of milk and colostrum to create the exact milk and colostrum and in factories and farms with the contents of the folders copied to a database managed by Triptolemus and Deipneus or via wifi cross reference Physis for each order to download the genes of the mammal and if this alone can’t create the colostrum and milk exactly then they will create the compounds and nutrients via anabolic and catabolic reactions via WiFi exactly and compared in labs with samples from the animals with the bacteria in the biome of milk and colostrum printed out into the milk etc to add taste with it first determined through tests if they affect it.The bacteria as part of the milks biome will be stored in their Physis file.Bacteria etc determined to be pathogens will be modified to not be pathogens with potential zoonoses engineered not to mutate with spoilage bacteria if need be not added.Antibodies present will have their structure be stored in the folder for milk and colostrum for scientific reference and for consumption for infant pet,livestock and zoo animals but will not be created by bacteria and yeasts etc or stored in databases managed by Aristrus and Deipneus for human consumption for safety reasons.All compounds that affect their tase associated with age,feedstuff etc will be stored in their Physis file to be created via anabolic and catabolic reactions when chosen by consumers.The genes for creating milk and structure of all antibodies,compounds that affect taste etc by climate,age etc alongside the chemical structure in terms of exact levels of each nutrient etc of the milk will be in the Physis file of each species of plant and mammal with hyperlinks to each species of bacteria in their biome with these cross referenced by farm and home AI to be created by anabolic and catabolic reactions,recombinant DNA and as for bacteria be printed out using 3D DNA printers.Thus labs will after rearing females of each species and breed of mammel and each species of plant in aquaponics/hydroponics systems,pots and also pens etc will store the exact chemical structure,compounds for each of creating specific tastes due to feed etc and nutrient composition of each of their milks and colostrum within special folders in the Physis file of each species of plant and mammal to be then compared by bacteria and yeast that produce them analysed in labs themselves and even used as a crossreference through being linked to Physis via biosynth WiFi to create them via anabolic and catabolic reactions with the genes for producing the milk and colostrum present in the same folder as its structure and nutrient composition.One will be able to choose the level of nutrients such as vitamins,fats and also remove allergens such as lactose for customised orders for each consumer saved in their Demeter account.Once this is done done the animals will be released into the wild.All of these steps will be replicated with milk from all 391,000 species of plant including 200,000 species of algae.All milk from different breeds of cattle etc will also be analysed both in terms of actual milk samples and also genes.Milk from all plants including algae including those that dont create milk will be created this way as well giving another 391,000 types of milk with Phanes analysing the DNA of all of these added to Physis with each species have milk no matter how minute analysed in labs for its chemical structure.Analysing the chemical structure of both each species of animal and plant milks and colostrum will allow for those created by yeast or bacteria etc to be compared and if not exact then further genes from them or even scratch both extrapolated by Phanes to be added to create it exactly or even have it done via biosynth wifi inducing catabolic and anabolic reactions or both.The biome bacteria in both each species of mammals and plants will be analysed and stored in their Physis file to be replicate in batches with them printed out using 3D DNA printers if they affect taste and also texture with the consumer immunised against pathogenic and zoonotic species.This will ensure that the milk and colostrum of all mammals and plants will indistinguishable by 2029-2035 in terms of taste,texture and nutritional content.Intensive research will be done by Aristreus,Hecate and Urania to ensure all milks from all 396,416 species of animals and plants is indistinguishable from real milk from each species.This will be done by again comparing the structure of the milk from real versions analysed by labs and also humans taste testing samples of milk from conventially reared and created milk from all species of mammals and plants.In the case of both plant and animal milks created this way the yeast or bacteria will also be engineered to produce the same flavourings,compounds,fats etc as any 391,000 species plant ie Vanilla planifolia,Vanilla tahitensis,Citrus,Fragaria,Musa,Malus,Mentha,Cucurbitaceae and Theobroma cacao either white or dark at the same time alongside the plant or animal milk using recombinant DNA from that plant with in time one to able to have any type of flavour from any species fruit,vegetable,herb or nut or even livestock further increasing customisation negating the need to rear these in order to add flavour saving on time and other resources.Colostrum can also be made for livestock again via recombinant DNA or anabolic and catabolic reactions once colostrum of each livestock and in the case of zoos wild mammal is mapped and stored on Physis with this fed to newborn calves,newborn animals via baby bottle feeders or automated feeders including biosynth versions modelled on udders and teat.Thus one will be able to order in the colostrum of specific species of pets and livestock for young with zoos making this onsite to save resources.One will also be able to order in different flavoured versions of all types of milk from all species of mammals and plants with one also able to order in different versions of them such as buttermilk,raw milk that is not pasteurised and contains all bacteria and even low fat milk,full crème milk again of all species of mammals and plants that can also be of different flavours thus increasing ones variety of milk.With regards to humans mothers can have their own DNA added to a specific strain that AI will cross refference their patient ID and patient file and be able to create their own milk and colostrum at home on a commercial scale to compliment breastfeeding which will pass on microbes and antibodies etc and also replace baby formulae allowing their factories to be converted into homes and prevent contamination of pathogens,prions or heavy metals as seen in the past occuring.Mothers can order in from vertical and community farms or make at home via photobioreactors large batches of her milk and colostrum with this created by bacteria using her DNA cross referencing her patient file with it also creating compounds,antibodies etc found only in her milk and colostrum.To get the exact structure of antibodies,exact content of nutrients in her milk and colostrum biosynth test kits in home test kits,lab analysers using biosynth technology will take a sample of her milk and colostrum and analyse its structure,antibodies and exact chemical and nutrient composition stored in her patient file during or after pregnacy or prior to it when lactation is induced with antibodies and other compounds unique to her created by the bacteria via anabolic and catabolic reactions with her recombinant DNA used to create the milk itself unique to her.As stated this will replace baby formulae and allow her to feed her young large amounts of her milk and colostrum outside of breastfeeding especially when dealing with twins,triplets etc.These plant and mammal milks can be made at home in photobioreactors alongside in community and vertical farms and community centres and will give one access to milk from plants and mammals that are too laborious to rear,are endangered,exotic and also do not produce enough to be commercially viable giving more varietyBoth the milk and colostrum will be created both for human consumption and for newborn puppies,kittens and newborn calves,sheep etc for home and community farmers and also newborn animals in zoos etc.These would undergo the same level of engineering as crops to increase growth rates especially oligotrophic,xerophile DNA and those to increase growth rates as well as reduce water and nutrient requirements even further.E.Coli,C.perfringens DNA and scratch DNA will increase their miotic division and of cells increasing growth rates allowing them to reach maturity exponentionally faster in as little as a few weeks or even days Xerophile and oligotrophic DNA will reduce their water and nutrient requirements.This will combined with other engineering also used in crops to help them reach maturity within weeks of days.DNA from W.dermatitidis,C.sphaerospermum and C.neoformans can be added to the bacteria to enable them to radiosynthesis,that is,to use the pigment melanin to convert gamma radiation into chemical energy for growth.Tweaks can be made to do this with other types of radiation including UV radiation allowing algae to gain nutrition from the sun and that from artificial lights once made immune to radiation via DNA from T.gammatolerans.Tweaks can be made to do this with other types of radiation with scratch DNA used to make the DNA from the radiotrophic fungi to actively convert the radiation into energy in a way that the radiation is removed from the atmosphere.The DNA could stimulate cellular growth of yeast and bacteria thus allowing them to grow without phosphorous and nitrogen etc by having the radiation stimulate cellular growth and carry out the functions of all nutrients as part of feed.If possible tweaks could allow the DNA from these bacteria could allow it to not need water by utilising radiation to replicate the biological processes of water.If perfected yeast and bacteria would not need either water or fertiliser at all thus eliminating the need for water and feed in agriculture.Studies can be done as to what intensity of radiation between 5-30,000Gy that is in the survival range of T.gammatolerans can both sterilise them and also provide maximum growth rates.Demeter will also house bacteria or yeast that can be downloaded that produces the milk of a specific species or breed of mammal.Traditional milk will be done by milking live animals by hand or miniaturised GEA milking systems at home or in community farms including miniaturised docile versions of Bovidae etc allowing for large rotolactors to be turned into homes.Milk from Bovidae will be gained by milking by hand or using miniaturised GEA milking machines.Milk will also be created by yeast or bacteria will be grown in photobioreactors in vertical,community and even home farms making communities and individuals self sufficient and have access to 396,416 types of milk from all species of mammals,including all breeds etc and plants that can be printed onsite on demand into yeasts or bacteria that will house the specific genetic pathways to create the desired milk of any species with the exact same nutrient content,flavours etc.Milk from yeast and bacteria will also be availible at this point and also indistinguishable from real milk with the same ecological footprint as in vitro meat with it allowing allowing one to get milk from all 6,400 species of mammals and 391,000 species of plants.This will consist of 95-99% of the worlds milk.Utilising in yeast and bacteria based milk will render private farmers of the commodity defunct indefinitely and will allow all land worldwide used for grazing especially the tropics to reforested indefinitely as they will be grown onsite of vertical,home,community farms in photobioreactors and allow all food reared for animals to be given to humans directly with rotolactors and slaughterhouses to be converted into homes.3D DNA printers using the Phanes method will be used to maintain genetic diversity for livestock reared at home and community farms for meat and milk and also eggs.This will consumers a wider variety of milk for direct consumption and also for dairy products such as butter,yoghurt,crepe etc both homemade and made in Deipneus factories with it allowing all land used to rear cattle for milk and all land used to grow fodder crops for them,grazing land and land used to grow plant based milks to be reforested forever.This will render private dairy farmers defunct.Even though introduced in 2013/2013 it should be indistinguishable to real milk by 2029-2035

.Currently only yeast can produce milk but if possible bacteria can be used to create it.Bacteria in the individual milks biome will be stored in its Physis file and then created by 3D DNA printers and then grown in cultures of media to be added to the batches of milk.Each species of bacteria will be analysed in labs in scientific studies to determine it s effect on the flavour,texture and shelf life both pathogens and non pathogenic species and strains both individually and collectively and using Biosynths and animals with human DNA determine which are pathogens.Pathogenic strains wil not be added but If they affect the milks taste then they can be modified into non pathogenic strains stored in Physis in its own file and the milks file to allow it to be added without causing illness and death with consumers also immunised against it as extra precaution.Non pathogenic species and these altered species of them that affect its shelf life can be modified into new strains that rather than accelerate its shelf life will slow down or reverse its decay and spoilage.This milk will be free from antibiotics,hormones,pesticide as well as spoilage and pathogenic bacteria and will if need be have bacteria that aid in its taste added at home or where it is ordered from with them modified not to spoil the milk thus souring it allowing them to last longer with if possible these engineered to increase shelf life by reversing spoiling process,consuming enzymes etc that cause it to go off and even engineered to prey on only pathogenic or spoilage bacteria recognised in the same way that base microbes do and produce antibiotic compounds they are made immune to like peptides form Russian Brown frogs and use CRISPR treatments meaning they would be similar to but not microbes with if possible it being beneficial gut flora engineered with these phenotypes and also acidophile DNA to survive the stomach with them being Lactobacillus used as a baseline.Probiotics printed out can have acidophilus DNA to be able to survive the acidity of the stomach and extremophile DNA to survive the manufacture of cheese etc.Bdellovibrio,Micavibrio aeruginosavorus DNA will be in these strains to allow it parisitise the pathogens and be better at detecting them with scratch DNA making them attack all only spoilage and pathogens and not the beneficial species.This would have DNA from thermophiles,acidophiles and even radiorestant bacteria to survive these conditions while pathogens are killed off.They could be beneficial gut flora that are engineered to survive the stomachs acids and aid in ones digestive system with the consumer deciding which ones are used as a basline or they can lack acidophile DNA and be engineered to die in the stomach or via biosynth wifi undergoe apoptis and even turn into human strains..The bacteria would have xerophile DNA to survive long periods without water and Firmicutes DNA to form endospores that would allow them to form these when pathogens are not present and also limit the amount of water and nutrients they use with them engineered to utilise only enzymes that cause spoilage and also consume pathogenic and spoilage bacteria themselves as nutrition via phagocytosis thus limiting them consuming nutrients and water in the milk they are protecting (or proteins in meat in the case of those used to preserve meat)with them entering these endospores when there is no enzymes and also pathogens etc with them awoken when they are detected.They could even reverse spoilage by breaking down solid masses,creating and destroying enzymes etc with if possible them having biosynth wifi that will allow the Home AI to control this with the bacteria housing C.elegans and Cas-9 and taq polymerase to detect the pH,temperature,enzymes and other environmental conditions of the milk and also prescence of pathogens and spoilage bacteria and enzymes etc that will awaken them from the endospores.The bacteria that preys on pathogens,spoilage bacteria,reverses spoilage and adds taste to it can be added to it in vertical and other farms or printed at home.If perfected milk could last for years or indefinitely without being pathogenic or even go off and stay fresh both inside and outside the fridge and can have DNA from psychrophiles,thermophiles etc to survive and function at all temperature and environmental conditions.Probitioc bacteria and non pathogenic ones that affect taste can be added to this milk.The bacteria that preys on pathogens,spoilage bacteria,reverses spoilage and adds taste to it can be an all in one species added to it in farms or printed at home with them created onsite via 3D DNA printers.If possible these bacteria could be biocompatible microbes that do this controlled by Home AI and Triptolemus with them producing compounds that give pasteurised or non pasteurised milk their unique flavours.They would kill of pathogens and spoilage bacteria through anti microbial compounds and CRISPR treatments.Biosynth WiFi will be used to control its preying on spoilage and pathogenic bacteria and its ability to reverse and halt spoilage process with it carrying out actions that allow it to keep milk spoilage and pathogenic bacteria free and reverse and halt the spoilage free.Bacteria that affects the taste of milk added to the milk would be engineered not to affect its shelf life by not producing compounds that accelerate its decay and also produce compounds that keep it fresh with them having augmentations to survive all temperature ranges such as thermophile,mesophile and psychrophile DNA as well as Xerophile,oligotroph and Firmicutes to survive pasteurisation,fridge temoeratures and even that in freezers and prey on pathogen and spoilage micro-organisms with them containing biosynth WiFi to control their actions with it containing human protein costs and genome capsids to contain DNA etc that makes it immune to compounds created by the microbes etc.Pathogenic bacteria can be modified into strains that are not pathogenic.Intensive research will be done to extend the shelf life of bacteria based milk to stay fresh years,decades of not forever without losing it taste,texture and nutritional content provided it is refridgerated.This can include the same anti-ageing treatments in humans and having psychrophile DNA and the acellerated healing phenotype to allow it to be frozen and thawed over and over again without freezer burn.Dairy products like cheese,yogurt,creme etc created with this milk in Deipneus factories could be able to stay fresh indefinitely with dairy products ordered in from Deipneus factories would contain these to also last indefinitely.Urania,Triptolemus etc and human researchers will carry out intensive research to ensure safe and effective methods that can ensure bacteria and yeast based milk can stay fresh forever or as long as theoretically possible increasing its shelf life exponentionally allowing it to last for years,decades if not forever with no loss of taste,texture and nutrients and be safe to drink provided it is refrigerated.Thus can involve adding microbes that prey on spoilage and pathogenic bacteria etc by producing anti microbial compounds,CRISPR treatments that also break down masses and compounds such as enzymes associated with spoiled milk through catabolic and anabolic reactions and creating their own compounds to bind to,destroy and break down these compounds etc.Bacteria present in the biome of each milk that that gives them their unique taste and texture can be engineered not to affect its nutritional content and not affect its shelf life with them made immune to antimicrobial compounds with genes in genome capsids and human protein costs that ensure they are left alone by microbes.This will be replicated with natural based milk.The chemical structure of all milk will be analysed to be replicated via DNA or anabolic and catabolic reactions or both.One could for each type of milk chose to have lactose removed and control the fat content and have omega-3 and other fats added alongside any other nutrients like vitamins etc added via recombinant DNA added from plants and animals that produce these with one also able to order in buttermilk versions of each species of milk including flavoured ones by adding 3D DNA printed out cultures of Lactococcus lactis,Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Leuconostoc citrovorum with acidophile DNA and also even raw milk versions with the bacteria except pathogens(or one could be immunised against these with these present)once the biome of raw milk produced by all 6,400 species and of mammals 391,000 species of plants is analysed in labs,stored in their Physis file in folders and also printed out into batches to create raw milk with wild specimens of females and those in zoos have samples of milk taken and analysed.Bacteria that are pathogenic to humans that affect its taste etc will not be added while pathogenic bacteria that addict the taste can be modified to not be pathogens making them benign versions or consumers immunised against them.Bacteria that affect the taste of milk from the raw milk of each species of mammals can be added to bacteria based milk by being printed out by 3D DNA printers and mixed in.Pasteurized milk will have benign bacteria added to them that produce the taste of pasteurised milk or microbes that fight off both pathogenic and spoilage bacteria can produce these flavourings with if one wanted pathogenic bacteria can be added to them and the consumer immunised against them or them modified into benign versions.In all cases these bacteria will be created by 3D DNA printers onsite of farms and added to the milk on demand of the consumer.Full crème milk can have the crème of all types of mammals and plant milks analysed in labs created in miniaturised machinery or bacteria with WiFi present create crème in them and added to each order with consumers able to modify the type of and level of nutrients such as lactose,carbohydrates,proteins,fats present. Milk from all 6,400 species of mammals including humans and all 391,000 species of plants can be made on a commercial scale especially with regards to those who dont produce enough to be commercially viable and also those difficult to do so with each milk of each mammal and plant have its chemical structure analysed and stored in Physis will ensure its structure and even nutrient content will be perfect via the specific pathways of the animal replicated through recombinant DNA or anabolic and catabolic reactions carried out by the micro-organisms.This should consist of at least 95-99% of all milk consumed globally with advances by 2029-2035 making it indistinguishable from normal milk with the remaining 1-5% being that which is reared at home or local community farms fed locally grow hydroponic grass,algae and flour from bacteria.The remaining livestock will be reared at home and community farms and not in the tropics or other wilderness with them engineered to produce little or no methane and be fed excess crops,algae and flour etc from bacteria including the starches and flour from Gramineae produced by bacteria.Like meat milk will be created for each order using 3D DNA printers with the DNA of all plants and animals present in Physis and all animals and plants for flavourings cross referenced for each order with also the genome of bacteria for those to keep them fresh indefinitely,probiotics and those from the biome of unpasteurised milk cross referenced.Once interstellar travel is possible the milk of all mammals and plants from across the universe will become available to consumers with the flavourings of all plants across the universe also availible thus increasing ones variety of milk.The availability of milk from all species of mammals and plants from across the world and eventually universe,variety of flavourings,colostrum,different types of milk will increase the variety of milk for direct consumption but also variety of dairy products such as yogurts,butter,cheese and also for its use in different manufactured food products both ordered in from Deipneus factories and homemade ones.This be the predominant form of milk accounting for 95-99% of all milk with the remaining 1-5% bring from livestock created by purists reducing the number of animals used for dairy production from several billion to a few hundred worldwide

Plant alternatives such as locally produced nut,G.max,rice and algae milk and other dairy products grown and made at home or ordered in from vertical farms via aquaponics.This can also be consumed in place of animal milk by using left over crops and algae that can be produced at home or in sewage treatment plants.These too could be theoretically produced by genetically engineered bacteria and yeast in photobioreactors

Automated Phasinidae farms can be utilised on-site of home and communal farms with them used to rear them for meat at the same time.The birds will be engineered to be featherless to save energy in heating costs with all types of Aves abd indeed Anatidae reared in these again featherless with free ranged reading of the livestock also an option with there being miniature used versions created for home and community farms.Free range reading of these livestock for eggs can be done in private and communal homes in rural and urban areas in gardens,basements and rooftops using miniature homes for the animals.

Eggs can be collected,packaged and transported by machines onsite of each of these farms with existing ones turned into homes.Temperatures,humidity can be stabilised by software interacting with weather networks to automatically suit the needs of the animals and controlled with smart devices cutting down on wasting energy.These automated farms and egg packing factories should ideally be located next to or be part of each community farms both urban and rural so as to allow both rural and densely urbanised areas like cities to rear these animals on a large scale making them self sufficient to cut down on transportation costs with the animals also given a space to exercise and mate with multiple roosters and be monitored by robotic sheepdogs.These on site of each one will serve the animals on the farm with each one connected to miniaturised Megha farms.It will also allow the large ones in each region to be converted into homes and all surfaces should be covered in liquid glass with narrow range sterilising sweeps from lights on the ceiling also used with all work fully automated within the next five years.Fur on animals like Leporidae can be removed from the animals and sent automatically to local textile factories.Feathers on Phasianidae as well as poorly graded eggs can be sent to organic waste plants to be pyrolysised if present with the skins,hides etc of other animals either pyrolysised or sent to local textile factories,with offal harvested by machinery and any inedible biological material such as skeletons,brain stems etc pyrolysised in organic waste factories.As detailed later on genetic engineering can create Phasianidae and mammals with no hair and feathers.Cameras at key points of automated farms and egg packing facilities can fed into the farm AI and visible to the public remotely with automated corrective procedures with environmental readings in them fed into it also via nanosensors controlled by the AI to optimal ranges.These would be onsite of all community farms and managed by its AI and will be miniaturised versions.Each species of Phasianidae and Anatidae in home and community farms can be engineered to lay more eggs over their lifetime each season and through anti-ageing treatments live indefinitely.In time biosynth machinery onsite of community and home farms can do this with them fed sugars,fats and proteins from bacteria grown at home and be programmed to produce the eggs of any species of Aves including Phasianidae,Anatidae,Columbidae,Psittaciformes and Ratite etc as well as species of Reptilia such as Alligatoridae,Crocodylians and Serpentes in batches.The ability of Perdix perdix to lay up to twenty eggs at once can be engineered into all species of Aves bred for this thus meaning even Gallus gallus domesticus could be engineered to lay up to twenty two eggs every day on home and community farms with home farms having several of these some for meat and others for eggs ensuring abundance with if need be the animal through chemicals produced by microbes in them or them turning on/off genes to allow the animal to rest and not produce too much and thus alleviate strains on the animals and resources fed to them with them turning on/off genes to have them produce the eggs of other species of Aves and Reptilla or they could be as detailed later on one could have certain sets of animals to produce different eggs and also produce different meat types.Thus since these engineered G.g.domesticus and other species of Phasianidae and species of non Phasianidae livestock could lay up to twenty two eggs a day for a week it would thus giving a person about a hundred and fifty four eggs to be stored for several weeks or even over two months depending on how much a person consumes eggs and then this ability removed via the microbes removing the genes from P.perdix allowing the animal to rest and alleviate strains on animal feed and then this turned back on by microbes readding the genes from P.perdix to then allowing for more eggs to be created with this meeting the needs for a normal family or group of people sharing an apartment can be met with this measure and thus if all private citizens have these modified will negate the need for large battery or even free ranged Phasianidae farms to exist anymore even on community farms rearing them all of which will be converted into homes ore recycled and the land reforested.The animals will be like pets with defeathered versions given jumpers to survive the cold alongside engineering to protect them against all temperature ranges against sunburn with them living in gardens and indoors and trained to defecate in kitty litter and lay eggs in desired areas.Large families and residents of communal homes can have a large number of animals on the roof gardens or those in the main gardens to create a large amount of eggs in one go each week to again stock up on eggs and allow the animal to rest every few weeks.Other non Phasianidae Aves could undergo this.

The ability of P.perdix to lay up to twenty two eggs at once every day can be engineered into all species of Aves and Reptilla bred for this thus meaning even G.g.domesticus,Anatidae could be engineered to lay up to twenty two eggs every day on home and community farms with home farms having several of these some for meat and others for eggs ensuring abundance with if need be the animal through chemicals produced by microbes in them or them turning on/off genes to allow the animal to rest and not produce too much and thus alleviate strains on the animals and resources fed to them with them turning on/off genes to have them produce the eggs of other species of Aves and Reptilla or they could be as detailed later on one could have certain sets of animals to produce different eggs and also produce different meat types.Thus since these engineered G.g.domesticus and other species of Phasianidae and species of non Phasianidae livestock could create up to twenty two eggs a day for a week it would thus giving a person about a hundred and fifty four eggs to be stored for several weeks or even over two months depending on how much a person consumes eggs and then this ability removed via the microbes removing the genes from P.perdix allowing the animal to rest from overproducing eggs and alleviate strains on animal feed and then this turned back on by microbes readding the genes from P.perdix to then allowing for more eggs to be created with this meeting the needs for a normal family or group of people sharing an apartment can be met with this measure.Scratch DNA and that possibly from Struthio can increase egg produced by each birds each day will increase productivity exponentially to the point they lay 22 – 100 eggs per day.The animals may never need to be slaughtered and thus can be given the same anti-ageing treatments as humans allowing them to supply eggs forever.The more animals one had the more eggs they produce with if possible people having at least 50 – 100 animals and every while going them time to rest by removing this ability from different animals for a set period of time to allow them to rest and adding the genes back with these animals not eaten for meat not reared for eggs this then given the same anti-ageing treatments as humans that allows them to live forever thus providing eggs forever.Thus all private citizens have these modified animals reared at home in both private and communal home or in community farms it will negate the need for large battery or even free ranged Phasianidae farms to exist anymore even on community farms rearing them all of which will be converted into homes are recycled and the land reforested with the animals cooked at Christmas and even stem cells extracted during the year to grow cutlets,fillets etc using in vitro meat systems with embryos implanted to keep populations stable.Rearing at least one Meleagris alongside them will alleviate strains on ordering from vertical and other farms with them have a set amount of fertilised eggs and thus extra animals created via downloaded spermatazoa and embryos all year round or created before slaughter to ensure another animal next year with them engineered to reach maturity in time for next years slaughter in as little as half a year.These can be hybridised with other larger birds and smaller ones to either produce the same meat as them and/or be the same size as detailed later on.It will also allow all egg packing buildings to be converted into homes and negate the need for creating miniature ones onsite of rural and urban farms.Scratch DNA will increase the rate of egg production.The animals will be treated like pets with defeathered versions engineered to not produce feathers to save labour and put extra energy into biomass given jumpers to survive the cold alongside engineering to protect them against all temperature ranges and against sunburn as in humans with them living in gardens and indoors and trained to defecate in kitty litter and lay eggs in desired areas both outdoors and indoors.Large families and residents of communal homes can have a large number of animals on the roof gardens,suites or those in the main gardens to create a large amount of eggs in one go each week to again stock up on eggs and allow the animal to rest every few weeks.Extensions will allow for private and suites and even kitchen areas of communal homes to house areas to rear animals with spacious room to move around and trained to defecate in kitty litter or toilets or where feces can be collected.Other species of Aves such as Anatidae,Ratite,Psittaciformes,Columbidae and even any species of Reptilla could undergo this engineering with P.perdix DNA to produce large amounts of eggs this would be done for not just creating a large amount of eggs to be eaten but also a large amount of animals for home and community farms to be eaten themselves using 3D printed embryos implanted into them.These can be made into hybrids that are as large as Phasianidae and walk on two legs with as detailed later Ratite birds engineered with the same neck and leg size as Meleagris providing both eggs and also meat via invitro meat and slaughtering.All 10,700 species of Reptilla can also undergoe this engineering to increase productivity.These Anatidae and Phasianidae can be engineered to produce the same eggs as any other species of Aves or Reptilla in terms of taste and texture via microbes.All animals given this ability will be ideally given the same anti-ageing treatments as humans to allow them to live forever and also always produce sterile eggs negating labour in raising new animals.Endangered species can have this added and then removed when populations are stable.Amphibia and Insecta species would require DNA from Dorylus to make millions of eggs for consumption by themselves and for more animals to eat with fish and shellfish requiring either Dorylus and Acipenseridae DNA.If possible those hybridised with Phasianidae can be engineered to produce sterile Reptilla eggs of any species and only create Phasianidae eggs for new generations when fertilised with spermatazoa or have embryros implanted with microbes switching on/off genes.3D DNA printing will allow for eggs,spermatazoa and embryos to be created using the Phanes method and then implanted using syringes ordered in from Hippocrates factories when needed negating the need for rearing males that do not rear eggs.This will make home farming of Aves and even Reptilla of any type of hybrids for eggs more viable for homefarmers and negate the need for private egg farmers with as detailed later on versions of these animals created that are hybrids of that produce the same meat and eggs other species.The animal will provide eggs all year long and meat via invitro meat using cells extracted with them then slaughtered for Thanksgiving etc.Private homeowners and communal homes in rural areas will do this with the animals reared in sheds and conventional means miniaturised with them fitted with DNA to survive all temperature ranges such as from psychrophiles,thermophiles,polikotherms etc and be made resistant to UV light when defeathered versions are made with urban private and communal homes rearing them on roof gardens and also indoors as pets.Algea,mayonnaise,TVP based eggs could also act as an alternative by 2029 with even biosynth animals being used with the same P.perdix DNA.As a result all private egg farms and egg packing buildings will be converted into homes.All remaining reared animals in home and community farms such as Phasianidae,Anatidae,Bovidae,O.aries,Capra aegagrus hircus etc raised at home will have embryos created by Phanes with him as stated creating unique DNA sequences in each embryo,egg,spermatozoa created by onsite 3D DNA printers to maintain genetic diversity with him controlling the ratio of males to females.The animals will be inseminated by hand or by biosynth artropod/milipede/worm hybrids that intake blood as arthropods to grown legs that can allow them to enter the cervix and inseminate the animals with spermatozoa stored in them more accurately than normal and reduce labour costs with them even implanting embryos into the animal.This should be possible by 2029.Community farms will house their own on-site automated egg packing buildings including both rural and urban ones with these being miniaturised one’s.Most people living in both rural and urban areas will especially having more free time and biosynths abd extensions and gardens be able to house areas to rear free range fowl for eggs

In time biosynth animals or machinery will be created that allows one to have eggs created on demand in home and community farms by feeding them sugars and proteins etc from bacteria grown onsite.These would create large batches of eggs from any of the 10,000 species of Aves including Phasianidae,Anatidae,Columbidae,Psittaciformes and Ratiteetc and any of the 10,700 species of Reptilla such as Alligatoridae,Crocodylians and Serpentes by choosing them on a menu in the devices linked Home AI app.These would work by replicating the internal environment of these animals with if possible stem cell strains biocompatible microbes forming eggs in vivo with one simply choosing what egg to produce and how many in total with batches taking at least a week beforehand with if possible recombinant DNA from P.perdix can be part of this machineries structure.This if perfected allow for whole batches of eggs to be produced onsite of homes,restaurants and community and vertical farms in large batches.Prior to this free range Phasinidae etc can be reared in home farms with recombinant DNA from P.perdix to have fowl lay at least twenty two eggs everyday with scratch DNA increasing this further to as much as fifty to a hundred a day.Automated egg farms may be used prior to Biosynth machinery being able to mass produce eggs that are indistinguishable to real ones with the fowl fed algae,flour from bacteria and also have P.perdix and scratch DNA to exponentially increase egg production.Vegan plant based alternatives to eggs can be created and used again via bacteria should be possible by 2029-2035 with if possible by this time eggs can be created by bacteria synthesising the yolk and whites of eggs that will be indistinguishable from real ones..These would also be able to produce Oryza,Avena,Triticum,Hordeum grains,and the seeds and kernals of Helianthus annuus,Fabaceae,Z.m.mays and Linum usitatissimum etc nuts of all types alongside even spices like saffron and truffles in large amounts again via selecting them.Whole fruits and vegetables or even any crops at all would also be grown in them.Caviar of all species of fish could also be made by this machinery and if possible entire vegetables and fruit and nuts can be created in these.It could also grow honeycombs,ambergris,coral,pearls,ivory,rhino horn,amber,animal teeth as well as other materials of commercial value created by animals and plants created via recombinant DNA and anabolic and catabolic reactions.These would act like a womb that grows these crops etc in large batches with nutrients such as sugars,proteins etc created by bacteria and algae grown onsite fed into them automatically in set controlled amounts with the biosynth technology using these to form tissues and would create large amounts of them outside of picotech fabricators requiring less energy and would also be onsite of restaurants,Deipneus factories,cruise ships and airports and even space stations and interstellar vehicles.One would simply chose the species of grains,seeds,truffle,fruit,nut,vegetable,eggs etc with them created via them crossrefferencing Physis for recombinant DNA to be added to the womb etc via biosynth WiFi and structure of ambergris,teeth etc downloaded via anabolic and catabolic reactions with them powered by conventional sources of energy such as from the grid and self charging technologies thus forming a lower energy cost solution to picotech fabricators more feasible if picotech fabricator with the possibility of flavours being more authentic with it allow large batches of any crop when needed when fed necessary nutrients an save space over hydroponics and aeroponics,be done in places with no gardens in spare rooms in private homes or suites in communal homes with them the size of a large trashcan that can be easily moved around like a plastic moveable one and could work outside via waterproofing or connected to secure wiring connected to home to those at least the size of an entire room for larger models and alleviate strains on orders from farms with them using stem cells formed inside from induced pluripotent stem cells them via links to Physis or dumped into them printed out from Home 3D DNA printers or ordered in that form tissues with them engineered with the same expediated growth rates and extremophile DNA as in normal crops.Those in suites and homes,airports,factories,cruise ships etc can be the size of a trashcan with larger versions in vertical and other farms and factories.If perfected one could have large batches of any species of all 80,000-300,000 crop whether fruit,nut,vegetable,grains,edible seeds grown very quickly in their kitchen,basement,storeroom and even hotel suite much quicker and compact than hydroponics with this catering to small orders with orders from larger models in farms of all types catering to large orders for say ceramonial events alongside those from aquaponic systems in these farms.Grains of cereals such as Oryza,Trictium,Hordeum etc and edible seeds could be manufactured in large batches.By 2035-2045 crops,eggs and commodities etc produced by them should be indistinguishable from real ones with compounds affected that affect taste,texture releated to fertiliser,soil,climate will be created by the tissues in required amounts.These would save on energy as the energy required to run them would be lower than traditional farming where crops are grown in a field somewhere in the world that requires mechanical labour to till the land,plant crops,apply fertiliser,harvest them and then transport them across the world both locally and internationally as well as collecting them with them having zero chance of being affected by pests,disease,climate and taking at most a few weeks or even days as genetic engineering and energy,water and nutrients from bacteria fed into them poured in one large go for each crop will speed up growths with them working at nighttime with photosynthesis negated by engineering negating this and only requiring nutrients etc fed into them or replaced by artificial and natural sunlight  light intaken by the exterior via biosnthetic panels which can be 24/7 or in the interior of the machinery and would save on time and energy from hydroponics ordered in from farms as the light would carry out reactions necessary to stimulate cell division and creation of new cells with them catering to periods when farms are busy and also in between large orders and would alongside commodities from bacteria and algea ordered in from sewage and water treatment plants end starvation as long as there is energy availible with them designed to be as energy efficient as possible.They in homes and suites would alongside home aquaponic systems compliment orders from vertical farms in between large orders and allow alongside aquaponics for airports,cruise ships and restaurants to become self sufficient.The interior could house interior lighting systems charged from solar panels or being plugged in that uses biosynth tissues to generate this light via bioluminescence rather than artificial lights with if possible it needing no energy but rather just being base plant or animal stem cells that once one makes the selection biosynth wifi will change the DNA into that of the desired crop and animal commodity via transduction of the Cas-9 and taq polymerase into that of the desired species of crop and commodity undergoing mass replication until a fully formed crop and commodity is formed.Biosynth WiFi can be used to download updates allowing them to be able to last decades and centuries with them ordered in from either Talus or Talos factories.Teeth,shells etc will require them to be synthesised within them.Single or entire batches of crops and eggs can be created it should eliminate famine worldwide provide their is a constant source of electricity with them coming in different sizes from small sized ones for homes,suites,cruise ships,interstellar vehicles,space station and larger sized versions for community and vertical farms.It would also should be a viable alternative to picotech fabricators in space stations,interstellar vehicles,homes and restaurants,cruise ships etc if they cannot be miniaturised and would use significantly less energy to allow picotech fabricators create only water onsite of water treatment plants and also rare elements onsite of Aphrodite buildings as only nutrients and minimal heat energy need to be added thus negating the need for them to create food for billions of people thus saving on energy and also land.As stated it would use less energy in creating food and likely alongside commodities created by bacteria would have more authentic flavours and nutritional content.All 80,000-300,000 species of crop,all edible seeds,grains,eggs of all 23,7000 species of Aves and Reptilla can be created by them once their DNA is added to Physis alongside all commodities created by animals such as pearls,coral,honeycomb,teeth,horns,ivory etc created by anabolic and catabolic reactions and also DNA and would allow these to be available to everyone without using land for agriculture with these in private and communal homes,hospitals,universities,space stations,interstellar vehicles,underground and underwater communities and Deipneus factories with Triptolemus and Hecate spearheading research into it.This should be possible in large room sized ones by 2035 onsite of vertical farms with them becoming ubiquotas in home farms in private and communal homes through smaller versions in both private and communal homes through smaller versions by 2045 with them being small trashcan sized versions that would eliminate famine since they could fit inside private homeowners basement,kitchen or suite would only need small amounts of energy including that from thermo-piezoelectric covered geothermal pipes with it and vertical farms etc allowing all land used for agriculture to be reforested.One could by feeding it sugar etc from bacteria or even nitrogen and phosphorus from algae could cater to the creation of eggs,crops,grains etc.If possible DNA from W.dermatitidis,C.sphaerospermum and C.neoformans can be present to allow the stem cells etc that form eggs,grains,crops,commodities to utilise radiation as a nutrition source that stimulates cellular growth and replaces nitrogen and phosphorus etc as well as possibly replace the biological process of water thus eliminating both water and nutrients from their production via internal devices that generate blasts of radiation between 5-29,000Gy.E.Coli,C.perfringens DNA and scratch DNA will increase their miotic division of cells increasing growth rates allowing them to reach maturity exponentionally faster in as little as a few weeks or even days and Xerophile and oligotrophic DNA will reduce their water and nutrient requirements.This will combined with other engineering also used in crops to help them reach maturity within weeks of days.Each home farm onsite of private and communal homes would have small versions the size of trashcans etc that would allow one to rear batches of eggs from any of the 23,700 species of egg laying animals alongside grains and any of the world crops and any plant and animal commodites.There will be also larger versions of them onsite of vertical,forest,meadow and community farms with consumers making large monthly or bi-monthly orders of batches for these different types of eggs and grains etc for each order from each person makes on Demeter and would be packed in miniature egg packing machinery onsite in fungi styrofoam and methane or biosynth based plastic and cardboard made onsite with a person ordering a whole months or even years worth with them through engineering or irradiation would not contain pathogens and also be able to stay fresh for a year until the next or order.Physis will be crossrefenced for each order.One will in the second section of Demeter choose the species they want the eggs and grains etc they want it from and then decide how much with them orders in bulk batches with these onsite of all vertical,community and forest and even meadow farms with AI deciding where the order will come from based on speed,efficiency and demand.Those in homes it can be done be one using the Home AI app choosing these inked into them.These biosynth machinery would be onsite of Deipneus,Arachne and other factories as well as all types of farms such as vertical,community etc and even restaurants,airports and cruise ships.This would be the main source of eggs in restaurants,hospitals etc with them also onsite of them with them also using TVP,algea and mayonnaisse based eggs that are indistinguishable from real ones by at least 2029-2045.They may even haven beneficial bacteria that have the same qualities of microbes that fight off both spoilage and pathogenic bacteria with them made in a way that have no means for air to enter them in terms of both the eggshell and also any sacs of air in them with them acting in the same way as those in milk.These bacteria would also break down enzymes that spoil the eggs and through other means prevent spoilage allowing them to be kept fresh indefinitely.In time bacteria could be engineered to make important compounds in eggs for baking etc especially onsite of homes and factories and also have two strains of bacteria make both the yolk and egg white separately and then mixed together of any species of Aves and Reptilla.Biosynth machinery will by 2035-2045 allow any of the worlds 80,000-300,000 crops whether cereals,fruits,vegetable,nuts and even eggs of any species of reptile or bird to be grown at home grown very quickly in their kitchen,basement,storeroom and even hotel suite with it also creating coral,teeth,horns,ivory etc and any commodity of any animal in ones own home or in factories allow all land used for agriculture to be reforested with it being a lower energy cost solution to picotech fabricators.The pearls,teeth,rhino horn,Ivory,teeth,shells,ambergris,coral etc will be more indistinguishable to real ones authentic as the machinery will create them using biosynth tissues containing the DNA of the animal that create these in a way via anabolic and catabolic reactions and replicating biological process that they are indistinguishable to natural versions especially pearls with pearls being of any size and colour and formed via the onion layer method making them indistinguishable under a microscope to natural pearls rather than cultured pearls with the same done for ivory and rhino horn etc negating the need to rear or hunt animals.Eggs will be formed in the same way they are formed in all 23,700 species of Aves and Reptilla using DNA from them by replicating the biological process in animals that lay eggs with crops of any 80,000-300,000 species created via plant stems cells undergoing mass  replication with the DNA of the specific crops present.All of these crop,commodities etc can be made in these machinery in large batches with these commodities being mass produced in these machines in large batches at zero cost onsite of factories,vertical farms,restaurants etc and at home in machines of varying sizes.Similar animal commodities from the universe will be created in these machines.By 2035-2045 intensive research will be done to allow these biosynth machinery create any crop,egg,commodity that is indistinguishable in taste,texture,nutritional value,structure to real world ones.AI and human researchers will carry out intensive research to extend the shelf life of harvested eggs etc from biosynth machinery for long as theoretically possible and if possible forever without losing it taste,texture and nutritional content provided it is refridgerated.These biosynth machines would only require to be plugged into the grid and use energy to power the biochemical reactions.They would be the same shape and size as photobioreactors used to create,algae,milk,bacteria based commodities and also even in vitro meat with if possible them the same as photobioreactors – that is photobioreactors that create in vitro meat,bacteria based commodities could also through modified versions create eggs if all 20,700 species of birds and reptiles and also create honeycomb,pearls at the same time through settings


Algae based Textured vegetable protein can replace meat and eggs entirely or be eaten alongside meat to further reduce the amount of meat in a person’s diet and hydroponically grown beans and other plants with egg like quality can be included in the diet of people to reduce a reliance on eggs form animals.Algae based TVP should replace G.max based TVP as it uses less resources and can be grown in sewage and water treatment plants to allow land used for rearing G.max to be reforested especially in the tropics.Textured protein can be created by bacteria engineered to produce essential amino acids and essential fatty acids.Plant based meat can have their constituents gained from genetically altered bacteria and algae and bacteria based flour.This can all allow land for these plants and animals to be reforested.This can create hamburgers,strips,breasts,fillets and rashers.If possible residents of communal and private homes and community farms could hold in the open and basements algae micro farms that have algae engineered to produce the same texture and taste as any type of meat that can be made into steaks,cutlets and TVP as well as mince and burgers.